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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


  1. nidoqueen
Plus, minimal participation is a pretty common play style for scum. So yes, lack of engagement is very suspicious.

"I'm used to the party game flavor of this," Mike admitted, throwing up his hands. The momentum pushed him back, and he stumbled a bit. "Honestly, that's fair if that's true. Makes me a little less queasy about shifting votes, at least."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"So what do we have against Astrid," Mike asked, all too incredulously, "inactivity?"
"It's not even that she seems suspicious to me," Ebony murmured. "I know her Voice is busy. But I don't feel good about voting for Sparkle and there's not many other people left we can try. And since both Hana and Wes had started to think that Sparkle acted really weird for someone on the bad guy team..."


  1. nidoqueen
"It's not even that she seems suspicious to me," Ebony murmured. "I know her Voice is busy. But I don't feel good about voting for Sparkle and there's not many other people left we can try. And since both Hana and Wes had started to think that Sparkle acted really weird for someone on the bad guy team..."
"That's fair, too," Mike replied. "So what are you going to do tonight? And I mean that in the least Kalosian-man-and-a-tiny-ice-fox way possible."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat

I’ve mainly not been able to play because of irl. People who know me know that uni started this week. It is what it is; there’s nothing concrete to refute or diagnose it as sus.

Moving on, I don’t even know what thoughts to give. I said I would try to gather information in the meantime, and the following day that has resulted in an apparent coin flip between Espy and myself? I don’t have anything to offer on Espy that hasn’t already been beaten into the ground. Her comments on day 4 about their own struggles to keep up make it difficult to differentiate a hard read on her versus a misplay or something brought about by those circumstances.]]

[[I want to clarify that I know Goat has been very busy irl, which could certainly be why they’ve been so quiet, but I also think that if they were town, they would have been at least a little more active than they have been. Espy’s been busy too, but she’s still made an effort to participate, defend herself, etc. Plus, minimal participation is a pretty common play style for scum. So yes, lack of engagement is very suspicious.]]

[[I would’ve thought that playing as scum would entail more active gameplay for someone in my position. I would’ve had Dragonfree and whoever else as a partner too, right? Is that even how that works? My understanding of mafia games is that the mafia can talk to one another.

My biggest problem is that I’ve struggled to wrangle together the motivation to identify every piece of info necessary to paint a whole picture and make reads of my own. To receive experienced assistance with appearing to come off that way would’ve made things easier for me than playing vanilla town (i.e. no contact with anyone) has been. I’m left with the impression my participation would’ve been projected to be higher as a mafia player, not lower, because the process to write each individual post would’ve been more informed and guided.

How would it be safer to vote for me than Espy? Genuine question. I ask because I have less verifiable misplays and because wow that was a quick turnaround in chat, hoo boy.]]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"If you blow my chances with the Houndoom," Mike hissed through a poorly-maintained poker face, "I will yeet you where no 'mon has been yote before."

Reme shushed Mike with a finger. "Hold that thought, I have something to say about that."

How would it be safer to vote for me than Espy? Genuine question. I ask because I have less verifiable misplays and because wow that was a quick turnaround in chat, hoo boy.]]

"If we voted you, and you were innocent, we'd be losing a town with no powers. If we vote Sylveon, and they were innocent, then we'd be losing an entire inforole, as some have called it. I'd prefer we didn't vote either until we had something damning on either of you, but I don't believe I really have much say in the matter," Reme explained, looking off into space. "How awfully humbling this entire experience has been."

She then turned back to Mike. "Back to you, I really doubt you'd be able to throw me, but I... wouldn't be entirely opposed to seeing you try. As long as you don't hurt yourself."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[I would’ve thought that playing as scum would entail more active gameplay for someone in my position. I would’ve had Dragonfree and whoever else as a partner too, right? Is that even how that works? My understanding of mafia games is that the mafia can talk to one another.
Ebony nodded. "That sounds right, yeah. And I really had been thinking that, too."

My biggest problem is that I’ve struggled to wrangle together the motivation to identify every piece of info necessary to paint a whole picture and make reads of my own. To receive experienced assistance with appearing to come off that way would’ve made things easier for me than playing vanilla town (i.e. no contact with anyone) has been. I’m left with the impression my participation would’ve been projected to be higher as a mafia player, not lower, because the process to write each individual post would’ve been more informed and guided.

How would it be safer to vote for me than Espy? Genuine question. I ask because I have less verifiable misplays and because wow that was a quick turnaround in chat, hoo boy.]]
"That all makes sense. It really does." Ebony pawed at the ground anxiously. "But there's just too many weird things with SparkleGlimmer. Too many reasons it just doesn't make any sense for her to be on the bad guy team. But I don't know who else to vote for. Is there anyone else you think is suspicious? There's at least two bad guys left, so maybe we could find the other one?"


  1. nidoqueen
How would it be safer to vote for me than Espy? Genuine question. I ask because I have less verifiable misplays and because wow that was a quick turnaround in chat, hoo boy.]]
"If we voted you, and you were innocent, we'd be losing a town with no powers. If we vote Sylveon, and they were innocent, then we'd be losing an entire inforole, as some have called it. I'd prefer we didn't vote either until we had something damning on either of you, but I don't believe I really have much say in the matter," Reme explained, looking off into space. "How awfully humbling this entire experience has been."

"Personally, I think it's a gamble either way. And I think we have more to glean from how Espy flips, but I feel like a broken record about it at this point." Mike heaved a sigh.

She then turned back to Mike. "Back to you, I really doubt you'd be able to throw me, but I... wouldn't be entirely opposed to seeing you try. As long as you don't hurt yourself."

"Firstly," Mike narrowed his eyes, "bold of you to underestimate the power of a strongfat like me. Secondly..."

Mike studied the Gardevoir for a second. He knew nothing about Gardevoir physiology.

"I know nothing about Gardevoir physiology," Mike admitted. "But you are rail-thin. The thing on your chest," Mike pointed, a little sheepishly, "my knee-jerk reaction is that it is both a superb rudder and a place to grab hold of in order to launch you into orbit."

Mike held his arms in several positions, thinking hard about exactly how one would yeet a Gardevoir. He made a cursory measurement of Reme's height with his hands, only to about her midriff. He settled on a stance with his right hand flat, parallel to his ear. His left hand was held out, and Mike was moving through a variety of shapes. All of which implied that the hand was supporting the Gardevoir somehow.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
As this was, what, the first time someone had sized her up outside of a combat situation, or something else Reme might've been forgetting, she let out a grumble but did nothing to stop Mike. "You also know nothing about rudders, then, if you think this horn would work at all like one."

"Although, hm... You might have a point about everything else. Somewhat. Vaguely. If you squint at it," Reme chuckled. "If you're so confident in yourself, then, sure."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Ebony was pacing anxiously. "I don't know. I just know I don't feel good about voting Sparkle. That's all..."

[[Hi. Me again. The problem is that we just don't have many possible suspects. There are 2-4 mafia left. Let's look at the choices:


- No

Mike - No

Wes - I'm committed to trusting Wes. If I'm wrong, so be it.

Sparkle - Really don't think so, for reasons I've outlined in-depth.

Astrid - There's not a lot to go on, but there is one tiny detail that makes me want to believe she's town. I was willing to go through with the vote because I just feel that strongly that Espy is a bad call.

Phant - I hate thinking about this. I'm so bad at reading Lyn. I wish Tetra was still here. Someone help.

Pixie/Clovis - Would we seriously have a 4-person mafia where half of them are lovers? What on earth? What if the serial killer had got them? Scum would have been neutered. It makes no sense. And we can't check because it's an auto-loss if we're wrong. I hate this.]]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"I wouldn't discount the idea of two of the mafia being lovers simply because it is illogical. There has been a lot of random chance in this... game, already," Reme shrugged. "I don't mean to lessen anyone's thinking, but ruling something out because it is illogical in a game where half of it is random chance isn't what I would call efficient."


  1. nidoqueen
Would we seriously have a 4-person mafia where half of them are lovers?
"If they're Mafia, lovers was a cover," Mike called out, almost less focused on the life-threatening peril of their decisions than he was on the near-zero-gravity physics of throwing a friend. "It would follow that the Sylveon was also Mafia, should that be the case. But we can't know that without voting out the Sylveon, hence why I wanna vote them out in the first place.

"We can shoot in the dark, or we can at least gain information from doing so." And Mike decided he was done repeating himself. He'd much rather throw a Gardevoir. "Honestly, no fuckin' clue why this point is getting ignored..."

As this was, what, the first time someone had sized her up outside of a combat situation, or something else Reme might've been forgetting, she let out a grumble but did nothing to stop Mike. "You also know nothing about rudders, then, if you think this horn would work at all like one."

"Although, hm... You might have a point about everything else. Somewhat. Vaguely. If you squint at it," Reme chuckled. "If you're so confident in yourself, then, sure."

"Here's my plan," Mike whirled back around.

"You're gonna stand on this hand.," Mike held his right hand out flat, then returned it to his chosen position by his shoulder. "Should be an easy leap. When you get up here, fall into this hand if you can," Mike waved his left hand. "Keep your feet against my right hand, I'll catch you with the left---

"Wait," Mike shook his head, "wait wait wait. This is much simpler if I launch you straight up, as opposed to the proposed javelin toss. But also, I guess that's up to you?"


  1. nidoqueen
[[I have a proposition: we let fate decide.


Now, if I tallied the votes right, they're tied three apiece

If we really can't decide, let's just take it out of our hands.

I can't shake the feeling that Espy is hiding something, or that our remaining two Mafia are actually the second lover pair. Voting out Espy tonight gains us information. Voting out anyone else is shooting in the dark at best. I understand you all are convinced that Espy is a new player who made some misplays, but I urge you to reconsider how important gaining information from this vote is.

The only vote that gains us any new information (beyond how they flip) is Espy.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"If they're Mafia, lovers was a cover," Mike called out, almost less focused on the life-threatening peril of their decisions than he was on the near-zero-gravity physics of throwing a friend. "It would follow that the Sylveon was also Mafia, should that be the case. But we can't know that without voting out the Sylveon, hence why I wanna vote them out in the first place.
"It would have been a really bad cover!" Ebony exclaimed. "Also, if Pixie, Clovis, and Sparkle are ALL bad, there's gotta be one more! Because of the even number. There's only these 3 choices:
  1. Good lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  2. Bad lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  3. Bad lovers. Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel all good.
"That's it! No other choices."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
I can't shake the feeling that Espy is hiding something, or that our remaining two Mafia are actually the second lover pair. Voting out Espy tonight gains us information. Voting out anyone else is shooting in the dark at best. I understand you all are convinced that Espy is a new player who made some misplays, but I urge you to reconsider how important gaining information from this vote is.
"If you're so sure that Sparkle is bad, you can't forget that that means that one of Astrid or Hazel is also bad!!"

"And if you're so worried about the lovers, you should know that if Sparkle is good, and the lovers are bad, then we lose today," Ebony said with a huff.

[[I don't believe in voting for information. I believe in voting to win.]]


  1. nidoqueen
"It would have been a really bad cover!" Ebony exclaimed. "Also, if Pixie, Clovis, and Sparkle are ALL bad, there's gotta be one more! Because of the even number. There's only these 3 choices:
  1. Good lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  2. Bad lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  3. Bad lovers. Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel all good.
"That's it! No other choices."
"If you're so sure that Sparkle is bad, you can't forget that that means that one of Astrid or Hazel is also bad!!"

"And if you're so worried about the lovers, you should know that if Sparkle is good, and the lovers are bad, then we lose today," Ebony said with a huff.

[[These are the breakdowns my brain needed, thank you. Makes sense as to why you're ignoring my other suggestions as well.

Though notably, mafia!lovers seems borderline impossible, so Espy flipping good all but exonerates the lovers.

I guess that means I flip-flop back? Idk anymore.



Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Wait," Mike shook his head, "wait wait wait. This is much simpler if I launch you straight up, as opposed to the proposed javelin toss. But also, I guess that's up to you?"

"Honestly, yes, it would be. Save you having to explain it all to me, and saves me an extra few seconds to consider how exactly I should punish you for your puns," Reme said, nodding. "Just lift, and toss. Easy and simple."

I can't shake the feeling that Espy is hiding something, or that our remaining two Mafia are actually the second lover pair. Voting out Espy tonight gains us information. Voting out anyone else is shooting in the dark at best. I understand you all are convinced that Espy is a new player who made some misplays, but I urge you to reconsider how important gaining information from this vote is.

Reme paused for a moment, thinking, then nodded. "I agree... despite how I'm voting. The good we gain if Sylveon is mafia is certainly something to note... I just wish we had a more substantial lead on all of this, but it would seem that scraping for information and acting upon little is the name of the game"

"That's it! No other choices."

"If all three of them are bad, then the only other choice would have to be Astrid, right?"

But what if someone else is lying!

Reme rolled her eyes at the thought, but she recognized it was still something to keep in mind.

[[I don't believe in voting for information. I believe in voting to win.]]

"Ordinarily, I would agree with you. But we have next to nothing to work off of. Almost everyone's reasoning for voting has either been to get information or someone acting on gut reasoning... I would rather not play a 50/50 on an innocents life, but..." her voice trailed off, and she sighed.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"It would have been a really bad cover!" Ebony exclaimed. "Also, if Pixie, Clovis, and Sparkle are ALL bad, there's gotta be one more! Because of the even number. There's only these 3 choices:
  1. Good lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  2. Bad lovers. Also Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel are 2/3 bad.
  3. Bad lovers. Sparkle/Astrid/Hazel all good.
"That's it! No other choices."
"Hana tried to tell us all this yesterday and now Hana is gone. Because she was right," Ebony said miserably. She didn't want to do this anymore.

"We're all stuck talking about Sparkle and Astrid. What about Hazel? What does everyone think about her? What do Sparkle and Astrid think about her?


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Coming up with a provably wrong hint? With Dragonfree as a partner? Sure, scum make each other look bad all the time, but the bad hint was the thing that made us sus of her to begin with. That's a weird way to bus.
[[Thought the same thing, why even risk having that blame put on yourself? Weirdcha

Scum got rid of Hana and left me. That's a huge red flag. I'm worried they wanted me to tunnel on Espy.
[[……that’s a fantastic point, if they’re really playing dirty shit like that. Huh

Espy dropping the doubts about Clovis/Pixie and not giving us another target feels weirdly defeatist?
[[Defeatist how? I’m a smoothbrai

“A good town player would speak up far more than Astrid has,” Wes said. “And flying under the radar is a notorious tactic for those who want us dead.”
[[Was ALSO thinking this.

"That's fair, too," Mike replied. "So what are you going to do tonight? And I mean that in the least Kalosian-man-and-a-tiny-ice-fox way possible."
God, if he wasn’t indisposed….

“If I live through the night, expect burn marks on your neck tomorrow.”

My biggest problem is that I’ve struggled to wrangle together the motivation to identify every piece of info necessary to paint a whole picture and make reads of my own. To receive experienced assistance with appearing to come off that way would’ve made things easier for me than playing vanilla town (i.e. no contact with anyone) has been. I’m left with the impression my participation would’ve been projected to be higher as a mafia player, not lower, because the process to write each individual post would’ve been more informed and guided.
[[I’m 50/50 here because on one hand, I see your point, but on the other hand, it’s just as easy to fly under the radar then scream ‘but wait me participating would have made me more sus.’]]

"If we voted you, and you were innocent, we'd be losing a town with no powers. If we vote Sylveon, and they were innocent, then we'd be losing an entire inforole, as some have called it. I'd prefer we didn't vote either until we had something damning on either of you, but I don't believe I really have much say in the matter," Reme explained, looking off into space.
[[Also an extremely valid point, while I still feel some type of way about Espy, the possibility of them being town with info role is hnnngggghhh.]]

"It would follow that the Sylveon was also Mafia, should that be the case. But we can't know that without voting out the Sylveon, hence why I wanna vote them out in the first place.
“But if you’re wrong? Then we’re down a person and closer to losing. Why vote for that information? Especially knowing the mafia could play some dirty game to get us accusing the innocents?”
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