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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Maybe he should just let this little gremlin end him anyway and he could get out of here sooner.

Kent looked back to Wes. It didn't seem that his opponent was too keen on fighting back.

How fucking lame.

So, he simply summoned a single shadow dart and sent it flying towards Wes. With any luck, it would stab him in the leg.

Then, Kent's attention was diverted by a yell...

Altair looked back at the sky, and roared in a voice that carried itself across the entire plane.


Ugh. Did this bastard just want to be the loudest one here?

"STOP FUCKING SCREAMING, YOU PRICK!" Kent shouted back at Altair.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The vortex was finally fully formed. Washes of various shades of black and red swirled before coalescing into something energetic and sparking with black electricity. Then, a bolt of lightning struck the ground, equally as dark as the rest of it. And again, and again, leaving behind a deep scorch mark in the reddening grass. The scorch mark shifted itself, as if it were solid, and rose out of the ground. Wings unfurled; a body stood up...

A Charizard stood before them, a black flame on his tail, as well as dark lines between his many scales. He held out his hand as shadows twisted around it, forming the handle of a strange weapon, before finally solidifying into a large spear.

"Hello," he greeted. "My name is Diyem. The reason you are all here is by my design. And very soon, you will begin this ritual proper."

He snapped his claws with his free hand. Just above it, a strange, twisted clock appeared--it looked like an astral clock, but the seconds ticked by irregularly, rapidly and slowly, sometimes not at all before swinging whole hours ahead, though never backward. There was an ominous marking near part of it, which the clock was rapidly approaching, suggesting that once it did, something would happen.

"Based on this planar clock, which corresponds to the astral plane's flow of time, the ritual will begin. While this number means very little to you... it shall begin just over a day from now... in this clock's rapidly moving timer. You should pay close attention to it."


  1. nidoqueen
"Hello," he greeted. "My name is Diyem. The reason you are all here is by my design. And very soon, you will begin this ritual proper."

Through Mike's puzzlement, the pun wrenched itself to the fore of his mind.

"First name Carpe?" He wondered aloud, to no-one in particular.

He couldn't guess why Robin had chosen the guise of a demonic Charizard, but that must be her. Or a her of sorts.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Wait, how? By choice? How did you become part human? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

Salem's tail shot up and her ears pinned back.

"I... I don't know how to explain it. It was possible with human technology."

She gestured to thePerihelion badge on her vest. "Humans with this symbol. But I don't—"

Salem's halting explanation was interrupted by the arrival of a sinister pokémon promising a ritual. Her tail curled round her leg for comfort.

"Fuck," she said, quietly.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
The vortex was finally fully formed. Washes of various shades of black and red swirled before coalescing into something energetic and sparking with black electricity. Then, a bolt of lightning struck the ground, equally as dark as the rest of it. And again, and again, leaving behind a deep scorch mark in the reddening grass. The scorch mark shifted itself, as if it were solid, and rose out of the ground. Wings unfurled; a body stood up...

A Charizard stood before them, a black flame on his tail, as well as dark lines between his many scales. He held out his hand as shadows twisted around it, forming the handle of a strange weapon, before finally solidifying into a large spear.

"Hello," he greeted. "My name is Diyem. The reason you are all here is by my design. And very soon, you will begin this ritual proper."

He snapped his claws with his free hand. Just above it, a strange, twisted clock appeared--it looked like an astral clock, but the seconds ticked by irregularly, rapidly and slowly, sometimes not at all before swinging whole hours ahead, though never backward. There was an ominous marking near part of it, which the clock was rapidly approaching, suggesting that once it did, something would happen.

"Based on this planar clock, which corresponds to the astral plane's flow of time, the ritual will begin. While this number means very little to you... it shall begin just over a day from now... in this clock's rapidly moving timer. You should pay close attention to it."
A Charizard. Such a powerful ‘mon. Made sense that one would be in charge of all of this.

The level of ominousness behind all of this was kind of thrilling. A ritual? Sounded dangerous. He was kind of here for it.

A chuckle escaped him as he stuck his cigarette between his lips, out of sheer habit. He frowned deeply upon inhaling and realizing it still wasn’t lit. Right. Well, there was a Charizard in front of him, might as well try.

“Hey!” He shouted. “Diyem was it? Would it be disrespectful to ask for a light?” He asked, raising the cancer stick.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"Hello," he greeted. "My name is Diyem. The reason you are all here is by my design. And very soon, you will begin this ritual proper."

He snapped his claws with his free hand. Just above it, a strange, twisted clock appeared--it looked like an astral clock, but the seconds ticked by irregularly, rapidly and slowly, sometimes not at all before swinging whole hours ahead, though never backward. There was an ominous marking near part of it, which the clock was rapidly approaching, suggesting that once it did, something would happen.

"Based on this planar clock, which corresponds to the astral plane's flow of time, the ritual will begin. While this number means very little to you... it shall begin just over a day from now... in this clock's rapidly moving timer. You should pay close attention to it."
[A friend must gather their courage at times! Especially for the sake of other friends who are also very upset and scared!]

Excuse me!!! Hello! Hi!!!

I appreciate being able to exist in a place with people, and with grass, and the sky!

...it makes me really REALLY happy, in fact!

Soooooo can we, um, have it back to being green and peaceful and nice and not hellish and on fire?

I understand if you enjoy those kinds of things, sir! And, um, your gothic clock thing is really cool! Lots of folks love gothic aesthetics.

But also, I think everyone is kind of freaking out, so making this place more accommodating for everyone would be really nice! Especially if we're gonna be staying here for your weird spooky ritual thing! By the way please don't kill us or set us on fire if that's ok I would really appreciate that thank you sir


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Wes rolled his eyes at the Charizard. Yeah. All right. Okay. Screw this place, honestly.

He saw movement in the corner of his eye and managed to side-step another shadowy dart just in time. Gods, that gremlin really had it out for him. He wondered if there was any was to propose a truce, if only for his own sanity.

“Look, if you can stop attacking me for five seconds, we can work together to get out of here,” he said. “You want that too, right? And then we’ll never have to see each other again. Deal?”

He hoped to Arceus it sounded appealing enough. He wasn’t exactlteager for another beating.

A chuckle escaped him as he stuck his cigarette between his lips, out of sheer habit. He frowned deeply upon inhaling and realizing it still wasn’t lit. Right. Well, there was a Charizard in front of him, might as well try.

“Hey!” He shouted. “Diyem was it? Would it be disrespectful to ask for a light?” He asked, raising the cancer stick.

Wes turned his head to see…someone who looked like they’d just strolled off the front of a magazine cover. Merciful Mew, who in their right mind would willingly dress in such a stuffy, pompous outfit?


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"A way to tell time without having to look at the sun," Diyem said to the one who did not understand clocks, tossing it forward where it floated in the middle of the field. It indeed seemed to be ticking down a lot faster than proper seconds...

He completely ignored Mike, as well as the rolling Porygon. "A lot of you seem to be new or unfamiliar with this kind of ritual, one way or another. I will explain it to you before it starts properly." He paced around the field, hands behind his back. His spear had disappeared during his talk. "Each night, you will all disappear into your little shelters to avoid the dangers of darkness. Some of you, however, will have protection to perform one task; others will not. Some of these tasks will be to analyze what others are capable of, or whose side they are on. Others will be to protect them. And, of course... some will be to claim them."

His eyes flickered with a dark aura and he trailed toward them. "Claim them, and plunge them into the depths of the void."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Wes turned his head to see…someone who looked like they’d just strolled off the front of a magazine cover. Merciful Mew, who in their right mind would willingly dress in such a stuffy, pompous outfit?
Clovis began tapping his foot, waiting for some answer. If he got burned to death, he got burned to death—at least that would put some smoke in his lungs, for fucks sake.

On instinct, he slightly turned his head, just in time to catch somebody staring at him. This guy, in his rather flashy outfit. A trench coat? Not quite his taste, but they were in right now. However, what really caught him was this guy’s hair. Spiky, and silver like his. He didn’t see that often, and it somehow put him at ease.

“Fantastic dye job—I don’t know a lot of people who can work silver hair.”


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
As much as Anti wanted to join in on the conversation with the others created by the power of science (just because he was curious, not because he was lonely or anything like that, okay??? He just wondered if they also had supervillian dads, was that so weird to ask about?), he fought the urge and kept his attention on the currently forming being. They were a dragon. No, a... a charizard, right? Man, he really need to brush up on his glossary of other dimensional beings.

But oh, now he was getting off topic. He raised his hand like a good little student, then remembered that cool, edgy heroes didn't need to wait to be called on to demand answers. "Being of darkness," he began in his best batman impression before cutting himself off with a cough. Then he returned to his normal voice. "That is, uh, Mister Diyem? Uh. Are we talking metaphorical, poetry club void? Like, the murky darkness of our souls? Or..."


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
( so RUDE!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't even acknowledge me!)
(but that also means I didn't get turned into me but more on fire, so maybe that's fine?)
(...Augh!!!!! So ruuuuuude!!!!!! So mean!!!)


  1. nidoqueen
His eyes flickered with a dark aura and he trailed toward them. "Claim them, and plunge them into the depths of the void."

Mike felt the gears start to churn in the back of his mind. They had some sort of task, at night they had to go to sleep, but not all of them did. And apparently, some people were going to get eliminated.

He felt like he knew this game, but whatever game it was floated just out of reach. He wondered if Robin was keeping it that way on purpose, or if he really was having a lapse in judgment.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Clovis began tapping his foot, waiting for some answer. If he got burned to death, he got burned to death—at least that would put some smoke in his lungs, for fucks sake.

On instinct, he slightly turned his head, just in time to catch somebody staring at him. This guy, in his rather flashy outfit. A trench coat? Not quite his taste, but they were in right now. However, what really caught him was this guy’s hair. Spiky, and silver like his. He didn’t see that often, and it somehow put him at ease.

“Fantastic dye job—I don’t know a lot of people who can work silver hair.”

Wes gave a start. He wasn’t expecting the guy to notice him, let alone actually speak to him. But—dye job?

“It’s not—why would I ever—I didn’t dye it.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Whatever, it’s not like that mattered. He eyed the cigarette in the man’s hand. “You looking for a light?”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Wes gave a start. He wasn’t expecting the guy to notice him, let alone actually speak to him. But—dye job?

“It’s not—why would I ever—I didn’t dye it.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Whatever, it’s not like that mattered. He eyed the cigarette in the man’s hand. “You looking for a light?”
Clovis’s expression didn’t fall, but his eyes began to shine with mild embarrassment. He guess he should have known better than to ask something like that. People could have naturally white hair…right? Sure.

None of that mattered, though. He raised his brows at the question. “Sure am, you got one?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Clovis’s expression didn’t fall, but his eyes began to shine with mild embarrassment. He guess he should have known better than to ask something like that. People could have naturally white hair…right? Sure.

None of that mattered, though. He raised his brows at the question. “Sure am, you got one?”
Actually…did he? Perhaps he should have thought about that before saying anything. Then again, he had his knife on him still, and even the snag machine—that damn machine. Even in his dreams it was haunting him, apparently, always glued to his person as though it was a part of him, despite how much he resented it…

Wes shoved the thoughts from his mind with a shake of his head and dug through his coat. As luck would have it, it was still there. He offered it to the stranger.

What am I doing. This wasn’t like him, striking up conversations and offering a light. Perhaps he was subconsciously trying to make allies even in spite of his earlier decision not to. Hell, he’d already made enemies, so he might as well make some sort of effort to mitigate that. Although…he spared another glance at this guy. He didn’t exactly look like he’d be much help in hand-to-hand combat…

Well. He supposed he could give it a shot.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"That is, uh, Mister Diyem? Uh. Are we talking metaphorical, poetry club void? Like, the murky darkness of our souls? Or..."

"Mm. Of course."

Diyem conjured his spear again and struck the ground in front of him with a downward slash. The point where it touched rapidly expanded into a black portal that twisted around and revealed a vision of a violet, widening wasteland with seas of red water. Distant shrieks and roars filled the air, echoing like a twisted choir from the other side of the portal.

"Losing here means you will be claimed," Diyem said simply. "And for a portion of eternity, you shall remain. If you want to avoid such a fate... you will fight for your side to win. Perhaps, if you are lucky, you will be able to save those who were already claimed on your side."

He lifted his spear, and the portal disappeared, leaving behind a bitter smell that soon faded.

"Any questions?"


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"Mr. Stone!" she called, half relieved, half frightened still. Maybe he might know what was up.

The sudden shout startled Steven, and he looked toward where it had come from. A young girl was approaching with an enthusiastic wave. She looked to be a few years older than most beginning trainers, and she had on some Flygon-styled sunglasses that were all the rage back in Hoenn. Even though he'd never met her before, there was relief in something familiar amongst the growing worry. His glare melted and he slipped into an easy smile.

"Ah, Mr. Stone is my father," he said, hardly appropriate given the circumstances but it's too ingrained a habit to break. "Just Steven is fine."

The girl reached his side and the styling of her hair brought even more Flygon to her ensemble. If he were back in Hoenn at a meet and greet, he'd probably have asked her about her partner pokemon, and dropped a not so subtle hint that Drake had two of them on his team and would be thrilled to see another trainer raising a dragon right.

But this wasn't home and this wasn't business as usual. The strain beneath the young trainer's cheery expression was proof enough. The unspoken questions he'd seen plenty of times when someone called upon the Elites for help. But this time he was all out of answers.

"I'm sorry," he offered, "I don't know what's going on."

He watched as a massive Charizard emerged from the shadowy vortex. Behind it, an otherworldly clock materialized. Several of the other meadow-goers shouted at the entity (one of which seemed to be a talking computer on wheels, how curious) but the beast showed no signs of concern.

He turned his attention back to the Ho'ani girl. Steven hoped his growing uncertainty didn't show through, but he felt his eyebrows knit together nonetheless. "I don't mean to alarm you, but whatever this is, it doesn't seem good."
Last edited:


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"Mm. Of course."

Diyem conjured his spear again and struck the ground in front of him with a downward slash. The point where it touched rapidly expanded into a black portal that twisted around and revealed a vision of a violet, widening wasteland with seas of red water. Distant shrieks and roars filled the air, echoing like a twisted choir from the other side of the portal.

"Losing here means you will be claimed," Diyem said simply. "And for a portion of eternity, you shall remain. If you want to avoid such a fate... you will fight for your side to win. Perhaps, if you are lucky, you will be able to save those who were already claimed on your side."

He lifted his spear, and the portal disappeared, leaving behind a bitter smell that soon faded.

"Any questions?"
Haha wow ok that's bad!!! Hehe haha hoho I'm moving over here now

[Porygon scoots behind the nearest most intimidating and cool person they can see (but not TOO intimidating otherwise that person would beat them up maybe??), which happens to be Wes. They... pause, and kind of zone out a bit staring at the scary hell portal of death.]

(but if I lost, would it be any worse than where I was before this? maybe I should- *mumble mumble*)
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