Spiteful Murkrow
Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- Partners
Alright, it took longer than I'd have liked to get the ball rolling, but I'm back with a review of Chapters 4 and 5 of Yuna and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad School Year. So let's get right into things, and see what you've got in store for our favorite missile dragon:
Chapter 4
Major "Gendo Ikari videoconferencing with SEELE" vibes there. Another notch into the count of "signs that Chancellor Vortex is probably up to something nefarious". Also, mind the missing quote there.
Just how precarious are things in the Kingdom of Radiance such that a sporting event getting cancelled for a year would crush the realm's morale?
Demerzel: "You do realize that if the Crowne Cup gets interrupted or forced to be cancelled later by current events, it's going to be even worse for morale, right?"
Vortex: "That's a risk I'm willing to take, Demerzel. And we won't allow that to happen. Whatever it takes, there will be a Crowne Cup this year."
Demerzel: "... Okay, you're kinda creeping me out there, Chancellor."
>Starlene's songs are supposed to pacify anyone who listens while strengthening their spirit so they can work harder.
>pacify anyone who listens while strengthening their spirit so they can work harder.
Why does this sound more like some sort of component for a gambit for subjugation and mass enslavement than something with benign intentions? Like, as presented, the Diva Project is basically working on something that would have applications for tricking overworked laborers into sitting down and shutting up as they get ground down by exploitative conditions.
Minor punctuation oops there.
Demerzel: "... Please tell me this isn't that crackpot project of yours involving the Charmeleon and interdimensional travel."
Vortex: "Just how much of an uninspired hack do you think I am to name my projects after plot devices from novels? (Also, if I was going to steal names from that one, I'd have called it 'Ascension'.) Icarus is a different project and commands significantly more resources and energy right now, you should know this, Demerzel."
I mean, given that totally not sus description of the Diva Project earlier, I'm half-expecting the answer to this to be something like 'Infinity Energy.' And add another notch to the 'obviously shady count'
And that's gotta be worth several additional notches there into the sus count. Just saying, Vortex. If Calcifer and Yiazmat find out about any of this, that treaty is beyond toast.
Yuna: "Uh... what exactly is this thing connected to me?"
Nurse: "That's an IV, honey. It's piping saline solution into your bloodstream to keep you hydrated."
Yuna: "... Isn't my body composed of ectoplasm, though?" ._.;
Am I tripping, or is this a transparent reference to Rafiki from The Lion King? And I see that Radiance pulls after Galar in structure in terms of having places named after the DLC areas. I presume there's also something named after the Crown Tundra?
Yuna: "Chancellor Vortex expects me to compete in a sporting competition the same day that I had a tube jabbed into my arm?"
Rafique: "I mean, the exit wound should be small enough to coagulate within a matter of minutes, so-"
Yuna: "Bahamut's Light, what on earth is wrong with this school?!" >_>;
Yuna: "... Starting to think I should've listened to mom about this tournament." >.<
Yuna: "Wait, but Chiaki, I thought you said it didn't matter to you how we did in the Crowne Cup. And... well... you didn't exactly strike me as the type to really care about my well-being."
Chiaki: "Look, I'm not just going to stand there while someone dies on me. I've got a company to inherit from my parents and taking over under a cloud of suspicion like that's bad for business!"
Yuna: "... (Can't tell whether that's a cover for him having a soft side, or if he really is that much of a cold, selfish prick.)"
Yuna: "Oh, so you do care about the Crowne Cup, Chiaki."
Chiaki: "Look, I just don't want to have to forfeit, okay?"
Nikki: "Yeah, even the most pathetic teams of lunkheads get remembered for showing up to the preliminaries." >_>;
Could be worse. She could've opted for "Twig Boy".
Chiaki: "This 'trade secret' of yours is going to work even if the competitor right next to us has Lightningrod as an ability, right?" >_>;
- Nikki hesitates a moment -
Nikki: "Uh... probably?"
- Yuna facepalms with her free hand -
Yuna: "Please tell me your strategy isn't just to hit everyone on the starting line with Discharge and then walk over while everyone's passed out."
Nikki: "Never said anything about using Discharge there."
Oh lol. Her strategy's gonna be to Boomburst the entire starting line.
Nikki: "See! Works perfectly fine even with an opponent with Lightningrod!"
Chiaki: "And what if the next guy over is also a Ghost-Type? Or has Soundproof as an ability?" >_>;
Nikki: "I mean, if I know Boomburst, I should also know Overdrive? Could always mop up the stragglers that way."
- Beat moment -
Yuna: "(Just saying, forfeiting is sounding more and more attractive right now.)"
Nikki: "Oh right, huh. Forgot about that rule for a moment. So yeah, literally don't have to lift a finger after that opening gambit outside of walking over the finish line!"
- Chiaki folds his arms and frowns -
Chiaki: "Not that this isn't solid on paper, but I still think this sounds way too easy."
Yuna: "Well I don't think we're going to talk her out of it, so might as well just go along and hope for the best since I certainly don't have any alternative plans to offer. (Even if I'm sure this is going to end horribly somehow.)"
Yuna: "... Isn't a 'bastion' also interpretable as the fortress as a whole? Like a 'Bastion of Hope'?"
Cid: "Yes, yes, it can also be used as an instance of synecdoche. But I had the specific rampart design in mind when I proposed the name, so I'm going with that explanation."
Nikki: "Hey, I volunteered 'Team Overdrive'. Sounded perfectly fine to me."
Chiaki: "I volunteered 'Team Phalanx' even if we were a few hundred members shy of that being fitting, but Professor Cid had a cow and said that stealing names from books was poor form."
Yuna: "... I stand by that comment about Team Bastion being a better name than what you two came up with." -_-;
Nikki: "... Since when do lizards have lips?"
Chiaki: "Look, just shut up and do your thing here." >_>;
Yuna: "I'm starting to have doubts about how this is going to go again." >_>;
Nikki: "Lighten up, will ya? We wipe the starting line, and then we'll have all the time in the world to find that exit. No biggie."
Yuna: "(Why of all the schools in this land for me to go to as part of that treaty signing did I need to go to this one?! Just what sort of school hires an active Inquisitor as a Professor?!)" >.<
Yuna: "Wait, but does Chancellor Vortex even wear pants? I didn't remember him being described as-"
Chiaki: "Look, I'm wearing pants right now (at least based off artwork anyways). So I think you can take it for granted that Vortex is wearing pants."
Yuna: "... (How is he not constantly setting the fabric on fire by accident with that tail flame of his?)"
Yuna: "... Are these 'mons supposed to be a collective reference or something? Since there's not a single drop of red on the head of that 'Rufus' 'mon there. And 'Rufus' is supposed to be a name meaning 'red' or 'redheaded'."
Nikki: "Red eyes, Princess. And since when did unrelated parents name their kids together to make some sort of elaborate reference?"
Chiaki: "I dunno, I think she's onto something. Pretty sure all those names are from some spy group from this book in the library. 'The Tartars' or something like that."
Yeah. Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't fault Yuna for just saying "to hell with this school", sneaking out. and hopping the next Intercontinental Express back into the Aeon Kingdom.
Yuna: "I'm gonna have to deal with a year of this?" ._.
Chiaki: "Now do you see why I didn't care about how we did in this Crowne Cup?"
Yuna: "... Just how big is our class when Tutor said that only 18 teams will take part of the Cup Chase to begin with? Doesn't that imply that there's going to be less than 60 Pokémon in our entire class that won't get eliminated early?"
Chiaki: "54, but who's counting? Look, we at least aren't going to forfeit here. So let's at least try to string this along. Maybe we'll get lucky and dodge those remedial lessons for a while."
Yuna: "... Wait a minute, so we're not even eliminating teams at this point? Are there seriously only 54 students in our year?"
Well, Nikki's plan worked. Sorta.
Chapter 5
Still am of the opinion that the Phantoms would've been easier to visualize if they were more described. As of right now, I kinda am envisioning them to be like Nightmare from Kirby.
So the needles are acting as a restraint on... something. Pretty sure I saw this movie involving cosmically important needles once before and it resulted in an End of the World Special once all the needles got yanked.
Considering how the world is called Etherium implying that it's literally made of ether in its present state. That beggars the question of what Phantom Despair would consider to be a natural state for the world. Hopefully it's a bit more habitable than what The Void considered natural in GL.
I might be tripping, but I'm pretty sure that chant means something to the effect of "Our true born" in Latin. Though this basically confirms that Natus is Eternatus.
Despair: "... This had better not be a suggestion to levy sanctions against that conglomerate. Since that doesn't exactly work all that well even with state power!"
Fraud: "I was thinking of something involving more... direct action."
Why do I get the feeling that even though Despair's course of action is almost certainly going to cause mass death and suffering, that he has a point about Radiance and Polaris being up to no good?
Nikki: "Wasn't it glaringly obvious last chapter that I was going to lead with an AOE attack, Twiggy? I mean, I'm a Toxtricity and I insisted my gambit wouldn't effect Princess over there. What did you really expect?"
Chiaki: "So why the hell didn't you tip us off to get earplugs or something first?!"
Yuna: "Nikki, are you seriously asking this question when you just knocked out the entire starting lineup?" >_>;
Nikki: "Yeah? She doesn't have to be this butthurt about taking the L."
Yuna: "... At this rate, I think I'd have been more popular with the school if I'd just skipped this Crowne Cup."
Not that this isn't hilarious to watch in action, but you just know that sort of "screw you world" loner attitude is going to come back to haunt her later.
I mean, Chiaki technically isn't wrong there. So Nikki's either lying there or genuinely hasn't met a ton of Toxtricity in Radiance.
Yuna: "I don't suppose we upset the audience enough that they're raining attacks down on us right now, did we?"
Chiaki: "Oi, where's the 'we' here? That was all Nikki there!"
Nikki: "You're welcome, by the way."
Yuna: "That arrogant prince who literally tries to publicly humiliate me at every turn? Of all the teams to still be standing, his is still up right now?" >_>;
Chiaki: "Well, obviously if Team Striker is pointing it out. Just stay on your guard!"
Nikki: "... Wait, since when do ducks caw?"
Chiaki: "That's what you're worried about right now?!" >.<
Nikki: "So I was right, ducks don't caw."
Chiaki: "That doesn't explain what's going on here right now."
Yuna: "Th-This isn't a trap, is it?!" O.O
Nikki: "Gee what tipped you off, the sudden demon hands from nowhere?! Or the fact that my Boomburst just did bupkis to it?!"
Chiaki: "Quit bickering and help me out here already!"
Yuna: "Nikki, you're going to suffocate if you don't get those things off of you!"
Nikki: "But this isn't even covering my windpipe! We can make this work! ... Maybe. Probably."
Chiaki: "Also, you're welcome."
Nikki: "If it wouldn't screw us over, I'd Boomburst your face right here and now, Twiggy."
Yuna: "... Talk about adding insult to injury here." >_>;
Chiaki: "Whatever, you can't win them all and we're doing better than the other teams. Let's just cross that finish line."
Yuna: "Uh hi there... (Mr... creepy 'Grim Reaper' guy.) Uh, I'd just like to take a moment to remind you that I have diplomatic immunity."
Vegna: "Hmph. Bold of you to think that'd stop me if I was here for that."
Yuna: "... Eeep." ._.
Chiaki: "... You broke a rule with that stunt back there Nikki, didn't you?" -_-;
Nikki: "Hey, if I did, it wasn't one I was aware of!"
Yuna: "Pl-Please tell me that the consequences don't involve executioner's tables!" O.O
Nikki: "Because he's an Inquisitor? What do you think they do for a living? Go around spreading sunshine and rainbows?"
Vegna: "Need I remind you that I'm right in front of you, Nicolette?"
Yuna + Chiaki: "..." >.<
Nikki: "Hey! You can't just disqualify us without any explanation! How the hell is that fair?!"
Chiaki: "I swear to God, if those stupid goggles are what got us into trouble..." >_>;
Aha, and thus we're introduced to the heavily inbred ferals of PoV. And Vegna's giving me some serious Blackquill vibes here.
Yuna: "... Don't Wise Glasses only boost Special Attack by 10% though?
Wouldn't that imply that Nikki's Boomburst was still close to that powerful on her own?"
Vegna: "They're Polaris-brand Wise Glasses. Though even if their effect were really so modest, the rules are the rules, and this would still be grounds for disqualification."
- Chiaki grinds his teeth and visibly seethes -
Chiaki: "Nikki!"
Yuna: "Also, what do they make these Wise Glasses out of for them to have such a dramatic effect?"
Vegna: "Ether, obviously."
Yuna: "... Is that going to be the answer to everything of this sort in-setting?"
I swear this 'mon's gonna blunder into a war within his first week as king just with that attitude of his.
Literally just missing the occasional knife throw to complete the Blackquill vibes.
While this actually makes a bit more sense here, reminder that you called these "wise glasses" just like 6 paragraphs ago. Make sure to keep the terminology consistent.
Vegna: "Emphasis on should there, Princess Yuna. Very pointedly voicing my displeasure with Nicolette's behavior is well within my rights as an instructor."
Yuna: "Yeah, but that really didn't sound like you were just voicing displeasure there."
Chiaki: "I'm pretty sure he's doing this on purpose to get a kick out of us squirming, just saying."
Yuna: "W-Well he's certainly effective at it, that's for sure!" O_O;
Yuna: "So let me get this straight here. We became the most hated team in the entire Crowne Cup, got the equivalent of a last-place finish anyways, and I got publicly humiliated by that Ponyta prince... and now have detention and intentionally humiliating coursework because Nikki went behind our backs and used an illegal held item?"
Chiaki: "And was too stupid to destroy the evidence afterwards. You're forgetting that part." >_>;
Nikki: "H-Hey! It was just an innocent misunderstanding!"
- Nikki gets stared at by Yuna and gets a sharp glare from Chiaki -
Nikki: "Right. I should stop talking for a while."
Wew, this day just keeps getting """better""" for Team Bastion. At this rate, someone will lose a limb by sundown. :^)
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting Nikki to get caught with using illegal items given how she was able to rules lawyer the bit about sabotaging her opponents, but it does help give a better sense of who she is as a character. Also, there's a surprising amount of setup this early on that the big players of Radiance have some serious skeletons in their closet, but it does track with the less-than-savory aspects of it we've seen from how Yuna's being treated when she's literally one of the most important figures from her homeland.
While you've certainly seen a version of this review already, I hope that you still found it useful and enjoyable to read, I know I'll be looking forward to where things go in the next few chapters, since you've mentioned elsewhere before that the main plot kicks off within a few chapters of where I'm presently at in my readthrough. ^^
Chapter 4
Sighing, Vortex rested his head against his right hand and drummed his left fingers against his desk. "You're blowing this out of proportion," he said, eyes fixed on a blue, triangular gemstone in front of him. "This was nothing but an isolated incident. She probably suffered some degree of sensory overload."
The gem bristled with light and a gravelly male responded, "A likely story. It's a coincidence in the same way the attempted assault she suffered was a coincidence." Silence followed, then, "I've worked too long and too hard on forging this treaty to see things fall apart because of your flights of fancy.["]
That got the charizard's tail flame crackling. In the corner of the room, Arianna glanced up from her notebook, but Vortex held his hand up. When he was sure she'd relaxed, he tented his fingers together in front of his snout. "You forget, Demerzel, that I've been working with Her Eminence far longer than you have."
"Then tell me… why was I the one standing at Queen Isola's side while she was quelling fears in Parliament?" The gem dimmed, then abruptly lit up. "The Ministers aren't dumb like those meltan servants of yours. I could tell none of them were buying the story that Douglas died in an accident."
Major "Gendo Ikari videoconferencing with SEELE" vibes there. Another notch into the count of "signs that Chancellor Vortex is probably up to something nefarious". Also, mind the missing quote there.
Vortex wanted to issue a snide remark about whether that was Demerzel's ESP or intuition talking, but shoved that thought aside. "Well, you already erased the memories of those who saw Douglas' assailant, right?"
A long silence followed. "I did."

"Au contraire, monsieur," Demerzel scoffed. "There is plenty to worry about… even if we sidestep your asinine decision to hold the Crowne Cup despite—"
Again, Vortex's tail flared. "As I've told you multiple times, the Crowne Cup is essential to morale throughout the Kingdom. Without it—"
"Yes, yes, the people will lose hope and all that happy nonsense."
"You could try saying that less mockingly."
Just how precarious are things in the Kingdom of Radiance such that a sporting event getting cancelled for a year would crush the realm's morale?

Demerzel: "You do realize that if the Crowne Cup gets interrupted or forced to be cancelled later by current events, it's going to be even worse for morale, right?"
Vortex: "That's a risk I'm willing to take, Demerzel. And we won't allow that to happen. Whatever it takes, there will be a Crowne Cup this year."
Demerzel: "... Okay, you're kinda creeping me out there, Chancellor."
"I'm not calling to debate the semantics of your glorified reality show," Demerzel said. "I'm calling because of the Diva Project. As I understand it, you pitched it to Her Eminence. Parliament approved the funding. And now it could jeopardize this essential treaty. So, how do we fix it? You're running the project. I demand answers."
"Isolated. Incident."
"I don't buy that for a second," Demerzel huffed. "I read through the documents you gave Queen Isola. Starlene's songs are supposed to pacify anyone who listens while strengthening their spirit so they can work harder. The Aeon Princess had the exact opposite reaction: pain and a loss of consciousness." He paused. "You can't really call that a coincidence."
>Starlene's songs are supposed to pacify anyone who listens while strengthening their spirit so they can work harder.
>pacify anyone who listens while strengthening their spirit so they can work harder.

Why does this sound more like some sort of component for a gambit for subjugation and mass enslavement than something with benign intentions? Like, as presented, the Diva Project is basically working on something that would have applications for tricking overworked laborers into sitting down and shutting up as they get ground down by exploitative conditions.
"Well… are you going to say something? I don't have all night."
"The treaty won't matter if our kingdom falls into an energy crisis[,]" Vortex rose from his seat. "Why didn't Parliament approve the budget extensions for Icarus? I only have enough funding to last the next month or two and it won't be ready by then."
Minor punctuation oops there.
Demerzel: "... Please tell me this isn't that crackpot project of yours involving the Charmeleon and interdimensional travel."
Vortex: "Just how much of an uninspired hack do you think I am to name my projects after plot devices from novels? (Also, if I was going to steal names from that one, I'd have called it 'Ascension'.) Icarus is a different project and commands significantly more resources and energy right now, you should know this, Demerzel."
A sneer echoed through Vortex's office. "Don't patronize me. Your| manufactured energy crisis is small potatoes when there's distortion threatening to overrun the kingdom and make it one giant mystery dungeon."
Vortex slammed his hands on his table. God was Demerzel annoying. Again, Arianna looked up and again he waved his assistant off. Deep breaths. Steady hands were needed. Anger wouldn't get him anywhere.
"Icarus can put a stop to that, too. I just need proper funding for it. All the Ministers were on board last time I spoke to them, so what gives?"
"It's the MPs. They're skeptical. They think you're playing things too close to your vest," Demerzel replied. From his tone, Vortex assumed Demerzel agreed with them. "They want details… like what this energy source you claim Icarus can tap into is."
I mean, given that totally not sus description of the Diva Project earlier, I'm half-expecting the answer to this to be something like 'Infinity Energy.' And add another notch to the 'obviously shady count'
"What's the plan here, sir?"
Vortex put the glass on the coaster. "We intercept any and all mail to or from Yuna and her entourage."

"We can't give Yuna's parents the impression that she's having anything less than the time of her life here," Vortex continued. "Because we have to keep them as far away from Horizon Gardens as possible. If they think she's enjoying the school, they won't be inclined to visit and she can't tell them about what happened during Starlene's performance."
"And what if the parents get suspicious?"
"That's where you come in." Vortex flicked a hand in Arianna's direction. "I've seen all of these dragons' penmanship. It's… crude. I have no doubt you can mimic it perfectly."
"You want me… to forge correspondence between Princess Yuna and her family?" Arianna's expression remained as stoic as ever.
"Not just them… between all the Aeons at this school and their counterparts back home." Vortex rested his elbows on his chair's armrests and clasped his hands together. "Will that be a problem?"
And that's gotta be worth several additional notches there into the sus count. Just saying, Vortex. If Calcifer and Yiazmat find out about any of this, that treaty is beyond toast.
"What happened?" Her voice cracked. Yuna's throat burned. It was as if she hadn't had a drop of water in ages. She blinked a few more times. Her bearings returned to her. With them came the gentle touch of soft linens against her head and back.
Yuna knew she wasn't in her bed. Her room had a higher and darker ceiling. However, Yuna's attempts to float up left her dizzy. Her head thumped back against the pillow. It was then that she noticed a blue curtain beside a set of metal shelves.
"Am I… in a hospital?" she wondered, spotting a small stand on top of the metal shelves holding a bag of clear fluid. She followed a rubber tube from the back to her hand.
"If, by hospital, you mean the school's clinic, then yes."
Yuna: "Uh... what exactly is this thing connected to me?"
Nurse: "That's an IV, honey. It's piping saline solution into your bloodstream to keep you hydrated."
Yuna: "... Isn't my body composed of ectoplasm, though?" ._.;
"What's with the look?" Her visitor looked up from his clipboard. "Let me guess… first time seeing a zarude?" He chuckled. "I'm used to getting that same curious stare from all the new students."
"That's my species." He ran his claws through the black tufts of fur on his forehead. "We're native to the Armour Archipelago, but I immigrated here to practice medicine." He paused. "Ah, sorry. You're not interested in that. Where are my manners? I'm Doctor Rafique." He pivoted to show off his name stitched into his white coat. "I run the student health center."
Am I tripping, or is this a transparent reference to Rafiki from The Lion King? And I see that Radiance pulls after Galar in structure in terms of having places named after the DLC areas. I presume there's also something named after the Crown Tundra?
Yuna opted not to press Rafique further on who Professor Vegna was. "So, how long have I been out?"
"It's nine in the morning."
"Nine in the morning?!" Her gills shriveled. "But that means classes are st—"
"No, classes start tomorrow. Chancellor pushed them back for this new preliminary Crowne Cup round he invented."
"Oh, okay." Yuna's relieved sigh quickly gave way to another frightened gasp. "But wait… if I'm here, how can I participate? Is my team gonna have to forfeit?"
"You'll be ready to compete this afternoon." Rafique walked over to Yuna's right. "As far as I can tell, there isn't anything wrong with you other than a touch of dehydration, so I've been giving you some fluids." He tapped the tray atop the metal shelf that, on closer inspection, was actually a cart on four wheels. "I'll be clearing you for discharge soon. My only recommendation is not to try and turn yourself intangible for the next day or two. It might cause you to pass out again."
Yuna: "Chancellor Vortex expects me to compete in a sporting competition the same day that I had a tube jabbed into my arm?"
Rafique: "I mean, the exit wound should be small enough to coagulate within a matter of minutes, so-"
Yuna: "Bahamut's Light, what on earth is wrong with this school?!" >_>;
With that out of the way, Yuna looked down at her wispy torso. Why had she immediately gravitated toward her classes and the Crowne Cup when there were more pressing matters to attend to? Like…
"What about my parents? Do they know what happened?"
At that, the curtains opened opposite her bed and Noctum poked his black-scaled head in. "I'm sorry, Princess, but we weren't able to reach them before they boarded the Intercontinental Express to return home."
Yuna: "... Starting to think I should've listened to mom about this tournament." >.<
Other visitors? Yuna figured it was Baraz and Dimitry, so she was surprised to see Cid hovering behind Noctum on the other side of the curtain. Chiaki was also there, standing with his back against a wall and watching the toxtricity seated opposite him intently.
"O-Oh. Hi." Yuna blinked slowly. "I wasn't expecting to see you guys."
"I saw Professor Vegna carry you off. Wanted to see if it was anything serious," Chiaki said, tipping the bridge of his cap over his eyes. "Professor Cid brought her." He gestured to Nikki, who glanced at Yuna's bed, then yawned and shifted her position so she was sitting sideways in the chair.
Yuna: "Wait, but Chiaki, I thought you said it didn't matter to you how we did in the Crowne Cup. And... well... you didn't exactly strike me as the type to really care about my well-being."
Chiaki: "Look, I'm not just going to stand there while someone dies on me. I've got a company to inherit from my parents and taking over under a cloud of suspicion like that's bad for business!"
Yuna: "... (Can't tell whether that's a cover for him having a soft side, or if he really is that much of a cold, selfish prick.)"
Hearing that from Chiaki was surprising. After their introduction, Yuna assumed the grovyle wanted nothing to do with her. Chiaki seemed to pick up on her line of thought as he gave her a side-eyed look and said, "Don't get any ideas. I just want to make sure we don't have to forfeit this preliminary round."
"Right." Yuna sighed. "Well, the doctor said I'm okay to compete this afternoon." She wanted to move around more, but figured doing so would disrupt the tubing giving her fluids.
"… heh." Nikki rubbed the bridge of her nose. "It's not like we need your help or anything, but the rules are all 'You've got to have a full team of three for this round.'"
Yuna: "Oh, so you do care about the Crowne Cup, Chiaki."
Chiaki: "Look, I just don't want to have to forfeit, okay?"
Nikki: "Yeah, even the most pathetic teams of lunkheads get remembered for showing up to the preliminaries." >_>;
"Now, Nikki, that's no way to talk to your teammate," Cid scolded, hovering in front of the toxtricity to show off his disapproving look.
"What? I'm just being honest." Nikki shrugged. "She looks as frail as a sunkern. And, like, dragons don't get a lot of decent attacks in their base forms. Ain't that right, Twiggy?"
"That's… correct." A vein bulged out of Chiaki's head. He wasn't a fan of Nikki's nickname.
Could be worse. She could've opted for "Twig Boy".
Scowling, Chiaki stepped away from Nikki. "Forgive me if I don't share your confidence."
"Yeah. How can you be so sure about this?" Yuna hadn't even met the other competitors beyond Shimmer and had no idea what kinds of techniques they had at their disposals.
"Trust me." Nikki strummed the purple, gelatinous gills on her chest. "If Twiggy throws up a Protect the moment the starting bell sounds, then we'll be golden. We may even have a chance to take first place."
Yuna raised a skeptical brow. That sounded way too good to be true. She remembered Chiaki saying that Nikki was strong, but there's no way she could put the team in a position to win the race instantly… right? "Um… how exactly will we be golden?" she asked.
"Ah, ah." Nikki wagged an index finger. "Trade secret."
Chiaki: "This 'trade secret' of yours is going to work even if the competitor right next to us has Lightningrod as an ability, right?" >_>;
- Nikki hesitates a moment -
Nikki: "Uh... probably?"
- Yuna facepalms with her free hand -
Yuna: "Please tell me your strategy isn't just to hit everyone on the starting line with Discharge and then walk over while everyone's passed out."
Nikki: "Never said anything about using Discharge there."
"I don't need their support." The toxtricity continued strumming away at her gills. "Once it's go time… I'm going to blow the other teams away. Then we can waltz through the labyrinth and avoid the punishment for finishing last." She smirked. "Since we can't use revivers for this race, if I knock those dolts out, they won't even have a chance to enter the labyrinth."
Yuna gasped. "Knock them all out? You can do that?"
"Leave the finer points to me, Princess." Nikki tapped the side of her head. "Trust me… it'll all work out."
Yuna wished she found that reassuring. "Oh, wait. I don't know Protect. Should I be worried?"
"Nope. You're a ghost. My plan won't affect you."
Oh lol. Her strategy's gonna be to Boomburst the entire starting line.
Nikki: "See! Works perfectly fine even with an opponent with Lightningrod!"
Chiaki: "And what if the next guy over is also a Ghost-Type? Or has Soundproof as an ability?" >_>;
Nikki: "I mean, if I know Boomburst, I should also know Overdrive? Could always mop up the stragglers that way."
- Beat moment -
Yuna: "(Just saying, forfeiting is sounding more and more attractive right now.)"
Chiaki poked his cap up a bit further. "And what about the other ghosts in our year?"
"They won't be able to do much with their teammates KO'd." Nikki flashed a toothy grin. "The rules say all three team members have to cross the finish line."
"I'm surprised you actually read them," Chiaki said, leaning back against the wall.
Nikki: "Oh right, huh. Forgot about that rule for a moment. So yeah, literally don't have to lift a finger after that opening gambit outside of walking over the finish line!"
- Chiaki folds his arms and frowns -
Chiaki: "Not that this isn't solid on paper, but I still think this sounds way too easy."
Yuna: "Well I don't think we're going to talk her out of it, so might as well just go along and hope for the best since I certainly don't have any alternative plans to offer. (Even if I'm sure this is going to end horribly somehow.)"
"Well, I wanted to be sure my plan would work." Nikki rubbed her hands together. "Any other questions?"
"I have one, actually." Yuna raised her free hand. "What's our team name gonna be? We're supposed to come up with one, right?"
"We did. We're Team Bastion," Chiaki replied.
"I came up with it," Cid chirped. "See, a bastion is a part of a fortress' design. It allows you to spread defensive fire in all directions." He pivoted to look at all three students. "Since you all come from very different walks of life… I thought the name fit."
Yuna: "... Isn't a 'bastion' also interpretable as the fortress as a whole? Like a 'Bastion of Hope'?"
Cid: "Yes, yes, it can also be used as an instance of synecdoche. But I had the specific rampart design in mind when I proposed the name, so I'm going with that explanation."
Wouldn't something like 'Team Diversity' make more sense, then? Yuna kept the thought to herself. Frankly, it was better than anything she could imagine her teammates coming up with.
"I helped with the name, too." Noctum's tail flame burned bright. "And your teammates liked it."
Nikki: "Hey, I volunteered 'Team Overdrive'. Sounded perfectly fine to me."
Chiaki: "I volunteered 'Team Phalanx' even if we were a few hundred members shy of that being fitting, but Professor Cid had a cow and said that stealing names from books was poor form."
Yuna: "... I stand by that comment about Team Bastion being a better name than what you two came up with." -_-;
"Why are you still wearing that eyesore of a jacket?" Chiaki asked, drawing Yuna's attention over to Nikki. "It's going to weigh you down." The grovyle still had his pokébase cap on, but was wearing a black jumpsuit.
Nikki waved him off. "Why are you still wearing that emo hat, huh?"
Chiaki briefly drew his lips back in a snarl. "That's…" He pulled the cap down over his eyes. "It's personal."
Nikki: "... Since when do lizards have lips?"
Chiaki: "Look, just shut up and do your thing here." >_>;
"Agreed." Cid hovered toward the chalk starting line. The other teams were grouped up on either side of Team Bastion. Most were in huddles. "Remember… the labyrinth walls will shift every few minutes. And the Crowne Committee placed traps throughout the maze. Anything can happen."
"Psshaw. You worry too much, Chrome Dome." Nikki stuck her right hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of camo goggles.
Yuna tilted her head. "Wait, what are those?" She didn't remember seeing any eyewear on the list of approved items.
"My good luck safety googles." Nikki slid the strap over her head. Yuna marveled at the band phasing through Nikki's mohawk. It must've been pure electricity.
Yuna: "I'm starting to have doubts about how this is going to go again." >_>;
Nikki: "Lighten up, will ya? We wipe the starting line, and then we'll have all the time in the world to find that exit. No biggie."
"Erm… what kind of person is Professor Vegna, anyway?" Yuna asked.
"Pfbt. You haven't heard?" Nikki had to contain her laughter.
"Heard what?"
"Vegna's nickname: 'The Grim Reaper.'"
The dreepy's tail scrunched up. "What kind of nickname is that? Do lots of people fail his classes?" She recalled seeing his name on her schedule.
Chiaki shook his head. "Nah. It's because of his other job. He's an inquisitor for the Ministry of Justice." The grovyle spat his toothpick out of his mouth. "But that's got nothing to do with this race. Drop the subject."
Yuna: "(Why of all the schools in this land for me to go to as part of that treaty signing did I need to go to this one?! Just what sort of school hires an active Inquisitor as a Professor?!)" >.<
"Huh. Wonder what's got ol' Flamey's panties in a bunch?" Nikki scratched her right horn. "He eats, sleeps, and breaths this Crowne Cup baloney. Must be something big if he's missing the start."
Yuna frowned. "I… didn't need that mental image." She shivered.
Nikki smirked. "I'm surprised you'd even know about that kind of clothing, Princess. I thought you dragons liked doing things au naturel."
The dreepy's cheeks burned.
Yuna: "Wait, but does Chancellor Vortex even wear pants? I didn't remember him being described as-"
Chiaki: "Look, I'm wearing pants right now (at least based off artwork anyways). So I think you can take it for granted that Vortex is wearing pants."
Yuna: "... (How is he not constantly setting the fabric on fire by accident with that tail flame of his?)"
The smoke faded away to show a cinderace standing at center stage, right arm thrusted upward. His checkered, gold and silver shirt sparkled under the afternoon sun. An inteleon and lucario in matching uniforms stood on either side of him, hands drawn up to point at the participants with fingerguns.
"That's what I like to hear," the cinderace whooped, breaking his pose and striding across the stage. A fiery-orange cape fluttered behind him. Yuna couldn't believe there was a student dressing flashier than Vortex, yet here one was.
"Welcome to the brand-spanking-new start of the Crowne Cup." Cinderace bowed to the competitors. "I'm Cinderace Reno."
The lucario thumped his chest. "I'm Rufus!"
"And I'm Vincent." The inteleon ran his fingers through his head frill and winked at the bleachers. A few girls shouted their approval.
"Together… we're TeamTurksStriker! Ch-yeah!" Reno posed with his right arm up again while the students in the bleachers cheered. Yuna raised an eyebrow. Aside from them winning the Crowne Cup last year, what made these three so special? She supposed it didn't matter. Like Chiaki had said, dwelling on it wouldn't help the team do well in the race.
Yuna: "... Are these 'mons supposed to be a collective reference or something? Since there's not a single drop of red on the head of that 'Rufus' 'mon there. And 'Rufus' is supposed to be a name meaning 'red' or 'redheaded'."
Nikki: "Red eyes, Princess. And since when did unrelated parents name their kids together to make some sort of elaborate reference?"
Chiaki: "I dunno, I think she's onto something. Pretty sure all those names are from some spy group from this book in the library. 'The Tartars' or something like that."
"Now then, I'm sure y'all are eager to get this thing underway." Reno rubbed his hands together. "But we've gotta lay out a few ground rules."
"It's especially important since we have some esteemed new blood in our midst." Vincent snapped his fingers and pointed right at Yuna. She rolled her eyes. Everyone already knew her situation. What good was drawing attention to it?
They're trying to throw me off. She took a deep breath. Yuna glanced toward Shimmer's team. Could the ponyta have put Vincent up to this? She hoped not. He was supposed to be a prince. Unsportsmonlike behavior wouldn't suit royalty.
Yeah. Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't fault Yuna for just saying "to hell with this school", sneaking out. and hopping the next Intercontinental Express back into the Aeon Kingdom.
"Greetings, competitors. It is I, Rotom Tutor, here for a lovely rules explanation." Pixelated party poppers shot pixelated confetti on either side of Tutor's face. "The Crowne Cup is a year-long competition divided into two phases." Tutor's face disappeared to show two images: one of a sprinting falinks formation and one of a podium with rotom hovering by each place. "The first phase is the 'Cup Chase.' It is divided into the preliminary round and ten competition legs."
Yuna: "I'm gonna have to deal with a year of this?" ._.
Chiaki: "Now do you see why I didn't care about how we did in this Crowne Cup?"
Yuna watched Tutor retreat back under the stage. The explanation made enough sense, though it left an uneasy feeling in her gut. "Hey, uh, Chiaki? What happens if your team gets eliminated in the Cup Chase?"
Chiaki scowled and pulled his cap down. "You're stuck doing remedial lessons during Cup challenges for the rest of the year."
"And if you're one of the teams bounced super early, you're pretty much the laughing stock of the school," Nikki added, strumming her chest-gills. She looked Yuna in the eye, and when the dreepy's gaze fell, slapped her knee and laughed. "Kidding, Princess! Cripes, you're nervous. But you don't got nothing to be scared of. I told you… we got this."
Yuna: "... Just how big is our class when Tutor said that only 18 teams will take part of the Cup Chase to begin with? Doesn't that imply that there's going to be less than 60 Pokémon in our entire class that won't get eliminated early?"
Chiaki: "54, but who's counting? Look, we at least aren't going to forfeit here. So let's at least try to string this along. Maybe we'll get lucky and dodge those remedial lessons for a while."
"Well said, you two." Reno nodded approvingly. "And remember… all you've got to do is not finish in last place." He paused, then held up his left hand. "I can already see it in your eyes. 'Reno, you dashing cinderace, what happens if we do come in last?'" He smirked. "Well, first off, thank you for the compliment. And second… the team that comes in last will have to start the first leg with a five-minute time penalty!" Reno spun around and struck his raised-arm pose. "It's a Crowning way to ramp up the stakes, don't you think?"
Yuna gulped. She did not want any extra disadvantages for the first leg. Nikki needed to be right about her plan. She looked at the toxtricity for any sign of nervousness, but Nikki's expression hadn't changed. She did catch Yuna eyeing her, however. "You still getting worked up about this?" Nikki strummed a chest-gill. "We'll be fine, Princess."
Yuna: "... Wait a minute, so we're not even eliminating teams at this point? Are there seriously only 54 students in our year?"
Yuna did one last check of her bag, making sure the items were in place.
"… get set…"
Bahamut, if you can hear me, please let Nikki's plan work.
"… and go!"
Nikki smacked her chest gills as hard as she could. Loud, off-key electrical cords blared, drowning out Yuna and Chiaki's screams.
Well, Nikki's plan worked. Sorta.

Chapter 5
A small partition appeared in the dark, circular swirls of distortion, like an open flap from a pitched tent. From his position atop a pile of moss-covered rubble cobbled together to look like a throne, the Phantom watched a Mr. Rime stroll across the field of gray, dead foliage and thorn-covered vegetation. He swung his icy cane around his thumb and whistled jauntily as he crushed black, rotted rose petals beneath his clog-like shoes. He stopped before the throne and nudged up the noctowl mask on his face.
"Speak, Fraud," the Phantom ordered, his shadows pulsating and bubbling around his plague mask.
"It's just as you predicted. Seems we've been dealt a wild card." Fraud held up his free hand and several cards with plague mask emblems materialized. Resting his cane on his right shoulder, Fraud shuffled the cards. "There are indeed fresh bouts of distortion that spawned where you said the remaining Needles are." He plucked the top card from the pile and turned it over to reveal a regal nidoking surrounded by clubs. "Just trying to get close to one of them caused a tearing pain to shoot through my whole body."
Still am of the opinion that the Phantoms would've been easier to visualize if they were more described. As of right now, I kinda am envisioning them to be like Nightmare from Kirby.
There was silence, then a shadowy tendril struck a rotten branch protruding from the distortion. Soggy splinters showered the area next to Shiva and Quetzal. They remained as motionless as statues. "Wonderful." The gems in the Phantom's mask flickered ominously. "Even with the power I have… trying to warp into one of those dungeons would exhaust me enough to put me in another stasis."
"And simply approaching them out in the open is not a wise option." Fraud held up a card. It then split into three separate cards. "Since your 'performance' at Minister Douglas' manor, the queens have decided to play their hands." The three cards split into six. "They've mobilized the Radiant Guard and stationed them around all the new dungeons. If you approach, then things will turn ugly."
Shadowy claws dug into the arms on the Phantom's throne. "I need power. More power." He slammed a fist against the stone. The hand evaporated and returned to his pool of shadows. "I don't understand it. Why didn't this happen with any of the other Needles?" The Phantom grabbed his mask and squeezed the nose. "I was getting closer. Closer to freeing them. To undoing my mistakes."
So the needles are acting as a restraint on... something. Pretty sure I saw this movie involving cosmically important needles once before and it resulted in an End of the World Special once all the needles got yanked.
A growl rumbled from within Despair's pool of shadows. He knew he could silence Fraud as he did those stuffy noble birds. But it would be a waste of precious energy. He needed at least one person who could think for themselves. Someone who wouldn't just be a mindless machine to send out and keep watch over the Needles. Especially now that they were hidden within dungeons.
If Fraud had felt pain, then the distortion the Needles had made was a type that Despair couldn't properly harness. Sending any of them into one of those dungeons would mean losing control of them completely. The time and power and pooled into them would go to waste.
But what could he do? What should he do? Every moment he sat around doing nothing, the pathetic nobles would continue to make a mockery of the world. To use that awful ether and spread more and more of His distortion all around.
Considering how the world is called Etherium implying that it's literally made of ether in its present state. That beggars the question of what Phantom Despair would consider to be a natural state for the world. Hopefully it's a bit more habitable than what The Void considered natural in GL.
A circle with five diamonds around it.
Five moon-sized dragon heads bearing down on him from the heavens.
A black, crystalline arm reaching toward a wall of fire.
That awful chant. Nos vera Natus. Nos vera Natus.
How long had he been hearing it for? He couldn't even remember. Only that it wouldn't leave his head no matter what he did.
I might be tripping, but I'm pretty sure that chant means something to the effect of "Our true born" in Latin. Though this basically confirms that Natus is Eternatus.
"The Polaris Group." Fraud flicked the ace of spades toward Ifrit, who spat a fireball at it. The card dissolved away before the flames connected. "You keep saying that the use of ether has led Radiance's citizens to forget how to be true pokémon. Polaris holds a complete monopoly over ether distribution. And many of the nobles have stakes in its operations. If you strike at the conglomerate, you can harm Radiance's nobility."
A long silence followed. Fraud leaned against his cane. "Well, what do you think?"
Despair: "... This had better not be a suggestion to levy sanctions against that conglomerate. Since that doesn't exactly work all that well even with state power!"
Fraud: "I was thinking of something involving more... direct action."
Despair had to admit that it was a decent idea. If he were in his prime, perhaps he would've thought of it himself. But this was why he had wanted allies in the first place. Maybe he shouldn't have stripped the birds of their thoughts after all. Oh well, he couldn't change that now. The only way to go was forward.
"I'm afraid I don't know that much about the Polaris Group." Several shadowy tendrils extended out from Despair, each spawning a hand. "But I do know that it's tied to an educational institution that brainwashes the future nobility. So, if we're going to start anywhere, it's there."
He pointed three hands toward the distortion behind Fraud. "Go. Let the so-called hope of Radiance's future know of our presence. Show them that their gilded lifestyles will crumble under the might of the Phantom Sins."
Fraud bowed. "As you wish, sir."
Why do I get the feeling that even though Despair's course of action is almost certainly going to cause mass death and suffering, that he has a point about Radiance and Polaris being up to no good?
Indeed, when the light faded, Nikki stood tall, adjusting the lapels of her leather jacket. All around her, the other teams lay strewn in the grass. Tangled knots of limbs and bodies. Groans and moans made Yuna's gills curl up. Chiaki's jaw slackened and his toothpick dropped onto the grass.
"What the— what the hell did you just do?"
Nikki: "Wasn't it glaringly obvious last chapter that I was going to lead with an AOE attack, Twiggy? I mean, I'm a Toxtricity and I insisted my gambit wouldn't effect Princess over there. What did you really expect?"
Chiaki: "So why the hell didn't you tip us off to get earplugs or something first?!"
"Nikki, behind you!" Yuna cried, before Ice Shards whizzed right past her.
"Eh?" Nikki spun around, then dropped to her knees with a loud, "Whoa!" She sprang back up, lips curled into a frown. "What's with the sneak attack, Perci? Your mates are already KO'd."
Yuna: "Nikki, are you seriously asking this question when you just knocked out the entire starting lineup?" >_>;
Nikki: "Yeah? She doesn't have to be this butthurt about taking the L."
Yuna looked right to find a weavile staggering out from behind a fainted mudsdale. "Well, I sure ain't letting you waltz through that maze unscathed." Ice swirled around her claws as she prepared for another attack. However, Perci only succeeded in half-forming another Ice Shard when a glowing green blade clubbed her in the back of the head. Perci gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head.
Chiaki sprang out from behind Perci the moment her body hit the ground. Holding his hat down with his right hand, he pointed toward the maze. "Let's go before someone else tries to do one of us in."
Yuna: "... At this rate, I think I'd have been more popular with the school if I'd just skipped this Crowne Cup."

Yuna hovered after her teammates, gills still tensed from the crowd's boos. Clearly, they weren't pleased with Nikki singlehandedly wrecking the brand-new preliminary round. "Do you really think that was such a good idea?" she asked Nikki. "Won't this make our team a huge target in the Cup Chase?"
"Ha! It ain't gonna matter. I'll just keep blowing 'em all away!" Nikki strummed her chest gills. She paused next to a crystal wall, turned to the crowd, and pulled down her left lower eyelid. "Kiss my ass, nerds! Nobody cares if you don't get to see a— yipe!"
Not that this isn't hilarious to watch in action, but you just know that sort of "screw you world" loner attitude is going to come back to haunt her later.
In no mood to listen to another argument, Yuna opted to butt in. "It's Boomburst. An attack that unleashes really vicious sound waves." She poked her nubs together. "I used to think that only elite dragons could learn it, but I guess I was wrong."
"I see." Chiaki tapped his chin in thought. "Then all toxtricity can learn it?"
Nikki shrugged. "Beats me, Twiggy. Never met another tox' that knows it."
I mean, Chiaki technically isn't wrong there. So Nikki's either lying there or genuinely hasn't met a ton of Toxtricity in Radiance.
The temperature in the area suddenly spiked and the purple walls on either side of the team turned a bright, dazzling orange. Yuna's eyes widened and she hastily floated back seconds before flames rained down from above the team. "Guys? Guys, are you okay?" she called. Yuna looked up to try and find the source of the fire, but smoke obscured her view.
Seconds later, Chiaki grabbed her and took off sprinting through the maze. "What's going on? Did we trigger a trap?" Yuna asked.
"You can't suspend a trap in midair," Chiaki growled. "Someone attacked us directly."
"But how?" Yuna was flailing behind Chiaki as he rounded a corner. She couldn't struggle out of his grip. "Those announcer guys said it'd be impossible for teams to go up and over the maze."
"I know that." Chiaki glanced up briefly, then pressed his cap firmly against his head with his free hand. "Hang on!"
Yuna: "I don't suppose we upset the audience enough that they're raining attacks down on us right now, did we?"

Chiaki: "Oi, where's the 'we' here? That was all Nikki there!"
Nikki: "You're welcome, by the way."
"What the hell? Are we under attack?!" Nikki stumbled along behind Yuna, clumsily sidestepping a wind blade. She spun around and hurled a lightning bolt like a javelin toward the cloud. It pierced right through, revealing nothing inside. "Why aren't they stopping the event? This clearly ain't supposed to be part of it!"
"Oh, look at that spectacular strike from Sirfetch'd Robin! Such crowning mastery of his leek-wielding prowess!" Reno said.
"Indeed. But let's give Prince Shimmer credit for that well-timed shield against the blast trap," Vincent added.
Yuna gasped. "Wait… Shimmer's team is still up?"
Yuna: "That arrogant prince who literally tries to publicly humiliate me at every turn? Of all the teams to still be standing, his is still up right now?" >_>;
Chiaki: "Well, obviously if Team Striker is pointing it out. Just stay on your guard!"
Nikki: "... Wait, since when do ducks caw?"
Chiaki: "That's what you're worried about right now?!" >.<
Still in Chiaki's grasp, Yuna pointed her right arm up. "I see something up there. It looks like… some sort of bird?" She blinked in confusion. That early thought about birds was meant to be a joke. Why was a bird actually attacking them? And why did no one in the crowd seem to care?
"If it's a bird, then I'll fry it!" Nikki thumped her chest. Sparks gathered around her gills. But when she stepped forward to launch her attack, the ground rumbled. Nikki stumbled forward and thrust her arms apart to steady herself. "Damn it… are the walls really shifting now?"
Nikki: "So I was right, ducks don't caw."
Chiaki: "That doesn't explain what's going on here right now."
"Pfbt. Like that's really gonna do anything when there's a wall ten meters ahead." Nikki flicked her right arm in the direction Chiaki was looking. Yuna couldn't explain why, but there was an uneasy feeling stewing inside her. A sense that she was being watched. One that the strange rotom above the labyrinth couldn't explain.
"Well, I'm not gonna scale the wall if there's something hitting us from above." Chiaki tipped his hat down and resumed running.
"Wait, stop!" Yuna called, reaching an arm out toward him.
"What for? I—"
Black and red blobs materialized on each wall. Spectral fists immediately shot out from the walls and slammed into Chiaki from each side. "Agh!" Despite his shield taking the blow, the pressure still sent some wind rushing out of him and he stumbled to a stop.
"Stay back." Nikki stepped in front of Yuna and slammed her hands against her gills. A fresh, off-key Boomburst rang out. To Nikki's horror, however, it failed to do a thing to the disembodied hands. Instead, they turned their attention on the toxtricity. She slouched over. "Aw, shit."
Yuna: "Th-This isn't a trap, is it?!" O.O
Nikki: "Gee what tipped you off, the sudden demon hands from nowhere?! Or the fact that my Boomburst just did bupkis to it?!"
Chiaki: "Quit bickering and help me out here already!"
Nikki's screams snapped Yuna out of her thoughts. Thinking quickly, she stuck a nubby arm into her satchel and pulled out a bright-orange luminous orb. Yuna slapped the top of the orb and it lit up like the chandeliers in the dining hall. The spectral hand in front of her quickly disappeared, revealing Nikki floating in the air, legs flailing. She held her goggles, which were squeezing themselves tighter and tighter against her face while a sickly purple aura surrounded them.
"D… on't… just… float there," Nikki wheezed. "Help me!"
Yuna blinked a few times, then smacked her cheeks. She'd seen this before. Her parents had taught her about this. A special move certain ghosts could use. They'd take control of items to harm opponents. "Nikki, we have to get those goggles off!"
"What?!" Judging by her anger, that bothered Nikki even more than the attack. "No way! They're… they're my good luck char— rrrgh!"
Yuna: "Nikki, you're going to suffocate if you don't get those things off of you!"
Nikki: "But this isn't even covering my windpipe! We can make this work! ... Maybe. Probably."
The goggles squeezed even tighter against her. Yuna was about to say something when Chiaki dashed in, Leaf Blades at the ready. He whipped his right arm around, effortlessly slicing through the strap on Nikki's goggles. They fell to the ground along with Nikki. Yuna sighed in relief when the purple aura vanished.
"You idiot! Those were one of a kind!" Nikki fumed.
"Forget them. Someone used Poltergeist on them." Chiaki kicked the goggles further back in the maze. "We're not safe here. Let's move." The grovyle yanked Nikki forward by her right arm. Frowning, Yuna followed.
Chiaki: "Also, you're welcome."
Nikki: "If it wouldn't screw us over, I'd Boomburst your face right here and now, Twiggy."
"And we have our first — and most likely the only — team to cross the finish line! It's Prince Shimmer and Team Excel!" Reno declared as the sounds of thunderous applause reached Yuna's ear-frills moments before she emerged from the maze.
Yuna: "... Talk about adding insult to injury here." >_>;
Chiaki: "Whatever, you can't win them all and we're doing better than the other teams. Let's just cross that finish line."
She managed to catch a brief glimpse of Shimmer and his sylveon and sirfetch'd teammates jumping around victoriously before a black shadow loomed over her.
"Gah!" Chiaki fell back, bumping Yuna. She turned around and her face paled at the sight of a dusknoir's single red eye glaring down at her and her teammates. After Dusknoir adjusted the crimson, skull-shaped bangles on his shoulders, a black cape unfurled behind him.
"Wh… who…" Yuna struggled to find her voice.
"Oh, what's this?" Rufus' voice crackled through the speakers "It looks like Team Bastion is out of the maze… but Professor Vegna has stopped them right in front of the finish line!"
Yuna: "Uh hi there... (Mr... creepy 'Grim Reaper' guy.) Uh, I'd just like to take a moment to remind you that I have diplomatic immunity."

Vegna: "Hmph. Bold of you to think that'd stop me if I was here for that."
Yuna: "... Eeep." ._.
Vegna's torso split apart at the yellow, zigzagging stripe. The haze thickened around him, drawing angry growls from Chiaki and Nikki. Yuna saw through the ghostly apparition, however, and watched Vegna produce… a book?
With a flick of his left index finger, the book opened and the pages turned themselves. Vegna kept his eye fixed on Team Bastion. "A loan sharpedo I met in the gaol once told me, 'Those who seek to con their fellow liars sign their tickets to the Twilight Realm.'" He paused. "This was said, of course, as I dragged him to the executioner's table."
Chiaki: "... You broke a rule with that stunt back there Nikki, didn't you?" -_-;
Nikki: "Hey, if I did, it wasn't one I was aware of!"
Yuna: "Pl-Please tell me that the consequences don't involve executioner's tables!" O.O
Yuna tilted her head. What sort of a platitude was that? None of the sayings she knew from back home were remotely as morbid. This guy was supposed to be a professor here, so why was he spouting something so dark?
Nikki: "Because he's an Inquisitor? What do you think they do for a living? Go around spreading sunshine and rainbows?"
Vegna: "Need I remind you that I'm right in front of you, Nicolette?"
Vegna snapped his fingers and a loud, shrieking caw sounded from above. Gills quivering, Yuna looked up in time to see a talonflame descend toward the group, wings flapping frantically. "The hell?" Nikki ducked and swatted at the air, but Talonflame landed on Vegna's right gauntlet. He stuck out a foot to reveal Nikki's broken goggles. Vegna took it in his free hand and looked at it for all of a second before slamming his book shut. It disappeared in a plume of shadowfire.
"… disqualified."
Yuna + Chiaki: "..." >.<
Nikki: "Hey! You can't just disqualify us without any explanation! How the hell is that fair?!"
Chiaki: "I swear to God, if those stupid goggles are what got us into trouble..." >_>;
"I beg your pardon?" Yuna looked at Vegna in confusion, only to get doused in spittle as Talonflame angrily squawked at her. "Meep!" She drifted back, throwing her arms over her face.
Vegna raised his left hand and scratched at the side of Talonflame's face. He settled down and leaned into Vegna's hand. "For the impudence of my feral compatriot causing a scene, I beg your forgiveness." He pulled his hand back and bowed to Yuna. Talonflame mimicked Vegna as best he could while staying perched on the dusknoir's shoulder bangle.
Aha, and thus we're introduced to the heavily inbred ferals of PoV. And Vegna's giving me some serious Blackquill vibes here.
Vegna snapped his fingers. Talonflame dutifully flew back to his shoulder. Vegna again summoned a book from the shadows. Holding up Nikki's goggles, he said, "Section five of the Crowne Cup rules states as follows: 'The use of performance-enhancing equipment is prohibited. Should a competitor be found to be using such equipment, their team can be immediately removed from the current challenge by an authorized faculty member."
Yuna was about to ask a question when she noticed Nikki's defiant expression melt away like a bowl of ice cream left out in the sun. Chiaki was quick to point out the change. "Nikki… what's he saying? Did you—"
"Boomburst is a damaging attack, yes. But to knock out dozens of students with a single shot?" Vegna shook his head. "Well, the only way one could do something like that is by bolstering the move's power… say, with a pair of Polaris-brand wise glasses." Black energy crackled around Nikki's goggles. The coloration dissolved away, revealing a yellow band with a compass emblem stitched into it.
Yuna: "... Don't Wise Glasses only boost Special Attack by 10% though?
Wouldn't that imply that Nikki's Boomburst was still close to that powerful on her own?"
Vegna: "They're Polaris-brand Wise Glasses. Though even if their effect were really so modest, the rules are the rules, and this would still be grounds for disqualification."
- Chiaki grinds his teeth and visibly seethes -
Chiaki: "Nikki!"
Nikki staggered backward, eyes darting around in a panic. "I… I…"
Yuna's jaw slackened in disbelief. That plan Nikki was so confident in… was to cheat? And she really thought she was going to get away with it?
Yuna: "Also, what do they make these Wise Glasses out of for them to have such a dramatic effect?"
Vegna: "Ether, obviously."
Yuna: "... Is that going to be the answer to everything of this sort in-setting?"
Whinnying laughter echoed across the field. Though Vegna's large frame blocked Yuna's view, she was sure that voice belonged to Prince Shimmer. "Unbelievable. To think the meek little dragon was so afraid of her lack of skill, she got Nikki the Nuisance to cheat for her! Oh ho ho… I haven't had a laugh like this since the 'Dark-ish' season finale."
"What?" Yuna's cheeks burned. "I had nothing to do with any of this!"
I swear this 'mon's gonna blunder into a war within his first week as king just with that attitude of his.
"Be silent, boy," Vegna hissed, red eye smoldering. Talonflame looked behind Vegna and puffed out his feathers in annoyance. "As a former teacher in the gaol once told me, 'Those who speak out of turn do so because they have nothing of value to contribute.'"
Literally just missing the occasional knife throw to complete the Blackquill vibes.
Yuna fixed her bewildered look on Vegna, but he seemed done with Shimmer's outburst. He closed his hand around the broken choice specs. Purple flames enveloped the goggles.
While this actually makes a bit more sense here, reminder that you called these "wise glasses" just like 6 paragraphs ago. Make sure to keep the terminology consistent.
Vegna pointed a sparking finger at Nikki. "However, given your compatriots' reactions, it seems you not only cheated, but also callously lied about it." He brought his right hand back by his side. Crimson energy raced from his shoulder down to his hand. Squawking in fright, Talonflame took the air. "I should cast you into the depths of the Twilight Realm for such distasteful sins."
"W-What? Hang on… this is just a sporting event!" Yuna threw her arms up in disbelief. Everything Vegna was doing certainly befit his title as the Grim Reaper… but that was hardly how a professor should carry themselves. What was Vortex thinking hiring someone like this?
Vegna: "Emphasis on should there, Princess Yuna. Very pointedly voicing my displeasure with Nicolette's behavior is well within my rights as an instructor."
Yuna: "Yeah, but that really didn't sound like you were just voicing displeasure there."

To her surprise, Vegna straightened himself back up. Talonflame didn't return to his shoulder, however. "Of course, I jest. But your soul and those of your teammates can still languish on this mortal coil… in the hellish pits of detention." The way his voice deepened with the final word sent a fresh chill down Yuna's backside. If this was his idea of a joke, his material needed work. Decades of work.
Chiaki: "I'm pretty sure he's doing this on purpose to get a kick out of us squirming, just saying."
Yuna: "W-Well he's certainly effective at it, that's for sure!" O_O;
Vegna crossed his arms and bowed his head. "Very well, Vice Chancellor." He pointed to Nikki once more. "But know this… my ruling still stands. Your team is disqualified. Therefore, in addition to detention, you will incur the penalty for the first Cup Chase leg… and attend mandatory remedial lessons."
Yuna: "So let me get this straight here. We became the most hated team in the entire Crowne Cup, got the equivalent of a last-place finish anyways, and I got publicly humiliated by that Ponyta prince... and now have detention and intentionally humiliating coursework because Nikki went behind our backs and used an illegal held item?"
Chiaki: "And was too stupid to destroy the evidence afterwards. You're forgetting that part." >_>;
Nikki: "H-Hey! It was just an innocent misunderstanding!"
- Nikki gets stared at by Yuna and gets a sharp glare from Chiaki -
Nikki: "Right. I should stop talking for a while."
Pressing her glasses against her face, Arianna took a deep breath. "There's been a situation, Princess. Your attendants and Mister Chiaki's servant were attacked by a Phantom."
Wew, this day just keeps getting """better""" for Team Bastion. At this rate, someone will lose a limb by sundown. :^)
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting Nikki to get caught with using illegal items given how she was able to rules lawyer the bit about sabotaging her opponents, but it does help give a better sense of who she is as a character. Also, there's a surprising amount of setup this early on that the big players of Radiance have some serious skeletons in their closet, but it does track with the less-than-savory aspects of it we've seen from how Yuna's being treated when she's literally one of the most important figures from her homeland.
While you've certainly seen a version of this review already, I hope that you still found it useful and enjoyable to read, I know I'll be looking forward to where things go in the next few chapters, since you've mentioned elsewhere before that the main plot kicks off within a few chapters of where I'm presently at in my readthrough. ^^
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