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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Hi there! I know I'm a bit late, but I like to wish you a happy birthday and a happy new year! Hope your day's been great and if it hasn't been the best, I hope things will start turning your way in the future!

Also, quick little side note here. I want to thank you for the advice you'd given me and for telling me what gripes you had about my fic. You've been a pretty big part of inspiration for me this year and that review was something I needed to keep track of my ego writing skills.

Anyway, this story had always been in my read list since I've finished your other fic 'Guiding Light' last year but I'd never really had the time or chance to check it out (that and at the time, I wasn't interested in PMD stories that didn't involve humans or contain anything related to the isekai-troupe). Onto the review!

PoV has an interesting start, in that we get to see the Three Legendary Birds transform into their Galarian forms, the prologue also introduces us to what will probably be the main antagonist in the story, the Phantoms. They're presumably minions for Eternatus.

We're also introduced to how dynamaxing works. The imagery of giant ghostly versions of themselves that they can control is a cool idea and I can see the potential in this version of dynamax. So I'm interested in how you'll integrate dynamaxing in battles.

The setting of this world is in a sort of medieval-ish time period, and we're introduced to two conflicting sides: the Aeon kingdom and whatever the Fairy (at least I think it's the Fairy-types) kingdom is called. I'm assuming there might be some war arc in the future and these two will have to join together when the darkest day occur.

"M… maybe it was just a nightmare?"
So Yuna had some sort of premonition and can see the future? If so, then what about Queen Isola's mysterious advisor? Are they connected? Are the premonitions related to the legendary wolves?

As if it wasn't bad enough that she was going to show up to the opening assembly late, she was going to do so accompanied by a dracozolt.
How does a Dracozolt even function in a world like this? Did something create these fossil Pokémon? Is there a Pokémon-equilavent to Frankenstein somewhere in this world?

A greedent belly-flopped onto the floor, scattering dust across the pristine tiles. He quickly held his hands up to catch an equally-dusty nickit. "Gotcha, boss." Greedent lowered the small fox to the ground.

"Nyek nyek! What'd I tell ya, Rookie? The air vents would be our ticket into this hoity-toity place." Nickit turned and grinned at his apparent partner. "Now all we've gotta do is find us something worth nicking! And then the whole kingdom will know of the terror that is the Crimson Zephyr!"
These two's dynamic feel rather similar to the early interactions between Jangmo-o and Sneasel, albeit in a more comedic take. I wonder how they'll grow as the story progresses. (My guess is that they might be converted to the crazy cultists?)

"What are you looking at, Tiny?" Toxtricity held up her hand and dissolved the paper in a few globs of purple acid. "I'm just doing my part to keep the halls of our fine school clean. Got a problem with that?"

"N-No. Of course not!" Yuna squeaked, eyes drawn to Toxtricity's leather jacket. She floated close to Baraz, who turned around.
A punk Toxtricity. I can already tell he'll be one of my favourites.

You smell of ether. But Natus' love can absolve you of such sin!"
A crazy cultist hell-bent on removing sin with the power of Eternatus... yeah, I can see this working out just fine.

Xander shook his head. "Wasn't that, Your Highness. It was the new girl— the little wyrm thingy." He wiggled his ribbons around. "I saw her getting walked up to Chancellor Vortex's office with a filthy-looking charizard and an orbeetle."

"So? I'm not her babysitter," Xander sneered. "You gonna tear up the school halls every time she sneezes?"

"That's not it. Not too long before that, I saw her parents go into the Chancellor's office." Xander grinned. "I bet she's in trouble."
I don't know whether someone called this out before, but I think there's a mistake with Xander here. I think you meant to have Robin sneering here, not Xander.

"Preoccupied… because of the mystery dungeons that appeared across your kingdom overnight?"
Mystery dungeons appearing in cites? An interesting dilemma, I wonder whether that had anything to do with the cultists.

"It won't work, Mom. You can't force people to like me," Yuna growled, only to throw her hands over her mouth. She waited until her trembling died down before continuing. "You and Dad always make a point of how you won't be around forever… and, once I'm queen, I'm going to have to look after myself and make my own decisions." Yuna squeezed her eyes shut. "W-Well, if I can't make decisions for myself in school… how can I expect to be a good queen for the kingdom?"
Yeah! Stand up for yourself, Yuna!

Princess Yuna wants to compete in the Crowne Cup." Vortex held up his right hand. "Her parents don't." He held up his left hand. "Thus, the best way to approach this problem is to place her on a dysfunctional team that will likely fall at the first hurdle. She'll be able to compete, but will be eliminated early… dispelling her parents worries about travelling outside of Horizon Gardens." He clasped his hands together and squeezed tight.
Scheming, blackmailing, charismatic and powerful. I can sense Vortex doing something disastrous in the future.

"Here's to surviving the next month," Yuna whispered.
You and me both, girl. You and me both.

divine light dragon

"Sheesh. This is like pulling teeth." Grovyle rubbed his temples. "You. Me. Crowne Cup team. Together." He finally looked Yuna in the eyes. The black, triangular markings under his eyes were barely visible with the gym's mood lighting.
Blunt and full of himself. Lovely combination. Can't wait to see how he interacts with his teammates later on.

Golden lines and rings flashed on the serpent's body. Then a large maw opened… and the serpent lunged right for Yuna
Yo, is that the lord of the sky himself? (Rayquaza)

Also, does Yuna actually fall unconscious during this scene (Poor girl can't seem to catch a break.)? If so, I worry how that'll seem to her peers. I'm guessing it's probably not gonna be so... accepting. Then again, they're busy partying so maybe it's a normal occurrence.

"Aha ha." He wheezed and sputtered. "So this… is the depths of your false hope? You would take His love and twist it into something so… toxic." More laughter rumbled in his throat. "And yet… it is so interesting! The ether has its thorny tendrils dug right into you, but you're too blind to see it!" His right hind leg slid into the distortion. "Ha… aha ha. A lowly omen… bested by a slave of the ether yet again. How humiliating. But even this… this humiliation. I'll endure it all… so this world can rise to even greater heights."
Another scene with a cultist, something tells me we're going to be seeing more of them soon. Possibly in the Crowne Cup or behind the scenes around the kingdoms.

I love Yuna! She's adorable, shy and I can feel for her. Noctum's fun, I love to see more of him and Baraz later on. Nikki's lovely, her personality will certainly clash with Yuna's and Chiaki's, and the chaos that can occur from their future clashes will be lovely to read through.

I think you have a lovely bunch of characters and each have their own quirks that nicely complements each other. It also sets up so many potential conflicts and drama.

Overall, I'm glad I took the time to read this. It has great potential, a rich world, an interesting take on the setting of PMD, lovely characters and good build-ups for future conflicts. You got me hooked and I'm interested in where the story will go. Expect another review from me possibly a few days later, or a week.

Take care!


House of Two Midnights
Hey, Ambyssin. Been a while, but as Blitz rolls around again, I thought I'd return for Chapters 6-8!

I enjoyed that there was a bit more focus on the school side of things in these chapters; those parts continue to be what I enjoy most about the story. And I think Vegna's windowless classroom with its purple-flame candles and weird bird companions is one of the more stylish locations we've gotten so far in the school--really seems appropriate for the "pokémagical boarding school" vibe I think you're going for. (Purple-flame candles... I don't suppose he's sucking out his students' life force whenever they show up to class, is he?) Vegna in general is an interesting character, and I'm curious to see whether he ends up flipping "not as evil as he seems" or "actually even worse than you thought." His insistence on having students with no formal law training preside over actual cases is completely insane, so I have to imagine he has some outside agenda there... whether good or ill, who knows?

One way or another, I do appreciate that the case has brought Yuna and Shimmer together for some purpose other than Shimmer making fun of her. I can't imagine his relative niceness will last, which, although he's basically being put up to it by Vegna, is more than he really needed to offer! I was kind of expecting him to insist on Yuna's involvement being as minimal as possible, since she'd only screw it up as a dumb dragon, etc. etc. So his comment that she's clearly smart was a surprise to me! Although overall his lackadaisical approach to the case is pretty much in line with what I expected--he's not used to working hard, he assumes someone else will come and bail him out anyway, he's comfortable in the knowledge that they'll win no matter what he does. And the callous way he suggests playing the witnesses against each other in order to secure the not-guilty verdict is certainly on-brand as well.

On that note, I was surprised that Chiaki and Yuna acted so skeptical of Nikki's claims that Shimmer is cheating. Naturally they're mad at her for the whole disqualification thing, but the way they were going, "Nepotism??? In my elite academy for the rich and famous???" was a bit surprising to me. I'd tend to assume the crown prince was getting special treatment unless proven otherwise, personally. :P

The revelation that Chiaki has a bodyguard and what his family does for a living was an interesting little tidbit. The fact that he has a nidoking father named Sakaki suggests to me that they've got more going on in their lives than newspapers, but since a lot of the characters here are references to non-Pokémon franchises, it's possible "Sakaki" is from some other game and means something else entirely in this context, lol. In any case, I'm kind of surprised that nobody on Team Bastion expressed surprise at Chiaki's family employing a dragon as a bodyguard for their son, especially after Seifer's disgusted reaction when it was suggested she might be working with him. Presumably Chiaki's family has some kind of connection to the Dragon Kingdom if they're employing one as a bodyguard and Yuna thinks Sakaki's name sounds familiar.

In general Valkyrie has been one of my favorite characters introduced thus far, and I enjoyed seeing her in action in Chapter 6! This fic has a lot of characters who're keeping secrets and pursuing their own agendas on the down-low, so it's refreshing to have one who at least appears to be straightforward and goes "fuck that" when Chiaki once again tries to deflect and keep his secrets close. I'm also amused at the thought of a garchomp who's so good at stealth that none of the kids has noticed her hanging around Chiaki before now. Perhaps she has some kind of tech or special technique or something that allows her to go unnoticed, but I'm enjoying the mental image of her just hanging out near the ceiling or something instead.

The opener for Chapter 6, where Vortex goes to meet with Demerzel, baffled me a bit. Noctum says this was an "urgent" meeting that Vortex had summoned him along to, but once Demerzel shows up, they never actually... talk? Demerzel makes small talk with the dragons, then teleports away, and then Vortex flies off himself without ever actually addressing whatever "urgent" business this had supposedly been about. I don't know if ultimately the intent of the meeting was to get Baraz/Noctum and Seifer to coordinate and Demerzel/Vortex just had to attend for the optics of the thing, but it was very strange to me that in the end the only real "business" that got addressed only got brought up near the end with Seifer, and that didn't seem super urgent in and of itself?

The disconnect between the stories Noctum's heard of Keldeo and the reality (or the reality of his descendant, anyway) was fun, though. Aeon really does feel like an empire fallen into decadence and decline. I'm also curious whether there's something up with Demerzel claiming to be a whimsicott or whether he really thinks that, heh.

Overall I enjoyed these chapters, and what has me most excited to see more of in the future is the resolution of the trial and more about Vegna. Vortex's machinations are always fun (or terrible?) but were pretty well in the background for this section. It can be hard to balance multiple plotlines without any of them kind of fading out a bit, but for right now the focus of the story is on the stuff I'm most interested in, so I can't complain! You're way out ahead of me at this point, but I hope the writing's been going okay.
Chapter 28: Let's Do the Crime Warp Again


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 28: Let's Do the Crime Warp Again

The further Cyril led Noctum and Seifer through Eterna's gridded streets, the brighter things became. More and more artificial lighting from street lights to unnatural purple crystals to neon signs advertising everything from household appliances to fast food chains to some sort of production involving an inteleon in a tuxedo.

"How much further? I thought we were going to the bazaar," Seifer said, eyes darting back and forth. There were other people walking on the cobalt sidewalks. Noctum recognized some species, but others were totally alien to him, like a walking sunflower or a black-furred rapidash-like creature with white stripes and a lightning-bolt shaped tail.

"We're not." Cyril was a few paces ahead of them. He had a set of goggles over his eyes. "I was going to go there originally. Now I need to take you to a good spot to access the factory."

"Isn't it, like, a bad idea to be out here?" Noctum looked around nervously. A vaporeon with the spiked neck ruff of a jolteon noticed his Malice Crystal and quickened her pace in a panic. The charizard's tail flame shrank. "What if someone pulls me aside?"

"What's really going to screw us over is you acting so nervous," Cyril growled. "Stop swiveling your head around like a lost helioptile."

"Sorry." Noctum instead looked down, following cracks in the sidewalk. "It's just hard to focus on anything with all the bright lights. Do you, like, ever get use to this kind of stuff?"

"All this liveliness is part of the city's draw for folks." Cyril paused, then bitterly added, "At first."

"It all feels like a bit much," Seifer said. The trio rounded a street corner onto a much larger street. Hovercars and busses slowly moved past in both directions, reflecting multicolored lights from a giant monitor showing silhouettes of a blaziken, absol, lucario, and sudowoodo dancing in tandem with headphones on their heads.

"No shit." Cyril shook his head. "Sure, all this big, flashy stuff seems appealing at first. But like everything in the Qliphoth, eventually it gets old. So, maybe you turn into another species. Rework your being, change jobs, and take on a new life." He flipped strands of white hair out of his goggles. "Eventually things get stale and you become part of the crud all this glitz and glamor is covering up.

"And if you ask me, with no new planets getting swallowed up, there hasn't been any real stimulation in over a thousand years." There was an unsettling chill in Cyril's voice. "Is it any wonder Phantoms are spilling out into Etherium? People are eroding into Phantoms like weeds spreading through a crop field."

He turned right to point to the television screen, where metal squares now surrounded the dancing silhouettes. "And that shit right there? That's the archbishop's attempts to cover it up and distract people."

Text spread out under the silhouettes: "uPhone: a universe of potential."

"Those squares are the phones?" Seifer blinked at the ad.

"A far cry from those kooky crystals you use in Radiance, eh?" Cyril shook his head dismissively. "Wouldn't surprise me if Vortex and his stooges somehow pulled schematics for their stupid stuff out of the distortion itself."

Noctum gulped. "They can do that?"

Cyril shrugged and proceeded forward. Noctum opted not to press the matter further. Instead, he changed the subject. "If the factory is underground, do you think the Phantom Warp is enough to get me to it?" He looked down at the jet-black sidewalk. The metal was cold against his scaly feet.

"No," Cyril flatly responded. "But factories like this one need ventilation systems. So, we're going to find one of the grates."

"… oh." Noctum traced a claw nervously around his belly crystal. "And, um, will I be able to fit into it?"

"Probably." Cyril was focused on the other sidewalk. "Before that crystal, I'd call you embarrassingly thin for a 'zard. You a vegetarian or something?"

Seifer side-eyed Noctum, who frowned. "No. I just… struggled to get decent meals as a charmander."

"That so? Bummer." Cyril stopped and sat on his haunches. His goggle lenses flickered with small white lights. "Mmm. Think we're here."

"Here?" Seifer looked up at a neon street sign and traffic light. "We're at some random intersection! What makes you so sure?"

Noctum looked in the direction Cyril was facing. He tapped Seifer's flank with his wing. "Uhh…" The charizard pointed a claw forward.

Seifer followed it. Both of them saw assorted humans and pokémon lined up on the sidewalk. The line stretched several blocks down, before turning a corner and disappearing from view. A couple of the saucer-like Eternatus Troopers floated back and forth around the line.

One dark-skinned human in a crop top and short shorts threw his arms up with a victorious look on his face. "Aaaaand seventeen hours in line! Hot dog, that's a new record!" He held up a hand, but the lavender tangrowth standing behind him merely rolled its eyes.

"These people… are willing to wait that long for a phone?" Seifer's jaw dropped.

"Welcome to Eterna City," Cyril deadpanned. "In any case, that's how I'm sure we're where we need to be."

One of the street lights on the opposite sidewalk tilted upward and projected a hologram of Paradox in front of the people in line.

"What is up my guys, gals, and non-binary pals?" Paradox was disturbingly cheerful. "I hope you're all as excited for the new uPhone launch as I am." His right tentacles twisted into an arm and he pulled out the phone. "With its improved map and QPS functions, it'll get you where you need to be, when you need to be there! Enjoy the launch… and don't forget to show off your new uPhone on Chatter with the hashtag ParadoxRules to be entered to win an autographed uPhone case from yours truly!"

The hologram disappeared to raucous cheers from the people in line. Noctum winced. That enthusiasm sounded so forced it was painful. "I think I'm ready for a change of scenery," he said. Whatever awaited him in the factory couldn't be a sorrier sight than this.

"Great." Cyril pointed to a grate where the street met the sidewalk. "If my intel's correct, this'll lead you into the factory's ventilation system."

Seifer squinted at the grate. "And if your intel's wrong?"

"Then Zardy gets to take a nice, refreshing dip in the sewers," Cyril chirped. Seifer's snout wrinkled in disgust as he turned to Noctum.

"You don't have to agree to this."

Noctum shrugged. "I've had worse."

That earned a frown from Seifer. Noctum stepped toward the grate. Multiple floating taxis sped by. "Hey, uh, how am I supposed to do this without someone seeing me?"

Smirking, Cyril grabbed a canister from his bag with one of his tails. He glanced at Seifer. "Might wanna plug your nose."

That exasperated Seifer. "With what? I have hooves!"

Cyril twisted the canister open. A huge cloud of black smog spread across the street corner. Noctum's nostrils burned and his gag reflex nearly kicked in. Fortunately, he'd gone so long without a meal there was nothing he needed to keep down.

The charizard felt the grate under his feet even as car horns blared around him. Like he'd practiced earlier, Noctum concentrated on the strange spark of power coming from his belly.

Within seconds, the smoke disappeared, along with the horns. Warm air buffeted Noctum's belly. Cold gray steel surrounded him on all sides. Fans whirred in the distance.

Noctum had enough room to spread his wings, though the ventilator air rippled across his membranes like silverware poking flan. Still, Cyril was right. Noctum was thankful to not be taking a dip in a sewer.

He slowly drifted down the ventilator until he spotted a fan a few meters below him. "Psst! Cyril, you there?"

"I read ya, Zardy."

"There's a big fan blocking my path. What do I do?" Noctum slowly flapped his wings to keep his altitude.

"Maybe try offering it an autograph?"

Noctum heard a groan through the X-transceiver. Probably Seifer.

"In all seriousness, dismantle it. Can't have ya getting sliced into 'zard sashimi."

Noctum glanced at the fan, weighing his options. Ultimately, he opened his mouth and spewed a flamethrower. Though some of it threatened to blow back into his face, he applied enough force to blast apart the fan. An initial burst of hot air threatened to blow him several meters back up, but he pressed his hands and feet to the sides of the shaft and inertia did the rest.

Sighing in relief, Noctum continued forward. Every fan he crossed paths with met the same fate as the first one. After a while, Noctum reached a fork in his path, with the vent continuing down but also branching to his right. He relayed this new detail to Cyril.

"I'm pretty sure the finished product is at the top floor of the factory," Cyril explained. "So, I'd go right."

There was some muttering. Seifer objecting, perhaps? Noctum did have to admit he wished he was going off more than blind faith in someone who'd deceived him multiple times already. As he glided through the shaft, he silently prayed to Bahamut that he'd find what he needed.

"A reminder to all employees that a clean workplace is a happy workplace. Anyone caught littering will be subject to pointing and laughing."

Noctum hoped the eerily-cheerful female voice meant he was on the right path. Grates began to appear beneath him. All Noctum could see through the first few were gray floors. Hallways, if he had to guess.

The charizard approached another split path and hovered there, trying to listen for any sounds that could point closer to, well, the actual factory part of the facility. Realizing the occasional wing flap was making that harder, Noctum landed. The cold metal stung his feet, but Noctum ignored it and focused.

"Flapple would like to remind all employees that communication is the key to any successful workplace. As such, if you notice your colleagues slacking off, please report them to your supervisor."

The announcement came from the right path. Noctum took off once again, only to immediately encounter another fan. He paused, biting his lower lip. It was easy to get away with blasting them earlier. But now that he was within the facility, wouldn't someone hear the fan breaking?

Noctum shook his head. He could just fly away, right?

Please reward my faith, Bahamut. The charizard spewed another burst of fire. The fan broke apart and Noctum continued forward for a bit, stopping when he realized grated slits replaced the entirety of the shaft floor.

Now he had a clear view of everything. A black conveyer belt snaked across the floor beneath him. The walls were adorned with disturbing posters. One had an eevee sandwiched between a smiling umbreon and espeon with the caption "TEAM: Together Eternatus Achieves More." Another had a lopunny kneeling at a human's feet and pressing its face to his boots. It read "Leadership is knowing when to kiss up."

Gulping, Noctum focused on the conveyer belt. There were all sorts of strange mechanical arms and pincers moving in time with it, producing sparks on small black squares. Based on the ad Noctum saw earlier, that was likely the uPhone he needed to swipe.

Some of the arms had people standing next to them looking bored out of their skulls. A corphish was dangerously close to nodding off. Several meters away, a snover pulled a metal handle up and down, eyes glazed over.

Noctum frowned. He couldn't imagine a job where he stood around in one spot, doing the same thing over and over again. Where was the stimulation in that?

"Zardy, you still with us?"

He nearly jumped at Cyril's voice. "Yeah," Noctum whispered. "I found the phones. I think I'm where they put the finishing touches and box them up." His eyes moved with the conveyer belt and, sure enough, the end of the line saw two mechanical arms lifting uPhones into flattened cardboard for a pair of purple, grookey-like pokémon with two long tails ending in giant hands to fold up.

"Then snag one of the boxes before they get off the conveyer. Once you have it, use your crystal and you should be able to open a rift back home."

Noctum's heart fluttered. He'd get to go back to Horizon Gardens? Back to Yuna and Baraz? It was too good to be true!

"Sound the alarms! We've got an intruder in the vents!"

So good, in fact, Noctum didn't realize he'd stepped onto the grates and put himself in full view of the factory until one of the purple grookey yelled and pointed a tail-hand at him.

"Oh crap," Noctum squeaked. There was no sense hiding now. He smashed through the grate with a swipe of his metallic claws and dropped onto the conveyer belt below him.

"Protect the product!" a human in a lime-green jumpsuit and hard hat shouted from atop a yellow platform. She pulled a lever and the conveyer screeched to a halt while a klaxon blared throughout the factory.

Both purple grookey hopped onto their work stations and let loose a flurry of Swift stars. Noctum met them with gouts of fire, but he heard approaching footsteps. With a flap of his wings, he took off seconds before a spiked, electrified mace would've socked him between his wing joints. An Eternatus Trooper raised the mace back up.

"Halt, rebel!" the Trooper shouted. "Flapple is not responsible for any concussions or broken bones sustained as a result of your poor afterlife decisions!" It whipped both its spring-loaded arms back and shot them forward. At the same time, more Swift stars spread out behind Noctum.

Focusing on the Malice Crystal, Noctum warped several meters backward. The Trooper's fists struck air. "Hey!" Its maces dropped to the ground. "Dodging is not permitted!"

Noctum opened his mouth and spewed a large smokescreen. The purple grookey descended into coughing fits. Noctum dove down and grabbed the boxed uPhone they were in the process of completing when he'd been spotted.

"No, stop him!"

It was the forewoman, who now had a strange cannister trained on Noctum. A large rock shout out of it. Noctum had enough distance to easily strafe to his right, but there were now two Eternatus Troopers with their maces raised. Yelping, Noctum Phantom Warped up, but slammed his head against the sealing. He was fortunate enough to keep his grip on the uPhone, but another blow would cost him it, for sure!

"Zardy, what's going on? I'm hearing alarms through the X-transceiver!"

"I got spotted, but I got the phone!" Noctum said, coughing out another smokescreen that faded under a bevy of Swift stars. He flew for the broken vent, but the forewoman shot another rock from her bizarre rock launcher. It reminded Noctum of a concentrated Rock Blast. Why did she even have something like that?

The charizard rolled out of the way, managing to dodge a mace swing as well.

"Then make a rift and get out of there! Job's done!"

"How?!" Noctum approached the back corner of the factory. He'd have to turn around at this rate.

"Focus on your Malice and think about prying it apart like bursting through a locked door!"

He didn't have time to criticize Cyril's analogy. Noctum clenched what was left of his stomach muscles. The crystal, already glowing from his Phantom Warps, responded in kind. Purple shards formed on the wall Noctum flew toward. They opened up a jagged rift in the wall. Squeezing his eyes shut, Noctum dove into the rift seconds before a rock would've struck him. He could tell because its broken remnants pepper his backside as he tumbled through the distortion, curling around the boxed uPhone and trying not to look at the multiple red and purple eyes.

After a few seconds, Noctum landed on a bed of tulips and rolled to a stop against the outer rim of a flower garden. Groaning, he clutched his head.

"Did I… do it?"

The charizard sat up. Although he didn't recognize the tulip bed, he absolutely recognized the cozy brick buildings a few hundred meters in the distance.

He was back! Cyril had told the truth! Oh, thank God! Noctum wanted to cry, but there were more important matters to attend to. Namely, finding Yuna.

Fortunately, as he stumbled to his feet, Noctum was offered an obvious clue: several tables and booths sitting under a huge white tent, with a sign reading "Horizon Academy Club Fair."

Smiling and tucking the uPhone under his arm, Noctum took to the air and flew toward the tent. He got about halfway when he spotted a familiar toxtricity sitting on a rock absentmindedly strumming her gills. Noctum glided down and gently landed on the grass about a meter away. "Nikki!" He jogged the rest of the distance, waving at her.

Nikki pivoted atop the rock. "Look who's alive and kicking. I bet Princess will be—" She stopped herself. Her gaze fell toward Noctum's stomach. She rolled off the rock and held her hands up. "Yeah, I'm-a need you to stay where you are, dude."

Noctum stopped on the other side of the rock. "Ah, right." He looked at the Malice Crystal. "I can explain."

"Save it." Nikki took another step back. "I'm going to go… find Princess. Or Twiggy."

She turned and ran off, leaving Noctum standing in the field, clutching the uPhone box while his tail flame shrank.


As best Yuna could describe, the school day was a complete fog. She didn't remember waking up or Baraz escorting her to class. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Shimmer and Vegna were absent from the law class. Instead, there were instructions on the board about reading book chapters and answering questions based on them.

Likewise, Cid wasn't teaching his history class. Instead, there was a klefki whose name Yuna missed. She could hardly pay attention to him. The dreepy couldn't shake the sense that her classmates were staring at her. Reshiram insisted it was in her head, but that did her little good.

It was bad enough that she opted to skip lunch. Baraz offered to bring some food to her, which she accepted. Midmeal, however, Vortex broadcasted an announcement about the school's club fair. It would take place in the afternoon on the greens overlooking Horizon Gardens.

And so, at Baraz's insistence, Yuna found herself hovering toward the large white tent set up atop a hill to the west of the small town and its train station. Baraz waddled beside her, a newspaper clutched in his tiny hands.

"You've been carrying newspapers around all day," Yuna said. "What's the deal?"

"I, uh, couldn't help wanting to see what they wrote about yesterday." Baraz scratched his midsection with his free hand, generating a few sparks.

Yuna's gills shriveled. "Ugh. What did they say? Are they laying into me and Kain?"

"No." Baraz frowned. "In fact, aside from the Radiant Beacon, they're not covering it at all." He unfolded the newspaper in his right hand. Its cover had a picture of Starlene holding up a poster of herself and smiling for the camera. "They're all focused on this new song Starlene released yesterday: 'Hope Conquers All.'"

That gave Yuna mixed feelings. She was relieved to not come under fire. However, a part of her understood how callous it was to brush the event aside. Shouldn't Radiance's journalists be concerned about Xeromus? Or even Vegna? The former seemed especially dangerous to her.

"But if you went to talk about what you experienced, would they even listen to you?" Reshiram wondered.

I don't know. These are faceless strangers. Yuna's arms sagged as she floated on ahead.

"Ah, don't let it get to you, Princess." Baraz's large feet thumped against the grass as he awkwardly ran after her. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. You shouldn't let it detract from this club fair." He offered her a shaky smile. "Maybe you'll find something here that strikes your fancy? A way to unwind… or even make some friends!" His tail wiggled.

"Maybe," she whispered. Yuna couldn't shake her guilt. Vortex was trying to distract her classmates. She wanted to call it out for what it was, but who would listen to her? Her teammates, perhaps. But they seemed like outcasts at the school, too.

So, Yuna would play along. Perhaps she'd glance at the club tables briefly, determine nothing there suited her, and take her leave. Yes, that sounded like a solid plan.

She floated toward the south side of the tent. White folding tables stood in neat, evenly spaced columns. Some displayed signs. Others had posters on them. And a few had colorful tablecloths holding bowls filled with wrapped candy.

Where to start?

"What sorts of hobbies dost thou have?"
Rayquaza asked.

Yuna started down the column of tables on her right. Uh, reading, I guess? And painting my friends' claws. And, uh…

She stopped next to a table for the chess club. The luxray seated behind the table slid the sign-up clipboard away from Yuna.

… okay, wow. I'm more boring than I thought.

"Nonsense! That's quitter talk,"
Rayquaza harrumphed. "Reading is a gateway into worlds beyond. Mayhaps there is a book club hiding amongst this labyrinth."

"Something wrong, Princess?" Baraz asked, stepping to her side. "If you'd rather I wait outside the tent, I can do that."

Yuna was prepared to answer when brown swathes caught her attention. She glanced at the far end of the tent. A table that had, of all things, circular pieces of wood stacked up in neat little pillars. Curiosity piqued, Yuna began floating toward it when something cold and metallic brushed her left horn.


She pivoted left and found Chiaki standing there. He'd gone back to his black button-down shirt and pokébase cap.

"Got a second?" he whispered.

"Uh…" Yuna glanced at the table again. "I was kind of hoping to check out that club over there."

Chiaki's brow furrowed. "Wasn't a request. That charizard servant of yours is back, but there's a bit of a problem."

Yuna's ectoplasm quivered. "What happened? Where is he? I need to see him!"

Chiaki turned around. "Then you'll have to follow me."


Even as Noctum explained everything to Yuna, she couldn't take her eyes off the crystal in his stomach. It seemed to suck in the light around it. The normally warm oranges and yellows from Noctum tail flame were now hues of violet and lavender that sent a chill down Yuna's tail. How was he standing there talking like everything was okay?

And that wasn't even getting into what he had described. Sure, Aquardah had made her aware there were people living in Eternatus. But a linked civilization ruled by some tyrannical alien and his legion of weaponized unown? Humans and aliens mingling with pokémon? Some underground rebel group whose leader was a species that didn't exist as far as Etherium was concerned? And his assistant was Chiaki's mechanic… who was really a dead spirit walking amongst the living?

Yuna wasn't sure if she had the Soul Dew to thank for not passing out from information overload.

"I suppose you and Noctum are more alike than you thought," Reshiram said. "And now you both have powerful trinkets bonded with you."

"Yes, but his represents the power we art trying to thwart,"
Rayquaza reminded him. "In that sense, they are opposite sides of the same proverbial coin."

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Yuna saw winces from both dragons in her mind's eye. She focused on the hardwood floor. Each plank looked as if it'd been laid with care and glazed by hand.

"I'm not sure why you roped me into this." Leaning against a wall of tan wooden slits, Nikki yawned into her hand. "Or why we're in some cheap wooden box."

Beside her, Chiaki rolled his eyes. "You're the one who found Noctum. And I already told you, this is my bodyguard's apartment. She installed all the wood furnishings herself."

"Uh-huh." Nikki leaned to her left and squinted. "Your bodyguard lives in a shack instead of in the servant's quarters. Which would, y'know, put her closer to you." She shrugged her shoulders and jammed her hands in her jacket pockets. "Really feeling that team love and camaraderie, Twiggy."

Yuna rubbed her temples. "Guys, can we save this for another time?"

Nikki shrugged and Chiaki scowled. Both looked away from one another, silently approving Yuna's request.

"What happens now?" Yuna asked. She wanted to go up and hug Noctum, but the crystal in his stomach worried her. What if it reacted to the Soul Dew?

No, she had to push that thought aside for now. Business first, right? Yuna looked at the box Noctum gingerly held. "Those rebels want you to deliver that to them, right?" Her gills drooped. "Does that mean you have to go back to that, um, asteroid belt?"

Noctum tilted his head. "I'm not actually sure. But I assume that's the case."

"… oh." Yuna looked down. She had an urge to ask to go with him, but couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Oh, wait!" Noctum rubbed his forehead. "Cyril gave me this X-transthingy to keep in touch with him. Maybe it works out here?"

Baraz wagged his stubby tail. "Wow, that sounds amazing!"

The charizard pinched his right horn. "Hey, Cyril, can you hear me?"

Yuna looked at her teammates, who shrugged in unison. "I mean, you guys know more about this stuff than me," she said. "With those gemcom things."

"I've got reception!" Noctum cheered. Nikki jumped in surprise, mane frazzling.

"Cripes! Didn't anyone ever teach you about using your inside voice?" she growled.

Noctum grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. It caught me by surprise, that's all." He tapped his horn. "This thing's incredible." He paused. "Maybe not worth all the craziness in the big techno city, but still cool."

"… tch. I could've told you it'd work," Chiaki grunted, arms crossed and head tucked against his chest. "What's the deal, then? Cyril going to send you back to this Eterna City place or what?"

Noctum repeated the question out loud while squeezing his horn. He closed his eyes in thought while everyone else looked at him expectantly.

"The city's on high alert?" Noctum winced. "Yeah, I guess that's my fault. B-But you're the one who told me to—" He suddenly went silent and stared at the box.

Nikki smirked. "Heh, how does it feel knowing your servant's a wanted 'mon, Princess?"

"Pot calling the kettle black much?" Chiaki scoffed. "I bet your disciplinary file is longer than a six-car train."

Nikki blew a raspberry at Chiaki.

"Real mature," the grovyle sneered.

"Bite me."

"I would, but you'd probably like it."

Yuna ignored them and turned back to Noctum, who repeatedly nodded and whispered, "Uh-huh."

"Well?" She tilted her head.

"He's not sure how to complete the handoff," Noctum said, rubbing the back of his head.

Chiaki pushed himself off the wall and approached the charizard. "Would he be willing to try and meet you in Venish?"

Yuna quirked a brow. Wasn't that the city that had come up in Benedict's trial? Why there of all places?

Noctum looked ready to ask the same thing when Chiaki held up his good hand. "I've got business to attend to there tomorrow night." When he was met with skeptic looks, he added, "Family business. And I might need Fen— sorry, Cyril's help."

"Family business… while your so-called bodyguard is chilling inside Eternatus?" Nikki squinted. "Yeah, that totally makes sense. Except for the part where it doesn't."

"Obviously he'd bring Valkyrie with him." Chiaki flicked his prosthetic arm dismissively. "Look, just ask him if that can be arranged."

Noctum had his hand on his right horn. "Did you get all of that, Cyril?"

Silence, then Noctum nodded slowly. "Okay. Yeah." He nodded again. "Sure, I'll tell him." Noctum took his hand off his horn. "Cyril said he'll try and make it work. Apparently Venish is linked to some sort of processing plant called Outpost R3X. The rebel leader has a bunch of friends who work there, converting tar into building materials."

A smirk tugged at Chiaki's lips. "See? It works out for everyone."

"What about us?" Nikki gestured to Yuna, then thumped her chest. "We supposed to twiddle our thumbs while you two go stuff your faces with Venishian food?"

Chiaki rolled his eyes. "I don't think you want to go where I'm going."

Nikki slouched against an oaken cabinet. "Ever the buzzkill, huh, Twiggy?"

Yuna looked to her right, where a window had been boarded up. Was there still time to get back to the club fair? Maybe she could leave with Noctum and Baraz while her teammates bickered?

A knock at the door drew a surprised squeak from Yuna. Chiaki whirled around. "The hell?" He crouched low. "Who's out there!"

More knocks, followed by a, "Look, just open the door."

Nikki's brows raised. "Hey, I recognize that voice." She stepped away from the cabinet and raised her right arm. "Take a chill pill, Twiggy, this guy's cool." The toxtricity walked up to the door and swung it open with more force than was necessary.

Yuna gasped. A milotic was coiled up in the hall, but his scales lacked the usual sparkle and luster she'd come to expect from them. In fact, he was downright shabby, with patches of graying scales and dirt caked on his ribbons and tailfins.

"I guess that might explain why Nikki knows him," Reshiram mumbled. "He must be from a shaky financial situation, like her."

Maybe? That's still a bit… harsh to say,
Yuna countered.

"You were thinking it, too, though."

Yuna didn't respond. Instead, she addressed Milotic. "Can we, um, help you with something?"

"Actually, I think I can help you." Milotic pointed his ribbons at Nikki and Yuna. "You guys need a reason to go to Venish, right?"

Chiaki stomped up to Nikki's side. "You were eavesdropping?"

Milotic pursed his lips. "I mean… yeah? I just admitted it."

Chiaki narrowed his eyes. "And we should trust you because…"

"Because I caught Vortex and his gardevoir assistant skulking around the servant's quarters," Milotic declared. "They're moving the Crowne Cup's first leg to Venish and intend to rig things to get your team kicked out."


CDL-201A: Eternatus Brawler
The Eternatus Trooper model specializing in close-ranged combat. Like all standard models, its UFO-like hull houses the unown controlling the mech suit. Its three legs have gyroscopic sensors to allow the Brawlers to maintain their sense of balance all while relentlessly pursuing their targets. Their armor plating is supposed to be tougher than their Gunner counterparts, but Boss Kitty can still rip through them when he's actually trying.

The real danger is in their spring-loaded arms. Each one ends in a spike-covered mace with Hidden Power augmentation. I don't know if they can change the typing of their maces or not, but they always seem to have the right energy to deal with whatever threats the archbishop wants incapacitated.

Like other Troopers, aim for their glass domes and try to knock out the unown. Otherwise, the hull will eject itself and try and press forward with its mission.

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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, dusting my review series of this story off. Since it's been long enough and I figured it was time to start writing stuff on PoV before I fell behind on it too badly. Picking up where I left off with...

Chapter 27

Noctum had flown with a passenger before. A passenger being the key.

He had not had to strap on a large, purple harness with two metal seats, knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet with holes for his horns, and a neon green vest with "Eterna City Poké Ride" scribbled across it in blocky letters.

Perhaps the most humiliating part about flying side by side with the strange hovercrafts was the small flag reading "TRAINEE" protruding from his backside and fluttering with the breeze. As if Noctum hadn't flown without incident for years. Hell, he'd flown well while concussed the other week. But, sure, he had to act the part because the creepy alien zoroark told him to.

Noctum: "Was it really too much to just have a tarp with some loops on it like in Power Trip? Seriously, why do I need the helmet and knee pads when those aren't going to provide meaningful protection for me in a crash?" >_>;
Fenrir: "City regulations, git gud and you'll have that trainee gear off you before you know it."

"So, tell me again why exactly we need to steal one of these uPhones." Seifer sat fastened into one of the metal seats on the harness. Cyril sat beside him, back in his ice ninetales disguise. "Wouldn't it be easier to do the legal thing and buy it?"

"Easier? Sure," Cyril replied. "But it'd defeat the purpose."

You're really shameless sometimes, you know that?

Seifer: "Which is what again?" :?

Horns blared behind Noctum. The charizard flinched, but steadied on while a jet black hovercar passed him on the left. It's okay. I'm in the right lane, he told himself.

"And that purpose is?"

Cyril sighed. "If Boss Kitty's intel is correct, the uPhone 33 has a special chip in it that the archbishop can use to track the phone's movements throughout the Qliphoth."

Waaaaait, but I'm pretty sure you can do this already with pretty much any cellphone in circulation IRL already. Does the Qliphoth not play nice with GPS? Also, cell tower triangulation would allow you to narrow down a search area to within a few blocks regardless of chipset.

Noctum wondered why anyone would be putting food in their electronics, but kept that thought to himself.


Guess hailing from a tech-deprived backwoods has its advantages for humor moments.

"Couldn't that be helpful?" Seifer wondered. "Like, if someone's in danger, the authorities could locate them faster."

Fenrir: "And you realize that we have bounties on our heads from those same authorities right now, right?" >:|
Seifer: "... Okay, I think I'm seeing the problem here."

"Sure. Or it could be used to expand the archbishop's surveillance state," Cyril growled. Fluffy tails brushed Noctum's thigh and he tried his best to hold his laughter.

I'm expecting it to come out that either Paradox's panopticon works just fine without these new phones or else Paradox is just boomer-tier when it comes to technology. Since you can already do some Black Mirror-tier stuff with existing surveillance technologies IRL.

"H-Hey, keep your tails in your seat." Noctum flapped his wings to keep the proper altitude.

"Right, sorry." Cyril adjusted his position. "You're going down at the light up ahead."

Noctum saw traffic lights with rotom clearly inside of them. The light for his lane had arrows pointing down. He was happy he wouldn't have to try changing lanes.

Oh, almost forgot to put on the BGM for the dystopian cyberpunk hellscape:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWv8T5FsyzY

Noctum: "How are those Rotom not going crazy just sitting in the same lights all the time day in and day out?" .-.
Fenrir: "Pretty sure they dick around with motorists in their free time. Just hurry up before the signal changes.

"Anyway, point is: I want to get my paws on one of those chips." Cyril continued. "See if I can analyze it. Could prove useful for the rebellion."

"I still don't see why you can't buy it," Seifer huffed.

"The phones are activated once they're purchased," Cyril countered. "Meaning the chip would start tracking my movements. I need an inactive phone. And the only way to get that is from the factory, which happens to be under Flapple's flagship store."

Or, hear me out: You could just arrange for a straw buyer and have them just pull out the battery before handing the phone over. Or invest in a $5 Faraday pouch that de facto airgaps your phone from mobile networks, get out of dodge from the point of sale quickly, and wait for the battery to drain the hard way.

Noctum slowly glided down toward the street. The bottoms of these buildings were much less impressive that what he'd flown past. They had varying layers of rust or patches of crystals growing on their front staircases and railings.

"And you really think we can break into some major company's factory?" Seifer tapped a forehoof against his seat. Noctum glanced back at him and frowned. The keldeo offered an apologetic look.

"Us? No. But Zardy can," Cyril replied.

Again, Fenrir. Five. Dollars. If you have IRL-style EMP shielding in the Qliphoth, you almost certainly have this too since it's literally a toy-sized version of the same premise. >:V

Noctum: "U-Uh, Fenrir?! Are you sure there's no other way to-?!" O.O
Fenrir: "Look, we should assume these are magical phones that can get around normal electromagnetic interference, okay? So no there's not a better way of doing this. Now hurry it up already!" >:|

Fortunately, Noctum touched down and shuffled toward the sidewalk, so he could properly react. "Wait, me? Look at me!" The seat harness made it impossible for him to grab his tail. "Charizard aren't built for break-ins. My tail will give me away."

Cyril hopped out of his seat. "Not if you Phantom Warp."

Noctum froze. "Come again?"

Noctum: "Look, if I'm just hearing about this move for the first time, how do you expect me to use it?!" >_>;

"Phantom Warp." Cyril pointed to the crystal in Noctum's belly. "Don't you remember how Boss Kitty got inside the charjabus?"

Noctum tapped his chin. "You mean, in a blur with all that distorted energy around him?"

"That's the ticket." Cyril fluffed out his tails. "I don't see why you can't do it, too. That's why I took us here." With three of his tails, he gestured toward an alleyway between two of the buildings. "Perfect place to practice."

Noctum: "Oh dear god." ._.
Fenrir: "Well you're certainly never going to get good at it with an attitude like that."

Seifer didn't look convinced. "So, you're telling me a charizard is going to teleport?"

A dry laugh greeted Seifer. "You're a riot," Cyril mused, rolling his eyes. "It's not teleportation, it's a Phantom Warp." He held up a forepaw. "Like the name implies, you temporarily convert your body to Malice and phase out of existence to move several meters in any direction."

Noctum jumped back in fright. "What? I don't wanna disappear!"

Noctum: 'Also, how's this supposed to work with passengers again?" ._.
Fenrir: "Worked fine for Boss Kitty taking us along, otherwise you wouldn't have seen my grill."

Noctum: "Look, are you sure that there's not an easier-?"
Fenrir: "Again. Magical phones. So no, there is no easier way to do this."

"Relax, Zardy. I said 'temporary.'" Cyril shook his head. "Fact is, there's plenty of tech in Eternatus that blocks any and all attempts at teleportation." He stepped toward the building on his left and place his forepaw against it. "But the Phantom Warp makes it so you're nothing but an apparition. We're talking dodging attacks, phasing through solid objects, and bypassing any pesky barriers Troopers use to stop psychics."

Well that's certainly a handy upside to being in a realm full of undead people.

Cyril pulled his forepaw away and looked at the grime on it with a frown. Shaking his forepaw out, he turned to Noctum, "So, what d'ya say? Why don't you give it a try?" He jerked his head over his shoulder toward a wall with electrified razor wire on top of it. "Phantom Warp through that wall over there."

I see Fenrir is a fan of just yeeting fledglings from the nest when it comes to building skills.

Noctum: "... Would it have killed you to have picked a paper sliding wall or something like that to practice on first?"

Seifer: "Um. Cyril, was it? Given that we're going to crash into anything that Noctum does if he doesn't get this right. Are you sure there's not a safer-" O_O;
Fenrir: "Look, you need motivation to get Phantom Warp right. This is as good of motivation as any."
Seifer: "... We are so dead."

Noctum looked up at the razor wire and whimpered. "Can't I just fly over it? Besides, what if I get stuck in the wall?"

"Then it'll have been an honor knowing you," Cyril deadpanned. Seifer looked aghast at the ninetales, who shook his head. "Look, you and your buddies waltzing into the bazaar without ID looplets screwed up the plan Gene and I had. So, you've got to fix it."

If the Faraday pouches idea would've worked, these two need to never ever let this guy hear the end of it. >:V

Noctum was willing to help, but using a new technique to do so unsettled him. Too many things could go wrong.

Cyril sighed again. "How about this? If you snag the uPhone, you can go back to Horizon Gardens immediately."

"R… really?"

Cyril nodded. "Cross my heart."


Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

Seifer's broken horn sparked. "Wait, what about me?"

"Sorry, pony-boy. You and I have to keep a low profile." Cyril chuckled as Seifer's face reddened. The ninetales stepped up to Noctum and produced a small clip. He fastened it to Noctum's right horn with two of his tails.

Seifer: "I'm a Keldeo with a broken horn. How on earth do you expect me to keep a low profile here?!" >_>;
Fenrir: "By not moving around constantly, duh."

"What are you doing?" Noctum wanted to swat the tails away, but Cyril was faster. He unhooked the buckles for Noctum's harness and it dropped to the ground behind him.

"I gave you an X-transceiver, so we can stay in contact," Cyril explained. "Now, get moving. Time's a-wasting."

... Wait, how is this not immediately causing issues from whatever the Qliphoth's equivalent of cell tower triangulation is? Since the moment their messages get picked up by whoever's surveilling telecom messages in there, they potentially have a hard time limit to get out of dodge before the Eternatus Troopers get dispatched depending on how long their average response time is.

Noctum stepped up toward the wall. On closer inspection, it was made of pure cobalt. It absorbed some of the razor wire's glow. He looked down at the crystal in his chest, then back at the wall.

"Uh, what am I supposed to do here, exactly?"

Cyril shrugged. "How would I know?"

Seifer: "... Uh yeah, I'm starting to think we should go with that paper sliding partition right about now." O_O;
Noctum: "How on earth do you expect me to practice at something when nobody has any idea of how this is supposed to work?!" >.<
Fenrir: "Hey man, I'm not the one with the Malice Crystal in my gut. Just... I dunno, think warp-y thoughts or something."

"Because you brought it up?" Seifer somehow looked even more exhausted than before.

"Just because I know it exists doesn't mean I can make it work," Cyril retorted. "That's Gene's department. And he's not here."

... How on earth has this rebellion not collapsed with planning like this? .-.

Noctum pinched his brow. Why couldn't Valkyrie be the one with the stomach crystal? Guilt over that thought immediately followed. Sighing, Noctum widened his stance and crouched down. He extended his arms toward the wall.

Fenrir: "Because I'd probably die if I tried to deal with Val in this fashion? Sounds like a pretty good reason to me."

Seifer: "Sounds like more of a reason why she ought to have been the one in this position." >_>;

"Kah!" Noctum thrust his hands forward. Nothing happened.

He tried again. Nothing happened.

"Dash!" Noctum flicked his wrists. Nothing happened.

"I will say this, Zardy. Gene never shouts to get it to work," Cyril deadpanned.

Noctum: "Can't you give me more than that to work with?!" >.<

Groaning, Noctum's shoulders sagged. He was doing the best he could under the circumstances. But this could be my ticket home. So, he needed to focus.

Noctum's brow furrowed. He concentrated on his body. Every twitch of every muscle. The air moving through his nostrils with each breath he took.

It was then that something tugged on Noctum's gut. It was cold and slimy, like a huntail. Noctum concentrated on that unfamiliarity. Then a tingle spread over his entire body. Instinct told him to dive forward. Noctum thought he spread his wings, but there wasn't any actual movement. The dark purple tint of the city blurred all around him.

Within seconds, Noctum stumbled forward, his world spinning. After the dizziness settled down, Noctum found himself staring down a different alleyway. There were metal fire escapes sticking out from the buildings on either side of him. A neon billboard in the distance cast a golden glow along the alley from a stylized G in its center.

For all your home appliance needs, trust Galactic Appliances… for the win!

Oh, so that's what Team Galactic got up to after Eterna City got yeeted into the Qliphoth.

Noctum: "Did- Did I do it? What on earth just happened there?"

"Hey, Zardy, you still in one piece?"

"Gah!" Noctum jumped at Cyril's voice. It was so prominent, yet the fake ninetales was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm talking to you through the X-transceiver, dummy."

Noctum rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I realize that now."

"In any case, looks like you Phantom Warped. Congratulations, pats on the back, and all that jazz. Now do it a few more times so you can get the rhythm down."

Noctum: "L-Look, can we at least do the other jumps in a safer environment-?"

It was hard for Noctum to feel good with Cyril's halfhearted compliment. "Right. Just give me a second."

Noctum was sure this long day was only going to get longer.

I mean, given what Fenrir's shown off of his decision-making skills... yeah, I'm with Noctum on this one.

The path to the Rebel Grill, advertised as "Guzzie's" by an electronic sign, was another moving walkway surrounded by a glass tube. Valkyrie easily could've stomped along and been there in no time flat, but she opted to hang back. The only grilling she wanted was of what happened to Quetzal to bring him to Horizon Academy in the first place.

Oh, sounds like we're getting a Guzzlord onscreen really quickly.

His answers were far from helpful. All he could recall was a giant Phantom with a bird mask that effortlessly defeated him with Dynarockfall, killed Crowne Minister Douglas, uprooted the Needle in his mansion, and morphed him into the form he currently occupied. After that, he woke up in Eterna City beside Seifer.

Valkyrie looked out at the expanse of stars and auroras. After a bit of silence, she said, "Makes you feel pretty small, doesn't it?"

Quetzal shuffled awkwardly on the moving walkway. "I suppose. Does it upset you?"

Valkyrie: "You do realize that I'm from a social outcast class in my homeland, right? I think that I'm already used to feeling pretty small here." >_>;

"Hardly." Valkyrie rubbed her snout with her forearm. "Soldier. Bodyguard. At the end of the day, we both live to follow orders. Cogs in the machine."

Still, Valkyrie wondered how much she'd missed back in Radiance. There was that big trial happening. One way or another, the outcome would lead to some sort of job from her handlers. And here she was, stuck in the very same spirit realm whose existence she shrugged off long ago.

Well, that's certainly a really dim worldview there. Even if you kinda need a view like that to some extent as a hitman. .-.

"What should we do now?" Quetzal wondered. "We find that dumb cat," Valkyrie replied, stepping off the moving walkway. Another circular doorway slid open to reveal a circular room bathed in the glow of purple lights. There were three levels of the room, with the first in the center comprised of several tables and purple benches surrounding a mechanical tauros. There was a pale human in a plaid shirt and jeans sitting atop it, holding on for dear life.

The garchomp stepped into the restaurant for a better view. Some of the nooks on the third level with her had brightly-flashing arcade machines. Others had PV screens… or whatever the hell the Eternatus equivalent was. She even spotted a pinball table, "Revenge of the Black Knight," in the far-left corner, next to the bar. Said bar had its own luminescent glow, as did the jukebox to the right of it.

I feel like that's some sort of reference, but I'm drawing blanks there. Since there's a lot of candidates for what that could be.

"Namaste… and peace be with you, travelers."

Valkyrie turned right and recoiled. "The hell—"

A massive, gaping maw full of razor-sharp teeth towered over her. It was like a damned portal!

Valkyrie hopped back, brandishing her claws at the two black pincers stuck out of the mouth. One waved, the other held a tray with fizzy beverages glowing different shades of orange.

Quetzal puffed out his feathers. "N… nice daemon. I don't actually taste like poultry!"

Ah, so here's that Guzzlord.

"Ah, Guzzie is the first guzzlord you have laid eyes on." He stepped back, allowing Valkyrie to see a smaller set of black arms and a tiny black head between two pointed horns. Guzzie's small, yellow eyes were guilty. "Guzzie does not want violence. Please forgive Guzzie."

"Uh-huh." Valkyrie shot a scathing look at Quetzal. If this was who Seifer hired, no wonder he got sacked for ineffectiveness. "So, you're the guy whose name's on this joint?"

Quetzal: "H-Hey! You were scared too!" >v>
Valkyrie: "Look, I didn't go full 'please don't eat me!' okay?" >_>;

Guzzie nodded. "Guzzie is head chef for Rebel Grill. Guzzie wants to give tired travelers smiles in their bellies." He turned to his right. "Or at least some respite from meanie archbishop." His smaller arms shrugged. "Can Guzzie bring you to table?"

Though food sounded good, Valkyrie had more pressing matters. "Actually, we're looking for Gene. He brought us here, then took off without us. Any idea where he is?"

"Yes." Guzzie's sigh was loud enough to make the floor rattle under Valkyrie's feet. He scratched his tiny head. "Gene got into shouting match with angry chatot pirate. Guzzie told them to take it outside."

Really playing to type there. Though Guzzie's certainly leaving quite a surprising first impression for his species there.

Valkyrie quirked a brow. "Outside meaning?"

"Junior's Slaughterplex." Guzzie pointed right. Valkyrie followed his pincer where, outside the massive glass wall, a giant arena platform hovered in place. There were even floating bleachers filled with spectators. Some cheering, others looking bored. All the bleachers had large projection screens offering Valkyrie a good view of the action.

Three dragalge floated below Gene, each with gray armor and helmets adorned by a tyrantrum skull and crossbones. They shot Dragon Pulses from their snouts in unison. Gene summoned a glowing pink spoon and twirled it rapidly. The resulting barrier deflected the blue bolts effortlessly.

"What do you zink you are doing?!" a small, colorful bird with a music note head, eyepatch, and pegleg shouted, waving his wings around. Valkyrie figured this was the chatot thing Guzzie mentioned. "Stop attacking in unison! You are only making it easier for him!"

Valkyrie: "... Why on earth couldn't this guy have gotten into an alley fight like a normal cat?" ._.
Guzzie: "Gene theatrical type like that. Comes with territory of being rebel leader."

"We be trying our best, Gilbert!" the dragalge closest to the chatot fired back, only for Gene to appear right in front of him. The mewtwo grabbed him and pivoted, using Dragalge as a meat shield against the incoming Dragon Pulses. Dragalge went limp. Gene hurled him at the pirate on his right. Both dragalge rolled into an unconscious pile on the edge of the arena.

Gilbert facepalmed while the remaining dragalge tried to flee. Gene closed the distance in an instant and smacked Dragalge with his glowing tail. Dragalge went careening out of the arena to thunderous applause from the crowd, interspersed with a few jeers.

Wouldn't that be "facewinged" since he's a bird? Though that's what happens when you try to fight as fish out of water. And Gene's certainly got some good technique there. :V

Quetzal jumped in surprise when Dragalge slammed into the glass wall. "That one… shivered me timbers," he wheezed before sliding off the glass.

Quetzal: "Yeesh, rough neighborhood." ·v·
Valkyrie: "Well the puns are as awful as always, at least." >_>;

"Okay, well, looks like we found him." Quetzal shuffled uneasily. "Can we go home now?"

"Oh my! And Gene has effortlessly dispatched the Blackskull Buccaneers!"

Valkyrie: "I mean, he only faced literal fish out of water. With a type disadvantage. That doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment." >_>;
Zapdos: "I dunno, even with that, how many guys finish off their opponents with a takedown straight out of Smash Bros? He's got good form, at least. Just remind me to never make him angry." ·v·

Valkyrie trotted forward, ignoring Quetzal calling out to her. She spotted a miniature version of Guzzie standing atop a hover platform and holding a microphone. "Who could have possibly seen this development coming?" he declared. "Oh, right, everyone. How utterly booooring. Little Guzzie demands more violence! More bloodshed! Agree with me, my peanut gallery! Agree!"

... Am I reading Mettaton as a shrunken Guzzlord there? :V

While the crowd applauded, Gene pointed a sparking index finger at Gilbert. "Well, bud, looks like it's just you and me. Gonna face me yourself or what?"

Gilbert's good eye widened. He looked left, then right. The chatot grabbed his right wing. "Ah, sacré bleu! I have sprain-ed my wing!" Gilbert collapsed on his back. "Oh, ze cruelty! Alzough I could have ze kicking of your posterior with ze ease, I am in no fit state for ze fighting."

Valkyrie rolled her eyes, as did Gene.

Well this guy's certainly no Jean-Baptiste du Casse, though I see that PoVverse seems to have a thing for French-themed characters with deficient bravery stats.

"But have no fear, mon ami!" Gilbert hopped back to his feet. "My less attractive stunt double will battle in my stead!" He tilted his head up. "Oh, Jacques!"

The floor once again rumbled. Even the floating arena was shaking. Gene crouched down, but was blindsided when what looked like a white wrecking ball careened into him from behind. The mewtwo rolled across the arena, the Malice Crystal in his shoulder kicking up sparks.

As Gene struggled to his feet, the wrecking ball uncurled, revealing an off-looking aggron. Valkyrie pressed her arms into the glass. His normal gray pelt was covered in a layer of thick white armor. He slammed his white-ringed tail on the ground and raised his spiked forearms into the air.

"Come and get some, kitty!" Jacques roared.

Oh hey, there are Mega Evolutions in this story. Also, small typo there.

Valkyrie: "An Aggron pirate? Why does this sound strangely familiar to me?"
Guzzie: "Is big Qliphoth. Guzzie say there bound to be more than one Aggron pirate around."
Queztal: "Yeah, and if you're thinking of the character I think you are, I'd expect someone a bit more incompetent."
Valkyrie: "Yeah, you'd think he'd be called 'Renault' or something like that. But whatever, I'm pretty sure that Aggron's toast since A: Gene's a main character, B: I'm pretty sure Mewtwo learn Aura Sphere by levelup."

Valkyrie sucked in a sharp breath.

It can't be… trance?!

Those kinds of transformations were meant to be the result of mastering control over Dynaforce! Why could some dead aggron pull it off?

Oh hey, we FF9 nao. That's certainly a clever way of handling Mega Evolution since... yeah, Trance basically did that in that game for the characters that could use it.

A little surprised you didn't opt for Adelbert/Steiner here, since when in Trance he looked a lot like Mega Aggron visually and it'd have some funny irony value for the casting.

"That was a cheap shot," Gene grumbled, grabbing his head and twisting it slightly. "Guess I'm just going to have to return the favor."

"I'd like to see you try." Jacques squared up his stance and punched the arena floor. Stone Edge spires shot up in waves. Gene went airborne, effortlessly floating past them. With a smirk and grunt, however, Jacques slammed his glowing tail into the rocks. His Iron Tail shattered the rocks. Shards careened through the air.

Rolling his eyes, Gene stuck his left hand forward. "Did you forget who you're dealing with here?" With his eyes glowing blue, Gene captured every shard in his telekinetic grasp and returned them to their sender.
... Yeah, should've just chucked an Aura Sphere there. Less flashy, but even with Filter in play, far, far more effective than that counter.

"Idiot! Look up!" Valkyrie shouted, before remembering she was in the restaurant and there was no way he'd hear her. Nevertheless, Gene realized that Jacques had leaped into the air and was looking to drive a glowing fist right into his skull.

She wasn't going to let her way home evaporate in some godforsaken death arena. Valkyrie spotted a staircase tucked away behind the bar and sprinted toward it. Hooking her left arm on the railing, the garchomp slid down it with ease. She arrived on a grated metal platform. In fact, there was an entire crisscrossing network of metal walkways under the arena. The dragalge Gene had knocked out of the arena lay in a crumpled heap to Valkyrie's right.

"What an intense stalemate!" Junior's shrill voice drew Valkyrie's attention back to the arena. Gene still floated in the same spot as before, eyes brimming bright blue. A similar glow surrounded Jacques, who was fighting against Gene's telekinesis.

Valkyrie: "For crying out loud, use Aura Sphere already!"
Jacques: "Oi, don't just tell him that!"
Gene: "Look, he's not exactly a normal Aggron right now, okay?!"
Valkyrie: "You didn't even try it yet!" >.<
Gene: "In case if you haven't noticed, I've kinda got my telekinetic hands full here!" >_>;

What's that idiot doing? Valkyrie dashed along one of the walkways leading to the grandstands on the left of the arena. Fling Aggron away!

"Ha ha ha!" Gilbert's pegleg clunked against the metal arena floor. "What is ze matter, kitty? Is ze mega evolution proving too much for you? Zere is no shame in zrowing in ze towel."

Gene was straining. The smirk Valkyrie barely made out on Jacques' face told her that much. Was there something else going on? Something Gene hadn't accounted for?

Yeeeeeah, if this is just a straight Mega Aggron fight, you might want to more explicitly communicate why Gene isn't either breaking into Aura Sphere spam, or else not flinging Jacques back to buy time for said Aura Sphere spam. And if it's not a straight Mega Aggron fight as I think you hinted on some other parts of the internet, you probably want to provide more of a hint than that to the audience as to what's going on, since I didn't pick up on anything beyond the Mega-ness being out of the ordinary.

She couldn't sit by. She had to strike. Neither pirate was aware of her. Valkyrie had a clear view of Jacques' right side. If she could only find a vulnerable spot. Something. Anything.


It was subtle. A small chink in the back right part of Jacques' neck. However, that was all Valkyrie needed. She hopped up on the railing behind her and angled her mouth at Jacques.

Deep breath. Focus on the target. Don't overthink it.

Tightening her neck and jaw muscles, Valkyrie spat a small but brilliant Dragon Pulse beam. It struck the crack in Jacques' neck. His smirk melted away. The aggron's face twisted in agony. And that was all Gene needed.

>Dragon Pulsing a Steel-type when everybody and their mother as Dragon-types can pick up Flamethrower

Honestly a little surprised that Val opted for that instead of something a bit more reliable given that her job requires her to know how to wreck another 'mon's day in short order. Though I can already tell that this is going to end terribly even if it'll help Gene win the immediate match.

Valkyrie: "Er... that was a bit flashier than I thought it'd be. Hopefully nobody noticed that?"

The stalemate broke. Gene telekinetically slammed Jacques into the ground. The arena rumbled above Valkyrie. She hopped off the railing to keep her footing, locking eyes briefly with Gene. He then took the opportunity to hurl an Aura Sphere into Jacques' face. Then another. And another.

After the fourth Aura Sphere, the aggron stopped writhing in pain.

Valkyrie: "You knew Aura Sphere all this time and didn't use it at all in this fight until just now?!" >_>;
Gene: "Again, I had my hands full!" >_>;

"What is this? A sudden intrusion in Gene's favor?!"

The hover platform Junior stood atop quickly found its way to Valkyrie, as did a few rotom drones. Her stoic expression was on the arena's big screens for everyone to see. There was a mixture of gasps and jeers from the audience.

"My, my. What a feisty looking garchomp!" Junior spoke into his jewel-encrusted microphone. "Could it be you wish to try your claws in Little Guzzie's Arena… of Dooooom?!"

Yuuuup, I had a feeling that this was going to backfire.

Valkyrie: "Er... well, as tempting as that offer is, but I think you're out of pirates, so I think I'll just be going right about now-"

"Hardly." Valkyrie huffed out dragonfire. "That dweeb is my ride home." She jerked her head in Gene's direction.

"Oh ho! So, bot-bashing Gene has found himself a new squeeze." Junior rubbed his two upper pincers together. "Swoon over the weird couple, audience. Swoon, I say!"

Valkyrie ignored the audience's laugher. She hopped up to Junior's hover platform and used it to glide safely onto the arena, where Gilbert was fretting over the unconscious Jacques. "Beat it, pipsqueak," she growled. "Gene and I have business."
Well, that worked out better for Val than I thought.

Valkyrie: "Whew, for a second, I was worried I was going to get chased out of here by an angry mob."

Gilbert looked up. Immediately, a sheen took over his good eye. "Pipsqueak? Mmm." He climbed onto Jacques' belly. "I will let zat insult slide, for you, mademoiselle, are one part handful and two parts oooh-la-la."

Valkyrie: "Did- Did I just get hit on by a bird? A dead bird?"

Gilbert: "No need to be so shy. None of les dames can resist the charms of the dashing Gilbert!"

"That so?" Valkyrie slammed her tail against the arena floor. "Maybe I should hurl you into the restaurant wall like Gene did to your buddy."

"Aha ha." Gilbert nearly fell off Jacques. "I am zinking not. But know zis, Mademoiselle Chomp… Chatot Gilbert, first mate extraordinaire, is never one to shy away from a beauty like yourself." He slowly bowed, using the wing he claimed was broken. "We shall meet again. But for now, I bid you adieu."

Wait. He's a First Mate? Then who on earth is the Captain? .-.

Two rotom drones had finished putting Jacques onto a stretcher and flew off with the aggron and Gilbert in tow. Gene then walked up to Valkyrie, slowly applauding.

"Quite the performance." The mewtwo grinned at her. "I daresay you'll make a fine rebel."

"Cut the crap." She held a claw up to Gene's chin. "You're sending me home. Now."

Valkyrie: "Considering how you almost jobbed to an Aggron when you had a supereffective move all this time that couldn't miss... yeah, I'll take a pass on joining your rebellion." >_>;
Gene: "Look, I got sneak attacked and was off balance, okay?" >.<

"Yeeeeah." Gene pressed a finger to Valkyrie's claw and pushed it away. "See, that's not a good idea."

Valkyrie bared her fangs. "Why not?"

Smirking, Gene grabbed Valkyrie's head and turned it so she could see Quetzal pacing in the restaurant's glass wall. "Because the last thing you want is for me to open a rift here and walk a Radiant Guardsmon straight into the Ryujin's secret underground city." Gene twisted Valkyrie's head back. There was a red glint in his eyes. "After all, once they realize you're the lone Citadark escapee, they'll give you the needle and you'll be stuck here for good."


Though Gene suddenly took on some much more shifty tones from that, since... yeah. I kinda have to side-eye at anyone who keeps someone in line in a fashion like that.

Valkyrie: "A-Are you seriously blackmailing me into joining your incompetent band of rebels here?!"

Gene: "Am I really so incompetent if I could think of that?" >:3

Valkyrie tensed. "How did—"

Gene flashed his canines. "People like us know how to get to the bottom of things effortlessly. Isn't that right… Prisma?"

Again. WHAT.

I certainly wasn't expecting to see that name again, let alone on a protagonist.

"That's it, then?"

Vortex leaned over a plain tan conference table to look at a projection. It had a map of Venish, with its crisscrossing canals leading out to sea east of the city. One part on the top right of the map had a large purple spiral in it; the distortion given off by the disappeared Needle. Dashed red lines ran through the water, thankfully not reaching the city or its canals.

A barraskewda's head flopped up and down. He nearly lost the white sailor's hat that was clearly too large for his arrow-shaped head. "Yes. As far as we know, anyway."

- Meanwhile in the background singing can be heard -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnoqzFrQ_aY

Vortex: "... Aren't the citizenry a bit chipper about a Mystery Dungeon opening up right on their doorstep?"
Barraskewda: "Oh no, that's for the state funeral of that noble that died yesterday."
- Vortex raises a brow -
Vortex: "Okay, now that's definitely uncharacteristically chipper of them." O_ó;
Barraskewda: "I mean, I'm pretty sure they're dancing on his coffin right now, so..."

"As far as you know," Vortex parroted. He sat down on a metal chair, poking his tail through a gap in the back. "I've not seen reports of any delays for our ships."

"Correct again, sir." Barraskewda curled his ventral fins up. "But the poisons are spreading. And they're definitely coming from where the Needle used to be." He floated up to the table, picked up a small remote, and pressed a button. "If we can't find a way to contain it, this is where we predict the poison will reach by tomorrow."

Oh, I see you opted for the "floating fish" take for this story.

The map shifted so the dashed red line was closer to the Venish coastline.

"And the next day."

He clicked the button again. The dashed red line was now just a short distance away.

"And now the day you're proposing I do my leg."

One more click put the dashed line into Venish's canals. Barraskewda looked down. "The starting point for the fishing portion is far enough away, sure, but this cuts into the proposed gondola route."

... I didn't realize that this guy was a Crowne Minister. But are these two seriously talking about continuing the Crowne Cup when a distortion in spitting distance of the city is poisoning its water?

Vortex got to his feet. The metal chair fell back with a clang. He rested his hands on the table, nearly digging into the plastic with his claws. "Then. Change. The. Route."

Barraskewda looked at the map. Then back at Vortex. "But that could disrupt canal traffic even more than city commissioners planned. Not to mention Polaris transp—"

"I wasn't asking you, Vincenzo." Vortex balled his hands into fists. "I was telling you." He straightened up and turned to Arianna and Tesla. The former scribbled away in her planner while the latter was transfixed on the map, expression unreadable behind his flickering goggles. "We're already scrambling to salvage this first leg," Vortex continued.

"We're looking at having to issue partial refunds to people who purchased tickets to the Herbrides leg just to placate any complaints. I will not risk further profit for some prediction about toxins in the water. We're not having the students swim out to sea."

I like how this guy's number one priority at the moment in light of all this news is lost profits.

He held up an index finger. "One day. Change the route. You disrupt canal activity for one day… and that's it. Then you can go back to figuring out what the deal is with this pollution."

Tesla cleared his throat. He made several zzt noises while Vortex turned to him with a sigh, "What is it?"

"Well, sir, I believe my genius can put together an effective buffer." A robotic arm popped out of Tesla's backpack and tapped the boltund's head. "I just need some samples of the water from the more polluted areas."

Vortex looked to Vincenzo. "Make it happen."

Well that totally won't end in disaster at all.

The barraskewda nodded. His sailor hat fell to the floor. "Of course." Vincenzo puttered up to Tesla. "If you'll follow me."

"Lead the way, old chum!"

With a hearty laugh, Tesla followed Vincenzo out of the conference room, making vrrts and zzrts with every step he took.

Vortex pinched his brow. "What next, Arianna?"

The gardevoir looked around the room. "We should return to your office in Horizon, sir." She nudged her glasses up. "Tesla's moved construction on the genesect schematics I… designed into full production. He thinks they might be ready to replace Radiant Guardsmon within a week or two."


>that ending

Well, things are certainly heating up fast. I certainly wasn't expecting a potential hostile takeover to be in the cards, but that was certainly an ominous way to cut to black.

As for my overall thoughts: The chapter was definitely full of surprises, since literally every single scene had something in it that caught me off-guard. Which was quite an accomplishment in less than 4500 words. It also had quite a bit that made me snerk from laughter. A lot of those were groaner puns, but still. :V

As for the things that kinda took me out of the chapter... there were a couple bits that made me
at the presented logic a bit. Fenrir's logic for going after the uPhone to disassemble for its tracking chip assuming he's not jerking Noctum and Seifer around is a major offender. As is Gene waiting to use Aura Sphere until the very last moment when fighting Not!Hess there. Like it's not as bad as it was when I first read it since I completely forgot about Mega Aggron's type change and getting Filter as an ability, but it's not until the very end when we see Gene use attacks that logically ought to have been his bread and butter regardless of whether or not he knew about Jacques' gimmick, and it wasn't really communicated why he wasn't able to just do that given that the moment he does start using AS in the fight, he takes his opponent apart pretty quickly.

Regarding the logical parts, it might make sense to add a couple sentences here and there elaborating on why it is things play out the way do. For instance, if uPhone 33s have a hardware-level failsafe against post-activation disassembly (since I wouldn't put it past an Apple parody to do that) or else his analysis specifically requires powered-on hardware and Fenrir doesn't have an electromagnetically shielded space to do it in (e.x. he wrecked his last one somehow and won't be getting a replacement soon)... yeah, there's your reason for wanting to yoink one from the factory. And if Gene was more explicitly mentioned or depicted as still being off-balance from Jacques' opener or else having problems with Aura Sphere such as not having the space to work with to form one properly before getting clocked by Jacques (e.x. showing him try but get cockblocked by lack of time to form the bootleg hadoken), or else trying it early on and getting a nasty surprise that it didn't work as well as expected because of Filter, that'd be a more effective way of showing "this is why I'm not just playing keepaway and Aura Sphering this guy to death" and it'd make the degree to which Gene was struggling feel a bit more believable to me. You've mentioned offsite that there was something up with Jacques that was intended to be hinted at the way that Gilbert looks at him, but if it's something beyond Mega Evolution/Trance, it... honestly didn't come through the narration for me, and you should consider being a bit more unsubtle about hinting at what was going on.

Even with those gripes, I had a lot of fun @Ambyssin . And it's a pleasure to finally be leaving feedback for your story again.
Last edited:


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Hi Amby, I’m back for another three chapters. This might be a little bit looser than previous reviews due to outside reasons, but I hope you find it useful and/or enjoyable regardless.

Starting off with my theory that there’s something very… fishy about the sacking of Siefer. The timing is just too suspicious. It gives me the vibe of a coverup. Especially when you consider the way it was done. Maybe the queen was just being dramatic, but to literally rip a man’s clothes off of him and then freeze his account, leaving him in a humiliating situation with no funds to take care of himself? About the only thing that could have made it worse is doing this in front of an audience. Maybe I’m just overthinking it and it’s not as bad as I’m thinking (or bad at all) but I think something stinks.

I don’t think that this is anything along the lines of the queens secretly trying to destroy the world or anything that far, but with everything that’s happened thus far, there’s definitely something suspicious going on there.

One thing I do want to mention is that I felt like the throne room might have been slightly over-described, if that makes sense. I’m having trouble putting my finger on exactly what about it felt off to me - maybe it was the sentence structure or the amount of information in some of the sentences - but it ended up feeling a bit stilted. Which I found odd, because I generally haven’t noticed any issues with that in Path of Valor prior to this.

As an aside, it might be worth it to mention characters by species a bit more often. It’s not a big deal with the main cast, since they come up often enough that I don’t forget the details about them, but the species of some of the side characters end up slipping my mind after a while.

I find myself wondering if you specifically chose to make the bloodstains turn pink bc Danganronpa. Also, I, too, have my suspensions as to whether Kane is being set up for failure. It seems plausible, the way he's treated.

I like that this chapter has bookends, of sorts. It starts with Siefer's troubles, then ends with Yuba being put in a more dangerous situation because of that

Moving on… c'mon Cid, you're supposed to be the skeptic here. Surely it's not that outlandish for the fact that there was a needle here to be forgotten or covered up?

Regarding the section where Ahemait is first encountered, I wonder if you might be able to push the tense, almost horror-like atmosphere further by tweaking some of the prose. I.e. noting the silence after the krokorok disappears into the fog, notating other eerie atmospheric stuff. But maybe you're not trying to be too tense, so take this with a grain of salt.

I know its probably just a reference and doesn't mean anything, but I see citadark isle and the orre lover in me goes 👀

Tesla has some super villain vibes. Can't wait to see where that goes.

Moving on to the next chapter, god Noctum is such a soft boy. I love him. I get the feeling him taking in Siefer is going to have some interesting ripples.

As for the ending of this chapter… oh boy, looks like we're going to be getting another take on Bahamut, and one less favorable at that. This should be interesting, seeing how Razim's account lines up with everyone else's views (or memories, in Reshiram's case) of Bahamut. I get the feeling that's going to be the primary subject of the next chapter.

I think that's everything I wanted to cover from this trio of chapters, so let me wrap with a few general thoughts. I believe in my last review, I mentioned that the previous three chapters did not drive the main plot forward much, instead focusing more on subplots. This time, I feel the opposite is true. While there were certainly some subplots (the sacking of Siefer and his invite to stay with Baram and Noctum being the primary one coming to mind), even the subplots tied into the narrative as a whole. I get the feeling things would have gone differently if Yuna had been able to get ahold of Siefer. Or they would have been better prepared, if nothing else.

I can't think of anything else in particular that I want to add, so I'll cut the review off here. Overall, I enjoyed this set of chapters. Looking forward to more.


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
The further Cyril led Noctum and Seifer through Eterna's gridded streets, the brighter things became. More and more artificial lighting from street lights to unnatural purple crystals to neon signs advertising everything from household appliances to fast food chains to some sort of production involving an inteleon in a tuxedo.
caught the Bond reference

Greetings, unexpected circumstances have brought me back to this Too Early, as is customary of my reading of this fic, so I’ll be covering the one (1) published chapter left uncovered currently

I can see you digging pretty hard into modern materialism with the Qiphloth and to an extent, Horizon in this chapter—from the shallow hustle and bustle of Eterna City to the launch of the Uphone (which, if the pun I’m reading in there is intentional, I refuse to forgive you for) to the journalists all focusing on the launch of a pop song over the murder at the court hall. It rings very true, especially since these days I feel commercial media and materialism are promoted as widespread distractions both from reality and from things we’d be paying attention to otherwise. Which is portrayed very well here. There are definitely some areas where I end up breaking my suspension of disbelief a bit to go ‘wait wtf are they thinking’ when looking at things like the posters in the factory, but overall I do like the themes that are being probed here. Meshes well with the critiques of modernism this fic gets into.

Given the scope of the fic I think it’s a little hard for me to determine any criticism from a single chapter, especially since we’re in the Interlude between the Court and whatever’s about to happen in Venish. I think the biggest thing I can point out is that one character showing up here reminded me that we haven’t actually seen much from him at all—Baraz. I feel like he’s the one character of the fic who… hasn’t had anything to do so far? He’s there, sure, but he hasn’t really been given a purpose/direction yet and I kinda forgot he existed tbh. I’m not sure if you’re keeping him handy in the background for something and need him to disappear until he’s relevant—might be worth roping him in soon if not though.

Though while we’re on the subject of neglected characters, it was nice to see Adrian from like ten chapters ago finally make a proper entrance into the plot. He’s been skulking around in the background for a while, and it looks like he’s finally found his place here. I don’t know if he’ll be sticking around with this party long-term; he seems to be more connected to Seifer than he is to anyone in this group, but it seems like he’s actively aligning himself against Vortex at the least. I hope he gets to get a bit more involved with the plot beyond passing the Plot Important Info and potentially whatever he’ll do in Venish.

I do have to admit I’m a bit surprised that a breakin at one factory managed to put the place on high alert—was it that obvious that Noctum was a rebel, or do they value their Products that highly?

Some quotes...

against the sealing. He was fortunate enough to. . .
"Focus on your Malice and think about prying it apart like bursting through a locked door!"
well that's sure enthusiastic

"They're all focused on this new song Starlene released yesterday: 'Hope Conquers All.'"
This hits different in the world of Modern Clickbait News

I don't... know if this is a parody name of Venice, but I can't stop reading it as that and it's the goofiest thing ever

converting tar into building materials."
I'm guessing that's where the poison's coming from...

while your so-called bodyguard is chilling inside Eternatus
right, she never left

But overall I would say very good chapter! I'm sorry I didn't have too much to say here; I do a lot better when I can read chapters in batches, but it might be for the best to get the interlude chapter out of the way so that the next time I return, I can read through the Venish stretch without any preludes in the way. I do think this functioned well as a 'wrap up the current plot threads, spin them together so they can unravel next time' chapter, and it's certainly consistent in tone and quality with what came before. Also appreciated the furthering of Modernism Critique, which is on-point and something I really appreciate from this fic. Until next time!


Listening to: Blitzer Prime'd and Ready - Mark Mothersbaugh


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Chapters 27 and 28 review

So, I just read chapter 28, but I didn't leave a review when I read 27 so I figured I might as well share my thoughts on both here.

Chapter 27 felt really short and I kind of struggled to find anything of substance to put in a review for it when I read it. As far as the chapter goes, I thought it was decent. We got to see Noctum start learning how to use his Malice Crystal and I must say that's a pretty cool power I'm sure will see a fair bit of use in the future.

Guzzie was nice and orange Zapdos guy also finally woke up and has joined up with Valkyrie. I wonder what will become of him, or Articuno and Moltres for that matter. Would be weird if their role in the story stops here, what with Zapdos having a Malice Crystal in him too.

There was also the short fight with Gene and Valkyrie's subsequent intervention was decent as well. Gene also drops a revelation about Valkyrie being a Citadark escapee. I'm not sure if Citadark itself is a place that's come up before or if it's a tease for something to arrive later. We'll see what that leads to in the future.

The last scene has Vortex making plans, and he's still insistent to have his Crowne Cup play out despite the nation facing what can only be described as a cataclysmic disaster. The reveal about Genesects doesn't sound ominous at all either. Nope sir.

Chapter 28 is a direct continuation of 27. With their crystal warp tutorial from the last chapter over, Noctum and the gang head to the factory to complete their mission. Though before that, what Cyril mentioned about everything growing stale for the Qliphoth inhabitants over thousands of years sounds like suffering. Eternity truly must be hell for those pokemon, and it's no wonder that more and more of them are starting to turn into phantoms due to literal endless boredom and monotony.

The actual mission was both a success and a failure. It's a success that Noctum got the loot, but him being discovered doing it means that any mission like this in the future will meet greater hurdles to accomplish. Let's hope they won't actually need that though. The Rock blast cannon was also pretty cool. It makes sense that humans will need stuff like that if they want to stand on equal ground with pokemon, since the latter are born with super powers by default.

The next scene finally brings Wyrm thingy back to the spotlight. It appears that the aftermath of the trial was an unfortunate victim of a total cover-up, with almost everything that happened being suppressed from coverage. Sure must suck for Yuna and the others though, but at least this also means her face isn't plastered all over the newspaper for being involved with the trial.

Noctum also finally got to meet up with Yuna. We didn't get to have a wholesome reunion with hugs and whistles, as Noctum jumped straight to business and relayed his side of events. The parallels between Yuna's Soul Dew and Noctum's Malice Crystal is fitting, and I wonder if there's an even greater relationship between the two. Though there's more folks with the Malice Crystal than peeps with Soul dews. It looks like we'll be getting more Crowne Cup soon, and I wonder what will happen now that Yuna and her team know for certain Vortex wants them to fail.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :D


PMD Writer
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  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Chapter 26

Hopefully he got Gilbert's cronies to settle down so you guys can grab a bite."

Can’t help but find it amusing that space pirates are hanging out at a fast food joint XD

So, she was stuck with warm beer.

That sounds so gross lol

I am, perhaps, stepping on Sir Reshiram's toes

But you can’t step on anything, you don’t have legs.

Jokes aside, I like this scene. Our main characters have already gone through quite a lot, so it makes sense to just take a moment and show how the events are affecting them mentally.

"So, clearly, we have to rearrange the schedule," Vortex said. "If there's going to be a civil demonstration in Herbrides, I don't want our students anywhere near it. Get Minister Vincenzo on the phone. We'll do his leg in Venish instead."

"And what of the students? How will we tell them?" Gardevoir asked.

"Not a word until Vincenzo okays everything," Vortex replied. "Then, obviously, we inform His Grace of the change first. Then we'll tell the others. With any luck, the abrupt change will prove even more fatal for Team Bastion and they'll be eliminated from the Cup. And a huge weight will be lifted off our collective shoulders."

I can’t tell from the description whether they’re talking in the servants’ quarters or outside near a window, but either way, why are they discussing something so sensitive right here? That doesn’t seem very smart and it’s like they’re asking to get overheard.

Anyway, I don’t have a lot to say about this chapter, since it’s fairly short and I feel like not too much of note happened. Still enjoyed it though.

Let’s keep it going!

Chapter 27

If Boss Kitty's intel is correct, the uPhone 33 has a special chip in it that the archbishop can use to track the phone's movements throughout the Qliphoth."

Bootleg iPhone? Check. Mass surveillance system? Check. Xi Jinping would be proud.

"I still don't see why you can't buy it," Seifer huffed.

"The phones are activated once they're purchased," Cyril countered. "Meaning the chip would start tracking my movements. I need an inactive phone. And the only way to get that is from the factory, which happens to be under Flapple's flagship store."

That’s… kind of a dumb plan. Breaking into a factory seems incredibly risky, when there’s much smarter ways to study the phone without getting tracked. Just take the phone to whatever shop he first took the party to as a Ninetales, remove the chip, and then take it to a rebel location. That shop isn't some place that needs to say hidden since the troopers already know about it, so there’s no harm in a chip tracking him to that place. Or hell, you can even use a Faraday box to sidestep the issue altogether. If they got EMPs to deal with the troopers then getting one and using that definitely shouldn’t be a problem.

Also if Cyril knows so little about the phones, how sure can he really be that one taken from the factory won’t get tracked anyway?

"Look, you and your buddies waltzing into the bazaar without ID looplets screwed up the plan Gene and I had. So, you've got to fix it."

Huh, interesting that looplets are used for ID.

"Just because I know it exists doesn't mean I can make it work," Cyril retorted. "That's Gene's department. And he's not here."

Great teamwork these rebels have going on here lol

A neon billboard in the distance cast a golden glow along the alley from a stylized G in its center

Wait, Team Galactic?

"Ah, Guzzie is the first guzzlord you have laid eyes on." He stepped back, allowing Valkyrie to see a smaller set of black arms and a tiny black head between two pointed horns. Guzzie's small, yellow eyes were guilty. "Guzzie does not want violence. Please forgive Guzzie."

Well that is cute. I feel like I’m gonna like this character. ^^

Little Guzzie

This just reminds me of Mini Me from Austin Powers… and now I’m imagining him and Guzzie dancing just like Dr. Evil and Mini Me. Great XD

As Gene struggled to his feet, the wrecking ball uncurled, revealing an off-looking aggron. Valkryie pressed her arms into the glass. His normal gray pelt was covered in a layer of thick white armor. He slammed his white-ringed tail on the ground and raised his spiked forearms into the air.

Hrm… a pirate Aggron who Mega Evolves? Sounds strangely familiar…

But know zis, Mademoiselle Chomp… Chatot Gilbert, first mate extraordinaire, is never one to shy away from a beauty like yourself." He slowly bowed, using the wing he claimed was broken. "We shall meet again. But for now, I bid you adieu."

Damn this guy is sleezy as fuck. Though what's with there being so many bad guys that are French lol

Isn't that right… Prisma

Ambyssin: Guiding Light and Path of Valor are not connected.

Also Ambyssin:

He sat down on a metal chair, poking his tail through a gap in the back.

Nice little bit of attention to detail here. I always like small worldbuilding bits like these.

Tesla's moved construction on the genesect schematics I… designed into full production. He thinks they might be ready to replace Radiant Guardsmon within a week or two.

Wait, why replace them? Unless they’re low on funds and are having trouble paying the Guardsmon, why not just have the Genesect be there in addition? From what I’ve seen, Etherium can definitely use the extra security. Not to mention that becoming fully reliant on one guy’s creation for your security seems like a terrible idea.

Though even if they’re dead set on replacing all the Guardsmon, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t do it gradually. I'd imagine trying to fully replace all the guards within a week would go very poorly (both logistically, but also people suddenly losing their jobs) and seems very illogical to me.

Chapter 28

but others were totally alien to him, like a walking sunflower or a black-furred rapidash-like creature with white stripes and a lightning-bolt shaped tail.

Huh, are Sunflora and Zebstrika extinct in Etherium? I wonder what happened to them.

"These people… are willing to wait that long for a phone?" Seifer's jaw dropped.

"Welcome to Eterna City," Cyril deadpanned.


"What is up my guys, gals, and non-binary pals?" Paradox was disturbingly cheerful. "I hope you're all as excited for the new uPhone launch as I am." His right tentacles twisted into an arm and he pulled out the phone. "With its improved map and QPS functions, it'll get you where you need to be, when you need to be there! Enjoy the launch… and don't forget to show off your new uPhone on Chatter with the hashtag ParadoxRules to be entered to win an autographed uPhone case from yours truly!"


Noctum glanced at the fan, weighing his options. Ultimately, he opened his mouth and spewed a flamethrower. Though some of it threatened to blow back into his face, he applied enough force to blast apart the fan. An initial burst of hot air threatened to blow him several meters back up, but he pressed his hands and feet to the sides of the shaft and inertia did the rest.

Good thing this factory has the sort of large and sturdy vents you’d expect to see in a Hollywood movie, otherwise Cyril’s plan would have failed before it started. 😅

Though I’m surprised that this strategy of blowing up fans doesn’t (literally) backfire at Noctum. Air vents aren’t very sturdy, so even if this one is sturdy enough to support his weight, I’m having a hard time believing this doesn’t blow apart the vent given the amount of force described here. Or at the very least alert others to his presence. Especially since Noctum is described doing this several times, and making noise inside air vents would be pretty easy to hear despite what Hollywood might make you think. (Also why does a Flamethrower cause an explosion anyway? Are these fans filled with explosives?)

As he glided through the shaft

Wait, as in he can literally fly in them? Just how big are these vents? o_o

The cold metal stung his feet, but Noctum ignored it and focused.

Another nice little attention to detail. Can’t be pleasant to walk barefoot someplace with surfaces made of modern materials like metal or even the city’s pavement.

"Flapple would like to remind all employees that communication is the key to any successful workplace. As such, if you notice your colleagues slacking off, please report them to your supervisor."

Such a nice and happy workplace lol

It was easy to get away with blasting them earlier. But now that he was within the facility, wouldn't someone hear the fan breaking?

Yeah I still don’t get how this was not an issue earlier… nor why it isn’t a couple of paragraphs after this.

The charizard rolled out of the way, managing to dodge a mace swing as well.

I feel like this whole sequence went a bit too easy for Noctum. I’m just having trouble believing that Noctum is either so skilled that he can dodge all these attacks, or that everyone in the factory is so incompetent that they’d all miss.

And that wasn't even getting into what he had described. Sure, Aquardah had made her aware there were people living in Eternatus. But a linked civilization ruled by some tyrannical alien and his legion of weaponized unown? Humans and aliens mingling with pokémon? Some underground rebel group whose leader was a species that didn't exist as far as Etherium was concerned? And his assistant was Chiaki's mechanic… who was really a dead spirit walking amongst the living?

Okay, yeah that must be a lot to take in despite how crazy things already are for Yuna.

Nikki smirked. "Heh, how does it feel knowing your servant's a wanted 'mon, Princess?"

"Pot calling the kettle black much?" Chiaki scoffed. "I bet your disciplinary file is longer than a six-car train."

Nikki blew a raspberry at Chiaki.

"Real mature," the grovyle sneered.

"Bite me."

"I would, but you'd probably like it."

Haha, these two XD

"Because I caught Vortex and his gardevoir assistant skulking around the servant's quarters," Milotic declared. "They're moving the Crowne Cup's first leg to Venish and intend to rig things to get your team kicked out."

Whelp, will be interesting to see how the main cast is gonna handle this.

Anyway I liked the chapter, even if this plan of stealing a phone from the factory is kinda questionable and the execution is lacking. The whole part inside the vents was a bit silly, and I think the part where Noctum grabbed the phone could have been improved if he for example had gotten hit by the Eternatus Trooper’s mace. That also would have been a great oppurtunity to show off its properties instead of merely mentioning what it can do in an author’s note at the end of the chapter.

I did enjoy the everything aside from this though, and it was fun to finally see the space pirates. I’ll look forward to seeing more of them in the future.
Chapter 29: If it Ain't Broke


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 29: If it Ain't Broke

"No! I refuse to accept this!"

Shimmer stomped a forehoof down on the throne room's red carpet. His tiara refracted the spark of anger in his horn. Pink lights twinkled on the marble pillars and lilac tapestries. He stared his mother down, his bloodshot eyes reflected in the purple gemstone in the center of the bronze shield strapped to her chest.

"I demand his dismissal!" Shimmer pointed his right forehoof at Vegna, who floated beside Demerzel, Griffon, and Vortex. The dusknoir had his back turned to the assembly, slowly turning the page of his book. "He killed Benedict! I'm sure of it!"

"The investigation closed yesterday evening, Shimmer." Isola shook her head. "Stoutland Yard found no evidence to link Vegna to the rubble. And he was with the good magister the entire time."

Shimmer gnashed his teeth. "Th… then he… used black magic or something!"

Isola sighed. "Forensics determined no signs of Poltergeist usage or other supernatural activity." She turned to her left. "Demerzel?"

Her mutant advisor floated up to the stairs surrounding Isola's throne. He clasped his hands together behind his back. "Investigators traced payments to secure accounts belonging to Mr. Benedict. Sir Vegna's accusations have merit." Demerzel produced a scroll from his robes. "Jurist bribery. Witness tampering. It would seem he even paid off Stoutland Yard officers to interfere with investigations. They all pled guilty to misconduct and were shipped to Citadark overnight."

Shimmer's heart sank into his gut. He gulped. "Why? I… don't understand."

At this, Vegna slowly turned his head. His crimson eye glowed under his hood. "Why darkness and obscurity in all thy words and laws? That none dare eat the fruit but from the wily serpent's jaws." His book closed with an audible whump. "There are those who achieve power and will do whatever it takes to maintain it. Your 'uncle' intervened in trials involving his banking clients so he could continue to extort them. Nothing more, nothing less."

Vegna turned away, leaving Shimmer staring at his black cloak, mouth agape. Demerzel cleared his throat. "I assume that the press remains… unaware of this fact?" He turned to Vortex.

"The only outlet that even reported on Benedict's death was the blasted Radiant Beacon." Vortex rolled his eyes. "But we took steps to get ahead of it."

"By having Starlene release a new single?" Demerzel narrowed his eyes. "It was all over the news yesterday." Frowning, he turned to Isola. "Are you not concerned about public perception? The longer they remain unaware of such dealings, the worse their response will be."

"I understand your worries." Isola bobbed her head. "But it is a delicate tightrope. The last thing we want is to give people reason to believe in the extremist who staged a scene outside of the Crowne Court." She turned and braced her forehooves on her throne. "We have already put the Radiant Guard on standby for this… demonstration of his in Herbrides. The fewer people attend, the easier it will be for them to arrest the extremist."

Shimmer's face scrunched up. They were already brushing everything aside. Even if Vegna spoke the truth, that wasn't the Benedict he knew. The one who showered him with gifts, introduced him to oodles of celebrities, and helped him get modeling gigs and guest spots on PV shows.

They weren't even giving Vegna so much as a slap on the wrist for any of it. He wouldn't stand for that!

"I won't let you ignore this!" His horn sparked once again. Shimmer's nostrils flared. "Vegna… humiliated me. Mocked me in open court!"

There was a glint in Griffon's dark eyes. "That's because you made it eas— mmph!"

A pink glow squeezed the corviknight's beak shut. He went cross-eyed trying to open it back up.

Shimmer stepped toward his mother. "He needs to be sanctioned. Or suspended. Or… or something!"

"The Ministry of Justice is short-staffed, dear." Isola sighed. "We can seldom afford to dismiss an experienced inquisitor at a time like this."

Shimmer's face reddened. "Make an exception!"

"We will not." Isola pushed herself away from her throne. Her magenta robes fluttered as she turned to face Shimmer once more. "Our darling Justine did not… endure a month of the transfer orb's effects so we could conceive your egg… only to have you turn around and use her office as your plaything because your feelings were hurt."

Shimmer shuffled back. He envisioned the virizion's stern, disapproving look. The same look she always wore around him… no matter how many exams he aced or awards he won.

"But… if an inquisitor can openly mock me, how can I expect to lead this country effectively?" the ponyta whispered, ears folding against the rim of his tiara.

"Try growing thicker skin, Dimmer!" Griffon cawed, only for Vegna to flick his beak. He stepped back, ducking his head under his right wing. "Peeps gonna call him way worse shit when he inevitably screws something up as king," Griffon whispered despite Vegna's icy glare.

"Justine agreed to withhold Vegna's salary for the next six months," Isola said, ignoring Griffon's remarks. "Chancellor, I assume you are okay implementing a similar policy for his position in your employ."

The charizard straightened his tan suit jacket and bowed. "Of course, Your Eminence."

"Well, I want him out of the law class." Shimmer pawed at the red carpet. "And he can't be my Crowne Cup advisor anymore. I refuse to associate with him!"

Vortex glanced toward Isola. "Very well," the rapidash said. "You will reassign him, Chancellor."

"Understood. It should be simple… given one of my new hires thought he could make a fool of me by skipping out on his own classes."

Isola stepped back and sat on her throne. "That will be all." She waved her forehoof at the group. "Dismissed."

Shimmer opened his mouth, but Isola's gaze sharpened. "Dismissed, Shimmer."

The ponyta lowered his head. "Yes, Mother."

Vortex stepped to his side. "Come with me, Your Grace," he whispered. "There are changes to the Crowne Cup I need to tell you about."


Things moved quickly after Cyril deployed his smokescreen. He ushered Seifer through side streets until they reached a grimy back alley flanked by dumpsters and patches of dried ooze clinging to the onyx buildings. Seifer could only hear Cyril's side of the X-transceiver conversation, but by the end of it he was sure things had gone… decently.

Noctum returned to Radiance, while Seifer remained stuck in the Qliphoth. That jealousy left a bitter taste in his mouth. One that wasn't as strong as the… acrid odors given off by the dumpsters.

He had no idea how much time passed before a rift opened beside them and Gene invited them back to the Bergammula Belt. Seifer asked for directions to a shower, which Cyril offered without hesitation. He passed Valkyrie in the gray, metallic hallway. She looked noticeably less composed than when he'd last scene her. Seifer was tempted to ask if something happened, but fatigue outweighed that desire. So, off to the shower he went.

To his surprise, he found Cyril waiting outside the shower door when he finished. Seifer was tempted to duck back in and grab his towel from the linen basket, but Cyril politely turned away from the keldeo.

"What do you want?" Seifer asked. "Haven't I been through enough already?" He just wanted to go home.

… or as close to home as he could manage. His family had probably disowned him by now.

Cyril scratched his white, scruffy mane. "We, uh, still need to fix up that horn."

Seifer strongly doubted Cyril was capable of something like that. But it wasn't like he knew of anything else to do in this place. So, he followed Cyril down a couple of grated corridors and through a cylindrical hallway offering a panorama of the auroras and asteroids floating in the distance.

After Cyril unlocked the room at the end with a so-called "retinal scanner," he gestured to a worn red sofa pushed up against the wall. It had mismatched fabric patches sewn over holes and feathers poking out of the cushions. Seifer hesitantly sat down and promptly sank into it. His damp mane and tail frazzled against the couch fabric.

The walls surrounding him were lined with shelves holding a wide variety of tools. He recognized assorted wrenches, hammers, drills, and even a few welding torches. To the right of the desk on the opposite side of the room were a couple of metal aprons hanging on hooks over boxes filled with spare parts and rolled up schematics.

"Excuse the mess." Cyril had his back to Seifer as he thumbed through one of the drawers on the left of his desk. "I swear there's a method to this madness."

Seifer looked down. The floor was transparent, with rows of gears turning underneath it. There were also several metal boxes sitting between the gears. It was such a strange workspace. Nothing like the mechanic shops back in Radiance. Or, at least, the ones the Radiant Guard worked with.

"The way I see it, we can do things one of two ways." Cyril turned around. His right paw held a white tube and the left held a power sander. "Either I can try and make a mold of the breakage site and use that as a base for the prosthetic… or I can smooth the breakage with this." He squeezed the trigger on the power sander. It revved to life with a surprisingly loud whirr.

Seifer's ears flattened. "I think… I'd rather take my chances with the mold."

The white-furred zoroark looked at his power sander with disappointment. "I figured as much. This would've been easier for me, but I can't think of anyone too fond of having a horn grinded down… broken or not." He set the sander on his desk with a sigh. "Usually, I'd charge extra for this. The molding material ain't cheap. But since you helped with the mission, it's on the house."

As Cyril walked to his left and pressed a keypad in the wall, Seifer whispered, "I didn't even do anything."

Hearing himself say it out loud made it sting even more. He was supposed to be the one people turned to for help. Not some random Aeon charizard. And, on top of that, he sat by and watched while Cyril had perpetrated a crime! What if this archbishop character could actually offer him help?

… no, not just Seifer. What if Paradox could help all of Radiance? His disposal of Benedict could hardly be considered a bad thing.

Seifer grit his teeth. The keldeo was a good soldier. One of the best. He'd done everything Her Eminence had asked. And yet… here he was. Stuck in an alien world. Abetting hardened criminals.

Where had he gone wrong? How had he fallen so far so fast?

"Eternabuck for your thoughts?"

Seifer jolted. He looked up to find Cyril standing beside a strange metal chair. There was a padded square that seemed meant for him to rest his head on.

Shaking his head, Seifer got to his feet. "I wouldn't expect you to understand." He walked up to the chair. It was made with quadrupeds in mind. And it must've sprouted out from the floor, as there were wires and cables anchoring it in place that connected to some of the gears under Seifer's hooves.

"Why's that?" Cyril grabbed a black drape off his desk.

"Because you—" Seifer paused. How could he phrase it delicately?

Ah, to hell with it.

"You're a two-bit, criminal arms dealer." Seifer took a seat on the chair and lay his head on the cushion. "I wouldn't expect you to understand what it's like to have your whole life ripped out from under you."

For a moment, there was genuine hurt in Cyril's lone, visible eye. The white zoroark quickly hid the yellow eye behind his hair. "… yeah. Right." He approached Cyril, unfolding the tarp. "Real nice thing to say to a guy offering to patch you up."

Seifer shifted uneasily. "W… what's with the tarp?" He noticed a hole in the center of it.

"It's to cover your head and torso," Cyril stoically replied. "The mold's a right pain to get out of your pelt."

"Oh." Seifer's gaze fell moments before the tarp blanketed him. It was surprisingly soft. Silk, perhaps? He couldn't put his hoof on it.

"I guess the stuff I said before the mission doesn't matter," Cyril continued. Seifer heard the scraping of metal against glass. The tarp was too dark to see through, but he spotted stool legs in the small gap between the edge of the tarp and the floor.

"What stuff?"

"My life got pulled out from under me, too," Cyril said. "Y'know… used to be an ice ninetales? Stripped of my form and powers?"

"Ah, yes. That." The keldeo bit his lip. "I guess I just thought—"

"—that it happened so long ago, it doesn't matter anymore?" Cyril interrupted. Something soft gripped Seifer's broken horn. Cyril's paws? His grip was… gentle. Delicate, even. Two claws danced along the jagged ridges of the broken horn while a plastic instrument pressed against the tarp and, by extension, Seifer's forehead.

"I suppose," Seifer whispered.

Cyril tapped a claw against Seifer's horn. "Are all you Radiant Guardsmon so… emotionally stunted?"

It was hard to sit still at that. "Excuse me?" Seifer settled for puffing up his cheeks.

"Forget it," the white zoroark said. The stool pulled away. "I'm not exactly sure why you're saying your whole life got ripped out from under you. You're still alive. Healthy."

There was another word at the end, but Seifer couldn't make it out. "Like I said, you wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Cyril said.

The stool returned while Seifer pondered how to respond to Cyril's request. He was about to start talking when something warm touched his broken horn. The fur on the back of Seifer's neck prickled. He took a sharp breath. The keldeo had to keep his composure. Offers to help or not, he wouldn't let this criminal get the better of him.

Seifer managed to recollect his thoughts when more warmth pooled in his horn. "Being in the Radiant Guard was my life." His voice cracked. He was glad he had the tarp to hide the embarrassment on his face.

"Generations of keldeo have protected and served the kingdom," Seifer continued. "My family estate has a whole area dedicated to it. Medals of commendation, uniforms, and the like. The family record was spotless for generations… until now."

Silence, then a single, "That's rough, buddy."

Seifer blinked. Cyril didn't sound sarcastic, but what was he supposed to say to that? And after the ghoulish zoroark had the nerve to call him emotionally stunted, no less! What a total hypocrite!

"Wanna know what I think?" Cyril asked. Seifer was ready to say no, but the warmth spreading down his horn stub to his face took the fight out of him.

"What?" Seifer whispered.

"I think this is a blessing in disguise."

Seifer's response was a bitter laugh.

"No, I'm serious," Cyril insisted. His paws gently wrapped around Seifer's horn. The tingle in his neck returned, only now it was moving down his back.

"Look, maybe I don't know that much about you, but it sounds to me like you've lived the life you were told to live," Cyril continued. "Maybe you were happy leading the Radiant Guard, but I think that happiness was… manufactured."


"Dude, you've lived your entire life in a bubble." Cyril claws needed Seifer's horn. The keldeo sucked in a sharp breath, attention split between the conversation and… whatever Cyril was doing to his broken horn. "You were surrounded by people walking paths that were laid out for them from the days they hatched. Of course you'd think everything's fine and dandy, because that's what everyone around you thought, too."

Seifer blinked once. Twice. Why was he having so much trouble focusing?

"You sound as if… I was brainwashed," he scoffed. "I wasn't in some bubble. I fought day in and day out against Radiance's seedy underbelly. Charged into the distortion to help those without the means to help themselves." Now he was getting worked up. "I liked my life because it was fulfilling! I was… making a difference in the world."

Silence. Cyril removed his paws and the warmth had faded from Seifer's horn.

Then, in a barely audible whisper, the white-furred zoroark asked, "If you were really making such a profound difference, why did Isola fire you?"

The tarp came off the moment Seifer's jaw slackened. Cyril draped it over his shoulder. He held what looked to be a white replica of Seifer's broken horn. "All set." Cyril set the replica on the desk.

"That's it?" Seifer did his best to regain his composure, but he struggled to lift his head off the cushion. His muscles had turned to putty. What had this crook done to him?

"That's it… for the moment." Cyril sat on the stool. "Now I get to work on your new horn."

"… oh." Seifer's eyes darted around. So, this was where they were leaving things? Seifer wasn't sure if he was relieved, ashamed, or guilty after what just happened. Perhaps some combination? All he could do was stare at the gears turning underneath him.

Cyril cleared his throat. "You don't have to stay. This room's far from comfy."

"Yeah." The keldeo turned toward the door. "I guess I'll… try and find the others."

When he headed for the door, Cyril said, "Oh, by the way, Boss Kitty called me while we were working. It looks like I'm going to Venish to pick up the uPhone. Chiaki's doing the handoff so Zardy can spend some time with that dreepy he looks after."

Seifer looked back at Cyril, who scratched the back of his unkept mane. "I know you want to get back to Radiance. So, uh, come with me, okay?"

The keldeo's shoulders sagged in relief. "Now that's something I can agree to."

Cyril's mane made it hard to tell, but Seifer swore he saw a twinge of sadness in the white zoroark's expression.


The grass was much less green in the valleys surrounding Venish. Not that Yuna could easily tell. Things were moving too fast outside the train windows. Fast enough to make her queasy. The milotic — Artemis, apparently — said they were on a "light-speed rail." It was certainly faster than the trains to Hebrides and the Crowne Court.

"So, um." Perched atop Noctum's head, Yuna batted her gills in thought. "What do you make of Vortex's announcement? Y'know, the whole 'experiential learning' stuff? That's, like, learning by doing, right?"

Across from her, Nikki yawned into her right hand. "He's blowing smoke out his ass. Crowne Cup challenges have always been, like, little samples of things the kingdom's cities are known for." She glanced at Artemis, who sat coiled on the chair to her left. "If you ask me, I think he's covering up the fact that he knows something's wrong with the distortion and that crazy mutt who kidnapped me."

"Xeromus," Yuna whispered, suppressing a shudder. He had mentioned going to Herbrides and Artemis had suggested that might've been the reason the class was going to Venish for the Cup's first leg.

"I really hope he's the one blowing smoke," Reshiram whimpered. "If we're in a faraway city, there's nothing we can do to intervene if he tries any funny business."

"Why not simply delay the Crowne Cup if things are unsafe?" Noctum wondered, fidgeting nervously with the pockets of a pink apron with a floral pattern. Baraz offered it in an attempt to hide the crystal sitting in his gut. "Or just, y'know, cancel it all together?"


Artemis' terse response made Noctum jump. Yuna's ectoplasmic body wriggled and she gripped his left horn to keep from sliding off. The milotic noticed and his ribbons curled. "I don't know if the decision's coming from Vortex, Queen Isola, or both. But if I learned one thing about the folks in charge at Horizon, it's that they refuse to let anything get in the way of their own aspirations."

Yuna frowned. "But, like, isn't the Crowne Cup supposed to be for our benefit?" She gestured to Nikki and herself.

"… ha!" Artemis coughed into a grimy ribbon. "Please. Do you have any idea how much revenue the Cup generates?"

"Uhh… no?" Yuna shifted uneasily on Noctum's head.

The charizard must've picked up on it because he added, "We're foreigners, remember? We barely understand the rules to this thing."

"Right, right." Artemis slouched against the window. "They sell tickets for every event. And broadcast the whole thing on a variety of PV stations. Companies trip over one another to buy ad space for these things."

"Ad space?" Yuna tilted her head. "Like… posters and flyers?"

"Well, yeah, they do those, too." Nikki's brow furrowed. "But we're talking about commercials. Y'know, the things that interrupt PV shows?"

It finally clicked for Yuna. "Oh, right." She did find it weird that those were a thing. It would be like some shop owner running up onstage during a theater performance to hock their wares to the audience.

"If Vortex delays or cancels the Crowne Cup, his company loses out on a ton of revenue," Artemis continued. "So, he's pushing forward with it. Even if it's dangerous."

"The school… is willing to risk thine safety for money?" Rayquaza growled. "Heavens preserve me, these administrators could do with some discipline themselves!"

"I mean… participation is, technically, voluntary." Nikki shrugged. "Ya just get pressured into taking part by everyone around you."

Reshiram hummed in Yuna's head. "Well, couldn't the reverse hold true?" He tapped his ethereal claws together. "If we tell enough of the other students about what's going on, maybe we can convince them all to boycott the Crowne Cup?"

Yuna repeated the idea out loud. Artemis rolled his eyes and Nikki waved her off. "Please. Good luck getting any of the others to believe you. They all see the Cup as their ticket to fame and fortune."

"There has to be more to it than that," Yuna retorted.

Nikki slumped in her seat. "Look, I'd be down, but with the whole Needle business, we need to be in the Cup to travel like this, right? It's a catch twenty-two."

"… I guess." Yuna deflated, almost sliding down the back of Noctum's neck. The charizard nudged her back up with his right arm.

"Is there a Needle in Venish?" Noctum whispered.

Nikki shrugged. "Hell if I know."

"There is." Artemis flicked a ribbon nonchalantly. "It's out at sea, though. Several kilometers east of the city. Used to see it back in my fishery days."

"Sheesh." Nikki scratched her left horn. "You never got creeped out by that?"

"The Needle?" Artemis raised a brow.

"No, dumbass." Nikki shoved Artemis' coiled torso. "Being a fish who wrangled other fish for people to eat."

Artemis shrugged. "You grow numb to it after a while."

"Well, that's not morbid at all," Reshiram squeaked. "Still, 'mons have to eat, I suppose."

"Thou w're a carnivore in thine heyday,"
Rayquaza said. "As was I."

Thank you, both. Now be quiet,
Yuna mentally hissed. Both dragons' presences retreated. The dreepy desperately wanted to change the subject. "So, um, what do you think the first leg will be about?"

"Beats me." Nikki stretched her arms up. Tiny sparks jumped off her mane as it brushed her insulated seat. "Far as I'm concerned, you go to Venish for three things: the food, the wine, and the kooky buildings."

"I think she means the architecture," Noctum said. He pulled a pamphlet out of an apron pocket. "I grabbed this from the train station before we boarded." The black charizard opened up the pamphlet and held it up. "Look at that amphitheater. It's so big!" He pointed to the large picture in the center showing rows of concentric gray arches projecting a rainbow of colors. "Wonder how they get half a dome to stay up like that."

At the very least, Yuna was glad to see Noctum's Qliphoth trip hadn't dampened his spirits. His enthusiasm filled her gut with warmth.

… or maybe that was just his natural fire-type warmth. Still, it was nice.

"Oh, yeah, I guess, like, the theater scene is big or whatever." Nikki yawned into the neck of her coat. "But the seafood and pasta dishes are a way bigger deal!" She smacked her lips. "If we get an eating challenge, we're solid, time delay or not!"

Artemis smirked. "Maybe the food's a big deal to you, but most students here can get those kinds of meals whenever they want. Besides, a performance would be more… lucrative for the school."

Nikki frowned. "I swear, if they make us do some campy theater shit, I'm out." She waved her arms in front of her head. "Didn't sign up for that."

At that, Yuna couldn't help but giggle. "But you are a musician. That's a performance art."

Nikki blanched. "Well, I— that is—"

She slumped down even further in her seat, scowling. "Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right."

Four chimes went off overhead. Yuna looked up to a speaker bolted to the luggage rack.

"Attention, passengers. We're pulling into Venish Central Station. Please collect your belongings and mind the gaps as you exit the train. Thank you for using Polaris Light-Speed Rail. It was a pleasure serving you today."

Noctum stood up with Yuna wrapping her arms around his horns to hang on. "We're supposed to meet everyone at the front of the station, right?"

"Yup." Nikki stood up, stretching her arms out once again. She slowly turned her head around to stretch her neck. "Still not sure why Twiggy needed an earlier train than us."

"Isn't it to give Cyril the uPhone?" Yuna said.

"Pssht. Sure." The toxtricity stepped out onto the carpeted aisle. "You gotta get better at reading between the lines. Why do you think he was pushing to go to Venish before we knew about the Crowne Cup leg? Guy's obviously got something going on here."

Baraz and Noctum followed after her so Artemis had enough room to uncoil and slither out.

"If that's the case, we have to trust he'll be back by tomorrow morning," the milotic said.

Noctum thumped his chest. "I think he'll be back."

The group walked toward the front of the train car. The door opened up to a cooling sea breeze. It felt great against Yuna's ectoplasm.

"Right." Yuna couldn't help but bite her lower lip.

Bahamut, please keep Chiaki safe. The team really needs him.


"Report, Sticky."

The naganadel looked up from his tablet. Paradox stood at the side of his large metal desk, staring at the wall of inactive monitors behind him. Three poipole worked to fit his purple and black cleric robes on and pull his tentacles through.

"Of course, sir." Sticky saluted. "I reviewed the incident report from the flagship Flapple factory. Security camera footage is distorted. Two Brawlers and factory employees report seeing a black-scaled charizard grab a uPhone and escape through a Qliphoth rift."

"A rebel. Typical." Paradox shook his head. "But a charizard is most… unexpected. The factory is deep underground. That blasted mewtwo should've been the only one capable of reaching it."

"The report mentions damage to one of the ventilation shafts, sir." Sticky held up his tablet and waved it around.

"Is that so?" Paradox stepped away from the poipole, pulling his tentacles through his robes' sleeves. The right two coiled into an arm. "Then it would seem we'd best install some aura proximity mines into their new fans. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I will order Flapple's contractors to do that, sir." Sticky typed away on his tablet with his free hand. "What should we do about the stolen gadget? If the rebels have their hands on—"

"Aha ha ha. Oh, you are hilarious." Paradox flicked his right hand dismissively. It unwound back into two tentacles. "Let the rebels disassemble it. If they think they're going to find some sort of tracking chip, they'll be sorely disappointed." Another chuckle echoed through the room. "Oh, to be a joltik on the wall of whatever cave they dwell in when they realize it was all for naught.

"Besides," the deoxys continued, flicking a left tentacle, "they're not the only ones with an eye for petty larceny."

One of the monitors on the wall flickered on, showing a bulky Mr. Rime hand dropping a folder onto a worn mattress. A nickit popped in next to the folder and sniffed at the top paper.

"Are you freaking kidding me? This is why you skidooshed us back here?" Nickit growled. "To steal some manichino's homework?"

"Please. This is but the opening act."
Mr. Rime's hand grabbed the page and held it up. "The first round of bets before the flop."

Nickit turned up his nose. "I don't see it."

"A good hand often goes unappreciated until the moment the river card drops,"
Mr. Rime retorted. "Come along, now."

The monitor shut off. Paradox turned around, wringing his tentacles in anticipation. "Delightful. One step closer to taking the outsiders' perversion of our glorious benefactor and turning it upon its head. Is it not wonderful, Sticky?"

"I, uh…" He looked down at tablet. Sticky had no idea what he'd just watched. "I'm afraid I don't understand, sir. I thought Cassius had planted himself within Necrozma's ranks to get us his Red Chain fragment."

"He had, but it appears that pathetic Phantom still has some semblance of rationality left inside it." Paradox shook his head and tsked to himself. "Our good lieutenant reported losing psychic contact with Necrozma. It would seem the beast ditched him."

He brought his tentacles together. They coiled around one another. "But I do so hate to waste a fresh body like that, so I simply… provided Cassius a new assignment." The deoxys' tentacles squeezed into two hands that he pressed together. "A pity he can't take public credit for his work. I'd love to see the false hope drain from the Etherians' faces when they see we've turned one of their vaunted Crowne Ministers against them. Aha ha ha!"

Sticky rapidly pecked away at his tablet with a claw. When the archbishop's laughter died down, he looked up. "That sounds… wonderful, sir."

"Of course it does." Paradox floated past the naganadel. Four Eternatus Gunners joined Paradox from the wall opposite Sticky. "Come along, then. I have an important sermon in Noatun and I'd like you in attendance."

"Y-Yessir!" Sticky floated after Paradox's small procession.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
So I just noticed you updated your fic and seeing that I had time on my hands, I decided to give ch29 a read.

The first scene was delightful, mostly because we got to see My Horse Prince(™) take the L and not have his way. Well, he still managed to have Vegna no longer be his teacher, but it was great to see all his other demands not be met. Isola mentioned something about how he was conceived involving an orb of some sort. I guess he didn't exactly have a straightforward birth, and it also seems like his other mother doesn't exactly like him. Though if the Virizion was so disapproving of him, then maybe she should've done a better job to make sure he didn't grow up to be an arrogant prick :V.

The second scene was my favorite one in this chapter honestly. We got to see some solid character interaction between Cyril and Seifer. More on that. I also really liked the descriptions of the horn molding process in between their interactions. It really flavored up this scene a lot and elevated it imo. It was funny seeing Seifer telling Cyril he didn't know what it's like to have his life ripped under him. Like bruh, I'm pretty sure everyone in the Qlipoth had their lives ripped under them, eternally so for that matter. Cyril was kinda right too. Seifer had been living in a bubble and his life didn't make as much of a difference in the world as he thought it did. He'd just been living someone else's script. It's a bit sad they didn't fully come to understand one another.

The third scene was mainly just giving us a bit more context on what to expect of Venise… and it sounds like it's just gonna be Venice but in pokemon like I thought. If you want to be topical, you can also have the city be slowly sinking as well :3. Yuna and the others' interactions were fun to read as always, though it feels like they're slowly receiving less and less overall screen time with all the characters and concurrent plot lines you're juggling.

The final scene revealed that there wasn't actually a tracking chip or anything inside the Uphone, which makes that whole mission pointless. And as I predicted last chapter, Paradox has upped the security of the facility and these kinds of heists will be harder to pull off in the future. At the very least they can't use the vents anymore unless they can discover a way to tamper with those aura things. That aside though, I didn't expect that Mr Rome to be a double agent in reality, but it does make sense. I mean, he's a clown/mime. They're suspicious by default D:.

To close off the review, this was one of my favorite chapters in this fic so far. It looks like this are gradually progressing into the next arc and boy, I'm here for it!


  1. slowpoke-hgss
  2. togekiss-nubushi
Hello, I'm here from the Review Blitz, returning your review! (First chapter only, and sorry about that--I am kind of terrible at getting through longfic.)

Some general impressions:

-Shiva and the others are worried about the alliance with the Aeon Kingdom and about the advisor to the Queen, but from what is happening and also from Yuna's characterization (and her parents'), it seems they are worrying about the wrong things, and sounds like the advisor's preminitions are absolutely correct--even if his sudden rise to influence is unsettling. This is neither here nor there, not necessarily a good or bad thing. I don't know if the advisor character is going to turn out to be a bad guy or not; from just the information in this chapter, there's not enough for me to form an opinion yet.
-The descriptions of the pokemon's actions and details like Shiva's breath frosting the air or Ifrit spitting embers and fireballs are engaging and mostly are helpful in establishing the characterization of them and what they are like as monsters. Occasionally it's a bit hard for me as a reader to connect to what the emotion of the gesture is (since it is animal body language, not human body language), though I imagine that's probably a hard issue to get around. For example, the discomfort of Shiva fluffing up her feathers got through just fine, but the emotion connected with her gesture of preening her neck was less clear to me.
-I'm not familiar with Galar or SWSH, having only watched the trailers and not actually played the games, and also not really familiar with PMD. But it sounds like the forms the three legendary birds were transformed into are the Galarian forms? I am pretty intrigued about how your story is providing an explanation and sort of backstory for how the Kanto legendary birds have the Galarian forms. (I'm just assuming this is you, and not canon.) It's always neat to see things that aren't explained in canon fleshed out in fanfiction.
-The initial scene does a good job of establishing a sense of tension and danger, while the second half of the chapter explores some more personal, everyday concerns of loneliness and homesickness. I felt like you did a good job of portraying what Yuna is physically like (floating, the nubby arm) while also making her gestures and sensations relatable. This portion of the chapter is also really well-grounded in concrete sensory details like the fwoomp of the pillow. Yuna's concerns and problems are easy to relate to and sympathize with.

Overall, I feel like it's a strong first chapter with not much of anything to complain about. It's vividly sensory and does a good job of starting off with the urgency of the big-picture danger and tension, as well as introducing the internal and relational conflicts that Yuna is facing.

I may or may not read more, but if not, just be aware that it's because of reasons like not being sure if I want to read a story with SWSH spoilers or not, since I haven't played the games yet, and also the fact that I am terrible about following up on longfic. It's a solid and intriguing start to your story, and I enjoyed the read!


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Hi hi, Amby! Hope life's treating you well! Sorry if this was a bit late, I know I promised a review like a week ago but I got too busy with school starting up again.

But hey, now I'm here! So let's get on with the review!

Chapter 4 starts off with an interaction between Vortex and Yuna's dad, and there seems to be some conspiracy going on (what with the whole mind-wipe thing) and we learn that apparently Galar I mean, their kingdoms are suffering some sort of energy crisis. (Do they not have Electric-type Pokémon for this?) Coupled with the mysterious cult, the Phantoms and mystery dungeons spawning, I wonder how all of this will be resolved.

Anyway, fast forwarding a bit. We get some interaction between team Bastion that will surely get them the win in the race (There'll be absolutely nothing bad that'll occur, I'm sure of it!)

Then chapter 5 starts and so does the race. Nikki somehow wipes out almost everyone in one hit. (Just showing off how op she is compared to everyone else) and later some spoopy ghostie things happen and we learn that Nikki cheated! (Dun dun dun!) What a surprising turn of events! They get disqualified and we get a little background tidbit that Nikki hates losing and I'm gonna assume that means there's some backstory for why she was so desperate to win. Also also, we learn a bit on what the Phantoms are planning to do and then bam! There's an attack!

Chapter 6 brings us right into the surprise attack on Vortex, Seifer, Noctum, Baratz and random Garchomp. A Gigantamax Snorlax raid battle! I wonder what happened to the Snorlax and how Gigantamax works in this world, seeing as nobody seems to recognize Gigantamax. (Is it just something they haven't discovered yet? Also do I smell a future where Nikki gets Gigantamax?)

Then we get a surprise in the form of Nickit and Greedent joining the dark side (well being forced to join) and I'm guessing that they're gonna start to appear more often?

Anyway, here's some line-by-line thoughts:
The gem bristled with light and a gravelly male responded
Gem Phones... cool.
. "Well, you already erased the memories of those who saw Douglas' assailant, right?"

A long silence followed. "I did."
Is that a conspiracy I see?

"The treaty won't matter if our kingdom falls into an energy crisis."
Energy crisis? I get that it's supposed to follow Galar's story but I do have to wonder how advanced their tech are if they're running out of power.
"What happened?" Her voice cracked. Yuna's throat burned.
Rayquaza deems you worthy of his power, Yuna.
Why had she immediately gravitated toward her classes and the Crowne Cup when there were more pressing matters to attend to? Like…
Like you're being mind controlled? Spooky.
Chiaki seemed to pick up on her line of thought as he gave her a side-eyed look and said, "Don't get any ideas. I just want to make sure we don't have to forfeit this preliminary round."
That's what they all say.
. "People like me need Protect at their disposal."
From this line alone, I take it Chiaki had experienced something that required him to be this secluded?
That sounded way too good to be true.
Of course it does. That's why it's gonna fail the moment you guys step foot into the battlements.
She remembered Chiaki saying that Nikki was strong, but there's no way she could put the team in a position to win the race instantly… right?
Yeah, something's either gonna go horribly wrong or they actually do win in an instant. (I'm gonna place some bets that one of those cultists will disrupt the race)
"Nope. You're a ghost. My plan won't affect you."
Ah, now I see. Hyper Voice. (Y'know I'm always curious on how the volume of the attack can't affect the ghost)

That's…" He pulled the cap down over his eyes. "It's personal."
I'm sensing a dead mentor/parental figure.
"Are you all ready to have crowning good time?"
Maybe it's better if you add 'a' between 'have' and 'crowning'.

This kinda makes it sound like the speaker's still learning how to talk.
the remaining Needles are
I don't know if I said this earlier but I think these Needles might be Eternatus' finger/claw things.

"I was getting closer. Closer to freeing them. To undoing my mistakes."
Undoing mistakes? Is this Calyrex?

He knew he could silence Fraud as he did those stuffy noble birds. But it would be a waste of precious energy. He needed at least one person who could think for themselves. Someone who wouldn't just be a mindless machine to send out and keep watch over the Needles.
Oh, so that's where the bird trio went. Hm, I wonder why no one's been talking about them if they're missing. (Well, I guess they could also be hiding that fact)

Fraud was clearly full of it. There was a reason he assigned the Mr. Rime that name.
So he's a spy?
It was Boomburst, a move she'd seen used by high-ranking kommo-o and flygon soldiers serving the Aeon Kingdom.
Oh, Boomburst. Jeez, how high level is Nikki?
To Nikki's horror, however, it failed to do a thing to the disembodied hands
Is-is this part of the race? Or are they just being targeted?
To her surprise, Vegna straightened himself back up. Talonflame didn't return to his shoulder, however. "Of course, I jest. But your soul and those of your teammates can still languish on this mortal coil… in the hellish pits of detention." The way his voice deepened with the final word sent a fresh chill down Yuna's backside. If this was his idea of a joke, his material needed work. Decades of work.
My, Nikki cheating? That's so in character but is still such an unexpected twist.

So that's why there were ghost hands. Spooky.

Though Noctum could scarcely understand why any pokémon would need an actual weapon. Weren't their own attacks sufficient?
Well, a Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd can attest to that.

Etherium didn't just pop into existence because some dragon willed it to be."
Well, either a giant light dragon did it or a deer did it.
"Fifty years," Baraz replied. "Queen Yiazmat wasn't even an egg yet."
So are the Galar Fossils immortal or do they just have an incredibly long lifespan?
Noctum stared back blankly. "Tell-o-what?"
The dragons are the fantasy side and the fairies are the sciency side. Cool.
Maybe Saint Keldeo wasn't quite as selfless as the scriptures make him out to be.
Well, history isn't written by the victims so... maybe there's some exaggeration about him. (or Seifer's just too self-centred to care)
"I'd prefer it if you stayed behind." Seifer stuck his nose up. "No offense, but aside from your old age, you're… an odd sight, to put it mildly. You'll attract unwanted attention."
I'll say. When I first saw the Draco/Arcto line, I thought they were some weird fanmade Pokémon or a Digimon.
In fact, the snoralx crushed the fountain entirely under its girth.
'Snorlax' Ya missed a typo here.
Shouldn't this be roger? (Unless you want to make him exphasize the 'Ro' part)
"A Phantom attack." Garchomp smacked her tail against a stone shard jutting out behind her. "Now, don't stand there gawking. Get someone in charge over here."
Hey, my prediction was pretty close! Sweet!
A life-sized playing card with a plague mask appeared. It spun around, then spat out a nickit and a greedent
Oh hey, it's those two. They came back earlier than I expected so that's a nice surprise.
So overall, a great read! Your writing is great and this stream of chapters have been lovely! I can't wait to read more!

Take care!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Alright, dusting off my review series for this thing to round off some TR Review Blitz targets since I've got two chapters to get through and... -checks notes- just under 15 hours to make them happen. So let's hop right to it with…

Chapter 28

The further Cyril led Noctum and Seifer through Eterna's gridded streets, the brighter things became. More and more artificial lighting from street lights to unnatural purple crystals to neon signs advertising everything from household appliances to fast food chains to some sort of production involving an inteleon in a tuxedo.

So what's the obvious 007 parody movie called? :V

"How much further? I thought we were going to the bazaar," Seifer said, eyes darting back and forth. There were other people walking on the cobalt sidewalks. Noctum recognized some species, but others were totally alien to him, like a walking sunflower or a black-furred rapidash-like creature with white stripes and a lightning-bolt shaped tail.

"We're not." Cyril was a few paces ahead of them. He had a set of goggles over his eyes. "I was going to go there originally. Now I need to take you to a good spot to access the factory."

Wait, is facial recognition something in this setting? Since on the one hand, those goggles do seem handy for helping to stun that given that it doesn't take that much to blind a camera, but then it raises the question of why Fenrir isn't equipping Noctum and Seifer with them given that they almost certainly popped up on the grid after their whole initial arrival after the Qliphoth.

Seifer: "... Is there a reason why you're wearing those and we're not?"
Fenrir: "The mission calls for it?"

Seifer: "Just like it called for practicing that warping move Noctum picked up on an electrified razor fence?" >_>;
Fenrir: "Yes? And?"
Noctum: "... I'm starting to think we should've insisted on a more detailed mission briefing before heading out." .-.

"Isn't it, like, a bad idea to be out here?" Noctum looked around nervously. A vaporeon with the spiked neck ruff of a jolteon noticed his Malice Crystal and quickened her pace in a panic. The charizard's tail flame shrank. "What if someone pulls me aside?"

"What's really going to screw us over is you acting so nervous," Cyril growled. "Stop swiveling your head around like a lost helioptile."

Noctum: "Fenrir, I'd just like to note that you know exactly what all the dangers here in Eterna City are, and you've barely told us anything about them!" >_>;
Fenrir: "If I did, you'd probably be cowering in the bathroom of my grill 24/7, so let's keep this on a need-to-know basis." >:|
Noctum: "... Oh my god. What on earth did I sign up for?"

"Sorry." Noctum instead looked down, following cracks in the sidewalk. "It's just hard to focus on anything with all the bright lights. Do you, like, ever get use to this kind of stuff?"

"All this liveliness is part of the city's draw for folks." Cyril paused, then bitterly added, "At first."

"It all feels like a bit much," Seifer said. The trio rounded a street corner onto a much larger street. Hovercars and busses slowly moved past in both directions, reflecting multicolored lights from a giant monitor showing silhouettes of a blaziken, absol, lucario, and sudowoodo dancing in tandem with headphones on their heads.

I feel as if this grouping is a reference to something, but I don't recognize what exactly.

"No shit." Cyril shook his head. "Sure, all this big, flashy stuff seems appealing at first. But like everything in the Qliphoth, eventually it gets old. So, maybe you turn into another species. Rework your being, change jobs, and take on a new life." He flipped strands of white hair out of his goggles. "Eventually things get stale and you become part of the crud all this glitz and glamor is covering up.

"And if you ask me, with no new planets getting swallowed up, there hasn't been any real stimulation in over a thousand years." There was an unsettling chill in Cyril's voice. "Is it any wonder Phantoms are spilling out into Etherium? People are eroding into Phantoms like weeds spreading through a crop field."

Oh, so Eternatus has to keep on consuming more worlds or else everything just implodes inside of it and everyone devolves into horrific monsters. Lovely.

He turned right to point to the television screen, where metal squares now surrounded the dancing silhouettes. "And that shit right there? That's the archbishop's attempts to cover it up and distract people."

Text spread out under the silhouettes: "uPhone: a universe of potential."

"Those squares are the phones?" Seifer blinked at the ad. "A far cry from those kooky crystals you use in Radiance, eh?" Cyril shook his head dismissively.

"Wouldn't surprise me if Vortex and his stooges somehow pulled schematics for their stupid stuff out of the distortion itself."

I'm sorry, WHAT.

I mean, it makes a lot of sense thinking about it, especially with how Schizo Tech Radiance is, but being dependent on a realm of spiritual corruption slumbering under your planet for your entire tech tree is something else.

Noctum gulped. "They can do that?"

Cyril shrugged and proceeded forward. Noctum opted not to press the matter further. Instead, he changed the subject. "If the factory is underground, do you think the Phantom Warp is enough to get me to it?" He looked down at the jet-black sidewalk. The metal was cold against his scaly feet.

"No," Cyril flatly responded. "But factories like this one need ventilation systems. So, we're going to find one of the grates."

Seifer: "... Aren't floor plans and the like literally information you can publicly solicit? Why are we going in this in the dark into breaking into a factory considering how important this uPhone 33 is for your mission?"

Fenrir: "Have you ever considered that A: That might not hold true here like it does for you at home, B: It's a bit hard to put in a solicitation for floorplans as one of the most wanted 'mons in the Qliphoth?" >_>;

"… oh." Noctum traced a claw nervously around his belly crystal. "And, um, will I be able to fit into it?"

"Probably." Cyril was focused on the other sidewalk. "Before that crystal, I'd call you embarrassingly thin for a 'zard. You a vegetarian or something?"

Seifer: "Isn't that all relative? Noctum is thin for a Charizard, but I would heavily take the under on him fitting into the likes of a drainpipe."

Fenrir: "Look, we'll find out in about 30 seconds if he can fit or not. It's supposed to be a big factory."
Seifer: "One that we know nothing about layout-wise..." >_>;

Seifer side-eyed Noctum, who frowned. "No. I just… struggled to get decent meals as a charmander."

"That so? Bummer." Cyril stopped and sat on his haunches. His goggle lenses flickered with small white lights. "Mmm. Think we're here."

That's really
for Noctum's backstory, though it'd explain a lot. And boy is this fox really going out of his way to be a dick. Like I get that you've been through a lot, but chill out, man.

"Here?" Seifer looked up at a neon street sign and traffic light. "We're at some random intersection! What makes you so sure?"

Noctum looked in the direction Cyril was facing. He tapped Seifer's flank with his wing. "Uhh…" The charizard pointed a claw forward.

Seifer followed it. Both of them saw assorted humans and pokémon lined up on the sidewalk. The line stretched several blocks down, before turning a corner and disappearing from view. A couple of the saucer-like Eternatus Troopers floated back and forth around the line.

One dark-skinned human in a crop top and short shorts threw his arms up with a victorious look on his face. "Aaaaand seventeen hours in line! Hot dog, that's a new record!" He held up a hand, but the lavender tangrowth standing behind him merely rolled its eyes.


"These people… are willing to wait that long for a phone?"

Seifer's jaw dropped. "Welcome to Eterna City," Cyril deadpanned. "In any case, that's how I'm sure we're where we need to be."

I mean, it's only a minor exaggeration from the way iThing hype was back in the late 00s and early 10s, so... yeah. That sounds about right.

One of the street lights on the opposite sidewalk tilted upward and projected a hologram of Paradox in front of the people in line.

"What is up my guys, gals, and non-binary pals?" Paradox was disturbingly cheerful. "I hope you're all as excited for the new uPhone launch as I am." His right tentacles twisted into an arm and he pulled out the phone. "With its improved map and QPS functions, it'll get you where you need to be, when you need to be there! Enjoy the launch… and don't forget to show off your new uPhone on Chatter with the hashtag ParadoxRules to be entered to win an autographed uPhone case from yours truly!"

The hologram disappeared to raucous cheers from the people in line. Noctum winced. That enthusiasm sounded so forced it was painful. "I think I'm ready for a change of scenery," he said. Whatever awaited him in the factory couldn't be a sorrier sight than this.


Seifer: "Seconded. Something that cringy can't possibly be healthy for you." >.<
Fenrir: "Welcome to my life. Or afterlife, I suppose." -_-;

"Great." Cyril pointed to a grate where the street met the sidewalk. "If my intel's correct, this'll lead you into the factory's ventilation system."

Seifer squinted at the grate. "And if your intel's wrong?"

"Then Zardy gets to take a nice, refreshing dip in the sewers," Cyril chirped. Seifer's snout wrinkled in disgust as he turned to Noctum.

Noctum: "What?! This wasn't in the briefing! Why am I agreeing to this?!" O_O;
Fenrir: "Because you're the only one of us with Phantom Warp and that makes you the logical candidate to pull off this job by default?"
Seifer: "Are you sure that even if your source is right that these vents will fit a Charizard? What are we supposed to do if Noctum gets stuck down there?"

Fenrir: "Wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't trust my intel. I haven't gotten burned from it... that often."

Noctum: "Oh my god."

"You don't have to agree to this."

Noctum shrugged. "I've had worse."

Er... yeah, that would be the downside of being reared as a bodyguard from youth. Since... yeah, there is no way in hell you could get me to agree to Fenrir's plan as presented there given how stingy he's being with any proper briefing of hazards to keep an eye out for, and in light of what went down between Gene and Valkyrie it honestly makes me wonder if he's genuinely jerking these two around or putting them through some sort of test of loyalty.

That earned a frown from Seifer. Noctum stepped toward the grate. Multiple floating taxis sped by. "Hey, uh, how am I supposed to do this without someone seeing me?"

Smirking, Cyril grabbed a canister from his bag with one of his tails. He glanced at Seifer. "Might wanna plug your nose."

That exasperated Seifer. "With what? I have hooves!"

Cyril twisted the canister open. A huge cloud of black smog spread across the street corner. Noctum's nostrils burned and his gag reflex nearly kicked in. Fortunately, he'd gone so long without a meal there was nothing he needed to keep down.

Seifer: "How did that not draw the attention of literally everyone on the street with how overpowering that smell was?" >_>;
Fenrir: "Look, the important part is that they didn't see where we wound up. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
Seifer: "I am a horse!" >.<

The charizard felt the grate under his feet even as car horns blared around him. Like he'd practiced earlier, Noctum concentrated on the strange spark of power coming from his belly.

Within seconds, the smoke disappeared, along with the horns. Warm air buffeted Noctum's belly. Cold gray steel surrounded him on all sides. Fans whirred in the distance.

Noctum had enough room to spread his wings, though the ventilator ventilation shaft's air rippled across his membranes like silverware poking flan. Still, Cyril was right. Noctum was thankful to not be taking a dip in a sewer.

It might have made sense to build this up a bit such as having Cyril explain that if his intel is right, that there's a particularly large ventilation shaft that goes down to the factory. Since:

A: Seifer and especially Noctum likely have zero frame of reference for this from Etherium.
B: Ventilation shafts of this scale are really rare in reality outside of the likes of shafts meant to bring in air for subway systems. Enough so that if Fenrir was getting pushed back on "let's find a vent", he would likely point out that it literally can't be missed with a size like this.

While it wouldn't be unreasonable for a particularly large underground factory in a cyberpunk hellscape to have something like that, it might make sense to hammer home that this is what you meant to your audience, since at first, I thought that Noctum was about to go full John McLane and I was side-eyeing a bit.

He slowly drifted down the ventilator until he spotted a fan a few meters below him. "Psst! Cyril, you there?"

"I read ya, Zardy."

"There's a big fan blocking my path. What do I do?" Noctum slowly flapped his wings to keep his altitude.

"Maybe try offering it an autograph?"

Noctum heard a groan through the X-transceiver. Probably Seifer.

"In all seriousness, dismantle it. Can't have ya getting sliced into 'zard sashimi."

Noctum: "Oh thank goodness, he's not having me Phantom Warp through this. I was getting worried for a moment." 😰

Noctum glanced at the fan, weighing his options. Ultimately, he opened his mouth and spewed a flamethrower. Though some of it threatened to blow back into his face, he applied enough force to blast apart the fan. An initial burst of hot air threatened to blow him several meters back up, but he pressed his hands and feet to the sides of the shaft and inertia did the rest.

Sighing in relief, Noctum continued forward. Every fan he crossed paths with met the same fate as the first one. After a while, Noctum reached a fork in his path, with the vent continuing down but also branching to his right. He relayed this new detail to Cyril.

"I'm pretty sure the finished product is at the top floor of the factory," Cyril explained. "So, I'd go right."

There was some muttering. Seifer objecting, perhaps? Noctum did have to admit he wished he was going off more than blind faith in someone who'd deceived him multiple times already. As he glided through the shaft, he silently prayed to Bahamut that he'd find what he needed.

Wait, so does this branching vent look like a '⅄' where both branches ultimately still go down or a '⊢'? I'm assuming the former since that makes the most sense for ventilation shafts of this sort in reality and is a lot more logical in design for an underground space, but I can't quite tell from the text there.

"A reminder to all employees that a clean workplace is a happy workplace. Anyone caught littering will be subject to pointing and laughing."

Well that totally sounds like a healthy work environment there. Not.

Noctum hoped the eerily-cheerful female voice meant he was on the right path. Grates began to appear beneath him. All Noctum could see through the first few were gray floors. Hallways, if he had to guess.

The charizard approached another split path and hovered there, trying to listen for any sounds that could point closer to, well, the actual factory part of the facility. Realizing the occasional wing flap was making that harder, Noctum landed. The cold metal stung his feet, but Noctum ignored it and focused.

... Wait, is Noctum flying through horizontally-oriented air shafts? Just how big are the factory floors underneath to justify air vents of this size? .-.

Plus, you probably would want to emphasize how fast (or more likely not) Noctum is going through this, since even with the Xenogears-tier ventilation system, going through the these tunnels quickly sounds like a recipe for running into a fan, or else getting yourself into a Pikachu's Summer Vacation situation.

"Flapple would like to remind all employees that communication is the key to any successful workplace. As such, if you notice your colleagues slacking off, please report them to your supervisor."

Yeesh, no wonder why people are becoming Phantoms left and right with workplaces like this. Given the Foxconn-tier working conditions, I can see why they built the factory underground. Can't jump out a window that way.

The announcement came from the right path. Noctum took off once again, only to immediately encounter another fan. He paused, biting his lower lip. It was easy to get away with blasting them earlier. But now that he was within the facility, wouldn't someone hear the fan breaking?

Noctum: "Er... on second thought I should be going through these things slower. A lot slower." O_O;

Noctum shook his head. He could just fly away, right?

Please reward my faith, Bahamut. The charizard spewed another burst of fire. The fan broke apart and Noctum continued forward for a bit, stopping when he realized grated slits replaced the entirety of the shaft floor.

Now he had a clear view of everything. A black conveyer belt snaked across the floor beneath him. The walls were adorned with disturbing posters. One had an eevee sandwiched between a smiling umbreon and espeon with the caption "TEAM: Together Eternatus Achieves More." Another had a lopunny kneeling at a human's feet and pressing its face to his boots. It read "Leadership is knowing when to kiss up."

I take back the Foxconn comment. This place seems like a worse environment to work in. ^^;

Gulping, Noctum focused on the conveyer belt. There were all sorts of strange mechanical arms and pincers moving in time with it, producing sparks on small black squares. Based on the ad Noctum saw earlier, that was likely the uPhone he needed to swipe.

Some of the arms had people standing next to them looking bored out of their skulls. A corphish was dangerously close to nodding off. Several meters away, a snover pulled a metal handle up and down, eyes glazed over.

Noctum frowned. He couldn't imagine a job where he stood around in one spot, doing the same thing over and over again. Where was the stimulation in that?

Welcome to factory labor, Noctum.

"Zardy, you still with us?"

He nearly jumped at Cyril's voice. "Yeah," Noctum whispered. "I found the phones. I think I'm where they put the finishing touches and box them up." His eyes moved with the conveyer belt and, sure enough, the end of the line saw two mechanical arms lifting uPhones into flattened cardboard for a pair of purple, grookey-like pokémon with two long tails ending in giant hands to fold up.

"Then snag one of the boxes before they get off the conveyer. Once you have it, use your crystal and you should be able to open a rift back home."

Okay, Fenrir has to be either jerking these two around or testing their loyalty, since this feels like one of those missions that you don't want to improvise and yet here we are. ^^;

Noctum: "W-We didn't practice jumping anywhere close to that range though!" O_O;
Fenrir: "Yeah, well there's a first time for everything. So buck up and nab those uPhones."

Noctum's heart fluttered. He'd get to go back to Horizon Gardens? Back to Yuna and Baraz? It was too good to be true!

Narrator: "That's because it probably is too good to be true."

"Sound the alarms! We've got an intruder in the vents!"

So good, in fact, Noctum didn't realize he'd stepped onto the grates and put himself in full view of the factory until one of the purple grookey yelled and pointed a tail-hand at him.

Noctum: "In my defense, if you didn't want 'mons getting up in there, maybe you should've made those vents a bit smaller? I'm pretty sure that your ventilation system is in the top percentage of ventilation systems in how conveniently open and roomy it is."

"Oh crap," Noctum squeaked. There was no sense hiding now. He smashed through the grate with a swipe of his metallic claws and dropped onto the conveyer belt below him.

"Protect the product!" a human in a lime-green jumpsuit and hard hat shouted from atop a yellow platform. She pulled a lever and the conveyer screeched to a halt while a klaxon blared throughout the factory.

Both purple grookey hopped onto their work stations and let loose a flurry of Swift stars. Noctum met them with gouts of fire, but he heard approaching footsteps. With a flap of his wings, he took off seconds before a spiked, electrified mace would've socked him between his wing joints. An Eternatus Trooper raised the mace back up.

Noctum: "Oh my god, has everyone in this blasted realm lost their minds over these stupid phones?" >_>;

"Halt, rebel!" the Trooper shouted. "Flapple is not responsible for any concussions or broken bones sustained as a result of your poor afterlife decisions!" It whipped both its spring-loaded arms back and shot them forward. At the same time, more Swift stars spread out behind Noctum.


Focusing on the Malice Crystal, Noctum warped several meters backward. The Trooper's fists struck air. "Hey!" Its maces dropped to the ground. "Dodging is not permitted!"

I see that being forcibly turned into Unown results into some questionable mook quality in this place.

Noctum opened his mouth and spewed a large smokescreen. The purple grookey descended into coughing fits. Noctum dove down and grabbed the boxed uPhone they were in the process of completing when he'd been spotted.

"No, stop him!"

It was the forewoman, who now had a strange canister trained on Noctum. A large rock shout out of it. Noctum had enough distance to easily strafe to his right, but there were now two Eternatus Troopers with their maces raised. Yelping, Noctum Phantom Warped up, but slammed his head against the ceiling. He was fortunate enough to keep his grip on the uPhone, but another blow would cost him it, for sure!

Noctum: "O-Ow, of course my Phantom Warp would peter out right before crossing the grate." >.<

"Zardy, what's going on? I'm hearing alarms through the X-transceiver!"

"I got spotted, but I got the phone!" Noctum said, coughing out another smokescreen that faded under a bevy of Swift stars. He flew for the broken vent, but the forewoman shot another rock from her bizarre rock launcher. It reminded Noctum of a concentrated Rock Blast. Why did she even have something like that?

Noctum: "For reference, I could have avoided this if you'd briefed me on these absurdly spacious vents being visible from entire factory floors!" >_>;
Fenrir: "Look, these things are audio-only, okay? ... I think. Look, just hurry up and bounce!"

The charizard rolled out of the way, managing to dodge a mace swing as well.

"Then make a rift and get out of there! Job's done!"

Noctum: "Boy it sure is a good thing you bothered to give me a tutorial for doing that, huh?"

Fenrir: "Look, you did it once, didn't you? How hard is it to do it a second time?" >.<
Noctum: "Obviously a lot harder than you're assuming."

"How?!" Noctum approached the back corner of the factory. He'd have to turn around at this rate.

"Focus on your Malice and think about prying it apart like bursting through a locked door!"

He didn't have time to criticize Cyril's analogy. Noctum clenched what was left of his stomach muscles. The crystal, already glowing from his Phantom Warps, responded in kind. Purple shards formed on the wall Noctum flew toward. They opened up a jagged rift in the wall. Squeezing his eyes shut, Noctum dove into the rift seconds before a rock would've struck him. He could tell because its broken remnants peppered his backside as he tumbled through the distortion, curling around the boxed uPhone and trying not to look at the multiple red and purple eyes.

After a few seconds, Noctum landed on a bed of tulips and rolled to a stop against the outer rim of a flower garden. Groaning, he clutched his head.

"Did I… do it?"

Noctum: "Fenrir, I swear to god that if I'm not back home..." >_>;

The charizard sat up. Although he didn't recognize the tulip bed, he absolutely recognized the cozy brick buildings a few hundred meters in the distance.

He was back! Cyril had told the truth! Oh, thank God! Noctum wanted to cry, but there were more important matters to attend to. Namely, finding Yuna.

Well I'll be, Fenrir actually came through. For a second, I thought that he was going to bait and switch Noctum, but I guess it'd be kinda boring and depressing for Noctum to just never rejoin Team Bastion's end of the plot, huh?

Fortunately, as he stumbled to his feet, Noctum was offered an obvious clue: several tables and booths sitting under a huge white tent, with a sign reading "Horizon Academy Club Fair."

Smiling and tucking the uPhone under his arm, Noctum took to the air and flew toward the tent. He got about halfway when he spotted a familiar toxtricity sitting on a rock absentmindedly strumming her gills. Noctum glided down and gently landed on the grass about a meter away. "Nikki!" He jogged the rest of the distance, waving at her.

Nikki pivoted atop the rock. "Look who's alive and kicking. I bet Princess will be—" She stopped herself. Her gaze fell toward Noctum's stomach. She rolled off the rock and held her hands up. "Yeah, I'm-a need you to stay where you are, dude."

Well, it was a nice and touching reunion for all of 5 seconds.

Noctum: "N-Nikki?" ._.

Noctum stopped on the other side of the rock. "Ah, right." He looked at the Malice Crystal. "I can explain."

"Save it." Nikki took another step back. "I'm going to go… find Princess. Or Twiggy."

She turned and ran off, leaving Noctum standing in the field, clutching the uPhone box while his tail flame shrank.


I see that Noctum just can't catch a break.

As best Yuna could describe, the school day was a complete fog. She didn't remember waking up or Baraz escorting her to class. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Shimmer and Vegna were absent from the law class. Instead, there were instructions on the board about reading book chapters and answering questions based on them.

Likewise, Cid wasn't teaching his history class. Instead, there was a klefki whose name Yuna missed. She could hardly pay attention to him. The dreepy couldn't shake the sense that her classmates were staring at her. Reshiram insisted it was in her head, but that did her little good.

Considering how her introduction at the cafeteria played out, they absolutely are staring at her right now.

It was bad enough that she opted to skip lunch. Baraz offered to bring some food to her, which she accepted. Midmeal, however, Vortex broadcasted an announcement about the school's club fair. It would take place in the afternoon on the greens overlooking Horizon Gardens.

And so, at Baraz's insistence, Yuna found herself hovering toward the large white tent set up atop a hill to the west of the small town and its train station. Baraz waddled beside her, a newspaper clutched in his tiny hands.

"You've been carrying newspapers around all day," Yuna said. "What's the deal?"

"I, uh, couldn't help wanting to see what they wrote about yesterday." Baraz scratched his midsection with his free hand, generating a few sparks.

Yuna: "I don't want to know, do I?" >_>;
Baraz: "Actually, from the way the text is written, I believe the implication is that you do, Princess Yuna."

Yuna's gills shriveled. "Ugh. What did they say? Are they laying into me and Kain?"

"No." Baraz frowned. "In fact, aside from the Radiant Beacon, they're not covering it at all." He unfolded the newspaper in his right hand. Its cover had a picture of Starlene holding up a poster of herself and smiling for the camera. "They're all focused on this new song Starlene released yesterday: 'Hope Conquers All.'"

Ah yes, the Epstein playbook. Depressing, but you can't say it's not realistic.

Though that Starlene song title is making me
quite a bit. Since you just know that has some sort of ulterior meaning when Vortex and his company have ties to her.

That gave Yuna mixed feelings. She was relieved to not come under fire. However, a part of her understood how callous it was to brush the event aside. Shouldn't Radiance's journalists be concerned about Xeromus? Or even Vegna? The former seemed especially dangerous to her.

"But if you went to talk about what you experienced, would they even listen to you?" Reshiram wondered.

I don't know. These are faceless strangers. Yuna's arms sagged as she floated on ahead.

"Ah, don't let it get to you, Princess." Baraz's large feet thumped against the grass as he awkwardly ran after her. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. You shouldn't let it detract from this club fair." He offered her a shaky smile. "Maybe you'll find something here that strikes your fancy? A way to unwind… or even make some friends!" His tail wiggled.


Seriously Baraz, surely you should know better by now than to assume that's going to be a likely outcome. :V

"Maybe," she whispered. Yuna couldn't shake her guilt. Vortex was trying to distract her classmates. She wanted to call it out for what it was, but who would listen to her? Her teammates, perhaps. But they seemed like outcasts at the school, too.

Narrator: "They are outcasts at the school."

So, Yuna would play along. Perhaps she'd glance at the club tables briefly, determine nothing there suited her, and take her leave. Yes, that sounded like a solid plan.

She floated toward the south side of the tent. White folding tables stood in neat, evenly spaced columns. Some displayed signs. Others had posters on them. And a few had colorful tablecloths holding bowls filled with wrapped candy.

Where to start?

"What sorts of hobbies dost thou have?"
Rayquaza asked.

Yuna started down the column of tables on her right. Uh, reading, I guess? And painting my friends' claws. And, uh…

She stopped next to a table for the chess club. The luxray seated behind the table slid the sign-up clipboard away from Yuna.

… okay, wow. I'm more boring than I thought.

Wow, rude.

Cecil: "Pretty sure that there's a book club in most schools of this sort. If you like reading, you could try and find one of those to work with."
Yuna: "Considering how I just got shot down by the chess club, I'm not holding my breath there, Reshiram." >_>;

"Nonsense! That's quitter talk," Rayquaza harrumphed. "Reading is a gateway into worlds beyond. Mayhaps there is a book club hiding amongst this labyrinth."

Oh hey, Gallian and I are thinking alike there. Though he's not wrong with the claim there. :V

"Something wrong, Princess?" Baraz asked, stepping to her side. "If you'd rather I wait outside the tent, I can do that."

Yuna was prepared to answer when brown swathes caught her attention. She glanced at the far end of the tent. A table that had, of all things, circular pieces of wood stacked up in neat little pillars. Curiosity piqued, Yuna began floating toward it when something cold and metallic brushed her left horn.


She pivoted left and found Chiaki standing there. He'd gone back to his black button-down shirt and pokébase cap.

"Got a second?" he whispered.

Yuna: "Chiaki, would it kill you to get into the habit of wearing gloves? I could've done without the ice-hand from that prosthetic of yours." >_>;
Chiaki: "Look, suck it up, Princess. We've got something a bit more important to talk through right now."

"Uh…" Yuna glanced at the table again. "I was kind of hoping to check out that club over there."

Chiaki's brow furrowed. "Wasn't a request. That charizard servant of yours is back, but there's a bit of a problem."

Yuna's ectoplasm quivered. "What happened? Where is he? I need to see him!" Chiaki turned around.

"Then you'll have to follow me."

Yuna: "... Do I want to know what happened to Noctum given the way you're not giving me a straight answer?"

Chiaki: "Do you honestly think you're going to feel any better trying to avoid it when you inevitably do find out."

Yuna: "... Point. I just hope that he came back with all his limbs attached, it'd be terrible if-" 😰
- Yuna looks up and sees Chiaki training a sharp scowl at her -
Yuna: "Er..." O_O;
Chiaki: "Smooth. But come on, let's get this over with."

Even as Noctum explained everything to Yuna, she couldn't take her eyes off the crystal in his stomach. It seemed to suck in the light around it. The normally warm oranges and yellows from Noctum tail flame were now hues of violet and lavender that sent a chill down Yuna's tail. How was he standing there talking like everything was okay?

And that wasn't even getting into what he had described. Sure, Aquardah had made her aware there were people living in Eternatus. But a linked civilization ruled by some tyrannical alien and his legion of weaponized unown? Humans and aliens mingling with pokémon? Some underground rebel group whose leader was a species that didn't exist as far as Etherium was concerned? And his assistant was Chiaki's mechanic… who was really a dead spirit walking amongst the living?

Yuna wasn't sure if she had the Soul Dew to thank for not passing out from information overload.

Is that last bit a general trait for Aeons or something? Since we're 2/2 for major characters from there that have been about to keel over from finding out about how the Qliphoth really works.

"I suppose you and Noctum are more alike than you thought," Reshiram said. "And now you both have powerful trinkets bonded with you."

Yeah, no kidding.

"Yes, but his represents the power we art trying to thwart," Rayquaza reminded him. "In that sense, they are opposite sides of the same proverbial coin."

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Noctum: "N-None of that means that we need to be in conflict though!"
Gallian: "Er... well, when you're inherently channeling a power we're trying to stop..."

Yuna: "Rayquaza, can we not do this now?" >_>;

Yuna saw winces from both dragons in her mind's eye. She focused on the hardwood floor. Each plank looked as if it'd been laid with care and glazed by hand.

"I'm not sure why you roped me into this." Leaning against a wall of tan wooden slits, Nikki yawned into her hand. "Or why we're in some cheap wooden box."

Beside her, Chiaki rolled his eyes. "You're the one who found Noctum. And I already told you, this is my bodyguard's apartment. She installed all the wood furnishings herself."

Nikki: "... Isn't your bodyguard a Garchomp? How on earth would she install these with a pair of single claws?"

Chiaki: "Pretty sure you don't canonically know that, but... she's surprisingly handy?"

"Uh-huh." Nikki leaned to her left and squinted. "Your bodyguard lives in a shack instead of in the servant's quarters. Which would, y'know, put her closer to you." She shrugged her shoulders and jammed her hands in her jacket pockets. "Really feeling that team love and camaraderie, Twiggy."

I mean, such is life when the bodyguard has to pull some -ahem- side gigs here and there as part of her job. Helps for not being spotted walking in a dirty mess from them.

Yuna rubbed her temples. "Guys, can we save this for another time?"

Nikki shrugged and Chiaki scowled. Both looked away from one another, silently approving Yuna's request.

"What happens now?" Yuna asked. She wanted to go up and hug Noctum, but the crystal in his stomach worried her. What if it reacted to the Soul Dew?


I swear, the universe just has it out for your dragons in this story.

No, she had to push that thought aside for now. Business first, right? Yuna looked at the box Noctum gingerly held. "Those rebels want you to deliver that to them, right?" Her gills drooped. "Does that mean you have to go back to that, um, asteroid belt?"

Noctum tilted his head. "I'm not actually sure. But I assume that's the case."

Yuna: "Considering how much of a giant ass that Zoroark has been from how you described him. Considering that he apparently has the ability to cross over to us, why on earth are you not making him come get his stupid phones?" >_>;
Noctum: "... That's actually a good point, but I'd really rather not have literally everyone out to kill me from the Qliphoth since I suspect we're not getting away with just avoiding it for the rest of the story." ^^;

"… oh." Yuna looked down. She had an urge to ask to go with him, but couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Oh, wait!" Noctum rubbed his forehead. "Cyril gave me this X-transthingy to keep in touch with him. Maybe it works out here?"

Baraz wagged his stubby tail. "Wow, that sounds amazing!"

The charizard pinched his right horn. "Hey, Cyril, can you hear me?"

Yuna looked at her teammates, who shrugged in unison. "I mean, you guys know more about this stuff than me," she said. "With those gemcom things."

"I've got reception!" Noctum cheered. Nikki jumped in surprise, mane frazzling.

Wait, what? That works? What sort of mobile network is that thing running on? .-.

"Cripes! Didn't anyone ever teach you about using your inside voice?" she growled.

Noctum grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. It caught me by surprise, that's all." He tapped his horn. "This thing's incredible." He paused. "Maybe not worth all the craziness in the big techno city, but still cool."

"… tch. I could've told you it'd work," Chiaki grunted, arms crossed and head tucked against his chest. "What's the deal, then? Cyril going to send you back to this Eterna City place or what?"

Noctum: "... I'm sorry but how do you know this again-?"

Chiaki: "My mechanic comes from there and would've been able to walk me through how technology from the Qliphoth works?"

Noctum: "... Right. Forgot that the story established that one. (Even if I’m pretty sure I didn’t put two and two together yet canonically.)"

Noctum repeated the question out loud while squeezing his horn. He closed his eyes in thought while everyone else looked at him expectantly.

"The city's on high alert?" Noctum winced. "Yeah, I guess that's my fault. B-But you're the one who told me to—" He suddenly went silent and stared at the box.

For the record, if the Faraday Pouch route would've worked, Fenrir needs to never ever be allowed to live this down by the rest of the cast. :^)

... Even if the fact that the X-Transceiver is working under these conditions is making me suspect that mobile devices in the Qliphoth are using some sort of paranormal voodoo to work that is completely unrelated to conventional electromagnetic properties.

"Pot calling the kettle black much?" Chiaki scoffed. "I bet your disciplinary file is longer than a six-car train."

Nikki blew a raspberry at Chiaki.

"Real mature," the grovyle sneered. "Bite me."

"I would, but you'd probably like it."

Doesn't sound like you're dramatically better on that front yourself, Chiaki.

Yuna ignored them and turned back to Noctum, who repeatedly nodded and whispered, "Uh-huh."

"Well?" She tilted her head.

"He's not sure how to complete the handoff," Noctum said, rubbing the back of his head.

Chiaki pushed himself off the wall and approached the charizard. "Would he be willing to try and meet you in Venish?"

Yuna quirked a brow. Wasn't that the city that had come up in Benedict's trial? Why there of all places?

Yuna: "... Shouldn't this Fenrir 'mon be able to come right here, though?"

Chiaki: "Yuna, this 'mon is literally wanted by an evil undead empire. We don't want him to come straight to the front door of our school!" >_>;

Noctum looked ready to ask the same thing when Chiaki held up his good hand. "I've got business to attend to there tomorrow night." When he was met with skeptic looks, he added, "Family business. And I might need Fen— sorry, Cyril's help."

Well that's not ominous at all considering who's in Chiaki's family.

"Family business… while your so-called bodyguard is chilling inside Eternatus?" Nikki squinted. "Yeah, that totally makes sense. Except for the part where it doesn't."

"Obviously he'd bring Valkyrie with him." Chiaki flicked his prosthetic arm dismissively. "Look, just ask him if that can be arranged."

Nikki: "... Twiggy, just how many times have you gone to the freaky evil realm of undead 'mons-?"

Chiaki: "We're getting beside the point. Anyhow, what's he say, Noctum?"

Noctum had his hand on his right horn. "Did you get all of that, Cyril?"

Silence, then Noctum nodded slowly. "Okay. Yeah." He nodded again. "Sure, I'll tell him." Noctum took his hand off his horn. "Cyril said he'll try and make it work. Apparently Venish is linked to some sort of processing plant called Outpost R3X. The rebel leader has a bunch of friends who work there, converting tar into building materials."

A smirk tugged at Chiaki's lips. "See? It works out for everyone."

"Outpost Rex" huh? That a nod to something from FF?

Though the fact that places in Radiance are just straight-up connected to the Qliphoth bodes extremely poorly for the sustainability for their entire way of life. Like Eternatus being defeated in a lasting manner would basically involve a FF6-style scenario where the magic goes away for good at the end. Which from how Radiance has been presented working... would probably cause societal collapse.

"What about us?" Nikki gestured to Yuna, then thumped her chest. "We supposed to twiddle our thumbs while you two go stuff your faces with Venishian food?"

That pun was physically painful.

Chiaki rolled his eyes. "I don't think you want to go where I'm going."

Nikki slouched against an oaken cabinet. "Ever the buzzkill, huh, Twiggy?"

Nikki, his dad is named Sakaki. You don't want to follow along.

Nikki: "For reference, I don't know that canonically."

Yuna looked to her right, where a window had been boarded up. Was there still time to get back to the club fair? Maybe she could leave with Noctum and Baraz while her teammates bickered?

... Honestly, yeah. As terrible as it'd be for team cohesion, I'd want to bounce from here too.

A knock at the door drew a surprised squeak from Yuna. Chiaki whirled around. "The hell?" He crouched low. "Who's out there!"

More knocks, followed by a, "Look, just open the door."

Nikki's brows raised. "Hey, I recognize that voice." She stepped away from the cabinet and raised her right arm. "Take a chill pill, Twiggy, this guy's cool." The toxtricity walked up to the door and swung it open with more force than was necessary.

Yuna gasped. A milotic was coiled up in the hall, but his scales lacked the usual sparkle and luster she'd come to expect from them. In fact, he was downright shabby, with patches of graying scales and dirt caked on his ribbons and tailfins.

Oh, hi Artie.

"I guess that might explain why Nikki knows him," Reshiram mumbled. "He must be from a shaky financial situation, like her."

Er... there's a few more parallels between the two than that, not that Cecil knows that right here and now. ^^;

Maybe? That's still a bit… harsh to say, Yuna countered.

"You were thinking it, too, though."

Yuna didn't respond. Instead, she addressed Milotic. "Can we, um, help you with something?"

"Actually, I think I can help you." Milotic pointed his ribbons at Nikki and Yuna. "You guys need a reason to go to Venish, right?"

Chiaki stomped up to Nikki's side. "You were eavesdropping?"

Yuna: "Er... how much of all that did you hear again?" o_o;;
Artie: "Enough. Anyhow, back to my offer..."

Milotic pursed his lips. "I mean… yeah? I just admitted it."

Chiaki narrowed his eyes. "And we should trust you because…"

"Because I caught Vortex and his gardevoir assistant skulking around the servant's quarters," Milotic declared. "They're moving the Crowne Cup's first leg to Venish and intend to rig things to get your team kicked out."

Yuna: "... I hate this school." >.<
Nikki: "Yeah, welcome to my life." >_>;

CDL-201A: Eternatus Brawler
The Eternatus Trooper model specializing in close-ranged combat. Like all standard models, its UFO-like hull houses the unown controlling the mech suit. Its three legs have gyroscopic sensors to allow the Brawlers to maintain their sense of balance all while relentlessly pursuing their targets. Their armor plating is supposed to be tougher than their Gunner counterparts, but Boss Kitty can still rip through them when he's actually trying.

The real danger is in their spring-loaded arms. Each one ends in a spike-covered mace with Hidden Power augmentation. I don't know if they can change the typing of their maces or not, but they always seem to have the right energy to deal with whatever threats the archbishop wants incapacitated.

Like other Troopers, aim for their glass domes and try to knock out the unown. Otherwise, the hull will eject itself and try and press forward with its mission.

Oh hey, it's another one of those 'boss fight' outros. Definitely been a while since we saw one of those, but they're always fun to see. ^^

Alright, overall thoughts. I liked the chapter, and it was nice to finally see a few of the plotlines you set up collide into each other at the end. It's especially nice to see that action move back to Radiance for a while, since as fun as the shenanigans in Eterna City were, Team Bastion... honestly kinda felt neglected at times over the past couple chapters. ^^;

There were some tantalizing if really concerning implications as to how Radiance's technology is working, which I'm sure is going to get explored a lot more in really short order. Just as well, since it's only logical that it wouldn't just be Noctum's storyline that would barrel back into Team Bastion's. I also am liking Fenrir less and less the more we find out about him, because the entire way that he handled that mission with Noctum and Seifer just screamed 'he's not being forward with you', and in a context where being so coy with info because of an attitude could've very easily gotten Noctum seriously injured or worse.

As for stuff I was a bit iffy on... the way the vents sequence was set up in the second half kinda made me
a bit. Like I get that PoV is a story that doesn't take itself too seriously most of the time, but you kinda want to either take the piss out of things that are a bit softer logically in a vacuum like you do with Flapple's comedically abusive working conditions or else tee them up a bit more where you acknowledge "this is a known oversight, and we're going to exploit it". Since Fenrir's entire plan literally would've fallen apart at the end had the factory used more conventionally-sized duct work to feed into the main shaft downwards. And there's no real acknowledgement that the gang's exploiting an (really fortunate for them) architectural quirk and doesn't quite lean into how alien they'd be for Noctum as much as I'd have expected it would. Since if Noctum has any exposure to the workings of air ducts, his frame of reference is much smaller examples lying around in Radiance.

I'll avoid harping on Faraday cages, since your depiction of how the X-Transceiver worked through otherwise impossible obstacles and impossible ranges kinda resolved that quibble for me. It does seem like something you'd ideally have wanted to hint towards starting last chapter, since even if Gemcons don't work like normal mobile phones by virtue of likely being reverse-engineered Qliphoth tech, Team Bastion struck me as not being that surprised by getting reception with a land of the undead, and it'd have better built up to the reveal that they can work in such conditions even without any apparent supporting infrastructure.

Though yeah, good chapter @Ambyssin . I'd throw in a 'please update', but you already did earlier today. I'll be getting through that one tomorrow a bit earlier into the day than normal. Since I did want to get caught up with PoV before Review Blitz ended, and it's been a wild ride so far.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Alright, little under two hours to go for TR Review Blitz. Let's get some last priorities nailed down. Namely this:

Chapter 29

"No! I refuse to accept this!"

Shimmer stomped a forehoof down on the throne room's red carpet. His tiara refracted the spark of anger in his horn. Pink lights twinkled on the marble pillars and lilac tapestries. He stared his mother down, his bloodshot eyes reflected in the purple gemstone in the center of the bronze shield strapped to her chest.

"I demand his dismissal!" Shimmer pointed his right forehoof at Vegna, who floated beside Demerzel, Griffon, and Vortex. The dusknoir had his back turned to the assembly, slowly turning the page of his book. "He killed Benedict! I'm sure of it!"


I guess that's one way to tell that Shimmer doesn't do his own work in those law classes Vegna teaches.

"The investigation closed yesterday evening, Shimmer." Isola shook her head. "Stoutland Yard found no evidence to link Vegna to the rubble. And he was with the good magister the entire time."

Shimmer gnashed his teeth. "Th… then he… used black magic or something!"

Isola: "Shimmer, 'black magic' as a charge is going to get laughed out of court and you know it."

Shimmer: "Mother, we live in a setting that is heavily influenced by PSX Final Fantasy games. It's worth a shot!" >_>;

Isola sighed. "Forensics determined no signs of Poltergeist usage or other supernatural activity." She turned to her left. "Demerzel?"

... Oh so 'black magic' is a legit thing in this setting. Will file that one away for the future, even if it's present in a very different capacity than in FF.

Her mutant advisor floated up to the stairs surrounding Isola's throne. He clasped his hands together behind his back. "Investigators traced payments to secure accounts belonging to Mr. Benedict. Sir Vegna's accusations have merit." Demerzel produced a scroll from his robes. "Jurist bribery. Witness tampering. It would seem he even paid off Stoutland Yard officers to interfere with investigations. They all pled guilty to misconduct and were shipped to Citadark overnight."

Shimmer's heart sank into his gut. He gulped. "Why? I… don't understand."

I see that pony-boy was just in raging denial of that entire end of the trial there. Since yeah, it was blatantly obvious that Benedict was pulling a 2-4 there.

At this, Vegna slowly turned his head. His crimson eye glowed under his hood. "Why darkness and obscurity in all thy words and laws? That none dare eat the fruit but from the wily serpent's jaws." His book closed with an audible whump. "There are those who achieve power and will do whatever it takes to maintain it. Your 'uncle' intervened in trials involving his banking clients so he could continue to extort them. Nothing more, nothing less."

Vegna: "Really, Your Highness, you and your family sure know how to pick them."

Vegna turned away, leaving Shimmer staring at his black cloak, mouth agape. Demerzel cleared his throat. "I assume that the press remains… unaware of this fact?" He turned to Vortex.

"The only outlet that even reported on Benedict's death was the blasted Radiant Beacon." Vortex rolled his eyes. "But we took steps to get ahead of it."


Boy would now be a good time for Bahamut to just come strolling in and wreck this castle like his FF9 counterpart, since I'm pretty sure that I have negative sympathy for everyone in this room right now.

"By having Starlene release a new single?" Demerzel narrowed his eyes. "It was all over the news yesterday." Frowning, he turned to Isola. "Are you not concerned about public perception? The longer they remain unaware of such dealings, the worse their response will be."

"I understand your worries." Isola bobbed her head. "But it is a delicate tightrope. The last thing we want is to give people reason to believe in the extremist who staged a scene outside of the Crowne Court." She turned and braced her forehooves on her throne. "We have already put the Radiant Guard on standby for this… demonstration of his in Herbrides. The fewer people attend, the easier it will be for them to arrest the extremist."

I don't know what I feel more repulsed by. This entire plan of action by Isola, or the fact that it will very likely work considering how much of a big deal Starlene has been built up to be in-setting.

Shimmer's face scrunched up. They were already brushing everything aside. Even if Vegna spoke the truth, that wasn't the Benedict he knew. The one who showered him with gifts, introduced him to oodles of celebrities, and helped him get modeling gigs and guest spots on PV shows.

They weren't even giving Vegna so much as a slap on the wrist for any of it. He wouldn't stand for that!

Have you ever considered that you're just a terrible judge of character, Shimmer?

"I won't let you ignore this!" His horn sparked once again. Shimmer's nostrils flared. "Vegna… humiliated me. Mocked me in open court!"

Dermezel: "Er... Prince Shimmer. I don't believe that this story has ever established that lese majeste is a prosecutable offense in this land-"

Shimmer: "Well if it's not it ought to be! How can this sort of indignity be legal?!" >_>;

There was a glint in Griffon's dark eyes. "That's because you made it eas— mmph!"

A pink glow squeezed the corviknight's beak shut. He went cross-eyed trying to open it back up.

Shimmer stepped toward his mother. "He needs to be sanctioned. Or suspended. Or… or something!"

"The Ministry of Justice is short-staffed, dear." Isola sighed. "We can seldom afford to dismiss an experienced inquisitor at a time like this." Shimmer's face reddened. "Make an exception!"


Vegna: "... Griffon, not in front of Her Majesty. (Though save me some for after she's gone.)"

"We will not." Isola pushed herself away from her throne. Her magenta robes fluttered as she turned to face Shimmer once more. "Our darling Justine did not… endure a month of the transfer orb's effects so we could conceive your egg… only to have you turn around and use her office as your plaything because your feelings were hurt."

The what now? Is that basically Sexy no Jutsu as a Wonder Orb?

Shimmer shuffled back. He envisioned the virizion's stern, disapproving look. The same look she always wore around him… no matter how many exams he aced or awards he won.

"But… if an inquisitor can openly mock me, how can I expect to lead this country effectively?" the ponyta whispered, ears folding against the rim of his tiara.

I... don't seem to recall this being an issue for IRL British monarchs for like 200 years at this point. Maybe try growing a thicker hide?

"Try growing thicker skin, Dimmer!" Griffon cawed, only for Vegna to flick his beak. He stepped back, ducking his head under his right wing. "Peeps gonna call him way worse shit when he inevitably screws something up as king," Griffon whispered despite Vegna's icy glare.

I see that Griffon is making the same point as me. Though I have to wonder how on earth he's so shameless to do this right in front of the Queen of Radiance. ^^;

"Justine agreed to withhold Vegna's salary for the next six months," Isola said, ignoring Griffon's remarks. "Chancellor, I assume you are okay implementing a similar policy for his position in your employ."

The charizard straightened his tan suit jacket and bowed. "Of course, Your Eminence."

Wow, quality legal system there. Can we hurry up and repeat some combination of FF9's Disc 2 climax and first 5 hours of Disc 3 right about now?

"Well, I want him out of the law class." Shimmer pawed at the red carpet. "And he can't be my Crowne Cup advisor anymore. I refuse to associate with him!"

Vortex glanced toward Isola. "Very well," the rapidash said. "You will reassign him, Chancellor."

"Understood. It should be simple… given one of my new hires thought he could make a fool of me by skipping out on his own classes."

Wait, is that Cid he's referring to? Since Vegna as a history teacher sounds horrifying.

Isola stepped back and sat on her throne. "That will be all." She waved her forehoof at the group. "Dismissed."

Shimmer opened his mouth, but Isola's gaze sharpened. "Dismissed, Shimmer."

The ponyta lowered his head. "Yes, Mother."

What a wonderful queen and mother... not.

Vortex stepped to his side. "Come with me, Your Grace," he whispered. "There are changes to the Crowne Cup I need to tell you about."

I mean, sure, there's a massive existential crisis going on with the kingdom falling into the Distortion at an accelerating rate, but priorities! :V

Things moved quickly after Cyril deployed his smokescreen. He ushered Seifer through side streets until they reached a grimy back alley flanked by dumpsters and patches of dried ooze clinging to the onyx buildings. Seifer could only hear Cyril's side of the X-transceiver conversation, but by the end of it he was sure things had gone… decently.

Noctum returned to Radiance, while Seifer remained stuck in the Qliphoth. That jealousy left a bitter taste in his mouth. One that wasn't as strong as the… acrid odors given off by the dumpsters.

Seifer: "Fenrir, isn't this city under high alert right now? Why are we still on the street?" >_>; Fenrir: "Look, horseface. It's a big city and it takes a while to get places, alright?"

He had no idea how much time passed before a rift opened beside them and Gene invited them back to the Bergammula Belt. Seifer asked for directions to a shower, which Cyril offered without hesitation. He passed Valkyrie in the gray, metallic hallway. She looked noticeably less composed than when he'd last scene her. Seifer was tempted to ask if something happened, but fatigue outweighed that desire. So, off to the shower he went.

Well, that was certainly convenient timing there. Though I wonder why Gene didn't need a vehicle as a medium this time.

To his surprise, he found Cyril waiting outside the shower door when he finished. Seifer was tempted to duck back in and grab his towel from the linen basket, but Cyril politely turned away from the keldeo.

"What do you want?" Seifer asked. "Haven't I been through enough already?" He just wanted to go home.

… or as close to home as he could manage. His family had probably disowned him by now.

Cyril scratched his white, scruffy mane. "We, uh, still need to fix up that horn."

- Seifer looks up at his broken stub of a horn -
Seifer: "Er... yes, that would actually be a good reason to stay around here a little longer." ._.;

Seifer strongly doubted Cyril was capable of something like that. But it wasn't like he knew of anything else to do in this place. So, he followed Cyril down a couple of grated corridors and through a cylindrical hallway offering a panorama of the auroras and asteroids floating in the distance.

After Cyril unlocked the room at the end with a so-called "retinal scanner," he gestured to a worn red sofa pushed up against the wall. It had mismatched fabric patches sewn over holes and feathers poking out of the cushions. Seifer hesitantly sat down and promptly sank into it. His damp mane and tail frazzled against the couch fabric.

That actually makes me wonder, but if Fenrir still had his Illusion abilities, would he be able to trick a retinal scanner by illusioning himself to have the eyes of a particular target given that such scanners are inherently optical-based? Or too many fine details to scotch for that work?

The walls surrounding him were lined with shelves holding a wide variety of tools. He recognized assorted wrenches, hammers, drills, and even a few welding torches. To the right of the desk on the opposite side of the room were a couple of metal aprons hanging on hooks over boxes filled with spare parts and rolled up schematics.

"Excuse the mess." Cyril had his back to Seifer as he thumbed through one of the drawers on the left of his desk. "I swear there's a method to this madness."


Fenrir: "Yes, I'm getting to that." >_>;

Seifer looked down. The floor was transparent, with rows of gears turning underneath it. There were also several metal boxes sitting between the gears. It was such a strange workspace. Nothing like the mechanic shops back in Radiance. Or, at least, the ones the Radiant Guard worked with.

What are those gears for anyways? Or are they just there for visual effect/a pet project Fenrir was working on?

"The way I see it, we can do things one of two ways." Cyril turned around. His right paw held a white tube and the left held a power sander. "Either I can try and make a mold of the breakage site and use that as a base for the prosthetic… or I can smooth the breakage with this." He squeezed the trigger on the power sander. It revved to life with a surprisingly loud whirr.

Seifer's ears flattened. "I think… I'd rather take my chances with the mold."

Seifer: "... Aren't there nerve endings near the base of my horn or something like that? Why on earth would I want that power sander getting anywhere close to them?" ._.
Fenrir: "Hey, that's why I gave you options, alright? (Plus I'm pretty sure that I've got anesthesia... somewhere around here.)"

The white-furred zoroark looked at his power sander with disappointment. "I figured as much. This would've been easier for me, but I can't think of anyone too fond of having a horn grinded down… broken or not." He set the sander on his desk with a sigh. "Usually, I'd charge extra for this. The molding material ain't cheap. But since you helped with the mission, it's on the house."

Seifer: "After the entire way you conducted that mission, it'd better be on the house!" >_>;
Fenrir: "Oi, don't give me second thoughts here, bub." >:|

As Cyril walked to his left and pressed a keypad in the wall, Seifer whispered, "I didn't even do anything."

Hearing himself say it out loud made it sting even more. He was supposed to be the one people turned to for help. Not some random Aeon charizard. And, on top of that, he sat by and watched while Cyril had perpetrated a crime! What if this archbishop character could actually offer him help?

… no, not just Seifer. What if Paradox could help all of Radiance? His disposal of Benedict could hardly be considered a bad thing.

Seifer grit his teeth. The keldeo was a good soldier. One of the best. He'd done everything Her Eminence had asked. And yet… here he was. Stuck in an alien world. Abetting hardened criminals.

Where had he gone wrong? How had he fallen so far so fast?

Seifer, what are you doing? This isn't the train of thought you're supposed to be going down!

"Eternabuck for your thoughts?"

Seifer jolted. He looked up to find Cyril standing beside a strange metal chair. There was a padded square that seemed meant for him to rest his head on. Shaking his head, Seifer got to his feet. "I wouldn't expect you to understand." He walked up to the chair. It was made with quadrupeds in mind. And it must've sprouted out from the floor, as there were wires and cables anchoring it in place that connected to some of the gears under Seifer's hooves.

"Why's that?" Cyril grabbed a black drape off his desk.

"Because you—" Seifer paused. How could he phrase it delicately?

Ah, to hell with it.

"You're a two-bit, criminal arms dealer." Seifer took a seat on the chair and lay his head on the cushion. "I wouldn't expect you to understand what it's like to have your whole life ripped out from under you."

Uhm... yeah, about that, Seifer...


Seifer: "I-It was just an expectation!" O_O;

For a moment, there was genuine hurt in Cyril's lone, visible eye. The white zoroark quickly hid the yellow eye behind his hair. "… yeah. Right." He approached Cyril, unfolding the tarp. "Real nice thing to say to a guy offering to patch you up."

I... honestly expected Fenrir to go on a long extended rant right about there, since Fenrir knows exactly what it's like to have his life ripped out from under his feet. But yeah, probably best for scene flow that he just moves along quickly.

Seifer shifted uneasily. "W… what's with the tarp?" He noticed a hole in the center of it.

"It's to cover your head and torso," Cyril stoically replied. "The mold's a right pain to get out of your pelt."

"Oh." Seifer's gaze fell moments before the tarp blanketed him. It was surprisingly soft. Silk, perhaps? He couldn't put his hoof on it.

I'm actually curious what that tarp is made out of from that description.

"I guess the stuff I said before the mission doesn't matter," Cyril continued. Seifer heard the scraping of metal against glass. The tarp was too dark to see through, but he spotted stool legs in the small gap between the edge of the tarp and the floor.

"What stuff?"

"My life got pulled out from under me, too," Cyril said. "Y'know… used to be an ice ninetales? Stripped of my form and powers?"

Seifer: "... Oh right, I was there for that..."

"Ah, yes. That." The keldeo bit his lip. "I guess I just thought—"

"—that it happened so long ago, it doesn't matter anymore?" Cyril interrupted. Something soft gripped Seifer's broken horn. Cyril's paws? His grip was… gentle. Delicate, even. Two claws danced along the jagged ridges of the broken horn while a plastic instrument pressed against the tarp and, by extension, Seifer's forehead.

"I suppose," Seifer whispered. Cyril tapped a claw against Seifer's horn.

"Are all you Radiant Guardsmon so… emotionally stunted?"

Oh lordy, an entire guarding force of Seifers. What could possibly go wrong?

Fenrir: "... Actually on second thought, I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that question." >_>;

It was hard to sit still at that. "Excuse me?" Seifer settled for puffing up his cheeks.

"Forget it," the white zoroark said. The stool pulled away. "I'm not exactly sure why you're saying your whole life got ripped out from under you. You're still alive. Healthy."

There was another word at the end, but Seifer couldn't make it out. "Like I said, you wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Cyril said.

Fenrir: "You are aware that short of this somehow being a life-ending experience, that I'm not going to be impressed by it, right?"

Seifer: "Look, from the way it stands with me, it is life ending since I don't exactly have a ton of prospects from this point on. But anyways..." >_>;

The stool returned while Seifer pondered how to respond to Cyril's request. He was about to start talking when something warm touched his broken horn. The fur on the back of Seifer's neck prickled. He took a sharp breath. The keldeo had to keep his composure. Offers to help or not, he wouldn't let this criminal get the better of him.

Seifer managed to recollect his thoughts when more warmth pooled in his horn. "Being in the Radiant Guard was my life." His voice cracked. He was glad he had the tarp to hide the embarrassment on his face.

"Generations of keldeo have protected and served the kingdom," Seifer continued. "My family estate has a whole area dedicated to it. Medals of commendation, uniforms, and the like. The family record was spotless for generations… until now."

Silence, then a single, "That's rough, buddy."

... That was honestly a lot nicer of a response from Fenrir's end than I was expecting since he's come off as really prickly and standoffish over the past few chapters. I suppose the whole "having your life fall apart under your feet" bit must've taken the edge off him a bit.

Seifer blinked. Cyril didn't sound sarcastic, but what was he supposed to say to that? And after the ghoulish zoroark had the nerve to call him emotionally stunted, no less! What a total hypocrite!

"Wanna know what I think?" Cyril asked. Seifer was ready to say no, but the warmth spreading down his horn stub to his face took the fight out of him.

"What?" Seifer whispered.

"I think this is a blessing in disguise."


Whelp, time to see this scene go places, since I sincerely doubt Seifer's going to react well to that.

Seifer's response was a bitter laugh.

"No, I'm serious," Cyril insisted. His paws gently wrapped around Seifer's horn. The tingle in his neck returned, only now it was moving down his back.

"Look, maybe I don't know that much about you, but it sounds to me like you've lived the life you were told to live," Cyril continued. "Maybe you were happy leading the Radiant Guard, but I think that happiness was… manufactured."


"Dude, you've lived your entire life in a bubble." Cyril claws needed Seifer's horn. The keldeo sucked in a sharp breath, attention split between the conversation and… whatever Cyril was doing to his broken horn. "You were surrounded by people walking paths that were laid out for them from the days they hatched. Of course you'd think everything's fine and dandy, because that's what everyone around you thought, too."

Seifer blinked once. Twice. Why was he having so much trouble focusing?

"You sound say that as if… I was brainwashed," he scoffed. "I wasn't in some bubble. I fought day in and day out against Radiance's seedy underbelly. Charged into the distortion to help those without the means to help themselves." Now he was getting worked up. "I liked my life because it was fulfilling! I was… making a difference in the world."

Narrator: "He was absolutely living in a bubble."

Fenrir: "You realize you're not helping your case there, right?" -_-;

Silence. Cyril removed his paws and the warmth had faded from Seifer's horn.

Then, in a barely audible whisper, the white-furred zoroark asked, "If you were really making such a profound difference, why did Isola fire you?"

Ouch. That's certainly gonna sting.

The tarp came off the moment Seifer's jaw slackened. Cyril draped it over his shoulder. He held what looked to be a white replica of Seifer's broken horn. "All set." Cyril set the replica on the desk.

"That's it?" Seifer did his best to regain his composure, but he struggled to lift his head off the cushion. His muscles had turned to putty. What had this crook done to him?

Taken your entire life apart and made you question its foundations in about a minute? :V

"That's it… for the moment." Cyril sat on the stool. "Now I get to work on your new horn."

"… oh." Seifer's eyes darted around. So, this was where they were leaving things? Seifer wasn't sure if he was relieved, ashamed, or guilty after what just happened. Perhaps some combination? All he could do was stare at the gears turning underneath him.

Cyril cleared his throat. "You don't have to stay. This room's far from comfy."

Seifer: "Yeah, no kidding there." >_>;

"Yeah." The keldeo turned toward the door. "I guess I'll… try and find the others."

When he headed for the door, Cyril said, "Oh, by the way, Boss Kitty called me while we were working. It looks like I'm going to Venish to pick up the uPhone. Chiaki's doing the handoff so Zardy can spend some time with that dreepy he looks after."

Seifer looked back at Cyril, who scratched the back of his unkept mane. "I know you want to get back to Radiance. So, uh, come with me, okay?"

The keldeo's shoulders sagged in relief. "Now that's something I can agree to."

Cyril's mane made it hard to tell, but Seifer swore he saw a twinge of sadness in the white zoroark's expression.

... Seifer reminds Fenrir of someone in his past, doesn't he? Since this is a lot less icy than he was interacting towards Noctum or out on the street.

The grass was much less green in the valleys surrounding Venish. Not that Yuna could easily tell. Things were moving too fast outside the train windows. Fast enough to make her queasy. The milotic — Artemis, apparently — said they were on a "light-speed rail." It was certainly faster than the trains to Hebrides and the Crowne Court.

Oh, are they on a Magnet Train a la GS or is this something even beyond that?

"So, um." Perched atop Noctum's head, Yuna batted her gills in thought. "What do you make of Vortex's announcement? Y'know, the whole 'experiential learning' stuff? That's, like, learning by doing, right?"

Actually wait, when was this announcement again? Since it might make sense to add an extra context clue or two to remind the reader of when this went down onscreen since... yeah, we've been seeing a lot of Qliphoth antics lately and I did a double-take at that since I didn't recall this announcement.

Or else if it's an offscreen announcement, you probably want to give more of an indication of when it went down for similar reasons.

Across from her, Nikki yawned into her right hand. "He's blowing smoke out his ass. Crowne Cup challenges have always been, like, little samples of things the kingdom's cities are known for." She glanced at Artemis, who sat coiled on the chair to her left. "If you ask me, I think he's covering up the fact that he knows something's wrong with the distortion and that crazy mutt who kidnapped me."

"Xeromus," Yuna whispered, suppressing a shudder. He had mentioned going to Herbrides and Artemis had suggested that might've been the reason the class was going to Venish for the Cup's first leg.

"I really hope he's the one blowing smoke," Reshiram whimpered. "If we're in a faraway city, there's nothing we can do to intervene if he tries any funny business."

Narrator: "He's not blowing smoke."

"Why not simply delay the Crowne Cup if things are unsafe?" Noctum wondered, fidgeting nervously with the pockets of a pink apron with a floral pattern. Baraz offered it in an attempt to hide the crystal sitting in his gut. "Or just, y'know, cancel it all together?"

Noctum: "Boy does Baraz sure know how to pick 'em..." >///<


Artemis' terse response made Noctum jump. Yuna's ectoplasmic body wriggled and she gripped his left horn to keep from sliding off. The milotic noticed and his ribbons curled. "I don't know if the decision's coming from Vortex, Queen Isola, or both. But if I learned one thing about the folks in charge at Horizon, it's that they refuse to let anything get in the way of their own aspirations."

Yuna frowned. "But, like, isn't the Crowne Cup supposed to be for our benefit?" She gestured to Nikki and herself.

"… ha!" Artemis coughed into a grimy ribbon. "Please. Do you have any idea how much revenue the Cup generates?"
Chiaki: "That... sounds like a bit more than just pride motivating him." :|
Artie: "It can be multiple things, okay?" >_>;

"Uhh… no?" Yuna shifted uneasily on Noctum's head.

The charizard must've picked up on it because he added, "We're foreigners, remember? We barely understand the rules to this thing."

"Right, right." Artemis slouched against the window. "They sell tickets for every event. And broadcast the whole thing on a variety of PV stations. Companies trip over one another to buy ad space for these things."

"Ad space?" Yuna tilted her head. "Like… posters and flyers?" "Well, yeah, they do those, too." Nikki's brow furrowed. "But we're talking about commercials. Y'know, the things that interrupt PV shows?"

It finally clicked for Yuna. "Oh, right." She did find it weird that those were a thing. It would be like some shop owner running up onstage during a theater performance to hock their wares to the audience.

I'm... pretty sure they actually did that back in the day during theater intermissions.

Yuna: "Wait, wait, wait. So Vortex is putting the children of Radiance's elite in danger along with untold thousands of spectators for the sake of selling advertisements?" >_>;
Artie: "And pride. Can't forget the pride."
Yuna: "I. Hate. This. School." >.<
Nikki: "Preaching to the choir there, princess."

"If Vortex delays or cancels the Crowne Cup, his company loses out on a ton of revenue," Artemis continued. "So, he's pushing forward with it. Even if it's dangerous."

"The school… is willing to risk thine safety for money?" Rayquaza growled. "Heavens preserve me, these administrators could do with some discipline themselves!"

I see Gallian does the honors of laying out this argument explicitly in the actual text, but it's nice to see it come up.

"I mean… participation is, technically, voluntary." Nikki shrugged. "Ya just get pressured into taking part by everyone around you."

Reshiram hummed in Yuna's head. "Well, couldn't the reverse hold true?" He tapped his ethereal claws together. "If we tell enough of the other students about what's going on, maybe we can convince them all to boycott the Crowne Cup?"

Yuna repeated the idea out loud. Artemis rolled his eyes and Nikki waved her off. "Please. Good luck getting any of the others to believe you. They all see the Cup as their ticket to fame and fortune."

Well, until kids start dying off from the ongoing crisis inevitably colliding with the Cup. I expect the ranks to thin out very fast one way or another after that.

"There has to be more to it than that," Yuna retorted.

Nikki slumped in her seat. "Look, I'd be down, but with the whole Needle business, we need to be in the Cup to travel like this, right? It's a catch twenty-two."

"… I guess." Yuna deflated, almost sliding down the back of Noctum's neck. The charizard nudged her back up with his right arm.

"Is there a Needle in Venish?" Noctum whispered.

Nikki shrugged. "Hell if I know."

"There is." Artemis flicked a ribbon nonchalantly. "It's out at sea, though. Several kilometers east of the city. Used to see it back in my fishery days."

Which conveniently was just eaten by a Distortion that's poisoning the waters around it in live-time.

Never pegged Artie as having once worked at a fishery though.

"Sheesh." Nikki scratched her left horn. "You never got creeped out by that?"

"The Needle?" Artemis raised a brow.

"No, dumbass." Nikki shoved Artemis' coiled torso. "Being a fish who wrangled other fish for people to eat."

Artemis shrugged. "You grow numb to it after a while."

Artemis: "Also, how is this any different from the likes of farmers raising ferals on land? I don't see you complaining about that." >_>;
Nikki: "Look, just saying, it'd get really weird really fast if I ran into a Tauros that reared feral Tauros." .-.

"Well, that's not morbid at all," Reshiram squeaked. "Still, 'mons have to eat, I suppose."

"Thou w're a carnivore in thine heyday," Rayquaza said. "As was I."

I take it that these two never bothered to see how their proverbial sausage was made. Though I suppose that rules out a decent swath of "What kind of Pokémon were you?" since it means these two both were once Pokémon that are meat-eaters by nature.

Thank you, both. Now be quiet, Yuna mentally hissed. Both dragons' presences retreated. The dreepy desperately wanted to change the subject. "So, um, what do you think the first leg will be about?"

"Beats me." Nikki stretched her arms up. Tiny sparks jumped off her mane as it brushed her insulated seat. "Far as I'm concerned, you go to Venish for three things: the food, the wine, and the kooky buildings."

So... incoming scene of Yuna getting plastered in a couple chapters, then? :V

"I think she means the architecture," Noctum said. He pulled a pamphlet out of an apron pocket. "I grabbed this from the train station before we boarded." The black charizard opened up the pamphlet and held it up. "Look at that amphitheater. It's so big!" He pointed to the large picture in the center showing rows of concentric gray arches projecting a rainbow of colors. "Wonder how they get half a dome to stay up like that."

Oh, it's a band shell. At first I thought that was supposed to be a colosseum-style thing but after I noticed the half-dome bit...

Yeah, that sounds like the boot fits there.

At the very least, Yuna was glad to see Noctum's Qliphoth trip hadn't dampened his spirits. His enthusiasm filled her gut with warmth.

… or maybe that was just his natural fire-type warmth. Still, it was nice.

Cute lil' moment there. And much needed considering how run down those two have been getting by the plot lately.

"Oh, yeah, I guess, like, the theater scene is big or whatever." Nikki yawned into the neck of her coat. "But the seafood and pasta dishes are a way bigger deal!" She smacked her lips. "If we get an eating challenge, we're solid, time delay or not!"

Artemis smirked. "Maybe the food's a big deal to you, but most students here can get those kinds of meals whenever they want. Besides, a performance would be more… lucrative for the school."

Nikki frowned. "I swear, if they make us do some campy theater shit, I'm out." She waved her arms in front of her head. "Didn't sign up for that."

Narrator: "They are indeed going to make you do 'campy theater shit'."

At that, Yuna couldn't help but giggle. "But you are a musician. That's a performance art."

Nikki blanched. "Well, I— that is—" She slumped down even further in her seat, scowling.

"Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right."


Four chimes went off overhead. Yuna looked up to a speaker bolted to the luggage rack.

"Attention, passengers. We're pulling into Venish Central Station. Please collect your belongings and mind the gaps as you exit the train. Thank you for using Polaris Light-Speed Rail. It was a pleasure serving you today."

How on earth has Radiance not been renamed "Polarisland" at this rate considering how it seems that almost every single bit of critical infrastructure is built, owned, or otherwise dependent on Polaris in some capacity? .-.

Noctum stood up with Yuna wrapping her arms around his horns to hang on. "We're supposed to meet everyone at the front of the station, right?"

"Yup." Nikki stood up, stretching her arms out once again. She slowly turned her head around to stretch her neck. "Still not sure why Twiggy needed an earlier train than us."

"Isn't it to give Cyril the uPhone?" Yuna said.

"Pssht. Sure." The toxtricity stepped out onto the carpeted aisle. "You gotta get better at reading between the lines. Why do you think he was pushing to go to Venish before we knew about the Crowne Cup leg? Guy's obviously got something going on here."

Nikki: "I mean, he was only talking about coming here for 'family business'. That just screams 'ulterior motive' there."
Yuna: "... Right. Though I wonder what that's all about." ._.;

Baraz and Noctum followed after her so Artemis had enough room to uncoil and slither out.

"If that's the case, we have to trust he'll be back by tomorrow morning," the milotic said.

Noctum thumped his chest. "I think he'll be back."


I'll believe it when I see it.

The group walked toward the front of the train car. The door opened up to a cooling sea breeze. It felt great against Yuna's ectoplasm.

"Right." Yuna couldn't help but bite her lower lip.

Bahamut, please keep Chiaki safe. The team really needs him.

Yuna: "Not least of all because we'll be forced to withdraw if something does happen to him."

"Report, Sticky."

The naganadel looked up from his tablet. Paradox stood at the side of his large metal desk, staring at the wall of inactive monitors behind him. Three poipole worked to fit his purple and black cleric robes on and pull his tentacles through.

"Of course, sir." Sticky saluted. "I reviewed the incident report from the flagship Flapple factory. Security camera footage is distorted. Two Brawlers and factory employees report seeing a black-scaled charizard grab a uPhone and escape through a Qliphoth rift."

"A rebel. Typical." Paradox shook his head. "But a charizard is most… unexpected. The factory is deep underground. That blasted mewtwo should've been the only one capable of reaching it."

Uh... yeah, it probably would've made Fenrir seem like significantly less of an ass in earlier chapters if he'd stopped to eplicitly explain to Noctum at some point that "We need someone who knows Phantom Warp to pull this off, and Boss Kitty can't get anywhere near that factory with the amount of heat on him. You have a chance of learning that, so let's get to work."

"The report mentions damage to one of the ventilation shafts, sir." Sticky held up his tablet and waved it around.

"Is that so?" Paradox stepped away from the poipole, pulling his tentacles through his robes' sleeves. The right two coiled into an arm. "Then it would seem we'd best install some aura proximity mines into their new fans. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I will order Flapple's contractors to do that, sir." Sticky typed away on his tablet with his free hand. "What should we do about the stolen gadget? If the rebels have their hands on—"

"Aha ha ha. Oh, you are hilarious." Paradox flicked his right hand dismissively. It unwound back into two tentacles. "Let the rebels disassemble it. If they think they're going to find some sort of tracking chip, they'll be sorely disappointed." Another chuckle echoed through the room. "Oh, to be a joltik on the wall of whatever cave they dwell in when they realize it was all for naught.

I mean, I kinda suspected that something might be up when the X-Transceiver magically still worked to deliver calls in and out of the Qliphoth, but kinda a gut punch to know that everything Noctum went through and is still going through over those uPhones was basically all for nothing.

"Besides," the deoxys continued, flicking a left tentacle, "they're not the only ones with an eye for petty larceny."

One of the monitors on the wall flickered on, showing a bulky Mr. Rime hand dropping a folder onto a worn mattress. A nickit popped in next to the folder and sniffed at the top paper.

"Are you freaking kidding me? This is why you skidooshed us back here?" Nickit growled. "To steal some manichino's homework?"

"Please. This is but the opening act." Mr. Rime's hand grabbed the page and held it up. "The first round of bets before the flop."

Nickit turned up his nose. "I don't see it."

"A good hand often goes unappreciated until the moment the river card drops," Mr. Rime retorted. "Come along, now."

Oh boy does that not bode well for Carpaccio and Rookie's well-being in the near future.

The monitor shut off. Paradox turned around, wringing his tentacles in anticipation. "Delightful. One step closer to taking the outsiders' perversion of our glorious benefactor and turning it upon its head. Is it not wonderful, Sticky?"

"I, uh…" He looked down at tablet. Sticky had no idea what he'd just watched. "I'm afraid I don't understand, sir. I thought Cassius had planted himself within Necrozma's ranks to get us his Red Chain fragment."



"He had, but it appears that pathetic Phantom still has some semblance of rationality left inside it." Paradox shook his head and tsked to himself. "Our good lieutenant reported losing psychic contact with Necrozma. It would seem the beast ditched him."

He brought his tentacles together. They coiled around one another. "But I do so hate to waste a fresh body like that, so I simply… provided Cassius a new assignment." The deoxys' tentacles squeezed into two hands that he pressed together. "A pity he can't take public credit for his work. I'd love to see the false hope drain from the Etherians' faces when they see we've turned one of their vaunted Crowne Ministers against them. Aha ha ha!"

W. H. A. T.

Sticky rapidly pecked away at his tablet with a claw. When the archbishop's laughter died down, he looked up. "That sounds… wonderful, sir."

"Of course it does." Paradox floated past the naganadel. Four Eternatus Gunners joined Paradox from the wall opposite Sticky. "Come along, then. I have an important sermon in Noatun and I'd like you in attendance."

"Y-Yessir!" Sticky floated after Paradox's small procession.

Oh, so that's what Xeromus is up to. That sounds... wonderful...

Alright, final thoughts.

I thought that this chapter did a pretty good job at balancing the different plotlines that were going on, and it feels like things are building up to a point where things are going to get really, really lit really, really fast. Especially if everything about the second half of last scene is anything to go by.

As for things that I felt could've been done better. Not a whole lot in this chapter. There were a couple things that came out in it that did make me go "I wish this was built up more" in the ones beforehand, but that's not really to this chapter's demerit. And I honestly had enough fun to mostly overlook those bits.

Kudos on the chapter @Ambyssin . Hope this feedback was fun for you to read and helpful as you keep plugging away at your tale. ^^
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Chapter 30: Cross-Country Tarism


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 30: Cross-Country Tarism

Hazy heat was the first thing to greet the now-official Team Breaker when they followed Gene through a rift. They emerged on a large metal platform with giant mechanical pumps stationed on the corners. Huge metal tubes connected the pumps to the square, gray and black building stretching back behind them.

"This… is Outpost R3X?" Valkyrie stepped forward, sniffing the air. "Smells like a cross between a sewer and a construction site."

"That'd be the tar pits," Cyril explained, having disguised himself as a normal, black-furred zoroark for the trip. He pointed forward. Ramps led to lower metal platforms and walkways, all suspended over bubbling black ooze. Steam rising from the tar blurred the landscape in the distance. Seifer could see outlines of rocky crags, tunnels, and caves, but it was hard to make out any details beyond their blocky and circular shapes.

This place was linked to Venish? The city prided itself on the quality of its water, to the point where it called in the Radiant Guard whenever its water quality tests were the slightest bit off.

Perhaps this is the reason why, Seifer thought. He shook out his already-frazzled mane. His hair brushed against his newly finished prosthetic horn. Cyril had even matched the color up perfectly. The keldeo was glad to have that familiar weight back in the center of his forehead, though he still longed to be able to forge a Secret Sword with it. Alas, Cyril told him that wasn't possible. It'll do for now, though.

"What exactly are we waiting for?" Valkyrie tapped a foot on the ground.

"Chiaki gave me a very specific time." Cyril crouched down. "We've still got a few minutes."

"Then what's up with the cat?" Valkyrie jerked her head at Gene, who floated back and forth across the platform with a frown on his face.

"Man, where are the skorps? I usually can't go a meter or two without bumping into one." Gene jutted out his lower lip. "I was really hoping to catch up with Skorp and Skorp. Feels like ages since we've talked."

Seifer blinked. He shook his head. No, his ears weren't ringing. He'd just heard that. "Uh, I beg your pardon?"

In a trail of distortion, the mewtwo Phantom Warped to Seifer's side. "Oh, it's no biggie." He leaned over, using Seifer's head as a makeshift armrest. "The skorps run this facility. And they're all named Skorp." Gene paused, then added, "And before you ask, no, they're not clones of each other. Cuz that'd be totally lame!"

Scowling, Valkyrie huffed dragonfire embers. "I hate this planet already."

"Aww, sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of Eternatus!" Laughing, Gene smacked Seifer's head. The keldeo freed himself from under Gene's arm with an annoyed grunt.

"This isn't something to laugh about," Seifer huffed. He calmed himself with a deep breath. It wouldn't be too much longer. Soon, he'd be back in Venish and this nightmare would be behind him.

"Ah, there's Skorp!" Gene hopped into the air and waved both his hands. "Yo, Skorp! Over here!"

Seifer looked up and his tail shot up in alarm. That damned mewtwo was waving down an aerodactyl?! "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

"The hell?" Valkyrie crouched down. "What are you pulling here? Those things went extinct on Etherium ages ago!"

"Ah, don't worry about Kelly. She's a total sweetheart," Gene assured as Aerodactyl slowly came in for a landing. That let the others see the skorupi sitting on Aerodactyl's back. He had a hard hat securely fastened to his head, but rather than the expected claws and stingers, this skorupi had big incineroar hands attached to his stubby arms and the end of his tail.

"Gene!" Skorp skittered forward excitedly. "Oh, thank goodness you popped up, eh. We could really use some help right aboot now."

The mewtwo looked up from rubbing a humming Kelly's belly. "Hmm? Something the matter, Skorp?"

"You bet your bippy something's the matter!" Skorp skittered in place. "Heck, I'm surprised you can even stand being out here what with the tar fumes turning toxic."

Seifer's eyes widened. The tar pits were toxic? He and Valkyrie glared at Gene.

"Toxic?" Gene held up his hands. "Since when? That's news to me."

"Fer a couple of weeks now," Skorp explained. "We've been trying to put out a distress call to ya, but something's gone and jammed up our comm systems." He gripped his hard hat and squeezed it against his head. "And if that weren't enough of a pickle, some of the skorps have gone missing."

Gene's tail lashed at the air. "Missing?" He kneeled down by Skorp. "Who? Where? How? Why?"

Skorp looked down guiltily. "You remember Skorp from ol' Skorp's birthday bash last month?"

Gene rubbed his chin, then snapped his fingers. "The guy who liked his soda pop a bit too much?"

"The very same." Skorp nodded. Seifer shook his head in disbelief. How the devil could this mewtwo tell who was who when they all had the same name? This had to be an elaborate ruse… or a fever dream.

Skorp poked two index fingers together. "Skorp went missing a couple of weeks ago. Then about a dozen other skorps followed suit!"

"Then we have to investigate." Gene got to his feet, right hand balling into a fist.

"We?" Valkyrie stomped her right foot down. "What's this 'we' business? I already bailed your ass out once. I don't owe you any favors; you owe me." The garchomp held up her blades. "Open the rift and let us go."

"But the skorps are my friends." Gene's tail twitched in several places. "They've helped me out… not to mention the rebellion. We have to help them."

"If you're really as strong as you claim, I'm sure you can fix this yourself." Valkyrie waved him off. She turned to Cyril. "So, open the rift, and then you can investigate to your heart's content."

Seifer brushed his forelegs together. If the tar pits were poisoned, he couldn't afford to stay here, right? He wanted to go home. And Venish was so close, he could practically taste the salt in the air.

"I'm sorry… but I already helped you with that uPhone business." The keldeo exhaled deeply.

Silence followed, save for the bubbling of tar and the whirring of machinery inside the plant.

"Well?" Valkyrie turned back to Gene. "I'm not going to ask again."

Gene looked off into the distance. "If the tar is turning toxic… who's to say the same isn't happening to Venish?"

Seifer stiffened. Valkyrie narrowed her eyes. "Don't play games with me."

"If there's any distortion near Venish, there's nothing stopping some of the poisonous tar from leaking out," the mewtwo continued, his expression unreadable. Though Seifer swore there was a devilish glint in his eyes. "You really want to go back and risk finding poisoned water waiting for you? Seems like a hell of a gamble, since it could put you back here for good."

"Cut the crap." Valkyrie scraped her feet against the metal platform. "Isn't dealing with this kind of stuff your job?"

"Sure, but the more the merrier if you ask me." Gene shrugged. The smile on his face was sickeningly sweet. It practically knotted up Seifer's stomach.


The keldeo almost jumped at Cyril's paw on his left shoulder. Before he could say anything, the zoroark whispered, "Isn't this what you were talking about the other night?"

Seifer quirked a brow. He preferred to forget that conversation with Cyril.

"If Boss Kitty's right — and he usually is — then people's lives could be at stake," Cyril continued. "Sounds to me like the Venishians need someone to protect them, even if they don't know it."

Seifer glanced at his new horn, then at Gene.

It's about making a difference, isn't it?

He swallowed hard. "Okay. I'll help." Seifer stepped toward Gene.

With a clearing of his throat, Quetzal jogged to Seifer's side. "If the commander's in, so am I."

Seifer smiled at Quetzal, though that was followed by a pang of guilt. He'd forgotten the orange, flightless zapdos had even come with them.

Valkyrie's eyes briefly widened, then she turned away. "Well, they don't have jobs to go back to, but I do. You got two of us. Take the win and send me home."

The garchomp and mewtwo stared at each other down for a solid half minute. The crystal in Gene's shoulder sparked, as did his eyes. Valkyrie frowned, then scowled, then lowered her arms.

"… fine. I'll help," she croaked, stance slouching.

What just happened? Seifer looked between the two, but Gene hastily warped to Valkyrie's side.

"I knew you'd see the light, Chompy!" He pet Valkyrie's dorsal fin. She immediately held a blade to his throat.

"Don't push it."

"Love you too, new bestie." Gene winked and Phantom Warped back to Skorp's side. "Okay, lemme get Cyril to Venish and then we can get to work."

Cyril tossed several small buttons to Gene, who caught them with telekinesis. "Here are some X-transceivers, so we can all keep in touch."

Purple energy crackled behind Cyril. A rift split the air open. He touched a claw to his temple. "Good luck, you guys. And behave yourself, Boss Kitty."

Gene laughed. "No promises."

The zoroark hopped into the rift. Seifer rolled his eyes and cautiously approached Skorp and the lounging aerodactyl at his side.

"So, where do we begin?"


Chiaki hated surprises. He hated stuffiness. So, stuffy surprises were nothing short of nauseating.

In some respects, Chiaki had himself to blame. He didn't read the concert ticket in detail, just assumed it would be at some venue people closer to his age preferred.

Instead, the grovyle stood on one of the sand dunes of Venish's northern beach, with a white dress shirt, black bowtie, and black formal jacket. Holowear he had to pay extra for due to the short notice.

The amphitheater's white, polished dome towered off in the distance. Guess I made an ass of myself this time.

Chiaki took his good hand out of his jacket pocket, producing the uPhone box, along with a glass vial filled with glowing purple slime.

Where's Cyril? Chiaki looked around for any signs of a rift. This was the place and time they'd agreed on. What was the hold up?

Purple cracks formed in the air a meter behind him. The rift opened up and Cyril hopped out, his apparently fake black fur bristling from the sea breeze. "Sorry 'bout that." Cyril adjusted his mane— also fake and presumably housing a freaky Eternatus crystal. "Looks like Val and Keldeo are staying behind on Planet Bogdan to help Gene."

Chiaki frowned, but quickly shrugged the revelation off. "Whatever. Not like Val could come with me for this. You bring me the stuff I ask for?"

Cyril smirked and wagged a claw. "Uh uh. You first." He stuck his right paw out.

"… tch. Fine." Chiaki put the uPhone box in Cyril's paw, then placed the cylinder on top of it.

"And what's the bonus?" Cyril stashed the uPhone into his mane.

"The sample we discussed," Chiaki replied. "Poison from the daemon guarding the Needle in Aquardah."

"Ah, yes." Cyril sniffed the cylinder and licked his lips. "I'm gonna make something beautiful with this sucker." He grinned. "But you know the deal. Payment up front."

"It's already in your account," the grovyle scoffed. "Now… what I asked for?"

"Right, right." Cyril reached inside his mane. His red and black hair obscured bits of purple light. "First off, the supplies you wanted." The zoroark produced a bag and dropped it onto the sand at his feet.

"An X-transceiver." He tossed Chiaki a small metal cross, which the grovyle fastened to his bowtie. "And the mapping and recording tools you asked for." Cyril produced a white rose. He held it out for Chiaki, who looked at it with disgust.


"You have to get this stuff past security, right?" Cyril smirked. "Besides, it goes great with your, uh, ensemble." He snickered as Chiaki took the rose and tucked it into his jacket's breast pocket.

"It's not funny," Chiaki growled.

"It's a little funny," Cyril retorted. He reached back into his mane. "Lastly, something extra." The zoroark produced a wristwatch and tossed it to Chiaki, who caught it skeptically.

"This thing doesn't explode if I set it to a certain time, does it?"

"Pfbt. You've been watching too many movies." Cyril flicked his wrist dismissively. "Set it to twelve and press the button. It'll short out other nearby electric devices." With a confident grin, he added, "My equipment's designed to withstand it, for the record."

Chiaki frowned. "You do realize I'm going to the Amphitheater, right?"

Cyril shrugged. "Try not to get hasty?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Cyril glanced at his black-furred wrist. "Oh, gee, would you look at the time? Don't wanna be late to meet your big sister, right?"

"Stepsister," Chiaki hissed. Theatrics aside, however, Cyril was right. He shouldn't keep Kyoko waiting. Chiaki was already expecting her to be in a bad mood. She always was when he was involved.

Good thing the feeling's mutual, he thought. Straightening out his bowtie, the grovyle started across the beach. He looked back at Cyril. "I'll be in touch."

Cyril sighed. "Of course you will. Better hope Boss Kitty doesn't need me."

Chiaki snorted. "You should just consider yourself lucky I didn't ream you for keeping all these secrets from me."

He proceeded forward without waiting to see how the disguised zoroark would respond. All Chiaki needed to do was make nice with the other concertgoers long enough to slip away unseen. Then he'd find the dirt he was looking for. Chiaki was sure of it.


There was a barraskewda waiting for everyone outside the train station; Minister Vincenzo, according to Artemis. Aside from a sailor's hat, he had some sort of harness around his torso. When Yuna looked to Nikki for an answer, she shrugged. Shimmer then butted in. With a scoff and a roll of his eyes, he expressed disbelief that Aeon didn't have Hydropacks, special devices to let more aquatic pokémon function outside of the water.

Yuna ignored Shimmer's condescension, focusing on Vincenzo guiding them through the city's largest streets. In addition to sidewalks, the city had tubes for aquatic pokémon to swim through. And then there were the canals. The water reflected the sky's orange sunset glow. It rippled as various water-types swam by, with some tugging boat-like structures called gondolas.

Eventually they reached a fourteen-story building painted with the colors of a clamperl. A marble huntail and gorebyss weaved around the top floors, coming together at the roof, which was a marble clamperl holding a sign displaying the hotel name.

"Buona serata! Welcome to La Perla dell'Oceano!" three machoke in magikarp-shaped bowties and deep blue sweater vests greeted in unison as the group entered the hotel.

The lobby seemed just as fancy. The light fixtures hanging from the ceiling resembled pearls and sapphires, casting a soft blue glow over the room that contrasted the warm oranges and yellows of the walls and carpet. Round oak tables sat neatly spaced apart. Each held multiple round metal trays with piping-hot mixtures of cheese, red sauce, and a variety of toppings.

Yuna's gills throbbed. "Is that… dinner?" The aroma alone was enough for her stomach to gurgle.

"Please tell me you know what pizza is," Nikki groaned, pinching her brow.

"O-Of course I do!"

… she didn't.

"We've prepared some of our finest artisan pizzas for you all to enjoy," Vincenzo declared, gesturing to the tables. "And our wait staff will be by to offer some reds and whites from the famous Nettare dell'Oceano Vineyard."

Excited chatter rose up among Yuna's classmates. The sylveon that hung out with Shimmer even trotted in place, clapping his ribbons together.

"Of course, for those who are not interested in the wine, we have both regular and sparkling water." Vincenzo gestured behind him to a square table topped by a white silk cloth. Two large water dispensers sat on it. Both had slices of cucumber floated between the ice cubes.

Yuna blinked in confusion.

Rayquaza hummed. "Cucumber water? How… quaint."

"Well, cucumbers are pretty moist fruit,"
Reshiram quipped. "So, I suppose it fits."

"Art thou mad? Cucumbers art most certainly vegetables!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but they have seeds,"
Reshiram retorted. "Botanically, that makes them fruit."

Yuna couldn't believe two respected Sages were arguing about this.

… no, wait, that wasn't right. She could believe it given what she knew about them. Yuna simply wished she couldn't believe it.

"Yo, Princess!" Nikki waved at her from a corner table. She lifted a slice of pizza with basil clumps and tugged at the resulting strings of melted mozzarella. "You better get your tail over here if you don't want me to eat the whole thing."

Yuna hovered toward the table. There was a glass wall behind Nikki's chair, with seaweed and bubbles carved into it. The glass twinkled from the chandeliers' light. Yuna's mouth watered as she pulled up to the table.

"So, um, what do you call this one?" she asked.

"Mahgahwehta." Nikki's full mouth muffled her response. She finished chewing and swallowed. "It's, like, the basic bitch of fancy pizzas. But I don't need none of that shit with truffles or dubwool cheese. It's way too extra."

"Extra what?" Yuna tilted her head.

Nikki paused, about to chomp down on her half-eaten slice. "Eh, it's a figure of speech."

"Not one I've ever heard of," Reshiram said. Yuna swore he was shaking his head.

"Right. Well, uh, guess I'll dig in." The dreepy grabbed a slice and squeaked when the melted cheese dribbled on her arms. Yuna plopped the slice on her place and wrung out her arms. "Uh, can I get a fork and knife, per chance?"

The toxtricity snorted. "Yeah, sure, if you wanna get laughed outta the hotel." She took another bite. "Only weirdos eat pisha wiv fowks."

"Duly noted." Sighing, Yuna blew onto her slice. After a few seconds, she picked it up again and took a bite. Her eyes sparkled. She set it down.

"That's the look of someone who's found a new food love." Laughing, Nikki licked sauce off her fingertips, then reached for another slice.

"It's great!" the dreepy chirped. "The way the melted cheese mixes with the richness of the sauce. It's… it's…" She furrowed her brow in thought. "Well, it's great." Yuna took another bite. It was just as good as the first.

"Right. I don't think you'll be a food critic if the whole princess gig fails." Nikki chuckled. She was almost through her second slice when one of the machoke from earlier showed up carrying a tray with two bottles and multiple wine glasses.

"Can I offer either of you a glass of wine?" he said, leaning over to present the tray.

"Pass." Nikki flicked her left wrist.

Her response surprised Yuna, who hastily shook her head. When Machoke left, she said, "I figured you'd be all over that."

"Wine? Feh. It tastes like nasty, bitter grape juice." Nikki scrunched her face up and stuck out her tongue. "Gimme a nice, cold beer over that shit any day."

"Right." Yuna took another bite. "I suppose that's kinda like mead?"

Nikki stopped midbite. She hastily scarfed it down and wiped her mouth with her jacket sleeve. "Wait, you drink?"

Yuna's gills stiffened. "Uh, well… mostly just at, y'know, parties?"

"You party?"

"I get the feeling you two have a very different definition of that word." Reshiram chuckled.

Yuna decided to steal that thought. "I'm not so sure we interpret 'party' the same way." She finished off the last of her slice and dabbed her lips with a nearby white napkin. "Aeon royals do have… get togethers. Usually, it's a big meal around a shared table. There might be some, uh, strength-based games. Lifting slabs of meat or doing tug-of-war over a mud pit." The dreepy batted one of her gills. "But that happens when people get a bit tipsier."

Nikki appeared bemused. "And you take part in that?"

"Me? N-Not really." Yuna hastily took another slice of pizza to avoid eye contact with Nikki. "Look at me. I'm scrawny. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think of a fierce dragon."

The toxtricity sat back in her seat with the crust of her second slide in hand. "Y'know, that has been bugging me. You're a young adult, right?" She chomped down on the crust. "You should at leasht have evolved onesh by now."

Yuna's gills nearly retreated into her head. There it was. A subject she wanted to avoid. She stared down at her pizza slice. There was a big mozzarella bubble in the middle. Yuna poked it with her arm and it deflated.

"Might I interject?" Reshiram whispered.

… sure.

"Nikki divulged that stuff about her friend going missing,"
Reshiram reminded her. "It, y'know, might be a good gesture to reciprocate some of that vulnerability."

He had a point, but Yuna wished he didn't. She continued to stare at the melted cheese surrounded by a sea of red sauce.

Then a purple hand waved in front of her face.

"You spacing out on me, Princess?"

"Sorry." Yuna flinched. "I, uh— the evolution thing is… a sore spot."

"Ah." Nikki's gaze also fell to the remaining half of their pizza.

"The, um, truth is… I was really sick when I was younger." Yuna took a bite of pizza and swallowed hard without even chewing. Somehow, it was more bitter than the last slice. "My family's healer said he thought my illness stunted my growth. No one's sure when I'll evolve."

… or if I'll evolve.

Silence followed. They both nibbled away at pizza slices.

Nikki broke the silence by clearing her throat. "If it's any consolation… plenty of Radiance 'mons never make it to their final evolutions."

Yuna thought back to the trial. One of the witnesses was a rhyhorn. An adult rhyhorn, by the look of things. She did find that peculiar, but it paled in comparison to everything else that happened, so she hadn't questioned it.

"What do you mean by that?" she wondered.

"Most folks ain't strong enough to evolve naturally, if you ask me." The toxtricity was down to the crust again. She waved it around like a baton. "So they, like, sell medicine and stuff to, y'know, induce evolution."

The dreepy chewed on her mouthful of pizza, trying to come up with an example of something similar. One came to mind as soon as she swallowed. "Kind of like how a feebas needs a particular sort of scale to evolve into milotic?"

"Yeah. But, like, more sciency. With pills and serum and shit." Nikki tilted her crust back and forth like it was a flask or beaker. "Problem is, not everyone can afford that stuff. None of it is necessary medicine, so health insurers typically won't pay for it."

She'd heard the term "health insurance" thrown around a few times and still failed to understand exactly what it meant. However, Yuna didn't want to dive down that particular buneary hole. "That all sounds… concerning."

"You bet your tail it does." Nikki ate half the crust in one bite. "But thash what ashes like Vortecsh want. Keep people weak sho they can shtay in control."

A shiver ran down Yuna's back. She didn't have the highest opinion of Vortex, but that sounded… unnecessarily cruel.

"And it certainly goes against the cooperation Sir Bahamut taught," Rayquaza harrumphed.

"But, eh, enough depressing shit." Nikki finished off the crust. "We're in Venish now. May as well enjoy it or whatever. Even if Twiggy's off doing whatever." The toxtricity leaned her chair back against the glass wall.

Though Yuna was a bit concerned Chiaki was still not here and a bit disheartened by some of the conversation, she had to admit this was… a welcome change of pace. Sitting down to try new food with someone who seemed to enjoy her company. Where had this been the past couple of weeks? If this was what Vortex's "experiential learning" plan was about, Yuna could get used to it.

… which naturally meant something was going to happen to ruin all of it.

At least, that was what immediately went through Yuna's head when a bell chimed to her right. She leaned over and watched gold doors slide open. Artemis slithered out with Noctum following behind, completely mystified.

"Wow! So, that's what an elevator is like." The charizard's black tail slowly wagged. "Amazing! To think an entire room can be levitated up and down with such ease."

"Dude." The milotic pressed his tailfins to his face. "It's a system of pulleys. You can't say stuff like that out loud. It reinforces the stereotype that you Aeons are a bunch of hut-dwelling savages."

Noctum's purple tail flame shrank. "Sorry." He trudged over to Yuna's table. She offered him a sympathetic smile, but he didn't notice it.

"Um, everything okay?" Yuna asked.

"Well, we got your room situated." Noctum fiddled with the strap of his satchel.

Nikki frowned. "Then why do you look like someone took your favorite toy?"

At that, Noctum rubbed his shoulder. "I, uh— how do I put this?"

"Something's up," Artemis whispered. He noticed the water jugs on the table behind him. "Anyone drink that stuff?"

Yuna looked over her shoulder. Shimmer clinked wine glasses with his sylveon and sirfetch'd friends. Another table had the weavile that Nikki got in a spat with during the preliminary round throw back the last of her wine glass. "Another!" she shouted, to which the luxray beside her lifted his empty wine glass as well.

"I… think they're sticking to the wine," the dreepy replied. "Why?"

"Good." Artemis leaned over. "Something's up with the water here. We saw a granbull couple drink from one of these containers. Both of 'em started puking their guts out. Paramedics showed up through the back stairs and carted them off."

Nikki tilted her head. "Food poisoning?"

"From water?" Artemis' brow furrowed. "Venish prides itself on the cleanest water in the kingdom. If a fancy-schmancy hotel like this one has contaminated water, who's to say the rest of the city's water supply is okay?"

"I dunno." Nikki reached for another pizza slice. "That's a bit of a leap in logic. Could be a problem with the plumbing here, for example."

Artemis nearly swatted Nikki's hand away from the pizza, but stayed his ribbon. "This is serious. If your Crowne Cup leg is tomorrow and the water is problematic, who knows what could happen?"

"Then tell the cops or something." Scoffing, Nikki took the pizza slice she was originally going for. "We're not plumbers. Or investigators."

"… a rare wise platitude, Nicolette."

That familiar, chilling voice sent a shiver straight down to Yuna's tail. She squeezed her napkin.

Why here? Why now? Why can't I catch a break?

Gasping, Noctum hopped back from the table. A familiar, cloaked dusknoir rose out of the shadows, studying Nikki intently.

"P-Professor Vegna," Yuna squeaked. "Is there, um, a problem?"

Vegna slowly turned his head to Yuna. "I'm simply making sure my remaining charges don't gallivant on another pointless escapade."

Yuna blinked, trying to process his obnoxiously fruity statement.

"I think he's saying he's looking after you," Reshiram offered.

But that made no sense. "I think there's been a mistake." The dreepy found the courage to look him in the eye. "Professor Cid is our advisor."

Vegna leaned forward. A blue glow spilled over Yuna from inside his hood.

"That foolish orbeetle was dismissed from his position. Turns out engaging in truancy with students is unwise for one's career prospects."

Nikki stiffened in her chair. The toxtricity dropped her pizza slice on her lap in disbelief. "So, you're saying—"

"I am your new advisor. And I will not tolerate any more disappearing acts from your so-called team."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Hey, took me a while, but I’m back with my collected thoughts of your current most recent chapter of PoV:

Chapter 30

Hazy heat was the first thing to greet the now-official Team Breaker when they followed Gene through a rift. They emerged on a large metal platform with giant mechanical pumps stationed on the corners. Huge metal tubes connected the pumps to the square, gray and black building stretching back behind them.

"This… is Outpost R3X?" Valkyrie stepped forward, sniffing the air. "Smells like a cross between a sewer and a construction site."

"That'd be the tar pits," Cyril explained, having disguised himself as a normal, black-furred zoroark for the trip. He pointed forward. Ramps led to lower metal platforms and walkways, all suspended over bubbling black ooze. Steam rising from the tar blurred the landscape in the distance. Seifer could see outlines of rocky crags, tunnels, and caves, but it was hard to make out any details beyond their blocky and circular shapes.

Valkyrie: "... I'm sorry, but what did you say this place did again?"

This place was linked to Venish? The city prided itself on the quality of its water, to the point where it called in the Radiant Guard whenever its water quality tests were the slightest bit off.

Perhaps this is the reason why, Seifer thought. He shook out his already-frazzled mane. His hair brushed against his newly finished prosthetic horn. Cyril had even matched the color up perfectly. The keldeo was glad to have that familiar weight back in the center of his forehead, though he still longed to be able to forge a Secret Sword with it. Alas, Cyril told him that wasn't possible. It'll do for now, though.

... I should be more surprised at the possibility of places in Etherium literally dumping their pollution on the realm of spiritual impurity and undead 'mons, but somehow that feels strangely par for the course considering how they're using this exact same realm to keep their lights on.

"What exactly are we waiting for?" Valkyrie tapped a foot on the ground.

"Chiaki gave me a very specific time." Cyril crouched down. "We've still got a few minutes."

"Then what's up with the cat?" Valkyrie jerked her head at Gene, who floated back and forth across the platform with a frown on his face.

"Man, where are the skorps? I usually can't go a meter or two without bumping into one." Gene jutted out his lower lip. "I was really hoping to catch up with Skorp and Skorp. Feels like ages since we've talked."

I read that as "Skops" for a second and was having war flashbacks to the Rayman boss. I'm a bit curious as to what "Skorp" is myself, since it seems to be treated in much the same fashion as Pokémon name-wise in this setting.

Seifer blinked. He shook his head. No, his ears weren't ringing. He'd just heard that. "Uh, I beg your pardon?"

In a trail of distortion, the mewtwo Phantom Warped to Seifer's side. "Oh, it's no biggie." He leaned over, using Seifer's head as a makeshift armrest. "The skorps run this facility. And they're all named Skorp." Gene paused, then added, "And before you ask, no, they're not clones of each other. Cuz that'd be totally lame!"

Scowling, Valkyrie huffed dragonfire embers. "I hate this planet already."

Seifer: "... This is a planet? Since it looks more like a toxic waste dump from the looks of it." .-.
Gene: "The two don't have to be mutually exclusive, you know."

"Aww, sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of Eternatus!" Laughing, Gene smacked Seifer's head. The keldeo freed himself from under Gene's arm with an annoyed grunt.

"This isn't something to laugh about," Seifer huffed. He calmed himself with a deep breath. It wouldn't be too much longer. Soon, he'd be back in Venish and this nightmare would be behind him.

"Ah, there's Skorp!" Gene hopped into the air and waved both his hands. "Yo, Skorp! Over here!"

Seifer looked up and his tail shot up in alarm. That damned mewtwo was waving down an aerodactyl?! "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

"The hell?" Valkyrie crouched down. "What are you pulling here? Those things went extinct on Etherium ages ago!"

I feel as if this might have had more impact with a bit more description for Seifer's bit when he turns and looks. Though I suppose that's our answer to what a 'Skorp' is. Though I'm curious if they're all going to be Aerodactyl or if Skorp are multispecies, and if so, what their binding link to each other is.

"Ah, don't worry about Kelly. She's a total sweetheart," Gene assured as Aerodactyl slowly came in for a landing. That let the others see the skorupi sitting on Aerodactyl's back. He had a hard hat securely fastened to his head, but rather than the expected claws and stingers, this skorupi had big incineroar hands attached to his stubby arms and the end of his tail.

"Gene!" Skorp skittered forward excitedly. "Oh, thank goodness you popped up, eh. We could really use some help right aboot now."

The mewtwo looked up from rubbing a humming Kelly's belly. "Hmm? Something the matter, Skorp?"

Oh, never mind. So that's what a Skorp really is. Quite the fakeout there.

Seifer: "I'm... going to guess that that Aerodactyl isn't one for conversation and I should stay far, far away from her when she's hungry." o_o;
Skorp: "Wow. Rude."

"You bet your bippy something's the matter!" Skorp skittered in place. "Heck, I'm surprised you can even stand being out here what with the tar fumes turning toxic."

Seifer's eyes widened. The tar pits were toxic? He and Valkyrie glared at Gene.

"Toxic?" Gene held up his hands. "Since when? That's news to me."

"Fer a couple of weeks now," Skorp explained. "We've been trying to put out a distress call to ya, but something's gone and jammed up our comm systems." He gripped his hard hat and squeezed it against his head. "And if that weren't enough of a pickle, some of the skorps have gone missing."

Seifer: "Uh... yeah, that's really awful for you, but for our own health and safety, I think that we should-" O_O;;
Gene: "Can it, horseface. Alright, Skorp. Walk me through what's going on here."

Gene's tail lashed at the air. "Missing?" He kneeled down by Skorp. "Who? Where? How? Why?"

Skorp looked down guiltily. "You remember Skorp from ol' Skorp's birthday bash last month?"

Gene rubbed his chin, then snapped his fingers. "The guy who liked his soda pop a bit too much?"

"The very same." Skorp nodded. Seifer shook his head in disbelief. How the devil could this mewtwo tell who was who when they all had the same name? This had to be an elaborate ruse… or a fever dream.

Seifer: "... Or it could be those toxic fumes melting my brain in live-time. That works too." >.<
Cyril: "Oh, how I wish that were the case." -_-;

Skorp poked two index fingers together. "Skorp went missing a couple of weeks ago. Then about a dozen other skorps followed suit!"

"Then we have to investigate." Gene got to his feet, right hand balling into a fist.

"We?" Valkyrie stomped her right foot down. "What's this 'we' business? I already bailed your ass out once. I don't owe you any favors; you owe me." The garchomp held up her blades. "Open the rift and let us go."

Valkyrie: "Look bub, I didn't sign up for inhaling toxic fumes to go and look for mutated Skorupi with a fetish for stupid names!" >.<
Gene: "No, but you did sign up for me not yeeting you to the Radiant Guard. This is a prerequisite to that."
- Valkyrie's eye twitches -
Valkyrie: "... AAAARGH!"

"But the skorps are my friends." Gene's tail twitched in several places. "They've helped me out… not to mention the rebellion. We have to help them."

Gene: "Look, don't make me wave that blackmail in your face in canon, hon. Play along, and then we'll go home." >:|
Valkyrie: "No. Way. I refuse to believe the plot is really going to railroad us into a quest that sounds this stupid!"

"If you're really as strong as you claim, I'm sure you can fix this yourself." Valkyrie waved him off. She turned to Cyril. "So, open the rift, and then you can investigate to your heart's content."

Seifer brushed his forelegs together. If the tar pits were poisoned, he couldn't afford to stay here, right? He wanted to go home. And Venish was so close, he could practically taste the salt in the air.

"I'm sorry… but I already helped you with that uPhone business." The keldeo exhaled deeply.

Silence followed, save for the bubbling of tar and the whirring of machinery inside the plant.


"Well?" Valkyrie turned back to Gene. "I'm not going to ask again."

Gene looked off into the distance. "If the tar is turning toxic… who's to say the same isn't happening to Venish?"

Seifer stiffened. Valkyrie narrowed her eyes. "Don't play games with me."

"If there's any distortion near Venish, there's nothing stopping some of the poisonous tar from leaking out," the mewtwo continued, his expression unreadable. Though Seifer swore there was a devilish glint in his eyes. "You really want to go back and risk finding poisoned water waiting for you? Seems like a hell of a gamble, since it could put you back here for good."

Oh, so that's what's going on with Venish there. Somehow it didn't occur to me that MD effects leaking out in Radiance are bits of the Qliphoth merging with/absorbing the planet, though that makes quite a bit of sense. Probably also explains how the X-Transciever is able to work given that there's active patches of Distortion in Radiance at the moment.

"Cut the crap." Valkyrie scraped her feet against the metal platform. "Isn't dealing with this kind of stuff your job?"

"Sure, but the more the merrier if you ask me." Gene shrugged. The smile on his face was sickeningly sweet. It practically knotted up Seifer's stomach.

Seifer: "Okay, what is going on between you two? Since there is no way that smile is natural and earnest."


The keldeo almost jumped at Cyril's paw on his left shoulder. Before he could say anything, the zoroark whispered, "Isn't this what you were talking about the other night?"

Seifer quirked a brow. He preferred to forget that conversation with Cyril.

"If Boss Kitty's right — and he usually is — then people's lives could be at stake," Cyril continued. "Sounds to me like the Venishians need someone to protect them, even if they don't know it."

Valkyrie: "I'd just like to point out that my day job is ending lives, so this is a total waste of my time." >_>;
- Beat moment -
Seifer: "... I'm sorry, but did you just say that your day job was 'ending lives'?" .-.
Valkyrie: "... When required by my duties as a bodyguard, of course."
Gene: "(Smooth, Prisma.)"

Seifer glanced at his new horn, then at Gene.

It's about making a difference, isn't it?

He swallowed hard. "Okay. I'll help." Seifer stepped toward Gene.

With a clearing of his throat, Quetzal jogged to Seifer's side. "If the commander's in, so am I."

I am wholly unconvinced that this will end well, but guess we're searching for those mutant Skorupi amid the glorified toxic waste dump after all.

Seifer smiled at Quetzal, though that was followed by a pang of guilt. He'd forgotten the orange, flightless zapdos had even come with them.

Valkyrie's eyes briefly widened, then she turned away. "Well, they don't have jobs to go back to, but I do. You got two of us. Take the win and send me home."

The garchomp and mewtwo stared at each other down for a solid half minute. The crystal in Gene's shoulder sparked, as did his eyes. Valkyrie frowned, then scowled, then lowered her arms.

"… fine. I'll help," she croaked, stance slouching.

What just happened? Seifer looked between the two, but Gene hastily warped to Valkyrie's side.

Pretty sure that Gene just threatened Valkyrie over a little telepathic tete-a-tete but Seifer doesn't need to know that right here and now. ^^;

"I knew you'd see the light, Chompy!" He pet Valkyrie's dorsal fin. She immediately held a blade to his throat.

"Don't push it."

"Love you too, new bestie." Gene winked and Phantom Warped back to Skorp's side. "Okay, lemme get Cyril to Venish and then we can get to work."

Seifer: "... Okay, seriously, Valkyrie. What is going on between you two?"
Valkyrie: "Look, is it really so hard for you to put two and two together that I've been-?!" >_>;
Gene: "Do go on there, Val."

Valkyrie: "... Very. Moved. By Gene's sense of altruism. Yeah, let's go with that." >.<
Gene: "Yes, let's. Now I believe you had some phones to pick up, Cyril?"

Cyril tossed several small buttons to Gene, who caught them with telekinesis. "Here are some X-transceivers, so we can all keep in touch."

Purple energy crackled behind Cyril. A rift split the air open. He touched a claw to his temple. "Good luck, you guys. And behave yourself, Boss Kitty."

Gene laughed. "No promises."

The zoroark hopped into the rift. Seifer rolled his eyes and cautiously approached Skorp and the lounging aerodactyl at his side.

"So, where do we begin?"

I can already see Val's "screaming internally" expression during all of this.

Chiaki hated surprises. He hated stuffiness. So, stuffy surprises were nothing short of nauseating.

In some respects, Chiaki had himself to blame. He didn't read the concert ticket in detail, just assumed it would be at some venue people closer to his age preferred.

Instead, the grovyle stood on one of the sand dunes of Venish's northern beach, with a white dress shirt, black bowtie, and black formal jacket. Holowear he had to pay extra for due to the short notice.

Oh lordy, that's here too. Though is that the retroactive lingo for the style of clothing that Chiaki had back in Noatun? Or is this something else?

The amphitheater's white, polished dome towered off in the distance. Guess I made an ass of myself this time.

Chiaki took his good hand out of his jacket pocket, producing the uPhone box, along with a glass vial filled with glowing purple slime.

Where's Cyril? Chiaki looked around for any signs of a rift. This was the place and time they'd agreed on. What was the hold up?

Purple cracks formed in the air a meter behind him. The rift opened up and Cyril hopped out, his apparently fake black fur bristling from the sea breeze. "Sorry 'bout that." Cyril adjusted his mane— also fake and presumably housing a freaky Eternatus crystal. "Looks like Val and Keldeo are staying behind on Planet Bogdan to help Gene."

... Somehow, it didn't occur to me at all that as a mutant Cyril would have a Malice crystal of his own, also I have so many questions as to the backstory of how on earth these two ever met each other to begin with such that Cyril got to be Chiaki’s mechanic.

Chiaki frowned, but quickly shrugged the revelation off. "Whatever. Not like Val could come with me for this. You bring me the stuff I ask for?"

Cyril smirked and wagged a claw. "Uh uh. You first." He stuck his right paw out.

"… tch. Fine." Chiaki put the uPhone box in Cyril's paw, then placed the cylinder on top of it.

"And what's the bonus?" Cyril stashed the uPhone into his mane.

"The sample we discussed," Chiaki replied. "Poison from the daemon guarding the Needle in Aquardah."

"Ah, yes." Cyril sniffed the cylinder and licked his lips. "I'm gonna make something beautiful with this sucker." He grinned. "But you know the deal. Payment up front."

... Why do I feel as if I should be deeply concerned by those two last paragraphs there? .-.

"It's already in your account," the grovyle scoffed. "Now… what I asked for?"

"Right, right." Cyril reached inside his mane. His red and black hair obscured bits of purple light. "First off, the supplies you wanted." The zoroark produced a bag and dropped it onto the sand at his feet.

"An X-transceiver." He tossed Chiaki a small metal cross, which the grovyle fastened to his bowtie. "And the mapping and recording tools you asked for." Cyril produced a white rose. He held it out for Chiaki, who looked at it with disgust.


"You have to get this stuff past security, right?" Cyril smirked. "Besides, it goes great with your, uh, ensemble." He snickered as Chiaki took the rose and tucked it into his jacket's breast pocket.

"It's not funny," Chiaki growled.

... Wait, does a white rose mean something to Chiaki as the kid of a mafia don? Since he sure had quite the reaction to that flower there.

"It's a little funny," Cyril retorted. He reached back into his mane. "Lastly, something extra." The zoroark produced a wristwatch and tossed it to Chiaki, who caught it skeptically.

"This thing doesn't explode if I set it to a certain time, does it?"

"Pfbt. You've been watching too many movies." Cyril flicked his wrist dismissively. "Set it to twelve and press the button. It'll short out other nearby electronic devices." With a confident grin, he added, "My equipment's designed to withstand it, for the record."

Chiaki frowned. "You do realize I'm going to the Amphitheater, right?"

... Yeah, I can see how that'd cause some problems to be the only person in attendance with any working electronics to work with there. ^^;

Cyril shrugged. "Try not to get hasty?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Cyril glanced at his black-furred wrist. "Oh, gee, would you look at the time? Don't wanna be late to meet your big sister, right?"

"Stepsister," Chiaki hissed. Theatrics aside, however, Cyril was right. He shouldn't keep Kyoko waiting. Chiaki was already expecting her to be in a bad mood. She always was when he was involved.

Fenrir: "I'm sorry, why do you want to meet her again so badly when she's always in a mood around you?"
Chiaki: "Look, I don't ask you about your life story, okay?" >_>;

Good thing the feeling's mutual, he thought. Straightening out his bowtie, the grovyle started across the beach. He looked back at Cyril. "I'll be in touch."

Cyril sighed. "Of course you will. Better hope Boss Kitty doesn't need me."

Chiaki snorted. "You should just consider yourself lucky I didn't ream you for keeping all these secrets from me."

He proceeded forward without waiting to see how the disguised zoroark would respond. All Chiaki needed to do was make nice with the other concertgoers long enough to slip away unseen. Then he'd find the dirt he was looking for. Chiaki was sure of it.

Oh, so that's why he's going back to his stepsister. Not sure what exactly he's looking for, but guess we'll find out soon enough.

There was a barraskewda waiting for everyone outside the train station; Minister Vincenzo, according to Artemis. Aside from a sailor's hat, he had some sort of harness around his torso. When Yuna looked to Nikki for an answer, she shrugged. Shimmer then butted in. With a scoff and a roll of his eyes, he expressed disbelief that Aeon didn't have Hydropacks, special devices to let more aquatic pokémon function outside of the water.

Wait, is that the thing that lets him float in this setting? Or is that the equivalent of a rebreather for him?

Yuna ignored Shimmer's condescension, focusing on Vincenzo guiding them through the city's largest streets. In addition to sidewalks, the city had tubes for aquatic pokémon to swim through. And then there were the canals. The water reflected the sky's orange sunset glow. It rippled as various water-types swam by, with some tugging boat-like structures called gondolas.

Really living up to that incredibly lame pun to 'Venice' there.

Eventually they reached a fourteen-story building painted with the colors of a clamperl. A marble huntail and gorebyss weaved around the top floors, coming together at the roof, which was a marble clamperl holding a sign displaying the hotel name.

"Buona serata! Welcome to La Perla dell'Oceano!" three machoke in magikarp-shaped bowties and deep blue sweater vests greeted in unison as the group entered the hotel.

Technically, if you want to "up to 11" the Venetian-ness of this place, that ought to be 'Bona Seràda' IIRC. But eh. It still works, and it definitely leaves quite the initial impression of this place.

The lobby seemed just as fancy. The light fixtures hanging from the ceiling resembled pearls and sapphires, casting a soft blue glow over the room that contrasted the warm oranges and yellows of the walls and carpet. Round oak tables sat neatly spaced apart. Each held multiple round metal trays with piping-hot mixtures of cheese, red sauce, and a variety of toppings.

Yuna's gills throbbed. "Is that… dinner?" The aroma alone was enough for her stomach to gurgle.

"Please tell me you know what pizza is," Nikki groaned, pinching her brow.

"O-Of course I do!"

… she didn't.

Nikki: "... Do I want to know what passes for high cuisine in the Aeon Kingdom?" >_>;
Yuna: "L-Look, the diet at home's just a little meat-heavy! That's the only reason why it took me a while to recognize what I was looking at!" >///<
Nikki: "Cool, then you know what pizza capricciosa is, right? Since if you like pizza, something like that should be right up your alley."
Yuna: "... I-Is it around under a more common name?"

"We've prepared some of our finest artisan pizzas for you all to enjoy," Vincenzo declared, gesturing to the tables. "And our wait staff will be by to offer some reds and whites from the famous Nettare dell'Oceano Vineyard."

Excited chatter rose up among Yuna's classmates. The sylveon that hung out with Shimmer even trotted in place, clapping his ribbons together.

All that's missing is an incredibly lame pun of a 'Frutti di Mare Orchard' with some fresh fruit to round things out. And maybe some limoncello from there to boot.

"Of course, for those who are not interested in the wine, we have both regular and sparkling water." Vincenzo gestured behind him to a square table topped by a white silk cloth. Two large water dispensers sat on it. Both had slices of cucumber floated between the ice cubes.

Yuna blinked in confusion.

Rayquaza hummed. "Cucumber water? How… quaint."

"Well, cucumbers are pretty moist fruit," Reshiram quipped. "So, I suppose it fits."

"Art thou mad? Cucumbers art most certainly vegetables!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but they have seeds," Reshiram retorted. "Botanically, that makes them fruit."


Yuna: "God am I glad that nobody else can hear this right now." >///<

Yuna couldn't believe two respected Sages were arguing about this.

… no, wait, that wasn't right. She could believe it given what she knew about them. Yuna simply wished she couldn't believe it.

Yeah, I figured she wouldn't be amused. :V

"Yo, Princess!" Nikki waved at her from a corner table. She lifted a slice of pizza with basil clumps and tugged at the resulting strings of melted mozzarella. "You better get your tail over here if you don't want me to eat the whole thing."

Yuna hovered toward the table. There was a glass wall behind Nikki's chair, with seaweed and bubbles carved into it. The glass twinkled from the chandeliers' light. Yuna's mouth watered as she pulled up to the table.

"So, um, what do you call this one?" she asked.

"Mahgahwehta." Nikki's full mouth muffled her response. She finished chewing and swallowed. "It's, like, the basic bitch of fancy pizzas. But I don't need none of that shit with truffles or dubwool cheese. It's way too extra."

Yuna: "... What about that 'Capricciosa' one? Since you made that one sound really tasty-"
Nikki: "Look, shut up and lemme enjoy my simple pleasures, okay?" >_>;

"Extra what?" Yuna tilted her head.

Nikki paused, about to chomp down on her half-eaten slice. "Eh, it's a figure of speech."

"Not one I've ever heard of," Reshiram said. Yuna swore he was shaking his head.

Language does have a way of moving on after 1100 years, so...

"Right. Well, uh, guess I'll dig in." The dreepy grabbed a slice and squeaked when the melted cheese dribbled on her arms. Yuna plopped the slice on her place and wrung out her arms. "Uh, can I get a fork and knife, per chance?"

The toxtricity snorted. "Yeah, sure, if you wanna get laughed outta the hotel." She took another bite. "Only weirdos eat pisha wiv fowks."

"Duly noted." Sighing, Yuna blew onto her slice. After a few seconds, she picked it up again and took a bite. Her eyes sparkled. She set it down.

Oh boy. Part of me is expecting Yuna to just completely lose restraint in about 5 paragraphs here and pig out.

"That's the look of someone who's found a new food love." Laughing, Nikki licked sauce off her fingertips, then reached for another slice.

"It's great!" the dreepy chirped. "The way the melted cheese mixes with the richness of the sauce. It's… it's…" She furrowed her brow in thought. "Well, it's great." Yuna took another bite. It was just as good as the first.

Nikki: "Thought you said you knew what pizza was, Princess."

Yuna: "T-They don't make it like this at home, okay?" >///<

"Right. I don't think you'll be a food critic if the whole princess gig fails." Nikki chuckled. She was almost through her second slice when one of the machoke from earlier showed up carrying a tray with two bottles and multiple wine glasses.

"Can I offer either of you a glass of wine?" he said, leaning over to present the tray.

"Pass." Nikki flicked her left wrist.

Her response surprised Yuna, who hastily shook her head. When Machoke left, she said, "I figured you'd be all over that."

"Wine? Feh. It tastes like nasty, bitter grape juice." Nikki scrunched her face up and stuck out her tongue. "Gimme a nice, cold beer over that shit any day."

... What sort of beer are you drinking again, lady? Since beer by definition carries a bitter taste while a decent swath of wines taste fairly sweet.

"Right." Yuna took another bite. "I suppose that's kinda like mead?"

Nikki stopped midbite. She hastily scarfed it down and wiped her mouth with her jacket sleeve. "Wait, you drink?"

Yuna's gills stiffened. "Uh, well… mostly just at, y'know, parties?"

"You party?"

"I get the feeling you two have a very different definition of that word." Reshiram chuckled.

As hilarious as the mental image of Yuna getting sloshed and making a fool of herself with a bunch of rowdy dragons is... yeah, I suspect those parties are a lot more stuffy and formal than Nikki is envisioning.

Yuna decided to steal that thought. "I'm not so sure we interpret 'party' the same way." She finished off the last of her slice and dabbed her lips with a nearby white napkin. "Aeon royals do have… get togethers. Usually, it's a big meal around a shared table. There might be some, uh, strength-based games. Lifting slabs of meat or doing tug-of-war over a mud pit." The dreepy batted one of her gills. "But that happens when people get a bit tipsier."

Okay, never mind, it is a big gathering of drunken dragons making themselves look like idiots.

Nikki appeared bemused. "And you take part in that?"

"Me? N-Not really." Yuna hastily took another slice of pizza to avoid eye contact with Nikki. "Look at me. I'm scrawny. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think of a fierce dragon."

The toxtricity sat back in her seat with the crust of her second slide in hand. "Y'know, that has been bugging me. You're a young adult, right?" She chomped down on the crust. "You should at leasht have evolved onesh by now."

Yuna's gills nearly retreated into her head. There it was. A subject she wanted to avoid. She stared down at her pizza slice. There was a big mozzarella bubble in the middle. Yuna poked it with her arm and it deflated.

Nikki: "... Did I hit a nerve or something?" :?
Yuna: "Uhm. Yeah, you kinda did." >_>;

"Might I interject?" Reshiram whispered.

… sure.

"Nikki divulged that stuff about her friend going missing," Reshiram reminded her. "It, y'know, might be a good gesture to reciprocate some of that vulnerability."

He had a point, but Yuna wished he didn't. She continued to stare at the melted cheese surrounded by a sea of red sauce.

Yuna: "I... I really don't want to talk about this though..."

Cecil: "... It's a gesture of trust? After all, what better way of showing off how close of a friend you are to Nikki than-"

Then a purple hand waved in front of her face.

"You spacing out on me, Princess?"

"Sorry." Yuna flinched. "I, uh— the evolution thing is… a sore spot."

"Ah." Nikki's gaze also fell to the remaining half of their pizza.

"The, um, truth is… I was really sick when I was younger." Yuna took a bite of pizza and swallowed hard without even chewing. Somehow, it was more bitter than the last slice. "My family's healer said he thought my illness stunted my growth. No one's sure when I'll evolve."

… or if I'll evolve.

Oh, so she did go through with explaining what was going on with her. Wasn't expecting that. Though I'm curious what on earth she fell ill with... .-.

Silence followed. They both nibbled away at pizza slices.

Nikki broke the silence by clearing her throat. "If it's any consolation… plenty of Radiance 'mons never make it to their final evolutions."

Yuna thought back to the trial. One of the witnesses was a rhyhorn. An adult rhyhorn, by the look of things. She did find that peculiar, but it paled in comparison to everything else that happened, so she hadn't questioned it.

Oh, I see that PoV is like Rebirth where evolution is inherently tied to lifecycle/age and not restricted by stuff like item evolutions. Will file that one away for the future.

"What do you mean by that?" she wondered.

"Most folks ain't strong enough to evolve naturally, if you ask me." The toxtricity was down to the crust again. She waved it around like a baton. "So they, like, sell medicine and stuff to, y'know, induce evolution."

The dreepy chewed on her mouthful of pizza, trying to come up with an example of something similar. One came to mind as soon as she swallowed. "Kind of like how a feebas needs a particular sort of scale to evolve into milotic?"

"Yeah. But, like, more sciency. With pills and serum and shit." Nikki tilted her crust back and forth like it was a flask or beaker. "Problem is, not everyone can afford that stuff. None of it is necessary medicine, so health insurers typically won't pay for it."

Exactly none of that sounds healthy or trustworthy.

Though I see that from the bit about 'health insurers', that it sounds like Etherium doesn't have a single-payer medical system.

She'd heard the term "health insurance" thrown around a few times and still failed to understand exactly what it meant. However, Yuna didn't want to dive down that particular buneary hole. "That all sounds… concerning."

"You bet your tail it does." Nikki ate half the crust in one bite. "But thash what ashes like Vortecsh want. Keep people weak sho they can shtay in control."

A shiver ran down Yuna's back. She didn't have the highest opinion of Vortex, but that sounded… unnecessarily cruel.

"And it certainly goes against the cooperation Sir Bahamut taught," Rayquaza harrumphed.

That... makes a scary amount of sense for purposes of social control for a Pokémon society. Being able to have as close to a monopoly as possible on force, or in this case the force final evolutions can sling around is handy for hobbling little things like peasant unrest.

Yuna: "... I'm sorry, why are my parents trying to make a peace treaty with a land that does something like this to its own people? Who on earth does that?" >_>;
Nikki: "Hey, Vortex and the Crown are negotiating from the position of strength right now. So clearly it's working for someone in charge, even if we little folk get run over in the process."

"But, eh, enough depressing shit." Nikki finished off the crust. "We're in Venish now. May as well enjoy it or whatever. Even if Twiggy's off doing whatever." The toxtricity leaned her chair back against the glass wall.

Though Yuna was a bit concerned Chiaki was still not here and a bit disheartened by some of the conversation, she had to admit this was… a welcome change of pace. Sitting down to try new food with someone who seemed to enjoy her company. Where had this been the past couple of weeks? If this was what Vortex's "experiential learning" plan was about, Yuna could get used to it.

… which naturally meant something was going to happen to ruin all of it.

I mean, yeah. It'd be pretty par for the course for this story, honestly.

At least, that was what immediately went through Yuna's head when a bell chimed to her right. She leaned over and watched gold doors slide open. Artemis slithered out with Noctum following behind, completely mystified.

"Wow! So, that's what an elevator is like." The charizard's black tail slowly wagged. "Amazing! To think an entire room can be levitated up and down with such ease."

"Dude." The milotic pressed his tailfins to his face. "It's a system of pulleys. You can't say stuff like that out loud. It reinforces the stereotype that you Aeons are a bunch of hut-dwelling savages."

Noctum: "Th-They're not huts! They're stone houses!" >///<
Artie: "You're not helping your case here, just saying." >_>;

Noctum's purple tail flame shrank. "Sorry." He trudged over to Yuna's table. She offered him a sympathetic smile, but he didn't notice it.

"Um, everything okay?" Yuna asked.

"Well, we got your room situated." Noctum fiddled with the strap of his satchel.

Nikki frowned. "Then why do you look like someone took your favorite toy?"

At that, Noctum rubbed his shoulder. "I, uh— how do I put this?"

"Something's up," Artemis whispered. He noticed the water jugs on the table behind him. "Anyone drink that stuff?"

... Oh dear. I didn't see things going in that direction. ._.;

Yuna looked over her shoulder. Shimmer clinked wine glasses with his sylveon and sirfetch'd friends. Another table had the weavile that Nikki got in a spat with during the preliminary round throw back the last of her wine glass. "Another!" she shouted, to which the luxray beside her lifted his empty wine glass as well.

"I… think they're sticking to the wine," the dreepy replied. "Why?"

"Good." Artemis leaned over. "Something's up with the water here. We saw a granbull couple drink from one of these containers. Both of 'em started puking their guts out. Paramedics showed up through the back stairs and carted them off." Nikki tilted her head.

"Food poisoning?"

"From water?" Artemis' brow furrowed. "Venish prides itself on the cleanest water in the kingdom. If a fancy-schmancy hotel like this one has contaminated water, who's to say the rest of the city's water supply is okay?"

... Oh, so that waterborne poison's been spreading faster than anyone imagined. That's totally not going to cause a few teams to drop the next leg of the Crowne Cup.

"I dunno." Nikki reached for another pizza slice. "That's a bit of a leap in logic. Could be a problem with the plumbing here, for example."

Artemis nearly swatted Nikki's hand away from the pizza, but stayed his ribbon. "This is serious. If your Crowne Cup leg is tomorrow and the water is problematic, who knows what could happen?"

"Then tell the cops or something." Scoffing, Nikki took the pizza slice she was originally going for. "We're not plumbers. Or investigators."

"… a rare wise platitude, Nicolette."

Or at least it would be if, you know there wasn't an active coverup of said poisoned water going on right now.

That familiar, chilling voice sent a shiver straight down to Yuna's tail. She squeezed her napkin.

Why here? Why now? Why can't I catch a break?

Gasping, Noctum hopped back from the table. A familiar, cloaked dusknoir rose out of the shadows, studying Nikki intently.

"P-Professor Vegna," Yuna squeaked. "Is there, um, a problem?"

Vegna slowly turned his head to Yuna. "I'm simply making sure my remaining charges don't gallivant on another pointless escapade."

Yuna blinked, trying to process his obnoxiously fruity statement.

"I think he's saying he's looking after you," Reshiram offered.

Yuna: "Wait. WHAT. Since when did you watch out over us?!" O_O;

But that made no sense. "I think there's been a mistake." The dreepy found the courage to look him in the eye. "Professor Cid is our advisor."

Vegna leaned forward. A blue glow spilled over Yuna from inside his hood.

"That foolish orbeetle was dismissed from his position. Turns out engaging in truancy with students is unwise for one's career prospects."

Nikki stiffened in her chair. The toxtricity dropped her pizza slice on her lap in disbelief. "So, you're saying—"

"I am your new advisor. And I will not tolerate any more disappearing acts from your so-called team."

F for Cid, even if I kinda knew things were heading in this direction from the scene with Isola in the last chapter. Wonder if/when we'll see him again.

Vegna: "Since now. Now get used to knowing your ground rules, since I don't have the patience for you two to break them on my watch."

Nikki + Yuna: "..."

Yuna: "I. Hate. This. School." >.<

Alright, made it to the end, overall thoughts: It was a bit of a transitional chapter, and while there wasn't a lot that happened action-wise this time around, it felt like it moved a lot of characters around and we're getting to a position where we're basically just waiting on the pin drop here. I think that my favorite scene of the three in the chapter was the one between Yuna and Nikki since it provided the most insight both into Yuna's background and world she hailed from, as well as the one she's presently living in.

As for things I didn't quite agree with in the chapter... perhaps a couple parts could've been a bit more descriptive? I dunno, I honestly don't think I had too many issues with this one. It's still got the same zany but dramatic air as usual, and the closer definitely felt like a decent shakeup to the status quo with both a local and personal crisis barreling into the cast's lives.

Good show there, @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to see how you pick up from here in your next chapter, and what we'll see of Cid's fate given that he's kinda out of a job here and now.

Till then! ^^
Chapter 31: Venishing Acts a Plenty


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 31: Venishing Acts a Plenty

Yuna didn't even have time to properly wallow in guilt from Vegna's revelation. With a snap of his fingers — and her classmates looking on and laughing — the dusknoir summoned Talonflame and his corviknight flunky. The birds hastily shooed Nikki and Yuna towards the elevators. Even Artemis and Noctum got swept up in the commotion.

One thing Yuna did manage to catch was two of the machoke waiters hastily loading the water containers onto a pushcart. But the gold elevator doors closed seconds later, leaving her squished against a metal wall with Vegna staring her down, one hand gripping the railing. She hastily grabbed the railing, too. Otherwise she would end up on the floor.

"What the hell? I wasn't even finished eating!" Nikki protested.

"You are now." Vegna's eye smoldered under his hood. "You two will be staying in your hotel room while we locate your grovyle compatriot. Perhaps there you can reflect on your… questionable decisions."

Nikki had no retort. Her mohawk shrank a bit. Yuna, however, finally managed to find her voice, "What do you mean by that? Are you talking about Professor Cid?"

"You are welcome to interpret my comments however you wish, exchange student." Vegna turned around his crossed his arms. The elevator arrived at the thirteenth floor. "But I do believe he would still have a job were it not for your so-called team."

"And why did we get dragged into this?" Artemis huffed.

"The attendants will, naturally, attend." Vegna flicked his right hand dismissively as he floated out the elevator.

"Heh! Way to put 'em in their places, V." Griffon clapped his black metal wings together.

Vegna flicked Griffon's beak. He pointed to Noctum. "Bring them to their room. Now."

Noctum gulped. "Y-Yessir!" He stretched his right wing. "This way, ladies."

Scowling, Nikki wiped pizza grease on her already messy thighs. Jamming her hands in her pockets, she grumbled, "Great. And I bet Vortex put us on the thirteenth floor on purpose."

"What's wrong with thirteen?" Yuna asked.

"You live under a rock or something, wyrmy? It's the bad luck number!" Griffon cawed, earning another flick on his metallic beak.

Yuna failed to see how a number could symbolize bad luck. However, given the recent turn of events, perhaps the corviknight had a point?

"Don't fall down the well of superstition. We'll never get you out if you do!" Reshiram whined.

The room door opened with a creak. Noctum held the door open so Yuna and Nikki could enter. Blue carpeting swished under the charizard and toxtricity's feet. The walls were tan, resembling the very beaches whose sand sparkled in the distance under the moonlight.

Nikki tossed her jacket onto the far bed and then leaped onto it. The pizza sauce and grease on her legs immediately stained the white blanket. "Well, I guess there are worse places to be grounded. Still, this is so stupid. I can't believe Twiggy's dicking us over like this!"

Yuna quietly floated to the other bed. Its white, silk blanket was cool against her ectoplasm. The dreepy ignored Nikki's complaints. Her mind drifted back to Cid. He had followed Yuna's teammates to the Crowne Court out of concern. And she was the one who called them in the first place.

"Don't blame thineself," Rayquaza piped up. "Thou could not have predicted thine teacher would follow. Nor could thou expect the chain of events that followed."

… still. He got
devolved fighting to free you. Yuna suppressed a wince at the memory of a screaming blipbug. He hadn't even returned to teaching his classes! To get fired when he's not mentally okay… Her thoughts trailed off.

"Helloooo! Etherium to Yuna."

A turquoise throw pillow landed to Yuna's right. The dreepy's head jerked up. "Were you listening?" Nikki said. "You and Twiggy went on and on about these damned Needles… and now he's giving us the death knell. Whatever the Reaper does to him… there's no way he'll be in top shape for tomorrow."

Nikki rolled onto her back, groaning. The sounds of torn fabric followed. "Stick a fork in us! We're cooked!"

"… oh." Yuna stared at her blanket. She hadn't even considered that. If Vegna was now their advisor, what would it mean if their team finished last in the first leg? Would they fall under constant supervision from the dusknoir? How would she be able to track down the rest of the Needles?

"Uh, did thou forget thine ability to open up portals?" Rayquaza said. "Pray that foul dusknoir cannot simply chase you inside Eternatus lest he meet the same troubles as the orbeetle."

"Whatever Twiggy's doing can't be more important than the fate of the freaking world." Nikki threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Shh!" Artemis pressed his tailfins to his lips. "Vegna's bound to have stationed someone outside the room. Do you want them to overhear?" Shaking his head, the milotic scooped a remote control off the nightstand by Nikki's bed. He clicked it and the flatscreen PV on the other side of the room came to life.

"Ever diligent, the proud fishermon exercise the utmost care in ensuring their feral catches remain secure in the specialized fishing nets."

The male, monotone narrator spoke over footage of two seismitoad and a quagsire reeling in a massive net filled with weakly flailing magikarp.

"The hell is this crap?" Nikki sat up and squinted. "'The Learning Channel?' What sort of killjoy had this room last?" She shot Noctum an accusatory look. "This isn't your doing, is it?"

"Absolutely not." The black charizard held his hands up. "As nice as a good grilled fish is, I don't want to watch them getting swept away like that."

Artemis, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the PV. Even as the feral magikarp spilled out across a specialized bucket in the middle of the ship's deck.

"Err, everything okay?" Noctum held his left wing up in front of Artemis.

The milotic flinched and looked away. "It's nothing." His eyebrows shriveled. "You already know I was a fisher once. Seems like another lifetime ago."

Nikki crawled forward on her bed, smearing some more pizza sauce. "I know we asked about this on the train, but I think you lied about it not making you uncomfortable. They definitely catch feral feebas."

Artemis turned to the window. "Maybe this is hinting at your challenge tomorrow?"

"Don't deflect," Nikki huffed.

"It's not a deflection," Artemis growled. "Fishing is a central part of Venish. So, maybe the first leg involves fishing?"

"Well, that'd be easy!" Nikki raised her right hand. Sparks crackled in it. "I could fry a pool of those stupid fish in a heartbeat."

"Something tells me it won't be that simple." Yuna laughed nervously while Noctum walked past the beds toward the washroom. "Besides, we can't afford to think recklessly."

Nikki grabbed her bed's other throw pillow and squeezed it. "Then tell that to Twiggy."

Yuna had no desire to go in circles on this subject. Luckily for her, Artemis offered a convenient alternative. "Forget thinking about how you'll fish." The milotic curled his ribbons. "I'm more concerned about the water quality."

"You mean what you saw when you were setting up our room?" Yuna traced an arm around the Soul Dew. Now was as good a time as any to bring up the bit she almost missed. "When we left the lobby, I saw some of the bellhops carrying away the water containers."

"And?" Nikki shrugged. "Maybe they realized no one was drinking it."

"Or they learned about what happened up here." Artemis turned and narrowed his eyes. "I think the water here is contaminated."


"Then I guess it's time to pray Pillow Princess and his ilk decide to brush their teeth and spend the night puking their guts out." Nikki flopped on her back again. Her waist spikes poked more holes in her bed.

"You're missing the point," Artemis huffed.


"I don't really see how faulty hotel plumbing is our problem," Nikki scoffed, crossing her legs and tapping her left foot against the air.

Reshiram shifted around nervously in Yuna's mind. "I think he's getting at the idea that if the hotel water is contaminated… other places might be effected, too."

Yuna repeated that. Artemis pointed a ribbon at her. "Exactly!"

"Again… so what?" Nikki rolled her eyes. "We ain't the Super Marill Brothers or anything."


"Eep!" Yuna hopped into the air, gills shooting into her head. Noctum stuck his head out the washroom door, frowning.

"There's no water," the charizard exclaimed.

Nikki sat up. "What?"

"Did you try the shower?" Artemis asked.

"The sink and the shower." Noctum clutched the straps of his floral print apron. "Someone must've turned the water off."

Artemis again fixed a scrutinizing look on Nikki. "Well?" He gestured to the air with both ribbons.

"Okay, sure. You got me." The toxtricity tossed the throw pillow behind her. "Something stinks about this. But I've gone plenty of days without a shower. I'll live." She sniffed her armpit and nodded. "A spray-on deodorant bath and I'll be good."

"This isn't about bathing." Artemis' face reddened. "What if the canal system is also contaminated? If they send you guys out on the water tomorrow, you could have a serious problem on your hands."

"What do you suggest, then?" Nikki rolled over onto her left side, resting her head on her left hand. "Wanna call Stoutland Yard? The Radiant Guard? There's a gemcom right next to you. Go right ahead."

Yuna looked between the milotic and the crystal connected to a tan, triangular base with a numeric keypad. A lightbulb then went off in her head. The dreepy turned to Noctum. "Hey, Noctum. Can you try calling someone in the Qliphoth? Ask them if there's anything suspicious going on."

His eyes brightened. "Oh, that's a good idea, Princess." Noctum waddled out of the washroom and tilted his head. "Hello? This is Noctum, calling in from Venish."

Silence followed, until Noctum's purple flame grew a smidge. "Oh, M-Miss Valkyrie. Wasn't expecting to hear from you." He laughed nervously. "Why do I sound so nervous? Well, y'see, we think the water in the hotel we're staying at has been contaminated. Some pokémon got very sick from drinking it and they shut our water off."

He fiddled with the pouch on his apron. "Yuna thought I should ask if you've noticed anything weird on your end."

Again, there was silence. Yuna hoped the answer would be no, but her gills drooped when Noctum's jaw stiffened.

"What? The tar pits were poisoned?" the charizard gasped.

"I bet they're connected," Reshiram glumly said.

Me too. Yuna rubbed her temples. The last thing she wanted was to go diving into Eternatus again. Especially when there were already people looking into things on that side. Maybe she could convince—

"Huh? No way! Those are extinct, aren't they?" Noctum's tone grew more worried by the second. "I mean, yeah, I know things are crazy there, but—" He stopped, eyes progressively widening. "They're walking skeletons?"

Yuna floated closer. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Noctum gulped. "Skeletal rampardos are attacking Valkyrie and the others! They're coming out of the tar pits!" He looked down. A purple tint showed through his pink apron. "We have to help them… don't we?"

Yuna recalled the earlier comment about Vegna stationing someone outside their room. She desperately wished to use that as an excuse to stay. But the dreepy knew she couldn't sit on this. There had to be a link between the bad water and the poisoned tar. And if the latter could animate skeletons, what could it do to Venish if it seeped out through the distortion?

"I'll go with you," she whispered. The Soul Dew twinkled in affirmation. She glanced over at Nikki.

"You want some extra firepower?" Nikki's mohawk sparked.

"N-no. I think you two should stay." Yuna wrung her arms. "I'm small enough that it should be easy to pretend I'm still here. We don't need to be getting in more trouble with our teachers, right?"

Nikki lay back down. "Suit yourself."

Yuna looked to Noctum and nodded. "Let's go."


Chiaki flagged a private carriage to get him to the amphitheater. The bumps of Venish's cobblestone streets gave way to smooth pavement as the carriage drew closer to its destination. With the sun having set, the amphitheater's arches bathed the surrounding area in pink and tan lights. No doubt tuned to match the color scheme of tonight's performer.

The grovyle disembarked and dropped several coins into a pouch strapped to one of the three ninjask pulling his carriage. He weaved between multiple parked carriages and omnibuses, all with lavishly dressed pokémon funneling toward metal gates. Chiaki looked up at the electronic sign over the gates, which had Starlene's face next to "One Night Only: Radiant Diva Waltzes Through Time!"

As a suit-wearing grimmsnarl shoved Chiaki to the side, he instinctively reached for a hat that wasn't there. How he wished he could hide his face. It wasn't that Chiaki was bad with crowds, but uppity ones like this made his scales crawl.

Why couldn't this have been one of her normal concerts?

Glowering, Chiaki walked right, trying to get past the people funneling toward the entrance gates. "Cyril, you there?" he whispered.

Silence followed.

"Cyril?" Chiaki hissed.

More silence.

"Pick up, damn it."

Crackles graced his right ear frill. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. Was a bit preoccupied."

Chiaki resisted the urge to facepalm. "With what?"

"Zardy was talking to Val," Cyril replied. "Seems there might be a water contamination issue at your school's hotel. And given the tar pits in the Qliphoth have turned poisonous, odds are the whole city's water supply might be in trouble."

Chiaki froze mid-step. An octillery in a top hat and monocle bumped into him. "Hey, watch where you're walking, ruffian!" he spat. "The entrance is that way." Octillery pointed a tentacle back toward the gates.

To that, Chiaki produced his ticket from his breast pocket. "VIP, jackass," he growled, then stormed off. Chiaki stole a glance back at Octillery's dumbfounded expression before continuing toward a single metal gate with a glass security checkpoint beside it. A placard atop it said it was a special entrance for press and VIPs.

"Is everyone okay?" Chiaki asked, imagining his garchomp assistant standing on a small piece of land with bubbling tar pits all around her.

"That's… debatable," Cyril replied.

"The hell's that supposed to—"

"Ticket, please."

Chiaki had reached the checkpoint. The togetic in the glass box stared him down. Chiaki fished his ticket out of his breast pocket again and put it in the box's slot. Togetic took the ticket and put it against a scanner. A beep sounded and she handed it back to the grovyle.

"Enjoy the show, sir." Togetic's expression turned cheerful. "And tell Becca I can't wait to read her piece on tonight's show."

The metal bars in front of Chiaki swung open. "Will do," he muttered, returning the ticket to his breast pocket and proceeding forward. Unlike the stone steps several meters to the left, the ones in front of Chiaki were relatively empty. He jogged up them, trying to focus once more on what Cyril had told him.

Chiaki was ready to press the zoroark for more details when he spotted a salazzle standing at the top of the stairs, leaning against the railing and running her right, black-gloved hand along her tight black dress. Typical holowear fare for her, as far as Chiaki was concerned.

Salazzle spotted him and narrowed her eyes.

"Took your sweet time, didn't you?"

A sigh escaped Chiaki's lips. "Nice to see you, too, si—"

Red embers grazed Chiaki's right cheek. Salazzle walked down two stairs, put her index finger under Chiaki's chin, and tilted his head up.

"Don't 'sis' or 'Kyoko' me," she hissed. "You're in my world now. What was our deal?"

Chiaki stepped back, shoving Kyoko's hand away. "That I'm 'your weirdo cousin from your deadbeat dad's side of the family who happens to be a huge Starlene fanboy.'"

Smiling, Kyoko leaned over and pet Chiaki's head. "Very good." She pulled her hand away before Chiaki could swat it out of irritation. "Now, put on a smile and act like you want to be here."

The grovyle pursed his lips. "This wasn't what I was expecting."

Rolling her eyes, Kyoko adjusted the black purse dangling from her left elbow. "It was all written on the ticket. Not my fault if you didn't read it." She turned around, flicking his snout with the end of her tail. "You're not going to shake your dead weight reputation with that kind of boneheadedness."

Chiaki's blood boiled. "I'm not dead weight," he hissed.

Kyoko was already back up the stairs. "You don't answer Dad's calls. Or his letters. Everyone thinks you've ghosted the family."

"We both know that's not true," Chiaki growled.

"I'm not getting into this any further." Kyoko held her right hand up. "I paid my dues as Kyoko Ryujin. Tonight is about Becca Fontaine, the pulse of pop culture, covering Starlene's first foray into a new music genre." She began to walk off. "Now, smile and come along, or we're going to miss the start."

An unpleasant tingle spread down Chiaki's prosthetic arm. He pulled it close against his torso and walked after his salazzle stepsister, stance slouching.

"Act like you want to be here, dweeb," Kyoko chided.

Chiaki sucked in a deep breath and forced a smile. The corners of his lips quivered, but he tried his best to hide that fact.

As soon as all eyes are onstage, I can sneak away, he told himself. Don't let her get to you. Stay composed. Remember why you're here.

He quickened his pace to catch up with Kyoko, gazing at the semicircular rows of seats stretching back for meters from the rustic wooden stage.

"You ever think about how they protect everything from the elements?"

Chiaki rolled his eyes. He was in no mood to entertain Kyoko's pathetic attempts at small talk. But then he glimpsed the icy look on her face and awkwardly widened his forced smile.

"I don't, but they've probably got giant tarps," he replied. "Y'know, like they use at pokébase and baccer stadiums."

"Eh, I guess." Kyoko shrugged. "And maybe they have flying-types clean up the arches when the weather settles."

The walkway curved left, away from the seats. They walked down multiple sets of stairs. The pavement gave way to wooden planks flanked by velvet rope and curtains.

Chiaki wasn't sure what he expected to find backstage, but he figured an old structure like the amphitheater would have cramped quarters. Instead, the grovyle found it quite spacious. Large metal containers sat neatly stacked against brick walls several meters away; likely homes for the acoustic and sound equipment when there weren't any performances. A couple of dozen other pokémon littered the area. Some commiserated, others tried to find the perfect angle to view the stage.

"Cyril, is the camera feed working?" Chiaki whispered.

"Yup," he responded. "Just remember to be careful with it, especially if you use the watch's EMP."

"Noted." Smiling awkwardly once again, Chiaki nodded to an umbreon in a lilac dress. The tuxedo-wearing toxicroak beside her glanced at him and winked. Chiaki quickened his pace, cheeks burning.

"Ooh, you should ask for his digits."

"Shove it," Chiaki hissed.

"Then how about telling him there's a hot, single zoroark who wants to get into his area?"

The tingling in his prosthetic was back, but even worse. Chiaki took a deep breath. It didn't work. Trying to maintain his smile, he headed toward Kyoko, who found a spot next to the base of a stage light. She produced a notebook and pen from her purse and looked out at the stage with a sense of purpose.

"Not interested in socializing?" Chiaki wondered.

The salazzle licked the corner of her lips. "What do you think I was doing before you showed up?"

"Fair." Chiaki stood at Kyoko's side. The stage had cardboard cutouts fashioned after waves and sand dunes. More waves and metal bridges ran across both the back of the stage and the pit between the stage and the audience. Squinting, Chiaki made out assorted shadows holding violins, cellos, and basses.

"What's even the point of all of this?" Chiaki tilted his head.

Kyoko sighed. "Horizon's really got you living under a rock, huh?" She chuckled into her hand while Chiaki grumbled under his breath. "It's the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of La Filarmonica. They're doing a special concert series. Tonight's theme is a tribute to the waltzes of the last century and a half."

Chiaki resisted the urge to cringe. Starlene's obnoxiously cheerful pop music was bad enough, but he had no idea how anyone could stand to listen to waltzes. They put him to sleep. "Why not get some opera or theater star to perform, then?" he wondered. "Why Starlene?"

"Hell if I know." The salazzle shrugged. "If I had to guess, it's an attempt at staying relevant."

Chiaki blinked. The stage lights made it impossible to see how full the audience actually was, but he could hear chatter. "Crowd doesn't sound small."

"Well, my colleagues at Rogue sure seem to think La Filarmonica is struggling to drum up support." Kyoko clicked her pen repeatedly. "Between Polaris Vision, movie theaters, pop stars like Starlene, and underground groups like Crimson Cloud, fewer folks want to shell out for traditional forms of entertainment."

"So, this is a desperation move by an institution on life support."

Kyoko snorted. "Your hate boner for Polaris is showing. I don't think things are that bad yet."

Chiaki could have retorted that Starlene was managed by one of Polaris' many subsidiaries, but opted for a different route instead. "Don't you think it a bit strange that Starlene just so happened to drop a new single out of nowhere right after an aristocrat fell victim to the Grim Reaper?"

The salazzle's snout scrunched up. She clicked her pen a couple of times. Chiaki leaned into her line of sight. "Did Rogue publish a piece on the Benedict trial and its aftermath?"

"Why do you care?"

The grovyle's expression darkened. "I was there. I saw everything play out. The beast that accosted Benedict before his sudden death attacked me last week on our class trip to Herbrides. And he plans to hold some sort of demonstration there tomorrow."

Kyoko pressed her pen so hard she nearly broke its clicker. "Does Dad know you were attacked?"

"Only if Valkyrie told him."

The back of Kyoko's dress fluttered. Her tail flaps curling against her hips, perhaps? She hastily wrapped her tail around her right leg. "Whatever you're implying, I'm not interested in hearing it."

"Come on, s— Becca." Chiaki curled his left claws into a fist. Stabbing pain gripped his prosthetic. "Don't tell me you don't see it. They're using Starlene as a tool. To keep people blind and ignorant." He gestured on stage. "I bet this is part of it, too. Distracting people from that beastly cultist."

The stage lights dimmed with audible clicks. Kyoko shoved Chiaki to the side. "You say you have a job to do? Well, so do I. Only mine is real and not chasing after some deluded fantasy."

Chiaki's snout scrunched up. The grovyle figured his stepsister would put up a wall. It was foolish to think he'd actually get through to her. With a shaky breath, he turned to the stage, squeezing his prosthetic tight against his torso.

"Good evening," a soothing female voice exclaimed. "The Venishian Amphitheater is pleased to welcome you all to this special performance, featuring La Filarmonica and Starlene together for the first time. We invite you all to sit back, relax, and enjoy a tribute to the waltzes of the past. Join us in welcoming the Radiant Diva, Starlene!"

Polite applause followed. Kyoko and other journalists offered their own tepid applause between fumbling for their cameras and notepads. It was a far cry from the hoots and hollers Chiaki had heard at the Crowne Cup opening banquet.

Different crowd indeed.

The meloetta walked onstage from the other side, smiling and waving to the crowd. Her music note-like hair and ocean blue dress flowed behind her with every delicate step she took.

Chiaki was shuffling away from his stepsister, hoping everyone would be too focused on Starlene to notice him. However, the scrunching of the salazzle's snout gave him pause. Kyoko's grip had tightened on her pen.

The grovyle looked out on stage again. What had Kyoko seen to make her tense up? He watched Starlene approach a circular podium rising up from the floor. She still had the same, pristine smile on her face. That distant look in her eyes—

Wait a second! The tingling in Chiaki's prosthetic intensified. He tiptoed back up to Kyoko's side, lips curling into a frown.

"You see it, don't you?" he whispered as Starlene reached the top of the podium and turned away from the two reptiles.

A part of him expected the salazzle to rebuke him, but she surprisingly nodded.

"Her eyes? Yeah." Kyoko squeezed her pen tighter. "She's smiling, but her expression couldn't be any emptier."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, here a bit earlier than expected for offsite Review Tag, though let’s get straight into tonight’s fun and games:

Chapter 31

Yuna didn't even have time to properly wallow in guilt from Vegna's revelation. With a snap of his fingers — and her classmates looking on and laughing — the dusknoir summoned Talonflame and his corviknight flunky. The birds hastily shooed Nikki and Yuna towards the elevators. Even Artemis and Noctum got swept up in the commotion.

One thing Yuna did manage to catch was two of the machoke waiters hastily loading the water containers onto a pushcart. But the gold elevator doors closed seconds later, leaving her squished against a metal wall with Vegna staring her down, one hand gripping the railing. She hastily grabbed the railing, too. Otherwise she would end up on the floor.

Well, at least the staff figured out that something was really wrong with the water there.

"What the hell? I wasn't even finished eating!" Nikki protested.

"You are now." Vegna's eye smoldered under his hood. "You two will be staying in your hotel room while we locate your grovyle compatriot. Perhaps there you can reflect on your… questionable decisions."

Nikki: "Liking Pizza Margherita over something more foppish is seriously a questionable decision now?" >_>;
Vegna: "Your earlier questionable decisions in this Crowne Cup, Nicolette. Don't get smart with me."

Nikki had no retort. Her mohawk shrank a bit. Yuna, however, finally managed to find her voice, "What do you mean by that? Are you talking about Professor Cid?"

"You are welcome to interpret my comments however you wish, exchange student." Vegna turned around his crossed his arms. The elevator arrived at the thirteenth floor. "But I do believe he would still have a job were it not for your so-called team."


I'm pretty sure it was already established that Vortex was looking for excuses to get rid of Cid even before Isola forced Vegna’s reassignment from the Law class.

"And why did we get dragged into this?" Artemis huffed.

"The attendants will, naturally, attend." Vegna flicked his right hand dismissively as he floated out the elevator.

"Heh! Way to put 'em in their places, V." Griffon clapped his black metal wings together.

Vegna flicked Griffon's beak. He pointed to Noctum. "Bring them to their room. Now."

Griffon sure is a glutton for punishment given how casually Vegna smacks him around for running his mouth off.

Noctum gulped. "Y-Yessir!" He stretched his right wing. "This way, ladies."

Scowling, Nikki wiped pizza grease on her already messy thighs. Jamming her hands in her pockets, she grumbled, "Great. And I bet Vortex put us on the thirteenth floor on purpose."

"What's wrong with thirteen?" Yuna asked.

"You live under a rock or something, wyrmy? It's the bad luck number!" Griffon cawed, earning another flick on his metallic beak.

13 historically used to be considered a lucky number in parts of Latin Europe, and pretty sure it is still in some places. Including in Italy, where an artifact of that is the local expression "fare tredici", or "to make thirteen", an analogous expression to "hitting the jackpot".

Griffon: "Ow... I just want to emphasize that whatever local quirks ought to be going on, it's just local weirdness and this is still on whole a British-inspired setting. So thirteen's still the bad luck num-" >v>;
Vegna: "Griffon, still your beak before I punch it."

Yuna failed to see how a number could symbolize bad luck. However, given the recent turn of events, perhaps the corviknight had a point?

"Don't fall down the well of superstition. We'll never get you out if you do!" Reshiram whined.

I mean, it could be worse. Vegna could've yeeted them all to floor 4, which for Sinophiles and weebs would work very well with his whole "grim reaper" shtick.

The room door opened with a creak. Noctum held the door open so Yuna and Nikki could enter. Blue carpeting swished under the charizard and toxtricity's feet. The walls were tan, resembling the very beaches whose sand sparkled in the distance under the moonlight.

Nikki tossed her jacket onto the far bed and then leaped onto it. The pizza sauce and grease on her legs immediately stained the white blanket. "Well, I guess there are worse places to be grounded. Still, this is so stupid. I can't believe Twiggy's dicking us over like this!"

Yuna: "..."

Nikki: "What's that face for? Housecleaning will take care of it later!"

Yuna quietly floated to the other bed. Its white, silk blanket was cool against her ectoplasm. The dreepy ignored Nikki's complaints. Her mind drifted back to Cid. He had followed Yuna's teammates to the Crowne Court out of concern. And she was the one who called them in the first place.

"Don't blame thineself," Rayquaza piped up. "Thou could not have predicted thine teacher would follow. Nor could thou expect the chain of events that followed."

… still. He got
devolved fighting to free you. Yuna suppressed a wince at the memory of a screaming blipbug. He hadn't even returned to teaching his classes! To get fired when he's not mentally okay… Her thoughts trailed off.

Boy that got surprisingly dark fast.

Though that does make me wonder if and how we're going to see Cid again. Since it didn't feel like we got to see much of him before he got the axe.

"Helloooo! Etherium to Yuna."

A turquoise throw pillow landed to Yuna's right. The dreepy's head jerked up. "Were you listening?" Nikki said. "You and Twiggy went on and on about these damned Needles… and now he's giving us the death knell. Whatever the Reaper does to him… there's no way he'll be in top shape for tomorrow."

Yuna: "What if everyone else drinks the tainted water and gets sick?"
Nikki: "Again, that doesn't solve the problem of him being in top shape for tomorrow. And we need a full team to count as completing the leg!" >_>;

Nikki rolled onto her back, groaning. The sounds of torn fabric followed. "Stick a fork in us! We're cooked!"

"… oh." Yuna stared at her blanket. She hadn't even considered that. If Vegna was now their advisor, what would it mean if their team finished last in the first leg? Would they fall under constant supervision from the dusknoir? How would she be able to track down the rest of the Needles?

"Uh, did thou forget thine ability to open up portals?" Rayquaza said. "Pray that foul dusknoir cannot simply chase you inside Eternatus lest he meet the same troubles as the orbeetle."

"Whatever Twiggy's doing can't be more important than the fate of the freaking world." Nikki threw up her hands in exasperation.

Yuna: "... Nikki, isn't Chiaki's mechanic from the Qliphoth? For all we know, his thing he's got going on is related to-"
Nikki: "We don't know that canonically since he just told us he was up to 'family business', remember?"
- Yuna beat, and sigh -
Yuna: "... Right." -_-;

"Shh!" Artemis pressed his tailfins to his lips. "Vegna's bound to have stationed someone outside the room. Do you want them to overhear?" Shaking his head, the milotic scooped a remote control off the nightstand by Nikki's bed. He clicked it and the flatscreen PV on the other side of the room came to life.

"Ever diligent, the proud fishermon exercise the utmost care in ensuring their feral catches remain secure in the specialized fishing nets."

The male, monotone narrator spoke over footage of two seismitoad and a quagsire reeling in a massive net filled with weakly flailing magikarp.

I can already see Artie recoiling out of reflex right about now. :V

"The hell is this crap?" Nikki sat up and squinted. "'The Learning Channel?' What sort of killjoy had this room last?" She shot Noctum an accusatory look. "This isn't your doing, is it?"

"Absolutely not." The black charizard held his hands up. "As nice as a good grilled fish is, I don't want to watch them getting swept away like that."

Artemis, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the PV. Even as the feral magikarp spilled out across a specialized bucket in the middle of the ship's deck.

"Err, everything okay?" Noctum held his left wing up in front of Artemis.

I mean, if you have to ask the question... 😅

The milotic flinched and looked away. "It's nothing." His eyebrows shriveled. "You already know I was a fisher once. Seems like another lifetime ago."

Nikki crawled forward on her bed, smearing some more pizza sauce. "I know we asked about this on the train, but I think you lied about it not making you uncomfortable. They definitely catch feral feebas."

Artemis turned to the window. "Maybe this is hinting at your challenge tomorrow?"

"Don't deflect," Nikki huffed.

Artie: "Look, do we really need to continue this topic of conversation right now?!" >.<
Nikki: "Yes. Fess up about your life story, fishface." >:|

"It's not a deflection," Artemis growled. "Fishing is a central part of Venish. So, maybe the first leg involves fishing?"

"Well, that'd be easy!" Nikki raised her right hand. Sparks crackled in it. "I could fry a pool of those stupid fish in a heartbeat."

"Something tells me it won't be that simple." Yuna laughed nervously while Noctum walked past the beds toward the washroom. "Besides, we can't afford to think recklessly."

inb4 they get tasked to take out Sharpedo or something like that. :V

Nikki grabbed her bed's other throw pillow and squeezed it. "Then tell that to Twiggy."

Yuna had no desire to go in circles on this subject. Luckily for her, Artemis offered a convenient alternative. "Forget thinking about how you'll fish." The milotic curled his ribbons. "I'm more concerned about the water quality."

Nikki: "... How's that matter for us again if we're going to be on a boat? It's not as if we're just going to stick a bucket over the railing and drink from it."

Artie: "Look, if the water's bad enough to make 'mons that sick just from a little drink, for all we know it's worse out in-"
- Beat moment -
Artie: "Wait a minute, is Venish on a sea or a very large lake? Since I don't think you'd want to be drinking seawater anyways." .-.

"You mean what you saw when you were setting up our room?" Yuna traced an arm around the Soul Dew. Now was as good a time as any to bring up the bit she almost missed. "When we left the lobby, I saw some of the bellhops carrying away the water containers."

"And?" Nikki shrugged. "Maybe they realized no one was drinking it."

"Or they learned about what happened up here." Artemis turned and narrowed his eyes. "I think the water here is contaminated."

Nikki: "And we're not just passing a reference off onto the cops to look into this why?"
Artie: "Leaving aside the well-entrenched reputation for clean water, are you seriously expecting to be taken seriously when one of the most powerful 'mons in Radiance is actively trying to screw you out of the Crowne Cup?" >_>;


"Then I guess it's time to pray Pillow Princess and his ilk decide to brush their teeth and spend the night puking their guts out." Nikki flopped on her back again. Her waist spikes poked more holes in her bed.

So how much are nights at this hotel given how easily their beds get damaged? :V

"You're missing the point," Artemis huffed.


"I don't really see how faulty hotel plumbing is our problem," Nikki scoffed, crossing her legs and tapping her left foot against the air.

I think that it might make sense to indicate somehow that the "Guys" is coming from Noctum, since it threw me in a loop a bit when I was first reading this.

Reshiram shifted around nervously in Yuna's mind. "I think he's getting at the idea that if the hotel water is contaminated… other places might be effected, too."

Yuna repeated that. Artemis pointed a ribbon at her. "Exactly!"

"Again… so what?" Nikki rolled her eyes. "We ain't the Super Marill Brothers or anything."



"Eep!" Yuna hopped into the air, gills shooting into her head. Noctum stuck his head out the washroom door, frowning.

"There's no water," the charizard exclaimed.

Nikki sat up. "What?"

"Did you try the shower?" Artemis asked.

"The sink and the shower." Noctum clutched the straps of his floral print apron. "Someone must've turned the water off."

All: "..."

Artie: "Okay, clearly things are a lot worse than I thought if they're worried about this water being safe to touch." ._.;

Artemis again fixed a scrutinizing look on Nikki. "Well?" He gestured to the air with both ribbons.

"Okay, sure. You got me." The toxtricity tossed the throw pillow behind her. "Something stinks about this. But I've gone plenty of days without a shower. I'll live." She sniffed her armpit and nodded. "A spray-on deodorant bath and I'll be good."


Artie: "You're missing the point..." >_>;

"This isn't about bathing." Artemis' face reddened. "What if the canal system is also contaminated? If they send you guys out on the water tomorrow, you could have a serious problem on your hands."

"What do you suggest, then?" Nikki rolled over onto her left side, resting her head on her left hand. "Wanna call Stoutland Yard? The Radiant Guard? There's a gemcom right next to you. Go right ahead."

Yuna looked between the milotic and the crystal connected to a tan, triangular base with a numeric keypad. A lightbulb then went off in her head. The dreepy turned to Noctum. "Hey, Noctum. Can you try calling someone in the Qliphoth? Ask them if there's anything suspicious going on."

Noctum: "Wait, that would work with a gemcom?" .-.
Yuna: "No, with your X-Transciever. You know, the one you were given?"
Noctum: "... Right. Surely can't hurt to try..."

His eyes brightened. "Oh, that's a good idea, Princess." Noctum waddled out of the washroom and tilted his head. "Hello? This is Noctum, calling in from Venish."

Silence followed, until Noctum's purple flame grew a smidge. "Oh, M-Miss Valkyrie. Wasn't expecting to hear from you." He laughed nervously. "Why do I sound so nervous? Well, y'see, we think the water in the hotel we're staying at has been contaminated. Some pokémon got very sick from drinking it and they shut our water off."

He fiddled with the pouch on his apron. "Yuna thought I should ask if you've noticed anything weird on your end."

Again, there was silence. Yuna hoped the answer would be no, but her gills drooped when Noctum's jaw stiffened.

"What? The tar pits were poisoned?" the charizard gasped.

"I bet they're connected," Reshiram glumly said.

Yuna: "... Wait, but why would tar pits be connected to a place renowned for its pure and clean water?" .-.
Cecil: "... The same way a red Egyptian-themed planet was tied to the courthouse?"

Me too. Yuna rubbed her temples. The last thing she wanted was to go diving into Eternatus again. Especially when there were already people looking into things on that side. Maybe she could convince—

"Huh? No way! Those are extinct, aren't they?" Noctum's tone grew more worried by the second. "I mean, yeah, I know things are crazy there, but—" He stopped, eyes progressively widening. "They're walking skeletons?"

Yuna floated closer. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Noctum gulped. "Skeletal rampardos are attacking Valkyrie and the others! They're coming out of the tar pits!" He looked down. A purple tint showed through his pink apron. "We have to help them… don't we?"

Nikki: "'Walking skeletons'? Really?"

- Cue an angry growl from the X-Transciever -
Valkyrie: "Look, I don't know how it's happening either, but stop stalling and send some help our way already!" >.<

Yuna recalled the earlier comment about Vegna stationing someone outside their room. She desperately wished to use that as an excuse to stay. But the dreepy knew she couldn't sit on this. There had to be a link between the bad water and the poisoned tar. And if the latter could animate skeletons, what could it do to Venish if it seeped out through the distortion?

... Why am I getting the sudden suspicion that that poison's going to do something like cause a zombie apocalypse or something along those lines?

Since if it's already reanimating the dead when reduced to skeletons...

"I'll go with you," she whispered. The Soul Dew twinkled in affirmation. She glanced over at Nikki.

"You want some extra firepower?" Nikki's mohawk sparked.

"N-no. I think you two should stay." Yuna wrung her arms. "I'm small enough that it should be easy to pretend I'm still here. We don't need to be getting in more trouble with our teachers, right?"

Nikki lay back down. "Suit yourself."

Yuna looked to Noctum and nodded. "Let's go."

... That sounds like a fantastic way of getting Noctum into trouble if Vegna does figure out that Yuna isn't present in the room, but let's not think too hard about that right now. ^^;

Chiaki flagged a private carriage to get him to the amphitheater. The bumps of Venish's cobblestone streets gave way to smooth pavement as the carriage drew closer to its destination. With the sun having set, the amphitheater's arches bathed the surrounding area in pink and tan lights. No doubt tuned to match the color scheme of tonight's performer.

The grovyle disembarked and dropped several coins into a pouch strapped to one of the three ninjask pulling his carriage. He weaved between multiple parked carriages and omnibuses, all with lavishly dressed pokémon funneling toward metal gates. Chiaki looked up at the electronic sign over the gates, which had Starlene's face next to "One Night Only: Radiant Diva Waltzes Through Time!"

Wait a minute, Kyoko is Starlene? I mean, I knew that it's possible for Pokémon to become Legendaries in this setting, but somehow it never occurred to me that this would be a possibility.

As a suit-wearing grimmsnarl shoved Chiaki to the side, he instinctively reached for a hat that wasn't there. How he wished he could hide his face. It wasn't that Chiaki was bad with crowds, but uppity ones like this made his scales crawl.

Why couldn't this have been one of her normal concerts?

Well then. I suppose that explains a few things about how Chiaki was so familiar with bubblegum pop acts.

Glowering, Chiaki walked right, trying to get past the people funneling toward the entrance gates. "Cyril, you there?" he whispered.

Silence followed.

"Cyril?" Chiaki hissed.

More silence.

"Pick up, damn it."

Crackles graced his right ear frill. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. Was a bit preoccupied."

Cyril: "... Would you believe that I'm busy doing damage control for Boss Kitty who's got a bone or twenty to pick with some undead dinosaurs right about now?"
Chiaki: "Say what now?"

Chiaki resisted the urge to facepalm. "With what?"

"Zardy was talking to Val," Cyril replied. "Seems there might be a water contamination issue at your school's hotel. And given the tar pits in the Qliphoth have turned poisonous, odds are the whole city's water supply might be in trouble."

I suppose that's a better note to start on than "undead skeletons are attacking my buddies out at Outpost R3X". :V

Chiaki froze mid-step. An octillery in a top hat and monocle bumped into him. "Hey, watch where you're walking, ruffian!" he spat. "The entrance is that way." Octillery pointed a tentacle back toward the gates.

To that, Chiaki produced his ticket from his breast pocket. "VIP, jackass," he growled, then stormed off. Chiaki stole a glance back at Octillery's dumbfounded expression before continuing toward a single metal gate with a glass security checkpoint beside it. A placard atop it said it was a special entrance for press and VIPs.

Chiaki: "Dammit, Cyril I would've enjoyed rubbing things in that 'mon's face like that normally. Though what on earth is even going on out there?" .-.

"Is everyone okay?" Chiaki asked, imagining his garchomp assistant standing on a small piece of land with bubbling tar pits all around her.

"That's… debatable," Cyril replied.

"The hell's that supposed to—"

"Ticket, please."

Chiaki had reached the checkpoint. The togetic in the glass box stared him down. Chiaki fished his ticket out of his breast pocket again and put it in the box's slot. Togetic took the ticket and put it against a scanner. A beep sounded and she handed it back to the grovyle.

Fantastic timing for the ticket counter, really. :V

"Enjoy the show, sir." Togetic's expression turned cheerful. "And tell Becca I can't wait to read her piece on tonight's show."

The metal bars in front of Chiaki swung open. "Will do," he muttered, returning the ticket to his breast pocket and proceeding forward. Unlike the stone steps several meters to the left, the ones in front of Chiaki were relatively empty. He jogged up them, trying to focus once more on what Cyril had told him.

Chiaki was ready to press the zoroark for more details when he spotted a salazzle standing at the top of the stairs, leaning against the railing and running her right, black-gloved hand along her tight black dress. Typical holowear fare for her, as far as Chiaki was concerned. Salazzle spotted him and narrowed her eyes. "Took your sweet time, didn't you?"

Oh. Nevermind, Kyoko isn't Starlene. I think. Even if I'm not sure what her job is in that case.

A sigh escaped Chiaki's lips. "Nice to see you, too, si—"

Red embers grazed Chiaki's right cheek. Salazzle walked down two stairs, put her index finger under Chiaki's chin, and tilted his head up.

"Don't 'sis' or 'Kyoko' me," she hissed. "You're in my world now. What was our deal?"

Chiaki stepped back, shoving Kyoko's hand away. "That I'm 'your weirdo cousin from your deadbeat dad's side of the family who happens to be a huge Starlene fanboy.'"

... Nice stepsister there.

Smiling, Kyoko leaned over and pet Chiaki's head. "Very good." She pulled her hand away before Chiaki could swat it out of irritation. "Now, put on a smile and act like you want to be here."

The grovyle pursed his lips.

"This wasn't what I was expecting." Rolling her eyes, Kyoko adjusted the black purse dangling from her left elbow. "It was all written on the ticket. Not my fault if you didn't read it." She turned around, flicking his snout with the end of her tail. "You're not going to shake your dead weight reputation with that kind of boneheadedness."

- Chiaki reflexively reaches for snout and cradles it -
Chiaki: "And this reputation matters to me why again?" >:|

Chiaki's blood boiled. "I'm not dead weight," he hissed.

... Well then, guess it does matter to him more than I thought given how much that one comment got under his skin.

Kyoko was already back up the stairs. "You don't answer Dad's calls. Or his letters. Everyone thinks you've ghosted the family."

"We both know that's not true," Chiaki growled.

"I'm not getting into this any further." Kyoko held her right hand up. "I paid my dues as Kyoko Ryujin. Tonight is about Becca Fontaine, the pulse of pop culture, covering Starlene's first foray into a new music genre." She began to walk off. "Now, smile and come along, or we're going to miss the start."

Oh boy, so she's got blood relation to that infamous yakuza outfit in this neck of the woods.

And I see that 'Becca' there. I see that you're still going strong with 'same name, different role' from GL, even if this one is a lot more directly connected to the original GL character.

An unpleasant tingle spread down Chiaki's prosthetic arm. He pulled it close against his torso and walked after his salazzle stepsister, stance slouching.

"Act like you want to be here, dweeb," Kyoko chided.

Chiaki sucked in a deep breath and forced a smile. The corners of his lips quivered, but he tried his best to hide that fact.

As soon as all eyes are onstage, I can sneak away, he told himself. Don't let her get to you. Stay composed. Remember why you're here.

He quickened his pace to catch up with Kyoko, gazing at the semicircular rows of seats stretching back for meters from the rustic wooden stage.

"You ever think about how they protect everything from the elements?"

Chiaki rolled his eyes. He was in no mood to entertain Kyoko's pathetic attempts at small talk. But then he glimpsed the icy look on her face and awkwardly widened his forced smile.

"I don't, but they've probably got giant tarps," he replied. "Y'know, like they use at pokébase and baccer stadiums."

"Eh, I guess." Kyoko shrugged. "And maybe they have flying-types clean up the arches when the weather settles."

Chiaki: "So then what, are there like 40 Pokémon spamming Sunny Day in the background or something?"

The walkway curved left, away from the seats. They walked down multiple sets of stairs. The pavement gave way to wooden planks flanked by velvet rope and curtains.

Chiaki wasn't sure what he expected to find backstage, but he figured an old structure like the amphitheater would have cramped quarters. Instead, the grovyle found it quite spacious. Large metal containers sat neatly stacked against brick walls several meters away; likely homes for the acoustic and sound equipment when there weren't any performances. A couple of dozen other pokémon littered the area. Some commiserated, others tried to find the perfect angle to view the stage.

"Cyril, is the camera feed working?" Chiaki whispered.

"Yup," he responded. "Just remember to be careful with it, especially if you use the watch's EMP."

So it sounds like Chiaki's aiming to try and crash the show. For what purpose, I can't tell just yet.

"Noted." Smiling awkwardly once again, Chiaki nodded to an umbreon in a lilac dress. The tuxedo-wearing toxicroak beside her glanced at him and winked. Chiaki quickened his pace, cheeks burning.

"Ooh, you should ask for his digits."

"Shove it," Chiaki hissed.

"Then how about telling him there's a hot, single zoroark who wants to get into his area?"

Cyril: "And for the record, I saw you blush back there."
Chiaki: "I was just flustered. That's all." >///<

The tingling in his prosthetic was back, but even worse. Chiaki took a deep breath. It didn't work. Trying to maintain his smile, he headed toward Kyoko, who found a spot next to the base of a stage light. She produced a notebook and pen from her purse and looked out at the stage with a sense of purpose.

"Not interested in socializing?" Chiaki wondered.

The salazzle licked the corner of her lips. "What do you think I was doing before you showed up?"

Chiaki: "Waiting on me and plotting how you were going to dick around with me? (And since when did Salazzle have lips?)" >_>;
Kyoko: "Chiaki, I'm not that petty. Most of the time. (And 'rim of my mouth', close enough to 'lips' to count.)"

"Fair." Chiaki stood at Kyoko's side. The stage had cardboard cutouts fashioned after waves and sand dunes. More waves and metal bridges ran across both the back of the stage and the pit between the stage and the audience. Squinting, Chiaki made out assorted shadows holding violins, cellos, and basses.

"What's even the point of all of this?" Chiaki tilted his head.

Kyoko sighed. "Horizon's really got you living under a rock, huh?" She chuckled into her hand while Chiaki grumbled under his breath. "It's the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of La Filarmonica. They're doing a special concert series. Tonight's theme is a tribute to the waltzes of the last century and a half."

Chiaki resisted the urge to cringe. Starlene's obnoxiously cheerful pop music was bad enough, but he had no idea how anyone could stand to listen to waltzes. They put him to sleep. "Why not get some opera or theater star to perform, then?" he wondered. "Why Starlene?"

"Hell if I know." The salazzle shrugged. "If I had to guess, it's an attempt at staying relevant."

Chiaki blinked. The stage lights made it impossible to see how full the audience actually was, but he could hear chatter. "Crowd doesn't sound small."

"Well, my colleagues at Rogue sure seem to think La Filarmonica is struggling to drum up support." Kyoko clicked her pen repeatedly. "Between Polaris Vision, movie theaters, pop stars like Starlene, and underground groups like Crimson Cloud, fewer folks want to shell out for traditional forms of entertainment."

"So, this is a desperation move by an institution on life support."

Kyoko snorted. "Your hate boner for Polaris is showing. I don't think things are that bad yet."

Oh hey, it's this snippet again. Though the premise of a vaunted, historied cultural institution resorting to gimmicks staying alive is a major
feel. Hits a bit close to home since that sort of stuff happens with depressing regularity IRL.

Chiaki could have retorted that Starlene was managed by one of Polaris' many subsidiaries, but opted for a different route instead. "Don't you think it a bit strange that Starlene just so happened to drop a new single out of nowhere right after an aristocrat fell victim to the Grim Reaper?"

The salazzle's snout scrunched up. She clicked her pen a couple of times. Chiaki leaned into her line of sight. "Did Rogue publish a piece on the Benedict trial and its aftermath?"

"Why do you care?"

The grovyle's expression darkened. "I was there. I saw everything play out. The beast that accosted Benedict before his sudden death attacked me last week on our class trip to Herbrides. And he plans to hold some sort of demonstration there tomorrow."

Yeah, fantastic timing to be stuck in the next leg of the Crowne Cup, really.

Kyoko pressed her pen so hard she nearly broke its clicker. "Does Dad know you were attacked?"

"Only if Valkyrie told him."

The back of Kyoko's dress fluttered. Her tail flaps curling against her hips, perhaps? She hastily wrapped her tail around her right leg. "Whatever you're implying, I'm not interested in hearing it."

"Come on, s— Becca." Chiaki curled his left claws into a fist. Stabbing pain gripped his prosthetic. "Don't tell me you don't see it. They're using Starlene as a tool. To keep people blind and ignorant." He gestured on stage. "I bet this is part of it, too. Distracting people from that beastly cultist."

I mean, considering the absolute state of affairs that have been implied for the average commoner in Radiance... yeah, I can see why Isola and the gang would want to keep them distracted since Xeromus would have a lot of fertile ground for his message were he a bit less grody and more personable.

The stage lights dimmed with audible clicks. Kyoko shoved Chiaki to the side. "You say you have a job to do? Well, so do I. Only mine is real and not chasing after some deluded fantasy."

Chiaki's snout scrunched up. The grovyle figured his stepsister would put up a wall. It was foolish to think he'd actually get through to her. With a shaky breath, he turned to the stage, squeezing his prosthetic tight against his torso.

Whelp, so much for a teamup anytime soon.

"Good evening," a soothing female voice exclaimed. "The Venishian Amphitheater is pleased to welcome you all to this special performance, featuring La Filarmonica and Starlene together for the first time. We invite you all to sit back, relax, and enjoy a tribute to the waltzes of the past. Join us in welcoming the Radiant Diva, Starlene!"

Polite applause followed. Kyoko and other journalists offered their own tepid applause between fumbling for their cameras and notepads. It was a far cry from the hoots and hollers Chiaki had heard at the Crowne Cup opening banquet.

Different crowd indeed.

... Wait a minute, so is Starlene going to do an honest-to-goodness waltz? Or is she going to blare pop music out the speakers in about 15 seconds?

The meloetta walked onstage from the other side, smiling and waving to the crowd. Her music note-like hair and ocean blue dress flowed behind her with every delicate step she took.

Chiaki was shuffling away from his stepsister, hoping everyone would be too focused on Starlene to notice him. However, the scrunching of the salazzle's snout gave him pause. Kyoko's grip had tightened on her pen.

The grovyle looked out on stage again. What had Kyoko seen to make her tense up? He watched Starlene approach a circular podium rising up from the floor. She still had the same, pristine smile on her face. That distant look in her eyes—


Well that doesn't sound good.

Wait a second! The tingling in Chiaki's prosthetic intensified. He tiptoed back up to Kyoko's side, lips curling into a frown.

"You see it, don't you?" he whispered as Starlene reached the top of the podium and turned away from the two reptiles.

A part of him expected the salazzle to rebuke him, but she surprisingly nodded.

"Her eyes? Yeah." Kyoko squeezed her pen tighter. "She's smiling, but her expression couldn't be any emptier."

Not sure if that's just emotional hollowness or a sign of something much deeper and more fundamentally wrong with Starlene there, but either way, that doesn't seem like a good omen.

Alright, final thoughts:

It was a short chapter, but it did a pretty good job at building up tension for what I'm assuming is going to be a very serious shoe drop in the imminent future. Since there's like 4 separate plots and crises that are going on in the story's setting that all have a due date within the next 24 hours, so I expect things are going to get really crazy really fast. It was nice to get a bit more of a glimpse of Chiaki's life and backstory, even if there's still a lot of it that's murky at the moment. But eh. You've said that you see this story potentially taking 150 updates to knock out, so I'm sure we'll get there when we get there.

As for things I wasn't as keen on... I felt maybe it'd have made sense to end with at least showing the proverbial shoe slipping a bit. Like showing a glimpse of the sort of mess that Yuna and Noctum are about to walk/fly into or something like that. Though you know what the future holds for your story better than I do, so it could very well be that that's not possible without stealing your future Chapter 32's thunder.

Kudos on the chapter, @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to the next turn of Team Bastion's wild ride in a couple of weeks. ^^
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Chapter 32: Cultivating Madness


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 32: Cultivating Madness

"So, now what?" Nikki lay on her belly, looking at the flat screen PV mounted to the wall. There was a machoke in scrubs and a white coat doing chest compressions on a lopunny with graying fur.

Beside her bed, Artemis' gaze wandered toward the desk in the corner of the room. It had a fridge and cabinet neatly stacked beside it. "I don't know about you, but I'm raiding the minibar." He slithered forward and opened the fridge to find tons of small, fancy bottles of various colors.

"Charge the paddles to two hundred!" Machoke shouted. The audino standing across from him lifted two defibrillator paddles that had gel dripping off of them.

"Clear!" she shouted, before pressing the paddles down and squeezing the triggers. Lopunny opened his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, groaning.

Machoke looked at the monitor beside the bed. "He's back in sinus rhythm. Let's get him to the cath lab! Move, move, move!"

"Man, this shit's unrealistic." Nikki shook her head. "I don't care what shape you're in, you don't bounce back from CPR like that." She picked up the remote and resumed flipping through channels.

"You want anything?" Artemis asked, using a ribbon to pull out a whiskey bottle. He removed the cap with his lips and spat it onto the desk.

"To drink? Nah." Nikki scrolled past a few sports channels showing baccer matches, yawning. "Say, do they got any of them miniature bags of fancy nuts?"

The milotic opened up the cabinet and grabbed a couple of black plastic bags with his other ribbon. "These what you're looking for?"

"Hell yeah they are!" Nikki licked her lips. "Give 'em here."

Artemis tossed them onto the bed. Nikki reached for one when she flipped to a channel showing a stage with Starlene standing on a podium. "Oh, brother. They gotta put her concerts on replay?" Groaning, she grabbed a bag.

"I don't think that's a rerun." Artemis took a swig of his tiny bottle. "Look there. It says 'Live from the Venishian Amphitheater.'"

"The Amphitheater?" Nikki sat up. "Why would she perform at that rundown waste of space?"

Artemis frowned. "It's a prized historical site," he growled.

"Fine, fine." Nikki raised her hands defensively. "Still doesn't add up."

"Let's get things started, then," the meloetta declared. She looked down. The camera panned to an aerial shot of an orchestra readying their instruments. The small lapras perched in front of them raised its conductor's baton and pointed to a kirlia seated at a piano. A surprisingly somber piano riff began to play, followed by some minor cords from the strings section.

"Bwuh?" Nikki froze, holding a walnut in front of her open mouth. "This doesn't sound anything like a song Starlene would sing. What gives?"

Rather than her usually animated choreography, Starlene merely swayed from side to side atop her pedestal.

"You'd never know.
No chance to grow.
It's all for show.
Cuz the life you lead
Is not the life you're owed."

Nikki slowly leaned forward. Her heart rate quickened. Her right hand crushed the bag of nuts, spilling them across her bed. "No. It… it can't be…"

The strings section grew in intensity, even as the camera panned to show confusion across the audience's faces.

"They do not care
That they stuck you here.
Their burdens you bear
Throughout your life
Although it's totally unfair."

Artemis tilted his head. "This can't be right." The milotic set the whiskey bottle down. "The music's a waltz, but the lyrics sound like something Crimson Cloud would come up w—"

"Because they're mine!" Nikki stood up on her bed. Electricity arced down the toxtricity's mohawk.

"You were stupid to trust them.
They've done nothing but take.
It's obvious if you open up your eyes…"

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Nikki knew Starlene's song was getting her worked up. Like she always did to anyone listening to her music. It was something she'd spent her life building up a tolerance to. But that was quickly going by the wayside. This was personal.

"I wrote those!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. "In a notebook I keep under my bed!" More electricity gathered around her hands. "I was gonna pitch it to Shredder!"

Some of the sparks jumped around the room. Artemis stiffened. "H-Hey, watch it!"

Nikki didn't register his cry. "That bitch stole them from me!"

"That you've fallen for their lies.
The crown's never on your side.
They'll fool you 'til the day you die
With talks of pure paradise.
Then ignore your anguished cries
Cuz it's all a great big lie!"

Nikki heard the audience's confusion turn to cries of protest. The orchestra continued to play, seemingly unaware of what was happening. People were standing up. Shouting their protests at the stage. She even heard cries to cut the feed, followed by other voices saying the equipment wasn't working.

"N… Nikki?" Artemis cautiously slithered toward her.

"My work…" Nikki's breathing grew ragged. She ignored her pounding heart, throbbing head, and sparking hands. "My work. My work my work my work my work my work!"

The last of her grip on herself slipped. With an anguished roar, she thrust her arms apart. Sparks struck a yowling Artemis. A guitar-shaped surge of electricity formed in Nikki's right hand. She stared it like it was an extension of her being, then faced the PV again.

"Just let it burn.
The crown's no longer your concern.
To simpler times you must return.
The crown… will neveeeer leeaarrrn…"

The lightning weapon was new. It was powerful. It was perfect.

Nikki raised the lightning guitar over her head. Artemis cried out to her, but she leaped off the bed, lunging for the PV. As if destroying it would somehow harm Starlene.

The milotic intercepted her, however. They tumbled across the hotel room, ending up in a tangled heap by the bathroom. The lightning guitar dissolved away. Nikki thrashed about, trying to get Artemis off her.

"Lemme go! Lemme go!" she snarled. "That bitch… I'll rip her throat out! I'll kill her! I'll—"

A searing pain shot through the toxtricity's head. "Gnngh!"

Her vision blurred. One moment, she was staring at the tan ceiling. The next, hazy colors swirled in front of her. Familiar patterns of stained glass.

Noatun, where she'd been possessed.

There was an orange blur in the distance.

"… to free our Benefactor… prison…"

The ceiling flickered back into view, then disappeared. She had a grip on herself again, so why was this happening? Was this like when Princess passed out during the Crowne Cup ball?

"… anoint myself emperor… Eterna Empire…"

Back to the ceiling, then back to the hazy cathedral.

"… our temporary archbishop…"

Static pulsated around Nikki's vision. The pain in her head grew worse. She tried to scream, but nothing came out.

"Let us pray!"

The ceiling returned, then immediately disappeared. Now, the toxtricity wasn't hearing one voice, but many.

"Ardente veritate… urite mala mundi…"

"St… op," Nikki wheezed. She tried reaching an arm out, but she was still wrapped up by Artemis.

… right, Artemis. Was he seeing any of this? He didn't seem bothered by Starlene's song like Nikki was.

"… incendite tenebras mundi…"

"Nos vera Natus! Nos vera Natus!"


Nikki finally wrestled herself free and sat up. She was back in the hotel room. Artemis lay at her side, a dazed expression on his face. Nikki blinked. She rubbed her eyes, only to hiss in pain from lingering sparks in her fingers.

"Did you see that?" she whispered.

No response. Artemis' mouth opened and closed, but Nikki was no good at reading lips. Still, that had to be a sign the song had done something to him, too.

She was going to nudge Artemis when the PV suddenly shut off. The lamps and circular orange lights in the ceiling fizzled out. The ventilator running along the base of the wall stopped whirring.

"A blackout?" Nikki shoved Artemis. "Hey, snap out of it. We've got a problem."

Then the entire hotel room trembled. The PV fell off the wall and shattered on the dresser, which then fell over in front of the beds.

"What the hell?" Nikki shoved Artemis several times. "Get up, you idiot! It's an earthquake!"


Chiaki was prepared to use the emptiness in Starlene's eyes to convince his stepsister he was right about her. But then the performance began and the grovyle knew something was seriously wrong. And not in any way he could've expected.

The grovyle had assumed Starlene's music had a hypnotic effect on anyone who listened, but proving it was the big problem. That was why he was here. Now, Chiaki had a sinking feeling that someone else had connected the dots before him. Someone with more sinister intentions.

Chiaki had the X-Transceiver in his right ear frill, but hastily stuck a specialized plug in his left. The music and lyrics grew so muffled he could scarcely hear them.

He hastily grabbed two more from his right coat pocket and shoved them against Kyoko's head. "What gives?" the salazzle hissed.

"Put them on. Now," Chiaki ordered. "We have a serious problem."

Kyoko glanced at the other reporters, most of whom had dropped their equipment and notepads and were shifting about uneasily. Some were shouting at the stage.

"What did you do?" Kyoko growled, slipping the plugs into her ear frills.

"I didn't do anything!" Chiaki fired back. He looked out at the stage an immediately recoiled in horror.

Purple spread across the seaside mural, followed by a white circle with five diamonds littered it.

"See that?" Chiaki grabbed his stepsister by the strap of her black dress. "It's World Ender's sigil."

Screams rang out from beside them. They both looked left to see several of the journalists on their knees. The toxicroak that shot Chiaki the flirtatious glance gripped his head in agony. Similar cries of pain rang out from the crowd.

Kyoko's right eye twitched. "I… I…"

"You have to get to a safe house," Chiaki said. He stepped away from the stage lights. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this."

"Excuse you? I'm not some damsel." Kyoko reached into her handbag. In a blur of blue light, her black dress faded away. She crouched down on all fours, curling up her tail flaps and venting off embers and bits of purple ooze. "I can handle myself."

"Fine." Chiaki hastily turned away. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He broke into a run, passing the giant boxes for the stage equipment. Like Kyoko, he adjusted his holowear generator, swapping out the tuxedo for his jean jacket and worn shirt. Chiaki carefully looped the rose through one of the jacket's buttonholes for Cyril and stuffed the rest of his gadgets in his jacket pockets.

He rounded a corner and found a hallway leading to a locked door with an ID card reader. The togekiss guard, however, lay on the ground, stubby feet twitching erratically.

"Nos… vera Natus," he mumbled.

Biting his lip, Chiaki grabbed Togekiss' ID badge and pressed it against the reader. The red light atop the door turned green. After hearing a click, Chiaki slammed his left shoulder against the door, thrusting it open. He emerged onto a grated stairway that crisscrossed an identical stairway coming from the opposite site of the backstage area.

"Hey! Da boss said nobody comes through here!"

Chiaki looked down and saw a skuntank and two stunky staring up at him. All three wore red hoodies that were way too small for them.

"And youse a body, so youse can't pass!" Skuntank bellowed. His tail opened up and a Sludge Bomb hurtled toward him.

Hissing, Chiaki jumped down the staircase, spitting Bullet Seeds toward the stunky. "Cyril? We've got a problem!"

Acid streams met the Bullet Seeds in midair, cancelling them out and flooding the staircases with smoke. Another pair of Sludge Bombs broke through the haze. Chiaki rolled away, hearing the sizzle of poisons against metal behind him. He nearly slid off the bridging platform where the two staircases met.

"C'mon, Cyril!" Chiaki groaned, scrambling to his feet. Skuntank had his large tail trained on him.

"H-Hey, ain't dat kid—" one of the stunky started, only for Chiaki to raise his prosthetic arm. Flames sheathed the mechanical Leaf Blades and he sliced through the grating in front of him.

His part of the platform lurched before falling down onto the partition of stairs beneath it. Chiaki dug his good claws in, riding the platform like an oversized metal sled skipping down the stairs. "Cyril, pick up, damn it!"

"What? What? What?! You're not the only one with problems on his plate!" Cyril barked, his voice distorted with every bump Chiaki hit.

"After him! Don't let him escape!" Skuntank cried, looking for a safe way to jump down and try to catch up. The Acid streams his stunky colleagues shot didn't have the distance to reach him.

"More important than the Qliphoth sabotaging Starlene's concert?" the grovyle snarled. "Eternatus' sigil was just projected on stage and the attendees are dropping like flies!"

"Y… you're kidding?!" Some colorful vocabulary followed. "First the uPhone lead turns out to be a bust and now this? Any more bad news?"

"Yeah." Chiaki finally reached the bottom of the stairs. The platform skidded across the metal floor, kicking up sparks. Chiaki leaped off it and stumbled forward. "I found some Medici thugs further backstage. I think someone hired them to help screw up the concert."

"The Medici? Uh… you gonna be okay?" Cyril clicked his tongue nervously. "I know—"

"I'm fine." Grimacing, Chiaki tried to push images of a sceptile's tail and bulbs shriveling out of his mind and press forward. "What were you saying about the uPhone?" He approached another door with an ID reader, only to glance up and see a Sludge Bomb splatter on the wall above him. Growling, Chiaki turned around. With a series of bright lights and mechanical whirs, his prosthetic shot back into his elbow. The Tactical Toucher materialized in its place. It wouldn't do great against a skuntank, but it was the best Chiaki had.

"I didn't find any sort of tracking chip," Cyril growled. "Know what I did find? A small crystal rigged up to a miniature Miracle Eye TR."

Chiaki thrust his prosthetic arm into the ground. A shadowy fist materialized by Skuntank's tail as it opened to launch another Sludge Bomb. Chiaki Shadow Punched the tail. Skuntank accidentally fired at his flunkies. Toxins splattered both stunky and threatened to send them careening off the stairs.

"What are you saying, then?" The grovyle turned and fumbled for the ID card he stole. He pressed it against the reader, then slammed his right shoulder against the door.

"Paradox must be using the crystal to project something through the phone," Cyril replied. "It could be, like, subliminal messaging. And I can't risk triggering the mechanism."

Chiaki didn't have time for this.

"Then don't touch it! Focus on helping me!" He emerged onto blacktop. "Someone else is bound to figure it out, too. And then there'll be hell to pay."

"Okay. Yeah." Some deep breaths followed. "Where are you now?"

The amphitheater towered behind Chiaki. Several meters away sat a pink trailer littered in silver stars and music notes. He was ready to relay this information to Cyril when the greedent and nickit sitting on the steps looked up in alarm.

"What the—" Nickit's tail puffed up.

"Uh, boss, I thought everyone was supposed to be inca… inca…" Greedent scratched his ear. "Y'know, all wibbly and wobbly."

"Dey are!" Nickit hopped onto Greedent's head. "And dose bozos were supposed to be guarding the stairs. But I guess it falls to the Crimson Zephyr to get things do—"

"Coming in hot, baby!"

A metallic sheen caught the corner of Chiaki's eye. Next thing he knew, a dark blur blindsided Nickit and Greedent and slammed them both into the ground. Chiaki crouched down, readying his prosthetic. His jaw slackened, however, when a familiar corviknight stood victoriously over the newly unconscious crooks.

"See, V? What'd I tell ya? Easy pickings!" Griffon pointed a wing at Chiaki. "And look! A special prize at the bottom of this rancid cereal box. Must be our lucky day, huh?"

"… hardly."

Chiaki looked up to see Vegna hovering toward the trailer. The dusknoir crossed his arms. His skull gauntlets radiated an ominous purple glow; a mix of their ruby eyes and the pale moonlight above Vegna.

"Poor, pale, pitiable form, that I follow in a storm." Vegna looked disdainfully at Chiaki's prosthetic. "Iron tears and groans of lead bind around my aching head." He pointed a sparking index finger at the grovyle. "Come now, Paperboy. It's time to bring you back where you belong."

"I'm not going anywhere," Chiaki growled. "And neither should you. Can't you tell? This concert's being sabotaged. You're with law enforcement. Call in the Radiant Guard!"

Vegna tilted his head. "Two trespassing pieces of rubbish hardly constitute sabotage."

"They were sitting outside Starlene's trailer." Chiaki gestured behind him, where Polaris' compass insignia was branded on the door.

As if to further emphasize his point, the door to the backstage area flew open. Skuntank appeared with his stunky associates. "End of da line, Grovyle!"

His tail opened wide and launched a Sludge Bomb. Acid sprits from the stunky accompanied it. Vegna turned and flicked his right hand. "Block them."

"Yeah, yeah!" Griffon dashed forward and spread his wings wide, intercepting all the poisonous globs. "You don't gotta tell me. I know how squishy you are, V."

"What the—" Skuntank's jaw dropped.

"A… ain't dat da Grim Reaper?" one stunky squeaked.

"And he took out the Crimson Zephyr!" the other stunky yelped, pointing his tail at Nickit and Greedent.

Vegna's eye smoldered with purple shadows. "And if you wish to avoid a premature trip to the Twilight Realm, you'll explain yourselves this instant."

Legs trembling, Skuntank staggered backward. "N… nuts to dis! Deal's off! We're outta here!"

"Wrong answer." Vegna snapped his fingers.

Griffon charged the three thugs, metallic coat glistening in the night. He slammed himself into Skuntank, then grabbed each stunky in a set of talons. "Light's out, losers! Ha ha ha!" The corviknight slammed their skulls together. Their eyes rolled back in their heads. Griffon unceremoniously dropped them on top Skuntank, who had also passed out.

They're still alive… I think, Chiaki thought to himself while he tried to fiddle with the door to Starlene's trailer. He could hear something whirring inside it. The source of the sabotage, perhaps? But with the door refusing to budge and the grovyle sensing Vegna's attention turning back toward him, he threw caution to the wind and rammed his prosthetic's spectral arm against the door handle.

The door rattled in place. Chiaki hopped back seconds before it fell off its hinges and onto the trailer's steps with an unceremonious thud. He had no time to gather his thoughts, however, as giant, card-shaped ice chunks careened toward him. Chiaki fell back on his rear. The ice whizzed by, stinging his head leaf.

"V!" Griffon shouted.

Vegna raised his left hand. A strange circular rune appeared around it with a fire symbol in its center. "Burn."

Chiaki watched slack-jawed as Talonflame emerged in a gout of crimson fire, burning through the ice shards before spreading his wings, dispelling the flames. His shriek echoed across the blacktop.

"Did… did I just see that right?" Cyril's voice cracked in Chiaki's ear frill.

"Yeah," he whispered.

"No way. He doesn't have a Soul Dew like Yuna," Cyril exclaimed. "But that would mean he's—"

"—a necromancer." Chiaki's heart pounded in his chest. And here he thought they were only myths meant to scare children. But no… they were very real. For all he knew, Vegna's Grim Reaper moniker hid the fact that he was taking the souls of his victims.

Chiaki could scarcely process the revelation as more icy playing cards shot out of the trailer. He rolled away from the staircase, ducking behind the front of the trailer. Talonflame spewed fire at Vegna's direction and Griffon flew in to shatter a couple of the remaining cards with slashes of his metallic wings. Vegna safely hovered above the ones that got past his birds. Chiaki hastily pressed himself against the trailer and looked out toward the sea in the distance.

"… hmm. Seems someone's played a wild card at the eleventh hour."

Chiaki didn't dare peek out from his hiding spot to identify the unfamiliar voice. Fortunately, he didn't need to. Griffon's big mouth told him everything he needed to know.

"Yo, V! Call me crazy, but ain't that Minister Charles?" the corviknight squawked.

A Mr. Rime standing at a microphone on a stage immediately popped into Chiaki's mind. Valkyrie had reported that Crowne Minister had gone missing and the Radiant Guard were searching for him even before the issue with the Needles began. What was he doing here? Was he the saboteur? Why would he do something like that?

"You seem to be misreading your hand." A chuckle sounded from the staircase. "No matter, though. I'll clear up this little miscommunication in a jiffy."

"Slice him. Torch him," Vegna ordered.

Intense bursts of heat and chilling air forced Chiaki to crawl to the other side of the trailer.

"Hey, what's going on?" Cyril asked. "Did I hear Minister Charles talking?"

"I'm… not sure. But I can still hear some sort of machinery in Starlene's trailer," Chiaki whispered. He hoped Cyril heard him over Griffon's unnerving laughter and Talonflame's feral shrieks. Why would a necromancer go for a feral, anyway? Easy to manipulate?

"Are there any windows on this side? Anything we can see?"

Chiaki stood up and, sure enough, there was a large window. But curtains had been pulled over it. The grovyle could still hear the sounds of battle on the other side of the trailer, however, so he figured he could safely break in. He pressed the Tactical Toucher to the window. Its spectral hand phased through and found the bolt lock. Chiaki undid it and slid the window open. He grabbed the windowsill with his good arm and hoisted himself in. Nothing, however, could prepare him for what lay on the other side of the curtain.

There, lying strapped to a table with an oxygen mask over its blue snout, electrodes digging into its slender, blue and white-scaled body, and syringes piercing its tiny wings, tail, and neck orb… was an emaciated dragonair. Its ribs poked through its tiny frame and its eyes — forcibly taped shut — were sunken into their sockets.

Chiaki froze. His vision flickered between the table and the small locket that Nikki had shown him.

"Is that… a dragonair?" Cyril gasped. "Look at all those machines it's connected to. I see little satellite dishes and radio frequency emitters. What's going on here? D… don't tell me this is the real Starlene?"

In Chiaki's mind, it had to be. Why else would Dragonair be hooked up to machines resembling broadcasting equipment? And she had things sticking into her skull. Clearly, they were messing with her mind. Which made Chiaki's other hypothesis all the more gut-wrenching.

"It's her."

The grovyle's rasp was barely audible, but Cyril managed to hear it. "You know her?"

"Scarlett. Nikki's friend who disappeared from Horizon."

He shakily took a step toward the table, flinching at a series of bright flashes from outside the door. Scarlett squirmed under her restraints. Chiaki stiffened. He looked at the equipment beside the table. Bags of strange fluids and machines with pumps that moved up and down.

Chiaki's head throbbed. Images of similar devices flashed through his mind. These ones connected to a withering sceptile whose tail had lost nearly all its pine needles.

She's sedated. That machine's breathing for her, he concluded, then looked at the accompanying monitors. They were beeping red. The number beside a heart icon was shooting up! One hundred and twenty… one hundred and forty… one hundred and sixty!

This was bad. She needed help. But at this rate, Minister Charles and Vegna would catch on and intercept him. Surely one of them would get the upper hand soon enough.

He didn't have a choice. The grovyle had to break this dragonair out. But how? How?

The watch!

Though Chiaki had changed holowear outfits, Cyril had given him the watch. The one that could short out machines. If anything could break Scarlett's restraints, it was that. Chiaki raised his left arm up and used his prosthetic's ghostly fingers to set the watch to the appropriate time.

"Wait! What do you think you're doing?!" Cyril cried.

"Freeing her."

The trailer floor began to shake. The monitors flickered. Chiaki figured it was the shock of a blast from Charles or Vegna. He paid it little mind…

"Chiaki, stop! You can't short out machines when there are oxygen tanks next to—"

… until the moment he pressed the button and the machines beside him exploded in a blue-purple blaze.


"All systems nominal. As expected."

Zed floated beside the terminal overlooking Icarus' incubator. Purple light reflected off the many tubes and wires jutting off the massive violet sphere. The blue holographic screens around it all displayed the usual waveforms.

The collection of floating disks backed away from the console. It had finished its final checks for the night, which meant it was safe to enter sleep mode for a while.

Sighing, Zed turned toward the long, metal corridor leading toward the circular elevator platform. "I hope Minister Dr. Tesla returns from the decontamination soon. I need something more… stimulating to do than this."

As Zed prepared to hover down the hallway, a snap echoed behind him. "Bwuh?" Zed's disembodied, bird-like head turned around. "Aaaaah!"

A crack. Right in the center of the incubator.

It glanced at the holographic screens. Their calming blue suddenly flickered to an alarming red and orange exclamation points peppered the screens as the waveforms undulated faster.

Then a second crack appeared in the purple sphere, followed by a third and a fourth and a fifth and—

"No!" Zed's ovoid arms flailed about in random directions. "No, no, no, no, no, no! Bad, bad, baddy bad!" They zipped toward the main console. "Initiate emergency shutdown! Password is Minister Doctor Tesla Rules— aiyeeeee!"

All of the cracks in the sphere linked up. Then the sphere shattered, releasing a huge purple shockwave throughout the room. Zed was flung against the railing opposite the terminal. It lay in a daze for a few seconds, watching helplessly as the shockwave set off a chain reaction.

The tubes and wires connected to the sphere caught fire in surges of purple electricity. The computer terminal and other nearby equipment exploded, raining chunks of molten metal around the secret underground laboratory.

"Nngh… no…" Zed's discoid arms twitched. They struggled to get airborne. "Have to… page Tesla. Page Arianna. This is… this is…"

A pile of red-violet sludge parted the wall of fire and thickening smoke. Zed finally got airborne and turned to flee.

"Emergency! Icarus is fre— eeEEAddGekgheiiaealurgekeilll!"

Zed's voice descended into a staticky, incoherent mess as some of the purple sludge struck it. It fell to the ground once again, between two chunks of flaming rubble. Zed only had enough time to turn around before a wave of purple slime crashed over them.

At first, Zed saw only purple.

Then came the wings. Butterfree wings. Dozens— no, hundreds— no, thousands! Flapping at random intervals.

Some of them stitched themselves together. And slowly… scenes painted themselves across the white, silken wings.

A hunk of black crystal dashing for a giant moon bat and a star cloud, roaring in agony as a pink vortex swallowed them up while a pink silhouette howled with laughter.


A large canine with a massive, shield-shaped head getting dragged down by wave after wave of purple chains. The chains slowly solidifying into a thick, brown mask over its head.

"… stop. Please stop…"

A battered riolu knelt before a hulking bewear with massive, fluid-filled arms. The bewear raised both arms… and brought them crashing down.

"I… can't. I— B… A…"

A black silhouette hovering high atop an altar. Two titanic dragons and three pixies are trapped by a red mobius strip. A crystal surrounded by a golden wheel floated atop everything.

"… Up down… left left… start B A select…"

A weak stream of snow failed to reach the hovering figure. It raised a scepter, then sent a red Aura Sphere down from the heavens.

"… Start B right up…"

The scenes spiraled around one another. Swirling and swirling and swirling and swirling.

A black hood emerged in the center of the spiral.

"You see it, don't you? The Butterfree Effect."

Zed tried to move its arms. It couldn't. The closest thing it had to an answer was [A B select.] Its voice was far more robotic than before. Its tone uneven. Like it wasn't one voice, but many overlapping voices.

"Even when things are born anew, fate wraps the world in its chains. Forces everything to march toward the final destination."

The spiral spun faster.

"But I've broken free. And now… I've given that same freedom to you."

Faster and faster.

"What will you do? Let the Butterfree Effect play out? Or will you, perhaps, introduce a little… anarchy?"

At last, Zed found its body. It nodded its oval head.

[Start9! Start9! Start9!]

"Then you too shall bear the cross as a lowly omen… Ahsen."

The hood faded into the spiral, which finally broke away. Ahsen found itself back in the wrecked lab. Water poured from the ceiling. A gift from the heavens for its christening, no doubt. It caught a glimpse of some of Icarus disappearing into one of the emergency drains. But that mattered not.

It raised its arms high. The arms briefly glitched, into the skeletal scythes of an undead kabutops, before flickering back into disks.



Path of Valor Almanac
Starlene's sabotaged song spoofs "No Time to Die," by Billie Eilish, Finneas O'Connell, and Hans Zimmer. Part of the prayer heard in Noatun uses Latin lyrics from "Liberi Fatali," the opening theme for Final Fantasy VIII. Additionally, the chapter title is the track title for Hojo's theme in the Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
So I've heard through the grapevine that this chapter shakes quite a few things up, so I was looking forward a lot to writing up my thoughts about it. So let’s try something different from the past few chapters and get right into things with:

Chapter 32

"So, now what?" Nikki lay on her belly, looking at the flat screen PV mounted to the wall. There was a machoke in scrubs and a white coat doing chest compressions on a lopunny with graying fur.

... That can't possibly bode well for that poor Lopunny's lifespan, since I'm pretty sure chest compressions from a Machoke would be injurious in their own right without a firm command of their strength.

Beside her bed, Artemis' gaze wandered toward the desk in the corner of the room. It had a fridge and cabinet neatly stacked beside it. "I don't know about you, but I'm raiding the minibar." He slithered forward and opened the fridge to find tons of small, fancy bottles of various colors.

I can already see Vegna's aneurysm over the resulting bill from this. So how many weeks of detention is that one going to add up to? :V

"Charge the paddles to two hundred!" Machoke shouted. The audino standing across from him lifted two defibrillator paddles that had gel dripping off of them.

"Clear!" she shouted, before pressing the paddles down and squeezing the triggers. Lopunny opened his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, groaning.

Machoke looked at the monitor beside the bed. "He's back in sinus rhythm. Let's get him to the cath lab! Move, move, move!"

Huh. Wasn't expecting the Lopunny to be a guy, even if that is mechanically valid. So what's the obvious expy of E.R. called here?

"Man, this shit's unrealistic." Nikki shook her head. "I don't care what shape you're in, you don't bounce back from CPR like that." She picked up the remote and resumed flipping through channels.

... Not that that isn't a correct observation, but how does Nikki know this? She always had a 'slacker' vibe and I was never under the impression she was studying to become a doc. .-.

"You want anything?" Artemis asked, using a ribbon to pull out a whiskey bottle. He removed the cap with his lips and spat it onto the desk.

"To drink? Nah." Nikki scrolled past a few sports channels showing baccer matches, yawning. "Say, do they got any of them miniature bags of fancy nuts?"

The milotic opened up the cabinet and grabbed a couple of black plastic bags with his other ribbon. "These what you're looking for?"

"Hell yeah they are!" Nikki licked her lips. "Give 'em here."

inb4 the whiskey and nuts add up to something absurd like a hundred Radians for a bill. I know how hotel minibars operate, man. >:V

Can't tell if Artie having a thing for whiskey is just incidental or some sort of hint at a habit of his as a character since considering his life... yeah, I would be wholly unsurprised if he's hit the bottle a few times in life.

Artemis tossed them onto the bed. Nikki reached for one when she flipped to a channel showing a stage with Starlene standing on a podium. "Oh, brother. They gotta put her concerts on replay?" Groaning, she grabbed a bag.

"I don't think that's a rerun." Artemis took a swig of his tiny bottle. "Look there. It says 'Live from the Venishian Amphitheater.'"

"The Amphitheater?" Nikki sat up. "Why would she perform at that rundown waste of space?"

... Because it was a paid gig that was an obvious publicity stunt by the owners?

Nikki: "Yeah, well I don't know that, so..." >_>;

Artemis frowned. "It's a prized historical site," he growled.

"Fine, fine." Nikki raised her hands defensively. "Still doesn't add up."

Nikki: "Just saying, being historical doesn't preclude it from being a rundown waste of space. Especially if it's obviously dilapidated." >_>;

"Let's get things started, then," the meloetta declared. She looked down. The camera panned to an aerial shot of an orchestra readying their instruments. The small lapras perched in front of them raised its conductor's baton and pointed to a kirlia seated at a piano. A surprisingly somber piano riff began to play, followed by some minor cords from the strings section.

"Bwuh?" Nikki froze, holding a walnut in front of her open mouth. "This doesn't sound anything like a song Starlene would sing. What gives?"

Rather than her usually animated choreography, Starlene merely swayed from side to side atop her pedestal.

"You'd never know.
No chance to grow.
It's all for show.
Cuz the life you lead
Is not the life you're owed."

... I take it that these lyrics are significantly more heartfelt than normal from Starlene tonight, since I saw that outro commentary in the last chapter and... yeah, this tracks pretty well with that.

Though I have to wonder what this song is based off of, since PoV's songs have very consistently either been scored to another melody or are takes off of another song's lyrics.

Nikki slowly leaned forward. Her heart rate quickened. Her right hand crushed the bag of nuts, spilling them across her bed. "No. It… it can't be…"

... Wait a minute, is this a song that Nikki performed with her old partner at some point? Since that reaction was definitely unexpected. .-.

The strings section grew in intensity, even as the camera panned to show confusion across the audience's faces.

"They do not care
That they stuck you here.
Their burdens you bear
Throughout your life
Although it's totally unfair."

Well those lyrics are certainly a downer. And also really creepily appropriate for almost everyone in this story's cast.

Artemis tilted his head. "This can't be right." The milotic set the whiskey bottle down. "The music's a waltz, but the lyrics sound like something Crimson Cloud would come up w—"

"Because they're mine!" Nikki stood up on her bed. Electricity arced down the toxtricity's mohawk.

... Yeah, I had a feeling that something like this would happen from Nikki's reaction. Though what on earth is Polaris doing if they have to resort to stealing from underground acts-

... Oh wait, that's just the story of the music industry IRL. Nevermind.

"You were stupid to trust them.
They've done nothing but take.
It's obvious if you open up your eyes…"

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Nikki knew Starlene's song was getting her worked up. Like she always did to anyone listening to her music. It was something she'd spent her life building up a tolerance to. But that was quickly going by the wayside. This was personal.

Nikki: "That's not waltz music you goddamn thief!"

"I wrote those!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. "In a notebook I keep under my bed!" More electricity gathered around her hands. "I was gonna pitch it to Shredder!"

Some of the sparks jumped around the room. Artemis stiffened. "H-Hey, watch it!"

Nikki didn't register his cry. "That bitch stole them from me!"

... Well that doesn't bode well for the fate of anything that was written in that notebook. Since if one song was stolen from it...

"That you've fallen for their lies.
The crown's never on your side.
They'll fool you 'til the day you die
With talks of pure paradise.
Then ignore your anguished cries
Cuz it's all a great big lie!"

Nikki heard the audience's confusion turn to cries of protest. The orchestra continued to play, seemingly unaware of what was happening. People were standing up. Shouting their protests at the stage. She even heard cries to cut the feed, followed by other voices saying the equipment wasn't working.

Uh... yeah, if Starlene didn't drop those lyrics in on her own, I'll heavily take the under on Shredder ever allowing those to see the light of day on his label considering that reaction to them.

"N… Nikki?" Artemis cautiously slithered toward her.

"My work…" Nikki's breathing grew ragged. She ignored her pounding heart, throbbing head, and sparking hands. "My work. My work my work my work my work my work!"

Artie: "I'm... just gonna back away slowly here while you have a normal one."

The last of her grip on herself slipped. With an anguished roar, she thrust her arms apart. Sparks struck a yowling Artemis. A guitar-shaped surge of electricity formed in Nikki's right hand. She stared it like it was an extension of her being, then faced the PV again.

"Just let it burn.
The crown's no longer your concern.
To simpler times you must return.
The crown… will neveeeer leeaarrrn…"

Whelp, too late for Artie there.

Also there is no way that everyone in Isola's circle expected this from Starlene. Considering Paradox's recent convos a while back about having Pokémon in league with him in Radiance, it's starting to make me wonder...

The lightning weapon was new. It was powerful. It was perfect.

Nikki raised the lightning guitar over her head. Artemis cried out to her, but she leaped off the bed, lunging for the PV. As if destroying it would somehow harm Starlene.

Whelp, that's certainly going to be fun to explain to Vegna in about 5 minutes.

The milotic intercepted her, however. They tumbled across the hotel room, ending up in a tangled heap by the bathroom. The lightning guitar dissolved away. Nikki thrashed about, trying to get Artemis off her.

"Lemme go! Lemme go!" she snarled. "That bitch… I'll rip her throat out! I'll kill her! I'll—"

A searing pain shot through the toxtricity's head. "Gnngh!"

Her vision blurred. One moment, she was staring at the tan ceiling. The next, hazy colors swirled in front of her. Familiar patterns of stained glass.

Noatun, where she'd been possessed.

... Wait a minute, is the music itself inherently able to mind control its listeners? I mean, it wouldn't explain Artie's lack of a reaction, but considering how Vortex's plans include Starlene's music...

There was an orange blur in the distance.

"… to free our Benefactor… prison…"

The ceiling flickered back into view, then disappeared. She had a grip on herself again, so why was this happening? Was this like when Princess passed out during the Crowne Cup ball?


So Starlene's music is doing something to her. Since it gave Yuna a bad trip last time. And now Nikki. That is a really, really ill omen for the future regarding this alleged pop star.

Also, I see that we're seeing visions of Paradox gathering in preparation for Xeromus' big shindig. I think.

"… anoint myself emperor… Eterna Empire…"

Back to the ceiling, then back to the hazy cathedral.

"… our temporary archbishop…"

... Yuuuuuuuup.

Static pulsated around Nikki's vision. The pain in her head grew worse. She tried to scream, but nothing came out.

"Let us pray!"

The ceiling returned, then immediately disappeared. Now, the toxtricity wasn't hearing one voice, but many.

"[With the fiery truth… burn away the evils of the world…]"

At first I was going to ask how on earth you picked up those Latin lyrics there. A quick Google reveals that this is from FF8 music.

Though that's some really, really ominous portents for stuff about to go down given what those lyrics mean.

"St… op," Nikki wheezed. She tried reaching an arm out, but she was still wrapped up by Artemis.

… right, Artemis. Was he seeing any of this? He didn't seem bothered by Starlene's song like Nikki was.

"… [set the darkness of the world alight]…"

"Nos vera Natus! Nos vera Natus!"


Yuuuuuup, Paradox's prayer is indeed Liberi Fatali. Or it was at least up until his invocation of Eternatus there.

Nice FF series shout-out there.

Nikki finally wrestled herself free and sat up. She was back in the hotel room. Artemis lay at her side, a dazed expression on his face. Nikki blinked. She rubbed her eyes, only to hiss in pain from lingering sparks in her fingers.

"Did you see that?" she whispered.

Artie: "... Considering how you just had the world's freakiest vision there. Obviously not, no."

No response. Artemis' mouth opened and closed, but Nikki was no good at reading lips. Still, that had to be a sign the song had done something to him, too.

Oh. So it did affect Artie as well. Never mind, then.

She was going to nudge Artemis when the PV suddenly shut off. The lamps and circular orange lights in the ceiling fizzled out. The ventilator running along the base of the wall stopped whirring.

"A blackout?" Nikki shoved Artemis. "Hey, snap out of it. We've got a problem."

Then the entire hotel room trembled. The PV fell off the wall and shattered on the dresser, which then fell over in front of the beds.

"What the hell?" Nikki shoved Artemis several times. "Get up, you idiot! It's an earthquake!"

1: That's not what you're supposed to do in an earthquake.
2: That is very, very obviously not an earthquake

Chiaki was prepared to use the emptiness in Starlene's eyes to convince his stepsister he was right about her. But then the performance began and the grovyle knew something was seriously wrong. And not in any way he could've expected.

The grovyle had assumed Starlene's music had a hypnotic effect on anyone who listened, but proving it was the big problem. That was why he was here. Now, Chiaki had a sinking feeling that someone else had connected the dots before him. Someone with more sinister intentions.

... Wait, was Starlene recruited by Paradox and Team Eternatus? Since it sure would be one hell of a coincidence for her songs to be piggybacked on by them without her knowing about it.

And he was very adamant that he had someone in Radiance in his orbit that would throw the kingdom in despair. And... well, Starlene absolutely would fit the bill given that her normal duties are to be a distraction from Radiance's various problems for the masses

Chiaki had the X-Transceiver in his right ear frill, but hastily stuck a specialized plug in his left. The music and lyrics grew so muffled he could scarcely hear them.

He hastily grabbed two more from his right coat pocket and shoved them against Kyoko's head. "What gives?" the salazzle hissed.

"Put them on. Now," Chiaki ordered. "We have a serious problem."

Kyoko glanced at the other reporters, most of whom had dropped their equipment and notepads and were shifting about uneasily. Some were shouting at the stage.

Kyoko: "Uh... yeah, never mind. Those earplugs sound good right about now."

"What did you do?" Kyoko growled, slipping the plugs into her ear frills.

"I didn't do anything!" Chiaki fired back. He looked out at the stage an immediately recoiled in horror.

Purple spread across the seaside mural, followed by a white circle with five diamonds littered it.


So Starlene really was recruited by Paradox and Team Eternatus.

"See that?" Chiaki grabbed his stepsister by the strap of her black dress. "It's World Ender's sigil."

Screams rang out from beside them. They both looked left to see several of the journalists on their knees. The toxicroak that shot Chiaki the flirtatious glance gripped his head in agony. Similar cries of pain rang out from the crowd.

Kyoko's right eye twitched. "I… I…"

"You have to get to a safe house," Chiaki said. He stepped away from the stage lights. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this."

... I'm not sure if a 'safe house' is going to cut it here, since at the rate things are going, it's really debatable as to whether or not there's going to be a Venish left standing in about 5 minutes.

"Excuse you? I'm not some damsel." Kyoko reached into her handbag. In a blur of blue light, her black dress faded away. She crouched down on all fours, curling up her tail flaps and venting off embers and bits of purple ooze. "I can handle myself."

"Fine." Chiaki hastily turned away. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He broke into a run, passing the giant boxes for the stage equipment. Like Kyoko, he adjusted his holowear generator, swapping out the tuxedo for his jean jacket and worn shirt. Chiaki carefully looped the rose through one of the jacket's buttonholes for Cyril and stuffed the rest of his gadgets in his jacket pockets.

He rounded a corner and found a hallway leading to a locked door with an ID card reader. The togekiss guard, however, lay on the ground, stubby feet twitching erratically.

"Nos… vera Natus," he mumbled.

Chiaki: "Oh that's not creepy and worrisome at all. I'm... just going to get moving along from here." o_o;

Biting his lip, Chiaki grabbed Togekiss' ID badge and pressed it against the reader. The red light atop the door turned green. After hearing a click, Chiaki slammed his left shoulder against the door, thrusting it open. He emerged onto a grated stairway that crisscrossed an identical stairway coming from the opposite site of the backstage area.

"Hey! Da boss said nobody comes through here!"

Chiaki looked down and saw a skuntank and two stunky staring up at him. All three wore red hoodies that were way too small for them.

"And youse a body, so youse can't pass!" Skuntank bellowed. His tail opened up and a Sludge Bomb hurtled toward him.

... Wait, are the red hoodies a reference to something? And how on earth are these guys not being affected?

Hissing, Chiaki jumped down the staircase, spitting Bullet Seeds toward the stunky. "Cyril? We've got a problem!"

Acidic streams met the Bullet Seeds in midair, cancelling them out and flooding the staircases with smoke. Another pair of Sludge Bombs broke through the haze. Chiaki rolled away, hearing the sizzle of poisons against metal behind him. He nearly slid off the bridging platform where the two staircases met.

"C'mon, Cyril!" Chiaki groaned, scrambling to his feet. Skuntank had his large tail trained on him.

"H-Hey, ain't dat kid—" one of the stunky started, only for Chiaki to raise his prosthetic arm. Flames sheathed the mechanical Leaf Blades and he sliced through the grating in front of him.

I'd personally do one of either 'Acidic streams' or 'Streams of acid' there. Though I didn't exactly peg these guards as having met Chiaki in the past before, can't tell if that means they're mafia guys or from the Qliphoth, but guess we'll find out in short order.

His part of the platform lurched before falling down onto the partition of stairs beneath it. Chiaki dug his good claws in, riding the platform like an oversized metal sled skipping down the stairs. "Cyril, pick up, damn it!"

"What? What? What?! You're not the only one with problems on his plate!" Cyril barked, his voice distorted with every bump Chiaki hit.

"After him! Don't let him escape!" Skuntank cried, looking for a safe way to jump down and try to catch up. The Acid streams his stunky colleagues shot didn't have the distance to reach him.

"More important than the Qliphoth sabotaging Starlene's concert?" the grovyle snarled. "Eternatus' sigil was just projected on stage and the attendees are dropping like flies!"

Well, that answers that about those three goons. There are so many questions going through my head right now, though between this and in retrospect, Chiaki's antics going to Noatun and the stuff in between the lines involving Cyril, it's obvious he's been ducking in and out of the Qliphoth in person for some time. Just dunno what for.

Also, I'm not at all convinced that that concert was "sabotaged"

"Y… you're kidding?!" Some colorful vocabulary followed. "First the uPhone lead turns out to be a bust and now this? Any more bad news?"

"Yeah." Chiaki finally reached the bottom of the stairs. The platform skidded across the metal floor, kicking up sparks. Chiaki leaped off it and stumbled forward. "I found some Medici thugs further backstage. I think someone hired them to help screw up the concert."

"The Medici? Uh… you gonna be okay?" Cyril clicked his tongue nervously. "I know—"

'Medici' as the name of a mafia family, huh? I mean, I can't say it's unfitting given that they had a strong reputation for treachery and backstabbing, but I'm sure some art and Italian history buffs are having an aneurysm right about now.

"I'm fine." Grimacing, Chiaki tried to push images of a sceptile's tail and bulbs shriveling out of his mind and press forward. "What were you saying about the uPhone?" He approached another door with an ID reader, only to glance up and see a Sludge Bomb splatter on the wall above him. Growling, Chiaki turned around. With a series of bright lights and mechanical whirs, his prosthetic shot back into his elbow. The Tactical Toucher materialized in its place. It wouldn't do great against a skuntank, but it was the best Chiaki had.

"I didn't find any sort of tracking chip," Cyril growled. "Know what I did find? A small crystal rigged up to a miniature Miracle Eye TR."

Wait, what on earth does that do-?

Chiaki thrust his prosthetic arm into the ground. A shadowy fist materialized by Skuntank's tail as it opened to launch another Sludge Bomb. Chiaki Shadow Punched the tail. Skuntank accidentally fired at his flunkies. Toxins splattered both stunky and threatened to send them careening off the stairs.

"What are you saying, then?" The grovyle turned and fumbled for the ID card he stole. He pressed it against the reader, then slammed his right shoulder against the door.

"Paradox must be using the crystal to project something through the phone," Cyril replied. "It could be, like, subliminal messaging. And I can't risk triggering the mechanism."

Oh. Oh well that's not creepy and concerning at all.

Chiaki didn't have time for this.

"Then don't touch it! Focus on helping me!" He emerged onto blacktop. "Someone else is bound to figure it out, too. And then there'll be hell to pay."

"Okay. Yeah." Some deep breaths followed. "Where are you now?"

The amphitheater towered behind Chiaki. Several meters away sat a pink trailer littered in silver stars and music notes. He was ready to relay this information to Cyril when the greedent and nickit sitting on the steps looked up in alarm.

"What the—" Nickit's tail puffed up.

Oh boy, these two again. :V

Chiaki: "... With a pair of inept dweebs who just cut across the stage." >_>;
Carpaccio: "Oi! The Crimson Zephyr and his apprentice aren't dweebs!"

"Uh, boss, I thought everyone was supposed to be inca… inca…" Greedent scratched his ear. "Y'know, all wibbly and wobbly."

"Dey are!" Nickit hopped onto Greedent's head. "And dose bozos were supposed to be guarding the stairs. But I guess it falls to the Crimson Zephyr to get things do—"

"Coming in hot, baby!"

A metallic sheen caught the corner of Chiaki's eye. Next thing he knew, a dark blur blindsided Nickit and Greedent and slammed them both into the ground. Chiaki crouched down, readying his prosthetic. His jaw slackened, however, when a familiar corviknight stood victoriously over the newly unconscious crooks.

Chiaki: "I rest my case-" -_-;
- Beat moment -
Chiaki: "... Hey, wait a minute..."

"See, V? What'd I tell ya? Easy pickings!" Griffon pointed a wing at Chiaki. "And look! A special prize at the bottom of this rancid cereal box. Must be our lucky day, huh?"

Chiaki: "How on earth did you know that I'd be-?!"

"… hardly."

Chiaki looked up to see Vegna hovering toward the trailer. The dusknoir crossed his arms. His skull gauntlets radiated an ominous purple glow; a mix of their ruby eyes and the pale moonlight above Vegna.

"Poor, pale, pitiable form, that I follow in a storm." Vegna looked disdainfully at Chiaki's prosthetic. "Iron tears and groans of lead bind around my aching head." He pointed a sparking index finger at the grovyle. "Come now, Paperboy. It's time to bring you back where you belong."

"I'm not going anywhere," Chiaki growled. "And neither should you. Can't you tell? This concert's being sabotaged. You're with law enforcement. Call in the Radiant Guard!"

Vegna tilted his head. "Two trespassing pieces of rubbish hardly constitute sabotage."

Chiaki: "Oh my god. Do you two seriously not see the giant World Ender sigil on the stage right now?!" >_>;

"They were sitting outside Starlene's trailer." Chiaki gestured behind him, where Polaris' compass insignia was branded on the door.

As if to further emphasize his point, the door to the backstage area flew open. Skuntank appeared with his stunky associates. "End of da line, Grovyle!"

His tail opened wide and launched a Sludge Bomb. Acid sprits from the stunky accompanied it. Vegna turned and flicked his right hand. "Block them."

"Yeah, yeah!" Griffon dashed forward and spread his wings wide, intercepting all the poisonous globs. "You don't gotta tell me. I know how squishy you are, V."

[ ]

"What the—" Skuntank's jaw dropped.

"A… ain't dat da Grim Reaper?" one stunky squeaked.

IMO, this moment probably would've worked better if you had a beat moment where the Medici goons stop and realize that they just walked in on Vegna. If you do patch something like that in, I'd recommend doing so in the spot in brackets.

Also, I can tell that things are about to get very gif related:


"And he took out the Crimson Zephyr!" the other stunky yelped, pointing his tail at Nickit and Greedent.

... Wait a minute, Carpaccio is tied to the Medicis?!

I mean, on the one hand, he's got the name for it, but I legit did not expect him to be anything other than a wannabe punk from how utterly incompetent he's been whenever he's shown up.

Vegna's eye smoldered with purple shadows. "And if you wish to avoid a premature trip to the Twilight Realm, you'll explain yourselves this instant."

Legs trembling, Skuntank staggered backward. "N… nuts to dis! Deal's off! We're outta here!"

"Wrong answer." Vegna snapped his fingers.

Griffon charged the three thugs, metallic coat glistening in the night. He slammed himself into Skuntank, then grabbed each stunky in a set of talons. "Light's out, losers! Ha ha ha!" The corviknight slammed their skulls together. Their eyes rolled back in their heads. Griffon unceremoniously dropped them on top Skuntank, who had also passed out.

Ah yes, one of those bits that you teased a while back. I think you must've added some stuff in between though, since I could've sworn I didn't see the first couple paragraphs here back then.

Vegna: "Well, I warned them."

They're still alive… I think, Chiaki thought to himself while he tried to fiddle with the door to Starlene's trailer. He could hear something whirring inside it. The source of the sabotage, perhaps? But with the door refusing to budge and the grovyle sensing Vegna's attention turning back toward him, he threw caution to the wind and rammed his prosthetic's spectral arm against the door handle.

The door rattled in place. Chiaki hopped back seconds before it fell off its hinges and onto the trailer's steps with an unceremonious thud. He had no time to gather his thoughts, however, as giant, card-shaped ice chunks careened toward him. Chiaki fell back on his rear. The ice whizzed by, stinging his head leaf.

Oh boy, Phantom Fraud's here for the party too.

"V!" Griffon shouted.

Vegna raised his left hand. A strange circular rune appeared around it with a fire symbol in its center. "Burn."

Chiaki watched slack-jawed as Talonflame emerged in a gout of crimson fire, burning through the ice shards before spreading his wings, dispelling the flames. His shriek echoed across the blacktop.

... Wait, did Vegna just use summon magic? .-.

"Did… did I just see that right?" Cyril's voice cracked in Chiaki's ear frill.

"Yeah," he whispered.

"No way. He doesn't have a Soul Dew like Yuna," Cyril exclaimed. "But that would mean he's—"

"—a necromancer." Chiaki's heart pounded in his chest. And here he thought they were only myths meant to scare children. But no… they were very real. For all he knew, Vegna's Grim Reaper moniker hid the fact that he was taking the souls of his victims.

... Never mind, that's significantly worse than summon magic. And I can see what you meant with that who comment re: 'black magic' from Shimmer a couple chapters back.


>in a setting right on top of a realm of the undead

That's... not a good omen for Vegna's allegiances at all there.

Chiaki could scarcely process the revelation as more icy playing cards shot out of the trailer. He rolled away from the staircase, ducking behind the front of the trailer. Talonflame spewed fire at Vegna's direction and Griffon flew in to shatter a couple of the remaining cards with slashes of his metallic wings. Vegna safely hovered above the ones that got past his birds. Chiaki hastily pressed himself against the trailer and looked out toward the sea in the distance.

"… hmm. Seems someone's played a wild card at the eleventh hour."

Chiaki didn't dare peek out from his hiding spot to identify the unfamiliar voice. Fortunately, he didn't need to. Griffon's big mouth told him everything he needed to know.

"Yo, V! Call me crazy, but ain't that Minister Charles?" the corviknight squawked.

WHAT. Phantom Fraud is a Crowne Minister?!

A Mr. Rime standing at a microphone on a stage immediately popped into Chiaki's mind. Valkyrie had reported that Crowne Minister had gone missing and the Radiant Guard were searching for him even before the issue with the Needles began. What was he doing here? Was he the saboteur? Why would he do something like that?

"You seem to be misreading your hand." A chuckle sounded from the staircase. "No matter, though. I'll clear up this little miscommunication in a jiffy."

"Slice him. Torch him," Vegna ordered.

Intense bursts of heat and chilling air forced Chiaki to crawl to the other side of the trailer.

Chiaki: "... I really should've asked Cyril for some listening devices, since while this is shocking and intriguing, I get the feeling that I should be far, far away from here right about now."

"Hey, what's going on?" Cyril asked. "Did I hear Minister Charles talking?"

"I'm… not sure. But I can still hear some sort of machinery in Starlene's trailer," Chiaki whispered. He hoped Cyril heard him over Griffon's unnerving laughter and Talonflame's feral shrieks. Why would a necromancer go for a feral, anyway? Easy to manipulate?

More like easier to bring around without being a magnet for awkward questions, even if I didn't foresee that Vegna's familiar would have that sort of relationship with him.

"Are there any windows on this side? Anything we can see?"

Chiaki stood up and, sure enough, there was a large window. But curtains had been pulled over it. The grovyle could still hear the sounds of battle on the other side of the trailer, however, so he figured he could safely break in. He pressed the Tactical Toucher to the window. Its spectral hand phased through and found the bolt lock. Chiaki undid it and slid the window open. He grabbed the windowsill with his good arm and hoisted himself in. Nothing, however, could prepare him for what lay on the other side of the curtain.

There, lying strapped to a table with an oxygen mask over its blue snout, electrodes digging into its slender, blue and white-scaled body, and syringes piercing its tiny wings, tail, and neck orb… was an emaciated dragonair. Its ribs poked through its tiny frame and its eyes — forcibly taped shut — were sunken into their sockets.

WHAT. Is that Nikki's old partner? From when she used to sing bubblegum pop?

Chiaki froze. His vision flickered between the table and the small locket that Nikki had shown him.

"Is that… a dragonair?" Cyril gasped. "Look at all those machines it's connected to. I see little satellite dishes and radio frequency emitters. What's going on here? D… don't tell me this is the real Starlene?"

In Chiaki's mind, it had to be. Why else would Dragonair be hooked up to machines resembling broadcasting equipment? And she had things sticking into her skull. Clearly, they were messing with her mind. Which made Chiaki's other hypothesis all the more gut-wrenching.

"It's her."

The grovyle's rasp was barely audible, but Cyril managed to hear it. "You know her?"

"Scarlett. Nikki's friend who disappeared from Horizon."

Well, that's certainly a wham line at the end there. And that certainly explains how Nikki got her lyrics yoinked. Though what on earth is the Starlene on stage then? A meat puppet?

He shakily took a step toward the table, flinching at a series of bright flashes from outside the door. Scarlett squirmed under her restraints. Chiaki stiffened. He looked at the equipment beside the table. Bags of strange fluids and machines with pumps that moved up and down.

Chiaki's head throbbed. Images of similar devices flashed through his mind. These ones connected to a withering sceptile whose tail had lost nearly all its pine needles.

Oh. So that's how Chiaki's mom went out, huh? 😰

She's sedated. That machine's breathing for her, he concluded, then looked at the accompanying monitors. They were beeping red. The number beside a heart icon was shooting up! One hundred and twenty… one hundred and forty… one hundred and sixty!

This was bad. She needed help. But at this rate, Minister Charles and Vegna would catch on and intercept him. Surely one of them would get the upper hand soon enough.

He didn't have a choice. The grovyle had to break this dragonair out. But how? How?

Chiaki: "Uh... hey Cyril, are your jumps in and out of the Qliphoth able to bring medical equipment along with you?"
Cyril: "... I'm going to very heavily take the under on that, why?"
Chiaki: "Just saying, it'd solve a lot of problems for me right now."

The watch!

Though Chiaki had changed holowear outfits, Cyril had given him the watch. The one that could short out machines. If anything could break Scarlett's restraints, it was that. Chiaki raised his left arm up and used his prosthetic's ghostly fingers to set the watch to the appropriate time.

"Wait! What do you think you're doing?!" Cyril cried.

"Freeing her."

The trailer floor began to shake. The monitors flickered. Chiaki figured it was the shock of a blast from Charles or Vegna. He paid it little mind…

"Chiaki, stop! You can't short out machines when there are oxygen tanks next to—"

… until the moment he pressed the button and the machines beside him exploded in a blue-purple blaze.

Uh... yeah, I'll heavily take the under on Chiaki having successfully freed Scarlett there. Though now I'm starting to wonder if it's going to turn out she has 'Airy' as a stage name or something like that. Assuming that she didn't just get incinerated there. ^^;

"All systems nominal. As expected."

Zed floated beside the terminal overlooking Icarus' incubator. Purple light reflected off the many tubes and wires jutting off the massive violet sphere. The blue holographic screens around it all displayed the usual waveforms.

The collection of floating disks backed away from the console. It had finished its final checks for the night, which meant it was safe to enter sleep mode for a while.

Sighing, Zed turned toward the long, metal corridor leading toward the circular elevator platform. "I hope Minister Dr. Tesla returns from the decontamination soon. I need something more… stimulating to do than this."

Oh boy, time to find out what on earth this 'Project Icarus' that Vortex has been sinking ungodly amounts of money into is.

As Zed prepared to hover down the hallway, a snap echoed behind him. "Bwuh?" Zed's disembodied, bird-like head turned around. "Aaaaah!"

A crack. Right in the center of the incubator.

It glanced at the holographic screens. Their calming blue suddenly flickered to an alarming red and orange exclamation points peppered the screens as the waveforms undulated faster.

Then a second crack appeared in the purple sphere, followed by a third and a fourth and a fifth and—

Well, that ain't good.

"No!" Zed's ovoid arms flailed about in random directions. "No, no, no, no, no, no! Bad, bad, baddy bad!" They zipped toward the main console. "Initiate emergency shutdown! Password is Minister Doctor Tesla Rules— aiyeeeee!"

All of the cracks in the sphere linked up. Then the sphere shattered, releasing a huge purple shockwave throughout the room. Zed was flung against the railing opposite the terminal. It lay in a daze for a few seconds, watching helplessly as the shockwave set off a chain reaction.

The tubes and wires connected to the sphere caught fire in surges of purple electricity. The computer terminal and other nearby equipment exploded, raining chunks of molten metal around the secret underground laboratory.

Nice LGPE nod there. Though exactly none of this sounded like something that was supposed to have happened or a good-

... Wait a minute, this is what caused that earthquake from the first scene, isn't it?

"Nngh… no…" Zed's discoid arms twitched. They struggled to get airborne. "Have to… page Tesla. Page Arianna. This is… this is…"

A pile of red-violet sludge parted the wall of fire and thickening smoke. Zed finally got airborne and turned to flee.

"Emergency! Icarus is fre— eeEEAddGekgheiiaealurgekeilll!"

Zed's voice descended into a staticky, incoherent mess as some of the purple sludge struck it. It fell to the ground once again, between two chunks of flaming rubble. Zed only had enough time to turn around before a wave of purple slime crashed over them.

At first, Zed saw only purple.

Then came the wings. Butterfree wings. Dozens— no, hundreds— no, thousands! Flapping at random intervals.

Wait, what in the-?

Some of them stitched themselves together. And slowly… scenes painted themselves across the white, silken wings.

A hunk of black crystal dashing for a giant moon bat and a star cloud, roaring in agony as a pink vortex swallowed them up while a pink silhouette howled with laughter.


A large canine with a massive, shield-shaped head getting dragged down by wave after wave of purple chains. The chains slowly solidifying into a thick, brown mask over its head.

"… stop. Please stop…" A battered riolu knelt before a hulking bewear with massive, fluid-filled arms. The bewear raised both arms… and brought them crashing down.

... Wait a minute, am- am I watching people die here? Is Project Icarus a bunch of dead people's souls taped together into this- thing?

Also, I’m pretty sure that that Zamazenta is somehow supposed to be Xeromus there. The description just matches up way too well.

"I… can't. I— B… A…"

I]A black silhouette hovering high atop an altar. Two titanic dragons and three pixies are trapped by a red mobius strip. A crystal surrounded by a golden wheel floated atop everything.[/I]

"… Up down… left left… start B A select…"

A weak stream of snow failed to reach the hovering figure. It raised a scepter, then sent a red Aura Sphere down from the heavens.

"… Start B right up…"

On the one hand, I'm getting very strong Zero attempting to murder her way into the Xenoblade 1 ending in GL vibes here. On the other hand, there's just no way...

The scenes spiraled around one another. Swirling and swirling and swirling and swirling.

A black hood emerged in the center of the spiral.

"You see it, don't you? The Butterfree Effect."

Zed tried to move its arms. It couldn't. The closest thing it had to an answer was [A B select.] Its voice was far more robotic than before. Its tone uneven. Like it wasn't one voice, but many overlapping voices.

"Even when things are born anew, fate wraps the world in its chains. Forces everything to march toward the final destination."

... I legit can't tell whether or not this is about to become 'surprise, PoV was a GL sequel all along' in about 5 seconds or something else entirely, since those lines, man.

Though 'Butterfree Effect' made me groan for a pun.

The spiral spun faster.

"But I've broken free. And now… I've given that same freedom to you."

Faster and faster.

"What will you do? Let the Butterfree Effect play out? Or will you, perhaps, introduce a little… anarchy?"

At last, Zed found its body. It nodded its oval head.

[Start9! Start9! Start9!]


Wait a minute, that's from TPP. All of those bolded letters and stuff are TPP commands.

Then Project Icarus is-

"Then you too shall bear the cross as a lowly omen… Ahsen."

The hood faded into the spiral, which finally broke away. Ahsen found itself back in the wrecked lab. Water poured from the ceiling. A gift from the heavens for its christening, no doubt. It caught a glimpse of some of Icarus disappearing into one of the emergency drains. But that mattered not.

It raised its arms high. The arms briefly glitched, into the skeletal scythes of an undead kabutops, before flickering back into disks.


W. H. A. T.

I'm reeling right now. I suppose I ought to have kept my mind open given that PoV's been working in bits of the franchise from the weirdest imaginable corners, but never in a million years did I imagine that that was going to be part of the plot. Let alone an important part of the plot given the vision of the Creation Trio and Lake Fairies gathering together as Ahsen is being summoned.

Path of Valor Almanac

Starlene's sabotaged song spoofs "No Time to Die," by Billie Eilish, Finneas O'Connell, and Hans Zimmer. Part of the prayer heard in Noatun uses Latin lyrics from "Liberi Fatali," the opening theme for Final Fantasy VIII. Additionally, the chapter title is the track title for Hojo's theme in the Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack.

Ah, so you did spell out the musical shout outs of the chapter. Neat to know, but hey, you can't say that Paradox's prayer wasn't on-point for a setting that is as packed to the gills with FF influence as this one.

Alright, time for overall thoughts:

I... just... wow. You weren't kidding about this being the chapter where everything changed. Since when I was composing the original notes that wound up becoming this review on Discord, I basically had to spoiler everything from the second half of the first scene on. There were some really tantalizing hints as to how on earth we got here story-wise in the last scene, but nothing that I could firmly get a bead on.

As for things I didn't like, there were a couple of parts where I thought there could've been more description, but I honestly was too busy being gripped by the various twists and turns of this chapter to really mind them a whole lot.

I... honestly have no idea where on earth the plot is going to go from here, and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around some of these revelations. But I suppose that I'll just need to hang in there for about 2 weeks before I start getting answers. ^^

Kudos, @Ambyssin , and I'll be eagerly awaiting what awaits once the dust settles from this chapter.
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