Kiba Makuro
Junior Trainer
- Pronouns
- He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted July 30th, 2022
Uploaded May 2nd, 2024
Chapter Summary
Team Sharp Claw and Jin make it out of the Mystery Dungeon and decide to relax a bit. They share some troubling yet intriguing information with each other before they need to head back to the League. But it never could be that simple, someone is always after them. Some are on the lookout, others are on the hunt.
Uploaded May 2nd, 2024
Chapter Summary
Team Sharp Claw and Jin make it out of the Mystery Dungeon and decide to relax a bit. They share some troubling yet intriguing information with each other before they need to head back to the League. But it never could be that simple, someone is always after them. Some are on the lookout, others are on the hunt.
Third Person POV
Within the tunnel of the Mana Wheel, Linus, Glade, and Nevada jumped for joy. "We did it!" the three cheered.
Jin, their traveling companion, wagged his tail. "I feel so much better now!" the pale-Zorua cheered.
With that another wall in the room had begun to open up, it revealed a pathway towards a stairwell.
"That's what I wanted to hear!" the Treecko said. "Everythin's starting to get swell and mighty!"
"So what are we to partake in next?"
"I'ma not so sure yet, partner."
"The exit is right there." The Totodile behind Linus patted his back.
The Charmander stamped their feet into the floor and pointed towards the light. "So maybe we could ya know, get the voids outta here!"
"Fine by me but first let me ask the cute MVP," Linus gazed longingly at the Zorua slightly below him, a faint blush clouding his cheeks.
Glade dropped her massive jaw."Are you fucking serious?"
"Glade you don't understand the throbbing of heartstrings like we do," Nevada whispered. "I miss you Astesia."
The Totodile cringed before she could respond. "You know she doesn't care about you, right?"
An awkward silence filled the air. Jin took the moment to step forward and mareepishly folded his ears. Linus rubbed the back of his head. Some more time passed before the Totodile behind them groaned. Nevada suddenly clapped their claws in realization."Oh wait he meant Jin?"
The Zorua smirked once the Treecko in front of him facepalmed."I have been told I am quite the and I quote 'cutie' before on numerous occasions." But this is certainly different. He thought, his eyes narrowing. Jin smirked as Linus ruffled his head. A bit of pink flush made its way to his muzzle.
"Ya ready?" Linus asked.
The Treecko adjusted his Rescue Team bag and stepped forward. "Yeehaw! Now we're good ta go!"
After a couple of harsh complaints and bickering, the four of them ventured up the stairs, and outside of the Bristberg Highland Mystery Dungeon. Once outside, they caught a glimpse of the Bristberg Peaks in the distance. Pitch black clouds swarmed the dark teal mountaintop. Hail and ice reigned supreme. A deep rumble echoed from its depths.
"If you look down here," Nevada said as they led the group down towards the mountain base. "You'll find that we are in the Tapu Plains region!"
Everyone followed the Charmander’s advice and took in the sight of the massive fields of multicolor grain that the legendary Tapu Plains hosted. The stalks of red, blue, yellow, and pink sparkled in the afternoon sun.
Snow fell from the Bristberg Mountains as the four walked down a bridge to the grass-covered earth below. "Here is a rest stop called Prismacolor Plains, we can send a report to the folks who manage the request board in Bristberg," Nevada explained to their teammates.
They all still had further to head into the Midoriberg Mountain slope. This Mountain Range was to the Northwest of Bristberg, close to Midori Mori City on the East, and Tapu Plains to the North; it descended all the way towards the Tapu Valley Mountains and went down for kilometers. Close to what was also so far. A League that was hidden away in the shadows. But that wasn’t the destination, not for Team Sharp Claw anyway.
As they walked closer, Linus reached for the bag to ensure all the requested information was secure before nodding. "That's great-"
“There’s also a nice tavern here right?” Glade interrupted him with a shout, her tail wagging slightly.
The Treecko pushed her shoulder. “That ain’t important right now!” he yelled. “Wait till we actually reach the Boltund-gone place for Mew’s sake!”
For once there was a looming silence as the four walked through a dirt pathway beside some other travelers, the scenery becoming lusher with every step they took. Once the Rescue Team and the Committee ward found themselves nearing the final low green mountain base, beyond it held the settlement's small collection of buildings. In the warmer air, closer to the sea level, Pokemon of all types roamed.
The majority of buildings were newer, their slick profiles and edges made out of wood from Midori Mori's Forests and various metal deposits found in Bristberg's Mountains. To honor and pay for those materials the most profitable export of the land were the Berries that grew near wheat. Grepa, Leppa, and Cheri Berries to name a few.
Prismacolor Plains was a calm little place for travelers to rest, and also one of significance. This was one of the only places with a Police Department above Bristberg for Hundreds of kilometers. The surrounding Villages to the West and East were not under the watch of any major League-Bound Organizations, and thus danger could easily lurk around any corner.
After dealing with paperwork regarding the Wicked Blow grunts, and the requests at the meeting hall Team Sharp Claw followed Nevada towards a small shack that led underground. Before they all entered, the four reported their Mystery Dungeon run findings on their Rescue Team badges.
The Team and their charge walked down the steps of the shack and stopped in front of a hallway. There was a chalkboard with white, yellow, and blue writing on it: listing who was allowed in, the daily specials, opening and closing times, along with some ground rules. There were two Pokemon, a Noivern, and an Infernape who checked everyone's belongings before approving them for entry.
"Thanks for finding a decent tavern Nevada-" Linus started, as he managed to find seating that was low enough for his party.
"Woo! It's time for a fiesta!" the Totodile beside him cheered.
"I get it, I get it you're excited!" the Treecko sighed, catching the stares from other customers nearby. "But would ya stop interrupting ever' little thang I say!?"
The group paused their conversation for a Pansear waiter to take their orders before they continued.
"So," Jin started, slowly wagging his tail. "Today was an exciting and fascinating day. Who do we suppose was the cause of the pressure imbalance?"
"What caused it?" Glade reclined back on her stool. "That mana artifact device wheel thing, plain and simple!"
"I don't think it's plain and simple Glade," Nevada gently ran their claws against the wooden table.
Linus let his tails hit the floor as he moved the Team bag into his lap with a sigh. "Ya mean who sent their Sentinels after the Mana Wheel and knocked the darn thing off course."
"I think those Mercenaries were the ones who did it," the Totodile beside him snapped.
"But why would they?" Nevada asked. "That would hurt their fellow mercenaries in the Black Clovers remember?"
"But those guys were trying to find chances to pick a freaking fight with us!"
"Let's get real guys, it was probably Wicked Blow," Linus grumbled.
The table’s drinks arrived. A small bowl of sake, red Cheri wine, hard cider, and rum mixed with berry-blend soda.
Linus contined. “The Black Clover Mercenaries are smarter than we think after all, their top mon has been working with the Bristberg League on things we don’t even know about.”
“How do you know about this?” Jin pondered. “Have you perhaps been acquainted with them in the past, before today’s impromptu meeting?”
The Treecko took a sip of his cider and grinned. “Yeah, six years ago, I worked with those guys for about a year before I joined the League.”
“O-oh right,” the Charmander beside him brightened after a swig of their rum. “I remember you telling us about that when Glade and I first joined.”
The quiet ambiance of the tavern filled their minds as they drank their alcohol and relaxed. Soon the Pansear returned back to the table with a Pansage beside them. In their hands were Team Sharp Claw and Jin’s meals.
As they got through the majority of their food there was a rumble that shook the ceiling from above ground. Jin lifted his head from his plate and licked his maw clean. "Excuse me, my friends," he started. "May I tell you all something that I was just reminded of?"
"Go ahead," the Treecko across from him smiled, leaning forward to stare at him.
"Back in my homeland of Hisui I worked in an organization that I believe was quite similar to the Black Clover Mercenary Group in concept, it was called the Galaxy Corporation. My memory is a tad hazy unfortunately, I am under the impression my place of work was doing surveillance over the environment."
Glade hummed in thought. “So something like a Survey Corps, that sounds like work done in the Uncharted Galactic Region.”
“Speaking of work being done, what do you guys do with the Committee?" Nevada asked.
Jin's eyes suddenly fell towards the floor and his ears perked up. “I beg your pardon? You are asking to know what the Committee Heads force their staff to make us do?”
The Charmander flinched in their stool and tried to backpedal. "I mean you don't have to tell us anything you are uncomfortable with or think will get you in trouble!" they panicked.
"No, it is fine my friend," the Zorua sighed. ”The staff, as you all should know longs for Keepers of the world to hold themselves to a higher standard. One that is free from the pressures of anything outside their decree, and not to house a deeper thirst for knowledge on what dwells behind their walls. Namely secrets of various mana artifacts and the truth behind unlocking.”
“Hmm, that’s interesting, not sure I understand how that follows their mission statement. So where do you and the other wards under their control play in ta this? What do y’all do in exchange for living with the Committee?” Linus clinked the ice in his glass.
"The only activities we perform are arbitrary and meaningless tests. Such arduous tests. We are never enough for what they need, whatever it is they are after."
“Yes, but I will not go into detail to avoid worrying you all,” Jin curled his tail to the side.
Linus took a sip of his cider and crossed his arms. “Please go on, I’d to learn more about the Committee, just a little bit if you can.”
“No matter the time and place there is one sound that shall always haunt me. A tinkering of metallic machines,” the Zorua subconsciously bared his fangs. “Almost as if there are massive gears underneath the floorboards of the Committee.”
“W-wait, when did you hear these sounds?” Nevada whispered.
“This sound is one that lingers in between the shouting of threats and the beatings of me and my comrades."
“Your comrades? From the faraway land? Are they all strange colored Pokemon too?” Glade gently asked. “You mean like that Sneasel friend of yours?”
The Zorua took in a ragged breath. "Yes, her name is Toko.” He smiled faintly. “Our numbers are dwindling by the day, and none of us are the wiser to where they end up, not even the staff.”
“So some of you are disappearing they’re ending up free from all of those tests you are supposed to be conducting?” Linus finished his drink as the commotion above ground grew louder and louder.
“Yes, lest I speak too much, let this be known. The Heads only seek Eternity in the end, nothing more, nothing less,” Jin finished before solemnly dipping his snout towards his bowl of sake. He took small laps of the drink as his companions narrowed their eyes.
Something or someone was coming. Everyone in the tavern knew it. The shaking had stopped for a reason.
Suddenly, the Noivern from earlier flew towards the center stage of the tavern and firmly planted her claws on the floor, all idle conversations and chit-chat dying down immediately. “Listen up, those damn Lizards are attacking Mercs stationed at the Mosque of Tapu Koko, and have stolen one of the treasures!”
Nevada’s blue eyes went wide and they held their chest. The Charmander looked at their friends and back at the others in the area.
There were some hushed whispers and growls from patrons in the tavern before the Noivern smacked her tail on the floor. “Anyone worth their salt will know what to do!”
Pokemon cheered as they left their payments on their tables and rushed outside to the surface.Team Sharp Claw and Jin watched as the once lively tavern emptied out into just the workers and a couple older patrons. They then walked towards the cover of the shack.
“G-guys,” the Charmander breathed, squeezing tight onto Glade’s claw.
“What is it?” Linus tilted his head towards Nevada.
The Totodile in their grasp flinched as the grip got tighter. “You know who those Lizard bastards are or something?”
Nevada shivered for a moment and then let go of her claw. They took a deep breath and smacked their cheeks. “Yes, we need to leave, now!” The fire on their tail shot out.
“Got it,” Linus said before fastening up the team bag and patting Jin on the head. “Let’s go!”
The four of the scrambled towards the gates of Prismacolor Plains as the village’smon fought with and chased after Helioptile, Kecleon, Salandit, and Grovyle. Notably there were a couple of Charmander and Sobble that hesitantly gave out orders.
Soon Nevada, Linus, Jin, and Glade found themselves heading downhill. Beyond a stretch of plains just outside the settlement was large sections of rich green earth and teal towards a valley that led through the Bristberg and Midoriberg Mountains.
Unfortunately, behind them in the sky was an orange blur. Even as the team and the Zorua ran, they couldn’t outpace him, the Charizard and the Pokemon riding on him. As the Charizard landed in front of the valley, a Drizzlie, Helioptile, and Salandit hopped off his shoulders and back. All four of them wore orange and blue checked sleeves. These were marks of a Bounty Hunter.
"Well well well," the Charizard started before smirking. "What are you Bristberg League guys doing out here!?"
"I could say the same !" Nevada growled, their claws lengthening. "Get out of here and get on back home!"
The Charizard pulled back his wings, and fired off an Air Slash at them. Before the light blue crescents hit Glade and Linus blocked the attack with Water Gun and Energy Ball. The combination of the water and grass-type moves crashed into the massive blades of wind and dispelled its power.
He jumped back and crossed his arms. “We’ve got a bounty on any information on you Pokemon from Bristberg. You knew this would happen eventually, Arizona," the Charizard said before his grunts charged at the two.
The Helioptile fired off a Thunder Shock at the Totodile while the Salandit sprayed out a Poison Gas over the Treecko. The four exchanged further blows.
Glade rushed at the Helioptile, with the red energy of Brick Break, once close she chopped them in the side.
Linus coughed as the toxic fumes entered his lungs before he launched forward with a Quick Attack.
Their opponents smirked as they shrugged off their blows before they fired back.
The Charmander glanced over at the looks of dismay on their teammates' faces and exhaled, their breath turning into steam as the snowfall and sleet became heavier. The plunging depths of the temperatures fueled their rage and frustration even more.
“My name isn't Arizona anymore, Seminole! That Charmander died the moment I left the tribe,” Nevada growled, and poked the Charizard in the chest.
Seminole lowered his head and snapped his fingers.
The Drizzlie beside him launched forward and punched the Charmander in the gut before shoving them away. “Yeah, he died right when our mother died!” she yelled.
“I wasn’t the one who killed her Ocala!” Nevada snapped back, staggering upright. “T-those other Bounty Hunters, ones from those rival tribes did!"
"It was to protect you wasn't it!?"
"No, M-mother gave me her egg. The last thing she did was plead with me to run away and keep the egg safe! It's all I wanted to do, why can't you understand that?!"
Nevada’s brother swung his claw at them but the Charmander struck back, blocking the attack. "Keep telling yourself that Arizona, we all know you were the one who got her killed!" the Charizard yelled.
Seminole reached past Nevada and grabbed Jin, which removed the Zorua's cloak in the process. "What's with this Zorua fella anyway?" he questioned with a snarl. "He's all white and grey!"
"You get your filthy claws off of our friend!" Nevada shouted, punching the Charizard in the maw with Rock Tomb.
The powerful rock-type move Seminole sent him stumbling backward, his eyes wide in surprise.
Nevada adjusted their sash and stood forward. “The two of you are ridiculous!”
Jin freed himself from the Charizard’s grasp with a yelp. “Nevada!” he jumped into their arms. The Zorua shivered in fear, while his tail curled between his legs.
The Charmander quickly covered Jin back up as his trembling grew more intense.
"Oh wow, this," Seminole growled, wiping the blood from his nose. "This is the first time you've hit me."
"Tell your grunts to put back the treasure of Tapu Koko!" the Charmander demanded, holding tightly onto Jin.
The Charizard looked down at his arms and slowly shook."It's not just a treasure, we Bounty Hunters were forced into taking orders by that Weavile for a reason. Who knows what Wicked Blow will do if we screw up?"
“Stop this madness and go back home!”
"Or what?" Ocala mocked. "The little bitch and his little friends think they are gonna stop the might of all of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters?"
"What'da you say bitch!?" Linus yelled when he was done fighting the Helioptile. "Don't ya know what Nevada’s done for so many Pokemon with us these past five years!?"
“Shut the vell up you stupid little grass eater!" Seminole yelled. “Go back to the inbred Ditto ranch where you belong!”
"You take that back!" Glade shouted, before she fired off a Water Gun.
"I can't hear anything over that stupid accent!" The Charizard shot out a sweeping Flamethrower at the Totodile. The overpowering might of flames sent her falling back down. “Can’t believe you work with one of these Pokemon from those dirty beaches down south who can’t even speak ‘Stelliation properly!”
Glade channeled the energy of Water Gun all across her body as the fire encroached on her scales. "Stop talking shit about my friends!" the Totodile shouted once she suppressed the move from damaging her.
"You honestly think I care?” the Charizard reached into his pocket and shattered an orb.
On cue, four more Salandit and Helioptile grunts appeared. The four let out a haunting war cry and followed their coworkers into battle. Wasting no time, they launched off blasts of fire and bursts of electricity before they attacked Linus and Glade again.
"Gah dammit!" the two groaned as they were overpowered by the Bounty Hunters.
“Arizona is still the same pathetic little Charmander who could’ve evolved if he hadn’t been such a weakling!”
“Say all you want, Seminole, I just need you to leave, please,” Nevada begged, and tears formed in their eyes. The Charmander trembled and took in a gasp of air.“I-I’ve got a new family here in Bristberg, h-here at the League that actually cares about me, unlike you.”
“Oh that’s right, there’s that mercenary group hiding away in that town that owes us money,” Seminole laughed, as extended his wings. "They wear green, black, and gold, somethin' about clovers or some nonsense!"
“And I think it’s time that you face punishment for your crimes, Arizona,” the Drizzlie said. “You can’t forget that you let Mississippi die and let Dakota get captured. We haven’t seen them ever since you ran away like a coward!”
"You know what that means,” the Charizard roared.
Ocala tossed a barrage of Muddy Water balloons towards her sibling's feet, and nearly clocked them in the legs.“We're gonna make you play a game.”
“I told you two I didn't do it!" Nevada yelled. "The both of you shouldn’t be worried about that stupid lie as Keepers!”
"How would a useless Sentinel like you understand anything?" the Charizard fumed. "Don't make me laugh."
"Understand? What have the Bounty Hunters done in terms of research!? You don't even understand what the Leagues started to uncover and learn about Sentinels and different mana artifacts over these last five years!"
“Now now that's not important. It's a simple game, don't worry.”
“I’m gonna send my Bounty Hunter friends here to blow up the whole place,” the Charizard launched another Air Slash, this time aimed at Jin. “If those bastards don’t come running out, we'll scorch it to the ground!”
Nevada dived in the way of the move and took the full force of the attack.
“I," they strained as the last Reviver Seed in the team bag revived them, trying to get back up. "I w-won’t let you get away with something like that!”
“What?” Ocala asked. “Don’t get so worked up little brother,” she reached forward, grabbed Jin and lifted him into the air.
The Zorua whimpered as the grip on his neck got tighter. “H-help me Nevada!”
“Put him down!” Nevada demanded, reaching forward.
"Calm down," Seminole chuckled. "We won't blow up the town if you meet us back at these gates in two weeks."
"If you don't agree right now we'll show you a demonstration on this little freak of a Zorua," the Drizzlie scowled, and her body began to glow neon green as she charged up U-Turn.
"Please don't!" Nevada fell on their knees. "I'll do anything!"
"That's right," the Charizard said before he grabbed them by their League sash. He built up fire in his maw as the Charmander swung around ferociously. "Beg for mercy, you're gonna need it Arizona."
The sound of a siren of Echoed Voice and Screech came from the town. The cacophony grew louder as it echoed across the mountains above the plains.
Seminole cleared his throat. "Hmmph, looks like our time here is running out."
"I don’t know what bind Wicked Blow has over you but why would ya do that to Nevada!" Linus yelled. "They're your little sibling and you treat them like that!"
"Not any longer," the Drizzlie said. "It doesn't matter what happens to this poor excuse of a Pokemon."
"You’ll pay for this! Don’t think you can get away with threatening to destroy the homes and hurt hundreds of Pokemon all over some nonsense!" Glade shouted.
"Quit complaining, you asinine fools! You can't even deal with my hunters," Seminole laughed. "Why do you think you can face me?"
"You keep calling Arizona these names and treating him like an actual two-spirit when really he's just a stupid confused little boy," Ocala threw Jin straight at the Charmander.
They caught the Zorua and helped him onto the ground. Nevada then pushed him behind their body.
"You can have your silly little fox back."
"Why'd you do that to him? He isn't even part of this, part of my mess," the Charmander growled. "And I thought I told you I'm not a boy."
The sirens of the Police Pokemon got louder as they approached the clearing from the distant slope. The terror of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters was not going to last too long today, not in Prismacolor Plains anyway.
"You're not the same Pokemon you used to be huh?" Seminole questioned.
Nevada’s tail flame scorched through the air. “Of course not!”
"Really? Prove that by showing up by the deadline then," the Charizard snapped his claws together.
Without a word, his Salandit and Helioptile grunts suddenly unleashed their full strength. The four of them launched out a powerful spray of poison and a Discharge of electricity at Linus and Glade.
Once the moves connected with the Treecko and Totodile, they were instantly knocked out.
The Bounty Hunters faded back into the shadows, releasing a blast of toxic and static-filled mist.
Ocala took one glance at Nevada once their Totodile and Treecko friends fell onto the snow and smirked. The Drizzlie saw an opening. "Hmph, you're not a kid anymore huh?" she asked.
The Charmander calmed their nerves. “I’m- I'm not scared of you Ocala!”
She stared over at Nevada and smirked. “Oh? Think you’re too old to fear me? And all of my power?”
"Know your place!" the Drizzlie jumped towards the Zorua beside them. When her limbs almost hit Jin Ocala tilted to do a feint. She pivoted to the left at the last moment, kicking her water-coated foot and tail at the Charmander, nailing them directly in the chest and in the crotch.
With a choked gasp Nevada immediately collapsed onto the snow. The Charmander clenched their teeth as they doubled over in agony. They struggled for a couple of seconds before they fainted.
While this happened, Ocala bounced off the ground, and flew high above the short tree tops. Seminole caught her before she hit the ground. The Charizard then took off into the cloudy sky, leaving the four, young but still adult Pokemon behind.
“Nevada?” Jin nudged the limp body of the Charmander. He received no response, he then walked over to Glade and Linus.
He pushed on their sides with his snout but still, the Zorua also got no response. "Companions?" Jin softly whispered. As his heart rate increased, dread set in. The Zorua's tail clung to his underbelly, and his ears folded back.
“Oh wait, the Coordinator mentioned something about their badges!” Jin pressed one of his forepaws into the triangle-shaped badge and waited. " Please pick up, please pick up someone. We need your help, I need your help!" The Zorua begged.
Seconds passed as Jin continued to hold down on the triangular badge, the sirens and shouting of the Police Pokemon drew near.Just then, as a single tear fell from the white Zorua’s eyes there was a rustling in some nearby mountainside. "Huh?" he whimpered, and lifted his head.
A Stoutland was in view, she ran across the green mountain behind them, her brown and navy fur flew in the wind majestically. "By Mew! There you are!" she called out. The Zorua stood still as stared into the Stoutland's determined black eyes and noticed the accessories adorning her body; a multicolor harness, with shining medals fastened to the front and a large saddle pack along her sides.
She landed across from the four Pokemon with a thud, snowflakes flew from her coat with every step she took. In awe stricken fascination, Jin asked "If I may, who are you?" as the Chief drew near.
The Stoutland hurriedly approached her Rescue Team and their new friend. She then dropped her bag to the ground just as the Police Pokemon were in an eyeshot. "Don't worry, I'm Chief McBone Stoutland! Chief of the Bristberg Mana Research League!"
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