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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Hi kiba i am here for the blitz, lets get started

Chapter 1

Ah the question of the ages. And a title drop all in one stab. Nice.

From the four floors down line i am going to say i suspect that we're in a mystery dungeon. I have to admit at the "rich trees" line I kept imagining animal crossing money trees for a moment.. A quick nod towards if theyre rich in greenery, bark, color, or presence, probably would help clear it up.

And called it we are in a wood version of a dungeon. Nice.

Outsiders? Like bandits maybe or is the dungeon spawning types not combatable with our pov character? I have to admit going from near trip to limbering to striving to... Take a flight? is the pov a flying type?

Keeps reading to digit line... No not a flyer.

Suffice to say i am a bit confused. But we get some of the dungeons alien geomatry rules when pov can't get thier physics to work for them.

Ok so definitly not a flyer. Hello treecko, and an underling treecko Since they refered thier captian.

And there's a pidgeotto on Tree's tail. Luckily that gust missed but still" run little guy, run. You don't sound o.p. enough to tank flying attacks.

This is an interesting intro to the mana system. I have some questions though.

Are the outlaws making mana by just... Hanging around in the dungeon? Is the conflict summoning it? or is tree' lucking out and picking up normal mana vibes just by being in a dungeon?

Also what makes pidg's gust so wierd verses tree's quick attack?

Laughs. While i can respect captians orders with four bandits one after the other I have some suspicions about cap's motives.

As in was this a set up. Or did the rng decide "i hate you" and is acting on it.

So we're introing factions. We got a merc status that totally explains the "money money money" mentality thats being flaunted thus far...

So sentinals are cops and keepers are mana upkeepers/farmers?

Regardless, being ratted out as inept at your born status/station by a murder bird has gotta sting. Until you consider its a murder bird. Then it just seems smart to stop caring.

Also all that bragging about beimg such a great keeper despite being a homocidal maniac kinda falls flat. I mean, who'd wanna keep that, hufflepuff will likely return him, there's a multiple was to swing several burns here without trying...

Well thats a rescue. And we get a canon version of a rescue team? Wonder how relations are between factions.

Guess we get to find out...

And we get tre- i mean Linus as our p.o.v. nice to know and we'll see how the new blood aka ranger doggo is gunna take it.

Ok, so ranger doggo is chill. And is nerding out a bit with Linus. They have a fun back and forth and you can hear Linus getting hearts in his eyes.

And i am sensing zero loyalty to the mercs. Especially if the idea of getting to play with mana research tools is all but making Linas drool.

And theres a league, like a mon league? How does that work without trainers?

I've got so many questions...

Snorts torchic scratch writing. I mean it works but thats gotta be bad to have your whole starter evolution devolved to a joke.

So Linas is jumping boat? Wonder how thats going to go down. I hope lycans chill with this grassy new engrained attachment.

That needs confidince pats?

And so.the adventure comtinues
..Linus is out and joining sharp claw and we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for sharing.
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Flygon connoisseur
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  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Blitz time, ch 1!

So I feel obliged to say up front that the formatting made it really hard for me to read easily. Mainly the large spaces between sentences. This usually happens because of how the forum can interpret copy pastes. Deleting every space if it was copy pasted can be annoying, but I believe there's now a command for that. I genuinely recommend this because it'll definitely help readability.

Okay that aside, I'll give a few line comments and thoughts!

Starting right in the action I see!

"You think you can hide from me just because you are a Sentinel!?" the Pigeotto roared.

In this Hemisphere, everyone was either a Keeper or a Sentinel- both with responsibilities.
I found it a tad awkward to receive this narration right before an explanation was given, particularly since this is an action scene. I think perhaps you might be better serviced by taking out the explanation in favor of the more organic delivery later.
"Yeah, we don't make much money in our Rescue Team," the Lycanroc sighed.

I glanced down at my side and applied the bandage to the wound. "Ya don't do requests or missions?"

“This was a request. There have been reports of a suspicious Pokémon nearby, so we League Pokémon had to split up to cover more ground."
I have to admit this caught me off guard for a sec because it sounded like he just said he was in a Rescue team, but also a league. However I see that apparently Leagues work alongside rescue teams?

"No. I'm also a Keeper, a Pokémon sensitive to the shifting of mana."
So I know this is for the audiences benefit but if this is common knowledge, it feels pretty weird to explain this, since Linus should already know. it'd be a little like someone saying 'hi I'm a doctor! that means I help heal people with medicine'. This is actually not a bad place to insert the narration from earlier! Example:

A Keeper. One naturally attuned to sense shifting aura. That explained how he'd found the Pidgeotto. In this Hemisphere, everyone was either a Keeper or a Sentinel- both with responsibilities. Responsibilities not everyone adhered to.

"I remember when I handed in my last Expedition assignment, back then I was still supporting the League. I just didn't know it."
I thought he just said he was here with the league, but here sounds like he's not with them? Not a big deal, as this is possibly simply some worldbuilding politics that will be expanded on later.

In the distance there was a Boltund wearing a three-tone scarf like the Lycanroc, one who paced around the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon. "Are they with you?" I asked.

The Lycanroc gently nudged me. "Yeah, and soon you can too."
I think this wording reads a little smoother as "Soon you can be too?"

Overall I think the idea of mana as a magic system in a PMD world is really cool! Reminds me of aura, heh. I know some people may not enjoy such concrete or game-leaning stuff, but I for one think its very cool! You allude to some really interesting stuff in how its used. Pidgeotto seems to have grown unnaturally strong. Mana is apparently something in the air or just sort of in the world around them. It was a good tie in to see Linus has to 'reach' for normal mana around him.

I think this is a good setup for a story, as it establishes the first bit of conflict, some new characters, and introduces our main character. Or at least, one of them, in Linus, as I bet there will be more. You also show of the first parts of your magic system. Aside from the formatting quirk I mentioned I thought the beats here intrigued me. Overpowered and weirdly strong pokemon, unique spin on magic, and clearly some different guilds and organizations, as well as roles people in the world play!

I think one area I'd like to see more of would actually be Linus himself! We get a little bit of internal narration here and there, but one of the most fun parts of first person is getting a direct feed into the POV characters thoughts. First person is a great way to show that. Show us how he's feeling, what he's thinking. I liked seeing his thoughts on Keepers and Sentinels, clearly he has strong opinions. But during the latter half of the chapter, he decides to quit his mercenary job and join this Lycanroc he just met! This is a spot it'd be lots of fun to see more thoughts from Linus.

Does he admire the Lycanroc so much he wants to join him? Is he sick of the mercenaries for some reason? Or perhaps he's just someone not good with committments and likes to always try new things. I actually wasn't sure! But I bet you know your character well. Giving that insight into what kind of person your MC is, something he desires or holds important, is the best way to draw in readers and keep them hooked.

Anyways, I hope this doesn't feel too negative or anything and you find something helpful among my thoughts. I'm glad I got a chance to take a look at this, its been a little while since I read PMD. Happy writing!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, dropping in for a quickie review while working my way down my target list of users to give at least one review to. I remember a while back that you said that this chapter was actually a climax to a two-parter with Chapter 6, so that seemed like as good a place to jump back into things:

Chapter 7

Chapter Summary
Team Sharp Claw has now experienced a new breakthrough at the League. But they aren't ready for everything yet, therefore it's time to learn some new moves and show their knowledge to the prospects.​

I’m not sure when you implemented these chapter summaries, but they’re definitely convenient for readers coming back after a bit of an absence. It kinda gives me the vibe of one of those “previously on” recaps from a cartoon show or something like that.

Glade Totodile's POV

Four Pokémon stood in the back of the practice field, right beside the various-sized Substitute targets, and brightened when they saw us coming. The Quilava and the Oshawott nuzzled up next to each other while the Luxio and Rowlet chatted.

Oh, those four are definitely new. Or at least, I think that they’re new.

"Howdy folks!" Linus cheered. "Team Sharp Claw has finally made it!"

Nevada slowly nodded. "T-thanks for having us! We'll do our best!"

I’m not really sure how I feel about Linus talking about his team in the third person like that. Like on the one hand, it’s not wrong, but it does feel like it’d be a bit strange to actually talk that way.

[ ]

"It's time to learn some new moves and fuck shit up!" I patted my teammates on the back.

[ ]

"Alright, our teammates will take it over from here. Here are some of the TMs Team Aegisdrip got from their missions," Morág pointed down to a box.

I feel like we’re missing a bit of description here, both to ground what’s going through Glade’s head since that’s not really being communicated prior to her line (though I’m guessing that she’s supposed to be excited) or to Morág et al’s reaction to Team Sharp Claw.

Devontay smiled and gave a little bow to the best of his ability. "That Team Aegisdrip is busy right now, so these guys are taking over the training. Please behave yourselves and learn well!"

I put my arms behind my back as the Pawinard and the Whirlpede then walked through the practice field back to the League Building.

It might have made sense to give a reminder of Morág and Devontay’s species before they started speaking. Though I do wonder if “these guys” should’ve just been a namedrop assuming that they are familiar with Quilava and the others enough to know their names.

Angel the Quilava opened the box and pointed inside. "Here, we have Brick Break for Glade, Solar Beam for Nevada, and Energy Ball for Linus," she explained.

Angel was never introduced all this time unless this was worked into an earlier chapter, so this name is kinda coming out of nowhere. At the very least, you should probably implement some description from Glade’s PoV where she has something to the effect of “oh huh, Angel’s here” while walking in a bit earlier.

Linus, Nevada, and I leaned forward to gaze at the TMs. The wind grew a bit intense and we shuffled back. [ ]

"First things first!" Kairiharu the rather big Oshawott shouted, and Nevada jumped into Linus's arms. "Use all of your current moves on the Substitutes!"

Kairiharu is also coming out of nowhere here, both in terms of a name and jumping into the scene. I would recommend adding at least a sentence or two of further description turning Glade’s focus to him/her as s/he steps forward or something like that. Also, yeah, this is why it probably would’ve made sense to spend a bit more time describing these two when Glade initially saw them, since I didn’t get the idea at all that Kairiharu was unusually large up until just now.

"Now now, my love, don't startle them," the Quilava sighed.

"These three are fine, they knew they were going to be under the care of Team Whitelight," the Oshawott replied and lowered her ears. "But I'll relax and try not to get carried away."

Oh, so that’s what these two (or four?) are called. Wonder what the story behind their names is.

"Kairiharu's just stoked to have some more competition, right~?" Ollie, the lanky Rowlet asked with a thrilled hoot.

Okay, yeah. This is a team of four. Noted, then.

That's weird. [ ]

"Competition?" I asked.

IMO, you should take some time to get into Glade’s head to explain what she finds so weird about this interaction at the moment.

[ ]

"I ain't expecting y'all to think of us like that!" Linus panicked, and his eyes darted around. "I've gotta live up 'ta that!"

"But- but what if we aren't good enough?" Nevada stepped away.

I get the feeling that this will be happening a bit in this chapter, but as a general rule of thumb, you want to explicitly note when characters’ moods are changing rather than leave it all up to the dialogue to carry. Like my assumption is that these two are basically double-taking, but that’s merely an assumption that I’m making, while explicit description would go a long way to showing off how the scene is supposed to play out in your envisioning.

The Luxio, Enrique, padded up behind us and gently nuzzled Linus and Nevada. "Don't worry, just do your best!"

Another spot where a character is being casually referred to without being introduced beforehand.

I crossed my arms and stifled a growl as he got close, but he remained at an appropriate distance anyway.


Even if he's a fellow League mate, I still can't help it! I really hate that stupid side of me. He's not like them. Those are the only Pokémon I should hate. Wicked Blow.

I… think that Glade’s thought process is missing a step here. It might’ve made sense to slow down a bit and show her thought process in a bit more detail if it’s not significant character spoilers since I’m not fully sure what this “I still can’t help it!” is referring to.

"Hit 'em those Substitutes with everything you've got!" Ollie cheered. "Then you can get some new moves!"

This sentence IMO works better with Ollie just being a bit more direct about what the “‘em” is, since for a second I forgot that they were facing down Substitutes and thought they were about to spar with each other.

[ ]


After we practiced all of our moves on the Substitutes, Ollie flew up to each of us and perched on our heads. "Alrighty, you three! We've figured out the best move combinations for you~!" they chirped. The Rowlet was still fairly thin even after Devolution so we didn't mind. At least I didn't.

I lined up in front of the medium-sized Substitute and smirked to myself. Ooh, I'm so fucking hyped!

I’m… not really feeling how this one sentence is basically carrying at least 5 minutes of action on its own. Like I get that you don’t want to spend too much time describing a dozen attacks that ultimately don’t matter much to the progression of the plot, but even just smash cutting Glade’s first attack on a Substitute and then pulling a “Five minutes later, after [...]” skipahead does a lot more to make things feel dynamic in a way that the present implementation doesn’t.

"Linus, you will swap out Leafage for Energy Ball! The rest of your moves are adequate for now!" Kairiharu ordered and gave the Treecko the Technical Manual.

Then Enrique picked up a similar green disk booklet in his teeth and passed it to the Charmander beside me. "I'd suggest exchanging Scratch with Solar Beam."

Angel then walked on her back legs for a moment and gave me a red-colored TM. "Brick Break allows you to cover more Pokémon elemental type weaknesses. You would find yourself in a good situation to remove Scratch as well."

Yeah, see above. Since we literally didn’t see anyone on team use any attacks, so it feels a bit weird to have an acknowledgement of “yeah, I saw that attack you were doing in that one glossover sentence” like this.

"Team Sharp Claw! We should activate the discs now!" Linus cheered before he flashed a smile. Then we broke them.

Wait, so did they literally just crunch the discs into pieces or something? Or else what does ‘breaking’ these discs look like?

The soft bread-like taste of normal-type mana left me and the rush of strong thick fighting-type mana flooded my body. [ ]

"Let's go!" I roared.

[ ] and I channeled Brick Break on my forearms before I chopped directly at one of the Substitutes. The attack sliced it clean in half.

I didn’t realize that different types of mana had distinct tastes. Though I would strongly recommend dwelling on the sensations that Glade is feeling a bit more. e.x. as a throwaway example that may or may not comport with how the rules of your setting work:

The soft bread-like taste of normal-type mana left me and the rush of strong thick fighting-type mana flooded my body. I felt a sudden energy pulse through my veins and work through my limbs, which made me feel as if I could tear down a mountain. I squared off with my latest Substitute and opened my mouth with a bellowing roar.

Let's go!"

I ran ahead and I channeled Brick Break on my forearms. Much to my surprise, everything about the move came so smoothly as I flattened my claw out and chopped directly at one of the Substitutes. It dug into the Substitute and just kept going, until it sliced it clean in half.

Though yeah. You clearly have a mental image in mind for moments like these. Just remember to describe more of it for your readers.

Next to me, Linus dashed forward with his palm against his Substitute, and the green orb of Energy Ball tore the fabric.

"What the voidlands?!" I yelped as I distanced myself from the Treecko.

Linus: “Glade, I’m a Grass-type. How is this so surprising to you?”

I glanced over to Nevada and saw their claws near their stomach, as green and yellow swirls of grass-type power spun around like Dragonair's Twister! Finally, after a couple of seconds, it fired, and the Solar Beam exploded the Substitute.

The three Substitutes took only a blink of an eye and to reappear, their damage fixed completely. [ ]

"Good work Team Sharp Claw," the Luxio purred. "However, there are some other moves we think you should try learning."

Huh. So there’s regenerating Substitutes in this setting, duly noted. Though IMO, it probably makes sense to describe Team Whitelight reacting a bit to Team Sharp Claw’s practicing there.

Nevada nervously glanced at Team Whitelight. "W-what do you mean by trying to learn?"

[ ] I never really realized it but maybe we've neglected our true potential. I guess we aren't strong enough for everything that could come our way. I'm not strong enough to deal with them. The ones who made me this way.

This feels like it’s missing a step to put Glade in the mindset of thinking about her true potential. Like is there something specific either about Team Whitelight or her teammates that makes the topic come to mind?

[ ]

"In the next week, we think you should learn and try using the following moves: Flamethrower instead of Ember. You're a big strong Charmander, ya know Nevada? You gotta have flames to match it,” Ollie hooted. “And Glade, those Totodile teeth of yours are made for bigger things. Learn Crunch instead of Bite." Ollie hooted.

It probably makes sense to have some explicit description to move Glade’s attention back to Ollie here.

"Don't yell at me!" Nevada's tail flame sparked out.

The Rowlet darted away at that moment and landed on Enrique's head. [ ]

"What's wrong?" the Luxio's ears fell as he spoke.

[ ]

"O-oh, you sounded like h-him for a second," the Charmander grabbed Linus's hand and looked down. "But he's not here. Sorry for yelling."

Shit! Talking about Nevada's species like that brought back some bad memories… That used to not be a trigger for them. Wordlessly I placed my claw in theirs and they gripped it slightly.

I feel like that you have a certain depiction in mind for what this would look like drawn out in terms of reaction and body language from the various characters. It probably makes sense to describe them a bit more, since this part was a bit hard to visualize.

"No no no," Ollie hooted softly. "I'm sorry for saying it that way. I believe in you."

"Those are obvious move upgrades, they allow you to unleash more of your latent power," the Quilava placed her head against the Charmander's shoulder. "Nevada, though… We think you could benefit from trying out another long-range move like Heat Wave. We'll have to see if you can really work well with it instead of close combat."

[ ]

"We'll have to see?" I asked, and folded my arms. "See after what?"

This feels like another part where it’d benefit to see the gears in Glade’s head turn a bit more.

Team Whitelight exchanged some coy looks with each other and whispered something. "The coming week."

[ ]

"Okay. Let's go!" Linus yelled and then he formed another Energy Ball and tossed it at a Substitute.

Wait, did Glade hear the “coming week” remark? If so, does she have any opinions about it? Since I was honestly expecting her to have more commentary about things before the gang went straight back to practicing.

As we practiced the rest of our moves near Team Whitelight, I heard a little noise behind us and turned my head to get a quick glance. There was a Granbull who headed our way.

"Hello. Team Sharp Claw, you have a request," Sir Cooper explained. "It's from me, 360 poke. Can you help teach the rest of the material with me?"

Team Sharp Claw:

Glade: “A little too easy, actually… why’s he bringing this up now anyways?”

Nevada, Linus, and I looked up from our opponents. I groaned as I let the fighting-type mana leave my arms. "Gah, I wanted to test out my new moves some more!"

"All of you will be able to do so soon. Come on," the Granbull started to lead us back to the patio. "Even more importantly, though… you know how Team Aegisdrip helped you with your Entrance Exam?"

Wait, but I thought that the ‘material’ was the moves that they were practicing. If it’s not, it probably makes sense to be a bit more specific about what this ‘material’ that Cooper is referring to is.

[ ]

"Y-yes, we definitely needed their assistance to pass," the Charmander next to me lamented.

"Yeah, I was a bit of a dumbass so I barely passed," I sighed.

Linus patted me on the shoulder. "I guess I'm also a dumbass, I actually failed the first time I took the exam."

You probably want more reaction from some combination of Glade and Team Sharp Claw here, since this is very close to words in a vacuum here.

"Oh right, that's why you didn't join the League right away!" I laughed.

[ ]

"Remember how Team Aegisdrip helped you all. Help their younger siblings, Mienfoo and Slowbro," Coordinator Cooper urged us.

"Y-younger siblings!?" we gasped.

Ditto here for if Cooper has any reaction to the three’s commentary. Though wait, have these two actually appeared on-screen thus far? If so and Team Sharp Claw were there for it, it might make sense to add and explicit reminder.

"Yes," he answered.

"Those two?" I asked. "Why don't we know more about them? Like their names?"

[ ]

"Their names are withheld for Disruption safety procedures, but once they pass you best remember them. Just as everymon did for you."

Something about this section feels like it’s missing description to help the readers visualize the scene. My personal suggestion is to slot it in before Cooper starts talking again, but it could potentially work elsewhere.

"Understood," we all replied.


Soon we made it back in front of the prospects. "Okay, you two, feel free to ask us anything!" the Granbull explained.

This is another spot where it feels like things are very, very sped up at the moment. I would suggest either adding a hard scene cut or else a couple sentences of descriptive transition. Potentially both.

"Keepers and the world's balance…" Mienfoo started to say, while they looked off to the side. "We as Keepers know what they are, but what do they mean to Sentinels?"

"Well," Coordinator Cooper sighed, "this was supposed to be a simple lesson, but I guess we can humor you."

[ ]

"Who really are Keepers?" Slowbro rubbed underneath his chin.

I’ll avoid getting too broken record about it, but yeah. Show off that mental image of yours regarding how this is playing out a bit more, especially if Glade is having internal mental commentary about things.

"Keepers are Pokémon that are in tune with the world's balance of mana," Nevada repeated slowly.

'"What does that mean?" Mienfoo grumbled. "There's a balance to all this?"

Linus: “Gods, this is going to be a real headache of a mission, I can already tell.”

"You all know that there is the mana that we use for elemental typing in our bodies and in our moves, right?" Linus asked.

"Yes," Slowbro and Mienfoo answered.

"There is also mana, the same mana that is in the outside world, all across the Celestial Hemisphere," I gestured to the sky.

[ ]

"So the mana that is in the world is called the balance?" Mienfoo questioned. "How does the balance of mana really work with Keepers?"

"The balance is something Keepers can understand in their body." The Charmander started writing on the board. "How equal the energy of each elemental type is."

Waaaaaaait, but didn’t we get this explanation in a prior chapter before? If it’s explaining the same information to new characters, it might make sense to gloss the stuff that has been already introduced and give specific focus on the parts that are new to the reader.

"What else exactly?" Slowbro tilted his head. "We know you've told us you felt this terrible pressure in odd Mystery Dungeons before."

"Oh, and bad tastes from other Keepers' presences. What about mana levels by themselves?"

"We can tell if other Pokemon's mana levels are unequal only if they are unlocked," the Coordinator explained.

… Wait, but how on earth is any of this quantifiable in this setting? Since I didn’t recall them having much in the way of machinery lying around.

"Unlocked means that someone used the key artifact of one of their types on them, correct?" Mienfoo asked.

"Yes," Linus answered. "Now for the world's balance, it gets tricky, as there are factors based on where you are, either inside a Mystery Dungeon or just in a normal area."

"Inside a Mystery Dungeon, there is an average amount of mana pressure that we Keepers can feel," the Granbull explained. "Normally it is firm, but if it is 'crushing'," he then paused. "Or too 'loose', this means the Dungeon is unbalanced."

I… kinda wonder if Cooper’s explanation should’ve been paired closer to the ‘pressure’ question with the rest of the stuff in this conversation coming later, since this feels like a bit of a roundabout dialogue path to get back to the topic of mana pressure here.

"The unbalanced state of the world meant Keepers of Wicked Blow messed with the mana artifacts," I pointed at the board.

Like a whiteboard, or…? Though yeah, this is why description to set scenery and stuff like that is important, since I kinda double-taked after seeing this mentioned.

"The artifacts…" the Slowbro grumbled and clenched his eyes in concentration.

Nevada sighed. "Don't fret about it, you'll search for them with the League in no time. Well, I hope. M-most Keepers don't know where exactly, it could be here or on another Continent."

Ah yes, that really narrows things down, now doesn’t it? /s

"Oh, I see," Slowbro nodded. "Hopefully Keepers and Sentinels can work together and find possible locations for them."

"What are the locations called?" Mienfoo asked. "So we can go inside, go beat up Wicked Blow, and save the world!"

"Mana Temples," the Coordinator finished wiping down both boards. "They are hidden away inside Mystery Dungeons."

[ ]

"What?!" those two Pokémon shouted. "Just like that!? In places, we go daily?!"

So wait, are these random spawns like those doorways / houses or whatever that sometimes get dropped in in-game? If so, do teams just go through Mystery Dungeons repeatedly until they come across one of these Mana Temples? Or is there a way to influence whether or not they appear.

"Yes, Mystery Dungeons," Coordinator Cooper smiled.

The pair of Pokémon finally closed their notebooks. The Mienfoo rubbed their shoulders while the Slowbro absent-mindedly picked at the shell attached to his tail.

Glade: “Oh, well this teaching session is going smoothly right about now.” -_-;

"Team Sharp Claw, Cooper, just the Pokémon I wanted to see!" a muffled voice called out.

I snapped my jaw shut as I realized who the Pokemon was.

"Sir Chief McBone!?" I gasped.

The Stoutland had a sealed letter tube in her mouth and then released it. "You can read the contents here. Team Sharp Claw and everymon should be aware."

If McBone is female, that would be “Madam Chief McBone” there. Though looks like we’re going to get that escalation to this chapter after all.

Team Whitelight, as if on cue, rushed over to the patio and stood behind us.

Glade: “... Chief McBone? What’s going on right now?” ._.

"Master Zeraora will reach the Mohz Dunes 'soon'. Estimated time is around 1 or so months of travel after going up through the Hunter's Plains villages to the west of Bristberg," I listened closely as Sir Cooper repeated the information from the letter Sir McBone received.

He continued. "They will be on the lookout for Keepers who don't take their responsibilities seriously, particularly ones who should know better…"

The Granbull glanced over at our shocked expressions. [ ]

"That's definitely just a fear-mongering tactic, but we can never be too careful. Especially with Pokémon that have not received any education on proper Keeper behavior."

I… think that we should’ve been told a bit more through Glade’s PoV as to what is so significant about Master Zeraora looking out for irresponsible Keepers. Like I get that they’re supposed to be finding it ominous, but it’s not really elaborated on why, and I’m not really sure what the purpose of that is.

Then he watched as his mate pulled out another letter. "This one's for you specifically, Cooper," the Stoutland said through the plastic tube in her teeth. So the Granbull took it.

Coordinator Cooper sighed as he read the contents of the letter and then looked toward us.

"So the 'Tiger' of the Committee will be here in a few weeks,” he explained. “He and actually wants to meet with me while Team Sharp Claw goes with that their ward to Brist Mountain Mystery Dungeon."

Some small suggestions for tweaks here.

"Remember to use those tone inflections and speech patterns from the Legend Roche City," the Stoutland added. "Helps with formality, especially with Committee members and the Heads apparently.

>tone inflections

Oh, so ‘Tiger’ and his friend circle uses Mandarin like the earlier Zeraora we saw in this story. Duly noted.

"I know there's definitely a reason, but why?" Sir Cooper asked, and his tail lowered.

"When Chief Centiskorch used his regular Red Rock accent with some Committee staff members, they asked if the Committee would let any city slicker be a Chief. When he used elocution spoke with an accent from Legend Roche, they praised him for his brilliant articulation."

[ ]

"That's frankly asinine."

Another spot where some reaction from Glade or whoever’s replying here would make sense here.

"And so is that supposed ward protection and assessment program the Committee is hosting. We know absolutely nothing about those Pokémon at the moment."

"I've never heard of this ward-business before… I need to have some Pokémon help me investigate, covertly. Lest what happened with Team Vanguard happens again."

[ ]

The pair looked back over to us just when I tapped my foot against the ground. "You all are now free to ask some questions," Chief McBone explained.

Wait, but what did happen with Team Vanguard? Even if it’s not time in-story to go into detail about that, if Glade knows about it, it probably makes sense to hint at it, or else to have Glade herself wonder what’s going on.

"Are we going to go somewhere on a request again?" Nevada chimed in with their claw raised.

"Well, at least at the place I told you I need you to escort a client through. Brist Mountain Mystery Dungeon."

Ah yes, escort missions. Everybody’s favorite™ part of the PMD experience.

"That never-ending maze?!" I groaned. "But we just went there last week!"

Coordinator Cooper chuckled. "Well, now we will have a guest in a few weeks. Where else did you think you were going?” he asked. “Especially with your countless regular requests, sparring, and helping the prospects in the next weeks?"

The Granbull then walked over to us. [ ]

"Your new Keeper teammates will arrive sometime in the next month. Understand, Linus, Nevada, Glade?"

This paragraph works better broken up into smaller pieces with a bit more expansion thrown at the part where Cooper walks over to Team Sharp Claw.

I can't believe this! I sucked in my teeth. "But you only have us listed for some damn boring missions that are just outside of town!"

"Well tough shit," Linus patted me on the head. "Just finish 'em' like we always do."

I’m… not sure if I follow why Glade is so upset at the moment. It might make sense to have her more explicitly lay that out for the readers to follow in the narration.

Nevada tugged on the Treecko's arm. "Glade's right, it's so tiresome going to the same place doing requests over and over against mainly the same Pokémon day in and day out!"

Glade… technically didn’t say anything about that in her dialogue, just saying.

[ ]

"I need you all to prepare," Coordinator Cooper sighed. "Just as I will do my part, I need you to do yours."

He's right. I need to become stronger. Not just for myself. But for everymon. Especially for Linus and Nevada. We don't know what'll happen with the Committee, Head Tiger, that ward, and Wicked Blow.

Even then, there's always unknown wildcards that could get in our way. Whoever it is, we'll deal with them. It's who we are. Team Sharp Claw.

I feel like Glade goes a bit too 0-60 from “blugh, this sucks” to “y’know, Cooper has a point actually”. It probably makes sense to depict that as being a bit more gradual. Throwing in a bit of extra description of how different reactions are going down could potentially be a means to help give openings for that.

Alright, so I kinda get what you were going for here, and for what it’s worth, I feel that the nuts and bolts of your chapter aren’t all that bad: Team Sharp Claw gets a chance to practice some TM moves, gets roped into explaining things for the new kids, and effectively gets their new mission for the upcoming arc in the story. That’s all fine and good, though admittedly, I felt that the particulars of the execution stumbled a bit along the way.

The biggest issue that I can see with this chapter right now is that there is simply a lack of description detailing what’s going on, both in terms of actual events happening, and in seeing what is going on in Glade’s head, which is a bit surprising since this chapter is meant to be explicitly written from her perspective. And yet time and again, she just doesn’t have a lot to say through the narration about the stuff that’s going on around her. I kinda get the vibe that were you to commission a comic of this chapter, that you have specific mental images in mind of what certain parts look like in your head. In a written medium, you need words in order to share that, otherwise it will go over your readers’ heads.

There were also some parts where I was struggling to pick up on the context of certain terminology in the story, especially from the part where Team Sharp Claw is helping to educate the newbies and going on about how mana works in this setting and the chatter about Keepers and Hunters. Your narration is your number one tool by which to help contextualize those “for me, it was Tuesday” elements of your setting, since while all of those terms and explanations might be reflexive in-setting, they’re not necessarily reflexive for the reader. Much in the same way that the difference between an Oran and an Oren Berry wouldn’t mean anything to a reader without a knowledge of Sky’s lookalike items in a vacuum. It’s something that you should be careful about when dealing with terms and mechanics that are specific to your story.

Sorry if things were a bit heavy on the criticism @Kiba Makuro . Though for what it’s worth, my feeling that there’s a good tale in this story hasn’t changed from prior reviews. I just think that there’s a fair bit of room for additional polish to really bring it out.


Pokémon Trainer
Here for Blitz! Before I comment on the story itself, I would strongly recommend that you try to fix the giant spaces between each line. I don't think it's intentional because it's not consisent.. Spaces that big can be very distracting and jarring. I did find myself having trouble reading it.

That's the only real bit of crit that I have, the story itself is fine imo. You have a very interesting take on PMD, it reminds me of the Kanto war theory and the lore about AZ. I am going to assume that these artifacts are akin to Time Gears from T/D/S. Defintely has that darker story vibe that PMD likes to aim for, but the storytelling and characterization in PMD has usually been ahead of the main series imo. We really a new installment of PMD in the world of gaming.

The start of the first prologue provides a short but effective tense mystery. Good way to get the reader hooked. The idea of giving prologues to the three characters is also a good one, and the other two prologues start in a similarly effective way. One thing I really like is how they differ in how each POV character feels.

Chapter 1: I like the inclusion of a map here. I would have liked to see some more description too, but the map is nicely made. The short bit provided about Sentinels and the League is helpful to get the readers up to speed quicky.

Chapter 2: I would have liked a bit more description in all of them. I think you have the potential to be good at it, an example of which is in this chapter:

The waves rocked us side to side, while the Wingulls', and Wattrels' cries filled the air. In front of us was one of the only indicators of land, a thin lighthouse that sat high in the sky. The visage of the beach blurred by the sea.

Wicked Blow seems like they'll be a formidable antagonistic force. I also think the name and the use of scarfs is a good choice. Haven't seen Zeraora in a fic before, at least I don't think I have, much less a smaller one. It's nice to see Pokemon that don't normally show up.

I would have liked to say more, but I'm still dealing with fatigue from an irl issue. But I do think overall, it's a good story. Keep it up.


Bug Catcher
United States of America
ALRIGHT! You know what time is it, REVIEW TIME!
with this I'm going over the prologue chapters + ch 1, so I'm gonna try and talk about the various aspects all around
Mana. What was it? Was it more than a power source? Why did it cause Pokémon to behave like this?

They fought over it. Fought wars. They killed each other, just for a chance at more power.


I never imagined I'd end up this way. Caught in a world of strife.

And I was one of the many Pokémon who were the key to fix this. We're the ones who turned the gears of change. Together.
Really sick intro line. Cheeky way to work the title in.
So first things first, the pov starts with Linus the Treeko, and already we're introduced with some main concepts: The keeper and sentinels, how mana as a power source interacts with the mons themselves, and several locations and names dropped. While the main chapter itself is straightforward, the amount of concepts in these starting prologue chapters are interesting, though I do have my critiques (which I will mention in just a bit).

We have our protag getting into a nasty fight with a Pigeotto, who then gets her ass kicked by a Lycanroc. What's interesting to me is just what determines if a mon becomes a keeper or a sentinel, which I'm assuming gets answered later.

And just like that, there's also a LOT of named characters that are introduced one after another in the next 2 prologues. Again, while its relatively straightforward what's going on, there's a bunch to keep track of from paragraph to paragraph. The world that GoM takes place in feels detailed enough as it is, which adds to the intrigue of what's going on.

Okay now the next important aspect of the story, POV switching. With a fic like this with a large cast to begin with, I suppose swapping around can help get some insight to other pokemon's thought process, although this isn't without my gripes with it (again, to be covered soon)

Interesting how keepers have their own individual...tastes, like Sir Cooper having a "sweet" taste with his mana. Adds to the uniqueness of the concept, and how pokemon can determine things about each other.

So pokemon can have their mana flair up into unknowingly becoming keepers, given the Wooloo's moment? Intersting.
I don't have much to say about Prologue 3, its back to Linus and we get clarification more on his new partners. I do feel the whole conflict and resolution to be a tad bit..rushed? Also cue evil team boss battle. And the kinda ominious ending quote from Linus

Now on to chapter 1!

Immediately we get another new POV, which adds another character to keep up with. And now we get a proper map to chew on, which looks sick btw! Then, another narration part which goes back over concepts but streamlines it to flow from point to point. Normally, I wouldn't be too big on that, but the way this chapter is structured feels like a big improvement on the first 3 prologue chapters.
Half of the Pokémon in this Hemisphere seem to understand the concept though. Keepers. They're used to sensations. Well, not sensations, more like tastes. I wouldn’t know, I’m just a Sentinel.
Hmmm, curious to see how the dividing contrast between Keepers and Sentinels is used in the story progression itself. It's quite the concept already.
The majority of other older Pokémon in the League didm't understand how it felt to have your progress stripped away like that, to upgrade, and then go get kicked back down. Devolution . A-chan, I, and a few of our friends evolved but recently went back to our old forms, just bigger.
That's pretty frightening to think about. You finally evolved after who knows how long only to get everything reset. Another factor working against them.

Following some exploration, the group has their next encounter.
Behind us was a trio of Pokémon, who wore purple, black, and red capes. A Gengar, a Dragapult, and a Midnight-Lycanroc. I don't understand, the three of them had flimsy, fraudulent auras for some fully evolved Pokémon. Something wasn’t right here.

"Travelers." The Dragapult's slimy child-like voice called. "We have some things to discuss with you!"

A and I stared at the scarlet, violet, and black colored patches on their coat and then over each of them.

"What is it?" I asked. "We've got some requests to do, so I'd appreciate it if you'd not fire attacks at us. Or it'll get ugly real quick."
What a interesting group of fellows! Surely they're not here to cause the main group trouble! :)
One hefty asskicking later, and- what the hell they were dittos the whole time. Also creepy crying into shiny zeraora jumpscare. Too bad trying to help only makes things worse.

“We are not just Sentinels, but Fangs of the Fallen?!” Nevada panicked, as their tail flame heated up.

With a name like Fangs of the Fallen, it certainly doesn't sound like a nice thing to call someone!

Cliffhanger on ch 1, so that's it for now.

Okay so, let me go into detail about how I feel about it, objectively as I can. There's a lot of interesting potential with the worldbuilding and concepts like Keepers, Sentienels, and how mana as a power works in this world. There's also the mention of ancient artifacts (?) that can make use of them from what I'm guessing. As far as characters go, I don't really have much to say on them right now. It leads into one of the things I'm sadly going to have to critique: The character load.

This being so early on, I feel as though so many characters are thrown in all at once, which can be disorienting to keep up with as things go along. This is further complicated by the constant POV switching, which means we don't get enough time to sink into the characters of a particular faction immediately. I managed to keep up mostly fine so far, but there is a lot of dialogue flowing back and forth without an attached character to them sometimes, which only adds to potential confusion.

Another issue I have so far is with the prose. It's detailed enough to convey the action or scene, but can come off a bit..awkward in places. It's moreso for me in the prologue where there's a weird selection between detailed terms and short terms that make some lines fall flat. Now, in ch 1, there's visible improvement on it, but still a ways to go.
This is a bit more subjective on my end, but I'm also neutral on the dialogue so far. Maybe its due to the shifting povs, but some lines are effective enough, but others didn't grab me. It's a bit hard for me to post a specific example, but...

"But Master Fang we need to fulfill our Dream Mark promises to one another!" the Rockruff said."Besides ours with you two, we have others! Kobi has hers to Hatchet and I have mine to Kobi!"

"You don’t understand, I’m not like you! I have to complete my research on the artifacts so I can understand-"

"Enough of that now," Hunter barked suddenly. “The staff waiting here are going to come out and check you Kobi, Makkuro, it is best not to speak.”
There's just something about this that feels stilted. Maybe it's due to the word choice or structure, but I read it, and I feel like somethings off. I'm sorry if that doesn't help you, but I would recommend considering how you word dialogue.

Anyway, despite my gripes, I find this story to be unique enough in its setting as is, even before other aspects. I also appreciate the use of your own originally made music for this fic. It adds charm to it! I'll be sure to leave more reviews in the future, so look forward to it!
Interlude 2- Part of the Test

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Posted May 8th, 2022

Chapter Summary

Team Sharp Claw and Jin enter the Bristberg Highlands. What exciting adventure and new experiences await them inside the depths of the mountaintop Mystery Dungeon?​

Third Person POV

"This is the outside of Brist Mountain Highland Mystery Dungeon or just Brist Highlands for short," Linus rubbed the shoulders of his coat. "Take in the sight for a moment as this sleet storm passes," the Treecko gestured upwards.

The dark teal body of the mountains shimmered with the slick of the rainfall, just as some of the black and light aquamarine sections of rock reflected the bright beams of the sun.

"Excuse me but why are we waiting?"Jin asked.

"Oh uh, contrary to popular belief the weather outside affects the weather inside a Mystery Dungeon," Nevada explained.

"Speaking of Mystery Dungeons, we've gotta tell you about the most important part," Glade placed her claw on the Zorua's shoulder. "Look up there," she pointed towards the peak of one of the mountains.

There were Pokemon who roamed around the mountain range, some flying and climbing around the particularly treacherous areas, one's outside of the Highland Mystery Dungeon and on another one.

"The Brist Mountain Peak Mystery Dungeon or the titular Brist Mountain is sacred and hallowed ground," Nevada explained. "Even the most advanced Rescue Teams, Explorers, and Expeditionors only venture into that Dungeon with the utmost caution, for the Pokemon who guard the treasured depths inside are furious."

"Oh my word, there are Pokemon up there," Jin murmured while studying their motions. "The town Pokemon are surely hearty, braving those impressive cliffs like that."

"The Pokemon on the mountain don't Pokemon that live in Bristberg," the Totodile shook her wrists. "Well not inside the town, the point is they aren't like us."

"I beg your pardon?" the pale Zorua tilted his head. "They are not?"

"These Pokemon, well uh live on and dwell inside... Mystery Dungeons and are called carnal ferals," Nevada mumbled as the sleet started to slow down.

"Ferals? If I may, why do you classify Pokemon by a different name based solely on where they call home?" Jin watched as the sky cleared slightly.

Linus picked up the Team bag and passed it to Glade. "They are called ferals by some Pokemon, which I don't like by ta way, because of the sickness they get. It's from absorbing mana from inside the Mystery Dungeon when restoring their Power Points."

"Oh right," the Zorua said. "They probably don't go out and procure supplements."

"This sickness is often called Carnal Instinct, and there are five stages that have been researched on," the Charmander exhaled to defrost some of the ground.

"All forms are dangerous and only the fourth and fifth are considered full-on feral Pokemon though," Glade grabbed Linus's shoulder and shook him. "But we need to do more research on the Pokemon here anyway."

"I know, I know," the Treecko tried to explain.

"Even with all of our various journals, logs, and guides we still only know a little bit of info on about five or six species," Nevada added.

"Oh, you are all compiling data on Pokemon you encounter?" Jin lit up. "I was familiar with some colleagues of mine who were tasked with that in my homeland!"

"Well, how do I put it…" Nevada brushed off their shoulders. "Our other Rescue Teams, cause the League has a few more, usually do it but we'd help pitch in occasionally. That makes sense right?"

"Yes, I seem to follow correctly," the Zorua acknowledged.

"Come on Mister Team Captain," the Totodile slung the bag across her back. "We have to go inside to show Jin here more about the Dungeon!"

"Alrighty then let's head on in!" the Treecko nodded. "Follow me!" he then ran inside the entrance on the mountain face that led into the Mystery Dungeon.

Once the four Pokemon entered the Brist Highland Mystery Dungeon a mysterious tune began to play. Then an odd natural enclosure of stones closed the opening of the mountain face. Inside the Labyrinth, the open reaches of the sky were visible, however, the majority of clouds were a ghoulish deep black, with swirls of red and purple mixed into some grey patches.

"Ugh," Jin grimaced, lowering his ears. "My companions, something is off about this Mystery Dungeon place."

"It must be mana right?" Nevada questioned. "Remember we Sentinels can't feel a thing!"

The Zorua shivered for a moment. "Yes, it is as if a strange pressure is running through my body."

Linus patted him on the back and began to rummage through the team bag. "I see, so one of the requests from the board in town was correctly flagged."

"What?" Jin squirmed as the Treecko fastened a blue hood tight against his head. "W-what is going on?"

"Do not worry, we'll help you deal with the status effects, please bear with us," Linus reached down to ruffle the Zorua's chest fur and hug him.

Jin dropped his ears. "My friends?"

"I'm so sorry, you've never felt this before so it's scary," Nevada panicked. "Pokemon in this Mystery Dungeon also are dealing with the same problem."

"Which are?" Jin looked up at his companions.

"Because of the imbalance of pressure, you Keepers overall ability to move quickly is lowered, you all also have weakened physical defenses and special defenses to elemental damage," the Charmander noted.

"Really?" the Zorua narrowed his yellow eyes.

"But don't worry," Glade assured. "It says here in this exploration guide that says that ferals in Mystery Dungeons that have imbalanced mana pressure seem to always be absent from the first floor."

"Alright then, but what did you put on my body?"

"It's just a Reunion Cape buddy," Glade narrowed her eyes.

The Charmander beside the two knelt. "We need you to wear it so if we somehow get separated you get back to our side," they explained. "Got it?"

"We need to hurry through the Mystery Dungeon to find the wheel, the solution to the imbalance now y'all," the Treecko started to head out of the small room the group arrived in. There were two choices that the group could make and they did heads or tails on a poke coin to see which one.

Soon everyone hiked up the left hallway. The Rescue Team tried to run but forgot that it left their companion a couple of meters behind them before his cape teleported him back to their side. Linus, Nevada, Glade, and Jin decided to slowly and carefully navigate through the various winding paths and mainly empty rooms of the Mystery Labyrinth wasn't completely desolate; however, there were leftover items scattered around the mountainside. A Pecha Berry lay in one room, some coins rested on some rocks in another while there was a pile of Geo Pebbles seen from a hallway the group passed.

As for the environment of the Brist Highland, it had a dark teal base lined with grey, black, and light aquamarine stones. In narrow cracks of the boundaries of the Dungeon had realms and dens where feral Pokemon preferred to hide away.

The Team continued onward and saw small pockets of water that branched in between some rooms, while certain paths were cut off by thin ravines, and others twisted into dead ends. Very few signs of feral activity were present besides the sounds of scampering and the alarm calls that rang out in the distance.

Glade, Linus, and Nevada continued forward, eventually making their way into a large room with another branching pathway.

"Without many enemies in our way these first couple of requests should be easy!" the Totodile cheered.

"I'm afraid I still can not manage to comprehend what you are all referring to," Jin raised his paw to press onto the Treecko beside him.

"There are missions for us to do inside of this Mystery Dungeon, otherwise we'd have fewer reasons to come in here," Glade stepped away and pointed down towards an entrance into another room. "It's a natural Labyrinth where if you aren't careful the weather conditions, traps, or the Pokemon inside could put an end to your run."

"My word!" Jin panicked. "If I may, with all of those forces to fear why would you League Members dare venture inside?"

"The missions aren't just tests of strength or whatever, they are to help other Pokemon in the town," Nevada crossed their arms. "Our first request was to check out the pressure of the Mystery Dungeon."

"It was?"

"Which is why we needed ya Jin," Linus added, ruffling the Zorua's head. "Without ya here we'd hafta go and hire a Keeper mercenary from the groups that worked with our League before. And then they would tell us about the pressure and get a percentage of our request profits."

Jin calmed down slightly. "I understand that, but you mentioned more requests," he paused to dig at the ground. "What else could the town possibly require from you all?"

Glade stamped her feet on the ground. "In these specific requests, Wicked Blow caused all the issues! We're supposed to be the first ones to handle those guys whenever we get word of them!"

"Wicked Blow… What did they do here?" the pale Zorua pondered.

"If it's anything besides what's in our requests we'll hafta figure it out when we get on the next floor, not sitting here!" Linus sighed. "Up the stairs now y'all."

The four eventually found a room with an exit that appeared to be a portion of a stairwell, which was a natural occurrence. The Team and Jin ventured up the stone staircase to the next floor of the Mystery Dungeon.

Now on the second floor, Team Sharp Claw decided to rest a bit so that Jin could recover from his fatigue, the imbalance of pressure was taking its toll on the Zorua's body. But Jin insisted that he was going to continue his journey with his new friends no matter what.

"Okay someone's lost item is on this floor and there seem to be gang members of Wicked Blow hiding around the next couple of floors," Linus explained as he glanced over the lengthy request paper. There were two more pages of information that they had at this disposal thanks to the work of the Winter's Reach League. "The reports speak of stolen goods that belonged to the town's Pokemon and attacks on them."

"Egads!" Jin panicked. "That is what has happened!"

"We'll have ta see partner," Linus sighed. "Time's of ta essence folks, let's get a move on."

"Alrighty, let's go kick some ass!" Glade flexed her arms.

"Hey wait, we forgot about the ferals!" Nevada said while the Team continued through the large room they found themselves in before there was a light gust of wind.

"What about them?"

"You all know there were not any Pokemon that we encountered on the last floor," the Charmander replied.

"Yep," Glade rubbed under her chin. "I didn't even get a chance to use my moves or anything."

"But that changes right now," Linus said. "Because the Pokemon living in here take in the mana directly from the Mystery Dungeon, I'va heard they have some interesting temporary abilities."

"Praytell, what about the Pokemon abiding in this place?"

"Guys we can't stand here and wait, we've gotta find our first item!" Nevada demanded.

"What was it again?" Linus sheepishly asked.

"You are the one holding the freaking requests!" the Charmander huffed. "It's someone's bundle of Warp Wands."

The four Pokemon were on the lookout as they walked through the next area. They had to check every nook and cranny of each room.

As the four Pokemon traveled across the mountain range, louder Pokemon calls and cries could be heard from within the Mystery Dungeon. The majority sounded like one-word commands, while others were intelligible chatter among a clattanoia of cries. Then the group finally saw one, a Pokemon that inhabited the Brist Highlands. There was a little Cubchoo that stumbled out of a den that spotted the group.

"Alright now watch carefully before we act now everyone," Linus said.

"Huh, woah!" the Cubchoo cried as they realized their match up, and scampered away, back into their little den. Then the Rescue Team continued down a long winding pathway.

Jin grumbled to himself as they walked down the narrow wedge of the mountain. "That was underwhelming, you all said that we have to have the utmost care around these Pokemon?"

Linus laughed before rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that, how bout next time you make the first move Jin?"

"That sounds splendid!" the Zorua cheered.

Behind them, Nevada sighed. "It's our first time dealing with ferals inside an unbalanced Mystery Dungeon," the Charmander said. "We have to be aware of their new conditions, it's not a game."

"Let's see," Glade started pulling out the Team's adventure manual. "Well, ferals either hideaway more often or are extremely aggressive."

"What?" Jin questioned.

The Totodile closed the book and put it away. "Here's that encounter you wanted!"

On the other side of the room in front of the four travelers was a pair of Mankies and a Sentret. The fighting-types brushed some snow out of each other's fur. Not too long the normal-type noticed the Team and let out a loud warning cry. Suddenly both Mankey banged their chests and dashed towards the Zorua.

"I won't let you down, companions!" Jin used Bitter Malice on the bigger Mankey, as his large ghostly energy crashed into the Pokemon.

The Mankey stumbled backward and smirked before they Furiously Swiped at the Charmander in front of them.

Linus hit the other Mankey with Quick Attack, while Glade swung her palm out and knocked the back the Sentret with Brick Break.

The larger Mankey jumped forward and swept out a Low Kick at the Totodile to their side, and knocked her slightly off balance. The Sentret fired out a Swift at Linus, the white and yellow stars homing in on the Treecko and crashing into him.

Beside them, the smaller Mankey slapped Jin on the muzzle with their palm, the Assurance shoving the Zorua over. But before the Dungeon Pokemon could see his full form Linus and his Team knocked them each out.

After they scuffled with the three ferals Team Sharp Claw and their Zorua companion finally entered the room they were looking for.

"Oh, here the Warp Wands are!" Linus pointed at some pieces of wood in the middle of the floor. They were bundles of sticks with curved ends wrapped in a mesh blue bag. "These belong to Mareep."

"Alright! Let's find the stairs!" Nevada cheered.

Jin decided to take care and lead Team Sharp into another room where they found a set of twisting walkways. "I am afraid I am not sure which route to pick," the pale Zorua admitted.

"It's okay if it doesn't lead anywhere important, it just matters that you picked it," Glade said.

"Very well then," Jin then sniffed the ground for a moment before he lead the group into another walkway.

Linus smirked. Trying to steal my thunder eh Gator? He thought as the group wandered into another room. In this open stretch of mountain, Jin spotted the stairs.

Team Sharp Claw followed the Zorua up the steps and they finally found another one of their requests. 'Catch two Wicked Blow thieves and retrieve their stolen goods.'

In front of the entrance to the third floor, there were two Pokemon, a Blitzle and a fairy Ponyta. Team Sharp Claw stood in their tracks and checked over their request papers.

"Just fucking great," Glade mumbled, clenching her fists and trembling. "I just had to run into hostile electric-types again."

"Ah, you have an elemental weakness against them, but it should not be too troublesome with our companions," Jin said, as his ears folded down.

The Totodile took in a deep breath. "My family was targeted! You don't understand my hatred of our weakness, my weakness-"

"Calm down," Linus commanded. "Focus on what's important here."

As paper rustled Nevada growled, the flame on their tail brightening. "Those two are known criminals of Wicked Blow, besides stealing they are known for all types of killing; including young children and crushing eggs."

The Ponyta and Blitzle had black and white striped kerchiefs on their necks, with two black and white marks. Unmistakable signs of their allegiance to Wicked Blow.

The two gang members were holding some bags of treasure, their bodies partially hidden behind a wall.

"We have the upper claw, let's put offensive items to use," the Treecko rummaged through the bag. "Here Nevada," Linus handed the Charmander a Special Attack Band and a Violent Seed."

"Stand back," Nevada patted Jin as they placed the cloth over their head and swallowed the seed. "We can't have them see you."

The Zorua nodded and slunk to the ground. "Understood."

Without warning, Linus tossed an Energy Ball at the Blitzle while Nevada fired out a Flamethrower towards the Ponyta. The two Wicked Blow members looked up in realization as the moves hurdled in their direction, surprise and fear etched onto their faces.

After they sent the Wicked Blow members back to town with the power of their Rescue Team badges, the group made their way through the rest of the Dungeon floor. They kept the secured items in a separate compartment of their bag and eventually found the stairs to the next level.

Now on the third floor, Jin and Team Sharp Claw searched for a Cutiefly from town who got lost after being sent inside as a dare. They ran into more and more ferals, some fleed immediately, while others became aggressive. When the group made it to the fourth floor they were ambushed by some weak Wicked Blow grunts, ones who had participated in illegal trade and theft and thought they could just rob any explorer they came across.

Then they quickly found the stairs to the next floor. The group decided to rest at the entrance once they decided the coast was clear.

Team Sharp and Jin exited the room, they felt a sharp chill around the bend. Then they entered what appeared to be an oddly pitch-black room.

"What in the world is going on here?" the Totodile groaned. "This could be the room where the last item is and it's dark."

Nevada patted the sash on their shoulder. "Don't worry, I can use Heat Wave and warm this place up-"

"No, that could be a Blast Seed trap or something, we have to be careful," the Treecko stopped them.

"What should we do then?" Glade asked. "Mystery Dungeons aren't normally this dark!"

"Perhaps you could fashion up a torch so we can see what is directly ahead of us?" Jin suggested, rubbing his head against Nevada's side.

"Sure," the Charmander replied and took in a deep breath.

Linus took out a throwing stick and used it as a makeshift torch with Nevada's help. There was the sound of rocks crumbling as heavy materials or Pokemon shifted in the corners of the room.

Glade grabbed a few more branches out of the bag and held it close to the Charmander beside her. "Just in case ya know?" the Totodile reasoned.

"My companions, I need you to stay alert," the Zorua said once the group finally ventured further into the room. "I'm sensing two Keeper presences."

"You know what to do," the Treecko quickened his pace.

"Got it," Nevada moved in tandem with their teammates to shield the ward. "We're not clear yet."

In the near absolute darkness a giant shard of ice barreled straight at Linus, Nevada jumped forward and blocked it with Metal Claw. It shattered instantly. Two shards then aimed at the Charmander and Glade broke each of them.

"Wow!" A voice called out as the dashing of footsteps and flapping of wings filled the room. "Bravo little Sentinels!"

Shoot, how did they know we were here?! Linus's thoughts spun around in his head as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"There is a Keeper among these Pokemon!" an icy voice of the foreigners called out.

"I am truly sorry my companions, I do not know how to turn my mana presence any lower! I am not aware of one either!" Jin yelped.

"This ain't your fight," the Treecko clenched his fist. "Whoever these fellas are, we'll deal with it!"

The icy voice called out again. "We know you are from the Bristberg Mana Research League, but do not worry, we have worked with one of your Rescue Teams before!"

"That's why we're here!" the more gruff voice yelled. "You will engage in combat with us and we will see who is the strongest!"

"What?" Team Sharp Claw asked.

Before the four knew it, a large green plant flew toward Glade. Linus pressed an Energy Ball against the stalk and knocked it down, just for it to swing back. When it hit him, it was enough to force him to knock his body away instantly.

"Linus!" the Zorua between the Team cried out, as he watched him faint. The Treecko was tossed aside, and left the torch behind.

Nevada and Glade changed positions, and lit up another torch as soon as their teammate went down. "Stay back! Just who are you!?" the two yelled as a figure got closer.

"Why should I tell ya?" one of the voices replied. "That'll ruin the surprise! We slipped away from our Boss to see you guys after all!"

Dumbfounded the League Members felt their jaws go slack. "We don't have time to play these games! Tell us right now!"

"This isn't a game to us," the other voice said. "After all, we captured four members of Wicked Blow just to ensure they would not get in our way for this very moment."

On the wall near the entrance, Linus finally opened his eyes, one of the Reviver Seeds in his stomach pouch emitted a light green smog. His teammates and his client were standing in the dark talking to two mysterious Pokemon, ones who had taken on Wicked Blow just as they did.

"W-what in the voidlands is going on!?" the Treecko gasped as he tried to recover from his injury. He got up on his feet and blasted out a Dragon Breath toward the enemies. "Glade!"

The Totodile grabbed a Defense Scarf and chucked it at Linus. "Alright!" she yelled, and rushed forward. "We'll engage the enemy!"

Even in the darkness of the room, Linus's attack made its mark, the blue draconic mist crashed into one of the Pokemon. The light from the Dragon Breath revealed the silhouette of both of the figures for a moment, one small bird and one tall bird.

There was another flapping of wings before there was a loud thunk. Small green and yellow lights began to illuminate different pockets of the cave in small sections as another chill blasted through the area. The two enemies appeared to be a fighting Farfetch'd and an Eiscue, both with grey markings on the feathers of their head and upper body.

"Very well, let us begin," the Eiscue said as she recovered from Linus's Dragon Breath, the light showed her as she stood back.

"It is not right to fight an opponent and not know their name, you know," Jin spoke up.

The Farfetch'd slammed the base of his stalk against the floor. "'Cha right about that!" he shook his head, the odd grey feathers on it bounced in the wind.

"That doesn't matter! Watch out!" Nevada stopped their partner before the enemy Pokemon waved around his weapon.

In the Charmander's firm grip Glade sighed. "Very well then. We are Team Sharp Claw of the Bristberg Mana Research League, Linus, Nevada, and Glade are our names."

"The name's Kenji," the Farfetch'd chirped. Before he lifted the huge leak he was dragging along the floor. The Farfetch'd wore a plaid scarf around his neck, the colors were green, black, and gold.

"Plaid scarves? Three colors! League-Bound?" Nevada gasped. "You guys are affiliated with a certain group?!"

Glade crossed her arms. "Who wears those?"

"Answer our questions damnit! What organization do you work for?" Linus demanded as he steadied himself from the attack.

"I'm Kenji, I roll with the Black Clover Mercs!" the Farfetch'd explained before he rushed forward.

"And I am Algoa," the Esicue shouted from across the room. "Also of the Black Clover Mercenary Group."

"These Pokemon work with some of the fellows you would have hired?" Jin questioned.

Linus shrugged his shoulders. "I can't believe it, these guys that are attacking us are Keeper mercenaries!"

"If you are not our enemies and we are not trespassing on your land why do you wish to cause a commotion with a battle?" the Zorua asked the other Keepers.

The Eiscue was the first to speak. "To test out one of my hypotheses from another encounter we had."

"I wanted to see if the rumors were true," the Farfetch'd pointed his huge stalk at the three.

"W-what rumors?" the League members asked.

Kenji laughed, and thrusted his blade at the cloaked figure in between the Charmander and the Totodile. "That the Bristberg League is hardcore!"

Jin panicked as he saw the hefty shalk aimed straight at his head before Nevada placed their body in between it.

"Leave him out of it!" Linus shouted as he scampered upright and crashed into the Farfetch'd.

"Oh, I see," Kenji found himself crushed against the floor for a moment before he shoved the Treecko away. "Let's go!"

"You wanna see if it's true huh!?" Glade blocked his next attack and stood beside Jin.

The Zorua curled into a ball underneath his cloak.

A long kunai-shaped-blade of ice immediately struck the Totodile in the chest.

"Are you sure about that?" Algoa said before another Icicle Spear stabbed her foe in the shoulder.

When the last blade pierced her scales Glade cried out. She fell to the floor, clutching at her wounds to remove the strangely sharp ice. "Why don't you come over here and fight me face to face?"

"As you will," the Eiscue answered, beginning to waddle forward at the group. "I do warn you, I was trying to make this a fair fight, and only use my ranged attack."

"Well, I don't care!" Linus tossed an Energy Ball at the Pokemon. "You two need to get out of our way, we League members have important business to deal with!"

The Totodile shot out a Water Gun where she believed her target to be, a squawk indicating her success.

"What is going on?" the questioned Treecko as the lights danced and looked to his left and right.

The Farfetch'd then aimed his stalk at the Charmander and did a broad swipe, "Just a friendly competition!"

This attack slammed directly into Nevada and sent them into the air for a moment. When the Charmander collided with the ground they only barely managed to roll to the side to dodge the Farfetch'd's Night Slash.

"Why are you doing this in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon!?" Linus struck Kenji with a Quick Attack and darted back near Jin.

The Farfetch'd dusted his feathers off and swung his stalk in a circle."We Black Clovers are having a friendly little test of strength!" he shouted.

Linus dodged the attack while Nevada launched out a Flamethrower and neutralized it, partially leaving Kenji wide open. The Treecko used this moment to fire out a Dragon Breath at the Farfetch'd. "That doesn't answer my question ya bloodthirsty freak!"

The blue flames were once again partially blocked by Kenji's stalk, some of the draconic energy scorching his feathers. He swung his blade again cackling all the while. "Oh come on now, it's just a competition!" the Farfetch'd laughed. "Just like going out to the batting cage and doing the 1000 pitches of death!"

"What are you babbling on about! You can't call this a competition!"

"But we heard you League folk were tough as nails!" Kenji thrust his blade at the Charmander with Night Slash but missed. "Ain't it true!?"

"Who said that we were?" Nevada questioned as they charged up their Solar Beam, a spiral of green energy forming on their belly.

"That's right!" the Farfetch'd yelled as Linus moved towards his teammate. "Give me more! More!"

Meanwhile, the Eiscue slid towards Glade on a ramp of ice and water, crashing into her with a mighty Headbutt.

The Totodile shot back a Water Gun before Algoa summoned a vertex of water and Dove into the earth.

"I needed to test your merit as well," the Eiscue declared as she flew into the air at Glade once she reemerged from the rapid current. "If we clash five hundred times, who will be the victor!?" Algoa yelled, her attack sent the Totodile backward into the air.

Which left the Zorua exposed.

"Don't you dare fucking touch him!" Standing back up Glade lunged forward and struck the ice-type with Brick Break. "It's me you want, not him!"

The Eiscue stood unmoving as her ice face slid clean in half. "I understand, he's not with you," she said. She smirked before stepping away. "He flies the flag of those Pokemon."

"What could you know?" the Totodile snarled, standing in front of the scared Zorua, who still trembled under his hood.

With her true face revealed the Eiscue created her Icicle Spears. Algoa then quickly rushed forward, pelting the Totodile with numerous ice blades. "Are you surprised?"

Glade coughed as the powerful attacks all landed. "How are you so strong?" she mumbled, staggering upright and closing her eyes. Then the Totodile ran forward, jumping towards the Eiscue and Crunching on her flipper.

Unamused, Algoa looked down as rocks formed around her upper body. "Months of training and dedication, that is all," the Eiscue answered before she managed to land a Head Smash on Glade. The extremely powerful attack threw the Totodile right into Linus.

The Treecko caught his fainted teammate and crashed onto the floor due to her momentum. He watched in horror as the moments passed, his opponent rummaging through the pouch on her side.

The Eiscue took out a small yellow seed and tossed it at the Totodile. It revived her on contact. Algoa slid across the mountainside and stood in front of them. Now all three were right by Kenji and Nevada.

"Stand up and fight," the Eiscue demanded, pointing an Icicle Spear at Linus and Glade.

"What?" the Treecko furrowed his brow.

Algoa stared down at the two Pokemon and sighed. "I request that you get up and strike me with your full power. Only then will I feel satisfied."

"Why are you toying with us like this?"

"That was not my intention." The Eiscue, dropped her spear and folded her flippers. "We are challenging you because we've worked with your League before."

"Don't you have better things to do?"

"I revived you to continue the test, nothing more, nothing less. I hope you understand it's no hard feelings."

Just as this happened Nevada took a nasty Aerial Ace to the face. "Don't make me burn you." They staggered back to their feet, wiping blood from their nose.

"You're a Charmander, of course I want to see that!" Kenji shouted as he sped up his attacks. "Ever since I saw you on T.V I knew I had to feel how strong you were in real combat!"

"What does that even mean!?" Nevada's tail flame began to flare out as they countered the mercenary with Solar Beam. "Q-quit it!" The Charmander demanded as Kenji slid back from the powerful blow. "Cut it out!"

"You don't understand!" the Farfetch'd cackled, coughing and using his leek to stand up. "We have to clash, I have to fight you guys!"

"I said we ain't got time for this!" Linus got up and chased Algoa.

"Oh so iconic, the Treecko is so no-nonsense!" the Eiscue squawked. "So incredible! It's just like the first Gym Challenge I saw!"

"What are you going on about!?" Glade growled trying and failing to push back against the ice-type.

"This is the only logical conclusion, Team Sharp Claw!" Algoa said, stepping back and forming more Icicle Spears.

Kenji brandished his stalk. "Bend to our will or accept your fate!"

"That ain't gonna happen ya idiots!" a voice echoed throughout the room just before there was a bellowing of wind and gust that filled the area.

There was a rumbling that shook the entire cavern floor, startling all six of the Pokemon. When it finished there was a tall black and white Pokemon that crashed into Kenji and Algoa. Team Sharp Claw and Jin took this moment to run back towards the nearest exit. "Hey League kiddos don't leave just yet," the Pokemon the mercs laid beside called out. "I've got a message for ya's."

Clouds flew sporadically in the air but the figure spoke up again. "As you can see I'm here to pick up these two knuckleheads!" she started. "I'd let them continue their practice but we Black Clovers got some real shit to deal with in Tapu Plains!"

Dark plumes of dust and debris that swirled around the mercenary duo parted and allowed the Rescue Team to see who this Pokemon was. She was an Obstagoon, one wearing a cape and backpack, holding some sort of orb. "We're going against some Bounty Hunters working with Wicked Blow this time!" The Obstagoon's large plaid cape blew in the new sudden breeze of frigid air. This fabric had the same colors and pattern as the scarves the Eiscue and the Farfetch'd below her wore.

The blinding wind died down and all was calm for a moment, then the mercenary boss crushed an Escape Orb between her paws, the black orb had a glowing blue center. "See y'all later, and watch yourselves League children!" Soon the three of them disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Mystery Dungeon and their new rivals behind.

"Well that was certainly a sight to behold," Jin said as he and Team Sharp Claw hiked around the other paths of the mountain in their desperate search for the stairs. They scoured the floor non-stop for about half an hour, the looping maze of rooms blending together in the worn-down minds of the Rescue Team members.

All the while the Zorua tried to keep his head up the best he could. "N-now that we have finished the requests from towns Pokemon-" Jin paused to catch his breath. "What are we to partake in next?"

"We're gonna get out of here," Nevada sighed. "Well if we can just find those darn stairs."

Glade clicked her teeth as they found themselves at another dead end. "Don't worry pal. We are going to restore the balance of pressure inside this Mystery Dungeon for Keepers like you and all the ferals living here," the Totodile replied before she heard something fall onto the floor.

The Zorua had fainted.

"Jin!" Linus screamed involuntarily when he saw the younger Pokemon crash down in exhaustion. "No! Stay with me!"

The Charmander beside the Treecko grabbed his shoulder and held their claw out. "Deep breaths Linus, Jin is going to be okay."

"But I thought everything was okay and didn't check on him enough! I failed in my duty!"

Glade dropped the team bag and started digging through its depths for an Apple through all their other items. "No, you didn't. He probably just needs some food and more rest, for right now what we have in the bag should do just fine."

The Treecko couldn't stop the tears from running down his face. "But how could I have been so careless again!? I forgot that he's a Keeper, his body is more delicate than ours! I should have been paying attention to all the signs! She would be so disappointed in me!"

The Zorua was tired, his trot had him lagging behind the slow pace of his friends. As much as he tried to downplay it or skirt around the issue Jin could not handle the Mystery Dungeon's drain on his stamina, with his hunger setting in and the discomfort he faced from the mana pressure. He had silently growled in exasperation whenever the group had to fight off ferals and panted nonstop after their second encounter with Wicked Blow, on the fifth floor.

Slowly the ghostly Zorua came to, stirring as he opened his eyes and crawled off the floor. "Hello my companions," he softly smiled before coughing a bit. "If I may, why are you all so gloomy and dreary upon my awakening?"

"Oh, Mew, I'm so sorry Jin," Linus embraced him with a sniffle, before pulling up his jacket. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry as well," Nevada nervously held onto their tail. "I didn't think this could happen but I was so narrow-minded."

Glade picked up the Zorua and sighed, nuzzling her snout into his head. "To make up for having you faint on your first dungeon run I'll carry you the rest of the way!"

"That is fine with me my friend!" Jin happily yapped, his tail wagging.

Team Sharp Claw finally made their way to the stairs and entered the last and final floor. Upon making it up the steps the group continued onward. They entered a long empty hallway and started to race towards the other side, which looked like a small room. The Totodile carrying Jin didn't slow down, however. She slipped and tumbled into what seemed like a wall adjacent to another walkway.

"Hey!" Linus called out. "Watch it, ya've got precious cargo aboard!"

Glade got up and stamped her foot. "Sorry, I just swore there was something there."

"Maybe there is," the Charmander behind them said as they stared at the wall, a strange dent forming in the mountainside.

Suddenly the slab of rock disappeared and revealed a dimly lit passage. There was light peering from the ceiling, which stretched high into the sky."This must be what Coordinator Cooper was mentionin'," Linus said as he headed deeper into the tunnel with his friends.

At the very end of the walkway was a large stone pavilion in the room with a large circular object in the middle. Four torches of golden light illuminated the pedestal where the wheel rested. The large stone steering wheel had eight handles, each with a dimmed gem inside and a faint glow emitting from the barrel, where the spokes sat through.

"Alright let's turn this wheel and fix the pressure!" Glade placed her claws on the device and a ray of energy from the barrel bounced a light around the room.

Linus and Nevada also placed their claws on the wheel and helped her turn the stone clockwise. The light grew brighter and brighter as each handle moved around the room.

Once the wheel could go no further all the gems on the handles began to twinkle as chimes and a bell played from behind the wall. Team Sharp Claw restored the balance of pressure inside Brist Highland Mystery Dungeon.
Chapter 12- Sparks of the Forge Part 1

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted June 22th 2022

Chapter Summary

Someone is being summoned to the world of Mysterious Dungeons.

For what purpose? Who awaits their presence?

Why were they chosen?

Third Person POV

Back off the Grass-Continent in the Terrestrial Hemisphere, the Sentinels Union Leaders were hard at work. Trying to facilitate Pokemon Resources to aid in the Rehabilitation, or the Disruption Recovery project.

"It is time again," Cresselia spoke up.

"Really now?" Darkrai asked, and wavered into the room.

"The Mjolnir has been separated for quite a while now," Cresselia explained. “The Dawn Stone has been together for about a week, and it has only been one week since the foolish decree of that so-called Committee of Keepers.”

"Trying to hide away the chessboard after disposal of some pieces huh, Queen and Rook? The rest too, the five of those lot know there are plenty of younger Pokemon who researched these war campaigns in and out, don't they?" Darkrai questioned. "Actually, isn't the group named the League Committee?"

"I don't care," Cresselia barked, their eyes narrowed. "Those fools made them interchangeable at this point."

Darkrai rubbed their chin in thought. "When will our Sentinels tell their fellow justice striving Keepers, the ones in competent Leagues at least, to get their act together and stop them? Our dear Lady!"

"I'm not entirely sure, I know Lord Mew and the Shamins are currently indifferent."

"Can't they hear all these prayers just like the rest of us?"

"Well, Lady Mewtwo, Lady Lugia, Zeraora, and Zarude to name a few on the Constellation Continent seem to care about the whereabouts and deeds of the powers at bay," the Cresselia sighed.

"Ah yes, Wicked Blow's Gardevior, and Honchkrow… Those faux heads are not unlike an unruly Hydreigon," Darkrai grumbled. "Hidden beneath the draconic shadows of the night."

Their sibling gave them a concerned look before gesturing towards the Mist Continent on the map.

"Ah wait, the Voice of Hope…" the Darkrai fumbled. "I need new metaphors."

Cresselia stamped their wings against a table. "Ones under our oath should strike them all down when they have the chance."

"Back to the Mjolnir… I feel we need a more pretentious name for their satellite pair. Nevertheless, there are Fangs of the Fallen in Bristberg and other Sentinels that are destined to assist in the balance as well," Darkrai picked up one of the sheets from the stack. "Everything according to her will… in due time."

"Yes, Our Lady in Galaxies above, Arceus. Her will shall steer their paths. They don't need our guidance," Cresselia waved one of their big arms. "Those Pokemon will be right where they belong."

"Understood," Darkrai phased back into the next room. "Make sure those under us get information flowing to our new Keepers, little breadcrumbs of inspiration."

"The "Master" shall do our will, with whatever method seems fit," Cresselia chuckled softly. "They know not to cross certain boundaries of ours, they aren't rash."

A few hours later, somewhere deep in the human world, in the Unova Region, someone would gain hope. Someone in dire need of a change of pace could have a push in the right direction. All they needed was to go somewhere, a place where they had a purpose. They just didn’t know it yet.

Down by the Ocean, and the bay, in a densely populated woodland. In this massive reach of the forest, there is a wonderful nature trail with a view of a mighty river. The closest major city to the town was Virbank, in the Southwest of Unova. This city was home to the loud and chaotic Virbank Gym.

People would travel hours from the reaches of the city to get away from the cloudy and smoky atmosphere. Others lived in neighborhoods close to these woods. One of these people needed a spark of change in their life.

At the top of a hill, there was a rustic old stone platform where a person was standing alone. The person was a built young adult with reddish tan skin and jet black hair. It was a chilly day, so the person was sporting a dark grey jacket with bright yellow stripes. They had on light grey shorts, and black calf-length socks, with grey-yellow shoes.

This person gazed absent-mindedly at the landscape and sighed. "I miss Bel," they lamented.

There was another pavilion in view at the platform. One with a small number of people standing around inside, surrounding a large bulletin board. "Interesting," the person said as they stretched. "Might as well check it out."

Then they carefully climbed down from the platform and made it back into the forest. The person followed the little markers along the grass and made it back towards a trail with a diverging pathway. "I miss the others too," they murmured to themself, pushing away a stray tree limb. "What am I gonna do?"

Nothing was hiding in the bushes or underneath any rocks. Surprise encounters just couldn't happen, not Pokemon ones anyway. There were no wild Pokemon that lived in this area as they didn't favor an odd pressure that occasionally washed over the land.

The sound of a weather bell echoed throughout the forest and surrounding trail, signaling the approach of foul weather.

"That Skitty," the person gripped at their shirt sleeve. "I want to search for him. I will go out to the nearby Route and out of town by myself to do that. No matter how long it takes, I will find him."

Soon the person placed a hand on their forehead. The inside of their head throbbed with fury. "The others too, those three need me just as much. I won't ever forget the times we had."

They stamped the first step of the stairs. "But I can't, I'm no longer a Pokemon Trainer."

If only Professor Juniper gave me a starter Pokemon on that day, maybe my life would be different. The young person thought as they saw some other adolescents and adults standing around the pavilion, various types of Pokeballs readied on their bodies.

As the person neared the top of the steps the bulletin board became closer and closer. Maybe I have a chance that she'll let me borrow one to go look for the rest of my Pokemon? They pondered, reaching the flat top. “Get it together Rosario!”

"I could find them and try again," Rosario whispered, walking past some other people. "I can go at it again! I'll surely get further in the gym challenge!"

Once in front of the sign, they leaned down to read the fine print. “Wait, they’re having a contest here? It is one specifically for Trainers who have less than five badges?” Rosario took a step back, and quickly glanced at the other people there.

Some of them, ones with higher-level Pokemon and Pokeballs scoffed and laughed at the sign, clearly, they were over-qualified and thus unable to compete. "I guess the rookies need a little motivation huh?" one teen noted with a sigh. "Sounds kinda boring but eh, whatever."

“The top ten trainers will win a trip to Sinnoh along with a 100,000 poke prize?!” the downtrodden person gasped, and ran down the steps.

Next to Rosario, a slightly younger teen waved. "I'm wishing good luck to everyone competing!" the girl called out once she had their attention.

"Oh uh, thanks," Rosario shivered.

"Heh, but remember you've gotta get past me!" the girl grinned at them, before walking away.

The group's footfalls pounded down the rest of the trail path as the weather bell continued to toll. “It’s not completely over yet!" Rosario mused to themself as they hurried. "There’s one option I haven’t looked into yet!”

Other people quickly traveled down back towards shelter as the wind picked up. "We've all got to get out of here!" one Trainer panicked.

"It's gonna freaking pour dude!" Another one yelled.

A flurry of Trainers dashed past the group. "We can't get our hair and new clothes wet!”

Rosario sighed in anticipation and took out the Pokedex in their pocket. It was slightly dusty but it would get the job done. "Hello?" Their voice rang out, a twinge of hesitation in it. No response but the sound of a dull drone.

Every descending step Rosario took off the ground, the cold air circled the bend. "Please pick up Professor!" they pleaded, holding their silver Pokedex.

"Damnit!" Rosario flipped close their Pokedex. "Maybe the service is bad out here because of the weather!"

Before raindrops fell Rosario made it back to their home in the woodland. Inside the log cabin, they were able to catch their breath. No one would be coming home for several hours, no one else had a Pokedex with the Professor's contact info. Rosario thought as they traveled all the way to their bedroom.

Once they got into the room, their feet felt unusually warm. Rosario looked down and noticed a faint light coming from their ankles. "Huh, what's this?"

The light started to overtake different parts of their body, causing them to look around frantically. Soon Rosario threw off their jacket and took a glance under their shirt to find out that their skin had the source.

"What, why is this happening?" they asked. But the light continued to cover their entire body. "Okay, what in the world is going on?!"

Then as soon as the overwhelming shine became a ray that blinded Rosario something called out to them. A voice from all around their surroundings. "Do not be afraid, my child, we have found a purpose for you in another world," a mysterious force sparkled in the air, filling the silence. "The transformation will only take a minute, then you will end up where you need to be."

Rosario wanted to shake their head and cry out but they found out that their throat felt like it was clamped shut. What in the distortion world is going on? They started to think. My purpose or some nonsense, what type of role would I have somewhere else?! How could this happen to me! Why?! I need to be here! This can’t happen to me!

"You will make a promise to those in need, each time without fail you will keep it. I will check in with you later on my child," the foreign voice tried to make it clear before they tapered off.

Wait! Bel and the others need me! Rosario thought. I can't go! I have to save them! If I can't find those four Pokemon then… Then my life has no meaning! Please don't take me away from them again! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. The worried thoughts flooded their mind.

When the whole ordeal had come to an end all that remained was smoke. Rosario had been taken from this world and was whisked away into one they weren't quite familiar with.

All the while their Pokedex rang. The silhouette of Professor Juniper glowed bright on the screen.

Chapter 13- Sparks of the Forge Part 2

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Split (Unedited) April 28th, 2023

Rosario's POV

I can't believe it. My last chance. It was stripped away. I just could have become a Pokemon Trainer again. Shoot… man what am I saying. Did I even have a chance?

When I find however did this to me, I swear- Wait they said this is where I’m needed… I’m needed by someone, even if it isn’t those four… They’d want me to help them, no matter what.

Oh well, that's not important anymore. Just like… Wait what's going on? Something extreme is being barreled into me. Damn, it felt like a bolt of lightning struck me! This was unbearable!

Woah. Something strange ran haywire throughout my nerves. Now it's so sensitive and tingly. Agh! The pressure is gonna drive me to the brink of insanity! It’s too much!

What the Ultra Space is this? My limbs ached, feel tense, and were sore simultaneously. All the muscles and tendons in my body acted like they are being squeezed and compressed tight enough to shrink.

The pain came to a stop and my body relaxed during these moments of relief. But why did this happen? My nose feels strange as it takes in some smells and scents. It’s easy to tell I wasn't in my home anymore. For one, it’s not raining, and the air doesn’t hint that it has recently. I can’t smell rain. Nor the sea. Not anymore.

My whole body tensed as it was a locked spring. The skin on my face burned, then the sensation spread down to my chest, and soon all my torso ignited in irritation. It painfully pulsed its way through my shoulders. Then forearms, and hands. Finally, the bursts of agony traveled in my abdomen, it violently flared up down at my groin. Then settled down whilst the jolts maneuvered through my thighs and legs.

The pangs I had bravely endeavored ended. After it all, I felt soft and fluffy. Like my neighbor’s Pokemon. But why would my skin be covered in enough hair to be like fur? What is going on?

Hmm. I finally opened my eyes to see a strange smoke floating above me. Thankfully the thick fumes lifted with every passing moment. My surroundings were a forest. Like where I was earlier, how fitting. I was laying on my stomach, which felt different. Where am I?

In an area of dark orange earth. Underneath the shade of some strange trees. Once again I felt weird like my knees were hugging my chest. As if they were placed somewhere else. Strange. My heart rate soared. Keep it together Rosario, everything will be okay.

"Okay, I should probably get off the floor," I reminded myself out loud in a somewhat different voice, it was much deeper than normal. My mouth and nose felt strange and felt odd as if they were farther away than normal. I ran my tongue around my teeth. They are all thin. Like I had way fewer molars and smaller canines.

Eh, whatever. I probably just need to drink some water. I glanced down to see two vibrant, plush yellow objects in front of me. Are these pillows or something? To get off the ground and take a better look at them I moved my arms.

Kyurem's Gale? "These things are attached to me, what am I?!" All sorts of thoughts flashed into my mind when I stood up, then I felt a tang. It feels like my foot was standing on my back. Do I, do I have a tail? “What the?”

I looked down to see my foot, which is now a three-toed foot, no, a paw on top of a large rectangle of another limb. Is it coming from between my legs? "Oh," I gasp. "That's different," I placed my hands, no wait, my paws through my fur, and feel something very interesting. It wasn't my tail. I tried to reach further before I realized something else.

My tail, or whatever was much longer than this. I can't grab it from here. It was not in sight. I kinda wanted to know what it looked like, it wasn't all be a thick square. So I leaned back and got a glance at my whole body.

After I tried and failed to gain my balance I fell over onto my back. Two long yellow things with black tips loomed over into the top of my vision and so I looked down. They seemed familiar..."What am I?"

Yellow body, fur, new teeth, new knees, three-toes, rectangle tail thing, black-tipped things. "Wait, this is!"

“So I'm a freaking Pikachu in this world?" I sighed once I finally managed to pull my tail into view. A tail. Is in my hands. No, my paws. This tail was a Pikachu’s. My tail. I was a Pikachu.

“Why!? Am I a Pokemon!?" something on my face twitched. Whiskers? "Yep, I knew it. I’ve lost my mind," I groaned aloud, as I dropped my tail.

It swept across the grass and rose. “Wait a damn moment,” I reached around to grab my tail and study it. It was thin and firm. My paws traveled towards the base and then all the way to the top. It’s so cool! Anyway, this long jagged appendage didn't have the default shapes on the end.

It was a half-circle on one half with a flat slant on the other half. It wasn't completely heart or flat so I wasn't about to complain. Didn't know that was an option. Sweet.

"I hope Pokemon aren't gonna be annoying or whatever when I tell them I'm non-binary," I said, feeling my ears twitch. "These guys aren't too much like humans, are they?" I patted all across my body, ran my paws through every part.

I had an unfamiliar body with parts that'll take time to get used to. But they are ones I'm finally okay with. "Maybe I can feel the way I want and be treated how I want in this body," I might as well start walking if I want to be treated by anyone, no one was here.

My new front and rear legs, er, paws were hard to coordinate even when walking slowly, so I walked on my hind legs alone.

Augh, man, what a pain. I had a much smaller stride than what I’m used to, but I think I can end up with a faster gait if I tried four legs… Ugh, so difficult. Since there isn't anywhere else to go I decided to head further on this dirt pathway. "Oh?" I was surprised at my paw pads’ durability. It didn’t feel too strange when I touched the ground.

The rich chalky soil I walked through was soon replaced with thick grass. The blades became taller and taller until they appeared to be stalks of some sort, so naturally, I lifted my head. When I did so I was able to see where my journey was taking me.

"So this leads to a hilltop with a gentle slope, that lets me get a nice view of where I am," I marveled at the fantastic change in landscape. There was a large reach of stones and rises that stretch far into breathtaking massive sets of brownish-orange mountains. They weren't particularly tall but still amazing.

I stopped. There was something odd. Like a powerful force that pulled at my core.

It urged me to venture up into those low rocky hills. Something that tasted like tea from Kanto, had an odd feeling of melancholy. Wait, why did I taste it?

I really don't have many options to head towards, unfortunately. My tail flicked to the side when a strong breeze passed by, reminding me of my condition. My new condition was of a Pikachu.

"Since I transformed into a Pokemon, maybe a Trainer will find me. That sucks, I hope I… Don't end up with someone like me."

Fuck. Being a small little Pokemon is not gonna help me become a better Pokemon trainer… But maybe, just maybe it could help with something. "Maybe I don't need to hide behind the name Rosario… Maybe I can be Haru like how I am online… Eh, it needs more Pokemon ring to it… Haru… Voltaru! That can work." Eh maybe not.

Begrudgingly, I took a peek back at the sandy forest. It was full of thick endless trees, high dips, and drops. I can't find an easy way through that one.

This seemed like a fairly decent place to start looking for shelter, food, and or a friendly Pokemon. I began my search, heading deeper into the mountainside.

"This is the life those three must have had before me," I mused passing by the base of the mountain. "Bel was hatched in my home so he didn't."

I continued before I noticed a green feather on the ground. Unintentionally I found myself approaching it. My nose buried into the feather and a jolt course through my body.

A herbal scent washed inside my head. I needed to find the Pokemon! They could help me figure out where I am. But more importantly, I needed closure. Why am I here?

"Could it be?" I gasped. "Are they here too?"
Chapter 14- What Do Psychic Cats Dream Of?

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted September 23th, 2022
Uploaded May 2nd 2024

Chapter Summary
Kobi has a dream. She is lost shifting through troubling memory after troubling memory before she dwells on her choices.

Then she wakes up and morning training begins. Fang and Hunter make Makkuro and Kobi face the music.

Kobi Espurr's POV

"Don't tell just any random Pokemon you used to be a human or a Pokemon Trainer," I told Makkuro yesterday.

I remembered the look in his eyes. Confusion. "Sure," the Rockruff replied. "I won't."

I normally don't use my powers to pry into others' minds, it's given me nightmares too many countless times. But when he answered, I had to know the truth.

Real emotion.

Makkuro said that, but they didn't understand. I read it myself. This Rockruff doesn't know what happens when you mess up. I mean, how could they? I've told the wrong Pokemon. I just don't want him to make the same mistake as me.

I mean you got lucky and tell your best friend and his family, so why can't you tell his cousins? They are your other friends, right? They'll understand, right?

I was wrong.

“You’re a damn Monster!”

“It’s your kind’s fault our family suffered! Monsters like you don’t belong in this village!”

"You're worse than a feral, you're not worth being called a Pokemon you Monster!"

I heard it clear as day. I mean I was a Pocket Monster now, an Espurr. Espurr had terrifying psychic powers that had to be restrained at all times to avoid catastrophe. But that wasn’t the reason I was called a Monster. It was for who I was before, a Pokemon Trainer.

I was a great Trainer. So why? Why couldn't I get a chance to finally start my research into Pokemon Powers? I made it, I had everything ready to show Professor Sonia. So why was I sent here? To a place where no one appreciated my hard work.

Everyone was always afraid of me. What I could do, what I'd find, what I'd say, who I could be. What I could become.

Even the first Pokemon who met me seemed to be scared. Maybe it wasn't fear, but instead, worry. I didn't understand and I still don't. I lived with Pokemon I never understood before my time with Hatchet's family in the village. My first Pokemon parents, that Espeon, and that Meowstic, just who were they? Why did they leave me after putting me through that?

When will I know?

When can I remember the exact details?

Why can't I?

All I remembered was the pain.

Swipes across my side. Psychic blasts in my face. Flames burned through my fur. Electricity crackled throughout my body. Again. Again!

Mother trained me day in and day out. I'm a threat, a monster. Why were they like this? They were the ones who welcomed me to this world, and I couldn't even understand a word they said. What were they really like?

Maybe it was I who was 'like this'. I was the one with strange grey markings on her coat, not them. Perhaps there's something special about them that they knew about.

The Keeper Police Pokemon in Midori Mori thought I was suspicious. They knocked me out on sight. They treated me like I was in Wicked Blow. Fang was furious that I tried to get into Team Vanguard’s research. That Lycanroc let out their bright presence to crush Makkuro and I on purpose. They thought I could have been a member as well. What would have happened if I didn't have my League acceptance papers? Who would come to help me?

The Disruption happened five years ago, only a couple months after I arrived in this world. I used to be able to sense regular Keepers when they were in the same room, now I can only sense them when they are right next to me. Before my senses dulled I finally realized the punishments of being a Keeper. Being in tune with mana.

One day I tasted an awful presence for the first time. The sins one must commit to get that way… I dread to find out. I was walking with Hatchet and when it hit me I vomited immediately. I was sick to my stomach. A crushing force gripped my body from all sides, more intense than any cramps I had as a human.

His parents told me to ask the elder for advice, as they didn't know much about Keepers. Strange, considering his father and older brother who moved out were the only Sentinels of his family. Why did his mother keep everyone ignorant?

Thankfully, the village elder knew everything. The dark-type Persian's words, I remember what he said as he responded to my questions.

"Why do I feel like this?" I asked. "We're not normal, everyday Pokemon are we?"

"You and your psychic-type parents are Keepers. I am also a Keeper," the Elder mewled in a low raspy tone.

"I know that! What does this have to do with how I felt today?"

"You only felt this because you are a Keeper, the presence of an unlocked Keeper. One who had fallen off the path and sank into the depths of vanity."

I still remember our first conversation.

"Why did they treat me that way? You are just like them, tell me everything you know!" I demanded, trying desperately to hold back the tears.

The elder reached forward to comfort me."Your parents had a terrifying Dream Mark regarding you. It was a vision or prophecy of sorts.They saw a weak Espurr being killed by two claw swipes of a black and white beast."


"They asked me for advice. I told them to make sure the Espurr is strong, no matter the cost. But I never imagined this would happen, that they'd fall to the beast."

"Why? Why couldn't I understand them!? How could you understand me!? Who were those Pokemon chasing me? How did they find us? What is going on?"

"I need you to take a deep breath, and calm down,” the Pursian requested. All that matters now is your safety … I'm sorry, young one, I'm so sorry."

They predicted the Disruption, but couldn't protect me from the worst of it; Wicked Blow. That beast was a group named after the signature move of Single Strike Urshifu, the same Pokemon that once saved my life. How ironic.

My parents were targeted. Like many others across the land. All of this was a distraction, for forces of evil to run unchecked. They managed to ruin enough of the elemental keys and locks of mana this way. All that power, in the wrong claws. Too many lives were changed, too many disrupted.

Is this what life here is like? What was going on? It hurts. For them to be snatched from me by the clutches of those black and white cloaked bastards. Wicked Blow.

Of course, they ruin everything. They even had some stock in ruining my relationship with Hatchet. But apparently, it doesn't matter to him, he still pretends like this never happened. Even though it's killing him.

His presence, ever since that day. The day his 'friends' came back with Wicked Blow. Just to ruin his life. Mine too. I don’t know exactly what happened because I was knocked out, but somehow they had a strong essence of draconian presence. This was from two sources: Pokemon and something else. It hasn't been the same ever since. Hatchet has buried the memory in himself. He remembers it better than I ever could, so why doesn’t he understand?

Maybe this never would have happened. We could have all stayed friends, and no one had to get hurt. But I just had to be so naive after the town elder taught me how to understand and speak their language. Back then the only thing I wanted to tell them was that I was a Pokemon Trainer.

It's all my fault.

This was the wrong move. I got into a pretty nasty fight because of it. Then more despair followed.

Even more Pokemon came to hurt me, all because of what I said. Monster. A blade of grass and a wall of flames. The searing pain of ice and draco tainted me forever. Monster.

I got the scars above my eye from this. Monster. It still haunts me. Those blokes who claimed to be my friends because they were his "family". Monster. If they were, then why did they let this happen to us?

Why am I the Monster?

If I’m a Monster…

What are they?

Something soft yet firm jabbed my side and I sprang awake. "Huh?" I questioned, my eyes slowly adjusting to the light of the room. The cold, moist air of the area conflicted with the scent of freshly polished wood. I could taste a soft milk chocolate, a warm familiar presence.

"Wake up ya sluggy Slowpoke," a voice said. It sounded like an odd mixture of Johtoian, Unovan, and Hoennian. Wait, this was Fang's voice!

The room… That's right I'm in the Sentinels Union Hideout. Something something Numero Seis. There are six or more of these? It seems my Paldean isn’t completely rusty.

"Oh," I started, crawling out of bed. "Good morning."

The Lycanroc wasn't the only one in the room waiting on me, Makkuro and Hunter were here too. Drat, I must have kept them waiting.

"Morning… Kobi you worried me," the Rockruff sighed.

I couldn't help but grin. I'm in love with his little Alolan accent, it's my second favorite, right behind Kalosian. Unovan is pretty great too. Now if only some Kalosian girl would sweet talk me like that one summer in Lumiose-


I stared at everyone for a moment as I reoriented my mind. “I’m sorry.”

Makkuro placed one of his paws on my shoulder and took a deep breath in. “I called for you, but you didn't wake up.”

The others shook their heads at me before giving me some space. Hunter pulled something out of her bag and rolled it towards me. It was a black canister.

"Did I mess up your plans Master Hunter?" I asked, using Psychic to lift up the item and unscrew its cap. Inside was a small brush with even tinier bristles. On further inspection, it was a toothbrush. Next to it was a small tube of gel.

"Doesn't matter," Fang grumbled as they opened the door. "Go get ready for your training."

The Boltund beside them nudged them with their snout. "Don't worry I'll take care of it, follow me," Hunter wagged her tail and led us down another hallway.

Soon Makkuro and I found ourselves in the large restroom-like area of the base. There were sinks and stalls of numerous shapes and sizes for all Pokemon here. That's a relief, I was wondering how everything in the base was so clean and fresh. And I needed to use these facilities.

Quickly we got ready for the day and exited the room. When we did, Hunter and Fang were outside. "After a short breakfast, we are going to one of the training rooms for aptitude testing," the Boltund explained.

"Let's not waste time," the Lycanroc beside them said, stepping forward.

We followed them into the mess hall, and I couldn't believe my eyes. There were so many Pokemon. All elemental types and sizes worked for the Sentinels Union, and were stationed in this particular branch. How have I never seen any black-cloaked Pokemon before? Mon I really should have traveled more.

"This is how the Sentinels Union looks during the day huh?" Makkuro asked, trying his hardest to stay behind us without getting squished.

"Yep," Fang answered as we moved up in the line a bit. "Bright and lively isn't it?!"

After getting our food, we ate. This was possibly the best meal I've had in my entire life! Eggs and berries again, but the chefs here must have put something into it. Makkuro looked like he was having trouble eating, but I could tell they were enjoying it too. It is hard getting used to being a Pokemon so I don't blame 'em.

"Okay everyone it's time to go to our morning training site," Hunter spoke, getting out of the bench. "It's outside of the base but we'll take the path through the caves."

"Ah, so we're getting a tour of another part, yeah?" I asked, following her and Fang.

The Boltund shook their head. "Not exactly, we'll just be passing through the courtyard."

And that's exactly what we did, Makkuro and I spent our first early morning here walking around a stony building. Not the best, not the worst. As we got further into the underground system the temperature dropped. A wind started to pick up and the sounds of rushing water grew louder.

Soon we were right in front of a little hut. It was painted a light brown with shades of blue as the accent colors. Above a window it had a sign on it that read 'Waterfall Outpost'. "Here's one of those Trader's Outposts you were begging to visit Makkuro." Fang nudged the Rockruff. "There's a bigger one that's more active that we'll go by later if you can prove yourself to me."

When they said that they also glanced at me. I guess I'm being judged as well here too. To these guys I'm suspicious and probably their biggest target. Considering the knowledge I have and my status.

It's gonna be a long day of training.

"As you two know your status is unlocked, we will have to rehabilitate you for public safety," Hunter barked as we stood only a couple meters from a massive waterfall. "Kobi, you need to work on sensitivity and control over mana presences."

She glanced to the left and we followed her gaze. There were other Pokemon here doing 'rehabilitation exercises' as Sentinels Union members watched over their progress.

"Makkuro, you need to control the connection between your unlocked mana and your Power Points," Fang said as they pulled something out of their bag. "To safely use a move."

Hunter also pulled something out of a bag. It looked like a set of small cylinders. "To solve these issues, we must prepare you."

"Prepare us for what?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions when you aren't ready for the answer," the Lycanroc in front us barked. “One step at the time, we can’t do all four at once right now.”

"What is the goal of your heart?" the Boltund suddenly questioned, pulling a small scroll out of her satchel. The dull bronze reflected the faint light from the torches and lamps behind us.

"Our hearts?" Makkuro and I chatoted.

Yes," they replied. "Is it one of peace?"

"What do you mean by peace?" I tilted my head.

Fang shook their head in disapproval. “That is for you, and you alone to decide.”

"Is the same true about your mind? If neither are true you will never succeed," Hunter declared. Their yellow-green eyes pierced me with such unwavering conviction. Is this true? How could it be? It must be.

If so…

Why? This isn't fair! We haven't even done anything! I took in a ragged breath as I tried to process my thoughts and emotions.

"There is a long path to complete control," the Boltund sighed. "We didn't master it overnight or on first blush."

I should calm down. A quick glance to the side showed me Makkuro was doing the same. Or was he already fine? I always have to hold Restraint, I must strive to be a better example. My body started to relax and the others noticed.

"That's right," Fang shook their upper body. "The only way to understand you need absolute control is through tranquility."

I tucked my tail against my leg and sat down, letting out a deep breath in the process. We can't let our powers win. Makkuro had already sat there patiently, their tongue idly rolling out. I gave in.

"Without a peaceful goal in your heart and mind there is nothing to override flare-ups in your mana," the Lycanroc explained. Then they finally pulled out whatever was in those bags.

Small wooden and metal cylinders, with tiny holes for air to go through. They seemed like a recorder or flute pieces. Are these for music-making?

In the other bag there were small bound leaflets. Beside the notepads were small whistle-like devices, but with circular ends, enough to fit inside the cylinders. These look kinda like mouthpieces or something.

"Today we are going to start your mana control training. We are going to use techniques from Shifu or Master Urshifu," Fang wagged their tail. "But first a little history lesson for our pupils here."

The Lycanroc then closed their eyes, I assume to remember the details. Soon their maw opened. "About fifty years ago these techniques were first crafted by two Elder Urshifu from the Jovian Continent: Shifu Yang and Shifu Shui, named after darkness and water. Their family members and other Urshifu, were asked to share and spread these techniques by the leaders of our Parliament…"

Makkuro and I stared back at them. "Parliament?" I inquired.

"Er…Oh and the other government officials from the other Continents. Nowadays the Mana Leagues and the Sentinels Unions deal with global information on mana."

I tilted my head as a purr of thought rumbled in my throat. Does this mean whatever form of Government Stella has can not be trusted? What happened? Was it what those blokes were talking about?

"Either way these techniques for mana control are breathing techniques,” Fang stood upright and took in a series of quick yet deep breaths. The Lycanroc used Stone Edge and carefully constructed a tiny balcony. These rocks were smoothed down before being connected to the ground and pointing towards the waterfall behind us.

Now that I think about it, it has no makeshift railing or fence. Why does it kinda remind me of a diving board?

Fang took a couple of steps towards the edge before Hunter walked up to them. The Boltund ran a current of black lightning on the Lycanroc before they jumped straight into the waterfall.

"Master Fang!?" Makkuro barked, running towards the edge. "What are you doing?"

"Have ya gone mental Master Fang?!"I involuntarily gasped and ran over as well, trying to find the Lycanroc amidst the pouring current.

"Oh relax!" their voice echoed out. "I know what I'm doing!"

Once I peered further into the waterfall I noticed the dark brown tipped ears of Master Fang. They sat still against the pounding torrent of the water. Their maw opened in an odd strange pattern, as if they were chanting.

Master Hunter walked up the balcony and sat down. "Fang is practicing a high-level exercise, doing the breathing whilst under strain from natural elemental pressure."

"You want us to do that?" the Rockruff beside me panicked.

The Boltund shook their head. "No, yesterday we realized you two would not be able to do the breathing techniques right away, so we had to go retrieve these apparatuses to assist you."

I nudged one of the wooden cylinders. "You mean these?"

"Yes, decades ago other unlocked Keepers modified the mana control techniques so now everyone can use them," Hunter explained.

"Oh this should be a piece of cake then right?"

"No," the Boltund sighed. "We'll just show you."

Fang took that as a cue to get it out of water. I stepped away from them as they shook dry their fur and took off their cloak. Underneath their cloak they wore a black vest, black collar and black beads. I noticed a large diamond-shaped tag on the collar, it had the symbol of the Sentinel's Union on it. The claw with three fingers and a jagged thumb.

After taking in a deep breath Fang gently picked up a mouthpiece. They attached it to one of the cylinders and then held it in their maw steady. I tilted my head in confusion when the Lycanroc closed their eyes.

Suddenly like earlier with Makkuro translucent rocks appeared, this time forming a set of small hands. What is going on? These hands had five fingers, all resting above the barrel of the cylinder.

Before I knew the rocky hands began to emit a soft brown light, I glanced back to Fang and then it hit me. A beautiful, melancholic tune arose from the cylinder and raw emotions enveloped my entire body.

The Boltund beside them picked up the metallic cylinder and hands made of black electricity crackled into existence. A harsh iridescent gleam of teal plasma surrounded the hands and fingers before the same tune played. The metallic cylinder gave it a different feeling in my belly but I'm not sure what.

"You played the same song?" Makkuro asked, curiosity dripping off his voice as he tried to contain his excitement, his tail quivering.

Hunter turned towards us and put away the cylinder. They bent down to reveal one of the lines on her scroll. It looked like a sheet of music but only had small dots on the paper. I guess the melody isn't long, but I don't know much about that kinda stuff.

Makkuro wagged his tail and pointed a paw at the lines. "So what is this for?"

"This is a modification of the breathing techniques," the Boltund hovered her paw pads over the scroll."You will use your mana to produce the melody from the cylinder instead of using your body as an instrument."

"Why music?" I questioned, staring at the symbols on the parchment and then back at the Sentinel's Union Pokemon. "How does this work?"

"If you want to learn then listen up!" Fang barked, sitting down directly in front of us.

Their throat began to glow the same brown light, then they took in a deep breath. I stared back in shock when the melody from earlier came out crystal clear. How in the Distortion World did that happen? Did that while under the waterfall and every time they used a move?!

Makkuro and I sat in silence for a bit, trying to comprehend what just happened. All the while the droning rush of the waterfall in front of us continued strong, drops of cold fluid filling the air of the cave.

"The original technique was chanting out a specific battle cry with your mana," Hunter started to roll up the scroll. "But it was impossible for non-Legendary or Mythical Pokemon to use. Now it is 'Breath of Mana', use your breath to create the melody instead."

The Boltund stood up and stretched her back before nudging the instruments towards Makkuro and me.

"Let's try it out, Kobi," Makkuro smiled. "I've got to get this under control if I want to help anybody!" they pushed the mouthpiece into the cylinder with their paws and concentrated to hold it in their mouth.

I want to continue my research and then go to the League, this is just the road to it. I looked down at the parts and then sighed. "Eh, how bad could it be?"

Oh me and my big mouth.

No matter how we blew, nothing resembling what Fang and Hunter played came out. Was it my regular breath? Didn't they say we have to find it there first?

I guess every breath we took wasn't a 'Breath of Mana' or something. How was this supposed to work? I mean no intelligible sounds came from the cylinders or the mouthpieces when we blew and blew. But Fang said we had to train our lungs, chops, and mouth anyway. Not sure how that works but okay mate.

"Okay so you guys know how you have an elemental typing inside you?" the Lycanroc put back on their coat with the rock hands. Wait, they can just use their powers like that? Maybe I don't need to use Psychic and drain my Power Points anymore!

"Yeah," I replied, keeling over to pant in exhaustion. I steadied myself back up and then further folded my ears. "I didnea gone a day without forgetting."

Makkuro looked hesitant for a moment, their ears folding in thought, before nodding. "I feel an affinity with the rocks around us and bits of the sediment."

"Good good. To get sound out you have to use the elemental mana of your type," Fang grinned. "It's similar to using a move but without converting it into Power Points. But remember you need that peaceful goal in your heart and mind to override your unlocked power."

"Wait," I panted. "But don't we need to override the powers only for moves, how does it work?"

They rolled their shoulder and cracked their neck. "Well you can use moves without the goal but to do the Breath of Mana you are suppressing your unlocked temperament. This is to safely use moves and your mana. When you utilize the breath thus and try to control your power you need to keep all three of the things I mentioned, especially the peaceful goal."

That's a lot to juggle but it boils down to one thing. Mana was connected to your state of mind.

The two Sentinel's Union Pokemon played each note of the melody and wanted to see if we could find it. And by finding it they meant our mana would react to them and try to mimic their tones and sound. I believe it did as every time we tried for a split second I felt peace. But nothing was coming out of the cylinder. Drat.

"You have to teach your body how to utilize mana in your breath without converting it into Power Points," Hunter noticed the frustration on our faces. "Don't worry, the easy way to do it is learning how to sustain each note vocally. Then your mana can find it easier. "

"Singing lessons?" the Rockruff beside me sighed.

"If you want to call it that then yeah," she replied. "This is easier than just blindly yelling or belting our random noises."

"Aye, Tapu." Makkuro took in a deep breath.

We had sustained something that sounded like one of these notes for as long as we could. We Held our breath. We kept blowing and blowing and blowing. Busted our maws on that mouthpiece.

Makkuro soon made a breakthrough. One of the notes from the Breath of Mana came out of the cylinder they were holding. It wasn’t as loud as the others but I saw the translucent rock hand move it's fingers to play.

"Wooo! I did it!" he cheered, dancing around the area. "Let's go!"

If this is what it takes to prove to everyone who said I couldn't and that I'm no good then I'll try and try again.

Eventually after nearly blacking out, throwing up, and accidentally blasting a move out I managed to get out a note. It was only for about three or four seconds but it was solid. For me the hand was a soft purple and dark pink projection of light.

My heart beat in my chest fast and hard as I felt fur on my hackles rise. "That was awesome." I felt myself grinning hard as blood rushed to my muzzle. "So awesome!"

"That is enough for today. I didn't expect you guys to do this well, getting out one note on your first day," Fang barked, walking behind us. "You must become a practitioner of these beliefs: cleanse the senses along with your heart, forgo all biases, and sever all desires."

"A-and then?" Makkuro tried to catch his breath.

"You will be free from the influence unlocked power does to your mind."

"And to safely use our moves we need our mana under control," I reminded myself aloud.

"Yep," Hunter's tongue lulled out as they panted. "You need to be able to at least use Breath of Mana with the cylinders."

"Oh so only if we can get those stupid notes out, great," I groaned rolling over on my side. "For fucks sake just getting the easy one out took everything from me."

The two Sentinel's Union Pokemon retrieved all the cylinders and mouthpieces into their bags. "Alrighty it's time for us to take a little break." Hunter proposed.

"Where are we going?" Makkuro asked, shaking his fur free of water droplets.

Fang pointed behind us. There was a wooden bridge that led to the left and into a tiny cave-like structure. "We're heading out of the base for our next practice session. But before then, it's Trader's Outpost time! You guys get to go to the big shot one before I put you through the wringer!"
Last edited:
Chapter 15- Fire to Wildfire, Rain to Rainstorm

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted July 30th, 2022
Uploaded May 2nd, 2024

Chapter Summary
Team Sharp Claw and Jin make it out of the Mystery Dungeon and decide to relax a bit. They share some troubling yet intriguing information with each other before they need to head back to the League. But it never could be that simple, someone is always after them. Some are on the lookout, others are on the hunt.

Third Person POV

Within the tunnel of the Mana Wheel, Linus, Glade, and Nevada jumped for joy. "We did it!" the three cheered.

Jin, their traveling companion, wagged his tail. "I feel so much better now!" the pale-Zorua cheered.

With that another wall in the room had begun to open up, it revealed a pathway towards a stairwell.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" the Treecko said. "Everythin's starting to get swell and mighty!"

"So what are we to partake in next?"

"I'ma not so sure yet, partner."

"The exit is right there," the Totodile behind Linus patted his back.

The Charmander stamped their feet into the floor and pointed towards the light. "So maybe we could ya know, get the veck outta here!"

"Fine by me but first let me ask the cute MVP," Linus gazed longingly at the Zorua slightly below him, a faint blush clouding his cheeks.

Glade dropped her massive jaw."Are you fucking serious?"

"Glade you don't understand the throbbing of heartstrings like we do," Nevada whispered. "I miss you Astesia."

The Totodile cringed before she could respond. "You know she doesn't care about you, right?"

An awkward silence filled the air. Jin took the moment to step forward and sheepishly folded his ears. Linus rubbed the back of his head. Some more time passed before the Totodile behind them groaned. Nevada suddenly clapped their claws in realization."Oh wait he meant Jin?"

The Zorua smirked once the Treecko in front of him facepalmed."I have been told I am quite the and I quote 'cutie' before on numerous occasions." But this is certainly different. He thought, his eyes narrowing. Jin smirked as Linus ruffled his head. A bit of pink flush made its way to his muzzle.

"Ya ready?" Linus asked.


The Treecko adjusted his Rescue Team bag and stepped forward. "Yeehaw! Now we're good ta go!"

After a couple of harsh complaints and bickering, the four of them ventured up the stairs, and outside of the Bristberg Highland Mystery Dungeon. Once outside, they caught a glimpse of the Bristberg Peaks in the distance. Pitch black clouds swarmed the dark teal mountaintop. Hail and ice reigned supreme. A deep rumble echoed from its depths.

"If you look down here," Nevada said as they led the group down towards the mountain base. "You'll find that we are in the Tapu Plains region!"

Everyone followed the Charmander’s advice and took in the sight of the massive fields of multicolor grain that the legendary Tapu Plains hosted. The stalks of red, blue, yellow, and pink sparkled in the afternoon sun.

Snow fell from the Bristberg Mountains as the four walked down a bridge to the grass-covered earth below. "Here is a rest stop called Prismacolor Plains, we can send a report to the folks who manage the request board in Bristberg," Nevada explained to their teammates.

They all still had further to head into the Midoriberg Mountain slope. This Mountain Range was to the Northwest of Bristberg, close to Midori Mori City on the East, and Tapu Plains to the North; it descended all the way towards the Tapu Valley Mountains and went down for kilometers. Close to what was also so far. A League that was hidden away in the shadows. But that wasn’t the destination, not for Team Sharp Claw anyway.

As they walked closer, Linus reached for the bag to ensure all the requested information was secure before nodding. "That's great-"

“There’s also a nice tavern here right?” Glade interrupted him with a shout, her tail wagging slightly.

The Treecko pushed her shoulder. “That ain’t important right now!” he yelled. “Wait till we actually reach the Boltund-gone place for Mew’s sake!”

For once there was a looming silence as the four walked through a dirt pathway beside some other travelers, the scenery becoming lusher with every step they took. Once the Rescue Team and the Committee ward found themselves nearing the final low green mountain base, beyond it held the settlement's small collection of buildings. In the warmer air, closer to the sea level, Pokemon of all types roamed.

The majority of buildings were newer, their slick profiles and edges made out of wood from Midori Mori's Forests and various metal deposits found in Bristberg's Mountains. To honor and pay for those materials the most profitable export of the land were the Berries that grew near wheat. Grepa, Leppa, and Cheri Berries to name a few.

Prismacolor Plains was a calm little place for travelers to rest, and also one of significance. This was one of the only places with a Police Department above Bristberg for Hundreds of kilometers. The surrounding Villages to the West and East were not under the watch of any major League-Bound Organizations, and thus danger could easily lurk around any corner.

After dealing with paperwork regarding the Wicked Blow grunts, and the requests at the meeting hall Team Sharp Claw followed Nevada towards a small shack that led underground. Before they all entered, the four reported their Mystery Dungeon run findings on their Rescue Team badges.

The Team and their charge walked down the steps of the shack and stopped in front of a hallway. There was a chalkboard with white, yellow, and blue writing on it: listing who was allowed in, the daily specials, opening and closing times, along with some ground rules. There were two Pokemon, a Noivern, and an Infernape who checked everyone's belongings before approving them for entry.

"Thanks for finding a decent tavern Nevada-" Linus started, as he managed to find seating that was low enough for his party.

"Woo! It's time for a fiesta!" the Totodile beside him cheered.

"I get it, I get it you're excited!" the Treecko sighed, catching the stares from other customers nearby. "But would ya stop interrupting ever' little thang I say!?"

The group paused their conversation for a Pansear waiter to take their orders before they continued.

"So," Jin started, slowly wagging his tail. "Today was an exciting and fascinating day. Who do we suppose was the cause of the pressure imbalance?"

"What caused it?" Glade reclined back on her stool. "That mana artifact device wheel thing, plain and simple!"

"I don't think it's plain and simple Glade," Nevada gently ran their claws against the wooden table.

Linus let his tails hit the floor as he moved the Team bag into his lap with a sigh. "Ya mean who sent their Sentinels after the Mana Wheel and knocked the darn thing off course."

"I think those Mercenaries were the ones who did it," the Totodile beside him snapped.

"But why would they?" Nevada asked. "That would hurt their fellow mercenaries in the Black Clovers remember?"

"But those guys were trying to find chances to pick a freaking fight with us!"

"Let's get real guys, it was probably Wicked Blow," Linus grumbled.

The table’s drinks arrived. A small bowl of sake, red Cheri wine, hard cider, and rum mixed with berry-blend soda.

Linus contined. “The Black Clover Mercenaries are smarter than we think after all, their top mon has been working with the Bristberg League on things we don’t even know about.”

“How do you know about this?” Jin pondered. “Have you perhaps been acquainted with them in the past, before today’s impromptu meeting?”

The Treecko took a sip of his cider and grinned. “Yeah, six years ago, I worked with those guys for about a year before I joined the League.”

“O-oh right,” the Charmander beside him brightened after a swig of their rum. “I remember you telling us about that when Glade and I first joined.”

The quiet ambiance of the tavern filled their minds as they drank their alcohol and relaxed. Soon the Pansear returned back to the table with a Pansage beside them. In their hands were Team Sharp Claw and Jin’s meals.

As they got through the majority of their food there was a rumble that shook the ceiling from above ground. Jin lifted his head from his plate and licked his maw clean. "Excuse me, my friends," he started. "May I tell you all something that I was just reminded of?"

"Go ahead," the Treecko across from him smiled, leaning forward to stare at him.

"Back in my homeland of Hisui I worked in an organization that I believe was quite similar to the Black Clover Mercenary Group in concept, it was called the Galaxy Corporation. My memory is a tad hazy unfortunately, I am under the impression my place of work was doing surveillance over the environment."

Glade hummed in thought. “So something like a Survey Corps, that sounds like work done in the Uncharted Galactic Region.”

“Speaking of work being done, what do you guys do with the Committee?" Nevada asked.

Jin's eyes suddenly fell towards the floor and his ears perked up. “I beg your pardon? You are asking to know what the Committee Heads force their staff to make us do?”

The Charmander flinched in their stool and tried to backpedal. "I mean you don't have to tell us anything you are uncomfortable with or think will get you in trouble!" they panicked.

"No, it is fine my friend," the Zorua sighed. ”The staff, as you all should know longs for Keepers of the world to hold themselves to a higher standard. One that is free from the pressures of anything outside their decree, and not to house a deeper thirst for knowledge on what dwells behind their walls. Namely secrets of various mana artifacts and the truth behind unlocking.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting, not sure I understand how that follows their mission statement. So where do you and the other wards under their control play in ta this? What do y’all do in exchange for living with the Committee?” Linus clinked the ice in his glass.

"The only activities we perform are arbitrary and meaningless tests. Such arduous tests. We are never enough for what they need, whatever it is they are after."


“Yes, but I will not go into detail to avoid worrying you all,” Jin curled his tail to the side.

Linus took a sip of his cider and crossed his arms. “Please go on, I’d to learn more about the Committee, just a little bit if you can.”

“No matter the time and place there is one sound that shall always haunt me. A tinkering of metallic machines,” the Zorua subconsciously bared his fangs. “Almost as if there are massive gears underneath the floorboards of the Committee.”

“W-wait, when did you hear these sounds?” Nevada whispered.

“This sound is one that lingers in between the shouting of threats and the beatings of me and my comrades."

“Your comrades? From the faraway land? Are they all strange colored Pokemon too?” Glade gently asked. “You mean like that Sneasel friend of yours?”

The Zorua took in a ragged breath. "Yes, her name is Toko.” He smiled faintly. “Our numbers are dwindling by the day, and none of us are the wiser to where they end up, not even the staff.”

“So some of you are disappearing they’re ending up free from all of those tests you are supposed to be conducting?” Linus finished his drink as the commotion above ground grew louder and louder.

“Yes, lest I speak too much, let this be known. The Heads only seek Eternity in the end, nothing more, nothing less,” Jin finished before solemnly dipping his snout towards his bowl of sake. He took small laps of the drink as his companions narrowed their eyes.

Something or someone was coming. Everyone in the tavern knew it. The shaking had stopped for a reason.

Suddenly, the Noivern from earlier flew towards the center stage of the tavern and firmly planted her claws on the floor, all idle conversations and chit-chat dying down immediately. “Listen up, those damn Lizards are attacking Mercs stationed at the Mosque of Tapu Koko, and have stolen one of the treasures!”

Nevada’s blue eyes went wide and they held their chest. The Charmander looked at their friends and back at the others in the area.

There were some hushed whispers and growls from patrons in the tavern before the Noivern smacked her tail on the floor. “Anyone worth their salt will know what to do!”

Pokemon cheered as they left their payments on their tables and rushed outside to the surface.Team Sharp Claw and Jin watched as the once lively tavern emptied out into just the workers and a couple older patrons. They then walked towards the cover of the shack.

“G-guys,” the Charmander breathed, squeezing tight onto Glade’s claw.

“What is it?” Linus tilted his head towards Nevada.

The Totodile in their grasp flinched as the grip got tighter. “You know who those Lizard bastards are or something?”

Nevada shivered for a moment and then let go of her claw. They took a deep breath and smacked their cheeks. “Yes, we need to leave, now!” The fire on their tail shot out.

“Got it,” Linus said before fastening up the team bag and patting Jin on the head. “Let’s go!”

The four of the scrambled towards the gates of Prismacolor Plains as the village’smon fought with and chased after Helioptile, Kecleon, Salandit, and Grovyle. Notably there were a couple of Charmander and Sobble that hesitantly gave out orders.

Soon Nevada, Linus, Jin, and Glade found themselves heading downhill. Beyond a stretch of plains just outside the settlement was large sections of rich green earth and teal towards a valley that led through the Bristberg and Midoriberg Mountains.

Unfortunately, behind them in the sky was an orange blur. Even as the team and the Zorua ran, they couldn’t outpace him, the Charizard and the Pokemon riding on him. As the Charizard landed in front of the valley, a Drizzlie, Helioptile, and Salandit hopped off his shoulders and back. All four of them wore orange and blue checked sleeves. These were marks of a Bounty Hunter.

"Well well well," the Charizard started before smirking. "What are you Bristberg League guys doing out here!?"

"I could say the same !" Nevada growled, their claws lengthening. "Get out of here and get on back home!"

The Charizard pulled back his wings, and fired off an Air Slash at them. Before the light blue crescents hit Glade and Linus blocked the attack with Water Gun and Energy Ball. The combination of the water and grass-type moves crashed into the massive blades of wind and dispelled its power.

He jumped back and crossed his arms. “We’ve got a bounty on any information on you Pokemon from Bristberg. You knew this would happen eventually, Arizona," the Charizard said before his grunts charged at the two.

The Helioptile fired off a Thunder Shock at the Totodile while the Salandit sprayed out a Poison Gas over the Treecko. The four exchanged further blows.

Glade rushed at the Helioptile, with the red energy of Brick Break, once close she chopped them in the side.

Linus coughed as the toxic fumes entered his lungs before he launched forward with a Quick Attack.

Their opponents smirked as they shrugged off their blows before they fired back.

The Charmander glanced over at the looks of dismay on their teammates' faces and exhaled, their breath turning into steam as the snowfall and sleet became heavier. The plunging depths of the temperatures fueled their rage and frustration even more.

“My name isn't Arizona anymore, Seminole! That Charmander died the moment I left the tribe,” Nevada growled, and poked the Charizard in the chest.

Seminole lowered his head and snapped his fingers.

The Drizzlie beside him launched forward and punched the Charmander in the gut before shoving them away. “Yeah, he died right when our mother died!” she yelled.

“I wasn’t the one who killed her Ocala!” Nevada snapped back, staggering upright. “T-those other Bounty Hunters, ones from those rival tribes did!"

"It was to protect you wasn't it!?"

"No, M-mother gave me her egg. The last thing she did was plead with me to run away and keep the egg safe! It's all I wanted to do, why can't you understand that?!"

Nevada’s brother swung his claw at them but the Charmander struck back, blocking the attack. "Keep telling yourself that Arizona, we all know you were the one who got her killed!" the Charizard yelled.

Seminole reached past Nevada and grabbed Jin, which removed the Zorua's cloak in the process. "What's with this Zorua fella anyway?" he questioned with a snarl. "He's all white and grey!"

"You get your filthy claws off of our friend!" Nevada shouted, punching the Charizard in the maw with Rock Tomb.

The powerful rock-type move Seminole sent him stumbling backward, his eyes wide in surprise.

Nevada adjusted their sash and stood forward. “The two of you are ridiculous!”

Jin freed himself from the Charizard’s grasp with a yelp. “Nevada!” he jumped into their arms. The Zorua shivered in fear, while his tail curled between his legs.

The Charmander quickly covered Jin back up as his trembling grew more intense.

"Oh wow, this," Seminole growled, wiping the blood from his nose. "This is the first time you've hit me."

"Tell your grunts to put back the treasure of Tapu Koko!" the Charmander demanded, holding tightly onto Jin.

The Charizard looked down at his arms and slowly shook."It's not just a treasure, we Bounty Hunters were forced into taking orders by that Weavile for a reason. Who knows what Wicked Blow will do if we screw up?"

“Stop this madness and go back home!”

"Or what?" Ocala mocked. "The little bitch and his little friends think they are gonna stop the might of all of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters?"

"What'da you say bitch!?" Linus yelled when he was done fighting the Helioptile. "Don't ya know what Nevada’s done for so many Pokemon with us these past five years!?"

“Shut the vell up you stupid little grass eater!" Seminole yelled. “Go back to the inbred Ditto ranch where you belong!”

"You take that back!" Glade shouted, before she fired off a Water Gun.

"I can't hear anything over that stupid accent!" The Charizard shot out a sweeping Flamethrower at the Totodile. The overpowering might of flames sent her falling back down. “Can’t believe you work with one of these Pokemon from those dirty beaches down south who can’t even speak ‘Stelliation properly!”

Glade channeled the energy of Water Gun all across her body as the fire encroached on her scales. "Stop talking shit about my friends!" the Totodile shouted once she suppressed the move from damaging her.

"You honestly think I care?” the Charizard reached into his pocket and shattered an orb.

On cue, four more Salandit and Helioptile grunts appeared. The four let out a haunting war cry and followed their coworkers into battle. Wasting no time, they launched off blasts of fire and bursts of electricity before they attacked Linus and Glade again.

"Gah dammit!" the two groaned as they were overpowered by the Bounty Hunters.

“Arizona is still the same pathetic little Charmander who could’ve evolved if he hadn’t been such a weakling!”

“Say all you want, Seminole, I just need you to leave, please,” Nevada begged, and tears formed in their eyes. The Charmander trembled and took in a gasp of air.“I-I’ve got a new family here in Bristberg, h-here at the League that actually cares about me, unlike you.”

“Oh that’s right, there’s that mercenary group hiding away in that town that owes us money,” Seminole laughed, as extended his wings. "They wear green, black, and gold, somethin' about clovers or some nonsense!"

“And I think it’s time that you face punishment for your crimes, Arizona,” the Drizzlie said. “You can’t forget that you let Mississippi die and let Dakota get captured. We haven’t seen them ever since you ran away like a coward!”

"You know what that means,” the Charizard roared.

Ocala tossed a barrage of Muddy Water balloons towards her sibling's feet, and nearly clocked them in the legs.“We're gonna make you play a game.”

“I told you two I didn't do it!" Nevada yelled. "The both of you shouldn’t be worried about that stupid lie as Keepers!”

"How would a useless Sentinel like you understand anything?" the Charizard fumed. "Don't make me laugh."

"Understand? What have the Bounty Hunters done in terms of research!? You don't even understand what the Leagues started to uncover and learn about Sentinels and different mana artifacts over these last five years!"

“Now now that's not important. It's a simple game, don't worry.”

“I’m gonna send my Bounty Hunter friends here to blow up the whole place,” the Charizard launched another Air Slash, this time aimed at Jin. “If those bastards don’t come running out, we'll scorch it to the ground!”

Nevada dived in the way of the move and took the full force of the attack.

“I," they strained as the last Reviver Seed in the team bag revived them, trying to get back up. "I w-won’t let you get away with something like that!”

“What?” Ocala asked. “Don’t get so worked up little brother,” she reached forward, grabbed Jin and lifted him into the air.

The Zorua whimpered as the grip on his neck got tighter. “H-help me Nevada!”

“Put him down!” Nevada demanded, reaching forward.

"Calm down," Seminole chuckled. "We won't blow up the town if you meet us back at these gates in two weeks."


"If you don't agree right now we'll show you a demonstration on this little freak of a Zorua," the Drizzlie scowled, and her body began to glow neon green as she charged up U-Turn.

"Please don't!" Nevada fell on their knees. "I'll do anything!"

"That's right," the Charizard said before he grabbed them by their League sash. He built up fire in his maw as the Charmander swung around ferociously. "Beg for mercy, you're gonna need it Arizona."

The sound of a siren of Echoed Voice and Screech came from the town. The cacophony grew louder as it echoed across the mountains above the plains.

Seminole cleared his throat. "Hmmph, looks like our time here is running out."

"I don’t know what bind Wicked Blow has over you but why would ya do that to Nevada!" Linus yelled. "They're your little sibling and you treat them like that!"

"Not any longer," the Drizzlie said. "It doesn't matter what happens to this poor excuse of a Pokemon."

"You’ll pay for this! Don’t think you can get away with threatening to destroy the homes and hurt hundreds of Pokemon all over some nonsense!" Glade shouted.

"Quit complaining, you asinine fools! You can't even deal with my hunters," Seminole laughed. "Why do you think you can face me?"

"You keep calling Arizona these names and treating him like an actual two-spirit when really he's just a stupid confused little boy," Ocala threw Jin straight at the Charmander.

They caught the Zorua and helped him onto the ground. Nevada then pushed him behind their body.

"You can have your silly little fox back."

"Why'd you do that to him? He isn't even part of this, part of my mess," the Charmander growled. "And I thought I told you I'm not a boy."

The sirens of the Police Pokemon got louder as they approached the clearing from the distant slope. The terror of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters was not going to last too long today, not in Prismacolor Plains anyway.

"You're not the same Pokemon you used to be huh?" Seminole questioned.

Nevada’s tail flame scorched through the air. “Of course not!”

"Really? Prove that by showing up by the deadline then," the Charizard snapped his claws together.

Without a word, his Salandit and Helioptile grunts suddenly unleashed their full strength. The four of them launched out a powerful spray of poison and a Discharge of electricity at Linus and Glade.

Once the moves connected with the Treecko and Totodile, they were instantly knocked out.

The Bounty Hunters faded back into the shadows, releasing a blast of toxic and static-filled mist.

Ocala took one glance at Nevada once their Totodile and Treecko friends fell onto the snow and smirked. The Drizzlie saw an opening. "Hmph, you're not a kid anymore huh?" she asked.

The Charmander calmed their nerves. “I’m- I'm not scared of you Ocala!”

She stared over at Nevada and smirked. “Oh? Think you’re too old to fear me? And all of my power?”


"Know your place!" the Drizzlie jumped towards the Zorua beside them. When her limbs almost hit Jin Ocala tilted to do a feint. She pivoted to the left at the last moment, kicking her water-coated foot and tail at the Charmander, nailing them directly in the chest and in the crotch.

With a choked gasp Nevada immediately collapsed onto the snow. The Charmander clenched their teeth as they doubled over in agony. They struggled for a couple of seconds before they fainted.

While this happened, Ocala bounced off the ground, and flew high above the short tree tops. Seminole caught her before she hit the ground. The Charizard then took off into the cloudy sky, leaving the four, young but still adult Pokemon behind.

“Nevada?” Jin nudged the limp body of the Charmander. He received no response, he then walked over to Glade and Linus.

He pushed on their sides with his snout but still, the Zorua also got no response. "Companions?" Jin softly whispered. As his heart rate increased, dread set in. The Zorua's tail clung to his underbelly, and his ears folded back.

“Oh wait, the Coordinator mentioned something about their badges!” Jin pressed one of his forepaws into the triangle-shaped badge and waited. " Please pick up, please pick up someone. We need your help, I need your help!" The Zorua begged.

Seconds passed as Jin continued to hold down on the triangular badge, the sirens and shouting of the Police Pokemon drew near.Just then, as a single tear fell from the white Zorua’s eyes there was a rustling in some nearby mountainside. "Huh?" he whimpered, and lifted his head.

A Stoutland was in view, she ran across the green mountain behind them, her brown and navy fur flew in the wind majestically. "By Mew! There you are!" she called out. The Zorua stood still as stared into the Stoutland's determined black eyes and noticed the accessories adorning her body; a multicolor harness, with shining medals fastened to the front and a large saddle pack along her sides.

She landed across from the four Pokemon with a thud, snowflakes flew from her coat with every step she took. In awe stricken fascination, Jin asked "If I may, who are you?" as the Chief drew near.

The Stoutland hurriedly approached her Rescue Team and their new friend. She then dropped her bag to the ground just as the Police Pokemon were in an eyeshot. "Don't worry, I'm Chief McBone Stoutland! Chief of the Bristberg Mana Research League!"
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Chapter 16- Feathers and Wild Breath

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted Posted October 18th, 2022
Uploaded May 2nd, 2024

Chapter Summary
Rosario deals with side effects of becoming a Pikachu and learns about the world around them.

Rosario Pikachu's POV

Number 5, a Keeper shall not misuse the mana locks and keys, this includes unrightfully unlocking too many Pokemon or locking up any of different elemental locks.

Come on! Even in the body of a Pikachu, I can't give up on my goals. For their sake, I gotta try. I reasoned, strengthening my will. "I will find the Pokemon who has this feather, or at least someone! And they better tell me where they are or something!"

I headed further into the sandy area, clay-colored mountains growing closer from the distance. My hands and feet felt so weird in this sand urgh, the grains stuck to the fur and rubbed my skin."A single feather, a green one at that," I said as I ran down a small hill. Was it light green, dark green, or uh teal? I pondered, before heading higher up to another slope."What Pokemon has it?" I found myself questioning aloud subconsciously.

"Has what?" a voice above the trees called out. Before I could answer, a thick floral scent engulfed my entire mind. The voice continued."Perhaps all you yearn for, by chance?"

When I opened my eyes I found a clay pathway between some hedges. "If it lets me find them then I don't care," I replied, taking a couple of steps forward. The orange ground underneath was warm and soft, so I felt nice.

As I hesitantly continued onward I noticed more and more fauna and trees were hidden away. Were these always here? I got up on two legs and noticed another hill. Suddenly there was the sound of flapping wings.

"Come now," another ethereal voice demanded. "You'll miss your chance going at this rate!"

I quickened my pace and practically launched myself off the hill, falling. Dirt and small rocks went flying as I crashed against the side, which only marginally slowed my descent. My body hit the ground and my face planted into some soil. The sting of the hard earth colliding with fur and skin made me tense up. Ow, that hurt. Way more than I was expecting.

A soft faded scent of smoke clouded the area. Almost like Virbank City… a nostalgic melancholy filled my chest, another reminder of the past. I slowly opened my eyes and was faced with an impressive sight. A Dartrix and a Noctowl stood before me.

Noctowl was so huge! Or maybe I’m just small.
Both of them had a vest pitch-black fabric and a small pouch. There seemed to be something made of a matte black on the Dartrix’s side but I’m not quite sure.

"Are you Rosario?" the Dartrix… The Dartrix asked me a question.

Did that Pokemon just talk to me? Oh wait, I'm a Pokemon now. Still insane. Wait a minute, how in Ultra Space do they know my name? "Uh-uh yeah," I answered. "How do you know my name, you're just a Pokemon."

"We are Specialists of the Sentinels Union," the pair of Pokemon said in unison as I sat back against a rounded tree stump.

"That doesn't answer my question," I growled. What is going on with me? I feel so agitated. Am I being messed with?

The Noctowl turned their head to the Pokemon next to them and then back to me. "The Sentinel's Union is under the influence and receives orders from Leader Cresselia and Leader Darkrai, how those two Legendaries know your name and more we cannot comprehend."

"Dream and Nightmare Legendaries command you?"

"Indeed," the Dartrix affirmed. "We've heard that you are looking for something to strive for?"

What? How did they know? "Y-yeah something like that," I replied. It won't hurt to talk to these guys I guess, they haven't attacked me for being a dumbass and tripping. Maybe Pokemon here are nice?

"Well, congratulations! By your presence you are a Keeper and there are many goals you can strive for," they said together, then Dartrix pulled out a book from their pouch. The Pokemon gently pushed it toward me.

"What?" I asked, crossing my shorter-than-usual arms. "Why am I a Keeper? What does this have to do with finding my Pokemon, the goal I’m striving for?”

The Dartrix folded their wing and flipped their feather curl. "To keep it simple, a Keeper is a Pokemon who is sensitive to mana and one responsible for using the artifacts that caused the Disruption."

"Not sure where that's my problem but okay," I shrugged.

"Even though you were not present during the events that started this mess you should care more," the Noctowl narrowed their eyes and firmly planted their talons in the dirt. "You’re suffering from this disaster as well."

My nose twitched in annoyance and I could feel my brows or whatever Pikachu had raised. "How? By being here?" The Dartrix leaned over to the side and whispered to the Noctowl, my tall ears shifted to try and hear but it sounded foreign. "What are you hiding from me?" I grumbled.

They turned their heads to me and put their wings on their chests before they sighed. Something jingled when they did that… little bells? Wait a minute, there's an odd claw shape pattern on the front of their vests.

"Well our black bells confirmed it, Rosario," the Noctowl hooted in a low solemn tone.

Before I could even ask what, the two Pokemon zeroed in on me. Their soft plumage of feathers and impressive wingspans once again reminded me that these were still dangerous Pokemon I was talking to. Razor sharp manicured talons on their feet, strong big beaks belonged to the birds of prey. Is this how it felt to be them? Those four?

The Dartrix noticed my expression and allowed me some breathing room. "Most of the symptoms we've witnessed and felt are lining up: a strong presence. Destructive tendencies.Violent, aggressive, harsh, cruel, disrespectful natures."

"Now now before you get upset, and claim 'some of those you have to physically feel'… You can't hide your unlocked presence from us."

Another random load of unnecessary boufshit from these birds."And? Do you Sentinel's Union Pokemon deserve my respect and best behavior?"

“You’re unlocked," the Noctowl emphasized the last word and stepped away from me. "This also makes you dangerous as you presumably have access to mana to artificially boost the strength of moves."

I shook my head, trying to find where this leads to me finding my Pokemon. "I haven't used a move ever since I woke up here man."

"Well it hasn’t set in completely yet has it..."

What in the world is going on? I should tell these stupid Pokemon off for wasting my time! “Do I look like I care?” I spat, and felt my ears pull back.

“My friend, why would we tell you something that you shouldn't care about?"

"Don't talk to me like we're friends, you need to get to the good part and stop wasting my time."

The Dartrix snapped their neck to the side.“Very well then. Once the worst of the effects comes we will come to help you keep it under control, try your best to hold on.”

"Eh whatever,” I waved the Pokemon off. ”Who wrote this book?"

"Our Supporter Smeargles and our Medic Swadloons created this book and many of the other recently published ones,” the Noctowl explained.

"Pokemon make books of their own?" I marveled, picking up the small book and peering at its cover. It was covered in a soft yet hard blue material and bound by small yellow strings. I could read the title. It said World History in Galarian.“Hey, how on Earth could useless Pokemon like them make a book I can read?”

"Excuse me? What gives you that idea?” the Dartrix opened their eyes slightly. “Calling our Supporters and Medics useless!”

“I meant their species-”

“So? Don’t act like you know how many lives they’ve saved and battles they’ve won!”

"Well I mean-" I started before both Pokemon held a wing up to shush me. “Don’t you shush me!”

“Be quiet or you shall never find what you are looking for!” the Noctowl screeched.

“Give me one reason I should listen to you Pokemon!” I shot back, as an odd hot sensation popped in my cheeks.

“You know nothing!” the Dartrix brought their beak close to my head and looked me in the eyes. “You would rot for the rest of your days on this miserable land without our intervention! We of the Sentinels Union came to assist you! You must heed our words!”

I felt the fur, long thick hairs on the back of my neck stand up as they glared at me. “Fine.”

"Flight," the Dartrix called out. "Look at the top of their head."

Flight, I guess that's the Noctowl's name turned their head to lock their eyes on me. "Oh my!"

"What!?" I raised my hands in between my ears and the large tuft of fur. "What is it?"

“My partner Talon and I know what you are,” Flight somehow smirked through their beak.

“Y-you do?” I held my chest and the plushy short coat of fur. Damn smug bastards!

Talon, the Dartrix chuckled to themself before they waved one of their wings. "You're a human, a former Pokemon Trainer, we know it by the grey furs on your head."

"What the- Pikachu doesn't have grey fur!" I yelled. "I demand proof!"

Flight pulled out a small oval mirror and pointed it at me, and then I realized it. "Do you see your own face in the mirror?"

A Pikachu. One with dark teal eyes, and a large tuft of fur on their head. The top of my head was a striking dark grey… I couldn't deny my previous humanity.

"Instead of giving you a lecture about the entire history of the world, we thought it would be better to give you a book on it," the Noctowl hooted before they flapped their wings.

"So this isn't a world I'm familiar with? But there are Pokemon here," I stared at the Sentinels Union Pokemon. Subconsciously my ears drifted back as dread started to kick in. What mess did I get myself in?'We live in a land blessed by Mana, a force that powers all Pokemon abilities and moves.'

What is this a fairytale? Sounds lame. "I don't care about all this mumbo jumbo, I just want to find my Pokemon!" I skimmed through the pages before I closed the book.

"Hmm," the Dartrix cooed. "It seems like you need more inspiration.”

What? Who does this birdbrain think they’re talking to? "Inspiration for what?"

"What you're striving for obviously."

“If you know how to help me find them then spit it out already!”

“It’s not that simple-”

“Hey, I’m getting bored with all this talking, and Rosario is making it difficult for us to get anywhere,” Talon hooted impatiently. “Should we try the slate out?"

I looked at Talon's side and noticed they had a dark grey square tablet on them. They flipped over from the matte side to a smoother side. There was a sword and shield symbol in the middle of the screen blinking every couple of seconds, flashing cyan and magenta light.

Flight took to the sky. "I have no idea what it will do."

"Me either,” replied Talon. “But maybe it can test Rosario here… and allow us to do some research. Something Team Vanguard couldn't find."

"Folks from Branch Numero Seis and Numero Trece said that when it starts flashing you just need to tap it and everything should theoretically happen on its own. Not sure where they got that information from though."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

I lifted my head up and suddenly the two Pokemon were gone. Just like that, the book in my hands disappeared too. "Hey wait a second!" I scrambled forward.

A thick plume of mist filled the air and then a strong gust of wind battered my body. I was able to resist them at first before suddenly the earth itself began to attack me. Roots and vines whipped in the air and struck the soil as the windstorm grew in intensity. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds before it died down. I heard the whirring of machinery and slowly descended somewhere as if I was on a cable car or something. When I stood up I noticed that the area looked different.

I sat on the floor of a circular elevator, a glowing ring of cyan and magenta around me. There was a sword and shield symbol in the middle that ebbed and flowed with the light, the waves washing over me with every second. "Ugh, where am I?" I groaned.

In front of me was a large black-tiled room, there were all sorts of symbols and runes on various walls and surfaces of the area.

Some looked like the sword and shield, others the claw thingies on Flight and Talon's vests. There is one other thing I noticed, clear and bright as day gear symbols and a constant rhythmic ticking sound.

"Guess I had to go forward?" with a shake of my coat I focused my attention on the center of my vision. There was a gated machine with a large bowl inside that sat in the middle of the room. Trying to head beyond that area was going to be hard because there was a tall ass metal gate that blocked it. It even went to the ceiling and other walls. On the huge gate was a wire or cable that directly connected to the gated machine.

There was a large switch that was atop the odd machine… Unfortunately out of reach for me. "Could you help me out?" I questioned.

"Rosario, it seems like this place was made for you," Flight tried to pull on the switch.

A large swath of cyan and magenta static current repelled them. The Noctowl fell to the floor in agony, and spread their wings out to minimize the effect.

"Are you okay?" Talon flew down to console their partner.

"You aight?" I asked them, my ears folded down in sympathy. "That looks like it left a mark." I had to admit I don't like to see these guys hurt, cause that meant they can't help me.

Flight struggled off the ground and then pulled their static-filled wings back. Suddenly they sliced through the air towards the left of the room. "Yeah," the electricity and its current disappeared somehow.

You've got to be kidding me. "Just great, so now I've got to do everything myself huh?" I asked.

On the right side of the machine was a small box with a glass bulb, there was a lightning-bolt symbol on it. "Must be something electrical." I rubbed my head.

"Unfortunately it seems that way,” Talon sighed. “Now you need to get used to problem-solving and your natural Pikachu abilities.”

To the left was an odd floating platform, on it was a huge ceramic ball. On the ball were small gear symbols and in the middle ends there was a glowing cyan and magenta sword and shield. How am I gonna connect and fix all of these things by myself? “Do I really have to use my moves?”

"It won't hurt to try them," Flight shivered. "It's the only way you'll be able to accomplish any of your goals you know."

I walked towards the large gate in the back and tried to squeeze through the bars. No dice. Going back to take a crack at the machine I tugged and pulled at the slightly ajar gate. I pushed and prodded the piece of crap with the bulb next. Nothing. What in Kyreum's Mist am I supposed to fucking do? "Gah, damnit! Pokemon are supposed to do work for me, not the other way around!"

Talon flew over to the ceramic ball and landed next to it."Oh really?"

"Of course! Why else would I be a Trainer?" I ran up to the edge to yell at them.

“Unfortunately there is no other way to reach the missing parts, power the machine, or turn on any switches,” the Noctowl above me explained.

Something in me told me I can make it, I just needed an extra push.

“You wish to find your friends correct?”

“My friends?" I questioned, tilting my ears. I don't get it. "No, I'm just looking for my missing Pokemon!”

Talon furrowed their brow. “Oh, so they weren’t your friends?”

Maybe they weren't. “I-”

“No wonder you weren’t successful, you needed to value your Team as friends instead of trying to win all the time.”

“But winning Pokemon battles is all Pokemon are good for," the words slipped out."I-if they can’t do that then-”

You’re worthless!” the Dartrix cut me off.

“Shut up!" Subconsciously I tasted something like a sugar cookie as I willed myself to smack that smug look off their face. A rapid fusillade of energy moved through my legs and my instincts took over.

Suddenly I flew in the air, I somehow crossed the chasm. Instead of hitting the Dartrix, I landed next to the ball with a thud. But how am I going to get the ball across?

"That's it, you managed to use Quick Attack!" Flight cheered.

I just used a move… When I was upset… Is this- "I did?"

“Rosario!" Talon hooted, flying back to the room, where I just was.

"What do you want?"

"You only think Pokemon are worth something if they can help you achieve your goals, correct? You think clinging onto them will excuse your wrongs?" the Dartrix darted forward and nearly dive-bombed me. At the last moment, they turned away and brushed against my tail.

When they did a jolt went through my entire body. At the tip of my tail, a throb began to pulse. The tail also gained weight as if a metal or something filled it. It started to feel weird.“I just-”

“That’s exactly why the Great Betrayal happened! Pokemon in this world and yours have suffered because of fools like you!"

"I wanted to beat all the Gym Leaders and become Champion! I just wanted to prove to everyone that I could win, that I was as good as the rest of them!" Uncomfortably, my heavier than 'usual' tail twitched with my every word."I wasn't any different from other Pokemon Trainers!"

"You think because you were given authority to guide Pokemon you can just abuse it for your darkest desires?"

My tail continued to twitch and felt heavier by the second. This stupid Pokemon is pissing me off! I ought to launch this ball at them! Before I knew it when I tasted sushi or sashimi-like thing in my mind, my back muscles tensed.

My tail slammed into the ceramic ball with a metallic crunch and it went flying. "What the fuck are you talking about!?" I roared, as a rush of energy nearly engulfed me. "I never abused my authority!"

The ball crashed into the tiles, and even with all that pent-up force, there were no cracks or dents to be seen. "Ooh, a nice and sturdy Iron Tail," Talon had an expression on their face that looked like a self-satisfied smirk. Quickly they breathed out a whisper. "Down, don't let the full effects out yet," then they turned back to me and frowned, their wings soon covering their gaze. Are they embarrassed?

"Rosario. Are you sure about that?" Flight took over, and landed next to the switch above the machine, careful to avoid its wrath.

"How in Ultra Space could you know anything? You weren't there when they left me!" I leaped up after them, tasting the vanilla cookie again. My Quick Attack let me reach the top of the machine somehow.

"There we go," the Noctowl called in a slow tone of realization. "They left you."

"Yeah, they did!"

"Why do you think that happened?"

“Because they weren’t good enough for me!”

"Have you considered how healthy your mindset and relationship with Pokemon is?"

"What? Of course not!"

"I see. Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

With pure adrenaline, remorse, and rage I slammed my tail toward the Noctowl. How dare they! Subconsciously I felt the raw fish on my tongue and in my head, I used the steel-type move again.

They sidestepped and my Iron Tail collided with the switch beside them. Shit. It was harder than my attack. The sting and echo of shattering metal shook me to my core. Why'd it hurt? A slow rumble filled the air as the small machine gate lifted.

Unfazed, Talon began questioning me again.“Were you good enough for them? Do you truly believe that?”

I opened my mouth to respond but couldn’t find my words. Why do these Specialists act like they know everything? It's not fair, we just met! How do they get in my head like this? I hopped down on the ground but, accidentally hit myself hard on the machine. A keen escaped my throat and I felt nauseous.

One of them asked me a question, it didn't matter if I couldn't hear it. I couldn't answer as a pain traveled up my core, sending my head blazing. Kyreum's Ice. What is wrong with me?! The only reason they knew is that I told on myself.

Everything has been my fault. It always has been. This Pikachu body couldn't tell a lie. It won't betray my inner thoughts. But this only happened in the presence of them and their slate, and something else has drawn me in. From those orange mountains.

Whatever it is, I need to make it stop. The truth of my heart just thundered out, it struck whatever it could. Pokemon wouldn't want to be around me in this state… Not Bel. Not Gigi, not Francisco, and not Flora. Why'd you let me let you go?!

I don't even want to be around me. It's breaking me. “It’s true… You’ve got me,” I choked through tears. “I’m nothing without them or with them. But that’s why I want to become a better Pokemon Trainer!”

Seconds felt like hours as those Sentinels Union Pokemon sat still.

Talon then bowed to me."Rosario, I’m sorry.”

“I extend my apologizes as well,” Flight added.

“We were so unnecessarily cruel with our tongues," the Noctowl and Dartrix said in unison. "Our Leaders told us about your past."

"It's okay," I sniffled. "I figured just as much."

"We had to make it known to you, the truth, you were hiding from yourself."

“Forgo your title as a Pokemon Trainer," Talon demanded. "That was the past Rosario.”

“B-but what else is there for me?" I cried, and pushed the ceramic ball towards the bowl. "What other reason would they have to see me?”

I let out ragged breaths as the ball sat snuggly inside the machine and then started to glow green and red. Only part of the gated machines turned off runes began to glow cyan and magenta. The last thing left for me was the electricity bulb.

The Noctowl on top of the machine came to my side and offered their wing. I shook my head and they kept their distance. Flight then cleared their throat.“Now that you have the chance to be in the same position as them you better listen.”

I nodded and tried to soothe my nerves. My hands sat on the lightning bolt symbol under the bulb and my cheeks sparkled out. "Come on! I need it to come out! Just a little spark or something!"

“Your Pokemon companions are in this world.”

“They are?”


“Where are they?”

“Let me finish what I was going to say, Rosario. Just like your companions this world is in trouble. You can only save them by defeating those who have captured them."

“Who has them?!" In my excitement a sour taste consumed me, and a flash of light crashed out of my body. The shocks were absorbed into the bulb and suddenly the ball in the machine started to spin. "I’ll go over there right now!”

“Settle down Rosario.”

My ears folded sheepishly, a thought spurring in my brain.“Oh yeah sorry, which move did I use?”

“Judging by the power and your-” Flight’s head feathers twitched. “That was a Thunder Shock alright.”

The orb sped up in intensity and a droning roar filled the room. The gate blocking the other half of the room fell.

“I do not have the specifics, Pokemon in Wicked Blow have some of them."

"You cannot battle the Pokemon that hold them alone. You will need a Team to support you.”

"Who am I going to team up with?"

"You will not get a Team, you shall join one. But to do that you will need someone to help you meet them."

There was an odd glowing object that previously sat behind the gate. The bars obstructed the majority of the thing so I couldn't tell what was. But now I see that there was a cyan and magenta glass.

I stared at the switch that sat high up under the platforms that reached near the ceiling. "I can't reach that, can I?”

“We won’t know unless you give it a try,” Flight cooed.

“Okay, maybe I can do it one go?” I made it as far back as I could and then took off in a running start. I overshot the first platform with my Quick Attack and smashed my head into the ceiling. A quick burst of pain rocketed between my ears, swarming my face."Shit!" In my agony, I couldn't have swung my tail at the switch nor landed on the platform below it. Below me waited a chasm of darkness.

There was a flash of green as I was carried up toward the floor. "I got you!" Talon cried, and gently placed me on the ground.

"I guess I need to train huh?"

Near the other side of the room, there was plenty of empty space for me to run and jump around. "Oh, wait. With my normal-type move, I can leap into the air again. That can help me stay on each platform, and control the distance." After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out my Quick Attack distance and quickly double jump, I tested how quickly I can use my Iron Tail afterward. "It can't go right away, seeing as the pause and shifting in the tastes or something. But I feel acrobatic!

"Rosario, I remembered something," Talon started. "I believe based on our Leaders temperament those four will not have the same appearance as you're used to seeing."

"That's fine, will they at least know it's me?"

"They will be able to feel your presence so yes."

"Once you get out of this shrine. While you and this other Pokemon grow there will be trouble along the way. This is why you will have a responsibility to those who will help you save them.”

"I got it!" In one swoop I dashed up the platform with Quick Attack, I jumped on one of the tiny platforms. I stopped for a moment and then took in a sharp breath. I fell towards the switch below me and swung my Iron Tail at it precisely. I rebounded off the next platform with another Quick Attack, successfully making it to the other side.

Panting in exhaustion, I lied on the comforting cool floor. Man, that was intense, I never want to play platforming games in real life ever again!

The gated room in the back soon opened. “Come on Rosario!” Talon called, and shot towards the room. “This is where the exit is!”

I got down on all fours and dashed towards behind them. There was a large square wall of translucent green and red glass or something that stood in front of a split circle. In my stomach, I could feel it drawing me near. When I got closer I noticed a small set of stairs and a statue of something.

It looked like a mix between a Kangaskhan and a Ryhdon… almost similar to statues in older Pokemon Gyms. Anyway, with Flight and Talon, the glass barrier turned blue-magenta, then it broke. The tiny electrical shards blasted in all directions. Once we got closer the statue’s eyes emitted a bright light.

Soon I saw two small crystals floating in the air. One cyan the other magenta. Once I glanced inside I noticed they were dull.

“Oh, my word!” Talon gasped “The gems reacted with the slate!”

I took a look over at the Dartrix and their slate. The device now had a sword and shield symbol on it along with a map in the shape of a paw and three claws. "The slate called them Ether Gems and the Statue is called the Forgotten."

"Take these with you," Flight passed them to my hand. "Give one to the Pokemon who says they are heading to the League."

I held them up for further inspection. "What will these crystals do?"

Talon's pupils widened and they flapped their wings. "I'm not sure, but we should get a signal when they light up again."

“How come?”

On the slate there were four gem icons: the cyan and the magenta have a '1' next to them with a little Chimecho symbol. The red and green ones were dim with a '0' respectively. Strangely a black staircase appeared, seeing as it was the only exit we headed on out of the place.

The three of us soon found ourselves in a sandy stretch of woods, the orange mountains I saw earlier right before us.

We traveled quite a distance… And something in that mountain called out to me.

That got me thinking back to what they said: I need to go travel with other Pokemon soon."What if I lose the Ether Gem or some bad guys steal them?"

"Oh don't worry about that, our slate somehow shows the location," the Dartrix beamed. "It shows it on the map of the four known Continents."

Fine by me I guess. "Every time I move to the left it beeps, why is that?"

"Maybe the gems want you to go westward? Our slate seems to want us to as well. Not sure why that is."

Flight ruffled the fur on my head. "Rosario, this is where you come in. We need you to do some research on the gems for a couple of days. We have to go connect our slate to the database and discuss with our Leaders in the meantime.”

"What's in it for me?"

"We'll also get in touch with the Winter’s Reach League and try to find your friends' whereabouts," Talon responded. " If we pester our Leaders we could even learn what they look like, and the biome of where they are on our Continent. You and others in your decreed pair were asked to test these gems out along with other Pokemon across the land."

I pouted and folded my arms. "When will these Ether Gems provide me with a reward? I don't want to lug them around for nothing and have you swindling my precious time!"

"If my hypothesis is correct this will only happen when you reconsider your relationship with Pokemon," Flight began to ascend into the sky. "Let's start with your fated partner, then work your way up alright?"
Chapter 17- Into the Depths of Learning

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them

Originally Posted November 16th, 2022
Ported August 4th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Makkuro and Kobi do some more practice with Fang and Hunter, steadily gaining control over their abilities before they learn more about the stakes and forces at play.​

Makkuro Rockruff's POV

We finally got to go to the Trader's Outpost! This was my chance! It was harder to keep up with Master Hunter and Master Fang than I thought. Doing all that Breath of Mana practice has worn me out pretty badly, but let's gooo!

I felt my tail wagging with every rushed bound I took. "Awesome!" my bark rang out through the cave. "I get a chance to help some locals!"

Master Hunter and Kobi glanced my way when I finished, smiles adjourned on their muzzles. “We'll have a bunch more chances when we’re free to work at the League eh lad?” the Espurr asked, slowing down so I could reach her.

"Yeah! Oh right, the League!" I gasped, darting around in a circle. "I don't know much about them but they are friends of the Sentinels Union right?"

The Boltund beside me widened their eyes and sighed. "You could say they are."

Ooh, that reminds me. "What's the difference between the League and the Sentinels Union?" I asked. "Kobi and my village hadn't had a chance to fill me in," I shuddered. My mood swung back to being upbeat. When the word village slipped off my tongue, I felt kinda bad for lying but I want to wait until the moment is right before I tell them I was a Trainer.

"Sorry about that," Kobi apologized, a forlorn glint in her dark purple eyes. "I don't actually know the difference myself. I only just learned about the Sentinels Union.”

Master Fang curtly turned to glance at me. "The League is in the public eye while we tend to the shadows.”

“Why’s that?”

“The League just has to be. Unfortunately to get funding from-” the Lycanroc paused to stifle a growl in their throat. “Their sources. They have to be partially open with their recruitment and the information that the sources know they have. They get special requests from them too.”

Sources. Master Fang must be talking about the forbidden word, the Committee. The ones who had some part in taking out Team Vanguard. “Oh, so that means they can lie and pretend they don’t know certain touchy subjects right?” I added, lowering my tail to stare at Kobi’s saddle bag.

Like everything that the Committee did when they figured out what the Vanguard was researching, those Mana Artifacts. There's something more to them, a hidden property, one that must stir the pot. From how desperate Fang sounded earlier the Team was probably on the edge of discovery.

"Anything the source can't prove the League has in their possession or knowledge of," Master Hunter sighed.


"It's just what I've heard from the Palm Shore League," the Boltund replied. "But I've heard the severity of how much a League needs to hide is based on which one of the four heads has their eye on them."

"Oh, the Leagues sure had it rough don't they?"

"Yeah," the Espurr mewled slowly. "That's why we'll give them all the help we can!"

There's a fire building up in me! This is something that I wanted to do back home with my Team, I'll carry on my goal here! "I can't wait to use my powers to help Pokemon with those guys!"

"You have to keep your unlocked power under control first," Master Hunter sharply reminded me. "And manage to use a move along with everything else."

My ears folded down and I felt my stomach drop. Dang it, I sound like I'm getting over my head. "Affirmative," I managed to reply, the word low in my throat. As if it meant nothing, like it was expected, Master Fang kept their steady pace, leading us through the rocky passageway. Soon we found our way out of the tunnel and a larger cave opening.

There it was, a light blue building akin to the small shack we saw earlier, the Trader's Outpost. From the open windows, I could see the few Pokemon inside. Well not all of them, as the shelves blocked part of their bodies. On this building, there was a wooden sign board outside that read "Cave Outpost". As we got closer I noticed the light brown accents of the Outpost matched the other one and the sign.

Suddenly both of our Masters stopped dead in their tracks. "Don't mention anything besides being under our watch," the Boltund barked, eyeing Kobi.

"Better yet just tell them you're our apprentices," the Lycanroc beside her added.

Okay…Why does it feel so tense? This is just an Outpost, which you two said we could go to. Finally, we walked inside and I could confirm my suspicion.

Stationed in the center of the wall next to the entrance there it was. "I had a feeling in my gut a Request Board of some sort would be here!" I cheered.

"Yep, hi there folks welcome to the Cave Outpost, the biggest Traders Outpost inside Numero Seis Six!" out of seemingly nowhere a Pokemon greeted the four of us. This Pokemon was a Quagsire, wearing a black vest and cape with the Union claw symbols on it like Master Fang and Master Hunter had on, but they had a blue apron covering it.

I turned to the left to see the staffer greeting us. Behind them were numerous shelves filled to the brim with all sorts of useful items. Next to the staffer was one of the Sentinels Union Pokémon, a Primeape. They wore a black vest along with a cloak and cap and were browsing some berries.

"Hi." I felt my eyes close as I wagged my tail in joy at the new Pokemon. Maybe I can learn something here!

"Well who are you?" she questioned.

"I'm Fang and Hunter's apprentice," I answered. Then I gestured to Kobi. "This Espurr is too."

The Primeape placed a branch of Cheri Berries and a bundle of Rawst Berries in their hand and turned my way. "Oh, looks like Fang and Hunter put the pounce on ya eh?" she beamed, pointing at the couple.

"What?" I asked.

"Think that means our training is gonna be brutal as apprentices," Kobi tried to explain. "Am I right?"

"Yea, good luck and best wishes!" Primeape grinned before smacking Master Fang on the flank. "Need more nerve on this lot ya hear!"


She then hit Master Hunter on the head. "We've gotta have more spark going after those blokes in black y and white!"

I'm so confused.

"Got it for Xern's sake," our Masters growled, gleaming daggers at the Primeape. "Beat it, Fist!"

"Ya ya, just make sure to take a gander at the board will ya?" Fist waltzed up to the checkout, coins in hand. "Let 'em prove it to ya, that they can do it!"

“She has a point, somehow.” Master Fang padded up to look over each paper pinned onto the cork and grinned. "Think there'll be good for 'em?" they asked their fiancé.

The Boltund stared at two particular small pieces of paper and then went back to Kobi and me. "If not for tomorrow, then maybe once they have grasped the basics better," she replied.

"What are the requests?" Kobi asked.

"Retrieving a lost crate of scarves, orbs, and berries for one, the second is locating and capturing some suspicious Pokemon,” Master Hunter explained.

Suddenly there was a gasp from the other side of the shelves. “You’re taking them!?” Then came a waddling sound and my ears swiveled to the side. “You Sentinels Union mon are gonna do those?” a Ducklett wearing a yellow scarf asked.

I subconsciously felt my nose twitching as they approached Master Hunter and Master Fang slowly. “Yes, we are doing some, probably gonna try to do them tomorrow or later this week,” the Boltund answered.

They must be from town because they aren’t wearing a black vest or any jewelry with the Union symbol on their body. This Ducklett doesn’t seem to be under Fist either. “Those are the requests I sent out!” they cheered.

I grinned at Pokemon as I felt a rush of excitement blanket me."I can't wait to report on a job well done for you Ducklett!"

Ducklett waddled forward with an open beak. “I’ll be expecting it!” they squawked.

"We'll have to see when you'll be able to do these requests together with us," Master Hunter placed the papers in one of her bags. "Come now we have some training to do, we will talk about the scraps later."

Knowing that I will be able to help some of the Pokemon here I'm satisfied. With a long full gaze, I gave the Traders Outpost one last look as we headed out of the shop.

Instead of going back the way we came, we headed in a different direction, Master Fang taking us to the right further into the cave.

"Alrighty now we are going to get ready for our physical training," the Lycanroc explained, taking us uphill. Once we got to the top I was able to see that massive river from before. The Nakagawa River in all its glory.

On the hill was a set of wooden crates with some odd bolts and belts attached to them, some crates had wheels on the bottom while others did not. Beside those crates were different colored and sized weights.”How are we gonna train now?” I asked, nudging one of the crates with my snout, filling its scent into my head.

Master Hunter pulled off the lid of one of the wooden crates, revealing a bunch of harnesses inside. "It's weight training while walking time! Since you, I, and many other Pokemon, don't have any arms and legs that can carry things I had to figure out a substitution."

"What's that mean?'' I asked, tilting my head.

“Yeah we can carry things fine with our saddlebags and I can use my psychic abilities. Oh and we can hold things with a hand of Mana," Kobi added.

The Boltund shook her head.“That’s not ideal, you are going to run certain distances wearing these crates, loaded with weights to train. Then I’ll be able to gauge your strength.”

I folded my ears back at the thought. I guess being a Pokemon who helps save the world isn’t all fun and games. Kobi and I realized that to an extent yesterday but even in some resemblance of peace, we’d be instantly put to work.

"Don't worry it won't be too hard,” Master Fang tried to calm our anxieties down a tad, before smirking.”Well if you're in shape that is.”

Their partner then fastened an empty box onto the two of us. "Just the crate now, follow us!"

Oh no, did I get put into a Rockruff body with puppy fat or something? “But-but what about using our moves safely? And figuring out presence sensitivity?” I strained to ask, trudging after the other Pokemon.

“You need to be at the height of physical fitness. If not, you better get to it," the Boltund stated, heading uphill along a stretch of rough stone. "There's no way you're going to get out of here otherwise.”

Then once we made it back around Master Fang added an orange-colored weight to our crates. The pressure on my hind legs, thighs, and back began as a light tugging but once we ventured off into a segment of bumpy paths it hurt. Aye Tapu! Adding insult to injury was my paw pads' lack of extra callus and durability which made them sensitive.

Another weight was added, this time yellow and my knees started to wobble as we slowly made our way around the lakeside. Ow. A whimper crept out of my maw. We just had to have traveled slightly off-route, didn’t we?

“This is harder than I thought it would be!” Kobi practically said what I was thinking, her body deflated.

"Everything will be harder than you think. Especially making it into the League," the Boltund leading the way barked.

Salty droplets of water gently covered my coat as we approached the water's edge, the softer ground catching the crates in its soil. "I-I never assumed it would be a walk in the park!" I replied, digging my paws into anything that remotely resembled purchase in the ground.

"But I have the acceptance letter?" Kobi tilted her head, the wind blowing across her fur. "How will getting in be hard?"

"Because unless you prove yourself with some sort of Act of Valor or whatever you're still going to have to pass their special entrance exam. And that exam is no joke."

After gaining traction and my footing I noticed my panting intensifying. "That means nothing!" I yelled, closing my eyes and pulling even harder. "We're Keepers, ones that were given power! We aren’t scared of some exams, especially ones made to see if we're capable of joining the League!"

I couldn't see it but I could tell Master Fang had a smile on their muzzle. "And then after that, you'll have to prove yourself to your new Rescue Team and the others."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You two will have to perform well on lots of requests. Oh, and because you are unlocked you'll be monitored closely by the Chief and Coordinator."

"We are probably going to end up doing something a bit more difficult in our work here aren't we?" I pondered aloud.

"Yeah,” the Lycanroc said, picking up their pace. “If you would like to be more than an apprentice- or rather your prisoner status.If you think you can keep up with us."

I shook my head with a groan. "Thank you for training and teaching us, but I don't want to join your organization. I don't plan on hanging out here in the shadows forever, I need to travel the world for myself and more importantly find a way to make my mark on the world."

"I'm going to decline on that, that whole staying at the Union thing," Kobi said. “I need to join the League. I know that's where Hatchet wants me to be and where he's going to end up. He'll never find me if I stay here."

“We get it, we get it!" both Master Fang and Master Hunter barked. "All right! Let's go, less talking, more running!“

Kobi and I continued exercising for what felt like hours. My bones and my body became sore, and my breath was ragged. But of course, that wasn't enough, it wouldn't be enough. Not yet. These Sentinels Union Pokémon are hardcore and we've always known that.

“Okay now it's time for some different types of training," Master Hunter removed the harnesses and crates from our bodies. "I can't do only one type or you won't be able to get stronger.”

"Master Hunter," I gasped as the harness was released. "Could- could we take a breather or something?"

"Tired already?" a new and unfamiliar voice called out. Immediately I snapped my body to the side, to see who was speaking.


Across the strip of Riverview stone, there was a Smeargle, one with a grey vest on. She stood next to a Morpeko. "But we haven't even given you our welcome gift yet!" the Morpeko sighed, sparks flaring out.

Then a wave of four gentle pressures washed over me. They are Keepers with unlocked presences?! This is what it could feel like?

"What?" Where did these Keepers come from? They concealed their presence!?” And they were not alone, there were two other Pokemon. An Aron and an Impidimp… Now that I think about it, the first two of these Pokemon are familiar!

"Wait, aren't those two our roommates?" Kobi gasped, her eyes widening as the group approached us.

"That Smeargle and that Morpeko!"

Master Fang chuckled lightly. "Unfortunately this is the way you get to meet with the actual apprentices."

"Yes, it is truly unfortunate," Master Hunter added.

"Why is it unfortunate?" I asked. As if on cue the Aron charged at me with their steely Iron Head, the blow sending me flying. Agh, Tapu! That fucking hurt! Koko's Sparks!

"What the-" the Espurr who was previously beside me yelped as she was blasted with a barrel of electricity.

I grit my teeth from the aftershocks and whimpered. My entire body must have been crushed into pieces of rock. Then I looked down… I was a whole Rockruff, nothing was broken off. Was that how a super-effective move felt from a powerful Pokemon? From my position on the ground, I noticed the Morpeko smirking, pumping their fist in celebration.

Kobi rushed back to me, a light lavender-hued mist surrounding her body, in preparation to fire off Psychic.

"No! Cease immediately!" Master Fang and Master Hunter ordered, halting all of us in our tracks.

I growled as a rush of energy built up in my body. The half-translucent rock that was forming, dissipated into the air right away. Ay Tapu, my mana struggled to work! "Why not?” I barked. “Don't want me to see if these guys can help?"

"This is not the place to test out your unique circumstances Makkuro," the Boltund sighed. "We are supposed to test your reactions to various elemental attacks and your resistances. Attention!"

The four Sentinels Union apprentices saluted our Masters with a hand of mana, four fingers pointed outward.

I can't believe it. I jumped off the floor and ran up to Master Hunter. "Wait so these guys get to pummel us and we can't hit them back?"

"That's a load of fucking bollocks," Kobi spat.

"Aye listen! We had to go through this too." The Morpeko crossed her arms.

"Not with your own moves," I watched as the Lycanroc grumbled, ears folding down in annoyance. Then they turned to the apprentices. "Who told you brats to sneak up on them?"

"Uh…." the Impidimp tried to speak up for his companions.

"Yeah, I thought so," Master Hunter growled. "Kobi, Makkuro you are allowed to strike back for every blow they deal to you."

"Got it," I replied, wagging my tail as I saw the expressions morph on the apprentices' faces. That look in their eyes, they know they've messed up big time. Quickly I slammed my body into the Morpeko, knocking them onto the floor. "No moves, no problem."

My opponent writhed out of my grasp and took in a labored breath, parts of their fur gaining a purplish hue. Oh no soon they'll be in Hangry Mode!

I grinned as Kobi raked her claws at the Aron's softer section near their shoulder. Then with a shove, she exposed their underbelly, before pouncing on their chest. In an instant, once her paws touched back on the floor as the Aron recovered, the Impidimp made his move.

I noticed he was glowing a dark pink with some energy from some move, then he caught hold of the Espurr's flank fur. The Impidimp tilted her slightly, using her force against her, and slammed his foot, covered in darkness against her lower belly. Kobi immediately stumbled to the ground from the super-effective attack. She growled out a Galarian curse while I stayed close to try and assess the situation… That's it! Impidimp probably used Foul Play on her because she's so strong!

Shit! I still had to wait for my next opportunity to strike! Who's gonna hit me?

The Smeargle picked up her red-painted tail with a sigh before quickly Sketching something into existence.

Then it hit me. A concentrated burst of cold water blasted into me, forcing me to retreat out of its range. That was a Water Pulse, damnit! I felt the skin and fur practically ripping from my body. I shivered as I stood back, before shaking the droplets away, my paws scraping against the stone as the wind picked up. "We're gonna be watching you, outsiders!" the Smeargle growled, her crimson-tipped tail slowly turning a light fuschia.

"We've-" Kobi started, standing up beside me, "We've got all day."

"Hit me with your best shot!" I smirked despite regretting it immediately. "Show us what the Sentinels Union is made of."

I lost track of the time. It was easy when your head was spinning so hard. Those apprentices, of Fist the Primeape, and Pride the Pyroar respectively beat the shit outta Kobi and I. They used every move they had on us, then lowered our natural defenses and raised their offensive powers to give us a true taste. We couldn't do much back to 'em without our moves but I know they felt the drive behind our will. That's what I want to believe anyway. All that's left was our tired breaths.

"Don't worry after you get a hold of your moves safely you can pay them back in full, with interest," Master Fang nudged me up from lying on my back.

Sounds good to me. I huffed as I rolled back over, stretching out my legs with a groan. “What are we doing next?”

“Are, are we gonna get a break?” Kobi begged, hissing as she rolled her shoulders and groomed her chest fur.

Once I looked to the side I noticed Master Hunter was writing something in a rather large notebook, jotting on a scroll of parchment. The Boltund sang softly in thought before finishing up something and promptly returned all the papers into their saddle bag. “Yep." They smiled. "It’s time for you to do some research for the League you care so much about."

Her voice was a spark of hope for us. “Wait, we’re going back to the base?”

“Yeah,” Master Fang replied. “Hunter and I have got to review your presence fluctuation, join in on a meeting with the Branch Sies Commanders, and then finalize our plans for tomorrow, based on your contingencies."

That's a lot of words just to say their schedule is loaded. "You'll be escorted into the Library by some more," Master Hunter cleared their throat, "upstanding members of the Sentinels Union."

Dissing Fist eh?

"What do you want us to look up while we're there? Oh, and is there a good book on the letters of the foot runes?" Kobi asked.

Oh great, now I can finally read stuff on my own, instead of being treated like a toddler! I was beginning to get fed up with all the patronizing and shit. Becoming independent sure is hard when there's stuff folks have to teach you the entire time. Stupid new body ugh.

Our Masters took us back toward the inside of the base. "I need you to know the truth, you need to find out about the Great Betrayal," the Boltund narrowed their eyes, the rich green hue wavering in emotion.

“The truth huh,” I replied, my nose twitching as I wracked my head.

“Will we still have time for our lesson?”

"Why do you need to know about the letters?” Master Fang asked me as we got closer to the base’s entrance. I nervously glanced back towards Kobi before I shivered. “Oh wait, the village must have taught ya different ones than what we use here right Makkuro?"

Oh no…“Yeah,” I replied. No matter how hard I tried, no more words came to mind.

Kobi took that as an opportunity. “Why are the Pokemon involved in the Great Betrayal, something that happened so long ago, relevant to our work here today, dealing with Wicked Blow and recovering the keys and locks of mana?”

"Kobi, the Pokemon that were involved in it are also involved in the Disruption, everything comes back to the fight for a specific something,” as our paws treaded the tilted floor of the Sentinels Union base the Lycanroc managed to answer, shaking their coat. They lowered their tail as they continued wagging in what I presumed was thought.

I guess we’ll have to figure this out for ourselves. It may be a bit too painful for Master Fang and Master Hunter to talk to us. It’s also gotta be stuff the League needs help understanding since we’re allowed to study it on their behalf. What a stroke of luck for those guys, they’ll have us soon!

"Alrighty, we'll be off now," our Masters called out.

I tilted my head at the two Pokemon and grinned. "Bye!"

"See ya later!" Kobi meowed.

We walked for quite aways before rounding down a warm cozy hallway, before spotting another Sentinels Union Pokemon, there was a Malamar. She stood in front of the two beautifully elaborate decorated ajar doors, the banner of the Sentinel's Union claw, carved delicately into the wood. "Good afternoon, I'm Inkling, here to assist and watch over you two when you are studying in the library." the Malamar led Kobi and I passed the entrance.

“Inkling, we were told to study about the Great Betrayal," I started, as we headed towards a low table in the center of the library. "Is there anything else we should look into?” I sat on a small cushioned stool, one big enough for Kobi and me.

The Malamar brushed away their loose head tentacles and began carding through a book from a shelf. "I believe it would be in your best interest to learn about unlocked Keepers and Sentinels in full, that way you can be prepared." Then Inkling then passed the book onto the table.

"Unlocked… That's just like us," I sat down at the table, watching Kobi peer into the pages.

"Sentinels could be unlocked too? They have finer control over the power and revert automatically though huh," the Espurr questioned, her tail flicking as she continued.

I hummed as the memory played in my head. “I mean, Keepers are the ones who can use the key and lock mana artifacts."

"Correct," Inkling chirped.

"I don’t believe anyone said they couldn’t use them on Sentinels, considering they go back on their own they are not as much of a pressing threat.”

"Oh, there's so much information here!" Kobi flipped through more pages. "On pages 127-131, it mentions something else about Sentinels. Certain Sentinels may be able to use illusive color-coded collections of mana called Ether Gems to have access to something akin to unlocked boosted moves. But they need mana artifacts called the Regalia to utilize it in full."

What? The way the information is presented seems like it's mainly theoretical. "Uh excuse me Inkling. Do you have any more info about the Ether Gems?" I placed a paw on the table.

"Many Branches are currently working with some Slate devices to locate the majority of them and get some claws-on research done," the Malamar explained, eyes narrow. "Ether Gems were last documented a very long time ago, back when Mana Control Techniques was first discovered."

We continued studying the text, trying to make sense of things Master Fang and Hunter mentioned yesterday and earlier today. There's so much, but we'll hopefully be on the road tomorrow and for the next couple of days. Kobi and I can't risk missing out.

"Oh right, here's your books on the footrune letters, and the Great Betrayal." the Malamar returned with some tomes in her grasp, placing the first in front of me and the second in front of Kobi.

That was strange… the cover of the book in front of me seemed to be in Galarian. Do all of them know?

“Okay, since we've got a bit of time I'll help you out with these, Espurr dear can you read the guide correct?" Inkling asked.

"Uh, yeah." Kobi lifted her head up from the book. "I can read 'em."

The two taught me how to read and pronounce each letter. It was easy to understand somehow, it felt like my head was tingling the whole time. Then Inkling and Kobi told me a majority of words that would be important. Weird how the word "Rest Stop" looks nothing like how it does in Galarian but the word "Guild" does.

"Okay, now we've got time to learn about the Great Betrayal," the Malamar stepped away from the table. "Unfortunately I'm a tad bit uncomfortable speaking about this so you'll have to read it on your own."

"If we have some questions we can ask you?" I sniffed, noticing a melancholy wafting through the air.

"Yes," she replied.

"Okay so…" 'The Great Betrayal was a war that started because of a conflict between former Pokemon Trainers and the groups they belonged to; Bounty Hunters, and Expedition Teams. These organizations eventually split apart into the numerous ones we have today.'

'These humans were called Monsters for their former practices and many were killed off. There was a force to save them led by a Team called Checkmate, that was on the frontlines.'

'This Team was headed by a Granbull and a Herdier couple, the McBone's, and it seemed that a large percentage of Team Checkmate were former trainers. Although these five are rumored dead, notable ones are a Torracat, a Hattrem, a Vibrava, a Cufant, and another Pokemon of an unknown species, one given the moniker Camouflage.'

'There was a cult dedicated to Eternaus, made from Expeditioners and Bounty Hunters that spread the campaign against former trainers. And then they thought that it was unfair that Pokemon had been forbidden to use mana artifacts to their full potential, and hiding away their real power.'

That sounds kinda like Wicked Blow… Except for the Eternaus part. Odd.

Inkling, Kobi, and I found more books on each varying subject, trying our hardest to connect the dots. It was exciting to think about all the possibilities we have with the right knowledge at our disposal. Suddenly as we were about to crack open our sixth tome there was a knock on the other side of the table.

"Hey guys." Master Hunter walked up to us, a small pouch through her teeth.

Inkling retrieved the bag and set it down. "I assume you're ready?" she jingled the small materials inside, judging by the soft metallic sound, coins.

"Yeah." Master Fang made it to the chair adjacent to Kobi and me. "The most important training is coming up soon so we hurried over after we finished with our work."

"It's the training to help me use my moves!?" I asked.

"Yep." Master Hunter ruffled the top of my head. "But first some lunch, can't run on empty!"

We then circled around back to the entrance of Numero Seis Six. The dining hall wasn't as full as it was this morning which was great. "Could I try some different fruit?" I asked, Master Hunter as they picked up a tray.

"Sure," the Boltund replied. "I'll ask for Razz, Aspear, and Leppa."

It's hard to go against my proper home training and just stuff food in my face, er muzzle but our lunch was so divine! After we got ready with other matters, we headed out to a different place to train.

"Okay, I'll take Makkuro to help them work with mana to Power Point control. We will have this Rockruff here using a move safely by tonight so help me Xerneas," Master Fang licked their chops as they adjusted one of their bags.

"And Kobi will come with me, we need to work on your presence sensitivity, and control," Master Hunter woofed gently, sniffing at something in the air. "It's a little odd how your friend here has a calmer presence than you, but it will no longer be an issue after we're done."

Deep breath. Remember to sever all desires, cleanse the mind, and keep a goal of peace in your heart. Everything is in my grasp. "Now, follow the steps Makkuro," the Lycanroc guided me.

I drew in the mana from my surroundings, feeling a large palette of elemental types for me to choose from. Dark, Normal, Rock, and Ground are the types of my moves. "Hey, now when you want to use the move perform the Breath of Mana," Master Fang barked.

"Let's go with Rock Tomb," I grinned, my breath already hitching in extersion. Master Fang, they're familiar with this kind of move too. The taste of milk chocolate filled my maw and the small translucent rocks appeared once again.

Then suddenly they started to solidify. Saving the world, making my Pokemon and my Sensei proud, and seeing Kobi's smile. That Ducklett, they, and the others need my help. Peace. Peace. Peace!

"Augh!" a jolt of pain ran through my body. The rocks, well more like pebbles, were struggling to gain in size, to be a proper move. "Why does it hurt?"

"I don't know! I think the reason you couldn't use moves was because you had nothing to control your boosted power and hold you back. Keep going!" Master Fang encouraged me. "You might have to weaken the strength."

Wait! Is my power too strong to contain in this one move? What if I, I separated the mana into individual rocks. One, two, three, four! "I can do it!" I howled out, my body cracking underneath the pressure. "I can surpass the limit!"

"GO for it!"

Something inside me shattered. I screamed out in pain, closing my eyes… I couldn't take it anymore. Please. There was a loud crash on the ground in front of me. My eyes shot open.

"Ay, that Rock Tomb worked!" Those were the last words I heard, before I collapsed. Succumbing to my fatigue.

When I opened my eyes I was sitting in my bottom bunk. Kobi sat beside me, a large smile on her face. "Hey, what did I miss?" I lifted my head up and yawned.

"You lucky dog you, we did it!" the Espurr hugged me.

"Did what?"

"You two are coming with us tomorrow afternoon," familiar voices echoed through our room. Master Fang and Master Hunter sat on the floor below us. "We're going to a seminar hosted by Leader Magearna down in Saltwater Cliffs, to learn about what they call the Gears of Mana."

"I see, this must be what all of us looking for," I replied.


"The Sentinel's Union, The League, Wicked Blow, the… The source, and then whoever those Eternaus cultists are," I explained. "They are related to every type of Mana Artifacts aren't they?"

"I guess you've done your homework huh," the Lycanroc grinned. "I know you'll be excited to learn more with us."

"But I passed out-"

"You were clenching down too hard," Master Fang barked, nudging me over the head.

"What? But I was scared it was gonna overflow or something!"

"Don't worry about that!" Kobi sighed. "Yesterday I told you to let it fly out!"

The Lycanroc suddenly grabbed me by the scruff and carried me around the room. "Makkuro you didn't let out the right amount of mana to use Rock Tomb. You used the bare minimum and your body's supply was taken instead. No more holding back ya hear me!"

"Yes Master Fang," I groaned before they continued nagging me.

“We’ve all got more training to do," Master Hunter panted. "We allowed you to rest and recover after passing the most important part, using a move safely. But as you can probably tell there is still plenty of work to do.”

I climbed out of bed and shook my body awake. “Alright, understood!”

“Cha,” Kobi followed. “I’m ready!”

We worked on gaining resistance against presences, by our Masters slowly releasing theirs on us. The feeling of being crushed still fucking hurt but apparently we made it to a bit less than half of their full presence without yielding.

Kobi had to work on using her moves with the Breath of Mana and the difference was like night and day. The previously wide Psychics that couldn't tear through the practice substitutes, were now thin powerful blasts that went right through them.

Before I knew it was around midnight and Kobi and I crashed into our beds. Fist, Pride, and their apprentices would be joining us on our trip to Saltwater Cliffs.

It's morning. On this trip it seemed like we'll head into something called a Mystery Dungeon, where Pokemon would attack us on sight for trespassing. I'm a bit worried about that since Master Hunter said that they were a tad on the stronger side. Nevertheless, we continued onward through the rocky Riverland, noticing the dipping temperatures and fiercer gusts of wind. Suddenly I began to feel another crushing force, a presence.

"Halt, there's someone up ahead… Not a regular unlocked Keeper, their presence is too bright!" Master Hunter stood in front of us.

There was a small grey figure who stood in front of the Mystery Dungeon cave entrance.

"Not a regular Pokemon, could it be a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon?" I asked in a bark, accidentally too loud.

"Shh!" Master Fang and Kobi pushed me down.

"Makkuro you dumbass," Smeargle, one of Fist and Pride's apprentices chided.

"Excuse me?" I growled back. Who does she think she is?

"Huh?" the figure called out, turning to face us. It was a rare Legendary from Galar… a Kubfu. "Wait, was that accent I'm familiar with?" they asked, approaching us.

Wait that Kubfu has dark grey fur on their head, a former human. What are they doing out here?

"I'm sorry to bother you, I'm lost," the Kubfu lifted their paws in the air. "I have so many questions but specifically one for the Rockruff."

The Sentinels Union Pokémon looked at me and then back at the foreigner. "Sure, but try anything and we're through." Master Hunter suppressed a growl.

Then the Kubfu walked up to me and grinned. Finally, they asked me the question. "Are you an Island Hopper?"

Wait. I haven't heard that since the day I became a Rockruff. Back in Johto. Wait a minute. What? What?!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, here for P-Wheel. I waffled a bit on whether or not I wanted to come back to GoM or try out Fogcut Voyage, but you sounded pretty interested in hearing feedback on your Prologue. I originally was aiming to do all three parts, but my health kinda fell out from under me while putting this together, so in the interest of not keeping you waiting unduly long, I’ll just be doing the first and second parts this time around:

Prologue 1

Mana. What was it? Was it more than a power source? Why did it cause Pokémon to behave like this?

Ah yes, Ether, how I’ve missed you. This is totally going to be Infinity Energy or some variant of it, isn’t it?

Though just getting it out of the way at the start, but you should very strongly consider changing the spacing of your lines of story since it’s a bit distracting.

They fought over it. Fought wars. They killed each other, just for a chance at more power.


Because Pokémon striving for greater strength has been a consistent depiction of their personalities in official media since the beginning of the franchise? ^^;

I never imagined I'd end up this way. Caught in a world of strife.

Oh, hello, Not!Dunban. I know you’ve described this story as being PMD x Xenoblade in a couple Discord servers, but that one’s definitely wearing things on the sleeve there.

And I was one of the many Pokémon who were the key to fix this. We're the ones who turned the gears of change. Together.

I’m admittedly not fully sure how I feel about the disembodied monologue opening here. Like it’s not rare in fiction, but I do wonder if this would’ve worked better if you were a bit more generous towards hinting at who the character saying this is.

Rich dark trees surrounded me on all sides as I rushed down a corridor. Four floors down and I thought it was over!

But of course it wasn't! If I wasn’t out of this Mystery Dungeon quickly, this mission would be another failure!

A time-sensitive mission, huh? Not fully sure what our protagonist here has gotten up to, but I suppose we’ll find out shortly.

This was a Mystery Dungeon in a mountainside forest, so as far as the eye could see, there were massive coniferous trees that stretched on for kilometers in an almost endless labyrinth.

Normally I wasn't scared of this Mystery Dungeon, all of the Pokémon that lived here were usually the least of my concern. It was the outsiders who gave me a run for my money.

Oh, so our protagonist is being pursued at the moment. So wait, is this Xue, then?

As I ran my foot nearly tripped over a root buried in the soil and. My muscles and tendons loosened and I leapt into the air, far over the path before me, parallel to the swath of branches that hung low around me. "Let's try it fer old time's sake!" I reached out to them with my fingers.

It’s not clear who is saying the underlined line there. Is that meant to be the protagonist, or a third party nearby?

And it stung. With a grunt I nursed my sore digits. "If only that wasn't an impenetrable Mystery Dungeon wall!" I groaned. "'S ain't fair!"

I supposed I was naturally a great climber as a Treecko. An escape into the thick brambles would be nice but wasn't an option anymore.

Oh hi, Linus. Or at least I think you’re Linus.

"Mystery Dungeons were are a double edge," my Captain's advice echoed in my head. "You found your foe easily in here. But just as easily your foe found you!"

[ ] There was a shrill cry that pierced the air. "She's caught me!" I gasped.

A volley of brown feathers struck the ground where I just was from a Gust of wind. Straight into the soil. Nearly took off my satchel too!

I feel like you’re missing some sort of inner commentary connecting Linus’ inner thoughts with the stuff going on in the present day. Maybe it’d make sense to show off his reflections a bit more?

"You ain't getting away!" the Pidgeotto behind me screeched.

Not really feeling the ‘by the way’ reveal that Linus’ attacker is a Pidgeotto. If you’re going to do this, it probably makes sense to do it in the last paragraph with the description since it’s the point where Linus would realistically look back to see his attacker.

It was like a butter knife through my Pa's loaf of bread! The light-blue smoke of mana radiated off them stronger than any I've ever seen before.

What is the ‘it’ here? The Gust? Or something else? Be a bit more explicit.

Mana was the power we used to access our full potential as Pokémon. We used it for moves, abilities and evolution all across the Hemisphere. But something's wrong with that Pokémon!

I’m not really sure it makes sense to bring this up in the middle of a pitched battle where every moment counts, especially since thematically this feels like it’d fit in very well with the opening monologue. Like one way of getting around it would be to have Linus flash back to his orientation kinda like earlier on, but you don’t presently have that framed ATM.

This was the fourth outlaw I'd run into today! But she wasn't on the bounty board! I took in a bit of the Normal-type Mana around me and thought of my options. Blend in! With a burst of white speedy energy, I shot through the air with Quick Attack to get a boost. With the new energy, I pivoted to the side and hurried down another gloomy path.

I feel like something is missing here. Like shouldn’t Linus be attempting to put more distance between himself and the Outlaw bird that just gave him a very painful nick? Since it almost read as if he was just standing and facing her down.

I've got to get outta here! Captain Obstagoon told us to take as many missions as possible in this Mystery Dungeon and get rich quickly.

But I'm in over my head, doing this by myself. I lost my Escape Orb in a Mystery Dungeon yesterday. Of course, I also don't have a badge that could warp me out of this Mystery Dungeon because Mercenaries don't have them. I wished I joined a normal Rescue Team or something... anything but this!

Ah yes, this mission is going well™ at the moment. And this totally bodes well for the baseline level of competence of Mercenaries in this setting.

[ ]

"You think you can hide from me just because you are a Sentinel!?" the Pigeotto roared.

I feel as if you’re missing a step before the Pidgeotto pipes up again.

In this Hemisphere, everyone was either a Keeper or a Sentinel- both with responsibilities.

"Keepers are supposed to monitor mana and each other! Sentinels are supposed to watch over y'all and set everyone straight!" I yelled back.

Ah yes, thus the ‘Keepers of Mana’ in the title… even if I have to wonder why Linus is getting into an argument with an Outlaw about this in-setting.

"You're just a weak, insensitive brat!" she taunted. "Can't sense my amazing, overpowering presence that leaves weak Keepers begging on their knees!"

Of course the Pigeotto was that type of Keeper! I opened my mouth but shut it as I heard the rustling behind me get louder. She's nothing noble like the Keepers in my family or in the Mercenaries, they'd never do something like this!

What is the “this” there? Turning to banditry? This feels like another moment where it would’ve made sense to be direct about things.

But this was the real world. Sentinels and Keepers weren't always noble. None of them were. I knew it well.

I feel like the bit in underlined is a bit of a contradiction? Since you go from saying that that Sentinels and Keepers aren’t always noble and then saying that none of them are. If you’re intending to keep the “none of them” sentiment, consider something like:

But this was the real world, not some fairytale where Sentinels and Keepers were always nobles. None of them were. I knew it well.

or something like that.

"Just because you don't have a Keeper presence doesn't mean I won't find you!"

In a flash, she rammed into me and knocked me off my feet. The Pigeotto's beak jabbed into my side with her Tackle and I cried out.

"Take this!"

With a grunt, I shot at her with a Quick Attack and barely pushed her talons off the dirt. She pulled me by my black, green, and gold flannel jacket- a type of uniform Mercenaries wore to distinguish ourselves.

‘Keeper presence’ doesn’t really mean anything to me right now. Like I’m admittedly not sure how feasible it’d be to squeeze in an explanation somewhere in all of this, but this feels like a mechanic that should be elaborated on at some point.


"You Mercs think you can take me now that I'm strong?" She held me down and spread her now glowing wings.

I struggled under the Pigeotto's grasp until I heard a whoosh through the air and ducked.


Whelp, Linus certainly doesn’t mince words there. ^^;

"I'm what a real Keeper looks like, little Treecko, unburdened by the chains of-"

"Enough!" a large brown and white figure crashed into the Pidgeotto with a torrent of huge rocks around them, sharp as a Stone's Edge. "You disgust me! You terrible excuse of a Keeper!"

The stone shook the earth in a mighty boom and exploded into tiny pieces. Dust filled the air and my nose.

I scrambled backward to avoid the wave of boulders as they tumbled away from the two Pokémon. My savior was a Midday Lycanroc.

The bit in underlined feels like it’d work better coming either after the attack happens and throws the Pidgeotto off-balance, or shoved to all come before the attack hits her.

They had on a scarf with blue, green, and grey stripes, an odd triangular Platinum Rescue Team Badge, and a grey saddle-bag.

With a gasp, the Pidgeotto collapsed to the ground. She remained still as the Lycanroc restrained her wings with some netting, then sniffed her. They saved me!

Pidgeotto: “... Is this really necessary?”

Lycanroc: “Quiet, you, you’re supposed to be fainted right now.”

[ ] I slowly stood up.

"Thank ya so much!" I cried.

I feel like this moment is missing more of a reaction / inner thought process from Linus right now.

"No problem," they replied with a grin and reached into their bag. Soon an Oran Berry and a small set of bandages fell into my hand. "What's your name, Treecko?"

"I'm Linus," I replied.

Aaaand there we go, see, I knew I was remembering my names properly.

[ ]

"So why were you out here, Linus?"

IMO, this would work better showing the Lycanroc reacting a bit more.

I peeled the skin off the Oran and took a bite of the Berry.

"I was trying to leave this Mystery Dungeon when all of a sudden that Pidgeotto outlaw attacked me."

I pulled back my torn flannel jacket. [ ]

"So you must be a Mercenary," the Lycanroc said, sitting down.

This is another spot that feels like it’d benefit from slowing down and showing off more character reactions and interactions with each other.

"Yeah, but I'm no good by maself."

"No good by yourself, eh? Well, I'm not good by myself either. That's why I'm in a Rescue Team."

I finished eating the Oran Berry and sighed as the healing properties went to work. The sting vanished, but the dull ache on my side still lingered.

"What were you doing with your Rescue Team, Lycanroc?”

Linus: “... Also, where is it given that I’m only seeing you right now?” [what]

"We were researching the conditions of this Mystery Dungeon and others."

[ ]

"Ooh, that's mighty swell!" I lit up. "I'va always wanted to just go researchin' and not worrying about getting requests worth the most poké."

"Yeah, we don't make much money in our Rescue Team," the Lycanroc sighed.

This is another spot that feels like the dialogue is a bit too disembodied right now. IMO, at least one of these paragraphs should have some narration / description thrown in, especially to show off whatever is going through Linus’ head given that you’re using first person narration here.

I glanced down at my side and applied the bandage to the wound. "Ya don't do requests or missions?"

“This was a request,” the Lycanroc explained. “There have been reports of a suspicious Pokémon nearby, so we League Pokémon had to split up to cover more ground."

[ ]

"The League huh, I've always wanted ta join."

"[ ] The town of Bristberg isn't too far from this Mystery Dungeon," they said.

This is another spot where it feels like you have some room to expand things, especially Lycanroc’s line since it feels like you’re missing a “if you want to join” or something like that.

"Ah, yeah. Bristberg," I sighed. My eyes slowly widened as I glanced at their triangular badge. "Hold yur Horseas, that mountain settlement has a League!"

The Lycanroc brightened with a chuckle. "Oh, I forgot to mention it. I work on a Rescue Team for the Bristberg Mana Research League."

Oh, so that’s how Linus winds up meeting those other teammates, huh?

[ ]

"So ya League Rescue Team Pokémon don't just research Mystery Dungeons! Ya also catch outlaws!”

"Yes, that’s right. Though could you write something down for me?"


I watched as they pulled out an assortment of objects. [ ]

"This outlaw was one of the suspicious Pokémon," the Lycanroc got out a small notepad and charcoal pencil.

This is another spot where IMO it makes sense to get into Linus’ head a bit, especially if he’s meant to be actively entertaining thoughts about joining a Rescue Team himself right now.

"How'd ya know that? Is it training from ta League?" I asked as I grabbed the pencil for them.

Their ears folded down as they prodded the Pidgeotto's side. "No. I'm also a Keeper, a Pokémon sensitive to the shifting of mana."

[ ]

"Uhuh. Ya can probably tell I'm a useless Sentinel."

Wait, are Keepers and Sentinels not particularly common in this setting? Since I was under the impression that they were common enough that “I’m a Keeper” would be reflexively understood by whoever it was said to based off of the Pidgeotto Outlaw’s dialogue earlier.

[ ]

"That's not true. Sentinels have provided stability and have been quite the force to be reckoned with."

[ ]

"What'cha want me to write down?"

I kinda gather that the intent meta-wise was to explain what Sentinels do as Pokémon, but I don’t think that Lycanroc really explained it well here. Is there a reason why they’re not just flatly saying “you do [X]” as part of a reassurance that Linus isn’t useless?

"Another Pokémon outlaw clad in a black and white striped scarf." The Lycanroc looked side to side. "The scarf also had a patch of two black claw marks. A Keeper with a worrying presence. End."

[ ] I jotted down everything word for word and returned the notepad.

"Hope ya ain't mind my Torchic Scratch writing."

"Don't worry. My Inteleon friend, a Pokémon with five fingers, has worse writing."

Wait, Linus doesn’t have any thoughts at all about the musings that Lycanroc just brought up to him? Since you’d think that if nothing else “wait, there’s more of them?” would move the needle a bit.

"If ya say so."

"These notes will be just fine."

I shivered as a brisk gust tore through the forest. "Do ya think we could head on out?"

The Lycanroc attached the netting on the Pidgeotto to something on their saddle-bag and stood up. "Yeah, the stairs are back this way." They turned around. "Let's get out of here."

Linus: “Wait, but aren’t you Rescue Team types supposed to have badges to dip out of Mystery Dungeons like these?” .-.

We headed back through the hallway I ran through and went the other way, into a large empty clearing. Thankfully, the stairs were all the way in the back which meant I could finally leave! [ ]

"So those are notes for the League, huh?"

"Yes, and any other organization who supports us. By the way, I'll need you to come with me for a more detailed report to the Chief if you don't mind."

IMO, you’re missing a step going from “whee, I can leave” to “wait, what are those notes?” here for Linus’ thought process.

"I don't mind, just wondering if y'all could tell my old boss I quit." I wrapped the flannel around my waist and followed the Lycanroc.

"Our Coordinator can arrange that," the Lycanroc explained. "Gonna hand in your last requests for the Mercs, eh?"

I nodded.

Well, that’s certainly a big life change for Linus. Though I do think that we missed quite a bit of buildup for him coming to this decision, since I didn’t get the vibe that Linus was dissatisfied with his work as a Mercenary or else really wowed by Lycanroc beforehand, so this is kinda coming out of left field.

"I remember when I handed in my last Expedition assignment, back then I was still supporting the League. I just didn't know it." They sniffed the ground as their tail raised.

"Our Mercenaries support your League… Do you think I could join you?" I asked as I took the first step up the natural Mystery Dungeon staircase, one made of dirt and lined with stone.

[ ]

"With me?" The Lycanroc followed me up the stairs and we exited the Mystery Dungeon.

This feels like a moment that probably merits showing an explicit reaction to from Lycanroc.

"Well, on any Rescue Team the League has." I pulled on my ragged flannel and looked at my satchel. "But I understand if you don't want another useless Sentinel like me."

[ ]

"Linus, you aren't useless, normally I don't sense anything from Sentinels. And usually I only sense a regular presence from other Keepers. Well, not from that Pidgeotto, we'll have to figure that out later. But I sensed something special from you."

[ ]

"Yur just saying that to make me feel better-"

Yeah, this feels like another moment where showing off more reactions and internal thoughts would be called for, especially since I really didn’t get a vibe of Linus having doubts about his self-esteem from his thought process in the narration earlier this chapter.

"I'm dead serious. I'm especially sensitive to mana for some reason. There's so many things we don't know about Sentinels and Keepers. And having you along would be a needed addition. My teammates would agree."

[ ]

In the distance there was a Boltund wearing a three-tone scarf like the Lycanroc, one who paced around the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon. "Are they with you?" I asked.

The Lycanroc gently nudged me. "Yeah, and soon you can be too."

Oh, so these two are going to be Linus’ teammates? That’d certainly be different from the v1 of this story I originally reviewed a couple years ago.

[ ]

"So can I join the League?"

"Well, you'll have to pass the Entrance Exam." They added.

[ ]

"Oh drat." I rubbed the back of my head.

A couple more parts where it feels like you’re missing description, especially for inner thoughts from Linus’ perspective.

"But don't worry, I'll get some help for you. It'll be a lotta hard work, as long as you do your best I know you'll do just great."

[ ]

"My best huh? Maybe I could get my younger brother Hatchet and my younger sister Kobi to join me along with some other Pokémon. We could be Team Swift Claw!"

Huh, maybe I’m tripping, but those names definitely sound new to me.

"I have a better suggestion." The Lycanroc wagged their tail as we approached their teammate.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled.

"Team Sharp Claw."

Okay, not that this isn’t a cute backstory for how Linus’ team gets its name, but how did Lycanroc know that it would be a more fitting name for them? Especially since Linus didn’t reveal Hatchet or Kobi’s species?

This was only the beginning. The beginning of our journey. Together.

Oh, so we are going to see more of Lycanroc in the future? Or is the ‘our’ referring to someone who’s not been introduced yet?

Prologue 2

Why was I here?

Why was I a Keeper when others could also bear that burden just as easily?

Oh, so Pokémon can choose to be a Keeper or what have you in this setting and it’s not innate? Or am I reading into things a bit too much?

I didn't want to go through those lands and fight all these Pokémon. I just wanted to learn about the land without getting my claws dirty. But to be a Pokémon was to fight. I knew it well.

Now it's But it was time that I stepped up to the plate. And deliver the world from our strife, but I need to learn more about what I'm capable of. Then I could really do it. Save the world, with them.

Your verb tense in the last paragraph felt a little iffy to me. I made an attempt at changing things up there.

Those dark teal mountains that made up the heartland always loomed over Hunter's Plains, the village I lived in. Previously I never had a chance to visit them myself- The Bristberg Mountains, which I’d previously never had a chance to visit myself.

But now I finally got to take a trip into the town of Bristberg itself. And more importantly the League.

Some suggested rewordings here. Though I’m going to guess that this is sometime after Linus told Kobi about the Rescue Guild, huh?

The League was one of the first buildings I'd ever seen to be with three stories and having so many windows. In our village, the biggest building was the Elder's meeting hall, a two-story one with only about eight windows to its name. This thing had almost double that just on the entrance!

Some suggestions for some odds and ends rephrasings here.

I still didn't believe it. This League was supposed to be this exciting place where Pokémon learned about mana and the intrigue of this world, dealing with requests and errands along the way in their research.

But Hatchet and I just stood in front of the front barred gate and waited. The Axew rang the buzzer only a few minutes ago.

>Axew named Hatchet

Oh hey, turns out that one take on Iris’ W1 Fraxure I wrote has a weirder childhood than I thought. :V

I could have easily done it instead, albeit a bit slower, because I walked on four legs like a Skitty or Litten, not like the typical Espurr from what I've heard and seen. Not that I’ve ever been typical.

Oh? Couldn’t have just used telekinesis to do the job? Or are Espurr powers not that fine-tuned in this setting?

It wasn’t Not like what we're here for was typical either. We were both Keepers. Linus sent us a letter last week. [ ]

'Hey y'all let me tell ya something.'
'I quit being a Mercenary. Instead I joined the League. But it's not like that was easy, that Entrance Exam was no joke.'
'There were questions about all sorts of concepts I've never heard about but the Lycanroc who saved me asked a Squirtle and Pichu to help me out. I also got some assistance from a peculiar Lucario and Frogadier.'
'Anyhow with their help I passed the Entrance Exam this time so now I'm an official League member! I want ya two to come here and join Team Sharp Claw with me.'
'More details when you get there, love ya!
From Linus Treecko of the Bristberg Mana Research League!'

"Team Sharp Claw?" I asked.

Is Kobi meant to be looking down at the letter or something? Since it’s a little unclear due to the lack of mention before we get into the letter’s text. Also, you should consider offsetting it with indents in order to give more of a “document in a document” vibe, which you can pull off with [ INDENT ][/ INDENT ] notation minus the spaces here on Thousand Roads.

"Yes," Hatchet replied.

"What's that?"

"That's what Linus wrote.” The Axew unraveled the letter.

Wait, I just realized, but this whole time, why have we not been introduced more to Hatchet, especially as seen through Kobi’s PoV?

"He wants us to try out for his new Rescue Team?"

Hatchet rubbed the back of his head just as the Treecko himself came out of the massive three-story building.

Linus ran through the cobblestone courtyard and stopped inside of a small tower.

Wait, but there wasn’t a tower described as being present up to this point. And wouldn’t him doing so take him out of Kobi’s field of vision?

The gates in front of Hatchet and I slowly parted and let us into the League courtyard. Linus poked his head out and the gates then closed.

"I'm so glad y'all could make it!" the Treecko sped toward us in the blink of an eye with a Quick Attack and nearly knocked me over.

IMO, Linus’ line works better coming after he does his “Quick Attack hello” greeting.

I sat down on my haunches for a second to nuzzle against him. "Yeah mate, I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Howdy big bro." Hatchet patted his back. "So let's get started. What’re we here fer?"

As he said that, a Granbull walked out of the League building with a bundle of fabric in his arms. Immediately I tasted a soft sugary flavor all in my mouth. He’s a Keeper too. That must be how a fairy-type Keeper's presence was felt!

Wait, so Keepers have tastes in terms of their sensory effects on others? Must be kinda a sucky experience dealing with Poison-type Keepers in that case. :copyka:

"Ah, Kobi, Hatchet." The Granbull smiled. “I'm happy to see you."


"Oh uh."

I took a step back. Now he could taste Hatchet's presence and my presence. As a Dragon-type the Axew's had a strong sour flavor, but not like a sour berry. Keepers always gave him odd looks when they tasted his presence but this time was different.

… Waaaaait a minute, but Linus was a keeper himself. Is this taste sensation specific to the presence of other Keepers, otherwise, how come he didn’t taste anything in the first part of the Prologue?

The Granbull didn't mind Hatchet, but instead eyed me.

Linus ran up to the Granbull and held out a hand.

"This is the League's Coordinator, Sir Cooper. He wants you guys to try out for the League and test out a new entrance Exam.”

Okay, yeah, that name’s definitely familiar from the v1 of this story.

[ ]

"What about the old Entrance Exam?" the Axew rubbed his chin.

"It was a written and practical Exam." the Treecko sighed. "While it was mighty rough, I managed to pass this time with help from the other Rescue Teams."

"Yeah, you mentioned gettin' some help from the League before," I said.

IMO, you’re missing some sort of reaction from Kobi here to Linus’ reveal. Especially if it’s an internal reaction so that way we can see how Kobi’s mind is ticking in a bit more detail at the moment.

"Don't tease us! The other Rescue Teams at the League?" Hatchet asked.

I shook my head. [ ]

"He's not taking the mick Hatchet."

"It sounded like he was teasing! But isn't that kinda weird?"

"Who else would he get help from?"

This section feels a little “talking heads” to me, especially since it’s already coming off the heels of a section with dialogue lacking other intervening paragraphs.

Cooper extended a paw with a few cloths before he nodded. “Yes, with you two Linus could have a Team.”

[ ]

“Our big bro’s gonna have us on his Team?” Hatchet grinned.

I purred at the thought. “And we can make that happen?”

Another spot where it probably makes sense to show Kobi’s thought process off a bit more. The actual placement of said thoughts is flexible, but it does feel like something that should come up here. Like does Kobi have any thoughts at all about becoming part of a rescue team? Is she looking forward to it? Having cold feet? Show it off a bit more.

[ ] The cloths were actually striped scarves, their blue, green, and grey lined fabric accentuated by a small dark brown wooden triangular badge.

Y'all gotta wear these to come with me!” the Treecko pointed to his head, where he wore his scarf.

IMO, you should refocus Kobi’s attention on those scarves a bit more explicitly. e.x. seeing Cooper pass one over or something like that.

I reached out for the scarf in the Granbull’s paw and Hatchet fastened it around my neck. “Come with you where?”

“A Mystery Dungeon!” Linus cheered and grabbed my shoulder.

[ ]


Cooper chuckled. “You’ll go on a few different types of requests with him, and I’ll watch your progress to see if you are ready.”

Wait, no entrance exam or anything? Since Linus was mentioned as having to go through one in order to get admitted to this guild.

Hatchet finally settled on a place to wear his scarf and we were back on the road, this time I followed Linus and Cooper through Bristberg.

There were all sorts of ice, fire, water, rock, and steel-types that roamed the streets of Bristberg at this hour of the day. This was incredible! I haven't seen some of these Pokémon in person in a long time.

I… am not really feeling this jumpahead since it feels very abrupt. I would suggest either reworking things such that there’s a scene break between the meeting in front of the guild and “then we hit the road” or else adding a couple more sentences to provide more transitional action and description.

"So while we're heading to the Bristberg Lowlands Mystery Dungeon, you should tell your siblings about the League," the Granbull said.

"So like in the letter I sent, the League's full name is the Bristberg Mana Research League." the Treecko explained. "Right now we are researching the various conditions of Mana."

I’m not really sure how natural this dialogue feels right now. It might make sense to namedrop the MD in description and then have it get referred to without the full name basis.

"But you're a Sentinel?" I asked.

[ ]

"Yeah I thought that was odd too,” Linus explained. “But it's not like we can't feel the world's Mana shift, and can't see when an attack has too much or too little mana."

[ ]

"An attack?" Hatchet leaned close to me.

IMO, it makes sense to show more of what is going through Kobi’s head ATM, since this is a lot of new stuff for her. Also, make it a bit more clear that that line is from Linus since for a second, I thought it was Cooper.

The Treecko halted his gait a little. "Well, there were reports of outlaw Pokémon wearing black and white stripes. They attacked me and now they have been reported to target Keepers."

My blood ran cold. "They've done what?"

"Our League helped me deal with the one that attacked me but we haven't seen any more."

Wait, so was Linus’ motivation for getting Kobi to join his new guild in part for her own safety? Since if so, that’s kinda a big deal that I’m surprised that the story hadn’t made a bigger deal of up to this point.

[ ]

"Well," the Axew shuddered out. "She and I, we ain't seen any either."

"I wanted y'all to join the League so we could keep an eye out for ya," Linus sighed.

Oh, so there’s the explicit reveal there.


[ ]

"Soon it won't just be me looking out for you if you join my Team ya know."

"What do you mean?"

[ ]

"Well, y'all two aren't the only other Pokémon the League has scouted recently." The Treecko said as we walked through the bustling cobblestone streets.

[ ]

“Is that so?” I tilted my head.

A few more spots where it probably makes sense to slow down a bit and show off some combination of character reactions and inner thoughts from Kobi, since I feel like there was a decent amount going on here that kinda went unsaid.

"Then why can't those others join yer Team?" the Axew asked.

[ ]

"Fer starters, right now I work with a Rescue Team called Team Aegisdrip. It's not my Team and secondly, those two, a Totodile and Charmander, aren't ready to join a Rescue Team yet."

"Why's that?" I questioned.

The Granbull in front of us cleared his throat. "They are dealing with some things at the moment."

[ ]

"I hope they'll be okay." Hatchet murmured softly.

I nodded. "Make sure ta lookout for them."

More of the same here. Though I see that Linus’ original Totodile and Charmander teammates are still around, if in a different capacity in this story.

"Will do. Anyway, back to what the Leagues do and we are going to do." Linus said as we exited town and headed southwest. "We go make sure the conditions of Mystery Dungeons and the surrounding areas are safe."

I’m… not really sure as to how wise it is to explain such basic things to new recruits on the way to a Mystery Dungeon.

[ ]

"This has to deal with the powers we use, right bruv? I never quite understood them well." I sighed as I followed them.

“Yes, Mana,” the Granbull explained.

[ ] Maybe we’ll learn something about it today? Not sure how that’ll work in a Mystery Dungeon but I trusted the League. [ ]

So then why are we going into a Mystery Dungeon?” Hatchet asked.

Ditto, since the topics of conversation seemed to jump around quite a bit as is. Take some time to show the gears in Kobi’s head turning a bit.

The Treecko smirked as we continued down the winding path. Ya might not have realized it, but Mystery Dungeons have Mana inside them.”

[ ]

“Wait what?!” I gasped.

Wait, what is Kobi’s baseline expectation of how Mana works if this is such a shocking reveal?

“Mana that belongs to the land itself is stabilized inside Mystery Dungeons.” Cooper pointed to the mountainside.

Linus tugged on his bag.“It's why Mystery Dungeon Pokémon live inside of them to keep ta balance of the mana in check."

Oh, so Mana really is Ether in this story, huh?

"In doing that some of them have developed a new culture." The Granbull explained. "One where they are extremely territorial and they may even speak a different language. But they're still Pokémon like the rest of us."

That actually makes me wonder if it’s possible to recruit Dungeon Pokémon in this setting or not. Since Cooper’s explanation seems to be hinting towards that.

Coordinator Cooper took us down into a slight valley of the land, the gorgeous light teal Bristberg Mountains all around us. [ ]

Could you tell them what you are doing here Linus?”

It probably makes sense to have Cooper more explicitly highlight Linus here in description.

“Today we are looking for a Pokémon who got lost on the 1st floor of Lowlands Mystery Dungeon here.” The Treecko reached into his bag. “It seems they are a Wooloo."

[ ]

"Anything else?" My whiskers flickered. It was colder on this side of Bristberg.


Is there a reason why the first paragraph didn’t just say “a Wooloo who got lost on the 1st floor”? Since it feels like a bit of a roundabout explanation unless if Kobi and Hatchet very deliberately aren’t meant to know what a Wooloo is.

We headed further off the incline of the path into town and into the depths of the Mountain Range. Eventually, we reached a wide stretch of Mountain with a signpost in front of it. Bristberg Lowland Mystery Dungeon.

This is another moment that is suffering ahead from fast forwarding a bit too much. I would suggest either expanding this section to transition more from the earlier conversation, or else playing around with a hard scene cut.

Linus adjusted his Team bag and held out the request paper. Hatchet and I followed him toward the depths of the barely visible barrier: a darkened line of rock.

“I’ll be waiting outside!” The Granbull waved.


Since, you know, entrusting two Pokémon that have literally never done a Rescue Mission in their lives before and not taken the entrance examination with not getting into trouble in a Mystery Dungeon.

"Alrighty lets get 'em done!" The Treecko stepped inside.

I shuddered as the path behind us vanished behind a wall of stone, and the sky grew dark. "This is- this is what a Mystery Dungeon is like?" I flattened my ears further. The path before us showed only one exit to the east. As my eyes scanned the ground I tasted something.

Ah yes, so Cooper didn’t even check to see if the newbies had any experience at all with Mystery Dungeons before yeeting them in with Linus, huh? :copyka:

It was almost like a Keeper presence. But something was off.

So… those dark-scarved Pokémon are around again, or…?

"It'll be okay Kobi." Linus led the way into the pathway before us.

[ ]

"Wooloo!" Hatchet yelled. "Wooloo, where are ya!?"

It probably makes sense to explicitly describe the gang progressing a bit more, since for a second, I thought the gang was calling out for Wooloo right at the entrance.

There was this awful feeling in the air. [ ]

"What are you bloody doing?" I growled, as my hackles rose.

The Treecko shook his shoulders. "Hatchet don't yell so loud!"

[ ]


Some more spots where it probably makes sense to show more of Kobi’s thought process / the characters’ reactions, since I’m not fully sure if I understand why she was so upset with Hatchet.

I flinched as we headed into another room, it was a wide expansive mountainside, but in the corner was a white ball of fluff. It was the Wooloo. There were no other exits besides a pathway beside us. [ ]

"Okay y'all now," Linus stepped forward and beckoned us. "Follow me."

With an exhale I padded after him.

IMO, you’re missing a transition to Linus speaking up here.

Just as we made our move, the Wooloo opened their eyes. [ ]

"Get away from me!" they bleated in a soft weak voice and dashed toward us.

It probably makes sense to emphasize that the Wooloo is panicking a bit more, especially if there’s anything about said Wooloo that’s standing out to Kobi here as strange.

The Treecko stepped in front of me and held out his arms.

"Stay back!"

[ ] The second the Wooloo got closer a wave of terrible presence crushed my entire body.

"Shit!" A sharp pain tore through me and I collapsed onto the floor. "What is this!?"

Yeah, same here, since you’d think that Kobi would be finding this really weird right now.

"They're a Keeper like y'all?!" Linus questioned.

… Wait, just how widespread are Keepers and Sentinels in this setting anyways? Originally I thought they were a minority class of Pokémon, but this is giving me the vibe that they’re a lot more common than I assumed.

"Kobi?" Hatchet groaned as he dropped to the ground beside me.

I nodded. "I- I can't move, that Pokémon."

"Somethin's-" the Axew coughed and held his chest. "Something is wrong with 'em."

Wait, is just Hatchet being affected by the weirdo Wooloo, or both Hatchet and Kobi? Since it’s a bit unclear to me.

"Darnit!" The Treecko glanced at me as the Wooloo blindly rushed at us, in a bright white light. "We're here to help you! We're from the League!"

Linus: “... Well, technically Kobi and Hatchet aren’t from the League just yet, but they’re getting there!”

The mana from their attack, probably a Tackle, grew further and further than anything I've ever seen.

"You what?" the Wooloo skidded into a halt and slammed into Linus.

What exactly is the underlined saying? Like can Kobi see mana coming off of Pokémon as they attack? If so, be a bit more explicit about it.

Raw energy exploded off them and filled the air with the scent of a harsh vanilla. Normal-type mana.

"We're leavin'!" the Treecko yelled.

as He held onto the Wooloo, and crashed into the two of us. That same power hit directly inside my core and I couldn't take it. I turned away from Hatchet just before I threw up.


Kobi: “Oh yeah, kick me while I’m down, why don’t you?”

My vision went blurry as the Wooloo's presence slowly shifted brighter and then dropped a little. It still wasn't like a regular Keeper’s. [ ]

There was a clicking noise and then a flash of blue. [ ]

"That was a mighty Tackle bud. Wooloo, are you doing better?" Linus's voice rang out.

"I'm so sorry!" the Wooloo cried. I didn't mean it- I was just so scared."

Some more spots where it probably makes sense to describe more of what’s going on from Kobi’s perspective, since I’ll admit that I had some trouble deciphering things at first.

The Treecko sighed. "It's alright now,” the Treecko sighed. “You're out of the Mystery Dungeon."

Wait, they are? It was never described that Kobi noticed they were back out in the normal world, though.

"No, but I hurt your friends too!"

"Oh shoot, Kobi, Hatchet!" Linus finally looked down at us. "What are you two doing!? Y'all okay?!"

Kobi: “I mean, my face fur is kinda covered in barf right now and I’m starting to have some second thoughts about this whole Rescue Team thing, but clearly I’m doing just dandy right now.” >_>;

My eyes lidded open. It was bright, like how it was outside the Mystery Dungeon. A shiver passed over me as I wiped my mouth with a paw and stood up.

"No, I'm not."

Ah yes, the more concise and less snarky version of the last cutaway gag.

[ ]

"I." Hatchet grimaced as he also got up. "I ain't good either."

[ ]

"Wooloo." While he staggered upright Linus held out his hand. "What happened to you?"

I feel like we’re missing a few steps here, both in describing how the characters are reacting to all of this and especially how Kobi’s reacting to all of this since she’s just gone through a very disorienting experience she has no frame of reference for, and we’re not really seeing how she’s parsing it.

Their hooves clattered on the ground as they paced. [ ]

"You… you said you're from the League right?"

"Sir Cooper?" the Treecko asked as his Coordinator approached us.

Wait, where was he all this time? And why is he not showing more urgency given that two of three Pokémon he sent into this Mystery Dungeon have come out seeming obviously unwell?


"Yes, I'm the Coordinator. I need to know as well please." The Granbull spoke up and I shuffled away from him.

The Wooloo trembled as they looked at Cooper, and took a few steps back from Hatchet and me. They must have finally noticed our Keeper presences.

"I was on a short little walk home from gathering items and… and I was attacked."

Ah yes, the return of Wicked Blow... maybe. They might be called something different now since you did some pretty big tweaks to your story.

"I need to be able to help you further." The Granbull knelt down and gently handed them a biscuit. "Who attacked you?"

"Some Keepers," the Wooloo said. "Two wearing black and white striped scarves. They had something with them- but I couldn't see it before it was too late."

Oh, so they had one of these, huh?:


Cooper's ears raised but he lowered them with a sigh.

"It's okay now. Let us get you some specialized care on what to do with your presence from here on out."

[ ]


Something about this felt kinda incomplete as an ending note. I think that it would probably help a lot to have Kobi’s thoughts come into play here in the narration, even if it’s in a “thank goodness that’s over” capacity.

Cooper escorted us back to the League where he said he'd get some help for the Wooloo.

Linus, Hatchet and I stood in the courtyard as the sunset, the sky a bright pink-orange, the gray clouds framed it perfectly.

"So, y'all don't want to try out more of the new League Entrance Exam?" the Treecko asked, his hands tight on his bag. "We have much more ta go over so you can form a Rescue Team with me."

Wait, that was the League Entrance Exam?!

I mean, it seems crazy dangerous, but I suppose that’s one way of finding out if prospective newbies are up to snuff or not.

Though I’m a little surprised that Kobi’s thought process about what on earth just happened there isn’t lingering a bit more, since from the last scene, I was under the impression that her reaction to the experience in the Mystery Dungeon was fairly negative, and you’d think that’d carry over to after getting back to the League.

"I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this League stuff partner," Hatchet sighed.

I stared at the fabrics as Linus took each scarf from our necks. "Yeah bruv, I'll have to think about this. I'm more interested in safer research rather than going into these Mystery Dungeons and fighting."

Oh, well. There we go. Though I do think this would’ve been built up a bit more with a bit more described unease from Kobi and Hatchet prior to this point.

"I understand. I'll just come visit y'all. I bet Scabbard and the others want me ta come back and visit." The Treecko laughed.

Who is this again?

[ ]

"Yeah, I think we'll just spend time with the folks around Hunter's Plains." I walked toward the gate which surrounded and blocked the League. "I'll figure out some things and ask Ma and Pa what they know. Maybe I'll make a friend in the village!"

The gates began to part. "Alrighty, bye y'all!" Linus yelled.

"See you later Linus!" I called and I trotted out of the courtyard.

Hatchet: “... Kobi, don’t you think it’s a bit weird how Linus isn’t more disappointed in us not liking this Rescue Team work he got into?”
Kobi: “No, no, I’m perfectly fine with this outcome right now. Let’s keep things this way.” >_>;

Hatchet waved his claw as the gate closed. "Take care now!"

[ ]

I think that you’re missing some sort of stronger outro not for this scene, especially from Kobi’s PoV.

I never could avoid this, could I?

Matters of the League.

Of the World.

And matters of my new family. Foolishly trying to make friends.

But I'll figure it out, all the mysteries regarding Mana. No, not just me. We all will.

I take it that these disembodied intros/outros are reflective of a future moment in time from Kobi’s perspective, but something about it still feels a little too disconnected from the way you end the scene right beforehand. One lazy option would be to end the last scene with something like “thank goodness that’s over” with the outro strongly implying that wasn’t the end of things for Kobi and Hatchet’s stint on a Rescue Team (which I think was what you were going for).

Alright, didn’t quite make it as far as I’d hoped, but life threw me a few curveballs, and I figured that it was best not to drag things on for too long. As you probably gathered from the full writeup, but I had a decent number of criticisms for the parts that I read, but let’s start with the positives first:

I’ll admit that I was a bit skeptical about the idea of coming back around to review the Prologue when I’d already read the v1in the past, but you definitely changed up enough about the story to merit a read for people who read the v1 of Gears of Mana. I thought that this time around, you did a much better job of introducing Linus as a character. Given the amount of focus on him, it makes me wonder if he’ll have a bigger role in the early plot. I also thought that Kobi and Hatchet were fun additions to the cast… assuming they didn’t just show up in the plot later in the v1, but they were fun to see in action, and definitely made the readthrough different relative to the original. I hope that we get to see more of them in later chapters.

As for the criticisms, I’ll leave the full list to the line-by-line in favor of focusing more on the ones that stood out the most to me. But one of the things that I noticed that was a consistent issue was the way that some characters’ thought processes were underexplored, which makes changes in mood or conclusions they come to feel very sudden. Given that your narration is explicitly written in first person perspective, it probably makes sense to show off more of your viewpoint characters’ inner thought processes since it’s a tool to show how they tick and squeeze in some worldbuilding that would otherwise be hard to bring up in dialogue. I also thought that you had a bit of a recurring trend of zooming ahead past a bunch of places that makes things feel jarring. Like every so often, there’d be a point where events basically just skip ahead by an hour to a completely different place over the span of like three sentences, which felt like it’d be better handled either by a longer sequence to sell the passage of time or else by a hard scene break.

I also noticed that you had names of characters and terms that get thrown around which presumably mean something in-setting that don’t really mean anything to the reader when they’re first used due to lack of establishing context. Try to give little context hints about they entail, but be careful to work them in where it’s most appropriate (e.x. the battle in the first part of the prologue has an exposition sequence which I felt detracted from the flow of the battle). The process by which Team Sharp Claw goes into their first Mystery Dungeon seemed inconsistent with what was depicted. Like it’s mentioned that there’s an entrance exam… which Kobi and Hatchet just get to skip and get straight into the weeds of things and we only find out afterwards that that was the entrance exam. It’s potentially something solvable with a simple tweak to explicitly point things out earlier, but it was something that I noticed.

Sorry if the feedback was a bit more critical than you were hoping for, though for what it’s worth, I do feel that what I read of your current Prologue seemed better-written and more engaging than what I remember from the v1 of it. I just think that in order to bring out its full potential, that a bit more polish is needed beforehand.

Hope the feedback was helpful and best of luck writing, @Kiba Makuro .
Chapter 18- Eternal Flame New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted December 20th, 2022
Ported October 13th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Nevada has a haunting dream of their past... But the Charmander's current life causes some conflict ending the dream in a horrifying way. Thankfully they are comforted by Pokemon of the League. In this new relief, a troubling revelation is found about the Committee regarding some artifacts and Pokemon like Jin.​

Chapter song
Eternal Flame- Forts (MSR, Obadiah Brown-Beach)

View: https://youtu.be/upGJPxplUNM?si=_IfdU6fizStuiNtE

[Listen during reading if you'd like]

Chapter 18 Eternal Flame
Nevada Charmander's POV

A low soft tune filled my ears suddenly, waking me from my sleep. The notes danced slowly throughout the air, carrying their call far along the surroundings of the Pokemon playing it. A tear rolled down my face as the nostalgia hit me in full swing. That rich somber melody… It was a triple-barrel flute like the one Ocala used to play!

I glanced down to see my tail flame whipping around, but this wasn't my bed back at the League. It was back in the same half-flame, half-water-weaved bedding I got from our cousins. Back in my room. Wait, why am I back here?

I jolted backward and scanned the rest of my surroundings; my old evolution stone collection, Mother's Feather Scale, and Father's Thin Trident Spear, alongside some scarves and a woven drawstring bag.

Where are Linus, Glade, and Jin? And all the others back in the League? It was no use, I just had to see what day this was and how it plays out. I hopped out of bed and took a glance out the window…

There it was, the beauty of my childhood and early teenage years on full display. A field lush with rich golden stalks of wheat, with ruby and emerald strands that sparkled brightly within, as far as the eye could see. Glorious Tapu Plains, I haven't been here in such a long time.

I shivered and stepped onto my rug, trudging to the door. Once I stepped out I was greeted with a sight I haven't seen in such a long time. Ocala was back to being a Sobble, meaning she was shorter than me. My older sister stood in the living room, flute case in her claws.

"Ugh, morning," I tried my best to smile before the wooden floor boards squeaked. Only one Pokemon in this house could have that weight, a Charizard, Seminole's here.

"Ari-" I immediately shut down and filtered out my deadname from out of his maw. "Morning, scrimblo, we've got fucking a busy day today!"

"W-why is it gonna be busy?" I asked.

"A Sentinel like you should know already for Koko’s sake! Families from both sides are coming over today to talk about the concern about the war."

"Family?" My question came out slowly.

"Yeah family, scales, and blood," Ocala explained. "Dakota and Mississippi are set to arrive first."

Dammit, I really need to figure out when today is! "Dakota and Mississippi?"

"Yeah, I don't understand what those two-spirits meant with this new term "non-binary" and being referred to as “they” thing but when we talk again maybe I'll figure out how they work, along with how'd they get so strong," the Sobble closed her eyes.

I'm gonna ignore those comments… I don't feel like explaining the validity of our identities to Ocala and Seminole, at least right now anyway. "They are really strong? How tough are they?"

Our Charizard brother rubbed the top of his head and grinned. "Well see here, I’m stronger than Dakota but that Charmeleon is so great with strategies, just like Mississippi, the Drizzile. "Those two are gonna lead the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters group after… After she retires."

“Wow, that’s awesome! Those two will take Mom’s place as Leader!”

“Yeah, her place, hopefully soon. I’d like for her to be here more often. To make up for the time lost,” Seminole grumbled, closing his eyes.

Ah, he wanted to avoid saying her title… our Mother. I remembered it now. He shouldn't be the only Charizard in the house. Mother should be here.

“Yeah, I miss her,” I sighed, holding my chest.

“Me too,” the Charizard slowly flapped his wings. “I heard the hatchling inside her egg should be coming out soon. That’ll get the Leader to finally retire. Then she’ll take her rightful place.”

Ocala held out her arms and rubbed them before yawning. “Yeah, we’re due a nice family Mystery Dungeon exploration with Dad too. He needs to assign a new Tribe Chieftain already!”

There should also be an Inteleon here too. Mother and Dad should be home. But they're so busy. Wait… Why didn't Seminole just say her name instead of being vague? He was the oldest… he still was the oldest. He hated having to raise us in her place. He would never call her Mother again. Or would he?

Well, that's what I want to tell myself. Our parents were busy. One was the Head of a Tribe, One ran an organization, and both managed recon information. Those aren’t easy tasks. Especially when shackled under debt to… To whom exactly?

"You know what I'm going to ask before we head out don't you?” Seminole craned his neck to peer into my eyes.

"Uh… no?" I leaned away from him.

"You need to come train with us Keepers."

"No thank you."

"This is the last time you get to avoid my training,” Seminole grumbled.

I crossed my arms and stepped away from the Charizard."W-why?"

"The family needs you to toughen up. You're a Sentinel after all. Can't you just act like Ocala and the others?” he answered.

“But I don’t wanna train with you anymore!” I begged.


Oh no, he doesn’t like that! “I mean well, I not for a little bit, maybe when I feel better I would but-”

"Because of this, I won't help you with your problems!" the Charizard grumbled, folding his wings and ducking out of the house. "Since you're too good for my recently evolved Charizard training!"

Ocala shook her head and approached the doorway as well.

"You're gonna leave me too?" I asked, feeling my tail curl around my legs.

"I need to evolve before a war starts," the Sobble sighed. "You should try to get stronger and evolve too."

"But how?"

"You heard Seminole. He mentioned Dakota is smarter than him. Maybe she-"

"They," I corrected.

"Maybe that Charmeleon can help you," Ocala tapped her chest and leaned further on the door frame. "I'd go ask Mississippi for some advice. But after practice, I have to go to a meeting with Seminole and-"

Suddenly her tail slapped the door, and she nearly toppled over.

I ran forward to catch her and then noticed it. I didn't grab hold of her scales. My claws didn't feel anything. "Are you okay?" I panicked, my body feeling tense. What's going on?

Oh right. This was a dream of the past. How silly of me, I thought I could change it.

"Yeah, it's just, my whole body has been feeling weird for the past two weeks or so," the Sobble assured me.

Was something weird going on? I stood still as I tried to process the words… Wait. She was set to have evolved soon. No, not just soon it would be today. The same day our cousins came over.

Shit. I now knew what day it was. Five years ago, only a few weeks before the Disruption started. It was the day that they would be taken from me. Everyone I held dear would forever change. Because I lacked the strength. To stop them. To stop Wicked Blow.

"Well I think that's a sign to get out of here," my sister grinned. "Have fun with Dakota and Mississippi for me!"

I didn't reply as the door closed, I just sank to the floor. I couldn’t believe this would be the last time my siblings wouldn’t hate me. The last time Seminole and Ocala would try to protect and nurture me, from whatever came our way, like proper older siblings.

Somehow everything changed, all around me were beautiful stalks of grain as far as the eye could see, and a glimpse into the depths of the mighty Tapu Valley. This was where our cousins wanted to hang out with me. On the edge of the world as we knew it.

At some point during my combat practice, something happened to me. I reached forward to swat the Charmeleon in front of me with a Scratch, their face reminding me of him. I missed and they danced around me.

My next opponent tossed a small burst of water on the ground to catch my attention. I snapped my head to the side. Once I saw Drizzile’s face all I could think about was her.

Even though Seminole and Ocala were not near me I couldn’t help but think of those two. How they made me feel useless, but how they used to worry about me. How they used to have wanted the best for me, but how they now tried to bring me down. I couldn’t do it anymore. My claws trembled as my pulse soared and I sank to the ground.

I really was just a weak little excuse of a Charmander compared to these guys. How would I be able to face them? The past blended with the future, or did I barely change? Why am I still here? I simply just cried, tears pouring down my face.

A warm claw patted me on the back suddenly. It belonged to a Charmeleon, Dakota. "Hey, it'll be alright bud," they rubbed my back and held onto me.

"But how will I be like you, a two-spirit who is trusted and honored by the Tribes?"

Another claw touched me, well a hand-mitten. One from a Drizzile, Mississippi. “You believe you are like us, two-spirits?”

“Yeah,” I replied, taking a deep breath. “I also don’t want to be called Arizona anymore.” Two-spirit Pokemon of our Tribes, the Ama A-Tsi-Li didn't always change their name. They usually added one of the opposite sex. But there are other expressions our Tribes honor too.

Dakota’s tail flame brightened as they hugged my side. “What would you like us to call you?”

The world began to morph all around me, the sky twisting into a mono-color visage, stripped of beauty and now infected with a paralyzing dread.

I sniffled and rubbed my claw underneath my maw. “Nevada.”

“Nevada.” Mississippi knelt down in front of me and smiled. “Do you know how strong you are?”

“How strong I am?”

"Yeah, you had the courage to face your biggest fears and recognize your faults before it was too late.”

“But the war is coming soon and I’m not a Charmeleon yet,” I grumbled, stamping my feet down.

“My child you don’t need to worry about the past,” another voice spoke up.

“What?” I asked, and looked around me. For a moment I honestly had no clue where I was. The view of a breathtaking large green mountain in front of me, and the rich scent of smoke in the air.

Then I realized I had something heavy in my claws. What was I carrying? I glanced down and felt my heart sink. It was an egg. Wait. I finally looked back up, towards the sound of the voice. A Pokemon stood in front of me, they were a Charizard. One with familiar deep cerulean eyes unlike Seminole's pale sky blue. This Charizard was my Mother.

Her large yet gentle claw sat on the top of my head. “Nevada,” the Charizard started, hugging me tightly. "I need you to take my egg for me, and go to your Father's auxiliary office in Prismacolor Plains.”

"But I need to be with you," I begged. One last time, please!

"Nevada it's too dangerous, there are rival Bounty Hunters working with this new nefarious organization called Wicked Blow after me.”

“I-” Oh right this was the past, at a time I wouldn’t know who they are.

“And I won't let them put a claw on you. This is why you must go," she explained, taking a deep breath.


"I said go!" Mother demanded, a scowl fierce on her face. "I can't protect you and deal with those bastards at the same time my love."

I couldn't stop my eyes from watering as I tried to reply. "B-but, I needed you, and you weren't there. And, now this!"

"Please remember, no matter what I always love you." Then she knelt down and kissed the egg and my forehead. "I'm sorry for not being a proper Mother. I hope you'll forgive me. Take care, I'll see you soon."

I didn't know what this Nightmare had done to my reality. All I knew is that it wasn't supposed to end like this. Father was supposed to be here, where was he?!

Pokemon of Wicked Blow were in my path, but not just any. These were the ones who forced rival Bounty Hunters to go after my family, and now after me. Their eyes gleamed red as the sky darkened, thick black clouds looming overhead. This shouldn’t be happening! What is this nightmare!? Get me out of here!

I just needed to see Father again. Sure he sent letters to the League with pictures of Miami, my Sobble little sibling, and all sorts of items but that wasn't enough. I needed to hold both of his strong hands again, not just one weak hand. Especially after the threat my siblings gave me. I needed him.

“No, get away from me!” I yelled, clutching the egg tighter as I ran towards the Prismacolor Plains. But these were Plains of the past, a small developed area with barely any Pokemon. No one could have saved me.

One of the Wicked Blow Pokemon dashed forward, blocking my way through, whilst the others tailed behind. I held the egg closer to my chest as the shadowy Pokemon approached me.

"You know if you'd have evolved you could have stopped us?" One mocked, pushing me over. "Stopped us from killing the Leader of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters. Your Mother."

"Father!" I yelled. "Please save me!"

The other took the egg out of my grasp and laughed. "He's not coming. You weren't strong enough, everymon else had to fight and pull your weight."

I reached for the egg but couldn't grab hold of it. "No, that's wrong!"

"But Dakota, that Charmeleon you hold so dear was quite the nuisance. Actually managed to kill some of our Hunters to try and save the Leader," one shadow circled around me, fangs glistening with some dark energy. "We killed them and captured your other cousin the Drizzile, Mississippi. We forced them into Wicked Blow as punishment. But all that your mother, that Charizard had to do was have everyone underneath her join Wicked Blow."

"What!?" I growled.

"Oh and stop protecting Tapu Plains, simple and easy. I mean she did owe us quite the poke so we were letting her off easy."

"Leave me alone, please!" I begged.

"But it's too late for you," the fast shadow slammed my head back against the dirt and pressed a claw to my chest. The pain blurred my vision as I thrashed around, my limbs phasing through the Pokemon despite my efforts.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"And your next of kin!" they crushed Mother's egg into the Earth, the soil underneath the eggshell fragments stained red with a sickening squelch and horrifying crunch. "You'll both get to join her!"

No! I want to live! I won't die here!

A swath of darkness surrounded me. There were also the vibrations of soft yet deep breathing beside me. I'm alive!

I opened my eyes and felt the embrace of a warm figure. "M-mother?" I questioned. Did she really crawl out of the flames? Did she rise from the ashes? When did I call her name?

"I'm afraid I'm not her," the figure suddenly left my side and warm light slowly filled my vision. "However, I can be if necessary Nevada," a heavy Bristbergian accent entered my ears.

I jolted upright, my head pressing into a soft object, possibly a pillow. "C-chief Mcbone!" I exclaimed, my cheeks heating up.

"Are you alright?" she questioned in a whisper, ears flat against her skull.

I sniffled and took in a shuddering breath. "No," I answered, wiping away the tears. "I had a bad dream. One about my family, and my Mother."

"Oh Mew." The Stoutland gave me some appropriate space, not moving a muscle until I seemed composed.

It was just a bad dream but I can't believe I just called her Mom! Argh, Spirit o’ Koko! I lay in a dark room with the Stoutland this whole time. What happened to me? "Where am I?"

"You've been out for the past day Nevada," Chief Mcbone explained. "I took you all to the Tapu Plains Clinic. Jin explained the situation to the Police Pokemon to the best of his ability before the others woke up."

"And now?" I asked.

"We are back at the League, in the med bay. Thankfully my younger children CJ, Anabel, and Bernard were able to whip up a brew that could get you up."

I sighed in relief and shuffled out of the warmth of the comforter and blankets.

"Sorry," a familiar Hunter’s Plains accented voice said. "We're all here bud."

“L-linus!” I gasped, pulling out of the sheets, and turning to his voice.

The Treecko rubbed the back of his head and sighed. He traced his fingers on his shoulders before reaching his hand. "I'm sorry," he choked, his low tone dimming my flame. "As tha Team Captain, I should've had us head on home as soon as possible instead of enjoyin' the scenery… I put Jin in grave danger, especially considering his unique status but more importantly I put you in danger. I’m sorry."

No he doesn’t understand, he didn’t do anything wrong! My siblings attacked. I could have stopped them. If I just wasn’t weak! It’s all my fault. I noticed the pause in his ramble as he shifted close to me. "Linus, it's my-" I started before suddenly another voice entered the picture.

"Nope, it's not your fault," my eyes shot to the side, actualizing the Totodile beside me.


A claw gently yet firmly gripped onto my arm. "D-don't ever say that!" Glade cried, burying her snout against my chest.

"You were not privy to your siblings' whereabouts," Jin added from his ‘seat’ on the floor, then the Zorua from Hisui stood up. "Nevada you do not need to carry this insurmountable burden alone. I know you are not as they say you are, you are not to blame."

Tears pooled onto my face once I realized everyone was there for me. They didn't blame me for the encounter with my family's Bounty Hunters, nor the threat they placed on the town of Bristberg. No one here did…. Except me.

I cried. Long and hard, babbling incoherently away my built-up sorrows and fury to everyone willing to listen. “O-okay,” I sniffled, managing to find some shred of dignity. “Let’s go.”

"Alright," Linus said, reaching forward to help me climb down from the massive bed.

"Woah!" I started falling towards the ground. I forgot how high up I was!

Glade rushed forward and stabilized my other side when I nearly tumbled face-first into the floor. "I got you!" She kept me upright for a moment.

"You always show such marvelous Teamwork!" Jin cheered, nudging me up.

I sheepishly rubbed my head. "Yeah."

We then walked out of the medical bay, and into the hallway of the first floor. I glanced at Jin and noticed a gloomy look in his eyes. His ears and tail were still low. Is that just how Zorua from Hisui behave? Before I could do anything my stomach let out a loud rumble.

"Guess someone's hungry," a peppy voice came out of nowhere. I turned my head and around the corner near the kitchen was Chad the Pikachu from Team Aegisdrip.

Linus, Glade, and Jin followed me down the hall. "Yeah," I replied, patting my stomach.

Another Pokemon poked their head out, a Wartortle, Diamond also from Team Aegisdrip. "You guys don't have to worry, we'll cook breakfast, the Coordinator wants to talk with you," she waved.

Oh? "He does?" I asked, my eyes darting side to side.

The Granbull was sitting at the coffee table in the common room, a set of papers in front of them. "Yes, I want to apologize for the incident that happened yesterday." he started."I was so caught up in my conversation with Head Tiger and the discoveries that came along with it that I wasn't monitoring you all, despite your special status as Fangs of the Fallen, and a ward of the Committee. I'm sorry I failed you."

I just held a claw close to my chest before Linus squeezed the other one. "We'll manage to recover Sir," the Treecko explained.

"Alright, the threat that the Econ Bounty Hunters pose to the town of Bristberg and our League allies is significant," Sir Cooper pulled out a sheet of paper and flipped it. "But more importantly I want to learn about the Committee's influence and control over its so-called wards. What is the group's goal? Does it make you all this way?"

Woah! That's a vague albeit loaded question Coordinator Sir! Guess he needs to get straight to the point. Jin folded his ears at the mention of the Committee, but I felt relieved with the attention off me. "Our goal is to reach the requirements for his Eternal Will by any means necessary," the Zorua responded matter-of-factly.

"Not to rehabilitate the world's balance of mana and force all Keeper's to atone for their sins eh?" the Coordinator narrowed his eyes. "Why do they have you ignorant of the real world and Pokemon of this land?"

My eyes widened once Jin glanced over at Linus, Glade, and me with a slightly frustrated whine. "From whence they found me and the others I remained at the Committee, we were forbidden from venturing outside the Committee Headquarters."

"And in those Headquarters, you spent your time doing what exactly?"

"They only taught us information that allowed them to test our capabilities."

Coordinator Cooper glanced down at a pad of paper and held a pencil to the page. “I know this may be difficult but I’d like you to tell me what those capabilities entail. Because I know they are not how strong you are or anything related to Keeper senses, as that’s not the Committees’ goal now is it?”

“You are correct,” the Zorua replied. “Unfortunately the staff does not tell us everything.”

“Sadly I am aware of that, I want you to tell me what you do know, even if it scares or confuses you. I am here to help with that.”

“We all are,” Linus stepped forward and placed a hand on Jin, a warm smile plastered on his face.

Jin perked his ears up and shook his head. “The capabilities are to see if some of us from Hisui have the potential to turn into Ether Gems through terrible, terrible means.”

“What? And what do these Ether Gems do for them, why does the Committee want to create these Gems? Can’t they just find them?” the Granbull crossed his arms, his tail wagging, and his teeth clenched.

“I’m afraid I am not privy to such matters,” the Zorua started.

This time Linus stepped in. “Buddy remember we just want to know whatever ya know, only so we can help y’all out. Okay?”

“All they have said is that the Ether Gems are a mysterious collection of artifacts that power all others.”

The Coordinator hummed at the mention of ‘power all others’ and my flame started to pick up. Does he already know something about this? Was he just waiting for Jin to spill his guts about it before the rest of us get to learn?!

“But more importantly they have something to do with artifacts’ Gears of Mana,” Jin finished, immediately curling into a ball and deflating with a whimper.

My jaw just dropped. There’s something else regarding the artifacts? Are Mana artifacts powered by something? Why don’t they want us Leagues to find it for them? Is Wicked Blow after all this stuff too? I groaned and placed my claws against my head, trying desperately to figure something out. What are we going to do?

“What the voids does that even mean?” Glade shot out, filling the room’s silence.

Linus lifted his hand to push the Totodile but stared at Jin for a moment. “Ugh, I think we just need to take things one step at a time.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, adjusting my sash. “I- I mean we need to work on getting stronger before we can worry about that!” I forced a laugh out, much to my Teammates' chagrin.

The Granbull took in a deep breath. He flipped over to another page on his notes and scribbled away, leaving the four of us in our quiet thoughts.

The small of batter, sweets, and pepper suddenly grew stronger in the air and I turned my head to the side. Plates of waffles, eggs, and berries on a cart came past our table by Team Aegisdrip. "You guys can eat over here or at the 'U' if you'd like," Chad reached over to pat me on the shoulder.

I shut my eyes as Coordinator Cooper stood up and approached the four of us. "Jin," he woofed slowly, the gentle warmth in the Granbull's words causing me to open my eyes. "I'm sorry."

View: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=h1RmmB6cKFQ&amp;si=fPtxvrRWZVBG1TZy
Eternal Flame- Forts (MSR, Obadiah Brown-Beach)
[Listen to after reading if you want]
Chapter 19- Dig Up the Mines New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted January 16th, 2023
Ported October 15th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Following in Kobi’s pawsteps, Hatchet decides to head out to the League. But he buries himself in a lie and strays off course. The Axew ends up encountering Rosario and their personalities clash. How will the two manage a short Mystery Dungeon run?

Hatchet Axew's POV

I can't wait for Kobi forever. I need to hurry on toward the League. But before I make my way to Bristberg I really ought to check on something. To find the stolen shipment of Heal Seeds, Empowerment Seeds, and some other items.

Billybob and Cletus, our Scovillain, and Artibax cousins said some ferals stole from the village a couple of weeks ago! Those two said it could only be ferals who could've done it. And I believe them, even if they say they don't even know what species or type the ferals were. I have to, cause ferals are way easier to deal with than Wicked Blow.

This sandy forest on the outskirts of Hunters Plains, how magnificent it was in the Winter. While there wasn't snow yet, the browned leaves danced in the wind, waving hello to me as I trudged by.

It was a tad melancholic. Somewhere in my heart I it. Kobi left me all by myself. Well maybe it was my fault she left me, I don't see what's so important about Team Vanguard. I mean, what could I even do? I don't know anything to help anybody, especially all by maself and all.

Suddenly as I neared the mountainous area of the land I felt a small wave of energy."There's a strong Keeper presence, coming from those orange mountains," I mumbled to myself, reaching to pick up a twig off the ground. The Electro Sun Mountains. I placed it in between my maw and tusks and rolled it slowly. "It's an electric-type Keeper." A strong wave crashed into me and sent a shiver through my body."Wooee! That Grevard-gone sour Sitrus taste is mighty strong!"

But there's something else to it, the most important part. It's like Kobi's, in how overwhelming it is. She said mine's ta same way. Ever since that time my cousins visited with those Pokemon. Those Pokemon. They… I can't bear to remember the sight.

"Alrighty, let's go see who it is, hopefully not Wicked Blow," I went through my plan out loud. "I'd rather it be a Domestic… I don't know what I'd do if it was a Stray or a Feral Pokemon."

The orange, er tangerine-clayish colored mountains had a triplet set of Mystery Dungeons here. Twistbolt Foot, Brittlesand Sierra, and Needlemaw Peak. This is the bottom so it must be Twistbolt, hmm, where did I hear this from? Oh right, Kobi said something about Mana Artifacts being moved out here!

I tucked my stick back into my satchel and peered into the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon. Electric… "Oh, maybe they'll be the yellow Pokemon of my Dream Mark!" I secured my bag and quickly, but carefully made my way down the dip in the earth and into the gullet of the Dungeon.

Clay-colored mountain slowly closed the way behind me, and the sky darkened to the inside of a cavern. Mystery Dungeons sure are interesting when they change the entire environment. There was a room with two branching pathways, I'll head left first. Okay, let's go. The second I took a step a voice started speaking.

"How does this stuff come out?" they echoed. "Why is this stupid thing so hard? It's getting in my way and I can't stand it!"

What is goin' on? Sounds like a ‘mon is having some trouble with something. I'll just take a quick peek. Once I made my way to the passageway, I saw it bright as day.

A Pikachu, with dark grey fur on their head and dark teal eyes. This Pikachu didn't have a heart or flat tail, which was interesting. I guess I'll have to ask for their pronouns and everything later eventually, I may not be from the town or city but I'm not rude. Or at least I hope so. "Howdy," I slowly approached.

"Woah!" the Pikachu screamed, jumping backward, their cheeks sparkling.

"I ain't here to cause trouble," I apologized, distancing myself. "Are ya lost?"

The Pikachu took a deep breath and sighed. "Well, I was told to go change my relationship with Pokemon."

"Ahuh," I replied. "Well, I'm heading to Bristberg ta do the same."

"And to get comfortable using my moves. Oh, Bristberg! I also need to give you this," they pointed their paw out to me and a small faded Purple Gem appeared. It floated towards me.

"Uh, you gave me this because I'm a Keeper hmm?" I asked, tilting my head.


Hmm, this looks like a doohickey that Kobi would be excited about and want to study "Are you heading to the Bristberg League?" I asked.

The Pikachu rubbed their nose for a moment before narrowing their eyes. "Oh yeah! Talon mentioned something about asking a Pokemon if they were heading there!"

"Wait a moment." I crossed my arms. "Are you a feral?"


"You know how to speak Constellation so don't play dumb with me."

"Listen, buddy I just walked in here only a couple minutes ago, I don't know anything," they replied. "You're worse than Flight and Talon, for Space's sake!"

Hmm. "Alright… Hold a moment. Did you used to be human?"

"H-have you-have you worked with the Sentinel's Union before?!" the Pikachu asked.

Dodging my question with a question? Typical human panicked reaction. "The who?" I questioned back.

"I guess not." they folded their ears. "You aren't wearing the black vests or anything with a claw emblem. How did you know I was a human anyway?"

"The grey fur on your head, oh, and how you act," I smirked.

"How I act? Oh because I gave you that mana artifact huh?"

"Well uh."

"You're a Keeper aren't you? And you are looking for them too?”

“Not that one in particular, I have never heard of a mana artifact that looks like a Gem, but I was leaving all that exploration to the League Pokemon. Only humans like you would be trying to go out there."

“Is that what I, a human, would do?" the Pikachu growled. "Go do it without this League everyone keeps whining about?"

"Yeah, you did it, didn't you?" I yelled. "Probably without an actual Team or training because you're insane!"

"Insane?! I didn't do it without a Team I was guided by Pokemon from the Sentinels Union! And all to get this 'super scary' mana artifact all I had to do was some puzzles."


"Yeah, they required me to use all my moves successfully," they then folded their ears."That was really difficult to master at first but I used all four."

"That was something you struggled with?" I jabbed. "Really? Don't act like you're better than me because you managed to find that, you can barely use your moves."

"Shut up, you don't know what it's like to be placed into a new body, one with all these strange powers!" the Pikachu growled. "I'm the one who's supposed to be in control! I can't afford to be struggling in this life just as much as I did in the past!"

"What in the voidlands is wrong with you?"

Suddenly their eyes widened and they placed their paw on their muzzle. "I'm sorry," they apologized. "I need to work out some things and your pestering is driving me insane.”

That's what Kobi said the other day before she left. “Oh,” I stepped back and glanced over at them. “Sorry I just wanted to know how you ended up in such a situation to get a mana artifact in the first place. That’s all.”

“To get these Ether Gems we managed to find a hidden entrance to an Ether Shrine. We accessed it when the fancy Pokedex-like slates Flight and Talon had reacted to something in the area."

"Pokedex? Did you fight any Pokemon before then?"

"Sorry, a human term. No, the only one I had to fight was myself. It seems like this is something the both of us need to work on."

Shoot. "Well listen here, you ain't know nothing ‘bout how this world works alright!" I crossed my arms.

"Why are you worried about me?" They snapped before tightening their fists. "Ultra, ultra I should ask for that Ether Gem back and let you carry on."

"I can't leave you." What would Kobi do? What would that Espurr say?


I have to come clean before it's too late. "It's a dangerous world out there and you're the Keeper of my Dream Mark."

"That sounds like something you made up, and pulled out of your ass."

"I didn't. A Dream Mark is a sign from Cresslia and Darkrai that a Keeper will encounter and grow alongside another Keeper,” I explained.

“And how do you know it was me, did they tell you my description?”

“Not exactly, it told me I was going to meet a yellow Pokemon, one with a Sitrus Berry presence, which is an electric-type. It then told me that I’d find you like a flash of lightning in these orange mountains.” It also said you’d be the one that strikes a hammer. Whatever that means.

“Well considering I heard a voice before I was summoned, and all the stuff that happened with the Sentinels Union earlier I believe you,” the Pikachu folded their ears.

“Now it's my turn to apologize, my nerves are going crazy because of all these rumors of ferals going crazy and Wicked Blow attacks ramping up. And there's something in this Mystery Dungeon that's messing with my presence or something."

"You can feel it too?" they asked. "There's something like a lightning rod drawing me in, I didn't feel like yelling and fighting anyone until I walked close to these mountains and in this Mystery Dungeon."

"Maybe we can figure it out together, let's start over," I offered. "I can take you to League for putting up with me and teaching me about that Gem. Sounds good?"

"Fine," the Pikachu sighed. "We need each other. I need you to work with me."

"Alright, not-feral Pikachu, I'm Hatchet. What's your name?"

"My name?" they replied. "Uh… Rosario."

"Rosario, yeah that's an interesting name,” I replied. “Let’s hurry through here.”

I glanced to the left and the right, there was a pathway that could lead to an area with the stairs to exit. But more importantly to find those no-good ferals who stole from our village. I entered the path Pikachu followed me into the next room.

Rosario and I entered the room to find there was only an Oran Berry. “Hey Rosario, do you want to hold onto it?” I asked, moving closer to the fruit and to the next pathway.

“Er, actually I think that I’d prefer you to call me Voltaru,” the Pikachu walked over to me and folded their ears. “I let Flight and Talon call me that because they knew my whole story but you Hatchet,” they pointed at me, “Don’t know anything yet.”
I rolled my eyes. Humans sure are picky about all this name stuff. “Sure thing pal, you still want that Oran?”

“Yeah, I guess I need it for something, yeah?”

A Roggenrola feral stepped into the room, and locked eyes with me. "You wanted a chance to practice your moves right Rosario?!" I brought my arms into a defensive position and asked.

"Hatchet quick hit them!" the Pikachu yelled, moving right behind me. "Hurry up! What moves do you know!"

"You hit 'em!" I pulled Rosario forward. "You said you wanted to practice, pal!"

The Roggenrola feral took that as its chance and launched at the Pikachu with Tackle, the blow sending them flying back into me.

"Darn it, you were supposed to push it back! This is just a stupid feral, you don't have to try too hard not to hurt it!" I grumbled, standing back up and placing my claws on the Pikachu’s shoulders.

"Hatchet, what's your problem!?" Rosario brushed me away.

The feral furrowed its brow and made a growling noise. Suddenly small brown rocks surrounded the Pikachu beside me, the Rock Tomb crushing them immediately. Roggenrola stood on the tips of its toes and jumped away just as its move vanished.

Why aren't they fighting back? "Rosario?" I asked, noticing their ears fold down and tail twitch. "Are you-"

"Kyruem Damnit!" The Pikachu swung their back towards the Roggenrola, their Iron Tail smashing directly into its eye. That was such a mighty blow! They’re strong! The feral fainted on impact and I saw the most puzzling thing ever. Rosario held onto its body. "Shoot! I didn't mean to hit you so hard!” they cried, as the feral lay unconscious. “Is this what it's like when Bel, or G.G hit you guys?"

"What are you going on about?" I questioned, kneeling down beside them. "Come on, we've gotta go."

Rosario reluctantly followed me out of the room and into a long hallway. "What, you don't have sympathy for these Mystery Dungeon Pokemon?" they asked, cheeks sparkling so bright it lit up the tunnel a little bit.

"Not really."


We kept walking in silence down the hallway.

Why? Because I'm a coward for Arceus's Sake! I'm terrified of running into Wicked Blow without Kobi. And now without you Rosario. But I can't tell them that, I need to keep up my facade before I make it to the League. Who am I kidding… Those guys will rip me apart. Ugh, what am I gonna do?

We made our way into another room, one with nothing in it. I needed to say something, Rosario could end up leaving me! "Because these ferals are easy targets," I waved a claw at the Pikachu. "And uh it's practice for other Pokemon we'll have to battle when we make it to the League."

"And those Pokemon aren't always Mystery Dungeon dwellers?"

"Yeah some of them are bandits, and uh maybe Wicked Blow," I sighed. There's gotta be a lie I can drop in here somewhere.

"Wicked Blow… I think Flight and Talon mentioned for me to be wary of them," Rosario's ears twitched. "Have you met them before?"

"No, well I think I haven't," I shook my head. "I think." I really don’t want to bring up memories of that day. The day I failed Kobi. The day we were betrayed.

The Pikachu's cheeks sparked again. Shit, they’re on to me. "You aren't doing a good job persuading me Hatchet. What’s wrong with you, seriously?”

“You shouldn’t prod so much into another’s life,” I deflected.

They let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine.”

We finally made our way into another room, one with the stairs. "More ferals," I grumbled. "Now you can prove yourself." A Pawmo and a Varoom sitting near a corner, doing Arceus knows what. All eyes were soon on us.

“They have Pokemon from Paldea here!?” Rosario panicked, stepping back.

What are they talking about? Okay what moves do we have for this situation? Am I even strong enough to do this? I feel dizzy just thinking about fighting more Pokemon, especially ones we don't have a super effective move against!

Just as they said that the Varoom revved its engine and launched forward with a Headbutt at me. Its metal head slammed into me and spun me sideways. “Rosario!” Ugh, that hurt like an Ice Ball right in the nads. While I pulled myself off the ground the Pawmo jumped next to the Pikachu and let out a row of Arm Thrusts.

“Hey, cut it out!” Rosario tried to block the first set of blows but then was assaulted with two more. “Ugh! I want to learn about you!”

"Quit it with the Pokemon Trainer talk mon!" I grumbled.

"It doesn't matter Hatchet!" the Pikachu cried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" I took in a deep breath and pulled dragon-type mana into my body before I reached out with a Dragon Claw toward the Pawmo.

Rosario grit their teeth before shooting out a Thundershock, the thin beam of electricity nailed the Varoom, who retaliated with a small cloud of Poison Gas. They coughed and heaved as the poison instantly invaded their body, wheezing all the while. “I’m sorry but I need you to leave us alone! Goodnight!” The thick fumes blocked my view of the scenario but the Pikachu fired a Thundershock out again finally stopping that pesky feral.

Not to be outdone, the Pawmo sidestepped, before rubbing its paws on its cheeks. It then reached forward and swiped me with its Metal Claws, and knocked me over.

"Augh, that hurt!" I screamed, watching the blood slowly trickle out the wound on my side. I stumbled upright and stood still, my heart pounding. What should I do? Pawmo resists Crunch. Suddenly fighting-type mana flooded my body and I widened my stance. Counter!

I spread my arms and threw a hefty punch with all the force of my pent-up rage and pain into a fighting-type attack, the blow immediately fainting the Pawmo. "Wow," I gasped, falling to the floor. "I didn't know I had that in me."

"Come on Hatchet, the stairs are right here!" Rosario helped me off the ground and led me up the staircase.

We managed to exit the tiny Twistbolt Foot Mystery Dungeon. Now we sat in the middle of the mountain, before the other Mystery Dungeon, Brittlesand Sierra. There was a path that went across the Mountain, and down to a trail, which could be a faster way to Bristberg. But we ain't leaving, not 'till I feel satisfied. The mountain was made up of a darker orange, along with some yellow and white streaks.

"So earlier you were talking about Keepers,” Rosario started, "What else is there?"

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. "Well, what do you know about Keepers?"

"They have presences that other Keepers can sense, and more importantly can use key and lock artifacts to lock or unlock other Pokemon."

“Wait, lock? I only knew about being unlocked. And you said other Pokemon, does this apply to Sentinels?”


"Oh wow, didn't know you knew all that," I gasped.

“That’s not all I know,” Rosario replied. “The Sentinels Union Pokemon taught me all sorts of things. Because I used to be a Pokemon Trainer, and because I’m something called ‘unlocked'-"

I jumped away from them in a panic. "Y-you are? A nearby Pokemon managed to do that?!"

"No, well it happened when I was summoned. Well, that's what Flight and Talon told me. I don't have any reason to doubt them because no one used an elemental key or anything on me."

"That's really weird," I laughed, rubbing behind my head. "I was wondering why you have such a strong presence for a second-stage Pokemon."

"You have an odd presence too Hatchet." Rosario patted my shoulder.

"No way." I backpedaled. "I can't be unlocked, no way!"

"I'm not saying I know if you are or not, it's just different from Talon’s and Flight’s."

"What Pokemon are they?"

"A Dartrix and a Noctowl, but that doesn't matter, I can just tell something is different about you."

I need to change the subject. "Okay okay, I'll tell you something. There are Sentinels, it seems like they founded that organization, the Sentinels Union."

"What's special about them?"

"Well, they have the upper-claw against Keepers as they don't have a presence we can trace. This means they also can't be bombarded with their senses."

"Hmm," Rosario ran their paws across their arms. "These are categories all Pokemon are born into correct?"

"Yeah, I mean Kobi was mentioning that there was something in her notes that said there was a hidden side to Keepers and Sentinels but I don't know anything about that. I'll believe it when I see it." Where are they going with these questions?

“So Pokemon in this world, er rather we aren't just regular Pokemon with nothing to do. That should extend to who you call ferals too?"

Ferals!? Are they implying they have importance!? "Yeah but, you don't understand life in the-"

"Hatchet stop making these stupid excuses, these Mystery Dungeon Pokemon just live here! Sure some of them just attack us, but from their perspective, we are the same as Wicked Blow."

How could they ever make that assumption?! "But-"

“We go through their home, all in the search of mana artifacts and a way to settlements. They don't know we are the ones who are trying to make things better!"

"Stop trying to sound like those Keepers who say they want to make their own Guild! One where they never go into Mystery Dungeons because it taints Keeper’s mana or some stupid Taroshit! And they cry about the precious ‘wittle ferals."

"I don't give a shit about what those other Keepers think!” Rosario shouted as we walked around a huge boulder. “You think I care about other Keepers and all of our responsibilities? Well I don’t!”

We stepped onto the pathway and I felt something weird in my head and chest, like the presence but without any flavor. I groaned as I massaged my temples for a moment and then stumbled against the mountain, a stack of rocks coming loose and crashing behind us. Someone ahead of us cleared their throat, causing Rosario and I to look up at the entrance of Brittlesand Sierra.

I felt frozen in place. There was a large Riolu and a huge Froakie that stood in front of the pathway. "Are you Hatchet Axew and Rosario Pikachu?" the pair asked us.

The Pikachu beside me folded their ears. "Voltaru," they grumbled.

"What was that?" the Riolu asked. "We don't have all day."

I tilted my head at the pair and stared at the equipment they had on them. They had striped scarves, with three colors green, sky blue, and light grey. On those scarves was a triangular gold badge. Not just any badge, as the pair of wings on them indicated their uniqueness. League Pokemon wore these.

"We are waiting for a response ya know," the Froakie narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes, that's us," I replied.

The Riolu's nose twitched as she walked closer to Rosario and I. "Well, despite your foul comments we are here to escort you through the Mystery Dungeon."

My facial scales felt a little hot when she said that with such a higher-than-thou look on her face. "Oh yeah? Does it look like we need help?"

"There are dangerous Wicked Blow Pokemon in the area, but more importantly there are reports of a key and lock of mana in this Mystery Dungeon or one of the connected ones."

Wicked Blow are actually on this mountain? It wasn't a rumor? My head rang as my eyes dilated in shock, my tail curling against my leg. I took in a deep breath and held onto my satchel, Rosario giving me a confused glance in the process. "I'm terribly sorry, please escort us to the best of your ability League Pokemon."

The Pikachu beside me rubbed their chest and sighed. "I didn't say anything that I felt was inappropriate," they admitted, stepping forward. "But I'm not an idiot, you guys look pretty strong so it's best to hang out with you."

"Thank you for choosing such a… An interesting response,” the two Pokemon said, moving closer.

“You were talking about your views on who you called ferals," the Riolu pointed to me.

"And you talked about Keeper responsibilities," the Froakie pointed a finger at Rosario.

“Okay? And?” the two of us asked.

"I want you to remember what those Sentinels Union Pokemon said as we went through this Mystery Dungeon. Let's go."

The pair of League Pokemon led us into the next room. Said room was filled to the brim with sand and gravel, all across the floor and the walls. Large deposits piled onto the corners, dripping from the ceiling like a leak.

"So who are you guys?" Rosario asks.

"We are Libra and Aquarius of Team Blue Heroes," the Froakie explained as we entered a small walkway. "Well I kinda prefer going by A or A-san with Pokemon I don't know."

"Why's that, is Aquarius your deadname?” Rosario asked.”I'm nonbinary, they them and if I were you I wouldn't introduce myself with my deadname if I didn't have to."

Aquarius er A let out a sigh. "Well uh, Libra and I are non-binary too… Aquarius isn't my deadname so to speak, it's one I don't feel worthy of."

"A name you don't feel worthy of?" I questioned. "But you work at the League. Shouldn't that be enough?"

"Hatchet let me dumb it down for you," Rosario flicked my forehead. "Names are important to people, it seems like this also extends to Pokemon of this world and my own too."

"Are ya calling me dumb!?"

"Yeah am I, name one thing you taught me that these guys don't know the real truth behind." the Pikachu growled. "There's one I haven't figured out, why the Ultra Space should I care about my own responsibilities as a Keeper?"

"What are you talking about?!" A asked, tightening his fists. "You have a chance to set things right in the world and refuse to understand how it's important? Unbelievable!"

"I never asked for this. All I ever wanted to do was find my Pokemon friends and change our relationship!"

The Riolu in front of us stood still before an entryway into a large room, a pile of items scattered about, and placed her paw on the wall. "There are some things that inexperienced Pokemon like you two don't understand. Come on."

Then we made our way into a room's separated and unruly mess. Immediately the ground shook and out came a variety of feral Pokemon Drampa, Sandshrew, Varoom, Pawmo, Roggenrola, Jigglypuff, and Buizel. They locked eyes with me. "What the vell is going on!?"

"How could there be this many of them, all undetectable!?" Rosario questioned

"Monster House!" Libra gasped, stepping forward. "There's not that many on the left side, let's hurry!"

Aquarius stepped to the side and took in a deep breath before he fired out a Water Pulse at the Roggenrola beside us. "You two follow her!" he shoved Rosario into his spot. "Go!"

As we ran past the approaching Pokemon a Drampa lunged at me and fired a Dragon Breath, the blue flames scorching through my scales. "Stupid worthless excuses of Pokemon!" I screamed, dashing away from the Drampa and that legion of ferals behind us.

"Hatchet calm down!" Libra barked, weaving us through the room. "Stay focused and stop talking about ferals!"

"How can I?" I yelped, dodging a Nuzzle from a Pawmo following us into a narrow hallway. "These feral pieces of crap are getting on my last nerve!"

"Quit talking about them like that and watch your tone!" the Riolu growled.

"You need to follow directions from your Team Captain during a stressful event like a Monster House Hatchet!" Aquarius shouted, catching up to us after knocking down the Pawmo with one burst of Aerial Ace. "Especially as Keepers!"

"You stupid Pokemon are always bringing that shit up at the most pointless times!" Rosario yelled.

"Exactly!" I yelled. "Don't act yur better than us because yur bigger than us! Ya aren't even evolved Pokemon!"

The pair turned their heads. "Excuse me?!"

"Don't take Keepers responsibilities so lightly Voltaru!" the Froakie chided.

"As if we can actually change anything! Compared to those nerdy eggheads we can't!"

"You can!"

"What do you know!? You're just a useless Sentinel!" the Pikachu snarked back.

We made our way into another room just as a Buizel, and Jigglypuff spilled in from the other two entrances on our side. Thankfully the stairs were on the other side. The four of us ran as fast as we could up that staircase and into an empty room.

"Okay, let's catch our breath," the Froakie collapsed onto his back bubbles for a moment, panting heavily.

"Yeah," his Riolu partner stretched. "I've gotta make a call about Hatchet and Rosario."

"A call? A call about what?" the Pikachu asked.

"Unfortunately because of your repeated offensive and disrespectful comments you two are getting a referral," Libra sighed.


A got off the ground and hopped over to us. "We are going to have to talk with the Chief later about you two. And your punishment."


The Riolu marched up to me and slammed her paw into the wall beside my head, crushing through the thick layer of stone. "The parents of my friends and I are what you called those worthless excuses of Pokemon. They’re ferals."

Oh no. I dropped to the floor, as my heart started to pound faster and faster, my head becoming dizzy, and my mouth dry. I didn't think that was possible!

She then approached Rosario. "And I don't recall asking what you think about me. Don't you ever claim to know another’s place as a Sentinel! We're here to keep you in check and help you. You pathetic human.”

Shit, I can't believe we screwed up in front of our future Leaguemates! And before we even managed to join the League as well. My neck felt cold. Why do I know nothing? How did I manage to grow this way, with information only a small trip away into the mountains? Is this what Ma and Pa were talking about yesterday?

"Did your parents teach you nothing about the importance of Keepers and Sentinels in our society?!"

"I used to be a Pokemon Trainer," Rosario replied.

"So? If you wish to find your missing Pokemon companions you need to follow the advice given to you by those Pokemon from the Sentinels Union."

"Oh shoot!" the Pikachu yelled. "That's right, Talon and Flight said that another League might be able to track those four! But they'd have to see how my progress was going. Gah! Damnit!"

"Don't worry it's not the end of the world for you," Libra explained. " Just try to do better alright?"

"Yeah okay, I'll try."

"Hatchet?" A asked, hopping up to me. "Do you understand why we did this?"

My mind was blank. "I, uh, well uh," I stammered.

"Whatever, we need you two to find out if the reports of the mana artifacts are true," the Riolu sighed. "Let's go."
Chapter 20- Grind the Gears New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted February 4th, 2023

Chapter Summary
After talking to the strange Kubfu, Fang travels to Saltwater Cliffs along with their apprentices and fellow Sentinels Union comrades. What will happen on the road to and in Leader Magearna's Realm?

Fang Lycanroc's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. Yet another human and this time a Legendary has just appeared in front of me. A Kubfu. Really?

"An Island Hopper?" Makkuro repeated. "You're asking if I am?"

"Yeah, you sound like you are,” the Kubfu grinned. “Well, my grandparents and other old farts used to call people from that region that."

All of us stared at the Kubfu in shock, watching them step away from Kobi and Makkuro.

Hunter leaned towards my shoulder and giggled, lifting a paw off the ground to place on me. "I almost feel bad for them," they laughed quietly.

My ears folded down. "Ah, let them imagine they have their secrets, they are young."

"I know, I know."

"What?" Makkuro asked the Kubfu, his tail raised. "What did you say?"

The Kubfu tilted their head. "I was just confirming what I thought your accent was, that's all."

"Yeah but don't talk about it like that," Kobi begged. "They can't know."

Instead of gesturing directly at me, those two pointed at Fist, Pride, and their apprentices.

"Come over here." Makkuro beckoned. "Actually-" suddenly every word he said was in another language. Sounded kinda like a mix between Nebulian and Binarious. Then Kobi and the Kubfu replied in the same way.

There goes my eavesdropping. I guess he realized we could still hear him. From the odd inflections and rhythm, those three are speaking in one of those human languages. Makkuro and Kobi are almost arguing with the Kubfu about whatever.

Probably something Pokemon Trainer related. As if that Primeape and that Pyroar don't know that they are from a different albeit slightly different world than us. Their apprentices even knew something was up.

"Mon, what the voids is wrong with those two?" Morpeko grumbled, sparkling.

"Who do they think they are?" the Aron fumed. "Just talking to this Legendary Pokemon so easily!"

"What I wouldn't give to see them prove their worth!" Impidimp cackled.

"What? You want to fight them?" I grinned.

"Yeah, I want to see if they can fight in a real battle," Smeargle smirked, her tail whipping around.

"You shouldn't fight amongst yourselves," their Mentor Pride said. "Why do you automatically have to resort to violence?"

"Come on Pride." I pushed the Pyroar. "Let them settle it themselves." I won't let those smug brats beat my kiddos too badly, I'll stop them in a flash.

"Alright." Pride flattened her ears. "Maybe that frustration, because these jokers are rude, will help that Rockruff with their moves frequency."

"Yeah," I replied.

Makkuro and Kobi were going on and on about whatever with that Kubfu. I am interested to learn more about them, as the other Kubfu I've met didn't have unlocked presences like this.

I swore Legendaries didn't have them but maybe Leaders Cresselia and Darkrai wanted to change things up. Both strike-style Urshifu didn't have these either, I'll have to ask the Shifus when we get some downtime after the seminar.

"Well at least tell us more about yourself Kubfu,” Fist patted her hips. “We are members of the Sentinels Union so transparency will make our relationship easier.”

“Uh, my name’s Doran, and today is a day I'm feeling she her," the Kubfu explained.

"Doran eh?" I sniffed at the Kubfu.

"Yes," Doran replied. "I picked it out m'self, quite nice eh?"

"Doran is a pretty good name." the Rockruff across from her grinned.

"Course you'd like it, Island Hopper!"

"Anyway, what are you doing out here?" Hunter questioned, stepping forward.

"I heard from some Pokemon from a Mana League in Palm Shore that Urshifu would be down in Saltwater Cliffs soon. So I decided to head over," the Kubfu scratched under her chin.

"Well they were right about that, Leader Magearna will be holding a seminar in their Domain nearby the city," the Boltund explained. "A few Urshifu should be there."

"That's great, now I'm wondering why Pokemon like you've got a Cold Crown and an Island Hopper with ya," Doran pointed towards our apprentices.

"Oh, so now I've got a name?" Kobi flattened her ears. "Haven't heard that one before."

"You said something else that my Sensei's would say," I heard Makkuro whisper. "Are you their grandchild?”

The Kubfu grinned. "That depends on who yer asking."

"You worked with a Feraligatr, Ampharos, Hitmontop-" they started listing a whole bunch of other Pokemon.

I just stared at the trio. How was knowing them good enough to know?

"Yea I know 'em."

"How long 've ya been here?" Kobi asked.

"Two years before the Disruption."

The Espurr's eyes lit up. "Wow, that's long! Seven years!"

No, it's not. For Moon's sake, this is a waste of time, I don't want Leader Magearna waiting for us. "Come on," I walked toward the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon and barked. "You all can finish talking about it while we move."

Fist stepped side to side and shadow-boxed for a moment. "Let's get this show on the road!" Her's and Pride’s apprentices quickly came up behind us.

"That means now," Hunter added.

"Understood Master Hunter!" the two replied, slowly padding to our sides. The Kubfu smirked before following.

Then we stepped inside Rocky Stream Mystery Dungeon. Instead of rocks or trees a wall of fog blocked the way behind us.“Okay, this isn’t a place for you all to practice,” I explained. "But I'd like you to try and use some moves against some Mystery Dungeon Pokemon."

“I didn’t want to fight against Mystery Dungeon Pokemon anyway,” Kobi sighed.

"Ferals will almost always attack on sight though." Doran narrowed her brow.


"But what?"

"Yeah," Aron nodded. "What? You scared of hurting them?"

I shook my head as the Espurr flicked her ears in annoyance. "Please don't tell me you're one of those Pokemon like Hatchet," she begged.

Oh no, you told them too much. I sighed and turned my head forward, watching Pride maneuver through the Ekans-like corridors of the Mystery Dungeon. These guys better let all this rivalry stuff out before we make it to City and then Leader Magearna's Realm. Or I'll settle it myself.

"Like Hatchet?" Morpeko tilted their head. "Don't worry, we understand why ferals attack, we aren't better than them."

Aron laughed. "Yeah! Only some backwater idiot from the boonies wouldn't respect ferals.”

“Especially when they keep Mystery Dungeons stable, taking on the carnal sickness from the Mana inside!" Smeargle taunted.

"Excuse me?" Kobi growled.

“The. Boon. Ies!”

"That must be where that Hatchet of yours is from!" Impidimp sneered.

The Espurr closed her eyes and inhaled. “Don’t call Hunter’s Plains Village the boonies," then pointed a claw at the four. "What is wrong with you!?”

“It isn’t the historical first city of ‘Stella like the City of Saltwater Cliffs now is it?”

Aron smirked and shook their head. "It's not even a small town like Navy Valley, or Starlight Beach either!"

Makkuro's tail lowered as he approached Fist and Pride’s lot.“What does this have to do with fighting Mystery Dungeon Pokemon?”

“Just like those apprentices I never said you weren’t going to be able to avoid it,” I said as I followed Pride and Fist through yet another tight room.

Then a couple of ferals called out and approached us from the mist. A Tyrogue and a yellow Squakabilly, Pokemon with some weaknesses and strengths against those two, perfect!

“Here, there are some Mystery Dungeon Pokemon for you two," I barked.

"For us?" Makkuro panicked.

Doran sized up the ferals and placed a paw on her hip. "They sure aren't good for me."

"Yeah, those things are weak enough for you, the great Legendary Doran shouldn't be bothered with them!" Impidimp laughed.

Kobi's claws slid out and her back fur rose."What was that?!"

"Doran wouldn't be that strong just from being a Kubfu you know," Makkuro explained.

How would you even know that? As a Pokemon Trainer, you couldn't know about every Pokemon, could you? Maybe these three are different from Kuroshi. I yawned as I felt the pair's presences shift. "Go on and take care of them.”

The Espurr and Rockruff walked in front of us slowly, their tails and ears low. Confused, the Squakabilly dove at Kobi with a Peck, nailing her in the shoulder and pushing her to the ground.

Seeing his opportunity the Tyrogue rammed Makkuro with a Low Kick, the super-effective yet weak move knocking them sideways and over.

“Wow, these two really are idiots," Smeargle snickered. "You think you'll be any help in the City of Saltwater Cliffs?"

The Espurr quickly recovered off the floor and gritted her teeth. "You from there or something?"

"Course we are!" Morpeko yelled. "Betcha you know nothing about that city!"

"Can ya just shut up!" Kobi yelled, then she performed a Breath of Mana, and the Espurr fired a Psychic at the Tyrogue.

Ay, that teasing made her hit harder!

The Tyrogue took it to the gut and toppled over before immediately getting back up and charging forward toward Makkuro who strained on the ground with all his might.

I flinched as he missed his chance to attack and the Tyrogue lunged at him again, thankfully missing. Eventually, the Rockruff's Mana succeeded and he was able to Tackle the Mystery Dungeon Pokemon to the ground, fainting them.

The Squakabilly flew away from Kobi for a moment before diving straight at Makkuro. Just before they made contact they pulled away and Mimicked the Espurr's Psychic, the weak wide beam crashing into the Rockruff.

Makkuro tensed and shivered as the wave washed over them. But he couldn't use another move, his body wouldn't let him. "Gah, darn it!" the Rockruff barked, leaping up and just ramming into the Squakabilly with no Mana.

The Squakabilly fell to the floor at that moment and Kobi launched forward with her claws coated in the black energy of Payback. The two defeated some fairly tough ferals, but that could've been better.

"Good work," I said as we walked over to the next room, it was an expansive area with many entrances leading to Xerneas knows where. Finally some breathing room.

Hunter slowed down to match our pupils' speed. "We'll take care of the next batch alright."

Makkuro and Kobi huffed and puffed as they followed us, and then their presences became more unstable. "Thanks," the two replied.

"Maybe I could have a go?" Doran asked.

Soon a set of smooth stone stairs were in front of us. "On the next floor you can," the Boltund beside me offered.

As soon as we traveled up the steps there was a Rolycoly, a Wiglett, and a yellow Slowpoke sitting across the room by one of the exits. The three Pokemon woke up and barreled straight at our apprentices as if we weren't even in the way.

"I got this!" Impidimp yelled, dashing toward the psychic Slowpoke. He grabbed one of the Pokemon’s forelegs and yanked it and their whole body upright before kicking them in the chest with Foul Play.

Doran spread out her arms and legs as the Rolycoly raced towards her in an orange ball of Heat Crash. I narrowed my eyes as she started to let her mana presence loose. "Control your presence please!" I barked.

"Sorry! I don't know how!" On contact, the Kubfu was trampled to the floor from the attack and then covered her eyes as a Psybeam from the Slowpoke barreled toward her.

"Doran look out!" Makkuro cried.

“Woah!” Just before the thin beam landed on Doran, she punched forward with Rock Smash. Which only cut off a small piece of the Psybeam before it crashed into the Kubfu.

She staggered onto the floor clutching the psychic energy burn on her chest. Doran groaned as her natural mana resistance to attacks faded, and she nearly fainted.

Shoot, I thought she would have had Brick Break or another stronger move to use! "Doran! You don't have to continue fighting!" I barked. "One of you do something!"

The Wiglet swam towards the Kubfu with a Headbutt but instead crashed into Morpeko who bit the Pokemon with Thunder Fang, fainting the Wiglett instantly.

Impidimp thrashed the Slowpoke with another Foul Play and knocked them out. Seeing as Doran was out of the fight Aron jumped in with their steely Iron Head and smashed the Rolycoly, knocking them to the side, unfortunately allowing Morpeko to take a brutal Heat Crash. Morpeko reeled back from the fiery blow before they retaliated back with a Bite.

Finally, all of the ferals had fainted and we could head out on our way. I noticed Kobi and Makkuro diligently watching whenever one of us took out a feral. How we thoroughly searched each room, bagging anything helpful we found. I guess they didn't go through Mystery Dungeons much, I don't know why.

Either way, Pride and Fist were great navigators, having the patience to deal with a Mystery Dungeon. I got frustrated the second I enter yet another room with no stairs.

We quickly made our way through five more floors, letting our groups of apprentices and Doran practice on the various ferals we encountered. On one of the floors, we found the shipment of items that Ducklett from the Trader's Outpost sent.

That cheered Makkuro up. But only a bit in my opinion. So I decided to let him and Kobi try battling some ferals again in these last few floors.

"Are you alright?" I asked as they struggled to form a Rock Tomb above a Dwebble. The rocks nearly disappeared just before they crashed into the feral, leaving them sluggish and confused. As if on cue Morpeko slammed right into the Dwebble with a draconic Outrage.

"Yeah," the Rockruff panted, still reeling from the sting of the Dwebble's Rock Slide. "I didn't realize that was how my moves could feel if they were stronger."

Smeargle giggled and flung a bit of paint onto them. "Of course even as an unlocked Keeper, you're still weaker than a feral."

"Oh yeah?" he growled. "Wanna see for yourself?"

"Ya ain't even a real apprentice an’way, fatass!" she barked before she bore her teeth at him.

Kobi put herself in between them. "This one’s been making my blood boil, ya fuckin muppet," the Espurr hissed.

"The voids did you say?" Impidimp yelled.

"You guys are getting annoying." Doran crossed her arms. "Masters, can we fight or something?"

"Of course!" Fist called as she began climbing up the final floor stairs.

We all followed, soon left the Rocky Stream Mystery Dungeon and entered a foggy cold, and rough path, the lights from Saltwater Cliffs, looming in the distance as the winds howled. I hated this wet feeling on my fur ugh. I’m all soggy and this wasn't for training.

"But only three on three, is gotta be fair and all," Pride explained, pointing a claw at her apprentices.

"Water, Fire, Grass, come on," Smeargle snarked. "Water is tongue, Fire is claws, Grass is teeth!"

I grumbled as I saw the four break into pairs and as they played their little game for three rounds, and Impidimp lost.

I don’t think Makkuro stands a chance of being much help in this fight, considering how he could only use one move per battle. Kobi and Doran could make up for it if they thought things through.

"Okay, begin!" Fist called.

Kobi immediately fired out a Dazzling Gleam towards Morpeko, while Makkuro bashed into Smeargle without a move.

Doran punched Aron with Rock Smash. Aron retaliated with a full-force Iron Head at the Rockruff immediately knocking them sideways, while Morpeko used Outrage on the Kubfu.

Smeargle flicked her tail and Sketched out an Ember toward Kobi.

The Espurr struggled through the flames and then blasted out a Psychic toward Aron. Makkuro used this chance to let loose with a Rock Tomb on Morpeko.

Morpeko lunged forward at Kobi with another Outrage, which knocked the Espurr out.

Doran punched Morpeko with Rock Smash but it wasn't enough to make them faint.

Aron bashed her with a Headbutt knocking her out cold. I watched as Makkuro folded his ears once he saw his friends fall to the ground.

He struggled with all his might and dodged an Outrage from Morpeko.

Smeargle sketched a Tail Whip, her paint coating the Rockruff's fur just before he managed to Dig into the earth below Aron.

Makkuro knocked them out only for Morpeko to grab him and have a Stomping Tantrum, the chunks of earth crushing the Rockruff and fainting him.

I didn't expect that to happen. Pride and I revived all the knocked-out Pokemon and I let out a sigh. "No more arguing,' I growled. "All of you have work to do. Some more than others."

"Halt!" Amidst the endless fog and rock a pair of voices called out.

"Get behind us!" Fist yelled, immediately channeling up fighting-type mana and readying herself. Our apprentices packed in tight between us, while Doran just chuckled to herself and stood off to the side.

Then the slightly deeper voice called out. "Don't run away now that we've found you!"

Pride took in a deep Breath of Mana as her long mane glowed. "What in the world do you want from us?!" the Pyroar bellowed, stamping her claws into the earth.

"This is the League you ruffians!"

"We're not ruffians!" Hunter barked in an ear-shattering boom, electricity crackling off her body.

In a flash a blade of leaves sliced toward me, the thick sharp Leaf Blade cut across and through my shoulder.

Kobi gasped as my blood spray splattered out and I pulled away from the apprentices with a grunt.

Shit ! In my daze, I saw a faint flame from the other Pokemon and made my move.

I took in a quick Breath of Mana, the song bellowing strongly through my body and then I concentrated my Stone Edge toward the flame.

A beam of a Flamethrower swept from the other enemy, cutting through a portion of the fog. Then Kobi let out another small whine. "We'll take care of them, don't worry!" I tried to assure her.

Pride let out an Over Heat, the wave of heat blasting towards the two unknown League Pokemon and clearing up the mist.

Hunter then lashed out with a Thunder Fang, her lightning-strong jaws tagging the Pokemon with the flame before she bounced back towards our apprentices.

True to what they said earlier the green and red Pokemon had on a glowing triangular badge.

"We're allies of the League!" Hunter barked. "Hold your fire!"

Slowly more of the thick cloud of fog was swept away, revealing the Pokemon to us. I can't believe it. They weren't just any League Pokemon. My eyes widened as I actualized the Grovyle and Charmeleon in front of us.

My heart fluttered against my chest as I saw the blue, green, and grey stripes on their scarves, and gold Rescue Team badges. They're from the Bristberg League… Our old League. "Aries and Virgo?"

"F-from Team Blue Heroes?" Hunter gasped, her eyes shimmering in focus and brimming with energy.

"We're Yoshiko and Austin… How do you know the names Master Dodrio gave us?" The pair of Pokemon studied up and down, all across our visible features. "It can't be!" the Grovyle yelped. Without hesitation, the two jumped toward me and Hunter.

I flinched as they crashed into us and buried their snouts into our cloaks.

"Song-gosni, and Tho san?" the Charmeleon and the Groyvle asked, their voices hoarse. "Is it really you?! You two are alive?!"

“Yes,” I replied, the warmth of their embrace stirring my heart. I placed a foreleg on their backs and patted them slowly as they cried. “Let go please.”

“Oh, right,” Yoshiko blushed, presumably glancing at the Pokemon behind us before taking a step back.

Instead of Fist, it was Pride who stepped forward, marching straight up the two and staring down at them. "I'd like an explanation for whatever the Moon's that was. Throwing attacks at us and our apprentices!"

"Then ya have the gall to go soft all of a sudden!" the Primeape beside her grumbled.

Austin then released his grip too. "My apologies, we're from the Bristberg Mana Research League and assumed that since there was a battle going on it was between ruffians."

Fist rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah sorry about that, they were just practicing their new moves and all."

"Sure they were," the Grovyle gave our apprentices a side-eye.

“You guys are from the Bristberg League?” Kobi asked, eyes all wide. “That’s the League I got accepted into!”

“Yeah and I’m coming too!” Makkuro barked.

Smeargle and the other apprentices snickered. “Oh wow you managed to get in?”

"I never told you kids, to tell any other Pokemon," I growled, nudging the pair.

The League Pokemon studied Kobi and Makkuro for a moment before brightening. "Ah, you're the Espurr that was on the list the Coordinator sent!"

"And you must be her Dream Mark, correct?" Austin gestured to Makkuro.

"Of course, they aren't that Axew, Poochyena, or that Buizel," Yoshiko crossed her arms.

Pride narrowed her eyes and glanced over at me and Hunter. "I don't feel comfortable with these League Pokemon talking with or being near our apprentices," she then gathered up her apprentices and headed towards the City. "Fang, Hunter, you deal with them!"

"Whatever it is we need to keep moving," Fist patted my flank gently. "We can't be late."

"Understood, you are going to the seminar as well?" I asked.

Instead of answering, the pair nodded.

The Boltund beside me let out a strained gasp as they started walking, the two League Pokemon following off to the side. "We are Defender Hunter, and Guard Fang of the Sentinels Union now,” she paused to sniffle. "And, and I never wanted to leave you like this."

"We thought all of Team Vanguard had died," Yoshiko cried. "Are there, are there-"

"Yes, there are four more of us, but we can't stay and talk with you," I held in a shaky breath, tears clouding my eyes.

Austin rubbed his claws and sniffled for a moment. “Thank you,” he managed to choke out. “You tried to help Libra, A-chan, Ollie, and Kairiharu with Devolution. You helped Morag and Devontay form Team White Light. And most importantly you saved us.”

“We did what needed to be done, kid,” I answered.

Then the pair distanced themselves from us. “I’m so glad we were able to meet you again, Guard Fang, Defender Hunter,” Yoshiko smoothed down her scarf, wiping her eyes.

“It was a pleasure to meet you again, Team Blue Heroes!” I smiled, my tail wagging through my cloak.

Hunter nuzzled her head against the pair before pushing them away. “Send the Sentinels Union’s best regards to your League ya hear!”

I don’t know if I could bear to be around them another minute without breaking down. It hurts too much to see them again, even after all this time. Especially since it was our fault. We flew too close to the sun with our research.

“We know the dangers of us being together so farewell,” the Charmeleon tried his best to sound cool before he walked away. And they quickly headed off toward the west. Towards the City of Saltwater Cliffs.

It was just as beautiful as the last time I saw it, an ancient city with a grand dark castle. The black-painted castle was once home to pioneers who fought off the invasion of the Nebulians a few hundred years ago and stood high in the stormy night sky, the light of the moon right above. Rain constantly poured whilst the wind blew.

With weather this harsh it’s definitely not a tourist center. Despite that, there were plenty of taverns, inns, shops, and all sorts of little buildings with Pokemon crawling about. I sighed to myself as we reached the southern part of the City, the ground filled with broken seashells and small old coins.

“Okay now outside of the city, we need to head west for a bit,” Fist clapped her hands once we finally made it far enough from the lights of the City.

“So we’ll be able to learn the truth about the mana artifacts?” Kobi gasped.

“Yes,” I placed a paw on her head. “When Leader Magearna's guards approach us don’t say anything.”

The winds constantly howled, and the bumpy paths were narrow and curving. And as the night continued the temperature plummeted.

As expected the Realm was protected by tons of roaming Pokemon cloaked in silver and pink garb. A quartet of Pokemon approached us. One of them, a Lucario, then started barking orders at us through the fog. “If you aren’t working with the League, the Guilds, or an Expedition Society you need to leave the area."

"There is an ongoing investigation involving an extremely dangerous Pokemon roaming across this area. They are a protected Stray and you are not to make contact with them!" the Kilowattrel explained.

Calling Leader Magearna a Stray huh? That's clever.

"We shall identify this party!” the fog cleared.

“Ah you are with the Sentinels Union, Branch Sies!” the Lucario softened, before bowing. “Follow us to the entrance of the Realm.”

A large chunk of the earth began to shift and morph in front of us, it transformed into half of an eight-spoked gear. In the middle was a metallic room, with pink lines. Turns out that was an elevator down to the Realm of Leader Magearna. We stopped at whatever floor we were supposed to due to the elevator operator and walked out.

There were so many Pokemon wearing all sorts of three-striped scarves, fancy badges, and black cloaks representing their Leagues, Guilds, Expedition Societies, and Sentinel's Union Branches all lined up.

"Alrighty everymon!" a Gallade yelled as we reached our destination and doors opened.

"Place all of your baggage and accessories onto the trays over here!" an Empoleon ordered.

This is gonna be a pain, I can't even use my Mana as a hand- then all of a sudden Fist walked over to me and started taking off all my stuff. I gasped when she took off my cloak, revealing my scarred and rough body. "Thanks, Fist."

She just winked at me, and Hunter laughed.

We did as requested as the Pokemon searched through all of our items. "All unlocked Pokemon must wear these monitoring bands at all times!" a Gardevoir explained as dozens of different Pokemon fastened appropriate-sized bands onto us.

It was a large collar headband that had a large sheet of metal attached across the front and inside. Immediately when it was placed upon my neck and others I felt everyone's presence melt away, and my own dulled down. This is what life was like when I was locked, so peaceful. I could see the relief on Hunter's muzzle too, those were good old times.

Ugh, it is a bit heavy though. But it was worth it as we were all let into the auditorium, we sat in sections based on organization so as Branch Sies we were near the middle of the seats.

"This is so cool," Makkuro smiled.

"Yeah, yeah." Hunter stretched out in her cushion. "Save the excitement for when we're back in Saltwater Cliffs aight."

Sitting up front in the VIP section was an interesting sight, a White Zeraora sitting across from Lady Zarude, and the Shifu Urshifu. So that must be Young Master Xuě Zeraora, and those Pokemon behind her must be part of her Expedition Society or whatever. Why is Master Zeraora not here.

Suddenly the stage lights dimmed and Leader Magearna and three other Pokemon, a Meowscarada, Skeledirge, and Quaquavel, walked out. "Good evening my guests in the audience and through the Connection Orbs across the Hemisphere!" Leader's metallic voice echoed out through the Skeledirge's microphone."Today I'm going to showcase the truth about the Disruption."

"But not just that. The truth about Mana Artifacts. As listed in Team Vanguard's research paper 'Understanding our Mana World' there are things that power all Artifacts. But what they, unfortunately, didn't get to learn is what the things are called: the Gears of Mana. The Gears of Mana are inside every Mana Artifact."

"These were forged and built by numerous Legendaries, Mythicals, and other ancient Pokemon long ago. But the Mana Artifacts we have now are not how they were many years ago. This is because the Gears were altered."

"This is where the Sentinels Union and Societies' recent findings come in. They have located the Forgotten Slates, tools to find Ancient Ether Shrines. In these Shrines there hold Ether Gems."

"And with the power from the Ether Gems, I have found that the Elemental Keys and Locks of Mana can be put into a state that can prevent the Disruption from happening ever again. This is why we must work hard to recover as many Mana Artifacts as possible!” Then Leader Magearna walked towards the edge of the stage, Meowscarada holding their hand. "That is all I have for this evening, let the gears grind forever!"

Their guards followed and Quaquavel adjusted his scarf. "Later Tomorrow Leader Magearna will host another seminar," he explained. "On more about rediscovered Mana Artifacts; the Ether Gems, and Mana Regalia. We hope to see you later!"

I felt tears roll down my muzzle as the audience was ushered out of the auditorium. While we retrieved all of our belongings and waited to exit back to the city in small groups I couldn't help but be excited.

"Hunter~" I leaned on the Boltund while Kobi, Makkuro, and Doran talked with Fist and Pride.

Hunter reached over to pat me. "We were right."

"Excuse me." A Lokix tapped my shoulder. "Here is a report from Leader Cresselia and Leader Darkrai." They then held it up to me.

'Most esteemed Sentinels Union Pokemon please send your students back to the League after they retrieve a Mana Key and Lock. It is located around the southeast of this area. Along with numerous other Mana Artifacts. There is also a rumor of Wicked Blow holding hostage a friend of their future Teammate.'

"Well that's certainly direct," I sighed. "Kobi, Makkuro I've got something for y'all!"
Chapter 21- The Pale Shadow Fades New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted May 13th, 2023
Ported October 15th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Team Sharp Claw goes through some ups but it all comes crashing down yet again. But they aren't alone.​

Linus Treecko's POV

I stood still, alone with my thoughts as Coordinator Cooper silently looked at his papers. For a moment, I was worried that the Granbull was upset with Jin. Coordinator Cooper had blasted like twenty questions at him all about the Committee. It was a bit odd that Jin knew nothing about the inner workings of an organization that had taken care of him. Like they kept the Zorua, and all of the Pokémon from Hisui ignorant.

Then Coordinator Cooper drilled in the severity of the Mana Artifacts into him, and all of us, which got Jin to tell 'em everything he knew. Well not tell him, more like tell us. He wanted us to hear it from the Zorua… for some reason. I was terrified the Granbull hated him.

But no, he was upset with Head Tiger, that Incineroar and her group. Not this poor, confused Zorua. With his gorgeous white coat, and cute yellow eyes, Jin was somemon that needed protection.

The Zorua’s stomach growled loudly. "Excuse me, I appear to be more peckish than I had previously thought," Jin said with a flushed muzzle.

That blush was so cute that I grinned. “Where do y'all want to eat Breakfast?" I giggled and reached forward to ruffle the Zorua's head.

Jin leaned into my hand and wagged his tail. "Personally I wish to see what this 'U' looks like."

"I don't mind eating there," Nevada waved their claws.

Glade nodded, as she stretched her wrists. "Same."

"Coordinator Cooper Sir?" I asked, and watched as the Granbull stared at a stack of papers.

His ears perked up and he turned to us. Then Coordinator Cooper got out of his chair. "I suppose taking a break for breakfast wouldn't hurt."

The five of us exited the living room, then followed the scent of breakfast towards the center of the League's 1st floor, eventually making it to the dining room.

As we took our seats at the Ponyta-shoe-shaped table, I glanced over to the Zorua below me. His eyes sparkled in the light even as they lidded down. “Ooh, what an exquisite room,” Jin said and further looked down at the walls, the kitchen in the back. Besides that there was the ‘U’, and the ornate rug along the wooden floorboards.

"Thank you for the food!" I smiled at Chad and Diamond, who sat down beside the food cart and helped themselves to a portion of everything.

The Pikachu widened his eyes before he winked at us while the Wartortle patted the table. "Now you'll have to return the favor later," the two grinned. "We'll be waiting!~"

"Yeah, thank you-" Glade started. The Totodile then shut her mouth and silently fixed a plate.

Hmm, that's something. I wonder if she's wrangling her electrophobia better? Glade placed the plate down in front of Nevada and patted the Charmander on the back.

This morning really troubled Nevada, the pain from that reunion with their older siblings along with a nightmare. Leaders Cresselia and Darkrai played with their emotions for what reason?!

They looked up and grinned at the food before them. "Oh uh thanks Glade," the Charmander then took a seat and dug into their meal.

I grabbed a plate for Jin and almost dumped the food I wanted onto it. "Oh wait," I gasped, and walked back over to the Zorua. "What would ya like ta eat?"

"Anything you pick should be satisfactory!" he replied with a smirk.

"Okay," I said and stared at the multiple trays before me. For a great and balanced start, we had an assortment of berries: Oran slices, Cheri berries, Leppa chunks, and Chesto pieces. For protein, there was a hefty pile of scrambled water-type eggs and sunny-side-up flying-type eggs. After, that there was a heaping helping of carbs with the waffles and pancakes. I carefully placed a decent bit of everything onto Jin's plate and set it down. Now for myself.

All of us had a plate full of food and after a few minutes, we slowed down on our meals. No one was talking. Here was my chance so I got some more information out of the Coordinator for the Team. “Ya mentioned quite a bit of things earlier Coordinator Sir,” I started and watched as the Granbull and the Zorua perked up.

“How so?” Coordinator Cooper asked.

“Well, Eternity being a mission statement for the Committee and all,” I explained and paused to take a bite of some Berries. "And all this other stuff about the most powerful Mana Artifacts powered by Gems, and Pokémon disappearing."

Coordinator Cooper finished chewing some of his food and placed an arm on the table. “Well, as you know, we have to investigate this information as covertly and carefully as possible. For your safety.”

He hadn't said it, but I knew he was thinking about preventing the tragedy that Team Vanguard went through from ever happening again. It's terrifying. If we stirred the pot too much, Pokémon from all over would come after us.“Yeah, so wha' are we gonna do?”

"Well, right now we have to wait," the Granbull rested his chin on his paw.

Nevada leaned toward us. "Wait, for who exactly?"

"As much as you three detest them, Yoshiko and Austin of Team Blue Heroes."

"That asshole pair of Grovyle and Charmeleon?" Glade's eyes widened and she crossed her arms.

Coordinator Cooper smiled. “Be thankful Glade,” he teased. “You’re not the one who has the chance of being related to them.”

“Don’t remind me!” Nevada groaned.

I shuddered in my seat. "Ta think that Nevada and I could share blood with those two cuz their ancestors were born here… It makes ma worried."

Jin glanced at the four of us and frowned. "Are those Pokémon that troublesome and unpleasant to be around?" the Zorua sniffed.

"Yes!" the three of us said.

Coordinator Cooper had a little grin on his muzzle as he sat upright. "Well, I have faith in them as they travel down towards the city of Saltwater Cliffs. Leader Magearna, a Legendary Pokémon that leads the Disruption Rehabilitation or whatever we called it, has a seminar in their domain near the city."

"Oh." The Charmander tapped their claws on the table. "That city is so far off and has rumors of lots of powerful Pokémon roaming around."

"Rumors?" Jin asked, and lowered his ears.

Coordinator Cooper adjusted his seat. "Yes, but it’s just Leader Magearna.”

"Oh, Yoshiko and Austin get to meet 'just' Leader Magearna!? The Leader Magearna!? Come on!" Nevada and I yelled.

"Calm down," the Granbull frowned. "Those two get to go to Leader Magearna's Domain and listen to their seminars, it's not a meet and greet."

"To think they'd get picked to go to the seminar on behalf of our League means I guess they can back up their Tauros-shit," the Totodile grumbled, before she shoveled some food into her maw.

"How intriguing," the Zorua beside me sighed. "I wonder what that pair of Pokémon shall uncover on their journey?"

Coordinator Cooper's ears perked up and he tilted his head toward the exit. Just as quickly he stood up from the table and held his finished plate. "We'll be able to receive almost the exact same message as them, and all Pokémon attending the seminar."

"How will that happen?" I asked, and folded my arms.

"With the technology from the Connection Orbs the Expedition Society of Pebble Creek linked. Only certain organizations have access to the signal that broadcasts Leader Magearna's seminar."

"Organizations like our League, Exploration Guilds, other Expedition Societies, and allies of the League?" Nevada offered.

"Yes. However, that doesn't mean we are going to rely entirely on them," the Granbull paused. "You and everyone here need to get stronger to aid in the Rehabilitation efforts, especially you Fangs of the Fallen."

That damn Disruption. Glade, Nevada, and I looked down at the table. I let out a sigh. "Yes Sir, we'll definitely begin training again today." The humiliation of our near defeat against the Black Clover Mercenaries and our total annihilation in battle from the Econ Bounty Hunters was fresh in my mind. The three of us weren’t strong enough. But we had potential. And Jin.

We continued eating our breakfast in relative silence. Soon the doorbell rang. Even though the bell echoed the same chime as it normally did when a guest was at the gates it didn't feel like a normal summoning.

The tone of the chime felt just a bit off. Dreadful and dreary. Fear began to cloud my mind. Who was at the gate? Who wanted one of us so badly that they came out here?

"I'll get it," Coordinator Cooper stated and walked toward the exit of the dining hall.

"What do you need us to do?" Glade and I asked.

"Come with me, Team Sharp Claw."

"Understood," I replied and got out of my seat as fast as I could.

Nevada and Glade followed suit and were right beside me. "Let's go."

The Zorua formerly beside us shrank into my empty spot. "Shall I wait here or-"

The Granbull looked at him and sighed. "I think you should come as well, Jin."

"Okay," Jin padded over to us. "Only if you are certain, Coordinator Cooper Sir."

I reached down and pulled his cloak over his entire body, the rich yellow of his eyes bright against the shadows.

The five of us made our way to the sealed entrance where Chad and Diamond waited. They wordlessly gazed over us and I saw that tremble in their eyes. That Pikachu and Wartortle pair were never like this… not since the day before we found out what happened to Team Vanguard. Another Keeper must be outside. A powerful one, perhaps even unlocked.

"If I need anything I'll give a shout," the Granbull explained before he took a deep breath.He placed his badge against the receiver and the large metal door began to open, which allowed the chill of the outside air to pour inside.

A Grimmsnarl stood underneath the awning, with a black, red, and purple cloak that hid the majority of their body. That Grimmsnarl had dark grey patches on their fur. Just like Head Tiger. Shit.

Underneath his cloak, Jin widened his eyes and clung his tail between his legs as he pressed against my side.

Subconsciously, I took a step closer to the Zorua and my heartbeat soared.

The Grimmsnarl eyed everymon and smirked as Coordinator Cooper also protectively moved toward Jin. There's a familiar feeling to this Pokémon too. Like, everything is an act.

"Who do I have the pleasure of meeting with this morning?" the Granbull asked, his tail raised.

"Good morning, League Coordinator Cooper McBone," the Grimmsnarl said. "Good morning, Silver Rank Team Sharp Claw. And how could I forget a good morning to one of our wards from Hisui, Jin? I am known as Knight."

Smug son of a Ditto.

"Knight?" Coordinator Cooper repeated, his eyes narrowed.

"Knight of the Committee, Head Knight to be precise," Knight grinned. "I am he who holds that title, here for Jin."

What? I clenched my fists.

"You are here for Jin, Sir? But Head Tiger was the Pokémon who entrusted him to my League's care?" the Granbull furrowed his brows further.

No. This can't be happening!

The Grimmsnarl folded his arms. "And? You no longer have to worry about that. We have to discuss some matters back at the Committee Headquarters along with performing some very crucial tests to determine his position under our care."

That better not fucking mean testing him to turn into an Ether Gem! I grit my teeth and pulled my scarf off of my head. You can't take him away from me! Not after everything we’ve been through!

The Granbull stared far past the Grimmsnarl for a while and made no noise. Then he glanced over at Jin and lowered his ears. "I understand, goodbye Jin.”

“Farewell Team Sharp Claw, and farewell Coordinator Cooper,” the Zorua glanced at us, his ears low as well. “I am thankful to have been in your care. And Linus I am especially glad to have met you.”

“I’ll miss you. Bye Jin,” Nevada whispered, their flame dim.

Glade patted the Zorua on the head. “Stay strong Jin, I’ll miss you too.”

He quickly nuzzled his head against my side and walked over to Knight. “Best wishes my boon companions. I love you, goodbye for now!~”

“No!” I yelled and held onto the Zorua. “Ya can’t be okay with this!”

The Grimmsnarl quirked a brow at me but said nothing.

“We aren’t okay with it either,” Coordinator Cooper said. “It’s time for him to go back.”

I reached forward but the Knight stepped away from Jin. “I don’t care! I need him. I need ta be with him!”

The Granbull closed his eyes. “Nevada, Glade…”

Suddenly both of my arms were held back and I was yanked away from Jin. “No!” I screamed and flailed in the Totodile and Charmander’s grasp. “Put me down!”

“It’s for your own good Linus,” the pair sighed.

The gates to the League opened once again. "Let me go! Put me down! JIN!" I cried and hollered as the two Committee Pokémon slowly left.

The Zorua didn't spare me a single glance as he and the Grimmsnarl got further and further out of my reach.

I struggled against Nevada and Glade over and over as tears poured down my face. "Don't kill him! Don't!" I screamed, my throat raw. I thrashed and begged and cried but it didn't matter. Jin was gone. My eyes slowly shut as the pair was finally out of sight, completely gone.

Arceus-dammit! They took away Jin! I don't know about the others but to me, the Zorua was such a beautiful, handsome Pokémon. One troubled by his newfound status as a Committee ward.

And that fucking thing, that so-called Head Knight of the Committee caused this to happen. He's one of the Pokémon who ruined Jin's new life. Him and all others from Hisui! And had something to do with the research that ruined all fourteen members of Team Vanguard! One day… I will have my revenge on all of those Committee bastards!

“Linus?” a voice called out. “Linus!”

I opened my eyes and saw Coordinator Cooper and Chief McBone above me. I don’t know what time it was anymore. Or where I even was. “Yes? W-where are we?”

“We are in the living room," the Granbull knelt down to my level and offered me his paw. I took and stood up.

After I blinked a bit Chief McBone began to speak. “Would you like some water?”

I gulped at the thought. “Sure, thank you." In his other paw, Coordinator Cooper held a glass of water, which I took and drank slowly.

“I’m sorry, about Jin leaving. I’m so damn powerless against the Committee,” the Granbull clenched his fist and lowered his head. “I… I don’t want you to get too clouded with anger and do anything rash either.”

The Stoutland next to him folded her ears. "If you can manage your emotions in a healthy way for just a bit longer that would be great. I know it's hard but I don't want you trying anything with Wicked Blow."

“I understand," I replied, "if Team Vanguard was caught off guard then-”

“If they knew what they were getting into, things could have been different," Chief McBone explained as she began to walk away. "It didn't help that they were scattered across the Continent when they were attacked either. Now I'm off to go fill out some paperwork, see you all later."

"And just so you know, it wasn’t just Pokémon from Wicked Blow who attacked Team Vanguard," Coordinator Cooper said. "It was Pokémon from the Committee."

"What am I supposed to do?!" I gasped. My hands trembled and my vision was blurry with rage. "How can I-"

“Don’t worry yourself crazy!” Glade’s voice chimed in from the back.

Nevada trailed right behind her, with a smile on their maw. “We’ve got some help.”

“Help doing what?” I asked.

“Being ready, ready to fucking take on those shitty Econ Bounty Hunters, and ready to take on those Wicked Blow bitches!” the Totodile wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

The Charmander also came up beside me. “We could even use those Mana Artifacts for Fangs of the Fallen! Those black testing swords or maybe even the real deal, and one day with their power we could destroy that damn Committee!”

“Okay, Team Sharp Claw don’t get ahead of yourselves. You should head on out to the practice field,” Coordinator Cooper grinned and patted my head. “You can probably guess who’s waiting out there for you. I’ve got to go do part of the Entrance Exam with Mienfoo and Slowbro so I’ll see you in a bit.”

I nodded and watched as the Granbull reached down to pick up a stack of papers and walked away. “Alrighty, let’s head on out y’all. We've got shit to do.”

The three of us opened the sliding glass door and entered the patio. Chilly air immediately rushed at my scales and sent a shiver down my spine. But a warm heat came from the Charmander beside me and the Sun above us.

Team Whitelight wasn’t too deep within the practice field.

“Morning Team Sharp Claw," Morág called when the three of us got close enough.

The Whirlipede beside her rolled forward. "I am truly sorry that you had to say goodbye to Jin, the ghostly Zorua."

"But don't worry, to take your minds off it we're going on a little trip just outside the practice field," the Pawinard tapped her blades together.

The rest of her team walked on ahead and opened the back gate with their badges. "Hurry up you guys!" the four Pokémon yelled.

"What the fuck?" I asked, as my tails lifted off the ground. "Morág, Devontay? Is this some kind of joke?!"

"No, we are going on a hike up Logos Mountain," Morág replied.

Devontay nudged me with his antenna and I flinched away from him. "Don't be so worked up, Linus."

"I can't fucking afford ta take a stupid walk like ta rest of yas!" I growled.

The Pawniard sighed. "When we reach the vantage point we'll have some mock battles to help you guys bring out some more of your power."

I crossed my arms.

"When we were dealing with tough times, Silas, and Aerith, Co-Captains of Team Blue Heroes, forced us to head out here. While infuriating at first, the new environment allowed us to better process our feelings," the Whirlipede explained.

Morág knelt down across from me and my Team. "I know I'm part steel-type but it's not too chilly up there today, and a hike is great training. It beats just wailing on those Substitutes, the altitude makes sparring incredible and can pull out all sorts of things you never knew you had inside you."

I uncrossed my arms and sighed.

"Just try it okay?" Devontay gently added. "If you want to stop, we'll take you down right away."

I glanced over at Nevada and Glade and replied, "fine."

We exited the gate and made our way toward the base of the back path. I glanced behind Glade and Nevada and saw our Pawniard and Whirlipede League mates. Morág and Devontay walked behind us while Enrique and Kairiharu led the charge. Behind the Luxio and Oshawott was Angel with Ollie perched on her head.

Logos Mountain was a public, national park that the League had special access to, thus the other Teams often cleaned up and maintained the trails once or twice a month.

The Totodile beside me kicked a couple rocks and sighed. "I didn't know how to feel about all this, but thankfully it's nice out."

"Really?" I asked.

"Don't worry Linus. This is my first time, going on a hike just to hike in a while too," the Charmander said.

I shook my head. "That’s not what I meant.”

It wasn’t as tall as the Bristberg Mountains or the Highland, but it was just as beautiful. The mountain was covered in dark blue rock, and the peak was topped with a darker purple with streaks of black. In between it all were blue-magenta colored areas of mountain. There were all sorts of pine and coniferous trees that stood on the edge of the dirt and stone along with dried grasses.

As Morág said, it wasn't very chilly. Of course as a grass-type I'm naturally sensitive to the cold weather but today bode fair weather, well, fair for near Winter in Bristberg. I've lived up here in the mountains for six years now and it wasn't like Hunter's Plains was that much warmer. It helped that I had both Nevada and Angel close by, their bodies always helped with this sort of stuff.

We started getting higher up on Logos Mountain and unfortunately the dirt path was replaced with a stone one, Glade and Nevada got closer to me as the trail grew narrow. On this last stretch we were also on a sharp incline going high toward the top.

As we continued further my breath clouded into the air. It felt like my vision had gotten hazy and my heartbeat roared through my ears. "Damn, it's getting harder," I groaned. I nearly slipped. "Shit!"

"Can- can we stop?" Nevada cried.

Glade coughed as she tried to catch her breath. "This mountain is no fucking joke, damn."

"You're not done yet! Are you?" Ollie hooted and flew against my side.

I pushed the air where the Rowlet was and grumbled. "It's suc' a Grevard-gone pain in ta ass for-"

Angel pointed to the end of the path. "Don't you want to get stronger?! Are you already giving up?"

"Not giving up!” I yelled and grit my teeth. “COME ON!"

With one last push my teammates and I trudged up onto the vantage point.

It was a fenced off open battle court with various seating and tables along the side. An area with a breathtaking view of Hunter's Plains villages to the east and the rest of the Bristberg Mountains to the west. Once I caught a full glimpse at those majestic peaks, Glade, Nevada and I slowly collapsed against the ground. With a sigh I glanced up. I tried to stop my ragged panting and noticed Team Whitelight as they stood before us.

"Up!" Kairiharu ordered, as she swung her Razor Shell toward my face.

"Woah!" I somehow scrambled upright just in the nick of time, my limbs and body all sore from the exercise and the mountain air.

"Come on!" Ollie yelled, and lunged forward at Nevada with a Brave Bird. "Find the power you've buried inside yourselves!"

Angel barreled at Glade with a Lava Plume. "You're holding yourself back!"

The Charmander and Totodile also dodged the attacks, they barely caught their breath for a moment. "Oh y'all folks wanna fucking go?! Get 'em!" I screamed and the two chased after their targets. I pointed twice and spread my arms out before I darted toward the Oshawott with Quick Attack. "I ain't done just yet!"

She sidestepped away from my attack and slammed into me with a punch of Retaliate, the blow sent my back against the ground before I jumped away from her. "Team Sharp Claw! Feel the mana all around you! Then swap out a weaker or unnecessary move!" the Oshawott ordered as she stood primed for battle.

I grounded my feet on the Mountainside before I tasted a new, faster, and more powerful normal-type mana within me and I shot toward Kairiharu with the same force of her Retaliate but my own move: Slam.

The Oshawott smirked and swung her scalchop with a winged blade of Aerial Ace that took the brunt of my attack and once again sent me flying onto the ground in a daze. "Shit, that got me good!" I groaned. The pain was so strong and deep across my left shoulder, chest, and upper belly, I could barely stand.

"You learned- er remembered a move you hadn't used yet too Linus?" Nevada asked as they staggered upright. "I decided to try Dragon Claw, it felt awesome!"

Glade rolled off of her side and crawled over to us with a big grin. "Hehe, I hit Angel with my new and improved Aqua Tail!"

"Team Sharp Claw! You thought training was over?!" Morág yelled as she extended her blades.

The Pawniard swung her blades in a blur of white energy towards me, and before I moved the Slash struck me across the arm and threw me to the side. Oh yeah, ya think it's over?! My vision turned red and Energy Ball after Energy Ball immediately formed in my palm.

I threw them as hard as I could toward Morág, who sliced through them and yelled something at me. I didn't hear it. I just launched every attack I had, again and again. This is what I'm gonna do to those bastards in Wicked Blow and to the ones who took Jin! More! More! MORE!

A loud Metal Sound pierced my ears, which sunk me to the ground for a second and once I glanced up Devontay was right in front of me. I ran forward to Slam him but the Whirlipede didn't dodge it.

Instead I crashed into him like a brick wall and then I felt something cold and hard against my back. Now that I was still I noticed my body's protests, my lungs burned, and my head ached, my limbs were sore. When I looked at the side I noticed Morág's blades around me. "That's enough for today!" the Pawniard ordered and my legs gave out.

I glanced over to see Nevada and Glade on the ground also ran ragged and tired from our training. Enrique approached me and Angel placed me on the Luxio's back. The Totodile and Charmander waved to me as they both were picked up by some other menbers of Team Whitelight and my eyes slowly lidded shut.

I fell asleep for about 30 minutes. While the Luxio was very comfortable during our descent down Logos Mountain I eventually knew I had to get up. "We made it back to the League?" I asked, and opened my eyes.

"Yes," he answered and lowered himself onto the ground. In front of us was the patio of the League, food and drinks all on the table.

I looked back at the others and my eyes widened. "Crap, I'm sorry that I lost my temper and control of my powers on Logos Mountain. Before and during the training. I also wasn't paying attention to Glade and Nevada either so they probably went off the rails."

Enrique shook his head. "We all have had our moments, Linus, and we weren't out in public in front of civilians."

"Team Sharp Claw has always ended up behaving in unbecoming ways as a League Rescue Team haven’t we?"

“You all couldn’t handle your new moves powers and got careless. But it’s okay, all of us in Team Whitelight expected and prepared for that," the Luxio sighed.

"Alrighty then, thanks for the ride partner," I spread my arms out and tried to get my feet on the floor.

The Quilava beside Enrique helped me down. Once on the ground I stretched my arms, and legs, before I looked around. Glade and Nevada were sitting on one of the smaller tables with Kairiharu, and Ollie. “So we are free to have lunch?”

“It seems like it,” Angel said as she sat down at the much larger table.

Devontay scuttled over to me and flicked his antenna toward Morág, who stood by the sliding glass door. "Try and take it easy," the Whirlipede said before he went back to her side.

"Okay Team Sharp Claw, here are some things the Chief and Coordinator wanted you to do," the Pawniard started to speak. "After you eat, rest up. Then cook and serve dinner, and before bed clean the second floor."

"Understood! Team Sharp Claw won't let them down!" I replied. Then I took my seat next to Ollie and took a good look at the table. "What are you guys gonna do?"

Enrique swished his tail as he sat down next to the Quilava. "We'll clean the 1st floor, do some errands for the Chief, contact Yoshiko and Austin, rest and the like."

I nodded and then dug into my cup of berries. We had nice Apples and egg sandwiches to go along with it. After Glade, Nevada and I cleaned up our plates we headed to our room and plopped into our beds. I don’t know about the others but I was out like a light when I hit the covers.

With a groan and a stretch I rolled out of bed, then felt the dryness in my face so I went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for dinner. I left my Teammates and headed into the kitchen to get started. “Let’s see, someone put rice, and mixed earthy berries out, let's see what we can cook up!"

Nevada and Glade arrived as I arranged and chopped the berries and soon after about an hour we had finished making dinner: scrambled eggs packed into riced balls with mixed berries. Everymon present at the League tonight: the Chief, the Coordinator, Bernard, Anabel, Team Whitelight, Diamond, Chad, Slowbro, and Mienfoo all cleaned their plates and even got seconds or third helpings. We had success!

Once all was put up after dinner Team Sharp Claw and I got out brooms, mops, rags, dusters and various other cleaning supplies, and cleaned up the 2nd floor.

I was thankful we never had to clean inside the Team's personal rooms, but our hallway and bathrooms were dirty. Unfortunately cleaning the 2nd floor also meant cleaning the outside windows, shoveling snow and breaking icicles. We finished after many hours of back-breaking labor.

"Finallllly," Glade groaned as she opened the door to our room. “What a day: learning all that stuff about those Mana Artifacts and then uh, all the shit just worn me out.”

I folded my arms before I placed my bandana and my badge down on the dresser. “Those Ether Gems especially have me worried but the good thing is that they're something that that damn Committee has to try and make on their own.”

“We got stronger but I’m scared about all of the uses for the missing Mana Artifacts, especially those Gears of Mana! Almost any Pokémon out there can find one and do whatever with it!” Nevada said and slammed the door shut.

“We’ve gotten stronger today?” I asked.

“Yes,” they replied.

“Are ya sure?" I questioned. "The others in our League have found leads on where or how to find some of those fangled Mana Artifacts. But we haven’t done anything.”

The Totodile patted me on the back and ruffled Nevada’s head. “Don’t you two go and get bummed out now! Team Sharp Claw has to toughen up to fight the Econ Bounty Hunters!”

“We haven't set my older brother and sister straight yet so I’ll do my best!” the Charmander grinned and patted Glade back.

She smirked and elbowed me. “Team Captain, ain’t you trying to give it your all to take on Wicked Blow and the Committee?”

“Of course I am Glade!” I growled and gripped her arm.

“We may have had some setbacks but we learned some new moves! What’s got you so upset, Linus?” Glade asked, her tail low and eyes wide.

“I- I just freaking hate that those bastards took away Jin and there’s nothing any of us at the League can do! Not the other Teams, not Coordinator, not even the Chief!” I pushed Glade away and walked toward my bed.

The Totodile narrowed her eyes. “It's true that we can't now but we need to get stronger in general. And don't get too worried. You heard what Jin said, they know he probably can’t crystallize into an Ether Gem.”

“I know, I know! But still, they could try again! ANd maybe-”

Nevada dimmed the lights and gave me a forlorn look before they got in bed and closed their bedside curtains. “J-just as Glade said, despite it all let’s try to think positive. Good night.”

The Totodile and I exchanged good nights and shut off the lamp. I knew better to let my fears get the best of me. Especially so late at night. Shit. I had to apologize. I climbed into the covers yet again and closed my eyes, eventually after a few minutes I fell asleep.

I slept relatively well throughout the night. Just before our normal wake up time I slowly opened my eyes. With a stretch and a I sigh sat up in bed, and heard Glade and Nevada as they got up as well. In the early morning silence, with the hint of light from our window there was a knock on the door.

More knocks came back just tad louder and I groggily opened the door and saw Chief McBone in front of our room.

The Stoutland simply just looked down at me."Good morning Team Sharp Claw," she spoke in a quiet but stern voice. "I've got some things for you, would you come with me?"
Chapter 22- Crackling Tension New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted August 15th, 2023
Ported October 15th, 2024

Chapter Summary
You always have questions. And everyone is willing to answer to them.

Do you think can just do whatever you want? With no consequences to your actions huh?

What if someone asks you:

“To what answer do I give your failure of justice?”

Rosario Pikachu’s POV

A constant annoying hum droned throughout the cave. The sound bounced off the walls endlessly.

"What's causing that noise?" I spat.

Libra tapped her paw on the floor as she sniffed the air. "This cave is filled with static electricity."

"How?" Hatchet asked.

"This is just a guess, but it has a highly polarized state, and thus other powerful energies flow freely, creating the static," A replied.

"Wow." I twitched my ears. "Fascinating."

"I take it you can't handle the noise?" the Riolu asked.

"I don't understand how you can." I folded my ears down to minimize the ringing.

The Froakie shook his head and pointed at the wall. "Unfortunately, this Mystery Dungeon will be way worse than whatever this static is."

"Mystery Dungeon?"

"As Keepers and Sentinels working with the League, we unfortunately have to often search through these ever-changing mazes, often filled with rightfully territorial Pokémon. We call them Mystery Dungeons."

I placed a paw on my face- er, my muzzle, and sighed. "You Pokémon sure are something."

"Something special?" A smirked as my tail twitched.

"Something crazy."

"Rosario." Libra cleared her throat. "We aren't in any position to complain. To protect our loved ones, someone has to stop Wicked Blow and aid in the Disruption Rehabilitation."

"And we've gotta stop the crazy ferals and strays from messing up my village!" Hatchet chimed in.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes.

"What did I say about that, Hatchet?" A narrowed his eyes, their orange glint fierce as the sunset.

"S-sorry!" the Axew panicked. "I'm mighty sorry, it's just that my cousins Billybob and Cletus told me that Pokémon here stole from Hunter’s Plains, sorry."

"Ah. Well, you can search for that after we make sure there're no Wicked Blow gangs in the area, okay?" A patted him on the shoulder.

The Axew flinched out of his grasp and looked left and right. "Uh." Hatchet moved closer to me and turned away. "I hope not - not that I’ve ever seen 'em or that I can't win! I just don’t wanna."

The Froakie grinned. "Well, you and Rosario will get a little field training from us, so don't worry too much. Unless you want to give up on the supplies right now."

"Kyurem's Mist, what does this have to do with me?" I flattened my ears.

"Remember~ like it or not, to save your so-called friends, you'll have to fight. Not just through Mystery Dungeons, but through Wicked Blow." A waggled a finger.

"But I didn't ask for this man! I just want to rescue my Pokém- friends."

The Riolu's ears curled down as she clenched her fists. "Why can't you understand that working with the League and going through Mystery Dungeons is how you’ll succeed, Trainer?"

"You're crazy." I spat. "All this talk about responsibilities and Bouf- then you guys act like it's normal to go into a mountain side or whatever and the path never being the same!"

"You're something crazy yourself. You are a failure of a Trainer!" Libra snapped. "Don't think I've forgotten what you've done!"

"Wha- What do you know!?" I yelled, and a spark bristled through my fur. "You couldn't ever understand what I'm going through! Something in the area is driving me insane. Do you understand how it feels to be constantly crushed?! I know I shouldn't have said that! I was fed up with you Pokémon. Kyurem's Frost. That's all!"

"Just stop complaining." The Riolu growled.

I opened my mouth to say something but looked at Libra. This Riolu was huge and muscular. She knew way more about this land than Hatchet did, and her Froakie partner wasn't a slouch either.

Libra's emerald green eyes struck me- they looked kinda like Gigi’s cheek spots. She wouldn’t want me to act like this.

With a groan, I followed the Pokémon through the area. Down winding tunnels and sprawling mountainside expanses. Over and over.

“Sure hope this one ain’t too long.” The Axew beside me sighed as he hunched over.

The pair of Pokemon in front of us stopped walking. “Think you guys are ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied.

They smirked amongst each other before they continued along the sandy mountain path.

My cheeks sparked slightly as we walked through the hallways. Shit, Flight and Talon were right about me. How could I save my four Pokémon friends if I haven't tried to fix the mess they're in this world? The Disruption, Keepers, Sentinels, Wicked Blow, and everything else. These Ether Gems and other mana artifacts, even if I barely knew what they were. I needed to fix this.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I said as I grabbed Hatchet's satchel strap. "Space’s sake, do you know where we are again?"

"Weren't ya paying attention? Eh whatever, it's Brittlesand Sierra,” the Axew replied.

"What makes it so labyrinthine?”

“Laby-a what now? It’s a Mystery Dungeon.”

As we turned onto another path I let go of Hatchet’s satchel strap. “I need to get used to these Mystery Dungeons,” I reminded myself. “I'm going to have to keep going to these places.”

"Why would ya? Do ya care about all those ferals and fangled Mana Artifacts and whatnot?" Hatchet asked.

“That's because Flight and Talon said this is the best way to finding my Pokémon, er my Team.”

The Axew folded his arms. "So yer determined like Kobi eh? Well, that ain't a bad thang."

I nodded as the Noctuowl and the Dartrix’s words rang true in my head. “I’ve made up my mind. I’ll do anything for them.”


“No matter what.”

“Are you two paying attention?” the Froakie asked, and I snapped my head up.

The Riolu in front of us led us into another room and stopped. "Now, I know everyone’s wary after that Monster House but I want to see what you two can really do.”

“What?” I craned my head to the side.

In front of us was a small room with an exit on the far side in the back. There was a small white and gray Pokémon with large purple eyes and green markings- probably one from Paldea, and next to them was a Pokémon I recognized from Kalos, a Furfrou.

"Look over there, a Shrodoodle and a Furfrou!" A patted me on the back. "Those should be easy for you two to handle!"


He shoved Hatchet at me and I crashed against the stone floor.

“Kyurem's Frost!” I shot. That Axew was scaly and heavy! “What the!?”

The Mystery Dungeon Pokémon cried in alarm and growled at us. It felt like all eyes were on me.

"You didn't have to shove 'em," Libra said. "Well, you Keepers can deal with it."

"The veck was that fer mon?!" the Axew grumbled as he rolled off me.

Slowly I managed to climb up. “Ultra ultra, you Pokémon are driving me insane!”

The Shrodoodle rushed up to me and shot out a Poison Sting. I stumbled to the side once the dart pierced my skin, and thankfully I felt fine afterward. Not poisoned.

“Block them!” Libra ordered.

"Oh right, I'm fighting!" I swung my tail with the energy of the sashimi-taste and battered the Shrodoodle in the side with Iron Tail. They flew to the side and my jagged tail went back to normal.

Hatchet squatted low to the ground as the Furfrou bashed him over with Headbutt.

“Counter them!” Aquarius yelled.

In a blur, the Axew roared and jumped forward to punch the Furfrou with a Counter, his fist coated in the red energy of fighting-type.

While that happened the Shrodoodle and I clashed with the speed of our Quick Attacks and I shoved them to the ground.

“Hit 'em with an electric-type attack Rosario!”

“I got it!”

The Furfrou growled as it staggered off the ground, then with a full body rush it knocked over Hatchet in a Retaliate.

“Don’t counter again!” Libra barked. “Use your strength!”

Hatchet took a deep breath. He tensed up with a scream as his body flashed teal. Then he slashed the Furfrou with Dragon Claw. It was much stronger than before! The intense blue flames along with his powerful claws cut the Furfrou and knocked them out on contact.

"Rosario now!"

I gasped as I took in sour energy, and a torrent of power rushed through my body. My head throbbed like it was going to explode! With a scream I finally shot out a Thundershock and the massive crackle of electricity fried the Shrodoodle. I leaned over as they fainted. “Darn it, I never wanted to hurt them like that,” I gasped before my hands- no my paws trembled. "What- what happened to me?”

“I don’t know. It might be one of the various ailments Keepers could have. Come on, we need to get out of here.” A helped me up and we went down another walkway.

A jolt crawled up through my front and I clenched my chest as we climbed up to the next floor. "What's going on with me?"

“I’m not sure.” the Riolu tilted her head and lightly sniffed me.

Hatchet rubbed his shoulder and mumbled to himself.

I lowered my head. "Guess we have no clue, huh?" We walked around this floor of the Mystery Dungeon and eventually found the stairs. I sighed as another tingle went through my body, sharper than before. "How much more do we have left to go?"

"Should only be a few more floors till the final Mystery Dungeon," A explained as he held a spiral journal.

"Okay," I sighed.

"A-san, is that an Adventure Log?" Hatchet pointed to the papers.


The Froakie flipped open the journal. I took a peek and it wasn't in Galarian. "It's more of a Mystery Dungeon Guide, it was updated recently by the Redrock League. This has information about important stuff. Like if there's actually a Mana Temple with a key and lock nearby we can tell you what you should do."

"So what should we do?" I jeered, my eyes low. "Show us how great this League is."

"Okay, this is very important," the Froakie said as we started to walk through the halls. "Whenever you find a key of mana, you need to know how to properly handle it."

"We are going to assume you will find the same type key and the same type lock," Libra explained. "First step, grab the handle of the key."

"The next step is very crucial. Point it away from yourself and any other Pokémon in the room." A pointed at the wall as we passed.

"Where are we going to point the key?" the Riolu asked.

I simply stared at the two while Hatchet fidgeted with his satchel.

"Hatchet, Rosario?!" the Froakie yelled. "Can one of you answer us?! Palkia's Rift! Are ya good for nothing!?"

I let out a sigh. "We point it away."

"Not at any of us." The Axew waved his claws.

"Good good." Libra wagged her tail. "Now the next step is to place the lock on the floor, with the keyhole facing straight up."

"Then you line up the key and push it inside til you hear a click. The final step is to turn the key clockwise, which means to the right. You turn that all the way until you hear another click."

"Afterwards you grab the lock by the handles, either on the top or side, and place it inside your bag to bring it back to the League."

"Got it?"

"Yeah," I answered.

We continued onward through the floor through some corridors and empty areas to another room. It was quite cramped but that's not what made me worried. There were four Pokémon inside: A Roggenrola, a Gligar, a Meditite, and a Skiddo. As a silver lining, the stairs were here.

As soon as we entered Libra took in a deep breath. A Roggenrola saw us and a flash of red energy spiraled in the Riolu's paws. "You two just watch our teamwork, okay?"


“Sure thang!” Hatchet nodded.

The Roggenrola advanced toward the Axew next to me, but as soon as their feet hit the ground, it shook. I jolted to the side and saw the Skiddo as it came at me. They rushed at me with a flurry of earthly energy in a Bulldoze, chunks of ground flew every which way with every step.


Right before it hit me a blur of blue- Libra jetted out in front of me. She blocked it?! As if the attack was nothing, she turned to the side and then launched out a ball of raw fighting-type mana in a Focus Blast which sent the Roggenrola it was aimed at into the air.

“On your six!” A called as he darted forward with a blade of Aerial Ace and knocked out the Skiddo with ease.

I flinched as Libra rolled to the side. By a hair, the Gligar flew straight past her with Acrobatics and crashed into the stone beside us.

The Froakie stepped in front of me and shot out a massive blast of water at the Gligar. On impact, the Hydro Pump knocked them to the ground. I looked to the side and saw Libra as she took that chance. The Riolu pounced on the Meditite with Crunch, her fangs covered in a huge swath of dark-energy and overpowered them quickly.

I stood still before the excitement of battle died down. Woah! My tail twitched as I looked at Libra and A. “All of those Pokémon fainted so fast!"

"Y'all two really're mighty strong!" Hatchet cheered.

“And that’s just a lil taste.” A smirked as he wiped his hands.

Libra rolled her shoulders. “Let’s keep this up.”

We continued on our way through to the next floor. "My head!" I gasped.

Hatchet gave me a long glance as he rubbed his own head. "Are ya okay?"

"Maybe?" I grimaced. Afterwards I quickly exited the staircase with everyone. A flash roared through me. My head throbbed and I doubled over onto the floor.


The ground felt good. My arms and legs splayed out and relaxed as my energy flooded into the earth. But I couldn't remain this way. Libra and A lifted me up and I was met with another huge barren room.

"There definitely is something going on with this Mystery Dungeon." I sighed.

"Libra and I will try our best to figure something out and get you out of here." The Froakie tapped my shoulder and leaned toward my other side. "So hang tight, Rosario."

"With your power, it should be easy for us to secure the mana artifacts if they're nearby," I said as I staggered upright. "Speaking of that, Flight and Talon said these Ether Gems are mana artifacts."

"That's right. Ya gave me one cause it's what Keepers are supposed to look out fer. But not even Kobi knew about these. Does tha League?" Hatchet asked.

"No," A replied.

"But the League is allied with the Sentinels Union, right? Why else would that Noctuowl and that Dartrix tell me to look for you Pokémon?" I questioned.

"For your safety and ours, regular League members do not know about the Sentinels Union nor the Ether Gems,” Libra sighed. “Right now we don’t know enough solid information on the artifacts and want everyone to be ready for collaboration with the Sentinels Union Operations.”

I groaned as I followed. “Ugh, that’s-”

My eyes met A's as he traced a finger on the wall and I fell silent. "You wanna know something Rosario, Hatchet?" the Froakie weaved a droplet of water along the sandy mountainside.

A took a few small hops away from me and continued onward toward one of the exits on the left side of the room.

"Hey!" I called as I ran over to the Froakie. "Weren't you gonna tell me something?"

Far in the back rearguard Libra chuckled as Hatchet managed to catch up beside me. "Wait fer me!"

"Okay," A said as he stopped in his tracks. "Now that I have your attention, we could tell you something special about us."

"That is?" the Axew huffed.

"I feel a particularly strange energy coming from the both of you." the Froakie placed a hand on his badge. "And it's not aura."

"Aura? Oh yeah, I did hear that technically all Pokémon can train to sense aura," I said as the visage of Bel appeared in my head. A trainer with a Lucario once said that the Skitty had a potential for a formidable aura, only if I worked at it. Easy for them to say.

The Riolu behind us nodded. "I feel it as well."

"That's ridiculous!" Hatchet slapped both of them on the flank. "Y'all two are Sentinels and I ain't ever heard of anything like that before!"

I folded my ears as the Froakie and Riolu dusted themselves off. "I don't know Hatchet. As far as I'm concerned, anything is possible."

"Rosario? Ya believe them!?"

"I don't care, Hatchet. I can barely stand it here. Don't we need to find those supplies?"

With a solemn nod, the Axew groaned. A probably took it as a sign and headed further into the exit. We entered a room with a Varoom, a Drampa, and a Pawmo. Just like last time Libra and A defeated them without breaking a sweat. Wait, did Pokémon even sweat?

After we just about got lost and scoured the entire floor the four of us found the stairs. It never got old. These weird natural stairs in this weird natural world.

Just like last time as we exited the Mystery Dungeon we took in a slightly new environment. There was more sand than ever and jagged pieces of stone that pointed into the open air of the cloudy sky.

"Woah, we're so high up!" I gasped at the view of the mountainside and forest below. "It's kinda scary now that I'm so small!"

Hatchet shook his head. "Just don't get too close to the edge."

"So this is Needlemaw Peak," A said as he looked around.

Libra scratched her thigh as she also glanced at our surroundings. There was another entrance to a hallway on either side of the room. "I don't like the feeling of this room."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned around and took a step forward toward one of the exits. The Axew beside me followed.

When we did, there was a faint beep and a light flashed. "Get back!" Libra yelled and shoved me out the way.

A pushed Hatchet back and the earth exploded from beneath us. Chunks of sand and stone flew every which way and clouded our surroundings in a thick layer of dust.

Just as quickly chains shot out of the ground where we just stood.

I narrowed my eyes and found their source. There was a huge black and white metal box with two claw marks of black, that rose up from the dirt.

"What in the world!?" the Froakie and Riolu gasped as the chains snared their limbs and torsos, and kept them anchored into the floor. The beeps continued to chime.

"Let's break it!" I yelled and fired a Thundershock at the chains.

The blast of electricity spiraled throughout the metal and into the two Pokémon on contact.

"Don't!" A demanded, right before Hatchet bashed his claws against the chains. "This was an illegal trap set up by Wicked Blow!"

"What?!" the Axew shrieked.

"Hurry out of here!" Libra strained against the chains.

More alarms and sirens went off from the black and white box, and the earth shifted slightly.

"Why?!" I asked, my cheeks ablaze.

"From this trap, we know Wicked Blow is in this Mystery Dungeon!" the Froakie thrashed his chains.

The ground below them shook as it started to glow.

"But more importantly, there's a Pokémon here more powerful than them!" Libra cried, her eyes wide. "Their aura is nothing like I've ever seen!"

One last beep echoed through the room and the earth was drilled straight through. I pushed Hatchet out of range with my Quick Attack as the chains yanked A and Libra back through the mountain in a sea of rocks and smoke.

"Wicked Blow is really here?!" Hatchet cried, as he clutched his head. "What are we gonna do without those two?"

"Damnit!" I pounded my fist on the ground as the dust settled. The hole in the Mystery Dungeon slowly sealed itself back up as if nothing happened and left us alone.

My head swarmed with pain as a spark rushed through me. "We have to get out of here!" I got down on all fours and ran toward the other exit as fast as I could.

The Axew followed me and we weaved through corridors and hallways randomly. We passed by the same room twice before I finally took us down a path we neglected. Instead of a room I crashed into a Spinarak.

Shoot! The Spinarak lunged at me and bit into my shoulder. My whole body seized with pain and I screamed as it Leeched the Life out of me. Blood poured off the wound as I thrashed.

Hatchet tried to pry it off with a Dragon Claw, his entire arm coated with a flickering teal light. “Let go you damn feral!” the Axew roared and the Spinarark jumped backward.

In my dazed hazy state I fired out a Thundershock. The thin string of electricity phased in and out of reality as it sparkled. The Spinarak barely flinched and their claws shot out. Before I could blink, they came at me with a flurry of Fury Swipes, when they nearly hit me Hatchet bashed into the Spinarak. He sunk his own fangs into them with Crunch. The black swath of energy didn’t hold them and I nearly got tagged. To finally stop the Spinarak the Axew held them down for a second I Thundershocked them. My string of lightning flashed translucent again. Not good enough!

The Spinarak made a scuttling noise before they shot me with a torrent of piping hot purple liquid, a Sludge Bomb. My face burned so badly! I blacked out when the powerful wave of poison completely doused me.

Then it was dark.

Just as quickly, I woke up. It was peaceful and quiet. So that was what it felt like to faint, I couldn't move a muscle. My eyes flicked open as there was a green glow, which came from Hatchet's satchel. That must have been a Revive of some kind!

The Axew laid on the ground barely conscious, the Spinarak primed to strike again. He'll faint too!

"Leave him alone!" I yelled and shot forward, a bright yellow flash on my whole body.

My Thundershock exploded in a semi-transparent crackle of light on the Spinarak and toasted them to the ground. With a cough they finally fainted.

A surge of pressure shot through my body as I helped Hatchet off the ground. "Let's go!" I growled. "We can't afford to be careless!"

The Axew looked left and right with a sigh. "Yeah, let's go this way!" He took the lead as we maneuvered to another room.

Thankfully nothing was there besides three paths that branched off. "Come on!" I side-stepped in front of Hatchet and grabbed his claw. "We need to hurry!" With his claw in my grasp we headed through the exit directly in front of us.

A sandy staircase of light orange awaited us. And a fainted Varoom. Well a bigger one.

"That Revaroom was knocked out by somebody Rosario!" the Axew panicked as we got closer to them.

I grimaced at the thought of whoever could have done it and hopped partially up the stairs. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

Hatchet barreled after me as I rushed to the next floor. "Well, only da stronger ferals of Needlemaw Peak could've been able to get one over on us like that!"

There wasn't anything of note on this floor. We ran through room after room, corridor after corridor and hallway after hallway in search of the stairs. In almost every single room there was a Mystery Dungeon Pokémon laid to the side, fainted. Any that weren't darted away from us as we passed.

Every step I took my head ached. "Where the fuck is the exit!" I yelled and Thundershocked a nearby wall.

"There's somewhere we didn't check," Hatchet slashed the same wall. "Because these darn shitty ferals!"

"Shut it about them!" I growled as we turned around.

The Axew crossed his arms. "Don't act like yur any better ya stray!"

"I’m not a stray!”

“Yes you are! Ya ain’t from a town or village. ‘Ich means yer a stray!”

“You Pokémon are nothing without a Trainer! Useless and stupid!"

"Then what are you!?"

"What the fuck do you know! Kyurem's Blizzard quit it!"

After several more agonizing minutes, we found the stairs. It felt like my head split open and I crashed onto the floor of the next room as the pain crushed me. The static screamed in my ears. "Why in Ultra Space is this happening!?" I coughed and pried myself off the ground.

"Beats me," Hatchet groaned. "At least, least we haven't run into Wicked Blow yet."

I waited for the Axew to get up before I headed toward one of the two exits. The one on the left seemed a bit stuffy so I opted to take the right.

We hurried along the various sandy paths of the Mystery Dungeon and encountered even more fainted Pokemon. “Kyruem’s Ice dammit! This doesn't look good,” I said as we passed a Buizel and Pawmo along the ground. The floor around them was coated in a strange tangle of grass and full of huge chunks of earth. Wreckage of Pokémon attacks.

“We still haven’t found the darn exit!” Hatchet grumbled as he followed me. “And Wicked Blow or those Mew darn sons of Ditto ferals could be right around the corner!”

There were two paths we hadn’t taken yet. “Maybe we should go down this wide hallway, less chance to get cornered.” Suddenly the earth shook all across the mountain.

The Axew rushed past me and grabbed my paw. “They’re comin’ afta us Rosario! It’s over!” he screamed.

“Wait for Space’s sake!” I yelped as he quickly dragged me through the narrow hallway. We headed toward a deadend with two distinct pathways.“You idiot! We need to be care-”

Hatchet stumbled straight into an odd pillar of sandstone in the wall and shrieked. “Leave us alone!” he swiped at it with Dragon Claw and out of nowhere the pillar swung open like a trap door. With his other claw firm on my paw we tumbled inside.

I crashed onto the ground as the wall around us crumbled. "Hatchet, don't-" I gasped. "Don't do that ever again, man."

With a groan, I staggered up slowly and stretched. as the dust settled I saw the dim red, orange, and brown lights of something.


We were inside of a massive cave, hidden away deep inside the mountains. Inside a Mystery Dungeon.

Come here.

There were torches that lined along a brick wall of a building's entrance. Large domes sat on the roof of the gorgeously painted tan Mosque, and there were minarets that grazed the ceiling of the cave, stalagmites nearly brushed right against them. A strange force pulled my eyes further at it.

Fix yourselves, Keepers.

On the bricks was a beautiful ornate pattern of black and yellow. Mosaics of Groudon's markings. "Let's head inside." I walked toward the steps. They led to tightly shut decorated doors.

"Is this the exit?" Hatchet asked as he gripped the handle of the left door.

I helped him pull it open and peered inside. "Doesn't matter. We need to fix ourselves."

"Yeah, fix something," the Axew droned, his eyes low.

Hitherto at once! Now!

We hurried past the doors and there were even more torches that illuminated the area. This entrance to the Mosque was much bigger on the inside. There was another set of rooms we went through and even a staircase, but not a Mystery Dungeon one, just regular bricks. All the while my body trembled in anticipation.

There it sat, a Mana Artifact. There was a yellow jagged key and lock that sat on a lectern in front of a spectacular wall. One covered top to bottom in mosaics with patterns of Legendaries I recognized as Landorous, Groudon, and Zygarde.

"Here it is, Hatchet." I gasped.

He nodded as he opened his satchel. "Yeah."

A wave of tastes suddenly washed over me, a Sitrus-y sour flavor, a juicy flavor, a chocolate flavor, and wood burned flavor. None of these were Hatchet’s sour candy Dragon Keeper presence! “What’s going on, there are Keepers close!”

“Who!?” The Axew shuffled near me.

From behind me a small blast of water shot through the air and splashed on the ground. That was a Water Gun! Without warning a chorus of voices from behind us rang out. "The Key and Lock of Electricity is ours!"

"Who are you!?" I whipped myself around and my instincts took over.

"What!" Hatchet screamed and tried to match me.

I sprang across part of the room and narrowly avoided a String Shot with my Quick Attack while Hatchet was hit with a blast of light green energy- no bug-type mana! One from Struggle Bug?!

“Seems like we didn’t catch all of the Pokemon tailing us!”

“These ones aren’t with the League!”

“And they’re Keepers!”

“Even better!”

Behind us was a group of Pokémon, a Joltik, Dewpider, Dwebble, and one more Pokémon, light green and yellow covered in a ball of silky web. All of them wore black and white striped scarves, or bandanas somewhere on or across their huge bodies. Two jagged black claw marks were distinct on their gear.

"Do I even need to answer?!" the unknown one laughed.

"You'll pay for that, Tarountula!" the Axew roared as he stumbled to the side. "Wicked Blow scum!"

The Joltik cackled. “The rumors were true, there were more Pokémon to recruit!”

That was the Wicked Blow everyone mentioned! My vision went red. These bastards could have my Pokémon! I bashed the Dwebble to the side with Iron Tail just as Hatchet slashed at the Tarountula with Dragon Claw. Not enough! Our attacks barely did anything again.

“You think that’ll work on us!?” the Dewpider yelled and caught the Axew in a String Shot. “You two are coming back to the base!”

Punish them.

“Scabbard!” Hatchet screamed, and his whole body flashed red. “Bring her back!” He punched the Dwebble in the face with Counter and swiped at the Joltik with Poison Jab. The Dwebble fainted onto the ground. I clenched my fists and blasted the Dewpider with Thunder Shock. My body flashed bright yellow as I screamed.

The Tarountula Blocked Hatchet with a barrier of white and the Dwebble Smacked me Down. I staggered off the ground from the stone's weight. While the Axew couldn’t move the Dewpider and Joltik were about to hit him with a Bug Bite tag team. Despite my pain a burst of vanilla shot through me and I pounced on the Joltik with Quick Attack. My force knocked them out into the Dewpider who I then blasted with Thundershock, this time the massive crackle charred their water into a boil as they collapsed. "What happened to me?" I gasped as I fell to my knees in exhaustion. It hurt so bad, my head throbbed over and over and pulled me toward the mana artifacts.

You haven't fixed us yet.

Hatchet's body flashed black and he ran toward the Tarountula before he Crunched their side. The Axew watched as they lost consciousness before he let go with a scream. "Mew Damnit!" he cried as he dropped to the floor.

Pikachu, can you not contain the power?

There truly was something wrong with us. Was this what being unlocked could look like? Could feel like. This terrible power brought nothing but pain and no one could save us. The mana artifacts were a double edged sword. A scourge and a savior.

Lock yourself back up.

After I climbed off the ground Hatchet and I took a few wobbly steps toward the mana artifacts. I stared at the finely crafted metal on the various handles and edges, marked with fitting thunderclap-esque shapes.

This is what they were after. All this power. "Let's do what Talon and Flight asked me to do." I coughed. "Oh and follow Libra and A's instructions."

"Hurry up and deal with that stupid mana artifact!" the Axew grabbed my paw. He pulled me in front of the lectern and I stumbled toward the key and lock.

"Why are you in such a rush, for Kyurem's Ice!?" I whipped my head at him. "They said we should be Ultra careful!"

"I just wanna fin' those damn supplies fer Mew all mighty! I know those darn Mew-damn ferals took it!"

"No you don't! Why are you like this?!"

Hatchet shoved me again. "Ya ain't gonna stop me from doin' what Billybob and Cletus asked me to!"

"But do you have to freaking hate ferals?!" I pushed him back.

"I've gotta make that Scovillian, and Artibax and Ma and Pa proud no matter how many ferals, strays, or anyone else hates me!"

"Just shut up!"

The Teal Ether Gem floated out of me and a bright light shot out. Its gentle glow bathed us in its warm light, my vision blurred for a moment and I felt at peace. Maybe I'd be free from this unlocked pressure, this awful feeling. The Lock on the floor began to vibrate, while the Key twitched in my paws, as it pulsed with teal energy.

"Don't think it's supposed to move but lock it back up now Rosario." Hatchet held his claws over his Magenta Ether Gem.

I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, I'm going."

For some reason as the flash echoed through the cavern something called out to me.

Ignore what those four said!

Lock this thing back up for myself- forget about these stupid Pokémon.

What do they know about what you've been through?


Let’s go!

I lifted the large yellow jagged key of mana into the air and smiled. “This power can help me get my Pokémon back, right?”

Hatchet tilted his head. “Yeah, ya need to go ahead and use it since ya found it!”

"Screw the rules!" I growled as I held the key. "I'm a Keeper! I'm gonna use this to find my Pokémon and be the Trainer I want to be! No one cares about all that Disruption and Mana Artifact crap anyway!"

Before I made another move a blue lightning bolt crashed in between us and I flew through the air. My back slammed into a wall. Pain swarmed my body. I screamed out as my bones cracked under the pressure. With a cough I vomited blood. All went black for a moment.

But not for long as my eyes shot open. The ground in front of me shattered and I scrambled upright, and I stared into the eyes of a large black and yellow feline-Esque Pokémon.

My eyes widened as my pulse beat faster. "W-who-"

"I am they who answers the call," they said in a light, sharp and firm voice. "Master Zeraora."

The Zeraora silently stood in front of me and Hatchet. They held the key and lock of electricity in their paws. I watched as the Zeraora's eyes scanned our bodies and their nose twitched. Their brow then furrowed.

Just as quickly the Zeraora’s claws pointed straight at our throats. "Both of you are unlocked Keepers, and for some reason you have Ether Gems," they spoke slowly, each word with massive weight. "And in the presence of these mana artifacts you choose this?"

"This?" I asked.

They gritted their teeth. "You know I've been following you four Pokémon this entire time? The static you were hearing was me."

I blinked. "It was you?"

Hatchet trembled beside me. "That means ya saw and heard-"

"Yes, I did," the Zeraora sighed. "I’m disappointed in you Mjolnir.”

“Mjolnir?” the Axew asked.

“You two are the satellite pair to Thoth’s Tablet- once known as the Dawn Stone."

I tilted my ears. "Huh?"

"I know why you wanted to use these mana artifacts. And unfortunately for you, you were going to unwillingly use those Ether Gems to mess with these artifacts."


"It's complicated." The Zeraora waved their claw. "Thankfully, I can prevent you from changing the Gears of Mana inside to the wrong state. However, you still have to answer for your indiscretion and injudiciousness."

“What does that mean?” I questioned, my eyes low.

To what answer do I give your failure of justice?” Master Zeraora asked in a soft low roar, and a powerful static filled the room.

Warmth pooled out of my body and I held my chest. My eyes snuck a glance at Hatchet. He curled up in a frightened ball and shivered, as blood too pooled out of his wound.

What should I say? Is there even a right answer?

My eyes widened as the Zeraora drew closer. “You two don't seem to care about the Disruption at all. Xuě, my daughter, was wrong about you. She said you could prove me wrong. How disappointing.”

“Master Zeraora, we’re." Hatchet paused, "sorry?” he squealed out with a wheeze.

The Zeraora’s whiskers twitched. Before I knew it a light-teal spark flash blinded me. I screamed. Their sharp claws jabbed me so effortlessly.

"It's so-" I paused to cough. "Cold." My consciousness crumbled, and everything slowly went black.





I'm sorry.

Flight and Talon. Libra and Aquarius. I failed all of them.

As I blacked out, I heard one last thing.

"Apologies." Master Zeraora started, their voice soft and higher in pitch. "Accepted."5
Chapter 23- Still, March On Part 1 New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted December 23rd, 2023
Ported October 15th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Kobi and her companions talk about Leader Magearna's seminar before they finally head to the hotel.

When they go back to the Realm the next day exciting news is at the seminar, but what will that mean for the Pokemon in the party and their allies?

Kobi Espurr’s POV

Leader Magearna's seminar was certainly interesting. They shared everything from the inner workings of Mana Artifacts, and other things Team Vanguard tried to find. And then those Gears of Mana. The gears that can finally end the Disruption once and for all. They slept inside every mana artifact, in and out of our grasp, many in the clutches of Wicked Blow. But we needed more details to solve anything. And I was not strong enough. Not yet.

Even though I, and some of the others here had been unlocked, we wouldn't just recklessly attack. All that boosted, untrained power could kill if not kept under control. It's what caused the Disruption in the first place.

I was glad I had my presence in control with this monitoring collar, but I wanted to control it myself. Thankfully I was in the care of just the right Pokémon for the job, Guard Fang, and Defender Hunter.

Master Fang approached Makkuro, Doran and I, with a curious piece of paper in their maw. The Primeape and Pyroar beside us took a few steps back.

Pride spoke up when I gave her a glance. "Might as well give ya some space."

“Okay,” I replied.

"Yup, don't mind us." Fist patted her hip.

Master Hunter glanced our way and nodded.

"Hi kids," the Lycanroc said through clenched teeth, the edge of a paper carefully in between them.

“‘Ello,” I said as I stared at the page. “What ‘ave you got for us?”

"Hi Master Fang." The Rockruff wagged his tail and eyed the Lycanroc up and down.

Master Fang had an amused look on their muzzle as they gingerly dropped the paper and rolled it on the floor. “I'll give you the rundown.” They read aloud every word on the page, just as Leader Cresselia and Darkrai had written it.

'Most esteemed Sentinels Union Pokémon, please send your students back to the League after they retrieve an elemental key and lock of mana. It is located around the southeast of this area. Along with numerous other Mana Artifacts. There is also a rumor of Wicked Blow holding hostage a friend of their future Teammate.'

"Oh?" Doran smirked, and her ears perked up. Her stubby tail wagged as she glanced at the page. All the while, my eyes followed.

“All this information?” I glanced back at Master Fang.

The Lycanroc narrowed their eyes. “I can barely believe it myself.”

Makkuro lowered their ears. “Those in the League need our help huh?”

We all sat back, while Fist and Pride took another step back.

"We will see you guys later." Pride beckoned with a paw.

"Alrighty." I waved back.

The Pyroar's ears twitched. "Don't want to interrupt whatever that is. Especially since it's related to the League."

"Now that I think about it, it's not all League business, there's stuff about that that concerns us." Fist folded her arms.


The two Pokémon left us alone and gathered their apprentices. Master Fang rolled up the scroll.

“Now that I remember it, it might be that Kobi's connections are also the key.” Master Hunter raised a paw.

The Rockruff quirked a brow. “You know about her connections?”

“How did she get an acceptance letter to the League without taking an entrance exam? I assume she hasn't taken one and just left or something,” The Lycanroc said as their ears perked up.

“Er, I've been to the League once, but never mind that.” I winced, and my head began to throb.

Master Fang licked their maw and spoke. “Ah that’s true, now that I think about it. I remember you took only part of the entrance exam that I’m pretty sure the League retired with your connections.”

“My connections?” I winced. “You mean my brothers?”

“Your brothers? I can't remember if we talked to a Pokémon at the League who mentioned you, however we were barely there before…” Master Hunter coughed as she trailed off.

“Linus, the Treecko who's been at the League for a bit and Hatchet, an Axew who should be on his way soon.” I explained.

“Soon?” Makkuro asked, his eyes wide.


“Ah yes, I remember Linus,” Master Fang said in a low tone. “A Sentinel with an interesting presence.”

“Really?” I asked. “I never felt anything from him, if anything I felt it from my other brother.”

“Oh?” the Boltund’s ears perked up.

“Hatchet's a real piece o’ work, I'll tell yew.”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree hehe,” Master Fang laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

Doran narrowed her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

The Lycanroc cleared their throat and paced around a bit. “You’re all special Pokémon the League is gunning for.”

"They must really want us back in the League eh mate?" I tilted my head.

Makkuro wagged his tail. "And they have information on a future Teammate's friend? Who?"

“No idea who that could be, they'll probably tell us who if and when we find ‘em.”

"Anddd, we don't have to bust our chops lookin' for Mana Artifacts." The Kubfu grabbed our shoulders and leaned in.

“It's not that simple.” Master Fang waved a paw.

Doran rubbed her paws together. "With those guys, nothing's simple. Great ain't it, Leaders Cresselia and Darkrai."

I chuckled. “I've never met them bruv, but yeah I guess.”

Another voice cleared their throat and we looked over to see a few Pokémon from Magerna’s Domain.

“Guard Fang, Defender Hunter, if we have any more requests and details for you another one of us shall deliver a letter or come to you.” The Lokix bowed.

Master Hunter bowed back.“Understood.”

The Lokix held up their claw to the others.“The same goes for you Caster Pride, and Vanguard Fist.”

“Thank you kindly,” the Pyroar replied, her tail raised.

“Good night, may the gears grind forever.” The Lokix and other Pokémon of Leader Magearna's staff left us to go.

"Well." Master Hunter placed the note into one of her pockets. "We should go too."

The Rockruff tilted his head. "Where?"

The Boltund's ears lowered. "I know you have lots of burning questions and all so we are going to our hotel room."

“Sounds good ta me.” I suppressed a yawn with my paw.

After we gathered the rest of our belongings, Leader Magearna's staff ushered us toward the elevator docks. I held my breath when we shuffled into the enormous silver, white, yellow, and grey room. Along the edges sat massive pink elevators of various sizes that spanned a wide stone and metal hallway. Nothing like I've ever seen! There were loads of Pokémon from different organizations, big and small, and we all fit comfortably.

Master Hunter glanced over at all of us. “Everyone doing alright?”

“Today's been wild,” Makkuro sighed before he lifted his head. “But we learned what we wanted.”

“Yeah. Definitely a wild day, full of excitement, so glad to hear all of our work went to use and wasn’t for nothing.” The Lycanroc grinned.


Doran ran a paw through her head fur tufts.“Thanks fer taking me to the seminar, of course I'm really excited to see my folks if I have any.”

The Boltund nodded. “The Urshifu, Shifu Yang and Shui along the others should be able to talk to you tomorrow Doran.”

“Quite swell. Cheers from me!” the Kubfu said before she shadow boxed against the air with a flurry of punches.

“Everyone else good?” Master Fang looked my way.

I nodded. “My tail wasn't stepped on so I'm great.”

“Good to hear.” The Lycanroc’s ears perked up as a few of the lifts arrived.

A Poliwrath led us, Master Fang, Hunter, Fist, Pride, and the other apprentices, Doran, Makkuro and I, along with some Paradisers from Bristberg, and Explorers from Starlight Beach toward one of the elevator loading docks.

“Woah,” I gasped.

Makkuro and I took a couple steps back. “It’s huge!”

Master Fang held their paw over their muzzle.“Are you still surprised to see all this stuff?”

The Rockruff sighed. “This elevator was much bigger than the one we took down into the Domain.”

“Don't get too shocked!” Morpeko's snarky voice called out.

I turned my head and of course she, Smeargle, Aron, and Impidimp were right beside Fist and Pride, even if they weren't there the whole time.

“We weren't, we just stated a fact, Morpeko,” I growled.

Makkuro bore his fangs as he spoke. “Exactly, you asshole.”

“Excuse me?” Impidimp grabbed the Rockruff’s chest fur.

“Hey,” Master Hunter sighed. “Behave.”

“Fine,” we grumbled.

Smeargle wagged her tail with a purple hue, the paint of Sketch, and leaned in. “I haven't even hit you dolts yet and you're already whining!”

What the Distortion!? I flinched away from the splatter of poison while Doran and Makkuro stepped in front of me.

“Kehinde Smeargle,” Fist grabbed the Smeargle's shoulder.

“Y-yes Master Fist?”

Some of the Primeape's veins poked through her skin, as her eyes blazed. “We're in Leader Magearna's Domain.”

Kehinde's tail lost color and curled between her legs and she fidgeted with her grey Union vest. “My apologies.”

Not another word was uttered as we waited for the lift. It arrived and our group shuffled inside, the dull hum of the machinery echoed throughout the cavern, one set after another. The elevator lurched and we made it back to the surface.

Back out into the dark, cold, and wet stones of Saltwater Cliffs. I can't say it was worse than the winters in Galar of course so I'd be fine. Makkuro, Master Fang, Pride, and Aron shivered from the rain while everyone else shook the pelting droplets away occasionally, some more dreary than the rest.

The Pokémon of the various other organizations left, and we Sentinels Union Pokémon were alone again.

We all exited the rough wildlands and made it onto the stone-lined roads that led back towards the black castle, the heart of Saltwater Cliffs City. Finally my paws could take a breather, nearly sliced up a pad on those rocks for Za's sake!

Doran placed an arm on my shoulder and laughed. “ I guess we finally get to have some privacy. ” she whispered in Johtoian.

What ?” My tail drooped as I peeled myself away from the Kubfu.

I meant to talk about fancy mancy stuff, but if you have other ideas ~”

My jaw dropped further. “W-what ?”

Doran you're being fucking weird ,” Makkuro growled.

Oh, didn't know she's yours ,” Doran giggled.


No, I'm not usually into guys.” I shook my head.

The Rockruff sighed as his nose twitched. “I like Kobi as a friend, and a mentor, Doran. Anything else is - uh kinda weird .”

Weird huh ?”

“I'm not comfortable answering that question.”

The Kubfu wore a shit-eating grin. “And Kobiiii. What's that ‘usually’ about? It's not right to toy with the Great Legendary Doran ya know.”

My eyes narrowed. “I also am not comfortable answering that question.”

“Aw, why not?”

“We barely know you.”
Makkuro added.

“Yer prying too much just because yer also a former human.”
I pointed a paw at the Kubfu.

Doran placed her paws on her head. “I prefer ex-human.”

Master Fang loudly cleared their throat. “Alright you three, we are at the hotel.”

“Sorry,” I spoke in Mysterioso , or what they called Constellation and turned towards the Lycanroc along with the others.

The building of the hotel had a sleek grey finish, black trim and a dark purple main section, the windows covered by yellow blinds.

‘The Moonlight Hotel’. A stone and wooden sign read.

Master Hunter led us inside and showed the Clefable and Nidoking at the front desk a piece of paper.

Master Fist handed the two Pokemon a huge sack of what I assumed was poké and they slid over four room keys. The keys looked like how they did back in Galar; a card inside of a paper packet, but with a small chain.

Everything was like a blur, as we made our way up to the room via the stairs, and slope sections. Master Fang opened the door to a room with two huge low-rise beds fit for royalty.

I flew toward one and someone removed my saddlebag. The second my body hit the warm Flaaffy fleece I passed out.


A gentle voice called through the waves of my awakening. Light slowly drifted into the hotel room and into my eyelids, my tail twitched as the warm heat rolled in more and more. The curtains were being pulled open.I kept my eyes shut as the scent of berries wafted into the air.

“Makkuro,” the voice, Master Hunter's, voice called again. It was like Hoennian, Kantonian, and almost Paldean in accent so I couldn't miss it.


“I'm uppp,” the Kubfu groaned. Doran's accent sounded like Wydon- highly pronounced northern Galarian and Johtoian, fitting as she's from both places from what she said yesterday: that those Ace Trainer teachers from Blackthorn City were her grandparents. And then the Kubfu rolled straight into me.

“Oi!” My eyes shot open as I nearly fell out of bed.

Doran sat there with a drowsy grin. “Oops.”

“She's fitting in well I see!” the Boltund laughed.

I hissed in annoyance. “Nearly trampled me!”

“Well, uh today's actually a day I feel like going by he him,” the Kubfu grabbed onto me. “Fluid and all, remember?”

“Okay Mister Doran.” I staggered upright. “Please behave.”

The Rockruff beside me sighed. “He's getting a bit too comfortable huh?”

“Yep, oh-” a loud noise shook the room, “wha tha bloody sword n ‘ield?!” I bolted out of bed just as the door flew open with a rattling thud.

Everyone else turned to see the Midday Lycanroc as they winced and shut the door.

“Alright everyone we've got to hurry,” Master Fang said in a muffled voice, in their maw a basket full of bread, berries and small cups. “It was earlier than I remembered.”

I blinked before I took in a deep breath. My throat tensed up before I coughed. I shoved my paws into my bag and pulled out our toothbrush and toothpaste.

“Can't try out the Breath of Mana with the monitoring bands on.” Master Hunter patted my shoulder.

“Right right, later I guess.”

We hurried along with as many of our morning rituals as possible and bolted out of the Moonlight Hotel.

Fist, Pride and their apprentices had a rendezvous with us as we passed a brewery, and a confectionery Shoppe. The sweet scent nearly lured me over, but Makkuro nudged my shoulder. I tripped over my paws for a moment and Doran snickered as he pulled me up.

“Don’t make the Great and Legendary Doran Kubfu have to pick you up Espurr!” Morpeko said as she crossed her tiny arms.

Aron stamped onto the ground right beside me and I scrambled away, claws out. “Yeah, can’t you see Young Master Doran is made for better things!?”

“Young Master? What?” I questioned, and my tail swished.

“Chill it out,” the Kubfu laughed. “You can fight over me later, come on.”


“You must be joking.” Makkuro groaned.

Everyone who had a recall came back to the shadows of Leader Magearna's Domain, all the entrances from before hidden just as last time, the stony land still wet with puddles from the rain.

Not as cold as last night, with the warm light of the sun that poured in through sections of the clouds above.

This time a Drednaw and a Slaking approached along with a huge battalion of Pokemon, all of them clad in silver and pink scarves. “All you all have clearance already, please follow us.” the Drednaw explained and headed deeper into the rainy mist.

Like yesterday a giant pink gear opened from the land with a whirling clank, sound somehow muffled by the mist or the land itself and we entered inside.

Inside the cramped lift its rosy lights seemed brighter than ever. The elevator operator, this time a Heracross, smiled at us as everyone filled in, then the door shut and we descended into the depths of leader Magearna's Domain.

The rest of Leader Magearna's staff checked our belongings and exchanged some metal buttons on our monitoring bands before we were let into the auditorium.

We of Sentinels Union Branch Sies Six sat where we did before.

Meowscarada, Quaquavel, and Skeledirge stood behind Leader Magearna, while a Cramorant and a Sandaconda were stationed on the far edges of the stage.

“Greetings everyone from all across the Celestial Hemisphere, here in our audience and Pokemon listening in on the Connection Orbs!” Leader Magearna's voice echoed out strong and clear from the Skeliderge's flamebird microphone.

They gestured to our left, stage right and the white but not shiny Zeraora, the one called Young Master Xuě Zeraora walked on stage beside them.

“Today I am continuing my seminar on our findings, this time more focused on how the Gears of Mana works with the elemental keys, the Mana scrolls and the Mana Regalia.” Leader Magearna gestured toward us and every Pokémon in the audience.

“Like I explained yesterday, inside of every mana artifact there are Gears of Mana. And these were originally powered by Ether Gems.”

“However.” They held out a hand toward the Young Master. “More information on the Gears of Mana and different information on mana is sealed tight within mana scrolls from the ancestors. Like this one Xuě Zeraora has. Only ones called Legendary or Mythical can carry them around for safekeeping and be the ones to open them.”

The Zeraora held the metallic scroll, and I saw the gear insignias as they gleamed under the pink light.

Young Master then stood off to the side and Leader Magearna spoke again.

“Back to more familiar territory, the keys and locks of mana. We know that the Gears of Mana are inside them and how they allowed the Disruption to happen. But there is something important about the keys and locks. They weren't always just one tremendous strong pair for each type.”

Leader Magearna gestured to the silver wall behind them. On it was a pink diagram of all eighteen keys and locks.

“The old keys and locks of mana couldn't cause the Disruption in their state, but what caused them to change from how they were about a century ago?”

“You see, Team Vanguard found a bit of information that helped us find out some crucial details. There are four states that each Mana Artifact can go into,” Leader Magearna said as they pointed to the wall and it changed to white, while the diagram went blue.

“The gears change them into three: Neutral, Primal, and Futuristic. Let's talk about this in relation to the most important artifacts. The keys.”

“The current Gears of Mana inside the majority of elemental keys and locks of mana are set to Futuristic. However only Neutral and Primal can prevent the Disruption. But we do not know the finer details and elaborate workings of each state, and why they were created. Or much about the fourth state.” They explained.

On the wall a myriad of colors danced.“To change the Gears of Mana we need to find the whereabouts of the mana scrolls, which is something everyone can help with, Sentinel or Keeper!”

“This brings us back to the Ether Gems, pure collections of mana. They are needed to unlock the sealed mana scrolls. And Ether Gems also power a newly rediscovered set of mana artifacts, the Mana Regalia.” Leader Magearna said, their arms wide.

The wall changed its picture to one of a black sword, and various other types of weapons, the pink of the background juxtaposed the sharpness of the outlines.

Their eyes blinked. “The Mana Regalia are a collection of numerous weapons that allow redistribution of mana and only Sentinels can touch them, particularly the Fangs of the Fallen can wield them safely and to the fullest potential.”

So those cousins’ of Hatchet were wrong about Linus, when they said he and the other Sentinels were useless! And everyone else across this land.

Leader Magearna spoke again.“But more research needs to be done regarding Fangs of the Fallen and the Mana Regalia. We know it can aid in restoration of the world's balance of mana and end the Disruption.”

They waved a hand and the wall went back to the image of the keys and locks. “It's not only in the hands of Keepers who find the keys and locks. Sentinels can make a change too, unbridled by tempting power!” Then back to the armory.

Something inside Leader Magearna had an audible click and they walked toward the Quaquavel. “I'll have more of the seminar tomorrow, more about theories on the states of the Gears of Mana, and various mana artifacts.” they called, voice louder than before.

“For now we who fight for rehabilitation need the rest of the blueprints found in mana scrolls to make the strongest countermeasure against the Eternal Federation. Our true enemy. May the gears grind forever!”

The Eternal Federation? Not Wicked Blow? Not even the Committee?

Everyone exited the stage and Magearna's staffers called out various sections to leave the auditorium. I watched as all sorts of Pokémon down by the front, the VIP, left.

An Alolan, psychic Raichu who sported a silver and pink scarf floated toward Master Fang, who was on the edge of our row.

“Will everyone with the Kubfu please follow me?” she spoke, her voice surprisingly low. “Shifu Yang and Shifu Shui Urshifu wish to speak with you.”
Chapter 23- Still, March On Part 2 New

Kiba Makuro

Junior Trainer
He/Him, They/Them
Originally Posted January 8th, 2024
Ported October 15th, 2024

Chapter Summary
Kobi and co talk with Shifu Yang and Shifu Shui before they head back into Saltwater Cliffs City.

What will happen off the heels of the exciting seminar?

Will they be prepared?

Kobi Espurr's POV

After the second seminar in Leader Magearna's Domain Master Fang, Master Hunter, Doran, Makkuro and I were called by on of Leader Magearna's staff to visit Shifu Yang and Shifu Shui.

We followed the psy-Raichu out of the auditorium through the main hallway and then we headed to a lift to a deeper part of the Domain, where there were a ton of Leader Magearna's staffers.

I’ve always wondered how there are Alolan and other variant Pokemon here in this world, maybe certain areas act like regions like Galar and the like?

A Tentacruel and an Emolga opened a pair of ornate double doors and the Raichu took us inside.

Pokémon VIP quarters were amazing! There sat about ten or so Urshifu and around fifteen Kubfu, around in luxury light brown chairs, sofas, and tables.

Around them were numerous Pokémon, all of different types and sizes, some wore pink and silver scarves, others wore black and yellow robes. Leader Magearna's staffers and Urshifu’s own?

In the center there was a Single Strike and Rapid Strike Urshifu, their dark grey fur, full of aged greyness, and black and blue sashes along their bodies. From what I remember the Single was Shifu Yang, while Rapid was Shifu Shui.

I stood mouth agape for a couple of seconds before I shut it from the glare of the staffers. Wow, I can't believe it!

“Greetings Shifu.” Master Fang bowed before all of them. “By chance do any of you recognize this Kubfu? Their name is Doran.”

“Doran? Never heard of a Kubfu with that name,” One of the Rapid Strikes said.

Master Hunter padded up beside the Lycanroc. “Doran woke up on the Jovian Continent and traveled the world for seven years, but never found any of you Shifu.”

A Single Strike yawned and ruffled their fur. “Sorry, that Kubfu isn't one of ours.”

“Oh, understood,” Doran's ears lowered as he spoke.

“Now now, don't think I'll just leave you alone because of that.” Shifu Yang beckoned with her claws.

The Kubfu who played by her feet parted and allowed Doran to approach the elders.

Shifu Shui cleared his throat. “We will contact you when the time comes, my child. one day you will inherit either the Black Fist or the Blue Fist.”

Doran looked away. “But I can't-”

“The Disruption won't last forever, Doran. I'm sure you'll be one to help change that.”

“Just like we all will,” both Shifu said in unison.

Shifu Yang folded her arms. “One day you, and everyone else can evolve. Permanently, no Devolution to worry about.”

“And we shall ask someone to teach you the chant, to control your unlocked presence, even if I'm not entirely sure why or how you are unlocked.” Shifu Shui ran a claw through his beard.

“Farewell Doran, and Sentinels Union Pokémon, please guard and shape this Kubfu well. I trust we shall meet again.” The Rapid-style Urshifu and Single-style Urshifu made a flurry of hand signs before they punched the air.

A flash of black and a scatter of blue, dark and water-typed mana lit up in front of them. Their raw fighting type energy was contained entirely in the room.


It was so strong I shivered like mad. The craziest shiver I’ve ever had, it went through my whole body.

“Farewell Shifu Yang, Shifu Shui!” Doran sniffled as he waved goodbye.

We exited the room where a Gholdengo staffer waited for us. She led us back to the main level where other members of Leader Magearna's staff stood with various bins and machinery.

What's going on?

“There are rumored threats close by so you unlocked Pokémon will be monitored and allowed to use your moves, but only when absolutely necessary,” an Emboar explained, as she and other staffers adjusted our monitoring bands. “You may also train, but only when the lights flash green.”

And with that we left Leader Magearna's Domain for the day.

Once on the surface, in Saltwater Cliffs City, we could finally relax. Fist, Pride and their apprentices stayed right by our side as we headed back toward the black castle, the mist from earlier heavier than ever.

“So there's more mana artifacts we can find. Well not us Keepers, but maybe Doran and any Sentinels we happen to meet,” Master Hunter whispered before we made it into the tourist district.

The Kubfu flinched and adjusted his monitoring band.

Master Fang sighed. “Don't get ahead of yourself, we've gotta help you train before we do any of that.”

“But first a supply run.” The Boltund added.

“Sounds good.” I replied.

Master Hunter sighed with the lowering of her tail. “Let's hurry along then now folks.”

Our group made it back within city limits after about half an hour and strolled toward the confectionery and other shoppes we saw last night.

The doors were wide open, all the cakes, biscuits, and sweets on display proudly for all the world, no just for me to see.

Sword almighty!

The soft, sweet scent of baked goods hit me square in the chest and I stood still.

“Be right back.” The Primeape and Pyroar stared at Doran before they entered the confectionery.

With a grit of my teeth I planted my hind paws into the ground and shivered. It smelled so good! It took everything in my power to not follow them.

Doran laughed at me as I sharply turned my head away and buried my nose in my claws.

“I really just want a bite!” I haven't had anything warm and buttery in such a long time!

Makkuro laughed. “You call that a supply run?”

“No,” Master Hunter sighed.

“Then what?” Doran turned away.

The Lycanroc adjusted their cloak before they spoke.“We'll go around the city a bit, we will rendezvous with the Numeros Numbers after all. We have to discuss what we learned.”

“What we learned eh?” I asked, and my tail twitched. “Way too much is out there that can stop the Disruption. And we have to work together to find it.”

“That's not all.” Makkuro added.

“Oh and I suppose Doran isn't kin to Shifu Yang or Shifu Shui. It's trite innit?”

“What do you-... Uh I mean sorry Doran,” the Rockruff grimaced.

“Yeah, let's not talk about it. That was disappointing.” Doran wiped his eyes and kicked a couple stray pebbles around.

“Don't worry about that!” Fist hoisted him onto her shoulder.

“Woah!” the Kubfu clung into the Primeape's arm.

Pride strolled up beside them, a paper bag in her maw. “We got you some cinnamon rolls. A sweet to pick you up and share.”

“That's great!” the Kubfu hopped down and opened the bag. “Come on, let's hurry before the meeting!”

Makkuro, Master Fang and Hunter, and the others chased after him.

Just as they did, a Pokémon who sat at a seat in front of the brewery lowered the hood on their large cloak.

They were a Midnight Lycanroc. The Lycanroc smiled as they caught my stare and walked the other way.

Now that I saw them in the light, their hood had black, gold, and green plaid stripes.

And their eyes seemed kinda familiar.

“Wait for me!” I called, and dashed toward the others. “Save me one!”

We walked through the seashell-lined streets of Saltwater Cliffs and scoped out the area. Apparently the meeting was in the eastern side of the city, where the infamous namesake came from. There were massive saltwater cliffs all around there, from waterfalls nearby.

Master Fang took us to a produce market where Doran, Makkuro, and I helped them shop for berries, seeds, and other things.

We then went to a fur groomer, which I've never been to as a Pokémon. I lived in Hunter's Plains, a small village, with Hatchet and his family. My whole Pokémon life was there after all, we never had anything fancy regarding grooming.

The Lycanroc and Rockruff of our group detested the resistance baths but had their tongues all out for the dryer. Pokémon through and through.

I hated the dryer as a Pokémon though. Awfully loud thing for my Espurr senses, even if I've been here for five years.

After Master Fang, Master Hunter, Makkuro, Doran, and I were all finished we sat outside at a bench in the city streets. The rain from earlier was gone, but the sky was littered with rolling thick grey clouds, ones that were a precursor to a thunderstorm.

“So why'd we do all this stuff?” Doran said as he stretched almost right into me.

I hissed in my throat as a warning. Why's this Kubfu like this?

“Our fur could get caught in combat if we didn't get it trimmed.” Master Hunter replied as she shook her body.

“The other reason we got cleaned up was because we are going to our meeting.” Master Fang explained.

“Huh?” I asked. “What?”

The Boltund scratched a paw against the ground as they hummed. “Right the meeting with the Sentinels Union, the Leagues, and whoever else we invited to discuss new findings.”

“Where’s that?” the Kubfu next to me brushed against me again and I shot him a glare.

“It’s actually in that black castle we saw.” the Lycanroc got off the bench to gesture toward the massive building that loomed over this side of Saltwater Cliffs City.

“Really?” Makkuro asked, his eyes sparkling and his tail wagging.

“Yep,” Master Hunter said with a little cough.“Now let’s go.”

The five of us walked through the slightly darker streets of Saltwater Cliffs, when there were a few less Pokémon out and about.

T’was still crowded in my opinion, we nearly got ran over by a Rhyperior who chased after a young Rhydon who followed a ball down the street.

We went deep in a secret chamber of the black castle. Apparently it was established about five hundred years ago: Lord Cornell Gyarados's Keep, the ancient huge castle. One styled like some I've seen in Kalos, with stained glass and wide vaults along the ceiling. Furnished in full with new and old tons of black granite, stone, seashells and dark wood walls, doors, gates, and furniture.

I held my breath as Fist opened the door for us and we entered a lavish enormous meeting space. The ceiling towered far above everyone's heads and in the center sat a massive semicircular wooden table, one that had sections high and low to the ground.

Around it stood about fifty Pokémon from the Leagues and Sentinels Union, all with enough room to spread out into small groups.

“Everyone's here?” I asked.

Master Hunter scanned the room before she spoke. “Pokémon from the Sentinels Union, every single branch of the Numeros, Uno a Catorce the Numbers, One to Fourteen.”

So there were fourteen of these bases all over the Constellation Continent.

“Yoshiko and Austin, the Grovyle and the Charmeleon from the Bristberg League along with another pair or trio from every other Mana Research League was present at the meeting too.” Master Fang noted, with a faded smirk and tail wag.

“Where are the other Leagues?” Makkuro asked.

“Red Rock, Winter’s Reach, Palm Shore.”

“Okay, y'all sit tight and stay quiet,” Pride nudged her and Fist's apprentices toward the Rockruff and Kubfu beside me.

One of the castle attendants, a Politoed clapped his hands. “The meeting will start soon so everyone please settle down comfortably.”

I was squished in beside Makkuro and Doran as we sat at the lower edge of the table, my tail nearly crushed. There's so many Pokémon here! Too many!

Pokémon even from a newly built League, New Withered Savannah were here too. That area was below Scorpio Sands, and across from my village, Hunter's Plains. Apparently the New Withered Savannah League opened three days ago, when Pokémon from other Leagues visited.

A Sylveon and a Frigibax stood at the front of the room where a large white board and chalkboard sat ready to be written on.

“I'm from Branch Dos Two of the Sentinels Union. Let's get straight to the point.” The Sylveon placed one of his paws on a chalkboard. “We’ve confirmed the whereabouts of a Wicked Blow gang caravan run by Kanamori Leafeon, one who has kidnapped many Pokémon to mine for him and tortured some, even children.” Sylveon wrote with a white piece of chalk.

Frigibax then stepped up to the board. She had a huge golden longsword with a silver and blue handle across her back. “He was reported to be headed toward the lower Midori and Brist area from close by. Kanamori Leafeon has been seen out a jewelers with quite a few Pokémon captive as what he calls ‘indentured servants, er rather prisoners. This includes a strange Pokémon, one that looks like an odd Basculin but longer.”

“More pressingly in four Mystery Dungeons within a ten kilometer radius there are reports of an elemental key and lock of mana, the mana artifacts responsible for the Disruption.” the Sylveon added before he wrote some more details on the board.

The Frigibax nodded before she spoke again. “This information is from the Winter’s Reach Mana League, the League where I am from.”

Wait a minute, Hatchet and Linus had some Artibax cousins from over there. She's definitely related to them!

“And especially the hard word of two Specialists of Branch Dos,” the Sylveon coughed as he smirked. “Flight Noctowl and Talon Dartrix.”

Rivalry between organizations eh?

“I, and the others of the Winter’s Reach League will be at the ready, having trained to secure the land. I trust you all will do the same,” the Frigibax said as she placed a claw on her blade. “I am one of the Fangs of the Fallen, and with our Mana Regalia, what my broadsword is, I shall cleave us out of the Disruption!”

Interesting, so that's a Fang of the Fallen, and the Mana Regalia, so cool!

The meeting was dismissed and we all exited the lavish meeting room one by one, escorted out by the castle attendants. Once outside the enormous black castle, we gathered our bearings.

“Alrighty we're going to head south,” the Boltund said as she rummaged through one of her pockets.

“What for?” Doran asked.

The Lycanroc stretched their forelegs. “Toward the battle courts, get some basics done.”

“Ah, no mana presence control?” Makkuro lowered his ears.

Master Hunter shook their head “No, not in the range of the city.”

“Understood.” Pride's tail flicked. “We are going to head into a Mystery Dungeon to do some reconnaissance.”

“And train these guys! Don't forget that!” Fist grabbed the Pyroar's shoulder.


“See you dolts later.” Impidimp nudged me.

“Watch it.” I spat.

“We will.” Morpeko rolled her eyes.

The Rockruff beside me bit back a growl. “You better train for real.”

“You too.”

Fist, Pride and their four apprentices headed left of Lord Cornell Keep while we headed right.

We went deep into Saltwater Cliffs City and all the while Doran glanced over his shoulder. Left and right, everytime we passed a few Pokémon.

With the monitoring band on I actually sensed Keepers when they were near, but nothing special. Kubfu felt further, I supposed. They were Legendary Pokémon.

Something was here.

Far off in the stony hillocks, the five of us got closer and closer to the battle courts just on the outskirts of the city.

Doran fidgeted with his fur and stared at the ground as he walked beside the Masters, and right in between them.

It got colder as we went higher up above the land, to a stretch of nearly empty grey rocky wildlands.

Too empty.

“Guys.” Doran grabbed Master Hunter's cloak.


The Kubfu trembled and took in a deep breath. “There's a Pokémon following us.”

“Following us?” Master Fang whispered.

“In the shadows.”

Out of the ground below our feet shot out a small black blur.

“Get back!” the Lycanroc roared and rushed in front of us.

They knocked Makkuro, Doran, and me down just as a humongous blue ball of energy, Focus Blast, scorched the air above our ears. Like a fighting-type ball of flame, how hot it was.

“I missed.” Out of the shadows, far across from us a small black Pokémon with orange eyes floated out of the ground, and wisps of energy poured off their body.

“Marshadow?” Doran asked, his ears low.

Another focking Mythical? Why were they here too? I gritted my teeth as I looked at the Marshadow up and down.

“Yes, you Kubfu,” the Marshadow said in a high-pitched drone and pointed at him. “Stop associating with regular Pokémon and their work against the Disruption.”

What does this Marshadow want with us?

“Why?” Doran asked with a tilt of his head.

Marshadow crossed their arms. “Because it was from vanity. It all is.”

This guy tried to blast us!

The Kubfu glanced at me and raised a paw. “I have no clue what's going on. Can you leave us alone and go away?”




Marshadow flew forward faster than I've ever seen and punched Doran with a fist filled with ghostly energy, Spectral Thief.

The powerful attack collided with the Kubfu's chest and sent him far into the air.

“Doran!” I screamed. What fuck is this Marshadow's deal?

“Stop!” Master Fang jumped up and caught him in their paws.

“Never!” Marshadow launched off the ground and readied a Drain Punch, the sprawling green energy off the red plume off their fist.

With a shout Doran blocked it and punched them with Acrobatics, his unlocked power no longer suppressed.

It hurt worse than Fang and Hunter's pressure combined, the pressure forced me to shut my eyes. I could barely move! Even though Doran was a weak Kubfu his presence was legit Legendary!

The flash of light blue barely did anything and the Marshadow dropped back onto the ground beside me and Makkuro.

“Shit!” I grabbed the Rockruff’s scruff and pulled them away. “What do we do?”


“Can we!?”

“Marshadow please!” Master Hunter pleaded.

“This isn't about you!” Marshadow’s head whirl flashed green as they unleashed a Zenith of power into their fists. They shot toward Doran with a Fire Punch.

“Not a chance!” The Lycanroc jumped in the way of the two and Crunched the waves of heated energy.

But it wasn’t enough and Master Fang took part of the attack, the blast sent the Lycanroc down in a tumble.

Marshadow hopped up with a uppercut of fighting energy, Drain Punch and clocked Master Fang right in the jaw. The attack knocked the Lycanroc out on contact and their body fell to the ground like a sack of bricks.

Doran’s eyes flashed red, with the power of Detect just as Marshadow sank away.

A Focus Blast flew right next to him a second later.

Master Hunter dashed forward and latched her Thunder Fangs onto Marshadow’s side, sharp sparks crackled into the air before they let go.

I took in a deep breath and tried the breath of mana before I launched out a wide ray of Psychic toward Marshadow.

The narrow attack pierced through their being and they staggered to the ground for a moment.

Makkuro charged forward in front of Doran with a Bite just as Marshadow swung their fist in a wall of flame, the Fire Punch heavy and hard on his body.

Through the embers and flames the Rockruff fainted from the fiery attack and collapsed onto the ground.


Marshadow locked eyes with Doran again as he ran away.

The Boltund intercepted the Spectral Thief with her Icy Fang, the chilled energy strong and true.

Marshadow pried them off with a gasp before they smashed their flaming Fire Punch of a fist into Master Hunter's side.

She crashed down onto the ground in a dull thud and almost slid right into Doran and me.

I swept forward with the black dark-type power of Payback on my claws, my vision seared red.

You bastard!

With a flinch, Marshadow swerved to the side and reached toward the Kubfu behind me with a fist of red and green energy.

Doran slashed back with a boosted Metal Claw, the pure steel energy flew out in streaks and sparks against the Drain Punch.

An Acrobatics was the last effort the Kubfu had left, the light blue blades of flying sliced through Marshadow's shoulder.

The Marshadow brushed it off before they punched him with a Spectral Thief one last time.

Doran's head crashed against the ground as he fainted from the attack, but Marshadow pounced toward the Kubfu's limp, bleeding body.

Arms charged with Spectral Thief.

He's gonna die.

“Leave him alone!” I coughed, my whole body sore. I dashed in between them, and formed a Dazzling Gleam only for Marshadow to tear through it in one cleave.

Marshadow grabbed me by the neck with the power of Spectral Thief in their hands and tossed me aside.


I heard a snap as something broke inside me once I hit the ground. “No!” I yelled my throat raw before I hacked up a dribble of blood.

“If you wanna die too, you can!”

Pain swarmed my entire being.

I'm gonna die.

Marshadow swung at me.

A bright teal beam of energy rocketed through the air and blocked whatever attack Marshadow had. Strong yellow electric-type mana crackled along the ground through the area in a wicked branching path just as the ground rumbled.

“You again!?”

My eyes shot open to the white Zeraora in front of me.

“I told you last time! The name's Xuě!” the Young Master roared before she slammed her Plasma Fists against the Marshadow's face.

Marshadow spat out blood and shot back. “Don't think I won't-”

An explosion of light pink energy, fairy-type mana filled the sky. The laser of raw, unadulterated power and warmth filled my soul.

That ability!

Soul-Heart… Four other Pokémon fainted, such incredible power!

Marshadow was impaled with the blast and tossed up into the air, only then I finally saw the Pokémon responsible for the attack. Leader Magearna, with a pink launcher formed on their shoulder, of Fleur Cannon.

Leader Magearna grabbed Marshadow and held them against the barrel of Fleur Cannon launcher before their metallic voice boomed out. “Marshadow, you are lucky I am under oath from Leader Cresselia and Leader Darkrai. I am not the Original Color.”


“If I wasn’t, I would have killed you.” Leader Magearna strangled Marshadow.

Grotesque gurgling noises came from Marshadow as their limbs flailed.

“I will kill you if you step foot in this city again.” Leader Magearna threw them to the shattered ground. The fragmented earth crushed, no roared underneath the mighty pressure. “Now, get out.”

Marshadow sank into the stones without a word and all was and quiet, like it was finally over.

I'm so tired.

I could sleep. My eyes drifted close, and I was all warm and-

“Don't!” Master Fang's voice barked, and I flinched.

Oh wait!

The Meowscarada, Quaquavel, Skeliderge, along with a Pangoro and Lurantis had the Lycanroc, Boltund, Rockruff and Kubfu awake and healed.

My eyes glanced over to Young Master as an Oran Berry was placed into my maw.

I couldn't chew with my heart racing a mile a minute so the Meowscarada took it out and crushed it before they poured the fruit back in.

Was I insane?

“Woah, Mythical Zeraora with the mana scroll is in front of me?!” I coughed before the Skeliderge put a Heal Seed into my mouth and I broke the shell. “Am I alive?”

Young Master Xuě held a claw over the mana artifact. “Yes, we couldn’t allow Marshadow to harm you all, especially the Kubfu, Doran was it.”

The Kubfu trembled silently, his eyes red, and fists balled.

I turned back to the personal guards.“Thank you so much.”

Meowscarada and Skeliderge bowed and made way for Master Fang and the others.

The Pangoro and the Lurantis surrounded their Zeraora companion tightly, the silver mana scroll seemed to float in the air from the chain across her side.

“Young Master Xuě has what we need to look for?” Makkuro asked, as his tail wagged.

“Yes, now shush.” Master Fang stepped in front of the Rockruff.

Leader Magearna scoured the ground as they got back onto the ground and Young Master Xuě approached them.

“I remember the first time I had this scroll and a Pokémon was in danger,” the Zeraora spoke, her bright orange eyes narrowed. “Pokémon of the League were with me. They've worked with the Sentinels Union.”

My eyes darted back to Master Fang and Hunter, who took in a breath and twitched their noses. It had not been them, maybe Yoshiko and Austin and their team? Or the other teams?

“I trust those five will see the fruits of their labor soon, but now we must leave.” Leader Magearna was picked off the ground by Quaquavel.

Fruits of their labor?

Young Master Xuě beckoned the Pangoro and the Lurantis to her side. “I shall see you all later, farewell.”

In a flash the Mythical and Legendary both left us. Dust and residual energy, electric, fairy, steel, fighting, and ghost type mana lingered in the air.

What just happened?

Doran held up his trembling paws and sat cross legged, far away from Makkuro and I. Tears poured down the Kubfu’s muzzle as the breeze picked up.

Marshadow hated regular Pokémon like us? Hated Doran for merely helping us?

The five of us sat still and managed to catch our breath and calm our nerves as the wind rolled across the land. Raindrops fell. More and more, till it started to rain.

The reason to nearly kill us?

I still couldn’t fathom it.

“Even though they healed us… I think it’s time we head on back.” Master Hunter said in a soft tone, her body low.

After her, Master Fang shivered. “Definitely.”

We turned around and went all the way into Saltwater Cliffs City again. At the Moonlight Hotel a Conkeldurr, and Salazzle greeted us as we trudged inside, out of the drizzle.

Makkuro, Doran and I lazed about as the Lycanroc and Boltund wrote diligently into some notebooks. The pair then left the room and returned with a basket of food. Only berries, no eggs or bread.

“Sorry we aren’t eating food from the kitchen of the Union everyone.” Master Hunter sighed as she poured out bunches of Berries onto a large plate.

Doran smirked as he picked up an Oran Berry. “No it’s fine, this’ll be our girl dinner!”

I laughed. “Girl dinner?”

“Yeah, you, even though they aren't here. Fist, Pride, Smeargle, Morpeko.” the Kubfu paused. “Uh, Hunter? And Fang?”

“Sure, I’ll join your girl dinner.” The Lycanroc leaned over the table. “Even though I used to avoid it with Homaru. Oops.”

The Boltund bashed a paw on their shoulder. “Fang!”

My eyes narrowed as I studied the two. “Who?”

The Lyanroc gave a stilted growl and grumble. “A little rocky Growlithe, she’s one of our daughters…"

The Kubfu beside us placed his fist in his palm with a smirk. “A Rocky Growlithe! Like the ancients?”

“Doran?” I jabbed him in the rib. “ Can't just tell them that Pokémon from Hisui that are here are from the past you muppet !”

Oh right, they could be on another Continent, sorry sorry!” Doran said with a wince.

Master Fang shook their head. “When I was younger I avoided it with Hunter.”

“Master Hunter?” Makkuro questioned, their tail curled.

“Excuse me?” the Boltund asked, her fur bristled.

“Wait, a daughter?” the Rockruff tilted his head.

Master Fang looked left and right, their ears low. “Last time we spoke, and based on her hatching, I didn’t assume or force her or anything.”

“That’s not important!”

“Then what is?” Master Hunter nearly growled.

“That you guys have kids!” Makkuro jumped on their shoulder.

“Yes yes, settle down, it’s just we can’t be with them right now.”

“Oh yeah.” I perked up. “You had to leave the League for safety so I’d imagine you’d leave your kids too.”

“Don’t act so surprised,” the Lycanroc waved a paw. “Though Homura isn’t related to me like Shara is.”

“I see,” Doran mused, his tone low. “Then?”

Master Fang breathed out a shaky breath. “I uh, had a different identity. I wasn't fluid. As I wanted to only be like the others.”

“The others?” Makkuro tilted his head.

“Yeah, our son Minato, a Yamper and …My other mate Kuroshi.”

The Boltund’s ears lowered. “Our mate Fang.”

“Of course… I just-”

“Should they know?”

The Lycanroc choked back a whimper before they spoke in a growl. “We shouldn’t dance around it for so long. His circumstances.”

The silence grew as the two stood still for a moment as their eyes wavered.

Everything was still.

How close were we?

My thoughts bubbled up, like a clogged drain.

Even if we're former humans.

Even if we're Pokémon who had their research.

Even if we're also unlocked.

We still didn't know a fraction of what Team Vanguard actually went through.Yet.

“The Committee brought him here.”

“They were the ones who took his life.”

Was Kuroshi?

Like us?

“Fuck.” I took a step back, my eyes wide.

Master Hunter muttered something, her teeth bared. “Bed time.”

All eyes were on me.

“I'm sorry!” I gasped, and felt their sparks lash out for the first time in a day.

Zamazenta's Arceus shield almighty.

The air crackled with electricity sharp and true, not from a move or the Boltund’s presence, but from their soul. Only for a split second.

A dull beep rang out from the monitoring band on Master Hunter's neck. She reached over to the lamp and pulled the cord with her teeth. “Now.”

The lights of our room shut off. Not like we couldn't see, but we went too far.

I went too far.

Chapter Song

March On, by- MSR, Laura Intravia, Steven Grove

View: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=x9T8yHuH910&amp;si=pbLhaqUMm5r_n24R
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