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R1 Boss - Sushi & Sashimi
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    I'm also going to log down a Shield I for Owen, and also Owen setting up a Boon II -> Attack for Curio.

    Everything before has been logged.


    Four hours (or so) remain until turn 1 is due! Due to some irl matters, AND the fact that this is the very first fight, I'm going to be lenient on this and might delay turn 2 a little to help everyone adjust.

    Actions logged so far:

    (subject to change if they log something else before they're due)

    Astrid: Boon II Attack on Cabot
    Owen: Boon II Attack on Curio

    Cabot: Zen Headbutt on Sushi
    Curio: Double-Quick Attack on Sushi
    Celeste: Leer on foes
    Nip: Leer on foes
    Dave: Howl with Cabot, Nip, and Ashwood
    Mellow: Sunny Day
    R2 Boss - Team Spice
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Everything before has been logged.

    Turn information taken so far:

    Turn 1:
    Mithos: Hex II Attack on Pepper
    Seyka: Boon II Attack on Nip
    Skara: Shield II on Cabot
    Cuicatl: Boon II Speed on Nip

    Necrozma: Thunder Wave on Pepper
    Cabot: Iron Thorn on Thyme
    Curio: Howl on Star, Cino, and Nip
    Celeste: Thunder Wave on Pepper
    Cino: Baby Doll Eyes on Thyme
    Nip: Agility
    Zane: Call toward all enemies
    Starr: Flame Charge on Thyme
    Dave: Psych Up on Nip
    Astrid: Psych Up on Nip
    Vix: Sunny Day

    Turn 2:
    Cabot: Assurance on Thyme
    Curio: Howl on Starr, Astrid, Nip
    Cino: Iron Thorn on Pepper
    Dave: Howl on Cabot, Nip, and Starr
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    R3 Boss - Shadow Lugia & Darkwhite
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Half an hour remains to log actions. So far this is what turn 1 has:

    Mithos: Ward I on Cabot
    Brisa: Haste I on Starr
    Cuicatl: Boon III Evasion Starr
    Skara: Shield III on Cabot
    Seyka: Boon II Evasion Starr


    Cabot: Radiant Barricade
    Jaro: Call Cabot
    Celeste: Psych Up Starr
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline x2
    Zane: Mimic Celeste's Psych Up
    Dave: Psych Up Starr
    Curio: Howl Starr, Celeste, Dave
    Astrid: Psych Up on Starr
    Cynthian: Attract Darkwhite
    Vix: Shadow Ball Lugia
    Last edited:
    R4 Boss - Shaymin Village
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Everything before has been logged.

    Currently, turn 1 looks like this:

    Turn 1:
    Brisa: Haste I on Starr
    Cuicatl: Boon III Defense on Starr
    Owen: Boon II Resistance on Starr

    Cynthian Psych Up Starr
    Cino uses After You on Nip
    Astrid: Psych Up Starr
    Nip: Assist Simple Beam onto Starr; Psych Up Starr
    Dave: Psych Up Starr
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline twice
    Vix: Psych Up Starr
    Celeste: Psych Up Starr
    Curio: Copycat Psych Up Starr
    Bahamut: Magic Coat-2
    Zane: Mimic Psych Up
    Last edited:
    R5 Boss - Blacklight Dragon
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1:
    Mithos: Ward I on Cabot
    Skara: Shield III Cabot

    Owen: Shadow Perceive
    Brisa: Double Dip Quick Seeds
    Cabot:Shadow Accelerate on Brisa
    Celeste: Psych Up Brisa's Speed
    Curio: Copycat on Celeste > Psych Up Speed Brisa
    Astrid: Psych Up Speed Brisa
    Dave: Psych Up Brisa Speed
    Zane: Mimic -> Psych Up
    Mellow: Quick Seed
    Vix: Quick Seed, Sharpeye Seed
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline
    Bahamut: Shadow Persuasion Starr
    Last edited:
    R6 Boss - Shield & Weather Trio
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1:
    Jaro: Boon II Speed on Starr
    Zane: Shield IV on Astrid
    Mithos: Ward II on Cabot
    Cuicatl: Boon IV Brisa Attack
    Cino: Shield III on Starr
    Lauchs: Shield III on Nip

    Vix: Calm Mind, Shadow Wick
    Bahamut: Cautious Seed and Radiant Siphon Rayquaza
    Brisa: Quick Seed 2, Facade Rayquaza
    Nip: Psych Up Brisa Speed, Blast Seed x2 Rayquaza
    Cabot: Radiant Barricade, Stone Edge Rayquaza
    Curio: Copycat Nip Psych Up Speed
    Shiron: Double Dip Violent Seeds x2, Shadow Maelstrom Rayquaza
    Celeste: Psych Up Shiron Attack, Assurance Rayquaza
    Dave: Psych Up Attack Shiron, Assurance Rayquaza
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline, Shadow Claw Rayquaza
    Asrid: Psych Up Starr Speed, Shadow Recurve Psych Up
    R6 Boss Rematch
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1 actions:

    Bahamut's Esper: Shield II Cabot
    Jaro: Boon II Speed Starr
    Mithos: Ward II on Cabot
    Cuicatl: Boon IV Brisa Attack
    Cino: Shield III on Starr
    Lauchs: Shield III on Nip

    Vix: Calm Mind, Acid Armor
    Icetales: Psych Up Brisa Speed, Radiant Cheer Brisa, Cabot, Starr
    Brisa: Quick Seed 2, Facade Rayquaza
    Cabot: Barricade, Stone Edge Rayquaza
    Saltriv: Double Dip Violent Seeds x2, Shadow Panic on Rayquaza
    Shiron: Double Dip 2 Violent Seeds, Shadow Maelstrom Rayquaza
    Nip: Psych Up Brisa Speed, Blast Seed x2 Rayquaza
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline, Flare Blitz Rayquaza
    Dave: Psych Up Shiron, Assurance Rayquaza
    Astrid: Iceberg Rayquaza, Psych Up Brisa
    Curio: Copycat Nip Psych Up Speed
    Celeste: Psych Up Shiron Attack, Assurance Rayquaza
    R7 Boss - Eterna Darkwhite
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1 summary:

    Cino Shield IV Brisa
    Cuicatl Boon IV Brisa +4 Attack
    Mithos Ward II Cabot
    Vix Ward II Astrid

    Dave: Taunt Darkwhite twice (+Bahamut's Taunt)
    Bahamut: Cautious Seed, Shadow Persuasion Dave's Taunt
    Brisa: Quick Seeds x2, Wild Charge Darkwhite
    Nip: Psych Up Speed, Assist -> Tailwind
    Cabot: Radiant Barricade, Shadow Accelerate Brisa
    Astrid: Psych Up Speed, Psych Up Evade
    Owen: Mimic Psych Up, Psych Up Speed
    Saltriv: Quick Seeds x2, Radiant Rejuvination
    Shiron: Violent Seeds x2, Weather Orb and Silver Spike Ho-Oh
    Icetales: Psych Up Speed, Evasion

    Support Burst 40/100
    R8 Boss - Giovanni & Radiant Machine
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1 summary:
    Lauchs: Shield IV on Starr
    Dave: Ward II on Astrid
    Cino: Shield IV on Nip
    Cuicatl: Boon IV Attack on Brisa
    Mithos: Ward II on Cabot

    Outside: Saltriv, Shiron, Vix

    Brisa: Quick Seed x2, Shining Whiplast on Bone, Nugget, and Tender +Calls
    Shiron: Quick Seed+ Cautious Seed, Protect+3
    Cabot: Radiant Barricade, Shadow Accelerate Brisa
    Astrid: Psych Up Speed, Evade
    Nip: Psych Up Speed, Assist -> Tailwind
    Cynthian: Quick and Cautious Seeds, Terrain Grass and Weather Orb Sun, Psych Up Evade
    Starr: Radiant Adrenalne x2
    Vix: Speed Seed, Cautious Seed
    Icetales: Psych Up Evasion, Speed
    Saltriv: Quick Seed x2, Radiant Revitalize

    Support Burst: 50
    R9 Boss - Blacklight of Life
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Turn 1 summary:

    Supercharge: 50% Team-Wide ailment resistance!

    Fay uses Haste II on Owen

    Bahamut: Cautious Seed and Umbral Gambit
    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline x2
    Cabot: Shadow Accelerate Starr, Radiant Barricade
    Astrid: Psych Up Speed, Evasion
    Celeste: Psych Up Speed, Evasion
    Dave: Psych Up Speed, Evasion
    Icetales: Misty Terrain, Aurora Veil
    Nip: Psych Up Speed, Tailwind
    Owen: Psych Up Speed, Bestow Bahamut, Psych Up Speed
    Saltriv: Heal Pulse Starr, Umbral Urge Brisa Attack
    Vix: Quick Seed, Radiant Wax Starr
    Brisa: Quick Seed x2, Umbral Overcharge Arrest
    Cynthian: Double Dip Reflex Seed and Quick Seed, Psych Up Magic, Toxic Joule
    Shiron: Shining Geyser, Umbral Petrichor Joule

    Support Burst: 5
    R10 Boss - Pokémon Master Red
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Everything before has been logged!

    Turn 1:
    Cuicatl: Boon V Brisa (525 Atk, 175 Evade)
    Ashwood: Ward III Astrid
    Lauchs: Shield Starr

    Starr: Radiant Adrenaline x2
    Bahamut: Cautious Seed, Shadow Persuade Shiron
    Vix: Radiant Wax Starr x2
    Shiron: Brilliant Tidal Astrid, Nip, Bahamut, Focus, Tidal (Persuasion) Bahamut, Owen, Brisa
    Owen: Cautious Seed and Quick Seed, Psych Up Evade
    Astrid: Recurve Metanoia, Recurve Inspiration, Wind Up
    Dave: Psych Up Shiron Speed, Psych Up Starr Attack
    Nip: Psych Up highest Attack, Psych Up Pikachu evasion, Assist Tailwind
    Brisa: Quick Seed and Electric Terrain Orb, Charge
    Cynthian: Void Nightshade, Sunny Weather Orb and Cautious Seed, Umbral Hyacinth Solar Beam Lapras
    Last edited:
    R11 Boss - Worldcore
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Team Spectrum vs the Worldcore: Turn 1

    Skara used Ward III on Starr, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
    Skara used Ward III on Cynthian, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
    Mithos used Ward III on Cabot, granting a 1313 threshold barrier and a 175 HP damage barrier.
    Ashwood used Ward II on Mellow, granting a 625 threshold barrier and a 125 HP damage barrier.
    Support Burst is at 75/100!

    Battle-Style Messages:
    Dave used Psych Up on Starr's Speed and Attack, copying her +6 boost to each!
    Dave used Scary Face on the Blacklight Dragon, applying -800 to Speed!
    Icetales' Teatime let Brisa use a Quick Seed!
    Icetales' Aurora Veil spread Misty Terrain to Brisa, Starr, Owen, Koa and Dave! Team Spectrum in Zone L1 will have incoming damage reduced by 25%, incoming threshold values halved, and incoming damage from Dragon-type moves halved!
    Koa used Shadow Browbeat on the Blacklight Dragon, applying -500 to Speed!
    Koa Called Out to Regidrago!
    Brisa used Radiant Arrest on the Blacklight Dragon, applying 400 to Paralysis and -100 to Speed!
    Brisa's Thunder Fang dealt [X] damage to the Blacklight Dragon, and added 200 to Paralysis and 200 to Flinch! The Blacklight Dragon was Paralysed!
    Cynthian's Leaf Storm dealt [X] damage to Joule! Sweet Marigold added 300 to Freeze and 100 to Confuse! Joule was Frozen!
    Owen's Bestow boosted Brisa's Speed by +3 and her Evasion by +2!
    Owen used Psych Up on Starr's Speed, copying her +6 boost!
    Shiron's Brilliant Tidal boosted Cabot's, Mellow's, and Vix's Speed by +3!
    Shiron's Ultra Stone dealt [X] damage to Regieleki!
    Mellow's Tailwind boosted her own, Shiron's, Cynthian's, Saltriv's, Cabot's and Vix's Speed by +2!
    Mellow's Teatime let Cabot, Saltriv and Cynthian each use a Stat-Up Seed!
    Cynthian's Leafstorm dealt [X] damage to Joule, and applied 300 to Freeze and 100 to Confuse!
    Saltriv's Umbral Urging boosted Cabot's Attack by +6 and lowered his Radiance by 10!
    Saltriv Called Out to Cynthian, Mellow and Shiron! They each gained +2 Speed!



    Leap ahead to R1.

    Left 1:


    - [Enter Lithe Stance]
    - Starr used Radiant Adrenaline twice!
    - Double Dip--Starr used a Cautious Seed and a Weather Orb! The sunlight grew harsh.
    - [Wind Up]
    Stamina cost: 43
    Final corruption: 51 Radiance, 0 Shadow
    Stat boosts:
    +6 Attack
    +6 Speed
    +3 Defense
    +3 Resistance

    Psych Up Starr Speed
    Psych Up Starr Attack
    Scary Face on BL Dragon (-800)
    Stamina cost: 120
    Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    Misty Terrain Orb
    Aurora Veil
    Teatime at Brisa [Quick Seed]
    Stamina cost: 78
    Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    E. Terrain
    Browbeat vs BLD (Pressurised, -500 speed) (+call Regidrago)
    Stamina cost: 120
    Final corruption: 42 Radiance, 21 Shadow

    [Teatime Quick Seed]
    R. Arrest vs Blacklight Dragon (-100 speed, 400 paralysis)
    Cautious Seed
    T. Fang vs Blacklight Dragon (Charge/STAB/Guts/Terrain/NVE, 200 paralysis, 200 flinch)
    Stamina cost: 43
    Final corruption: 21 Radiance, 0 Shadow
    Stat boosts:
    +6 Speed
    +3 Defense
    +3 Resistance
    +2 Evasion

    DD Quick Seed + Weather Orb
    Bestow on Brisa
    PU Starr Speed
    Stamina cost: 90
    Final corruption: 30 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    Right 1:


    Brilliant Tidal at Cabot, Mellow, and Vix
    DD Cautious Seed + Ultra Stone throw at Regieleki
    Wind Up
    Stamina cost: 57
    Final corruption: 40 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    [Saltriv+Mellow+Cynthian alliance]


    Shining Teatime at Cynthian, Cabot and Saltriv
    Cautious Seed
    Stamina cost: 120
    Final corruption: 22 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    Action 1: Void Nightshade (+Reflex Seed via Shining Teatime)
    Action 2: Leafstorm (STAB, terrain) [Marigold: Confuse 100 (50x2), Freeze 300 (100+50x2)]
    Action 3: Wind Up.
    Stamina cost: 93.
    Corruption: 48 Shadow [68-20(Saltriv Call)]
    Stat Boosts: +6 Mag (Nightshade)
    +5 speed (Nightshade + Saltriv Rallying Cry)
    +6 Evasion (Nightshade + Reflex Seed)
    Terrain: Grassy Terrain (Nightshade)

    [Teatime Cautious Seed]
    Umbral Urging Cabot
    Call Cynthian, Mellow, and Shiron (+2 Speed)
    Stamina cost: 35
    Final corruption: 0 Radiance, 30 Shadow

    Action 1: Radiant Barricade
    Action 2: Radiant Barricade
    Action 3: Double Dip Protect Orb and Cautious Seed
    Bonus action (Shining Teatime): Cautious Seed
    Stamina cost: 40
    Corruption at the end of turn: 20 Radiance, 0 Shadow
    Stat boosts at the end of turn: +6 Attack (Umbral Urging)
    +6 Evasion
    +5 Speed (Brilliant Tidal)
    +6 Defense
    +6 Resistance
    +1 Protect

    Radiant Wax
    Calm Mind
    Stamina cost: 64
    Final corruption: 30 Radiance, 0 Shadow

    1. Blacklight Dragon should be paralysed
    2. Joule should be frozen
    3. Brisa should keep her burn
    Last edited:
    R12 Boss - Tree of Life
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Team Spectrum vs the Tree of Life
    Turn 1 Full Log


    Cuicatl: Boon V on Koa [+3 Mag, +1 Spe]
    Skara: Ward III on Astrid
    Dil: Shield V on Cynthian
    Mithos: Ward III on Starr

    Support Burst: 65/100

    Saltriv [3]
    Action 1: Void Acceptance @ Brisa, Koa, Shiron
    Action 2: Rallying Cry @ Brisa (Spd), Starr (Eva), Cynthian (Def)
    Action 3: Rallying Cry @ Icetales (Eva), Koa (Spe), Vix (Eva)
    Net stamina: -103
    Net corruption: +40 Shd, +0 Rad
    Stat changes: +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Shiron [3]
    Action 1: Brilliant Tidal @ Icetales, Cynthian, Astrid
    Action 2: Brilliant Tidal @ Icetales, Nip, Vix
    Action 3: Wind Up
    Net stamina: -113
    Net corruption: +40 Rad (20 Rad per Tidal due to Void Acceptance), +0 Shd
    Stat changes: +6 Speed, +1 Action, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Cabot [3]
    [Void Stance]
    (+11 Attack, Crit, Reckless, STAB)
    Action 1: Brilliant Invigorate
    Action 2: Double Dip two Cautious Seeds
    Action 3: Annihilation Head Smash against the wall blocking 3A
    Net stamina: -156
    Net corruption: +20 Rad (40 from Brilliant Invigorate and -20 from a Call from Koa), +40 Shadow (40 from Void Stance, 20 from Umbral Annihilation and -20 from a Call from Koa)
    Net stat changes: +6 Attack, +6 Evasion, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +3 Speed (Call from Koa), Wax Status (Brilliant Justice from Vix), +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Koa [3]
    Action 1: Echochamber
    Action 2: Conduit
    Action 3: Pressurized Thundercall on Diyem for -1050 Speed (+call on Cabot for +3 speed)
    Net stamina: -192
    Net corruption: +13 RAD, +8 SHD
    Stat changes: +3 Mag, +3 Spe, +2 Protect, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Conduit [Koa-Brisa-Starr]
    Starr gives Brisa 28 Shd
    Brisa gives Starr 16 Rad
    Koa gives Starr 9 Rad

    Brisa [3]
    [Receive V. Acceptance and Call from Saltriv, V. Catharsis from Starr, Wax]
    Action 1: U. Overcharge > T. Wave on Diyem [+600 Paralysis, procs]
    Action 2: Brilliant Paragon on Starr
    Action 3: Brilliant Paragon on Starr
    Net stamina: -262
    Net corruption: +20 RAD, +22 SHD [Acceptance, Call, Catharsis]
    Net HP: +191 [Paragon x2, Q. Healer, Catharsis, Burn, Diamond Dust]
    Net stat changes: +1 Protect, +4 Atk, +6 Spd, +4 Charge, +Paragon,
    Notes: +1 Action & Second Wind triggers next turn

    Starr [3]
    [Receive Call, Wax, Paragon x2]
    Action 1: Void Catharsis @ Brisa
    Action 2: DD Weather Orb + Reflex Seed
    Action 3: [Wind Up]
    Net stamina: -57 Stm, +145 HP [-50% Paragon, +75% Catharsis]
    Net corruption: +20 Shd, +0 Rad
    Net stat changes: +4 Atk, +4 Spd, +5 Eva, +1 Def, +1 Res, +1 Protect
    Notes: +1 action, +175 HP barrier, +1312 status barrier

    Dave [3]
    [Void Stance]
    Action 1: PU Brisa’s 6 Speed
    Action 2: PU Cabot’s 6 Attack
    Action 3: Brilliant Determination on Koa
    Net stamina: -192
    Net corruption: +68 Rad, +40 Shd
    Net stat changes: +6 Spe, +6 Atk, +2 Protect, +72 HP [D. Dust]
    Notes: Rainbow Room

    Celeste [3]
    Action 1: Pact
    Action 2: PU Speed Brisa
    Action 3: [skip]
    Net stamina: -85
    Net corruption: +40 Shd
    Stat changes: -6 Def, -6 Res, +6 Eva, +6 Spe, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Mellow [2]
    [Firm Stance]
    Action 1: Shining Teatime on Icetales, Cynthian, Astrid
    Action 2: Tailwind
    Net stamina: -150
    Net corruption: +28 Rad
    Stat changes: +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Cynthian [3]
    [Shield V, Teatime Reflex Seed, Tidal, Call]
    Action 1: Void Nightshade
    Action 2: Ultra Stone @ Xerneas
    Action 3: Wind Up
    Net stamina: -60
    Net corruption: +36 Shd, +0 Rad
    Net stat changes: +6 Mag, +6 Spe, +6 Eva, +2 Def, -89 HP
    Notes: Cynthian gets +40hp from Grassy Terrain and +72 from Diamond Dust weather.

    Icetales [4]
    [Lithe Stance]
    [Receive Tidal x2, Teatime Reflex Seed, Call]
    Action 1: Mist [Get Rainbow status]
    Action 2: Void Wraith @ Xerneas
    Action 3: Revontulet
    Action 4: Aurora Veil [Spread DD+Revontulet to all]
    Net stamina: -306
    Net corruption: +20 Shd, +0 Rad
    Stat changes: +5 Eva, +6 Spe, +108 HP [Q. Healer, D. Dust]

    Kate [3]
    (+2 Attack, Ultra Effective)
    Action 1: Psych Up Speed Dave [Get Rainbow status]
    Action 2: Radiant Hoarfrost Diyem [-1200 Speed]
    Action 3: Psych Up Evasion Cabot
    Net stamina: -113
    Net corruption: +14 Radiant, 0 Shadow
    Stat changes: +6 Speed, +6 Evasion, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Nip [3]
    [Receiving Brilliant Tidal]
    Action 1: PU Evasion Cabot
    Action 2: PU Attack Cabot
    Action 3: Wind Up
    Net stamina: -72
    Net corruption: +0 Rad, +0 Shd
    Stat changes: +6 Atk, +6 Eva, +3 Spe, +1 action, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Astrid [4]
    [Lithe Stance]
    [Void Stance]
    [Receiving Tidal, Teatime Cautious Seed]
    Action 1: PU Evasion Cabot
    Action 2: Recurve —> Metanoia
    Action 3: Recurve —> Inspiration
    Action 4: Wind Up
    Net stamina: -190 (182 remaining)
    Net corruption: +24 Rad, +68 Shd
    Stat changes: +3 Spe, +3 Def, +3 Res, +6 Eva, +2 innate Eva, +1 action, +175 HP barrier, +1312 status barrier, +72 HP [D. Dust]

    Vix [3]
    [Receiving Tidal, Call]
    Action 1: Radiant Wax herself
    Action 2: Radiant Wax Starr
    Action 3: Brilliant Justice
    (Waxing: Self, Cynthian, Cabot, Brisa)
    (Drain: -60 Rad from Astrid)
    Net stamina: -128
    Net corruption: +64 Rad, +0 Shd
    Stat changes: +1 Def, +1 Res, +3 Spe, +2 Eva, +72 HP [D. Dust]
    Last edited:
    R13 Boss - Maple
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Team Spectrum vs Maple
    Turn 1 Actions

    Skara: Ward III on Cynthian
    Ashwood: Ward III on Astrid
    Mithos: Ward III on Starr
    Cuicatl: Boon V on Astrid [+3 Spe, +1 Acc]
    Flame: Shield IV on Koa

    [Support Burst: 65/100]

    [Left Leg]

    Koa [3]
    [Shield IV, Acceptance, Urging, Call +2 Spd]
    [Mults: +9, Type Effectiveness, HH]
    Action 1: Echochamber
    Action 2: Electric Terrain
    Action 3: Umbral Outcry vs Left Arm, Tail, Wings [3x -400 Res]
    [Free Call @ Saltriv]
    Net Stamina: -128
    Net Corruption: +8 SHD, +8 RAD
    Net Stats: +5 Spd, +6 Mag, -25% HP
    Notes: Acceptance is getting saved for next turn

    Saltriv [3]
    [Receive Koa Call]
    Action 1: Void Acceptance @ Dave, Brisa, Koa
    Action 2: Rally Call @ Starr [+2 Eva], Koa [+2 Spd], Brisa [+2 Spd]
    Action 3: Umbral Urging @ Koa
    Net stamina: -155
    Net corruption: +40 Shd
    Net Stats: -25% HP
    Notes: Next turn, Sunbeam Starr

    Dave [3]
    Action 1: Brilliant Determination @ Brisa
    Free action: Intimidate @ Maple’s tail (-900 Attack)
    Action 2: Psych Up Speed @ Starr
    Action 3: Focus
    Net stamina: -144
    Net corruption: +14 Rad (+34 Determination [Void Acceptance], -20 Focus)
    Net stat changes: +6 Speed, +2 Protect, Void Acceptance (2 charges remaining), Determination
    Notes: Namo pls remember he has Hex Counter

    Brisa [3]
    [Receive Determination, Acceptance, Catharsis, Rally Call]
    Action 1: Brilliant Paragon @ Starr
    Action 2: Brilliant Paragon @ Starr
    Action 3: Electric Terrain
    [Unleash Tenacity]
    Net Stm: -240 Stm
    Net Corruption: +35 Rad, +10 Shd
    Net Stats: +4 Atk, +6 Spd, 150% hp
    Net Misc: +2 Protect, +2 Charge, +Paragon, +1 Acceptance, +1 Action next turn, Unleashed

    Starr [4]
    [Receive Ward, Call, Paragon x2]
    [Lithe Stance]
    Action 1: Void Catharsis @ Brisa
    Action 2: Reflex Seed
    Action 3: Cautious Seed
    Action 4: [Wind Up]
    Net stamina: -90
    Net corruption: +36 Shd
    Net stat changes: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +3 Def, +3 Res, +5 Eva, +1 Action, +1 Protect
    Notes: Catharsis sets HP back to full

    Astrid [4]
    [Receive Boon, +3 Spd, +1 Acc, +300dmg]
    Action 1: Psych Up @ Starr Evasion
    Action 2: Recurve Inspo
    Action 3: Recurve Metanoia
    Action 4: [Wind Up]
    Net stamina: -171
    Net corruption: +84 Rad
    Net stat changes: +6 Spe, +5 Eva, +1 Acc

    [Tail Zone]

    Cynthian [3]
    [Receive Teatime Quick Seed, Ward, Call]
    Action 1: Void Nightshade [+Teatime Speed Seed]
    Action 2: Reflex Seed
    Action 3: [Wind Up]
    Net stamina: -60
    Net corruption: +36 Shd
    Net stat changes: Set Hp to 269, +6 Mag & Spe & Eva, Grassy Terrain
    Notes: +129 HP, [Grassy Terrain, Veil]

    Icetales [3]
    [Receive Teatime Quick Seed, Call]
    [Snow Warning]
    Action 1: Terrain Orb [Misty]
    Action 2: Void Wraith [+450 Confus @ Tail]
    Action 3: Aurora Veil
    Net stamina: -124
    Net corruption: +20 Shd
    Net stat changes: +5 Spd, +118 hp
    Notes: [Misty Terrain, Veil]

    Mellow [3]
    Action 1: Rally Cry @ Icetales [+2 Spe], Cynthian [+2 Res], Celeste [+2 Acc]
    Action 2: Tailwind
    Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Cynthian, Icetales, Celeste
    Net stamina: -120 Stm
    Net corruption: +28 Rad
    Net stat changes: +84 hp
    Notes: [Misty Terrain, Veil]

    Celeste [3]
    [Receive Teatime Sharpeye Seed, Call]
    Action 1: Void Pact [+6 Evade]
    Action 2: PU Cynthian Speed
    Action 3: [skip]
    Net stamina: -85
    Net corruption: +20 Shd
    Net stat changes: +6 Eva, +6 Spd, +3 Acc, -6 Def, -6 Res, +84 hp
    Notes: +Pact [Misty Terrain, Veil]

    [Tree gang]

    Owen [3]
    Action 1: Shining Bestow Bahamut, +25% HP to self and Bahamut
    Action 2: DD Cautious Seed and Quick Seed
    Action 3: Move to BL
    Net: +152 HP
    +20 Radiance
    +3 Defense, Resistance, Speed,
    -1 Cautious and Quick Seed
    End in BL

    Bahamut [2]
    Firm Stance
    Action 1: Call Xernatus
    Action 2: Cautious Seed
    Net: +161 HP, +11 stamina (Bestow)
    Enter Firm Stance
    +3 Defense/Resistance,
    -1 Cautious Seed
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    R15 Boss - Ionys and the Eternal Blacklight
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Team Spectrum vs the Apocalypse
    Turn 1 Actions

    • Skara uses Nullify(+4) on Astrid
    • Mithos uses Ward III(+4) on Starr
    • Miles uses Shield V(+3,+4) on Brisa
    • Flame uses Shield IV(+3,+4) on Koa
    [Burst: ???/100]

    Saltriv [3] 🔒🔒
    Action 1: Rally Nip (+4 Evade)
    Action 2: Bellow Rally Astrid (+2 Defense), Starr (+2 Speed), Cabot (+2 Attack)
    Action 3: Rally Brisa (+2 Attack +2 Speed)
    Net stamina: 0
    Net corruption: 0
    Net stat changes:0

    Dave [3] 🔒🔒
    [Activate Eternal Spirit Intimidate - -400 Attack, -400 Magic]
    Action 1: Crunch @ Wishkeeper (-500 Defense) [Eternal Spirit Intimidate]
    Action 2: Crunch @ Shadow Bahamut (-500 Defense) [Eternal Spirit Intimidate]
    Action 3: Crunch @ Shadow (-500 Defense) [Eternal Spirit Intimidate]
    Net stamina: -65
    Net corruption: none
    Net stat changes: -1600 Attack, -1600 Magic to all enemies in the zone

    Icetales [3] 🔒🔒
    Action 1: Teatime Astrid [No Item| Hyperactive Seed]
    Action 2: Teatime Brisa [Abyssal Seed | Abyssal Seed]
    Action 3: Teatime Brisa [Hyperactive Seed | Buffet Seed]
    Net stamina: -78
    Net corruption: N/A
    Net stat changes: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed
    Notes: Eat Hyperactive Seed at the end of the actions. x3 Crit immune, x3 stm discount.

    Brisa [3] 🔒🔒
    [Receiving Moonlight, Teatime Buffet Seed, Teatime Abyssal Seed, Rally Cry]
    [+7, Stab, Terrain, Type Effectiveness, +300 Para/+300 Flinch]
    Action 1: Electric Terrain
    Action 2: Spreader Thunder Fang @ Sombra, Shadow, Kane
    Action 3: Spreader Thunder Fang @ S-Bahamut, Mellow, Winter
    [If any fangs would hit air, target Wishkeeper, then other Gals, and so on]
    Net bars: 150% HP, -29 Stm
    Net stages: +2 Acc, +2 Eva, +4 Atk, +4 Spd, +6 Def, +6 Res
    Notes: x3 crit immune, x1 rainbow charge

    Owen [3] 🔒🔒
    Action 1: Double Dip Abyssal and Hyperactive Seeds
    Action 2: Sunny Day
    Action 3: Rally Attack Up Starr (+4)
    Net stamina: -30
    Net HP: -
    Net corruption: -
    Net stat changes:Action+1, Defense Resistance Speed +6, Hyperactive+2, Crit Immune+3, +Sunny

    Starr [4] 🔒🔒
    [Receiving Rally Atk+4, Sun]
    [Lithe Stance]
    [+6, Stab, Reckless, Sun, Type Effectiveness]
    Action 1: Aegis Orb
    Action 2: Sweeper Flare Blitz @ S-Kate, S-Nip, S-Cynthian
    Action 3: Sweeper Flare Blitz @ Sombra, S-Astrid, S-Starr
    Action 4: Sweeper Flare Blitz @ S-Bahamut, Magnificent, S-Starr (if she still lives, otherwise Wishkeeper)
    Net stamina: -288 [ouch]
    Net stat changes: +805 HP after recoil, +4 attack, +2 Protect, +Aegis, +1500 Ward, +200 Ward HP

    Koa [3] 🔒🔒
    [Shield IV]
    Action 1: Pressurise Hyper Voice @ S-Koa
    Action 2: Pressurise Hyper Voice @ S-Koa
    Action 3: Aura Sphere @ Kane [SE]
    Net stamina: -75
    Net corruption:
    Net stat changes:
    Notes: receiving Shield IV


    Astrid [3]🔒🔒
    [Receiving Teatime(Hyperactive Seed), Nullify]
    Action 1: Psych Up Evasion
    Action 2: Aegis Orb
    Action 3: Wind Up
    Net stamina: -30
    Net corruption: 🗿
    Net stat changes: +6 Evade, +2 Defense, +6 Speed, Hyperactive+3
    Misc: +2 Protects, +1 action, +2000 Ward, +400 HP barrier
    Notes: Eat seed after actions

    Cabot [3] 🔒🔒
    (+7 Attack, STAB)
    [Receiving Rally Call]
    Action 1: Double Dip Abyssal Seed and Quick Seed
    Action 2: Iron Tail at Shadow Cabot [Sheer Force, Super Effective]
    Action 3: Head Smash at Wishkeeper [Reckless, Ultra Effective]
    Net stamina: -70
    Net corruption: -
    Net stat changes: +822 HP after recoils, Defense Resistance +6, Crit Immune+3, Speed+3, Attack +2
    Notes: This assumes Cabot’s getting healed after using Head Smash. If this doesn’t happen, change third action to Iron Tail at Shadow Kate

    Nip [3] 🔒🔒
    [Receiving Rally Evade]
    Action 1: Moonlight Cabot, Starr, Brisa
    Action 2: Psych Up Owen (Speed)
    Action 3: Reflex Seed
    Net stamina: -113
    Net corruption: -
    Net stat changes: +6 Speed, +6 Evade
    R16 Boss ~ Miracle Matters
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora

    Team Spectrum vs Miracle Matters

    Turn 1 Actions


    Cuicatl’s Boon V buffed Koa!
    Ashwood’s Ward III protected Bahamut!

    [Burst: 20/100]

    Teamwide Δ Status:
    Misty Terrain
    Bahamut's Follow Me

    Saltriv [3] [North]
    [Receiving Brilliant Justice, V. Phantasm]
    Action 1: Acceptance Brisa, Bahamut, Mellow
    Action 2: Acceptance Brisa, Bahamut, Icetales
    Action 3: Call Brisa (+2 Evasion), Dave (+2 Evasion), Bahamut (+2 Speed)
    Δ Stats: none
    Δ Stamina: -180
    Δ Blacklight: +20 Shd
    Δ HP: none
    Δ Misc: +1 Wax

    Dave [3] [North]
    [Receiving Call]
    Action 1: Brilliant Determination on Koa
    Action 2: Psych Up Brisa’s Speed
    Action 3: Double Dip Abyssal Seed + Warding Orb
    Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +2 Protect, +2 Evasion
    Δ Stamina: -144
    Δ Blacklight: +68 -20 Rad
    Δ HP: none
    Δ Misc: +100 status threshold (permanent), +3 crit nullify

    Icetales [3] [North]
    [Receiving Shining Teatime (Terrain Orb), Brilliant Justice, Void Acceptance]
    Action 1: Mist
    Action 2: Teatime (Abyssal Seed) @ Bahamut (Cautious Seed)
    Action 3: Teatime (Hyperactive Seed) @ Brisa (Buffet Seed)
    Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed, +3 immunity to crits, +3 reduced stamina
    Δ Stamina: -103
    Δ Blacklight: N/A
    Δ HP: N/A
    Δ Misc: Mist and Misty Terrain to Center, +1 Wax, +3 Acceptance

    Vix [3] [North]
    [Receiving Brilliant Beacon]
    Action 1: Eterna Radiant Wax @ Brisa, Starr and Koa
    Action 2: Brilliant Justice @ Saltriv, Bahamut and Icetales
    Action 3: Cautious Seed
    Δ Stats: +5 Def, +5 Res
    Δ Stamina: -106
    Δ Blacklight: +85 Rad, then -60
    Δ HP: none
    Δ Misc: +3 Wax, Justice sphere (180 capacity)

    Owen [3] [North]
    [Receiving n/a]
    [North Zone]
    Action 1: Storage Overheat
    Action 2: Rally Call Starr (+4 Accuracy)
    Action 3: DD Abyssal Seed and Hyperactive Seed
    Δ Stats: +6 Defense Resistance Speed
    Δ Stamina: -144
    Δ Blacklight: +20 Shadow
    Δ HP: -
    Δ Misc: +2 Overheat, +3 crit guard, +3 half-off stamina

    Brisa [3] [North]
    [Receiving Eterna Wax, Catharsis, Acceptance x2, Saltriv Call, Teatime, Teatime]
    [Consume Max Elixir and Buffet Seed]
    Action 1: Electric Terrain
    Action 2: Paragon @Starr
    Action 3: Paragon @Starr
    Δ Stats: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +4 Def, +4 Res, +2 Eva
    Δ Stamina: -40
    Δ Blacklight: +35/+10
    Δ HP: 150%
    Δ Misc: +2 Wax, +4 Charge, +1 Shield, +Paragon, +Unleash, +4 Acceptance

    Koa [3] [North]
    [Receiving Brilliant Determination, Eterna Wax, Boon V]
    Action 1: Shining Echochamber
    Action 2: Brilliant Conduit (Eterna)
    Action 3: Electric Terrain
    Δ Stats: +6 Mag, +2 Spd, +2 Def, +2 Res
    Δ Stamina: -170 [269]
    Δ Blacklight: +84 RAD -30 RAD (Conduit), +5 SHD (Conduit)
    Δ HP: -50% [365]
    Δ Misc: Echochamber, +2 Protect, +2 Wax, +300 dmg next strike

    731HP, +1 Endure
    Koa > 30 Rad > Starr
    Starr > 5 Shd > Koa

    Starr [3/4] [North]
    [Receiving Eterna Wax, double paragon, teatime, Rally Call +4 Acc]
    [Consume Illusion Seed]
    Action 1: Catharsis
    Action 2: Abyssal Seed
    Action 3: Aegis Orb
    [Wind Up]
    Δ Stats: +4 Atk, +4 Speed, +6 Def, +6 Res, +6 Eva, +4 Acc
    Δ Stamina: -90
    Δ Blacklight: +5/+41
    Δ HP: Set to 100%
    Δ Misc: +2 Wax, +3 Protect, +Illusion, +3 Anti Crit, +Aegis, +1 Action

    Mellow [3] [North]
    [Receiving Void Acceptance]
    Action 1: Tailwind
    Action 2: Brilliant Summershine
    Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Icetales, and Starr
    Δ Stats: N/A
    Δ Stamina: -240
    Δ Blacklight: +42 Rad
    Δ HP: N/A
    Δ Misc: Chlorophyll; Summershine Veil to North; +2 Speed to North next turn; +1 Acceptance

    Bahamut [2/3] [North]
    [Receiving Teatime and Shining Teatime to consume both Cautious Seeds, Brilliant Justice, Saltriv Call, Void Acceptance x2, Ward III]
    Action 1: Brilliant Beacon @ Vix
    Action 2: Void Phantasm @ Saltriv
    [Firm Stance]
    Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +2 Speed
    Δ Stamina: -120
    Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
    Δ HP: N/A
    Δ Misc: +1 Wax, +4 Acceptance, VP Substitute, Follow Me, Firm, +1500 threshold ward, +100 hp Ashwood barrier



    R17 Boss ~ The Final Blacklight Showdown
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Team Spectrum vs Eternal Blacklight
    Turn 1 Actions

    • Ashwood [Nullify +4 | +15] @ Starr (+2000 threshold barrier, +400 HP damage barrier)
    • Miles [Shield +4/+4 | +5] @ Brisa (303 HP, 319/425, +4/+4)
    • Skara [Spectrum -> Boon V +4 | +20] @ Koa
    • Ashwood [Nullify +4 | +15] @ Vix (+2000 threshold barrier, +400 HP damage barrier)
    • Seyka [Blink +4 | +5] @ Mellow
    • Lauchzelot [Shield V +4/+3 | +5] @ Koa (356 HP, 376/361, +4/+3)
    • Cuicatl [Surge +4 | +5] @ Owen

    [Burst: 70/100]

    Teamwide Effects:

    Tailwind, DDust (already in unit calcs)

    Saltriv [3] [N]

    [Receiving Teatime]
    Action 1: DD Hyperactive + Aegis Orb
    Action 2: Call Starr [+2 Acc], Koa [+1 Spd/Acc], Vix [+2 Eva]
    Action 3: Void Acceptance @ Brisa, Koa, Mellow
    [Teatime Abyssal Seed]
    Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
    Δ Stamina: -78
    Δ Blacklight: +0/40
    Δ HP: +200
    Δ Misc: +2 Hyperactive, +2 Protect, +Aegis, +3 Crit Immune

    Mellow [3] [N]

    [Receiving Blink, Acceptance]
    Action 1: Shining Teatime @ Brisa, Starr, Koa
    Action 2: Shining Teatime @ Saltriv, Brisa, Icetales
    Action 3: Shining Teatime @ Koa, Brisa, Starr
    Action 4: DD Abyssal + Hyperactive
    Action 5: Tailwind @ North zone
    Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
    Δ Stamina: -150
    Δ Blacklight: +42 Rad
    Δ HP: +200
    Δ Misc: Tailwind @ North, +3 Crit Immune

    Koa [3] [N —> NE]

    [Receiving Boon V (Skara), Acceptance, S. Teatime, Teatime, Rally Call, Shield V (Lauchs)]
    Action 1: Shining Echochamber
    [Call Brisa]
    Action 2: Electric Terrain
    [Teatime Volatile Seed]
    [Teatime Abyssal Seed]
    [Teatime Warding Orb]
    Action 3: Volt Switch to NE [+9, Stab, Terrain]
    Δ Stats: +6 Attack, +6 Magic, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Evasion, +6 Speed, +1 Accuracy
    Δ Stamina: -124
    Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
    Δ HP: +200
    Δ Misc: +800 fixed damage, +1 Wax, +2 Acceptance

    Vix [3] [N —> NW]

    [Receiving Determination, Nullify (Ashwood)]
    Action 1: Hyperactive Seed
    Action 2: Brilliant Justice @ Koa, Icetales, Starr
    [Justice Drain Brisa -60 Rad]
    Action 3: walk to NW
    Δ Stats: +2 Protect, +6 Speed, +2 Evasion, +400 HP, +2000 Ward
    Δ Stamina: -64
    Δ Blacklight: +36 Rad
    Δ HP: +200, (+400 Null)
    Δ Misc: +2 Hyperactive

    Dave [3] [NW]

    Action 1: Psych Up Vix’s Speed
    Action 2: Brilliant Determination @ Vix
    Action 3: Double Dip Abyssal Seed + Aegis Orb
    Δ Stats: +4 Protect, +6 Speed, +6 Def, +6 Res
    Δ Stamina: -135
    Δ Blacklight: +56/+0
    Δ HP: +200
    Δ Misc: Determination, +3 Crit Immune, +2 Protect, Aegis, remember Hex Counter

    Icetales [3]

    [Receiving Teatime]
    Action 1: DD Hyperactive + Terrain Orb
    Action 2: Teatime [Abyssal | Koa: Abyssal]
    [activate Snow Warning]
    Action 3: Void Wraith @ Eterna Power [+300 Freeze]
    [Teatime Warding Orb]
    Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance
    Δ Stamina: -78
    Δ Blacklight: +40 Shd
    Δ HP: +300
    Δ Misc: +1 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, +Misty Terrain, +Diamond Dust, +1 Wax, Threshold: 400

    Brisa [3] [N]

    [Receiving S. Teatime 3, Catharsis, Shield V (Miles), Acceptance, Justice Drain, Koa Call]
    Action 1: Brilliant Paragon
    Action 2: Brilliant Paragon
    Action 3: Medley Seed
    [Unleash Tenacity]
    [Teatime Aegis Orb]
    [Teatime Warding Orb]
    [Teatime Precision Orb]
    Δ Stats: +6 Atk, +6 Spd, +6 Acc, +2 Def, +2 Res
    Δ Stamina: -192
    Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
    Δ HP: 150%
    Δ Misc: +3 Rainbow, +3 Shieldbreaker, +200 Threshold, +3 Protect, +Aegis, +Paragon, +Unleash, +4 Charge, +1 Acceptance

    Starr [4] [N]

    [Receiving Nullify (Ashwood), Paragon x2, Call, Teatime]
    Action 1: Void Catharsis
    Action 2: Aegis Orb
    Action 3: Abyssal Seed
    Action 4: [Wind Up]
    [Teatime Illusory Seed]
    [Teatime Weather Orb]
    Δ Stats: +4 Atk, +4 Spd, +6 Def/Res, +6 Eva, +2 Acc, +400 HP, +2000 Ward
    Δ Stamina: -90
    Δ Blacklight: +36 Shd
    Δ HP: 100% (+400 Null)
    Δ Misc: Illusory, Abyssal, Aegis, +2 Action, +1 Protect, +Sunny, +1 Wax

    Owen [3] [SW]

    [Receiving Surge (Cuicatl)]
    Action 1: Sunny Day
    Action 2: Hyperactive Seed
    Action 3: Abyssal Seed
    Δ Stats: +6 Speed, +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Evasion, +6 Accuracy
    Δ Stamina: -60
    Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
    Δ HP: 100%
    Δ Misc: +3 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, +Sunny, +1000 fixed damage

    Bahamut [3] [SE]

    Action 1: Abyssal Seed
    Action 2: Hyperactive Seed
    Action 3: Warding Orb
    Δ Stats: +6 Defense, +6 Resistance, +6 Speed
    Δ Stamina: 0
    Δ Blacklight: +0/+0
    Δ HP: 100% then +200
    Δ Misc: +3 Hyperactive, +3 Crit Immune, x2 thresholds
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