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Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

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R5 -Nip & Celeste: A talk about ferals
  • windskull

    Bidoof Fan
    1. sneasel-nip
    2. bidoof
    3. absol
    4. kirlia
    5. windskull-bidoof
    6. little-guy-windskull
    7. purugly
    8. mawile
    9. manectric
    Nip had briefly stepped into the guild to get his bearings, but had silently slipped out after only a few minutes while the others were distracted, and had only returned well after nightfall to sleep. He left again before sunrise, and before anyone else would have noticed him.

    Now, he was out in the forest, quiet as the snow crunched underneath his paws. This. This reminded him of home. The sharp scent of pines, the cool feeling of snow, the smell of earth and slush. He felt far more at ease here than he had back in the village. Any of the settlements he'd been to thus far, really.

    He stopped beside a large stone and clambered on top, laying out on top of it to relax in the sunlight. Out here in the quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the village, maybe he'd be able to just... think.
    R5 - Mellow plays Minecraft the game
  • Disco

    Ace Trainer
    Let's see, there's rows for each kind of Berry, a side plot for the Apricorn trees, and enough dirt to grow the Mint... May need to think about building a shelter to keep the snow off... Maybe if I had something to warm up the soil a bit so the roots wouldn't freeze...

    Mellow stood and gazed at her work so far. She was so preoccupied that she didn't notice the Sneasel or the Absol, either of the times they passed her by.


    It was a few days before she climbed up the hill overlooking the work she had put into landscaping the environment. It wasn't perfect by any means; the climate was cold and so was the soil. But she wasn't one to give up and had come up with what was at least a temporary solution. Jars filled with light that was amplified by the glass, almost like little beacons, were placed strategically in the dirt. They all gave off a warmth that would keep the plants from dying. It certainly made the move Will-o-Wisp worth learning! Mellow smiled, mentally patted herself on the back, and then dug through her pack to get out her badge to check her messages.

    She raised a brow at a certain specific notice in the Team Spectrum group chat, then sighed and trotted back into Destiny Village. She should probably check out the rooms that were built. Probably. If nothing else, it would at least be good storage. She'd have to put all those jars of dried berries and other plants somewhere, after all.

    Last edited:
    R5 - Nate, Cino, and his Shadow
  • Torchic

    Torchic Hugger
    Bavaria, Germany
    It wasn't getting any better.

    Maple told him to focus, to empty his mind of these wretched thoughts. To breath in deeply, to let the cold air enter his body and cleanse him. To take a walk around town. A walk into the forest, surely this would help Cino to calm down from his shadows.

    You're a fool.

    Nothing had worked thus far. The thoughts are still there, as present as they had been since the fight against that otherworldly machine.

    A nobody.

    It felt like the parasite that had entered his body back home came back to do it once more. Diyem said that it wouldn't be able to follow him here, but... he was starting to doubt the black Charizard's words. No, Dark Matter's words. Lies. Deception. Like the Dark Matter from this world here, so would their 'leader' start to drag this world into doom. How can a being made of negativity do good? It didn't make sense.

    Just get it over with.

    "Shut up!" Cino finally snapped, screamed at himself, and the voice inside his head. He couldn't take it anymore, it was draining his sanity. With every step he took deeper into the forest, the heavier his head felt. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Leave me alone!"

    Oh, Cino. My poor little Cino.

    "Go away!"

    Look at you, you pathetic little worm. Broken down just by mere words.

    Cino banged his head against the bark of a tree. "Get out of my head, you monster! Leave me alone! Why won't you just go?!"

    Four monochrome tendrils appeared behind him, seemingly out of his neck, followed by two black, rectangle eyes. Its face had a black vertical stripe in the center of its face, and two rectangle growths on the left and right of its head, acting as ears. Its torso was almost glowing black, somehow.

    He squeaked after he felt the tendrils touch his shoulders What... what was that monochrome looking monster?

    Hitting yourself isn't going to help. Nobody would want to help you, anyway.

    He scurried backwards until his back was against another tree. The ground was cold, but he tried to ignore it. "What- what are you?! Where did you come from?!"

    You know me well, Cino. From the day we have met, until today... we have never parted ways.

    "Wh- what?" Was this really the same creature that had nested itself inside him? Since when...? "What- what are yo- you?!"

    The shadow hovered over to Cino, who was cowering from the giant monster above him.

    You're pathetic. Everyone would be better off without you.
    R5 - Minecraft co-op with Mellow and Friends
  • Disco

    Ace Trainer
    Mellow stood motionless even though all around her the earth trembled and swayed. Root after root burst up from the ground around her, forming a thick wall, and stretching into a dome that surrounded her and her orchard. The Charmander had no intention of actually staying in the dorms. Even though she had claimed a spot in a room that was closest to the stairs. She didn't need anyone. She didn't need to be close to anybody.

    She was fine out here. She'd prove it. She would show them all.
    R6 - Astrid & Truffle
  • TheGOAT

    Houston, Texas
    1. serperior
    2. alolatales-goat
    An hour’s hike north of the city, Astrid chased a ghost.

    This was how it usually went. Her afternoons would usually be consumed by the surrounding countryside, and the northern pines had piqued her interest in particular. These trees smelled like what nature was supposed to smell like, according to her nose. All of it was untouched land—dry, crisp, seasoned with life while also barren and peaceful. Perfect fodder for her imagination. Perfect to sprint across and pretend she didn’t care about anything.

    On that note, it was one-hundred-and-ten-percent better than her dorm room, where she’d yet to feel comfortable at all. And—it was kinda funny—she wondered if all of this would fix it. Coming out here for this reason, seeking this kind of help…


    Astrid looked up just in time to see her target come into view briefly before swooping out of sight. Rustling in the distance spurred her paws forward at a greater pace than before, shoving through spruce branches and running along clearings until reaching her target.

    It took her three minutes to find him. Pine needles flung off of Astrid as she skid to a stop.

    “Truffle,” she panted.
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    R7: Bahamut's just standing there... menacingly!
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Bahamut stood in the center of a swathe of pine trees stripped bare of their needles. Fierce, bone-chilling winds whirled around him, buffeting his sides with ice and sleet and threatening to snap his prismatic arms off their joints. Dead pine needles plinked off his metal hide and armored forehead. All the while, Bahamut stood still, eyes shut while his core pulsated with light.

    It had taken a lot of willpower not to snap at the teammates that were oh so eager for a rematch with the buffoons that had actively tried to kill them. It wasn't like Bahamut could blame their actions on corruptive forces. Sure, they had radiance, but that power didn't cause the same vicious, killer intent the shadows did. And the way the puppy spoke to them afterward suggested he was well aware of what he was doing. No second battle would lead to some heart to heart revelation. And as far as Bahamut was concerned, he was pretty sure his teammates considered him heartless anyway.

    ... excusing the fact that he was literally heartless in his normal body.

    So, while everyone scurried off to recover for the rematch, he had asked for a small-scale but vicious storm to be conjured away from the city. And so, here he was. Trying to get power the proper way. Against nature. Against the elements.
    R7: Light Lost
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    It was a long flight, but Joule had taken Owen, Icetales, and a few others all the way to the northern pine forest outside of Destiny Village. The air was bitter and the winter cold was harsh on their bodies, but thankfully for Icetales, that was just his environment, and for Owen, his fiery aura was a natural repellent for the cold.

    "Ah! And there she is!" Joule declared, abruptly flying downward. His core bobbled within his chest, hidden behind his chest plate.

    The Smeargle was standing behind a tree; it was only when Wishkeeper confirmed her location that they knew where she actually was. Joule must have 'seen' her by his sixth sense of where his host had gone. When he landed, he let his passengers off.
    R8: Thinking and Awakening
  • windskull

    Bidoof Fan
    1. sneasel-nip
    2. bidoof
    3. absol
    4. kirlia
    5. windskull-bidoof
    6. little-guy-windskull
    7. purugly
    8. mawile
    9. manectric
    Although Nip had considered following Maple into Treasure town, enough pokemon had gone with her that he was uneasy with tagging along. She had more than enough pokemon with her to help out.

    Instead, he headed out past the outskirts of destiny village, and back to the place where he spent most of his free time: the forest.

    He held his bag tight, stalking silently through the trees until he came to a small clearing. The sounds of leaves rustling in the wind and a nearby babbling stream made him feel at ease. Try as he might to fit in with the pokemon of the village, he still felt most comfortable out here.

    Over the past weeks, he'd spent much of his time making a makeshift shelter here. Several planks of wood leaned up against a large boulder, with a cloth draped over top, creating a cozy enough den for resting in. The inside was filled with a bed of dried grass and hay, providing him a place to sleep when the sounds and smells of destiny village were too much.

    He stopped beside the shelter, placing his bag inside before flopping to the ground just outside. After everything that had just transpired with Sword, there was a lot he had to think about. And what better place to do so than somewhere relatively private like here?
    [R8] Habits of the Obligate Celestial (Nate, Rocky, and Bahamut)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    You never could be sure where Bahamut was going to turn up. Nate had tried hanging around at the Guild, waiting, until he'd gotten fed up and gone off to try somewhere else. Rocky had said maybe they ought to wait more than twenty minutes, but whatever, he liked hanging out at the Guild for whatever fucking reason. So that left basically the entire rest of Destiny Village.

    Or what was right outside it. The beach, the forest--both good spots if you wanted to brood. Which was how Nate had ended up freezing his ass off in the picturesque snowy wilderness, looking for a gigantic space lion.

    "You see anything?" Nate asked. He couldn't fucking see shit, with his face only a couple inches from the ground and the snow piled higher than that. Rocky had gone on ahead, glowing with more heat than usual to melt a path behind for Nate.

    "Umm, I don't know," the familiar said, squinting through the trees. It was quiet all around, with sound muffled by the snow, but surely it wouldn't be hard to spot Bahamut at a distance.
    [R10] Echoes of Grief and Hope (Icetales, Keo’Keo V and Petram)
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    CW: Themes of grief and mourning.

    Borealis, Vulpix Kyukon Keo’Keo X

    This tombstone is erected
    In affectionate and grateful remembrance of
    Queen Kyukon the Magnanimous

    Who hast been a guidance at the service of Borealis
    For 109 Years

    May her soul reach the Twilight and her glorious light shine on her family forevermore.

    No matter how many times he read those engraved words on that azure tombstone, Keo’Keo X’s heart would not stop aching and squeezing. Sorrowful tears fell on the intricate snowdrop patterns, with froze instantly as soon as they reached the frigid cold surface.

    “Why did thou perish, Mother?” whimpered the Vulpix, his spirit wracked in minuscule pieces. “Thou were such a sweet mother and such a graceful leader. Thou did not deserve this.” He sobbed some more and rubbed his nostrils. “What will I do without thee…?”

    Keo’Keo X stayed silent for a long time, a part of him wishing that his mother could just answer him. But nothing. Only winter wind.

    “I miss thee, Mother…”

    Once again he paused, and once again there was no answer. But then, he heard someone plodding through the snow. He turned around to see one of his older sisters approach: Keo’Keo V, the Healer Vulpix.

    “Tenth! Oh, praise the heavens! I finally found thee!” she exclaimed, rushing toward him and shooting a concerned expression. “Dost thou know how long I have been searching thee? I… I believed thou would have done something foolish!”

    “…Apologies, Fifth,” he responded, his ears drooped and his tails wrapped around his body. “I did not mean to alarm thee…”

    Fifth leaned closer and glared at her youngest brother. “Dost not do this ever again! I do not know what I would do if thee…” She froze, not wanting to entertain that thought any longer, and shook her head. “Well, at least I found thee.”

    Tenth nodded absentmindedly, before turning to the grave. Fifth followed his gaze and frowned. That resting place was a blaring reminder of who she lost, too.

    “I still cannot believe she is gone…” she said quietly, before walking by Tenth’s side and embracing the smaller Vulpix with her tails. “Poisoning. Who could have done such an atrocious act?”

    Tenth sighed and looked at the snow. “I do not know. I fail to comprehend who could brew foul intentions toward Mother. She was… such a pure being.”

    “Yes, but this is evidence that even the purest entities have their specters wishing their demise.”

    “…It seems like it.”

    The two siblings stayed silent for some time to pay respect to the defunct. Tenth cuddled against his sister, seeking for her comfort. The older Vulpix glanced at her brother — it was time for the Healer to be of help.

    “…Mother would not have wished for thee to continue mourning her. She would have wanted thee to move on, to continue thy path and become a Ninetales some day,” she pointed out, holding her brother closer. “Wasting thy life seeking the dead will not honor their last wishes for us to persevere.”

    “…It aches, sister,” he responded, before sniffling. “It aches so much…”

    “I know. Though, perhaps it is a good advice to remind ourselves what she used to tell us.”

    Tenth looked at his sister, wondering what of their mother’s teachings she was referencing. She quickly followed up with the answer.

    “Life is not eternal, and some of us traverse the twilight earlier than their peers. That does not make their lives meaningless, however. If all, we should carry and treasure the shards they leave behind, so that thy path will shine the brightest,” she recited with a calm voice, trying to give the encouragement to herself, too. Then, she looked at the sky. “Comets. We all become comets once we pass to the next plane. Keep looking at the sky for any comet and, perhaps, if thou spot one, the soul will observe thee from the Twilight.”

    Tenth listened intently to his sister’s words — she sounded exactly like Mother, albeit much younger, with the same comforting tone. The small Vulpix turned to the dark blue sky, and then a comet raced across it. His eyes widened and his tails wagged.


    Tenth looked all over the sky, trying to spot the comet once more. While he was disappointed that he couldn’t see it anymore, his heart seemed to have become much lighter.

    “Told thee. She is watching us.” Another embrace, which was reciprocated by the little brother. “She will be always watching us and giving us strength from the Twilight…”

    Cibus, Ninetales Kyukon Keo’Keo X

    Icetales’s paws were dirty after digging for so long. Funerals were not his specialty, but he didn’t want to concern anyone by asking them to bury graves for him. Also, he didn’t want to burden his comrades with an extra weight. They were suffering enough as is.

    The Ninetales took a step back: seven holes for seven comrades. A mournful sigh escaped his throat, but he quickly shook his head. No, he couldn’t let his emotions take control of him. He turned around to look at Petram, who was holding a small bag in his paws.

    “So, huh, are we really gonna do that?” asked Petram, tilting his head and clutching the bag. Something about performing that action made him jittery.

    “Yes. I must do this. This is my way to honor them, and help them find their way to the Twilight,” answered Icetales, before taking a step toward the spectral Vulpix. “Did thou do as I told?”

    Petram nodded. “Mhm. I got everything from everyone’s room,” he said and extended the little bag. “You can check, if you want.”

    Icetales was quick to grab it and drop the contents to the floor.

    A tuft from Brisa.

    A scale from Cabot.

    A petal from Cynthian.

    A tuft from Dave.

    A tuft from Nip.

    A scale from Owen.

    A piece of wax from Vix.

    “Most marvelous job, Petram,” said Icetales, even if there was no enthusiasm in his voice. He collected those last remains of his comrades in his tails and turned to the holes. “Time for the deed.”

    One by one, the seven mementos were dropped into the graves, which were filled with the extracted earth. Then, Icetales turned to a box placed under a tree and opened it to unveil its contents: seven shining swords.

    “A knight ritual for seven mighty warriors…” muttered the Ninetales, before taking the seven swords in seven of his tails. He returned to the buried mementos and plunged the swords into the soil. “This… is the least I can do.”

    Icetales took a few steps back and slumped in his haunches, fatigued and still emotionally stressed out. Petram waddled by his side and snuggled into his fur, making sure that no dark thoughts clawed at his father’s mind.

    “Do you… think they’re watching us from the Twilight?” asked the Shade, wrapping his paws around one of Icetales’s forepaws.

    Icetales didn’t answer at first and looked at the dark sky. He stared at it for quite some time, and then a comet raced in front of him. His eyes widened and a small smile spread across his face. It was something very small, but that meant a lot for the Ninetales and he wished to spread that small message to the surviving comrades, too.

    “Yes, Petram.”

    A small gust blew across the forest and the two foxes hugged each other.

    “I believe they are…”

    R10 - Tethers
  • TheGOAT

    Houston, Texas
    1. serperior
    2. alolatales-goat
    Astrid didn’t quite recognize this part of the woods, not that she was in any mood to be nostalgic. Or stop for a moment’s rest, for that matter. Her unplanned, aimless sprint led her to make countless mistakes she wouldn’t otherwise, tripping over roots and charging through prickly branches that tore into her fur. She grit her teeth and powered through anyway.

    When she came to a stop, her legs had to make the decision for her. She collapsed into the ground and finally—finally rested. According to a voice of reason in the back of her head, she should’ve first sought medical care, regrouped with the team—right, the ones still left—and…

    It got tuned out. So what. She’d regret this later. She’d probably isolated herself from any other soul ages ago, but this far out still didn’t feel far enough. She could still feel the city at her back, and suddenly couldn’t stand the sight of it, the very thought of it. But it remained. And soon, that image began filling in with faces.

    "I mean, how do you grasp anything with a paw? You don't have anything to grasp with. If you -" He extended his paw towards the canteen as if to grab it, only to... actually grab it. "Wait, what the fuck?"

    Somehow, it had just attached itself to his paw, as if he had an invisible thumb. "What the fuck," he repeated.

    He waved it around warily. The water inside sloshed. "How the - what?"

    He lifted it and poured some water into his mouth. It was good, refreshing after the fight. He handed it back to Astrid, staring. "I - okay, I'm not even going to try to make sense of this."

    “Stop…” she whispered, holding her head. Lights and shadows danced in her vision, even when she closed her eyes. The battle was history now, written in stone. She would have to suck it up and keep going, because that was what she’d agreed to.

    Cynthian paused to smile as a warm breeze blew by. "Your experience as an explorer shines through whenever it matters. I'm sure you'd become an even greater explorer in the future when you return home after all this is over."

    No. I refuse to believe… I refuse to believe they’re gone forever.

    But oh, she’d never felt so hopeless.

    They had a chance to save everyone yet: the Voidlands. Hell itself. Or something else entirely? And that voice of reason—fuck them—spoke up again. This was bad. Very bad. Their souls were damned for eternity? Very very bad. Their odds were slim as it was, only worsened by politics. And… what did Diyem mean that he couldn’t send their souls back? Why??

    The thought of being stuck on this world forever was… sobering. Only for a moment, it silenced her expeditious mind altogether and substituted the worst dread Astrid imagined were possible. What happened in they failed, then? Fuck Cibus. What happened if they couldn’t save their friends’ souls?

    Cabot shot Astrid a look of sympathy and he shifted a bit, before speaking up.

    "Maybe try to take it easy next battle? With using Radiance, I mean," he said. "I know it's one of the most important tools we have, but what if you end up injuring yourself so much that you have to sit out a fight? One where we might really need you. Or worse, you'll no longer be able to fight at all while Giovanni and Eternatus are still out there. You... don't have to go through this."

    Her throat tightened up—a red flag. Her shadows were surely rising. The pain wasn’t receding, and though her body had numbed itself lying in the cold dirt, she wailed out towards the skies. The universe did not hear her; the pain continued its ascent. Everything was sinking in. Each death, one by one, faster and faster, their gravity inescapable…

    Nip suppressed a winced, annoyed just thinking about the zangoose, then realized he was being addressed and answered Astrid. "I'm pretty satisfied with ice shard... for right now. But I wouldn't mind picking up a dark move. Or maybe something like shadow claw - always wanted to try learning that one. My fighting style has always been to strike first and to strike hard. Your opponent can't hurt you if you've already knocked them out, after all."

    I got that one! Owen's flame doubled in size as a dumb grin spread across his face.

    "I got your back, Astrid," Vix said firmly to her partner, pumping her fist. "We're gonna wipe the floor with these guys!"

    Astrid clenched at the dirt beneath her and held it all in. She had to… assess the damage for once. Take control of herself somehow. What—who—had they lost? What was left to tether her here?

    They’d lost an inquisitive girl who had only just begun to discover themselves. They’d lost a powerful warrior who brightened the room with his optimism. They’d lost…

    Astrid curled further into a ball, filthy and covered in wounds. It hurt. It just kept going. An experienced adult who brought pragmatism to any challenge they faced. A lonesome rouge who’d grown into a source of energy for everyone on the team. A dedicated candle who had only just starting finding her confidence. Owen—Owen, the mysterious one—which somehow felt the least real of all. All dead.

    There was another, wasn’t there? But the Blacklight blocked it out. She wasn’t thinking straight, she knew that, but its allure was too much for her battered mind. It was an easy decision; she reached a paw out to nothing and conceded everything, drawing inspiration upon what she found herself believing to be Cibus itself. What a waste. Cibus had nothing good left to give her anyhow.

    Radiance filled her body nonetheless. It was a frightening comfort how familiar the feeling was, right before everything abruptly snapped. Every time.

    She’d be fine. She was always fine after she did this. Every time, yes. And if this didn’t wake her up from this nightmare, then what would?

    Astrid used Blinding Meltdown, dealing 38 damage to several pine trees!

    It was pitiful. To her, it felt nuclear. Barely conscious, a horrible guilt tightened her throat further, but she forced it back down. She would lay there in peace and let it linger.
    R10 ~ The Plan
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    It had taken a few days, and it was a long and sow recovery, but eventually Diyem had become strong enough earn a discharge from Zinc. The first thing he did, of course, was get away, saying that he wanted not only a change of scenery, but to get away from the nurturing care that Zinc had been providing. Nobody really tried to stop him.

    Very convenient.

    Everyone. Meet me in the northern pine forest at noon. I will send another message later. Bring nobody. Whoever's Ultra Shade has Cola, get them to send him off to someone else. There is something important I have to discuss.

    Though, granted, it was very likely that everybody knew little tidbits by now about what was going on.

    And so, the little Charmander stood and waited, arms crossed while he sat atop a conjured hammock of Shadows between two branches. He had given up some time ago on looking foreboding while stuck in such a weak form. Several had asked him why he had been a Charmander specifically, but he never gave a specific answer.

    "That's enough people for now. I see a few others walking along." He squinted into the distance, then looked down at the team.

    "Is this about the Tree? Is this why you're so far out in the woods?" Cal asked, arms crossed. The Charmeleon flicked her tail, still a little on-edge ever since that incident in Moonlit Forest a few days ago, but... at least Diyem wasn't out of sorts anymore.

    "Yes. I have a lot to go over. And I also wanted to demonstrate something I am now capable of, now that some of my strength is back. Several of your team are waiting to be summoned to the living world as phantoms... Not the best, not very solid, but enough that they can communicate. The hope is that I will be strong enough to give them more solid, temporary bodies should we need them for battle... and, ideally, the Tree can be used to restore their bodies completely."

    "Well, that seems straightforward. Maple's gonna allow you to go to the Tree and talk to Xerneas, you can maybe take a little bit of that power, and that's it, right?" Cal tilted her head. "What's the big deal?"

    "Let me summon them first, for now."

    Diyem clasped his hands together, still sitting on his Shadow hammock, and then made a waving motion forward, as if sweeping the view before him. Spectral shapes conjured from nothing, wisps of darkness that clumped together before growing little ember eyes and limbs... He did that for several of them--those who were on standby, a few who looked around uncertainly, and others who waved. They were floating, free from gravity, but they were present. Their voices were distant, distorted whispers.

    Diyem grunted when the first thing that happened was a rush of everyone trying to talk to them even as their bodies started to form. "Stop, stop, stop," he shouted, and then threatened to disappear the phantoms right then. "I am still recovering. An outpouring of love when I'm not ready will hospitalize me again. Back away. We are strategizing. Now..."

    "Where's... Owen?" Cal asked, frowning.

    "He is busy with something else," Diyem said dismissively. "But I expect he will be ready soon. They are all listening to this conversation anyway."

    Cal didn't seem very satisfied, but she said nothing.

    As more of Team Spectrum arrived and materialized, Diyem finally opened.

    "It goes without saying that the Tree may not have enough power to do everything we want," he started. "I know the Tree from experience and I have spent enough time here to know what powers are needed for what. We need four things. First, to restore Arceus to good health. Second, perhaps to give Cola some power so he is not so vulnerable. Third, to bring back your allies. And fourth, to restore my power. From what I know about the Tree..." He looked gravely at them. "I think only two of these choices can be made, and the other two will need to be neglected. And if we do this to the Tree, we will run out of so-called 'backup power' should we need it for the future. We simply do not know.

    "Most of this will be discussed with Maple, Arceus, and certainly Xerneas. But we have bargaining power here. They need us to fight Giovanni and what plans he has. Therefore, we need to have our stories and our demands consistent across the team, now, before we go there formally.

    "And in order for us to do that..." Diyem closed his eyes, sighing. "I need to tell you something that they yet do not know. I do not know if sharing this with them will help, hurt, or completely destroy our chances."

    He waited until he was certain they were all paying attention. Then:

    "I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Eternatus is deep within the Tree's core. And if we want to stop the Blacklight, we will have to infiltrate the Tree, and possibly destroy it with the very power we are going to siphon away. We won't be strong enough to do it now... I'm certain. But this visit will help us scout out its power. If we can siphon its power, perhaps we can also weaken Eternatus.

    "But the debate here is what we ask, what we say, and what we keep to ourselves. As a team."
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    R10 - [Cal & Bahamut]
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    The snow crunched under Cal's amorphous feet. After what had happened at Destiny Tower, Owen's aura had faded so much that he had to return to Diyem. As hasty as it was, Cal was at least able to give him a proper goodbye this time, and maybe he'd be summoned again later. Still, being in Destiny Village was making her depressed. She wound up wandering the outskirts of town before seeing the pine forest again. She wondered how Mellow was doing, though it didn't seem like she was there for now.

    But maybe Mellow had the right idea. A short walk in the cold might be nice.

    She approached amid a gentle snowfall. Without much of a temperature to her body, the puffy ice collected on the top of her head, sinking into her body over time like a snowglobe.
    R11 - Mellow & Zinc
  • Disco

    Ace Trainer
    It had been a long day. Digging, transplanting, packing... Moving was such hard work and after hours of it, Mellow felt close to exhausted. Luckily, someone was helping her. Zinc had offered to help, and she had been more than happy to take her up on that. Spending time with her in any capacity was nice! It was nice, but...there was always a tiny bit of doubt. It was just a seed, but like any seed, it had started to grow ever since she had talked to S'more. Would someone like Zinc actually do something like that? Work with someone who wanted to do something so terrible? ...She couldn't picture it.

    ...Maybe she should tell Zinc what S'more said.
    That he had put suspicion on her and the rest of her team.
    [R12] Ghosts of the Past (Nate, Starr, and Silver)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    The pine forest was quiet as always, the heavy snow muffling all sound. But that snow was mostly in drifts and patches now, pushed back into shade with scraps of bare needles showing here and there. It was actually almost warm today, though the sun overhead was still weak and watery, lying close to the horizon already.

    Which made how long since Nate had gotten transformed into a fucking mudkip? Four years? Closer to five? Who the fuck knew how much time had passed in his own world. His own time. What the fuck ever. And it felt like he was only getting further from it by the day.

    He'd seen Silver out here now and again. Seemed like it was something of a favorite haunt, now that he was a giant fucking bat. It felt especially shitty to drop suspicion on the guy when he was just trying to get some privacy, but to be fair, Silver seemed like he was just trying to get some privacy no matter where he went. At least they weren't in the fucking library.

    "See anything?" he called ahead to Starr.
    Last edited:
    R12 - The Super-Secret meeting of Team Usurpers
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    Tall trees, open spaces, hardly ever visited by anyone else to Puddle's knowledge... This place was perfect! A bit of a shame they couldn't set up shop at that fancy soda place, but all the people working there started giving Puddle glares for some reason. That didn't matter here, though! The only downside was how far it was, which is also a not-downside! No one would know they were here, not even Vix!

    "I think we've finally found it, guys! The perfect HQ for our team! Until we can somehow get a building!" Puddle said, proudly puffing out its chest as it stood in the middle of a clearing. "We're probably, like, halfway to bein' the best damn team there was!"
    R12 - Secret Meeting #2
  • Namohysip

    Dragon Enthusiast
    1. flygon
    2. charizard
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. sceptile
    6. marowak
    7. jirachi
    8. meganium
    9. namo-rock
    Cola felt that it would be safest to go to a place where they would be least expected to go while sleuthing. In other words, the place they always went--the pines!

    And if Pop ever tried to find them, that meant maybe it would be safe to stay there, where they'd be the most and therefore least expected to be hiding.

    "So... I just talk to him?" Cola asked Rocky. "What for?"
    R13 – Mellow & Bahamut
  • Disco

    Ace Trainer
    Deep within the forest, away from the eyes of everyone else, a certain 'zard paced in a clearing. It was the dead of night but her movements were somewhat obscured to the eyes of anyone on the team... That being because of the massive shadowy thing that followed in her footsteps.

    "I should have known better than to try and be part of the team again...", both her and the shadow growled. "If they can't trust each other, why should I trust them?!"

    The shadow paused for a moment and looked back towards the direction of Destiny Village, then went back to following Mellow, who had gone back to pacing.
    R13 - The most depressing interview on Cibus
  • Ambyssin

    Gotta go back. Back to the past.
    Residency hell
    1. silvally-dragon
    2. necrozma-ultra
    3. milotic
    4. zoroark-soda
    5. dreepy
    6. mewtwo-ambyssin
    7. vulpix-ambyssin
    Bahamut had received a summons through his badge, which wasn't just rare, it was a complete oddity. And the location in the forest made him briefly consider that Mellow had flown into a panic over what happened with the moon mission.

    But the second he detected an aura and realized who it belonged to, he turned around. "Whatever you're interested in, I can't help you."
    R13 – Lost in the White – Brisa & Astrid
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    "Ms. Ninetales Cucumber? I'm afraid she's already been discharged. Against medical advice, but we're used to that from her."

    "Yeah. Same here. Thank ye kindly, ma'am. Any idea where she went?"

    "Well, not as such, but she only left moments ago. I'm sure if you contacted her on her badge, she wouldn't be far—"

    "Much obliged."

    Brisa left the infirmary at a lope, nose flaring. Enough of this, already. Please. She picked up Astrid's scent at once, and followed it through town at a careful dash, heading north. The pines, no doubt. She lost the trail amongst the mess of people, but sprinting to the edge of the pines and hunting around again let her find it again quickly enough.

    Brisa followed it as best she could until she lost it in the snow, panting, both hot and cold, frustrated, worried, angry. Fuck.

    Astrid, where are you?
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