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Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Hmm..." Truffle brought a wing under his beak. "Perhaps we can try first to see how far you can go before you feel you will lose yourself. One aspect of Radiance that you must be careful about is the energy it instills within your mind. Mania. Overconfidence. That, in itself, can lead you to using even more Radiance--far too much Radiance, in fact. That is what happened to several of your friends."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Before I feel I’ll lose myself…?” Astrid echoed.

—it’s like you think you can do and say whatever you want to people!”

It would be okay. The feeling was familiar to her, and Truffle was here this time. He knew Radiance. It would be okay.

She focused on the light around her—a little trick she’d discovered but hadn’t properly named or understood. Bits and pieces of her mundane aura blended with the overpowering Radiance to form sparkles and diamonds. They danced around her, coalescing around her outstretched paw, before rocketing forward with a dismissive flick. The attack met an innocent tree only a few feet away, crystallizing on the bark and forming ice where there was none before.

She’d done that technique more times than she could count. It was one of her favorites, so, of course, she did it again. And again. And a fourth time—hey, nice! She was feeling fantastic! There wouldn’t have been nearly this much air in her lungs if she’d done this upon first arriving in Cibus. Only problem was the taste of something burning. Her tongue felt kinda funny, too. Kinda like she’d eaten something really dry. Also, she was glowing.

“I feel like I can still attack,” she said, “like I can still control it. But it’s—” Images flashed through her mind. Urges and temptations nipped at her toes, stuff that wasn’t normally there. She felt drunk and sober all at once. “—there’s a lot going on. How do I…?”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Truffle spoke calmly with each attack, his voice even though his eyes were sharp. "You cannot," Truffle said simply. "I can see it. Your body is too unstable. Stop what you are doing, focus on the ground, and breathe. My personal exercise is to think of serene, forest trees disturbed only by the wind. Perhaps for you, consider slow snowfall on a fine winter's night..."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Following orders was no simple task. Four Radiant attacks had been her magic number thus far; a fifth would surely make her burst. She wanted to avoid that, of course, but a brand new urge—the most potent yet—had revealed itself:

She could push herself further, she reasoned. Yes, yes, just a bit further. She might not be able to handle it, but what if she could? It was one hell of an itch.

No. No. Eyes on the ground. Breathe. She relaxed her muscles, gently swaying back and forth on her paws. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and threatened to throw off her rhythm, but her breathing remained steady enough to maintain control. She conjured images of white fields, of tundras and taigas and mountains and snow. Of clear night skies and blankets of frost. Any sight she’d stopped for too long to marvel at was recalled upon. Anything that made her appreciate the hidden beauties of her world, and perhaps this one.

“I-I think… it’s working?” Astrid mumbled, eyes squeezed shut. She hadn’t exploded yet, at least. “Truffle? It’s hard to tell.”
Last edited:


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
She was doing her best. More white landscapes sprinkled across her imagination, bringing old memories along for the ride. They were quickly shelved—this was a bad time to dwell on her upbringing—but one figure from deep within her would not leave her alone.

A voice rang in her ears, numbingly familiar.

‘Do I know you?’

‘Your name is… Astrid, right?’

“Wha—” Her eyes flung wide open and remained that way. What was—?!

Directly behind her, a dark haze oozed out of her bag and began to coalesce in the grass. Unaware, she rubbed at her temples and continued to focus on breathing. “S-sorry. Just, um. I’ll just keep going then.”


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid popped her jaw and turned her head halfway. Had someone walked up? She caught sight of something white—Icetales, maybe?—and completed her turn. She didn’t want to concern anyone.

“…That is your name, right?”

The world’s rotation stopped on her behalf, or so it seemed. It was incredible how quickly she forgot about the Radiance, Truffle, or the pines. It was all irrelevant, all from another era. She was back now. Back on the mountain.

Her brother stepped closer. His paw tentative, uncertain. Caring? Deceptive. “I think I know you from somewhere and why are you doing that—hey!”

Astrid’s nose was inching towards the dirt at an exponential rate. No. No. She cursed at Diyem, not expecting a response. Why did you bring him here? Why did you bring him here? How could you have possibly—

White splashed across her vision as the descent met its end. Her face rested upon the grass in an unexpectedly comfortable position. Sparkles of colors flashed here and there, but for the most part she simply didn’t use her (closed) eyes at all, ceding instead to the noise.

Somehow. Some way. That bastard was the one whose memory had never grown hazy. Her parents? They had faces, but that was it: just faces. The others? Some of them were a little clearer, maybe because of a funny thing they’d said when she was a kit. As for the rest, she could barely remember their names. But it was Myles that was delivered to her now in Cibus, and it was Myles that looked and talked exactly like she’d remembered. The briefest of eye contact was all it took to read him, too. She’d caught it, somewhere in his eye—did she not? She had! She was sure of it. That condescending glare. It was him.

A breath clawed its way into her lungs. Well deserved… kind of. She was the one who’d fallen on her face, and in realizing as much, fought to stand up. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I—” just fucking fainted, “—I-I’m good. I’m… good.” She refused to look up.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Truffle had descended upon her and made sure she did not hit anything too hard, even if the fainting spell itself was low to the ground thanks to her stature.

"Goodness," Truffle said, gently swooping down over Astrid. "This can't be good... ah, and your name, if I may ask? I suspect you are the Shade from before..."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“My name… is…”

He hesitated, and his eyes professed that he could not finish.

Astrid needed to know how real this was. Fortunately, a better look this time revealed some interesting details: Myles was translucent, his body made up of a black haze that seemed unsure of its own shape at times. He was like a hologram, but real enough to speak and make facial expressions that Astrid knew were genuine.

“Heck. I don’t know what my name is. That’s crazy,” he said finally. “…I know yours though. Astrid.”

Quiet, she spoke. “Yes. That’s my name.”

When it became obvious she wasn’t going to follow up, he pressed harder. “I’ve met you before. I’m sure of it. Somewhere with a lot of snow, I think.”

He could be lying, Astrid mused silently. He could’ve projected his spirit here somehow to chase me. Anything is possible at this point.

She shoved herself to her feet. During all of that, she’d suppressed her Radiance almost entirely. Go figure that it would be an instinctual thing. She’d have to worry about that later. “Th-thanks Truffle. I really appreciate your help, and I’ll make sure to practice a lot. I need to, um, head back to town soon.”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Truffle was unconvinced, but he also didn't press. "If you ever have need of me, feel free to contact me on my badge, yes?" It was the least he could offer after seeing what had just happened. The strong reaction, the evasion, Truffle could only assume it was a replica of a relative. Someone deceased, or someone she hadn't gotten along with. He couldn't imagine what that would be like, to see someone after so long again... Though Truffle imagined he would have been a lot happier. "Take care."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid gave a curt nod and made haste back to town.

Myles placed himself at her back on the right side, close enough to talk condescendingly in her ear but far enough to see her other side and pretend to protect her. Whatever. She’d just have to walk fast.

“I think I’m supposed to follow you,” he said.

“You’re welcome to.”

Of course you want to follow me, Astrid didn’t also say. She just wanted to go get this checked out so that nothing bad happened to Stoney (unfortunately for her, she’d missed Truffle’s earlier comment during her brief stupor). The Ultra Stone was inside of Myles after all, she reasoned further. That meant Stoney had to be somewhere in there still. Hopefully the poor little guy was doing okay…

R7: Bahamut's just standing there... menacingly!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut stood in the center of a swathe of pine trees stripped bare of their needles. Fierce, bone-chilling winds whirled around him, buffeting his sides with ice and sleet and threatening to snap his prismatic arms off their joints. Dead pine needles plinked off his metal hide and armored forehead. All the while, Bahamut stood still, eyes shut while his core pulsated with light.

It had taken a lot of willpower not to snap at the teammates that were oh so eager for a rematch with the buffoons that had actively tried to kill them. It wasn't like Bahamut could blame their actions on corruptive forces. Sure, they had radiance, but that power didn't cause the same vicious, killer intent the shadows did. And the way the puppy spoke to them afterward suggested he was well aware of what he was doing. No second battle would lead to some heart to heart revelation. And as far as Bahamut was concerned, he was pretty sure his teammates considered him heartless anyway.

... excusing the fact that he was literally heartless in his normal body.

So, while everyone scurried off to recover for the rematch, he had asked for a small-scale but vicious storm to be conjured away from the city. And so, here he was. Trying to get power the proper way. Against nature. Against the elements.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
The day after the battle at the Great Canyon Pleo found himself inside the pine forest north of Destiny Village. With winter approaching Cabot had become increasingly hesitant to go outside, leaving Pleo to look around Destiny Village on his own. With how safe the town was, there wasn't any harm in the two splitting up after all.

A strange storm outside of town piqued Pleo's curiosity, which had prompted him to go into the woods to investigate, where he eventually came across Bahamut. The young Lugia blinked in surprise upon seeing someone from the team just standing here by himself, before warily approaching him.

"You're... Bahamut, right?" he asked. "Are you doing okay?"


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut opened his eyes and saw an outline through the frosty air. In turn, his eyes would shine like beacons from the middle of the storm. "I'm fine."

Well, ice had gathered around his metal paws, but that was probably okay. He couldn't get frostbite or anything, right?

"If you're here to ask me about that Colosseum battle, the answer is still no. I will not indulge that haughty green noodle."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
“Yes. But that’s the point.” Bahamut’s core was a dull gray. “I’m training. Trying to tap into the power I lost when I was given this temporary body.

“Multiple team members have tried to convince me to fight. I got tired of it. Gave my badge to Esper and set him loose on the city.”


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"By enduring the pain brought on by this storm," Bahamut said through gritted teeth. "Strength is grown by testing yourself against nature's fiercest elements."
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