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Errant Sword [KtK RP Thread; Mission 1]

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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Temsik hesitated, then their horn shone with the power of a Disable. They fired it at Keldeo, sealing the move Smart Strike.

"We won't be using the move Knock Off, then," Breve said, getting into position.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Nori is very happy to get off the raft, hurrying off it just like before. After huffing to catch his breath (and Pachi giving comfort), they set back out.

Then they start to reach the top, and that’s when Nori begins to lock up. He carefully extends a foot and feels around. That was water all right. He should’ve known. Of course a Water-type would have a watery field. It’s not much, but it’s still a lot! Why did he come here?! What if he tripped, fell down, hurt himself, and couldn’t get up?! Or what if there were secret deeper patches here?!

He doesn’t run or fall back, though. “No, no, Nori. Keep moving,” he says to himself. “It’s just...it’s not that much.” Slowly, one step at a time, not even lifting his feet enough to pull them out of the water, while testing to see that each next step was going to be solid. Pachi, for his part, is wading through at around the same pace.

As they start to get closer, something snaps in the boy and he begins to hyperventilate. “I’m sorry! I need a moment! I--” But it’s too late. He locks up as their foe makes himself known. No escape. He holds his breath.

Then the conversation begins. Keldeo...

...sounded cool, unbothered.

An edge

He tosses his head and stamps a hoof on the watery ground.
...wait, what? This was what they were dealing with? Nori wasn't sure what he was expecting. Maybe something to do with those crystals. But not this.

Is that a sneer in his voice?

How very honorable.” At this, he smirks, as if amused by the notion instead of truly angry.

I shall only use three moves, and so shall you.

“My moves shall be my Sacred Sword, Swords Dance and my Aqua Jet. What say you?”
He gradually relaxes as the Pokemon speaks. His ears weren't playing tricks on him. That was a ridiculously formal way of speaking. He knew. He had a habit of doing that when trying to make speeches sometimes. For a different reason, but...

Her words had perhaps gotten under his skin, just a tiny bit.

I am only trying to give you a fair chance.

Something dark, like frustration or disgust, seemed to simmer inside Keldeo's gaze
Some of his words clearly point towards one of two things. Maybe he really was like the monkeys. But...could it also be an ego thing?

you mortals

I will play your little game

there was a bite to his voice

clearly irritated by her conviction that he needed help.

little mortal

Keldeo shook his head in mock sadness.
And then Nori abruptly bursts into uncontrolled laughter. It's so hard and loud, he actually wheezes a little.

“Okay, I was NOT expecting this horse-thing to act so edgy!” Nori guffawed as he finally gets a little control, still holding his stomach. He could walk down any hallway in his junior high school and find about four different people all acting just like this! He breathes in and out. Then he puts a hand on his hips and leans forward with a big goofy grin. “Hey? One youth to another? You’re trying way too hard to look tough and cool. No one here’s impressed. Just cut it out and be yourself,” he casually (not caustically) addresses, especially with the last sentence.

Okay, Shou’an acting authoritative was one thing. But this was too much! Keldeo really was changed, and in the most ridiculous possible way! “I’m sorry, I need a moment,” he says again, in a far different tone than before. Then he just walks off, not even noticing his phobia anymore. His giggling is still audible for a short while after. He had been uneasy from a few centimeters of water, but he boldly laughed right in a Legendary’s face. The duality of man.

“Um.” But Pachi is still here. The little squirrel carefully steps forward - he was small enough for even this much water to slightly restrict his movement. “Sorry, he’ll be back! He’s not usually like this!” The squirrel bows a little since he saw people doing that when they were apologizing. “But um, Keldeo?” He has a bit of difficulty sounding out the name. “I’m not sure what the point of three moves is when it comes to honor. I could try it, I guess. But if your other rule is no healing, then I can’t do that. Like, can’t at all. I heal whenever I get hit with electricity! It’ll be hard not to accidentally. There’s others who use it and it can go through the water, and it even works with my own like that.” It was like trading move energy for regular energy. He splashes around a little. Was his fur looking okay? It was hard to move around in all this water.

“But I can just sit by and watch if you want!” He wags his tail and flashes a compassionate smile. It’s clear he’s only offering this out of kindness so the terms can be properly agreed to. Truth be told, he wanted to fight a Legendary! Demon would be so jealous! His cheeks crackle with anticipation. Please say ‘no, go ahead and fight!’ is basically what he’s thinking. But if Keldeo didn’t want him to fight because he could be healed, that was okay too!
Last edited:


  1. sableye
His dark blue horn is but a jagged stump. In its place, Keldeo wields a sleek, wicked looking purple blade. Poison oozes from the tip and it gives off an unsettling aura.

Keldeo was not at all what Kirsten imagined. She'd envisioned some kind of water-based swordsman, not a... shaggy purple unicorn. Still, a pokemon is a pokemon, so she knew to be wary. She spotted the poison-coated horn and immediately took note of the poison seeping from it. Drapion had an edge there, at least... rare was the poison that could infect her team.

“Let us spar honorably, on equal footing. I shall only use three moves, and so shall you. No healing during combat, we fight until one side has lost their will to go on. Does this sound fair?”

And suspecting poison-typing meant that cross poison wasn't going to be super helpful here, either, assuming Keldeo was part poison-type. She stepped forward, Drapion by her side, pincers clacking together as though issuing his own challenge.

"Your concept of honor may differ from mine, and that may differ from his-" she gestured to Nate "-and so on. If your concept of honor is chaining restrictions on your challengers, so be it. I'm a champion where I come from, and my honor compels me to accept your challenge." Drapion, too, grunted his acceptance. Easy battles were boring; a challenge to him was just another Tuesday. "Night slash, pin missile, agility. We won't need anything else."

A dark-type affinity move, a ranged attack, and mobility. Good, wide variety.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
“Okay, I was NOT expecting this horse-thing to act so edgy!” Nori guffawed as he finally gets a little control, still holding his stomach. He could walk down any hallway in his junior high school and find about four different people all acting just like this! He breathes in and out. Then he puts a hand on his hips and leans forward with a big goofy grin. “Hey? One youth to another? You’re trying way too hard to look tough and cool. No one here’s impressed. Just cut it out and be yourself,”
“I’m not sure what the point of three moves is when it comes to honor. I could try it, I guess. But if your other rule is no healing, then I can’t do that. Like, can’t at all. I heal whenever I get hit with electricity! It’ll be hard not to accidentally.
Keldeo's eyes narrowed at Nori's words, looking unimpressed. "Is that so? I believe you will shortly have a chance to experience my edge for yourself then." Cold, unaffected. Or maybe, a cover for his annoyance?

"Healing items will be restricted then, but I do not consider that the same as a pokemons natural healing. I look forward to seeing the strength of your spark." Or perhaps more accurately, he was looking forward to besting the Pachirisu. Either way, the healing issue didn't bother him.

"Your concept of honor may differ from mine, and that may differ from his-" she gestured to Nate "-and so on. If your concept of honor is chaining restrictions on your challengers, so be it. I'm a champion where I come from, and my honor compels me to accept your challenge." Drapion, too, grunted his acceptance. Easy battles were boring; a challenge to him was just another Tuesday. "Night slash, pin missile, agility. We won't need anything else."

A dark-type affinity move, a ranged attack, and mobility. Good, wide variety.
"Indeed, it seems like many of you are convinced of your own positions of honor. And you all have such a strong opinion of honor. Besting me in a fair fight will be an easy feat then." He swept his gaze across the group challengingly before returning to stare at Drapion. He tipped his horn slightly, angling it at Drapion in a challenge. "Let us cross our blades, bug, and see whose strike and honor is stronger."
This world has only two people. Those who prove victorious, and those who cannot."
Shou'an appreciated the respect that had been given to him from the Keldeo, and he considered his words carefully before replying. He saw Keldeo as young and naive (or, at the very least, more young and naive than himself), eager to prove his power to the world, to himself.

"Of course that is true; that up to a certain point, strength is everything. After all, that is what allows you to hunt and eat. But you are a Legendary; you have enough strength that you would ever want or need, granted to you from Up Above. You can easily defeat any one, or even two, of the Pokemon here, save for perhaps myself and Yidawang. And at that point, you shouldn't be thinking of strength. You should hone it, of course, as a preventative measure against invaders, but your focus should be to be a good person, to be honourable, to be a good example to those you lead."

He paused once again, for emphasis as well as giving the Keldeo some time to consider his words.

"Of course, you still seem eager for a fight. Perhaps you don't believe enough in yourself. And that is perfectly fine; we can have a show match. My moves will be Calm Mind, Dragon Claw and Lustre Purge."

He flew forward, stretching a paw toward the Keldeo.

"Let's shake hands before we fight."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"As for you, fae." Keldeo whirled and locked eyes with Codex, clearly irritated by her conviction that he needed help. "Believe what you wish about me. It is but one opinion, founded on your own experience. We shall see your mettle. And who is truly in need of help."
Codex rolled their eyes. “There’s something broken festering in your heart. That’s really not a matter of opinion. It’s an observation based on the most accurate sense I have. You’d just as well try to convince me of the subjectivity of the sun’s warmth, or that the salinity of a sea breeze is beholden to belief.”

The nauseating quality of Keldeo’s presence in their faesense felt like it was pressing in on their head, but they forced a casual presentation, shrugging coldly.

“If natural healing’s no bother to you, I’m keeping Heal Pulse. Draining Kiss can go. Just in case whatever blight’s taken your spirit is contagious should I drain it. And given you seem to be… dripping poison. Not keen on having to avoid touching that with my fangs.”


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Josie stopped for a moment, staring at everyone in disbelief. "Are you guys seriously gonna play by his rules? Come on! You know that this makes no sense!" She was now glaring as she started to speak quickly and hop a few times in anger. "This is a fight, and there's no honor or dishonor here! We don't have to restrict ourselves by using only three of our attacks and then saying what we're gonna do out loud! We're here to save Keldeo; why do we have to listen to him when Mantine clearly said he's not acting like himself!?"
"Healing items will be restricted then, but I do not consider that the same as a pokemons natural healing. I look forward to seeing the strength of your spark."
She stared at Pachi, flabbergasted. "Buh... Wuh... Dang it, look what you did!"

She took a moment to breath and calm herself. It was best to think with a clear head. "Okay, I think I ran my mouth long enough. Just break the rules and let's finish this quickly." She shoots her Electroweb directly at Keldeo's legs, hoping to slow him down and give the team an advantage.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
You should hone it, of course, as a preventative measure against invaders, but your focus should be to be a good person, to be honourable, to be a good example to those you lead."
"Is that so?" He tipped his head, evaluating Shou'an and his words, looking more like one studying an insect than giving weight to it.
He flew forward, stretching a paw toward the Keldeo.

"Let's shake hands before we fight."
Keldeo smirked. "I agree, that seems the fair thing to do." He reached out a hoof, a menacing gleam in his eyes... and shook Shou'an's paw without any further incident.

“There’s something broken festering in your heart. That’s really not a matter of opinion. It’s an observation based on the most accurate sense I have. You’d just as well try to convince me of the subjectivity of the sun’s warmth, or that the salinity of a sea breeze is beholden to belief.”

The nauseating quality of Keldeo’s presence in their faesense felt like it was pressing in on their head, but they forced a casual presentation, shrugging coldly.

“If natural healing’s no bother to you, I’m keeping Heal Pulse. Draining Kiss can go. Just in case whatever blight’s taken your spirit is contagious should I drain it. And given you seem to be… dripping poison. Not keen on having to avoid touching that with my fangs.”
Sourness overtook Keldeo. He gazed at Codex with a steely look. "It's no bother to me fae. I appreciate your forthrightness and honor."

Are you guys seriously gonna play by his rules? Come on! You know that this makes no sense!" She was now glaring as she started to speak quickly and hop a few times in anger. "This is a fight, and there's no honor or dishonor here!
At that a genuine smile of satisfaction came across Keldeo's face.
She shoots her Electroweb directly at Keldeo's legs, hoping to slow him down and give the team an advantage.
It remained, even as Jojo jumped to the offensive. The attack caught him, but only for a moment. Keldeo sprang nimbly backwards, dancing across the water.

His voice rang across the watery battlefield. A pressure radiated through the misty air. "Ah hah! Inevitable. Everyone abandons their honor eventually." Deep satisfaction thrummed through him and he seemed liven up. Dark aura flared around his horn as he took up a battle stance.

"I see you are eager to strike first. Then by all means! Show me your honor!"

Resolve: Overflowing~
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Keldeo's eyes narrowed at Nori's words, looking unimpressed. "Is that so? I believe you will shortly have a chance to experience my edge for yourself then." Cold, unaffected. Or maybe, a cover for his annoyance?
"Try not to cut yourself!" Nori fires back as he leaves to compose himself. He's certainly having a little fun. Though, he knows he needs to gather his thoughts. "Be right back. Stay sharp until then!"
"Healing items will be restricted then, but I do not consider that the same as a pokemons natural healing. I look forward to seeing the strength of your spark." Or perhaps more accurately, he was looking forward to besting the Pachirisu. Either way, the healing issue didn't bother him.
"Thank you!" says Pachi, clapping his hands. "I may not be as good as Demon, but I promise, I won't let you down! Let's see here--" But then Josie jumps the gun. He says nothing at this, simply standing ready to see what everyone else is going to do.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Pixels gave the corrupted Legend an uneasy glance. Legendaries weren't something she had fond memories of. Her world's history had been some of the darkest time Pokémon-kind had faced; the extinction of humanity, the centuries long gap of nature trying to heal itself and the horrific ferals. There were old stories, incredibly old stories where the books that were preserved held nought but tattered bits of paper and information. Most Pokémon her age only knew of them because of her parents, they were alive when humanity still walked the land. The stories always spoke of a Legend's power, their incredible miracles and connection to reality, how their strength was incomprehensible to the average person. Yet despite their supposed power, they'd done nothing to help nor heal the pain her world had gone through.

She had met a Legend before, or Legend-like as June put it. But despite them not being native to her world, she couldn't help but think of them with disdain. It didn't help that she still flinched whenever she recalled the memory of them wanting to turn her into–

She tugged the scarf around her neck, the sensation bringing her back to reality as she listened in on their discussions. This was an honorable or used-to-be honorable Legend? This 'Keldeo' looked to be as much of a jerk as that Pheromosa, looking down on them like they weren't worth anything. Pixels shifted her legs, her expression creased into a nervous grimace. If only Evie was here, she'd beat him up without breaking a sweat.

She could feel her stomach churn in worry as the others spoke and when the little Joltik launched an attack, it surprised her. A little Joltik was facing up against a Legend without fear nor hesitance and yet here she was, nervous and fearful before the battle even started. The little act of violence was enough to snap her out of her spiralling thoughts.

If such a little Pokémon could do it, then she could too!

Chanelling a bit of the etiquette ingrained since her youth and adding a bit of dramatic flair she learned from a friend, she took a stance and shouted, "I'm Pixels and by my honor and pride as the princess of the Fire Kingdom, I'll show you how the fair and just will triump over your barbaric and condescending nature!" A grin took over her face as a hard and powerful determination ran true in her eyes. "So I'll abide by your rules, Corrupted Keldeo and challenge you to
an honorable duel using three of my moves."

Her chosen moves remained unsaid though. As knowledge was power after all, and she needed all the advantage she could get against a Legend.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Seeing that the battle had begun, Nova bolted away from the group and to the of the left of Keldeo.
“Hey tall, dark and noxious, over here!” Nova shouted, making an attack with Hyper Voice to make an opening. The Eevee was ready to try and dodge with quick attack if she thought she might take a big hit.


Abscission Ascendant
"Nate," Mightyena said to her damp trainer, who was now lying face-down on the shore instead of on the mantine's back. "You have to get up. It's starting!"

"Yeah," Nate said into the crystalline ground under him. "Working on it."

Mightyena paced back and forth around him, now and again nudging him with her snout. Keldeo's voice rang out through the fog, wild with some crazed delight. Mightyena redoubled her efforts. "Nate!"

"...was going fine until we hit that fucking storm or whatever..." Nate pushed himself up to his hands and knees, then stayed there, squeezing his eyes shut.

A horrible pressure fell over the island, and Nate gasped, bending still more beneath it. Even Mightyena's anxious movement ceased a moment. Then she was back at Nate's side, pushing him up with her shoulder. "We have to go! They're already attacking."

"Fuck. Fuck, I know, I'm--" He had to move. This was the entire fucking reason for them to come here in the first place, wasn't it? They couldn't just... sit on the sidelines and let whatever happened with Keldeo happen. Nate took a deep breath, braced himself, then forced himself back to his feet in one sudden motion.

It almost didn't stick. For a moment, Nate teetered. But Mightyena pressed up against his side, and if anything the weird dark aura in the air almost gave him something to balance against, something to push back at that kept him from overbalancing. After a couple seconds, Nate nodded at Mightyena. "Okay. Yeah. You go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Mightyena gave him a skeptical look, but if anything Nate was used to battling while he felt half-dead. He was probably better off now than usual. "I will," she said, and gave his hand a last quick lick for good luck. Then she tapped the aegislash she'd left lying nearby.

"Hey! I thought I could carry you with me, but it sounds like Keldeo would probably think that's dishonorable somehow. Plus... I think I might need to talk in this fight. But you can still fight beside me. Come on!" She turned and sprinted across the battlefield. "Keldeo, Keldeo!" she called. "Remember us? Clink brought us here to see you!"

"That's right," Nate said, with a small wave that he immediately felt must have been stupid. He wavered a little on his feet, but steadied himself after a moment. "Long time, no see. What happened to you, huh? That's a hell of a new look you've got going on there."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A horrible pressure fell over the island, and Nate gasped, bending still more beneath it. Even Mightyena's anxious movement ceased a moment. Then she was back at Nate's side, pushing him up with her shoulder. "We have to go! They're already attacking."

"Fuck. Fuck, I know, I'm--" He had to move. This was the entire fucking reason for them to come here in the first place, wasn't it? They couldn't just... sit on the sidelines and let whatever happened with Keldeo happen. Nate took a deep breath, braced himself, then forced himself back to his feet in one sudden motion.
You know, given this delay on their behalf? Since they’d logically pass him by before the rest of the post, they would see a certain young male with chestnut hair and red eyes sort of sauntering around away from the battlefield. He would see them too, and seeing how wobbly Nate is, would gasp and rush over without a second thought.

“Dude, you all right?” Nori asks Nate with a look of concern in his eyes. It’d probably be a brief interaction, and he wouldn’t come with them.


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
As Sada spoke, a dark look entered Keldeo's gaze, and he tensed, his very aura seeming to flare in response to the Winged King's challenge. He didn't seem afraid, but nor did he dismiss it entirely. Sada however, quickly commanded more of his attention as he picked his way across the battlefield, closer to her. Still many yards away, he stopped.

"Is that so? I see you are confident in your own so-called honor." He spoke now through gritted teeth. Her words had perhaps gotten under his skin, just a tiny bit. "Is it not honorable to be fair and equal, human who carries a spear? I am only trying to give you a fair chance. You can see my blade, know my moves..." He sniffed, projecting disdain, then turned away. "But very well, I cannot compell you to behave in an honorable manner. You only disservice yourself." Somehow he did not sound very convincing himself, more like he was reciting something he did not believe.
Sada tensed slightly when the creature seemed to approach her in particular, getting into a battle stance of her own: knees bent, slightly crouched forward, spear held firmly with both hands, ready to jab forward or raise it to protect herself.

« There is no "giving me a fair chance". We humans are weak. Really weak. I know that. We can't command the elements and other wondrous powers like you c- like "Pokémon" do. If we really wanted to fight "fairly", you would have to do so without using your powers at all- and even then, you would still be stronger than me and my single spear. So don't mock me with your idea of a "fair" fight.» she swallowed, and threw a glance at Winged King, who growled and moved closer to partially cover her from Keldeo's sight.

« Fighting is never "fair" or honourable. Not for me, in the world I come from. Not if I want to survive another day. » she hissed.

That was the only way humans could survive in her world, the only way of living she knew. Humans didn't have any natural weapons like Pokémon did, so they made them.
They built tools and weapons. The one thing that only humans could do.
In a way, by Keldeo's ideals, wasn't that dishonourable too? But what else was she supposed to do?
Her mind was her only true weapon, and that was what she was going to fight him with. She stepped back to watch the beginning of the fight, letting the red dragon cover her.

Winged King spread his feathers out as much as he could as he prepared for battle. His heartbeat quickened as his very blood boiled in anticipation, his draconic and fighting instincts wanting nothing more but to rush forward and engage his opponent. People and Pokémon nearby would have probably felt heat start coming off him in waves by how worked up his entire body was, invigorating both himself and any fire type move used nearby.
He needed more! More power! He roared and raised his right paw, clenching it in a clawed fist and driving it down towards the ground below. The ground... Didn't exactly split in two like he claimed he did, but it sure cracked, with three great fragments of earth raising through the air to fly towards Keldeo, infused with pure Ancient Power.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“Funny. I don’t think I’ve ever been called honourable before. Really more common of a concept in martial cultures. My types tend to operate more under rationale and rules…”

Codex picked themself up telepathically and moved near Winged King. His radiant warmth wasn’t ideal for keeping their membrane hydrated, but they had bigger concerns at the moment.

“But the name doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s like spirit, aura, soul, life-force, qi— just different understandings of the same core concept:”

They flicked of their tendril, and a few spectral flames, more akin to a will-o-wisp than an ember. Maintaining spheres of influence with such inefficiency as psychic power that nearly their entire energetic load could sublimate into pure heat and light without the influence outright collapsing was a tricky thing to get a hang of, but fire was an essential tool for any recon team, so Codex was quite familiar with the trick. They were, however, pleasantly surprised with how readily it reacted with Winged King’s own heat signature, refracting it into more incandescent flame.

“The ability of all thinking things to understand and cooperate with each other.”

A glowing flame they launched towards Keldeo’s eyes to cover the timing of King’s attack, hoping it would take to disrupting his vision as readily as his aura.

“And there is only one person here incapable of that right now.”


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"Honor is found within yourself, is it not? You tell me." There was a needling challenge under his veneer of lightheartedness. He meant to provoke, it seemed, more than seek a true answer.
The conversation moved on before Samson could get a word in, but he wanted to speak his mind aloud for his own sake. "I act according to my conscience and the teachings of Arceus. I don't care about 'honor' - I care about doing the right thing."

Then the battle began. Samson quickly downed his blue berry and assessed the situation.

Well... I don't really know what to do other than to just rush him, he thought. I just hope getting hit won't hurt too much.

He ran for Keldeo, charging up his fist with electricity, and attempted to punch him. He aimed for the body instead of the face. Punching someone in the face didn't feel right even if pokémon did it all the time.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The sun over her head intensified along with her emotions. Her heart pumped fiercely, the prospect of a battle brought a rush that overwhelmed the fear and apprehension. A grin stretched across her cheeks as she took a stance. "Alright, Keldeo! I'll show you how the fair and just will beat your dishonourable methods!

She felt a foreign heat wash over her, further invigorating her. Pixels glanced to the side. The big dragon was launching an attack, was he the one giving off that heat?

An idea popped into her head and she ran towards him. The Drought overhead and the added heat should hopefully boost her flames to a level well above her own... and maybe it could buff his strength even further as well?

"Alright, big guy. I got your back. Let's set this guy on fire!"

She tilted her head and opened her mouth, launching a stream of flames at the Legend, if one were keen enough they would notice a tinge of purple hiding within the intense oranges and reds.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Josie looked at everything that had happened so far. The heat irradiating from Koraidon was gonna be a big help with weakening Keldeo’s water attacks, but maybe using fire against him wasn’t the best move. There were many Psychic-types, too, so they had an advantage. Oh, hold on.

“I just realized something. I know, it’s already obvious, but we’re fighting you not in a one-on-one battle, but one-against-everyone. We’re all working together to save you, Keldeo. Doesn’t that make you feel lonely? Besides, there’s a lot of honor in trusting someone else. …Even if we just met. Anyway, please, just stop this nonsense and let us save you!”

After shouting those last words in desperation, she charged up a Volt Ball and threw it right towards Keldeo’s face with a front leg.


  1. sableye
"Indeed, it seems like many of you are convinced of your own positions of honor. And you all have such a strong opinion of honor. Besting me in a fair fight will be an easy feat then." He swept his gaze across the group challengingly before returning to stare at Drapion. He tipped his horn slightly, angling it at Drapion in a challenge. "Let us cross our blades, bug, and see whose strike and honor is stronger."

Drapion let out a mighty roar in reply. He held his ground, waiting on the order from his trainer, but he vibrated with anticipation, his feet pawing and stomping at the ground like an excited dog waiting to be told they could claim a treat.

Meanwhile, Kirsten crossed her arms, grinning for the first time since arriving. Solving a mystery, well, the rest of the party did the heavy lifting here, for the most part, and for that, she was grateful. But this? This was the easy part. Battling, she could do.

"Let's just say that I have some experience taking on someone of your caliber," she responded calmly. "Drapion? Go. Charge him and pin him down!"

Drapion understood her order, having executed this strategy numerous times. The moment she urged him on, the bug surged forwards with agility. He wasn't blindingly fast, but for a creature of his size, it was still surprising. Catching sight of the battlefield and aware of the multiple combatants, he didn't charge straight for Keldeo, instead running in a wide, zig-zagging arc, creeping ever closer.

As he moved, he launched pin missiles in Keldeo's direction. Most were not aimed directly at the legend, but just in the general area, trying to limit where Keldeo could move to dodge - and, hopefully, allowing his trainer to predict where Keldeo would go among the chaos of other moves being thrown his way. Should they predict correctly, Drapion would finally close the gap and last out at Keldeo, claws glowing with the dark aura of night slash.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Pachi glances behind himself. Where was Nori? That sleepy guy and his trainer should’ve passed him, shouldn’t they? His friend was holding the berry. So Pachi would just have to do without it for now.

“Okay, I think I’m ready!” the squirrel declares. He’d just prep the one move and think the rest up when Nori comes along. “I was born in a Pokemon Gym. I dunno much about honor, but I know about rules. And I think formal battles are about everyone having fun and doing their best! I hope you can enjoy this too!” He says this so innocently, yet not naively.

It felt like the sun was shining down on his fur, somehow! He liked that sensation. With a toothy grin to the one responsible, he runs to the middle, in between those heading in up close and the ones shooting from afar. His cheeks crackle. While he does not actually attack, if Keldeo tried to advance to their back line (or himself), that would be when he unleashes a Discharge. His reaction speed and water conduction should be enough even to catch an Aqua Jet.
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