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Errant Sword [KtK RP Thread; Mission 1]

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Keldeo, Keldeo!" she called. "Remember us? Clink brought us here to see you!"

"That's right," Nate said, with a small wave that he immediately felt must have been stupid. He wavered a little on his feet, but steadied himself after a moment. "Long time, no see. What happened to you, huh? That's a hell of a new look you've got going on there.
As Keldeo skated around the battlefield, making himself a constantly moving target, he seemed to stumble ever so slightly at the sight of the man and Mightyena. He paused, his gaze lingering on the pair. His brow briefly furrowed... It seemed he ddn't want to recognize them. Shaking his head as if trying to rid himself of the doubt and confusion, he took off again.

Keldeo's Resolve wavered ever so slightly!

"I act according to my conscience and the teachings of Arceus. I don't care about 'honor' - I care about doing the right thing."
Samson's attack came swift. Perhaps the instincts of his pokemon body were awakening... The blow glanced off Keldeo's body. "And invading my home and ganging up on me is right?" he cried. A taunting gleam shone in his eyes as he called to Samson. Clearly an effort to take a dig at him and make him feel bad. "Are you superior for not trying to strike me head on?" So he'd managed to glean Samson's intent in not hitting Keldeo right in the face.

A moment later, Nova's cry made him flinch as it battered at his more sensitive equine hearing. Red energy surged around his horn and it lengthened. With terrifying speed he lunged for Nova. The blow almost certainly would have struck true if not for her use of Quick Attack. Instead, it merely grazed the Eevee. The blow stung, but the worst of it was averted. This time.

Keldeo's attention shifted from the Eevee and to Sada, as she called out to him. He seemed torn between smug delight and annoyance at her words. "At least you recognize the world for what is." Under his glee, there was a sort of bitterness. "Unfair. Should I lower myself to your level then? What will you do when there is no fair fight to be had? Cheat?" A challenge. And a taunt, as if he wanted to see her try something truly underhanded.

Keldeo's Resolve wavers at the questioning! It may be easier now to lower if pressed...

He lowered his horn to charge, only to hesitate as that abominabe dragon moved to shield her. With a snort, he pawed the ground, then burst forward, water spraying from his hooves as he sped toward him with Aqua Jet. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the fae and fox preparing flames. As if. Flames couldn't touch a master of the water as himself.

A blazing fireball from Pixels and Codex, flames stoked to an inferno by the energy radiated by Winged King, crashed into him midstep. The force and light in his face made him stumble. Winged King's Ancient Power slammed into him full force a half second later. The rocks battered him. Horn aglow with red light, he swung his head and shattered the boulders. He looked pissed. And the fur on his face looked a little well-done.

A ghotly fired flared around his body and he winced, then gave a furious neigh. Even with just the force of a few moves combined, they'd actually managed to deal a sound blow. Without straying from the terms he'd set. Annoyance sparked through him.

Keldeo was burned! Keldeo's Resolve was lowered a bit by the display of teamwork!

“I was born in a Pokemon Gym. I dunno much about honor, but I know about rules. And I think formal battles are about everyone having fun and doing their best! I hope you can enjoy this too!”
A brief pause. "Fun?" Keldeo tossed his mane and snorted. "Winning is fun. It doesn't matter what it takes to get there." Still, it seemed the comment bothered him a little, that Pachi wanted him to have a good time.

“I just realized something. I know, it’s already obvious, but we’re fighting you not in a one-on-one battle, but one-against-everyone. We’re all working together to save you, Keldeo. Doesn’t that make you feel lonely? Besides, there’s a lot of honor in trusting someone else. …Even if we just met. Anyway, please, just stop this nonsense and let us save you!”

After shouting those last words in desperation, she charged up a Volt Ball and threw it right towards Keldeo’s face with a front leg.
Horn shining, he sliced the attack in half. A faint crackle of electricity rippled across his body, but the worst of the blow had been mitigated. "Hah! Lonely?" Keldeo sneered. "You interlopers... so full of yourself, believing everyone not behaving like you wish requires saving. I don't need anything from a group of self-righteous so called heroes."

Drapion would finally close the gap and last out at Keldeo, claws glowing with the dark aura of night slash.
"Is that all you got?" Keldeo taunted, as the waves of pin missles pelted at him. He dodged them with ease, slipping around them. In a moment, Keldeo's own dodging brought him directly into the path of the Drapion. The poison-type brandish his blade of dark energy and swung. The blow tore into Keldeo's flank. He hadn't tried to dodge, and the attack looked like it hurt.

A moment later, red aura surged around Keldeo in reaction to the attack. He smirked, even as he winced. Apparently he deemed the tradeoff from Justified worth suffering the direct blow.

Chef Flygon had watched the opening of the battle unfold in stony silence, not even bothering to speak at Keldeo's challenge. Clink stayed back as well, at Chef Flygon's suggestion. "Honor is not found only in surface level promises. It is wielding ones power with responsibility and justness."

With a burst of speed, Chef Flygon shot up into the hair, beating his wings into a frenzy. A strong wind kicked up, blowing from behind the group. The Tailwind began to blow strongly.

"Beware his counter attack! Brace yourselves!"

Water sprayed as Keldeo jetted to the opposite end of the battlefield. A blue aura flared around him and wrapped around his horn as he danced rythmically from side to side.

Keldeo used Swords Dance!
Keldeo used Swords Dance!

Keldeo's retaliation was swift and brutal. One moment he was there, still as stone at he end of the battlefield. The next it was almost as if he teleported, a jet of water trailing him. A blur so fast that all that could be seen was the red blow of his horn.

He targeted Codex first, shooting past them to kick of water into their face before slashing at their back with a rapid combo of strikes. The blows nigh impossible to dodge, but then, perhaps their emotion sense might have detected the surge of malicious intent aimed at them. Enough time to avoid a direct strike, perhaps.

In a flash, Keldeo was off again.

More water kicked up, and he shot towards Winged King before abruptly feinting backwards and then lunging again, kicking at the dragon before whirling and slashing at his legs with a well-timed blow.

Keldeo used Aqua Jet!
Keldeo used Sacred Sword!

His movements were fast, effortless and hit hard. Lashing with his hooves as he used Aqua Jet and hitting with his horn with Sacred Sword. Each attack wielded with great skill. Each swing of his horn came so quick it was hard to dodge, and he had a skill for being able to outfeint or outmanuever opponents. Still, there was only so much he could do before he had to shift to try and move to another opponent. Only one or two blows at each of the group.

Keldeo was nothing if not relentless, managing to strike out at the whole team in the matter of just a few moments. But for now at least, it seemed that between the earlier use of Disable and whatever facade he was keeping, he stuck to the moves he said he'd use.

He skated back to the opposite side of the field, brandishing his horn. "You all speak of honor and fairness but those are just concepts created by weak beings. A pathetic attempt to make yourselves feel moral and righteous because of arbitrary restraints." His cold voice was filled with arrogant glee, and despite the barrage of attacks he seemed well ready to handle more. "But everyone abandons honor eventually. Everyone caves in the face of desperation. It is inevitable." There was the sense his words meant he intended to prove what he said. That he had to prove he was right.
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Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Nova grunted in pain, glad she dodged when she did. But between the graze in her side and Keldeo’s sudden strikes, Nova was a little more than just knocked off-balance. Gritting her teeth and wanting to make sure Keldeo heard her, she used Hyper Voice once again. “You’re the one who set the “arbitrary restrictions” so why are you complaining about them? You’re following them too, so are you not honorable by your own definition?” the Eevee shouted, her voice straining.
Nova once again used Quick Attack, this time to approach Keldeo. “Go ahead and try to strike me down. You send me home now and you just prove yourself wrong,” she said as she tried to ram into him.
The attack hit hard indeed, its power having been boosted thrice. Though Shou'an's agility allowed him to dodge the brunt of the attack, the Aqua Jet was way too swift for him to dodge, and even though the attack was hit not very effectively, the force still knocked him back. But the Latios idn't seem to mind as much; in fact, he even seemed to be more exhilarated, flying upward and towards the Keldeo.

"Nice hit, Keldeo! You have a great finesse in fighting, something that I've only seen my dad replicate. After he passed, let me tell you, I've never had a single Pokemon match him in power, let alone in fighting style. Y'know, you remind me of him, his fast devastating attacks were so difficult but so fun to fight against..."

Now attaining a good amount of altitude against Keldeo, he attempted to hit him directly with a Lustre Purge, firing one around the horse-like Pokemon. He then dived down, a Dragon Claw glistening, as he tried to use gravity to help himself to land a big hit, while keeping in mind not to crash if Keldeo were to dodge the hit.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Codex sensed Keldeo's attack coming before they saw it, and that was fortunate. His attacks hurt well enough braced for the impact, a psychic shell protecting their soft flesh. The attacks came out so quickly that advanced warning of their intents was essential, given they doubted Keldeo would stop at blood. If a weak water move in this heat and a fighting attack hit like this, they were lucky Keldeo wasn't able to use Smart Strike. They could endure this, but a Smart Strike would've left them needing Draining Kiss. (It was a good thing Keldeo attacked them first, Codex figured. It would buy time for King to get ready.)

"Sorrows, that hurts," they hissed.

They glanced around, scanning for anyone injured enough to need a heal pulse. Didn't see anything dire. That neat human and his partner appeared to been forestalled in joining somewhat, which was probably for the best given the dark typing his partner had. They hadn't really gotten the chance to meet her yet, given she was fighting while they spoke to the human. But if humans served as... tacticians, then they might still be able to coordinate.

Codex began to channel the... the fairy moon, or whatever moonlight this place had. It was forbidden for them to attack with it, but what if they didn't attack with it at all? It could still stick readily to a dark type, help her avoid playing into the fighting type's strength. The moonlight travelled from their head down their tendril, until they had enough to release a slow-moving, floating sphere of it. A different fae might've been able to make a moonblast of such a thing, but theirs had no attack behind it.

"Take this," they called to Mightyena and her human alike "Use it as you wish."

It wouldn't protect her from retaliation, though. So instead, it was Codex's job to continue getting under Keldeo's hide. King had hopefully benefited from time to prepare, but Mightyena would need it.

"You're physically and mentally sick," they shouted as commandingly as they could without dropping their matter-of-fact tone. "You have an abyssal aura, and you're hardly recognizable as your own typing. You're a hazard to those around you, such as the Mantine or Flygon, as much as you're bitter yourself. We can't afford to care whether or not you want help. Rules, codes of honour, understanding, they all require buy-in from both ends! Are you even capable of such a thing right now? It's no wonder you find dishonour wherever you go, if you're so set on forcing it to exist." They punctuated the final sentence with a flick of their tendril, and only a faint glow of psychic impurity accompanying the psycho cut tendrils they aimed upside Keldeo's head.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Josie huffed, seeing how much progress she made along with the rest of the team. Keldeo was starting to look desperate. Maybe what she was going to say next would bring him to his senses...

"You say that, but do you really mean it? It could be something else making you say all that! Aren't you usually more worried about being honorable? Living up to the other Swords of Justice? Would they be happy to see what you've become?"

After finishing with her questions, she shot her web towards Shou'an and pulled herself up before shooting more of her Electroweb down onto Keldeo, hoping to keep him in place for the others to attack without much difficulty.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
A brief pause. "Fun?" Keldeo tossed his mane and snorted. "Winning is fun. It doesn't matter what it takes to get there." Still, it seemed the comment bothered him a little, that Pachi wanted him to have a good time.

“I know! It’s fun to win!” Pachi agrees. Keldeo zips by him at first. But when it comes time for him to get swung at, he not only actually manages to avoid a direct hit, but he doesn’t miss the timing on Discharge. The electricity also flows into the water and heals some of those wounds right up.

“Nice shot!” he compliments. The little squirrel winces from the blow, but stands tall from grit. No doubt, this is an experienced Pokemon. “But winning isn’t everything!” he says. “Like, you can lose and still have fun. But you can also win and not have fun too. I think they call those hollow victories? Ever had one of those?”

"But everyone abandons honor eventually. Everyone caves in the face of desperation. It is inevitable." There was the sense his words meant he intended to prove what he said. That he had to prove he was right.

“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself...” the squirrel remarks. “Um, sorry if that was an assumption.”


After a bit, Nori comes marching in with a swagger in his step. He raises a finger, and is smirking profusely. “Okay, ponyboy. I hear your proposal, and that works for me. But if you’re going to make some terms, I say it’s only fair that we--”

Everyone is flying around and fighting.

“--should be able...to make...” He trails off, his posture and arm slowly dropping. “Crap, it already started. Never mind.” He slumps and buries his face in his hands. So much for coming in and looking cool. Now he just looked dumb. A hand idly goes into his pocket. “Pachi, here’s the berry,” he drones, holding it out in such a lackadaisical way it almost seems like he might drop it.

Okay, plan B. He wasn’t about to let that get him down. He looked up and started talking from the heart. “You know, I’ve never been big on honor myself. Too many rules for too little reward. So I do what I have to as long as it doesn’t cross a line. And I get a lot of hate for who I am anyway, but I press on. Why? It’s because it’s who I am. I’ve changed and grown a little, sure. But I didn’t go against...me. I’m still myself.”

He slaps his forehead. Where was he even going with this? He just keeps talking. “I heard you used to be pretty honorable yourself. And um,” He rubs his hair. Then he snaps upright. That’s it! “You quit! You used to be honorable, but you gave up on that. Not everyone betrays their values that easy and permanently. That’s a sign of weakness, not strength!” He points accusingly at Keldeo. “And believe me, I know how hard it is to stay true to yourself in the face of adversity. But I did it when the whole world felt against me, literally. I don’t know what made you give up, but you quit. And now look what you are! Keep going like this, and you’ll be left with nothing.”

With a steely smirk, he turns to his Pokemon. “Okay, Pachi, let’s show this guy--”

“Wait, Nori!” The squirrel waves his paws, also talks with his mouth full.

The rift of languages is as intact as ever, yet that does not prevent understanding. “Do you have something in mind?”

“Yes, yes!” he confirms, swallowing it and letting the attack boost rush through him. Though funnily, he had something indirect in mind! He was about to turn Keldeo’s power against him!

The boy nods. He and his Pokemon were a team. Sometimes one of them thought of something the other did not. “I trust you. Go ahead.”

“Someone come help cover me! Everyone else, keep him busy! I have an idea!” shouts Pachi as he crouches and breaks into a sprint. He waits for just the right moment when his opponent is distracted with someone else, then he puckers his lips and sends out a wave of confusion-inducing hearts at the errant sword. A Sweet Kiss! With all that strengthening up he did, this was sure to be effective!
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Samson's attack came swift. Perhaps the instincts of his pokemon body were awakening... The blow glanced off Keldeo's body. "And invading my home and ganging up on me is right?" he cried. A taunting gleam shone in his eyes as he called to Samson. Clearly an effort to take a dig at him and make him feel bad. "Are you superior for not trying to strike me head on?" So he'd managed to glean Samson's intent in not hitting Keldeo right in the face.

A moment later, Nova's cry made him flinch as it battered at his more sensitive equine hearing.
Oh, drat! That didn't do much of anything...

Samson expected a revenge strike and hopped back, but it seemed that Keldeo got distracted by something else. He took the opportunity to leave the equine's vicinity. As the blood in his ears calmed a bit, he could think about Keldeo's words.

He'd been quite sure of his higher moral standing in this scenario up until this point. But how much did he actually know? Keldeo seemed to have some kind of evil aura, but what if looks were deceiving? What if there was more context he didn't know? What if the mantine and klefki had lied, and they'd actually provoked him? What if attacking Keldeo wasn't the way to break the curse? Why had he even... gone along with it? What had he been thinking?

Was this the real test? Had he failed?

No, not yet. He could still solve this with words. Keldeo seemed to be reacting to what they were saying, anyway.

"Keldeo!" he called out. "I'm sorry. I think you're right. It isn't fair for us to attack you when we could still talk this out. It doesn't matter if you've done wrong in the past - violence should always only be the last resort. While I can't stop the others from fighting... I've made my decision. I will not fight you."

Not that he really thought he could manage it anyway with how that first strike had gone.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Keldeo's attention shifted from the Eevee and to Sada, as she called out to him. He seemed torn between smug delight and annoyance at her words. "At least you recognize the world for what is." Under his glee, there was a sort of bitterness. "Unfair. Should I lower myself to your level then? What will you do when there is no fair fight to be had? Cheat?" A challenge. And a taunt, as if he wanted to see her try something truly underhanded.
"Unfair? Of course the world is unfair!" Pixels shouted. "But that doesn't mean you should sit around and complain about it. Nothing in life would be done if everyone stewed in their cynicism and hate, if you want the world to be more fair then you should adapt and make the world fair. My friend once said that fairness in a battle had value. Respect and honour allow us to learn from our peers and opponents, if you were blinded by mercilessness and rage then you'll never improve."

Then she was attacked, the super-effective move was strong enough it was dulled by the heat. She huffed in pain, her legs were jittery but she was able to get back up. she hated pain but the adrenaline rush made it absolutely worth it!

The grin on her face had a manic gleam in it and it didn't matter that her fur got wet from the attack. "Woohoo! That was awesome! Haha! Think fast!" She blurred forward with a Quick Attack before launching another combo of flames, keeping up her speed in case she needed to run.


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
Sada's eyes narrowed at the Pokémon's words, his taunting tone.

« If it means I or my tribe can survive, yes. We don't battle without reason. Every time we take up our weapons against one of your kind, it's because we have to protect ourselves or we need something to survive. My victories *mean* something. Have you ever fought for your life, "Legendary" Keldeo?» she answered back. When she saw the creature charge at her, even as Winged King moved to cover her, she still braced herself, ready to at least try and dodge out of the way if he came her way. As the Pokémon attacked her partner and zipped around the battlefield, fast as lightning, she tried to observe him as much as he could.

Powerful and legendary as he was, he was still a Pokémon. Each Pokémon had their own fighting style and things that came more natural to them. Winged King liked to simply overpower his opponents with raw strength, others were more subtle.

Did Keldeo have some specific preferences? Did he favour one leg over the other? Did he try to avoid damage to a specific part of his body? She twirled the spear in her hands and crouched low to the ground, observing the battle.

Winged King saw the Codex and the little fire Princess move by his side to make use of his heat. He felt his own throat tingle slightly, invigorated by Pixel's own power, and nodded a thanks at her and their other allies. As a dragon he had the power to spew flames, but he usually preferred to get more up close and personal with his opponents. He growled when Keldeo seemed furious at their combined attacks. He felt wind picking up behind him, summoned by the "Chef" dragon, and his growl became a grin when he picked up the sound of Sada's voice, whistling a sharp note. He got back down on four legs, flattening his feathers to rush to her side. She jumped on his back with a fluid motion, holding on with only one hand as she pointed the spear forward.
Made faster by the Tailwind, the dragon rushed towards Keldeo.

Sada flattened herself against the dragon's neck, making herself as small a target as she could.
She knew it was reckless, and incredibly dangerous, to approach Keldeo so directly. But she was used to it, when she fought alone.

« You don't need to lower yourself to my level, Keldeo. I will at least try to match yours!» she screamed.

When Winged King would be close enough to pass near the legendary Pokémon, she would try to thrust her spear forward to jab at his horn, before urging Winged King to rush away again, avoiding the various Electrowebs on the field with great jumps.


System Error said:
“Dude, you all right?” Nori asks Nate with a look of concern in his eyes. It’d probably be a brief interaction, and he wouldn’t come with them.
"Huh?" Nate swung around, looking for the source of the voice. Who was that? The guy who'd been running around with a pachirisu? "Oh. Yeah. Time of my fucking life, you know?"

Flyg0n said:
His brow briefly furrowed... It seemed he ddn't want to recognize them. Shaking his head as if trying to rid himself of the doubt and confusion, he took off again.
Ouch. Talk about your cold shoulder.

Nate frowned. Was he faking, or was there something about the whole poison-dripping thing that meant he literally couldn't remember? Or, well, to be honest--who the hell was Nate to expect a legend to remember someone like him?

"Come on, now," he said. "If you don't remember me, you gotta remember that melty groudon we fought, right? You stabbed it right in the fucking heart. It was awesome! And you remember the girl with her spiky pikachu, too, don't you? You helped us both" He looked out over the arena, wishing once again that he'd find some familiar face. Any one of the others would have been better at this than him.


Mightyena did her best to dodge Keldeo's opening attacks. He was fast, and clearly strong, but thankfully he wasn't focused on her. Even the grazing strikes Keldeo managed to land left Mightyena winded and aching; one good kick, she thought, or anything to do with that poison-dripping horn, and she was in big trouble.

She turned at a cry from behind her. The hatterene had released a glittering orb of fairy energy. For a moment, Mightyena hesitated. Normally she did her best to stay away from the business end of fairy attacks. When she leapt into the ball of light, all she felt was a pleasant tingling sensation, like she was being filled up with moonlight. Abruptly, she felt great.

With a laugh, Mightyena bounced around to face Keldeo again. Motes of light shed from her fur, glittering in the air around here. "You keep talking about how honor is meaningless, and how everybody caves when their back's against the wall. Do you need to believe that because you did something you regret?" She sprang forward, timing her Play Rough with the hatterene's cutting psychic attack. "Are you afraid that if we keep our honor, we'll be better than you somehow?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Breve's eyes were narrowed. "Someone needs to teach you the basics of proper safety. Detect!"

Temsik's eyes shone, as they detected Keldeo's next move, preparing to dodge.


  1. sableye
Drapion's combo attack had gone off perfectly. Keldeo positioned himself right into the incoming Night slash, which left an impressive dent in his hide. But although he winced from the blow, Keldeo instead taunted Drapion for it. The bug roared in response, eager to lay down a thrashing.

But from her perspective, Kirsten looked on with concern. Keldeo hadn't bothered to try to avoid the slash. He was a legend, so surely he knew he could handle a hit or two, but even he had to know he'd be worn down eventually... And then she saw the red glow take effect. Something about that hit must have triggered some ability or another, powered him up. It was time to change strategies.

Keldeo burst forwards, the unmistakable sight of an aqua jet in his wake, knocking Drapion aside easily in his haste to reach a more open area. Drapion gave chase, but no amount of agility was going to compete with a burst from aqua jet. Meanwhile, Keldeo further boosted his own offense.

But if he could boost his own power, then it really didn't matter if Drapion did it by accident or not. Drapion could freely continue slashing. But for now, there was no reason to help him power up. "For all your talk, you're not a very good strategist," Kirsten called, shaking her head. "Seems like you've got a lot on your mind. Wanna call this off and think about it?"

Despite her words, Drapion kept on the move, continuing to launch pin missile barrages, moreso aimed at corralling Keldeo into his teammates' paths than doing direct damage.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Attacks flew at Keldeo from every direction, as the group countered with surprising speed and coordination. Almost subconscious, but also the result of some well-timed blows and keen observation among both human and pokemon.

Even as he kept a constant, almost dizzying pace, so did his tongue, always biting back or giving a scatching remark. For someone so confident he seemed very keen to prove his point.

“You are the ones who believe rules create honor,” he sneered at Nova. “Am I honorable just for making them? Is that what you think?”

He whirled to counter Shou’an’s aerial attack just in time, striking the Luster Purge with his own strengthened horn. A half second later Shou’an’s Dragon Claw met Keldeo’s Sacred Sword. There was a clash of wills for a moment, as Keldeo struggled against the other legend.

“I dont. Need. Your meaningless. Compliments!” he growled through gritted teeth. Keldeo might have been stronger, but gravity was a beast that affected anyone, even a powered up legend. The burn eating away at Keldeo made him waver, and the dragon claw struck a solid grazing blow across Keldeo’s face.

Shaking off the attack, he started to move out of range, only to be herded back by a few scattered Pin Missiles from that putrid Drapion. Then Codex’s words drew Keldeo’s ire.

“Sick? Hazard? You make paltry claims to cover for your own weakness. I have forced nothing except to reveal the truth! Honor is not real.” The fae’s constant egging at how he was corrupted and sick clearly didn’t sit well with him.

Keldeo’s Resolve fell lower! Their constant pressure is having an effect!

Even as he tried to deflect the blade of psychic energy, that annoying mutt got a hit in. Skating away, he glared over his shoulder at Nate and Mightyena.

“The past is irrelevant. I did what I had to to secure victory, just as I shall now.” So he did remember, by the sound of it. But perhaps he didn’t want the reminder...

Keldeo’s resolve fell slightly! He doesn’t like reflecting on the mon he used to be!

He drove back Mightyena with a well-timed kick. “You will never be better than me.” He seemed, perhaps, annoyed by the idea that the group could maintain their honor....

Meanwhile, Jojo’s webs rained down from the sky, making it harder and harder to dodge or find safe footing. However, that wasn’t what snared Keldeo...
Living up to the other Swords of Justice? Would they be happy to see what you've become?"
Powerful emotion surged from Keldeo. Codex would certainly feel it, and Shou’an would be able to sense something from his guarded thoughts. A sucking mire of toxic emotions. Jealousy, rage, shame and more. Even the less emotional and mentally inclined of the group would likely be able to note how poorly he reacted.

“What they think is meaningless. I don’t need to please them to be happy.” He spat the words with such disgust, then started to take off- In a blur, he looped back around again and aimed a vicious kick at Jojo before cutting across to the far side of the field.

Keldeo’s Resolve was greatly lowered!

It was unlikely the same tactic would work twice, but clearly the mention of the other Swords opinion of him had hit a nerve. This time.
As he shifted and dodged and skated across the battlefield, Sada’s ever watchful gaze remained locked on him. To the unfamiliar, he seemed impossibly fast, skilled and strong. Always changing up his moves, never making a mistake, and frightfully accurate. But Sada was accustomed to hunting and surviving in a harsh world. Recognizing and studying ‘mon who could kill her with ease.

There was a pattern. A complicated one, but one nonetheless. So when he came at her and Winged King, she was able to see it. Feint low, high, Strike! And spinning kick and then-!

Metal tipped spear struck bladed horn with an awful noise, like nails on a chalkboard and metal scraping stone. Keldeo staggered back and reared. He let out an ear-splitting, unnatural scream. Anger, pain, and outrage. A clean, inch long scratch now marked the horn.

The fact that a human of all things had done that was an insult to injury.

For once, he gave no cutting reply, opting instead to put a great deal of distance between himself and the warrior woman and her lizard.

Keldeo's Resolve dropped severely! Sada hitting his horn was a blow to his pride!

Instead, he turned his frustration towards Nori and Pachi.
“But winning isn’t everything!” he says. “Like, you can lose and still have fun. But you can also win and not have fun too. I think they call those hollow victories? Ever had one of those?”
"Hollow victories are just another way for the weak to guilt the strong for doing what is necessary for success. I will not be guilted," The words hissed out through gritted teeth.

“I heard you used to be pretty honorable yourself. And um,” He rubs his hair. Then he snaps upright. That’s it! “You quit! You used to be honorable, but you gave up on that. Not everyone betrays their values that easy and permanently. That’s a sign of weakness, not strength!” He points accusingly at Keldeo. “And believe me, I know how hard it is to stay true to yourself in the face of adversity. But I did it when the whole world felt against me, literally. I don’t know what made you give up, but you quit. And now look what you are! Keep going like this, and you’ll be left with nothing.
"I did not betray anything, I cast aside uneccesary chains, shackling me. It is a sign of strength to know when you are being held back. Values are just meaningless nonsense formed by the weak to hold down the strong. And once they’re no longer useful, everyone abandons them. It is inevitable.”

Yet the duos confidence and conviction seemed to be having an effect...

Keldeo's Resolve fell further!

"Unfair? Of course the world is unfair!" Pixels shouted. "But that doesn't mean you should sit around and complain about it. Nothing in life would be done if everyone stewed in their cynicism and hate, if you want the world to be more fair then you should adapt and make the world fair. My friend once said that fairness in a battle had value. Respect and honour allow us to learn from our peers and opponents, if you were blinded by mercilessness and rage then you'll never improve."
"Learn?" Keldeo slammed down his hooves and shook his head and blinked, trying to clear his vision. It almost looked like their were three of thatannoying Vulpix. "Why should I care to learn from anyone, least of all those who lose! No matter how many claim to honor, there will be a hundred more being unfair. A pointless fight. Better to destroy all who oppose you." Beneath his arrogant remarks and attempts to jab, there was a bitter sentiment at this. Nostalgia, almost, or perhaps regret he no longer had her idealism...

Pixels words and followup attack provided just the opening Pachi needed. The Sweet Kiss made contact as he was busy trying to fend off the little Vulpix, and he staggered, his eyes briefly glazing as the confusion took hold. More flames and annoying, pestering little attacks. He was grwing more irritated by the moment.

"Keldeo!" he called out. "I'm sorry. I think you're right. It isn't fair for us to attack you when we could still talk this out. It doesn't matter if you've done wrong in the past - violence should always only be the last resort. While I can't stop the others from fighting... I've made my decision. I will not fight you."
A cruel smile played upon Keldeo's snout and his nostrils flared, as if excited. "Won't you now? So you think standing back to let others fight is better?" Keldeo lunged at Samson, and struck him. A hard blow, impeded only by Keldeo's confusion. For a human, it would have hurt or even maimed, maybe. But for a pokemon body, it was glancing. A sting, but not lethal, not even enough to severely hurt.

Then Keldeo kicked at him, attempting to strike Samson hard in the stomach. Enough to wind him, but still not truly hurt. "And what will you do if your enemy disagrees? What if your enemy doesn't want to talk?" His attention now had shifted fully to Samson, and clearly he meant to get rise from him, to see him lash out. To give up on his own honor...
Keldeo's Resolve is holding steady now...

"Someone needs to teach you the basics of proper safety. Detect!"

Temsik's eyes shone, as they detected Keldeo's next move, preparing to dodge.
A tremor ran down Temsik's spine. Danger! Something was wrong.

Aqua Jet, Sacred Sword, Swords Dance. Smart Strike was still disabled, this he could sense.

But the move he detected was none of those.

Keldeo's next attack was Poison Jab.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
There was little time between Breve's call and Keldeo's counter. But Tailwind was still up, and perhaps if he was quick on the draw, he could call Keldeo's attack and give the group time to prepare...

"Poison Jab!" Came Breve's swift, frantic cry. "Watch out, he plans to use Poison Jab!" He was nothing if not thorough, to make sure everyone heard.
But how was that possible?

The Fae was Keldeo's first target. Cold, calculated. A spray of water, a blur of cream fur, and oozing sludge coating his horn. This time, instead of a single strong blow he struck with a rapid flurry at them before vanishing in another spray of water and slicing across the battlefield.

Straight for Samson.

He jabbed at him again, yet once more not a full on attack, but a taunt. Goading him to give in. To strike back. He even had the gall to pause before the Ampharos, leaving himself open...

Then he would be off again, dealing blows to the rest of the group. Effortlessly switching between Aqua Jet and Sacred Sword and Poison Jab. Circling wide, he came for the Drapion next, ducking and batting his way through Pin Missles and Electrowebs, He swung with Poison Jab, then Sacred Sword-

A feint, and a feint.

Instead, Keldeo dipped sideways, ducked low and lashed out with his hooves at the Drapion's legs. Was.... was that Low Kick?

Then Temsik and Mightyena. Absol first, as he tried to kick his legs from under him and strike with Poison Jab, before lunging for Mightyena with a similar combo, though still slightly different enough to be tricky to dodge. Definitely Low Kick.

Somehow, not only was Keldeo cheating but he'd avoided abiding by the worlds limit on moves...

And it seemed now he was even more relentless somehow. A full body Aqua Jet for Pixels, practically trying to trample her before shifting to try and poison Pachi and Jojo. Another jab at Codex, whom he seemed to particularly despise, before once again jabbing at Winged King, targeting not just him but Sada as well.

It seemed he considered her one of his opponents now.

Then he gave a loud, bugling cry. Same sneering, taunting tone asalways. "Well righteous heroes! Just fighters and honorable idealists! Will you cling to your honor now?"

Chef Flygon turned on Clink urgently. "Clink?" he demanded expectantly.

The little steel-type shook themselves. "I- ... this should not be possible."

Flicking his tail in annoyance, Chef Flygon turned away. "We must assume he has other powers granted by this corruption."

Witha flutter of his wings, he took off, first drawing near to Winged King. He caught the dragon's eye. "My dragon bretheren! Let us vanquish this unjust beast!"

And then he tilted his head back and opened his jaws. A low, rythymic chanting came out. It was of no discernible language, yet it felt like it could be understood all the same. A call to arms, an encouragement to the weary and a spark to the battlehearts. Hold. Cling to your conviction. The battle is not over yet! Pulses of draconic aura rippled from the flygon. The aura flooded into the ground before surging around Winged King. As he continued his song, the aura continued to spread to the whole team.

Chef Flygon used Dragon Cheer!

Keldeo's Resolve is now only half as strong as when the battle began! But it could return...
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Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
"Gwah!" Josie got pushed away after the Poison Jab hit. "Pachi! Guys!" She panicked after witnessing the onslaught that Keldeo unleashed. What shocked her the most, however, was seeing him use more than four attacks. There was no time to ask why. There was rage building up inside of her. "You... You idiot! Breaking your own rules just to get an advantage over us!? Are you trying to actually kill us!?"

She bounced hard on one of the crystals, getting on her legs with a wobbly stance and squinted eyes. "Ugh! No one can live like this... It won't lead to happiness... You can only lose your mind if you fight without restraints..." A few tears start to come out of her eyes. A brief memory. Herself on a human's shoulder as they ventured throughout a forest. Just seeing that human smile and hearing them talk to her like a true friend was all the comfort she needed. It was enough to remind her of the importance of this mission and her own. She would make sure to return home.

"Alright, Keldeo!" The Joltik glared at the corrupted Legend with tearful eyes. She sobbed before continuing with an enraged shout. "I'll play by the rules we agreed on! Volt Ball! Electroweb! Agility! I'll use all that to save you! But remember: I refuse to lose myself to this madness!" She charged up and slid back and forth, increasing her Agility before preparing her attack. "Let's do it together, everyone!"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Codex's eyes widened as Breve called Keldeo's next shot. They just knew where it would be aimed. They readied their tendril to try to deflect it. Their telekinesis shattered shattered into a flash of light beneath his attack, and his momentum carried him forward. Their poisoned horn slashed through Codex's soft flesh. Toxins sizzled a trickle of blue blood where they'd been lanced.

Breathe, breathe. They had to breathe, to slow their heart rate, slow down how quickly it would spread through their veins. They couldn't afford to panic. This was the worst wound they'd received in combat. (Other people, other worlds, they fought past blood. Everyone else did this, right? They had to do the same.) Codex's eyes darted right to left. They had allies here with clean spirits, if it came to it they could drain one and heal pulse them afterwards. (Could they? Their allies were wounded, too. There had to be someone, though, right?)

When Keldeo lanced them again through the back, they were completely unprepared. A screech like a shard of glass running down stone escaped their mouth. They couldn't find out what dying felt like and they couldn't attack an ally. But they were injured enough now that if they used Draining Kiss they wouldn't actually absorb any of Keldeo's spirit, just use it healing. It would be consumed and destroyed in the process. That was how it worked, right? It had to be. It needed to be. Moving telekinetically, Codex slipped in behind the spot they approximated Keldeo was going to land, gathering fairylight at their jaws. "There's the answer," they hissed. "You can't hold a pact! And there's no such thing as a one-sided pact."

They pressed their fangs to Keldeo's flank and drank. It burned like iron, except instead of hurting physically it pressed against their being. But it worked, it worked, the sensation of poison abated and their wounds began to close. They almost wanted to stop, but they couldn't, they couldn't afford to. Needed to heal. They needed to expunge the poison. They felt like they were suffocating inside their membrane— No, inside the layer of spirit outside it. Bound, suffocating in their own soul.

Codex hadn't drained too substantial a portion of Keldeo's aura, not enough to develop their own abyssal aura. But their demeanor nonetheless shifted instantly. They laughed. "You want this? How can someone like this even exist?" Their eyes burned with the liberation of surrender. "Creatures like you and I, there's no place for us anywhere. Sorrows, stars, I cannot believe you bleeding want this. I can't stay still with my own kind, but I can't live with other species either. At least you could try to cure yourself, if you were intelligent. But you're not!" Codex laughed harder.

"Do you think your refusal to accept help makes you correct? Like you didn't have the choice to do better. I loathe watching you fight against the ability to have a normal life with other people. Will you feel validated in your delusions if we just tear each other apart instead?"

Gathering their psychic power, they followed base instinct and flicked their tendril at Keldeo's throat. This is what they were.

As he continued his song, the aura continued to spread to the whole team.
The Flygon's song went on, taking time, sinking deeper into Codex's mind as it went... It hurt to listen to. Like they were being torn in two conflicting directions at once. Hold to their convictions, or throw them away? It felt so simple a moment ago, the world made sense and now... Now they didn't have the faintest clue what to do. Fear crossed their face even as the fire continured to burn in their eyes. Like a Shelgon on egde of a cliff, unsure if they were about to learn to fly or shatter against the rocks below. To take the leap of faith, or to stay put. They weren't even sure which direction was staying put and which was the leap of faith anymore. Teetering on the brink, ready to go either way...
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  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
"I did not betray anything, I cast aside uneccesary chains, shackling me. It is a sign of strength to know when you are being held back. Values are just meaningless nonsense formed by the weak to hold down the strong. And once they’re no longer useful, everyone abandons them. It is inevitable.”
“Hey, you’re not completely wrong,” Nori agrees? But the way he smirks tells that he has more to say, and it is not going to be pleasant either. “It’s another kind of strength to know when to adapt. Sometimes, you have to do something you don’t want to but have to in that moment. Being able to make those decisions and stay on the path after is a sign of real strength. But you?” He chuckles a little. “That wasn’t adapting. You gave into temptation and went crazy with power. You’re weak-hearted. And I can tell.” He thinks he’s finally figured this pony out. “You’re not free. You’re still shackled, especially with trying to prove yourself and pursuing strength by any means. And that weakness will be your downfall.”

Pachi concurs with a big full body nod. “Demon used to be just like that! But now me and Nori and her are all best friends! I know we can be friends too!” He twitches his tail. “This is fun, I haven’t had a battle like this before! Thanks! But we intend to win!”

The Fae was Keldeo's first target. Cold, calculated.
“Pachi, get some distance and get ready,” Nori instructs, as soon as he sees what the horse is up to. He isn’t even bothered by the horse using more than four moves save for a brief scowl of irritation that morphs into a focused expression.

“Okay!” Pachi hurries away from Keldeo and the others, going to his own little side of the pool. He knows as well what’s coming next.

...before shifting to try and poison Pachi and Jojo.
Nori watches closely, and though his Pokemon’s eyes are just as quick, he still says, “Now.”

Another Discharge, much stronger now that he has the red berry empowering him, and much better timed than the previous now that he knows Keldeo’s game. Rush in to everyone one at a time and swing - or in this case, stab. When it was his turn to be attacked, Pachi sent the message loud and clear. The horse couldn’t get close to the squirrel without taking one of those powerful bursts of electricity; even hitting Pachi does not stop fully interrupt them.

Pachi was starting to see how his foe moved, but he was still grazed by the Poison Jab. He momentarily shudders as a tiny bit of poison enters him. However, the squirrel stands even taller, if not from defiance, then from not being as bad off one might think. Constantly recharging himself is helping. “Oof, lucky! But you’re gonna get shocked up tight sooner or later!” He sometimes got poisoned when sparring with the Demon, and this was way less than that! Plus, he had to paralyze Keldeo sooner or later!

Nori just smirks. He thought he would be at a huge disadvantage in this field, but it was just the opposite. Maybe water was good for something besides drinking after all.

"Pachi! Guys!" She panicked after witnessing the onslaught that Keldeo unleashed.
“I’m good! This is far from over!” he assures Josie before turning back to Keldeo with a grin. “Desperate times? Hehe, wish I could show you everything I can do! Um, how’d you use a fifth and sixth move here, anyways?”

Pachi felt the surge of dragon energy flowing through his body. He felt like he could hit in just the right spot now! It was time to be more proactive and mix things up! He looks to Nori...

Then he gave a loud, bugling cry. Same sneering, taunting tone asalways. "Well righteous heroes! Just fighters and honorable idealists! Will you cling to your honor now?"
...who is clearly getting fed up with all this rhetoric. “You sound like a broken record,” the boy scoffs. He challenges this notion by raising a palm with outstretched fingers. “Saying this and that about everyone always giving up their honor. Name five you know who did that permanently, not just as an exception, your views on present company excluded.”

He was calling Keldeo’s bluff. Of course, there was a chance it was true. And if so...
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  1. sableye
The battle was progressing... well, as smooth as a battle against an ornery legend could, Kirsten supposed. The fact that the party hadn't been blown away by the first barrage was, in itself, a victory. They had to keep that momentum going.

Down amidst the action, Drapion continued darting around, in constant motion, weaving in between other 'mon and attacks, occasionally darting towards Keldeo to send a controlled burst of pins his way. This wasn't how he liked to fight - a direct confrontation was preferable to this ranged attacking nonsense.

And then it happened. Keldeo was - suddenly, somehow - right in Drapion's path. No time to swerve; momentum already carrying him forwards, he lunged. Keldeo readied an attack. Drapion prepped to parry and retaliate - and his claws swiped through the air. Drapion had time enough to grunt in confusion before his tiny legs were kicked out from beneath him, his body crumpling to the ground in a pile of of flailing purple limbs. Keldeo was long gone by the time the dazed Drapion realized what happened and attempted to re-orient himself.

"Well righteous heroes! Just fighters and honorable idealists! Will you cling to your honor now?"

Kirsten, meanwhile, shot a glare at Keldeo from a distance, arms crossed. "Breaking your own rules, are you? You truly don't care about honor. Well, don't you worry, we'll show you the error of your ways!" Was that corny? That was probably corny. She resisted the urge to cringe at herself, and focus on the task at hand, instead.

That horn was going to be trouble. Drapion likely didn't have to worry about it - even from a legend, most poison was still just poison, regardless of the form it took - but there was a distinct lack of poison resistance among the rest of the squad; Drapion was uniquely suited for dealing with it. He'd like that, the bloody show-off.

"Drapion, the horn!" Kirsten called out. "Aim for the horn!"

The poisonous bug, finally having righted himself and spotted the feeble goat that dared pull a fast one on him, grinned. He set off again, regaining his lost agility, seeking an opening to crash in to present itself - at which point he'd send a night slash towards that oozing purple horn! Grab it, cut it, crush it, however it needed to happen - Drapion would do his best to incapacitate (if not sever entirely) the weapon.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
"Learn?" Keldeo slammed down his hooves and shook his head and blinked, trying to clear his vision. It almost looked like their were three of thatannoying Vulpix. "Why should I care to learn from anyone, least of all those who lose! No matter how many claim to honor, there will be a hundred more being unfair. A pointless fight. Better to destroy all who oppose you." Beneath his arrogant remarks and attempts to jab, there was a bitter sentiment at this. Nostalgia, almost, or perhaps regret he no longer had her idealism...

Pixels words and followup attack provided just the opening Pachi needed. The Sweet Kiss made contact as he was busy trying to fend off the little Vulpix, and he staggered, his eyes briefly glazing as the confusion took hold. More flames and annoying, pestering little attacks. He was grwing more irritated by the moment.
"You're acting like the world is against you!" Pixels took a breath, keeping up her speed as she battered him with flames. "It's not, it really isn't. There are many people, friends, family that'll help you, protect you, teach you, care for you. You can't honestly expect me to believe that you have no one that loved you."

Just hearing the bitterness in his tone, it was enough to make Pixels see him in a new light. "Y'know, I used to think Legends were cool... until I met one. And you know what the first thing they wanted to do when they saw me? Th-they wanted to kill me, turn me into an accessory because I just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was only because of my friends that I was saved." She shuddered at the resurfacing memory before shaking her head, fixing a pitying stare at Keldeo. "At first, I thought you'd be something like them, a scary monster that cared about nothing but their own gain but now I know you're not. You're just a lonely, sad, bitter person that gave up and I pity you."
A full body Aqua Jet for Pixels, practically trying to trample her
The new moves weren't really that surprising for her, she used to be able to do well over a dozen in her world and it was honestly, a little annoying she couldn't use more than four here.

But despite Keldeo forsaking his own rules, she stayed true to her word and continue to utilize the three moves she chose.

Keldeo was fast, incredibly fast, zipping from one target to another in the blink of an eye. When he appeared in front of her, body cloaked with water, she let out a surprised yelp. If she hadn't spared with Evie from time to time, she probably would've failed to dodge the attack. It was only on instinct that she managed to swerve her body just enough to merely receive a water-coated hoof on her flank and chest.

And even still, that glancing blow hurt. Her eyes teared up in pain and she didn't even notice him vanish from sight, continuing his onslaught on the others. She stayed there, huffing in pain and trying to regain her bearings. "Ahh..." It really, really hurt but she couldn't give up now, not when the others were trying so hard.

Pixels slowly got back up, her legs wobbling even with the adrenaline numbing the pain. Then she felt something rushing into her, her mind and vision felt less fuzzy and the pain became an easier thing to ignore. What was this?

She shook her head. Whatever it was, it was aiding her, helping her focus on the threat.
Then he gave a loud, bugling cry. Same sneering, taunting tone asalways. "Well righteous heroes! Just fighters and honorable idealists! Will you cling to your honor now?"
"Yes, I will! It doesn't matter what you throw at us, at me. I'll never give up!"

The Dragon Cheer gave her a clearer mind, allowing her to see something she was too distracted to notice earlier. A speedy Pokémon was hard to fight, they could dodge, jump and weave around anything and anyone.

But what if they couldn't? What if they had nowhere safe they could run to?

It'd be hard but maybe she could do it while the others distracted Keldeo.

Quickly, she ran around, setting flames to certain patches in the water. She didn't have the strength to fully boil the water but she had enough to make it hurt to stand on. Will-o-wisp, Will-o-wisp and Will-o-wisp. The ghastly flames, even enhanced by her Drought, could burn far longer than any normal fire and water couldn't completely disintegrate it. Hopefully, the scalding heat would be enough to slow him down.

When she was done, she threw another combo of flames at Keldeo, aiming to blind him than to actively damage him.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
“You are the ones who believe rules create honor,” he sneered at Nova. “Am I honorable just for making them? Is that what you think?”
Then he gave a loud, bugling cry. Same sneering, taunting tone asalways. "Well righteous heroes! Just fighters and honorable idealists! Will you cling to your honor now?"
"I thought you were honorable for following your own rules. For trying to be strong in the face of limits," Nova growled. "I mistook your arrogance for confidence. Your narcissism for resolve. Only the weak cheat the rules to win, and unlike you, we don't plan on giving up!"
Fear crossed their face even as the fire continured to burn in their eyes. Like a Shelgon on egde of a cliff, unsure if they were about to learn to fly or shatter against the rocks below. To take the leap of faith, or to stay put. They weren't even sure which direction was staying put and which was the leap of faith anymore. Teetering on the brink, ready to go either way...
Nova glanced towards Codex initially amazed by their display, but then worried by their expression. And expression she had seen on a friend back home every time things looked hopeless. "Codex, hang in there! We have your back, so don't give up!" Nova shouted. It may have been wishful thinking, but Nova was sure everyone would make it through this.
"Drapion, the horn!" Kirsten called out. "Aim for the horn!"

The poisonous bug, finally having righted himself and spotted the feeble goat that dared pull a fast one on him, grinned. He set off again, regaining his lost agility, seeking an opening to crash in to present itself - at which point he'd send a night slash towards that oozing purple horn! Grab it, cut it, crush it, however it needed to happen - Drapion would do his best to incapacitate (if not sever entirely) the weapon.
"Good thinking, mind if I lend a hand?" Nova once again used Quick Attack to charge towards Keldeo, but instead of trying to ram him head on again, she jumped and switched to Covet, aiming to try and grab onto his horn after Drapion's attack.
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