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Errant Sword [KtK RP Thread; Mission 1]

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
“Pachi just told me he can’t use all his moves here. What’s going on? He knows those moves, so why couldn’t he use them in that brief fight?”
Clink twirled a key in the air in thought as they considered. "I take it you must be from a world where pokemon can access all their moves at any time..." They studied Pachi, as if trying to wrap their mind around the idea. "It is difficult to explain. But simply, pokemon here can mostly readily call their aura in combat in four ways. It's not too hard to retrain a move or learn something new, but in a fight its only four..."

Even though they'd heard of such a phenomenon in other worlds, it was still rather peculiar to consider, a mortal pokemon calling on tens of moves at a time in battle.

"I suppose you could think of it like a 'law' of this world, like gravity or distortion."

“Second, why is it that some people who normally can’t can understand their Pokemon here and I can’t?”
The next question made Clink fidget more, as if they somehow felt bad about Nori's situation. "It is..." They paused. "I..." Finally, Clink sighed. "Truthfully, I do not have a good answer for you. The nature of summoning is very unstable. And the aura field that unlocks language is even more complicated, to allow for beings from any world to talk." Their tone was sympathetic.

"Many trainers keep whatever relationship they had back home, but some find new understand clicks for them and... I cannot say why. It simply is. But who knows, perhaps the future can change things." A sort of a hopeful smile came into their voice. "Many things in this reaity or not immutable."

“You know, Klink? Clink? Just hit me a bit ago, and it’s been bugging me since. Sorry if it’s a weird question, I know. And I guess it isn’t as important. But I’m still curious.”
"Oh that? I actually try to avoid Klinks," they said, chuckling. "At least when I'm with other pokemon. Even with how language works here it can get a little weird for someone to call 'klink!'"

With a little bit of discussion and arranging, the group was once again situated with traveling arrangements. The distant isle slowly grew closer on the horizon, and the wind picked up a bit. Chef Flygon spoke up a few minutes into their trip, his voice carrying over the sound of the waves. There was still a decent distance to go, so they had time to strategize.

"What is our plan to confront Keldeo? Perhaps some of us who can fly might be able to scount the path ahead?" He glanced around, his gaze pausing on Winged King and Shou'an. "Or if anyone else has suggestions, we should discuss on the way."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Clink twirled a key in the air in thought as they considered. "I take it you must be from a world where pokemon can access all their moves at any time..." They studied Pachi, as if trying to wrap their mind around the idea. "It is difficult to explain. But simply, pokemon here can mostly readily call their aura in combat in four ways. It's not too hard to retrain a move or learn something new, but in a fight its only four..."
“No, not all their moves,” he clarifies, shaking his head. It sounded like there were worlds where that was the case, however. Did that like, include moves they don’t normally learn except through TMs and stuff? For that matter, he had trouble wrapping his mind around that idea too. “Generally speaking where I come from, the more experienced the Pokemon, the more moves they can effectively use. A newborn might only have like two, one at their peak could use like fifteen. But I’ve seen cases where a Pokemon uses less than they can while being good at them, or where they try to use too many and don’t do well.”

“And some moves take a lot of effort! Depends how strong you are and the move!” Pachi adds. “I can use around ten normally!”

“Wonder what determined what he got here, though?” he ponders aloud. “It’s kinda inconvenient. You saw his Discharge. He’d usually use Electro Ball when he could hit allies, but, well.” He grumbles a little. Maybe he was wrong about Keldeo being Ground-type. One-on-one, Discharge was excellent for hitting a super quick opponent. Friendly fire was the problem.

"Many trainers keep whatever relationship they had back home, but some find new understand clicks for them and... I cannot say why. It simply is. But who knows, perhaps the future can change things."
“Maybe I’m just unlucky,” he grumbled. If his world was out to get him sometimes, why not other worlds? “Or maybe recent Pokemon communication issues are putting a mental block on it? I dunno.” He shrugs, grasping at straws.

“I wonder if I can talk to all Pokemon here?” Pachi muses. “I couldn’t talk to a Qwilfish he’s assigned since she only speaks the underwater language.”

"Oh that? I actually try to avoid Klinks," they said, chuckling. "At least when I'm with other pokemon. Even with how language works here it can get a little weird for someone to call 'klink!'"
To this, the boy chuckles in return. “Guess so. Actually ran into another Nori once. Nice girl. We could call each other by name at least, but it was confusing for everyone else.” He smiles with appreciation. “But thanks, clarifies a few things. Something to distract myself with on the trip there.”


Nori spent the trip to this island much like the last one, locked up in the middle of the raft with his eyes shut trying to think about anything but crossing an ocean. He speaks up without looking. “The battlefield can heavily affect strategy...” he says. He tries to find more words than that, but his brain fails to work.
"What is our plan to confront Keldeo? Perhaps some of us who can fly might be able to scount the path ahead?" He glanced around, his gaze pausing on Winged King and Shou'an. "Or if anyone else has suggestions, we should discuss on the way."

Having finally left the chaos of the monkeys, Shou'an finally had some time to himself in peace to think about how the team would tackle Keldeo. As he flew forward, he thought aloud to himself.

"Keldeo...under normal circumstances, I should be able to fend him off alone. But this is only in a righteous, honourable battle, and it seems like Keldeo has little inclination to be honourable now. In that case, why would we be honourable as well..."

The Latios took off his cloak, folding it into a small triangle, as his body seemed to melt into the scenery behind him. It was quite a sudden change, as within a few seconds, he was only barely visible, his body looking almost like glass, but much more subtle.

"I can go forward and scout the way. I want to see what Keldeo is up to."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
“Wonder what determined what he got here, though?” he ponders aloud. “It’s kinda inconvenient. You saw his Discharge. He’d usually use Electro Ball when he could hit allies, but, well.”
"You should be able to retrain yourself to use Electro ball by the time we reach Keldeo. If you wish," they added. "Though perhps familiarity and ease influenced what he ended up with... I admit I am not sure the mechanics when summoning from a world without such limits. It would be a fascinating study sometime..."

The Latios took off his cloak, folding it into a small triangle, as his body seemed to melt into the scenery behind him. It was quite a sudden change, as within a few seconds, he was only barely visible, his body looking almost like glass, but much more subtle.

"I can go forward and scout the way. I want to see what Keldeo is up to."
Turbulent skies awaited Shou'an the closer he got to the island, but for an experienced flier and legendary, it was more than manageable.

Soon enough, he would reach the island, still invisible. Perhaps for an ordinary mon, he would have risked being spotted or attacked, but not in his current state.

A few circuits would be enough to scout the perimeter and center area. It was fairly large, but uncomplex. As big around as a lrge battlefield, with jagged crystalline structures around the edge and and thin film of water covering the battlefield. A gray must hung over everything, giving the air a spooky feeling. At first, the island appeared empty. Yet the air simmered with a distinct pressure, one that a legendary might recognize as a giveaway for the presence of another legend.

A closer look showed that there was something... A figure, tucked away among the crystals and cloaked in fog. Hard to spot immediately from the air, but definitely him for real.


If this was a setup for an ambush, it wasn't a very effective one. Anyone approaching from the ground would see him. Perhaps, for some reason, Keldeo was waiting...?

Whatever was going on in Keldeo's head was impossible to discern though.

The group drew ever closer to the island, the tension in the air growing. Chef Flygon seemed to be mulling over Shou'an's words before he departed.

"Do you all believe it wise to stoop to Keldeo's level and ambush him?"

Mantine growled. "Fine if you ask me. He played dirty, and so should we." Bitterness could be heard in her voice, even over the sound of the ocean. "I can only do so much, but I'm gonna help fight. I'll follow your lots lead though," she added.

Clink tittered uncertainly. "Maybe we should try to be better than him... Not do what he did." Their voice was quiet, hard to hear if one wasn't paying attention.
Already waiting? Shou'an seemed slightly shocked at what he saw; Keldeo didn't even seem to be attempting something. He was simply there, waiting for a fight...? But that can't be, he thought. There has to be a trick somehow, and he had his reservations about being able to deal with anything up his sleeve alone. Making a U-turn, he flew back toward the group, remaining invisible and keeping his mind blocked.

"Our target is up ahead. He seems to be fully prepared for anything we can throw at him, and he even seems to be shielded by something."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"So, Clink," Codex asked with an inquisitive look on their face. "What's our actual endgame here? How do we deal with this corruption? If it's a simple matter of depleting their spirit and defeating him in combat, then once he comes to his senses he'll likely have no real qualms about us getting the job done however is most pragmatic. If we actually have to persuade him to shake off his own mental fugue state, we may wish to take a more direct and trustworthy path."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
While Shou’an is away, Nori muses what their hosts had to say. “I mean, that guy thought those monkeys and swords were barbarians who couldn’t be reasoned with, and look what happened there. So I wouldn’t place too much stock in how he views things.” Although there’s a hint in his tone that he would’ve said it even if he was there. The legendary seemed to be operating under very different morality. He glances at Codex momentarily. “I mean, pragmatism is one thing. But if reminding those Pokemon how they used to be worked, we can’t rule out it’ll work on Keldeo too.” The odds were low, but there.

Eventually, the Latios returns. “Okay, that settles it for me at least. Not even sure how we’d pull an ambush with what we have if he’s prepared. And that with that...something...” Couldn’t he have been more specific? “That’s shielding him, we won’t know if some of what we do will even work. So we should watch for his ambushes and otherwise walk in ready for anything, is what I’m saying.” He usually fought battles with just a skeletal plan and adapting on the fly, but what about the others?


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"I... I don't know. Not for sure." Clink's gaze didn't shift from the island, as it drew ever closer.

"When he attacked me, I remember him prattling on about honor being meaningless and a lie," Mantine spat. "But I can't say I much care about how we beat him though, I just want to show him he messed with the wrong water-type."

Clink considered Nori's words. "Just defeating him might not be enough. But Nori might be right. The Mankey were persuaded. Perhaps sheer force alone isn't the answer..."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Codex sighed. “Can we just… play this one straight? I don’t want to have to deal with any secondhand feelings of resentment, any more so than I already will. It sounds like a reasonable strategic choice, too, if we want him to his own share of breaking out of this state.”

They also felt a less cutthroat approach might lead to a less cutthroat battle, but clearly their target of what was acceptably nondestructive were far below average tolerance levels here, so they opted to keep that thought to themself.


Abscission Ascendant
This time, no one was offering an airbus option. Nate lay facedown on the mantine's broad fin, waiting in vain for his stomach to settle. The water was calm enough, but the up-down motion of the mantine's strokes was nauseating enough. Mightyena nosed him a couple times, made sure he wasn't in serious trouble, then went off to practice some swings with her aegislash on an open patch of mantine.

Nate wished he could tune out the conversation going on around him and focus simply on not losing his lunch, but there wasn't much else to focus on. "I figure I ought to at least try to talk to the guy," he finally said, rolling onto his side but not getting any farther than that. "Doubt it'll do much, but if he remembers, then... who knows." He grimaced and flopped back over on his stomach. "Probably oughta... fight as fair as we can. If he's on about honor being bullshit, then show him... honor."

Mightyena had to drop her sword to make a comment. "You just need to do what you did last time!"

"Fuck no."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"I agree," Chef Flygon said. "Straightfroward is best, and if he truly is corrupted in this way, then perhaps we can show him a better way."

Clink nodded, looking relieved. Mantine seemed only slightly put off, making a grunt of agreement.

The remainder of the journey to the crystal island proved increasingly tense. Dark clouds loomed ever closer and closer. Winds picked up and the seas grew choppier. Mantine managed it expertly, but it proved a challenge for anyone prone to a bit seasickness. At the very least, the journey was manageable enough that most of the group could rest.

Eventually they all made it to the island in one piece. A rough, rocky shore sloped upward to the crystal ring. Gone were the rays of sun, replaced by purplish black storm clouds high overhead. The air was chilly, in an unpleasantly cutting way, and sharp winds gusted over the hostile landscape.

They waited a few moments, to give everyone a chance to gather themselves after the trip. Then Clink and Chef Flygon led the way forward, up the slope and to their waiting opponent.

((OOC: @System Error I'll make a forum post shortly with some information about how this battle will work, since its a bit different))

High, smooth crystal walls surrounded the group. A large flat stretch of water, only a few inches deep, spread before them. A thin, chilling mist hung in the air.

A dark, quadrupedal figure stood at the far end of the pool of water, waiting. As the group approached, it could be seen more clearly to be a fairly large equine pokemon, not unlike a Ponyta, though quite a bit larger. Creamy fur and a bright red mane and blue tail- Or rather, that is how he should have appeared, to any familiar with the species. But instead, Keldeo sports a dark purple mane and eerie maroon tail. Something else is wrong...

His dark blue horn is but a jagged stump. In its place, Keldeo wields a sleek, wicked looking purple blade. Poison oozes from the tip and it gives off an unsettling aura.


“So you’ve finally come.” Keldeo sounded cool, unbothered. “I sensed a foreign presence, but you usually knock, Clink. Who are these interlopers you amass against me?” He cocks his head to the side, surveying the group. An edge colors his tone, and his eyes are hard.

Clink floated forward. “I just want to help-”

“Come now. Do I look like I need your help?” He tosses his head and stamps a hoof on the watery ground. “No, I think not. But perhaps, since you have made it this far, a battle is in order. That is how these things are done, right?” Is that a sneer in his voice?

He snorts and lowers his head. “I see you already intend to overwhelm me with numbers, like cowards. How very honorable.” At this, he smirks, as if amused by the notion instead of truly angry. Or perhaps... he likes the idea?

A gleam shines in his eyes, like a predator exmining a new piece of prey. “Let us spar honorably, on equal footing. I shall only use three moves, and so shall you. No healing during combat, we fight until one side has lost their will to go on. Does this sound fair?” Despite his words, there was a sense that there was no joy or eagerness. Just a cruel edge.

“My moves shall be my Sacred Sword, Swords Dance and my Aqua Jet. What say you?”

A shiver of Anticipation would run through Codex...
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"The honor system is flawed, plain and simple," Breve said, stepping forwards. "The honor system is why former gym leader Montague went unchecked for so long, with his rigged roulette wheel."

"And that is why we have regulations and inspections," Breve said. "To make sure that safety is being followed. We need proof."

"I accept your terms, but only on one condition: You prove that you cannot use your fourth move, via Disable," Breve said.

Temsik looked wary, but after several seconds, nodded.
In his life, Shou'an had never seen Keldeo, any one of its kind, in fact. To him, the Pokemon looked glorious, radiating a palpable power that spoke of the high degree of power that he had; though, slightly tainted in some way. He respected the horse-like Pokemon, in stark contrast to how he treated the monkeys previously; he knew of the venerability that Keldeo have, both in this domain and outside. The Latios, by now having exited his invisibility, flew forward, lowering his body and bowing his head toward the Keldeo.

"Good day, sir. My name is Shou'an, the King of the Southern Kingdom of Tianxia. You may have heard of it; you may not. But that doesn't matter for now."

He paused, attempting to phrase his words as best as possible.

"We are a kind that is revered by other Pokemon. We are said to have been blessed by the Gods, as you know; and we are thus expected to carry forth a dignity that befits that of those high above. I come here not for destruction -- as I would never hurt one of my own kind -- but rather, to convince you to return to the pure roots of those Up Above have intended, as examples for the world. But if you would like a fight -- which you have intended -- I will show you that as you can hold your own in combat, I can hold mine as well."


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
The journey was strangely silent; this time she was alone on Winged King's back, with nothing but the dragon's wingbeats and the rush of the wind to keep her company.
The air when they arrived was heavy. She had been expecting a somewhat bigger creature (then again, all the ones she was used to seemed to be quite bigger than all the ones she had seen so far), but from what she had been told about Keldeo and the general atmosphere, it seemed like he would be a formidable opponent.

Looking at him after they landed, Sada felt doubt creep over her for a long moment.

What was she even doing here? Why had she agreed to this?

The fact that Clink had told her that they couldn't die in this world didn't reassure her. Who knew if it was even true? A wondrous world where death didn't exist seemed too good to be true.

She looked down at the water that covered the arena. Keldeo could run on water, they had said ... just like she feared, they were going to fight him on his territory... And he was trying to put some strange conditions over the fight.

"Sacred Sword"? "Acqua Jet"?

Those words meant nothing to her. But something else the creature had said struck her.

« Fight "honorably", on "equal footing ", you say... That is impossible by our very nature. » she answered after a long moment, gripping her spear tighter.

« You limiting your powers a bit means nothing if other creatures couldn't match you even at their full strength.
A Roaring Moon is superior to any other creature it preys on. That doesn't make it more "honorable" if it suddenly decides to hunt its prey without flying. It's just... a silly game at best. Playing with its opponent. Why would abiding by your rules make this battle "honorable"? If we handicap ourselves, we're just putting ourselves in an even worse position compared to you. » she sneered, gritting her teeth.
« Nothing "honorable" in that kind of fighting. »

Winged King kept silent, studying their opponent. Even if he wanted, he couldn't abide by his rule. He didn't think of his abilities as specific "moves", like he didn't think of his wings and curling up his tail to run better as nothing more than just moving his own body. And he shared Sada's opinion. He could feel it in the air. This was a formidable opponent. He was an Apex predator, the Winged King, the one that could make even Roaring Moon cover in fear!
... But for the first time in a long while, he felt actually scared before another creature.
This Keldeo was on another level.
Both his battle and survival instincts were screaming at him.
Protect Sada.

That thought snapped him back to the moment, and he reared up on his back legs and spread his feathers taking a battle stance, roaring his challenge.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Codex of Truth felt as if their body was trying to reject their presence here. In a sense, they were: Base instinct told them the should be trying to escape to anywhere else but here. Keldeo’s spirit carried traces of energies dangerous to Hatterene, making their membrane crawl. His corruption was utterly caustic to their emotional sense. Like any good thing in them was twisted into an uncanny facsimile of itself.

“You’re utterly hemorrhaging toxic emotions. I can hardly stand to to have a faesense near you, so I dread to imagine what it feels like inside your head. Yes, you need help. That’s an objective fact.”

Disdain was written all across Codex’s face. They couldn’t entirely help it. Such strong sentiments were, to an extent, contagious. “I don’t care if you ‘don’t want help.’ You’re not in a state of mind where you’re capable of making such decisions. Complain as you will, we will see this through. Even if we have do it in the face of your wishes to the contrary… But, fine. Psycho Cut, Mystical Fire, Draining Kiss— deal with it, I’m not abdicating that one, but I will withhold Heal Pulse. A compromise, so long as you can avoid inflicting grievous injury on on anyone.”
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Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
"Wait, that's Keldeo?" Nova asked from the back of the group, tilting her head. "From all the stories I heard back home he was some paragon of honor, not a conniving creep. Though given what he did to Mantine, I guess this makes sense."

'Three moves, that hardly sounds like a handicap, especially if he's outnumbered.' Nova thought to herself before speaking up. "Hey Keldeo, do you plan to stick to your limit too, or is this handicap isn't some kind of trick to lower our guard and get an idea of our moves?"

"Either way, I'll accept your terms of three moves, for me they'll be Covet, Quick Attack, and Hyper Voice," the Eevee said before her voice dropped to a whisper. "I've had an opponent who acted like him back home, make sure you all keep your guard up." After speaking her warning, Nova began to eat her dark blue berry.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
Ferry was surprised how much the little pony resembled the shoddy human drawings of them he'd seen in the corners of so many manuscripts. He'd sworn it had been blue in the pictures, but it would not have been the first things the humans got wrong.

Hearing Keldeo's words, Ferry shook his head, lips pulling upward. "Three moves each is honorable to you in a way that four each is not? It's little wonder you abandoned honor so trivially, if adherence to arbitrary rules is your idea of it. That is the opposite of honor." His tail swished low. Sun looked up at him curiously. "You are right. There is only victory and defeat. Honor has no place on the battlefield... There is no honorable way to beat and kill."

He had already been feeling on edge since seeing that blasted sword before, but his old scars reopened fully as those words passed his lips—enough that he could feel the aura-stumps hanging from his head itch and burn. What he wouldn't give for a wad of gracidea petals right now, to take the pain away. Some knight he was, to speak of honor.

"Honor doesn't concern the battle itself. It concerns the steps taken toward the battle. Whom will you choose to fight? And whom will you choose to defend? Honor concerns these things. Perhaps you know something of this. But perhaps... perhaps not."

He frowned, considering, then said: "Force palm, metal claw, detect. I will play your war game. If you insist."

Sun hopped around in place. "Yay! Games!"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Samson listened to Keldeo and the others discuss honor with arms crossed, pensive. Honor. He remembered when he was younger - when his father had taught him about honor. How he should always fight fair because that's what a real man did. He'd stuck to that advice in the scuffles he'd gotten himself into even if his opponents didn't grant him the same courtesy. But then he'd met Noah, and Noah had taught him that he should strive to be a good person because it was the right thing to do rather than as an attempt to affirm his own masculinity. But that wasn't really about honor, was it, that was about gender roles, and those were hardly relevant right now...

"Why does the concept of honor exist?" Samson asked, rhetorically. "Is it to try and keep things fair for everyone?" He closed his eyes. "I don't think you care about that, Keldeo. You haven't been fair before. Trapping a mantine in a crystal prison for no reason isn't fair." He opened his eyes. "What is it, then? Why should we fight honorably, from your perspective? Is it just a habit left over from the days this darkness wasn't plaguing you? Is it to keep up appearances?" Samson shook his head. "I think you want to trick us, honestly. I wasn't born yesterday. However..."

Samson uncrossed his arms. "I only know about one move I have - Thunder Punch. I'm sure I have others, but I haven't discovered them yet. Therefore, I couldn't disclose them to you if I wanted to. So what's a guy to do now? Use nothing but Thunder Punch? Doesn't seem fair when others get three moves. What would you have me do, Keldeo?"

Samson didn't think he would agree to whatever Keldeo suggested, as this whole move restriction thing seemed extremely arbitrary and only having benefit as a possible ruse, but he was still curious to hear how the equine would respond. Maybe the answer would tell something more about his character.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Josie gazed at the odd appearance Keldeo had. This was what the dark crystals were able to do? Oh, what if she ended up becoming corrupted and having purple fur and started talking some weird nonsense?

Despite how eager Keldeo tried to sound, the Joltik thought that maybe there was something deep down in him that was asking for help. “Don’t worry, Keldeo. We’ll save you.”

With a large jump, she went to stand on the crystals, a little sweat trickling down out of nervousness. Better keep moving before the crystals did something to her. “I’m Josie the Joltik!” she exclaimed to Keldeo. She took a pause. Considering how much he was babbling about ‘honor’ and Mantine’s allegations of him fighting dirty… “Call me JoJo if you’d like.” It was only appropriate to hear the thug that Keldeo became call her by that dumb nickname. “Koraidon! Chef! Cover me! I’m gonna get ready!” She skittered in place, charging up electricity and sliding back-and-forth quickly to increase her Agility.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
"And that is why we have regulations and inspections," Breve said. "To make sure that safety is being followed. We need proof."

"I accept your terms, but only on one condition: You prove that you cannot use your fourth move, via Disable," Breve said.
At this, Keldeo chuckled. "Oh you mortals are so fascinating. Very well... My fourth move?" He stamped the ground, creating a splash of water. A smirk played across his snout.

"Yes. I will play your little game of safety and rules. You can disable my fourth move, Smart Strike." Steel energy shone around his horn, turning it metallic, and he jabbed the air, brandishing it for Temsik to apply the blocking power.

But if you would like a fight -- which you have intended -- I will show you that as you can hold your own in combat, I can hold mine as well."
"We will see if you can," Keldeo replied evenly, though there was a bite to his voice. "I see you are a different breed than the silly Latios I know. The spirit of a ruler. I expect you understand then. This world has only two people. Those who prove victorious, and those who cannot." For Latios, he seemed more intrigued, as if either somehow impressed or simply fascinated by his demeanour.

« You limiting your powers a bit means nothing if other creatures couldn't match you even at their full strength.
A Roaring Moon is superior to any other creature it preys on. That doesn't make it more "honorable" if it suddenly decides to hunt its prey without flying. It's just... a silly game at best. Playing with its opponent. Why would abiding by your rules make this battle "honorable"? If we handicap ourselves, we're just putting ourselves in an even worse position compared to you. » she sneered, gritting her teeth.
« Nothing "honorable" in that kind of fighting. »
That thought snapped him back to the moment, and he reared up on his back legs and spread his feathers taking a battle stance, roaring his challenge.
As Sada spoke, a dark look entered Keldeo's gaze, and he tensed, his very aura seeming to flare in response to the Winged King's challenge. He didn't seem afraid, but nor did he dismiss it entirely. Sada however, quickly commanded more of his attention as he picked his way across the battlefield, closer to her. Still many yards away, he stopped.

"Is that so? I see you are confident in your own so-called honor." He spoke now through gritted teeth. Her words had perhaps gotten under his skin, just a tiny bit. "Is it not honorable to be fair and equal, human who carries a spear? I am only trying to give you a fair chance. You can see my blade, know my moves..." He sniffed, projecting disdain, then turned away. "But very well, I cannot compell you to behave in an honorable manner. You only disservice yourself." Somehow he did not sound very convincing himself, more like he was reciting something he did not believe.

Even if we have do it in the face of your wishes to the contrary… But, fine. Psycho Cut, Mystical Fire, Draining Kiss
"As for you, fae." Keldeo whirled and locked eyes with Codex, clearly irritated by her conviction that he needed help. "Believe what you wish about me. It is but one opinion, founded on your own experience. We shall see your mettle. And who is truly in need of help."

"Hey Keldeo, do you plan to stick to your limit too, or is this handicap isn't some kind of trick to lower our guard and get an idea of our moves?"

"Either way, I'll accept your terms of three moves, for me they'll be Covet, Quick Attack, and Hyper Voice,
A ghost of a mused smile crossed Keldeo's snout, and he paced closer to examine Nova. "I suppose you cannot know if it is a trick now can you? Is that not the basis of all honor? To believe your opponent will abide by rules you yourself plan to?"

He stepped back, looking down his muzzle at Nova. "I accept your terms, little mortal."

"Honor doesn't concern the battle itself. It concerns the steps taken toward the battle. Whom will you choose to fight? And whom will you choose to defend? Honor concerns these things. Perhaps you know something of this. But perhaps... perhaps not."

He frowned, considering, then said: "Force palm, metal claw, detect. I will play your war game. If you insist."
Something dark, like frustration or disgust, seemed to simmer inside Keldeo's gaze as he heard Ferry's words. His body stiffened, and he opened his snout to speak, seemed to change mind, then spoke, his voice brittle. "I looked forward to playing with you."

"I only know about one move I have - Thunder Punch. I'm sure I have others, but I haven't discovered them yet. Therefore, I couldn't disclose them to you if I wanted to. So what's a guy to do now? Use nothing but Thunder Punch? Doesn't seem fair when others get three moves. What would you have me do, Keldeo?"
Keldeo shook his head as he paced. "It wounds me, to be accused of trickery before we have even begun. It seems you have made your judgements of me already. Why not ask your teammates to use only one move? Maybe that would be most fair." Keldeo shook his head in mock sadness. "Or perhaps I should go easy on you, Ampharos? Would that be more fair?" His tone was almost softner as he had continued, yet nonetheless insincere.

"Honor is found within yourself, is it not? You tell me." There was a needling challenge under his veneer of lightheartedness. He meant to provoke, it seemed, more than seek a true answer.

“Call me JoJo if you’d like.”
"We will see what you are made of, Jojo."

Keldeo picked his way through the water back to where he'd stood before, at the far edge of the field. Despite holding his head high and looking disaffected, he seemed now more on edge and frustrated than when they first saw him. Their comments had gotten under his skin, if only slightly. Yet a malicious, eager light still glowed in his eyes, as if he were looked forward to the battle - for all the wrong reasons.
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