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Corrupt A Wish!


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
I wish I had a mech suit.
Granted, but you never specified what condition it would be in. The thing is rusty and rancid.

I wish for an award for something


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
A magical suit out of a valcano. Granted and with a mon twist! You get team magmas volco treader 2000x and this baby can stand over 9 million degrees and comes with a jet pack that will safely whisk.you out...

Into the ocean. And as the suits only built for magma i see a few leaks springing....

I wish to be an air bender ala the last airbender verse please.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Alright luke skywalker challenge acepted)

I rise from the grave to corrupt your wish (lucky you). Those holes seal and the excess water that seeped in disolves via magmas backup system kicking in and saving your bacon. You are safe from the water...

But that fun tension of water pressure mounts and the armor starts to crunch in... Imagine being in an empty can as its slowly being stepped on by unspeakable force...

I wish to discover and study a new spiecies of shark.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
I wish that I was a Galarian Slowking.
Yeah that.... happens. Along with a constant throbbing in your head that comes with the shelder bite.

I'd like a falinks evolution


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan

You get a baby version of its evolution "chainlinkie", it looks like a set of baby shoes bound to a chainlink fence and its noisy... And cries nonstop. Its stats are garbage, it only learns fake tears and defense curl, and its ability makes no sense and cant be used competativle.

I'd like to go to the pokemon world championship please.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
You get a baby version of its evolution "chainlinkie", it looks like a set of baby shoes bound to a chainlink fence and its noisy... And cries nonstop. Its stats are garbage, it only learns fake tears and defense curl, and its ability makes no sense and cant be used competativle.

I'd like to go to the pokemon world championship please.
AWWWW the babysssss I love them <3

You can go, sure, But your seat's are GARBAGE, and on top of that, you end up missing some of it being stuck in line to get in!

I'd like to wish for a final evolution for the Chainlinkie -> Falinks line (this might ruin my life, but it's silly sooooooo)


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
I'd like to wish for a final evolution for the Chainlinkie -> Falinks line (this might ruin my life, but it's silly sooooooo)
Granted! This third stage is known as Archolinked, and its base stats are identical to that of Falinks. In fact, it looks nearly identical, just with each Falinks having a different colored horn, and the lead Falinks' horn having split into three.
However, Archolinked has a signature ability that triggers under specific conditions. This ability is called Link-Up, and it triggers after it uses No Retreat while below half health. This leads to a lengthy cutscene that does cut into the game time where the different Archolinked (Archolinks? Are they still Falinks technically?) change form, combining to create a Falinks voltron and getting an increase to its Attack, Special Attack, Defense, and Special Defense, while halving its speed.
Oh, and you can only evolve it at a certain location, once a month on a day randomly determined at the beginning of the month, with an item that is a 5% drop chance from Shiny Falinks.

I wish I was in Japan right now.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Granted! This third stage is known as Archolinked, and its base stats are identical to that of Falinks. In fact, it looks nearly identical, just with each Falinks having a different colored horn, and the lead Falinks' horn having split into three.
However, Archolinked has a signature ability that triggers under specific conditions. This ability is called Link-Up, and it triggers after it uses No Retreat while below half health. This leads to a lengthy cutscene that does cut into the game time where the different Archolinked (Archolinks? Are they still Falinks technically?) change form, combining to create a Falinks voltron and getting an increase to its Attack, Special Attack, Defense, and Special Defense, while halving its speed.
Oh, and you can only evolve it at a certain location, once a month on a day randomly determined at the beginning of the month, with an item that is a 5% drop chance from Shiny Falinks.

I wish I was in Japan right now.
I see this as an absolute win! it may suck, but it's silly and funny. baby shoe soldiers to roman kirbys to voltron is the perfect timeline.

You can go to japan, but just you. You haven't brought anything other than the clothes on your body, and on top of that, your pockets are empty.

I'll wish for a magical item of some kind!
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Magical item eh?

In honor pf your dnd fic i gift you the d20 of insurmountableable will. At first glance it looks like a regular d20. Has the requisite numbers, sides, and heft...

The magic unlocks with a sucsesful roll.

There are two events that occure. Whenever the roll will lead to anything progressing the plot all players in 20ft of the dice will be curaed with the will of a fallen rules lawyer they will conrest every and any decsion. Demand documentation(monster stats, thier stats, encounter notes), dicker over math, or attempt to minmax everything.

Whichever would be most destructive to game flow is what you get.

If in the odd event you get five rolls of a 20 on said d20 the secondary effect kicks in. Some random guy named will gets in your way. Be it to block an access to the fast lane. Tha bathroom. Or to juat be freakishly tall and loom infront of you at the theater, blocming thr screen. And all.these wills. No matter what. Will not move for the roll of 1d20 for each d20 you rolled in game, hours.

(Yawn) I'm looking for a snuggly pillow for my nap please...


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
(Yawn) I'm looking for a snuggly pillow for my nap please...
(damn, I'm going to just place this thing on my shelf because I'm sure its pretty at the least).

A snuggly pillow for a nap! of course! the pillow is made to be the most snuggly for your nap, and made to be extra soft, too. However, you need to take your nap on a concrete room with no bed or anything. Just you, and the pillow. Even worse, the ceiling is leaking, so your pillow is slightly damp.

Happy sleeping!

I'll wish for a day out with my friends where we have fun together!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Granted, your friends and you get together and have fun as far as the eye can see. However just as the party breaks up disaster strikes. Everyones folks, jobs, or houses have teleported to different corners of the world, and they must follow, effective immediatly.

I would like a ship to sail the seven seas.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
... Alrighty then.

Granted. You go to bed one day then you wake in another world. 'Mon are real. They go on adventures, have cute if geologically and architectually challenged home towns. And lucky you you swing up a note on the adventure board looking for a group and you are accepted! No questions asked...

But you see there is one question to ask... Which mon are you. You mr. Forestoak have come to the world into the body of a weedle. And with time locked up you can't evolve until the main quest is complete and surprise! You are the main p.c.!

Good luck.

i would like a peperoni pizza please.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
I will personally hunt down your wish and poison it with poison sting! For you ahve brought this on yourself!!! (I'm joking)

Granted! You get a peperoni pizza-except a peperoni pizza is different from a pepperoni pizza. A peperoni pizza is the worst kind of pizza ever, worse than trash pizza. Yucky.

I wish that I get a better pokemon to be.
Last edited:
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Oh now you edit it...

Alrighty improvment coming right up...

Arceus in a fit of goodwill has envoked his powers to upgrade your pokemon test results to something more to your taste. Congrats you are now the mon of your dreams with perfect evs, ivs, and shiny (if you like).

Theres just this tiny itty bitty issue...


Lvl 1 splash
Lvl 2 teleport
Lvl 3 present (locked at a 100% chance to heal enemies)
Lvl 4 taunt

And no moves thereafter. Good luck making it work.

I'd like a new mystery dungeon game please (not a remake of an older version please nintendo keeps doing that all on thier own...)
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