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Corrupt A Wish!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
No your trapped either worthlessly flailing around like a beached fish, doing the mon equivulant of "neener neener" then teleporting after everyonr goes first... Or healing the person wailing on you as theyre wailing on you...

Its a bit worse when you think about it.

As an appology for before....

You get the best moves, dance and otherwise. Skull is envious of your prebattle swagger. Prof. Kukui foams with jealousy from an alternate dimension away with each attack. Contest freaks give you maximum points in the moves catagories just because...

Think original game mew that can learn anything... And apply that to yourself.

Now the cavet... Your accuracy is locked at .0001%. No matter what move you use. No hacking or moves like lock-on can save you now!

Hmmm. I'd like a pokecenter shop to open up locally... Nah.. Tak e it back. Lets open the shop up all through the usa in the hometown of all forum members so no one misses out! (i'll share with a whole country i guess).


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Hmmm. I'd like a pokecenter shop to open up locally... Nah.. Tak e it back. Lets open the shop up all through the usa in the hometown of all forum members so no one misses out! (i'll share with a whole country i guess).
Sure, yeah, there's poke-centers everywhere! but the one closest to you has been taken over by team skull. Have fun with your not-free healthcare!

I'd like to wish for a badass outfit!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Alright your alto sax has been blessed by the music fairies... They will it to never deteriate. The reed, pads, buttons and inner workings stay spick and span and the whole thing will never take any damage forever more....

On the other hand the faries were a bit tone deaf and "blessed" it to sound universally flat, squeaky or sharp, whichever flaw would be the most grating.

I would like to go swimming in the sea.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
I'm a blind Mew now. Gee, thanks. Well, luckily, I can just barely see your typing (squint), so, as revenge...

You go swimming in the sea, and it's very comfortable, as it's burning outside the water and the waves only gently push you backwards and never draw you closer to the "unsafe" areas where you swear are riptides. In fact, the only thing that disturbs you is that strange skeleton whale drawing closer and closer...maybe you shouldn't have swam in Japan.

I wish that I would be a pokemon with NO silly ridiculous flaw that stops me from battling or not battling or anything like that.
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Wow its like someone decided to try to saftey proof that wish after it got sunk via loop holes a few times...

Alright, you are the mon of your dreams. With tm/hm and move turtor access... And i'll even toss in a nice iv/ev sets and i'll even toss in optional shiny status...

And you even get free pick of region or prefered mystery dungeon...

All these hacks come at the low low price of all your opponets being locked at level 100.

Happy battling.

i've got two cats latched to my ankle and refusing to move. They are presently doing the loving limp crousant effect. Please grant me a humane means to extract them without getting turned to hamburger via 1000 cat scratches.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
[sweats] I could totally do that...uh yeah, just gimme a hundred days to complete each rescue mission...

Have you herd I liek mudkip-never mind, I like burgers. As such, I will grant your wish-with a catch...you now have have human means to remove them-but getting turned into a hamburger via 10000 scratches. Oopsies.

I wish that there'd be no more arguments in the world forever.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
I wish that there'd be no more arguments in the world forever.
Granted! Instead of people verbally arguing to work out disagreements, they immediately engage in violent combat instead. School debate clubs are now fight clubs, ethics classes are battlegrounds, court cases are war zones, and countries are split into civil wars over simple political disputes.

I wish that I could summon a singular apple of my choice at a time whenever and wherever I wanted.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Wish granted.

you can snap your fingers, hum a tune, or think about the apple of your choice and it floats from the eithers and into your hand ..

And the second you touch it, it shimmers back into the void... Attempting to bite/grab it via any means nets simular results.

I would like a tasty apple pastery ala mode (the last wish made me hungry) delivered to me for dessert, with the stipulation it not be spoiled or diappear when i lay hands om it.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
I would like a tasty apple pastery ala mode (the last wish made me hungry) delivered to me for dessert, with the stipulation it not be spoiled or diappear when i lay hands om it.
(Did you just give me the Tantalus curse? I will have vengeance.)
Granted! You get a tasty pastry delivered to you, and the pastry does not disappear when you put your hands on it. Instead, all of the apple filling in it disappeared when I was delivering it to you, so you now just have a plain pastry.

I wish I was a master of every martial art
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Did you just give me the Tantalus curse? I will have vengeance.)
Granted! You get a tasty pastry delivered to you, and the pastry does not disappear when you put your hands on it. Instead, all of the apple filling in it disappeared when I was delivering it to you, so you now just have a plain pastry.

I wish I was a master of every martial art
Indeed i did. Enjoy!

The dyslexia duo faced wish fairy has arrived to grant your wish... You gain the ability to master every material art when in a combat situation... And your martial art skils shine in noncombat scenatios...

And nothing you can do will reverse that.

Hmm i'd like something nice to read... Can i get a nice book to read please?


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
You're gifted a fantastic book my friend. Only problem? it's in a language you dont understand.

I'd like to wish, not for Pokemon as a whole to be real, but just one pincurchin.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Granted, but it drops where my pincurchin is.

I'll wish for some hiking supplies to make it to my new friend.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(You are going to make me go out and embrace nature to get my fave scifi gizmo arent you? Fine, but i am not responsible for the results to either myself, nature, or fellow climbers, they all've been warned)

Your gear appears. Its pristine, shiny, works like a charm, fits like a glove.. Except the gloves... Those... They fit like a boot (i dunno analogies are weird)... Regardless you gather your goodies and book a flight to the china-napal territories and you are raring to go (i'll even give you a pass and say.you are preapproved/condition trained to make that hike) you land ready to set out but all.the sherpa (native guilds) are sold out... And the dead locks gunna be a loooong wait.

I guess i'm gunna need to get there too (i wanna at least try to get my slate) so safe transport with working/fitting gear to mt. Everest please.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
(You sick monster, my poor pincurchin is freezing up there!)

Fine, you get your hike together, and things start out fine... untill you hear rumbling. as you look forward, you realize an avalanch is coming for you!

I wish for a two way teleportation to where my boy, pincurchin is. (one teleport there, one back)
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Kandy, you met my "probably needs a freeze heal but will be fine" scenario and rose me an you will die by an avalanche. you got no leg to stand on here....)

with a shimmer of light and sound effect of your choice the world whites out and when reality resolidifies you find yourself right in front of your beloved pinchurchin... It looks up, startled, upon seeing you, then its beady eyes light up as it realizes.

This is the trainer of its dreams... The why to "why did arceus bring me here..."

It tips toward you... You reach down to scoop it up.... And riiiiight before contact that second teleport kicks in.

You are now at the base of the ring of fire... In snow gear... The sight of a crying pinchurchin having literally flashed before your eyes before younwere dumped in the most themeatically opposite place possible to your starting point.

Alright, in response to my uncoming death i wish to be teleported somewhere safe.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm

You pop away just this instant, and for a moment, eerything is fine. the world seems safe, untill you notice something...

Me. I smile, and for a moment, you understand. You're in the ring of fire with me. we both continue to burn up and be hot as hell.

I wish That the BOTH of us can get (safely) to the top, grab our stuff, and get back.
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan

You pop away just this instant, and for a moment, eerything is fine. the world seems safe, untill you notice something...

Me. I smile, and for a moment, you understand. You're in the ring of fire with me. we both continue to burn up and be hot as hell.

I wish That the BOTH of us can get (safely) to the top, grab our stuff, and get back.
(You are aware you wished us both back to r.l. death mountian... Or considering this forum... TeamMagmas idea of paradise right?)

Well this will be sinch.

A flash of light and we are courting death via hypothermia, but before pressure changes and temp changes royally kick in we are teleported back to hotoven lava land, and in that span right before we get back you snatch your animate pincusion... I get my slate... And activate the teleportation runes to get home thank you very much.

You on the otherhand are being slow cooked, your mon looking more like a soot spirit than what it should on the ring of fire. (Sorry canonically slates only transport one)

Me, I am home free and striking up the wish spirits for a nice cold drink. I'll raise a toast to your charcol while i cool down in nice safe temprate lands.


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Oh, so that's how we're playing it, huh? fine.

I look my pincurchin in the eyes, determined.

You sit there, sipping your drink (Which tastes terrible by the way, there, wish corrupted.)

And I will wish to be somewhere of moderate temperature that me and my pincurchin will be HAPPY in for as long as we live.
  • Mewlulz
Reactions: K_S
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