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Corrupt A Wish!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Yeah i miss it too.. Excuse me while u whine at the no wifi screen for awhile)

You have time and motiviation to your hearts content... But progress refuses to occure be it bad luck. Missing bits. Or some alien force unding your worj on x and y project...

Speaking of x and y... I wish theyd do a pokemon orgins esc. Episode for all the regions like they did for red and blue.
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Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Granted! They release an origins series for all of the regions! However, each series is region locked to the location the series is based off of, and the voice acting is sub-par at best.

I wish they would release a Legends Unova game.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
I wish they would release a Legends Unova game.
They do. its a mobile game. with lootboxes.

I wish Flygon would get a mega evolution that rivals Garchomp in coolness and stats
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Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Granted, but it's a bug/dragon type, so it's objectively worse type wise

I'd like to wish for a TTRPG system that's silly but dosn't make me want to rip my own hair out.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
I'd like to wish for a TTRPG system that's silly but dosn't make me want to rip my own hair out.
Granted, you find a TTRPG with rules you like that are consistent and still fun. However, none of your group wants to take the time to learn it, and it has a somewhat niche community.

I wish I had a more space in my room.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Granted, you find a TTRPG with rules you like that are consistent and still fun. However, none of your group wants to take the time to learn it, and it has a somewhat niche community.

I wish I had a more space in my room.

Ypu have the joyous expereince with alien geomitry... As mich lateral horizontal space you want... But you cant reaxh it... Get to it... Gravity shifts making items placed in it unaccessable.. And ocasionally cthullu mosies in and eats an item as a sacrifice to wake the sleeping city.

Please make the xmas music stooooop... Please!


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Granted, but it is entirely replaced with country music.

I wish for a simple high five.
  • Mewlulz
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(You monster!)

You get a simple high five... After confirming in a lab setting what "simple" is. Until then younare subjected to every type of high five imaginable.. Variations on speed, impact, other hand wetness, your own hands moisture lebels, spieves... The sky ia the limit... And youre junna have numb hands by the end i'm sure...

I would like to solve this rubnix cube please...


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
You do so, but before you can prove that you did to anyone, it explodes!

I'd like to wish for consistent motivation to get tasks done


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Granted... But with constant motivation you must endure constant motion... a rolling stone gathers no moss ect. So Good luck ever resting again.

Well you confetti glitter bombedmy home via exploded rubnix cube last wish... So now i wish youd fix it.
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Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
Well you confetti glitter bombedmy home via exploded rubnix cube last wish... So now i wish youd fix it.
Finnneeee, It is fixed. However, due to complications with the fixing process, it is now sticky to the touch, chairs are uncomfy to sit on, and the colors have all been swapped to different shades of orange.

I've decided to throw out an all or nothing wish. No more basic easy little wishes. I wish for the power to influence probability.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(I suspect each step crinkles ung between this and the laundry and ybe new color i suspect a housefire will improve things)

Probability influence is yours... So long as you fully grasp all probabilities of the event and touch the object and keep all those possibilities in mind when triggering your ability. For example you know a coin can fall on head taila side so on a smooth surface w no rurbulance you could call your coin... But come a breeze... Uneven landing... Unless you can calculatw all impaxt trajectories and run them thrpugh your heas prioritizng the result u want... Its useless.

I am hosting a bbq but cant cook... So wish catering i chose you.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
I am hosting a bbq but cant cook... So wish catering i chose you.
Granted! Food is magically provided for this barbecue, and it looks amazing! However, it only looks good. Further inspection reveals that whatever tricks are used to make food in movies look so good (i.e. shoe polish on the meat, clay molded into food, etc.) was used to create this food for the bbq.

I wish I could alter any physical or chemical property of any object at will.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(So if i serve the tasty looking food i'm gunna get pegged w attempted homocide but if i dont and throw it out its gunna be seen as wasteful... Joy...)

Alright xmen disciple in training... You can alter the properties of objects... Physicaly and chemicaly. Go wild.

On the flip side all original chemicals in the chemical alteration process become the seasoning of your mext meal and all altered physical properties last less then 5 seconds.

Im feeling risky... Lets teleport me to the world poker champoinship w a sizable amount of chips and good odds to win a lot of money.


Wandering Fool
Somewhere, surely.
  1. zorua
  2. vulpix
Im feeling risky... Lets teleport me to the world poker champoinship w a sizable amount of chips and good odds to win a lot of money.
Granted! You find yourself at the world poker... champoinship? I'm feeling generous, so I'll send you to the championship instead. And you have great odds to win lots of money. One problem though: the chips you have aren't poker chips, but instead you have a ton of potato chips. Like an industrial bag of them. Hope you brought enough cash to enter the championship!

I wish I could find whatever I needed, whenever I needed it.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Thanks for sparing me my typo, and hey if i cant negotiate a few chips for chips at least i got endless snacks and good seating to watch the proceedings!)

Granted you can find whatever whenever as needed
But the second you try to use it something goes wrong... That text doc you needed, corrupted. Those scizors, suddenly dull and oiled. Looking for your keys, hanging from the ceiling.

But there they are, found! right before you have to leave the house.

i'd lik n mre typos plse!
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Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
no more typos? sure, you can have that. On the condition that everything you write will be just slightly grammatically incorrect for the rest of your life.

I would love to wish for a pet goldfish


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
(Honestly... That's an improvment despite being jynxed so but I'll take it.)

Congrats you have wished for a pet goldfish... And get a box of goldfish crackers with the word pet stamped on the top. Upon opening it you find half the orange crackers those traditonal fish that smile back, the others are name tags that on close inspection read "mr.fish"!

Considering the newest update on chrome I would like a free pass to smack the executives responsible... Actually I'd like to expand that. I'd like to smack the executive of any software firm that updates thier stuff that either invades my privacy or causes me difficulty.

(I suspect my hand will be numb long before i get my wish fulfilled but its the little pleasures)
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Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
I mean, you can do that if you want, but afterward the police may have some words for you for literally assaulting an executive..

I'll wish for a good mental health year next year for myself please!
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