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Water Veil Cove

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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Greetings again to those we have met, and a pleasure to make the acquaintance to the rest of you. Mine name is Violet, and my companion is Hazel." Realizing the potential folly of her introduction, she corrected, "That is, the Weavile is named Hazel. No relation to anyone else."
[[On mobile, no emotes]]

Enora, ever the polite social Butterfree, was first to turn around, eyeing Violet and this other Hazel. A lot of Hazels. But at least they were completely different species, so it would be easy to tell the two apart.

“Pleased to meet your acquaintance. I am Enora, and my partner is—“

She tried to gesture to Odette, but found that the voluntary wallflower of a human had navigated toward the outer corner of the gathering. Despite the fact she wore a neutral expression and stood normally, Enora could feel the tense awkwardness wafting off of her. This was clearly a much bigger crowd than she was anticipating.

She chuckled nervously. “Ah, my partners are Odette and Odile,” she said quickly, not pointing to anybody in particular. “I’m pleased to see that so many of us were willing to—“

“̷A̶Y̴E̴ ̴Y̴O̸,̶”̶ ̶Odile suddenly yelled, hovering up over Odette’s head and landing on it. It caused Enora to cringe.

Odile, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it,” Enora warned.

“̶I̴T̸’̵S̶ ̶P̶O̷L̵I̵T̶E̷,̸ ̸I̴ ̶S̸W̸E̴A̶R̵.̴”̶ Odile insisted. Seriously, why did everyone automatically assume that she was going to say something mean when she opened her mouth? After everything that’s happened so far, she knew better now!

“̵W̶h̷y̷ ̸t̷h̵e̸ ̸f̵u̷c̸k̸ ̵d̴i̴d̷ ̷y̵o̵u̸ ̶s̴a̷y̷ ̷‘̶m̶i̵n̷e̸ ̴n̸a̸m̶e̷’̶?̶ ̶I̴s̴n̶’̴t̶ ̵t̷h̷e̸ ̵c̷o̶r̵r̷e̸c̸t̸ ̷v̵e̸r̷b̷i̷a̵g̷e̶ ̷‘̸M̸Y̵ ̸n̶a̴m̷e̵’̵?̸ ̷D̴o̸ ̸y̴o̴u̸ ̴k̴n̶o̵w̷ ̸h̷o̶w̴ ̷t̶o̷ ̷t̴a̶l̵k̸?̸”̵ ̵ she asked.

Odette reached up to swat at her, and Odile was quick to go airborne again to avoid contact. She landed again, something of a more thoughtful glint coming to her eyes.

“̴O̸h̵.̵ ̷W̵a̴i̸t̷.̸ ̵I̵’̶m̷ ̸s̵o̵r̶r̴y̷.̴ ̴Y̷o̸u̵ ̸m̴i̸g̵h̸t̵ ̷j̵u̵s̶t̵ ̷b̶e̵ ̴l̶e̴a̸r̶n̸i̶n̷g̶ ̵h̴o̴w̸ ̶t̴o̶ ̷s̷p̸e̸a̴k̴,̵ ̵I̵ ̵s̴h̸o̴u̷l̸d̵n̵’̵t̶ ̵j̷u̵d̸g̶e̵.̷”̷ she corrected herself. ̴“̵B̵u̷t̸ ̴i̵t̸’̶s̸ ̸‘̴m̶y̷ ̵n̶a̶m̸e̸,̸’̵ ̷f̶o̴r̷ ̵f̷u̵t̵u̴r̸e̵ ̸r̷e̸f̷e̴r̴e̶n̵c̴e̷,̵ ̷s̶o̶ ̴y̸o̸u̶ ̶d̴o̴n̷’̸t̷ ̴s̷o̸u̷n̸d̵ ̴l̵i̴k̷e̸ ̴a̴ ̶f̵u̸c̷k̵i̶n̸g̵ ̴i̸d̷i̷o̵t̶ ̵a̷g̷a̸i̷n̷.̵”̵

“I hate to break it to you champ, but you’re not being nice,” Odette groused.

“̶B̷e̴c̷a̵u̶s̸e̴ ̸y̸o̶u̵’̶l̶l̵ ̷k̷e̷e̸p̵ ̴s̴o̶u̸n̷d̷i̶n̷g̸ ̴l̵i̶k̶e̸ ̸a̸ ̶f̷u̷c̵k̶i̶n̴g̴ ̴i̴d̵i̸o̸t̴ ̷i̶f̷ ̴y̶o̸u̴ ̶k̴e̴e̸p̷ ̵t̷a̵l̵k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̵l̶i̶k̷e̸ ̴t̵h̵a̶t̴.̷”̷Odile reiterated, sounding extremely polite despite the words coming out of her mouth. See, that was better.

“You’re gonna have a date with a lead pipe very shortly,” Odette added through grit teeth.

“̴W̵e̴l̵l̷ ̵I̶ ̶w̸a̵n̸t̴e̷d̸ ̴a̷ ̶d̸a̸t̵e̶ ̴w̴i̵t̷h̴ ̵f̴u̷c̷k̶i̶n̷’̵ ̷J̷i̸r̶a̸c̴h̷i̵ ̶i̷n̶s̵t̶e̸a̴d̴,̴ ̷b̵u̴t̵ ̸i̵f̵ ̵y̴o̴u̵ ̶I̸N̴S̷I̵S̴T̸.̸”̵Odile whined in response, waving her wings in front of Odette’s face.
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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
“Pleased to meet your acquaintance. I am Enora, and my partner is—“

She tried to gesture to Odette, but found that the voluntary wallflower of a human had navigated toward the outer corner of the circle. Despite the fact she wore a neutral expression and stood normally, Enora could feel the tense awkwardness wafting off of her. This was clearly a much bigger crowd than she was anticipating.

She chuckled nervously. “Ah, my partners are Odette and Odile,” she said quickly, not pointing to anybody in particular. “I’m pleased to see that so many of us were willing to—“
"It's a pleasure to meet you too—"
“̷A̶Y̴E̴ ̴Y̴O̸,̶”̶ ̶Odile suddenly yelled, hovering up over Odette’s head and landing on it. It caused Enora to cringe.
"Jeepers!" Hazel leapt back as the moss-Pokémon shouted. Once she saw she was just saying hello, she relaxed her stance. "Well... nice to meet you. You're a fascinating one."

Violet rose back up to her usual stance as she placed a hand on her hip and smirked, "Another talking Pokémon, now isn't that a pleasant surprise—"
“̵W̶h̷y̷ ̸t̷h̵e̸ ̸f̵u̷c̸k̸ ̵d̴i̴d̷ ̷y̵o̵u̸ ̶s̴a̷y̷ ̷‘̶m̶i̵n̷e̸ ̴n̸a̸m̶e̷’̶?̶ ̶I̴s̴n̶’̴t̶ ̵t̷h̷e̸ ̵c̷o̶r̵r̷e̸c̸t̸ ̷v̵e̸r̷b̷i̷a̵g̷e̶ ̷‘̸M̸Y̵ ̸n̶a̴m̷e̵’̵?̸ ̷D̴o̸ ̸y̴o̴u̸ ̴k̴n̶o̵w̷ ̸h̷o̶w̴ ̷t̶o̷ ̷t̴a̶l̵k̸?̸”̵ ̵ she asked.
Her smirk twitched as her eyes widened. "...I beg your pardon?"
Odette reached up to swat at her, and Odile was quick to go airborne again to avoid contact. She landed again, something of a more thoughtful glint coming to her eyes.

“̴O̸h̵.̵ ̷W̵a̴i̸t̷.̸ ̵I̵’̶m̷ ̸s̵o̵r̶r̴y̷.̴ ̴Y̷o̸u̵ ̸m̴i̸g̵h̸t̵ ̷j̵u̵s̶t̵ ̷b̶e̵ ̴l̶e̴a̸r̶n̸i̶n̷g̶ ̵h̴o̴w̸ ̶t̴o̶ ̷s̷p̸e̸a̴k̴,̵ ̵I̵ ̵s̴h̸o̴u̷l̸d̵n̵’̵t̶ ̵j̷u̵d̸g̶e̵.̷”̷ she corrected herself. ̴“̵B̵u̷t̸ ̴i̵t̸’̶s̸ ̸‘̴m̶y̷ ̵n̶a̶m̸e̸,̸’̵ ̷f̶o̴r̷ ̵f̷u̵t̵u̴r̸e̵ ̸r̷e̸f̷e̴r̴e̶n̵c̴e̷,̵ ̷s̶o̶ ̴y̸o̸u̶ ̶d̴o̴n̷’̸t̷ ̴s̷o̸u̷n̸d̵ ̴l̵i̴k̷e̸ ̴a̴ ̶f̵u̸c̷k̵i̶n̸g̵ ̴i̸d̷i̷o̵t̶ ̵a̷g̷a̸i̷n̷.̵”̵
"I beg your pardon?" Violet's teeth clenched as she balled her hand into a fist. Her lack of sleep was not helping with her judgment. She didn't care that it was suicidal to try to take on a Pokémon. She just wanted justice.
“I hate to break it to you champ, but you’re not being nice,” Odette groused.

“̶B̷e̴c̷a̵u̶s̸e̴ ̸y̸o̶u̵’̶l̶l̵ ̷k̷e̷e̸p̵ ̴s̴o̶u̸n̷d̷i̶n̷g̸ ̴l̵i̶k̶e̸ ̸a̸ ̶f̷u̷c̵k̶i̶n̴g̴ ̴i̴d̵i̸o̸t̴ ̷i̶f̷ ̴y̶o̸u̴ ̶k̴e̴e̸p̷ ̵t̷a̵l̵k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̵l̶i̶k̷e̸ ̴t̵h̵a̶t̴.̷”̷Odile reiterated, sounding extremely polite despite the words coming out of her mouth. See, that was better.

“You’re gonna have a date with a lead pipe very shortly,” Odette added through grit teeth.

“̴W̵e̴l̵l̷ ̵I̶ ̶w̸a̵n̸t̴e̷d̸ ̴a̷ ̶d̸a̸t̵e̶ ̴w̴i̵t̷h̴ ̵f̴u̷c̷k̶i̶n̷’̵ ̷J̷i̸r̶a̸c̴h̷i̵ ̶i̷n̶s̵t̶e̸a̴d̴,̴ ̷b̵u̴t̵ ̸i̵f̵ ̵y̴o̴u̵ ̶I̸N̴S̷I̵S̴T̸.̸”̵Odile whined in response, waving her wings in front of Odette’s face.
Violet's eye twitched as her forced smile morphed into a sneer. Had the trainer not stepped in, she was certain that should've started something then and there. By the Almighty Sinnoh's grace, it gave Hazel enough time to clutch onto Violet's hand and give her a pleading look — begging her to relax. When Violet looked down and saw her Pokémon's eyes so wide and watery like that, she couldn't help but acquiesce to whatever she demanded.

She slammed her eyes shut, inhaling before letting out her irritation in a sigh. One of her cheeks puckered as though she were chewing on gum as she eyed the two Pokémon and the trainer. To her surprise, she was ever-so-slightly taller than the older girl — no more than an inch or two — but it was certainly a far cry from having to crane her neck every time she spoke to a person.

"Thine Pokémon hath quite the nerve," Violet commented, intentionally using more of her era's manner of speech as a matter of pride, "Though it seems you hath matters under control." Her eyes closed as she took another deep breath, and she fluttered them open once more and her expression turned neutral. "My name is Violet, and I would appreciate it if I were not insulted for being right proper. Nevertheless, for the purposes of politeness, I feel it necessary to ask for your own names. Care to share?"

Hazel, meanwhile, frowned at the behavior of the moss-Pokémon. Wouldn't it be just her luck that the newest most interesting Pokémon was the most uncooperative? At least Enora seemed polite. "Er... Violet is a Faller... she can't help it. That's just how they spoke in her home." Hazel remarked, trying to provide some balance to the conversation, "But it's... um... nice to meet you Enora and Odette. And... uh, Odile." She tugged on the sleeve of her lab coat, trying to dispel some of the awkwardness that hung in the air.

With her other claw, she put an emoji of a handshake [🤝] on her phone to show to Odette.
("Wait! Hazel! Violet!")
Thankfully, an angel descended from the heavens and graced her presence onto the world. At least that's what Hazel had believed at first. She put her phone back in her coat and rubbed her eyes with her claw as realized it was a Milotic, not an angel. Angels were unscientific, anyways. Victoria was more of a glistening prism scale that shimmered in the afternoon sunlight thanks to their lustrous properties.

"O-Oh! Hi, Victoria!" Hazel greeted, letting go of her coat as she looked up and smiled at the Milotic's glowing face. "I see you've brought your trainer with you as well! Would you like to introduce us?" Despite her words, her eyes only gave Wallace a passing glance as she admired the graceful serpent in front of her.

Wait a moment. "P-pretty...?" Hazel stammered as her cheeks reddened. Her heartbeat resonated in her ears — oh, oh dear, oh my. "T-thank you! And may I propose, that, as a hypothesis, though with the evidence I suppose it is more of a theory, that, er, yes, you... may hold that same trait...?" She stammered on and on, trying to find a way to compliment her back without being weird about it.

Violet would have taken every opportunity to have a bit of fun with Hazel in this situation, but between Nate and now Odile, her want to quip had far faded. Instead, she simply bowed to Wallace in silent greeting, hoping that would suffice while she tried to politely deal with the moss Pokémon's slight.
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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Thine Pokémon hath quite the nerve," Violet commented, intentionally using more of her era's manner of speech as a matter of pride, "Though it seems you hath matters under control."
“̷O̵h̵ ̶n̶o̷w̷ ̴y̵o̶u̵’̴r̷e̷ ̴d̵o̷i̶n̸g̴ ̵i̵t̶ ̶o̷n̷ ̵p̸u̵r̵p̶o̵s̶e̶ ̴b̶e̶c̴a̷u̸s̵e̷ ̴I̷ ̶m̵a̸d̷e̵ ̸y̸o̴u̷ ̷u̴p̷s̴e̷t̵.̸ ̸T̴h̸a̵t̷’̴s̸ ̸n̶i̷c̸e̷,̴”̵ Odile said in a monotone. “̵W̴h̸a̴t̶’̸s̵ ̷n̵e̴x̸t̶,̵ ̸a̸r̴e̶ ̴y̷o̵u̵ ̸g̸o̴i̶n̴g̷ ̶t̷o̵ ̵r̴e̶c̶i̷t̷e̸ ̶a̵ ̶s̷o̵n̵n̴e̸t̵ ̶t̴o̴ ̴m̵e̴?̸ ̵I̶ ̷w̷a̴t̷c̸h̴e̵d̶ ̸e̶n̸o̷u̸g̶h̵ ̸f̷u̸c̵k̷i̵n̸g̵ ̴S̶h̵a̵k̵e̵s̴p̶e̸a̵r̴e̷ ̵p̴l̵a̶y̵s̴ ̵w̴h̶e̶n̵ ̴I̷ ̷w̴a̷s̶—̶“̴

While she’d been talking, Odette was stripping out of her track jacket. She’d made the choice to wear a long sleeved top today, so she wasn’t worried about her scars showing. She moved slowly to assure she didn’t jostle her own head too much while Odile spoke. When she was sure she had her jacket secure in her hands, she suddenly reached up and caught Odile in it, wrapping her arms around it to lock the weed in place as she began to thrash around and yell incoherently.

“Yeah, she’s a fucking menace,” Odette said as she struggled against the thrashing ‘mon. But, it was evident she had a good grip on her. “Sorry. Nasty ass mouth and doesn’t know when to shut up. Guarantee she wasn’t trying to start anything.”

Odile managed to wriggle an opening into her jacket prison, just wide enough so she could be heard. “̴I̴ ̵W̵A̵S̷ ̵J̶U̷S̷T̸ ̵S̶A̸Y̴I̴N̶G̸ ̶T̸H̵A̶T̶ ̵N̴O̶B̵O̶D̸Y̶ ̸T̶A̷L̸K̶S̵ ̸L̴I̴K̶E̶ ̶T̸H̶A̸T̵ ̷N̷O̷W̴A̴D̴A̷Y̴S̶,̸ ̴F̴O̵R̵ ̵F̷U̶C̵K̵S̷ ̴S̷A̷K̶E̴.̸”̷

“That might have been what you meant, but that’s not what you said,” Odette menaced through grit teeth.

"Er... Violet is a Faller... she can't help it. That's just how they spoke in her home." Hazel remarked, trying to provide some balance to the conversation, "But it's... um... nice to meet you Enora and Odette. And... uh, Odile."
Odette raised a brow questioningly. A Faller? What the fuck did that mean? Did that mean that…she wasn’t from here? Did she come from some time where they actually spoke like that? Surprisingly, that made more sense to her than it being a stupid TikTok trend.

Odile wiggled more of herself out of the jacket. Now the top half of her was sticking out.

“̴O̵O̵O̴H̶H̸H̶H̵ ̵S̴O̷ ̶Y̵O̸U̸ ̵A̸C̴T̸U̷A̴L̸L̶Y̵ ̴A̴R̵E̸ ̵F̶R̵O̸M̷ ̴T̵H̶A̴T̴ ̵T̸I̸M̸E̶?̷”̴ she gasped. Then, she laughtc heartily. It was a quick one, though, because she was back to speaking normally in no time. ̴“̷T̵h̴a̷t̷ ̴e̸x̵p̸l̸a̴i̴n̶s̵ ̴i̵t̵.̴ ̶E̵v̸e̸r̷y̵o̸n̶e̸ ̵l̷o̸v̵e̴d̷ ̶o̸v̵e̴r̶c̶o̷m̵p̵l̶i̴c̵a̷t̴i̷n̸g̶ ̶G̴a̴l̸a̷r̴i̷a̸n̸ ̷i̸n̷ ̶t̵h̵a̸t̵ ̸t̷i̵m̴e̶.̶ ̸C̶a̵n̷ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̸r̸e̸c̸i̷t̷e̴ ̵‘̷T̷o̷ ̵B̴e̴ ̴O̸r̷ ̶N̴o̴t̷ ̸T̵o̶ ̷B̸e̷?̵’̵”̷

Odette covered Odile’s head with more fabric off the jacket. “Please. Stop. You’re making this so much worse.”

Enora stood by, ears lowered in embarrassment. She looked at Hazel, then Violet apologetically.

“We’re working on that filter. I apologize on her behalf. Pleased to meet you…”

With her other claw, she put an emoji of a handshake [🤝] on her phone to show to Odette.
Odette looked over to Hazel, giving her some form of a smirk as she flicked the mass in her arms. She felt a little more at ease seeing a Weavile; even with the lab coat, Hazel reminded her of Clovis’s partner, Frosting. She wondered what that lot was up to today…

She managed to release a hand to return the wave. “Hey.”

Man, maybe this was a bad fucking idea.


House of Two Midnights
Nate smirked into his coffee as the weird, brambly looking pokémon started mocking the cave asshole about her weird Shakespeare shtick. All right, this trip wouldn't be so bad if he at least got a bit of entertainment out of it.

Mightyena, meanwhile, first sat and then flopped out on the ground, laying her head on her paws and sighing. Yeah, she had to be beat, after all the trekking she'd done today. Nate knelt down so he could rub down her back and sides.

Meanwhile he studied the brambly pokémon, which was talking--yeah, whatever, he was just going to go with it at this point. The voice was the same as he remembered from the ship, scratchy and somehow distorted. That had been some kind of Odette-looking demon thing, so... shapeshifter? Zoroark with really weird tastes? Could be a ditto with really weird tastes, he supposed. Maybe the ability to talk came along with the ability to turn into a human, somehow.

For the moment it looked as though Odette had defeated the pokémon with a jacket. Too bad. He was curious what exactly it could do.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Wallace bowed to the two.

"Wallace Papadakis, Champion of Hoenn. It seems you already know my beloved Milotic."
Violet quirked a brow as she commented, "Huh. From my understanding, Steven was the champion. A different world, then?" She shrugged and nodded her head, "Nonetheless, well met, Wallace. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Victoria was quite the lovely and intelligent partner during one of our investigations yesterday." She wanted to add a snide remark about Hazel's crush, but her fatigue was preventing her from coming up with any halfway decent quip — especially with the loudmouth that was Odile nearby.
("W-Well if you think I'm pretty, that's very wonderful! Do you really think I'm pretty? You're pretty too. Pretty Pokémon are pretty. Oh dear...")
"Y-yes! I can see your scales are well-maintained and your antennae have a really nice shade that shows good health—" Hazel paused as she received yet another confirmation. She shrank in place as clasped her arm. She couldn't help but let out an indistinct meow as she slammed her mouth shut in embarrassment.
“̷O̵h̵ ̶n̶o̷w̷ ̴y̵o̶u̵’̴r̷e̷ ̴d̵o̷i̶n̸g̴ ̵i̵t̶ ̶o̷n̷ ̵p̸u̵r̵p̶o̵s̶e̶ ̴b̶e̶c̴a̷u̸s̵e̷ ̴I̷ ̶m̵a̸d̷e̵ ̸y̸o̴u̷ ̷u̴p̷s̴e̷t̵.̸ ̸T̴h̸a̵t̷’̴s̸ ̸n̶i̷c̸e̷,̴”̵ Odile said in a monotone. “̵W̴h̸a̴t̶’̸s̵ ̷n̵e̴x̸t̶,̵ ̸a̸r̴e̶ ̴y̷o̵u̵ ̸g̸o̴i̶n̴g̷ ̶t̷o̵ ̵r̴e̶c̶i̷t̷e̸ ̶a̵ ̶s̷o̵n̵n̴e̸t̵ ̶t̴o̴ ̴m̵e̴?̸ ̵I̶ ̷w̷a̴t̷c̸h̴e̵d̶ ̸e̶n̸o̷u̸g̶h̵ ̸f̷u̸c̵k̷i̵n̸g̵ ̴S̶h̵a̵k̵e̵s̴p̶e̸a̵r̴e̷ ̵p̴l̵a̶y̵s̴ ̵w̴h̶e̶n̵ ̴I̷ ̷w̴a̷s̶—̶“̴

While she’d been talking, Odette was stripping out of her track jacket. She’d made the choice to wear a long sleeved top today, so she wasn’t worried about her scars showing. She moved slowly to assure she didn’t jostle her own head too much while Odile spoke. When she was sure she had her jacket secure in her hands, she suddenly reached up and caught Odile in it, wrapping her arms around it to lock the weed in place as she began to thrash around and yell incoherently.

“Yeah, she’s a fucking menace,” Odette said as she struggled against the thrashing ‘mon. But, it was evident she had a good grip on her. “Sorry. Nasty ass mouth and doesn’t know when to shut up. Guarantee she wasn’t trying to start anything.”
Turning back to the chaotic mess, Violet narrowed her eyes as a self-satisfied smirk etched her features. "A hands-on approach to silencing a rude one. I can respect it," she said, letting out a chuckle. "I know not whom this 'Shakespeare' is, but I am no bard who performs at the beck and call of another."

She clicked her tongue as her expression softened, "That is not to say that bards ought to be disrespected. Far from it; I believe with the right finesse they could bring magic itself to a stage. I simply mean that I am my own woman, that is all." She failed to realize that she slipped in more modern vocabulary in her musings.
Odile managed to wriggle an opening into her jacket prison, just wide enough so she could be heard. “̴I̴ ̵W̵A̵S̷ ̵J̶U̷S̷T̸ ̵S̶A̸Y̴I̴N̶G̸ ̶T̸H̵A̶T̶ ̵N̴O̶B̵O̶D̸Y̶ ̸T̶A̷L̸K̶S̵ ̸L̴I̴K̶E̶ ̶T̸H̶A̸T̵ ̷N̷O̷W̴A̴D̴A̷Y̴S̶,̸ ̴F̴O̵R̵ ̵F̷U̶C̵K̵S̷ ̴S̷A̷K̶E̴.̸”̷

“That might have been what you meant, but that’s not what you said,” Odette menaced through grit teeth.
Odile wiggled more of herself out of the jacket. Now the top half of her was sticking out.

“̴O̵O̵O̴H̶H̸H̶H̵ ̵S̴O̷ ̶Y̵O̸U̸ ̵A̸C̴T̸U̷A̴L̸L̶Y̵ ̴A̴R̵E̸ ̵F̶R̵O̸M̷ ̴T̵H̶A̴T̴ ̵T̸I̸M̸E̶?̷”̴ she gasped. Then, she laughtc heartily. It was a quick one, though, because she was back to speaking normally in no time. ̴“̷T̵h̴a̷t̷ ̴e̸x̵p̸l̸a̴i̴n̶s̵ ̴i̵t̵.̴ ̶E̵v̸e̸r̷y̵o̸n̶e̸ ̵l̷o̸v̵e̴d̷ ̶o̸v̵e̴r̶c̶o̷m̵p̵l̶i̴c̵a̷t̴i̷n̸g̶ ̶G̴a̴l̸a̷r̴i̷a̸n̸ ̷i̸n̷ ̶t̵h̵a̸t̵ ̸t̷i̵m̴e̶.̶ ̸C̶a̵n̷ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̸r̸e̸c̸i̷t̷e̴ ̵‘̷T̷o̷ ̵B̴e̴ ̴O̸r̷ ̶N̴o̴t̷ ̸T̵o̶ ̷B̸e̷?̵’̵”̷
Violet glared at Odile, but decide to hold her tongue while the moss Pokémon continued her ravings. She was glad she did, as Hazel's grunts and growls provided some explanation. "Hmph, I will concede that the era I hail from hath long since passed, and my manner of speech is considered archaic."

She waved a hand as she continued, "Yet it is rather discourteous to suggest I could recite some specific literary work or what-have-you based on that fact alone. I am not even even sure what that particular title is." She shook her head and asked, "Tell me, if I were to take out a Poké Ball, wouldst thou be able to explain its function in detail? Hazel certainly can. But would it not be presumptuous of me to assume that all of this era could based on that fact alone?"
Enora stood by, ears lowered in embarrassment. She looked at Hazel, then Violet apologetically.

“We’re working on that filter. I apologize on her behalf. Pleased to meet you…”
Hazel turned to Enora with widened eyes. Oh thank goodness a distraction from my earlier slip-up— "It's okay! Violet gets a lot of weird looks and she should be more used to it by now..." Hazel said, shaking her head and offering a meek smile. "She really just needs proper rest. The evenings have not been kind considering recent events."

She then placed a claw on her hip and tilted her head as she asked, "Is this sort of behavior... normal for Odile? I'm curious as to what kinds of habits her species has. Or what her species even is to begin with, if that's not an offensive question."
She managed to release a hand to return the wave. “Hey.”
Seeing that Odette had responded, Hazel dug into her lab coat's pocket and pulled out her phone, typing up another message on her notepad app. Midway through, she paused, deleted a part of message and modified it as she realized there was an easier solution.

[Hey, sorry for Violet's behavior. She's... not from here. As in the present. Oh, actually, are you connected to this island's network? We could exchange numbers and I could send you texts directly rather than having to make you squint to see this text when I need to communicate!]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Amidst all the chatter and introductions, a small blueish shape could be seen in the ocean. At first, it almost seemed like a trick of the light. A small patch of lighter blue admist the rolling blues and greens of the ocean. But close observation would reveal it was actually moving, zigzagging closer to the shore. Was that the faintest glimpse of yellow? And then -

The shape remained, half hidden by the ocean waves, at the waters edge near Gladion. Yes, this was the boy. They'd sensed it from every being here, sensed that they were being sought after. But one pair of hearts burned just a little brighter than the rest. So it was to him they revealed themself.

"Gladion," they called. "Do you seek the Prince of the Sea?"

[[ @Shiny Phantump ]]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion startled and took a step back. "Yes." That was what Wallace called them, no? That means this Manaphy is probably their kind. Good sign.

"We seek your... uhh.. aid with... something. Don't know if you're aware but a bunch of people have been disappearing. Kind of a problem, you know? We're not having a very good time of solving it on our own, soooo..."

He scratched the back of his head. "Are you able to give us a hand... somehow?"

Smooth. Nice going.


House of Two Midnights
Wallace caught a glance of a trainer and his Mightyena. He smiled; the little fella reminded him of Sidney—for the good reasons.

"I don't think we've met." Wallace bowed and extended his hand. "Wallace Papadakis, Coordinator and Champion of Hoenn. Who might you be?"
Nate jumped slightly when the guy--no, the fucking gym leader--popped up next to him. Where the fuck had he come from?

"Uhhh, Mitch," he said dazedly, shaking the man's hand on autopilot. Mightyena raised her head, blinking sleepily at Wallace. Nate stared distractedly down at the pokémon by the gym leader's side. Was that... oshawott?

Fortunately the appearance of the legendary--an actual legendary actually appearing--distracted Wallace and prevented Nate from having to answer any more questions. Nate stared down at the glowing blue, talking creature in the shallows, then stumbled after Wallace, Mightyena easily outpacing him as she raced ahead to the water's edge.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Wallace almost passed out at the appearance of Manaphy.

He had to lean on Victoria, lest his legs betray him. He slowly approached the Pokémon. It was happening it was happening it was happening...

He had to say something, anything, but Lorekeeperhood didn't prepare him for speaking to patrons, just of them.

"M-Manafí, P-P-P-Prínkipas tis Thálassas..." Those were the only words he could formulate.
"Peace, child of the water," Manaphy replied calmly. They were used to awe and reverance, but this poor human almost appeared ready to pass out.

Gladion startled and took a step back. "Yes." That was what Wallace called them, no? That means this Manaphy is probably their kind. Good sign.

"We seek your... uhh.. aid with... something. Don't know if you're aware but a bunch of people have been disappearing. Kind of a problem, you know? We're not having a very good time of solving it on our own, soooo..."

He scratched the back of his head. "Are you able to give us a hand... somehow?"

Smooth. Nice going.
They turned back to Gladion. "Yes... I have sensed that there is great unease. Unfortunately I am not certain I can offer assistance. My power and reach is limited to the seas, and I have detected no trace of any being passing across my waters. Am I to understand, however, that some of you seek me for my sway upon the hearts of people and pokemon?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She clicked her tongue as her expression softened, "That is not to say that bards ought to be disrespected. Far from it; I believe with the right finesse they could bring magic itself to a stage. I simply mean that I am my own woman, that is all."
Odile momentarily stopped thrashing. Being that she was covered by the jacket, nobody could see the confused face she was making. She knew she was making it though.

“̸W̸h̷y̵ ̷w̴o̷u̵l̷d̷n̶’̸t̴ ̵y̸o̶u̸ ̶b̷e̵ ̵y̷o̸u̷r̷ ̷o̶w̸n̴ ̶w̴o̷m̶a̶n̵?̶ ̸D̶i̶d̵ ̷y̴o̵u̴ ̵b̵e̸l̸o̷n̶g̵ ̷t̴o̶ ̴s̸o̵m̵e̷b̶o̵d̶y̸ ̸e̴l̸s̷e̴ ̸a̴t̵ ̶s̶o̵m̴e̴ ̸p̶o̵i̸n̶t̵?̶ ̷D̷o̷ ̴y̴o̵u̵ ̷n̷e̶e̴d̵ ̴t̵o̸ ̵t̸a̵l̷k̴ ̷t̴o̸ ̴s̴o̷m̴e̷b̸o̶d̵y̶?̷ ̴I̶ ̵d̷o̵n̵’̵t̷ ̴t̵h̴i̴n̷k̶ ̸a̸n̴y̴b̶o̸d̷y̵ ̴h̴e̶r̴e̶ ̷i̸s̸ ̷a̶…̴t̴h̷e̶r̵a̸…̸t̷h̵e̵e̶e̷e̷r̷r̴r̵a̶a̸a̵a̶…̸p̶i̶s̴s̵…̵t̸h̷e̶r̸a̸p̵i̸s̸s̷.̸”̵

She frowned to herself. ̴“̸T̸h̵a̸t̸’̴s̸ ̵n̴o̵t̶ ̴a̶n̵ ̴e̷n̴t̴i̷c̴i̶n̴g̵ ̴n̸a̵m̶e̴,̶ ̷n̶o̵w̷ ̸I̶ ̵u̸n̷d̶e̶r̴s̵t̵a̸n̵d̸ ̶w̶h̵y̵ ̷n̸o̷b̴o̴d̷y̷ ̸w̵a̵n̶t̸s̷ ̴t̶o̸ ̶g̷o̸ ̵s̸e̸e̸ ̸o̵n̸e̸,̸ ̷w̵h̸a̶t̷ ̶t̶h̶e̸ ̶f̷u̸c̴k̴.̸”̵

"Yet it is rather discourteous to suggest I could recite some specific literary work or what-have-you based on that fact alone. I am not even even sure what that particular title is." She shook her head and asked, "Tell me, if I were to take out a Poké Ball, wouldst thou be able to explain its function in detail? Hazel certainly can. But would it not be presumptuous of me to assume that all of this era could based on that fact alone?"
Damn, this girl really had a lot to say. Odile felt her brain frying. She really did not miss those dark ages; the Galarian nowadays was much easier to deal with.

“̸I̸ ̸k̵n̵o̸w̴ ̵w̵h̷a̸t̸ ̵a̴ ̶P̸o̷k̷e̴b̴a̸l̴l̶ ̵d̵o̴e̶s̵.̵ ̷I̶t̵’̴s̵ ̷n̵o̵t̷ ̸f̵u̵c̶k̴i̵n̸g̵ ̷r̴o̶c̷k̶e̸t̶ ̷s̷c̶i̵e̵n̵c̸e̴,̶”̸ ̸she said. “̵T̸h̵e̴ ̸r̶e̵a̷l̷ ̴q̶u̶e̸s̴t̸i̵o̴n̶ ̸i̷s̶ ̶i̶f̴ ̷I̷ ̴s̷a̸t̶ ̸y̵o̸u̵ ̸i̵n̸ ̷f̶r̶o̸n̴t̶ ̴o̸f̶ ̴U̴r̶b̶a̶n̵ ̴D̸i̶c̶t̷i̵o̴n̶a̸r̵y̷ ̴f̴o̵r̴ ̸a̵n̶ ̸h̸o̸u̷r̶,̵ ̶c̶o̸u̵l̶d̸ ̴y̴o̷u̷ ̶t̶e̷l̸l̶ ̷m̴e̶ ̴w̸h̸a̶t̴ ̷‘̴y̶e̶e̴t̵’̵ ̵m̶e̶a̷n̶s̸?̶”̴

The mass under the jacket suddenly grew, and Odette’s eyes went wide as she stumbled under the weight of Odile’s human form. The latter began to try to climb onto her shoulders, throwing the article of clothing to the side in the process.

“BRO, STOP,” Odette yelled.

“̴B̵u̶t̷ ̷I̴ ̴C̶A̶N̶N̵O̴T̴ ̷B̵R̵E̷A̵T̶H̴E̶ ̴U̷N̸D̵E̸R̸ ̴T̸H̵E̶R̴E̵,̶ ̸C̵H̸I̴L̵D̸.̴ ̸Y̶O̶U̵ ̷D̶I̸D̷ ̵T̸H̶I̶S̷ ̵T̵O̵ ̸Y̴O̴U̵R̴S̷E̵L̷F̸.̷”̵Odile replied, being sure to say it right into Odette’s ear.

Odette responded by letting her drop to the sand.

"Is this sort of behavior... normal for Odile? I'm curious as to what kinds of habits her species has. Or what her species even is to begin with, if that's not an offensive question."
Enora watched the exchange with an unamused expression. She was so fixated on it that she didn’t respond to Hazel’s question for a soild minute.

“Unfortunately, this is very normal,” she said as evenly as she could. “She’s…a legendary. She’s not the only one of her type, but she’s the only one of her kind. So, we’re still trying to figure that out for ourselves.”

She sighed, as if she were trying to keep herself calm. “But, she is the embodiment of anger. Which comes in the form of being a chaotic menace to society, or acting like the toddler as you see before you.”

[Hey, sorry for Violet's behavior. She's... not from here. As in the present. Oh, actually, are you connected to this island's network? We could exchange numbers and I could send you texts directly rather than having to make you squint to see this text when I need to communicate!]
Odette stomped over to pick up her jacket, brushing the sand off of it. She eyed Odile, feeling somewhat bad for dropping her…only to see she was now making a snow angel. Or…a sand angel, she supposed.

“̴L̴O̵O̸K̵,̸ ̵O̸D̶E̵T̸T̸E̴.̵ ̴I̴’̷m̵ ̴b̵e̷i̴n̴g̸ ̷h̶o̸l̸y̶!̴”̴Odile announced gleefully.

“Fantastic,” Odette groaned, tying the jacket around her waist. She looked up in time to see Hazel flashing a message to her. Even through adjusting her glasses, she couldn’t quite see it. So, she cautiously approached to get a better look. Her gaze softened upon reading it.

“Oh,” she said. “That might actually be very helpful.”

She reached back into the side pocket of her backpack and grabbed her phone. “You have service as well?”
For the moment it looked as though Odette had defeated the pokémon with a jacket. Too bad. He was curious what exactly it could do.
As Odile made her sand angel, she turned her head for a moment to see just who else had followed them out. She didn’t look particularly impressed with the turnout. That Wes guy was here, but nobody of—oh.

That guy. That guy from the bar. Who made fun of the tall lady.

He was here!

She gasped to herself. “̴B̷e̷s̶t̶ ̴f̶r̵i̵e̸n̴d̷,̶”̵ she whispered. Suddenly, this seemed like a better time. Maybe he’d make fun of somebody else today!

Maybe they could make fun of somebody together.

That way it wouldn’t be entirely her fault, and she could say she did it with somebody else. She had to supplement this ‘behaving’ thing with some good-hearted ribbing, of course. That talkative Shakespeare girl didn’t count because she was TRYING to be nice. See how that shit turned out? It was hard. Now she needed to recharge a little on somebody who deserved it.

Alright, well, fuck Jirachi. This is where it was at.
Last edited:

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Yes... I have sensed that there is great unease. Unfortunately I am not certain I can offer assistance. My power and reach is limited to the seas, and I have detected no trace of any being passing across my waters. Am I to understand, however, that some of you seek me for my sway upon the hearts of people and pokemon?"
"Wait, does that include by teleportation? If you're sure they still have to be on the island, that's pretty big in and of itself..."

Gladion stuck his hands in his pockets. This seemed like a bad time to admit this actually wasn't his idea. Because, for whatever reason Manaphy wanted to talk to him. Maybe they had esp for Manaphy-related awkward childhood baggage. Or dysphoria. It was anyone's guess, really.

He needed a way to discreetly get one of his friend's attention. He fiddled with his phone just enough to...

Conversation With: Odette

[[ @Sinderella ]]

Perfect. Hopefully that would work. He needed backup.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
She reached back into the side pocket of her backpack and grabbed her phone. “You have service as well?”
Hazel looked back at Odette and made a pleased meow before typing up her number for her to record underneath her many, many notes. The facts that Enora provided were fasincating, if a bit confusing at times. She'd press more on the details once everyone had settled in, as there were all sorts of tantalizing new facts: a completely unique Pokémon, and one that represents the manifestation of an emotion? Did that mean there were ones that represented other emotions too? Were they, too, unique in their world? Did a version exist in her own? So many possibilities!
“̸I̸ ̸k̵n̵o̸w̴ ̵w̵h̷a̸t̸ ̵a̴ ̶P̸o̷k̷e̴b̴a̸l̴l̶ ̵d̵o̴e̶s̵.̵ ̷I̶t̵’̴s̵ ̷n̵o̵t̷ ̸f̵u̵c̶k̴i̵n̸g̵ ̷r̴o̶c̷k̶e̸t̶ ̷s̷c̶i̵e̵n̵c̸e̴,̶”̸ ̸she said. “̵T̸h̵e̴ ̸r̶e̵a̷l̷ ̴q̶u̶e̸s̴t̸i̵o̴n̶ ̸i̷s̶ ̶i̶f̴ ̷I̷ ̴s̷a̸t̶ ̸y̵o̸u̵ ̸i̵n̸ ̷f̶r̶o̸n̴t̶ ̴o̸f̶ ̴U̴r̶b̶a̶n̵ ̴D̸i̶c̶t̷i̵o̴n̶a̸r̵y̷ ̴f̴o̵r̴ ̸a̵n̶ ̸h̸o̸u̷r̶,̵ ̶c̶o̸u̵l̶d̸ ̴y̴o̷u̷ ̶t̶e̷l̸l̶ ̷m̴e̶ ̴w̸h̸a̶t̴ ̷‘̴y̶e̶e̴t̵’̵ ̵m̶e̶a̷n̶s̸?̶”̴
"I meant in detail, you fool — the science behind it," Violet deadpanned, rolling her eyes, "Though I suppose I ought to acquire a copy of this 'Urban Dictionary' you speak of if I am to accommodate this society more."

"Er, Violet, that's not—"

Before Hazel could finish her statement, an incredible voice eminated from ocean. The duo jolted their heads as they behld the mythical Pokémon arise, looking on in awe. Violet silently mouthed, 'By the Gods...' while Hazel simply stared.

This was a discovery for the ages, and the scientist wasn't going to let the chance slip! She took a few steps forward and asked, "M-Manaphy, if I may... would... may I take a photo...?" She said, meekly holding her phone up for the prince to see. She prayed that the question wasn't offensive.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
He needed a way to discreetly get one of his friend's attention. He fiddled with his phone just enough to...
Odette felt her phone buzz, and glanced down to see a text from Gladion. She looked in his direction, before stepping forward to greet Manaphy. Everyone else had seem so taken aback by its arrival, but…she supposed she was a little desensitized to the presence of legends and mythics.

She turned over her shoulder and glared at Odile. “Stay your ass over there.”

Odile held up a thumb, clearly more fixated on something else.

Am I to understand, however, that some of you seek me for my sway upon the hearts of people and pokemon?"

“Hello, Manaphy,” she greeted, bowing her head politely. “Sorry to disturb you. We’re kind of backed into a corner, though…we have nothing to really go off of right now aside from a few cosmetic clues, and well…”

She sucked in a breath and squared her shoulders. “I was wondering if it would be possible for you to ‘sway’ upon the hearts of those who have gone missing,” she said. “As in…perhaps…trading mine with one of theirs. So I can maybe see where they might be. Or they can use my body to tell us…”

She let her words hang, before shrugging. “You say nothing has crossed your waters, so if there’s a chance they might still be on the island, and that I have any chance to see where they might be…I’d like to take it.”
Last edited:


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Wallace fell to his knees. "Child of the water." "Child of the water." Manafí had called him "child of the water". The thought alone brought tears to his eyes.

Wait. No. Stop it. He had to put his personal desires aside. This wasn't about him. This was about the good of the whole island.

"We need your help, Prince of the Sea. There have been... disappearings... vanishings... sudden goodbyes..."

Victoria patted Wallace's head with her tail fin. ("Deep breaths, Wallace. Deep breaths. Think about what you want to say. Maybe let someone else speak while you do that.")

"Manafí, can I bring Gen home?"

Victoria facepalmed herself with her tail fin. ("Gamó tou Drákou.")
Manaphy chuckled lightly. "I think that is a question you must ask Gen. It is not impossible to return to a new home, but that is not my place. Ultimately, it is his choice."

Hazel looked back at Odette and made a pleased meow before typing up her number for her to record underneath her many, many notes. The facts that Enora provided were fasincating, if a bit confusing at times. She'd press more on the details once everyone had settled in, as there were all sorts of tantalizing new facts: a completely unique Pokémon, and one that represents the manifestation of an emotion? Did that mean there were ones that represented other emotions too? Were they, too, unique in their world? Did a version exist in her own? So many possibilities!

"I meant in detail, you fool — the science behind it," Violet deadpanned, rolling her eyes, "Though I suppose I ought to acquire a copy of this 'Urban Dictionary' you speak of if I am to accommodate this society more."

"Er, Violet, that's not—"

Before Hazel could finish her statement, an incredible voice eminated from ocean. The duo jolted their heads as they behld the mythical Pokémon arise, looking on in awe. Violet silently mouthed, 'By the Gods...' while Hazel simply stared.

This was a discovery for the ages, and the scientist wasn't going to let the chance slip! She took a few steps forward and asked, "M-Manaphy, if I may... would... may I take a photo...?" She said, meekly holding her phone up for the prince to see. She prayed that the question wasn't offensive.
Manaphy's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Certainly!" they chirped. They floated over towards Hazel and wrapped an amorphous flipper around Hazel's shoulder and leaned in close to take a selfie. Once the picture had been taken they grinned. "Is that okay, Hazel, child of curiosity?"

Odette felt her phone buzz, and glanced down to see a text from Gladion. She looked in his direction, before stepping forward to greet Manaphy. Everyone else had seem so taken aback by its arrival, but…she supposed she was a little desensitized to the presence of legends and mythics.

She turned over her shoulder and glared at Odile. “Stay your ass over there.”

Odile held up a thumb, clearly more fixated on something else.

“Hello, Manaphy,” she greeted, bowing her head politely. “Sorry to disturb you. We’re kind of backed into a corner, though…we have nothing to really go off of right now aside from a few cosmetic clues, and well…”

She sucked in a breath and squared her shoulders. “I was wondering if it would be possible for you to ‘sway’ upon the hearts of those who have gone missing,” she said. “As in…perhaps…trading mine, with one of theirs. So I can maybe see where they might be.”

She let her words hang, before shrugging. “You say nothing has crossed your waters, so if there’s a chance they might still be on the island, and that I have any chance to see where they might be…I’d like to take it.”
Manaphy's expression shifted at Odette's request. "That is a noble request... its true that I could not sense the hearts passing over my seas... If you are willing, I could attempt to try to switch your hearts, but I cannot promise it will succeed. My power is not infinite, after all."

Taking a moment, Manaphy surveyed the assembled trainers. "If you all are ready, I can perform the ritual."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"S-switch hearts? Ritual? ...w-wait, you're g-going to take me b-back to my home?" Gen asked, so many questions flooding through his mind.

But...if it would maybe bring him home...

Gen nodded, clutching tightly onto his uncle.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Manaphy's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Certainly!" they chirped. They floated over towards Hazel and wrapped an amorphous flipper around Hazel's shoulder and leaned in close to take a selfie. Once the picture had been taken they grinned. "Is that okay, Hazel, child of curiosity?"
Hazel's eyes glistened with childlike wonder as her mouth remained firmly wide open in a beaming smile. "It's perfect...!" She whispered, staring at the photo and back up at Manaphy, unable to comprehend that it was truly real. Child of Curiosity... yes, yes she supposed that fit her perfectly! Her heart swelled as clutched onto phone as though it were a stuffed toy, utterly elated that this was all happening.
Taking a moment, Manaphy surveyed the assembled trainers. "If you all are ready, I can perform the ritual."
"...Wait, what do you mean by all of us?" Violet asked, tilting her head back incredulously, yet still letting out a chuckle, "I had thought that you only needed Odette for this... 'heart sway', as you referred to it?" Her voice remained gentle despite her nervousness; she did not want to doubt such an incredible Pokémon, but the phrasing had given her some reservations. This was a mythical being, so perhaps it was a royal 'we'...? She had no idea what to expect from this ability of theirs, but even if it did require her involvement, it shouldn't be too bad... right?


House of Two Midnights
Well, it was a... small legendary. Kinda like the hoopa. But it certainly seemed assured of its place, and from the way the other trainers were reacting, it was kind of a big deal. Mightyena watched it float over to take a picture with the cave assholes; Nate studied it himself. Water-type, clearly. And... psychic? That could explain the talking. And whatever this was about hearts...?

Odette suggested swapping herself with one of the missing people. Which, swap...? Well, that was pretty clever, if it was even possible.

Nate wasn't such a big fan of what the little legendary said next. "Whoah, hold up," he said. "I dunno about no fucking ritual. Just what are all of us supposed to be ready for, here?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"S-switch hearts? Ritual? ...w-wait, you're g-going to take me b-back to my home?" Gen asked, so many questions flooding through his mind.

But...if it would maybe bring him home...

Gen nodded, clutching tightly onto his uncle.
"I am sorry, child. I cannot bring you home, I cannot traverse the boundary between worlds. But when you leave this world, you could accompany Wallace, if you desired."

Hazel's eyes glistened with childlike wonder as her mouth remained firmly wide open in a beaming smile. "It's perfect...!" She whispered, staring at the photo and back up at Manaphy, unable to comprehend that it was truly real. Child of Curiosity... yes, yes she supposed that fit her perfectly! Her heart swelled as clutched onto phone as though it were a stuffed toy, utterly elated that this was all happening.

"...Wait, what do you mean by all of us?" Violet asked, tilting her head back incredulously, yet still letting out a chuckle, "I had thought that you only needed Odette for this... 'heart sway', as you referred to it?" Her voice remained gentle despite her nervousness; she did not want to doubt such an incredible Pokémon, but the phrasing had given her some reservations. This was a mythical being, so perhaps it was a royal 'we'...? She had no idea what to expect from this ability of theirs, but even if it did require her involvement, it shouldn't be too bad... right?
They certainly sensed some kind of desire, whether it be curiosity or something else that had drawn them here. Some of the trainers seemed to want to see the power of heart swapping in action.
"Would the rest of you like to also experience the power of the Heart Swap? Odette's choice is her own, but I can also grant each of you a brief glimpse of the new perspectives."

Wallace looked at Gen. The kid had a family. The kid had a home. The kid had a life he so desperately wanted to go back to. And Wallace was just a weird alcoholic uncle who thought he could call any child who showed him kindness his own.

"If he doesn't want to come to my home..." Can I have a child of my own? Can I have a sliver of happiness after everything I've suffered through? Can Winona and I build a happy and stable family after our own families denied that? Can you give us a child, if for nothing else than my beloved wife to be happy after everything she's been through? Can we break this cycle and have good things for once???

You're selfish, Wallace. Your heart is full of greed and Sin. you don't deserve a child. You don't deserve a wife. You don't deserve friends or a family. You deserve to live and die alone. You're selfish, narcissistic, self cen—

Wallace took a deep breath and smiled. "...Do I have you blessing to try to guide him back to his? Do you have anyway I can help him?"

("We're ready, Wallace and I.") The sooner the better for their mental sanity.
A sympathetic smile crossed Manaphy's face. "Family is not always connected by physical closeness. Even worlds apart you and Gen will remain family. When it comes time to leave, no matter what choice each of you make, that will never change."

Well, it was a... small legendary. Kinda like the hoopa. But it certainly seemed assured of its place, and from the way the other trainers were reacting, it was kind of a big deal. Mightyena watched it float over to take a picture with the cave assholes; Nate studied it himself. Water-type, clearly. And... psychic? That could explain the talking. And whatever this was about hearts...?

Odette suggested swapping herself with one of the missing people. Which, swap...? Well, that was pretty clever, if it was even possible.

Nate wasn't such a big fan of what the little legendary said next. "Whoah, hold up," he said. "I dunno about no fucking ritual. Just what are all of us supposed to be ready for, here?"
Manaphy eyed the young man with the sharp tongue. "You will only need to be ready for what you desire. I would not use my power on an unwilling subject."

They turned to face the group of trainers. "I can show each of you a new perspective, if you allow it."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
They certainly sensed some kind of desire, whether it be curiosity or something else that had drawn them here. Some of the trainers seemed to want to see the power of heart swapping in action.
"Would the rest of you like to also experience the power of the Heart Swap? Odette's choice is her own, but I can also grant each of you a brief glimpse of the new perspectives."
Hazel gasped in elated surprise at Manaphy's response before nodding vigorously. She would not only get to see their wonderful ability in action but experience it herself?! That sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime experiment! Who wouldn't want to?

Violet, it seemed, based on her look of incredulity. Hazel frantically typed as she hopped in place and shoved in Violet's face: [Do it do it do it do it do it do it]

"Alright, alright, if you insist, Hazel!" Violet responded, letting out a chuckle as she smiled and waved Hazel down. It was nice to see the Weavile so enthralled by something, even if she had no idea what it really was. "May as well try anything once in this era, no? Not every day that we get to bare witness to a mythical Pokémon power in action, I suppose."
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