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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Also just pulling this back up because it was oddly convenient that Bluwii only claimed to have info and reveal this after Homestar accused Abra of being SK! It’s a very safe bit of info that would allow them to fly under the radar. I’m not accusing them of being scum buuut I do find the timing suspicious! After all, why wait to reveal that an SK exists? That affects everyone. HMMM.]]
[[I considered this too, and I do agree it's sus, but I can also see a world where maybe they were hanging onto the info for some particular reason? Or maybe were waiting to utilize the info later for a possible secret vigilante SK?]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin


  1. nidoqueen
[[ My character is over-the-top and malicious.

That does not mean that I, as a player, am. ]]

Anyways really vexed that all this was over RP when it's been mullltipleultiple said that a characters in character behavior has nothing to do with alignment.

[[These are both true, but basic strategy still stands. Going over-the-top and out-of-the-way to be antagonistic to basically everyone and anyone is a sure-fire way to put a target on your back. Which, unfortunately, it did.

Can I self-vote? Lmao.]]


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
But there’s someone actually important here. You go to the gorgeous ninetales and hide behind her stand nearby to soak in her cold.

“Getting comfortable?” Astrid cooed at the Vulpix—a child, no doubt. Something stung in her heart that went ignored but not forgotten. It had been so, so long since she’d seen another Vulpix like her so close. And while it was to be expected during her multi-dimensional travels, that feeling was not tempered in the slightest now that it was upon her.

With a silent huff, she rested a tail on the Vulpix’s back and let her soak up her cold as long as she liked.

"Hi!" the Houndoom called out, trotting over to her. "My name's Ebony!" Maybe they could be friends!

“My name’s Astrid!” But she’d already said that, and cleared her throat. “—Ahem. Hi!” She’d already said that too. “Do you know Diyem too? He’s quite a character.”

She should probably ask everyone that when she got the chance. Maybe this was some kind of experiment? A game, clearly, but she knew Diyem didn’t play games. Not to have fun, that is.

"Hi to you as well!" she said to the newcomer, following Ebony closely. I'm Salem! We all have to play a game about finding hidden killers in the group, and everyone who loses gets punished in a terrible place! But it'll probably be fine because a lot of us don't seem worried!"

Astrid nodded. “Yep, caught up on that part.” A shame she couldn’t say the same for the conversations of those around her. She was so far behind the curb… usually she didn’t struggle with sleeping in late! Bad timing, bad timing. Ohhh, she dearly hoped her absence didn’t set off any unwarranted red flags.

Time to dive into things.

"Okay... We don't have lots of information yet, and the killers are obviously also liars who will try to get us to turn on each other. But... We have to turn on people we think are lying killers. And some of us might be lying innocents because lying helps us win somehow. Hmm..."

“So. First things first. That means anyone I talk to could be lying, and that’s built into the fabric of the game and everyone understands this and rolls with it anyway.”

She thought about it for a second. Really, really thought about it, and why she was here. Gosh, no wonder people were already upset and on the verge of fighting. Tensions would naturally be high when everyone was seeking the slimmest piece of evidence to use against one another. It was so arbitrary. So chaotic. Broken. A mess by design.

Following deeper contemplation, Astrid beamed. “…Wow! This is cool! This game reminds me of Diyem. Makes a lot of sense now.

“I wish I had exclusive info to give everyone, but, alas,” Astrid put her paw to her head, feigning disappointment, then wore a bashful grin, “I’m vanilla town. Better than mafia though.” She stuck up her nose. “Yeah, I’m talking to all of you liars in here. Um, the ones we’re definitely close to catching. We’ll maybe possibly sniff you out if you slip up, so watch out! You can take that to the bank!! Err, if there’s one nearby.”

Unsure who to talk to about game-related matters (they could be lying after all, or reasonably believe her to be lying!) she instead approached Diyem, fully believing him to recognize her.

“Looks like I’m your test subject once again, dad~”


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
[[I considered this too, and I do agree it's sus, but I can also see a world where maybe they were hanging onto the info for some particular reason? Or maybe were waiting to utilize the info later for a possible secret vigilante SK?]]
[[These are very fair points! ^^ I think I got lost in the sauce of Poryfriend being very upset about losing their friend, and didn't really consider them coherent enough to offer information. I should remember that we can speak OOC as well as IC!]]

...please don't remind me that I lost my friend!!!!! I'm... I'm really trying, to not be sad, so I can help people!

[[I think also since there were two deaths, I took it for granted that there's confirmed at least two killing roles (maf and sk) and thought that my info was basically useless? My bad!]]


  1. nidoqueen
“I wish I had exclusive info to give everyone, but, alas,” Astrid put her paw to her head, feigning disappointment, then wore a bashful grin, “I’m vanilla town. Better than mafia though.” She stuck up her nose. “Yeah, I’m talking to all of you liars in here. Um, the ones we’re definitely close to catching. We’ll maybe possibly sniff you out if you slip up, so watch out! You can take that to the bank!! Err, if there’s one nearby.”

"I also sus the bigger Coldpix," Mike muttered amidst the din, "we didn't get---."

“Looks like I’m your test subject once again, dad~”

"Dad?" Mike pushed himself off the wall, hobbling a few steps closer. He squinted at the pale Ninetales, then at the dark 'Charizard' she spoke to.

"That's your father?" Mike asked, setting aside the improbability for a moment. He leaned against a stalagmite and studied them both hard. His heart pounded as his mind raced. More damning proof that Robin really wasn't in charge here: she knew enough about egg groups and breeding. It wasn't a mistake she would make.

"Will he listen to you?" Mike asked, "can he stop all of this? Why are we even here? How do you know them? How is that your dad?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I trust what Bluwii said, in so far as there being SK was pretty obvious I think]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
trust what Bluwii said, in so far as there being SK was pretty obvious I think]
[[ yeah wasnt it literally in the list of confirmed roles in the signup post lol ]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[ yeah wasnt it literally in the list of confirmed roles in the signup post lol ]]
[[I mean I think there was a disclaimer saying not all the roles may be used but I could be misremembering things]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[I mean I think there was a disclaimer saying not all the roles may be used but I could be misremembering things]]
[[Yes, it also said "nor will there be any nonstandard win conditions aside from Serial Killer's, if there is one" meaning there was a chance there wouldn't be one]]


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
[[Astrid missed the comment about sussing bc she does not yet know what ‘sus’ means and is not terrific at reading the room or even parts of the room. Poor gal.]]

"Will he listen to you?"


"can he stop all of this?


Why are we even here?

“I dunno.”

How do you know them?

“The story is so crazy you’d probably think I was lying if I tried telling it. It involves explosions.”

How is that your dad?"

“I’m just teasing him,” she leaned in to whisper, “‘cuz he hates that sort of thing. It was sort of true at one point but, time passes and life happens. Or uh, time doesn’t pass the same for different universes, forgot about that… I guess I’m more like an old coworker. In the past, with his power, I was able to do some cool stuff. I guess that’s why I’m not worried right now! He wouldn’t, like, subject my soul to eternal damnation or anything, I don’t think. Right Diyem?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Yes, it also said "nor will there be any nonstandard win conditions aside from Serial Killer's, if there is one" meaning there was a chance there wouldn't be one]]
“So basically, it would be vital to us to know right away if there was a serial killer among us.” Wes shot a wary glance at Porygon. He didn’t like to entertain the idea that they might be a killer, but…he couldn’t afford be too trusting.

He then cleared his throat and addressed the group as a whole. “Well then, if anybody else has helpful information to share, now is the time to bring it forward.”

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[Yes, it also said "nor will there be any nonstandard win conditions aside from Serial Killer's, if there is one" meaning there was a chance there wouldn't be one]]

"There's no way there wouldn't be one!" Ebony insisted. "Not with so many of us--the game would take forever! Also... there were two deaths! It was super obvious that we had a serial killer, before anyone even said anything!"


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"There's no way there wouldn't be one!" Ebony insisted. "Not with so many of us--the game would take forever! Also... there were two deaths! It was super obvious that we had a serial killer, before anyone even said anything!"
“Then why hold onto that info, then?” Wes said. “There’s nothing to lose by saying it right away…” he trailed off, remembering their tearful outburst. Okay, so maybe their mind was on other things, but still.

View attachment 1356(oh no is he mad at me?? is that a mad face?)

He ducked his head away from Porygon and tried fo ignore the guilt gnawing at his stomach. It wasn’t personal, dammit, he just had to be cautious. That was all.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
download20210802123401.png "I think this idea that people who don't cough up all their secrets immediately are suspicious is very stupid. How do you catch people in a lie if you come forward with all the truthful information immediately? You people insisting on that are either way too excited about catching people out for suspicious timing as if you were experts on suspicious timing, or you have another reason to persuade all the town to give up everything they know immediately."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
View attachment 1359 "I think this idea that people who don't cough up all their secrets immediately are suspicious is very stupid. How do you catch people in a lie if you come forward with all the truthful information immediately? You people insisting on that are either way too excited about catching people out for suspicious timing as if you were experts on suspicious timing, or you have another reason to persuade all the town to give up everything they know immediately."

Wes raised his hands in a submissive gesture. “Easy, you—” he broke off into a squint as he took a closer look at who he was talking to. Was that a…humanoid feline Pokémon? Oh to hell with it, he’d seen enough strange things in this place. He shook his head and continued. “I’m only trying to put the pieces together. Obviously if anyone has information that will put their lives in danger, then don’t share it. But there’s a lot of us, and if anybody knows something helpful, it’s better to say so no instead of later. I think that’s perfectly reasonable.”

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[[Okay here we go, ladies and gents.

First: Unclaiming Town Role Cop, Claiming Town Bulletproof.

I have never played mafia before, and after reading Phan's thing, I made a gambit. I must admit it was based on in-character bad feels, so that's my bad.

This gambit was also based on the confusing wording in the initial post, as well as some outside information wrt how the game is played. The original post doesn't explicitly say SK can't be picked up by Role Cop (though it does say to check the wiki, which I did later). My initial plan was, I s2g, to oust a malicious RPer. Again, I'm really sorry if this creates bad feels. This was why I RP'd the high-drama injury thing; I wanted to see if I couldn't curb their actions. When I couldn't, and after I read Phan's post, I got upsetti spaghetti and gambited.

In light that they have all but outed themselves as lovers (and are therefore dead anyways), and that I'm dead anyways, I might as well come clean and apologize.

But Homestar, why claim Town Bulletproof?
- Ousting myself as bulletproof destroys my power. Nobody is going to waste their time on me, and that's if I survive today. Which I no longer expect to.

So what was the gambit?
- tl;dr: Eliminate Abra (who I sus'd as Mafia due to playstyle), tank a bullet in the night (or the Juggernaut shot), reveal Bulletproof if I woke up in the morning, explain gambit.
- I thought, given the over-the-top malicious RP style, Abra was leaning into their assigned faction/role anyways. They would have no reason to be so actively cruel if they were really town (Mafia would know instantly that they were town), as it would do nothing but generate scorn by the town (and possibly all players). I read up on basic bulletproof strats (claim power, point finger) and did so.

So what went wrong?
- I didn't understand the rules (or perhaps altered rules?) of the game wrt Role Cop.

TL;DR: I'm Town Bulletproof, I made a shit gambit out of spite, I want to clear the air.]]
Ebony paced restlessly back and forth in front of the human. The human she was so sure was bad just a little bit ago.

"I knew you had to be bad because the way you were acting made no sense for a good cop!" she growled. "But... it also made no sense for a bad cop either. It would have been a really dumb plan, and the other bad guys would have yelled at you."

She snorted out an ember. "The things you said made no sense for any kind of cop. But... it does make sense for someone trying to get the bad guys to target you. Everything you said just now would have been really risky and dumb for a bad guy."

Ebony didn't like that. She'd been excited because she thought they'd found a bad guy!


  1. nidoqueen
"I knew you had to be bad because the way you were acting made no sense for a good cop!" she growled. "But... it also made no sense for a bad cop either. It would have been a really dumb plan, and the other bad guys would have yelled at you."

She snorted out an ember. "The things you said made no sense for any kind of cop. But... it does make sense for someone trying to get the bad guys to target you. Everything you said just now would have been really risky and dumb for a bad guy."

"Honestly, I wouldn't trust me either," Mike replied. He heaved a sigh, leaning hard against his new pet stalagmite. "I acted out of bitterness, but not without purpose. I'm basically vanilla town now."

The words of the Ninetales swirled in his mind...

He wouldn’t, like, subject my soul to eternal damnation or anything, I don’t think. Right Diyem?”

"Honestly, that would be a comforting alternative," he mused. "Could just be nothing." He raised and splayed his hands, eyes widening, "Forever. It's nice to have any afterlife confirmed, really. Ghosts notwithstanding, since we hardly understand their deal anyways."


  1. nidoqueen
Mike wasn't entirely sure which the worse prospect was:

Having to play this game to its bitter end, having saved himself from a quick death but prolonging his purgatory.

Or being voted out now, into some unknown fate. Possibly one separate from the Lucario and the Porygon-Z entirely. Possibly into his own personal hell. Possibly into the void he so feared.

It was times like this where he usually felt the great urge to stuff himself, and had to preoccupy his thoughts. But, and most peculiarly, no hunger came. Only anxiety, fear, and tension. This truly was some strange world outside of the normal rules.
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