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Worldbuilding June


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
24. What places are still unexplored in your world?
Many ruins of precursor civilizations, like a joint Alakazam-Metagross civilization, exist dotted throughout the world. Most of these were made by Pokemon but plenty of human ones exist too. These places can harbor dark, forbidden secrets...


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
25. What do people carry with them on a daily basis in your world?

Pokeballs. Always Pokeballs. Healing items and other supplies for their Pokemon like food are essential too. Pokemon themselves frequently carry items with them into battle.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
26. What sorts of art exist in your world?

About the same as in most Earths. There are many Pokemon-themed works of art, often dedicated to certain Legenaries or myths. Of note is the Anistar Sundial in Kalos, which was said tol have been carved from a crystal that came from outer space.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
27. How do people get around in your world?

Earth-like modes of transportation all exist to some degree, though usage of cars is reduced significantly. There are also teleporters in some facilities, but they are of relatively limited use. Pokemon-based transportation is commonplace, though of more cultural significance in some regions than others. Some people have access to things like airships as well.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
28. What is the cycle of life and death in your world?

Humans live about as long as normal. Pokemon lifespan is much more varied, from slightly less than humans to significantly more or even immortal, but they tend to live longer with human company. Some humans and Pokemon will come back from the dead as Ghost-type Pokemon, causing them to linger longer than usual especially if they still have business in these worlds.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
29. How do people communicate with each other in your world?

As with many Earths, cell phones and the Internet are commonplace. Pokemon are known to use these as well as humans. Pokemon are even capable of accessing the Internet and communicating between Pokeballs with an app called Hasslemon.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
30. Who’s important in your world?

In Universe 1, I observed mostly the actions of a group of Trainers called the J-Team. They have been in operation for many years, and have, and are still, thwarting various evildoers. They are a colorful and eclectic bunch and I cannot do them full justice here.

In Universe A it's less clear cut who's important to the story. Sometimes it's the Legendaries, sometimes it's a child and his Riolu on the way to becoming a famous hero,.sometimes it's two Plasma grunts bumbling their way into destiny... The list goes on.

Alas my time in these two twin Pokemon worlds has ended, but I have at least something of it to bring with me... A Pokemon called Smoliv has been accompanying me on my travels! They will be good company in the future.


Umbra here. If you read all this, thank you for doing so! This is one I've been lookimg forward to doing for a while.

Speaking of, next year's a big one. The one I have been building up to this whole time. Be prepared.

....But first Artfight.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Whose important in your world...

I ran a story where the cast were a group of law fearing ex grunts... In lew of lacking moral compasses, respect for authority (besides fearing how it'd jail them), or higher powers thier important person was designated in group by a daily game of rock paper sissors between the moat powerful trainers on hand. Important nonlethal life death descisions were regulated to a white board and group vote and so many sharpies...


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Worldbuilding June 2023: Multiverse Warriors

1. Tell us about your world.

Hey! It's Umbra with the meta introduction again. This is it. The culmination of my Worldbuilding June shenanigans. This year I'm touching on one particular project of mine, my very first creative project: Multiverse Warriors.

...However, as the title indicates, that spans an entire multiverse, one that includes my other projects, and I ain't got time to worldbuild all that.

So instead The World Wanderer is going to zero in on one particular very important location. I'll let you see for yourself tomorrow.

2. What’s the Geography of your world?

Hello! It is I, the World Wanderer, and I have found something stunning.

At first glance, the world looks merely earth-shaped in places, if seemingly moved by plate tectonics. But one city on the coast, Nexinnati, is teeming and thriving with beings from across the multiverse, brought there by local heroes, the Multiverse Warriors. And off the coast is a massive facility - the home base of the Multiverse Warriors. Their home base is composed of many shifting modules and is, of course, even bigger on the inside.

I will have to investigate further, as always...

3. Who lives in your world?

The more pertinent question is "who doesn't." There are people and creatures from all over the multiverse here! Talking to them it seems many were rescued from some disaster or other by the Multiverse Warriors and ended up settling there.And more keep coming in this way and by others, further adding to the variety.

4. What’s its history? (How did it come to be?)

According to the Multiverse Warriors, it seems their Boss and his AI companion X have always been here, along with an early version of their facility, but they were all alone, with no other people or creatures and they only found him through a multiversal trip of their own. However, they started bringing others to their home, and from there Nexinnati was built and the facility, Multiverse Warriors Home Base, was expanded.

5. What sorts of civilizations and architecture fill your world?

Nexinnati and Multiverse Warriors Home Base are the main ones, but there are other cities and towns on the same planet or even on other planets in the same universe. Many are dedicated to farming and gathering of sustainable resources, but some are just for living in.

6. How does gender & sexuality work in your world?

The nature of gender and sexuality in Nexinnati is pulled from the entire multiverse. Some genders and sexualities are even entirely alien compared to what some on a normal Earth would find. However, Nexinnati society is built in a way that even these are accommodated just fine.

7. How does the economy work in your world?

Things are highly socialized - businesses are regulated by the people and are generally worker-owned. There is money to go around and products are being made but capitalism as we know it is not here - and in fact seems to have been actively pruned out.

8. Who rules in your world?

The Multiverse Warriors, their Boss, and their allies actively did not get involved in directly governing the people of Nexinnati, so they mostly govern themselves in a democratic, non-centralized society. They do occasionally come to the Multiverse Warriors andco. For guidance and assistance still.

9. What religion and cosmology exists in your world?

Religious diversity is massive, with religions from all over the multiverse appearing. If it is a religion with gods, it is assumed they exist SOMEWHERE in the multiverse, with atheists and such usually choosing not to pay them any mind. Many places of worship for these are scattered around Nexinnati, with many attendants.

10. What traditions are observed in your world?

Many holidays and such are imported from people's home universes. One unique to this world is Nexus Day, where the diversity of the multiverse is honored in a city-wide festival with many shows and bazaars. The Multiverse Warriors personally help with planning and events.

11. What’s language like in your world?

There is every language here,everywhere, all at once. Thankfully the Multiverse Warriors have handy translation devices they loan out to the populace free of charge. Therefore language barriers are non-existent in Nexinnati where they would normally be a huge problem.

12. What fauna inhabit your world?

Much like the people, there are fauna from all over the multiverse here, usually those brought as rescues, those brought as livestock or pets, and those brought for research by the Multiverse Warriors. Multiverse Warriors Home Base hosts a particular number of exotic specimens in its modules.

13. What flora covers your world?

About the same as the fauna.

14. What do people eat in your world?

Many vegetables and plant products from around the multiverse are grown on farms on different planets and eaten by the citizenry. Many meats are eaten as well, though in their case livestock are used as tissue donors to grow the meat in labs for consumption.

15. What technology is used in your world?

The Multiverse Warriors have access to fabulous, almost reality-bending technology in their Home Base, some of which can access alternate universes. They use the latter to bring in technology from all over the multiverse to supplement their own. This is all shared with the people of Nexinnati, especially when it comes to quality of life and healthcare.

16. What magic exists in your world?

Various samples of different sorts of magic and magical objects have ALSO been brought to the Home Base by the Multiverse Warriors. They are frequently used to accentuate the various technological advancements that also exist, creating a harmony of science and magic even in situations where it normally wouldn't exist. If a scientific solution cannot be found, a magical solution will do. Magic is also used in helping with the quality of life in Nexinnati as well.

17. What’s medicine and healthcare like in your world?

The advanced science supplemented with magic of the world means the vast majority of diseases can be cured or at least heavily treated. Advanced forms of medicine exist and are used to treat a stunning array of ailments.

18. What is clothing and fashion like in your world?

The existence of materials and methods of making clothes from all over the multiverse means that Nexinnati fashion can get outlandish. Stuff that would be the things of a fashion designer's daydreams becomes modern streetwear. Many people use variety in fashion and outfits to express themselves.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
19. How are wars fought in your world?

There are no wars here, but the Multiverse Warriors have defense mechanisms in place in case anything happens, for example multiversal invaders. One of them is the Wing Troopers, rehabilitated all-female clone supersoldiers rescued from a dictator the Multiverse Warriors deposed in another world. They stick around purely for defense.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
20. What sorts of weapons & armor are used in your world?

Weapons are very heavily controlled in Nexinnati, and the Multiverse Warriors heavily avoid letting them be distributed. The Multiverse Warriors themselves use their powers supplemented by high-tech armor and outfits.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
21. What do people do for work in your world?

Many jobs are available for the purpose of keeping Nexinnati and the Multiverse Warriors home base running. Most contribute to these jobs as much as they healthily can, with proper compensation. There are no true corporations, just worker-owned communes.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
22. What do people do for fun in your world?

Fun games and activities are imported from all over the multiverse. Sporting events for a dazzling array of sports are held in big stadiums. And video games range from normal controller-based affairs to full high-tech immersive VR.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
23. What’s the sky like in your world?

Spaceships going to and from other planets are a common sight in Nexinnati's skies. So too are normal airplanes going to other parts of the planet. However Nexitatii has an Earth-like sky, with only one moon and one sun.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
24. What places are still unexplored in your world?

The universe beyond Nexinnati is still being explored, with new planets being terraformed for settlement every day. Interestingly no alien animal life in the universe has ever been found, only plant life, fungal life, and similar. The MUltiverse Warriors' Boss seems to know something about this but will not tell.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
25. What do people carry with them on a daily basis in your world?

Usually some sort of electronic device, something with which to hold some form of money or way to transmit money, and snacks. Can't go wrong with snacks.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
26. What sorts of art exist in your world?

The existence of people from all over the multiverse means infinite forms of artistic expression. There are multiple art museums for displaying such works. Many are displayed on the world's Internet as well.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
27. How do people get around in your world?

On a small scale, walking. On a large scale, public transit and such. On a massive cosmic scale, FTL spaceships.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
28. What is the cycle of life and death in your world?

The life cycles of Nexinnati's inhabitants range wildly depending on species. Unless they are outright immortal, proper end-of-life care is provided for all of them, and their families mourn according to their cultural customs.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
29. How do people communicate with each other in your world?

The world Nexinnati is in has a robust Internet powered by FTL signals that can be sent all over the universe. This is the main form of communication for Nexinnati's inhabitants. With much the same things you'd expect from any Internet... for better or for worse.
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