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Worldbuilding June


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
5. What sorts of civilizations and architecture fill your world?

In a word, it's all somewhat "pesudo-solarpunk." People live in harmony with nature and Pokemon and build around, not over, natural features, with advanced technology helping it along.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
6. How does gender & sexuality work in your world?

About the same as in most universes. Notably, Pokemon are just as varied as humans, and even can unlock gender-locked evolutions based on their gender identity.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
7. How does the economy work in your world?

A currency called Poke, which is similar to yen, is pretty universal. Rare are the places that do not accept it. Poke is often bartered in Trainer battles.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
8. Who rules in your world?

There are normal democratic governments running each nation or region. However the Pokemon Leauge of each region is the authority on all things Pokemon. Sometimes the two come into conflict.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
9. What religion and cosmology exists in your world?

Many of the numerous Legendary and Mythical Pokemon are worshiped by humans and other Pokemon to some degree. There are even places of worship in some places like Sinnoh. Said Legendaries and Mythicals do not mind as long as the mortals do not get weird about it.

(The Ghost Lord got weird about it, for instance)


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
10. What traditions are observed in your world?

There is an ancient tradition between humans and Pokemon called The Vow; which instructs humans and Pokemon to work with and not against each other. Upholding it is a serious affair for both, as well as the Legendaries.

In Universe A, there was a lapse in the Vow that affected at least ancient Sinnoh, or Hisui, but a legendary hero there set things right.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
11. What’s language like in your world?

Equivalents to most Earth languages exist. Most people are highly multilingual however, and can navigate foreign regions pretty easily.

Pokemon speak their own language that is difficult but possible for humans to learn. It seems there are magical ways of learning this language....


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
12. What fauna inhabit your world?

Pokemon! These colorful creatures soar walk and swim through every part of this world. They are on par with or even superior to humans in intellect, but work closely with them for food, shelter, and tactical planning.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
13. What flora covers your world?

Plants are pretty standard to most Earth-like worlds... Except for a clade called Berries, which have marvelous effects on Pokemon specifically. These berries are widely cultivated on even a casual level, along with Mints that change a Pokemon's disposition.

There are also the mysterious Apricorns that are used to forge Pokeballs, which enhance and trigger a Pokemon's natural shrinking abilities.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
14. What do people eat in your world?

In Universe A, cloned meat is widespread, and humans eating Pokemon directly now that their intelligence is further understood is a thing of the past. Wild Pokemon will still eat each other however.

Universe 1 is still phasing out meat farms.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
15. What technology is used in your world?

Technology is highly advanced and includes teleporters, clean energy, artificial intelligence, and the ability to store Pokemon in a PC box virtual reality. Pokeballs themselves are a wonderful technology that takes advantage of a Pokemon's natural shrinking abilities to give them a cozy home.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
16. What magic exists in your world?

The elemental powers and alignments of Pokemon are the most prominent one, though also the object of rigorous scientific study. Less well documented is those powers appearing in humans on the Auric Spectrum, mostly Psychic, Fighting, Dark, and host types.

In Universe 1 and possibly Universe A as well there is an organization trying to engineer and construct people with these powers...


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
17. What’s medicine and healthcare like in your world?

Medicine is highly advanced, and both Pokemon and humans get socialized health care. The former get it in the form of Pokemon Centers, which can heal Pokemon easily and quickly. Humans have to be healed more traditionally unless it's with the help of a Pokemon.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
18. What is clothing and fashion like in your world?

About typical of most Earths, with trends to be slightly more exotic. Notably, Pokemon can dress themselves up often, though they lean staying unclothed.

There is tell of a mysterious clothing shop run by Mew existing in Universe 1 and possibly Universe A, though those rumors will have to be further investigated...


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
what are the religions/cosmology of your world:

Funnily enough, I didn't intend on religion to be such a big topic in this story, but that changed as the story went on...

The main faiths of the 'mon verse are devied up into three brackets.

"Old world religions" aka the more institutionalized faiths like catholicism went through horrible upheaval, inter fighting, and ended up as a mix-match, hodge-podge institute that's taken a little from column a-z that's heavily leaning on the flavor of catholicism but has shadings and mythologies from other institutionalized religions as well.

It's considered incredibly gauche to worship in these places, as most preach either anti-mon philosophy or human-centric viewpoints that are wildly against the common man's norm. But their tales "Genisis" etc are commonly known and bandied about as horror stories or gossip points. Having been osmosed by the common man's culture just for how long they've been about.

Presently these churches only exist only because they are supported by old families, and receive a great deal of fiscal stimulus from their congregations. It's a mark of the rich to be an active churchgoer, and a number of those older hands, traditionalists, in power have ties with these institutes since they support and encourage many of the views of those who favor the past or pro-human attitudes.

It's actually common for low-level or non-combative members of Team Rocket to be part of these congregations and rumored the previous Boss of Team Rocket was a prominent member in her community.

A few chapels of note that exist in Kanto are in Viridian and Violet. Not as grandiose as say... Notre Dame, while sweeping the buildings serve very different purposes. Viridian gets most of its money by being a popular wedding spot, is more sweeping gardens with a building meant to overshadow nature, and uses the various flora to accent the wonders of the building, Violet's is more stark/serious. As a source of power/church government, it glories the sometimes bloody history and wars while being the main source of charity organizations in its region.

Faiths of philosophy: The less formal binding philosophy/faiths are practiced privately in homes, with variations between families. There's little to no centralized force, but rather a small network of roadside shrines that are part road stop, halfway home, used in pokemon journeys, those seeking to reconnect spiritually with nature, calm their minds, or get away from modern society. Locally supported, they occasionally band together in a crisis to assist the people around them, but their no hierarchy and goods and services are the norm of "paying them back" rather than money, so they're generally limited in their fiscal power, by choice.

Legend worship: It's considered dated to worship 'mon as a whole, but in communities situated around Legend hot spots, or places where Legends waged battles, it's common. And it's a common joke to ask someone to swear and what 'mon they swear on tells you what region they're from. There is a smattering of origin stories, creational myths, (some claim Mew is the all-creator, others Arceus, or Gourdon/Kygore) and the like. These are told by town elders/historians, and there are usually appeasement rituals, or rituals asking for the Legends to grant their favored blessings (better strength, luck, clarity of mind) or travel with them, or so on and so forth. As most Legends are merrily sleeping, or apathetic, these rituals don't usually amount to much... but in certain places, like Alola, where a Legend is active, invoking their name/blessing/rituals can have terrifying and immediate results.

A common Alola joke goes:
"Did you hear about the man who swore to Tapu?
"No, what happened."
"Tapu thought he was swearing at him, so the man only did it once, we had to sweep up the trail after."

Presently of the cast of Transversal the main/influencial character's faith goes.

Giovanni: Atheist, raised in Catholic environment
Lillie Aether: Philosophic leanings
Silver: Legend Worship, (this was encouraged by mask, who posed as a Legend of Ice, to scare the bejeebas out of the kids)
Kuki: a more benign example of Legend Worship
Hua: Philosophical leanings

others pending


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
19. How are wars fought in your world?

Pokemon as living weapons is a very old concept with lots of history, and wars were once frequently fought with them. These wars were once fought with the

Pokemon using one move at a time, until the Crimson Lady of Dragnor set up the four-move-limit rule. However, at least in Universe A, things have reached an era of peace for now.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
20. What sorts of weapons & armor are used in your world?

Weapons like guns and swords exist, but gun control laws are strict and Pokemon are viewed as more efficient and reliable weapons anyway, especially when many aren't too phased by gunfire. This does not stop organizations like Cipher holding onto and using guns. Pokmon are often equiped with armor for particularly extreme battles as well.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
21. What do people do for work in your world?

Most jobs revolve around or involve Pokemon in some way. Human-centric jobs exist buit tend to be less prominent. Pokemon can get their own jobs as well, especially in places like Galar.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
22. What do people do for fun in your world?

Pokemon battles! Also contests, musicals, marathons... If it's something fun to do humans are as likely to do it with their Pokemon as they are each other, and vice versa.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
23. What’s the sky like in your world?

It's fairly normal. However, Ultra Wormholes and other space-time-rifts (such as the one from the Mobius Incident in Universe 1) appear not uncommonly. Also blinking lights shine in the night sky as some sort of communication, possibly from "space Ampharos".
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