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Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
In which I make good on a review exchange from forever ago

Hey, Sind! I’ve been meaning to finally catch up with WSBS since forever, but life has kept me at bay for a while. Review blitz is a great opportunity to get caught up, though, so here’s a review doing just that! To keep things organized over this many chonk chapters, I’ll go chapter by chapter this time. Disclaimer that it’s been a long long time and I might not remember things from previous chapters perfectly.

Chapter 9

>Dorian having a decent human being moment :absus:

This was a pretty chonky chapter! :0 I liked the moments between Odette and Enora a lot. The bit where people ask Odette to sell her is awful as ever, lol

I really like that this fic includes the pokemon as characters a bit more. It’s important for the plot, but also nice in general – I feel like their dynamic is really heartwarming and it carried a lot of the chapter. Love to see trainers looking out for their pokemon and treating them as equals, especially contrasted with whatever tf is going on at this horrible-ass party. (the contrast is really clever and effective – excellent decision there) Dunk them all in the lake :[

Clovis returns™ like how the curtain is sloooowly being drawn back on this guy, figure something’s up with the figure-skating and the language switching…

I guess ‘galarian’ stands in for English here – it does make sense, since this Kalos seems to be mostly 1:1 with irl France, but it never really occurred to me that they’d be speaking French/Kalosian in this fic…

This is probably something I forgot from previous chapters, but it isn’t really clear to me who can and can’t understand pokemon in this setting. Is it everyone? Just those who are trained to? Can only some ‘mon speak? Is Odette just special somehow? If ‘mon can talk to everyone in this setting, that makes this party even more terrible, wtf

Somehow the camera app not working at these performances is the most chilling part of this. Hits way too close to home and evokes those In Too Deep feelings

Looks like Venira (?) makes a sudden appearance! Shadow/blood pokemon are one of the pieces of this story I’m a little bit foggy on – I’m guessing the one inside Odette is more of a legendary, while the ones being conjured from shinies are akin to normal ‘mon. Definitely interested to find out why shinies, in particular, are the ones capable of spawning these things, and also why Odette got to carry one.

I wonder if rich people like these are behind most of the schemes that organizations like Team Rocket get up to. It sure does feel like they’d be the types buying those poached and smuggled pokemon.

I’m guessing the low blood pressure has something to do with Venira and blood-types :lucathink:

Chapter 10

“Shit, they still have a landline? Boomers,” Noel giggled, flipping through his cards.

Did I mention I absolutely love Noel, his every line is gold

Loic causally being a vent gremlin, as one does

This is a pretty short chapter, mostly just some relaxing with Odette’s friends and her getting the scoop that her grandfather and Clovis are… cooperating?? That’s a pretty big bombshell, and definitely adding to the ‘in too deep’ vibes here. I guess at this point it’s mostly hanging in there until her meeting with Clovis, and probably keeping the fact that she listened in close to her chest, though I imagine they’re all still only scratching the surface of all this.

Related, but I love the descriptions of Loic. I don’t remember all Odette’s pokemon that well, but in contrast to Enora’s ladylikeness, he’s much more of a proper cat – slinking around the house, disappearing randomly, stealing things and stashing them everywhere :copyka: (have I mentioned that I love how you characterize pokemon)

Looks like my suspicions on Odette’s blood pressure episodes being related to whatever was inside her might be correct after all…

There’s a fun irony in Bernard getting yelled at for misplacing the phone during a work call, when in reality the misplaced phone was being used to spy on the work call that he supposedly lost the phone in :madness:

Chapter 11

Oh god, Dorian’s an obsessive texter :grohno:

I admit I can’t really blame either of them for being off-kelter at their job tbh. If I’d gone through what they had recently, and had all that on my mind, I’d probably be pretty unable to focus too. At least their coworkers and boss are being somewhat understanding (fictional) (real life could never)

Hmm, Odette’s moving… (this was probably mentioned in earlier chapters and I totally forgot) with the knowledge of some new characters who haven’t shown up yet, I’m guessing that region may be… Alola?

This is where I take a moment to compliment your prose – one of the biggest takeaways I’ve had so far is that the prose is really good at clinging to Odette and bringing out everything she feels. It’s extremely vivid, and this is one of the chapters where it absolutely shines through :okgon:

The bouqet of roses is honestly probably one of the grossest things from Dorian so far. It’s just. Textbook narcissist. It’s predatory (esp given how he seems to be hinting that he wants to get married) and boundary-pushing, but in a way that only those involved will really get it – everyone else just cheers, and you’d look like an asshole if you did anything but smile and nod along. The comment in the prose about territory marking feels really apt. Especially given that past chapter where he forced himself on Odette and then memory wiped her. I would be angry too!

I love Ange ❤️

The return of Clovis (again)… wonder what he’ll be getting up to now :copyka:

Chapter 11.5

Aka, in which we see Dorian being an immensely creepy fuck

Basically all of this description is him at his worst and also textbook narcissist, lol. I liked how you balanced his raging insecurity with how absolutely full of himself he is – the contradiction that he is and must be perfect, and yet there are others who are seemingly more perfect than him, boiling into rage and the want to do several terrible things to those people, both aptly paints him and also paints why he’s so dangerous. He is of course also uber creepy – standout moments where he insists he wouldn’t sink as low as stealing her panties, but then spends way too much time thinking about that anyway, the time where he causally fantasises about beating her, the way he swipes her personal items, the way he almost transposes her onto the strippers… honestly just The Worst Guy Ever :nauseated:

Clovis is also here, being the sole class act – it’s nice to get some more background into how he’s involved with the other side of things. I guess virtue corp’s investigation goes pretty deep in… though he can’t seem to resist getting involved when it’s to defend Odette. I’m guessing that means the Feelings™ Odette was having from before might not be so one-sided after all. Quite a twisted love triangle this is shaping up to be :V

I can understand taking like, pride/lust etc. I do wonder why you’d take Envy… if these are based off the seven deadly sins, there are some that just don’t seem like a very great trip tbh. I can’t imagine wanting to take Sloth or Gluttony. This is assuming they augment the described feeling, that is, which from this chapter they seem to?

Chapter 12

I do have to admit, using google street view is a perfectly mundane and also perfectly reasonable thing to do when someone asks you out to a potentially shady location, kudos for including it :V

Isaur hasn’t had that much interaction in these chapters. I admit I keep assuming from the name she’s an ivysaur :madness:

Noel knows where it’s at :mewlulz:

A lot of revelations this chapter! :0 I like that things are finally starting to come to a head after all that buildup, and I can tell the answers are gonna be good :copyka: it is definitely a bombshell to learn that Clovis… isn’t actually Clovis. Turns out he’s basically a souped-up undercover cop instead. I guess that’s interesting – you seem to be highlighting the strangeness of his appearance change, which is definitely making me wonder if something’s kinda fishy there. Brown -> blue eyes aside, it’s definitely weird that he so closely resembles a guy who died in the first place. Hell of a coincidence to have a highly trained person like that who just so happens to be a dead ringer…

This is part one of two, so. We’ll see what part two has in store I guess. HUGE :eyes: to see Florent finally getting a namedrop!!

Chapter 13

I just realised Dorian’s surname is French for ‘Goodman’ :madness:

Another chapter full of bombshells… I like that a lot of things are finally just coming to light, no holds barred. You’re even getting that Odette is possessed out of the way, which is a major Good™. It definitely was a lot of exposition dumping, but at this point it seems warranted—we’re at the point where it’s better to have answers, after all.

I do like the romantic tension between Odette and Clovis/Valentin a lot – it definitely feels like something that’s shared, even though Odette keeps whacking herself over the head about it. It’ll be fun to see where it goes from here :lucathink:

The whole backstory with Florent is interesting. Not too many notes on it right now – there was an explanation, but for the most part he remains a figure who’s not had too much onscreen time, so jury’s still out on him. He’s an enigma for right now.

One thing I wonder is why Team Enigma only seems to operate mainly in Kalos? I guess there’s a case if the Kalosian elite are holding the power for themselves, or if Kalos is just willing to be the place where people from all over the world go to get their illegal shit done, but I guess it makes me wonder. The picture painted seems to contain this to Kalos, when realistically I feel like the entire world’s elite would be in on this in some way.

It's valid not to leave super sensitive info in a semi-public place that gets frequented by you every day… but I’m not really sure why Valentin (supposedly) leaves all those sensitive documents in the ~other~ semi-public place that he frequents every day. Much secure :galaxeon:

Now that they have all the answers, something tells me that things are about to get shaken up soon :copyka:

Chapter 14

(skipped the April fools’ chapter, sorry; might come back to it later on)

Damn, Valentin loves his car :sadbees:

Maxence Drossel immediately second best character

Naturally Noel goes in for the kill

Your character interactions really sell and carry this fic – I love how you’ve managed to characterize this new character within his first scene and already establish a dynamic that makes him seem real! All of these characters immediately click and mesh so well, both the human and pokemon ones, and it makes me go :okgon:

I love Valentin’s team so much ❤️ He really does have a thing for ice-types :P

Hmm, I wonder if it’s this violently stormy in irl France – it seems like every other chapter there’s a dangerous-to-be-out-in thunderstorm happening :V

This was a mostly calm chapter - I did appreciate the fluffy bits after so many bombshells were dropped in short order. I also liked the description of Valentin’s place. He really does seem humble and fun to be around. Definitely not the flashy, obnoxious kind of rich.

Odette’s situation is definitely sucky :( I’d be in pretty dire straits too if I learned I was the illegitimate child of an irl supervillain. I can see how it ended up eventually breaking down – it was going to come out at some point, and Noel happened to be the unfortunate recipient of that anger. Hopefully they’ll be able to make up once they’ve all calmed down a little. Until then… I guess it’s time for Odette and Valentine to spend some time together! Guess it’s going to be interesting to see what he’s got to say to her in private. Hopefully not any more bombshells, there’s been quite a few of those :madness:

Chapter 15

Aka Horny On Main, The Chapter

I’d build that puzzle :okgon:

Another doozy of a chapter for sure. I feel like this is the fourth time in a row I’ve said that :grohno:

I liked the conversation and bonding between Odette and Valentin. It really feels natural, and made 13K words go by really quickly. I keep saying over and over that the characters and their interactions are the best aspect of this fic, and I’ll reiterate here – they feel real and raw and heartwarming. I already feel like I know Valentin deeply, and he and Odette have extremely good chemistry, and the make-up between Odette and Noel is one of the most heartwarming scenes in the fic. It’s one thing to tell everyone they’re good friends, but another to show it, and you did a great job of showing it here :okgon: (Noel is still best character)

I guess it was coming up that Odette would have to spill the beans on being possessed by Venira, and would have to reckon with how it’s affected her over the years. I wasn’t expecting the stuff with Dorien drugging her to be tackled so quickly either – it definitely felt like a huge upset, and made both of them upset too. I was surprised by how quickly feelings rose, admittedly – not that it feels out of character necessarily (especially for Odette), it just felt… jarring, I guess. :V It did get resolved fairly quickly, though. I guess the Super Important Backstory in the past is still locked behind a barrier that can’t be accessed until later. Can’t have that this early in the story :sadbees:

Chapter 16

Omg, it’s the exact same dream setting as the one I use for Espurr :madness: eldritch dream club!!

I love how the most important thing about this is the décor, lol

I already love Venira

Fascinating chapter in general; definitely a breakaway from what was there previously! I will be honest – despite being one of the longest chapters in the fic, I didn’t really feel it? I felt like the interaction between Odette and Odile carried the chapter really well, and it didn’t really feel rushed or disjointed anywhere. So I guess in response to your notes at the beginning of the chapter, as a reader I didn’t really think anything stood out to me or felt rushed; however, I do have more stamina for Chonkload Chapters than normal people do, so definitely get a few other opinions :V If you want to split it, somewhere around “do you like stories?” feels like the most breakable point.

I love Venira/Odile in general – she’s such a comic relief character and I love her sense of humour. It definitely wasn’t what I expected from her, and she’s so entertaining that despite mostly being there for exposition, I loved every minute of it – she’s got some of the best lines in the fic.

At this point, I guess she’s going to become a mainstay similar to the Envy in Dorien’s head. It’ll be interesting to have her around.

Another note I’ll say is that at this point, it’s been. Five long chapters of exposition. I imagine that’s coming to an end, but do hope things shift gears a little in the coming chapters – I definitely feel like there’s been a lot unloaded at once with no real reprieve (and part of what made this chapter feel so breezy is that it’s something different from the straight Odette/Noel/Valentin bombshell barrage we’ve had for like the last six chapters).

Chapter 17

Looks like, as the chapter suggests, this really is back to reality :sadbees:

The standout scene of the chapter is of course the talk between Enora and Odette. I guess I can kind of see both sides – it’s understandable that Odette would be mad that her pokemon of twelve years had basically been lying to and betraying her trust for all that time, but also, like. Enora has Been Through Some Stuff. So I can’t really blame her for hiding what she did. It’s not really fair to expect her to magically have known that it would all go over well, and given the circumstances of having a literal demon inside you, I’d be scared of telling others that too! Hopefully it’ll be resolved soon, though – I feel like Odette tends to fly off the handle at people and then calm down later.

The other scenes were alright too – I’m interested to see the confrontation between Odette and her mom when it eventually reaches that point. It feels like she’s trying to pent it all up, and that’s not working – eventually it’s going to boil over and she’s going to melt down. Somehow. I can already tell by the way she’s acting just thinking about Dorien that it’s not a sustainable situation. I guess there’s not much else to do but wait for shit to inevitably hit the fan…

Chapter 18

This was a shorter, but interesting chapter. I guess it’s kind of an interlude/first true return to normalcy, with Odette trying not to fly off the handle despite knowing everything she knows now. It definitely is a bit harder with how much she’s dealing with right now – not surprised his usual antics, coupled with the fact that she knows he drugged him now, is enough to drive her right up to the edge.

God, Dorien really is just textbook narcissist – acting controlling, pushing the blame on others, invading personal space, and now he’s going to the next level of trying to cut her off from other guys. And of course the guilt tripping of “why don’t you spend more time with meeeeee” – just like him to make others feel guilty for his own damn shit. Just really gross. We’re not even in his pov and I can feel the slimy vibes rolling off him. I like how you write Odette’s distate for him, even contrasting what she says with what she thinks. The leer he sends Solene at the end is nasty.

If nothing else, the chapter definitely drives home the point that this isn’t a sustainable situation by any means – if just this afternoon was enough to drive her to the brink multiple times, one of which ended up with Dorien nearly getting axed, I doubt this is going to last much longer. It’s not going to be long until she breaks, and idk at what point Dorien is going to catch on or not. The act is definitely falling apart some, and he’s suave enough to keep a lid on what he really thinks. I guess he’ll probably wait for her to play into her hands in any case :V

Chapter 19

Another transitional chapter ft. Dorian. Looks like in this one, he’s gone from overbearing and narcissistic to straight-up threatening, I guess. I definitely feel like he knows a bit more than he’s letting on here, and I have a feeling he might spring that trap soon.

More of the cracks are showing too – it feels like life is piling in harder and harder on Odette, I guess it’s not a massive surprise that a completely random (and traumatizing, to be fair!) event like nearly getting t-boned on the highway would lead to her exploding and almost expelling Odile. Definitely a close one, and only adding to the growing thread of tension that she’s probably going to slip up somewhere.

And Dorien’s buddies are back! Aaand just as obnoxious as they were in the interlude chapter :V of course they’re racing on public roads, and of course they’ve got shit like Bugattis. And naturally, they’d be dining at a restaurant with prices set too high for the Commoners™ to dine at (like, wtf, 40 euro for lowest price on the menu transcends being expensive; at that point it’s an insult on a plate). All around savory crowd, I’d be noping out of that pretty quickly.

A nice, tension-building chapter, and releasing some of it with the scream brought it all to a head nicely :okgon:

Chapter 20

Wow, now Odette has not just one but two people chiming in on her Super Secret Crush™ 😔 rotom-phone is kind of a privacy invasion now that I think about it, isn’t it? I wonder how many rotoms get into petty shit with their phone-users and decide to fuck things up, or get brought forward as witnesses/used for surveillance…

I guess this chapter is mostly about Odette talking with her mom, something that’s been lingering on the horizon but Odette’s been pointedly avoiding until now. There’s a lot of things in this chapter that she’s either avoiding or has been for a while – her crush on Valentin, Enora and Solise, her mom…

It was nice to finally get some closure on what happened when Florence and Vienna are together. Her description of him rings eerily close to what Odette and Dorien have going on. It makes me wonder what Vienna would think if she knew the entire truth of what Odette was going through currently (and maybe she does know a part of it – the false name seemed more like a deflection than a truth tbh).

I also loved that there was some closure on Odette and her struggles with her team! I was waiting for that to happen, and though the scene was short and sweet, it wasn’t disappointing – it’s one of the few scenes that hasn’t been resolved with a bunch of talking, and after everything that’s transpired these few chapters, that feels right for this scene. It does feel a lot like the conclusion of an arc – there are still questions, but most everything present has either been addressed or kind of tied up, and now there’s only the future to look to.


Alright, we’re at the end! I confess my brain has kind of melted over several hours of this, so if things seem a bit patchy here and there, that’s why :V

I really enjoyed reading this, as usual – your writing is excellent and published book quality tbh, and your characters feel very vibrant and real. If I had to levy a criticism, the biggest one I have is length and pace – I feel like things tend to drag on, which can be great for slower scenes, but it also makes the pace of things drag. A lot of exposition happened in these chapters, and part of me wonders if there’s places where things could have been cut/combined/sheered down to size a bit. It would definitely help the unwieldy chapter lengths some too – it’s definitely hard to break them with how long single scenes can get, but despite them being good, it might be a sign that they go on a bit long at times.

On the whole, I’m interested to see where this goes, though – especially since from storycrafter prompts, I believe the alola gang will be involved in this at some point later on? (not sure how long this is going to be, admittedly) My biggest want for the future is to see things kick into higher gear a little – I feel like we’ve been in exposition mode for a while and pretty much all the answers/reactionary drama has played out now. If there’s a time to ratchet into things starting to happen, it’s sometime around now for sure.

Overall, lovely time, and I admire your writing and dialogue a lot! (I aspire to write characters and dynamics as real and fluid as yours) Until next time, and happy writing! :veelove:



The great speckled bird
A town at the bottom of the ocean
  1. quilava
  2. buizel
heyo! here for catnip/blitz/live/laugh/love. rambling on to the end of time.

Only did the prologue and first chapter because am still sleepy :[ but I enjoyed this enough that I hope to return sometime this week. Also for those juicy, juicy points of course.


Horny? In this christian fanfic?

Overall pretty crazy as a prologue lmao. Here we follow one man's eternal quest to kill a baby. And yet somehow he loses to it. The highlights here are definitely the evil(?) eldritch weirdo god pokemon and Florent so I'll mostly talk about those.

The sin-based god pokemon are interesting. I wonder if that's arbitrary or going to turn into some crazier worldbuilding at some point. Not that it isn't crazy now. There's the idea that they use people as hosts in some sense. Or maybe not hosts, Florent at least seems pretty separate from Gullative. Though at the same time his kid does not seem very separate from his eldritch creature and is not having a great time. The implications are interesting for the moment. I can't tell whether Florent forced a god on his kid or that's just the consequences of being a child of Florent. In any case, that seems like bad vibes for future Odette especially given wrath has not been talked about fondly so far.

Gullative remains interesting more than anything else for the moment. I can't tell whether it's because we're in Florent's shoes for now, alongside Florent being a strong presence in his own right but gluttony he hasn't managed to make much of a presence for now. Well, he ate twenty people, but that doesn't leave much of an emotional impact lol. Even Armel's diary kinda just goes Armel didn't like that and moves on.

Florent seems like a very cool and very emotional stable guy.

I really liked him(as a character actually). I mean, he sucks for obvious reasons, he's kind of commanding, kind of impulsive, kind of incompetent. Extremely self-centered. Or at least those are the vibes I got. It's extremely funny to me that he can only realise showing your child twenty men getting eaten is a bad idea in retrospect. Though his excuse is that gluttony makes him impulsive. Sure, bud. And I didn't see what happened the second you saw Odette.

I love this sense that Vienna just does not think or Care about Florent anymore. We don't see her this chapter, so I could be wrong, but the way this is written gives me the sense that Florent is this seething incel furious that a woman pulled one over on him and thus structuring his entire life around petty revenge, meanwhile she's drinking wine and working a nine-to-five in Kalos.

But of course he completely changes his mind when he sees a baby lol. I would complain about how sudden a turn it is, but honestly that seems entirely in character. And I really liked this scene. It's a little weird and uncomfortable how sincere and wholesome it wants to be. In a vacuum it would be kind of touching, but then you remember it's Florent. And some of that sentiment is still stuck behind him conceiving of her as his property, anyways.

Still, I like whatever amount of humanity it gives him. It's a nice backdrop for eldritch god creatures that eat people.

As a prologue I felt this was a little long but none of that length really felt unnecessary. A little character study on who I'm assuming is the villain of the story never hurt anyone.

Chapter 1

admittedly, the first line is a little awkward. feels strange to be in Odette's perspective and thinking about the colour of her eyes. Anyway. Cats reference, sinner detected.

You've got a little banter section here that I like, aside from the blasphemous cats inclusion. Some deft handlign of exposition. The exposition itself is a little straightforward but it does inject some momentum for the rest of the scene, shich is then carried by Noel and Odette's chemisty. I like the setting as a backdrop--it feels important to their characters and the differences in roles distinguish them slightly. Aside from some strong, immediately detectable personalities. You've also done a great job progressing the scene alongside the banter. Even if most of the scene exists for Odette and Noel, I like that they occasionally interact with the goings on of the play and it feels like time is passing as they talk.

I see. So this is a detective novel actually. How curious--the case of the crimson consumable. How old are these people? I'm guessing I'll get an answer sooner or later but I'm currently wondering if this will be more robert downey jr sherlock or that one sherlock who was a teenage girl.

This transitions into the lore section of the fanfic. I appreciate in general that these tidbits of info are doled out at a reasonabel pace. The shiny trade and fantasy designer drugs are nowhere near the wackiness we've already seen and I imagine eldritch gods won't show up for a bit, so best to get a baseline while things are still normal lol.

The shiny trade make sense in a depressing way. We've got plenty of exotic pet trading irl. Though I think I remember from your contest oneshot that pokemon are pretty smart in your verse, so I have to wonder how an exotic pet-esque trade will work int hat case.

I am intrigued, overall. I like the setup. There are a lot of different little threads to tug on for the future--none of which lead to any obvious conclusions--but I'm always excited for a story where I can't quite tell where it's heading. Though I will bet Florent is involved in this team Enigma and selling drugs. Just seems like something he'd do.

And then we get back to the play.

These backstory hints work well for the most part. I like that you're playing it a little coy. Maybe a little too coy--the way you word it (that thing, those words etc...)--feels a little pointed to the boundary of irritating, but could be changed with some minor rewording. Otherwise, it's peaked my curiousity. It adds a great level of depth to Odette as a character. The sense that she's hanging around this space she used to love, waiting for the feeling to come back is tangible and tragic. Girl will do literally anything but go to therapy. I especially like her later reflections on the things she's going to miss in Lumiose. I almost wish it was expanded a little bit, but that's pure selfishness. Still, the things she hangs on are warm and nostalgic in a believably specific way.

Don't have as much to say on the final scene. It's well written consistent witht the rest of the chapter, but doesn't have as strong of a point to it until we get into her reflecting on her move. I still like the banter and you do a commendable job balancing three speaking characters which is always a pain in the ass. The argument about which pokemon type is the best performer is funny. A little too goofy maybe. It's some pokemon npc dialogue for sure but it's mostly just a throwaway thing so I don't really mind.

I wonder about her move. You get the sense (and are told directly) that it's supposed to be a clean slate, but I don't know if that was Odette's motive behind the move or just a thing she can agree with to placate her friends. Also oooooh pokemon training once more, I see. Of course I doubt any of this will end up happening lol. There's some good dramatic irony in knowing the prologue and knowing that staying in Lumiose will provide some juicy juicy drama and knowing that she probably will not see Alola that much in this fic. Or the entire plot could happen over the course of three months, which is certainly possible.

I also like the impllications knowing Florent moved to Lumiose just to watch her. Bro will not be happy with her moving lmao.

Overall the setup is setting everything up. I saw that you were planning to turn this into an original novel at some point, and so far that seems doable lol. There's a lot of original stuff going on here and all of it has been fun and interesting so far. Also not overwhelming. A general problem with fantasy (maybe less so urban fantasy) is a deluge of proper nouns and lore info which I in particular am not into. So thankfully I thought you spread out everything pretty evenly--I got enough time to digest and ask questions before we moved onto the next thing and etc. The writing is solid throughout--and especially in regards to characters, which were definitely the strong point overall. I never found any typos or grammar issues and actually reading was a breeze.

Like I said earlier, I enjoyed and am hoping to return later. :]


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Here for Review Blitz! I'm going to read through Chapter 4 of these SWAN SHENANIGANS

Odette, probably: "fuck the police". Or she would if ol' grandaddy wasn't a cop.

Gasp! someone called her SMALL

I love the bit with an Arcanine blowing smoke out of its nose

Gasp! You made Odette SAD

Lmao Bernard not trusting her on a motorcycle

mmmmmmmmmmmm, oreos

lmaooooooooooo the oreo game, that's cute

you have to do it, odette. you have to poke the beartic

all this stuff about Shiny Hunting bering really illegal and unethical has gotten increasingly akward for me now i've dived headfirst into it in the acttual games.

also for a sec i forgot sacrelige was the no good bad drug

"You're stressed old man"

oh yeah, that bot with ther conkeldurr from last chapter. i didn't know they were carnivores either

yeah, call the cops on fucking dorien

ooooh, voice activation keys for pokeballs

Odette Processes Her Anger Issues, She Is Fine

I am very curious as to the Thing Odette keeps alluding to here

Odette is now stress eating Oreos. Mood.

hooo boy. Odette has found a Conspiracy. How deligfhtfl!

lmao the rotom phone's commentary


so many calls to voicemail....


this was an intresting chapter! we get to see Odette's grandpa (and his doggo), learn more about the fic's situation and its world, learnmore about Odette, and uncover some delicious bitts of conspiracy. Not bad when most of the chapter takes place in one room.

Thanks for posting!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Hi, here for blitzing, ready?

Chapter 1 review/reaction.

I wonder if she reads in tune. Planting the notes to the narritive. Certian classical music it would fit, more gentle music... less so.

Leathal amounts of a drug in its system and the mon still managed to handle the gun? That bit of mix messeging- wonder if Odette hit a paywall and couldn't keep reading...

Or a wild Noel could appear.

It'll be interesting to see a Team from a civi perspective. Most of the times its heros or villians being the p.o.v. and our cast are actors.

These folks seem to be treating the Team like an interesting case of mythbusters. Gossiping about facts and rumors around thier daily (weather turbulant) lives. Wonder if the Team knows thst the lay treat them like a grimdark soap opera.

I wonder what kicked off thier fascination with the Team?

Also which of our cast have shinies?

And Odettes grandpa is a cop. Yipe, its more than morbid curiousity for her then isnt it?

Glad Noels looking out for Odette, even hes as much partner in crime as friend at this point.

Acada does not seem like one to cross.
Mother tier micromanaging and all. That, and she clearly has the employee phone tree to. Shes too powerful.

Well if it was my last day i'd slack too. So is Noel acrophobic or does he get airplane sick?

I wonder what made her change her dreams. She is a good fit for what she does but i'm guessing her anxiety has something to do with it. Anxiety and clearly some sort of trauma, possible s.a.?

I know Acadia means well but i'm worried Odette is going to throw up if she eats in this state.

Seems like her health is pretty hard hit. Pre-me bleed out, or something else? Alola might be a good fit for her and her shiny mon so she can get out of dodge as things with Enigma seem to be picking up.

At least the people seeing her off seem to be good folks even if they dont quite get the state she is in.


Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
  7. herdier-oscar
  8. swoobat-benigno
Hello there, I’m back for review blitz to make some more progress on this fic! I read through four chapters again this time, including some pretty long ones, and oh boy does a lot happen in them. So let’s get to it!

Thoughts on Chapters 7-10:
  • It’s neat to see Noel coming along with Odette for the party this time around! He’s definitely making himself comfortable, it seems :P.

  • We’re introduced to Clovis, who Odette immediately falls for. You definitely sell the dreaminess of him: he’s such a smooth talker in a way that’s noticeably different from Dorien. Like, there’s an element of authenticity to him where he really does seem to take interest in other people. A kind of natural charisma, as opposed to Dorien, whose charisma is entirely an act. We get to see this in his interactions with Isaur (it’s really fun how she falls for him too :P), showing a certain kind of respect for Pokémon that hints that he’s at least a better person than most of the people here. And of course he has a cute Snom partner, so he can’t be that bad.

  • holy shit dorien sucks so much it’s great in how horrible it is. I’m curious about his rivalry with Clovis: there definitely seems to be something deeper there.

  • I was not expecting the demon Pokémon. Like, I knew about the Blood type going into this story, and that there were associated fakemon, but I actually thought it was limited to the Sin legendaries. So I was just as surprised as Odette here when those two got sent out for a battle! The implication seems to be that manifesting these things is the true purpose of both the Sacrilege drug and the shiny trade… I’m curious to learn more about them, and just why shiny Pokémon are able to manifest them in the first place.

  • Chapter 8 is basically The Theorizing Chapter, and I like the moment we take here to really put together all the information that’s been learned so far, especially with how much happened in the previous chapter. I think a large part of what makes it work so well is the chemistry between Odette and Noel. It’s just fun to watch them interact and bounce off each other, their friendship is probably the highlight of these three chapters for me. Noel just performs very well in his role of support character, and I like how he really dedicates himself to trying to act as an anchor for Odette in these chapters, bailing her out of uncomfortable situations with Dorien and doing his best to bring levity into the situations they find themselves in.

  • Dang, everyone trying to buy Enora off of Odette is just sickening to watch. I do wish we got a little more of Enora’s reaction in that moment, since I’d imagine she’s not taking to it too well either, and given her discomfort around the situation, it’d be interesting to see to set the stage for the conversation she has with Odette in a little bit.

  • "Enora doesn't have a taste for alcohol," Odette said. "None of my partners do. Except for Isaur, but she's just a foodie."

    Saying that out loud made her furrow her brow. None of her partners were drinkers, except for Isaur.

    Is she gonna figure it out? :copyka:

  • One thing I have to say is just how well you sell the vapidness and mundane cruelty of high society, both in this chapter and in Chapter 7. Like these are noooot good people, and we get so many insights into how little they think of both people and Pokémon. And like, the gossip, the social politicking, the extravagance of it all -- you really didn’t spare any details, it makes sensewhy these chapters ended up so long. That moment where Odette and Enora just kind of lean on the bar, feeling like shit, overwhelmed by the depravity of the shiny trade; I feel them in that moment. It’s very earned.
    • Also I just liked that conversation they had, and how they both come to understand each other's viewpoints (Odette realizing the stress she’s putting her pokémon through, and Enora realizing why trying to put a stop to this is important to her).
  • After that, Clovis comes in for another conversation, this time a bit more productive! The setup around him is interesting so far, where his characterization points towards him being a good person, but the information that we actually know about him is unreliable.

  • Wrath finally manifests itself. And with the way Dorien reacts, I definitely think he’s trying to get to Venira now. Though it’s interesting how he phrases his question: “how did you do that?” It feels a bit specific, like he’s tipping his hand a bit regarding his goals. Though it’s hard to say exactly what answer he’s looking for here…

  • Chapter 10 opens with some fun banter: I always appreciate these moments in the fic. It really works well with the pacing after the climax of Chapter 9.

  • And then Loic clutches up with that phone maneuver, and we get a ton of new insight. Clovis is with Virtue Corp, just as Odette put together in Chapter 8. And they do seem like they might be genuine in their opposition to the shiny trade and Team Enigma. Though that leads us back to those same questions Odette and Noel were asking earlier: "why cover it up?" I also like some of the dramatic irony here, where they have no idea how much Odette has already figured out for herself (oof on Bernard not wanting her to know he’s involved: that’s literally how she got involved!). The signs do seem to be pointing towards them having good intentions, obviously not wanting Odette to get hurt (and it seems Clovis might reciprocate Odette’s crush), though at this point she knows a little bit too much to back out. I’ll be curious to see where her conversation with Clovis goes, presumably in the next chapter…
Odette had never witnessed such an atmosphere surrounding a mere exhibition battle.. For all she knew, it was staged down to the movement.
I think you either wanted a single period or an ellipses here.

“A word of advice: walk out of here while you still can. What you just saw was a disgusting show of greed that you’d be better off not getting involved in. ”
There's an accidental space right before the quotation mark at the end.

Though, no way was happening.
Missing "that."

I feel like every time I come back to this fic, I remember just how much I like it. Just a ton of really good characterization and intrigue, and the pacing feels perfect for what the story is trying to accomplish. Clovis is a great addition to the cast so far: he’s an interesting character, and I like the twist he’s introducing into things, with him being friendly, yet also connected to an organization with unclear goals. The involvement of Virtue Corp has been a pretty big question mark so far, so it'll interesting to see just what answers Odette will be able to get from him, and how that will change the dynamics at play moving forward. Especially now that Venira has showed herself: I don't imagine there's any closing that box now that it's open. I'm looking forward to seeing where it all goes!

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Here we go, finally getting back into this with chapters 14-20. God, it's been ages since I read these first three and it feels like I've had chicken-scratch notes for them floating around forever. Decided to give them another quick pass because my memory desperately needed jogging

Aaaanyway, it's been a while, but we left off with a brief recount of the conspiracy and are now heading to Valentin's place to get the full scoop. More reveals~ It's still so wild to me that we spent years with Clovis as Clovis and now he's suddenly Valentin. Why yes, I realize that I am FAR from one to talk, over here with Stalker Sebastian Grovyle Ralsen Shepherd,

Good lord Noel is being utterly shameless with his flirting here :madness:

Enjoy seeing Valentin's team and their little bits of character on display. Also holy cow that’s gotta be an entire aquarium there to house a Lapras.

Oh boy, he’s got an entire pepe sylvia board for his conspiracy tracking.

Lmao when she texted Dorien I’d honestly forgotten they were still dating, it just got lost in all the everything.

It’s so easy to take for granted what Odette's family drama is like after hearing her tell it in various RPs. But in those cases, she's used to it, she's had time to process it and make jokes about it. Here, it's fresh and painful and raw.

Ouch, Odette snapping at Noel like this hurts bad. Her thoughts are desperate to backpedal while her mouth is still running. It's obvious that they both care a lot, but man...

Time for O to be awkward with her crush! :wigglyhappy: Nah, bu for real, though we have seen the two of them with decent chemistry before, it’s reasonable and realistic for them to both be sweating over small talk right now. Especially given the circumstances. The mutual working-on-a-puzzle makes for a nice bit of physical detail here to keep the long conversation from feeling like disembodied dialogue in a void (something I struggle with regularly).

I am both amused by O’s roller coaster of a thought process re: Valentin's arranged marriage but also it makes sense. His fiance being more obnoxious than dorien is one hell of an achievement! "Oh my gods, Valentin, how could you not wear the right tie?" had me in stitches.

Nice job with Valentin’s ace-spec experiences. Man I’d forgotten he’d taken the lust drug to try to fix himself. Ouch.

Gotta say, Valentin is handling this like a champ. I enjoy how chill (haha ice) he is even when getting chewed out by O here while she's currently stuck in the tar pit of anger after learning about being drugged. I'd managed to forget that she also had missing memories from years ago, not just the glass-breaking date. Yeaahhh, that'd be pretty unnerving. Not to mention her being equally offended that solene got drugged too--that makes it cut a lot deeper. There's a really good impression that this isn’t just emotional disregulation, this is the literal embodiment of wrath here.

And heeeere we go, they’ve pieced together that it's Venira, and I suspect that we'll be seeing her soon :copyka:

Anyway, this was a long one, but it was packed with romantic tension and angst and friendship drama and much-needed catharsis at the end there. I'm glad we got to see Odette regretting yelling at Noel. Even if he brushes off the apology, it's still good to see her being conscious of how she treats her friend, even while going through the mental trenches. And hey, maybe knowing the source of it can help her going forward!

(Side note but I like the mention of Noel checking for wiretaps, just a fun reminder that he's every bit the sleuther as she is.) This stuff is relevant to his interests even aside from it being centered around his bestie!

Sheeee's heeeeere. :copyka2:

Well, this environment is sure a hell of an image right off the bat. Makes me think of the limbo space inside Gluttony in FMA.

It's extremely funny that this ancient wrath god cares so much about one human's opinion to be actually invested in whether or not Odette likes the decorations. It's ridiculous and petty and great at setting the tone of the conversation for the few folks who haven't already seen Venira in other media.

Also very funny that, well... I guess a blood god would expect living beings to recognize their own blood. And probably have a hard time understanding why that isn't something we're particularly inclined towards. :unquag:

> "I want to hear you say it"
smth smth edward cullen

With this whole place being a dreamscape kinda, it really shouldn't be that surprising that Venira looks like O! I mean, I'd have assumed she can look like anything she wants to here.

Ahaaa, I’d been wondering about why Venira was called Odile for aaages, especially since there's only one of her. Now here’s the part where I confess that I didn’t know how to pronounce Odile until looking it up just now.

Huh, I'm surprised that that many Legendaries were timeless! Especially the sin ones, I think I'd always imagined they'd have been born at the dawn of, well... humanity, or at the very least, sentient beings who could have sin in their hearts. But then, we've got the lake trio over here with willpower, knowledge, and emotion being born at the dawn of time long before there were ever mortal beings to feel those things, so I guess it's not much different from them.

Anyway, the partnership real, finally! The chapter was long as heck, but tbh I don't think there's any way on earth you could have reasonably split it without it feeling super unnatural since it's all one conversation. Would have just disrupted the pacing either way, so keeping it all in one was probably the best call.

Oh boy, a classic "middleman translator" situation. Yeah I can already tell Odile is gonna say some stuff that O would rather not relay. :unquag:

> And that I think he needs to kill his entire Pokemon team.
Oh my godddd that was fast. :unquag: At least he played it off well enough!

Oh, here we go, confirmation that Dorien is intentionally trying to piss O off with their dating adventures. I knew there was no way he genuinely thought she liked him, but he's genuinely pretty good at playing the lovestruck moron who's just obsessed with owning his prize. Man, these conversations would be fascinating from his point of view, I bet. They would probably also be very hard to read. :unquag:

Man, now I'm wondering just what happened in secondary school to get her Vice Dusted that bad. I wonder if Dorien made a move on trying to flush out Venira back then, too. But then, if that were the case, why would he have let things lie quiet for like 4 years, hmm...

Wow, it was easy to forget she had class still. My brain was just like "ah yes, the conspiracy is all that they really need to be occupied with." I like how after the wall of chapters full of reveals, O suddenly has to go back to her normal life and it's weird and uncanny to pretend like everything's normal.

Side note, but I do appreciate the fact that O attends trainer school, since I tend to follow the line of thinking that the average adult not on a training journey would struggle to get a full Pokemon team the enrichment they need without help. Also type specializations being useful because of overlapping care requirements.

Vienna squinted. “Are you forgetting you rented my uterus for seven months and gave me these things called ‘motherly instincts?’”
god, she's ridiculous, I love her

Technically it's not that implausible for Vienna to still be fussing over O at eighty--I've had a couple relatives make it to 98!

You conceived me with a psycho.

Man, I really love how that fact just will not leave her head this entire convo. The tension from how it keeps resurfacing and threatening to make her actually say it. Eventually she's gonna snap at her mom, but now is not that time.

“For inside Pokemon he wants? Legendary?” Loïc said from his spot at Odette's side. He hadn
Line cuts off here.

Ohhh man, the implication that Enora might have known. Until now, I'd been reeling from the fact that a blood-type could lie undetected in a shiny's bloodstream but ohhhhh man, she knew. And like, I get why she wouldn't have wanted to reveal it until now, but man.

Eeveelutions 👏 with 👏 claws

you lied to me and your whole time this entire time,
"team" I think?

Anyway, a bit of a transitional chapter but a sorely-needed one after all the reveals. Plus a few more reveals of its own, with Enora! I can see why you decided to revamp the Pokespeech mechanics in this setting, as this would have played out quite differently if O couldn't understand Eevees. But no, she and Enora are conversational, which makes it hit all the harder that Enora never said anything, especially once O started, y'know, looking into the blood-types.

Hoo boy, she's gonna have a hard time keeping her cool around Dorien now, huh. A week away from him isn't long enough, lmao.

Outside waiting for you 😘
Thanks I hate it

Dying from her half-finished text and Rotom cutting her off from saying . Someone edit a Rotom face onto Clippy.

“I’m just saying. We are dating, are we not? It feels odd that you don’t spend that time with me.”
Oh my god, I know everything out of his mouth is a performance but spare me from this amatonormative garbage Dorien, gahhhh.

“You know people in my world talk, right? Gossip is like a drug for them. And I don’t want to be the couple that fuels their habits. I also don’t want anyone to think you might be, how do I say this politely…” He tapped at his chin. “Loose.”

I do find myself wondering, though... we now know for certain that he wants to provoke her anger to flush out Venira, but how much does he know about her motivations for the fake dating? I feel like there's got to come a point where they both know they're acting and drop the pretenses... right? Thaaat's gonna be an intense convo.

I do enjoy how even though Odile provokes and indulges in displays of anger plenty, she still has a bit of like, pragmatism here and there. As fun as it would be to go nuclear on Dorien here, it would not be particularly useful. :unquag:

He looked proud of himself, making his face astronomically more maimable
There are many excellent turns of phrase like this in this chapter. Actually, in general I've noticed a lot of fun descriptions in the prose throughout the past few chapters.

Aww, Loïc... Mimikyu affections are a good. :>

she no longer like she was going to collapse.
"felt" like

OH SNAP :wowzard:

Right, I did not expect to Solene to go that far, daaamn. Those eyes show no remorse, lmao. This right here is some pure Gothitelle indifference.

Okay so.... I know that Solene was out of line there, I get that it was a really bad look, could have majorly compromised the mission, buuuuut... I have a hard time blaming her. :copyka2:

Aaand it's indirectly led to O having to go to lunch with the Dorien crew. Of course they'd turn out to be the dipshits who ran the red light and nearly got her and Noel killed way back when. :unquag:

Oh man, if Odile is the voice of reason, you know it's bad. I guess this gives us a good look at what not to let happen here. At least it didn't happen anywhere Dorien could see it. Man, it's kinda wild that in the face of all this criminal conspiracy and demon legendary business, a motor accident almost ended up being the worst thing to happen to her here. And she's pretty damn shaken up by it too, as would be expected.

(Also I'm now laughing too hard at how hilariously on-the-nose this chapter title is, lmao)

Allrighty, I think that's where I'll stop. Should be pretty easy to hit Chapter 20 sometime after blitz. We made some pretty big headway with the plot here! Tons of reveals you'd been sitting on for ages, and even though most of them weren't necessarily new to anyone who's seen Odette in extracanon material, it's still fun. And it's not like there were no reveals for the RP crowd! The Enora one in particular, hot damn.

Oh yeah, and I do appreciate the shorter chapters following so many big bombshells in a row, aha. Until next time~!
Last edited:
Chapter 21 - Oh, Brother New


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu

White Swan.jpg
Chapter 21: Oh, Brother
CWs: Strong Language
Author's Note: Hi hi! Silently laughing to myself right now because of the amount of people who have reviewed up to this point saying "Oh, thanks for the downtime!"

Downtime is over, ladies and gents. At least, for now.

I had a blast writing this chapter, as its been in my head for years. However, I fear that the pacing and general "atmosphere" might not have hit a home run here, so please let me know what you think. As always, thank you for reading, and good luck! 🤍🖤
Odette had never been one to get seasick. But, standing on the dock in the Azure Shipyard, beholding the mammoth of a yacht she’d be perusing for the day, she felt her stomach churning as if she were stuck aboard an ocean liner in the middle of a castform-induced hurricane. She had affixed her gaze on the striking red letters painted in an imperious script along the side of the unusually pointed bow.

S.S. Mystic Milotic.

The words looked like bloody wounds slashed into the ship’s pristine white skin. Bold, in the most threatening kind of way. It was enough to make her shudder.

Dorien slinging his arm around her didn’t help. He was always in a chipper mood—in a very smug sort of way, of course—but today felt different. He was more excited than usual. Maybe he was anticipating this event more than the rest. Or, maybe he just really liked boats.

The second thought made her wrinkle her nose, and her eyes sunk down to the breast pocket of his striking champagne-colored suit jacket. Was he hiding more Vice Dust in there? Was he going to rile her up again and blow it in her face when Odile stayed rooted inside her soul? The number of immaculately dressed people sauntering up the entrance ramp should have been enough to ease her fears, but she didn’t put it past Dorien to drug her in front of a crowd. Hell, if they were all in on the shit Enigma was doing, perhaps it would be another Wednesday for them.

The lull of static in her ear brought her back to her senses, and she had to resist bringing her finger up to her earpiece, even as Noel’s voice filled her head.

“Testing, one, two, testing.” A brief silence. “Sorry, probably not the best time to do that…”

Although Noel wasn’t invited to this particular outing, he still begged to be involved somehow. Valentin decided his social graces would still prove useful, even from a distance, and he was excitedly whisked off by a discreet Virtue Corp vehicle that morning to board the Virtue Corp submarine that was going to follow the Mystic Milotic out on its voyage. Provided that Valentin wasn’t busting her balls when he told her that that was the plan. It sounded so absurd when he said it. But, with the amount of money they seemed to be sitting on, the idea that they had a godsdamned submarine on hand wasn’t that farfetched.

Testing, one, two, testing, Odile said back. When Noel didn’t reply, she groaned. Darn. Guess it doesn’t work like that.

“Ignore us, Odette, Odile, we’re just ensuring the connection down here is functioning.” Valentin’s voice made the sense of longing well up within her; both for a kiss and his presence here today. She knew she wasn’t getting either.

On top of discovering Noel couldn’t come along, she also learned that Valentin—or rather, Clovis—was also not on the guest list for this event. He hypothesized that this was one of those thresholds he’d yet to pass during his undercover work, leaving her to pick up the slack. She didn’t anticipate that she’d be left on her own so soon, but busting a conspiracy left her open to blindside after blindside.

Odette was still amazed at how well her earpiece had been fitted into her new gold ear cuff. It was so inconspicuous that she’d have never known it was there had Valentin not been the one to present it to her and point it out. “I know you don’t have your ears pierced,” he’d said, bashfulness lending a subtle flavor to his tone, “so this is the best we could do.”

Odette guessed this was the plus of being affiliated with an organization sitting on infinite amounts of money and resources. Nevermind the way her heart fluttered when she realized he had taken note of her lack of piercings—a prominent side effect of her raging trypanophobia—she was very curious about what other super spy-level gadgets were coming her way, not including discreet submarines. But, she’d have gladly traded the neat tech for the peace of mind of knowing Valentin would be physically boarding the boat with her.

“I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve gone out like this,” Dorien said. His eyes lingered on the ship for a beat before they began to hungrily rove their way over her dress. He’d insisted on matching for today’s outing and took it upon himself to gift her with his most expensive present yet: an Oscar de la Renta gown, made of silk so soft that it called her poor just by touching it. The draped style of the drop waist, strapless bodice hugged her torso, while the skirt flared out from under it and fell around her in an elegant circle of glimmering blush, parting at a leg slit that was almost scandalously too high.

She’d sent a picture of it to Valentin and Noel, and Noel had convinced himself it was no less than €5,000. Valentin confirmed that it was double the price, having seen a version of it at one of the designer department stores he frequented. From there, Odette hypothesized it cost slightly more, as, according to Valentin, the dress was only available up to size 36. She knew she soared about five numbers over, which meant Dorien likely had to bribe Oscar to acknowledge the existence of curves.

“And I don’t know if I said it enough, but you look exquisite.” He had, in fact, said it about eight times on the limo ride over to the docks. “Did I do well?”

The way his tone curled around the word ‘exquisite’ sent a ripple of horrified goosebumps up her arms. And yet, she smiled. “Yes. It’s actually gorgeous.” Small truths helped bolster her lies. She grasped the skirt with her free hand and swished it around for good measure. “How did you know my size?”

“Eyeballed it,” Dorien said. He was obviously proud of this hidden skill of guessing girl’s dress sizes. Maybe she’d be impressed if it wasn’t coming from him. He had another thought, but paused before he spoke. His gaze fell to the dock, where he began to scan the immediate area with growing concern. Unsure of what he was looking for, Odette followed his line of sight.

“Doll, where’s your–?”

As if he’d read Dorien’s depraved mind, Loïc manifested at the toes of his Prada loafers. He stood still even as Dorien flinched backward. Odette narrowed her eyes, knowing that lack of movement from Loïc usually indicated he was up to something. Sure enough, something unseen began to rustle around underneath his burlap disguise, and with a stomach-churning retch, he hacked up a perfectly intact fishbone right between Dorien’s feet.

“Oh my god.” Noel gasped so shrilly that it caused the earpiece to crackle. “What did that little imp do? I wish I was there to see!”

“Sh!” Valentin’s voice sounded distant. “Don’t distract her or I’m taking you off the mic.”

Ha! Odile laughed. I knew I liked this guy the best!

Clearly the gold sequin bow tie Odette had forced around the mimikyu’s neck wasn’t enough to force some manners into him. She wasn’t mad about it.

“Aw. He likes you,” she said, watching with delight as Dorien’s lip drew back in revulsion. Hissing, Loïc scurried his way up her leg and landed on his usual spot on her shoulder.

Dorien clenched his bared teeth while he sidestepped away from the “gift.” “I-I take it none of your more…refined partners were available today?” He angled a wary glare toward Loïc, who jostled his disguise.

“They were,” Odette admitted. “But Loïc’s never been on a boat before, and I promised.” That was aside from the fact that Loïc’s sneaking abilities were unmatched. If something were to go awry on the ship, he’d be the first to know. Plus, his Shadow Sneak would come in handy should they need to make a quick escape.

She could safely admit to herself that she would have been comfortable bringing any one of her teammates along. The tension between her, Enora, and Solene had long settled, what with the reveal of Vienna being a bonafide liar driving them to reconciliation. Solene was quick to own up to her faux pas; though, with a clearer head, Odette struggled to fully blame her for acting out. Meanwhile, Enora had been more than liberal about explaining her relationship with her “Canary.” Something that, Odette realized, she couldn’t take for granted anymore.

Apparently, Canary aired more on the docile side of blood type behaviors. She had no interest in making her presence physically known unless emergency circumstances called for it. She was not interested in battling, nor being separated from Enora. For all intents and purposes, she was comfortable precisely where she was, and would remain so for the foreseeable future. However, according to Enora, Canary had a certain “fondness” for Odette, going as far as to indicate that she would be willing to rear should Odette or, more importantly, Odile request her to as means of assistance.

Days later, Odette was still chewing on that bit of information. Knowing that not one, but two blood types had been hiding among her team for years and were dedicated to helping her achieve her conspiracy-busting goals produced a feeling that she was still struggling to pin down. Fear? Humility? Bewilderment? All she did know was, of all the bombshells she’d been pelted with, that was the easiest one to take.

Dorien nodded, slowed by his poorly-masked annoyance. “Ah. Then who am I to question? I just hope he knows that most of the guests here won’t receive such gifts with the same level of grace.”

If his reaction was what he called “grace,” she was morbidly curious to see what he considered “rude.” “He’ll be on his best behavior. You have my word.” Starting now.

The interior of the ship was exactly what she expected. The entrance alone boasted thick hardwood floors that amplified the sound of her five-inch heels falling against them, crested by walls of pure obsidian. They were polished so pristinely that each slab beheld the grotesque reflection of her on Dorien’s arm as clearly as a mirror. Sleek gold accents carved into the natural pattern of the stone drew her attention to the bowl-shaped chandelier budding down from the ceiling. The crown molding that wrapped around its perimeter was outlined with a piping of soft light that provided the room with a glow that wanted to be appealing. Under the circumstances, it felt sterile. Off-putting. That unpleasant atmosphere was exacerbated by the presence of armed guards.

Shrouded in full-face helmets that were adorned with ominously fashioned red lights and deep black cloaks that brushed their ankles, they lined the hallway leading to the ballroom in wide intervals. Their large assault rifles sent Odette’s pulse skittering into a sprint and she jumped at the one that greeted them in spite of herself. What kind of party called for such heavy artillery? And why was she the only one who seemed bothered by it?

Dorien took notice of her involuntary startle reflex and pulled her close to whisper in her ear. “Don’t mind them,” he said. The scent of Listerine that drifted past her nose triggered her gag reflex. She had to focus on the odd pattern of lights blinking inside the greeter guard’s visor to keep it at bay. “They’re just here for show. The people around here like to feel like they’re under protection.”

From what, an army of school form wishiwashi? she thought. A different entity of distress creeped up on her as she imagined the ship being overtaken by those vicious ‘mon. They didn’t typically inhabit the waters around Kalos, but even so, she didn’t mind the concept of precautions for such a run-in.

Yeah, because Team Enigma’s main concern are fucking wishiwashi, Odile scoffed. With her saying so, Odette realized that her irrational fear was completely unfounded. She aimed that discomfort back at the presence of the guards, wondering what other weaponry a secret cult like Team Enigma would have on hand. Or, rather, what they were really present to protect.

“Right,” she said. Even as Dorien pulled her down to the hall, her eyes lingered on that unmoving guard.

The ballroom was somehow bigger than Odette assumed it would be, even after taking in the sheer size of the Mystic Milotic. The hefty double doors transferred her onto a plush carpet of a burgundy hue, so thick she felt her heels sink into it. The deep color was broken up by serpentine patterns of lush gold that followed the figure-8 layout of the room. It crept along the wrap-around window panes, wound between the eloquently set tables and the hundred other bodies socializing with one another, before dipping down into steps that led to the porcelain-tiled dance floor. The grand chandelier—a deliberate mess of solid gold curves, pointed bulbs, and dangling crystals that caught the sun‘s rays and casted rainbow fragments upon the patterned tile—fought with the expansive ocean view for the distinction of being the room’s focal point. The cherry on top was the eight-piece string ensemble playing quiet background music to help set the festive mood.

Odette didn’t have much time to take in the scenery before she was yanked into introductions and mindless chatter with Dorien’s apparent friends and acquaintances. She smiled her way through eerily enthusiastic greetings that just kept coming. She lost count of how many people approached her to shake her hand or kiss her cheek or compliment her dress after she reached 20. The insanity of it all was occasionally broken up by some snide remarks from Odile, interjections from Noel and Valentin filling her in on people that sounded familiar to them, and garbled trills from Loïc. Although Noel or Valentin weren’t with her physically, it brought her a minuscule sense of comfort knowing they were essentially listening over her shoulder, and would be ready to jump into action were something of a Vice Dusting nature were to occur.

“Odette, how long have you and Loïc been partners?” The latest woman Dorien had dragged her into conversation with was looking at her with wide-eyed anticipation, so exaggerated that it dangled on the side of patronizing. Odette had already forgotten her name, but she was certain she was number 50-something to come say hello.

“It’s been over a year, I think,” she responded, angling a glance at Loïc. She noticed his bowtie was crooked and adjusted it, only for him to reach up and turn it again. Odette’s look hardened into a subtle glare, but with an exasperated wave of her hand, she let it go.

“He’s the newest member of my team, but we’re already so close it’s like he’s been around for years.”

“Kkkkkkkk,” Loïc hissed in agreement. Clearly, 50-Something wasn’t expecting such a sound out of him. She flinched backward and clutched at the million euro emerald necklace dangling around her neck with the claws she called fingers. “Goodness!”

Odette felt a grin tugging at the corners of her lips, but Dorien did what he did best and chased it off by lacing his hand with hers. “He’s…quite the animated little thing, isn’t he?” The lingering distaste in his inflection let her know he still hadn’t gotten over the fishbone. She hoped he never would.

“Quite,” she agreed, nuzzling her cheek into the burlap of her partner’s disguise. The way he purred settled her soul, if only for a second.

50-Something cleared her throat and was soon back to flashing that disturbingly wide grin of hers, enhancing the failed Botox treatments around her forehead. “Well…do you have any other partners on your team?”

Her emphasis on the question set off alarm bells in Odette’s head, so loud that they stunned her. She blinked away the immediate surprise and stammered her way into an answer. “Yes. Four. I’ve been training on and off since primary school.”

“Really?” 50-Something looked perplexed by the answer. “No sixth?”

Something in her tone set Odette’s teeth on edge. She spoke in a way as if she were trying to prod for a deeper answer. As if she knew something.

Odette opened her mouth to reply, but her ears perked at the borderline silence that had swallowed the immediate area around her. A perfunctory glance around the group that had gathered near them showed her that every last Noname she’d been twaddling with was now eyeing her like they were keenly anticipating her answer. A lump of panic rose up in her throat, blocking the breath she was inhaling while her nerve endings lit up with awareness. So many eyes, so many eager eyes, on her. For what?

Take a breath, Odile warned before the pause lingered too long.

“Nobody’s fit the group vibe just yet,” she said. She became acutely aware of just how loud her heart was beating now and was certain she could hear it echoing off the high ceiling. Her answer, thankfully, seemed to be enough to settle the odd curiosity, and 50-Something shrugged.

“Such is the life of a trainer, I suppose.”

As if to answer her prayer for the conversation to end, Dorien tucked his arm back into hers and began to lead her away. “Well, we’re going to find our seats. We’ll be sure to catch up with you all later!” He didn’t stop in his retreat, even as he spoke. When they were long out of earshot, she vaguely heard a sharp exhale rise out of him.

“...are you alright?” she asked.

Dorien snickered to himself before resting his free hand on hers. “Of course. Although, the nosiness gets a little tiresome sometimes.”

Something they could agree on. “Oh, so that’s what that was about.”

“Well, Doll, I’m a very renowned figure around here. Many people want to know all about the woman who’s stolen my heart,” he mused.

Yeah, you’d like to steal his heart alright. We can put it in a meat grinder once we get ahold of it, Odile said. She’d taken the words out of Odette’s mouth.

“And that includes my Pokemon team?” she pressed. That earned her a shrug that carried a barbed weight to it.

“That includes everything. You’re a commoner dating a socialite, so it simply comes with the territory, I’m afraid,” he sighed.

As much as she tried to rein in the pull of rage that tugged at her frown, she was unsuccessful. “A commoner?” she repeated, feeling her eyebrow start to twitch. The apologetic grin Dorien responded with was enough to have her digging her teeth into her tongue.

“No offense, of course! I don’t mean that as an insult. We just exist in different socioeconomic circles; you know that,” he replied hastily. “It’s just how it is. Try not to think too hard about it.”

Except, she was. She’d be thinking about it for the rest of the day. The way 50-Something questioned her, like she wanted her to admit to her unofficial sixth team member; like she knew Odile had taken up shop in Odette’s head.

Did she? Did they all know?

If everyone aboard this ship truly was in on Team Enigma’s nonsense—if this was the select group of people Valentin had yet to pass his way into—then it was completely possible that they did, indeed, know. That would explain the curiosity. That would explain how eager many of the attendees had been to greet her. Would that also explain the guard presence?

The hypothetical realization made her dizzy. She pondered over what was worse: another round of Vice Dust being blown in her face, or being stuck aboard a ship full of cult members and armed grunts who knew she was harboring Wrath incarnate. When she couldn’t come up with an answer, she began to crave several large glasses of wine and a speedy limo ride back to her flat building.

By the time the yacht finally pulled out of the shipyard, the ominous storm clouds had begun to roll in, and Odette found a moment to excuse herself to the bar.

She knew she’d be looking over her shoulder for the rest of the event, but it was even more jarring to see how many people glanced her way as she walked past. With each fleeting look, no matter how subtle, she became more certain something was up. A growl bubbled in the back of Loïc spectral throat and she felt him shift as if he were going to pounce.

“Do you have a moment to talk?” Valentin asked. Although he sounded as collected as he normally did, apprehension brewed just underneath his question.

“Briefly. Eyes on me,” she muttered, rubbing her nose to ensure her mouth was covered as she spoke. “Either they know about Odile or they’re really excited I’m dating Dorien. Armed guards everywhere.”

Incoherent exchanges sounded from the other end of her earpiece, sounding like a mix of Valentin, Noel, and other voices she didn’t recognize.

“Okay,” he huffed. “Have the guards made any moves toward you?”

“No. Just kinda there.” She made it to the bar and pointed toward the bottle of Pellegrino sitting among the spirits and liquors and held up two fingers. The bartender nodded and began to prepare it for her. She watched his hands like a fearow would watch an injured rattata. Nobody would be drugging her or her partner today; not through Vice Dust in their faces, and not through the presumably cult-aligned bartender putting anything illicit in their drinks.

“Alright. We have eyes on the ship and are prepared to intervene should something go wrong. Keep Loïc close, and keep your cool.”

“Mm,” she responded. The thought of him and Noel and however many Virtue Corp operatives tailing her several miles back recovered some of her lost sanity. Maybe all of the precautions they’d taken would be for nothing, and she was putting herself, and subsequently Valentin and Noel, on edge for nothing. Maybe exclusive Enigma parties always had guards on duty. Maybe the attendees always subtly gawked at the newest person in the room.

As much as she tried to force her own optimism, her gut feeling wasn’t having it.

She took both glasses of drug free sparkling water and handed one to Loïc, then headed back to the table. She tried to focus on the mind-numbing wealthy people conversations Dorien was having, staggering through more personal questions that were just surface level enough to not be entirely suspicious.

“Your hair is gorgeous; how do you style it every day?”

“Something tells me you’re a ghost-type trainer, but do you work with any other types?”

“Dorien tells us you used to sing; what’s your octave range?”

Each question took a fraction of her energy and hope for a semi-normal outing with it. There was too much cheer in their voices as they spoke; too much of a feeling of utter nosiness that left her hesitating over her answers. Why did they care so much? She was a 20-something in a relationship with another 20-something; who cared about how she styled her hair, or what Pokemon she trained, or what her octave range was? It didn’t matter how rich Dorien was or his “status” among them; why did they care?

The disquieting taste of panic coated her palette and no amount of water or bites of table bread and butter could do anything to wash it away. The high ceilings suddenly felt lower. The wide walls, closer.

Keep your cool, Valentin had said. Loïc was with her. Virtue Corp had eyes on the ship. If something were to go wrong, for whatever reason, they had a plan in place.

Keep your cool.

Just when she silently wished for the attention on her to relent, the presumed emcee of the day—a man dressed eerily similarly to the guards—took to the mic to welcome everyone aboard. Odette thought he was going to call another couple up to perform another battle with more blood type ‘mon, but he just invited everyone to dance, in anticipation for the splendid lunch they were about to have. When Dorien yanked her up for a waltz, she found herself wishing she was watching another violent battle instead.

“You’ll have to be kind to me,” he said while they swayed in time with the upbeat classical tune rising from the ensemble. “I’m no trained dancer.”

“Please, Dory, you’re doing fine,” she tittered, ignoring the desire to dig her heel into his big toe and make a run for the exit. She would reluctantly offer him credit, though. He wasn’t awful at ballroom dancing.

She received requests to dance from a few of Dorien’s acquaintances, of which she unwillingly agreed to save face. One of them was a heavyset balding man who indulged her in a bizarrely pleasant conversation about Astral Shrines as he swung her about the dance floor. Another was a much younger, fit guy who reeked of wine and what she pinpointed as bacon grease. She didn’t see anything containing bacon being offered as an hors d'oeuvre, so she spent the entirety of the dance internally arguing with Odile about how he could have possibly accumulated such a stench. Dorien looked more than eager to receive her back afterward, and for once, she was happy to be at his side. Listerine and Gucci cologne were far more palatable scents by comparison.

After the millennia of dancing, lunch was served by waiters, waitresses, and Pokemon that practically glided through the ballroom with trays in hand. The steaks she’d ordered for herself and Loïc were divine, as expected. Loïc practically swallowed his whole, much to more of Dorien’s blissful chagrin, while she could barely get down half of it due to the uncertainty taking up most of the room in her stomach. Nothing tasted wrong, and the odd glances had subsided once everyone had gotten food in their bellies. Could her alarm have been fueled by hunger? Something adjacent to simply being “hangry”?

It was soon back to dancing and more socializing. No talks of another battle taking place, or any other entertainment she would dare call “cultish,” for that matter. The armed guards and bizarre fixation on her aside, the party might as well have been a boring networking event for the wealthy elite. She just happened to be in attendance because her asshole boyfriend brought her along for his own amusement.

With dancing having run out of its novelty, Odette broke away to admire the view from the windows. Loïc tagged along and she had to laugh at the way he flattened himself against the glass to get a good look at the water below. The way it fogged up under his heavy breath was a much needed humorous sight.

The ship was moving at a breakneck speed, chasing a darkening horizon line it would never catch. She wondered if there was a plan to drop all the attendees off at some island far off the coast of Kalos. At the rate they were going, they had to be close to the likes of the Kalosian border islands, like Oléron or Île de Ré. Getting off at a stop would surely make her escape to a Virtue Corp vessel much easier. Unfortunately, Dorien, nor any of the talkative trust fund babies she’d been obliged to speak with throughout the day, had mentioned anything about an excursion. The ship was just doomed to roll onward into the foreboding clouds.

“We can’t escape the rain, can we?” she murmured. Loïc replied by darting underneath her skirt and peeking out through the leg slit. “Kkkk,” he hissed quietly. That sounded like something of an agreement.

“Castform really getting jiggy with it,” Noel said back.

“Well, perhaps this is a good thing. If we see too harsh of a deluge, you’ll have no choice but to turn back early,” Valentin added.

Typically, Odette didn’t mind the rain. She liked to think she thrived more in overcast conditions than she did on cloudless, sunny days. She’d always liked the smell of rain-soaked asphalt, even when it usually meant her fellow drivers were incapable of staying in their own lanes. But lately, rain has always preceded something bad. Or something life-altering. Like the castform somehow knew that the ideal backdrop to her watching her life spin out of control was a series of vicious storms. Knowing that, the rolling thunderheads were only driving her closer to a mental break.

I’ll do one better. Maybe if it rains too hard, it’ll sink the ship, Odile said. She sounded, strangely enough, like she was trying to make light of the situation.

Odette briefly humored the image of the yacht being struck by lightning. The force of the strike cracked it in half, Titanic style. Luckily, she and Loïc had the Virtue Corp tailing them, and made it to safety with little more than some wet clothes. They got to watch as everyone else aboard—Dorien included—sank to the bottom of the sea, never to be seen again.

Such a dark thought should have made her shudder. But it didn’t.

“Odie, there you are!”

She grimaced to herself, stifling her groan into one last sip of her water. Dorien really was no different than a clingy, petulant child—he couldn’t be away from her for more than a couple minutes at a time without getting cranky. Molding her lips into the most winning smile she could muster, she turned toward him.

“Sorry, Dory, I was—”

She watched it happen in slow motion. Dorien, walking toward her with a beaming grin on his face. Not paying attention to the waiter, carrying a tray of full wine glasses. Their paths met at a perpendicular point, with the force of Dorien’s step knocking the waiter off balance, causing him to involuntarily toss the tray. Odette had a mere half second to move, and even that likely wouldn’t have saved her from the inevitable.

She was doused from head to toe in seven hefty servings of a thick, expensive red. She reached up to cover her head and save herself from the impact from the glasses, cringing at the sound of them shattering at her feet. The startled cries from the unsuspecting patrons washed over her along with the tickle of the liquor dripping off her hair and sliding down her cheeks, neck, chest, and back. When she finally gained the motor function to open her eyes, she looked down to see her gorgeous dress was now marred by so many stains, a dry cleaner would have cried out at the sight of them. When she looked up, the reality of what had just happened struck her like a bullet.

Anger collided with the shock and embarrassment that had flooded into her chest, hardening into an unbearable pressure that sapped her voice and ability to breathe. Her reddening vision zeroed in on the waiter who had taken the spill, then cut to Dorien. Her fists balled up under the mental image of landing punch after punch on his stupid, dumbstruck face. The smell of the wine made her eyes water, while the sensation of hundreds of pairs of eyes locked on her in one collective anticipatory stare nearly forced the tears out of hiding. The swelling silence could have stretched on for miles, but it was contained within the shrinking walls around her.

It was blinding. Suffocating. Overpowering.

“I–” she managed in a squeak. Her voice echoed as if she were shouting into a cave. Hot outrage fought with her crippling shame, sucking her dry of what little mental fortitude she had left. She felt her legs going numb, her knees beginning to shake beneath her skirt. She was certain she was about to involuntarily kiss the carpet beneath her feet and distantly hoped Loïc could somehow catch her.


“Odette, what’s wrong?” Valentin said.

“Are you okay?” Noel said.

Odette, watch it!

The chandelier flickered.

It was quick. Like a blink. However, it pulled the crowd's attention away from her and up to the nest of shiny gold dangling above their heads. The break in their scrutiny snapped Odette back into her agency, where she found just enough voice for two words.

“Excuse me.”

Her mental autopilot kicked into gear, carrying her past Dorien and through the murmuring crowd. If he said something to her, or even reached for her, she didn’t register it. Somewhere between her walking ahead and exiting the ballroom, Loïc ended up back on her shoulder. She could feel him vibrating under a purr that was meant to be comforting, but she felt nothing except a determination to get to a private space. She approached a guard, standing sentry in the hall near the ballroom entrance.

“Bathroom?” she managed in a breath. The guard didn’t immediately answer, instead tilting his covered head down as if he were looking her over. A yell bubbled up in her throat, but before she could let it free, he pointed further down the hall.

“First left.” It sounded robotic, like his voice was being filtered through a voice changer embedded into the mask. Odette didn’t stop to dissect it, instead rushing in the offered direction and promptly barricading herself inside the bathroom as soon as she found it.

The bathroom had three stalls in it, but there was a lock on the main door, which she turned when she was certain nobody else was present. Finally allowing her cracking facade to crumple away, her breaths dissolved into weak, jagged versions of themselves as she stumbled to a mirror. Upon seeing her reflection, she wished she hadn’t. It was just as bad, humiliating, as she figured it would be. Every bit of her look—from her makeup, to her dress, to her hair—was left completely disheveled, with her skin bathed in a thin sheen of red. It had started to dry, leaving behind an unpleasant sticky sensation that clung to almost every part of her body.

The thought of standing in a room with a hundred people staring her down like she’d just emerged from a burning trash heap shrouded her brain. Knowing she looked like this magnified the vile thought by a million. Before Odette could stop herself, she was sobbing uncontrollably into the sink.

I– Odile sounded like she was at a loss for words. I don’t–

“Odette, what happened? Talk to us,” Noel urged.

Wine,” she wept, swiping at her nose with the back of her hand. “D-Dorien knocked a waiter; s-pilled all over me.”

Reliving the incident again brought on another swell of tears. She covered her mouth so her crying didn’t somehow leak through the walls and, gods forbid, carry all the way back to the ballroom.

“It fucking soaked me,” she blubbered. “Everything. And they were all just looking at me, like I was a fucking freak.”

“Easy, Odette. Breathe,” Valentin said softly, maintaining that same level tone he’d used on her back at his apartment. She opened her mouth to indignantly protest, but felt a hand press something soft to her cheek. The gesture startled her enough to look up, where she saw Loïc had somehow gathered a messy wad of tissues and was sitting back on her shoulder, outstretching his shadowy hand to wipe her face.

“Don’t cry. I help,” he said.

She let him pat her down, soaking up the excess tears, wine, and running mascara. When the tissue lost its white sheen, he carelessly tossed it aside and plucked another from his ball. This one was completely shredded, but he used it to dab off her chin and neck. She had to laugh at the perfect mix of ridiculousness and wholesomeness behind his help, which helped ease the soul-shattering embarrassment threatening to bring her steak back up.

“Thanks,” she sniffled. “When did you get so sweet?”

Loïc threw his current tissue to the floor and went to work on her nose with a new one. “Sweet like pecha.”

Another laugh broke through her diminishing whimpers. “Sweet like pecha.”

Now that she sounded a little less distressed, Noel spoke gingerly. “How bad is it?”

“It’s pretty fucking bad,” Odette replied. She stole a quick glance at her reflection again. Despite Loïc’s best efforts on her face, nothing else looks remotely salvageable. “Complete wardrobe overhaul bad.”

She heard more mutters over the earpiece, followed by Valentin clearing his throat. “I don’t want to alarm you any more than you already are,” he said. “But after everything that’s already been happening, what are the odds that this wasn’t just a setup?”

With the privacy and shamefaced agitation to fuel her analysis, hearing Valentin suggest it caused it all to click. The strange welcomes, the emphasis on asking her about her team, about her life as a whole, and the sheer uneventful itinerary to follow it all…it wasn’t her being paranoid.

She was the event.

Slim to fucking none, Odile said, having found the ability to respond again. Put you on edge then dump wine all over you. That’s about as low of a fucking blow as anyone can get.

Before Odette could say as such, a heavy knock at the door made her start. Loïc’s eyes cut to the door and he uttered a low warning growl that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

“S…sorry,” she called. “Occupied.”

She half expected to hear a faux-concerned response from Dorien, or a whiny insistence to be let in from an oblivious attendee. When neither rang through the door, Odette tentatively assumed the point had gotten across. After having drinks dumped all over, she decided she deserved a moment or two of privacy. She hoped whoever had come knocking was willing to agree.

Keeping quiet, as to ensure nobody was listening in either, Odette switched on the faucet and began to scrub her hands. She splashed some water on her face to wash the rest of her ruined makeup away as well. When she began to dry her face off, another round of thundering knocks filled the bathroom and kicked her heartbeat into high gear.

“I said occupied,” she hissed, letting some of her frustration power her insistence. “I’ll be out in a second. I’m sure there are other bathrooms around; it’s a big ship.”

No response. Loïc still looked ready to pounce. She lowered her voice to a whisper.

“Some dickweed wants me to come out, but I don’t–”

A hand clamped around her mouth, cutting her off and muffling her scream as she was yanked backward into sudden darkness.

Her sense of fight overtook every synapse. She began to kick against the arms that now restrained her, screaming into the palm that smothered her nose and mouth while gnashing her teeth in an attempt to catch the skin in a bite. The abrupt change in exposure blinded her for seconds that stretched on like eons, but that didn’t stop her from trying to locate Loïc. She could no longer feel his light presence on her shoulder, yet she could hear his protective growls in the inky blackness that overtook them. The distraught calls of Noel, Valentin, and Odile muddled together in one agonizing din that threw more fuel on her adrenaline and she thrashed with the surge of power. The arms, however, belonged to somebody much bigger than she was. With a single jerk, they forced her taut and caused her breath to snag on her lungs.

“Don’t make a sound. I’m not going to hurt you or your partner and will let you go as soon as they leave.”

The whispering voice was undoubtedly male and laden with a prominent Galarian accent. He spoke with a sense of urgency, though just enough tenderness poked through to ease the terror kicking against her pulse. It reminded her of how Valentin chastised her for slamming the glass vial on his floor; firm and serious yet empathetic.

"Nod if you understand. If you relax, I will too."

Odette had to concentrate on making her neck work. With a single, slight dip of her chin, she heard her captor huff in acceptance. As soon as she forced herself to go limp, she felt him loosen his grip. Loïc had gone silent, and now with enough room to turn her head, she caught the shape of him being held by another set of arms.

“Don’t worry,” the man said. “I promise he’s fine. Just stay quiet, please.”

She wanted to ask what the hell he was talking about, and why he thought it was okay to grab unsuspecting women and their partners. With her eyes adjusted, she could now see that she was staring straight into the bathroom she just stood in. While the view of it looked distorted—as if she were viewing it through an early-2000s television—it was undoubtedly the same room. Further investigation of her surroundings revealed she now stood among pipes, exposed metal, and bunches of wiring.

Another round of loud knocks alerted her back to the scene before her. They were followed by the sound of the door being forcibly opened, and about ten of the armed guards flooded into the bathroom with their rifles raised. When there was nobody for them to bombard, they looked in the stalls and examined the discarded tissues on the floor. Looks traveled between one another as if any one of them had the answers they were looking for.

“Is she not here?” one asked, voice as robotic as the first guard Odette had directly spoken to.

“This is where she was directed and was last heard,” another responded.

“She has a ghost-type partner present with her. Is it possible she slipped out another way with their help?”

The rest of the guards regarded the first one that spoke, waiting for their instructions. They nodded once, then gestured to their comrades.

“Search the ship. It’s unlikely she’s gotten very far yet.”

Nods were passed around before they quickly filed out, slamming the door shut behind them.

Contrary to her captor's initial promise, he did not immediately let Odette go when they left. She was too dazed to realize, instead staring unblinking at the apparent projection of that closed bathroom door. Everything was moving far too fast for her mind to keep up, leaving her to quietly stew in the hot mess of horror that was the last five minutes of her life.

When the man’s hand fell away from her mouth, her jaw went slack. She could manage nothing more than a weak, mewling, “What?”

The guards were…looking for her?

The gravity of the situation was quickly crashing down upon her, heavy enough to pull her to the floor were there enough room in the narrow passage she now stood in. It wasn’t long before she found her breath. However, she struggled to control it, listening as it worked up in speed, like it was seeking to match the tempo of her raging heartbeat.

“We don’t have a lot of time,” the man said. “You need to get off the ship.”

As if the prospects of dozens of armed guards now looking for her wasn’t enough, it also dawned on her that she’d been pulled into the dark walls by a stranger. A stranger who knew this was going to happen.

With her hands balled into fists, she whipped around to swing on him, but stopped short upon meeting his eyes. They shone brightly under the light of the projection in front of them.

Maroon. Stark maroon.

It wasn’t just his eyes, either. His young features, while entirely masculine in their appearance, settled with the same austere intensity hers did. The way his brow wrinkled under his frown, and the way his eyes naturally slanted at the same degree as her own made their resemblance as clear as the familial drama they were both caught in.

Although she was positive she knew the answer, she asked anyway. “Who are you?”

His expression didn’t waver. “Armel Lambourne,” he replied. “And I suppose, if we were to get technical, your older half brother.”
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  1. sableye
Ah, good, I needed this. :quag:

Was he going to rile her up again and blow it in her face when Odile stayed rooted inside her soul? The number of immaculately dressed people sauntering up the entrance ramp should have been enough to ease her fears, but she didn’t put it past Dorien to drug her in front of a crowd. Hell, if they were all in on the shit Enigma was doing, perhaps it would be another Wednesday for them.

Hm... I don't believe Odile was 'active' back when Odette and Solene were in the car, was she? I wonder if Odile's presence would make a difference, should Odette get dusted again. Either way, she'll be on a boat this time, so very much nowhere for her to run. I don't anticipate this being any sot of problem whatsoever. :copyka:

“I know you don’t have your ears pierced,” he’d said, bashfulness lending a subtle flavor to his tone, “so this is the best we could do.”

I almost made a comment about Odette wishing he were there for a kiss, but decided against it - meme-ing about it will get old chapter after chapter. But this? Girl, he's been checking you out, too!

He’d insisted on matching for today’s outing and took it upon himself to gift her with his most expensive present yet: an Oscar de la Renta gown, made of silk so soft that it called her poor just by touching it.

For some reason, this has me questioning just how much that giant bush of flowers from several chapter back costs.

“How did you know my size?”

“Eyeballed it,” Dorien said.

Damn right you did, creepy bastard. :mewlulz:

“Aw. He likes you,” she said, watching with delight as Dorien’s lip drew back in revulsion.

I'm so glad Loic gets to be the one to join this trip.

Meanwhile, Enora had been more than liberal about explaining her relationship with her “Canary.”

Still surprised we're getting info about Canary so early. But I'm taking that as the ok to hope that she'll make an appearance or two in the future. (The mention of specifically appearing for Odile caught my eye.)

That unpleasant atmosphere was exacerbated by the presence of armed guards.

Hello, what do we have here?

So... is this because of dust on board? Other blood-types, maybe? Or maybe this is just the norm when you have criminals people like Dorien all compacted into one tiny ship for a long time. And... what's up with the flashing red lights on the helmets? This is probably meant to look less ridiculous than I'm imagining it, but all I can think of is like... a police car siren just glued to the top of the helmet.

They didn’t typically inhabit the waters around Kalos, but even so, she didn’t mind the concept of precautions for such a run-in.

Yeah, because Team Enigma’s main concern are fucking wishiwashi, Odile scoffed.

Noting this for later, because you know it's going to matter.

Jokes aside, I'm very amused that "the armed guards are there to defend against violent fish" is her first thought.

Although Noel or Valentin weren’t with her physically, it brought her a minuscule sense of comfort knowing they were essentially listening over her shoulder, and would be ready to jump into action were something of a Vice Dusting nature were to occur.

Something else I didn't comment on, the fact that they're following her in a submarine is also highly amusing. That said, somehow it did not occur to me earlier that they would also be on hand - not just Odile - should some dust get spread around. It poses the question of just how they'd get on board the ship then, but now I'm getting ahead of myself.

Odette opened her mouth to reply, but her ears perked at the borderline silence that had swallowed the immediate area around her. A perfunctory glance around the group that had gathered near them showed her that every last Noname she’d been twaddling with was now eyeing her like they were keenly anticipating her answer. A lump of panic rose up in her throat, blocking the breath she was inhaling while her nerve endings lit up with awareness. So many eyes, so many eager eyes, on her. For what?

Really liked this little segment here. This nameless lady questioning why she didn't have a 6th 'mon felt so innocuous, even knowing in the back of my mind that Odile was there, because surely Odette isn't really counting her right now anyway, so it felt almost silly for her to hesitate in responding. It felt harmless, but this changed the vibe entirely, and now it throws into doubt whether or not Odette's just being paranoid or if the lady/Dorien/the other prty-goers actually do know something (or are actually trying to bait her into revealing something). Even if she had nothing to hide, the observation that everyone around her had gone silent to listen and are, for some reason, paying her - a guest and a stranger - extra-special attention is unusual. Really drives up the tension, love it.

The way 50-Something questioned her, like she wanted her to admit to her unofficial sixth team member; like she knew Odile had taken up shop in Odette’s head.

Did she? Did they all know?

And there it is in the narration. I think that's a big part of why I enjoy your writing; usually my inner thoughts or suspicions are dropped right onto the page, as if to confirm what I was guessing at, and it usually doesn't take long for to apper, either (barring like, the story-spanning plot details).

If everyone aboard this ship truly was in on Team Enigma’s nonsense—if this was the select group of people Valentin had yet to pass his way into—then it was completely possible that they did, indeed, know. That would explain the curiosity. That would explain how eager many of the attendees had been to greet her. Would that also explain the guard presence?

OH. So if they all do know who she is, and she's not actually a stranger (well in terms of recognition), then... yeah I can see Florent dropping guards on a casual cruise to protect Odette (and, probably-not-coincidentally, Odile).

A growl bubbled in the back of Loïc spectral throat

Mnor typo, think there should be a 's after Loic there.

“Alright. We have eyes on the ship and are prepared to intervene should something go wrong. Keep Loïc close, and keep your cool.”

...of course Clovis has an armed squadron of his own waiting in the wings. :mewlulz: I guess I just thought 'sure Clovis knows how to pilot a submarine, no big deal'.

Why did they care so much? She was a 20-something in a relationship with another 20-something; who cared about how she styled her hair, or what Pokemon she trained, or what her octave range was? It didn’t matter how rich Dorien was or his “status” among them; why did they care?

My thinking behind this was: someone in this situation is a celebrity, be it Dorien or Odette. At first I assumed it was Dorien, and they all wanted to know who this chick he'd landed was, because dating someone famous means your personal life is also no longer personal. This sort of crap is what people want to know about celebrities. And I'm definitely on the side of the people asking 'who cares?' but it's also why I brushed over the no-sixth-member thing earlier. It's just the entire atmosphere around these people, whether they actually care or not. Buuut the rest of the narration seems to be pointing more towards Odette herself being the celebrity in this scenario, not just Dorien's New Fling. The puzzle lies in figuring out whether they're genuinely just curious about her, or if they actually are trying to draw out something specific/baiting her into spilling something.

She wondered if there was a plan to drop all the attendees off at some island far off the coast of Kalos.

Something else that just occured to me; did we ever hear where this ship is going? I'd figured it was probably soem day-long pleasure cruise that would deposit guests right where it picked them up after 12 hours or something to that effect, but this seems to imply that they're actually going somewhere? What would Odette do then, being dropped off somewhere so far from home? What would any of the guests do, for that matter? (Although... I guess the other guests would have known their destination beforehand, huh?) Probably a minor thing here, so I'll wait and see where it leads.

“First left.” It sounded robotic, like his voice was being filtered through a voice changer embedded into the mask.

What is going on with this?? I am now convinced there's something freakish about these guards for sure.

Every bit of her look—from her makeup, to her dress, to her hair—was left completely disheveled, with her skin bathed in a thin sheen of red.

This reminds me of that scene from Carrie, but with wine instead of blood. Interesting symbolism comparison, intentional or not.

“Don’t cry. I help,” he said.
“Sweet like pecha.”

Aww, I love this little gremlin. :veelove:

“I don’t want to alarm you any more than you already are,” he said. “But after everything that’s already been happening, what are the odds that this wasn’t just a setup?”

I thought this too... but felt too obvious. Like this is the sort of thing you see happen all the time at these events. I could buy it being deliberate pretty easily, though, but it does feel a bit... cliche? On the other hand, maybe that's what makes it perfect. I could see Dorien doing it.

A hand clamped around her mouth, cutting her off and muffling her scream as she was yanked backward into sudden darkness.

So... not Loic? Given the earlier mention of using shadow sneak to get out of a tight spot, my first thought was hat Loic had done just that, given there was no one else present when she locked the door, and hadn't been seen entering since. Interesting little twist.

His expression didn’t waver. “Armel Lambourne,” he replied. “And I suppose, if we were to get technical, your older half brother.”

There he is! Not the ending I expected. So, the guards weren't there for protection, they were there to aprehend her... and I guess that momentary flicker of lights was enough to confirm to whoever was in charge that it was safe to do so.

Well, I knew something would go wrong, just didn't know what. And it didn't end the way I expected either. Eager to see how they get out of this one while they're in the middle of the sea!
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