Flygon connoisseur
- Pronouns
- She/her
- Partners
So it seems a lot of significant changes have been made since last time I read! I basically reread the new prologue and chapters 1-8 to catchup to where I am now.
The new prologue is completely different I see. I will admit, I am of two minds. I honestly enjoyed the first one a lot with the ship, though it was certainly a bit edgy I guess. I like the moving action of the first one, things happening, and chaos and feeling thrust in media res, as they say. I found it effective and mysterious, but dropped enough breadcrumbs to reveal core aspects. Teased the blood legendaries and villains and such and the world.
The new prologue is also very solid. However, its much quieter and slower. Not that thats a bad thing!
The new one dives deeper into Florence as a character, and we get a ton of extra exposition and insight into his mind. He's presented here as quite a bit less edgy that the first one, since we get to see him in a more neutral setting. He's utterly wicked and yet even in his wickedness you can see there's more to him than just Edgy Bad Man. In some sick twisted way, he care for Armel and Odette, to the point where he wouldn't kill her. I think Florence is much more nuanced as a character in this version.
However... I did find myself weirdly thinking that the prologue felt a bit... conflicted? This prologue's first half is mainly Florence walking around and thought expositing for a bit as he basically tells the audience about Vienna and the things he did and his organization. I don't know that this is bad, since at the end of the day all stories are just that in a way. On a personal level, I felt sightly less engaged by the first half of your new prologue, and my main interest was derived from seeing Florence in a new light purely because I'd already met him.
I did very enjoy the second half though in particular, I think it was more active.
I won't say this is in any way objective, especially since I was having to read quickly, I think its more personal. My thought is wondering if there's a way to fuse the two? The action and movement of the original contrasted with Florence being unexpectedly not a 1 dimensional edgelord in the second? Though to be clear I don't want you to think that your prologue is bad, I'm just voicing vibes on how it felt to me, so honestly if it vibes with you thats cool.
Anyways, onto the rest of the story! I might as well try and review them, since I did reread them and with my delightfully terrible memory its like a new story?
Chapters 1 - 8 follow Odette and her friend Noel as they meet and slowly find themselves embroiled in this dark underworld of Kalos as they try to help Odette's grandpa by investigating sacriledge and Team Enigma and the shiny trade. The first bit of the story introduces all these key players excellently. I particularly commend, as I mentioned, Odette's team and your pokemon worldbuilding. I think the way you write it here is very good. They feel very unique and easily different, and their colorful personalities makes every character stand out so much. Plus its very clear pokemon are as always, equal partners who enjoy working and being alongside humans.
The 'coming home from theatre to find them all in chaos from playing Monopoly is just hilarious and fitting.
Then Odette runs into her old flame Dorien and goes from attracted to disgusted quickly once she remembers why she stopped hanging out with him. Things get freaky in her battle which leads to Odette visiting her grandpa, and everything is uphill (downhill?) from there. Her fears over everything happening in Kalos escalates and she gets in what I am sure will be, way way over her head.
First example of course being that she gets drugged by Dorien and doesn't even realize it. Disturbing and horrifying to say the least. Also that is some powerful stuff. It wasn't until later, but I see now based on hints of context clues in 9 that the drug helped convince her that she really had gotten drunk and made her feel normal about that. Creepy.
Dorien is ever the irredeemable, psycopathic scumbag that is so easy to hate. I just know he's going nowhere but down lol.
The part I think I enjoy about this early set of chapters is the pacing. The plot moves along easily and effortlessly, and while I can't remember the old version enough to compare, I can confirm that this version feels very easy to follow. The characters behave in ways I am able to follow and feel realistic for their established traits. Despite running alongside some tropes (gay best friend for Noel, Strong Female for Odette, gruff protective Grandpa etc, the way everyone is written so far feels like they go beyond just a one dimensional trope.
Odette's decision to get involved, as well as her pokemon too (minus Enora) feels believable, even if its risky and kind of crazy. I can easily buy how in the world of pokemon, people would also be more driven to get into things (Noel even references the police asking trainers for help), alongside fear for her grandfather and Enora. Odette is not only nosy (bet thats from her Grandpa, heh) but has a strong sense of justice. And Odette's later interactions with Enora are lovely, as she learns to communicate openly and honestly with her friend. Delightful dynamic.
There never really feels like any wasted space in these chapters, and all the characters are active participants, with a lovely push and pull between everyone making their own moves. I said this before, but particular favor goes to Odette's grandpa for being the best grandpa ever, please only give him good things!!!
I also like the mix of players so far, no one feels arbitrary. There's decent rich people, evil ones, and people are bad for being bad, not just for surface level traits but for their own reasons. You also blend together all your worldbuilding in a very pleasant way. It's clear a lot of your world takes are quite a bit different from the pokemon world in the games or anime. Yet you never linger too long or unnecessarily exposit, instead adding details as they become relevant. Normally I'm not huge on pokemon worlds that resemble our own too much, but I think you hit a good balance - its a lot more grounded feeling than say, the anime, but it also doesn't feel like our world carbon copy pasted; especially in its issues, but feels more like its similar issues in a new setting.
That covers most of my thoughts of 1-8, and I think thats maybe where I stopped before, so I'm gonna go ahead and hit 9, and hopefully later go beyond 9 for our exchange.
Chapter 9
I know this chapter is long but it really earns its length. It definitely cannot really be split honestly, given the whole thing feels in itself like a mini arc. The Garden Party arc. And what a ride it is. It starts with putting up with more Dorien, only to escalate to shiny bidding (gross), and then the appearance of yet another one of those freaky blood-type pokemon? I cannot wait to see what their connection is to shinies. Like the book Noel read references one line about them, so clearly shinies in this world are not just weird colors, but there's more going on.
So what are shinies? Why can they apparently host a blood-type creature? What are blood types? Are they like the lesser demons in comparison to the Seven Sins? A genetic mutation or perhaps created even by the Seven themselfs for some ancient ritual? My guess for now is the shinies are shiny because of blood types, not that blood types are simply hostable by them.
Something I mentioned once before but I'll bring up again here is that I enjoy how grounded in Odette's POV your prose is. Everything is flavored by her views, and it really helps me get in her head. Its something I'm working on myself so its great to read.
So at first I was like "Wow Odette your memory is trash" but then I remembered: A) my memory sucks, and B)Trauma affects memory.
Between being a host to Venira, and her assault and a bunch of other stuff, I bet things are bit fuzzy.
Flirting is a mystery. Also relatable, people have definitely done this to me and I'm like :riowat: bc I thought I was just talking or being sarcastic.
I wonder, do the Seven pick up language and attitude based on their hosts or the respective time period? She does not talk like an ancient being (which is fine), so maybe she just likes modern slang...
Also WHEW what a chapter! A ton of big things happened. Shiny auctions, Dorien being worse and worse, another blood-pokemon, her talk with Clovis and then Venira's first appearance.
Also collapsing whump, which is always a delight. Two collapsing whumps on top of each other? Yes good feed me. Also I loved how quick to act Noel was and how prompt Clovis was in acting.
Chapter 10
This chapter was exceedingly short, but once again stuffed to the brim with twists. It's like a nice stuffed mushroom, idk.
I have only extremely vague memories of the old version of this chapter, but I think this version is better? I vaguely think the old version of the conversation she overheard was much vaguer and less complete, but this felt a lot more cohesive and understandable. And arguably natural, given they don't expect anyone to listen in I guess.
My understanding so far is Clovis is working for Virtue Corp, undercover, to investigate this whole thing, and knows about blood-types. Bernard is working intandem with him on the DL. This possibly means Virtue Corps are good guys, contrary to my previous belief about them fronting as good guys to ward off the police.
I know Odette and her conversation with Clovis is near on the horizon, so i can't wait to see how that goes. It's nice to know that Clovis apparently plans to try and tell her the truth!
Also yes, please give Loic allll the pecha berries for this.
Chapter 11
Eleven is a pretty simple chapter, kind of a breather after all the big reveals lately, and nothing huge happens. Which is honestly good cause big things are comin. We glimpse Odette trying to play at normalcy and focus on her job, and we see her and Noel trying to come to terms with everything that happened. The two of them have decided its best not to tell Acadia or any of their other friends which honestly makes sense. This mystery is no childs play and Acadia doesn't seem like the type who needs to know, to be honest.
I also like the further characterization from Noel, clearly this situation isn't just bothering Odette but its taking a toll on him. I can't imagine how challenging it would be to have to keep this from everyone, especially for someone social.
Agne was pleasntly amusing in this chapter, and I enjoy Odette having different partners with her each day at the theatre. Gives them a chance to shine.
And then.... we get more delightful Dorien being a creep. Classic hints of the red flag abuse cycle. Everything is fine>Gets mad>Lashes out> pacifies and preens to make up for it>Repeat. Such a slimeball. He needs help but he certainly won't take it and I can't see him changing anytime lol. Nobody can fix him, too far gone.
Its such a false attempt at a gesture to apologize because it feels more about him showing off than trying to recognize why what he did was wrong and make steps to change. Going through the motions of an apology. Clovis little text felt more sincere, heh.
Odette being deeply torn over whether or not to add an emote is hilariously relatable. I feel you girl.
Also YIKES? Now I know what that stuff is called, and that he's used it on her even way before that?

Is that why she forgot he was in the shiny trade at first!?! That actually explains it way better because there's several things she seemingly forgot.Also massive uh oh oh no
This whole chapter made my skin crawl. Dorien is such a scummy guy, and full to the brim with so much envy. I guess I can't be surprised, lol, he is the title holder for Envy I guess, aka Inviderus. But wow. Everything he does is fueled by so much Envy. He's fallen so hard into it, he just needs to have it all. Not only is he a freaky stalker, but basically a fullblown psycopath or what not.
He's just can't stand the idea of anyone drawing mroe attention than him, having more money, or being more successful. Even in the above quote, its like DUDE. Maybe everyone likes Clovis cause he's not a raging jerkface who can only keep people attentive because he hands out drugs?
I already hated Dorien but now I need him dead tbh. Can Venira please just bite his head off?
You did a good job really selling Dorien's absolute trash.... actually no I don't want insult garbage like that but wow.
Also everyone in this chapter is so detestable, except Clovis, though he plays a good part pretending. Also is that hints of Clovis messing around with drugs I see? Yikes.
Some of this chapter feels vaguely familiar, but some of it isn't. I suspect I might have started reading it and never finished. Anyways amongst the completely despicable behaviour there's clues of intriguing worldbuilding.
Dorien sees himself as Florents mentee, and seems to kind of adore him and want all his attention. Oof. Ew.
Sin holders react stronger to sacriledge, and it seems like sacriledge is somehow produced based on each of the sins, and has corresponding flavors and effects. Intriguing! I feel like maybe one of Dorien's pokemon took Sloth before one of the matches with Odette, if he seemed so out of it...
Clovis also apparently is a regular customer of Dorien, and Dorien is a big drug runner for Florence. Probably makes tons of money. Also Florent has apparnetly explicitly forbbiden Dorien from harming Odette, unsurprisingly.
And they are after Venira....
So much ickyness in this chapter.... I hate Dorien, did i mention that lol?
Chapter 12
I actually love this little interaction. Very amusing and nice.
The long awaited meeting and reveal is finally here! I knew beforehand ofc that Clovis was actually Val but I did not know that apparently Clovis used to be a real person who... I guess he must have killed himself and Virtue Corp helped Val assume his identity? And J.L. is Valentine's dad...
I wonder what Val meant by saying he's the bitter son? Is that part of the act? so many QUESTIONS but I probably won't have time to finish proper before blitz ends.
This chapter was fun because we get to see Clovis- er, Val, really drop his full mask... man that has to be hard, living one life as Clovis and the other as Val at the ice rink???
Wait does this mean... if he's not a Le Claire.... he's not a heir billionaire? is JL rich? QUESTIONS QUESTIONS.
But yeah, it was cool to see Clovis when he's not forced to put up some kind of front. Poor thing seems exhausted.
Extremely twisty, but in a way that makes sense so far. Honestly you are handling the mystery elements very well, everyone feels like their own character acting in a way that tracks for them, like I said.
I think one of my favorite parts of this story yet is the way you incoporate pokemon characters. They feel just as much like active participants in this story and characters making their own decisions and having opinions. I like how they feel a part of each scene, even though they're not always the focal point, and they always feel very alive. They affect the narrative too and are quite a pleasant read.
Im so mald I have to stop right in the middle of part 1 but you can bet I'll be reading part 2 soon (assuming uh. My brain doesn't immediately forget.)
Everything up until this point has honestly felt solid and well thought out! Quite curious to see where all these mysteries will lead, what will be revealed and particularly, how will they deal with all this before Odette moves to Alola??? Pressure is on!
The new prologue is completely different I see. I will admit, I am of two minds. I honestly enjoyed the first one a lot with the ship, though it was certainly a bit edgy I guess. I like the moving action of the first one, things happening, and chaos and feeling thrust in media res, as they say. I found it effective and mysterious, but dropped enough breadcrumbs to reveal core aspects. Teased the blood legendaries and villains and such and the world.
The new prologue is also very solid. However, its much quieter and slower. Not that thats a bad thing!
The new one dives deeper into Florence as a character, and we get a ton of extra exposition and insight into his mind. He's presented here as quite a bit less edgy that the first one, since we get to see him in a more neutral setting. He's utterly wicked and yet even in his wickedness you can see there's more to him than just Edgy Bad Man. In some sick twisted way, he care for Armel and Odette, to the point where he wouldn't kill her. I think Florence is much more nuanced as a character in this version.
However... I did find myself weirdly thinking that the prologue felt a bit... conflicted? This prologue's first half is mainly Florence walking around and thought expositing for a bit as he basically tells the audience about Vienna and the things he did and his organization. I don't know that this is bad, since at the end of the day all stories are just that in a way. On a personal level, I felt sightly less engaged by the first half of your new prologue, and my main interest was derived from seeing Florence in a new light purely because I'd already met him.
I did very enjoy the second half though in particular, I think it was more active.
I won't say this is in any way objective, especially since I was having to read quickly, I think its more personal. My thought is wondering if there's a way to fuse the two? The action and movement of the original contrasted with Florence being unexpectedly not a 1 dimensional edgelord in the second? Though to be clear I don't want you to think that your prologue is bad, I'm just voicing vibes on how it felt to me, so honestly if it vibes with you thats cool.
Anyways, onto the rest of the story! I might as well try and review them, since I did reread them and with my delightfully terrible memory its like a new story?
Chapters 1 - 8 follow Odette and her friend Noel as they meet and slowly find themselves embroiled in this dark underworld of Kalos as they try to help Odette's grandpa by investigating sacriledge and Team Enigma and the shiny trade. The first bit of the story introduces all these key players excellently. I particularly commend, as I mentioned, Odette's team and your pokemon worldbuilding. I think the way you write it here is very good. They feel very unique and easily different, and their colorful personalities makes every character stand out so much. Plus its very clear pokemon are as always, equal partners who enjoy working and being alongside humans.
The 'coming home from theatre to find them all in chaos from playing Monopoly is just hilarious and fitting.
Then Odette runs into her old flame Dorien and goes from attracted to disgusted quickly once she remembers why she stopped hanging out with him. Things get freaky in her battle which leads to Odette visiting her grandpa, and everything is uphill (downhill?) from there. Her fears over everything happening in Kalos escalates and she gets in what I am sure will be, way way over her head.
First example of course being that she gets drugged by Dorien and doesn't even realize it. Disturbing and horrifying to say the least. Also that is some powerful stuff. It wasn't until later, but I see now based on hints of context clues in 9 that the drug helped convince her that she really had gotten drunk and made her feel normal about that. Creepy.
Dorien is ever the irredeemable, psycopathic scumbag that is so easy to hate. I just know he's going nowhere but down lol.
The part I think I enjoy about this early set of chapters is the pacing. The plot moves along easily and effortlessly, and while I can't remember the old version enough to compare, I can confirm that this version feels very easy to follow. The characters behave in ways I am able to follow and feel realistic for their established traits. Despite running alongside some tropes (gay best friend for Noel, Strong Female for Odette, gruff protective Grandpa etc, the way everyone is written so far feels like they go beyond just a one dimensional trope.
Odette's decision to get involved, as well as her pokemon too (minus Enora) feels believable, even if its risky and kind of crazy. I can easily buy how in the world of pokemon, people would also be more driven to get into things (Noel even references the police asking trainers for help), alongside fear for her grandfather and Enora. Odette is not only nosy (bet thats from her Grandpa, heh) but has a strong sense of justice. And Odette's later interactions with Enora are lovely, as she learns to communicate openly and honestly with her friend. Delightful dynamic.
There never really feels like any wasted space in these chapters, and all the characters are active participants, with a lovely push and pull between everyone making their own moves. I said this before, but particular favor goes to Odette's grandpa for being the best grandpa ever, please only give him good things!!!
I also like the mix of players so far, no one feels arbitrary. There's decent rich people, evil ones, and people are bad for being bad, not just for surface level traits but for their own reasons. You also blend together all your worldbuilding in a very pleasant way. It's clear a lot of your world takes are quite a bit different from the pokemon world in the games or anime. Yet you never linger too long or unnecessarily exposit, instead adding details as they become relevant. Normally I'm not huge on pokemon worlds that resemble our own too much, but I think you hit a good balance - its a lot more grounded feeling than say, the anime, but it also doesn't feel like our world carbon copy pasted; especially in its issues, but feels more like its similar issues in a new setting.
That covers most of my thoughts of 1-8, and I think thats maybe where I stopped before, so I'm gonna go ahead and hit 9, and hopefully later go beyond 9 for our exchange.
Chapter 9
I know this chapter is long but it really earns its length. It definitely cannot really be split honestly, given the whole thing feels in itself like a mini arc. The Garden Party arc. And what a ride it is. It starts with putting up with more Dorien, only to escalate to shiny bidding (gross), and then the appearance of yet another one of those freaky blood-type pokemon? I cannot wait to see what their connection is to shinies. Like the book Noel read references one line about them, so clearly shinies in this world are not just weird colors, but there's more going on.
So what are shinies? Why can they apparently host a blood-type creature? What are blood types? Are they like the lesser demons in comparison to the Seven Sins? A genetic mutation or perhaps created even by the Seven themselfs for some ancient ritual? My guess for now is the shinies are shiny because of blood types, not that blood types are simply hostable by them.
Something I mentioned once before but I'll bring up again here is that I enjoy how grounded in Odette's POV your prose is. Everything is flavored by her views, and it really helps me get in her head. Its something I'm working on myself so its great to read.
I was so perplexed for a second bc I was like "Holy smokes thats so cold!!!" then I remembered Celsius lol.It was barely twenty-three degrees outside, and she still felt like she was going to break into a harsh sweat,
Snapped seems like a harsher worrd here than maybe she's meant to have said it? Maybe 'retorted' or quipped? It felt a bit odd to think of her snapping at Noel, unless maybe she's letting her irritation bleed through."I definitely wouldn't want to leave you out of the fun," she snapped.
Did she really put that much of her secondary school days out of her head?
Between being a host to Venira, and her assault and a bunch of other stuff, I bet things are bit fuzzy.
Fun fact, i read somewhere that when they did a study on flirting, basically no one knows what it is. Nobody in the study could identify when they were being flirted with lol.And he was telling her about things he knew about the wealthy, perhaps things he probably shouldn't have told a stranger such as herself…
Gods, was that flirting? Maybe it wasn't shocking she'd forgotten being asked out twice, this was clearly not her forte. And for all she knew, he was a part of a villainous organization...
Flirting is a mystery. Also relatable, people have definitely done this to me and I'm like :riowat: bc I thought I was just talking or being sarcastic.
This is why you go analog Odette, smh. Idk if you've seen Nope the movie but I was reminded of that tbh. I wonder how they block camera stuff though? Can't be electromagnets, so is it weird hacking, or a virus or what? Is it caused by the blood-types presence or did Dorien think ahead about these parties? Hmmmmm"Bzzzzzzzzzzzzt. Dunno! I can't pull it up. Something's blocking me from accessing it. Bzzzzt!"
THERE SHE IS!!!B̴̨̭̓̋̃Ī̸̱̮̙̝̘͂̚͜Ţ̸̮̱̽̊C̴͖̭̙̱̓̏͠H̸̠̑͝,̷̤͍̈͊̒̓̏͝ ̶͖̭̝̺̖̒̅̐͜Į̸̖̣͍̞̩̓͗̓̅͠ ̸̦̬͂H̸͕̙̓͑̓̉̒͝Ö̵̧̩́͝P̵̤̎̓͆̆È̴̡̲̻̰̼ ̷̰͍̠͔̝̻̏̃̓͐͑̚T̵̟͚̞͌̽͌Ḩ̸͔̭̗̺̂̽̒̓͝E̵̛̹͂ ̷͕̣̥̀͒̏͝ͅF̶̥̳͕̆͊̿̑͛̌Ų̷̤̭̏̊̉̚͜͝Ç̶̼̦̱͈͈̆̋̋K̸͔̺͚̦͚̯̋̆͗̇ ̶͔̬̮͓̊̏̊͛̉Y̷̩͚͛̊̎͒͝Ò̴̱ͅƯ̴̠̐́̽̉ ̸̬̬̻̼͈̉͂D̷̯͍͍̜͇̐̍͑̆͜͠O̷̗̒̈́̈́!̷̪̯͒͛́ ̶̧͇̭͖͌͐̅B̷̢̧̺̣̟̓͂̋̈̋͘I̸̞͍͍̔T̵͚̖̅E̴̢͉͕̭̯͌̉͝ ̵̦͓͚̬̉͂͜M̸̢̛̭̮̲̟͒̿̂Y̷͕͎͘͜ ̶̡͎͔̖̝̪͗͌̌̒̋V̴̧̘̩̙̑͛̊͛͝Ĕ̵̲̝̩̫̮̈̂̓̾̊S̵̮̜̉̒͒̈́̓̀͜͜Ṡ̷͎̥͕Ę̶̀̈́̈́͋̾L̷̜͈͇̩̗̱͋̌̅̋̚,̴̨̠̦͛̄̑̽͐͜ ̷̦͚̩̪̙͐͊̎S̷̡͕͕̟̋̆Ȩ̴͕̪͙́̾̕E̶̞͚̙̓͛͛̚ͅ ̸̘͇́̇̈́̍̐̀W̶͖̏́̒͋̍Ḣ̴̡̘̭̓͆́̏̚ͅA̷̪̝͋T̷̡̲̤͎͌́ ̷̢̪̗̏͊̓͒ͅͅF̸̺̜̋̒U̵̡̧̘̟͋̈́̓͊̾͘C̵̡̗̰̘̫͛͜K̸̦̉̆͘I̸̘͈͋N̷̬̲̬̅̍̋̃͑͝G̴͈̙̤̲̊̃͘ ̴̢̝͔̘͉̣̑̑͝H̵̪̙͙͓͖̍͋̓͗̃A̵͓̬͔͕͌͐̌P̶̺͂͌͐̓̊̕P̷̧̻̎̽͛͊̍Ę̶̥̦̲̠̦̀N̵̻̖̮͌̂̊͘̚S̷̝͖̖͋̿!̴̛̩͍
I wonder, do the Seven pick up language and attitude based on their hosts or the respective time period? She does not talk like an ancient being (which is fine), so maybe she just likes modern slang...
:{{{{{ I wanted the Gyarados to live.... 0/10. :( (/j). I did hoped she would be able to save it though. It always make me sad when someone tries to interfere but doesn't get there in time.She looked back up to see the abomination flying back toward the bank. It had left the gyarados floating lifeless on the lake.
Also WHEW what a chapter! A ton of big things happened. Shiny auctions, Dorien being worse and worse, another blood-pokemon, her talk with Clovis and then Venira's first appearance.
Also collapsing whump, which is always a delight. Two collapsing whumps on top of each other? Yes good feed me. Also I loved how quick to act Noel was and how prompt Clovis was in acting.
Chapter 10
heheh, I love these little moments.Solene was at her heels, grasping the handle of a wooden spoon, which happened to be in Isaur’s mouth. As they stopped, Solene glared at Isaur as she wiggled the spoon. The froslass didn’t budge.
I love that her first train of thought is about actual blood-types, before immediately realizing that they said it differently."Blood-type?" she mouthed, hoping that would commit the term to her wavering memory. What the hell did that mean? What even was her blood type? She hadn't bothered visiting the doctor for a while before her recent episode and that wasn't something she bothered to commit to memory. O something, maybe...
ehehehehe I bet he has a crush perhaps. Or Odette just got under his skin.“I’m not one of ‘us,’ Bernard. We talked about this. I just got a little too...overzealous talking to her.” The annoyance was clear-cut behind his words. “I fucked up."
I just love her Grandpa a lot. Idk I guess I just enjoy characters being protective, its nice.Bernard gave a very gruff sigh. “She’s had enough scrutiny to last her the rest of her life. She doesn’t need anymore.”
This chapter was exceedingly short, but once again stuffed to the brim with twists. It's like a nice stuffed mushroom, idk.
I have only extremely vague memories of the old version of this chapter, but I think this version is better? I vaguely think the old version of the conversation she overheard was much vaguer and less complete, but this felt a lot more cohesive and understandable. And arguably natural, given they don't expect anyone to listen in I guess.
My understanding so far is Clovis is working for Virtue Corp, undercover, to investigate this whole thing, and knows about blood-types. Bernard is working intandem with him on the DL. This possibly means Virtue Corps are good guys, contrary to my previous belief about them fronting as good guys to ward off the police.
I know Odette and her conversation with Clovis is near on the horizon, so i can't wait to see how that goes. It's nice to know that Clovis apparently plans to try and tell her the truth!
Also yes, please give Loic allll the pecha berries for this.
Chapter 11
Oh man I love this twist on the phrase.They were so thick the thieves were jealous.
Eleven is a pretty simple chapter, kind of a breather after all the big reveals lately, and nothing huge happens. Which is honestly good cause big things are comin. We glimpse Odette trying to play at normalcy and focus on her job, and we see her and Noel trying to come to terms with everything that happened. The two of them have decided its best not to tell Acadia or any of their other friends which honestly makes sense. This mystery is no childs play and Acadia doesn't seem like the type who needs to know, to be honest.
I also like the further characterization from Noel, clearly this situation isn't just bothering Odette but its taking a toll on him. I can't imagine how challenging it would be to have to keep this from everyone, especially for someone social.
Agne was pleasntly amusing in this chapter, and I enjoy Odette having different partners with her each day at the theatre. Gives them a chance to shine.
And then.... we get more delightful Dorien being a creep. Classic hints of the red flag abuse cycle. Everything is fine>Gets mad>Lashes out> pacifies and preens to make up for it>Repeat. Such a slimeball. He needs help but he certainly won't take it and I can't see him changing anytime lol. Nobody can fix him, too far gone.
Its such a false attempt at a gesture to apologize because it feels more about him showing off than trying to recognize why what he did was wrong and make steps to change. Going through the motions of an apology. Clovis little text felt more sincere, heh.
Odette being deeply torn over whether or not to add an emote is hilariously relatable. I feel you girl.
I might be misunderstanding, but I think supposed to be 'lights' here?Squinting through the cloud of cigarette smoke and blinking light from the colored spotlights overhead,
OooOOOOOOOO I GET IT NOW. He wanted to provoke her to get Venira to emerge. I wonder what he expected to happen after, even if he succeeded though. They were in a crowded restaurant, so even if Venira did emerge, what would he do? Can he recapture her somehow? Sever Odette's bond with her?In thinking about that, he was certain that that might be more effective in getting Venira to rear her head than he had been doing. Just getting aggressive in battle or talking her ear off about touchy subjects wasn't enough, and the latter had even cost him some of his Vice Dust. Only the first-degree strain, but it was a loss nonetheless. He really needed to watch how much he used on her. She'd taken enough of it as it was.
Also YIKES? Now I know what that stuff is called, and that he's used it on her even way before that?
UHHHHHH. Man we love to see a character fantasizing about abuse (/s). Its okay tho if he's hot everything he does is finePerhaps he could hit her just once. Release some tension and maybe, just maybe, lure Venira out. Kill two birds with one stone. Besides, a smack wouldn’t break skin. It would just leave a welt; one that would most likely heal in a day as long as he was careful with how hard he went for it. It wouldn’t be that awful, right?
I think its contact site here?Colin rubbed at the contact sight and shot him a juvenile-looking glare.
He... oh my gosh is this why Odette keeps having memory gaps and weirdness???It wasn’t certain, and probably a result of his high, but the prospects of it were enough to make Dorien wary. Mr. Lambourne switched moods at the drop of a hat--because he could--and that had to have crossed his mind once or twice. Especially after Dorien recklessly used his third-degree Vice Dust on Odette at the graduation party...and Mr. Lambourne didn't forget things like that. Even if it did work in their favor, it still had to be in the back of his mind.
Is that why she forgot he was in the shiny trade at first!?! That actually explains it way better because there's several things she seemingly forgot.Also massive uh oh oh no
Envy much bro??What the fuck was it about that heir to the LeClair fortune that drew everyone to him like a magnet? There was their entire social circle and even Mr. Lambourne himself.
Why does everyone bother with him when I’m already here? he thought.
This whole chapter made my skin crawl. Dorien is such a scummy guy, and full to the brim with so much envy. I guess I can't be surprised, lol, he is the title holder for Envy I guess, aka Inviderus. But wow. Everything he does is fueled by so much Envy. He's fallen so hard into it, he just needs to have it all. Not only is he a freaky stalker, but basically a fullblown psycopath or what not.
He's just can't stand the idea of anyone drawing mroe attention than him, having more money, or being more successful. Even in the above quote, its like DUDE. Maybe everyone likes Clovis cause he's not a raging jerkface who can only keep people attentive because he hands out drugs?
I already hated Dorien but now I need him dead tbh. Can Venira please just bite his head off?
You did a good job really selling Dorien's absolute trash.... actually no I don't want insult garbage like that but wow.
Also everyone in this chapter is so detestable, except Clovis, though he plays a good part pretending. Also is that hints of Clovis messing around with drugs I see? Yikes.
Some of this chapter feels vaguely familiar, but some of it isn't. I suspect I might have started reading it and never finished. Anyways amongst the completely despicable behaviour there's clues of intriguing worldbuilding.
Dorien sees himself as Florents mentee, and seems to kind of adore him and want all his attention. Oof. Ew.
Sin holders react stronger to sacriledge, and it seems like sacriledge is somehow produced based on each of the sins, and has corresponding flavors and effects. Intriguing! I feel like maybe one of Dorien's pokemon took Sloth before one of the matches with Odette, if he seemed so out of it...
Clovis also apparently is a regular customer of Dorien, and Dorien is a big drug runner for Florence. Probably makes tons of money. Also Florent has apparnetly explicitly forbbiden Dorien from harming Odette, unsurprisingly.
And they are after Venira....
So much ickyness in this chapter.... I hate Dorien, did i mention that lol?
Chapter 12
Yes inject the pun names directly into my veins.Sheer Cold Olympic Ice Rink
I think its frankly unfair that humans can't fit into a ball. Pokemon get to go into a ball during bad weather while humans brave it so why not vice versa! Braviary ought to put Noel into a ball when weather is bad! (/j).“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me that look,” Noel snapped as Braviary hovered in front of him, sending him something of an unamused glare. “I just figured with the possibility of rain, you would have rather been in the damn ball.”
I actually love this little interaction. Very amusing and nice.
Aren't Braviary gigantic? Unless his is freakishly small I can't see them as small enought to fit on someones hand? Or I guess I am just overestimating its size...? Like Hisuin braviary is Beegg and I can't imagine his Unovan counterpart is that much smaller? Very jarred by this.“Braaaayveeee,” Braviary chirped in agreement from his perch on Noel’s gloved arm. As the bird spoke, Odette reached into the side pocket of her backpack and grasped Isaur’s ball.
FOCUS ODETTE LOLShe wondered if there was some scientific name for a huddle of tall and handsome skaters. They certainly were a marvel, that was for sure.
Awww this was a cute interaction. Clovis seems to have a soft side I bet.At another point, a young girl, no older than 10, rushed up to Clovis excitedly with her smoochum in tow. He was quick to kneel down to the girl’s height.
“Val, Val!” she said breathlessly. “I got my triple today! I did it! And Smoochum got her sit spin!”
Clovis gasped excitedly and held his hands up for the girl and Smoochum to high-five. “That’s fantastic, guys. Keep practicing, and I’ll come to watch you two later.”
..... what. Oh of course it is lol“It is my arena, after all.”
FOCUS ODETTEWas that his natural eye color? Or were they contacts? Or were the blue hues she’d met him with the fake ones? Regardless, it all worked on him because, of course, everything about him just worked. Still, it was exciting to be able to see this new side of him. That meant he trusted them, right? And trust was the foundation for a friendship, and perhaps something more than—
The long awaited meeting and reveal is finally here! I knew beforehand ofc that Clovis was actually Val but I did not know that apparently Clovis used to be a real person who... I guess he must have killed himself and Virtue Corp helped Val assume his identity? And J.L. is Valentine's dad...
I wonder what Val meant by saying he's the bitter son? Is that part of the act? so many QUESTIONS but I probably won't have time to finish proper before blitz ends.
This chapter was fun because we get to see Clovis- er, Val, really drop his full mask... man that has to be hard, living one life as Clovis and the other as Val at the ice rink???
Wait does this mean... if he's not a Le Claire.... he's not a heir billionaire? is JL rich? QUESTIONS QUESTIONS.
But yeah, it was cool to see Clovis when he's not forced to put up some kind of front. Poor thing seems exhausted.
Extremely twisty, but in a way that makes sense so far. Honestly you are handling the mystery elements very well, everyone feels like their own character acting in a way that tracks for them, like I said.
I think one of my favorite parts of this story yet is the way you incoporate pokemon characters. They feel just as much like active participants in this story and characters making their own decisions and having opinions. I like how they feel a part of each scene, even though they're not always the focal point, and they always feel very alive. They affect the narrative too and are quite a pleasant read.
Im so mald I have to stop right in the middle of part 1 but you can bet I'll be reading part 2 soon (assuming uh. My brain doesn't immediately forget.)
Everything up until this point has honestly felt solid and well thought out! Quite curious to see where all these mysteries will lead, what will be revealed and particularly, how will they deal with all this before Odette moves to Alola??? Pressure is on!