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Truth or Dare Crossroads


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Tell me, what cruel god's joke did you end up on the receiving end of?" she asked the stitched-together creature. "You don't end up looking like that without upsetting some kind of higher power."
"Cut the crap. Do you think we fucking KNOW?!" Arctozolt shouted, glaring at the Zorua. "Do you think this is MY fault?! Of course not!"

This is absolutely your fault, though.

The creature's tail rose up and smacked them in the snout.

"All I've been doing is trying to help Pokemon, and what do I get?! Giant pink hand says a few words to me and some asshole, before everything shatters and we wake up like this!" they shout.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Bellatrix didn't so much as flinch at the outburst. There was a judgmental glint in her eye though her expression remained otherwise unreadable.

"I can see why you landed yourself in that body." Was all she said in response.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Fuck off."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"To regain my memories and learn what was responsible for my entire current circumstance before coming here. Once I do..." Her tail lashed. "I will give them a piece of mind before making them pay," she added with gritted teeth.

Mhynt tilted her head. "Interesting," she said. "Someone with lost memories. I have none of that, but I know many in my world who suffer from something similar. Usually from dying, of course, but memory loss is memory loss."

She seemed pensive.

"I suppose some would prefer being dead."


  1. metapod-shiny
Porygon's worst fear emerged, more horrible than ever. They and their charizard collided with the ground, and it shattered through their bone of a body. Static crawled around them. They tried to turn their head to look at NEO. What could Porygon do?

All they could do... was rest...


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
“Really?” Seb’s face became red once more, his embarrassment becoming more evident. “Uh… I don’t really know what to say about that. I mean, should I say thanks? It’s just that I’ve done this before.”

"You do not need to say anything, but feel free to have some pride in your skill," Lee nodded, a proud look on his face. "Even being a shapeshifter I cannot quite mimic voices other than my own. I would be jealous, were I that sort of person."

NEO gets hit by the super-effective Thunder, collapsing on the ground a short ways away from the pillar. The Charizard struggles to get up.

Lee's ear flicked, and he turned just to see NEO crash. He quickly went to NEO and Porygon's side. "Here," he said, offering a paw and a cheri berry.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Porygon's worst fear emerged, more horrible than ever. They and their charizard collided with the ground, and it shattered through their bone of a body. Static crawled around them. They tried to turn their head to look at NEO. What could Porygon do?

Unfortunately, he didn't know what to do for Porygon. He wasn't exactly good with technology...


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Bellatrix didn't spare the creature another response beyond an almost smug look that said 'suit yourself'.

Mhynt tilted her head. "Interesting," she said. "Someone with lost memories. I have none of that, but I know many in my world who suffer from something similar. Usually from dying, of course, but memory loss is memory loss."

She seemed pensive.

"I suppose some would prefer being dead."
She looked down at her paws. "One of the only things I remember before my loss is drowning but I don't think I died, not in the literal sense at least," she muttered. Though the final thing the treecko said bothered her. "Why choose to die when there's always the chance of reclaiming what was once lost?"


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
She looked down at her paws. "One of the only things I remember before my loss is drowning but I don't think I died, not in the literal sense at least," she muttered. Though the final thing the treecko said bothered her. "Why choose to die when there's always the chance of reclaiming what was once lost?"
Drowning? Fake wondered, wishing he could ask himself. But more importantly, of course you'd have memory loss if you died-after all, you'd be...well, dead. He had to agree with Bellatrix on the part about preferring being dead...unless you couldn't get back those memories? But that couldn't just be it! He would have to get to the bottom of this confusion.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
She looked down at her paws. "One of the only things I remember before my loss is drowning but I don't think I died, not in the literal sense at least," she muttered. Though the final thing the treecko said bothered her. "Why choose to die when there's always the chance of reclaiming what was once lost?"

"I would agree," Mhynt replied. "Unfortunately, when faced with forever and no sense of escape, some prefer to stop thinking about it. And to stop thinking about it, they shed what made themselves whole, and become part of the problem. It's... a complicated issue. I can't blame them for wanting to escape their unhappy forever."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Woof woof, motherfucker!" Lillia barked at the slugma (?). Whatever he was. Cool, but kinda freaky at the same time. Maybe it was the 'burning a guy to death' thing. Still, it sounded like he had a decent enough reason for wanting to, so she wasn't gonna hound him over the details. Still, she grinned at him instead, trying to ignore how much cooler his sand castle was than her own.
Gabriel smiled at the Growlithe. "Hey there. What's your name?"

Lillie's voice stuck in her throat. What do you say to that? She... didn't want to offer empty condolences. Or, empty-sounding ones anyways. She just clammed up instead. She had no idea what the right thing to say in a situation like this, only a lot of wrong things.

"I... uhh... It's g- I mean, it's not-" She sighed and restarted. "That sounds like an okay reaction to me. It's a pretty human thing, to... you know... not stopping? It would be kind of strange if you had. So... I guess..."

She took a sip of her tea to stall for time out of force of habit, before realizing that trick probably didn't actually make any sense in this context and she'd probably just made herself look stupid.

"Your friend was lucky to have you there. That's all, I guess..."
Mhynt nodded again, her body language even as she took a seat. "I knew someone like that once," she said. "For different reasons than you, but someone who had been set off and went on an attack against someone, killing them. He regretted it for a very long time, and in some ways, he still does. But now, he's come to understand that about himself, and finds ways to control it and find better outlets. I hope you have that, where you're from. He didn't. It took him a long time."
....oh. "Ah well, it's fine, right? You did it to protect someone important to you. Not out of like, spite or anything." Right? She almost added that to the end, but found she was a little afraid of the answer.
Gabriel glanced away at their reassurances. "Yeah, I guess. I have my friend to talk to, and we vent that stuff playing violent video games together. Still doesn't really go away, you know?"

The words echoed in Lillie's head. She had a hunch she knew whose they were. "Could I...? I..." She took a deep breath. "I... don't think I could. But in a bad way? I feel like I would just give up before being able to really hurt anyone. Even if it was the right thing to do. I feel like a worse person because... Well, because I don't have anything I would stand up for in general? I mean, maybe..."

She glanced at the... Null? Did that count as a Null? She didn't have any other name for it- for them. It was strange for one of them to be here. Was there a reason for that? Then again, why was anything here? It... was probably best not to think about it. But it did remind her of one thing...

"Maybe I'd just be a better person if I could do the right thing when it mattered. Maybe that's why I'm... this. Like, in my last life I closed myself off to the world and ignored everyone, so now I have to be something that has to feel what everyone else does. And that needs other people. I mean, maybe I'd not dead dead but I still can't go home like this or anything."
"Oh yeah, if it came down to that, sure!" Maybe her own carefree admission would help him relax. "Almost have, in fact! Almost, though. Not yet. But if I catch him before my mates do, well. I know how to make it look like an accident."
How were they so calm about this? The Kirlia wished she could kill people? Gabriel listened with a growing pit in his stomach, fidgeting with the sand until it all transformed into a lush garden. He rubbed his slime into his skin and watched as characters came and went. The Espeon dared a Luxray to kiss her and he turned awkwardly away; apparently the game was drifting closer to the sorts of stories he heard from his classmates. Shouldn't he be getting out of here, anyway, if he'd already answered a question?

Before he'd finished the thought, he realized a new prompt was tugging at him from the pillar.

Dare: Transform. Or evolve, at the very least. Maybe if I can see the process in detail...

...What? How was that one sticking? He couldn't transform into anything. How was he supposed to--

In horror, he felt his skin heating up, melting, glowing. What? He lifted his hand as the slime bubbled and watched, heart stopping, as the entire hand melted into half-liquid slime, bone dissolving. "No! Help!" he managed to yelp before his jaw disintegrated too. Everything softened into useless jelly, his body shrinking and collapsing underneath his clothes, and for a hot few seconds, as his heart pumped furiously in the middle of everything, he was sure that he was dying.

Then it was just... okay again, somehow. He couldn't feel his heartbeat anymore; he wasn't sure he had a heart anymore. He looked around, blinking. He had no limbs, no solid form. Just...

Despite it all, he could still move, just by willing his body to flow. He wriggled unsteadily out from under his stiff, plastic-coated clothes. A Slugma. Just a Slugma. "What the hell," he said, voice wavering, suddenly looking up at Pokémon much bigger than him. It was a dream, he reminded himself, just a crazy dream and he'd wake up and everything would be normal. "Uh, can you still understand me?"


  1. metapod-shiny
Porygon looked up at Lee, slowly waking up.

Feeling better, they looked at Charizard frantically, starting to spark again while looking from Lee to NEO.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
"Uh, can you still understand me?"
Fake gaped at the slugma. What just happened? Okay, so I didn't even get half to solving the mystery of suicidal thoughts, and now I'm working on how in the plate's making that human looked at the pillar and ended up melting into lava... Wait. That's it. the pillar! Fake, was, he had to admit, extremely excited that he might actually get to solving one problem at least...but then he saw the dare. All his excitement evaporated instantly.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
"Uh, can you still understand me?"
Once again, Seb was fascinated as he caught sight of Gabriel’s humanoid body transforming into that of a normal Slugma. “Yeah, hello, I can still understand you. My name is Seb. Although, why did you turn into a normal Slugma instead of evolving into a Magcargo?”


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Once again, Seb was fascinated as he caught sight of Gabriel’s humanoid body transforming into that of a normal Slugma. “Yeah, hello, I can still understand you. My name is Seb. Although, why did you turn into a normal Slugma instead of evolving into a Magcargo?”
Gabriel looked up at the... was that a Murkrow Pokémorph of some sort? Seemed more Murkrow than human, but...

"Yeah, uh, I don't know what just happened, but for my parts I hope I don't ever evolve because for the only Pokémorph I know who's evolved it was kind of horrific." He shuddered, his body bubbling uncomfortably. "Are you like... mostly Murkrow, part human, or what?"


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Oh yeah, I’m a bit of both.”

Seb spread his wings, showing his skinny humanoid body at Gabriel.

“I’m kinda full Murkrow, but still retaining a bit of my humanity. I don’t know if it’s symbolic or something.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Porygon looked up at Lee, slowly waking up.

Feeling better, they looked at Charizard frantically, starting to spark again while looking from Lee to NEO.

"He will be alright," Lee said calmly. "Granted, I do not believe I am familiar with pokemon from his world, but a Charizard of any origin should be decently tough. Almost annoyingly so."
Prompt Collection 3 - Snowscape

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
#include <aether_io>

int aetheric_ops()

// Retiring the oldest prompts from this session.
aether_out <<

"- Retire: PROMPT_08_(5)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_09_(3)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_10_(2)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_11_(2)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_12_(7)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_13_(2)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_14_(1)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_15_(3)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_16_(0)\n"
"- Retire: PROMPT_17_(4)\n"

#include <aether_io>

int aetheric_ops()
aether_out <<

"- Type:
"- Text: What is your favorite food?\n"
"- Responses: 0\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What was the most embarrassing thing you've ever witnessed?\n"
"- Responses: 1\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What sort of world do you live in?\n"
"- Responses: 3\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What scares you more: forever or finite?\n"
"- Responses: 5\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What is something you refuse to be wrong about, even if you are wrong?\n"
"- Responses: 0\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: Summon your aura around you, or try to, and try and change its shape or color.\n"
"- Responses: 0\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: Hug a Vikavolt!\n"
"- Responses: 0\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: Race to the pillar and back. Whoever is last must drink their hot tea cold.\n"
"- Responses: 2\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: I dare you to kiss a stranger.\n"
"- Responses: 1\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What is your best friend's most prominent quality?\n"
"- Responses: 0\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: If you had the power to do anything you'd ever wanted, what is the first thing you'll do with said power?\n"
"- Responses: 2\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: If you were to die, what would you want your sacrifice to represent or accomplish?\n"
"- Responses: 1\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: What is the thing you desire the most? \n"
"- Responses: 1\n"

"- Type:
"- Text: Do an impression of another Pokemon present in this place.\n"
"- Responses: 1\n"

// ...

A fair amount of weather manipulation had come about from the gathered visitors. Perhaps...

aether_out <<

"- Target: Snowscape\n"
"- Generate: Drifts\n"
"- Generate: Frost\n"
"- Transform: Snow_Particles\n"

The Pillar shifted at once to stark white, and a rolling fog expanded from its base, rippling across the earth. In its wake, great snowdrifts blossomed up as though being pushed clean through the ground. Frost glittered on the carved stone that had been the plaza, the water spray from the fountain crystallizing. Again, the idea of winter, but lacking the physicality of it. Mist formed from breath despite the apparent temperature remaining balmy.

Alioth poured out some coffee for the guests, closing his eyes contentedly when the first snowflakes settled on his nose. "Ahh, now this is rather more familiar to me."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Another whisper interrupted Seb. Favorite food? Oh dear, he had a clear answer for that, but it may sound terrible now that he thought twice about it. Oh well, better late than never…

“I like to eat fried bird meat. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! It’s not what it sounds like! I’m no cannibal!”


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Summon your aura...Fake didn't know a ounce about how to do that, but he mind as well try. Unluckily, he did summon one-but it was a choking sandstorm of utter confusion. Really? This is my aura? He wasn't too pleased about how it nearly killed him, but eh, it was his, and he couldn't do anything about it. He, it seemed was finally calm for onc-
“I like to eat fried bird meat. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! It’s not what it sounds like! I’m no cannibal!”
Wait, isn't he a bird? There's no excuse-either you are a cannibal, or you're not. No, he was no longer calm. In fact, he thought dryly, If I summon my aura again, I'm rather terrified about how it will look like.
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