"Alright, one-a you guys made the tall lizardy guy disappear and I'm gonna find out who! So why don't you make it easier and just fess up already!" the Floatzel barked.
The voice in her head was saying that this wasn't a very effective way to find any bad guys but maybe the voice was dumb and wrong, maybe it should have considered that, huh?
A loud Floatzel who liked to fight, huh. Familiar, in a warped way, but at the same time not.
Stupid. Wasn't like she was ever likely to see her again. May inhaled sharply and turned away.
"Interesting..." Archie poised. ""So there might an innocent mailman, and a scum mailman? Well," he sighed as he shook his head. He looked at May. "I don't know about you, but whoever sent me my message... if there's some kind of code in it, they ciphered it too well. My message didn't look like instructions or real information of any kind. I think, whoever sent it was just letting everyone know that mailmen exist in this game, though they obviously don't want to reveal their identities."
"I don't think it was a code, just a nonsense phrase. My theory from before stands: I think someone innocent was just sending a message to let us know that a mailman--or mailmen--exists."
May rubbed her forehead for a moment. "Okay, what was the first word of your message? Mine starts with a C. It has the word "received" in it. First word after that starts with an O."
"Multiple messages from multiple senders? And they didn't make sense?" He was growing more concerned by the minute.
"None of them said anything about great deals did they?" Steven brought a hand to his chin in thought, wincing as he found another bruise there.
Great... deals?
She had no idea what that meant, and yet at the same time something disconcerting in her head was telling her what it meant. She started, looking around - Chaletwo? It didn't feel the same, though.
"Nothing like that," she said. "I mean, it's real sentences. If it's some kind of code, it's going to need something more to decipher it."
"I beg your pardon, but I'm not sure I'm ready to assuredly credit the idea that there are two 'mailman' players, just yet," she said, lightly. "With so many roles available, and given the nature of 'role madness', I would be a little surprised if there were duplicate roles in play, hm... It's possible, I grant, but there is another explanation for two messages – besides that one or both recipients might be untruthful! – namely, one message may have been sent by a Parrot. I note that this role is among the list of valid powers. I would caution against drawing firm conclusions with so little evidence available."
"The problem with that theory is that a parrot uses a person's action
on themselves. So if that was why both of us got a message, that'd mean
one of us is the one who's sending messages in the first place. I know I'm not. I didn't
think the pirate guy sounded like he was, either."