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[TOWN WINS] Third Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Heavy footsteps could be heard as a large and imposing luxray made his way onto the scene. His blue eyes were intense and his tail was lashing. He seemed to hiding out in a makeshift den the previous day, but now that the game had finally started, it was finally time to show himself.

"Alright you lily livers, you got your demonstration, so start talking," he growled, weak sparks to electricity crackling across his fur.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Hey!" Burhalla shouted, running over to Archie. "We can't fight! We need to work together to find a way out of here!"

He kept glancing over at the empty space where he has last seen the Inteleon.


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
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Neo knew this place—well, sort of. Not this place, but this strange game…people upset, angry, going missing, bad guys…
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…and it looks like he was so good at catching the bad guys last time, they had to pull him back in!

Something did feel off, though, and it wasn’t just the weird empty space or the tense atmosphere. His head felt…weirdly fuzzy.

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Huh. It probably wasn’t important.

More importantly, two men not far off were in a scuffle. What was all that about?


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
[[uhh I should clarify that the fuzzy head feeling is purely flavor RP, since Neo is not aware he’s sharing a body with Lurosa yet.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"It's just a game," May said. "He's fine. He's just... out of the game."

She took a deep breath. "Anyway, I got a message last night. Guessing that's the mailman role we were told might be in the game. It wasn't very useful with no context, but just in case it means something we don't know about yet, I'm going to stay quiet on what it was for now."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
No announcement, no fanfare, just another blank white morning in the nothingness they still existed in. He wasn't used to the silence. He'd been here before, but the contrast was unnerving, disorienting. It took Steven a few moments to gather himself and take stock of their group. He frowned; the Inteleon was gone.

"So it begins," he muttered to himself. It was a shame. He hadn't met Qitlan long, but the cool, composed way that he had carried himself that first day would surely have been an asset.

Still musing to himself, Steven barely caught the sound of approaching footsteps before a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. The fist slammed into his face before he knew what was happening.

Archie punched the man's face, throwing his full weight into the punch. Steven flew through the air and collapsed onto the ground. Not wasting any time, Archie leapt on top of him, throwing more punches.

"No Pokemon, huh? Who's the 'Champion' NOW, pretty boy?!"

A weight on his chest. More blows landing. He couldn't see properly. Up was down. Down was right. Stars danced in Steven's vision as the punches rained down. It was all he could do to try to curl in on himself, covering his face with his hands. It didn't occur to him to call for help, but as his arms ached and his cheek swelled and his head spun, a moment of clarity struck: This wasn't part of the game.

"Stop! Please!" he cried out, only to get another punch for his troubles. He didn't even know who or what had hit him, but whoever it was they were bigger, stronger, and they were mad.

If someone didn't help soon, well, he'd never seen this happen before... Could participants kill each other outside the rules of the game?

Steven's eye was swollen shut now. The white nothingness around them was starting to go dim....


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[btw this is all flavor, but for real Steven is uh, not very adept at fist fights. someone save him pls]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
He took off at a sprint. In a few short seconds, he reached the silver-haired pretty boy, the self-proclaimed Pokemon "Champion."

Grabbing Steven by the shoulder, Archie punched the man's face, throwing his full weight into the punch. Steven flew through the air and collapsed onto the ground. Not wasting any time, Archie leapt on top of him, throwing more punches.

"No Pokemon, huh? Who's the 'Champion' NOW, pretty boy?!"

A weight on his chest. More blows landing. He couldn't see properly. Up was down. Down was right. Stars danced in Steven's vision as the punches rained down. It was all he could do to try to curl in on himself, covering his face with his hands. It didn't occur to him to call for help, but as his arms ached and his cheek swelled and his head spun, a moment of clarity struck: This wasn't part of the game.

"Stop! Please!" he cried out, only to get another punch for his troubles. He didn't even know who or what had hit him, but whoever it was they were bigger, stronger, and they were mad.

If someone didn't help soon, well, he'd never seen this happen before... Could participants kill each other outside the rules of the game?

Steven's eye was swollen shut now. The white nothingness around them was starting to go dim....

someone save him pls]]

Antares had... not expected this. He paid little attention to the murmurings of the others here. There was a fight, and thankfully he was here to save the day!

"An unjust attack! Fear not, I shall put a stop to this madness!" He said loudly as he rushed over and pounced onto Archie, trying to get him away from Steven.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Ah, his old friend. The dandy. The luxray couldn't help but bark out a laugh before slinking behind the muscular man. He felt that in any other circumstance, he'd be getting along very well with him. He quickly shot some paralysing energy at him to get him off the dandy.

"Been a while, aye?" he asked before turning around to see the blue-haired girl speaking about receiving letters. "Well, don't just stand there, what'd it say?"


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she

The fight was getting worse. Instinct told him to stay out of it—that’s surely what Wes would say, if he were here. But the longer it went on, the more one-sided it looked, and the man throwing the punches…something about him made Neo’s fur stand on end.

He’d seen this before. A big, nasty, angry man towering over a smaller one and beating down on him with mighty fists. The other man even had silver hair, and he looked…a lot like…

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Energy flooded Neo’s body from his paws to his tailtips. He bounded forward with a snarl and sent a blast of psychic energy at the burly man, flooding his brain with a Confusion attack.

Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
There'd been an air of unease over the gathering the night before, or at least over some of its members. Karo hadn't been entirely oblivious to it, but had brushed it off as just people being antsy about what was, after all, still an unexplained situation. He wouldn't have minded some answers himself, but overall he hadn't been too worried. Whatever was coming, he was sure he could handle it--that nearly everyone here could, and that the stronger ones among the crowd could take care of anyone who couldn't handle it.

He'd plunked the inteleon squarely in the "can handle it" category. Now it seemed he'd been wrong.

"...Dang," he said, and sighed. "He seemed like a cool dude. Wish I could've gotten to know him." Sure, he'd been a water-type, but they tended to have good enough control of their powers at their final stage. No real risk of unintended dribbles. Had he been a sobble...

A small lizard, crying in bereavement. His strange, somewhat canine companion gone, vanished in the night. Karo approached, wishing he knew how to properly console the poor little squirt...

Karo made a grating noise, confused and a bit unsettled. That thought was quite a bit clearer than the previous intrusions. More psychic shenanigans? No... no, that assumption didn't feel quite right somehow. That was a real memory. But... from when? And why had he forgotten it?

And, he wondered, what else might he have forgotten?
Grabbing Steven by the shoulder, Archie punched the man's face, throwing his full weight into the punch. Steven flew through the air and collapsed onto the ground. Not wasting any time, Archie leapt on top of him, throwing more punches.

"No Pokemon, huh? Who's the 'Champion' NOW, pretty boy?!"

Still musing to himself, Steven barely caught the sound of approaching footsteps before a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. The fist slammed into his face before he knew what was happening.

A weight on his chest. More blows landing. He couldn't see properly. Up was down. Down was right. Stars danced in Steven's vision as the punches rained down. It was all he could do to try to curl in on himself, covering his face with his hands. It didn't occur to him to call for help, but as his arms ached and his cheek swelled and his head spun, a moment of clarity struck: This wasn't part of the game.

"Stop! Please!" he cried out, only to get another punch for his troubles. He didn't even know who or what had hit him, but whoever it was they were bigger, stronger, and they were mad.

If someone didn't help soon, well, he'd never seen this happen before... Could participants kill each other outside the rules of the game?

Steven's eye was swollen shut now. The white nothingness around them was starting to go dim....

"Hey! HEY!" Karo closed the distance as fast as he could, which wasn't very. "What the heck, bro?" he said to the one who'd attacked Steven. "What'd he ever do to you?" A thought occurred to him. "You think he had something to do with what happened to Inteleon? Maybe you oughta explain yourself instead of going straight into butt whoopin' mode."

To Steven, "Are you okay?" Karo asked. It looked like he was on the brink of passing out. "Now's not the time for a nap. We've got stuff to do." A game to play, apparently. Karo found some solace in that fact--if a fact it was. Maybe the inteleon was just fine. Maybe losers of the game just kind of got... whisked off to a loser's room or something.

Antares had... not expected this. He paid little attention to the murmurings of the others here. There was a fight, and thankfully he was here to save the day!

"An unjust attack! Fear not, I shall put a stop to this madness!" He said loudly as he rushed over and pounced onto Archie, trying to get him away from Steven.

"Go easy on him, okay?" This game wasn't going to be much of a game at all if half the players spent the day knocked out.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck

Archie yelped as a clawed hand wrenched him off of the Champion. A second later, his entire body was paralyzed--he knew that feeling all too well. An electric Pokemon had shocked him. Then his brain flooded with convulsions as a psychic attack hit him, sending him through the air. He then heard the grind and chitter of an angry Nosepass and unhappy Charmander as he lay on his back, stars dancing before his eyes.

He sat up. Thankfully, the electric and psychic attacks weren't that strong (the Pokemon were probably going easy on him, if he was honest, but he liked to think he was experienced enough to handle them). He gazed up at several angry pairs of eyes glaring at him.

"Ugh... all right..."

He slowly got to his feet, holding his head as spots continued to dance and his skull throbbed.

"That boy and I have some beef. Doesn't have anything to do with what's going on here, and doesn't have anything to do with that mutant Kecleon disappearing. It's between us. If someone wants to finish that 'Champion' off, be my guest. But he had it a long time coming."

"It's just a game," May said. "He's fine. He's just... out of the game."

She took a deep breath. "Anyway, I got a message last night. Guessing that's the mailman role we were told might be in the game. It wasn't very useful with no context, but just in case it means something we don't know about yet, I'm going to stay quiet on what it was for now."
"I should probably add... I got a message, too. It... didn't really make any sense. But it looks like we've got some mailmen at work here."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
The ground shook beneath Steven, at least he was coherent enough to register that. Then a flash, more shouting, and then suddenly the weight on his chest lifted. He gasped, rolling to his side, and managed to half crawl, half drag himself away. Where, he had no idea, but somewhere that wasn't there.

"Been a while, aye?"
Along the way, he thought he heard a familiar voice, but he was too dazed to place it. He was too focused on breathing and figuring out if he was still in one piece.

He was seated, cradling the side of his face in his hand when he felt a presence at his side.
"Are you okay?" Karo asked. It looked like he was on the brink of passing out. "Now's not the time for a nap. We've got stuff to do."

"No," Steven said, breathing heavily. "No, I'll be alright."

Gingerly he felt around the rest of his face. His left eye was swollen shut, and when he dabbed at his lip, some blood came away on his fingers. Turning to his left, he found Karo's concerned stare. Behind him had gathered several other pokemon who must have come to his aid. He tried to muster a smile.

"I think I'm going to need a moment, though," he said.


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
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Neo backed off, but only a pace. He watched the Nasty-Man’s movements with narrowed eyes, growling and twitching his tail. He knew from his previous experience that mean individuals could still be on the same team as him and help him hunt down the bad guys…but that didn’t mean he had to like them. And he certainly had no intention of befriending Nasty-Man. Even Snot-Bird would have been more preferable.

"I should probably add... I got a message, too. It... didn't really make any sense. But it looks like we've got some mailmen at work here."

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He perked up a little at the mention of messages. That was a good thing, right? But why wasn’t anybody sharing their messages? Maybe they were secret?


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
The ground shook beneath Steven, at least he was coherent enough to register that. Then a flash, more shouting, and then suddenly the weight on his chest lifted. He gasped, rolling to his side, and managed to half crawl, half drag himself away. Where, he had no idea, but somewhere that wasn't there.

Along the way, he thought he heard a familiar voice, but he was too dazed to place it. He was too focused on breathing and figuring out if he was still in one piece.

He was seated, cradling the side of his face in his hand when he felt a presence at his side.

"No," Steven said, breathing heavily. "No, I'll be alright."

Gingerly he felt around the rest of his face. His left eye was swollen shut, and when he dabbed at his lip, some blood came away on his fingers. Turning to his left, he found Karo's concerned stare. Behind him had gathered several other pokemon who must have come to his aid. He tried to muster a smile.

"I think I'm going to need a moment, though," he said.

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The other man’s movement caught his eye, and Neo turned and trotted over to him, sniffing at his injuries. It looked like he would be okay. Neo had seen worse, anyway.

Still, he could feel the man’s discomfort rolling off his tense frame. Neo tentatively rested his head on the silver-haired man’s knee, ears pricked forward, and attempted to soothe him with a gentle purr.

Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
Hey, now there was an idea. Not really the sort of thing his kind were known for, and nothing he'd ever tried before, but it was worth a go, right? Karo inched his way closer to Steven, careful not to trample his hand or lean against him too much, and decided to try his hand at purring.

The result sounded more akin to an irate, poorly-functioning microwave. But hey, it's the thought that counts.


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
[[Oh also just a heads up, Neo’s posts will be in a different font from the default just to help make it easier to differentiate between when he or Lurosa are talking. So if the formatting or the font is kind of inconsistent, I apologize 😅 I promise there’s no game mechanic there or anything, I’m just technologically challenged.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
View attachment 2627

The other man’s movement caught his eye, and Neo turned and trotted over to him, sniffing at his injuries. It looked like he would be okay. Neo had seen worse, anyway.

Still, he could feel the man’s discomfort rolling off his tense frame. Neo tentatively rested his head on the silver-haired man’s knee, ears pricked forward, and attempted to soothe him with a gentle purr.

Hey, now there was an idea. Not really the sort of thing his kind were known for, and nothing he'd ever tried before, but it was worth a go, right? Karo inched his way closer to Steven, careful not to trample his hand or lean against him too much, and decided to try his hand at purring.

The result sounded more akin to an irate, poorly-functioning microwave. But hey, it's the thought that counts.

The sudden touch on his knee startled Steven, and he looked down to find a purring Espeon staring back at him. Gratefully, he rested one hand atop the psychic-type's head just between its ears. Steven wasn't quite used to a pokemon's touch to be so warm. Or soft. But it felt nice and calming, and he couldn't help but give a gentle scratch as thanks.

A more familiar sensation nudged up against Steven's side, and unconsciously he leaned into it. Karo's hum was low, and soothing (just like Metagross's, but different in pitch), but then it shifted, grating and rattling and, oh my god, Steven realized what Karo was doing and despite everything he'd been through, he started to laugh. As absurd as it was, it was strangely soothing.

"Wait until I tell Roxanne that Nosepass know how to purr," Steven said to no one in particular. He rested his head against Karo, the cool surface a relief against his bruises. "Thank you, Karo. And you, too," he said to the Espeon in his lap. "Truly."


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"That boy and I have some beef. Doesn't have anything to do with what's going on here, and doesn't have anything to do with that mutant Kecleon disappearing. It's between us. If someone wants to finish that 'Champion' off, be my guest. But he had it a long time coming."
"You, though," said Steven, fixing his assailant with a glare, still seated between Karo and his new Espeon friend. "I don't know what kind of 'beef' you think we have. I've never met you before in my life."
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