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[Town victory] Vanilla Mafia!


  1. nidoqueen
[[My read list is super short, because so is my attention span:

Hella Sus:
Abra and Flyg0n (I think claiming lovers is, like, the dumbest ploy on earth.)

Vaguely Sus:
Steven Stone (I think we are allowing them to hold a lot of power, at the very least, and I caution people to not make him the Messaiah. I just wanna put that hero worship on the radar.)
Sind (made a last minute mic-drop that felt kinda-newbie, but also kinda sus?)

Village Idiot:
Me (lmao)]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[My read list is super short, because so is my attention span:

Hella Sus:
Abra and Flyg0n (I think claiming lovers is, like, the dumbest ploy on earth.)

Vaguely Sus:
Steven Stone (I think we are allowing them to hold a lot of power, at the very least, and I caution people to not make him the Messaiah. I just wanna put that hero worship on the radar.)
Sind (made a last minute mic-drop that felt kinda-newbie, but also kinda sus?)

Village Idiot:
Me (lmao)]]
[[…bruh NO]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
[[Let it be known that once I get my first gray hairs, I’m gonna be blaming this game for them.]]
[[ this game's gonna give me more gray hairs 🤣 ]]

[[Can't be stressed by Mafia if you're already stressed from irl 😎 ]]

[[Mainly for making a lot of posts with not a lot of mechanical content. Which isn't hugely indicative, and I feel bad about it when Bluwii hasn't been playing much at all today, but may be some of the best we have?

Mmmmmhhh. As it stands I'd prooobably on balance go Pixie, because of the voting behaviour re Homestar that I pointed out before in my bigpost, but again, waiting for Pano's info.]]

[[It might just be my brain thing not wanting to vote someone who isn't present within the day, since I know Perse and Blu haven't exactly been active as of late, meaning the latter half of the Mafia day. I'd rather vote for someone who is active and also sus, but as things turned out we ain't got no one like that. I'd be frustrated if I wasn't also drowning in popcorn watching everything.

Although, honestly, we should probably start with picking off the inactive/unhelpful peeps off first... Were it not for Pixie's interesting RP flavor, I wouldn't wanna vote her. I still don't so... bleh. I feel like all I'm doing is rambling, also, none of this is really useful it's just my brain trying to process everything.

If I had to pick one... Clovis sounds like a decent pick to vote out, but that's only coming off of what Flyg0n said, so I guess I'll ask for them why we aren't voting Clovis out.

Which was answered as I typed this, thank god I checked the other messages. Didn't realize Clovis was the other possible Lover... I am starting to see how this game has delved into confusion.]]

Reme shook her head, groaning slightly. "How unfortunate..." she muttered. "Other than the four possible Lovers, and Mike potentially being Bulletproof, did anyone else roleclaim? Other than the other Vanillas? We might be able to single out someone who claimed Vanilla and didn't give any extra information and hopefully press them to confess, or even tally up how many Town there are and see if my claim that there is an odd number of town can play a hand in deciding the vote... somehow."

"With the Four Lovers, possibly being town, Mike being Bulletproof, and I can only really count myself for certain in this to start, that makes six town," Reme went on.

[[I... feel bad asking if anyone kept track of people's claims, but I know I didn't, other than the ones that came up frequently. There's also Blu/Pory I believed claimed Informed Vanilla, but I can't remember clearly what they said nor can I find it Damned eyes... I don't want to reset the progress everyone's made so far, but with all the confusion I think trying to get everyone that at least claimed Vanilla Town / Informed Town could help clear up some of it

Or that's too much to ask and I'll gladly sit in the corner with my day old grilled cheese and sulk in somber silence. Like it's a tuesday or somethin']]


  1. nidoqueen

The nintendo flew into Mike's warm embrace.

"Oh my god," Mike whispered, stretching out his hands to receive the little DS. "Okay, I know we're hardcore memeing right now, but please never leave." He flipped open the lid, and -- using his finger as a stylus -- drew a little heart on the bottom screen.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
A clatter sounds from the edge of the assembled group, and a small quartz crystal tumbles into view. Steven steps forward and kneels down to pick the crystal up from the ground. His hand trembles slightly as he gives the crystal a wistful smile and tucks it into his pocket. There's a deflated air to the way Steven stands, his shoulders have drooped, and the wistful look doesn't fade even as his smile does. He turns to the girl so dedicated to her partner pokemon that she even dressed like them. He'd finally learned her name, and now...

"I'm so sorry, Hana. I was unable to protect you, in the end." Steven's fist clenches at his side. "I could have done more to save you, and Kent, too."

He lets his gaze linger on Hana's. He'd seen the desperation in her eyes when she'd defended Kent from Mike, the desperation of wanting to be a part of this game, to survive. It made his chest hurt. He took another breath before turning to address the group.

"I believed that revealing too much was a dangerous thing. It turns out I was a fool for not revealing more, and because of that, two innocents have been exposed. The lovers have nothing to offer, nothing to give in order to protect themselves. Hana has been forced to give up everything to protect her partner, and even then it might not be enough to save either of them. We, as a town, had to be the ones to protect them, and we've failed. I've failed."

Steven stared hard at the ground. If only he'd been bolder, quicker...

"I now know I need to share more of what I know, and what I have deduced. I am Town. I cannot give any more information to corroborate this on the grounds of giving away valuable information to the enemy. The only thing I have to say is that I realized Tetra's role earlier in the day, and tried to protect both her and Kent by supporting Kent's innocence. I could not give anything more other than my support, otherwise it would reveal their roles and expose both of them to danger."

"I realize this is suspect, the timing of everything. That is why I wrote everything down to make sure there could be no dispute as to when I arrived at these conclusions." Steven pats the letter, still safely tucked in his jacket pocket. "I know you all cannot read my writing, but surely Diyem can corroborate what is written here." [[sorry quick RP break, trying to figure out a way to explain that I had all of these reads as of yesterday before Sind's claim to know who the lovers were, but was unable to post due to real life schedule. Curious how Sind's lovers claim came in just *after* I announced I was going to bed. Probably coincidence, but the irony is not lost on me.]]

"Speaking of timing, it is because of this that I do not believe Clovis's claim that he knows who the lovers are. If he had known, would he not have tried to defend Kent from Mike in the first place? Why did he only come out to claim he knows the identity of the lovers after my support of Kent's innocence? I don't believe Clovis knows the identity of any of the lovers and made up their clue to put suspicion back on Kent, either that, or they have extrapolated their clue from "there is a pair of lovers in this game" to make a false claim of knowing their identity. To have a vanilla role receive the identity of not one, but two, players as a clue is a huge boon and one I am inclined to believe is impossible. So far the clues have not carried any huge significance to revealing the identity of any player by name; I cannot believe a clue would outright name the roles of two of the most vulnerable players in the game."

"That being said, as suspicious as I am of Clovis, I am uncertain if we should vote for him tonight. This is because of the amazing coincidence that so many players in the game have decided to land blame on Kent right out of the gate. Nothing has pointed to Kent in being a role of any sort before he was already being accused. And not just from one direction, from multiple. This, in my eyes, is a coordinated effort. As we know, Town cannot coordinate with each other without exposing their information to the general group, and therefore to the Mafia. Town must play their cards close to the vest in order to survive and protect each other. This means, then, that a coordinated attack on one player without prior suspicion suggests premeditation, which is only something the Mafia can achieve."

"Yes, Kent was being aggressive toward many players and that does not make many allies, but that is also not a reason for Mike, Reme, and Clovis to vote Kent, not once, but multiple times throughout the course of the day's discussion. There were others who voted Kent, yes, but after new evidence came to light, they were more hesitant to vote."

"There has been no hesitation on the part of Mike and Clovis, and to some extent, Reme, to vote for Kent continually and for multiple, unrelated reasons. I'm sorry, I cannot come up with specifics right now because of the amount of discussion, and also expediency, as we are nearing the end of the day, but I hope you can trust me that all of this is documented in my notes."

Steven turns to Reme. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but I don't fully trust you at the moment. You were very kind to Mike in healing his ankle, but kindness cannot hide the fact that you were adamant that Kent should be eliminated by the Town today. And even with Hana's role reveal, you still are insistent to vote Kent, and are abstaining from voting against both Mike and Clovis."

Steven glares at Clovis. "I am not voting for you tonight on the simple basis that I am unsure of your actual alignment. Let it be said though, you are not here to help anyone but yourself."

Finally, Steven wheeled to face Mike. "I am not a fan of someone who can so easily point a finger at another person with the knowledge that their accusation may lead to their... elimination. You have proven to be untrustworthy, and also a potential hazard to yourself and others due to your reckless behavior. Both of your role claims are important Town positions, but as bulletproof you set yourself up to survive even if the Mafia decides to target you. This, to me, is a very convenient claim as a Mafia member when during the night, you are not targeted at all. Not because the Mafia fears you won't die because of your bulletproof status, or that they want to not waste a Juggernaut kill on you rather than at someone valuable who is protected by a doctor, but because you are Mafia yourself. You were armed with the knowledge, somehow, that Kent would be the Mafia's target today, and you started things off right out of the gate. Either that, or you actually are innocent, but because of your blunder, you've set this chain of events in motion that exposed even more of your fellow townspeople. For that, I am choosing to vote for Mike tonight."

"Ah," Steven caught himself, realizing how much he'd actually talked just now. "I'm sorry. I've taken up a lot of your time tonight. I do feel better, though, having said my piece. If it's alright, I'd like to spend the remainder of the night enjoying the scenery."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Can't be stressed by Mafia if you're already stressed from irl 😎 ]]

[[It might just be my brain thing not wanting to vote someone who isn't present within the day, since I know Perse and Blu haven't exactly been active as of late, meaning the latter half of the Mafia day. I'd rather vote for someone who is active and also sus, but as things turned out we ain't got no one like that. I'd be frustrated if I wasn't also drowning in popcorn watching everything.

Although, honestly, we should probably start with picking off the inactive/unhelpful peeps off first... Were it not for Pixie's interesting RP flavor, I wouldn't wanna vote her. I still don't so... bleh. I feel like all I'm doing is rambling, also, none of this is really useful it's just my brain trying to process everything.

If I had to pick one... Clovis sounds like a decent pick to vote out, but that's only coming off of what Flyg0n said, so I guess I'll ask for them why we aren't voting Clovis out.

Which was answered as I typed this, thank god I checked the other messages. Didn't realize Clovis was the other possible Lover... I am starting to see how this game has delved into confusion.]]

Reme shook her head, groaning slightly. "How unfortunate..." she muttered. "Other than the four possible Lovers, and Mike potentially being Bulletproof, did anyone else roleclaim? Other than the other Vanillas? We might be able to single out someone who claimed Vanilla and didn't give any extra information and hopefully press them to confess, or even tally up how many Town there are and see if my claim that there is an odd number of town can play a hand in deciding the vote... somehow."

"With the Four Lovers, possibly being town, Mike being Bulletproof, and I can only really count myself for certain in this to start, that makes six town," Reme went on.

[[I... feel bad asking if anyone kept track of people's claims, but I know I didn't, other than the ones that came up frequently. There's also Blu/Pory I believed claimed Informed Vanilla, but I can't remember clearly what they said nor can I find it Damned eyes... I don't want to reset the progress everyone's made so far, but with all the confusion I think trying to get everyone that at least claimed Vanilla Town / Informed Town could help clear up some of it

Or that's too much to ask and I'll gladly sit in the corner with my day old grilled cheese and sulk in somber silence. Like it's a tuesday or somethin']]
“I claimed vanilla,” Wes said with a raised hand. “And Porygon also said they were vanilla, with a hint that confirmed the existence of a serial killer…although they didn’t share this information until after Kent was already accused of being one.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[Also, I just wanted to chime in and say that if you have a strong townread on me and you trust my judgment, please also trust Lyn/Hazel. I have such a fucking strong townread off her right now, and she's smart. Pay attention to her.]]

VOTE: PIXIE (plz only agree with me if it turns out not to be a bad idea)

[[I... never mind. No idea now.]]

[[although the Mike bulletprood thing might be another galaxy strat and if we're talking about unhelpful townies, Mike's been throwing everything off since the beginning))]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[[I dont KNOW. I'm only confused by the potential of four lovers and everyone insisting sind is definitely innocent]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
A clatter sounds from the edge of the assembled group, and a small quartz crystal tumbles into view. Steven steps forward and kneels down to pick the crystal up from the ground. His hand trembles slightly as he gives the crystal a wistful smile and tucks it into his pocket. There's a deflated air to the way Steven stands, his shoulders have drooped, and the wistful look doesn't fade even as his smile does. He turns to the girl so dedicated to her partner pokemon that she even dressed like them. He'd finally learned her name, and now...

"I'm so sorry, Hana. I was unable to protect you, in the end." Steven's fist clenches at his side. "I could have done more to save you, and Kent, too."

He lets his gaze linger on Hana's. He'd seen the desperation in her eyes when she'd defended Kent from Mike, the desperation of wanting to be a part of this game, to survive. It made his chest hurt. He took another breath before turning to address the group.

"I believed that revealing too much was a dangerous thing. It turns out I was a fool for not revealing more, and because of that, two innocents have been exposed. The lovers have nothing to offer, nothing to give in order to protect themselves. Hana has been forced to give up everything to protect her partner, and even then it might not be enough to save either of them. We, as a town, had to be the ones to protect them, and we've failed. I've failed."

Steven stared hard at the ground. If only he'd been bolder, quicker...

"I now know I need to share more of what I know, and what I have deduced. I am Town. I cannot give any more information to corroborate this on the grounds of giving away valuable information to the enemy. The only thing I have to say is that I realized Tetra's role earlier in the day, and tried to protect both her and Kent by supporting Kent's innocence. I could not give anything more other than my support, otherwise it would reveal their roles and expose both of them to danger."

"I realize this is suspect, the timing of everything. That is why I wrote everything down to make sure there could be no dispute as to when I arrived at these conclusions." Steven pats the letter, still safely tucked in his jacket pocket. "I know you all cannot read my writing, but surely Diyem can corroborate what is written here." [[sorry quick RP break, trying to figure out a way to explain that I had all of these reads as of yesterday before Sind's claim to know who the lovers were, but was unable to post due to real life schedule. Curious how Sind's lovers claim came in just *after* I announced I was going to bed. Probably coincidence, but the irony is not lost on me.]]

"Speaking of timing, it is because of this that I do not believe Clovis's claim that he knows who the lovers are. If he had known, would he not have tried to defend Kent from Mike in the first place? Why did he only come out to claim he knows the identity of the lovers after my support of Kent's innocence? I don't believe Clovis knows the identity of any of the lovers and made up their clue to put suspicion back on Kent, either that, or they have extrapolated their clue from "there is a pair of lovers in this game" to make a false claim of knowing their identity. To have a vanilla role receive the identity of not one, but two, players as a clue is a huge boon and one I am inclined to believe is impossible. So far the clues have not carried any huge significance to revealing the identity of any player by name; I cannot believe a clue would outright name the roles of two of the most vulnerable players in the game."

"That being said, as suspicious as I am of Clovis, I am uncertain if we should vote for him tonight. This is because of the amazing coincidence that so many players in the game have decided to land blame on Kent right out of the gate. Nothing has pointed to Kent in being a role of any sort before he was already being accused. And not just from one direction, from multiple. This, in my eyes, is a coordinated effort. As we know, Town cannot coordinate with each other without exposing their information to the general group, and therefore to the Mafia. Town must play their cards close to the vest in order to survive and protect each other. This means, then, that a coordinated attack on one player without prior suspicion suggests premeditation, which is only something the Mafia can achieve."

"Yes, Kent was being aggressive toward many players and that does not make many allies, but that is also not a reason for Mike, Reme, and Clovis to vote Kent, not once, but multiple times throughout the course of the day's discussion. There were others who voted Kent, yes, but after new evidence came to light, they were more hesitant to vote."

"There has been no hesitation on the part of Mike and Clovis, and to some extent, Reme, to vote for Kent continually and for multiple, unrelated reasons. I'm sorry, I cannot come up with specifics right now because of the amount of discussion, and also expediency, as we are nearing the end of the day, but I hope you can trust me that all of this is documented in my notes."

Steven turns to Reme. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but I don't fully trust you at the moment. You were very kind to Mike in healing his ankle, but kindness cannot hide the fact that you were adamant that Kent should be eliminated by the Town today. And even with Hana's role reveal, you still are insistent to vote Kent, and are abstaining from voting against both Mike and Clovis."

Steven glares at Clovis. "I am not voting for you tonight on the simple basis that I am unsure of your actual alignment. Let it be said though, you are not here to help anyone but yourself."

Finally, Steven wheeled to face Mike. "I am not a fan of someone who can so easily point a finger at another person with the knowledge that their accusation may lead to their... elimination. You have proven to be untrustworthy, and also a potential hazard to yourself and others due to your reckless behavior. Both of your role claims are important Town positions, but as bulletproof you set yourself up to survive even if the Mafia decides to target you. This, to me, is a very convenient claim as a Mafia member when during the night, you are not targeted at all. Not because the Mafia fears you won't die because of your bulletproof status, or that they want to not waste a Juggernaut kill on you rather than at someone valuable who is protected by a doctor, but because you are Mafia yourself. You were armed with the knowledge, somehow, that Kent would be the Mafia's target today, and you started things off right out of the gate. Either that, or you actually are innocent, but because of your blunder, you've set this chain of events in motion that exposed even more of your fellow townspeople. For that, I am choosing to vote for Mike tonight."

"Ah," Steven caught himself, realizing how much he'd actually talked just now. "I'm sorry. I've taken up a lot of your time tonight. I do feel better, though, having said my piece. If it's alright, I'd like to spend the remainder of the night enjoying the scenery."
“Wait a second,” Wes said hastily, “I agree that this guy is a moron, but I don’t think he could be mafia with how reckless he’s been. I don’t trust him, but I don’t think it’s wise to vote for him today.”

Instead, Wes turned to face Pixie. The little Vulpix had done little to contribute, save stirring the pot occasionally against Kent and Mike’s favor. And Porygon…they couldn’t be trusted, either.
[[Wait, why would I vote Pixie, idk, I was scrambling to think of what to do. On second thought… gonna change that. Absolute last chance for to change anything comes up in the dentist waiting room, I expect.]]


“The hell? What’s your reasoning for changing so last minute??”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Wait, why would I vote Pixie, idk, I was scrambling to think of what to do. On second thought… gonna change that. Absolute last chance for to change anything comes up in the dentist waiting room, I expect.]]

[[I know you’re busy and might not be able to answer but seriously why did you change your vote I am so confused]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Speaking of timing, it is because of this that I do not believe Clovis's claim that he knows who the lovers are. If he had known, would he not have tried to defend Kent from Mike in the first place? Why did he only come out to claim he knows the identity of the lovers after my support of Kent's innocence? I don't believe Clovis knows the identity of any of the lovers and made up their clue to put suspicion back on Kent, either that, or they have extrapolated their clue from "there is a pair of lovers in this game" to make a false claim of knowing their identity. To have a vanilla role receive the identity of not one, but two, players as a clue is a huge boon and one I am inclined to believe is impossible. So far the clues have not carried any huge significance to revealing the identity of any player by name; I cannot believe a clue would outright name the roles of two of the most vulnerable players in the game."
[[Clovis didn't receive vanilla info about who the lovers are; he was cagey about it, but reading between the lines, he is a lover, who knows his own partner's identity. That's why people are talking about four lovers.]]


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
"Ah, one more thing," Steven said, ducking back into the group once more. "I forgot to add, I got a little carried away. That happens sometimes."

"To Wes, Hazel, Ebony, and Anti, please stay strong. To the others I may have missed, Bartholomew, Altair, Salem, Jean, I'm sorry I haven't gotten to know you more, but I believe in you to do the right thing."


  1. nidoqueen
Finally, Steven wheeled to face Mike. "I am not a fan of someone who can so easily point a finger at another person with the knowledge that their accusation may lead to their... elimination. You have proven to be untrustworthy, and also a potential hazard to yourself and others due to your reckless behavior. Both of your role claims are important Town positions, but as bulletproof you set yourself up to survive even if the Mafia decides to target you. This, to me, is a very convenient claim as a Mafia member when during the night, you are not targeted at all. Not because the Mafia fears you won't die because of your bulletproof status, or that they want to not waste a Juggernaut kill on you rather than at someone valuable who is protected by a doctor, but because you are Mafia yourself. You were armed with the knowledge, somehow, that Kent would be the Mafia's target today, and you started things off right out of the gate. Either that, or you actually are innocent, but because of your blunder, you've set this chain of events in motion that exposed even more of your fellow townspeople. For that, I am choosing to vote for Mike tonight."

"I copped to not liking him," Mike reiterated, swallowing his nerves at being confronted by a living legend, " and to that being my initial, misguided finger-point, but I can't look a lover claim in the face by anyone and believe that that's anything but a scum gamble. I've laid out my case nice and clear. For all we know, Hana's claim of being their partner is a Mafia ploy at protection.

"I won't change my tune. I can't change my tune. Any other vote I cast is, in my opinion, unfaithful to my beliefs. Not to mention, completely thrown away."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[What is the current vote tally?]]


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
[[Okay so I caught up with this the best I could, I'm feeling blegh today so no RP. I have no clue what we're doing, but agree with whoever said I can't remember that we should probably lynch today--I'd want to find the SK first especially. Because that's at least one additional kill per night, plus whatever Mafia can do. (Do we know how many kills per night they get? Or was that included in the manual and I'm just dumb) So with that in mind... can someone fill me in on who is a reasonable lynch today and why?]]
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