Salem was already out of her depth. There were no dead bodies to see, but apparent
death was here all the same. Mortal danger was new to her (hunting little stupid prey animals didn't prepare you for a thinking, speaking person being there one day and gone the next) and
she could be next. She hadn't got any experience with 'games' like this! Maybe she should just stay out of the way...
[[Calm down, Salem. You'll be alright. Just think about what people are trying to get each other to think and why they might be doing that. You're smart enough for that. And although you might not know for sure who to trust just yet, you aren't alone.]]

Something told her she still had a chance of getting out of this. It was almost like... Something about this place not only let her speak as articulately as she wanted, but gave her insights she wouldn't normally have. Even though she was frightened, instead of giving up...
She'd do her best!
Starting with making friends, perhaps!

"Hi to you as well!" she said to the newcomer, following Ebony closely. I'm Salem! We all have to play a game about finding hidden killers in the group, and everyone who loses gets punished in a terrible place! But it'll probably be fine because a lot of us don't seem worried!"
...Salem had the feeling that if she were here, Dusk would be covering her pace with her palm.
[[You need to contribute to the hunting effort. Consider what the Innocents need in order to win. Who seems to be making the most sense right now? Remember what Dusk taught you about complex plans!]]

"Okay... We don't have lots of information yet, and the killers are obviously also
liars who will try to get us to turn on each other. But... We
have to turn on people we think are lying killers. And some of us might be lying
innocents because lying helps us win somehow. Hmm..."
Salem considered some of what was being said. Accusations being flung about,
rules for games like this and whether they might be in effect, some participants trying to reason out likely possibilities and others grasping wildly at convoluted plans... It kept on and on, and people started talking across each other, snapping at each other—

"Hey!" she shouted, feeling a headache coming on, "The rules here aren't clear and we shouldn't get mad at people because they understand them differently for some reason! What if that human who says he can tell people's powers is telling the truth and just isn't being very careful? That seems a lot more likely than that he has a really complicated plan he's also badly failing to carry out. The killers will be better liars than that because they can plan their lies together!"

"If we guess wildly at what the killers' complicated plans might be, we're very likely to just be wrong. We need to play it safe right now. I know it looks like that Mike human could be lying, but that angry Kent creature hasn't tried helping anyone at all! If we voted for him and it turned out Mike was lying, we could just get rid of him immediately, anyway..."
Even though the thought of doing so made her feel a little like she'd eaten something bad.
[[Tetra's enthusiasm is commendable, but her wild theories are the opposite of the principle of Occam's Razor and I'm not seeing why she thinks it's so urgent to get rid of Mike. As for Kent, I can only imagine that he's a Lover, in which case he should have tried to keep it secret and pretend to be a townie, or he's Bulletproof, in which case he's already blown his cover by admitting his motivations, or he's lying. I don't trust him.]]
[[Anyway, y'all, just remember most of us are inexperienced or even brand-new and it does well to remain considerate and sporting, and also to remember that the Mafia don't usually do crazy risky galaxy brained strats where they trade one-for-one.]]