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PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Then the alarm sounded. An earsplitting siren, assaulting my senses out of nowhere.

Oh boy, Team Rocket has finally found them, haven’t they? No way this is just a random fire (even if waking up in the middle of the night to find out the building you’re in is on fire can still be pretty terrifying)

Reed had crumpled to the ground in an awkward heap, his eyes wide and staring and a bullet hole in his head.

Rest in peace Reed, we hardly knew ya

Our best bet is busting through a side wall

Wouldn’t busting through a side window be easier? With how big the place is, I doubt the Rockets are watching every single window anyway.

Anyone with priority attackers should send them with me, they’ll be too fast to get shot.

You can’t get shot if you Naruto run past the bullets. Everyone knows this.

humans were easy enough to knock down with a Quick Attack or two, but Pokémon?

But that would logically only apply to Pokémon that are heavier than humans.

A scarily bright orange glow lit the night sky, and then the brilliant form of a blazing phoenix soared into view overhead. My stomach tied itself into knots just looking at it. Moltres. They’d brought Moltres with them?

Oh shit, I see Team Rocket is not playing around.

What were we supposed to do if a Legendary Pokémon was targeting us?

Spam Protect and run?

“*This place is our home too. And it’s under attack. Why wouldn’t we be involved?*”

This place was their home. I’d always thought the experiments merely tolerated us, but they actually liked it here, didn’t they?

Eyyyy, character development!

The buzzing of insect wings was the only warning. A green blur shot out of nowhere, striking all four Rockets with such speed and precision that by the time I had finished blinking, all of them had staggered backward, unconscious before they even hit the ground.

A recurring trope in LC that I’ve noticed is “Experiment/Clone enters the scene and instantly defeats all the Rockets on screen”, with this here being another example of it. I’ll be honest… I really don’t like it when that happens. It doesn’t make me appreciate the experiments’ strength and just give me the feeling the protagonists are getting easy and unearned victories, even if they’re relatively small and minor victories. This point may be moot since I’m far behind, but I hope we’ll see less of it in the future, since it almost feels like an LC staple for every Team Rocket encounter.

I stared, feeling a chill run down my spine. I recognized him. The lead experiment handler. Razors’s old trainer—Tyson.

Whelp, seems like everyone is here. First Astrid and now him. I still can’t help but think of the Tyson from the anime every time he appears, since they’re both from Team Rocket and hold the same rank

In one swift motion, he raised an arm and drew a scythe across his own throat. Dark blood sprayed as his body jerked suddenly, then his legs gave out and his body fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Holy shit, I definitely didn’t see that one coming.

And then Chibi turned his attention to Tyson, who blanched and recalled the rock-type before taking off running.

Not sure why Tyson doesn’t just try to shoot or punch or kick away Chibi. With how insanely fast Pokémon can move in this setting with Quick Attack and the like, I feel like he should have known that he was never outrunning Chibi.

instantly snapping it sideways at a grotesque angle.


And he continued screaming the entire time he stabbed the Rocket over and over with his tail

Wait, what? How? I know Chibi ain’t a normal Pikachu, but even in all the art I’ve seen, his tail never looked like it was hard or sharp, let alone both. And unless I’ve completely missed something, I don’t think there were ever any hints in the story that Chibi could use his tail as a knife.

My eyes slid behind her, where the experimental Raticate lay motionless aside from its matted fur rising and falling with each shuddering breath.

I’m almost surprised she didn’t kill the Raticate at this point.

“Tell me you have an empty Pokéball,” I pleaded.

Darren nodded before quickly retrieving one from his backpack and handing it to me. I tapped it to Stygian’s shoulder, and her form dissolved into it. Then Darren grabbed my hand and our surroundings melted into distorted light before re-forming into somewhere completely different. We were standing in the middle of the street in a small town. The polished red roof of a Pokémon Center stood out against a scattering of old wooden buildings, and the oppressive heat of the stadium fire had become a cool, salty breeze.

“This isn’t… where are we?” I asked.

I feel like the chapter really could have benefited from a scene break here.

“Wartortle’s dead,” Rudy croaked.

Well… damn.

Reassure him that it wasn’t his fault? In other words, lie to his face?

Ouch, that’s harsh.

Our identities were safe, he’d said. Not mine. Mine was compromised ever since the day Astrid pieced together who I was.

Yeah, I guess she’s into this until the end, huh. Looks like we’re moving onto Johto next then.

Overall, I have mixed feelings about this chapter. On the one hand, from a high level I like what happened here and it’s a cool chapter. Team Rocket raiding the rebels’ headquarters, a final confrontation with Tyson, and a mix up of the status quo alongside some serious losses on the protagonist side.

On the other hand, the execution just… didn’t do it for me. I didn’t like how the individual fights with the Rockets were written, in particular Tyson’s. The way Chibi killed him just felt… for a lack of a better word, “edgy”. Tyson just suddenly stopped being a threat and gets killed in this brutal and over the top way. Like, I get that Chibi was very upset over Tyson driving Razors to kill himself, and while him trying this was justified, it actually succeeding so easily (or it even happening period) is another thing entirely.

At least I look forward to how things will continue, since it’s the end of the rebellion and arc of the story. Just wish I would have enjoyed such a hype and climactic chapter more.


That's "I come anon 6"
northern Virginia
  1. alakazam
Okay, been about 7 years since my last proper review of this and 5 years since my last out-of-thread semi-review, but I'm back on the wagon. Since it had been long enough that I forgot where exactly I left off, I started over from the beginning a while ago. I just reached chapter 49 (which I notice has the art from your sig banner, neat!), and I didn't take notes, so this is going to be some out-of-order impressions of what I've read of Book 2 so far. Going to aim to read and review chapters 49-to-latest in more detailed fashion for the upcoming Review Blitz.

At last, the long-foreshadowed teamup with Lugia! Loved Jade's freakout during their meeting in the cave. What sticks out to me is how Lugia's reaction to Jade mistakenly thinking she was about to get killed wasn't, "Allow me to clear up the misunderstanding, child," but, "You are offensively stupid." This ain't Movie Lugia. Also, plenty of nice, intense, terrifying psychic stuff, just as promised.

Stalker's flashback chapter is a standout. His backstory kinda reminds me of Reinhard in Legend of the Galactic Heroes: the prodigy rising through the ranks at what to others is an alarming rate, and who has motivations/ambitions that would spell trouble if widely known. Something else I like is how he embodies that sense of heightened focus people sometimes get in crisis situations, a sort of eerily calm tunnel-vision on the problem at hand. It feels like he got that way when his home got Legendaried, and it just stuck with him for life.

Very intriguing that Stalker not only knew about all the chosen pact, but was trying to expedite it as part of his chess match. Going to be interesting down the road to see how much of what Stalker does is due to his own strategic skill and how much is due to whatever Unicode monster is in his head. I'm not going to hazard any predictions.

Rayquaza being so fed up with humanity's shit was golden.

Not Book 2, but in the process of re-reading I think I saw more of Starr getting sprinkled in pre-twist in a way that would have definitely averted my "Wait, who?" reaction to her twist when I first read. :typhuckyeah: I see you also went back and added Rudy's League Championship credential to the chapter illustrations. :typhuckyeah:

Particularly good action in chapter 38. I was seriously worried Swift was dead there.

Excited to get caught up again!


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Here for Review Blitz!

IT'S BEEN 3000 YEARS! Okay mabye just four. I am FINALLY going to finish off Book 1 with Chapter 30 way too damn late. So let's do it.

Jade did it........... after all these Trainer shenanigans, she is finally.... a Trainer.............

Aw poor Firestorm. Still traumatized from killing a dude.

LMAO Aros being all like "weren't you already a Trainer?" Same here.

Awwww, Swift and Firestorm being proud of Jade gives me warm fuzzy feelings.

Chibi is disassociating

Lmao Firestorm's blunt "why not"

Stygian you are not answering the question

the girls are fighting

aros being like "if i can fight it's worth it" amuses me

Same with Chibi's "never do that again"

Yes, Chibi, you need to chill.

Darren: "get to the point already, Jade"

yes pet the Venusaur

those Growlithe mean BUISNESS

Ebony is a very good pupper

Oh man here come the feels

New Pokemon Get for Jade I guess?

It's a Buizel! A girl Bu8izel! Interesting that Pokemon don't understand human speech right away, makes sense


lmao get wrecked buizel. And yay Jade actually caiught an actually wild Pokemon for the first time


Pidgeot soft and warm

Jade reminiscing is a really nice scene... but i can bet you things won't be all right for long.


That was a really nice closer to book 1! Nice and chill, both as a cooldown from all the bullshit before and a calm before the storm of the bullshit to come. Hopefully I can get to Book 2 sooner rather than later.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Hi Chibi, sorry this is long overdue. As you know by now (or at this point, remember) I blitzed all of this fic over the course of Blitz (last year, whoops), but never really had the spoons to put all my thoughts into a formal review. I initially started this review just for Book 1 but I couldn’t stay away; your fic definitely kept me turning page after metaphorical page, and I enjoyed the momentum that came from reading head-down like it was a published novel and not a serialized fanfic. Wonderful work with all the chapter art as well, it really enhances the overall experience in cementing what the characters look like without having to devote a lot of words to character description (which I also despise spending words on so it’s a real stroke of genius, imo).

Granted, doing a big postmortem like this is bound to lose some detail, but overall I really enjoyed this story for all its twists and gut-wrenching turns. It’s a journeyfic disguised as a canon-replacement crisis continuation disguised as a Rocket expose disguised as the Jersey Shore, and it’s so so unique in a fandom that’s rehashed Kanto to the point of getting exaggerated eye-rolls from me when Pikachu and Charizard are yet again the centerpiece of the franchise in a 1000+ pokemon roster. No eye-rolls here, though. This is honestly one of the best takes on Kanto-Johto relations I’ve come across, and I love that it uses Rocket as the vehicle to tell the story.

I really like the subversion of the typical trainer journey opening, instead opting to tell an entire story arc between the start of the fic and the start of the "journey." Not only does it make things more interesting for the reader than reading another "I fought a Rattatta on the first route and then caught a Caterpie", but it invests the reader in a story that's not just "get badges, win league" even if it masquerades as that (to both the main characters and the reader).

I think there's some slight drawback to having Jade be a wholly inexperienced trainer and being thrown into the fire, namely the sheer amount of times she freezes with "I don't know what to do", but on the other hand it does make sense that she *wouldn't* know what to do and that's what makes things so tense.

Not only is it interesting from a meta standpoint, but it also brings up a lot of questions about how Jade's unusual training trajectory will impact her moving forward in a more standard trainer's journey. How many trainers going for their first badge have almost exclusive training experience in multi-battles? And not just multi-battles, but life-or-death melees that involve firearms and Legendaries? Not your average starting route trainer, that's for sure.

One drawback I think that I wasn't able to put my finger on until the end of the book was the overall pacing of the events. I understand it was seriously jam-packed with back-to-back action for a reason, but at the same time it didn't leave a lot of room for the drama to *breathe*. The most jarring sequence to me was the Midnight Island raid immediately being followed by the Starr plot. I loved the sudden and horrifying events of the raid and thought it worked as a climax for the Rebellion arc. Yet, for me, it didn't really sink in or hit as hard as I thought it should have because Jade was immediately grabbed by the collar and dragged back into a Rocket base for some intense personal drama that I think overshadowed the fact that her entire life for the last four months was just basically deleted in bloody, terrifying fashion.

Contrast that with the chapter following her capture and torture at the hands of Astrid. We had the decompression (and depression) chapter to really let the impact of that sink in, not just for Jade but for the cast around her, meaning her pokemon teammates and human friends. The fact that this is such a pivotal moment in her life that it haunts her repeatedly over the rest of the book means it was a key moment and it got the time it deserved to let it properly sit with the reader.

But looking back at the Midnight Island raid, it's almost entirely forgotten as soon as the Starr plot kicks off. The difference between the narrative weight given to these two moments is surprising to me. The amount of pain and suffering to not only Jade but her pokemon and friends feels equivalent, but it's almost too quickly dismissed in favor of Jade being dragged into another storyline. The fact that she doesn't think about Rudy again until the end of Chapter 30 was also a bit surprising. (I understand she was a *bit* busy but also Rudy out here taking Ls left and right)

It was just a little strange with how much emphasis is placed at the start of the arc that Rudy was Jade's friend who was there when Ajia and Starr left, but then friends from 5 years ago (even though Rudy is also one of those friends from childhood) are actually more important than friends who you spent the last 6 months with every waking hour.

And again I understand that the Ajia and Starr friendship was always the endgoal here, with the emphasis on their relationship at the very start of the fic, but it did feel like the other friends who were *more* formative to Jade's growth in this first arc got swept into the dustbin as soon as the leading ladies showed up again. I get the abrupt and complete severance to Stalker, but Rudy and Darren and the other kids were victims just like Jade. In that vein, the closure to the Rebellion arc in terms of Jade's human companions felt rather incomplete, at least in their relationship with her.

That being said, there are A LOT of moving pieces to keep track of in an arc as long and expansive as Book 1. There was a lot of good set up, payoff, and lingering intrigue to pull the reader into Book 2 with anticipation of something more than "this is where the real trainer journey fic begins." And by that, the strongest pull for me is the Prophecy of the Seven. I think you included just the right amount of the prophecy to entice the reader without making it the forefront of the book's arc. (That clearly belongs to the Rockets, Jersey Shore-style drama and all, but more on that later.)

I enjoy the prophecy intrigue being sprinkled throughout the various Legendary encounters driven by Rocket's involvement. The word "Interloper" got tossed around a lot, and Legendaries speaking in human tongue. Not to mention modern human tongue being in the shrine on Midnight Island (which is probably my favorite part of the prophecy tidbits b/c I love ancient ruins and ancient macguffins and all that jazz.) But the most intriguing part was that Suicune didn't even know how the island shrine worked, like it was mysterious to them and that was a seriously cool bit that says there is something *really* intriguing at work here. Yes it involves Legends and humans and some kind of war, but even though that's been written about in history books and enshrined in ancient monuments, it's still not entirely clear what it all means. Love it.

Makes me curious what it means now that there's a new Legendary thrown into the mix with Mewtwo. They obviously weren't created 3000 years ago, so they don't have a role in the prophecy as written. It's an interesting twist on "history repeats itself" but not in exactly the same way.

I now know the answer to at least part of this question having read all the way to the end of the published chapters. It’s a really interesting take on Legendaries with regards to longevity and lifespan. Still left wondering how Mewtwo slots into all of this, though it looks like we’re getting closer to some kind of answer, hype.

(This is the part where I lost steam and my thoughts kind of devolved into bullet points that I never really expounded upon, sorry about that.) What I can decipher from my notes is that I had some strong feelings about Stalker. Mostly hatred, and mostly because of the selfish nature of his agenda, roping so many people along the way he did. But you have to admit, he knows his shit; he did train 50 kids in the art of dismantling Rocket, and I’m sure that won’t come back to bite him in the slightest.

Another point in my notes was a bit of surprise at Jade’s lack of agency, and I was wondering if this is a deliberate character trait that she’s going to have for most of the fic, or if it’s meant to be a jumping off point for character development? If it’s for development, she’s put up with an awful lot of being thrown into dangerous situations over and over at the behest of other, stronger-willed characters. I was surprised at how little she pushed back, even by the end of the book. C’mon Jade! Stand up for yourself!

The last point I can glean from my notes is a small comment on the mission set ups for a lot of the Rocket stuff. They were entertaining for sure, who doesn’t love some mortal peril, but by the end they felt a bit repetitive in terms of set up. Although, if you’ve got a formula that works (sort of) why change it?

Sorry I don’t have more than this for the full fic binge. I definitely think I’d enjoy a reread of it, and I’ll again say how impressed I was at the way this reads as a novel, not a chapter-by-chapter fic. I would encourage more people to experience fics like this; just put your head down and read, and enjoy the movie that (you!) the author plays out in their head. I know I enjoyed my private screening of LC.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, was working my way down the authorial hitlist this year and I saw that you had a pretty juicy review bonus for your story at the moment. Sounded like as good a reason to clear the deck and dive right back into things with Jade’s boat troubles:

Chapter 7

Hey look, it's the first actually good chapter in the fic! Thanks for sticking it out!


Just saying, the earlier chapters were pretty good themselves, especially post-rewrite.

Also the chapter art is awesome as always.

June, last year

I sat tapping my feet on the floor as the phone rang once, twice, three times. It would just go to voicemail, like always. I wasn’t sure why I was still bothering.

But then, miraculously, a face appeared on the screen.


I brightened instantly. “Ajia! It’s been forever!”

Small verb tense part that sounded a bit iffy to me. Though right, this was around the time that Ajia joined Stalker’s project, huh?

She gave a sheepish grin. “Ahh, sorry, I know I’ve been really bad about answering my phone lately.”

“Guessing you’ve been… busy with stuff?” Busy, always busy.

“You know it,” Ajia replied with a wink. “What about you? You’re on summer break, right? Have you started your journey?”

Boy that’s the understatement of a lifetime. Though at least Jade and Ajia will be able to talk a bit more reliably now? Probably. Maybe.

“Uh…” I didn’t want to think about failing the test. Not right now. “It might not be for a little while.”

I’m actually curious as to what these trainer tests entail such that Jade has failed hers multiple times already.

Ajia tilted her head. “Huh… well, let me know when you do, alright?”

I nodded distantly. If I ever
did get to leave before she came home.

Well, you did, just not in the way you expected. ^^;

“Are you coming back to school in the fall?” I asked, a bit too hopeful. I was still torn between wanting her to return home and wanting her to keep journeying long enough for me to join her.

Ajia shrugged. “Well, I’m planning on participating in the Johto League in August. After that, who knows?”

I wonder if kids who are journeying in this setting just straight-up freeze their schooling while going on their journeys, or if they wind up doing remote learning as depicted in more recent episodes of the new Pokémon anime.

It was pretty rare to keep journeying during high school. I had thought she’d be home after fighting in the Indigo League last year, but…

“Dad’s cool with me staying out longer,” she added. “And I’ve been doing fine with my online homework. So, y’know, I might keep going another year.”

Oh, well, that answers that one. Even if submitting homework over a dial-up modem sounds like a special exercise in frustration.

Next year. It felt so far away.

Anything I could talk about from my life felt boring compared to what being on a journey would be like. Who cared if Rudy and I saw a wild Rapidash on Route 26 the other day? Real trainers could see them all the time.

I mean, your parents are trainers too, Jade. Somehow I don’t think they’re constantly seeing Rapidash in their daily lives. ^^;

“Have you seen Starr lately?” I found myself asking.

Ajia’s face fell. “No, not for a long time.”

… I actually wonder how truthful that is on Ajia’s part considering the truth behind Starr’s family life.

So much for that. I’d had even worse luck getting ahold of Starr than I had with Ajia.

I was still stuck on what else I could say when a large pair of ears poked into the corner of the screen. And then another.

Ajia glanced down at them. “Yes, hello, what do you two want?” she asked in an amused tone. Two curious faces suddenly popped into full view. One violet-furred, one black.

I gaped at the screen. “How on earth did you meet an Espeon
and an Umbreon?”

Huh. Somehow I completely forgot that Ajia had a phase where she was doing Wes impersonations.


Ajia chuckled a bit at my shocked look. “I got them from a rescue organization. And, you know, I’d been kinda thinking I wanted to train some more team members ever since Furret and Clefable went back home. I need a full team for the Johto League, anyway.”

Ah yes, Stalker’s “What’s Team Rocket's Is Yours Now” Foundation, I presume.

Espeon tilted his head and said something to Ajia in Pokéspeech. She laughed and shushed him.

A slight grin found its way onto my face. “What did Espeon say?” I’d caught the words ‘interesting’ and ‘story’ but that was about it.

“Ah, he was just making a joke about how we met,” Ajia said casually. “Which reminds me! I’ve got to tell you about what happened in Goldenrod last week. So these two were walking with me and we were looking for some place to eat, and then—”

I’m gonna be right about what that “rescue organization” was, huh? :V

She rambled on for a while, telling various stories from her journey. It was easy to listen to her and imagine that one day I’d get to have experiences like that.

We didn’t usually get to talk this long. It felt a little bit like old times. I’d enjoy it while I could.

Uh… you should probably be doing much the same now, really. Y’know, when you’re not about to blow up with your ferry. :copyka:


A faint beeping pricked at my ears. I blinked in the darkness before groaning and rolling over, trying to block out the sound. It wouldn’t go away… why not? And then somewhere in the cloud of sleep, my brain registered that it was, in fact, my alarm. I reached over to hit the watch button that turned it off, and then sat up, trying my hardest to clear the haze of tiredness and stress from my head. But it didn’t want to leave. And part of me kept screaming that I was insane. I was insane, I was trying to oppose Team Rocket, and I was going to fail miserably.

But I’d already made my decision.


Jade: “Firestorm, you’re not even supposed to be out right now!” >_>;

By now I could see a roughly Pikachu-shaped figure in the darkness walking across the covers toward me. I blinked a few times, trying to get a better look at him.

“*Time to go,*” he said.

I put a finger to my mouth. “Quiet. We don’t want to wake the others,” I whispered.

He tilted his head. “*Why not?*”

Chibi: “*Jade, there’s a freaking bomb on this ship. Why on earth wouldn’t you want to wake the others up?*”

I didn’t answer. I turned to look at the floor where Firestorm was curled up on the tarp, which was the only thing I hadn’t sold out of the camping supplies. Swift was perched on the back of a chair with his head resting under his wing.

Chibi gave me a sideways glance. “*What good is a trainer without Pokémon?*”

“I’ll have you with me, won’t I?”

Jade: “Chibi, you don’t even like me right now.”

Chibi: “*Yes, but that’s wholly unrelated to you being without Pokémon at the moment.*”

I watched him for a response, but he didn’t give one, so I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my room key before carefully stepping over to the door. I opened it and peeked around the corner, slowly at first, then gradually leaning my whole head out. The lights in the cabin hallway were dimmed and there was no one to be seen. Then again… three in the morning, most everyone was probably either asleep or in one of the all-night lounges or bars. (And with trainer’s party attendees making up the majority of the passengers, that would leave most of them too young for the latter.)

Small bit where it felt like you were missing some words there.

I took my first tentative step outside, content with the lack of Rockets within sight, and waited until Chibi had stepped out before I shut the door behind us. We walked down the hallway in silence—I had the vague urge to say something but couldn’t figure out what.

“*You didn’t tell them what we were doing,*” Chibi said slowly. His tone was rather deadpan, so I couldn’t tell why he said it.

Ah yes, I can already see Chibi’s internal:


face right now.

I didn’t respond. I just stared at the floor as we walked, hoping the elaborately patterned carpet was a believable enough distraction for me to ignore his statement. I could tell he was still eyeing me, though. It was weird—even without any force from the hybrid, there was that one look that unfailingly could get me to give in and answer him.

“It’s just…”—the more I thought about it, the more stupid I felt—“this is something I have to do. I don’t want to drag them into it pointlessly.”

“*But if you fail, they’ll die anyway, so it doesn’t make any difference.*”


I froze, feeling an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. “…Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

He sure had a knack for jumping right to the unpleasant truth of any situation. After that, Chibi looked away, either satisfied at getting to me or content to let the topic die. Not long afterward, we arrived at the staircases that led to the other decks, which had the effect of yanking my attention back to why we were here. I had to focus—we were going to stop the Rockets. It was just a matter of how.

“So… we know they’re going to set up explosives. What else do we know?”

Chibi: “*That we’re beyond screwed if they somehow brought that Rhydon along with them again since you insisted on leaving your other Pokémon behind?”

Jade: “Something other than you thinking that I’m an idiot right now, please.” >_>;

The Pikachu paused, looking contemplative. “*Not much. Though with remote bombs, they could leave the ship and blow it before anyone had a clue what was going on.*”

At least he seemed to know a thing or two about Team Rocket’s standard operations, being created by them and all.

Oh, Chibi’s seen the Rockets pull off an op like this in the past, huh? :copyka:

“*… It’s just a matter of where they’d be.*”

Depends on how fast they want this ferry to go to the bottom of the sea, though “below the waterline” feels like a good place to start checking.

“Well, we’re on one of the lower decks right now. The engine room isn’t too far away. We could start there. Blowing up the engine room would be the fastest way to sink a ship, right?”

I was going to object to this and say that literally anywhere along the hull would be a candidate location, but a quick glance at a few cruise ship diagrams reveal the engine basically kills two birds with one stone there, so good enough.

“*Let’s go, then.*”

We continued down several flights of stairs until we reached the right deck, then followed the hallway to the ship’s aft. I’d spent most of last night studying the S.S. Anne info booklet repeatedly, so at this point I knew the ship’s layout by heart. The lights were off in this area—I wasn’t sure if that was because the engine room was unmanned, or because the Rockets had done it. I could feel myself already starting to tense up. I knew I couldn’t afford to get nervous, especially before anything had even happened, but couldn’t help it.

Boy it sure is a good thing you left the rest of your team in your cabin, huh, Jade? :copyka:

We were nearing the end of the hallway. Various metal hatches lined the walls, but our goal was at the end. I was only vaguely aware that I’d started glancing over my shoulder every ten seconds. Of course there was nothing there—why did I keep looking?

Had to keep my focus—that was the only way I was going to get through this. Focus

“*Don’t lose your nerve now,*” Chibi said, jolting me out of my thoughts.

Jade: “Too late.”

“I’m trying not to,” I replied, a slight edge to my voice. Still, he’d said it with concern, not scolding. Then I had to pause as it hit me—I hadn’t been anticipating his words, yet I still had understood them. I really was getting better at Pokéspeech, wasn’t I?

That’ll be a cute thing to keep an eye on for a character development / progression standpoint. Though given how widespread human understanding of Pokémon speech is in this setting, it makes me wonder if the events of the Unova games ever happened at all since you’d think that N’s hat in the canon games would be a lot less special.

A dull roar of machinery was starting to fill my ears, but I was honestly surprised we had gotten this close before being able to hear the engines. A few more steps and we reached the end of the hallway. A large, rounded metal door lay in front of us. Time seemed to slow as I reached out to turn the wheel. It didn’t move. No, don’t tell me… we’d be screwed if it was locked. I braced myself and turned it more aggressively, willing it to open. Come on, it had to.

Finally, after a few metallic creaks, the door swung open, and I couldn’t help letting out my breath. We stepped inside, and I closed it behind us. From the faint illumination cast by a small, blinking light in the corner, I could tell that we were in some kind of changing room filled with goggles, gloves, and other safety gear. The door on the opposite end of the room was cracked open. I blinked at it in the darkness, seeing a dull glow coming from the other side.

Ah yes, the fabled Rocket Competence™ in action again. Though granted, given that these were remote explosives, they potentially just didn’t care if someone came across their handiwork.

“*Careful,*” Chibi said sharply.

Jade: “Look, Mr. ‘Quiet as a mouse’, if you want to try to open this door instead of me, be my guest.” >_>;

I nodded, walking forward with slow, controlled steps. I pushed the door open as gradually as possible and extended a leg through the doorway.

The engine room was huge. I mean, I was expecting big, but this was just crazy. A system of metal platforms spanned the area, with massive generators on level with me, and from what I could tell, countless tanks and pumps covering the platform below us. I couldn’t make out the ceiling—the room just seemed to keep going. The noise from the engines overwhelmed any other possible sound, and the air was hot and sticky and uncomfortably thick.

Well, that would explain why there was a changing area for getting into protective clothing.

“Well, nothing we can do but start search—oof!” My foot struck something and then I was falling. I hit the platform hard, sending a jolt of pain through my knees where they’d collided with the metal. Fueled by a burst of panic, I rolled over in a hurry and kicked myself away from whatever I had tripped over. Except… it was soft. I froze, my blood running cold. I’d tripped over the motionless body of a man in engineer’s clothing. And… something told me he wasn’t a disguised Rocket.


Jade: “Nope nope nope.”

I pushed myself away from him, now breathing hard, which wasn’t very easy in such thick air. Chibi bounded over to me, looking unfazed.

“*This proves they’ve been here,*” the Pikachu spoke into my ear. I nodded weakly, my mouth still hanging open. I wanted to say something to the degree of, “Is he alive…?” but couldn’t manage the words.

Well, that’s one way to provide relative characterization between these two in just a couple paragraphs. Though I take it that Chibi will wind up being a lot less fazed to seeing dead bodies as the chapters tick up, since what I remember from my first pass involved a sequence with a double-digit death toll at one point.

“*Come on. Don’t go losing yourself already.*” He grabbed my hand and pulled it, willing me to stand. I shook my head roughly, trying to clear my mind. The hybrid’s words kind of stung, and I didn’t want him to think of me as weak. I couldn’t let him.

Ah yes, that’s totally a healthy source of motivation there. /s

I stood to my feet in one swift motion before continuing down the platform, ahead of Chibi. I couldn’t hear anything over the roar of the engines, so I just turned in every direction, looking for anything out of place. Where were they? Had they already left this area? I rounded the corner at the far end of the room and scanned the lower level… and then got my answer.

From this angle, I could finally see where the dim, ambient glow in the room was coming from. Its source was a small light piercing the darkness on the far end of the bottommost platform. Within it, I could make out several human figures dressed in black, and a four-legged Pokémon standing with them, generating the light. I motioned to Chibi before carefully maneuvering down the stairs as low and slow as possible. It may have been fairly dim in there, but any sudden movement could be fatal.

Ah yes, hello, chapter art Ninetales.

I reached the platform and crept closer alongside one of the many tanks inhabiting the space. My heart was pounding now, almost painfully. I ignored it and kept going. Step by step I closed the gap between us, keeping out of view until I was in position to glance around the corner of the tanks.

I could finally make out the Pokémon with them—it was a Manectric. The blue and yellow dog stood firmly alongside a female Rocket, spiky fur standing on end. Every so often, a string of electricity coursed through its tall mane.

Or not. We’ve got an

The Rockets were huddled closely in a circle, probably discussing something, though it wasn’t like I could hear a word they were saying. I caught sight of Chibi approaching from behind, and turned towards him.

“Can you hear what they’re saying?” I asked.

He scoffed. “*Just because I have better hearing than humans doesn’t change how loud it is in here.*”

I’m honestly surprised that Chibi isn’t freaking out over how painfully loud things are now that you mention it. I suppose that’s a sign that he’s already gone through the equivalent of desensitization training in the past.

“Well, then what do we do?” I hissed, my teeth clenched.

“*Just look there,*” he said, pointing to one of the Rockets. I suddenly noticed that the man was holding some sort of small, black control device. “*I bet that’s the detonator. I can’t knock them out without the risk of shorting that thing and blowing this place up. So as soon as I get it from him, I want you to take it and run off. See if you can find the explosives.*”

I stared. “What?”

Jade: “Chibi, how do we even know if that’s the only detonator that they have?” .-.
Chibi: “*Oh come on, they’re Rockets. Just how well do you think they planned out this operation?”

Without another word, the Pikachu raced off into the shadows and out of sight.

“But… what are you doing…” I whispered to no one, still staring at where he had disappeared.

Time dragged on, and all I could do was wait. While not knowing exactly what I was waiting for. It looked like the Rockets were preparing to move out—where was Chibi?

And then I spotted him. He was… clinging to a metal overhang? How…? A crackle of electricity swept across the Pikachu’s paws as he slowly crawled forward into position above the group of Rockets. Just a few more inches…

Jade: “(Chibi, what the hell are you-?!)” O.O

And then the Manectric barked out, “*Up there!*”

Half the Rockets snapped their attention upwards. With a look of frustration, Chibi dropped to the floor suddenly, shooting out strings of lightning and forcing the Rockets to jump backwards, colliding with one another. With a wave of sparks, the Pikachu rushed off into the shadows.

“What the hell was that?!” one of them shouted. Most of the Rockets had pulled out guns and were preparing to run after Chibi, but then—

Oh, so Chibi’s basically getting some fun reliving the Predator movies right now, huh?

“I didn’t say weapons at the ready, now did I?” a male voice called out. It wasn’t angry, just decisive—the sort of voice that wasn’t to be argued with. The Rockets halted on the spot, turning to face the one who had issued the order.

“Looks like number nine has graced us with its presence after all,” he said. “Firearms down. Pokémon at the ready—electric-types for defense and physical attackers for offence. Don’t want to blow the place yet, do we?”

Rocket!Manectric: “*Uh… aren’t you supposed to have a Rhyhorn or something for dealing with other Electric-types right now? Or does the Boss keep them all for Gym duty?*”

But before any of the Rockets got a chance to grab a Pokéball, a yellow blur shot out of nowhere, right into the heart of their lineup. The Manectric snarled and put up a shimmering barrier, but the Pikachu wasn’t aiming to shoot any lightning at them. At the last second, he leapt upward, swung his bolt tail, and smacked the control device from the hand holding it. The device hit the ground with a clatter right as several flashes of light burst out of Pokéballs, but Chibi darted forward, grabbed it in his mouth, and tossed it away from the group.

“*Now go!*” he cried out before a newly-materialized Nidoqueen landed a punch on him.


I see that this was a good idea™ on Chibi’s part there.

I clenched my teeth and sprung forward, pausing just long enough to grab the controls before darting back the opposite direction. I heard the crashing of lightning against a barrier, which faded amidst the engine noises the further I got from the conflict. As soon as I reached the end of the platform, I ducked behind one of the tanks and sank to my knees immediately. My heart was pounding, but I couldn’t help feeling exhilarated—we’d gotten the controls from them. We honestly had a shot now.

Lol. Lmao. Especially since IIRC it turns out that they have a fallback detonator to use to blow the ship in like 5 minutes from this point.

I took a moment to finally get a good look at how the device functioned. It had a few small buttons on either side of a small screen. I hit the one that looked most likely to bring up a menu.

[Initiate countdown sequence?] the screen asked. Wrong one, wrong one, go back go back—


Ah yes, the part where Jade almost peaced the entire S.S. Anne by bumbling around with electronics she doesn’t know how to work.

The opposite button closed the prompt and opened a menu, thank god. On closer inspection, the menu had a long list of unit numbers, each of them labeled ‘armed.’

“Hang on…” I muttered, hitting the arrow buttons to scroll throughout the list. “These must be all the bombs they’ve set.” An option at the bottom of the list read ‘locator mode.’ I selected it. And then I suddenly became aware of a small red light blinking at the corner of my vision. Was that…?

All that’s missing is the ominous ‘deet-deet’ noise to accompany the ominous flashing of doom here.

I stood up and approached it, holding out the remote to use the light from its screen like a limited flashlight. And then, sure enough, there it was—a smooth, circular device about the size of a CD was innocently sitting on the side of the tank. And yet it was a bomb poised to blow this whole place. I gingerly reached a hand toward it, feeling the hair on my arms raise the instant my fingertips touched it. Nothing happened.

I let out a breath. Come on, it wasn’t like these things would blow that easily, right? Slowly, I curled my fingers around the edges and tugged at it. It detached easily.

Try throwing it to the ground and see what happens, Jade. /s

Though I get the feeling that this is one of those moments that a couple years down the road that Jade would look back with “Oh, right. I did that. Boy, that was really dumb of me.

I held the bomb in my palm delicately, scrolling through the unit list to get an idea of how many of these things there were. Five, ten, fifteen…god, there were eighteen bombs scattered around this place.

Bold of you to assume that there aren’t others rigged elsewhere on the hull, Jade. Though definitely sounds like those Rockets wanted the engine room in particular to stop existing.

I swallowed hard before gently sliding the bomb into a cargo pocket and jumping to my feet. I didn’t have a choice—I had to get them all. Or at least… as many as possible before I was caught.

… In retrospect, maybe it was a good thing that Jade opted to not bring Firestorm along for this, huh? ^^;

I took off sprinting again, using the remote’s locator mode to light up the remaining bombs and stopping just long enough to pry each one from the wall before aiming for the next one. One after the other, I just had to focus on that. It wasn’t long before my lungs burned and legs went numb from exhaustion, and yet I still couldn’t think about anything other than finding the next one… and the next one…

Several times I caught scattered flashes in my peripheral vision, probably from electric barriers. Chibi couldn’t attack effectively in such a dangerous space where one stray bolt could kill us all. And the Rockets had known that, which was why they were sticking to physical offense. But then, even if he’d had his electricity, how long could Chibi last through that?

Jade, if you have to ask the question there.

I’d made three loops around the engine room, and my pockets were stuffed full with something like nine or ten bombs. It almost would have been hilarious if I weren’t running for my life. I had to get rid of them somehow—throwing them overboard seemed like the best bet.


I threw open the door to the engine room and sprinted back down the corridor that led there. It was like a wave of cool water washing over me, leaving the hot and stifling environment of the engine room, but my lungs still felt like they were on fire. Couldn’t pay attention to that though, had to keep going.

I was going to ask how on earth Jade wasn’t noticed in all of this, but right. Ultra-loud engine room that has likely permanently damaged everyone’s hearing from how loud they were in it. (Even if I wonder if the Rockets had enough foresight to bring earpro along.)

My footsteps echoed off the walls as I flew up the staircases one after the other, finally reaching the closest deck with outside access. I was met with a gust of wind in the face and what felt like the early onset of a rainstorm. I stumbled over to the edge railing and began the process of emptying my pockets, made longer by the way my hands just couldn’t stop shaking. After what felt like ages, I had finally thrown the last bomb into the sea, where they sank to the ocean floor.

Jade: “There’s just… uh… nine more to go. That I know of.”

And then I sank to my knees, doubled over and gasping for breath. Couldn’t stop… had to keep going. I glanced at my watch—it had been twelve minutes since I’d last seen Chibi. I’d heard scattered bursts of electricity as I ran; they were probably outside of the engine room by now, but he was still managing to keep them from following me. I grasped the edge of the deck and pulled myself to my feet. There was no time to stop; I hadn’t even checked outside the engine room.

Except I’d just spotted a man striding towards me, dressed in the standard white crew shirt. His walk was forceful—not too quick, as if to avoid drawing attention, but with a definite sense of purpose.

Jade: “Um… hi there.”

I backed away slowly, feeling a prickle of apprehension crawl up my neck. He couldn’t be…

The man’s walk quickened. You had to be kidding me. Come on! There was no way the entire crew was Rockets! Heck, I wouldn’t even assume a tenth of them were. Why did I keep meeting all the fake ones?!

I mean, the fact that you’re holding a detonator that almost certainly has some sort of tracking chip in it surely can’t be helping right now.

I immediately took off sprinting in the other direction, back down the staircases and jumping four or five steps at a time. My mind was racing—I had to think of some way to get him off my trail. Chibi was right. I’d been stupid, and now I desperately needed help.

Jade: “God, I hate it when Chibi’s right.” >.<

I cleared one staircase after another before arriving on the right floor. When I reached my cabin, I snatched my card key and waved it across the scanner on my door, then burst inside, slamming the door behind me.

“Firestorm, Swift, wake up!” I immediately shouted while flipping the light switch. The noise and sudden light woke them instantly.

Firestorm jumped to his feet. “*What’s going on?*” Then his eyes widened as he realized that I’d been gone. “*Where did you go?*”

Jade: “Oh you know, throwing bombs overboard. Kinda pissed off a Rocket and might have gotten a giant target painted on my back.”

Firestorm: “*WHAT?!*”

“Team Rocket was”—I gasped for breath—“planning to kill everyone, and Chibi seriously needs our help,” I said in a hurry, grabbing my Pokéballs and shoving them in my pockets.

“*What? Is that why you were so quiet last night? Why didn’t you tell us?!*” Firestorm demanded. I’d never heard him speak with that much conviction.

Jade: “I didn’t want you to get hurt…?”

Firestorm: “*You do realize that we’re the Pokémon who have all the medicines geared towards helping us easily regenerate from wounds that would put you in the hospital for weeks at a time, right?*”

“I didn’t want to drag you guys into this mess and wind up getting you hurt,” I managed to say as I hastily shoved all of my belongings into my backpack, just in case I never got a chance to come back here.

“*Pokémon are… they’re supposed to protect their trainer,*” Firestorm muttered. I ignored him.

Feels like that’s a rather one-sided interpretation of that relationship, but… uh… yeah, I suppose Pokémon do have a bit of an edge on delivering in that direction 99% of the time.

“Come on, we’ve got to go,” I said, throwing open the door and waiting for them to follow me.

Firestorm had a weird mix of hurt and dread on his face, but he followed just the same. We stepped out into the hallway, and I threw several hurried glances in both directions.

…Alright… we should be g—”

I was cut off by the sound of rapid footsteps to the left. And then I saw him—the man who had been chasing me earlier had just reached the bottom of the staircase leading to this deck. Had to do something. Had to do something.

This particular paragraph feels like it would flow a bit better were it divided up into smaller component paragraphs.

And then out of nowhere, without even thinking, I found myself pointing forward and shouting, “Swift, use Gust!”

From behind me, the Pidgey’s tiny, feathery form fluttered into view, flapping his wings quicker than seemed possible. In an instant, it was like all the air in the hallway had rushed forward, throwing my hair into my face and nearly knocking me off balance. I brushed a few strands out of my eyes just in time to see the Rocket struggling against a whirlwind before it swept him off his feet and sent him crashing into the wall. The wind ceased, and he slumped to the ground, looking dazed.


Swift fluttered down to the ground and turned to face us, tilting his head. “*I think that worked out well,*” he said, rather matter-of-factly.

Guess I should’ve given the honors for that earlier gif to Swift, huh?

I gaped. “Not just well… brilliant. Come on, let’s get out of here before he gets up.” I motioned for the two Pokémon to follow me and then took off down the hallway. Firestorm had to struggle to keep up on his short legs.

“*How come you didn’t have anything for me to do back there?*” the fire lizard said in a small voice.

“The heck? What, you think I wanted to set him on fire? What could I have had you do?” The Charmander didn’t say anything else.

Jade: “To say nothing about the possibility of you accidentally setting off almost 20 freaking plastic explosive charges from a stray ember from your tail.”

I glanced back down at the remote that Chibi had stolen. All the bombs that I had already thrown overboard had stopped responding, and no longer showed up in the list. Still nine left, and there was a lot of lower deck left to search. I took a deep breath before resuming my search, stopping briefly to grab each bomb one by one. After a while, I was incapable of thinking about anything else. Just one bomb after the next, filling my pockets with them.

And then I had to stop and blink when I first felt my pockets full to bursting again. It barely felt like I’d spent any time gathering them. Either way, time to go back to the middle deck, and hopefully not run into any Rockets for once.


My pace was slower than normal as I made my way up the stairs, both so my Pokémon could keep up and also because my legs were nearly done transforming into jello. And then my feet had to go and catch the edge of the steps, because obviously that was what I needed right now. I had to finish this soon, or else I wouldn’t even be able to.

My movements were on autopilot as I navigated back to the first open deck I could get to, going through the motions of disposing of the bombs yet again. When I was done, I began the descent back to the lower decks. It had been over twenty minutes since I’d left Chibi in the engine room. Where was he now… and was he still alright?


Jade: “Oh come on, can’t I have some reason for optimism here?” >.<

I stopped suddenly. Had I just heard that? I’d been thinking about him, so it might have been my imagination… but I could’ve sworn I heard the pained cry of a Pikachu echoing throughout the deck I’d just passed. Slowly, I backtracked a couple of stair steps and approached the nearest room to find that it was the main lobby we’d first entered on the S.S. Anne. It was completely dark aside from the moonlight shining in through the windows.

Ah yes, and thus begins the start of that one arc where Chibi goes back to Team Rocket and Jade needs to worry about getting him back.

“Chibi! Are you there?!” I shouted, hoping my voice wouldn’t grab any unwanted attention.

Suddenly, I tensed up. Footsteps. Lots of them. Heading this way.

“Crap,” I muttered, whirling around to take off in the opposite direction. And then out of nowhere, a burst of flames shot into my path. What the heck?! I recoiled backward, narrowly avoiding the sudden blaze as waves of heat rushed into my face.

Ah yes, time for the chapter art to play out in this story.

“*Jade!*” Firestorm yelled, dashing forward to stand by my side.

Shaking slightly, I turned to look behind me. I was met with a view of the dozen or so Rockets that had infiltrated the ship, half of them in crew uniforms and the other half dressed in what was probably a standard black mission outfit. In front of them stood the Manectric from earlier, now joined by a Ninetales. And then a crushing pain gripped my chest when I saw what one of the Rockets held under her arm: the burned and beaten form of a spiky-furred Pikachu.

Jade: “... Damn it, this would’ve been a really good time to have had Chibi’s Pokéball right now!”

The lead Rocket chuckled a bit at the look on my face and said, “I suppose I should thank you for returning number nine to us.” Now that I actually had a full view of him, the lead Rocket was tall and thin, with an angular face and dark circles under his eyes, which gave his face a cold look in contrast to his ironic grin.

“You know, we were rather… upset when you took him,” the man went on. “We need him for our experiments, otherwise we might never figure out how to break those overpowered, undeserving monsters you call Legendaries. That said…”—he held out a hand—“you have something else that’s ours.”

I hesitated, clutching the remote. “…You’re not getting this back.”

Jade: “(... They wouldn’t have managed to sneak firearms aboard onto a passenger ferry, right?)”

“*You’ll have to go through us,*” Firestorm said in a cracked voice, stepping in front of me.

I stared at him. “What. No, there’s no way you can take down their Pokémon.”

To my surprise, Swift was the one who replied, “*It’s too late for you to back down. So we have to be brave too.*”

“*We don’t have a choice,*” Firestorm added through gritted teeth.

Rocket!Manectric: “*Okay. Have it your way, then.*”

The lead Rocket closed his eyes and chuckled slightly at our inane attempt at resistance. “Still want to play games? Alright. Ninetales, attack!”

The large, cream-colored fire fox rushed forward, tails swirling dramatically as it leaped into the fray. It let out a battle cry and unleashed a plume of white-hot flame at its opponents. Swift took flight while Firestorm lunged aside, barely dodging it. While Ninetales dashed forward, closing in on Firestorm, Swift dove toward its face, talons outstretched. But it saw him. In one smooth motion, the fire fox turned aside and struck him on the back with its slender paw. I flinched as the Pidgey smashed into the floor with a pained cry. He just managed to flutter into the air before another spurt of fire hit the spot where he’d landed, but the superheated air prevented him from approaching his opponent.

Jade: “... In retrospect, maybe I should’ve held onto one of those bombs that I found for a moment like this, huh?” o_o;

Firestorm tried to take advantage of the enemy’s distraction by breathing scattered embers, but Ninetales didn’t even look fazed. In fact, the embers just sank into its fur, making its whole body glow with a fiery sheen. The fox smirked, then unleashed a pitch-black pulse of energy from its body, striking the fire lizard and knocking him back. Swift saw the opening and dove from above, ready to strike. But upon hearing its trainer’s order of “Hypnosis!” the fox lunged to the side, eyes radiating with a creepy red aura and tails swaying rhythmically behind it. Swift caught its gaze and crashed to the floor, fast asleep.

Firestorm: “*Um… Jade? A little direction here would be nice!*”

I stared at the ongoing battle, a wave of dread slowly spreading through me. The sheer difference in skill—both between the Ninetales and my Pokémon, and between the Rocket and me—was starting to sink in. I pulled out Swift’s Pokéball and recalled him before yelling, “Firestorm, we have to get out of here!”

Firestorm shook his head resolutely and turned back to Ninetales.

“Here’s a fun move—Ninetales, Fire Spin!” the lead Rocket ordered.

Whelp, so much for getting away. Though on the positive side, you’re not riddled with holes right now, so these Rockets are presumably unarmed.

My eyes went wide. Ninetales breathed out a narrow stream of flame, which circled around Firestorm no matter how he scrambled to get away. It caught his leg and snaked around his body, pulling him to the center of a swirling inferno.

“Firestorm!” I yelled, panic shooting through me. I pointed his Pokéball forward, but the flame blocked the recall beam. I could barely see his silhouette in the midst of the vortex, curled into a ball as Ninetales added more and more fire with repeated Flamethrowers. Sure, he had a natural resistance to fire, but how much more of this could he take?

Well, this is going to be a very short story if he doesn’t somehow pull through Also, IIRC, this was the point where Firestorm evolved, so…

And then out of nowhere, the vortex exploded. Ninetales jumped back, fur standing on end. I shielded my eyes from the flash of light as a flood of embers dissipated into the air. And when I opened them again, I saw Firestorm standing to his feet, wreathed in a raging red aura. He growled at the Rockets, gathering a large fireball in his mouth.

Without warning, the Charmander was engulfed in light. I blinked, staring in awe as his body doubled in height and completely changed in shape. Limbs stretched outward, heavy claws bursting from their tips. His face stretched into a dragonish snout, a single horn sprouting from his skull. The light faded, revealing deep crimson scales…

Aaaaaaand there it is. Well done, Firestorm.

“He’s… evolved into a Charmeleon,” I whispered in awe. I’d never actually seen a Pokémon evolve in person. Part of me couldn’t believe that lanky red fire lizard was really him, even though I’d seen it happen, right in front of me. Firestorm glanced back at me, his gaze sharper, fiercer, even.

To be expected when he evolved out of the “gotta sell plushies” stage and into that middle morph where he hasn’t quite hit “gotta sell Bandai figures” stage.

Ninetales blinked in stunned shock for a few seconds. But the surprise quickly wore off, and the fire fox crouched defensively and snarled.

The lead Rocket eyed the Charmeleon with a sigh, shaking his head. “Just don’t know when to give up, do you? How are you supposed to attack us with nothing but a fire-type, even if it’s evolved now? I doubt you’ve taught it how to do anything beyond biting and scratching, and Ninetales can absorb all of its fire attacks.”

I mean, you are on a ship. You could always attempt to ring your opponent out and give him free swimming lessons, even if that’d probably be a bit easier said than done with that size difference.

What? It could—what?! Something in the back of my mind told me I should have known this—Ninetales had the Flash Fire ability, just like Arcanine. What on earth were we supposed to do now?!

Again, yeet your opponent overboard.

Thoroughly enjoying the look on my face, the Rocket said, “As much fun as it would be to slowly beat the lizard down, I say we cut playtime short.” He recalled his Ninetales and continued, “We’ve got a job to do, after all, and you’re in the way.” I tensed up. His words held a dangerous air, contrasting with his previous smooth attitude.

He paused and reached into his belt pouch to pull out a small item, hidden by the darkness, but glinting with a metallic sheen as it caught the light of the moon shining through the windows. “I don’t think running would be such a good idea. In fact, you shouldn’t be thinking about doing anything, really… besides handing over that remote.”

Jade: “Oh, so they did bring guns with them after all.”

Rocket!Manectric: “*Never leave home without ‘em. They’re great for dealing with incorrigible little twerps like you. (Even if I could’ve taken you any day with a Discharge.)*”

I froze, unable to do anything but stare mindlessly at the gun pointed at me. I wanted to do something, anything, but I was paralyzed, terror spreading like ice in my veins. I was trapped. There was no way out of this. If I gave the remote to him, he would probably shoot me anyway, and even if he didn’t, everyone on the ship would still die. I tried to manage some sort of response to the Rocket’s demand, but I couldn’t remember how to speak.

“I… my pockets are full of bombs. I’ll activate this. So don’t try anything.” Words were coming out of my mouth, but I wasn’t sure I was the one saying them.

“Mmm… somehow I don’t believe you.”

Jade: “(Damn it, I knew I should’ve held onto one of them!)” >.<

I’ll do it. You’ll just kill all of us anyway if I give it to you. This way everyone else will still make it.”

The man laughed. “At least they would have if we hadn’t reapplied explosives to the engine room after you so thoughtlessly ruined all our hard work down there.”

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQrCNnSnsiM

Jade: “I’m sorry, WHAT?!” O_O;

It was like my insides just stopped existing. I tried to keep my reaction off of my face, but I already knew I’d failed because of how much the Rocket was enjoying my expression.

But then I noticed it—Chibi had opened his eyes. He moved his head side to side ever so slowly, so none of the Rockets would notice. And then he kept throwing meaningful glances toward the lead Rocket with just his eyes. I stared blankly, confusion now added to the mess of emotions running through my head. But then somehow it clicked into place. There was a spark in his eyes. He had to have charged up some energy in the past few minutes.

“Well, what’s it gonna be?” the Rocket said. “You’ve got five seconds.”

Rocket: “And just what’s with that expression on your face right now? Do you not understand how utterly screwed you are at the moment?”

“*Now!!*” Chibi yelled, discharging all of his power into the Rocket, who slumped to the floor instantly. While I took off running with Firestorm, Chibi struggled to wrench himself free.

“Someone immobilize the damn thing properly!” the lead Rocket yelled, all amusement gone from his voice.

Ah yes, trademark Rocket Competence™ for the save there. Since if Chibi had been properly restrained and not brought along into proximity to Jade… yeah, that’d have been gg there.

Seconds afterward, a high-pitched whistle tore the air. Then a pained cry from Chibi, followed by the sound of him dropping to the ground. I threw a hurried glance over my shoulder and saw the hybrid sprawled out on the floor, a dart sticking out of his shoulder.

I whirled around on the spot, ready to run back for him, but then—

“*Get out of here! They need me alive, but they’ll kill you in a second if you wait around!!*”

Firestorm: “*Um, Jade? I know this sounds bad and all, but I really, really think we should listen to Chibi right now-*”

I recoiled backwards, staring in disbelief. I couldn’t just leave him. I couldn’t just leave him. But he was right, the Rockets were heading right for him, they’d catch me, they’d kill me, they’d—

Firestorm: “*Jade! For crying out loud!*”


His shout snapped me out of my spell and I bolted in the opposite direction, catching up with Firestorm. My legs were on autopilot, sprinting for what seemed like the millionth time that night, making as many turns around corners to make it both harder for the Rockets to find me, and harder to shoot if they did.

Had to get away, but… to leave him back there like that…?

Firestorm: “*Mope about it sometime when we’re not being chased by humans with guns, okay?!*” O.O

I kept glancing over my shoulder—mostly to see if I was being chased, but also out of hope that I’d somehow see Chibi racing after me.

(He had a plan of escape, right? He had to.)

A flash of sparks, and a yellow blur streaking toward me. My heart leaped into my throat, but—no, it was too big to be Chibi, it was—

I staggered backward just as the yellow thing crashed into my side. A gasp of pain and I hit the floor, tingling numbness filling my limbs. What the heck was that? I rolled over in a hurry and then froze, staring eye-to-eye with the Rocket’s Manectric. Firestorm snarled at the thunder dog, daring it to make another move. But all it did was fire a small string of lightning at the remote and race off before either of us could move.

Jade: “Oh phew, this way at least the bombs can’t be-”

I held an arm around my stomach as I struggled to stand, wincing at the pain spreading through my insides. Seriously, what the heck was that about?

Sparks leapt from the remote and I jumped back, letting it clatter to the floor. I blinked at it, clutching my hand. Its screen was jumbled and glitchy, but I could just make out the words—

“No… you’ve gotta be kidding me…” I mumbled weakly. “I spent all that time… this can’t be happening.”

Automatic timed detonation activated.

Jade: “Oh, come on! Who on earth even puts a fail-safe like that into a detonator?! How on earth are you all even supposed to get off this ship yourselves in five minutes?!

The screen stuttered a bit before displaying a countdown, starting at five minutes. I fumbled with the buttons, but nothing would respond. My mind flew into a frenzy, struggling to think of something, anything to stop the detonation. The engine room was too far away; I couldn’t possibly remove all the bombs in time. I stared hopelessly at the screen, crushing despair filling every inch of me.

It was over. The Rockets had won, and the ship was doomed.

Yeeeeeeah, this is the point where you pull the fire alarm and have everyone run to the lifeboats, just saying. Though I kinda got the impression that this was the “tone establishing moment” of the broader story since the first major mission where Jade doesn’t have others to fall back on is the one where she’s hopelessly in over her head and completely faceplants while attempting to make things better.

The ship… But if we managed to make it off in time…

The idea hit me, and once it was there, it slowly spread through mind like wildfire. Could I even do it? No, whether I could or couldn’t didn’t matter—I had to.

“Come on Firestorm,” I said hoarsely, once again dashing for the nearest staircase. He had no trouble keeping up—in my current state, the newly-evolved Charmeleon was faster than me.

We reached the main deck, and I froze at the sight of rain pouring down in violent sheets outside. Something nagged at the back of my mind—the sky wasn’t like that before. But I couldn’t afford to worry about that right now. Had to reach the topmost deck.

Firestorm: “*Um. Jade? Shouldn’t we be alerting the other passengers about how a bomb is about to go off in five minutes? I could’ve just sworn we passed a fire alarm.*” ._.;

Only a few more staircases now. Soon I found myself in front of the sign for the ship’s bridge and couldn’t help feeling the slightest glimmer of joy at having made it this far. I grasped the door handle, threw it open, and—

And then my legs gave out and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I was falling face first, only barely able to throw my arms out to catch myself from faceplanting into the ground.

“What in the world—?!”

“Kid, what are you doing here?”

“Someone radio security, and get a medic while you’re at it.”

Okay, not that Jade isn’t a fourteen year-old lacking a firm grasp of how to make good decisions under stress, but she does realize that she likely wasted a cool minute just getting up here without taking some low-hanging fruit steps to alert the rest of the passengers along the way, right? ^^;

Voices surrounded me. I craned my neck upward to get a look at the four crew members standing around me with mixtures of concern and surprise streaking their faces. I couldn’t tell which one was the captain. For all I knew, he might not even be awake at this hour.

There wasn’t much time left. I had to warn them. “Explosion… in the engine room. We have to get off the ship. Now.”

Cue the “this kid’s crazy” looks from the rest of the bridge.

“An explosion in the engine room? Why wouldn’t we have noticed? What were you doing down there?”

In the background, I could hear a voice saying, “Bridge to engine control, what’s your status?”

I felt a hand grip my shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but firm. I couldn’t do anything but extend a shaking arm, still barely grasping the control device, and hope that someone would look at it. Less than four minutes left.

Oh yeah, that one’s going to be fun to explain to the police after all this. Especially with how compromised Kanto and Johto’s public institutions were implied to be like five chapters ago. :copyka:

“Captain, I’m not getting any response from engine control.”

A heavy pause filled the room. The man nearest me—apparently the captain, now that I got a good look at his hat and stripes—turned to face someone sitting at a control monitor and said, “Run the fire emergency alarm. Send the engine crew to perform emergency response procedures on any damaged areas.”

Fire emergency?! They’d all just be heading to their deaths!

Okay, in retrospect, maybe it was a good thing that Jade didn’t pull a fire alarm in the end. Maybe. I suppose Firestorm could’ve helped control where the fire response team would’ve gone in the end, even if “tactical arson” would’ve not made things any easier to explain right now.

“There’s no time!” I shouted, tears now stinging the corners of my eyes. “There are bombs all over the lower deck! We have to get out of here!”

In my blurred vision, I could barely make out the captain taking the control device from my hand. The color drained from his face as he stared at it. “Where did you get this? Answer me, now!”

Well, scratch that about having to wait for the police for this to be awkward for Jade.

My head felt hazy and distant. Words didn’t feel like something I was capable of. “There’s… no time…”

Everything hurt. I couldn’t think anymore. But we had to get out…

The room was silent for several seconds. I had no idea if they were going to listen to me or not until then the captain stood to his feet. And I couldn’t help letting out a long, slow breath when I heard him say, “Gather all the passengers at the emergency stations. Send someone with this device to check the lower decks and report back to us the instant they can confirm anything. If that’s the case, we must be prepared to abandon ship.”

Boy I sure hope that the time to read this section isn’t a 1:1 with the amount of time that passed in-universe, since assuming a reading pace of 260 words per minute, that leaves just under two-and-a-half minutes to pull off checking for the bombs plus this entire evacuation.

Aaaaand that’s a chapter. I see that in your commentary that you’re not a super fan of how this arc turned out, but for what it’s worth, I thought that this one was pretty good. Like you kept a decent level of suspense with things going on and kept it up in the air as to whether or not Jade would pull things out or not, while her thought process, while not exactly super optimized, feels like the sort of thing that a junior higher making stuff up as they go along would get into, along with the more fail-y outcomes that would go along the way. It served to add up to a pretty decent “atmosphere establishing moment” where Jade gets her first real hard slap in the face past the whole incident with Tyson that her activities with Stalker aren’t a game, she can fail, and there are consequences for said failure.

Mechanically, the chapter was mostly-solid with a couple stray typos and wording flubs here and there. I can’t nitpick the logic of the chapter too hard since in the end, we’re dealing with a 14 year-old and Rockets, neither of which are likely to have bulletproof decision-making or planning, so Jade not doing the sensible thing and pulling the fire alarm on the way to the bridge could very easily be a feature and not a bug given that all her life, her response to things going south has likely been “go and get an authority figure involved” much as she’s done here. (Even if it makes me wonder if a character like Rudy or Starr would’ve thought to do that in this situation.) I do think that the automatic detonating timer might have been on the shorter side for a believable time, since it takes roughly a minute for the average person to run 600 feet in a straight line (roughly the length of a small cruise ship), and you’d think that if the Rockets built in an automatic detonator as a failsafe for their plan, that they’d give themselves a bit more of a buffer to gather together, grab a lifeboat, and bounce. (e.x. see notes re: how long it took to read between the start of the auto-detonator and the end of the chapter)

But all-in-all, I thought that this was a fun chapter to come back to @Chibi Pika . I don’t know if I’ll have the time to get further into things during this event since I’ve kinda been falling behind on my target list, but I’ll be looking forward to coming back at some point in the future to see where Jade and the gang’s tale goes. ^^


That's "I come anon 6"
northern Virginia
  1. alakazam
Just finished chapter 51! Not quite caught up yet, but getting there!

Something that's characterized this fic throughout (and which I'm sure I've written at length on but can't remember) is the PokeSpe-esque relationship with video game mechanics. It mostly shows up in the battles, but there were some exchanges in this chapter that definitely got me thinking about not just game mechanics, but gamer logic. First off, we've got the gambit with self-capture and hiding the pokeball. This is peak gamer thinking, and it's good setup for Jade realizing she's been thinking of the legendaries as forces of nature rather than as individuals with feelings.

Harping on gamer logic a bit more, I like Darren and Rudy's difference in thinking on which TMs are worth trying on which Pokemon. They represent two distinct flavors of gamer logic: 1) Predict the mechanics from what you know about the setting, and 2) Try everything, can't hurt.

Speaking of which, TM mechanics were interesting to read about, and working that energy signature concept into the life cycle of legendaries was an elegant way of working a fair amount of worldbuilding into the same conversation. Building connections like that goes a long way to making information delivery interesting.

One more little thing I liked was how Lugia developed its human-avoiding skills "by itself." The wording suggests an amusingly child-like air about Lugia's description, even without exact dialogue. Which is understandable, since Lugia is only 300 years old, basically an unusually dangerous kindergartner.

But there’s something… wrong about the feeling.
Lugia sees the cursed Unicode confirmed.

Almost forgot: "tenting her fingers" is great word choice. I don't think I've ever heard this word for that action, but I know what it is immediately.

I don't think I've ever heard begin a sentence with "Full offense, but" in real life, and if someone ever does, I'll be thinking of Starr.

Plenty of good intrigue in the meeting with Lorelei. The political angle to the League confronting Team Rocket directly jumps out the most as potentially important down the road. My favorite part of the conversation was probably the "Are you trapped?" angle. Always fun when manifestly responsible behavior by authority figures is the opposite of what the protagonist wants. I also loved it when Lugia jumps right to whether Jade has "escaped yet." Anyway, I'll be shocked if the Elite Four doesn't prove to be huge trouble later, but maybe it's PokeSpe Lorelei making me think that.

> (Lorelei takes out a model of the human brain) "Jade, point to the spot on your brain where Lugia..."

Something I'm not going to say I would've written but would have been funny and appropriate would have been the League rep telling Darren, "Actually, if you're one of their friends, we might want you to come along too."

Now, Mewtwo! Having Mewtwo just be waiting in an armchair (not a fancy psychic throne, not hovering in midair all Mewtwo-like, just sitting in a regular, presumably comfy chair) is a great, memorable image, and having him sit down again to wait is inspired. That by itself gives me the unignorable impression that this is a new, chill, helpful Mewtwo we're dealing with here. This, admittedly, was tempered somewhat by the course of the conversation, but I still expect Mewtwo to be fairly chill even if not exactly helpful.

I'm very intrigued by Mewtwo's rapidly escalating Bigfoot-style self-publicity plot. (Can't help but think about Bigfoot at the mention of a blurry, unfocused photo of a legendary Pokemon.) Also, aha! I was right all along about Mewtwo being helpful now! Look at him help clear up that wreckage! This is definitely 100% just Mewtwo being helpful and not an early move in a more elaborate game of chess that will spell big trouble for Jade and company.

Some reactions:

“*But it sounds worse,*” he replied, grinning broadly like that was the point.
I love this. It's such a Dark-type thing to say.

Having some way of tracking them would have been necessary, right?
I can't help but think of Gold and Silver in PokeSpe thinking "Say nothing" when Crystal "reminds" them of the tracking feature in the pokedex. Anyway, interested to see if the specifics of the Team Rocket's tracker becomes important later (but wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't really).

Chibi’s gaze was fixed on Mew. “*Purpose…*” he muttered distantly.
Poor Chibi. This is a clear case of perma-angst. There is no cure.

You couldn’t just say that someone deserved to be a slave because they might hurt someone. No.
This is very good. Jade has complete moral clarity on this, but it's still hard to ignore the numbers game of statistical hindsight.

<That’s a rather extreme way to put it. It’s just worth considering the fact that striking back saves lives overall.>
Lugia may be a giant murderbird, but it does have a grasp of diplomatic rhetoric.

You definitely caught me off guard with the sudden legendary fight (which, now that I type it, is an odd thing to say about this fic in particular, especially on a chapter that I suddenly recall has an illustration of a legendary fighting at the top). I think I was just primed for another chapter of big important conversations, so my guard was down. I'm not much of a theorizer, but I have to wonder about who actually controls that phone on the other end. And unfortunately, Jade's valor in combat rarely goes unpunished.

Looking forward to seeing who picks up the first-person narration in chapter 52 now that Jade's burned to death. RIP.

I figured the trip was going to wait until tomorrow, but within half an hour, Starr was dragging me off the couch, insisting I come with her and Ajia. So we teleported to Celadon City’s mega department store. After two weeks of mostly hanging around Pewter City and its outskirts, the bright lights and relentless crowds were a bit overwhelming.
I might have put a scene break before this paragraph. It's good to have teleportation be abrupt, but I think the 0-30 minutes between the end of the conversation and Jade relaxing on the couch could use a more defined breakage.

The wind whipped my hair wildly as Lugia and I soared low over the ocean at a breakneck speed. My eyes scanned the island below, searching for anything out of the ordinary.
This is tricky to visualize. "Low over the ocean" to me would suggest that the nearest island wouldn't be so much "below" them as off in another direction.

They were both talking about this like it was a pretty mundane thing and easy to guess when it had never remotely occurred to me
Missing period.

Still hoping to be caught up by the end of the Blitz, especially with how chapter 51 ends. Good stuff!
Chapter 56: Lost Pretense

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[Glances at last chapter publication date] despair. 🫠

Many thanks to everyone who's reviewed this stupid neglected fic over the past year. (Feeling particularly ridiculous for not even leaving reacts until now, gah!) I think this current arc has just been kryptonite for my brain even thinking about LC. Anyway, finally read all the reviews, cleaned up a bunch of typos, had a good laugh at plenty of entertaining reactions and comments. Thanks again to everyone. And now, finally, chapter 56:

~Chapter 56: Lost Pretense~


“Have. They. Lost. Their. Minds?!”

Starr’s outrage echoed what everyone had to be thinking as we all crowded around the TV to watch the news report. Dramatic footage of the battle that had just happened over Indigo flashed across the screen. Rayquaza coiled defensively in front of the League building while Lugia rained beams from above. Lance and his dragons trying their hardest to intervene. Bystanders cowering in fear when they’d been a mile away in reality. Even knowing the actual context behind it all, it was hard for me to see how anyone could watch this and not think we were the bad guys.

“But this doesn’t make any sense,” Rudy protested, leaping up from his chair while Ebony nodded fervently along with his words. “How on earth can they think the Rockets were the good guys there?”

“Just… just watch the rest of it,” Darren replied, pulling him back into his seat.

“At this time, we’re still unsure what prompted this, or any of the previous attacks,” a news anchor said. “Here to help shed some light on things is Champion Lance.”

The screen cut to Lance standing on the ruined grand stairs to the League HQ wearing the same stoic face I’d seen on him this morning.

“It was very brave of you to stand up to the guardians in that way,” a reporter was saying, holding a microphone up to him. “What can you tell us about the attacks?”

“We’re not sure at this time,” Lance said neutrally. “All we know is that we’re not going to allow incidents like this to keep happening.” He promptly exited the frame.

That was it? I guess he wasn’t into public speaking.

“In an effort to prevent further destruction, the Department of Pokémon Affairs announced an emergency vote to pass the Legendary Management Act,” the news anchor went on.

A very professional-looking Lorelei appeared on screen, and I immediately felt myself tense up, as if she’d suddenly appeared in the room with us.

“These disasters cannot continue,” she said, staring straight at the camera as I shrank into my seat. “The League is committed to ensuring the safety of everyone in the region by finally putting the Legendaries’ power in check. If that means apprehending them, so be it.”

While she spoke, the footage cut to an aerial view of a stark white island against a stretch of sea in all directions. Sootopolis, or what was left of it. A slideshow of images played, showing the ruined city, the flooded streets, the melted buildings. Crowds of refugees waiting at a packed ferry dock. I gripped the edge of the couch to keep my hands from shaking.

“To this end, Viridian’s representative gym leader will be spearheading the effort to neutralize the threat,” Lorelei said thinly.

“Yeah, like hell she’s gonna openly say that they commissioned Rockets,” Starr scoffed.

Despite the cool tone in Lorelei’s voice, her words left a bitter sting. What did it matter if she didn’t want to be working with Giovanni—the League was still going through with it.

Giovanni appeared on the screen to a chorus of growls and hisses from the Pokémon around us. Part of me wanted to get worked up like everyone learning about this for the first time. Instead, I just felt… tired. I couldn’t even feel angry at him.

“Some people still believe that the guardians aren’t at fault here. What would you say to them?” the reporter asked.

Giovanni’s mouth curled into what passed for a warm smile. The smile of someone who had already won. “The Legendary Pokémon are meant to be the guardians of our world. But we’ve all seen the raw destruction their power can enact when it is allowed to run wild. The Legendaries must be held accountable for their actions.”

“Self-righteous bastard,” Starr muttered under her breath.

“Is it true that your task force has already apprehended several of the guardians?” an offscreen voice asked.

Giovanni nodded solemnly. “At this time, we have already taken Raikou, Entei, Articuno, and Rayquaza into custody. If necessary, the remaining Tohjo guardians will be apprehended in the event that their violence continues.”

All the while, footage played of Rayquaza breathing out vicious dragonfire at a squad of airships. Because of course they’d conveniently leave out the fact that those airships had been attacking Rayquaza unprovoked.

“Unfortunately, the ones responsible for the Viridian disaster remain at large. Our priority must be to track them down and bring them to justice.”

The screen cut to Lugia and Ho-oh, silhouetted against the night sky over Viridian. Ho-oh… it had been trying to stop Lugia from attacking the city, but most people would have been too busy evacuating to tell the difference. And of course, the footage had been deliberately cut to leave out who the target of Ho-oh’s attacks was.

Giovanni folded his hands with a grave expression. “This is why we created the bioweapon known as Mewtwo. It was designed to fight Legendary Pokémon, to prevent them from enacting their tyranny upon us.”

Starr stood up sharply from her seat. “That’s bullshit and you know it!!”

Giovanni closed his eyes, putting on a dejected air. “Unfortunately, thanks to a group of extremists, Mewtwo was taken from me, resulting in the destruction that we all saw last year.”

Starr threw her arms in the air. “Ohhh my god, I can’t watch this, I’m gonna put my foot through the screen.” She spun around and stormed towards the front door of the cabin, several Pokémon moving out of her way as she did. “Someone give me a recap later, I’m going outside.”

I didn’t really absorb the rest of the news broadcast. It was all stuff we already knew, filtered through the most backwards lens possible. My brain kept replaying the meeting with Lorelei over and over. If we’d just done things differently, said the correct things, maybe we could have…

A barrage of overlapping voices saturated the air—Rudy complaining loudly and asking a million questions with Darren attempting to explain things while Weavile cut in unhelpfully, along with scattered comments from various other Pokémon. Couldn’t hear myself think. I mumbled something about going to find Starr and then picked myself up from where I had sunk into the couch, rushing outside before anyone could say anything. The cool forest air swept over me the moment I was outside, and while my head was still full of buzzing anxiety, I could at least breathe out here, so that was something.

It wasn’t too hard to find where Starr had gone off to. Sounds carried from around back—energetic footsteps crunching the leaves, grunts of exertion, the occasional dull impact. I rounded the edge of the cabin to find Starr circling Feraligatr in a fighting stance, punching at the latter’s open palms. The gator lazily moved her arms with every punch to give a different target each time, eyes half-lidded like she’d done this hundreds of times.

Starr’s punching gradually began to slow. Her breathing grew heavier. And then she paused for juuust a moment too long, and Feraligatr took that as the cue to swing her tail around, knocking her trainer clear off her feet. With an awkward thud, Starr landed flat on her back in the leaves, swearing incoherently.

Feraligatr chuckled a bit before extending a claw to help her up. Starr reached up to grab it… but then used the momentum to throw herself over the gator’s back, putting her in a headlock. Feraligatr waved her arms in a half-hearted show of resistance for a few seconds before flopping to the ground, ‘defeated.’ Starr then slid down from her starter’s back, reclining against the scaly hide.

I leaned against the wall of the cabin, waiting for nothing in particular as I watched the two. Then, without warning, Starr locked eyes with me and said, “Hey, I want to battle.”

I blinked. “What?”

“You heard me.”

I hesitated for a bit, but then… Aros was probably the best fit. It took a minute to track him down, and he seemed mildly confused by my tone, but he wasn’t one to ever turn down a battle. We returned to Starr picking herself up from the leaf-strewn ground and giving Feraligatr an expectant look.

“*Suppose a real workout would be good,*” the water-type grunted, lifting her weight from the ground.

There was no fanfare. Starr and I both pointed, and the two Pokémon collided in a rough heap, pushing and clawing and tussling back and forth in lieu of elemental techniques. Not a lot of real strategy to be found. What started as the occasional command devolved into a whole lot of shouting and random encouragement, and by the end I was yelling as loud as I could until my voice went hoarse, and my blood pounded and all the anxious tension from before had faded into a dull afterthought.

It ended with the heavy thud of both reptiles flopping onto the ground, sending a wave of leaves fluttering out from under them. Feeling almost as winded as the two Pokémon, I sank back against the nearest tree as my pulse slowly returned to normal. Without a word, Starr slumped to the ground next to me.

“Thanks,” I murmured.

She tapped a fist against my upper arm. “Figured we both needed that.”

I wrapped my arms around my legs and took a few moments to center myself in the outdoor environment. The rustling of wild Pokémon through the undergrowth. The breeze carrying pine scent through the air. The rough bark against my still-sensitive back.

“I’ve been starting to wonder if we’re on the wrong side in all this,” I said in a low voice, idly tearing up bits of grass and letting them fall through my fingers.

“That’s idiotic.”

I winced. “I just… I always thought that protecting the Legendaries was obviously the right thing to do. But now…”

“Jade,” Starr said, giving me an impatient look. “Don’t tell me after all this, you’re gonna start saying the Rockets were right just because of some shit that happened before either of us were even born?”

“I’m not saying they’re right,” I replied defensively. “I’m just saying it’s hard to argue against some of what they’re saying.”

“Welcome to my world,” Starr said coolly. “Reason number 87 why it was hard to walk away from them. So you don’t get to change your mind about this.”

I put a hand to my forehead. “I’m not… I’m not changing my mind, I just…”—I slammed my fist against a root—“the Rockets aren’t right, but neither are the Legendaries! But I’m supposed to protect them! And then I find out about all this crap and that it’s kind of their own fault? Am I supposed to just ignore it all?”

Starr exhaled roughly, running a hand down her face. “Are you forgetting that I’m signed up for all that crap now too?”

My gaze slid away from hers. I unclenched my fists, now feeling the sting in my right hand. “No, I didn’t forget, I just…” I inhaled slowly. “I’m sorry. I know this has gotta be ten times more frustrating for you.”

Starr was quiet for a long moment, brow furrowed. “I wasn’t trying to make it a competition,” she muttered. “I get why you’re confused. It sucks all around. Just part of the fun of growing up.” She threw an arm upward with a dramatic twirl.

I gripped my knees tighter, sinking a bit lower before finally leaning my head against Starr’s shoulder. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, then put her arm around my shoulders without saying anything.


<This is absurd,> Lugia declared. <Who are they to believe they can make decisions for us?>

Well, I guess that answered the question of whether or not Mew had told the other legends how the meeting went.

I was seated at an outdoor picnic table by the lake that Lugia occasionally slept in. The reddish glow of dusk glimmered on the water, occasionally broken by splashing from some of Rudy and Darren’s Pokémon as they chased each other through the shallows.

“They… are kinda the highest authority on Pokémon-related things in the country,” I pointed out, already knowing that it wouldn’t help.

<No matter,> Lugia said, waving a wing dismissively. <We’re under no obligation to comply with their wishes.>

That was kind of the problem. The Legendaries were under no obligation to listen to anyone. That was the entire reason the League was afraid of them.

Ajia hummed, kicking her legs up from her seat on a low-lying tree branch. “If we’re not working with them, then we’re going to have to find a way to deal with the fact that it’s legal for the Rockets to capture you now.”

Moltres turned to face her, looking skeptical. “No one else was stopping the Rockets before. What exactly has changed?”

Ajia held a palm up. “Well… before, the Rockets had to at least try to be subtle and avoid giving away the fact that they had caught legends. Now they can just openly target you in broad daylight.”

Moltres didn’t seem terribly impressed by this information, judging by its wordless stare.

“Okay, even if it doesn’t change much for you, it’ll definitely affect our ability to help,” I added tiredly.

Lugia’s piercing gaze fixed onto me. <Explain.>

I rubbed the back of my head. “I mean, what if we got arrested?”

Lugia scoffed. <It would be trivial to free you from human confinement.>

“What if they had Rayquaza and a bunch of ALRs to meet you when you did?”

The seabird gave me a long, hard stare before finally turning away, grumbling incoherently. I guess the legend didn’t have an immediate answer for that.

Rudy turned from where he’d been leading Ebony through some fireball drills on the shore. “Look, all I’m saying is that the Rockets better wait until after the League finals,” he said, emphatically holding up three fingers. “Just three more days, that’s all I’m asking. After that, I don’t care what happens.”

“We can look forward to getting arrested in four days, then,” Darren said sagely.

The finals were in three days—now that was definitely something that’d slipped my mind with all the… everything.

I shuffled a foot against the dirt. “It sorta feels like we’re going in circles.” I glanced up at Lugia. “Maybe… maybe if you guys could just… have an honest discussion with the League? Try to come to some sort of compromise?”

<We will discuss nothing of the sort,> Lugia said with a snort. <If your leadership has thrown in their lot with the Rockets, then they deserve what’s coming to them.>

Something about that statement sent a chill down my spine. “‘What’s coming to them’?” I repeated. “You mean like what started all this?”

Lugia tilted its head. <What are you referring to?>

“They told us that Legendaries attacked humanity twenty years ago,” I said, feeling the heat rising in my voice. “I want to know if that’s true.” Both the Rockets and the League had corroborated the story. But I wanted to hear it from the legends directly.

Lugia glanced away. <That’s… taking things out of context,> it said, tail lashing in the shallow lakewater.

A flicker of dread crept up my neck. “That’s not a no…”

<It’s not as though it was unprovoked!> Lugia yelled indignantly, wings partially flared. <The humans attacked us first!>

“Attacked how?” I asked, staring up at the legend.

Lugia stared back, eyes sharp. <Testing those forsaken capture balls on us. Using us.>

I hesitated. “So they went after you first, and then you retaliated.”

Lugia narrowed its eyes. <Yes. What else would you think?>

That they’d attacked preemptively to end the threat before it began. Because that was what the League had said. And while I didn’t trust the League to be unbiased, I wasn’t too sure that Lugia’s take was any less biased.

I glanced away, finally breaking eye contact. “Look, I—I didn’t know what to think.”

<Evidently,> Lugia said with a huff, turning away. <And for your information, I was not personally involved with that incident,> the legend added, shards of indignation digging into my head with each word. <I spent that year in the southern seas, far from anyone.>

I swallowed. <But what if you hadn’t?>

<What an utterly pointless question. A meaningless hypothetical.>

My chest tightened. I already knew the answer anyway. There wasn’t anything to be gained by asking.

Lugia turned away and dove into the lake with a mighty splash, sending waves of water washing over the shore. Ebony barked playfully as she raced away from the waves and Jet shoved Weavile into them before dashing after her. Even though they were having fun, watching them left an odd pang in my chest. Jet had run back to Rudy’s team the instant I’d tried to confront her about the battle with Raven and Ender. I wasn’t surprised, but it still stung.

Suicune had been lounging in the shallow waters, pretending not to pay attention to the conversation thus far, even though it had no reason to be here otherwise. I still had no idea what to make of Suicune. It regularly said that it wanted nothing to do with us, but also kept showing up to bother us ever since last week. And of course it hadn’t apologized for screwing everything up in Indigo. Why would it have?

The beast yawned widely and stood up, shaking the water from its paws as it strode onto the shore. “Why are we quibbling over events long past? We should be making plans to free our captured kin.”

“We can’t make any major moves right now, not so soon after what happened in Indigo,” Ajia said, leaning back on her tree branch to get a better look at the beast. “It’d be a really bad look.”

Suicune gave her a deadpan stare. “You’re joking. What on earth are we meant to do, then? Wait around until they come for us?

Ajia shook her head. “That’s not it. We’re not giving up, we just need to be careful with how we approach things.”

Darren sidled over, holding a finger up. “For starters… you should at least stay out of view so the Rockets can’t target you.”

Suicune tossed its head. “I have no interest in hiding like a coward. If they come for me, I will fight them, and if they use any other legends against me, I will free them.”

There was no point in explaining why that wouldn’t work. We’d already been over it what felt like a million times.

“I’m not any happier with the situation than you are,” Moltres said, flicking its tail. “But there’s no denying that following the course of the chosen pact has proven useful. It’s foolish to pretend otherwise.”

“I didn’t ask to be a patron,” Suicune spat. “I don’t want to be a patron.”

“This may come as a shock, but sometimes we must do things that we don’t wish to do,” Moltres said dryly.

Suicune glowered at the firebird, nostrils flaring.

I let out an exasperated sigh. More internal Legendary drama. I knew that the outcome was important, but I was getting so tired of it that I could feel the words sliding off my ears. So I just plopped down on the ground next to my team, feeling increasingly irrelevant.

Firestorm glanced at me without saying anything, his expression a bit lost. I sighed, idly holding a few small twigs up to his tail flame and watching them burn.

“You’re not the only one who doesn’t know what to do here,” I said in what I hoped was a reassuring tone.

The Charizard sighed deeply, warm air washing over me. “*How do we fight this? We can’t defeat the entire League.*”

“No, but it is kind of fun to imagine barging into the national council and challenging the Pokémon Affairs people to a battle,” I said with a chuckle. That at least got him to smile.

Swift walked over and settled into a seated position next to us, feathers fluffed out. “*This isn’t the first time we’ve felt lost.*”

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye before absently running a hand through his feathers. “I just… don’t know what good the chosen can do in this situation.”

The truth was right there, even if it was hard to say explicitly—that being chosen felt increasingly irrelevant. What did it matter if we had humans and legends working together if this wasn’t an enemy we could defeat?

“Why couldn’t being chosen have given us some kind of actual power to help?” I muttered under my breath.

Swift preened a few feathers, looking thoughtful. “*Maybe they thought the legends needed help.*”

“I know they need help, but—”

“*Not that. Needed help cooperating with humans.*”

I paused, mulling it over. “That makes it sound like whoever designed the chosen pact didn’t think the Legendaries ever would cooperate with humans. Or at least, not without something pushing them to do it.”

Swift gazed upward, feathers ruffling in the breeze. “*Maybe.*”

It wasn’t the wildest theory we’d had. Maybe being chosen was literally just so that the legends had some reason to discuss things with humans. So that their immense power could have at least a bit of human input. But then, why not all the Legendaries? Why only some of them?

Ajia hopped down from her tree branch and walked over, hands clasped behind her back and a look on her face like she was carefully considering her words. “Hey, so… I just wanted to check if you were doing okay.”

I glanced up at her, and she winced slightly, so I guess my expression must not have looked great.

“Sorry,” I said, “it’s just… I still can’t believe we’re only just now learning about the whole thing with the Legendaries, and the League, and…” My words trailed off.

A Starly fluttered down from the trees and landed on Ajia’s shoulder. “*It was never my intent to conceal things,*” the Starly—Mew—said, flicking her tail feathers. “*I didn’t want to worry anyone with events that transpired before your time. And it didn’t feel right to drag others’ past failures into the open.*”

It made sense. And Starr never exactly had any reason to bring up random decades-old Rocket propaganda either. Still frustrating to feel so blindsided, even if it wouldn’t have actually changed anything.

Mew tilted her head, gazing at me through large, avian eyes. “*Do you wish to know which legends clashed with the League decades ago?*”

I took a deep breath. “No, I don’t think—”

A savage wind whipped across the lake suddenly, forcing me to hold my hair against my head to keep it out of my face. Apparently, while we’d been talking amongst ourselves, tensions hadn’t cooled at all. Suicune barked something at Moltres and then stormed off into the trees, violently scattering the leaves in its wake.

I couldn’t say I was surprised, or that I minded, really. As far as I was concerned, the meeting had run its course and not really accomplished anything, so I was ready to call it quits and go for a flight to clear my head.

I gestured to Firestorm, and he stood up, giving his wings a good stretch. I scratched between the shoulder blades in the spot that he always liked and was just about to swing a leg over his back when a voice rang out from overhead.

“Well, you guys sure are a put-together lot.”

I craned my neck upward, searching for the source. Some kind of winged shape overhead—a Pidgeot? One with a shorter, more yellowish crest than Swift’s. The bird glided down to land near the shoreline, and once it had touched down, a rider jumped down from its back. A girl with a tanned face and long, dark hair, dressed in a ranger’s uniform. Wait, I’d seen her before—she was that ranger girl who’d helped us out during the Moltres attack.

“Hi Kari,” Ajia said, putting on a smile that was definitely trying a bit too hard.

Pidgeot bowed deeply to the legends, and Kari gave them a short nod of respect before turning back to face Ajia. “Yeah, so uh, were you planning on filling me in on anything? It’s been weeks.”

Starr turned around sharply. She’d been watching something on her phone along with Feraligatr but was now narrowing her eyes at the new arrival. “Hang on—how is this any of your business?” she asked loudly.

“Last I heard, you weren’t involved in any of this either,” Kari replied dryly. “Things change.”

Starr stood up abruptly, fists clenched. Without missing a beat, Ajia teleported in between them—and it honestly took me a second to remember that Ajia couldn’t teleport, that Mew had done it, the motion was that seamless.

“So, I wanted to fill you in,” she began, shooting a look at Starr before turning back to the ranger, “but there’s been sort of a lot going on, and I figured that you were probably busy, so—”

“What is this human doing here?” Moltres cut in, eyeing the ranger suspiciously. “Why are we speaking as if she is already aware of what’s going on?”

Oh, right, the Legendaries were still here. Or at least, some of them. (Good thing Suicune had left).

Ajia folded her arms behind her head, looking back toward Moltres. “She kiiiinda helped us rescue you last month.”

“Indirectly,” Kari added, rubbing her eyes.

Moltres gave her a hard stare. “I suppose that would explain it.”

“Speaking of,” Kari went on, turning to us, “I told you guys that things’d go south if you didn’t get the collateral damage under control. And lookit what happened? It’s that.”

“You think we wanted collateral damage?” I asked heatedly, feeling my throat clench up.

“Nah,” Kari said. “Just not the greatest at stopping it.”

Easy for her to say. She didn’t have to balance protecting the legends with fighting the Rockets with trying to save the Rockets’ legends.

“Alllright, let’s all try to be civil, yeah?” Ajia said quickly, holding both palms out toward everyone. She then glanced over at Kari and added, “I’ll take any advice by the way.”

Kari gave her a hard look. “You guys need to come clean to the Ranger Union.”

Ajia blinked. “Come clean…?”

“Tell them you’ve been working with the guardians.”

“What?” I asked, utterly bewildered. “Why?”

“We can help,” the ranger said bluntly. “If you guys are busy stopping the guardians from being captured or whatever it is that you do, you can’t keep the damage under control.” She jabbed a thumb at her chest. “That’s where we come in. You keep us roped in on whatever nonsense you’re up to, we make sure that the damage is kept to a minimum. Faster evacuations, more Protect shields around infrastructure—that sorta thing.”

“What?” Rudy’s incredulous voice piped up. He’d spun sharply around to face us with a baffled expression. “You saw what happened when the League found out about us—what makes you think it’d be any different a second time?”

“Because the rangers don’t take orders from the League, that’s why,” Kari said, pointing at the Ranger Union patch on her shoulder. “We’re the ones who help out with wild Pokémon. The League is supposed to handle stuff involving trained Pokémon. Why the hell the Department of Pokémon Affairs put the League in charge of this mess is anyone’s guess.”

“Giovanni probably had something to do with it,” Starr grumbled.

It was such a weird thought, coming clean after all this time. We’d been operating in secret for so long that I had a hard time imagining what it would even look like.

“I guess trying to keep things a secret hasn’t exactly… worked,” I said slowly, still rotating the thought around.

“Yeah, but it’s not like coming clean to the League would have helped,” Starr said.

Mew gave Ajia a look, and the two of them silently conversed for a bit. Then, Ajia clasped her hands in front of her and said the last thing I expected her to say: “My dad’s a ranger chief, and, well… I think he should know. He might be able to help us.”

It took me a few seconds to be sure that I hadn’t imagined her saying it. After all this time, she was changing her stance, just like that?

“You sure you’re not going to regret that?” I asked quietly. “Coming clean to your dad, I mean.”

Ajia was silent for a moment, looking down at her own hands. “I think there’s a part of me that has wanted to for a long time,” she said, giving me a tired smile. “The same part of me that was tired of keeping secrets from you two.”

I couldn’t say I didn’t know how she felt. Even though I’d never had to experience being the lone chosen like she had, there was a strange isolation to it all, and the idea of being able to speak freely without dancing around the truth was… liberating.

As surprising as it was, the more I rolled it around in my head, the more sense it made. Less damage meant fewer chances for people to get hurt, and it would be easier to counter the anti-Legendary sentiment that had been spreading lately.

I took a deep breath. “Okay, so… I know it was bad the last time someone found out about us, but we didn’t even tell the League—they found out anyway. Maybe getting the rangers on our side could be a good call.”

Rudy had stopped paying attention. He was currently racing his team around the lake. Judging by the orange blur at the front of the pack, Jet or Raichu was in the lead with Ebony not far behind and Tyranitar trailing well in the back. Darren… he must have left at some point because I didn’t see him. So, that just left the Legendaries…

Lugia emerged from the lake, water streaming down its feathers. As Mew explained the proposition, its expression grew increasingly agitated.

<Our problems have come from humans learning of our arrangement,> Lugia said with a huff. <There is no way you can convince me that informing more humans can lead to any improvement.>

Ho-oh, who’d been quietly preening since being teleported here a minute earlier, gave Lugia a sideways glance. “Hm. It’s risky, yes. But good things often are.” Its eyes flickered toward Starr.

Mew was in her normal form now, drifting airily back and forth with her tail trailing behind her. <I’m in agreement with my chosen. I believe we should do it.>

Lugia gave her an incredulous look. <You were the one who was in favor of secrecy in the first place,> it said accusingly.

Mew wrapped her tail around herself. <I know, but things are more complicated now.>

Lugia stared at her for a few seconds, waves of frustration radiating from its mind. Then it turned and spat a wisp of blue energy at the lake, freezing the spot instantly.

Ho-oh watched the seabird with an expression of heavy restraint. It clacked its beak in thought, mulling over its words before saying, “I would not have anticipated it being a wise course of action, but at this point it may be for the best.”

“I am opposed,” Moltres said flatly, tossing its head.

Rudy skidded to a stop, breathing heavily after finishing the run with his team. “Why’s”—huff—“that?” he asked, bracing his hands on his knees while Ebony ran circles around him.

Moltres eyed him. “It’s not the principle of working with humans. I just see no reason to trust these humans in particular. What qualifications do they have?” The firebird shot a look at Kari. And, well, to her credit, she was doing pretty well at not being too fazed by having Legendaries glare at her suspiciously.

“The Ranger Union is dedicated to maintaining the pact. We’re all about keeping the peace between humans and Pokémon,” the ranger explained. Her Pidgeot stood tall alongside her with its chest puffed out.

“Hmph.” Moltres seemed unimpressed.

Ajia clicked her tongue. “That just leaves…” Her words trailed off as we all realized the Donphan in the room. Suicune and Zapdos. Well, Suicune would have certainly been against it, but…

Moltres gave a dispassionate glare in the direction Suicune had left, flames crackling. “Suicune has run away like a child. They have relinquished their vote.”

Rudy glanced up at his patron. “Doesn’t that make it harder for your side to win the vote?”

The firebird tossed its head, scattering small embers. “That is beside the point.”

I had to admit, I was a bit impressed. That Moltres put more value in sticking to its principles than getting its way… It also meant that we were tied. The only remaining legend who hadn’t voiced an opinion was…

Zapdos had been roosting in a shaded patch of tall grass, talking quietly with a flock of Spearow. Upon realizing that our conversation had turned its way, the thunderbird glanced in our direction and deflated slightly. But, even if it was uncomfortable at the sudden attention, the legend bowed to its flock and stood up, approaching our group with slow, thoughtful steps.

Finally, Zapdos opened its long beak and spoke: “I believe, if there is a chance for us to have more human allies, then it is worth it.”

Moltres gave the thunderbird a hard stare. “You know this could backfire,” it said harshly.

“I know,” Zapdos said, staring at the firebird unflinchingly. “It is still worth it.”

Moltres was stone-faced for a bit, but then nodded, looking reluctantly impressed. “I have missed seeing that conviction.” The firebird turned around, talons crunching on the gravel. “Alright then. We will speak with your human superiors.”

This was it. We were really doing this.

Kari nodded firmly. “Cool. Guess I’ll see you guys ‘round the HQ later,” she said, throwing a leg over her Pidgeot’s back and taking off.

Ajia retrieved her phone with decisive look. “Alright. I’ll text my dad and tell him we have something to share.”

~End Chapter 56~
  1. skiddo-px1
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  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Hello again! I swear I read Chapters 53 and 54 last year (or 2023...), but I guess I didn't write any review notes, bleh. Went ahead and re-read 'em to refresh my memory, as well as finally carrying on with 55 (and 56)!

More of the mysterious definitely-not-chosen-related healing. What else might whatever-this-is-that-can't-possibly-be-the-chosen-bond be able to do that they're not aware of yet?

It's good to actually get some less-than-light stories from Ajia, see a little more vulnerability and desperation from her. Obviously not good for her, and you totally get why Jade doesn't like the idea of actively hoping something went that badly wrong for one of her friends, but it's also deeply understandable how alone she feels in having had all these horrible things happen to her. Seeing your apparently unflappable, invincible friend vulnerable and failing at things and unsure of what to do... it's fair to get a sense of solidarity from that, I think, and maybe a little hope that it's not just you, that it's not entirely down to you or some fault of yours that keeps piling all this pain and bullshit on top of you.

And then we spend some time with some much needed relaxation and attempts to get back to whatever passes for normalcy for these kids. (how much of that chatting about league strategies is just chatting about league strategies and how much of it is chibi never mentions moveset stuff without it being foreshadowing :copyka:) A welcome cooldown, another nice little breather... until it's not, lol.

I continue to love the dissent within the legendary ranks. Everyone's desperate to do something, but even between those who seem on the surface like they have the same idea they've all got different expectations and desires. Lugia's wavering on going in guns blazing (even if it isn't fully ready to reckon with how it feels about all the murderdeath or what it did to Jade), Mewtwo's being cagey, Suicune is angry but desperate not to feel alone in all this, Zapdos is still wrestling with general feelsbad and indecision and possibly not a small amount of fear... heh. The sort of compromise this is going to take, if they can even achieve any at all, is gonna be pretty rough. And surely there must be more to hear on the other end, about exactly how Mew's been approaching the other legends...

And then Chibi finally gets to talk to Zapdos... finally some closure! Granted, it's "closure" that just asks new questions rather than answering literally anything at all, but driving home the point that the standards (and guilt) Chibi was holding himself to aren't actually there is hopefully freeing in and of itself—definitely something for him to think about, at least. The story's already very much about how the legendaries are still just people, but that realization means different things to the characters who originally thought otherwise; it'll be interesting to see where Chibi takes this knowledge going forward. Love love love a character who really has to work through what it means to live for yourself.

Zapdos let out a long sigh. "After my siblings were taken, I allowed myself to be consumed by rage and hatred, and took many human lives. Perhaps they deserved it, but I have no way of knowing." The thunderbird paused, staring up into the gray sky. "I was afraid of what I had become ..."

hey apropos of nothing and entirely unrelated to themes and pokémon you might happen to enjoy i am sure but golly gee i wonder what was going on with the stormbringer

More Jade flying, more trying to push through, more desperation not to be irrelevant and helpless even if it means suffering... it's good that she is being reasonable about this, though, even if she's still uneasy about it. Not that that lasts long lol. It never does, with these kids...

I love Darren reading Suicune to filth about sneaking along behind them all cool and definitely not following them, nope, no sir, your presence is irrelevant I don't want to act alone

Suicune: what is a stealth, what do consequences? This is why you need humans, you dork. :P Seeing all these legendaries try (and often fail) to navigate very human-centric territory and politics really drives home how out of their depth they are, even with all the power that they wield.

I did have a bit of trouble following the action for a moment after the alarm sounded and Entei appeared; I think I was picturing it as having appeared inside the garage, but then suddenly it's outside? Which, yeah, legendary beasts, they do be goin' fast, but it did get a little confusing in a way I'm not sure was intended. (I think I was also a little confused by needing to hold open a single garage door in order to get out without teleporting, but maybe I'm just picturing the wrong sort of parking garage—that's on me, then.)

Still waiting for the other Jet shoe to really drop, because I definitely don't believe that munging up the coordination in another multi-battle is going to be the last of it :copyka:

"We just have to knock Suicune out!" is some real "I just have to throw a master ball at Lugia!"-tier planning from Jade, lol. Prooobably not enough to result in more torture, hopefully, but ahahaha wow that's gonna be a Thing later. (I might suggest dropping Jade's initial "We had to knock it out" thought there, though, since she just says the exact same thing aloud two lines later and I think that second one has more impact.)

Hell of a trap the Rockets set, heh. Enjoying the 5D chess they're all playing here to cultivate exactly the image they want for the league. A disposable ALR and a ton of shipping containers and a bunch of work with the construction site and keeping your spare legendaries hanging around just to lure the legendaries that will hopefully be reckless enough to destroy it all. Makes you wonder whether the ambushable supply line did have anything to do with it at all... still don't even quite know what the end result of that was other than apparently successful as far as Lugia and Ajia could tell. Hm...

Ender is such a dick and I hate his fake dramatic swoon more than anything else he said lol, and I hate everything he said so that's really an achievement. Congratulations! You win an I Very Hope Starr Gets To Break Your Nose!

Good to see that we're finally getting some more lore on Rocket's reasoning, though! Wrestling with why humans ostensibly uninterested in enslaving pokémon would create the master ball in the first place, especially in sapient-pokémon settings, is always a tricky one. And it stands to reason that people have been trying to turn the legendaries toward their own ends for ages, that this isn't new—why would it be? The only difference is that now there's technology that makes it much, much easier. I do agree with some other reviews that it seems like a pretty big oversight for the Pokémon Affairs appartment not to draw a thicker line between mind control vs. just wanting assurance that the legends can't nuke them from orbit for No Reason (at least, not visibly—maybe they don't know that the master balls necessarily mind-control their captives, or maybe there were details in those conversations that just didn't have room to come up or that Lorelei herself wasn't privy to), but I suppose it's not surprising that Gio and Rocket could twist their story enough to avoid coming across as sketch as they clearly are.

I knew it'd be a disaster/intentionally completely pointless to have a bunch of kids in there "negotiating", heh. Unfortunately, there just really wasn't anyone else who could do it beyond the legendaries themselves! So they just end up dumped unceremoniously into a foregone conclusion (but not that one), complete with the delicious comparison of the legendaries using children just like Stalker did. Granted, I don't thiiiiink there's anything in the chosen pact that says the chosen humans need to be wee babbins, but clearly, from the League's and the Rockets' perspective, it's not as though the legendaries care enough to explicitly avoid heaping all this danger and responsibility onto children! I'm sure there's even some spin to be spun there about the legends deliberately "allying themselves" with humans who are easier to take advantage of, and so on.

Overall an extremely rough situation! I really loved the tension that just oozed through every moment of it, especially the parts with Giovanni. The coldness toward Starr and how utterly unbothered he is by the way his presence and his every word have her absolutely beside herself. Jade just wilting completely the minute Giovanni addresses her directly is chef's kiss-level uncomfy. Very much looking forward to seeing more of him going forward... but first, there's the matter of seeing the legends' reactions to this big decision they had absolutely no part in making. :copyka:

"Unfortunately, thanks to a group of extremists, Mewtwo was taken from me, ..."

lmao taken from him. Him personally. Not even attempting to phrase it neutrally.

Gotta love the editing that goes into a good piece of propaganda. Bystanders screaming even though they were miles away, not showing that Ho-Oh was fending off Lugia rather than joining it...

Of course Starr's the type to just spar and wrestle with her own huge scary pokémon when she needs to blow off steam, heh. Feraligatr's all yes Starr, good job, you got me! ❤️ A little thing in all the emotional tumult and helpless frustration taking center stage in the fic right now, but I loved that little interaction, and I'm glad that Jade and Starr realized they needed it and got to have it. Sometimes that's all you've got when you're saddled with such an intense feeling of helplessness...

oh my god Rudy. priorities, son

Wondering how intentional Lugia's echoing of Giovanni's "they deserve what's coming to them" is... though, really, given the context (and if intentional), feels like Giovanni might've been echoing something the legends might've said during the master ball debacle...

Not at all surprised that most of the aforementioned legendary reactions are Not In Favor, lol. For now it seems like almost everyone but Jade, even Ajia, is sticking to their original guns (though of course there were plenty of hints that Ajia was having to think pretty hard about something last chapter); like Jade, I can't help but feel like they really are just going in circles. Do enjoy Swift's take that just giving the legends some human perspective is important, though!

What it'll take for things to move forward along those lines is another matter, of course... here's to hoping that Kari's suggestion and Ajia's change of heart (and Zapdos being willing to stand up and try something different! good for Zapdos! :D) can actually kick off some forward motion here! Even though the chapter itself is pretty somber and sedate, we end on the promise of some real potential change that I'm really looking forward to. It's been a while since the kids have had any sort of organized support behind them (if you could call Aqua/Magma "organized support" with the way that all went down, haha), and while I definitely don't expect easy going, I do think the rangers will have access to resources or info that I'm excited to see brought to bear against the Rockets (and the League...).

(also I want Mew to spill the tea on the legends involved with the master ball debacle lol. no way she wasn't part of it somehow...)
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
I will preface by saying I know I was caught up but my memory of the finer details is all very fuzzy, so I may or may not miss details or things already clear...

Chapter 56

“To this end, Viridian’s representative gym leader will be spearheading the effort to neutralize the threat,” Lorelei said thinly.

“Yeah, like hell she’s gonna openly say that they commissioned Rockets,” Starr scoffed.
This is gonna circle around to bite you in the tails, you absolute morons. I don't know on what deranged version of reality you think legendaries in the possession of Team Rocket is in any way a solution to this. Hubris I'm sure, thinking they can then control team rocket. As if.
not a negative btw, this is me griping along with the characters in-universe. It's quite realistic for the governing force to be making straight up terrible choices for reasons they believe in, for what they find important. It's just gonna backfire you dingbats.
If necessary, the remaining Tohjo guardians will be apprehended in the event that their violence continues.”
I'm sure you'll find a reason to make the violence continue.
And of course, the footage had been deliberately cut to leave out who the target of Ho-oh’s attacks was.
freakin news and reporters man, got me seething. I hate them, always spreading only versions of the truth to support their narrative. Perfectly realistic and infuriating.
My brain kept replaying the meeting with Lorelei over and over. If we’d just done things differently, said the correct things, maybe we could have…
Nope Jade, you can't convince stupid.
I rounded the edge of the cabin to find Starr circling Feraligatr in a fighting stance, punching at the latter’s open palms. The gator lazily moved her arms with every punch to give a different target each time, eyes half-lidded like she’d done this hundreds of times.
:quag: Aaahhhh I love this, I love trainers training with their pokemon, I love how used to it Feraligatr is.
Feraligatr chuckled a bit before extending a claw to help her up. Starr reached up to grab it… but then used the momentum to throw herself over the gator’s back, putting her in a headlock. Feraligatr waved her arms in a half-hearted show of resistance for a few seconds before flopping to the ground, ‘defeated.’ Starr then slid down from her starter’s back, reclining against the scaly hide.
this is adorable.

Also for some reason every time I reread the following bit I kept thinking Jade asked for the battle, which surprised me a lot but I was willing to accept lol.
Just part of the fun of growing up.” She threw an arm upward with a dramatic twirl.
Ah yes, every teenagers growing struggles of trying to decide how the demi-god they're paired with should use its powers and how they should be treated by the human government. Normal teen struggles!
The Legendaries were under no obligation to listen to anyone. That was the entire reason the League was afraid of them.
Does the league or Rockets answer to anyone >:{? Genuine question though, I cannot remember. Its true and understandable that the league is concerned with legends and their power but what does the league and Champion/E4 answer to when they're that strong? What about the rockets with the legends in custody???
(or perhaps there is a check and balance mentioned and I forgot)

<We will discuss nothing of the sort,> Lugia said with a snort. <If your leadership has thrown in their lot with the Rockets, then they deserve what’s coming to them.>
I mean uhm. Oh no Lugia, don't think like that! /hj.

On a serious note though, man I feel for Lugia here. It's downright maddening I think to feel like you have to play nice with people who are trying to endanger your entire existence and collaborating with people like Rockets. Can't say I'd be thrilled in his position :copyka:
It wasn’t the wildest theory we’d had. Maybe being chosen was literally just so that the legends had some reason to discuss things with humans. So that their immense power could have at least a bit of human input. But then, why not all the Legendaries? Why only some of them?
Huh.... thats an interesting theory. I don't remember all the details surrounding the prophecy and stuff so I can't theorize well but thats an agle I definitely didn't consider. A way to teach legendaries to be more aware of humans and human notions? I suspect there's more to it than that but then that could very well be a component.

As for why those... its because the athor really loves Johto legends and pokemon the movie 2000 Maybe its because of some ancient ties these legends have had with humans? Johto/Kanto have historically had closer relations with their legends...
I suspect there's just something else I am forgetting though too lol. Someone probably like. Made this prophecy up for other reasons.
“Because the rangers don’t take orders from the League, that’s why,” Kari said, pointing at the Ranger Union patch on her shoulder. “We’re the ones who help out with wild Pokémon. The League is supposed to handle stuff involving trained Pokémon. Why the hell the Department of Pokémon Affairs put the League in charge of this mess is anyone’s guess.”
YEAH. I was thinking this earlier honestly, that Rangers should be way more involved but I guess wack politics and Giovanni meddling prevented that.
I took a deep breath. “Okay, so… I know it was bad the last time someone found out about us, but we didn’t even tell the League—they found out anyway. Maybe getting the rangers on our side could be a good call.”
PLEASE. I do so enjoy when there's some kind of secret being kept and characters voluntarily come clean to some other party in a beneficial manner. It would be nice honestly if they got a small win, it feels like the hits keep coming and they don't stop coming lol

I don't remember where or when or what i last reviewed LC on but I think this was a good chapter. The way I vaguely remember the plot moving I think having a breather (or two!) where people process stuff is really important here. Lots of big shifts in things happening plotwise and this was a well deserved spacer, even with the inclusion of choosing to contact the Rangers.

I also have to laud the overall situation and characters, and different forces at work. I think the story does a great job of setting up a complex problem that doesn't have a super easy solution, and having characters with different goals and motives. (and some characters *cough league*cough* being extra annoying (in a good believable way). Also comprehensible motives and opinions, and "politics" in a way thats entertaining.

I'm really curious to see how this meeting with the Rangers will go, and if Suicune will ever choose a human or who (...Kari maybe?). My memory of viable human characters already introduced is very fuzzy. She seems like a decent match though? I'm sure Rocket and this new development will prove incredibly troublesome.

Really the league should do it themselves or work with Rangers like, guyyyyssss. Rockets??? Come on. They admitted to engineering a bioweapon! How's that even ethical or legal? What about the mind control tech>??? Anyways all the rambles are just me having fun, I don't think I have any legit critiques because humans do be humans, making choices that create problems.

All in all, good breather, nice to see characters trying to sit back and process, and Jade and Starr to enjoy a little time together.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 42
“*How did Lugia take the news?*” Chibi asked, staring intently at me from the nearby snack counter. He’d obviously gotten the hang of spotting the face I made when talking to Lugia.
Enjoy that there's a Face Jade Makes When Talking to Lugia.

I glanced over at Darren, who was currently raiding the Magmas’ break room fridge. Not for himself, on second look—he was mostly just holding the fridge open and watching helplessly while Weavile shoveled rice balls into her mouth.
Cute trainer-Pokémon interaction flavor.

I shuffled a foot against the floor, trying to think of what to say. I finally settled on, “Does it feel weird that this is normal to us?”

Darren laughed. “All the time. I seriously forget that it’s not normal. And then someone like Maxie comes along and is like, ‘Why are a bunch of kids here?’ and I’m like, ‘Oh yeah… this is weird.’”

‘Why are a bunch of kids here?’—that question still felt bizarre. We were just kids. I hadn’t felt like one in a while. Not since that night on Midnight Island.
This is also good. I'm enjoying them doing a little thinking about how weird this is.

“Before we went on the Moltres mission,” Darren went on, “when I explained it to my team… everyone was pretty familiar with that kind of situation, y’know? They were just like, ‘oh yeah, this again.’ Except Skarmory—he wasn’t on the Rebellion, so for him, it was like, ‘what the heck, why are we doing this?’” he said, chuckling under his breath.

I took a swig of energy drink. It was slowly becoming more tolerable. “I wish Jet had been like ‘what the heck.’ She’s got it in her head that we’re like, a bunch of war heroes and that this is all some kind of—” I paused suddenly as the realization hit me. “She’s basically us, when we started out. We were like that back then, weren’t we?”

Darren shrugged. “Probably. I know I had it in my head that I was doing something big and important. Not that it’s not, but… well, you know.”
Also very good. These poor kids.

I knew that feeling all too well. I’d joined the Rebellion because I wanted to feel important. Maybe the feeling would eventually pass for her, like it had for us. Although… given what had caused us to lose that view…

“The weirdest thing is that I have a hard time imagining life without all this,” Darren added. “What would I do with myself? Just walking into a building, I start calculating escape routes… imagining how quickly I could react if the person next to me got shot.” He closed his eyes with an ironic half-smile. “Pretty sure if we told anyone else, they’d think we were insane.”

It was the same for me. Seemingly random things still called back those memories and instincts, no matter how much time had passed. Flashes of lightning, and I’d suddenly feel concrete on my skin and acid in my mouth when neither were really there. The heat of flames, and my ears would ring with gunshots and screaming kids. Catching a side glance of my best friend from just the wrong angle, and I’d feel a spike of adrenaline from nowhere and a fist locking around my collar and…

Darren shut the fridge door with Weavile still inside, waited five seconds, then opened it again, which finally prompted her to jump out from inside and follow us out of the break room.

As we walked down the hallway, I felt Chibi’s paws grip my shoulder. “*I couldn’t understand…*” he said quietly.

I glanced at the hybrid out of the corner of my eye. “Hm?”

“*Before yesterday… when I thought you were trying to hide from this mess,*” he clarified. “*It didn’t make any sense to me. But… you had a life before all this. I forgot because I didn’t have a life before all this.*”
Oooof. Makes sense, doesn't it.

And then Lugia’s voice was in my head saying, <It’s awake. Groudon is awake,> and the world came crashing to a halt. I stood frozen, gripping the ship’s railing so hard my knuckles turned white, numbly processing the sudden announcement from nowhere.

<Wh… what?> I asked shakily.

<Did you not hear me?> the legend said.

I shook my head. <No, I—I heard you, but—how?>

<I’m unsure. None of the airships here have made a move on the island. We’ve been watching them the entire time.>
Love this sudden oh shit moment.

Jet gave a mock salute and dove into the sea. Aros glanced at Chibi with a look like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words. The Pikachu either didn’t notice or didn’t care, jumping onto his back like usual and clinging tightly. After a few seconds’ pause, Aros turned to face the Aqua fleet before taking off.
Curious what Aros was thinking here - don't think I can quite put my finger on it.

Swift whipped up a whirlwind streaked with white flares, catching the dragon in its center and whipping it around mercilessly. But, wait… what about the first one? I spun around and there it was—behind us, its horn crackling with sparks. My stomach curled inward, already anticipating the burst of lightning, already seeing it before it had even—

And then a giant, blue-scaled head lunged out of nowhere, grabbing the Dragonair in its icy jaws and hurling it so far that it was practically a speck when it landed in the water. I blinked in shock at our sudden rescuer, eyes falling on the person riding on its head, who was currently giving me a rather unamused look.

“Starr?” I blurted out.
Love Starr rescuing her from anticipated lightning specifically.

I stared frozenly, mouth hanging open. It was Raikou. The Legendary Beast of Thunder that I hadn’t seen since that night a year ago, when we’d actually managed to save it from the Rockets. And it had a human on its back. A young man wearing an Executive’s outfit, surveying the Aqua forces with a half-bored, half-amused expression.

“Lexx?!” Starr’s voice rang in outrage.

He jerked slightly upon hearing his name, then turned to face us, face splitting into a wide grin. “Oh hey! Nice job keeping the Kanto force busy. But we’ll be taking it from here.”
He is such a troll.

“Hey!!” Starr belted out. She pointed forward, and Gyarados spat out a narrow jet of water that splashed against the thunder beast’s side, only narrowly missing Lexx himself. “Why don’t you get over here and fight me, you little worm!”

Raikou slowly turned in our direction, staring expressionlessly. Lexx gave his sister a crooked smile. “Starr, I want you to think about the fact that you’re challenging Raikou while riding a Gyarados.”

“Like I care,” she spat. “Do you even have the balls to attack me?”
I love her.

Ender is suuuuch a bastard, God. This is a long chapter, almost 10k, but I didn't really feel the length; it's all very go-go-go for a solid chunk of action. Even so, it opens on a great little bit of character downtime and contemplation; I really enjoyed the conversation between Jade and Darren, the cute flavor in there, and the bit between Jade and Chibi as well.

I think you did a really fun job of characterizing the Aquas here, too; you sell how practiced they are in their own element, the friendly ribbing at the Magmas, Matt's wild boat-driving, Archie's concern for his admins. It was just all-around fun and colorful to read. There's also some great Starr in here as well as Lexx being his infuriatingly entertaining self.

Like in 41, it all comes to nothing in the end, of course, as the Rockets get the orb despite everyone's best efforts to prevent it, and now it's about time for the real shit to go down. All in all, it was a couple of chapters of great action that successfully show everyone doing their absolute best to stop this and yet failing anyway - bit of an exercise in futility, I suppose, but still solidly engaging all the way through.

I'm really itching to get to reread 47 in particular, although I don't know if I'll actually manage to make it this Blitz. Maybe I can get some momentum going and make it the rest of the way there after it's over. Either way, a good chapter that I enjoyed revisiting even while feeling a liiittle wonky.

So they’d be teleporting eight humans total, plus Latias, whom everyone had pretty much just accepted was here at this point.
I thiiiink "whom" doesn't quite make sense here and it should just be "who", because you'd always say people had accepted she was here, not that her was here. (As opposed to if it were just "whom everyone had pretty much just accepted".)

The skies near-instantly filled with a nonstop barrage of water so relentless it might as well have been raining.
I'm not quite sure how to picture this - rain is generally kind of gentle and falling downward, but if a bunch of Water attacks are flying around I would imagine that more like concentrated horizontal bursts, and the rain comparison if anything sort of makes it sound less impressive if anything.

My eyes wandered over to Ajia’s Aerodactyl as he looped through the air, sending blades of air from his wingtips and knocking the Rockets Pokémon back as they attempted to take aim.
Missing an apostrophe on "the Rockets' Pokémon".

I was dragged out my thoughts by Starr tapping a fist against her Gyarados’s armored scales
Dragged out of my thoughts, presumably?


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 43
Footsteps crunched in the sand behind me. Slowly, Starr walked up to stand alongside us. She didn’t say anything at first. She just stood by my side, watching Latias heal in silence.

“Is it bad that my first thought was why the Rockets didn’t just do that sooner?” she finally whispered, a bitter edge to her voice. “It’s what I would’ve done.”

I fought back a shudder. She didn’t want me to answer. I knew that much.

Darren let out a hollow laugh. When I gave him a look, he said, “I’m just trying to imagine how he felt. ‘Use Protect, I don’t know that move, idiot.’”

I wasn’t sure what to say to that. It was all too easy to see myself in his position—I couldn’t help suppressing a shiver.
Enjoy this - it's just very human, both to forget it in the first place and to then think about it like God, he must have felt like I'm an idiot.

Ajia was still standing next to him, nodding to Mew as they talked psychically. I walked over to stand next to her and was suddenly struck by just how frazzled she looked. Her eyes held a strange combination of heaviness and manic, barely-contained energy.

“Are… you okay?” I asked her.

Ajia blinked at me in confusion. Her eyes flickered towards Mew, and she forced a smile that looked almost genuine. Almost. “I know things look bad right now, but it’s not over. We can still fix this.”
:copyka2: She is fine

In an instant, Jet’s eyes snapped open and she sprung onto all fours, hissing madly.
TQftL Floatzel energy

The sea weasel stared downward, eyes wide and unblinking. “*Couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. They were all surrounding, but… couldn’t fight back. Just… sinking, and I couldn’t… I couldn’t…*”

“You couldn’t what?” I shook my head. “Never mind, we’re safe now, you can—”

She shook her head vigorously, screwing her eyes shut. I slowly reached out a hand to brush the fur on her arm, and she flinched. My heart crumpled inward. What on earth had happened? (I hadn’t seen it, I’d almost left her behind, she could’ve—)

Unsure of what else to do, I held out her Pokéball. “Did you want to—?” Before I could even finish the sentence, Jet reached out and tapped the button, dissolving herself into the ball.

What? I spun around and sure enough, there they were—the fleet of airships, grounded on the northern shore of the island. I could just barely make out a small yellow shape pacing in front of them (Raikou?). And something large and blue perched on one of the ships, most likely Articuno.

This didn’t make any sense. An entire fleet of airships equipped with ALRs, combined with the power of multiple captive Legendaries. And they didn’t even try? Were they just waiting for the forces from the Magma base to meet them? But then we’d have Rudy and Moltres at our side, so really, that’d even things out.
Tootally not waiting for the other thing the Rockets are known to be doing :copyka2:

Starr stomped the ground, shaking her head. “I told you guys. I told you that Sebastian was playing you.”

I screwed my eyes shut. “I know, alright? I know.”

“You knew, but you ran right into it anyway,” she said, her voice heating up.

“Well, it wasn’t like we could just ignore him either!” I yelled, throwing both hands toward the Rocket airships. “Were we supposed to just let the Rockets do whatever they wanted here?”

Starr was silent for some time, staring off at the fleet, idly kicking rocks down the slope. “Look, it’s not just you alright?” she said, turning away. “I should have realized that was his angle. But I wasn’t thinking about it because I didn’t want anything to do with it, and—”

“I don’t believe it wise to dwell on the mistakes we have made,” Ho-oh said, its gaze fixed squarely on me and Starr. “Let’s focus on how to move forward.”

Starr stared up at the phoenix incredulously for several seconds. Finally, she broke eye contact and muttered, “Right.”
Enjoy Starr being angry at herself and Ho-oh being the one to tell her not to dwell on her mistakes.

Darren held both hands up disarmingly. “Ohhkay, I know you might not be thinking straight, on account of having a Legendary for a partner.” I gave him an unamused look, and he went on, “This seems like the kinda thing we should leave to them. How ‘bout we focus on stuff that we actually can help with?”

“Like what?” I asked.

He pointed down at the buildings lining the inner slope of the crater. “For starters, the city that’s probably about to be destroyed, yeah?”
Always enjoy Darren being there with the practical angle.

“Wait. That’s Steven Stone, isn’t it?” Darren whispered to me.

The name was vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place it off the top of my head. “Who?”

“Steven Stone? Champion of the Hoenn League?” Darren gave me a look. “Really, Jade, do you ever watch TV?”

“I’ve heard of him alright, I just forgot!” I said, feeling my cheeks go red.
Enjoy Jade just not recognizing Steven. Some celebrity from another region, heard the name, probably not actually seen him much.

“The Indigo League,” he answered. “I’m not privy to the full details, but they’ve relayed the general situation to us here in Hoenn.”

What? The League knew about the Rocket situation? I was about to say something, but Starr cut in with, “Yeah, that tracks.”
:copyka2: Fun seeing these hints

I took a deep breath and said, “We didn’t… enlist the Legendaries. It’s more like they enlisted us.”

Something shifted in his expression. After several seconds, he replied, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

I paused. That definitely wasn’t the reaction I’d been expecting. After all, being partnered with a Legendary… most people would find that pretty amazing, right? Hell, some people would even be jealous. But Steven had immediately known that it wasn’t something desirable.
Oh boyyy.

“*He knew about the Rockets,*” Chibi muttered. “*I always thought the Legendary project was a secret.*”

“Me too,” I replied. “The League knows more than they’re letting on.” Then again, hadn’t Lexx vaguely implied something like that yesterday? Obviously the Rockets’ street-level stuff was known to pretty much everyone, but if Steven knew about the Legendary project…

And then without warning, a horrible, reverberating scream suddenly tore the air, shaking the island and gripping my entire body.
Conveniently cut off train of thought :copyka2:

Whoa. Okay, this was getting too extreme. <We’re not trying to hurt it, remember!> I yelled.

<Maybe they deserve to get some sense knocked into them!> Lugia countered.

<If we weaken it, that’ll just make it easier for the Rockets to target it.>

<If we take them down, we can still fight the Rockets ourselves,> Lugia huffed indignantly.

<After wasting all your energy?> I asked.

<Do you have a better idea? You were the one adamant that we not allow their power to go uncontrolled. They’ll level the whole city and think nothing of it!>
Enjoy the Jadelugia interactions; Lugia's being delightfully petty. Some indescribable Mark and Chaletwo energy even while both of them are different personalities.

<I need you to listen to me,> Lugia said, keeping its voice level. <Groudon isn’t your enemy. The humans who awakened you are. They intend to steal your power and use it against the rest of us.>

Kyogre wasn’t paying attention. Its winglike flukes continued to beat the water, stirring up towering waves that crashed into Groudon’s mountain, tearing chunks of fresh earth from it. Annoyance crept back into Lugia’s thoughts, and with the flick of its tail, a psychic glow forced Kyogre to look upward.

<Did you hear me? I’m trying to—>

Without warning, a waterspout erupted beneath Lugia, knocking the seabird flying through the air like a ragdoll before splashing awkwardly into the lake. I flinched—even though this was Lugia we were talking about, that still looked like it hurt. Part of me was half-tempted to ask if it was alright. The other half thought better of it.

<They are going to regret that,> said a cold voice in my head.
Love Lugia's impatience. Again, delightfully Chaletwoish.

Ajia straightened herself, trading a brief glance with Mew. “They… knew we were coming. Couldn’t teleport out once we were in the chamber, had to fight Articuno. And, well…”

Starr’s expression faltered. “You knew you wouldn’t make it in time, didn’t you?” I jerked my head toward her in surprise, but Ajia just nodded slowly.

She’d known. That’s why she made us all stay out here. It was a lost cause from the beginning.
Ajia doing this anyway is interesting - just a product of that optimism making her feel that she has to try, or simply thinking otherwise someone else would insist on going in there?

Lugia gave a small huff. <I can heal myself.>

Latias froze, shrinking back a bit. Then she nodded softly and drifted back to hover alongside me.
Interesting little character moment - Latias acts very timid/submissive in the face of Lugia being even a little short with her.

Lugia let out a cough. <That’s, uh… that’s all well and good. Very mystical and such. But how are we actually going to get through to those two?> Mew thwacked the dragon-bird with her tail, and it shoved her with its wing.

Latias blinked at Lugia in confusion. “*Are… you doubting the great messenger’s existence?*”

Lugia gave an exasperated sigh. <No. Obviously they’re real, but they’re not exactly here right now, are they? We’ve got to take matters upon our own wings.> It gestured down at the raging battle for emphasis.
Love Lugia just being there like "cool story bro but back in the real world we're trying to actually stop this"

Rudy smacked his forehead. “Oh, what the hell? Seriously? We flew all that way for nothing?”

“Hey, not for nothing,” Darren cut in. “It’s not like we could’ve had the Magmas’ Kirlia teleport Moltres all the way here. It would’ve had to fly either way, and you kept it safe yeah?”

Rudy paused, considering it. “Yeah, I… I guess you’re right.”

“Survived your first job as Moltres’s chosen, that’s a win,” Darren said, nudging his shoulder.
Enjoy Darren taking this uplifting role of making this not seem like such a complete waste of effort.

And then a terrifying and unearthly roar brought the world crashing to a halt. Everyone froze instantly. I could feel it echoing through my whole body; pure, paralyzing anger so thick I could hardly breathe.


This was definitely a slower chapter next to the relentless action of the past couple. Something I noticed is it doesn't feel like Jade gets to do much here - she sends out her Pokémon to assist with the evacuation efforts but otherwise she is mostly just standing there, watching and reacting to things. The evacuation bit itself also felt a little disconnected, I think - I'm not totally sure what would have changed in the overall picture of things if the evacuation had already been basically done by the time they arrived, and we skipped straight from the discussion of being unable to get through to Groudon to Kyogre being released. (I suppose the main point is to get them speaking with the Rangers and Steven, and Steven learning that they're chosen...? I forget what role Steven in particular has had since this bit, and exactly how important this was in the overall progression of things with the Rangers.)

There were lots of fun and interesting character moments in here, though - I particularly enjoyed Lugia here, just nakedly impatient and annoyed with these inscrutable primal legendaries that won't listen to reason, and the bickering with Jade. Also delicious was Starr saying Ender did what she would have done; ouch. Just lots of nice character work here with little tidbits or implications or just fun (love Darren, he's not the most complex or issuey character but I just really enjoy him).

I remember enjoying the portrayal of Groudon and Kyogre a lot; we haven't quite gotten to it yet in this chapter, since they're still ignoring all efforts to speak to them (much to Lugia's frustration), but looking forward to getting back into 44. Love these legendaries being totally incomprehensible to other legendaries.

Aros was pretending very hard to look like he hadn’t seen anything.
Surely he was either pretending very hard that he hadn't seen anything, or trying very hard to look like he hadn't seen anything?

<Lugia! We’re here!> I called out.
Not totally sure how to interpret this - the angle brackets suggest this is telepathy, but just "called out" by itself really feels like it refers to physically calling.

Town square was noticeably cooler than the rest of Sootopolis.
Feels a bit odd for this sentence not to start with a "The".


House of Two Midnights
It's wonderful to see another chapter of this fic! This is a nice quiet chapter to let everyone come to terms with happened in the last one. I love that the way Starr deals with anxiety is a workout with her giant magical gator and a nice, rousing battle.

I was intrigued by Swift and Jade's discussion of what the intent behind the chosen pact was. I was thinking of the whole chosen thing as being part of some prophecy, something that had been foretold would come about as just a kind of fact of nature or history. Much more interesting if it was an arrangement that was specfically created for a purpose--definitely raises questions about why anyone would choose to make it the way it is. It would have been nice if they'd left a note or two about what they were going for!

Meanwhile, I was surprised by the extent to which the League is apparently leaning into anti-Legend propaganda. I got the impression that at least the E4 weren't super into working with Rocket, but someone seems to be feeling real gung-ho about the whole project. I wonder who's really in control at this point, since it's clearly not the E4--someone(s) at the Pokémon Association, or just straight up Team Rocket?

Very intrigued by the idea of trying to get the Rangers on the chosen's side. I have no idea if it's going to work. Theoretically they should be more receptive to the chosen's arguments/Giovanni doesn't seem to have such a big sway with them, but on the other hand taking a stand against what's essentially another government agency(?) would be rough stuff, so I could easily see them saying no on those grounds alone. If they do help out it would seem like it would have to be covert, to some extent; even if they're willing to oppose the League here, I can't imagine they'd want to do so blatantly. I guess my anticipation is that this will end up going... somewhere between kinda well and super badly. Nothing to do but wait and see!

One minor nitpick:

You keep us roped in on whatever nonsense you’re up to...
I think you want "looped in;" "roped in" implies the person doesn't want to be involved.

There's a lot going on in this section of the fic; a lot of different interests clashing, a lot of information being uncovered. I'm excited to see where it goes (and also to learn what Mewtwo's been up to, lol). Not sure what will happen next, only sure that...

Rudy turned from where he’d been leading Ebony through some fireball drills on the shore. “Look, all I’m saying is that the Rockets better wait until after the League finals,” he said, emphatically holding up three fingers.
oh bby no, if the League finals happen at all it will only be so that something terrible can occur right in the middle of them

Looking forward to more! Hope the writing comes easier for you and we get a lot more LC in 2025!


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 44
Articuno fired again, but this time Rayquaza was ready. The serpent looped out of the way as smoothly as wind, then steadied itself and roared at its attacker.

“*Explain yourself!*”

It didn’t know. It had no clue what this attack meant.
That moment when Rayquaza is completely out of the loop. :copyka2:

I turned away from him, to where Starr was very deliberately avoiding my eye.

My throat clenched. “Starr…”

“There’s no point in repeating all the things I’ve already said,” she cut in. For a few seconds, she didn’t say anything else. But then she turned sharply toward me, jabbing a finger in my direction. “You’ve got a Legendary at your back, right? Use it. And tell Lugia that if it gets you killed, I will figure out a way to make it regret it.”

Relief washed over me. “Right. Okay. Good luck down here!” I yelled before taking off in the opposite direction.
Love Starr's protectiveness while also knowing Jade has to do this. They're so good.

Lugia hesitated, jolts of anxiety dancing through its mind. <That’s right in the middle of their forces. They’ll have units ready to capture us.> I felt wisps of… fear? What? It was afraid?

<And?? Do you want them to capture it?!>

The fear melted into anger, a smothering wave of it, flooding my brain from all sides. I wanted to curl into a tiny corner of my head where I didn’t have to feel it. But… no. No, I couldn’t let myself care about that, not right now, this was too important. And so, fighting back every instinct screaming at me to just let Lugia do whatever it wanted, I snapped back with, <Look, do you want them to catch it? Just do it!>

The anger broke for just a moment. I was sure it was going to round on me, unleash some kind of psychic fury on me for yelling at it. But then, without another word, it turned and folded its wings back, diving straight into the center of the ALR circle. Lugia fired a burst of water that knocked Articuno aside and then turned to Rayquaza, who was currently sizing up the circle of airships.
Mark standing up to Chaletwo energy :quag:

Love this moment - Lugia being actually afraid, Jade sensing that vulnerability for the first time, feeling it turn into anger (which has got to be uncomfortably evocative of Viridian, in a way) but defying it anyway because this is too important. Really enjoy looking back on all these Jade and Lugia moments.

“*So long as the land and the sea continue their dance, I must be the one to calm their spirits,*” Rayquaza stated simply.

<The humans are trying to catch you! Do you even know what that means?! Do you even pay attention to what happens beneath the clouds, or are you too busy reigning from on high to—>

“*Leave me be, sea guardian!*” Rayquaza snapped. “*Your input is neither wanted nor needed!*”

Lugia’s wordless scream of frustration echoed throughout my head.
Chaletwo talking to the Color Dragons energy

And Lexx… he actually waved upon looking toward us, and a burning anger welled up inside me. Just what the hell was Lexx doing, playing like he was our friend every time we saw him.
Still think Lexx is legitimately just Raikou's chosen.

“Let’s get you that power. Swift, fly close to Raikou.”

Our flight path veered closer to the airship. Chibi tensed up, ready to leap at any moment. Lexx glanced in our direction.


Chibi leaped from my shoulder, falling straight at Lexx, tail glowing like he was going for an Iron Tail. Would he realize what we were playing at? For just a second, I could have sworn I saw him crack a smile right before Raikou unleashed a Thunderbolt at Chibi. The lightning struck, enveloping him. The Pikachu clenched his teeth, screwing his eyes shut. Then all his fur stood on end as the energy was pulled into his body.

He was falling now. Swift dove down just in time for me to throw my arms up and catch him. I immediately clutched him to my chest, feeling all my hair stand on end from the static charge. As we flew past Raikou, I caught sight of Lexx, still smirking. He knew exactly what he’d done.
Yeah, Lexx made no attempt to not power him up.

Articuno had a massive advantage, and… now that I was paying attention, I could see that the ice bird was wearing some kind of orange goggles. For protection? For enhancement? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that Articuno was blazingly fast. And those Ice Beams? Too bright to even look at. Lugia was right—this level of power was not normal.
Choice Specs Articuno? :eyes:

To our left, Ho-oh was struggling to keep the pressure up while Raikou’s lightning rained down on it. Way worse than the lightning that had taken down the Aqua fleet.
In other words, Lexx and Raikou intentionally held back against the Aquas where they don't need to when facing a legendary :copyka2:

Lugia hesitated. <I’m a little busy right now.>

Of course it was. I really couldn’t blame it. But someone had to do it. The lake wasn’t a raging hellscape anymore. It’d actually be possible to get close to them without getting totally annihilated.

I took a deep breath to steel myself. <I’ll do it, then.>

Lugia jolted. <Wait, are you crazy?>

Maybe. Had to do it anyway.

I pointed downward, and Swift dove. The air rushed past, the sounds of the battle now well behind us. My heart thundered in my chest. We were actually approaching Groudon and Kyogre. Sure, the space around them wasn’t a death zone anymore, but they’d easily be able to… No. No, I couldn’t think about that.

A sudden rush of air swept alongside us, and I looked over to see Lugia diving as well.

<What are you doing here? Weren’t you attacking the airships?> I asked.

<Ho-oh’s taking care of it.>
Enjoy Lugia initially being like "No, I'm busy" but then following once Jade insists on doing it anyway, reluctant to lose their chosen.

For several seconds, nothing happened. Then the great red beast blinked. I could actually feel those burning eyes shifting to me. It opened its mouth—Lugia tensed, ready for anything—and let out a deep, reverberating rumble of a growl. The sound tugged at my mind, almost like there was some meaning there, just out of reach. It rose and fell with the rhythms and tones of Pokéspeech, and the patterns were… familiar. But putting meaning to them felt like trudging through mud.

“Is it… saying words?” I asked.

<Yes,> Lugia said. <It’s a downright ancient form of Pokéspeech, though.>
Really enjoyed this description of the ancient Pokéspeech.

(And it occurs to me, seeing this, that Groudon and Kyogre are much older than Lugia and company - they haven't been reborn over and over. Maybe they actually know a lot more about the time of the prophecy and such? Unless they just slept through all that.)

Groudon gave the sea beast a tired look. Then it lowered its gaze to me once more and said, “*Our dance is the ceaseless urging of our souls. It is an eternal cycle of beginning and ending. At the dawn of this world, I settled the molten surface of the planet into solid land and set the continents into motion. They settled the waters of the planet into seas and carved out the oceans. It was eons of creation and destruction, back and forth. I have no idea how long our dance lasted. I don’t even remember how we were set into that path to begin with.

“*At some point other living beings came to inhabit this world as well. And then the messenger from the heavens came to tell us that we were done. We had to sleep for life to continue, for our dance brought balance to the earth, but it would be an unending hell for any others. And I was so very tired. So I buried myself under the skin of the earth, allowing myself to sleep, and in my dreams, I have guided the flow of the earth’s blood and the journey of the continents ever since.*”
Love this. Lugia and the other patrons are young and stupid and have no idea what's going on; Groudon and Kyogre are just these genuine gods who genuinely shaped the planet and mortal concerns are just alien to them. It's all very authentically mythological and sells how ancient they are.

“So it’s not even like you wanted to fight each other?” I said, unable to keep the incredulous tone from my voice. “Couldn’t you refuse? Couldn’t you decide not to?”

As Lugia repeated my words, Groudon shook its head softly, almost with an air of disappointment.

“*I cannot expect one like you to understand our dance. It is why we exist. Even now, it calls to me. It is my purpose.*” It exhaled long and slow, causing a wave of warm air to wash over me. “*But it seems the messenger does not wish it this time. They have already come to end it. And so soon?*” Its words held a wistful, almost sorrowful air.

“Don’t you wish you had a choice?” I found myself asking.

Groudon considered me carefully, something shifting in its eyes. “*The burden of decision has never been ours to hold. We have our purpose. You have yours. How can I lament that?*”
Enjoy Jade just having trouble with this concept and thinking of it in terms of choices when they just manifestly do not.

I blinked. “You’d really be able to do it that easily?” I said incredulously.

Kyogre stared me down. “*Our true might would let us destroy them all.*”

A twinge of unease flickered in the back of my mind. But we weren’t in any position to turn them down, were we? We needed their power.
Love the ominousness of this.

<Well, those two might be total nutcases, but at least they’re finally on our side,> Lugia said with a bit of satisfaction. It gave me a sideways glance and added, <Good thinking.>

I blinked. A compliment? Coming from Lugia? Well, I wasn’t complaining.
Complimented by Lugia-senpai

“Shepard! Fashionably late as always,” a voice drawled.

Cloudlike wings soared into view, and there was Ender, riding on his Altaria. As he stared down Stalker, something about his demeanor felt distinctly… hostile.

Stalker said something into a communicator. A low hum followed, and the barrier started flickering. Then, in an instant, the wall of energy spanning half of the airships fizzled into nothing. The barrier—they’d just straight-up deactivated it? Rayquaza wasn’t trapped anymore! Why on earth would they do that?!

Ender cocked his head. “Oy! Shepard! What do you think you’re doing, friend?” he asked with a dangerous edge to his voice.
Love seeing Ender demanding an explanation for Stalker.

Then, without warning, Sebastian pulled back his coat sleeve to reveal a Master Ball cannon, pointing it straight at Rayquaza.
Curious why Jade's inner monologue just swapped from calling him Stalker to Sebastian.

Latias had reappeared at my side, staring at the ongoing chaos with a perplexed look. “*I don’t understand, why are they—*” She froze sharply, eyes wide with… fear? No, anger. I’d never seen that kind of expression on her face. It was actually chilling.

I followed her gaze to see her staring straight at Latios. Or rather, straight at the human riding on his back.

Oh no.


“Wait—” I began.

“*He’s right there!*” she exclaimed with a desperate look. “*I’m going to get him back this time!*” she cried, folding back her forelegs and shooting off.

“Wait, don’t go!” I yelled, reaching for her. But she was already gone.
Oh boy. Forgot this chapter ended on this.

This was a really fun one. I enjoy Groudon and Kyogre a lot, this whole concept of the formation of the continents just being their dance that they're compelled to perform as their purpose for being, and Jade's confusion about this, and how much older they are than the legendaries we've been getting to know, who are so very different from them. Loved their ancient speech and the mythological feel of the whole thing.

Around that, there's a lot of action, and Jade gets lots to do, strategizing and defying Lugia and thinking to try to talk to Groudon and Kyogre (also, bless Swift for noticing they weren't even fighting anymore). Enjoyed Mew trying to get Rayquaza to safety and just being ignored because Rayquaza is pissed (and probably no more inclined to take these younger legends seriously than Groudon and Kyogre). The plot point of the nigh-impenetrable barrier is neat and serves its purpose well.

And then there's Stalker, of course, cheerfully betraying the Kanto Rockets (along with Lexx, who Ender indicates he expected to be involved in this kind of thing). The internal Rocket tensions are a lot of fun. Love Latias being so angry at the sight of her brother and just charging straight in there; very uncharacteristic of her after the previous chapters, which also drives home how much it matters to her.

Hope to keep reading from here and see how far I can get before Blitz ends.

<Look. I don’t give a damn about your dance, if you don’t hold up your end of the deal, you’re going to be sorry. There’s a lot more of us than there are of you. I don’t care how powerful you’ll be. You will regret it.>
The comma after "I don't give a damn about your dance" is just making the sentence parse more ambiguously and as a comma splice, I think - I would just make it a period.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 45

“*Let my brother go!*” Latias cried.

I honestly didn’t expect a response. But he yelled back, “I need his strength! Stay out of the way or we’re all done for!”
Love Stalker just going "I need his strength!" like that's all the counterargument needed. Almost reminiscent of TQftL Taylorlogic - if he needs a thing, then that's sufficient reason for him to take it, and he just sees no cause to justify it in any other way than that.

“*Latios! Latios can you hear me!*” Latias’s voice called out. Latios’s flight path faltered slightly, but he kept going.
A nice revealing sign that Latios isn't being controlled at all.

My heart stopped as Stalker pointed his arm forward.

And after all this, I couldn’t just let that be the end of it.
Strong energy of "...and Mark just couldn’t let it all be for nothing." :quag:

Stalker yanked his arm back with a wince. We locked eye contact for a moment.

Then a golden blur smashed a fist into the side of Swift’s head.

The blow knocked us reeling. A rush of cold swept over me as ice crystals flared up around the impact point. My hands clutched at Swift’s feathers, brain struggling to process what the hell had just happened. I saw Stalker, his eyes cold and expressionless. Saw Dragonite, her expression mirroring her trainer’s. Then Swift’s wings gave out, and we were falling.

I was weightless, the wind rushing past me as I tumbled through the air, the back of my head screaming even as my hands flew to my belt. I fumbled with my Pokéballs until I found Swift’s and managed to recall him, then grabbed Firestorm’s ball just as quickly. Orange wings spread at my side and immediately pitched back the moment their owner realized what was going on. The Charizard swooped under me, matching speeds with my fall until I managed to reach out and grab his shoulders.
Liked the action of this sequence a lot.

“Got to catch Stalker. Got to stop him,” I said breathlessly. He’d attacked us. He’d attacked us.
Love Jade having such a strong reaction to him actually attacking them - even after everything, she wasn't expecting that.

And in the moment that the two had slowed enough for him to take the shot, a red-winged blur shot from nowhere, impossibly fast.

“*Please!*” Latias cried.

She clutched the larger dragon’s tail fin with her claws, his flight jerked, Stalker pitched forward, and his Master Ball shot wildly off into the distance. Not a second later, he spun around, staring at her in disbelief.
Love how baffled he is by this - true Stalker moment. It's so obvious to any normal person why Latias would do this, and yet to this particular man it's simply confounding.

And then, above us, Rayquaza was transformed into blood-red energy. Sucked inside the Master Ball. I stared in horror, feeling like my brain had to restart. What. What. How?! He’d missed, he’d definitely—

My eyes suddenly locked onto Articuno, not too far from us. On its back was Ender, and he was wearing a Master Ball cannon. He pointed, and the ice bird swooped forward, clutching the ball in its talons before immediately banking around and flying back to the airship fleet as fast as its wings would take it.

My whole body went numb. We hadn’t saved Rayquaza. We’d only ensured that the Kanto force got it instead of the Johto force.
Love this lovely oh shit moment.

Stalker whirled around, his eyes lit with more fury than I’d ever seen. “Do you have any idea what you just did?!”

Latias shrank back slightly, looking devastated. But then her gaze hardened, and she darted around to face the larger blue dragon, whose eyes were shut.

“*Latios, please.*” She pressed her forehead against his, willing him to respond. But Latios said nothing.

Stalker stared wordlessly at her for several seconds. Then, without warning, he swung his arm forward and fired a Master Ball point-blank.

Love Latias's desperation, Stalker's uncharacteristic anger (clearly this threw off his plans majorly), and the cruel practicality of Stalker just capturing Latias instead. Such a good holy shit moment.

I was frozen in mute horror, struggling to find something to say, but the words kept dying in my throat.

“W-why would you do that?!” I shouted, my voice breaking.

Stalker glanced at me out of the corner of one eye. The fury was gone from his face, replaced with an icy cold stare. He didn’t answer me. He just motioned to Latios, and the pair of them shot off.
Oh, Jade. Clearly Latias was thoroughly getting in Stalker's way, so really it just makes sense, from his point of view.

My eyes slid to Lugia. It was just hovering right below us, some ways away from the chaotic sky battle between the Kanto and Johto Rockets. Launching attacks at the airships while also steering clear just in case any of them decided to fire a Master Ball out of the blue.

What if I just…

It was a stupid idea. Just stupid enough that I had to try it. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
Is it though, Jade... :absus: This is a cool moment but I do find myself a little confused by why she chooses to just drop onto Lugia's back with zero warning. Feels like a lot could go wrong there, and I'm not seeing a lot of reason not to clear this with Lugia first, or at least tell them what she's doing as she falls, if only so that Lugia doesn't panic when they feel something crashing into them and throw her off before realizing it's her?

Man, riding Lugia was weird. My fingers slipped against sleek, densely-packed feathers. Each wingbeat was like a thunderclap echoing through my body. Lugia was way too big for me to move with it like any of my team. I was just along for the ride, and I couldn’t help immediately wishing I could switch back to Firestorm. But this was what I’d chosen.
Love the specific phrasing of this was what I'd chosen here :copyka2:

“Darren? What are you doing up here?” I asked blankly.

“Thanks, I feel super wanted,” he said dryly.
Love him.

“The same person shouldn’t hold both,” Darren pointed out. “That way if one of us gets taken out, the others can at least get the second orb to them.”

Good point. I was just about to hand him the Blue Orb but then happened to catch a glimpse of Rudy’s disapproving face.

“Don’t talk like that,” he muttered, eyes firmly on the floor.

Darren shrugged. “It’s just how it is.”

“And I’m saying that’s not how it is,” Rudy snapped, rounding on him. “No one’s allowed to die, got it?!”
Love this moment - Darren being practical, Rudy unable to contemplate that. The idea of one of their team dying must hit especially close to home, what with Wartortle.

“Aiming to unleash the primals? And I suppose that makes you the heroes?” a voice drawled.

The flames cleared, revealing Ender and his Ninetales, standing there in the hallway, staring us down. In a flash, Rudy let out Ebony, and Darren let out Golduck. The six of us all facing him, ready to attack at any moment, and he didn’t look remotely concerned by that.

“Power like what the legends have can’t be allowed to run wild,” he said, all amusement gone from his voice. “You’re running down a losing path if you think it should be unrestrained.”
Fun foreshadowing for Team Rocket's whole angle with the League.

Without warning, Chibi jumped up and fired a thin bolt over our heads. There was a flash of light followed by Nidoqueen standing in front of Ender, blocking him. He snapped his fingers—Ninetales’s eyes flashed an eerie red. The Pikachu dropped to the ground and, to my horror, he’d gone slightly cross-eyed, lights dancing around his head. Was Ender insane? Throwing off Chibi’s aim with all of us crammed into a narrow passage where a single stray bolt could blow the place? Chibi shook his head, sparks crackling across his feathers, and I couldn’t risk it—I recalled him in an instant.
Ender was banking on her not risking that, I bet.

God, we didn’t have time for this. Or the space. Had to get out of here. Needed some other way out besides the exit hatch. Some way to make our own exit.

And then a terrible, brilliant idea dawned on me.

<Lugia,> I said.


<Use your psychic power to rip the airship open.>
Love this - some lovely Jade just being bold and creative and taking charge with Lugia.

“Hoooly crap. That was awesome. Insane, but awesome,” Rudy said, eyes wide with exhilaration like that was the best thing he’d ever experienced.
Extremely Rudy reaction.

I didn’t reply. I was too busy watching Ender and the two pilots falling through the air behind us. Twin flashes of light appeared as the former let out his Xatu and Altaria. The dragon-bird caught him, and then Xatu teleported the pilots away.

They’d made it. Okay. I wasn’t… I wasn’t ready to think about something like that being my fault.

An earth-shattering roar tore the air, echoing in my ears and gripping my body from all over. I glanced around hurriedly to find its source and—what? Rayquaza had just appeared from within the circle of airships. It had escaped? How?! Unless… they let it out on purpose? But that could only mean…

My stomach tied itself into a knot. They’d already managed to program the mind control for it. That’s why the Rockets didn’t retreat after they caught it. They were preparing to use it against the others! If we didn’t do something fast, the Rockets would walk away from here with a lot more than just two Legendaries.
This chapter is so relentless.

“You guys did it! I’m so glad you’re okay!” she exclaimed, grabbing my shoulder and practically collapsing against it.

I blinked. “Ajia…”

She looked up at me, eyes dead with exhaustion. “I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t able to help, but Mew and I have been busy with all this and—”

“It’s—it’s okay,” I said, putting my hand on hers. She’d been having to deal with so much today. “It’s not your fault.”
Oof, Ajia truly acting as if she was supposed to be responsible for everything and everyone.

Steven was silent for some time. He sighed, shaking his head. “I’m going to regret this.” He turned to face Ajia. “Your guardians will keep this under control? That kind of power… I don’t want to think about how many lives would be lost if it ran wild,” he said, giving her a very serious look.

Power running wild… the words echoed in my head. My thoughts drifted back to what Ender had said, and… no. No, I wasn’t going to let myself think about anything that he’d said. This whole mess was their fault.
Continuing this whole thing with the League's perspective on legendaries :copyka2:

<We need your help,> she said.

Groudon nodded. “*You need our power to defeat those humans, yes?*”
Is Mew able to translate this for Jade and company's benefit? Presumably it's not Lugia, since Lugia's hovering way up there?

Man, what a chapter. It just did not let up, and it felt like so much happened - hard to believe Stalker capturing Latias was practically a footnote at the very start. The action here was great and gripping, with a lot of good Jade in particular, and it's relentlessly tense throughout. Loved all that.

And then there's Stalker! Love him being his strange, fascinating self here in several ways even before he fucks off. It's so distinct how he operates purely on executing his plan and can't quite account for things like the devastating effect it has on Latias when he's seemingly kidnapped her brother for unexplained reasons. I'm also fascinated by just how angry he is about failing to get Rayquaza - man, that must have been important to his plan A, which suggests a tantalizing AU where he was the one to capture them. I forget exactly what he winds up telling Jade about all of it next chapter, mind - maybe he does address it there to some extent.

The fic's been running on such high energy for so long - mad to see it finally come to a climax and a close (for now). Time for something more contemplative and intrigue-based. Really do want to get to the next two chapters, even if it doesn't look like I'm making it before the end of Blitz. This fic is such a ride, and I've been really enjoying revisiting it and noting more of the interesting character moments peppered throughout. Great job on this chapter all in all; you really went all out for the action and it shows.

The ground shook, sending sent ripples through the flooded streets.
Sending sent?

The clouds covering half of Sootopolis shifted to pitch black. Rain burst forth, so thick it was like a solid wall of water crashing down onto Sootopolis.
Feel like the two uses of "Sootopolis" here are a little close together - might be smoother to swap out the second one for "...onto the city"?


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 46

I sat there in a daze, staring numbly at the wall, my hair tangled to hell, my skin sunburnt, clothes stiff from salt, shoes full of sand. I had the urge to get up, to walk around, to help, to do something, but I couldn’t muster the will. Not after everything that had happened. Not with how little energy I had left in me. It was a wonder I’d managed to keep going this long.
Enjoyed this paragraph - think it did a nice job of conveying the weight of everything that's been happening.

Ajia shook her head softly. “Mew doesn’t want to inconvenience us any more than she already has. She just needs a rest.”

I stared blankly. “It’s not that big an inconvenience.”

“That’s what I told her. But no, she wants to teleport us home, she just needs a rest now.”

Mew, insisting on helping everyone even though she was so clearly overwhelmed. Almost like…

With perfect timing, Ajia said, “I sometimes worry that I’m asking too much of her.”

I gave her a serious look. “She was asking a lot of you too.”

Ajia smiled weakly. “I have to help Mew, though. It’s my job to support her. However I can.”

“I dunno. I think it’s okay if you can’t always do that,” I mumbled. But was I only saying that because I wasn’t close with my patron? Things would probably be different if I were friends with Lugia the way that Ajia and Mew were.

…Yeah. If I were in her situation, I’d almost certainly be feeling the same thing.
Enjoy this moment - Ajia and Mew being alike in this, Jade picking up on it and reflecting on her relationship with Lugia.

She gave me a sideways glance. “Well, I was gonna say a week-long bubble bath, but sure, let’s go with that.” She exhaled long and slow, idly tapping her boots against the edge of the couch. “So this shit is life from now on, huh? No getting around it.”

Ajia blanched. “I wasn’t trying to drag you in, I swear.”

Starr waved an arm like she didn’t want to hear it. “Calm down, not everything’s about you, jeez.” She leaned her head back against the sofa so that she was staring at the ceiling. “I always just kinda brushed this stuff off or tried not to think about it, or figured that that was so far in the future that it basically didn’t matter. Not like I’d ever see it.”
Love Starr.

“God, I just… hate everything about this,” Starr said bitterly, clenching her fists. “Why should you two have to risk your lives like this? It’s not fair.”

“It’s not like we’re being forced,” Ajia said reassuringly. “We did agree to it. It’s our job.”

“It shouldn’t have to be your job,” Starr snapped. “Make the stupid Legendaries save their own damn skins.”

Ajia clasped her hands in her lap, considering her words carefully. “If it helps, we’re not just doing it for them,” she said gently. “It’s for everyone’s sake.”

“I know, I know,” Starr said, waving a hand dismissively. “Really wish you’d be a little more selfish sometimes so I wouldn’t have to look like a dick.” She exhaled slowly, rubbing her temples. “I don’t even know where I’m going with any of this, I just…” She put an arm around each of our shoulders. “All in favor of moving to Unova?”

Ajia laughed. “Unova? Do you even know much Galarian?”

Starr snorted. “Nah. Figure anywhere’s better than here though. Anyway, there’s three of us. Aren’t triples the big format over there? We enter a few tournaments, kick some ass, make a ton of cash, get lots of fans… sounds like a plan to me.”

I couldn’t help chuckling a bit. Well, it was a nice thought at least.

Starr glanced between me and Ajia. “Yeah, I’m sure the moment we did, someone would start causing shit with the legends over there, if they aren’t already. And you two can’t exactly up and leave, so… guess I’m stuck here dealing with this mess whether I like it or not.”

“There’s nothing saying you have to be a part of it too,” I mumbled, doing my best to avoid her eyes.

Starr let out an exasperated sigh. “Jade, don’t be an idiot,” she said, tightening her arm around me. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Love her sort of fantasizing about all of them together just escaping from all this, but it's self-evident that of course she's not just going to Unova herself - she's in this because they are. Chosen of loyalty!

I told myself I was going to think about anything else. Anything other than how betrayed I felt. I knew that I’d get over it in time, but part of me didn’t want to get over it. I wanted to be angry at the things he’d done.
Relatable feel.

Enjoyed the little dialogue with Aros - completely forgot that had happened. I can't say I had really taken notice of Jade being a jerk to Aros in Sootopolis - I went back and Ctrl+F'ed for Aros in those chapters and found only the bit where he asked where the Rockets are and Jade was a little stress-exasperated in response, which felt fairly understandable under the circumstances so I didn't think much of it. Interesting to get a bit more of a look at Aros's issues, this sense that as an experiment he's supposed to be stronger than other Pokémon even though he's not even actually enhanced in any way. I think my favorite moment is Jade trying to help and Aros being exasperated that she's always trying to fix things; vaguely makes me think of Letaligon and Mark's efforts to help her. I should try to pay more attention to Aros; he's never quiiiite clicked with me as a character the way some of the rest of Jade's team have, but there's good, interesting stuff here.

He snorted. “*And let you go into a Rocket base alone?*” Right, the rest of my team was still back at the cabin.
Huh. Was leaving them behind completely intentional? One would've thought entering a Rocket base uninvited would be kind of nerve-wracking either way and you'd probably want to have the ability to defend yourself.

The man rolled his eyes. “Why am I not surprised,” he said dismissively before turning to walk back into his office. “Tell Shepard to run this kinda shit past me next time, got it?”

“Head of base operations,” Lexx explained in a hushed voice. “Don’t mind him, he’s just on edge after the mission.”

In a way, it was mildly satisfying that even Stalker’s superiors were frustrated with the way he just did whatever the hell he wanted without caring if it bothered anyone else.
Enjoy Jade feeling that satisfaction that others are also frustrated with Stalker.

Lexx talking about morale and people being on edge after the mission has me thinking about how the Johto force probably do feel like the heroes, sabotaging the Kanto force's operations.

Remind me, do we have any reason to think Lexx isn't already simply Raikou's chosen...? Obviously Jade thinks they're using mind-control, but I've always been pretty sure they aren't. Would they know if Raikou was Lexx's patron?

Exasperation prodded at me. <I told you this wasn’t telepathy, didn’t I?>

I paused. <Yeah, but you said it worked the same.>

<It does work the same.>

I scowled. <Clearly it doesn’t!>

<Well, it’s helpful for us, isn’t it?> Lugia replied defensively. <Don’t dwell on it too much.>

Ha. That was rich coming from Lugia. But still, it did bother me. The patron-chosen bond was not psychic, like everyone said it was. What was it? The Legendaries themselves didn’t even know. How could they not?
I bet the patron telepathy not being psychic is going to be a bigger plot point later, isn't it.

“Intent is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is action. You’ve seen my actions. Don’t you have your own conclusions?”

“No,” I said flatly. “I don’t have a clue what you’re really going for. Everything you do is weird and contradictory.”

His face fell slightly. It was almost like he was hoping I’d be able to figure it out on my own.
Enjoy this. I think it makes sense that he's laser-focused on action as the only thing that matters - he's also very much about influencing others' actions by whatever means are at his disposal. Also feels like it tracks that he's analytical enough to feel like he's more transparent than he actually is.

With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair and said, “I’ll start from the beginning, then. I’ve known for a long time that I’d need to use the power of the Legendaries. Ever since I first learned about the Legendary project, and—”
This is so offhand. Any normal person would figure starting at the beginning here would involve whatever caused him to decide he needed to use the power of the legendaries, but nah, he skips right past that bit and legitimately thinks that's the beginning without questioning it.

Stalker closed his eyes. “Of course not. I was only thirteen when I joined. Too young to make a difference on the team, and too young to even think about doing anything like that. I joined the team to get a Pokémon and a trainers’ license, that’s all.”

Only thirteen. It was hard to imagine that at one point, he’d been a scared, clueless kid just like the rest of us. But then, something didn’t add up…

“Why did you need to join Team Rocket to get a license?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. There was no way… he hadn’t failed the test like me, had he?

Stalker paused, looking contemplative. “I suppose that does sound odd.” He considered it for a bit, then added, “I was only passing for thirteen. I wasn’t old enough to get a license, so I must have been eleven.”
He's so fantastically weird. I think this all supports the idea of Stalker being in a time loop of sorts - a much older soul returning to a younger body probably would have trouble remembering exactly how old he was.

How does getting a trainer's license from being on Team Rocket work? Do they just make fake trainer IDs?

“You’re only seventeen?!” I blurted out.

He furrowed his brow. “I suppose I am.”
The rumour come out: does Stalker is Mitch??

Either he didn’t notice the way I was gaping at him, or he didn’t care. He continued with, “Regardless, I didn’t begin pursuing this path until I reached officer rank and joined the combat unit. That was when I learned about the Legendary project, and when I realized that I needed to capture the Legendaries to keep them out of the Kanto force’s hands.”

There he was, talking like he needed to take control of Team Rocket in order to… prevent them from doing the same thing he was doing. It didn’t make any sense.
Makes perfect sense if what he's trying to prevent isn't the generic sense of legendaries being captured, but instead a specific bad outcome resulting from legendaries being captured by the Kanto force specifically, though. Something he would know if he were in a time loop!

(And specifically, the legendaries being captured by the Kanto force is what's connected to the League and their efforts to neutralize the legendaries' power compared to humans, etc. - I guess that's the prophesied conflict between humans and legendaries, which according to the prophecy the chosen pact will fail to stop. Stalker's engaged in stopping that, at any cost.)

“You already know all about the revolt thanks to Starr and Ajia. While the revolt was useful in weakening the Kanto force, I didn’t gain many allies from it. The people most likely to betray Team Rocket were those who’d already had their spirits crushed. They didn’t want to fight back—they wanted to escape. I’d thought that the Kanto commander would be different… but in the end, even he left.” He paused, eyes lowered, but everything else about his expression was perfectly neutral. I couldn’t tell if he was angry, or disappointed, or intrigued, or what.
I'm guessing Stalker has trouble getting his head around why people like the Kanto commander would choose not to work with him. (Have we ever learned any more about the Kanto commander? This guy keeps coming up, and initially I thought the point was just that he was a red herring for who Stalker was, but at this point that's obviously not it, so the Kanto commander still getting brought up is a sign we should still be paying attention.)

After a few seconds, he continued, “It was in my best interest to leave the deserters alone, and start over with a new team where I could forge the ideal allies from scratch.”
I like how he phrases it as forging the ideal allies from scratch. Get kids, mold them from scratch into serving the exact purpose that he needs, simply more practical.

“Why kids,” I snapped.

He paused, staring me in the eyes. The corner of his mouth twitched almost invisibly.
He feels kind of bad about that bit, doesn't he :copyka2:

Stalker eyed me carefully. “I wasn’t lying when I said that I wanted to shape my recruits’ fighting style from the ground up. But also… kids would be more likely to have no previous history with Team Rocket. They would be more easily underestimated by the Rockets. And, yes, they’d be more likely to take me at my word.”

“So you were fine with getting a bunch of kids killed then,” I said coldly.

Stalker closed his eyes. “I understand that you’re upset, but I just said that my intent was to create allies. Recklessly throwing their lives away would have been counterproductive.”
Enjoy that he still goes for "It would have been counterproductive to recklessly throw their lives away" - possibly the least sympathetic way of phrasing "I did not want them to get killed", but it's the one that makes sense in Stalkerlogic.

A bit of the anger leaked out of me, and I couldn’t help wanting it back.
Love this way of putting it.

Stalker surveyed me closely in that way he always did before he was about to say something big, and I hated how easily I recognized it. “Weakening the Kanto force was only one goal. Arguably the less important one. My true goal was to create the ideal candidates for becoming chosen.”
Stalker is particularly interested in how people react when he gives them information, isn't he - understandable, since he wants to accomplish outcomes, and the way to accomplish outcomes is often to influence people in the correct way, and to do that he needs to assess how people would react to certain information.

We were just pawns. He’d never cared. He’d never cared. And yet…

“The attack on Midnight wasn’t the worst-case scenario?” I said incredulously, struggling to keep my voice level. “Then why the hell did you risk yourself for us? You fought Moltres for crying out loud!”

Stalker looked unimpressed. “You were all valuable players in the fight against the Kanto force. Of course I was willing to risk myself. All that effort would have gone to waste if the Rockets had killed all of you.”

I sat back in my chair and clicked my tongue. “All of us, huh? But some of us dying was fine.”

Stalker folded his arms. “You keep changing your position on this. What are you trying to prove?”
Enjoy Jade's frustration here. He did risk himself for them, and it doesn't make sense how he's acting given that he did.

I think he does care but time looping or such has sort of numbed him to everything and made it hard to really think of anything not in terms of simple cause and effect, action and outcome. He can't speak to Jade on her level, or at least it doesn't come to him instinctively like it would come to a normal human being.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and peering at me closely. “Let me ask you this: what will it change if they are right?”


His gaze was unyielding. “My past actions aren’t going to be changed regardless of whether or not I thought of the rebels as nothing more than pawns.”

“Knowing how you felt about us might change how we feel about you, ever thought of that?” I said heatedly.

A long pause followed. Something shifted in Stalker’s eyes. “I did not wish for harm to come to the rebels,” he finally said, his voice cold and serious.
Enjoy how he sort of wraps his head around it once she says knowing how you felt about us might change how we feel about you - actually presenting it as something that might change if he presents a better explanation.

Stalker raised an eyebrow. “Predicting? No, I don’t think it was a prediction at all. I think it was instructions. And I’m the one making sure that it happens. Nothing that’s happened so far would have been possible if it weren’t for me.”
I wonder if someone wrote the inscription for him specifically - a legendary he knew, perhaps.

“Why do you want the chosen pact to work?” I asked. “What is it for?”

Stalker tilted his head, gazing at me curiously. “Do you not realize what all of this is really about?”

I threw my hands in the air. “No? Obviously??”
Love how exasperated Jade is and how transparent Stalker wrongly thinks he's being.

Stalker leaned forward, staring me straight in the eyes. “What do you think this war is really about? Stopping Team Rocket? It goes a lot deeper than that. The Revolution is described as the total collapse of the balance between human and Legendary. That sounds like it goes a lot further than just stopping an organization from gaining too much power, don’t you think?”

I stared at him, and no matter how hard I tried to resist, I could feel my guard slipping. I wanted to just disregard everything he was saying, but…

“How is the Revolution supposed to happen? How do we stop it?”
Enjoy her being interested but not wanting to be.

The total collapse of the balance between human and legendary makes more sense with the League's involvement, doesn't it. If the League basically plans to hold all the legendaries captive, that gives humans all the power.

Of course, Lugia interrupts before Stalker can actually answer this question. (Though I guess when he says he can't tell her everything because of Lugia, he's basically referring ot the answer to that.)

“Your ambition is sourced from others,” Stalker continued. “From Ajia. From your team. From your patron.” He paused, making eye contact. “From me.” I glanced away, refusing to meet his eye. “You’re using others to guide your path.”

“Hang on, hang on, and you’re not?” I shot back.

Stalker was unfazed. No, not just unfazed, he looked pleased. Was he trying to get me to call him out? “I will use whatever resources I can to achieve my goals, but my goals are mine, and mine alone. I know what I’m working toward. Do you?”
He's so goal-oriented. He has a thing he needs to accomplish and will do Whatever It Takes, and kind of wishes Jade would too.

I jolted. “Wait, what? Are you seriously trying to argue that catching the Legendaries is the same thing as being chosen by them?”

“No. I understand that catching the legends is different than being chosen by them. When I say it’s the same, what I actually mean is that it’s the same as them choosing you.”
Enjoy this. The patrons are just catching their chosen.

Stalker looked unsurprised—had he already known? “They’re still using you for their own self-interest. Do you really see yourselves as equals?”

I froze. Equals? How… how could we ever be equals? They were Legendaries. And I was… I was just a human.

“How confident are you in your bond with your patron?” Stalker asked.

Why was he asking that? “I… It’s fine. Why?”

It was plain from the look on his face that he wasn’t fooled in the slightest. “I’d recommend working on that before this conflict has a chance to worsen.”
Enjoy this exchange as well. Jade definitely does not think of herself as Lugia's equal, and their relationship has been quite rocky. Just the same, though, Jade has been managing to be more assertive and make decisions.

“Lexx has Raikou!” I shot back. “How do you explain that?!”

He fixed me with an unreadable expression. “Lexx captured Raikou of his own volition. For now, we’ll continue to make use of its strength.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean you’ll let it go eventually?”

“I make no promises.”
And no indication of whether Lexx also happens to be Raikou's chosen or not :copyka2:

Anger suddenly flared up within me. <Why don’t you Legendaries have any idea what’s going on?>

<Excuse me?>

<You don’t know how the chosen pact works, why you were picked for it, what it’s even for. And now you don’t know anything about the Revolution? Maybe Sebastian is preventing it! It’s not like we would know any better!>
Questions that we have had answered by now! Even if Lugia right now just tells her she's emotionally compromised. They really don't know what's going on, because all this was thousands of years before their time.

A part of my brain just wanted to let him catch all the Legendaries and be done with it because at least he had a goal he was working toward, unlike the rest of us. And yeah, I knew that was stupid. I knew it spit in the face of the anger I felt over what happened to Latias, but right now I was too pissed off to care.

I felt a sense of heavy, heavy restraint coming from Lugia. It wanted to lash out. And I wanted it to fight back. I couldn’t feel scared of Lugia while I was miles and miles away. Lugia couldn’t do anything to me. Not here. Not now. Not this time.
Enjoy this emotional description. Stalker really got to Jade with the talk about her goals not being her own, didn't he.

Looking back on the conversation, I'm sort of surprised Jade didn't talk more about Latias - she's sort of the main reason Jade came here, but she mentioned her briefly at the start and that was it. I guess I was sort of expecting her to plead for him to at least release her, but she didn't really. I suppose Jade didn't really expect he ever would even if she did ask, but still sort of surprising she didn't even ask in the heat of the moment.

Sebastian sat unmoving for some time after Jade left, replaying their conversation in his mind, over and over. Considering the things he’d said, the ways she’d responded. He’d told her more than he’d initially planned to—that was intriguing. He couldn’t explain why, but it felt right that she should know. And it wasn’t as though it wouldn’t be useful. She was willing to listen. That alone would make her more valuable than the others.
Of course he has to sort of justify it to himself on the basis that it's also useful, not just something he feels she ought to know.

It felt strange to lay so much out in the open. Even if he hadn’t told her the true reason… the source of it all. He’d gone so long only able to talk about it with two others. Bringing in another was a tantalizing prospect. Maybe she could be a confidant someday.
So one confidant is definitely Latios. The other... Vesta?

Latios nodded, his eyes shifting back and forth. “*I… don’t suppose I could… *”

“I’m going to talk privately with her. Afterward, you two will be reunited.”

Relief washed over the dragon’s cobalt face. “*Thank you.*”

“I’m sorry that you two had to be separated in the first place. And that you couldn’t say anything when you two met on the battlefield.” He gave the dragon a pointed look, waiting for his response.

Latios stared downward. “*Our mission was more important.*”

Sebastian nodded approvingly. “Good. I’m going to recall you now. The next time you’re released, it will be with her.”

Latios paused, as though he wished to say something more, but then gave a nod of acceptance before he was recalled.
Latios really does feel subservient here, in an interesting way. He doesn't insist on seeing Latias, just ask if he could, and thanks Sebastian for saying yes, as if he could have just decided nope and Latios would've had to deal. Likewise, the pointed look followed by Latios staring downward while admitting the mission is more important. Definitely curious what's behind that now... On the surface level, they're clearly friendly here, Stalker expressing the closest he can express to concern for him, but Latios is acting nervous and like Stalker has significant power over him, more than like he simply agrees on the importance of the mission and is working together with him like an equal. That's obviously a curious dynamic, when Latios is a legendary who could presumably stop Stalker doing anything he wants to with a thought, and trainer-Pokémon dynamics in general are pretty equal in this world, with the power on the Pokémon's side if anything. I guess the main explanation coming to mind is that, one way or another, Latios knows and believes the mission is extremely important, but he doesn't have the clearest idea how to accomplish it or what needs to be done or what absolutely shouldn't be done without Stalker telling him, and Stalker has not told him everything, so all he can really do is ask if it would be okay for him to see Latias or whatever, and he's still kind of troubled by why he can't do things like talk to her on the battlefield because he doesn't quite understand why even though he knows it has to be important if it's part of the mission?

Sebastian nodding approvingly at Latios saying the mission was more important while staring downward also has an uncomfortable air of like, verifying that he gives the Correct Answer that the mission is more important than anything. All in all, a scene that on the surface shows Stalker caring for Latios (in a way that's a reveal for a first-time reader who might have assumed there was mind-control involved), but reading between the lines makes me feel worse about him and how their relationship functions.

Sebastian closed his eyes, forcing himself to take a deep breath. Anger wasn’t useful. He couldn’t allow it to color his interactions with her. That would only make it harder to gain her cooperation. She was here now. That meant he could explain everything to her—at least, so long as she had no way of telling the others. And he had the means to ensure that.

If he could make her feel special, trusted… she could become an ally. And he did have her brother, after all. That was all the leverage he needed.
"If he could make her feel special, trusted" sure isn't manipulative at all :copyka2:

Latias recoiled backward slightly, eyes watering. She then took off zooming around the perimeter of the cell, claws digging into walls, dragonfire razing the corners. Latios had done the same when he’d first been brought here. Every inch of the cell was reinforced with the same shields. There was no escape.
You know, I'm thinking of Rob now. Bring them in, stop them from escaping, and then they'll see, eventually.

From what he’d seen, and how desperate she was to free her brother, he could guess that she wasn’t accustomed to being alone. She would not handle isolation well. So it likely wouldn’t take long for her to cooperate. Then they could begin forging something long-term.

He sat himself into the closest armchair and let his eyes slide toward a clock on the wall. Nine pm. It had been a very, very long day, and exhaustion was beginning to creep up on him. Normally, he wouldn’t expect sleep to come. But the tiredness was like a smothering tidal wave. His mind grew foggy, and within the fog, images of when it all began started drifting to the surface. The day that he lost everything. The day that he discovered his purpose. The day that he first began pursuing this all-consuming goal.

Until the haze of sleep eventually started to overtake him. His eyelids fluttered, then finally shut.
So thiiiis doesn't feel like totally natural sleep. Sort of reminds me of the descriptions of Jade being drawn to the orb, almost.

Threads of light sprawl out in an infinite web, twisting and twirling across the void. Each time he lays eyes on one, its light blinks out of existence, only to be replaced with uncountably more. And yet there’s still the same number.

I enjoy how you shifted to third person for the Sebastian scene and then shift further to present tense after that. Really gives a sense of the narrative as we've experienced it up until now sort of unraveling or disintegrating a bit.

He tries reachi̼ng out with hands that aren’t there an̾d f̻eels nothing but fray͐͡ed cloth at th͗e᷅ e͘dge̼ of existence.
Lovely phrasing.

Reading the dream sequence, I'm struck by how it feels like Sebastian is young there. He's asking sort of naïve questions like who's doing this and why they won't stop that make me think he was a child when this happened - either just plain coming into existence (part of my brain started going off on an is he Dialga tangent again), or one way or another he was brought here as a child, which would probably line up with the loop or whatever starting when he's a kid. The line about it having been this way as long as he can remember sort of suggests the just coming into existence thing, but on the other hand, he does think like he's expecting to have specific body parts like hands, which would be odd if he really has only ever been a formless presence in the void so far.

The instinctive shudder, "as if" he's seen it and tasted it and been torn apart by it, is interesting - he's never seen it before, but I wouldn't be surprised if in this timeless void he has some dim awareness of something that will happen in the future.

One way or another, the threads almost certainly represent timelines, what with being called "possibilities", and the threads snapping... probably means the universe ending? If the Revolution leads to the end of the universe, which I wouldn't be too surprised by what with the involvement of Dialga/Palkia/Giratina, understandable he's very desperate to stop that in at least one timeline.

Infinity having no end... Can't help but wonder if that basically means he's going to have to be doing whatever time loop bullshit literally infinitely. Oh boy.

Next Chapter: A boy sets himself an impossible quest.
Chiiiiiiib ❤️

Such an interesting chapter. I think I basically wrote everything into the line comments, but overall, a very worthwhile one to revisit. There's more context for some things now than there was at the time, but it's also just worth stopping and mulling over some of what's going on here and what he says. This man is strange and captivating.

Going to reread/review 47 and probably leave off there for now, but this has been a great ride.

<Also you must remain in contact with me while you are there.>
Missing comma after "Also", not sure not having it is contributing anything.

Lexx led me into a service elevator large enough to fit… well, to fit a six-foot tiger. He tapped his ID to the scanner, and the lift descended. A few seconds later, the door opened on a wide metallic corridor, and Lexx gestured for me to take the lead. I walked out in front, followed closely by Raikou. The sound of its heavy claws clicking on the tile floor echoed through the hallway, announcing our arrival. Any Rockets ahead of us darted out of our path. I kept my eyes focused straight ahead but still caught glimpses of huge tech labs through the side windows, with scattered Rockets staring at us from the doorways.
My brain wants a paragraph break after "followed closely by Raikou".

“More like you can use me to get to the Lugia and the other Legendaries,” I muttered.
"the" Lugia?

Isn't PM usually written with capitals in text?


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Chapter 47

After some time, the boy stopped. He glanced around at the surrounding, and at the houses all burned so thoroughly that it was hard to tell them apart. His eyes locked onto one in particular, tracing the familiar pattern on the charred door. He then sat down quietly in the middle of the ruin and didn’t move for some time.
This is so delightfully understated. His own house, or else one that was pretty important to him.

He hadn’t slept since it happened, and he’d barely eaten. His sense of time was gone. It was like it had happened both two hours and two months ago. He tried to recall images of what had happened but they wouldn’t come. The sights and sounds had all melted into a nightmarish haze. There was… the freak storm that had rolled in from nowhere. Flashes of lightning and fire. Screaming. A terrifying, overwhelming presence, and then…

The boy clutched his head. The memories were there, they were right there, but it was like he couldn’t reach them, and he’d been left with this gaping hole in his heart that he didn’t know how to process. He’d already felt everything a hundred times over. He didn’t think he had any room left in himself to feel anything else.

His face was suddenly wet with hot tears. He rubbed them away furiously but they wouldn’t stop. This was wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t sure how he knew that, but it was like nothing was more true in the world.
T r a u m a

I didn't quite remember how this played out. The bit about his memories being locked, and having this gaping hole in his heart, is particularly interesting - I think there's a person (probably a legendary, possibly Mew) whose existence been ripped out of him one way or another, someone who was very, very important to him.

Keep moving. Become strong. This pain is nothing compared to…

Compared to what? The boy didn’t know. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever know.
I forgot about the extent of how he himself doesn't actually remember exactly what he's doing this for. Man.

The man’s eyes seemed to bore a hole right through the boy, searching for anything to latch onto. Any evidence that this could be a lie. Finally, he folded his hands in front of his face and said, “I see. And what if I were to make you a business proposal? I represent an… organization that could get you your license, no problem. And in return, all we ask is that you use your newfound trainer status to perform various services for us. Now, I think those are some generous terms, wouldn’t you agree?”

It would look too desperate to agree to anything right away. He dared to try for more info. “What kind of services?”
He's clearly there with intent to join Team Rocket specifically. Kind of seems more socially savvy than current Stalker, really - distinct difference between them, which is fun.

Another roar of laughter. The boy was tired of being laughed at, but he didn’t let it show on his face.
Suggesting he's been going around getting laughed at in other places - I wonder if that's why he's seeking out Team Rocket now.

This was the start of a new life. His old life, and anything from it, was now meaningless. There was no reason to hold onto any of it.

“My name, it’s… Sebastian. Sebastian Shepard.”
Presumably the start of him making up names as it suits him!

“A Charmander? Damn, what kinda favors did you have to do to get one of those? Guess they let you have him since he’s a runt.”

“She,” Sebastian said immediately. Charmander was a girl. She’d told him so when he first let her out.

His officer looked at him like he’d just said the dumbest thing she’d ever heard. “The hell? There is no way they’d give some brat a female Charmander, those things are way too valuable.”

“She’s a girl,” he just said.
Trans ally Sebastian Shepard 🏳️‍⚧️

Why, indeed. He was sure he’d thought about it, but trying to call back the memory of how he’d come up with it was like wandering through a fog. He just… knew it was there. That’s all he really had to go off.

“My old life was destroyed,” Sebastian finally said, and for a moment it was like he was looking through her. “Getting strong is the only thing I have.”

No more feeling. He’d already felt it a hundred times over. No more.
Yeah, I suppose he never found out much more at all.

Focus only on the win condition. Nothing else.
Words to live by, eh.

Sebastian did his best to keep the grin off his face.
Can't see current Sebastian needing to fight to keep a grin off his face, huh?

“The Legendary Project. I’m just gonna cut to the chase: I know you’ve all heard of it.”

He’d certainly heard rumors. Even if it wasn’t the sort of thing grunts were supposed to concern themselves with, he’d heard talk of it ever since he joined. Before then, even. Town gossip about restless gods and natural disasters. How much of it was true, he couldn’t say.
Interesting... He doesn't quite sound immediately interested or anything.

“All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket,” the executive said, his expression total stone. “And yet, somehow, no one ever extends that to the strongest Pokémon of all. Commanding their power would be the ultimate symbol of humanity’s triumph.”

His tone was hard to make out, but it almost sounded like he believed what he was saying.

“Anyone able to wield their power would be unquestioned,” the man went on, and by now the room was hanging on his every word. “Just think of how much the League would be willing to pay to anyone that could control the power of nature itself.”
The ultimate symbol of humanity's triumph sure frames it in very humans vs. legendaries terms, doesn't it.

He speaks of the League like they're not exactly actively involved, just like if they already had the legendaries, the League would pay them. I forget the exact timeline established in the recent chapters so unsure if he's hiding it or if they're genuinely not involved yet.

Sebastian really is mostly just focused on getting power here, and becomes interested in the legendary project specifically on that basis, more than anything to do with the nature of legendaries, much less anything related to the prophecy, which is interesting to note - he only encounters the prophecy later. Has the dream from 46 happened yet? (The dream may be merely an abstract representation more than a concrete memory of something that happened - but he did seem young in the dream as I mentioned, which sort of strengthens the idea of it as a flashback, I think.

There was one set of writings from back then that intrigued him more than the others. Namely because it spoke of the conflict between human and legend as if it would happen again. And, well… it was hard not to see the parallels with today. Team Rocket was aiming to capture Legendaries. That was exactly the kind of thing that would trigger a Legendary war. And it had been a long time coming too, ever since that mess that had to get covered up eighteen years ago. It was hard to find info on it, but he’d at least found a few sources since joining the project. They were all noticeably one-sided on the topic of who was responsible—he’d have to ask about that at some point. He was sure the answer would be nothing but propaganda, but it would be interesting all the same.
Right, the eighteen years ago thing would be what we learn more about in the League conversation.

Incidentally, you've made no mention of Typhon's species and I cannot for the life of me remember what it is, so my brain's just picturing a Typhlosion because of the name - might be good to give a reminder of it somewhere in here?

A sudden thud hit the dirt, jolting him slightly. He turned to see Silvan, who had apparently just leapt down from a tree, crawling over to him on all fours.

“*Got ya,*” the Sceptile said, leering.

“Is that so?” Sebastian asked, mouth curling slightly.

“*Can’t fool me,*” Silvan replied with a toothy grin, flopping to the grass and closing his eyes contentedly in the sunlight.

Sebastian’s eye was drawn to the glint of red along the edge of Silvan’s wrist blades. “You’ve forgotten to clean up.”

“*Was gonna do it later,*” the Sceptile mumbled, waving a claw dismissively. He rolled over onto his back and crossed his arms behind his head, humming to himself. “*What’cha thinkin’ bout?*” he asked suddenly.
Enjoy this a lot as a trainer-Pokémon interaction - Sebastian not directly admitting Silvan startled him but Silvan knows he did, the way that he's just been hunting and Sebastian only notes it because he hadn't cleaned himself, which he's not super concerned about.

Silvan gave no sign that he’d been paying any attention. The Sceptile’s eyes were closed like he was dozing off. But then, rather unexpectedly, he said, “*Maybe you should do it. Then you can make them do anything you want.*”

A single person, capturing a legend for themselves. What an idea. Most people would call it blasphemy. Catching the Legendaries. It wasn’t supposed to be done. It wasn’t supposed to be possible. There were even some of his fellow Rockets that found the idea horrifying. It was just that deeply ingrained.

“A lot of people might be upset,” he replied, in a casual tone.

“*You’d be the boss,*” Silvan said, grinning all the wider. “*Could just tell them not to be.*”

Sebastian chuckled. “You always have such interesting ideas.”

There was no denying the simplicity of it. As if the higher ups could really refuse the demands of anyone who’d gotten a legend by themselves. But it was ridiculous all the same. It was impossible, right?

These days, he was starting to wonder.
Enjoy that the idea of this comes from one of his Pokémon.

Sebastian was busier than ever. Same amount of jobs as usual, but with the added pressure of combat unit training. He didn’t mind the latter—both he and his team benefitted. They were getting stronger every day, pouring all their effort into surpassing their peers. Sometimes they even beat executives. They still couldn’t beat the commander though. He was on a whole other level. There hadn’t been many opportunities to fight him lately though—he’d seemed distracted.
More hints about this famous commander, assuming that's the Kanto one we keep hearing about and not another commander getting described like he's relevant. (Then again, he is in Johto right now, right?)

More nightmares. It had been nothing but nightmares ever since that day. It hadn’t been like that before… right?

He paused, blinking slowly. Before. What had it been like before? Something about the question didn’t make sense. That was ridiculous. Obviously there was a before. But at the same time, it didn’t feel like he’d just forgotten. Trying to think about it was like trudging through fog, though. He was sure he knew the answer, but.
That day is ambiguous; I think I would assume here it meant the day he first came to Midnight Island, since nightmares haven't been brought up before, but the bit about not being able to think about before makes me wonder if it's referring to the day the chapter began.

The hours ticked by. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. He’d been drawn to researching this subject for as long as he could remember. He couldn’t even really explain why. He just was.
Huh... Almost feels like something got sort of retconned in his brain there, since we saw he wasn't obsessed with legendaries or this particular legend at all until after Team Rocket started talking about capturing them. That's very interesting, which could also suggest maybe the thing about that day also involves some weird brain-retconning?

Why would the Legendaries need to be told in such a roundabout way? Wouldn’t they already know? Unless it wasn’t aimed at them.
Or the legendaries all die and get reborn with no clue what's going on.

Sebastian stood frozen in the middle of the room, repeating it to himself, over and over. It seemed impossible. But it all fit. The attacks nineteen years ago. Everything that had followed. He had it all backwards. It wasn’t just that he had to keep the legends’ power out of the Kanto force’s hands. That wasn’t it at all. It was—

The realization lifted him up. He felt lighter than air. It wasn’t just that someone had to make sure the alliance happened. Someone also had to be ready for when it failed. If the alliance couldn’t prevent the Revolution, then… someone else needed to have access to the power of the legends. Why not him?

Team Rocket was going to capture the legends. He could rise up the ranks, use all their resources, get to them first. If he had that kind of power… would he be able to handle things when the alliance fell apart? If he was creating the ideal candidates for being chosen, he could also ensure that they were on his side. That way, when the alliance fell apart, he’d have a fallback.
Huhhh... Here he seems to be reasoning as if he used to think the point of what he was doing was keeping the legendaries' power out of the hands of the Kanto force, and the idea that he could get to them first is a new revelation. But previously, he was thinking mainly in terms of being a single person capturing the legendaries for himself, for power; this is the first he mentions about wanting to stop the Kanto force at all. That's a super interesting discrepancy. More retconning...?

(I also wonder exactly what he's imagining regarding handling things when the alliance has fallen apart. What exactly is he thinking needs to be handled?)

Of course, the Legendaries wouldn’t want to be captured—there was no doubt about that. Not at first, anyway. But if he could somehow contain them, explain the situation to them, get them to see things his way. It could be done.
:copyka2: More Rob energy

Lexx blinked a bit, finally regaining himself. “I mean… yeah?” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “But we kind of already have the edge on them after that stunt you pulled with Leo.”
Leo... Do we know a Leo? Is that the Kanto commander?

And besides… she’d never side with him. He’d botched that chance. Maybe it was a mistake to tell her the truth, but he wasn’t going to let himself regret being honest. Lying to others only made it easier to lie to yourself. He couldn’t afford to lose sight of who he was and what he was doing.
Ohoho... So he told Ajia the truth.

Lexx shuffled through the notes, skimming them quickly. “You’ve really thought this through, huh.”

Sebastian’s mouth curled slightly. “You won’t find any holes this time.”

“Ah, that’s no fun,” Lexx said with a mischievous glint. “Just means I gotta try harder.”

“I look forward to it,” Sebastian said calmly, collecting some of his books and stacking them, clearing some space on his desk. “I have no intention of making you deal with the fallout if you’re found out,” he added. “I’ll take the brunt of it. We’ll have a much easier time dealing with it once I’ve succeeded.”
Enjoy this relationship between the two of them, Lexx critiquing his plans. Wonder how they got to know each other.

“That’s the great Sebastian Shepard. You know…”—she paused for maximum effect—“our new commander.”
Salvage intensifies

A chill runs through him. He has to get out of here. Something terrible is going to happen. He reaches for his belt and—his Pokéballs, where are they? Latios and Latias, they can—

He stops, blinking. Latias? He doesn’t have Latias, just Latios. Why did he think that…?

But then, with a glimmer of red and blue light, the duo appears before him anyway. A wave of relief rushes through him as he starts toward them, each step taking far too long, like he’s walking on clouds. The dragons stare back, their eyes twinkling red and gold in the void. Almost there. He reaches out to them.
Oh, fascinating. Is this a distorted memory from the Before, perhaps a different timeline, where he was friends with Latios and Latias? Or something connected to the future?

And then their faces split open, eyes burning like hot coals, fangs protruding through the sides of their mouths, bodies unraveling into fabric and merging with the walls. Their hearts, still beating in the void that was their chests, crystalize into gleaming gemstones, red and blue. He pulls away in revulsion, every inch of him screaming to get away. But then he’s overtaken by a sudden, powerful, burning need to grab them. He reaches forward, plunging both arms straight through their chests, like the two are made of liquid. He can’t see his hands. He can only grope blindly in the darkness until his fingers clench around his prize.

He rips the gems out of what had previously been the dragons’ chests and holds them close, staring as they pulse with an otherworldly light. Then the gems begin to dissolve. He jumps back, tries to throw them away, but they’re stuck to his hands, molten glass burning through his skin, seeping into his bloodstream. A piercing light shines through his veins, the glow burning brighter and brighter until it’s searing through his flesh. It hurts. He tries to scream, but his voi̬ce is tattered, distor̡ted, like a ̬badly edited aud̘io recording. ̽More ̹voice̻s join in, pressing in from all aroun̈́d. Smothering. Threatening to crush him with their᷉ sheer weight. He feels the words more than he͟ sees̭ ͯth̏em, ̗feels ͆them wea͊ving thems͇elves̪ thro̘ugh his being, dro̹wn᷿i̳ng him, u̾nͤt̹iͮl͠ a͟ s̫iͦn͜g̶l̓e̥ͯ᷃,͉ ̠̙o͖v͓eͦr᷃w͑h͚ėl̑m͋ȋ̶̘n̞g̹ p̮r͟e̯s̛e͞n̆c᷂e̸ a̍p̦p̕e̥ảr᷾s̥,̑ tͫủr̽n͔i͠n̜ḡ i̲t̞s͖ h͞a̜t̿ͬ̆e̪f͈u̽͢͝l̎ ̺̣̳͈͗ͅg̰a͈z᷄e̹ ṭ᷁ͧo͞ h͡i̖m̭ a͍n̳̘᷇͡ͅd̰͍̹̦́ ͎̮r͉͍͎o͇̱͉̕a̡Ĕ̪̰̺͈͍̕ʭ̲̦̣̫͖ͅ£̹̖͙͇̬̲̯̀᷄ʨ̶̯͈̗̹̞Ķ̟͍̙͉̌͝Å̴̷͔͘ă͖̝̭͢m̴̧̛̜̪̫̹͚̜ȅ̴̷̻̣̼̗̖̗̫̟ͅĢ̟̜̱͚͍͉̘̭͈́᷾̕|̸̭̺̣̜̝̜̩̱̪̺̦̕͟͜͞ͅͅĭ̴̠̻̣̦̳͓̜̭͉̣̰̼̣̪̺̳͔̩̗̙̣᷅́͘͢͝ú̵̷͈̗̘͈̮̯̲͓̥́̕ƈ̵̡̧͉͚͍̱͔m̵͎̲̫͇̹̫̯͔͕̫̲͔͇͕͖̪̕͢͝ͅŞ̪͉̠̝̼̯̺͓͉̘̬̕͟ą̧̡̡͏̬̼̱̥̩̜̱͙m̵̶̷̨͉͉̲̮̬͉̼̜̠̹̲᷿̝͕̩̥̪̰͖̜͔̪̙̱̪͓

Deliciously creepy. Could be related to Before, or just to the way he's about to be manipulating both of them and he feels probably at least a little bad about it, subconsciously.

The landscape sounds vaguely like the Distortion World, although it also sounds vaguely like what he was describing in the first scene. Almost certainly the same presence that said "Infinity has no end," isn't it.

Latias stared downward, struggling to process the revelation. “*But… that can’t be… why didn’t he say anything to me?*”

“He wanted to. But he knew the mission was more important.” Perhaps he shouldn’t have said that. He couldn’t position himself as the thing holding Latios back.
Not manipulative at all :copyka2:

“Someone had to take over Team Rocket from within,” he went on, running his fingers gently across the glass. “Someone had to use their own methods against them. And most importantly… someone separate from the chosen had to have control over the Legendaries’ power.”
Maybe... the legendaries can have control over their own power :pikashock:

His first instinct was to say no. There was still more he wanted to say. But fulfilling her request would build trust. She’d be more likely to take him at his word later. It was worth it, to sow the seeds of loyalty.
Not manipulative at alllll x2 :copyka2:

Latios opened his mouth to speak, but it took him several tries to find the right words. “*I’m just so glad that you’re here,*” he said softly. “*Even if it meant you had to be captured.*”
Had to be, huh. Wonder why Latios thinks there would have been no other way for him to see Latias.

He decided to turn the question back on her. “Latios is helping me with my plans. He will be remaining by my side. What do you want to do now?” Keep the question vague. Don’t ask her to join outright.

Latias tilted her head, skeptical. She glanced back at Latios imploringly, and he avoided her gaze. “*It’s true,*” he managed.

The red dragon sank lower. “*You’re really going to stay here? Why?*” she asked quietly.

Latios kept his eyes on the floor. “*It’s important,*” he just said.
Sebastian still initially speaking for Latios, Latios miserably agreeing...

“I’m not sure how we’re going to recover from Rayquaza being taken by the Kanto force,” Sebastian went on. “That was a heavy blow.” He gave her a soft yet meaningful look.

Latias’s wings fell. “*I… I had to,*” she said, but she appeared to have some doubts.

“What’s done is done,” Sebastian said simply. “We can’t change our past mistakes, we can only try to move forward and put things right.”

Latias looked down, obviously troubled by his words, and looking like she wanted to say something in protest, but couldn’t figure out what. What argument could she give? If she believed it was her fault, then she had no choice.
Make her believe something vitally important, that her brother thinks is vitally important, is now compromised and it's all her fault, but she might be able to make up for it :copyka2: Not manipulative at all x3

Five months of planning may have gone to waste, but it wasn’t a total loss. There was no changing the past. Only moving forward.
I wonder! :copyka2:

I think rereading this clarified a lot of things a bit that I'd forgotten about. Sebastian may be in a time loop, but if so he does not actually remember previous loops, does he; he just travels back into his kid body with powerful convictions and a horrible sense of loss but unable to access where that came from.

I wonder if some of the reason he has a hard time thinking about before the start of the chapter is simply that those memories are actually genuinely super distant, even if he can't actually access the memories he made in between.

Another thing I picked up on that I don't think I picked up on last time I read the chapter was the whole thing about how his own beliefs about his motivations change; he goes from scenes where legendaries seem like nothing more than an intriguing source of power to a scene where he says he's been obsessed with the prophecy for as long as he can remember, and from scenes where we see clearly that he's thinking about capturing legendaries himself, in order to gain power, to a scene where he seems to think that he just wanted to stop the Kanto force but then realizes he should try to catch a legendary to preempt them. The discrepancies are pretty stark, so I'm assuming they're very intentional; I'm not totally sure what to make of them yet, but that's very interesting. I brought up brain-retconning, buttttt maybe what it means is actually that these are different loops, but it's being presented to us as if a simple chronological narrative of a single timeline?

Alllso, when he goes to the ruins he has this strong sense of being watched and such, and is sort of drawn to them, and I started sort of connecting that to what drew Jade to the Griseous Orb. Did Sebastian also pick up an orb, offscreen? If so, couldn't be the Griseous Orb, so my brain's musing on whether he wound up getting the Adamant Orb, and whether that might mean the overwhelming presence in his dreams is actually Dialga. That one might be a stretch, though - Distortion World imagery and all, plus Jade hasn't been having nightmares featuring Giratina at all.

(It does make me wonder if the reason Jade was so drawn to the Griseous Orb was that she, too, has time-traveled back to her kid body with nothing but a powerful gut-level conviction that she needs to pick up that orb.)

The manipulation of Latios and Latias is still very interesting (and uncomfortable) to watch - still really trying to work out exactly what Latios's angle is here, what Sebastian has on him that makes him agree to all this when he seems so reluctant about it anyway. In Latias's case, his leverage is Latios; what's his leverage on Latios? My first thought would have been Latias, but Sebastian hasn't had access to Latias. Mayyybe the point has just been he told Latios they were going to stop Team Rocket from capturing Latias?

Man. There's a lot of stuff in this chapter, and at the same time it doesn't ultimately tell us all that much, does it. It does tell us Sebastian doesn't truly know why he's doing any of this, which is probably the most important revelation, but that also means we are at a bit of a dead end when it comes to his motivations. Tantalizingly dangling things we didn't know we didn't know without revealing the really important stuff, which I expect is endgame material. In the meantime, we will just be watching this strange, fascinating man and his own brand of logic.

It's a super interesting chapter either way, though, lots of meat and intrigue and very good to reread. I forget entirely how much we see of Stalker in the following chapters... I don't recall much, but I may be glaringly forgetting something.

Hope some of all this rambling and speculation was fun and interesting! I expect to return no later than next Blitz.

That only made sense if the author this didn’t think the alliance would be completed on its own.
The author of this, presumably?
Chapter 57: Coming Clean

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Thanks to everyone who reviewed LC for Review Blitz! (Especially Free for that deep dive on the Hoenn arc.) Always a lot of fun to read all of your comments. :>

Anyway, the side effect of endlessly fussing over 56/57/58 while writing them in tandem and sustaining psychic damage for a year is that I get to post all three of them back-to-back now. This chapter ended up veering into unexpectedly goofy comic relief territory, but I guess it was warranted after throwing everyone in the badfeels pit. :V Also featuring the return of the most important character according to someone.

~Chapter 57: Coming Clean~

The gathering was a strange one. Me, Ajia, and Starr inside the office of the ranger chief. Head of the Indigo branch. And also, Ajia’s dad. The energy was simultaneously one where I felt like we’d done something wrong, and one where we were here to share news of some big achievement or whatever. I guess it was both, in a way.

The chief sat at his desk, looking increasingly tired as Ajia’s story went on, but overall not reacting as much as I’d expected. He didn’t interrupt at all, just asked the occasional question whenever there was a pause. And his questions were mostly the detail-clarifying sort rather than the “what on earth is any of this” sort.

The only time he looked truly taken aback was when Mew transformed right in front of him. His mouth hung open as if he were about to speak, but he didn’t. He just sat staring at her in quiet reverence as she explained her role in all this. And then came the explanation of what the chosen pact was, and how Ajia wasn’t just helping the legends, she was bonded with one. And that she wasn’t the only one.

“All three of you?” Chief Tenning asked helplessly.

“Unfortunately,” Starr just said.

He let out a deep sigh, removing his glasses. “I always knew there had to be more going on, I just figured that you’d tell me when you were ready,” he said, giving Ajia a weary look. “This is a little more than I had bet on, though.”

“Sorry,” Ajia said sheepishly, lowering her head. “I just didn’t want you to worry.”

He gazed at her, as if he had a dozen thoughts that he couldn’t say all at once. “You know that I’m not a fan of telling you what you can and can’t do. You’re nearly an adult; you’re old enough to be making your own decisions. And, well… obviously Mew thought you were responsible enough for this.”

Mew bowed deeply. <She has been indispensable.>

The chief stared at Mew for a long moment, obviously still getting used to having a legend here, in the flesh, in his office. His gaze slid back to Ajia. “I don’t want to make you feel like you can’t tell me things. But, Ajia… I saw the broadcast. More and more people don’t trust the guardians anymore.”

“There’s still plenty of people who do,” she said earnestly.

The chief sighed, glancing out the window. “That’s all well and good, but the people in charge don’t, and they’re the ones that need to be convinced that the guardians aren’t dangerous. Especially when several of them have been at the center of these incidents lately.”

“It’s not their fault,” Ajia said quickly.

Her dad sighed. “I know.”

Ajia clasped her hands in front of herself. “It’s not something we’re going to stop. I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t expect that it was something that you could stop, but…” He closed his eyes, exhaling slowly. Then, rather unexpectedly, he glanced toward me and Starr and said, “Do you mind giving us a moment?”

Starr just shrugged before getting up from her seat. I gave Ajia what hopefully looked like a reassuring face before following.

“That means you too,” he added in a mock-stern voice.

A little yellow-and-black furball emerged from under the chairs, looking disgruntled. Pichu followed us out of the office before sticking her tongue out at the door and scampering off down the hall.

Starr crossed her arms behind her head as we wandered toward the lobby. “Dunno what we needed to be there for,” she said once we were out of earshot.

“Moral support, I guess.”

Starr shrugged. “Eh, Ajia handled it fine on her own.”

I rubbed my arm. “I think us being there helped, if only a little.”

I squinted against the late morning sun as we exited the station and walked out onto the porch, where Kari was chatting with her Pidgeot while scrubbing the dirt from some riding gear. It made me want to find Swift and go for a soar, just to burn some anxious energy. Just to remind myself that it was something that I could still do, even after the bizarre way that everything had been reversed.

“Soooo, how’d it go?” a voice asked.

“Ajia’s still in there with—” I replied automatically before realizing I didn’t know who had asked. I spun around to see a blonde-haired girl perched on the edge of the wooden fence around the Ranger HQ, presently leering at me like something was deeply amusing. Something about her face had an… uncanny familiarity.

“Isn’t your squad supposed to be helping relocate those Ursaring?” Kari piped up, giving the girl a skeptical glare.

“Finished early,” she replied in a singsong tone.

An enthusiastic reptilian head popped up behind her with an affirmative chitter. I’d seen that purple-leaved Grovyle before. And its trainer too. Well over a year ago, in the depths of the Celadon hideout…

“…Wait. Wait wait wait.” I put a hand to my temple, suddenly disoriented. “Stracion? What are you doing here?”

She grinned. “I work here.”

I stared at her, utterly bewildered. “I… wh… why.”

She leaned back against a wooden support pillar. “Shit went south after the Mewtwo fiasco, figured I needed to get out while everything was upside-down.”

That answered part of my question, but opened up several others at the same time. But before I could figure out how to word any of them, Stracion had sidled over and said, “Soo, spill the beans, you guys are paired up with Legendaries?”

I recoiled backward, suddenly tense. “What? How did—who told you?” I threw a hurried glance around, uselessly looking for an answer.

Kari met my eye and said, “Don’t look at me; I’m not a snitch.”

“*Didn’t need to be told. You guys are loud,*” Grovyle provided helpfully.

I put a hand to my forehead. “Eavesdropping, then.”

Stracion held a finger up, looking entirely too self-satisfied. “This is what happens when you guys talk about Legendary business in broad daylight.”

“It wasn’t…” I began before realizing that it hardly mattered. If everything went well, we’d be allying with the rangers, and the chosen thing wouldn’t even be a secret anymore. What did it matter if someone found out early?

Starr had been scrolling through something on her phone, not paying attention to the conversation. “Yeah, so fill me in, where have you two met, exactly?” she asked in a bored tone.

Stracion held out a hand. “Hiya. I don’t think we ever properly met. Astrid, right?”

Starr lifted her eyes and gave the girl a deadpan stare for several seconds before slowly pivoting on her heels. “Nope. Don’t have the energy for this. I’m getting coffee.” She then marched off, heading away from the Ranger HQ building.

“There was a coffee pot in the lobby…?” I said hesitantly, gesturing over my shoulder.

Good coffee,” Starr clarified. She waved down her Rapidash, and the fire horse came trotting over. In one smooth motion, she swung a leg over his back, and the two went riding off down the dirt road. Given that the nearest convenience store was a few miles away, they’d likely be gone for a while.

Welp. Guess I was fielding this one by myself.

So, Stracion was here. Still wasn’t sure how to feel about that. She’d gone back to walking along the outer fence, one foot in front of the other with her arms out. And she must have noticed my conflicted expression, because she flashed an innocent grin and said, “What’s the problem? All I ever did was help you out.”

She wasn’t wrong. She’d helped me escape from Celadon base—twice. And the second time was… the one where I’d needed help more than any other in my life. But still…

“That was… you were just doing a favor for Stalker, right?” I said warily. “How do I know that he didn’t send you to spy on us?”

She barked out a laugh. “C’monnnn, if he wanted to spy on you, he’d have a dozen better ways to do that. He’s got a Legendary that can turn invisible.”

“Two,” I said shortly.

Stracion tilted her head for a moment, confused, but then shrugged. “Same deal.”

I paused. Did she… not know about Latias? Maybe she really was telling the truth about not being in contact with him.

I paced slowly up the entry stairs, trying to get my thoughts in line. “So, you’re definitely not with the Rockets anymore?”


I felt my cheeks heat up. “That wasn’t obvious, okay? Like, have you seen the news?”

Stracion hummed. “Seen the news, what of it?”

I threw my arms up. “The Rockets are practically working with the League!”

“Yeah, exactly no one’s impressed with that,” Kari chimed in dryly. Pidgeot ruffled its feathers, looking similarly displeased.

“Dunno what that has to do with me,” Stracion added as she pivoted to walk the opposite direction along the fence.

My brain attempted to piece together some sort of point about how the Rockets were operating in broad daylight now, but the more I thought about it, the less relevant it felt.

“Alright, fine, I guess it’s not important here,” I conceded, rubbing my eyes. “So like, why the rangers anyway? And, hang on, did you know about this?” I asked, throwing a glance at Kari.

She continued inspecting the straps on her riding gear without looking my way. “What, you two having some kinda history?”

“No, no—the Rocket thing.”

Realization crossed her face and she set down her gear. “Riiight. So, this might come as a bit of a surprise, but a lot of rangers are ex-Rocket.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

“Most employers aren’t gonna give you a second glance if you’ve ever had ties to Rockets. The Ranger Union doesn’t care where you come from, so long as you’re good with Pokémon and not a liability in the field.”

“*We’re good at helping,*” Grovyle chirped with a rather too self-satisfied grin.

“The chief says that working with wild ‘mon makes people learn to appreciate them, and the pact, in a way they wouldn’t normally get to,” Kari explained, running a hand through Pidgeot’s crest. “Gives ‘em a chance to unlearn some of that Rocket propaganda.”

I blinked at her. “Huh… that’s optimistic of him.”

“Have you met the guy?” Kari replied with a snort.

Being surrounded by that worldview, it was no wonder that Ajia thought people could change.

“So like… what about you?” I asked Kari, suddenly curious.

“Mm, I’ll keep that a secret,” she said with a smirk.

Pidgeot suddenly glanced upward, and a few seconds later, the sound of heavy wingbeats caught my ear from overhead. I followed its gaze and—wait, what? The jagged silhouette of none other than Zapdos, slowly descending on the Ranger HQ. I blinked hard and rubbed my eyes, just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. Nope, definitely Zapdos.

The thunderbird touched down on the gravel walkway in front of the building, folding its wings and looking around expectantly.

“Zapdos?” I asked, unable to keep the bewildered tone out of my voice. “What are you doing here?” I found myself automatically glancing hurriedly in all directions to see if anyone else was around. No other rangers outside besides Kari and Stracion. Pidgeot and Grovyle were here of course, not to mention tons of wild bird Pokémon chattering in the trees.

Zapdos tilted its head in confusion. “I had thought we planned to openly ally with these humans,” he said, gesturing with his beak toward the Ranger HQ.

“Well, yeah, I just… I didn’t expect it to be like this.” I’d been imagining the chief letting everyone know behind the scenes, then having some kind of a formal introduction, maybe with Mew doing a demonstration to everyone…

Stracion let out a low whistle and hopped down from the fence. “Man, you weren’t kidding—you guys really are teamed up with Legendaries. Nice one.”

I heard the front door of the Ranger HQ open slightly behind us before immediately slamming shut as someone ran back inside. This was prooobably a bit jarring, yeah.

Stracion spun on her toes as she glanced between us, boots crunching on the gravel. “And there’s more legends that gotta team up with people?”

I nodded. “That’s the idea, yeah.”

“So, what about you?” she asked, inclining her head toward Zapdos. “You got a human partner?”

The thunderbird straightened. “Ah, no. I will need to attain a human ally at some point.”

Stracion tapped a fist to her palm. “Cool, cool. I’d be up for that.”

I gaped at her, letting my arms fall limp. “Wha? That’s not something you can just… say you’re up for??”

She shrugged. “Why not?”

While I was still struggling to force my brain to generate a coherent sentence, Zapdos raised a talon and said, “I believe I know why. There are certain requirements for the alliance. It cannot simply be anyone.”

That wasn’t exactly what I’d meant, but whatever. I gave Stracion a look and she just flashed an innocent grin.

“Whaaat, you guys need to do this thing, yeah? I’m just troubleshooting.”

“Some pretty bold ‘troubleshooting,’” Kari remarked dryly.

Stracion glanced at Kari over her shoulder. “You think you should go for it instead?”

Kari blinked. “What? Course not. Not if it involves fighting Rockets and nonsense like that.”

Zapdos opened his beak as if he wished to say something, but remained silent.

“And ‘sides,” Kari went on, “if any of us were gonna work with the legends, shouldn’t it be the chief?”

The chief? I hadn’t ever considered it, but… it sort of made sense. Wasn’t there also something about how the ‘threads’ were brighter with someone who was connected to the existing chosen? Would the decision to come clean to Ajia’s dad inadvertently lead to him joining us in the pact?

“I must admit,” Zapdos began, preening a few stray feathers, “I know very little about the humans that will be our allies. What is this organization?” The thunderbird tilted its head as it observed the Ranger HQ building and the flag draped from the roof overhang.

Kari gestured to herself and Pidgeot. “We’re the rangers. We help keep the peace between humans n‘ Pokémon on mixed-use routes. Our main problems include being constantly short on funds, volunteers, and time.” The last bit had something of a ironic smirk attached.

Zapdos gave a soft chuckle. “Keeping the peace sounds nice. Much nicer than fighting.”

Kari leaned back against a support beam, arms folded. “Can’t pretend like there’s no fighting. It’s how Pokémon understand each other and all, so sometimes it’s the only way to communicate.” She lifted her head to meet the legend’s gaze. “But if you don’t wanna fight, what about helping us protect people?”

It took me second to realize that she meant not just being allies with the rangers, but actually joining them. Helping them protect people rather than helping the rest of us fight the Rockets.

A long moment followed, silence punctuated only by the creaking of wood as Grovyle hung from the rafters. I spotted Nine perched on a nearby tree, quietly watching, ears and tail alert. Zapdos made eye contact with him before turning back to the rest of us.

“The idea of joining a human institution is… strange,” it began, “but the legends are meant to keep the balance between human and Pokémon. Perhaps this is the best way for me to do that at this time.”

I took a step forward, giving the legend a reassuring smile. “I think that’d be a good fit for—”

“Hi chief!!” Stracion interjected with an eager wave, and I nearly tripped.

Sure enough, I spun around to see Ajia and her dad exiting the HQ front door, letting it swing shut behind them.

Zapdos perked up, turning its attention to the new arrivals. “Ah, you are the leader of this group of humans, yes? It is an honor to meet you,” it said, bowing its head.

Ajia folded her arms, looking amused. I gave her an exaggerated shrug that would hopefully convey that this had been just as unexpected on my end.

Zapdos straightened itself once more and nodded to the chief before gesturing to Kari. “This one believes it may be worthwhile if I partner with you?”

Kari jumped to her feet, rapidly waving her palms out. “Whoa, whoa! Haaang on, that wasn’t a serious proposal or anything!” she added hastily with a nervous laugh, glancing back at the chief.

“Ah, it seems that I misunderstood,” Zapdos added, deflating slightly.

The chief sighed with a weary smile and put a hand on Ajia’s shoulder, glancing at all of us. “I think we ought to sit down and… have a talk about what it means, exactly, that we’ll be working together.”

The chief took a half step like he was about to gesture for everyone to follow him inside, but then realized the obvious flaw in that thinking.

“I’ll get chairs!” Stracion exclaimed, throwing an arm up before racing inside.

“*See? Helping,*” Grovyle added as he bounded up the stairs after her.


“So, I gotta admit, Zapdos joining the rangers wasn’t on my bingo card for this month,” Darren said, flopping onto a sunny patch of grass alongside Venusaur and gesturing for me to join them.

“Mine neither,” I admitted, fumbling in my bag for a Pokéball while Firestorm circled overhead, waiting. Taking it easy sounded good while I was still recovering, but a bit of dive-catching practice couldn’t hurt.

In the midst of all the weirdness, with all the shifts in the status quo, afternoon training in the park was the same as it ever was. Rudy was his usual infinite-energy self as he threw punches alongside Breloom. Jet tackled Ebony to the ground while Weavile and Raichu practiced their dodging, shards of ice and strings of lightning flying past each other in the dirt battling pitch. Away from the higher-energy fighters, Tyranitar had her eyes closed in concentration, claws slowly flexing as she manipulated the sand at her feet.

I drew back an arm, felt the strain in my back and shoulders, and hurled the Pokéball as high as I could, watching as Firestorm pitched his wings into a dive and caught it without any trouble. The downblast from his wings sent waves across the center pond, rocking a pair of wild Psyduck who quacked in objection.

A bit of soft snoring told me that Venusaur had dozed off. Darren had reclined against the napping grass-type’s side, distracting himself with browsing something on his phone.

“So, uh… anything interesting?” I asked.

“Was just checking if there were any more Mewtwo sightings,” Darren replied nonchalantly. “None since last week. Then I figured I’d take a look at the discourse around the League broadcast yesterday.”

Firestorm tossed the Pokéball my way as he swooped past, and I caught it. “Huh… What are people saying?”

Darren made a face. “Trust me, you don’t want to read the comments.”

I blinked at him. All that did was make me more curious about what people were saying. I hurled the Pokéball for Firestorm and then leaned over to get a look at Darren’s phone screen while he scrolled.

Monsters. Dangerous. No mercy.

“Wait, go back—what was that last one?”

Darren gave me a don’t-say-I-didn’t-warn-you look, but then sighed and tilted his phone toward me. I held a hand over the screen to block the sun’s glare as I read.

These things are literally destroying people's homes and businesses?? How are people defending this?? 🤬 [2.4K likes]​
These "guardians" are just overgrown pokemon. And we all know what we do to dangerous pokemon that attack humans. Just saying 😈 [4.5K likes]​
Trainers working with legends are species traitors. Remember Viridian City. No mercy this time. [4.7K likes]​


Firestorm tossed the Pokéball again, and I let it clatter to the dirt next to me. A sickly pool of dread had settled in my gut. “Is… is that really what everyone thinks?”

“Nah,” Darren replied immediately, and I felt myself relax a bit. “You know how it is with the angriest crowd being the loudest. Plenty of people are on the legends’ side here.” He scrolled through the feed a bit before tilting his phone toward me again.

The guardians have protected our regions for millennia. They deserve our respect, not judgment. [445 likes]​
calling it now - this wohle vid is photoshop CGI. nice try tho 🤡 [92 likes]​
divine beings don't need to explain themselves to us mortals 🙏 ✨ [1.2K likes]​

“...Oh.” Somehow, I wasn’t sure if that was better or worse. Obviously, I wasn’t gonna pretend like the Legendaries had never done anything wrong ever, but…

“Hang on… that last one can’t be serious, right?” I asked, squinting.

“Huh?” Darren looked at it again. “Oh, duh. Well, it’s making fun of other comments being like that for real, so.”

I didn’t have much inclination to read any more of them after that, so I just forced myself to look away from the screen and back at our Pokémon. Sparks crackled along Raichu’s whiplike tail as she darted after Weavile. Stray leaves scattered through the air, kicked up by Stygian’s claws as she raced Aros around the pond. Embers trailed behind Firestorm as he continued the dive-catching practice with rocks dropped by Swift.

“Anyway, it’s not all on the far extremes,” Darren went on, still scrolling. “We’ve got this one calling out the funky editing, and this one claiming to have seen the legends being provoked. I was thinking I’d make a throwaway account and try to do some damage control? Answer questions, offer some counterpoints while staying anonymous, that kinda thing.”

I felt my heart lift. “Do you really think that could—”

“Are you guys even paying attention?” Rudy’s irritated voice suddenly piped up.

I blinked, caught off-guard. “Huh? Er, yeah.”

“Nope,” Darren replied, ducking to avoid the dirt clod hurled his way even though it missed by four or five feet.

Rudy turned back to his training with a huff, motioning for Raichu and Ebony to join him for the next exercise.

“Prooobably enough internet for the day, anyway,” Darren said, pocketing his phone and standing up. “Not much point in reading garbage if there’s no Mewtwo updates.”

Right, Mewtwo. I’d forgotten how we’d got on that topic to begin with.

Darren stretched widely and gave Venusaur a pat before having his attention grabbed by Sandslash popping out of the ground and gently tapping his leg.

“Would be easier to get a read on Mewtwo if you’d been able to meet with him, but oh well,” he said, reaching for his backpack.

I rubbed the back of my head. “I mean… he wasn’t asking to meet with me. The meeting was supposed to be with Lugia.”

“Yeah, I know. Same difference, though.”

Was it? I found myself wondering if I could reasonably expect that Lugia would have relayed everything from their conversation, and then immediately hated myself for wondering, because it meant Stalker was right to ask about our bond.

“Remind me—he was trying to get Lugia and Suicune to follow his cause, yeah?”

I felt myself tense up. “Yeah… but Lugia decided to stick with Mew.”

Darren either didn’t notice my sudden hesitation or brushed past it. “Right, right, and Suicune’s obviously torn, so that could be a problem if it decides to follow Mewtwo.”

That wasn’t quite how I would have described it.

“It doesn’t seem torn,” Rudy said loudly before I could get the words out. “All it ever does is complain about how we suck at our jobs. I say it should just get lost.” He punctuated that last bit by forcefully hurling a tree branch to the other end of the training pitch, prompting Ebony to bolt after it.

“We need it to stick around,” I said, rubbing my temple. “Unfortunately.”

Darren hummed as he fished something out of his bag, Sandslash waiting patiently next to him. “I have a few ideas for how to get it on-side. Just requires some other things to line up. And it depends on if Mewtwo shows up again—still surprised he didn’t show up at Indigo the other day. Best guess is that he didn’t need to get involved because the Rockets stirring up more anti-Legendary sentiment actually helps his argument. But he’s gotta make a move sometime, so…”

I traded skeptical glances with Rudy. “You know, for someone who’s not involved in this stuff, I feel like you’re putting in more thought than most of us.”

Darren shrugged sheepishly as he unwrapped a potato. “I dunno about that. It’s just an interesting puzzle.”


“Yeah, you know, like…”—he waved a hand in midair—“how to get everything lined up right, what has to happen in what order. I’m not actually in the middle of it all, so it’s easier for me to look at it as an extra, see the big picture, that sorta thing.”

I blinked, processing it. “Alright, so what have you figured out?”

He handed the potato to Sandslash and wiped his hands on his jeans. “Well, Suicune’s obviously not going to help unless you guys promise to free Raikou, so you should probably prioritize that. You can’t expect it to come around unless you make it worth it.”

I tilted my head. “But what about all the comments about how we’re, like, ‘abandoning Entei’ because it’s not a patron?”

Darren shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. If you cut a deal, it’ll work.”

“But I don’t even know if we can free Raikou.”

“You need to convince it you’ll try. No one’s done that.”

Really? Had we… not even tried? I mean, I sure hadn’t, but I figured someone else must have. Ajia? Mew?

…I couldn’t help feeling a bit idiotic.

“I could give it a shot if I get the chance,” Darren went on, lifting his bag to prevent Weavile shredding it with her claws in search of jerky, “but I don’t know if I’ll get another opportunity.”

It took several seconds for the implication to sink in. “Wait. You tried talking to Suicune?”

He shrugged. “Someone had to. Figured it might as well be someone it’s not already pissed off at.”

Rudy practically teleported to us, already mid-question by the time the words left my mouth.

“How’d it go—?”

“What did you say—?”

“When did you—?”

“What did Suicune say—?”

Darren took a step back, holding both hands out with an awkward smile. “Lotta insults and empty threats—nothing I’m not used to. I just told it that even if it doesn’t believe in Mew’s ideals, it could always just go along to get what it wants.”

“How does that help?” Rudy asked incredulously.

Darren held up a finger. “Basically, it could just think of the chosen thing as using a human rather than teaming up with one. Don’t know if the idea worked, though.” He glanced at me. “Mew needs all eight or whatever for the chosen thing to work, right?”

“Seven,” I corrected. “But yeah, something like that.”

“Then, it shouldn’t matter what the motivation is,” Darren said with a shrug.

I rubbed my arm. “That wouldn’t be a very strong bond, I don’t think.” Stalker’s words echoed in my head: I’d recommend working on that before things get worse.

Darren hummed. “I figure it’s still progress.”

“I guess,” Rudy said, not sounding very convinced. He turned back to his team. “Alright, let’s try that combo one more time.”

With a grunt of effort, Tyranitar slammed a foot into the ground, raising a wave of pointed stones from the earth and launching them at the others. Ebony and Raichu deftly swerved around each rock one after the other, then fired back—Ebony with a burst of flames, Raichu gathering blue energy between her paws before launching it. Tyranitar didn’t move to dodge—she just swiped a paw upward and raised a wall of sand in its path, dampening the attacks.

It was a little unusual to see him testing Tyranitar against two attackers at once, but I supposed it couldn’t hurt, even if the battles he’d been training for were all singles.

“So, uh… two more days until the finals, huh?” I said. Ebony perked up, tail wagging.

“Oh. Yeah…” Rudy said with a rather unenthused tone, like he’d just remembered a math test. Ebony immediately put on a sour face as if she’d just remembered that she was also supposed to be grumpy about it.

I furrowed my brow. “You guys have been nonstop hype about it for weeks; what changed?”

Rudy shoved his hands into his pockets. “It’s just… the League’s been getting involved more with the unofficial finals,” he grumbled.

“Oh, yeah.” I remembered him excitedly sharing that fact only just last week. It held more of a bitter taste now, though.

“It was supposed to be our own thing. Now they’re acting like they had anything to do with it when we did all the hard work. And they’re okay with Rockets. I wish they’d just butt out,” he said firmly, hurling a rock into the pond with a heavy splash.

Rudy stood there for a few seconds, watching the ripples radiating outward before sharply turning to us. “I gotta do something.”

“Do something?” I echoed.

He nodded forcefully. “I don’t know what, but… something.”

“Well, uh, I hope you figure out that something before Friday,” Darren said, folding his arms behind his head.

Rudy stared out over the pond, arms at his sides. “Yeah.”

~End Chapter 57~

Many thanks to Jackie for helping write the hellsite comments. :P We ended up with a lot more than just the ones featured in the chapter and had a hard time narrowing them down (some of them were just too good to be in the actual chapter :sadbees:). So for some bonus fun, I've included the whole set in the next post~
don't read the comments section

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
These things are literally destroying people's homes and businesses?? How are people defending this?? 🤬 [2.4K likes]​

Notice how they cut right before showing what happened to make them attack. Convenient editing much? 🙄 [897 likes]​

divine beings don't need to explain themselves to us mortals 🙏 ✨ [1.2K likes]​

Here we go again with the edited footage... Full video shows trainers antagonizing them first. Do your research people [1.6K likes]​

The guardians have protected our regions for millennia. They deserve our respect, not judgment. [445 likes]​

my cousin lives there, lost everything. but sure keep worshipping these "guardians" [3.1K likes]​

ratio + they're literally gods + cope [892 likes]​

anyone making excuses for these monsters is literally part of the problem. they should all be captured or worse [1.9K likes]​

Whats worse is the people defending them. TRAITOR'S to humanity!! [2.3K likes]​

@WatcherOfMyth stfu with that "guardian" bs, my sister was in that building [884 likes]​

[comment removed for violating community guidelines] [3.2K likes]​

You can literally see the building collapsing with people inside but the legend simps be like "uwu divine judgment" "muh natural order" 🙄 [1.7K likes]​

calling it now - this wohle vid is photoshop CGI. nice try tho 🤡 [92 likes]​

@Misty_Terrain imagine defending city-destorying monsters. actual brain rot [445 likes]​

How to deal with "legendary" pokemon:
Step 1: Master ball
Step 2: PC storage
Problem solved. [4.1K likes]​

Anyone helping these things deserves whatever happens to them. Remember Viridian City. No mercy this time. [4.7K likes]​

These "guardians" are just overgrown pokemon. And we all know what we do to dangerous pokemon that attack humans. Just saying 😈 [4.5K likes]​

Trainers working with legends are species traitors. Should be treated like the terrorists they are. Their families too. [3.7K likes]​
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