local liminal entity
Voidtraipse: Questant
For a better idea of what this fic is about please check the threadmark index for a summary.Opening post to change. "New Reader, Skip Ahead Here" will be added when the time comes.
🛑 This narrative is likely to explore mature themes. These will range from existentiality to substance use to various forms of trauma.
🛑 I'm likely to make use of flashing or glitched animations and visuals. If you have a condition like photosensitive epilepsy please be advised this may not be the right comic to read.
🛑 Content Warnings will be outlined at the start of an opening where they are relevant. Such as start of an update, or during voting options.
I will try to provide image descriptions in alt text, but may fail now and again. Feel free to ping or remind me if a panel is missing a transcript in a spoiler.
This Quest uses voting to direct how the story progresses, and multiple types of voting.
With Choices, I've seen ways things can go, and have pre-written options. These will usually be story forks like "enter the left room first". I will try and communicate the risks and rewards, and other details like dice rolls.
With Commands, you can give any controllable character a command prompt. Maybe you want them to use a psychic power to affect the environment, or have one of their pets use their abilities. Maybe you want them to pick up a cool rock, or ask a specific question in a conversation. I may still roll dice, but these are for simpler and quicker actions. You can reference a character's personality traits to better show your reasoning, but I may also choose commands I find funny.
Please use brackets for each command line.
Your brackets should have an "x" or "X" in them.
Dont worry too much about if something goes wrong, my storytelling style leans fluffy and forgiving even if I can go for the throat.
With Choices, I've seen ways things can go, and have pre-written options. These will usually be story forks like "enter the left room first". I will try and communicate the risks and rewards, and other details like dice rolls.
With Commands, you can give any controllable character a command prompt. Maybe you want them to use a psychic power to affect the environment, or have one of their pets use their abilities. Maybe you want them to pick up a cool rock, or ask a specific question in a conversation. I may still roll dice, but these are for simpler and quicker actions. You can reference a character's personality traits to better show your reasoning, but I may also choose commands I find funny.
Please use brackets for each command line.
Your brackets should have an "x" or "X" in them.
A bit of this Quest started out with being inspired by point and click games, text adventures, and stuff like that.
Most commands can be used on what appears within background images, but may be used on inventory contents or a way to prompt a character to think about things.
[] Investigate: pick something to interact with. Roughly synonymous with "Interact"
[] Consider: pick something for the character to think about. Roughly synonymous with "Examine"
[] Traipse: Pick a direction to proceed from the present location. Future updates will have possible directions marked, and backtracking will become possible. Roughly synonymous with "Go".
These example commands are not required, but should give you an idea how to command characters. Feel free to get creative with your own ideas!
Most commands can be used on what appears within background images, but may be used on inventory contents or a way to prompt a character to think about things.
[] Investigate: pick something to interact with. Roughly synonymous with "Interact"
[] Consider: pick something for the character to think about. Roughly synonymous with "Examine"
[] Traipse: Pick a direction to proceed from the present location. Future updates will have possible directions marked, and backtracking will become possible. Roughly synonymous with "Go".
These example commands are not required, but should give you an idea how to command characters. Feel free to get creative with your own ideas!
Party members and cognions alike may have abilities they can use in various situations. These range from psionic abilities to skills they've picked up.
Klevas lacks any particular special abilities at present.
To use an ability Zippi might have: [] Zippi: Use (ability) (context, such as "on the wall")
Klevas lacks any particular special abilities at present.
To use an ability Zippi might have: [] Zippi: Use (ability) (context, such as "on the wall")
- Pap
- Inventory Access
- Reunion
- Simple Song
Dont worry too much about if something goes wrong, my storytelling style leans fluffy and forgiving even if I can go for the throat.
Death is not The End - [ Party ] members can die! That isn't to be equated with 'permadeath'. You can play cautiously all you like, but if things take a turn for the worst it isn't goodbye forever.
I make usage of something called a 'miracle roll' when it comes to death, and even after the worst happens it's possible a character will respawn somewhere else... but I give no guarantees they'll show back up before the next major arc begins.
For instance if Klevas is to die while exploring this NER, vae would likely respawn in another NER. I'd likely roll for it to see the circumstances (and there would be options outside of a NER should it happen), but so long as Zippi remains alive they would return to vaem.
(If Zippi is ensouled within Klevas's inner world on death, reunion wouldn't be necessary as they would be spirited away with Klevas on respawn).
I make usage of something called a 'miracle roll' when it comes to death, and even after the worst happens it's possible a character will respawn somewhere else... but I give no guarantees they'll show back up before the next major arc begins.
For instance if Klevas is to die while exploring this NER, vae would likely respawn in another NER. I'd likely roll for it to see the circumstances (and there would be options outside of a NER should it happen), but so long as Zippi remains alive they would return to vaem.
(If Zippi is ensouled within Klevas's inner world on death, reunion wouldn't be necessary as they would be spirited away with Klevas on respawn).

Things seem stable. When that person said it, it'd made you understand when an area innately feels a certain way... the synesthesia you're experiencing explains why it's as though the air tastes both rosy and here to stay. This space feels anchored to itself.
[ You can rely on [ Entrances and Exits ] to this [ SegPock ] remaining [ Stable ] without interference ]
[ You feel yourself impressed upon the sensation that this space is a place of [ Refuge ] should you need it ]
As though deja vu it comes to you in waves. Was it like this where that person had come from?[ You feel yourself impressed upon the sensation that this space is a place of [ Refuge ] should you need it ]
You're calmed knowing there's nothing to run from here. There won't be barring the worst.
There's some mark of intent here, not just a memory but something shaped like a path on a hill. Its ontology handshakes with you in an embrace. it directs you to know:
[ A [ Shrine ] is located here. ]
[ Distance: close. It is an openly gazing lamp adorned in scaled and bone rosaries. It's eye is haloed. Should you look for it your sensorium will highlight it's location. It's dedication and attunement is to the the deiforme [ Eschate ] , the robust novice godhead of nostalgia, furniture, transient memories, and incense. ]
[X] Investigate[ Distance: close. It is an openly gazing lamp adorned in scaled and bone rosaries. It's eye is haloed. Should you look for it your sensorium will highlight it's location. It's dedication and attunement is to the the deiforme [ Eschate ] , the robust novice godhead of nostalgia, furniture, transient memories, and incense. ]
[ ] Consider
[ ] Traipse Elsewhere
[X] Introspect
> Introspect
You grip the scrapbook hanging from your side and turn your attention inward for a brief moment.
As the alien traveler had told you, a sense of what you have on your person, your form, wellbeing, and what others will know of you on your meeting.
"The [ Profile ] system is a decentralized peer to peermind interface. If your fate was to travel even a brief while it'll smooth out some encounters."
Introductions always carry that uncertainty of exposing yourself.. for now it sits bare. The idea of seeing a turntable model of yourself would be initially alienating to most, you think, and it's heitened rotating the absence of yourself.
In the wake of however you got here some things feel scrambled.. like your name or who you are even.
You know the world existed. You know you've not been here before no matter what the deja vu and synesthesia in each layer tells you.
[ ] Setup [ Profile ] to Inspect (Self or Other)
[ ] Check or Manage Inventory
[ ] Consider Other Query
> Investigate [ Shrine ]
You approach the [ Shrine ] and it senses your intent.A plane emanates above the lampshade and curls itself to mimic a field of vision. The holographic effect gains the same sense of depth a window outside would.

As it hums idly there's a subtle change in the air.. like the motes of dust and static re-aligned themselves.
A draft wafts from the [ Shrine ] console that has materialized.
It smells such that a notion declares itself to be that of rose incense. No smoke emanates with the scent.
A reclining figure comes into view.

The room they sit in hazes into and out from what the screen displays in response to your attempts to focus onto it.
All you see is some form of working space that opens to a corridor.

The figure projects a smile as it's gaze fixes on you, "Welcome Questant to Eschate's shrine, a seed of refuge within the great rift.
From clues of context.. you're in need of assistance."
From clues of context.. you're in need of assistance."
![I will act as your [ patronne ] in this instance. Their eye closes as they introduce themselves, You may choose to know me as Korite, an alcolyte in service to Eschate. I will act as your [ patronne ] in this instance. Their eye closes as they introduce themselves, You may choose to know me as Korite, an alcolyte in service to Eschate.](/proxy.php?
"I will act as your [ patronne ] in this instance."
Their eye closes as they introduce themselves, "You may choose to know me as Korite, an alcolyte in service to Eschate."
Their eye closes as they introduce themselves, "You may choose to know me as Korite, an alcolyte in service to Eschate."
Your voice is initially shaky.. until you find the footing to ask once again, "So, where do you think I am?"
Korite: "You called at a shrine, so beyond the obvious.."
Their head tilts, the incense burner remaining level as it wafts to fill the space behind their eye, "In a way it depends on how you arrived, but presently you're within a remix of memories, dreams, thoughts."
Korite: "Forgive my prying eye but I do believe that since you have the capacity for a [profile] already it means you've met someone other than myself so far in your traipse. You leave me wondering," They say with a wry smile "Did they answer all that differently?"
From that it's clear they know you'd ran into the kind stranger from earlier, and you divulge by reflex "We only had so much time to chat."
Their gaze tells you that you're not being interrogated, and you decide to relay your brief past whether it was waking up alone.. the [segpocks] you'd passed through..
that other you'd met..
and what separated you.
"I wanted another perspective on what's going on here.." You reply, and say in anticipation of what they might ask next "They did tell me to seek this place out when we got split up."
![It's disappointing when the newly arrived dont get enough time with their welcome wagon. They say, making a thoughtful pause before moving on. I'll be escalating the matter of the [ Pursuer ]. It's disappointing when the newly arrived dont get enough time with their welcome wagon. They say, making a thoughtful pause before moving on. I'll be escalating the matter of the [ Pursuer ].](/proxy.php?
"It's disappointing when the newly arrived dont get enough time with their welcome wagon." They say, making a thoughtful pause before moving on. "I'll be escalating the matter of the [ Pursuer ]."
It's not enough thinking about what you escaped, and you press asking "What'll happen?"
Korite: "We have some people who will be out on scouting and maintenance duties. They'll likely attempt to provoke an encounter with it, and decide from there what's the best way to proceed."
Rolling their eyes they say "It's not the sort of thing I handle."
"Normally I'd ask 'how can I help' opening a call with a questant, but you?"
![Priorities change, and my own is to ensure you reach a safe exit. At present you're lucky. A cleric will be coming on for their shift and has time available to [ Passage ] their way and meet you. Priorities change, and my own is to ensure you reach a safe exit. At present you're lucky. A cleric will be coming on for their shift and has time available to [ Passage ] their way and meet you.](/proxy.php?
"Priorities change, and my own is to ensure you reach a safe exit."
"At present you're lucky. A cleric will be coming on for their shift and has time available to [ Passage ] their way and meet you."
"At present you're lucky. A cleric will be coming on for their shift and has time available to [ Passage ] their way and meet you."

They sigh and roll their eye, "Unfortunately by the time they arrive.. it's more than likely I'll have guided you successfully to the rendezvous."
Their head shakes from side to side, the draped silk shifting and their facets glinting as they do this, "So the matter sits upon my plate."
Their head shakes from side to side, the draped silk shifting and their facets glinting as they do this, "So the matter sits upon my plate."
![Those you'll meet will often be in the company of that which may be called a 'cognion'. Bred, caught, or assembled they find their way into our care. It's often considered a base hospitality to offer others a 'starter' [ cognion ] so that their travels are safer. Those you'll meet will often be in the company of that which may be called a 'cognion'. Bred, caught, or assembled they find their way into our care. It's often considered a base hospitality to offer others a 'starter' [ cognion ] so that their travels are safer.](/proxy.php?
"Those you'll meet will often be in the company of that which may be called a 'cognion'. Bred, caught, or assembled they find their way into our care."
"It's often considered a base hospitality to offer others a 'starter' [ cognion ] so that their travels are safer."
"It's often considered a base hospitality to offer others a 'starter' [ cognion ] so that their travels are safer."
Korite: It's the flatter tone in their voice that tells you they're offering some sort of disclaimer, "It is worth noting that starters are liable to look a little simpler than these."
"These have each been through some form of modification, and only the one on the right is a construct similar to what I'll assist you in making today.""
Korite: "Our stables are bare in terms of a spare, so I'll preside over the ritual"
Korite: "Should a stray cognion seek to satiate itself with your ichor, your own can be called forth to safeguard you. Once distracted, you escape."
"Your cognion will aid you in the capture and hunting of other cognions. Cognion keepers often find further usages in the daily life, or in your case... traversing a [ NER ]."
![They sigh. I would rather not make you waste time. You'll need to also have some form of [ innerscape ] for your cognion to retreat to. Otherwise it'll have to constantly be at your side. They sigh. I would rather not make you waste time. You'll need to also have some form of [ innerscape ] for your cognion to retreat to. Otherwise it'll have to constantly be at your side.](/proxy.php?
They sigh. "I would rather not make you waste time. You'll need to also have some form of [ innerscape ] for your cognion to retreat to. Otherwise it'll have to constantly be at your side."
Korite: "Thankfully you already have a foci.. I'm talking about that scrapbook of your's."
You don't say it, but you do wonder how they knew about it.
Korite: "It's not like you're able to hide anything beyond line of sight at the moment.. with an inner world you'd at least have another barrier to prevent prying eyes from accessing your inventory.." Korite muses, "but hey, these calls are an open window. I can use my senses to see you plainly. It's not as though it's not my job to give you a look over and see whether you're carrying anything that saves us time."
Korite: Korite shrugs and leans back into their plush perch. "I could've done a scan, but the way you started things off confirmed the context clues presented."
"Anyway, while they may have taken a different path for now.. that sophont you met did right by setting you up with the baseline enchantment to start this whole process." They say. They look up into what you're not privy to and pause in thought, "I may need to thank them personally for making my job that much easier."

"When you're ready look through your scrapbook. Let me know when you find something to center yourself around."
"With a profile and inner world? You'll be ready to make your safe exit from this NER, or otherwise find sustainability in the void."
"With a profile and inner world? You'll be ready to make your safe exit from this NER, or otherwise find sustainability in the void."
Korite: "Welcome to somewhere else entirely than you may have known. The collective unconsciousness remixed in endless forms. "
[ ] Examine your Scrapbook
[ ] Ask about the Cognion Ritual
[ ] Ask Korite about a topic
[ ] Chat with Korite about a topic
If your suggestion isnt picked I may still come back to it. I'll generally take the voted for command, ones I think help exposit, and ones that I think are interesting or funny
This Quest is being run and mirrored on Sufficient Velocity in this thread. I intend to mirror to MSPFA too.
My priority here will be mirroring updates every so often.
I can take votes / commands from this thread, BUT an update's posting may be delayed a week or more (for instance this is being posted in whole so far two weeks after the first SV update). Informational slash worldbuilding or similar posts will be delayed, but the SV thread is threadmarked.
Quests are a form of interactive fiction where you as the audience get to decide character actions, tactical plans, and other things in a narrative. There are two other quests, aka forumventures or Forum Adventures, in the text adventure style. As an Art Quest that means there's a bit of a hybrid style going on here.
I'd meant to make a thread explaining the concept of quests about a year back, and may do it still. I still intend to run a pokemon sandbox quest on here when I get back to it. In the meantime SV has an (albeit old) thread on this.
My priority here will be mirroring updates every so often.
I can take votes / commands from this thread, BUT an update's posting may be delayed a week or more (for instance this is being posted in whole so far two weeks after the first SV update). Informational slash worldbuilding or similar posts will be delayed, but the SV thread is threadmarked.
Quests are a form of interactive fiction where you as the audience get to decide character actions, tactical plans, and other things in a narrative. There are two other quests, aka forumventures or Forum Adventures, in the text adventure style. As an Art Quest that means there's a bit of a hybrid style going on here.
I'd meant to make a thread explaining the concept of quests about a year back, and may do it still. I still intend to run a pokemon sandbox quest on here when I get back to it. In the meantime SV has an (albeit old) thread on this.
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