Prolo 3 - The Cabin's Interior
local liminal entity

Entering the house you can't help but think that there's no sense in being rude, and so you close the door gently shut behind you. The interior isn't horribly dark, but something about the wood drinks in the light such that it barely travels.. leaving things gloomier than you otherwise expected.
"how's it looking, our dear jump ahead" asks the first whisper to appear
The same as the hall stretches onwards so too do the whisperings.
[X] INVESTIGATE: Open the second door on the right

"I'd rather check the far end than see just how far down any door goes." overlays the next
The door opens to what looks to be an underwater space.
You reach out and touch it... and pull back a wet hand.
[X]INVESTIGATE: open the first door on the right

When you press the door inwards it feels like you're being pulled along with it, so you let go of the knob.
The door flies off into a starry void.
You stand there stunned for a moment.

As the moment passes you know you haven't been dragged into a vacuum, and feel mildly relieved if still a bit confused.
You look at where the door attached to the frame and see that it didn't seem like it was very attached to begin with. It looks like it was loosely attached.
[X]Traipse: Follow Exit Sign

another hallway crossed perpendicular to the prior in the log cabin.
"Not a bad formation, dont you think?" was said
"I find it needlessly intertwined. Form with slivers of function and yet none of purpose. Shuffled chaos." the reply came
"Not a bad formation, dont you think?" was said
"I find it needlessly intertwined. Form with slivers of function and yet none of purpose. Shuffled chaos." the reply came
It's.. a perpendicular hallway.
Crossing through it you immediately find that there is another set of doors along both the opposite walls from where you came, and along that same wall.
You figured from seeing the other two doors open, but you know now that the interior of this cabin has to be larger than the outside. You have a feeling that you could get easily lost in this place, and decide to follow through to the next room.

Only the trail end of whispers from elsewhere intrude on this space, with the next room's trailing off into a question turned towards the listener: "You?"
This time the whispering sensation you've been feeling splits.
Back the way you came sounds a bit like it did before, but with something else on top of it..
At this point you're fairly certain you're not hearing them. You know where they were said, and you can hear them without the people who said those things being here.
There's still more further in as well..
[X] CONSIDER: Pelt Rug
It's.. a rug alright. Weirdly shaped but it's a rug.
The more you look at it the more clearly it looks like it's the skin of some creature.
Something feels off about it.. like it's based on the same thing, but isnt actually the creature's skin.
The teeth in the head shape still look real to you.
If you moved the little table atop it you could definitely try and take it with you.
You're unsure if it you tried rolling it up whether it'd actually fit within your bag.
[X] CONSIDER: Memorabilia
This room doesn't feel anymore a home to you than the others did so far.
You take a look at the images that decorate the room and dont recognize a single face. You recognize them as faces and that they are probably people who exist somewhere, but no names come to your mind.
[X] TRAIPSE: Onwards

"Looks like it's barely primed too" comes across as well as the faint whisper from the prior room
"so... I'm fine with leaving somethign behind for others, you?"
"so... I'm fine with leaving somethign behind for others, you?"
The next place is a pantry it seems.
You don't know if anyone lives here, but know you haven't heard anything else move in this house...
[X] CONSIDER: Bread Jar

"so.. I'm fine leaving something behind for others, you?" is centered and more visible as the other fades
The first food you've seen here.. protein bars for hikers and travelers alike. Each one seems to be a different flavor from 'mocha' to 'sunberry delight' to 'salted caramel' to 'maple pancake'.
You have the distinct feeling it'll be fine taking a few. You stuff a few in your bag, and then put one in your pocket for easy access.
The onset of another phantom conversational thread weaves itself in, and you pick up the impression that there'll still be more for other.

"That does look to be a source token.." is said as the prior messages fade away into background noise of the space.
It looks to be a towel initially. At least you want to assume that's what this long strip of cloth is for.. but a part of you wonders if it's a tablecloth.. or just meant to hand there and look pretty.
If you wanted to use it as a towel you'd need to make space for it.. or figure out how to carry it in-case you need to run.
You think it might be worth coming back for.
[X]TRAIPSE: Leftwards

"Its a shame this doesn't go anywhere yet" states one
"It will" replies the second
"I dont wanna wait around for that" in turn responds the third
"A pity, so shall you suffer until that time" notes the second
"I dunno its kinda nice here.. makes me think of those games" the first will have said
And after the first will have stated further "Uhhh the fantasy ones"
"It will" replies the second
"I dont wanna wait around for that" in turn responds the third
"A pity, so shall you suffer until that time" notes the second
"I dunno its kinda nice here.. makes me think of those games" the first will have said
And after the first will have stated further "Uhhh the fantasy ones"
Past the pantry you find some sort of pottery workshop.. or maybe a warehouse?
You weren't expecting the immediate next room to be so crowded whether for the objects or the phantom voices
[X]Smash Pots, Get Finances

The urge to commit wanton destruction of an object overtakes you, and you comply with the urge. Hefting the piece of ceramicwear above your head (lets be realistic, it's heavy, you almost definitely toppled it over, but it's nice to imagine this little power fantasy right, you reassure yourself) and swinging it down against the ground in hopes of finding some form of currency or reasources to survive on.
The first attempt and it's contents only yields a hollowness like you've been feeling since waking.
The next attempt might be different that same urge beckons.

You let out a sigh and pick another close-by pot up with the thought that this time might be different. If this was in enough videogames for the whispers to be discussing it surely people would keep something in pottery in abandoned labyrinthian buildings.
As the ceramics shatter and crumple into a heap of shards.. you spot something!
It seems someone lost a couple sticky-note pads inside.
At least you could write on something other than the walls now.

You give into the urge once more and wonder when the cycle of violence will end.. possibly never. You're getting used to the carnage, the screams of terror from innocent pots.

The prior statements begin to fade into obscurity, and those that follow fade into notoriety.
"I dunno it's kinda nice here.. makes me think of those games." says the first
"You will need to be more specific on what sort of game you are referring to." comments the second
"Uhhh the fantasy ones?" replies the first
"I think I know what you're talking about, the one with the twink in a tunic?" says the third
"I dunno it's kinda nice here.. makes me think of those games." says the first
"You will need to be more specific on what sort of game you are referring to." comments the second
"Uhhh the fantasy ones?" replies the first
"I think I know what you're talking about, the one with the twink in a tunic?" says the third
As you nudge aside the innards of your victim you find a frayed-off zipper!
Wait, no, this was probably already sitting on the ground to begin with.. you could probably do with searching your surroundings more thoroughly. Given the track record you're unsure if that'd result in anything substantially different anyway.

You decide to pocket the sticky-note pads, and decide to even take the zipper by stowing it away in your bag. It is nt like either takes up much space, so taking useless junk (and useful junk) isn't exactly a problem.
[X]Collect Pottery Shards

Given to impulsive behavior you pick out an assortment of shards from your fallen foes and deposit them into your messenger back.
Hopefully they wont scratch anything up. Only way to tell is time's passage.
[X]TRAIPSE: Archway

As you come out from the exit you find yourself in the middle of a meadow of some sort. The wind blows across the hill you're atop, and the meadowland stretches both to your right and left.
Among the distant sounds of animals you initially think it's the onset of more phantom senses filtering in from your surroundings.. but nothing appears in your field of vision the way they had before.
As it continues you realize it sounds like someone's talking to themselves from down the hillside.
[X]Head Left: Find out what the source is.
[]Head right: Avoid it if you can.
(The prologue side-story is a pre-determined set of events that happened before Klevas reached the shrine. Any and all commands in this sidestory are intended to evoke what can be done during the normal course of Questant. Commands at the end like this show what would have been chosen for Klevas to get to where they are at the in-media res start of Questant, and cannot actually be voted on. The bolded result just shows what will happen at the start of the next update because of how I cut this one off)
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