local liminal entity
Author's Note:
All 'commands' in the prologue were not user submitted, and are written as example commands.
They should be considered 'autonomous' actions of the protagonist character you control.
All 'commands' in the prologue were not user submitted, and are written as example commands.
They should be considered 'autonomous' actions of the protagonist character you control.

You... wake up?
You dont remember going to sleep, or where this is.
"Who am I?" leaps to your thoughts before you can ask "Where am I?"
You.. you dont know.. you dont know the.. the answer to these questions.
"Why dont I know this?" you find yourself asking.
[X] Calm Down, search your surroundings
You do your best to suppress the questions flooding in..
You lean against a wall trying to center yourself. There are more important things, right? Such as whether you're somewhere safe or not.
A look around the cramped space reveals no cameras, so you aren't in some sort of torture palace.. hopefully not at least. The stickers pasted now and again in the room are probably a good indication that you're just in an abandoned building.. at least there's plenty of wood to knock on with all the windows boarded up.
[X]Examine Exits
The supposed "exits" all seem boarded up- and you missed one of them.The signs pointing to this include the air flowing against your face, and that you can clearly see the last of the six windows is both empty and stretches onwards as a crawlspace would.
There might be a point to the stickers aside from making it less weird to be in.
You dont feel ready to check it out, and move onto checking the floor to see if you dropped anything while you were unconscious.

You find a messenger bag slumped against the opening of it.
It feels just familiar enough that you're certain this bag is your's.. or at least if it isn't you'll find out soon enough and apologize to who it belongs to.
[X]Open the bag

You open the bag to find two things.
- a gel pen (it feels weird to hold)
- a scrapbook (it feels right to hold)
It just feels right.. and you know it must be important to you.
Trying to pry it's latch open even yields you no answers to what's going on. The thought to pry it open with the pen occurs, but you dismiss it expecting you'd damage either and waste your time... and you dont feel like making it easier for someone else to snoop on your keepsakes regardless of what they are.
[X]Write on the wall "SOS"
Someone said it best that when lost the best thing you can do is wait for help to show up rather than wandering off. They also said the most important thing is some form of shelter.
If you're going to be stuck waiting around for help you should probably put up some sort of sign say if you're away from this room to gather snacks.. well once the protein bars run out. That sign would also be useful if you were asleep so that someone doesnt think this is your bedroom.
You'd rather them not think this is your bedroom.
How do you convince them otherwise..

Right, the idea to write on a wall.
You compromise and use your pen to scribble onto the wall a plea.
It takes a while to fill in the outline you make, but eventually it's there for a rescuer to lay their eyes upon.
All you need to do is play the waiting game.
[X]Nobody: Come
It turns out the waiting game sucks.. but at least you had a distraction for a moment.
It takes you a grand total of (another) several minutes to realize you're probably not stranded in a wilderness survival situation. If someone were to come in here they'd see the message, and clearly yourself, so there's no point in it.
There's also no point in staying in place.. you dont have much to survive on even if you have shelter.
[X]Cross it out and leave an updated message

You cross it out, but decide not to update the message.. is "nevermind?" or "gonna brb to figure out where I am I guess" really that useful to your supposed rescuers?
It wouldn't be clear at all.. but it might be to the point that you're not here.
Either way you can live with this.
You suppose a peek wouldn't hurt... but you do need to move the cubby over to get leverage and pull yourself up.
..You only realize afterwards that it may have been best to put the bag in the exit before trying to climb out, as you stumble and nearly fall flat backwards.
Before long you're crawling to freedom, sweet sweet freedom.

This isn't freedom, it's another tunnel.
Ok, you admit to yourself that there's a light at the end of the tunnel so there's probably freedom at the end of it, and you aren't crawling towards freedom anymore so there's that too.
You can walk to freedom at your own pace.
[X]Inspect Walls
You look at them. They sure are walls.
It makes sense given that you're in a tunnel. They need those to keep the ceiling from collapsing atop you, at least the ones you've heard of need those.
What does stand out to you about the walls is the twinkling stars hanging in the void behind long panes of what you assume to be glass.
You're not sure you want to reach out in-case you're proven wrong. You have a hunch that it'd be too tempting to try and throw something through and not get it back, or worse try and climb out and fall.
It raises the question of if you're in a tunnel why can you see the sky?
You could be somewhere in orbit, you suppose.
You decide that since you cant do anything about it, and since the tunnel hasnt decided you shall meet your untimely demise in a timely fashion.. that you'd rather keep moving for now.
The light you'd seen at the end was not the exit, but a bright fluorescent light lining the tunnel. As you look down the next corridor it seems to be the same.. and the same after it leaving you wondering how long they run on for. There seem to be ports every so often like the one you had crawled through to enter the tunnel, and some seem to be labelled as 'maintenance access', but you're not quite sure that's where your's actually led to.
After the seventh or eighth star-lined corridor you come to a junction, and the light filtering in at the end of where you can see of it.. it feels like it's at least somewhere else.

The exit from the tunnel corridors pays off, and you come to find.. well you weren't expecting this.
Ok maybe you were expecting to get to the surface when you initially found yourself in a tunnel, and you expected to get outside when you left where you woke up, but the sky's...
You turn around and enter the tunnel just briefly enough to check. The stars still shine down from above the tunnel you look above to the sky outside it.. where it is clearly some point in an afternoon.
As you linger out in the open you feel like you're hearing something in the distance, as though you're eavesdropping on a conversation..
[X]Go around and greet the voices

It's like there's people just around the other side of the structure you exited from.
Its only like that, however, as you cant get a clear read and it doesnt feel the same as hearing the rest of the forest's sounds.

"This doesn't go anywhere"
"Crawl out from the NER regardless ; Wait, really?"
"Cmon we got a" ; "Spawn point" ; "Pursuer could expand ; the last thing we are in need of is disentangling from the NER"
"I know when I'm out voted. Lets head back."
"Crawl out from the NER regardless ; Wait, really?"
"Cmon we got a" ; "Spawn point" ; "Pursuer could expand ; the last thing we are in need of is disentangling from the NER"
"I know when I'm out voted. Lets head back."
You make an attempt, but eventually find the brush to be too thick.
So you call out a general "Hey!" to get their attention
But it doesn't change anything, and it doesn't change that what you're hearing feels the same way a song you only heard a few times but still tried to memorize the lyrics to.
It takes a moment, but you can tell whoever they are there's definitely multiple of them in a group. Someone is better than nobody being out here.. so you feel confident in trying to catch up to them.
The path ahead stretches for a while from what you can see.. you hope you can catch up to them before it gets dark.
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