local liminal entity
Hey there, as I warned at the start of the quest things will periodically slow down. I wanted to get the next prologue and update out before this last weekend, but my process wasn't conducive to the writing or art I expected it to be.
I'm finally gonna start posting my sketches / do an author's note thing, because beyond communicating a light delay, I need to get used to posting my art. here's where stuff's at
Aiming for Prologue 3 on thursday, Cognion Ritual in the few days following, and prologue 4 around voting close.
After that, this project moves to an Exploration Phase with a relatively 'nearby' (as few as 4 Turn updates. There'll be a narrative puzzle, resource scavenging, and mon capturing opportunities.
After that? First 'town', Act 1 begins baybee.
Lumsketch is being added to the credits for designing the element system outlined originally in this tumblr post. This was then updated to the following chart with additions by members of a scifi discord. I asked to make usage of this system, and Lum said they were cool with that.
Lum runs the blog Lumsketch on Tumblr, where their art is featured. They're also running a webcomic called Foreach, which is amazing. Here's an excerpt from the about page.
This update is the first time I'm going to formally be rolling dice.
Dice rolls are more for introducing a rng element to progression of actions. This quest ideally will be kept out from having too much crunch, largely rewarding experimentation, so-on. If you read, dont worry too much about any vote having a wrong answer, even a puzzle going awry takes you somewhere.
There are no true consequences here just bonuses to give Klevas / the starting Party of this art quest resources to work from.
This comes into play because the noeme of [ Music ] is what could result from the ritual being infused with an instrumentalist's song, would be represented as doing [ Rupture ] damage.
So, I'm leaving that to a dice roll. The results of which will likely include a new choice for Klevas to make. The method used is sufficient velocity's dice rolling mechanic, which happens after I send a post (and then edit to roll the dice in the post). The roll threshholds felt "yeah this should work".
VOID FILLS THE GAP: [Holographic] Check (> 65 +5 from Klevas particpating)
- if passed, Klevas will better understand the [Holographic] noeme on an enhanced level. this increases all interactions with the noeme.
VOID FILLS THE GAP: [Glazed] Check (> 65 +5 from Klevas participating)
- if passed, Klevas will better understand the [Glazed] noeme on an enhanced level. this increases all interactions with the noeme.
CREATIVE PARTICIPATION: Check (> 30 + 15 from Klevas' instrument affinity ; roll twice, taking the higher result)
- if passed choose (1) of (2) abilities.
CREATIVE PARTICIPATION: Check (> 65 +15 from Klevas' instrument affinity, roll twice take highest)
- if passed a noeme of [ Music ] coalesces within the cognion, and will attune with time towards it.
- These results will not manifest until the cognion has lived the breadth of at least a day (Rolled per aspect. 1/3 chance after Day 1, 1/2 after Day 2, 2/3 after Day 3, 4/5 after Day 4).
- Further consequences are likely as time passes.
VFTG Holographic: 12, a fail
VFTG Glazed: 58, a fail
Creative Participation Ability: 86, a success. Choice of (1) between two abilities will occur in cognion ritual update.
Creative Participation Music Noeme: 65... I'm counting it, that's a 50+15, and I didnt have more than or equal to. I'm curving the grade to D
Wahoo, this'll be a fun cognion keeping aspect to run
In the dungeon drawing exosphere toy, the forumventure narrative will work similar to something like Dungeon Core, in that the shape of the NER (like a mystery dungeon they randomly generate ex nihilo) will flow as a result of updates. Random chance events will happen, and organisms populating it will forage, hunt, and form relationships with the surreal patchwork realities they inhabit.
With this sketch I wanted to capture a feeling of encountering Cognions in an adventure game / 'travel sim', as inspired by indie rpgs, point and click games (hivesim for instance), and experimental animator YourLocalBreadman's Purgaliminal concept series. It was life-changing seeing the concepts I'd been curious about explored and executed as they were, and would definitely point to their work. I want to make the lifesim approach a level like the Creatures game series for NER ecologies. Different segpocks connect like different metarooms.
With this sketch I wanted to try and show a cognion battle lot for a practice spar. I decided to use cognions I was drafting for a later update of the forumventure side project I'm gonna launch soon. I'd say I was inspired by casette beasts, and that combat ui / visual styles are gonna shift with any work I do. I didnt feel ready to use walksprites for a cognion conflict mockup..
but the combat mechanics and elemental system are gonna make things interesting.
The cachelithe and cairnlithe alike were domestic fauna of the loineur worlds.
The Loineur species and it's cultures tamed countless creatures and brought them to convergent and biotechnical states in cohabitance on their folded world. Among it's cultures is the free and open cultural association of the Loi-Floios. This is the culture to which Baird, a starting party member in a planned forum quest I didnt launch from about 2 years ago, ascribes to.
Frequently handles area denial, defensive measures, overwatch, etc and is otherwise a capable generalist.He is able to adapt to needed roles within a party, a literal-figurative skill monkey. He is a cognion tamer, and has two cognions in his roster, one of which is a trade project with his party member. Competent and casual, Baird is likely to be cryptic and snarky alike as it hangs around the party.
Could be a mentor, but do you want someone who casually admits to getting their jacket off a dead body ("didnt need it anymore after getting hit by a pursuer I expect") to be your mentorfriend in the void? Syder, the seer and explorator of the party, wants to learn the way of radical bodily autonomy through changes to one's form and psyche alike.
To become alien to your past selves, to become unfettered and likenable to feythings. This is xenofeying, a simple portmanteau and umbrella term of the voidtraipsing voidfolk like Baird, Caestellau, and many others. With all the time in the world and surrealist magic at your fingertips, what would you seek to start changing about your reality?
His head is a hologram being projected by a chassis headcase. His real head is resting within his inner world, and is a backup should the chassis get damaged in a fight. It's not uncommon for object head species to have a separate 'original' or 'extra' head.
I may give him and his party a cameo in Rememaudlin
Baird is a member of the Loineur species, that bred the cachelithes from the megafauna cairnlithes. The cachelithe is a commonly seen starter cognion for their frequency to inherit and inventory core or to spontaneously generate it during their lifespan.
I've alluded to em a few times so far in the narrative, but this is Caestellau. I'm gonna be finalizing eyr design in the next couple days, as ey debuts in Prologue Part 4 🎉(tada emoji).
Caestellau is a stalwarte who acts frequently as a First Party Member type of aid as an adventurer and tank. Ey willl be here for as long as you'll have em, or at such a point that ey feels Klevas is self-sufficient (and will make it a conversation sequence).
Ey is a member of the Loi-Floios through birth + raising, and has a connection with eyr loi-orault heritage (those that tamed the cairnlith), and kilonnese heritage, but only maintains so much with the mantaean diaspora.
Ey and Korite were the first two characters sketched specifically for Questant. They differ a little bit from sketches, like I wanted to use shibori print textures in robes for their work outfit, but I decided "big serpent with gem underbelly" would be fine for the zoomed out, and I'll draw robe outfit for off-the-clock Korite.
Caestellau... eyr design isnt finalized... such as that ey has a tail, a big ol peacock-like sigil tail.
Flotillans like Korite have a multiversal history with Mantaeans, and vice-versus. Caestellau has no hangups about that sort of stuff, whereas Korite on meeting remotely or not will want to be deferential to Caestellau and assist em in eyr survival out of a sense of custodial obligation. They just work here, and are skilled at suppressing stress reactions in client facing interactions, but wow this sure is a call to have picked up for.
Lastly, the other thing I got sidetracked with: I worked on coloring the walksprites from species select, and worked with my cognion designs over the last couple years to make a size lineup. My style is all over the place, but I'm kind of happy with that
The third cognion species is among the members of the lineup, what what stands out to you?
Lastly I'm gonna be trying to make some changes to how the first page is arranged.
My intent is to have the option to read chronologically, or from the first Questant image edit I made. Once this prologue wraps up I'll have a summary for new readers to jump in via.
I'm finally gonna start posting my sketches / do an author's note thing, because beyond communicating a light delay, I need to get used to posting my art. here's where stuff's at
- Prologue 3 is mostly finished in terms of background assets. I have some hallucinatory text to draft, other rough drafts to resolve, and then formatting it, but it's just about done.
- Next Mainline Upd8..
- I'm just about done with the cognion design (aka the sprite. it's faster if my chibi walksprite is concept art at times I find)
- working over the rough draft's script. The writing is mostly done, with an editing pass and finishing some parts.. which means I'll be onto panel assembly.
- concept drafting stage went interestingly. I'm kind of excited about it.. I'm gonna try at some animated gifs. We're not talking an Flash (tho I do want to do one later on), but it's still a scope creep that I'm reigning in.
- I have a tendency to think of 'a grand vision', and these days Im learning to scale things backwards, BUT giving myself enough of a challenge that I'll learn something new usually.
- It's been years since I used the Blender suite and I've wanted to return to it for a while, so I'm going to try a (simple as i can make it) blender animation.
- Scope feels managable, I know the fundamental parts to what I'll be doing with this piece, but it's still gonna take time collating reference guides and troubleshooting.
- The 4th prologue update has been fairly outlined and concepted for a while.
It's where this art quest / comic has, finally, 🎉A Third Character🎉.- Ey has eyr own section to this extra extra read-all-about-it update.
- I have a couple easy to work on backgrounds, and after asset creation that'll happen this week will be composed into the panels you're used to mixed with implementing the psychedelic visual elements.
Aiming for Prologue 3 on thursday, Cognion Ritual in the few days following, and prologue 4 around voting close.
After that, this project moves to an Exploration Phase with a relatively 'nearby' (as few as 4 Turn updates. There'll be a narrative puzzle, resource scavenging, and mon capturing opportunities.
After that? First 'town', Act 1 begins baybee.
Lumsketch is being added to the credits for designing the element system outlined originally in this tumblr post. This was then updated to the following chart with additions by members of a scifi discord. I asked to make usage of this system, and Lum said they were cool with that.

Lum runs the blog Lumsketch on Tumblr, where their art is featured. They're also running a webcomic called Foreach, which is amazing. Here's an excerpt from the about page.
Jasper Mundy is a young exorcist who feels beaten down by the pressures of life, friends and family. When the going gets to be just too much to bear, Jasper likes to sit down and play a mysterious videogame called LOVE BOMB, about a young man named Jiro...
Foreach is a comic about cycles, parenthood, power, friendship, escapism, and videogames.
Updates on Sundays!
Content warnings for: blood, violence, themes of trauma and depression, reference to suicide
Foreach is best enjoyed with any webpage color or format changing extensions disabled
This update is the first time I'm going to formally be rolling dice.
Dice rolls are more for introducing a rng element to progression of actions. This quest ideally will be kept out from having too much crunch, largely rewarding experimentation, so-on. If you read, dont worry too much about any vote having a wrong answer, even a puzzle going awry takes you somewhere.
There are no true consequences here just bonuses to give Klevas / the starting Party of this art quest resources to work from.
This comes into play because the noeme of [ Music ] is what could result from the ritual being infused with an instrumentalist's song, would be represented as doing [ Rupture ] damage.
So, I'm leaving that to a dice roll. The results of which will likely include a new choice for Klevas to make. The method used is sufficient velocity's dice rolling mechanic, which happens after I send a post (and then edit to roll the dice in the post). The roll threshholds felt "yeah this should work".
VOID FILLS THE GAP: [Holographic] Check (> 65 +5 from Klevas particpating)
- if passed, Klevas will better understand the [Holographic] noeme on an enhanced level. this increases all interactions with the noeme.
VOID FILLS THE GAP: [Glazed] Check (> 65 +5 from Klevas participating)
- if passed, Klevas will better understand the [Glazed] noeme on an enhanced level. this increases all interactions with the noeme.
CREATIVE PARTICIPATION: Check (> 30 + 15 from Klevas' instrument affinity ; roll twice, taking the higher result)
- if passed choose (1) of (2) abilities.
CREATIVE PARTICIPATION: Check (> 65 +15 from Klevas' instrument affinity, roll twice take highest)
- if passed a noeme of [ Music ] coalesces within the cognion, and will attune with time towards it.
- These results will not manifest until the cognion has lived the breadth of at least a day (Rolled per aspect. 1/3 chance after Day 1, 1/2 after Day 2, 2/3 after Day 3, 4/5 after Day 4).
- Further consequences are likely as time passes.
VFTG Holographic: 12, a fail
VFTG Glazed: 58, a fail
Creative Participation Ability: 86, a success. Choice of (1) between two abilities will occur in cognion ritual update.
- Ability: Simple Song ; This cognion has found a way to make music, and uses it to make a simple song. At the very least it is cute. Can be used for a variety of purposes. As an attack it can deal low Rupture damage.
- Ability: Basic Mimicry ; This cognion is capable of mimicking what it's been trained to repeat. It may be anywhere from spot-on to uncanny.
Creative Participation Music Noeme: 65... I'm counting it, that's a 50+15, and I didnt have more than or equal to. I'm curving the grade to D
Wahoo, this'll be a fun cognion keeping aspect to run
Design Work Preview for Questant, and other projects like NERrium and worldbuilding preview.
I got a bit distracted this last week with prepping for another forumventure I want to run, so have a preview of some a couple cognions that'll appear a few updates into it.In the dungeon drawing exosphere toy, the forumventure narrative will work similar to something like Dungeon Core, in that the shape of the NER (like a mystery dungeon they randomly generate ex nihilo) will flow as a result of updates. Random chance events will happen, and organisms populating it will forage, hunt, and form relationships with the surreal patchwork realities they inhabit.
With this sketch I wanted to capture a feeling of encountering Cognions in an adventure game / 'travel sim', as inspired by indie rpgs, point and click games (hivesim for instance), and experimental animator YourLocalBreadman's Purgaliminal concept series. It was life-changing seeing the concepts I'd been curious about explored and executed as they were, and would definitely point to their work. I want to make the lifesim approach a level like the Creatures game series for NER ecologies. Different segpocks connect like different metarooms.
With this sketch I wanted to try and show a cognion battle lot for a practice spar. I decided to use cognions I was drafting for a later update of the forumventure side project I'm gonna launch soon. I'd say I was inspired by casette beasts, and that combat ui / visual styles are gonna shift with any work I do. I didnt feel ready to use walksprites for a cognion conflict mockup..
but the combat mechanics and elemental system are gonna make things interesting.

The Nakashima Cube
The Nakashima cube is an animated stim toy, a cube that can repeatedly fold itself over. They come in all sorts of colors and styles.- the arrangement of eyes and patterns on a cube cognion is extensive, and breeding them is a hobby of some cognion keepers
- countless strains and breed families of cube cognion are called different names, but often will still be of human origin
- there are countless stim toy cognions out there, across sophontic species and cultures too
The Fauxnosaur / Ydawopod
you remember that toy dinosuar you loved the colors and spikes on, but later learned it might never have walked like that? damn.- This species of cognion is known for being the dinosaurs the books wont tell you about. Some humans might remember reading about them too.
- Herbivorous beaks on apex predators, robotic components, garish colors, this cognion can do it all
- A worthwhile starter to choose due to their evolutionary capabilities, and adaptability to cognion conflicts.
The cachelithe and cairnlithe alike were domestic fauna of the loineur worlds.
The Loineur species and it's cultures tamed countless creatures and brought them to convergent and biotechnical states in cohabitance on their folded world. Among it's cultures is the free and open cultural association of the Loi-Floios. This is the culture to which Baird, a starting party member in a planned forum quest I didnt launch from about 2 years ago, ascribes to.

Frequently handles area denial, defensive measures, overwatch, etc and is otherwise a capable generalist.He is able to adapt to needed roles within a party, a literal-figurative skill monkey. He is a cognion tamer, and has two cognions in his roster, one of which is a trade project with his party member. Competent and casual, Baird is likely to be cryptic and snarky alike as it hangs around the party.
Could be a mentor, but do you want someone who casually admits to getting their jacket off a dead body ("didnt need it anymore after getting hit by a pursuer I expect") to be your mentorfriend in the void? Syder, the seer and explorator of the party, wants to learn the way of radical bodily autonomy through changes to one's form and psyche alike.
To become alien to your past selves, to become unfettered and likenable to feythings. This is xenofeying, a simple portmanteau and umbrella term of the voidtraipsing voidfolk like Baird, Caestellau, and many others. With all the time in the world and surrealist magic at your fingertips, what would you seek to start changing about your reality?
His head is a hologram being projected by a chassis headcase. His real head is resting within his inner world, and is a backup should the chassis get damaged in a fight. It's not uncommon for object head species to have a separate 'original' or 'extra' head.
I may give him and his party a cameo in Rememaudlin

I've alluded to em a few times so far in the narrative, but this is Caestellau. I'm gonna be finalizing eyr design in the next couple days, as ey debuts in Prologue Part 4 🎉(tada emoji).
Caestellau is a stalwarte who acts frequently as a First Party Member type of aid as an adventurer and tank. Ey willl be here for as long as you'll have em, or at such a point that ey feels Klevas is self-sufficient (and will make it a conversation sequence).
Ey is a member of the Loi-Floios through birth + raising, and has a connection with eyr loi-orault heritage (those that tamed the cairnlith), and kilonnese heritage, but only maintains so much with the mantaean diaspora.

Ey and Korite were the first two characters sketched specifically for Questant. They differ a little bit from sketches, like I wanted to use shibori print textures in robes for their work outfit, but I decided "big serpent with gem underbelly" would be fine for the zoomed out, and I'll draw robe outfit for off-the-clock Korite.
Caestellau... eyr design isnt finalized... such as that ey has a tail, a big ol peacock-like sigil tail.
Flotillans like Korite have a multiversal history with Mantaeans, and vice-versus. Caestellau has no hangups about that sort of stuff, whereas Korite on meeting remotely or not will want to be deferential to Caestellau and assist em in eyr survival out of a sense of custodial obligation. They just work here, and are skilled at suppressing stress reactions in client facing interactions, but wow this sure is a call to have picked up for.
Lastly, the other thing I got sidetracked with: I worked on coloring the walksprites from species select, and worked with my cognion designs over the last couple years to make a size lineup. My style is all over the place, but I'm kind of happy with that
The third cognion species is among the members of the lineup, what what stands out to you?

Lastly I'm gonna be trying to make some changes to how the first page is arranged.
My intent is to have the option to read chronologically, or from the first Questant image edit I made. Once this prologue wraps up I'll have a summary for new readers to jump in via.
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