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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Main Lobby

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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Please. It's not a matter of trusting that clown." Bahamut shook his head. "Push comes to shove, he can be forced to repair the moon." He yawned again and lay back on his side. "All this talk of Breaker and power psychics when you really ought to be looking for someone with experience in examining spiritual energy." Bahamut pointed an upper wing at Joule. "I literally dove into his soul when he was about ready to kill the half the team he hadn't gotten the first time. There's nothing our lunala and zoroark clowns can have in there that can trump what lies in my world's Eternatus."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Let the developments play out gradually. Otherwise you will mentally exhaust yourselves to the point of uselessness when the time comes to deal with the quarreling immortals in the Tree."

Owen suppressed a yawn. Bahamut had a point, all things considered. "I think at this point, we'll try to summarize everything for those who don't have any more to add. It's getting pretty late, but... I want to stay to plan a little more."

"Nothing wrong with going out to relax or something?" Cal asked.

Owen shook his head. "We have too many people here anyway," he said, which was his polite way of saying 'please give my Perceive a break.' He leaned over and gave a nuzzle at Cal's side, and she grunted, embarrassed, and started to head out.

"Yeah, well, I'm going for a walk to clear my head," she said, leaving. "Catch me up?"

"Yeah, I will."

It seemed that a few others had a similar idea. Sword was practically begging for Shield to leave, seeing as they had nothing more to add, and he eventually complied. A few others did, too, namely Poffin and the others of the guild who had little more to say. Giovanni left, perhaps because he felt like it, but Silver remained.

"You heard back from Jirachi about those moon pictures he took? If he finished analyzing them and all?"

"Ah, well. We did not. I'll send a message now to see. He might be asleep, though..."

"When isn't he?" Chip remarked.

"I'll get back to you," Reshiram said.

"So, arceus--or could it come from unown? Like maybe the same unown who helped build Giovanni's lab?

"Hmm... That's possible," Pop said. "But by the time Giovanni had gone to Regigigas, the Unown hadn't been captured yet, hm? I don't think the Unown could have been the cause for that one, specifically..."

"And how does it work for somebody like Meringue? I thought it was Lugia who was giving him energy to transform--can a legendary do it themselves. Or do they, like, have to show off a candidate to you, and if you like them, you're the one who makes it happen?"

"Ah! you're right... While I am the source of Divine power, it is also possible to pass along the Divine power you may already have..." Arceus nodded. "Legends are free to pass their power to another as they like, so long as their spirits are strong enough to hold it. Otherwise, that power will return to the original host."

"When was first time anyone here spoke the term 'blacklight'?" he glanced around the room, directing the question not just at the two of them, but at everyone else. He glanced back at Giovanni on the monitor. "Did your Mewtwo ever speak or utter that phrase?"

"Hmm... I recall mentioning it to you, and a few of you were surprised to hear it. Was that the first time it had been said to you?" Pop asked.

"It was me," Soda muttered, raising a hand dismissively. "I coined it. Had the term in my head for some reason. Just like Sword had the idea in her head, too."

"Not exactly the most creative name," Joule hummed.

"I think it's cool," Owen mumbled, earning a few brief, incredulous looks. "I, uh, I mean... where did it come from, then? Spontaneously...?"

After a pause, Reshiram hummed. "Ah, Jirachi got back to me. He's still looking for any extra details, just in case, but what he--hrm. ...I see... Well. I have some news to deliver."

"News?" Pop asked.

"According to Jirachi's telescope analysis... I believe we found the Unown."


Ace Trainer
"Hm... I suppose that means you are volunteering to inspect Soda and Giovanni?", Raven replied good-naturedly. "As well as being one of the ones that gives him the shove he needs to repair the moon?"

She was smiling, right up until the news of Unown reached them. She had read about them... That... couldn't be good.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Although the three of them drew silent, neither Vix, Puddle, or Scrafty left. Mostly because the former was still... unsure about leaving this Soda, for one reason or another. Or several. Who really knew with her? The mention of the Unown, however, was disconcerting to say the least.

"They're on the moon... aren't they?" Scrafty grumbled. "Of fuckin' course they are..."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
“Look at the bright side. Fighting on the moon will hurt Giovanni.” Bahamut smirked. “The clown deserves it.”


Ace Trainer
The Shade got a somber and thoughtful expression, and looked down at the floor.

"I think...this means I will have to act on the idea I had faster than I would have liked. I think I will go and seek out Rayquaza...", she spoke aloud to no one in particular, then turned to Bahamut. "When I return, I'll rejoin you at the Tree of Life, if you are still there. I hope you all have a good night regardless of the circumstances..."

She then went to leave and do as she had said she would do.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
“Nobody should be thinking about the damn moon until we can verify there’s a safe way to let you lot breathe in space.” Bahamut sighed. “I may not have lungs but the majority of the team does.”


House of Two Midnights
"Unown on the moon?" Nate grimaced. "Fuck. Yeah. I ain't too surprised about that. And now they've had Blacklight and... tree... tree energy shot up at them. How scary would some fucking Blacklight unown be, scale of one to seriously fucking scary?" And it seemed like whoever or whatever the Blacklight was, if it was even a thing, was rather fond of the name. Enough to make a point of it.

"You're right, the unown got ganked after Silver and Giovanni transformed. The unown here, anyhow; dunno if some from Telum could have come across somehow. Before that, then... would it have been possible for Soda to do it? With his partial arceus powers and all? Any lower legend would only have been able to transform them into the same thing as them, right? And if there ain't no mewtwo in this world besides karat, and no lunala or solgaleo at all, they don't seem like possibilities."

Some other people were already talking about how to reach the moon. Couldn't happen soon enough, as far as Nate was concerned. "And, yeah, we need to talk seriously about how we're getting to the moon. Because, like, I don't think we want to let all the shit we know's running around up there keep running around. Don't suppose there's any chance of, like, building a ship and some suits and shit? Like, the unown helped Giovanni make all kinds of tech; we ain't got no unown, but we got an arceus. That work?"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
How scary would some fucking Blacklight unown be, scale of one to seriously fucking scary?

"Hmm..." Pop hummed to himself, thinking. "I suppose I should look into relocating the planet if things go awry..."

Owen seemed to blanch. "S-so, pretty bad."

Before that, then... would it have been possible for Soda to do it? With his partial arceus powers and all? Any lower legend would only have been able to transform them into the same thing as them, right? And if there ain't no mewtwo in this world besides karat, and no lunala or solgaleo at all, they don't seem like possibilities.

"...Hold on a moment," Joule said. "A Cosmog and a Mewtwo. Now, I may not be related directly to a Solgaleo and Lunala, but Maple here has similar energies to one thanks to interacting with me. I actually interacted with those species a few times in the past! We resonate quite strongly, you see. I believe Maple had used some of that power on Bahamut, prior to him finally reacquiring his Light form. And Mewtwo... Well, that would be Giovanni's, could it not? What if, somehow, Maple's power and that Mewtwo's power... Ah, but then the Mewtwo with Giovanni would be quite weak..."

Don't suppose there's any chance of, like, building a ship and some suits and shit? Like, the unown helped Giovanni make all kinds of tech; we ain't got no unown, but we got an arceus. That work?

"We could possibly make a ship, but..." Reshiram hummed. "The trip itself would take quite some time. We would be vulnerable to attack on the way. Warping there would be the proper approach, with Arceus maintaining an atmosphere there, but there seems to be a disruption. Our first goal should be halting that, somehow... But I'm afraid I'm out of ideas there. That's more your field."

"Wait, uh, Raven," Owen said, "are you seriously gonna try flying to the moon? That might not..."


House of Two Midnights
Jesus. That did sound pretty fucking bad. At least Pop was, uh, on it, with the planet-relocating thing?

Nate listened to Joule's theory, head tilted and eyes half-closed. "That's a good point... I wasn't really thinking of the mewtwo being able to make another mewtwo, cause they ain't proper legends, at least where I'm from. But sure, he counts as a mewtwo and... You think he coulda mooched off some of Maple's energy, too? That would explain it, yeah. And the guy is kinda weak, at least compared to some of the beasts we fought. But, like, why? Just to power his pawns--whoever's pawns--up a bit, make them more scary? Or is there something a mewtwo and lunala can do that a flareon and nidoking coulding? Psychic bullshit, I guess..."

Nate paced a moment, frowning. "Maybe that explains why Red didn't get powered up, too? It'd make the mewtwo too weak? And he thought he could control the other two better?" He stopped a moment, smirking. "Or maybe he just liked Red too much to do it. Everybody fucking loves Red, don't they?"

What Owen said, though... "Well, maybe Raven flying to the moon ain't a great idea. But what if we sent some familiars up there through a portal? They don't gotta worry about breathing. They might not be able to punch much shit, but they're pretty sturdy--well, if they come across Soda that could be pretty fucking bad. I don't--well, I guess even then... Is the issue it ain't safe because Pop can't put no air up there with the distortion, or can you not get a portal close, neither?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa started to space out as the conversation shifted to the semantics of space travel and how to go to the moon. The others were starting to leave, and the last thing he wanted was to be lingering. Besides.... what more could he do?

Don't screw up anything else.

Limbs aching and eyelids heavy, Koa edged his way to the exit. It seemed that Dave might stick around awhile, and Owen was too. Maybe he'd have the house to himself a bit. That'd be nice.

Casting once last glance around the room, he slipped out and headed home.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"It seems like the nature of what Mewtwo did and why, assuming that's what happened, is still unknown," Diyem said. "But I agree. Blacklight Mewtwo, if he somehow is the mastermind, was incredibly weak. What, then, is his true aim...?"

Soda shrugged. "Incubating power in people who can grow it?"

Is the issue it ain't safe because Pop can't put no air up there with the distortion, or can you not get a portal close, neither?"

"Portals seem to get disrupted when we try to make one too close," Joule said. "The moon, as far as we can tell, is quite off-limits at the moment... certainly by design. Isn't that right?" He looked to Soda, who shrugged and looked off. "Soda... could you at least answer this?"

"Yeah, sure, if I can," he mumbled.

"With that blast from myself and the blast from the Tree of Life, is that everything you need? Will you be setting things into motion?"

"...Nah." Soda glanced up. "Looks like something might've gone wrong, because the world's not ended yet, heh..." He looked down with tired eyes.

"...If... the world was going to end, why did you send yourself down here?" Owen asked. "Why'd you leave copies behind?"

Soda's eyes, very briefly, glanced at Flesh, and then he sighed. "Just to tell some folks that it was gonna be okay."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Or as a contingency," mused Brisa, barely suppressing the growl in her throat. "After all, an unprecedented plan involvin' the destruction and recreation of an entire world... Usin' volatile energies drawn from uninhibited desire and inner darkness... That's the kinda thing as could go badly fuckin' wrong. Maybe the prime Soda had sense enough to see that."

Folks were starting to leave. Maybe she should too. All she wanted was to go find somewhere peaceful to be and someone comfortable to be with.

That'd be 'gainst yer duty, though? Wouldn't it.

Urgh. She could do somethin' she'd committed to already but was fun and familiar and had fuck-all to do with any of this shit, maybe. Something like let Sword beat her within an inch of her life. Or maybe thrash Sword. She could probably do it, if this anger in her did much to strengthen her goddamn Blacklight.

"C'mon," she muttered to Astrid, nudging the ninetales to her feet so Brisa could carry her out and to the infirmary, where she fucking lived.

Brisa left with the kind of burning silence she'd not had since her earliest missions on Cibus.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Take care, Brisa," Owen called, knowing full well that she often didn't. Perhaps they could talk tonight.

"Tch..." Soda leaned back. "Maybe I should get some sleep, too..." His breaths were a little easier, perhaps in part because Flesh was rubbing his back. He was remarkably gentle. "I need to be careful. This Substitute body doesn't heal, so if I split my seams too much, I'm gone and back to Prime. Considering what I just learned... it might make him get even more unstable."

"Do you know where the other two are stationed?" asked Owen.

"One is at the Tree of Life," Soda said, "and the other was just told to 'hide' in case something happened. No clue for that one. Prime has a red orb, I've got a green one, and the other two took yellow and blue." Soda showed off his green bauble.

"Well, if you want to be careful, you should probably stay in a holding cell," Diyem said flatly.

Flesh growled worriedly.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave watched Soda apprehensively. He didn't like the idea of the real Soda still out there obliviously believing in his apocalypse plan one bit, and couldn't be entirely convinced that him destabilizing as a result of learning the truth was worse than him going on in his delusion. On the other hand, his entire trip to the moon was apparently done purely on the mastermind's artificial impulse, so at this point his plan was probably irrelevant. The mastermind would already have him in their clutches, using him for whatever they'd wanted to use him for.

He inhaled through his nose. "What happens to you if something happens to Soda Prime?"


House of Two Midnights
"So we gotta find a way to break the distortion from down here somehow. Or maybe Maple could cut through it, once we get her back?" There's no way that wasn't happening. "Especially if she's been fighting an eternatus, it seems like she oughta be able to break through most of that distorting shit. In the meantime, is there any way we could send a message up there? Sounds like it's probably too late, but still... If there's some way to do it, it seems like we oughta."

"Oh, that's easy," Rocky said. "We just have to go to a big field somewhere, and then we can all stand so we form letters, and then anybody on the moon can look down and read them!" He caught Nate staring at him and cringed. "What? It's a good idea!"

Nate sighed. The other Soda substitutes--there was a thought. They probably wanted to find them all, if only so the others didn't pull the same thing as this one had and show up at a real fucking inconvenient time. Yet another fucking thing to add to the pile.

"Seems like the old holding cells might be getting a bit crowded," Nate said. "Maybe you could try one of the power suppressors Chip's been working on?" He looked up at the screen showing Silver's face. "Same to you, you know. I understand they ain't the most fashionable, but if you're tired of being shut up in there, I don't see no reason why you can't come out so long as you keep one of those on you."
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