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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Main Lobby

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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark

"...Oh," Scrafty whistled, then put on a grin and nodded. "Cheers to that, Cynthian, props to you for gettin' with someone."

"Oh." Vix blinked, an empty smile on her face. Her eyes seemed to kinda... slide down it, too. Like those candy eyes on an ice cream thingy, the ones that look like faces. But instead of ice cream it was wax... arguably an upgrade to some.

"Don't be embarrassed about that, that's awesome!" Vix corrected her face and sat up, a more genuine smile about her. "Icetales is such a sweetheart too, he's just perfect for you! I'm so happy for the both of you!"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Thanks, Vix," Cynthian said, scratching her cheek while she blushed.

"We're not really a couple, at least not yet..." She huffed. "This is all new to both of us, and we're trying not to rush things, but I'm hoping we can get there someday."

"What about you?" Cynthian asked, hoping to change the subject from herself. "Scrafty mentioned you got a book about 'flirting'. Did someone manage to catch your eye too then?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Scrafty's smugness increased so vastly that the entire lobby could have felt it. Like when the popular rich kid walks into a room. Any room. "Yeah, Vix. Any heart-throbs or bad boys catch your fancy? Or what 'bout the ladies, huh?"

"You shut your goddamn mouth," Vix whispered to Scrafty, jabbing him in, or through really, his chest. She then looked back to Cynthian, smiling in spite of her starting to melt. "I've, uh, had my eyes on a few..."

How "few" few was... Vix didn't know, but that sounded normal enough for her so she went with it.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Is that so?" Cynthian smirked and patted Vix on the side of her glass dome. She was surprisingly meltier than Cynthian had thought she'd be...

"So, who are they? If it's someone you really like and think you're a good match with, I say follow your heart and go for it," Cynthian said with an encouraging nod while her flowers gave off the aroma of freshly baked bread. "Even if our time here on Cibus is short, there's nothing wrong with making cherished memories together. It doesn't matter if we'll remember it or not. As long we're still here, those experiences will carry meaning."

"Don't you think?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"...Yeah, maybe."

Vix remembered her mentors back home just then, reminding her that she would remember this. It wouldn't be much of a hero training trip if she didn't. Whether that was good or bad, she'd have to see for herself. At least she'd remember her friends... although it would suck for them to forget her.

"Who... are they?" Vix muttered, thinking on Cynthian's first question. "I... er... I don't think I know if I'm actually a good match for any of them yet. I've been lucky enough to hang out with a couple of them, but... there's one or two that I have no idea if I'm getting anywhere with, hehe..."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"That's a bummer. I wish I had some advice, but like I said, I'm also a newbie at this whole being in love thing," Cynthian said while looking straight ahead.

"But hey, if you ever need someone to give you a boost of confidence when the time comes, feel free to let me know. I'll be right there by your side, Vix." Cynthian's flowers radiated a sweet tangy fragrance. Talking to Vix came naturally to her. That must've been what it felt like to have a close friend to confide with, someone she never truly had back home.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Vix gave a bittersweet smile, melting just a tiny bit more. "Thanks a ton, Cynthian. I really appreciate that." The redness Vix attained faded back to her usual lavender, and her flame lost a bit of height.

"...Hey, Vix. Unless we wanna move our shit in the middle of the night, we might wanna get to the dorms now," Scrafty said, clearing his throat. "I ain't carryin' ya and whatever else we gotta grab. Cuz I can't."

"Oh, right. And you're gonna complain in the morning when we gotta wake up for guild stuff. Oh, and the fight! We gotta make sure we have everything we need!" Vix hopped off the bench, giving Cynthian a smile and a wave as she floated away. "See ya later, Cynthian!" Scrafty nodded to Cynthian, then faded into a shadowy trail that connected to Vix's actual shadow.

The float away was mostly quiet, but Vix didn't look all that upset. At the very least... that was one less person to have on her mind constantly. That was probably a plus.

R13 - Rally


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Despite the fact that their technically-largest member was not with them, the Poppin' Arms Guild Lobby felt horribly crowded just then. Diyem took the liberty of calling for everyone that he could for an emergency meeting. And so, almost everyone had gathered, whether they'd fallen asleep or not. There was Truffle and Leg; Potluck and Joule; the elites of Poppin' Arms; on a video from one of the devices, there was Pop and Cola in some undisclosed location. Cola kept yipping for Pop to lower the camera so he could see what was happening before finally settling on standing on top of Pop's head.

All of Team Spectrum gathered up. Additionally, some of the Legends had also come, namely Reshiram, Zekrom, and somehow Kyurem. Buffet was in the corner, looking suspiciously at Xerneas, who was still looking not himself and very much like some mockery of Eien. And, finally, Diyem himself.

It was... strange to make this briefing without Maple. Her absence was immediately noticed, and Potluck in particular was shifting nervously, wondering where she was. Joule only smiled and said she was just getting a few things ready for the debriefing.

Chip was quietly buzzing in the corner, held by Reshiram. He was still weak from what had happened the day before, but he was looking much better. Poffin also took the liberty of setting up some video relays for the false S'more, Giovanni, and Silver in their cells, after Diyem called for them being relevant to the discussion.

Because, now, it was time to lay everything on the table. It seemed that their encounter in the Tree had made a lot of things much clearer.

The last of who Diyem had summoned were starting to shuffle in. Maple, of course, was not coming, and even Joule was starting to look quietly worried. His whole body was dimmer than usual.


Ace Trainer
Mellow stood to the far end of everyone gathered, and was standing on an impromptu platform to get a good view of everyone there. Raven was standing close by Bahamut, using her somewhat amorphous body to stretch and see over the heads of others...
Last edited:


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut hadn’t been with it for a while, but from what he could tell, the team’s lucky streak had finally run its course. They failed at their goal of rescuing Eternatus. It was something that hadn’t really happened. Even with Joule they succeeded, though it required temporary sacrifices.

The shade was essentially gagged by Bahamut’s large tail. But if one looked they could see a curious glint in its eyes.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
They... had won, right? This was the best outcome they could've gotten? Maple losing her shit, Eien also losing her shit, the Tree of Life holding them both... but no one was dead. That honestly felt like the only good that came from this, that and Diyem and Xerneas snapping out of their trances.

Even still... everything was so tense, with reason of course. The usually mostly-chipper Team Spectrum was now mostly silent and serious, like the gravity of having to save a world, or several worlds, just hit them.

Not Vix, for whatever reason, but she stayed quiet out of courtesy. The same could be said for Puddle and Scrafty, although the shorter of the two was a bit more doom-and-gloom than usual.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa picked a spot near, yet not too close to anyone else on the team. He kept his expression even, bordering on bored, and tried his best to seem unaffected. They'd made it out, everyone was alive. Diyem was back, and so was the Xerneas... thing. That was good.


Traitor. Failure.

He clenched his jaw and stared ahead, stamping down his thoughts before they go any further. Right now, he just wanted to hear what Diyem had to say, then leave.


House of Two Midnights
The somber quiet in the room wasn't enough to suppress Nate and Rocky's bickering, but it at least pushed it into the realm of vicious whispers.

"Maybe you shouldn't have made fun of Diyem," Rocky said. "That was pretty dumb."

"I wasn't making fun of Diyem, for fuck's sake. Maybe if you'd actually warned me about the fucking demon thorn thing like you're supposed to..."

"That has to be the fastest anybody's gotten knocked out in a fight, though. It probably wasn't even five minutes."

"It was shit luck and you not doing your fucking job. Fat fucking load of good you are. You wouldn't think it was so funny if you got like stepped on by a fucking tree."

"At least it wasn't hard to get you out of there while you were unconscious. I could have just stuck you in somebody's bag and they wouldn't even have noticed."

"Fuck you! This ain't a joke, dipshit. We really fucked this one up, in case you hadn't noticed."

The mudkip was still covered in red welts from the tree's energy-charged thorns, though they were beginning to fade. It had been hard getting an account of what exactly had gone down during the battle where he'd been passed out for 95% of it. It seemed like a lot of the people who had been awake didn't know, either. All that seemed certain was that they'd gone to pull somebody out of the tree, and not only had they not done that, they'd in fact with another person stuck in there, too. Fucking fantastic.

Oh, right, and somebody had gotten to put their fucked-up moon plan into play, too. Just fucking great. And they still had no fucking clue what was going on up there. Nate sat and fumed, waiting for some goddamned answers. This whole mess had been a shitshow, beginning to end. And it had probably made some bastard fuck out there very, very happy.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales and Petram sat side by side, waiting patiently the former and fidgeting the latter. The tension in the room could be cut like moldy cheese — squishy and smelly.

The noble fox took a deep breath in as he recalled the last moments before everyone fled. There was that sonic wave hitting that… strange device in that room, then Maple tried to attack them, then Diyem transformed, and then that… corrupted entity. That was Eien, yes? And they left her behind, with the out-of-control Voice of Life.

They failed. Everyone failed.

His heart squeezed when he noticed the nervousness on Joule’s face. He had barely reunited with his mate, and now she was… gone. Trapped in that labyrinthine tree.

Icetales wrapped his body with his tails, eyes screwed shut. If only he was stronger… could he have done anything to avoid that incoming heartbreak?

“What do we say…?” he muttered, gritting his fangs.

A spectral tail reached out for him, courtesy of Petram. The shadow Ninetales seemed uncertain, his mind still not completely used to his evolution and mindset. “I… I dunno…”

“We should have been more cautious,” lamented Icetales, claws digging into the floor. “We paid once for not being careful, and now this—”

“Hey. It’s alright…” Petram nuzzled the other Ninetales, who simply shuddered at the touch. The familiar could sense the sadness in the noble fox’s mind. It was… overwhelming. “We’re… gonna rescue them, right?”

Icetales nodded absentmindedly, a spark of rage burning in his pupils. He knew well how it felt to live in a prison, with no way out.

“Yes, we will,” he growled, before staring at Diyem. Even his patron had a trapped mate there, didn’t he? “We will find the way. Bejirah, if we will find a way!”


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut finally noticed the change in Joule's demeanor. But he wasn't going to move and risk and the shade squirming free to start preaching about the glory of Eternatus or whatever rubbish was kicking around in its nonexistent brain. No, he'd have to do it the psychic way.

"Your mate will not be joining us." Red and orange swirled around to practically form irises and pupils in his eyes. "She is in the Tree. And I'm given to understand that she is destabilizing, because she absorbed Telum. I do not have all the details, but there is a very strong possibility there's another eternatus inside of her and it resonated with the one the rest of the team was trying to save."

He could've went for a much harsher angle, like "How the hell didn't you realize your mate ate a planet when you've been shacking up with her for eons, you overly-enthusiastic glowstick?" but he opted to keep it professional. For better or for worse.

Stars, he really was getting sick of this place. At least he'd gotten used to all of Eternatus' nonsense back home.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Sword and Shield arrived as the last that Diyem had planned to show, and then he nodded to himself just as Joule's eyes widened with the realization. "She's... what?" he repeated in a whisper and then, completely uncharacteristic of everything they knew of him, he sat down in complete silence.

"...Thank you, everyone, for coming," Diyem said. "I will address this first: Maple is still in the Tree of Life, battling Eien. They are both sealed inside and, according to Xerneas, will not be able to break out for at least a week, perhaps longer. They are both tireless and divine beings in nature, and I do not think they will ever rest for the duration of their battle. Both are corrupted. But we can potentially save them. I know this is silly coming from me, but I am making up for lost ground with Maple missing: all hope is not lost."

"So--so we're rescuing them, right?"

"Yes. And while I do not know what can be done for Eien, I know what must be done for Maple." Diyem sighed. "I now know exactly why this all started, and once I speak with Giovanni in particular, I believe every last detail will become apparent. But first..." Diyem scanned the crowd again, and then looked directly at Brisa, Koa, Dave, and a few others. "Tell everyone about Soda. Now."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"I struggle to believe that a powerful psychic would fail to realize they were sucking face with a planet for stars only know how long, but that's the joys of Eternatus for you." Bahamut sighed when hearing Soda come up. He tightened his grip on the shade as thoughts of clichés danced around the back of his head. "I hope for your sake her feelings don't influence those of all the souls trapped inside her. Otherwise you can look forward to thousands upon thousands of awkward conversations when this is all over."
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