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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Main Lobby

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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut tucked his head into his chest. "That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question, isn't it? There are multiple different avenues that spring to mind. But I'd need more time to brainstorm these approaches and what's even feasible."

He glanced at Arceus. "Regardless the method, it very likely this lot needs an atmosphere source that can follow them to the moon. Rayquaza springs to mind as the one who could accomplish that most efficiently with that Delta Stream of his."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa nodded to Bahamut. "I'll be glad t'trust you with that task, fella. Nice work fixin' up that pair of wolves, incidentally. Keep us posted, willya?"

Internally, she discarded the feasibility of reaching the moon as a concern best left to those proficient as such things. She was going to have to figure out how to keep Dave's shit together, in particular. That, and everybody else's, perhaps.

Not worried about pullin' this off, then? came Luz's sending.

Brisa smiled weakly to herself. Would it help if I was?

Nah. Keep it up.

Sure thing.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"There are... a few options available," Pop said, speaking through another badge while he recovered in Destiny Tower. "Rayquaza could help. You've certainly earned enough of his respect that he would help you. Another would be if I gain enough strength to provide such an atmosphere as well... and also the ability to fly."

Owen glanced at his wings, then at Pop's badge. "As in, everyone, flying, just like that?"

"It may be useful during combat against Soda."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Those are... certainly possibilities," Bahamut said, frowning. "However, we have precedent showing flying their directly... might not end well." He tapped his tail against his left leg. "Now that Eternatus is free, however, perhaps if she combined her energy with those of us who can make wormholes, we might be able to counteract whatever was blocking us from doing that in the first place."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Any kinda preparation we oughta be doin'?" asked Brisa. "I dare say Bahamut's right about personal appeals not gettin' through t'the guy, especially after this latest additional power from Eien, but surely there's some other way t'make ourselves ready."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"I'd talk to him." Bahamut pointed to Arceus. "If Soda has unown at his beck and call, then our friend in the fence is the best person to prepare us for what we could expect."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa nodded in agreement, mostly with Brisa. Bahamut was right but some part of him resented having to agree with him. "Reasoning won't work."
But would they have to defeat him? Kill him? With some frustration, Koa set the thoughts of what they'd have to do aside. Not now.

"Maybe there's a way we can scout the area somehow? A device maybe or even some kind of telescope or something? Or-" he grimaced. "Cresselia or Giovanni? Any way we can get more information on what we're going up against."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
“We are not letting Giovanni go up there,” Bahamut said. “That is asking for trouble. And the last time people tried to scout the area, Vix died.”

He shook his head. “I’d rather help Chip supercharge a telescope than send anyone up there.”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I'm going to try to reach out and 'peek' at the Unown from Destiny Tower. That much is safe," Pop said. "Perhaps I will be able to provide some insight. But as for Soda himself... I do not know. He is creating his own reality. We will be fighting in his domain."

"The way to the moon is clear enough," Eien said. "With Joule and I, we will be able to make a wormhole there instantly, yes? It's only a matter of where to send you, and with what divine protections. It should work up to that point; how you'll defeat Soda from there, however... Yes. That will require planning, and as much remote scouting as we can from here. Oh, I wish I could be of more help..."

"It's okay," Owen assured. "Any help is help. The moon might be slow to form right now, but I bet Giovanni and Cresselia will know when it's back together. Maybe Soda needs that for something..."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"We wouldn't be able to destroy it again from down here, would we? Or send some sort of disruption up there before we head up?" Vix asked, arms crossed in thought. "If he needs the moon in one piece, we should at least make sure he can't have that when we're fighting him."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"I... don't see any clear way to stop the moon from pulling itself back together."

The conversation had hit a standstill. Bahamut took that as his cue to leave. But with Eien blocking the exit, he settled for dipping into a portal.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen sighed, nodding. "I guess we'll think that one through," he said. "Oh, and welcome back, Eien. Or, uh, nice to meet you?"

Eien nodded and seemed to smile, though her skeletal face made that hard to truly tell. Even Owen was having trouble discerning it all, with how alien her body was.

"Thank you!" Eien said. "Yes! And Diyem and I are going to be living in the same home now, aren't we, Didi?"

"Y-yes. Yes. We will be." Diyem looked away. "We will be..."

Owen tilted his head. Was that...? No, it couldn't have been. There were no Shadows leaking from his mouth, or any other pain in his core. But he was certain--he knew that body language on a Charizard. Diyem... was he happy? Well, of course he was...

"Then we are dismissed for now," Maple said, nodding. "Thank you, everyone. We will keep you all updated on the moon and our plans. Until then, rest, recover, and be prepared."

With everyone dismissed, they disbanded as usual. The moon, shattered, loomed high in the sky. Soda was there, waiting, perhaps recovering as well.

In the coming days, it was going to be their final showdown...

R17 - A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
While Nero was tempted to try and follow Bahamut, the Colosseum fight and left him drained. It was tempting to dismiss that, since all he'd done was eat a few hits before getting literally firebombed to death. But in the back of his head he was just happy that Cibus was happy with the outcome... as was some of Team Spectrum. Nero imagined the others didn't want to be there in the first place, like Bahamut.

On the way back to his lodgings, however, he had discovered Bahamut had chosen to... rest on the guild's roof. Sprawled out like some sort of distorted, gray satellite. Nero could've talked to the necrozma then and there, but it wasn't worth it. He need ammunition. He would comeback later...

... later meaning the next day, as Nero had fallen asleep. And by the time he was up, it was morning. Nero first looked around his bed for the newspapers clippings he'd collected, only for his figurative heart to sink when he found no traces of them. The window next to the bed was open and there was a considerable draft in the room that prompted his fire-typing to switch on while he was sleeping. I guess a gust of wind carried them all away. Great.

It was going to be much harder to convince Bahamut of anything without his evidence. But Nero wasn't one to quit without trying. So, off he trotted along the city streets, covered in bits of frost and morning dew. One of the Owens had said things were getting toward the end of spring, but Destiny Village was a naturally cold place. When was the last time he'd gone on a walk through cold air like this? The climate controlled domes and metallic rooms of the Ultra Recon Squad base were so boring. Nero would have to savor his little vacation.

He found Bahamut still on the roof. Had the guy even moved since yesterday? Outside his tail limply dangling off the side of the building, Nero wasn't sure. The silvally walked closer to the tail.

"Y'know, as nice as sunlight is, I don't think it's a solid cure for the blues, buddy," he called. The reds of his body turned jet black when Bahamut picked his large head up and glared at Nero.

"What do you want?"

"To talk."

"I have nothing to say to you, you overgrown child." Bahamut lowered his head back onto the ceiling. "Go romp around with that other mismatched mutt. Blow up a building or something. I don't care."

Nero frowned. "Well, I care. How much longer are you going to pretend like you're not in pain, huh?" He tilted his head. "Like you're not spending every drop of energy suppressing those shadows to avoid doing something the others will see as awful?"

No response. Then, without warning, Bahamut rolled away from Nero, falling off the building with a resounding thud.

The hard way, then.
Sighing, Nero started around the building, not even bothering to look and see if he'd been followed.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
As it happened, Eien had been flying across Destiny Village, spotting Bahamut flopping off the Guild roof. With some worry, she--and Diyem behind her--drifted closer to investigate. It seemed that the gathering had gotten the attention of a few others as well, though whether or not they were also on their way was hard to tell.

"Is everything all right?" Eien called, spotting Nero. "Oh, hello, Potluck."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"I'm not— ugh, never mind." Nero shook his head and quickened his pace around the building. Bahamut was already rising into the air. An eerie aura surrounded Nero's head. His Scary Face projected itself above Bahamut, hampering his attempts to fly off.

"Nrrgh." The necrozma's upper right wing flopped to his side. "Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child? What part of 'not interested' isn't sinking through that dense skull of yours?"

"Oh, it's sinking in, all right." Nero charged up to Bahamut. "I'm just stubborn. And know what it looks like when someone's dragging themselves down with self-destructive behavior." He didn't elaborate further, though he envisioned an espeon with a blue scarf around her neck in his mind's eye. Shielded, thanks to dark typing.

"So, you think yourself a problem-solver." Bahamut picked himself up slowly. "Go frolic with the Owens, then. Or let Brisa and Starr punch their feelings away on you or something. I'm fine. Always have been."

Nero shrugged. "Well, maybe it's because I'm a relative newcomer, but I think it's the opposite." He tapped a talon. "And I think you're trying to avoid me because of what I said to you yesterday. Because there's a measure of truth to it, but for one reason or another you won't accept it. Maybe you're too proud to ask for help or something. But that's more Fugu or Bean's domain than mine."

Bahamut stared him down. "Fine. You win. I'm sooo miserable. And I wish Team Spectrum would drown in the depths of despair with me." He waved his lower wings around in an overexaggerated manner, then slouched against the guild. "Are you daft? My teammates have some measure of happiness on this planet. Best they enjoy what time they have left here than bother with me.

"Never mind that, despite what I said, I ultimately did everything they asked of me. Everything the natives asked of me." Bahamut counted on his wing claws. "Everything third-parties asked of me, like crafting Zacian and Zamazenta. And while others built their bridges with the natives, I kept working on tying together any loose ends."

The necrozma shook his head. "None of that matters. I never laid a claw on our adversaries. Never did anything flashy. Didn't earn some ridiculous fan club through scripted fights or whatever you call that Colosseum." Bahamut waved an upper wing dismissively. His body kept dimming, but Nero was confident Bahamut didn't notice.

"I just did what was asked of me, and was fortunate enough not to get chased off or threatened with death like the good old days of assisting planets that weren't my home."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa's efforts to track down one of the Miracles she was familiar with hadn't borne fruit just yet. Nobody was in the training ground, to her simultaneous disappointment and relief, and nobody was on Guild premises. Or so she'd thought. As she went to exit, she overhead part of a conversation between what sounded like the Miracle sylvally and the unmistakable voice of Spectrum's very own Bahamut. It took a minute to encounter them in person, after heading towards their voices didn't work the first time. Had they been on the roof? Fair enough.

"Mornin', Bahamut," she drawled, when a pause in the conversational flow presented itself. "Howdy, you two. And, uh, it's Nero, right? Hey."

She cocked her head at Bahamut, and wondered what cynical diatribe he was weaving this time. She'd heard enough of the conversation that she could think of some acrid remarks to make, but as usual, she bit them back.

"Can't help but wonder what y'would've considered fair an' desirable treatment, partner," she commented. "Ain't like you approve of folks offerin' positivity yer way."

She eyed Diyem as she said that last part. Maybe Eien's presence offered the guy some reprieve.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Mmf." Diyem saw Brisa's look and averted his eyes, rolling them like a teenager. Eien trembled like a giggle and nuzzled Diyem's shoulder, which he notably did not object to.

"Bahamut, that's... I don't really know what to say," Eien said gently. "Cibus appreciates all of Team Spectrum, and that includes you. And yet it always feels as if you're expecting the tables to turn at any moment... Really, Cibus was saved! Did we not earn ourselves some reprieve? If anything... it would be me that they are afraid of. Not you."

"You saved Cibus on multiple occasions this year," Diyem said. "...I did not think it was possible to meet someone so attuned to negativity that they'd rival me. Yet here you are."

"Diyem..." Eien sank slightly.

"No, it's something that I've been pondering for a while," Diyem said matter-of-factly. "It's... strange, now that I've had time and fewer apocalypses to think about it."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Saved?" Bahamut leered at Eien. "You're not looking at the bigger picture. There's still some... remnant floating about somewhere. And now that the team needs to recuperate from that ridiculous show battle we were roped into, the remnant has additional time to fester and grow. Perhaps there is a method to Arceus' madness, but as someone who needs to go and face it down, I certainly do not appreciate giving it extra time to become more problematic." He shook his head. "And all to appease some silly mutt and his bosses who only selectively care about worlds, because they aren't interested in lifting a single finger to help my universe."

Nero frowned. "I'm not entirely sure you understand how Bean and his ilk work. Then again... it sounds like you tend to make a lot of assumptions about things." His head crest drooped. "Moreover, you're dodging Miss Brisa's question. What do you want, exactly?"

There was a brief moment of silence. Then, without warning, Bahamut grabbed Nero with one of his crystal legs. The colors in his eyes swirled like storm clouds.

"I want some god damn sympathy!"

When they made contact, Nero shifted from dark to psychic. Sure, enough, the spark of rage left a hole in his normally-guarded psyche... large enough for Nero to probe. He immediately regretted the decision, however. A vortex of shadows battered against his own mind's eye. And staring at him from the center was some sort of crystallized... mask? It resembled a bird, at least, with a long beak.

One of its ruby eyes glistened and Nero's psyche was flooded with a barrage of mismatched shapes and numbers. And amidst the garbage noise he heard... something.

Ṃ̵̺͍̞̌̓͂̔̔͂͋̓̽̿̕͘̕i̵̟̗͔̙̞͕̘͙̝̱͔͗͜͝ģ̴̨̭͈̞̣̬̩̤̪̹̮̠̰̦̰͇͕̀̈̓̐̿̅̋̋̾́͌͊̏͗̆̐̕͝͝ͅh̷̟̙̳͇̣̘̞̺̼͇͓͚̮̪̦̝̗̄̊̆̇́̀̾̃̏̊͐̈̓̌̃͐̈̚̕͜͝͝͝t̴̡̛͓̪́̂̽̓̆͐̄̇́̓̃͆͊̽͊͘̚͝ ̸̤̭̪͇͉̝̜͊̇̂͛͊̈́͌͑̆̄m̴̢̡̡̫̪̖̰̜͈͌̅̾͋̈͛̆͋͋͒͌̋͆̏́̕a̵̧̢̠͓͇̘̼̼͓͖̲͚͈͖̤̥̥̩̼̪̺̎̔̎͌͌͂͋̽͑̅̀͛͘̚̕̚̚͝͠k̸̨̧̗͙̤͔̫͚̜͚͈̻̼͍͉̬̫̯̋̄̉͜ę̷̣̰̦̞̻̱̬͎̦̥͙̫̝̦̥̈̿͊͛s̶̨̰̗͈̠̬͎̖̻̹͈̬̬̈́̂͊͝ ̸̨̢̨̜̤͔̮̦̻͉̺͖̟̻̗̲̠̭̠̘́͜ř̷̠̘͚͉̬͕̺̪̪̯̩͖͍̯͔̥͈͑̆̎̂̆̓i̸̛̛͎̠͍̠̯̦̼̠̝̬͚͍̪̞̲̪̽̀̈́̊͆̈́̄̈́̔͊̽̏̃͊͆͂̚͜g̶̢̧̢̲̦̱͚͚̏̐͒͗̇͒̇h̴̢̩͊̔̅̒̋̾̀̓̆͐̀͠t̵̨̨̞̘̣̗͖͈̞͎͍̙̰̾͠ ̶̤̰͇̲͓͐̈́̆̄̊̐̑̎́̕͝͝͝m̴͉̦͋̌͌̂̈̉͗͆͒̉̕̚ḭ̸̧̙͇̦͖̬̖̫̲̻͓͇̩̰̼̮̯͕͕͖̇͛͌̍͋̀̀̓́̈́̕̚͝͝ģ̸̧̗̮̯͎̺̻̯̹̪͇̰̖̐̏̓̃̉̋̃̓͊͆̚͜͠h̷̹͉̮͕͇̙͖̺̭̣̘͓̬̫͕̍̽̄̓̍̽͊̓́̄̽̏̋̉̕͝t̴̡̢̢̞̭͔̻̮̫͍͍͍̺̪̫͚͙̿͂̈́ͅ ̴̧̢̧̛̛̙̞̺͈̬͎̙̰̰̘͕̌̍̃̇̔͌͛͆̅̄̄͜͝ͅm̴͚̖͖͈̑̂̂̃̽̈́̿̆̎͝͝ȧ̴̧̩̟̖̞̙̳̥̼͖̺̞̗̗̬̋͗̌͆͆͆̌̔͐̈́̐͛̀̿̈́̚͝͝k̵̢̪̖̘̠̳̥̻̼͈̺̹͚͚̼̠̀͑̽̃̓̊ͅe̷̺̙̭͔̞͖̪̩͚͓̼̞̩̠̳͖̭̿̐̈́̽͐̈́̆̓͂̾̅̇̌̆͐͊̇͌̉̅̕͝ŝ̴͎͉̪̬̬̟̘̥̪̰͎̤͎̠̤͙͗̉͑̈͑̇̐͋̾̽́͐́͆̈́̒͘̚͝͠ͅ ̴̧̧͓̱͙̼͙͓̤̪̥͉̩̪͓̳̳̲͊͂̇̽̚̚ŗ̵͎̤̣̮̙̻̜͔͕̳̮̦̋͂̏̄͗͝ḭ̸̧̛̭̰͚̻̖̹̻͔̮̣͉̯̥̪͕̣̀̇͗̉̈́̒̂̋͑̈́̏͗͂͑̈͑͛̊͘͜g̴̡̨̰̼̝͈̖͖̼̜̞̟͐̆̔̑̊́́͂̃̽̕ͅḩ̵̯̺̟̤̣͕̤̣̄̈́̍̾̉͆t̸̛̛͇͍̘̹̮̥̜̗̱̃͑͑͋̈́͐̑̈́̑͐́̏̀̚͜͝͠ ̷̧̨̫͍̖̔̿̀̉̄̀̋͂̈̋̂̈́̔̃̈́̈́͋̈̚̚͝m̷̜̜͓͘ȉ̴̧̢̦̦̜̥̝̝̣̪̲̰̙̠̹͔͙̯͔̘̑̈̓͌͆̆͗̓̓̌͊͛͒͜͝ģ̷̲̦̯̻͇̪̩̰̘̞̩͍̺̈̈͆͒͂̾̽̊͒͜h̸̭͙̣̙̙͓̪͓̔̈́̆̂͑̾̓̀́̓̚͘̚̚͝͝t̴̢̤̞̩̫̥̟̙̥͇̳̞̟̣̺̪̩̽̇̂͂̀͆̓̑̀͑̃̈́̕̚ͅ ̶̨͉͓̩̼̰̱̱̰̥͓̠̫̗̙̳̫̿̅̈́͛̐m̵̨̰̲̝̪̝̦̪̞͖̬̞̫̺̾͛̒̒̅̓̇͒̌̏͘͘̕͝a̸̡̼̲͍̗͉͔̥͙̞͍̙̠̲̝̱̅͐͜k̸̨͉̰̮̫̲͔̅̃͒̄̒e̸̛̛͉̱̩̰͔̟̯̤̯͑̏͌̂̉̏̾̀͑̑̍̈̆͘͝ś̴̺̾̓̀̄̂̄̈́̆̈̍̀͗͊ ̶̧̛̥̯̌́́̑̀̀͊̔̑̔͗̊́͝͝r̴̡̧̥̩̹̫̄̉̅̌̈́͐̉̈̍̔̃̐͆̊̽͒͘͠i̴̫̣̟̳͍̝͖̥̪̣͚͉̲̬̲̜̺̺͎̦͖͗̍́̍̉̀͊̀̋͆̂͑̀̇̈̄̓ͅģ̵̢̨̧̛̗̘̺̥̣̻͇͙̖̘̪̎̌̂̿̅̑̂̑͛̽͒̊̈̾̈̿̀͗͘̚͠ͅͅh̵̡͇̺͍̗̓͛͐́̈̾̂̿̈́̅̆̒͐͂̇̏͊̚͠͠͠t̴̢̡̛̥͍̝̫͎̯̣̭̱̜̘̳̟͙͓̙̼̪̓̑͋̈̽̾̔̽͆̔̒̈̂͗̀̿̕͜͜͝ ̶̛͖̞̞̦̬̄̓̅̅̌͛̽̐͑̇̂̑͐̿̊̚͠m̵̢̥̰̮̮̠͇̞͉͛̔̚͠ȉ̴͇͎̮͑̇͌̃́̓̉̍̀g̸̨̲̲̣͍͙̖̭̰̯͗̓̐̆̈̌͑̓͐̊̓̎͐̂́̇͘̕͠͝h̶̡͎̬̻͈̮̩͈̭̻͙͙̦̩̟͇̭͇͙̀̔́̐́̀̿͒̍̆͋́̈́̾͠t̵̢̡̢̢͖̯͈͚̮̦̭̭̱͊̋͒̂̍ͅ ̸̡̢̛̪͖͍͉͚̜̖̳̝̹͎͓̣̥̝́͆̒̀̍͌̔͊̑̂͐̄́̾̕͝͝m̶̳̬̫͈̬̪̤͎̞̮̃̇̂̆̇͆̽̍̐́̄̒̾ą̴̠͕͉̪̘͐̃̊̑̂̽̐̅͋̒̈́̎́̕̚͝͠k̶̡̳̫̖̝͔̪̻̝̥̪̀̈͐͛̅̿̅͒͠ę̸͈̖͎͇͎̖̰̖̙̟͕̪̺̝̇̀̎͌̐̓̽̓̚͜͝ͅs̵̨͇͚̗̰̙̺͕̮͂̈͑͋̏͆̂̄̕̚͠͝ ̵̡̧͚̳̙̼͕̀̅̉̈́̑͂̆̇̆̎̎̉̒̅̆͠ͅr̷̨̯̬̂̉̄̿͗͠͠͠i̷̢̢͙̦̬̼̰̱͉̣͚̰̩̖̼̙̝̊͊̆͑ͅg̷̼̜̙̘̲̮̪͈̳͉͖͈̙͚͓͖̤̝͍̺̥͗̔̉̐̑h̷̡̨̝͉̣͔̫͓͎̓̍́͆̐̆͛̍̔͆̇͌́̔̊̾̕͘͠ţ̸̲̞͓̩̰͍̹͈̖̟̿̆̽̒̈́̈́̈́́͒͌̓̎͘͠͝͠ ̴̧̩̻͓͔̘͈̼̖̗̳͑̈͆̚m̶̨̗͔̹͓̖̻̓̑̾̀́̑͐͐̆͌̏͒̚͘͝͠i̶̡̧̛̮̰̙̲͍̯͍̥͍̪̪͎̲̦̰̪̝̪͗͊̉̂̉͠͠ͅͅg̷̺͖͉͔̣̥͊̈́̄̆͆̉̾̈́̆̄̋͋̓͘͝h̶̛͔̜̗̬͇̱̓́̈́͌̔̃͜t̵̡͎̰͔̗̖͍̬̙̜̺̩͆̆̈́̈̆̏̅̾́̊̅̑̂̂̎̈́̾͂̉́͜͠ͅ ̴̣̫̯̯͕̦͓̪̖͎̦̩̙̤̠̲̞̄̌͋́́̀̾̿̊̌͆́m̴̨̧̮̫̙̩̦͍̜͎͖̼̥̝̻̝̺͆̅͋́͋̋̔͊̈́̔͒̈́́̓̓͐͝͝a̴̩̳̯̻͇̝͓̪̭̹͍͇̓͌̊̀̽͂͜ķ̷̰̪̻̱̊̀̋͐̒̓͆͂̔̓̊ḛ̴̖̖͉̝͕͈̠͉̥̦͚͙̂s̷̡̫͖͖̫̦̭͖̥̥͓͍͔̠͚̍͝ ̸̰̅͒͒̄͊̒͆̂͆̊́̚͝r̵̭͈̣̖̯̭̿͜į̵̗̥̥̠̥͍̞͈͚̣̝̫̻͚͈̯̲͚͉̝̉̂͗͌̅̉̄̋́̏͗͆̃̇́̌͗̆̕͝g̶̯̭͉̬̘͘͝h̸̨͔̣̫̠̥͓̮͖̋͂̊́̍͝t̵̳̖͙̳̟͉̗̭̟̀͆̑̋̈́͐͒́̃̀͆̒͋̐͝ͅ ̷̛̬͇̤͔̰̯̙̲̭͙̣͓̬̳̤̫̻̤̈́̽͑̅̂͗̎̅͂͝m̴̨͚͔̝̱̤͕̯̠̦̓͌̋̍͌͊͋͊ͅi̶̛͖͚̫̖͙̤̱͕͇͂̿̎͐̀̑̏͘g̵̮͇͈̾̓̄̆̑͋̈̔͌̋́̕ȟ̶̡͉͚̲͚͖̩̼̯̯̤̭̰̰̫͙͔̓̓̓̇͑̑͆̕̚̚̚͝ͅt̷̢̨̨̛̠̦̬̝̜͎̭̮̟̗̲͕̝̬̼̪̐͗͒͌͑̌̒̃̊́͌͒̂̈́̓͑ ̶̡̡̢͈̪̭̘͍̖̫̦̣͈̖̞͗͐̿͂̑͛́͗̒̕̕͜͜͝͝ḿ̷̧̨̨̦̠͇͇̥̟̟͕̖̣̫͔̫̱̫̪̇̓͆͆́̄̃̑̈̿a̵̢̛̫͖̺͍̠̲͈͕͉͙̬̤̮̖̞̔̏̌̿͛̿̒̂́̈̈́͘̕ͅk̴̰̖̮̼̲̲̗̣͋͒̈́́̚̚͠e̶̢̧̢̨̢̛̮̻̭̖̗̲̬̜̗̗̦͑̔̅̇̔̀́̉̒͊̾͘͜s̵̢̜̩̺͍̱̪̳̺̲͔͚̜͒͐͒̓̅͐́͛͜͜͜ ̵̢͈̫̬̤̥͈͍̮̲͈̯͔̯̼̬̈́͗͜r̵̛͕̠͖͗͐̓͆̒̊̀̀͗̅̂̓̏͌̿͐̏̕̕i̶̢̡̱̝̥̟͕̬̦͉̣̱͙̥̬͙̙̝̳̽̋͐͒͛̑͒͑͗͘͝g̶̨͍̪̙̓͗͂͜͠h̸̢̛̳̘͕͉̬̼̲̼͓̪̜̀̓̿̋̀̾̍̐̐̌̾̾̃͆̿͗̄̾̂͠ͅͅt̵̢̖̻̩̳͔͕̗̼̠̞͈̻͔̯͑̈͊͜͜ ̸̗̠͕̗͍͚͙̫̈́̅͜͠͝m̴̧̢̛̝̻̺͙͕̪̘̠̦̝̜͍̞̖̠͌̌̓̋͐̑̾͂̆̃̎̄̏͑̓̃͝ḭ̵̧͎̲͔͎͓͎̠̽̄͐̋͊̈̍̓̇͌̍̑͋̎́́͂͊̔g̴̡̬̥̥͇̦̟̰͋̂͜ḩ̷̨̛̳̰̫̻͙̰͍̦̮̄̒̆̀̿͊͆̓̑͆̊͐͝t̷̛͇̠̯̺͉̏̏͆͊̾́̈́̈́̓̎͐̑͘͠͝ͅ ̴̱̝͒̿͊͐̒͘͝m̶̳͍̥͇̺͙̳͕͖̲̜̙͔̩̩̩̺͔͚̯̖̔̿a̴̡̛͙͙̼̯͔͎͍͙̖͍̯͚̤̘̟̦̙͐̇́̄̐͊̓͑̑͐͘͜͠k̸̨̦͚͉͖̬̥̤̣͕͙͚͈̜̖̺̟̗͉̣͓͗̊̆̋̕͘͝ę̷̢̣͈͓̻̙̱̘̭̖̰͔̪̥̱̱̞̤̫̓̍̔̀̈́̎͆̃̑͗͗̈͊̄̆̕ͅͅṡ̸̡̛̲̆̀̔̓͝ ̷̢̤̯̟̠̣̮̻̳̭̔̍́̐̿̿̂͒̑̍̒r̸͕̜̗͔̣̜͙̙̰̫͇̯͇͑̀̀̋̂i̶̡̹̦̪͚̟̯̮̽̇̓̾͒̓̊͗͘͠g̶̨̨͕̤̜̖̖͔͉͕̱̜̗̓̓͐̾̏̀̇͑̉́͆̈́̉̎̈̈̊͝͝h̵̛͚͉̿́̎̾̀̆͑̊̈́̽́̔͐̂̀͆͠͠͝͠͠t̵̡̯̯̰͓̱͐͌̈́̽̇̂̔̎̃̈́̀̅̄̚̚ ̴̢̢̨̣͚̩͚̙̩̲̜̫͕̠̟͚̙̺̹̟̫̬̿̾̓ḿ̵̡̡̡̡̠͓̞̻̩̯̤͎̻̰̳̠̰̬͚̦̖͋̎̔͂̏͗̄̀̈́͆̀̈́̀̋̓̌̋͘͝ͅȉ̸̢̨̢͎͎̠̻̳͇͇̻̣̥̲̙͙̈́͆͛̈́̉͗̊̃͌̌́̓̄̃͘̚̕͝͠͠ͅg̸̛͇̼̞̑̎̃͒̓̈͂̄̀͐̌̓̔̈̉̈́́̔̚h̸̛͍̼̭̜̹̭̺͌̒̆̿͊͐͑̔́̚t̶̨̲̬̳̻̱̥̔̓̌̑̃ ̷̛̠̥̻̯͉̟̜̔̑͗̉̅̀̅͌̄͜͝m̵̧̦͎͚͚͇͎̃̃̍͘ą̷̰̞̹͖̺̺̻̰̲̠̹̯͕͚̉̓̊͋͘k̷̢̗̞͕̩̲̱̻̱̞͇̬̝̉͗̎͒͜ͅe̵̛̬͇̺̫̹̪̻̞͔͐͒͊̂̉̈́̒̈́͒̓̾͂̆͂̚ͅş̵̨̹̖̖̜͕͚͙̜͓̳̩̮̰̫̞̄̐̓̅̐̑͐̋̏͛̾̆͠͝͝ ̶̨̡̖̤̺̫̹͔̹̜̘̖̯̙͇̙̘̩͍͕̼̌̈̈́̐̆̓͑̄̈̏͝ŗ̸̫͔̫̋̉̽̈́̈̓̂̆̉̀̓̋̈́͘͜į̵̼̦͙͇̤̟̣̩͚̙̟̻̳̻͗̒́͊̓̋͜͝ͅͅg̴̡̥͇̼̲͎̳̓̾̀̓̄͐̋͋͒̇́̉̔̓͌̇̈́̕͘͝h̸̢̢͓̙̼͚̰͔̺͉̦͉̗̜̃̿̀̽͆̓̆̑̍͆̈́t̴̺̥̄͛͂̂̋͌͗̎̑͛͌͘.̴̧̨̧̤͖̜̜̲͓̟̺̄̔̀̿̀͆̌̔̒͑͐̓͆̌̚͝.̵̨̺̟̖̠̫̃̎͂̃͑̓͗͛͒͠.̷͈̦͚̩̺̌̄̌́̍͗͐͑̚̕͝

Bahamut released his grip, seemingly realizing there was a lapse in his mental guard. Nero staggered back. A cold gray spread over his cybernetics.

"I saw it. His... sha... dow..."

Nero's eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed on his side. Bahamut's head tendrils shriveled.

"I think we're done here," he whispered.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Diyem sprung into action, first looking at Eien. "Call the other me," he said immediately, then descended upon Nero to check him. He recognized some of that corruption and could quicken his recovery, but he would still need rest.

"Bahamut...!" It was hard to tell the sort of expression she had, what with being a skeletal dragon, but her tone was somewhere between horror and concern. Diyem was muttering something to himself, treating Nero. "Shadow, his shadow," Diyem muttered, tracing a claw along Nero's bolts, like he was reading a journal. All the while, even if Diyem finished his treatments--or if the other one came to assist--he seemed deep in thought about something. Eien assisted where she could.

"Stay here," was all Diyem said to Bahamut. The words were firm and concise, but it didn't look like Bahamut would have a choice in the matter. There was a strange, shadowy feeling in the air, like chains that formed an invisible dome around the area, its center being Diyem himself.
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