Mew specialist
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"Well I ain't keepin' count but yer certainly among my first to put the word to it!" she replied, heartily. "So what's it like bein' friends with the Great and Mighty Ivy? Y'like battles, darlin'? That's what I'm all about. Food's good too, though..."
"An' if we're goin' somewhere, wouldya care to take a perch on my shoulder, hon? We'll get around a mite faster that way I expect."
“Um… Are thou feeling swell, Sir Cynthian? Did thou recover properly, yes? If thou feel some pain anywhere, I could fetch a Sitrus or something.”
"I am... concerned, and somewhat paranoid now..." He sighed and placed the cup back on the table, a bit forcefully. "I despise feeling so... powerless, so directionless, so useless."
"I have lived my life wondering what meaning it had, why I couldn't be strong like others, and I've always pushed others away whenever things became too much for me. I even told me you couldn't help me days ago, even though you took cared of me during my hibernation... That was pathetic, wasn't it?" Cynthian said, wiping a tear off his face.
"I'll forget... I'll forget that I killed Mama Rosa."
"Sir Cynthian, thou...?"
"Thou were the cause... of the passing of someone," he muttered, keeping his voice as steady as he could. "...How, and why?"
"Dark Matter said it'd give me what I wanted, to be like my mother, if I did it a few favors. At the time I didn't know it was Dark Matter, and I let it in. The next day that followed, I had taken a torch in hand, spread fire to the forest surrounding our village and... Mama Rosa came eventually. She tried to stop me, to reach out to me, but to no avail. Dark Matter had already taken control. I watched myself stab my mother right through the chest with a spike. I must've fainted right after, and she was already gone by the time I woke up..."