Well, here I am back for more Hands of Creation! Looking forward to delve into the next two chapters, getting some juicy points for the Review Event going on in Union right now, and chipping away at the task of getting deeper into this longfic.
There’s still much, much, much more to go before being caught up, I realise - but every little effort counts towards that goal. Maybe one day, I’ll be all caught up with this, and won’t have to cower from spoilers or try to puzzle out what the heck some of the hints dropped mean. I imagine this will be one hell of a fic to look back on in hindsight around Chapter 100 or so and realise just how different all of this seemed. With this fic’s sheer length, I bet there’ll definitely be a plot twist or two (or maybe even more) at some point that’ll turn this whole thing on its head.
But that is a matter for the future. For now, I remain mostly blessed with ignorance as I march onwards, treading deeper into the unknown…
(Oh, and this’ll very much be a ‘react as I read’ review.)
Chapter 25
A pity that Owen’s still being kept from his teammates. But if it’ll be better in the long term for them, then I guess it has to be done.
I feel like the paragraph about Zena’s reluctance to train with Owen does come across as a bit lacking due to the fact it’s told through narration than dialogue. If it was dialogue, it would come across better on an emotional level, in my opinion. (Also, Star’s a great help, telling them nothing about why them training together isn’t working.)
Well, Goodra do have Sap Sipper, so that’s probably not a surprise as to why Anam’s so resistant to it. I imagine that even after all that time of being the Ghost Guardian, Anam would still very much be in touch with his Goodra powers.
I also do kinda like how goofy Anam is in spite of his strength and power. Big, friendly and huggable - as a Goodra should be.
Hmm…this implies some things. It seems like there’s much more to Anam’s power than we first thought, and by the sounds of it, parts of his power that he doesn’t want to utilise. Would they be too strong for even him with all his age and experience to handle?
Well…that’s certainly one way to store an object, and if Anam is the Ghost Guardian, able to morph his body as we’ve seen, then I guess he can just use parts of his body as a makeshift pocket. Hey, I mean…if it works and doesn’t damage the communicators with his slime, then sure.
The Electric Guardian? Guess we’ve found the next target to go after. I wonder who they might be?
Nightshade Forest? The place from the first Special Episode, eh? Guess we’re going back to an old haunt of Owen’s. A strange place for the Electric Guardian to appear, though. Maybe they’re a wanderer?
Wow. Wow. It’s almost like Star knows that Owen was evolved and more intimidating at one point. It might be unintentional on her part, but that is cold. In terms of the crass remarks she’s made, that has to be among the ones I’m most shocked by.
Well, in fairness, ghosts are weak to Ghost. So it’s not unjustifiable that Anam’s frightened of the place. On another note, I’m liking more of the whole ‘incredibly powerful but still a grown child’ persona that Anam has going on. He’s ranking amongst my favourites so far, that’s for certain.
The focus has definitely shifted to Anam’s power this chapter, almost to the point of interrogation. I can’t help but wonder - are we going to see that ghostly power of his unleashed at some point in the near future?
Ah yes, magitech refrigeration. That’ll be a cool thing to have in future, wouldn’t it?
Nevren does seem to be quite the inventor of many things. What else is he capable of, I wonder?
Eyyy! Even Anam’s getting in on the joke!
Ah, the craft of having to navigate a Zoroark’s illusions. With any luck, locating Enet and landing a hit would be enough for the illusion to fall away. Or would it be that easy, given their enhancement via Guardian powers?
I guess Owen still hasn’t quite learned to use his Guardian powers more regularly, judging on the way that using his Grass powers was more of a last resort. Hopefully, he’ll be able to grasp using his newfound powers on a more regular basis.
Hey, Klent comes back. Cool - nice to see him again.
Hey! I don’t permit slander to my favourite evolutionary line! You take that back!
Seems Enet’s one for the speed and evasion. This’ll require good timing on Owen’s part, I reckon.
Oof. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt, having fingers cut off like that. But he’ll probably just regenerate them with his new Guardian regeneration. Once again, a reminder of how ludicrous Guardian powers can be, sometimes.
You can say that again, with all the mortal deaths Owen’s gone through in his training with Manny. If he’s this durable as a Charmander, then he’ll be one strong boi as either of his evolved forms.
Well…that’s certainly an interesting premise to end the chapter on. A feral Guardian? Just what’s their story, I wonder? Did they happen upon the Electric Orb by accident and gain its power? In fact, I just had a thought - is that the reason they’re skittish and fearful, because they’re scared of the power that’s blossomed within them?
That brings a new challenge to the table, having to deal with a feral Guardian. How will Owen overcome this?
Special Episode 2
Well, uh…after that cliffhanger, I can’t say I expected to see a Special Episode crop up here. But let’s see what we’ve got.
My god, will Nightshade Forest ever know peace? I do wonder though: based on the fact that the forest is clearly on fire, could this have taken place at the same time as the first Special Episode? It certainly has the same atmosphere, and somehow, I don’t think lightning would strike twice. (See what I did there?
Oh hello, an Aggron? I’m immediately interested. (It’s almost as if these days, whenever there’s an Aggron in fics, my attention is immediately drawn.)
Hmm, what could this mean? Does Ra have some kind of memory block enforced on him? Is that why he’s attacking Star in the present day?
Oh, and this Aggron’s the Ice Guardian! Cool! I wonder what her story is? And by the way Ra’s effectively resisting her attacks, is she one to be wooed by his strength, I wonder?
Hmm…based on the info we know from last chapter on Enet being a feral, could this be Ra’s plan? To make a Guardian out of a feral in order to spite Star?
Sounds like another case of Star being careless. What exactly prompted this incident to happen? I have to admit, cleaning up after this gremlin’s mistakes is becoming a bit of a chore, and I don’t find myself liking her that much. (Not a complaint on my part - just voicing an opinion of mine that’s come up over the past few chapters.)
Oh, a fluffy moment between the Aggron and Ra!
I can’t help but think that we might well end up having a few Guardians that’ll swear allegiance to Arceus and end up being the enemies of Owen and his allies. Just a thought I had upon reading this.
Ah, those two did love each other. But then whatever happened to Step? By the sounds of it, she’s not around any more…
I guess it goes back to that old axiom: don’t fix what ain’t broken. Surely the ancestor of all Pokémon should’ve known that?
A strange orb? A Transfer Orb, by the sounds of it?No, I totally didn’t pull up the list of orbs page on Bulbapedia, why would you think that? And with Guardian powers, transformation into another species isn’t out of the question. (Then again, it feels like nothing is, with all the zanyness we've seen in Guardians up to this point.)
Ah, they wanna have kids! How cute! But another question; do they necessarily need to be the same species? Given that Aggron and Kommo-o do share an Egg group…
And ah yes. We gotta mute gestures of love to kissing and closeness in a fic like this. This is a franchise for good little boys and girls, after all.
After feeling high on the power of a Guardian, I suppose one would desire the simple living of a mortal again. A part of me wonders if Owen might well end up having these feelings. (Then again, he kinda has, hasn’t he? With the whole ‘normal life’ that Amia had him live.)
Oh no, they were attacked by mutants. Guess that’s how Step met her end…Though, if it was a squad of mutants that did her in, I can see why Ra would attack Star like that. Especially since we’ve seen that same attitude in Zena for not wanting to side with Star.
So Step didn’t actually die from that encounter. But their situation doesn’t sound good at all.
You know, I just had a thought. If training was anything like what we saw in Chapter 24, then these kids are not going to enjoy it.
Aaaand I was right. Notably, though, his children are mortals. Owen at least had the spirit of a Guardian in him, though, when he was training with Manny. So plainly this all-out training regime of Ra’s is quite hard on the kids. Might well end up being too hard on them…
Cold as ice. What happens next in their story? Does she leave him? Does she take the kids with her? Or is she killed on her own terms? Guess I’ll find out soon…
And looks like Ra took things too far. Ingrained in his traditions, and too harsh on his children. Here’s your top contender for dad of the year thus far, everyone! (I am curious if there are worse parents lurking in this story, though…)
Ah, so it looks like he’ll become one of the spirits in the orb. Not too unlike how Klent, once the Grass Guardian, is now a spirit within the Grass Orb and communicates with Owen. Is that how it is for Enet in the present day, then?
The mention of Cent and Kana going places does make me think that maybe we might see them in the present day. That would be interesting - more faces for Owen to interact with. (Though that’s not yet confirmed, and nor do we know about Step’s whereabouts yet.)
Huh. That name reminds me of an area of the same name…
That is quite a problem, alright. Once again, that ‘endless fixing’ digs Star into a deeper hole. By this rate, that hole has to be at the planet’s core with how deep she’s dug it.
Ah. Well, never mind about what I said about seeing Cent and Kana in the present day. (Although Step being around is still a possibility, isn’t it? Since she was a Guardian.)
Sounds pretty terrifying. Is it Star’s interference that’s doing this? Pretty morbid way to go about it, just summoning a giant black hole in the orb.
Back to Kilo Village, huh? Nice acknowledgment of this place outside the context of Owen and his companions.
A shame to see the relationship crumble like this. And to think they had such a loving union too…
Well…wait until you find a cave system with multiple Guardian auras in them in the present day. (Then again, Ra and Step aren’t as protected, so her claim still stands.)
Another shovelling down the hole that Star keeps digging for herself. But I’ve had a thought regarding this whole ‘Guardians loving each other’ thing. Given how close Owen and Zena have been getting (still a faraway prospect of them being a couple), might Star possibly try to drive a wedge between them, in another effort to ‘fix’ a mistake she made in the past?
Oh dear…That sounds an absolutely horrid thing to have to deal with. They sound like all the chaos a Mystery Dungeon has multiplied by a thousand. Maybe even more! This concept’s going to be used a lot more in future, I bet.
Isn’t that the way? One has to compromise for another so different to them. Plus, there’s also adapting for a new generation, and Ra was stuck in old ways. A pity - paranoia and a refusal to adapt was his undoing with his family, it seems…
Oh, goodness, we’re going to have quite a scene ahead of us.
And wow, this certainly is proving to be a great Big Damn Heroes moment for all of the Electric spirits! Go on, guys! You can do it!
More sad scenes with Kana growing old now too. It’s really hard not to feel for the children - they age just like mortals, while their Guardian parents continued to remain unaged. A shame none of that Mystic power passed down onto their children. Not even a smidgen of an influence.
She probably wants to visit her mother one last time before she passes on, I reckon. But will she even be afforded that luxury? Knowing how cruel Fate’s been this Special Episode…
That could be an explanation, although that would have to be one chaotic Dungeon if even the ancestor of all Pokémon can’t use her own powers in it. By the sounds of it, cursed Mystery Dungeons sound like places with a great amount of limitations to them. Just how will our heroes deal with them in the present day?
Ouch. Ouch. Stone cold right there. But I gotta admit that Star does have a point. Reluctant as I am to say it.
Arceus above! Out in full with the backhandedness today. This would be a brilliant roasting contest if it weren’t so tragically sad.
Ain’t that the truth. It’s the reason all of our heroes in this story are entangled in the mess done by Star’s own weaving.
…Now that’s an odd question. How does Yveltal fit into this story, exactly? The way Ra talks about them feeling so important to him…What could this mean? Is this what was meant earlier in the chapter by Step’s spirit being familiar to him Is this a distant past thing? Like, way back in the day? Even farther back than this Special Episode is. That’ll be one hell of a genesis story. The mention of more Legendaries beyond Star and Arceus, though, is quite interesting. I’d love to see where this could potentially go.
And with that, Ra’s gone. Though the way he vowed vengeance upon Star makes me think that maybe we haven’t seen the last of him. Will he come back in some other way?
Oh, but Ra got that reunion in the end. Alas, at the price of his ultimate demise. And having to live the rest of his days out as a statue.
Perhaps this is Star’s method of an apology, reuniting Ra with his mate and daughters. The way they’re in the Ice Realm does still lend itself to the possibility that Step is alive. And how she talks about assimilating Ra into her core, possibly among her legion of spirits, is a sign that we may well see her in future. (Which as an Aggron stan, I rejoice at!)
Going back to my theory that certain Guardians will side with Arceus, though - after the whole debacle of this chapter, of Ra saying he should have sided with Arceus and the Divine Dragons, and Step saying Star uniting them was a mistake, I would not at all be surprised if siding with Arceus is what Step ends up doing. That would put her in the role of an adversary of Owen and his allies. I guess we’ll see what happens when or if that plays out.
Well, these were certainly an interesting pair of chapters, especially the Special Episode. The ending to the latter was definitely bittersweet, and Ra’s tale was certainly a sad one. But I am intrigued as to some info of what was implied in the Special Episode, along with the implications of Enet being a feral ‘mon and the implications of Anam’s powers. As well as that, some matters implied in the past that could have an impact on the present day, such as cursed Mystery Dungeons and the existence of Yveltal, along with possibly other Legendary Pokémon.
These chapters were an enjoyable read, and I’m looking forward to what’s coming next along the pipeline!
There’s still much, much, much more to go before being caught up, I realise - but every little effort counts towards that goal. Maybe one day, I’ll be all caught up with this, and won’t have to cower from spoilers or try to puzzle out what the heck some of the hints dropped mean. I imagine this will be one hell of a fic to look back on in hindsight around Chapter 100 or so and realise just how different all of this seemed. With this fic’s sheer length, I bet there’ll definitely be a plot twist or two (or maybe even more) at some point that’ll turn this whole thing on its head.
But that is a matter for the future. For now, I remain mostly blessed with ignorance as I march onwards, treading deeper into the unknown…
(Oh, and this’ll very much be a ‘react as I read’ review.)
Chapter 25
A pity that Owen’s still being kept from his teammates. But if it’ll be better in the long term for them, then I guess it has to be done.
I feel like the paragraph about Zena’s reluctance to train with Owen does come across as a bit lacking due to the fact it’s told through narration than dialogue. If it was dialogue, it would come across better on an emotional level, in my opinion. (Also, Star’s a great help, telling them nothing about why them training together isn’t working.)
Zena panted, her lungs burning. “Anam—are all of your kind like this!?”
“So… immune to water!”
Well, Goodra do have Sap Sipper, so that’s probably not a surprise as to why Anam’s so resistant to it. I imagine that even after all that time of being the Ghost Guardian, Anam would still very much be in touch with his Goodra powers.
I also do kinda like how goofy Anam is in spite of his strength and power. Big, friendly and huggable - as a Goodra should be.
“B-but it’s scary,” Anam said, grabbing his horns and tugging. “It’s not just spooky Ghost powers, it’s—it’s a lot of things, you know?”
Hmm…this implies some things. It seems like there’s much more to Anam’s power than we first thought, and by the sounds of it, parts of his power that he doesn’t want to utilise. Would they be too strong for even him with all his age and experience to handle?
He plunged his hand into his thigh and pulled out one of their silver communicators. “Hi, Nevren! Do you mean there’s a report about a possible Mystic sighting?”
Well…that’s certainly one way to store an object, and if Anam is the Ghost Guardian, able to morph his body as we’ve seen, then I guess he can just use parts of his body as a makeshift pocket. Hey, I mean…if it works and doesn’t damage the communicators with his slime, then sure.
It’s very likely that the Electric Guardian is still there after all.”
The Electric Guardian? Guess we’ve found the next target to go after. I wonder who they might be?
“Nightshade Forest,” Star said, shivering slightly. “Talk about bad vibes.”
Nightshade Forest? The place from the first Special Episode, eh? Guess we’re going back to an old haunt of Owen’s. A strange place for the Electric Guardian to appear, though. Maybe they’re a wanderer?
“You don’t look that intimidating right now,” Star agreed, which earned a small, irritated spark from Owen’s tail. “As long as you keep calm, you’ll be fine.”
Wow. Wow. It’s almost like Star knows that Owen was evolved and more intimidating at one point. It might be unintentional on her part, but that is cold. In terms of the crass remarks she’s made, that has to be among the ones I’m most shocked by.
“Anam, please, you’re the Ghost Guardian,” Amia said. “Wouldn’t you be right at home here?”
“I—I guess so, but… it’s still a little spooky! What if there’s a monster hiding in the bushes…?”
Well, in fairness, ghosts are weak to Ghost. So it’s not unjustifiable that Anam’s frightened of the place. On another note, I’m liking more of the whole ‘incredibly powerful but still a grown child’ persona that Anam has going on. He’s ranking amongst my favourites so far, that’s for certain.
The focus has definitely shifted to Anam’s power this chapter, almost to the point of interrogation. I can’t help but wonder - are we going to see that ghostly power of his unleashed at some point in the near future?
Did you know that he’s starting to make these special devices that can keep food cold for a long time? And you won’t even need Ice types, either! I think it’s with a modified Hail Orb…”
Ah yes, magitech refrigeration. That’ll be a cool thing to have in future, wouldn’t it?
Nevren does seem to be quite the inventor of many things. What else is he capable of, I wonder?
“Yeah, it’s really cool,” Anam said. “I wish I had his creativity, getting all those ideas…”
Eyyy! Even Anam’s getting in on the joke!
Ah, the craft of having to navigate a Zoroark’s illusions. With any luck, locating Enet and landing a hit would be enough for the illusion to fall away. Or would it be that easy, given their enhancement via Guardian powers?
Desperate, he fell back to some Mystic improvisation; claws became vines and latched onto the soft walls, anchoring him in place on either side, dangling in the middle of the pit.
I guess Owen still hasn’t quite learned to use his Guardian powers more regularly, judging on the way that using his Grass powers was more of a last resort. Hopefully, he’ll be able to grasp using his newfound powers on a more regular basis.
Hey, Klent comes back. Cool - nice to see him again.
Okay?! I’ll look like an Aron’s face if I fall down there!
Hey! I don’t permit slander to my favourite evolutionary line! You take that back!

Seems Enet’s one for the speed and evasion. This’ll require good timing on Owen’s part, I reckon.
Owen retracted his vines into his arms, only to see that a few of his fingers were missing.
Oof. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt, having fingers cut off like that. But he’ll probably just regenerate them with his new Guardian regeneration. Once again, a reminder of how ludicrous Guardian powers can be, sometimes.
Despite being a Charmander, he was becoming quite durable! He wondered if he should be worried at how he was becoming accustomed to the regular maiming.
You can say that again, with all the mortal deaths Owen’s gone through in his training with Manny. If he’s this durable as a Charmander, then he’ll be one strong boi as either of his evolved forms.
But the more he looked, in the silence of her complex burrow, the more it made sense. The Electric Guardian was feral.
Well…that’s certainly an interesting premise to end the chapter on. A feral Guardian? Just what’s their story, I wonder? Did they happen upon the Electric Orb by accident and gain its power? In fact, I just had a thought - is that the reason they’re skittish and fearful, because they’re scared of the power that’s blossomed within them?
That brings a new challenge to the table, having to deal with a feral Guardian. How will Owen overcome this?
Special Episode 2
Well, uh…after that cliffhanger, I can’t say I expected to see a Special Episode crop up here. But let’s see what we’ve got.
My god, will Nightshade Forest ever know peace? I do wonder though: based on the fact that the forest is clearly on fire, could this have taken place at the same time as the first Special Episode? It certainly has the same atmosphere, and somehow, I don’t think lightning would strike twice. (See what I did there?
Ra humored her, looking below—an Aggron?
Oh hello, an Aggron? I’m immediately interested. (It’s almost as if these days, whenever there’s an Aggron in fics, my attention is immediately drawn.)
“Star… her aura…” For some reason, it felt like he had seen her for so long already.
Hmm, what could this mean? Does Ra have some kind of memory block enforced on him? Is that why he’s attacking Star in the present day?
Frost surrounded the plants near her. “Insolence! What kind of potential mate do you consider yourself?!”
The ice did not make Ra flinch, even as it crawled over his scales. “A very strong one.”
Oh, and this Aggron’s the Ice Guardian! Cool! I wonder what her story is? And by the way Ra’s effectively resisting her attacks, is she one to be wooed by his strength, I wonder?
Where was that feral? There she is. Yes, keep coming. Closer, closer. She was just what Star deserved.
Hmm…based on the info we know from last chapter on Enet being a feral, could this be Ra’s plan? To make a Guardian out of a feral in order to spite Star?
Sounds like another case of Star being careless. What exactly prompted this incident to happen? I have to admit, cleaning up after this gremlin’s mistakes is becoming a bit of a chore, and I don’t find myself liking her that much. (Not a complaint on my part - just voicing an opinion of mine that’s come up over the past few chapters.)
Oh, a fluffy moment between the Aggron and Ra!
“I have to comment, Ra,” she said, “For someone who follows Mew, you’re quite Arceus-like.”
I can’t help but think that we might well end up having a few Guardians that’ll swear allegiance to Arceus and end up being the enemies of Owen and his allies. Just a thought I had upon reading this.
Ah, those two did love each other. But then whatever happened to Step? By the sounds of it, she’s not around any more…
“Your incessant need to fix things,” he said, “is itself what must be fixed.”
I guess it goes back to that old axiom: don’t fix what ain’t broken. Surely the ancestor of all Pokémon should’ve known that?
She wasn’t an Aggron, but instead a fellow Kommo-o. Star had apparently taught her the technique, based off of those strange Orbs invented in a faraway city.
A strange orb? A Transfer Orb, by the sounds of it?
Step widened her eyes and then smirked. Ra liked her smile in this form. “Twice? How eager. Am I that desirable?”
Ah, they wanna have kids! How cute! But another question; do they necessarily need to be the same species? Given that Aggron and Kommo-o do share an Egg group…
And ah yes. We gotta mute gestures of love to kissing and closeness in a fic like this. This is a franchise for good little boys and girls, after all.
But now, after conjuring a single freak storm, he felt mortal again.
It was wonderful.
After feeling high on the power of a Guardian, I suppose one would desire the simple living of a mortal again. A part of me wonders if Owen might well end up having these feelings. (Then again, he kinda has, hasn’t he? With the whole ‘normal life’ that Amia had him live.)
Something else screeched; the mutant fell in a frozen heap, but two more took its place, and Step had to retreat.
Oh no, they were attacked by mutants. Guess that’s how Step met her end…Though, if it was a squad of mutants that did her in, I can see why Ra would attack Star like that. Especially since we’ve seen that same attitude in Zena for not wanting to side with Star.
So Step didn’t actually die from that encounter. But their situation doesn’t sound good at all.
“If you want to fight with us,” he said, “we need to train.”
At first, they were confused, but then their eyes lit up. Ra’s expression mirrored theirs.
You know, I just had a thought. If training was anything like what we saw in Chapter 24, then these kids are not going to enjoy it.
Ra watched with cold indifference. “You’re still weak. Try harder. Stand.” He cleaned the blood off of his claws with a flick.
Aaaand I was right. Notably, though, his children are mortals. Owen at least had the spirit of a Guardian in him, though, when he was training with Manny. So plainly this all-out training regime of Ra’s is quite hard on the kids. Might well end up being too hard on them…
But what burned into his memory the most was her cold glare. He’d never forget it.
Cold as ice. What happens next in their story? Does she leave him? Does she take the kids with her? Or is she killed on her own terms? Guess I’ll find out soon…
Ra gulped. “I’m… sorry.”
Step’s intense glare didn’t let up. “She’s never going to fight again, Ra. You traumatized her. They aren’t like you.”
And looks like Ra took things too far. Ingrained in his traditions, and too harsh on his children. Here’s your top contender for dad of the year thus far, everyone! (I am curious if there are worse parents lurking in this story, though…)
And while his aura was barely able to hold its form, he floated to the orb and plunged his cloudy arm into it. The rest of him followed.
Ah, so it looks like he’ll become one of the spirits in the orb. Not too unlike how Klent, once the Grass Guardian, is now a spirit within the Grass Orb and communicates with Owen. Is that how it is for Enet in the present day, then?
“You’ve become so strong, Kana,” he said. “And Cent, how’s she doing with her hospital work?”
“Good,” Kana replied simply, though she did smile.
The mention of Cent and Kana going places does make me think that maybe we might see them in the present day. That would be interesting - more faces for Owen to interact with. (Though that’s not yet confirmed, and nor do we know about Step’s whereabouts yet.)
Thundercloud Temple.
Huh. That name reminds me of an area of the same name…
“Doesn’t she realize that if the Orb is unguarded, anybody could get it?
That is quite a problem, alright. Once again, that ‘endless fixing’ digs Star into a deeper hole. By this rate, that hole has to be at the planet’s core with how deep she’s dug it.
“What’re you talking about? It’s called aging, Dad. You should try it some time. Actually, no. Don’t. It’s pretty rough.”
Ah. Well, never mind about what I said about seeing Cent and Kana in the present day. (Although Step being around is still a possibility, isn’t it? Since she was a Guardian.)
Ra saw the wall behind him collapse, revealing another room. In it, a great fissure in the clouds revealed a black void below. Ra did not want to imagine the fate of someone who fell into it.
Sounds pretty terrifying. Is it Star’s interference that’s doing this? Pretty morbid way to go about it, just summoning a giant black hole in the orb.
An Aggron glared at him. “You shouldn’t have come to Kilo Village, Ra.”
Back to Kilo Village, huh? Nice acknowledgment of this place outside the context of Owen and his companions.
“I detest our similarities.”
A shame to see the relationship crumble like this. And to think they had such a loving union too…
Two auras together are too easy for the mutants to detect.”
Well…wait until you find a cave system with multiple Guardian auras in them in the present day. (Then again, Ra and Step aren’t as protected, so her claim still stands.)
Step’s claws left little dents in her own arms. “Star was wrong to unite us.”
Another shovelling down the hole that Star keeps digging for herself. But I’ve had a thought regarding this whole ‘Guardians loving each other’ thing. Given how close Owen and Zena have been getting (still a faraway prospect of them being a couple), might Star possibly try to drive a wedge between them, in another effort to ‘fix’ a mistake she made in the past?
I don’t think it’s even an untamed Dungeon. I think it’s cursed, not blessed!
Oh dear…That sounds an absolutely horrid thing to have to deal with. They sound like all the chaos a Mystery Dungeon has multiplied by a thousand. Maybe even more! This concept’s going to be used a lot more in future, I bet.
He did not adapt. His Dragon pride, his Fighting spirit—it was too much for her, and he was too foolish to not compromise for her sake, and for their kids’ sake. This was his punishment.
Isn’t that the way? One has to compromise for another so different to them. Plus, there’s also adapting for a new generation, and Ra was stuck in old ways. A pity - paranoia and a refusal to adapt was his undoing with his family, it seems…
That’s when he realized—his Clanging Scales were so loud that they drew all of the spirits his way. They were all coming to him—all of them.
Oh, goodness, we’re going to have quite a scene ahead of us.
And wow, this certainly is proving to be a great Big Damn Heroes moment for all of the Electric spirits! Go on, guys! You can do it!
More sad scenes with Kana growing old now too. It’s really hard not to feel for the children - they age just like mortals, while their Guardian parents continued to remain unaged. A shame none of that Mystic power passed down onto their children. Not even a smidgen of an influence.
“Can you write down where she lives?” Kana asked. “So I don’t forget.”
She probably wants to visit her mother one last time before she passes on, I reckon. But will she even be afforded that luxury? Knowing how cruel Fate’s been this Special Episode…
She’d be coming here soon, perhaps even teleporting right inside. Wait. Why hadn’t she done that before?
Was it the chaotic Dungeon?
That could be an explanation, although that would have to be one chaotic Dungeon if even the ancestor of all Pokémon can’t use her own powers in it. By the sounds of it, cursed Mystery Dungeons sound like places with a great amount of limitations to them. Just how will our heroes deal with them in the present day?
“As if you can tell me you never beat up your kids.”
Ra’s smile was obliterated.
Ouch. Ouch. Stone cold right there. But I gotta admit that Star does have a point. Reluctant as I am to say it.
“Just like she abandoned you,” Star said.
Arceus above! Out in full with the backhandedness today. This would be a brilliant roasting contest if it weren’t so tragically sad.
For a Psychic, you have surprisingly little foresight.”
Ain’t that the truth. It’s the reason all of our heroes in this story are entangled in the mess done by Star’s own weaving.
“Where,” Ra said, “is Yveltal?”
…Now that’s an odd question. How does Yveltal fit into this story, exactly? The way Ra talks about them feeling so important to him…What could this mean? Is this what was meant earlier in the chapter by Step’s spirit being familiar to him Is this a distant past thing? Like, way back in the day? Even farther back than this Special Episode is. That’ll be one hell of a genesis story. The mention of more Legendaries beyond Star and Arceus, though, is quite interesting. I’d love to see where this could potentially go.
And with that, Ra’s gone. Though the way he vowed vengeance upon Star makes me think that maybe we haven’t seen the last of him. Will he come back in some other way?
Oh, but Ra got that reunion in the end. Alas, at the price of his ultimate demise. And having to live the rest of his days out as a statue.
“Star came here only moments ago to tell me about your arrival,” Step said. “I’ve never seen her so shaken.”
Perhaps this is Star’s method of an apology, reuniting Ra with his mate and daughters. The way they’re in the Ice Realm does still lend itself to the possibility that Step is alive. And how she talks about assimilating Ra into her core, possibly among her legion of spirits, is a sign that we may well see her in future. (Which as an Aggron stan, I rejoice at!)
Going back to my theory that certain Guardians will side with Arceus, though - after the whole debacle of this chapter, of Ra saying he should have sided with Arceus and the Divine Dragons, and Step saying Star uniting them was a mistake, I would not at all be surprised if siding with Arceus is what Step ends up doing. That would put her in the role of an adversary of Owen and his allies. I guess we’ll see what happens when or if that plays out.
Well, these were certainly an interesting pair of chapters, especially the Special Episode. The ending to the latter was definitely bittersweet, and Ra’s tale was certainly a sad one. But I am intrigued as to some info of what was implied in the Special Episode, along with the implications of Enet being a feral ‘mon and the implications of Anam’s powers. As well as that, some matters implied in the past that could have an impact on the present day, such as cursed Mystery Dungeons and the existence of Yveltal, along with possibly other Legendary Pokémon.
These chapters were an enjoyable read, and I’m looking forward to what’s coming next along the pipeline!