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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I've been waiting long enough to get caught up with this story and the next chapter's nice and short. Sounds as good a reason as any to jump right in to…

Chapter 54

Diva Project first phase was successful. The subject took the maximum allotted dose of proto-ether with no visible adverse effects. Energy readings remained persistently elevated compared to her pre-treatment tests.

... Wait, there's proto-ether, too? Given that ether is effectively soul energy what on earth is it in 'proto' state, then? .-.

The next step will remain confidential, even to Vortex. Proto-ether alone is not enough to produce the results Vortex wants. A dragonair does not have the kind of psychic energy required for such an undertaking. But there is something that does have that power: the Needles scattered around the kingdom.


It's risky, of course. There are many writings that describe people's bodies breaking down simply from coming into contact with a Needle. But Dragonair has proto-ether flowing through her veins. No one else can make such a claim. In addition, the Needle I've selected has traces of dragon energy in it. I believe this shared typing will synergize with Dragonair, increasing the odds of phase two's success.

Oh, so that's how she got her ability to summon Latias, huh?

Everyone had somewhere to be except Igneous. Yuna's mother shepherded her off, while Nikki ran to find a place to lay Scarlett down. Even Valkyrie seemed to avoid the grovlazzle at first, saying she needed to find Sakaki and running off without another word. Gene took the rest of the ragtag group back with him, which left Igneous standing in a rather empty kitchen, staring at a rarely used stove and microwave. Only the hum of the lights and refrigerator broke the silence.


The grovlazzle silently approached the fridge and opened it up. If he remembered correctly— yep, his father still kept dehydrated berries in there. Igneous thought they sucked, but they weren't for him. They were for Scarlett. He grabbed a couple of leppas, took them out of their foil packaging, and brought them to the sink. It wheezed to life. Igneous yanked his hands back and scrutinized the water running from the faucet for several seconds before deciding it was clear and clean.

Wait, are they in a bag together or is each leppa in its own wrapper? Since boy does that sound wasteful if it's the latter.

Also, how old is Sakaki anyways? Since this sounds like some serious 'old man' food right now.

When he ran the leppas under the water, they expanded and assumed their normal red and yellow colors. Satisfied, Igneous shut the faucet off.

That's not how dried fruit works, hon. Though something something "it's magical berries" so I won't question it too much.


"Shit!" Igneous nearly threw the berries away in surprise. He looked over his shoulder, where Valkyrie stood propped in the doorway, pivoted to make room for her dorsal fin.

Oh, so Igneous wasn't supposed to be here, huh?

"You know I hate it when you do that," the grovlazzle hissed. He headed for the doorway. "You made it clear you wanted to avoid me, so... lemme pass and I'll be out of your scales."

"It wasn't—" Valkyrie looked away, brow furrowing. "I was shocked. We found freaking Lugia got fused with salazzle, so to see the same thing happen to you was..." Her voice trailed off. "I don't really know what happened, but I should've been there for you."

Chiaki really is related to Jade, huh? Since I can see that parallelism there.

Igneous couldn't fault her. He never told the garchomp his plans in Venish, nor could either of them have foreseen what actually happened. Despite that, her demeanor was... different than when he'd last seen her. "Something happened to you as well," Igneous said with conviction.

She got a boyfriend? :V

Valkyrie pivoted further from him. "I might've... blown up a little at the butler dweeb." She rubbed the back of her head. "It's complicated. All of this shit's complicated. Makes me wish I could go back to taking contracts from you and your father. Just a place to be and a target to kill."

Igneous: "... You like him, don't you-?"
Valkyrie: "Chiaki, let's move on, please." >_>;

Igneous' back prickled, giving off a few embers. "I've gotta go check on Scarlett." He held up the berries, then hastily pushed past the garchomp and headed into the carpeted hallway, checking open doorways for any signs of Nikki or Scarlett.

Must be those Volcarona genes in him, since admittedly, I wasn't expecting Igneous to casually kick up external fire like that.

Valkyrie: "Wait, you mean you don't know where she is right now?"

Igneous: "She was here just a minute ago!"

He found them in a small room at the end of the hallway, empty except for haphazardly stacked cardboard boxes and an unfolded cot with a thin mattress. Nikki sat on its edge, eyes fixed on Scarlett. She tapped her right foot rapidly.

"C'mon, sis," the toxtricity whispered. "Wake up. Please."

Oh. Guess that performance a couple chapters ago took more out of Scarlett than I thought it did. Kinda wonder if this should've been hinted at more in Ch. 53, though.

Igneous knocked on the open door. "I brought a couple of leppas."

Nikki looked up and scrutinized the grovlazzle's appearance. "The hell's with the body paint? Pretty sure there are sluttier holowear outfits."

"You're a riot," Igneous deadpanned.

Igneous: "Look, it's a long story that may or may not have involved a deal with the devil. Let's worry about it sometime after Scarlett's feeling healthy again, okay?" >_>;

"Did you get messed up by Eterna junk?" Nikki raised a brow like she already knew the answer.

"Yeah." Lying was easier at this point.

I mean, for all you know, you're technically not lying since you don't know what on earth Ahsen's power with that Honedge husk came from, but...

"Damn." Nikki dug her fingers into the mattress' plastic cover. "I, uh—"

Igneous stayed silent. If he told Nikki he went to Starlene's concert, she'd no doubt press him for details. It wasn't his place to tell her what learned about Scarlett. Not when the toxtricity had finally reunited with her.

This feels like an absolutely terrible idea that's going to wind up biting everyone in the rear later.

"Got careless," the grovlazzle said, shaking his head. "And that freak Xeromus got the jump on me."

Watch as Xeromus just casually deconfirms this the next time he crosses paths with the gang.

The name sent a wave of recognition crashing over Nikki. "I see." The toxtricity's mane crackled. "Was he in Vellguarde, too?"

"Yeah. I tried fighting him, but then that giant robot showed up and he fled." At least that was the truth.

Nikki: "Weird. Is he not on the same team as the Eterna guys or something? Since with how much he goes on about 'Natus'-" 🤨
Igneous: "Nikki, I'm getting to it, okay?"

"Well, next time we better get his ass," Nikki growled. "Why can't you call in your yakuza buddies you apparently have?" She shook her head in disbelief. "That 'family business' bit you dropped back in Horizon? Hell of a double meaning."

Igneous scowled. "You think I was going to talk about the Ryujin when Vegna could have been listening?"

Nikki: "... Yes? Aren't yakuza types supposed to be brazen enough to have public listings in telephone directories?"

Igneous: "Nikki, I'm not calling them in in front of the freaking Grim Reaper!"

Nikki's mohawk sparked again. "I think you should've brought it up at some poin—"


For a sec, I read that as 'mrgrgr'. But looks like Scarlett's up.

The dragonair squirmed on the bed. Nikki scooched closer. "Sis? Sis, can you hear me?"

Scarlett blinked several times. "Ni... kki?"

Scarlett: "Um... h-hi? And how much do you know about what I've been up to for the past few years?"

"Give her some space, will ya?" Igneous growled. Nikki relented, but not without frowning at the grovlazzle. He ignored her disapproval and knelt down by the side of the bed. "Heya." Igneous held up the leppas. "Thought you might be hungry."

Scarlett's snout twitched. "Where are we?"

"Back in Scale City," Igneous replied. "You passed out after finishing your song."

Scarlett: "Wow, already? How on earth did we-?" .-.
Igneous: "Waypoint."
Scarlett: "... Right. That's a thing in this setting."

"Ah." Scarlett grabbed each leppa with her mouth and set them next to her. She bit into a quarter of one. Red juice dribbled on the mattress and trickled down her blue scales. "But the big robot's gone, right?"

Igneous nodded. "I think your song gave the people fighting it the boost they needed." He sat down and scooted back to give the dragonair some more space. "Though that apparition you summoned... why Latias?"

Ah yes, time to find out how cognizant Scarlett is of the experimentation done on her. Since we as readers know the cause of this from the opening, buuuuut...

Scarlett almost choked on her bite of leppa. "L... Latiwhonow?"

Nikki's brow furrowed. "Yeah, I'm with her. The hell's a latias?"

I'm feeling pretty good about that prediction that the Ryujin are of Aeon but not in it, since it would explain a few things about how Igneous is cognizant of the dead dragon legendary that a dragon born and raised in Radiance is not.

"A red and white dragon with pointy wings and a long neck." Igneous wasn't sure how else he could describe it. Maybe a comparison? "Kinda resembles a dragapult's head, actually." He shook his head. "It's one of the Sages in Aeon scriptures. Has a twin brother that's blue and white. Latios."

Yeah, feeling really good about that prediction. Since that is a lot of knowledge about the Aeons given that a literal dragon from Radiance is completely in the dark about all this.

"Wow. Real creative naming." Nikki rolled her eyes. "Lemme guess, the Sages of Brotherhood and Sisterhood?"

Igneous blinked a few times. "Pretty sure that's actually right."

Really now? I would've pegged them as the Sages of 'stealing things and running away really quickly' given that one questline from RBDX. :V

Scarlett stiffened. She proceeded to eat the second leppa much faster than the first.

"So, wait, you summoned Latias?" Nikki looked at Scarlett. "Like how Yuna summons Crotch Fuzz and Space Noodle?"

Scarlett: "I... U-Uh... M-Maybe?" O_O;

Igneous had to admit, it sure looked similar, but he preferred to keep that to himself. "Hard to say." The more he chewed on it, however, the more Igneous wondered if his bringing up Nikki to Scarlett somehow led to the dragonair summoning Latias.

The toxtricity squinted at him, then looked at Scarlett. "Did you get tossed into the distortion or something?"

Scarlett tensed. Her tiny wings folded tightly against her head. "No," she whispered.

Oh, so the awful truth is coming out to Nikki this chapter, huh?

"Then what happened?" Nikki leaned over. "I've been so damn worried about you. I went to Horizon after you disappeared and I kept searching for you. I was so sure Vortex did something to you."

This was bad. Igneous needed to say something. "Nikki—"

She didn't hear him. "So, spill, sis." Nikki's mohawk frazzled. "Why did you disappear?"

Igneous: "Um... Nikki? Maybe it'd be for the best to let Scarlett take it easy and-"

Nikki: "Can it, Twiggy. Scarlett was about to say something, she might as well get things off her chest now."
Scarlett: "I'm a snake with wings. Since when do we have 'chests'-?"
Nikki: "Whatever, you get what I meant."

"I... I..." Scarlett's eyes darted around.

Nikki leaned closer. "What's the matter? It's... it's me, sis. You can tell me what happened."

I can already feel the
energy in the air right now.

Igneous reached to grab Nikki by her leather jacket when Scarlett's neck bauble glowed. The grovlazzle shrank back from the light, as did Nikki.

The toxtricity gasped. "The hell?"

"Can she really tell you?"

Song title related to the timeline? Or did this happen further back than 18-ish months ago?

Igneous sucked in a sharp breath. That voice...

The light faded. Starlene stood in front of Scarlett on the mattress, looking down at Nikki with a stern expression.

Cue the ranting angrish about "You stole my songs!" in 3... 2...

Silence hung over the room as confusion spread over Nikki's face. She opened and closed her mouth several times. Igneous debated whether or not to feign shock, but couldn't figure out what was going through Nikki's head. Neither could Scarlett, judging by the dragonair's unwillingness to stop looking at the corner of the bed.

Nikki held her right hand up, then lowered it. She leaned left, trying to look past Starlene. The meloetta hovered right, arms crossed. "Let me make it simple for you," she said. "It's exactly what you think it is."

Oh yeah, that's a good omen for Nikki and Scarlett's friendship making it past this scene intact. Not.

More silence followed. Igneous figured Nikki was at a loss for words, because when she finally spoke up, all she could manage was a meek, "Why?"

Well, that turned out better than I expected, since I was expecting more angry shouting right about there.

Scarlett glanced at Nikki and saw the hurt on her face. Her neck bauble flickered and Starlene sighed. "She did it for herself."

Again, Nikki didn't immediately respond. Igneous thought it quite uncharacteristic of her to choose her words, or lack of them, so carefully. Scarlett must have meant even more to the toxtricity than Igneous realized.

Igneous: "So, uh... How are you holding up, Nikki?"

Igneous: "Yeah, I kinda figured." ._.;

"That doesn't tell me anything." Nikki fought to avoid sounding confrontational. She tugged uneasily at her jacket sleeves.

Igneous hated this painfully uncomfortable silence, but the grovlazzle was torn between telling Nikki the full truth and respecting Scarlett's privacy. He looked at the shaggy brown carpet, silently willing Scarlett to find her voice... or at least have Starlene say more on her behalf.

No, no, you really want to have Scarlett say this herself and not through Starlene given Nikki's... uh... opinions about Starlene.

"She couldn't put up with all the harassment at Horizon," the meloetta finally said. "But she didn't want to return to Blightsmuth a failure. So, when Vortex approached her with an offer to become a pop sensation, she took it." Starlene glanced at Scarlett, who still avoided everyone else's eye contact. "I'm what resulted. A part of Scarlett, yet not." She put her hand to her chest. "In essence... I'm the ideal version of Scarlett that she wishes she could be."

Boy is life in Radiance warped if its residents find themselves idealizing bodies that aren't natural to them and radically different in layout and attribute. Though it makes me wonder if this is a recurring trend among Radiant dragonmons.

I guess that's one way to put it, Igneous figured. However, a sudden flurry of sparks quickly told the grovlazzle it was not what Nikki wanted to hear. He scooted back across the floor and hopped to his feet.

"Ideal self?" Nikki stood up, mohawk turning red. "What's ideal about working for Vortex?!"

See, this is why you should've said these things directly and not through Starlene, Scarlett.

Igneous: "Nikki, you do realize that Scarlett just told you that she was effectively bullied out of school in Horizon, right? Like I get that Vortex sucks, but I dunno, is it really that impossible to believe that she'd want some sort of escape from that-?"

Nikki: "Shut up, Twiggy! Nobody asked you!"

"Nikki." Igneous hesitantly stepped toward the toxtricity, then jumped back a second later, narrowly dodging a swipe from her electrified right hand.

"Don't 'Nikki' me, Twiggy!" she hissed, not taking her eyes off Scarlett. "I went through the same shit when I went to Horizon to try and find you! But I refused to take it, just like Shredder taught us!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. Her mohawk flared. "Why didn't you say something? We're sisters, we—"

Pride, as Scarlett mentioned earlier about not wanting to come home a failure.

"Because of our dream, Nikki!"

Starlene rippled with static. She glanced at Scarlett, who still faced the corner of the room despite being the one who shouted. The meloetta's eyes flickered blue.

Igneous again tried to step between them. "Maybe we should all just take a minute or two?"

Cue Igneous getting punted out of the way by Nikki in

This time, Nikki and Starlene glared at him. "Butt out!" they said in unison. The grovlazzle stepped back, biting down on the inside of his cheek, as silence took over the room once more. Nikki and Starlene stared each other down until the toxtricity spoke up.

Wew, managing to get both sides of a dispute mad at you. Though yeah, I guess I was onto something about Nikki and Scarlett's friendship having problems after the end of this scene.

"Our dream?"

"Of superstardom," Starlene responded, crossing her arms. "Even when your old act found some success, there was always this doubt Scarlett had about her own role in that."

"What are you talking about?" Nikki's mohawk slowly faded back to its normal yellow. "They loved your voice!"

Oh, so Scarlett felt overshadowed and went full green-eyed monster on Nikki, which encouraged her to make the jump, huh?

"But they didn't love her looks," Starlene quickly countered. "And a year at Horizon made it abundantly clear to her: as long as she looked the way she did, she'd never reach that dream."

So, it was more than the bullying getting to her? Igneous couldn't tell if Scarlett was tweaking her explanation for Nikki's sake or not.

I guess I should be wholly unsurprised that Scarlett was burning her biological body out in the back of a trailer for the past who-knows-how-many-years. Since if she started to view her Dragonair body as a millstone to her dreams to begin with... why would she feel an urge to take care of it?

"That doesn't change anything." Anger simmered behind Nikki's words, muted compared to earlier. "You should've talked to me. Talked to Shredder." She dug her hands into her jacket pockets. "Instead you went to Vortex?"


Nikki: "But you-! And-! Why?!"

"Yes, she did. I already explained it," Starlene said. "She thought that, with Vortex's help, you two could still reach your dreams."

"But I wanted to reach it with you, Scarlett!" Nikki tried to push past Starlene, but the meloetta blocked her off. "Are you even listening to this? Why can't you say it directly to my face?" Her mohawk darkened. "I deserve better than this... this glorified mouthpiece!"

Told you you shouldn't have used Starlene to say this, Scarlett.

Grimacing, Scarlett finally made eye contact with the toxtricity. "It's not like I knew Vortex was gonna give me kooky hypno powers!"

"Forget that shit!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. "What about the lyrics you wrote? Stupid bubbly, suck up nonsense!"

Scarlett totally didn't write those lyrics on her own, didn't she? Since I know how manufactured pop stars work in reality, and she literally was one.

"I know that!" Scarlett tensed up further. "But I put up with it because it was a stepping stone. I knew if I could just ride things out enough, I could tell you the truth and we could link up properly as a new, better act."

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I didn't want a new act?" Nikki's mohawk got even more jagged. Igneous didn't dare step toward her. "I liked what we had. I wanted more of that."

Wait, so Nikki liked their Bubblegum Pop phase? Or is that also something that she's dumping on Scarlett about here at the moment?

"But you would never get more of that," Starlene countered, crossing her arms. "Not as long as Scarlett remained a dragon."

I mean... considering the absolute state of society in Radiance, that probably was accurate short of introducing rock to Aeon and making it catch on there.

Igneous reacted a moment too late. Nikki's mohawk erupted into a mix of red and purple as she shouted, "Shut up!" and her lightning guitar appeared in her right hand. Starlene's body rippled and she threw an arm over her face to shield herself from all the sparks. Scarlett shrank back further, coiling toward the far corner of the bed.

Oh, so this conversation did ultimately wind up going into the "screaming match" direction. Even if it took a bit longer than I expected to get here.

"Cool it, Nikki," Igneous said. The grovlazzle hesitantly stepped forward, only to jump back when Nikki whirled on him.

"You knew... didn't you?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Knew what?"

"About all of this!" The toxtricity gestured at Scarlett and Starlene.

Igneous: "Uh... do you want the answer you'd like to hear, or...?"

Nikki: "Oh my god, Twiggy! Just stop beating around the bush and fess up already!"

Igneous wasn't sure whether the truth or a lie would make things any worse, so he opted for the former. "I knew some of it. Because I was at the Starlene concert that got sabotaged. I found her in a trailer and... took her away, in a manner of speaking."

A tense silence emerged while Nikki looked back and forth between everyone else. Her mohawk and lightning guitar continued to send a shower of sparks onto the shaggy floor and plastic-coated mattress.

Scarlett: "... Igneous? You're able to summon those Volcarona wings and fly away right now, right? Since I kinda get the feeling that we should be far, far away from here right now."

Eventually, the guitar evaporated and her mohawk faded back to yellow. The toxtricity jammed her hands into her pockets. "Move aside, Twiggy," she said.

"You're leaving?"

"No, I'm going to walk into the damn wall." Nikki glared at him. "Of course I'm leaving. Now, move or I'll make you move."

That seems ever so slightly ill-advised given that Igneous is laden with unholy glitch power right about now, but... uh... yeah, probably for the best to give Nikki some space.

Sighing, Igneous stepped aside. Nikki stormed past him. Her footsteps quickly grew more distant. Right when Igneous looked to move toward the bed, however, a loud thud echoed from the hallway. The grovlazzle quickly darted out the door and looked to his right.

He found a jagged, fist-shaped hole in the wall by the staircase door. Tiny bits of poison trickled down from the hole, eating away at the dull gray wallpaper.

Igneous: "Oh that one's gonna be fun to explain to dad when he sees it."

Yuna finished wiping away the last tears from her damp eyes. She had no idea how long she cried for after telling her mother to leave. Rhythmic ticking told her a clock was somewhere in the small room, but she didn't care to find it. Instead, the drakloak remained on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Its rough texture brought the sand of the desert city Team Bastion helped to mind.

Oh, so Yuna did lose her composure after that last scene of hers in 53. I kinda figured that things would've gotten to her, even if she held up better than I expected with others present in the room with her.

Who am I? Yuna ran her right hand over the Soul Dew. Why am I even here?

Oh hey, it's Zidane's same existential dilemma from Disc 3-ish FF9.

The more she thought about it, the more jumbled her situation got. A Soul Dew possibly belonging to Bahamut's dead mate had bonded with her, yet she could open rifts between places like Gene and Noctum with their Malice powers. She kept seeing visions of the dead mate's time with Bahamut, but then she summoned daemonic ghost wings when she got angry.

... And none of that even considered how Leo fit into this messy picture.

Yeah, that's what I'd like to know too. Since Paradigm treats Yuna as if she's flatly Chiron. But how on earth did Chiron go from a Lunala to a Giratina... thing?

Yuna threw her hands over her face and shouted, "Arrrgh! I hate this! I hate it so much!" She smacked her right hand against the floor. "I want to go back!"

Cecil: "Wait, to being a space rock?"

Yuna: "To not knowing about any of this! To just being a normal princess!" >.<

Back to simpler times living in the castle in Drasbraznav and getting annoyed at her many siblings' antics. Hell, she would even take being bedridden with sickness again!

Yeah, I figured that would be about Yuna's reaction there.

Maybe being broken out of a crystal is why I was so sick to begin with.

Dark, but it's certainly plausible given that getting separated from that crystal had to be quite the shock.

The drakloak grabbed her Soul Dew and tugged. Her ectoplasm jiggled uncomfortably. Yuna relented, groaning. She forced Rayquaza and Reshiram's presences away... for, like, the tenth time since her mother had left. Even if they had good intentions, Yuna didn't want to hear from them. She just wanted to be alone.

Yuna: "Seriously, can I just go on strike from the plot and run away to another story at this rate?"

Gallian: "Given that thou art our main hope at staving off an omniversal disaster, that would be fairly ill-advised, Princess." ^^;

"Oh, hey, is this the room where we lie around and feel like garbage?"

Huh, wasn't expecting the Danganronpa music there. Though ohai, Nikki.

Yuna tilted her head back slightly to find Nikki's upside-down form in the doorway. She held her swollen right hand in her left.


Yuna: "Nikki, what did you do?" O_O
Nikki: "Punched a hole into a wall. Don't mind it, it happens."

The toxtricity's shoulders sagged. "Never mind. If anyone asks, you didn't see me." She turned to leave.

Yuna rolled onto her stomach. "No, w-wait! I—" She reached her right arm out even though it wouldn't do anything. "You just surprised me, that's all."

Oh, so Yuna does want company right now.

"So, you do feel like garbage?" Nikki looked back over her shoulder.

The drakloak deflated. "I think garbage actually feels better than me right now."

- Meanwhile, just outside the window, a Garbodor does a Michigan J. Frog routine on a Scale City street -
Nikki: "Huh, no kidding there-"
Yuna: "Nikki, you know what I meant." >_>;

Nikki walked inside the room, heading right past Yuna. "That's a mood." She stopped by the same cabinet Yiazmat had pulled the sparkling water out of earlier. It was still open. Nikki crouched down and, judging by all the clinking glass Yuna heard, rummaged around. "What happened to you? Mom get on your case?"

Yuna: "I found out that I fell from the sky in some freaky crystal thing, my entire purpose in life is to be stuck to this accursed Soul Dew, oh and I was adopted and my parents never told me about it until an hour ago."

Nikki: "... And your mom got on your case too, right?"

Yuna inched her way across the floor, phased through the same chair she sat in earlier, and popped up on it. She lay her rectangular head on the armrest closest to Nikki. "If 'get on your case' means 'admitted she lied to you your whole life,' then yes."

Yeah, I figured. And this section is unintentionally lulzy if you read it right after the past cutaway gag.

The toxtricity paused with her left arm still wedged into the cabinet. "Sounds serious."

"Turns out I'm adopted. An orphan found in a crystal, not an egg." Yuna didn't realize she admitted it so casually until it was already out in the open. "... oh."

Nikki: "At least you don't worry about having to find your original parents?" ^^;
Yuna: "..."

Nikki: "Right, should've known better than to think that would lift your mood."

Nikki slowly pulled her left arm out and thrust a clear bottle at Yuna. "Here. Think you need this more than I do."

Yuna stared at the blue label with little wingull stickers outlining it. "Sack-eee?"

Oh, it's sake. And I can already tell that Yuna's going to hate this since sake is really strong as a spirit and very much an acquired taste.

"It's, like, made from rice. Label says it's sweet." Nikki uncorked the bottle and filled a small glass. She placed it on the armrest by Yuna's head.

The drakloak snout twitched. "Is this, like, wine or something?" She didn't think it was the best idea to drink that when she already felt crummy.

Nikki: "

Look, you know that 'mead' you've got back home? This is comparable to a strong version of that, just probably doesn't taste as sweet since it's not made from honey."

"It's got an alcohol measurement." Nikki twisted the bottle for Yuna to better see the "twenty percent alcohol by volume" on the label. "Nature's painkiller." She lifted the bottle up and took a swig directly from it. Her mohawk frazzled. "Eeegh. Yeah, that's sweet. Not my preferred thing, but beggars can't be choosers."

How often has Nikki gotten drunk anyways? Though it sounds like they're most likely drinking a nigori sake, since the taste and ABV are all consistent with a stronger one of those. Probably a good thing that Nikki brought this along instead of a dry sake, though, since that definitely would take some getting used to for someone used to mead as a default cultural drink.

Yuna stared at the cup Nikki poured her. Nature's painkiller, huh?

Technically, she had a headache from... all of this nonsense.

To hell with it.

inb4 the label on the bottle is 'Drunken Dragon' or something like that, since this sounds like a recipe to get Yuna nice and sloshed in short order since she canonically has not drunk much and going in cold with something comparable to a fortified wine sounds like a recipe for problems.

Yuna threw back the entire glass. A chill ran down her back. The drakloak's ectoplasm rippled. She smacked her lips and blinked a few times. Was her headache dulling already?

"Huh. Not so bad, I guess."

This girl's going to have a killer hangover in the morning, I can already tell.

"Want some more?" Nikki tilted the bottle toward her. Its contents swished inside.

"Uhh, you just drank right out of that," Yuna said, frowning. It was one thing to share a glass with a family member she lived around. This felt a bit different.

"Fine then." The toxtricity shrugged. "More for me."

Okay, how much has Nikki drunk in the past? Since if she's going through a bottle of sake to drown her sorrows like this, it makes me wonder just how frequent these 'medication' episodes are given that she blithely referred to booze as 'nature's painkiller'.

"No, wait." Yuna almost slid over the armrest and onto the floor. She managed to wrap her left hand around the glass and hold it up. "Give."

"That's the spirit." Nikki poured the drakloak another glass. "Heh. Didn't mean for the pun."

That pun was totally intentional, wasn't it?

"Pardon?" Yuna took the glass back with a look of confusion.

"Spirits are a kind of booze, too." Nikki shook her head. "The kind of stuff even poison-types like me can get woozy from."

"Oh." Yuna looked down at her glass. "You, uh, know a bit about that, huh?"

Yeah, I kinda figured, though I suppose it's time to hear from the horse's mouth.

"Only what I've heard the snobs at the academy say," Nikki scoffed. She held the bottle up. "So here's to... shitty birth parents who abandoned us. May they get eaten by Eternatus if they're not already dead."


Oh, so that's Nikki's life story. I guess I should've suspected something like this given how prominent Scarlett and Shredder were in her memories with nothing about her mother or father mentioned.

Yuna winced. That was a bit harsh to say about people neither of them knew. Nevertheless, the drakloak held up her glass and Nikki clinked the bottle against it. She took another swig and Yuna, likewise, down her glass. Her ectoplasm rippled even more.

What does a drunken Drakloak look like anyways?

"Mmm. Another." Yuna held the glass further out. Sake splooshed into it. Yuna downed it just as quickly.

Had the room gotten brighter? Eh, Yuna didn't care. Her inner ectoplasm was warmer. And not the kind of warmth Reshiram's fire made. This warmth was nice. She deflated a bit, brushing her nubby feet against the chair's leather.

Yup, she's getting nice and wasted right about now, since Drakloak is barely larger than a human child and she's just gone through 3 cups of a 20% ABV drink.

"Sounds like a hum of approval to me." Chuckling, Nikki drank more from the bottle. She ran her right arm across her lips. "What did I tell ya? Nature's painkiller."

"Yeah." Yuna's gaze fell toward Nikki's right hand. "What about you? That's not from the fight with the... big robo thingy, right?" Yuna didn't realize her words had a bit of slurring to them.

Called it. Though just how fast did that alcohol go through her system? Since I could've sworn that it normally takes like 15 minutes for the full effect of a drink to kick in for humans.

"Nah." Nikki held up her right hand, then took another sip of sake. "I punched a hole in a wall."

"Whaaa?" Yuna inched forward on her chair. "Why? What did the wall do to you?"

"Erm, Princess, perhaps thou shouldst consider drinking some water instead?"


Gallian: "... Boy doth I hope thine mother doesn't float through the door to see this." ._.;

Shut up, Noodle. Yuna willed Rayquaza's presence away.

Wow, rude. Though it makes me wonder if Yuna is ever going to come to terms with the Sages she's got swirling around in her Soul Dew, since she never has really gotten used to having them around.

The toxtricity shook her head. "You're not the only one who had family lying to your face."

"Family?" Yuna stared blankly at the sake bottle for a bit before the dots connected. "Oh, you mean the other noodle. Airy." She tilted her head slightly, giggling and pushing her glass toward Nikki for another round. "She looked kinda cute. From a distance, anyway."

Ah yes, the obligatory GL nod getting dropped in. And I see you're playing around with another ship, if one being driven heavily by beer goggles at the moment.

Nikki snorted, nearly spilling the sake she poured for Yuna. "Not so cute when you realize she's Starlene," the toxtricity grumbled.

Oh, the 'cute' comment is about Scarlett. I misread that earlier.

Yuna almost spat out the sake, but managed to swallow it. "Whaaaaaaaat? But she doesn't look like Starlene!"

Nikki: "Yeah, story of my life, really."

"It's some kind of psychic shit," Nikki growled. She took another swig of sake. "Point is that Scarlett lied to me. She couldn't even tell the truth to my face. Had to summon Starlene to get all huffy at me." She drank more sake. "Like we hadn't spent our entire lives together or anything! She kept throwing excuses in my face!"

Not that Scarlett wasn't being downright awful to Chiaki/Igneous in Vellguarde Hospital, but I'm not wholly convinced that Scarlett would've arrived at the same destination had she not been effectively bullied out of Horizon Gardens.

"Oh. That's, um, not good." Yuna traced her right hand around the rim of her glass. "No wonder you said you felt like garbage."

A bitter laugh followed. Nikki poured Yuna more sake then took another sip for herself. "That's not even the best part! Wanna know the best part?" She leaned over, gesturing with her swollen right hand.


"Twiggy knew!" Nikki laughed again, then drank more sake. "And he was going to keep his mouth shut if I hadn't pried the truth out of Scarlett."

inb4 Yuna spits her drink out this time.

Yuna flinched. "I see." She slowly drank the glass Nikki poured her. That warmth spread even further through her ectoplasm. "So, you punched the wall instead of him?"

Well, never mind then. Though I hope Lum Berries work on hangovers in this setting, since these girls are going to need the help in the morning.

Nikki blinked a few times. "Damn, I should've punched his stupid sunburnt snout." She drank more from the bottle, then dropped it onto the carpeted floor where it landed with a muffled thud. "You're pretty smart. Maybe I ought to call you Blockhead, since you're not a princess anymore."

Well, Nikki certainly got nice and wasted fast considering this dialogue.

Yuna let out something between a laugh and a squeak at that. She knocked her glass over and it plinked off the empty bottle. The drakloak burst into further laughter, rapping her right hand against the armrest. She had no idea why she was laughing. Nothing was funny about this. Yuna couldn't help herself.

Yes, that's a side effect of going through like 5 glasses of sake when you have the body mass of a human child. I'll frankly be surprised if you don't black out from the alcohol's effects peaking in about 5-10 minutes from this point.

"Okay, okay." Nikki waved her left hand in front of her face, fighting off her own snickers. "I'm putting you down as a giggling drunk."

"I'm not drunk," Yuna said. "I've had mead before!"

Narrator: "She is drunk and only going to get drunker as the alcohol kicks in."

But when the drakloak attempted to float up to demonstrate that she was okay, she wound up sliding over the armrest and faceplanting onto the floor next to the empty glass and sake bottle. "See?" Yuna raised her right arm to save face. "Totally fine."

Nikki: "I rest my case, Blockhead."

Both girls stared at each other silently for a few seconds, before they both burst into laughter. Nikki slouched over in her chair slightly and wiped a couple of tears from her eyes. "Man, I needed that more than I thought. Still want to throttle Twiggy, but I feel a bit better."

Yuna did, too. This didn't change anything about her current predicament, but at least a bit of the weight had lifted from her tiny, ectoplasmic shoulders.

... Or maybe that was the sake. Hard to tell with all the warmth inside her.

Narrator: "It's the sake making her feel the weight lifting from her shoulders."

"Hey, Princess?"

"Yeah?" Yuna looked up at Nikki.

"Let's save the universe, okay?"

Yuna: “Nikki, go home, you’re drunk.”
Nikki: “Heh, look who’s talking, Blockhead…”

Nikki stuck her left arm out. Yuna stared at her closed fist, blinking. "Okay?"

"I mean it. This is our chance to show up these dolts who brush us off and lie to our faces. You feel me?"

Yuna stared at Nikki's fist for a little while longer, before she reached her own hand out and bumped it. "Let's save the universe."

Cute, though I can already see the frantic attempts at a takeback when Yuna's a bit more sober.

Alright, made it to the end. This felt basically like an aftermath / transitional chapter, though I honestly am kinda surprised that Yuna hasn't done something like this drinking episode in the 50+ chapters prior to this since she's been under a lot of stress and pressure all this time. Guess even she has her limits.

I liked the character exploration in this chapter, where we got to see a bit more about who Nikki and Yuna are as persons, even if I kinda winced a little at how naturally Yuna is taking to running roughshod over the Sages she's been collecting. As for weaknesses... I don't think that much stood out other than that it might have been nice to have a bit more explicit leadup to some of the things that happened, since it admittedly took me a while to register that Igneous and Scarlett were in Scale City, much less that Scarlett was worn out badly enough to need to be cared for in the wake of summoning Latias.

But in the end, I don't think that those issues were really enough to take me out of things. It was a chapter that burned a few bridges and drowned some sorrows in strong booze, and it did both of those things pretty well. So kudos on that front @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to seeing the inevitable fallout in about a week.
Chapter 55: Type: Full of It


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 55: Type: Full of It

All personnel, please be advised of an uptick in Ruinous Whispers in the realms neighboring POV-2020.

As a reminder, worlds plagued by instabilities will find souls leaking into Ginnungagap. These spirits are shackled by the chaotic space-time energy of the cosmic mystery dungeon, transforming into vicious beasts we've dubbed "Ruinous Whispers." The Whispers will mutate into distorted versions of pokémon classically associated with destructive myths permeating the omniverse.

Those who have dealt with dimensions containing incarnations of Cipher suggest this process bears similarity to the "shadowfication" of pokémon in those universes. Thus, if you
can pacify a Whisper, you should try to. However, if the situation is too dangerous, defeating a Whisper in battle will eject it back out into Ginnungagap or, if you're already there, will temporarily destroy it until it reforms in a random location a quarter-cycle later.


Seifer never thought he'd miss Bogdan's sticky, tar-filled atmosphere, yet somehow all the dirt carried by Chakran gusts and breezes had him longing to return to the humid factory. Dust coated his pelt and mane, both badly disheveled and in need of a good shower and brushing. By Calliope's sword, he yearned to have his uniform back, shielding his tan fur from the elements.

But no, he got fired. And it turned out the cause he'd dedicated all his life to wasn't so noble after all.

This was all the keldeo could chew on while he sat atop the mesa, watching the resistance's two real members gesticulate wildly at one another, the strange, Xeromus-like creature lying on the ground, and the smoldering remnants of one of Cyril's laptops.

Apparently, this "type: full" creature had security measures the likes of which Cyril had never seen before. Because the moment he tried to access its so-called databanks — which Seifer found disturbing since the thing sure looked alive, but apparently it was actually a machine? — his laptop went up in flames, forcing Artemis to douse it with water. Gene sent himself away through a rift and returned several minutes later with a new laptop... and the two descended into their current argument.

"... you expect me to do here. Paradox took the term firewall a bit too literally," Cyril growled, throwing up his white-furred arms in exasperation.

"Then let me do a little psychic probing." Gene tapped his right temple. "I bet I can put a stop to it."

Cyril rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Gene's left shoulder. "Whatever copium you're huffing, gimme some, Boss Kitty. Psionics don't translate to hard code." He paused. "Okay, maybe they do in video games or movies, but this is real life."

"Well, we gotta do something." Gene crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the dusty ground. "I can't leave him asleep indefinitely."

Quetzal stuck his right leg out and cleared his throat. "Can't we just, y'know, destroy him?"

"No!" Gene hissed, tail lashing at the air.

"But he tried to kill you with a giant centiskorch robot!" Quetzal's feathers puffed out. "He's clearly not on our side! I say we disassemble him and—"

"Not happening!" Gene's eyes and Malice Crystal flickered purple. The orange zapdos shrank back.

"Sheesh, it was just a suggestion."

One that a part of Seifer agreed with. When someone threatened the lives of Radiant Guardsmon, the keldeo could use any means to stop them. Even if it meant ending the enemy's life.

But that thing is our prisoner now. Seifer looked at the type: full's weird, empty red and purple body and bit his lip.

"How much of this is because you look at this guy and see Nova?" Cyril wondered, raising a brow.

Gene's tail twitched. "That's— he has nothing to do with this."

Seifer swore he saw the mewtwo's dark gray cheeks redden. He sighed and turned around, figuring he had nothing to contribute.

"How long have they been going at it?" Jade wondered, waddling over with Leo at her side.

"Too long." Seifer slouched over, sighing. "They're getting nowhere." He stared at the ground, blinking a few times. "Wait, how are you even here, anyway? And how did you leave to fight the Seekerskorch?" The keldeo thought Jade had to stay in Eternatus for her own safety.

"Oh, that? Cyril gave me a quick fix. Check it!" Jade spun around and lifted up her tail.

"What are you doing?!" Seifer turned away, eyes squeezed shut. "I didn't ask you to accost me!"

"Aww, don't be such a stiff!" Jade giggled. "Just a little crystal strapped to my tail."

Seifer poked an eye open. As Jade implied, a tiny Malice Crystal sat in the middle of a harness wrapped around the base of her tail.

Leo had a better view and tilted his head curiously. "So, it's a butt harness?"

"What? Nonono!" The salugia lowered her tail and waved her wings in front of her face.

"It totally is!" Leo snorted with laughter.

"No, it's a tail harness!" Jade puffed her cheeks out. "People with big tails use them for saddlebags and stuff!"

"And your tail grows out of your butt!" The cosmic arceus turned around and wagged his small starcloud tail at Jade.

"Oi, pipe down, children!" Gene growled. "The adults are trying to think over here!"

Leo's starcloud pelt dimmed and he lowered his head guiltily. Jade pouted at the mewtwo and Seifer rolled his eyes. "You can't blame Leo. We're all sitting around while you two argue about technologic jargon." The keldeo brushed his right forehoof across the ground. "Why don't you both take a step back and cool off?"

"This is time-sensitive, Pony-boy," Gene countered, jerking his head at his slumbering captive.

"Why won't you let him wake up?" Leo wondered, having approached the type: full with a curious glint in his eyes.

Gene pinched his brow. "Because he'll try to hurt us if we do. That's why I need Cyril to look into his..." His voice trailed off. "Cyril can look at his mind and figure out what Paradox did to make it all mean and nasty. But the emperor has protected his mind, so it's dangerous for us to try."

Leo looked between Gene and the pilot. "Listen, Leo." Jade extended her left wing in front of him. "Let's leave the grumps to grump it out with each other."

"... I can't."

Seifer's horn flickered. "Kid, this doesn't concern you."

"It does."

A sudden chill ran down the keldeo's spine. Leo had a seriousness to his voice Seifer had never heard from the cosmic arceus.

"He feels... familiar." Leo stepped forward again. "I have to help him." His starcloud mane glowed a bit brighter. "No, I need to."

"Whoa, time out." Gene held his hands up in a T. "Weren't you listening to me? This guy's dangerous. I'm not letting some kid do any whacky voodoo to this type: full."

A massive weight pressed down on Seifer's shoulders. Neighing in surprise, his legs buckled.

"The hell?!" Cyril gasped as he suddenly faceplanted. Jade, Gene, and Quetzal also dropped to their knees.

"We're connected," Leo said. His eyes brimmed with strange golden light. The same energy surrounded his wheel and the tips of his hooves. Leo stepped up to the pilot's side, but Seifer couldn't so much as move a muscle to stop him. It was like someone had piled dumbbells on his back... or turned gravity up so high it would crush him into a keldeo pancake!

Leo took a deep breath and lifted his right forehoof.


(Art by @Dragonfree)

"Bediyaan tod do!"

The intense weight lifted from Seifer's body. He sucked in a sharp breath while a golden pulse rippled through the pilot's body. Black, wispy fur filled the once-empty red and purple torso, brightening to a cosmic purple along his hind legs. Gold crescents, much like the ones around Leo's neck, protruded from his hind legs. Gold trimming encased the pilot's forelegs, tail, beak, and headcrest.


(Art by Inku.)

While Leo stepped back, a blue and purple nebula swirled around the pilot's neck, matching the ones in the arceus' head and tail.

"You idiot!" Gene hopped to his feet, Malice Crystal flaring red. "What did you do?!"

Loud beeping drew Seifer's attention left. Cyril spun around and stared at his laptop screen, which had a new window with a rapidly filling progress bar.

"What in the—" The ghostly zoroark practically lunged for his laptop. "I'm in?" He knelt down by the laptop as windows flooded the screen, bathing Cyril in gray and white light. "I don't believe it! Databank uploading!" He looked over his shoulder at Leo, utterly bewildered. "What did you do, kid?"

Leo looked between the pilot and Cyril. "His soul was wrapped up in heavy chains. I broke them."

Seifer tilted his head. What was that supposed to mean? Well, whatever it was left Gene staring dumbly at the pilot, mouth agape. He silently raised his right arm and pushed his jaw shut.

"You have it too, Mr. Zoroark," Leo said, lowering his head sadly. "It feels different, but I can hear your soul crying under the chains."

"Eh?" Cyril's red-tipped hair crinkled. "Look, kid, I'm not interested in any of your fancy light shows. I'm fine the way things are." He held his arms out.

"You're not, though." Leo spoke with surprising conviction again. "You can't use moves or anything, can you? I can sense it. Strange energy wrapping itself around your soul."

Seifer caught the longing in Cyril's eyes for the briefest second. The white zoroark hastily regained a neutral expression, but the damage was done. His white fur flickered. Leo's expression sharpened.

"Please let me help," he whispered.

Cyril looked at his right hand. Flexed his red claws. Then he stuck his right arm out. "Just make it quick," he mumbled.

Seifer stepped forward. "Hang on, Cyril. Are you sure about this?"

But Leo acted quicker than Cyril could respond. He placed his right forehoof in Cyril's hand and, once again, a golden pulse rippled through Cyril's body.

"Gah!" The zoroark was unprepared for the bright light, which turned his white fur black as night and his mane the same blue-purple as Leo's. Cyril held his arms up and stared at their yellow claws and red gemstones. "What did you do?! I didn't ask for a makeover!"

Leo winced. "I, um... I unchained your soul, but it was crying out for so long it didn't have a lot of power of its own. So, I shared some of mine?"


(Art by JungaBeast.)

"Seriously?" Cyril turned around, looking at the constellation-like yellow markings on his fur. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

It was Seifer's turn to gawk now, utterly transfixed by the now-cosmic zoroark standing there and brushing Leo off with a flick of his left hand before turning back and sitting by his laptop with a determined look on his face.

"Dude, is your horn glowing?"

Seifer's tail bristled. He shuffled away from Jade. "Don't be ridiculous! It... it's a prosthetic!"

"It was totally glowing!" the salugia chirped. "It's okay if you're jealous. I won't tell." She elbowed the air next to the keldeo, winking. Seifer stomped away from her in a huff.

"Well, what's in these files or memories or whatever?" Seifer asked Cyril.

"Seriously? I need time to parse through all this shit." Cyril threw his arms up in exasperation.

"We don't have that," Gene said. "The pilot's waking up."

"What?" Cyril's black-furred body flickered red for a moment. Seifer raised his brows. "Put him back to sleep, then!"

"Can't." Gene flicked his right wrist out. Nothing happened. "Whatever Boy Wonder did to him is stopping my Hypnosis."

"But you can restrain him, right?" Quetzal crouched down, ready to spring into action if things took a turn for the worst. Seifer, however, bit his lip. Maybe they needed to not default to violence here?

The pilot's eyes opened. "What... happened?" He stretched his legs out, joints popping. His voice sounded significantly less mechanical than when he piloted the Seekerskorch.

Everyone stood in silence, waiting to see what the pilot would do. To Seifer's surprise, Gene knelt down by him. "Hey," he said.

"You!" the pilot squawked. His attempts at scrambling to his feet only led to him tumbling back from the mewtwo, legs flailing. The pilot stared at his golden forelegs and his gold beak went agape. "What did you do to me?" His starcloud swirled rapidly around his neck. "Back off or I'll... I'll..."


Gene held his hands up and stepped back from the pilot. Seifer wondered if Gene had somehow read his mind about taking a gentler approach. He glanced at the others and found them all shuffling further away from the pilot, save for Leo. The cosmic arceus sat down, eyeing the type: full with interest while his starcloud tail swished against the dusty ground.

The pilot finally got to his feet. "Whatever you're trying, it's not gonna work!" he huffed. "Father will come and get me. And he'll toss you in prison where you belong!"

Gene looked up at the sky. The sun had nearly set, leaving a sprawling purple-red sky filled with stars and two of Chakran's moons. "Yeah, you're free to believe that, but it's not happening," the mewtwo said, tail lazily drifting back and forth.

"Like I care what a filthy rebel thinks!" the type: full spat. His cheek bolts revved in their sockets.

Chuckling, Gene lifted his left arm and sniffed. "Guess it has been a bit since my last shower. But filth or not, it's more than a thought." He scratched the side of his face, glancing at the others. "You guys must realize it too, right? What the emperor did... or, rather, didn't do?"

Seifer frowned. What point was there in acting cryptic?

Then it hit the keldeo.

"Paradox never sent any backup," Seifer said. "Even when things turned in our favor."

"Oh yeah." Jade clapped her wings together, then held up her left index digit. "And after we broke your big robo-thingy and were all tired and stuff, he didn't even try to send reinforcements to jump us or rescue you."

The pilot didn't flinch at Seifer's statement, but Jade's explanation gave him pause. His eyes darted around frantically, like he was grasping for an excuse just out of reach.

"That's... because I'm... a hero." The pilot's starcloud dimmed, along with his eyes. "Father sent me on my own... so no one else would have to get hurt!"

"No one else getting hurt?" Emboldened, Seifer stepped forward. "Do you even know what you shot at with your machine?"

"People imprisoning Eternatus," the type: full said, trying to sound confident.

The keldeo forced himself to stay calm and avoid shouting his counterargument. "No. They were refugees. People who lost their homes because your father attacked their city."

"Because you all are keeping our home trapped in your planet!" the pilot said, though he kept glancing around nervously.

"That happened a very long time ago," Jade said, trying to make her voice gentle. She waddled up to Seifer's side. "All of the people on Etherium right now? They have nothing to do with Eternatus." She placed her left wing against her chest. "I know... because I'm one of the ones who sealed it. Me and my friends."

Seifer couldn't help quirking a brow. Hadn't Jade forgotten her time as a Sage? I guess she doesn't need to remember the details to say that.

"You're lying." The pilot's voice trembled. "Father taught me not to trust outworlders. He knew you'd try to sway me with twisted words!"

"We're not lying." Seifer shook his head. "My kingdom — the one you attacked unprovoked — lied to us about Eternatus for generations. I was taught that Eternatus was defeated, not sealed. All the people you tried to attack were taught the same."

Wincing, the pilot stepped back. "No. That's not right. Because I'm a hero! I'm... Eternatus' protector!" He shook his black-furred head. "Heroes don't hurt the innocent! You guys have to be guilty. Father is—"

"If your father really cares that much about you, why did he include a remote self-destruct sequence only he could trigger?"

Seifer pivoted left, flashing Cyril a worried look. The cosmic zoroark held his laptop in his right hand, having disconnected it from its crystalline charger. That's a heck of a bluff to make, Seifer thought. Cyril had an impressive poker face.

"Don't you badmouth my father like that!" the pilot snarled. His nebula trickled toward his head crest and tail, almost like they were actually conduits for whatever power Leo had foolishly given the pilot. "He's doing what he can to keep Eternatus afloat!"

"Then why, on top of the self-destruct program, are there a bunch of restricted files detailing a 'battle mode?'" Cyril asked, again holding out his laptop. "He planned to use you as nothing more than a template for mass producing type: fulls... which would help him conquer the entire universe in the name of Eternatus." He put the laptop down and tilted the screen for the pilot to have a better look. "That sound heroic to you?"

Gene stiffened at the mention of mass production. No doubt reminiscing about Nova and his fate. Seifer wondered if Gene was considering the possibility the emperor found Nova's body and... repurposed it to create this type: full. It probably wasn't the case, but Seifer wasn't going to drag Xeromus into this conversation.

The pilot's eyes poured over Cyril's laptop screen. His gold talons dug into the dirt. "This is a trick. You wrote fake things," he muttered. "That's... what zoroark do. They trick and deceive and lie."

Cyril's ears folded against his head. Seifer stomped a forehoof down. "What about the rest of us, huh? You think we'd all lie to you? I'm far from a convincing liar. Cyril and Gene can read me like an open book."

It stung to admit that out loud, but if it meant getting somewhere with this stubborn type: full, Seifer would swallow his pride.

"No. That's..." The pilot shook his head and pawed at the ground. "You have to be lying. If you're not, then... then..."

Small water droplets peppered the dirt under the type: full. Was he crying?

"Tears?" the pilot whispered. "That can't be right. I don't make tears! Heroes don't cry! I—"

The ground trembled. Dirt clumps bounced and pebbles rolled around. "Earthquake!" Jade squawked, hopping into the air with a flap of her wings. "Ladies first!"

Seifer stood at attention, only to shudder as distorted purple light washed across the mesa. The nearby buildings vanished behind fragmented purple light resembling broken glass. "What's going on?" The keldeo whirled on Gene. "What did you do?"

"Me? This ain't me!" Gene raised his right hand, channeling energy from his Malice Crystal. "Nngh. It's not working!"

"Behind you, Boss Kitty!"

The mewtwo looked over his shoulder then, gasping, Phantom Warped up seconds before a blue-purple bolt would have struck him square between the shoulder blades. Seifer backpedaled as the beam swept across the ground. "Jade, protect Leo!" he cried.

"On it!" the salugia replied, swooping down and grabbing hold of the bewildered arceus. Seifer looked toward where he believed the Dragon Pulse came from... and found some sort of floating orb inside what looked like a giant dragon's head.

"That's... a regidrago?" Cyril's mane frazzled. "What's it doing here?"


"Forget that!" Ice swirled around Gene's hands. "Who dunked it in lemon-lime soda?"


The dragon head's empty eye sockets glowed and, within seconds, blue-purple fireballs littered the sky. "Shit!" Gene shot his Ice Beam at Regidrago, who pivoted the dragon head so the snout acted like a shield, deflecting the mewtwo's attack. He Phantom Warped away from the dragonfireballs.

Seifer rolled on his back and blasted water from all four hooves to keep him safe. "Someone want to tell me what a regidrago is?!"

"Isn't it self explanatory?" Jade squawked, setting Leo down a fair distance away from the others. "It's a big ol' dragon head!" Orange energy gathered in her beak.

"Ajagaaaaaar!" The dots in Regidrago's sphere flickered asynchronously. Blue-violet energy gathered around its core.

"I can see that!" Seifer hissed. "But why is this a thing?!" The keldeo rolled back onto his feet and shot an Aura Sphere toward Regidrago. Jade added her orange, conical Aeroblast and Gene shot out another Ice Beam. Regidrago unleashed a large Dragon Pulse and swept it through the air, carving through the trio's attacks and sending Gene flying up to dodge the beam.

"Look around you!" Gene's tail whipped at the air. His eyes glowed pink. Psystrike orbs materialized around Regidrago, whose dragon head eyes glowed yet again. Psychic energy clashed with dragonfire as pink and blue explosions surrounded Regidrago.

Seifer used the opening to launch another Aura Sphere through the smoke. He sorely missed his Secret Sword, but this was the best he could manage with Cyril's prosthetic. "Yeah, it looks like we're surrounded by rifts! What of it?"

Regidrago surged out of the smoke, making a beeline for Gene. The mewtwo summoned his psychic spoon and swiped. Regidrago met the slash with the chin of its dragon head. However, Gene was faster to follow up, striking from another angle to hit Regidrago's core. He unleashed a flurry of spoon slashes, ending with a kick from his ice-encrusted leg straight in the center of Regidrago's dots. It tumbled back through the air with a distorted wail.

"I bet it's some byproduct of the dimensions breaking down," Cyril said, gathering up all his equipment and stuffing it into his blue-purple mane. "Hey, robo-mutt! Do you believe us now?"

Seifer glanced at the pilot, who could only stare dumbfounded at Regidrago. Gene surrounded it with more Psystrike orbs, but a Dragon Pulse emerged from Regidrago's core and swept through most of them. Its eye sockets flickered and dragonfireballs peppered the skies above everyone.

Groaning, Seifer fell onto his back again, but the dragonfireballs were much faster this time. He couldn't Hydro Pump away the ones heading for him and the dragonfire seared his messy flanks. Gritting his teeth, Seifer spun back up to his feet and whipped dirty, sweaty hair out of his eyes.

He filled the air with Icy Wind to try and slow down the frantic thing. Regidrago was too preoccupied meeting Gene's Ice Beam with a Dragon Pulse to pay attention to Seifer's attack. It didn't do much, but Regidrago momentarily lost some of its altitude. Gene's Ice Beam overpowered his Dragon Pulse, covering the dots on its core in a thin sheet of ice.

Gene darted forward, psychic spoon at the ready. He jammed the thing into Regidrago's icy core, which shattered with an audible crash. The mewtwo kicked Regidrago away, letting it fall to the ground with a heavy thud.

Seifer kept his horn trained on it. "Is it dead?" He had no idea how Regidrago worked, but that sure looked like a killing blow.

Gene floated above it, Malice Crystal sparking. "I think it's taken care— damn it!"

The mewtwo opened a rift and reached his right hand into it. Seifer saw a second rift pop up next to the still-stunned type: full. Gene grabbed the pilot and yanked him through the rift mere seconds before Regidrago exploded in a flurry of yellow and violet light. The detonation whipped up enough wind to knock Seifer onto his rump with a startled whinny.

"Yeesh! Talk about a sore loser!" Jade said, having wrapped Leo up with her wings to shield him from the harsh gusts.

Seifer again whipped hair out of his face. With Regidrago's detonation, the strange dome that encased the group faded away, returning Chakran's calming purple and orange sky.

It only stayed calm for a few seconds, however, as shouts quickly followed.

"Good gracious! What happened?!" Cid's buzzing filled Seifer's ears. The orbeetle flew toward the group, with Alder, Artemis, and Kora not far behind him.

"We got attacked, that's what," Quetzal huffed, shaking dust from his feathers.

"Attacked?" Alder raised a brow. "We saw you all vanish into an anomaly!" The braviary glanced at Leo. "Did you save them from it?"

The cosmic arceus shook his head.

"I thought this place was supposed to be safe," Quetzal said, pacing back and forth. "What's going on here?" He looked to Alder and Kora for answers.

"I'm afraid... the dimensional instabilities are getting worse," Kora said, wings curling back up into antennae. "That's the only reasonable explanation."

"Then we have to regroup with the others and come up with a plan!" Quetzal looked at Seifer for support. "Right, Commander?"

But the keldeo was only half paying attention to them. He was more focused on Gene and the pilot. The former set the latter down on the ground.

"You saved me," the type: full whispered.

"I did."

"And you saved me... after destroying the Seekerskorch." His triangular ears folded slightly. "Why?"

Gene's tail crinkled and his malice crystal flickered. "Because you're not my enemy. I'd rather have you as a friend." He stuck his right hand out. "You saw all of that. If someone doesn't put a stop to your father, stuff like that will happen to everyone. Including the people you swore to protect. And I need all the help I can get to prevent it."

The pilot silently looked at Gene's outstretched hand. Seifer held his breath, waiting to see if the mewtwo could actually win this type: full over.

"... I still don't fully trust you," he mumbled, pivoting away slightly. "But I don't want to disappear, either. So, I guess I'm stuck with you for now."

Sighing, Gene pulled his hand back. "Fair enough. You got a name?"

"I am serial number W1-DG3T."

"So, Widget, then. Got it."

Widget narrowed his eyes. "Is that supposed to be clever? I—"


Seifer's tail shot up in alarm. He whirled on Jade, who had knelt down next to Leo. "Leo?" The salugia nudged his side. "Leo, what's wrong?" She nudged him harder.

The cosmic arceus locked eyes with Jade and Seifer for a second, before his pelt and wheel dimmed and he fell over on his side.

That was quickly followed by another thump and a, "Damn it! Gimme a hand, Cyril," from Gene.

When Seifer turned around, he found Cyril running over to Gene, who knelt beside an unconscious Widget.


OSL: Mawrauder of Ruin, Rakman
Whispers taking the form of off-colored regidrago. Though ferocious and fervent attackers, they are single-minded, almost exclusively sticking to dragon-type attacks even when their opponent is a fairy. Do not underestimate them, however. Their Dragon Pulses can carve through mountains with ease.


Path of Valor Almanac
Rakman comes from "samyag karman," the factor of "right action" from the Buddhist Eightfold Path.
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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I see there's a new chapter up. Going to be doing something that I haven't done in a while now by jumping in and reviewing the new chapter of this story (almost) day and date to its release:

Chapter 55

All personnel, please be advised of an uptick in Ruinous Whispers in the realms neighboring POV-2020.

Oh, so shadowmons are leaking out of Yuna's universe and into neighboring ones, huh?

As a reminder, worlds plagued by instabilities will find souls leaking into Ginnungagap. These spirits are shackled by the chaotic space-time energy of the cosmic mystery dungeon, transforming into vicious beasts we've dubbed "Ruinous Whispers." The Whispers will mutate into distorted versions of pokémon classically associated with destructive myths permeating the omniverse.

Oh, so that's the story of Paradigm, huh? Since the description of what these "Ruinous Whispers" become sounds very much like the Paradigm operatives we've seen in the past.

... Though wait, is this the place where their souls go to after "dying"? If so, does that mean that Exodes and Baptiste never really died?

Those who have dealt with dimensions containing incarnations of Cipher suggest this process bears similarity to the "shadowfication" of pokémon in those universes. Thus, if you can pacify a Whisper, you should try to. However, if the situation is too dangerous, defeating a Whisper in battle will eject it back out into Ginnungagap or, if you're already there, will temporarily destroy it until it reforms in a random location a quarter-cycle later.

Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about that read that those Paradigm operatives that I thought kicked the bucket are still around and going to come back to be annoying at some point.

Seifer never thought he'd miss Bogdan's sticky, tar-filled atmosphere, yet somehow all the dirt carried by Chakran gusts and breezes had him longing to return to the humid factory. Dust coated his pelt and mane, both badly disheveled and in need of a good shower and brushing. By Calliope's sword, he yearned to have his uniform back, shielding his tan fur from the elements.

Nice song link there, though that makes me a bit
about what Chakran is really like since boy is that background music ominous there.

But no, he got fired. And it turned out the cause he'd dedicated all his life to wasn't so noble after all.


Since it feels like there's at least a half-a-dozen other characters that are in Seifer's same boat right about now.

This was all the keldeo could chew on while he sat atop the mesa, watching the resistance's two real members gesticulated wildly at one another, the strange, Xeromus-like creature lying on the ground, and the smoldering remnants of one of Cyril's laptops.

Small verb tense error there. Though time to find out what Gene and Cyril are so testy about.

Apparently, this "type: full" creature had security measures the likes of which Cyril had never seen before. Because the moment he tried to access its so-called databanks — which Seifer found disturbing since the thing sure looked alive, but apparently it was actually a machine? — his laptop went up in flames, forcing Artemis to douse it with water. Gene sent himself away through a rift and returned several minutes later with a new laptop... and the two descended into their current argument.


Though that's cyborgs for you, Seifer. I'm guessing that in spite of Radiance's tech level, that this is even technically feasible in their setting is not common knowledge.

"... you expect me to do here? Paradox took the term firewall a bit too literally," Cyril growled, throwing up his white-furred arms in exasperation.

So wait, does W1-DG3T just auto-cast Fira every time someone tries to mess with the machine part of his body or something? Though would format the first sentence from Cyril as a question there.

"Then let me do a little psychic probing." Gene tapped his right temple. "I bet I can put a stop to it."

Oh hey, it's the Discord emote / that one tic from Giovanni all over again. Though that makes me wonder if Guile Hideout also has a habit of doing this himself.

Cyril rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Gene's left shoulder. "Whatever copium you're huffing, gimme some, Boss Kitty. Psionics don't translate to hard code." He paused. "Okay, maybe they do in video games or movies, but this is real life."

TIL that 'copium' exists as a phrase in this setting. I should be less surprised given that 'angy' does as well, but I still did a double-take there.

"Well, we gotta do something." Gene crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the dusty ground. "I can't leave him asleep indefinitely."

I mean, technically, you could, but there's a decent chance that one way or another W1-DG3T would just never wake up afterwards, so it's probably for the best not to just let W1-DG3T be all Sleeping Beauty there.

Quetzal stuck his right leg out and cleared his throat. "Can't we just, y'know, destroy him?"

"No!" Gene hissed, tail lashing at the air.

Gene thinks that W1-DG3T is Nova, doesn't he? Since even if W1-DG3T is a Type: Full, this feels like a lot of personal attachment to some kid he's just met.

"But he tried to kill you with a giant centiskorch robot!" Quetzal's feathers puffed out. "He's clearly not on our side! I say we disassemble him and—"

"Not happening!" Gene's eyes and Malice Crystal flickered purple. The orange zapdos shrank back.

Yeah, Gene thinks he's Nova. Guess we'll find out how right or not he is about things soon enough.

"Sheesh, it was just a suggestion."

Gene: "A stupid one. Never say that to me again!"

One that a part of Seifer agreed with. When someone threatened the lives of Radiant Guardsmon, the keldeo could use any means to stop them. Even if it meant ending the enemy's life.


So how many people has Seifer killed in the past anyways? Since with the sort of attitude he used to have... I kinda get the feeling that he was fairly relaxed about his definition of 'threatening the lives of Radiant Guardsmon'.

But that thing is our prisoner now. Seifer looked at the type: full's weird, empty red and purple body and bit his lip.

Oh, so Radiance has a policy of taking POWs and not just taking them around back and shooting them in front of a ditch. I'm honestly a little surprised given how much of a regressive craphole it can be in other regards, though I suppose that it's better than the alternative.

"How much of this is because you look at this guy and see Nova?" Cyril wondered, raising a brow.

Close to 100%, even if I suspect Gene will get top
about being accused of that.

Gene's tail twitched. "That's— he has nothing to do with this."


Seifer swore he saw the mewtwo's dark gray cheeks redden. He sighed and turned around, figuring he had nothing to contribute.

I mean, it was only obvious, but I suppose that this is the formal proof that W1-DG3T resembling Nova is informing huge chunks of Gene's decision-making right about now.

"How long have they been going at it?" Jade wondered, waddling over with Leo at her side.

"Too long." Seifer slouched over, sighing. "They're getting nowhere." He stared at the ground, blinking a few times. "Wait, how are you even here, anyway? And how did you leave to fight the Seekerskorch?" The keldeo thought Jade had to stay in Eternatus for her own safety.

... Actually, I'm curious about that myself. Did Gene implant a Malice crystal in her or something?

"Oh, that? Cyril gave me a quick fix. Check it!" Jade spun around and lifted up her tail.

"What are you doing?!" Seifer turned away, eyes squeezed shut. "I didn't ask you to accost me!"

"Aww, don't be such a stiff!" Jade giggled. "Just a little crystal strapped to my tail."

Oh, it's this scene. Though simply holding Malice allows residents of the Qliphoth to come out? I suppose that while it was obviously chosen for the cringe comedy potential, that this positioning would be a bit hard to target on a Lugia short of going full "shove things into places that would be awkward conversation starters". Sounds handy, if like a recipe for things going horribly wrong if anything were to ever happen to the crystal.

Though wait, is there a reason why Jade and other Qliphoth residents can only have one Malice crystal? Are there side effects from being around too much Malice at once or something? Since from a system redundancy perspective, you'd think that kitting Jade out with more than one crystal would've been significantly safer for her in the event that something happened to one of them.\

Seifer poked an eye open. As Jade implied, a tiny Malice Crystal sat in the middle of a harness wrapped around the base of her tail.

Leo had a better view and tilted his head curiously. "So, it's a butt harness?"

"What? Nonono!" The salugia lowered her tail and waved her wings in front of her face.

Narrator: "It's a butt harness. Especially if Jade's biology as a Salugia takes after what hers was like as a Salazzle."

"It totally is!" Leo snorted with laughter.

"No, it's a tail harness!" Jade puffed her cheeks out. "People with big tails use them for saddlebags and stuff!"

Leo: "'Big tails,' huh?"

Jade: "Look, do I need to get your mother involved to get your mind out of the gutter?" >v<

"And your tail grows out of your butt!" The cosmic arceus turned around and wagged his small starcloud tail at Jade.

"Oi, pipe down, children!" Gene growled. "The adults are trying to think over here!"


Yeah, okay, Gene. I don't know if I'd reflexively call you an 'adult' in mindset from some of your past antics. >:V

Leo's starcloud pelt dimmed and he lowered his head guiltily. Jade pouted at the mewtwo and Seifer rolled his eyes. "You can't blame Leo. We're all sitting around while you two argue about technologic jargon."

The keldeo brushed his right forehoof across the ground. "Why don't you both take a step back and cool off?"

Would recommend splitting this paragraph since you have two separate parties speaking lines of dialogue. Unless if I'm tripping and the second is also somehow also being said by Jade.

"This is time-sensitive, Pony-boy," Gene countered, jerking his head at his slumbering captive.

"Why won't you let him wake up?" Leo wondered, having approached the type: full with a curious glint in his eyes.

Gene: "Because if he wakes up under the same mental state he lost consciousness in, he'd try to incinerate us with a Hyper Beam or something like that off the bat?"

Seifer: "... I'm sorry, why are you so invested in this fishdog thing's well-being again?"

Gene pinched his brow. "Because he'll try to hurt us if we do. That's why I need Cyril to look into his..." His voice trailed off. "Cyril can look at his mind and figure out what Paradox did to make it all mean and nasty. But the emperor has protected his mind, so it's dangerous for us to try."

Yeah, I figured. Though doesn't this technically amount to an attempt at counter-brainwashing a captive given that you're literally screwing around with the contents of his mind?

I mean, not that Paradox didn't start it first, but this does feel like it could rapidly raise a few ethical quandries depending on what Gene changes under the hood there.

Leo looked between Gene and the pilot. "Listen, Leo." Jade extended her left wing in front of him. "Let's leave the grumps to grump it out with each other."

"... I can't."

... Wasn't expecting that one. Wonder why Leo's unable to just back off here?

Seifer's horn flickered. "Kid, this doesn't concern you."

"It does."

Seifer: "What on earth do you mean 'it does'? Leo, you literally never saw this fishdog thing prior to a couple hours ago!"

A sudden chill ran down the keldeo's spine. Leo had a seriousness to his voice Seifer had never heard from the cosmic arceus.

"He feels... familiar." Leo stepped forward again. "I have to help him." His starcloud mane glowed a bit brighter. "No, I need to."

Oh, so W1-DG3T really is Nova... somehow. Not sure what the story behind it is or how Leo met him in life, but I suppose that's a story for another day.

"Whoa, time out." Gene held his hands up in a T. "Weren't you listening to me? This guy's dangerous. I'm not letting some kid do any whacky voodoo to this type: full."

A massive weight pressed down on Seifer's shoulders. Neighing in surprise, his legs buckled.

Seifer: "Nevermind, then! Whacky voodoo it is!" O_O;

"The hell?!" Cyril gasped as he suddenly faceplanted. Jade, Gene, and Quetzal also dropped to their knees.

"We're connected," Leo said. His eyes brimmed with strange golden light. The same energy surrounded his wheel and the tips of his hooves. Leo stepped up to the pilot's side, but Seifer couldn't so much as move a muscle to stop him. It was like someone had piled dumbbells on his back... or turned gravity up so high it would crush him into a keldeo pancake!

Leo took a deep breath and lifted his right forehoof.

Wait, what does that Bayo 3 song play from anyways? Though for alternative theme music, might I suggest the humble:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsNIaCLBbrw

Since hey, that's also a decent theme song for folks being interlinked (har har) with one another.

"Bediyaan tod do!"

Wait, does that actually mean anything there-?

Oh, Hindi, huh? For 'Break the shackles', no less. That's certainly new there. If you wanted to split hairs there, this should technically be in Sanskrit if you wanted to lean in harder with South Asian mysticism / mythology vibes, but there's apparently bupkis for reliable resources that I can turn up for that from a casual Google, so I won't judge too harshly.

The intense weight lifted from Seifer's body. He sucked in a sharp breath while a golden pulse rippled through the pilot's body. Black, wispy fur filled the once-empty red and purple torso, brightening to a cosmic purple along his hind legs. Gold crescents, much like the ones around Leo's neck, protruded from his hind legs. Gold trimming encased the pilot's forelegs, tail, beak, and headcrest.

>dat second image embed

Boy does teeing up that one XB3 song feel appropriate right about now.

While Leo stepped back, a blue and purple nebula swirled around the pilot's neck, matching the ones in the arceus' head and tail.

"You idiot!" Gene hopped to his feet, Malice Crystal flaring red. "What did you do?!"

Leo: "I triggered an Interlink?"

Gene: "That doesn't exist in our setting! Leo, what the hell is this?!"

Loud beeping drew Seifer's attention left. Cyril spun around and stared at his laptop screen, which had a new window with a rapidly filling progress bar.

"What in the—" The ghostly zoroark practically lunged for his laptop. "I'm in?" He knelt down by the laptop as windows flooded the screen, bathing Cyril in gray and white light. "I don't believe it! Databank uploading!" He looked over his shoulder at Leo, utterly bewildered. "What did you do, kid?"

Leo: "I thought that I already answered that I triggered an-" ^^;
Cyril: "Okay, one, you're not fused with this kid, so no. Second, we don't have that mechanic in this story!" >.<
Leo: "I mean, if there ever winds up being a Kyurem that becomes important later on..."

Cyril: "Leo, just answer the question already!" >_>;

Leo looked between the pilot and Cyril. "His soul was wrapped up in heavy chains. I broke them."

Cyril: "Wait, huh? But how does that even-?"

Leo: "Hey, I dunno, man. Just don't question a good thing too hard?"

Seifer tilted his head. What was that supposed to mean? Well, whatever it was left Gene staring dumbly at the pilot, mouth agape. He silently raised his right arm and pushed his jaw shut.

"You have it too, Mr. Zoroark," Leo said, lowering his head sadly. "It feels different, but I can hear your soul crying under the chains."

Cyril: "Oooookay, I'm just going to scoot over far, far away from you right now." O_O;

"Eh?" Cyril's red-tipped hair crinkled. "Look, kid, I'm not interested in any of your fancy light shows. I'm fine the way things are." He held his arms out.

"You're not, though." Leo spoke with surprising conviction again. "You can't use moves or anything, can you? I can sense it. Strange energy wrapping itself around your soul."

Imprisonerre is some sort of Malice-related malady, isn't it? Since this sounds exactly like Vortex's Imprisonerre that he was revealed to have a couple chapters back.

Seifer caught the longing in Cyril's eyes for the briefest second. The white zoroark hastily regained a neutral expression, but the damage was done. His white fur flickered. Leo's expression sharpened.

"Please let me help," he whispered.

I'm half-expecting that Cyril will go full Bugs Bunny "no" macro, but then again, I suppose we do need that Cosmic Zoroark you keep commissioning pieces for in this story at some point, and given what happened to W1-DG3T...

Cyril looked at his right hand. Flexed his red claws. Then he stuck his right arm out. "Just make it quick," he mumbled.

Seifer stepped forward. "Hang on, Cyril. Are you sure about this?"

But Leo acted quicker than Cyril could respond. He placed his right forehoof in Cyril's hand and, once again, a golden pulse rippled through Cyril's body.

Cyril: "Oh, that doesn't look healthy at all-"

Leo: Just hold tight! It doesn't hurt at all!"

"Gah!" The zoroark was unprepared for the bright light, which turned his white fur black as night and his mane the same blue-purple as Leo's. Cyril held his arms up and stared at their yellow claws and red gemstones. "What did you do?! I didn't ask for a makeover!"

Leo winced. "I, um... I unchained your soul, but it was crying out for so long it didn't have a lot of power of its own. So, I shared some of mine?"

Oh, so the Cosmic Zoroark really was Cyril all along. Though wait, is he just going to look like this for the rest of the story? Or is this a super mode for him that he can slip in and out of?

"Seriously?" Cyril turned around, looking at the constellation-like yellow markings on his fur. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Use attacks? Since I'm pretty sure your Imprisonerre or whatever is messing with your ability to attack no longer applies in this state, Cyril.

It was Seifer's turn to gawk now, utterly transfixed by the now-cosmic zoroark standing there and brushing Leo off with a flick of his left hand before turning back and sitting by his laptop with a determined look on his face.

"Dude, is your horn glowing?"

Oh, so Seifer is gay for Cyril himself and it's not just a one-way street there. Though I suppose his fabulous new do wouldn't hurt for pushing those buttons in him.

Seifer's tail bristled. He shuffled away from Jade. "Don't be ridiculous! It... it's a prosthetic!"

Narrator: "It was absolutely glowing."

"It was totally glowing!" the salugia chirped. "It's okay if you're jealous. I won't tell." She elbowed the air next to the keldeo, winking. Seifer stomped away from her in a huff.

Yeah, I called it.

"Well, what's in these files or memories or whatever?" Seifer asked Cyril.

"Seriously? I need time to parse through all this shit." Cyril threw his arms up in exasperation.

Cyril: "What, do you expect god-knows-how-many petabytes of data to be something that I can just pick through in the blink of an eye here?" >_>;

"We don't have that," Gene said. "The pilot's waking up."

Oh, so even after getting (possibly) deprogrammed, W1-DG3T still has his thing for the in-setting Dragon Ball expy, huh? Duly noted for the future.

"What?" Cyril's black-furred body flickered red for a moment. Seifer raised his brows. "Put him back to sleep, then!"

"Can't." Gene flicked his right wrist out. Nothing happened. "Whatever Boy Wonder did to him is stopping my Hypnosis."

Seifer: "... Leo, those 'soul chain' things that you broke did also make the fishdog stop reflexively hating us, right?"

"But you can restrain him, right?" Quetzal crouched down, ready to spring into action if things took a turn for the worst. Seifer, however, bit his lip. Maybe they needed to not default to violence here?

That would probably be a good idea since you have no idea what on earth potential side effects of that makeover Leo just gave W1-DG3T could potentially entail.

The pilot's eyes opened. "What... happened?" He stretched his legs out, joints popping. His voice sounded significantly less mechanical than when he piloted the Seekerskorch.

Oh, so he really was deprogrammed, huh? Or else I guess getting a Cosmic Arceus mode gave him a fleshier throat.

Everyone stood in silence, waiting to see what the pilot would do. To Seifer's surprise, Gene knelt down by him. "Hey," he said.

"You!" the pilot squawked. His attempts at scrambling to his feet only led to him tumbling back from the mewtwo, legs flailing. The pilot stared at his golden forelegs and his gold beak went agape. "What did you do to me?" His starcloud swirled rapidly around his neck. "Back off or I'll... I'll..."

Oh, well nevermind about the 'deprogramming' bit. Guess the gang's not out of the woods on that front just yet.


Gene held his hands up and stepped back from the pilot. Seifer wondered if Gene had somehow read his mind about taking a gentler approach. He glanced at the others and found them all shuffling further away from the pilot, save for Leo. The cosmic arceus sat down, eyeing the type: full with interest while his starcloud tail swished against the dusty ground.

I mean, he is a psychic that used to be able to zip around Kanto on a whim. I would frankly be more surprised if Gene wasn't able to casually mind-read others in this close of proximity to him even after his debuff.

The pilot finally got to his feet. "Whatever you're trying, it's not gonna work!" he huffed. "Father will come and get me. And he'll toss you in prison where you belong!"

Gene: "Dammit, Leo. Your 'soul chain' thing couldn't have also scrubbed all that indoctrination that Paradox saddled him with, huh?"

Leo: "Look, I was literally just doing what came naturally to me. Plus that'd be kinda narratively cheap, don't you think?"

Gene looked up at the sky. The sun had nearly set, leaving a sprawling purple-red sky filled with stars and two of Chakran's moons. "Yeah, you're free to believe that, but it's not happening," the mewtwo said, tail lazily drifting back and forth.

"Like I care what a filthy rebel thinks!" the type: full spat. His cheek bolts revved in their sockets.

Oh, so W1-DG3T's busy
-ing in live-time, I see. Though I'm genuinely wondering if this really is Nova, and if so, how on earth Gene knows that.

Chuckling, Gene lifted his left arm and sniffed. "Guess it has been a bit since my last shower. But filth or not, it's more than a thought." He scratched the side of his face, glancing at the others. "You guys must realize it too, right? What the emperor did... or, rather, didn't do?"

Seifer frowned. What point was there in acting cryptic?

Seifer: "Gene, seriously, just spit it out already." >_>;

Then it hit the keldeo.

"Paradox never sent any backup," Seifer said. "Even when things turned in our favor."

Seifer: "Wait, but... why?"
Gene: "Because he was using the kid's fighting as some sort of experiment. Add extra variables, and you muddy the observable results."

"Oh yeah." Jade clapped her wings together, then held up her left index digit. "And after we broke your big robo-thingy and were all tired and stuff, he didn't even try to send reinforcements to jump us or rescue you."

W1-DG3T: "F-Father wouldn't do something like that to me! H-He's my father!"

Seifer: "You do realize that your 'father' is a creepy tentacle alien thing that looks nothing like you, right? Have you ever considered that you're not really related to him?"

The pilot didn't flinch at Seifer's statement, but Jade's explanation gave him pause. His eyes darted around frantically, like he was grasping for an excuse just out of reach.

"That's... because I'm... a hero." The pilot's starcloud dimmed, along with his eyes. "Father sent me on my own... so no one else would have to get hurt!"


Gene: "Leo, please. Just stick to being an innocent little kid right now." >.<

"No one else getting hurt?" Emboldened, Seifer stepped forward. "Do you even know what you shot at with your machine?"

"People imprisoning Eternatus," the type: full said, trying to sound confident.

Wow, W1-DG3T's already wavering, huh? Maybe we'll actually see him switch sides in this chapter. Maybe.

The keldeo forced himself to stay calm and avoid shouting his counterargument. "No. They were refugees. People who lost their homes because your father attacked their city."

W1-DG3T: "B-But they were still imprisoning Eternatus! Father told me all about how you surface dwellers keep them chained down!"
Seifer: "Kid, most of those Pokémon had never heard of Eternatus outside of myths and storybooks. If it wasn't for their home falling into a Distortion the other day, they'd probably be more concerned about watching the latest episode of The Weakest Link on PV."

"Because you all are keeping our home trapped in your planet!" the pilot said, though he kept glancing around nervously.

Yeah, W1-DG3T's wavering. Though I have to wonder how he's going to react after breaking since I'm not fully convinced that the process of him making a Heel-Face Turn is going to go completely smoothly.

"That happened a very long time ago," Jade said, trying to make her voice gentle. She waddled up to Seifer's side. "All of the people on Etherium right now? They have nothing to do with Eternatus." She placed her left wing against her chest. "I know... because I'm one of the ones who sealed it. Me and my friends."

Ah yes, there's a macro for this moment for these two:


Seifer couldn't help quirking a brow. Hadn't Jade forgotten her time as a Sage? I guess she doesn't need to remember the details to say that.

"You're lying." The pilot's voice trembled. "Father taught me not to trust outworlders. He knew you'd try to sway me with twisted words!"

Jade: "Then why don't you sound convinced with yourself right now?"
W1-DG3T: "I... I... j-just have a lot to process right now! That's all!"

"We're not lying." Seifer shook his head. "My kingdom — the one you attacked unprovoked — lied to us about Eternatus for generations. I was taught that Eternatus was defeated, not sealed. All the people you tried to attack were taught the same."

Wincing, the pilot stepped back. "No. That's not right. Because I'm a hero! I'm... Eternatus' protector!" He shook his black-furred head. "Heroes don't hurt the innocent! You guys have to be guilty. Father is—"

W1-DG3T, heroes attacking the innocent in Squaresoft/Squeenix games has literally been around for close to 30 years at this point. Like the protag of FF4 literally did it enough times that the moment when he finally got out from his old job in the story, half of the first town he visited basically turned and bolted after seeing him.

"If your father really cares that much about you, why did he include a remote self-destruct sequence only he could trigger?"


Gene: "Do I need to pull it out and wave it in front of your face, or...?"

Seifer pivoted left, flashing Cyril a worried look. The cosmic zoroark held his laptop in his right hand, having disconnected it from its crystalline charger. That's a heck of a bluff to make, Seifer thought. Cyril had an impressive poker face.

Cyril: "That... wasn't a bluff, Seifer."
Seifer: "Wait, huh? But how on earth do you know this-?" .-.

"Don't you badmouth my father like that!" the pilot snarled. His nebula trickled toward his head crest and tail, almost like they were actually conduits for whatever power Leo had foolishly given the pilot. "He's doing what he can to keep Eternatus afloat!"

W1-DG3T, don't make me break out the Bender gif again. Though I take it that dad didn't let you outside your bedroom much.

"Then why, on top of the self-destruct program, are there a bunch of restricted files detailing a 'battle mode?'" Cyril asked, again holding out his laptop. "He planned to use you as nothing more than a template for mass producing type: fulls... which would help him conquer the entire universe in the name of Eternatus." He put the laptop down and tilted the screen for the pilot to have a better look. "That sound heroic to you?"

W1-DG3T: "I... I-I... Th-This doesn't mean anything! I-It's all a deepfake! Y-Yeah! That's what's going on!"

Cyril: "Look, do I need to make your body do involuntary movements with this thing to prove that I pulled this from your brain? (Though how on earth do you know about deepfakes?)"

Gene stiffened at the mention of mass production. No doubt reminiscing about Nova and his fate. Seifer wondered if Gene was considering the possibility the emperor found Nova's body and... repurposed it to create this type: full. It probably wasn't the case, but Seifer wasn't going to drag Xeromus into this conversation.

Which is exactly the reason why Gene is getting this uppity about trying to intervene with a tyke bomb that's meant to go off to kill him. I can already tell.

The pilot's eyes poured over Cyril's laptop screen. His gold talons dug into the dirt. "This is a trick. You wrote fake things," he muttered. "That's... what zoroark do. They trick and deceive and lie."

Wew, I was joking about the deepfake comment there, though yeah, I was kinda gathering from the way W1-DG3T kept digging in his heels that he was going to put up a fight for being persuaded.

Cyril's ears folded against his head. Seifer stomped a forehoof down. "What about the rest of us, huh? You think we'd all lie to you? I'm far from a convincing liar. Cyril and Gene can read me like an open book."

W1-DG3T: "Y-You're all on the same side! Y-You could've coordinated beforehand!"


"Seriously, what is it going to take to get through to you here?" >_>;

It stung to admit that out loud, but if it meant getting somewhere with this stubborn type: full, Seifer would swallow his pride.

"No. That's..." The pilot shook his head and pawed at the ground. "You have to be lying. If you're not, then... then..."

Small water droplets peppered the dirt under the type: full. Was he crying?

I mean, he's only seriously considering right now that his entire life as he knew it was a lie, so that's probably doing a number on W1-DG3T's self-esteem right about now. So... yes?

"Tears?" the pilot whispered. "That can't be right. I don't make tears! Heroes don't cry! I—"

Just how heavily edited was the Dragon Ball ripoff that he watched? Since I could've sworn that DB had multiple moments where the heroes do exactly that in the story.

The ground trembled. Dirt clumps bounced and pebbles rolled around. "Earthquake!" Jade squawked, hopping into the air with a flap of her wings. "Ladies first!"

Seifer: "Jade! Read a room!" >.<

Seifer stood at attention, only to shudder as distorted purple light washed across the mesa. The nearby buildings vanished behind fragmented purple light resembling broken glass. "What's going on?" The keldeo whirled on Gene. "What did you do?"

Jade: "I was reading the room, really. Since... uh... yeah, that's kinda a thing right now."

"Me? This ain't me!" Gene raised his right hand, channeling energy from his Malice Crystal. "Nngh. It's not working!"


Seifer: "Wait, what?! What do you mean it's not working?!"

"Behind you, Boss Kitty!"

The mewtwo looked over his shoulder then, gasping, Phantom Warped up seconds before a blue-purple bolt would have struck him square between the shoulder blades. Seifer backpedaled as the beam swept across the ground. "Jade, protect Leo!" he cried.

Oh, they've got company, I see. Guess Paradox wasn't just going to take losing W1-DG3T just sitting down.

"On it!" the salugia replied, swooping down and grabbing hold of the bewildered arceus. Seifer looked toward where he believed the Dragon Pulse came from... and found some sort of floating orb inside what looked like a giant dragon's head.

"That's... a regidrago?" Cyril's mane frazzled. "What's it doing here?"

>Mawrauder of Ruin - Rakman

Though what's with the repeating Devanagari at the bottom there?

"Forget that!" Ice swirled around Gene's hands. "Who dunked it in lemon-lime soda?"

... Now that you mention it, I'm curious as to what on earth is going on there myself, since that's definitely not shiny colorations...


Oh, so "Dragon!" in Hindi this time, huh? Is that a recurring motif in Bayo 3 or something? Since I noticed that you potholed to another song from it here.

The dragon head's empty eye sockets glowed and, within seconds, blue-purple fireballs littered the sky. "Shit!" Gene shot his Ice Beam at Regidrago, who pivoted the dragon head so the snout acted like a shield, deflecting the mewtwo's attack. He Phantom Warped away from the dragonfireballs.

So wait, if Paradox also has a Regieleki, does that mean that it's going to screech something like 'Tarit!' or 'Bijlī!' at the top of its likely nonexistent lungs?

Seifer rolled on his back and blasted water from all four hooves to keep him safe. "Someone want to tell me what a regidrago is?!"

Gene: "So you know how Regirock and the like are embodiments of-?"
Seifer: "No! I've literally never heard those names before!" >.<
Gene: "Right. Well, point is, start slinging Fairy and Ice moves if you've got 'em!" o_o;

"Isn't it self explanatory?" Jade squawked, setting Leo down a fair distance away from the others. "It's a big ol' dragon head!" Orange energy gathered in her beak.

Gene: "That's literally what I just sai-"
Jade: "Not canon, so it doesn't count!"

"Ajagaaaaaar!" The dots in Regidrago's sphere flickered asynchronously. Blue-violet energy gathered around its core.

So wait, why is this thing screeching "Dragon!" over and over again anyways? I feel there's some sort of story behind that.

"I can see that!" Seifer hissed. "But why is this a thing?!" The keldeo rolled back onto his feet and shot an Aura Sphere toward Regidrago. Jade added her orange, conical Aeroblast and Gene shot out another Ice Beam. Regidrago unleashed a large Dragon Pulse and swept it through the air, carving through the trio's attacks and sending Gene flying up to dodge the beam.

Why not is the better question, since it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that PoV has rolled out onto the stage to deal with. o<o

"Look around you!" Gene's tail whipped at the air. His eyes glowed pink. Psystrike orbs materialized around Regidrago, whose dragon head eyes glowed yet again. Psychic energy clashed with dragonfire as pink and blue explosions surrounded Regidrago.

Seifer used the opening to launch another Aura Sphere through the smoke. He sorely missed his Secret Sword, but this was the best he could manage with Cyril's prosthetic. "Yeah, it looks like we're surrounded by rifts! What of it?"

They're going to be facing bogeys that can pop in and out of those things ad nauseum, aren't they?

Regidrago surged out of the smoke, making a beeline for Gene. The mewtwo summoned his psychic spoon and swiped. Regidrago met the slash with the chin of its dragon head. However, Gene was faster to follow up, striking from another angle to hit Regidrago's core. He unleashed a flurry of spoon slashes, ending with a kick from his ice-encrusted leg straight in the center of Regidrago's dots. It tumbled back through the air with a distorted wail.

"I bet it's some byproduct of the dimensions breaking down," Cyril said, gathering up all his equipment and stuffing it into his blue-purple mane. "Hey, robo-mutt! Do you believe us now?"


Gene: "Good enough for me! Just help us out here!"

Seifer glanced at the pilot, who could only stare dumbfounded at Regidrago. Gene surrounded it with more Psystrike orbs, but a Dragon Pulse emerged from Regidrago's core and swept through most of them. Its eye sockets flickered and dragonfireballs peppered the skies above everyone.

Oh, so W1-DG3T really is blue-screening right about now, huh?

Groaning, Seifer fell onto his back again, but the dragonfireballs were much faster this time. He couldn't Hydro Pump away the ones heading for him and the dragonfire seared his messy flanks. Gritting his teeth, Seifer spun back up to his feet and whipped dirty, sweaty hair out of his eyes.

He filled the air with Icy Wind to try and slow down the frantic thing. Regidrago was too preoccupied meeting Gene's Ice Beam with a Dragon Pulse to pay attention to Seifer's attack. It didn't do much, but Regidrago momentarily lost some of its altitude. Gene's Ice Beam overpowered his Dragon Pulse, covering the dots on its core in a thin sheet of ice.

Seifer: "Wait, it felt that right? That had to have hurt it, didn't it-?"

Gene darted forward, psychic spoon at the ready. He jammed the thing into Regidrago's icy core, which shattered with an audible crash. The mewtwo kicked Regidrago away, letting it fall to the ground with a heavy thud.

Seifer kept his horn trained on it. "Is it dead?" He had no idea how Regidrago worked, but that sure looked like a killing blow.


Since just by asking these questions, you all but confirm that this thing isn't dead, Seifer.

Gene floated above it, Malice Crystal sparking. "I think it's taken care— damn it!"

Yeah, I figured.

The mewtwo opened a rift and reached his right hand into it. Seifer saw a second rift pop up next to the still-stunned type: full. Gene grabbed the pilot and yanked him through the rift mere seconds before Regidrago exploded in a flurry of yellow and violet light. The detonation whipped up enough wind to knock Seifer onto his rump with a startled whinny.

Whelp, I sure hope there wasn't anything of value around where they were fighting on Chakran, since that's not going to be good for any nearby property. ^^;

"Yeesh! Talk about a sore loser!" Jade said, having wrapped Leo up with her wings to shield him from the harsh gusts.

Seifer again whipped hair out of his face. With Regidrago's detonation, the strange dome that encased the group faded away, returning Chakran's calming purple and orange sky.

It only stayed calm for a few seconds, however, as shouts quickly followed.

That just happened in full view of the monastery, didn't it?

"Good gracious! What happened?!" Cid's buzzing filled Seifer's ears. The orbeetle flew toward the group, with Alder, Artemis, and Kora not far behind him.

"We got attacked, that's what," Quetzal huffed, shaking dust from his feathers.

"Attacked?" Alder raised a brow. "We saw you all vanish into an anomaly!" The braviary glanced at Leo. "Did you save them from it?"

You really do need to fire up some more Astral Chain music, you know that? Since this is giving me major vibes of the "And then suddenly, Astral Plane time!" moments from that game.

The cosmic arceus shook his head.

"I thought this place was supposed to be safe," Quetzal said, pacing back and forth. "What's going on here?" He looked to Alder and Kora for answers.

Your universe is starting to implode and collide with others. Wouldn't be the first story out there that I've heard that had that as a premise.

"I'm afraid... the dimensional instabilities are getting worse," Kora said, wings curling back up into antennae. "That's the only reasonable explanation."

Yeah, see above.

"Then we have to regroup with the others and come up with a plan!" Quetzal looked at Seifer for support. "Right, Commander?"

Leo: "Wait, but wasn't the plan 'Something something, pull needles. Something something, fix distortions'?"

Quetzal: "A real plan for this!" OvO;

But the keldeo was only half paying attention to them. He was more focused on Gene and the pilot. The former set the latter down on the ground.

"You saved me," the type: full whispered.

"I did."

Seifer: "I mean, did you really expect me to just leave a troubled child to die in an explosion?"

W1-DG3T: "But... I'm your enemy..."
Seifer: "Well, you were our enemy, anyways."

"And you saved me... after destroying the Seekerskorch." His triangular ears folded slightly. "Why?"

Gene's tail crinkled and his malice crystal flickered. "Because you're not my enemy. I'd rather have you as a friend." He stuck his right hand out. "You saw all of that. If someone doesn't put a stop to your father, stuff like that will happen to everyone. Including the people you swore to protect. And I need all the help I can get to prevent it."

Gene: "Seriously, if you can just come around to 'my dad's deeply misguided and needs to be stopped for his own good', I'll live with it right now. Since boy have you been stubborn about assuming the absolute best about him and his motives this chapter." >_>;

The pilot silently looked at Gene's outstretched hand. Seifer held his breath, waiting to see if the mewtwo could actually win this type: full over.

"... I still don't fully trust you," he mumbled, pivoting away slightly. "But I don't want to disappear, either. So, I guess I'm stuck with you for now."

Gene: "Are you kidding me?!"

Seifer: "Gene, just roll with it for now. The kid's been through a lot lately."

Sighing, Gene pulled his hand back. "Fair enough. You got a name?"

"I am serial number W1-DG3T."

"So, Widget, then. Got it."

Oh, so we're no longer going to be writing out Widget's name with the numbers and hyphen, huh? Well that'll make my life a bit easier as a reviewer.

Widget narrowed his eyes. "Is that supposed to be clever? I—"


Seifer's tail shot up in alarm. He whirled on Jade, who had knelt down next to Leo. "Leo?" The salugia nudged his side. "Leo, what's wrong?" She nudged him harder.

Jade: "Let's... agree to never tell your mother about any of this, huh? B-But what's happening to you, Leo?"

The cosmic arceus locked eyes with Jade and Seifer for a second, before his pelt and wheel dimmed and he fell over on his side.

That was quickly followed by another thump and a, "Damn it! Gimme a hand, Cyril," from Gene.

When Seifer turned around, he found Cyril running over to Gene, who knelt beside an unconscious Widget.

Oh, so Leo depleted his powers in that fight somehow, huh? Or at least I kinda get the vibe that that's what happened there, even if I'm not fully sure just what happened to cause it.

OSL: Mawrauder of Ruin, Rakman
Whispers taking the form of off-colored regidrago. Though ferocious and fervent attackers, they are single-minded, almost exclusively sticking to dragon-type attacks even when their opponent is a fairy. Do not underestimate them, however. Their Dragon Pulses can carve through mountains with ease.

Oh, so a new challenger has entered the chat, I see. Since this is officially the first Ruinous Whisper we've seen onscreen in this story. I guess I should've expected something like this would happen from the opening blurb.

Path of Valor Almanac
Rakman comes from "samyag karman," the factor of "right action" from the Buddhist Eightfold Path.

TIL, though wait, does that mean that stuff from Ginnungagap is going to be Dharmic-themed in terms of mythology / vibes? Wouldn't have expected that from the Norse name.

Alright, onto the postmortem of this thing. But that definitely caught me off-guard when I was expecting something a bit more transitional from the lack of focus of any of Team Bastion's members. Guess we're just mashing the gas pedal harder and harder here since we're seeing signs of Etherium's very universe start to break down in live time and glimpses of a threat beyond even Paradox and the QN in terms of threat level. I certainly wasn't expecting that to happen when from what I've heard from you in terms of meta chatter, we're about a third of the way through PoV in terms of story run.

Beyond the escalation of stakes, I think that the main draw was the emotional component and getting Widget to open up a bit and question himself, and show sides to him beyond his "wannabe hero for the bad guys" shtick. I also like how you made the decision to have him not fully come around to Team Hero at the end. Like it'd have been really easy to take the simple route and just have him complete his Heel-Face Turn in this chapter, but making things more of a journey promises interesting scenarios for the future, and I'll be looking forward to seeing them.

For things that I have for critiques... beyond the small handful of typos that I spotted... maybe there could've been a bit more grounding description establishing where the gang was on Chakran? Otherwise, I honestly can't think of much to complain about. It was a chapter built to catch the readers off-guard, and it delivered pretty well given that it went from 0-100 fairly fast. Which is quite the portent for how crazy things are going to get for Team Bastion proper in short order.

Good work @Ambyssin , and it's nice being able to review this story a bit closer to initial release once again. Hope the feedback was fun to pick through, since you'll definitely be keeping me on my toes until next time.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Belated catnip delivery! Hi Amby, I hope you're doing well. I'm an asshole and took a while on this, so I apologize, but I read the prologue! I don't know a lot about PMD (aside from what I read in other fics) and I see this is a spinoff of your other fic but doesn't require any prior knowledge of said fic. Good to know, so lets get this show on the road!

OKAY so the first thing that stuck out to me were the names of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Shiva, Quetzal, and Ifrit??? I know an ifrit is a djinn from Islamic myth, Quetzal might be a shortened version of Quetzalcoatl from Aztec myth and Shiva is the Hindu goddess with all the limbs. A very colorful and assorted cast of names that I really fucked with......and then there's Douglas LMAO. I wondered for a second if the bird trio had those names for like, godlike reasons, but it seems like they're just part of an elite troupe of guards??? Still really cool, I think it's neat seeing so-called legendaries in positions that AREN'T inherently royal. Clearly that one Weezing ranks higher than them, and I wonder what species Queen Isola is?? Legendary or just a p standard 'mon?

The whole sequence of the Phantom showing up and committing borderline murder was sick!!! I was cringing the whole time, especially for Shiva, the poor dear. I see this Phantom homie is nothing to fuck with, though I'm not entirely sure what he's done to them. Has he like.....turned them "Shadowy" I guess is the term? I also read something about distortions, so I wonder if Giritina is somehow involved in this? Like I said, unfamiliar with the scope of PMD so I am truly just spitballing based on the little fragments I know lolololololol. But I guess a gist I'm pretty sure I solidly caught is this dude did something possession-ish and bad to them and bestowed some new power upon them. They didn't seem all that mind-controlled and minion-like being that all three birds were pretty upset/trying to flame the Phantom for what he's done, so I guess his power doesn't stretch to the scope of puppeteering them? Or it just hasn't gotten there yet? Or they have some extra nice torture in store to GET THEM to comply? As you can see, I have all the questions about what the hell just happened :>

Then we cut to Dreepy Yuna, and I suppose she is the dragon princess that Ifrit was shit-talking before he got his ass handed to him? And it seems that she is away at some preppy boarding school presumably for children of a finer pedigree, huh?? AND she's being plagued by nightmares, boy what a mashup. She's gonna have a fun time in this plot, I can tell :kekw:

There seems to be some....idk if the word is animosity, but I think tensions between some types, namely the "dragons" and "fairies." I wonder if the other more "magical" types like ghost, dark, and psychic come into play with those tensions? Or it's just those two specifically? Yuna seemed more caught up on not making friends because she's a dragon and not because she's also a ghost type. I wonder.......

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think Galarian Weezing is a fairy type?? Was Douglas (may he rest in peace yikes) a Galarian Weezing? I think so based on description, right? Then I guess fairies and dragons are the big monarchs around town and everyone else can't hang? Or something along those lines? I'm intrigued by the idea of that tbh.

All in all this was pretty easy to follow. There was a point where I got lost in the reading, I think where you intro'd Douglas, where I couldn't figure out who was talking and what had happened, but I think that was the biggest point. Good work, and I'll see you around.
Articuno Shiva
Captain Ifrit

"Yeah, but was it really necessary to send all three of us for this assignment? Any one of us could do this job with no trouble," a moltres huffed, stomping around from the other side of the needle and casting an orange glow onto the southern part of the courtyard. He stopped to straighten out the wrinkles in his uniform, looking exasperated. "Not that we don't appreciate the hospitality, Lord Douglas. It's just… this is such a strange assignment for Her Eminence to spring on us with so little warning."
"Do not fret, Captain Ifrit, I understand your hesitation."

Shiva winced and resisted the urge to throw a wing up over her face. Even though she'd spent plenty of time around him, seeing Lord Weezing Douglas speaking through two mouths always unsettled her. As did the fact that his gaseous beards fizzled like soda pop as he spoke. It had forced her to abandon her once-favorite drink. Shiva wished that they could've been assigned somewhere else, but knew she had to carry out this job with the grace and professionalism nobles like Lord Douglas had come to expect from the Radiant Guard.
This is where I got lost. The introduction of Douglas didn't read clearly enough for me. Looking back, I'm guessing what was meant to happen was Ifrit was running his mouth and ran into Douglas and had to backtrack. However, I had to do a little bit of extra thinking to get to that conclusion, so I think that part could be written a little more plainly.

when she had threatened some wretched, rag-covered, helmet-wearing mishmash of a homeless mutt
I see she don't like homeless people, huh?

Her wings shattered on impact, as did at least two ribs.
Fucking YIKES, but also, how would she know that she cracked specifically at least two ribs? A little nitpicky, but that read a tad too.....specific for this moment. Just a simple "she heard the crack of her ribs" or something like that would do.

It had to be the dragons.
Damn that was a quick switch, huh? Or I guess she may have always had an innate wariness for them?

The green and purple fluids that splattered on the sand-covered ground in front of her painted an even clearer picture.

A wraith shot out, grabbed hold of the needle, and yanked it. The needle promptly shattered and a bright purple beam shot into the air. Shiva's beak fell open. How could it destroy a Needle so effortlessly? All her life she'd heard horror stories of what had happened to pokémon who tried to pull out a Needle.
This was odd for me because first needle isn't capitalized, but then it is. Was it a DIFFERENT needle? It didn't read that way so I wasn't sure.

Besides, who wants to saddle up to a dragon in a school run by fairies, anyway?
Yeah I'm definitely sensing some tension between fairy- and dragonkind.

HEY I KNOW THIS NAME TOO. Some sort of deity for dragons specifically????
Chapter 56: Cosmogeny


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 56: Cosmogeny

Hey Vincent,

Sorry for the cloak and dagger routine, but I need to use the analog method for this one.

Overseers are mobilizing, but it's to keep nearby worlds from getting dragged closer to POV-2020. It's real bad. I'm hearing reports of Whisper sightings. They want me around in case there's any spirit guidance that has to happen.

But I don't plan on sitting on my haunches. If things are that bad, the seal on POV-2020 is getting looser. Could probably go there physically if I try hard enough. The only issue is getting these prying eyes off my back. I'm hoping the fact that I sense Jaeger might give me more wiggle room, but it's hard to say.

Sorry you can't come along, but I'm not in a position to cover for you.

All I ask is that if you're going to stick your neck out, don't do anything stupider than I did in my early Horizon days. Things are unraveling pretty fast, but I think fixing it's more of a marathon than a sprint.

... Hopefully. Never was good with metaphors.

Oh, and make sure you burn this note when you're done with it. Can't have it falling into the wrong hands. ;P

The purple and white koraidon folded the note up, sighing.

Perhaps this was the "darkest night" his teacher's old team motto spoke of...


Shimmer no longer cared about cold steel beneath his hooves. The floor couldn't scuff his immaculate hooves anymore. Not with the icy air swirling around them. He paced across the top of a metallic staircase, gazing out at the rows of purple machines with saucer-like heads bearing heavy gray cannons.

Just how did Tesla come up with this design? And how did the boltund make so many of them? The ponyta figured Demerzel was facetious when he said he'd provide Shimmer an army. Yet here Shimmer was, eating his words like humble pie.

"You really think these things can replace the Radiant Guard?" Shimmer wondered. He kept his distance, unnerved by the glassy red spheres meant to pass as eyes.

"They are stronger and faster," Demerzel responded. He floated next to a large switchboard, scrutinizing it intently. "And they have disks that change the element they can fire from the cannons on their heads."

Shimmer rolled his eyes. "Big deal. Pokémon use attacks of different types all the time."

"It's a big deal because it's a big cannon." Demerzel chuckled. "If you want to swing the public's favor in your direction, you need to make a big splash. And this is the biggest splash I can think of." He glanced over his shoulder. "The next time World Ender's forces mount an assault, the genesect will repel them. And you, as their commander, will get the credit."

The ponyta's heart fluttered. He liked the sound of that. Of people seeing him as more than just a pretty face. And after his blunder in front of Parliament, he needed to prove he was a competent leader. Someone who could step in where his mother had failed.

"Perhaps, with enough victories, they'll even compare you to Adelaide," Demerzel continued. He floated back from the switch board. "Based on Tesla's memories, I've set everything up. All I need to do is throw the activation switch and they'll come online. You remember the authorization code I told you, yes?"

Sighing, Shimmer nodded. He wished he could forget it.

"Then shall we begin?"

Shimmer paused for a moment, before remembering his helplessness against the mysterious knight. Watching as he lost Xander. As Vegna belittled him. As his mothers called him a failure behind his back.

"Do it."

Demerzel raised his left hand... and the underground bunker shook. The bright white ceiling lights flickered. Shimmer's nine tails curled up. "What's going on?"

"Some sort of tremor, perhaps?" Demerzel turned around. "Give me a moment. I'll investigate, Your Grace." He bowed to the ponyta and vanished in a flash of green light.

Shimmer resumed pacing. Tesla was supposed to be smart. No way he built this bunker by a fault line. Which meant it was either a strong quake... or something else entirely.

Fortunately, Shimmer would get a quick answer. Demerzel reappeared, a grim expression on his face. "It's as I feared. Not a tremor, but World Ender further destabilizing the planet."

"Meaning what, exactly?" Shimmer asked.

Demerzel's eyes glowed blue. He projected an image of the night sky into Shimmer's mind. Only a large, jagged rift tore right through it.

"What is this?" Shimmer growled, frost swirling around his icy mane and tails.

The mental image faded and Demerzel turned back to the switchboard. "A sign of why you need this army, Your Grace." He raised his right hand. Blue light encased a large lever beside the switchboard. An unseen force pulled the lever down. Loud whirrs and hums filled the bunker, followed by the scrapes of metal on metal.

Shimmer turned to the genesect. Row by row, they stood up. They aimed their cannons forward.

[Input authorization code,] a mechanical voice declared. It belonged to the genesect in the middle of the front row; red, unlike the others. Perhaps it was supposed to be the leader?

Shimmer cleared his throat. "Minister Doctor Tesla is the greatest genius of our generation."

Red's eyes flickered green. [Access approved. Welcome, system administrator. Please issue your commands.]

A grin slowly spread across Shimmer's face. He turned to Demerzel. "Figure out where World Ender's forces intend to strike. We'll be ready for them this time."

Demerzel curtsied to the ponyta. "As you wish."


Igneous was at a loss for words. In the blink of an eye, he went from sitting beside Scarlett, telling her that Nikki simply needed time to cool off, to floating weightless above a field of dead, gray grass. Only occasional pieces of stone covered in equally gray moss stuck out. Well, that and the familiar helmeted figure standing a few meters away from him.

The grovlazzle tried to form Leaf Blades at his elbows, but he couldn't. He looked down to find his body practically see-through.

And he wasn't alone, either. First an apparition of some blue-purple, four-legged critter with a wheel around his belly appeared on his right. Then came... some sort of black-furred mishmash creature with a starcloud around its neck that resembled Wheel Kid's. The two of them locked eyes with each other. It looked to Igneous like they were trying to speak with one another, but no words came out.

Igneous couldn't move toward them. His legs, weightless and transparent, wouldn't move. He opened his mouth and tried to call them.

... Nothing.

Nothing until Xeromus' coughing fit broke the silence.

"You can see it, can't you, Natus?" Xeromus rasped. "The first rungs on the ladder you must climb. To become the new truth of all worlds."

Natus? Igneous frowned. They were surrounded by distortion, sure, but was Xeromus really talking to it thinking it was Eternatus?

[He is still getting set up for the (Big Stream)! The (Pre-Stream Bangers) haven't faded out yet!]

Igneous' snout wrinkled in disgust. He scanned the field for signs of Ahsen, yet he couldn't find that accursed cluster of floating discs. Perhaps he was in front of Xeromus? A pity Igneous couldn't walk around. Or attack.

Why was he here? And why was Wheel Kid here? He glanced at the little cosmic fuzzball, who shrank away from Xeromus, ethereal glow dimming.

Xeromus hacked and coughed until he shook his head back and forth. His helmet and chains rattled. "I know. The struggle you face is great. And though I am a mere omen, I will walk the path laid out for me, so you may envelope all worlds in your love!" He took several heavy, wheezing breaths. "So, rise! Rise so you may begin your climb toward the grand union! Toward Ragnarok!"

A small purple beam shot up from the ground, piercing through the distortion. Then another. And another. Soon there were ten— no, twenty!

The ground trembled, like it had before Igneous ended up here. Dirt and pebbles tumbled through the dead grass. Wheel Kid looked around in a panic, rubbing his forehooves together. The other mutt had its gaze locked on Xeromus.

Igneous tried to shoot Bullet Seeds at Xeromus. Nothing came out. Was this some sort of out of body experience? The power he took from Ahsen must have caused this to happen. Igneous silently cursed the two creeps as the purple beams faded.

[Are my (Eyes Emoji) deceiving me?] Ahsen buzzed excitedly. [He's moving! (PogChamp)s in the (CHAT). (HELIX)'s (Body Is Ready)!]

What the hell are they going on about? Igneous couldn't move around to see what caused the purple beams. He didn't need to, however, because the answer quickly made itself apparent in the form of a brown, gaseous blob with a wispy stalk of a head and neck and tiny, beady red eyes that slowly looked down at Xeromus.


"Still too fragmented," he said between deep, raspy breaths. "But do not worry. I shall bear the burden of piecing you back together. In fact..."

He slowly turned around and locked eyes with Igneous.

"I believe a reunion will be upon us sooner than you think."

An invisible force grabbed hold of Igneous and yanked him away from Xeromus and the creepy cloud monster. He had only seconds to see the same thing happen to Wheel Kid and his strange friend before he found himself back in the Ryujin base, staring up at a white, granular ceiling.

"Igneous?" A dragonair snout peeked into his field of view. "Igneous, can you hear me?"

The grovlazzle sat up, nearly headbutting Scarlett, who managed to back away in the nick of time. A shudder ran down his body.

"Where's Valkyrie? I have to... I have to..."

"I already called Gene."

Igneous looked over his shoulder.

Valkyrie stood in the doorway, brow furrowed. "What happened?"

"Something bad," the grovlazzle whispered. "Something real bad."


Accounting for everyone Gene brought with him from Chakran, Sakaki's boardroom didn't have enough space. Not unless they planned for half the group to stand on the table or float awkwardly near the walls and ceiling. So, the nidoking directed everyone to a large, empty room in the base's cellar. Igneous had never been in it, but it was well-stocked with various supplies neatly organized on shelves. Perhaps it was some sort of emergency bunker, in case Radiant authorities ever breached Scale City.

Once everyone got settled, Gene explained what had happened with Wheel Kid, whose name was Leo, Cyril, and Widget, the captured pilot. Or that was what Gene called the type: full, anyway. Throughout the mewtwo's explanation, Cyril kept looking at his arms and legs and shifting uncomfortably, while Seifer stole glances at the now-cosmic flavored zoroark.

He wasn't the only one acting funny, either. Yuna lay draped over Nikki's shoulder and the two of them kept their distance from Noctum, Scarlett, and Yiazmat. The drakloak kept throwing her hands over her mouth, but Igneous swore he heard Yuna on the brink of multiple giggle fits.

"... then Thicc Bird screamed and, next thing any of us knew, Junior and Widget were out like lights." Gene crossed his arms. His Malice Crystal pulsated slowly. "Any questions?"

"T... Thicc Bird?" Jade looked over her shoulder, frowning. Igneous still found her appearance unsettling given his own circumstances, but at least he had advance warning about her from Valkyrie. "Maybe I shouldn't have eaten so many of Kora's sandwiches..."

Gene rolled his eyes. "Any important questions?"

"Yeah, I got one." Nikki raised her right hand up, but she was looking at Widget. "So, we kicked his ass and now he has to be our friend?"

"No." Gene pinched his brow. "We got him to recognize the gravity of the situation and agree to work with us."

"Pfbt. Sure. What kinda stupid cartoon shit is this?" Nikki waved her right arm dismissively. Yuna stifled another giggled. "You just want him around cuz he looks like Nova."

Igneous raised a brow. "Who's Nova?"

"His boooooyfriiiiiend." Nikki sounded like a grade schooler talking about cooties on the playground. "He was a type: full, too, until he bit the big one thanks to everyone's favorite asshole lightbulb."

The grovlazzle tensed up. Between Nikki and Yuna's incessant stifled giggling, he could only conclude the two had gotten their hands on something fermented. Igneous quickly sideyed Sakaki. Judging by the dumbfounded look on the nidoking's face, he'd reached the same conclusion. And here I thought he kept all his sake in his personal office.

Gene's eyes flickered blue. "She means Bahamut, for the record." The mewtwo looked at Yiazmat, who tapped her index claws together.

"I see," the dragapult whispered. "My daughter... suggested that, perhaps, Bahamut was not as benevolent as we teach our people."

Nikki snorted loudly. "That's putting it mildly. The spooky evil gem in Boss Kitty's shoulder? It was part of the asshole lightbulb's face."

Igneous, Sakaki, and Yiazmat all glanced at Gene in surprise. Wasn't that a Malice Crystal? How could it have come from Bahamut?

"Look, this isn't productive." Gene held up his hands. "I'll give you the full story another time. We need to focus on the here and now."

"I think that's a bit difficult for some of us to do right now," Yiazmat said, stealing glances at her daughter. "Yunavresca, what's gotten into you?"

"Me?" Yuna stiffened on Nikki's shoulder. "Nothing. I'm fiiiiiiine." She waved her right hand dismissively.

"... she's drunk."

Several heads turned in Cyril's direction. The cosmic zoroark shook his head. "Look, I run a bar and grill. I know a drunk 'mon when I see one." He pointed at Nikki. "She's buzzed at best, since poison-types resist alcohol."

"Well, someone help me snap her out of it," Yiazmat said, her tail undulating rapidly. "I don't have the means to whip up the drink that counters alcohol in ghosts."

"Think it's a bit late for that one," Cyril deadpanned. "Maybe we ought to put her on a cot so she can sleep it off?"

However, Leo cautiously approached Nikki and Yuna, tilting his head. "Mom, are you okay?"

Yuna looked down at Leo, blinking. Igneous hastily coughed into his arm. 'Mom?' Just how much did I miss after I went rogue?

"Mommy's fiiiiine." Yuna tried leaning over to pet Leo's head. She ended up sliding off Nikki's shoulder and falling to the floor with a splat.

Leo's eyes widened in alarm. He quickly lifted his right forehoof and his wheel shimmered with green light. A soft green aura enveloped Yuna. The drakloak floated back into the air. "Huh?" She blinked several times, then rubbed her eyes. "What's everyone looking at me for?"

"Mr. Cyril called you drunk," Leo said, sticking a hind leg back in the cosmic zoroark's direction. "So, I tried to fix it." He wagged his starcloud tail. "Do you feel any better?"

"I, uh... guess so?" Yuna rubbed the back of her neck. Yiazmat hadn't taken her eyes off the drakloak. Igneous couldn't blame her, given the early part of their exchange. Yuna must have realized it, too, because she glanced at Yiazmat. "Something wrong?"

"He called you 'mother." The dragapult narrowed her eyes. "Is this some practical joke because of what I said earlier?"

"No." Yuna sucked in a breath. "I rescued his egg, which hatched not long after. Do the math."

Thank the stars. Igneous found that explanation better than the alternative.

"And now he sees you as his mother?" Yiazmat looked at the cosmic arceus, befuddled. Leo's mane and tail sparkled.

"So, you're our grandma?" His tail swished back and forth. "Wow! Are we going to get to meet Grandpa, too?"

Yuna frowned. "We?" She tilted her head. "Leo, there's only one of you. You didn't strain yourself healing me, right?"

Leo shook his head and again stretched his right hind leg back. "I'm talking about Widget, of course. He's my big brother!"


Widget and Yuna blurted it out simultaneously. They stared at each other, then Leo, then each other again.

"Leo, sweetie." Yuna sighed and put her hand on his head. "You can't go calling random people your sibling." She frowned. "Even if they do look a bit like you."

"I guess you were too drunk to pay attention to Gene's explanation," Valkyrie scoffed. "Leo senses a connection with Widget." The garchomp smirked. "So, congrats on a second kid. And you didn't even have to hold hands. Or whatever you ghosts do to make eggs."

Yuna took one look at her flabbergasted mother and her torso shot up into her rectangular head. Igneous thought it best to interject before things got even worse. "Okay, I think everyone's said their pieces on the matter. Yuna's healed up, so we can get back to business." He looked at Gene. "Isn't that right?"

"Well said, Four Twenty." Gene nodded approvingly at Igneous.

"The hell did you call me?"

"Nothing." Gene flicked his tail dismissively. "You were the one who reached out to me originally, weren't you? You got something to tell the group beyond what happened to our intrepid starkids?"

"I do, actually." Igneous crossed his arms. "I know what happened to them when they passed out, because I ended up where they did. We all had... well, I guess you could call it an out of body experience."

"Care to elaborate?" Valkyrie raised a brow.

Igneous hastily recounted what he saw in the strange clearing, with Xeromus speaking into the distortion and summoning some strange, wispy creature from it.

"Hmm." Artemis scratched his chin. "So, I think it's safe to say the quakes and the giant rift that popped up in the sky are a direct result of what you saw."

"It would appear fate is dragging us toward a second Darkest Day whether we like it or not," Yiazmat ominously declared.

"I don't get it." Cid shook his massive head. "I thought Natus referred to Eternatus, which is less of a living creature and more a cosmologic entity." He paused and looked at Cyril, Leo, and Widget. "Err, a different kind of cosmology."

"We get it," Cyril deadpanned. "But, yeah, the orbeetle's got a point. Plus Eternatus still isn't actually free yet. Otherwise this planet would've broken apart already."

"I mean... Xeromus has a few dozen screws loose." Nikki did a cuckoo gesture. "Nobody should take anything he says seriously."

"And what about the cloud creature he summoned?" Igneous immediately countered. He had kept his gaze fixed on Gene, whose face remained scrunched up in confusion.

"Sounds like an ass that needs kicking to me." Nikki punched her right hand with her left.

"Time out." Gene stepped into the middle of the circle of bodies. "Someone wanna tell me who Xeromus is? I can see half of you avoiding eye contact with me. Doesn't take a genius to tell it's got something to do with me."

Silence at first. No one wanted to speak up, though Igneous wasn't entirely sure what answer Gene was looking for. Was it a detail he missed learning about the mewtwo?

A sigh from Yuna indicated the drakloak chose to take one for the team. "Xeromus is a helmet-wearing type: full with chains around his legs and a creepy black cloak covering most of his body." She rubbed her right shoulder. "And, well, your photo album showed pictures of Nova in a turquoise cloak and anklets, so—"

"—So you think he's Nova?"

Gene's gaze fell to the floor. His Malice Crystal pulsated wildly on his shoulder. Igneous held his breath, unsure if Gene planned to blow up at them or not.

Instead, the mewtwo took a deep breath. "Well, if we don't know where exactly he is, we shouldn't throw our resources into finding him. Not when there are more pressing matters to consider." He pivoted toward Alder and Cid. The braviary sat perched on the orbeetle's massive head. "Isn't that right?"

Igneous exhaled in relief. A small part of the grovlazzle thought he could learn a bit from Gene, since he definitely wanted to find Ahsen and Xeromus to dish out some revenge.

"Yes." Alder bowed his head. "Kora and I are in agreement, the stability of our dimension is worsening. I agree with Milotic's assessment that whatever Xeromus did brought us that much closer to a dimensional cataclysm."

He paused, as if considering his next words carefully. "And given how Eternatus itself doesn't seem bound by the laws of nature, I believe it's serving as the focal point for the breakdown of space and time." The braviary lifted his gray and white wing. "A beacon drawing in instabilities and turning them into full-blown anomalies."

Nikki scratched her right horn. "I only followed, like, half of that, but I'm gonna assume it's bad. Cuz Afro Bird sounds all ominous and shit."

Cid's spots glowed blue. "I think Alder's right. My Dynascan's gotten progressively stronger since Starlene's sabotaged concert. And when Leo and Widget went unconscious, I swear I could sense places within Eternatus getting sucked into dimensional anomalies."

"Pulled into Ginnungagap, the mystery dungeon between worlds," Alder elaborated, his head feathers glowing pink in time with Cid's spots.

"Seriously?" Cyril whistled. "That's some impressive range."

The orbeetle shifted about uncomfortably. "Perhaps, but I'm worried what it might mean for my own health and safety the longer this goes on."

"We'll keep an eye on it, then," Gene said with a dismissive wave. "Alder, you got something else for us?"

The psychic braviary nodded. "Based on my readings, it seems like we'd have to seal the anomalies from their other sides to stop them from expanding in our universe."

"Which means, what, going to different dimensions?" Nikki dusted the sides of her leather jacket. "Man, from Eternatus, to outer space, to dimension hopping. Hell of a road trip."

"There's a plus side to this, though," Cyril cut in. The cosmic zoroark nonchalantly kicked his right leg back and forth. "The emperor must not realize what's going on. His interplanetary network has had disruptions since that concert. And even if he does put two and two together... he's in no position to actually fix anything."

Gene snapped his fingers. "Which is precisely where we come in. This is how we turn the tides against the empire."

"Oh, and hopefully learn more about this Red Chain that Vince told us about," Alder chirped. When Yuna and Nikki tilted their heads in confusion, he added, "Quasar Prime is one of the areas that got trapped within an anomaly."

It was then that Sakaki finally decided to make his presence known by clearing his throat. He tucked a small crystal into his blazer pocket.

"That's all well and good, Mr. Gene, but I'm not in a position to offer the Bureau of Eternatus Investigators to your little rebellion." The nidoking folded his hands behind his back. "We have issues within Radiance that need addressing. Someone has to work to keep the people here safe, because the Isola regime certainly won't.

"Case in point, some of my spies report seeing strange, almost robotic bug pokémon emerging from the outskirts of Casaroja." Sakaki's brow furrowed. "They're heading in the direction of an anti-Parliament protest by Centrado Station."

"So?" Nikki threw her arms up. "Bout time people woke up and saw the queen and her dumb playboy son for the idiots they are."

Yiazmat's tail crinkled. "You don't think... they're calling in machines to attack protestors, do you?"

"I don't have enough information to answer that," Sakaki said. "But the timing is suspicious in the wake of all these Eternatus-related revelations that came out of Parliament."

Igneous stole a quick glance at Scarlett. The dragonair had slithered back away from the circle, curling up in the corner with a guilty expression on her face. He shot her an apologetic look, but she didn't see it.

"That so?" Gene had a mixture of curiosity and thinly veiled contempt on his face. Did he know Sakaki from somewhere?

... No, that wasn't right. Sakaki initially seemed quite surprised with the mewtwo's arrival, and he was usually good at hiding his emotions.

"Sure, whatever." Gene waved his right arm dismissively. "Divide and conquer. How's this for an arrangement, then?" The mewtwo pointed to Igneous and Yiazmat. "You can keep your son and your ally." He then pointed at Noctum and Valkyrie. "And I'll give you Zardy and Chompy, too."

"H-Hey!" Noctum's Malice Crystal flickered. He looked at Yiazmat and winced. "Err, not that I wouldn't mind working with you, Your Highness. It's just... I'm supposed to look after Yuna."

"Hasn't really worked out for you, though," Gene pointed out, to which the black charizard wilted. "And Team Bureau needs someone who can open rifts. Meaning you." He smirked. "I'm giving you Chompy, at least. You two work well together." He jerked his head at Igneous. "And she can be back with her charge after all the griping."

Igneous thought that rather belittling, but let it slide. Because it would be nice to work with Valkyrie again. He did feel the need to advocate for someone else, though. "Scarlett stays with us, too."

"Who?" Gene looked over his shoulder. "Oh, right, the singing noodle. Yeah, sure, go nuts." He hastily pivoted to point at Yuna, Nikki, Jade, Seifer, and Widget. "You guys are heading to Quasar Prime with me. We'll keep the Team Bastion moniker for ease of communication."

"What about Leo?" Jade asked.

"He's coming too." Gene snapped his right fingers. Cyril reached into his mane and produced a metal collar.

"The Morph-O-Tron. Figured it makes sense to disguise him as a dreepy," Cyril explained. "He can ride on Yuna's head."

"Cool!" Leo's eyes sparkled. "Hear that, Widget? Family mission!" He hopped in place excitedly.

Igneous resisted the urge to facepalm.

"Alder will head back to Chakran and work with Kora on their meditative whatever," Gene continued. "The rest of you will support Cid and Cyril. You guys are Team Copter. Our proverbial eyes in the sky."

The cosmic zoroark bobbed his head. "Cid's able to sync his Dynascan up with my X-transceivers. We should be able to keep in touch that way, though I'm not sure if it'll hold up when you guys cross through a rift."

"It's a risk we'll have to take," Gene exclaimed. He stepped into the middle of the group, "So, is everyone good with this plan? Any objections?"

Quetzal stuck his right leg out. "Why am I stuck on the sidelines?"

"Team Copter needs some muscle," Gene replied. "Maybe we'll rotate around later. Any other questions? Comments? Concerns?"

Total silence. Igneous wanted to rest more, but it wasn't like this situation was going to stop escalating.

"Good." Gene clapped his hands. "Then, let's get to work on our final preparations and move out."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I saw that a new chapter was up, given the ongoing Review Event on Union, I figured that was as good a reason as any to just dive right into this story with…

Chapter 56

Hey Vincent,

Sorry for the cloak and dagger routine, but I need to use the analog method for this one.

Overseers are mobilizing, but it's to keep nearby worlds from getting dragged closer to POV-2020. It's real bad. I'm hearing reports of Whisper sightings. They want me around in case there's any spirit guidance that has to happen.

"Spirit guidance", huh? So PoV's cosmology takes after HoC's in the sense that there's spirit realms floating around out there?

Though that mention of "worlds" plural getting dragged closer to POV-2020 is prime
fuel. And given what happened last chapter, I suppose we might see the first rumblings of that in this one.

But I don't plan on sitting on my haunches. If things are that bad, the seal on POV-2020 is getting looser. Could probably go there physically if I try hard enough. The only issue is getting these prying eyes off my back. I'm hoping the fact that I sense Jaeger might give me more wiggle room, but it's hard to say.

'Jaeger', huh? I'm guessing that that's meant in the 'hunter' sense and not in the 'light infantry' one, though I'll be keeping an eye out for that one in the future since I know that PoV takes after HoC in the sense that very few names mentioned don't go on to become important at some point.

Sorry you can't come along, but I'm not in a position to cover for you.

All I ask is that if you're going to stick your neck out, don't do anything stupider than I did in my early Horizon days. Things are unraveling pretty fast, but I think fixing it's more of a marathon than a sprint.

Oh, so the author of this letter or whatever this is an incarnation of Shane of some sort. So he really did have some involvement with Vincent mucking around in POV-2020.

... Hopefully. Never was good with metaphors.

Oh, and make sure you burn this note when you're done with it. Can't have it falling into the wrong hands. ;P

Yeah, the author is totally Shane or some AU of him. Since boy is this general thought process familiar right now.

The purple and white koraidon folded the note up, sighing.

Perhaps this was the "darkest night" his teacher's old team motto spoke of...

Yeah, I called it, not that there weren't a bunch of blatant hints toward this end already.

Shimmer no longer cared about cold steel beneath his hooves. The floor couldn't scuff his immaculate hooves anymore. Not with the icy air swirling around them. He paced across the top of a metallic staircase, gazing out at the rows of purple machines with saucer-like heads bearing heavy gray cannons.
... Boy is that theme music ominous now that Shimmer is rocking it. So I was onto something about someone from the Radiant royal line ultimately going the Queen Brahne route, even if I was wrong about who it'd be.

Just how did Tesla come up with this design? And how did the boltund make so many of them? The ponyta figured Demerzel was facetious when he said he'd provide Shimmer an army. Yet here Shimmer was, eating his words like humble pie.


Oh, so those Genesect are going to become relevant in the near future, huh?

"You really think these things can replace the Radiant Guard?" Shimmer wondered. He kept his distance, unnerved by the glassy red spheres meant to pass as eyes.

I see that even in this setting, the good old-fashioned "Sycorax Gaze"™️ freaks more normal Pokémon out something fierce.

"They are stronger and faster," Demerzel responded. He floated next to a large switchboard, scrutinizing it intently. "And they have disks that change the element they can fire from the cannons on their heads."

Fantastic combination there for a setting where the average Joe is hugely depowered compared to canonical Pokémon, really.

Shimmer rolled his eyes. "Big deal. Pokémon use attacks of different types all the time."

"It's a big deal because it's a big cannon." Demerzel chuckled. "If you want to swing the public's favor in your direction, you need to make a big splash. And this is the biggest splash I can think of." He glanced over his shoulder. "The next time World Ender's forces mount an assault, the genesect will repel them. And you, as their commander, will get the credit."

I'm not exactly convinced that that's how things are going to play out there, though I must say that I hadn't considered the possibility of Dermezel being a free actor in this story. I suppose I should've given that you've mentioned offhand that he's the Kuja of PoV.

The ponyta's heart fluttered. He liked the sound of that. Of people seeing him as more than just a pretty face. And after his blunder in front of Parliament, he needed to prove he was a competent leader. Someone who could step in where his mother had failed.

By dutifully doing everything that Dermezel tells you to do-?

Shimmer: "Shut up! I'm the one calling the shots here, okay?!"

Dermezel: "(Yes, yes, keep telling yourself that...) Anyhow, as I was saying..."

"Perhaps, with enough victories, they'll even compare you to Adelaide," Demerzel continued. He floated back from the switch board. "Based on Tesla's memories, I've set everything up. All I need to do is throw the activation switch and they'll come online. You remember the authorization code I told you, yes?"
[*][12:19 AM]

Not that Shimmer is the type to realize that Dermezel is just transparently pandering to his ego in live-time here.

Sighing, Shimmer nodded. He wished he could forget it.

"Then shall we begin?"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbTf3moH72s

Shimmer: "I don't see how this is much of a decision. I give the code, wake up these bug-bot things, and get my army to stop World Ender. Sounds pretty open-and-shut to me!"

Shimmer paused for a moment, before remembering his helplessness against the mysterious knight. Watching as he lost Xander. As Vegna belittled him. As his mothers called him a failure behind his back.

"Do it."


Though I suppose that it's time to see if Dermezel is the type to knife people in the back immediately after getting what he wants or if he's going to keep stringing Shimmer along for a while.

Demerzel raised his left hand... and the underground bunker shook. The bright white ceiling lights flickered. Shimmer's nine tails curled up. "What's going on?"
Well, things might be going wrong faster than anyone anticipated there. ^^;

"Some sort of tremor, perhaps?" Demerzel turned around. "Give me a moment. I'll investigate, Your Grace." He bowed to the ponyta and vanished in a flash of green light.

Shimmer resumed pacing. Tesla was supposed to be smart. No way he built this bunker by a fault line. Which meant it was either a strong quake... or something else entirely.

Narrator: "It's something else entirely, obviously."

Fortunately, Shimmer would get a quick answer. Demerzel reappeared, a grim expression on his face. "It's as I feared. Not a tremor, but World Ender further destabilizing the planet."

Ah yes, well that's all just peachy there. Even if "planet" might be overselling it a tad given that everything outside a fairly narrow geographical region is basically "step into here and de facto die"-land.

"Meaning what, exactly?" Shimmer asked.

Demerzel's eyes glowed blue. He projected an image of the night sky into Shimmer's mind. Only a large, jagged rift tore right through it.

"What is this?" Shimmer growled, frost swirling around his icy mane and tails.

Shimmer: "Wait, World Eater can literally tear holes into the sky-?"

Dermezel: "Please save all questions until after the mental projection is finished, thank you."

The mental image faded and Demerzel turned back to the switchboard. "A sign of why you need this army, Your Grace." He raised his right hand. Blue light encased a large lever beside the switchboard. An unseen force pulled the lever down. Loud whirrs and hums filled the bunker, followed by the scrapes of metal on metal.

Shimmer turned to the genesect. Row by row, they stood up. They aimed their cannons forward.

inb4 all of that was just a transparent lie and it was something completely unrelated to World Ender. I wouldn't exactly put it past Dermezel there.

[Input authorization code,] a mechanical voice declared. It belonged to the genesect in the middle of the front row; red, unlike the others. Perhaps it was supposed to be the leader?

Shimmer cleared his throat. "Minister Doctor Tesla is the greatest genius of our generation."

Shimmer: "God, I feel dirty just saying that out loud."

Dermezel: "Don't mind it, Your Grace. Sometimes you just need to indulge a fool's vanity to get what you want."

Red's eyes flickered green. [Access approved. Welcome, system administrator. Please issue your commands.]

Shimmer: "So... I just tell it to do things, or...?"
Dermezel: "Given that Tesla clearly is a flash over function type, I suppose testing whether or not his system is voice activated makes more sense than trying to find documentation of a couple hundred terminal commands."

A grin slowly spread across Shimmer's face. He turned to Demerzel. "Figure out where World Ender's forces intend to strike. We'll be ready for them this time."

Demerzel curtsied to the ponyta. "As you wish."

Ah yes, where """World Ender's forces""" intend to strike. I like how it just doesn't occur to Shimmer at all to keep any oversight over Dermezel after he unnaturally altered his body earlier in the day.

Igneous was at a loss for words. In the blink of an eye, he went from sitting beside Scarlett, telling her that Nikki simply needed time to cool off, to floating weightless above a field of dead, gray grass. Only occasional pieces of stone covered in equally gray moss stuck out. Well, that and the familiar helmeted figure standing a few meters away from him.

Wait, a helmeted figure? That one is new to me.

The grovlazzle tried to form Leaf Blades at his elbows, but he couldn't. He looked down to find his body practically see-through.

And he wasn't alone, either. First an apparition of some blue-purple, four-legged critter with a wheel around his belly appeared on his right. Then came... some sort of black-furred mishmash creature with a starcloud around its neck that resembled Wheel Kid's. The two of them locked eyes with each other. It looked to Igneous like they were trying to speak with one another, but no words came out.

Never mind then. I suppose that I should've seen that one coming since that indeed would be a "familiar helmeted figure" there. Though ohai Cosmic!Widget and Cosmic!Cyril.

Igneous couldn't move toward them. His legs, weightless and transparent, wouldn't move. He opened his mouth and tried to call them.

... Nothing.

Nothing until Xeromus' coughing fit broke the silence.

Igneous: "Oh my god. Why are you here?! Nobody asked for you to be here!"

"You can see it, can't you, Natus?" Xeromus rasped. "The first rungs on the ladder you must climb. To become the new truth of all worlds."

Ominous OST is ominous. Though so Eternatus is sapient under it all. Even if the "new truth of all worlds" is extremely foreboding and I'm pretty sure directly related to the threat of omniversal collapse looming over the story as a whole in the background.

Natus? Igneous frowned. They were surrounded by distortion, sure, but was Xeromus really talking to it thinking it was Eternatus?

Ah yes, "thinking" it's Eternatus. Have you ever considered that there might be another explanation to all this, Igneous?

[He is still getting set up for the (Big Stream)! The (Pre-Stream Bangers) haven't faded out yet!]

Wait, huh? There's another robot voice here chiming in at the moment? Since that's definitely not anywhere as stiff and mechanical as I'd have expected from a "robot voice" there.

Igneous' snout wrinkled in disgust. He scanned the field for signs of Ahsen, yet he couldn't find that accursed cluster of floating discs. Perhaps he was in front of Xeromus? A pity Igneous couldn't walk around. Or attack.

Astral projection be like that. Which I'm pretty sure is what's happening to you right now, Igneous.

Why was he here? And why was Wheel Kid here? He glanced at the little cosmic fuzzball, who shrank away from Xeromus, ethereal glow dimming.

Xeromus hacked and coughed until he shook his head back and forth. His helmet and chains rattled. "I know. The struggle you face is great. And though I am a mere omen, I will walk the path laid out for me, so you may envelope all worlds in your love!" He took several heavy, wheezing breaths. "So, rise! Rise so you may begin your climb toward the grand union! Toward Ragnarok!"

Oh, so Xeromus is essentially aiming to help Natus reboot the omniverse in its own image by starting up a new singularity thing kinda like those visions from the past that we've seen, huh?

A small purple beam shot up from the ground, piercing through the distortion. Then another. And another. Soon there were ten— no, twenty!

Igneous: "I'm... just gonna guess that that isn't remotely good right now."

The ground trembled, like it had before Igneous ended up here. Dirt and pebbles tumbled through the dead grass. Wheel Kid looked around in a panic, rubbing his forehooves together. The other mutt had its gaze locked on Xeromus.

Igneous tried to shoot Bullet Seeds at Xeromus. Nothing came out. Was this some sort of out of body experience? The power he took from Ahsen must have caused this to happen. Igneous silently cursed the two creeps as the purple beams faded.

Again, astral projection, Igneous. Never heard of the idea before from a game or something?

[Are my (Eyes Emoji) deceiving me?] Ahsen buzzed excitedly. [He's moving! (PogChamp)s in the (CHAT). (HELIX)'s (Body Is Ready)!]

Oh, that would explain the robot voice. Somehow I missed that that voice from earlier was definitely Ahsen. Though what on earth is Ahsen's powerset anyways given that it can apparently induce astral projections for Pokémon it has affected.

What the hell are they going on about? Igneous couldn't move around to see what caused the purple beams. He didn't need to, however, because the answer quickly made itself apparent in the form of a brown, gaseous blob with a wispy stalk of a head and neck and tiny, beady red eyes that slowly looked down at Xeromus.

Wait, so Natus' true form is Beta Arceus? I suppose that would explain a thing or two about why Eternatus is so different relative to its canonical properties in this story.

"Still too fragmented," he said between deep, raspy breaths. "But do not worry. I shall bear the burden of piecing you back together. In fact..."

He slowly turned around and locked eyes with Igneous.

"I believe a reunion will be upon us sooner than you think."

Oh, so that's why those Plates were mentioned floating around in earlier chapters. I take it that Xeromus is looking for those in order to power up Natus.

An invisible force grabbed hold of Igneous and yanked him away from Xeromus and the creepy cloud monster. He had only seconds to see the same thing happen to Wheel Kid and his strange friend before he found himself back in the Ryujin base, staring up at a white, granular ceiling.

Oh, well that's a good omen for how Leo and his buddies are doing right about now. Not.

"Igneous?" A dragonair snout peeked into his field of view. "Igneous, can you hear me?"

The grovlazzle sat up, nearly headbutting Scarlett, who managed to back away in the nick of time. A shudder ran down his body.

"Where's Valkyrie? I have to... I have to..."

Scarlett: "Have to what? Igneous, you look like you've seen a ghost!"
Igneous: "God, I wish. I'm pretty sure that I've just seen something much, much worse."

"I already called Gene."

Igneous looked over his shoulder.

Valkyrie stood in the doorway, brow furrowed. "What happened?"

Igneous: "... Do you want the long version or the short version?" ^^;
Valkyrie: "Chiaki, just spit it out already."

"Something bad," the grovlazzle whispered. "Something real bad."

Which I'm sure that Yuna is just going to love hearing about once she hears about it and realizes that Leo's likely in serious danger right now.

Accounting for everyone Gene brought with him from Chakran, Sakaki's boardroom didn't have enough space. Not unless they planned for half the group to stand on the table or float awkwardly near the walls and ceiling. So, the nidoking directed everyone to a large, empty room in the base's cellar. Igneous had never been in it, but it was well-stocked with various supplies neatly organized on shelves. Perhaps it was some sort of emergency bunker, in case Radiant authorities ever breached Scale City.

Some tense music there. Though boy is this local Yakuza crazy-equipped right now. Just what sort of stuff do they get up to on the surface to justify half this stuff?

Once everyone got settled, Gene explained what had happened with Wheel Kid, whose name was Leo, Cyril, and Widget, the captured pilot. Or that was what Gene called the type: full, anyway. Throughout the mewtwo's explanation, Cyril kept looking at his arms and legs and shifting uncomfortably, while Seifer stole glances at the now-cosmic flavored zoroark.

Seifer: "Um... that will wear off eventually, right?"

Gene: "I'm not sure, actually. Especially since you'd think that 'unshackling a soul' would be kind of a lasting-"
Cyril: "Oh my god, Gene, can we not right now?" >.<

He wasn't the only one acting funny, either. Yuna lay draped over Nikki's shoulder and the two of them kept their distance from Noctum, Scarlett, and Yiazmat. The drakloak kept throwing her hands over her mouth, but Igneous swore he heard Yuna on the brink of multiple giggle fits.

"... then Thicc Bird screamed and, next thing any of us knew, Junior and Widget were out like lights." Gene crossed his arms. His Malice Crystal pulsated slowly. "Any questions?"

Quetzal: "T-Thicc Bird?!" >v<
Gene: "I mean, did you want me to lie and call you petite?"

"T... Thicc Bird?" Jade looked over her shoulder, frowning. Igneous still found her appearance unsettling given his own circumstances, but at least he had advance warning about her from Valkyrie. "Maybe I shouldn't have eaten so many of Kora's sandwiches..."

Well, never mind then. Wrong thicc bird there, even if I got the overall reaction correct.

Gene rolled his eyes. "Any important questions?"

"Yeah, I got one." Nikki raised her right hand up, but she was looking at Widget. "So, we kicked his ass and now he has to be our friend?"

Gene: "I mean, that is how it tends to work in anime, so..." ^^
Nikki: "But we live in real life..."

"No." Gene pinched his brow. "We got him to recognize the gravity of the situation and agree to work with us."

Nikki: "Meh, close enough to count."

"Pfbt. Sure. What kinda stupid cartoon shit is this?" Nikki waved her right arm dismissively. Yuna stifled another giggled. "You just want him around cuz he looks like Nova."

Igneous raised a brow. "Who's Nova?"

I mean, I'm not fully convinced that Widget just looks like Nova, but yes. That is undoubtedly hugely impacting Gene's decision-making right about now.

"His boooooyfriiiiiend." Nikki sounded like a grade schooler talking about cooties on the playground. "He was a type: full, too, until he bit the big one thanks to everyone's favorite asshole lightbulb."

Which given Yuna's idle musings about Xeromus and Nova being the same in the past... might be only mostly dead. If that.

The grovlazzle tensed up. Between Nikki and Yuna's incessant stifled giggling, he could only conclude the two had gotten their hands on something fermented. Igneous quickly sideyed Sakaki. Judging by the dumbfounded look on the nidoking's face, he'd reached the same conclusion. And here I thought he kept all his sake in his personal office.

Oh. So that's why Yuna's laughing so much during this meeting when she's never displayed this sort of side to her in public. Guess that's one way to know that it hasn't been that long since that outro scene where she and Nikki were getting wasted.

Gene's eyes flickered blue. "She means Bahamut, for the record." The mewtwo looked at Yiazmat, who tapped her index claws together.

Nikki: "So... guilty as charged, then?"
Sticker, Nikki Silly,

Gene: "Look, keep this up and you're sitting this briefing out until you sober up!"

"I see," the dragapult whispered. "My daughter... suggested that, perhaps, Bahamut was not as benevolent as we teach our people."

Nikki snorted loudly. "That's putting it mildly. The spooky evil gem in Boss Kitty's shoulder? It was part of the asshole lightbulb's face."

Oh right, I'd forgotten about that detail in the past. Though that makes me wonder if it's reflected in Bahamut's depictions in art as like a scar or something or if he got better after the whole Cinnabar Island incident.

Igneous, Sakaki, and Yiazmat all glanced at Gene in surprise. Wasn't that a Malice Crystal? How could it have come from Bahamut?

"Look, this isn't productive." Gene held up his hands. "I'll give you the full story another time. We need to focus on the here and now."

Ah yes, going ahead and teasing Special Episode 2 for the future, I see.

Even if I'm a little surprised that he didn't opt for "ask Yuna/your daughter when she's less drunk".

"I think that's a bit difficult for some of us to do right now," Yiazmat said, stealing glances at her daughter. "Yunavresca, what's gotten into you?"

"Me?" Yuna stiffened on Nikki's shoulder. "Nothing. I'm fiiiiiiine." She waved her right hand dismissively.

"... she's drunk."

Wait, who's saying that last line there? Yiazmat? Or a third party? Though I can already see Yiazmat's mood taking an
turn in live-time right about now.

Several heads turned in Cyril's direction. The cosmic zoroark shook his head. "Look, I run a bar and grill. I know a drunk 'mon when I see one." He pointed at Nikki. "She's buzzed at best, since poison-types resist alcohol."

Oh, well there's our speaker there. And yeah, Yuna also going through as much sake as Nikki did without a type-resist and a smaller body... would definitely be a recipe for getting nice and wasted.

Though that makes me wonder if Lum Berries and things made from them would be able to help control the effects of drunkenness and hangovers to an extent given that they work on Confusion in the games.

"Well, someone help me snap her out of it," Yiazmat said, her tail undulating rapidly. "I don't have the means to whip up the drink that counters alcohol in ghosts."

... That exists in this setting? Though noted. Wonder if we're ever going to actually see it depicted onscreen at some point.

"Think it's a bit late for that one," Cyril deadpanned. "Maybe we ought to put her on a cot so she can sleep it off?"

That would be wise, even if rule of funny and plot says that you're likely not getting rid of Yuna from this scene so easily.

However, Leo cautiously approached Nikki and Yuna, tilting his head. "Mom, are you okay?"

Yuna looked down at Leo, blinking. Igneous hastily coughed into his arm. 'Mom?' Just how much did I miss after I went rogue?

Nikki: "More than you could ever know, Twiggy."
Igneous: "I... suppose that I should ask someone for a recap later once everyone's sober." ._.;

"Mommy's fiiiiine." Yuna tried leaning over to pet Leo's head. She ended up sliding off Nikki's shoulder and falling to the floor with a splat.

Leo: "Uh, yeah. You're not fine." ._.;
Yiazmat: "Thank the great Guiding Light that this is a closed-door meeting, I can only imagine the stories that would go around back home if this came out."

Leo's eyes widened in alarm. He quickly lifted his right forehoof and his wheel shimmered with green light. A soft green aura enveloped Yuna. The drakloak floated back into the air. "Huh?" She blinked several times, then rubbed her eyes. "What's everyone looking at me for?"

"Mr. Cyril called you drunk," Leo said, sticking a hind leg back in the cosmic zoroark's direction. "So, I tried to fix it." He wagged his starcloud tail. "Do you feel any better?"

... Wait, what on earth did Leo do to spot-fix drunkeness there?

"I, uh... guess so?" Yuna rubbed the back of her neck. Yiazmat hadn't taken her eyes off the drakloak. Igneous couldn't blame her, given the early part of their exchange. Yuna must have realized it, too, because she glanced at Yiazmat. "Something wrong?"

Yuna: "I... didn't do anything too improper while I was sloshed, did I?"

"He called you 'mother." The dragapult narrowed her eyes. "Is this some practical joke because of what I said earlier?"

"No." Yuna sucked in a breath. "I rescued his egg, which hatched not long after. Do the math."

Yuna: "Look, it's just imprinting and doesn't mean anything deeper than that, okay-?"

Jade: "Actually... didn't you have those visions about-?"
Yuna: "Look, it's just imprinting, that's all! (... I hope.)"

Thank the stars. Igneous found that explanation better than the alternative.

Narrator: "The alternative's more accurate as an explanation."

"And now he sees you as his mother?" Yiazmat looked at the cosmic arceus, befuddled. Leo's mane and tail sparkled.

"So, you're our grandma?" His tail swished back and forth. "Wow! Are we going to get to meet Grandpa, too?"

Boy would that be a sight to behold, assuming that Leo doesn't wind up giving off a negative first impression here.

Yuna frowned. "We?" She tilted her head. "Leo, there's only one of you. You didn't strain yourself healing me, right?"

Leo shook his head and again stretched his right hind leg back. "I'm talking about Widget, of course. He's my big brother!"


I'd trot out the Kyubey image macro, but considering how weird what PoV's cosmology that we know of is like in this story thus far... I won't rule it out there.

Widget and Yuna blurted it out simultaneously. They stared at each other, then Leo, then each other again.

"Leo, sweetie." Yuna sighed and put her hand on his head. "You can't go calling random people your sibling." She frowned. "Even if they do look a bit like you."

Yiazmat: "I mean, technically, you can, but it's socially awkward and it doesn't truly make them a sibling of yours." >_>;

"I guess you were too drunk to pay attention to Gene's explanation," Valkyrie scoffed. "Leo senses a connection with Widget." The garchomp smirked. "So, congrats on a second kid. And you didn't even have to hold hands. Or whatever you ghosts do to make eggs."

I can already hear Yuna and Yiazmat quietly retching in the background right now.

Yuna took one look at her flabbergasted mother and her torso shot up into her rectangular head. Igneous thought it best to interject before things got even worse. "Okay, I think everyone's said their pieces on the matter. Yuna's healed up, so we can get back to business." He looked at Gene. "Isn't that right?"

"Well said, Four Twenty." Gene nodded approvingly at Igneous.

Igneous: "'Four Twenty'?"

Gene: "You're a weed that's being blazed, so..."
Igneous: "Is that supposed to be a drug joke or something? Since I'm not sure if we even have that reference in this world."

"The hell did you call me?"

Nevermind, maybe they do have '420' as weed slang in this world.

"Nothing." Gene flicked his tail dismissively. "You were the one who reached out to me originally, weren't you? You got something to tell the group beyond what happened to our intrepid starkids?"

"I do, actually." Igneous crossed his arms. "I know what happened to them when they passed out, because I ended up where they did. We all had... well, I guess you could call it an out of body experience."

Oh, so Igneous also passed out too in the middle of all of that? Though I suppose that if so that that would be one way to put two and two together in short order.

"Care to elaborate?" Valkyrie raised a brow.

Igneous hastily recounted what he saw in the strange clearing, with Xeromus speaking into the distortion and summoning some strange, wispy creature from it.


Valkyrie: "Really, Igneous?"

Igneous: "Look, I'm not writing out an entire scene a second time, alright? Let's just cut to the chase here!" >_>;

"Hmm." Artemis scratched his chin. "So, I think it's safe to say the quakes and the giant rift that popped up in the sky are a direct result of what you saw."

"It would appear fate is dragging us toward a second Darkest Day whether we like it or not," Yiazmat ominously declared.

No, that's more the efforts of multiple bad actors including Xeromus there.

"I don't get it." Cid shook his massive head. "I thought Natus referred to Eternatus, which is less of a living creature and more a cosmologic entity." He paused and looked at Cyril, Leo, and Widget. "Err, a different kind of cosmology."

"We get it," Cyril deadpanned. "But, yeah, the orbeetle's got a point. Plus Eternatus still isn't actually free yet. Otherwise this planet would've broken apart already."

I mean, considering how we've found out that multiple mythologies and belief systems in this world are apparently all founded on lies, are you really that surprised that 'Natus' might turn out to be something different from what you initially assumed?

"I mean... Xeromus has a few dozen screws loose." Nikki did a cuckoo gesture. "Nobody should take anything he says seriously."

Nikki, don't make me break out the Bubsy meme again.

"And what about the cloud creature he summoned?" Igneous immediately countered. He had kept his gaze fixed on Gene, whose face remained scrunched up in confusion.

"Sounds like an ass that needs kicking to me." Nikki punched her right hand with her left.

Igneous: "... Okay, yes, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't potentially know things that we don't right now." >_>;

"Time out." Gene stepped into the middle of the circle of bodies. "Someone wanna tell me who Xeromus is? I can see half of you avoiding eye contact with me. Doesn't take a genius to tell it's got something to do with me."

This... probably should have been described a bit more explicitly in the story, since I didn't get the vibe that this was happening in the background while Igneous and Nikki were talking about Xeromus there.

Silence at first. No one wanted to speak up, though Igneous wasn't entirely sure what answer Gene was looking for. Was it a detail he missed learning about the mewtwo?

Igneous: "... Okay, how much did I miss between whatever you all got up to while I was busy getting hospitalized?" ._.;
Gene: "A lot, but don't change the subject here. Who is this Xeromus, and what does he have to do with me?"

A sigh from Yuna indicated the drakloak chose to take one for the team. "Xeromus is a helmet-wearing type: full with chains around his legs and a creepy black cloak covering most of his body." She rubbed her right shoulder. "And, well, your photo album showed pictures of Nova in a turquoise cloak and anklets, so—"

"—So you think he's Nova?"

Yuna: "... You said it and not me? Especially since it didn't exactly sound like Type: Full with free will were exactly common."

Gene's gaze fell to the floor. His Malice Crystal pulsated wildly on his shoulder. Igneous held his breath, unsure if Gene planned to blow up at them or not.

Well, he's definitely thinking long and hard about it, at least.

Instead, the mewtwo took a deep breath. "Well, if we don't know where exactly he is, we shouldn't throw our resources into finding him. Not when there are more pressing matters to consider." He pivoted toward Alder and Cid. The braviary sat perched on the orbeetle's massive head. "Isn't that right?"

That took every ounce of Gene's willpower to not just drop everything and go for Xeromus, didn't it?

Igneous exhaled in relief. A small part of the grovlazzle thought he could learn a bit from Gene, since he definitely wanted to find Ahsen and Xeromus to dish out some revenge.

Ah yes, you are totally prepared for that to end well and not in a one-sided slaughter there, Igneous. /s

"Yes." Alder bowed his head. "Kora and I are in agreement, the stability of our dimension is worsening. I agree with Milotic's assessment that whatever Xeromus did brought us that much closer to a dimensional cataclysm."

Gene: "Wait, so you mean we actually have a reason to go and look for Nov- er, Xero-" Cyril: "Boss Kitty, no." >_>;

He paused, as if considering his next words carefully. "And given how Eternatus itself doesn't seem bound by the laws of nature, I believe it's serving as the focal point for the breakdown of space and time." The braviary lifted his gray and white wing. "A beacon drawing in instabilities and turning them into full-blown anomalies."

Well that would certainly explain a few things going on both in the opening and in the scene watching Xeromus talk with Beta!Arceus there.

Nikki scratched her right horn. "I only followed, like, half of that, but I'm gonna assume it's bad. Cuz Afro Bird sounds all ominous and shit."

Cid's spots glowed blue. "I think Alder's right. My Dynascan's gotten progressively stronger since Starlene's sabotaged concert. And when Leo and Widget went unconscious, I swear I could sense places within Eternatus getting sucked into dimensional anomalies."

This kinda would've been neat to see properly in the story, but I suppose that a Cid-vision scene will need to wait for another day.

"Pulled into Ginnungagap, the mystery dungeon between worlds," Alder elaborated, his head feathers glowing pink in time with Cid's spots.

"Seriously?" Cyril whistled. "That's some impressive range."

Wait, Cyril knows about Ginnungagap? I didn't see that one coming. .-.

The orbeetle shifted about uncomfortably. "Perhaps, but I'm worried what it might mean for my own health and safety the longer this goes on."

"We'll keep an eye on it, then," Gene said with a dismissive wave. "Alder, you got something else for us?"

Oh yeah, I'm sure that dismissive wave made Cid feel so much better there.

The psychic braviary nodded. "Based on my readings, it seems like we'd have to seal the anomalies from their other sides to stop them from expanding in our universe."

... Wait, but how do you get back home if you do that? Since doesn't that by virtue result in someone getting left behind in another universe outside of POV-2020? ^^;

"Which means, what, going to different dimensions?" Nikki dusted the sides of her leather jacket. "Man, from Eternatus, to outer space, to dimension hopping. Hell of a road trip."

I wonder if this is the final level of scale escalation that we're going to see from this story or if there's somehow another level on top of this that's going to be added at some point. Since I'll admit that I hadn't seen the 'multiverse' angle coming last year until it happened.

"There's a plus side to this, though," Cyril cut in. The cosmic zoroark nonchalantly kicked his right leg back and forth. "The emperor must not realize what's going on. His interplanetary network has had disruptions since that concert. And even if he does put two and two together... he's in no position to actually fix anything."

You know what they say about assuming, Cyril...

Though I suppose that that's one way of hinting at that Paradox isn't the true big bad of the story.

Gene snapped his fingers. "Which is precisely where we come in. This is how we turn the tides against the empire."

"Oh, and hopefully learn more about this Red Chain that Vince told us about," Alder chirped. When Yuna and Nikki tilted their heads in confusion, he added, "Quasar Prime is one of the areas that got trapped within an anomaly."

With all due respect, Gene. But you may have gotten your priorities a wee bit reversed since stopping the Eterna Empire is kinda moot if all of POV-2020 gets pulled into Ginnungagap.

It was then that Sakaki finally decided to make his presence known by clearing his throat. He tucked a small crystal into his blazer pocket.

"That's all well and good, Mr. Gene, but I'm not in a position to offer the Bureau of Eternatus Investigators to your little rebellion." The nidoking folded his hands behind his back. "We have issues within Radiance that need addressing. Someone has to work to keep the people here safe, because the Isola regime certainly won't.

Sakaki: "Also a portion of the readerbase was protesting the lack of focus and action here on Etherium lately, so it'd do you well to throw them a bone."

"Case in point, some of my spies report seeing strange, almost robotic bug pokémon emerging from the outskirts of Casaroja." Sakaki's brow furrowed. "They're heading in the direction of an anti-Parliament protest by Centrado Station."

"Red house", huh? Though I just knew that "stopping World Ender's forces" was going to lead to something completely different from what Shimmer's reflexive assumptions would be.

... Not that he reads as the type to really care about slaughtering a few hundred/thousand commoners since he didn't exactly have a high opinion about their value as people in the scene where he and his classmates were bailing from Venish.

"So?" Nikki threw her arms up. "Bout time people woke up and saw the queen and her dumb playboy son for the idiots they are."

Yiazmat's tail crinkled. "You don't think... they're calling in machines to attack protestors, do you?"


Yuna: "Wait, but why? The existing government's legitimacy is already tenuous and-"
Sakaki: "And that's exactly when governments make rash and escalatory decisions like this. Much like any Pokémon backed into a corner and threatened."

"I don't have enough information to answer that," Sakaki said. "But the timing is suspicious in the wake of all these Eternatus-related revelations that came out of Parliament."

Igneous stole a quick glance at Scarlett. The dragonair had slithered back away from the circle, curling up in the corner with a guilty expression on her face. He shot her an apologetic look, but she didn't see it.

Igneous: "(Boy is it a good thing that she had to adopt a different form for her stage persona, since it'd be beyond awkward for people on the street to put two and two together...)"

"That so?" Gene had a mixture of curiosity and thinly veiled contempt on his face. Did he know Sakaki from somewhere?

Waaaaaaait, but I thought that Gio burned up in a lava pit and that if he did get rezzed, that he's busy being Guile Hideout. So then how on earth does Gene...?

... No, that wasn't right. Sakaki initially seemed quite surprised with the mewtwo's arrival, and he was usually good at hiding his emotions.

Well, guess these two really do know each other. Though I can't tell if that's a sign that Sakaki is somehow Gio all along, or if he's his Nidoking that took a name after his old boss in memory of him.

"Sure, whatever." Gene waved his right arm dismissively. "Divide and conquer. How's this for an arrangement, then?" The mewtwo pointed to Igneous and Yiazmat. "You can keep your son and your ally." He then pointed at Noctum and Valkyrie. "And I'll give you Zardy and Chompy, too."

Noctum: "H-Huh?! Gene! Don't I get a say in all of-?!"

Valkyrie: "I mean, did you really want to work separately from each other, Zardy?"

Noctum: "Well... no... b-but I can't just go about and join forces with a mafia-!" Igneous: "Yakuza."
Noctum: "Wh-Whatever! I'm supposed to be a royal bodyguard! Not palling around with organized crime syndicates!"

"H-Hey!" Noctum's Malice Crystal flickered. He looked at Yiazmat and winced. "Err, not that I wouldn't mind working with you, Your Highness. It's just... I'm supposed to look after Yuna."

Cue Noctum getting relieved of duty in 3... 2...

"Hasn't really worked out for you, though," Gene pointed out, to which the black charizard wilted. "And Team Bureau needs someone who can open rifts. Meaning you." He smirked. "I'm giving you Chompy, at least. You two work well together." He jerked his head at Igneous. "And she can be back with her charge after all the griping."


But you can't say that Gene doesn't have a point there.

Igneous thought that rather belittling, but let it slide. Because it would be nice to work with Valkyrie again. He did feel the need to advocate for someone else, though. "Scarlett stays with us, too."

Scarlett: "Igneous?! Why on earth would you-?!"

Igneous: "You just seemed like you needed someone to have your back, that's all. And well, you're not exactly close friends with anyone else yet, so..."

"Who?" Gene looked over his shoulder. "Oh, right, the singing noodle. Yeah, sure, go nuts." He hastily pivoted to point at Yuna, Nikki, Jade, Seifer, and Widget. "You guys are heading to Quasar Prime with me. We'll keep the Team Bastion moniker for ease of communication."

So Team Bastion and Team Bureau, huh? Wonder if things will eventually grow to the point that there will be a third B-team with how many characters are in this story.

"What about Leo?" Jade asked.

"He's coming too." Gene snapped his right fingers. Cyril reached into his mane and produced a metal collar.

"The Morph-O-Tron. Figured it makes sense to disguise him as a dreepy," Cyril explained. "He can ride on Yuna's head."

Ah, taking after R&C, I see. Since this feels like a non-weaponized and less permanent Morph-O-Ray from that same series.

"Cool!" Leo's eyes sparkled. "Hear that, Widget? Family mission!" He hopped in place excitedly.

Igneous resisted the urge to facepalm.

inb4 this winds up becoming a soul-crushing nightmare, since there's a reason why in militaries, family members stopped getting deployed together in the same units.

"Alder will head back to Chakran and work with Kora on their meditative whatever," Gene continued. "The rest of you will support Cid and Cyril. You guys are Team Copter. Our proverbial eyes in the sky."

Oh, so there is a third team after all. Even if I wasn't expecting it to be a 'C' team there.

The cosmic zoroark bobbed his head. "Cid's able to sync his Dynascan up with my X-transceivers. We should be able to keep in touch that way, though I'm not sure if it'll hold up when you guys cross through a rift."

"It's a risk we'll have to take," Gene exclaimed. He stepped into the middle of the group, "So, is everyone good with this plan? Any objections?"

Igneous: "... Shouldn't we be taking a bit more time to plan things out than-?"

Gene: "Nah, this is just my style. Always worked fine for me!"

Quetzal stuck his right leg out. "Why am I stuck on the sidelines?"

"Team Copter needs some muscle," Gene replied. "Maybe we'll rotate around later. Any other questions? Comments? Concerns?"

Wonder if that's a meta joke about Quetzal being out of the limelight (since we never did get a lot of followup with Shiva and Ifrit) or if it's foreshadowing that he's going to get a decent amount of attention in the near future.

Total silence. Igneous wanted to rest more, but it wasn't like this situation was going to stop escalating.

"Good." Gene clapped his hands. "Then, let's get to work on our final preparations and move out."

I swear that one of these days, Gene's pantsing is going to come back to bite him. Even if he's had a long streak of proving me wrong for when his luck would run out.

Alright, time for that post-mortem:

Today's chapter felt like another transitional one, but at the same time, it still felt like stuff happened even if it was mostly a bunch of conversations plus an astral projection scene. Probably because we've seen pieces moved in place for things to go hard and fast in the near future on multiple levels. It does make me wonder how that's going to be handled since just from the protagonists' side, there's three ongoing plot threads, but hey. You already brought them together once before, and they're working in coordination with each other. I can already tell that this won't be the last time we see everyone together in a room like this.

The characterization and humor were on-point like always, and I suppose that having Namo as a beta reader must help a lot for managing the layers on the onion to get peeled back for reveals. Since while we learned quite a bit in this chapter, it felt like there were some things that while I could make a guess at, that the full explanation was lying just out of reach a bit. Though hey, it's a tried and true way of keeping the audience glued and tuning back in in the future.

As for criticisms, while you have staked out a definitive style that is a bit lighter on description than most and made things work in the story writ large. There's a couple points where I wondered if you cut things a little too far to the bone. The bit where we only find out about Gene getting uneasy looks away after the topic of Xeromus potentially being Nova came up comes to mind, since we didn't exactly see that, or any acknowledgement from Igneous after the fact of "... huh, Yuna and the others really are avoiding eye contact" given that that meeting scene is from his perspective. It might make sense to add a couple small bits here and there in those moments in particular.

But other than that, the chapter was solid as always. Kudos on the good work, @Ambyssin . And I'll be looking forward to your next update in a couple weeks. ^^


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
"W… what did you do to us?!" Quetzal squawked. Shiva got to her feet and found an orange bird with lightning-bolt markings on his shrunken wings kicking at the ground with his newly-elongated legs.
NOOOO I DON'T WANNA BE AN OSTRICH!!! being an ostrich is fine actually. i don't care anymore


sorry this is horrendously late. i could make excuses but instead i'll just review extra chapters.


prologue -

i see that in your review guidelines you request summaries of the chapters to make sure you're getting your stuff across right, so i'll start with that. as best i can tell, articuno/zapdos/moltres are part of some sort of imperial guard and have been posted under this weezing guy to protect the needle. they don't really understand why, and resent the empress's advisor, who claims to have premonitions that the birds are somewhat suspicious of. turns out the advisor is right, though, because during their watch a phantom pokémon breaks down the door and dispatches them easily, transforming them into their galarian variants and placing them under some sort of mind control. meanwhile, somewhere else, a royal dreepy who's attending some sort of boarding school awakes with a start.

the first segment of this prologue is split into two main parts. the first part is fairly expository and involves a lot of dialogue about the worldbuilding. it's not inorganic, per se—i enjoyed the way the information is presented through the filter of the character's unique perspectives and dynamics with one another—but opening the story on a conversation about the precise political situation did border on a bit infodump-y to me. it is good information but i felt like this prologue ended up quite dense and i wondered if this portion could have been abbreviated with some of the more particular details revealed later.

the latter part is an action sequence that seems to telegraph the conflict to come. i thought the action was pretty snappy although not necessarily punchy; the description is somewhat clinical. these bones were broken, these attacks were used. i think this segment would appreciate some additional sensory detail. that said, the fight was easy to follow, and it was paced well. between the very diabolical, larger-than-life villainy of the phantom and the dialogue of the characters—What! Phantoms can't use Dynaforce, that's impossible!—the fight had a bit of a shounen-y feel to it, which is fun and i think a good fit for the PMD genre.

the phantoms are interesting. i wasn't sure if it was some kind of PMD thing that i wasn't aware of on account of having not played the last couple titles, but judging by other reviews it seems like they're your own invention. it's a neat idea! kind of reminds me of rwby or bleach. i'm curious to see where it goes.

i said it already, but the characters were good. their differing perspectives came through strongly, and i liked the cautious dynamic they had with douglas, taking care not to speak too plainly and risk offending him. i enjoyed the detail about moltres being more unnerved by dragons than articuno due the type chart, as well as douglas's beard ruining soda for shiva. on that note, it's interesting that there's soda in this setting—makes me wonder about the tech level. overall, the characters' personalities and interactions felt well-considered.

the yuna part is cute. information-wise i think it's mostly redundant—we learn that she comes from royalty, which we knew from the earlier conversation, and that she's at a school, which we're going to learn imminently in the next chapter—but it's short and sweet enough that it doesn't matter too much, and it's a decent character introduction.


1. -

summary: yuna, the dreepy princess from the previous chapter, is walking sleepily to breakfast with baraz the dracozolt, her attendant. on the way they're accosted by a goofy greedent/nickit crime team, whom baraz makes quick work of. at breakfast she's introduced, and no one seems terribly happy to see her. it's announced that there'll be a Crowne Cup beginning soon, with an opening event that evening, which yuna is apprehensive about. she gets bullied a little, then heads into town for supplies. on the way there, a fleeing orbeetle cries for help, apparently being attacked by some crackpot doomsday herald, who says some stuff about ether and smelling vibes. yuna manages to distract him long enough for the police to intervene. the orbeetle is grateful and introduces himself as her history teacher. then they head home.

this was a fun one. it seems like your writing style is better suited to the whimsy of this chapter than to the edge of the previous one. there were a lot of delightful moments—i thought the greedent and nickit were great, and i laughed at noctum's attempt at being helpful going awry because he is a terrifying dragon. i'm getting kind of hogwarts-y vibes from this overall; crowne cup, the jolly headmaster and his severe second-in-command, the fantastic gear and supplies, the little gremlin meltans who run around in the margins keeping the whole thing going, and the classic assortment of gossipy students and bullies. yuna is definitely a fish out of water here and seems like she has her work cut out for her.

some particular stuff i appreciated here was your awareness of the bodies of different pokémon; baraz feels big and lunky and weighty and awkward but powerful, yuna bobs down to the ground when she's sleepy, noctum's tail flame dims and brightens according to his mood. they're great details and add a lot to the immersion. i also liked the way that pokémon are kind of typecast into their narrative roles based on their designs; the nickit and greedent are just so Nickit and Greedent, toxtricity is the picture of a high school bully, conkeldurr is the platonic ideal of a bouncer, etc.

it wasn't clear to me what species xeromus was. it seems like that might have been intentional, but i wanted to note it just in case it wasn't.

the shortcomings of this chapter were sorta similar to the ones in the last one. the lack of dialogue tags made the conversations a bit hard to follow at times. action-wise, i felt like the fight felt about as distant as the one in the prologue, and unlike that one this one dragged a little; it felt like at a certain point xeromus was just saying the same stuff slightly rearranged and i was kinda waiting for the interaction to wrap up.

overall, this was a mostly breezy chapter with a lot going on, and it was fun to read and easy to follow. i felt like it was a lot stronger than the prologue, which reinforces my thought that the prologue would be served by some abbreviation.


2. -

summary: a sirfetch'd and a ponyta are playing pool waiting for their friends to arrive. once they get there, they chat about yuna, discussing how her parents have arrived to yell at the chancellor. they are also racist against dragons. they mention nikki, the bully toxtricity from before, who they think is doomed to always lose the crowne cup early. there's a cut to the chancellor's office, where yuna's parents are making a fuss about the fact that she's been assaulted a couple times since arriving on campus. there's obviously some political tension here, but vortex is overall fairly blasé. it's revealed that mystery dungeons have been encroaching on territories traditionally protected from their distortions, which has been diverting security forces. yuna's parents demand she be opted out of the crowne cup, but vortex expresses hesitation, and so does yuna. in the end it's decided she will stay. the visit is interrupted by arianna, who has apprehended nikki for vandalism via graffiti. vortex doesn't want to punish nikki for the sake of punishing her, opting for a more rehabilitative approach. nikki is placed on a team with yuna, with the hope that yuna will be eliminted early as a result, satisfying her desire to participate and her parents' desire to keep her out of harm's way. vortex charges cid with overseeing this, and suggests that he will lose his job if he mismanages it.

this chapter felt transitional, joining the status quo introduced in the last chapter with the change that will catalyze yuna's progression over the next several. it was somewhat lore- and dialogue-heavy, although i felt like it came across more fluently than in the prologue, as it's tied to the arcs of characters in whom i'm already invested. i thought the mystery dungeon lore was pretty interesting. this seems like a somewhat high-tech world whose wiles have been conquered more completely than in the PMD worlds we see in canon. my guess is that things are changing due to internal sabotage, and that the advisor from the prologue may be to blame.

yuna is taking a more active role in her own progression here, which is nice to see. overall, she's still very much being corralled by her parents and vortex, but at least we see her exerting some agency here. you definitely get the sense that she somewhat resents how heavily she's being managed, and it makes me wonder if we'll see a rebellious outburst from her soon. no doubt being teamed up with nikki will exacerbate that impulse if it exists already.

this chapter really leans into the anti-dragon stuff at the beginning, and a little bit during the meeting with yuna's parents. i think having a charizard as the chancellor here is kind of interesting. he walks and talks like a dragon and he certainly ain't a fairy. it seems like type isn't everything, since there's some suspicion expressed towards chiaki for being reptilian—so i wonder if vortex's affiliation will come up later, regardless of the fact that he isn't technically a dragon-type. interesting stuff.

one thing that jumped out at me here was the head-jump—we move from yuna's perspective over to cid's without any formal break, which was confusing to me at first; i had to double back a few times to see if i'd missed anything. there's nothing wrong with changing your perspective, but i feel like a scene break or generally something that draws that transition out more explicitly would serve you well here.


finishing thoughts: though i wasn't totally hooked by the prologue and had my quibbles with it, this story gets engaging fast once we're put into the perspective of yuna. your characterization is spot-on, the world feels alive, and the premise is very well-considered and interesting. i know you have a reputation for very high scale, so i'm curious to see what the on-ramp to that looks like, and hope to revisit this fic soon. i can either continue reviewing as i go or just skip ahead to the end and pick up reviewing with the latest stuff—let me know which you would prefer. sorry again for the lateness of this review, but i hope you still find it useful.
Chapter 57: Getting Hot in the Kitchen


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 57: Getting Hot in the Kitchen

Eternatus' insides looked identical to outer space. Blackness filled with occasional colorful spots denoting other planets it had absorbed. Yuna expected something more... horrifying, given everything Eternatus-related she'd experienced up to this point. The drakloak took the small victory and pulled her head away from the window. She lay down on the cot in the back of the spaceship. Leo, now disguised as a dreepy, snuggled up against her.

"So, we're looking for a guy who's part of a company that exists on this planet in name only?" Nikki scooched back on her own cot, leaning against the ship's wall. "Sounds like a fantastic way to run around like torchic with our heads cut off."

"And that's not even accounting for whatever the dimensional anomaly's done to the place," Seifer said, anxiously tapping a forehoof on his leather seat. "We could use the ship to cover ground faster, I suppose, but that doesn't drastically improve the situation."

"At least we have a photo," Gene said from the pilot's seat. The mewtwo flicked his right wrist, levitating up a color photo of a man with very pale skin and thin, silver hair. Even though she'd never seen a human face to face, Yuna found him sickly.

"Personal experiences can cloud one's gut impressions," Reshiram piped up. "You were sick for a while. Now you might be more sensitive to such things."

Gee, thanks,
Yuna mentally growled.

"S-Sorry," Reshiram squeaked.

The X-transceiver speaker crackled. Yuna flinched. Though she hated the thought of more voices rattling around her head, she couldn't afford not to take an X-transceiver and constantly be in the dark.

"We've finished gathering up the data," Cyril announced.

"Go ahead." Gene returned his attention to the ship's dashboard. Yuna spotted a blue and purple fissure in the distance. Their destination, probably.

"Right. So, like Nikki said, the Devon Corporation branch you're looking for is little more than a shell outfit," Cyril explained. "Only a PO Box and a single employee."

"That being this Sigurd Stone fellow?" Seifer asked. He, too, couldn't take his eyes off the fissure. Yuna wondered how nervous he was.

"Correct," Cyril replied. "Originally, Devon manufactured electronic devices, but after Eternatus absorbed Earth, the company took a contract with the Matriarch to mass produce type: full units based on schematics from something called the Aether Foundation."

A squeaking mattress made Yuna's tail crinkle. She looked up at the cot above hers, expecting Widget to say something. But the cosmic type: full stayed silent.

"One of the last missions I did with Nova involved raiding Devon's headquarters and remove all traces of type: full data from their servers," Gene added, a twinge of nostalgia in his voice. "And, well, once Matriarch went offline they couldn't do business as usual."

"Right. So, they pivoted to architecture and civil engineering," Cyril continued. "They still take contracts for the empire. The current president, Stephanie Stone, isn't shy about her support for Paradox. You should see her Chatter page."

"I'd rather take your word for it," Gene scoffed.

They were at the fissure. Purple and blue expanded around the ship, as if some ethereal hand was grabbing hold and pulling it in. Yuna resisted the urge to squirm and disturb Leo. Instinct told her to flee the rift, yet she couldn't control the ship. She had to go through it. Too much was at stake.

"From what I can tell, Sigurd is Stephanie's son. Spends his time researching Centroviner Volcano's geothermal energy," Cyril said.

"A volcano?" Nikki glanced nervously at her leather jacket. "It's on Earth, right?"

"No, it's on Quasar Prime," Gene responded.

"Greeeeeat." The toxtricity took her jacket off and threw it onto the nearby pillow. "I bet you're happy, huh, Princess?"

Yuna had to admit, the prospect of a volcanic landscape offered reminders of home. It was a nice, if strange, comfort. "But what does the volcano matter?" the drakloak wondered.

"Sigurd thinks the volcano houses a slumbering, mutant zygarde," Cyril said. "He writes about all his findings on his blog, because it sounds like he's blacklisted from academic journals. Probably his mother's handiwork, if I had to guess."

"Heh." Nikki snickered her hand. "Hear that, Princess? You're not the only one estranged from a parent. He'll fit right in with us!"

Yuna got stuck on the mention of a mutant zygarde. She recalled brief parts of the vision where an unknown force pulled out a Needle and called for Saint Zygarde.

After blinking a few times, the drakloak shook her head. "I... I'm not estranged from Mom," Yuna mumbled, tapping her right hand against her blanket. "I just... need a bit more time before I talk to her again."

The ship lurched. Yuna bounced into the air with a squeak, nearly bonking the bottom of Widget's top bunk. "Hey! A little warning next time!" she growled.

"Sorry." Gene now held the steering wheel tightly. "We're inside the rift. I think the ship's having some trouble with the gravity. Maybe you guys should head for the seats and buckle up?" He flipped a switch beside him. Red seatbelt icons came to life near the top of the ship's walls.

"This is Ginnwhatever?" Nikki hopped out of her bed and plopped down in one of the nearby chairs. Rather than fastening her seatbelt, she simply gripped the arm rests. "Looks like the pictures in those dumb biology textbooks that'd put me to sleep in a wink. At least the neon aesthetic's pretty cool."

Clutching Leo in her arms, Yuna floated into the seat opposite Nikki's, wondering what the toxtricity meant. She saw shimmering, multicolored shards that brought broken glass to mind. In some ways, it resembled the rifts she made, but on a massive scale.

"I don't get it," the drakloak admitted, making sure the seatbelt secured both her and Leo. "What's sciency about this?"

"Crystals and light motes connected together to look like neural networks or DNA," Widget replied. He hesitantly climbed into the seat opposite Seifer, brow furrowing. "If you look closely, you can see light streaming across the shards. Like neuronal signals charging down axons and leaping across synapses."

Yuna had no idea what the cosmic type: full was talking about. She instead focused on the small, luminescent islands in the distance. Some were sideways. Others upside down. Crystal coils sprouted from the islands. Otherworldly tree equivalents, perhaps?

Then again, maybe the drakloak was better off not focusing too hard on any of it. Vincent called this place the space-time mystery dungeon, didn't he? So, of course it hurt her head trying to think about it. Mystery dungeons didn't make a lick of sense!

A bright blue flash enveloped the ship windows. It shuddered again. Squealing, Yuna tried not to squeeze Leo too tight. "Gene?" she whispered.

"We're fine!" the mewtwo insisted. "Just a little, uh, transdimensional lightning storm?" He scratched his head. "Sure, yeah, let's go with that."

"That doesn't sound remotely fine!" Reshiram squawked, nearly forcing himself out of Yuna's Soul Dew to make his protests known to everyone else. She didn't blame him when Gene sounded like he was grasping at straws.

More blue light streaked by the ship's windshield. Yuna opted to close her eyes. She imagined one of Drasbraznav's nearby volcanoes. The drakloak visualized the huge plumes of smoke and sulfur drifting into the sky. Tiny embers floated around her while she hovered through the castle courtyard, bobbing her head at the gummy bushes a couple of vibrava groundskeepers tended to.

"Can you guys hear me?"

Yuna kept her eyes closed, only silently acknowledging Cid's voice. Guess the X-transeivers could work inside an anomaly. She had no idea just how much Cid's powers had grown, but at least she had a connection to home through all this madness.

And to think, minutes ago she mentally complained about having the X-transceiver.

"Sheesh! That bright light's killer!" Nikki cried, before the ship jostled once again.

We're okay. We're okay. We're—

"Wh... what? This can't be right!"

Widget's cry was enough to get Yuna to open her eyes. They'd left the strange shattered glass behind, entering a purple and red sky full of ash and fireballs. And it was easy to see why.

"Is that the volcano?" Yuna said, resisting the urge to get out of her seat and fly to the front of the ship. At first she wondered if she was still daydreaming. But a quick pinch of her cheek told her otherwise.

Well, that and the fact that it easily dwarfed the volcanoes back home.

"No." Gene gripped the steering wheel tight. "This is far bigger than Centroviner."

"... that sounds bad," the drakloak squeaked.

"Thou tellest me! The volcanoes I remember doth not hold a candle to this behemoth!" Rayquaza exclaimed. "Tis a blade of sulfur and brimstone piercing the heavens!"

"It might be part of the anomaly. Look at the fireballs." Seifer leaned forward, frowning.

Lava, fireballs, and sulfur clouds sat frozen in midair, casting distorted shadows down the volcanic mountain.

Yuna blinked a few times, then rubbed her eyes to confirm she wasn't imagining things. Her breath grew shaky. "That's... not how eruptions work."

"No duh." Nikki held her fingers in front of her face in the shape of a rectangle. "Someone hit a literal pause button. Talk about a hell of a view."

"None of this makes any sense!" Widget curled gold talons around the edge of his seat. "How can a giant volcano just... appear from the ether? And what about the people of Centropolis?"

"Wait, there's a city here?" Nikki got out of her seat and squished her face up against the nearby window. "Oh, damn, Jigsaw Puppy's right! Look at all those little dots scurrying down there!"

Yuna didn't have to press herself to any windows. She glimpsed multicolored dots far below the ship. She had no idea if they represented humans, pokémon, or a mix of the two. All she knew was that they could see the danger clear as day and were trying to flee.

Nikki's mohawk frazzled. "What idiot builds a city next to a damn volcano?"

Yuna's torso shriveled. "Uh..."

The toxtricity facepalmed. "Ah. Right. Forget I said anything."

"No, hang on." Gene stopped moving the ship forward. He rested his arm against the dashboard. "This isn't right, either. Centropolis isn't this close to Centroviner."

"If the volcano is the anomaly, then that would explain the contradiction," Cid piped up. "It spawned beside the city, and now it's in the process of erupting. Perhaps a volcano from another dimension was drawn to Centropolis because of the similarities?"

"Then all the movement we're seeing must be an evacuation attempt," Seifer concluded. He gazed out the window. "I don't know how we'd even begin searching for Mr. Stone in such conditions."

Widget nearly hopped out of his chair. "Forget about that! If they're in an anomaly, there's nowhere for them to evacuate to!" The cosmic type: full looked around nervously. "And who knows how long the lava and fire will remain frozen in midair. We have to do something!"

"Got any bright ideas, then?" Nikki crossed her arms. Widget went silent. "Yeah, didn't think so. Frozen in time or not, lava's still lava. It's not like we can just... push it somewhere else."

"But he's a powerful psychic." Widget pointed a gold talon at Gene. "If anyone could do that, it's him."

The mewtwo rolled his eyes. "Much as I appreciate getting gassed up, psychic powers don't trump time stasis magic."

"How would you know?!" Widget countered, blue-purple light swirling around his cheek bolts.

"Basic techniques like Trick Room have messed with the speed of my telekinesis," Gene admitted, nearly slouching over the steering wheel.

"Guys?" Leo said. The fake dreepy squirmed in Yuna's gasp, but she was too deep in thought herself.

She pressed her hand against the Soul Dew and out popped a small Rayquaza. "What about you?" the drakloak said.

"Me?" Rayquaza's red eyes blinked. "What dost thou expect me to do?"

"Guuuuuuys?" Leo freed himself and floated into the middle of the group, waving his arms around.

"I don't know." Yuna rubbed her right shoulder. "But the legends say your transformed state could create wind so powerful it could shield an entire city from any sort of weather!"

Seifer raised a brow. "So, what, you want him to blow the lava away?"

Yuna flinched. "I suppose that's one way of putting it."

Rayquaza frowned. "But Princess, I hath not used mega evolution since I forged my part of Eternatus' seal." He clicked his index claws together. "I doth not know if I'm capable of it in this state."


"Eep!" Yuna's torso schlurped into her rectangular head. "Something wrong, Leo?" The fake dreepy was surprisingly loud given his tiny body.

"Yes." He puffed out his ectoplasmic cheeks. "Everyone's talking about saving Centropolis, but we're not in Centropolis!"

That was enough to get Widget out of his seat. "What are you talking about? We know Quasar Prime got swallowed by an anomaly. That's why we're here."

Still frowning, Leo floated onto Yuna's head and pointed to the window behind her. "Then explain that."

Everyone in the ship turned in the direction Leo was pointing. Smoke and fire filled the air, with tall buildings lining the ground and tiny dots all trying to move in the same direction. But what really caught Yuna's attention was a group of pelipper flying several meters away, carrying some sort of electronic sign.



Noctum had never gone into a safe house before. He didn't exactly understand what made it safe to begin with. By all accounts, the house the waypoint had taken Team Bureau to lacked any strong fortifications. Apparently, that was the point, though? "Safe" meant unassuming. And that unassuming nature allowed it to provide safety to its inhabitants... from the Radiant Guard and Stoutland Yard.

That didn't detract from the living room's coziness, though. Pictures of trains and the supposedly-famed Centrado Station sat on soft blue and pink-striped wallpaper. Bookshelves housed pieces covering the history of Radiance's railway system, along with engineering textbooks, and some unassuming nature photography collections. Model train sets sat on tables and the carpeted floor. The black charizard even flipped a switch on one and the tiny train began chugging along the tiny track.

"Why is this place so train-themed, anyway?" Yiazmat wondered, floating somewhere behind Noctum. He sat on the floor, still watching the model train set in action. The rhythmic rattling of the train on the tracks brought a smile to his face. He had no idea why he found it soothing. It was a lot more... involved than his stamp collection, that was for sure.

"This is the type of place an elderly couple would inhabit," Valkyrie responded. She stopped pacing near Noctum. He looked up and saw the incredulous expression on the garchomp's face.

"What? I think this is pretty cool." Noctum beamed at her.

"... tch. Dork." Valkyrie rolled her eyes and resumed pacing. "It's easy for cops to leave an elderly couple alone. And a place full of keepsakes from someone's glory days as a civil engineer is a good enough cover to stash our waypoint."

"Casaroja is the birthplace of Radiance's railway system," Igneous added. He sat on one side of an old sofa, leaning on its armrest. "Plenty of people who live here work there or have worked there."

Noctum nodded. That lined up with the goal of making this place as unassuming as possible. "So, how long do we stay here, exactly?"

"Just waiting to hear from our eyes on the ground," Igneous said, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat. "You trust this Dimitri guy, right?"

Yiazmat looked insulted at the question. "Of course. I'd have sent Baraz with him, but I'm afraid he'd draw a bit too much attention." She lowered her head glumly. "For obvious reasons, of course."

"Seems like it was a pretty stupid idea to even bring him to Radiance in the first place."

Noctum was sorely tempted to stand up and issue a retort to Valkyrie, but Yiazmat responded first. "That's a fair, if blunt, point. Yuna likes him, though. I wanted her to be as happy as she could, given the circumstances."

Valkyrie shrugged. "Whatever. Guess it's all moot anyway thanks to all this shit."

Noctum sighed in relief at Valkyrie dropping the subject. Maybe she was getting better at reigning in her attitude after all. The black charizard returned his attention to the model train, which had fallen off the track. He gingerly picked it up and placed it back on the track, where it immediately resumed moving. His tail flame grew a bit.

"Oh, that reminds me, Noctum. I had Gene go retrieve something for you."

Yiazmat floated over and dropped a circular armor plate beside him. Noctum looked at it and quickly realized it would cover his belly. "Ah." He glanced at the dragapult. "You don't want people to see this in public." Noctum pointed a finger at the Malice Crystal in his belly.

"Would you?" Valkyrie piped up. "Scarlett doesn't even want to go out in the city thanks to her mug getting plastered all over the news. That belly gem of yours may as well be an 'I'm suspicious' sign."

The black charizard sighed. "I know." He nudged the armor piece with his left hand. "Just sucks I have to deal with it."

"Welcome to the club," Igneous said, lazily raising his right arm and waving it around.

Noctum managed to stop himself from countering that the grovlazzle consciously chose his present situation. He returned his attention to the train, which had finished another lap across the tracks.

"Sorry for the delay. The scouts finally reported back to me."

Sakaki's voice crackled through Noctum's X-transceiver. Everyone else in the room perked up in attention.

"What can you tell us?" Yiazmat floated toward the doorway that led out of the living room.

"Things remain peaceful so far," Sakaki reported. "A crowd is parading around the entrance to Centrado Station. It seems that a grapploct and a conkeldurr in red sweat suits are leading the crowd in chants of some... choice words."

Valkyrie kicked her leg back against the wall she leaned on. "Medicis? Figured they'd try to twist this into free publicity. Doesn't concern us."

"It does," Igneous growled. His tails smoldered with embers.

Noctum raised his right hand. "In what way?"

"When I crashed Starlene's backstage area at the Venish concert, there were Medici thugs guarding it." Igneous grimaced. "Including this nickit and greedent duo guarding her trailer alongside the Mr. Rime I'm pretty sure is Minister Charles, but brainwashed to work for Eternatus."

The black charizard chewed on that for a moment, then hopped to his feet with an, "Ahh!" He flinched when his tail knocked over a portion of the model train track. "I, uh— Yuna mentioned those two." Noctum bent down to try and tidy up the mess. "They're the ones who attacked her that morning at the academy."

"A rival syndicate went after my daughter?" Yiazmat sounded ready to fly out the door and challenge the Medicis herself. She took a deep breath to steady herself. "Perhaps this protest is the work of Eternatus' forces, then?"

"... tch. I bet the Medicis would hitch their wagon to Paradox's to save their sorry asses." Valkyrie huffed out blue-purple embers. "What do you think?"

Noctum finished putting the broken train track pieces together and stood up. "Um, what about the robo bugs? Are they here, too?"

"They're not at the protest," Sakaki said. "In fact, we believe one was sighted going into the train station."

"So, they're going to ride a train?" Noctum wondered, scratching his head. That seemed stupid. They could fly, right? Why would they need a train?

"Cyril, you there?" Igneous said, tapping his right foot on the carpet. "Any chance you can get any information on Centrado's rail schedule?"

"Pfbt. 'Any chance,' he says." Cyril's chuckling filled Noctum's ear frills. "Yeah, I looked into it when I spotted the bugs on a camera feed. They're genesect, by the way. Old fossils the emperor tried bringing to life and outfitting with giant cannons. When they proved no match for Boss Kitty, he scrapped the project."

"So how the hell did Isola get a hold of them?" Valkyrie growled.

"Beats me," Cyril replied. "I'm just here to be the schedule lookup guy, apparently." He laughed again while Valkyrie rolled her eyes and huffed more dragonfire embers. "And it looks as though Centrado station is closed to commuter rail transit today."

"What?" Igneous tensed up. The grovlazzle's tails curled. "That's impossible. Centrado's the biggest station in the country. It never shutters."

"I don't know what to tell ya, kid," Cyril said. "I only see authorization details for one train: a heavily armored freighter. Other details are redacted."

Valkyrie pushed herself off the wall. "A freight train? Those don't usually run through there. Where's it heading?"

Cyril sighed. "Redacted."

Noctum frowned. "Freight trains carry supplies?"

Igneous and Valkyrie nodded.

"Maybe they're bringing stuff to help Venish?" the black charizard said. "We're, uh, not that far from it. And if they're worried about something bad happening to the supplies, they'd want to keep it a secret, right?"

"You really expect me to believe Isola would activate a swarm of these genesect thingies for a supply run?" Valkyrie scoffed. "Nah." She paced in the doorway. "Something stinks to high heaven about this. I want a closer look."

Yiazmat's tail crinkled. "I'm still worried about this protest, but that does sound concerning."

Noctum stretched out his wings. "Then let's fly over and—"

"Idiot. We can't fly to a place crawling with guards," Valkyrie said. "We gotta go on foot."

Igneous quirked a brow. "And what should we do when we actually get there? There'll be Radiant Guard on the ground, too."

A toothy grin spread over the garchomp's mouth. "We rile up the protesters a bit. And when the Radiant Guard jumps in to quash it, we sneak into the station."

Yiazmat shook her head. "I'm not looking to cause a scene."

"Then leave it to me." Valkyrie thumped her chest with her right arm. "I know how to get under Medici skin."

"No, I mean in general." The dragapult crossed her arms. "There has to be a way to get there that doesn't involve whipping a peaceful protest into a frenzy."

"We still don't know how legit this protest actually is, though," Igneous said, frowning. "If the empire's got a plan, maybe Val crashing the party will unknowingly disrupt it?"

"It's reckless," Yiazmat countered. "I don't like it."

The grovlazzle flinched at her first comment. He turned away from Yiazmat, scowling. "Got any better ideas?"

"If I may?"

That was Cid.

Valkyrie sighed. "Oh, great, the egghead."

"Casaroja's sewer system includes the rail station. You might be able to get in that way."

"Hell no!" The garchomp wrinkled her snout in disgust. "I ain't wading through sewage. I'll take my chances with my idea."

"You will not."

Valkyrie stiffened at Sakaki's voice. The fight immediately drained from her face. "Sir?" she whispered.

"You are valuable assets and I will not see you risk yourselves unnecessarily," the nidoking said. "Try the sewer method first. If there are guards down there, then Valkyrie can enact her plan. Is that a deal?"

Noctum wondered whether Igneous or Valkyrie had to agree. The grovlazzle bowed his head. "Yes, sir," he said, his tone neutral.

"Good. Keep us updated."

Igneous sucked in a sharp breath. "Will do."

Noctum swallowed hard. So, this was the kind of authority a Yakuza boss wielded? It made his neck scales prickle. And the queen cooperates with him willingly?

The black charizard pushed those thoughts aside as he lumbered toward the doorway.


"Madame Archbishop."

Sticky saluted the oversized serperior propelling herself across the cold steel floor with her thorny vines. Dozens of poipole and xurkitree workers similarly stood at attention, a few of the former shifting about nervously. The naganadel floated after her, making for the giant, mechanical hydreigon hanging from harnesses on the other side of the room.

Uroboros' serperior head split apart, revealing the seviper inside. She scrutinized the machine. "This is it, then?"

"Yes." Sticky glanced down at his tablet. "An autonomous combat unit made with multiple parts of the hydreigon evolution line and Eterna energy, running off data from the defunct Type: Zodiark alpha model. We call it the Iron Jugulis."

"I don't care what it's called," Uroboros scoffed. She yawned into a thorny vine. "We both know the emperor only cares that it gets results."

"Right." Sticky returned his attention to his tablet. "This was, um, cobbled together quite quickly, so it may—"

"Bring it online."

"I beg your pardon?"

The seviper head stared Sticky down. "Bring it online. Cassius just informed His Excellency the Benefactor's prisoners are sending their pathetic aid shipment to the city we ransacked. We can't allow that to happen."

"Could we not send some Eternatus Troopers, instead?" Sticky asked. This seemed like a bad idea hot on the heels of losing both the Seekerskorch and its pilot.

"We will. But His Excellency wants bigger fire power, as well."

"I understand." Sticky looked over his shoulder and nodded at some poipole. They floated away in a hurry. "The team will get right on that."

"Very good." The seviper retreated back inside the serperior head, which closed itself back up.

As Uroboros turned to leave the room, the Iron Jugulis whirred to life. Bright purple light from its LED heads spilled over Sticky.

For the Benefactor.


OSL: Ginnungagap, the Cosmic Mystery Dungeon
Also known as the bridge between worlds. This constantly shifting realm of space-time is the threads holding the omniverse together. The deeper one travels through it, the more it changes to reflect the states of nearby dimensions. However, any living soul that spends too long inside of it will find themselves blown away to a distant corner of the omniverse. This can lead a soul to corrode into a Whisper.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I suppose that it's been long enough since I've kept current with this story, time to see what's been cooking in the background as part of…

Chapter 57

Eternatus' insides looked identical to outer space. Blackness filled with occasional colorful spots denoting other planets it had absorbed. Yuna expected something more... horrifying, given everything Eternatus-related she'd experienced up to this point. The drakloak took the small victory and pulled her head away from the window. She lay down on the cot in the back of the spaceship. Leo, now disguised as a dreepy, snuggled up against her.

inb4 it wraps right around to horrifying once you go and examine that space a bit more closely. Since hey, movies like Event Horizon demonstrate that you can indeed have horrifying and wince-inducing imagery in space.

"So, we're looking for a guy who's part of a company that exists on this planet in name only?" Nikki scooched back on her own cot, leaning against the ship's wall. "Sounds like a fantastic way to run around like torchic with our heads cut off."

Nikki: "Seriously, couldn't we have just put in a call or something?"

Gene: "At these distances? We'd be waiting literal years to hear a response back."

"And that's not even accounting for whatever the dimensional anomaly's done to the place," Seifer said, anxiously tapping a forehoof on his leather seat. "We could use the ship to cover ground faster, I suppose, but that doesn't drastically improve the situation."

Gene's got his priorities straight for his starcraft. Though if nothing else, you can't say that these jaunts through space aren't comfortable.

"At least we have a photo," Gene said from the pilot's seat. The mewtwo flicked his right wrist, levitating up a color photo of a man with very pale skin and thin, silver hair. Even though she'd never seen a human face to face, Yuna found him sickly.

So just how close is this guy to becoming a phantom anyways if someone with literally zero frame of reference for what's normal for humans thinks he looks weak and sickly?

"Personal experiences can cloud one's gut impressions," Reshiram piped up. "You were sick for a while. Now you might be more sensitive to such things."

Gee, thanks, Yuna mentally growled.

"S-Sorry," Reshiram squeaked.

Not that that wasn't really insensitive and blunt, but Cecil isn't wrong there, just saying.

The X-transceiver speaker crackled. Yuna flinched. Though she hated the thought of more voices rattling around her head, she couldn't afford not to take an X-transceiver and constantly be in the dark.

Wait, X-transcievers don't have an audio / headset component and operate off of telepathy? I didn't pick up on that in the past if that's the implication there.

"We've finished gathering up the data," Cyril announced.

"Go ahead." Gene returned his attention to the ship's dashboard. Yuna spotted a blue and purple fissure in the distance. Their destination, probably.

Trippy background music is trippy. Though what made you pick this song in particular?

"Right. So, like Nikki said, the Devon Corporation branch you're looking for is little more than a shell outfit," Cyril explained. "Only a PO Box and a single employee."

"That being this Sigurd Stone fellow?" Seifer asked. He, too, couldn't take his eyes off the fissure. Yuna wondered how nervous he was.

"Correct," Cyril replied. "Originally, Devon manufactured electronic devices, but after Eternatus absorbed Earth, the company took a contract with the Matriarch to mass produce type: full units based on schematics from something called the Aether Foundation."

Ah yes, this part again. Though I have to wonder how on earth Devon got the tooling necessary to build these things given that SnS implies that RKS Labs was only able to make the 4th Type: Null through industrial espionage.

A squeaking mattress made Yuna's tail crinkle. She looked up at the cot above hers, expecting Widget to say something. But the cosmic type: full stayed silent.

"One of the last missions I did with Nova involved raiding Devon's headquarters and remove all traces of type: full data from their servers," Gene added, a twinge of nostalgia in his voice. "And, well, once Matriarch went offline they couldn't do business as usual."

Nikki: "Oh boy, he's going to wax poetic about his old boyfriend right about now, isn't he?" >_>;

"Right. So, they pivoted to architecture and civil engineering," Cyril continued. "They still take contracts for the empire. The current president, Stephanie Stone, isn't shy about her support for Paradox. You should see her Chatter page."

Does she even have a choice given that with the ship that Paradox runs, I'd frankly be shocked if he didn't expropriate businesses run by people that weren't rabid supporters of his? Since Paradox feels very much like the sort of guy who'd have just flatly taken Devon over if its leadership wasn't giving him paeans over social media.

"I'd rather take your word for it," Gene scoffed.

They were at the fissure. Purple and blue expanded around the ship, as if some ethereal hand was grabbing hold and pulling it in. Yuna resisted the urge to squirm and disturb Leo. Instinct told her to flee the rift, yet she couldn't control the ship. She had to go through it. Too much was at stake.


"Boy am I getting a bad feeling about this right now."

"From what I can tell, Sigurd is Stephanie's son. Spends his time researching Centroviner Volcano's geothermal energy," Cyril said.

'Centroviner', huh? Wonder what the backstory behind that one is. Though what on earth would undead people need geothermal energy for-

Wait, they're taking on a new contract with Paradox, aren't they?

"A volcano?" Nikki glanced nervously at her leather jacket. "It's on Earth, right?"

"No, it's on Quasar Prime," Gene responded.

"Greeeeeat." The toxtricity took her jacket off and threw it onto the nearby pillow. "I bet you're happy, huh, Princess?"

Yuna: "Considering how depressing the volcanoes make everything back home look... no, not particularly."

Yuna had to admit, the prospect of a volcanic landscape offered reminders of home. It was a nice, if strange, comfort. "But what does the volcano matter?" the drakloak wondered.

Huh. Didn't see her actually liking being in such environments given that every time Aeon's been described, it sounds like a poverty-stricken backwater, but noted in that case.

"Sigurd thinks the volcano houses a slumbering, mutant zygarde," Cyril said. "He writes about all his findings on his blog, because it sounds like he's blacklisted from academic journals. Probably his mother's handiwork, if I had to guess."

... Which Bahamut captured like 2 chapters ago, didn't he?

"Heh." Nikki snickered her hand. "Hear that, Princess? You're not the only one estranged from a parent. He'll fit right in with us!"

I am not convinced the bit in underlined is going to wind up aging well, though I suppose there's only one way to find out.

Yuna got stuck on the mention of a mutant zygarde. She recalled brief parts of the vision where an unknown force pulled out a Needle and called for Saint Zygarde.

Yeah, feeling really good about that prediction that there's no Zygarde left to collect.

After blinking a few times, the drakloak shook her head. "I... I'm not estranged from Mom," Yuna mumbled, tapping her right hand against her blanket. "I just... need a bit more time before I talk to her again."

Nikki: "Yeah, you're totally estranged from her-"
Yuna: "Nikki, shut. Up. We're just in a bit of a mutual disagreement right now, that's all." >_>;

The ship lurched. Yuna bounced into the air with a squeak, nearly bonking the bottom of Widget's top bunk. "Hey! A little warning next time!" she growled.

... Wait, but isn't Yuna constantly floating/levitating by default? Or is the idea that she was resting and then got air time?

"Sorry." Gene now held the steering wheel tightly. "We're inside the rift. I think the ship's having some trouble with the gravity. Maybe you guys should head for the seats and buckle up?" He flipped a switch beside him. Red seatbelt icons came to life near the top of the ship's walls.

Hope nobody had any open drink containers prior to this, since that's going to quickly become a mess otherwise.

"This is Ginnwhatever?" Nikki hopped out of her bed and plopped down in one of the nearby chairs. Rather than fastening her seatbelt, she simply gripped the arm rests. "Looks like the pictures in those dumb biology textbooks that'd put me to sleep in a wink. At least the neon aesthetic's pretty cool."

... Wait, what on earth do those surroundings look like if it looks like "pictures in those dumb biology textbooks"? Since I'm having trouble visualizing this right now.

Clutching Leo in her arms, Yuna floated into the seat opposite Nikki's, wondering what the toxtricity meant. She saw shimmering, multicolored shards that brought broken glass to mind. In some ways, it resembled the rifts she made, but on a massive scale.

... What on earth is in a Radiant biology text book if "glass shards" are an aesthetic you can encounter inside them? .-.

"I don't get it," the drakloak admitted, making sure the seatbelt secured both her and Leo. "What's sciency about this?"

"Crystals and light motes connected together to look like neural networks or DNA," Widget replied. He hesitantly climbed into the seat opposite Seifer, brow furrowing. "If you look closely, you can see light streaming across the shards. Like neuronal signals charging down axons and leaping across synapses."

Oh. That's why it looks like pictures from a biology textbook. Though wait, does this mean that this is Mega Evolution central? Since that motif is also very prominent in Mega Stones and for Mega Evolution and the like.

Yuna had no idea what the cosmic type: full was talking about. She instead focused on the small, luminescent islands in the distance. Some were sideways. Others upside down. Crystal coils sprouted from the islands. Otherworldly tree equivalents, perhaps?

Also, getting strong late-game FF9 vibes right about now. Though that's probably very much deliberate considering the meta of this story.

Then again, maybe the drakloak was better off not focusing too hard on any of it. Vincent called this place the space-time mystery dungeon, didn't he? So, of course it hurt her head trying to think about it. Mystery dungeons didn't make a lick of sense!

Not sure that's the wisest idea there given how plot-important this place is, but... yeah, might want to take things a bit slow, Yuna.

A bright blue flash enveloped the ship windows. It shuddered again. Squealing, Yuna tried not to squeeze Leo too tight. "Gene?" she whispered.

"We're fine!" the mewtwo insisted. "Just a little, uh, transdimensional lightning storm?" He scratched his head. "Sure, yeah, let's go with that."

Yuna: "Gene, could you have tried any harder to make me feel not fine right now?!" >.<
Gene: "I mean, I could've said that we weren't and had decent odds of all dying horribly? Would that have made you feel better?"

"That doesn't sound remotely fine!" Reshiram squawked, nearly forcing himself out of Yuna's Soul Dew to make his protests known to everyone else. She didn't blame him when Gene sounded like he was grasping at straws.

Yeah, I figured.

More blue light streaked by the ship's windshield. Yuna opted to close her eyes. She imagined one of Drasbraznav's nearby volcanoes. The drakloak visualized the huge plumes of smoke and sulfur drifting into the sky. Tiny embers floated around her while she hovered through the castle courtyard, bobbing her head at the gummy bushes a couple of vibrava groundskeepers tended to.

'Gummy bushes', huh? So gummis in this setting are just straight-up plants in this setting? Or did Yuna mean that the bushes were sticky to the touch?

"Can you guys hear me?"

Yuna kept her eyes closed, only silently acknowledging Cid's voice. Guess the X-transeivers could work inside an anomaly. She had no idea just how much Cid's powers had grown, but at least she had a connection to home through all this madness.

Yuna: "... Ever get the feeling that we should ask Cid how he's been doing sometime? Since it sure feels like a lot's been happening with him that we don't know about." ^^;
Nikki: "Meh, I'm sure it'll be fine."

And to think, minutes ago she mentally complained about having the X-transceiver.

"Sheesh! That bright light's killer!" Nikki cried, before the ship jostled once again.

No sunglasses or window coverings on hand to deal with a moment like this, huh? Feels like a bit of an oversight on Gene's part. But eh, he's always been a more screwloose type.

We're okay. We're okay. We're—

"Wh... what? This can't be right!"

Narrator: "They are not okay."

Widget's cry was enough to get Yuna to open her eyes. They'd left the strange shattered glass behind, entering a purple and red sky full of ash and fireballs. And it was easy to see why.

"Is that the volcano?" Yuna said, resisting the urge to get out of her seat and fly to the front of the ship. At first she wondered if she was still daydreaming. But a quick pinch of her cheek told her otherwise.

I mean, that sure looks like the volcano right about now. Also, cue the alt theme music:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gZs43RpwOM

Well, that and the fact that it easily dwarfed the volcanoes back home.
So on a scale of "Yellowstone, but active" to "Olympus Mons", how big are we talking here?

"No." Gene gripped the steering wheel tight. "This is far bigger than Centroviner."

"... that sounds bad," the drakloak squeaked.

Cecil: "Oh my god. Who on earth put him in charge of driving this thing?!"

"Thou tellest me! The volcanoes I remember doth not hold a candle to this behemoth!" Rayquaza exclaimed. "Tis a blade of sulfur and brimstone piercing the heavens!"
Whelp, sounds an awful lot like we're hitting the 'Olympus Mons' end of the scale. Though inb4 this is indeed the volcano they were looking for, but it's having a normal one after Bahamut did his thing.

"It might be part of the anomaly. Look at the fireballs." Seifer leaned forward, frowning.

Lava, fireballs, and sulfur clouds sat frozen in midair, casting distorted shadows down the volcanic mountain.

Yuna blinked a few times, then rubbed her eyes to confirm she wasn't imagining things. Her breath grew shaky. "That's... not how eruptions work."

So Mystery Dungeons can trigger giganticism. Filing that one away for the future.

"No duh." Nikki held her fingers in front of her face in the shape of a rectangle. "Someone hit a literal pause button. Talk about a hell of a view."

"None of this makes any sense!" Widget curled gold talons around the edge of his seat. "How can a giant volcano just... appear from the ether? And what about the people of Centropolis?"

I'm guessing that those people aren't doing too hot right now. Or alternatively, they're doing way, way too hot right now. ^^;

"Wait, there's a city here?" Nikki got out of her seat and squished her face up against the nearby window. "Oh, damn, Jigsaw Puppy's right! Look at all those little dots scurrying down there!"

Cue hearing the distant background screaming in 3... 2...

Yuna didn't have to press herself to any windows. She glimpsed multicolored dots far below the ship. She had no idea if they represented humans, pokémon, or a mix of the two. All she knew was that they could see the danger clear as day and were trying to flee.

Yeah, I knew it.

Nikki's mohawk frazzled. "What idiot builds a city next to a damn volcano?"

Yuna's torso shriveled. "Uh..."

Yuna: "I feel attacked right now." >_>;

The toxtricity facepalmed. "Ah. Right. Forget I said anything."

So wait, are there any major settlements in Aeon that aren't in spitting distance of volcanoes? Or is that just the norm out there?

"No, hang on." Gene stopped moving the ship forward. He rested his arm against the dashboard. "This isn't right, either. Centropolis isn't this close to Centroviner."

It would be if the volcano erupted and grew. Just saying, Gene.

"If the volcano is the anomaly, then that would explain the contradiction," Cid piped up. "It spawned beside the city, and now it's in the process of erupting. Perhaps a volcano from another dimension was drawn to Centropolis because of the similarities?"

Oh hey, boy does that sound familiar with some of my recent gaming fare. Next thing, you'll tell me that there's also moments where these colliding chunks of omniverse delete each other from existence.

"Then all the movement we're seeing must be an evacuation attempt," Seifer concluded. He gazed out the window. "I don't know how we'd even begin searching for Mr. Stone in such conditions."

Yuna: "We could start by trying to call him since these X-Transciever things seem to always work no matter where we are?"

- Beat moment -
Seifer: "Wait, Gene. Can we do that right now?"

Widget nearly hopped out of his chair. "Forget about that! If they're in an anomaly, there's nowhere for them to evacuate to!" The cosmic type: full looked around nervously. "And who knows how long the lava and fire will remain frozen in midair. We have to do something!"

Huh, so Widget's hero programming does give him priorities other than fighting for Eterna and deleting rebels. I at first was surprised by this, but I suppose I shouldn't be given that even if put together by a villainous faction, Widget was meant to be a hero on their behalf.

"Got any bright ideas, then?" Nikki crossed her arms. Widget went silent. "Yeah, didn't think so. Frozen in time or not, lava's still lava. It's not like we can just... push it somewhere else."

I snerked at the Spongebob meme there.

"But he's a powerful psychic." Widget pointed a gold talon at Gene. "If anyone could do that, it's him."

- Gene looks blankly out the window for a moment -
Gene: "... Kid, I know that I'm good, but I'm not that good." >.<

The mewtwo rolled his eyes. "Much as I appreciate getting gassed up, psychic powers don't trump time stasis magic."

"How would you know?!" Widget countered, blue-purple light swirling around his cheek bolts.

Wait, Gene has actually tried something like this before? Wasn't expecting that one. .-.

"Basic techniques like Trick Room have messed with the speed of my telekinesis," Gene admitted, nearly slouching over the steering wheel.

"Guys?" Leo said. The fake dreepy squirmed in Yuna's gasp, but she was too deep in thought herself.

They're about to run into a ball of lava right now, aren't they?

She pressed her hand against the Soul Dew and out popped a small Rayquaza. "What about you?" the drakloak said.

"Me?" Rayquaza's red eyes blinked. "What dost thou expect me to do?"

"Guuuuuuys?" Leo freed himself and floated into the middle of the group, waving his arms around.

Cue the crash in 3... 2...

"I don't know." Yuna rubbed her right shoulder. "But the legends say your transformed state could create wind so powerful it could shield an entire city from any sort of weather!"

Seifer raised a brow. "So, what, you want him to blow the lava away?"

Yuna flinched. "I suppose that's one way of putting it."


Yuna: "... Leo? Is something wrong?"

Rayquaza frowned. "But Princess, I hath not used mega evolution since I forged my part of Eternatus' seal." He clicked his index claws together. "I doth not know if I'm capable of it in this state."


Cue the hull loss event right about...

"Eep!" Yuna's torso schlurped into her rectangular head. "Something wrong, Leo?" The fake dreepy was surprisingly loud given his tiny body.

"Yes." He puffed out his ectoplasmic cheeks. "Everyone's talking about saving Centropolis, but we're not in Centropolis!"

Yuna: "Wait, wha-? Then where on earth are...?"

That was enough to get Widget out of his seat. "What are you talking about? We know Quasar Prime got swallowed by an anomaly. That's why we're here."

Still frowning, Leo floated onto Yuna's head and pointed to the window behind her. "Then explain that."

Everyone in the ship turned in the direction Leo was pointing. Smoke and fire filled the air, with tall buildings lining the ground and tiny dots all trying to move in the same direction. But what really caught Yuna's attention was a group of pelipper flying several meters away, carrying some sort of electronic sign.


... Didn't see that one coming. Though wait, are they all even in POV-2020 still right now? .-.

Noctum had never gone into a safe house before. He didn't exactly understand what made it safe to begin with. By all accounts, the house the waypoint had taken Team Bureau to lacked any strong fortifications. Apparently, that was the point, though? "Safe" meant unassuming. And that unassuming nature allowed it to provide safety to its inhabitants... from the Radiant Guard and Stoutland Yard.

I take it that there weren't drills back home of what to do in the event that Yuna needed to be whisked out of harm's way in the event of something like a foreign invasion, huh? Though nice soundtrack.

That didn't detract from the living room's coziness, though. Pictures of trains and the supposedly-famed Centrado Station sat on soft blue and pink-striped wallpaper. Bookshelves housed pieces covering the history of Radiance's railway system, along with engineering textbooks, and some unassuming nature photography collections. Model train sets sat on tables and the carpeted floor. The black charizard even flipped a switch on one and the tiny train began chugging along the tiny track.

Ah right, we were headed off to Radiance's little chunk of Not!Paldea. Will be interesting to see if it took after any particular parts of Spain thematically.

"Why is this place so train-themed, anyway?" Yiazmat wondered, floating somewhere behind Noctum. He sat on the floor, still watching the model train set in action. The rhythmic rattling of the train on the tracks brought a smile to his face. He had no idea why he found it soothing. It was a lot more... involved than his stamp collection, that was for sure.

Whelp, I know what's going to be on Noctum's wishlist for whatever analogue Aeon has for Christmas.

"This is the type of place an elderly couple would inhabit," Valkyrie responded. She stopped pacing near Noctum. He looked up and saw the incredulous expression on the garchomp's face.

"What? I think this is pretty cool." Noctum beamed at her.

Valkyrie: "... Of course you would."

"... tch. Dork." Valkyrie rolled her eyes and resumed pacing. "It's easy for cops to leave an elderly couple alone. And a place full of keepsakes from someone's glory days as a civil engineer is a good enough cover to stash our waypoint."

... Wait, so how on earth did the elderly couple get roped into this? Were they always linked to the Ryujin? Or did they get threatened into playing ball?

"Casaroja is the birthplace of Radiance's railway system," Igneous added. He sat on one side of an old sofa, leaning on its armrest. "Plenty of people who live here work there or have worked there."

So in other words, if this place is pulling from Spain, it'll vibe either with Barcelona or Madrid, since those are the two big cities in the history of Spanish railways.

Noctum nodded. That lined up with the goal of making this place as unassuming as possible. "So, how long do we stay here, exactly?"

"Just waiting to hear from our eyes on the ground," Igneous said, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat. "You trust this Dimitri guy, right?"

Oh, so we're finally going to see who Noctum and Baraz's boss is this chapter, huh? Or at least, I think that's where this is going.

Yiazmat looked insulted at the question. "Of course. I'd have sent Baraz with him, but I'm afraid he'd draw a bit too much attention." She lowered her head glumly. "For obvious reasons, of course."

Yeah, I suppose literally being halves of two separate Pokémon taped together would do that. Even if that makes me wonder what Dimitri's (though it's spelled "Dimitry" in some earlier chapters) species is.

"Seems like it was a pretty stupid idea to even bring him to Radiance in the first place."

Noctum was sorely tempted to stand up and issue a retort to Valkyrie, but Yiazmat responded first. "That's a fair, if blunt, point. Yuna likes him, though. I wanted her to be as happy as she could, given the circumstances."

Valkyrie: "Hasn't she not seen him in close to 20 chapters at this point?"

Noctum: "Look, I don't control how screentime gets divided up in this story, okay? The point is that he was intended to be there for her." >_>;

Valkyrie shrugged. "Whatever. Guess it's all moot anyway thanks to all this shit."

I can hear Baraz audibly protesting in the background for more of a role in this story right now. >:V

Noctum sighed in relief at Valkyrie dropping the subject. Maybe she was getting better at reigning in her attitude after all. The black charizard returned his attention to the model train, which had fallen off the track. He gingerly picked it up and placed it back on the track, where it immediately resumed moving. His tail flame grew a bit.

Valkyrie: "... Seriously, Noctum?"

Noctum: "What? It's mesmerizing!"

"Oh, that reminds me, Noctum. I had Gene go retrieve something for you."

Yiazmat floated over and dropped a circular armor plate beside him. Noctum looked at it and quickly realized it would cover his belly. "Ah." He glanced at the dragapult. "You don't want people to see this in public." Noctum pointed a finger at the Malice Crystal in his belly.

Oh hey, Noctum's going to get a chance to get his M08 on. Now we just need the rest of the armor suit. :V

"Would you?" Valkyrie piped up. "Scarlett doesn't even want to go out in the city thanks to her mug getting plastered all over the news. That belly gem of yours may as well be an 'I'm suspicious' sign."

The black charizard sighed. "I know." He nudged the armor piece with his left hand. "Just sucks I have to deal with it."

Noctum: "Not that going around as an armored Aeon is likely to really endear me much more to passers-by in these parts." >_>;

"Welcome to the club," Igneous said, lazily raising his right arm and waving it around.

Noctum managed to stop himself from countering that the grovlazzle consciously chose his present situation. He returned his attention to the train, which had finished another lap across the tracks.

Igneous: "Okay, seriously, can someone unplug that thing? We need to stay focused here!" >.<

"Sorry for the delay. The scouts finally reported back to me."

Sakaki's voice crackled through Noctum's X-transceiver. Everyone else in the room perked up in attention.

"What can you tell us?" Yiazmat floated toward the doorway that led out of the living room.

Wonder if said scouts managed to pick up on the death bugs rolling their way, or if that's going to wind up being a nasty surprise.

"Things remain peaceful so far," Sakaki reported. "A crowd is parading around the entrance to Centrado Station. It seems that a grapploct and a conkeldurr in red sweat suits are leading the crowd in chants of some... choice words."

>the Medicis made it out of Venish


Valkyrie kicked her leg back against the wall she leaned on. "Medicis? Figured they'd try to twist this into free publicity. Doesn't concern us."

"It does," Igneous growled. His tails smoldered with embers.

Noctum raised his right hand. "In what way?"

I mean, they were only butting heads and trying to snatch Scarlett out from under Chiaki/Igneous back in Venish, so...

Even if I'm not convinced that picking a fight with them right now is really such a smart idea.

"When I crashed Starlene's backstage area at the Venish concert, there were Medici thugs guarding it." Igneous grimaced. "Including this nickit and greedent duo guarding her trailer alongside the Mr. Rime I'm pretty sure is Minister Charles, but brainwashed to work for Eternatus."


Yeah, let's go with that.

The black charizard chewed on that for a moment, then hopped to his feet with an, "Ahh!" He flinched when his tail knocked over a portion of the model train track. "I, uh— Yuna mentioned those two." Noctum bent down to try and tidy up the mess. "They're the ones who attacked her that morning at the academy."

"A rival syndicate went after my daughter?" Yiazmat sounded ready to fly out the door and challenge the Medicis herself. She took a deep breath to steady herself. "Perhaps this protest is the work of Eternatus' forces, then?"

... So the Aeons really are connected to the Ryujin, huh? Since I can see that comment of Yiazmat's there. Makes me wonder which of the two is ultimately calling the shots relative to the other.

"... tch. I bet the Medicis would hitch their wagon to Paradox's to save their sorry asses." Valkyrie huffed out blue-purple embers. "What do you think?"

... Which sounds like an absolutely terrible and short-sighted idea, but par for the course for most criminals, really.

Noctum finished putting the broken train track pieces together and stood up. "Um, what about the robo bugs? Are they here, too?"

"They're not at the protest," Sakaki said. "In fact, we believe one was sighted going into the train station."

So they do know about the robo bugs. But that ain't good there.

"So, they're going to ride a train?" Noctum wondered, scratching his head. That seemed stupid. They could fly, right? Why would they need a train?

"Cyril, you there?" Igneous said, tapping his right foot on the carpet. "Any chance you can get any information on Centrado's rail schedule?"

"Pfbt. 'Any chance,' he says." Cyril's chuckling filled Noctum's ear frills. "Yeah, I looked into it when I spotted the bugs on a camera feed. They're genesect, by the way. Old fossils the emperor tried bringing to life and outfitting with giant cannons. When they proved no match for Boss Kitty, he scrapped the project."

Wow, so Polaris really was functionally being used as a front by the QN to mess with the surface world. Since those Genesect they allegedly built are literally copy-pastes of failed tech from the QN.

"So how the hell did Isola get a hold of them?" Valkyrie growled.

"Beats me," Cyril replied. "I'm just here to be the schedule lookup guy, apparently." He laughed again while Valkyrie rolled her eyes and huffed more dragonfire embers. "And it looks as though Centrado station is closed to commuter rail transit today."

*cough cough* Dermezel totally did it.

"What?" Igneous tensed up. The grovlazzle's tails curled. "That's impossible. Centrado's the biggest station in the country. It never shutters."

"I don't know what to tell ya, kid," Cyril said. "I only see authorization details for one train: a heavily armored freighter. Other details are redacted."

Oh, so we're about to relive the FF7 opening, huh? Since it sure feels like we're about to relive the FF7 opening.

Valkyrie pushed herself off the wall. "A freight train? Those don't usually run through there. Where's it heading?"

Cyril sighed. "Redacted."

Noctum frowned. "Freight trains carry supplies?"

Igneous: "Noctum, just what on earth do you think 'freight' is-?"

Noctum: "Look, we don't have a ton of vehicles that aren't Pokémon powered back in Aeon, alright?" >_>;

Igneous and Valkyrie nodded.

"Maybe they're bringing stuff to help Venish?" the black charizard said. "We're, uh, not that far from it. And if they're worried about something bad happening to the supplies, they'd want to keep it a secret, right?"


I'd be shocked if this was even semi-correct.

"You really expect me to believe Isola would activate a swarm of these genesect thingies for a supply run?" Valkyrie scoffed. "Nah." She paced in the doorway. "Something stinks to high heaven about this. I want a closer look."

No, but her kid who's off his rocker and being played like a fiddle by her closest adviser might do it.

Yiazmat's tail crinkled. "I'm still worried about this protest, but that does sound concerning."

Noctum stretched out his wings. "Then let's fly over and—"

"Idiot. We can't fly to a place crawling with guards," Valkyrie said. "We gotta go on foot."

Wait, why is that an issue again? Since they'll be spotted? Or is the airspace closed or something?

Igneous quirked a brow. "And what should we do when we actually get there? There'll be Radiant Guard on the ground, too."

A toothy grin spread over the garchomp's mouth. "We rile up the protesters a bit. And when the Radiant Guard jumps in to quash it, we sneak into the station."

Wow, that sounds more than a little messed-up as a plan there. Definitely clever, though.

Yiazmat shook her head. "I'm not looking to cause a scene."

"Then leave it to me." Valkyrie thumped her chest with her right arm. "I know how to get under Medici skin."

"No, I mean in general." The dragapult crossed her arms. "There has to be a way to get there that doesn't involve whipping a peaceful protest into a frenzy."

Valkyrie: "Oh come on, are you really implying that these Radiant Guard clods don't have it coming?" >:|
Yiazmat: "I was thinking more of the protestors, but yes, actually." >_>;
Valkyrie: "Look, half of that crowd's a bunch of speciesist assholes anyways, who cares if the Radiant Guard cracks a few of their heads?" >.<

"We still don't know how legit this protest actually is, though," Igneous said, frowning. "If the empire's got a plan, maybe Val crashing the party will unknowingly disrupt it?"

"It's reckless," Yiazmat countered. "I don't like it."

Which knowing how plots like these work, means that we're going to do it and then swiftly regret it an hour later.

The grovlazzle flinched at her first comment. He turned away from Yiazmat, scowling. "Got any better ideas?"

"If I may?"

That was Cid.

Valkyrie sighed. "Oh, great, the egghead."

Valkyrie: "Look, if you're going to take Queen Boomerang's side here, this had better be good." >_>;

"Casaroja's sewer system includes the rail station. You might be able to get in that way."

Noctum: "Well, looks like you got your wish, Your Highness. Though... uh... are we sure we don't want to stick with riling up the crowd?"

"Hell no!" The garchomp wrinkled her snout in disgust. "I ain't wading through sewage. I'll take my chances with my idea."

"You will not."

Valkyrie stiffened at Sakaki's voice. The fight immediately drained from her face. "Sir?" she whispered.

Whelp, guess Val's wading through sewage after all. Though I'm reminded of that one moment from R&C2 where Ratchet gets similarly surprised by getting tasked to do a sewer run. o<o

"You are valuable assets and I will not see you risk yourselves unnecessarily," the nidoking said. "Try the sewer method first. If there are guards down there, then Valkyrie can enact her plan. Is that a deal?"

Valkyrie: "Boss, can we flip things around such that we don't start with literally jumping straight into other people's sh-"


"The tunnels are waiting, Valkyrie. Get to it."

Noctum wondered whether Igneous or Valkyrie had to agree. The grovlazzle bowed his head. "Yes, sir," he said, his tone neutral.

"Good. Keep us updated."

Igneous sucked in a sharp breath. "Will do."

Valkyrie: "Chiaki! If you didn't like the idea either, you could've spoken up-!"

Igneous: "No, that's just the daddy issues in action. Come on, let's get down there... and hope that they're well-ventilated since otherwise I'm probably going to blow something up just strutting around." >_>;

Noctum swallowed hard. So, this was the kind of authority a Yakuza boss wielded? It made his neck scales prickle. And the queen cooperates with him willingly?

The black charizard pushed those thoughts aside as he lumbered toward the doorway.

Huh, guess that the Ryujin might be the ones calling the shots in this arrangement after all from that line from Noctum. Though I stand by my theory that the Ryujin go way, way back with Aeon in history. It would explain a lot about the stuff that's been happening.

"Madame Archbishop."

Oh, well that's ominous. And not just because of the ominous song potholed. Time to see who got Paradox's job as a hand-me-down.

Sticky saluted the oversized serperior propelling herself across the cold steel floor with her thorny vines. Dozens of poipole and xurkitree workers similarly stood at attention, a few of the former shifting about nervously. The naganadel floated after her, making for the giant, mechanical hydreigon hanging from harnesses on the other side of the room.

Uroboros' serperior head split apart, revealing the seviper inside. She scrutinized the machine. "This is it, then?"

Ah, there's our verdict there. And I see you're already throwing Paradox 'mons into the fray, even if I suspect that this one actually might turn out to be less weird than canonical Iron Jugulis.

"Yes." Sticky glanced down at his tablet. "An autonomous combat unit made with multiple parts of the hydreigon evolution line and Eterna energy, running off data from the defunct Type: Zodiark alpha model. We call it the Iron Jugulis."


Ah yes, putting this into the package of a mechanical Hydreigon. What could possibly go wrong?

"I don't care what it's called," Uroboros scoffed. She yawned into a thorny vine. "We both know the emperor only cares that it gets results."

"Right." Sticky returned his attention to his tablet. "This was, um, cobbled together quite quickly, so it may—"

"Bring it online."

"I beg your pardon?"

Sticky: "Uroboros, did you not just hear me say that we cobbled this together quickly and-"

The seviper head stared Sticky down. "Bring it online. Cassius just informed His Excellency the Benefactor's prisoners are sending their pathetic aid shipment to the city we ransacked. We can't allow that to happen."

Sticker, VidriBlink,

Wait, so Dermezel wasn't completely lying through his teeth to Shimmer? Wasn't expecting that one.

"Could we not send some Eternatus Troopers, instead?" Sticky asked. This seemed like a bad idea hot on the heels of losing both the Seekerskorch and its pilot.

"We will. But His Excellency wants bigger fire power, as well."


Though I can already tell that events in Casaroja are going to get explosive in short order.

"I understand." Sticky looked over his shoulder and nodded at some poipole. They floated away in a hurry. "The team will get right on that."

"Very good." The seviper retreated back inside the serperior head, which closed itself back up.

As Uroboros turned to leave the room, the Iron Jugulis whirred to life. Bright purple light from its LED heads spilled over Sticky.

For the Benefactor.

Sticky: "I'm... just going to back away and put a safe distance between myself and Iron Jugulis right about now."

OSL: Ginnungagap, the Cosmic Mystery Dungeon
Also known as the bridge between worlds. This constantly shifting realm of space-time is the threads holding the omniverse together. The deeper one travels through it, the more it changes to reflect the states of nearby dimensions. However, any living soul that spends too long inside of it will find themselves blown away to a distant corner of the omniverse. This can lead a soul to corrode into a Whisper.

Boy does that sound convenient as a plot device for teeing up crossovers with other ones. Though I suppose that all but confirms that Yuna and the rest of Team Gene aren't in PoV-2020 right now.

Alright, made it to the end. Definitely an ominous note to leave things on on multiple fronts, though I have to wonder how on earth you manage to keep things ramping up like this. Since every time when I think we've hit a peak for crazy in this story, something comes along to prove me wrong. Definitely doing a good job at keeping your audience on its toes.

As for criticisms... I don't have too many, other than that while you lampshaded it a bit, it does feel like some of the characters are being neglected a bit and it makes me wonder if/when we'll see them again in more detail. Cid and Baraz come to mind in particular. Though I suppose I can't harp on things too hard given that at this point in time, the story has 6+ active plot perspectives and each individual chapter usually only has enough space to get to at most 3 of them at once. Something to keep in mind for if a condensing is in the cards further along in the plot.

But all-in-all, I had fun with things @Ambyssin . Especially with the way you're tying in plot threads that I had honestly forgotten about for a while. Best of luck with your writing, and I'll be looking forward to the new chapter this weekend.
Chapter 58: City Slicking


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 58: City Slicking

I'd say I'm pretty new to this journaling thing. Don't even remember who suggested it. The group leader? Maybe one of the Diyems? Guess my memory is getting fuzzier, but when you were once mortal, some things stick. I bet some gods have every memory filed away neatly like papers in a cabinet.

I start my "assignment" tomorrow. It's not that strict or well-defined, really. I'm traveling to other worlds and cataloging them. Like the people watching I'd sometimes do when I visited my grandparents in the Big Apple. When I go to another world, I'll be bound by whatever rules govern it, so I won't be nearly as powerful. It's kind of relieving to hear that, to be honest. Even though I've had plenty of time to practice with my powers, I'm always worried about overdoing it. Especially now that I've got a new body for my core.

I'm glad that, if I find spirits I need to guide or encounter something serious, there are people I can reach out to for advice. I've done enough "leading." I'm content to watch the days go by.


After realizing this wasn't the city the team expected to find, no one protested Gene's decision to quickly land the ship on the outskirts. Apparently, it had something called a "cloaking device," that would keep it hidden. The mewtwo parked it on a large grassy knoll overlooking the city and its strange buildings with roofs of wavy tiles. Like an ocean of tiles if oceans were brown instead of blue.

The moment Yuna floated out of the ship, her body shriveled. Sirens blared. People's cries and the rhythmic thumping of footsteps on gravel filled the air. So did a rainbow assortment of different flying pokémon. The drakloak spotted a flygon carrying what must have been a human family, while multiple pelipper held several tiny humans — children, probably — in their giant orange beaks. They kept stealing glances at the lava suspended overhead. No doubt fearful the time freeze would stop.

But some of the flying pokémon weren't heading toward the ocean in the distance. Yuna spotted magnezone and metang ridden by humans in blue uniforms. It reminded her a bit of what Seifer wore before he got fired. She glanced at the keldeo who himself was looking at his flanks with a wistful longing in his eyes.

"It looks like there's a police force trying to lead an evacuation," Seifer said, sighing.

"This isn't the time to get nostalgic!" Widget's cheek bolts revved up in their sockets. "This is the time to take action! To save people!"

Yuna squinted. She thought Widget's behavior was a bit silly, but he had a point. They couldn't sit around.

"Hey, Mom?"

Leo poked his fake dreepy head into Yuna's line of sight. "Do you think any of these people are from our dimension?"

That was what she originally assumed. Since the city name didn't match what the team expected, however, all bets were off. The drakloak shrugged and nudged Leo's head. "Whatever the case, I think we need to help."

"Help how?" Nikki scratched her head. "I've never talked to a human. Would they even understand us?"

"Well, you do have a super powerful, telepathy-equipped psychic on your side." Gene swam on his back through midair, tapping his temple. "If anyone can get the message across, it's me."

"Then why not find someone who looks like they're in charge so we can get to the bottom of this?" Seifer said, squinting at the mewtwo.

Gene stopped swimming and winked at Seifer. "Of course. Shouldn't be too hard." He jerked his head behind him. "One of those officers has to be calling the shots. I'll pick 'em out quick as a flash."

He took off for the nearest metang-riding policewoman, leaving the rest of Team Bastion behind. "What do we do in the meantime?" Widget paced around, his starcloud swirling around his neck. "Maybe get a better sense of what's going on with the volcano?"

"You wanna walk up to a bunch of lava suspended in midair?" Nikki slowly bowed. "Sure thing, be my guest. It's your funeral."

"We shouldn't stand around waiting for Gene," the cosmic type: full countered. "Not when a whole city's in danger!"

"A volcano's too much for some of us to handle." The toxtricity crossed her arms. "I bet the heat alone will fry your circuits or some shit."

Widget opened his beak, then closed it. He shuffled away from Nikki, brushing his gold forelegs together and looking around nervously. "What about Drakloak?" Widget looked at Yuna. "You said something about that chocolate noodle that burst out of your pendant earlier."

Before Yuna could respond, her Soul Dew glistened. Rayquaza's small, black head poked out of it. "Now, see here! Tis Sir Noodle!" He blinked several times. "No, wait, I meant Rayquaza! At least have the decency to address me by name."

"Okay, Sir Noodle Rayquaza." Widget stepped toward Yuna. "Isn't there some way you can help?"

"I said my piece back on the ship." Rayquaza looked down glumly. "Mayhaps my mega evolution could allow it, but I doth not know if I can achieve it anymore."

Widget's ears and head crest drooped. Yuna believe Rayquaza, but could tell Widget wouldn't except that answer.

"Look, Widget—"



Yuna shriveled up at Gene's surprise return, inadvertently sucking Rayquaza back into the Soul Dew. "Cripes! A little warning next time!" she hissed over Leo's giggling.

"I love it when your body does that," the fake dreepy chirped, clapping his hands.

Gene landed on the grass, smirking. "That was the warning." He snapped his fingers and pointed his right hand up. "Meet Lieutenant Molayne."

A particularly pale human rode toward them on a magnezone. His blue helmet didn't fully hide his blonde hair and, even though he wore goggles over his eyes, Yuna spotted bags. Given the circumstances, she didn't blame the guy for being exhausted.

"This is your vaunted team?" Molyane sounded as tired as Yuna thought he looked. "Good grief. First Lanakila Volcano and now Mewtwo shows up out of the blue with some random pack of kiddos?" He practically leaned over the strange guard rail surrounding Magnezone's head. "I'd tell Magnezone to give me a jolt to make sure I'm not dreaming, but I did that already."

"Oi, who you calling a kid?" Nikki's mohawk sparked.

"Bulu's horns!" Molayne tightly gripped Magnezone's guardrail. "She can talk?!"

"I can do a lot more than that." Nikki cracked her knuckles. "We're here to fix stuff, so give us stuff that needs fixing!"

Yuna glanced at Gene, who appeared just as surprised as Molayne. She figured he used his psychic powers to translate. Guess not. Weird.

"Is it?"
Reshiram hummed in her mind. "We could all read that emergency sign before, right? Why wouldn't we be able to understand the people here?

It's the
"why" I'm concerned with. Though Yuna knew Reshiram wouldn't have an explanation. She'd have to keep this thought in mind for later.

Molayne pinched his brow, nearling cupping a finger underneath his goggles. "This has gotta be some sort of Plasma Society shenanigans. I mean, Team Plasma made Mewtwo. There's a dozen movies and counting on it. Why wouldn't that N guy come up with pokémon-to-human translators?"

"No idea what the hell a Team Plasma is," Gene said, nonchalantly waving Molayne off. "Did I not mention we're from another dimension? Because we're from another dimension."

Silence. Molayne rubbed his temples, groaning. "You could've led with that."

"Wait, you're not surprised?" Yuna raised a brow.

Something on Molayne's right chest crackled to life. A radio, if Yuna had to guess. He grabbed the black square and pressed the button. "What's the situation?"

"It's terrible, sir! Turtonator stampede!" a panicked female voice cried.


Yuna didn't think a single word could sound that exhausting. How sleep deprived was this guy?

"Turtonator don't stampede," Molayne said.

"They do when a rock slide's carrying them right in the direction of one of our city evacuation paths!"

"Perfect." Gene snapped his fingers. "I can handle a rock-and-turtonator slide no problem. And it'll give us a closer look at the volcano."

"I can't just have civilians throwing themselves in like that—" Molayne stopped himself. "Wait, what am I saying? This isn't the time for semantics." He tapped Magnezone with his right foot. "Gimme the keldeo. People see a Sword of Justice helping with evacuation and maybe it'll ease some of the panic."

"You can have him and the bird." Gene jerked his head in Jade's direction.

"Yes, sir." Jade saluted, but smacked her face with her right wing. "Ow! Stupid big yaoi lugia wings."

Seifer didn't acknowledge the order, however. Yuna saw him mouthing "Sword of Justice" to himself repeatedly, until Molayne blew a whistle and he jumped to attention with a whinny.

"Get your acts together and follow me," Molayne said, turning toward the city atop Magnezone. "The rest of you, get to the northwest on the double."

He zoomed off. Jade flapped after him with Seifer on her back.

"You heard him." Gene cracked his knuckles. "I'll play turtonator wrangler while you guys try and get a closer look at the volcano."

Yuna glanced at the lava frozen in time. Well, it's some semblance of a plan...


Noctum assumed sewers were similar to damp caves: dark, cramped, and panic-inducing for pokémon with crippling rock weaknesses like charizard. Instead, Igneous and Valkyrie led Team Bureau into a spacious area with large, arched ceilings of gray and red stone. Heck, Noctum could have flown alongside Yiazmat if he really wanted.

The black charizard stared at the water streaming between two large stone walkways littered with random metal tiles. Some of them had these machines with levers and wheels and colorful buttons that Noctum had to resist the urge to press. He followed tubing to metal sheets in the waterway. Darker water headed toward the metal sheets, and lighter water flowed away from them.

"It's like magic," Noctum muttered, scratching his chin while he walked beside Igneous.

"They're treatment and filtration systems," Igneous scoffed. "Dirty sewer water goes in, the dirt and grime gets filtered, chemicals purify what's left, and cleaner water goes out."

Noctum scrutinized one of the metal sheets. He couldn't see any of the stuff the grovlazzle described, so as far as the charizard was concerned, it was magic.

"It's a lot cleaner than I expected," Valkyrie said. The garchomp kept at the front of the group, eyes darting around. Noctum wondered if she expected some sort of ambush.

The genesect wouldn't go into the sewers, would they?

"What were you expecting, exactly?" Yiazmat wondered. Unlike the others, the dragapult flew over the water, eyes trained in front of her.

"Muk and grimer," Valkyrie replied. "There are rainbow-colored ones here in Radiance that can clean up pollution. Thought cities employed them to work in sewers like these."

"Don't forget weezing," Igneous added. "Though I guess they're better suited for filtering air."

"If I had to guess, Polaris automated all this stuff. Put those muk and grimer out of jobs," Valkyrie said.

Noctum didn't think it was that simple. "Don't they need someone to, like, check on the equipment?" He figured workers had to be around somewhere. Would they try to chase the team away?

"There are totally some engineers who maintain this stuff," Cyril chimed in through the X-transceiver. "My guess is they make rounds at specific times and otherwise keep tabs from a more... pleasant location."

"Wait." Noctum froze, grabbing his tail and bringing it close to his body. "Does that mean... there are cameras here? Are we being watched?"

"Of course there are cameras. How else are they supposed to keep watch of this place?"

Noctum stiffened and gripped his tail tighter. "W-Why didn't anyone say so in the first place?!" The black charizard looked around in a panic. "How is this any better than taking our chances with the crowd?"

Igneous silently raised his right hand, producing some sort of rod. It flickered with light not unlike Noctum's tail flame.

"What does a stick have to do with this?" Noctum said.

"It's a jammer, you dolt," Valkyrie scoffed.

Noctum stumbled. His wings unfolded to stop him from taking a plunge into the sewer water. "Jam, like for eating? Are you magically covering the cameras in jam?" He looked down at his armor-covered belly and mumbled, "I could go for some jam. Grape jam and toast."

Valkyrie facepalmed.

Cyril's chuckles crackled through Noctum's X-transceiver. "That rod emits a signal to block nearby cameras. And only cameras. Can't have the sewer system going offline on us, after all."

"That still means we can be tracked, doesn't it?" Yiazmat said, eyes darting left and right as she rounded a corner in the sewer next to Valkyrie. "Whoever's watching could trace the path of blocked cameras to find us."

Valkyrie clapped her arm fins together. "Which is why we need to stop dawdling to answer questions from dense charizard and start picking up the pace." The garchomp leaned forward, walking faster over the stone and metal corridor. Igneous jogged after her.

Noctum's tail flame shrank slightly. With weak flaps of his wings, he took to the air to avoid holding up the group with his stubbier legs.

"Do you always get like this on your assignments?" he wondered.

"No. Because I usually work alone." Valkyrie stopped at a sewer intersection. "And I don't have to go very far to take out a target. We done playing twenty questions?"

Noctum's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry. Still not up to speed on all this stuff."

"Neither is your queen, but she's kept quiet," Valkyrie huffed.

Yiazmat tapped her index fingers together. "Admittedly I have more experience from prior trips here."

And correspondence with Sakaki, Noctum silently added.

"Okay, head right and then the third corridor on the right side should get you into the station," Cyril instructed.

With a running start, Valkyrie glided over the sewer water onto the opposite metal platform so she could proceed. Igneous followed after her, manifesting fiery volcarona wings to cross the gap. Noctum and Yiazmat exchanged a look, then flew after them.

"You fly well for someone meant to be grounded," Yiazmat said to Igneous. The grovlazzle didn't respond, but the slight wince told Noctum he wasn't pleased with the compliment.

"Found the spot." Valkyrie waved the others over while pointing at the wall with her other arm.

When Noctum reached the garchomp, he saw the metal corridor that gave way to a grated ramp ending at a cold, gray door with both a Polaris logo and an icon of a train car. Plainly obvious, but the strange black square on the right side of the door gave Noctum pause.

"Wait." The black charizard crossed his arms and squinted. "This door is locked, isn't it?"

"Yup." Valkyrie walked toward it anyway.

Eyes widening, Noctum flew after her. "Hang on. You're not about to try and bust it down, are you?"

Valkyrie paused to smirk at Noctum. "Please. We have better ways of dealing with that."

Noctum blinked. "We do?"

"Well, I do." Cyril chuckled through the X-transceiver.

A few seconds passed and the black box suddenly lit up green. Hisses and whirrs echoed down the corridor as the floor magically swallowed up the steel door.

"... oh," Noctum whispered. Cyril must have used some of his magical machine hacking.

"You coming or not?" Valkyrie called, already halfway up the ramp alongside Igneous and Yiazmat.

"Yeah!" Noctum flapped his wings, but stopped short when loud rumbling filled his ears. He looked down. Definitely not my belly.

The rumbling got louder, accompanied by the whining of metal grinding against metal. Instinctual fear of a cave in gripped Noctum. His tail flame shrank. His heart thundered in his chest. "What's going on?" His pupils narrowed. "We have to get out of here!"

"Relax." Valkyrie held up her arms and waved them. "The train's leaving. Don't you remember the noise from when you went to Herbrides?"

Noctum's heart rate steadied. "It's... much different underground." He tapped his claws together nervously.

"Wait, but we're trying to catch that train, are we not?" Yiazmat said. The dragapult shot toward the door. "Quickly!"

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged concerned looks, then dashed after her. Noctum again brought up the rear, entering a red and brown stairwell with a visible elevator shaft next to it. The elevator platform was on the ground level, so the black charizard chose to fly up and make up ground with the others.

"Oi, Cyril, what gives?" Valkyrie growled, taking the stairs two or three at a time. "I thought you said the train was scheduled to leave in forty minutes. We couldn't have been down there that long."

"Yeah, I know," the cosmic zoroark responded. "They must've given an incorrect departure time. Whatever's on that train, they really don't want anyone finding out about it."

"Well, it's a freight train," Igneous said. He was the first to reach the top of the staircase, with Noctum emerging through a gap in the elevator shaft not long after. The brown door in front of the grovlazzle didn't have a lock. "It can't move that fast, but I have no idea how we'd catch it."

Igneous gestured to the door and Valkyrie rammed her shoulder against it, opening it. A dimly lit hallway stretched out in front of Team Bureau. Yellow lights lined the ceiling and floor, some shaped like arrows pointing in different directions.

"Which way to the tracks?" Yiazmat wondered, hovering into the hallway. Noctum could barely see her under the lights. "Perhaps they left some loading equipment around that we can use to get a better idea of what happened."

"Head for the fourth intersection, go left, and take that hallway to the second door," Cyril responded. "That'll put you at the track the train left from. I've got the camera footage."

"Got it." Yiazmat nodded to the others. "Let's work in teams of two. Igneous, you're with me. Valkyrie and Noctum, bring up the rear."

The garchomp looked ready to protest, but Yiazmat appeared in the doorway, grabbed a startled igneous, and shot off down the hallway.

"Fine." Valkyrie licked her lips. "Keep up with me, dork." Then she took off running.

Sighing, Noctum flew after her, wings beating hard to keep pace. The black charizard had no idea why they were rushing if the train had already left. They had lost the point of coming to the station in the first place. Why skulk around and risk getting caught by Radiant Guard just for a chance at finding some boxes or machinery?

"We're almost at the railyard door," Igneous announced. "Cyril, are you looking at the video footage at all?"

Noctum flapped his wings faster. Even with a passenger, Yiazmat was as fast as ever. He and Valkyrie had only passed the third intersection, with nothing but red and brown stones and tiny yellow lights surrounding them. Noctum wasn't surprised no one was around. There was nothing here worth guarding, from what he could tell.

"Yeah. The genesect follow the train as it leaves the station," Cyril reported. "I guess they did show up to offer an armored escort and— wait, hold on. The hell is that yellow cloud by the middle car?"

Valkyrie tucked her head down, increasing her speed. Noctum's tail flame flickered. Though he kept flapping his wings, Valkyrie was faster on the ground than he was in the air. He had a pretty good idea of why she was running faster, though.

"Is the cloud still there?" Noctum asked.

"No. It went inside the train," Cyril said. "Nobody even seemed to notice it. Let me change to a different cam—"


Noctum sucked in a sharp breath. Of all the things Cid could have blurted out through the X-transceiver, that was arguably the worst option. A metallic slam sounded ahead of the black charizard. He guessed Igneous or Yiazmat had opened the door into the railyard. He still had sight of Valkyrie after making the turn at the fourth intersection.

"How can you be sure of that?" Cyril asked. "The footage isn't that great."

"I recognize the cloak of the monster who's attacked me multiple times,"
Cid responded.

Valkyrie went through the railyard door. Noctum reached it before it fully shut and thrust it open with his right arm. Bright daylight forced him to throw an arm up to shield his face. He landed on cold, stone ground, blinking rapidly until he finally adjusted to the daylight.

If the sewer's ceilings had high arches, the railyard's were massive. Large red arches with glass panels in between that tinted the daylight slightly orange. Red train tracks ran in neat parallel lines, alternating with red brick platforms for passengers to board.

In fact, red was the dominant theme. Red benches. Red railings. Red ramps and stairs leading down to the boarding platforms. Blank screens with red borders that probably showed rail schedules under normal circumstances. Even the garbage cans were red!

It was a bit much, in Noctum's opinion. But this wasn't the time to critique the interior design. "Anyone see Xeromus?" The black charizard looked around, but outside of his teammates he didn't see anyone in the railyard.

"No." Igneous hovered in the air with his fiery wings, Leaf Blades at the ready. "We must have missed him.

"So what are those things flying in the distance, then?" Yiazmat wondered, hovering back and forth the closest to where the railyard opened to the outside, with train tracks running in different directions to exit the city. "They remind me of metallic beheeyem."

Noctum's tail sparked. Oh no. He flew toward Yiazmat, following the dragapult's gaze. Sure enough, he saw Eternatus Gunners flying away from the city. Noctum looked over his shoulder. "Eternatus Troopers! I bet they're going after the train!"

"Seriously?" Valkyrie jogged toward them. "Okay, there's got to be something going on with that train. Why send a bunch of troops to attack if it's just a simple supply run?"

Yiazmat crossed her arms. "To demoralize the enemy, perhaps? It could be seen as a wartime tactic. Deprive civilians of supplies to entice the enemy to surrender."

Noctum resisted the urge to point out how concerning it was Yiazmat immediately jumped to such a thought. No trains existed in Aeon until after Yiazmat became queen, meaning she must have come up with the idea herself in case the treaty went south.

"Is it worth getting involved, though?" Valkyrie crossed her arms and squinted. "Let the empire and the genesect blast each other apart. Makes our lives easier. Besides, our assignment was to investigate what the genesect are up to. We know they're not disrupting the protests, so we're done here."

The garchomp was right. Plus, they were four pokémon and only Yiazmat had a chance of catching up to the Troopers and genesect. It sounded like the safest thing to do was go back and plan their next move from the safety house.

... At least, Noctum thought that until Igneous abruptly whirled around, Leaf Blades igniting and snarled, "I know you're there, Xeromus! Show yourself!"

Wheezing laughter emerged behind Noctum. He flew away from it, but spun around in midair and remained on guard. Black, inky tendrils twisted and coiled around one another, settling into the tattered cloak draped over Xeromus' large body. His gray, beady eyes focused on Igneous.

"Isn't it funny? How the ether spawns such clashing forces?" Xeromus' helmeted head swayed from side to side. "It says conflicting things, yet those words all point toward the same truth."

"Shut up!" Igneous spewed flaming bullet seeds at Xeromus, but he vanished in a puff of dark smoke, reappearing beside Valkyrie.

"Don't chase them. Retreat," he rasped. "Because your choices don't matter."

Valkyrie tried to slash him with dragon claws, but he again disappeared. Xeromus reappeared upside-down in midair. Noctum wondered if he should try and attack, but thought it useless. Even with that bulky helmet and heavy chains, Xeromus effortlessly teleported circles around them.

"Why are you here?" Noctum growled. At least, keeping him babbling would stop him from attacking... right?

"I was seeing off a friend." Xeromus sounded jovial. He locked eyes with Igneous again. "I'm sure you're familiar with him."

The grovlazzle's eyes widened. His tails curled up and smoldered. "Damn it! That yellow cloud Cyril saw... it was the monster I saw him summon when I passed out!"

"A monster? I see. So, that is how you would view our savior." Xeromus shook his head, coughs rattling his helmet. "Then the ether still digs its claws into you. Just as it sends two opposing sides at one another, knowing the only outcome is that of stagnation."

Noctum had... no idea what Xeromus was talking about, but it got a reaction out of Igneous. Leaf blades fizzling out, he gripped his head and shook it. "You put... a daemon on that train! You want it to attack Venish!"

"A worthless omen like me has no real desires," Xeromus replied, shaking his head amidst another coughing fit. "This is about Natus offering his Love to those who have suffered enough. Saving them from the ether's steady march toward stagnation. Turning back," he glanced at Valkyrie, "is what the ether wants. It continues that march."

There was one thing Noctum could try. Based on a hunch Yuna had. He clenched his fists. "Why are you doing this, Nova? You still have a real desire! Gene is still here... hoping for your return!"

Xeromus didn't even acknowledge Noctum. He vanished in another puff of smoke and reappeared where the railyard opened to the outside. "I can't influence you, because nothing I do matters. Nothing I say matters. The ether will continue marching on its path regardless what happens. Natus will try to fight it through sharing His love, but who he gets to share it with falls on a choice only you can make." Xeromus looked at Igneous again, before another coughing fit overtook him.

"The train route to Venish... it crosses a bridge, yes?" he continued, turning his back to the group. "An old, stone bridge over a quaint little lake with a quaint little village beside it."

Yiazmat blasted fireballs from her horns at Xeromus, but spectral chains emerged from his cloak and strangled them, snuffing out the flames.

"If the ether's forces clash for too long, they may destroy the bridge. Keh heh..." Wheezing stifled Xeromus' excitement. "And then the train shall fall. And the quaint little lake with its quaint little village will welcome Natus' embrace with open arms.

"Or, perhaps, the train makes it across... but the fighting continues into Venish." Xeromus slowly turned around. "The paths look different, but the ending is the same. Unless, that is, you choose to act." He looked at Igneous again.

The grovlazzle responded by summoning... a crimson honedge? He hurled it at Xeromus and, for the first time, Noctum saw genuine alarm in the beast's eyes. He didn't teleport or parry, but lunged out of the way.

"Keh heh. Such fiery defiance." Xeromus wheezed heavily. "I'm glad... Natus chose you, to accept His special gift."

He shuffled away from Team Bureau. "I can't wait... to see... what you choose. I'm sure... it will be interesting."

Igneous dove toward the sword, but Xeromus vanished in a cloud of shadowy chains before he could grab it. "Damn it!" Embers smoldered on the grovlazzle's tail.

"He's bluffing," Valkyrie growled. "He has to be, right?"

"He's not." Cid tittered in Noctum's ear frill. "There is a rather long bridge on the route to Venish. It never got renovated because it's a historical spot for the nearby town."

Noctum swallowed hard. "Then... do we try and chase after them? Only the queen is fast enough to make up ground."

"I think Cyril has an idea. He ran off," Cid said.

"Hell yeah I do." Cyril's shout startled Noctum, who nearly pulled off the X-transceiver. "Noctum, open a rift to the entrance of my outpost."

"Uh... okay." The black charizard was skeptical, but he figured that Cyril might have had a ship for the team to use. He flew outside and concentrated on the Malice Crystal in his stomach. The jagged purple rift splintered open in front of him. An engine's roar followed and Noctum had seconds to fly out of the way before a rounded vehicle painted to look like a piplup drifted out of the rift and skidded to a halt on the boundary between the railyard and the outside tracks.

"What the hell?" Valkyrie's jaw slackened. "Is that... a freaking pizza truck?"

The truck had a piplup head, complete with an orange beak that sported black spokes on either side, and eyes representing windows. One of them rolled down and the cosmic zoroark stuck his head out. He wore a pokebase cap resembling a piplup's head.

"A modified pizza truck, thank you very much!" Cyril said. "That old clunker hovership we drove around Eterna City in can't catch up to the train with the head start it has. This baby's got some... special features. Now, hop in. We've got a train to catch."

The piplup's torso, which had a picture of a piplup with a comical mustache, chef's hat, and white apron holding a pizza box reading "Pippino's Pizza," opened up on the same side as Cyril. Instead of any sort of oven or kitchen area like a food truck supposedly had, the black charizard saw strange monitors and black leather seats.

He took a step forward, but Cyril thumped his right arm against the side of the truck. "Not you. I need you and the queen covering our six. Got it?"

Noctum spread his wings out and looked skeptically at them. "Are you sure? I'm not nearly as fast a flier."

"I'm sure," Cyril said. Igneous and Valkyrie had climbed aboard. Both looked at Noctum and shrugged.

"This better work, Cyril," the grovlazzle growled.

Cyril smirked. "Trust me. If I can get a pizza across Eterna City in thirty minutes or less, I can catch a train." He ducked his head back inside and rolled up the window. The rear door also closed as the engine roared to life once again.

"And we're off!" Cyril declared. The truck weaved into a spot between two sets of train tracks and took off across the dirt.

Startled, Noctum scrambled into the air and flew after the truck. Yiazmat passed him almost immediately.

The black charizard gulped. I sure hope this works.
Chapter 59: Fist of the Warmth Star


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 59: Fist of the Warmth Star

"Everyone, please! Stay in line! We're getting you onto the ships as fast as we can!"

Despite a human policewoman talking into a megaphone from atop a hovering metang, Seifer saw people pushing and shoving. Some humans had smaller humans in their arms. Others carried pokémon. A few rode larger pokémon like mudsdale that were unnerved by all the activity.

"What exactly is the problem that we can help with?" Seifer asked, clinging to Jade's back as best he could. He wasn't even sure if the salugia could use any psychic powers like Gene. Not that he knew what good ESP would do in this situation.

"Getting people on the boats," Molayne responded. He pointed far ahead, where more police officers directed scared humans of different shapes and sizes down two wooden docks toward a couple of gray boats. "We have boats in the harbor on standby, but we only have two docks. It's not quick enough."

Seifer looked over his shoulder. A couple of pelipper flew in the opposite direction from him and Jade. "Couldn't you... fly people out to the other boats?"

"With what pokémon?" Molayne sighed and rubbed his temples. "The pelipper mail carriers are the best we've got and they can fit, at best, two adults in their beaks."

"With me!" Jade chirped, holding her head high. "I can fit a bunch of people on my back. I bet I can lift more with some psychic energy, too."

Seifer blinked. "You actually have those powers?" he whispered. "I thought you lost them and became poison."

In response, an unseen force lifted the whinnying keldeo off Jade's back, only to plop him back on a second later. "Okay, okay. You still have them," he said.

"Yeah, sure. Great idea." Molayne hardly sounded enthused. "Let's make your big entrance, then. Maybe it'll calm people down." He tapped Magnezone lightly with his foot and drifted down closer to the ground. Jade glanced back at Seifer, who shrugged, assuming Molayne wanted them to follow. The salugia descended. It didn't take long for them both to hear the gasps and see the humans pointing at them, shock and awe sprawled across their faces.

"Please remain calm! Keldeo of the Swords of Justice is here and brought a friend to help you all onto the boats!" Even Molayne's megaphone shouting sounded tired. "His friend will fly waves of you to one of the other boats in the harbor, all right? No pushing or shoving! We're working as fast as we can!"

Molayne gestured toward an open area between the two docks where Jade could safely land. Seifer hopped onto the stone ground. There were a lot of human eyes on him, some pleading, others filled with intrigue. He'd experienced this before when he showed up with the Radiant Guard, but this time felt... different.

He knew Molayne understood them earlier, but Seifer feared a talking pokémon would spook the crowd even more. So, he simply raised up on his hindlegs and funneled some energy into his prosthetic horn. It lit up and he pointed it to Jade, who seemed to pick up on the gesture, because she lowered herself to her belly and folded up her wings to let people climb aboard.

Seifer pointed his horn at the closest people and they ambled their way toward the salugia. No pushing or shoving. Most were dumbstruck by Jade's presence, though for all Seifer knew the salazzle traits could have been the reason.

"Good, good. Now, you lot over there, you're heading on the next ship," Molayne said through the speakerphone. Magnezone lifted its two magnet hands and formed a glistening light screen in an attempt at making a proper divide.

Boat horns blared behind Seifer. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the ship to his right backing away from the dock. Another ship moved in, but left enough room for the departing ship to keep backing up. The keldeo briefly recalled Widget's concerns. Would this boat even be able to get anywhere?

A glance up at the sky told him it didn't matter. The lava only hung over parts of the city. As long as everyone got onto the water, they would be okay.

"Everyone hanging on to something?" Jade said, looking back at the humans and pokémon who had climbed aboard.

"You can talk?!" exclaimed one dark-skinned human with shoulder-length black hair. The togetic in his arms gazed at Jade in awe.

"Of course I can. I'm a lugia!" Jade grinned at them. "Now, let's just get some of your, uh, citymates along for the lift." She glanced at Molayne, who scratched his head, then pointed in front of the salugia.

Magnezone hovered in front of them. "Lugia's going to levitate this group over to one of the ships," he announced. "I want you all to relax so she can concentrate."

Nodding, Jade's eyes lit up blue. A blue outline surrounded about a dozen people, lifting them up. Jade flapped her wings to join them in the air, and it wasn't long before she was off toward the ocean. At the same time, the new ship had docked and lowered entry ramps. Two policemen tapped their arcanine companions, who both howled loudly.

Molayne jolted. "Okay, Group A, please board the boat. Single file. No pushing," he ordered, with Magnezone shifting the Light Screen to keep the cordoned off part of the crowd in order.

Seifer couldn't make any barriers of his own, but he could at least try to help with dividing the crowd between the other dock and Jade. The keldeo lit up his horn and approached a point to his left.

Fortunately, Molayne caught the gesture. He said something into his radio and, within seconds, two policewomen on metang had hovered over. The metang put up light screens of their own.

The keldeo nodded his approval and stepped back, while Molayne hovered toward him atop Magnezone. "Quick thinking," he said, hardly sounding appreciative.

Seifer bit his lip. Crisis situation or not, Molayne's attitude irked him in a way he was struggling to put into words. But that half hearted attempt at a compliment finally got Seifer's thoughts together.

"Are you okay?" Seifer said, raising a brow. "I understand this is a delicate situation and all, but people are looking to you to reassure them and ease their fears. Even if you're tired, you have to try and keep up a positive appearance, or else their faith in you will waver."

Molayne pressed the bridge of his goggles, sighing. "Seriously? Is my sense of justice not pure enough for the great Keldeo? Look, I'm just trying to get through this thing in one piece, okay?" He glanced up at the static volcano in the distance. "None of this makes any sense. Lanakila Volcano has been dormant as far back as recorded history. Why is it erupting now? Groudon couldn't—"

Seifer tilted his head. "Groudon?" He didn't recognize that name.

"One of the super-ancient pokémon?" Molayne's words dripped with disbelief. "Waged an endless war with its water-loving equal, Kyogre, until the mighty Lord Rayquaza quelled them both, spreading out Kyogre into the world's oceans and putting Groudon's body to rest as Lanakila Volcano while both their souls slumbered within the core of the planet?"

The only one that stuck out was Rayquaza, having a title showing reverence for him like what the Aeons did.

"C'mon, man, don't they teach you about this in legend school?" Molayne scratched his head. "Whatever. Lugia's back. Let's get the next set of passengers ready."

The second loading process went much faster. And the boat on the second dock backed away for a new one to take its place. Thanks to the metang and their light screens, loading more people from the newly-dubbed Group C onto the next boat didn't prove much of an issue, especially with Seifer keeping an eye on them to make sure they stayed calm.

That left them another moment of respite. "Why join the police then?" Seifer asked, scanning the crowd to make sure people stayed under control. It had thinned out a bit thanks to their efforts and the lava remained frozen in midair, to the keldeo's relief.

"Why does it matter to you?" Molayne fired back. "Your justice sense gonna keep you up at night if you don't get an answer?"

Seifer frowned at the Nikki-like response. Hardly the kind of attitude an officer should display. Though Seifer wanted to stand his ground, he realized that wouldn't make any headway. "Because it sounds like our situations are reversed."

"What's that supposed to— never mind, back to work." Molayne pointed toward a returning Jade, as well as the ship loading Group A backing away from the dock.

"How we looking back there, Rola?" Molayne asked into his radio.

"Getting smaller by the minute," a female voice chirped. "We got extra fliers from Akala and Poni and the whole Poké Ride Fleet came out in force!"

Seifer glanced up while Jade loaded her next pack of people. Sure enough, the sky was full of assorted flying types. Some tropius here, some talonflame there, and lots of charizard. Even some birds with giant, striped beaks that Seifer never saw before. Pokémon that didn't exist on Etherium, perhaps?

After helping Jade, Seifer turned back to Molayne. "I know this will sound crazy, but we're from another dimension."

He paused, awaiting Molayne's disbelief, but he merely yawned into his elbow. "And?"

"You're not surprised?"

"Clearly they didn't teach you about Ultra Wormholes in legends school, either," Molayne mused. "What's your point?"

"I was the head of my country's military in my own dimension," Seifer explained. "Until the queen had me take the fall for something that wasn't even my fault." The keldeo lowered his head. "And I loved that job. Or at least I thought I did. So, seeing someone who has what I lost..." Seifer tensed up. "I feel like my sense of right and wrong is all messed up. So, I thought that seeing you in action and talking to you might remind me of what it means to fight to protect people."

"Well, you wouldn't be the first person I've disappointed," Molayne said, slouching against Magnezone's railing. After an awkward silence, he continued, "My parents wanted me to be a police officer because most of my family is on the force. But I wanted to be an astronomer."

"Yet it sounds like you followed their orders," Seifer said. Much like he did with his own family's history of the Radiant Guard. He never considered other occupations because he was sure that was where he'd end up.

"No." Molayne gripped Magnezone's railing tightly. "The problem is I couldn't get accepted to any university with an astronomy program. I kept screwing up the college admissions test, because I'd fall asleep studying. I never wanted to join the force, but I needed money to get my own place, so my folks made some calls and here I am."

"But you're a lieutenant now," Seifer pointed out. If he was that disinterested, he'd never get promoted, right? "And besides, couldn't you find another job?"

Molayne sighed. "That takes effort. It's easier to stay where I am. It's family connections that have gotten me promoted in rank. Besides... sometimes there are moments where the job's worth it. When people thank me for helping them or pokémon are happy I helped them with a problem. Almost makes me feel like I made the right decision."

He looked up. Jade was on her way back. "Almost," he whispered.

Seifer looked at Molayne, then Jade, then up at the sky. "Well, I'm just a stranger to you, but for what it's worth, if you can make it through this crisis, I think you can make it through anything." The keldeo tapped a forehoof on the ground. "Including this university entrance exam."

Jade landed behind the two. "How many more trips am I making?" She lifted her right wing. "I'm doing okay. But I might need to do a few stretches."

Molayne quickly glanced at Seifer. "Tell you what. If we get through this... I'll think about it."

Seifer nodded his approval and Molayne hovered back up on Magnezone to direct more of Group B to board Jade. He focused his attention on the people from Group C heading toward the nearest ship. Seifer was about to direct them to stop when an emerald gleam caught the corner of his eye.

He turned left and saw an emerald streak charging right through the lava like a knife cutting butter. "What the— who's doing that?"


There was no smell of sulfur. No orange embers drifting through the air. Ash didn't choke the sky and cloud the bright red and orange hanging over Yuna's head. Yet thunderous booms sounded from atop the mountain, suggesting something was going on.

To say nothing of the rumbling ground. Rocks ranging from the drakloak's size to larger than a mamoswine tumbled down, only to run into a pink wall a meter in front of Gene. The mewtwo held both hands up, concentrating intently as he plucked out panicked turtonator one by one and suspended them higher in the air.

He'd already sent the officer watching over the area away and ordered Widget to go find somewhere he could safely deliver everyone without an issue.

"I still can't believe he could transform like that!" Leo chirped, flying in excited circles in front of Yuna. "He was all blue and shiny." The fake dreepy clapped his hands together. "He kinda looked like that Miraidon guy from Mr. Gene's scrapbook, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Nikki said, scratching her head. "Which is a can of wurmple I don't want to open right now when there's freaking lava suspended over us!" The toxtricity tapped her right foot on the grass. "Now that we're here, can we let Space Noodle out to take a closer look?"

Yuna silently agreed. Particularly because the atmosphere around the volcano struck her as... off. Maybe it was the time anomaly. Or the fact that, according to the police lady Gene shooed away, the volcano was supposedly the dormant body of some super duper old pokémon god. She glanced at her Soul Dew. Are you okay with lending us a hand?

"I can at least take this requested look,"
Rayquaza declared. Nodding, Yuna focused on that glimmering spark of light within the jewel and mentally tugged on it. Rayquaza emerged at full size, corkscrewing his way into the air to a chorus of surprised turtantor noises.

"Found a place for the turtanator!" Widget shouted, zooming through the air. His Miraidon-esque form replaced his hind legs with jet boosters similar to Gene's ship, letting him effortlessly close the distance with the others. "There's an empty beach to the south. We can drop everything off there!"


"We?" Gene grunted, arms shaking slightly. "I don't... see you... carrying anything."

"Then cut the quips and follow me!" the type: full said, reversing the direction of his jet boosters to fly away from Gene. With a strained grunt, the mewtwo took to the air, dragging all the rocks and turtonator with him.

"They make a great couple," Nikki quipped, earning a stink eye from Yuna. The toxtricity raised her hands. "It's the nerves, Princess. Trying to do whatever I can to not think about the lava."

"Right." The drakloak wrung her hands together. She didn't blame Nikki, because she was doing the same thing. Albeit for different reasons. Why didn't this volcano sit right with her? No matter how much Yuna tried not to think about it, she kept looking up.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Leo waved a fake dreepy hand in front of her.

"I'm... thinking," Yuna responded, gently pushing Leo's hand away with her rectangular head. "I can't shake the feeling we're missing something here."

"Because the lava has a weird aura?" Leo said, tilting his head.

"Huh?" Yuna blinked. "How do you know that?"

"Dunno." Leo tilted his head up. "I just don't get a real lava-y sense from the stuff up there."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Nikki's mohawk crackled. "You saying it's not lava? If it ain't lava, then what the hell is it?!"


A black streak charged toward them, then abruptly stopped. Rayquaza coiled his serpentine body around nervously. "Tis not flames hanging above our heads, but fists! Giant fists of red and orange!"

"What." Nikki stared blankly at Rayquaza. "Say psyche right now."

"Nay. Tis not psionics, but fighting energy." Rayquaza punched the air with his tiny black hands. "Something is making literal fisticuffs."

The mountainside rumbled yet again. Nikki struggled to stay on her feet. Everyone looked up to see a sudden burst of red-orange light. What looked like another fireball sat frozen high in the sky.

"Okay, fine, whatever." Nikki waved her hands in front of her face. "Let's say Space Noodle's telling the truth. Then he can do something about it. Flying trumps fighting."

Leo and Yuna looked hopefully at Rayquaza. "I... still fear my base form is not enough to help," he said, looking down guiltily.

"Seriously?!" Nikki smacked her forehead. "What, do you have performance anxiety? Can't get it going? I hear they make pills for that."

Rayquaza had a response ready, but Yuna didn't hear it. All the drakloak heard was ringing in her head as she slowly looked up from her bickering teammates toward the fighting energy blanketing the sky.

If it wasn't lava, then was it actually frozen in time? Or was someone or something putting it there deliberately? If only she could get Rayquaza to power up. Then he could charge right at the strange energy!

Trance. Mega evolution. Powering up.

Powering... up...

Rock spires surrounded Chiron. A tomb that would collapse on her any second. She had caught a brief glimpse of Matriarch's form — a one-eyed lucario — before having to contort her slender form to avoid the Stone Edge spears shredding her delicate wing membranes apart. The lunala recognized the boisterous laughter on the other side. He had such a penchant for showing off.

And her psionics were currently failing her. Likely Matriarch's doing. So, Chiron had no ESP. No wormholes to throw the Stone Edges back at their creator.

But that was fine. This was what that training was about. She never bonded with her Soul Dew, but she had watched the Sages carefully. And by digging into her Eterna energy, maybe she could...

She could...

Yuna hadn't realized the inky blackness had pooled into her hands until she thrust them in the still-arguing Rayquaza's direction and shouted, "Vgeg zong!"

Rayquaza suddenly stiffened. Shadows briefly draped across his serpentine body, hidden well by his black scales. Then orange light engulfed Rayquaza. "Ye gads!" he cried, voice deepening. He shot out of the orange light, holden tassels fluttering and an emerald sheen lighting up the ground below him.

"Whoooa!" Leo's eyes sparkled. "Is that Uncle Ray's mega evolution? It's so long! He's a super noodle, now!" He shook his head. "No, wait, mega noodle!"

Nikki shot Yuna a suspicious look. "What did you do to him, Princess?"

"I, uh— I don't know?" the drakloak squeaked. She quickly tried to save face. "Do you think you're up to dealing with the magic fists now?"

"But of course!" Rayquaza's tail lashed with eagerness. "I hath not felt this alive in years!" He coiled around and gestured for Yuna to climb aboard. "Or, more accurately, centuries!"

Yuna flew forward and grabbed onto one of Rayquaza's black fins. Leo positioned himself on Yuna's head once again.

"Right, then. Tally ho!" Rayquaza declared.

"The hell?!" Nikki scrambled across the ground. "Don't leave without mee-eee-ahhhhhh!"

The toxtricity managed to grab the fins on Rayquaza's tail seconds before he shot into the air. His golden tassels straightened out on either side of his torso. Brilliant emerald light spilled over his body from his golden horns. Truly, Rayquaza was an emerald arrow surging up through the sky.

"Now, foul energy, taste the true might of Dragon Ascent!"

The intense winds whipping up around Rayquaza drowned out Nikki's screams and the emerald light blotted out Yuna's view of the strange orange fists. She focused on keeping hold of Rayquaza's fin through bouts of turbulence. Nothing she couldn't handle, but a bit of jostling. As if two dragons were headbutting one another in a contest of strength. Hopefully that meant Dragon Ascent was doing something...

That turbulence continued. Yuna's attention remained on the fin. Leo said... something. Yuna didn't hear him. She thought her X-transceiver might've gone off but it was hard for her to tell with the constant howling and whistling all around her.

Reshiram, do you see anything?

"Rayquaza's back and some emerald light,"
he responded. "I don't have a magically increased line of sight compared to you."

Yuna wondered how fast they were going. The Aeon scriptures described Mega Rayquaza orbiting the planet in only an hour or two. She doubted it was that fast. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to hold on. But she still felt like Rayquaza was covering a great distance. Was he effortlessly carving through the fighting energy? How much of it was left behind?

The drakloak soon got a concrete answer when Rayquaza abruptly stopped and fired a Dragon Pulse straight toward the mouth of the volcano. Yuna quickly looked around her and found clear skies.

... Well, mostly clear. Some orange still remained closer to the volcano. And, now that the sky was clearer, Yuna spotted a swirling vortex of distortion hanging above it. How much you want to bet that's the source of our anomaly?

After a beat, Reshiram added, "I don't have any money, remember?"

"Can we puh-lease land somewhere?!" Nikki hollered, clinging to one of Rayquaza's tailfins and kicking at the air with her legs. "My arms are cramping up!"

"Tis not safe atop the volcano!" Rayquaza declared. "A foul beast doth tried to knock me out of the sky!"

"You're damn straight I did!" a loud, booming voice shot back. "No one turns out the lights on Chernabog without Chernabog's say so!"

It was tough to make out at first, but Yuna soon spotted a large machamp standing on the rim of the volcano. He pointed accusingly at them with an upper right hand that looked more like volcanic rock than the bluish-gray Yuna was used to seeing. Another mega evolution? It didn't look that impressive compared to Rayquaza's.


"Hey! I'm talking to you chumps!" Chernabog shook his upper right fist at them. His other three arms... flexed, with the lower ones pointing to a belt that had a red, fist-shaped crystal inside it. "No one gives the champ the quiet treatment!"

Even at a distance, Yuna got that same sinking feeling in her ectoplasm that she got when staring down Runerigus, Baptiste, and Exodes. Which could only mean one thing...

"Um, Gene?" Yuna squeaked. "I think one of Paradox's goons is here. Does the name Chernabog mean anything to you?"

"Oh, that blowhard?" Gene groaned. "Give us a minute. We're almost done here. Just keep him talking."

Yuna frowned. Nikki was better suited to that idea, but was too busy clinging to Rayquaza for dear life. "Can you fly around to the other side of the volcano?" she said, before blinking and shaking her head. "No, wait. I have a better idea."

But first, she had to distract the machamp. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Yuna shouted. "We're just trying to keep the people in this city safe!"

The drakloak immediately focused on the other side of the volcano from Chernabog. She opened a rift in front of her and tapped Rayquaza's back. He hastily flew through it, dropping Nikki onto jagged, rocky ground. The toxtricity stumbled forward, relief flooding her face.

"Oh, sweet, glorious land!" Nikki dropped to her knees. "I'd kiss you but I've no idea where you've—"


A furious twister whipped up, deflecting a giant orange energy blast into the mouth of the volcano. Rayquaza flew in front of Nikki, assuming the closest thing to a protective stance a serpent could muster.

"Chernabog thought something stank!" The machamp slowly stomped toward the group. "The kind of stink that only a dirty traitor could make!" He flexed his large pecs, then pointed directly at Yuna. "That's right, Chiron! Maybe your noodle friend let you outmuscle Baptiste and Exodes, but now you've got the champ to contend with! Hoo-hah!" Chernabog punched the air with his lower arms and flexed with his upper ones.

Yuna didn't flinch. It wasn't the first time she'd heard one of Paradox's thugs throw Chiron's name around. And, given the strange visions, it probably wouldn't be the last. Just another punch the drakloak had to roll with.

The difference this time was that Leo was around, so she had to keep a safe distance from Chernabog.

"I don't like him, Mom," the fake dreepy whispered. "He's the real stinky one."

"I know. Let's stay on our toes," Yuna whispered back.

"Uh, technically neither of you have toes," Reshiram interjected.

Not now!

"S-Sorry. Couldn't help it."

"The hell are you ranting about?" Nikki said, shrugging at the oversized machamp. "You're the one who sent an entire city into a panic, aren't you? Doesn't seem very champ-like to me."

"It ain't the champ's fault if they're a bunch of haters!" Chernabog countered, flexing all four arms. "Chernabog was in the middle of getting ready to wow his Chernamaniacs back home, when suddenly he appeared up here." He glared at Yuna. "He bets the traitor's behind this! But you can't take Chernabog to the mat! Not when he feels stronger than ever! Oh yeah!"

Half the things Chernabog said went right over Yuna's head, but his belt crackled with orange energy at that last statement. She also noticed Leo looking intently at Chernabog's belt. Yuna doubted it was a coincidence, but it wasn't safe to look any deeper into the matter.

"First, Chernabog will smash ya! Hoo ha!" The machamp punched the air with his lower hands. "Then he'll punch a hole right back home to where his adoring crowd of Chernamaniacs is waiting!"

So that was it. It wasn't a volcanic eruption. This meathead seriously thought he could punch his way out of the dimensional anomaly!

"Now then," Chernabog cracked his knuckles. "It's time for dirty traitors to smell what the champ is cooking! Ohhhh yeeeeee—"

Several bursts of pink energy slammed into Chernabog's pecs. He staggered backward, waving his arms around. Yuna looked up to see Gene and Widget emerging from a rift. The mewtwo slowly clapped.

"Nice makeover there, chumpion." Gene flashed a toothy grin. "But I think you're a bit turned around. The children's party in need of a clown is on the next island over."

"You!" Chernabog thumped his chest. "Of course, it all makes sense! The traitor and the rebel teaming up. History repeating itself with the ultimate heel combination!"

The machamp jogged in place, his belt sparking with orange energy. "The champ's got only one thing to say to you, kitty cat."

Gene tilted his head in amusement. "And that is?"

Chernabog took a deep breath and bellowed, "Where ya gonna be... when Chernamania comes for thee!"

The sky above Team Bastion suddenly darkened. Yuna looked up and yelped in surprise.

Dozens of giant orange fists threatened to smash them into the volcano.


GL Exploration Log: Malie City, Alola (Dimension POV-2409)
I've gone to a few Alolas already and always found them a bit unsettling with their dedication to solgaleo, lunala, and necrozma. I knew this one would be quite different from the start, since history-related stuff I found in Hoenn didn't talk much about this world's Groudon and Kyogre. It turns out that the two super-ancient pokémon waged a great war early on in the planet's history. Their clashes led to the formation of various continents, but eventually Rayquaza swooped in and ended their fighting. Kyogre's spirit dispersed into the oceans while its body sank into the dark underwater abyss. Groudon settled in what became Ula'ula Island, its body becoming the massive, but perpetually dormant Lanakila Volcano.

A bunch of Johto and Kanto immigrants filled out the island, though I'm not sure why they built their city so close to the volcano. Maybe its height lets them be closer to Rayquaza? Like draconids and Sky Pillars in dimensions where those are present.


Path of Valor Almanac
Yuna's cry of "Vgeg zong" is a rough Enochian translation of "strong winds." Enochian is an occult language from sixteenth-century England that, according to creators John Dee and Edward Kelley, was constructed based on messages received from angels.

Chernobog is an alleged Polabian Slavic deity that is classically known for being portrayed as a god of misfortune in Helmod's Chronicle. A variation of him appears in several Disney productions — most notably Fantasia, its sequel, and Kingdom Hearts — as a large, winged demon.
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Chapter 60: Praepollens Fortitudo


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 60: Praepollens Fortitudo

"You saw that, right?"

Molayne pressed his goggles against his face. "An emerald comet. It has to be Lord Rayquaza!" He tightly gripped Magnezone's railing. "He's here to save us from the eruption!"

That was the most awake Molayne had sounded since Seifer met him. The keldeo bit his lip, however, when he thought about the rest of his team. It was far more likely Yuna had summoned their dimension's Rayquaza to take care of it.

Then again, hadn't he told them he didn't think there was anything he could do about it? What had changed so quickly?

The remaining people waiting to evacuate broke into applause while Molayne directed them toward the boats with surprising vigor. Seifer continued staring at the volcano.

I hope you know what you're doing.


"Keep us safe!" Yuna cried, pointing up. Rayquaza shot skyward, shrouding himself in emerald light. He charged through the closest orange fists, blowing them apart in a shower of red and green sparks before whipping his body around to face Chernabog.

"Ha!" Chernabog stomped the ground. Stone Edge spires raced toward Yuna, Leo, and Nikki. She looked up, but Rayquaza was too far away.

"Nikki, look out!" Yuna took Leo off her head and held him tight while speeding away from the giant rocks.

"The hell do you exp—" Nikki started before a pink aura surrounded her and yanked her into the air. "Gah! No! No more flying!"

"Sheesh, that how you thank a cat for saving your ass?" Gene scoffed. Widget flew past him, electricity whirring around his cheek bolts. Chernabog saw the ensuing Thunderbolt coming and yanked up a chunk of the ground to wield like a shield.

"Figures you're cowardly enough to hide behind numbers," Chernabog growled, ripping the electrified rock in half and tossing one piece at Widget and another at the charging Rayquaza to force them both back. "But the champ can take you all down! The best defense... is a good offense! Hoo ha!"

"Thou hast that backwards!" Rayquaza said, corkscrewing away from the electrified rock. Gene dropped Nikki back on the ground, then surrounded Chernabog with Psystrike orbs.

"You won't say that when I— hurrrgh!" Chernabog spread his arms out. Black energy coalesced through his fists. The mega machamp spun around like an oversized green top, batting Gene's Psystrike away before beelining toward Nikki.

"Shit!" She backpedaled only to end up on her rear. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Rayquaza managed to swoop in and grab Nikki before Chernabog's Darkest Lariat would've blended her into a toxtricity smoothie. Yuna sighed in relief, however it proved fleeting when Chernabog didn't stop spinning. In fact, he spun so fast he rose into the air, threatening to chase after Rayquaza.

"I-Impossible!" he cried.

"I'm gonna snap ya like a Slim Jim!" Chernabog roared from within his black tornado. The very air itself seemed to distort around him.

Gene shot lightning from his hands to no avail. Widget tried showering Chernabog in Thunder Wave sparks, but his spinning effortlessly turned them away.

Yuna tensed up. Much as she hated to do it, she needed to find those icky shadows and pull them out to help her friends. Come on. Please.

The strange power responded. A quick tingle in her hands and Yuna instinctively punched the air. A large gray leg struck Chernabog, punching him in the opposite direction as his spinning. The machamp slowed down. Yuna silently cheered while watching him drift back toward safe footing atop the volcano.

Gene seized the opportunity to fire a pink Psybeam and push Chernabog back even further. The mewtwo quickly looked around. "Where's Nikki? We have to get her and Leo out of here."

"The hell?!" Nikki hissed, squirming in Rayquaza's small black arms. "You can't toss me aside like that! I'm—"

"A liability up here!" Gene growled, Malice Crystal sparking. "We can't fight this meathead if we have to worry about protecting you!" He threw open a rift behind him. "This isn't up for debate. Widget, go with them."

"What?!" The type: full's thruster jets sputtered briefly. "But I—"

"A hero protects those who need protecting, doesn't he?" Gene said, yellow-tipped tail lashing at the air.

Widget rubbed his forelegs together. "I guess."

"Seriously?" Nikki continued struggling in Rayquaza's grasp. "Princess, say something! You can't let him do this to me!"

But a sudden roar from Chernabog brought the debate to a screeching halt. The sky filled with giant red fists yet again.

"Go! Now!" Gene hollered.

All Yuna could offer Nikki was an attempt at an apologetic look before Gene's telekinesis flung her through the rift. Widget charged after her, carrying Leo on his back.

"Defend!" Yuna said, waving her right arm without even realizing it. Rayquaza coiled his body up and blasted the fists apart with a large Hyper Beam.


"What the—" Molayne struggled to steady himself atop Magnezone. "Something's going on up there. Rayquaza's fighting someone. Or something."

Seifer nodded silently. He recognized the giant fists. When was the last time he even used Dyna Fist? Against Xeromus? But when the keldeo used that move, it didn't flood the sky with them!

"We have to focus on finishing the evacuation," he said, trying to force his nerves down. "Jade, how are you holding up?"

"I'm okay!" the salugia chirped, spitting a couple of stems onto the ground by Seifer's feet. "These leppas are perfect pick-me-ups!"

"Right." Molayne shook his head. "If you can push yourself a bit more, this would be the last haul of people."

Jade nodded. The crowd was nothing more than about seventy people, however that was more than she'd carried before. She took a deep breath and smacked her face with her wings.

"Yeah. I've got this. One more load!" Jade crouched down and spread her wings out.


"Trimming down your numbers cuz you're scared of the champ won't save ya!" Chernabog flexed with his upper right arm while his other three yanked out chunks of the ground and hurled them through the air.

Yuna flew into a rift and popped out next to Rayquaza. She grabbed one of his fins while he strafed around Chernabog to try and take a shot at his backside.

"Chernamania is panoramic!" the giga machamp shouted, kicking his right leg back and sending more rock shards careening toward them. Yuna swiped her right arm sideways. One of the shadowy legs shot out in front of Rayquaza and shattered the rocks into tiny pieces.

"Thou hast gained control over those strange shadowy limbs?" Rayquaza said.

"I, uh, maybe?" Yuna said, vaguely recalling the times she had inexplicably used them against Runerigus and Exodes' barrier.

"Pay attention!" Gene called while whipping up a Hurricane and sending harsh winds barreling toward Chernabog.

"A pincer attack, then," Rayquaza said. He whipped his tail forward and spun it around rapidly. His intense whirlwind and Gene's Hurricane had sandwiched Chernabog. He silently crouched down. Was he going to jump up? Did he even have the leg strength to go high enough to dodge both moves?

It didn't matter. Yuna couldn't give him that chance. "Rrrgh." The drakloak managed to pry her right arm off Rayquaza's back fin and slap the air. Inky shadows fizzled around her, then a giant gray leg hit Chernabog the moment he tried to jump.

"Grrraaaagh!" The mega machamp crashed back into the ground and both cyclones collided with him stuck in the center. Squeaking, Yuna pressed her face against Rayquaza. Thankfully, however, she didn't experience any whiplash.

"Steel yourself, Princess," Rayquaza said, briefly glancing at her. "My Delta Stream means wayward winds shant touch you."

"R-Right." Yuna poked her head from behind Rayquaza. Those were two powerful flying-type moves. Maybe they were enough to take him down?

The volcano's rim shook. Yuna watched small cracks spread out below where Rayquaza floated and groaned. Of course it couldn't be that simple.

"You!" Chernabog was on his hands and knees, but distorted energy crackled around his belt.

"Imagine a rebel fighting fair," Gene scoffed, unleashing a flurry of pink orbs. Rayquaza took the mewtwo's cue and whipped up another fierce whirlwind to pummel Chernabog from behind.

"No! Not... over... yet!"

Chernabog stood up. His back arched violently. He pivoted sideways... and his belly split apart, revealing rows of jagged teeth that had no place in a giga machamp's stomach.

Yuna shrieked. Red, distorted tendrils emerged from Chernabog's new, gaping maw. They sliced through Gene's Psystrike and Rayquaza's winds. An eerie stillness settled over the volcano. Silence, save for the dripping of strange, orange fluid from Chernabog's gut.

Then the drakloak's vision flickered. Her Soul Dew burned against her ectoplasmic chest.

"Are you really that surprised? It was only a matter of time before our paths crossed again... Yaldabaoth."

Yuna tensed up. That wasn't Reshiram's voice. Heck, it wasn't even a single voice. More like thousands talking inside her head in unison. But what did they mean? Did Chiron have some sort of second name?

"Yeah, not into cheap horror schlock," Gene said, more Psystrike orbs at the ready. "I prefer the meathead routine. At least then I get nice pecs to ogle."

"The champ doesn't quit!" Chernabog roared. He took a step back. "The champ will bring you all down!" His words lacked his earlier bravado. Instead they had an air of desperation about them.

Gene hurled the Psystrike at Chernabog. The mega machamp flexed all four arms... and large orange chairs appeared in his hands. "By god, he's bringing out the steel chairs!" Chernabog said, swinging them around and batting a dumbstruck Gene's Psystrike away before tossing the energy chairs at the mewtwo as if they were strangely shaped Focus Blasts.

Rayquaza took the opportunity to fire another Hyper Beam, but Chernabog stood his ground. His stomach mouth opening even wider than before

Yuna's ectoplasm rippled. Was Chernabog getting closer?

"Impossible!" Rayquaza spun around in the air. "He... he sucked up my Hyper Beam! He's trying to suck us up!"

Delta Stream wasn't helping them. Rayquaza made no headway attempting to escape the giant vortex forming in Chernabog's maw.

"You seek to bring your chaos to this world and drag it toward stagnation. Consider this intervention a righteous gift."

This was so not the time for another Xeromus-esque ominous voice to talk vaguely about fate. But was it claiming to be responsible for Chernabog's behavior? Didn't he work for Paradox?

"Do something, Rayquaza!" Yuna cried.

"I am... trying!" He sounded strained. And Yuna found her grip slipping fast. Maybe she could form a rift and have them fall into it? That would get them out of the way, sure, but it wouldn't stop Chernabog's rampage.

The cracks in the ground were getting deeper, too. At this rate, Chernabog would break through the volcanic rim. And if this was really the body of some ancient god, then...

"Relinquish the fight. Let my hands grab hold of this world to preserve it for eternity."

No, she couldn't relinquish! Think, Yuna, think!

The second mouth formed from distortion. Distortion that came from the giga machamp's belt. A belt with a fist-shaped crystal. It had to have flooded him with extra fighting energy.

If Rayquaza's whirlwinds weren't enough, then she had to use the strongest technique at his disposal!

Sucking in a sharp breath, Yuna thrust her hands into Rayquaza's back. "Let him suck us up! Charge at him with Dragon Ascent!"

"Art thou mad?!"

"Do it!" Yuna cried. The shadows slipped into Rayquaza's back. He tensed up, then whirled around and charged toward Chernabog and the jagged rows of teeth peppering his second mouth. His tassels stiffened. Emerald energy blanketed his black, serpentine form.

The drakloak barely heard Gene's cry of, "What are you doing?!" as she and Rayquaza charged toward Chernabog.

Closer and closer. Yuna could make out each individual tooth. Jagged, serrated, and glowing the same color as the fist-shaped gem on the mega machamp's belt. That gave her some reassurance her thinking was on the right track, but the pitch black in the middle still frightened her.

She squeezed her eyes shut and dug her arms deeper into Rayquaza's back.

One final roar from Chernabog, then silence followed.

No pain. No more fierce winds. Yuna wasn't sure if they were even moving anymore. She wasn't dead though. Though darkness surrounded them, Dragon Ascent's emerald sheen held firm.. Yuna's hands remained inside Rayquaza while she silently willed him to press on... even though there wasn't a clear on to press to.

"Such pitiable naivete, Yaldabaoth."

The voice — voices? Yuna still wasn't sure — had followed them.

Something flickered ahead of the duo. A face? There was too much distortion to tell.

"You fight for nothing. This world's fate — like all others — has been affirmed. Only I can shape it to be part of something greater. You would cast it into stagnant oblivion."

"This isn't my world," Yuna countered. Shadows still trickled into Rayquaza's back from her arms. The Dragon Ascent charge continued, yet the distorted face didn't grow any closer.

"It's not too late to seize the power of choice presented to you. Surrender and allow your souls to pass to the Overworld. And soon after, you will bask in the glory of a reality defined by eternity."

Still annoyingly vague. But the talk of choices and eternity brought Xeromus to mind, so the drakloak chose to shoot her shot.

"I take it you're Natus? The one who'll envelop everyone in his love?"

God, phrasing it like that sounded disgusting.

The face flickered briefly. Did its expression change? "If that is how you prefer to address me, I will not resist."

What a ridiculous non-answer!

"Fine," she said, then plunged the rest of her arms deeper into Rayquaza. "But like I said, this isn't my home, so it's not my choice to make. We're done here."

Now the face was definitely getting closer. Yes, Rayquaza was making progress! They would bust out of this void and take the enemy down!

"Surely you realize this is but a vessel? I care not what becomes of it."

The face disappeared and then the darkness shattered as if it was a window Rayquaza had flown directly into.


"The hell?!"

An emerald shockwave rippled through the sky. Nikki threw her right arm over her face. She couldn't believe this was happening. First Boss Kitty tossed her aside like a used napkin while Princess stood by and watched. Now it looked like the fight was ending and she had absolutely no clue what would happen. What if Boss Kitty and Princess got sent back home and the rest of them were stranded here?

"Hey, Leo, where are you going?"

Nikki moved her arm and saw Widget flying after the fake dreepy, who was heading up the mountain. "Oi!" Her mohawk flared up. "Don't just leave me here!"

Widget stopped. He looked between Nikki and Leo, who was getting further away. Sighing, he shot back down to the ground.

"Hurry. We've got to catch him." Widget pivoted to let Nikki climb aboard.

"This wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't get benched," the toxtricity growled.

She would have words for Princess... assuming they weren't too late.


Rayquaza surged forward for a bit before Yuna realized magma bubbled far beneath them both and pulled her hands out of his back.

"Haah... haaargh..."

Rayquaza wheezed a couple of times. His mega evolution faded away in a faint rainbow shimmer, then his whole body dissolved back into Yuna's Soul Dew. The drakloak turned around and caught a quick glimpse of a machamp body with a giant hole through the midsection before it, too, dissolved away in streams of red and gray.

Gene was already heading toward the volcanic rim, because Chernabog had left two things behind: some sort of big red bug with massive, bulging, fluid-filled arms, and an orange, rectangular stone that dropped to the ground with a loud clang.

The moment it did, an orange beam shot toward the distortion hanging over the volcano, and bright white light flooded the area.


It took all of ten seconds for Team Bureau to realize that Noctum didn't have the flying speed to keep up with Yiazmat and the pizza truck. Fortunately, Cyril had a backup plan in mind. The large metal pizza spinning on the roof of the truck opened up to reveal some sort of strange table-like device that the black charizard could lay down on. He stuck his head into a circular telescope and found himself looking at Eternatus Gunners flying ahead of them in the distance while the truck rumbled across the dirt on the side of the railroad track.

"So, uh, tell me again what I'm supposed to do up here?" Noctum said. He didn't like the tight space around his head. It made him think of dark, rocky caves despite the lack of dark and rock.

"It's a super scope lens," Cyril said. "You can swivel around to aim yourself at enemies. Then fire off an attack like you're in a normal battle and the super scope will do the rest."

Fire off an attack? Noctum found that easy for the cosmic zoroark to say. He wasn't the one with his head squeezed into the uncomfortable metal tube!

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. "How do I even aim?"

"Turn your head. Duh," Cyril replied. "If you need to aim way off to the side or behind us, then you turn your body, too."

Raising a brow, Noctum tried moving his head left. The aiming scope settled on an Eternatus Gunner flying with its long, tentacle legs undulating behind it.

Now he had to use an attack. Flamethrower was his best move. The black charizard still didn't feel right shooting fire with his head in such a tight tube, but managed to push through the displeasure. A quick burst of orange fire, then a bright flash, and suddenly Noctum saw the Gunner's glass dome shatter and the unown pilot free fall toward the ground alongside the remnants of its robotic body.

"Nice shot!" Cyril said. "Hurry, before they catch onto us."

Hurry, he says,
Noctum mentally grumbled. Like he could magically rapid fire Flamethrowers at the drop of a hat. Perhaps small fireballs, instead? Quantity sounded more important, here.

Noctum moved the scope and shot another fireball. He moved a bit right and fired again. Then a third, fourth, and fifth time. Five explosions rewarded his efforts, and it was at that point he saw a few of the Gunners realizing their numbers had thinned.

"Guuuuys, they're pointing at us," he said, tightening his grip on the strange table. Sure, there were buckles strapping him in, but one couldn't be too careful. "I think the element of surprise is gone!"

"That's when we kick the afterburners on!" Cyril declared.

Noctum stiffened. "The afterwhatnow?"

It turned out that meant going even faster. Noctum yelped, though the metal tube shielded him from the worst of the whiplash. He managed to refocus, only for the pizza truck to suddenly swerve left, then right. Noctum spun out atop the firing platform. "Waaah! Hey, a little warning, please?"

"We're taking fire, dweeb," Valkyrie said. "Get it together and hit 'em back."

Again, Noctum fought back the urge for a biting retort. Just trying to keep himself aiming straight with the car swerving through the dirt was proving a problem. He caught glimpses of blue darts streaking through the air and meeting brown clumps in midair. The Gunners' had their Hidden Powers tuned to ground-type, apparently.

Noctum tightened his gut muscles and dug his elbows and knees into the firing platform. That managed to stop the spinning. He trained the super scope ahead and shot three fireballs, downing one Eternatus Gunner while the other two managed to negate the fireballs with bursts of clay and dirt.

Ahead of him, Yiazmat rolled away from a couple of Hidden Powers and fired more dreepy-shaped purple energy blasts from her horns. The Gunner she aimed at couldn't get out of the way fast enough and blew up. Yiazmat pulled up to dodge the ensuing shrapnel. She was even faster than Noctum remembered. Had she been training while they were away?

"Hey! No one said to stop firing!" Igneous growled through Noctum's X-transceiver. "We're not close enough to attack."

"Sorry." Noctum turned and shot a couple of fireballs, but the Gunner he aimed at dropped down and dodged the blasts. It was ready to strike back, when its glass dome suddenly shattered and the unown toppled out. A purple saucer flew by and Noctum watched it fire a white beam and destroy another Gunner.

"I see genesect!" Noctum shouted. "... I think?"

"Yeah, that's them, all right," Cyril said. "That means we're catching up. Keep your eyes peeled for the train."

The pizza truck swerved left, kicking up a wall of dirt and striking the side of the train track. Noctum gasped, his firing platform spinning wildly as Cyril turned right to try and steady the truck amidst all the dust clouds and fluttering grass blades in the air.

Noctum thought he saw Hidden Power clay mounds careening toward him, but they burst apart into dust clouds. A gray blur rushed by.

"Hang in there, Noctum!" Yiazmat called back.

"Damn it! We can't zigzag like this forever," Igneous hissed. "We've got to do something. What are all these buttons back here for, huh?"

"Well, there's another super scope lens built into the right side,"
Cyril said. "But it's not exactly, y'know, finished yet. If you try to use it, you could fall out of the truck."

The black charizard regained his bearings, but the sight he trained his own super scope on had become a bevy of purple saucers and Eternatus Gunners lighting the sky up with white beams, clay balls... and Flamethrowers, to boot. Some of the Gunners must have been prepped with fire-typing instead.

Noctum gulped. What if he hit a genesect? He wasn't trying to get their attention turned on the pizza truck. Especially when he could actually see the train's caboose rattling on ahead. And quickly, at that. Igneous was right after all. This wasn't any ordinary freight train.

"Val, wait! What are you doing?" the grovlazzle cried.

Loud clangs and whirred sounded to Noctum's right.

"Evening the odds a bit," the garchomp declared.

Next thing Noctum knew, a Dragon Pulse burst through the dusty air, destroying an Eternatus Trooper too preoccupied with flanking a genesect. The weird purple disc looked around. Noctum saw its red lightbulb-like eyes flash.

A second Dragon Pulse punched a hole in the dust and took out another Gunner. Yiazmat's Dragon Darts struck a third one, allowing a genesect to easily blow it up. Like the first, that one stopped and trained its mechanical eyes on the dragapult, which flickered with red light.

Suddenly, three genesect broke off their pursuit of Eternatus Gunners and beelined for the pizza truck. "Oh no!" Noctum squeezed his elbows and knees tighter against the firing platform. "They're mad at us!"

"Then I'll get rid of 'em, too," Valkyrie said. A Dragon Pulse headed for one of the genesect, but it proved much faster than the Eternatus Gunners, easily veering out of the way. Its two buddies shot white beams, with one missing the pizza truck to the right and the other striking right at the head.

"Gah!" Cyril yelped. The truck swerved light and right from the zoroark's attempts to stop it from spinning out.

Noctum's head banged against the top of the super scope, then his whole world was spinning. "Agggh!" The black charizard felt his Malice Crystal stirring in his gut. Likely keeping him from getting nauseous, for better or worse. "This is a bad idea! We should get out of here!"

"And let them win?" Valkyrie hissed. "Fat chance!"

"They're still firing on us!"
Igneous shouted.

Dragon Darts and a Dragon Pulse met the genesect's white energy blasts and stalemated them. Noctum stopped spinning long enough to shoot a Flamethrower through the super scope. It scorched the genesect closest to the pizza track. Though it wasn't destroyed, it careened toward the ground, giving the truck more than enough time to pass it up.

They had made up more ground thanks to the genesect matching the Eternatus Gunners' firepower. Though the dirt filling the air didn't hurt, either, even if it reduced visibility a bit. Noctum could see silhouettes. That was all he needed to send out a few fireballs while Valkyrie's bursts of dragonfire peppered the dusty air with blue-purple sparks and embers.

A volley of white beams and clay Hidden Power lumps emerged in response. Cyril swerved right, then left.



Noctum was spinning again. He caught the faintest glimpse of Igneous grabbing Valkyrie to keep the garchomp from falling off her firing platform.

"Hang on!" Cyril shouted.

"What now?" Igneous groaned.

Noctum wildly shot out fireballs. Cyril had banked hard toward the rail tracks. The pizza truck hit the side and launched into the air, propelled further ahead by the roaring thrusters. "Seriously?!" Noctum hollered.

"Seize the opening!" Yiazmat declared. Dragon Darts peppered the air, striking multiple Gunners and genesect. Noctum spat out several fireballs, destroying the damaged Gunners and at least grounding the genesect units.

The pizza truck landed on the opposite side of the tracks with a heavy thud. Noctum's head again slammed against the top of the super scope lens. The black charizard blinked the stars out of his vision to find the truck had come even with some of the train's rear cars.

"We... we caught up?" Noctum laughed nervously. "We caught up! We—"

Why did the air around him feel dryer? And colder?

"Something's happening atop the train!" Yiazmat cried, darting away from the truck.

Noctum caught a flash of blue and white... then a tremendous spear-shaped icicle beelining right for them!

Instinct took hold and he exhaled as many flames as he could through the super scope lens. Valkyrie added a Dragon Pulse of her own. For a moment, it looked like it wouldn't be enough, but a second gout of fire emerged and broke through. Ice chunks peppered the ground and tracks, forcing Cyril to swerve the pizza truck through them.

"What the hell was that?" Igneous said. "My flames could actually reach it, but..."

"It was no genesect,"
Cyril said. "Cid, you getting anything with that Dyna Scan of yours?"

Silence at first. Another blue-white flash popped up. Cyril slowed the truck down enough for the train to fully pass by, then jumped the train tracks yet again. Noctum focused his cover fire behind the truck this time, managing to peg a few Gunners with fireballs.

"Someone's atop the train," Cid said. "It's an icy aura. But I've never felt one like this before!"

"Gee, that's reassuring!"
Valkyrie scoffed. "Did Xeromus leave us an extra surprise knowing we'd give chase?"

"I don't know, but speaking of surprises, you guys might want to think about evacuating,"
Cid said, voice getting more nervous with every word.

"Why? We're already so damn close," Igneous said.

Noctum was in the process of turning back to face the train when sudden bursts of warm air peppered his tail and flank. Yelping, the charizard turned back to find the air behind the truck lighting up orange with five-pronged Fire Blast explosions. Molten genesect shrapnel rained down on the dirt and tracks. And out of the smoke appeared three large, mechanical hydreigon heads, followed by the rest of its huge metal torso.


"G-G..." The black charizard swallowed hard. "Giant hydreigon robot!"

Cid tittered through the X-transceiver. "That's why."


~Il Paradigma, No. XI: Chernabog, the Strength~
Unparalleled in his muscular might, he earned the trust of the Matriarch through his relentless, no-holds-barred fighting style, dispatching foe after foe without the need for breaks. His burning spirit persisted even after his body gave out from old age, hopping from muscular host to muscular host to fight for the pride of the Benefactor's loyal followers.

ADDENDUM: With Paradox's rise to power, he was dispatched on fewer assignments. Ever restless, he kept himself occupied through highly-publicized show fights, earning him scores of adoring fans through the many generations of the Benefactor's confinement.


Path of Valor Almanac
Strength is, depending on the deck, either the eighth or, more commonly, eleventh card in the Major Arcana. It is thought to represent power, energy, action, and complete success. It has also been referred to as Fortitude, one of the cardinal virtues of classical philosophy. Hence the use of its Latin form, Fortitutdo, in the chapter title.
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Chapter 61: In Thirty Minutes or Less


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 61: In Thirty Minutes or Less

Phenomenal affirmation.

It's a phrase I've heard a couple of times across some of the dimensions I've visited. Still don't quite get it. Sounds like a whacky concept where someone can, like, manipulate fate itself. Like it's something a person can mold and shape.

Completely stupid, if you ask me. Fate isn't clay you toss into a kiln or anything. Even the dimensions involving heroes who stopped incarnations of the Bittercold and have those weird Worldcores only had the human heroes give themselves the power to travel between specific worlds. That's giving yourself a special power, not manipulating fate.

... Right?


This was bad— no, worse than bad! They struggled enough with the Seekerskorch, but now they were stuck on a pizza truck chasing after a train.

"Scarlett, are you there?" Noctum said. He couldn't remember if the dragonair kept her X-transceiver on. "We have another giant robot situatioooooooon!"

The black charizard's last word got drawn out when a blast struck the back of the pizza truck, knocking it briefly into the air. Noctum tried shooting a Flamethrower at the robot, but its left head blocked the strike with a well-aimed Dark Pulse.

"What are you hitting up Scarlett for?" Valkyrie growled. "You're not in a position to wormhole her here."

It was true. They were moving too fast. A rift would just drop Scarlett behind them and leave her at the mercy of the robot hydreigon. "Well, I'm open to any ideas!" He shot fireballs at some of the Gunners, but again Dark Pulses from the robot brought a stop to his attack. Noctum didn't even have time to sigh his frustration, as the pizza truck suddenly swerved toward the train tracks and took off over them. Ice crystals peppered the ground where the truck had been seconds ago.

"Damn it! We can't keep going like this!" Cyril hissed. And Noctum agreed. Attacks from two sides would bring them down in an instant.

"Are you going to slow down and take your chances with the robot?" Valkyrie scoffed.

"Iron Jugulis," Cid cut in.


"It's what my Dyna Scan is telling me,"
Cid elaborated.

"Whatever!" Cyril said. "No, I'm not taking my chances with the robot! We'll have to go faster!"

"Faster?!" Noctum sputtered, and indeed the wind grew even fiercer against his snout. The black charizard couldn't stop himself from snorting up dust particles. "Oh no..."

Hold it. Fight it. Not in the super scope lens. He couldn't afford to—


Noctum didn't realize what direction he was facing until the super scope filled the air with orange flames... and yellow snot.

"Agh!" An Eternatus Gunner sputtered in midair. "I'm hit! Someone get me a squeegee! The rebels are bathing me in lizard germs!"

"I'm a dragon!" the charizard squeaked in protest.

Iron Jugulis wasn't the least bit phased by the Gunner's plight. Its mechanical heads glowed bright white... only to stop suddenly when the snot-covered Gunner crashed into its torso. Jugulis' metal heads flickered and it lost a bit of altitude before it managed to regain itself and resume its charging.

"Guys, I think I know how we can stop this thing!" Noctum said, trying not to lose control of the firing platform in his excitement. "We've gotta knock the smaller guys into the big guy!"

The pizza truck sharply cut away from the railroad tracks. Cold air rushed past Noctum and the super scope.

"Easier said than done, dweeb," Valkyrie growled. "We're taking fire from both sides!"

"Can't Noctum open a rift back to Casaroja?"
Cid suggested. "I think you've done all you can there."

Noctum saw Iron Jugulis' heads glowing again. "Left! No, right!" he yelped. "Your right, my left!"

Cyril banked the pizza truck back toward the train tracks and avoided the huge Hyper Beam that scored the ground where it had previously been.

"All right, that's enough," Igneous hissed. "I'm putting a stop to this stupid sandwich."

"Ow! Hey, what are you doing?!"
Valkyrie said.

Noctum spun the firing platform around in time to see Igneous' volcarona wings appear in bursts of orange fire. He flew toward the train while Yiazmat covered him, distracting a couple of genesect with Flamethrowers shot from her horns.


This was dumb. This was reckless. The same recklessness that cost Igneous so much. But he couldn't leave. Not if the cloud daemon was on the train.

He rolled away from an Ice Beam. Finally, the grovlazzle was close enough to see a silhouette on the roof, closer to the front of the train. Had the cloud daemon conjured it? Was it some new monster working with Xeromus?

Another Ice Beam. Igneous retaliated with a Flamethrower, then used the resulting steam to drift left in the air.

But the figure's aim held true. This time it was a Psybeam. Igneous dipped underneath it. He focused on his fiery wings. Bursts of orange and red sparks propelled him further, toward someone vaguely... ponyta-ish.

"I don't know what you are!"

The Psybeam headed right for him. Igneous rolled right. He was over the train now, only a car away from someone who certainly sounded like Shimmer. But the flowing white hair and nine, snow-white tails were wrong.

"But I won't let you disrupt this shipment! My people need these supplies!"

My people? It really was Shimmer, then? And this idiot thinks we're trying to attack the train!

"Wait!" the grovlazzle shouted, swooping in for a landing. A Psybeam whizzed over his head seconds later. "This is a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Shimmer pointed his larger horn at Igneous' head. "Your little ensemble isn't blasting my guards out of the sky while those funny little machines keep them distracted?"

"No!" Igneous waved his arms in front of his face. "Those aren't ours!"

"And the big movie prop?" Shimmer pointed his right foreleg forward.


Noctum chewed on his dragon comment for all of a second after Igneous flew off. He focused on the Malice Crystal and let its energy wash over him. Even in the confines of the super scope lens, he was able to mega evolve. The next Flamethrower was much larger, striking a genesect and knocking it into Iron Jugulis' central neck. It whipped back, electronic face dimming.

"It's working!" the mega charizard chirped, flapping his jagged wings briefly. "Val, if you mega evolve, your attacks should be strong enough to blast the little bots into the big one!"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Valkyrie snorted. "It's like playing billiards. Except garchomp can't hold pool cues."


"Not ours, either!" Igneous growled, leafy tails crackling with embers. "It's from inside Eternatus, like the smaller guys your troops are fighting."

"As opposed to you and your... weird piplup machine?" Pink light glistened around Shimmer's horn. "You look like you wandered right out of the distortion."

"Says the pot to the kettle," Igneous countered. He would've continued, but he got the sense Shimmer didn't recognize him. And he wasn't about to give himself away. "What's with the bad ice ninetales cosplay?"

Shimmer shot a Psybeam in response. Igneous flopped to his belly, but the pink beam grazed his tails. He dug his claws into the metallic roof, resisting the urge to hiss.

"I'm doing what's necessary for my people. For my kingdom."


"Right! No, left! Sorry!"

Noctum squeezed the firing platform tightly while the pizza truck sharply banked and dodged an intense burst of wind from Iron Jugulis.

"I have rearview mirrors, you know!" Cyril barked. "I don't need you giving me directions when you're facing the other way!"

The mega charizard didn't know what that meant, but chose to fire at an Eternatus Gunner. His Flamethrower struck true, but Iron Jugulis had gotten wise to his strategy. It pulled its right head out of the way. More Dark Pulses shot toward them. Noctum shot large blue fireballs at them. Yiazmat added Dragon Darts and that proved enough.

"What do you rebels think you're doing?"

It was Paradox's voice. Coming out of Iron Jugulis' head— no, heads.

"Why are you attacking a supply convoy?!" Yiazmat said, shooting Dragon Darts at an Eternatus Gunner who had its blasters trained on her.

"I'm doing what I can to free the Benefactor from its confinement."

"No you're not!" the dragapult growled. "You're hurting innocent people!"

"Stop talking to the robot," Cyril hissed. "Radar says we're less than five minutes out from the bridge!"


"Listen to me!" Igneous hissed, scrambling to his feet. "None of us want to stop the convoy. We're trying to keep it safe... and stop you from making a big mistake!"

Psychic energy gathered around Shimmer's horn again. "Explain yourself."

He couldn't belittle Shimmer. Even though the ponyta was psychic and should have sensed that cloud daemon on board the train.

"There's a stowaway on the train," the grovlazzle said. "A very powerful Phantom. And if you let the train make it to Venish as is, then that Phantom will wreak more havoc upon the city." He slowly held his hands up. "Is that what's necessary for your people?"



Noctum's head banged against the right part of the super scope lens as the pizza truck spun out again. The air grew choppy all around him. He instinctively curled his tail up by his side.

It didn't make any sense. If Iron Jugulis was based on hydreigon, why wasn't it using Dragon Pulses or raining Draco Meteors from the sky? That would have been a surefire way to really wreck the truck.

"Noctum, what are you doing?" Valkyrie snarled. "Keep firing!"

"Sorry!" the mega charizard squeaked. He spat fireballs as soon as Cyril got the pizza truck under control. But clumps of earth white beams snuffed out his attacks.

"Stubborn little pests, aren't you?" Paradox scoffed. "You understand you're nothing, right? Your feeble little acts are worthless!"

Harsh wind blades raced toward the pizza truck. Despite Cyril's attempts at swerving, the pizza truck suddenly buckled. Noctum's horns banged against the top of the super scope.

"Gah! What happened?!" He tightly gripped the firing platform while the pizza truck spun out. Spun out and slowed down.

"Damn it! He got a rear wheel!" Cyril growled.


Igneous glanced over his shoulder. "Well?" He kept his arms held up to try and signal he wasn't a threat. "Train's getting close to a bridge. If that thing fires on the train when it's going across the bridge, then you'll lose all the supplies and everything will crash down on the village there."

Shimmer briefly pivoted, then looked back at Igneous. His horn flickered. Uncertainty was sprawled across his face.

Harsh winds whipped up a dozen meters away from the caboose. Igneous' wings reflexively flared to life. He was about to turn and head back to help deal with Iron Jugulis. There was no other option for him. Killer robot trumped clouds sitting in the train doing nothing.

"You're right."

Igneous froze. Shimmer was agreeing with him? Great! Then they could—

The icy pontya's eyes glowed blue. "But I can handle this myself."

Next thing the grovlazzle knew, something invisible had yanked him into the air... and flung him off the side of the train!

The moving ground rushed up to meet Igneous. Then flames erupted from his wings, steadying him. He flew beside the train and grabbed hold, digging his claws into the metal train wall and clinging for dear life. There was no point calling for Shimmer, since he was probably the one who tossed Igneous off the train.

But as long as he was here, he could try to take a shot and find the cloud monster, right?

Igneous concentrated on the strange flames crackling along his back. In a red-orange fwoosh the empty honedge appeared beside him... and slammed into the wall in front of Igneous. It punctured through the metal and, at Igneous' command, dragged itself down until it had managed to carved out a hole for Igneous to dive into.

This better wor—


Berry juice and wooden splinters covered Igneous from head to tails. He had tossed himself through a supply crate. A crate of sitrus, judging by the smell. He was inside the train. Sticky, but inside the train and sitting on a pile of unbroken crates.

The grovlazzle looked around. No cloud monster. Wrong car, then. And this was a freight train, so there wouldn't be connections between the cars like on a passenger train. Delightful. He looked right, then left. Nothing but stacked crates and a single narrow space in the center of the car. Do I go forward or back?

Igneous flipped a mental coin and landed on forward. He summoned the honedge and it sliced a pair of holes leading to the next car. Fortunately, no supplies spilled out of it. There must have been a traversable part in the center there, too.

He dove through the holes without a second thought.


The pizza truck had a hover mode. Because of course it did. Cyril had turned it on and took the truck airborne before it totally wiped out. That didn't stop Iron Jugulis, though. It quickly trained all three heads on the truck and blasted Dark Pulses at it.

"Sheesh!" Cyril banked hard left to dodge the black beams. "Machine or not, the thing it's based on isn't supposed to be able to have the three heads operating independently. We've got to be missing something!"

"Ice coming in!"
Valkyrie cried.

The pizza truck slowed and veered even harder to the left, practically going sideways. Noctum managed to stop himself from rotating around and saw a huge ice lance fly through the air. A couple of Eternatus Gunners tried to stop it, but got wrecked for their troubles. Iron Jugulis trained its middle and left heads on the lance, but was too slow to react. The lance struck the left head, encasing it in ice. The ice spread down its mechanical neck... and that's when Noctum caught what they'd been missing.

"The little heads aren't connected," he said. "Guys, the smaller heads aren't connected! They're functioning independently!"

"What?" Cyril said. "So they're drones, then?"

"Doesn't matter what they are!"
Valkyrie growled. A super scope-boosted Dragon Pulse lit the air up bright blue and purple. It struck the frozen Jugulis head and shattered it.

"Hey, that worked!" the mega charizard cheered, only to yelp from a sudden volley of Hidden Power fire. Noctum spat fireballs to counter as many as he could, but a few hit the back of the pizza truck and made it spin out in midair.

"You really think you rebels can keep this up?" Paradox sneered. "I've got you outgunned and outmuscled. Stand down and your deaths will be quick and... minimally painful."

But the air chilled again and an even larger ice lance headed for Iron Jugulis.


Igneous hardly had a chance to roll up to his feet and get a sense of his surroundings when he was back on his knees. His vision flickered and his ear frills rang. God, were his insides rattling? It was like someone had stuck a blender in his torso and set it to frappe.

Breathe. In. Out. Was the air getting thinner?


"W... what?"

Gibberish. The grovlazzle was hearing gibberish... in the ringing.

Blink. Breathe. This was the cloud daemon's doing, wasn't it?

He looked over the top floor of a massive tower while an armored lucario charged a red Aura Sphere. The trembling ice vulpix looked at an unconscious Xeromus-like creature with its tails frazzling in panic.

"Nnngh." Igneous grabbed his head. Another vision? Like when that damn fire butterfree went inside of him? "Stop," he rasped. "Go away! Go... away!"

The ringing only intensified, as did the pressure on his head. No... in his head?

"Punarjanm. Punarjanm."

A woman in a lab coat stood in front of him, blonde hair obscuring part of her face. She gestured to him proudly while a group of humans stared at him. Tourists, maybe? But there were machines and computers around them!

Igneous managed to grab his head with his hands and shake it. He had to find that fiery power. Fight past the rattling and ringing. Fight, damn it!

"Sach punarjanm sach."

Louder and louder. The ringing wouldn't stop. It just. Wouldn't. Stop.

Find the fire. Find the fire. The stupid powers kept popping up when the grovlazzle didn't want them, so why couldn't he get them now?

A giant moon bat burst forth from a pile of rubble with a great twister resembling Rayquaza. The machamp standing in front of him shrank back, arms ready to grapple.

"Stop it!"

Amidst the rumbling in his torso, Igneous found the spark and grasped it. The flickering in his vision faded as Honedge appeared in a gout of orange fire. Igneous hurled it forward. It went right through the wispy, yellow cloud creature in front of him, but struck the far wall. Igneous hastily flicked his wrist and Honedge carved a hole.

"Sach. Saaach!"

The cloud tried inching toward Igneous, but the rushing forward of the train sent it drifting back toward the newly-made hole in the wall. Cloudy tendrils tried to clasp some of the supply crates, but all they did was phase right through them. The cloud daemon slipped through the hole and vanished.

Igneous waited one moment, breathing heavily. He stumbled to the hole as Honedge vanished. He glanced out the hole. The cloud daemon was nothing but a wispy puddle on the dusty ground.

The grovlazzle slumped over, sighing in relief. "It's done," he wheezed. "The cloud monster... is off the train."

Silence. Igneous slowly slid his right hand up to his head and pressed against the X-transceiver. "Guys, did you hear me?"


Iron Jugulis broke through the giant lance, but it wasn't long before another one headed straight for it. That, too, however, didn't reach the machine.

"If that's really Shimmer up there, I can't believe he's actually doing something useful!" Valkyrie said.

Noctum was more preoccupied with how strong the attacks were. Was this the power that Radiant nobility held? It concerned the mega charizard.

"Help him, then," Cyril barked. "We're less than a minute out from the bridge!"

Noctum and Valkyrie focused their combined firepower on the machine. Eternatus Gunners raced to try and protect it, but they got swept away by genesect.

"Foolishness!" Paradox sneered. "This armor is the finest we can craft. You got one lucky shot in, but it's not happening again, you filthy rebels!"

Iron Jugulis filled the air with a bevy of Air Slash crescents.


Several peppered the pizza truck and Cyril growled, trying to keep it steady in midair. Noctum managed to hold his position and spewed as much fire as he could through the super scope. It didn't strike Iron Jugulis, but instead hit another one of the giant ice lances, which burst apart in a sudden steam eruption.

"What the—"


Still hearing nothing, Igneous climbed out of the hole and onto the train roof just in time to see the giant mecha hydreigon crash into the ground while Shimmer conjured a pink shield to keep him safe from a sudden onslaught of hot air.

Smiling, Igneous jumped off from the roof. His fiery wings appeared and carried him back in the direction of the pizza truck, which was slowing up as it drifted down to land next to the train tracks. The genesect headed back toward the train. Igneous sucked in a breath, expecting to have to do evasive maneuvers, but the genesect flew right past him.

"Guys?" Igneous said, again pressing the X-transceiver tighter against the side of his head.

"Thank heavens, that thing's down!" Cyril whooped. "And the stupid Troopers are running for the hills. Mission accomplished!"

It didn't take long for Igneous to see the cosmic zoroark sliding out of the pizza truck and stretching out his arms. Valkyrie hopped off the other side of the truck and waved Igneous down.

"You got the cloud monster?" the garchomp called.

"I did!" Igneous closed the distance with the pizza truck. His volcarona wings evaporated in orange streaks and embers. He landed by the front of the truck and stumbled toward Valkyrie. "It's, uh..." The grovlazzle looked over his shoulder. Dust still littered the air, but he saw no signs of the cloud daemon. "It's nothing but a little puddle somewhere out there." He vaguely gestured with his right arm.

"That so?" Valkyrie walked up to his side, crossing her arms. "Should we try to find it? Destroy it?"

"I don't think we can." Igneous squinted. He had this vague sense when he was close to it on the train, but now he had nothing. "The train's acceleration is what carried it away, so all the winds that stupid hydreigon robot whipped up probably blew it away."

"Well, that, and a Radiant Guard squadron is leaving Casaroja and heading to your location," Cid said, a twinge of nervousness still in his voice. "Maybe try to get clear before you run into big problems?"

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged a look. "Guess we ought to head back to the safe house?" she said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Pssht. Forget that." Cyril flicked his right arm dismissively. "I've gotta get this bad boy back to the outpost for repairs. That's where we're going first."

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged another look. "I, uh, guess we can do that?" the grovlazzle said, shrugging.

A loud throat clearing followed. Igneous looked up on the truck's roof, where a still mega evolved Noctum remained strapped into the firing platform.

"Yeah, that's a fine idea and all," he said, trying to pull his head out of the super scope lens. "But can someone get me out of this thing?!"

Cyril winced. "Ah-ha... right. Knew I was forgetting something." Laughing nervously, the cosmic zoroark headed toward the roof of the truck.


"You cannot be serious right now!"

Paradox slammed his headset on the floor of his office, shattering it. Sticky flinched, then directed one of the poipole in the room to clean it up.

"I did express my concerns about activating it so soon," the naganadel mumbled, glancing down at his tablet.

"It was overpowering them!" Paradox hissed. The deoxys' tentacles twisted into arms. "And then one of them started flinging around giant icicles like... like..."

He abruptly teleported in front of Sticky, who held the tablet up over his head in surprise. "Sir?"

"Guile Hideout's steed," Paradox said, abruptly turning around and crossing his arms. "He could conjure giant icicles, yes?"

"I believe so," Sticky said. When the emperor got like this, it was best to agree with him.

"Then the course is clear." Paradox whirled on him, his arms unfurling into blue and orange tentacles. "Get Cassius on the line. We need to reach out to that frilly vegetable about our little agreement."

The deoxys teleported past Sticky. By the time he turned around, Paradox was nearly at the office door.

"I think it's time we reminded him what he has to lose if he refuses to cooperate."

Paradox headed out the door. Sighing, Sticky looked down and pressed a few icons on his tablet. A video feed pulled up showing a video feed of one of the underground prison cells... and the spectrier lying in the middle of it, mane disheveled, hooves chipped, and patches of ghostly fur missing from its hide.

The cell door opened and a poipole floated in with a small tray of food. Sticky touched a red microphone icon on the corner of the screen.

"Stop," Sticky said.

Poipole glanced up in the direction of the cell's camera. "Mr. Sticky?"

"Emperor said to withhold the meal. We need her looking as famished as can be."

Spectrier weakly tried to lift her head. Poipole hastily turned away from her. "Understood, sir. I'll bring it back to the kitchen."

Poipole left the room and the cell door shut. Spectrier lowered her head back down, whinnying weakly.

Frowning, Sticky hastily closed the video feed and locked his tablet. He glanced at the two poipole cleaning up the broken remnants of Paradox's headset.

"What are you looking at? Get back to work!"

Both poipole nodded apologetically and hastily swept up the fragments into a dustpan. Sticky turned and headed for the door.


A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Time to delve into another review of Path of Valor! Since it’s up for an offsite review tag and I’m not quite caught up to the most recent chapter released a few days ago, I figured I’d kill the two Pidgey with the one stone and leave a review while I’m at it.

So let’s get into it! Eager to see what this one has in store.

Looks like this chapter’s gonna be an Iron Jugulis vs. combat pizza truck showdown. Can I just say how inspired the latter of these is? I don’t think I ever could’ve imagined something like that showing up here, or in any PMD fic for that matter. A combat pizza truck sounds like such an out-there concept, and yet in the moment right now, it doesn’t feel out of place at all. A beautifully unique idea. (Also love the Pizza Tower reference made there a few chapters ago with calling it ‘Pippino’s Pizza’.)

"Agh!" An Eternatus Gunner sputtered in midair. "I'm hit! Someone get me a squeegee! The rebels are bathing me in lizard germs!"

Ah, I see this enemy mook’s a bit of a germaphobe. But don’t they know that dealing with lizard germ projectiles is a full-time duty of Eternatus Gunners these days? They should’ve known the risks when they signed up. Big L right there.

"Guys, I think I know how we can stop this thing!" Noctum said, trying not to lose control of the firing platform in his excitement. "We've gotta knock the smaller guys into the big guy!"

I imagine many video game boss fights have made use of this tactic. This definitely feels like a familiar means of bringing a boss down.

Aaaaand I figured Shimmer was a part of this, from the moment ice attacks were used on our heroes. Judging by the dialogue, he seems to be manipulated to believe that the supplies are for his people when in reality, it’s probably something else. Manipulation on behalf of Demerzel, no doubt, and our princeling is being puppeteered by them.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Valkyrie snorted. "It's like playing billiards. Except garchomp can't hold pool cues."

A pity, although I can’t imagine Valkyrie would be a fun opponent in billiards. She’d probably be the overly competitive sort that would snap the cue in rage if she lost.

"What's with the bad ice ninetales cosplay?"

Funny, that’s not the first time one of the cast dressed up as an ice Ninetales…

"Stop talking to the robot," Cyril hissed. "Radar says we're less than five minutes out from the bridge!"

Looks like we have ourselves a race against time to take Iron Jugulis down.

"Damn it! He got a rear wheel!" Cyril growled.

Well, dang. That’s torn it. On that note, how did the truck cope with driving over all those sleepers and ballast? It must have a fine offroading capability, if Noctum and Valkyrie could fire straight without being shaken around.

"You're right."

Igneous froze. Shimmer was agreeing with him? Great! Then they could—

The icy pontya's eyes glowed blue. "But I can handle this myself."

Next thing the grovlazzle knew, something invisible had yanked him into the air... and flung him off the side of the train!

And there was me thinking the not-Clown Prince-anymore might just maybe side with our heroes. But he’s still as obstinate as ever. If he is to be an ally, it looks like it will take a bit more effort. And even then, who’s to say he will?

Nice to see more of Chiaki’s capabilities as a Grovlazzle. We might have ourselves a capable swordfighter on hand. Looking forward to seeing more of him as a fighter!

The lance struck the left head, encasing it in ice. The ice spread down its mechanical neck... and that's when Noctum caught what they'd been missing.

Now we’re talking. Looks like our heroes can finally get somewhere with this three-headed hunk of junk.

He looked over the top floor of a massive tower while an armored lucario charged a red Aura Sphere. The trembling ice vulpix looked at an unconscious Xeromus-like creature with its tails frazzling in panic.

...Guiding Light reference? Though with the whole ‘multiple dimensions’ this story has going, perhaps this is a bad timeline where Zero succeeded and Shane never evolved? I shudder to think what went down there.

A woman in a lab coat stood in front of him, blonde hair obscuring part of her face. She gestured to him proudly while a group of humans stared at him. Tourists, maybe? But there were machines and computers around them!

I presume this is a memory of being an experiment for the Aether Foundation? Or potentially worse still, one of Lusamine’s cryogenically frozen Pokémon? Whatever it is, bad stuff. Poor Chiaki for having to see these memories. :sadwott:

A giant moon bat burst forth from a pile of rubble with a great twister resembling Rayquaza. The machamp standing in front of him shrank back, arms ready to grapple.

Hmm. A perfect representation of the battle that Yuna and co. just went through last chapter. This line here, though…It seems we’re closing in on a certain truth about our princess. Now the question is: when will Team Bastion connect the dots? :copyka:

These ice lances do have power; I guess that distortion was good for turning old wimpy Shimmer into a fighting powerhouse. Still, Noctum has reason to be worried. If this is the potential of the Radiant royals, then something tells me the inevitable showdown with Isola’s going to be far from a cakewalk.

"It's, uh..." The grovlazzle looked over his shoulder. Dust still littered the air, but he saw no signs of the cloud daemon. "It's nothing but a little puddle somewhere out there." He vaguely gestured with his right arm.

"That so?" Valkyrie walked up to his side, crossing her arms. "Should we try to find it? Destroy it?"

"I don't think we can." Igneous squinted. He had this vague sense when he was close to it on the train, but now he had nothing. "The train's acceleration is what carried it away, so all the winds that stupid hydreigon robot whipped up probably blew it away."

Something tells me we’re not going to see the last of that cloud monster. Knowing how these things go, it’ll probably come stronger than ever before.

A loud throat clearing followed. Igneous looked up on the truck's roof, where a still mega evolved Noctum remained strapped into the firing platform.

"Yeah, that's a fine idea and all," he said, trying to pull his head out of the super scope lens. "But can someone get me out of this thing?!"

Ah, Noctum, you lovable 'Zard. Even now, he’s still the Butt-Monkey of situations like this.

And now pivoting back to His Comical Evilness Emperor Paradox. Though more emphasis on the ‘Evilness’ on this occasion.

"Get Cassius on the line. We need to reach out to that frilly vegetable about our little agreement."

The deoxys teleported past Sticky. By the time he turned around, Paradox was nearly at the office door.

"I think it's time we reminded him what he has to lose if he refuses to cooperate."

Oh, Calyrex is coming into the fray? That should be interesting.

"Stop," Sticky said.

Poipole glanced up in the direction of the cell's camera. "Mr. Sticky?"

"Emperor said to withhold the meal. We need her looking as famished as can be."

Spectrier weakly tried to lift her head. Poipole hastily turned away from her. "Understood, sir. I'll bring it back to the kitchen."

Damn. :sadwott: Quite the reminder that, in spite of his comical nature, Paradox isn’t at all afraid to be as ruthless as they come. A compelling villain with two dynamics, and now we’re truly beginning to see just how evil and heartless he can be.

Frowning, Sticky hastily closed the video feed and locked his tablet.

Hmmm. Does Sticky have qualms with this recent order of Paradox’s? There might be more to him than meets the eye. Might well be yet another Rattata to escape the sinking ship that Paradox’s regime is. (Well, it’s not quite a sinking ship yet, but the point stands.) I guess we’ll see if this strand goes anywhere.


Another stellar chapter! This fic keeps on delivering, and this chapter was a very unique and interesting fight. I like the way how more new stuff introduced in Gen 9 makes its way in here - we saw it before with Koraidon/Vincent and we see it here again with Iron Jugulis. Again, I’m still enamoured with the combat pizza truck as such a beautifully unique concept that I probably wouldn’t find in many other fics. The fight scenes were really good, the character interactions were likeable as ever, and as ever, I’m left looking forward to what’s coming next.

Great work! Keep it up!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, it’s been a while since I popped in to PoV and I’ve got -checks notes- quite a bit to catch up on.

So I suppose we should see how Malie is doing right about now, huh? Picking right up with…

Chapter 58

I'd say I'm pretty new to this journaling thing. Don't even remember who suggested it. The group leader? Maybe one of the Diyems? Guess my memory is getting fuzzier, but when you were once mortal, some things stick. I bet some gods have every memory filed away neatly like papers in a cabinet.

You wot m8. Though does this mean that there's a BLC-2019 and BLC-2020 among PoV's universes?

I start my "assignment" tomorrow. It's not that strict or well-defined, really. I'm traveling to other worlds and cataloging them. Like the people watching I'd sometimes do when I visited my grandparents in the Big Apple. When I go to another world, I'll be bound by whatever rules govern it, so I won't be nearly as powerful. It's kind of relieving to hear that, to be honest. Even though I've had plenty of time to practice with my powers, I'm always worried about overdoing it. Especially now that I've got a new body for my core.

This is some version of Shane writing this journal entry, I can already tell. Since the writer is just casually popping in names for real-world locations here.

I'm glad that, if I find spirits I need to guide or encounter something serious, there are people I can reach out to for advice. I've done enough "leading." I'm content to watch the days go by.

I honestly can't tell whether or not this is THE Shane or a variant of him from that "close but no cigar" version of GL's world. Guess we'll find out later in the story also, this is going to turn out to be Loki all over again later on in the plot, isn't it?

After realizing this wasn't the city the team expected to find, no one protested Gene's decision to quickly land the ship on the outskirts. Apparently, it had something called a "cloaking device," that would keep it hidden. The mewtwo parked it on a large grassy knoll overlooking the city and its strange buildings with roofs of wavy tiles. Like an ocean of tiles if oceans were brown instead of blue.

Well, that's some ominous music there. If not quite what I was expecting for an active volcanic eruption.

The moment Yuna floated out of the ship, her body shriveled. Sirens blared. People's cries and the rhythmic thumping of footsteps on gravel filled the air. So did a rainbow assortment of different flying pokémon. The drakloak spotted a flygon carrying what must have been a human family, while multiple pelipper held several tiny humans — children, probably — in their giant orange beaks. They kept stealing glances at the lava suspended overhead. No doubt fearful the time freeze would stop.

Well, those footsteps totally aren't ominous at all there! No sir!

But some of the flying pokémon weren't heading toward the ocean in the distance. Yuna spotted magnezone and metang ridden by humans in blue uniforms. It reminded her a bit of what Seifer wore before he got fired. She glanced at the keldeo who himself was looking at his flanks with a wistful longing in his eyes.

... Wait, what do law enforcement in Aeon rock anyways given that Yuna finds the premise of police uniforms this alien?

"It looks like there's a police force trying to lead an evacuation," Seifer said, sighing. "This isn't the time to get nostalgic!" Widget's cheek bolts revved up in their sockets.

"This is the time to take action! To save people!"

Ah yes, I see that Widget's Hero Mode programming is still active. So there was something good that came of him being cooked up in a lab at Paradox's orders.

Yuna squinted. She thought Widget's behavior was a bit silly, but he had a point. They couldn't sit around.

"Hey, Mom?"

Leo poked his fake dreepy head into Yuna's line of sight. "Do you think any of these people are from our dimension?"

Yuna: "Given that I've never heard of 'Malie City' in my life, I'll heavily take the under on that, Leo." ^^;

That was what she originally assumed. Since the city name didn't match what the team expected, however, all bets were off. The drakloak shrugged and nudged Leo's head. "Whatever the case, I think we need to help."

I suppose we'll find out whether or not it's actually successful or if in true Squaresoft protagonist fashion, the gang makes things worse.

"Help how?" Nikki scratched her head. "I've never talked to a human. Would they even understand us?"

"Well, you do have a super powerful, telepathy-equipped psychic on your side." Gene swam on his back through midair, tapping his temple. "If anyone can get the message across, it's me."

Oh hey, that Discord emote makes an appearance in the story again! :V

"Then why not find someone who looks like they're in charge so we can get to the bottom of this?" Seifer said, squinting at the mewtwo.

Gene stopped swimming and winked at Seifer. "Of course. Shouldn't be too hard." He jerked his head behind him. "One of those officers has to be calling the shots. I'll pick 'em out quick as a flash."

It's not going to be remotely quick as a flash, I can already tell.

He took off for the nearest metang-riding policewoman, leaving the rest of Team Bastion behind. "What do we do in the meantime?" Widget paced around, his starcloud swirling around his neck. "Maybe get a better sense of what's going on with the volcano?"

"You wanna walk up to a bunch of lava suspended in midair?" Nikki slowly bowed. "Sure thing, be my guest. It's your funeral."

... That actually makes me wonder if Widget had Memory Drives made for him by Paradox or not, even if he obviously probably doesn't have any with him right now.

"We shouldn't stand around waiting for Gene," the cosmic type: full countered. "Not when a whole city's in danger!"

"A volcano's too much for some of us to handle." The toxtricity crossed her arms. "I bet the heat alone will fry your circuits or some shit."

You see, I'm not so sure about that given that Paradox built Widget as a prototype for a new Zodiark.

Widget opened his beak, then closed it. He shuffled away from Nikki, brushing his gold forelegs together and looking around nervously. "What about Drakloak?" Widget looked at Yuna. "You said something about that chocolate noodle that burst out of your pendant earlier."

Before Yuna could respond, her Soul Dew glistened. Rayquaza's small, black head poked out of it. "Now, see here! Tis Sir Noodle!" He blinked several times. "No, wait, I meant Rayquaza! At least have the decency to address me by name."


"Okay, Sir Noodle Rayquaza." Widget stepped toward Yuna. "Isn't there some way you can help?"

"I said my piece back on the ship." Rayquaza looked down glumly. "Mayhaps my mega evolution could allow it, but I doth not know if I can achieve it anymore."

I mean, he's literally undead right now so... yeah, I can understand Gallian's skepticism here. Always worth a shot, though.

Widget's ears and head crest drooped. Yuna believe Rayquaza, but could tell Widget wouldn't except that answer.

"Look, Widget—"



Yuna shriveled up at Gene's surprise return, inadvertently sucking Rayquaza back into the Soul Dew. "Cripes! A little warning next time!" she hissed over Leo's giggling.

I kinda wonder if this spot was a little too barebones on description, since I admittedly had to do a double-take to figure out that that wasn't Widget who said "yo" when I first saw that line.

Gene: "Look, are you going to let me speak here, or what?"

"I love it when your body does that," the fake dreepy chirped, clapping his hands.

Yuna: "Leo, please don't." >_<;

Gene landed on the grass, smirking. "That was the warning." He snapped his fingers and pointed his right hand up. "Meet Lieutenant Molayne."

A particularly pale human rode toward them on a magnezone. His blue helmet didn't fully hide his blonde hair and, even though he wore goggles over his eyes, Yuna spotted bags. Given the circumstances, she didn't blame the guy for being exhausted.

Wait, who now-?

- Fires up Bulbapedia -

Oh, it's that guy. Boy am I getting old since I completely forgot about him at first.

"This is your vaunted team?" Molyane sounded as tired as Yuna thought he looked. "Good grief. First Lanakila Volcano and now Mewtwo shows up out of the blue with some random pack of kiddos?" He practically leaned over the strange guard rail surrounding Magnezone's head. "I'd tell Magnezone to give me a jolt to make sure I'm not dreaming, but I did that already."

Oh, so Molyane's making the
face in live time, huh? :V

"Oi, who you calling a kid?" Nikki's mohawk sparked.

"Bulu's horns!" Molayne tightly gripped Magnezone's guardrail. "She can talk?!"

I... was not expecting that, honestly. But I suppose this story does have a hard separation between feral and non-feral Pokémon. So non-ferals speak in human-intelligible languages, noted.

"I can do a lot more than that." Nikki cracked her knuckles. "We're here to fix stuff, so give us stuff that needs fixing!"

Yuna glanced at Gene, who appeared just as surprised as Molayne. She figured he used his psychic powers to translate. Guess not. Weird.

Okay, never mind, that's apparently taking Gene aback, too. Must be a quirk of the new dimension / universe that they're in.

"Is it?" Reshiram hummed in her mind. "We could all read that emergency sign before, right? Why wouldn't we be able to understand the people here?"

It's the
"why" I'm concerned with. Though Yuna knew Reshiram wouldn't have an explanation. She'd have to keep this thought in mind for later.

Minor punctuation oops there. Though oh, there's some sort of translator microbe effect going on like there was in BLC2, I see. Wonder if that's Leo's doing or if something deeper is going on.

Molayne pinched his brow, nearling cupping a finger underneath his goggles. "This has gotta be some sort of Plasma Society shenanigans. I mean, Team Plasma made Mewtwo. There's a dozen movies and counting on it. Why wouldn't that N guy come up with pokémon-to-human translators?"

Wait, is the 'Plasma Society' a legitimate post-TP thing in some branch of canon? Or was that cooked up wholesale for this setting since it's meant to be off-spec from canon in the first place?

"No idea what the hell a Team Plasma is," Gene said, nonchalantly waving Molayne off. "Did I not mention we're from another dimension? Because we're from another dimension."

Silence. Molayne rubbed his temples, groaning. "You could've led with that."

Nikki: "Really? Since I get the distinct feeling that you'd have just looked at us and called us crazy." :|

"Wait, you're not surprised?" Yuna raised a brow.

... Oh right, Alola canonically has interdimensional research set up right in the region. Guess Molyane's seen quite a few things leak out into the neighborhood.

Something on Molayne's right chest crackled to life. A radio, if Yuna had to guess. He grabbed the black square and pressed the button. "What's the situation?"

"It's terrible, sir! Turtonator stampede!" a panicked female voice cried.


Molyane: "... They're Turtonator. How are you not just getting out of the way at a brisk jog?"

Yuna didn't think a single word could sound that exhausting. How sleep deprived was this guy?

Guy must make Nanu look well-rested and energetic at this rate. Especially with the repeated mention of bags under his eyes.

"Turtonator don't stampede," Molayne said.

"They do when a rock slide's carrying them right in the direction of one of our city evacuation paths!"

Well, that would explain why this Turtonator stampede can't be outrun right now. ^^;

Which is just a lovely combination now that I think about it given that the things are coated with natural explosives.

"Perfect." Gene snapped his fingers. "I can handle a rock-and-turtonator slide no problem. And it'll give us a closer look at the volcano."

Careful what you wish for, Gene... while you're powerful, this degree of nonchalance makes me think that you'll be in for a bit more than you bargained for.

"I can't just have civilians throwing themselves in like that—" Molayne stopped himself. "Wait, what am I saying? This isn't the time for semantics." He tapped Magnezone with his right foot. "Gimme the keldeo. People see a Sword of Justice helping with evacuation and maybe it'll ease some of the panic."

Seifer: "You can just ask, you know!" >.<
Molyane: "... Okay, it's official, I need to sleep nice and long after this given that I'm hearing a pony talk to me-"

Yuna: "Different dimension, remember."
Molyane: "Right, that's a thing."

"You can have him and the bird." Gene jerked his head in Jade's direction.

"Yes, sir." Jade saluted, but smacked her face with her right wing. "Ow! Stupid big yaoi lugia wings."

... Boy did whoever pull off Jade’s memory swap pick a winner for a source for replacements.

Seifer didn't acknowledge the order, however. Yuna saw him mouthing "Sword of Justice" to himself repeatedly, until Molayne blew a whistle and he jumped to attention with a whinny.

I can see that the moniker is going to Seifer's head in live-time. He's not going to shut up about being a Sword of Justice for a long while, is he?

"Get your acts together and follow me," Molayne said, turning toward the city atop Magnezone. "The rest of you, get to the northwest on the double."

He zoomed off. Jade flapped after him with Seifer on her back.

"You heard him." Gene cracked his knuckles. "I'll play turtonator wrangler while you guys try and get a closer look at the volcano."

Yuna glanced at the lava frozen in time. Well, it's some semblance of a plan...

I honestly have been kinda shocked at how well Gene manages to manage by largely just winging things. I'd be more concerned otherwise, but with his track record in this story, it honestly feels like it's going to be "it'll work out until it suddenly, shockingly doesn't" sorts of things, and I'm not convinced that a mission to deal with some random Turtonator will be the moment where his luck finally runs out.

We'll see, I guess.

Noctum assumed sewers were similar to damp caves: dark, cramped, and panic-inducing for pokémon with crippling rock weaknesses like charizard. Instead, Igneous and Valkyrie led Team Bureau into a spacious area with large, arched ceilings of gray and red stone. Heck, Noctum could have flown alongside Yiazmat if he really wanted.

... Wait, is there an actual sewer level in this style in Bayo3 or something? Since I'll admit that I did a double-take at them coming across sewers this big since while a staple in fiction, they're rare outside of very large cities IRL.

The black charizard stared at the water streaming between two large stone walkways littered with random metal tiles. Some of them had these machines with levers and wheels and colorful buttons that Noctum had to resist the urge to press. He followed tubing to metal sheets in the waterway. Darker water headed toward the metal sheets, and lighter water flowed away from them.

"It's like magic," Noctum muttered, scratching his chin while he walked beside Igneous.

Igneous: "... Noctum, have you seriously never seen machinery before in your life?"

Noctum: "I mean, I was assuming that we'd be going through some caves with water and... stuff flowing through it, so this is a bit surprising to me." ^^;

"They're treatment and filtration systems," Igneous scoffed. "Dirty sewer water goes in, the dirt and grime gets filtered, chemicals purify what's left, and cleaner water goes out."

inb4 said systems get rekt in like 2 minutes and they wind up having to wade through said "dirt and grime" in short order.

Noctum scrutinized one of the metal sheets. He couldn't see any of the stuff the grovlazzle described, so as far as the charizard was concerned, it was magic.

"Something something 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'" is in full effect here.

"It's a lot cleaner than I expected," Valkyrie said. The garchomp kept at the front of the group, eyes darting around. Noctum wondered if she expected some sort of ambush.

The genesect wouldn't go into the sewers, would they?

I mean, if it's roomy enough for you to fly in, are you really going to rule it out, Noctum?

"What were you expecting, exactly?" Yiazmat wondered. Unlike the others, the dragapult flew over the water, eyes trained in front of her.

"Muk and grimer," Valkyrie replied. "There are rainbow-colored ones here in Radiance that can clean up pollution. Thought cities employed them to work in sewers like these."

Oh, so the default Muk and Grimer in Radiance are Alolan ones, huh?

"Don't forget weezing," Igneous added. "Though I guess they're better suited for filtering air."

And G-Weezing is the norm here too, though that makes sense given all the Galar influence.

"If I had to guess, Polaris automated all this stuff. Put those muk and grimer out of jobs," Valkyrie said.

Noctum didn't think it was that simple. "Don't they need someone to, like, check on the equipment?" He figured workers had to be around somewhere. Would they try to chase the team away?

They have robots doing that, don't they? Since it just feels like a very Polaris thing to even automate their janitors out of a job.

"There are totally some engineers who maintain this stuff," Cyril chimed in through the X-transceiver. "My guess is they make rounds at specific times and otherwise keep tabs from a more... pleasant location."

"Wait." Noctum froze, grabbing his tail and bringing it close to his body. "Does that mean... there are cameras here? Are we being watched?"


"Of course there are cameras. How else are they supposed to keep watch of this place?"

Noctum stiffened and gripped his tail tighter. "W-Why didn't anyone say so in the first place?!" The black charizard looked around in a panic. "How is this any better than taking our chances with the crowd?"

Yiazmat: "Because I specifically vetoed the idea of whipping up a riot, Noctum? Moral repugnance aside, can you even imagine the diplomatic fallout of me as the Aeon Queen being caught doing such a thing?"

Igneous silently raised his right hand, producing some sort of rod. It flickered with light not unlike Noctum's tail flame.

"What does a stick have to do with this?" Noctum said.

"It's a jammer, you dolt," Valkyrie scoffed.

Oh, so they did have a solution to the cameras after all.

Noctum: "Again, these 'technology' terms of yours don't mean anything, so explain it slowly to me?"
Igneous: "The machine makes the cameras we're nearby go out as we pass them." -_-;
Noctum: "... Wait, but can't the engineers just notice that the cameras are going out in a specific order-?"
Igneous: "Look, just focus on making your way forward before someone catches up, alright?" >_>;

Noctum stumbled. His wings unfolded to stop him from taking a plunge into the sewer water. "Jam, like for eating? Are you magically covering the cameras in jam?" He looked down at his armor-covered belly and mumbled, "I could go for some jam. Grape jam and toast."

Valkyrie facepalmed.

- Igneous side-eyes Yiazmat -
Igneous: "How on earth did you dispatch him out here as a bodyguard with this little preparation for how things work in Radiance?"

Yiazmat: "Look, my impression was that he and Baraz would merely need to watch over Yuna around her school, alright?" >_>;

Cyril's chuckles crackled through Noctum's X-transceiver. "That rod emits a signal to block nearby cameras. And only cameras. Can't have the sewer system going offline on us, after all."

Oh, so the engineers could in theory notice the cameras going out in a suspiciously fixed sequence. Guess that's a reason not to dawdle down here. ^^;

"That still means we can be tracked, doesn't it?" Yiazmat said, eyes darting left and right as she rounded a corner in the sewer next to Valkyrie. "Whoever's watching could trace the path of blocked cameras to find us."

Oh, so the plot actually acknowledges that, huh. Yiazmat's certainly a canny one, though I suppose that dealing with the Ryujin gives her a certain level of savviness regarding technology that the average Aeon lacks.

Valkyrie clapped her arm fins together. "Which is why we need to stop dawdling to answer questions from dense charizard and start picking up the pace." The garchomp leaned forward, walking faster over the stone and metal corridor. Igneous jogged after her.

I see I was right about them being on a time limit. Though considering how things work in this story, I'll take the under on them getting through this sewer without getting into a scrap.

Noctum's tail flame shrank slightly. With weak flaps of his wings, he took to the air to avoid holding up the group with his stubbier legs.

"Do you always get like this on your assignments?" he wondered.

"No. Because I usually work alone." Valkyrie stopped at a sewer intersection. "And I don't have to go very far to take out a target. We done playing twenty questions?"

I'm actually somewhat curious now as to how much Valkyrie is based off Scrapper 142 from Thor: Ragnarok, since this general demeanor and snippiness feels very familiar right now.

Noctum's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry. Still not up to speed on all this stuff."

"Neither is your queen, but she's kept quiet," Valkyrie huffed.

Yiazmat tapped her index fingers together. "Admittedly I have more experience from prior trips here."

Yiazmat: "Sakaki was quite helpful with that, really. Does a great job at being an informative guide."

And correspondence with Sakaki, Noctum silently added.

Well, yeah. That would certainly help.

"Okay, head right and then the third corridor on the right side should get you into the station," Cyril instructed.

Noctum: "Wait, what do you mean 'should' get us into the station?"

Cyril: "Look, I'm running off the assumption that these schematics are accurate, alright? If anything about them is off, you'll have to improvise."

With a running start, Valkyrie glided over the sewer water onto the opposite metal platform so she could proceed. Igneous followed after her, manifesting fiery volcarona wings to cross the gap. Noctum and Yiazmat exchanged a look, then flew after them.

"You fly well for someone meant to be grounded," Yiazmat said to Igneous. The grovlazzle didn't respond, but the slight wince told Noctum he wasn't pleased with the compliment.

I see that someone's touchy about being reminded of his deal with the devil like a dozen chapters back.

"Found the spot." Valkyrie waved the others over while pointing at the wall with her other arm.

When Noctum reached the garchomp, he saw the metal corridor that gave way to a grated ramp ending at a cold, gray door with both a Polaris logo and an icon of a train car. Plainly obvious, but the strange black square on the right side of the door gave Noctum pause.

"Wait." The black charizard crossed his arms and squinted. "This door is locked, isn't it?"

"Yup." Valkyrie walked toward it anyway.

Noctum: "Wait, but then how do we get in it?" .-.
Valkyrie: "I'm clearly going to do a funny butt-shaking dance in front of the door so that way it'll open. Gee, what do you think Zardy? There's a lock, I'm good at breaking them to get at targets, you do the math." >_>;

Eyes widening, Noctum flew after her. "Hang on. You're not about to try and bust it down, are you?"

Valkyrie paused to smirk at Noctum. "Please. We have better ways of dealing with that."

Noctum blinked. "We do?"

I'll admit that I hadn't expected Val not to take the direct route. Though I suppose that this is a sign that Cyril is providing remote support to hack security systems or something like that.

"Well, I do." Cyril chuckled through the X-transceiver.

A few seconds passed and the black box suddenly lit up green. Hisses and whirrs echoed down the corridor as the floor magically swallowed up the steel door.

"... oh," Noctum whispered. Cyril must have used some of his magical machine hacking.

Yeah, I called it. I'm a bit surprised that that worked given that the QN is significantly further ahead of Radiance tech-wise, but then I remembered that a huge chunk of its tech is hand-me-downs from it, so it figures that there'd be overlaps in systems and programming languages.

"You coming or not?" Valkyrie called, already halfway up the ramp alongside Igneous and Yiazmat.

"Yeah!" Noctum flapped his wings, but stopped short when loud rumbling filled his ears. He looked down. Definitely not my belly.

Noctum: "Um... Cyril? Th-That's supposed to happen, right?"

The rumbling got louder, accompanied by the whining of metal grinding against metal. Instinctual fear of a cave in gripped Noctum. His tail flame shrank. His heart thundered in his chest. "What's going on?" His pupils narrowed. "We have to get out of here!"

"Relax." Valkyrie held up her arms and waved them. "The train's leaving. Don't you remember the noise from when you went to Herbrides?"

Noctum: "... Oh yeah, right. That's a thi-" - Beat moment - Noctum: "Wait, but weren't we supposed to stop that thing?" ._.;
Valkyrie: "From being attacked, and it could always be a different train..."

Noctum's heart rate steadied. "It's... much different underground." He tapped his claws together nervously.

"Wait, but we're trying to catch that train, are we not?" Yiazmat said. The dragapult shot toward the door. "Quickly!"

Yeah, I knew that I wasn't misremembering things. Looks like this mission got a bit harder for the gang.

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged concerned looks, then dashed after her. Noctum again brought up the rear, entering a red and brown stairwell with a visible elevator shaft next to it. The elevator platform was on the ground level, so the black charizard chose to fly up and make up ground with the others.

"Oi, Cyril, what gives?" Valkyrie growled, taking the stairs two or three at a time. "I thought you said the train was scheduled to leave in forty minutes. We couldn't have been down there that long."

"Yeah, I know," the cosmic zoroark responded. "They must've given an incorrect departure time. Whatever's on that train, they really don't want anyone finding out about it."

Oh yeah, that's totally not ominous at all there.

"Well, it's a freight train," Igneous said. He was the first to reach the top of the staircase, with Noctum emerging through a gap in the elevator shaft not long after. The brown door in front of the grovlazzle didn't have a lock. "It can't move that fast, but I have no idea how we'd catch it."

Valkyrie: - motions at wings -
Igneous: "... Right, that's a thing. Assuming we have the space to fly after it."

Igneous gestured to the door and Valkyrie rammed her shoulder against it, opening it. A dimly lit hallway stretched out in front of Team Bureau. Yellow lights lined the ceiling and floor, some shaped like arrows pointing in different directions.

"Which way to the tracks?" Yiazmat wondered, hovering into the hallway. Noctum could barely see her under the lights. "Perhaps they left some loading equipment around that we can use to get a better idea of what happened."

"Head for the fourth intersection, go left, and take that hallway to the second door," Cyril responded. "That'll put you at the track the train left from. I've got the camera footage."

Oh, so they are going to chase after the train by air. Dunno how fast Team Bureau can go, but in theory Val at least ought to be able to catch up nicely.

"Got it." Yiazmat nodded to the others. "Let's work in teams of two. Igneous, you're with me. Valkyrie and Noctum, bring up the rear."

Valkyrie: "And don't get any funny ideas about hitting on me, okay? We need to stay focused right now." >_>;

The garchomp looked ready to protest, but Yiazmat appeared in the doorway, grabbed a startled igneous, and shot off down the hallway.

"Fine." Valkyrie licked her lips. "Keep up with me, dork." Then she took off running.

Huh, more touchy about the assignment than I expected. But I suppose it makes sense given that Val is more in an "annoyed" mood towards Noctum than an "endeared" one given that she's on a mission right now.

Sighing, Noctum flew after her, wings beating hard to keep pace. The black charizard had no idea why they were rushing if the train had already left. They had lost the point of coming to the station in the first place. Why skulk around and risk getting caught by Radiant Guard just for a chance at finding some boxes or machinery?

Valkyrie: "Noctum, I'm a Garchomp. We can outspeed freight trains in the air with our eyes closed." >:|
Noctum: "... Wait, that isn't just a thing during dives like with Talonflame?" ^^;

"We're almost at the railyard door," Igneous announced. "Cyril, are you looking at the video footage at all?"

Noctum flapped his wings faster. Even with a passenger, Yiazmat was as fast as ever. He and Valkyrie had only passed the third intersection, with nothing but red and brown stones and tiny yellow lights surrounding them. Noctum wasn't surprised no one was around. There was nothing here worth guarding, from what he could tell.

"Yeah. The genesect follow the train as it leaves the station," Cyril reported. "I guess they did show up to offer an armored escort and— wait, hold on. The hell is that yellow cloud by the middle car?"

Well that's a poor omen for how much longer that train's going to be around.

Valkyrie tucked her head down, increasing her speed. Noctum's tail flame flickered. Though he kept flapping his wings, Valkyrie was faster on the ground than he was in the air. He had a pretty good idea of why she was running faster, though.

... Oh right, I completely forgot that Val was grounded from the experiments done to her at Citadark. Guess that explains the freakout earlier about being able to catch the train.

"Is the cloud still there?" Noctum asked.

"No. It went inside the train," Cyril said. "Nobody even seemed to notice it. Let me change to a different cam—"


Igneous: "... You're kidding me." >_<

Noctum sucked in a sharp breath. Of all the things Cid could have blurted out through the X-transceiver, that was arguably the worst option. A metallic slam sounded ahead of the black charizard. He guessed Igneous or Yiazmat had opened the door into the railyard. He still had sight of Valkyrie after making the turn at the fourth intersection.

"How can you be sure of that?" Cyril asked. "The footage isn't that great."

"I recognize the cloak of the monster who's attacked me multiple times," Cid responded.

Cid: "Also, seriously, how many other Pokémon are just strutting around looking like that?"
Cyril: "... Fair point. Look guys, just get out there and make it snappy!"

Valkyrie went through the railyard door. Noctum reached it before it fully shut and thrust it open with his right arm. Bright daylight forced him to throw an arm up to shield his face. He landed on cold, stone ground, blinking rapidly until he finally adjusted to the daylight.

If the sewer's ceilings had high arches, the railyard's were massive. Large red arches with glass panels in between that tinted the daylight slightly orange. Red train tracks ran in neat parallel lines, alternating with red brick platforms for passengers to board.

Valkyrie: "Noctum, that's just a train shed."

Noctum: "Look, we don't have anything like this back in Aeon, okay?"

In fact, red was the dominant theme. Red benches. Red railings. Red ramps and stairs leading down to the boarding platforms. Blank screens with red borders that probably showed rail schedules under normal circumstances. Even the garbage cans were red!

I mean, you're in Casaroja, so...

It was a bit much, in Noctum's opinion. But this wasn't the time to critique the interior design. "Anyone see Xeromus?" The black charizard looked around, but outside of his teammates he didn't see anyone in the railyard.

"No." Igneous hovered in the air with his fiery wings, Leaf Blades at the ready. "We must have missed him.


"So what are those things flying in the distance, then?" Yiazmat wondered, hovering back and forth the closest to where the railyard opened to the outside, with train tracks running in different directions to exit the city. "They remind me of metallic beheeyem."

Noctum's tail sparked. Oh no. He flew toward Yiazmat, following the dragapult's gaze. Sure enough, he saw Eternatus Gunners flying away from the city. Noctum looked over his shoulder. "Eternatus Troopers! I bet they're going after the train!"

Noctum: "I didn't know that they could even cross over from the Qliphoth like this!"

"Seriously?" Valkyrie jogged toward them. "Okay, there's got to be something going on with that train. Why send a bunch of troops to attack if it's just a simple supply run?"

Narrator: "Because it's not a simple supply run."

Yiazmat crossed her arms. "To demoralize the enemy, perhaps? It could be seen as a wartime tactic. Deprive civilians of supplies to entice the enemy to surrender."

Noctum resisted the urge to point out how concerning it was Yiazmat immediately jumped to such a thought. No trains existed in Aeon until after Yiazmat became queen, meaning she must have come up with the idea herself in case the treaty went south.


Well, Yiazmat certainly isn't above getting her claws dirty, I see. Even if I question how well this would've worked out in the long run given the tech disparities.

"Is it worth getting involved, though?" Valkyrie crossed her arms and squinted. "Let the empire and the genesect blast each other apart. Makes our lives easier. Besides, our assignment was to investigate what the genesect are up to. We know they're not disrupting the protests, so we're done here."

The garchomp was right. Plus, they were four pokémon and only Yiazmat had a chance of catching up to the Troopers and genesect. It sounded like the safest thing to do was go back and plan their next move from the safety house.

... At least, Noctum thought that until Igneous abruptly whirled around, Leaf Blades igniting and snarled, "I know you're there, Xeromus! Show yourself!"

Noctum: "We could've gone back to the safety house and moved on but nooooo..." >_>;

Wheezing laughter emerged behind Noctum. He flew away from it, but spun around in midair and remained on guard. Black, inky tendrils twisted and coiled around one another, settling into the tattered cloak draped over Xeromus' large body. His gray, beady eyes focused on Igneous.

Noctum: "Well I'm not going to be sleeping well for the next few days after this."

"Isn't it funny? How the ether spawns such clashing forces?" Xeromus' helmeted head swayed from side to side. "It says conflicting things, yet those words all point toward the same truth."

"Shut up!" Igneous spewed flaming bullet seeds at Xeromus, but he vanished in a puff of dark smoke, reappearing beside Valkyrie.

Oh, so we're going to get a motive rant from Xeromus in this chapter, huh? Since this sure feels like it's building up to a motive rant.

"Don't chase them. Retreat," he rasped. "Because your choices don't matter."

Valkyrie tried to slash him with dragon claws, but he again disappeared. Xeromus reappeared upside-down in midair. Noctum wondered if he should try and attack, but thought it useless. Even with that bulky helmet and heavy chains, Xeromus effortlessly teleported circles around them.

"Why are you here?" Noctum growled. At least, keeping him babbling would stop him from attacking... right?

Okay, I'm convinced that you're drawing influence from Loki, since this vibes pretty hard with the stuff that went down in the S1 finale to that show.

"I was seeing off a friend." Xeromus sounded jovial. He locked eyes with Igneous again. "I'm sure you're familiar with him."

The grovlazzle's eyes widened. His tails curled up and smoldered. "Damn it! That yellow cloud Cyril saw... it was the monster I saw him summon when I passed out!"

"A monster? I see. So, that is how you would view our savior." Xeromus shook his head, coughs rattling his helmet. "Then the ether still digs its claws into you. Just as it sends two opposing sides at one another, knowing the only outcome is that of stagnation."

And Xeromus continues his grand tradition of doing his hardest to mainline Jena Anderson vibes from Astral Chain. I blame the disheveled aesthetic and cryptic banter about how everything the protags know is a lie.

Noctum had... no idea what Xeromus was talking about, but it got a reaction out of Igneous. Leaf blades fizzling out, he gripped his head and shook it. "You put... a daemon on that train! You want it to attack Venish!"

"A worthless omen like me has no real desires," Xeromus replied, shaking his head amidst another coughing fit. "This is about Natus offering his Love to those who have suffered enough. Saving them from the ether's steady march toward stagnation. Turning back," he glanced at Valkyrie, "is what the ether wants. It continues that march."

This 'love' is going to turn out to be something along the lines of 'everyone is freed from the burden of mortal existence' or something like that, isn't it? Since I'm getting those sorts of vibes from Xeromus.

There was one thing Noctum could try. Based on a hunch Yuna had. He clenched his fists. "Why are you doing this, Nova? You still have a real desire! Gene is still here... hoping for your return!"

Whelp, looks like we're going to find out real fast whether or not that theory Yuna had was right or not.

Xeromus didn't even acknowledge Noctum. He vanished in another puff of smoke and reappeared where the railyard opened to the outside. "I can't influence you, because nothing I do matters. Nothing I say matters. The ether will continue marching on its path regardless what happens. Natus will try to fight it through sharing His love, but who he gets to share it with falls on a choice only you can make." Xeromus looked at Igneous again, before another coughing fit overtook him.

"The train route to Venish... it crosses a bridge, yes?" he continued, turning his back to the group. "An old, stone bridge over a quaint little lake with a quaint little village beside it."

... Oh, so basically, they have to choose between sacrificing Venish and sacrificing this village short of finding a third option to take, huh?

Yiazmat blasted fireballs from her horns at Xeromus, but spectral chains emerged from his cloak and strangled them, snuffing out the flames.

"If the ether's forces clash for too long, they may destroy the bridge. Keh heh..." Wheezing stifled Xeromus' excitement. "And then the train shall fall. And the quaint little lake with its quaint little village will welcome Natus' embrace with open arms.

Yeah, I knew it.

"Or, perhaps, the train makes it across... but the fighting continues into Venish." Xeromus slowly turned around. "The paths look different, but the ending is the same. Unless, that is, you choose to act." He looked at Igneous again.

Igneous: "Wait, why are you looking at me like that?" O_ó;

The grovlazzle responded by summoning... a crimson honedge? He hurled it at Xeromus and, for the first time, Noctum saw genuine alarm in the beast's eyes. He didn't teleport or parry, but lunged out of the way.

"Keh heh. Such fiery defiance." Xeromus wheezed heavily. "I'm glad... Natus chose you, to accept His special gift."

... So Natus is Ahsen? I didn't see that coming, but I suppose we know who Xeromus is working for now.

He shuffled away from Team Bureau. "I can't wait... to see... what you choose. I'm sure... it will be interesting."

My money is on "try to take a third option and mess things up" since that feels like the most Squaresoft outcome to this.

Igneous dove toward the sword, but Xeromus vanished in a cloud of shadowy chains before he could grab it. "Damn it!" Embers smoldered on the grovlazzle's tail.

"He's bluffing," Valkyrie growled. "He has to be, right?"

"He's not." Cid tittered in Noctum's ear frill. "There is a rather long bridge on the route to Venish. It never got renovated because it's a historical spot for the nearby town."

Noctum: "And they seriously just thought it was okay to send trains laden with dangerous cargoes over it?!"

Cid: "I mean, does it really seem like the leadership of Radiance really cares about the little 'mon?" -_-;

Noctum swallowed hard. "Then... do we try and chase after them? Only the queen is fast enough to make up ground."

"I think Cyril has an idea. He ran off," Cid said.

"Hell yeah I do." Cyril's shout startled Noctum, who nearly pulled off the X-transceiver. "Noctum, open a rift to the entrance of my outpost."

Oh, so they are going to take a third option, I see. Though I wonder if their brilliant plan is going to be to yeet the train into the Qliphoth. Also, are we going to see someone suplex it?

"Uh... okay." The black charizard was skeptical, but he figured that Cyril might have had a ship for the team to use. He flew outside and concentrated on the Malice Crystal in his stomach. The jagged purple rift splintered open in front of him. An engine's roar followed and Noctum had seconds to fly out of the way before a rounded vehicle painted to look like a piplup drifted out of the rift and skidded to a halt on the boundary between the railyard and the outside tracks.

"What the hell?" Valkyrie's jaw slackened. "Is that... a freaking pizza truck?"

PoV never ceases to amaze me with how effortlessly it blends drama with the absurd. Since I don't think that there's any other story out there that would pull off a moment like this.

Cyril: "And so what if it is? You needed a way to catch up with that train, didn't you?"

The truck had a piplup head, complete with an orange beak that sported black spokes on either side, and eyes representing windows. One of them rolled down and the cosmic zoroark stuck his head out. He wore a pokebase cap resembling a piplup's head.

"A modified pizza truck, thank you very much!" Cyril said. "That old clunker hovership we drove around Eterna City in can't catch up to the train with the head start it has. This baby's got some... special features. Now, hop in. We've got a train to catch."

You totally need to make a commission of this thing one day since this scene sounds like it'd be quite a sight to behold with everyone's dumbfounded expressions at this Piplup pizza truck.

The piplup's torso, which had a picture of a piplup with a comical mustache, chef's hat, and white apron holding a pizza box reading "Pippino's Pizza," opened up on the same side as Cyril. Instead of any sort of oven or kitchen area like a food truck supposedly had, the black charizard saw strange monitors and black leather seats.

Carrying over from Gene's choice of seating from his starship, I see. The Resistance clearly has a thing for comfortable seating.

He took a step forward, but Cyril thumped his right arm against the side of the truck. "Not you. I need you and the queen covering our six. Got it?"

Noctum spread his wings out and looked skeptically at them. "Are you sure? I'm not nearly as fast a flier."

"I'm sure," Cyril said. Igneous and Valkyrie had climbed aboard. Both looked at Noctum and shrugged.

Cyril: "Noctum, you can literally open interdimensional portals with your Malice Crystal." :|
- Beat moment -
Noctum: "Right, I knew that."

"This better work, Cyril," the grovlazzle growled.

Cyril smirked. "Trust me. If I can get a pizza across Eterna City in thirty minutes or less, I can catch a train." He ducked his head back inside and rolled up the window. The rear door also closed as the engine roared to life once again.

Ah, so the thing burns something for fuel given that its engine makes a noise. But you can't say that it doesn't have road presence. Absurd, but road presence nonetheless.

"And we're off!" Cyril declared. The truck weaved into a spot between two sets of train tracks and took off across the dirt.

Startled, Noctum scrambled into the air and flew after the truck. Yiazmat passed him almost immediately.

The black charizard gulped. I sure hope this works.

Well, regardless of whether or not it does, y'all are going to be legends when this hits the headlines.

Alright, and time for the obligatory end-of-readthrough recap.

It was a bit of a transitional chapter this time, but it's definitely the wildest transitional chapter I've remembered reading in some time, since... yeah, not too many other stories would pull a moment like the pizza truck's entrance. Definitely helped for keeping me on my toes, ditto the subtle reveals here and there about things like how the dimension Team Bastion stumbled into worked or Xeromus' seeming true allegiance.

There were a couple of minor typos and areas that had room for improvement, but otherwise I don't really have any complaints about this chapter. It did its job, and it's got me itching to jump into Chapter 59 to see how this craziness all shakes out.

Good work @Ambyssin , I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next.
Chapter 62: Adjust the Plating


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 62: Adjust the Plating

During the time of harmony, the Matriarch wielded the power of the Universe. The power to shape fate itself.

When the Embodiment of Chaos destroyed the harmony, the Matriarch tried to preserve it. The salvaged remnants became the Benefactor.

But the Matriarch could not preserve the Universe. Its phenomenal power had shattered into numerous fragments flung to the deepest recesses of the cosmos.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità


Under normal circumstances, Yuna would have found an orange glow comforting. It brought the magma pits near her parents' castle to mind. Except she wasn't in Aeon anymore. Or Radiance. Or even the Malie City place the anomaly had brought her to.

Instead, the drakloak floated above an orange cube staircase. There was orange distortion in the distance but she faintly saw strange, jagged crystals and fractal shards resembling her rifts. It reminded her a bit of Ginnungagap, but with an orange coat of paint lathered all over it.


"Leo?" Yuna looked down the stairs. The cosmic arceus — somehow he lost his dreepy disguise — trotted up the stairs. Or through the air above the stairs.

"Mom, where are we?" Leo wondered, looking around. He caught up to Yuna and floated next to her. "It kind of reminds me of the little static ball where we met Mr. Alder, but it's way too orange."

Yuna followed Leo's gaze out into the distance. "Huh. You've got a point." Did that mean they were in the heart of the anomaly?

"Hang on." The drakloak tapped her chin. "We beat Chernabog. Then this orange rectangle popped up when he disappeared." She looked up. Nothing but orange static. "The rectangle shined a beam of light at the distortion over the volcano. And now I'm here."

"Oh, you beat the bad guy?" Leo's eyes sparkled. "Yay!" He then looked down. "Maybe the rectangle is what was calling me, then?"


"Before I fwooshed over here," Leo said, continuing up the stairs. "It felt like something was calling me up the volcano. So I flew up there and, well..." His voice trailed off and, starcloud tail swishing slowly back and forth. "Yeah. End of story."

Yuna floated after him. If this was like back at the tar plant, then Leo could seal up the anomaly. It was what he was supposed to do, right? Even though Yuna had no idea what that would mean for them and the rest of the team. She was kind of stuck here, so she had no choice but to press on.

On and on, until the stairs gave way to a larger orange platform with fist-shaped crystals in its corners connected by ropes.

... No, wait, they were lines of tiny fists that looked like ropes.

And Chernabog had a fist-shaped crystal in his belt, Yuna recalled. Just what was that all about? Had the core of the anomaly... somehow embedded itself within that daemon?

"It's here." Leo pointed his right forehoof at the middle of the platform. "The thing that's calling me."

The orange rectangle floated there, a bit bigger than Yuna realized after seeing it from a distance earlier.

Leo was already walking toward it.

"Hang on!" Yuna shot in front of the cosmic arceus. "Let me, uh, take a look at it first, okay?"

"Okay." Though Leo's starclouds dimmed and he nervously shuffled in place. He really wanted that rectangle, but it didn't sound like he knew why. And that concerned Yuna.

She slowly floated toward it. Closer. Closer.

It had a faint orange glow around it.

Closer. Closer.

The drakloak froze and tilted her head. Was something... written on the rectangle?

Yes, if Yuna squinted, she could make out a single sentence carved into the middle.

The rift is born of disorder on the other side of this world.

Yuna blinked once. Twice. Frowning, she read the sentence again, then a third time. There were a lot of rifts opening up. And according to Alder, Kora, and Vince, they were the big problem. And a very large one had carried them to another world entirely.

Eternatus was still inside her home. And events surrounding it had certainly caused more than enough disorder. Did that mean Eternatus was the other side of her world?

I'm overthinking this. Yuna was about to tell Leo it was okay when she looked down at her hands and fought the urge to recoil in front of him.

Her shadows were back, pooling in her ectoplasm, and they looked like they were trying to swim away from the rectangle. Yuna glanced at it, then slowly floated back. The shadows receded in response.

Another thing to file away for later.

There were too many of those. And if they were about to seal the rift, then later really meant soon. Yuna could only sit on this stuff for so long and if other anomalies were going to have these strange rectangles, the team needed to know.

"Okay, Leo." The drakloak softened her expression. "Its all yours."

She waited for a response, but didn't get one. Leo was looking past the rectangle... at nothing but empty space. "Leo?" Yuna drifted into his line of sight.

"Huh? Oh!" The cosmic arceus straightened up. "Sorry. I got distracted."

Yuna looked over her shoulder. The space behind the plate was still empty. "Distracted by what?"

"You don't see them?" Leo looked disappointed.

"See who?"

"Them!" Leo stuck his right forehoof out. "The human Mr. Gene wanted to find and his pet doggy!"

"What?" Yuna turned around. No sign of Sigurd. Yet Leo didn't seem like the type for pranks. Or imagining something that specific. "Is there something else I'm not seeing?"

"There are tiny little threads connecting them to the plate," Leo said, his starclouds brightening up a bit.

"Plate?" Yuna raised a brow. "You mean that rectangle?"

Leo nodded. "It's a plate."

"That doesn't sound right," Yuna said. She doubted she could eat a meal off that rectangle if she tried.

"That's what it told me, though," Leo insisted, cheeks puffing.

He was losing Yuna. "You talked to it?"


This was getting them nowhere. "Okay, I believe you." It was easier for the drakloak to go along with Leo. "Now go and take the plate so we can get out of here."

At least, that was what Yuna hoped would happen. Though there was still that wriggling bit of doubt about what would happen to the others if they sealed off the anomaly. She told herself it would be okay as Leo trotted up to the plate and reached his right forehoof out to tap it.

The cosmic arceus lit up bright orange, then the plate dissolved into orange light that Leo's wheel's absorbed. "Hee hee, that tickles!"

Yuna tilted her head. That was it? I don't know why, but I was expecting something flashier.

"Hey, Mom! Mom!" Leo hopped up and down excitedly. "Check this out! Huuuuurggaaaaaah!"

He briefly shimmered with orange light, then grew in size. Huge muscles bulged out of his legs and neck in a way that brought the giga machamp daemon to mind.

"I'm ready to tussle!" Leo said, his voice a few octaves deeper.

"That's, um, nice, dear." Yuna's ectoplasm rippled. At least she was only uncomfortable because it looked ridiculous. "You can turn back, right?"

Nodding, Leo shrank back down to his normal size.

... No, wait, that wasn't quite right. He was bigger than before. Not by much, but enough for Yuna to tell the difference. She wondered if she should say something.

"Oh, I think I grew a bit." Leo looked himself over. "Growth spurt!" His starclouds flickered in excitement. "And, look, we've got new friends!"

"Hmm?" Yuna blinked a few times. A couple of hazy outlines had appeared in front of them. As they came into focus, Yuna also noticed a bunch of different sized circles appearing behind the figures. They didn't feel as important at the moment, however.


(By https://twitter.com/Sky_Cloud69)

The first figure was a mishmash of a lycanroc. Body of a midday, face, tail, and hind legs of a dusk, and the arms and forehead of a midnight. All three forms mashed together. Another Malice-driven mutant, perhaps? That would mean Lycanroc was from Eternatus. Making the silver-haired person appearing next to them...

"Hi!" Leo wagged his starcloud tail. "Are you Mr. Sigurd Stone?"

While the hair and pale skin matched, Gene's photo didn't show any sort of tube — or was it a hose? — sticking out of the man's neck. And instead of standing up, he was stuck in some sort of chair with wheels instead of legs.

"Who are you?" The man's voice was too far too mechanical. Yuna realized it was because it didn't come from him, but rather his chair.

"Your rescue team," Leo chirped, apparently not the least bit bothered by this. "A funny lizard guy named Vince told us to find you."

The man blinked slowly. A slow hiss echoed from the chair. "I do not know of any Vinces. Or 'lizard guys,' for that matter." He turned his chair toward Lycanroc. "But I believe I know why you're here."

Lycanroc nodded.

"You're looking to assemble the Red Chain."

"Yep yep!" Leo hopped in place happily. "Wow, you must be a mind reader or something!"

Lycanroc clicked their tongue, eyeing Yuna intently, but said nothing.

"Not a mind reader," Sigurd said. His mechanical voice simulated a chuckle. "However, since it seems we share a common purpose at this time, I'll gladly assist you in any way I can."

The rings behind him flashed with orange light. Sigurd turned his wheelchair around and looked at it, as did Lycanroc.

"Though it seems that any further conversation will have to wait."

Leo's starclouds flickered in unison with the rings. The cosmic arceus kicked off the ground and drifted toward the rings. His wheel shined brighter and brighter and the rings slowly rearranged themselves into... some sort of haphazard pattern. And Yuna had the vaguest sense she'd seen it somewhere before. She just couldn't put her hand on it.


The rings gave one final flash of orange light, then everything around Yuna and the others slowly dissolved away.


Seifer looked up at the clear blue sky. The last distorted wormhole right over the volcano — the anomaly's core, if he had to guess — dissolved away in a single pulse of golden light. He took a slow breath, pondering what this meant for him. The anomaly had led the team here. Now it was gone, but Seifer was still here. Was that it? Was he stuck here? Had the team not thought this through?

At times like these, the keldeo had to focus on work. Keep his mind focused. "It looks like the eruption's stopped," Seifer said, turning around to Molayne. "What happens now?"

"Now?" He hopped off Magnezone and rubbed the back of his head, sighing. "If it's really cleared up, then we bring people back to shore." Molayne started to reach for his radio when he froze. "Uh, are you okay?"

"Yes?" What a strange question. Unless Molayne saw through Seifer's attempts to pretend everything was fine.

"Because you're, uh, turning see through?" Molayne lifted his goggles up and rubbed his eyes.


The keldeo looked down... and found his hooves had disappeared! And the rest of his legs were fading away, too!

What was happening? Why didn't this hurt? Was this because of the anomaly disappearing?

"I think I get it." Molayne lowered his goggles. "Your time's up here. You're getting called home."

Seifer sure hoped that was the case. Best to go with it.

"I suppose so." He nodded slowly. "It was, uh, interesting working with you."


Seifer's torso was half gone now. Molayne rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, uh, I guess we made it through this volcanic eruption. So maybe..." He yawned loudly. "Maybe I'll look into hanging up my badge... and giving that entrance exam another shot."

His neck was disappearing now, but Seifer still managed a smile. "I think that's a good idea."

"Just promise me that you won't give up either, okay?" Molayne said. "You'll find your purpose back home. Something to fight for."

Right before the keldeo faded away completely, he managed to get out an, "I promise."


Yuna hit the dusty ground with a surprised squeak, then a grunt. "Oogh." She rubbed her belly. "Rough landing."

... Wait. Gene had landed the ship in the middle of the grass, hadn't he? Where—

"Wow, look at all this dirt!" Jade kicked some up with her right foot, then blew the dust cloud ahead of her... toward familiar, rust-covered buildings.

"Chakran?" Yuna rubbed her eyes. "How did we get here?"

Panic briefly welled up in the drakloak's gut. Jade wasn't with them before. Leo sealed the anomaly, and then...

She looked around. It didn't take Yuna long to realize that the ship was here. And everyone was accounted for, including Sigurd, Lycanroc, and the weird muscular bug. She fought the urge to grimace at the fluid running through its arms. She really hoped it wasn't blood.

"What happened?" Widget shifted back from his flight form to the cosmic appearance Leo had given him. "One minute I'm flying after the kid. Next thing I know he disappears in a flash, then I disappear... and now we're back here?"

"Yup!" Leo puffed his chest out. "I asked Mr. Anomaly nicely to send us back home and it listened!"

"Back... home?" Widget frowned. "You consider this home?"

Leo laughed nervously. "I didn't mean for it to send us here here. But it did." A beat passed, then his eyes sparkled. "Oh! Hey, Mom, can I introduce Widget to Mr. Alder and Mr. Kora? Huh? Huh? Can I?"

"Uh, sure?" Yuna didn't see the harm. "Just, uh, make sure you knock first?"

"Okay!" Leo blipped to Widget's side and nudged the cosmic type: full's shoulder. "C'mon, big brother!"

Widget stumbled forward with a squawk. "P-Please don't call me 'big brother.'" He begrudgingly followed after the cosmic arceus, shaking his head.

Gene watched them go, tail swishing back and forth. "Am I losing it or did Boy Wonder have a growth spurt?"

"No, he... he did." Yuna rubbed her shoulder.

"And what's with these three?" Seifer jerked his head in the newcomers' direction. "What did I miss while I was playing traffic cop?"

Gene turned around and his tail stiffened. "I, uh... can't speak for the 'mons, but I'm pretty sure he's the guy we were looking for." He pulled the photo of Sigurd out of his Malice Crystal. "Doesn't look a thing like his photo, though."

"Hardly surprising." Sigurd's machine hissed out previously compressed air. "You don't look a thing like your wanted posters, rebel."

"I see my reputation precedes me." Gene bowed sarcastically. "Mewtwo Gene, at your service." He straightened up. "Seriously, though. What's with the portable hospital bed?"

Sigurd's electronic voice attempted to mimic a laugh. "Well, that photo's from before the ALS took away my ability to walk." He paused. "And talk. And breathe."

Yuna had no idea what Sigurd meant, but the mewtwo's sudden dour expression gave her a clear enough picture.

"ALS?" Gene crossed his arms. "Didn't they make a cure for that, like, eons ago?"

Another attempt at a mechanical laugh. "A cure made from the mewgenics program is no cure I want." His wheelchair pivoted away from the others. "Who's to say the replacement nerve grafts don't turn patients into sleeper agents for the emperor?" Another hiss of compressed air. It must've been whatever was breathing for Sigurd. "I'd rather let nature take its course."

Yuna's Soul Dew shimmered, then a tiny Reshiram popped out. "Hold it!" He held his wings up, then realized how worthless the gesture was and folded them against his sides. "I thought everyone inside Eternatus was supposed to be dead. That's why they can't leave. They'd turn into Phantoms." He looked around at the others. "Am I crazy? Did I have too much wax in my ear frills. Cuz, y'know, that'd be pretty weird since I'm a spirit."

"A common misconception," Sigurd said, his wheelchair turning toward them with several whirrs and clicks. "Most of those living in the Qliphoth are ordinary people. They're born, have normal lifespans, and pass away. And when they do, their spirits become part of Eternatus itself.

"In the days before Paradox, the archbishops called this beautiful." His wheelchair let out more compressed air. "But Paradox's mewgenics program has broken the cycle. This delicate balance. Prolonging life and altering it in ways the average person would never think of... if they didn't live in the empire to begin with."

Gene's brow furrowed. His tail twitched in irritation. "Wait a sec." He tapped his right index finger against his left arm in thought. "So, the reason we've seen so many people living for so long—"

"Is the emperor," Sigurd said. He nodded his head slightly, restricted by his breathing tube.

The shadowy mewtwo's face scrunched up further. "Every person I've ever seen erode into a Phantom had enhancements of some sort... or lived waaaaay longer than the lifespans I remember learning about."

"Because they got mewgenics treatments." More compressed air released from Sigurd's machine. "You hadn't risen to infamy yet when the program rolled out to the public. And now... it's so ingrained that no one can stop it."

Yuna floated there silently, unsure what to make of any of that information. And here she thought she would need to recap what happened inside the anomaly's core. I guess they'll ask when they feel like it.

Except instead of Gene responding, Nikki yawned loudly, stretching her arms over her head while sparks crackled around her mohawk. "Aww, boo freaking hoo. Cry me a river."

"Hey!" Jade squinted at the toxtricity. "Uncalled for."

"Shut it, Bird Brain."

"That's my wife!" Reshiram huffed, his tiny tail crackling with little embers.

Nikki loomed over him, mohawk growing more jagged.

"Eep!" Reshiram shrank back. "N-Never mind. Insult away! Please don't squish me!" He hastily retreated into Yuna's Soul Dew.

"My hero," Jade deadpanned.

"What are you doing, Nikki?" Yuna floated toward her. "This isn't something to get angry ab—"

"Don't." Nikki held her hand up. Acidic sparks dribbled onto the ground from her fingers, hissing when they hit the dirt.

The drakloak frowned. What had gotten into Nikki? "Is something wrong?"

"No shit, dumbass!" Nikki's mohawk flared. "Do I look all sunshine and rainbows to you?"

"I guess not." Yuna squirmed uneasily. "But, um, it's kinda hard to say much when you're not, y'know, telling us what's wrong?"

Nikki glared at Yuna, but Gene spoke up first. "She's pissed I benched her."

Yuna blinked. "What?"

"Pulled her away from fighting Chernabog," Gene said, flicking his right wrist dismissively. "Which was the correct decision."

"No it wasn't!"

Nikki's mohawk erupted like a miniature, yellow and purple replica of where the team had just been. A purple lightning guitar appeared in her right hand. "I could've helped!" She swung the guitar at the air. "I got a power boost from this place and its stupid whacky voodoo mountain!"

"You really want to die on this hill?" Gene's eyes and malice crystal darkened. The mewtwo's yellow tail crinkled in irritation. "Chernabog knew you were out of your element! He was exploiting it! As long as you were up there... we were all in danger!" He jabbed his thumb against his chest. "I made a judgment call. A necessary one."

Gene lifted a few centimeters off the ground, glaring at Nikki. "You can throw whatever hissy fits you want, doesn't change the fact that I've been fighting these idiots for decades. As long as we're fighting together, you follow my lead. We clear?"

A tense silence followed. The two stared each other down. Nikki wouldn't seriously try to hit Gene, right? He was psychic, she was poison. She's not that stupid, Yuna told herself.

"... crystal." Venom dripped from Nikki's words.

Shoulders sagging, Yuna sighed in relief. Looks like the crisis was avert—

"Which brings me to you."

Yuna stiffened. Nikki stared her down. Pointed the lightning guitar right at her.

"Nikki?" The drakloak's body shrank toward her rectangular head.

"I poured my heart out to you the other day." Nikki's hand shook slightly. "We said we'd work together. And then you... you didn't stick up for me!" She stomped her right foot down, mohawk getting more frazzled. "You let Boss Kitty treat me like garbage!"

Yuna stiffened. That was what she was upset over? "I— well, things were frantic up there. I didn't realize—"

"Don't give me that!" Nikki squeezed her eyes shut. Was she trying not to cry? "You watched it happen! I... I saw it..."

The lightning guitar dissolved away and the toxtricity looked down. "I saw it."

Yuna didn't know what to say. Was there even anything she could say to Nikki to make things better? She was really hurt, even though it all happened so quickly.

"I'm sorry?" It was the best Yuna could come up with on the spot.

"Thou hast to put some confidence behind thine words!" Rayquaza piped up.

Ah. Right. Yuna pulled her torso back out of her head. "I'm sorry, Nikki. Everything happened so fast and I sorta kinda... blanked?"

She let it hang in the air for a bit, however Nikki's hurt expression didn't ease up. "You blanked?" she growled. "That's the best you've got?"


Rayquaza nervously tittered. "Thou art sounding more uncertain by the sentence, Princess."

"Seriously?" Nikki was getting angry again. "Just before that you said things were getting frantic! Now you're saying you blanked?" She kicked up some dirt and grass at the drakloak. "Well, which is it, huh?"

"I... I blanked." Yuna's ectoplasm rippled. "Really. It's... it's happened other times. Against those Paradigm daemons."

"Yeah, right." Snorting, Nikki rolled her eyes. "If that was really the case, then why have you never brought it up before, huh? Don't you think that's something we deserve to know?"

She took a single step forward. Yuna drifted back, fidgeting nervously. "Well, um, that's... that's..."

The words were getting caught in Yuna's throat. Nikki stepped closer. "If Boss Kitty can bench me for being a liability, then you deserve it for the same reason!" She pointed accusingly at Yuna. "That, and the stupid cosmic fluffball who thinks he's your son."

Yuna stiffened at that. She could feel the shadows bubbling up. "B-Because he is."

"Puh-lease!" Another step. Then another. "You imprinted on him or whatever!" Nikki quickly whirled on Gene as if she expected some sort of retort. "Bite your tongue! I paid attention in psych class sometimes!"

Gene smirked in amusement. Nikki turned back to Yuna. "So, out with it, Princess!" Her mohawk crackled. "What's the deal? Why are you blanking?"

Breathe. Yuna had to keep the shadows in check. "It's... complicated."

Nikki took one final step, sparks and venom pooling around her foot. "Tell me!"

She had to say it. Two simple words. Yuna just needed to get it over with. "Because... because..."

"Tell me, damn it!"

"Because I'm Chiron!"


"Hey, hey, Lieutenant! Got the all clear from the harbormaster to send in the next ships!"

"Thanks, Acerola." Molayne put his radio back into its holster and leaned against a metal post.

Soon. It would all be over soon. He could go home and kick his feet up. Or maybe break out that acupressure pad...

"Excuse me, Officer. Any chance you could help a traveler out?"

Molayne stiffened. Telepathy was a thing he came across from time to time on the job, but why here? Why now? He looked around for some signs of a psychic pokémon or one of those famed psychic trainers he saw on television.

Instead, he got... an ice ninetales? With no trainer, to boot.

... No, that didn't make any sense. Some ninetales could do illusory spirit voodoo or whatever, but they were fire ninetales. Icy ones stayed in Sinnoh for a reason. Places like Alola were too warm for them.

"Something wrong?" Icetales tilted his head, blinking soft blue eyes. "Do I have something on my face? Or maybe it's the hair. I try to keep it brushed but I swear it has a mind of its own." He flicked his mane over his right shoulder.

"No, it's—" Molayne pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, if you've lost your trainer or something, I'm really going to have to recommend you head to the nearest police station. They're better equipped to help."

"Sorry." Icetales shook his head. "I'm afraid you're the only one who can help me."

"Cryptic." Molayne said, frowning. Something about Icetales struck him as... off. The longer he stared, the more he was convinced Icetales had some sort of... golden sheen about him. Molayne would have blamed the fatigue, but then his eyes trailed down to the rainbow bandana around his neck.

The rainbow bandana with an elongated, eight-pointed star. Like a compass.

Everything clicked quickly. "Oh no." Molayne threw his hands up and stepped back. "Look, I don't care how fluffy you are, I'm not interested in hearing the good word about the Blinding One. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ten years down the road. I've had enough of you Necrozma's Witnesses. You just don't know how to take 'no' for an answer!"

Icetales' ears drooped. "Ah. Maybe I came on a bit too strong." He pawed at the ground. "Telepathic ice ninetales is already out there. This isn't making it better."

Ya think?

Before Molayne could properly responde, Icetales approached him. He stuck his right forepaw out and planted it in front of Molayne. His paw flickered gold, then a cold gray.

Icetales stepped back, revealing a tiny diamond-shaped crystal.

Molayne blinked once. Twice. "Steelium-Z?" Last he checked, Necrozma's Witnesses couldn't conjure those out of thin air. "Fancy trick. I've already got one, though."

"Not one like this." Icetales nudged it toward Molayne with his snout. "Want to talk with you about the keldeo and salugia who helped you out."


"What else do you call a lugia with a salazzle belly and tail flaps? I bet they could've bathed you in pheromones, too, if you're into that sort of thing."

Molayne cringed. Icetales stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Anyway, you've probably got a lot on your plate." Icetales stepped further back. "When you're ready to talk, use the crystal."

Still skeptical, Molayne knelt down and picked the Steelium-Z up. It was warm like a freshly lit fireplace. "And just what do I use the crystal for? A Z-Move?"

But when he looked up, Icetales was gone. And in his place, a single piece of paper with the same eight-pointed star on it. Molayne slowly walked toward it and scooped it up.

Press the Z-crystal to your forehead and say the following out loud:

"Through darkest night and brightest day, our radiance will light the way."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I see that you bumped yesterday, even if I’m -checks notes- four chapters behind the current one. In the interest of not falling behind further, let’s turn that ‘four’ into ‘three’ and jump back into things in…

Chapter 59

"Everyone, please! Stay in line! We're getting you onto the ships as fast as we can!"

Despite a human policewoman talking into a megaphone from atop a hovering metang, Seifer saw people pushing and shoving. Some humans had smaller humans in their arms. Others carried pokémon. A few rode larger pokémon like mudsdale that were unnerved by all the activity.

Seifer: "That background music was a lot perkier than I was expecting for a moment this grim." o_ó;

"What exactly is the problem that we can help with?" Seifer asked, clinging to Jade's back as best he could. He wasn't even sure if the salugia could use any psychic powers like Gene. Not that he knew what good ESP would do in this situation.

"Getting people on the boats," Molayne responded. He pointed far ahead, where more police officers directed scared humans of different shapes and sizes down two wooden docks toward a couple of gray boats. "We have boats in the harbor on standby, but we only have two docks. It's not quick enough."

Seifer: "... So we have pontoon docks we can deploy for extra capacity, or...?"
Gene: "Think of more direct solutions, pony-boy."

Seifer looked over his shoulder. A couple of pelipper flew in the opposite direction from him and Jade. "Couldn't you... fly people out to the other boats?"

"With what pokémon?" Molayne sighed and rubbed his temples. "The pelipper mail carriers are the best we've got and they can fit, at best, two adults in their beaks."

Jade: "... You do realize that I'm right here and am a giant bird, right?"

"With me!" Jade chirped, holding her head high. "I can fit a bunch of people on my back. I bet I can lift more with some psychic energy, too."

Yeah, I called it. Even if I suspect the "psychic energy" lift is going to wind up going sideways soon enough.

Seifer blinked. "You actually have those powers?" he whispered. "I thought you lost them and became poison."

In response, an unseen force lifted the whinnying keldeo off Jade's back, only to plop him back on a second later.

"Okay, okay. You still have them," he said.

Seifer: "Couldn't you have just lifted a rock from the ground or something?!"

"Yeah, sure. Great idea." Molayne hardly sounded enthused. "Let's make your big entrance, then. Maybe it'll calm people down."

He tapped Magnezone lightly with his foot and drifted down closer to the ground. Jade glanced back at Seifer, who shrugged, assuming Molayne wanted them to follow. The salugia descended. It didn't take long for them both to hear the gasps and see the humans pointing at them, shock and awe sprawled across their faces.

"Please remain calm! Keldeo of the Swords of Justice is here and brought a friend to help you all onto the boats!" Even Molayne's megaphone shouting sounded tired. "His friend will fly waves of you to one of the other boats in the harbor, all right? No pushing or shoving! We're working as fast as we can!"

Cue Seifer uncontrollably sprouting a doofy, ego-tripping grin in 3... 2...

Molayne gestured toward an open area between the two docks where Jade could safely land. Seifer hopped onto the stone ground. There were a lot of human eyes on him, some pleading, others filled with intrigue. He'd experienced this before when he showed up with the Radiant Guard, but this time felt... different.

He knew Molayne understood them earlier, but Seifer feared a talking pokémon would spook the crowd even more. So, he simply raised up on his hindlegs and funneled some energy into his prosthetic horn. It lit up and he pointed it to Jade, who seemed to pick up on the gesture, because she lowered herself to her belly and folded up her wings to let people climb aboard.

Seifer: "(Seriously? We couldn't have at least pretended we were speaking through a translator or something? I can already tell this pantomime act is going to trip us up later.)" >_>;

Seifer pointed his horn at the closest people and they ambled their way toward the salugia. No pushing or shoving. Most were dumbstruck by Jade's presence, though for all Seifer knew the salazzle traits could have been the reason.

I mean, yeah. I'd double-take too at seeing Lugia carrying traits from a wildly different Pokémon.

"Good, good. Now, you lot over there, you're heading on the next ship," Molayne said through the speakerphone. Magnezone lifted its two magnet hands and formed a glistening light screen in an attempt at making a proper divide.

Boat horns blared behind Seifer. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the ship to his right backing away from the dock. Another ship moved in, but left enough room for the departing ship to keep backing up. The keldeo briefly recalled Widget's concerns. Would this boat even be able to get anywhere?

If you have to ask the question, Seifer...

A glance up at the sky told him it didn't matter. The lava only hung over parts of the city. As long as everyone got onto the water, they would be okay.

For now. For all you know, when time unfreezes, more lava will go out over the water.

"Everyone hanging on to something?" Jade said, looking back at the humans and pokémon who had climbed aboard.

"You can talk?!" exclaimed one dark-skinned human with shoulder-length black hair. The togetic in his arms gazed at Jade in awe.

... Wait, is the human here supposed to be anyone in particular? Since I don't recognize that description there.

Jade: "No! No! It's... uh... telepathy?" ^v^;
Human: "But your beak was clearly moving just now!"

"Of course I can. I'm a lugia!" Jade grinned at them. "Now, let's just get some of your, uh, citymates along for the lift." She glanced at Molayne, who scratched his head, then pointed in front of the salugia.

Oh, so they just accept that, huh? Though I suppose Jade's passengers have bigger problems to worry about than her unexpectedly talking to them.

Magnezone hovered in front of them. "Lugia's going to levitate this group over to one of the ships," he announced. "I want you all to relax so she can concentrate."

Molayne: "Mind you, this would've been easier had you not outed that you can speak our language, Salugia."

Nodding, Jade's eyes lit up blue. A blue outline surrounded about a dozen people, lifting them up. Jade flapped her wings to join them in the air, and it wasn't long before she was off toward the ocean. At the same time, the new ship had docked and lowered entry ramps. Two policemen tapped their arcanine companions, who both howled loudly.

Molayne jolted. "Okay, Group A, please board the boat. Single file. No pushing," he ordered, with Magnezone shifting the Light Screen to keep the cordoned off part of the crowd in order.

There will be a ton of pushing and shoving, especially if time starts up again and the crowd's discipline just completely collapses.

Seifer couldn't make any barriers of his own, but he could at least try to help with dividing the crowd between the other dock and Jade. The keldeo lit up his horn and approached a point to his left.

Fortunately, Molayne caught the gesture. He said something into his radio and, within seconds, two policewomen on metang had hovered over. The metang put up light screens of their own.

I'm surprised that a Light Screen would be this durable as opposed to something like Protect given that you can still hit through Light Screen attackwise in-game. I'll just chalk it up to "something something, my verse, my rules".

The keldeo nodded his approval and stepped back, while Molayne hovered toward him atop Magnezone. "Quick thinking," he said, hardly sounding appreciative.

Seifer: "Are you always on like this?"

Molayne: "Buddy, let's see how sunshine and roses you are after having to pull multiple all-nighters for a disaster response effort."

Seifer bit his lip. Crisis situation or not, Molayne's attitude irked him in a way he was struggling to put into words. But that half hearted attempt at a compliment finally got Seifer's thoughts together.

"Are you okay?" Seifer said, raising a brow. "I understand this is a delicate situation and all, but people are looking to you to reassure them and ease their fears. Even if you're tired, you have to try and keep up a positive appearance, or else their faith in you will waver."

Molayne is absolutely not okay. Sophocles bit it when the volcano erupted or something like that, didn't he?

Molayne pressed the bridge of his goggles, sighing. "Seriously? Is my sense of justice not pure enough for the great Keldeo? Look, I'm just trying to get through this thing in one piece, okay?" He glanced up at the static volcano in the distance. "None of this makes any sense. Lanakila Volcano has been dormant as far back as recorded history. Why is it erupting now? Groudon couldn't—"

Seifer tilted his head. "Groudon?" He didn't recognize that name.

Ah yes, this part. I remember it being teased a month or two back. Another reminder that we're in an off-spec universe relative to franchise canons.

"One of the super-ancient pokémon?" Molayne's words dripped with disbelief. "Waged an endless war with its water-loving equal, Kyogre, until the mighty Lord Rayquaza quelled them both, spreading out Kyogre into the world's oceans and putting Groudon's body to rest as Lanakila Volcano while both their souls slumbered within the core of the planet?"

The only one that stuck out was Rayquaza, having a title showing reverence for him like what the Aeons did.

Seifer: "... Wait, where the hell are we right now? Since we have a Rayquaza, and he didn't do anything like that..." .-.

"C'mon, man, don't they teach you about this in legend school?" Molayne scratched his head. "Whatever. Lugia's back. Let's get the next set of passengers ready."

The second loading process went much faster. And the boat on the second dock backed away for a new one to take its place. Thanks to the metang and their light screens, loading more people from the newly-dubbed Group C onto the next boat didn't prove much of an issue, especially with Seifer keeping an eye on them to make sure they stayed calm.

So Seifer didn't stop to make smalltalk like Jade did, huh? :V

That left them another moment of respite. "Why join the police then?" Seifer asked, scanning the crowd to make sure people stayed under control. It had thinned out a bit thanks to their efforts and the lava remained frozen in midair, to the keldeo's relief.

"Why does it matter to you?" Molayne fired back. "Your justice sense gonna keep you up at night if you don't get an answer?"

Oh, Molayne and Nanu switched places in this setting, didn't they? Since Molayne didn't join the police in canon Gen 7 media, and given that his overall shtick feels very "Nanu" right now...

Seifer frowned at the Nikki-like response. Hardly the kind of attitude an officer should display. Though Seifer wanted to stand his ground, he realized that wouldn't make any headway. "Because it sounds like our situations are reversed."

Not that you're wrong, but probably wanna be careful about slinging stones in a glass house considering how you were as a Radiant Guard, Seifer.

"What's that supposed to— never mind, back to work." Molayne pointed toward a returning Jade, as well as the ship loading Group A backing away from the dock.

"How we looking back there, Rola?" Molayne asked into his radio.

"Getting smaller by the minute," a female voice chirped. "We got extra fliers from Akala and Poni and the whole Poké Ride Fleet came out in force!"

Wait, how big is that fleet given that they've been able to evacuate an entire city just from their own efforts?

Seifer glanced up while Jade loaded her next pack of people. Sure enough, the sky was full of assorted flying types. Some tropius here, some talonflame there, and lots of charizard. Even some birds with giant, striped beaks that Seifer never saw before. Pokémon that didn't exist on Etherium, perhaps?

I'm actually curious as to what's the rhyme or reason behind which worlds get which Pokémon. Since Etherium obviously gets Galardex-only natives as an artifact of it mainlining Gen 8 influences, though it makes me wonder if there's anyone from Etherium who would similarly "not belong" here in this universe other than the obvious of Jade.

After helping Jade, Seifer turned back to Molayne. "I know this will sound crazy, but we're from another dimension."

He paused, awaiting Molayne's disbelief, but he merely yawned into his elbow. "And?"

"You're not surprised?"

Molayne: "Buddy, we literally have a lab in this region that researches other dimensions. Burnet lost count of how many she found years ago."

"Clearly they didn't teach you about Ultra Wormholes in legends school, either," Molayne mused. "What's your point?"

I'm taking it that if some version of the SM/USUM events happened in this setting, that this point in time is a few years afterwards given how casually Molayne is talking about Ultra Wormholes here.

"I was the head of my country's military in my own dimension," Seifer explained. "Until the queen had me take the fall for something that wasn't even my fault." The keldeo lowered his head. "And I loved that job. Or at least I thought I did. So, seeing someone who has what I lost..." Seifer tensed up. "I feel like my sense of right and wrong is all messed up. So, I thought that seeing you in action and talking to you might remind me of what it means to fight to protect people."

"Well, you wouldn't be the first person I've disappointed," Molayne said, slouching against Magnezone's railing. After an awkward silence, he continued, "My parents wanted me to be a police officer because most of my family is on the force. But I wanted to be an astronomer."

Wait, is that actually brought up in some Pokémon continuity? Since I swear that I don't remember this ever being mentioned, and yet it feels scarily natural as a little factoid.

"Yet it sounds like you followed their orders," Seifer said. Much like he did with his own family's history of the Radiant Guard. He never considered other occupations because he was sure that was where he'd end up.

"No." Molayne gripped Magnezone's railing tightly. "The problem is I couldn't get accepted to any university with an astronomy program. I kept screwing up the college admissions test, because I'd fall asleep studying. I never wanted to join the force, but I needed money to get my own place, so my folks made some calls and here I am."

Ah yes, there's the 'for want of a nail' moment for why Molayne isn't running the observatory right about now. Though ouch. I can see why the guy's gone full Nanu.

"But you're a lieutenant now," Seifer pointed out. If he was that disinterested, he'd never get promoted, right? "And besides, couldn't you find another job?"

Molayne sighed. "That takes effort. It's easier to stay where I am. It's family connections that have gotten me promoted in rank. Besides... sometimes there are moments where the job's worth it. When people thank me for helping them or pokémon are happy I helped them with a problem. Almost makes me feel like I made the right decision."

I can already see Seifer's
face right now, since this feels like it'd hit really close to home for him.

He looked up. Jade was on her way back. "Almost," he whispered.

Seifer looked at Molayne, then Jade, then up at the sky. "Well, I'm just a stranger to you, but for what it's worth, if you can make it through this crisis, I think you can make it through anything." The keldeo tapped a forehoof on the ground. "Including this university entrance exam."

Molayne: "Keldeo, I'm like 40 right now. That ship sailed a long time ago."

Jade landed behind the two. "How many more trips am I making?" She lifted her right wing. "I'm doing okay. But I might need to do a few stretches."

Molayne quickly glanced at Seifer. "Tell you what. If we get through this... I'll think about it."

Huh, surprised Molayne didn't brush him off. Guess he must be younger than I thought as a character.

Seifer nodded his approval and Molayne hovered back up on Magnezone to direct more of Group B to board Jade. He focused his attention on the people from Group C heading toward the nearest ship. Seifer was about to direct them to stop when an emerald gleam caught the corner of his eye.

He turned left and saw an emerald streak charging right through the lava like a knife cutting butter. "What the— who's doing that?"

Can't tell if that's
or Zygarde there. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

There was no smell of sulfur. No orange embers drifting through the air. Ash didn't choke the sky and cloud the bright red and orange hanging over Yuna's head. Yet thunderous booms sounded from atop the mountain, suggesting something was going on.

Yuna: "This is the weirdest volcanic eruption ever. How on earth does this even happen?" .-.

To say nothing of the rumbling ground. Rocks ranging from the drakloak's size to larger than a mamoswine tumbled down, only to run into a pink wall a meter in front of Gene. The mewtwo held both hands up, concentrating intently as he plucked out panicked turtonator one by one and suspended them higher in the air.

He'd already sent the officer watching over the area away and ordered Widget to go find somewhere he could safely deliver everyone without an issue.

I'm surprised that none of them have been using Explosion out of reflexive panic. Or if they have, that Gene's psychic barrier has held up so well under the effect of untold numbers of explosive turtles hitting it.

"I still can't believe he could transform like that!" Leo chirped, flying in excited circles in front of Yuna. "He was all blue and shiny." The fake dreepy clapped his hands together. "He kinda looked like that Miraidon guy from Mr. Gene's scrapbook, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Nikki said, scratching her head. "Which is a can of wurmple I don't want to open right now when there's freaking lava suspended over us!" The toxtricity tapped her right foot on the grass. "Now that we're here, can we let Space Noodle out to take a closer look?"

Wait, is Leo talking about Vince or someone else here? Since it's a little ambiguous from the dialogue.

Yuna silently agreed. Particularly because the atmosphere around the volcano struck her as... off. Maybe it was the time anomaly. Or the fact that, according to the police lady Gene shooed away, the volcano was supposedly the dormant body of some super duper old pokémon god. She glanced at her Soul Dew. Are you okay with lending us a hand?

Oh, so Gallian's going to get to come face to face with an angry Groudon, huh?

"I can at least take this requested look," Rayquaza declared. Nodding, Yuna focused on that glimmering spark of light within the jewel and mentally tugged on it. Rayquaza emerged at full size, corkscrewing his way into the air to a chorus of surprised turtantor noises.

Yeah, I figured. Though I'm actually curious myself as to how Gallian will react to coming across a Legendary that knows his kind but not vice versa.

"Found a place for the turtanator!" Widget shouted, zooming through the air. His Miraidon-esque form replaced his hind legs with jet boosters similar to Gene's ship, letting him effortlessly close the distance with the others. "There's an empty beach to the south. We can drop everything off there!"

Oh, so Leo was describing Widget. Even if I have no idea when on earth he had this transformation since I could've sworn he wasn't described looking like this the last time we saw him.

"We?" Gene grunted, arms shaking slightly. "I don't... see you... carrying anything."

"Then cut the quips and follow me!" the type: full said, reversing the direction of his jet boosters to fly away from Gene. With a strained grunt, the mewtwo took to the air, dragging all the rocks and turtonator with him.

Gene: "Widget, what on earth did you find? (And how on earth did you get a makeover on such short notice?

"They make a great couple," Nikki quipped, earning a stink eye from Yuna. The toxtricity raised her hands. "It's the nerves, Princess. Trying to do whatever I can to not think about the lava."

Nah, that's just Nikki being Nikki there.

"Right." The drakloak wrung her hands together. She didn't blame Nikki, because she was doing the same thing. Albeit for different reasons. Why didn't this volcano sit right with her? No matter how much Yuna tried not to think about it, she kept looking up.

Because it's freaky and has attributes that are distinctly unnatural for a volcanic eruption? I mean, after everything you've seen thus far, it'd only be logical to assume that something deeper is afoot.

"Mom, are you okay?" Leo waved a fake dreepy hand in front of her. "I'm... thinking," Yuna responded, gently pushing Leo's hand away with her rectangular head. "I can't shake the feeling we're missing something here." "Because the lava has a weird aura?" Leo said, tilting his head.

- Beat moment -
Yuna: "It has what now? It's lava, and I thought aura specifically came from living things-"

"Huh?" Yuna blinked. "How do you know that?"

"Dunno." Leo tilted his head up. "I just don't get a real lava-y sense from the stuff up there."


Oh boy, so I might have been onto something with that 'living things' bit. Since I remember the official series fluff for what aura is, so...

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Nikki's mohawk crackled. "You saying it's not lava? If it ain't lava, then what the hell is it?!"


A black streak charged toward them, then abruptly stopped. Rayquaza coiled his serpentine body around nervously. "Tis not flames hanging above our heads, but fists! Giant fists of red and orange!"

What is this, Asura's Wrath now?

"What." Nikki stared blankly at Rayquaza. "Say psyche right now."

"Nay. Tis not psionics, but fighting energy." Rayquaza punched the air with his tiny black hands. "Something is making literal fisticuffs."

Leo: "Wait, but isn't that just aura again?"

Gallian: "No, no, aura is an essence of living things in general. Fighting energy... look I dunno, it's not as if we can just go and start calling it 'ki' or something now, alright?" >_>;

The mountainside rumbled yet again. Nikki struggled to stay on her feet. Everyone looked up to see a sudden burst of red-orange light. What looked like another fireball sat frozen high in the sky.

"Okay, fine, whatever." Nikki waved her hands in front of her face. "Let's say Space Noodle's telling the truth. Then he can do something about it. Flying trumps fighting."

Leo and Yuna looked hopefully at Rayquaza. "I... still fear my base form is not enough to help," he said, looking down guiltily.

Nikki: "... Wait, but why not?" ._.;
Gallian: "I believe the expression for these circumstances art that we are 'severely outgunned'."

Leo: "Wouldn't it be 'outfisted' in this case-?" :?
Gallian: "Whatever!"

"Seriously?!" Nikki smacked her forehead. "What, do you have performance anxiety? Can't get it going? I hear they make pills for that."

Rayquaza had a response ready, but Yuna didn't hear it. All the drakloak heard was ringing in her head as she slowly looked up from her bickering teammates toward the fighting energy blanketing the sky.

Gallian: "Again. Severely. Outgunned." O.O

If it wasn't lava, then was it actually frozen in time? Or was someone or something putting it there deliberately? If only she could get Rayquaza to power up. Then he could charge right at the strange energy!

Trance. Mega evolution. Powering up.

Powering... up...

- Yuna looks over at Leo -
Leo: "... Mom? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Rock spires surrounded Chiron. A tomb that would collapse on her any second. She had caught a brief glimpse of Matriarch's form — a one-eyed lucario — before having to contort her slender form to avoid the Stone Edge spears shredding her delicate wing membranes apart. The lunala recognized the boisterous laughter on the other side. He had such a penchant for showing off.

Oh, so the Matriarch was Prisma/Zero from some version of GLverse. I should have honestly seen this coming given that this story is now an out-and-out GL sequel, though that's definitely got Valkyrie on my radar since I remember the name Gene addressed her by.

And her psionics were currently failing her. Likely Matriarch's doing. So, Chiron had no ESP. No wormholes to throw the Stone Edges back at their creator.

But that was fine. This was what that training was about. She never bonded with her Soul Dew, but she had watched the Sages carefully. And by digging into her Eterna energy, maybe she could...

She could...

Yuna: "... Wait, am I just doing this in the middle of that eruption of fists at the volcano right now?" ^^;

Yuna hadn't realized the inky blackness had pooled into her hands until she thrust them in the still-arguing Rayquaza's direction and shouted, "Vgeg zong!"

Ah yes, Yuna's Bayonetta / Giratina powers are back at her command. Though is that an actual line from Bayo3? Or else what's the story from it?

Rayquaza suddenly stiffened. Shadows briefly draped across his serpentine body, hidden well by his black scales. Then orange light engulfed Rayquaza. "Ye gads!" he cried, voice deepening. He shot out of the orange light, holden tassels fluttering and an emerald sheen lighting up the ground below him.

"Whoooa!" Leo's eyes sparkled. "Is that Uncle Ray's mega evolution? It's so long! He's a super noodle, now!" He shook his head. "No, wait, mega noodle!"


She can do that? What on earth is Yuna? Since she's clearly a bit more than just a reincarnated Lunala from the way she can just casually grant MegaEvos to her attached spirits.

Nikki shot Yuna a suspicious look. "What did you do to him, Princess?"

"I, uh— I don't know?" the drakloak squeaked. She quickly tried to save face. "Do you think you're up to dealing with the magic fists now?"

I can already see Gallian's giddy schoolgirl face right about now.

"But of course!" Rayquaza's tail lashed with eagerness. "I hath not felt this alive in years!" He coiled around and gestured for Yuna to climb aboard. "Or, more accurately, centuries!"

Nikki: "But you're not alive-"

Gallian: "You get the idea!"

Yuna flew forward and grabbed onto one of Rayquaza's black fins. Leo positioned himself on Yuna's head once again.

"Right, then. Tally ho!" Rayquaza declared.

"The hell?!" Nikki scrambled across the ground. "Don't leave without mee-eee-ahhhhhh!"

Well, that protest from Nikki was swiftly regretted, I can see. :V

The toxtricity managed to grab the fins on Rayquaza's tail seconds before he shot into the air. His golden tassels straightened out on either side of his torso. Brilliant emerald light spilled over his body from his golden horns. Truly, Rayquaza was an emerald arrow surging up through the sky.

"Now, foul energy, taste the true might of Dragon Ascent!"

Nikki: "W-Wait, but how on earth do you know how to use-?!" @.@
Gallian: "Don't question it!"

The intense winds whipping up around Rayquaza drowned out Nikki's screams and the emerald light blotted out Yuna's view of the strange orange fists. She focused on keeping hold of Rayquaza's fin through bouts of turbulence. Nothing she couldn't handle, but a bit of jostling. As if two dragons were headbutting one another in a contest of strength. Hopefully that meant Dragon Ascent was doing something...

I suppose that it's better than toasting the surroundings in battle? Since in canon, dragonmons do have a scary tendency to kick up a ton of collateral, so...

That turbulence continued. Yuna's attention remained on the fin. Leo said... something. Yuna didn't hear him. She thought her X-transceiver might've gone off but it was hard for her to tell with the constant howling and whistling all around her.

Reshiram, do you see anything?

"Rayquaza's back and some emerald light,"
he responded. "I don't have a magically increased line of sight compared to you."

Cecil: "Wait, where are you going with this anyways?"

Yuna wondered how fast they were going. The Aeon scriptures described Mega Rayquaza orbiting the planet in only an hour or two. She doubted it was that fast. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to hold on. But she still felt like Rayquaza was covering a great distance. Was he effortlessly carving through the fighting energy? How much of it was left behind?

inb4 these fists are respawning as fast as they're popping, since based off the teaser to the most recent chapter, the gang's not getting out of this mess in Malie that easily.

The drakloak soon got a concrete answer when Rayquaza abruptly stopped and fired a Dragon Pulse straight toward the mouth of the volcano. Yuna quickly looked around her and found clear skies.

... Well, mostly clear. Some orange still remained closer to the volcano. And, now that the sky was clearer, Yuna spotted a swirling vortex of distortion hanging above it. How much you want to bet that's the source of our anomaly?

Cecil: "No bet, since there's not exactly any other vortexes of distortion in sight around here."

"Nothing." After a beat, Reshiram added, "I don't have any money, remember?"

"Can we puh-lease land somewhere?!" Nikki hollered, clinging to one of Rayquaza's tailfins and kicking at the air with her legs. "My arms are cramping up!"

Yuna: "Nikki, it was your idea to come along in the first place!" >_>;
Nikki: "Yeah, because I thought I'd be riding on space noodle's back! Not clinging for dear life like this!"

"Tis not safe atop the volcano!" Rayquaza declared. "A foul beast doth tried to knock me out of the sky!"

"You're damn straight I did!" a loud, booming voice shot back. "No one turns out the lights on Chernabog without Chernabog's say so!"

"Chernabog", huh? Time to see what we're dealing with here.

It was tough to make out at first, but Yuna soon spotted a large machamp standing on the rim of the volcano. He pointed accusingly at them with an upper right hand that looked more like volcanic rock than the bluish-gray Yuna was used to seeing. Another mega evolution? It didn't look that impressive compared to Rayquaza's.

Ah yes, G-Max as Distortion effects makes a reprise here. Even if I admittedly did a double-take at the bogey's design given that Chernabog semantically means "black god" and carries over to its mythological depictions.

"Hey! I'm talking to you chumps!" Chernabog shook his upper right fist at them. His other three arms... flexed, with the lower ones pointing to a belt that had a red, fist-shaped crystal inside it. "No one gives the champ the quiet treatment!"

You probably want to update your video link on TR and wherever else you pothole to the theme music since the linked video appears to have been delisted.

Even at a distance, Yuna got that same sinking feeling in her ectoplasm that she got when staring down Runerigus, Baptiste, and Exodes. Which could only mean one thing...

"Um, Gene?" Yuna squeaked. "I think one of Paradox's goons is here. Does the name Chernabog mean anything to you?"

"Oh, that blowhard?" Gene groaned. "Give us a minute. We're almost done here. Just keep him talking."

... That's a member of Paradigm? He's definitely a lot bigger than the ones we've run into the past. .-.

Yuna frowned. Nikki was better suited to that idea, but was too busy clinging to Rayquaza for dear life. "Can you fly around to the other side of the volcano?" she said, before blinking and shaking her head. "No, wait. I have a better idea."

But first, she had to distract the machamp. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Yuna shouted. "We're just trying to keep the people in this city safe!"

This feels like a fast way to get Chernabog to wreck the city out of spite, just saying.

The drakloak immediately focused on the other side of the volcano from Chernabog. She opened a rift in front of her and tapped Rayquaza's back. He hastily flew through it, dropping Nikki onto jagged, rocky ground. The toxtricity stumbled forward, relief flooding her face.

"Oh, sweet, glorious land!" Nikki dropped to her knees. "I'd kiss you but I've no idea where you've—"


A furious twister whipped up, deflecting a giant orange energy blast into the mouth of the volcano. Rayquaza flew in front of Nikki, assuming the closest thing to a protective stance a serpent could muster.

Nikki: "Oh come on, seriously?! Can't I get a break here?!" >.<

"Chernabog thought something stank!" The machamp slowly stomped toward the group. "The kind of stink that only a dirty traitor could make!" He flexed his large pecs, then pointed directly at Yuna. "That's right, Chiron! Maybe your noodle friend let you outmuscle Baptiste and Exodes, but now you've got the champ to contend with! Hoo-hah!" Chernabog punched the air with his lower arms and flexed with his upper ones.

Yuna: "... You realize that I have only scattered memories of what you're talking about, so this all means a whole lot of nothing to me-"

Chernabog: "Don't play cute with me! You're going down!"

Yuna didn't flinch. It wasn't the first time she'd heard one of Paradox's thugs throw Chiron's name around. And, given the strange visions, it probably wouldn't be the last. Just another punch the drakloak had to roll with.

I can already tell that that awful truth moment is going to be something to behold whenever it comes around.

The difference this time was that Leo was around, so she had to keep a safe distance from Chernabog.

"I don't like him, Mom," the fake dreepy whispered. "He's the real stinky one."

"I know. Let's stay on our toes," Yuna whispered back.

"Uh, technically neither of you have toes," Reshiram interjected.

Not now!

"S-Sorry. Couldn't help it."

Never change, you two.

"The hell are you ranting about?" Nikki said, shrugging at the oversized machamp. "You're the one who sent an entire city into a panic, aren't you? Doesn't seem very champ-like to me."

"It ain't the champ's fault if they're a bunch of haters!" Chernabog countered, flexing all four arms. "Chernabog was in the middle of getting ready to wow his Chernamaniacs back home, when suddenly he appeared up here." He glared at Yuna. "He bets the traitor's behind this! But you can't take Chernabog to the mat! Not when he feels stronger than ever! Oh yeah!"

Oh, so Chernabog got souped up by someone as well. Or at least I think that's the implication. Though 'Chernamaniacs' huh? Implying that some members of Paradigm are public figures? That's certainly different from the ones we've seen thus far.

Half the things Chernabog said went right over Yuna's head, but his belt crackled with orange energy at that last statement. She also noticed Leo looking intently at Chernabog's belt. Yuna doubted it was a coincidence, but it wasn't safe to look any deeper into the matter.

"First, Chernabog will smash ya! Hoo ha!" The machamp punched the air with his lower hands. "Then he'll punch a hole right back home to where his adoring crowd of Chernamaniacs is waiting!"

Nikki: "... I don't suppose that you can pull out a 'suddenly grow a hundred feet taller' power out of that freaky shadowblob mode that you've got, can you, Yuna?"

Yuna: "Trust me, if I knew how to, I'd be using it right now." O.O

So that was it. It wasn't a volcanic eruption. This meathead seriously thought he could punch his way out of the dimensional anomaly!

"Now then," Chernabog cracked his knuckles. "It's time for dirty traitors to smell what the champ is cooking! Ohhhh yeeeeee—"

Several bursts of pink energy slammed into Chernabog's pecs. He staggered backward, waving his arms around. Yuna looked up to see Gene and Widget emerging from a rift. The mewtwo slowly clapped.

Nikki: "Oh thank god. About time Gene and his boyfriend showed up."

"Nice makeover there, chumpion." Gene flashed a toothy grin. "But I think you're a bit turned around. The children's party in need of a clown is on the next island over."

"You!" Chernabog thumped his chest. "Of course, it all makes sense! The traitor and the rebel teaming up. History repeating itself with the ultimate heel combination!"

Yuna: "What on earth is a 'heel' again?"
Nikki: "Wrestling lingo. Basically a 'bad guy'. Even if I have to wonder what the hell this guy's definition of a 'face' would be."

The machamp jogged in place, his belt sparking with orange energy. "The champ's got only one thing to say to you, kitty cat."

Gene tilted his head in amusement. "And that is?"

Chernabog took a deep breath and bellowed, "Where ya gonna be... when Chernamania comes for thee!"

Wait, are they about to get dragged back to Chernabog's wrestling ring world or something?

The sky above Team Bastion suddenly darkened. Yuna looked up and yelped in surprise.

Dozens of giant orange fists threatened to smash them into the volcano.

Whelp, guess not. Have fun being on the receiving end of Asura's Wrath, guys.

GL Exploration Log: Malie City, Alola (Dimension POV-2409)
I've gone to a few Alolas already and always found them a bit unsettling with their dedication to solgaleo, lunala, and necrozma. I knew this one would be quite different from the start, since history-related stuff I found in Hoenn didn't talk much about this world's Groudon and Kyogre. It turns out that the two super-ancient pokémon waged a great war early on in the planet's history. Their clashes led to the formation of various continents, but eventually Rayquaza swooped in and ended their fighting. Kyogre's spirit dispersed into the oceans while its body sank into the dark underwater abyss. Groudon settled in what became Ula'ula Island, its body becoming the massive, but perpetually dormant Lanakila Volcano.

A bunch of Johto and Kanto immigrants filled out the island, though I'm not sure why they built their city so close to the volcano. Maybe its height lets them be closer to Rayquaza? Like draconids and Sky Pillars in dimensions where those are present.

Wait, is that based off actual Hawaiian mythology or something? Since something about this tale between Kyogre and Groudon sounds familiar, even if I can't place from why it sounds familiar to me.


>GL Exploration Log

So we're looking at one of Shane™️'s logs, huh? Though I wonder what the 'GL' stands for as an acronym in this case.

Path of Valor Almanac
Yuna's cry of "Vgeg zong" is a rough Enochian translation of "strong winds." Enochian is an occult language from sixteenth-century England that, according to creators John Dee and Edward Kelley, was constructed based on messages received from angels.

Huh. TIL, well that's certainly fitting for souping up a Rayquaza in that case.

Chernobog is an alleged Polabian Slavic deity that is classically known for being portrayed as a god of misfortune in Helmod's Chronicle. A variation of him appears in several Disney productions — most notably Fantasia, its sequel, and Kingdom Hearts — as a large, winged demon.

And there's the Chernobog blurb. There's a few other bits of info you could've shared, but eh. Not relevant to the depiction you rolled with in your story.

Alright, onto my final thoughts:

It's nice to have some focus on Team Bastion again, and things are heating up quite nice and fast on their front. I thought that the subplot between Seifer and Molayne was a nice touch, and it gave a chance to get into Seifer's head a bit more. Which I suppose is a sign that we'll be seeing more of him in the future. I'm honestly surprised at the way you continuously find new information to reveal about PoV's multiverse and its factions, and I honestly have to wonder how on earth you don't lose track of all of this internally. Even so, you do a good job at dripfeeding enough to keep most chapters feeling fresh and like we learned something new, so good job there.

I don't have too many complaints regarding this chapter, even if I kinda wonder if a couple details were cut a bit too close to the bone for how much attention was given to them for description and buildup. The fact that Widget has a Miraivally form that he can apparently shift into was the main offender, since there wasn't really any buildup to him being able to do that. He just gets mentioned offhandedly as having done it, and then we see him, and it makes me wonder if there was a better way of setting that up.

That said, I had fun with the package as a whole, and you definitely left things off on a note priming the audience to come back for more @Ambyssin . Dunno how long it'll take to catch up in full, but I'll be back for more PoV later this week.

Since hey, might as well see where these literal fisticuffs wind up going. :V

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
It was a bit touch and go putting this together, but I’ve finally got my next review together, so jumping in with the next chapter in my catchup:

Chapter 60

"You saw that, right?"

Molayne pressed his goggles against his face. "An emerald comet. It has to be Lord Rayquaza!" He tightly gripped Magnezone's railing. "He's here to save us from the eruption!"

It's not Rayquaza at all, I can already tell. Even if 'Lord Rayquaza' still made me double-take hearing that come from Molayne.

That was the most awake Molayne had sounded since Seifer met him. The keldeo bit his lip, however, when he thought about the rest of his team. It was far more likely Yuna had summoned their dimension's Rayquaza to take care of it.

Then again, hadn't he told them he didn't think there was anything he could do about it? What had changed so quickly?

Oh, Rayquaza is a BIG DEAL™️ in this setting, isn't it?

The remaining people waiting to evacuate broke into applause while Molayne directed them toward the boats with surprising vigor. Seifer continued staring at the volcano.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Yeah, Rayquaza being a BIG DEAL™️ officially confirmed when even the randos being evacuated are reacting like this.

"Keep us safe!" Yuna cried, pointing up. Rayquaza shot skyward, shrouding himself in emerald light. He charged through the closest orange fists, blowing them apart in a shower of red and green sparks before whipping his body around to face Chernabog.

Catchy music is catchy. You're a pretty effective marketer for the games you take these OST embeds from, you know that? :V

"Ha!" Chernabog stomped the ground. Stone Edge spires raced toward Yuna, Leo, and Nikki. She looked up, but Rayquaza was too far away.

"Nikki, look out!" Yuna took Leo off her head and held him tight while speeding away from the giant rocks.

Nikki: "Wait, huh? What's going-?"

"The hell do you exp—" Nikki started before a pink aura surrounded her and yanked her into the air. "Gah! No! No more flying!"

Nikki: "Would it have killed you to give some warning first?!" @.@

"Sheesh, that how you thank a cat for saving your ass?" Gene scoffed. Widget flew past him, electricity whirring around his cheek bolts. Chernabog saw the ensuing Thunderbolt coming and yanked up a chunk of the ground to wield like a shield.

"Figures you're cowardly enough to hide behind numbers," Chernabog growled, ripping the electrified rock in half and tossing one piece at Widget and another at the charging Rayquaza to force them both back. "But the champ can take you all down! The best defense... is a good offense! Hoo ha!"

Nikki: "Excuse me, but you're like a hundred meters tall right now. How on earth is taking you on with numbers not just basic sanity here?"

"Thou hast that backwards!" Rayquaza said, corkscrewing away from the electrified rock. Gene dropped Nikki back on the ground, then surrounded Chernabog with Psystrike orbs.

"You won't say that when I— hurrrgh!" Chernabog spread his arms out. Black energy coalesced through his fists. The mega machamp spun around like an oversized green top, batting Gene's Psystrike away before beelining toward Nikki.

... Wait, is he using Outrage there? Or else, what's the "green top" move that Chernabog's rocking there?

"Shit!" She backpedaled only to end up on her rear. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Rayquaza managed to swoop in and grab Nikki before Chernabog's Darkest Lariat would've blended her into a toxtricity smoothie. Yuna sighed in relief, however it proved fleeting when Chernabog didn't stop spinning. In fact, he spun so fast he rose into the air, threatening to chase after Rayquaza.

Ah, that explains it.

Yuna: "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." O.O;

"I-Impossible!" he cried.

"I'm gonna snap ya like a Slim Jim!" Chernabog roared from within his black tornado. The very air itself seemed to distort around him.

So those exist in this setting too, huh? :V

Gene shot lightning from his hands to no avail. Widget tried showering Chernabog in Thunder Wave sparks, but his spinning effortlessly turned them away.

Yuna tensed up. Much as she hated to do it, she needed to find those icky shadows and pull them out to help her friends. Come on. Please.

I... actually never realized that Yuna found her Bayo powers uncomfortable and/or unsettling based off her past depictions using them. Maybe it's just been a while since her earliest usages, but I swear I don't remember reading her regard them along these lines in the past.

The strange power responded. A quick tingle in her hands and Yuna instinctively punched the air. A large gray leg struck Chernabog, punching him in the opposite direction as his spinning. The machamp slowed down. Yuna silently cheered while watching him drift back toward safe footing atop the volcano.

Cue Chernabog zeroing his attention in on her over the Bayo-style Gira stomp.

Gene seized the opportunity to fire a pink Psybeam and push Chernabog back even further. The mewtwo quickly looked around. "Where's Nikki? We have to get her and Leo out of here."

"The hell?!" Nikki hissed, squirming in Rayquaza's small black arms. "You can't toss me aside like that! I'm—"

"A liability up here!" Gene growled, Malice Crystal sparking. "We can't fight this meathead if we have to worry about protecting you!" He threw open a rift behind him. "This isn't up for debate. Widget, go with them."


"What?!" The type: full's thruster jets sputtered briefly. "But I—"

"A hero protects those who need protecting, doesn't he?" Gene said, yellow-tipped tail lashing at the air.

Widget rubbed his forelegs together. "I guess."

Widget: "But wouldn't my abilities be better served fighting the giant Machamp of doom-?" Gene:

"Seriously?" Nikki continued struggling in Rayquaza's grasp. "Princess, say something! You can't let him do this to me!"

But a sudden roar from Chernabog brought the debate to a screeching halt. The sky filled with giant red fists yet again.

"Go! Now!" Gene hollered.

Whelp, guess Yuna's letting Widget carry Nikki off. Which barring her G-Maxing... is kinda called for, really.

All Yuna could offer Nikki was an attempt at an apologetic look before Gene's telekinesis flung her through the rift. Widget charged after her, carrying Leo on his back.

"Defend!" Yuna said, waving her right arm without even realizing it. Rayquaza coiled his body up and blasted the fists apart with a large Hyper Beam.

Yuna: "I hope she won't be too mad at me... though I wonder how Noctum and his team are doing right about now...?"

"What the—" Molayne struggled to steady himself atop Magnezone. "Something's going on up there. Rayquaza's fighting someone. Or something."

Molayne: "Also, don't know who this 'Noctum' is, but... yeah. You're gonna need to wait a bit longer to hear from him."

Seifer nodded silently. He recognized the giant fists. When was the last time he even used Dyna Fist? Against Xeromus? But when the keldeo used that move, it didn't flood the sky with them!

Ah yes, the power of Malice in action.

"We have to focus on finishing the evacuation," he said, trying to force his nerves down. "Jade, how are you holding up?"

"I'm okay!" the salugia chirped, spitting a couple of stems onto the ground by Seifer's feet. "These leppas are perfect pick-me-ups!"

Ah, PP restoration, clever tie-in there. But I suppose that for an item that would do that mechanically, that it'd only be logical that it'd translate into feeling more invigorated for a Pokémon.

"Right." Molayne shook his head. "If you can push yourself a bit more, this would be the last haul of people."

Jade nodded. The crowd was nothing more than about seventy people, however that was more than she'd carried before. She took a deep breath and smacked her face with her wings.

"Yeah. I've got this. One more load!" Jade crouched down and spread her wings out.

... Why am I getting the feeling that things are about to take a terrible turn from the way we're abruptly cutting from an otherwise normal evacuation scene here?

"Trimming down your numbers cuz you're scared of the champ won't save ya!" Chernabog flexed with his upper right arm while his other three yanked out chunks of the ground and hurled them through the air.

Chernabog: "Really, given that numbers was all you had going for ya, this sounds like an admission of defeat!"

Yuna flew into a rift and popped out next to Rayquaza. She grabbed one of his fins while he strafed around Chernabog to try and take a shot at his backside.

"Chernamania is panoramic!" the giga machamp shouted, kicking his right leg back and sending more rock shards careening toward them. Yuna swiped her right arm sideways. One of the shadowy legs shot out in front of Rayquaza and shattered the rocks into tiny pieces.

"Thou hast gained control over those strange shadowy limbs?" Rayquaza said.

Yuna: "I sure hope so, since otherwise there's decent odds that we're all going to die painfully and horribly in short order."

"I, uh, maybe?" Yuna said, vaguely recalling the times she had inexplicably used them against Runerigus and Exodes' barrier.

Gallian: "Thou aren't inspiring me with confidence, milady..."

"Pay attention!" Gene called while whipping up a Hurricane and sending harsh winds barreling toward Chernabog.

"A pincer attack, then," Rayquaza said. He whipped his tail forward and spun it around rapidly. His intense whirlwind and Gene's Hurricane had sandwiched Chernabog. He silently crouched down. Was he going to jump up? Did he even have the leg strength to go high enough to dodge both moves?

I mean, he's at least a hundred meters tall. Would you really be surprised if he couldn't jump up and dodge both moves, Yuna?

It didn't matter. Yuna couldn't give him that chance. "Rrrgh." The drakloak managed to pry her right arm off Rayquaza's back fin and slap the air. Inky shadows fizzled around her, then a giant gray leg hit Chernabog the moment he tried to jump.

"Grrraaaagh!" The mega machamp crashed back into the ground and both cyclones collided with him stuck in the center. Squeaking, Yuna pressed her face against Rayquaza. Thankfully, however, she didn't experience any whiplash.

Well played. Guess she is starting to get the hang of those things.

"Steel yourself, Princess," Rayquaza said, briefly glancing at her. "My Delta Stream means wayward winds shant touch you."

"R-Right." Yuna poked her head from behind Rayquaza. Those were two powerful flying-type moves. Maybe they were enough to take him down?


The volcano's rim shook. Yuna watched small cracks spread out below where Rayquaza floated and groaned. Of course it couldn't be that simple.

"You!" Chernabog was on his hands and knees, but distorted energy crackled around his belt.

Yeah, I knew it.

"Imagine a rebel fighting fair," Gene scoffed, unleashing a flurry of pink orbs. Rayquaza took the mewtwo's cue and whipped up another fierce whirlwind to pummel Chernabog from behind.

"No! Not... over... yet!"

IMO, this would've worked a bit better to have described Chernabog struggling a bit if the idea was that he's been getting worn down. I assume that's the intent from the delivery of his line, but it might have made sense to be a bit more explicit.

Chernabog stood up. His back arched violently. He pivoted sideways... and his belly split apart, revealing rows of jagged teeth that had no place in a giga machamp's stomach.

Yuna: "Oh god!"

Gallian: "Well that's an image that's going to stick around in mine nightmares..."

Yuna shrieked. Red, distorted tendrils emerged from Chernabog's new, gaping maw. They sliced through Gene's Psystrike and Rayquaza's winds. An eerie stillness settled over the volcano. Silence, save for the dripping of strange, orange fluid from Chernabog's gut.

Then the drakloak's vision flickered. Her Soul Dew burned against her ectoplasmic chest.
Yuna: "Oh, so even my Soul Dew found that disgusting and nauseating. T-Though Gene? Rayquaza? Are you two alright?"

"Are you really that surprised? It was only a matter of time before our paths crossed again... Yaldabaoth."

Yuna tensed up. That wasn't Reshiram's voice. Heck, it wasn't even a single voice. More like thousands talking inside her head in unison. But what did they mean? Did Chiron have some sort of second name?

Oh hey, it's Egil's mech from Xenoblade 1. Though what on earth compelled you to pick thatna-?

Yaldabaoth is a name of the Demiurge in Gnosticism, a lesser deity who is the creator of the physical world.


You wot m8.

"Yeah, not into cheap horror schlock," Gene said, more Psystrike orbs at the ready. "I prefer the meathead routine. At least then I get nice pecs to ogle."

"The champ doesn't quit!" Chernabog roared. He took a step back. "The champ will bring you all down!" His words lacked his earlier bravado. Instead they had an air of desperation about them.

I mean, if that name is remotely on-brand for Yuna and she's an out-and-out Demiurge... yeah, I'd be starting to sweat, too.

Gene hurled the Psystrike at Chernabog. The mega machamp flexed all four arms... and large orange chairs appeared in his hands. "By god, he's bringing out the steel chairs!" Chernabog said, swinging them around and batting a dumbstruck Gene's Psystrike away before tossing the energy chairs at the mewtwo as if they were strangely shaped Focus Blasts.

I audibly snerked here. PoV's ability to effortlessly glide between serious and absurd will never get old to me.

Rayquaza took the opportunity to fire another Hyper Beam, but Chernabog stood his ground. His stomach mouth opening even wider than before.

Yuna's ectoplasm rippled. Was Chernabog getting closer?

"Impossible!" Rayquaza spun around in the air. "He... he sucked up my Hyper Beam! He's trying to suck us up!"

Yuna: "He couldn't have just stomped over menacingly, could he?" O.O

Delta Stream wasn't helping them. Rayquaza made no headway attempting to escape the giant vortex forming in Chernabog's maw.

"You seek to bring your chaos to this world and drag it toward stagnation. Consider this intervention a righteous gift."

Wait, implying that Yuna is a dimensional outsider to Etherium? As in she originally wasn't aligned with Eternatus at all? I can't say that I ever saw that one coming. .-.

This was so not the time for another Xeromus-esque ominous voice to talk vaguely about fate. But was it claiming to be responsible for Chernabog's behavior? Didn't he work for Paradox?

"Do something, Rayquaza!" Yuna cried.

"I am... trying!" He sounded strained. And Yuna found her grip slipping fast. Maybe she could form a rift and have them fall into it? That would get them out of the way, sure, but it wouldn't stop Chernabog's rampage.

I don't suppose it'd be possible to yeet Chernabog through a rift, would it? Or at least his limbs, since I doubt rifts closing on them would be kind to them.

The cracks in the ground were getting deeper, too. At this rate, Chernabog would break through the volcanic rim. And if this was really the body of some ancient god, then...

"Relinquish the fight. Let my hands grab hold of this world to preserve it for eternity."

Wait, but if Yuna was a demiurge once upon a time, doesn't this imply that she was in a squabble with whoever this other figure is over creating a world? As in Etherium?i

No, she couldn't relinquish! Think, Yuna, think!

The second mouth formed from distortion. Distortion that came from the giga machamp's belt. A belt with a fist-shaped crystal. It had to have flooded him with extra fighting energy.

If Rayquaza's whirlwinds weren't enough, then she had to use the strongest technique at his disposal!

The crystal's this guy's weak point, isn't it?

Sucking in a sharp breath, Yuna thrust her hands into Rayquaza's back. "Let him suck us up! Charge at him with Dragon Ascent!"

"Art thou mad?!"

Yuna: "Maybe a little! But we don't have a lot of options right about now!"

"Do it!" Yuna cried. The shadows slipped into Rayquaza's back. He tensed up, then whirled around and charged toward Chernabog and the jagged rows of teeth peppering his second mouth. His tassels stiffened. Emerald energy blanketed his black, serpentine form.

The drakloak barely heard Gene's cry of, "What are you doing?!" as she and Rayquaza charged toward Chernabog.

Yuna: "Boy, I sure hope this works, since otherwise this story's going to end really, really abruptly."

Closer and closer. Yuna could make out each individual tooth. Jagged, serrated, and glowing the same color as the fist-shaped gem on the mega machamp's belt. That gave her some reassurance her thinking was on the right track, but the pitch black in the middle still frightened her.

She squeezed her eyes shut and dug her arms deeper into Rayquaza's back.

Oh, she still has more in her bag of tricks for souping up Gallian? Let's see what she does here...

One final roar from Chernabog, then silence followed.

No pain. No more fierce winds. Yuna wasn't sure if they were even moving anymore. She wasn't dead though. Though darkness surrounded them, Dragon Ascent's emerald sheen held firm.. Yuna's hands remained inside Rayquaza while she silently willed him to press on... even though there wasn't a clear on to press to.

"Such pitiable naivete, Yaldabaoth."

Oh well that music's ominous there.

Yuna: "Uh... yeah, this might have been a giant mistake." O.O
Gallian: "That's just now occurring to you?!" O_O;

The voice — voices? Yuna still wasn't sure — had followed them.

Something flickered ahead of the duo. A face? There was too much distortion to tell.

"You fight for nothing. This world's fate — like all others — has been affirmed. Only I can shape it to be part of something greater. You would cast it into stagnant oblivion."

- Fires up Wikipedia's entry on Yaldabaoth -

Um... yeah, that'd be pretty on-brand for a 'Yaldabaoth', even if Yuna doesn't give off vibes of wanting that. So wait, is this 'Monad' she's talking to right now? As in the figure that's supposed to be the higher diety?

"This isn't my world," Yuna countered. Shadows still trickled into Rayquaza's back from her arms. The Dragon Ascent charge continued, yet the distorted face didn't grow any closer.

"It's not too late to seize the power of choice presented to you. Surrender and allow your souls to pass to the Overworld. And soon after, you will bask in the glory of a reality defined by eternity."

Yeah, she's being spoken to by a 'Monad' here. Since this overall dynamic is consistent with Monad and Yaldabaoth from Gnosticism, even if this is a bit unusual in that the Demiurge of the pair isn't being played as the villainous one.

Still annoyingly vague. But the talk of choices and eternity brought Xeromus to mind, so the drakloak chose to shoot her shot.

"I take it you're Natus? The one who'll envelop everyone in his love?"

God, phrasing it like that sounded disgusting.

... I just realized that if Natus is meant to be a Monad and he appeared as Beta Arceus... then barring some sort of fakeout reveal, he really is the originator of everything in PoV's omniverse.

The face flickered briefly. Did its expression change? "If that is how you prefer to address me, I will not resist."

What a ridiculous non-answer!

"Fine," she said, then plunged the rest of her arms deeper into Rayquaza. "But like I said, this isn't my home, so it's not my choice to make. We're done here."

Bold of you to assume that you'll be able to just leave, Yuna.

Now the face was definitely getting closer. Yes, Rayquaza was making progress! They would bust out of this void and take the enemy down!

"Surely you realize this is but a vessel? I care not what becomes of it."

The face disappeared and then the darkness shattered as if it was a window Rayquaza had flown directly into.

Well that was creepy and ominous. Though let's see what on earth the darkness breaking did, since that can't have been good for Chernabog.

"The hell?!"

An emerald shockwave rippled through the sky. Nikki threw her right arm over her face. She couldn't believe this was happening. First Boss Kitty tossed her aside like a used napkin while Princess stood by and watched. Now it looked like the fight was ending and she had absolutely no clue what would happen. What if Boss Kitty and Princess got sent back home and the rest of them were stranded here?

Nikki: "Also, the hell is up with this background music right now?"

"Hey, Leo, where are you going?"

Nikki moved her arm and saw Widget flying after the fake dreepy, who was heading up the mountain. "Oi!" Her mohawk flared up. "Don't just leave me here!"

To save his mom, presumably. Since I'd assume that his Arceus powers give him a bead on wherever she's at at the moment.

Widget stopped. He looked between Nikki and Leo, who was getting further away. Sighing, he shot back down to the ground.

"Hurry. We've got to catch him." Widget pivoted to let Nikki climb aboard.

"This wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't get benched," the toxtricity growled.

She would have words for Princess... assuming they weren't too late.

I mean, the last line from Yuna's scene implied she was alright, but now I'm not so sure.

Rayquaza surged forward for a bit before Yuna realized magma bubbled far beneath them both and pulled her hands out of his back.

"Haah... haaargh..."

Rayquaza wheezed a couple of times. His mega evolution faded away in a faint rainbow shimmer, then his whole body dissolved back into Yuna's Soul Dew. The drakloak turned around and caught a quick glimpse of a machamp body with a giant hole through the midsection before it, too, dissolved away in streams of red and gray.

Yeah, I knew that that wouldn't be good for Chernabog. Guess we won't be seeing him again for a good while.

Gene was already heading toward the volcanic rim, because Chernabog had left two things behind: some sort of big red bug with massive, bulging, fluid-filled arms, and an orange, rectangular stone that dropped to the ground with a loud clang.

The moment it did, an orange beam shot toward the distortion hanging over the volcano, and bright white light flooded the area.

A Buzzwhole? Wait, so was that thing piloting Chernabog or something? Since it certainly had a conveniently timed appearance there.

It took all of ten seconds for Team Bureau to realize that Noctum didn't have the flying speed to keep up with Yiazmat and the pizza truck. Fortunately, Cyril had a backup plan in mind. The large metal pizza spinning on the roof of the truck opened up to reveal some sort of strange table-like device that the black charizard could lay down on. He stuck his head into a circular telescope and found himself looking at Eternatus Gunners flying ahead of them in the distance while the truck rumbled across the dirt on the side of the railroad track.

Oh, a turret, huh? Or at least I think that's a turret. And good choice of background music there.

"So, uh, tell me again what I'm supposed to do up here?" Noctum said. He didn't like the tight space around his head. It made him think of dark, rocky caves despite the lack of dark and rock.

"It's a super scope lens," Cyril said. "You can swivel around to aim yourself at enemies. Then fire off an attack like you're in a normal battle and the super scope will do the rest."

Noctum: "How in the hell does that-?"
Cyril: "Magic."
- Beat moment -
Noctum: "Wait, really-?"
Cyril: "No, not really! Look, just get scoping and shooting up there!" >_>;

Fire off an attack? Noctum found that easy for the cosmic zoroark to say. He wasn't the one with his head squeezed into the uncomfortable metal tube!

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. "How do I even aim?"

"Turn your head. Duh," Cyril replied. "If you need to aim way off to the side or behind us, then you turn your body, too."

Noctum: "... Wait, but what if someone comes and attacks from close quarters-?"

Cyril: "Noctum, turn and shoot already!"

Raising a brow, Noctum tried moving his head left. The aiming scope settled on an Eternatus Gunner flying with its long, tentacle legs undulating behind it.

Now he had to use an attack. Flamethrower was his best move. The black charizard still didn't feel right shooting fire with his head in such a tight tube, but managed to push through the displeasure. A quick burst of orange fire, then a bright flash, and suddenly Noctum saw the Gunner's glass dome shatter and the unown pilot free fall toward the ground alongside the remnants of its robotic body.

"Nice shot!" Cyril said. "Hurry, before they catch onto us."

Noctum: "I have no idea how on earth this is all even happening, but not gonna question it right now!"

Hurry, he says, Noctum mentally grumbled. Like he could magically rapid fire Flamethrowers at the drop of a hat. Perhaps small fireballs, instead? Quantity sounded more important, here.

That actually makes me wonder if the turret also amplifies attacks, since Noctum's Flamethrower did a lot more damage than I was expecting given how Pokémon from Etherium are canonically nerfed in terms of how strong their attacks are.

Noctum moved the scope and shot another fireball. He moved a bit right and fired again. Then a third, fourth, and fifth time. Five explosions rewarded his efforts, and it was at that point he saw a few of the Gunners realizing their numbers had thinned.

"Guuuuys, they're pointing at us," he said, tightening his grip on the strange table. Sure, there were buckles strapping him in, but one couldn't be too careful. "I think the element of surprise is gone!"

Yeah, looks like the thing does indeed amplify attacks, given that those cut-down fireballs also toasted Eternatus Gunners quite effectively.

"That's when we kick the afterburners on!" Cyril declared.

Noctum stiffened. "The afterwhatnow?"

Cue the loud Charizard screaming in 3... 2...

It turned out that meant going even faster. Noctum yelped, though the metal tube shielded him from the worst of the whiplash. He managed to refocus, only for the pizza truck to suddenly swerve left, then right. Noctum spun out atop the firing platform.

"Waaah! Hey, a little warning, please?"

"We're taking fire, dweeb," Valkyrie said. "Get it together and hit 'em back."

Noctum: "If it's really so easy, then why didn't you volunteer for this job?!" >.<
Valkyrie: "Because I'm not the one packing literal firepower here. Come on, Zardy, get it together."

Again, Noctum fought back the urge for a biting retort. Just trying to keep himself aiming straight with the car swerving through the dirt was proving a problem. He caught glimpses of blue darts streaking through the air and meeting brown clumps in midair. The Gunners' had their Hidden Powers tuned to ground-type, apparently.

Noctum tightened his gut muscles and dug his elbows and knees into the firing platform. That managed to stop the spinning. He trained the super scope ahead and shot three fireballs, downing one Eternatus Gunner while the other two managed to negate the fireballs with bursts of clay and dirt.

Noctum: "Cyril, you did build more than one of these things into the truck, right-?"

Cyril: "If I did, we'd be using them right now! Just focus on shooting those Gunners down!"

Ahead of him, Yiazmat rolled away from a couple of Hidden Powers and fired more dreepy-shaped purple energy blasts from her horns. The Gunner she aimed at couldn't get out of the way fast enough and blew up. Yiazmat pulled up to dodge the ensuing shrapnel. She was even faster than Noctum remembered. Had she been training while they were away?


Noctum: "... Your Highness, with all due respect, but how am I just finding out about these things from you? I literally served in your household since childhood!"

"Hey! No one said to stop firing!" Igneous growled through Noctum's X-transceiver. "We're not close enough to attack."

"Sorry." Noctum turned and shot a couple of fireballs, but the Gunner he aimed at dropped down and dodged the blasts. It was ready to strike back, when its glass dome suddenly shattered and the unown toppled out. A purple saucer flew by and Noctum watched it fire a white beam and destroy another Gunner.

"I see genesect!" Noctum shouted. "... I think?"

Noctum: "U-Um... they are friendly to us, right? O-Or at least not hostile?"

"Yeah, that's them, all right," Cyril said. "That means we're catching up. Keep your eyes peeled for the train."

The pizza truck swerved left, kicking up a wall of dirt and striking the side of the train track. Noctum gasped, his firing platform spinning wildly as Cyril turned right to try and steady the truck amidst all the dust clouds and fluttering grass blades in the air.

... Wait, so what happens if Noctum vomits into the turret? Since with the way he's spinning around, it feels like we're about to find out in short order.

Noctum thought he saw Hidden Power clay mounds careening toward him, but they burst apart into dust clouds. A gray blur rushed by.

"Hang in there, Noctum!" Yiazmat called back.

"Damn it! We can't zigzag like this forever," Igneous hissed. "We've got to do something. What are all these buttons back here for, huh?"

Cyril: "Hey! Don't touch those-!"

"Well, there's another super scope lens built into the right side," Cyril said. "But it's not exactly, y'know, finished yet. If you try to use it, you could fall out of the truck."

Valkyrie: "Isn't that why you're supposed to install these after you've got them completed?" >_>;
Cyril: "Hey! Less backseat driving and more help with those Gunners!" >:|

The black charizard regained his bearings, but the sight he trained his own super scope on had become a bevy of purple saucers and Eternatus Gunners lighting the sky up with white beams, clay balls... and Flamethrowers, to boot. Some of the Gunners must have been prepped with fire-typing instead.

Noctum gulped. What if he hit a genesect? He wasn't trying to get their attention turned on the pizza truck. Especially when he could actually see the train's caboose rattling on ahead. And quickly, at that. Igneous was right after all. This wasn't any ordinary freight train.

Noctum: "Gee, no pressure here."

"Val, wait! What are you doing?" the grovlazzle cried.

Ah, so that's who's going to be taking up the second turret, huh?

Loud clangs and whirred sounded to Noctum's right.

"Evening the odds a bit," the garchomp declared.

Valkyrie: "And Zardy, I know that you have that crush on me going on, but seriously. Zip it until we're done here." >:|

Next thing Noctum knew, a Dragon Pulse burst through the dusty air, destroying an Eternatus Trooper too preoccupied with flanking a genesect. The weird purple disc looked around. Noctum saw its red lightbulb-like eyes flash.

Noctum: "Valkyrie, why would you do that-?!"

A second Dragon Pulse punched a hole in the dust and took out another Gunner. Yiazmat's Dragon Darts struck a third one, allowing a genesect to easily blow it up. Like the first, that one stopped and trained its mechanical eyes on the dragapult, which flickered with red light.

Suddenly, three genesect broke off their pursuit of Eternatus Gunners and beelined for the pizza truck. "Oh no!" Noctum squeezed his elbows and knees tighter against the firing platform. "They're mad at us!"

Valkyrie: "Yeah, I can see that! Open fire already!"

"Then I'll get rid of 'em, too," Valkyrie said. A Dragon Pulse headed for one of the genesect, but it proved much faster than the Eternatus Gunners, easily veering out of the way. Its two buddies shot white beams, with one missing the pizza truck to the right and the other striking right at the head.

"Gah!" Cyril yelped. The truck swerved light and right from the zoroark's attempts to stop it from spinning out.

Noctum: "Val, this is why we're supposed to talk these things through!" >.<

Noctum's head banged against the top of the super scope, then his whole world was spinning. "Agggh!" The black charizard felt his Malice Crystal stirring in his gut. Likely keeping him from getting nauseous, for better or worse. "This is a bad idea! We should get out of here!"

"And let them win?" Valkyrie hissed. "Fat chance!"

"They're still firing on us!"
Igneous shouted.

Noctum: "I dunno, letting them win doesn't sound so bad compared to dying-"

Valkyrie: "Noctum, if we give up, a whole lot of Pokémon are going to die from that train. We're not backing down, alright?!"

Dragon Darts and a Dragon Pulse met the genesect's white energy blasts and stalemated them. Noctum stopped spinning long enough to shoot a Flamethrower through the super scope. It scorched the genesect closest to the pizza track. Though it wasn't destroyed, it careened toward the ground, giving the truck more than enough time to pass it up.

They had made up more ground thanks to the genesect matching the Eternatus Gunners' firepower. Though the dirt filling the air didn't hurt, either, even if it reduced visibility a bit. Noctum could see silhouettes. That was all he needed to send out a few fireballs while Valkyrie's bursts of dragonfire peppered the dusty air with blue-purple sparks and embers.

Valkyrie: "Cyril, would it have killed you to implement infrared vision on these things?!" >_>;
Cyril: "Didn't have time! Look, whatever you're doing up there, just keep it up!"

A volley of white beams and clay Hidden Power lumps emerged in response. Cyril swerved right, then left.



Noctum was spinning again. He caught the faintest glimpse of Igneous grabbing Valkyrie to keep the garchomp from falling off her firing platform.

Ah, we're going to see Protective!Noctum in action shortly, aren't we?

"Hang on!" Cyril shouted.

"What now?" Igneous groaned.

Noctum wildly shot out fireballs. Cyril had banked hard toward the rail tracks. The pizza truck hit the side and launched into the air, propelled further ahead by the roaring thrusters.

"Seriously?!" Noctum hollered.

Noctum: "Cyril, please tell me you built a flying mode of some sort into this thing!" O.O

"Seize the opening!" Yiazmat declared. Dragon Darts peppered the air, striking multiple Gunners and genesect. Noctum spat out several fireballs, destroying the damaged Gunners and at least grounding the genesect units.

The pizza truck landed on the opposite side of the tracks with a heavy thud. Noctum's head again slammed against the top of the super scope lens. The black charizard blinked the stars out of his vision to find the truck had come even with some of the train's rear cars.

Noctum: "Whelp, no flying mode. Yay me."

"We... we caught up?" Noctum laughed nervously. "We caught up! We—"

Why did the air around him feel dryer? And colder?

Noctum: "... Oh that's not good."

"Something's happening atop the train!" Yiazmat cried, darting away from the truck.

Noctum caught a flash of blue and white... then a tremendous spear-shaped icicle beelining right for them!

Oh, it's Shimmer moonlighting for Glastrier, isn't it?

Instinct took hold and he exhaled as many flames as he could through the super scope lens. Valkyrie added a Dragon Pulse of her own. For a moment, it looked like it wouldn't be enough, but a second gout of fire emerged and broke through. Ice chunks peppered the ground and tracks, forcing Cyril to swerve the pizza truck through them.

"What the hell was that?" Igneous said. "My flames could actually reach it, but..."

"It was no genesect,"
Cyril said. "Cid, you getting anything with that Dyna Scan of yours?"

It's totally Shimmer, isn't it?

Silence at first. Another blue-white flash popped up. Cyril slowed the truck down enough for the train to fully pass by, then jumped the train tracks yet again. Noctum focused his cover fire behind the truck this time, managing to peg a few Gunners with fireballs.

"Someone's atop the train," Cid said. "It's an icy aura. But I've never felt one like this before!"

"Gee, that's reassuring!"
Valkyrie scoffed. "Did Xeromus leave us an extra surprise knowing we'd give chase?"

My money's more on Dermezel, but I suppose we'll find out what we're dealing with in about 3 paragraphs.

"I don't know, but speaking of surprises, you guys might want to think about evacuating," Cid said, voice getting more nervous with every word.

"Why? We're already so damn close," Igneous said.

Noctum was in the process of turning back to face the train when sudden bursts of warm air peppered his tail and flank. Yelping, the charizard turned back to find the air behind the truck lighting up orange with five-pronged Fire Blast explosions. Molten genesect shrapnel rained down on the dirt and tracks. And out of the smoke appeared three large, mechanical hydreigon heads, followed by the rest of its huge metal torso.

Oh, well that's not Shimmer. Nevermind then. I was wondering when we'd see that Iron Jugulis again.

"G-G..." The black charizard swallowed hard. "Giant hydreigon robot!"

Cid tittered through the X-transceiver. "That's why."

Valkyrie: "Um... yeah, I'm starting to think that we should probably just write off those other Pokémon right about now."

~Il Paradigma, No. XI: Chernabog, the Strength~
Unparalleled in his muscular might, he earned the trust of the Matriarch through his relentless, no-holds-barred fighting style, dispatching foe after foe without the need for breaks. His burning spirit persisted even after his body gave out from old age, hopping from muscular host to muscular host to fight for the pride of the Benefactor's loyal followers.

Oh, well that would explain the Buzzwhole we saw back there after the Mega Machamp bit it.

ADDENDUM: With Paradox's rise to power, he was dispatched on fewer assignments. Ever restless, he kept himself occupied through highly-publicized show fights, earning him scores of adoring fans through the many generations of the Benefactor's confinement.

And that explains his fanbase. So wait, does that mean that in his spare time, Baptiste had his art displayed in galleries or something?

Path of Valor Almanac
Strength is, depending on the deck, either the eighth or, more commonly, eleventh card in the Major Arcana. It is thought to represent power, energy, action, and complete success. It has also been referred to as Fortitude, one of the cardinal virtues of classical philosophy. Hence the use of its Latin form, Fortitutdo, in the chapter title.

>no mention of Yaldabaoth in the almanac

Okay, now I'm convinced that that name wasn't chosen just for flavor reasons, since those are massive implications regarding Yuna, the voice she spoke to, and where this plot's going if it was remotely related to who she actually is.

Alright, time for the recap:

I... honestly have no idea how you're going to escalate this story even further beyond what you already have. Though I suppose that I should keep an open mind, since it isn't the first time that I've asked myself that in PoV. I thought that you had a nice mix of action this chapter, while the types of action involved were different enough to make both the Team Bastion and Team Bureau segments feel fresh with each other.

As for complaints... there were a couple parts where there could've been a bit more description to work with, but I honestly was too busy having fun and picking my jaw up off the floor from those reveals surrounding Yuna, so yeah. Beyond a couple minor touch-ups, there's not a lot I'd recommend for changes.

Good work @Ambyssin . Unsure if I'll get the opportunity to grind out another chapter before the next one launches this Saturday, but I can already tell that the next couple are going to be wild, and I'm looking forward to them.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, gonna try and do something different tonight and try and jam out another chapter of my PoV catchup before tomorrow’s bump, so in light of the mother of all serial escalations last time, let's see how things shake out in:

Chapter 61

Phenomenal affirmation.

It's a phrase I've heard a couple of times across some of the dimensions I've visited. Still don't quite get it. Sounds like a whacky concept where someone can, like, manipulate fate itself. Like it's something a person can mold and shape.

Oh, so Dimensional Scream / that one battle mechanic of XB1, huh?

Completely stupid, if you ask me. Fate isn't clay you toss into a kiln or anything. Even the dimensions involving heroes who stopped incarnations of the Bittercold and have those weird Worldcores only had the human heroes give themselves the power to travel between specific worlds. That's giving yourself a special power, not manipulating fate.

... Right?

Can't hear you over Mechanical Rhythm blaring in the background, doubter of the mallebility of fate. Though I see we're mentioning canonical PMD worlds now, makes me wonder if we're going to see one of those in some capacity in this chapter in that case.

This was bad— no, worse than bad! They struggled enough with the Seekerskorch, but now they were stuck on a pizza truck chasing after a train.

Well that's some ominous crisis music there.

"Scarlett, are you there?" Noctum said. He couldn't remember if the dragonair kept her X-transceiver on. "We have another giant robot situatioooooooon!"

The black charizard's last word got drawn out when a blast struck the back of the pizza truck, knocking it briefly into the air. Noctum tried shooting a Flamethrower at the robot, but its left head blocked the strike with a well-aimed Dark Pulse.

Scarlett: "... Wait, why are you calling me now of all times when you didn't say 'boo' up to this point?"

Noctum: "Look, we're about to be eaten by a giant robot Hydreigon, okay?!"

"What are you hitting up Scarlett for?" Valkyrie growled. "You're not in a position to wormhole her here."

It was true. They were moving too fast. A rift would just drop Scarlett behind them and leave her at the mercy of the robot hydreigon.

"Well, I'm open to any ideas!"

He shot fireballs at some of the Gunners, but again Dark Pulses from the robot brought a stop to his attack. Noctum didn't even have time to sigh his frustration, as the pizza truck suddenly swerved toward the train tracks and took off over them. Ice crystals peppered the ground where the truck had been seconds ago.

Would recommend hacking up your last paragraph in this section.

Noctum: "Oh this amount of stress over nearly dying can't possibly be good for my stomach lining."

"Damn it! We can't keep going like this!" Cyril hissed. And Noctum agreed. Attacks from two sides would bring them down in an instant.

"Are you going to slow down and take your chances with the robot?" Valkyrie scoffed.

"Iron Jugulis," Cid cut in.


"It's what my Dyna Scan is telling me," Cid elaborated.

Valkyrie: "Seriously, Cid?! Get your priorities straight right now!" >.<

"Whatever!" Cyril said. "No, I'm not taking my chances with the robot! We'll have to go faster!"

"Faster?!" Noctum sputtered, and indeed the wind grew even fiercer against his snout. The black charizard couldn't stop himself from snorting up dust particles. "Oh no..."

Oh, so this is the part where we get an answer to what happens when you vomit into the Super Scope, huh?

Hold it. Fight it. Not in the super scope lens. He couldn't afford to—


Noctum didn't realize what direction he was facing until the super scope filled the air with orange flames... and yellow snot.

Oh, so it literally magnifies anything that goes into it. I can already tell that there's going to be some even ickier projectiles flying around later on.

Team Bureau: "..."

Noctum: "Look, can we not get so hung up about literally fighting dirty and please just focus on downing the giant robot that's trying to kill us?!" >_>;

"Agh!" An Eternatus Gunner sputtered in midair. "I'm hit! Someone get me a squeegee! The rebels are bathing me in lizard germs!"

"I'm a dragon!" the charizard squeaked in protest.

Oh, so this is where that bit you previewed a couple months ago came from. o<o

Iron Jugulis wasn't the least bit phased by the Gunner's plight. Its mechanical heads glowed bright white... only to stop suddenly when the snot-covered Gunner crashed into its torso. Jugulis' metal heads flickered and it lost a bit of altitude before it managed to regain itself and resume its charging.

"Guys, I think I know how we can stop this thing!" Noctum said, trying not to lose control of the firing platform in his excitement. "We've gotta knock the smaller guys into the big guy!"

Oh hey, I remember a few boss fights cut from that mold in games. So it's going to be one of those, huh?

The pizza truck sharply cut away from the railroad tracks. Cold air rushed past Noctum and the super scope.

"Easier said than done, dweeb," Valkyrie growled. "We're taking fire from both sides!"

"Can't Noctum open a rift back to Casaroja?" Cid suggested. "I think you've done all you can there."

Noctum: "Wait, but aren't a bunch of Pokémon going to die if we don't stop this thing-?" ._.;
Cid: "You're going to die if you don't get out of that line of fire. Stat!"

Noctum saw Iron Jugulis' heads glowing again. "Left! No, right!" he yelped. "Your right, my left!"

Cyril banked the pizza truck back toward the train tracks and avoided the huge Hyper Beam that scored the ground where it had previously been.

"All right, that's enough," Igneous hissed. "I'm putting a stop to this stupid sandwich."

Not convinced it's going to be anywhere near that easy, Igneous. But let's see how things shake out.

"Ow! Hey, what are you doing?!" Valkyrie said.

Noctum spun the firing platform around in time to see Igneous' volcarona wings appear in bursts of orange fire. He flew toward the train while Yiazmat covered him, distracting a couple of genesect with Flamethrowers shot from her horns.

Noctum: "... Please tell me you know what you're doing here, Chiaki."

This was dumb. This was reckless. The same recklessness that cost Igneous so much. But he couldn't leave. Not if the cloud daemon was on the train.

Igneous: "♫ Move fast, baby don't be slow~ Step aside, reload, time to go- ♫"
- Igneous shakes his head and ducks a beam of doom - Igneous: "Right, stay focused
Igneous. (Also, I guess the soundtrack would probably be more Yuna's thing, huh?)"

He rolled away from an Ice Beam. Finally, the grovlazzle was close enough to see a silhouette on the roof, closer to the front of the train. Had the cloud daemon conjured it? Was it some new monster working with Xeromus?


Another Ice Beam. Igneous retaliated with a Flamethrower, then used the resulting steam to drift left in the air.

But the figure's aim held true. This time it was a Psybeam. Igneous dipped underneath it. He focused on his fiery wings. Bursts of orange and red sparks propelled him further, toward someone vaguely... ponyta-ish.

Oh, so Shimmer is here after all. That's going to lead to some fireworks if Igneous puts two and two together.

"I don't know what you are!"

The Psybeam headed right for him. Igneous rolled right. He was over the train now, only a car away from someone who certainly sounded like Shimmer. But the flowing white hair and nine, snow-white tails were wrong.

"But I won't let you disrupt this shipment! My people need these supplies!"

Shimmer: "Because I am Shimmer? I realize that I've gotten a bit of a makeover, but it's not that hard for a peasant to recognize his rightful prince, is it?"

Igneous: "... Wait, how in the actual-?"

My people? It really was Shimmer, then? And this idiot thinks we're trying to attack the train!

"Wait!" the grovlazzle shouted, swooping in for a landing. A Psybeam whizzed over his head seconds later. "This is a misunderstanding!"

Ah yes, that'll stop him. Since Shimmer has just displayed the finest mind for diplomacy over the whole run of this story thus far.

"Misunderstanding?" Shimmer pointed his larger horn at Igneous' head. "Your little ensemble isn't blasting my guards out of the sky while those funny little machines keep them distracted?"

"No!" Igneous waved his arms in front of his face. "Those aren't ours!"

"And the big movie prop?" Shimmer pointed his right foreleg forward.

Igneous: "Right. What is that thing up to right now anyways-?"

Noctum chewed on his dragon comment for all of a second after Igneous flew off. He focused on the Malice Crystal and let its energy wash over him. Even in the confines of the super scope lens, he was able to mega evolve. The next Flamethrower was much larger, striking a genesect and knocking it into Iron Jugulis' central neck. It whipped back, electronic face dimming.
... He can do that?

I mean, on one level, I suppose that he, Val, and Nikki did train for this, but it still might have been more interesting to get in Noctum's head to see more of the transformation process.

"It's working!" the mega charizard chirped, flapping his jagged wings briefly. "Val, if you mega evolve, your attacks should be strong enough to blast the little bots into the big one!"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Valkyrie snorted. "It's like playing billiards. Except garchomp can't hold pool cues."

Noctum: "I just kinda assumed that you all used your claws as the pool cues, really." ^^;

"Not ours, either!" Igneous growled, leafy tails crackling with embers. "It's from inside Eternatus, like the smaller guys your troops are fighting."

"As opposed to you and your... weird piplup machine?" Pink light glistened around Shimmer's horn. "You look like you wandered right out of the distortion."

Igneous: "Look, we didn't alright?! ... Mostly. Cyril and the truck don't count."

"Says the pot to the kettle," Igneous countered. He would've continued, but he got the sense Shimmer didn't recognize him. And he wasn't about to give himself away. "What's with the bad ice ninetales cosplay?"

Shimmer shot a Psybeam in response. Igneous flopped to his belly, but the pink beam grazed his tails. He dug his claws into the metallic roof, resisting the urge to hiss.

"I'm doing what's necessary for my people. For my kingdom."


Shimmer: "Okay, now I'm really gonna stomp you into the ground now!"

"Right! No, left! Sorry!"

Noctum squeezed the firing platform tightly while the pizza truck sharply banked and dodged an intense burst of wind from Iron Jugulis.

"I have rearview mirrors, you know!" Cyril barked. "I don't need you giving me directions when you're facing the other way!"

Noctum: "O-Oog... this wild swerving can't be good for my stomach." @.@

The mega charizard didn't know what that meant, but chose to fire at an Eternatus Gunner. His Flamethrower struck true, but Iron Jugulis had gotten wise to his strategy. It pulled its right head out of the way. More Dark Pulses shot toward them. Noctum shot large blue fireballs at them. Yiazmat added Dragon Darts and that proved enough.

"What do you rebels think you're doing?"

It was Paradox's voice. Coming out of Iron Jugulis' head— no, heads.

Noctum: "That is just a voice recording, right?"

"Why are you attacking a supply convoy?!" Yiazmat said, shooting Dragon Darts at an Eternatus Gunner who had its blasters trained on her.

"I'm doing what I can to free the Benefactor from its confinement."

Cyril: "Okay, yeah, now we really need to shoot that thing out of the sky!"

"No you're not!" the dragapult growled. "You're hurting innocent people!"

"Stop talking to the robot," Cyril hissed. "Radar says we're less than five minutes out from the bridge!"

Noctum: "Oh joy. No pressure at all here." O_O;

"Listen to me!" Igneous hissed, scrambling to his feet. "None of us want to stop the convoy. We're trying to keep it safe... and stop you from making a big mistake!"

Psychic energy gathered around Shimmer's horn again. "Explain yourself."

He couldn't belittle Shimmer. Even though the ponyta was psychic and should have sensed that cloud daemon on board the train.

I mean, you could always do it anyways. I mean, sure it'd turn out terribly, but you can't say that Shimmer doesn't need a stiff smack in the face by reality here.

"There's a stowaway on the train," the grovlazzle said. "A very powerful Phantom. And if you let the train make it to Venish as is, then that Phantom will wreak more havoc upon the city." He slowly held his hands up. "Is that what's necessary for your people?"

Cue the reflexive "lies!" reaction and the two coming to blows because it's Shimmer and that just feels like it'd be so on-brand for him.


Noctum's head banged against the right part of the super scope lens as the pizza truck spun out again. The air grew choppy all around him. He instinctively curled his tail up by his side.

It didn't make any sense. If Iron Jugulis was based on hydreigon, why wasn't it using Dragon Pulses or raining Draco Meteors from the sky? That would have been a surefire way to really wreck the truck.

... Tera typing? Otherwise I'm not sure myself, since now that I'm looking at it, Iron Jugulis doesn't learn Ice attacks normally.

"Noctum, what are you doing?" Valkyrie snarled. "Keep firing!"

"Sorry!" the mega charizard squeaked. He spat fireballs as soon as Cyril got the pizza truck under control. But clumps of earth white beams snuffed out his attacks.

Noctum: "Seriously, something's wrong here! I'm not sure if that thing can be fought like a-!" O_O;
Valkyrie: "Less yacking, more shooting!"

"Stubborn little pests, aren't you?" Paradox scoffed. "You understand you're nothing, right? Your feeble little acts are worthless!"

Harsh wind blades raced toward the pizza truck. Despite Cyril's attempts at swerving, the pizza truck suddenly buckled. Noctum's horns banged against the top of the super scope.

Noctum: "O-Oog..."

"Gah! What happened?!" He tightly gripped the firing platform while the pizza truck spun out. Spun out and slowed down.

"Damn it! He got a rear wheel!" Cyril growled.

Ah yes, this is going to do wonders for Noctum's ability to keep his lunch down, I can already tell.

Igneous glanced over his shoulder. "Well?" He kept his arms held up to try and signal he wasn't a threat. "Train's getting close to a bridge. If that thing fires on the train when it's going across the bridge, then you'll lose all the supplies and everything will crash down on the village there."

Igneous: "For crying out loud, Shimmer. I'm trying to be diplomatic here! What's it going to take to get this through your head?!" >_>;

Shimmer briefly pivoted, then looked back at Igneous. His horn flickered. Uncertainty was sprawled across his face.

Harsh winds whipped up a dozen meters away from the caboose. Igneous' wings reflexively flared to life. He was about to turn and head back to help deal with Iron Jugulis. There was no other option for him. Killer robot trumped clouds sitting in the train doing nothing.

"You're right."

That... doesn't sound like Igneous convinced him about the Phantom in the train at all.

Igneous froze. Shimmer was agreeing with him? Great! Then they could—

The icy pontya's eyes glowed blue. "But I can handle this myself."

Of course.

Next thing the grovlazzle knew, something invisible had yanked him into the air... and flung him off the side of the train!

The moving ground rushed up to meet Igneous. Then flames erupted from his wings, steadying him. He flew beside the train and grabbed hold, digging his claws into the metal train wall and clinging for dear life. There was no point calling for Shimmer, since he was probably the one who tossed Igneous off the train.

Igneous: "I swear to god, of all the thickheaded, stupid stuck-ups that could've made it out of Venish in one piece, it just had to be him." >.<

Igneous concentrated on the strange flames crackling along his back. In a red-orange fwoosh the empty honedge appeared beside him... and slammed into the wall in front of Igneous. It punctured through the metal and, at Igneous' command, dragged itself down until it had managed to carved out a hole for Igneous to dive into.

This better wor—

I mean, the very fact that your thoughts get cut off isn't exactly a great omen, Igneous.


Berry juice and wooden splinters covered Igneous from head to tails. He had tossed himself through a supply crate. A crate of sitrus, judging by the smell. He was inside the train. Sticky, but inside the train and sitting on a pile of unbroken crates.

Well hey, on the positive side, healing from injuries ought to be fairly convenient.

The grovlazzle looked around. No cloud monster. Wrong car, then. And this was a freight train, so there wouldn't be connections between the cars like on a passenger train. Delightful. He looked right, then left. Nothing but stacked crates and a single narrow space in the center of the car.

Do I go forward or back?

IMO this is another bit that would work better as multiple paragraphs.

Igneous: "Boy, nobody could've thought of putting warning signs on the car with the big Phantom of Doom, huh?" ._.

Igneous flipped a mental coin and landed on forward. He summoned the honedge and it sliced a pair of holes leading to the next car. Fortunately, no supplies spilled out of it. There must have been a traversable part in the center there, too.

He dove through the holes without a second thought.


The pizza truck had a hover mode. Because of course it did. Cyril had turned it on and took the truck airborne before it totally wiped out. That didn't stop Iron Jugulis, though. It quickly trained all three heads on the truck and blasted Dark Pulses at it.

"Sheesh!" Cyril banked hard left to dodge the black beams. "Machine or not, the thing it's based on isn't supposed to be able to have the three heads operating independently. We've got to be missing something!"

Paradox made upgrades to it that didn't show up on the Dyna Scan? I mean, that'd be one potential explanation that I can think of.

"Ice coming in!" Valkyrie cried.

The pizza truck slowed and veered even harder to the left, practically going sideways. Noctum managed to stop himself from rotating around and saw a huge ice lance fly through the air. A couple of Eternatus Gunners tried to stop it, but got wrecked for their troubles. Iron Jugulis trained its middle and left heads on the lance, but was too slow to react. The lance struck the left head, encasing it in ice. The ice spread down its mechanical neck... and that's when Noctum caught what they'd been missing.

"The little heads aren't connected," he said. "Guys, the smaller heads aren't connected! They're functioning independently!"

... Huh. Somehow I never noticed that about Iron Jugulis' creature design, though I suppose that this means that Hydreigon in PoV-verse can't stagger attacks with their respective heads? Or is the idea that Iron Jugulis' heads can each use different attacks at once that aren't the parts of Tri Attack?

"What?" Cyril said. "So they're drones, then?"

"Doesn't matter what they are!" Valkyrie growled. A super scope-boosted Dragon Pulse lit the air up bright blue and purple. It struck the frozen Jugulis head and shattered it.

Cyril: "Well, that's one less problem to worry about. Keep it up!"

"Hey, that worked!" the mega charizard cheered, only to yelp from a sudden volley of Hidden Power fire. Noctum spat fireballs to counter as many as he could, but a few hit the back of the pizza truck and made it spin out in midair.

"You really think you rebels can keep this up?" Paradox sneered. "I've got you outgunned and outmuscled. Stand down and your deaths will be quick and... minimally painful."

>quick and minimally painful

Yeah, no. I'm not buying that one, Paradox. Especially with that midsentence hesitation.

But the air chilled again and an even larger ice lance headed for Iron Jugulis.

Paradox: "Huh?! What on earth-?!"

Igneous hardly had a chance to roll up to his feet and get a sense of his surroundings when he was back on his knees. His vision flickered and his ear frills rang. God, were his insides rattling? It was like someone had stuck a blender in his torso and set it to frappe.

Breathe. In. Out. Was the air getting thinner?


... This is happening at the same time as Yuna's encounter inside of Chernabog, isn't it?

"W... what?"

Gibberish. The grovlazzle was hearing gibberish... in the ringing.

Blink. Breathe. This was the cloud daemon's doing, wasn't it?

inb4 it's not and it's really Ahsen exerting influence on Igneous right now.

He looked over the top floor of a massive tower while an armored lucario charged a red Aura Sphere. The trembling ice vulpix looked at an unconscious Xeromus-like creature with its tails frazzling in panic.

Ah yes, the AU!Guiding Light visions return.

"Nnngh." Igneous grabbed his head. Another vision? Like when that damn fire butterfree went inside of him? "Stop," he rasped. "Go away! Go... away!"

The ringing only intensified, as did the pressure on his head. No... in his head?

"Punarjanm. Punarjanm."

... I just realized that that's the Hindi 'rebirth / reincarnation' tagline from the fight with Rakman. So we're about to have another Whisper come barging in right now, huh?

A woman in a lab coat stood in front of him, blonde hair obscuring part of her face. She gestured to him proudly while a group of humans stared at him. Tourists, maybe? But there were machines and computers around them!

Wait, is this that part of GL's backstory regarding what its PMD world used to be?

Igneous managed to grab his head with his hands and shake it. He had to find that fiery power. Fight past the rattling and ringing. Fight, damn it!

"Sach punarjanm sach."

>true reincarnation

If it's of a goddess specifically, then I suppose we SMT nao.

Louder and louder. The ringing wouldn't stop. It just. Wouldn't. Stop.

Find the fire. Find the fire. The stupid powers kept popping up when the grovlazzle didn't want them, so why couldn't he get them now?

A giant moon bat burst forth from a pile of rubble with a great twister resembling Rayquaza. The machamp standing in front of him shrank back, arms ready to grapple.

Ah, so there was a reason why Chernabog addressed Yuna with such familiarity. It wasn't the first time that they threw down with each other.

"Stop it!"

Amidst the rumbling in his torso, Igneous found the spark and grasped it. The flickering in his vision faded as Honedge appeared in a gout of orange fire. Igneous hurled it forward. It went right through the wispy, yellow cloud creature in front of him, but struck the far wall. Igneous hastily flicked his wrist and Honedge carved a hole.

Igneous: "... Oh that ain't good."

"Sach. Saaach!"

The cloud tried inching toward Igneous, but the rushing forward of the train sent it drifting back toward the newly-made hole in the wall. Cloudy tendrils tried to clasp some of the supply crates, but all they did was phase right through them. The cloud daemon slipped through the hole and vanished.

Igneous: "... Um, yeah. I think that I might've just made everything significantly worse right now."

Igneous waited one moment, breathing heavily. He stumbled to the hole as Honedge vanished. He glanced out the hole. The cloud daemon was nothing but a wispy puddle on the dusty ground.

The grovlazzle slumped over, sighing in relief. "It's done," he wheezed. "The cloud monster... is off the train."

Again, that's not necessarily a good thing, Igneous.

Silence. Igneous slowly slid his right hand up to his head and pressed against the X-transceiver. "Guys, did you hear me?"

Igneous: "Come on, guys. This isn't funny!"

Iron Jugulis broke through the giant lance, but it wasn't long before another one headed straight for it. That, too, however, didn't reach the machine.

"If that's really Shimmer up there, I can't believe he's actually doing something useful!" Valkyrie said.

Oh, so Shimmer gets Bayo background music too, huh? Can't tell if that was done just because, or if it's pointing at something deeper with him there.

Noctum was more preoccupied with how strong the attacks were. Was this the power that Radiant nobility held? It concerned the mega charizard.

"Help him, then," Cyril barked. "We're less than a minute out from the bridge!"

Noctum: "H-Hang on! I'm still a bit shaken up from all those spinouts from earlier-!"

Valkyrie: "Do it faster, Zardy!"

Noctum and Valkyrie focused their combined firepower on the machine. Eternatus Gunners raced to try and protect it, but they got swept away by genesect.

"Foolishness!" Paradox sneered. "This armor is the finest we can craft. You got one lucky shot in, but it's not happening again, you filthy rebels!"

Narrator: "It will absolutely happen again."

Iron Jugulis filled the air with a bevy of Air Slash crescents.


Several peppered the pizza truck and Cyril growled, trying to keep it steady in midair. Noctum managed to hold his position and spewed as much fire as he could through the super scope. It didn't strike Iron Jugulis, but instead hit another one of the giant ice lances, which burst apart in a sudden steam eruption.

"What the—"

Sure hope you invested in waterproofing for that thing, Paradox.

Still hearing nothing, Igneous climbed out of the hole and onto the train roof just in time to see the giant mecha hydreigon crash into the ground while Shimmer conjured a pink shield to keep him safe from a sudden onslaught of hot air.

Igneous: "... Whelp, guess we won't be seeing that thing again."

Smiling, Igneous jumped off from the roof. His fiery wings appeared and carried him back in the direction of the pizza truck, which was slowing up as it drifted down to land next to the train tracks. The genesect headed back toward the train. Igneous sucked in a breath, expecting to have to do evasive maneuvers, but the genesect flew right past him.

"Guys?" Igneous said, again pressing the X-transceiver tighter against the side of his head.

"Thank heavens, that thing's down!" Cyril whooped. "And the stupid Troopers are running for the hills. Mission accomplished!"

... But didn't you just turn a crazy-powerful Phantom loose into the countryside?

It didn't take long for Igneous to see the cosmic zoroark sliding out of the pizza truck and stretching out his arms. Valkyrie hopped off the other side of the truck and waved Igneous down.

"You got the cloud monster?" the garchomp called.

"I did!" Igneous closed the distance with the pizza truck. His volcarona wings evaporated in orange streaks and embers. He landed by the front of the truck and stumbled toward Valkyrie.

"It's, uh..." The grovlazzle looked over his shoulder. Dust still littered the air, but he saw no signs of the cloud daemon. "It's nothing but a little puddle somewhere out there." He vaguely gestured with his right arm.

Valkyrie: "Oh my god, you didn't get the cloud monster, did you?"

Igneous: "Look, it fell out of a moving train going at full speed, alright? Nothing could've survived that!"

"That so?" Valkyrie walked up to his side, crossing her arms. "Should we try to find it? Destroy it?"

"I don't think we can." Igneous squinted. He had this vague sense when he was close to it on the train, but now he had nothing. "The train's acceleration is what carried it away, so all the winds that stupid hydreigon robot whipped up probably blew it away."


Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that this is going to result in a Squaresoft Protagonist Resolution™️ for an earlier game event. Since I'm not convinced at all that things are just ending that nicely and tidily.

"Well, that, and a Radiant Guard squadron is leaving Casaroja and heading to your location," Cid said, a twinge of nervousness still in his voice. "Maybe try to get clear before you run into big problems?"

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged a look. "Guess we ought to head back to the safe house?" she said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Pssht. Forget that." Cyril flicked his right arm dismissively. "I've gotta get this bad boy back to the outpost for repairs. That's where we're going first."

Yeah, the Phantom's still out there. I can already tell.

Igneous and Valkyrie exchanged another look. "I, uh, guess we can do that?" the grovlazzle said, shrugging.

A loud throat clearing followed. Igneous looked up on the truck's roof, where a still mega evolved Noctum remained strapped into the firing platform.

"Yeah, that's a fine idea and all," he said, trying to pull his head out of the super scope lens. "But can someone get me out of this thing?!"

Oh hey, it's like that one Pikachu short. :V

Cyril winced. "Ah-ha... right. Knew I was forgetting something." Laughing nervously, the cosmic zoroark headed toward the roof of the truck.

Noctum: "Seriously, why would you design a contraption like this?!" >.<

"You cannot be serious right now!"

Ominous R&C music is ominous. And no, your mecha-Hydreigon kinda just blew up into a million pieces, Paradox, so...

Paradox slammed his headset on the floor of his office, shattering it. Sticky flinched, then directed one of the poipole in the room to clean it up.

"I did express my concerns about activating it so soon," the naganadel mumbled, glancing down at his tablet.

"It was overpowering them!" Paradox hissed. The deoxys' tentacles twisted into arms. "And then one of them started flinging around giant icicles like... like..."

He abruptly teleported in front of Sticky, who held the tablet up over his head in surprise. "Sir?"

That's Fraud's doing, isn't it? Though I can see that Paradox is taking this well™️ right now.

"Guile Hideout's steed," Paradox said, abruptly turning around and crossing his arms. "He could conjure giant icicles, yes?"

"I believe so," Sticky said. When the emperor got like this, it was best to agree with him.

"Then the course is clear." Paradox whirled on him, his arms unfurling into blue and orange tentacles. "Get Cassius on the line. We need to reach out to that frilly vegetable about our little agreement."

Guess Dermezel really is the Kuja of this story, since this whole "loose cannon with ulterior motives" shtick fits how he operated in FF9 to a 't'.

The deoxys teleported past Sticky. By the time he turned around, Paradox was nearly at the office door.

"I think it's time we reminded him what he has to lose if he refuses to cooperate."

Not really convinced that it's Dermezel who's going to come out worse there, but I suppose let's see what you have on Mr. Garlic Clove there.

Paradox headed out the door. Sighing, Sticky looked down and pressed a few icons on his tablet. A video feed pulled up showing a video feed of one of the underground prison cells... and the spectrier lying in the middle of it, mane disheveled, hooves chipped, and patches of ghostly fur missing from its hide.

Oh, well. That would be quite the thing to have to keep Dermezel compliant there.

The cell door opened and a poipole floated in with a small tray of food. Sticky touched a red microphone icon on the corner of the screen.

"Stop," Sticky said.

Poipole glanced up in the direction of the cell's camera. "Mr. Sticky?"

"Emperor said to withhold the meal. We need her looking as famished as can be."

I can already tell that Dermezel is going to take special relish in paying things back to Paradox if/when their relative positions of power ever get flipped.

Spectrier weakly tried to lift her head. Poipole hastily turned away from her. "Understood, sir. I'll bring it back to the kitchen."

Poipole left the room and the cell door shut. Spectrier lowered her head back down, whinnying weakly.

... I can't tell if Dermezel is really doing everything that he's up to for the sake of rescuing his beloved steed or if he's got ulterior motives that go beyond that. Maybe both.

Frowning, Sticky hastily closed the video feed and locked his tablet. He glanced at the two poipole cleaning up the broken remnants of Paradox's headset.

"What are you looking at? Get back to work!"

Both poipole nodded apologetically and hastily swept up the fragments into a dustpan. Sticky turned and headed for the door.

Sticky: "As for me, I need a freaking drink." >_>;

Well that was certainly an explosive conclusion to Team Bureau's end of things... for now, anyways. There were definitely a lot more scenes than in an average chapter, and yet, I think it did a good job of getting everything to flow into each other without feeling choppy, since I was honestly getting pretty into things.

As for things that I thought could've been improved... aside from a couple moments that I felt could've been shown a bit more from their perspective character's point of view such as Noctum's Mega Evolution in the super scope, I don't really have a lot to complain about since I was too busy having fun with things as they played out. Maybe it'd also have been nice to get a reminder of Team Bastion and how they were doing, but meh. There's always next chapter for that.

Good work, @Ambyssin . Wasn’t able to knock out the last chapter left in time before your weekend update, but I'm having quite a bit of fun, and it'll be interesting to see what the fallout of things for the respective teams from their fights will be.
Chapter 63: Like a Bat out of Hell


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 63: Like a Bat out of Hell

It is the ultimate blasphemy against the Benefactor to gaze upon the Matriarch's face. Even the High Priestess, the Hierophant, and the Moon — those whose powers speak to the masses — may never look upon Her.

Her avatars are only meant to be viewed through the lenses of the Paradigm. For they are emblems of the foundations upon which the Matriarch led the Old World into the Great Harmony. Emblems that made the Matriarch the greatest Wielder in history.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità


Awkward silence, save for the whistling of Shaftra Mesa's winds. Yuna waited for someone to say something. Anything. But nope. Only stares, ranging from Seifer's sheer confusion to Nikki's total bewilderment.

The Soul Dew flickered and chibi Rayquaza and Reshiram popped out. "Chiron?" Reshiram tapped his claws together nervously. "Like... like Bahamut's wife Chiron?"

Yuna nodded.

"Like the old archbishop?" Sigurd said.

The drakloak nodded again.

"So, that's why Chernabog called you a traitor?" Gene muttered. He looked away from her, stroking his chin in thought.

"But Chiron was a lunala," Jade said. "Right, Cece?"

Reshiram nodded. "Are you sure it's not the Soul Dew messing with you?"

"I'm... sure." Sighing, Yuna's shoulders sagged. "I didn't want to believe it at first. But I keep having these visions — or maybe memories? — from Chiron's time with the Sages."

"Art thou sure they're real, though?" Rayquaza asked, coiling around some tiny weeds on the ground.

"They felt pretty real." Yuna rubbed her right shoulder, then pointed at Reshiram. "You came to check on me when I crashed into the ground from outer space." She pointed at Rayquaza. "And you came to my aid when I was fighting things that looked like the emperor up in the stratosphere." Yuna turned to Jade last. "And I saw you moping in a mud puddle about how Bahamut treated you. Then later on you came to visit Leo who looked... very different than he does now."

Rayquaza and Reshiram shared looks of disbelief. "That actually happened!" they said in unison. Each pointed at themselves. "Hey, I said it first!" A pause. "No, I did!"

Seifer rolled his eyes. "What about you?" he asked Jade.

"Uh, hello?" The salugia pressed a right wing digit to her head. "Forgot everything from my time as a Sage, remember?"

"Who can forget?" Gene snorted. "It all got replaced by the memory equivalent of one of those toy chimchar clapping cymbals together."

"Hey!" Jade puffed her cheeks out. "I'm at least a togedemaru running on a wheel levels of brain!"

Gene laughed at that. "Whatever you say, Birdbrain." He shook his head in disbelief.

"So, Princess is telling the truth, then?" Nikki had put some distance between herself and Yuna in the time since the drakloak had made her big reveal.

Yuna traced her hand around the Soul Dew. "I wanted to dismiss it as this thing's fault. But then Leo hatched out of that egg and I started having visions about fighting daemons in the past." Her gaze fell to the ground. "When Mom fessed up that she found me encased in a crystal, I just..."

She sighed and shook her head. "There isn't any other explanation."

Jade leaned into Yuna's line of sight. "You sure about that? Because I can think of other explanations."

"Are they reasonable explanations?" Seifer wondered, raising a brow.

"Define 'reasonable.'"

Yuna facepalmed. "I'm... confident, yeah. The more stuff we do as a team, the more these weird powers of mine are growing. I can sorta control the shadows now." The drakloak looked down at her hands. "And I'm the one who let Rayquaza mega evolve... right after I had a memory of Chiron conjuring a windstorm in a fight like Rayquaza can."

More silence. It seemed that Yuna had snuffed out all the counterarguments.

"Okay then." Nikki arched her back. Boredom replaced her earlier anger. "So what?"

Yuna stared blankly. "Huh?"

"So, you're, like, Chiron's reincarnation or some shit. Big deal." The toxtricity shrugged. "Doesn't really change anything, does it? We already knew you had whacky powers. Now you've got a reason."

"But it does change things!" Yuna squeaked, then immediately scrambled to figure out what, exactly, it did change. The fact that she could tell the others about the visions she had? Sure, Yuna supposed that counted. It was hardly a significant change, though.

"I can think of something," Gene said, lazily floating past Yuna.

The drakloak looked over her shoulder. "And you're going to say it even if I tell you I'm not interested."

Gene put a hand on his chest like Yuna's words touched him. "Ah. You know me so well." He gently landed on the dusty ground and spun around. "I bet you're scared that the more your powers grow, the less you there'll be."

"What?" Nikki scratched her head. "For a psychic-type, that sure sounds like a stupid thing to say."

"Seriously?" Gene pinched his brow. "I dumbed it down for you and everything."

The toxtricity's mohawk flared. "Up yours, you dumb hairless cat!"

"Sorry. Not my type." Gene blew a kiss at Nikki and winked. "But if you've got any tox dudes back home who're single, you know where to find me."

He turned back to Yuna, expression sharpening on a dime. "Anyway, I think you're worried that your powers increasing are a sign that Chiron is awakening. That she's going to return to how you remember her in those visions."

The mewtwo held his right hand up, conjuring tiny psychic silhouettes of Chiron and Yuna. The drakloak was much bigger than the lunala. "Right now, you're in control." The Chiron silhouette grew while Yuna's shrank. "But if what we both assume is true, eventually there'll come a point where her will overpowers yours. Chiron then reawakens." Gene clenched his fist and both silhouettes disappeared. "And the Yuna we know disappears. Maybe embedded somewhere in Chiron's memories or spirit. But that's just different flavors of the same twisted sundae: you 'dying' so Chiron can come back to life."

Everyone looked expectantly at Yuna. The drakloak's torso shriveled up slightly. "Well, when you put it like that... yeah, it makes sense."

It didn't matter how she came to be reborn as a dreepy. She was Yuna. Adoptive parents or not, this was the life she knew. It was what felt right. All these weird visions of Chiron's past— no, of her past were wrong. She didn't want to go back. Maybe Yuna's life in the present wasn't perfect, but it was still hers.


Rayquaza had slithered up to her right foot nub. "Tis always a chance tis not true. After all, you bonded with the Soul Dew. Chiron never did."

Yuna frowned at him. She traced her hand around the Soul Dew again. "Did I really bond with it, though?" she wondered, glancing at both tiny Sages. "Could you summon your predecessors from your Soul Dews and give them tangible forms to fight with?"

Rayquaza tapped his tiny claws together. "Err... nay. The Soul Dews were more like... tiny fountains of knowledge and wisdom. I could consult with mine, but t'was not anything like this."

The drakloak crossed her arms. "Think that tells you enough. Don't you?"

Rayquaza coiled up tighter. "I imagine I look rather foolish."

Reshiram remained silent, however. Yuna glanced at him to see if he had anything to add, but to her surprise he abruptly dissolved back into the Soul Dew. Uh, hello? She tapped the flickering gem. Something wrong?

"It's nothing. I just... I need to step back from this conversation."
Reshiram sounded like he'd just flown halfway across the planet at top speed. "Too many hard truths getting dropped in succession. Messing with my head."

Oh. I'm sorry.
Yuna fought back the urge to snap at him and tell him to think about how she felt with all of this.

Gene loudly cleared his throat. "We all good?" He Phantom Warped into the middle of the group, breaking a dust cloud apart with a quick ESP pulse. "Everyone get everything off their chest?"

"I guess?" Fatigue started to hit Yuna. The tense conversation must have kept it at bay, but a dull throb turned to a heavy ache in her ectoplasm. She flopped onto the ground. "I just want a nap. I don't suppose someone could find a monk to bring me a pillow?"

"Sorry. Too busy." Gene dusted his hands off and stretched his neck until it popped multiple times.

"Busy with what?" Nikki said. "Making people think you want to snap your sp— hey! Lemme go!"

Yuna glanced up in time to see Gene emerging from a Phantom Warp, holding the toxtricity's right arm. "Training you," he said, smirking and flicking his right wrist. A blue rift opened behind him.

Nikki's eyes widened. "The hell do you think you're do— iiiiiiiiiing!"

The shadowy mewtwo tossed Nikki into the rift. Then he opened a second rift, stuck his left hand in, and pulled out Nikki's leather jacket.

"I'll leave you to get that rest." He bowed to Yuna, then fell back into the rift while flashing a toothy grin. The drakloak was too tired for Gene's shenanigans to get to her. She just sighed and... sank into the ground slightly, as if she were mimicking an Acid Armoring vaporeon.

"What an ass," Seifer snorted, flicking dusty hair out of his eyes.

"Makes you wonder what the humans were thinking making mewtwo so pear-shaped," Jade added, chuckling into her wing. A stink eye from the keldeo made her tail flaps curl. "Aww, lighten up. It was a joke."

"Your taste in jokes needs work," Seifer deadpanned. He turned to Lycanroc and the big muscle bug. The latter was still out cold and, at this point, Yuna wondered if they would even wake up. "So, Mr. Stone—"

"Ah, please call me Sigurd. 'Mr. Stone' makes me sound like an old man."

"Are you not old?" Jade tilted her head. "For some reason I feel like your condition is supposed to be an old man thing."

"Well, I'm no spring torchic, but I'm not covered in back hair," Sigurd said, his machine emulating a chuckle. "Anyway, you were saying?"

"What's with the patchwork rock mutt?" Seifer asked, pointing a forehoof at Lycanroc.

Yuna tensed. Hearing "patchwork" brought Xeromus to mind, along with a spark of panic that he was somehow responsible for Lycanroc's appearance. Meaning she brought one of his minions right to her friends and family!

"I think that's a bit off base," Reshiram hastily interjected. "Possible? Maybe. But we already know that Malice and distortion can mutate people. Xeromus has nothing to do with it."

I— right.
The drakloak took a breath to steady herself, but remained on the ground. But why is he with Sigurd?

"My honest opinion? I'm just remembering what that Vince guy told us,"
Reshiram said.

What Vince told them? Something about trying to build the Red Chain, and that doing so first involved finding Sigurd.

... And someone else!

Yuna almost sucked in a mouthful of dirt. She stuck her head up. "Are you the Overseer?" Yuna paused. "The one they said is trapped in our dimension?"

Jade and Seifer looked expectantly at Lycanroc, who folded his hands behind his rocky mane. "You're full of surprises, ain't ya, mate?"

What is that accent? Yuna wondered, only to quickly brush the thought aside. She had her answer, which gave her enough energy to push herself back into the air.

"Though I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint," Lycanroc continued. "I was an Overseer intern. Only started learning the ropes when I got trapped here." He paused to scoop up a pawful of dirt from the ground and ball it up. "Well, not specifically here. Certainly in this world, though."

Seifer squinted. "But you did work for them."

"Yeah. Briefly." Lycanroc scratched the back of his head. "Imagine if you got fired during your on-the-job training. That's the best analogy I've got."

The keldeo's expression soured considerably. Clearly he was still sour over losing his Radiant Guard job. He looked away from Lycanroc. "Fine. Can we get a name at least?"


"Ooh, how mysterious," Jade sang, her tail flaps fluttered like ribbons behind her.

"Yeah, that's how most my first dates start." A beat passed, then Jaeger shook his head. "Kidding, of course."

"Of course." Seifer rolled his eyes. "Let's just cut to the chase, then. Do you know about the Red Chain or not?"

Jaeger nodded slowly.

"When I met this bloke he showed me this funny book that sounded ancient by Qliphoth standards," the lycanroc explained. "Said stuff about taking hold of space and time. First thing that came to mind is the Red Chain."

Yuna fidgeted. "And you knew that because..." Her voice trailed off, because she had a feeling what Jaeger's response would be.

"Because the Red Chain exists in other worlds, too."

Seifer sighed and shook his head. "Of course it does. So, can we get the short version explaining what it is? I presume it's more than just a chain of red links."

"Spot on again." Jaeger chuckled. "Suppose I can indulge you." He looked around. "Don't suppose there are any sticks around here, are there?"

"You're a dog." Jade folded her wings at her sides. "Don't you, like, have a sixth sense for sticks? A stickth sense, as it were."

"Bit of a misconception, I'm afraid," Jaeger said, walking around and scanning the dusty ground. He sounded like he was rolling with the jabs, at the very least. "C'mon. Surely there's at least one twig in all this dust and grass."

"Why do you even need a stick?" Yuna asked, rubbing the side of her head.

"What else am I going to draw on the ground with, chalk?"

Shrugging, Jaeger gave up and walked back toward them. "Guess it's paws and claws, then." The lycanroc sat down and began tracing in the dirt. Jade waddled over, tilting her head slightly.

Yuna felt Rayquaza's sudden presence in her mind. "Did thou seest that?"

The drakloak squinted. He's... drawing circles? Are you saying his artistry leaves something to be desired?

"Nay. T'was a brief emerald sheen in his fur,"
Rayquaza explained. "Like a sheet of little hexagons."

Reshiram gasped. "Like Ziggy?"


"Sir Zygarde."

Yuna frowned. Maybe the fatigue had gotten to Rayquaza, too? She didn't see any sort of connection between Jaeger and Zygarde. And if those Chiron visions of hers were any indication, Zygarde's needle had already gotten pulled by someone else. Someone who couldn't possibly be Sigurd.

"All right." Jaeger listed his hands and dusted them off. "It's no Brassius or Mina, but it'll do."

Jade tapped her chin with a wing. "What are we looking at, exactly?"

"The Red Chain." Jaeger pointed to a crude ring of tiny circles. "It's an artifact that spans countless worlds. In many of them, crazed humans would attempt to create one in order to control pokémon that embodied space and time themselves."

"I'm sorry... what?" Seifer stared blankly at the drawing. "You're saying there are pokémon out there that just can just casually—"

The keldeo stopped himself, then glanced at Yuna. "Never mind. That makes perfect sense." He hung his head and shook it. "Horrifying implications, sure, but perfect sense."

"It's not as if I want to be able to open rifts!" Yuna protested. Maybe Seifer didn't mean it as an insult, but it was hard not to think of it that way.

"It's certainly curious." Jaeger rubbed his snout with his right paw, then rested it on the dirt by a crude drawing of Leo's wheel with two circles on either side of it. "Because, as far as I can tell, Dialga and Palkia, the gods of time and space, do not exist in this universe. And I thought the same was true of Arceus, as well."

Yuna thought back to what Alder and Kora had told her before. "Arceus is associated with creation or something, right?"

Jaeger nodded. "It holds many titles across many worlds. The Alpha. The Original One. The Creator." The lycanroc lazily twirled his left paw around in a circle. "No matter the phrasing, it's almost always the same. Arceus emerges from an egg into nothing and shapes the universe." He tapped the drawing on the ground again. "That typically involves creating its 'children,' Dialga and Palkia."

"But Leo didn't hatch from an egg into nothing." Jade's tail lazily thumped against the dusty ground while she tapped her right foot. "He hatched from an egg trapped in a swamp." She glanced at Yuna. "An egg I was holding, right?"

"Yeah." It made Yuna wonder why Leo thought she was his mother and not Jade. Because her touch made the egg hatch? "And, well, Leo didn't originally look like that. When Bahamut was alive, he was a tiny starcloud."

"The color scheme's a dead giveaway, mate." Jaeger quickly scribbled a little cloud in the dirt and gave it a couple of pom-pom hands. "Cosmog. They're born from solgaleo and lunala coupling."

Seifer frowned. "I don't know what any of those refer to. Are they pokémon, too?"

"Pokémon. Ultra Beasts." Jaeger shrugged. "The line's kind of fuzzy in most worlds."

Jade's right wing shot up. "Um, is this going to be on the test? Because I haven't been taking notes."

A smirk tugged at Jaeger's lips. "Just because you asked, sure, sheila. Only for you."

"Gah!" Jade pressed her wing to her chest like she'd been struck by an attack. "No! Not studying! That's my weakness!" The salugia paused. "Y'know, aside from rocks. And lightning and ice and dark and ghost and—"

A glob of water splattered over Jade's force, inadvertently catching Jager, too.

"Yes, we get it. Thank you," Seifer huffed. "Moving on."


(Art by https://twitter.com/fwicksart)

"He's a charmer, eh?" Jaeger pivoted away from his drawings to shake out his mane. It didn't help much.

"I'm just trying to keep us focused," the keldeo countered. "This is a lot of information and we don't need unnecessary quips."

Jade let out a few sad chirps, sitting down while water kept dripping off her face. "I was only trying to lighten the mood a bit. It's a lot to take in, y'know."

"Cool it, you two," Yuna said, rubbing her rectangular head. As far as she was concerned, the faster Jaeger told them what they needed to know, the better.

That said, his explanation until now didn't sit right with her. "Let's go back a minute." The drakloak kept rubbing her head. "You said 'crazed humans' tried to assemble Red Chains in other worlds. That makes it sound like the Red Chain is a bad thing and we should absolutely not look to put it together."

"In the wrong hands it can be quite dangerous," Jaeger admitted. Then he pointed to his last drawing: jagged lines straightening out. "In the right hands, it can mend tears in space and time." The lycanroc sat back, bracing his arms on either side of him. "And, well, sounds like we've got enough tears around here to open up a goth fashion boutique."


"I'm not touching that one,"
Reshiram said.

"There's also the fact that the Red Chain already exists," Sigurd cut in, slowly moving his chair up to Jaeger's side.

Seifer squinted. "What? Then we don't need to assemble it."

"It's split into fragments," Sigurd clarified.

"Which means 'assembling' translates to gathering fragments," Yuna said, resuming rubbing her rectangular head. "On top of the ongoing Needle thing, the anomalies, and, oh yeah, now Leo apparently has these plates that may or may not be scattered around inside these anomalies." The drakloak squeezed her own ectoplasm. "Starting to think I should hit up Mom and get the whole Aeon army on board with this. It's way too much for a small team to handle on its own."

Maybe she should've asked for more help far earlier, but there was no going back to fix it.

... Or maybe there was with a complete Red Chain and— okay, now her head hurt again.

"Plates?" Seifer raised a brow. "What do plates have to do with this?"

"Most arceus have plates that embody the elements. Translate into pokémon types," Jaeger said. "Sounds to me like you found one."

"Yeah. Chernabog had it." Yuna pointed to her waist. "I think it was stuck in his belt as some sort of big, fist-shaped crystal."

Jaeger frowned.

"Something the matter?" Jade asked. "You turned sourpuss quickly."

"Nah, 'm fine, mate." The lycanroc waved her off.

"He's lying," Reshiram immediately said.

But Yuna didn't think it worth him to press someone who was still a relative stranger on the subject. Instead, she opted to briefly explain what had happened to her and Leo inside the anomaly core.

"Yeah. That about lines up." Jaeger bobbed his head, some of his earlier unease disappearing. "All those rings and shapes Leo rearranged? The pattern he made is one that's often associated with arceus."

"That... felt less like a pattern and more like the floor of an Aeon tavern when drunk dragons are playing ring toss," Yuna said. "But, sure, whatever you say."

Jade slowly raised her wing again. "Can I say something? I promise it's not a bad joke this time."

"Uh, sure?" Yuna said. "You really don't need to keep asking for permission like that. We're not in school."

"Sorry." Jade lowered her wing, shuffling back and forth. "I think Bahamut had a thing for raising hands when we were apprentices." She paused. "Never mind the fact that I'm pretty sure most Sages don't have hands. Just hand substitutes."

Yuna waited for Rayquaza or Reshiram to say anything to the contrary. And when they didn't, Yuna decided not to dwell on it. She was out of energy and patience to express her disbelief over the claim.

"Just say your piece already," Seifer huffed.

"Right." Jade balled her wings into fists and pumped them. "So, like, these plates are important for Leo, right? And the Red Chain is connected to a couple of pokémon who are also related to Leo." She leaned forward circling her wing to gesture for someone else to jump in. But no one did. "You guys see where I'm going with this, don't you?"

"Uhhh..." The drakloak batted the bottom of her rectangular head. "You want to try and use them like magnets? To attract each other?"

"Not the comparison I'd pick, but basically!" Jade chirped, tail wagging. "We have one plate already. Maybe it'll point us toward another? And then the more we gather, the easier it'll be to find Red Chain fragments."

Silence as the group considered Jade's idea. As it stood, they'd have to keep diving into anomalies to stop the dimensional cataclysm. And if there were more plates waiting for them, then—

"Or-r-r-r-r-r-r." Sigurd's machine tried to draw out the word, but its synthetic voice kept repeating the letter R instead. "We could use the fragment we already have to find the others."

Jade stiffened. "We have a fragment?!" She blinked a few times, then squinted. "Waaaaaaaait a second. You have a fragment, don't you?"

Sigurd turned his wheelchair around, revealing the various medical devices and their colorful blinking lights and bars. There was also a metal capsule strapped to one of the machines. Jaeger walked up to the capsule and pressed down on the top. It opened with a whoosh of compressed air, dropping a string of four red hexagons into Jaeger's paw.

The moment Yuna glimpsed them, a horrible chill ran down to her tail. Her body tried to retreat into her head and it took every ounce of self-control to stop it from happening. She glanced at her torso. The shadows were there. Trying to push themselves out of her back. Just like with the plate. Perhaps they were related, like Jade thought.

"You know you could have led with that," Seifer said, shaking his head.

"I could have. But this way was funnier," Sigured responded. Fortunately, he didn't try to simulate another laugh with his machine.

The keldo rolled his eyes. "Delightful."

"Aww, c'mon. It's at least a little funny." Jade attempted to elbow Seifer, but he stepped out of the way.

Seifer's eye twitched. Yuna figured he was trying not to say something that would insult a terminally ill human.

"At the very least, I don't think it's worth taking this conversation further," the drakloak piped up, hoping to deescalate things. "We shouldn't plan anything without the others." And with Gene having gone Nikkinapping, coordinating things to bring Team Bureau up to speed would have to wait.

"Oh, God." Yuna promptly buried her face in her hands.

"What?" Jade said.

Yuna dragged her hands down her face. "We're going to have to explain all of this to the others! Going through it once was exhausting enough!"

"I think I can help you out there."

Yuna's tail shriveled. "Cid? You've been listening this whole time?"


At the sound of buzzing, Noctum picked his head off the cool metal table. He had hoped it was dinner, but it was just a familiar orbeetle hovering toward him.

"Not entirely," Cid said. Noctum hadn't addressed him. He was probably talking to his X-transceiver. The black charizard had turned his off after bringing Team Bureau to Cyril's outpost. He needed some time without people's voices shouting in his head.

Currently, however, that time off translated to sitting in awkward silence with Igneous, Valkyrie, Scarlett, and Kyoko — the salazzle showed up uninvited to the safe house and Noctum brought her to the outpost before realizing his mistake — at one of the restaurant tables. Well, awkward silence save for Valkyrie tapping her claw impatiently on the table. And Igneous idly sipping a cup of iced coffee. And the general background noise of space pirates, bounty hunters, and other lawless types who served as the restaurant's patrons.

... Okay, so maybe it wasn't exactly silent.

"I was able to get a text-to-speech dictation system working on Cyril's computer," Cid continued, his spots flickering with excitement. "It's not perfect, but I think it transcribed a good deal of the newcomers' explanation."

Noctum almost wanted to ask what Cid was talking about, but held his tongue. This was break time. Burger time, to be precise. Just as soon as someone actually brought out their food.

"You'd think working with Cyril would get us special treatment or something," Valkyrie grumbled. The garchomp lazily stared out the big glass window. Junior's arena was farther away than usual, and given the bright sparks and pink explosions, the garchomp could understand why.

"Right. Well, we're all at the outpost," Cid said. "You can meet up whenever you're ready." He paused. "Gene? No, I don't think he's here? But I'll keep an eye out for—"

"'Sup, nerds?"


A sudden blue rift made Noctum jump into the air, yelping. His tail flame brightened enough to cast a violet glow over his teammates. He hovered a meter above his seat, flame pulsating. Gene floated out of the rift with Nikki at his side. She held a squirming chatot by his tail feathers.

"Unhand me, you saucy wench!" He flailed his wings about. "Chatot Gilbert, first mate extraordinaire, shall not stand for such—"

His eyes fell on Valkyrie and he abruptly stiffened. "Ah ha." The chatot ran his wings across his music note head like it was hair to smooth out. "Mademoiselle Chomp. Such a treat to gaze upon jour fierce eyes once again."

Valkyrie ignored him. "And you're dropping in unannounced because..."

"Rebel leader. I do what I want." Gene winked at the garchomp, who scowled. "And also Sparkplug over here finished her training. Figured she could chill with the lot of you." He nudged the toxtricity forward with his yellow-tipped tail, then yoinked a squawking Gilbert out of her hands with his telekinesis.

"You guys have fun catching up and stuff." The shadowy mewtwo smiled at them. "As for you." His expression promptly sharpened. "You really thought you and your stupid flunkies could waltz on down and try to 'pillage' my room?"

"Non! Ve simply got turn-ed around a wee bi— yowch!"

A tiny Psybeam zapped Gilbert. His feathers puffed out like static electricity had jolted him.

"Oh, ze horror! Look away, Mademoiselle Chomp!"

"I think we're going to have us a nice chat in private." Gene's shoulder crystal crackled ominously, then he vanished into another blue rift with the chatot pirate in tow. Awkward silence descended upon the group once again.

"So, uh..." Nikki rubbed the back of her head. "How was Casaroja?"

"Lousy," Igneous bluntly answered. "How was anomaly spelunking?"

"Lousy." The toxtricity slide past Kyoko and into Noctum's seat.

"Hey, I was sitting there!"

"And now you're not, dweeb." Nikki dismissed him with a wave of her hand. Kyoko raised a brow, then smirked at her. The black charizard eyed the only remaining empty seat, next to Valkyrie, and winced. Sighing, he dropped onto it and folded his wings.

"Well, we're just waiting for food to come," the salazzle said. "Maybe you can catch us up?"

"Catch you up? Sure." Nikki reached for Igneous' iced coffee, then slapped his hand away when he tried to stop her. "Where the hell to start..."
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