Spiteful Murkrow
Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- Partners
Heya, I've been waiting long enough to get caught up with this story and the next chapter's nice and short. Sounds as good a reason as any to jump right in to…
Chapter 54
... Wait, there's proto-ether, too? Given that ether is effectively soul energy what on earth is it in 'proto' state, then? .-.
Oh, so that's how she got her ability to summon Latias, huh?
Wait, are they in a bag together or is each leppa in its own wrapper? Since boy does that sound wasteful if it's the latter.
Also, how old is Sakaki anyways? Since this sounds like some serious 'old man' food right now.
That's not how dried fruit works, hon. Though something something "it's magical berries" so I won't question it too much.
Oh, so Igneous wasn't supposed to be here, huh?
Chiaki really is related to Jade, huh? Since I can see that parallelism there.
She got a boyfriend? :V
Igneous: "... You like him, don't you-?"
Valkyrie: "Chiaki, let's move on, please." >_>;
Must be those Volcarona genes in him, since admittedly, I wasn't expecting Igneous to casually kick up external fire like that.
Valkyrie: "Wait, you mean you don't know where she is right now?"
Igneous: "She was here just a minute ago!"
Oh. Guess that performance a couple chapters ago took more out of Scarlett than I thought it did. Kinda wonder if this should've been hinted at more in Ch. 53, though.
Igneous: "Look, it's a long story that may or may not have involved a deal with the devil. Let's worry about it sometime after Scarlett's feeling healthy again, okay?" >_>;
I mean, for all you know, you're technically not lying since you don't know what on earth Ahsen's power with that Honedge husk came from, but...
This feels like an absolutely terrible idea that's going to wind up biting everyone in the rear later.
Watch as Xeromus just casually deconfirms this the next time he crosses paths with the gang.
Nikki: "Weird. Is he not on the same team as the Eterna guys or something? Since with how much he goes on about 'Natus'-" 🤨
Igneous: "Nikki, I'm getting to it, okay?"
Nikki: "... Yes? Aren't yakuza types supposed to be brazen enough to have public listings in telephone directories?"
Igneous: "Nikki, I'm not calling them in in front of the freaking Grim Reaper!"
For a sec, I read that as 'mrgrgr'. But looks like Scarlett's up.
Scarlett: "Um... h-hi? And how much do you know about what I've been up to for the past few years?"
Scarlett: "Wow, already? How on earth did we-?" .-.
Igneous: "Waypoint."
Scarlett: "... Right. That's a thing in this setting."
Ah yes, time to find out how cognizant Scarlett is of the experimentation done on her. Since we as readers know the cause of this from the opening, buuuuut...
I'm feeling pretty good about that prediction that the Ryujin are of Aeon but not in it, since it would explain a few things about how Igneous is cognizant of the dead dragon legendary that a dragon born and raised in Radiance is not.
Yeah, feeling really good about that prediction. Since that is a lot of knowledge about the Aeons given that a literal dragon from Radiance is completely in the dark about all this.
Really now? I would've pegged them as the Sages of 'stealing things and running away really quickly' given that one questline from RBDX. :V
Scarlett: "I... U-Uh... M-Maybe?" O_O;
Oh, so the awful truth is coming out to Nikki this chapter, huh?
Igneous: "Um... Nikki? Maybe it'd be for the best to let Scarlett take it easy and-"
Nikki: "Can it, Twiggy. Scarlett was about to say something, she might as well get things off her chest now."
Scarlett: "I'm a snake with wings. Since when do we have 'chests'-?"
Nikki: "Whatever, you get what I meant."
I can already feel the
energy in the air right now.
Song title related to the timeline? Or did this happen further back than 18-ish months ago?
Cue the ranting angrish about "You stole my songs!" in 3... 2...
Oh yeah, that's a good omen for Nikki and Scarlett's friendship making it past this scene intact. Not.
Well, that turned out better than I expected, since I was expecting more angry shouting right about there.
Igneous: "So, uh... How are you holding up, Nikki?"
Igneous: "Yeah, I kinda figured." ._.;
No, no, you really want to have Scarlett say this herself and not through Starlene given Nikki's... uh... opinions about Starlene.
Boy is life in Radiance warped if its residents find themselves idealizing bodies that aren't natural to them and radically different in layout and attribute. Though it makes me wonder if this is a recurring trend among Radiant dragonmons.
See, this is why you should've said these things directly and not through Starlene, Scarlett.
Igneous: "Nikki, you do realize that Scarlett just told you that she was effectively bullied out of school in Horizon, right? Like I get that Vortex sucks, but I dunno, is it really that impossible to believe that she'd want some sort of escape from that-?"
Nikki: "Shut up, Twiggy! Nobody asked you!"
Pride, as Scarlett mentioned earlier about not wanting to come home a failure.
Cue Igneous getting punted out of the way by Nikki in
Wew, managing to get both sides of a dispute mad at you. Though yeah, I guess I was onto something about Nikki and Scarlett's friendship having problems after the end of this scene.
Oh, so Scarlett felt overshadowed and went full green-eyed monster on Nikki, which encouraged her to make the jump, huh?
I guess I should be wholly unsurprised that Scarlett was burning her biological body out in the back of a trailer for the past who-knows-how-many-years. Since if she started to view her Dragonair body as a millstone to her dreams to begin with... why would she feel an urge to take care of it?
Nikki: "But you-! And-! Why?!"
Told you you shouldn't have used Starlene to say this, Scarlett.
Scarlett totally didn't write those lyrics on her own, didn't she? Since I know how manufactured pop stars work in reality, and she literally was one.
Wait, so Nikki liked their Bubblegum Pop phase? Or is that also something that she's dumping on Scarlett about here at the moment?
I mean... considering the absolute state of society in Radiance, that probably was accurate short of introducing rock to Aeon and making it catch on there.
Oh, so this conversation did ultimately wind up going into the "screaming match" direction. Even if it took a bit longer than I expected to get here.
Igneous: "Uh... do you want the answer you'd like to hear, or...?"
Nikki: "Oh my god, Twiggy! Just stop beating around the bush and fess up already!"
Scarlett: "... Igneous? You're able to summon those Volcarona wings and fly away right now, right? Since I kinda get the feeling that we should be far, far away from here right now."
That seems ever so slightly ill-advised given that Igneous is laden with unholy glitch power right about now, but... uh... yeah, probably for the best to give Nikki some space.
Igneous: "Oh that one's gonna be fun to explain to dad when he sees it."
Oh, so Yuna did lose her composure after that last scene of hers in 53. I kinda figured that things would've gotten to her, even if she held up better than I expected with others present in the room with her.
Oh hey, it's Zidane's same existential dilemma from Disc 3-ish FF9.
Yeah, that's what I'd like to know too. Since Paradigm treats Yuna as if she's flatly Chiron. But how on earth did Chiron go from a Lunala to a Giratina... thing?
Cecil: "Wait, to being a space rock?"
Yuna: "To not knowing about any of this! To just being a normal princess!" >.<
Yeah, I figured that would be about Yuna's reaction there.
Dark, but it's certainly plausible given that getting separated from that crystal had to be quite the shock.
Yuna: "Seriously, can I just go on strike from the plot and run away to another story at this rate?"
Gallian: "Given that thou art our main hope at staving off an omniversal disaster, that would be fairly ill-advised, Princess." ^^;
Huh, wasn't expecting the Danganronpa music there. Though ohai, Nikki.
Yuna: "Nikki, what did you do?" O_O
Nikki: "Punched a hole into a wall. Don't mind it, it happens."
Oh, so Yuna does want company right now.
- Meanwhile, just outside the window, a Garbodor does a Michigan J. Frog routine on a Scale City street -
Nikki: "Huh, no kidding there-"
Yuna: "Nikki, you know what I meant." >_>;
Yuna: "I found out that I fell from the sky in some freaky crystal thing, my entire purpose in life is to be stuck to this accursed Soul Dew, oh and I was adopted and my parents never told me about it until an hour ago."
Nikki: "... And your mom got on your case too, right?"
Yeah, I figured. And this section is unintentionally lulzy if you read it right after the past cutaway gag.
Nikki: "At least you don't worry about having to find your original parents?" ^^;
Yuna: "..."
Nikki: "Right, should've known better than to think that would lift your mood."
Oh, it's sake. And I can already tell that Yuna's going to hate this since sake is really strong as a spirit and very much an acquired taste.
Nikki: "
Look, you know that 'mead' you've got back home? This is comparable to a strong version of that, just probably doesn't taste as sweet since it's not made from honey."
How often has Nikki gotten drunk anyways? Though it sounds like they're most likely drinking a nigori sake, since the taste and ABV are all consistent with a stronger one of those. Probably a good thing that Nikki brought this along instead of a dry sake, though, since that definitely would take some getting used to for someone used to mead as a default cultural drink.
inb4 the label on the bottle is 'Drunken Dragon' or something like that, since this sounds like a recipe to get Yuna nice and sloshed in short order since she canonically has not drunk much and going in cold with something comparable to a fortified wine sounds like a recipe for problems.
This girl's going to have a killer hangover in the morning, I can already tell.
Okay, how much has Nikki drunk in the past? Since if she's going through a bottle of sake to drown her sorrows like this, it makes me wonder just how frequent these 'medication' episodes are given that she blithely referred to booze as 'nature's painkiller'.
That pun was totally intentional, wasn't it?
Yeah, I kinda figured, though I suppose it's time to hear from the horse's mouth.
Oh, so that's Nikki's life story. I guess I should've suspected something like this given how prominent Scarlett and Shredder were in her memories with nothing about her mother or father mentioned.
What does a drunken Drakloak look like anyways?
Yup, she's getting nice and wasted right about now, since Drakloak is barely larger than a human child and she's just gone through 3 cups of a 20% ABV drink.
Called it. Though just how fast did that alcohol go through her system? Since I could've sworn that it normally takes like 15 minutes for the full effect of a drink to kick in for humans.
Gallian: "... Boy doth I hope thine mother doesn't float through the door to see this." ._.;
Wow, rude. Though it makes me wonder if Yuna is ever going to come to terms with the Sages she's got swirling around in her Soul Dew, since she never has really gotten used to having them around.
Ah yes, the obligatory GL nod getting dropped in. And I see you're playing around with another ship, if one being driven heavily by beer goggles at the moment.
Oh, the 'cute' comment is about Scarlett. I misread that earlier.
Nikki: "Yeah, story of my life, really."
Not that Scarlett wasn't being downright awful to Chiaki/Igneous in Vellguarde Hospital, but I'm not wholly convinced that Scarlett would've arrived at the same destination had she not been effectively bullied out of Horizon Gardens.
inb4 Yuna spits her drink out this time.
Well, never mind then. Though I hope Lum Berries work on hangovers in this setting, since these girls are going to need the help in the morning.
Well, Nikki certainly got nice and wasted fast considering this dialogue.
Yes, that's a side effect of going through like 5 glasses of sake when you have the body mass of a human child. I'll frankly be surprised if you don't black out from the alcohol's effects peaking in about 5-10 minutes from this point.
Narrator: "She is drunk and only going to get drunker as the alcohol kicks in."
Nikki: "I rest my case, Blockhead."
Narrator: "It's the sake making her feel the weight lifting from her shoulders."
Yuna: “Nikki, go home, you’re drunk.”
Nikki: “Heh, look who’s talking, Blockhead…”
Cute, though I can already see the frantic attempts at a takeback when Yuna's a bit more sober.
Alright, made it to the end. This felt basically like an aftermath / transitional chapter, though I honestly am kinda surprised that Yuna hasn't done something like this drinking episode in the 50+ chapters prior to this since she's been under a lot of stress and pressure all this time. Guess even she has her limits.
I liked the character exploration in this chapter, where we got to see a bit more about who Nikki and Yuna are as persons, even if I kinda winced a little at how naturally Yuna is taking to running roughshod over the Sages she's been collecting. As for weaknesses... I don't think that much stood out other than that it might have been nice to have a bit more explicit leadup to some of the things that happened, since it admittedly took me a while to register that Igneous and Scarlett were in Scale City, much less that Scarlett was worn out badly enough to need to be cared for in the wake of summoning Latias.
But in the end, I don't think that those issues were really enough to take me out of things. It was a chapter that burned a few bridges and drowned some sorrows in strong booze, and it did both of those things pretty well. So kudos on that front @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to seeing the inevitable fallout in about a week.
Chapter 54
Diva Project first phase was successful. The subject took the maximum allotted dose of proto-ether with no visible adverse effects. Energy readings remained persistently elevated compared to her pre-treatment tests.
... Wait, there's proto-ether, too? Given that ether is effectively soul energy what on earth is it in 'proto' state, then? .-.
The next step will remain confidential, even to Vortex. Proto-ether alone is not enough to produce the results Vortex wants. A dragonair does not have the kind of psychic energy required for such an undertaking. But there is something that does have that power: the Needles scattered around the kingdom.

It's risky, of course. There are many writings that describe people's bodies breaking down simply from coming into contact with a Needle. But Dragonair has proto-ether flowing through her veins. No one else can make such a claim. In addition, the Needle I've selected has traces of dragon energy in it. I believe this shared typing will synergize with Dragonair, increasing the odds of phase two's success.
Oh, so that's how she got her ability to summon Latias, huh?
Everyone had somewhere to be except Igneous. Yuna's mother shepherded her off, while Nikki ran to find a place to lay Scarlett down. Even Valkyrie seemed to avoid the grovlazzle at first, saying she needed to find Sakaki and running off without another word. Gene took the rest of the ragtag group back with him, which left Igneous standing in a rather empty kitchen, staring at a rarely used stove and microwave. Only the hum of the lights and refrigerator broke the silence.

The grovlazzle silently approached the fridge and opened it up. If he remembered correctly— yep, his father still kept dehydrated berries in there. Igneous thought they sucked, but they weren't for him. They were for Scarlett. He grabbed a couple of leppas, took them out of their foil packaging, and brought them to the sink. It wheezed to life. Igneous yanked his hands back and scrutinized the water running from the faucet for several seconds before deciding it was clear and clean.
Wait, are they in a bag together or is each leppa in its own wrapper? Since boy does that sound wasteful if it's the latter.
Also, how old is Sakaki anyways? Since this sounds like some serious 'old man' food right now.
When he ran the leppas under the water, they expanded and assumed their normal red and yellow colors. Satisfied, Igneous shut the faucet off.
That's not how dried fruit works, hon. Though something something "it's magical berries" so I won't question it too much.
"Shit!" Igneous nearly threw the berries away in surprise. He looked over his shoulder, where Valkyrie stood propped in the doorway, pivoted to make room for her dorsal fin.
Oh, so Igneous wasn't supposed to be here, huh?
"You know I hate it when you do that," the grovlazzle hissed. He headed for the doorway. "You made it clear you wanted to avoid me, so... lemme pass and I'll be out of your scales."
"It wasn't—" Valkyrie looked away, brow furrowing. "I was shocked. We found freaking Lugia got fused with salazzle, so to see the same thing happen to you was..." Her voice trailed off. "I don't really know what happened, but I should've been there for you."
Chiaki really is related to Jade, huh? Since I can see that parallelism there.
Igneous couldn't fault her. He never told the garchomp his plans in Venish, nor could either of them have foreseen what actually happened. Despite that, her demeanor was... different than when he'd last seen her. "Something happened to you as well," Igneous said with conviction.
She got a boyfriend? :V
Valkyrie pivoted further from him. "I might've... blown up a little at the butler dweeb." She rubbed the back of her head. "It's complicated. All of this shit's complicated. Makes me wish I could go back to taking contracts from you and your father. Just a place to be and a target to kill."
Igneous: "... You like him, don't you-?"
Valkyrie: "Chiaki, let's move on, please." >_>;
Igneous' back prickled, giving off a few embers. "I've gotta go check on Scarlett." He held up the berries, then hastily pushed past the garchomp and headed into the carpeted hallway, checking open doorways for any signs of Nikki or Scarlett.
Must be those Volcarona genes in him, since admittedly, I wasn't expecting Igneous to casually kick up external fire like that.
Valkyrie: "Wait, you mean you don't know where she is right now?"

Igneous: "She was here just a minute ago!"

He found them in a small room at the end of the hallway, empty except for haphazardly stacked cardboard boxes and an unfolded cot with a thin mattress. Nikki sat on its edge, eyes fixed on Scarlett. She tapped her right foot rapidly.
"C'mon, sis," the toxtricity whispered. "Wake up. Please."
Oh. Guess that performance a couple chapters ago took more out of Scarlett than I thought it did. Kinda wonder if this should've been hinted at more in Ch. 53, though.
Igneous knocked on the open door. "I brought a couple of leppas."
Nikki looked up and scrutinized the grovlazzle's appearance. "The hell's with the body paint? Pretty sure there are sluttier holowear outfits."
"You're a riot," Igneous deadpanned.
Igneous: "Look, it's a long story that may or may not have involved a deal with the devil. Let's worry about it sometime after Scarlett's feeling healthy again, okay?" >_>;
"Did you get messed up by Eterna junk?" Nikki raised a brow like she already knew the answer.
"Yeah." Lying was easier at this point.
I mean, for all you know, you're technically not lying since you don't know what on earth Ahsen's power with that Honedge husk came from, but...

"Damn." Nikki dug her fingers into the mattress' plastic cover. "I, uh—"
Igneous stayed silent. If he told Nikki he went to Starlene's concert, she'd no doubt press him for details. It wasn't his place to tell her what learned about Scarlett. Not when the toxtricity had finally reunited with her.
This feels like an absolutely terrible idea that's going to wind up biting everyone in the rear later.
"Got careless," the grovlazzle said, shaking his head. "And that freak Xeromus got the jump on me."
Watch as Xeromus just casually deconfirms this the next time he crosses paths with the gang.
The name sent a wave of recognition crashing over Nikki. "I see." The toxtricity's mane crackled. "Was he in Vellguarde, too?"
"Yeah. I tried fighting him, but then that giant robot showed up and he fled." At least that was the truth.
Nikki: "Weird. Is he not on the same team as the Eterna guys or something? Since with how much he goes on about 'Natus'-" 🤨
Igneous: "Nikki, I'm getting to it, okay?"
"Well, next time we better get his ass," Nikki growled. "Why can't you call in your yakuza buddies you apparently have?" She shook her head in disbelief. "That 'family business' bit you dropped back in Horizon? Hell of a double meaning."
Igneous scowled. "You think I was going to talk about the Ryujin when Vegna could have been listening?"
Nikki: "... Yes? Aren't yakuza types supposed to be brazen enough to have public listings in telephone directories?"

Igneous: "Nikki, I'm not calling them in in front of the freaking Grim Reaper!"

Nikki's mohawk sparked again. "I think you should've brought it up at some poin—"
For a sec, I read that as 'mrgrgr'. But looks like Scarlett's up.
The dragonair squirmed on the bed. Nikki scooched closer. "Sis? Sis, can you hear me?"
Scarlett blinked several times. "Ni... kki?"
Scarlett: "Um... h-hi? And how much do you know about what I've been up to for the past few years?"

"Give her some space, will ya?" Igneous growled. Nikki relented, but not without frowning at the grovlazzle. He ignored her disapproval and knelt down by the side of the bed. "Heya." Igneous held up the leppas. "Thought you might be hungry."
Scarlett's snout twitched. "Where are we?"
"Back in Scale City," Igneous replied. "You passed out after finishing your song."
Scarlett: "Wow, already? How on earth did we-?" .-.
Igneous: "Waypoint."
Scarlett: "... Right. That's a thing in this setting."
"Ah." Scarlett grabbed each leppa with her mouth and set them next to her. She bit into a quarter of one. Red juice dribbled on the mattress and trickled down her blue scales. "But the big robot's gone, right?"
Igneous nodded. "I think your song gave the people fighting it the boost they needed." He sat down and scooted back to give the dragonair some more space. "Though that apparition you summoned... why Latias?"
Ah yes, time to find out how cognizant Scarlett is of the experimentation done on her. Since we as readers know the cause of this from the opening, buuuuut...
Scarlett almost choked on her bite of leppa. "L... Latiwhonow?"
Nikki's brow furrowed. "Yeah, I'm with her. The hell's a latias?"
I'm feeling pretty good about that prediction that the Ryujin are of Aeon but not in it, since it would explain a few things about how Igneous is cognizant of the dead dragon legendary that a dragon born and raised in Radiance is not.
"A red and white dragon with pointy wings and a long neck." Igneous wasn't sure how else he could describe it. Maybe a comparison? "Kinda resembles a dragapult's head, actually." He shook his head. "It's one of the Sages in Aeon scriptures. Has a twin brother that's blue and white. Latios."
Yeah, feeling really good about that prediction. Since that is a lot of knowledge about the Aeons given that a literal dragon from Radiance is completely in the dark about all this.
"Wow. Real creative naming." Nikki rolled her eyes. "Lemme guess, the Sages of Brotherhood and Sisterhood?"
Igneous blinked a few times. "Pretty sure that's actually right."
Really now? I would've pegged them as the Sages of 'stealing things and running away really quickly' given that one questline from RBDX. :V
Scarlett stiffened. She proceeded to eat the second leppa much faster than the first.
"So, wait, you summoned Latias?" Nikki looked at Scarlett. "Like how Yuna summons Crotch Fuzz and Space Noodle?"
Scarlett: "I... U-Uh... M-Maybe?" O_O;
Igneous had to admit, it sure looked similar, but he preferred to keep that to himself. "Hard to say." The more he chewed on it, however, the more Igneous wondered if his bringing up Nikki to Scarlett somehow led to the dragonair summoning Latias.
The toxtricity squinted at him, then looked at Scarlett. "Did you get tossed into the distortion or something?"
Scarlett tensed. Her tiny wings folded tightly against her head. "No," she whispered.
Oh, so the awful truth is coming out to Nikki this chapter, huh?
"Then what happened?" Nikki leaned over. "I've been so damn worried about you. I went to Horizon after you disappeared and I kept searching for you. I was so sure Vortex did something to you."
This was bad. Igneous needed to say something. "Nikki—"
She didn't hear him. "So, spill, sis." Nikki's mohawk frazzled. "Why did you disappear?"
Igneous: "Um... Nikki? Maybe it'd be for the best to let Scarlett take it easy and-"

Nikki: "Can it, Twiggy. Scarlett was about to say something, she might as well get things off her chest now."
Scarlett: "I'm a snake with wings. Since when do we have 'chests'-?"
Nikki: "Whatever, you get what I meant."
"I... I..." Scarlett's eyes darted around.
Nikki leaned closer. "What's the matter? It's... it's me, sis. You can tell me what happened."
I can already feel the

Igneous reached to grab Nikki by her leather jacket when Scarlett's neck bauble glowed. The grovlazzle shrank back from the light, as did Nikki.
The toxtricity gasped. "The hell?"
"Can she really tell you?"
Song title related to the timeline? Or did this happen further back than 18-ish months ago?
Igneous sucked in a sharp breath. That voice...
The light faded. Starlene stood in front of Scarlett on the mattress, looking down at Nikki with a stern expression.
Cue the ranting angrish about "You stole my songs!" in 3... 2...
Silence hung over the room as confusion spread over Nikki's face. She opened and closed her mouth several times. Igneous debated whether or not to feign shock, but couldn't figure out what was going through Nikki's head. Neither could Scarlett, judging by the dragonair's unwillingness to stop looking at the corner of the bed.
Nikki held her right hand up, then lowered it. She leaned left, trying to look past Starlene. The meloetta hovered right, arms crossed. "Let me make it simple for you," she said. "It's exactly what you think it is."
Oh yeah, that's a good omen for Nikki and Scarlett's friendship making it past this scene intact. Not.
More silence followed. Igneous figured Nikki was at a loss for words, because when she finally spoke up, all she could manage was a meek, "Why?"
Well, that turned out better than I expected, since I was expecting more angry shouting right about there.
Scarlett glanced at Nikki and saw the hurt on her face. Her neck bauble flickered and Starlene sighed. "She did it for herself."
Again, Nikki didn't immediately respond. Igneous thought it quite uncharacteristic of her to choose her words, or lack of them, so carefully. Scarlett must have meant even more to the toxtricity than Igneous realized.
Igneous: "So, uh... How are you holding up, Nikki?"

Igneous: "Yeah, I kinda figured." ._.;
"That doesn't tell me anything." Nikki fought to avoid sounding confrontational. She tugged uneasily at her jacket sleeves.
Igneous hated this painfully uncomfortable silence, but the grovlazzle was torn between telling Nikki the full truth and respecting Scarlett's privacy. He looked at the shaggy brown carpet, silently willing Scarlett to find her voice... or at least have Starlene say more on her behalf.
No, no, you really want to have Scarlett say this herself and not through Starlene given Nikki's... uh... opinions about Starlene.
"She couldn't put up with all the harassment at Horizon," the meloetta finally said. "But she didn't want to return to Blightsmuth a failure. So, when Vortex approached her with an offer to become a pop sensation, she took it." Starlene glanced at Scarlett, who still avoided everyone else's eye contact. "I'm what resulted. A part of Scarlett, yet not." She put her hand to her chest. "In essence... I'm the ideal version of Scarlett that she wishes she could be."
Boy is life in Radiance warped if its residents find themselves idealizing bodies that aren't natural to them and radically different in layout and attribute. Though it makes me wonder if this is a recurring trend among Radiant dragonmons.
I guess that's one way to put it, Igneous figured. However, a sudden flurry of sparks quickly told the grovlazzle it was not what Nikki wanted to hear. He scooted back across the floor and hopped to his feet.
"Ideal self?" Nikki stood up, mohawk turning red. "What's ideal about working for Vortex?!"
See, this is why you should've said these things directly and not through Starlene, Scarlett.
Igneous: "Nikki, you do realize that Scarlett just told you that she was effectively bullied out of school in Horizon, right? Like I get that Vortex sucks, but I dunno, is it really that impossible to believe that she'd want some sort of escape from that-?"

Nikki: "Shut up, Twiggy! Nobody asked you!"

"Nikki." Igneous hesitantly stepped toward the toxtricity, then jumped back a second later, narrowly dodging a swipe from her electrified right hand.
"Don't 'Nikki' me, Twiggy!" she hissed, not taking her eyes off Scarlett. "I went through the same shit when I went to Horizon to try and find you! But I refused to take it, just like Shredder taught us!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. Her mohawk flared. "Why didn't you say something? We're sisters, we—"
Pride, as Scarlett mentioned earlier about not wanting to come home a failure.
"Because of our dream, Nikki!"
Starlene rippled with static. She glanced at Scarlett, who still faced the corner of the room despite being the one who shouted. The meloetta's eyes flickered blue.
Igneous again tried to step between them. "Maybe we should all just take a minute or two?"
Cue Igneous getting punted out of the way by Nikki in

This time, Nikki and Starlene glared at him. "Butt out!" they said in unison. The grovlazzle stepped back, biting down on the inside of his cheek, as silence took over the room once more. Nikki and Starlene stared each other down until the toxtricity spoke up.
Wew, managing to get both sides of a dispute mad at you. Though yeah, I guess I was onto something about Nikki and Scarlett's friendship having problems after the end of this scene.
"Our dream?"
"Of superstardom," Starlene responded, crossing her arms. "Even when your old act found some success, there was always this doubt Scarlett had about her own role in that."
"What are you talking about?" Nikki's mohawk slowly faded back to its normal yellow. "They loved your voice!"
Oh, so Scarlett felt overshadowed and went full green-eyed monster on Nikki, which encouraged her to make the jump, huh?
"But they didn't love her looks," Starlene quickly countered. "And a year at Horizon made it abundantly clear to her: as long as she looked the way she did, she'd never reach that dream."
So, it was more than the bullying getting to her? Igneous couldn't tell if Scarlett was tweaking her explanation for Nikki's sake or not.
I guess I should be wholly unsurprised that Scarlett was burning her biological body out in the back of a trailer for the past who-knows-how-many-years. Since if she started to view her Dragonair body as a millstone to her dreams to begin with... why would she feel an urge to take care of it?
"That doesn't change anything." Anger simmered behind Nikki's words, muted compared to earlier. "You should've talked to me. Talked to Shredder." She dug her hands into her jacket pockets. "Instead you went to Vortex?"

Nikki: "But you-! And-! Why?!"

"Yes, she did. I already explained it," Starlene said. "She thought that, with Vortex's help, you two could still reach your dreams."
"But I wanted to reach it with you, Scarlett!" Nikki tried to push past Starlene, but the meloetta blocked her off. "Are you even listening to this? Why can't you say it directly to my face?" Her mohawk darkened. "I deserve better than this... this glorified mouthpiece!"
Told you you shouldn't have used Starlene to say this, Scarlett.
Grimacing, Scarlett finally made eye contact with the toxtricity. "It's not like I knew Vortex was gonna give me kooky hypno powers!"
"Forget that shit!" Nikki stomped her right foot down. "What about the lyrics you wrote? Stupid bubbly, suck up nonsense!"
Scarlett totally didn't write those lyrics on her own, didn't she? Since I know how manufactured pop stars work in reality, and she literally was one.
"I know that!" Scarlett tensed up further. "But I put up with it because it was a stepping stone. I knew if I could just ride things out enough, I could tell you the truth and we could link up properly as a new, better act."
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I didn't want a new act?" Nikki's mohawk got even more jagged. Igneous didn't dare step toward her. "I liked what we had. I wanted more of that."
Wait, so Nikki liked their Bubblegum Pop phase? Or is that also something that she's dumping on Scarlett about here at the moment?
"But you would never get more of that," Starlene countered, crossing her arms. "Not as long as Scarlett remained a dragon."
I mean... considering the absolute state of society in Radiance, that probably was accurate short of introducing rock to Aeon and making it catch on there.
Igneous reacted a moment too late. Nikki's mohawk erupted into a mix of red and purple as she shouted, "Shut up!" and her lightning guitar appeared in her right hand. Starlene's body rippled and she threw an arm over her face to shield herself from all the sparks. Scarlett shrank back further, coiling toward the far corner of the bed.
Oh, so this conversation did ultimately wind up going into the "screaming match" direction. Even if it took a bit longer than I expected to get here.

"Cool it, Nikki," Igneous said. The grovlazzle hesitantly stepped forward, only to jump back when Nikki whirled on him.
"You knew... didn't you?" She narrowed her eyes.
"Knew what?"
"About all of this!" The toxtricity gestured at Scarlett and Starlene.
Igneous: "Uh... do you want the answer you'd like to hear, or...?"

Nikki: "Oh my god, Twiggy! Just stop beating around the bush and fess up already!"

Igneous wasn't sure whether the truth or a lie would make things any worse, so he opted for the former. "I knew some of it. Because I was at the Starlene concert that got sabotaged. I found her in a trailer and... took her away, in a manner of speaking."
A tense silence emerged while Nikki looked back and forth between everyone else. Her mohawk and lightning guitar continued to send a shower of sparks onto the shaggy floor and plastic-coated mattress.
Scarlett: "... Igneous? You're able to summon those Volcarona wings and fly away right now, right? Since I kinda get the feeling that we should be far, far away from here right now."

Eventually, the guitar evaporated and her mohawk faded back to yellow. The toxtricity jammed her hands into her pockets. "Move aside, Twiggy," she said.
"You're leaving?"
"No, I'm going to walk into the damn wall." Nikki glared at him. "Of course I'm leaving. Now, move or I'll make you move."
That seems ever so slightly ill-advised given that Igneous is laden with unholy glitch power right about now, but... uh... yeah, probably for the best to give Nikki some space.
Sighing, Igneous stepped aside. Nikki stormed past him. Her footsteps quickly grew more distant. Right when Igneous looked to move toward the bed, however, a loud thud echoed from the hallway. The grovlazzle quickly darted out the door and looked to his right.
He found a jagged, fist-shaped hole in the wall by the staircase door. Tiny bits of poison trickled down from the hole, eating away at the dull gray wallpaper.
Igneous: "Oh that one's gonna be fun to explain to dad when he sees it."

Yuna finished wiping away the last tears from her damp eyes. She had no idea how long she cried for after telling her mother to leave. Rhythmic ticking told her a clock was somewhere in the small room, but she didn't care to find it. Instead, the drakloak remained on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Its rough texture brought the sand of the desert city Team Bastion helped to mind.
Oh, so Yuna did lose her composure after that last scene of hers in 53. I kinda figured that things would've gotten to her, even if she held up better than I expected with others present in the room with her.
Who am I? Yuna ran her right hand over the Soul Dew. Why am I even here?
Oh hey, it's Zidane's same existential dilemma from Disc 3-ish FF9.
The more she thought about it, the more jumbled her situation got. A Soul Dew possibly belonging to Bahamut's dead mate had bonded with her, yet she could open rifts between places like Gene and Noctum with their Malice powers. She kept seeing visions of the dead mate's time with Bahamut, but then she summoned daemonic ghost wings when she got angry.
... And none of that even considered how Leo fit into this messy picture.
Yeah, that's what I'd like to know too. Since Paradigm treats Yuna as if she's flatly Chiron. But how on earth did Chiron go from a Lunala to a Giratina... thing?
Yuna threw her hands over her face and shouted, "Arrrgh! I hate this! I hate it so much!" She smacked her right hand against the floor. "I want to go back!"
Cecil: "Wait, to being a space rock?"

Yuna: "To not knowing about any of this! To just being a normal princess!" >.<
Back to simpler times living in the castle in Drasbraznav and getting annoyed at her many siblings' antics. Hell, she would even take being bedridden with sickness again!
Yeah, I figured that would be about Yuna's reaction there.
Maybe being broken out of a crystal is why I was so sick to begin with.
Dark, but it's certainly plausible given that getting separated from that crystal had to be quite the shock.
The drakloak grabbed her Soul Dew and tugged. Her ectoplasm jiggled uncomfortably. Yuna relented, groaning. She forced Rayquaza and Reshiram's presences away... for, like, the tenth time since her mother had left. Even if they had good intentions, Yuna didn't want to hear from them. She just wanted to be alone.
Yuna: "Seriously, can I just go on strike from the plot and run away to another story at this rate?"

Gallian: "Given that thou art our main hope at staving off an omniversal disaster, that would be fairly ill-advised, Princess." ^^;
"Oh, hey, is this the room where we lie around and feel like garbage?"
Huh, wasn't expecting the Danganronpa music there. Though ohai, Nikki.
Yuna tilted her head back slightly to find Nikki's upside-down form in the doorway. She held her swollen right hand in her left.
Yuna: "Nikki, what did you do?" O_O
Nikki: "Punched a hole into a wall. Don't mind it, it happens."
The toxtricity's shoulders sagged. "Never mind. If anyone asks, you didn't see me." She turned to leave.
Yuna rolled onto her stomach. "No, w-wait! I—" She reached her right arm out even though it wouldn't do anything. "You just surprised me, that's all."
Oh, so Yuna does want company right now.
"So, you do feel like garbage?" Nikki looked back over her shoulder.
The drakloak deflated. "I think garbage actually feels better than me right now."
- Meanwhile, just outside the window, a Garbodor does a Michigan J. Frog routine on a Scale City street -
Nikki: "Huh, no kidding there-"
Yuna: "Nikki, you know what I meant." >_>;
Nikki walked inside the room, heading right past Yuna. "That's a mood." She stopped by the same cabinet Yiazmat had pulled the sparkling water out of earlier. It was still open. Nikki crouched down and, judging by all the clinking glass Yuna heard, rummaged around. "What happened to you? Mom get on your case?"
Yuna: "I found out that I fell from the sky in some freaky crystal thing, my entire purpose in life is to be stuck to this accursed Soul Dew, oh and I was adopted and my parents never told me about it until an hour ago."

Nikki: "... And your mom got on your case too, right?"
Yuna inched her way across the floor, phased through the same chair she sat in earlier, and popped up on it. She lay her rectangular head on the armrest closest to Nikki. "If 'get on your case' means 'admitted she lied to you your whole life,' then yes."
Yeah, I figured. And this section is unintentionally lulzy if you read it right after the past cutaway gag.
The toxtricity paused with her left arm still wedged into the cabinet. "Sounds serious."
"Turns out I'm adopted. An orphan found in a crystal, not an egg." Yuna didn't realize she admitted it so casually until it was already out in the open. "... oh."
Nikki: "At least you don't worry about having to find your original parents?" ^^;
Yuna: "..."

Nikki: "Right, should've known better than to think that would lift your mood."
Nikki slowly pulled her left arm out and thrust a clear bottle at Yuna. "Here. Think you need this more than I do."
Yuna stared at the blue label with little wingull stickers outlining it. "Sack-eee?"
Oh, it's sake. And I can already tell that Yuna's going to hate this since sake is really strong as a spirit and very much an acquired taste.
"It's, like, made from rice. Label says it's sweet." Nikki uncorked the bottle and filled a small glass. She placed it on the armrest by Yuna's head.
The drakloak snout twitched. "Is this, like, wine or something?" She didn't think it was the best idea to drink that when she already felt crummy.
Nikki: "

Look, you know that 'mead' you've got back home? This is comparable to a strong version of that, just probably doesn't taste as sweet since it's not made from honey."
"It's got an alcohol measurement." Nikki twisted the bottle for Yuna to better see the "twenty percent alcohol by volume" on the label. "Nature's painkiller." She lifted the bottle up and took a swig directly from it. Her mohawk frazzled. "Eeegh. Yeah, that's sweet. Not my preferred thing, but beggars can't be choosers."
How often has Nikki gotten drunk anyways? Though it sounds like they're most likely drinking a nigori sake, since the taste and ABV are all consistent with a stronger one of those. Probably a good thing that Nikki brought this along instead of a dry sake, though, since that definitely would take some getting used to for someone used to mead as a default cultural drink.
Yuna stared at the cup Nikki poured her. Nature's painkiller, huh?
Technically, she had a headache from... all of this nonsense.
To hell with it.
inb4 the label on the bottle is 'Drunken Dragon' or something like that, since this sounds like a recipe to get Yuna nice and sloshed in short order since she canonically has not drunk much and going in cold with something comparable to a fortified wine sounds like a recipe for problems.
Yuna threw back the entire glass. A chill ran down her back. The drakloak's ectoplasm rippled. She smacked her lips and blinked a few times. Was her headache dulling already?
"Huh. Not so bad, I guess."
This girl's going to have a killer hangover in the morning, I can already tell.
"Want some more?" Nikki tilted the bottle toward her. Its contents swished inside.
"Uhh, you just drank right out of that," Yuna said, frowning. It was one thing to share a glass with a family member she lived around. This felt a bit different.
"Fine then." The toxtricity shrugged. "More for me."
Okay, how much has Nikki drunk in the past? Since if she's going through a bottle of sake to drown her sorrows like this, it makes me wonder just how frequent these 'medication' episodes are given that she blithely referred to booze as 'nature's painkiller'.

"No, wait." Yuna almost slid over the armrest and onto the floor. She managed to wrap her left hand around the glass and hold it up. "Give."
"That's the spirit." Nikki poured the drakloak another glass. "Heh. Didn't mean for the pun."
That pun was totally intentional, wasn't it?
"Pardon?" Yuna took the glass back with a look of confusion.
"Spirits are a kind of booze, too." Nikki shook her head. "The kind of stuff even poison-types like me can get woozy from."
"Oh." Yuna looked down at her glass. "You, uh, know a bit about that, huh?"
Yeah, I kinda figured, though I suppose it's time to hear from the horse's mouth.
"Only what I've heard the snobs at the academy say," Nikki scoffed. She held the bottle up. "So here's to... shitty birth parents who abandoned us. May they get eaten by Eternatus if they're not already dead."

Oh, so that's Nikki's life story. I guess I should've suspected something like this given how prominent Scarlett and Shredder were in her memories with nothing about her mother or father mentioned.
Yuna winced. That was a bit harsh to say about people neither of them knew. Nevertheless, the drakloak held up her glass and Nikki clinked the bottle against it. She took another swig and Yuna, likewise, down her glass. Her ectoplasm rippled even more.
What does a drunken Drakloak look like anyways?
"Mmm. Another." Yuna held the glass further out. Sake splooshed into it. Yuna downed it just as quickly.
Had the room gotten brighter? Eh, Yuna didn't care. Her inner ectoplasm was warmer. And not the kind of warmth Reshiram's fire made. This warmth was nice. She deflated a bit, brushing her nubby feet against the chair's leather.
Yup, she's getting nice and wasted right about now, since Drakloak is barely larger than a human child and she's just gone through 3 cups of a 20% ABV drink.
"Sounds like a hum of approval to me." Chuckling, Nikki drank more from the bottle. She ran her right arm across her lips. "What did I tell ya? Nature's painkiller."
"Yeah." Yuna's gaze fell toward Nikki's right hand. "What about you? That's not from the fight with the... big robo thingy, right?" Yuna didn't realize her words had a bit of slurring to them.
Called it. Though just how fast did that alcohol go through her system? Since I could've sworn that it normally takes like 15 minutes for the full effect of a drink to kick in for humans.
"Nah." Nikki held up her right hand, then took another sip of sake. "I punched a hole in a wall."
"Whaaa?" Yuna inched forward on her chair. "Why? What did the wall do to you?"
"Erm, Princess, perhaps thou shouldst consider drinking some water instead?"

Gallian: "... Boy doth I hope thine mother doesn't float through the door to see this." ._.;
Shut up, Noodle. Yuna willed Rayquaza's presence away.
Wow, rude. Though it makes me wonder if Yuna is ever going to come to terms with the Sages she's got swirling around in her Soul Dew, since she never has really gotten used to having them around.
The toxtricity shook her head. "You're not the only one who had family lying to your face."
"Family?" Yuna stared blankly at the sake bottle for a bit before the dots connected. "Oh, you mean the other noodle. Airy." She tilted her head slightly, giggling and pushing her glass toward Nikki for another round. "She looked kinda cute. From a distance, anyway."
Ah yes, the obligatory GL nod getting dropped in. And I see you're playing around with another ship, if one being driven heavily by beer goggles at the moment.
Nikki snorted, nearly spilling the sake she poured for Yuna. "Not so cute when you realize she's Starlene," the toxtricity grumbled.
Oh, the 'cute' comment is about Scarlett. I misread that earlier.
Yuna almost spat out the sake, but managed to swallow it. "Whaaaaaaaat? But she doesn't look like Starlene!"
Nikki: "Yeah, story of my life, really."

"It's some kind of psychic shit," Nikki growled. She took another swig of sake. "Point is that Scarlett lied to me. She couldn't even tell the truth to my face. Had to summon Starlene to get all huffy at me." She drank more sake. "Like we hadn't spent our entire lives together or anything! She kept throwing excuses in my face!"
Not that Scarlett wasn't being downright awful to Chiaki/Igneous in Vellguarde Hospital, but I'm not wholly convinced that Scarlett would've arrived at the same destination had she not been effectively bullied out of Horizon Gardens.
"Oh. That's, um, not good." Yuna traced her right hand around the rim of her glass. "No wonder you said you felt like garbage."
A bitter laugh followed. Nikki poured Yuna more sake then took another sip for herself. "That's not even the best part! Wanna know the best part?" She leaned over, gesturing with her swollen right hand.
"Twiggy knew!" Nikki laughed again, then drank more sake. "And he was going to keep his mouth shut if I hadn't pried the truth out of Scarlett."
inb4 Yuna spits her drink out this time.
Yuna flinched. "I see." She slowly drank the glass Nikki poured her. That warmth spread even further through her ectoplasm. "So, you punched the wall instead of him?"
Well, never mind then. Though I hope Lum Berries work on hangovers in this setting, since these girls are going to need the help in the morning.
Nikki blinked a few times. "Damn, I should've punched his stupid sunburnt snout." She drank more from the bottle, then dropped it onto the carpeted floor where it landed with a muffled thud. "You're pretty smart. Maybe I ought to call you Blockhead, since you're not a princess anymore."
Well, Nikki certainly got nice and wasted fast considering this dialogue.
Yuna let out something between a laugh and a squeak at that. She knocked her glass over and it plinked off the empty bottle. The drakloak burst into further laughter, rapping her right hand against the armrest. She had no idea why she was laughing. Nothing was funny about this. Yuna couldn't help herself.
Yes, that's a side effect of going through like 5 glasses of sake when you have the body mass of a human child. I'll frankly be surprised if you don't black out from the alcohol's effects peaking in about 5-10 minutes from this point.
"Okay, okay." Nikki waved her left hand in front of her face, fighting off her own snickers. "I'm putting you down as a giggling drunk."
"I'm not drunk," Yuna said. "I've had mead before!"
Narrator: "She is drunk and only going to get drunker as the alcohol kicks in."
But when the drakloak attempted to float up to demonstrate that she was okay, she wound up sliding over the armrest and faceplanting onto the floor next to the empty glass and sake bottle. "See?" Yuna raised her right arm to save face. "Totally fine."
Nikki: "I rest my case, Blockhead."

Both girls stared at each other silently for a few seconds, before they both burst into laughter. Nikki slouched over in her chair slightly and wiped a couple of tears from her eyes. "Man, I needed that more than I thought. Still want to throttle Twiggy, but I feel a bit better."
Yuna did, too. This didn't change anything about her current predicament, but at least a bit of the weight had lifted from her tiny, ectoplasmic shoulders.
... Or maybe that was the sake. Hard to tell with all the warmth inside her.
Narrator: "It's the sake making her feel the weight lifting from her shoulders."
"Hey, Princess?"
"Yeah?" Yuna looked up at Nikki.
"Let's save the universe, okay?"
Yuna: “Nikki, go home, you’re drunk.”
Nikki: “Heh, look who’s talking, Blockhead…”
Nikki stuck her left arm out. Yuna stared at her closed fist, blinking. "Okay?"
"I mean it. This is our chance to show up these dolts who brush us off and lie to our faces. You feel me?"
Yuna stared at Nikki's fist for a little while longer, before she reached her own hand out and bumped it. "Let's save the universe."
Cute, though I can already see the frantic attempts at a takeback when Yuna's a bit more sober.
Alright, made it to the end. This felt basically like an aftermath / transitional chapter, though I honestly am kinda surprised that Yuna hasn't done something like this drinking episode in the 50+ chapters prior to this since she's been under a lot of stress and pressure all this time. Guess even she has her limits.
I liked the character exploration in this chapter, where we got to see a bit more about who Nikki and Yuna are as persons, even if I kinda winced a little at how naturally Yuna is taking to running roughshod over the Sages she's been collecting. As for weaknesses... I don't think that much stood out other than that it might have been nice to have a bit more explicit leadup to some of the things that happened, since it admittedly took me a while to register that Igneous and Scarlett were in Scale City, much less that Scarlett was worn out badly enough to need to be cared for in the wake of summoning Latias.
But in the end, I don't think that those issues were really enough to take me out of things. It was a chapter that burned a few bridges and drowned some sorrows in strong booze, and it did both of those things pretty well. So kudos on that front @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to seeing the inevitable fallout in about a week.