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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, my last Review Tag from PMDWU fell through, let's try again with this fic to kill two birds with one stone since I'm a chapter behind anyways. Moving right along into…

Chapter 70

The collider room was quiet and still. Only the gentle hum of idle machines and the sloshing of water through glass tubes greeted Yuna when she returned. There was no new Sage floating in front of her. Not even any evaporating light particles to suggest a Needle had been there to begin with.

A little surprised no Spiderverse music for this moment, though I suppose things aren't going particularly pear-shaped just yet.

"Where—" Yuna looked around. "Guys, where's Cresselia?"

"You don't know?" Widget frowned. "You nodded off for a second the moment you touched the Needle."

The drakloak squeaked. "I did?"

Yuna: "... She's in my Soul Dew at the moment, right? Please tell me she's in my Soul Dew..."

Widget nodded.

"It was cute!" Leo chirped, having settled back on the silvally's head. "You were sleeping but still floating. Sleepy-floaty!"

Wait, can Yuna do that naturally? Or is that Needle weirdness in effect?

Yuna frowned. So, the Needle's power got to her in the end, too? She wasn't tired, though. And Cyril wasn't nodding off anymore, either. Reshiram?

"I got this."

Ah yes, time to see if she really is in there.

Her Soul Dew sparkled. A ball of blue light jumped out and splattered on the ground, forming into Reshiram. He awkwardly cradled Cresselia in his wings. "Ta-dah?"
Yuna: "Oh thank goodness, I was getting worried there."

"Is she... sleeping?" Cyril said. "Even after all that?"

"Yep." Reshiram poked Cresselia's cheek with a claw. "Heeeeey, Cress. Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!"


Never change, Cecil.

"Mmmgggrgh." Cresselia swatted the tip of Reshiram's wing away. "Fiiiiive more miiiinuuuutesss."

And she was asleep again seconds later.

She was totally an Abra or something like that before being recruited, wasn't she? Since that's quite the narcoleptic streak.

"She's always like this," Reshiram said, laughing nervously. "Falling asleep and stuff. Heck, when other Sages would make her laugh, her levitation would fail her and she'd crumple up like tissue paper."

Cyril squinted at him. "I'm sorry, what?"

"It's the truth." Reshiram shifted to avoid dropping Cresselia. "I'd raise a wing or something, but they're a bit full."
Cyril: "... Is this 'mon even going to be able to function as a Sage like this?"

"No, I get that." Cyril waved his arms. "But you mean to tell me one of your vaunted Sages... is narcoleptic?"

"I mean, her job back in the day was to dole out nice dreams, so..."

Reshiram stared blankly, then smiled dumbly. "I have no idea what that means, but it sounds sciencey and we're in a science museum, so I bet it must be right!"

Yuna facepalmed. It sounded like Cyril thought Cresselia was sick. The kind of sickness that somehow stuck with her as a spirit, to boot. It was yet another reminder of just how wrong Aeon's scriptures were. Bahamut didn't put any thought into Sages if something like this could slip through the cracks.
inb4 Cresselia's narcolepsy was a feature and not a bug for Bahamut. Since he kinda gives off those sorts of vibes given who he picked for his Sage of Truth.

"I realize it looks bad," Rayquaza said. "But she is the Sage of Dreams. Who better to help than someone who's constantly asleep?"
Yeah, I figured.

Yuna: "But she was at least awake in my vision. Look, she has to wake up sometime, right?"

"You know what? No." Yuna tapped the Soul Dew. A startled Reshiram disappeared back inside with Cresselia in tow. "I'm not entertaining this right now. The Needle's out, but we're still here. So, where's the anomaly core? Leo?"
Aw. Playtime's over, I see. Though I suppose being reminded that "my childhood faith is all a lie" isn't really something that puts one in a good mood.

The drakloak looked around, trying to locate any sort of distorted vortex resembling what sat atop the last dimension's volcano. This room was far smaller and blander than a volcanic peak, so unless the core was tiny, Yuna should've easily been able to see it.

"Hmm." Straightening up on Widget's crest, Leo pushed his fake dreepy horns with his hands. "Dunno. There might be something over there?" He pointed to the collider half on the far end of the room. "Way too fuzzy for me to tell, though."

"Leo, you realize you're pointing at the collider, right?" Widget tittered and shifted his weight uneasily.
Leo: "... Yes? I mean, I don't feel anything that feels very 'anomaly' anywhere else, so..."

"Of course." Leo blew a raspberry at Widget. "I'm not a dummy. But the fuzziness is hugging Mr. Collider!"
Time to see just how fast all of this goes sideways, especially since this thing is helping to suppress Ultra Wormholes right now.

A gentle hum filled the room, only to rapidly grow in volume. Tail crinkling, Yuna focused on the collider. It didn't look any different than before. Was Liza trying something?

Cyril tilted his head up and belted out a, "Yo, Liza! We've taken out the pink's source. Anything on your end?"

Rather than the X-transceivers picking Liza up, a loudspeaker system briefly squeaked. "Good news, everyone! I've finished piecing together the message from beeeeeyooooooond."

It's going to be Bahamut/Phantom Despair in full "give me my power back" mode, isn't it?

"Was drawing out the last word to sound spooky really necessary?" Widget angrily muttered.

Cyril frowned. "Uh, that's great, but what about—"

"Take a listen!"

Cyril: "I really don't see why these theatrics are necessary right now."

The loudspeakers squeaked again. There was faint static in the background, followed by an older, exhausted voice.

"Agh, finally, a signal from the other side! I've got reception!"

"So, this is someone from Kalidron?"
Reshiram said. "But who? I thought the other resistance members and the pirates were the only ones there. She sounds way too old to be a pirate."

An older voice, huh? Though it might have made sense to specify that the voice sounded feminine before Cecil mentions it in his dialogue.

Yuna's face scrunched up. This sounds familiar. I think... this was who I heard when I touched all those Needle fragments.


Wait, so then that wasn't Cresselia Yuna was hearing?

"Everyone, you have to listen to me!" the voice pleaded. "I know you have a collider there. And you need to shut it down now!"
Ah yes, so we really are going to get an opportunity to break out:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglE5ErjakM

The humming in the background steadily got louder as the voice spoke. Yuna saw a flicker of white light in the corner of her vision.

"The rifts damaged the collider. The damage set off a chain reaction that destroyed our whole planet!"

Oh, so it's a survivor from Kalidron IV making contact. I think, anyways.

- Meanwhile -


Yuna: "Is that music really necessary right now?" ._.;

Another flicker of light. Then a third. Yuna turned and screamed.

"The collider! Why's it turning on?!"

Not quite the BGM I was expecting, but looks like I was onto something with that earlier Daniel Pemberton link.

"Oh, sure, we had enough time to get people evacuated. But our whole operation — our way of life — is ruined! And when I was two days from retirement, to boot!"
Voice: "Which I'm pretty sure you don't have the luxury of right now. So don't wait any longer!"

"Liza? Liza, we have a problem!" Cyril shouted. The collider half behind the team also began to glow. The large metal cylinders slowly rotated.

"I'm begging you! Shut it down! Or you'll be—"

As the transmission cut to garbled static, the room trembled. The moment the cylinders of the collider's far half started moving, sparks of purple distortion leaped off of them. Jagged purple fragments flickered all around it.
This actually works really well with that Spiderverse track right about now. Time to see whether or not the collider blows up in the team's faces.

"Ah! It's just like the rifts littering the sky!" Widget said, head crest fanning out in alarm. Leo nearly tumbled off it.

"Hey, Mom, I found Mr. Anomaly's core!" the cosmic arceus cheered. "And it's sending someone to say hi to us."

Yuna: "Great. Just what we needed right now."

Yuna's neck shriveled. "S-Sending someone?"

More purple ripples danced around the far collider half. They hung in the air like slowly splintering glass. And right in the middle of the proverbial web... was a growing ball of distortion.

"Even your puppet's aghast reaction is predictable, Yaldabaoth."
... I wasn't expecting that music to make an appearance. Mon semblable! Mon frère!

So wait, does this 'puppet' comment mean that Yuna has a Zanza of her own that needs her as a vessel? Since he was effectively that game's analogue to Yaldabaoth from gnostic mythos.

The purple fissures stopped expanding. The collider froze. As did Yuna's teammates.

The whole room was at a standstill, save for the pulsating distortion in the collider's chamber. It rippled once. Twice. A third time.

Yuna saw a head. No, a whole body. Humanoid like Liza or Cyril's illusion, but shrouded in cracked, jagged purple shadows. As if someone had coated an Aeon temple's stained glass murals in distortion.

Well that's definitely not Phantom Despair. Or at least I think that it isn't Phantom Despair.

She recognized the voice— or, rather, voices. The same chorus of thousands that interfered in the fight with Chernabog.

"Natus." The drakloak's ectoplasm quivered.

Wait, so Eternatus is the analogue to Monad in this feud with Yaldabaoth? Didn't see that one coming since I swore it would've turned out to be Ahsen, but I suppose we weren't going to get away from it plot-wise that easily.

No, that wasn't quite right. Her shadows pushed against her ectoplasm. They weren't coalescing away from her, though. Instead, she fought not to swing her tail in Natus' direction. Were the shadows reaching toward Natus? Or were they trying to lash out?
Oh, well that's worrisome right now.

"I see." They pivoted, revealing a mask that strongly resembled the wheel around Leo's torso. And the figure had a purple, shadowy swirl atop their head... that looked just like Leo's mane. "So, you've chosen to continue the path of reaping chaos while hiding beneath a veil of naivete. This, too, is as predicted."

Yup, Yaldabaoth vs. Monad feud confirmed for this story. Though that's going to have some... interesting implications for Yuna in the future given that Natus bluntly stated that Yuna's being used as a puppet.

Neither Yuna nor her shadows were in the mood for cryptic riddles. "I don't care what you think."

"If that were true, you would be ignoring me," they countered. Between their shadowy form and their distorted chorus of voices, Yuna couldn't get a solid grip on this... thing. "But you cannot. So long as this remains your choice, we shall be inextricably linked."

Ah yes, just casually implying that it's not one battle against a supreme god that the cast is going to have to deal with down the road. Especially since I doubt that Yaldabaoth will exactly be buddy-buddy when s/he comes to collect his/her due.

Trying to muster some Nikki-esque bravado, Yuna snorted. "No duh. If you're making these anomalies, then of course I'm going to keep running into you."

"You are welcome to think these are my creations." Natus gestured to the pulsating core behind them. "The end result will be the same no matter how incorrect your assumptions are."

>inb4 they're Yaldabaoth's. Since I saw that 'reaping chaos' comment earlier

Yuna: "I... can't tell whether or not I should ask further or if this thing is just trying to get under my hide."

Yuna tried reaching out to Reshiram, but got no response. "You climbed out of the anomaly core. What assumption was I supposed to make?"

"These blights... are but a symptom." Natus glanced back at the rift. "Another suffering world that marches steadily toward stagnation. Toward oblivion."

They'd said something similar to Yuna back in Malie, hadn't they?

"You act as though you are a savior," they continued. Static flickered around their mask. "When it's your presence that has hastened this world's demise."

>dat last paragraph

Amby, I swear, if you wind up ending this story on the same note that FFX did...

"What?" Yuna knew they were full of it. The team had come here to fix the anomaly.

"It is in your very nature to sow chaos," they said, raising their right arm. "Unless you choose to abandon your plight, you will push every realm you enter closer to its destined end."

"Which is?"

"Nothingness." An empty void momentarily appeared within the center of their mask. "Such is the ultimate fate ascribed to all universes, no matter their age. Their origin. How perfect they may seem to observers and Overseers alike."

Oh, so that's why Yuna has those Giratina powers. And why Natus manifested as Beta Arceus in that one chapter.

That's Yaldabaoth indwelling her in the present day.

Yuna was finished entertaining this freak. They were as warped as Xeromus. They had to be. This was all just a ploy to stop her from repairing the anomalies. Yes, she was sure of it.
No... it's really not. I mean, I doubt that letting Natus win is a good thing, but if you know your Gnostic mythos, this is very much something more than just a feint.

"You can tell yourself whatever stupid platitudes you'd like," the drakloak growled. Her shadows festered around her waist. "I'm doing what's right. End of story."

"What's right?"

The figure looked at their outstretched hand. "How little you've changed, Yaldabaoth. You never could grasp the bigger picture." They lowered their arm. "But your ill-fated endeavors will amount to nothing in the end. I will enshrine a new fate for this world, just as I will for all others."

Yuna: "... Which is? Since I feel as if that's something you should tell me here." ._.;

That, too, sounded an awful lot like something they said on Malie.

"If you're not Natus, then who are you?" They raised their right arm again. "I am the one who will affirm all phenomena." They raised their left arm. "Across every universe. Every timeline. Until reality achieves perfection." The figure clasped their distorted hands together and lowered them in front of their mask.

That's the Matriarch, isn't it? And yeah, I stand by my comment that Natus or whatever this thing really is is the 'Monad' of this story, just played malevolently.

"I am the Butterfree Effect."
Well that's not quite what I was expecting. Though now I'm wondering how on earth this thing relates with Natus, or if Natus is just POV-2020's incarnation of this Butterfree Effect.

Yuna's shadows practically hissed and bubbled within her gut. They'd nearly overtaken the drakloak's lower half. She couldn't lose her resolve, though. She needed to stay in control, because she knew something bad was waiting for her the moment time unfroze.
Yuna: "I could've just been the unpopular exchange student back in Horizon Gardens, but nooooo..."

"A nutcase, then. Glad we reached an understanding. Now leave, or I'll make you leave."

"Very well. This is, after all, only a projection." They bowed slowly. "Please enjoy my parting gift, Yaldabaoth. If your resolve is truly as strong as you think, then our next meeting is already written into the stars."

Yuna: "No wait, I changed my mind! Stay here and-!" O_O;

Butterfree Effect disappeared in a dim, distorted flicker.

The moment they did, alarms blared loudly throughout the room. Heavy metal sheets emerged from the floor, enveloping the glass dome ceiling.

The anomaly core grew larger and larger. Something new festered within its distorted static. A much larger, shaggier figure than the Butterfree Effect.

"The blue crystal on its head... Dame Suicune?!"

Ah yes, another Whisper battle. Though that's how you're working in Past-Paradox Pokémon into this story.


No, it wasn't Suicune. The Sage of Water had beautiful, flowing blue hair. This thing — this lizard with a neck full of twisted, knotted green and red hair and two whip-like tails lashing at the air — was a far cry from what Yuna knew from the Book of Aeon.

inb4 it is Suicune, just heavily corrupted

"It's like that regidrago!" Widget cried as Not-Suicune roared again. Bright sunshine blotted out the metal barricade that finished forming overhead. "It's gotta be a Phantom!"

Whisper, Widget.

"But why would a Phantom looking like Dame Suicune summon sunlight?" Rayquaza wondered. "Tis truly vexing!"

I'm actually curious as to if this really is POV-2020's Suicune or not or if this is a wholly unrelated entity. Since we know from Bahamut that Legendaries can become Phantoms, so...

"Who cares?" Yuna shot toward Widget, arms wide open to grab a dumbstruck Leo. "We've got a serious problem here!"

"You're telling me." Cyril frantically tapped the side of his head, where his X-transceiver was hidden under his illusory blue hair. "Liza! Pick up, damn it! The collider's charging up and we're inside the chamber!"

Ah yes, only good things can come from this given how crazy easy it would be to potentially hit the with collateral damage.

"I see it! I see it! And am I hallucinating or did a green walking wake just burst out of my collider?!"

Liza's voice came through overhead speakers, though the alarms nearly drowned her out.

Widget: "Wait, that thing has a name?!"

"What the hell's a walking wake?!" Cyril barked.

"Clearly that!" Widget took off running in the opposite direction from the others.

"Jaaagoooooh!" Walking Wake opened its maw and out came a burst of water as big as a Hydro Pump. Squealing, Yuna grabbed Leo and flew further toward the side of the room.

Yuna: "I thought harsh sunlight was supposed to weaken water attacks!"

Cyril: "Clearly things work differently with this 'mon! Just stay on your toes!"

"Mom? It's too warm." Leo rubbed his fake dreepy head. "Look at all the steam the water made."

Yuna didn't have time to worry about steam. Or why a water attack was even that strong when harsh sunlight flooded the room.

Oh, so the cast does find it strange how sunlight souped up Madhis in spite of being a seeming Water-type.

The sense train had left the station, derailed, and was poised to take out a couple of cities en route to falling off a cliff. And she was practically driving it!

"Liza, you have to fix this now!" Cyril shouted, glancing between Yuna and the Phantom, who was currently exchanging claw swipes with Widget. "Quick, gimme the kid!"

Liza: "Can you be any vaguer about what to do right now?" >_>;
Cyril: "Shut down your collider and don't let this 'Walking Wake' trash it!"

"Huh, why?"

Cyril sprinted toward her. "Because your Sages make you way more useful on offense."

Wouldn't that mean you're not fit to look after him? Yuna wondered, before reluctantly handing Leo over.

Not totally convinced that this is going to end well, but I suppose let's see where this goes.

"Get back!" Widget's cry preceded a burst of electricity that struck Walking Wake's crystal headpiece and made its shaggy fur stand on end in a lousy jolteon impersonation.

"In the middle!" Reshiram cried. "There's a waterspout in the middle of its headpiece. Like that fist crystal in Chernabog's belt!"

Oh, so we're fighting for the Splash Plate, huh?
Widget, now in flight mode, hovered in front of Yuna. "I could use a little backup if you're done tossing your kid around like a frisbee!"

"Jaagoh! Punarjanm jaagoh!" Walking Wake screeched, before spewing more boiling water from its mouth. Widget shot skyward, his thrusters giving him enough lift to dodge with ease. Yuna hoped to phase into the floor, only to bonk against the solid metal. The deluge of searing water splattered over her. She writhed on the ground, hollering in pain.

I did not realize that 'jaagoh' was also Hindi, though 'wake up', huh? Implying that these fights are meant to rouse Yaldabaoth from its dormant state?

"Hot! Too hot!" Not even Aeon's volcanic springs compared to this. It hurt to even keep her eyes open and she couldn't rub them, because her nubby hands were equally as on fire!

"Uh, gang?" Liza's nervous laughter practically melted into the alarms. "We might have a slight problem. And by slight... I mean monumental."

"What now?!" Cyril groaned.

"I can't override the collider's startup sequence. I'm completely locked out of the software!"

- Meanwhile in the background -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglE5ErjakM

Yuna: "Ow ow owww! Oh my god, can we not right now?!" >.<

"Did you try—"

"Of course I damn well tried turning it off and turning it back on! Everything's still frozen!"

Yuna struggled to blink her blurry vision away. Bright yellow and blue flashes lit up the room around her.

"Then try something else!" Cyril cried.

The Collider's totally going boom, isn't it?

"I don't have anything else! I told Dad we needed to upgrade to Devon OS 17.1, but did he listen? Nooooooo, of course not! Why would he? 'Science doesn't wait for software updates, and neither should we!'"

So it was simple sloth. The sloth of a single man that destroyed a universe.

Nah, we'll think positive for now. Team Bastion will totally pull through with this... right?

Amidst Liza's increasingly frenetic laughter, Yuna's head pounded. And not just from the pain of Walking Wake's attack. Widget might have been holding his own, but the drakloak wasn't some thick-scaled pokémon. She was small and ectoplasmic. Dragon-typing couldn't save her here. She needed more firepower. Real firepower.

Wait, are we going to see that Giratina inside Yuna flatly come out for a time? Since this feels like it's building towards something along those lines.

"Yuna, up!" Widget cried.

Vision still blurry, Yuna flew up. Scalding water doused the floor underneath her. A veil of steam shrouded the drakloak, obscuring her view of everyone else.

But maybe she could use that to her advantage? At least it would give Yuna a moment to consider her options.

"Yes, why listen to your chief engineer?" Liza continued. "It's not like I have an engineering degree and a Ph.D. in physics or anything!"

Yuna: "Cyril, if Liza's just going to rant about how screwed we all are, can you just mute the X-Transciever? I need to focus here!"

Cyril: "Pretty sure that's an intercom system, Princess."
Yuna: "Great, like I didn't already have enough problems to worry about." >_>;

"If you have time to whine you have time to come up with a solution!" Cyril snarled.

"I'm trying! But all I can do is barricade you guys further in to minimize any damage if the collider explodes!"

That's... going to be a woefully inadequate countermeasure, isn't it?

Reshiram could take advantage of the sun, but that would only make things even hotter and risk making the collider overheat quicker.

Oh! What about Rayquaza? His mega evolution's fierce winds could put a damper on Walking Wake's attacks for sure.

Wait, does Gallian not have Air Lock as his normal ability? Wouldn't that already help with this nasty sunlight going on?

Yuna was about to call him when the last of the steam faded and she found herself staring down an oncoming Dragon Pulse. Meeping, Yuna rolled right in midair, then spat some dragonfire of her own.

Walking Wake let the blue-purple flames graze its hide, so it could focus on swiping at Widget with both of its tails. Widget ducked the first one, but got clipped by the second tail and fell to the ground. The silvally fired off his thrusters, scorching Walking Wake's feet. It hopped back with a hiss and yowl.


Yuna: "Well, this is just going terribly at the moment."
Widget: "Agh... no kidding." @v@

"Yuna! C'mon, I need a hand here!" Widget cried, getting himself upright. "Summon a Sage and— what's with the red glow?"


The drakloak looked down and saw red pulsating in her ectoplasm, beneath the Soul Dew.

"The Red Chain fragment!" Reshiram squawked. "You stuck it in your ectoplasm when you got it from Noctum, remember?"

Yuna: "Oh, that can't possibly be good right now."

It couldn't have been reactivating, though. The collider was still charging, wasn't it?

"Warning: collider integrity at sixty-five percent! Coolant system offline! Beam refractor calibration offline! Emergency shutdown recommended!"

"The damn shutdown's not working, you stupid computer!" Liza hissed. "Bob! Janet! Radio the League office! We need to evacuate the city ASAP!"

Cyril: "Uh... you're going to need to evacuate a bit more than that if this thing goes."

"Jaaagooooooh!" Walking Wake shrieked upon seeing Yuna's pulsating torso and readied another gout of boiling water.

Yuna tried to call forth Rayquaza from the Soul Dew, but the Red Chain fragment's glow overtook her. The collider room's bright lights and suffocating heat gave way... to the dark purple hues and frigid emptiness of Kalidron's debris field.

Oh. Oh no.

By now, others had started filing in toward the arena. Chief among them were Jade and Quetzal. Igneous thought the salugia more than large enough to hide his form from Vegna and allow him to safely approach.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I still don't understand." It was Seifer's voice, but Jade's large hips blocked Igneous' view of the keldeo. Good. He'd be okay, then.

He did glimpse a flicker of gold light in front of Jade, though.

Seifer: "... Also, are you supposed to be doing that right now, or-?"
Vegna: "Priorities, Seifer!"

"Oooh, fancy trick." Jade's tail flaps fluttered in excitement. "What's a book got to do with—"

A small burst of pink mist from Jade's tail flaps forced Igneous to dive to his belly. Jade hopped back with a squawk, nearly stepping on the grovlazzle in the process.

Oh, so Jade can still make Salazzle pheremones ATM. Boy would that have gotten awkward fast for Igneous if he went full Mushroom Samba.

"Th-that's Bahamut's symbol! Where did you— how did you— huh?!"

"The last page," Vegna muttered. "Read... the last page..."

Igneous managed to hop back up to his feet while Jade levitated up the same book he had seen Vegna pull out back at the hospital. His weird necromancy artifact. So, it belonged to Bahamut, then? Was he the one who had "bathed it in sin?" That would match up with some of the things they had learned from Aquardah and the Sages.

Oh, this is Bahamut's journal that we've been seeing snippets from over the last 30-ish chapters, isn't it?

"Entry 3507. This will be my final entry before I cast this collection of accursed memories into the abyss."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

Nikki frantically zigzagged across a giant slab of rock and metal, dodging Psycho Cut blades that exploded in pink bursts behind her. Noctum saw one heading directly in front of her and doubled back, conjuring a Protect. Even with the blue shield absorbing the blow, his limbs trembled, as if the force rattled his bones.

A fair distance away from them, Gene desperately hurled Shadow Balls at the Phantom, only to watch the shadows and crystals swallow his attacks like they were nothing but pebbles tossed into a pond.

Didn't expect that one coming. Was that last entry meant to come prior to the scene break? Or was it meant more as a voiceover?

"Pathetic," the Phantom said. "You are nothing— no, less than nothing."

"Tough talk for someone with the aim of an Eternatus Trooper!" Gene countered, Phantom Warping away from a barrage of glowing rocks. The shadowy mewtwo glanced at Noctum while the Power Gems sailed off into deep space. "Why are you still here? Get out of here!"
Gene, this is more or less the definition of tempting fate right now.

"I can't! It's not working!" Noctum tapped the earpiece for his X-transceiver. Garbled static greeted him. "Neither is this thing!"

"I can't take it anymore. All the pain. All the suffering. All the losses. I lost Chiron. I lost Leo. I keep losing to Mewtwo."

Yeah, it's Bahamut. Though "keep losing to Mewtwo"? As in Gene and Bahamut fought on occasions past that one at the end of Gene's special?

"Then get away!" Gene said, conjuring his spoon to grapple with an onslaught of crystal tendrils. He batted a couple away, the Phantom Warped left and drove the spoon into the Phantom's amorphous form. It struck something, but the moment it did a jolt of blue lightning coursed up the spoon and violently shocked Gene, hurtling him back from the Phantom.
Yeah, told you you were tempting fate, Gene.

It turned toward the others once again. "Give me my power!" it snarled. "I know you're hiding it!"

"S-Screw this shit!" Nikki waved her arms around frantically. "I need a lift!"

Green light pulsated over the Phantom. Noctum hastily dove down and scooped Nikki up while Valkyrie ran to the edge of the large planet chunk and leaped into the air.

Noctum: "S-So what's the plan?"
Nikki: "Er..."
Noctum: "Please tell me you have a plan!" O_O;
Nikki: "Look, I'm working on it, okay?!"

"It shouldn't be this way. But I am broken. Even more broken than before. I cannot possibly destroy Eternatus like this."
Oh, so that's why he's trying to get his powers back.

"Fall!" The Phantom raised a crystal arm. A green wave rushed toward them.

"Up! Up!" Nikki tugged on Noctum's neck.

"I know!" The black charizard flapped his wings as fast as possible. The wave came quickly, but Noctum was fast enough to get them over it. Having taken off before them, Valkyrie was already safely out of range, glancing over her shoulder.

"Green hexagons?" The garchomp frowned.

Probably a good thing that Yuna and the gang aren't here right now, since Cecil and the party would probably be losing their-

... Right, they got blipped into space at the end of like two scenes ago. So we are going to see them react to realizing that Ziggy's under Bahamut's control.

"That's how Saint Zygarde attacks!" Noctum said. He kept flying away, worried what would happen if he looked at the Phantom. There was no way this could be Zygarde, right?


And yet, it spoke of Cresselia, one of the other Sages.
"Hey, asshole! Don't turn a blind eye to me!"

Noctum kept pressing forward. Away from the Phantom. Away from whatever Gene was attempting to do to buy them more time.

"It's the heartache. That awful longing for my family. That's what's holding me back. I'm sure of it. As long as this grief weighs me down, I will never win."

Oh, so that's why he's called 'Phantom Despair' now.

Valkyrie kicked off another piece of rubble, gliding beside Noctum. "Didn't Gene say something about a civilian out here? Do you think they're still around?"

Right. Someone sent a message to Yuna across the multiverse. That must be the speaker.

Noctum tried to scan the debris field again. Even with scattered lustrous ore fragments bathing the area in purple, he had nothing to go off.

"Maybe? But the X-transceivers aren't working anyway." The black charizard sighed. "I don't think there's anything we can do—"

"Oi, did you see that?"

Nikki's stuck out right arm blocked part of Noctum's vision. "Look, there's a red light blinking!"

Time to see what we're dealing with. Assuming that Bahamut doesn't peace their ship.

Noctum squinted. It was tough for him to make out in the purple glow, but there was something strobing in the distance.

"Maybe it's the civilian ship?" Valkyrie managed to land on a diagonal piece of rubble and run up it.

"Maybe..." Noctum headed toward it, ignoring the echoing snarls and flashes of blue and purple light in the corner of his left eye.

There was red light flickering amid a bunch of metal shrapnel and lustrous ore chunks.

... Is anyone even still alive on this ship right now? Since this doesn't exactly look promising.

Flickering that, as Noctum got closer, illuminated a thin, ectoplasmic body. And a rectangular head.

"Yuna! It's Yuna!" Noctum beat his wings harder. Even with all the previous exertion from the pirates and now this enraged Phantom, he had to keep digging deep. Yuna was in trouble!

Oh, there she is now. Time to see how pear-shaped things get, since I'm sure that Bahamut's going to notice her and her Soul Dew pretty fast.

"But how?" Nikki held on tightly to the black charizard. "There isn't even lustrous ore next to her!"

"Look out!" Valkyrie cried.

Noctum glanced over his shoulder and saw green aura arrows streaking through the air, shredding through pieces of rubble and debris and lighting up the ruins with emerald explosions. And through it all, the Phantom drew closer, its shadows and crystals twisting upon one another.

Ah yes, Thousand Arrows. Totally what Team Bureau needed to be dealing with right now.

"It was foolish of me to think it wouldn't come to this. But I have to do it. I have to use that other necrozma's technique."

"I knew it! You have my power!" it roared. "Give it back to me!"

... Wait, who is saying that first line in italics anyways? Are those both things from Bahamut where one is thoughts/telepathy and the other is spoken?

"The only thing... you're getting... is an ass kicking!"

The Phantom shot more of its Thousand Arrows behind it, only for Gene to Phantom Warp in front of it and shoot a Shadow Ball right into its face.

Nice save there, Gene.

Noctum: "Gene, you know this thing?!"

Gene: "Maybe? Look, don't we have bigger things to worry about right now?"

... At least, Noctum thought it was the Phantom's face. It was hard to say for certain. And Yuna needed his full attention, so he kept beating his wings. Harder. Faster. The drakloak got closer and closer.

"Huh? Noctum? Nikki?"

Oh, thank God. She was awake!

Yuna: "Noctum? What's going on-?"
Noctum: "Long story short, but you somehow blipped here and really need to stay on your toes right now!"
- Yuna looks around -
Yuna: "... Is this Kalidron IV?! Oh no, I'm not supposed to be-!"
- Yuna and Phantom Despair make eye contact briefly -
Yuna: "Here." O.O

"Princess!" Noctum fought to hide the relief in his voice. Another distant explosion and loud snarl told Noctum he had to get to the point. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the other dimension?"

"That's the problem!" Yuna's ectoplasm frazzled. "The collider we found in the other dimension started going haywire and it reactivated the Red Chain fragment and sent me here. I need to get back there! Cyril, Leo, and Widget are in danger!"

Oh hey, wasn't too far off from the mark. All we need is Phantom Despair coming barging in in about 5 seconds.

Nikki hopped off Noctum's back and landed on a twisted coil of metal rods and screws. "Well, there are plenty of lustrous ore shards here. Just one little problem."

A blue explosion thundered a hundred meters away.

Ah yes, there he is now.

"I had wanted to use it directly on Mewtwo, but I was never able to find an opening. So, no matter how much it hurts, I'll use that so-called Guiding Light's spirit severance blade on myself."

Oh, so Bahamut did get his ass kicked by
back in the day.

"Don't tell me... Paradox's troops?" Yuna threw her hands over her mouth.

Noctum shook his head. "No. It's a Phantom. And it knows about the Sages! It's asking about Saint Cresselia!"

Yuna: "Oh yay me, now I really need a way to get back to Leo and the others!" O.O

Gene's pained screams somehow rattled around Noctum's head. His purple tail flame rippled. "Gah, we don't have time for this! There's plenty of lustrous ore, right? We just strike it and get transported to wherever you were before!"

I see things seem to be going well™️ for Gene at the moment. Though why am I convinced that this isn't going to be anywhere near as straightforward as what Noctum is suggesting?

Another flash of light behind Noctum. Another snarl from the Phantom. Noctum didn't dare look back this time.

"No, it's not that simple!" Yuna's head darted around. "Too far. Too far. We have to push one closer!" She gestured around her. "Right here!"

"What does it matter?" Nikki said. The toxtricity glanced over her shoulder. "Shit, incoming!" She leaped away from the bars seconds before a wave of green hexagons blew the metal wiring into spiky shrapnel that rained down on the quartet. Noctum quickly flew away with a hiss.

Nikki: "Since it would really, really help if we could just use the nearest chunk of ore right now!" O_O;

"It matters because the others are trapped in a small bunker with the overheating collider!" Yuna cried. "If we don't line this up perfectly, we'll be outside of it with no way in!"

Yeeeeeah, that would be pretty important.


Yuna: "Oh god, do we seriously have to deal with this right now?"

A rainbow beam carved through open space, blowing apart planet fragments in flashes of dazzling, yet distorted light.

"If I cast my spirit away, I can free myself from all the pain. All the burdens. My leftover body will be free to collect whatever vestiges of power are necessary to slay Eternatus for good."

Oh, so that's how Bahamut survived being bisected in the end of the Gene special.

Noctum didn't need any further convincing. "How do we move the ore?"

"I don't know!" Yuna threw her hands up. "I feel like just touching it could send you through to the other dimension. But if you use an attack on—"

The drakloak's eyes widened. "I've got it! Cresselia, wake up!"

Yuna: "Boy, I really, really hope that her narcolepsy's not bad enough to sleep through this." O_O;

Pink light burst out of her Soul Dew, revealing Saint Cresselia herself floating there... fast asleep. Her head was tucked against her chest and her nubby hands folded up in a picture of serene bliss. Noctum would've thought it adorable if their lives weren't in complete danger.

Yuna: "Oh my god! Seriously?!"

"Wake up wake up wake up!" Yuna flapped her nubby hands around until black shadows lunged out of them and grabbed hold of Cresselia's pink rings.

"Nnnnghhh... huh?"

Cresselia's eyes shot open, glowing bright pink along with her rings.


Well, she woke up, at least. Even if it might have been a bit too late given that I'm pretty sure that last line's Phantom Despair's.

The Phantom's roars grew closer. Noctum chanced a glance behind him to see Gene dart in front of a rainbow beam, using a conjured Protect. The force of the strike slammed him onto the uneven surface of a planet fragment.

"Stay out of my way!" the Phantom snarled, launching two crystal tendrils toward the shadowy mewtwo. Gene Phantom Warped backwards, but was still caught by the shockwaves from the tendrils colliding with the ground.

"Now, everyone!" Yuna cried. "Hit the ore! And be ready to strike what's on the other side!"

This... is going to drag Bahamut along with them, isn't it?

The Phantom had summoned another green orb. It was preparing one of Saint Zygarde's techniques!

"If you happen upon this journal by chance, know this: I did what needed to be done to rid this world of its most wretched daemon. That's all that matters."

Oh, so the italic lines are journal entries read as a voiceover. I wonder if it could've been emphasized more with something like an indent block or the like for formatting.

Though that conclusion's debatable considering what happened to Bahamut since the time he wrote that journal entry.

Noctum shot toward Yuna at the same time as Valkyrie. He could feel the streaks of Thousand Arrows chasing him down from behind. His heart thundered in his chest as fear the Phantom's attack would win out gripped him.

Then Nikki's fist slammed into the top of the lustrous ore and the debris field vanished in a flash of white.

Time to see whether or not the gang managed to make it without an unwanted passenger.

Widget sprinted away from Walking Wake, kicking on his thrusters at the last second to keep enough distance to dodge the scalding water. But every one of Walking Wake's strikes made the room hotter. The steam was so thick. It was practically a jungle in the collider room. Widget was mechanical, sure, but this was getting to be too much for him.

The silvally couldn't even find Cyril anymore. If he had to guess, the zoroark threw up an illusion to keep himself and Leo hidden. Which meant Widget was all on his own.

Widget: "Why can't this be one of those stories where the baby Legendary is actually able to help fight?!"

This wasn't how this was supposed to shake out. But Yuna had vanished right before his eyes. What was he supposed to do about that?

His mind kept flashing back to the Seekerskorch cockpit. When the machine was under a constant barrage of powered-up attacks. He was helpless. He couldn't do anything. And the emperor... didn't send any help for him.

It was happening again. Widget was being abandoned in a pinch. He had no one he could turn to and, unlike last time, this enemy had no intent on showing him mercy.

Ah yes, Widget BSODing in live-time. Though I suppose it'd only make sense that he'd have abandonment issues given the way he wound up with Team Protagonist in the first place.

And just when he thought that he was starting to figure himself out, too.

"Pun... jagoooh!" Walking Wake charged a Dragon Pulse in its mouth. It was holding the strike. Trying to anticipate where Widget would move.

The silvally leaned left. Then right. Then right again. None of the little feints could bait Walking Wake, however. Instead, it leaped skyward to try and close some of the distance and spat the blue-purple bolt at him.

This won't end well. I can already tell.

Widget's head crest crackled, and he retaliated with a Thunderbolt. It fortunately stalemated the Dragon Pulse, but the collision only served to amplify the steam. Bursts of hot air blew Widget and Walking Wake back in opposite directions. Yowling, Widget barely managed to roll left and avoid crashing right into one of the collider halves' barrels.

"Collider integrity at forty percent! Particle release apparatus jammed!" the same mechanized voice from earlier droned on over the alarms. "Alert! Particle buildup at unstable levels! All personnel evacuate! Alert—"

Widget: "Yuna?! Coming back any time now would be nice!" OvO

Walking Wake slammed into the other collider half. And the bright lights and pink ripples momentarily flickered away.

"Ahh, I've got it!"

Widget had no idea where Cyril's voice was coming from, but it was a small comfort in an otherwise frenzied moment. He seized on recovering faster than Walking Wake to arc more lightning toward the Phantom. The Thunderbolt struck the waterspout crystal atop its head, sending electricity coursing down to its tails.

Widget: "C-Cyril?! What's going on here?! I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

[Helloooooo? Best friends, are you there? It is me, your best friend Jim!]

Widget: "... You're kidding me." >v<
Jim: [A little bit of comic relief always helped lighten the mood!]
Widget: "Jim, the Collider right next to us is about to explode!" >v>;

Walking Wake's body briefly liquified. Loud hisses blotted out the collider's whirring and the lights grew even dimmer than before. The cylinders even slowed a bit in their out of control rotation.

[Please do not die. I deleted all my sad noises when we became best friends, so I would not have the proper means to express my grief if I were to lose you all.]

Ah yes, priorities in life~

"NOT NOW, JIM!" Cyril and Widget shouted in unison.

I mean, yeah.

[... Oh, I really wish I had some sad noises right now.]

"Forget him! Focus on the Phantom!" Cyril continued. "That thing's a giant water source! If you can keep liquefying it, we can flood the collider and shut it down by force!"

... Wait, but wouldn't that also risk short-circuiting it?

The silvally didn't have a retort, namely because it sounded like the equivalent of just sticking an explosive inside each collider half and hoping for the best. But they were desperate. And he at least had Walking Wake pinned from the attack.

"Liza, you there?" Cyril called. "We need permission to flood the collider chambers with water!"

"Ha! Go ahead!" A desk slam sounded through the loudspeakers "If Dad's not going to bother listening to me about software upgrades, then he can shove his regulations where the sun don't shine! Anything goes in these pre-post-apocalyptic times! May as well run around the museum naked! Everyone's already evacuated!"


I mean, I get that it's a desperate situation and all, but yeah...

"More lightning, Widget!" Cyril shouted.

Widget's head crest fanned out. But a loud thud sounded before the silvally got the chance to launch the attack. He had to duck several metal shards before a piece of lustrous ore floated in front of him.


I'm guessing that that's Yuna and the gang there. Unless we're roping in the rest of Team Bureau right about now.

A familiar toxtricity emerged from the fragment. Nikki summoned her lightning guitar and careened toward Walking Wake.

"You want a collider? I'll show you a real damn collider!"

Nikki swung the guitar, slamming the electricity into Walking Wake's head crystal... and shattering it!


Well, that's definitely an impressive entrance.


The sunlight abruptly disappeared from overhead, along with most of the steam. As Yuna, Noctum, and Valkyrie emerged from the lustrous ore behind Nikki, water streamed out of Walking Wake's head, buffeting the collider half it was pinned against.

Wait, I'm really slow, but was that 'head crystal' meant to be a Tera Crystal or some analogue to it? Since the way it shattered reminds me of the way they dissipate upon defeat in SV.

Widget dropped to the ground, blinking rapidly. "You... you found a way back," he said, gazing up at Yuna.

"Yeah." Though her voice trembled, the drakloak glanced down at Widget and nodded. "Sorry it took me so long to lend that hand. But at least I got a few extra ones to compensate?"

"Danger! Danger! Critical systems failure! Collider integrity at twenty percent!"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglE5ErjakM

Yuna: "Yes, yes, the Collider's busy melting into slag in the background. We get it already!" >_>;

One collider half was taken care of. Reduced to little more than sparking, smoking cylinders that weren't budging an inch. But the one behind Widget was still moving! And the silvally could see a practical grapevine's worth of supercharged particles trapped within the chamber, jostling about and ready to burst!

I legit can't tell if it's actually going to blow up in their faces or not. Guess we'll find out really fast.

"Guuuuuuys." Widget backpedaled. "We need to cool down this half!"

"On it."

Valkyrie dashed past Widget, dragging what was left of Walking Wake's deteriorating body behind her. Grunting, the garchomp hurled Walking Wake's headless form right into the collider chamber.

This... feels really ill-advised right about now, but you do you, Val.

Then Noctum landed in front of them both and threw up a Protect shield. Walking Wake exploded into nothing but pure, ice-cold water. The collider chamber ground to a complete halt, but not before shooting small bursts of energy forward. Noctum maintained the shield, staggering back from each white aural dart until there was nothing left in the chamber but the pulsating distortion mass that Walking Wake had first emerged from.

The last of Widget's remaining energy evaporated. His flight form melted away to his base cosmic form and he sank onto his belly. The silvally's legs trembled.

'Aural dart's, huh? Wouldn't have expected that to be leaking out of a particle collider.

Noctum: "God, that was a close one. I'm not even going to ask what would've happened if that thing blew up."

It was close, but Yuna came back.

She didn't leave him to rot like Paradox did. She found help and they were able to turn things around.

A team really did make all the difference.


Definitely a cute moment there, especially seeing Widget's earlier fears get reassured a bit.

"Oi, where's the kid?" Though panting heavily, Valkyrie looked around the room. "He needs to... seal this thing. And send us back to the outpost."

"Huh?" Widget didn't even have the energy to look at Valkyrie.

"A Phantom attacked us in Kalidron's ruins and Gene's still there!" Valkyrie said. "If we can't get him out of there... the Phantom's going to kill him for sure!"

Yuna: "Wait, but the Phantom made it sound like Gene had fought it before-"
Valkyrie: "Yeah, and he was really, really obviously not doing well before we blipped out."

"We're on it!" Yuna cried.

Two quick gusts of wind brushed against Widget's hide. Then he flopped over on his side, exhaustion finally winning out and forcing him into blissful unconsciousness.

Widget: "I'm... gonna let you guys handle this one and take five. Good luck out there." @v@

~Wake of Ruin: Madhis~
A Whisper arising from waterlogged sections of Ginnungagap. These amalgamations can find dimensional instabilities caused by floods or other hydrokinetic disasters and force their way inside to wreak havoc. Though some dimensions claim these to be a primal ancestor to suicune, we have never found a single world where this is actually true. Perhaps this discrepancy is why Ginnungagap's natural chaos melds lost souls into this paradoxical form.

I mean, my money is still on those things being entities dreamed or wished into existence, but I suppose we'll have to wait until the later parts of the SV DLC come out to know for sure.

~Il Paradigma, No. XIII: Necrozma, the Deathbringer~
In severing his burdened spirit from his broken body, the Renegade found the fragment of the Universe that the Matriarch believed to have been lost to the depths of the cosmos. With his spirit destroyed, the leftover husk continues its single-minded pursuit of acquiring limitless power so it may strike down the Benefactor. Just as reason cannot reach it, so too do attacks falter. For how does one feel pain or exhaustion when they are no longer bound by the limits of a mortal spirit?

I... did not realize that Phantom Despair was also part of Paradigm if that entry is anything to go by. Clearly he must've become uncontrollable some time ago given what we saw of how he got Zygarde back.

Path of Valor Almanac
"Tenebrae undae" is Latin that roughly translates to "dark waves" in English.

TIL. @Shadow of Antioch will have a field day with this if/when he ever starts bumping his story again.

Madhis is derived from "samadhi," an English translation from Sanskrit that usually means "concentration" or "unifying the mind." In Buddhism, "right samadhi" is the last of the Noble Eightfold Path, centered on meditation to reach a state of mindfulness. If you're an Ace Attorney fan, you're familiar with a couple of characters' whose shared surname is also derived from this concept (Nahyuta and Dhurke Sahdmadhi). Similarly, "jaago" is Hindi for "wake," as in waking up or arousal. As opposed to the lesser used meaning of a trail of disturbed water. Considering the Butterfree Effect's conversation with Yuna, it seems more concerned with waking something up, don't you think?

Oh, so that's the story behind those names and terms. Didn't realize that that's where Nahyuta's surname originated from, but it makes sense given the Himalayan vibes of Khurain from AA6.

Necrozma's Paradigm rank refers to Death, number thirteen within the Major Arcana. The card symbolizes end, mortality, destruction, and corruption, which fit quite well with this particular character when you piece together their proper identity. And you should have more than enough clues to do that by now.

... So, wait, is there any special relation between him and the Paradigm operatives with ranks below him? Since if so, I'm curious if you've also got something going on thematically with the Fool's Journey for the other 13 Paradigm ranks below Bahamut's.

And it took a while, but I made it to the end. I'd say that it was a wild ride, but based off the ending note, we're not quite out of the woods just yet.

I don't have too many things to complain about since I honestly was more preoccupied by just watching stuff blow up in the battle scenes and having my mind get blown from the implications of Yuna's conversation with Natus, which I'll be watching really closely to see how much you lean into them. I do think that the "voiceover" format for the bits of Bahamut's last journal entry might have needed a little bit of work, since it took me a while to realize that's what they were from their presentation, and Widget's thing about fears of abandonment probably could've been built up a bit more in earlier chapters, but I don't consider those to be huge criticisms in the grand sweep of things.

Good work, @Ambyssin . You'll definitely be keeping me on pins and needles to see how all of this shakes out in your next bump.
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Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
  7. herdier-oscar
  8. swoobat-benigno
After a long while, I have returned! I read four chapter from this set, then took a break, and then finally got around to the remaining two so i could grab that heartache challenge reward, of course. It's been a while, so I had to do a little catchup, but I am here with a review for the next six chapters!

Thoughts on Chapters 12 to 17
  • Ah, so the needles are there to seal Eternatus, then. This is also the first big insight into the history of the Aeon and Radiance kingdoms: it’s nice to finally have that context.

  • "You have to!" Reshiram hopped onto the book. "We can't afford to dilly-dally. The longer we wait, the more likely it is that some big putz with a bigger ego will come along and do something monumentally stupid!"

    Vortex set his whiskey glass down with considerably more force than was necessary.
    smooth transition:mewlulz:.

  • Silence, then Xander's ribbons draped over Shimmer's torso. A soft glow came from the ribbons. Shimmer relaxed somewhat. "I wouldn't worry about it, Shim," Xander whispered. "Even if she ends up being stronger than she looks, there's one thing we have that she can only dream of."

    Shimmer turned his head slightly so Xander could see his raised brow. The sylveon leaned in so his head was next to Shimmer's. "Team synergy," he whispered, his ribbon slithering up to nestle Shimmer's chin.
    they're so gay O#w#O

  • We are getting the trial! :quag: I was hoping, I want to see how far this reference goes.

  • "Great comeback! Way to show some backbone," Reshiram chirped. "Y'know, in a cool, metaphorical way. As opposed to the 'invertebrate suddenly spawns a skeleton' way. Although I suppose that would be interesting. Maybe you could use it for some sort of horror novel or—"

    Yuna rubbed her temples. She was in for another long day.
    poor yuna.

  • oh, the implication in the Naotun scene seems to be that Despair’s true identity is Bahamut. There's a quite a few things going on there, actually. I like how its in response to what our protagonists have done, demonstrating they have now, officially, entered the plot.

  • Interesting mystery set up with Cecil's remarking that Seifer shouldn't exist. It seems a lot happened to complicate things since Cecil sealed himself away. Though I am reminded of the Pokedex lore that states that canon!Keldeo was the last of their kind. Considering Seifer brings up a clan later, it makes me wonder if something happened to allow his species to repopulate after the Darkest Day.

  • I really liked the background we got for Nikki this chapter, and the stake this gives her in the stuff going on with Vortex. Part of me wonders if Scarlett's disappearance has any relation with what's going on with that meloetta from much earlier (looking back, it was called the Diva Project), but its hard to say at this point.

  • It feels weird to comment on it, because on some level I feel it’s intentional, given the story bringing attention to it, but man does Cecil not know when to shut up. Specifically in the Nikki Backstory Scene, I found him kinda grating there, his comments were far more annoying than endearing. I’m not sure how I feel about it, because on one hand Yuna very much seems to agree with me, which signals to me that he’s supposed to come off this way as part of his dynamic with her. But on the other hand, I was invested in Nikki backstory and then he comes in and makes it difficult to take the scene seriously with some of his remarks. It felt like a red flag for his character: I guess I just hope it's a false one.

  • We have our plot roadmap! It is time to go needle pulling! The plan to unseal Eternatus so they can hit it very hard sounds like it couldn't possibly go wrong at all! :D I was actually under the impression we would have already ditched the school setting by now, but it looks like it might be here for just a bit longer maybe, judging from the setup here. Unless something comes to a head at the next needle.

  • Seifer got completely dunked on. Like, just completely left him out to dry, damn.

  • The scene in the courthouse was very fun, just all Ace Attorney references with a dash of Danganronpa and a cute Flygon attorney. And then Xeromus crashes the party with some revelations and a lot of interesting comments! he's also starting to sound exactly like nagito dr2. It seems like Rayquaza's next on Yuna's summon list, though given the time limit Xeromus gave them, I wonder how it's all going to come to a head in the end.

  • "And I hate sand. It's rough. It's coarse. And it gets everywhere."
    you just couldn’t resist, could you :P

  • You sure held out on us with that Citadark namedrop for a long time there. We only learn a small bit before getting introduced to the meat of the scene. Tesla's a very fun character, I enjoyed him a lot. I do wonder why someone like him is at a prison, though I guess I'm going to have to wait on that or it was explained and i forgot. I did have a hard time parsing Zed as a Porygon-Z, I don't think "rotating disks" really got the idea across by itself, but they make a nice companion character to help sell Tesla with. Given that he's directly involved in Vortex's plans, I imagine he's going to continue to be quite important in the future.

  • i don’t have any special comments on noctum/seifer scene other than it was really nice and i liked the body language and i liked it it was cute.

  • Aquardah is very Super Mario Odyssey vibes. I think its a pretty natural expansion of the Qliphoth and the information we learned in earlier chapters, showing us what it means for a world to get absorbed into the it, and as a setpiece its striking. I'm very curious as to what's going on with Ahemait: it's a chimera, obviously, but given its apparent size and strength there must be something a little more to it. Not to mention it ties back into the earlier Noatun scene and the weird Pokémon that appeared there. Admittedly I'm also slightly suspicious of Razim, but we'll see how that pans out.

  • "What's this thing?" Nikki pointed at Bahamut's drawing. Yuna tensed again when Razim's expression darkened.

    "… that is Isfet, the bringer of chaos. And the reason why our city is stuck like this."
    Well this is a place to end off this set of chapters huh.
As it stood, he had no way of knowing if this was Eternatus playing ticks on him or if his plan had hit an even more unexpected snag.

However, Yuna had trusted her to leave that detail out. And he agreed.
*assuming her refers to Seifer

Yuna flopped against Nikki's back, cheeks puff out.

The charizard approached anoter corner and poked his head out.
This chapter set has got me thinking about the way the worldbuilding has been paced in this fic so far. From my perspective, one of the difficulties of the beginning chapters is in trying to get our bearings straight regarding the setting, what’s happening in it, and what we’re supposed to care about. I think that’s a good part of the reason why I criticized the Xeromus scene back in my first review. I’ve wondered since if I was actually being all that fair, but now that I have some better hindsight I think it was just a symptom of what I pointed out there: it was difficult to understand the connections and why I should be caring about them, so Xeromus distortion scene didn't land. Now that I’m starting to have a better sense of the world (not a perfect one but it doesn’t need to be perfect, I feel like there’s a good foundation now) it’s easier to not feel jarred by scenes like the one in Naotun that was in this set of chapters. It introduced a lot questions, but at that point I knew enough to feel prepared to take and consider them properly, and so the scene landed like it was supposed to. I think it helps that this set was also almost entirely focused on our protagonistic cast, so I got to spend more time grounded in the characters I’m supposed to be rooting for. Which I guess is all to say that I feel like this is where fic finds its footing. But it was a very rocky and tough road to get to this point of understanding, and I think that's the fic's biggest barrier.

On a less negative note, I have overcome the barrier. This might be the best set of chapters I've read so far: not only did we get a better idea of the plot, but just about most of the cast got room to breathe. The villain scenes were tastefully done, some of the sideplots got to progress and interact with the main plot, and the intrigue had context attached to it that gave it meaning. I have very few complaints: maybe it was a little weird to have Aquardah scene get broken up by two other scenes and a chapter break, but I enjoyed those two scenes, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Considering how Chapter 17 ends, I picked a great place to end off, clearly. I'm wondering if Bahumut had this world sacrificed knowingly in order to hide the needle, but I will find out next time I guess! and next time will probably be Review Blitz. See you then!
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Chapter 71: Going Against the Flow


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 71: Going Against the Flow

The Renegade stole a fragment of the Universe when he destroyed the Great Harmony. Though the Matriarch tried to reclaim it, the Renegade displayed unmatched ferocity. He clawed away more of the Universe in every clash against the Benefactor.

Our faith in the Matriarch and Benefactor cannot waver. For they are the keys to reuniting the Universe. The Renegade's wish for the Benefactor's destruction cannot come to fruition.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità


Gene hadn't experienced a pain like this in a long, long time. A time he had all but purged from the recesses of his mind.

But smashed up against the side of a planetary fragment, right arm trying to brace broken ribs, the debris field flickered in and out. Visions of a bubbling volcano and an enraged dragon of light came and went.

The shadowy mewtwo shakily conjured a Protect shield, but it could not withstand the giant, electrified fist that smashed into it. Driven further into rock and concrete, several snaps sent the air rushing out of Gene's lungs.

He needed to concentrate. He had to mega evolve! If Gene couldn't muster a second wind here...

"Why?" He could barely get the word out. Were his lungs filling up with fluid? "Baha... mut..."

The Phantom's wraiths twisted around one another. "I have no name," they said. "I am power absolute."

Even distorted, their voice was cold and empty. In a way that reminded Gene of a time in his life he'd spent decades trying to forget.

Gene tried to retort, but all that escaped him was a weak cough.

"Finally." Emerald light shimmered atop the Phantom's crystalline outline. "One mistake erased. Next is Eternatus."

"Yo... wro... ng."

A faint rainbow shimmer flickered underneath the Phantom's jagged crystals. "You will not get a second miracle, Mewtwo. Begone."

The emerald orb burst into Thousand Arrows. Gene shut his eyes. If he could just draw out one last spark of power. Phantom Warp away to buy himself more time.

His body violently lurched. Instead of the green arrows piercing him endlessly until nothing remained, bright light flooded in through his eyes. His head struck dirt and dry, itchy grass.

Eyes opening, Gene coughed something up from his windpipe. Though blurry, a red snout, puffy black circle, and white feathers hovered over him.

"It worked! Maxie, grab the healers! He's in worse shape than I thought..."

Gene tried to reach for Koraidon's face, but the only thing he had the strength left to do was close his eyes.


Where the last anomaly was orange, this one was a soft, soothing blue. Crystals undulated like waves far in the distance, shielding Yuna and Leo from the immense distorted static the drakloak recalled seeing last time.

There was also a distinct lack of ground. Instead, giant spheres and prisms full of nothing but water were scattered about haphazardly. One spherical waterbed was clearly larger than all the others. Something sparkled in the middle of it. Leo's was firmly fixed on the little sparkle. That meant it was another one of the plates they found before, right?

Given how wet this place is, it's gotta be water, Yuna figured.

"Oh, wonderful! You're all right!"


Still on edge from the earlier battle, Yuna shot forward. She entered a water sphere without so much as a splash. It was damp, yes, but the water wasn't seeping into her ectoplasm like it was supposed to. The drakloak hesitantly turned around and spotted the silhouette of a familiar braviary floating with his legs crossed. He waved to Leo, who waved back with a foreleg.

"Hi, Mr. Alder!" Leo's starcloud tail wagged. "Oh, and you brought Mr. Purple Kora guy, too!"

Yuna poked her head out of the water and, sure enough, a neon purple and white koraidon was behind Alder. He stood on all fours. His feathery crest and black dewlap looked considerably less impressive than before.

"It's Vince," the koraidon reminded them. "And yeah, long time no see." He looked around. "Figuratively speaking. We're just projections, so all we can tell is that we're in some sort of anomaly core."

"But why are you here?" Yuna asked. And how did they even manage it, for that matter?

"Ah, right. Fair question." Alder rubbed the back of his head with his right wing. "Well, when you lot got close to the anomaly core, your friends back home lost contact with you. Your orbeetle teammate got worried and reached out to me, so I went into meditation to probe for anomalies and find you guys!"

"And Kora reached out to me." Vince walked out from behind Alder. "I was, uh, trying to keep a lid on things for you guys. Sorta. Kinda."

Now that she was sure she wasn't in danger, exhaustion had set in for Yuna. And with it came little patience for the duo's explanations. The drakloak shut her eyes and rubbed them. "If you were helping us in the background then say it."

"Err, right. Sorry. I just—" Vince tittered. "I could sense that Red Chain fragment you had from out in Ginnungagap. So, hoping it could counter any damage from the anomaly, I sent a pulse of energy through the core to reawaken your fragment."

Yuna's eyes shot open. "That was you?!"

Leo's mane and tail dimmed. "Mom?"

Vince likewise tucked his head down. "Y-Yes, I realize now I didn't entirely think that one through."

Dragonfire embers pooled around Yuna's ectoplasmic throat. She was caught between just spewing Dragon Breath at the projection or trying for the kind of tongue lashing Yiazmat used when an Aeon soldier stepped out of line.

Neither option won out, as Yuna blurted out, "You just made everything worse!"

"I know!" Vince flinched. "But I wanted to help. Really, I did!"

Yuna's nubby hands clenched into fists. She was poised for another outburst, when Alder zipped in front of her, spreading out his wings.

"Now, now. I'm sure there's plenty to be said about all of this." The braviary glanced over his shoulder. "But we shouldn't let that delay sealing up the anomaly."

Leo shot Yuna a worried look. The drakloak's anger kept simmering, but then she remembered what Valkyrie said was happening on Kalidron.

"Right. Gene." She tucked her head down.

"He's okay," Vince offered, a nervous grin on his white snout. "Kora and I worked together to break through whatever was blocking rifts from opening where Gene was and pulled him through to Chakran."

Yuna hardly found that notion comforting. For all she knew, Gene lost his tail in the process or something. She quickly turned away from the others. "Let's go, Leo. You want your plate, right?"

Silence. Yuna's tail curled up. "Leo?"

"Uh, right!"

Figuring Leo was following, Yuna pushed herself through the sphere of strangely gelatinous water once again. She tucked her head down, trying to push everything that had happened out of her head so she could calm down for Leo's sake.

But it wasn't working. She couldn't stop seeing that masked freak. And her shadows trying to force their way out of her. And the Phantom that had struck fear into even the typically stoic Valkyrie. Wielded Saint Zygarde's attacks. The very Sage she unexpectedly had visions of during the Seekerskorch fight. Which meant that Phantom was the one who pulled Zygarde's needle.

"So long as you continue making the wrong choice, we will remain inextricably linked."

The Butterfree Effect's words echoed in her head. She thought she saw their masked face inside the nearest water prism. Yuna forced herself through it, though. And those distorted words gave way to Xeromus' raspy, hacking laughter.

"The choices you make don't really matter."

Her teammates. The monks. Jaeger and Vince. All of them were sure that these anomalies had to be sealed. It was obviously the right thing to do. So, why was it hurting so much to do this? How much worse were things going to get if Yuna did continue seeking out anomalies?

She pushed through another water sphere.

Xeormus was on the Butterfree Effect's side. They were both supposed to be in the wrong, yet they were saying the opposite of one another. Did that mean one of them was telling the truth?

The sparkling had grown closer. Leo had already entered the giant water sphere. The cosmic arceus walked through the water and Yuna reluctantly followed him. Wondering what this plate would do to him. And what would happen when they returned home. Would they be immediately thrust back into danger? Would Yuna have to see her teammates getting hurt again?

She couldn't shake the dread lingering over her. And it only got worse once she glimpsed the text scrawled on the bright blue plate.

The rightful bearer of a Plate draws from the Plate it holds.

Anger began to bubble in Yuna's gut. Walking Wake's spout crystal and Chernabog's fist crystal... both came from the plates. From Leo's plates. She was sure of it.

Her shadows pushed against her back. Yuna didn't know if her anger made them feel even worse than with the last plate or if they were making her anger grow. And she didn't care.

As Yuna watched Leo's wheel shine brightly — and the giant water sphere coalesce into that strange pattern of circles and symbols she'd seen the cosmic arceus make before — all she could think about was how empty this supposed victory had left her.


Noctum shuffled uneasily around Widget, looking between the silvally and the others. "We don't... have to carry him to make sure he comes back with us, do we?"

Nikki waved him out. "Doubt it."

The black charizard frowned. "This isn't going to hurt, will it?"

"Oh, it will."

Noctum's tail flame shrank. "She's joking, right?" He glanced around the room, laughing nervously. But the only one who could dispute her claim was out cold.

"Duh." The toxtricity rolled her eyes. "It's kinda like teleporting. Except you disappear slow enough to see it happening."

Noctum looked down at the floor, trying to picture what that looked like. He came up blank, however. I really hope she's not screwing with me.

A few metallic thumps rang behind Noctum. By the time he looked over his shoulder, a metal door coated in scorch marks had fallen off its hinges and clanged against the ground. Noctum glanced at Cyril to gauge his reaction to this short human lady. He seemed unphased. Someone Team Bastion had been working with, then?

Cyril raised his hands innocently. "We did ask permission, remember?"

The lady approached the nearest collider wreckage. Her black boots sloshed against large puddles that steadily grew larger thanks to water streaming in from broken tubes behind the mess of chipped and broken metal cylinders.

"God." She sounded like she'd just sprinted across Aeon Castle. She wiped sweat from her head, but Noctum wondered what good that did when she looked as oily as any litwick. The human had pulled her orange jumpsuit down to her waist but sweated through the blue tank top underneath.

A tired sigh escaped her lips. She looked at Cyril. "You're not really a ranger, are you?" Her gaze fell to Noctum, Valkyrie, and Nikki. "Hell, you're not from here period."

"Welp." Cyril scratched his fake blue hair. "Guess the torracat's outta the bag."

Blue light shimmered around him. A cosmic zoroark emerged, still scratching his wild, blue-purple mane. "But you gotta admit, Liza, it's a good thing we were here."

Liza whirled on the two beldum that had appeared in the doorway. "God— if you knew he was a zoroark you could've said something!"

[A zoroark? Dewott in tarnation?!] One beldum's eye was as wide as Liza's. [Sorry, sheriff. This here cowpoke's headspace was full of that there corrupted data.]

Liza slumped over until she simply collapsed on her back. In the puddle. By the big, broken collider.

Noctum opened his mouth to say something when Liza's hands shot up.

"Don't. I'm grounded."

Noctum closed his mouth and stepped back. He didn't know enough about machines, away. The black charizard practically welcomed the awkward silence.

"Seven and a half," Liza mumbled.

"Beg your pardon?" Cyril said.

"Seven and a half years!" Liza threw her hands over her face. "That's how long we'd gone without a breach event until today. The collider was what let us stop them from happening. Everyone knows that."

"Yeah, uh—" Cyril shuffled in place awkwardly. "That's... probably more our universe's fault. Kinda in the midst of some sort of crisis with interdimensional rifts."

"Oh ho, great. Wonderful!" Liza was... laughing? Noctum took a step back, glancing at the shrinking anomaly core. How much longer would this take? Didn't Valkyrie tell Yuna she had to move quickly?

"Yeah, sure. You guys get to go home." Liza was still laughing. "Meanwhile, I'll be pulled into hearing after hearing. This could take months. Maybe years considering everyone who contributed to this project!" She squeezed her hands tighter against her face. "Not to mention what it's going to take to rebuild this thing! Oh, I'm so, so screwed! My life is over!"

Noctum's heart sank. From what he heard, it sounded as if Team Bastion had left the pervious dimension on good terms. But that dimension had been in turmoil when they arrived. This time... it sounded like the trouble began after they started doing things. And now they were leaving Liza behind to deal with the mess.

"Time's up."

"Huh?" Noctum looked at Nikki. The toxtricity's legs disappeared and her torso was slowly fading out. His tail flame grew. Or, at least, the thought it did. Because it wasn't there anymore.

They couldn't leave things off like this. It wasn't right, even if Noctum only showed up at the tail end. "Cyril," he muttered, hoping the cosmic zoroark had something to salvage this.


Although his legs were already halfway gone, Cyril tapped his X-transceiver. Liza's jumpsuit dinged. "I started recording the moment shit hit the fan," Cyril explained. "It's not much, but it should at least help deflect the blame."

Liza slowly sat up, tugging at her jumpsuit. She looked at some screen strapped to the jumpsuit's arm. "It's... something, I guess."

"Well, hey." Nikki was only a head and neck now. "If they still give you shit, then tell them to pound sand. No one's forcing you to stay here." She blinked. "I, uh, think?"

Liza looked around at the group, then glanced back at her screen.

"... Maybe it's time I gave Tate a call."

Noctum didn't know who Tate was, but judging by Cyril's expression, it sounded like a good thing. And that was enough to settle the black charizard down. His teammates vanished one by one, including the unconscious Widget. He was the last one fading away.

Which meant he was the only one who glimpsed a blue-white ninetales emerging from the same door Liza's beldum were in, holding a sign in their maw reading "WILL FIX COLLIDERS FOR BELLY RUBS."

A blue-white ninetales... with what looked like one of Bahamut's Soul Dews sparkling in their chest.


The doorbell — a single electronic buzzer — prompted Sticky to immediately flip several switches on the black wall's red panel. Once the lights behind him were off, he pressed the red button beside the panel. The doorbell shut off and purple light flooded the room.

Sticky turned to the poipole floating in the doorway. "I have the report you wanted, Mr. Sticky, sir!" She saluted him, nearly dropping the tablet she was carrying.

The naganadel resisted the urge to facepalm. "Then get on with it."

"Oh. R-Right." Poipole's tail crinkled up in embarrassment. And were those bits of paint dribbling up in her needles?

... Maybe Sticky was beginning to pick up the emperor's intimidating aura, after all.

"The Kalidron Collider's chief engineer lost the other collider signal," Poipole reported, not venturing further in from the doorway. "The rift's been sealed. Judging from the footage she sent, the rebels were present. And engaged with a Phantom that matches the emperor's description of Necrozma."

When Poipole didn't continue, Sticky stuck his right arm out. She remained in the doorway, however. "The tablet, Whatsyourname." Sticky twirled his right hand, an unamused look on his face.

"Y-Yes! Sorry, sir!" Poipole hovered into the dark room and thrust the tablet into the naganadel's outstretched hand. Even with the shaky, low-quality footage, Sticky recognized the mewtwo rebel leader. And on the defensive against Necrozma's vicious attacks, no less!

"Interesting." Sticky gently gave the tablet back to Poipole. That seemed to ease a bit of her tension.

"This is a good thing, right?" Poipole didn't retreat to the doorway. "Necrozma's actively antagonizing them. The emperor can use that."

"Perhaps." Sticky crossed his arms. "Or that Phantom's trying to play us for fools."

Poipole looked down. "I hadn't considered that..."

Sticky waved her off. "Did the engineer get a readout on any energy signatures?"

"Sort of?" Frowning, Poipole clasped the tablet against her torso. "She detected strange spikes in energy, but her ship didn't have the equipment to properly analyze them."

"Of course." Sticky pinched his brow. He supposed he should've seen that coming. The small survey ship they gave her wasn't designed with that in mind. An unfortunate oversight. But he had enough to bring to the emperor.

"Dismissed." The naganadel turned back toward the darkened end of the room.



Sticky swung his stinger behind him. A squeak, followed by an abrupt fading of the purple light, told him that Poipole got the message. After waiting a few seconds to make sure she was gone, Sticky hovered back to the wall. He closed the door, then flipped the switches on the panels.

White lights clicked on, revealing several gray metal arms holding fully mechanical, purple and red type: full parts in place. Approximating them to match the design that popped up on the desk next to Sticky. He hovered toward it, glancing between the design and the in-progress build.


(Character design by Goldmills.)

Light Rebellion Decimator Unit: Iron Enforcer

Sticky tapped the desk. Several digital marks and buttons appeared on the screen. The naganadel typed away furiously at them.

"If at first, you don't succeed..."


Upon returning to the gray and black hangar Cyril had converted into an "operations room" for him and Cid to use together, Yuna stared blankly at the rows of computer monitors stacked atop one another. The emptiness— no, this heaviness was familiar. But the reason why kept slipping from Yuna's mental grip just when she thought she latched onto it.

The drakloak was vaguely aware things were happening around her. Cyril shambling toward a beat up chair and flopping down on it. Leo hopping around the others excitedly, encouraging them to watch as he melted into a puddle and sloshed across the floor. Cid buzzing about, panic strewn on his face.

That last one had everyone else's attention. The orbeetle gestured wildly at the screen while a few of his spots glowed. He was calling a couple of people down, but their names were muffled.

When Yiazmat appeared in the hanger doorway, however, Yuna knew exactly why this was so familiar.

This was how she felt when Yiazmat told her she was adopted.

... No, it was worse. That had the emptiness, but not this heaviness.

Yuna realized she was staring at Yiazmat. The dragapult remained frozen in the doorway. Her eyes darted between Yuna and the others. And, though she was trying to hide it, Yuna knew something was unsettling Yiazmat. The tiny undulations in her tail were just a more controlled version of what Yuna did when she was nervous.

"What is it?" Yuna said. She tried to block out the heaviness, if only for a short while.

"The monks were able to rescue Mewtwo," Yiazmat said. "He sustained heavy injuries. They say it's too risky to transport here from their planet."

Yuna's neck prickled. Yiazmat was withholding something from them. "And?" Yuna couldn't think of anything better to say.

Yiazmat's eyes darted around again. "They said you'd returned. Thought you would all want to know."

This was bad. The dragapult's tone lacked that sense of certainty Yuna was accustomed to.

"Your Highness?" Even Noctum knew something was wrong.

"I shouldn't—" Yiazmat drifted back in the doorway.

"Mom." Yuna wasn't sure how much longer she could keep her headache at bay. "Whatever it is, say it."

Silence. Yiazmat's eyes darted around again.

"Mom," Yuna growled. Her shadows pulsated deep within her. She had to keep them down. Just a bit longer.

"The Phantom that attacked Mewtwo... is Bahamut." Yiazmat leaned her head against the doorframe. "Or, rather, what is left of him after he took his own life."

And there it was. Yuna's metal dam parted and the headache flooded in. Heavier and heavier. Like someone was stacking a hundred Leos on her head.

"The hell do you mean 'what's left of him?'" Nikki scoffed. "Either your god turned himself into a Phantom or someone else did."

"It seems... he believed that becoming undead would make himself invincible," Yiazmat replied.

"How?" Noctum's voice cracked. "How can you be so sure?"

Yiazmat tucked her head down. "We have his journal. It's unmistakably his. And it's—" She stopped herself and braced harder against the doorframe. "What's written there is nothing like what we teach our people about him."

Which was her mother's roundabout way of saying Yuna was right. Bahamut was a daemon. Someone who'd become so monstrous, he thought the only fitting course of action was to make himself a Phantom.

If he was the one attacking her teammates, then he was the one who pulled Zygarde's Needle. So, even if Yuna stopped searching for them entirely, they were all going to get pulled.

Chiron would continue to claw her way out of wherever she was buried in Yuna's spirit. It was only a matter of time before the Phantom sensed Chiron. And what would happen then? Would what the Phantom do to her? To her teammates?

Was this just more of that chaos the Butterfree Effect said she created?

Yuna pulled the Red Chain fragment from her ectoplasm and chucked it at Cyril without even thinking. Then she raced toward Yiazmat and the doorway. The dragapult stiffened. "Yuna—"

She pushed past Yiazmat. The drakloak's head rang. Muffled whoever was calling out to her from the hangar.

Yuna flew faster. The hallway was a blur of gray metal and the blacks and purples of deep space beyond glass panels. She flew past closed doorways. Rooms Gene had already assigned to some of the others. Yuna hadn't gotten one, though. She needed somewhere unoccupied. Or empty.

A couple of more turns and Yuna found an open door. The room inside was small. Nothing but a cot with lime green linens and an old wooden dresser with a clock that, given the blank screen, didn't even work.

That didn't matter. Yuna shot through the doorway and slammed onto the bed, like she was a little dreepy getting fired into a pillow fort.

But Yuna wasn't a hatchling. She was an adult. And she was in far too deep.

The Needles sealing Eternatus. Paradox's ambitions of an Eternatus free to ravage the universe. The Phantom looking to pull the Needles for... some strange reason. Bahamut's dead wife hiding within her spirit.

Then there was the other side of the coin. The anomalies, which were practically interdimensional mystery dungeons. Two of them held these mystical plates that apparently belonged to Leo. And the monks were sure that these had to be sealed. Leo did the sealing, sure. But Yuna could go into the cores, too. So, she was clearly tied to them. As was the Butterfree Effect.

All of this piled onto the drakloak's shoulders in the span of a month. Yuna thought, because she had allies, that she could handle it.

She was wrong. Learning she was related to the Butterfree Effect — and this mysterious Phantom was born from Bahamut's remains — proved too much.

All of these swirling thoughts had given her such an intense headache. Yuna couldn't help but bury her head in the pillow and groan. An exhausted, raspy groan that didn't last for very long.

The drakloak rolled on her back and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm so tired." She held her hands up. "I'm not ready... for another mission."

Her ectoplasm undulated. Yuna's left arm bubbled and twisted into a black wing with three red spikes.

"Ahhh!" Yuna shook the new limb around like a sandile had bit her arm. It wouldn't go away. The red spikes were pristine enough for Yuna to see her horrified reflection.

"Make it stop, make it stop, make it sta—bishaaaahn!"

Yuna smacked her right hand over her mouth. Her eyes darted around frantically.

That was not her voice.

The wing turned back into her left arm. Yuna folded it against her side and buried it in her ectoplasm. She glanced at her Soul Dew. The shadows had wrapped themselves around it. No wonder none of the Sages had butted in.

She lifted her hands up again. "What's happening to me?" Tears glistened in her eyes. This couldn't be Chiron's power... could it? "Why am I losing control?"

"Losing control of what?"

Squeaking, Yuna sat up. A concerned Nikki stood in the doorway. The toxtricity considered that enough of a greeting to waltz into the room and plop herself down on the other end of the bed.

Yuna couldn't muster an answer to Nikki's question. She had to change the subject. "Why did you follow me?"

"Wasn't gonna at first," Nikki replied. "But there was, y'know, a faraway look in your eyes. The more I chewed on it... the more it reminded me of how I looked after getting to see Scarlett again in Scale City. And, well, then I heard a scream." She shrugged. "Thought maybe you'd gotten hurt."

The drakloak scooted away. She grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her chest. Yuna doubted it could stop the shadows, but she could at least try to hide them.

"Sorry. Hearing the news about the Phantom just... made me upset."

Nikki raised a brow. "I thought you'd already given up on the whole Aeonism stuff."

"I did!" Yuna squeezed the pillow tighter. "But, well..." What was she supposed to say to the toxtricity?

Then again, Yuna had already admitted she thought she was Chiron.

"I'm afraid of what will happen as more Needles get pulled." Yuna lowered her head onto the pillow. "What if the Phantom senses Chiron inside of me?"

Nikki scratched the back of her head. "Uh, it'll get pissed off? Or, uh, more pissed off than it was before."

Yuna's face sank into the pillow slightly. "You heard what it did to Gene. And how it might be invincible!"

"It got the jump on us." Nikki crossed her legs. "And nothing's really invincible. We just haven't found its weakness yet." She punched her right hand with her left. "The way I see it, the more Needles you get, the better shape we'll be in to kick its nonexistent ass into next century."

Sniffling, Yuna blinked tears from her eyes and looked up at the toxtricity.

"Aww, c'mon." Nikki frowned. "No waterworks. That was supposed to be encouraging!"

"How?" Yuna rubbed her face against the pillow. "How can you still want to fight after hearing that?"

Nikki stared back blankly. Had she really not considered it? Yuna was going to continue, but Nikki's blank look melted away. She leaned back, resting her head on the wall.

"Well, I never worshiped Badumbut." The toxtricity chuckled at her own lame insult. "And I'd like to think you've known me long enough to tell I'm too stubborn to quit. Even if the going gets rough."

Yuna curled her hands around the pillow sheet. It was true. And they were only a day removed from Nikki throwing a fit at Yuna and Gene because she got pulled aside from fighting Chernabog.

"What's this really about, Princess?" Nikki tapped the air with right foot. "Way I see it, something else must've happened to you over there. You're making freaking Chompy look like the life of the party."

"I don't want you to get hurt because of me, okay?"

The drakloak winced. She blurted it out, but hadn't meant for it to sound that harsh. Yuna squeezed the pillow tighter. "Sorry." Her tail curled around the other end of it. "But you're, y'know, my friend. And I'm afraid—"

"Because of the Phantom?"

Because of the Butterfree Effect. And my powers.

The shadows still had an iron grip on the Soul Dew. Yuna didn't dare lift the pillow. And even though she wanted so badly to say her thoughts aloud, they got trapped in her ectoplasmic throat. She kept her gaze down, watching her tail twitch erratically.

"The Red Chain fragment reactivated inside me," Yuna mumbled. "And then the core... spoke to me. Told me that I'm dangerous. Unstable."

Not a lie. But not the whole truth, either. At least Reshiram wasn't around to pester Yuna about it.

"So, you think you'll hurt me?" Nikki pointed at her gills. "Pretty sure I'm the one who got puppetted by that daemon a ways back."

"Maybe not directly," Yuna said, trying not to get upset at Nikki's self-deprecation. "But from drawing in stronger Phantoms. The core said that spark of Red Chain power will make me a magnet for even tougher ones."


"We're already outmatched by Bahamut's Phantom," Yuna said, fidgeting with the pillow sheet. "How can we possibly handle whatever the anomalies throw at us next?"

That finally got Nikki to lean forward. She silently scratched her chest. The toxtricity must've finally run out of comebacks.

"Ya got me there." Nikki shrugged. "But what's to say that core wasn't screwing with your head?" She traced her right index finger around her right horn. "Y'know, kill your motivation so you give up."

Yuna flinched. Guess the white lie didn't quite work. Time for a fallback...

"I don't want to lose you."

Nikki raised a brow. "Dang. Tugging on the heartstrings, huh?" She leaned back again, strumming her gills. "Well, I don't want to lose you, either. But if we don't win, then the universe gets destroyed, doesn't it? So, we lose each other anyway." The toxtricity shrugged. "Way I see it, better to go out swinging than running away."

Knowing full well Nikki was right, Yuna melted into the pillow a bit. "I just wish it didn't have to be me. I'm... cracking under all the stress."

Nikki pivoted slightly left. "Well, that's what we're here for." She jerked her head toward the doorway. Noctum stood there, cradling Leo in his arms. The cosmic arceus tilted his head. Yuna instinctively gripped the pillow tighter, as if that would somehow hide the shadows better.

Even though Nikki was saying all the right things, it wasn't enough to make Yuna ready to leap back into the fray. Because that was how things were going so far. Every time they finished dealing with one problem, another one would pop up right away. Dividing up the team's resources hadn't helped with this, either. The moment they fixed one anomaly, another made its presence known in a big way. How much longer until Cid shoved Noctum aside and told her something big needed her attention?

To say nothing of the whole "shadows and Butterfree Effect" issue. Yuna still wasn't sure if she even wanted the others to know the truth. Add it all up, and she just wasn't ready for another mission yet. She needed more time to ease that pressure trying to pop her head like it was a balloon.

Her gaze silently fell toward the floor. An ugly gray carpet with some white stains on it. Cleaning solution, maybe?

"Can I at least get a real break, then?" the drakloak muttered.

"What do you mean by 'real?'" Noctum wondered.

"Somewhere without rifts or Eternatus or... any of this." Yuna gestured around wildly. An image fitting that description quickly popped into her head. "Somewhere like... home."

"Home?" Nikki frowned. "Y'mean like—"

A small rift opened behind Yuna. "I'm going to Aeon Castle. Alone." She looked at Noctum apologetically. "Because I deserve a break. So, if the monks come calling, tell them I'm not available."

She didn't wait for her friends to respond. Yuna rolled backward into the rift and shut it behind her.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, saw this story was up for offsite review tag and I was struggling not to click the spoilers in your Discord, so, yeah. Sounds like as good a reason as any to jump back into things:

Chapter 71

The Renegade stole a fragment of the Universe when he destroyed the Great Harmony. Though the Matriarch tried to reclaim it, the Renegade displayed unmatched ferocity. He clawed away more of the Universe in every clash against the Benefactor.

Our faith in the Matriarch and Benefactor cannot waver. For they are the keys to reuniting the Universe. The Renegade's wish for the Benefactor's destruction cannot come to fruition.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità

Okay, yeah. Yaldabaoth is Giratina in this story and apparently indwelling Yuna. Not sure if the Butterfree Effect is the Matriarch or the Benefactor, but this really does vibe with the whole "demiurge vs. true god" shtick of Gnostic mythos.

Gene hadn't experienced a pain like this in a long, long time. A time he had all but purged from the recesses of his mind.

Oh well that's some ominous BGM to go with an ominous opening.

But smashed up against the side of a planetary fragment, right arm trying to brace broken ribs, the debris field flickered in and out. Visions of a bubbling volcano and an enraged dragon of light came and went.

Yeesh. That spirit attack thingy really did a number on him. I think this is the first time since the special that we've seen Gene in this bad of shape.

The shadowy mewtwo shakily conjured a Protect shield, but it could not withstand the giant, electrified fist that smashed into it. Driven further into rock and concrete, several snaps sent the air rushing out of Gene's lungs.

He needed to concentrate. He had to mega evolve! If Gene couldn't muster a second wind here...

That actually makes me wonder if Mega Evolving can be used as an emergency heal in this setting, or if your original body's wounds will re-emerge when it dispels.

"Why?" He could barely get the word out. Were his lungs filling up with fluid? "Baha... mut..."

The Phantom's wraiths twisted around one another. "I have no name," they said. "I am power absolute."

Gene: "Well, this fight is just going great at the moment."

Even distorted, their voice was cold and empty. In a way that reminded Gene of a time in his life he'd spent decades trying to forget.

Gene tried to retort, but all that escaped him was a weak cough.

Ah yes, war flashbacking in live-time to being under Gio's command on his homeworld.

"Finally." Emerald light shimmered atop the Phantom's crystalline outline. "One mistake erased. Next is Eternatus."

"Yo... wro... ng."

A faint rainbow shimmer flickered underneath the Phantom's jagged crystals. "You will not get a second miracle, Mewtwo. Begone."

I mean, I'm not fully convinced that you're just going to axe Gene from the story here, so let's see if this second miracle pans out or not.

The emerald orb burst into Thousand Arrows. Gene shut his eyes. If he could just draw out one last spark of power. Phantom Warp away to buy himself more time.

His body violently lurched. Instead of the green arrows piercing him endlessly until nothing remained, bright light flooded in through his eyes. His head struck dirt and dry, itchy grass.

Whelp, miracle confirmed. Even if Gene's gonna need a lot of work on him after this.

Eyes opening, Gene coughed something up from his windpipe. Though blurry, a red snout, puffy black circle, and white feathers hovered over him.

"It worked! Maxie, grab the healers! He's in worse shape than I thought..."

Gene tried to reach for Koraidon's face, but the only thing he had the strength left to do was close his eyes.

Gene: "... Ow." X_X

Where the last anomaly was orange, this one was a soft, soothing blue. Crystals undulated like waves far in the distance, shielding Yuna and Leo from the immense distorted static the drakloak recalled seeing last time.

Ah yes, the PLA soundtrack makes a reprise here. Fitting given that this is a space that's more or less tailor-made for Leo to nab some extra powers.

There was also a distinct lack of ground. Instead, giant spheres and prisms full of nothing but water were scattered about haphazardly. One spherical waterbed was clearly larger than all the others. Something sparkled in the middle of it. Leo's was firmly fixed on the little sparkle. That meant it was another one of the plates they found before, right?

Oh, so it's like the elemental plane of water in DnD. I actually wonder if this was drawing off of the same environmental design philosophy as those typed spirit realm thingies in HoC.

Given how wet this place is, it's gotta be water, Yuna figured.

"Oh, wonderful! You're all right!"

Wait, there's someone else that's also here? .-.


Still on edge from the earlier battle, Yuna shot forward. She entered a water sphere without so much as a splash. It was damp, yes, but the water wasn't seeping into her ectoplasm like it was supposed to. The drakloak hesitantly turned around and spotted the silhouette of a familiar braviary floating with his legs crossed. He waved to Leo, who waved back with a foreleg.

"Hi, Mr. Alder!" Leo's starcloud tail wagged. "Oh, and you brought Mr. Purple Kora guy, too!"

Yuna: "... How on earth did you get here?" .-.

Yuna poked her head out of the water and, sure enough, a neon purple and white koraidon was behind Alder. He stood on all fours. His feathery crest and black dewlap looked considerably less impressive than before.

"It's Vince," the koraidon reminded them. "And yeah, long time no see." He looked around. "Figuratively speaking. We're just projections, so all we can tell is that we're in some sort of anomaly core."

Oh, right. They can do that. I suppose that would explain how they're here right now.

"But why are you here?" Yuna asked. And how did they even manage it, for that matter?

"Ah, right. Fair question." Alder rubbed the back of his head with his right wing. "Well, when you lot got close to the anomaly core, your friends back home lost contact with you. Your orbeetle teammate got worried and reached out to me, so I went into meditation to probe for anomalies and find you guys!"

I... feel as if we should be ever-so-slightly concerned that Vince just has the power to find people like this. Unless if this only works on picking out anomalies first and then doing process of elimination.

"And Kora reached out to me." Vince walked out from behind Alder. "I was, uh, trying to keep a lid on things for you guys. Sorta. Kinda."

Now that she was sure she wasn't in danger, exhaustion had set in for Yuna. And with it came little patience for the duo's explanations. The drakloak shut her eyes and rubbed them. "If you were helping us in the background then say it."

"Err, right. Sorry. I just—" Vince tittered. "I could sense that Red Chain fragment you had from out in Ginnungagap. So, hoping it could counter any damage from the anomaly, I sent a pulse of energy through the core to reawaken your fragment."

Yuna: "... Why are you just telling me this now?" >_>;

Yuna's eyes shot open. "That was you?!"

Leo's mane and tail dimmed. "Mom?"

Vince likewise tucked his head down. "Y-Yes, I realize now I didn't entirely think that one through."

Oh, so Vince's attempts to help almost peaced a planet. Fantastic.

Dragonfire embers pooled around Yuna's ectoplasmic throat. She was caught between just spewing Dragon Breath at the projection or trying for the kind of tongue lashing Yiazmat used when an Aeon soldier stepped out of line.

Neither option won out, as Yuna blurted out, "You just made everything worse!"

"I know!" Vince flinched. "But I wanted to help. Really, I did!"

Sticker, sceptilisk,

Not sure if I'm convinced about that, since Vince's official art and his initial appearance in the story definitely gave him a very sus vibe.

Yuna's nubby hands clenched into fists. She was poised for another outburst, when Alder zipped in front of her, spreading out his wings.

"Now, now. I'm sure there's plenty to be said about all of this." The braviary glanced over his shoulder. "But we shouldn't let that delay sealing up the anomaly."

Yuna: "Ugh. Fine. But this isn't over, Vince!"

Leo shot Yuna a worried look. The drakloak's anger kept simmering, but then she remembered what Valkyrie said was happening on Kalidron.

"Right. Gene." She tucked her head down.

"He's okay," Vince offered, a nervous grin on his white snout. "Kora and I worked together to break through whatever was blocking rifts from opening where Gene was and pulled him through to Chakran."

Yuna: "Um... he is alright at the moment, right?"

Vince: "... He's alive, at least?" ^^;

Yuna hardly found that notion comforting. For all she knew, Gene lost his tail in the process or something. She quickly turned away from the others. "Let's go, Leo. You want your plate, right?"

Silence. Yuna's tail curled up. "Leo?"

"Uh, right!"

Ah yes, time for another llama lightshow.

Figuring Leo was following, Yuna pushed herself through the sphere of strangely gelatinous water once again. She tucked her head down, trying to push everything that had happened out of her head so she could calm down for Leo's sake.

But it wasn't working. She couldn't stop seeing that masked freak. And her shadows trying to force their way out of her. And the Phantom that had struck fear into even the typically stoic Valkyrie. Wielded Saint Zygarde's attacks. The very Sage she unexpectedly had visions of during the Seekerskorch fight. Which meant that Phantom was the one who pulled Zygarde's needle.

Yuna: "Oh, and it apparently knows about me know and wants my powers for itself... yeah, I don't think I'm going to sleep well tonight."

"So long as you continue making the wrong choice, we will remain inextricably linked."

The Butterfree Effect's words echoed in her head. She thought she saw their masked face inside the nearest water prism. Yuna forced herself through it, though. And those distorted words gave way to Xeromus' raspy, hacking laughter.

"The choices you make don't really matter."

I mean, if Yuna is a puppet of Yaldabaoth, can we even assume that she's making these choices on her own and not being influenced? Since considering the last narrative I experienced that had a character being puppeted by a demiurge figure...

Her teammates. The monks. Jaeger and Vince. All of them were sure that these anomalies had to be sealed. It was obviously the right thing to do. So, why was it hurting so much to do this? How much worse were things going to get if Yuna did continue seeking out anomalies?

Yeah, this isn't helping with those suspicions that Yuna might be making these decisions while under Yaldabaoth's influence.

She pushed through another water sphere.

Xeormus was on the Butterfree Effect's side. They were both supposed to be in the wrong, yet they were saying the opposite of one another. Did that mean one of them was telling the truth?

Consider the following: They both suck and don't have your and your world's best interests at heart.

The sparkling had grown closer. Leo had already entered the giant water sphere. The cosmic arceus walked through the water and Yuna reluctantly followed him. Wondering what this plate would do to him. And what would happen when they returned home. Would they be immediately thrust back into danger? Would Yuna have to see her teammates getting hurt again?

I mean, when has this story ever given its cast a break that lasted for more than like 3 chapters, Yuna?

She couldn't shake the dread lingering over her. And it only got worse once she glimpsed the text scrawled on the bright blue plate.

The rightful bearer of a Plate draws from the Plate it holds.

Anger began to bubble in Yuna's gut. Walking Wake's spout crystal and Chernabog's fist crystal... both came from the plates. From Leo's plates. She was sure of it.

Yeeeeeeah, she's totally being influenced by Yaldabaoth. Though does that mean that if / when Yaldabaoth ever leaves her, she's going to have her powers effectively reset to zero as an Etherium 'mon? Since I swear that this is giving me some major deja vu with Xenoblade 1's plot right now.

Her shadows pushed against her back. Yuna didn't know if her anger made them feel even worse than with the last plate or if they were making her anger grow. And she didn't care.

As Yuna watched Leo's wheel shine brightly — and the giant water sphere coalesce into that strange pattern of circles and symbols she'd seen the cosmic arceus make before — all she could think about was how empty this supposed victory had left her.

Yuna: "I don't get it. This was what I wanted, wasn't it? Why am I feeling like this?" ._.

Noctum shuffled uneasily around Widget, looking between the silvally and the others. "We don't... have to carry him to make sure he comes back with us, do we?"

Nikki waved him out. "Doubt it."

Oh, so the gang's waiting at a lake right now? Or was the lake music chosen just because?

The black charizard frowned. "This isn't going to hurt, will it?"

"Oh, it will."

Noctum's tail flame shrank. "She's joking, right?" He glanced around the room, laughing nervously. But the only one who could dispute her claim was out cold.

Maybe they really are at a lake right now. Also, live look at Noctum:


"Duh." The toxtricity rolled her eyes. "It's kinda like teleporting. Except you disappear slow enough to see it happening."

Noctum looked down at the floor, trying to picture what that looked like. He came up blank, however. I really hope she's not screwing with me.

Nikki: "I mean, I'll admit, I'm enjoying watching you squirm a bit. But that is how this works, so..."

A few metallic thumps rang behind Noctum. By the time he looked over his shoulder, a metal door coated in scorch marks had fallen off its hinges and clanged against the ground. Noctum glanced at Cyril to gauge his reaction to this short human lady. He seemed unphased. Someone Team Bastion had been working with, then?

Cyril raised his hands innocently. "We did ask permission, remember?"

The lady approached the nearest collider wreckage. Her black boots sloshed against large puddles that steadily grew larger thanks to water streaming in from broken tubes behind the mess of chipped and broken metal cylinders.

Cyril: "Er... yeah, I suppose we could've done a better job at nipping things in the bud, but at least the city didn't blow up?" ^^;

"God." She sounded like she'd just sprinted across Aeon Castle. She wiped sweat from her head, but Noctum wondered what good that did when she looked as oily as any litwick. The human had pulled her orange jumpsuit down to her waist but sweated through the blue tank top underneath.

A tired sigh escaped her lips. She looked at Cyril. "You're not really a ranger, are you?" Her gaze fell to Noctum, Valkyrie, and Nikki. "Hell, you're not from here period."

... Oh, I guess they're in LaRousse City right now. I kinda wonder if there should've been more of an indication from the initial scene setting, since it was admittely a bit hard to tell where we were.

"Welp." Cyril scratched his fake blue hair. "Guess the torracat's outta the bag."

Blue light shimmered around him. A cosmic zoroark emerged, still scratching his wild, blue-purple mane. "But you gotta admit, Liza, it's a good thing we were here."

Liza whirled on the two beldum that had appeared in the doorway. "God— if you knew he was a zoroark you could've said something!"

... I mean, did her Beldum know that Cyril was a Zoroark?

[A zoroark? Dewott in tarnation?!] One beldum's eye was as wide as Liza's. [Sorry, sheriff. This here cowpoke's headspace was full of that there corrupted data.]

Liza slumped over until she simply collapsed on her back. In the puddle. By the big, broken collider.

Ah yes, time for the Ultra Wormholes to come back to this dimension.

Noctum opened his mouth to say something when Liza's hands shot up.

"Don't. I'm grounded."

Noctum closed his mouth and stepped back. He didn't know enough about machines, away. The black charizard practically welcomed the awkward silence.

Noctum: "I'm... just going to shuffle a few feet off into the distance, really."

"Seven and a half," Liza mumbled.

"Beg your pardon?" Cyril said.

"Seven and a half years!" Liza threw her hands over her face. "That's how long we'd gone without a breach event until today. The collider was what let us stop them from happening. Everyone knows that."

Oh, so we are getting a Squaresoft "heroes make things worse" outcome in this story. Even if I suppose we already had one with Chiaki and Venish going to hell, but still.

"Yeah, uh—" Cyril shuffled in place awkwardly. "That's... probably more our universe's fault. Kinda in the midst of some sort of crisis with interdimensional rifts."

"Oh ho, great. Wonderful!" Liza was... laughing? Noctum took a step back, glancing at the shrinking anomaly core. How much longer would this take? Didn't Valkyrie tell Yuna she had to move quickly?

I can feel Liza's sanity slippage coming through the screen in live-time.

"Yeah, sure. You guys get to go home." Liza was still laughing. "Meanwhile, I'll be pulled into hearing after hearing. This could take months. Maybe years considering everyone who contributed to this project!" She squeezed her hands tighter against her face. "Not to mention what it's going to take to rebuild this thing! Oh, I'm so, so screwed! My life is over!"

Noctum: "Er... well, if it's really that bad for you, you could always run away with us-?" ^^;
Cyril: "Noctum!"
Noctum: "What? It is an option, isn't it?"

Noctum's heart sank. From what he heard, it sounded as if Team Bastion had left the pervious dimension on good terms. But that dimension had been in turmoil when they arrived. This time... it sounded like the trouble began after they started doing things. And now they were leaving Liza behind to deal with the mess.

"Time's up."

"Huh?" Noctum looked at Nikki. The toxtricity's legs disappeared and her torso was slowly fading out. His tail flame grew. Or, at least, the thought it did. Because it wasn't there anymore.

Oh, right. That's what Nikki was talking about re: teleportation. Nikki: "Hey, look on the bright side. At least your planet's still in one piece? If the Collider blew, that... wouldn't exactly be something you could take for granted." ^^;

Nikki: "... Well, I tried, at least." -_-;

They couldn't leave things off like this. It wasn't right, even if Noctum only showed up at the tail end. "Cyril," he muttered, hoping the cosmic zoroark had something to salvage this.


Although his legs were already halfway gone, Cyril tapped his X-transceiver. Liza's jumpsuit dinged. "I started recording the moment shit hit the fan," Cyril explained. "It's not much, but it should at least help deflect the blame."

Cyril: "(Boy am I thankful that this place apparently hasn't figured out interdimensional travel yet.)"

Liza slowly sat up, tugging at her jumpsuit. She looked at some screen strapped to the jumpsuit's arm. "It's... something, I guess."

"Well, hey." Nikki was only a head and neck now. "If they still give you shit, then tell them to pound sand. No one's forcing you to stay here." She blinked. "I, uh, think?"

Liza looked around at the group, then glanced back at her screen.

"... Maybe it's time I gave Tate a call."

Oh, so they are going back to their twin thing. Cosmic balance has been restored.

Noctum didn't know who Tate was, but judging by Cyril's expression, it sounded like a good thing. And that was enough to settle the black charizard down. His teammates vanished one by one, including the unconscious Widget. He was the last one fading away.

Which meant he was the only one who glimpsed a blue-white ninetales emerging from the same door Liza's beldum were in, holding a sign in their maw reading "WILL FIX COLLIDERS FOR BELLY RUBS."

Ohai, Shane.

A blue-white ninetales... with what looked like one of Bahamut's Soul Dews sparkling in their chest.

Okay, that's definitely new from him. Unless if that's just an Ultranecrozmium Z.

The doorbell — a single electronic buzzer — prompted Sticky to immediately flip several switches on the black wall's red panel. Once the lights behind him were off, he pressed the red button beside the panel. The doorbell shut off and purple light flooded the room.

Sticky turned to the poipole floating in the doorway. "I have the report you wanted, Mr. Sticky, sir!" She saluted him, nearly dropping the tablet she was carrying.

The naganadel resisted the urge to facepalm. "Then get on with it."

Sanic music, huh? That's definitely different. Let's see where this scene's going.

"Oh. R-Right." Poipole's tail crinkled up in embarrassment. And were those bits of paint dribbling up in her needles?

... Maybe Sticky was beginning to pick up the emperor's intimidating aura, after all.

"The Kalidron Collider's chief engineer lost the other collider signal," Poipole reported, not venturing further in from the doorway. "The rift's been sealed. Judging from the footage she sent, the rebels were present. And engaged with a Phantom that matches the emperor's description of Necrozma."

Poipole: "Even if, uh... it looked really, really different from what we were expecting on file."

When Poipole didn't continue, Sticky stuck his right arm out. She remained in the doorway, however. "The tablet, Whatsyourname." Sticky twirled his right hand, an unamused look on his face.

"Y-Yes! Sorry, sir!" Poipole hovered into the dark room and thrust the tablet into the naganadel's outstretched hand. Even with the shaky, low-quality footage, Sticky recognized the mewtwo rebel leader. And on the defensive against Necrozma's vicious attacks, no less!

This is going to give Sticky some sort of crazy idea like trying to recruit Phantom Despair, isn't it?

"Interesting." Sticky gently gave the tablet back to Poipole. That seemed to ease a bit of her tension.

"This is a good thing, right?" Poipole didn't retreat to the doorway. "Necrozma's actively antagonizing them. The emperor can use that."

"Perhaps." Sticky crossed his arms. "Or that Phantom's trying to play us for fools."

Phantom Despair can do that in his present state? Since I kinda got the distinct vibe that he wasn't fully "there" mind-wise.

Poipole looked down. "I hadn't considered that..."

Sticky waved her off. "Did the engineer get a readout on any energy signatures?"

"Sort of?" Frowning, Poipole clasped the tablet against her torso. "She detected strange spikes in energy, but her ship didn't have the equipment to properly analyze them."

"Of course." Sticky pinched his brow. He supposed he should've seen that coming. The small survey ship they gave her wasn't designed with that in mind. An unfortunate oversight. But he had enough to bring to the emperor.

Oh, so that's what that ship the gang originally thought was a civilian craft was.

"Dismissed." The naganadel turned back toward the darkened end of the room.



Sticky swung his stinger behind him. A squeak, followed by an abrupt fading of the purple light, told him that Poipole got the message. After waiting a few seconds to make sure she was gone, Sticky hovered back to the wall. He closed the door, then flipped the switches on the panels.

Sticky: "God, I need a freaking drink right about now."

White lights clicked on, revealing several gray metal arms holding fully mechanical, purple and red type: full parts in place. Approximating them to match the design that popped up on the desk next to Sticky. He hovered toward it, glancing between the design and the in-progress build.

Light Rebellion Decimator Unit: Iron Enforcer

Sticky tapped the desk. Several digital marks and buttons appeared on the screen. The naganadel typed away furiously at them. "If at first, you don't succeed..."

Oh, so they already had a v2 of Widget just chilling in the garage all this time. Though nice art there.

Upon returning to the gray and black hangar Cyril had converted into an "operations room" for him and Cid to use together, Yuna stared blankly at the rows of computer monitors stacked atop one another. The emptiness— no, this heaviness was familiar. But the reason why kept slipping from Yuna's mental grip just when she thought she latched onto it.

Oh hey, that's a song that I've been hearing a few times lately. Which probably isn't a good sign at all for how this meeting is going to go.

The drakloak was vaguely aware things were happening around her. Cyril shambling toward a beat up chair and flopping down on it. Leo hopping around the others excitedly, encouraging them to watch as he melted into a puddle and sloshed across the floor. Cid buzzing about, panic strewn on his face.

That last one had everyone else's attention. The orbeetle gestured wildly at the screen while a few of his spots glowed. He was calling a couple of people down, but their names were muffled.

Yuna: "Seriously, what is going on with me? And why are we suddenly dabbling with Xenoblade music all of a sudden?"

When Yiazmat appeared in the hanger doorway, however, Yuna knew exactly why this was so familiar.

This was how she felt when Yiazmat told her she was adopted.

... No, it was worse. That had the emptiness, but not this heaviness.

Yuna: "Wait, are these even my feelings right now? Since now that I remember it, didn't the Butterfree Effect say that I was a vessel to that 'Yaldabaoth' thing?" ._.

Yuna realized she was staring at Yiazmat. The dragapult remained frozen in the doorway. Her eyes darted between Yuna and the others. And, though she was trying to hide it, Yuna knew something was unsettling Yiazmat. The tiny undulations in her tail were just a more controlled version of what Yuna did when she was nervous.

"What is it?" Yuna said. She tried to block out the heaviness, if only for a short while.

"The monks were able to rescue Mewtwo," Yiazmat said. "He sustained heavy injuries. They say it's too risky to transport him here from their planet."

Small missing word there. Though wait, Yiazmat can sense what's going on with Yuna right now?

Yuna's neck prickled. Yiazmat was withholding something from them. "And?" Yuna couldn't think of anything better to say.

Yiazmat's eyes darted around again. "They said you'd returned. Thought you would all want to know."

This was bad. The dragapult's tone lacked that sense of certainty Yuna was accustomed to.

Yuna: "Mom, I swear to god, if you're hiding more stuff about my childhood that's going to come out in awkward fashion right now..." >_>;

"Your Highness?" Even Noctum knew something was wrong.

"I shouldn't—" Yiazmat drifted back in the doorway.

"Mom." Yuna wasn't sure how much longer she could keep her headache at bay. "Whatever it is, say it."

Wait, does- does Yiazmat know about Yuna's status as a vessel for Yaldabaoth? .-.

Silence. Yiazmat's eyes darted around again.

"Mom," Yuna growled. Her shadows pulsated deep within her. She had to keep them down. Just a bit longer.

"The Phantom that attacked Mewtwo... is Bahamut." Yiazmat leaned her head against the doorframe. "Or, rather, what is left of him after he took his own life."

Yuna: "I mean, yeah. That was kinda patently obvious after the last 71 chapters-"
Yiazmat: "Yuna, looking past the fourth wall doesn't count." >_>;

And there it was. Yuna's metal dam parted and the headache flooded in. Heavier and heavier. Like someone was stacking a hundred Leos on her head.

"The hell do you mean 'what's left of him?'" Nikki scoffed. "Either your god turned himself into a Phantom or someone else did."

"It seems... he believed that becoming undead would make himself invincible," Yiazmat replied.

Ah yes, when you an hero and don't stay dead afterwards. Boy is that a
vibe there.

Yuna: "Wait a minute. Mom, how on earth do you just know all of this?! And don't give me that 'fourth wall' answer either!"

"How?" Noctum's voice cracked. "How can you be so sure?"

Yiazmat tucked her head down. "We have his journal. It's unmistakably his. And it's—" She stopped herself and braced harder against the doorframe. "What's written there is nothing like what we teach our people about him."

Ah yes, that would explain it. And I can already tell that Noctum's going to be in a low mood for a good while after this.

Which was her mother's roundabout way of saying Yuna was right. Bahamut was a daemon. Someone who'd become so monstrous, he thought the only fitting course of action was to make himself a Phantom.

If he was the one attacking her teammates, then he was the one who pulled Zygarde's Needle. So, even if Yuna stopped searching for them entirely, they were all going to get pulled.


Yiazmat: "Also, just saying, but this knowledge should probably stay between the lot of us for now, since I can't even imagine the societal chaos finding out about it would cause back home."

Chiron would continue to claw her way out of wherever she was buried in Yuna's spirit. It was only a matter of time before the Phantom sensed Chiron. And what would happen then? Would what the Phantom do to her? To her teammates?

Was this just more of that chaos the Butterfree Effect said she created?

Yuna: "I really, really did not need to think about that. God, as if my mood wasn't already terrible right now."

Yuna pulled the Red Chain fragment from her ectoplasm and chucked it at Cyril without even thinking. Then she raced toward Yiazmat and the doorway. The dragapult stiffened. "Yuna—"

She pushed past Yiazmat. The drakloak's head rang. Muffled whoever was calling out to her from the hangar.

Ah yes. Yuna has officially had enough™️ from life. I'm honestly a little surprised that she's held up this long in the story without a major emotional break like this beyond the one she had after seeing Benedict bite it.

Yuna flew faster. The hallway was a blur of gray metal and the blacks and purples of deep space beyond glass panels. She flew past closed doorways. Rooms Gene had already assigned to some of the others. Yuna hadn't gotten one, though. She needed somewhere unoccupied. Or empty.

A couple of more turns and Yuna found an open door. The room inside was small. Nothing but a cot with lime green linens and an old wooden dresser with a clock that, given the blank screen, didn't even work.

That didn't matter. Yuna shot through the doorway and slammed onto the bed, like she was a little dreepy getting fired into a pillow fort.

But Yuna wasn't a hatchling. She was an adult. And she was in far too deep.

She's about to cry, isn't she?

The Needles sealing Eternatus. Paradox's ambitions of an Eternatus free to ravage the universe. The Phantom looking to pull the Needles for... some strange reason. Bahamut's dead wife hiding within her spirit.

Then there was the other side of the coin. The anomalies, which were practically interdimensional mystery dungeons. Two of them held these mystical plates that apparently belonged to Leo. And the monks were sure that these had to be sealed. Leo did the sealing, sure. But Yuna could go into the cores, too. So, she was clearly tied to them. As was the Butterfree Effect.

Proooobably a good thing that she hasn't realized the full implications the Butterfree Effect's banter to her and how she's in all likelihood effectively Shulk from XB1, just without a red machine-deleter to wield.

All of this piled onto the drakloak's shoulders in the span of a month. Yuna thought, because she had allies, that she could handle it.

She was wrong. Learning she was related to the Butterfree Effect — and this mysterious Phantom was born from Bahamut's remains — proved too much.

All of these swirling thoughts had given her such an intense headache. Yuna couldn't help but bury her head in the pillow and groan. An exhausted, raspy groan that didn't last for very long.

Oh, someone came to try and comfort her? Since I get the feeling that's where this is going to go.

The drakloak rolled on her back and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm so tired." She held her hands up. "I'm not ready... for another mission."

Her ectoplasm undulated. Yuna's left arm bubbled and twisted into a black wing with three red spikes.

"Ahhh!" Yuna shook the new limb around like a sandile had bit her arm. It wouldn't go away. The red spikes were pristine enough for Yuna to see her horrified reflection.

Oh, guess she's going to find out the full implications of being a demiurge's vessel right here and now after all.

"Make it stop, make it stop, make it sta—bishaaaahn!"

Yuna smacked her right hand over her mouth. Her eyes darted around frantically.

That was not her voice.

No, but it is Yaldabaoth's.

The wing turned back into her left arm. Yuna folded it against her side and buried it in her ectoplasm. She glanced at her Soul Dew. The shadows had wrapped themselves around it. No wonder none of the Sages had butted in.

She lifted her hands up again. "What's happening to me?" Tears glistened in her eyes. This couldn't be Chiron's power... could it? "Why am I losing control?"

I honestly can't tell if she is losing control or if this is just who Yuna really is. Depends on what one makes of the Butterfree Effect's comments last chapter, really.

"Losing control of what?"

Squeaking, Yuna sat up. A concerned Nikki stood in the doorway. The toxtricity considered that enough of a greeting to waltz into the room and plop herself down on the other end of the bed.

Yuna couldn't muster an answer to Nikki's question. She had to change the subject. "Why did you follow me?"

Oh boy, this song. It certainly is a heartstring-tugger for anyone who's played P3 in the past and not terribly unfitting for this present moment.

"Wasn't gonna at first," Nikki replied. "But there was, y'know, a faraway look in your eyes. The more I chewed on it... the more it reminded me of how I looked after getting to see Scarlett again in Scale City. And, well, then I heard a scream." She shrugged. "Thought maybe you'd gotten hurt."

The drakloak scooted away. She grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her chest. Yuna doubted it could stop the shadows, but she could at least try to hide them.

Yuna: "Oh my god. Nikki, please, I can't deal with this right now!"

Nikki: "Uh... yeah, no. You really sound like you need to talk things out, Yuna." ._.;

"Sorry. Hearing the news about the Phantom just... made me upset."

Nikki raised a brow. "I thought you'd already given up on the whole Aeonism stuff."

"I did!" Yuna squeezed the pillow tighter. "But, well..." What was she supposed to say to the toxtricity?

Yuna: "(Don't look at my left arm, don't look at my left arm, don't look at my left arm...)"

Then again, Yuna had already admitted she thought she was Chiron.

"I'm afraid of what will happen as more Needles get pulled." Yuna lowered her head onto the pillow. "What if the Phantom senses Chiron inside of me?"

Nikki scratched the back of her head. "Uh, it'll get pissed off? Or, uh, more pissed off than it was before."

Yuna: "Nikki, that- that thing is going to try and absorb me if it senses her inside of me!"

Nikki: "Look, it's not as if you weren't already going to have trouble from him noticing your other sages, so..."

Yuna's face sank into the pillow slightly. "You heard what it did to Gene. And how it might be invincible!"

"It got the jump on us." Nikki crossed her legs. "And nothing's really invincible. We just haven't found its weakness yet." She punched her right hand with her left. "The way I see it, the more Needles you get, the better shape we'll be in to kick its nonexistent ass into next century."

Definitely an optimistic statement there. I'm not totally convinced that it'll age well, but it's worth a shot, at least.

Sniffling, Yuna blinked tears from her eyes and looked up at the toxtricity.

"Aww, c'mon." Nikki frowned. "No waterworks. That was supposed to be encouraging!"

"How?" Yuna rubbed her face against the pillow. "How can you still want to fight after hearing that?"

Nikki: "I've just always had a defiant 'I'm not taking this crap' sort of streak? Besides, even if we fail, isn't it better to at least go down swinging?"

Nikki stared back blankly. Had she really not considered it? Yuna was going to continue, but Nikki's blank look melted away. She leaned back, resting her head on the wall.

"Well, I never worshiped Badumbut." The toxtricity chuckled at her own lame insult. "And I'd like to think you've known me long enough to tell I'm too stubborn to quit. Even if the going gets rough."

Yeah, I figured. Even if I'm a little curious as to how much of this is genuine versus Nikki putting up a brave front.

Yuna curled her hands around the pillow sheet. It was true. And they were only a day removed from Nikki throwing a fit at Yuna and Gene because she got pulled aside from fighting Chernabog.

Yuna: "... (My left arm did go back to normal already, right?)" O_O;

"What's this really about, Princess?" Nikki tapped the air with right foot. "Way I see it, something else must've happened to you over there. You're making freaking Chompy look like the life of the party."

[ ]

"I don't want you to get hurt because of me, okay?"

I kinda wonder if Yuna was meant to have more of a pause here, or if the abrupt-sounding reply was very much by design.

The drakloak winced. She blurted it out, but hadn't meant for it to sound that harsh. Yuna squeezed the pillow tighter. "Sorry." Her tail curled around the other end of it. "But you're, y'know, my friend. And I'm afraid—"

"Because of the Phantom?"

Because of the Butterfree Effect. And my powers.

Yuna: "(Let's not even get into how something's inhabiting my body right now, and I have no idea if I'm even going to exist when it's done using it!)"

The shadows still had an iron grip on the Soul Dew. Yuna didn't dare lift the pillow. And even though she wanted so badly to say her thoughts aloud, they got trapped in her ectoplasmic throat. She kept her gaze down, watching her tail twitch erratically.

"The Red Chain fragment reactivated inside me," Yuna mumbled. "And then the core... spoke to me. Told me that I'm dangerous. Unstable."

Not a lie. But not the whole truth, either. At least Reshiram wasn't around to pester Yuna about it.

I swear, if @Shadow of Antioch ever brings his story out of hiatus, one of these days you need to make some excuse to do a crossover encounter between Yuna and Flame since from the note his story last left off on, I'm pretty sure that he and Yuna are both in similar boats for being Giratina / a vessel to Giratina.

"So, you think you'll hurt me?" Nikki pointed at her gills. "Pretty sure I'm the one who got puppetted by that daemon a ways back."

"Maybe not directly," Yuna said, trying not to get upset at Nikki's self-deprecation. "But from drawing in stronger Phantoms. The core said that spark of Red Chain power will make me a magnet for even tougher ones."


Yuna: "Nikki, what do you mean 'so'? Are you even listening to yourself right now?" O_O;
Nikki: "... Are you? Though as I was saying..."

"We're already outmatched by Bahamut's Phantom," Yuna said, fidgeting with the pillow sheet. "How can we possibly handle whatever the anomalies throw at us next?"

That finally got Nikki to lean forward. She silently scratched her chest. The toxtricity must've finally run out of comebacks.

"Ya got me there." Nikki shrugged. "But what's to say that core wasn't screwing with your head?" She traced her right index finger around her right horn. "Y'know, kill your motivation so you give up."

Oh, so Nikki was putting up a brave front in front of Yuna. Or at least to an extent.

Yuna flinched. Guess the white lie didn't quite work. Time for a fallback...

"I don't want to lose you."

Nikki raised a brow. "Dang. Tugging on the heartstrings, huh?" She leaned back again, strumming her gills. "Well, I don't want to lose you, either. But if we don't win, then the universe gets destroyed, doesn't it? So, we lose each other anyway." The toxtricity shrugged. "Way I see it, better to go out swinging than running away."

Oh hey, I was right about where Nikki's thought process would ultimately wind up going. Even if there's the
implication that they're in danger of losing Yuna anyway once Yaldabaoth overtakes her.

Knowing full well Nikki was right, Yuna melted into the pillow a bit. "I just wish it didn't have to be me. I'm... cracking under all the stress."

Again, I'm honestly surprised that Yuna's managed to soldier on for so long without breaking down. And now a bit
about what's going to happen if/when she finally does just break.

Nikki pivoted slightly left. "Well, that's what we're here for." She jerked her head toward the doorway. Noctum stood there, cradling Leo in his arms. The cosmic arceus tilted his head. Yuna instinctively gripped the pillow tighter, as if that would somehow hide the shadows better.

This is at once adorable and really sad.

Even though Nikki was saying all the right things, it wasn't enough to make Yuna ready to leap back into the fray. Because that was how things were going so far. Every time they finished dealing with one problem, another one would pop up right away. Dividing up the team's resources hadn't helped with this, either. The moment they fixed one anomaly, another made its presence known in a big way. How much longer until Cid shoved Noctum aside and told her something big needed her attention?

To say nothing of the whole "shadows and Butterfree Effect" issue. Yuna still wasn't sure if she even wanted the others to know the truth. Add it all up, and she just wasn't ready for another mission yet. She needed more time to ease that pressure trying to pop her head like it was a balloon.

Ah yes, nothing could possibly go wrong with keeping secrets from your teammates. Again.

Her gaze silently fell toward the floor. An ugly gray carpet with some white stains on it. Cleaning solution, maybe?

"Can I at least get a real break, then?" the drakloak muttered.

"What do you mean by 'real?'" Noctum wondered.

"Somewhere without rifts or Eternatus or... any of this." Yuna gestured around wildly. An image fitting that description quickly popped into her head. "Somewhere like... home."

Oh, so this is going to be our excuse to go to the Aeon Kingdom in-story, huh?

"Home?" Nikki frowned. "Y'mean like—"

A small rift opened behind Yuna. "I'm going to Aeon Castle. Alone." She looked at Noctum apologetically. "Because I deserve a break. So, if the monks come calling, tell them I'm not available."

She didn't wait for her friends to respond. Yuna rolled backward into the rift and shut it behind her.

Nikki: "... Should we go after her, Noctum? You can do that whole riftporting thing, right?"
Noctum: "As nice as it'd be to see home again... I think we should sit this one out. Her Highness has been through a lot lately, we should probably give her some space."

Alright, made it to the end, though I must say that I wasn't expecting that for an ending note. Even if I suppose that it's been telegraphed for a long while that Yuna's been fraying under being asked to do the impossible for a while. There's also some serious implications that came out over the course of this chapter, and I still haven't firmly decided on whether my suspicions are leaning towards Yuna being indwelled by Yaldabaoth as a host or else if Yuna just is Yaldabaoth. Either way, it'll definitely be something to watch, since when that inevitably comes out in front of the rest of the gang, that's going to be quite a shoe to drop.

I don't have a whole lot to nitpick about this chapter other than that it might have been nice to see more of Gene and Phantom Despair's battle with each other versus just skipping ahead to things going pear-shaped. Like it was kinda going on in the background and already going south then, but it just kinda felt like it got glossed over a bit.

But hey, I had fun with things, and even if it was a bit of a cooldown chapter past the first scene, it still felt like a decent amount happened this chapter. Good work @Ambyssin , and I'll be looking forward to see where things go with the next chapter in a fortnight.
Chapter 72: Matters of the Heart


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 72: Matters of the Heart

Entry 2508
What is this feeling?

Whenever I'm around Chiron it's like my light has
weight behind it. Not in a bad way, mind you. But maybe this is what it's like when I hear people talk about beautifly in their stomach?

With Chiron, it's like the past doesn't matter. Even though I know I've done truly awful things. They're more like distant unpleasant memories than things I'm constantly replaying in my mind and trying to justify as being necessary.

I'm going to ask someone about this.

Enamorus says I'm in love. What an absolute idiot! She knows full well I'm not the kind of person who deserves love. Much less from Chiron.

... Though I suppose sticking her head into a tree trunk was unnecessary. I should really go apologize. And tweeze out all the splinters I probably gave her.


Igneous had gotten what he needed from Vegna. He hastily left the arena, hoping that, at the very least, Seifer and Quetzal could keep him occupied. The grovlazzle kept to the grated metal walkways. It was probably unnecessary. Vegna was rather out of it. But Igneous had left enough to chance as is.

He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to stop it from prickling. Every word he heard from Bahamut's journal unsettled him. As did Vegna's assertion that Bahamut's Phantom was out there causing problems. He was kicking himself for clinging to the dim fantasy that Bahamut had repented for his old mistakes. He was so sure Gene had left something out in his story. That Bahamut hadn't betrayed anyone and was just as much of a victim.

Igneous staggered up the steps, forcing visions of Xeromus from his mind. His raspy laughter echoed in the grovlazzle's head.

He knew. If Xeromus really was Nova, he knew the truth. So, why didn't he say anything? If he was working against the resistance, wouldn't he want to completely demoralize everyone?

"Finally! Did you turn your X-transceiver off or something?"

Starlene floated in front of him, small latias arms crossed and cheeks puffed out.

Igneous stepped back, grabbing the railing to make sure he didn't tumble down the stairs. "Huh?" The grovlazzle felt around his head until he pulled the tiny communicator out of his ear frill. It had a blinking red light. "Oh. The battery died." He abruptly tensed up. "Did something happen?"

"The two teams returned," Starlene said. She looked down and poked her index claws together. "Not Gene, though. Hurt real bad. The monks had to warp him to their planet to get him away from the Phantom."

"The Phantom?" Igneous shifted uneasily.

Starlene's cheeks puffed out again. "Did you not hear Cid, either? So much for being on top of things. Sheesh!" The latias flicked her snout dismissively.

"I was preoccupied." Igneous jerked his head in the arena's direction. "Where's Scarlett?"

"She went down with Queen Tarmac Head to see the others." Starlene put her hands on her hips. "I'm the relay dragon! Here to pass stuff back and forth."

"Right." Igneous shuffled past her, anxious to get inside. It didn't seem like the others had left the arena, but the sooner he could get away from the restaurant, the better. "Mind looping me in, then?"

Starlene proved quite the motormouth, rifling off everything Scarlett heard in the hanger without missing a beat. By the end of her explanation, Igneous could only stare blankly at the latias.

"Any questions?"

"Can you talk slower next time?"

"Oh." Starlene's electronic wings dimmed. "Sorry. I got excited."

"I can tell." Sighing, Igneous shook his head. "Thanks, I guess."

"You're welcome." Starlene chirped. The blue musical note on her belly glowed. "Oh, I think Scarlett's coming back."

Igneous didn't have a response. In fact, he had no idea what to do with this information. It sounded like Nikki went off to find Yuna. He could look for Valkyrie, but she'd probably shoo him away.

Was there really nothing the grovlazzle could do but wait around this stupid restaurant? Great.

At least Guzzie had closed it down temporarily. Igneous lazily walked toward the mechanical tauros in the center of the room and leaned against it. He flinched when Starlene zipped toward him.

"Seriously? You don't have something better to do than be edgy and mysterious?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Igneous growled. "Everyone who needs tending to is getting tended to. I'd just get in the way."

"Wellllllll..." Starlene leaned closer, fluttering her eyelids. "I'm no tech wiz, but you could proooobably start by finding a charger." She jabbed the X-transceiver in Igneous' hand.

Igneous' head leaf simmered. It was a dumb suggestion, but it was better than having Starlene talk down to him.

"Hey, you're not giving him any trouble, are you?"

Starlene turned around. She projected a blue halo over her head. "What, meeee? Pfbt. As if." She waved Scarlett off, but the dragonair didn't look convinced.

"Aren't you supposed to be in control of her?" Igneous grumbled.

"It's complicated." Scarlett's neck bauble glowed. A pouting Starlene disappeared into it, leaving the walkway clear for her to approach. "Why aren't you down there with the others?"

Igneous scowled. "It's complicated."

"Doesn't seem that complicated." Scarlett smirked. "That's Vegna down there, right? As in, the guy you spawned freaky hellfire powers to flee from?"

His scowl only intensified. "I'm finding that charger." He crossed his arms, tucked his head down, and started forward. Scarlett was just an oversized blue noodle. He could push past her with little effort.

"Seriously?" Surprisingly, Scarlett curled up around a chair to let him pass. "C'mon, your scales aren't that thin."

Igneous stopped when he got past the dragonair. He didn't look back, though. "Just teasing, then. I think I see why you and Nikki were so close."

He was going to keep walking when Scarlett's tail grabbed his leg. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The grovlazzle focused on a metal pillar. "Nothing. I guess—"

This was stupid. Igneous said he was leaving. He needed to do that before he stuck his foot in his mouth.

"You guess?"

"I thought the Scarlett at Kyoko's house was closer to what you're really like." Igneous mentally kicked himself. He didn't dare turn around. "But I guess growing up in Blightsmuth would give you a bit of an attitude."

The tail tightened around Igneous' leg. "And being Ryujin wouldn't?" Scarlett growled.

A small part of Igneous told him to drop it and take the L. But the part holding his proverbial shovel decided to keep digging. "Of course it does. But talking with you back in Scale City..." Igneous shook his head. "I thought there was a connection."

"Excuse me?"

Damn it.

But it was his own fault. He should've explained himself better. Instead, he was adding more dumb mistakes onto the pile.

"I can relate to you," Igneous said, his gaze drifting to some old arcade machine pushed up against the wall between two tables. "Having people pile these expectations on your shoulders. And making some... questionable decisions because you're afraid you can't live up to those expectations."

He didn't have to go on, did he?

Igneous wasn't expecting giggles, though. That was enough to get him to turn around. Scarlett let go of his tail and was trying to cover her neck bauble with her wings. Starlene slipped out, however.

"Oh my god. This is sooooooo dumb." The latias shook her head. "You're really doing everything you can to dance around saying you're crushing on her. That's hilarious!"

"What?!" Igneous and Scarlett blurted out in unison. They shared a quick glance, but Scarlett broke it off first.

"Starlene, you can't just butt in like that," the dragonair growled. "And not with something so... so..."

"Obvious?" Starlene's electronic wings glowed. "Guy might as well be holding a big neon sign saying, 'Have my eggs, Scarlett!'"

Igneous' head and tail leaves briefly ignited. He turned away from them. "I think we're done here."

"Aww, he's embawassed!" Starlene's baby talk only made it worse. "Mr. Grown Ass Yakuza crushing on the noodle he barely knows!"

"Will you shut up?" Gouts of fire engulfed Igneous elbows. Wasn't Starlene supposed to be some, like, ideal version of Scarlett? Wouldn't that mean these were things she was actively thinking? Because if that was the case... he really was an idiot.

"I stuck up for you."

Starlene didn't retort. When Igneous turned around, pink mist faded from Scarlett's neck bauble. The dragonair couldn't meet his gaze.

Igneous' heart sank.

"I appreciate it," Scarlett whispered. "Really, I do."

What was the problem, then? Was it Nikki? Did Scarlett think it was a choice between winning Nikki over and warming up to him any further? Because that was "sooooooo dumb."

"But she has a point," Scarlett continued. Her expression hardened. "We hardly know each other, yet you're practically tripping over yourself to white knight for me." Her tiny wings curled up against her head. "Maybe that's how the Ryujin does things, but I... I can't have you fighting all my battles for me. Not with the mess I made. And not if I'm going to win everyone else's trust."

Then she laughed. It was surprisingly bitter. She rested her head against the mechanical tauros. "It doesn't even make any sense. Dragonite are far better catches. And even if you are into serpents, look at me." She straightened up a bit, emphasizing her shabby, dull scales. "I'm not what you'd call easy on the eyes."

Igneous had his mouth open. Ready to say that didn't matter. It was that connection. The shared weight of expectations. But she'd just brush that off, wouldn't she?

The grovlazzle closed his mouth and looked down.


The tip of Scarlett's tail touched Igneous' chin and nudged it up. Embers jumped off his tails. His head leaf stuck up.

"You've got to understand where I'm coming from," she said. "I don't believe in the whole 'fairy tale head over heels' love story. And, well, I haven't even known you long enough to call you a friend."

Despite knowing how sad and pathetic it sounded, Igneous still let slip, "It's been a week."

"And I need more than a week." Scarlett pulled her tail back. She moved away from the mechanical tauros. "Especially if you're Ryujin. No, not just Ryujin— the next in line to lead them!"

I can change them. We can change them.

"Be honest with me." Scarlett looked him dead in the eye. "Have you taken a life? Y'know, actually killed a 'mon? For 'the family' or whatever?"

Igneous stiffened. He instinctively grabbed the right arm that didn't used to be there. The grovlazzle turned away from Scarlett. He said nothing, but figured the gesture was more than enough of an answer.

"Maybe I did make a big mess as Starlene," Scarlett said. "But it was out of my control. You chose to do that. Just like you'll choose to take your dad's place if we survive this whole ordeal."

Igneous so badly wanted to snap at her. Tell her that it wasn't his choice to be the firstborn of Radiance's most powerful Yakuza. It wasn't his choice to sit there, powerless, while a vicious toxin intended for his father instead sucked the life out of his mother. Slowly. Painfully.

... Except it was his choice to send Valkyrie after Medici 'mons to try and find out who was responsible. It was his choice to storm a Medici base to avenge her with his own hands. It was his choice to coordinate things so poorly, that the 'mon he brought thought it better to leave him on the floor of base, bleeding out from his severed arm. And it was his choice to never forgive Sakaki for remarrying.

Was Igneous' life really nothing more than an endless parade of bad choices? Is that why Xeromus always seemed so excited to see what he would do? Because he always made things better for his enemies?

"You're wrong." Igneous tried to stand up tall. "I don't want that life for myself. No one sent me off to Horizon. I enrolled myself. To put distance between myself and... all that stuff."

Scarlett's expression softened slightly. "What about Valkyrie?"

"Stubbornly insisted on following," Igneous replied. It wasn't much of an explanation, but he was trying, damn it. "Look, we both made decisions out of desperation. And now we're dealing with blowback. But that blowback's directly tied to... all of this stuff." The grovlazzle spread his arms out. "We fix it by dealing with this. If I make it through to the other side... then I'll figure out what I'm doing with my life. And I can at least say it's not what you're assuming."

His shoulders sagged. "I'm not saying we have to grow close." He shot her a pleading look. "But can't you at least give me the benefit of the doubt? Like I'm doing for you?"

Silence. Scarlett was contemplative. Then the last of the concern melted off her face. "I think that's fair." The dragonair slowly nodded. "One step at a time, then." Her neck bauble dimmed. "Sorry for snapping at you."

"Thanks." Unexpecting exhaustion draped itself over Igneous' shoulders. "I, uh, ought to go find that charger, then."

"Hmph. How touching. Am I to accept that spiel as your confession... Paper Boy?"

Igneous took one step and his blood ran cold. He focused firmly on the black metal floor, frozen in indecision. Caught between two voices. One telling him to run and the other telling him to stand his ground.

How much had Vegna heard? Just because Igneous implied he wasn't interested in the family business anymore didn't mean he wanted Vegna using him to get to Sakaki.

Vegna gave a weak, yet rumbling laugh. "In the hope of running from your troubles, you struck a deal with the devil."

His accusation sent a fresh chill down the grovlazzle's spine. He couldn't possibly—

"How is that rusty old blade treating you, Paper Boy?"

Igneous' tail leaves curled up. Embers crackled around his hips. He slowly turned, trying to ignore confused looks from Jade, Quetzal, and Seifer.

How? Igneous was at a loss for words. It was bad enough he and Scarlett were arguing in the first place. But now Vegna wanted him to fess up to all his other screwed up choices as of late?

His gaze fell. He swallowed hard. Maybe Igneous deserved this. To get buried under the consequences of his actions.

"If you're here to reap my soul, then can it at least wait until after we've fixed the planet's current crisis?" Igneous crossed his arms. He glimpsed Scarlett's shocked expression, then returned his gaze to the floor. Maybe the next step after the dimension crisis was paying the piper.

"Whoa! Hey!" A squawking Jade got between Igneous and Vegna. "No reaping! Or any other form of vigilante justice, for that matter!"

The ground rumbled. Igneous glanced over at the bar, where Guzzie had stood up to narrow his small yellow eyes at the dusknoir.

"Guzzie's is a violence free zone." The guzzlord pointed at the glass wall. "Take all killing and maiming to Junior's arena."

"Or don't do it, period." Jade stuck her wings out. "C'mon. Why can't we be fri— mmffffrgggh!"

Vegna grabbed Jade's beak, forcefully shutting it. "You know he detested your big mouth." The dusknoir held up his right hand, conjuring his Abyssal Tome. Bahamut's old journal. "A mason I once executed told me: 'silence is golden, but sheet metal is silver. Weld the latter to the mouths of those who can't understand the former.'"

Jade's eyes slowly widened. Vegna released her beak and floated past her. Griffon hopped to her side. "Hey, he does it to me, too. Although he usually doesn't go that far with his insults..."

Vegna's eye crackled with blue lightning. Zekrom's powers, no doubt.

Zekrom's powers...

That was it. Igneous did hold one thing over Vegna's head. And he could easily blurt it out to everyone. Perhaps that would get the dusknoir to back off.

A small part of him wondered if this was yet another stupid choice, but Igneous had already committed. "So, you have Bahamut's journal. And you have a Sage with you. Meaning you pulled a Needle at some point." He stood up straighter. "I think... you know more about this vicious Phantom than you're letting on."

If Igneous' claim had unnerved Vegna, he didn't show it.

"Wait, what?!" Quetzal darted onto one of the metal tables in a blur of orange light. "You pulled a Needle?"

"I was angry with my foe. I told it not. My wrath did grow." The blue in Vegna's eye intensified. "Why do you think I could deduce your situation so easily, Paper Boy?" He dangled the journal in front of Igneous' face. The fissures in his right arm pulsated with gold light. "I was there the moment it happened. The moment Bahamut destroyed his soul."

Shaking his head, Vegna made the tome disappear in a swirl of light. "I was but a humble dusclops wandering the distortion, feeding off the fear of souls I ran across. And then I found Zekrom's Needle. That's when he showed up. Plunged a blade of light into his torso.

"The beast that emerged set its sights on me and the Needle. I didn't want to die." Vegna stared at his right arm. "So, I pulled it. I had heard rumors of what would happen, but I was desperate." Electricity crackled around Vegna's eye. "Zekrom's powers allowed me to evolve. And escape that vicious daemon. But my body could barely hold itself together."

Igneous could do the math from there. "You found his journal. And did that ritual to make yourself a necromancer." The grovlazzle frowned. "All to... keep your body from falling apart?"

"I was young once, too," Vegna said. And so casually, to boot. Almost like it was all a big joke to him. "There were still things I wanted— no, needed to do." He glanced at his right arm. "But there is little chance I can accomplish them now. The more Needles get pulled, the less capable I am of staying together."

"Seriously?" Quetzal looked between the dusknoir and Seifer. "Shouldn't we, I dunno, arrest him or something?"

"Under what authority?" Seifer lowered his head. "I'm unemployed, remember?"

"And his 'replacements' consider you lost in action." Vegna gestured to the zapdos.


"Dead as my old hag of a mother-in-law!" Griffon heckled. Vegna flicked his beak. The corviknight shuffled backward, grumbling under his breath.

"What's the point of this, then?" Seifer asked. The keldeo looked a bit shaken and he kept looking toward the exit that led to the residential part of the outpost. "Are you here to help us or not?"

"With Necrozma? I can try." Vegna crossed his arms. "But with the other thing I was looking into... someone else has to take up that cause."

His gaze fell on Igneous. The grovlazzle took a cautious step back. "Me?"

"If you want to have even a sliver of hope of staying out of prison, then you don't have much of a choice," Vegna said, his eye darkening. He flicked his left wrist. A small envelope sealed with a wax skull stamp landed at Igneous' feet.

"You'll go to my office in the academy," Vegna ordered. "Use that code to unlock the safe and take what's inside. Follow the instructions pertaining to the restricted section of the library."

Igneous frowned. "And if I refuse?"

Vegna's eye glowed blue again. "I'll drag you out of the Qliphoth myself and force every little thing you know about the Ryujin out of your lips until they go still."


Seifer's hoofbeats carried down the cold, metal corridors. The keldeo's instincts kept telling him someone was following, but he already told Quetzal not to after excusing himself from the restaurant. He had heard enough. And mentions of Igneous' dead X-transceiver in his argument with Vegna gave him an excuse to leave.

... And find Cyril.

He mentally kicked himself with every corner he turned and metal staircase he descended. Yes, there had been trouble for Team Bastion, but Gene got the worst of it. All his training told him he should locate Noctum or Yuna and jump a rift over to Chakran.

Instead, he reached the hanger. Cid and Widget were the only ones there, the former trying to get the latter onto the couch. He spotted Seifer and begged the keldeo for help. Seifer begrudgingly agreed.

"What happened to him?" he wondered, using his torso to help support Cid's levitation attempts.

"Cyril muttered something about overclocking before leaving," Cid replied. The orbeetle's spots stopped glowing. Widget's unconscious form flopped onto the couch. "I'm supposed to put ice packs on him."

"Where'd Cyril go?"

"His workshop. But couldn't you just ask over the X-transceiver?"

Seifer stiffened. The keldeo abruptly turned and galloped away from Cid, ignoring his shout of, "Wait, what about the ice packs?!"

He went back the same direction he came from, headed up a cramped stairwell, then rounded a corner. Seifer found the unassuming workshop door and slammed his right shoulder into it.

That was a bit too forceful. The door flew open, striking a metal wall with a claaaaang as loud as the dinner bell at the Radiant Guard training barracks.

Then there was a thump, followed by an, "Ow! Shit!"

Seifer winced, then quickly recomposed himself and stepped inside. Cyril sat on the floor by his workbench, rubbing his head.

"Ever hear of knocking?" the cosmic zoroark grumbled.

He had to stand tall. "Well, you ever hear of using some common sense?"

... Damn it, not that tall.

Cyril looked like Seifer had slapped him. "I beg your pardon?"

"You could've died out there!" Seifer said. His horn flickered. He was almost tempted to take the prosthetic off so it wouldn't undermine him. "And right on the heels of driving some bizarro truck into the heat of a firefight!"

Cyril stared back blankly. "And that's a problem, because?"

"You're not a front line guy." Seifer stomped his right forehoof down. "You told me yourself that you didn't have powers."

"And now I do." Cyril ran his yellow claws through his spectral mane. Twinkling lights sprinkled all around him like stardust.

Seifer stomped his right forehoof again. "It doesn't make you hot shit!" He flinched, then held his head up. Couldn't undermine himself with one dumb swear.

Cyril tilted his head slightly. "Are... are you worried for me?" He put his hands on his knees and leaned forward slightly. "Oh my god, you totally are!"

"Of course I am." Seifer kept his tone firm. He couldn't let Cyril loosen him up. "You're too valuable an asset here. Cid's trying his best and we found that sickly human, but you built this stuff. If something bad happens to you..." His voice trailed off. He hadn't thought out the end of that sentence.

"It'll break your heart, huh?"

There it was. One well-aimed verbal strike. The cracks were already spreading through Seifer's mental armor.

"It will... put us in a real bind." Seifer needed a sharp breath mid-sentence. Focus. He was better than this. He was—

Cyril lay down on his side, resting his head against his left hand and putting his right hand on his hip. "Yeah, you'll be in a bind. Because then you'll be kicking yourself. Wishing you admitted to having the hots for me."

Seifer's next breath in was too sharp. It left him coughing and staggering back toward the door. "Th-that's—" He had to buck up. "You're completely wrong. And unprofessional!"

"And you're too afraid to admit you like it." Cyril moved his right hand up and tapped between his eyes. "Flickering horn doesn't lie, buddy."

Seifer's tail shot up. He shook his head until there was a tiny click. His prosthetic horn fell to the ground with a clack.

He could still salvage this.

"Well, I think you're projecting." Seifer took a more confident step toward the cosmic zoroark. "You're clearly lusting for me and think this... whatever this is will somehow win me over."

Cyril swung his legs around and sat back up. "If you want me to stop, then say it."

Seifer almost lost his footing. Cyril was... giving up? And all it took was one flimsy lie the keldeo put a bit more backbone into?

"Yeah, I do like you." He ran yellow claws through his starry mane. "Not just looks, either. Because, truthfully, I prefer two legs to four." The cosmic zoroark crossed his legs and leaned over, resting his chin on his hands. "But you're out here, giving it your all. Despite your life crumbling around you."

Seifer was ready to admonish Cyril for bringing that up, but he held up his right hand.

"I'm saying I respect your drive to do the right thing." Cyril's starry mane dimmed a bit. "It's... something I wish I'd done after first waking up mutated from Malice." He pushed hair out of his face. "And it drives me wild."

The keldeo looked down at the prosthetic horn between his forehooves. An early favor Cyril had done for him. He sounded more sorry for Seifer at the time. Had Seifer really not noticed things changing?

"But I thought I had a decent read on you," Cyril continued. "The proud soldier. Steeped in honor and tradition. I couldn't just shoot my shot with someone like that." Chuckling, he shook his head. "So, yeah, I went for teasy flirting. Guess I thought if I could poke a hole in that gruff exterior, I'd have a chance."

Seifer didn't know what to make of that. Should he feel guilty? Surprised? Mad at Cyril or himself?

Cyril leaned back against his workbench. "I've been around the block enough times to know when a guy's never been in a relationship before. Figured if I made any move too quickly, I'd scare you off forever."

"I've had dates before." Plenty, actually. A keldeo Radiant Guard officer made for an alluring suitor to other nobles.

"Arranged by your parents, I imagine."

Seifer's legs locked up. "How did you—"

Cyril smirked. "Like I said. Been around the block."

"Right." Seifer looked down at his hooves. "Still don't know what that means."

That one got a laugh from Cyril. His hand hit the shelf underneath the workbench. "Ahh, you're too much sometimes, y'know."

Silence followed. Seifer couldn't muster a response. He knew he had to say something. Cyril poured his heart out to Seifer and deep down it was everything the keldeo wanted to hear.

But could Seifer act on that? Should he act on that? They hadn't solved the dimensional crisis. What if this just distracted them both? There was too much at stake here.

"Lost in thought, huh?"

Cyril's red jewels flickered dimly. He sighed. "I've said my piece. I can't— no, I won't make any decisions for you. If you really aren't interested, then tell me and I'll— mmrrrffffggghhhh!"

Seifer surprised himself with how quickly he moved. Closing the gap... and pressing his round snout into the cosmic zoroark's face. It was clumsy. And foolish. Seifer realized he was squishing Cyril's head against the underside of the workbench.

No, this was fine. Cyril's mane was shaggier than a quartet of mops. And he wasn't pushing Seifer away, either! Even though the keldeo had no idea what he was doing!

Though he could only go without air for so long. Seifer pulled his head back, taking a deep breath... and looking at Cyril's damp, bewildered face.

He brought his right hand up and touched his snout. Glanced at the saliva on his yellow claw. "Wh-huht." A laugh swallowed up that word. "You really don't know what you're doing, huh?"

"Then teach me!" Seifer blurted out, almost smacking his head against the edge of the workbench when he leaned over again.

"... Please." His mind raced with thoughts of the startling events back in the arena and the restaurant. Things he really should've reminded himself about earlier. Hindsight being a bitch.

"There's just too much insanity happening all around us." Seifer was sure Cyril would understand. "I need someone to get me through this."

He shook his head. "No, I need... a boyfriend to lean on."

Yellow claws danced across the edge of Seifer's snout. Nudged it down ever so slightly. "You're sure?" Cyril said.

Images of Igneous and Scarlett staring each other down flickered in Seifer's mind.

"Yes." Seifer stepped back to give Cyril more breathing room. "It's the first thing I've been sure of since this whole mess started."

Cyril stood up. He put his hands on his hips and arched his back. "Weeellllll, we probably got some time to kill. Just how much do you want to learn?"

Though silent, Seifer's gaze drifted toward Cyril's hips. The cosmic zoroark caught this, and leaned over, putting a yellow claw on Seifer's snout again.

"Really? Jumping into the deep end, huh?" The smirk on Cyril's face grew larger. "I can work with that. I'll even throw in a life vest." Cyril crouched down, reaching between Seifer's forehooves. He popped back up holding the detached horn. "Sound good?" He playfully bapped Seifer's snout.

Seifer nodded, unaware of the dumb smile plastered on his face.


In an ideal world, this would've been chapter 69.
Chapter 73: The Place Where I Belong


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 73: The Place Where I Belong

Entry 1902
I found an empty planet today. Practically routine for me with all the wandering I've done in my life. And yet something strikes me as off about this place. Sure, it's empty. But as I float around its sky, I can't help but feel like it's not supposed to be. The ingredients are there for life to take root. It just... didn't.

Eternatus didn't absorb the planet, obviously. But there are these fissures running across the surface. Perhaps something interrupted the planet's attempt to bear life?

Hang on. I have an idea. What if I give this planet the nudges it needs to continue that push for life? If I warp a few meteors here, then generate strong storms, that should replicate the conditions other planets had when life successfully developed.

Yes, yes, I see the upside. If I'm there from the very start, I can make sure the life that springs up isn't afraid of me. I wouldn't have to wander anymore.

I can finally have a home.


"Well?" Nikki looked at Noctum. "We're not really leaving her alone, right? It's your home, too, so rift us over there."

"Right." The black charizard looked down at his armored belly. His connection with the Malice Crystal was back. So, the Phantom did block it somehow. "Let me just—"


A cold, rough arm grabbed his shoulder. Noctum jumped into the room and spun around. "How do you always get the jump on me like that?"

Staring disapprovingly, Valkyrie crossed her arms. "Do you really need me to answer that?"

Noctum slouched against the room's empty bookshelf. "We should try to be there for Yuna."

"She's burnt out." Valkyrie leaned against the doorway. Her blue tail lazily wrapped around it. "She did have to go chasing these anomalies on back-to-back days. Frankly, I'm impressed she lasted as long as she did given everything else she'd gone through."

"Which is all the more reason not to leave her alone." Nikki stood up. Her mohawk frazzled. "C'mon, Zardy, open the rift. We're not seriously entertaining her, right? She's got as much empathy as sandpaper!"

That one seemed to genuinely fluster Valkyrie. She bit her lower lip and looked over her left shoulder. "You can't force her to spend time with you. Push too hard... and she'll push you away."

Noctum was confident Valkyrie spoke from experience. Both her own... and Igneous'.

The garchomp sighed. "Look, she said she'd come back, right? Maybe you ought to trust her on that?"

Noctum quickly glanced at Nikki. The toxtricity had a retort ready, so Noctum stuck his left wing out and shook his head. Scowling, Nikki sat back on the small, creaking bed.

"Let her have time to herself," Valkyrie suggested. "Besides, you're the only rift-maker in the outpost now. If you leave... we'll be vulnerable should the worst happen."

"Cripes." Nikki rolled her eyes. "We got a Needle and one of Leo's plates. Would it kill you to be a little happy?"

Bowing her head, Valkyrie said, "Someone has to stay vigilant. Besides, dividing our numbers further while Gene is injured is a bad move." Valkyrie pointed her claws at the floor. "We need to keep as much of our group here as possible for the time being. That way we can move as a unit."

"All right, I get it. Sheesh." Nikki shook her head. "You keep that up and you'll burn out."

"I'm doing just fine, thank you." Valkyrie snorted dragonfire embers. "It pays to have someone on guard."

Again, it sounded like Valkyrie spoke from experience. Noctum didn't need to press her on that. Considering everything that happened to Igneous despite her working for him, it was obvious.

"Then what do we do in the meantime?" Nikki stood back up. "Twiddle our thumbs? I don't even have a guitar here to play."

Valkyrie stepped out of the doorway. "Can't decide that for you. But I'm taking a shower. And getting food."

Noctum's Malice Crystal jiggled in his belly. The black charizard put a hand on his armor. "Can I join you?"

"For the food part. Provided you don't get sappy about Yuna."

The garchomp was already heading back down the hall. Noctum shot Nikki an apologetic look and stumbled after Valkyrie.

"How do you feel about beef stew?" he asked.

A snrk came from ahead of him. "Guess there are worse things to eat."


The moment Yuna hit her cool, lavender blanket, it was like she'd flown back in time. Her bedroom was exactly the way she'd left it... save for the fact that the bed was made, of course. A small mirror hung opposite her bed, with a shelf underneath housing bottles of novelty dye Yuna would once paint her gills or the spokes around her tail with. The far right corner had a pile of stuffed dolls resembling assorted dragons. The far left corner... was a small Aeon shrine. Yuna bit back the urge to tear the drawing of Bahamut off the wall.

Instead, she scooched along the blanket toward the handknit substitute doll propped up against her one black pillow. Thanks to evolving, the drakloak could finally wrap around it. She sighed in content.

"Finally, some peace and quiet."

And then the stone door flew open and Yuna silently cursed her big mouth. The duraludon holding his right arm against the open door stared at her. Tiny eyes full of surprise.


Yuna looked down and realized the Soul Dew was visible. Not swarmed by shadows anymore, either.

"Hiya, Dad." She awkwardly waved to him.

"I don't believe it!" Calcifer rested his left hand on his head. "You're here! And you're big... ger!" He turned around slightly. "Does this mean your mother's back, too?"

"No. It's just me." Yuna slid off the substitute doll, slumping over against her black blanket. "Everyone else is... still at the resistance base."

"Right. The fancy... World Ender space... thingy." Calcifer tapped his hands together awkwardly. "I'll admit, I haven't heard much about anything that's been happening. Just a few things here and there from your mother and an ally in Radiance."

"You mean the Ryujin boss?" There wasn't any point in Yuna beating around the bush.

Calcifer stiffened. "Ah." He shuffled awkwardly in the doorway. "You, uh, heard about that, huh?"

"Yep." The drakloak sighed into her blanket. "Mom also admitted I'm adopted. So, you don't have to lie about that anymore, either."

The duraludon stumbled back a bit. He cautiously stepped through the door and shut it behind him. "I wanted to tell you."

"I know."

"Your mother is... the bigger decision-maker between the two of us," Calcifer confessed, back to poking his hands together. "She's always dealt the most with the Ryujin."

Yuna wanted to relax, but she didn't have the heart to chase her dad out of her room. "How deep does it go?"

"They supply us with things that we ask for," Calcifer said. "In return, we sneak soldiers into Radiance to dispel distortion around their territory. And we accept refugees from them."

"And we can do that because?"

"There's an underground channel connecting Saint Zygardesberg to Scale City."

Yuna massaged her temples. "So, all the times we'd go there for 'a day out.'"

"Were days your mother would meet with Mr. Sakaki."

The drakloak's hands slid down her face. Figures. She decided to change the subject. "If I'm adopted, then why do you and Mom want me to become queen?"

Calcifer blinked. "Because you're still our eldest daughter. It's not as if bloodline matters. We don't have actual blood to speak of." He chuckled.

Yuna didn't find it funny. "Well, what if I'm actually from World Ender? Would you still want me to be queen?"

The duraludon looked past Yuna. No doubt toward Bahamut's picture in the far corner. "Where is this coming from?"

Sighing, Yuna rolled onto her side. She touched the Soul Dew with her right hand and pulled a pink spark out of it that formed into a tiny Cresselia.

A tiny sleeping Cresselia. Yuna loomed over her.


"Ahhhhhh!" Startled, Cresselia's head shot up. Her tiny, beady eyes blinked rapidly at Yuna. "Why so loud? I don't need such harsh vibes."

Calcifer fell back to a seated position. "What in blazes?!" He glanced between Yuna and Cresselia. "Darling, if you're learning about shadow puppets, you could at least—"

Yuna touched the Soul Dew again. She tossed a white speck beside Cresselia, which conjured a tiny Reshiram. "Dad, meet Saints Cresselia and Reshiram. Sages, my dad. The Aeon King."

"S-Sages..." Eyes wide, Calcifer rubbed the side of his head. "I'm not dreaming, right?"

"Noyaaaaaawp." Cresselia tucked her head down and yawned. Yuna treated her to an unamused look. Cresselia stiffened, trying to look as alert as possible.

"So." Yuna clapped her hands together. "Who wants to be the one to tell him Aeonism is a sham and Bahamut turned himself into an undead, bloodthirsty daemon?"

Calcifer stared at Yuna, blinking slowly. "What?" He glanced at the Sages. Reshiram wilted while Cresselia's head bobbed over.

"I tooaaaaaaahld him." She rubbed her mouth. "He was troubled. Lot of nightmares. Really awful ones. Always refused my offer to help." Cresselia kept rubbing her face. "Think they spread to his kid."

"Bahamut has a child?!" Calcifer cried.

"And a wife. Who both died. Then got reincarnated. Into me. And my son," Yuna casually declared, wispy tail lazily swishing along her blanket. "Oh, guess that means you're a grandpa now. Surprise." She gave half-hearted jazz hands.

Calcifer's eyes rolled back and his head. He slumped over on his side, out cold.

Reshiram turned to Yuna, frowning. "Don't you think that was, y'know, cold? Not to mention mean."

Yuna looked guiltily at her unconscious father. "Yes." And knowing that it amused her before Reshiram opened his mouth made it even worse. "I know I could've handled it better. I just... didn't."

"You sounded a bit like him, y'know." Reshiram folded his wings against his sides.

"Like who?"


Yuna glared at Reshiram. Of all the unflattering comparisons to make...

"Bahamut got jaded over problems we couldn't solve right away," Reshiram said. "He'd put more and more pressure on us to come up with solutions. I don't know if it was paranoia over Eternatus or natural control freak tendencies."

Recalling the Phantom screaming for Cresselia, Yuna shuddered. She absolutely, positively did not want to turn out like that. "Do you think this means Chiron's awakening even more?" She glanced at her hands. No shadows, thankfully.

"Chiron always seemed patient." Reshiram scratched his chin. "Though I guess she could go from zero to a hundred at a moment's notice."

The drakloak tilted her head. "Zero to a hundred what?"

"No idea." The fuzzy part of Reshiram's tail turbine wagged. "It was some human thing Bahamut said."

Yuna flopped her head down on the blanket. "Of course."

A yawning Cresselia' rubbed her cheeks. "Can I go back to bed now?"

Rolling her eyes, Yuna sent Cresselia back into the Soul Dew. Clearly, she couldn't rely on Cresselia to be much help going forward.

That left her with Reshiram and Rayquaza. Thinking about it, however, Reshiram was the best person available to ask about the shadows and Chiron.

"Did Chiron ever show off any strange powers?"

"Define strange."

Concentrating, Yuna reluctantly located her shadows and tugged on them. "Like conjuring shadowy limbs out of nothing." She needed to focus a bit more and— yep, there was the weird wing with red spikes. "Or change into something else entirely?"

Reshiram studied the wing that replaced Yuna's right arm. "Can't say she ever did." His gaze fell. His eyes slowly widened. "Oh." Reshiram looked back up at Yuna. "Well, I imagine I look pretty stupid right now." He tapped his wing claws together nervously.

"Because you never brought it up earlier?" Yuna waved him off. "It's not like I thought to ask you before now. But you can see why I'm nervous, right?"

"Yeah." Reshiram kept fidgeting with his wings. "The others have seen some of your powers, right?"

"Not this bad though." Yuna stared intently at the wing, willing it to disappear. It stuck around for a few seconds. Then it stretched, twisted, and rippled until it was a nubby drakloak arm once more. "I think the shadows... are related to what's causing the anomalies."

"And you're afraid to tell that to the others." Reshiram sounded confident.

Well, if Yuna was being honest...

"I didn't even want to tell you." The drakloak looked at her dad. Still out cold. "And then this happened. Guess it was my turn to 'have a moment.'" Liza's freakouts over the Learnatorium loudspeakers sprang to mind.

"I see." Reshiram crouched down, becoming a fluffy dragon loaf.

Yuna watched him intently. "If you're about to spout one of your teachings—"

"At least hear me out before you dismiss it."

His expression sharpened. The last time Reshiram sounded this stern, he had attacked all those poor skorps in the poison swamp. That made Yuna's response obvious.

"Fine." She didn't know how much longer they'd have until her dad woke up, anyway.

"The truth can hurt," Reshiram said. "But so can withholding it. Or obscuring it with lies. If you want your friends to, well, stay your friends, don't you think you should tell them what's going on?"

Yuna grabbed handfuls of blanket and squeezed. "What if that makes them afraid of me?"

Reshiram's expression didn't soften. "What if your secrets hurt them before you admit the truth? Or what if they end up learning the truth from someone or something else?"

Yuna swallowed hard. Those were good points. No one berated her when she admitted she was Chiron's reincarnation. The only muted response came from Gene. And at least he had the excuse of linking her with awful memories like the loss of his boyfriend.

Sighing, the drakloak released the blanket and laid her head back down on the bed. "Guess I look pretty stupid right now."

Calcifer finally stirred. Yuna grabbed a squawking Reshiram and stuffed him back into her Soul Dew. Groaning, the duraludon sat up, rubbing his head.

"Wh... at..."

"You fainted, Dad." Yuna scooched to the side of the bed, dangling her head off it.

"No snide remarks this time," Reshiram cut in.


"I see." Calcifer looked up at Yuna.

"What do you remember?" she asked.

"You said... that you're the reincarnation of Bahamut's wife." Calcifer spoke slowly, like he was trying to avoid overwhelming himself again. "And that he... might actually be a wicked soul?" He pressed his hands together nervously. "But he did create our planet, right?"

Yuna shrugged. That part of the whole Aeon mythos hadn't really come up.

"Then what about Cosmic Blessing?" the duraludon asked. "Why would he bestow us a means to fight back against World Ender's corrosive energy?"

"Even a wicked person can do a few good deeds here and there," Yuna responded.

"Wow, that was almost sagely," Reshiram mused. "And, truthfully, I don't even remember Bahamut bestowing any of his light onto anyone. Us Sages existed cuz of continuously recycled light blessings."

Could it have been a complete accident, then? Perhaps a side effect of Bahamut losing his light when struck by a devastating Eternatus attack?

Maybe that was worth eventually investigating.

"You can try to get a hold of Mom and talk to her if you don't believe me," Yuna continued. "She thought I was lying, too. But now we apparently have Bahamut's journal. And it paints him in a much darker light."

Calcifer stared at her blankly. Yuna then realized the atrocious pun. She squished her hands into her face. "Ugh. Sorry. Accident." The drakloak shook her head. "Point is, his Phantom is actively antagonizing us and I expect it to continue doing that."

"I see." Calcifer slowly stood up. "But what do you expect me to do with this information? We've heard about the things happening to Radiance. Entire cities under attack from World Ender's forces while we've remained safe." He looked toward Bahamut's picture again. "Our people need something to believe in so they don't lose their resolve."

It wasn't unreasonable. Yuna doubted telling the whole kingdom their religion was a bunch of lies would do anyone any good right now. Still, there had to be something she could offer.

... Wait, the attacks!

"The attacks? Yeah, we stopped those." Yuna clasped her ectoplasmic chest. "Radiance's leaders haven't done much of anything. It was all us."

That last sentence looped in Yuna's head.

All us... all us... all...

Ectoplasm rippling, Yuna shot into the air. "That's it!"

Startled, Calcifer almost walked back into the door. "What's it?"

"Yeah. I'm in your head and I'm still lost," Reshiram said.

"If we want to get ahead of the empire and these stupid anomalies, then we need numbers." Yuna darted toward Calcifer and hugged his left arm. "Thanks, Dad."

"For what?" Calcifer blinked slowly. "I'm still not even sure what's going on here!"

Sure, Yuna had come home to take a break, but she had an idea. A spark. And it didn't involve fighting, either. Just a few conversations. She'd figuratively kick herself if she didn't follow it now.

"It'll make sense down the line," the drakloak promised, flying back toward her bed. "I've gotta get going. But I should be back, uh, soonish!"

"But I still don't know how you got here in the first place!"

"All in time, Dad," Yuna assured him. This was the most energetic she'd felt in a while, so she had to seize the momentum. "See ya later."

"Yunavresca, wait!"

But Yuna had already formed a rift with familiar, muggy tar pits on the other end. With a final farewell wave to her confused father, she flew into it, ready to put her idea into practice.


It was surprisingly easy for Noctum to get Guzzie to agree to let him use the kitchen. The guzzlord was too focused on some argument involving Igneous, Scarlett, and Vegna. Noctum was more than happy not to get involved and Valkyrie seemed quite keen on getting far away from the dusknoir.

What was less easy was actually using the kitchen. Not only was Noctum not familiar with where things were, but some of the equipment was guzzlord-sized. The black charizard flew around to reach the necessary shelves. It was just extra work when he was already tired. But he managed to find the ingredients for the stew and had it all boiling in a thankfully normal-sized pot after poking around long enough.

"I don't know how you do it sometimes."

Noctum glanced at Valkyrie. The garchomp had her back do him, dorsal fin resting on a metal table that probably served as a place to cut ingredients.

"Do what?"

"Keep wanting to help people."

Noctum slowly stirred the stewpot, saying nothing. They'd treaded this ground before. He wasn't really sure he could offer anything else to Valkyrie.

"I guess I can understand it for Yuna's family," she continued. "They got you off the street and all that."

"And I really don't like being reminded of it," Noctum growled, eyes fixed firmly on the pot. The contents simmered and the steam was nice on his snout. "I've moved on." He tightened his grip on the ladle. "It's not worth comparing our pasts."

Valkyrie didn't respond to that at first. There was only metallic clicking. Probably the garchomp's claw against the table.

"I wish I could turn it off like you could."

Noctum raised a brow, but kept slowly stirring. "Turn what off?"

"The instincts. My, uh, assassin's drive, I guess," Valkyrie mumbled amidst her clap tapping.

"I don't... know?" Noctum wasn't in Valkyrie's line of work.

Tap. Tap. Tap. "But you go from battling to... doing menial chores like it's nothing." Judging from her tone, Valkyrie didn't approve of Noctum's response.

Sighing, Noctum rested the ladle on the side of the pot. "I do care for Yuna. And I want to try and keep her safe, sure. But it's not like I'm some skilled warrior or anything. Baraz is actually the better fighter."

Is? Was? Things might've changed thanks to Noctum's stupid belly crystal.

"I guess it's easy for me to turn off those 'instincts,' because my first inclination isn't to fight." The black charizard grabbed the ladle and resumed stirring. "You were trained for that sort of stuff. Honestly? The best person to talk to is Gene."

That got a growl. And faster tapping of claw against table. "Yeah, but he had some stupid emotional support dogbirdfish thingy to 'deprogram' him or whatever. And was also conveniently banging him on the side."

Noctum's tail flame sparked. He stepped back from the stove, inspecting the oven underneath and the floor to make sure he hadn't burnt anything. No scorch marks, to his relief.

"Well, we do have Widget."

Something thumped behind him. Now Valkyrie was leaning her front side on the table. "Who was built by the guy we're trying to stop," she growled. "I don't care what fancy voodoo Yuna's kid did, he could still turn against us."

"Right..." Noctum doubted it was that simple anymore. He stepped back up to the pot and resumed stirring. He couldn't keep this conversation up. Was there an easy exit?

Glimpsing his dirty, rippled reflection in the stew, he realized there was. It was a nasty option, though. Did Noctum really want to go there?

"Don't space out on me, dork."

Okay, fine.

The black charizard sighed. "So, you don't want to talk to Gene because you think you know what helped him." He paused. The ladle lightly dinged against the edge of the pot. "But you're dismissing one of the options."

He swallowed hard. "Guess that means you should start sleeping with someone."

Claws scraped against the table behind him. Noctum stirred a bit faster, trying not to flinch.

"There is that salazzle wandering around the place," he continued. "I bet she could make it so you don't even remember. And she and Igneous hate each other's guts, so I doubt he'd get mad at—"

Valkyrie's head struck him right between his shoulder blades. Yelping, Noctum accidentally flung the ladle out of the pot, striking the black wall opposite him. The ladle fell into a gap between the stove and the wall. He spun around and his heart rate spiked. Poison dribbled on the tip of Valkyrie's raised claw.

"Do you want to die?" The garchomp was completely straight-faced. "Because keep running your mouth and we might see an unfortunate accident."

Noctum's hungry lizard brain was in control. He pushed Valkyrie's right arm back. "We both know you won't do that." He matched her serious expression. "You asked for help, then rebuffed my answers. I thought you wanted fluent sarcasm."

The black charizard raised his hands innocently. "So, can I take this off the pot now or do you want to threaten me some more?"

Valkyrie's jaw slackened slightly. She stepped back. The poison disappeared from her right claw. "Yeah, sure." She pivoted away from him. "Just full of surprises, huh?"

Blinking slowly, Noctum shut the stove off and grabbed the pot. His fire-typing meant he didn't have to worry about any heat in the handle.

"I guess I am." He set the pot down on the large table opposite the stove. "And I'm sorry. I just wanted an out from the conversation. Thought that... if I went to unmentionable territory you'd back off."

Valkyrie snorted. "Unmentionable?"

"W-Well, those sorts of things don't make for proper conversation, so..."

Shoulders sagging, Valkyrie shook her head. "You are such a dork."

Noctum tittered. He looked around the kitchen. "I'll see if I can find us some spoons."

And then a psychic force flung the kitchen door open. A familiar salugia hopped in through the doorway. "Hate to interrupt your, uh..." She glanced at the duo and the pot of stew. "Training for a couple's cookoff?" Jade shrugged. "Eh, sure. Let's go with that. Anyway, uh, we might have a bit of a situation?"

Valkyrie looked like she suddenly aged a decade. "What kind of situation?"

"Apparently Yuna's recruiting new resistance members." Jade laughed nervously. "En masse."

Scowling, Valkyrie stomped up to the door, shoving the squawking salugia aside. Noctum started after her, then doubled back for the stew, then flew out of the kitchen.

It was a lot more crowded in the restaurant than before.

"Razim, eh? Nice to meet'cha. Name's Skorp! And this here's Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, and Skorp."

Most of them were familiar skorupi. The mutant incineroar hands on their little arms and tails weren't any less creepy than before.

"Officially, eh, we're neutral in this whole business," Skorp continued, walking across one of the tables. "But unofficially, Gene's a bestie, so you bet your bippy we ain't aboot to sit still. Got plenty o' skorps around to maintain the tar factory and keep the emperor happy while the rest of us help out here."

Noctum looked down. "I think we're gonna need more stew..."

"And a heaping load of painkillers for my aching head," Valkyrie growled. She'd pulled her X-transceiver out of her ear frill. "Guess who's not picking up? Cyril." She glared at the device like it would somehow send her anger over to the zoroark. "Oi, Cid. Get that lazy fuzzball up here. We have, uh, new recruits."

She tapped her foot impatiently on the floor. "I thought Yuna said she wanted a break."

"I did, too," Noctum mumbled. He wondered what could have happened to turn things around so quickly.

The black charizard was also struggling not to drool into the stew. Its smell was getting too hard to resist. And he wasn't even trying his best with cooking this!

"Seriously?" Valkyrie barked into the X-transceiver. "No, fine. It's whatever." She scowled at it. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I know what's going on. Great. Delightful. Happy for them. I'll kick both their asses when they're done." The garchomp angrily put the X-transceiver back in her ear.

"Looks like we're on our own, here."

Noctum gulped. "Cyril's not available?"

"He's busy taking a ride with Seifer."

"To... where?" Noctum blinked slowly.

Valkyrie stared incredulously at him. He looked back in confusion.

"Seriously? After what we just discussed?"

Noctum tilted his head.

"God, you really are a special kind of dense, huh?" Shaking her head, Valkyrie stomped back toward the kitchen. "Bring the stew. Let the guzzlord corral the newcomers."

Noctum turned around, biting his lip. "Wait, but you still haven't told me where they went!" He flew after her, silently hoping that, wherever Yuna was, she knew what she was doing.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Aaaaand picking this up again since I've got an offsite Review Tag to deliver on. Let's see where Yuna got off to here in…

Chapter 72

Entry 2508
What is this feeling?

Whenever I'm around Chiron it's like my light has
weight behind it. Not in a bad way, mind you. But maybe this is what it's like when I hear people talk about beautifly in their stomach?

That's called "love", Bahamut. Though that makes me wonder what on earth happened between him and Chiron since even in the present day, he comes off as clingy towards her.

With Chiron, it's like the past doesn't matter. Even though I know I've done truly awful things. They're more like distant unpleasant memories than things I'm constantly replaying in my mind and trying to justify as being necessary.

I'm going to ask someone about this.

This is at once cute, and really, really concerning.


Enamorus says I'm in love. What an absolute idiot! She knows full well I'm not the kind of person who deserves love. Much less from Chiron.

... Though I suppose sticking her head into a tree trunk was unnecessary. I should really go apologize. And tweeze out all the splinters I probably gave her.


Though I suppose that's one way of learning who else was counted among Bahamut's sages. Wonder if anyone from the present gang has any on-the-job abuse stories to share.

Igneous had gotten what he needed from Vegna. He hastily left the arena, hoping that, at the very least, Seifer and Quetzal could keep him occupied. The grovlazzle kept to the grated metal walkways. It was probably unnecessary. Vegna was rather out of it. But Igneous had left enough to chance as is.

Ah yes, the P3 dorm music makes its reprise. I wonder if that's a sign that Igneous is searching around for something ATM.

He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to stop it from prickling. Every word he heard from Bahamut's journal unsettled him. As did Vegna's assertion that Bahamut's Phantom was out there causing problems. He was kicking himself for clinging to the dim fantasy that Bahamut had repented for his old mistakes. He was so sure Gene had left something out in his story. That Bahamut hadn't betrayed anyone and was just as much of a victim.

Just saying, Igneous. Sometimes victims are awful people in their own right. It's a tale as old as time.

Igneous staggered up the steps, forcing visions of Xeromus from his mind. His raspy laughter echoed in the grovlazzle's head.

He knew. If Xeromus really was Nova, he knew the truth. So, why didn't he say anything? If he was working against the resistance, wouldn't he want to completely demoralize everyone?

Nah, Xeromus has fairly transparently been in his own factional boat that is above your petty little ether squabbles, Igneous. I'm not convinced that he wouldn't turn around and outright aid the resistance if it was an effective means to an end for him.

"Finally! Did you turn your X-transceiver off or something?"

Starlene floated in front of him, small latias arms crossed and cheeks puffed out.

Igneous stepped back, grabbing the railing to make sure he didn't tumble down the stairs. "Huh?"

The grovlazzle felt around his head until he pulled the tiny communicator out of his ear frill. It had a blinking red light.

"Oh. The battery died." He abruptly tensed up. "Did something happen?"

IMO, Igneous' line works better divided up into a few pieces.

Starlene: "Seriously, Igneous! This is basic operational readiness stuff here!" >.<

"The two teams returned," Starlene said. She looked down and poked her index claws together. "Not Gene, though. Hurt real bad. The monks had to warp him to their planet to get him away from the Phantom."

"The Phantom?" Igneous shifted uneasily.

Starlene's cheeks puffed out again. "Did you not hear Cid, either? So much for being on top of things. Sheesh!" The latias flicked her snout dismissively.

Igneous: "Again, my communicator's battery died. It happens, alright?" >_>;

"I was preoccupied." Igneous jerked his head in the arena's direction. "Where's Scarlett?"

"She went down with Queen Tarmac Head to see the others." Starlene put her hands on her hips. "I'm the relay dragon! Here to pass stuff back and forth."

Wait, Queen Tarmac Head? Is that the Guzzlord proprietor, or someone else ATM?

"Right." Igneous shuffled past her, anxious to get inside. It didn't seem like the others had left the arena, but the sooner he could get away from the restaurant, the better. "Mind looping me in, then?"

Starlene proved quite the motormouth, rifling off everything Scarlett heard in the hanger without missing a beat. By the end of her explanation, Igneous could only stare blankly at the latias.

"Any questions?"

Igneous: "... I don't suppose that you have a transcript of that lying around somewhere, do you? Since... uh, that was a lot to take in."

"Can you talk slower next time?"

"Oh." Starlene's electronic wings dimmed. "Sorry. I got excited."

"I can tell." Sighing, Igneous shook his head. "Thanks, I guess."

- snerk -

Yeah, I had a feeling there.

"You're welcome." Starlene chirped. The blue musical note on her belly glowed. "Oh, I think Scarlett's coming back."

Igneous didn't have a response. In fact, he had no idea what to do with this information. It sounded like Nikki went off to find Yuna. He could look for Valkyrie, but she'd probably shoo him away.

Was there really nothing the grovlazzle could do but wait around this stupid restaurant? Great.

Starlene: "You could always talk to Scarlett to pass the time. You two have a thing going on, don't you?"

Igneous: "... Okay, yes, but just how talkative do you expect me to be when the team's in chaos right now?" >_>;

At least Guzzie had closed it down temporarily. Igneous lazily walked toward the mechanical tauros in the center of the room and leaned against it. He flinched when Starlene zipped toward him.

Wait, Cyril's place has one of those? I get that his burger joint is attached to a combat arena, but just how big is the actual eatery to accommodate these sorts of amenities?

"Seriously? You don't have something better to do than be edgy and mysterious?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Igneous growled. "Everyone who needs tending to is getting tended to. I'd just get in the way."

Igneous: "Also, that's literally my character shtick..."
Starlene: "I thought that was Chiaki's character shtick. And that you'd made a big show out of evolving beyond that identity."

"Wellllllll..." Starlene leaned closer, fluttering her eyelids. "I'm no tech wiz, but you could proooobably start by finding a charger." She jabbed the X-transceiver in Igneous' hand.

Igneous' head leaf simmered. It was a dumb suggestion, but it was better than having Starlene talk down to him.

Starlene: "Seriously, Igneous. How have you just left that going after finding out about everything that you've missed the boat on news-wise-?"

Igneous: "Alright, alright, I get it!" >_>;

"Hey, you're not giving him any trouble, are you?"

Starlene turned around. She projected a blue halo over her head. "What, meeee? Pfbt. As if." She waved Scarlett off, but the dragonair didn't look convinced.

"Aren't you supposed to be in control of her?" Igneous grumbled.

Scarlett: "Emphasis on 'supposed to be'. I've been going through a lot of uncharted lately." ^^;

"It's complicated." Scarlett's neck bauble glowed. A pouting Starlene disappeared into it, leaving the walkway clear for her to approach. "Why aren't you down there with the others?"

Igneous scowled. "It's complicated."

Ah yes, this would explain a few things about why you're currently shipping these two with each other.

"Doesn't seem that complicated." Scarlett smirked. "That's Vegna down there, right? As in, the guy you spawned freaky hellfire powers to flee from?"

His scowl only intensified. "I'm finding that charger." He crossed his arms, tucked his head down, and started forward. Scarlett was just an oversized blue noodle. He could push past her with little effort.

"Seriously?" Surprisingly, Scarlett curled up around a chair to let him pass. "C'mon, your scales aren't that thin."

No... Chiaki/Igneous' always been a bit touchy about banter in this story, just saying.

Igneous stopped when he got past the dragonair. He didn't look back, though. "Just teasing, then. I think I see why you and Nikki were so close."

He was going to keep walking when Scarlett's tail grabbed his leg. "What's that supposed to mean?"

That you two have a thing for banter that he doesn't find endearing?

The grovlazzle focused on a metal pillar. "Nothing. I guess—"

This was stupid. Igneous said he was leaving. He needed to do that before he stuck his foot in his mouth.

"You guess?"

Whelp, too late for avoiding that foot in mouth moment. Though sounds like this conversation's going to take a serious turn pretty quickly.

"I thought the Scarlett at Kyoko's house was closer to what you're really like." Igneous mentally kicked himself. He didn't dare turn around. "But I guess growing up in Blightsmuth would give you a bit of an attitude."

The tail tightened around Igneous' leg. "And being Ryujin wouldn't?" Scarlett growled.

Scarlett: "Igneous, I was literally at an emotional nadir back then!"

Igneous: "Look, it was a first impression and I made some wrong assumptions, okay?"

A small part of Igneous told him to drop it and take the L. But the part holding his proverbial shovel decided to keep digging. "Of course it does. But talking with you back in Scale City..." Igneous shook his head. "I thought there was a connection."

"Excuse me?"

Damn it.

Ah yes, we're getting that ship between those two torpedoed in live-time. Nice going, Igneous.

But it was his own fault. He should've explained himself better. Instead, he was adding more dumb mistakes onto the pile.

I see he hasn't changed all that much from life as Chiaki after all.

"I can relate to you," Igneous said, his gaze drifting to some old arcade machine pushed up against the wall between two tables. "Having people pile these expectations on your shoulders. And making some... questionable decisions because you're afraid you can't live up to those expectations."

He didn't have to go on, did he?

Scarlett: "Oh no, you absolutely do. Especially after giving me that sort of tease about your backstory."
Igneous: "Oh, yay me." ._.

Igneous wasn't expecting giggles, though. That was enough to get him to turn around. Scarlett let go of his tail and was trying to cover her neck bauble with her wings. Starlene slipped out, however.

"Oh my god. This is sooooooo dumb." The latias shook her head. "You're really doing everything you can to dance around saying you're crushing on her. That's hilarious!"

I mean, yeah. If even Starlene can see it...

"What?!" Igneous and Scarlett blurted out in unison. They shared a quick glance, but Scarlett broke it off first.

"Starlene, you can't just butt in like that," the dragonair growled. "And not with something so... so..."

"Obvious?" Starlene's electronic wings glowed. "Guy might as well be holding a big neon sign saying, 'Have my eggs, Scarlett!'"

I can already see these two dying of embarrassment in live-time right now.

Igneous' head and tail leaves briefly ignited. He turned away from them. "I think we're done here."

"Aww, he's embawassed!" Starlene's baby talk only made it worse. "Mr. Grown Ass Yakuza crushing on the noodle he barely knows!"


"Will you shut up?" Gouts of fire engulfed Igneous elbows. Wasn't Starlene supposed to be some, like, ideal version of Scarlett? Wouldn't that mean these were things she was actively thinking? Because if that was the case... he really was an idiot.

Scarlett: "..." >///<
Igneous: "Yeah, I'm totally an idiot."

"I stuck up for you."

Starlene didn't retort. When Igneous turned around, pink mist faded from Scarlett's neck bauble. The dragonair couldn't meet his gaze.

Igneous' heart sank.

"I appreciate it," Scarlett whispered. "Really, I do."

Igneous: "Um... great? This is... uh... really awkward right now. Say, do we have anything we can talk about other than us potentially deeply crushing on each other right now?"

What was the problem, then? Was it Nikki? Did Scarlett think it was a choice between winning Nikki over and warming up to him any further? Because that was "sooooooo dumb."

I mean, just saying "I love you... and all you guys!" is a workable, if meme solution to this problem. :V

"But she has a point," Scarlett continued. Her expression hardened. "We hardly know each other, yet you're practically tripping over yourself to white knight for me." Her tiny wings curled up against her head. "Maybe that's how the Ryujin does things, but I... I can't have you fighting all my battles for me. Not with the mess I made. And not if I'm going to win everyone else's trust."

Scarlett: "Also, I'd really, really not like it if my character was just 'that dragon so desperate for approval that she agreed to medical experimentation and becoming a host for a ghostly jet bird that everyone feels sorry for'." >_>;
Igneous: "... Fair enough, really."

Then she laughed. It was surprisingly bitter. She rested her head against the mechanical tauros. "It doesn't even make any sense. Dragonite are far better catches. And even if you are into serpents, look at me." She straightened up a bit, emphasizing her shabby, dull scales. "I'm not what you'd call easy on the eyes."

Man, that's definitely a trip for in-setting appearance standards, since this is more or less completely backwards from prevailing fandom sentiment.

Igneous had his mouth open. Ready to say that didn't matter. It was that connection. The shared weight of expectations. But she'd just brush that off, wouldn't she?

The grovlazzle closed his mouth and looked down.


The tip of Scarlett's tail touched Igneous' chin and nudged it up. Embers jumped off his tails. His head leaf stuck up.

Igneous: "Um... er... do you mind if we just stay like this for a while?" O///O
Scarlett: "Not at all, really."

"You've got to understand where I'm coming from," she said. "I don't believe in the whole 'fairy tale head over heels' love story. And, well, I haven't even known you long enough to call you a friend."

Despite knowing how sad and pathetic it sounded, Igneous still let slip, "It's been a week."

"And I need more than a week." Scarlett pulled her tail back. She moved away from the mechanical tauros. "Especially if you're Ryujin. No, not just Ryujin— the next in line to lead them!"

Igneous: "Look, I literally got drug kicking and screaming by my family back into this business, alright? I didn't ask for this." >_>;

I can change them. We can change them.


More like it'll change you, since I know the batting average for these sorts of gambits, Igneous.

"Be honest with me." Scarlett looked him dead in the eye. "Have you taken a life? Y'know, actually killed a 'mon? For 'the family' or whatever?"

Igneous stiffened. He instinctively grabbed the right arm that didn't used to be there. The grovlazzle turned away from Scarlett. He said nothing, but figured the gesture was more than enough of an answer.


Igneous: "... Look I can explain, alright?"

"Maybe I did make a big mess as Starlene," Scarlett said. "But it was out of my control. You chose to do that. Just like you'll choose to take your dad's place if we survive this whole ordeal."

Igneous so badly wanted to snap at her. Tell her that it wasn't his choice to be the firstborn of Radiance's most powerful Yakuza. It wasn't his choice to sit there, powerless, while a vicious toxin intended for his father instead sucked the life out of his mother. Slowly. Painfully.

Oh, so that's what happened to the missus.

... Except it was his choice to send Valkyrie after Medici 'mons to try and find out who was responsible. It was his choice to storm a Medici base to avenge her with his own hands. It was his choice to coordinate things so poorly, that the 'mon he brought thought it better to leave him on the floor of base, bleeding out from his severed arm. And it was his choice to never forgive Sakaki for remarrying.

Igneous, I realize that these are all painful, raw memories for you, but Scarlett literally has no hope of understanding these if you don't tell her. .-.

Was Igneous' life really nothing more than an endless parade of bad choices? Is that why Xeromus always seemed so excited to see what he would do? Because he always made things better for his enemies?


Igneous: "Gee, thanks. And you're not even supposed to be in this scene!" >_>;

"You're wrong." Igneous tried to stand up tall. "I don't want that life for myself. No one sent me off to Horizon. I enrolled myself. To put distance between myself and... all that stuff."

Scarlett's expression softened slightly. "What about Valkyrie?"

I suppose that would explain why he out-and-out discarded 'Chiaki' as a name after the whole 'deal with a devil' business.

Igneous: "... I needed insurance in case my old life caught up with me?" ^^;

Sticker, sceptilisk,

Igneous: "Look, I was trying, okay?!"

"Stubbornly insisted on following," Igneous replied. It wasn't much of an explanation, but he was trying, damn it. "Look, we both made decisions out of desperation. And now we're dealing with blowback. But that blowback's directly tied to... all of this stuff." The grovlazzle spread his arms out. "We fix it by dealing with this. If I make it through to the other side... then I'll figure out what I'm doing with my life. And I can at least say it's not what you're assuming."

You see, with phrasing like that, you're starting to get me worried that Igneous won't make it to the other side.

His shoulders sagged. "I'm not saying we have to grow close." He shot her a pleading look. "But can't you at least give me the benefit of the doubt? Like I'm doing for you?"

I can't tell whether this is going to wind up going in a d'aww direction or full:

Silence. Scarlett was contemplative. Then the last of the concern melted off her face. "I think that's fair." The dragonair slowly nodded. "One step at a time, then." Her neck bauble dimmed. "Sorry for snapping at you."

"Thanks." Unexpecting exhaustion draped itself over Igneous' shoulders. "I, uh, ought to go find that charger, then."

Whelp, close enough to 'd'aww' for me.

"Hmph. How touching. Am I to accept that spiel as your confession... Paper Boy?"

... Vegna's right there, isn't he?

Igneous took one step and his blood ran cold. He focused firmly on the black metal floor, frozen in indecision. Caught between two voices. One telling him to run and the other telling him to stand his ground.

How much had Vegna heard? Just because Igneous implied he wasn't interested in the family business anymore didn't mean he wanted Vegna using him to get to Sakaki.

Yeah, I figured.

Igneous: "Did... I say that I was the son of the highest-ranking Yakuza in Radiance? What I meant to say that that was really my cousin Vinnie and-!"

Vegna: "Nice try there, Chiaki. You're not fooling anybody."

Vegna gave a weak, yet rumbling laugh. "In the hope of running from your troubles, you struck a deal with the devil."

His accusation sent a fresh chill down the grovlazzle's spine. He couldn't possibly—

"How is that rusty old blade treating you, Paper Boy?"

Igneous: "... I'm sorry, but how the hell do you know about this?!"

Igneous' tail leaves curled up. Embers crackled around his hips. He slowly turned, trying to ignore confused looks from Jade, Quetzal, and Seifer.

How? Igneous was at a loss for words. It was bad enough he and Scarlett were arguing in the first place. But now Vegna wanted him to fess up to all his other screwed up choices as of late?

Yeah, I figured that'd be Igneous' general reaction there.

His gaze fell. He swallowed hard. Maybe Igneous deserved this. To get buried under the consequences of his actions.

This 'mon really should see a therapist sometime if and when things get less crazy, just saying.

"If you're here to reap my soul, then can it at least wait until after we've fixed the planet's current crisis?" Igneous crossed his arms. He glimpsed Scarlett's shocked expression, then returned his gaze to the floor. Maybe the next step after the dimension crisis was paying the piper.

"Whoa! Hey!" A squawking Jade got between Igneous and Vegna. "No reaping! Or any other form of vigilante justice, for that matter!"

Vegna: "... I'm sorry, but who is this again?" >;

The ground rumbled. Igneous glanced over at the bar, where Guzzie had stood up to narrow his small yellow eyes at the dusknoir.

"Guzzie's is a violence free zone." The guzzlord pointed at the glass wall. "Take all killing and maiming to Junior's arena."

"Or don't do it, period." Jade stuck her wings out. "C'mon. Why can't we be fri— mmffffrgggh!"

Vegna grabbed Jade's beak, forcefully shutting it. "You know he detested your big mouth." The dusknoir held up his right hand, conjuring his Abyssal Tome. Bahamut's old journal. "A mason I once executed told me: 'silence is golden, but sheet metal is silver. Weld the latter to the mouths of those who can't understand the former.'"

Ah yes, time for Vegna to casually cause a few existential crises among Yuna's various sages. Since you just know there's no shortage of material that could accomplish that in Bahamut's journal.

Jade's eyes slowly widened. Vegna released her beak and floated past her. Griffon hopped to her side. "Hey, he does it to me, too. Although he usually doesn't go that far with his insults..."

Jade: "..."

Griffon: "Uh... yeah. V? Maybe you should spare an apology just this once-?" ^v^;

Vegna's eye crackled with blue lightning. Zekrom's powers, no doubt.

Zekrom's powers...

That was it. Igneous did hold one thing over Vegna's head. And he could easily blurt it out to everyone. Perhaps that would get the dusknoir to back off.

Igneous: "... Which I suppose I ought to be less confident about given my track record at these things, but I'd really, really like to not die right now."

A small part of him wondered if this was yet another stupid choice, but Igneous had already committed. "So, you have Bahamut's journal. And you have a Sage with you. Meaning you pulled a Needle at some point." He stood up straighter. "I think... you know more about this vicious Phantom than you're letting on."

If Igneous' claim had unnerved Vegna, he didn't show it.

"Wait, what?!" Quetzal darted onto one of the metal tables in a blur of orange light. "You pulled a Needle?"

Oh, so that's how Vegna has Zekrom under his command.

"I was angry with my foe. I told it not. My wrath did grow." The blue in Vegna's eye intensified. "Why do you think I could deduce your situation so easily, Paper Boy?" He dangled the journal in front of Igneous' face. The fissures in his right arm pulsated with gold light. "I was there the moment it happened. The moment Bahamut destroyed his soul."

... Wait, was Vegna even a Dusknoir back then? Since I swear we didn't see any Dusknoir in the Gene special .-.

Shaking his head, Vegna made the tome disappear in a swirl of light. "I was but a humble dusclops wandering the distortion, feeding off the fear of souls I ran across. And then I found Zekrom's Needle. That's when he showed up. Plunged a blade of light into his torso.

For a second I read that as that Zekrom's Needle plunged into Vegna's torso and was going to ask if he had shades of Alastor personality-wise, but alas.

"The beast that emerged set its sights on me and the Needle. I didn't want to die." Vegna stared at his right arm. "So, I pulled it. I had heard rumors of what would happen, but I was desperate." Electricity crackled around Vegna's eye. "Zekrom's powers allowed me to evolve. And escape that vicious daemon. But my body could barely hold itself together."

Oh, so that's why he had that freaky decomposition thing going on back when Dermezel jailbroke Vortex.

Igneous could do the math from there. "You found his journal. And did that ritual to make yourself a necromancer." The grovlazzle frowned. "All to... keep your body from falling apart?"

"I was young once, too," Vegna said. And so casually, to boot. Almost like it was all a big joke to him. "There were still things I wanted— no, needed to do." He glanced at his right arm. "But there is little chance I can accomplish them now. The more Needles get pulled, the less capable I am of staying together."

Actually, scratch that, there's the explanation.

Igneous: "What's that? Hurry and help Yuna pull the rest of the needles? Can do-"
Vegna: "Chiaki, stop joking around and listen to me! This is serious!"

"Seriously?" Quetzal looked between the dusknoir and Seifer. "Shouldn't we, I dunno, arrest him or something?"

"Under what authority?" Seifer lowered his head. "I'm unemployed, remember?" "And his 'replacements' consider you lost in action." Vegna gestured to the zapdos.


"Dead as my old hag of a mother-in-law!" Griffon heckled. Vegna flicked his beak. The corviknight shuffled backward, grumbling under his breath.

Jade: "He... does that a lot to you, doesn't he?"
Griffon: "More than you can imagine." >v>;

"What's the point of this, then?" Seifer asked. The keldeo looked a bit shaken and he kept looking toward the exit that led to the residential part of the outpost. "Are you here to help us or not?"

"With Necrozma? I can try." Vegna crossed his arms. "But with the other thing I was looking into... someone else has to take up that cause."

Igneous: "What... other thing you were looking into?" ._.;

His gaze fell on Igneous. The grovlazzle took a cautious step back. "Me?"

"If you want to have even a sliver of hope of staying out of prison, then you don't have much of a choice," Vegna said, his eye darkening. He flicked his left wrist. A small envelope sealed with a wax skull stamp landed at Igneous' feet.

Igneous: "I... don't like where this is going right now." ._.
Vegna: "I didn't expect you to. Though you might as well hear my offer before you complain about it."

"You'll go to my office in the academy," Vegna ordered. "Use that code to unlock the safe and take what's inside. Follow the instructions pertaining to the restricted section of the library."

Igneous frowned. "And if I refuse?"

Vegna's eye glowed blue again. "I'll drag you out of the Qliphoth myself and force every little thing you know about the Ryujin out of your lips until they go still."

Igneous: "Okay, yeah. That sounds like a really good reason to go to your office at the academy!"

Seifer's hoofbeats carried down the cold, metal corridors. The keldeo's instincts kept telling him someone was following, but he already told Quetzal not to after excusing himself from the restaurant. He had heard enough. And mentions of Igneous' dead X-transceiver in his argument with Vegna gave him an excuse to leave.

... And find Cyril.

Oh hey, that's the first time that I've seen someone link music from Ratchet: Deadlocked. Though I see Seifer's working hard on building that ship between him and Cyril.

He mentally kicked himself with every corner he turned and metal staircase he descended. Yes, there had been trouble for Team Bastion, but Gene got the worst of it. All his training told him he should locate Noctum or Yuna and jump a rift over to Chakran.

Instead, he reached the hanger. Cid and Widget were the only ones there, the former trying to get the latter onto the couch. He spotted Seifer and begged the keldeo for help. Seifer begrudgingly agreed.

Seifer: "... At least I can ask them if they've seen Cyril at all?" ^^;

"What happened to him?" he wondered, using his torso to help support Cid's levitation attempts.

"Cyril muttered something about overclocking before leaving," Cid replied. The orbeetle's spots stopped glowing. Widget's unconscious form flopped onto the couch. "I'm supposed to put ice packs on him."

... Do I want to know what the side effects of overclocking with a Malice Crystal are?

"Where'd Cyril go?"

"His workshop. But couldn't you just ask over the X-transceiver?"

Seifer stiffened. The keldeo abruptly turned and galloped away from Cid, ignoring his shout of, "Wait, what about the ice packs?!"

Seifer: "Later! Something else came up!"

He went back the same direction he came from, headed up a cramped stairwell, then rounded a corner. Seifer found the unassuming workshop door and slammed his right shoulder into it.

That was a bit too forceful. The door flew open, striking a metal wall with a claaaaang as loud as the dinner bell at the Radiant Guard training barracks.

Then there was a thump, followed by an, "Ow! Shit!"

Whelp, he found Cyril, at least. :V

Seifer winced, then quickly recomposed himself and stepped inside. Cyril sat on the floor by his workbench, rubbing his head.

"Ever hear of knocking?" the cosmic zoroark grumbled.

Clearly not if his instinct was just to barge through a door.

He had to stand tall. "Well, you ever hear of using some common sense?"

... Damn it, not that tall.

Cyril looked like Seifer had slapped him. "I beg your pardon?"

Seifer: "(... Damn it, that's definitely not the hoof I wanted to start off on.)" ._.;

"You could've died out there!" Seifer said. His horn flickered. He was almost tempted to take the prosthetic off so it wouldn't undermine him. "And right on the heels of driving some bizarro truck into the heat of a firefight!"

Cyril stared back blankly. "And that's a problem, because?"

Because he has the hots for you? Have you really not noticed, Cyril? o<o

"You're not a front line guy." Seifer stomped his right forehoof down. "You told me yourself that you didn't have powers."

"And now I do." Cyril ran his yellow claws through his spectral mane. Twinkling lights sprinkled all around him like stardust.

Seifer stomped his right forehoof again. "It doesn't make you hot shit!" He flinched, then held his head up. Couldn't undermine himself with one dumb swear.

Cyril: "..."

Seifer: "Let... me try that one again."

Cyril tilted his head slightly. "Are... are you worried for me?" He put his hands on his knees and leaned forward slightly. "Oh my god, you totally are!"

Seifer: "Cyril, you're the leader of the resistance! You're not supposed to be taking dumb, preventable risks for reasons of basic organizational continuity!" >.<

"Of course I am." Seifer kept his tone firm. He couldn't let Cyril loosen him up. "You're too valuable an asset here. Cid's trying his best and we found that sickly human, but you built this stuff. If something bad happens to you..." His voice trailed off. He hadn't thought out the end of that sentence.

"It'll break your heart, huh?"

Oh, so Cyril did pick up on Seifer crushing on him, huh?

There it was. One well-aimed verbal strike. The cracks were already spreading through Seifer's mental armor.

"It will... put us in a real bind." Seifer needed a sharp breath mid-sentence. Focus. He was better than this. He was—

Cyril: "I'll just go ahead and take that as a 'yes'."

Seifer: "Cyril, take this seriously!" >.<

Cyril lay down on his side, resting his head against his left hand and putting his right hand on his hip. "Yeah, you'll be in a bind. Because then you'll be kicking yourself. Wishing you admitted to having the hots for me."

Seifer's next breath in was too sharp. It left him coughing and staggering back toward the door. "Th-that's—" He had to buck up. "You're completely wrong. And unprofessional!"

Seifer: "(... I swear to god, if the story decides to kill Cyril now of all times...)"

"And you're too afraid to admit you like it." Cyril moved his right hand up and tapped between his eyes. "Flickering horn doesn't lie, buddy."

I can already hear the ship horns blaring along with that FF8 music.

Seifer's tail shot up. He shook his head until there was a tiny click. His prosthetic horn fell to the ground with a clack.

He could still salvage this.

No, no, you really can't. Just own this, Seifer. >:V

"Well, I think you're projecting." Seifer took a more confident step toward the cosmic zoroark. "You're clearly lusting for me and think this... whatever this is will somehow win me over."

Seifer: "..." >///<
Cyril: "I rest my case."

Cyril swung his legs around and sat back up. "If you want me to stop, then say it."

Seifer almost lost his footing. Cyril was... giving up? And all it took was one flimsy lie the keldeo put a bit more backbone into?

"Yeah, I do like you." He ran yellow claws through his starry mane. "Not just looks, either. Because, truthfully, I prefer two legs to four." The cosmic zoroark crossed his legs and leaned over, resting his chin on his hands. "But you're out here, giving it your all. Despite your life crumbling around you."

Wait, just how many other Pokémon has Cyril hooked up with in unlife given that he has a frame of reference for a bipedal versus a quadrupedal lover? .-.

Seifer was ready to admonish Cyril for bringing that up, but he held up his right hand.

"I'm saying I respect your drive to do the right thing." Cyril's starry mane dimmed a bit. "It's... something I wish I'd done after first waking up mutated from Malice." He pushed hair out of his face. "And it drives me wild."

Backstory time? Since this sure feels like backstory time right now.

The keldeo looked down at the prosthetic horn between his forehooves. An early favor Cyril had done for him. He sounded more sorry for Seifer at the time. Had Seifer really not noticed things changing?

"But I thought I had a decent read on you," Cyril continued. "The proud soldier. Steeped in honor and tradition. I couldn't just shoot my shot with someone like that." Chuckling, he shook his head. "So, yeah, I went for teasy flirting. Guess I thought if I could poke a hole in that gruff exterior, I'd have a chance."

Seifer didn't know what to make of that. Should he feel guilty? Surprised? Mad at Cyril or himself?

Is 'all of the above' an option? ^^;

Cyril leaned back against his workbench. "I've been around the block enough times to know when a guy's never been in a relationship before. Figured if I made any move too quickly, I'd scare you off forever."

"I've had dates before." Plenty, actually. A keldeo Radiant Guard officer made for an alluring suitor to other nobles.

"Arranged by your parents, I imagine."

Seifer: "..." >///<
Cyril: "I mean, you did give off the vibe of being that guy who's spent his whole life following directions, so... am I right?"

Seifer's legs locked up. "How did you—"

Cyril smirked. "Like I said. Been around the block."

Cyril: "Also, that too."

"Right." Seifer looked down at his hooves. "Still don't know what that means."

That one got a laugh from Cyril. His hand hit the shelf underneath the workbench. "Ahh, you're too much sometimes, y'know."

Wow, I didn't expect Seifer to be that innocent (of a sort) considering how we first saw him in this story. I suppose I should be less surprised.

Silence followed. Seifer couldn't muster a response. He knew he had to say something. Cyril poured his heart out to Seifer and deep down it was everything the keldeo wanted to hear.

But could Seifer act on that? Should he act on that? They hadn't solved the dimensional crisis. What if this just distracted them both? There was too much at stake here.

Considering how you're dealing with stakes that could easily kill off party members if the author felt like letting it happen... yeah, I wouldn't recommend leaving anything on the table, Seifer.

"Lost in thought, huh?"

Cyril's red jewels flickered dimly. He sighed. "I've said my piece. I can't— no, I won't make any decisions for you. If you really aren't interested, then tell me and I'll— mmrrrffffggghhhh!"

Oh boy, someone was definitely forward there.

Seifer surprised himself with how quickly he moved. Closing the gap... and pressing his round snout into the cosmic zoroark's face. It was clumsy. And foolish. Seifer realized he was squishing Cyril's head against the underside of the workbench.

No, this was fine. Cyril's mane was shaggier than a quartet of mops. And he wasn't pushing Seifer away, either! Even though the keldeo had no idea what he was doing!

Though he could only go without air for so long. Seifer pulled his head back, taking a deep breath... and looking at Cyril's damp, bewildered face.

Seifer: "I believe this is what you call a 'kiss' right? I was trying to take after the scenes I'd seen on the PV."
Cyril: "Yeah, no kidding there."

He brought his right hand up and touched his snout. Glanced at the saliva on his yellow claw. "Wh-huht." A laugh swallowed up that word. "You really don't know what you're doing, huh?"

Seifer: "Is... it really that obvious?" ^^;

"Then teach me!" Seifer blurted out, almost smacking his head against the edge of the workbench when he leaned over again.

"... Please." His mind raced with thoughts of the startling events back in the arena and the restaurant. Things he really should've reminded himself about earlier. Hindsight being a bitch.

"There's just too much insanity happening all around us." Seifer was sure Cyril would understand. "I need someone to get me through this."

I mean, as clumsy and faceplant-tier as this moment was, I'd frankly be shocked if Cyril shot Seifer down at this point given what he intimated like 30 seconds ago.

He shook his head. "No, I need... a boyfriend to lean on."

I actually wonder if there's a legitimate Yaoi Fandom surrounding FF8!Seifer that this is referencing, or if this is a "just because" thing for this story.

Yellow claws danced across the edge of Seifer's snout. Nudged it down ever so slightly. "You're sure?" Cyril said.

Images of Igneous and Scarlett staring each other down flickered in Seifer's mind.

Seifer: "Oh for crying out loud! Now of all times?!" >///<

"Yes." Seifer stepped back to give Cyril more breathing room. "It's the first thing I've been sure of since this whole mess started."

Cyril stood up. He put his hands on his hips and arched his back. "Weeellllll, we probably got some time to kill. Just how much do you want to learn?"

Ah yes, time for the cut to black like in P3 when you max out a romantic social link. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's where this is going.

Though silent, Seifer's gaze drifted toward Cyril's hips. The cosmic zoroark caught this, and leaned over, putting a yellow claw on Seifer's snout again.

"Really? Jumping into the deep end, huh?" The smirk on Cyril's face grew larger. "I can work with that. I'll even throw in a life vest." Cyril crouched down, reaching between Seifer's forehooves. He popped back up holding the detached horn. "Sound good?" He playfully bapped Seifer's snout.

Seifer nodded, unaware of the dumb smile plastered on his face.

Yeah, I figured.

In an ideal world, this would've been chapter 69.

Well, you see, if you do a numbering gimmick and make one earlier chapter "Chapter [X], Part I" and the other right afterwards "Chapter [X], Part II"...

But more seriously, such is life. And regardless of the missed opportunity for a numbering gag, it holds up pretty well.

Though I suppose it's time for the recap. I'll admit that I was a bit surprised that we didn't have any followup on Yuna beyond a passing mention of her blipping off, but I suppose that's only to be expected considering the number of factions that this story juggles while having a fairly firm 5k-ish word cap per update. What was there was some pretty engaging character exploration, and it also teed up a new plot thread for Igneous that I'm sure can only go to good places considering his batting average.

As for criticisms... beyond the aforementioned point of wishing we had followup with Yuna from last chapter, I honestly don't have a whole lot barring a couple one-off criticisms such as that one paragraph that I thought worked better formatted as a couple smaller ones. It's honestly a bit hard for me to tell whether I'm overlooking stuff with this story sometimes, though I'll credit that to your ability to keep readers engaged after kicking things off.

Glad to be reading this story again @Ambyssin . I can't make any firm promises of when I'll be back for more since NaNoWriMo's keeping me busy this month, but I'll definitely be looking forward to where things go from here. ^^
Chapter 74: Lingering Secrets


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 74: Lingering Secrets

Entry 3501
Why why why why why why

Why can't it just get out of my head?

I'm not some renegade. Wanting to rid the universe of a monster is natural! People just refuse to see reason!

I must get more power. The power to stop Eternatus.


Seifer stepped through the rift into the dusty fields of Shaftra Monastery. It had only been a day, yet so much changed it felt like he was looking at the dilapidated silver towers and glass domes for the first time.

He glanced over his shoulder. "They're meeting us out here, right?" The buildings didn't exactly have standard front doors the keldeo could knock on.

"Right." Widget hopped out next to him. The cosmic silvally blinked rapidly. Adjusting to the bright light after being out all that time, no doubt.

"You sure you're up for this?" Seifer asked. "You still look a bit out of it."

"I'll manage." Widget stood up straight. "And I could ask you the same question."

Seifer frowned. "In what way?"

Widget's cheek bolts glowed purple and yellow. In a surprisingly good imitation of Nikki's voice, he said, "I'm surprised the dude's even walking straight." After a pause, he added, "Or walking gay."

The keldo's cheeks reddened. He fought to keep his prosthetic horn from flickering.

But Widget's impression wasn't done. "Least we can say there's nothing secret about that sword anymore, if you know what I— ouch!"

Seifer lifted his right forehoof off Widget's left talons. "Really?" He eyed the cosmic silvally disapprovingly. "You were out cold for all of that."

"Yeah. But people talk." Widget laughed nervously.

"Evidently." But Seifer hadn't helped his case with the sharp reaction. "Yes, I'm with Cyril now. Will that be a problem for you?"

"As long as you're happy." Widget's cheek bolts rotated once in their sockets. "And the emperor gave me noise dampeners, so your horizontal boogieing won't bother me. But if you really want privacy, find a better spot than his dang workshop."

The blushing only got worse. Seifer glimpsed another rift out of the corner of his eyes and took a few calming breaths to steady himself.

So what if he was sore? It wasn't Widget's business.

Seifer stood at attention for Archie and Maxie. "Just you two scamps, huh?" The dark samurott stroked his jagged mustache. "Expected more of a crowd."

"Don't criticize." Maxie nudged up his goggles. "Mewtwo's through here." The ghostly typhlosion beckoned the duo to follow.

They walked into the rift and, surprisingly enough, found themselves in an infirmary. Or the dilapidated remains of one. The monks tried to maintain things as best they could, but Seifer figured there was only so much they could do to get ages worth of rust out of metal shelves and cabinets. They were lined with jars full of strangely-colored liquids. Perhaps medicinal berries they'd turned into paste?

A couple of lucario bobbed their heads politely to Archie and Maxie and headed for the door behind Seifer. "Heal Pulse users?" the keldeo wondered.

"You know it." Archie went up to the foot of one of the rusted metal cots and thumped it with his jagged seamitar. "Oi, you up? Ya got company."

The green blanket folded over. Gene slowly sat up. Seifer eyed the bandages wrapped around the shadowy mewtwo's arms and torso. That weird second curved neck of Gene's had a brace on it that Maxie kept looking at. Seifer assumed Gene constantly tried to pull it off.

"You should see the other guy." Gene laughed weakly, only for it to fade into a wince. He grabbed his bandaged torso.

"Really? Jokes?" Widget marched up to the bed, his starcloud neck ruff twirling around in irritation. "From what I heard, you were on death's door!"

Another weak laugh. Gene cut himself off quicker this time. "Heh. Wouldn't be the first time that rotten pile of crystals killed me."

"This is serious, Gene!" Widget hopped up, putting his forelegs on Gene's bed. "Did you know about what Bahamut did to himself?"

"No." Gene's answer was firm. "It had been a while since I had to contend with him. I was afraid he was up to something. But taking his own life to become a Phantom?" Shuddering, he shook his head. "He really is that far gone, huh?"

Seifer raised a brow. Gene did make it sound like Bahamut had betrayed the original resistance. And they fought, with Gene as the victor. Had they been fighting each other on and off all this time? That was what it sounded like, judging by the journal.

Something still bothered him, though. The keldeo approached the foot of the bed. "That may be, but I think there's a gap you're not filling in."

Wincing, Gene leaned against the wall behind his pillow. Somehow, he managed a smirk. "Really? Cuz I think someone beat me to that punch."

Seifer's eyes briefly widened, only for a stern expression to kick back in. "You're a riot." He flicked his horn against the foot of the bed. "If you've the headspace for dirty taunts, then you can tell us the truth."

There was a chuckle from behind Seifer. He turned around in time to see Maxie smack the back of Archie's head. "G'arr! Watch it!"

The ghostly typhlosion's purple flames pulsated. "Then don't act like a child."

A sighing Gene drew Seifer's attention back to the bed. "Fine." Gene tried to sit up straight. "Wasn't going to hide it. Just figured I should wait for a bigger squad."

"Well, we're what you've got." Widget pushed his front half off the bed. "The others are dealing with... new recruits. Thanks to Yuna."

There was a flicker of interest in Gene's eyes. "Guess a lot happened while I was out." He slowly reached up and touched his Malice Crystal. A strange blue cube materialized in his left hand.

"Is that... a recording device?" Widget lowered his head, sniffing it with his beak. "How old is that thing?"

"Older than you, Squirt."

"I'm a third of a meter taller than you!" Widget squawked, his starcloud rapidly swirling around his neck.

Gene looked at Seifer. "What about the human and that Overseer guy? Can we at least get them?"

Sighing, Seifer turned his X-transceiver on. "Sigurd? You there. Gene's asking for you and Jaeger at the monastery."

"A direct request, is it?" The hissing of Sigurd's respirator carried through the communicator. "Sure. We're in the main restaurant, actually."

"They're in the main restaurant." The keldeo looked at Archie and Maxie. "Should we tell the monks to—"

"I can... handle it." Gene's face scrunched up. He shakily held his left hand out.

"Don't strain yourself, nitwit!" Widget scolded, but the rift had already formed next to the cosmic silvally. Seconds later, Jaeger wheeled Sigurd through it. The lycanroc mutt eyed Gene's injuries.

"Lemme guess: 'You should see the other guy?'"

Gene smirked. "See? This guy gets it."

"What exactly are we here for?" Sigurd wondered. His gaze was firmly fixed on the blue cube. It was glowing now. In fact, it got a bit brighter with each second.

"This." Gene gestured to the cube. "Think it's nearly done warming u— yep, there it is."

The cube unleashed a pillar of blue light that formed a hologram. Seifer immediately stiffened, leveling his horn at the hologram on instinct despite knowing it wasn't here.

"Xeromus?" Seifer's breath caught in his throat. "Why do you have this?"

To that, Gene only put a finger to his lips. He focused on the hologram... and Seifer saw the longing in the shadowy mewtwo's eyes.

"Hey, Gene. It's me. This is..." The hologram sucked in a sharp breath. "This is the hardest thing... I've had to do since before I met you."

His voice wasn't nearly as raspy as Seifer remembered. And without a cloak and chains, Seifer saw white patches in Xeromus' fur.

Did that mean... this was Nova talking?

"If it's not already apparent... the mission didn't quite go as intended," Nova continued. He sounded tired. "Eternatus' core was exactly where we expected. And Matriarch was there. We were even able to stop her, but..."

Static rippled through the hologram. Widget's head crest fanned out. "What's going on? Don't tell me this thing's damaged!"

Again, Gene merely held his finger to his lips. The hologram settled down.

"... Emerged to fill the power vacuum left behind." Nova looked down guiltily and his hologram was replaced by one of an even more familiar deoxys. "You know how we thought we eliminated all of Matriarch's deoxys? It turns out... there's a prototype we didn't account for."

The holographic image pulled back to surround Paradox with several strange, blurry images. Seifer couldn't make any of them out properly.

"The Paradigm's fully revived. They're all serving Deoxys faithfully." Nova sounded more tired than before. "I suspect... he has a fragment of that strange power we found in the core. This Red Chain."

Seifer caught Sigurd's eyes widening. His respirator was hissing at a slightly faster rate.

"He's sweeping across the Qliphoth even as I speak." Now the blurred images disappeared, replaced by holographic planets. Holographic chains shot out from one world to the next and wrapped themselves around each planet. "Planets that enjoyed a degree of autonomy under Matriarch answer directly to him. And I don't think he intends to stop until he conquers all of the Qliphoth."

After a static flicker, the holographic Paradox appeared to be clutching the collection of planets with his right hand. The Eterna Empire sigil was firmly wrapped around them.

"Chiron and I were confident Matriarch was lying." Nova's voice strained. "We thought her claims of needing to do what she did were her manipulating us."

Paradox's hologram disappeared and Nova's returned. He shook his head glumly. "I was wrong. So, so wrong." There was a shuddering breath. "With Matriarch offline, we've gone from having someone who must control Eternatus... to someone who actively wants to."

At the mention of "offline," Widget suddenly stood at attention. His eyes and starcloud pulsated erratically.

Nova thrashed his head left, then right. He let out one of those raspy coughs that had previously sent chills down Seifer's spine. "No. Not yet. A little... longer. Please." He wheezed loudly.

Gene's expression was stoic, but Seifer saw faint facial twitches. Enough to tell the shadowy mewtwo was trying to keep it together.

"I'm sorry, Gene, but I can't stay," Nova whimpered. "Something happened to me in that battle. And I can... I can..." There was a faint hiccup behind the mask.

"You have to carry the torch in my stead," he said. "Deoxys has to be taken out for the good of everyone." Nova took another shuddering breath. "And Bahamut... you must find a way to break through his Malice corruption."

The hologram shook. Nova must've grabbed the recording device with his forelegs. "You understand? After what happened, Bahamut's only going to get more and more desperate to destroy Eternatus. But he can't!"

"What?" Seifer's gaze fell to Gene. Wasn't the resistance's entire goal to ensure Eternatus could never be a threat again?

"It's like I said," Nova let go of the recorder, "I was wrong. Eternatus... has to exist. It's... a part of the very foundation of our universe." He paused. "Bahamut will never accept that. The only way to ensure he doesn't make the same mistake I nearly did is—"

Nova descended into a coughing fit and the hologram glitched again.

"—time we meet, we won't be on the same side anymore." Nova's gray eyes were blurry with tears. "But I... believe in you, Gene. Always have. Always will. I know that, if our paths cross, you'll make the right choice."

Nova took a shuddering breath. "Remember that last part." He coughed. "No matter... what anyone tells you..."

He staggered back from the recorder, jerking his head left, then right. Nova stood there, legs trembling. Eyes darting around. After several seconds, he managed to steady himself and look into the recorder once more.

"... Your choices matter."

Nova hunched over. Even with the mask on, he was clearly in pain.

"Take care... Gene. I love you."

The hologram vanished. The blue light pillar retreated into the cube, which promptly stopped glowing. Gene quickly rubbed his face with his left arm, then swiped the cube off his blanket.

"You always knew," Seifer whispered, gaze falling to the floor. "That's why your response to Yuna saying she thought Nova was Xeromus was so muted. You knew." The keldeo glanced at the others, trying to gauge their responses. Like him, Widget was staring at his chitinous forelegs.

"He was right?" the cosmic silvally mumbled. "I don't understand." He looked at Gene, then at Seifer. "I thought 'Eternatus must survive for everyone's sake' was another one of the emperor's lies. But if that... that other silvally is right, then what else did he tell me that's actually true?"

"A good manipulator knows how to cherry pick the truth to suit their agenda," Sigurd said, offering the closest to a sympathetic look he could manage when he could only move his eye muscles. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

"And the prototype thing?" Widget wondered, starcloud and tail dimming. Seifer figured Widget realized there was now a hidden connection between the two. Which would make Paradox's callous disregard for the silvally sting even more.

"Deoxys are meant to change forms to augment their abilities in battle." Gene clicked his tongue. "Never seen Paradox do that, though. My guess? Failed prototype." He shook his head, sighing. "Not to play armchair psychologist, but I bet being described as a failure gave the emperor a hell of a complex. So, he wanted to prove his creator wrong by doing a better job of controlling Eternatus than she ever did."

"Hence that whole 'wanting to rule' comment," Sigurd mused. His ventilator hissed loudly.

Seifer had to admit, he found it difficult to stomach. It was one thing learning the Kingdom of Radiance never destroyed Eternatus. But to hear the monstrosity is foundational to the universe? Seifer sat down and leaned against the foot of the bed. He couldn't afford to get dizzy now.

"What did he mean when he said Matriarch went offline?" Widget looked mainly at Gene. "The emperor described her like a person. People don't go offline. Machines like me do." His eyes darted around. "Or, uh, maybe I would have in the past. It's confusing now."

"Hmph." Maxie approached the bedside, nudging up his goggles. "The logical conclusion to draw here is that this Matriarch character was actually a machine."


Widget's starcloud stopped swirling. His cheek bolts crackled.

Seifer frowned. "Ayyaii?" That had to stand for something, right?

"Artificial intelligence." Gene crossed his arms. "Matriarch was, essentially, a complex program. Going off what I gleaned from Mira and Nova, one that's impossible to replicate." His eyes flickered blue, creating projections of tiny silhouettes. "She had a number of android bodies at her disposal. The ones I remember most were a one-eyed lucario, a roserade, and an arcanine that was practically made of fire and brimstone.

Seifer frowned. Gene had lost him. Lucario and roserade were pokémon he understood well enough. But that arcanine sounded almost... volcanic in origin. Did the Aeon Kingdom have such arcanine among its population? A question for Yuna or Noctum, he supposed.

"Apparently these were 'avatars.'" As the projections vanished, Gene made air quotes. "Nova had seen her main body before, but Matriarch somehow blocked those files off from his memory banks before he fled and established the resistance."

"An AI." Widget's eyes dimmed in thought. "But then... who created it? It had to have come from somewhere." The cosmic silvally glanced at the others.

"No idea." Gene shrugged. "Nova's theory was that the Matriarch's existence is directly intertwined with Eternatus' core."

Seifer lay his head on the metal rail at the foot of Gene's bed. "It's ridiculous," he mumbled. "In school we're taught the universe formed because of a giant explosion from a concentrated point of matter and energy."

"Wow. Look at you sounding all scientific." Jaeger chuckled. Seifer rolled his eyes. "'s not unreasonable, mate. Plenty of universes come about that way." The lycanroc mutt scratched his head. "This'un's just... complicated."

"Because of Leo, right?" Widget pivoted toward Jaeger.

"Exactly," Jaeger said. "Unless Leo's not from this dimension originally, he must've had a hand in creating it. Somehow."

"That's you speaking as an Overseer?" Seifer raised a brow.

"Intern," Jaeger corrected. Seifer could practically hear a smirk that wasn't on Jaeger's face.

"Same difference," the keldeo huffed, blowing hair out of his eyes. "Just tell me what I'm missing here or keep your quips to yourself."

"Testy." Jaeger clicked his tongue. "But fair point, mate." He rested his paws behind his head. "When arceus exist... they usually emerge from eggs into nothing. Then they shape their universes."

"Tch. No duh." Archie casually waved a seamitar around. "Alder says that's in his lorebook or whatever."

Maxie held his left hand up to stop the dark samurott. "Let him continue."

Frowning, Archie sheathed the seamitar.

"Sometimes an arceus maintains a physical presence after creation." Jaeger held his paws up against the side of his hide, like he was pantomiming going to sleep. "Others will slumber away in a remote area until they're needed again."

Widget's head crest fanned out. "Didn't you guys hatch Leo out of an egg?"

"It hatched for Yuna," Seifer said. He supposed an egg could be considered a remote place to sleep. But that sounded so... ridiculous. "Why does he have the mind of a child, then?"

"And the same name as the light dragon's child," Sigurd added. "Curious. I take it you have a theory, Jaeger?"

The lycanroc mutt nodded slowly. "Somethin' right messed up this place's creation process. Your arceus got hurt. Sealed himself up to try and heal."

Seifer locked eyes with Gene. The shadowy mewtwo's eyes flickered. "And by 'somethin,' you mean?"

"Eternatus, of course. Thing ain't natural."

"But you heard what Nova said," Widget squawked, cheek bolts flickering.

"Yeh. Because it interfered, it's now a cornerstone of this dimension." Jaeger tapped the back of Sigurd's wheelchair. "C'mon. Someone ought to tell 'em."

"Tell us what?" Seifer wasn't ready for more bad news to get dropped into his figurative lap.

"He's talking about the time dilation," Gene said, arms crossed and head bowed. "Picked up on that, huh?"

Jaeger chuckled. "Couldn't help it, mate."

Seifer squinted at the lycanroc mutt. "Already knew about that one. Gene told us."

"Well, loop the rest of us in, ya scamps!" Archie barked.

"Time moves slower in Eternatus than outside of it," Gene said, arms still crossed. "Or, well, it did. Until recently."

Seifer could have asked how recently, but he had a pretty good guess in mind already. "When all of this dimensional anomaly stuff started bubbling up?"

"Bingo." Gene nodded slowly. "One day in Eternatus is the same as a day in Aeon or Radiance. Definitely wasn't the case before."

That meant Cyril regularly dealt with time gaps for his Ryujin work. So, did it seem to the zoroark like barely a moment passed inside Eternatus before he got another request? Or had he spent far more time in Scale City?

Seifer felt a headache coming on.

"And you think that's tied to Leo waking up?" Widget wondered.

"Hard to say." Gene leaned back again. "It's a lot to unravel."

"Then might I offer some assistance?"

Alder walked in, offering a friendly wave of his white-feathered wing. Koraidon walked up behind him, but judging by his purple and white colors, he wasn't the monk Seifer was familiar with.

"Channeling that Overseer again, eh?" Archie said.

"Aww, c'mon. My name's Vince, remember?" Vince's shoulders sagged. "Hasn't been that long since we talked."

"You'll have to forgive him." Maxie patted the dark samurott's back. "His memory is best geared to remembering what he ate the other day."

"Oi!" Archie leveled his jagged horn at the ghostly typhlosion. "I remember stuff plenty good."

"We get it." Seifer pointed his horn at both of them. "Now, butt out." He glanced at Vince. "You're the one who told us to find Sigurd and the Overseer, right? Well, we got them."

Jaeger turned Sigurd's wheelchair around to face Vince. "I assumed it had to do with the Red Chain," Sigurd said. "I'd been investigating it with Jaeger."

But Vince didn't seem thrilled by Jaeger's appearance. In fact, the purple koraidon's dewlap deflated slightly as he turned to Seifer. "You've got the wrong guy."

Seifer's expression fell in an instant. "Excuse me?" He wasn't sure whether to point his horn at Jaeger or Vince over this one. "I'm getting really damn sick of all these secrets. Someone say something."

Frowning, Vince crossed his arms. "Big S did say there was someone named Jaeger around, but he's not who I wanted Yuna to find. The Overseer I'm thinking of is a human who turned himself into a miraidon."


Gene tried to sit up straighter in his bed, only to wince. "That wacky professor was an Overseer the whole time?" The shadowy mewtwo blinked. "I guess that does explain why he could treat me in the first place..."

"Wait, but that happened ages ago!" Seifer said. Even with this time dilation thing, he was sure that was true. "He's gone now, right?"

"I assumed he didn't survive the showdown with Matriarch." Gene tapped his Malice Crystal. "Or, well, the aftermath of it."

Vince frowned. He looked like he was chewing on Gene's words. But before Seifer could press him, he instead asked Jaeger, "So, what's your deal then?"

"Intern Overseer." Jaeger raised his right paw and crossed his digits. "If your boss is who I think it is, I interned under him. Til I had an accident in another world and ended up here. Cross m' heart and hope to die, mate."

"Really?" Vince quirked a brow.

Jaeger pointed his crossed digits at Vince.

Seifer watched the two stare each other down. Was it really that simple? The keldeo hardly knew how this damn Overseer group truly functioned, so it wasn't like he could tell.

"I see." Vince's feathers drooped a bit. "Guess the quarantine was wearing thin longer than Big S thought. No wonder they want to axe this dimension and funnel your souls to the Overworld."

Now that was something Seifer couldn't let sit. "I beg your pardon? Are you implying this... nebulous shadowy group you work for wants to destroy the universe?!"

Vince realized his tongue slip. His eyes widened. "It's just a want! Just a want!" The purple koraidon held his hands up. "They're not actually doing it. I mean, you guys are all still here, right?" He laughed nervously.

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Widget growled. His starcloud swirled around his neck.

"I can... see how it wouldn't." Vince tittered.

To Seifer's surprise, Jaeger cut in. "It is policy." The lycanroc mutt wrinkled his snout in disgust. "If a threat to multiple dimensions can't be contained or dealt with at its origin point, the last resort option is an apocalypse. Funnel everyone's souls to the Overworld to rest, then work with the deities in charge to end it and eliminate the weakened threat that no longer has a domain to draw power from."

He paused. "Or if there ain't any deities, do things the old-fashioned way and blow the dimension up."

"But they're not going there yet," Vince assured, running his webbed fingers over his dewlap. "Only discussing it."

"Oh, my mistake. How reassuring." Sarcasm dripped from Seifer's words.

Vince shrank back a bit. "I know it sounds bad. Like super-mega-terra bad. But they're not pulling that trigger. Especially since you're doing a bang-up job patching these anomalies."

Seifer squinted. "We've only found two. Out of who knows how many."

"Yes. Yes." Vince nervously twirled one of his long, feathery horns. "Buuuut that last one you closed up? It suppressed the others. So, things have stabilized a bit."

Alder nodded along. "That's right. I can scarcely detect anything for myself." The psychic braviary glanced at the golden wheel pendant around his neck. "I daresay Leo's bought your team a well-deserved break."

"A break, huh?" Gene held his arms up and looked down at his bandaged torso.

Seifer wasn't buying it. Was it really a break? Or was this some innate defensive measure the anomalies had to make themselves harder to find?

"I hardly think this news is cause for relaxation," the keldeo huffed.

"It is." Alder raised a white-feathered wing. "From what I can sense, our dimension is safe."

"For now," Seifer countered. "We can't afford to get caught off guard."

Widget stepped in front of Seifer. "You're right." The cosmic silvally slowly nodded. "But this is an opportunity."

Seifer tilted his head. "Because of what Yuna's doing?"

"Yeah. Think about it." Widget turned to Gene. "Some of them can help Cyril build us more equipment to use. Or we can train them to sniff out the anomalies. Or keep tabs on the empire. That kind of stuff." He looked back at Seifer. "It's a break in the sense of not having to fight, but it doesn't mean sitting around like lazy bums."

Gene raised his left arm. "Except me. Bedrest guy."

"Well, you can start brainstorming how we're supposed to deal with Necrozma," Widget scoffed, lightly kicking the edge of Gene's bed with a hind leg. "Maybe work with that Vegna guy. He seems to know about this Phantom."

"Right." Gene didn't sound too pleased. "I guess... I can try that."

The shadowy mewtwo kept stealing glances at Widget. Seifer wondered if Gene saw a bit of Nova in Widget just then. Nova was the leader at one point.

"Is that everything?" Seifer looked at Vince. "By which I mean, you're not hiding anything else we ought to know, right?"

Vince looked offended, but everyone else was eyeing him skeptically too. The purple koraidon scratched his head. "I, uh... don't think so?" His feathery horns stiffened. "Ah, no, wait. I'm pretty sure my boss is trying to do something to help you guys out. I don't know what it is, but it's something."

Seifer rolled his eyes. "Lovely. Well, tell your boss it'd help more if we could actually speak with him."

"I'll, um, try." Vince laughed nervously, only to wilt under Seifer's stern gaze. "C-Copy that, sir." He stood at attention. "I guess I'll, uh, get going. And stuff."

"Yeah. You do that." Seifer didn't take his gaze off the purple koraidon.

"Actually, we ought to head back to the outpost," Widget said. "Got new recruits to whip into shape, after all."

"Go easy on the skorps, all right?" Gene said, slumping back down in his bed.

"And you actually rest up." Widget nudged Gene's blanket. "We need you fighting fit. Understood?"

"What are you, my mom?"

Widget glared at Gene.

"Fine, fine."

Satisfied, Seifer turned to make for the infirmary exit.

"Oh, Pony Boy."

The keldeo froze midstep. "What?"

"Cyril's pretty mind-blowing once he gets going, isn't he?"

Seifer hurried out of the room before his face could get as hot as Maxie's flame collar.
Chapter 75: Old Stomping Grounds


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 75: Old Stomping Grounds

TO: Emperor Paradox
FROM: Cassius
RE: Missing Sage

I remain unable to acquire any direct Aeon scriptures that identify exactly who the fairy sage is. It seems the only Aeon materials in all of Radiance belong to the Ryujin... who keep them confined to their underground city. And there's no distortion anywhere near it. Either they've had remarkably good fortune... or the Aeons are directly helping keep distortion away from their settlements.

Perhaps the Medicis can help me draw out the king and queen in our opponent's stacked deck. The idiot nickit is already rallying his "brothers" to aid in the Tulpise operation.


Horizon Academy was eerily quiet. Sure, the rolling green hills appeared maintained. But when Igneous stepped through Noctum's rift into the main school building, he was met with dead silence. The only light was from the sun filtering in through windows. Hallway doors were firmly shut. Vegna's classroom door was locked and the curtains drawn to block out any sunlight. There wasn't even a single meltan roaming the hall.

"It's dusty," Scarlett mumbled behind him. The dragonair eyed a layer of dust on her tail with a frown. "Guess they're not keeping up with cleaning."

The grovlazzle didn't respond. He still wasn't sure what to make of Vegna foisting Scarlett onto him. Sure, maybe her muse powers could pacify anyone who gave them trouble. But that wasn't going to make things less awkward. Deep breaths, Iggy.

"Well, Vortex is in jail for high treason," Igneous said, recalling what he'd heard from his father. "And Arianna is gone. Kind of hard to maintain this place when the ones in charge aren't around."

He supposed Queen Isola could assign someone to watch over the school. Maybe they just didn't care about the unimportant building corner where Vegna's office and classroom were tucked away.

"Kind of crazy to think about, huh?" Scarlett slithered up to his side. "He was practically on top of the world... and then this."

"Tch." Igneous approached the door to Vegna's office. "Obviously Isola was waiting for a chance to stab him in the back. And your hijacked concert gave her the perfect opportunity."

Scarlett's tiny wings drooped. "Oh..."

"Don't tell me you're feeling sorry for Vortex."

The dragonair stiffened. "N-No." She shuddered. "Just hurts to remember how involved I am in this."

"Well, we have an assignment. So focus." Igneous mentally kicked himself for berating her. Putting up emotional walls wasn't the answer here. But it was what he knew. What the grovlazzle was comfortable with.

To Igneous' relief, Vegna's office door was unlocked. He turned the handle and stepped inside to find it mostly empty. The desk was bereft of papers or office supplies. The shelves had book stands with no books to prop up. Vegna must have cleaned out.

And yet, there was the safe. Black and square and firmly bolted to the wall at the back of the room. It had a handle and a keypad with a skull surrounding it.

"He gave you code, right?" Scarlett whispered.

"Yeah." Igneous sized up the skull. There were small springs built into the jaws. The fangs were as sharp as Valkyrie's claws. Was this thing designed to bite someone's hand? Then why did Vegna have such a stupidly easy code for it?

The grovlazzle knelt down and punched 0-8-0-0 into the keypad. It lit up green. Hydraulic whirrs followed. The moment they stopped, Igneous grabbed the handle and turned it. He swung the safe door open. The inside was as jet black as the outside, making the key card and papers inside stand out even more.

Igneous grabbed them with his right hand. Like Vegna said, the papers had steps to get into the library's restricted section. There was also a long list of strange numbers. Apparently they were copies of old documents in storage.

"This doesn't make any sense," Igneous mumbled. "It sounds like Vegna already found what he was looking for. Why does he need me retracing his steps?" He thought about switching on his X-transceiver, but realized Vegna didn't have one. Igneous would only end up playing broken telephone.

"Maybe he wants you to see the material for yourself," Scarlett said. "I mean... your dad does own a news outlet. If Vegna knows something damning, indirectly leaking it to the press is one way to get the truth out in the open."

Igneous stood up. He turned the key card over in his left hand. It was pure white. Nondescript and assuming on the surface. But Igneous knew most of the academy doors required ID card access after hours. Was this some sort of skeleton key?

"He's an inquisitor," Igneous said, squinting at the card. "If he thinks someone committed a crime, why wouldn't he just arrest them? Or report it to his boss, Justine?"

A possible answer occurred to him. And it made Igneous swallow hard.

Unless it involves her.

He turned away from the safe. "Let's get going."

Scarlett slithered back into the hallway. "Do you think anyone's in the library right now?"

Igneous followed her, shaking his head.


"Everything's closed up. I bet no one's around."

Justine stood at the foot of the prison hospital bed, eyeing the sickly charizard lying surrounded by globs of mucus and saliva. A tan, itchy-looking blanket lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, next to an erratically flickering tail flame. The monitors beside the bed showed a steady, but rapid heart rate and a temperature far higher than what was apparently healthy for a charizard.

"So, Dr. Rafique, in your medical opinion, he's nowhere good enough to stand trial?" The virizion turned to the zarude hunched over Vortex. Rafique pulled Vortex's sweaty hospital gown down enough to place a stethoscope on the charizard's chest.

"Sky-high fever and rigors." Rafique stood up straight. He pulled an alcohol wipe from the pocket of his white coat and thoroughly scrubbed the stethoscope with it. "Lungs sound awful. Blood pressure's barely holding with pressors and his heart rate's through the roof. The picture of sepsis, except his cultures are negative and he hasn't responded to the antibiotics."

Justine rolled her eyes. She hadn't asked for his whole medical situation. "That's going to be a 'no,' then?"

"Not just a no. A hell no." Rafique slung his stethoscope around his neck. "You oversee this lockup, Madame High Inquisitor. Are you sure security footage didn't catch anything strange?"

Vortex was in solitary. The only person who had visited him prior to his illness was Vegna for interrogation purposes. "Are you suggesting someone poisoned him?" the virizion asked.

Rafique shrugged. "You're the inquisitor here. You tell me." He stuck his hands in his white coat pockets. "If it was just this, maybe I'd try searching the solitary cells for some mold or bacterial overgrowth. But for this to happen on top of Tesla's sudden brain death..." He shook his head. "I'm a doctor. I don't believe in coincidences."

"Do you think his brain is infected?" Justine jerked her head in Vortex's direction.

"There was only a bit of swelling on the CT scan," Rafique said, frowning.

"Then do more tests." The virizion stomped a forehoof down. "Tap his spine. Do fancier scans. Whatever! I need him healed. That's why I brought you here."

The zarude turned away from her. "Well, that's a lot harder to do when your wife froze all his assets. Someone has to pay for these tests. And with nothing on hand, that 'someone' will become the taxpayers."

"Then I'll petition the court to have his accounts allocated to his treatment," Justine huffed. "Just do what you have to."

"All right. Fine. Don't get those fishnets of yours in a twist." Rafique waved dismissively. "And Tesla?"

"What about him? He's brain dead."

"And yet, despite knowing better as a scientist, his will says 'any and all life-sustaining measures.'" Rafique watched the monitors beside Vortex's bed. "So, we have to keep him on the ventilator. He'll need a trach and a peg for breathing and feeding soon enough."

Justine rolled her eyes. Even as a vegetable, Tesla was determined to be as obnoxious as possible. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."

"Good." Rafique turned to leave. "Then I suppose we're do—"

Vortex's heart monitor turned bright red. Loud beeping rang up. The charizard abruptly jerked, then went still. His limbs rhythmically spasmed. His head repeatedly slammed against the pillow. Frothy saliva pooled around Vortex's lips.

"Oh, son of a—" Rafique slammed a blue button beside Vortex's monitors.

"Rapid response at bed fourteen. Rapid response at bed fourteen."

"Doctor?" Justine shuffled back and tore her gaze away. "Doctor, what's the problem here?"

"What does it look like? He's seizing! Get that benzo in his line, now! And prep him for a bedside spinal tap the moment we get him under control!"


The skeleton key got Igneous and Scarlett through every hallway door. Into a staircase leading down to the main floor. It even opened up the library's large oak doors. Inside was just as dark as the halls. Slits of sunlight slipped through small cracks between closed curtains and the windows. Igneous could scarcely make out more than the big, round circulation desk and the outlines of rows of desks and bookshelves littered behind it.

"Do you know where this restricted section is?" Scarlett whispered. "I didn't even know there was a restricted section."

Hence the name, Igneous thought. He kept the scoff to himself. The grovlazzle conjured a tiny flame in his hand and examined Vegna's instructions. "Back corner. Our left. Just make sure not to bump into anything."

Igneous held the papers at his side and grew the flame enough to at least make out the navy blue carpet better than before. He tiptoed his way past desks that, like the hallways, had dust collecting on them. They haven't even had the meltan maintaining this part of the building?

"Aren't you creeped out at all by the fire stuff?" Scarlett wondered, slithering slowly behind him. "You've been grass your whole life. Doesn't this mess with your instincts?"

Igneous made it past the desks and checked to see which aisle between the bookshelves led anywhere. "Weren't you creeped out by all the psychic stuff your diva powers gave you?"

He heard Scarlett stop slithering. "I suppose that's fair," she mumbled. Her slithering got slower. Igneous scolded himself for not taking a softer approach.

The grovlazzle found a strange partition in the wall. He walked around it and found an empty hallway leading to a nondescript wooden door. One with an electronic scanner next to it and several large metal bolts running across it.

"Sure looks 'restricted area' to me," Scarlett said, a nervous edge to her voice.

Igneous noticed a couple of cameras at the other end of the hall. Was anyone even monitoring them? Well, it wasn't like Igneous had the means to shut them off. And as he got closer to the doors, he realized the cameras weren't following his movements.

"Uhh, I don't suppose your instructions say what to do if the door's already open, do they?"

"What?" Igneous held his hand forward. Scarlett was right. The metal bolts weren't attached to their locks on the right side of the door. Someone had been here earlier. Or was here right now.

Igneous shifted the papers and key card to his left hand, then summoned his crimson honedge in his right.

"I'm sorry, did you just conjure a sword?"

"Not now," he hissed, grabbing the door's handle. Small bulbs illuminated stone stairs. There was no way these were meant to always be on. Certainly not while the rest of the school was dark. Igneous held the honedge up and crept down the stairs. He didn't hear slithering behind him.

If someone was there, Igneous wasn't risking saying anything to Scarlett. He kept going down one step at a time. The honedge was at the ready.

The stairs led to a small hallway that went left and right. Vegna's instructions said what Igneous needed was on the left.

... And that side was already lit up. He stole a glance at Scarlett, who was coiled up on the top step. Starlene gave her psychic powers, right? Maybe if he tapped his skull, she'd pick up on it?

The dragonair's eyes lit up. Her neck bauble turned pink. A faint outline of Starlene showed up over Scarlett. "What's the deal?"

It wasn't like Igneous could actually use telepathy, but he just had to, like, think loud enough. If there is someone in here, they're in the room Vegna wanted us to go to. You may have to be ready to, I dunno, sing 'em a lullaby or something.

"A lullaby?"

To put them to sleep.

"Huh. Good idea. All right."
Scarlett and Starlene nodded in unison. "Send a signal if you need us."

Igneous frowned. What kind of signal?

Starlene shrugged. "Shoot fire out of your butt? I dunno. You're smart. You'll come up with something."

Igneous regretted asking. Tightening his grip on the honedge, he crept toward the open doorway. He saw white squares creeping into his view—

The back of the grovlazzle's neck prickled. Igneous jumped back and narrowly missed a spark of pink energy.

"I know you're out there! Don't make any sudden movements!"

Igneous' breath practically caught in his throat. He quickly dispelled the honedge.

That voice... Shimmer?!

The icy ponyta appeared in the doorway seconds later. He still had flowing white hair and nine snowy tails like when Igneous had seen him on the supply train. It wasn't some one-time change, then.

But why was Shimmer even here in the first place? Vegna didn't tip him off, too, did he?

Unfortunately for Igneous, Shimmer must've remembered their previous encounter. His eyes narrowed and pink light twirled around his blue horn. "You." Shimmer leveled his horn at Igneous. "You're the creepy lizard mutant from the train. What do you think you're doing here? How did you even—"

Shimmer shook his head. "Forget it. I'm making a citizen's arrest. You and... whoever's lurking up at the top of the stairs are coming with me."

A squeaky "Eep" came from that direction.

"Cover your ear frills, Iggy!" Starlene said.

Stand down, Igneous fired back. I've got this.


Igneous definitely did not have this. But he was damn well going to try, because something was up with Shimmer. He held his hands up innocently. "It's not what you think, Shimmer."

The glow in Shimmer's horn intensified. "I never told you my name!"

"You're not the only one in our class who got mutated," Igneous said, keeping his hands up. "Even with the changes... I can pick out those rugged good looks."

"I cannot believe you said that with a straight face," Starlene scoffed.

Igneous thought he might've died a little inside, but it was helping. Shimmer relaxed his stance. His horn stopped glowing. He eyed Igneous more closely. And that was when the grovlazzle saw the bags underneath the ponytales' bloodshot eyes.

How long has he been here for?

"You're the grovyle, aren't you?" Shimmer bit his lip. "The one Vegna said... is the reason stuff got screwed up in Venish."

"No. Eternatus' forces did that," Igneous said. He glanced at the stairs. "I brought Starlene with me, actually."

"Whoa, hey! Leave me outta this!"

Shimmer's horn flickered. "What? But she's just—"

Igneous frowned. "You're not about to say 'just a dragonair,' are you?"

Silence. Shimmer retreated further through the doorway. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Got a lot on my mind right now."

At least he wasn't threatening Igneous. The grovlazzle hesitantly stepped toward him. "You're not the only one. Seems like you've been through an ordeal."

Shimmer looked at Igneous orange and yellow belly. He gave a bitter laugh. "Like you haven't?"

"I got hurt badly by Eternatus' forces," Igneous lied. "Had to let the distortion mutate me to survive." He took another step forward. Igneous was in the doorway now. And Shimmer wasn't repelling him this time. Maybe Igneous could make some progress. Like finding out why Shimmer was here in the first place.

"How about you?" he asked, trying to keep it simple.

"You wouldn't get it," Shimmer muttered, turning away. "Your family's in journalism, right?"


The ponytales stepped back into the room. Igneous had enough space to step inside. Each wall was lined with white file cabinets. There were alphanumeric codes along the sides that Igneous quickly realized lined up with all the random letters and numbers on Vegna's instructions. Only problem was several drawers were open and files strewn about the floor in between bottles with small amounts of red wine trickling out of their uncorked necks.

"Then you don't have to worry." Shimmer shook his white, sparkly mane out. "Your parents don't keep life-altering secrets from you."

Igneous almost snapped. His inner flames wanted to shroud his arms, but he kept them at bay. He took a calming breath instead.

"You're absolutely right." Igneous hid his sarcasm as best he could. "Dad not telling me he was getting remarried until his wedding day? Definitely not a life-altering secret."

The dumbstruck look on Shimmer's face made the reveal worth it. His eyes darted around, mainly between the strewn papers and empty wine bottles. "Oh." Shimmer's tails shriveled. Quieter, he added, "I had no idea."

"I don't share it readily." Igneous shrugged, knowing full well he wasn't even scratching the surface of things.

"Then why tell me?" Shimmer's gaze fell. "I've been nothing but an ass to you."

"Because I don't need to be psychic to see something serious happened to you," Igneous replied. God, that sounded cheesy. But the grovlazzle had found a way forward. "I don't know why you're here. Or what you're doing. What I do know is that the Eterna Empire has to be stopped. So, it's not worth holding some petty grudge toward you over your smarmy attitude."

Shimmer laughed bitterly again. "The bigger 'mon, huh?" He shook his head. "You were right to hold a grudge, though. I acted like I was better than everyone... when the truth is that my title is all I have." His ears folded against his head. "Bought grades. Eviolitis. I'm a nobody who couldn't do a thing to save his friends from this empire you speak of."

Right. Paradox had taken almost all their classmates. And Artemis had reported Xander was all too eager to side with the deoxys to save his own hide.

He didn't have to tell Shimmer that, though. No reason to make the ponytales any more upset.

"Eviolitis, huh?" Igneous knew enough about the condition. "That didn't lead to your icy makeover, did it?"

"Indirectly," Shimmer responded. "I wanted a way to counter it. To get some real strength."

Igneous raised a brow. "So, you absorbed distortion?"

"Not exactly." Shimmer's tails bristled. "But I... can't really talk about it." He looked around at the scattered papers. "Then again... maybe you trespassing is a good thing."

The grovlazzle resisted the urge to defend himself or implicate Vegna. He looked around and realized the papers were actually laminated. Many were tan or brown and had wrinkles or tears to suggest they were rather old.

"If you take this stuff to the Beacon..." Shimmer's voice trailed off.

"You're going to have to be more specific," Igneous said. There were a fair number of files scattered across the gray stone floor. And Vegna had his own list of things Igneous was meant to search for.

"It's easier to just show you." Shimmer's horn glowed pink. Several of the laminated pages floated into the air, arranging themselves like a paper wall had sprung up in front of Igneous. They looked like worn newspaper clippings. The headlines were easiest to read.

Queens Calliope and Primrose Celebrating Radiance Day

Shocking Royal Upheaval: From Prince to Princess!

Princess Evangeline's Wedding Off After Bizarre "Falling Out"

The Shut-In Zacian Queen: Where is Calliope?

There were other similar titles about strange happenings with regards to assorted Radiant royalty. And more than a few headlines expressing skepticism about Queen Calliope, despite being accompanied by pictures of the large canine clutching a big sword.

Igneous began to scan snippets of an article.

Not long after the announcement, eyewitnesses report seeing Princess Evangeline leaving a restaurant in outer Dazzels alongside a female zebstrika and exchanging an affectionate nuzzle. Naturally, this has prompted speculation from the public as to whether or not the princess was having an affair. Of course, some of the older population will remember similar shocking developments before her mother, Queen Lillith's wedding. We reached out to Queen Lillith for comment and she simply stated that "My daughter's happiness in life is what matters first and foremost."

As is always the case, Queen Calliope could not be reached for comment.

Frowning, the grovlazzle's eyes moved to another clip.

Despite concerted efforts to request interviews with Queen Calliope, we've remained unsuccessful. Attempts to ask the castle's servants have similarly been met with instructions to direct questions to Queen Alexandra or one of her advisors. Even when she appears in public events, she is always accompanied by Queen Alexandra. Calliope never utters a word, merely bowing politely or offering a small smile to those in attendance. And she is strangely absent at sessions of Parliament.

We even had a trained psychic accompany us to the annual Dazzels Marathon, where the queens traditionally sound the starting horn. Attempts at sensing Calliope's aura were stymied by some unknown force that left our psychic dazed. It's understandable that the queen would want to protect herself from any psychic onslaughts, but what is there to worry about? The Aeons haven't ever gotten anywhere close to attacking Dazzels. And they surely never will.

Igneous was surprised at how critical these snippets sounded. The Beacon was pretty much the lone paper out there that wouldn't eat up what the crown and Polaris said. And for that, they had most of their press privileges revoked. Instead, his father employed... underhanded methods to get the information.

He headed to an article that looked a bit more recent, judging from the paper being whiter than the others.

Princess Rapidash Isola and Primarina Florentino seemed like a match made in heaven. No wedding date was set, but most folks assumed they would marry shortly after graduation from Horizon Academy. But there will be no wedding bells in their future, as Florentino revealed to viewers and audience members at the Eldegoss Genesys Show that he and Isola had broken off their engagement.

According to Florentino, Isola had grown increasingly distant from him the last couple of months of their final Academy year. This came to a head shortly before finals. Florentino returned to campus early, intending to surprise the princess, only to instead find her in bed with another classmate, Virizion Justine. Isola admitted she'd been seeing Justine for the past month and said in no small terms that her tastes in pokémon had changed.

"She'll always consider me a friend, though," Florentino said to Eldegoss Genesys. A bevy of gasps from the audience followed on the show's airing.

Isola's behavior is nothing new as far as the royal family goes...

Igneous stepped back. He glanced at the file numbers on the pages' lamination. Then he compared them with Vegna's instructions. The grovlazzle quickly realized they matched up. What was he supposed to do, then? Had Shimmer gone to Vegna's office and just... memorized the file numbers or something? Why wouldn't the dusknoir mention that.

He decided to play dumb. "What do I make of this?"

"There's something wrong with my family," Shimmer said, dropping the laminated files back to the floor. He poked around at the wine bottles. Igneous quickly stepped to the ponytales' side, trying to nudge his head away.

"I think you've had enough." Igneous held off putting his hand on Shimmer's back. "It's mid-morning, Shimmer."

"I know that!" Shimmer spat. He stepped away from Igneous, then mumbled, "I didn't know that."

"Maybe we ought to find you someplace to rest?"

"I'm not drunk!" Shimmer growled, flicking white hair out of his eyes. "A bit hungover, maybe. But Pastel Veil helps with that, too."

Igneous couldn't tell if Shimmer was blowing smoke with that claim. He silently raised a skeptical brow.

"Besides." Shimmer's shoulders sagged. "You'd drink too if you realized all this stuff means your mother's planning to take over your body and become you."

Now that was enough to flummox the grovlazzle. "Become you? She some superpowered zoroark?"

"No." Shimmer's face twisted into a grimace. "I'm pretty sure... she's some sort of parasite. A body-snatcher who showed up in the aftermath of the Darkest Day and has been masquerading as my entire family tree, ruling the kingdom all the while."

The ponytales looked Igneous in the eyes. "Come on. Your dad runs the Beacon, I'm sure the... strange patterns surrounding my family are a regular topic there."

Igneous tapped his chin. With everything that had happened the last month, he hadn't given the Beacon's usual business any thought. But now that Shimmer mentioned it...

"Radiance has never had a king." Igneous' eyes darted to some of the laminated newspapers. "Every queen has always married another lady. And supposedly, the princes that were born have always transitioned."

Shimmer nodded slowly. "The queen and her consort always sire a single child. And every Radiant Queen has passed within a few months of the princess getting married."

Igneous' brow furrowed. He had always dismissed the discussion because of one logical flaw. "It doesn't make sense." He pinched his brow. "Transfer orbs... are a Polaris product. There weren't ways to truly transition or let same-sex couples have eggs before them." Igneous paused. "Unless you're suggesting your family's constantly exposed itself to distortion."

"That's not it." Shimmer glanced right, then levitated up a picture of Queen Isola. She had her chest armor on as usual. "It's the family heirloom. That oversized armor she's always wearing. I think... it's powering the body-snatcher."

"But that's just a theory."

"Demerzel's theory," Shimmer admitted.

"Demerzel?" Igneous frowned. He barely knew a thing about the guy, but Valkyrie suggested Sakaki was keeping an eye on him. "You're working with him?"

"What choice do I have here?" Shimmer let the picture fall to the ground. "I want to live. As Shimmer. Not... whatever this damned parasite has in mind." He stomped a forehoof down. "That's why you have to take this stuff with you. Bring it to the Beacon and get the word out there!"

Igneous' jaw tightened. Shimmer was serious. The desperation in his eyes was plain as day. Igneous had seen Shimmer's guest spots on PV shows. And watched him briefly flailing in Benedict's trial. Acting was not his strong suit. Even the lower grunts on the Ryujin ladder could lie better than him.

He knelt down and picked up the picture of Isola. Igneous looked intently at the armor piece. With its midsection that vaguely resembled some sort of canine.

... A canine with a red gem in its mouth.

The back of Igneous' head burned. Faint images of Nova and a crimson canine getting dragged into the shadows by chains flickered over Isola's picture. Igneous instinctively reached his hand back and rubbed his head.

It couldn't be, could it?

A Red Chain fragment... here all this time?

"How can you be sure Demerzel isn't playing you?" Igneous whispered, still looking at the picture and trying to blink away the images his inner flames were showing him. "If he's on Eternatus' side—"

"They have his partner," Shimmer whispered. "Well, they had both of them. And because Demerzel resisted their blackmail, they sent one into battle." His ears folded. "She didn't survive her encounter with Vegna."

"Wouldn't that give him all the more reason to work with them, then?" Igneous said, starting to gather up the papers. "Shimmer, this kind of news could set the whole kingdom ablaze."

"Or it will make Mother desperate enough to do something stupid," Shimmer countered. "And let me have a shot at getting the heirloom away from her."

"You really trust Demerzel, then?"

"Not entirely. But he's not loyal to Eternatus," Shimmer said. The ponytales abruptly stiffened and looked around in a panic. "Wait, it's mid-morning! Crap, I can't stay here any longer!"

"What?" Igneous stood up. "Dude, you're hungover. Whatever you plan on doing—"

"I already know where Eternatus is striking next," Shimmer said, horn flickering. "The whole reason I came here was to gather up the meltan for Demerzel and Arianna. They're going to protect Tulpise."

The grovlazzle tilted his head. A bunch of tiny little metal slimes... would protect a city against the Eternatus Troopers? It sounded more like Demerzel was setting them up for failure.

"I decided to take a little detour here and clearly lost track of time." Shimmer levitated all the laminated materials up and thrust them in Igneous' direction. "I can't stick around. If you're staying here, maybe we can talk more later. But I have to go. So, move aside."

"Maybe we should go with him?"

Igneous jumped. Cripes, he'd forgotten Scarlett was there!

"Yeah, sorry." The dragonair leaned against one of the unopened white file cabinets. "You guys were pretty sucked into your conversation. And, uh, I got a bit lost and didn't want to cut in." She blinked and shook her head. "But Igneous has fought the empire already. You saw it for yourself. May as well try and help."

"And risk losing this evidence?" Shimmer again telekinetically shoved all the papers at Igneous. "Not a chance. Sorry, but I have to do this for myself. Your priority has to be taking these to your father."

Frowning, Igneous took the papers out of Shimmer's psychic grasp. He wasn't about to kowtow to Shimmer's orders. But these were the pieces of evidence Vegna wanted. So, he was still going to take them.

"Fine." Igneous tucked the evidence under his arm. "We'll take them to the Beacon." He turned away from the ponytales and winked at Scarlett.

She picked up the gesture and uncoiled. "Yeah, sure." Scarlett feigned her annoyance well. "Hope you know what you're doing, buddy."

Shimmer walked past both of them. "I do." And then he left the room and galloped up the stairs.

Igneous and Scarlett stood there in silence until they heard the door to the restricted section open and shut. "So, now what?" Scarlett asked.

"We take these to Vegna first." Igneous' expression sharpened. "Then we find a way to Tulpise. Not a chance I'm trusting whatever plan Shimmer's cooking up to work."

Just the fact that Shimmer was this convinced the empire was readying an attack on Tulpise of all places had Igneous concerned. It wasn't a transport hub like Casaroja or Venish. And it was on the complete opposite side of the country from the capital. Why there?

Something was definitely up. And Igneous had to get to the bottom of it.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, it's been a while, but I suppose I do need to start getting out of NaNoWriMo mode, and catching up a bit with PoV seems like as good a way as any to do it. So let's pick right up with…

Chapter 73

Entry 1902
I found an empty planet today. Practically routine for me with all the wandering I've done in my life. And yet something strikes me as off about this place. Sure, it's empty. But as I float around its sky, I can't help but feel like it's not supposed to be. The ingredients are there for life to take root. It just... didn't.

Oh. This is Etherium in the distant past, isn't it? Since Bahamut was pretty active in "constructing" things from glimpses we've seen of Etherium through Yuna's visions.

Eternatus didn't absorb the planet, obviously. But there are these fissures running across the surface. Perhaps something interrupted the planet's attempt to bear life?

Wait, wait, wait. Is this implying that there is/was also a Void in Etherium? Implying that it's an AU to GL's rendition of PMD canonworld?

Hang on. I have an idea. What if I give this planet the nudges it needs to continue that push for life? If I warp a few meteors here, then generate strong storms, that should replicate the conditions other planets had when life successfully developed.

Yes, yes, I see the upside. If I'm there from the very start, I can make sure the life that springs up isn't afraid of me. I wouldn't have to wander anymore.

I can finally have a home.

Wait, just how long ago was this? Since I was under the impression that Bahamut wasn't billions of years old. .-.

"Well?" Nikki looked at Noctum. "We're not really leaving her alone, right? It's your home, too, so rift us over there."

Yeah, I'm not convinced that the story's just going to let you do that, Nikki. Though neat BGM is neat.

"Right." The black charizard looked down at his armored belly. His connection with the Malice Crystal was back. So, the Phantom did block it somehow. "Let me just—"


A cold, rough arm grabbed his shoulder. Noctum jumped into the room and spun around. "How do you always get the jump on me like that?"

Yeah, I figured.

Valkyrie: "Because I'm an assassin by trade, Zardy? What, do you think that I'm not able to sneak up on people when I have to?"

Noctum: "Boy you are really not helping that part of me that feels uncomfortable and on edge around you right now."

Staring disapprovingly, Valkyrie crossed her arms. "Do you really need me to answer that?"

Valkyrie: "Again, assassin by trade-"
Noctum: "Alright! Alright! I get it!" >_>;

Noctum slouched against the room's empty bookshelf. "We should try to be there for Yuna."

"She's burnt out." Valkyrie leaned against the doorway. Her blue tail lazily wrapped around it. "She did have to go chasing these anomalies on back-to-back days. Frankly, I'm impressed she lasted as long as she did given everything else she'd gone through."

Val... has been through something like this herself, hasn't she? Since she was sure quick to zero in on what was going on in Yuna's head.

"Which is all the more reason not to leave her alone." Nikki stood up. Her mohawk frazzled. "C'mon, Zardy, open the rift. We're not seriously entertaining her, right? She's got as much empathy as sandpaper!"

Such is life when your hide literally has the texture of it. :V

That one seemed to genuinely fluster Valkyrie. She bit her lower lip and looked over her left shoulder. "You can't force her to spend time with you. Push too hard... and she'll push you away."

Noctum was confident Valkyrie spoke from experience. Both her own... and Igneous'.

I suppose that would be another potential vector for giving Valkyrie experience with playing amateur shrink on the spot.

The garchomp sighed. "Look, she said she'd come back, right? Maybe you ought to trust her on that?"

Noctum: "Look, I would, but considering how a giant Daemon just came out of nowhere to attack her, it's my job as a bodyguard not to reflexively just believe that will happen. Look, can't we at least go back and secure the perimeter of Aeon Palace or something?"

Noctum quickly glanced at Nikki. The toxtricity had a retort ready, so Noctum stuck his left wing out and shook his head. Scowling, Nikki sat back on the small, creaking bed.

"Let her have time to herself," Valkyrie suggested. "Besides, you're the only rift-maker in the outpost now. If you leave... we'll be vulnerable should the worst happen."

Nikki: "I... didn't even think of that, really. So, uh... yeah, looks like we'll have to let Princess have her alone time after all."

"Cripes." Nikki rolled her eyes. "We got a Needle and one of Leo's plates. Would it kill you to be a little happy?"

Valkyrie: "This is me being happy." >:|
Nikki: "I suppose that explains a thing or two about why Twiggy always has a pole up his butt..." >_>;

Bowing her head, Valkyrie said, "Someone has to stay vigilant. Besides, dividing our numbers further while Gene is injured is a bad move." Valkyrie pointed her claws at the floor. "We need to keep as much of our group here as possible for the time being. That way we can move as a unit."

"All right, I get it. Sheesh." Nikki shook her head. "You keep that up and you'll burn out."

>implying that Valkyrie hasn't already done that and is just hiding things behind a front

Since just saying, she gave off a really different vibe when Gene got under her skin like 30 chapters ago.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you." Valkyrie snorted dragonfire embers. "It pays to have someone on guard."

Again, it sounded like Valkyrie spoke from experience. Noctum didn't need to press her on that. Considering everything that happened to Igneous despite her working for him, it was obvious.

She... was Igneous' bodyguard back when he lost his arm originally, wasn't she?

"Then what do we do in the meantime?" Nikki stood back up. "Twiddle our thumbs? I don't even have a guitar here to play."

Valkyrie stepped out of the doorway. "Can't decide that for you. But I'm taking a shower. And getting food."

Nikki: "Look, can't we at least leave her a message on Chatter or something-?" >_>;
Noctum: "We... don't exactly have social media in Aeon, Nikki." ^^;
Nikki: "Seriously? But she's literal royalty and- ugh, fine. I'll go and take a walk or something."

Noctum's Malice Crystal jiggled in his belly. The black charizard put a hand on his armor. "Can I join you?"

"For the food part. Provided you don't get sappy about Yuna."

I'm honestly a bit surprised that Noctum would want to take a shower. Though I suppose we've seen Charizard happily jump into hot springs in the anime, so I won't question it too hard.

The garchomp was already heading back down the hall. Noctum shot Nikki an apologetic look and stumbled after Valkyrie.

"How do you feel about beef stew?" he asked.

A snrk came from ahead of him. "Guess there are worse things to eat."

I feel like there's an innuendo that's going a bit over my head right now, though Valkyrie isn't wrong there.

The moment Yuna hit her cool, lavender blanket, it was like she'd flown back in time. Her bedroom was exactly the way she'd left it... save for the fact that the bed was made, of course. A small mirror hung opposite her bed, with a shelf underneath housing bottles of novelty dye Yuna would once paint her gills or the spokes around her tail with. The far right corner had a pile of stuffed dolls resembling assorted dragons. The far left corner... was a small Aeon shrine. Yuna bit back the urge to tear the drawing of Bahamut off the wall.

Inception music, huh? That's definitely different. Though I see that Aeon's apparently a fairly religious society given that Yuna just casually has a shrine to her people's god in her room.

Instead, she scooched along the blanket toward the handknit substitute doll propped up against her one black pillow. Thanks to evolving, the drakloak could finally wrap around it. She sighed in content.

So wait, is it a doll of the little green dino thing with Ditto eyes, or of whatever that looks like when it's made by a Dreepy?

"Finally, some peace and quiet."

And then the stone door flew open and Yuna silently cursed her big mouth. The duraludon holding his right arm against the open door stared at her. Tiny eyes full of surprise.


Oh hi, Calcifer. Long time, no see.

Yuna looked down and realized the Soul Dew was visible. Not swarmed by shadows anymore, either.

"Hiya, Dad." She awkwardly waved to him.

Man, can I call them, or what?

- Calcifer looks at Yuna and her decidedly not-Dreepy body -
Calcifer: "I've... clearly missed out on a lot since your mother went to go and find you." .-.

"I don't believe it!" Calcifer rested his left hand on his head. "You're here! And you're big... ger!" He turned around slightly. "Does this mean your mother's back, too?"

"No. It's just me." Yuna slid off the substitute doll, slumping over against her black blanket. "Everyone else is... still at the resistance base."

Calcifer: "Re... sistance? Yuna, what on earth has been going on?" .-.

"Right. The fancy... World Ender space... thingy." Calcifer tapped his hands together awkwardly. "I'll admit, I haven't heard much about anything that's been happening. Just a few things here and there from your mother and an ally in Radiance."

"You mean the Ryujin boss?" There wasn't any point in Yuna beating around the bush.

Calcifer stiffened. "Ah." He shuffled awkwardly in the doorway. "You, uh, heard about that, huh?"

Yuna: "... Oh my god, you knew about that too?!" >.<
Calcifer: "Did you not expect me to? Your mother and I do rule this kingdom together and are privy to the same state secrets."

"Yep." The drakloak sighed into her blanket. "Mom also admitted I'm adopted. So, you don't have to lie about that anymore, either."

The duraludon stumbled back a bit. He cautiously stepped through the door and shut it behind him. "I wanted to tell you."

"I know."

Calcifer: "Ah. So... uh... what else did your mother tell you about exactly? Since I'm starting to gather that it was quite a bit."

"Your mother is... the bigger decision-maker between the two of us," Calcifer confessed, back to poking his hands together. "She's always dealt the most with the Ryujin."

Yuna wanted to relax, but she didn't have the heart to chase her dad out of her room. "How deep does it go?"

"They supply us with things that we ask for," Calcifer said. "In return, we sneak soldiers into Radiance to dispel distortion around their territory. And we accept refugees from them."

Ah yes, just a little spot of species cleansing there given that we've heard of precisely zero other Pokémon in Aeon that aren't dragonmons in some capacity. I suppose that would explain the sheer dearth of them in Radiance.

"And we can do that because?"

"There's an underground channel connecting Saint Zygardesberg to Scale City."

Yuna massaged her temples. "So, all the times we'd go there for 'a day out.'"

"Were days your mother would meet with Mr. Sakaki."

Yuna: "So our kingdom's already pathetically backwards standard of living is propped up by doing favors for a mafia. Fantastic. Anything else that I should know about how my life and everything in it is a lie?" >_>;

The drakloak's hands slid down her face. Figures. She decided to change the subject. "If I'm adopted, then why do you and Mom want me to become queen?"

Calcifer blinked. "Because you're still our eldest daughter. It's not as if bloodline matters. We don't have actual blood to speak of." He chuckled.


Wait, so then Yuna's siblings, they're also-?

Yuna didn't find it funny. "Well, what if I'm actually from World Ender? Would you still want me to be queen?"

Technically, we've established that you're likely to be something far beyond that considering what the Butterfree Effect had to say about who you really are.

The duraludon looked past Yuna. No doubt toward Bahamut's picture in the far corner. "Where is this coming from?"

Sighing, Yuna rolled onto her side. She touched the Soul Dew with her right hand and pulled a pink spark out of it that formed into a tiny Cresselia.

A tiny sleeping Cresselia. Yuna loomed over her.


I see burnout has not been kind to Yuna's patience. Even if it's a bit hard to blame her.

"Ahhhhhh!" Startled, Cresselia's head shot up. Her tiny, beady eyes blinked rapidly at Yuna. "Why so loud? I don't need such harsh vibes."

Calcifer fell back to a seated position. "What in blazes?!" He glanced between Yuna and Cresselia. "Darling, if you're learning about shadow puppets, you could at least—"

Wait, wait, wait. Calcifer and Yiazmat knew that Yuna would be able to do this? .-.

Yuna touched the Soul Dew again. She tossed a white speck beside Cresselia, which conjured a tiny Reshiram. "Dad, meet Saints Cresselia and Reshiram. Sages, my dad. The Aeon King."

"S-Sages..." Eyes wide, Calcifer rubbed the side of his head. "I'm not dreaming, right?"

Yuna: "God, I wish right now. Sometimes it feels like everything since floating off the train to Horizon Gardens has all been a giant nightmare." >_>;

"Noyaaaaaawp." Cresselia tucked her head down and yawned. Yuna treated her to an unamused look. Cresselia stiffened, trying to look as alert as possible.

"So." Yuna clapped her hands together. "Who wants to be the one to tell him Aeonism is a sham and Bahamut turned himself into an undead, bloodthirsty daemon?"

Yuna: "Or did you already know that one, too?" -_-;
Calcifer: "..."

Calcifer stared at Yuna, blinking slowly. "What?" He glanced at the Sages. Reshiram wilted while Cresselia's head bobbed over.

"I tooaaaaaaahld him." She rubbed her mouth. "He was troubled. Lot of nightmares. Really awful ones. Always refused my offer to help." Cresselia kept rubbing her face. "Think they spread to his kid."

"Bahamut has a child?!" Calcifer cried.

Yuna: "Oh, thank god. If it somehow turned out that you and mom knew about this all along, too, I think I'd have lost it." >_>;

"And a wife. Who both died. Then got reincarnated. Into me. And my son," Yuna casually declared, wispy tail lazily swishing along her blanket. "Oh, guess that means you're a grandpa now. Surprise." She gave half-hearted jazz hands.

Yuna: "Oh, and it might not have even been the first time I reincarnated, but I really, really don't want to think about that right now since it'll make my head hurt."

Calcifer's eyes rolled back and his head. He slumped over on his side, out cold.

Reshiram turned to Yuna, frowning. "Don't you think that was, y'know, cold? Not to mention mean."

Yuna: "Look, I know that you weren't exactly a great Sage of Truth in life, but it was bound to come out one way or another. Better to just rip the bandage off now." >_>;

Yuna looked guiltily at her unconscious father. "Yes." And knowing that it amused her before Reshiram opened his mouth made it even worse. "I know I could've handled it better. I just... didn't."

"You sounded a bit like him, y'know." Reshiram folded his wings against his sides.

"Like who?"


Yuna: "You take that back! Right. Now!"

Yuna glared at Reshiram. Of all the unflattering comparisons to make...

Yeah, I figured she wouldn't be happy about that.

"Bahamut got jaded over problems we couldn't solve right away," Reshiram said. "He'd put more and more pressure on us to come up with solutions. I don't know if it was paranoia over Eternatus or natural control freak tendencies."

Recalling the Phantom screaming for Cresselia, Yuna shuddered. She absolutely, positively did not want to turn out like that. "Do you think this means Chiron's awakening even more?" She glanced at her hands. No shadows, thankfully.

Yuna: "Or that Yaldy-whatever thingy since I swear that all of my past visions of Chiron have had her be a literal giant moonbat." .-.

"Chiron always seemed patient." Reshiram scratched his chin. "Though I guess she could go from zero to a hundred at a moment's notice."

The drakloak tilted her head. "Zero to a hundred what?"

"No idea." The fuzzy part of Reshiram's tail turbine wagged. "It was some human thing Bahamut said."

Ah yes, an artifact of Bahamut having spent a part of his life in a trainerverse AU, I see.

Yuna flopped her head down on the blanket. "Of course."

A yawning Cresselia' rubbed her cheeks. "Can I go back to bed now?"

Rolling her eyes, Yuna sent Cresselia back into the Soul Dew. Clearly, she couldn't rely on Cresselia to be much help going forward.

I'm... not convinced that that read is going to age particularly well, though I suppose that that's a handy excuse to keep her mostly offscreen if desired.

That left her with Reshiram and Rayquaza. Thinking about it, however, Reshiram was the best person available to ask about the shadows and Chiron.

"Did Chiron ever show off any strange powers?"

"Define strange."

Concentrating, Yuna reluctantly located her shadows and tugged on them. "Like conjuring shadowy limbs out of nothing." She needed to focus a bit more and— yep, there was the weird wing with red spikes. "Or change into something else entirely?"

Yuna: "Since I swear that I never saw any of that in my visions of her." .-.

I still am not sure as to if that's Yuna as she truly is (since she does have typing resonance), or if she's got a Shulk-esque thing with going on with Yaldabaoth. Since hey, it wouldn't be the first time I've seen a character get puppeteered by a Demiurge that needs their body in a story.

Reshiram studied the wing that replaced Yuna's right arm. "Can't say she ever did." His gaze fell. His eyes slowly widened. "Oh." Reshiram looked back up at Yuna. "Well, I imagine I look pretty stupid right now." He tapped his wing claws together nervously.

"Because you never brought it up earlier?" Yuna waved him off. "It's not like I thought to ask you before now. But you can see why I'm nervous, right?"

"Yeah." Reshiram kept fidgeting with his wings. "The others have seen some of your powers, right?"

... Oh so Chiron did have these Giratina powers back in the day all along, huh?

"Not this bad though." Yuna stared intently at the wing, willing it to disappear. It stuck around for a few seconds. Then it stretched, twisted, and rippled until it was a nubby drakloak arm once more. "I think the shadows... are related to what's causing the anomalies."

"And you're afraid to tell that to the others." Reshiram sounded confident.

Well, if Yuna was being honest...

Yuna: "I literally ran away back home rather than deal with being around my friends like this, so..." ._.

"I didn't even want to tell you." The drakloak looked at her dad. Still out cold. "And then this happened. Guess it was my turn to 'have a moment.'" Liza's freakouts over the Learnatorium loudspeakers sprang to mind.

"I see." Reshiram crouched down, becoming a fluffy dragon loaf.

Yuna watched him intently. "If you're about to spout one of your teachings—"

Yuna: "Please don't. I already know it's a bunch of hogwash so it won't exactly help me feel better." >_>;

"At least hear me out before you dismiss it."

His expression sharpened. The last time Reshiram sounded this stern, he had attacked all those poor skorps in the poison swamp. That made Yuna's response obvious.

"Fine." She didn't know how much longer they'd have until her dad woke up, anyway.

Yuna: "... I don't even know why I'm humoring this right now." -_-;
Cecil: "Look, Yuna. Even if things... obviously didn't have the most solid of foundations, it didn't mean that everything we taught as Sages was fake. Anyhow, as I was saying..."

"The truth can hurt," Reshiram said. "But so can withholding it. Or obscuring it with lies. If you want your friends to, well, stay your friends, don't you think you should tell them what's going on?"

Sage advice, really. Might have to hold onto something akin to this for myself.

Yuna grabbed handfuls of blanket and squeezed. "What if that makes them afraid of me?"

Reshiram's expression didn't soften. "What if your secrets hurt them before you admit the truth? Or what if they end up learning the truth from someone or something else?"

Cecil: "Look, I'm not going to pretend that being upfront with your friends is guaranteed to turn out better, but I know that in the long run, holding secrets can only turn out worse."
- Cecil awkwardly pats at the back of his head -
Cecil: "... Kinda have some lived experience with that one myself. Or I guess 'unlived' at this rate."

Yuna swallowed hard. Those were good points. No one berated her when she admitted she was Chiron's reincarnation. The only muted response came from Gene. And at least he had the excuse of linking her with awful memories like the loss of his boyfriend.

Sighing, the drakloak released the blanket and laid her head back down on the bed. "Guess I look pretty stupid right now."

Cecil: "Maybe, but you've been through a lot lately. It happens to the best of us when we've got stuff on our mind."
Yuna: "On the one hand, that's endearing, on the other hand, now you're getting me worried that I'm gonna do something like the Skorp Incident later on." .-.

Calcifer finally stirred. Yuna grabbed a squawking Reshiram and stuffed him back into her Soul Dew. Groaning, the duraludon sat up, rubbing his head.

"Wh... at..."

"You fainted, Dad." Yuna scooched to the side of the bed, dangling her head off it.

"No snide remarks this time," Reshiram cut in.


Yuna: "Um... well... I get that was a lot for you to take in and I probably should've been less blunt about it, but... I hope that got you up to speed?" ^^;

"I see." Calcifer looked up at Yuna.

"What do you remember?" she asked.

"You said... that you're the reincarnation of Bahamut's wife." Calcifer spoke slowly, like he was trying to avoid overwhelming himself again. "And that he... might actually be a wicked soul?" He pressed his hands together nervously. "But he did create our planet, right?"

Yuna: "Yes, it's literally right there in the teaser-"
Cecil: "Referencing information you know without breaking the fourth wall, Princess."

Yuna shrugged. That part of the whole Aeon mythos hadn't really come up.

"Then what about Cosmic Blessing?" the duraludon asked. "Why would he bestow us a means to fight back against World Ender's corrosive energy?"

"Even a wicked person can do a few good deeds here and there," Yuna responded.

Yuna: "Also, he kinda had a thing with World Ender that wrapped around into obsession and might have been related to him being a genocidal monster, so I'm not totally convinced he came up with Cosmic Blessing from the goodness of his heart." >_>;

"Wow, that was almost sagely," Reshiram mused. "And, truthfully, I don't even remember Bahamut bestowing any of his light onto anyone. Us Sages existed cuz of continuously recycled light blessings."

Well then. That would explain a thing or two about why he's so possessive and frantically trying to get it back.

Could it have been a complete accident, then? Perhaps a side effect of Bahamut losing his light when struck by a devastating Eternatus attack?

Maybe that was worth eventually investigating.

I mean, the fact that this is even coming up in the first place implies that it's going to be relevant fairly soon, so...

"You can try to get a hold of Mom and talk to her if you don't believe me," Yuna continued. "She thought I was lying, too. But now we apparently have Bahamut's journal. And it paints him in a much darker light."

Calcifer stared at her blankly. Yuna then realized the atrocious pun. She squished her hands into her face. "Ugh. Sorry. Accident." The drakloak shook her head. "Point is, his Phantom is actively antagonizing us and I expect it to continue doing that."

Yuna: "... Which in retrospect, probably made it a really bad idea to come straight back home, didn't it?"

"I see." Calcifer slowly stood up. "But what do you expect me to do with this information? We've heard about the things happening to Radiance. Entire cities under attack from World Ender's forces while we've remained safe." He looked toward Bahamut's picture again. "Our people need something to believe in so they don't lose their resolve."

Yuna: "Th-Themselves? Th-There's a bunch of stories where believing in yourself helps save the day, right?"

Calcifer: "I'm... not going to hold my breath on that being anywhere close to sufficient, really." ._.

It wasn't unreasonable. Yuna doubted telling the whole kingdom their religion was a bunch of lies would do anyone any good right now. Still, there had to be something she could offer.

... Wait, the attacks!

"The attacks? Yeah, we stopped those." Yuna clasped her ectoplasmic chest. "Radiance's leaders haven't done much of anything. It was all us."

I can't tell if this is going to lead to "believe in yourselves" or "believe in Team Bastion", but either way, I can already tell that this is going to wind up ending about as well as Jangmo-o's rousing speech to Rem Canyon in GL at some point.

That last sentence looped in Yuna's head.

All us... all us... all...

Ectoplasm rippling, Yuna shot into the air. "That's it!"

Startled, Calcifer almost walked back into the door. "What's it?"

"Yeah. I'm in your head and I'm still lost," Reshiram said.

Calcifer: "... Dear, you are going to give me something more than 'themselves' to work with, right?" ._.

"If we want to get ahead of the empire and these stupid anomalies, then we need numbers." Yuna darted toward Calcifer and hugged his left arm. "Thanks, Dad."

"For what?" Calcifer blinked slowly. "I'm still not even sure what's going on here!"

Sure, Yuna had come home to take a break, but she had an idea. A spark. And it didn't involve fighting, either. Just a few conversations. She'd figuratively kick herself if she didn't follow it now.

Yeeeeeeah, I'm just going to go ahead and put the Aeon Kingdom on Rem Canyon watch right now.

"It'll make sense down the line," the drakloak promised, flying back toward her bed. "I've gotta get going.

But I should be back, uh, soonish!" "But I still don't know how you got here in the first place!"

"All in time, Dad," Yuna assured him. This was the most energetic she'd felt in a while, so she had to seize the momentum. "See ya later."

"Yunavresca, wait!"

But Yuna had already formed a rift with familiar, muggy tar pits on the other end. With a final farewell wave to her confused father, she flew into it, ready to put her idea into practice.

This entire sequence is going to read much, much harsher at some point down the road. I can already tell.

It was surprisingly easy for Noctum to get Guzzie to agree to let him use the kitchen. The guzzlord was too focused on some argument involving Igneous, Scarlett, and Vegna. Noctum was more than happy not to get involved and Valkyrie seemed quite keen on getting far away from the dusknoir.

What was less easy was actually using the kitchen. Not only was Noctum not familiar with where things were, but some of the equipment was guzzlord-sized. The black charizard flew around to reach the necessary shelves. It was just extra work when he was already tired. But he managed to find the ingredients for the stew and had it all boiling in a thankfully normal-sized pot after poking around long enough.

That's some surprisingly ominous cooking music there. Guess that's a sign that something's going to throw a wrench into this cute little scene before it's over.

"I don't know how you do it sometimes."

Noctum glanced at Valkyrie. The garchomp had her back do him, dorsal fin resting on a metal table that probably served as a place to cut ingredients.

"Do what?"

"Keep wanting to help people."

I'd honestly ask myself considering that Noctum has drawn the short stick a lot while dealing with other Pokémon in life, but I suppose he's just got a version of the Homer's "do it for her" plaque featuring Yuna and her family.

Noctum slowly stirred the stewpot, saying nothing. They'd treaded this ground before. He wasn't really sure he could offer anything else to Valkyrie.

"I guess I can understand it for Yuna's family," she continued. "They got you off the street and all that."

Yeah, I figured.

"And I really don't like being reminded of it," Noctum growled, eyes fixed firmly on the pot. The contents simmered and the steam was nice on his snout. "I've moved on." He tightened his grip on the ladle. "It's not worth comparing our pasts."

I take it that Noctum would handle things well™️ if he just focused on the before times constantly, huh?

Valkyrie didn't respond to that at first. There was only metallic clicking. Probably the garchomp's claw against the table.

"I wish I could turn it off like you could."

Noctum raised a brow, but kept slowly stirring. "Turn what off?"

"The instincts. My, uh, assassin's drive, I guess," Valkyrie mumbled amidst her clap tapping.

Noctum: "... But I don't have an assassin's drive, Valkyrie. I'm a bodyguard. Are you sure you didn't mean something else?"

"I don't... know?" Noctum wasn't in Valkyrie's line of work. Tap. Tap. Tap. "But you go from battling to... doing menial chores like it's nothing."

Judging from her tone, Valkyrie didn't approve of Noctum's response. Sighing, Noctum rested the ladle on the side of the pot.

"I do care for Yuna. And I want to try and keep her safe, sure. But it's not like I'm some skilled warrior or anything. Baraz is actually the better fighter."

Valkyrie: "Actually, on that note, where is Baraz anyways? Or that captain he mentioned in passing for that matter?"

Noctum: "... Probably back in Horizon Gardens? Though boy am I suddenly feeling bad for leaving him out of the loop all this time." ^^;

Is? Was? Things might've changed thanks to Noctum's stupid belly crystal.

"I guess it's easy for me to turn off those 'instincts,' because my first inclination isn't to fight." The black charizard grabbed the ladle and resumed stirring. "You were trained for that sort of stuff. Honestly? The best person to talk to is Gene."

- Cue the pindrop moment in the room -
Noctum: "Is... talking with Gene not a good idea or something?" .-.

That got a growl. And faster tapping of claw against table. "Yeah, but he had some stupid emotional support dogbirdfish thingy to 'deprogram' him or whatever. And was also conveniently banging him on the side."

And you have Noctum to do the honors if you can ever be honest enough with yourself, Val. >:V

Noctum's tail flame sparked. He stepped back from the stove, inspecting the oven underneath and the floor to make sure he hadn't burnt anything. No scorch marks, to his relief.

"Well, we do have Widget."

Something thumped behind him. Now Valkyrie was leaning her front side on the table. "Who was built by the guy we're trying to stop," she growled. "I don't care what fancy voodoo Yuna's kid did, he could still turn against us."

Noctum: "Boy am I glad that it's just the two of us together right now. Since... uh... I don't think anyone else would've taken that well."

"Right..." Noctum doubted it was that simple anymore. He stepped back up to the pot and resumed stirring. He couldn't keep this conversation up. Was there an easy exit?

Glimpsing his dirty, rippled reflection in the stew, he realized there was. It was a nasty option, though. Did Noctum really want to go there?

Noctum, if you have to ask yourself the question, you're not ready to go there.

"Don't space out on me, dork."

Okay, fine.

The black charizard sighed. "So, you don't want to talk to Gene because you think you know what helped him." He paused. The ladle lightly dinged against the edge of the pot. "But you're dismissing one of the options."

He swallowed hard. "Guess that means you should start sleeping with someone."

Oh, well then. Guess he was willing to go there after all. o<o

Though I can't tell whether this is going to be the formal part where this ship finally gets out of port or if Noctum's about to get his head dunked in his stew in about five seconds.

Claws scraped against the table behind him. Noctum stirred a bit faster, trying not to flinch.

"There is that salazzle wandering around the place," he continued. "I bet she could make it so you don't even remember. And she and Igneous hate each other's guts, so I doubt he'd get mad at—"

Valkyrie's head struck him right between his shoulder blades. Yelping, Noctum accidentally flung the ladle out of the pot, striking the black wall opposite him. The ladle fell into a gap between the stove and the wall. He spun around and his heart rate spiked. Poison dribbled on the tip of Valkyrie's raised claw.

Well, at least he didn't get his head dunked in the stew? ^^;

Noctum: "I-It was just a suggestion!"

"Do you want to die?" The garchomp was completely straight-faced. "Because keep running your mouth and we might see an unfortunate accident."

Valkyrie: "Seriously, I'd have had more respect for you if you had just made the offer yourself, Zardy."

Noctum's hungry lizard brain was in control. He pushed Valkyrie's right arm back. "We both know you won't do that." He matched her serious expression. "You asked for help, then rebuffed my answers. I thought you wanted fluent sarcasm."

The black charizard raised his hands innocently. "So, can I take this off the pot now or do you want to threaten me some more?"

Wow. Noctum being horny apparently buffs his persuasion rolls. Who knew?

Valkyrie's jaw slackened slightly. She stepped back. The poison disappeared from her right claw. "Yeah, sure." She pivoted away from him. "Just full of surprises, huh?"

Blinking slowly, Noctum shut the stove off and grabbed the pot. His fire-typing meant he didn't have to worry about any heat in the handle.

"I guess I am." He set the pot down on the large table opposite the stove. "And I'm sorry. I just wanted an out from the conversation. Thought that... if I went to unmentionable territory, you'd back off."

Yeah, no. I saw that paragraph in the last section, Noctum. I'm not convinced that there's a part of you that doesn't want Garchomp snu-snu. >:V

Valkyrie snorted. "Unmentionable?"

"W-Well, those sorts of things don't make for proper conversation, so..."

Shoulders sagging, Valkyrie shook her head. "You are such a dork."

Oh, so she was hoping that Noctum would just go straight to courting her, huh? Since I'm getting that vibe off of Valkyrie right about now.

Noctum tittered. He looked around the kitchen. "I'll see if I can find us some spoons."

And then a psychic force flung the kitchen door open. A familiar salugia hopped in through the doorway. "Hate to interrupt your, uh..." She glanced at the duo and the pot of stew. "Training for a couple's cookoff?" Jade shrugged. "Eh, sure. Let's go with that. Anyway, uh, we might have a bit of a situation?"

Aaaaand the moment's dead. Sorry, you two, but this ship's not leaving port this chapter.

Valkyrie looked like she suddenly aged a decade. "What kind of situation?"

"Apparently Yuna's recruiting new resistance members." Jade laughed nervously. "En masse."

Oh, so we are just going to get a Rem Canyon redux in this story, aren't we?

Scowling, Valkyrie stomped up to the door, shoving the squawking salugia aside. Noctum started after her, then doubled back for the stew, then flew out of the kitchen.

It was a lot more crowded in the restaurant than before.

"Razim, eh? Nice to meet'cha. Name's Skorp! And this here's Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, Skorp, and Skorp."

Valkyrie: "Oh lordy, these things again."

Most of them were familiar skorupi. The mutant incineroar hands on their little arms and tails weren't any less creepy than before.

"Officially, eh, we're neutral in this whole business," Skorp continued, walking across one of the tables. "But unofficially, Gene's a bestie, so you bet your bippy we ain't aboot to sit still. Got plenty o' skorps around to maintain the tar factory and keep the emperor happy while the rest of us help out here."

Noctum looked down. "I think we're gonna need more stew..."

Valkyrie: "Throw in some sake along with that. I can already tell I'm going to need it." >_>;

"And a heaping load of painkillers for my aching head," Valkyrie growled. She'd pulled her X-transceiver out of her ear frill. "Guess who's not picking up? Cyril." She glared at the device like it would somehow send her anger over to the zoroark. "Oi, Cid. Get that lazy fuzzball up here. We have, uh, new recruits."


Yeah, I figured. :P

She tapped her foot impatiently on the floor. "I thought Yuna said she wanted a break."

"I did, too," Noctum mumbled. He wondered what could have happened to turn things around so quickly.

Cecil: "Speaking!"

The black charizard was also struggling not to drool into the stew. Its smell was getting too hard to resist. And he wasn't even trying his best with cooking this!

"Seriously?" Valkyrie barked into the X-transceiver. "No, fine. It's whatever." She scowled at it. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I know what's going on. Great. Delightful. Happy for them. I'll kick both their asses when they're done." The garchomp angrily put the X-transceiver back in her ear.

Noctum: "Huh? Did something happen, Valkyrie?"

"Looks like we're on our own, here."

Noctum gulped. "Cyril's not available?"

"He's busy taking a ride with Seifer."

Or I suppose more accurately, a ride on Seifer. And likely not in the more innocent meaning of the term.

"To... where?" Noctum blinked slowly.

Valkyrie stared incredulously at him. He looked back in confusion.

"Seriously? After what we just discussed?"

Noctum tilted his head.

Valkyrie: "... Noctum, just how old are you again to be this clueless about sex? I could've sworn that you were established to be at least 20 by now!"

"God, you really are a special kind of dense, huh?" Shaking her head, Valkyrie stomped back toward the kitchen. "Bring the stew. Let the guzzlord corral the newcomers."

Noctum turned around, biting his lip. "Wait, but you still haven't told me where they went!" He flew after her, silently hoping that, wherever Yuna was, she knew what she was doing.

I'm now morbidly curious if Noctum's going to have an "... Oh, so that's what you meant" moment in one of the following chapters. But I suppose I'll get there when I get there.

Alright, took me a while, but time to gather my thoughts. I honestly wasn't expecting Yuna to bounce back from her emotional nadir last chapter, but I suppose that PoV has always been faster-paced, so I suppose I should've expected something to get her back on track plotwise sooner rather than later, even if I'm not fully convinced that she's thought this one through.

As usual for your more "cooling down", the character dynamics and seeing how they bounce off each other are the main star of the show, even if you're a bit of a tease about Noctum and Valkyrie there. As for criticisms... I don't have too many to throw around other than it might have made sense for Yuna to slow down and think things out a bit more to show her having to more seriously grapple with a state of affairs that's wearing her down. Though hey, I suppose you wouldn't have Yuna attempt to jump right back into things if you weren't going to do something with it plotwise, so I'll see where things go there over the course of the next few chapters.

Glad to finally be reviewing this story again, @Ambyssin . And I'll be looking forward to getting caught up with the latest craziness over the upcoming weeks.
Chapter 76: Hot Off the Press


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 76: Hot Off the Press

The Renegade cannot reconcile that the Benefactor embodies the Old World. That is why he ruined the Great Harmony. Why he relentlessly seeks the Benefactor's destruction. For every attempt the Benefactor makes at repairing the Universe, the Renegade lashes out, attempting to fragment it further.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità


The halls of Aeon Castle were abuzz with dragons scuttling about. A few kommo-o carried large crates brimming with berries, seeds, and assorted orbs. Two noivern flew on either side of a salamence, pulling wagons containing harnesses fliers could use to store equipment and supplies.

Yiazmat floated at the end of the hall, amidst several stone pillars and black tapestry with white variants of Bahamut's star sigil woven into them. She pointed toward growing crate stacks and gave orders to the kommo-o.

Sighing, Yuna turned away from them. She landed on a small table, taking care not to knock over the purple vase. While the drakloak was glad her mother had listened to her pleas to get Aeon's fighters more involved in things, a small part of her feared she was asking way too much from a bunch of dragons not well suited to what the Eterna Empire was cooking up.

"They do have that move you call Cosmic Blessing, though," Rayquaza pointed out. "They art not truly defenseless. And thou art not looking to fling them onto the frontlines."

Yuna took a deep breath. This was supposed to be a good thing. Especially with Yiazmat passing along news that their work had temporarily suppressed the rifts. Yuna really was getting a break from anomalies and fighting Phantoms.

"Would you prefer a chair to lie down on, Princess?"

Yuna looked up to see Baraz's bulky frame waddling into view. "I can't imagine lying around a vase is all that comfortable. Even for a ghost." The dracozolt chuckled.

"True." Yuna didn't move. "But I think I'm all right."

"If you say so." Baraz shrugged his tiny arms. "When do you plan on heading back into Eternatus?"

"Not sure." Yuna rubbed her right shoulder. She knew Yiazmat asked Baraz to come home, but didn't think she'd actually run into him. And now that he was here, she couldn't help recalling the pictures from the museum in LaRousse.

"By the way." The drakloak looked up at Baraz. "Um, have you thought at all about Eternatus and this Malice stuff?"

Baraz raised a brow. "You mean do I think I look like this because of those things?"

Yuna flinched. He's good. Guess wisdom really did come with age. "Yeah."

"You saw something in the anomalies, didn't you?" Baraz sounded like he knew the answer already.

Sighing, Yuna lazily ran a nubby hand across the table. "I did. One of the other dimensions had a pokémon like you, but the top and bottom half actually matched. Can't help but wonder if it's what you're supposed to look like."

"Maybe." Baraz leaned over. "Maybe not. I never could remember anything before I showed up in Aeon, so it's hard to say."

"Don't you want to know?"

"I've asked myself that before," Baraz admitted, glancing at his bulky lower half. "And then I always think about whether knowing the answer would actually make me happy."

Now Yuna had a read of her own. "I'm guessing that's a no."

Baraz nodded.

"So, you think it's better if I don't look into it?" Yuna asked, rubbing the right side of her head.

"That's up to you. I trust your judgment." Baraz shifted his weight. "I simply ask that if you do learn something, you don't tell me." He paused, a pensive look on his face. "Unless me not knowing would put you all in danger, of course."

"Right." Yuna focused on the vase. Some of the purple paint had chipped off it at some point. Pity. "I can work with that."

"Glad to hear it." Baraz smiled. "Now then, I think your mother's waving me over."

Yuna shook her head. "I hope it's to tell you to get some rest."

"Ha." Baraz's smile grew. "These bones may be old, but they've still got some pep left in them."


In some ways, the Radiant Beacon hub mirrored the Ryujin building at the center of Scale City. Namely in being a large tower that looked out over a city. Casaroja, in this case. The one-way glass windows surrounding the building gave Igneous a sense of exposure despite knowing full well no one could see inside. He looked at Casaroja Station in the distance. Still as gaudily red and orange as it had been the other day. No protestors gathered in the circular plaza, though.

The grovlazzle fixed his gaze on a set of one-way glass doors. A red light atop them indicated they were firmly locked. Either Sakaki was busy... or he wasn't here. Though Igneous called ahead of time. Better be the former.

"Can't believe the Grim Reaper's been sitting on this," Scarlett said, coiled on a circular chair with no back. "Given his reputation, you'd think he could blow the whistle."

Igneous was a bit surprised with how quick Vegna okayed him taking these materials to the Beacon. Cyril scanned them into his computer and they were off to Casaroja before they knew it. As much as Igneous wanted to think this was a good thing, fortune hadn't been kind to him of late.

"Maybe it's the opposite," he said, humoring Scarlett. "Maybe that reputation tied his hands. He had to play nice or Isola would throw him under the bus. Just like Vortex."

Seifer, too. Though the keldeo wasn't rotting away in a jail cell.

"Hmm." Scarlett tapped her tail against the side of the chair. "You didn't ask Vegna how long he'd known about this, did you?"

"I didn't." Igneous looked at her. "Why?"

"Err... it's nothing. Just thinking crazy."

The grovlazzle raised a brow. "Well, now I'm more curious."

Scarlett laughed nervously. "It's stupid." The dragonair's tiny right wing fluttered in place. "Like a cheesy episode of a PV show."

"Doesn't answer my question."

"What if Vegna's whole Grim Reaper reputation developed after he learned Isola's secret?" Scarlett shrank back a little, clearly thinking her theory wild. "Like either she's the reason... or Vegna targets her inner circle on purpose?"

Igneous blinked slowly. Many of the names attached to the Grim Reaper rumors were high-ranking nobles. Hell, Igneous watched it happen in real time to that awful slurpuff. Shimmer called the guy his uncle.

Still, the idea that Vegna would turn serial killer right under Isola's nose was out there. Making all those deaths look accidental? Even Valkyrie wasn't that good. And she had unnatural poisons to fall back on.

Then again, he practices necromancy. Who really knew what Vegna was capable of, other than the dusknoir himself?

The red light above the doors shifted to green. Igneous sat up straight as they opened. Sure enough, Sakaki stood in the doorway. Garbed in his usual black blazer with the Beacon's golden R sewn on the breast pocket. The nidoking gestured for them to come into the office. Igneous gathered up the evidence and marched through the door.

Sakaki's top-floor office had a long oak desk in front of the one-way glass wall. Igneous saw the tiny slits in the black carpeted floor where metal sheets could emerge if Sakaki were to ever call a lockdown. There were similar tricks with the antique wooden shelves to the left and right. The blown glass baubles and trinkets were there for show. He knew full well those shelves hid a waypoint and some other sensitive items.

What gave the grovlazzle pause, though, was a small wooden drinking natu, rhythmically bobbing into and out of a tiny glass of water. Igneous tensed a bit. He had made that drinking natu in elementary school as a Father's Day present for Sakaki. Igneous always assumed Sakaki trashed it a long time ago.

"Anything about Tulpise?" Scarlett wondered, coiling up beside a square glass table. She looked at her blurry, fragmented reflection.

"Nothing from the scouts," Sakaki responded. "Are you sure this intel of yours is credible? I had to shift around more than a few 'mons to accommodate this."

"It was someone who's had a run in with Eternatus forces already." Igneous tightened his grip on the evidence. He wasn't about to drop Shimmer's name into the conversation.

Sakaki stuck his hands in his pockets and walked back toward his desk. "And did it occur to you that, perhaps, they fed you a false lead as a trap?"

Igneous inner flames sparked a bit. Thankfully his head leaf and tails didn't catch fire. "They're the same person who gave me these." The grovlazzle marched up to Sakaki's desk and placed the stack of pages down. He was a bit more forceful than necessary. "I don't think someone looking to launch a serious accusation against the crown would lie about Tulpise being in danger."

"Unless they want everyone distracted so they can, say, carry out an assassination attempt." Sakaki spread the laminated pages out along his desk. The nidoking eyed them, tapping his chin in thought. "Deploying Radiant Guard there would leave Dazzels vulnerable, depending on the number of people."

"And if the Radiant Guard isn't going?" Igneous wasn't in the mood to hear Sakaki play devil's advocate. When Sakaki raised a brow, he continued, "The same source was controlling the robot bugs that fought with the Eternatus Troopers."

That got Sakaki's expression to soften a bit. He grabbed one of the evidence pieces and held it up, gaze focused on the code. "These were in some sort of filing system."

"A secret restricted section in Horizon Academy's library," Igneous said. He saw the flicker of skepticism in Sakaki's eyes and tried to anticipate the likely follow-up question. "I have no idea why they're not secured in Dazzels. Perhaps they were taken to Horizon by someone else?" Like Vegna.

Sakaki continued scrutinizing the papers. "They seem authentic." He rested his right hand on his desk and tapped a claw against the glazed wood. "So, the conclusion here is that every Radiant Queen is actually some sort of body-snatcher who's jumped from generation to generation?"

"Yes." Igneous glanced at the papers. "I realize none of this directly proves the theory, but it does point to a very concerning pattern. Every male transitioned, in eras when such things weren't possible. Always marrying another lady. The Radiant Queen dying not long after her daughter weds. It sure looks like one person doing the same thing over and over."

"I get that." Sakaki frowned. "But surely someone would've picked up on it."

Igneous would've countered that, but Sakaki held up his left hand. "These papers did pick up on it. But I don't think any of them still exist today. The stories were probably quashed." The nidoking put his hands back in his jacket pockets. "I can try to run this... but it's going to be a significant risk. It would really help if I knew the source."

There it was. Luckily, this was much simpler than dealing with his source for Tulpise. "Vegna." Igneous produced the instructions the dusknoir had given him and tossed them on the desk. "He's been investigating the matter."

Interest flickered in Sakaki's eyes. "I see." He sifted through the laminated papers. "There's always been a rumor around the office. That the Grim Reaper deliberately targets nobles close to Isola. A strange sort of vigilantism, in that it deters criminals while taking Isola's allies out of the picture."

The nidoking shrugged. "But I leave such gossip to the tabloids. Do you need these back?"

"We made copies."

"Then I suppose I'll get to work on this." Sakaki gathered the papers together, though his movements were sluggish.

Igneous glanced at Scarlett and tilted his head toward the door. They were done here and could leave.

"And how is... everything else?"

The grovlazzle tensed. Sakaki wasn't serious, was he? This wasn't some sort of casual father-son chat. They both had work to do.

"Fine." Igneous' reply was curt. "We need to get a move on."

"Right." Sakaki's sigh was heavy. Papers shuffled behind Igneous. He gestured toward the door again. Started walking toward it.

"I'll be visiting her grave in a couple of weeks if you want to join," Sakaki said.

Igneous froze, right hand stuck out to press the button for the door.

"With everything that's happened, I thought you might've forgotten her birthday's soon."

You mean 'would have been soon.' Igneous fiery scales prickled. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah. Thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind."

He ignored the worried look on Scarlett's face as she slithered out of the office ahead of him. Igneous instead turned on his X-transceiver. "We're done in Casaroja. Someone get us over to Tulpise."


Igneous and Scarlett passed through a couple of rifts in silence. They didn't even acknowledge Noctum back at the outpost. Instead they pressed right on through to Tulpise's outskirts. Seifer, Quetzal, and Cid were stationed behind some trees on a grassy knoll overlooking the city. Its green and yellow buildings, many decorated in bushes and arrays of colorful vines and flowers, sparkled in the setting sunlight. Outside of rifts occasionally opening and closing at random in the otherwise clear skies, things were calm.

"Nothing?" The grovlazzle jumped up, grabbing a thick tree branch and swinging himself on top of it. He sat on the branch and stared ahead, following railroad tracks toward Tulpise's outdoor train station. The dirt roads fanning out from it had a few scattered pokémon walking down. He couldn't make out their species from this distance, though.

"Nothing." Spots glowing, Cid braced himself against the tree trunk. The lights faded from the orbeetle's head spots. "Sorry. Need a break. I can only keep my Dynascan active for so long away from Cyril's machines."

"You're fine." Igneous waved Cid off. He didn't take his eyes off the city. Sure, Igneous didn't hold the highest opinion of Shimmer. But Shimmer sounded confident the Eternatus Troopers were readying a strike.

"I don't like it." Seifer paced around the foot of the tree. "Shimmer told you he's working with Demerzel, right?"

Igneous nodded.

"What if Demerzel's trying to play both sides?" Seifer wondered. "Conning Shimmer into focusing on Tulpise while the empire attacks a more important city?" The keldeo stopped pacing to wince. "Err, not that I'm saying Tulpise isn't important. Just from a military standpoint—"

"We get it, sir." Sitting next to Cid, Quetzal crossed one leg over the other. "Tulpise is a strange spot to attack. Does the empire want all its plants and farmland? One would think they could conjure plenty of that."

"Thing is, I brought up similar concerns to Shimmer." Igneous crossed his arms. "And Shimmer assured me that he didn't need to move any troops around for this. It sounds like the Radiant Guard are staying where they're stationed."

He glimpsed confused stares from Quetzal and Seifer. Neither said anything. Silence fell over the group, save for the sounds of Cid gulping down an elixir like he'd hit a pub after a hard day.

"I take it whatever happened to your mom's a touchy subject?"

Igneous' head leaf caught fire. He spun around. When had Scarlett climbed the— oh, right, dragonair. She simply flew up.

"Is this part of trying to feel me out?" the grovlazzle mumbled. This was one trip down memory lane he wasn't up to take.

"Guess so." Scarlett corkscrewed herself around the branch so she was at eye level with Igneous.

"I'd rather not." Igneous looked away. "It's personal."

Silence. Igneous assumed Scarlett was finding a different way to press him for details.

"Fair enough." The dragonair lowered her head, resting it on the tree branch.

Igneous blinked slowly. That was it? She actually backed off? He hadn't planned for that. And now the silence was awkward and oh god he should really say something.

"Thanks." He shifted nervously on the branch. "For respecting my boundaries and stuff."

"You're welcome." Scarlett looked like she wanted to say more, but went back to resting on the tree branch.

Igneous began to relax a bit when Cid shot forward, spots pulsating pink. "By the station! People are pouring out of a train!"

"What?" Igneous sprang to his feet, careful not to slip off the branch. He squinted, but couldn't make out more than blurs streaming out of the station and onto the streets.

But when orange fireballs ignited some of the buildings on the dirt road, it was quite clear what was happening. "The attack!" Igneous dropped from the branch. "We've gotta go!"

"Hold on." Cid stuck an arm out. "They're not Eternatus Troopers. This is strange."

The fwoosh of large fireballs sounded in the distance, followed by screams. "Does it matter who it is?" Seifer galloped past Cid. "The city's under attack. That's what we're here for! We have to get a closer look to see if it's safe to send in reinforcements!"

"Understood." Quetzal dashed after Seifer, leaving a trail of orange sparks behind him.

Igneous looked up at the tree. "Up to you whether to come with." He turned to run after the others when Cid hovered in front of him.

"Hold on. I'm sensing one peculiar aura. It definitely has Eterna energy." Cid's spots flickered erratically. "No one else does, though."

"Only one aura?" Igneous frowned, but then his eyes widened. "The Medici! Back in Venish they seemed like they were working with a brainwashed Charles." He dashed around Cid and headed down the knoll toward the city.

So, maybe it wasn't Troopers attacking Tulpise. But the Medici were clearly armed with something flammable... and in a place catering to grasses and bugs, that was a recipe for disaster.

"Aren't they beautiful, though? Flames can signal rebirth. Something greater rising from the ashes!"

Igneous' fiery wings burst from his back, stopping him in his tracks. He turned left and glared at the cloaked, helmeted chimera. How did Xeromus manage to pop up in the middle of a grassy field without so much as a spark of light? Igneous tapped his X-transceiver, only for static to greet him.

More screams rang up behind Igneous. Bundles of flowers clinging to taller buildings caught fire. He tried to turn away. Tulpise was what mattered. Xeromus was here to distract him. Just like in Vellguard.

Or he's the real source of this attack. After all, Xeromus preceded the Seekerskorch's appearance. If Igneous left him unchecked, Xeromus might pave the way for some other monstrosity!

The grovlazzle stopped himself from summoning his Leaf Blades, recalling how useless they'd been last time. "Whatever you're trying won't work." Igneous' tails simmered. "You and that stupid pile of floating discs can piss off!"

"But I won't." Xeromus coughed loudly. He shambled toward Igneous, the chains around his legs rattling with every step. "Just as you can't tear yourself away to go protect the ether-wielders." A wheezing laugh rumbled behind his mask. "To think you care so deeply for this lowly omen. It would be touching were these not the fates Natus has affirmed for us."

"There you go spouting off about fate and choices again," Igneous growled. He needed to strike from a distance. Could he pull off a Flamethrower instead of Bullet Seed? Burning Xeromus would help tremendously. "You're a threat, so I'm choosing to make sure you don't go anywhere."

Xeromus sighed and shook his helmeted head. "Ah, such conviction. And turned upon someone as worthless as me." His wheezing grew louder. "That's what makes you so interesting." Xeromus took another step toward Igneous. "You flail about, but you refuse to accept you are walking Natus' path. That your actions will let His love blanket the world."

The chains rattled on Xeromus' legs. Shadows bubbled under his cloak. "Every spark. Every flame. They push you along the one true path. To Natus!"

At the mention of flames, Igneous finally latched onto that twisted power. Fire gathering in his mouth briefly made him want to hurl, but he was able to spew the Flamethrower straight at Xeromus. His cloak rippled and a crimson, vaguely canine shield materialized in front of him. The flames spread across it before Igneous had to stop and catch his breath. It was much harder maintaining a Flamethrower compared to Bullet Seeds.

"Yes, good!" Xeromus' canine shield didn't disappear. Instead it drifted behind him like some haunting specter. "I can feel your spirit striking at me! It's your love for Natus! A love He will return tenfold!"

"Shut up!" Igneous swapped over to Bullet Seeds, hoping the faster speed meant Xeromus couldn't block it. He had to stay calm. Had to trust Seifer and Quetzal were making headway with Tulpise.

Xeromus' chains unraveled and sliced through the Bullet Seeds, filling the air with a dull green haze.

"It won't be enough." Xeromus' raspy laughter percolated through the mist. Igneous knew he was out there and chose to spew more flames straight ahead.

"You need to close your eyes. Cover your ears."

Igneous whirled around. How the hell did Xeromus get behind him? Igneous summoned his red honedge to block a strike that never came. Xeromus merely stood there. The strange, wispy red canine loomed over him. Hollow yellow eyes peered right through the grovlazzle.

"Ĺ̶̡ỉ̵̜s̷͜͝ẗ̶̞́e̸͜͝n̶̜͝ ̸̟̎w̷̧̍i̶̦̊t̸̘͌h̶́͜ ̴̳̇ẏ̸̮ŏ̵̤ṷ̷͐r̶͓̆ ̴̙̚ś̸͍ȯ̴̖u̵͉͊l̴̩͛.̵̜͑ ̸̺͝B̴̟̿e̶̖̓c̸̟̈́a̸̻͠u̵̙͘s̴̳͛ḛ̸̔ ̸̥͋t̴̥̀h̵̤͝e̷̥̿ ̸̮͛s̴̰͋p̷͍̾i̶̭̚r̷̯͐i̶͋͜t̸̓͜ ̸͔͒ń̴̜è̷̤v̶̩͒e̶͈͝r̷̤̎ ̶͕͝ḟ̴̹o̴̝͝r̶͇͛g̸͕͘é̸̠t̵̳̿s̸̨͐.̷̭̐"

Xeromus disappeared. Eyes widening, Igneous sucked in a sharp, involuntary breath.


The circular entryway felt just a bit brighter than usual. It was like the weather knew today was special and blessed them with of extra sunlight. Igneous' white fur fluffed up a bit. The volcanora happily bobbed through the air, heading toward the spiral staircase in the back of the room.

"So, you're abandoning your plan after all?" There was some faint teasing behind Igneous' words. He turned around to glance at the riolu walking behind him, resting her paws behind her head.

"Har, har." Riolu rolled her eyes. "I always knew trying to master Aura Sphere before evolving would be a tough sell. And I've got a good enough reason to set that plan aside."

She looked left. The icy vulpix awkwardly trying to keep up stumbled. Her tails frazzled. "M-Me? I'm a good enough reason?"

"I'll admit, it
is surprising." Igneous came to a stop by the spiral stairs. "Don't usually see ice vulpix this far from the Invern Mountains. Especially not in the summer."

Vulpix stared blankly at Riolu. Chuckling, she put a paw on Vulpix's right shoulder. "Nickie's not gonna know what that means, Ig. She's not from here... because she's human."

The volcarona's wings buzzed excitedly. "Really?" He looked Nickie over. "I guess she
does look a bit confused..."

"No amnesia, though." Riolu pet Nickie's shoulder. "That's different from the fallers you guys usually deal with, right?"

Igneous nodded. "So, you want your parents to weigh in?"

"You know it." Riolu thumped her chest. "Figure she's here for a reason. If they don't know, then the guild has the resources to point us to someone who does."

Nickie's tails curled up. "Um, maybe we should get going?" She flinched. "Not that I don't appreciate the escort or anything, Mr. Volcarona."

"No, I get it." Igneous gave the icepix some space. "I'm a big fire-type and you're a tiny ice vulpix. It's instinctual. Even if your human brain doesn't think it."

Relief flooded Nickie's face. Riolu nodded. "All right. Try not to trip and tumble down the stairs!" She clapped Nickie on the back before sprinting ahead, jumping onto the railing and surfing it down.

"Ah, wait! Tessa!" Nickie stumbled into a run after her.

Igneous watched Nickie's tails vanish into the depths of the spiral staircase. Then the stairs
twisted and contorted into tiny butterfree that coalesced into a void resembling Leo's wheel.


With a sharp cry, Igneous violently lurched backwards. He stumbled, falling back onto the grass and staring at his trembling arms. Arms? Don't I—

"Only a glimpse, then? Unfortunate."

Xeromus' wheezing sent the grovlazzle scrambling to his feet. He spied the red honedge on the ground and reached toward it. It vanished in a puff of fire and reappeared in his right hand.

"Fight it," Igneous growled. "Nova, I know you're in there! Gene's waiting for you! You have to stop this!"

"There's nothing to fight." Xeromus took a step back. "The ether can only slow your steady march toward the truth. Just as it fights a losing battle to stop this world's affirmation."

Igneous launched another Flamethrower, but cut it off seconds later. Xeromus took the bait, sending his spectral guardian to intercept. Igneous dashed left and spat Bullet Seeds at the helmeted silvally's right flank. This time they struck home. But Xeromus' expression was unreadable. If he gave any pained cries, his mask muffled them.

"I see. I see." Xeromus jerked his head back and forth. Did Nova actually hear Igneous? "So, this is what sets us apart. What makes me so lowly compared to you. Your role is still a ways off." Xeromus hacked out barking coughs. "There will be much to endure before Natus can shower you in His love. But that will make the payoff all the grander!"

"Like hell it will!" Igneous spat out another Bullet Seed stream. Xeromus' chains unraveled from his legs. Igneous' volcarona wings propelled him into the air where he spat fireballs as opposed to a Flamethrower. The canine specter moved to intercept one, while a second and third struck Xeromus' helmet.

Igneous couldn't help but smirk. This was going far better than last time.

And yet he's still not actually attacking.

"Haah." Xeromus wheezed loudly. The specter melted back into his cloak. "I can't see what future Natus has affirmed for you. But I know my place. This lowly omen will let you reach the end of your path. To accept Natus' glorious love!"

Igneous was ready to divebomb Xeromus when his tail leaves curled up. Was something... buzzing?

Yes, Igneous heard buzzing. Getting closer. Louder. The grass rippled uneasily back and forth.

The grovlazzle glared at Xeromus. "What are you up to?"

"Me?" Xeromus shook his head. "That's not me." He slowly turned away from Igneous. "But there is distortion about fifty kilometers in that direction. If something or someone wanted to drop by for a friendly visit, they'd have to come this way."

The sun had vanished over the horizon. But even though dusk had fallen, Igneous could see two large circles getting even larger. The buzzing definitely came from the circles. From their strangely triangular wings.


Volcarona. Robot volcarona.

The empire was coming! And as long as Igneous hung around Xeromus, he couldn't warn the others with his X-transceiver!

Biting his lip, the grovlazzle rocketed toward the city, frantically willing the static to go away. And the moment it did, he shouted, "Imperial robots outside the city!"
Last edited:
Chapter 77: City of Unfortunate Events


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Chapter 77: City of Unfortunate Events

It wasn't quite the level of chaos Seifer had seen in the shaky videos of Venish, but that wasn't for lack of trying. Various muscular pokémon ran down the main street, tossing small seeds at nearby shops and restaurants. A few lobbed the seeds up toward buildings with higher floors. Seifer quickly realized they were blast seeds when assorted vines and bushes caught fire. The flames raced along the greenery. Embers and fireballs leapt from one building to the next.

"Noctum? We need backup!" Seifer called, keeping his distance from the Medicis and instead shooting targeted Hydro Pumps from his forehooves to take out some of the fires before they could spread too far. "Preferably people who can put out fires! Tulpise is under a blast seed siege!"

"Uhh, what about, y'know, people to fight with you?"

"Protecting civilians comes first!" Seifer barked, galloping down the street. An orange blur streaked by him and sent a machoke tumbling head over heels into a pair of stunky. All of them were out cold.

"I'll do what I can, sir," Quetzal said, before zipping further down the dusty road. Seifer slowly followed him, satisfied his Hydro Pumps had calmed most of the fires immediately around him.

Glass shattered a few dozen meters away. Fireballs erupted from broken windows and screams filled the air. Seifer galloped in that direction, only to skid to a halt. A bright red Focus Blast whizzed by him, striking a flower shop. Dirt, mud, and bits of ceramic pottery doused the keldeo, who staggered away in a daze.

"Bros, check it!" A sawk pointed right at him while waving his left arm around frantically. "It's the keldebro the boss told us about!"

Seifer stiffened. Of course the Medicis would know who he was. Yet it sounded like they were actively looking for him.

"You got a sweet bounty on your head, brosephina!" Sawk flexed. "And my squad's gonna bag— waugh!"

A giant, fluid-filled, muscular arm picked Sawk up and tossed him at a couple of charging throh. They all rolled to a stop in the muddy remnants of some sort of fountain.

Seifer kept his distance from the source of his aid: the giant muscle bug that Team Bastion recovered after beating Chernabog. What was it called again? Buzzweight? Buzzoff?

Bah, he didn't have time for this! "Hey, you! Can you put out fires?"

"Ja, little pony boy! Who do you think you are talking to?"

"Get the keldebro, bros!"

The massive muscle bug hefted up a huge chunk of dirt and soil in his fluid-filled arms and hurled it at some oncoming hawlucha and heracross. It barreled right into them and carried them straight toward a burning building. The dirt exploded, miraculously putting out the flames.

Seifer stared ahead, blinking. "I, uh— sure. That'll do. Keep doing that!"

"For Buzzwole Biff, it is walking cake!" Biff scooped up another giant chunk of ground in each arm and raced forward, propelled by his buzzing wings. Seifer galloped after him, only to turn right at the junction by the destroyed fountain. Several Medicis lay unconscious already, orange sparks suggesting Quetzal had gotten to them first.

Goodness, the zapdos was far faster than Seifer remembered. Whatever the Phantom had done to him had given him quite the power boost. Thank goodness he's back on our side. The keldeo shot up toward an apartment balcony with Hydro Pump jets from his hooves. He figured he'd get a better sense of where people were who needed rescuing from higher ground.

"Cid, what's your Dynascan telling you?" Seifer asked. "It's a mess of smoke and embers around here. Where are the civilians?"

"You're not going to believe this... but they're rapidly leaving city limits!" Cid exclaimed. "Most of the people I'm sensing left are you and the Medicis!"

Seifer's jaw slackened. To keep his composure, he shot a Hydro Pump from his balcony vantage point. It snuffed out a pair of blast seeds hurled by more hawlucha before they could strike a bookstore. "What do you mean? How could anyone possibly evacuate a whole city that fast?!"

"There were some powerful spikes in psychic energy," Cid said.

"Then why didn't you say something!" the keldeo huffed. He shot into the air again, deciding the vantage point was useless if most of the civilians were gone.

"Shoot him out of the sky, brocaholics!"

Seifer immediately recognized the voice: a certain megaphone-touting grapploct who'd rioted in Venish and Casaroja. But he had little recourse against three blast seeds hurtling toward him. Seifer braced for an explosive impact, only for a giant dirt clump to strike the seeds instead. They still exploded, knocking Seifer from the air and into the ground with a much rougher landing. But the dirt blocked the worst of it... in return for giving him yet another dirt shower. His pelt was now more brown than tan and blue.

"Bros, look at the bug bro's gains!" A poliwrath gripped his head in surprise. "He's totes cheating! Or living the dream! I wanna marry hi—"

Quetzal sped up behind Poliwrath. An electrified kick sent him careening down the dusty road, knocking over other Medicis like bowling pins. "This is ridiculous!" the orange zapdos huffed. He easily jumped out of the way of a skuntank's Sludge Bomb. Moments later, Biff had grabbed Skuntank by the tail and hurled them over a smoking building.

"Nein. Is good workout." The buzzwole flexed. "Biceps and triceps feeling good!"

"No, I mean this... opposition!" Quetzal stood on guard while Grapploct frantically pointed at them with two of his tentacles. "It's a farce!" He glanced at Seifer. "Are we sure we're not getting baited into a trap?"

Seifer pointed his horn forward. An Aura Sphere rifled out, striking a pignite in the stomach and sending them rolling back. Grapploct fell back toward the remnants of some outdoor café, waving his free tentacles around angrily.

"It's hard to be sure of anything," the keldeo admitted, frowning. "And where the heck did Igneous go? I thought he was supposed to be behind us?"

It was then that loud static erupted from Seifer's X-transceiver. Ears folding, Seifer winced. "Cid, what are you doing?"

But it wasn't Cid that responded. Instead, Igneous greeted them with a frantic cry of, "Imperial robots outside the city!"

Quetzal immediately stood at attention. "Where outside?"

"Heading for the stat— shit!"

Igneous' line abruptly cut to static. Quetzal looked at Seifer expectantly. "Well?"

"Higher ground first!" Hydro Pumps propelled the keldeo into the air.

"Ugh, easy for you to say!" Quetzal flapped his tiny orange wings in annoyance, before Biff swooped in, plucking him from the ground and carrying him up toward one of the city's taller buildings.

Seifer saw the volcarona robots approaching the city. "Do any of you recognize that weird bubble attack?"

"Can't say that I do," Quetzal responded. He lightly pecked Biff's shoulder and somehow the buzzwole got the cue to fly toward a different roof further away from the robots. Seifer flew after them with Hydro Pump jets. The robots' approach was surprisingly slow, so the team was able to gain several more buildings worth of distance from them. They stopped in the middle of a rooftop terrace.

"But we should call for backup. Cyril, are you there? Who can head over to Tulpise?"

Frantic shouts came from the ground, along with a number of pokémon pointing. Except they were pointing in the opposite direction of the volcarona. The keldeo noticed something yellow poking out from behind a building. Then gray light filled the yellow.

"Down!" Seifer shouted, blasting Hydro Pumps from his hooves to get off the roof. Biff grabbed Quetzal and flew after Seifer. Moments later, a large Flash Cannon rippled through the air, tearing shingles off roofs and flinging branches and vines around haphazardly.

"What the hell is that?!" Quetzal cawed, orange feathers puffing up. "It looks like a giant meltan! Don't tell me the empire's pincering the city!"

But Seifer followed the Flash Cannon until it caught one of the volcarona robots by surprise. Two of its orange, triangular wings folded back slightly. Its orange mechanical eyes flashed yellow. The other robot hovered toward it.

"I think that one's on our side?" Seifer said, landing atop another roof. The giant robot meltan was already moving around the city's perimeter to flank the volcarona bots.

"Do you still want that backup?" Cyril asked. The X-transceiver crackled, but Seifer didn't know if it was a lousy connection or all the wind getting kicked up. "It looks like these volcarobots are in the same encrypted data file as Iron Jugulis. They're Iron Moths."

"Hold that thought." Seifer glanced over his shoulder to make sure Biff and Quetzal were with him. "Cid, what are you sensing in the city?"

"I'm pretty sure it's mostly Medicis outside of you guys," the orbeetle replied.

"Then we're passing on the backup," Seifer said. "If the civilians were evacuated, then let the giant meltan slug it out with these Iron Moths.

"Hang on," Cid cut in. "I'm sensing peculiar psychic energy near Melmetal."

"Melwhonow?" Seifer raised a brow.

"The giant meltan," Cid said. "In any case, the energy's quite similar to the spikes I sensed when the population was disappearing. So— hang on. What was that, Scarlett?"

"There they are, bros! Get 'em!"

"We're being tailed!" Quetzal pointed a leg down toward the ground. The megaphone-wielding grapploct pointed a tentacle at them. Several blast seeds hurtled through the air toward them. Seifer leveled his horn. An Aura Sphere whizzed through the air. When it struck one blast seed, the ensuing explosion triggered the other ones.

"Move!" Seifer fired Hydro Pumps from his hooves yet again, heading for the eastern end of the city. Both Iron Moths spun in place in the distance, kicking up fireballs to try and scorch Melmetal.

"Shimmer! Scarlett thinks it's Shimmer!" Cid cried.

Seifer landed on a square-shaped roof and galloped across it, watching Melmetal spin away, deflecting whatever flames it could. "I don't follow."

"Igneous and Scarlett met Shimmer at Horizon Academy and he told them he was working on something for Tulpise," Cid hurriedly explained. "And, well, where do all the meltan work?"

"Okay, fine!" Seifer reached the end of the roof and shot back into the air. He landed on another nearby roof and continued galloping. "Makes sense to me! Then we'll leave it to him, I guess!"

He felt a bit bad about it. All the beautiful greenery of the city was worth defending. But the resistance had much more important things to worry about.

The keldeo was going to fly off with another Hydro Pump when he spotted a large Flamethrower shooting straight up in the air off in the distance. It wasn't anywhere near the Iron Moths, which were still back at the station.

"Did you see that?" Quetzal called, still uncomfortably cradled in Biff's massive buzzwole arms.

Seifer nodded. "If it's not the Iron Moths... then it might be Igneous!"


"Bumomomomo!" Melmetal thumped its chest as the two machines crashed into one another and fell to the ground. From his vantage point atop one of the mossy Tulpise roofs, Shimmer afforded himself a small smile. Who would've thought Arianna could wrangle all the meltan together into this hulking giant? And it was holding its own despite these volcarobots — Iron Moths, according to Demerzel — packing fire-type moves.

"Don't get cocky," Shimmer called. He did his best not to move too much. The strange metal prongs spiraling around his horn were delicate, according to Arianna. And the gardevoir had no idea what would happen if they were to lose control of Melmetal. "Strike while they're down!"

The ponytales funneled a bit of psychic energy toward his horn. His controller lit up. Yellow lightning churned around Melmetal's lugnut hands. It charged down the Iron Moths, but one spun off of its counterpart, buffeting Melmetal with fireballs.

"Defend!" Shimmer's horn sparked. Melmetal held up its electrified hands, absorbing some of the flames, but not all of them.

And the other Iron Moth had enough time to right itself and spew flames at Melmetal's right leg. "Bumo bumoooo!" Melmetal lifted its leg and slowly fell backwards.

"Idiot!" Shimmer funneled more energy into his horn. A pink barrier stopped Melmetal's fall. Melemetal stomped its right foot down, smothering the flames with dirt and soil until they weren't a problem.

[Stand down! This city belongs to the emperor!] one of the Iron Moths declared, its triangular wings crackling with electricity of their own.

Shimmer stiffened. That voice. He recognized it. But from where?

The ponytales shook his head. No time. Melmetal had to act first. Shimmer's horn lit up. Melmetal lunged, using the foot it smothered in soil to deliver a swift kick to the electrified Iron Moth. The High Horsepower looked quite devastating, cracking three of its wings and sending it skipping back along the ground.

[Jean!] the other Iron Moth cried. It immediately retaliated with a whirlwind of fireballs. Melmetal had little it could do against the Fiery Dance, stumbling away as fireballs peppered its gray body.

Wait, Jean? Shimmer's gaze fell to the mossy roof for a moment. Then his eyes widened in shock.

Jean was a classmate. A volcarona classmate. And with a twin brother, to boot! Did that mean... the emperor had turned them into robots?!

[Jean, activate healing protocols!] the Iron Moth declared. It was already gathering flames for another attack.

[I know, Dean!] The synthesizer dampened Jean's growling.

Shimmer's ears flicked at the mention of healing. He sent another psychic ping to Melmetal, but Dean was faster, spinning around in another Fiery Dance. Shimmer swapped to defensive measures of his own. He pointed his horn toward the attack. A pink barrier appeared and caught the fireballs like fish in a net. Shimmer flicked his head right. His barrier shot the fireballs back toward Dean. Startled, the Iron Moth fired hastily conjured poison globs to snuff its own Fiery Dance out.

Unfortunately, Shimmer had neglected Jean, who hovered right back to Dean's side. There were still some cracks in its armor and wings, but it had clearly healed.

This wasn't good. Maybe Shimmer could make a plea toward the classmates who were still inside? Arianna had said her silly device could project through Melmetal. It was time to put that to the test.

"What do you two think you're doing?!" Melmetal bellowed, amplifying Shimmer's voice enough to almost make the ponytales stumble back on the rooftop in surprise.

The Iron Moth's mechanical eyes flickered. [That voice... Shimmer?] Jean's triangular wings buzzed a bit faster. [What are you doing?]

"I asked you first!" Shimmer countered through Melmetal. "Tulpise is your home! Why are you out to wreck it?"

[What good is there in protecting a home built on a bed of lies?] Dean spat. Flames danced around the Iron Moth's orange wings. [Your whole family's been lying to everyone! And you've got the gall to act like you're the hero in all of this?]

Shimmer's nostrils flared. The nerve of these two! He gathered energy in his horn. Melmetal quickly spun its electrified hands around and socked both Iron Moths before either could unleash an attack.

"So, because of my mother's mistakes, a whole city needs to be leveled?" Shimmer spat. Melmetal stayed close to them, raising its right leg on Shimmer's orders to strike with another High Horsepower. "Where's the sense in that? Look at yourselves! You're being used!"

[We're making a difference!] Jean said, shooting fireballs around haphazardly. [The world needs Eternatus! Paradox will be a better leader than you could ever dream of!]

Melmetal stood tall under Shimmer's orders, enduring the Fiery Dance to bring its earth-encrusted foot crashing down onto Dean. The Iron Moth cracked and splintered. Three of its wings broke off. Shimmer winced. He hadn't intended to strike that hard. Weren't ground attacks supposed to be neutral on volcarona? Did Iron Moths actually have a different type?

[Dean!] Jean's triangular wings glowed bright orange. It unleashed another fireball whirlwind. Shimmer's horn glowed, producing a psychic shield to deflect most of the Fiery Dance. The ponytales had a golden opportunity and needed to leverage it now. He was the one in control.

"Enough of this!" Shimmer declared through Melmetal. He had it step down a bit on Dean. Not enough to do anything, but the grating of metal echoed across the field. "Stand down and I'll let you have your brother back. There's no point to fighting. I know you're here to kidnap people for Eternatus' army, so I evacuated the city!"

[What?] Jean's hovering dropped a bit. [H-How did you—]

A purple and red streak shot past Jean. Pierced Melmetal right above the hexagonal gap in its chest. Then it slammed into the ground behind Melmetal, revealing something... vaguely like a helmetless version of the strange creature Shimmer had seen on PV. Only much more purple and red. And entirely mechanical.

Melmetal buckled. It dropped to one knee.


Shimmer's eyes widened. Meltan were falling out of Melmetal by the dozen.

It shrank down and down. Melting into a gray puddle of inert meltan. Shimmer's nine tails frazzled. He looked between the puddle and the thing that had brought Melmetal down with a single strike.

[Huh?] Jean's wings buzzed erratically. It was just as confused.

[Mission parameters have changed.] The new machine turned back to Jean. [Capture them.] It pointed a red talon at the meltan.

[But the emperor said—]

The newcomer's cheek bolts crackled with purple energy. [Mission parameters have changed. Capture them or I will terminate you.]

Jean's electronic eyes flickered yellow. Her wings produced green beams. Green bubbles trapped swathes of meltan at a time. They hovered to Jean's side.

Shimmer's heart pounded in his chest. He backed up across the roof. How had the script flipped on its head in just a matter of seconds?! He had to get Demerzel here. And Arianna. They had to get him out of h—

The ponytales jumped back. Slivers of his white hair drifted in front of him, revealing the mechanical beast standing right where he'd been moments ago. Purple and red energy crackled in its talons.

"Wh... at..." Shimmer staggered away. He was at least a couple of hundred meters away. How could this thing have closed the distance so quickly?!


(Art by Sylfeanne)

[Hostile unit identified.] The machine's electronic eyes glowed red. [Surrender in the name of Emperor Paradox.]

Shimmer concentrated as hard as he could. "Demerzel? You have to get me out of here! We have a problem! I'm in danger!"

[Hostility still detected. Proceeding with termination.]

It shot toward Shimmer, purple energy intensifying around its forelegs. Shimmer desperately fired a Psybeam, but the machine quickly dodged left. It dodged right from Shimmer's follow-up.


The machine suddenly stopped. It looked over its shoulder. The pixels in its eyes spun around like loading icons.

[Mission parameters have changed.] It jumped away from a dumbstruck Shimmer. [Returning to base.]

What? That was it? This thing was just going to leave him? It was out for his blood not even a second ago!

Shimmer shot another Psybeam, but the machine lunged off the rooftop. The ponytales staggered forward, heart racing. What had it seen that prompted such a hasty retreat?

It didn't take much searching for Shimmer to find what he was looking for: a large pillar of gray and yellow distortion in the middle of the field. And it was spreading toward Tulpise!

"Demerzel, the city's about to be overtaken by a dungeon!" Shimmer ran back and forth across the grassy rooftop, pointing his horn in any direction he could think of as if it were a dish trying to find a signal. "Melmetal's lost. Get me out of here!"

The ponytales waited for a few seconds before a strange jolt rattled him from horn to tails. A jolt that only came from Demerzel's teleportation.


Igneous dropped to the ground, watching the strange green beam sail overhead. It ended as a green bubble that popped. Try as he might, the grovlazzle couldn't figure out what attack that was. A weird Signal Beam, perhaps?

He caught more green light in the corner of his eye and dashed right. Green beams streaked by him, turning into more popping bubbles.

It was time to get moving. Figuring the city was more important to whatever machines were coming, Igneous doubled back. One of the robot volcarona shot one last green beam at him, but Igneous easily outran it with some timely propulsion from his fiery wings. They dissolved into this back.

When the bots didn't turn back around, Igneous figured it was safe to coordinate with the others. "Guys? The robots—"

His X-transceiver greeted him with harsh static. Igneous immediately shut it off, spun around, and spat Bullet Seeds behind him.

"Piss off, Xeromus!" he growled. Who else could disrupt his comm line?

Instead of chains or a canine-shaped shield, however, his Bullet Seeds slammed into bulky static cubes. They broke apart into tiny black and white pixels and scattered to the wind.

[OMEGALUL! This (ADGE BREAK) is already over! No bathroom breaks h— UP START B A UP UP DOWN!]

The static gave way to Ahsen's disjointed discs pulling themselves in different directions. A skeletal kabutops head briefly popped in and out of existence.

Igneous stepped back. He conjured his honedge in his right hand. Xeromus alone was enough of a problem, but Ahsen, too? Igneous was in way too far over his head. He couldn't afford a repeat of Venish. It was time to cut his losses. The grovlazzle had to regroup with someone. Anyone.

[LEFT LEFT L—] Ahsen stopped jerking. [Oh? Trying to (ALT-F4) your way out of this? Where's the (START9) in that, (FRIEND OF THE STREAM)?] More static ran along Ahsen's arms, briefly turning them into L-shaped, pixelated cubes. [This is the (MOMENT) you've been waiting for! Time for (HELIX) to take the stage!]

Ahsen descended into shouting more directions, his discoid body flopping about to and fro. Igneous seized the opening, swiping Honedge upwards on instinct. A fiery crescent struck Ahsen and set him ablaze. He dropped to the ground, twitching and spasming in a mess of strange static and occasional bones— wait, was that an aerodactyl skull in place of Ahsen's head? What the hell was this omen?

[(LIT AF!) (LIT AF!)] Ahsen's tone was surprisingly gleeful for someone who was currently on fire.

Damn it, I have to get out of here! The grovlazzle's wings flared to life. He started heading further away from the city. If there was ever a time for Scarlett's singing to help him out, it was now.

Igneous didn't get more than a handful of meters before a pillar of distortion erupted behind Ahsen, who'd somehow managed to put himself out and return to shouting directions. Two beady red eyes pierced through the distortion, then Igneous saw a tan, wispy silhouette.


(Art by Adam)

The cloud daemon! It was here?! And it had crystals growing on its legs.

Damn it, had it gained some sort of power?!

At the same time, the ground trembled. Igneous glanced over his shoulder and thought he saw a gray, hulking blob stomping around Tulpise's outskirts.

This was way too much. The grovlazzle didn't have time to search for Cid and Scarlett. So, Igneous did the one thing he could think of: tilt his head skyward and belt out a Flamethrower. With any luck, it'd serve as a flare to signal there was trouble.

The cloud daemon took that as a signal to go on the offensive. Its wispy form shimmered. The air around Igneous grew thin, as if the daemon was sucking it all up to make a vacuum. Igneous backpedaled. Honedge vanished into orange mist.

A gray flash erupted to Igneous' left. He barely managed to avoid it. The grovlazzle's fiery wings shot him away from the daemon.

These weren't conventional strikes Igneous was dealing with. He flew just a bit over the grass, weaving behind sudden bursts of gray and silver that matched the crystals on the cloud daemon's legs. The grovlazzle stole glances backwards to see Cloudy gliding toward him. Its crystals sparked at the same time as the strange energy bursts.

Where were Cid and Scarlett? Surely, they must've seen that Flamethrower. "Help!" Igneous shouted. "Scarlett, start sing— gah!"

Igneous rolled right to avoid a crystalline burst. He flicked his right hand back, hurling a fireball at Cloudy. The grovlazzle didn't hear anything to suggest the attack hit. Could it even hit? He couldn't do a thing against it back on the train. But it was entirely a cloud then. It had crystals, now! That had to mean something.

The grovlazzle dove down. Skidding across the ground, he spewed Bullet Seeds at Cloudy's right foreleg. But hexagonal crystals materialized out of nowhere. The Bullet Seeds vanished the moment they hit the crystals, like they'd never even existed to begin with.

[Your (START9) flavor is all wrong!] Ahsen buzzed, though Igneous had no idea where he was.

Cloudy's crystals flickered asynchronously. It produced something between a roar and a garbled wail, but its voice was so heavily distorted that Igneous could hardly tell what it sounded like.

Still, the force of its voice along was enough to blow Igneous off his feet. As he tumbled back, a dusty trail superimposed itself over the grass. A thick forest flickered in and out all around Igneous.

He watched patiently from the cover of the thick trees as the riolu jogged down the path, beckoning the ice vulpix to follow.

Igneous forcefully shook his head. Focus, damn it!

Cloudy's eyes flashed gray. Igneous dove out of the way of more crystal flashes. He spat a few Bullet Seeds at Cloudy's right foreleg, then switched to a Flamethrower heading for its left. Igneous smirked when the hexagonal barrier appeared to snuff out his Bullet Seeds, leaving his Flamethrower to strike the crystals.

A bell-like chime echoed across the field, alongside another garbled wail from the beast. Gasping, Igneous dropped to his knees. He threw his hands over his head.

His insides were on fire! And not in a healthy way, either!

Nickie's Powder Snow caused a trapinch to slip and tumble toward Tessa, who hit it right in the face with a Force Palm.

"I yield! I yield!" Trapinch squealed, trying to bury his head in the ground.

Igneous doubled over in pain, gripping his stomach. Something's... tearing through my insides! He looked up at Cloudy.

"Yeh tumhara aasliyat hain."

What? There Cloudy went, speaking nonsense gibberish again. Igneous had to fight it. Stand up!

Cloudy's crystals flickered. An even more intense weight gripped Igneous stomach.

"Nice one, Nikkie!" The riolu held out her right paw for Nickie to high five. Except the ice vulpix faceplanted when she tried to reciprocate. Tessa's aura feelers shot up in alarm. "Ah, right! Sorry! Forgot you're still getting used to the 'all-fours' thing."

Chuckling, the volcarona finally made his presence known by hovering out from the dense trees. "Sharp work, you two. Don't think we've had a duo solve the entrance test that fast before."

Igneous dropped to all fours, tucking his head down against his chest and screaming, "Get out... of my head!"

"Yeh tumhara aasliyat hain."

Cloudy was getting closer. Closer. The air around Igneous was thinning. Warping. More and more it felt like he was in the forest and not the field outside Tulpise.

"Tumhara kismat apariharya hain."

Igneous' vision flooded with hundreds and hundreds of butterfree wings, falling away to reveal a strange specter with hair like Leo's that blocked part of their face. Giant shadows coalesced around the specter, forming a gray and gold dragon's head.

"■■■■■■■■, strike them down!"

The pressure suddenly lifted. The air stopped thinning. Igneous' ears rang, but he was vaguely aware of wet and squishy ground around him.

"Igneous! Are you okay? Say something!"

That was Seifer. The keldeo was back from the city? Grunting, Igneous tried to push himself up from the ground. Cloudy was roaring again, however. The grovlazzle braced himself for another painful, trippy vision, but it didn't come.

Instead, he heard music. And there were vocals, but Igneous' ears were still ringing. He couldn't quite make them out. But it didn't matter. The message was loud and clear.

Scarlett was here. Her words could protect him. Protect all of them.

Breathing heavily, Igneous got back to his feet. His flames stirred in his gut. Seifer shot him a worried look.

"I'm okay. I've... got this."

Honedge appeared in Igneous' right hand. He shot forward, gripping Honedge tightly. Cloudy's expression was unreadable, but its crystals flashed. Igneous held Honedge up... and parried the crystal bursts!

His fiery wings propelled him toward Cloudy's right foreleg. Igneous slashed at the crystals with Honedge. They didn't shatter, but there was a satisfying claaaaaaaaang and they darkened considerably. Cloudy roared, but Scarlett's singing kept Igneous' head clear as he zipped around to Cloudy's right hind leg and struck again.

"Tum... hara!"

Cloudy's body rippled and pulsated. Igneous kept up his charge, striking each of its left legs in quick succession.


Igneous saw Ahsen flopping around in a panic... and Xeromus watching from behind the glitchy mess of floating discs.

[There's no (PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS) here!] Ahsen's arms turned into bony aerodactyl wings. [You can't (BAN HELIX). (CHAT) is too (STRONK)!]

The grovlazzle U-turned in midair, doubling back toward Ahsen. "I've had... enough out of you!" Igneous snarled, flames swirling around Honedge. Ahsen tried shooting balls of pixels at Igneous, but he rolled left, then right. He swung Honedge upward, slicing Ahsen's discoid head in half and knocking it away from his body.

Ahsen's body flew around haphazardly, flailing its arms around. Pixelated tendrils pulled the halves of its head back together.

Igneous locked eyes with Xeromus. He had Scarlett's power backing him up. He could put a stop to them today. Make sure they never bother anyone again.

Wings flaring up, Igneous divebombed the corrupted silvally. Yet Xeromus' gray eyes were filled with admiration.

Snarling, the grovlazzle thrust Honedge at Xeromus as hard as he could manage. But all Igneous did was pierce through black smoke and slam into the ground. Grass and soil erupted around him. Igneous grabbed Honedge out of the dirt and spun around to find Ahsen and Xeromus had regrouped by the cloud daemon's sides.

"You can bear your fangs at fate all you want!" Xeromus's chains rattled on his legs. "It will not change anything!"

Shadows burst forth from Xeromus' legs, swallowing the trio up and leaving Igneous staring across the field at a dumbfounded Seifer. And that beefy buzzwole guy bridal carrying Quetzal.

Igneous had several questions, but Scarlett's singing quickly faded. And with it went all of the grovlazzle's second wind. Honedge vanished as Igneous dropped to one knee.

The ground shook once more. Then a pillar of purple and red distortion erupted from where Xeromus once stood. It reached and clawed at the grass and dirt, slowly spreading toward Tulpise.

Seifer and the others managed to get around it. Panic spread across the keldeo's face. He was trying to think of something. Anything to stave off the distortion's advance.

It wasn't worth it. Igneous was spent. He imagined the others were tired, too. They had no choice but to leave.

"Outpost," Igneous rasped. "We must... go back."


CDL: Medium Insectoid Abduction Unit, Iron Moth
Mechanized volcarona adapted to capture small designated targets. It sounds like the emperor was experimenting with ways to modify Bug Buzz from an attack that produces sound waves into a means of ensnaring an enemy and sealing them in a bubble. Frankly, I'm not sure where the link is or how you can jump from point A to point B on that one. But Eterna energy loves to work in mysterious ways.


~Nurtured Destiny: Zodiark Dreamweaver~
The Affirmer is neither mortal nor god. Through transcending space and time, He has evolved beyond the very notion of life and death. He is now the only one capable of rewriting reality's single, ultimate Truth.


Path of Valor Almanac
"Yeh tumhara aasliyat hain," is Hindi that loosely translates to "This is your reality." Similarly, "Tumhara kismat apariharya hain," is a loose Hindi translation of "Your fate is unavoidable." My thanks to ExplosiveTurkey, of PMD: Canon Breakage fame for his assistance!
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A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Hello, hello! Figured I may as well drop a review for this fic and claim that Review Tag on United that’s been gathering dust for a while. Partly as a way of shaking off the reviewing rust before Review Blitz comes along, and partly as a way to catch up a bit more with this fic. It’s also been a hot minute too - last review I did for this fic was - checks notes - back in September. So yeah, it has been a while, eheh.

But hey - better late than never. And at least this way I can get a little more caught up before I throw a bigger review your way when Review Blitz rolls around.

So let’s dive in, and see where we left off…

Chapter 71

Goddamn, is Bahamut a menace with how he throws Gene of all people around like a ragdoll. And that music accompaniment certainly hammers the threat home.

Nice save from the monks. I figured they’d come back into this at some point in the near future.

She was caught between just spewing Dragon Breath at the projection or trying for the kind of tongue lashing Yiazmat used when an Aeon soldier stepped out of line.

Trying to emulate her mother, eh? Good to see how Yuna’s grown from the meek Dreepy she once was into someone more commanding.

Xeormus was on the Butterfree Effect's side. They were both supposed to be in the wrong, yet they were saying the opposite of one another. Did that mean one of them was telling the truth?

Enemies on all sides for Yuna. Yet I get the feeling one of them's gonna do a Heel-Face Turn at some point...

Leo’s about to power up more. He’ll probably become a full-grown llama god once he collects all eighteen plates. Wonder how powerful he’ll be then?

And now over to Team Bureau, where we see the fallout of the damages that happened in the previous chapters. Kinda surprised it’s just Liza and the Beldum, though. Would others not react to the collider meltdown? Or have they just not arrived on the scene yet?

"Yeah, sure. You guys get to go home." Liza was still laughing. "Meanwhile, I'll be pulled into hearing after hearing. This could take months. Maybe years considering everyone who contributed to this project!" She squeezed her hands tighter against her face. "Not to mention what it's going to take to rebuild this thing! Oh, I'm so, so screwed! My life is over!"

Yeah, ouch. To say Liza’s position is unenviable is an understatement, that’s for sure.

"Seven and a half years!" Liza threw her hands over her face. "That's how long we'd gone without a breach event until today. The collider was what let us stop them from happening. Everyone knows that."

Now I’m almost curious what the breach event seven and a half years ago was. Part of me wonders if it might be relevant to happenings later in the story…or even happening under the surface right now.

Liza looked around at the group, then glanced back at her screen.

"... Maybe it's time I gave Tate a call."

I guess times of crisis really are the moment old feuds die on their ass. Hopefully, anyway, if Tate gets his head out of the clouds with the non-sciencey stuff he gets up to in his own time.

Which meant he was the only one who glimpsed a blue-white ninetales emerging from the same door Liza's beldum were in, holding a sign in their maw reading "WILL FIX COLLIDERS FOR BELLY RUBS."

Perhaps the most persuasive method to get someone to do something if you’re a furry four-legged ‘mon: belly rubs! Although the presence of this Ninetales here and now is very much Not A Good Thing.

And yet it’s nice juxtaposition here, contrasting the cute image of the Ninetales offering belly rubs with what we already know about them.

The scene with Sticky and the Poipole sheds a light on a thing I quite like thus far: where the multiple different enemy factions aren’t necessarily aligned, and in this case, Paradox and his minions see Necrozma as an enemy just as much as our heroes do.

Another Silvally to add to the pile, and with that, the proportion of Silvally in PMD fics tilts ever more in your favour. :mewlulz:

Oh hey, a Xenoblade 3 track! :veelove:

"The Phantom that attacked Mewtwo... is Bahamut." Yiazmat leaned her head against the doorframe. "Or, rather, what is left of him after he took his own life."

…Damn. Another Wham Line out of nowhere. So Bahamut offed himself in the end, did he? What caused him to do that?

Though intriguingly enough, this wouldn't be the first time suicide and Necrozma are linked in an Ambyfic…

"It seems... he believed that becoming undead would make himself invincible," Yiazmat replied.

Ah, there’s why. And now comes the quest for Yuna and friends to find the Sacred Item that will deal damage to him in a final showdown. /j of course. Though I do wonder how true it is that he is truly invincible. Guess we’ll find out next time he makes his presence known.

Aaaand Yuna’s gone into a panic. Can’t blame her, if an indomitable foe like Bahamut has her in his sights.

And now she’s wallowing in the pits of despair, her motivation brought crashing down by her dislike for being a puppet of Fate’s whims. :sadwott: Might well end up taking one hell of a pep talk to get her back on her feet (or on her wings, in this case?)

Yuna's left arm bubbled and twisted into a black wing with three red spikes.

And this is where Giratina’s going to make his presence known at last. After quite a long time of hiding in the shadows (not unreasonably, given his tendency for that), the Renegade himself is going to come to the fore. A body that contains both a Lunala and a Giratina…seems Yuna’s a conduit for legendary ghosts as much as legendary dragons.

"Well, I never worshiped Badumbut." The toxtricity chuckled at her own lame insult.

Lame is right. Come on, Nikki, you’re better than that with your insults.

A small rift opened behind Yuna. "I'm going to Aeon Castle. Alone."

Oh, finally we get to see Yuna go back to Aeon. I had a feeling that was going to happen at some point. Going back for some much-needed R&R and a reunion with Calcifer (it sure has been a while since we last saw him, huh?).

But then that begs the question: will she get the peace she wants?

Fine work as always! Great to see the mysteries deepen even more, and seeing how Yuna is really nearing breaking point with how much matters have stressed her. Also good job painting Phantom!Bahamut as a terrifying force, able to subdue Gene without much difficulty and the threat of his menace being enough to terrify Yuna into taking a break. I also quite like the camaraderie between our protags, and there’s good intrigue on the antagonist’s side of things with the development of Iron Enforcer, the sheer strength of Bahamut, and though he doesn’t appear here, the Butterfree Effect hovering in the background, a burden on Yuna’s conscience.

Merry Christmas, @Ambyssin. I'll be back when Review Blitz comes along, where I’ll be catching up with the rest of this truly excellent fic. :quag:
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Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark
Hello, Amby! Planning to catch up with PoV for Blitz (finally… there is a bingeworthy amount of chapters available), and I thought I’d swing by to get my bearings again. This review will be for 36 through 39.

These three feel overall pretty liminal as a set – which I guess makes sense, as I assume they’re a wind-down/setup for the special that follows them. Most of the runtime went to backstory dumps, the characters chilling, and the introduction of new characters like Leo and Jade. I have to admit I’m continuously impressed with your ability to pull out all the crazy stops and somehow still find places to escalate from there – it’s only about halfway through the currently published fic (and doesn’t even feel like a halfway point yet) and already we have Basically Arceus in the picture, along with apparently an entire multiverse in expansion to Eternatus and Etherium. Also, Yuna evolving, and the whole thing that’s going on with her backstory and now having Leo tagging along?

Hard agree with Yuna tbh, Leo knows A Lot for being a newborn. He doesn’t read anything like a genuine toddler or infant at all, more like he’s going on nine or ten. Though I assume the egg was more akin to imprisonment than a genuine birth, or maybe Arceus is just Like That. Initially I thought the journal logs at the beginning of 37 might have been his (those were really :( tbh, y u do this), but I’m guessing he is Bahamut’s kid and Cecil seems to imply the journal was Bahamut’s… kinda surprising though, we haven’t met Bahamut yet iirc but from what he was like in Blacklight those journals aren’t like anything he’d write. Maybe it was before he got old and crusty though :p

On the whole I would say there are some interesting things flooding around in the background, but nothing truly large happening that’s not a lore dump or so – the flashbacks to the legends, from what I remember, seemed to paint the Saints and their politics as rather grim and stifling, and that doesn’t change with Jade/Lugia’s flashback. Can’t be surprised it fell apart if that’s the way it worked, though I did like the sort of expansion we get on Bahamut via Cecil mentioning he’s afraid. I think that’s a really compelling reason for someone to tick the way he does – being strict and huffy out of pendantry and rigidness is one thing, but being that way because you’re terrified of what might happen otherwise (with your underlings growing to hate you as a result) opens the door to all kinds of interesting layers and conflicts.

As of right now I’m not super into the omniverse stuff until it gets more meaning to the story tbh, which I assume will be connected to Leo. From what I remember this fic seemed to throw around a lot of settings and worlds left and right, so each expansion feels like it loses a little less intimacy imo (an omniverse most of all just bc of the scale), and I’m not entirely sure what it means right now. I assume we’ll learn that quickly down the line, though. I enjoyed the bodyguard scene the most; watching Noctum come to a head with his guilt over being useless and lose his temper as a result, and watching Seifer sort of get a rude awakening to the nature of the Horizon Kingdom was fun; I feel like both of those had been brewing for a bit so it was nice to see them come to heads in little ways here. The nods to Explorers and Gates were also silly fun. In general I do wonder a bit how these things are going to be balanced with the ever-expanding plot outside of Horizon, which feels like it’s eating the first plot and its characters more and more (I feel like we forgot about the tournament entirely?).

Overall, these were a fun few chapters! I’ll be interested to see what Gene’s on about in the special, and presumably get the payoff that these chapters have been building up to. Until next time!


Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Alright, so it's been a lot longer than I originally planned since I last read PoV, but i figured that by the time I finished this and got it posted, it'd be up in time for your birthday, so that sounds like as good a reason as any to start my catchup with…

Chapter 74

Entry 3501 Why why why why why why

Why can't it just get out of my head?

I'm not some renegade. Wanting to rid the universe of a monster is natural! People just refuse to see reason!

I must get more power. The power to stop Eternatus.

Wait a minute, this character dynamic seems familiar, where have I-?


Ah yes, that's what this was reminding me of.

Seifer stepped through the rift into the dusty fields of Shaftra Monastery. It had only been a day, yet so much changed it felt like he was looking at the dilapidated silver towers and glass domes for the first time.

He glanced over his shoulder. "They're meeting us out here, right?" The buildings didn't exactly have standard front doors the keldeo could knock on.

>dat BGM

I really need to stop being cheap and lazy and buy a PS5 sometime.

"Right." Widget hopped out next to him. The cosmic silvally blinked rapidly. Adjusting to the bright light after being out all that time, no doubt.

"You sure you're up for this?" Seifer asked. "You still look a bit out of it."

Narrator: "He was absolutely not up for it."

"I'll manage." Widget stood up straight. "And I could ask you the same question."

Seifer frowned. "In what way?"

Widget's cheek bolts glowed purple and yellow. In a surprisingly good imitation of Nikki's voice, he said, "I'm surprised the dude's even walking straight." After a pause, he added, "Or walking gay."

Ah yes, I suppose that correction there is one sign that Widget's still a kid mentally. :V

The keldeo's cheeks reddened. He fought to keep his prosthetic horn from flickering.

But Widget's impression wasn't done. "Least we can say there's nothing secret about that sword anymore, if you know what I— ouch!"

Seifer lifted his right forehoof off Widget's left talons. "Really?" He eyed the cosmic silvally disapprovingly. "You were out cold for all of that."

Kinda brought that one on yourself, Widget. o<o

Seifer: "Seriously, what ever happened to you being the naive wide-eyed kid?" >_>;
Widget: "Gene and the rest of the Resistance brought me up to speed?" ^^;

"Yeah. But people talk." Widget laughed nervously.

"Evidently." But Seifer hadn't helped his case with the sharp reaction. "Yes, I'm with Cyril now. Will that be a problem for you?" "As long as you're happy."

Widget's cheek bolts rotated once in their sockets. "And the emperor gave me noise dampeners, so your horizontal boogieing won't bother me. But if you really want privacy, find a better spot than his dang workshop."

Seifer: "I'm... just never going to bring this up to anyone else and pretend they didn't hear us in there."

The blushing only got worse. Seifer glimpsed another rift out of the corner of his eyes and took a few calming breaths to steady himself.

So what if he was sore? It wasn't Widget's business.

I take it that Seifer wasn't the top in that encounter with Cyril based off that dialogue.

Seifer stood at attention for Archie and Maxie. "Just you two scamps, huh?" The dark samurott stroked his jagged mustache. "Expected more of a crowd."

"Don't criticize." Maxie nudged up his goggles. "Mewtwo's through here." The ghostly typhlosion beckoned the duo to follow.

Ah yes, time to find out what the absolute state of Gene is right now.

They walked into the rift and, surprisingly enough, found themselves in an infirmary. Or the dilapidated remains of one. The monks tried to maintain things as best they could, but Seifer figured there was only so much they could do to get ages worth of rust out of metal shelves and cabinets. They were lined with jars full of strangely-colored liquids. Perhaps medicinal berries they'd turned into paste?

A couple of lucario bobbed their heads politely to Archie and Maxie and headed for the door behind Seifer. "Heal Pulse users?" the keldeo wondered.

"You know it." Archie went up to the foot of one of the rusted metal cots and thumped it with his jagged seamitar. "Oi, you up? Ya got company."

>Lucario Heal Pulse users

Are these Shane and Tessa's distant descendants or something? Since that feels like a really particular choice for a healer Pokémon to deploy.

The green blanket folded over. Gene slowly sat up. Seifer eyed the bandages wrapped around the shadowy mewtwo's arms and torso. That weird second curved neck of Gene's had a brace on it that Maxie kept looking at. Seifer assumed Gene constantly tried to pull it off.

"You should see the other guy." Gene laughed weakly, only for it to fade into a wince. He grabbed his bandaged torso.

Gene: "Even if it'd probably be a bit hard for him to feel worse than me since he's kinda undead."

Seifer: "Wait, but aren't you-?"
Gene: "Undeader. Whatever."

"Really? Jokes?" Widget marched up to the bed, his starcloud neck ruff twirling around in irritation. "From what I heard, you were on death's door!"

Another weak laugh. Gene cut himself off quicker this time. "Heh. Wouldn't be the first time that rotten pile of crystals killed me."

I mean, there was definitely that moment in Gene's special, though now I'm curious if Gene's also referring to other moments from that remark.

"This is serious, Gene!" Widget hopped up, putting his forelegs on Gene's bed. "Did you know about what Bahamut did to himself?"

"No." Gene's answer was firm. "It had been a while since I had to contend with him. I was afraid he was up to something. But taking his own life to become a Phantom?" Shuddering, he shook his head. "He really is that far gone, huh?"

Seifer: "Wait, but I thought that you just said-"

Gene: "I know now obviously. Word gets around, like how it did with your recent hookup with Cyril."
Seifer: "... Right. I suppose that makes sense." >///<

Seifer raised a brow. Gene did make it sound like Bahamut had betrayed the original resistance. And they fought, with Gene as the victor. Had they been fighting each other on and off all this time? That was what it sounded like, judging by the journal.

I mean, I'm not fully sure that's what Gene's alluding to here, but...

Something still bothered him, though. The keldeo approached the foot of the bed. "That may be, but I think there's a gap you're not filling in."

Wincing, Gene leaned against the wall behind his pillow. Somehow, he managed a smirk. "Really? Cuz I think someone beat me to that punch."

Seifer's eyes briefly widened, only for a stern expression to kick back in. "You're a riot." He flicked his horn against the foot of the bed. "If you've the headspace for dirty taunts, then you can tell us the truth."


Yeah, Seifer kinda walked right into that one there.

There was a chuckle from behind Seifer. He turned around in time to see Maxie smack the back of Archie's head. "G'arr! Watch it!"

The ghostly typhlosion's purple flames pulsated. "Then don't act like a child."

A sighing Gene drew Seifer's attention back to the bed. "Fine." Gene tried to sit up straight. "Wasn't going to hide it. Just figured I should wait for a bigger squad."

Seifer: "... I can already tell that this is going to raise my blood pressure to hear." >_>;
Widget: "Er... go on, I guess?" .-.

"Well, we're what you've got." Widget pushed his front half off the bed. "The others are dealing with... new recruits. Thanks to Yuna."

There was a flicker of interest in Gene's eyes. "Guess a lot happened while I was out." He slowly reached up and touched his Malice Crystal. A strange blue cube materialized in his left hand.

"Is that... a recording device?" Widget lowered his head, sniffing it with his beak. "How old is that thing?"

>blue cube

Wait, is that supposed to be a tape recorder or something? Or else some post-human bit of technology?

"Older than you, Squirt."

"I'm a third of a meter taller than you!" Widget squawked, his starcloud rapidly swirling around his neck.

Gene looked at Seifer. "What about the human and that Overseer guy? Can we at least get them?"

Sighing, Seifer turned his X-transceiver on. "Sigurd? You there. Gene's asking for you and Jaeger at the monastery."

Gene: "For the record, there was a reason why I wanted to wait until a bigger group was around before going into this..." >_>;

"A direct request, is it?" The hissing of Sigurd's respirator carried through the communicator. "Sure. We're in the main restaurant, actually."

"They're in the main restaurant." The keldeo looked at Archie and Maxie. "Should we tell the monks to—"

"I can... handle it." Gene's face scrunched up. He shakily held his left hand out.


Color me doubtful there.

"Don't strain yourself, nitwit!" Widget scolded, but the rift had already formed next to the cosmic silvally. Seconds later, Jaeger wheeled Sigurd through it. The lycanroc mutt eyed Gene's injuries.

"Lemme guess: 'You should see the other guy?'"

Gene smirked. "See? This guy gets it."

Widget: "... Wait, just how many times have you gotten yourself into situations like this, Gene?" .-.

"What exactly are we here for?" Sigurd wondered. His gaze was firmly fixed on the blue cube. It was glowing now. In fact, it got a bit brighter with each second.

"This." Gene gestured to the cube. "Think it's nearly done warming u— yep, there it is."

The cube unleashed a pillar of blue light that formed a hologram. Seifer immediately stiffened, leveling his horn at the hologram on instinct despite knowing it wasn't here.

Oh, so the cube is basically a holocron from Star Wars. Duly noted.

"Xeromus?" Seifer's breath caught in his throat. "Why do you have this?"

To that, Gene only put a finger to his lips. He focused on the hologram... and Seifer saw the longing in the shadowy mewtwo's eyes.

"Hey, Gene. It's me. This is..." The hologram sucked in a sharp breath. "This is the hardest thing... I've had to do since before I met you."

I mean, I suppose that the story had been hinting at it very unsubtly all this time, but I see we're just getting it out into the open that Xeromus is what Nova became.

His voice wasn't nearly as raspy as Seifer remembered. And without a cloak and chains, Seifer saw white patches in Xeromus' fur.

Did that mean... this was Nova talking?


"If it's not already apparent... the mission didn't quite go as intended," Nova continued. He sounded tired. "Eternatus' core was exactly where we expected. And Matriarch was there. We were even able to stop her, but..."

Static rippled through the hologram. Widget's head crest fanned out. "What's going on? Don't tell me this thing's damaged!"

Damn, talk about unfortunate timing there.

Again, Gene merely held his finger to his lips. The hologram settled down.

"... Emerged to fill the power vacuum left behind." Nova looked down guiltily and his hologram was replaced by one of an even more familiar deoxys. "You know how we thought we eliminated all of Matriarch's deoxys? It turns out... there's a prototype we didn't account for."

Oh, so this is the story of how Paradox and the QN came to be, huh? I can already tell that some stuff that doesn't put Gene in the best of lights is going to come up in short order.

The holographic image pulled back to surround Paradox with several strange, blurry images. Seifer couldn't make any of them out properly.

"The Paradigm's fully revived. They're all serving Deoxys faithfully." Nova sounded more tired than before. "I suspect... he has a fragment of that strange power we found in the core. This Red Chain."

Seifer caught Sigurd's eyes widening. His respirator was hissing at a slightly faster rate.

Ah, so he knows about the Red Chain, too. Wonderful. Though I suppose that's one way to keep him relevant in the story in spite of the cosmic stakes rocketing off the charts.

"He's sweeping across the Qliphoth even as I speak." Now the blurred images disappeared, replaced by holographic planets. Holographic chains shot out from one world to the next and wrapped themselves around each planet. "Planets that enjoyed a degree of autonomy under Matriarch answer directly to him. And I don't think he intends to stop until he conquers all of the Qliphoth."

So, the entire state of affairs in the present day is the result of an episode of "Nice job breaking it hero" over a thousand years ago, huh?

After a static flicker, the holographic Paradox appeared to be clutching the collection of planets with his right hand. The Eterna Empire sigil was firmly wrapped around them.

"Chiron and I were confident Matriarch was lying." Nova's voice strained. "We thought her claims of needing to do what she did were her manipulating us."

Ah yes, so there's our obligatory "Squaresoft heroes making everything worse" moment.

Paradox's hologram disappeared and Nova's returned. He shook his head glumly. "I was wrong. So, so wrong." There was a shuddering breath. "With Matriarch offline, we've gone from having someone who must control Eternatus... to someone who actively wants to."

TL/DR of Nova's recording there:

At the mention of "offline," Widget suddenly stood at attention. His eyes and starcloud pulsated erratically.

Widget: "... Meaning that that thing's still out there?!"

Nova thrashed his head left, then right. He let out one of those raspy coughs that had previously sent chills down Seifer's spine. "No. Not yet. A little... longer. Please." He wheezed loudly.

Oh, so Xeromus is more accurately something indwelling/using Nova's body. Or else him post-Phantoming or something like that, huh? Since I can see that dialogue from him there.

Gene's expression was stoic, but Seifer saw faint facial twitches. Enough to tell the shadowy mewtwo was trying to keep it together.

"I'm sorry, Gene, but I can't stay," Nova whimpered. "Something happened to me in that battle. And I can... I can..." There was a faint hiccup behind the mask.

Must have been quite something if over a millennium of the Power of Love was insufficient to fix it.

"You have to carry the torch in my stead," he said. "Deoxys has to be taken out for the good of everyone." Nova took another shuddering breath. "And Bahamut... you must find a way to break through his Malice corruption."


Yeah, not really convinced that that's ever going to happen since Bahamut was spiraling hard well before he took his own life to become a Phantom. But we'll see, I guess.

The hologram shook. Nova must've grabbed the recording device with his forelegs. "You understand? After what happened, Bahamut's only going to get more and more desperate to destroy Eternatus. But he can't!"

"What?" Seifer's gaze fell to Gene. Wasn't the resistance's entire goal to ensure Eternatus could never be a threat again?

"It's like I said," Nova let go of the recorder, "I was wrong. Eternatus... has to exist. It's... a part of the very foundation of our universe." He paused. "Bahamut will never accept that. The only way to ensure he doesn't make the same mistake I nearly did is—"

And somehow undoing his Malice corruption will just send Bahamut straight back into "I'll tear it all down!" mode, so... yeah. Good luck with that one. At this rate, you're better off investing your energies into getting Yuna to pull a Shulk, since hey, she already does have the demiurge figure riding shotgun with her.

Nova descended into a coughing fit and the hologram glitched again.

"—time we meet, we won't be on the same side anymore." Nova's gray eyes were blurry with tears. "But I... believe in you, Gene. Always have. Always will. I know that, if our paths cross, you'll make the right choice."

Nova took a shuddering breath. "Remember that last part." He coughed. "No matter... what anyone tells you..."


I swear, you're downright cruel to your cast in this story.

He staggered back from the recorder, jerking his head left, then right. Nova stood there, legs trembling. Eyes darting around. After several seconds, he managed to steady himself and look into the recorder once more.

"... Your choices matter."

Nova hunched over. Even with the mask on, he was clearly in pain.

"Take care... Gene. I love you."


Even if i'm still wondering what on earth happened to Nova there such that his original personality got crowded out or overwritten.

The hologram vanished. The blue light pillar retreated into the cube, which promptly stopped glowing. Gene quickly rubbed his face with his left arm, then swiped the cube off his blanket.

"You always knew," Seifer whispered, gaze falling to the floor. "That's why your response to Yuna saying she thought Nova was Xeromus was so muted. You knew." The keldeo glanced at the others, trying to gauge their responses. Like him, Widget was staring at his chitinous forelegs.

Ah yes, this is going to be fun to explain to the rest of the group since they weren't around to hear it in person.

"He was right?" the cosmic silvally mumbled. "I don't understand." He looked at Gene, then at Seifer. "I thought 'Eternatus must survive for everyone's sake' was another one of the emperor's lies. But if that... that other silvally is right, then what else did he tell me that's actually true?"

"A good manipulator knows how to cherry pick the truth to suit their agenda," Sigurd said, offering the closest to a sympathetic look he could manage when he could only move his eye muscles. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Something something, the most dangerous lies are the ones built around a kernel of truth, Widget.

"And the prototype thing?" Widget wondered, starcloud and tail dimming. Seifer figured Widget realized there was now a hidden connection between the two. Which would make Paradox's callous disregard for the silvally sting even more.

"Deoxys are meant to change forms to augment their abilities in battle." Gene clicked his tongue. "Never seen Paradox do that, though. My guess? Failed prototype." He shook his head, sighing. "Not to play armchair psychologist, but I bet being described as a failure gave the emperor a hell of a complex. So, he wanted to prove his creator wrong by doing a better job of controlling Eternatus than she ever did."

Oh, so that's the reason why you picked Emperor Nefarious as the character base that Paradox was built around. Since Emperor Nefarious can basically be summed up as "Dr. Nefarious, if he stopped being a comedic butt monkey that failed on a regular basis", so this tracks pretty well.

"Hence that whole 'wanting to rule' comment," Sigurd mused. His ventilator hissed loudly.

Seifer had to admit, he found it difficult to stomach. It was one thing learning the Kingdom of Radiance never destroyed Eternatus. But to hear the monstrosity is foundational to the universe? Seifer sat down and leaned against the foot of the bed. He couldn't afford to get dizzy now.

Yeeeeeeeah, I'm half-convinced that this story is going to wind up taking the Xenoblade 3 path of dealing with a universe that is just screwed on every imaginable level by existing. Since at this rate, it's about the only way that anyone could hope to have an ending that felt meaningfully happy at the end.

"What did he mean when he said Matriarch went offline?" Widget looked mainly at Gene. "The emperor described her like a person. People don't go offline. Machines like me do." His eyes darted around. "Or, uh, maybe I would have in the past. It's confusing now."

"Hmph." Maxie approached the bedside, nudging up his goggles. "The logical conclusion to draw here is that this Matriarch character was actually a machine."


Better yet, the mention that Matriarch went 'offline' plus some of Paradox's past dialogue implies that she can, and most likely will be brought back later on in the story.

Widget's starcloud stopped swirling. His cheek bolts crackled.

Seifer frowned. "Ayyaii?" That had to stand for something, right?

"Artificial intelligence." Gene crossed his arms. "Matriarch was, essentially, a complex program. Going off what I gleaned from Mira and Nova, one that's impossible to replicate." His eyes flickered blue, creating projections of tiny silhouettes. "She had a number of android bodies at her disposal. The ones I remember most were a one-eyed lucario, a roserade, and an arcanine that was practically made of fire and brimstone.

... One of them's going to be Valkyrie, isn't it? Since I remember what Gene addressed her as like 40 chapters ago.

Seifer frowned. Gene had lost him. Lucario and roserade were pokémon he understood well enough. But that arcanine sounded almost... volcanic in origin. Did the Aeon Kingdom have such arcanine among its population? A question for Yuna or Noctum, he supposed.

"Apparently these were 'avatars.'" As the projections vanished, Gene made air quotes. "Nova had seen her main body before, but Matriarch somehow blocked those files off from his memory banks before he fled and established the resistance."

Yeah, see the last comment. It'd also explain a thing or two about why Valkyrie is looming in the background of everybody in the original FFN cover art.

"An AI." Widget's eyes dimmed in thought. "But then... who created it? It had to have come from somewhere." The cosmic silvally glanced at the others.

"No idea." Gene shrugged. "Nova's theory was that the Matriarch's existence is directly intertwined with Eternatus' core."

... I just had the incredibly cursed realization that this basically makes Matriarch the Alvis of this story. TBD if she took the same turn that he does after the events of his introductory game.

Seifer lay his head on the metal rail at the foot of Gene's bed. "It's ridiculous," he mumbled. "In school we're taught the universe formed because of a giant explosion from a concentrated point of matter and energy."

"Wow. Look at you sounding all scientific." Jaeger chuckled. Seifer rolled his eyes. "'s not unreasonable, mate. Plenty of universes come about that way." The lycanroc mutt scratched his head. "This'un's just... complicated."

"Because of Leo, right?" Widget pivoted toward Jaeger.

Oh boy, this song is being used for the BGM. That's... a really ominous sign for where things are about to go.

"Exactly," Jaeger said. "Unless Leo's not from this dimension originally, he must've had a hand in creating it. Somehow."

"That's you speaking as an Overseer?" Seifer raised a brow.

"Intern," Jaeger corrected. Seifer could practically hear a smirk that wasn't on Jaeger's face.

I suppose POV-2020 being mashed together in an unnatural fashion would explain a thing or two about why it seems to be causing dimensional cancer for the other ones floating around out there and why the Overseers are trying to seal it off.

"Same difference," the keldeo huffed, blowing hair out of his eyes. "Just tell me what I'm missing here or keep your quips to yourself."

"Testy." Jaeger clicked his tongue. "But fair point, mate." He rested his paws behind his head. "When arceus exist... they usually emerge from eggs into nothing. Then they shape their universes."

"Tch. No duh." Archie casually waved a seamitar around. "Alder says that's in his lorebook or whatever."

Maxie held his left hand up to stop the dark samurott. "Let him continue."

Widget: "I... take it that that didn't happen here for some reason?" ·v·

Frowning, Archie sheathed the seamitar.

"Sometimes an arceus maintains a physical presence after creation." Jaeger held his paws up against the side of his hide, like he was pantomiming going to sleep. "Others will slumber away in a remote area until they're needed again."

Widget's head crest fanned out. "Didn't you guys hatch Leo out of an egg?"

"It hatched for Yuna," Seifer said. He supposed an egg could be considered a remote place to sleep. But that sounded so... ridiculous. "Why does he have the mind of a child, then?"

Seifer: "And why do I have the sinking feeling that I'm really, really not going to like hearing the answer to that question?"

"And the same name as the light dragon's child," Sigurd added. "Curious. I take it you have a theory, Jaeger?"

The lycanroc mutt nodded slowly. "Somethin' right messed up this place's creation process. Your arceus got hurt. Sealed himself up to try and heal."

Seifer locked eyes with Gene. The shadowy mewtwo's eyes flickered. "And by 'somethin,' you mean?"

"Eternatus, of course. Thing ain't natural."

I suppose that would explain a thing or two about why everyone from outside POV-2020 finds it to be the "weird" dimension with the gaping void where its Legendaries ought to be.

"But you heard what Nova said," Widget squawked, cheek bolts flickering.

"Yeh. Because it interfered, it's now a cornerstone of this dimension." Jaeger tapped the back of Sigurd's wheelchair. "C'mon. Someone ought to tell 'em."

"Tell us what?" Seifer wasn't ready for more bad news to get dropped into his figurative lap.

"He's talking about the time dilation," Gene said, arms crossed and head bowed. "Picked up on that, huh?"

Ah yes, wonderful. I can see why Gene attempted to hide this from the others for so long.

Jaeger chuckled. "Couldn't help it, mate."

Seifer squinted at the lycanroc mutt. "Already knew about that one. Gene told us."

"Well, loop the rest of us in, ya scamps!" Archie barked.

"Time moves slower in Eternatus than outside of it," Gene said, arms still crossed. "Or, well, it did. Until recently."

Wait, so how long has it been on the inside versus the outside for Paradox’s takeover anyways?

Seifer could have asked how recently, but he had a pretty good guess in mind already. "When all of this dimensional anomaly stuff started bubbling up?"

"Bingo." Gene nodded slowly. "One day in Eternatus is the same as a day in Aeon or Radiance. Definitely wasn't the case before."

So wait, that meant that diving into Eternatus in the past was like that one sequence from Interstellar when the crew grazes the black hole?

That meant Cyril regularly dealt with time gaps for his Ryujin work. So, did it seem to the zoroark like barely a moment passed inside Eternatus before he got another request? Or had he spent far more time in Scale City?

Seifer felt a headache coming on.

"And you think that's tied to Leo waking up?" Widget wondered.

"Hard to say." Gene leaned back again. "It's a lot to unravel."

Wow, that's recently, recently. I can see why all of this was a giant shock to everyone.

"Then might I offer some assistance?"

Alder walked in, offering a friendly wave of his white-feathered wing. Koraidon walked up behind him, but judging by his purple and white colors, he wasn't the monk Seifer was familiar with.

"Channeling that Overseer again, eh?" Archie said.

"Aww, c'mon. My name's Vince, remember?" Vince's shoulders sagged. "Hasn't been that long since we talked."

I still don't trust this guy. Especially with how he needs to take over the body of someone else in order to operate here in POV-2020.

"You'll have to forgive him." Maxie patted the dark samurott's back. "His memory is best geared to remembering what he ate the other day."

"Oi!" Archie leveled his jagged horn at the ghostly typhlosion. "I remember stuff plenty good."

"We get it." Seifer pointed his horn at both of them. "Now, butt out." He glanced at Vince. "You're the one who told us to find Sigurd and the Overseer, right? Well, we got them."

Seifer: "And any other horrible revelations about our dimension that you'd like to spring on us? Since really, now would be as good a time as any for that." >_>;

Jaeger turned Sigurd's wheelchair around to face Vince. "I assumed it had to do with the Red Chain," Sigurd said. "I'd been investigating it with Jaeger."

But Vince didn't seem thrilled by Jaeger's appearance. In fact, the purple koraidon's dewlap deflated slightly as he turned to Seifer. "You've got the wrong guy."

All: "What."

Seifer's expression fell in an instant. "Excuse me?" He wasn't sure whether to point his horn at Jaeger or Vince over this one. "I'm getting really damn sick of all these secrets. Someone say something."

Frowning, Vince crossed his arms. "Big S did say there was someone named Jaeger around, but he's not who I wanted Yuna to find. The Overseer I'm thinking of is a human who turned himself into a miraidon."


Oh hey, they actually did it. Just a bit later than expected. Though that's a really particular thing to turn oneself into there- waaaaait a minute, was that Mira from Gene's flashback?

Gene tried to sit up straighter in his bed, only to wince. "That wacky professor was an Overseer the whole time?" The shadowy mewtwo blinked. "I guess that does explain why he could treat me in the first place..."

Yeah, I figured.

"Wait, but that happened ages ago!" Seifer said. Even with this time dilation thing, he was sure that was true. "He's gone now, right?"

"I assumed he didn't survive the showdown with Matriarch." Gene tapped his Malice Crystal. "Or, well, the aftermath of it."

Vince frowned. He looked like he was chewing on Gene's words. But before Seifer could press him, he instead asked Jaeger, "So, what's your deal then?"

"Intern Overseer." Jaeger raised his right paw and crossed his digits. "If your boss is who I think it is, I interned under him. Til I had an accident in another world and ended up here. Cross m' heart and hope to die, mate."

Vince: "Fantastic. Any other surprises I should know about right now?"

"Really?" Vince quirked a brow.

Jaeger pointed his crossed digits at Vince.

Seifer watched the two stare each other down. Was it really that simple? The keldeo hardly knew how this damn Overseer group truly functioned, so it wasn't like he could tell.

"I see." Vince's feathers drooped a bit. "Guess the quarantine was wearing thin longer than Big S thought. No wonder they want to axe this dimension and funnel your souls to the Overworld."

He... just said that out loud in front of everyone in the room, didn't he?

Now that was something Seifer couldn't let sit. "I beg your pardon? Are you implying this... nebulous shadowy group you work for wants to destroy the universe?!"

Vince realized his tongue slip. His eyes widened. "It's just a want! Just a want!" The purple koraidon held his hands up. "They're not actually doing it. I mean, you guys are all still here, right?" He laughed nervously.

Widget: "I swear, is there anyone in this story that's on our side here?" >v<

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Widget growled. His starcloud swirled around his neck.

"I can... see how it wouldn't." Vince tittered.

To Seifer's surprise, Jaeger cut in. "It is policy." The lycanroc mutt wrinkled his snout in disgust. "If a threat to multiple dimensions can't be contained or dealt with at its origin point, the last resort option is an apocalypse. Funnel everyone's souls to the Overworld to rest, then work with the deities in charge to end it and eliminate the weakened threat that no longer has a domain to draw power from."

Ah yes, so this is why you had the "Canon Event" song as the BGM for this scene.

He paused. "Or if there ain't any deities, do things the old-fashioned way and blow the dimension up."

"But they're not going there yet," Vince assured, running his webbed fingers over his dewlap. "Only discussing it."

Live look at Overseer HQ right now:


"Oh, my mistake. How reassuring." Sarcasm dripped from Seifer's words.

Vince shrank back a bit. "I know it sounds bad. Like super-mega-terra bad. But they're not pulling that trigger. Especially since you're doing a bang-up job patching these anomalies."

Okay, why should any of them take your word for this again given that you've hidden this detail for how many chapters now?

Seifer squinted. "We've only found two. Out of who knows how many."

"Yes. Yes." Vince nervously twirled one of his long, feathery horns. "Buuuut that last one you closed up? It suppressed the others. So, things have stabilized a bit."

Alder nodded along. "That's right. I can scarcely detect anything for myself." The psychic braviary glanced at the golden wheel pendant around his neck. "I daresay Leo's bought your team a well-deserved break."

And cue a bunch of others opening up in 3... 2...

"A break, huh?" Gene held his arms up and looked down at his bandaged torso.

Seifer wasn't buying it. Was it really a break? Or was this some innate defensive measure the anomalies had to make themselves harder to find?

"I hardly think this news is cause for relaxation," the keldeo huffed.

I mean, considering the batting average for how this story's been panning out, Seifer's paranoia here is pretty well-justified. .-.

"It is." Alder raised a white-feathered wing. "From what I can sense, our dimension is safe."

"For now," Seifer countered. "We can't afford to get caught off guard."

Widget stepped in front of Seifer. "You're right." The cosmic silvally slowly nodded. "But this is an opportunity."

Seifer: "I'm sorry, Widget. Have you been listening to anything from the past five minutes? Just what could there possibly be for an opportunity here?!"

Seifer tilted his head. "Because of what Yuna's doing?"

"Yeah. Think about it." Widget turned to Gene. "Some of them can help Cyril build us more equipment to use. Or we can train them to sniff out the anomalies. Or keep tabs on the empire. That kind of stuff." He looked back at Seifer. "It's a break in the sense of not having to fight, but it doesn't mean sitting around like lazy bums."

You see, the plan sounds nice and sensible, except your author just isn't the type to give y'all a break.

Gene raised his left arm. "Except me. Bedrest guy."

"Well, you can start brainstorming how we're supposed to deal with Necrozma," Widget scoffed, lightly kicking the edge of Gene's bed with a hind leg. "Maybe work with that Vegna guy. He seems to know about this Phantom."

"Right." Gene didn't sound too pleased. "I guess... I can try that."

... Gene has met Vegna before, hasn't he?

The shadowy mewtwo kept stealing glances at Widget. Seifer wondered if Gene saw a bit of Nova in Widget just then. Nova was the leader at one point.

I mean, Nova was the prototype for all Silvally here in this dimension, so...

"Is that everything?" Seifer looked at Vince. "By which I mean, you're not hiding anything else we ought to know, right?"

Vince looked offended, but everyone else was eyeing him skeptically too. The purple koraidon scratched his head. "I, uh... don't think so?" His feathery horns stiffened. "Ah, no, wait. I'm pretty sure my boss is trying to do something to help you guys out. I don't know what it is, but it's something."

Oh, so that's why we've been seeing Shane pop around shadowing Team Bastion and the gang.

Seifer rolled his eyes. "Lovely. Well, tell your boss it'd help more if we could actually speak with him."

"I'll, um, try." Vince laughed nervously, only to wilt under Seifer's stern gaze. "C-Copy that, sir." He stood at attention. "I guess I'll, uh, get going. And stuff."

"Yeah. You do that." Seifer didn't take his gaze off the purple koraidon.

I mean, I wouldn't either considering some of the stuff that Vince let slip there.

"Actually, we ought to head back to the outpost," Widget said. "Got new recruits to whip into shape, after all."

"Go easy on the skorps, all right?" Gene said, slumping back down in his bed.

"And you actually rest up." Widget nudged Gene's blanket. "We need you fighting fit. Understood?"

"What are you, my mom?" Widget glared at Gene.

"Fine, fine."

I mean, considering your complex with Nova going on, 'mom' probably isn't the right choice of comparison there.

Satisfied, Seifer turned to make for the infirmary exit.

"Oh, Pony Boy."

The keldeo froze midstep. "What?"

"Cyril's pretty mind-blowing once he gets going, isn't he?"

Seifer hurried out of the room before his face could get as hot as Maxie's flame collar.

Whelp, that's one way to tell who else Cyril's been riding on in the past. Even if he kinda alluded to it himself a couple chapters ago.

Alright, time for the overall thoughts:

Things were definitely a change of pace this chapter, since it's been the first chapter in a long, long time where the entire thing was done in a single scene, especially a single scene that's primarily dialogue and exposition. At the same time, it still did a pretty good job at staying interesting since boy did a lot of stuff come out in this chapter and it has some implications for the future and where the plot is going to wind up going.

As for criticisms... maybe more could've been done to loop in other plot threads that were going on and break the conversation / infodump up into smaller pieces? Though I can understand why you did things the way you did here. There's a lot of big bombshells that needed to be gotten out of the way, and sometimes it's better to do it all at once instead of stringing it out over multiple chapters.

Though good work as usual, @Ambyssin . I'll be looking forward to getting in a couple more of these chapters during the first week of Review Blitz, and I can already tell that I've been missing out on a lot from your story these past few weeks. ^^;


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 9
It’s always nice having the first bit of PoV that I read after three whole years being… politics. At least it's easy enough to get back to. Granted, I'm more interested in a different bit of lore that was dropped. Now I'm actually aware of Gen 8's plot and general lore, so I can understand a little bit more about things. Like mentioning the Darkest Day. Interesting to see someone being skeptical about it. It's natural to have people being skeptical about big events, no matter how likely it is for the event to have happened in the first place. It would be neat if the higher-ups just fabricated a story about the Darkest Day, and it eventually got widespread enough that denying it feels crazy. Just a thought.

...I almost forgot that when I left off there was this whole tournament arc going on. And, of course, behind the scenes things aren't all that safe. It's a common plot point but I like reading it. There's even the whole thing of not interrupting it, even if the event is at risk, and something bad could happen to the students. I like Vortex's line of thought, even if he didn't really answer about whether or not the commoners could accept a different story. It's something to think about in my opinion. Found it a bit funny too, honestly, to see that Demerzel was basically being ignored the whole time. Anyway, if the barrier failed and they're not canceling the event, the only real choice is to increase security, but that probably won't be enough.

Back to Yuna. I also forgot that I found Noctum to be adorable. He still is! For the next segment there's a bit of qorldbuilding which I do enjoy reading. Of course, Shimmer still acts like an entitled brat and is quick to mention his own importance. The whole class is having a healthy discussion, for the most part. Honestly, I'm impressed by how... funny it all is. And very enlightening on the lore of this world too. I like the mystery set here. I'm excited to learn more about this world.

Strange that Yuna's having a headache, unless Shimmer is that much of a prick to be nauseating to be around. At this point in the story, Yuna is still very much an outsider, and her teammates are, well, teammates. Not friends, not yet. I do wanna see Nikki warming up to them, that's always a cool type of character development.

And Xeromus is back. The crazy guy. Yuna handled it, but, uh, I doubt it was that good for her. Anyway, good chapter. After finishing it I realized I read it before, but I didn't actually write a proper review for it, so, here it is.

Chapter 10

Right. Chiaki has a prosthetic arm. It broke. Poor guy, man. I don't remember if Yuna had any friends back home or not but the way she just asks him about it makes me think she wasn't a very popular kid. Like... I don't think it's the kinda thing you ask someone out of the blue. And considering they're not even friends yet, it makes the situation even more awkward. Actually, that's how I'd describe it. Awkward. On the bright side, she survived the ordel, which, yeah, I doubt the main character would be taken out of the picture this early on in the story. I'm also curious about the logistics of missing limbs. The comment about it growing with evolution got me thinking about it.

Speaking of which, I love the technology in place here. From prosthetics to fake clothes, it all sounds really cool. And it's presented very naturally, of course, since the characters themselves are used to it. And picturing a Grovyle swinging through buildings like Spider-Man is also pretty amusing, honestly. Yuna has some weird powers too, since she took them to an actual dungeon. I'm not sure how deep that goes, but I wanna find out. I learned a bit through osmosis but... I don't remember much, so I'll just have to learn it the natural way.

I wanna call Noctum a femboy. I'm not going to, but it's a funny thought. Also, I kinda remember about a few characters being inspired by DMC, and with Vegna and his bird I can see that. Griffon is funny though, I'll give him that. His interactions with Shimmer were nice to read, and I do want to see that horse humble himself a bit. He's a dick, and I don't really like him.

Back to Yuna, and she's even more mysterious than before. Reading things that nobody but her can see. I'm getting more curious to know what's up with her. Oh, and to top it all off, Nikki's possessed. Or mind-controlled. Or whatever it is that Xeromus did to her. Either way, it means a fight's coming. Yaaaaay, I guess. The plot continues to develop and I like that.

Chapter 11
And, as suspected, the chapter immediately starts with them trying to get her unbrainwashed. The obvious solution is to knock her out, of course, but granted, that's not really easy to do when Nikki's pissed off. That, and I doubt she's gonna hold back at all. She's totall lost it at this point, so y'know, it isn't a very good situation. I wanna point out that I liked the battle pace here, fast and easy to read. There's quite a bit of strategy involved, and the characters figuring out it was a Runerigus was neat. Granted, it was just Cid, but still, that helped them out in the long run. At least it shed some light on what's going on with Nikki. Or what flavor of mind control this is about.

In the end Nikki did get knocked out, and uh, interesting bit that Runerigus is extinct. Clearly that doesn't seem to be the case. Anyway, it's sweet that Yuna was worried about how Chiaki was doing. She's kind-hearted and I like that about her. It seems that everyone needs to do something so they can survive, which gives a bunch of tension for the situation. Cid's way of distracting Runerigus was also pretty funny to see. Honestly he's kinda adorable, like Noctum. And yaaaay, Runerigus was defeated by a shitton of water. Great, but that can also mean bad things because of the weak floor. Yikes.

And once again Yuna summons powers that I'm not sure what they mean. It only makes me more curious about her deal is. And also, the Runerigus was transformed. Interesting... the distortion did it. It's pretty cool, even though I don't know much. Bit strange for Seifer to doubt Yuna not knowing about her power, but I guess since he doesn't know that much about her, it makes sense.

There's a little segment with some legends and hmmm, I don't exactly know what it means but I'm curious about it anyway. But wow, she was able to talk with Reshiram. And his first impression is adorable. I predict I'm gonna enjoy having him around for the rest of the story. On another note, yay! Yuna made it back! Good, good.

Chapter 12

It's cool to see that Yuna's idea of what Reshiram should be was not at all like his actual personality. Like I mentioned before, I love his personality. He's surprisingly humble for a legendary pokémon. Which only makes me like him more, to be honest. Also, much to my own surprise, Shimmer has a boyfriend. That's adorable, yes, but I'm more impressed with the fact someone's willing to put up with him. His personality doesn't make it seem like an easy thing to do. And he's thinking about Yuna. He has a point in that something changed about her. Not even Yuna knows. On the other hand, thinking about it while making out with your boyfriend is, to say the least, odd. I also wasn't expecting the boyfriend to be that random Sylveon from the last chapter. Cool for him, I guess. I do find their relationship pretty cute, though. The gays.

Next segment has Yuna as the pov again. Oh, and Reshiram too. He's funny even when it's not the intention. Honestly I doubt he'd be a bad housemate. He also knows when to get serious, so it's not just joking all the time. There's a balance that I quite like. And in this part there's also quite a bit of lore dropping. Mostly about Bahamut, and about the Darkest Day. It's an interesting story, and I like that it didn't end so well, even going as far as to have a war between fairies and dragons.

More and more information. Having someone that actually lived through the events explaining it makes the exposition work better. And this also sets up Eternatus as a, well, world-ending threat, which it should be. But that only ends up raising even more questions. Yuna... is more involved in this than she realizes it. Since not even she wants to go through that, I can't imagine how she's gonna convince the others to help out. Buuut I guess we'll have to see about that.

Which brings me to the end of the chapter. It does seem funny in hindsight that Yuna is getting caught up in so much trouble despite not really wanting to. That's about it for this one.

Chapter 13
I was a little confused at first on who was asking about Orbeetle's status before I realized Reshiram's mental dialogue comes with the quotation marks and Yuna doesn't. Meaning I caught up pretty quickly. Anyway, Seems she's looking for someone to help, or at least Reshiram is. Either way, it's law class. Or something similar. I... don't like law at all but I could kind of get what Vegna was doing. Most of it anyway. I almost forgot she's gonna be on a trial, so uh, good reminder of that, I guess. Reshiram still needs to get caught up on a bunch of things. Also also, I will never get bored of someone dunking on Shimmer. He kinda deserves it. I do wonder what the future has in store for him.

Oh well, she's not defending anyone. I mean, I don't think she'd be able to do much defending in the first place, so it's a good thing she's not going to. Though she's still gonna be in there. And Shimmer is still being way too entitled. Well, it is his uncle, blood or not. He should get worked up by it. I'm getting more of a feel of his personality so I won't complain about his attitude. Or try to anyway. And Reshiram continues to be adorable. Having him around to bounce off of Yuna is a great choice, I have to say.

The other scene is just... a bunch of evil talk. I don't think I have much to say about it. Just wanna know more about Noatun.

Ah, cool to know that Yuna is showing Reshiram right away to her teammates. I suppose it's the best way of letting them know she's speaking the truth. Uuuuunfortunately it doesn't help all that much and Nikki... does what she did I guess. That girl has some issues. As bad as it is, I think Reshiram has a point. She needs to cool off. Since, y'know, she's just been through all of that. It's gotta be traumatic.

Chapter 14
Yay, Noctum showing up right at the start of the chapter. That's always fun to see. He's so... cute. Really, adorable. Anyway, nice to see an interaction with him that doesn't involve Yuna. Instead it's with another dragon. Or, uh, a dragon and a pseudo-dragon, whatever Charizard is. In any case, it expands on him a bit, I like seeing him talking and chatting with someone from outside his comfort zone. It also demonstrates his personality well, since their body language is very different. Not just that but Valkyrie has a different approach to guarding than Noctum does. She doesn't seem that worried, which I can imagine is related to Chiaki's own pride. Or something like that.

And Valkyrie is... incredibly different. Her attitude to the world and towards someone feeling bad aren't necessarily wrong, it's just the way she does things. Though I do wanna point out that I get where she's coming from. Noctum does feel more like a servant than family. I think he should assert himself more. He doesn't need to be a brute or that aggressive like she is, but knowing his own worth would make his job a lot easier. On another note, picturing Valkyrie and Chiaki interacting feels funny too. I hope I get to see that eventually. I bet it's fun. Either way, I'm here rooting for Noctum. He deserves the best.

Back to Yuna and Chiaki. Well, there's an explanation for Nikki continuing to study there despite being the way she is. It's a good explanation and it also reveals more about the world. I think that deep down Nikki is a little softer. I could be wrong though. Both Yuna and Chiaki had good ideas in wanting to talk things through with Nikki, even if that is a hard thing to do. I would assume she'd have band posters and stuff, since she likes music that much. Hm, happy to be wrong, I guess. I'm glad to hear more about Nikki's backstory. It's enough to warrant being suspicious, I think. Well, now that I have more context over it, I hope she finds some answers. Things are looking better for them, at least.

Chapter 15
Poor, poor Seifer. He was just trying to do his job, but things got out of hand very fast. He could, of course, just tell them everything. However I think that would make things take a turn for the worse. Although I'm not sure what would be worse than getting fired. Killed, maybe, but nothing seems to indicate he'd get killed for his incompetence. Still, it kinda sucks for him. Honestly the fact Isola didn't even want to do it makes me feel bad about it. Honestly, I hope Seifer gets it back. He's, uh, really poor now, huh? Somehow he has an idea to make things better for himself, which honestly, good for him. It can also make things get far worse. Who knows?

Dear lord, Shimmer is a bigot against dragons. Holy hell, that was a rough exchange to read. Like, he's upset about his uncle, okay, I can get that. But at the same time that doesn't excuse him to be rude and cruel do the public defender, let alone go as far as spout hateful words against dragons. Kain does seem nice and respectful though. I'm interested as to why every other defender rejected Shimmer's uncle. It sounds a little strange, unless he's... also like Shimmer, and they couldn't stand his attitude? Maybe, I dunno. Anyway, good bit of worldbuilding. Actually, now that I think about it, Reshiram not knowing much about it is the perfect excuse to explain things. Especially because Yuna also doesn't know much.

Ooooooh, I really, really liked the blood explanation. It's neat to read. Honestly, props for that. Poor Kain though, Shimmer continues to give him shit for no reason. I want this horse decked. Even the Arcanine down below is angry. But man it feels like they all hate dragons for no apparent reason. Anyway, I have a gut feeling that the case isn't so simple. I'll just have to see.

Oh, and Rayquaza's nearby. Oh, and Xeromus showed up again. Seifer is nowhere to be seen(no doubt because of what happened at the start of the chapter. Chiaki could probably help. But... I'm not sure how much. In any case, I quite liked this chapter.

Chapter 16
Ah, so she's on her way to finding Rayquaza. I... am curious. Rayquaza is my favorite legendary of them all so I realy wanna see how he's gonna be like. But also, imagine anyone seeing her shout out loud. They'd probably think she's crazy. I also agree with her that it's a pretty specific number. Also, anti mind-reading. Cool, I wonder how it works. But I'm getting distracted. On the bright, she's telling him the truth! He was around when shit went down, so Reshiram's right in trying to trust him, at least. Even if he's skeptical about it, she's telling the truth. I'm a bit surprised Xeromus let her go, though. He probably has his reasons. Oh, and nice to see that both Nikki and Chiaki decided to go with her. She didn't call Nikki, I don't think so, but she came anyway. Yaaaay.

Reshiram is still lovely. I like him. And of course, anyone that isn't team Bastion would be surprised to see him. On another note, I like the emphasis that... they're still teens. They can't go out and expect things to go smoothly. It's good to see that both them and Cid know it's dangerous. Protagonists or not, it's not something they can just brush off. I also forgot Reshiram has fur on his crotch. Whatever. It's amusing that Cid doesn't want them to go, but also doesn't wanna go himself. It's funny as well. I also like Yuna's initiative here, her personality is charming, honestly. She knows she can help, so she wants to. It's nice. And she eventually made them get inside a desert. There's always a prequel reference in these kinds of scenarios. But man, the mental image of a desert with icebergs is kinda cool.

Interesting. There can be settlements in dungeons. Must be nice for Cid, if not for all the danger. Which happens to include a Slowking that conveniently showed up right as they needed. Coincidence or not, there wasn't much of a choice for them.

More sciencey stuff at the end of the chapter. Not much for me to talk about.

Chapter 17
I'm starting to think Noctum is a himbo. At the same time, huh, his home really is behind in terms of technology, isn't it? And, uh, he's eavesdropping on someone. Not something I expected out of Noctum, but alright, this could be interesting. And it is! Seifer is, admittedly, in a really rough spot. Going for someone that hates him isn't a very bright idea, but I can understand it, considering how desperate he is. To him, it's the lesser evil. That being said, wow. He seems to have really fucked over that poor Milotic. Artie must have a damn good reason to hate Seifer so much. There's probably some context meaning, but even with just this I know it's bad.

And as predicted, he didn't get any help from Artie. Instead, it comes down to Noctum wanting to help out, because of course he does. He's a sweetheart, through and through. I find myself laughing at how innocent he seems to be. I just wanna give him a big hug. Also, he wasn't spying on them. Technically. Despite having nothing to do with the guy, Noctum still wants to listen. I'm kinda impressed that Seifer didn't just blab out what actually happened. Though I imagine nobody would believe him, so there wasn't any point to doing that.At the very least, he takes his job seriously. Or took it. Man. But hey, Noctum showed him some kindness, which, yeah, might surprise Seifer in the end, but he has a better chance now.

Back to Team Bastion. Escape didn't take that much effort, and, hm, this Slowking doesn't seem to recognize Reshiram from what I could understand. That's neat, I guess. The King is surprisingly nice to these people he just met. But the biggest takeaway I can see here is Bahamut's depiction. It's the exact opposite of what Yuna's used to, which makes things even more interesting. Maybe both versions are right. Maybe one is wrong. I have no idea! However, I'm intrigued and wanna read more.

Chapter 18
Well, after that revelation from last chapter, it's clear that Yuna is gonna need some time to process it. Her first reaction is very natural, as she doesn't immediately want to believe something she was taught her entire life was wrong. But there's more important matters at hand. It's neat to learn more about Bahamut through the eyes of someone that didn't worship him their entire life. So, instead of an angelic being, he destroyed a planet. Slowking... isn't stupid. Of course it'd be weird if someone didn't want to return home after being stuck in that place. So all he really wants is for them to share something in return. All things considered, it's not that big of a deal. That is, if she didn't have to reveal their deaths.

And Chiaki is the first to explain they want to kill the thing. Nice. Looking at this from Razim's perspective is a bit funny though, these strangers appear and immediately want to throw hands with the creature. Slowly but surely, the mystery is being solved. Which includes where the hell Rayquaza is. Well, it's only a hunch, but Reshiram is the one that knows him the best, so he's probably right. I'm actually liking a lot of this chapter. Learning about other planets is really fun. Their culture, way of life, it's neat. But uuuuh, I doubt things will go according to plan. They never do.

Oh, more stuff about the bad guys. Well, isn't that mysterious? I don't have much to talk about it.

Next, more stuff with Noctum. And yakuza. Mobsters. Yikes. It's mostly just explaining Artie's backstory and why he hates Seifer so much. But alas, things get worse because Not-Zapdos shows up. And... well, Noctum gets... something done to him. Something I'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is, it's bad. I wonder how fucked up he is because of it, but alright. This is intriguing all the same. All in all, another great chapter to read.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 19

I'm surprised Noctum isn't immediately possessed and wanting to kill everyone around him. I mean, it did feel that way. But no, they're... somewhere else. And he isn't a dumbass! Well, he is, but it's not really necessary to call him that. Not when they have bigger fish to fry. Though... I don't really think it's Noctum's fault either. He did his best with the circumstances. It's just hard to tell because of Valkyrie's personality. Poor Seifer is taking it the worst out of everyone in the place. Granted, it's an expected reaction after all that happened. He's, uh, completely losing it. I think he's having a mental breakdown. Which... uh, yikes? I hope he can move past it, but it's hard to read, honestly. In a good way, I think.

On the bright side they do plan on getting out of there together. But this place is odd, it's nothing like the dungeon from before. Intriguing! It's a city instead, and who the hell rules over it? I'm not sure, but the propaganda about Buzzwole almost makes me wanna guess it's full of Ultra Beasts. Anyway, for all Noctum knows the crystal in his belly could be dangerous, it's natural that he wants to learn more about it. Aeon is also... really underdeveloped. I know that, but it keeps surprising me.

So, this city is related to Eternatus in some way. Interesting since so fart the thing has been portrayed as an apocalyptic monster, but now there's a city that seems oddly normal. Well, apart from identification and whatnot. Oh, and they got rescued on the nick of time. What a fluffy fox! That's cute. Though they didn't have much of a choice. It was either following Cyril or... whatever the alternative is, it can't be good.

Pffft. Nikki is adorable(which is something I imagine she doesn't wanna hear). She's right in a way, because she at least tried. The others didn't do all that much. Unfortunately their enemy is a sniper, so... things got harder for them. Ah, and not even the ending could save them. There's a bunch of crocs around.

Chapter 20

It almost feels like the cast is in a horror movie, from how things look. That is, not very good. And it's good that Yuna isn't entirely on board with this, she's not a hero, not even close to being one, and she doesn't have that many friends to risk her life for. By all means, she should escape. But there's more to it than her own feelings. Anyway, she only stopped thinking about it because Razim was about to do something stupid, yet in character for him. I like all the pop culture references sprinkled around the story. They don't take me away from the plot that much, and I can understand most of them.

On another note, I'm always excited to see Chiaki fight. Since he uses prosthetics, it makes me wanna see what each of them do. I'm also curious to see what this mechanic friend of his is like. They seem like quite an eccentric character. All in all, the team is fine so far. Eeeeeeexcept Nikki went ahead and spilled the beans that Razim is dead. They're all dead. To any normal person that would come off as a cruel joke, but she's dead serious. And now that I have the time to fully process it I have to say it sounds like an awful fate to go through. Seriously, frozen time, stuck inside a monster? That's horrifying. Eternatus does look like an eldritch abomination, so it's warranted, I guess. And obviously Razim doesn't want to believe it. Who in their right mind would? It's insanity. Anyway, as sad as it is, they can't deal with it. Everything is full of slime. which is yucky enough.

Cyril is cool. I like him, and man, a mechanic Ninetales? That's such a cool concept. I don't know why but I love mechanic characters in stories. They're always so cool. And it's amusing that he already starts selling his stuff and offering a service to poor Seifer. I think Seifer is too proud to admit it. And also, it's not explicitly stated but it seems a little obvious that Cyril is Chiaki's mechanic. What makes me wonder is how the hell they can do that if Cyril's in... wherever this place is. Something tells me it'd be hard. But what do I know?

There is a bunch of exposition in this last segment, all coming from Cyril. Cool, I guess, and the way he tells makes the exposition work a lot better than I thought it would. Either way, Noctum's in danger. I... hope he doesn't get mutated or anything. I'm very curious either way.

As for Team Bastion, uh... oh god, Cid.

Chapter 21

Toxel Nikki would be really cute, but I get that she doesn't want to turn back. I can't believe they're fighting french people. And a French Slowbro. Or... Galarian Slowbrow, with a french accent. Oh, and I get it, it's not that common to the point Team Bastion doesn't recognize it at first. And to be fair, it didn't exist until the DLC came out, so... yeah. Anyway, he seems to be the cause of all those cocoons. The way he talks about it... creepy, to say the least. Like he's trying to make them all art pieces or something. I don't like the vibes. This is one weird artist, with a reaaaaally long name. If anything, he's funny to see in action.

I don't think sassing Baptiste is gonna be very helpful in their fight. I'm not gonna talk specifics about the fight, because there's no need for me to, but what I can say is that their teamwork... could be better. Obviously they're not in sync just yet, and I have a feeling that's gonna take a little longer before it happens. Also found it amusing that Yuna is slowly growing into her hero role. Even going as far as to do the whole not giving up schtick. I was surprised that Reshiram thought they should run. Yes, to get Rayquaza, but they were still running. Well, he is the dragon of truth.

And there it is. Eternatus is trapped and Baptiste(along with a bunch of other people, I assume) want to release him into the world. How lovely. And how convenient that Baptiste is a drama king and talks a lot, that made it possible for Yuna to sneak away. That is... the needle is in another freaky place Because of course it is. Things just can't be easy for the main characters.

Razim shows up just in time. As I thought, he got corrupted by all the slime crawling around. So now he's a Galarian Slowking. Cool. Meanwhile, Baptiste continues to ramble about nonsense. But he knows more than the main characters, and the bit about a traitor was particularly interesting. Things don't get any better for the team, or Razim, or Baptiste. There's a lot of tension on this chapter, but thankfully something happened to Yuna right at the last second. Cool. THen a small segment with Deoxys... and Rayquaza. Even better, honestly.

But it's a different Rayquaza. And instead of a laidback dude he's... a knight. Wow. I like him, even better because he's shiny! Shiny Rayquaza is great. The last scene is quite mysterious, and Paradox is such a cool name... I'm loving this fic.

Chapter 22

Cool, so it immediately starts with the trial. That's gonna end up well, or probably not, which is the most likely option. Shimmer still thinks little of Yuna, which I understand. Not that it makes him any less of a dick. It... honestly really doesn't make me like him any more or less. Anyway, complaints about her aside, it's finally time for the trial! It only took like... a bunch of chapters for it to start. Though I was under the impression that Shimmer knew that Vegna would be prosecuting. Guess not. Given his reputation I doubt even more that this thing will go well. I mean, I pray it will so... yeah.

So, as much as I like to pile on this horse, I do have to admit, Shimmer cares about his family. Maybe in his own weird way, but he cares. He's a well-written prick, that's what I mean. But uh, Benedict had the worst luck possible, his defender hasn’t done it in that place before. No experience, which means defending will be made even harder than it already is. He also kinda... feels a little bit pathetic. I mean, I get that he's being (I assume) wrongfully accused, but still. At least it's entertaining to read, so I can't complain that much.

Seeing the gallery wonder about their safety is a nice way of showing the effects of all the distortions outside of the main cast, so props for that. On another note, I think Vegna is probably the most impartial character possible for the trial. I can't get a read on him(which... might be the point to be honest). Seeing the jury is kinda cute, they all have very different opinions over the case, should make for an entertaining read as before. Even if... they don't really sound like a good jury. Though I guess there's a shortage of staff, so a shortage of jury makes sense too.

I, uh, don't know much about trials, or law stuff in general. Most of what I know is from watching SVU as a kid, which isn't a lot, especially considering that was a TV show. The point is that to a layman this feels surprisingly easy to read, which is a good thing. I can understand what's going on without getting confused. If the stabbing led to a necrosis and then death, then it doesn't look good for Benedict.

Everything gets interrupted by a new scene, and a pov shift(pun not intended). Necrozma stuff! Already excited to give it a read.

And next, Noctum again, the cute little guy. Seifer is even more of a mess than before, somehow. Though I doubt he's keeping his feelings bottled up. Doesn't look like it, but I don't think the way he's handling it is any better. Well, it could be worse I guess. Oh, and Cyril's a Zoroark. Wonder how long he let that disguise up for. Also, his name is Fenrir, neat. How... awful that the weird Zapdos is there to ruin the mood. Not that the mood was any good to begin with. And with that, another chapter is done.

Chapter 23

Yuna's an interesting main character. She isn't particularly strong, she's not a human, she's not even really wanting this situation. And yet she's thrust into it anyway, and she works with whatever she can. That doesn't mean she likes it by any means, but for this opening bit she's more focused on the fact she hasn't improved. Maybe she did improve and just didn't notice it yet. Though luck could hardly be called an improvement. So far, that's all she has. And it's easy to let that consume her. She also doesn't have any answers about the pile of questions she has. All that to say that I like her as the main character. She's very complex and enjoyable.

In any case, they can't stay in that weird dimension forever. Oh, and Rayquaza's there too. He's adorable. I also think Chiaki tried to comfort her, though not in a normal way. Which fits him, I guess. Though I understand that they're both mad at her. I mean... it makes sense. Also glad to see Cid is back to normal. I was actually wondering what the hell would happen if Yuna got hit. Maybe she'd turn into an egg or something? I dunno, it's not important but it did cross my mind for a little while. I also see Chiaki is a little edgy even before he turns into a fire mon(I saw spoilers for that, but it's alright, I don't mind it). Though on another note, I imagine time in some dungeons is different than the time in the "real world". The trial might be over already.

It's not over, how convenient. Vegna's witnesses are about as quirky as the jury, which I found amusing too. I'm still entertained by the case, though I'm not sure who I'm rooting for here. It is neat to read about trials though, even if I imagine this isn't a completely accurate representation of them, even with the whole magical monster thing. I can feel the tension rising more and more as the scene goes on. I'm also surprised by Kain here, he's doing really well, more than I thought he would. It makes me want to see Benedict absolved of the crime, now that I think about it.

Interestingly enough, I was actually going for their explanation, but uh, Vegna had a good point. I don't like his attitude though(in a good way, I think?). There's a lot of nuances for this case, which I'm hoping to read more on the next chapter, so to close this part, I'm intrigued! It's a little bit chaotic with everyone in court having their own strong personalities, but what strikes me the most is that Benedict was hiding something from Shimmer, which was supposed to be helping his uncle. He has a reason for that, I assume. But that only makes him seem more guilty. Good chapter as always.

Chapter 24

Cool, they arrived just in time to get lectured by Shimmer. That's just like him. Except this time he has a good reason to be pissed off at her. At least Reshi and Ray's comments make for some entertaining jabs at the gay horse. I know he's mad but like, she should know what happened so far, because that could make or break the case. Then again, who knows how Yuna would have helped. Though, it's not Shimmer's decision in the end, is it? Kain is the defender, he has more authority. Which is funny since one of them is literally a prince. Anyway, this isn't by any means easy. Honestly Yuna is probably having a hard time, but I doubt she's gonna make things any worse. I do see Vegna cracking a joke at her expense.

But before that there's more Noctum stuff. Which is to say, yaaaay, Noctum stuff. It's kinda funny because Yuna's plot is a trial, and meanwhile Noctum is trapped in a city full of dead people. The difference between them is really funny to me. And I'm not surprised that Eterna City is the main place where Paradox operates from. The place just feels like it was made for him, honestly. And he seems like a charismatic guy, though a little bit unhinged? He seems calmer now, though. Yay, I guess? But uuuuuh the fact he can have unrestricted access to the court is a massive red flag. Amongst a sea of red flags.

There's always that air that Vegna knows more than he lets on, and that happened again, but... I don't think he followed her? It makes no sense, he was at the court while she was in the dungeon. I dunno, I might be reading too much into this. Whatever it is, now the trial is closer to being done. Granted, Paradox and the rest of Eterna City are watching. I doubt they'll do anything though. For once, Vegna is surprised at something. Must be a rare ocurrence. And things only get worse, except it's for the Passimian and not Benedict. A good development on my book. It's all because of loans. I didn't think I'd be this invested on a plot about a murder case, but here I am, very thrilled to read all the developments going on. And of course Vegna is no longer surprised. Instead he knows someone tampered with the evidence. I don't know if Benedict is really innocent, maybe he didn't kill the guy, but I think he's more involved in this.

God the prejudice against dragons in this place is really bad. Though I'm gonna have to agree with Vegna, and Yuna too, I guess. In the end, he got out free. But I don't like this. I don't think this is a win, not for anybody except for him. Dang, it was really fun to read all that, good job Amby.

Chapter 25

Oh! So that's Chiaki's dad. He seems nice and respectful. I imagine his wife died and he remarried, which is why Chiaki won't talk to him? That seems like a feasible explanation. On the other hand, interesting, I'm not sure who would want Yuna to fail, I could try guessing Paradox but it could also be some political ploy as far as I know. Well, he seems like a badass at least. I like him already, and Yuna's mom too. She seems wise and powerful. Must be to run away and elope against her family's wishes. I'm not even surprised there was an arranged marriage. These things are pretty common after all.

Sooooo a few things. First, I doubt Shimmer has that much influence. He doesn't strike me as the type to have it. Secondly, Noctum's still MIA. I mean, the previous chapter didn't show him escaping at all, so it's no wonder he's still stuck there(and with a jewel on his gut). Wherever he is, he's not in any immediate danger, which is good. Not that Yuna knows that. She's got no idea. Though Chiaki's right, the media can just do whatever it wants. There's little people can do to stop it. The mood has definitely soured here, and I can see everyone has their hands tied. Kinda awful, but it's life, I guess. Still curious on what really happened, though.

Oh cool, Xeromus is back and doing his crazy act again. Though it's probably not an act, but whatever. And just as I said I wanted to ask what happened, the "curse" is what happened. Sooooo, now Benedict is dead, or like, crushed at least. Either way, he got what he deserved. At least I think he did. As bad as it is.

Except he's in Eterna City now? That's a little confusing, but I kinda dig it. So now the focus is back on Noctum and company, neat. So now I'm finally introduced to Mewtwo, the science cat himself. He seems nice, and a bit too confident in his own abilities. For better or for worse? I'm not sure just yet. Either way it seems like Noctum's not returning home anytime soon.

Chapter 26

More Noctum stuff! I love him a lot, as you can probably tell. More importantly Gene is shown here again, and he seems like a nerd. Though a lot of characters pull out pop culture references so he's not really the only one. He does seem nice though. And cool. But right now he's more mysterious than anything else, like, sure, he helped them, but it might not even be out of altruism(even if he's a rebel). And also, humans! After... a bunch of chapters, I'm surprised they show up, like, as actual humans and not turned ones. It's interesting! With so many planets and worlds/dimensions it'd be a surprise if none of them had any humans. Still, I think it's cool.

More information on Cyril, which brings more glimpses of whatever's going on with this world. He seems to be well-known around those parts, but also, a Zoroark mechanic is cool(I'm not biased at all). I like the technology aspects too(I mentioned this on an early review but since I found another cool one I wanted to say it again). The big takeaway here is that something mutated Cyril. I imagine going from Ninetales to Hisuiroark must be one hell of a shock. There's also so many factions at play in this fic that I wonder how it'll all come together. Maybe it won't, but I'm curious anyway.

Okay, so they can likely turn into other mons. Now I know about the phantoms. On one hand... it sounds sweet, actually. But at the same time losing yourself sounds horrifying and I'd want nothing to do with it. So, uh, yikes? Though I will admit this does paint Eternatus as a massive calamity monster. Or an eldritch god. Or both! Either way the city doesn't really look like a good place to live. And Paradox wants to set Eternatus free... I don't wanna think about what the consequences will be for anyone stuck inside. I have to admit I'm loving all these plot points. The exposition is working great here.

So there's stuff about team Bastion. Namely them all feeling various degrees of sadness. Nikki going as far as drinking, which I'm not even surprised is something she'd want to do. Somehow it feels very much like her. On Yuna's end she finally gets some rest, which she desperately needed. This girl's been through a LOT so far in the story. Poor girl, honestly. This should be all the comments for this chapter, but I do wanna add the last scene intrigues me. I wonder if the Toxtricity is Nikki.

Chapter 27

The dystopian society plot thickens... that is, I'm not surprised that Paradox would want to spy on people. That's, like, the most common trope for this kind of setting(Eterna City, I mean). Though, yes, there's good uses for it too. I imagine the archbishop is putting those good uses as a front, or something like that. Oh, and I was wondering how Cyril's illusions could affect the physical world since they're just that, illusions. Guess his gizmo can make a disguise capable of interacting with physical objects. Which means the guy is a freaking genius. Smart, too. I like him, continuing the trend of me hyping a lot of the side characters. Not that it's a bad thing.

Ooooh, so Noctum's gut crystal isn't just for show. He's not corrupted or anything but since he does have one he can... phase out of existence. That sounds useful and horrifying at the same time. Also it's not like poor Noctum has that much choice. He, uh, might die along the way, but I have my doubts. I think he can do it, as hard as it seems to be. Though I wonder why Cyril didn't do it. At least he managed to strike a deal. Cyril probably has a backup plan in case this particular one backfires. Or he doesn't and if this fails it means the end of him. Huzzah. On the bright side, Noctum did get it down. At least one time. I can't imagine how odd it feels to warp like that. Must be creepy and weird.

Cool, a Guzzlord that talks in third person. He also doesn't shout at all, which is neat. He actually seems very calm, so good on him for that? Well, that aside, he probably looks intimidating to anyone that doesn't know him. At the same time he's probably a sweetheart. Gene is also swhon to be a badass, which only makes me like him even more. Since he's on the cover, I imagine he'll be showing up a lot throughout the story(cool). Also, a Mega Aggron, neat. I like how nonchalant Valkyrie is with the whole thing. I get it though, she just wants to go home. Though it seems surprisingly easy to find Gene? But eh, it's not really an issue. Buuuut she can't leave just yet, and Gene is also intimidating.

I quite liked this chapter. The ending scene is, once again, just a bunch of mysterious people doing mysterious things. I like it.

Chapter 28

The city has a really weird vibe to it. I wanna call it cyberpunk but I'm not so sure it fits. Still, if even Cyril, who's used to it, doesn't like it that much, then Noctum and Seifer won't be enjoying it during their stay. Granted, they don't wanna stay there, but you get the point. I think. It also feels so dystopian. You get in the city, you like the appeal of it, then you get bored. Change species, rinse and repeat. It's like there's no escape, so at one point you realize you're stuck in this hellish city. No wonder there's so many phantoms, it's the only time they can get out of that city(though I doubt them getting out is natural or something like that. It doesn't feel like it).

I find it amusing to think that getting the crystal in him made Noctum get fat. I don't know, it feels a little funny to me. In any case, he's not the best option for a stealth mission. And Paradox being so cheerful is kinda creepy on its own right. I don't like it. It feels so forced. Maybe that's the gist of it, maybe it's obvious to everyone in there? Doubt it though. I am also imagining the mission impossible song while I read their little operation, which makes this even more amusing. Again, it's all fun.

Somehow the factory feels a lot more horrifying than the city. Like... the posters and stuff. It's not a good place to work in, obviously. Kissing up the superiors? Oddly blunt and straight to the point. That's where the creepy factor comes in. Even the guarding job seems so... bland. I get that they have little more to do, but like, man that's rough. And, of course, because nobody can finish a job like this without something going wrong, Noctum is caught. And just when he was close, too... well, can't have the good guys win everytime. Though he did get back in Horizon Academy, right at the worst time possible.

Which brings the pov back to Yuna. And her boring life and boring conversations with two dragons inside her head, like a normal teenager does. On the bright side Noctum is finally able to see her, and boy did it feel like the two were separated for like, half the story? It probably was less but it felt like a lot of time passed. Dunno why. So this is where the two teams meet, though... team Bastion is about to be kicked out. Or not, but hey, next chapter has the answers I think. In any case, good one too.

Chapter 29

Ah, it's Shimmer again. With his uncle dead it's natural for him to be full anger and grief, to the point of placing the blame on Vegna. A lot of people would given his background, but so far it's been nothing but coincidences. Though I understand their need to keep the press on the dark about it. I would wonder about Shimmer spilling the beans, but as a royal I imagine he's well aware of keeping secrets. Unless he wants to take a stand against Vegna or something. But hey, it's nice to see Shimmer getting some sort of comeuppance, even if it's not all that much. He can't use his authority all the time. I guess it's part of growing up, royal or not. He did get something out of it, so it's not all bad things for Shimmer, unfortunately.

And, surprisingly, despite Noctum disappearing out of nowhere the operation didn't get as compromised as I thought it would. Though Seifer remains... having the worst stream of bad luck in this fic so far. Poor guy is just going through the motions by this point. Smelly, without a horn, stuck in hell(for lack of a better word). He really needs a break. And probably a drink. But hey, he finally accepted Cyril's offer, after so long. I like that the chapter is spending some time diving into his thoughts, exploring his character some more. He's an interesting one, so I'm all for more focus on him. Even if his thoughts wandered to the crazy archbishop.

Maybe Cyril and Seifer are more alike than they think. They both got struck by bad luck, and struck hard. I think Seifer is just too far down his own pity party to realize that he's not alone. And that he can bounce back from this, even if it'd take a big amount of effort from him. But ah, the conversation they had doesn't go in that route. I do appreciate that Cyril went as far as he did during their chat, even if Seifer insulted him. But so far, I love their conversation. I didn't expect to have them talk to each other, but I'm all for it.

After all that is back to team Bastion, and their trip to Venish. Which I just realized sounds like Venice if I'm not mistaken? At least things seem to be going fine for them. On the other hand, Paradox is not bothered by the break-in in his factory. Sooo mysterious, I like it. Paradox is a nice name for a Deoxys, too, now that I think about it. Good chapter.

Chapter 30

Wow, Gene sounds a lot more excited. It feels kinda weird, but in a good way? I don't mind it, though. But uuuh, I have questions. Mostly as to why they're all Skorp. I mean, it's funny, but it raises some questions. It's probably not important though. Even Seifer sounds like he's in a better mood than the previous chapter. Considering he finally has a horn again, it makes sense. Moving on, the Skorp... a Skorupi, sure, but uuuuuh, why does he have cat hands? God this gives me a weird/funny mental image. I'm not sure what to think of it. But hey, good to know Gene has friends. I really wanna know more about the guy, he seems like a fun one to befriend.

I would find it strange if anyone but Gene didn't have a hard time knowing which Skorp was which. On another onte, I get that they don't exactly want to help. Funny to see Gene's personality changing to be more manipulative? I mean, using the right words to get them to help. I don't know if that's exactly a good thing or not, but it's interesting for sure. Well, at least Seifer did(he did seem like the one that'd do that the most out of him and Valkyrie). Though she did accept helping in the end. I guess Gene's very convincing, hm? Since he's the leader of a rebellion(or at least I think he is) it's natural to him. In any case, good stuff.

Right, Cyril had to meet up with Chiaki. Also, holowear? Neat. I assumed they were gonna be more friendly to each other, but I guess their relationship is purely business, or at least, mostly business. I don't think I can hype this enough but I looove all the gadgets. They feel like they belong in the story and aren't just there to look cool. Also it seems like there's gonna be a bunch of focus on Chiaki, which I'm looking forward to. He's a nice character and all, but I don't think he had any major focus so far? I could be wrong.

Pffft, she doesn't know what pizza is. God she was sheltered, huh? I love the bickering between the dragons, it's just so strange that I can't help but laugh. Though I'm of the opinion it's a vegetable. I'm also surprised Yuna drinks. And goes to parties. I was under the assumption they were teenagers but huh, they're young adults. I have no idea why I thought they were teens. Maybe it's the academy setting.

Also the water is poisoned like Gene mentioned. To end it off, Vegna's advising them now. Uh... guess he's getting more involved with things going forward. Dunno what to think about that. In any case, good chapter.

Chapter 31

Well, things went from bad to awful right away. I honestly feel bad for Cid, since he was just trying to do his job, and now he doesn't have it anymore. It's not his fault, but I'd argue it's not team Bastion's fault either. It's a really complicated scenario that I can't blame either parties for what happened. Though Vegna certainly tries to put the blame on them. Not to mention that he's gonna go after Chiaki... right while Chiaki is busy with important things. I have the impression Vegna knows more about this than he lets on so we'll see how big of a part he'll have to play on this story. I'm excited either way.

I might have forgotten about the whole cup thing, considering everything else that happened in this story so far. Since Vegna's keeping them on a tight leash I imagine it'll be more important now? Also, no water. How lucky it is that Noctum can contatc the others, because it's helpful for the situation at hand(and a good excuse to run away from mister Reaper after everything). But not Nikki, just Yuna. It's a smart plan, but everyone knows that as much as they're smart these kinds of plans don't work, so I'm just here waiting for Vegna to bust them and... do something I guess. Not sure what, but something bad.

So, Kyoko's a bitch. Like, a really big one. Wow, just one sentence and I don't like her already. Chiaki's not even doing anything wrong here, and she's already being aggressive for no real reason. His family's rough, really rough. Though Chiaki's also not really being a good son, ghosting his dad and everything. He probably has his reasons(which I hope will be explored soon) but so far it doesn't paint him in a good light. Oh, and Cyril's gay apparently. Surprised nobody in the Qliphoth wants a piece of him. Not surprised Chiaki wanted nothing to do with that. I think anyone with half a brain would realize someone stopped people from reading about the whole incident with Benedict. It's really obvious.

This chapter was less packed than I thought, but I still liked it.

Chapter 32

Medical drama exists in this setting... of course it does. And is a nice way of opening the chapter. No tension, no stakes. Just Nikki complaining that a medical show isn't accurate. The drama doesn't start until poor Nikki has her lyrics stolen. I almost forgot she used to sing, and the whole thing with her sister. It's really rare to see Nikki being this emotional, but if anything would get her to act that way, it'd be involving her music. Which begs the question of how it got stolen. I imagine it's not easy to do something like that. And now Nikki is actually pissed. I don't blame her one bit, anyone would be upset if it happened to them.

Though things take a turn for the weird. And really weird. I don't think the latin parts of the song are bits that Nikki herself composed. It doesn't really feel like her to do it? I'm not sure what exactly happened to the TV or the song, but it's kinda creepy. Uh, not kinda, really creepy. Didn't expect to see some horror elements, and the blackout only made it worse. So, uh, good job on that. There's also an earthquake. So, since the chapter started fine, now the tension's rising again. It's very intense, and I enjoy reading it. I'm sure it won't get any worse than this.

Hypnotizing through music. She's possessed too, and I imagine that's part of why she was described as being empty in the last chapter. Like I thought, things got worse. Feels like the plot is really kicking in now, and there's a bunch of conspiracies all over the place. I have no idea what Paradox wants to do, but he sure is getting progress done. Despite the protagonists' efforts, he still hasn't suffered a major loss. Oh, and Vegna shows up just in the nick of time. For someone with such a bad reputation he sure has good timing. It also shows more of him... a necromancer. Probably how he has those birds. And finally... Scarlett shows up. I'm a little disappointed it's not Nikki that found her, but wow, that took a turn. I don't know what I expected her fate to be, but it sure wasn't this. The good thing to do is set her free. That doesn't mean Chiaki had a plan when he tried to do that.

The final scene of the chapter is creepy as hell. The, uh, mutation that happened is weird, but I like it. I can't even feel sorry for that guy, I barely knew him, But... I'm curious about what will happen in the future. Good chapter as well.

Chapter 33

Project Diva. While it was obvious that someone was behind the whole "Scarlett is being used as a battery to hypnotize a bunch of people at once" thing, I didn't expect them to notice something went wrong right away. On the bright side, it does make them seem efficient, which is what you want for your villain group. Still, at least they found it's unexpected, so... yay for Chiaki? Apart from the fact he was reckless and shit. Another mention: neat, different songs make the audience do different things. That's obvious but I dunno, it's nice to read it stated out loud. That being said, they at least do act like villains and don't care about their own crew. Still, yikes.

So the second part goes straight into the fight, and there's a bunch of interactions that I wanna point out here: first, that Gene is already aware of what Yuna can do. Second, that he's got a nickname for both dragons already. Three, both of them have a cute reaction to Gene giving them nicknames. Gene's plan is also amusing. Wrap blue fire inside a barrier and compressing it... it's neat. Smart as well, honestly? Yeah, I dig it. Like I thought, Gene is so dang cool. I know very little about physics but his explanation was enough for me to understand. Which is the best way of handling this kind of thing.

Wait, Rayquaza also knows about Skorp. I... don't want to know how he's aware of that. In any case, things only go from bad to worse. Oh, and Chiaki's actions yesterday made him get caught in an explosion. I want to believe that Scarlett and him aren't, well, dead. Good to know Valkyrie is worried, though I imagine it's just a matter of business. At the end... someone mentions Lugia? Another sage to recruit, maybe? I'm not so sure. But the Lugia is full of poison. Who knows what made them get all that. Either way, dunno how things will go from there.

And another scene with Paradox. This time it feels a little less mysterious, but I kinda dig it. I wonder who he picked. If it's an Etherian, it's probably someone I already know. I guess I'll find out eventually. More importantly than that is that Vegna actually has Zekrom with him. What the hell.

Chapter 34

Well, now it's back to Nikki. She's been missing for a while(or at least it feels like a while). Shimmer and his boyfriend are there too, because of course they are. I will always find it funny that he has one. Said boyfriend might not be the brightest mon around if he went around announcing Shimmer was there. A character moment for Nikki as well, since she actually got worried about Chiaki. Even if she won't admit it I think she's his friend. Now that I think about it, the team doesn't have that much unity. But I suppose it'll grow over the course of the fic. Think Guiding Light had that too(though they got to a breaking point due to Shane's... shaneness). Also, someone took Chiaki, seemingly Vegna? Well, he was the one closest to him. And he even went as far as taking him to the hospital. Surprised that Nikki was still worried about him in the end. But boy oh boy, they have quite the ragtag team here.

Oh, Reshiram has a wife. I'm surprised. And his usual composed persona falters after realizing she's in danger. So even someone like him could get worried, huh? Well, the new villain here sure likes to be dramatic. It's kinda funny, honestly. She's also the one responsible for all the zombies(I'm calling them zombies). Reshiram feels so lost during this, it's almost out of character for him. Not in a bad way, though, it just happened that this was his limit, and they crossed it. Man, the poor guy must be suffering so badly here. Nice to see Yuna having some quick thinking too.

Exodes, on the other hand, sounds a bit stupid. And threatening at the same time. I don't get her. At least she's entertaining to read. Though on another note, Gene has a spoon, just like Manga!Mewtwo. As silly as it looks, I think it can work really well. Even with that much backup, I doubt it'll be easy to rescue Lugia. Of course, I wanna see her getting free. And that should be it for this chapter. Good job.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Alright, got dinner squared away, so let's jump right back in and beat the end of the new year over the finish line with a review of:

Chapter 75

TO: Emperor Paradox
FROM: Cassius
RE: Missing Sage

I remain unable to acquire any direct Aeon scriptures that identify exactly who the fairy sage is. It seems the only Aeon materials in all of Radiance belong to the Ryujin... who keep them confined to their underground city. And there's no distortion anywhere near it. Either they've had remarkably good fortune... or the Aeons are directly helping keep distortion away from their settlements.

It's the latter, just saying. Though boy is this an ominous portent for the future for Igneous and the Family.

Perhaps the Medicis can help me draw out the king and queen in our opponent's stacked deck. The idiot nickit is already rallying his "brothers" to aid in the Tulpise operation.


I mean, I should've figured that Carpaccio was going to wind up coming back in the story, but I definitely wasn't expecting that to be the way it'd happen.

Horizon Academy was eerily quiet. Sure, the rolling green hills appeared maintained. But when Igneous stepped through Noctum's rift into the main school building, he was met with dead silence. The only light was from the sun filtering in through windows. Hallway doors were firmly shut. Vegna's classroom door was locked and the curtains drawn to block out any sunlight. There wasn't even a single meltan roaming the hall.

Oh hey, Ace Attorney music. I wonder if we'll also get a Kain sighting out of all of this.

"It's dusty," Scarlett mumbled behind him. The dragonair eyed a layer of dust on her tail with a frown. "Guess they're not keeping up with cleaning."

The grovlazzle didn't respond. He still wasn't sure what to make of Vegna foisting Scarlett onto him. Sure, maybe her muse powers could pacify anyone who gave them trouble. But that wasn't going to make things less awkward. Deep breaths, Iggy.

I mean, is there even anyone left of Horizon Gardens to keep it maintained after everything that went down in Venish?

"Well, Vortex is in jail for high treason," Igneous said, recalling what he'd heard from his father. "And Arianna is gone. Kind of hard to maintain this place when the ones in charge aren't around."

Right, that too. Though I take it that that's more a sign that Isola didn't feel like keeping Horizon Gardens going since she could've easily appointed an interim superintendent.

He supposed Queen Isola could assign someone to watch over the school. Maybe they just didn't care about the unimportant building corner where Vegna's office and classroom were tucked away.

Yeah, I figured.

"Kind of crazy to think about, huh?" Scarlett slithered up to his side. "He was practically on top of the world... and then this."

"Tch." Igneous approached the door to Vegna's office. "Obviously Isola was waiting for a chance to stab him in the back. And your hijacked concert gave her the perfect opportunity."

Scarlett's tiny wings drooped. "Oh..."

Igneous: "Don't feel too bad for him, really. Vortex was always a giant ass, and he clearly had a lot of skeletons in his closet."

"Don't tell me you're feeling sorry for Vortex."

The dragonair stiffened. "N-No." She shuddered. "Just hurts to remember how involved I am in this."

Oh hey! I was even (directionally) correct on Igneous' thought process. :V

"Well, we have an assignment. So focus." Igneous mentally kicked himself for berating her. Putting up emotional walls wasn't the answer here. But it was what he knew. What the grovlazzle was comfortable with.

Ah yes, knowing the problem and then refusing to do anything about it. Totally healthy behavior there.

To Igneous' relief, Vegna's office door was unlocked. He turned the handle and stepped inside to find it mostly empty. The desk was bereft of papers or office supplies. The shelves had book stands with no books to prop up. Vegna must have cleaned it out.

And yet, there was the safe. Black and square and firmly bolted to the wall at the back of the room. It had a handle and a keypad with a skull surrounding it.

"He gave you the code, right?" Scarlett whispered.

Missing a couple words in this section. Though I see that Vegna didn't bother with subtlety for his safe. I take it that he must've been really confident in its security system.

"Yeah." Igneous sized up the skull. There were small springs built into the jaws. The fangs were as sharp as Valkyrie's claws. Was this thing designed to bite someone's hand? Then why did Vegna have such a stupidly easy code for it?

Igneous: "Um. You know what, maybe I should get a ruler for this one or something. In case something was wrong with the code."

The grovlazzle knelt down and punched 0-8-0-0 into the keypad. It lit up green. Hydraulic whirrs followed. The moment they stopped, Igneous grabbed the handle and turned it. He swung the safe door open. The inside was as jet black as the outside, making the key card and papers inside stand out even more.

Igneous grabbed them with his right hand. Like Vegna said, the papers had steps to get into the library's restricted section. There was also a long list of strange numbers. Apparently they were copies of old documents in storage.

That actually makes me wonder if this safe could be phased through by a Ghost-type, or if there's something about its properties that would prevent that.

"This doesn't make any sense," Igneous mumbled. "It sounds like Vegna already found what he was looking for. Why does he need me retracing his steps?" He thought about switching on his X-transceiver, but realized Vegna didn't have one. Igneous would only end up playing broken telephone.

"Maybe he wants you to see the material for yourself," Scarlett said. "I mean... your dad does own a news outlet. If Vegna knows something damning, indirectly leaking it to the press is one way to get the truth out in the open."

Is the press in Radiance even functioning without being censored to hell and back considering how Isola declared a state of emergency?

Igneous stood up. He turned the key card over in his left hand. It was pure white. Nondescript and assuming on the surface. But Igneous knew most of the academy doors required ID card access after hours. Was this some sort of skeleton key?

I mean, the only way it'd be even more so would be if it had a literal skeleton pattern on it.

"He's an inquisitor," Igneous said, squinting at the card. "If he thinks someone committed a crime, why wouldn't he just arrest them? Or report it to his boss, Justine?"

A possible answer occurred to him. And it made Igneous swallow hard.

Unless it involves her.

Oh, so Vegna knows about whatever's going on with Isola's "invasion of the body snatchers" thing going on, huh?

He turned away from the safe. "Let's get going."

Scarlett slithered back into the hallway. "Do you think anyone's in the library right now?"

Igneous followed her, shaking his head.

You see, the fact that Scarlett is bringing this up at all makes me think that there is indeed someone in the library.

"Everything's closed up. I bet no one's around."

Justine stood at the foot of the prison hospital bed, eyeing the sickly charizard lying surrounded by globs of mucus and saliva. A tan, itchy-looking blanket lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, next to an erratically flickering tail flame. The monitors beside the bed showed a steady, but rapid heart rate and a temperature far higher than what was apparently healthy for a charizard.

... Wait, is Isola spying on Igneous and Scarlett right now? Or is that meant to be a voiceover thingy?

"So, Dr. Rafique, in your medical opinion, he's nowhere good enough to stand trial?" The virizion turned to the zarude hunched over Vortex. Rafique pulled Vortex's sweaty hospital gown down enough to place a stethoscope on the charizard's chest.

"Sky-high fever and rigors." Rafique stood up straight. He pulled an alcohol wipe from the pocket of his white coat and thoroughly scrubbed the stethoscope with it. "Lungs sound awful. Blood pressure's barely holding with pressors and his heart rate's through the roof. The picture of sepsis, except his cultures are negative and he hasn't responded to the antibiotics."

Boy that Flame Plate or whatever it's called has been doing a number on Vortex there.

Justine rolled her eyes. She hadn't asked for his whole medical situation. "That's going to be a 'no,' then?"

"Not just a no. A hell no." Rafique slung his stethoscope around his neck. "You oversee this lockup, Madame High Inquisitor. Are you sure security footage didn't catch anything strange?"

Surely Dermezel wouldn't be that careless. Unless if they'd notice a conveniently-timed outage or something like that.

Vortex was in solitary. The only person who had visited him prior to his illness was Vegna for interrogation purposes. "Are you suggesting someone poisoned him?" the virizion asked.

Rafique shrugged. "You're the inquisitor here. You tell me." He stuck his hands in his white coat pockets. "If it was just this, maybe I'd try searching the solitary cells for some mold or bacterial overgrowth. But for this to happen on top of Tesla's sudden brain death..." He shook his head. "I'm a doctor. I don't believe in coincidences."

Also, ominous Spiderverse 2 music in the background is ominous.

"Do you think his brain is infected?" Justine jerked her head in Vortex's direction.

"There was only a bit of swelling on the CT scan," Rafique said, frowning.

"Then do more tests." The virizion stomped a forehoof down. "Tap his spine. Do fancier scans. Whatever! I need him healed. That's why I brought you here."

I'm not sure how you really heal adverse side effects to a mystical artifact tied to the creation of your world, but okay then, Justine.

The zarude turned away from her. "Well, that's a lot harder to do when your wife froze all his assets. Someone has to pay for these tests. And with nothing on hand, that 'someone' will become the taxpayers."

"Then I'll petition the court to have his accounts allocated to his treatment," Justine huffed. "Just do what you have to."

Huh. Justine doesn't have a personal fortune that she can front for this? Or is the idea that her fortune is the state's fortune and as such she's subject to restrictions on what she can use it on?

"All right. Fine. Don't get those fishnets of yours in a twist." Rafique waved dismissively. "And Tesla?"

"What about him? He's brain dead."

"And yet, despite knowing better as a scientist, his will says 'any and all life-sustaining measures.'" Rafique watched the monitors beside Vortex's bed. "So, we have to keep him on the ventilator. He'll need a trach and a peg for breathing and feeding soon enough."

Oh, so we're going to somehow™️ get Tesla back in this story, huh? Since the very fact that he's being kept alive in spite of all odds would indicate that something is going to happen in spite of those odds.

Justine rolled her eyes. Even as a vegetable, Tesla was determined to be as obnoxious as possible. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."

"Good." Rafique turned to leave. "Then I suppose we're do—"

Vortex's heart monitor turned bright red. Loud beeping rang up. The charizard abruptly jerked, then went still. His limbs rhythmically spasmed. His head repeatedly slammed against the pillow. Frothy saliva pooled around Vortex's lips.

Justine: "That's- Er... That's not supposed to happen, right?"

"Oh, son of a—" Rafique slammed a blue button beside Vortex's monitors.

"Rapid response at bed fourteen. Rapid response at bed fourteen."

"Doctor?" Justine shuffled back and tore her gaze away. "Doctor, what's the problem here?" "What does it look like?

He's seizing! Get that benzo in his line, now! And prep him for a bedside spinal tap the moment we get him under control!"

Yeesh. I take it that Dermezel considered Vortex dying from implanting that plate to be an acceptable outcome if he knew that him reacting like this was a possibility.

The skeleton key got Igneous and Scarlett through every hallway door. Into a staircase leading down to the main floor. It even opened up the library's large oak doors. Inside was just as dark as the halls. Slits of sunlight slipped through small cracks between closed curtains and the windows. Igneous could scarcely make out more than the big, round circulation desk and the outlines of rows of desks and bookshelves littered behind it.

… You’re reminding me that I really ought to get around to playing the TGAA games sometime with that music, since it's presently the odd duck out for me and my series playthrough aside from the Layton crossover.

"Do you know where this restricted section is?" Scarlett whispered. "I didn't even know there was a restricted section."

Hence the name, Igneous thought. He kept the scoff to himself. The grovlazzle conjured a tiny flame in his hand and examined Vegna's instructions. "Back corner. Our left. Just make sure not to bump into anything."

Scarlett: "'Just make sure not to bump into anything'? What on earth is stored back there? Explosives?"

Igneous held the papers at his side and grew the flame enough to at least make out the navy blue carpet better than before. He tiptoed his way past desks that, like the hallways, had dust collecting on them. They haven't even had the meltan maintaining this part of the building?

"Aren't you creeped out at all by the fire stuff?" Scarlett wondered, slithering slowly behind him. "You've been grass your whole life. Doesn't this mess with your instincts?"

Igneous: "Nah, I've got Fire-type family. You get used to it."

Igneous made it past the desks and checked to see which aisle between the bookshelves led anywhere. "Weren't you creeped out by all the psychic stuff your diva powers gave you?"

He heard Scarlett stop slithering. "I suppose that's fair," she mumbled. Her slithering got slower. Igneous scolded himself for not taking a softer approach.

So he was creeped out. Even if the shock has obviously worn off quite a bit.

The grovlazzle found a strange partition in the wall. He walked around it and found an empty hallway leading to a nondescript wooden door. One with an electronic scanner next to it and several large metal bolts running across it.

"Sure looks 'restricted area' to me," Scarlett said, a nervous edge to her voice.

Scarlett: "... Yeah, this really does look like a place that would store explosives. Or something a lot worse." ._.

Igneous noticed a couple of cameras at the other end of the hall. Was anyone even monitoring them? Well, it wasn't like Igneous had the means to shut them off. And as he got closer to the doors, he realized the cameras weren't following his movements.

"Uhh, I don't suppose your instructions say what to do if the door's already open, do they?"

"What?" Igneous held his hand forward. Scarlett was right. The metal bolts weren't attached to their locks on the right side of the door. Someone had been here earlier. Or was here right now.

Oh well that's not ominous at all there.

Igneous shifted the papers and key card to his left hand, then summoned his crimson honedge in his right.

"I'm sorry, did you just conjure a sword?"

"Not now," he hissed, grabbing the door's handle. Small bulbs illuminated stone stairs. There was no way these were meant to always be on. Certainly not while the rest of the school was dark. Igneous held the honedge up and crept down the stairs. He didn't hear slithering behind him.

Huh. Somehow it did not occur to me that Igneous could wield his Morpho Knight blade in the fashion of an XB3!Blade, but that's a neat visual to keep in mind.

If someone was there, Igneous wasn't risking saying anything to Scarlett. He kept going down one step at a time. The honedge was at the ready.

The stairs led to a small hallway that went left and right. Vegna's instructions said what Igneous needed was on the left.

... And that side was already lit up. He stole a glance at Scarlett, who was coiled up on the top step. Starlene gave her psychic powers, right? Maybe if he tapped his skull, she'd pick up on it?

inb4 it's Xeromus who's there. Since Igneous and Xeromus have been running into each other a lot.

The dragonair's eyes lit up. Her neck bauble turned pink. A faint outline of Starlene showed up over Scarlett. "What's the deal?"

It wasn't like Igneous could actually use telepathy, but he just had to, like, think loud enough. If there is someone in here, they're in the room Vegna wanted us to go to. You may have to be ready to, I dunno, sing 'em a lullaby or something.

"A lullaby?"

Igneous: "You know, Sing? You can do that as a 'mon so into music, right?" -_-;

To put them to sleep.

"Huh. Good idea. All right."
Scarlett and Starlene nodded in unison. "Send a signal if you need us."

Igneous frowned. What kind of signal?

Starlene shrugged. "Shoot fire out of your butt? I dunno. You're smart. You'll come up with something."

inb4 he really does shoot fire out his butt in a little bit.

Igneous regretted asking. Tightening his grip on the honedge, he crept toward the open doorway. He saw white squares creeping into his view—

The back of the grovlazzle's neck prickled. Igneous jumped back and narrowly missed a spark of pink energy.

"I know you're out there! Don't make any sudden movements!"

Igneous' breath practically caught in his throat. He quickly dispelled the honedge.

That voice... Shimmer?!

Right. I suppose I also should've foreseen that he'd come back into the story, too.

The icy ponyta appeared in the doorway seconds later. He still had flowing white hair and nine snowy tails like when Igneous had seen him on the supply train. It wasn't some one-time change, then.

But why was Shimmer even here in the first place? Vegna didn't tip him off, too, did he?

I mean, as much of a dick as Vegna is, no, I'm pretty sure that that's Dermezel's doing, Igneous.

Unfortunately for Igneous, Shimmer must've remembered their previous encounter. His eyes narrowed and pink light twirled around his blue horn. "You." Shimmer leveled his horn at Igneous. "You're the creepy lizard mutant from the train. What do you think you're doing here? How did you even—"

Shimmer shook his head. "Forget it. I'm making a citizen's arrest. You and... whoever's lurking up at the top of the stairs are coming with me."

A squeaky "Eep" came from that direction.

Ah yes, things are going well™️ right now, I see.

"Cover your ear frills, Iggy!" Starlene said.

Stand down, Igneous fired back. I've got this.


This feels more than a little ill-advised, Igneous, but you do you here.

Igneous definitely did not have this. But he was damn well going to try, because something was up with Shimmer. He held his hands up innocently. "It's not what you think, Shimmer."

The glow in Shimmer's horn intensified. "I never told you my name!"

"You're not the only one in our class who got mutated," Igneous said, keeping his hands up. "Even with the changes... I can pick out those rugged good looks."

Wait, is Igneous actually going to out his proper identity to Shimmer here?

"I cannot believe you said that with a straight face," Starlene scoffed.

Igneous thought he might've died a little inside, but it was helping. Shimmer relaxed his stance. His horn stopped glowing. He eyed Igneous more closely. And that was when the grovlazzle saw the bags underneath the ponytales' bloodshot eyes.

I mean, clearly Igneous didn't either. Though I see that Dermezel's been working Shimmer hard lately.

How long has he been here for?

"You're the grovyle, aren't you?" Shimmer bit his lip. "The one Vegna said... is the reason stuff got screwed up in Venish."

"No. Eternatus' forces did that," Igneous said. He glanced at the stairs. "I brought Starlene with me, actually."

"Whoa, hey! Leave me outta this!"


Igneous: "Look, just let it ride, okay?"

Shimmer's horn flickered. "What? But she's just—"

Igneous frowned. "You're not about to say 'just a dragonair,' are you?"

Silence. Shimmer retreated further through the doorway. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Got a lot on my mind right now."

Igneous: "Story of my life, really. So what's the story behind your mutation?" -_-;

At least he wasn't threatening Igneous. The grovlazzle hesitantly stepped toward him. "You're not the only one. Seems like you've been through an ordeal."

Shimmer looked at Igneous orange and yellow belly. He gave a bitter laugh. "Like you haven't?"

"I got hurt badly by Eternatus' forces," Igneous lied. "Had to let the distortion mutate me to survive." He took another step forward. Igneous was in the doorway now. And Shimmer wasn't repelling him this time. Maybe Igneous could make some progress. Like finding out why Shimmer was here in the first place.

Whelp, time to find out how effectively Shimmer can see through lies or not. Even if my money is on him taking this at face value based on what happened between him and Dermezel.

"How about you?" he asked, trying to keep it simple.

"You wouldn't get it," Shimmer muttered, turning away. "Your family's in journalism, right?"


The ponytales stepped back into the room. Igneous had enough space to step inside. Each wall was lined with white file cabinets. There were alphanumeric codes along the sides that Igneous quickly realized lined up with all the random letters and numbers on Vegna's instructions. Only problem was several drawers were open and files strewn about the floor in between bottles with small amounts of red wine trickling out of their uncorked necks.

"Then you don't have to worry." Shimmer shook his white, sparkly mane out. "Your parents don't keep life-altering secrets from you."

Igneous: "(Oh boy. Asking for the story behind his mutation was a mistake, I can already tell.)" >_>;

Igneous almost snapped. His inner flames wanted to shroud his arms, but he kept them at bay. He took a calming breath instead.

You're absolutely right." Igneous hid his sarcasm as best he could. "Dad not telling me he was getting remarried until his wedding day? Definitely not a life-altering secret."

Well then. I suppose that would explain a thing or two about why Igneous and Sakaki don't exactly get along with each other.

The dumbstruck look on Shimmer's face made the reveal worth it. His eyes darted around, mainly between the strewn papers and empty wine bottles. "Oh." Shimmer's tails shriveled. Quieter, he added, "I had no idea."

"I don't share it readily." Igneous shrugged, knowing full well he wasn't even scratching the surface of things.

"Then why tell me?" Shimmer's gaze fell. "I've been nothing but an ass to you."

Igneous: "Because I feel like not getting arrested right now?"

Shimmer: "No, no, you clearly have some deeper reason for being here. What's going on?"

"Because I don't need to be psychic to see something serious happened to you," Igneous replied. God, that sounded cheesy. But the grovlazzle had found a way forward. "I don't know why you're here. Or what you're doing. What I do know is that the Eterna Empire has to be stopped. So, it's not worth holding some petty grudge toward you over your smarmy attitude."

Shimmer laughed bitterly again. "The bigger 'mon, huh?" He shook his head. "You were right to hold a grudge, though. I acted like I was better than everyone... when the truth is that my title is all I have." His ears folded against his head. "Bought grades. Eviolitis. I'm a nobody who couldn't do a thing to save his friends from this empire you speak of."

Let's not even get into how he's being used as an unwitting pawn by Dermezel right now to put a series of events into motion that'll probably destroy Radiance, if not Etherium as a whole.

Right. Paradox had taken almost all their classmates. And Artemis had reported Xander was all too eager to side with the deoxys to save his own hide.

He didn't have to tell Shimmer that, though. No reason to make the ponytales any more upset.

"Eviolitis, huh?" Igneous knew enough about the condition. "That didn't lead to your icy makeover, did it?"

"Indirectly," Shimmer responded. "I wanted a way to counter it. To get some real strength."

Igneous: "And. Um. How exactly did you get this strength again?" .-.

Igneous raised a brow. "So, you absorbed distortion?"

"Not exactly." Shimmer's tails bristled. "But I... can't really talk about it." He looked around at the scattered papers. "Then again... maybe you trespassing is a good thing."

Scarlett: "(Iggy, I don't think I like where this is going right now.)"
Igneous: "(Wait, are you even supposed to be able to hear this at the moment?)"

The grovlazzle resisted the urge to defend himself or implicate Vegna. He looked around and realized the papers were actually laminated. Many were tan or brown and had wrinkles or tears to suggest they were rather old.

"If you take this stuff to the Beacon..." Shimmer's voice trailed off.

Ah yes, so Vegna and Dermezel have the same plan in mind. Which should send up some red flags about what the aftereffects of making these dirty secrets public will be.

"You're going to have to be more specific," Igneous said. There were a fair number of files scattered across the gray stone floor. And Vegna had his own list of things Igneous was meant to search for. "

It's easier to just show you." Shimmer's horn glowed pink. Several of the laminated pages floated into the air, arranging themselves like a paper wall had sprung up in front of Igneous. They looked like worn newspaper clippings. The headlines were easiest to read.

Ah yes, the BGM has taken a turn for the ominous. Only good things™️ can possibly follow here.

Queens Calliope and Primrose Celebrating Radiance Day

Shocking Royal Upheaval: From Prince to Princess!

Princess Evangeline's Wedding Off After Bizarre "Falling Out"

The Shut-In Zacian Queen: Where is Calliope?

Igneous: "Um... Shimmer? What am I even looking at here?" ._.;

There were other similar titles about strange happenings with regards to assorted Radiant royalty. And more than a few headlines expressing skepticism about Queen Calliope, despite being accompanied by pictures of the large canine clutching a big sword.

Igneous began to scan snippets of an article.

Not long after the announcement, eyewitnesses report seeing Princess Evangeline leaving a restaurant in outer Dazzels alongside a female zebstrika and exchanging an affectionate nuzzle. Naturally, this has prompted speculation from the public as to whether or not the princess was having an affair. Of course, some of the older population will remember similar shocking developments before her mother, Queen Lillith's wedding. We reached out to Queen Lillith for comment and she simply stated that "My daughter's happiness in life is what matters first and foremost."

As is always the case, Queen Calliope could not be reached for comment.

Igneous: "... Is this a family tradition of yours or something, Shimmer?"
Shimmer: "Keep reading."

Frowning, the grovlazzle's eyes moved to another clip.

Despite concerted efforts to request interviews with Queen Calliope, we've remained unsuccessful. Attempts to ask the castle's servants have similarly been met with instructions to direct questions to Queen Alexandra or one of her advisors. Even when she appears in public events, she is always accompanied by Queen Alexandra. Calliope never utters a word, merely bowing politely or offering a small smile to those in attendance. And she is strangely absent at sessions of Parliament.

We even had a trained psychic accompany us to the annual Dazzels Marathon, where the queens traditionally sound the starting horn. Attempts at sensing Calliope's aura were stymied by some unknown force that left our psychic dazed. It's understandable that the queen would want to protect herself from any psychic onslaughts, but what is there to worry about? The Aeons haven't ever gotten anywhere close to attacking Dazzels. And they surely never will.

Oh, so Calliope has also been hit by the body snatchers, too, huh?

Igneous was surprised at how critical these snippets sounded. The Beacon was pretty much the lone paper out there that wouldn't eat up what the crown and Polaris said. And for that, they had most of their press privileges revoked. Instead, his father employed... underhanded methods to get the information.

He headed to an article that looked a bit more recent, judging from the paper being whiter than the others.

Wait, how on earth has the Beacon not just been outright shut down by the government at this rate? Since surely it wouldn't be too hard to manufacture an excuse to force them to close up shop or lawfare them hard enough to force the Ryujin to cut it loose and try again with a new outlet.

Princess Rapidash Isola and Primarina Florentino seemed like a match made in heaven. No wedding date was set, but most folks assumed they would marry shortly after graduation from Horizon Academy. But there will be no wedding bells in their future, as Florentino revealed to viewers and audience members at the Eldegoss Genesys Show that he and Isola had broken off their engagement.

According to Florentino, Isola had grown increasingly distant from him the last couple of months of their final Academy year. This came to a head shortly before finals. Florentino returned to campus early, intending to surprise the princess, only to instead find her in bed with another classmate, Virizion Justine. Isola admitted she'd been seeing Justine for the past month and said in no small terms that her tastes in pokémon had changed.

"She'll always consider me a friend, though," Florentino said to Eldegoss Genesys. A bevy of gasps from the audience followed on the show's airing.

Isola's behavior is nothing new as far as the royal family goes...

Wait, is that meant to be a reference to the Crisis Core character that half the fandom hates? Or...?

Igneous: "Huh, so your own mom did this too. But where is this going again?"

Igneous stepped back. He glanced at the file numbers on the pages' lamination. Then he compared them with Vegna's instructions. The grovlazzle quickly realized they matched up. What was he supposed to do, then? Had Shimmer gone to Vegna's office and just... memorized the file numbers or something? Why wouldn't the dusknoir mention that.

He decided to play dumb. "What do I make of this?"

"There's something wrong with my family," Shimmer said, dropping the laminated files back to the floor. He poked around at the wine bottles. Igneous quickly stepped to the ponytales' side, trying to nudge his head away.

Igneous: "I'm sorry, but that's supposed to be news how again?"

Shimmer: "Real funny, Chiaki. But seriously, every Queen that once had a boyfriend suddenly turning lesbian? It's almost as if it's... scripted, somehow." .-.

"I think you've had enough." Igneous held off putting his hand on Shimmer's back. "It's mid-morning, Shimmer."

"I know that!" Shimmer spat. He stepped away from Igneous, then mumbled, "I didn't know that."

"Maybe we ought to find you someplace to rest?"

"I'm not drunk!" Shimmer growled, flicking white hair out of his eyes. "A bit hungover, maybe. But Pastel Veil helps with that, too."

Igneous: "Again, you're sleep-deprived and have been drinking heavily. I think that it's for the best to take a step back and to save the amateur sleuthing for another time."

Igneous couldn't tell if Shimmer was blowing smoke with that claim. He silently raised a skeptical brow.

"Besides." Shimmer's shoulders sagged. "You'd drink too if you realized all this stuff means your mother's planning to take over your body and become you."

I honestly can't believe that it took me that long to realize that this was what Shimmer was getting at. Though I suppose casting Igneous as an audience surrogate was a smart choice to that end. Also, the BGM is reminding me that I really should get around to starting DR SOON™️

Now that was enough to flummox the grovlazzle. "Become you? She some superpowered zoroark?"

"No." Shimmer's face twisted into a grimace. "I'm pretty sure... she's some sort of parasite. A body-snatcher who showed up in the aftermath of the Darkest Day and has been masquerading as my entire family tree, ruling the kingdom all the while."

Igneous: "Wait, but... why?"

The ponytales looked Igneous in the eyes. "Come on. Your dad runs the Beacon, I'm sure the... strange patterns surrounding my family are a regular topic there."

Igneous tapped his chin. With everything that had happened the last month, he hadn't given the Beacon's usual business any thought. But now that Shimmer mentioned it...

"Radiance has never had a king." Igneous' eyes darted to some of the laminated newspapers. "Every queen has always married another lady. And supposedly, the princes that were born have always transitioned."

Igneous: "... Wait, but if there really was a body-surfing entity, why does it have such a hangup with being female? Wouldn't it cause less suspicion to just roll with whatever was available?"

Shimmer: "Look, it doesn't matter why it's been doing this! The point that it has been!"

Shimmer nodded slowly. "The queen and her consort always sire a single child. And every Radiant Queen has passed within a few months of the princess getting married."

Oh, well that's morbid there.

Igneous' brow furrowed. He had always dismissed the discussion because of one logical flaw. "It doesn't make sense." He pinched his brow. "Transfer orbs... are a Polaris product. There weren't ways to truly transition or let same-sex couples have eggs before them." Igneous paused. "Unless you're suggesting your family's constantly exposed itself to distortion."

"That's not it." Shimmer glanced right, then levitated up a picture of Queen Isola. She had her chest armor on as usual. "It's the family heirloom. That oversized armor she's always wearing. I think... it's powering the body-snatcher."

"But that's just a theory."

"Demerzel's theory," Shimmer admitted.

Oh, so this is how Dermezel is using Shimmer to get at Isola's piece of the Red Chain. I'm now suddenly not convinced that Shimmer has the whole story behind what's going on, since Dermezel is one of those characters that can't be trusted as far as he can be thrown.

"Demerzel?" Igneous frowned. He barely knew a thing about the guy, but Valkyrie suggested Sakaki was keeping an eye on him. "You're working with him?"

"What choice do I have here?" Shimmer let the picture fall to the ground. "I want to live. As Shimmer. Not... whatever this damned parasite has in mind." He stomped a forehoof down. "That's why you have to take this stuff with you. Bring it to the Beacon and get the word out there!"

Yeah, Shimmer's moment here is going to age absolutely horribly in the longer-term, I can already tell.

Igneous' jaw tightened. Shimmer was serious. The desperation in his eyes was plain as day. Igneous had seen Shimmer's guest spots on PV shows. And watched him briefly flailing in Benedict's trial. Acting was not his strong suit. Even the lower grunts on the Ryujin ladder could lie better than him.

He knelt down and picked up the picture of Isola. Igneous looked intently at the armor piece. With its midsection that vaguely resembled some sort of canine.

... A canine with a red gem in its mouth.

Oh. Calliope is the body-snatcher, isn't she? Since I've seen this sort of gambit done before in a Squaresoft game, and it involved a major character from the game's backstory being the ultimate culprit.

The back of Igneous' head burned. Faint images of Nova and a crimson canine getting dragged into the shadows by chains flickered over Isola's picture. Igneous instinctively reached his hand back and rubbed his head.

It couldn't be, could it?

A Red Chain fragment... here all this time?

Or... it could be Zamazenta. That's also a possibility even if the gender mismatch would be a bit unusual.

"How can you be sure Demerzel isn't playing you?" Igneous whispered, still looking at the picture and trying to blink away the images his inner flames were showing him. "If he's on Eternatus' side—"

Narrator: "Dermezel is absolutely playing him. It's part and parcel of being a Kuja expy."

"They have his partner," Shimmer whispered. "Well, they had both of them. And because Demerzel resisted their blackmail, they sent one into battle." His ears folded. "She didn't survive her encounter with Vegna."

"Wouldn't that give him all the more reason to work with them, then?" Igneous said, starting to gather up the papers. "Shimmer, this kind of news could set the whole kingdom ablaze."

Shimmer: "Chiaki, the Kingdom's already ablaze." >_>;
Igneous: "More ablaze. You know what I mean."

"Or it will make Mother desperate enough to do something stupid," Shimmer countered. "And let me have a shot at getting the heirloom away from her."

"You really trust Demerzel, then?"

"Not entirely. But he's not loyal to Eternatus," Shimmer said. The ponytales abruptly stiffened and looked around in a panic. "Wait, it's mid-morning! Crap, I can't stay here any longer!"

Igneous: "Wait, why? What's wrong with mid-morning-?" ._.;

"What?" Igneous stood up. "Dude, you're hungover. Whatever you plan on doing—"

"I already know where Eternatus is striking next," Shimmer said, horn flickering. "The whole reason I came here was to gather up the meltan for Demerzel and Arianna. They're going to protect Tulpise."

Igneous: "Wait, protect who now?" .-.

The grovlazzle tilted his head. A bunch of tiny little metal slimes... would protect a city against the Eternatus Troopers? It sounded more like Demerzel was setting them up for failure.

Ah, I assume that it's the Amsterdam expy of Radiance in that case. Since I can see the tulip-based name there.

"I decided to take a little detour here and clearly lost track of time." Shimmer levitated all the laminated materials up and thrust them in Igneous' direction. "I can't stick around. If you're staying here, maybe we can talk more later. But I have to go. So, move aside."

"Maybe we should go with him?"

Igneous jumped. Cripes, he'd forgotten Scarlett was there!

"Yeah, sorry." The dragonair leaned against one of the unopened white file cabinets. "You guys were pretty sucked into your conversation. And, uh, I got a bit lost and didn't want to cut in." She blinked and shook her head. "But Igneous has fought the empire already. You saw it for yourself. May as well try and help."


"And risk losing this evidence?" Shimmer again telekinetically shoved all the papers at Igneous. "Not a chance. Sorry, but I have to do this for myself. Your priority has to be taking these to your father."

Frowning, Igneous took the papers out of Shimmer's psychic grasp. He wasn't about to kowtow to Shimmer's orders. But these were the pieces of evidence Vegna wanted. So, he was still going to take them.

"Fine." Igneous tucked the evidence under his arm. "We'll take them to the Beacon." He turned away from the ponytales and winked at Scarlett.

Igneous: "Shimmer, if this blows up because you wouldn't let us help you, I swear to god..."

She picked up the gesture and uncoiled. "Yeah, sure." Scarlett feigned her annoyance well. "Hope you know what you're doing, buddy."

Shimmer walked past both of them. "I do." And then he left the room and galloped up the stairs.

Narrator: "He absolutely does not know what he's doing."

Igneous and Scarlett stood there in silence until they heard the door to the restricted section open and shut. "So, now what?" Scarlett asked.

"We take these to Vegna first." Igneous' expression sharpened. "Then we find a way to Tulpise. Not a chance I'm trusting whatever plan Shimmer's cooking up to work."

That would be wise, really. And it'd let us get to see what Tulpise is like onscreen.

Just the fact that Shimmer was this convinced the empire was readying an attack on Tulpise of all places had Igneous concerned. It wasn't a transport hub like Casaroja or Venish. And it was on the complete opposite side of the country from the capital. Why there?

Something was definitely up. And Igneous had to get to the bottom of it.

Ah yes, since the last time you tried to do something like this off on your own turned out so well, Igneous.

Alright, made it to the end. So it's time for the recap:

I get the distinct feeling that you're building towards some sort of major "explosion" down the pipe from here. Well, that and hearing that something to that effect happened through the grapevine helped. Since there's been a lot of ominous foreshadowing of something building up thus far, even if it's not really clear what it's going to be beyond that it'll probably be at Tulpise. For what it's worth, the chapter has been doing a pretty effective dripfeed of tension, especially as more and more uncomfortable truths about the various parts of POV-2020's setting come out.

I'm... not sure if I have any firm criticisms to level at this chapter. I mean, I'd obviously have liked to see some of the other plot threads as well, but given your remarks about forcing a plot thread order last chapter, I'm assuming the ones touched here are all according to keikaku and all that's left is to see how they wind up intersecting again.

Good work @Ambyssin . And happy new year. Here's to another year of adventures with the gang in Etherium and the broader omniverse around it.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I waffled a bit as to what I wanted to read tonight for RB5, but I figured that PoV was a decent way to send off the year last night, so it's just as well to ring in the new one with it too. My understanding is that this chapter is where things get shaken up again, but only one way to find out. Let's go ahead and dive right into…

Chapter 76

The Renegade cannot reconcile that the Benefactor embodies the Old World. That is why he ruined the Great Harmony. Why he relentlessly seeks the Benefactor's destruction. For every attempt the Benefactor makes at repairing the Universe, the Renegade lashes out, attempting to fragment it further.

~I Pilastri dell'Eternità

Oh, so basically this is Team Eternatus' view of Giratina:


The halls of Aeon Castle were abuzz with dragons scuttling about. A few kommo-o carried large crates brimming with berries, seeds, and assorted orbs. Two noivern flew on either side of a salamence, pulling wagons containing harnesses fliers could use to store equipment and supplies.

Huh, wasn't expecting an R&C track for a place that's medievalesque in vibe, but noted then. And that's probably the most dragony scene from a chapter that I've seen in a while.

Yiazmat floated at the end of the hall, amidst several stone pillars and black tapestry with white variants of Bahamut's star sigil woven into them. She pointed toward growing crate stacks and gave orders to the kommo-o.

Sighing, Yuna turned away from them. She landed on a small table, taking care not to knock over the purple vase. While the drakloak was glad her mother had listened to her pleas to get Aeon's fighters more involved in things, a small part of her feared she was asking way too much from a bunch of dragons not well suited to what the Eterna Empire was cooking up.

I mean, it wouldn't be the first time that you've had a wide-eyed idealist character lead a bunch of dragons to the slaughter in your writings. Since I've just always had a bad feeling about Yuna getting her homeland involved, even if I suppose that the stakes involved in this story made it inevitable.

"They do have that move you call Cosmic Blessing, though," Rayquaza pointed out. "They art not truly defenseless. And thou art not looking to fling them onto the frontlines."

True. Yuna took a deep breath. This was supposed to be a good thing. Especially with Yiazmat passing along news that their work had temporarily suppressed the rifts. Yuna really was getting a break from anomalies and fighting Phantoms.

Yeeeeeeaaaaah, with the opening to the last chapter, I'm not convinced those frontlines aren't going to catch up with you all in short order.

"Would you prefer a chair to lie down on, Princess?"

Yuna looked up to see Baraz's bulky frame waddling into view. "I can't imagine lying around a vase is all that comfortable. Even for a ghost." The dracozolt chuckled.

Oh hey, he's finally back!

"True." Yuna didn't move. "But I think I'm all right."

"If you say so." Baraz shrugged his tiny arms. "When do you plan on heading back into Eternatus?"

"Not sure." Yuna rubbed her right shoulder. She knew Yiazmat asked Baraz to come home, but didn't think she'd actually run into him. And now that he was here, she couldn't help recalling the pictures from the museum in LaRousse.

... Wait, what is the story behind how Baraz exists in Etherium anyways? Since the Galar fossils are canonically sterile. .-.

"By the way." The drakloak looked up at Baraz. "Um, have you thought at all about Eternatus and this Malice stuff?"

Baraz raised a brow. "You mean do I think I look like this because of those things?"

Yuna flinched. He's good. Guess wisdom really did come with age. "Yeah."

Oh, looks like we're going to get an answer to that question really, really fast.

"You saw something in the anomalies, didn't you?" Baraz sounded like he knew the answer already.

Sighing, Yuna lazily ran a nubby hand across the table. "I did. One of the other dimensions had a pokémon like you, but the top and bottom half actually matched. Can't help but wonder if it's what you're supposed to look like."

"Maybe." Baraz leaned over. "Maybe not. I never could remember anything before I showed up in Aeon, so it's hard to say."

Oh, Baraz is a Faller, isn't he? Since that line is definitely consistent with having a Faller background, especially since there was literally a chapter opening that talked about how they worked in this fic.

"Don't you want to know?"

"I've asked myself that before," Baraz admitted, glancing at his bulky lower half. "And then I always think about whether knowing the answer would actually make me happy."

I mean, if you have to ask the question about whether or not it'd actually make you happy...

Now Yuna had a read of her own. "I'm guessing that's a no."

Baraz nodded.

"So, you think it's better if I don't look into it?" Yuna asked, rubbing the right side of her head.

"That's up to you. I trust your judgment." Baraz shifted his weight. "I simply ask that if you do learn something, you don't tell me." He paused, a pensive look on his face. "Unless me not knowing would put you all in danger, of course."

Oh, well there's no way that this could possibly get awkward in short order at all. /s

"Right." Yuna focused on the vase. Some of the purple paint had chipped off it at some point. Pity. "I can work with that."

"Glad to hear it." Baraz smiled. "Now then, I think your mother's waving me over."

Yuna shook her head. "I hope it's to tell you to get some rest."

"Ha." Baraz's smile grew. "These bones may be old, but they've still got some pep left in them."

They're prehistoric, even. Though I suppose this is one way to tell that Baraz is going to be around for the upcoming story arc.

In some ways, the Radiant Beacon hub mirrored the Ryujin building at the center of Scale City. Namely in being a large tower that looked out over a city. Casaroja, in this case. The one-way glass windows surrounding the building gave Igneous a sense of exposure despite knowing full well no one could see inside. He looked at Casaroja Station in the distance. Still as gaudily red and orange as it had been the other day. No protestors gathered in the circular plaza, though.

Boy, you're not even making it subtle with how the Ryujin Clan takes after Team Rocket under its current management. Even if I'm still not sure what the story behind Sakaki is since we've already seen one Gio stomping around.

The grovlazzle fixed his gaze on a set of one-way glass doors. A red light atop them indicated they were firmly locked. Either Sakaki was busy... or he wasn't here. Though Igneous called ahead of time. Better be the former.

"Can't believe the Grim Reaper's been sitting on this," Scarlett said, coiled on a circular chair with no back. "Given his reputation, you'd think he could blow the whistle."

Scarlett: "Which is starting to make me think that there's going to be some sort of catch to all of this."

Igneous was a bit surprised with how quick Vegna okayed him taking these materials to the Beacon. Cyril scanned them into his computer and they were off to Casaroja before they knew it. As much as Igneous wanted to think this was a good thing, fortune hadn't been kind to him of late.

See, even Igneous is with me in suspecting that there's some sort of horrible catch to everything.

"Maybe it's the opposite," he said, humoring Scarlett. "Maybe that reputation tied his hands. He had to play nice or Isola would throw him under the bus. Just like Vortex."

Seifer, too. Though the keldeo wasn't rotting away in a jail cell.

Scarlett: "Iggy, he has a reputation for extrajudicial killings."

Igneous: "An unconfirmed reputation for extrajudicial killings. (Even if, yeah, he totally does them as a necromancer.) Look, the point is that being a whistleblower doesn't match up with it."

"Hmm." Scarlett tapped her tail against the side of the chair. "You didn't ask Vegna how long he'd known about this, did you?"

"I didn't." Igneous looked at her. "Why?"

"Err... it's nothing. Just thinking crazy."

I can already tell that these two are going to be kicking themselves hard later on for not stopping to float this idea.

The grovlazzle raised a brow. "Well, now I'm more curious."

Scarlett laughed nervously. "It's stupid." The dragonair's tiny right wing fluttered in place. "Like a cheesy episode of a PV show."

"Doesn't answer my question."

Igneous: "Come on, Scarlett. Out with it. You can't just tease the audience like that and not say anything."

"What if Vegna's whole Grim Reaper reputation developed after he learned Isola's secret?" Scarlett shrank back a little, clearly thinking her theory wild. "Like either she's the reason... or Vegna targets her inner circle on purpose?"

Igneous: "I... hadn't considered that. But why would that matter again?"

Igneous blinked slowly. Many of the names attached to the Grim Reaper rumors were high-ranking nobles. Hell, Igneous watched it happen in real time to that awful slurpuff. Shimmer called the guy his uncle.

Still, the idea that Vegna would turn serial killer right under Isola's nose was out there. Making all those deaths look accidental? Even Valkyrie wasn't that good. And she had unnatural poisons to fall back on.

Then again, he practices necromancy. Who really knew what Vegna was capable of, other than the dusknoir himself?

I mean, Isola isn't exactly aware of Dermezel's antics as far as we know of, so I could buy Vegna legitimately sliding under her radar. Though then again, there's the other possibility that Isola knows and has been using Vegna to thin the nobility of liabilities...

The red light above the doors shifted to green. Igneous sat up straight as they opened. Sure enough, Sakaki stood in the doorway. Garbed in his usual black blazer with the Beacon's golden R sewn on the breast pocket. The nidoking gestured for them to come into the office. Igneous gathered up the evidence and marched through the door.

I actually just realized it from the Masters music link you provided, but Sakaki could very well just be Rainbow Rocket!Gio. Since hey, this fic is big on multiverse antics, and he canonically jumps around from universe to universe in his official depiction.

Sakaki's top-floor office had a long oak desk in front of the one-way glass wall. Igneous saw the tiny slits in the black carpeted floor where metal sheets could emerge if Sakaki were to ever call a lockdown. There were similar tricks with the antique wooden shelves to the left and right. The blown glass baubles and trinkets were there for show. He knew full well those shelves hid a waypoint and some other sensitive items.

What gave the grovlazzle pause, though, was a small wooden drinking natu, rhythmically bobbing into and out of a tiny glass of water. Igneous tensed a bit. He had made that drinking natu in elementary school as a Father's Day present for Sakaki. Igneous always assumed Sakaki trashed it a long time ago.

Huh, never pegged Igneous as being a woodworker. Though I wonder how on earth he made that as a Treecko unless he just evolved young into a Grovyle.

"Anything about Tulpise?" Scarlett wondered, coiling up beside a square glass table. She looked at her blurry, fragmented reflection.

"Nothing from the scouts," Sakaki responded. "Are you sure this intel of yours is credible? I had to shift around more than a few 'mons to accommodate this."

"It was someone who's had a run in with Eternatus forces already." Igneous tightened his grip on the evidence. He wasn't about to drop Shimmer's name into the conversation.

Yeeeeeeeeeah, probably for the best that the Yakuza boss doesn't know that the Crown Prince is running around playing Batman.

Sakaki stuck his hands in his pockets and walked back toward his desk. "And did it occur to you that, perhaps, they fed you a false lead as a trap?"

Igneous inner flames sparked a bit. Thankfully his head leaf and tails didn't catch fire. "They're the same person who gave me these." The grovlazzle marched up to Sakaki's desk and placed the stack of pages down. He was a bit more forceful than necessary. "I don't think someone looking to launch a serious accusation against the crown would lie about Tulpise being in danger."

Sakaki: "And if your lead is himself being duped or used? Since there's a lot of gullible idiots out there nowadays, Chiaki."

"Unless they want everyone distracted so they can, say, carry out an assassination attempt." Sakaki spread the laminated pages out along his desk. The nidoking eyed them, tapping his chin in thought. "Deploying Radiant Guard there would leave Dazzels vulnerable, depending on the number of people."

I... did not even consider that possibility. Though we do know that Dermezel for sure has reasons to gun after Isola, and Vegna has been increasingly implied to have reasons of his own, so...

"And if the Radiant Guard isn't going?" Igneous wasn't in the mood to hear Sakaki play devil's advocate. When Sakaki raised a brow, he continued, "The same source was controlling the robot bugs that fought with the Eternatus Troopers."

That got Sakaki's expression to soften a bit. He grabbed one of the evidence pieces and held it up, gaze focused on the code. "These were in some sort of filing system."

I mean, considering Dermezel is heavily implied to be pulling a double agent gambit on the Eterna Empire, does it even matter if the Radiant Guard is present in Dazzels? Since they didn't exactly accomplish much in Venish when everything went south.

"A secret restricted section in Horizon Academy's library," Igneous said. He saw the flicker of skepticism in Sakaki's eyes and tried to anticipate the likely follow-up question. "I have no idea why they're not secured in Dazzels. Perhaps they were taken to Horizon by someone else?" Like Vegna.

Sakaki continued scrutinizing the papers. "They seem authentic." He rested his right hand on his desk and tapped a claw against the glazed wood. "So, the conclusion here is that every Radiant Queen is actually some sort of body-snatcher who's jumped from generation to generation?"

"Yes." Igneous glanced at the papers. "I realize none of this directly proves the theory, but it does point to a very concerning pattern. Every male transitioned, in eras when such things weren't possible. Always marrying another lady. The Radiant Queen dying not long after her daughter weds. It sure looks like one person doing the same thing over and over."

Sakaki: "Again, Chiaki. Are you sure that your source doesn't have ulterior motives? Or else someone he knows who might be setting him up?"

"I get that." Sakaki frowned. "But surely someone would've picked up on it."

Igneous would've countered that, but Sakaki held up his left hand. "These papers did pick up on it. But I don't think any of them still exist today. The stories were probably quashed." The nidoking put his hands back in his jacket pockets. "I can try to run this... but it's going to be a significant risk. It would really help if I knew the source."

And you're going to attempt to do this during a state of emergency where the Radiant Beacon could potentially be shuttered as a threat to national security or something like that. Brilliant.

There it was. Luckily, this was much simpler than dealing with his source for Tulpise. "Vegna." Igneous produced the instructions the dusknoir had given him and tossed them on the desk. "He's been investigating the matter."

Interest flickered in Sakaki's eyes. "I see." He sifted through the laminated papers. "There's always been a rumor around the office. That the Grim Reaper deliberately targets nobles close to Isola. A strange sort of vigilantism, in that it deters criminals while taking Isola's allies out of the picture."

Which, again. Would lend credence to Sakaki's suspicion that this is a feint to get at Isola.

The nidoking shrugged. "But I leave such gossip to the tabloids. Do you need these back?"

"We made copies."

"Then I suppose I'll get to work on this." Sakaki gathered the papers together, though his movements were sluggish.

Igneous glanced at Scarlett and tilted his head toward the door. They were done here and could leave.


Igneous: "Ugh. What now?" >_>;

"And how is... everything else?"

The grovlazzle tensed. Sakaki wasn't serious, was he? This wasn't some sort of casual father-son chat. They both had work to do.

"Fine." Igneous' reply was curt. "We need to get a move on."

Yeah, you're not getting out of the room that easily, Iggy.

"Right." Sakaki's sigh was heavy. Papers shuffled behind Igneous. He gestured toward the door again. Started walking toward it.

"I'll be visiting her grave in a couple of weeks if you want to join," Sakaki said.

Oh, well the mood in the room certainly took a turn there. Though I'm going to guess that Iggy's going to take a hard pass on doing this alongside Sakaki.

Igneous froze, right hand stuck out to press the button for the door.

"With everything that's happened, I thought you might've forgotten her birthday's soon."

You mean 'would have been soon.' Igneous fiery scales prickled. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah. Thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind."


Though I suppose this means that we'll be getting the full story behind what happened to Iggy's mom another day.

He ignored the worried look on Scarlett's face as she slithered out of the office ahead of him. Igneous instead turned on his X-transceiver. "We're done in Casaroja. Someone get us over to Tulpise."


Igneous and Scarlett passed through a couple of rifts in silence. They didn't even acknowledge Noctum back at the outpost. Instead they pressed right on through to Tulpise's outskirts. Seifer, Quetzal, and Cid were stationed behind some trees on a grassy knoll overlooking the city. Its green and yellow buildings, many decorated in bushes and arrays of colorful vines and flowers, sparkled in the setting sunlight. Outside of rifts occasionally opening and closing at random in the otherwise clear skies, things were calm.

Huh, bucolic Kirby music is bucolic. You almost wouldn't know that this place is (allegedly) about to be run over by the Eterna Empire.

"Nothing?" The grovlazzle jumped up, grabbing a thick tree branch and swinging himself on top of it. He sat on the branch and stared ahead, following railroad tracks toward Tulpise's outdoor train station. The dirt roads fanning out from it had a few scattered pokémon walking down. He couldn't make out their species from this distance, though.

"Nothing." Spots glowing, Cid braced himself against the tree trunk. The lights faded from the orbeetle's head spots. "Sorry. Need a break. I can only keep my Dynascan active for so long away from Cyril's machines."

... Sakaki's going to be right about this all being a distraction from Dazzels, isn't he?

"You're fine." Igneous waved Cid off. He didn't take his eyes off the city. Sure, Igneous didn't hold the highest opinion of Shimmer. But Shimmer sounded confident the Eternatus Troopers were readying a strike.

"I don't like it." Seifer paced around the foot of the tree. "Shimmer told you he's working with Demerzel, right?"

Igneous nodded.

I mean, not that anyone in-setting knows it, but for the readers who know who Dermezel intentionally vibes after as a character, this should be an immediate red flag that something's up.

"What if Demerzel's trying to play both sides?" Seifer wondered. "Conning Shimmer into focusing on Tulpise while the empire attacks a more important city?" The keldeo stopped pacing to wince. "Err, not that I'm saying Tulpise isn't important. Just from a military standpoint—"

Iggy, even Pony Boy is seeing it right now. I realize that the Ryujin Clan has finite 'monpower, but this really sounds like an argument to at least keep an ear to the ground in Dazzels so that way you can pull out and regroup if needed.

"We get it, sir." Sitting next to Cid, Quetzal crossed one leg over the other. "Tulpise is a strange spot to attack. Does the empire want all its plants and farmland? One would think they could conjure plenty of that."

"Thing is, I brought up similar concerns to Shimmer." Igneous crossed his arms. "And Shimmer assured me that he didn't need to move any troops around for this. It sounds like the Radiant Guard are staying where they're stationed."

Translation: Dermezel wants the Radiant Guard in Dazzels. Which sounds an awful lot like he's going to attempt some sort of decapitation attack on the Radiant Crown.

He glimpsed confused stares from Quetzal and Seifer. Neither said anything. Silence fell over the group, save for the sounds of Cid gulping down an elixir like he'd hit a pub after a hard day.

"I take it whatever happened to your mom's a touchy subject?"

Igneous' head leaf caught fire. He spun around. When had Scarlett climbed the— oh, right, dragonair. She simply flew up.

You're in the wrong story to deal with grounded Dragonair, Iggy. :V

"Is this part of trying to feel me out?" the grovlazzle mumbled. This was one trip down memory lane he wasn't up to take.

"Guess so." Scarlett corkscrewed herself around the branch so she was at eye level with Igneous.

"I'd rather not." Igneous looked away. "It's personal."

Come on, Iggy. It's going to come out eventually. Might as well do it now before things blow up in the story.

Silence. Igneous assumed Scarlett was finding a different way to press him for details.

"Fair enough." The dragonair lowered her head, resting it on the tree branch.

Igneous blinked slowly. That was it? She actually backed off? He hadn't planned for that. And now the silence was awkward and oh god he should really say something.

I honestly can't tell whether or not Iggy's actually going to go into his backstory, or if something's going to come crashing in and cut him off.

"Thanks." He shifted nervously on the branch. "For respecting my boundaries and stuff."

"You're welcome." Scarlett looked like she wanted to say more, but went back to resting on the tree branch.

Igneous began to relax a bit when Cid shot forward, spots pulsating pink. "By the station! People are pouring out of a train!"

Whelp, looks like we're going the 'cut short' route after all. And something is happening here in Tulpise after all.

"What?" Igneous sprang to his feet, careful not to slip off the branch. He squinted, but couldn't make out more than blurs streaming out of the station and onto the streets.

But when orange fireballs ignited some of the buildings on the dirt road, it was quite clear what was happening. "The attack!" Igneous dropped from the branch. "We've gotta go!"

Seifer: "Again, Igneous. Are we sure that this isn't a skirmish meant to distract-?"
Igneous: "Worry about it later, Seifer!"

"Hold on." Cid stuck an arm out. "They're not Eternatus Troopers. This is strange."

The fwoosh of large fireballs sounded in the distance, followed by screams. "Does it matter who it is?" Seifer galloped past Cid. "The city's under attack. That's what we're here for! We have to get a closer look to see if it's safe to send in reinforcements!"

Okay, yeah. That sounds like as good an indication as any that Sakaki was right, since since when would the Eterna Empire mount an attack without its grunts at least providing cannon fodder?

"Understood." Quetzal dashed after Seifer, leaving a trail of orange sparks behind him.

Igneous looked up at the tree. "Up to you whether to come with." He turned to run after the others when Cid hovered in front of him.

"Hold on. I'm sensing one peculiar aura. It definitely has Eterna energy." Cid's spots flickered erratically. "No one else does, though."

Oh right, Paradox was attempting to make that Paradox Volcarona a while back. And it certainly could chuck fire around easily...

"Only one aura?" Igneous frowned, but then his eyes widened. "The Medici! Back in Venish they seemed like they were working with a brainwashed Charles." He dashed around Cid and headed down the knoll toward the city.

So, maybe it wasn't Troopers attacking Tulpise. But the Medici were clearly armed with something flammable... and in a place catering to grasses and bugs, that was a recipe for disaster.

"Aren't they beautiful, though? Flames can signal rebirth. Something greater rising from the ashes!"

... Can't tell if that's Fraud who just rolled up here, or if Carpaccio has dropped a few levels of comedic relief villain.

Igneous' fiery wings burst from his back, stopping him in his tracks. He turned left and glared at the cloaked, helmeted chimera. How did Xeromus manage to pop up in the middle of a grassy field without so much as a spark of light? Igneous tapped his X-transceiver, only for static to greet him.

More screams rang up behind Igneous. Bundles of flowers clinging to taller buildings caught fire. He tried to turn away. Tulpise was what mattered. Xeromus was here to distract him. Just like in Vellguard.

Well then, I suppose we have our answer there.

Igneous: "Oh goddammit, dad was right about this being a ruse, wasn't he?"

Or he's the real source of this attack. After all, Xeromus preceded the Seekerskorch's appearance. If Igneous left him unchecked, Xeromus might pave the way for some other monstrosity!

The grovlazzle stopped himself from summoning his Leaf Blades, recalling how useless they'd been last time. "Whatever you're trying won't work." Igneous' tails simmered. "You and that stupid pile of floating discs can piss off!"

I mean, I suppose there is the Paradox Volcarona, but honestly, at this stage, I'll be more surprised if Dazzels doesn't become a smoking crater in about two minutes while everybody's busy here.

"But I won't." Xeromus coughed loudly. He shambled toward Igneous, the chains around his legs rattling with every step. "Just as you can't tear yourself away to go protect the ether-wielders." A wheezing laugh rumbled behind his mask. "To think you care so deeply for this lowly omen. It would be touching were these not the fates Natus has affirmed for us."

"There you go spouting off about fate and choices again," Igneous growled. He needed to strike from a distance. Could he pull off a Flamethrower instead of Bullet Seed? Burning Xeromus would help tremendously. "You're a threat, so I'm choosing to make sure you don't go anywhere."


Igneous: "Hey! I've had to deal with that gif once already this review!"

Xeromus sighed and shook his helmeted head. "Ah, such conviction. And turned upon someone as worthless as me." His wheezing grew louder. "That's what makes you so interesting." Xeromus took another step toward Igneous. "You flail about, but you refuse to accept you are walking Natus' path. That your actions will let His love blanket the world."

Translation: Y'all are well on your way to living up to the grand Squaresoft tradition of protagonists making things much, much worse for your worlds before they get better.

The chains rattled on Xeromus' legs. Shadows bubbled under his cloak. "Every spark. Every flame. They push you along the one true path. To Natus!"

At the mention of flames, Igneous finally latched onto that twisted power. Fire gathering in his mouth briefly made him want to hurl, but he was able to spew the Flamethrower straight at Xeromus. His cloak rippled and a crimson, vaguely canine shield materialized in front of him. The flames spread across it before Igneous had to stop and catch his breath. It was much harder maintaining a Flamethrower compared to Bullet Seeds.

Oh, so Nova has been holding onto Zamazenta's spirit or whatever all this time, huh?

Igneous: "Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have skipped those sessions at Scale City's dojo."

"Yes, good!" Xeromus' canine shield didn't disappear. Instead it drifted behind him like some haunting specter. "I can feel your spirit striking at me! It's your love for Natus! A love He will return tenfold!"

"Shut up!" Igneous swapped over to Bullet Seeds, hoping the faster speed meant Xeromus couldn't block it. He had to stay calm. Had to trust Seifer and Quetzal were making headway with Tulpise.

Um. Iggy? Not that Xeromus isn't being deliberately obtuse, but this sounds like a very strong hint to change tack right about now.

Xeromus' chains unraveled and sliced through the Bullet Seeds, filling the air with a dull green haze.

"It won't be enough." Xeromus' raspy laughter percolated through the mist. Igneous knew he was out there and chose to spew more flames straight ahead.

"You need to close your eyes. Cover your ears."


Igneous whirled around. How the hell did Xeromus get behind him? Igneous summoned his red honedge to block a strike that never came. Xeromus merely stood there. The strange, wispy red canine loomed over him. Hollow yellow eyes peered right through the grovlazzle.

"Ĺ̶̡ỉ̵̜s̷͜͝ẗ̶̞́e̸͜͝n̶̜͝ ̸̟̎w̷̧̍i̶̦̊t̸̘͌h̶́͜ ̴̳̇ẏ̸̮ŏ̵̤ṷ̷r śȯul. Becausḛ the̷̥̿ ̸̮͛s̴̰͋p̷͍̾irit ńèver̷̤̎ ̶͕͝ḟ̴̹org͕͘é̸̠t̵s."

Xeromus disappeared. Eyes widening, Igneous sucked in a sharp, involuntary breath.

>dat XB3!Origin music for this sequence

Oh boy. Time for things to get really real really fast.

The circular entryway felt just a bit brighter than usual. It was like the weather knew today was special and blessed them with of extra sunlight. Igneous' white fur fluffed up a bit. The volcanora happily bobbed through the air, heading toward the spiral staircase in the back of the room.

"So, you're abandoning your plan after all?" There was some faint teasing behind Igneous' words. He turned around to glance at the riolu walking behind him, resting her paws behind her head.

Oh, so we're going to find out where those Volcarona bits in Iggy's current getup originate from, huh?

"Har, har." Riolu rolled her eyes. "I always knew trying to master Aura Sphere before evolving would be a tough sell. And I've got a good enough reason to set that plan aside."

She looked left. The icy vulpix awkwardly trying to keep up stumbled. Her tails frazzled. "M-Me? I'm a good enough reason?"

Wait a minute, are these AU versions of
? Since I can see that species combo there.

"I'll admit, it is surprising." Igneous came to a stop by the spiral stairs. "Don't usually see ice vulpix this far from the Invern Mountains. Especially not in the summer."

Vulpix stared blankly at Riolu. Chuckling, she put a paw on Vulpix's right shoulder. "Nickie's not gonna know what that means, Ig. She's not from here... because she's human."

- Casually runs a text search through GL -

Yeah, we're looking at an AU in action. The place names match up, even if the characters don't.

The volcarona's wings buzzed excitedly. "Really?" He looked Nickie over. "I guess she does look a bit confused..."

"No amnesia, though." Riolu pet Nickie's shoulder. "That's different from the fallers you guys usually deal with, right?"

Is... is... this an AU where Spear Counterpart Nicky was the protagonist of GL? Since this all looks very familiar, if still different. .-.

Igneous nodded. "So, you want your parents to weigh in?"

"You know it." Riolu thumped her chest. "Figure she's here for a reason. If they don't know, then the guild has the resources to point us to someone who does."

Nickie's tails curled up. "Um, maybe we should get going?" She flinched. "Not that I don't appreciate the escort or anything, Mr. Volcarona."

... I just realized it, but I'm pretty sure that this entire sequence is strongly implying that this is Igneous, Nikki, and Yuna(?) from a past life. Since the names are literally the same give or take a small spelling tweak and that would be hugely appropriate for the theme music you rolled for this sequence.

"No, I get it." Igneous gave the icepix some space. "I'm a big fire-type and you're a tiny ice vulpix. It's instinctual. Even if your human brain doesn't think it."

Relief flooded Nickie's face. Riolu nodded. "All right. Try not to trip and tumble down the stairs!" She clapped Nickie on the back before sprinting ahead, jumping onto the railing and surfing it down.

"Ah, wait! Tessa!" Nickie stumbled into a run after her.

Igneous watched Nickie's tails vanish into the depths of the spiral staircase. Then the stairs
twisted and contorted into tiny butterfree that coalesced into a void resembling Leo's wheel.

AU of GL confirmed. I suppose we'll see whether or not my hunch that POV-2020 was born from a BAD END to some version of GL's events will pan out or not.

With a sharp cry, Igneous violently lurched backwards. He stumbled, falling back onto the grass and staring at his trembling arms. Arms? Don't I—

"Only a glimpse, then? Unfortunate."

Oh, well that music is extremely ominous right about now considering when it plays in its original game...

Xeromus' wheezing sent the grovlazzle scrambling to his feet. He spied the red honedge on the ground and reached toward it. It vanished in a puff of fire and reappeared in his right hand.

"Fight it," Igneous growled. "Nova, I know you're in there! Gene's waiting for you! You have to stop this!"

"There's nothing to fight." Xeromus took a step back. "The ether can only slow your steady march toward the truth. Just as it fights a losing battle to stop this world's affirmation."

... I just realized it, but Xeromus / Nova is basically the Second Half TTGL!Nia of this story, isn't he?

Igneous launched another Flamethrower, but cut it off seconds later. Xeromus took the bait, sending his spectral guardian to intercept. Igneous dashed left and spat Bullet Seeds at the helmeted silvally's right flank. This time they struck home. But Xeromus' expression was unreadable. If he gave any pained cries, his mask muffled them.

"I see. I see." Xeromus jerked his head back and forth. Did Nova actually hear Igneous? "So, this is what sets us apart. What makes me so lowly compared to you. Your role is still a ways off." Xeromus hacked out barking coughs. "There will be much to endure before Natus can shower you in His love. But that will make the payoff all the grander!"

Um. Iggy. I think you have it completely backwards as to who needs to be hearing the other guy. Like I get that Xeromus is talking crazy right now, but it's the sort of crazy that makes sense in context and has huge implications for what you're presently up to.

"Like hell it will!" Igneous spat out another Bullet Seed stream. Xeromus' chains unraveled from his legs. Igneous' volcarona wings propelled him into the air where he spat fireballs as opposed to a Flamethrower. The canine specter moved to intercept one, while a second and third struck Xeromus' helmet.

Igneous couldn't help but smirk. This was going far better than last time.

And yet he's still not actually attacking.

inb4 Xeromus pulls a Lavos and just casually drops Iggy after getting serious

"Haah." Xeromus wheezed loudly. The specter melted back into his cloak. "I can't see what future Natus has affirmed for you. But I know my place. This lowly omen will let you reach the end of your path. To accept Natus' glorious love!"

Igneous was ready to divebomb Xeromus when his tail leaves curled up. Was something... buzzing?

Yes, Igneous heard buzzing. Getting closer. Louder. The grass rippled uneasily back and forth.

Ah yes, there's our Paradox Volcarona... I think.

The grovlazzle glared at Xeromus. "What are you up to?"

"Me?" Xeromus shook his head. "That's not me." He slowly turned away from Igneous. "But there is distortion about fifty kilometers in that direction. If something or someone wanted to drop by for a friendly visit, they'd have to come this way."

The sun had vanished over the horizon. But even though dusk had fallen, Igneous could see two large circles getting even larger. The buzzing definitely came from the circles. From their strangely triangular wings.


Volcarona. Robot volcarona.

The empire was coming! And as long as Igneous hung around Xeromus, he couldn't warn the others with his X-transceiver!

Biting his lip, the grovlazzle rocketed toward the city, frantically willing the static to go away. And the moment it did, he shouted, "Imperial robots outside the city!"

Whelp, looks like Shimmer's lead wasn't completely bunk after all.

Well, I'm not completely sure what just happened in this chapter beyond there being some fire hazards rapidly inbound for the team, but I think that I have a few ideas since I did sink a hundred hours and counting into the game you yoinked the BGM for the sequence™️ from, and boy does it have some wild implications for this story if they prove to be remotely correct. (Also, does this mean that we'll get to see someone from the cast shout "I'll tear it all down!" at some point?)

I'm not really sure if I have much to criticize here, mostly because I'm a bit too busy deciphering what on earth just happened and waiting for the other shoe to drop on Dazzels since multiple characters did point out how suspicious it was for all this attention to be going off to a podunk town. Time will tell whether or not their paranoia was justified.

Good work as usual @Ambyssin , not much longer until I'm caught up, and this story never ceases to surprise me with the twists and turns on its ride.


House of Two Midnights
Hey, Ambyssin! Back at long last for chapters 19-25. This is kind of the culmination of the trial arc, and it's fun to see how things come together here. The whole trial here is the first major video game that I'm actually familiar with in this fic, and I was surprised at how closely the beats of the trial here follow those of the source material (though wisely excising some of the complexity with e.g. Gina being omitted). The Ace Attorney style blends really well with the tone of the fic--if I weren't familiar with this particular case, I'd probably believe you'd just made it up yourself. Which is pretty impressive! Makes me wonder how many other sections are essentially playing through video game sequences, and how that would change the reading experience, but I'm just not widely played enough to know.

All in all I think the trial sequence did a good job of capturing the over the top nature of the Ace Attorney court dramas while also presenting an interesting case for readers to follow along with, and one that would make sense to people who hadn't played the source game. Like I mentioned, you did well to simplify things a bit, because the GAA cases are definitely too long and twisty to follow along with on paper unless you're willing to dedicate some chunky chapters to them. Although a courtroom drama is definitely new territory for this fic, you did a good job of tying it in with the broader themes of institutional corruption and class warfare that have run through the story so far, and you've definitely structured the story in such a way that having the characters tackle wildly different challenges is simply expected given the setup. I think the trial really lived up to its buildup, and I'm really curious what the fallout's going to be. If nothing else, surely it can only make classes with Vegna even more awkward from here on out! The story thus far does seem to be moving in the direction of Shimmer realizing how fucked up society/his place in it is, and this episode would certainly seem like something that would move him closer to that change. I'm curious to see whether he does end up changing for the better or if he'll instead armor up with denial/entitlement and take the "gets even worse" route.

I do wonder a bit if we needed to see quite as much of the trial as we do here. You simplified the case quite a bit, which was for sure a good call, but there were other trappings of the Ace Attorney system that seemed like they were kind of unnecessary here, like the quirky jurors or smaller details like describing the layout of the streets on the map Kain presented, which I don't think ended up mattering one way or another. I think these padded the scene out a bit more than necessary; it's fun to go, "oh, hey, I recognize that from the other thing," and bits like the scyther obsessed with "moneybags" did tie into the larger themes of the story, but overall I thought the trial could have been streamlined a bit. I did enjoy this section, but there wasn't a lot of tension for me, since I already knew how things would ultimately play out. There was still interest in seeing how you'd adapt the scenario to this world and how the characters react to the situation, but on the whole the scene ran a bit long for me.

While the trial's going on, of course, Yuna and team are trying to survive and free Rayquaza and ideally make it back in time to help with the defense. One thing this section really drove home to me was how important action set-pieces are to this story in a way that I haven't seen a lot in other PMD fics. Some of them have lots of battling, or even scenes of all-out war, and some lean hard into the dungeon-delving with traps, fights, and other perils, but I can't think of another that goes as hard on prolonged action scenes like the team racing to the pyramid across the frozen desert. The emphasis on action/adventure, along with drawing on video games outside of the Pokémon franchise and a large cast of characters with big personalities. Just something I was thinking about while reading through this section, as this particular set of chapters felt like it really embodied the essence of the fic thus far. It's all a wild ride, and bursting with creativity as well as just a touch of horror--the corrupting poison cocoons (oh no! it's making them Galarian!) were a wonderfully creepy set piece here, and the devolution beam added some fun stakes to the battle. Poor Cid. Wonder how he'll bounce back (or not) from the events of this little field trip.

All in all, we got some nice sense of accomplishment here with the rescue of Rayquaza, while setting the stage for further intrigue. Suddenly shiny rayquaza... Perhaps with all these different worlds colliding, there are simply multiple versions of various characters running around, so this rayquaza perhaps isn't the rayquaza mentioned in scripture, but is one with a similar history/personality. Also, I do like Rayquaza's somewhat goofy knight shtick, but if all the sages are large hams like Reshiram and Rayquaza, I think it might start to get exhausting pretty fast. :P

Meanwhile, Yuna's corruption seems rather shadowy in nature, doesn't it? With literal Citadark Isle hanging out in this setting, I wonder if actual Cipher stuff is going on, or whether it's some other form of corruption that acts similarly.

While all that was going on, Noctum and company have kind of been off doing their own thing, although we see some intersection with the trial through Paradox's propaganda. Although the trial's what's been built up to for a while as an important turning point in the school elements of the plot, this segment in Eterna City feels more like it's pointing in the direction of the proper A-plot, the encroachment of Eternatus and the people fighting against it. Definitely some fun sci-fi dystopia vibes here--reminds me a bit of DeliriousAbsol's fic System:Reboot--and I appreciate Cyril's bit of exposition, which lays the situation out perhaps more simply and clearly than any other explanation we've received thus far. Quite the mess Noctum, Seifer, Quetzal and Valkyrie have landed themselves in! I did appreciate how Seifer's life just continues to get worse, and I'm certainly hoping the Malice Crystal won't end up horribly warping Noctum into something terrible--but what are the chances of that, really?

I found it interesting that there's an active resistance to Paradox's assimilation of worlds, and presumably to Eternatus itself, within the Qlipoth. From the way Bahamut described things, it seemed as though assimilation by Eternatus was inevitable and there was especially no point in trying to escape for anyone who'd been consumed by it. To be fair, it would be entirely in character for him to have presented things as hopeless regardless of the actual situation, but at least right now things appear much more balanced. There'd be no point in Paradox beaming out propaganda about how terrestrial life sucks, actually, if he viewed his success as inevitable and wasn't at all worried by resitance from denizens of the Qlipoth. I'll be curious to see how things actually develop--perhaps everything's totally hopeless after all, but at least from here it looks as though things could go any number of ways.

Random side note, but Paradox punishing people by turning them into unown is such a fun villain bit. It's got a wonderfully pokémon-y flavor (what could be worse, besides perhaps magikarp?) and also makes me wonder about the implications of a villain having an army of unown on their side. The little guys aren't much trouble on their own, but get enough of them together and they can do funny things to reality...

In any case, the tidbit that one of the planets consumed by Eternatus was Earth is definitely juicy. I don't know if that's Earth as in our Earth, or Earth as in Pokéworld Earth, but the potential connections to e.g. Citadark Isle are intriguing. Perhaps there are some familiar characters from the Pokémon franchise running around in what appears to be entirely new territory? At the moment I'm most curious about all this mystery abot the colliding worlds and what's actually going on with all these various factions both for and against Eternatus, as opposed to e.g. the Crowne Cup and general school stuff, but I think you've done a good job of tying the various threads together so far, even though there's a lot going on. It's clear that what's going on at the school does in fact have something to do with the broader problems plaguing the world, and in turn what happens with the politics of Etherium probably means a lot for the covert struggle taking place in the Qlipoth. Overall I think this was a good run of chapters that balanced the competing plotlines well and introduced a lot of fun new concepts. I'll be back for more, one way or another!
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