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The Walrein

Vicinal Dragging for the Truth
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Hello ShiniGojira! I'm here for your Catnip Circle review, starting with some line comments before I move onto the chapter as a whole.

A shaggy-haired man wearing a dirty white sleeveless shirt and a pair of green trousers strode into the dark, not bothering to switch on the lights as he took a sip of his coffee on his right hand.

I think "on his right hand" could be deleted here. It sounds odd to speak of holding a cup of coffee on your hand instead of in your hand, and the detail of how exactly the man is holding his coffee seems unnecessary anyways.

Althoygh, it was probably due to nostalgia than any excuses he could come up with.

*Although. Also, I think this should be "it was probably more due to nostalgia".

The light from the monitor made his mug glowed like a firefly, the number '679' on it rippling similar to a ripple in a pond.

*glow like a firefly. Additionally, using 'ripple' immediately after 'rippling' sounds a bit awkward to me; I'd suggest 'waves in a pond'.

Briggs opened up a folder labelled 'Work Things' and got to typing.

Sounds like Briggs uses the same sort of organizational system I do!

Occasionally, he took sips from his mug of coffee and although he knew caffeine wouldn't do much to help him. Twas, the benefit of having a body literally built to suit his needs, he'd mostly drank it for the taste anyway.

The first sentence is a fragment and needs to be rewritten or combined with the next sentence, while "[he] mostly drank it for the taste anyway" should be its own sentence. "Twas" is usually written as "'twas", with an apostrophe. I'm unclear what you mean by "the benefit of having a body literally built to suit his needs" - if Briggs' artificial body makes him unable to get an alertness boost from caffeine, how is that a 'benefit'? Were you trying to say that his customized body means that he's already optimally alert, and so caffeine would have no further effect? Maybe rewrite to something like:

"Occasionally, he took sips from his mug of coffee, although he knew caffeine wouldn't do much to help him - 'twas one of the benefits of having a body literally built to suit his needs, that he didn't need stimulants to stay alert. He mostly drank it for the taste anyway."

Minutes into his work, he paused, eyes blinking at the screen in bewilderment. "Is this?"

I think 'eyes' can be deleted here.

He rubbed his eyes and casted a magical spell that brought up a holographic projection in front of him.


The sounds of footsteps made him turn away from the monitor, he glanced behind him, seeing a lean blonde girl wearing a blue sports bra and a pair of brown shorts walking towards him.

*and he glanced. Also, 'sound of footsteps' feels more natural to me than 'sounds of footsteps'.

But this story won't be focusing on the tale of Ash Ketchum and his dreams of being a Pokémon Master, nor will it be of Gary's or the other trainers'.

"Gary" and "trainers" shouldn't be possessive here.

Rather our story starts on Route 1.


The route filled with basic and common Pokémon, many trainers had starters that came from this route but our characters were a bit… different from the rest.

*was filled with. There's a comma splice going on here - "many trainers had..." should be its own sentence.

He rubbed his temples, getting the pain to recede slightly. He shivered at the weird feeling of his fingers and opened his eyes, hissing a bit at the pain from the sudden assault of light.

Recovering from the pain, he narrowed his eyes and was met with an unbelievable sight.

He blinked once then twice and then a third one for good measure.

He looked down at his fingers, or more accurately, his claws. He flexed his claws, extending and retracting them with a curious gaze.

"What am I?" he paused, looking down at his yellow underbelly, orange limbs and turning around, spotting a familiar flaming tail. He paled. "I'm orange… oh God, I'm a Charmander, aren't I?"

He gulped, and if he was still human he'd be sweating bullets. "Oh God, okay, okay. Th-this has to be a dream, right? I'm not actually a-"

This section has a lot of sentences in a row starting with "He [verbed]", which feels somewhat repetitive. Also a few errors:

"What am I?" *He paused, looking down at his yellow underbelly *and orange limbs, *then turned around, spotting a familiar flaming tail.

He gulped, and if he was still human he'd *have been sweating bullets.

I appreciate the detail of Charmander being unable to sweat, though.

This wasn't real, he reasoned.

I think "This isn't real" would be more natural.

He shook his head, trying to clench his inner demons with a deep breath.

I think this should be "clench down on his inner demons".

"If you're in the anime world, then that'll be fine, just gotta watch out for Ash and you won't die from any legendary shenanigans. Haha, that sounds easy enough, right?" he shook his head, slapping his reptilian cheek and flinching at the unfamiliarity of his body.

*He shook

June snapped to his right, seeing a yellow rodent, a Pikachu, stirring and speaking, "Ah, my head, what the hell did you do?"

"stirring and speaking" should end in a period here.

"What? Of course, I'm shocked." Ane glanced at his paws. "It's just– Does this mean I have to walk on four now?"

*on all fours

"I guess." June puckered in his lips, letting out a quiet hiss as he rubbed an arm.

*puckered his lips

"So that's the Champion, my so-called 'creator'?" He didn't sound impressed at seeing the teen Pokémon.

When I first read this, I thought that the hooded figure was saying that the Champion was his creator, since the ethereal voice hadn't been introduced yet.

"I guess you're right, Briggs never did look like anything but a regular person." He shook his head. "I still don't get why I'm wearing this though, isn't the point of my being here is to test them?"

*being here to test them

"Pallet Town, three hundred metres south," June readout, looking at the large sign in front of them.

*read out

June's eyes moved to the tall grass around them, he took in the clouds moving above as well as the trees on the outskirts of the field.

Another comma splice, I'd suggest "around them, *then he took in".

Samuel Oak, also known as Professor Oak, was a man in his mid-fifties. He was known for being the first to create the pokédex, a revolutionary device that contained information of every known Pokémon in existence.

*information on

Oak was curious about what lied behind his door, the three voices weren't familiar in any way, though that could be easily explained through foreigners as they'd mentioned they were trying to find his lab.

*what lay behind. Also another comma splice, "the three voices" should either start a new sentence or be connected with "as".

Oak couldn't believe this. He rarely had the opportunity to meet actual humans that got turned to Pokémon!

I was surprised that this has occurred before! I don't know if there's some point in the anime where Oak met a human-turned-Pokemon prior to Ash's journey, or if this is an indication that this world has some major differences from that of the anime.

Having three brothers sent to the Pokemon world instead of a singular protagonist is a bit of a twist on the usual isekai formula, and their bickering is a good way to quickly set up their character dynamics. I'm not sure at this point whether just one of them is the "Champion Sol", or if all three of them together are. (Also, is that supposed to be "Champion's soul?) If it's only one, I could see some jealousy or bad feelings arising from it later.

It's also interesting that apparently there's another layer of hierarchy above universes and multiverses in this setting. Are multiverses groupings of universes sharing some common trait? Don't know if the exact details will be relevant, but it could be neat to explore.

The chapter does a good job of establishing the scenario and getting things moving quickly, although I wonder if it might be keeping things a bit too mysterious about what exactly the significance of the Champion's Sol is and what exactly the "test" Brigg's organization is planning will entail. There isn't much tension right now, as there's no indication that the 'test' will pose a serious challenge or threat to the brothers, or that the appearance of the Sol portends any sort of oncoming danger. I think I would've been more engaged had there been more of a hint at what sort of conflict is on the horizon.

Also, you start with three scenes in a row each introducing new original characters - first Briggs and Sarah, then June, Ane and Quil, then Mysterious Floating Guy and the 'Celestial Being', with mentions of an eighth character, Cosmo - and I have no idea which ones besides the brothers are going to be important in later chapters. It feels like a lot to keep track of, and I'd suggest trying to space the introductions out a bit more. The part with Floating Guy feels like it could've been moved to the end of the chapter, given that it doesn't have any immediate effect on the brothers' narrative.

That's all I have for now. Feel free to send me a forum PM or reply here if you have any questions about the review or want to discuss the chapter further, and I hope the rest of your writing goes well.
Chapter 4: A Troubling Night New


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy

Minor Depictions of Broken Bones and Blood

Special Thanks to Sindrella for beta-ing this!


The sunlight had shone onto the dense grove of trees, having cast short shadows below them.

A small Pidgey had perched on a tree branch, his head tilting to the left and gazing at the human under him.

The human was about eight times his height and wore a white coat that reached its knees. The human's glasses glinted in the afternoon sun, a clipboard and a strange rectangular object in its hands. "Unique Specimen has been adequately trained. Proceed to send in the newborns for the next batch of trainers as per protocols."

The Pidgey blinked and descended from the tree, landing in front of the human and staring at it.

The human ignored him and put its rectangle into its pockets. Then pulling out something round, red, and shiny gleaming in the afternoon sun, he jumped back at the sight of the ball, glaring at it like it could kill him.

The ball opened with a red burst of energy, and a strange yellow bipedal fox Pokémon took shape. The human commanded the Pokémon before vanishing in a blip of light.

Having no idea what had happened, he stood there, blinking owlishly and looking at his surroundings for a little while.

Days and weeks passed by, and he was flying over the tall grass of the field and into a geometrically perfect line of trees.

He had seen others of his kind around, but he didn't care much for them. There had also been some young humans that had gone by the route and fought some of the Pidgeys, and because of how the humans interacted with them, he figured it was better to hide than to confront the bloodthirsty trainers.

He perched on a tree, one that he frequented, and took some time to clean his feathers and maintain his perfect physique. The coat-wearing human had always said his body was well beyond the others, even going as far as to say he was perfect at times.

Sounds of rustling leaves alerted him and he caught a blur of brown at the corner of his eyes. He quickly took his beak off his wing and scanned his surroundings, a wary look in his eyes.

A long silent minute of worry crept onto his spine, his talons carrying him backwards and into something warm and feathery.

He jumped. A startled yelp escaping his beak as he quickly turned around.

A Pidgey stood there, snickering to herself. "Got 'cha, didn't I?"

He clutched his chest, taking in deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He recovered and faced the other Pidgey, snarling at her. "What was that for?"

The Pidgey spoke between snickers. "Just something to lighten up that pompous ass of yours."

"Pompous what?"

The Pidgey stopped laughing and gained a look of realization. "Oh, I getcha'. You're from that section. No wonder you're so unlike the others. You got a name here, or should I start calling you Short Stuff, Short Stuff?"

He bristled at the insult to his height, his feathers ruffling up. "I prefer if you don't call me by anything."

The Pidgey chuckled. "Of course. Of course. That human must've told you not to name yourself until you get captured."

His brow rose and he asked, "That human? You mean that white one with the yellow Pokémon?"

"Mine didn't exactly have a yellow Pokémon, but yeah. They didn't seem to care whenever I tried asking them questions. Don't know if they could understand me but, heheh you wouldn't believe how pissed off he was when I stuffed some dirt down his pants." She giggled. "It was hilarious."

He tilted his head, appalled at her actions as a concerned look crept onto his face. "Weren't you afraid they would shock you?"

"I try not to worry about it." She shrugged. "You can call me Prance by the way. Came up with it myself." She held her head high, her eyes narrowing with a smirk. She chuckled, shrugging as she sighed. "Though I'll probably have to change it when I get captured by a human."

Captured? Why on earth would she… "What does that mean exactly?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, it's those red balls, pokéballs or something, they turn us into energy or something… Didn't the human tell you about 'em?"

The colors drained off his face as he recalled the device. "Oh… so that's what they're called."

Prance nodded. "I've been looking for someone to catch me with one of 'em but–" She shrugged. "–they were a bit too weak for my taste."

"Wait, why would anyone want to live in someplace so small? Don't you want to have the skies all to yourself instead of staying in a small cramped space?"

"Eh." Prance shrugged. "I think that's a good price to pay for guaranteed strength."

Strength… She wanted to be someone's pet for more power?

He shook his head. "I don't think I want to have anything to do with humans."

"Well, tough luck, Short Stuff. You'll barely survive till next year if you don't have a trainer. Many Pidgeys and Rattatas around here will be killed or sent to a breeding centre if you don't get captured by a human."

"What?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Being killed and used as a breeding machine just because he didn't want to be a human's pet. How does Prance know this?

"Yup." She nodded. "I barely survived last year when I saw them coming. Being a human's pet is so much easier than trying to survive in the wild, there's no food around here and we can't last more than a year without proper nutrition. Plus, I could get so much stronger if I had a human. Would be nice to be on top of something for once." Prance then pointed a wing behind him. "Oh look, there's one right now! See ya!"

Prance took off, leaving him alone to ponder over her words.

If I don't find a human, I'll die… But he didn't want to be bound to someone, he wanted to be free, to soar above the clouds and see the world.

But was it worth dying for?

Days passed and he spent the majority of the daylight dodging any fights and capture from the small humans. It was when the sun was setting, did he see her again.

The Pidgey, Prance fluttered down, a smirk on her face. “Yo! How's it hanging, Short Stuff. I love what you've done with the place!” His face was blank, not a hint of the annoyance he was feeling showing when he saw her ‘admiring’ his perch. “Wide, open and an amazing view of the sky. Of course, it's nowhere near as awesome and roomy as my branch but it comes as a very close second place.”

He spun around, trying to ignore her.

She flew closer to him, blocking his view of the field. “So!” She spread her wings wide open. “Got your eye on someone yet? ‘cause I certainly got mine on one.” The grin on her face twitched until she broke down into laughter. “Oh who am I kidding. Everyone here’s too weak for someone like moi.”

He stared at the Pidgey in front of him, his eyes twitching in annoyance at the proudness radiating from her. “What do you want?” he said.

“Nothin’ much.” She admitted with a wink. “Just wanted to talk, y’know. Your face was all gloomy and doomy and you're out here all alone! Life’s too short to not enjoy it with other people!” she exclaimed before her expression took on a more mischievous note. “And speaking of short…”

Gloomy and doomy? She really thought he could act like nothing had happened after the revelation she dropped on him. How was he supposed to react? Happily waiting to be trapped in those pokéballs? He’d rather take to the skies and bask in freedom regardless of the pain.

A mass of feathers covered his vision and he flinched, the teasing look in Prance’s eyes filling his sight. “Tag! You're it!” She poked him with a wing and fled, leaving him in a state of confusion.

She returned moments later when he didn't make any movement.

“You're supposed to chase me, y’know,” she said, flying back down and returning to her perch.

“...why would I do that?”

“It’s a game I saw from my travels… probably one of the few good things I learned…” she muttered under her breath before shaking her head. “You're supposed to chase me, then I chase you, then you chase me again… Come on, try it! I can guarantee it'll be loads of fun!”

“That sounds like a waste of energy,” he said as blunt as the branch they were on.

“Nothing’s a waste if you enjoy yourself!” A sincere smile was on her face, she sounded like she truly believed that. “Come on, give it a go!”

It only took a few moments for his composure to falter and he relented. “Alright. Fine, let's play. But, don't come whining about it if I get you more than you do.”

“Hah! That's the spirit!”

Weeks passed by, he and Prance met a few more times during this period. They sometimes played games she found from her travels, other times they chatted; Prance mostly talked and laughed about how weak everyone who came to this place was.

And while he wouldn't admit it verbally, lest he gave her another topic to tease him about, he had been enjoying their little interactions, it was fun having another Pokémon around.

On one starry night as he sat perched on a branch, scratching his talons against the bark of the tree and carving a small portrait of a pokéball. He focused on the bark, his eyes screwing up and his mind wandering. Freedom… is it really worth it? He grimaced, a wing hovering over his stomach. Maybe Prance has the right idea.

His mind wandered over to the female Pidgey, memories of her talons fidgeting and wings fluttering along with her laughing wholeheartedly at her own stupid jokes came to his mind.

He wondered why it was easier to remember her when he had met dozens of other Pidgeys in the past month.

Maybe it was the way she laughed, or how her feathers ruffled in delight when he pronounced his annoyance to her. Maybe…

A name… she has a name… he reasoned, shaking his head as his stare intensified. But do… Do I want one? Would it… would it serve any purpose? What… what could I use? Do names have to mean something?

A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He turned around and saw Prance with two small round objects in her beak.

"Yo, ya' done with your brooding yet? I found these when a trainer got beaten by a Rattata," she said, snorting a bit. "I know, losing to a Rattata, how weak can you be?"

She placed one of the orbs in front of him and he stared at it blankly, not sure what it even was.

Prance noticed his expression and said, "Never seen an Oran Berry before? They're some pretty good stuff."

She chewed and swallowed the fruit, expelling a breath of satisfaction. "Nothing like a good berry to keep me going. Just imagine all the berries I could eat if I got a human."

She frowned, noticing the Pidgey still staring at his food with a blank look. "Hey, you alright? If-if you don't like it, I could go find something else for you–"


Prance raised a brow. "Why what?"

"Why do you deal with me? Why do you talk to me? I can't even remember any of the Pidgeys around here but you, you still remember me… I… don't even know my parents. I-I don't know if I have any siblings… or whether anyone here's one of them or if they're dead or–"

Prance placed a wing on him, cutting him off with a gentle pat. "Hey, it's alright. You're alright. I don't know my parents either so I know how you feel. It's okay to feel like this like you're all alone in a large world controlled by monsters. It's okay to feel these emotions, you're still young. We all are."

She walked away with a sigh, her eyes staring into the sky with a look of longing. "... I've spent a long time… a long long time trying… I've spent so much of my life searching for my purpose, chasing my dreams, my ideals… and yet…” Her head lowered, her voice trembling. “It hurt so much. The loneliness, the hunger, the pain. I thought I was above it all, above the suffering my freedom caused me…”

She whimpered, a tear trailing down her cheek. “... no one should ever experience that. No one should ever see what I saw… It's why I try. I tried so damn hard to help them, help them find their trainers, find their purpose in life.” She took in a breath, a bitter chuckle escaping her. “Most never make it past their first month and… others had merely forgotten about me." She chuckled bitterly. "It's kinda why I gave myself a name. I wanted to make other Pokémon remember me, to make them know me, to let them know what they shouldn't be like. I wanted them to know that they're not alone, that their world can be so much more than just death and battles even… even if you have to give up your freedom for comfort, for love. For a chance to be the best."

She paused, looking back at him with a timid frown. Her legs took her back to his side, she grabbed him by the shoulders and stared straight into his eyes, a tired sigh escaping her beak. "Look, Short Stuff… I actually had many chances to leave and never look back but you… you reminded me of myself… when I was confused, young, stupid and so full of myself. I thought I could take on the world without a trainer, to continue a life with my freedom but…"

He felt something wet dripping onto him and her body shaking against his. Prance took in a breath, her voice shaky. "But it… it only gave me pain… there's nowhere that the humans haven't taken control of. You need to remove that selfish idea that you could make a difference, that you could live on without help… please, for your sake and… for my sake, please don't leave… don't waste your life chasing freedom when it'll only bring you pain… Don't make the same mistake I made."

Her sniffles grazed his hearing. She wept on his shoulder, causing him to flinch and making his heart weep in return.

He took in a breath, now understanding why she did this. He understood now that he had to do this, he had to tell her. "Perry… Prance, call me Perry."

She glanced at him, her bleary eyes making him pause but he proceeded regardless.

"And… and I can't do something like that, Prance. I… I don't want to live a life where I'm a pet… a slave to their whims… I want to fly around the world… see everything… experience the dangers myself… I will not be bound… I won't be bound by fear."

Prance sighed, wiping her tears away with a wing. "I see… if that's what you really want… then I'm sorry… I'm sorry I couldn't make you understand…”

Perry flinched, feeling the words stabbing through him as he watched her leave.

He took in a breath as he leaned against the tree. He plucked some nearby leaves and created a makeshift blanket, emptying his mind and trying to lull himself to sleep.

The silence of the night did nothing to quell her words and tears. They echoed endlessly in his mind, making him squirm uncomfortably as his mind drifted into a dreamless rest.

The moon gave way to the sun as it shone down on the sleeping Pidgey.

He woke up to a loud voice screaming, "Pidgey, use Gust!"

The sounds of winds whipping alerted him, his body taking off before his mind could comprehend those words.

The tree branch he was previously on was shredded to pieces, and he whipped his head around, staring at something that hit him like a punch to the gut.

The Pidgey that flew opposite of him was familiar and he couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't want to believe them.

Prance hovered opposite of him, her hazel eyes narrowed and glaring at him.

But… but there was something wrong with her. There was no humour in her eyes, no sadness, no anger, nothing.

Not even an acknowledged look.

Her eyes were glazed over like she wasn't even focusing on him.

"Quick Attack!"

He glanced down, seeing a male human child pointing a finger at him. That action distracted him and he took the attack head-on.

He staggered as Prance flew back, her eyes still unfocused and her breath steady.

Perry recovered mid-air, regaining his altitude as he shouted at her, "Prance, it's me, Perry! Why-why are you attacking me?"

She didn't respond, it was like she didn't even hear him.

"Prance, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for leaving you! Please stop, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Quick Attack again!" the child shouted.

She blurred forward, crashing into him with her beak.

A shot of pain went through him as he came to a cold realization. Something happened to her… was it the human? Did they do something to her?

Perry tumbled to the ground, his breaths slow and heavy. He took off much slower than before and hollered, "Prance, snap out of it! Please! I don't want to hurt you!"

But she didn't stop, she charged at him, breath steady and eyes emotionless as the human called out more commands.

Perry grimaced, dodging the oncoming attacks with surprising ease. Why is she so slow? She was nowhere near this slow when we played...

He flew higher into the sky, watching in surprise when she stopped her attacks and gazed everywhere but up.

Why is she doing this? Did our time together mean nothing? Perry shook his head. No, she was too genuine to be faking that. Something must've–

A flash of his crudely made Poké ball came to his mind.

"There was nothing around that the humans haven't taken control of."

The pokéball, it did something to her but what? How did it make her like this? She's… she's like a mindless animal.

Perry glanced down, noticing that she was still looking around aimlessly.

He dropped his head, a tear dropping from his eye as he flew further into the sky. I'm sorry, Prance. I'm sorry I made you think I didn't care… I'll… I'll find a way to help you, to save you, no matter what. Just wait for me, Prance.

"Wait for me…" He had stared back at the shrinking land, his shoulders having felt much heavier as he flew.

The basalt floor cracked and broke beneath his talons. Perry shook his head, growling at the man in front of them.

"Wise choice," Crude said, curling his hand up as the biggest Pokémon in the portal became enshrouded in a purple glow.

The Pokémon around the blue bird cried out in shock as she disappeared in a flash of light.

The Swellow squawked in surprise, suddenly appearing in front of them. Stirring and groaning, her eyes groggily looked around her before she spotted the two birds. "Perry? Rower? Wh-what's going on? Where's– the human! Perry, we must–"

"No, Sil. We can't." Perry grimaced, loathed as he may, he couldn't let her attempt a fight she couldn't win. "This… this thing isn't a normal human. He–you've seen what he did to the village. We can't–"

Sil shook her head, wings spread in shock. "Excuse me? Are you just gonna give up? He has our friends in there!" Perry took care to avoid her glare, causing the Swellow to moan out in frustration. She turned around and if looks could kill, Crude would be dead well over three times. "You! Release our citizens!"

Crude lazily gazed at the Swellow, a hand rubbing his chin. "Nah, I don't think I will. Need something to satiate my boredom after all." He tilted his head, dodging a blue bird-shaped flame. Then he leaned forward, evading a wing that gleamed like metal. Snapping his fingers, he froze her in place, regarding her shocked gasp with an annoyed glance. "Look, if you really want the others to be free. You just have to do a little thingy for me, 'mkay? That sounds fair, doesn't it?"

"You reckless imbecile!" Rower hissed before Perry slipped through his grasp and started charging towards the man with murder in his eyes. "Not you too," he groaned.

"Sil!" Perry rushed forward without a second thought, his talons out and wings spread, Perry charged the man at speeds faster than the human eye could perceive. Winds kicked, sharp and quick rushing at the man.

The man, however, didn't move, not looking phased by his attack as the same smirk continued to stretch across his face. It irked Perry when the man allowed the winds to hit with naught but a passing glance. Dust clouded his vision before suddenly, a hand reached out, grabbing Perry by the neck and slamming him into the ground with more force than necessary to subdue the Pidgeot.

His back roared in pain, rocks scraped against his back, tearing off some feathers. But Perry didn't let the pain slow his wrath as he pushed through, slashing and tearing at the man's arms and for a moment, he was sure he was cutting off bits of flesh.

But like before, all he did was delay the inevitable.

An amused chuckle was the last thing he heard before he felt himself flying into the wall at sound-breaking speeds with the surface, somehow, still in perfect condition. Stirring in agony, Perry fell onto the ground with a heavy thud, breathing heavily with an eye shut tight and blood dripping down his head.

The pain didn't last long however as he heard the man snap his fingers once more and the injuries on Perry's body healed themselves, flesh stitching and sewing back together, bones mending, and feathers regrowing.

"Heh heh, an impressive display of bravado, my little birdies," Crude said, checking his nails and absolutely relishing in their pain before shrugging and returning turning his head to them. "But that's the thing, isn't it? Simple bravado… well, it can only take you so far." The smirk on his face grew an unsettling amount, his fangs bared and threatened to split his face entirely, and his eyes glowed brighter, the ominous gold ensnaring a tinge of crimson that seemed to dance like the flame of a torch, shimmering like the starry night. The red on his head started dripping onto the floor like water pouring, smearing the basalt before stretching outwards, seemingly coming to life. Like a web being spun, it spread, capturing him in a world of red.

As Perry emerged in the new world of crimson and familiarity, a voice cried out to him, screaming at him for his past transgressions.

And he turned, standing face-to-face with the one he had abandoned.

“Liar!” she screeched.

Her eyes lingered on the torches lining the walls, the familiar grey and white giving her a strange sense of foreboding. The torches were still lit, which was strange. No mon should've been out this late, not even the usually nocturnal mons. The Tyrant had made it clear that using the darkness was more of a liability than a benefit.

Evie narrowed her eyes, brows furrowing as she scanned the area, taking note of the droplets of blood and torn feathers on the ground. There was no doubt in her mind now, Perry definitely had something to do with this.

She turned her head slightly, catching the Charmander in her peripheral vision.

June, the apparent 'human', was glancing at their surroundings, his brown eyes wide and curious (didn't all Charmanders have blue eyes?). After a moment, he noticed her stare and flinched, backing away slightly and looking more interested in his claws than her.

That action made her stomach churn and she looked away, shaking her head in an effort to distract herself from the guilt. She swiveled her ears in his general direction, and his strange Aura was brought to her attention once more. Again, it was still the same disgusting mix of lukewarm and half-full, a horrid unnatural viscous and slimy mixture that shouldn't be possible, and yet, there was something about it, something that she couldn't quite put a claw on. It felt kinda familiar? Similar? Like it was something she'd felt before?... No, no that wasn't it.

Ugh, nothing about this made sense.

A Fire-type claiming to be a human with an Aura that could simply be described as abnormal... None of this made any sense.

How she wished he was a simple deranged, insane Pokémon, that would've been so much easier to handle. However, life, it seemed, was still unpredictable even in these peaceful times.

"So, um thanks for the help back there. I-I appreciate it." His voice cut through the quiet atmosphere and her shoulders tensed up.

Blinking, she found herself turning towards him, a barely noticeable flinch in his steps being the first thing she saw. The second being the fear in his eyes.

Arceus damn it, why were they so afraid of her? She hadn't meant to hurt him like that, if she knew he was gonna act like this she wouldn't hav– She shook her head. Why was she trying to justify herself? It wasn't like she was trying to kill him. It wasn't her fault that he couldn't handle a fraction of her powers.

Of course, that didn't help in lessening the guilt festering in her.

"Don't mention it," she said, her eyes boring into his with cold indifference. She turned around, her ears twitching at the sounds of his nervous chuckling. She tried not to let the tinge of fear in his voice affect her.

"Ri-right… So about this 'her', I'm guessing you were talking about your sister, right?" he said, stumbling over his words.

Evie simply nodded an answer.

"She must be really… important to you, huh? Um, like… well, I guess it makes sense since I almost–err… well…" He made an exaggerated coughing sound, “What am I saying, of course she's important…” he murmured before turning his head back and continuing, “Anyways, I–"

She didn't know what it was, but something told her he wouldn't stop trying to make short talk until she had answered and that was… totally fine, it wasn't like she'd told him to pipe down mere minutes ago! Why wouldn't he just fucking listen to her and shut up?

She turned around with a snarl, putting a paw forward and crushing the pebble beneath her into dust. "You want me to talk? Fine! My sister, Zeal. She's a cute little Zorua that I would give my life for! I'd raised her since she was hatched twelve years ago! She is my only reason for living, my one true support in life. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am. Without her, my life would have no meaning. Without her, I–" She shook her head, biting her tongue. "I have no reason to live. I'd never forgive myself if I let anything happen to her."

The last part she'd muttered to herself, uncaring of whether he'd heard her or not.

Then she glanced at the Charmander, his arms were held up in front of him in a pitiful attempt to defend himself. She could see the subtle shaking in his legs, his tail flame glowing a little brighter, and the hesitant fear in his eyes. Taking in a breath to calm herself, she gave him a dull stare. "Well? Did that satisfy you?" When she got no verbal response in turn, she sighed and shook her head. "Whatever. Let's just get going, I got a certain bird I have to interrogate."

No longer caring for an answer, she turned around, her ears subconsciously swivelling in his direction as she trotted away.

"D-do you really mean that?" The fear in his stutter froze her for a moment, the question registering in her a second later.

Without missing a beat, she turned her head and answered, "Yes and nothing will stop me from keeping her safe and happy."

"I… wow um, I don't really know how to put this to words but… erm, I–uh… that's… that's really… admirable. I-I mean devoting yourself to making someone else happy? That's just… and I'm sorry if this sounds a little personal," he said, fiddling with his claws and taking quick and short glances at her. "But um, ar-are you sure you're fine? Li-like this, I mean. Disregarding your own worth, basing yourself on someone else's happiness. That just… that just doesn't sound healthy… I mean, don't you want to find your own happiness? Have fun with your life, live it, make friends, explore, and learn things to your heart's content–"

"Stop." The sudden sharpness in her voice quickly shut him up. She glared at him, daring him to defy her. With a growl in her voice, she spoke, having tried her hardest to not jump straight to shouting. "Stop trying to sound like you know what I've been through. You have NO idea what my or anyone else's life is like. So please… shut your mouth before I change my mind about your 'help'.”

"I-I–" He flinched, stepping back and relenting with a stutter. "O-okay."

The two traversed through the caverns in silence.

Evie didn't bother giving him a second glance as she guided him through the tunnels, her eyes meeting the ground, knowing that she'd given more than what she'd like to that boy.

A Shinx in his bed of straw stirred in his sleep, shivering, his paws stretched and moved in search of any nearby warmth. Whimpering as the cold assaulted the cub, he curled into a ball, ears lowered. "Mama…"

Shez, in his sleep, moved his paws, swinging at the air as he searched in vain for his mother. He awoke moments later, eyes opening slowly, glancing around as confusion set upon him.

"Mama?" He rubbed his eyes, getting to his feet. "Where are you?" Where was his mama? Did she leave for the harvest already? He thought he'd told her he wanted to join her this time. Did she think he couldn't handle it?

Pouting, he made his way outdoors, and just as he looked around the strangely quiet village, he felt a chill running down his spine. Something wasn't right. Things felt cold and his stomach churned, his fur sparking with electricity as he trotted around the village, around a nearby corner, and made his way towards the central roundabout.

To him, the village had always felt scary at night. It was too quiet, with nothing but the sounds of snoring accompanying the dark, it was creepy as it always felt like the moon was peering down at him, taunting him for his lack of night vision as it painted the village in a chilly pale glow. But tonight, it had felt extraordinarily eerie like something was looking at him, stalking him in the dark.

Every step he took, every house he glanced at, there was nothing and yet, he could feel as if there was something, always just out of his sight but always staring.

Left. Right.

He looked at his surroundings, the outer torches were unlit, the wooden houses playing a hollow roar as the night breeze brushed by. The pale moon above shone down on him, tainting the empty village in its eerie color.




Everywhere he looked, there was nothing but empty, abandoned houses, almost like the Pokémon around had been snatched in their sleep. He couldn't hear them. He couldn't smell them. He couldn't see them.

Where was everyone? Did something come up? Shez moved around quietly, peeking his head into a house every now and then, his stomach sinking lower and lower as he gazed upon another empty building.

"Mama? Aunty Carly? Guardian Sil?" His voice trembled as he ran off and away towards the center of the small village, his voice echoed. "Wh-where are you?"

No one was around.

No one was around.

He was alone. Alone.


Shez finally made it. He found that the fountain in the centre was still working, with water spewing out the statue's beak. Yet, the sight of the statue did little to comfort him.

No one was around, he was alone. All alone and with–


Something moved. He jumped, head turning side-to-side, eyes scanning every little nook and cranny around him.

Something was in the dark with him and whatever it was, it was fast. Every time he even caught a glimpse of his stalker, it vanished into a blur.

He could hear his heart pumping in his ears, his eyes struggling to keep his speedy stalker in sight as he subconsciously took a few steps behind.

His hindquarters touched something, something warm and fluffy. Yelping, he jumped, legs spread as he fell onto his belly. Scrambling to his feet, he squeaked out. "Ah! Who's there? I-I-I know how to use Spark! So do-don't mess with me–"

"Hmph, you really gonna do that to me, Shez?" a familiar voice said. Blinking, he turned, the frightened look on his face fading as a smile dawned on him.


The Purrloin grinned, arms stretched out as Shez tackled her to the ground, forelegs wrapping around her waist and nuzzling into her chest. "Gild! You–I thought… I… my mama… I… alone… no one–there was no one around and I-I was… I was so scared and… and…"

He let loose all the stress onto his long-time friend and in return, she began stroking his back in an attempt to soothe his shivering, chuckling as she said, "You big baby." She shook her head, her warmth doing wonders to his nerves. "Thank Arceus, you're okay…" She sounded so relieved as she tightened the hold around him.

The embrace lasted a couple moments before she pushed him away slightly and gripped his shoulders, her eyes staring straight into his eyes with a serious look. "Shez, we need to find Perry."


"I–I don't have time to explain this, Shez but the village… isn't safe. There's a human out here." She glanced around, eyes narrowing and taking in their surroundings.

"A-a human?" He paled. There had been stories of humans, the ones his mama always told especially freaked him and his friends out. They told of their technologies, able to take control of any Pokémon, regardless of their strength or experience. They told of their determination, always facing danger despite the risk of death. They told of their nature, cruel and viewing Pokémon as nothing but tools. It was the type of story that scared him and his friends no matter how many times they'd heard it.

And if Gild was correct…

He glanced back, noting the look in her eyes, and gulped.

The empty village… a human had taken them.

A human had taken his mama.
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