TIL that "enervate" is a word, first time seeing it! "To reduce the mental or moral vigor of, to lessen the vitality or strength of". As is usual, I'm sure I'm about to see it all over the place in the next few days!
For the actual ability, it looks to be quite a useful one!

pays for its own energy cost if it hits, greatly reduces enemy mobility, and halves the energy cost of the next attack. Good offensive and defensive uses, this'll surely get some showtime in our future encounters!
She's stable. Tough one, that human.
100% my thoughts too, Cobble. She's been a real MVP!
As for what to do with Weavile... That's the question of the hour here. It looks like we have a similar set of options to our last round - we can let Weavile go, try to interrogate him further, murder him, or...
claim. I don't feel like the straight up murder option has gotten any more appealing since last time. We could continue to try to interrogate him, but it's getting a little dicey here. It'll be hard to transport him anywhere with both us and Lenora (and him too honestly) so heavily weakened, and the longer we keep him, the greater the odds of him either escaping on his own or trying to pull off some kind of sneak attack. Plus, if the police find us like this, they might straight up force us to release him, even if Lenora can use her influence to stop them from asking too many questions.
I feel like the play might be to either directly release him, or to use claim on him at this point. If we release him ourselves, I don't buy for a second that he'll actually tell them we're dead and let us go - he doesn't seem like a very trustworthy figure, and there's absolutely no benefit or reason for him to do that, especially as he does seem to legitimately believe that we're a danger of some kind. On the other hand though, he might pass along that we freed him volentarily, which could garner some sympathy? Or at the very least, it should guarentee Millie's safety, since now the Prism Knights know she has bargining value.
On the downside, he'll also pass along all the intel about our new ability and how we defeated him, which might come back to bite us next time if they're better prepared. At the very least, should they still try to get rid of us, they'll have him as a 3rd member, and we'll have to defeat him all over again. And if we could barely beat him one on one now, it would be extremely tough if they try to take us on as a group next time...
With Claim, he won't be a problem in the future, and we won't have to worry about the Prism Knights finding out anything from this battle. But on the other hand... it might put Millie in danger, if they don't think she's valuable to us anymore. If it
actually kills Weavile, it'll for sure also cause the other members of the Prism Knights to harbor quite a grudge against us, although tbf they seem to have one already anyway. If it doesn't, and it's instead some kind of mind control thing... Then would be fascinating for the next time we encounter the Prism Knights, and Weavile could be a big help, both for his knowledge and his combat prowess. But that might be risky, we don't actually know with really
any certainty what's going to happen here if we use Claim.
Tough decisions! Any preference for how you'd like to approach this, Negrek?