It is indeed! You predicted it perfectly Negrek, well done
So I have to confess, I have legit not caught on to the Super references until now. I actually managed to forget most of the story since it's been so long since I last played it, including that there was a Ylvetal at all and that Dark Matter was turning Pokemon to stone. But now though, yeah, I see the influence
Though while I was digging around Bulbapedia, I found some very cool forshadowing from Namo. I didn't think there was anything special about the name "Millie" other than it being a neat name, but it turns out, it's actually the French name for Emma, a character from X and Y! She was Looker's assistant, and she had the whole arc where she was possessed as Essentia. Theoretically, you can predict that twist since literally post #3!
Since Weavile wants to run, I imagine we aren't going to be able to stick around for more than another post or two? We can probably suppress his consideration for a little while, but unless DM restrains us itself (which would be bad in its own way, lol), I figure we're going to have to take off pretty soon.
Yeah - honestly, I'm kind of with Weavile on this one. The way Dark Matter refers to us in the 3rd person instead of as "you", and says "was" one of their most devout donors, implies it's well aware that we're not the same Ylvetal it knew. Given our copious lack of sacrifices or even claiming all that much during this run, I can't imagine we've done anything to please it, and we're rather weakened from our previous fights. Not to mention, Dark Matter is probably going to be
way stronger than Druddigon or Marshtomp... So running soon will probably be our only play here in a bit.
As for you questions, I think they're all really great! One stands out to me in particular...
Could DM maybe stop possessing Millie/Lillie? :P I assume that's going to be a "no," it needs a body blah blah and there's no one else around. I wouldn't mind offering our own selves up to be possessed if DM is going to insist on doing that, but I have a feeling that's going to get a Fuck No from Weavile, and things might be a little crowded anyhow.
Crowded maybe, but imagine handing a Consideration slot to Dark Matter. I'd pay to have see him weigh in on some of our past choices
The funny thing is, I suspect we may actually have been Dark Matter's vessel already! As in, he literally used to possess us. The Prism Knights were clearly targeting us, and claim that we used to be an evil being with no cares or attachments for others. Sounds like Dark Matter, right? And as we know from our own claim power, when we lose posession of a host, that being turns into stone.
I think us being a rock wasn't a random thing, but may actually have been a fragment of our soul getting unpossessed by Dark Matter after we were somehow defeated by the Prism Knights. The main difference is, when we unpossess a host, they stay a lifeless stone forever, so far as we know at least. Perhaps our legendary spirit is too powerful to be trapped within a rock, or perhaps our own ability to claim somehow allows us to possess the rock that's supposed to bind our soul? Or maybe some other Pokemon somehow intervened...
Interestingly, reading the opening post again, it mentions how hard it is for us to think and how cold we are. I thought that was just because, y'know, that's how life is when you're a fuckin' rock, but in retrosepct, that might actually have been when we were literally posessed by Dark Matter.
The big counter to that is that Weavile is still clearly conscious and able to influence our behavior, while we seem to have had very little awareness or control over Dark Matter, if we were indeed posessed by it, though. Then again, Dark Matter's claim might just be much more powerful than ours is... he definitely seems like a more powerful being overall.
I admittedly have little experience with Namo's RPs or storytelling (though ngl, this story is making a fantastic case for me to try HoC

), but I have to wonder if that would give Namo a heart attack if we tried to do it. "You're supposed to defeat the evil being, not merge with it and achieve world domination!"
But yeah - how to approach! As you say, we probably won't be able to get to them before
Weavile heroically 1v1s him we flee in terror. I personally am most interested in seeing if we are a former host of his, since that could potentially explain a whole bunch of the story in one go.
I'm thinking about also seeing if I can catch Dark Matter off guard with a quip about Millie probably not being his ideal host. Y'know, it just seems like he'd want to possess someone a little more... threatening... than Millie is
I'll try to update sometime tomorrow evening at the latest, maybe tomorrow afternoon if I can squeeze it in during lunch. It's already very late where I live for how early I have to get up, unfortunately.