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[CYOA] You Are a Rock


House of Two Midnights
I loved this part so much - I thought it was a 4th wall break for a moment, and especially when I imagine his gaze with the dead, blank, lifeless eyes... that got a proper chill out of me :quag:
idk... Maybe it was! I wouldn't put it past Namo to get a little meta. Definitely concerning that at least this pokémon isn't the slightest bit fooled by our "totally ordinary rock" act.

Very hyped to see if we might get something like that here - do the knights cooperate and all share the same goal, but with different cultures and motives? Or do they straight up have contradictory goals, and the only thing in common is that they need to track down unusual energy signatures? Can't wait to find out :eyes:
Big same!

And oh, yes, those human souls getting stolen by pokémon conspiracies, people sure will believe the wildest stuff. :copyka: It will be interesting to see how that might tie into Unova's human/pokémon themes. I imagine N is out there somewhere? Wonder if we'll run across him at some point. Especially with all the jokes people like to make about him actually being a zoroark...

I really appreciate the thought you put into all your actions, Mirage! I agree that Catapult is the move here, albeit for the far more compelling reason that "YEET most funny option lol." Let's do it!

> Decision: I need some evasive techniques to get away from foes.

> Special Action: Telepathy (Lenora) Why did you retire from being a Gym Leader?
Post 1-13


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Gained evasive techniques Catapult and Aura Shroud!

- (1) I need to learn more about those talking Pokemon!
- (1) I need to get stronger!

You train with Lenora and her retired but still fairly impressive Pokemon for a few hours. Lenora enjoys the time off, though there are frequent breaks when she attends some museum matter or two. You're left feeling a little tired, but the frequent breaks make it easy to recuperate some of your strength.

By the end, with your own direction on what you want to focus on, you decide that relying on allies and getting away when you're alone is your best bet for now. Your new techniques are honed for just that purpose. You even, briefly, find a way to phase into the ground like some specter. You wonder if it's a hint to your past self. Lenora had remarked that such powers are usually associated with Psychic, Ghost, or Dark Pokemon, though it can occasionally be seen in Fairies and beyond, too.

Training leaves you with -1 HP and Energy, but you gain Aura Shroud and Catapult!

Soon, it's evening, when you expect Millie to return to pick you up. Lenora waits with you outside the museum.

During your small talk, you ask a question while beside the museum entrance. "Why did you retire from being a Gym Leader?"

"Other passions," Lenora says. "I know, I was pretty talented when training with you. It comes with the old profession. Our whole purpose was to help foster the next generation of trainers to take up the mantle. And... I think my time for teaching was done. I wanted to focus on knowledge--something that'd last even longer than the next generation. History. Fossils, bones, sometimes the occasional odd stone." She winks at you.

"I see. So, humans follow passions for what they do with their lives?"

"In an ideal world," Lenora says, sighing. "The truth is, it's not always so easy. I was lucky to be successful. My parents had more trouble, and their parents, even more. It's part of humanity's goal to make the next generation's lives a little better. That's my take on being a Gym Leader, and my take now running the museum and researching the past through bones."

"Researching the past..."

"I wish I could help you more," Lenora says, "but there's nothing in my research to help. But... call it a gut feeling, but I'm sure you have one. You just have to keep digging."

A few people walk down the roads. They're all out of earshot from the museum, which, now closed, has no foot traffic. It's getting late. You're starting to feel anxious.

"Millie works at a restaurant. How long does that usually take?"

"Depends on if she took extra time on cleanup," Lenora says. "But... it is late. I know the restaurant she works at. Would you like us to meet her there? I'll just leave a note for her in case . . . "

You don't hear the rest of her words as she walks into the museum to write said note before you could object. But, at around the same time--you're sure it's because they were waiting--you see three Pokemon walk up the road and turn directly to the museum.

Druddigon. The same one. Accompanying him is a Marshtomp and Weavile. Such an eclectic trio strikes you as odd, but worse is the empty, lightless eyes they have. If you had guts, they would have been churning at the sight. It's no better a second time.

Lenora is out of your range. You have no idea when she will return.

And they're staring at... you, again. Not the rock. You.

"Hello," Druddigon greeted.

...There is no point in remaining silent. "Hello," you reply. These strange Pokemon have your curiosity. "Who are you?" Perhaps you could learn more about them...

"We are the Prism Knights," said Druddigon. "We are a special task force dedicated to finding you. We have been searching for a very long time."

"Knights. The rumored third division, then. And you're telling me that... freely?"

"It is your right to know. This world does not. It wouldn't matter."

You can't get a read on them at all. At least they can talk. And if they were hostile... they would have attacked by now, unless they do not know how to attack without seeing your vessel.

But nothing can shake the bad feeling you have when looking at them. Unless... that is some misunderstanding? Could it be? You simply do not know.

"Please come with us," Druddigon said. "Millie is waiting for you."

They don't seem to recognize that your vessel is a rock. They only see you, your projection, for whatever it is. But what can you possibly do here? You could talk, you could fight, or you could flee...

Millie... waiting for you? Was it a bluff? Their total lack of expression makes it hard to determine anything. There was no news about her disappearing, so if she was taken, it was quietly, or at least in such a way that did not draw attention. This was a small city. Word would have traveled here. Maybe she is just waiting.

But you don't know anything beyond their word and the fact that Millie is, currently, absent.


1. Keep talking. (Telepathy)
2. Fight! (First strike)
3. Flee! (Catapult away)

Current Status
HP: 3/4
Energy: 5/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) I need to learn more about those talking Pokemon!
- (!) I need to get stronger!
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Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
I really appreciate the thought you put into all your actions, Mirage!

Aw thanks, that makes me really happy to hear! :veelove: Namo's engaging premise and rock solid (hehe) writing have gotten me pretty invested, it's become a highlight of my day seeing a new update after work or when I wake up. So glad I checked it out!

I agree that Catapult is the move here, albeit for the far more compelling reason that "YEET most funny option lol." Let's do it!

That is 1000% fair :mewlulz:

You even, briefly, find a way to phase into the ground like some specter.

Woah, that's pretty cool! I'll have to keep in mind that we can do that...

It comes with the old profession. our whole purpose was to help foster the next generation of trainers to take up the mantle.

Small correction, "our" needs to be capitalized (just thought I'd mention in case you want to convert this to a regular story later)

They don't seem to recognize that your vessel is a rock. They only see you, your projection, for whatever it is.

Fascinating. So most creatures can only see our physical form, the rock - but these Pokemon only recognize our projection. I wonder... if we could somehow withdraw our projection completely into the rock, then would they still be able to recognize us? Or would we just seem to them like a plain rock? Something to keep in mind if we need it...

Since they haven't actually done anything to us yet, and don't seem to recognize our rock form yet, I think the best course of action is to keep talking to them. That way we still keep the element of surprise, and if nothing else, we can buy time for Lenora to get back and help us out. And who knows, maybe we can learn something more from these Pokemon? Maybe.... they're not actually villains after all...?

Decision: Keep talking!

Consider: I need to stall for time until Lenora gets back!

Telepathy (everyone): "What do you mean by 'I have a right to know'? What do you need me for? I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers!"
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Post 1-14


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Keep talking.

- (1) I need to stall for time until Lenora gets back!

So far, you are alone and you do not think you can take them on just yet. Not as a single... rock. And if they don't know precisely where or who you are physically, you could use that to your advantage.

So, you stall for time.

"What do you mean by, 'I have a right to know'? What do you need me for? I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers!"

That would do just fine. Many questions until Lenora gets back.

"...Your right to know of the Prism Knights ends there," Druddigon replies, though he spares a glance at his two compatriots. It's the closest thing to a reaction you have seen so far. And it only elicits suspicion.

"You don't remember anything?" Marshtomp adds.

"We had a feeling when you did not react to Druddigon," Weavile says. "If you want answers, then it would be much easier if you came with us now. Before the human returns."

"Now, hang on," you say, knowing that your best option for now was to stall for time anyway, directly against Weavile's request. "Give me at least something. How do I know you won't try to kill me if I come with you?"

"That's fair," Weavile says. "But this is not a matter for humans to know about. You come with us, and we all stop meddling in this world's affairs."

That answers a few things but raises even more questions. You share a world with them, or at least origins? So you do have a past! That's a start.

Marshtomp is eyeing you for a while and murmurs something to Druddigon. In response, he starts to scan the ground, looking for something. Several times, his eyes go over your rock, but he assumes nothing of it, supposedly, and gives up. He is staring at you again.

They're getting suspicious. Maybe they're trying to find your body. If this keeps up... No, they definitely want you for something. And they're cagey about what they reveal.

"Okay!" Lenora suddenly breaks the silence. All three Pokemon stare at her. "Well, it's about time we go. Oh. Hello." She nods at the three Pokemon. "Part of the Amber Knights?"

Silence follows. Behind their dead eyes, you see a calculating gaze. They are weighing their options.

Druddigon makes the decision.

"Come with us, alone," Druddigon says, staring directly at you, "and Millie will live."

And now, that silence explodes into a cold dread in your core.


1. Comply
2. Negotiate (Telepathy)
3. Refuse (Action)

Current Status
HP: 3/4
Energy: 5/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) I need to stall for time until Lenora gets back!


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
That would do just fine. Many questions until Lenora gets back.

That's the spirit! :quag:

"We had a feeling when you did not react to Druddigon," Weavile says.

Interesting, so we have a history with this particular Druddigon... I wonder what would've happended had we attacked or reacted in some way outright? Given that they say we have a right to know... were we allies of some kind?

You come with us, and we all stop meddling in this world's affairs.

That implies they're the ones behind the appearance of the mystery dungeons... I'm curious as to how this fits into their goal of finding us - wouldn't the chaos from creating and destroying mystery dungeons make it harder to track us down? I have to think especially if we landed in Kalos... If the whole region has been effectively subsumed by a dungeon, then it must be incredibly tough to navigate.

Then again, if these Prism Knights can travel through different dimensions, they might they be able to circumvent a Mystery Dungeon's spacial distortions as well.

"We are a special task force dedicated to finding you. We have been searching for a very long time."

Missed this quote from the previous post, but that they've been searching for us for a while now is pretty significant. I've been nursing a theory that we might've been transformed just seconds or minutes after waking up and it just felt like a long time for us, but this confirms we've been dormant for quite some time.

In response, he starts to scan the ground, looking for something. Several times, his eyes go over your rock, but he assumes nothing of it, supposedly, and gives up. He is staring at you again.

That's not a good sign... we'll have to commit to something soon, or he might make the decision for us.

"Come with us, alone," Druddigon says, staring directly at you, "and Millie will live."

...Everything in me wants to say that these guys are villains who are looking to coerce us, but I can't help but wonder if they're maybe instead some kind of extremely ruthless ally. The Druddigon knows enough about us that he keeps trying to calculate and anticipate our reaction, and they've all been oddly respectful to us (well, outside of threatening to kill our friends :unquag:). And they act very... duty driven, as though they owe us their service.

If that's true, I think we might be able to bluff our way out of this one and prevent anyone from getting injured or killed. Let's see if we can maybe beat them at their own game... And hope this doesn't tremendously backfire :wowzard:

Consider: I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!

Decison: Negotiate (Demand?) "My memories aren't what they once were, Druddigon, but I don't recall you giving me orders. We don't have time for these silly games; tell me, right now, the most essential information I need to know. If you refuse, I don't need to remind you that the success of your mission is at stake here. Even in my weakened state, you know what I'm capable of." (Feel free to reword this to sound more natural for Cobble to say)
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House of Two Midnights
The "Prism" Knights, huh? Makes me think of one pokémon in particular...


There's clearly something up with them--that lifelessness and the creepy feeling. Maybe these are all pokémon being possessed in the same way we're possessing this rock? That would perhaps explain how they can see us, but if it's the case, we can't see their "real forms" in return.

Missed this quote from the previous post, but that they've been searching for us for a while now is pretty significant. I've been nursing a theory that we might've been transformed just seconds or minutes after waking up and it just felt like a long time for us, but this confirms we've been dormant for quite some time.
Yeah... it seemed as though it took us a long time to "wake up," and we're clearly still in the process of regaining our powers/memories. I wonder whether that was something that just naturally took a while, or whether there was some particular trigger that woke us up at the time that we did.

Though it's also possible we ended up getting dropped in a distortion or something and spat out in the woods, which could potentially be something tat happened more or less instantaneously from our perspective but take a long time from Druddigon etc.'s perspective due to distortion weirdness; wouldn't be surprised if time passes differently inside them than it does outside.

Talked a little about what I'm planning to do in the discussion thread. This is what I've got for now, I guess.

> Special Action: Telepathy (Lenora) They're looking for my body! Can you pick a different rock off the ground and pretend it's me?

> Consider: I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock. Nothing to see here!
Post 1-15


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock


- (1) I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!
- (1) I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock. Nothing to see here!

With so many variables in the air, you aren't sure what would be best. However, you are also strapped for time and resources. Lenora is all you have. But... perhaps that will be enough.

For now, if it was a bluff... it is time for you to bluff in return.

"My memories aren't what they once were, Druddigon," you begin, "but I don't recall you giving me orders. We don't have time for these silly games; tell me, right now, the most essential information I need to know. If you refuse, I don't need to remind you that the success of your mission is at stake here. Even in my weakened state, you know what I'm capable of."

That earns... stares. From Lenora, something inquisitive and befuddled. From Druddigon, Marshtomp, and Weavile... well, nothing, as usual.

You whisper to Lenora, "They're looking for my body! Can you pick a different rock off the ground and pretend it's me?"

Lenora doesn't react but you know she hears you.

"You are... confused," Druddigon says. "But that isn't a problem."

"The most essential information you need to know," Weavile goes on, "is that you need to come with us before this world rips itself apart due to your presence. That much, you remember, don't you?"

Marshtomp and Druddigon both glance at Weavile. Without expressions, that glance could mean anything.

"We are very aware of what you're capable of," Marshtomp says.

"Well, either way," Lenora says, "if you really need him, let me get him. I've been holding onto his... anchor... rock in the museum."

"Hidden in plain sight," Druddigon remarks. "Go on. Thank you for cooperating. We will release Millie once we confirm it's the anchor."

Lenora left and returned shortly with a stone. It looks like... something a Happiny would have in their pouch, but it's cracked on one side. Perhaps Lenora found it lying around.

Your stone is ordinary. You keep it still, but move your projection near the false anchor as Lenora hands it over.

"Thank you," Druddigon says, not-you in his claws.

"You're very welcome," Lenora replies. "Now, how do you plan to confirm that it's the--"

Druddigon clenches his fist. The claws dig into the false body... and it shatters.

You have a split second to react.


What do you do? (+Action)

1. Fight
2. Flee
3. Play dead

Current Status
HP: 3/4
Energy: 5/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!
- (!) I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock. Nothing to see here!


House of Two Midnights
Ah... well. That was certainly a response!

Wonder whether Weavile was serious or bullshitting about the whole "world ripping itself apart due to your presence" thing. The looks they got could easily be "wtf are you going on about?" One way or another, I can only imagine that Lenora's going to have some serious questions for us if we ever get a chance to catch up with her in peace, heh.

I really don't think anything that will clue the group in to our real location is a good idea right now. Not unless we're really forced to act. With that in mind... Think rocky thoughts!

> Play dead

> Consider: No, seriously! I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock!


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Druddigon clenches his fist. The claws dig into the false body... and it shatters.

I am SO glad that Negrek thought to have Lenora give them a fake rock. That could have been a GG for us right there :unquag:

One way or another, I can only imagine that Lenora's going to have some serious questions for us if we ever get a chance to catch up with her in peace, heh.

Oh I bet! Although, maybe the fact that we're a talking rock already clued her in to us having a... unique background :mewlulz:

Wonder whether Weavile was serious or bullshitting about the whole "world ripping itself apart due to your presence" thing. The looks they got could easily be "wtf are you going on about?"

Honestly, I actually wouldn't be surprised if that part's true. There must be a pretty big reason for them to go to all the trouble to track us down, especially when we saw that the Knights tend to be pretty dismissive of humans for the most part. Though it does seem a bit farfetched that our mere presence alone is enough to cause that...

For our actions, I definitely feel like fleeing is the wrong move in this case. We'd expend a lot of energy trying to get away, and we'd be abandoning Lenora. Plus, we don't really have anywhere to flee to, and it seems like they're pretty good at tracking us down.

I'm a bit split between fighting and playing dead, but playing dead might be the way to go, since they don't seem to be capable of attacking our spirit - as Cobble himself points out, if they intended to just kill us, they'd probably have done so already. It seems like they need to find our anchor first, so as long as we don't give that away, I think we're more or less invincible here.

It might be smart to let Lenora and her far more powerful Pokemon do the fighting, while we keep a close eye on her in our "death" and intervene if they're about to somehow manage to hurt her. Those Prism Knights better be careful here - they'll end up like that rock if they underestimate us!

Decision: Play dead

Consider: I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!
Last edited:
Post 1-16


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Play dead

- (1) No, seriously! I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock!
- (1) I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!

You wail in false pain, unsure if you could flail or do anything else, and sink into the ground and out of view. You try to pull yourself as far away from them as possible, sending your projection far and behind a wall. Was their sight limited?

"...It's not enough," Druddigon reports. "But we weakened it."

"E-excuse me!" Lenora shouts, drawing out a Pokeball.

Marshtomp pulls out a ball of his own--a clear blue orb, but from your angle, it's hard to see any details. He smashes it on the ground. You see two flashes of light... and then silence.

Lenora, who was covering her eyes with one hand while holding a Pokeball out with the other, slowly uncovers her eyes and scans the area.

They're gone.

You need to keep Lenora and Millie safe. And you also need to remain as a perfectly ordinary rock for now. Lay low. Hide in the ground, peeking from below. And so, when Lenora calls for you, you don't answer. Not yet.

You aren't sure what she's thinking, but she sighs and turns around, reentering the museum. A minute later, you hear her speaking to someone with no replies, yet it still sounds like she's holding a conversation. She must be using one of those human communicators. It sounds like she's describing the incident.

Lenora asks about Millie and the restaurant she works at. She doesn't sound happy with the answer and calls for something like a "wellness check" for Millie, and then she hangs up after saying goodbye and thank you.

The sun is setting. It's getting dark. Your vision isn't heavily affected by this, but you can tell that it's getting darker, and your vision is becoming less defined. Maybe you have night vision.

You were an ordinary rock. And night would soon fall. You're getting tired. Millie... from what Lenora's conversation was like, isn't coming back. You aren't sure where she is. Lenora might return soon, perhaps to go home or to talk to you. But you would probably have to approach her first; maybe she doesn't know what to do, either.

What are you supposed to do now? What can you do?


1. Go to Lenora (and talk via Telepathy)
2. Search for Millie on your own; maybe there will be clues
3. Flee somewhere; you're just putting everyone in danger as it stands.
4. Do nothing and stay here for the night.

Current Status
HP: 3/4
Energy: 5/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) No, seriously! I'm just a perfectly ordinary rock!
- (!) I need to keep Lenora and Millie safe at all costs!
Last edited:


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Huh, interesting! I thought they were ready to fight... But it makes sense if their main goal is just to eliminate us; Lenora's just a distraction to them. It lends credence to what Weavile was saying as true... which is problematic, for a whole number of reasons. In the short term, we have to worry about what Lenora might think, and what would happen if any of the other humans learn. It doesn't seem like the Prism Knights are at all eager to involve humans in this matter, but they might see a way to isolate us by spreading rumors... And obviously, in the long term, we might really actually need to leave Unova.

...and sink into the ground and out of view.

There's the trick Lenora taught us! :quag:

Marhstomp pulls out a ball of his own

Small typo.

Millie... from what Lenora's conversation was like, isn't coming back.

That sounds rather ominous :sadwott: I hope she's okay...

For our options here, I'm personally in favor of option 1, talking to Lenora. Even if we still wind up going to look for Lillie, she'd definitely be an asset if she's still willing to stick with us. And I suspect the conversation after all this will be quite something :copyka:

Decision: Go to Lenora!

Consider: We need to find Lillie before the Prism Knights do!
Last edited:


House of Two Midnights
Oop. Maybe I went a little hard on the "ordinary rock" thing. Sorry, Lenora!

Agree that we ought to reconnect with Lenora for now. It sounds like she's ready to leave the matter of Millie up to the police, but if we can convince her to get involved, her stoutland would probably come in handy for figuring out where Millie went. If nothing else, I hope she can arrange a meeting with the E4 for us!

> Decision: Go to Lenora!

> Consider: Did the Prism Knights drop anything/leave anything behind before they left?
Post 1-17


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Go to Lenora

- (1) Did the Prism Knights drop anything/leave anything behind before they left?
- (1) We need to find Millie and Lily before the Prism Knights do!

You spent long enough waiting. Being a rock is starting to get boring. In fact, you think that Lenora is probably starting to think you actually died, or something. It was time to get to her.

But before you do, you emerge from the ground and search around the area for any signs and curiosities that the Prism Knights left behind. They didn't walk around very much, so it is easy to know where to check. You see footprints, so at least you can confirm they're real. They match the species.

That's odd. There's a fourth set of footprints far from the group... It doesn't seem to be associated with them. It was more like someone was watching them. Friend or foe? You have no idea. You are not sure what species the footprints are of, but it seems to be a bipedal, human-sized Pokemon with claws.

The Prism Knights also left behind shards of some bluish material, though even as you watch, it is evaporating into nothing but rainbow-pastel dust. Some special technology that made them vanish, is your guess.

You think that's enough searching. You aren't sure where Millie is. You need to search for them with Lenora. Maybe the police would also be able to help...

You break your vow of rockiness to move into the museum, climbing the stairs and rolling inside with your simple telekinesis.

But then you sense something behind you and jolt out of the way, narrowly dodging an icy dagger that embeds itself in the area you'd once rolled.

Weavile was there. And then, you remember only seeing two flashes when the trio had vanished.

"Your tricks won't fool me," Weavile says.

He smashes another blue orb on the ground. Ethereal chains emerge from the impact site and shoot toward you before your rock before you can react, ensnaring you and tying you to that impact spot.

Can't flee this fight!

This time, it doesn't look like there's a way around it. While you were able to evade the worst of it... Lenora isn't there, and a single one had been left behind to scout out a trick. Lenora... You can't see her in your range, but she surely heard that smashing noise. She might be here soon, but for now, you're alone. Those odd chains tie you to the front of the museum like an arena had been set up.

All you can do now is fight back.

Current Status
HP: 3/4
Energy: 5/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) Did the Prism Knights drop anything/leave anything behind before they left?
- (!) We need to find Millie and Lily before the Prism Knights do!


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
In fact, you think that Lenora is probably starting to think you actually died, or something.

When you're too good at your job :sadbees:

That's odd. There's a fourth set of footprints far from the group... It doesn't seem to be associated with them. It was more like someone was watching them. Friend or foe? You have no idea. You are not sure what species the footprints are of, but it seems to be a bipedal, human-sized Pokemon with claws.

Oooh, hello? :eyes: A new wild card in the mix... Maybe from one of the other Knights divisions? That we don't know if they're friend or foe is a bit dangerous, they might be some kind of controller or manipulator too. But maybe a new friend?

Weavile was there. And then, you remember only seeing two flashes when the trio had vanished.

Well. :unquag: Looks like we've been outsmarted! Judging by the description of a bipedal Pokemon with claws, sounds like Weavile's our fourth Pokemon. Unfortunately, definitely not a friend...

So this is a rather tough situation we've got here. Weavile is fast and agile, so it might be tricky for us to land a hit on it... I'm thinking that our best option is to use Catapult. It's our most powerful move, and because it's so fast, Weavile stands less chance of dodging it than if we just use Rocky Tackle. May be a good idea to wait until Weavile's close, to maximize our chances of hitting!

Special Action: Catapult! (Target is Weavile)

Consider: I need to lure Weavile close, then attack!
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House of Two Midnights
When you're too good at your job
this tbh :sadbees:

Judging by the description of a bipedal Pokemon with claws, sounds like Weavile's our fourth Pokemon.
Namo pinged you in the other thread, but yeah, sounds like this is someone different. Not necessarily a friend, but hey, at least they probably part of the task force specifically dedicated to capturing us? I took a look at Bulbapedia's height list to see if there were any obvious candidates based on the descriptionn, but there's too many bipedal clawed pokémon of that size, mission failed. Perhaps Lenora would be able to identify the footprint if we showed it to her or described it.

Not a lot of options here, hmm. I don't know that I like our chances even just against this one mon, given that we have... three HP. Hopefully either Lenora comes to our aid, or maybe that mysterious potential fourth mon? But if we gotta fight, we gotta fight!

Let's see if we can get them to come a bit closer... although the whole group seemed rather unemotional, didn't they? Not sure that taunts will have any effect.

Not totally clear on the mechanics here--I think each person can call for a special action, and they'll all happen unless they're specifically rejected? So I'm going to add some telepathy here, but i think that won't interfere with your attack. I guess we'll find out.

Special Action: Telepathy (Weavile) Good luck with those ice shards! I can dodge anything you throw at me!
Post 1-18


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock


- (1) I need to lure Weavile close, then attack!

This is bad. Weavile is an experienced fighter. And... despite everything, you are still a rock. Fighting would be difficult as things stood, but at the very least, maybe you could lure him in for an attack.

Weavile doesn't look particularly strong, though. Druddigon seemed to be the heavy hitter, and Marshtomp was the team's balanced fighter. Weavile, you see as more the stealthy, but less powerful striker.

The problem is, while you largely relied on your stealth, Weavile saw through it. Perhaps that is why he stayed behind...

You conclude that getting Weavile off his game would be the best choice.

"Good luck with those ice shards," you say, "I can dodge anything you throw at me!"

"I noticed," Weavile replies. "But you can't run from me."

He crouches. In an instant, he vanishes. All that remains is an afterimage where he'd once stood. You sense him coming closer. He's right on top of you, arm outstretched.

You are ready.

Catapult! You smash into an unsuspecting Weavile, dealing 2 damage!

You smash into his nose and blood falls onto your stone. He whirls back and covers his face, staring at his claws where the blood had emerged. Even after this, his expression remains stoic.

"How's THAT?" you taunt. If you had legs and arms you would have been hopping left and right like a boxer. But because you don't, you settle instead for rolling left and right to be... agile, or some equivalent.

Something about that impact resonates with you. All that training, but this time you fought for the sole purpose of harming and warding, not sparring. And under that duress, you feel... something new. And it's very, very useful in this short moment...

Gained a new passive ability!


If you strike an enemy and they aren't defeated, you can learn about their remaining HP. You can also sense the life of others nearby if you Consider things about them...

Weavile has 3 HP remaining.

"Don't bother fighting," Weavile says dully. He disappears again, leaving his afterimage behind.

He's behind you. But this time, you're too slow, and his claw smashes onto your hard body. It rattles you and you feel the tether of your spirit... weakening from this anchor. And that's bad. Very very bad.

Weavile smashes down, dealing 1 damage!

"...Sturdy," Weavile says, hopping back. "But you're diminished nonetheless." He sharpens his claws. It looks like he's going to use something that hits a lot harder next time...

Lenora is rushing into your view again. She must have heard the commotion. She's holding a Poke Ball...

Current Status
HP: 2/4
Energy: 3/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) I need to lure Weavile close, then attack!


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
And... despite everything, you are still a rock.

Alas :sadbees:

Perhaps Lenora would be able to identify the footprint if we showed it to her or described it.

That's a really good idea! I'm 100% in favor of doing that once the fight here is over. Maybe we can also try our new Lifesense ability on the footprint too, in case the Pokemon is still nearby!

The problem is, while you largely relied on your stealth, Weavile saw through it.

Hmm... so Aura Shield is not the way to go here...

Even after this, his expression remains stoic.

Damn, even we're not that stone faced!

[...] you settle instead for rolling left and right to be... agile, or some equivalent.

"agile, or some equivalent" :mewlulz:

And under that duress, you feel... something new. And it's very, very useful in this short moment...


Oh shit, this is really neat!

Knowing how much HP our foes have will make battles a fair bit more strategic, since we can now reason how much damage we need to do. The description's a little vague on how it works when we Consider - do we detect just their presence, or can we also sense that life forms' HP too? Are there maybe other aspects we can detect?

Looking forward to experimenting with Lifesense after our fight scene is finished! :quag:

Alright, so now we have a dilemma to solve. Lifesense tells us that Weavile has 3HP left out of his initial 5. Our most powerful attack can only do 2HP worth of damage, so we won't be able to finish off Weavile without help from Lenora*...

We can try to attack again with Catapult and hope that Lenora can bail us out for the last 1 HP, but I'm concerned about Weavile dodging a 2nd attempt. We'd only have 1 Energy remaining, so we wouldn't have a lot of options left to attack or retreat. And if Weavile has a more powerful attack, with only 2 HP, we absolutely can't afford to get hit by it.

I think it might be better to either use the intangible technique to sink into the ground temporarily, or if that's not available, we can try to use Rocky Tackle and fling ourselves into the air and aim next to Lenora before Weavile can strike us. That would leave us with at least 2 energy so we'd have a Catapult or two Rocky Tackles in reserve, and we might be able to scare Weavile off at the prospect of having to fight both us and Lenora at the same time, especially since he's already wounded.

A tense scene here, gotta be careful with our options!

Consider: I need to carefully dodge Weavile's attacks!

Special Action: Rocky Tackle (target is next to Lenora)

*: I forgot that multiple attacks can take place in the same turn, so actually, we could theoretically knock out Weavile on our own with a Catapult + Rocky Tackle combo. However, I feel like there's a very high risk of one of them missing, and we don't have any room for error, especially since Weavile will be able to OHKO us in between attacks. I think I'll still stick with retreating because of that... and I wouldn't object to seeing him get bodied by Lenora either, hehe.
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House of Two Midnights
A mere three HP on weavile? *flashbacks to Blacklight bosses with tens of thousands of hit points*

but we're still probably SoL unless Lenora helps us out, heh

Maybe we can also try our new Lifesense ability on the footprint too, in case the Pokemon is still nearby!
Ooh, interesting! I hadn't even considered doing that, heh. Definitely something to file away in hopes we can come back after this fight!

I think probably trying to dodge is our best bet here. Weavile wasn't fooled by our last attempt to play dead, and if we phase through the ground again our anchor's going to be undefended. Don't particularly want to find out what happens when it's destroyed. It sounds like Weavile's preparing something that'll probably OHKO us, and if we tried to double up attacks, I imagine he'd get the chance to move and knock us out before we got to make our second strike, like you said. So yeah... I think dodging and hoping Lenora can help us out is the move here.

> Consider: We have to dodge whatever Weavile's planning!

> Special Action: Telepathy (Lenora) Help!!
Post 1-19


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock

Rocky Tackle to get away!

- (2) I need to carefully dodge Weavile's actions!

You know when you're outmatched. A skilled Weavile was not someone you could go one-on-one with in your current state. Something about Weavile's attacks felt deadly efficient. So, instead, you jump backward and utilize your powerful tackles... to get away. It's not quite a catapult, but it's enough to get closer to Lenora, where you take your fleeting time to shout, "Help!!"

That's enough for Lenora to toss the ball. Out came a Stoutland, swift enough to get between you and Weavile just as Weavile unleashed a volley of icicles from his claws.

But when he tossed them, they were instead skyward at an angle. Each icicle chills the air and produces even more. They come crashing down in a line, but Stoutland shields you from it. You hear the dull thuds and crunches of ice on Stoutland's thick hide... but he went down anyway.

Lenora gasps and withdraws him. Where Stoutland once was, you could see ice leaving deep gashes in the stone like it was merely mud. Is that Weavile's true power? Why did it merely bounce off of you?

Lenora summons a Kangaskhan and Watchog next. Kangaskhan picks you up after a quick order from Lenora--she must have been watching from within that capsule to be so aware of what to do--and sets you next to her young cub, who pulls you deeper.

Kangaskhan: 2 HP
Cub: Negligible HP

Lenora shouts an order at Watchog, who weaves in and out of Weavile's line of sight before landing a quick blow. It didn't seem to do much but distract him. Weavile points a claw at Watchog, shooting a series of icicles straight at his chest. Watchog is down after just three blows, crumpling with the icicles still lodged in his chest.

Lenora swaps him out for a Cinccino and calls for a Rock Blast. With great skill, five volleys go toward Weavile, and four of them are deflected with ease. The fifth one strikes Weavile square in the face. Kangaskhan rushes in for a follow-up, channeling an orange Fighting aura in her fist and chopping down on Weavile's neck. That was a strong, direct hit--Weavile staggers in response.

Weavile took 1 HP in damage!

What was going on? Why do these Pokemon do so little damage? Weavile's life force is hardly moving in response to everything Lenora--a skilled fighter--has for them. Weavile vanishes, appearing behind Cinccino. You aren't even sure what he did, but Cinccino collapses next and is replaced by a Braviary. Just as quickly, Weavile aims for a jab at Kangaskhan's pouch, but she instinctually blocks it and takes the blow...

Kangaskhan takes 2 damage!

Kangaskhan's life force dwindles rapidly. The cub makes a frightened noise, and then everything around your rock dissolves into light. Withdrawn.

Before you can land on the ground, Braviary grabs you in his talons and takes you to the sky. Lenora summons a Sawsbuck--it seems to be her final Pokemon, the way her stance changed--who tackles Weavile just as Braviary picks up another rock and tosses you into the air. Braviary dives to Weavile at the same time as Sawsbuck, going for a pincer attack.

And this time, both land. Weavile grunts and pinwheels back and on the ground...

Weavile took 2 HP in damage! But...

"Stand down!" Lenora said, pulling out another Pokeball. This one has a different feeling to it. It's... empty. Does Lenora intend to use it on Weavile? Those Pokemon had to get in there somehow... "I know it's against the law to capture a Pokemon like you... but this is in self defense if you don't stop now!"

Weavile stands again, not even holding his bleeding arm or chest...

Weavile didn't take 2 HP! It was only 1 HP?!

Weavile twitches. Lenora responds and tosses the ball--but Weavile swipes it, breaking the ball before it can work its magic. You're still airborne as this happens, but finally land in the soil nearby. You have a good shot at Weavile from here, but with Braviary and Sawsbuck in the way, you see no good opportunity. Hiding has worked well so far...

Weavile takes 2 HP in damage again! But... Weavile remains at 1 HP!

At this point, Weavile is bleeding from two parts of his face and several parts of his chest. But his expression remains stoic, and his stance unchanged. He's still fighting. In fact, when he moves, he swiftly takes out Sawsbuck, and then swings at Braviary, only narrowly missing as Braviary flies into the air again.

"What's going on?" Lenora whispers, taking a step back. "Why isn't he...?"

Weavile points a claw toward Lenora, ignoring Braviary.

Current Status
HP: 2/4
Energy: 2/6
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (1) I need to carefully dodge Weavile's actions!


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Kangaskhan picks you up after a quick order from Lenora--she must have been watching from within that capsule to be so aware of what to do--and sets you next to her young cub, who pulls you deeper.

Aww, teamwork :veelove:

I loved this part - the cub pulling Cobble into the pouch is both super adorable and also a clever battle strategy!

Kangaskhan rushes in for a follow-up, channeling an orange Fighting aura in her fist and chopping down on Weavile's neck. That was a strong, direct hit--Weavile staggers in response.

>Weavile took 1 HP in damage!

Nice combo, but damn, 4x super effective for only 1 HP...

Lenora summons a Sawsbuck--it seems to be her final Pokemon, the way her stance changed--who tackles Weavile just as Braviary picks up another rock and tosses you into the air.

Interesting, why another rock? Is Braviary going for a diversion strategy perhaps? If we can withdraw into our anchor, that might help a fair bit actually, since it's likely Weavile has lost track of it in all this commotion.

"Stand down!" Lenora said, pulling out another Pokeball. This one has a different feeling to it. It's... empty. Does Lenora intend to use it on Weavile? Those Pokemon had to get in there somehow... "I know it's against the law to capture a Pokemon like you... but this is in self defense if you don't stop now!"

Lenora pulling out ALL the stops, damn! That's a really clever workaround if she can't physically beat him.

Weavile didn't take 2 HP! It was only 1 HP?!

Is he actually invincible, like some kind of reanimated zombie I wonder? A normal Pokemon definitely shouldn't be able to absorb this much punishment...

Weavile twitches. Lenora responds and tosses the ball--but Weavile swipes it, breaking the ball before it can work its magic.

Well, it was worth a try at least. Weird that she's having so much trouble when we didn't have any issues injuring Weavile... Do we have some kind of energy that her Pokemon don't?

I have to say, I think the writing here is outstanding in that even though Lenora's getting absolutely steamrolled, she still comes off as an experienced and capable battler rather than as being impotent for the scene like how a lot of fiction stories do it. Take the coordination her Pokemon show in protecting Cobble from Weavile for example - how Stoutland immediately shields Cobble from the Icicle Crash, Khangskhan and her baby hide him in the pouch, Braviary swoops in to grab us before we hit the ground and then juggles us with another rock. A regular garden variety trainer probably wouldn't be able to do that, even if Lenora's not having much more success against the Weavile than they might.

Weavile points a claw toward Lenora, ignoring Braviary.

...Uh-oh. :unquag:

So, this is bad, but at least our options are pretty straight forward. We've only got 2 energy left, and since we're still trapped in the arena, we can't really flee this fight. Lenora's in danger and can't seem to defeat Weavile, nor does Weavile show any signs of backing down, so it seems to me like we'll need to land the finishing blow on him.

The question is how and whether we do it with a Catapult or a Rocky Tackle... The former is more likely to hit and finish off Weavile, but the latter lets us keep a second Rocky Tackle in reserve, although we definitely need a rest soon either way.

I've been hogging the attacks for the last couple of scenes, so I'll turn it over to Negrek (or anyone else who might be following along!) how you guys want to handle this! I'll contribute by making a Telepathy call to everyone - maybe that mysterious Pokemon is still hanging around?

Special Action: Telepathy! (target is everyone within our maximum range)

"If anyon can hear me, we need help! Our lives are in danger!!!"
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