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  • Users: K_S
  • Content: Threads
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  1. K_S

    Pokémon A K_S spin on "Pokevillains Villaintine's Challenge"

    INTRO: So I said to myself, why not? Challenge accepted. My villain of choice, (surprise surprise) is going to be Giovanni, I figure this will be a fun way to get back into the practice of writing... The challenge (since I'm starting a day late I'm adding an extra day): Attempt to fulfill as...
  2. K_S

    Review Blitz Prep ver.2024

    Welcome back to the (newish) blitz prep page! Version 2024. Looks like December 22nd is the starting day. So since there is a bit of time before crunch let's all settle in. Set our goals. Or chatter/speculate about who will earn what. Story suggestions, point goals, point pointers for the...
  3. K_S

    That one scene...

    You know that scene... It either popped into your head as you were brainstorming and became an end point. Became the apex of your characters development, arch, or intro. Or it was the payoff for all that forshadowing and worldbuilding. Or for those fly by the seat of your pants writers it...
  4. K_S

    Headcanons for you characters

    Use a canon character in your tales? What headcanons do you apply to them to make them distincty yours for your stories? Think of this spot as a place to share and care those ideas...
  5. K_S

    New fic idea! Crack treated seriously Cotl/pkmn black/white cross over. Title pending?

    Table of contents: 1. Setting, fandoms, and timelines 1b. Content warning for canon source as well as storyideas. 1c Summary 2 Pivitol part of each fandom used in the fic. 3 Relevent characters/settings/notes for thise not familiar with Cult of the Lamb (Character sheets!) 4 relevelent...
  6. K_S

    'Mon reaction grab bag

    So by sheer luck when looking for persian pictures for my avatar i found these cute cat reactions pics from the mystery dungeon games. The base picture was a collage that i cropped to heck and back via a phone function and with some trial and error I altered them to look a bit like the mon...
  7. K_S

    Pokémon Complete! A Gift fic for couch
    Threadmarks: Introduction and part 1

    Summary: Set in his verse "a new path" it takes the perspective of Giovanni and explores his reaction to a very specific holiday that started in Viridian a few decades ago... Ranking: Teen, for swears and off color humor Genre: slice of life, minor diamond shipping, giovanni centric. This...
  8. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots

    My Transversal Headcanon Home Summary: as it says on the tin this my storage spot for headcanons, one shots, notes, ect from late game or spoiler heavy segments of Transversal. Some tales will make sense only with reading the home tale but most should require no extra reading at all...
  9. K_S

    Writing questions

    I plan on expanding this slowly depending an author participation.. But i thought i'd make an archive of questions for sharing/caring and funsies. So question one. What got you into writing (fanfic or otherwise) and what keeps you coming back to it? (For this who dont write feel free to talk...
  10. K_S

    Blitz review prep 2023

    Welcome to the blitz prep page! And its back again... While its not 100 percent set in stone as to when it starts since we know the blitz is on why not perculate... Speculate... Contemplate and samelessly gossip over our plots and plans for points, stories to hit, recs, or even requests amd...
  11. K_S

    The Scp 914 GAME: Research simulator

    Attention: all incoming personel, Condolances... Welcome selected researches, d-class, and docters, to this alternate universe's scp fascility site # (redacted), you who join us today have the astute horror honor of being part of our newest trial run. At location (redacted), (redacted) a...
  12. K_S

    Wooden plank studios

    So while they do some fun mon themed work (the galar boarder patrol being gold) it looks like they are pecking out a region based off of breath of the wild. Thoughts? Botw region in progress The galar patrol..
  13. K_S

    And in closing... Post 2023 blitz thread

    Yeah its about 50 min early but meh... So howd did the blitz treat you this year? Your fics get showered with attention? Want to brag about it? Find a new tale you wanna brag on (that you forgot to mention in the weekly rec page)? Any suggestions to make things smoother? Meet your goals...
  14. K_S

    updated! News Years Resolution! 2023

    Pretty self explanatory. I will convert this to a gen. "What are your goal" thread in due time. Until then chatter away if you like with well wishes!
  15. K_S

    Pokémon The Send Off. Dells 2022 xmas epilogue.

    So as I've reached out to all the participants here's the promised thread for them to participate in. Here's the background reading if anyone's interested. Character notes for the cast "Bringing it home" aka the motherfic And I'll edit in my own tale's closing as time permits.
  16. K_S

    Pokémon The White Board

    AN: A "Drawing board" spin-off. A series of short stories tied to the Drawing Board. Basically, I'm turning my notes and abandoned segments into their own little archive. I'll get "Drawing" up and offer a link when I can. so you can read both tales back to back but right now this is part...
  17. K_S

    blitz prep thread 2022

    So while we're unsure as to when the blitz is going to start up how about the tales you're thinking about tackling? Any recs for those entering the contest? Here's a spot to share and care your ideas, suggestions, or gossip for the upcoming event. Anyways since the dates set... Lets share...
  18. K_S

    An open ended challenge

    So I've a challenge and a bit game. Basically I've pulled a scene off of a tale. Broke it down to the base componets and wanted to see how others put it together. Its a combat scene. Sequence of events: Glass window shatter gets attention Ash investigate sound Introduce setting.. resteraunt...
  19. K_S

    Closed as of Nov 1. 2022. Dell's 2022 pre event RP
    Threadmarks: CLOSED

    OOC: Hi everyone, I'm hoping you got your email letting you know this was up... sorry for how late in the day it's going to be... Anyway here's the opening scene. Please fill in the blanks for your characters and we'll start bouncing off of each other and seeing how this is going to work. New...
  20. K_S

    Comfort fanfic

    Heard of comfort food? That sumptious meal you crave after a long day? Think of that idea but apply it to your fanfic reading. Whats your fic of choice as a pick me up after a long day and why?
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