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Truth or Dare Crossroads


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Okay, seems like there’s a lot to take in,” Seb muttered, holding a wing under his beak. “So there’s two people here, one is a Giratina in disguise who supposedly destroys worlds for some reason and the other is…” He points to Admon with an irked eye. “Are you some kinda guardian? Like Rayquaza or Zygarde?” He held a wing over his hat crest. “Digimon… Now I’m interested. Similar to Porygon but with different evolutions…”


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Dare: Give yourself a paint job.
Object:Bucket of golden body paint.
Fake tried to hop into the bucket, but he was way too small to do so. Okay, this "Hoopa" needs to conjure better buckets. He tried again, and just succeed-but before he could celebrate, he fell into the beautiful golden paint. Argh!!! No! I will NOT die this way! he panicked, trying to kick his way up, but his legs were stiff and heavy with the paint. Fine! Method number 2, then! He kicked the bucket.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
He waved. "Ah, long time no see. I can tell it's you, whatever you're calling yourself now. It's been about...mmm, eighty-some-odd from my world's perspective, about three hundred from my own, but many more from yours." The one known as Admon Aviaticus chuckled, talking to her like an old acquaintance despite the evident hostility. It's pretty evident there's a bit on his end too. "And apparently, it did in an alternate timeline. Digital monster arms race. Long story. I had to step in to stop it. Didn't happen in the prime one, but..." He pauses. Maybe hesitates. "Well, another long story. Besides that, just been the odd groups of fanatics. Nothing the world can't move past, maybe with a little help from your average teenagers/young adults."
"Forgetting my name? Tch, typical deities, it's Alluhmieh, you could do well to remember." She scoffed as he continued on. "Of course, another world taking advantage of others just because they're blind to their own faults. If I had been any stronger back then, I could've saved you the trouble of having to help such a pathetic race."
He leaned back in midair. "But how've you been? Destroyed any good worlds lately? Expanded your own...skin suit...wardrobe?" He is a bit confused by the term, but he grinned all the same.
"I don't destroy 'good worlds' as you call them. I only go for worlds that are hell bent on sticking to their greedy and manipulative roots." She hissed, shaking her head. "Skin suits, meatbags, flesh sacks, bodies, they all mean the same to me. If it weren't for the mind and soul inhabiting them, they would all be nothing but piles of flesh."

She allowed the skin and bones of her arm to melt away, revealing a corrosive purple liquid that oozed onto the table. "And as for my own 'wardrobe', I've recently acquired a few more that are well beyond anything your mind can conceived. If I feel like it, I could show you some of them." She didn't bother hiding the malice in her smile.

“Uh, what is going on here?” Seb asked, looking at the two individuals in confusion. “Is this how rival Legends talk to each other? I feel like I’m somewhere I shouldn’t be. Also, what was that about digital monsters? Something about digitized Pokémon or something? I know PCs in Pokémon Centers do that, but…”
"Rivals?" She snorted. "As if this being could hope to match up to my powers now, not after everything I've been through."
"Ok, when I first saw you I sensed an ominous aura from you, and apparently you and the person you're talking to are multiversal conquerors or something like that? Also, you aren't human? Are the two of you the same species or something? Please just clear this up, I don't want to be in the same universe as two multiverse-conquering tyrants.
A disgusted frown smeared her features as she willed her arm back to its human state. "I was once an ordinary human and it wasn't until some humans in my old world decided they wanted to play god. Have you ever wondered what something would look like when thousands of souls were stitched into one, one that was awake and sensitive to every prodding, screams and cries. The pain, the cutting, the fear, so many voices, so many thoughts merging, shouting for vengeance, shouting for retribution."

Her body shivered and she shook her head, ridding those wretched memories of years past and she took on a more neutral face. "Now, I've become a cleanser of sorts. Running around the multiverse, purging vile and diseased-ridden worlds of their malicious inhabitants."
He tilts his head toward the impromptu snowball fight. "Interesting. This is only simulated, and yet, the snow appears to be as real as is believed. Shame I can't bring Wyn here. They love snowball fights."
"Wyn? My, are you talking about that vicious hybrid you call a person? Have you finally put that miserable creature out of her misery?" she said, tauntingly, a wicked grin on her face. While she may not really have much of an opinion on that vixen, she wasn't above using something to peer open someone's wounds.
“Okay, seems like there’s a lot to take in,” Seb muttered, holding a wing under his beak. “So there’s two people here, one is a Giratina in disguise who supposedly destroys worlds for some reason and the other is…
"If it hasn't been cleared before, I am not a Gira but a true borne shapeshifter. I can copy any being that crossed my line of sight whether or not I can see the being does not matter, my copies are perfect down to a every little speck of detail, your abilities, knowledge, experience and memories all become a part of mine permanently."

Her eyes flashed an eerie purple.
"If you guys aren't conquerors, are you perhaps creation deities like Arceus? Also, Digimon actually exist in another universe? What's next, you're gonna tell us that there's a universe where there's invisible creatures called Yo-Kai that influence the behaviors of humans?"
"While I may have creation powers, courtesy of my various purges, I don't consider myself a creation deity instead I consider myself a purger, a purifier, a cleanser of the multiverse," she answered. "And unsurprisingly, anything you can think of is possible in the multiverse. I've found myself purging many worlds that were nothing but works of fiction in my past life."
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Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Uh, miss, sorry, but you’re not exactly making me like you,” Seb said, holding his wings in front of him. “In fact, I think it’d be better if I avoided you. You’re scary.”


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
“Uh, miss, sorry, but you’re not exactly making me like you,” Seb said, holding his wings in front of him. “In fact, I think it’d be better if I avoided you. You’re scary.”
"Oh worry not, little one. It was merely a joke, I wouldn't consider a non-threat like you suitable to copy unless necessary."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Andre's breath had left him. Someone was just admitting to destroying entire worlds because they were "rotten". At least that made him feel more humane by comparison.

Desperate for a distraction, he turned to the Pillar for some more questions.

Truth: Which do you prefer: two legs or four legs?
"Two legs, no contest," he said. "As a painter, my hands are my livelihood and my instruments of art."
Truth: What is your best friend's most prominent quality?
Andre smiled. "My best friend Katie has such good energy. She's funny, friendly and aggressively positive. It's hard to stay morose around her for long."
Truth: If you had the power to do anything you'd ever wanted, what is the first thing you'll do with said power?
"I guess that would be the power to change how people think. I'd eliminate bigotry. Once that's done and humanity lives in harmony, it'll be a lot easier to tackle the other problems in our world."

He looked for a dare next.
Dare: I dare you to kiss a stranger.
"I'm feeling rather smoochy right now," he hummed. "Any volunteers? Any gender goes."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
He blinked. "O-oh. That is your real name? Sorry, I'd assumed it was the name of the form that you were just in." He's a little flustered, was that genuine?

Admon does cringe a bit when the subject of a hybrid comes up. But he laughs. "It's funny you say that. I was going to destroy that digital world myself to protect my own. Oh, not because of the danger of the digital monsters. The server held a captured superentity, and I planned to dispose of it in a black hole. But that wonderful hybrid who is a person - Iola by the way, Wyn is recent and from a different world - convinced me to give her a chance to find a way to deal with the problem while preserving the form of life within." He threw up his arms, shaking his head at himself. "I quickly realized, she was right. They were self-aware programs. Even if the Digimon inside were abused for their power in the other timeline, and even if that entity did get free in ours and nearly destroyed everything. Of course, it is part of my job to safeguard my universe, but destroying something else wasn't my call alone to make."

He remains nonplussed as she shows her true form. "Oh, I don't know about the comprehension bit. I have a pretty active imagination, I've been told. Plus, I've seen quite a few horrible things, such as that entity, cosmic horrors, ridiculous power-sealing monstrosities, and so on. All beings that were stronger than me in a direct fight, much like you now are. And yet..." He pauses for dramatic effect. "I watched as those beings fell."

Admon shakes his head, sighing sadly and genuinely. "I had no idea you went through that much. I'm sorry to hear. I suppose it explains, although doesn't excuse your behavior. You know, it's funny. We're two sides of the same coin. Both multiversal travelers. One who visits and sometimes aids, and one who destroys as a self-appointed judge. Both humans who came into great power against their will. You should know what I've been through. You may not have gotten all my powers like you expected - that fell under one of your ability's rare limitations - but you did get some of my memories." It actually was only some. His memory was spotty in places, likely as a result of living so long and/or possible trauma. And then his expression changed. Calm and collected. "And knowing that, you should know I didn't snap in the face of tragedy. I embraced the role that was thrust upon me. I kept my humanity. I never stopped believing in the good of society. You broke." He crossed his arms and smiled confidently, and there's not a hint of malice or smugness. "That is why no matter how much power you have taken from others, you are still weak. And because of that weakness, you too, Alluhmieh, will fall someday."
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Bug Catcher
Fake tried to hop into the bucket, but he was way too small to do so. Okay, this "Hoopa" needs to conjure better buckets. He tried again, and just succeed-but before he could celebrate, he fell into the beautiful golden paint. Argh!!! No! I will NOT die this way! he panicked, trying to kick his way up, but his legs were stiff and heavy with the paint. Fine! Method number 2, then! He kicked the bucket.
“Dang. Didn’t expect to kill someone here. Well, just in case, I’ll pull you out if you’re still alive. Not my fault this place gave us a bucket had an entire pocket dimension of golden paint inside.”
"Forgetting my name? Tch, typical deities, it's Alluhmieh, you could do well to remember." She scoffed as he continued on. "Of course, another world taking advantage of others just because they're blind to their own faults. If I had been any stronger back then, I could've saved you the trouble of having to help such a pathetic race."

"I don't destroy 'good worlds' as you call them. I only go for worlds that are hell bent on sticking to their greedy and manipulative roots." She hissed, shaking her head. "Skin suits, meatbags, flesh sacks, bodies, they all mean the same to me. If it weren't for the mind and soul inhabiting them, they would all be nothing but piles of flesh."

She allowed the skin and bones of her arm to melt away, revealing a corrosive purple liquid that oozed onto the table. "And as for my own 'wardrobe', I've recently acquired a few more that are well beyond anything your mind can conceived. If I feel like it, I could show you some of them." She didn't bother hiding the malice in her smile.

"Rivals?" She snorted. "As if this being could hope to match up to my powers now, not after everything I've been through."

A disgusted frown smeared her features as she willed her arm back to its human state. "I was once an ordinary human and it wasn't until some humans in my old world decided they wanted to play god. Have you ever wondered what something would look like when thousands of souls were stitched into one, one that was awake and sensitive to every prodding, screams and cries. The pain, the cutting, the fear, so many voices, so many thoughts merging, shouting for vengeance, shouting for retribution."

Her body shivered and she shook her head, ridding those wretched memories of years past and she took on a more neutral face. "Now, I've become a cleanser of sorts. Running around the multiverse, purging vile and diseased-ridden worlds of their malicious inhabitants."

"Wyn? My, are you talking about that vicious hybrid you call a person? Have you finally put that miserable creature out of her misery?" she said, tauntingly, a wicked grin on her face. While she may not really have much of an opinion on that vixen, she wasn't above using something to peer open someone's wounds.

"If it hasn't been cleared before, I am not a Gira but a true borne shapeshifter. I can copy any being that crossed my line of sight whether or not I can see the being does not matter, my copies are perfect down to a every little speck of detail, your abilities, knowledge, experience and memories all become a part of mine permanently."

Her eyes flashed an eerie purple.

"While I may have creation powers, courtesy of my various purges, I don't consider myself a creation deity instead I consider myself a purger, a purifier, a cleanser of the multiverse," she answered. "And unsurprisingly, anything you can think of is possible in the multiverse. I've found myself purging many worlds that were nothing but works of fiction in my past life."
“Wow, after this, I’m definitely going to explore as many universes as I can! Well, maybe the reason why I’ve never seen these universes is because you purged so many of them. Seriously, why would you want to destroy even a singular universe if there’s probably an infinite amount of mostly identical ones, if there is in fact everything in the multiverse!”
Andre's breath had left him. Someone was just admitting to destroying entire worlds because they were "rotten". At least that made him feel more humane by comparison.

Desperate for a distraction, he turned to the Pillar for some more questions.

"Two legs, no contest," he said. "As a painter, my hands are my livelihood and my instruments of art."

Andre smiled. "My best friend Katie has such good energy. She's funny, friendly and aggressively positive. It's hard to stay morose around her for long."

"I guess that would be the power to change how people think. I'd eliminate bigotry. Once that's done and humanity lives in harmony, it'll be a lot easier to tackle the other problems in our world."

He looked for a dare next.

"I'm feeling rather smoochy right now," he hummed. "Any volunteers? Any gender goes."
“Me!” Hoopa’s lips grew almost as large as his own body and smothered Andre’s entire head Hoopa’s spit.
“Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up!”
Hoopa showered Andre with the bucket of infinite golden paint, cleaning up all the spit.
“Now we’re both golden kissing buddies!” Hoopa laughed.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
“Me!” Hoopa’s lips grew almost as large as his own body and smothered Andre’s entire head Hoopa’s spit.
“Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up!”
Hoopa showered Andre with the bucket of infinite golden paint, cleaning up all the spit.
“Now we’re both golden kissing buddies!” Hoopa laughed.
Andre blinked, soaking wet with gold paint. "Well, I didn't expect that to happen. I guess I pass the golden bucket dare now, too."


Bug Catcher
“Welp. Might as well help everyone else pass.” Hoopa proceeded to grab the golden paint bucket, covering anyone nearby with golden paint.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Woah, wait!” Seb raised his wings defensively, but they couldn’t stop the splash of gold paint. He looked at his now-golden feathers in disbelief. “Aw, man, I’m soaked. At least I look shiny.”


Junior Trainer
NEO also gets splashed by the gold paint. Thankfully, it doesn't affect his flame TOO bad. "Careful with that!" the Charizard growls.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
“Dang. Didn’t expect to kill someone here. Well, just in case, I’ll pull you out if you’re still alive. Not my fault this place gave us a bucket had an entire pocket dimension of golden paint inside.”
JUST IN CASE?! HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS?! AND, YES, IT IS YOUR FAULT! Also, I'm a rock shaped like a tree. I'm still going to live...well, technically. Can you just get me out already? Fake was practically a statue of pure gold, forever a monument to Hoopa's nonchalance. If this thought ever crossed his mind, he'd want a new job. Suddenly, he flew straight out of the bucket, in a perfect statue position. I'm a statue of pure gold. I NEED A NEW JOB!!!


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[OOC: the folks roleplaying a drama between powerful interdimensional travellers with elaborate backstories are welcome to continue, but I'd like to remind everyone that this is meant to be a casual Truth or Dare session, and note that no spirits drawn here have any particular power. The playing field is level.]]

"Really? What kinda science do ya look into? Well, 'sides, y'know..." She gestured a paw towards their surroundings. "Unless that's your main thing?"
"I'm gonna wipe that smug grin off'a your face," she challenged before rolling up a ball of snow with her own paws and tossing it.

Lurosa's glee was written all over her. "I doubt you can upset my good mood at this point, dear Roya!"

The espeon took the hit in good humour, and made to return the favour.

"As for my studies, I specialise in the psionic sciences. My undergrad dissertation concerned teleportation, and I am an expert telepath."

Her second snowball went wide, and veered towards the verdant deer with the spectacles. Oops.

"I'm feeling rather smoochy right now," he hummed. "Any volunteers? Any gender goes."

She smiled at him too, entirely unabashed.

"I'm performing a snowball fight presently, but I can multitask," she quipped.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
[OOC: Alrighty, I know that side-interactions are cool and good but try not to let it drown out the actual Truth or Dare game. The wall of Hoopaposting in particular has grown to where it could probably be its own RP. Reminder that we have a General RP Thread for anyone to use!]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Mhynt closed her eyes, tuning out whatever drama was happening as she prodded at the ground. "It's so strange," she commented. "What was it, the idea of the terrain, but not terrain itself. Dreamlike. Perhaps if I think hard enough, I can imagine the ground is made of steel."


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Mhynt closed her eyes, tuning out whatever drama was happening as she prodded at the ground. "It's so strange," she commented. "What was it, the idea of the terrain, but not terrain itself. Dreamlike. Perhaps if I think hard enough, I can imagine the ground is made of steel."
Fake the (now) Golden Bonsly wondered what Mhyt was talking about. He stomped on the ground, but it seemed perfectly fine to him. The idea of a terrain? What is the terrain in the first place actually? He fidgeted, nervous to find out what was going on.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
[[OOC: Oops, sorry about all that, wasn't expecting things to spiral down like this. Don't worry, this will be Ally's final post and I'll be bringing someone new since well she's kinda too unstable to go on.]]

Admon shakes his head, sighing sadly and genuinely. "I had no idea you went through that much. I'm sorry to hear. I suppose it explains, although doesn't excuse your behavior. You know, it's funny. We're two sides of the same coin. Both multiversal travelers. One who visits and sometimes aids, and one who destroys as a self-appointed judge. Both humans who came into great power against their will. You should know what I've been through. You may not have gotten all my powers like you expected - that fell under one of your ability's rare limitations - but you did get some of my memories." It actually was only some. His memory was spotty in places, likely as a result of living so long and/or possible trauma. And then his expression changed. Calm and collected. "And knowing that, you should know I didn't snap in the face of tragedy. I embraced the role that was thrust upon me. I kept my humanity. I never stopped believing in the good of society. You broke." He crossed his arms and smiled confidently, and there's not a hint of malice or smugness. "That is why no matter how much power you have taken from others, you are still weak. And because of that weakness, you too, Alluhmieh, will fall someday."
Her nostrils flared, her bangs swaying in an invisible wind. She stared at the being in front of her, eyes flashing through multitude amount of colors as a grin stretched across her face, slowly morphing into that wasn't meant for a human face, a shrill giggle creeping out of her throat. "You think just because of your a trauma that you're better than me? That I haven't heard anything similar to your 'holier than thou' speech? You really think your trauma was comparable to anything I've witnessed. Let me tell you something. My ability doesn't just copy the mind and body, it copies the being's very soul and core component. I've experienced things that would turn me into nothing but a broken vegetable, I've experienced every sensation from every being I copied. From their birth, their childhoods, their adulthood till their current time. Everything they've experienced, I've lived it, every thought they had, I've had it, every crime, every good deed, every injury, every happy and depressing memories, I've experienced everything."

Her eye twitched and she stood up, the tea spilling all over her table. "And the worst part is I can never forget anything. Not through age, not through time, not through any magical or celestial methods, I will remember everything." She took in a breath, rubbing her temples and cleaning up the spilt liquid without a second thought. "You may think I've broke but I've gone through literal insanity far too many times for it to have any real affect on me."

The aura around her dulled and she sighed. "You can call me a monster, a villain or a demon for everything I've done. But you can never say I didn't try, I gave society many chances and time to fix themselves. Every world I've purged, I've given atleast five centuries to fix themselves and most of them never do." A lone tear streamed down her cheek and she bit her lip, shaking her head as she directed her gaze towards the host of this party.

Bowing down, she spoke with sincerity. "I apologize for any disturbance I may have caused. Rest assured, I'll be taking my leave as I fear for what I may do if I stay here any longer."

She got up from her position and allowed the feeling of familiarity to cover her soul as her body faded away, dissipating like dust in the wind.
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Her second snowball went wide, and veered towards the verdant deer with the spectacles. Oops.
The snowball hit Andre right in the face, nearly knocking off his glasses. He winced and sighed, ready to try and wipe the lenses clean somehow until he realized there were none. His vision was normal. Huh.
She smiled at him too, entirely unabashed.

"I'm performing a snowball fight presently, but I can multitask," she quipped.
Andre adjusted his glasses with a hoof. "I'd rather stay away from the line of fire, thank you."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Arctozolt rolled their eyes at the shenanigans...well, as best they could, at least. Might be time to put something new into the ring.

And so, they spoke.

Truth: Is there anyone you truly hate?
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