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[TOWN WINS] Third Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Do you have reason to believe, due to your role or night action, that people will be using code in their thread posts?

[[ no. I genuinely just thought it was weird. ]]

If so, it would be better to share that than lead a wagon based on a random phrase alone

[[ I wasn't trying to start a wagon, it was just something I thought was off. ]]


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
[[Also you may not be intending to, but you’re coming off as juuust a tad confrontational/aggro, which won’t do you any favors regardless of your alignment! Just something to keep in mind!

Oh and I see you replied. Idk, I didn’t think anything of Sind’s post and I think there are more pressing details to focus on. Early accusations with no solid foundation are not helpful to town.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[[Also you may not be intending to, but you’re coming off as juuust a tad confrontational/aggro, which won’t do you any favors regardless of your alignment! Just something to keep in mind!
[[ oh whoops. sorry! :unquag: ]]

forgot to sign my name there. ‘Twas I, Yellow
[[ I kinda figured it was you because i think jackie would have been way more angry about this whole thing 😅 ]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
I kinda figured it was you because i think jackie would have been way more angry about this whole thing 😅 ]
[[ and just to clarify this is entirely lighthearted speech. I dont mean anything by this]]


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
[[Jackie can probably explain it better than I can because swaps in mafia make my brain hurt, but this could happen with only one swap, I believe?]]
[[Ok so I gave this more thought and yeah, I guess this isn’t possible with only one swap. I’m gonna write it out for my own sake because freaking Bus Driver scenarios make my brain implode.

•Parrot targets Mailman. Mailman and other person C get swapped by bus driver. The way I understand Parrot is that they would then absorb C’s power and use it on C. Is it at all possible they could have absorbed Mailman’s ability and the message then went to C instead of the Mailman themself? Perhaaaaps there was a third role at play here that interfered…somehow…?

Yeah I dunno, it doesn’t make sense. However, given that this is role madness and that there were so many more roles listed than we have players, I personally find it odd that there would be two Mailmen. Unless one of these Mailmen is actually one of the custom roles that Namo mentioned somehow? That’s plausible.

Anyway TLDR is that I’m not convinced there’s two mailmen and I think something else or another messaging-type role is in play, and if for some reason there are two mailmen then it’s almost certain that one of them are scum because two town mailmen makes zero sense to me.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[Shitpost aside, Yellow's post makes sense, I think? Having duplicate roles isn't out of the question, considering it wasn't specifically called out as a condition that wouldn't be in the game. (Heal clash was called out as not happening, but not that there couldn't be two Doctors, per se). It does feel weird though given the big list of roles we got...

With the Parrot theory, Free denied being a Mailman, but did she deny being a Parrot? Is having a Parrot hard claimed a good or a bad thing? How about a Mailman? I guess what I'm getting at is are we giving some nice, juicy targets for the scum to pick off by going down this road? Though I have no idea what other road we have to be going down.

We're getting close to halfway through the day. We're waiting on Starlight about the message, but nothing from Tetra and nothing from DawningWings yet?]]

Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
[[Okay, so. Just to see if I comprehend some hypothetical situations correctly:

If there is a parrot, then the only way for them to be the source of one of the messages is for them to have targeted someone who turned out to be a mailman.

In the event of a parrot in a game with a bus driver, there's a chance that the mailman wasn't the parrot's original target. That is, that the driver swapped the mailman into the parrot's crosshairs, and the person the parrot originally targeted therefore isn't necessarily a mailman.

Am I correct, or am I as baffled as I feel, lol.]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
“Maybe one mailman sent two letters or maybe there’s two mailmen and they also can do other cool stuff cuz they have custom powers,” Jet said, flicking her tails. “Even if the letters are different, we still wouldn’t know. All I know is the parrot’s gotta copy the same guy they visit. But I don’t think the blue-haired girl is a parrot anyway.” All this talk about Chatot was boring.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Been brought up quite a bit while I was asleep, but I feel that we need to hear from both Free and Starlight. If it's a Parrot, that means one of them is our mailman but I don't want to subscribe to that theory just yet.
Jet tilted her head at the Luxray’s Voice. “Even if those humans got the same letter, it’s not like there’s gotta be a parrot. Maybe some guy just sent two letters. Anyway why do we wanna figure out their power without them tellin us? That’s like us doing the bad guys’ job for them.”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Why was everyone standing around talking and discussing things when they could be fighting! And she'd already missed the fun fight earlier with that nice looking boy with the light hair. Huffing irritably, she tried her best to pay attention to what everyone was saying. Maybe it would be important for the game.

[[Sorry everyone, had covid all week and only feel sane and coherent today so I'm posting.

To address some stuff broadly

I don't think its impossible for this mailman or whatnot to be able to possibly send two messages? Assuming everyone is telling the truth about getting a message, and Free isn't lying, which I doubt.

Alternately, Isn't it possible jack of all trades could have Mailman powers?

Also I still don't grasp how parrot works? So a parrot could like Target a Doctor and then use the doctors power on the doctor? Is that right? And does this use up the doctors power? No, right? it just duplicates it?

I'll also freely admit that at the moment, I'm still worn down so if I'm not super active thats why :unquag: ]]


Junior Trainer
J:they/them HY:she
Alternately, Isn't it possible jack of all trades could have Mailman powers?
[[ooohhhhh I hadn’t thought of this, this is a real possibility!]]
Also I still don't grasp how parrot works? So a parrot could like Target a Doctor and then use the doctors power on the doctor? Is that right? And does this use up the doctors power? No, right? it just duplicates it?
[[Ok so: Parrot targets someone, and if that person has an active ability with a target, then the Parrot is able to use their target’s ability *on* the target. So yes, they could visit a Doc, and if the Doc uses their power on someone else that night, then Parrot can heal the Doc. It doesn’t work on passive abilities like bulletproof for example, and it won’t do anything if their target does no action that night.

I think I’m ready to ditch the Parrot theory for now, at least to explain the two letters, because it just doesn’t work. It’s very possible we have a JOAT mailman—I forgot we might have a JOAT in the game and that seems reasonable.

I suppose we could have a mailman that sends two letters, too! Negrek said that all roles would have their basic functions with some small modifications (like the nights abilities can be used or whatever). I feel like having a mailman that can send two letters could fit in that “modified” category.

All in all though, what’s most important rn is seeing if Starlight can corroborate Free’s letter. I kinda doubt they’d be duplicates because what would the point of that be? But if they are…well…then I’m just plain confused lol.


Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
[[Yo-ho! I only have 5 minutes and just caught up. Just popping in quick to say that no, my message was not the same as Free's. What I got was a quote from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. If there's a code or something in there, feel free to let me know, because I sure can't make sense of it lol. I'll be back later with a fuller flavourpost because RP-ing as Archie is too much fun.]]


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Please, correct me if I'm wrong," Steven began, "My head still hurts quite a bit... But if I'm understanding the situation, is it also possible that neither message recipient is the Mailman, and we have two other people here who can send messages at night? Or one other person who can send multiple messages? And no Parrot at all?"
"Yeah. The parrot thing was just raised as an explanation for there being two messages when having two people with the same role seems weird." May frowned. "It is kind of weird, but I can think of ways that could be true. Maybe a couple different people have messaging as a side power, or something. Or it's just that one's town and the other's mafia."

[[also Free, you can ignore the "great deals" thing, I was cracking a meta joke at the Humble Vale game and the "WOW/DEALS" coded messages there. If you can't tell, messages give me mafia anxiety lol]]
[[I'm aware, I spectated that game! May isn't, though. :P Hence the bit about how she has no idea what it means but something's in her head telling her what it means.]]

[[Okay, so. Just to see if I comprehend some hypothetical situations correctly:

If there is a parrot, then the only way for them to be the source of one of the messages is for them to have targeted someone who turned out to be a mailman.

In the event of a parrot in a game with a bus driver, there's a chance that the mailman wasn't the parrot's original target. That is, that the driver swapped the mailman into the parrot's crosshairs, and the person the parrot originally targeted therefore isn't necessarily a mailman.

Am I correct, or am I as baffled as I feel, lol.]]
"Yeah, that's true, but we were talking about whether the person who got the message from the parrot could be someone other than the mailman. Not the original target."

Also I still don't grasp how parrot works? So a parrot could like Target a Doctor and then use the doctors power on the doctor? Is that right? And does this use up the doctors power? No, right? it just duplicates it?
"Yeah, it duplicates it. And I don't think the target needs to have used their ability that night either." May wasn't sure how she knew that. This thing in her head. Who was it? Could they hear her thoughts? "It needs to be an active ability but that doesn't mean it was used that night, just that it's not passive."

[[Yo-ho! I only have 5 minutes and just caught up. Just popping in quick to say that no, my message was not the same as Free's. What I got was a quote from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. If there's a code or something in there, feel free to let me know, because I sure can't make sense of it lol. I'll be back later with a fuller flavourpost because RP-ing as Archie is too much fun.]]
May whirled around as the pirate spoke. Or was it him? It was almost like someone else was speaking through him. Everything about this place wigged her out.

"Huh. Well, since it's not the same, it's almost definitely not a parrot. If it was a parrot, I don't think they'd get to pick their own message to send. What if the parrot doesn't make their move until the end of the night? Whoever's running the game would have to work out that it's going to the mailman when the deadline expires - can't do it earlier than that since maybe a swapper decides to step in. Then after that they'd have to contact the parrot again about what message they want to send, then wait for them to come back with it. That doesn't make sense. I don't think that's what happened."

She paused, frowning. "The sense I'm getting is the messages were sent by two different people. If it was the same one, if they're going to write a random quote in one, wouldn't they probably do a quote in the other one too? Mine's not a quote. Actually I think mine might have been from the mafia mailman, because if you took it at face value you might think it's a gameplay effect, but I'm pretty sure it's not. Maybe it's just someone fooling around, but maybe they're trying to mislead people."


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
"Huh. Well, since it's not the same, it's almost definitely not a parrot. If it was a parrot, I don't think they'd get to pick their own message to send. What if the parrot doesn't make their move until the end of the night? Whoever's running the game would have to work out that it's going to the mailman when the deadline expires - can't do it earlier than that since maybe a swapper decides to step in. Then after that they'd have to contact the parrot again about what message they want to send, then wait for them to come back with it. That doesn't make sense. I don't think that's what happened."
[[This is pretty much what I though. It's good to hear your thoughts regarding the situation. And it's definitely something to be aware of. With the possiblity of a mafia mailman, I don't think we should take any claims of identity in the messages at face value without some form of proof.

I'm going to bed soon and I won't be fully available more than a few minutes between now and eod. We need to start deciding whether we want to vote someone out. I suspect we won't based on TR meta, but it's still a discussion to have.

Also, would like to hear from @DawningWinds I'm not used to them being so quiet, though I don't think that's a scum tell based on experience.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair laid down on the featureless ground, prodding its malleable surface. He seemed to be bored with the current conversation.

[[I'm not sure if I can fully subscribe to the idea of a Mafia mailman because it feels...weak. If there is one with the intent to deceive/throw off Town, then I don't get why the message would contain nonsense (though we'd probably need a wider pool than just N0 to try to confirm this). As a whole I feel that this entire convo regarding mailmen has been on the more unproductive side seeing that it's mostly speculation at this point. The messages being different doesn't confirm that they weren't sent by the same person.

Parrot theory can probably be thrown out the window though. Not dismissing the possibility of there being one in the game entirely, but if there is, they didn't use their action on the mailman.

Don't have that much more to add, tbh. Gonna wait for more info to pop up before I make another comment.]]

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
"Did all the water Pokemon ask you to fight for them?"
"Did your girlfriend ask you to wear those hobo clothes?"

"I'm not sure how familiar you are with these games, but I'm not going anywhere regardless of what happens to me here. If anything, you've made sure I won't be forgetting your face any time soon. I look forward to meeting you again, back in Hoenn."
"If you make it that far," Archie said with a smile. "And if you end up like that Kecleon, tell the devil that Archie sent ya!"

"Hmph, I'll be fine given that I've been a sailor for over ten years," Kichiro scoffed. "I didn't exactly stay afloat by acting like a moron and picking fights with anyone who looked at me funny! That sounds like a fast way to get sunk by a bigger crew."
"Oh-ho! If you're a fellow sailor, then you'll be GREAT with Team Aqua! And that's nonsense--picking fights with others is how you become stronger! Well, if you don't get killed, that is."

May rubbed her forehead for a moment. "Okay, what was the first word of your message? Mine starts with a C. It has the word "received" in it. First word after that starts with an O."
"I think my--" Archie looks up at me, his icy blue eyes gazing into my own. "My maker? Writer? Whatever you are--" he looks back at May--"already explained this, but just to clarify, the first letter of my message was 'I'. The message is eight words long. And it contains the word 'day'."

"Do ya want the long version or the short version?" Altair asked with a wry smile.
"Either one! I enjoy listening to stories as much as anyone else, but it looks like we're here for a good time, not a long time."

[[forbidden lovers mailmen]]
[[pls Lord no]]

All I know is the parrot’s gotta copy the same guy they visit. But I don’t think the blue-haired girl is a parrot anyway.”
"And what's your evidence for that?"
[Sorry everyone, had covid all week and only feel sane and coherent today so I'm posting.
[[Get well soon! *hugs*]]

Whoever's running the game would have to work out that it's going to the mailman when the deadline expires - can't do it earlier than that since maybe a swapper decides to step in. Then after that they'd have to contact the parrot again about what message they want to send, then wait for them to come back with it. That doesn't make sense. I don't think that's what happened."
[[Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but the confusing thing about the Parrot would be that it would mess with the timing of phases? Because if a Parrot targeted a Mailman, both would need those actions in before end of the night, and then the Parrot would ALSO need to get their message in, correct?]]

[[I guess this Parrot theory is something we should no longer... Parrot on about.]]

I'm going to bed soon and I won't be fully available more than a few minutes between now and eod. We need to start deciding whether we want to vote someone out. I suspect we won't based on TR meta, but it's still a discussion to have.
"I NEVER pass up the opportunity for trial and hanging!"

[[Ignore Archie, he has a slight bloodthirsty streak. What are everyone's thoughts on voting? We have almost no info to go off of now, and TR mafia games usually don't vote anyone out D1. That being said, we can do the usual waiting and run the risk of having another town get killed tonight.]]

Altair laid down on the featureless ground, prodding its malleable surface. He seemed to be bored with the current conversation.

[[I'm not sure if I can fully subscribe to the idea of a Mafia mailman because it feels...weak. If there is one with the intent to deceive/throw off Town, then I don't get why the message would contain nonsense (though we'd probably need a wider pool than just N0 to try to confirm this). As a whole I feel that this entire convo regarding mailmen has been on the more unproductive side seeing that it's mostly speculation at this point. The messages being different doesn't confirm that they weren't sent by the same person.

Parrot theory can probably be thrown out the window though. Not dismissing the possibility of there being one in the game entirely, but if there is, they didn't use their action on the mailman.]]
[[I also feel like we'd need more than just N0 to confirm this, yeah. Otherwise, all we've got to say is that:
- 2 messages were sent N0
- There could be 1 mailman sending multiple messages
- There could be 2 mailmen each sending 1 message
- There could be a a mailman and a Parrot (though I think current consensus is to drop this theory, yes?)]]

"Rest assured that I won't hesitate to hit you back if you decide it's in your best interest to come at me," he said darkly. "Unlike some people, I can form a decent fist with my hand, so watch yourself."
In a few short strides, Archie closed the gap between them and his fist collided into Dorien's jaw with a meaty SMACK!

Sike Saner

*aurorus noise*
  1. glalie
In a few short strides, Archie closed the gap between them and his fist collided into Dorien's jaw with a meaty SMACK!

Oh good grief, again? Really? Did this guy have some sort of addiction to punching? Karo started to get up...

[[Nah, dude. Let 'em fight this time. It's funny.]]

He looked up at nothing in particular, as if the source of the voice were up there, despite knowing better. Said voice... did kind of have a point, he had to admit. Punching someone like Steven out was one thing, but Kalos-guy put out a different sort of vibe. A more punchable sort of vibe, or what Karo guessed a punchable vibe was. He didn't have fists.

Still, he supposed he ought to do something, at least. "Hey, could you maybe not?" he called out to Mr. Punchalot.
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