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Water Veil Cove

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
The sea shimmered and Manaphy appeared, glancing around the beach. No crowd this time, thankfully. Just the two with strange hearts... the Weavile and the girl.

"Oh, such lovely words! You speak so nicely. I'm happy to help, though I don't know how much assistance I can be..."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Violet lowered her head. "I thank thee. First, as a token of appreciation, we shall offer all that we know." She turned to her partner. "Hazel, if you please?"

Hazel smiled and nodded. "We know that the culprit had something gold on their body, they let out a flash when they're attacking, they can use a Ghost-type move, and they've often left behind these plastic-smelling gray flakes that disintegrate upon touch that have a hint of berry in them." She tugged on her lab coat before continuing, "We just wanted to let you know what to keep your eye out for! Oh, and the Latis managed to save someone the other night from the culprit. They could provide an even better eye-witness account!"

Seeing that Hazel finished her summary of the events, Violet stood and took a bow as she asked, "There are two more that will be arriving shortly: the blonde boy clad in black wear, and his partner, whom also shares a name with mine own: Hazel." She paused, trying to come with the best descriptor, "Her silver fur and tapestry of features is something to be admired. Thou hath met the two before as well."

Raising her head and looking at Manaphy, she hestitated as she stammered, "W-we would like thou to use thine power to..." She gulped, looking to her Pokémon for assistance.

Hazel gladly chimed in, "I'd like to talk to the other Hazel again!" She fidgeted with the goggles around her neck as she continued, "She has a difficult time speaking in her body, and can't understand my Weavile tongue either..." She held up a claw as she grinned, "Yet we proved in our last Heart Swap experiment that when we are in human bodies, we can communicate with one another directly! It's really amazing!"

Clearing her throat, Hazel then concluded, "I want you to swap me and Violet. And then, whenever Gladion and Hazel are ready and willing, swap them after you've greeted each other. I just want to talk to the other Hazel about some important stuff that happened in our lives... if that's okay."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Listening intently and nodded, Manaphy took mental notes of everything they said. Ghost moves? and Gold and could use distracting moves like that. It was hard to say. They hated the thought of any mythical they knew being capable of doing this, but Latias had told her of the terrible presence she'd sensed. It was harder even to imagine an ordinary pokemon being capable of everything that had happened.

As they continued to listen, Manaphy twisted their flippers together, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. "Oh... another heart swap?" their voice wavered. "I would allow it," they said finally. "I sense that your hearts are pure."

Manaphy couldn't shake the regret they still felt, not being more cuatious last time. But these two seemed genuine, and full of goodness.

"If your friends agree, and no one else interrupts, I will do it again, for you."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel came bounding up to the three of them and lay down in front of Manaphy. She cooed at the other Hazel.

A moment later, Gladion followed, seeming far less enthusiastic. He sighed. If there was anyone here he'd trust his body to, it would be Hazel. She wouldn't even know what was unusual about it...

He was worried about taking a turn in hers. He was worried for what he'd find her day-to-day life felt like... but even then, it was all the more reason to accept. Better to know so that he could make things better for her.

"Let's... get this over with."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
As they continued to listen, Manaphy twisted their flippers together, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. "Oh... another heart swap?" their voice wavered. "I would allow it," they said finally. "I sense that your hearts are pure."

Manaphy couldn't shake the regret they still felt, not being more cautious last time. But these two seemed genuine, and full of goodness.

"If your friends agree, and no one else interrupts, I will do it again, for you."
Hazel's eyes became stars as she clasped her claws together and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She immediately unclasped her claws and got to work on texting Gladion.

Violet placed a hand on her hip as she looked down the Weavile, smiling. Maybe it was worth this little detour, just to see her so excited. Manaphy's words threw her a bit off — she doubted she was as pure as they were saying — but appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
Hazel came bounding up to the three of them and lay down in front of Manaphy. She cooed at the other Hazel.

He was worried about taking a turn in hers. He was worried for what he'd find her day-to-day life felt like... but even then, it was all the more reason to accept. Better to know so that he could make things better for her.

"Let's... get this over with."
"Good morrow, Gladion," Violet nodded her head in greeting before giving a sympathetic smile. "I will make a point that this conversation is given proper succinctness through pestered reminder..." She plucked Hazel's phone out of her claws, "...By doing as mine friend does, of course."

Hazel was about to voice her protest before she noticed that the two other guests of honor had already arrived. She gave an eager wave to the other Hazel and Gladion and let out of a happy meow of her own. She turned back to Manaphy and said, "Looks like we're all here, and ready when you are! ...Thank you again for this, Manaphy."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Manaphy looked between the assembled trainers, then nodded, seemingly satisfied. Yes, for these two, they would use their powers again.

Closing their eyes, they focused, a soft pink light drifting from the antennae on their head. The light reached out, linking first Hazel and Violet. The two would feel a sensation like a cool wind, a brief shift, like they'd missed a step while climbing stairs and then in the blink of an eye they would find themselves in new bodies.

For Gladion and Hazel perhaps, the sensation would be odder. A gentle tug, and then something akin to a feeling of stumbling. And then the sensation of a new body, one with four legs and another with two.

"There," Manaphy said softly, opening their eyes. "I hope perhaps, this can give you some answers."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
The feeling of the electronic device in Violet's hand was lost in favor a lighter sensation around her neck and arms and a heavier sensation of everything all around her. The Weavile feathers atop of her head and on her ears bristled in the wind as her senses heightened; the air itself felt crisp and had a saltier taste to it. She could hear the gentle whistle of the wind in the distance as the distant sight of the trees were clearer in her vision. And once again, there was that eerie feeling that despite how foreign the experience was, there was a touch of familiarity to it.

Weaviolet looked down her claws and stared at them, clenching them in and out as easily as she would her human hands. Her natural posture was not as relaxed as Hazel's — hunched slightly forward as though she were a more seasoned Weavile fighter. And yet even if it all felt like she'd had been in this situation more than once, some of the alien elements felt abnormally so for some reason she couldn't put on her finger. She had feathers on both ears instead of one; the clothing not didn't wrap around her neck completely; she lacked bandages on her thigh... All very specific things that she couldn't understand. Weavile always had a feather on each ear. Violet lost her cape when she traversed through time. And she certainly never suffered an injury that require bandaging around her thigh!

Hazel's experience was similar: being in a human body again had felt just as "correct" as was her Weavile one. However, being in her trainer's body specifically made the differences she was not used to all the more apparent. For one, her height and balance were all kinds of off, and the texture of her hair felt way more silky than they "should" have. Unlike Violet however, she had a very strong hypothesis of what had been going on — or at least, one aspect of it.

Once she finally managed to get back into a proper standing position, Hazel smiled as she said, "Manaphy, I can't thank you enough for this. You're the best!" Turning towards the duo she hummed as she placed two fingers underneath her chin and asked, "You two doin' alright there? Vi and I swapped so we got a bit of experience already, but it's gotta be pretty awkward to get used to it on your end." She let out an awkward chuckle before pursing her lips in intrigue. It felt so strange hearing Violet's voice speak in such a casual, modern manner. But it was also adorable in a way.

Speaking of adorable... Hazel hoisted Weaviolet up to her waist, much like Violet did to her once, and placed the phone in her trainer's hand. "Just hit this button here to get to my text app," she said, pointing, "Then you just need to use your foreclaw and tap on the keyboard. It's that simple!" She gave a good scritch to the back of Weaviolet's ear for good measure.

Violet let out an involuntary purr in response. One eye squinted in contentment while the other twitched in indignity. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, yet she made no effort to struggle or protest. It was as though the gods themselves had came down and poured liquid comfort on a spot she never knew would feel so satisfying.

After letting out a few giggles, Hazel then turned back to the duo, and looked at the human of the pair. "So Hazel! When I swapped bodies last time, I kept getting these memory flashes..." She bit her underlip, "...Of when I was back at the lab, when I was being hatched. Only I wasn't just being hatched, I was also... there, somehow, I think." She didn't want to say everything just yet; she wanted the other Hazel's thoughts first. "Did you get memory flashes like that when you swapped the first time? And... do you have any memories like that as well? Being in two places at once, I mean."

Violet, despite having ascended to the heavens from the scratches, tilted her head so slightly so she could listen in interest. So she had that happen, too. She thought to herself.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel sat down cross-legged on the sand of the cove and dug her fingers into the sand. It felt nice. Humans felt things so much more than she did. Due to the pain of the shadow explosion, she knew it wasn’t always a good thing, but she was going to take her chance to appreciate the nice side.

She wanted to just melt into the sand and relax, but there was another reason she was there, too. Hazel was talking to her. About… memories?

“You were being… in two places at once? Could you have been seeing Violet’s memories? I am not sure why that is, I have not been having any strange memories. Only feeling that it is nice to be like this for a bit. So many more things I normally don’t have. I am not remembering being human except for borrowing Odette. It would be strange if I was because I am not having any memories of that to be remembering.”

The first thing Gladion noticed was that he could hardly see. He’d known Hazel’s vision was limited, but hadn’t quite realized how bad it was. He had some peripheral vision, the eyeholes in the helmet were wide enough, but he couldn’t see downward at all past the rim of the helmet. He could see the two human bodies, but not where the Weavile was.

He tried to look down, but managed nothing more than aggravating the pain in his neck. Given how indifferent Hazel seemed to most forms of injury, he wondered how bad this pain must actually be to hurt at all.

He lay down, resting the lower tines of the helmet in the ground. It shifted the pressure to somewhere less irritated, which wasn’t exactly comfortable, but was a lot better than before.

This was already giving him a headache. Or maybe Hazel just always had those, too. Wouldn’t surprise him. He tried to groan, but it came out of his beak as a warble.

Hazel looked over towards him. “Are you doing okay? You are not having to do this.”

He waved a talon dismissively, then paused to think before signing out [fine.] He could deal for a few minutes with what she would probably have to deal with for the rest of her life.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
She wanted to just melt into the sand and relax, but there was another reason she was there, too. Hazel was talking to her. About… memories?

“You were being… in two places at once? Could you have been seeing Violet’s memories? I am not sure why that is, I have not been having any strange memories. Only feeling that it is nice to be like this for a bit. So many more things I normally don’t have. I am not remembering being human except for borrowing Odette. It would be strange if I was because I am not having any memories of that to be remembering.”
After placing Violet down, Hazel plopped her own seat onto the ground, though a bit less formally than her counterpart — one leg stretched straight out while the other was closer to her hip with her knee up. She leaned back and let her arms carry her weight as she hummed, feeling that comfortable-yet-uncomfortable sensation in Violet's body.

She lifted herself up a bit as she smiled to the other Hazel. "I'm glad you're feeling good right now, Hazel; you deserve to smile, considering everything..." She scratched her cheek. "Honestly, if our trainers don't mind us being like this for a bit longer, I'd love to learn how to dance like Odette taught you... after we talk, I mean." A light flush of embarrassment rose on her cheeks; she knew she was overstepping her promise to Violet a bit, but it just sounded so fun!

Clearing her throat, she went back on topic. "So you don't have any memories of being human though, huh? From start to finish, you remember being, er, 'born' as you are?" Her eyes moved to the side as she scratched the back of her head. "The memories that came to me couldn't have been Violet's. She had only just arrived to our laboratory two years ago. So that's why I asked..."

She held up a single finger. "I hypothesize that I may have been human before as I was a Weavile. Not very long, mind you, but..." She fiddled with 'her' hair as she continued, "Based on my observations, I mean. Take this hair strand, for instance; it feels wrong to have it, yet having hair itself feels right."

She hummed. "Or maybe those memories weren't 'my own'. Maybe that was a different person that was engineered into me." She shook her head. "It doesn't feel entirely right to say, though. It's like... that human was and wasn't me. I can't declare myself her, but I don't feel like I wasn't her, either. And I wanted to see if you had a similar experience, since papa... had some of your research, from what we've found out the other day."

Her eyes glanced down to the ground as shame encroached her vision. "I just don't want to believe it. How could papa be involved in something like that...?" Her lips quivered as betrayed etched into her features, "I'm sorry, Hazel. I didn't know that our lab was... involved in the things that hurt you. As a scientist and as a Pokémon... it's not right."

Violet listened carefully as she held onto each Hazel's words. While it didn't explain her own circumstances, she at least had an inkling of her partner's. Pocketing the phone, she gently wrapped her arms around Hazel and pushed herself in for a side hug. No words were exchanged; she just wanted her to know she was there for her. Hazel gladly accepted, tucking the Weavile into a one-armed embrace much like one would a pillow to their side. Hazel then held out her other arm, if one of the other two wanted a hug as well.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
I'd love to learn how to dance like Odette taught you.
Hazel broke out in a grin. “Well, even if I am not having her muscle’s memories anymore, I’m sure we could be figuring something out.”

She tilted her head as Hazel described her experiences. They were very different from her own…

“My engineering was all done before I was made. I am having genetic material from many different species, but none of their memories are coming with it. Memories are not in genes. Otherwise Gladion would be sharing memories with his sister.”

Gladion stiffened. On second thought, this was a bad idea.

“None of this is feeling very familiar to me, but that is making it interesting. Being in a human is very unusual. There are so many new things about it.”

"I just don't want to believe it. How could papa be involved in something like that...?" Her lips quivered as betrayed etched into her features, "I'm sorry, Hazel. I didn't know that our lab was... involved in the things that hurt you. As a scientist and as a Pokémon... it's not right."

Hazel looked down, something heavy in her eyes. (She could see this body even from inside it. How strange.) “If the name of it comes from R-K-S then everything was over for me already. It was… the last thing they were trying before they were giving up. What they were doing from there… I am not sure. I cannot imagine they would be trying to make more of us after giving up.”

Hazel joined in the hug when offered. A contented sound hummed from her throat from the touch. That was something else humans felt more strongly than her.

She looked back towards Gladion, but he didn’t move to join. He had to contend with the sharp ends of the blades Faba had covered the helmet’s bolts with if he tried. Plus, he didn’t want to get up and bear all that weight again.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"T-thank you..." Hazel said, enjoying the embrace of her fuzzy trainer and warm compatriot. Gladion's skin felt a bit softer than she expected — more like Violet's than her father's — but she didn't think much else about it as she simply found herself comforted by the gesture.

Once she was satisfied, she let go and returned a gentle smile. "Yeah, you're right. Genetic code wouldn't have memories. Instincts, perhaps, but not explicit memories. Which just means we came about in different ways. I was likely... once a person, and a Weavile, but now both, in some way. Heh. The method is unknown to me, though."

She placed her finger on her cheek as she hummed and asked, "Being human right now is unusual, but fascinating, isn't it? I feel flexible and cute and some ways but also a bit constrained in others. It's a unique experience to be sure!" Her eyes landed on Violet, whom Hazel thought would find indigence in her comment, but saw was entirely focused on the phone as she very slowly typed something up.

Looking back at the other Hazel, she paused before asking "...Do you like it more than how you were?" She cleared her throat as she clarified herself, "I-I mean, if you were given the chance to be more human, would you take it?"

She rubbed the back of her head, "Ever since Manaphy first swapped Vi and I, I've been... thinking about it. I don't want to give up being a Weavile, but I also want to be closer to humans, too. I just wish I could have both. And..." Her eyes held a passionate fire as she said, "I want everyone to be able to bond closer to their Pokémon! So that they can talk like we can right now, and discover new things about each other and make new friends!" She chuckled. "It's a naive goal, but... wouldn't it be something?"

Violet let out a hum of interest as she finally reached the last few characters in her message. Confound it, how did Hazel type so quickly? Not only were the claws so unruly, but the keyboard was arranged in the most intuitive fashion possible! Why couldn't it have just been alphabetical? Nonetheless, there was something in the other Hazel's response that caught her attention, something that reminded her of her own experience.

[Was Gladion's sister named Lillie? I believe I may have met her. Not our world's, but Gladion's own, true sister.]

Seeing the message, Hazel read it aloud to the other duo before looking straight at Violet. "Huh? Didn't you arrive to the laboratory in Sinnoh after coming from ancient Galar?" She raised a brow, "Why would you know a girl from Alola in another world...?"

Violet tried to speak in reply, but was reminded her of lack of ability to. She let out a frustrated growl as she typed once more — a bit faster, but still at a Slakoth's pace rather than a Snorlax's.

Hazel giggled as she turned to the other Hazel and said, "I would love to take you up on that offer to dance, if you'll teach me. I think I've said all I needed to." She tilted her head, trying to look at the trainer stuck in the chimera body as she added, "Er, if your trainer is comfortable with that. Are you okay over there, Gladion...?"

Violet decided to forgo some grammar in favor of getting to the point as she held up the phone to Hazel. [Memories. Not mine, but mine, as thou. Was Weavile but same age as I now.]

After Hazel finished reading it aloud again, her brows furrowed as she whispered, "What in the world... how? Why? What?"

Violet simply shook her head and shrugged, then pointed to her mouth, indicating she would explain more when she could speak.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“I think Gladion would not be happy with me if I was calling his body cute-” Gladion rolled his eyes and grumbled. Hazel paused to laugh before continuing. “-but it is certainly less scary than mine. And it is very much less constrained than mine is, too. I would be very happy to be a human, I think. Or a bird. Even if it meant I would be becoming much weaker. It would be… quite something.”

[Was Gladion's sister named Lillie? I believe I may have met her. Not our world's, but Gladion's own, true sister.]

Gladion shuddered, then got up and reached out to Hazel, towards the pocket that held his phone. She pulled out of the hug and handed it to him, before settling down leaning against him. She started massaging the sore spot on their neck. She knew that helped.

He slid open his phone, lucky for once that it was old enough to have a physical keyboard. He held it up to the eyehole of the helmet with one talon, and prepared a message with the other:

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

How would you possibly know that? There’s at least half a dozen of me, and so the same should be true of her, too. Why so sure it’s where I came from?
I do have a sister named Lillie, though. Or Lillian, really. Guess she still uses that as a nickname.

He was equally confused at how she knew they were siblings. There wasn’t much to connect the two of them, given she wouldn’t even know his name… Unless it was a different Lillie who’d already left Aether. Still, he wasn’t going to stick his foot in his mouth by mentioning that.

"I would love to take you up on that offer to dance, if you'll teach me. I think I've said all I needed to." She tilted her head, trying to look at the trainer stuck in the chimera body as she added, "Er, if your trainer is comfortable with that. Are you okay over there, Gladion...?"
Gladion waved a talon, more concerned with the matter at hand. Hazel took that as a yes and stood up.

She extended a hand towards her counterpart. “Let us begin, then.”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"A bird?" Hazel hummed, tilting her head, "You mean like those scientific im—er, I mean, like the Farfetch'd and Pidgeotto?" She eyed the beak that Gladion now sported as she scratched her chin, "You know what... I could see that! Wouldn't that be something?" She giggled as she exhaled, "Alas, such technology does not exist of yet, but once we get papa back, I think that will be my next project — to try to make something that lets humans and Pokémon change into other bodies. ...No disrespect to Manaphy, of course; it's more like flattering mimicry!"

Hazel stood and took the other Hazel's hand, smiling as they began their lesson.

Violet, seeing that she had to reply via text, sighed as she got to work on her own. She chewed on her cheek as she slowly typed, but found that the alternating glyphs on each side despite how odd they were positioned had a function — when she used both claws, they sped up her ability to right rather than slowing them down — at least once she had a few of the key positions memorized. Not to mention that word suggestions appeared as she typed! It was still an agonizing process, but she could at least type a sentence or two in the span of a minute as opposed to a few words.

The more she typed, the more the memories came back to her...

Conversation with: Gladion

No evidence, only feelings and memories. Thou appear nearly identical to her in a distinct memory: I was a Weavile, and we climbed a tree together. She mentioned mine behavior and action-mindset reminded her of her 'twin sibling'. No name was given.

Another of thine Hazel's species was there too. Lillie said they were created on her island, and one of them killed someone. They were all going to be frozen, but before they could get the last one, her twin stole them and ran away.

I had not thought of other Gladion's though...
Mayhaps another Violet saw Lillie, possibly? But was it thine Lillie or another Lillie...

Head hurts to think about it. Even so, why am I getting this Weavile Violet's memories...?

That Violet was 16 years old, but at 16, I was in Sinnoh in this time period. Not a Pokémon.
I also remember getting a silver ribbon... but this Violet (me) doth not have it.

While Violet spent the time typing, the duo began their dance lesson. There was a bit of awkwardness to the dance at first. For one, Hazel had a difficult time manipulating her toes and keeping her heels together; the instincts from her Weavile body kept sneaking in and telling her that her body wasn't supposed to being doing that. Her movements were stilted and awkward — occasionally too soft, other times far more rigid. Despite her trainer's body having the knowledge of ballroom dancing, Hazel was being extra careful not to pull anything while occupying Violet. She practically fought against whatever muscle memory Violet had so that she didn't do anything too strenuous.

Not to mention that her teacher seemed to be having a bit of trouble with Gladion's body as well — at least, at first. The other Hazel's capacity to learn was astounding; she went from trying to engage memories from a different body swap to mimicking in the swaying, graceful stances that an Oricorrio would traditionally take. It was a night and day change that smoothly transitioned into grace and poise that the former Weavile had tried to mimic, but found that she was far slower on the uptake.

Even so, the two eventually reached a middle-ground footing as they got into a beginner's waltz. Hazlet grinned as she stepped to the silent rhythm, finding an almost nostalgic sense of joy as she got into it. Perhaps the human part of her had once taken up dancing as well? It certainly wasn't to the extent that her counterpart had, but it was immensely fun to her; she would treasure this memory for as long she could. She really hoped she could convince Violet to do more things like this together even when they swapped back.

She absolutely refused to try any splits, though.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"You mean like those scientific im—er, I mean, like the Farfetch'd and Pidgeotto?"
Hazel huffed. "Like that, but with a brain. And not so... disfigured. A normal bird..."

A distant look crossed her face. "I think that is a good idea for a project. Being able to trade into other bodies nicely would be lovely. Then we could be doing things like dancing whenever we pleased."

It had clearly been much longer since Gladion had done any dancing than with Odette, what was left would be only generously described as 'muscle memory' at all but Hazel was determined to make it work. It helped that dancing came naturally to her, but it only did so much to make up for a lack of practice. She noticed she wasn't the only one who seemed to have some familiarity with the steps. They were doing about as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.

After she'd settled in, she eventually found herself starting a motion she wasn't quite familiar with the purpose of. Still, she dare not break out of the rhythm that was keeping her going, and began unknowingly leading the other Hazel into a twirl.

No evidence, only feelings and memories. Thou appear nearly identical to her in a distinct memory: I was a Weavile, and we climbed a tree together. She mentioned mine behavior and action-mindset reminded her of her 'twin sibling'. No name was given.

Another of thine Hazel's species was there too. Lillie said they were created on her island, and one of them killed someone. They were all going to be frozen, but before they could get the last one, her twin stole them and ran away.

I had not thought of other Gladion's though...
Mayhaps another Violet saw Lillie, possibly? But was it thine Lillie or another Lillie...

Head hurts to think about it. Even so, why am I getting this Weavile Violet's memories...?

That Violet was 16 years old, but at 16, I was in Sinnoh in this time period. Not a Pokémon.
I also remember getting a silver ribbon... but this Violet (me) doth not have it.

What? How were he and Lillie still almost identical? Fuck. Now he was uncomfortable. At least he was lucky enough for Lillie to call him a 'twin sibling' and leave it at that. The information about the Nulls was specific enough that it had to be a Lillie of some description, though. With the same sort of hair ribbons she'd used as a kid, too, by the sound of it. (Had Lillie grown up at all over the past four years?)

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

That incident seems to be a common thread among every one of 'us' so it could have been a different Lillie. Not that it makes a difference when they're similar enough we can't tell them all apart.

I can't fathom why you'd be experiencing anything like that. Haven't gotten any mysterious parallel Gladion visions or anything. Hopefully I'll keep it that way.

It's stranger still for you to recall being a Weavile. I'd normally doubt the possibility of such a thing, but I can hear what your partner Hazel is talking about. Sounds like she thinks she was also dehumanized in some capacity... What an eerie thought.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Hazel huffed. "Like that, but with a brain. And not so... disfigured. A normal bird..."

A distant look crossed her face. "I think that is a good idea for a project. Being able to trade into other bodies nicely would be lovely. Then we could be doing things like dancing whenever we pleased."
Hazel giggle at the other Hazel's response, but nodded in agreement. "Yes! Exactly! You totally get me!"
After she'd settled in, she eventually found herself starting a motion she wasn't quite familiar with the purpose of. Still, she dare not break out of the rhythm that was keeping her going, and began unknowingly leading the other Hazel into a twirl.
As the two moved in tandem, Hazel felt herself smile in spite of the awkward difficulties that came with the swapped dance. However, she felt her right arm being lifted by the other Hazel's left her dance partner's hand went above her head. Almost by instinct, Hazel felt her feet turn to the right as she twirled in place, guided by the other Hazel.

Realizing what they had just done, the former Weavile let out an excited laugh as she lowered her left arm to go into another twirl. This time, she stumbled on her own feet as she leaned back, trying to catch her balance.
Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

That incident seems to be a common thread among every one of 'us' so it could have been a different Lillie. Not that it makes a difference when they're similar enough we can't tell them all apart.

I can't fathom why you'd be experiencing anything like that. Haven't gotten any mysterious parallel Gladion visions or anything. Hopefully I'll keep it that way.

It's stranger still for you to recall being a Weavile. I'd normally doubt the possibility of such a thing, but I can hear what your partner Hazel is talking about. Sounds like she thinks she was also dehumanized in some capacity... What an eerie thought.

Violet was beyond happy that the word suggestions were letting her get away with only typing halfway. Some suggestions had to be fought against to the point where she was forced to adopt more modern terminology midway through.

Conversation With: Gladion

Goodness gracious. At least this other Violet has diverged so thoroughly from mine own memory that I am able to compartmentalize her experiences from mine own. As Hazel would say, a potential hypothesis would be that because they are so similar that thou hath not gained such additional memories. They are already thine own.

Although it is equally likely that this body swap has tugged some proverbial string within me. My other self was a Weavile, and Hazel is one herself. Is it coincidence, or simply fate?

I shudder to imagine what mine other self hath done to connect us so. I did not request this, nor would I wish it upon thee either.

Nonetheless, thou hath a point. From what we have learned here today, I do not know if I can treat Hazel the same way. She hathaway has always been a friend, but now... I do not wish to send her into battle any longer. It does not feel right to. If I am to discover a way to communicate with this other Violet, I hope she may provide insight on her own Hazel and transformation. May happen Perhaps we may even find a means of Hazel being more as herself.

I am, of course, curious: would OST tho would you be interested in meeting them? Either this other Lillie or other Violet. We may gain insight on this otherworldly business. More than our 'host' would provide, anyhow. I would want to meet another Hazel or Azure (mine own sibling), at least.

I apologize for mining my rambling. There is much to unpack here. If though you wish to never speak of this again, I understand. For now, we can be happy that our two Hazels hath met and befriended one another. I believe that is the kindest that multi-versal fate have given them thus far, would you not agree?
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
As the two moved in tandem, Hazel felt herself smile in spite of the awkward difficulties that came with the swapped dance. However, she felt her right arm being lifted by the other Hazel's left her dance partner's hand went above her head. Almost by instinct, Hazel felt her feet turn to the right as she twirled in place, guided by the other Hazel.

Realizing what they had just done, the former Weavile let out an excited laugh as she lowered her left arm to go into another twirl. This time, she stumbled on her own feet as she leaned back, trying to catch her balance.

Hazel laughed as her dance partner spun. But, just as when she'd tried it herself upon first entering Odette's body, the other Hazel began to fall. Her arm shot out on reflex to catch her partner and pull her back up before they could fall. Even with her reflexes dulled in Gladion's body, she hoped to pull the other Hazel up. If she could just get an arm around her waist, it should be possible to stop her from falling any further back.

Silently, Gladion really, really hoped nobody could see them. He was pretty sure he'd rather just die on the spot than have someone witness this without knowing what was actually going on. Fortunately, his phone buzzed, offering a distraction. He composed a message in reply.

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

I suppose that makes some sort of intuitive sense, if not... actual logical sense as I understand it, which has long since broken down over the course of the last week. Not keen on fate myself but it seems to rear its head a lot here so probably not a coincidence. Sorry it happened to you.

She never did seem keen on battling to me. I guess that's fair. Not any more eager to try it myself even if I'm in Hazel's body.

Would be awkward to see Lillie again given we haven't spoken since I ran away. Once we have portals back again I'd really like to just get out of here. But I guess I wouldn't be opposed to it in general. If you want to meet another of you, I'll wish you best of luck in doing so.

If you recall more, I'll admit I'm curious. Otherwise... Well, if there's been one good thing to come out of the whole mess here on this island, it's everything it's done for Hazel. If we don't all die or something I might not even regret accepting but I don't want to jynx it.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Hazel laughed as her dance partner spun. But, just as when she'd tried it herself upon first entering Odette's body, the other Hazel began to fall. Her arm shot out on reflex to catch her partner and pull her back up before they could fall. Even with her reflexes dulled in Gladion's body, she hoped to pull the other Hazel up. If she could just get an arm around her waist, it should be possible to stop her from falling any further back.
As Hazel tripped on herself, she held onto her dance partner's arm as tight as she could as she fell back. There was a light tug on the other Hazel, but then she felt herself being wrapped around the waist as she was lifted back up. Her hair had flopped and waved in motion, creating an exhilarating wind as it brushed past her and the other Hazel helped her up.

"That... Was so... Much fun!" Hazel cheered, grinning. "You should try it, too!" She said, grabbing both hands and lifting one arm up above her partner's to lead her into a twirl and catch as well.

Violet held her claws to her face as she shook her head. Did the two not realize how much this looked like courting behavior? Not to mention their form was so amateurish and flailing she almost thought they were intentionally trying to woo each other. She quickly realized neither Hazel were the type to do something like that, of course; they were two innocent Pokémon at the end of the day, just being friends and trying new things.

But it did have to be in their trainers' bodies?

Thankfully, the phone ring saved her from further witnessing her own body embarass her.
Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

I suppose that makes some sort of intuitive sense, if not... actual logical sense as I understand it, which has long since broken down over the course of the last week. Not keen on fate myself but it seems to rear its head a lot here so probably not a coincidence. Sorry it happened to you.

She never did seem keen on battling to me. I guess that's fair. Not any more eager to try it myself even if I'm in Hazel's body.

Would be awkward to see Lillie again given we haven't spoken since I ran away. Once we have portals back again I'd really like to just get out of here. But I guess I wouldn't be opposed to it in general. If you want to meet another of you, I'll wish you best of luck in doing so.

If you recall more, I'll admit I'm curious. Otherwise... Well, if there's been one good thing to come out of the whole mess here on this island, it's everything it's done for Hazel. If we don't all die or something I might not even regret accepting but I don't want to jynx it.
Conversation With: Gladion

It is what it is, I suppose. I just have to live knowing that another me is running around out there doing far more strange universal things than I. Until I meet her, that is. Then I will get my answers.
At the very least, it is a relief to see that a trusted ally such as thee has not undergone the same ordeal.

Strangely... I myself would not mind battling. Maybe it is the the instincts or the other me speaking on that. I feel as though I could fight and feel satisfied. Almost makes one wonder if Hazel and I ought have been swapped species to begin with.

Ah, I understand about Lillie. I do hope we may at least stay in contact with one another then, Sir Gladion. I could then inform you as to how such ventures are going. If I am to meet this Lillie mine self, then I shall invite you as well when you are ready.

...Hm, I am finding it easier to write 'you' than 'thee'. I shall continue this.

No doubt on Hazel. Your own looks so happy. She is lucky to have a trainer such as yourself. I just hope I may give mine the proper respect she deserves, knowing what I know now.

I will do what I can to continue recalling... One moment.
Violet tapped the phone, sending the text to Gladion as she closed her eyes and tried to remember. Oddly enough, the experiences that came to mind were only those related to multiversal affairs — be it the strange game with Hoopa or the fateful re-meeting with Lillie and Gen. Gen had a dagger that allowed her other self and Lillie to meet again, and he had been gracious enough to leave a shard with her. Was that it, then? Was it the displacement of other self that was causing her to... "Meld minds"?

She kept digging. A meeting with a girl named Hapu. The Oshawott showing her and Lillie and his home in Johto. And that time she almost tried to kiss—

Violet violently shook her head and grimaced at her other self's brashness. What was wrong with her? Cute or not, Lillie was an other worlder. It just wouldn't work out. Besides, now that she knew Gladion personally, it just felt even more embarrassing. Wanting a distraction, she relayed what she saw to Gladion via text... Leaving out the parts about her other self's crush on his sister, of course.

Violet prayed that the Hazels would finish soon. The embarrassment was too much. Not to mention that she was now extremely keen on seeing if "this" Gen matched the memory of other self. That dagger would be a boon in this investigation and in maintaining contact between worlds... Potentially to even meet her other self and confront her personally.
Last edited:

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"That... Was so... Much fun!" Hazel cheered, grinning. "You should try it, too!" She said, grabbing both hands and lifting one arm up above her partner's to lead her into a twirl and catch as well.

Hazel spun around, being more careful not to lose her balance this time. "That is fun. I am moving so freely like this... Being human comes with so many different feelings, does it not? Or, maybe they are all familiar to you already. In that case, thank you for letting me try it, too. You are sweet."

Gladion looked up, sighed quietly, and returned his attention to his phone. For a conversation, my ass. Still, he didn't begrudge Hazel the chance.

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

Nothing more to do about it than that. I wonder how far some of my owl lives have diverged off mine, but I don't think I want to know the answer to that.

It could be possible to ask Manaphy to stay swapped. Can't imagine wanting to, but maybe I'd get it Hazel's body wasn't so uncomfortable. For what it's worth, battling can be satisfying for humans, too. Some people do it for sport. We're just a lot more likely to get serious head injuries as a result. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it if it didn't mean taking my head off the ground.

Really, of all the trainers set to understand a Weavile-human, it would be you. You'll get it right, I'm sure.

His phone buzzed again as he was typing. He added his response to that onto his existing message.

I guess it could have something to do with both of you ending up in different worlds...? Or maybe you ended up in the same world as yourself, briefly. If Hazel and I exist there, a Lillie should also be there.

There is a Hapu of some description in my world. And a Johto, probably a different one from that guy's, though. At least, I hope so. Really don't want a dagger like that existing in my world. Sounds like a catalyst for catastrophe...

How is Lillie, anyway? Like I said, I haven't seen her in a long time.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Hazel spun around, being more careful not to lose her balance this time. "That is fun. I am moving so freely like this... Being human comes with so many different feelings, does it not? Or, maybe they are all familiar to you already. In that case, thank you for letting me try it, too. You are sweet."
"Some familiar, some not, I'd say!" Hazel responded, smiling. "You're sweet too, Hazel! One of the nicest 'mon I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!" She continued the waltz, allowing for back-and-forth twirling as she added, "As soon as I can figure out that swapping mechanism, I promise you'll be the first to know! No multiverse barrier is gonna stop me from making sure you're happy, too!"

Violet gave a soft smile despite her flushed cheeks as she looked over to Gladion. He was probably getting impatient as well. She'd speak up once they finished.
Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

Nothing more to do about it than that. I wonder how far some of my own lives have diverged off mine, but I don't think I want to know the answer to that.

It could be possible to ask Manaphy to stay swapped. Can't imagine wanting to, but maybe I'd get it Hazel's body wasn't so uncomfortable. For what it's worth, battling can be satisfying for humans, too. Some people do it for sport. We're just a lot more likely to get serious head injuries as a result. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it if it didn't mean taking my head off the ground.

Really, of all the trainers set to understand a Weavile-human, it would be you. You'll get it right, I'm sure.

I guess it could have something to do with both of you ending up in different worlds...? Or maybe you ended up in the same world as yourself, briefly. If Hazel and I exist there, a Lillie should also be there.

There is a Hapu of some description in my world. And a Johto, probably a different one from that guy's, though. At least, I hope so. Really don't want a dagger like that existing in my world. Sounds like a catalyst for catastrophe...

How is Lillie, anyway? Like I said, I haven't seen her in a long time.
Conversation With: Gladion

I thank you, Sir Gladion. You are truly an affable individual worthy of pride. Just as well, I know you will be able to ensure your own Hazel's safety and happiness. I wish you the best of luck in your ventures, once this is all over. I hope we may be able to communicate even despite the worldly barrier.

As you have said, this is not my body to occupy. Tempting as may be to ask Manaphy to stay swapped, I enjoy being, well, myself. I am certain Hazel feels the same. Weavile or human, for either of us.

In any case, not being able to speak Galarish is frustrating. Typing is a workaround, not a solution. I do hope both of our Hazels finds some means of communication of other than this.

Maybe that the different worlds theory is the case... I suppose it cannot hurt to see if another you, Hazel, and Lillie exist in my world. They did not in the other Violet's, at least; everyone in it was a Pokémon.

Once again, I must reiterate that my head does indeed hurt thinking about all of the selves we must keep track of. A bookkeeper would be nice.

That dagger may indeed be at the root of all of this, at least for my personal memories being as jumbled as they are. My other self's connection to it and displacement may have effects not even she is aware of.

In any case, from what her memories tell me, Lillie is doing very well. Lillie had a confidence to that really shone through as she, the Oshawott Gen, and my other self ventured. She even began the process of leaving her island on her own terms then. It was quite inspiring.

If it is indeed the same Lillie you are familiar with, perhaps you may cross paths even before mine own interference... be it mine, or the other me. So confusing. But at least I'm the better looking of the two of us.

After she sent the message, Violet walked up to the dancing duo and gave a wave, pointing the phone as she did so. More specifically, she pointed to the clock.

Hazel's expression softened as she closed her eyes and gave a solemn nod. She turned back to her counterpart and said, "Well, I think our trainers are saying we need to start wrapping up. How about one last sendoff twirl before we're back in our bodies?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“Thank you…” Hazel whispered. She didn’t really believe that the other Hazel would be able to follow her to her own world to deliver such a thing. It seemed too good to be true. Still, she appreciated the sentiment.

Once the finished dancing, she pulled the other Hazel into a hug. “Thank you very much. But if you cannot be finding a way to my world, I promise I will be being happy still, so do not be worrying for me. Even if I will be happier still if you can.”

Gladion waited several minutes for Violet to finish typing. He read it over and laughed at the last line, though it sounded more like a sneeze in the end.

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

Thank you, and I wish the same to you.

Honestly, I’m just glad Hazel and I found a way to communicate at all. There’s no real language system like the sign Laura taught us back home. That’s something we can keep with us for the rest of our lives.

Anywhere “RKS” exists, you’re sure to find me and my family. Guess that’s another to add to the bookkeeper’s list. Honestly I’ve lost track of them by now.

Glad Lillie’s doing well. The the one back home has left already, so we’re bound to meet again at some point. Hopefully for the better.

"Well, I think our trainers are saying we need to start wrapping up. How about one last sendoff twirl before we're back in our bodies?"

Hazel nodded. “I am thinking that sounds lovely.”

She made sure to really savour the feeling of the breeze on her face for that last moment before she had to return.

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