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Water Veil Cove

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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
“I will have you understand something,” she said in the most threatening tone she could muster. “The only reason you are living is because you are hiding in an Espeon. I have been seeing the insides of a skull before. If you are hurting my brother or our friends again…”

She paused, realizing she couldn’t threaten to show him that. “…You will not be living long enough to be seeing the same. I am not even caring who will be calling me a monster. But I am not wanting to traumatize the janitor who will be cleaning your brain off the floor with a mop. So I think we can be agreeing that you will be staying away from us instead. Am I making myself clear?
Gods. Hazette wasn't sure if that was actually Hazel, or if it was Hazel's emotions being channeled into the absolute anger engrained into that tiny body, but those were some choice words. Much more tame than what she would have said, but choice nonetheless.

Fuck, had she tainted this poor innocent soul? Had Hazel ever said anything like that before?

And why did Hazette feel proud? This wasn't a fucking time to feel proud.

At the very least, it was good to see that the true Null wasn't in shambles from taking that shot. It was preferable.
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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
She paused, realizing she couldn’t threaten to show him that. “…You will not be living long enough to be seeing the same. I am not even caring who will be calling me a monster. But I am not wanting to traumatize the janitor who will be cleaning your brain off the floor with a mop. So I think we can be agreeing that you will be staying away from us instead. Am I making myself clear?
Wes was making his way to Espeon when he heard Odette—or, well, whoever was Odette at the moment—gave her speech. Damn. He didn’t know who it was inside there, but he certainly could respect their statement.

Wes just glared at the two pokémon. He didn't care what they were trying to say, if anything. He didn't care what they would do to him. He didn't care at all.

He tried to let out a bitter laugh, but it came out as more of a wheeze... since felines weren't really made to laugh.

See if I give a shit. You don't scare me.
Espeon did not appear to be in any shape to attack, so Wes stooped between his two Pokémon and began to work. He managed to spread a numbing agent around the area, ignoring the resigned snarls that flared up at his touch. “Shut up. I’m trying to help you.” He paused then added, “No, that’s not right. I’m trying to help the body you’re in. You know, your own Pokémon?”

He carefully began cutting open the wound to find the bullet. The numbing solution was thankfully doing its job, because the only response was a small flinch. It was mercifully easy work to find and remove the bullet, thanks to the tools he had—he really ought to ask Gladion why the hell he just had these things on hand—and, after flushing the wound, commenced stitching it shut.

“I want that to sink in a little,” he said, his tone sharp and icy. “Your Espeon is the one who is going to have to deal with the pain of this injury. And it’s because of you.” Blood was roaring in his ears now, aggravating the pounding in his head, which only made him angrier. “Because of your bullshit, because of your selfishness, because you were so set on getting petty revenge, you got your Espeon fucking shot.”

He forced himself to stop and take a breath; his hands were trembling, which wouldn’t make for effective sutures. After a moment of breathing, he continued, the quiver leaving his hands but not his voice.

“You’ve got a hell of a lot of issues, and if your upbringing was anything like mine, I don’t blame you for it. Really, I don’t.” He tied off the last stitch and cut the thread, then sprayed over it with the Hyper Potion. “But if you don’t pull your fat head out of your ass, you’ll get them—your family—killed. And you won’t have anyone to blame but yourself.” He scoffed, a bitter taste in his mouth. “For someone who calls themself an advocate for Pokémon, you’re a disgusting disgrace.”

He made quick work of the bandaging; the movements were near automatic after all the years of experience. Once he finished, he gathered up the supplies in his bag and stood, looking the Espeon in the eyes with a scorching glare. “I don’t care about you. You’re pathetic and you don’t deserve shit. But your Pokémon deserve better.” He slung the bag over his shoulder. “You’re a trainer. So start acting like one.”

And with that, he trudged back over to Gladion, Neo and Novo close behind.
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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Hazette had never wanted to be able to speak out loud more in her entire life. First Hazel, as her, going off about blowing his brains out, then the better Wes basically taking the fucking words right out of her mouth. She wished she could add the cherry on top, with how much anger was building in her system.

So, she channeled it into the other Hazel's device.

You're damn lucky it wasn't me.

It wouldn't mean as much unspoken, but she had to say it. Because it was true.

Huh. She'd lied. Perhaps that other Hazel would have made nice company too. But she was digressing.


  1. sableye
"Usually distance or if I'm am attempting to call a heart that's just... Too great a distance away. Ah! For example, I can't use my power when I'm in my own realm, I have to enter this one.

Manaphy chuckled, though there was a note of regret to their tone. "I am not all powerful. If an expert dark or perhaps ghost type tried to exert their influence it's possible, but they would need to be extremely skilled. Or if it's a psychic block perhaps they could be shielding them... A very exceedingly skill regular pokemon could do that. Or perhaps another mythical, but I cannot fathom one of our own doing something so terrible... "

They narrowed their eyes as they mused deeply. "No, a dead heart wouldn't feel blocked in such a manner. I can only conclude they're alive, though perhaps injured somehow or being held... " There was clear worry in their tone.

Lucy wasn't impressed with Manaphy's explanation. Stupid of it to reveal how pitifully weak it was, at the very least, if any poor schmuck coming across it could beat the shit out of it.

Still, though, at least it did seem to confirm Reena wasn't dead. She rather hoped, for her trainer's sake, that none of the others were. It also more or less confirmed that none of the other mythicals were involved in this. "Very well. I do hope you'll continue to make yourself available during this investigation should the need of you powers arise in the future."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
And with that, he trudged back over to Gladion, Neo and Novo close behind.
Gladion was still lying on the ground, an uncapped needle on the ground beside him. "Oh hey Wes. Sorry, I had to drug you. Except, not sorry, 'cause this pain'd be your problem later so really, you're welcome. You're probably gonna need stitches after this, but I don't think I'm up to walk right now..."


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Wes returned Gladion’s first-aid kit to his bag, then dropped it in front of him. “Here. Sorry for not asking, but, uh, it was urgent. Pretty damn lucky you just happened to have the right stuff for that.” He would have prodded him more, but gods, he was so tired. He just wanted to get back into his right body and go collapse in his room.

Gladion was still lying on the ground, an uncapped needle on the ground beside him. "Oh hey Wes. Sorry, I had to drug you. Except, not sorry, 'cause this pain'd be your problem later so really, you're welcome. You're probably gonna need stitches after this, but I don't think I'm up to walk right now..."

Hah. Figured. Gods, just when he had thought he couldn’t hate this place more. Even the mythical Pokémon here sucked. “Yeah, figured as much. Thanks for that. And, uh…sorry, too.” It was technically his fault Gladion had to be the one to experience the blow. The kid was pretty remarkably laid back about it all, though. Or maybe that was just the drugs. “Anyway, as much as I’m sure you’re enjoying that awesome stab wound, I’m gonna see about getting us sorted out and back in place.”

Manaphy hadn’t gone far from their spot further down the beach—in fact, they’d barely moved at all, and seemed to be chatting it up with another Pokémon. How lovely of them to cause this mess and then promptly ignore it. Awesome, really. It has sure made his whole damn day.

He marched up to the Pokémon with a scowl, wading into the shallow waters. “Right, so, I really enjoyed your fascinating trick and all, it was tons of fun nearly getting killed over there while you did absolutely nothing.” His tone was iced with bitterness. “But I’ve had my fun now, so you’re going to undo what you did to me and my Pokémon right now.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
It happened as slow and peacefully as the initial swap had. First she was there, then she wasn’t, and then all was normal. Back in her body, where she shouldn’t have left in the first place.

It was relief for a quick second, before she felt hot pin pricks running up her scarred arm. They caused her to jolt, and she rushed to strip out of her jacket, her limb falling numb as quick as the sensation had started.

“Shit, shit, shit, ow, ow, OW,” she panted through grit teeth as she wrenched her sleeve up, revealing that godforsaken compression sleeve. She tore it off in a swift motion, exposing the mangled and scarred skin underneath and began to viciously rub at it. Had to be after effects of whatever that dark flame was. Extreme temperatures did cause it to flare up.

Seriously, Pokemon induced burns were such a bitch and a half to deal with, even years fucking later.

“Come on you piece of shit…” she hissed through grit teeth as she waddled back toward the water, where the cartridge of her gun lay, stuck in the sand and getting licked by the waves. She snatched it up and shook it off angrily as she tried to keep herself calm.

It’s okay. It needed to happen. That’s what a fucking gun is for. He did it to himself. He did it to himself…

The Espeon would be fine. Hurt, but fine. Gods, she felt horrible for it. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she’d gotten Enora, or any of her other ‘mon friends, shot like that.

“Scum of the Earth,” she grumbled, going back to that rubbing motion against her arm, deciding to use her knuckles this time.

But, Hazel was fine. Everyone else was fine…almost. Nobody else had gotten skimmed, but…Gladion got stabbed?

Yeah. That shot was inevitable. It had to be.

“Odette!” Enora yipped as she bounded over, having also returned to normal. The Milotic body had been nice, but she felt much better—and safer—with her ribbons again. “Are you alright? Were you hurt?”

“M-my fucking burn is doing the stupid numb thing again,” she said. “And I don’t know where my gun—“

“̴G̵O̶T̶ ̵I̴T̴,̴ ̶B̷I̶T̴C̷H̵.̴”̷

Odile. Also back in her body. With a quite nasty cut on her eye. She twirled the empty firearm around her finger as she walked over, also carrying Odette’s backpack.

“̶W̷e̴ ̴a̶r̶e̸ ̶N̷E̵V̴E̸R̴ ̸F̵U̶C̸K̶I̴N̶G̴ ̵D̵O̸I̵N̸G̶ ̴T̷H̵A̸T̶ ̸A̸G̵A̵I̵N̸,̵”̶she spat. “̶A̷l̷t̵h̷o̸u̴g̸h̷,̴ ̷t̷h̷e̵ ̶e̶x̷i̷s̷t̷e̷n̷t̷i̵a̷l̴ ̴d̸r̴e̴a̶d̸ ̷w̷a̶s̷ ̵a̸l̴m̵o̶s̶t̷ ̸w̵o̸r̴t̴h̴ ̷t̸h̴i̵s̵ ̸s̷i̵c̸k̸ ̸a̸s̴s̵ ̶c̷u̵t̶.̸ ̷C̸h̷e̷c̴k̶ ̸i̵t̴,̸ ̵I̸ ̶l̴o̴o̸k̷ ̷e̶d̴g̶y̷ ̴a̷s̶ ̴f̷u̵c̷k̴ ̸r̵i̵g̸h̴t̸?̴”̶She gestured to her face as if she were vogueing, clearly pleased with the new…”cosmetic.”

It soon faded as Enora beamed it with a ring of her tingling ribbons. “No more injuries. I’m over it.” She turned to Odette.

“My arm, please,” Odette pleaded, sounding more desperate than she intended to. It wouldn’t stop it entirely, but just enough until she could fish out the ointment when they got the fuck out of here.

Enora did as she was instructed, and just like that, they were almost back to normal.

Odette, now with some feeling back in her arm, hastily put her firearm back together, before shoving it back into the holster. It was only then that her eyes traveled back to the Null.

Her eyes grew sympathetic, and she trotted over.

“Hazel,” she said as she got close. Her eyes traveled to Gladion, then to the sane Wes. And his Pokemon. And whoever else happened to be standing around them.

Fuck. So much for a trip where nobody was scared of her.

“I am…so sorry.”

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“I am…so sorry.”
Hazel found herself back in her own body again. It would take some readjustment to get used to it again. The weight, the confinement, and...

[It is...] Unable to speak. Without Gladion to translate, she was effectively mute again. There was hardly a point in finishing the sentence. [...okay.]

Instead, she reached out to Odette and placed a talon over her heart and cooed softly, in what she hoped would be a reassuring gesture. Once the moment was over, she turned her attention to Gladion, still lying injured in Wes' body. She lay down beside him, and placed one talon protectively over him. He ran his hand on his uninjured side through her coat. "Hey, Hazel. At least, I hope you're Hazel again, it'd be weird if you were still Odette."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Good, the threat is subdued, Violet thought to herself as her narrowed gaze turned back to Hazel. She ran towards the girl in her skin to assess how she was doing. Even that thunderclap of a weapon hadn't struck her, it surely would've at least shocked her.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay, it's—" Hazel's breath hitched as the man faded out of consciousness. "No, no no no no no—" Her hand slid to his wrist and neck, and to her relief, his pulse was still going. Exhaling her breath, she carefully moved her arms underneath the man and tried to hoist him up as best as she could, but Violet's body didn't have the upper body strength to make it happen.

Violet barked to Hazel, who turned towards her. She pointed to the phone that laid next to Hazette then put her claw to her ear. Getting the message, Hazel walked over and took the phone back, muttering a, "I'm so sorry..." before pounding at the screen as hard as she could. With a bit of effort, she managed to get to her phone app and tried to contact the local Nurse's Office.

Meanwhile, Violet's ears picked up every word that the other Hazel had been saying thanks to her enhanced senses. My god. She wasn't sure whether to be terrified or impressed by her words. She knew of executioners and constables who would be this rough, but to hear it live in person was... chilling, even now as an Ice-type. And yet, she had to admit... were Hazel or Azure in the same situation, she wouldn't hesitate to do so the same to keep them safe. One thing was for certain: Gladion must have a pure heart to have won this kind of loyalty from the artificial Pokémon. She really wished she could speak to him directly now. She—

Another headache. Another memory. This one was clearer in her mind: a world of only Pokémon, where she was a Sneasel. A time when she was sixteen rather than seventeen, and found a new group of friends after being apprehended. Her hunt for Azure in the new world—

She winced as the memory faded. That wasn't her, though. She knew it wasn't. During that time, she had been at Professor Douglas's lab, learning the new Galarish conventions and learning to read and write in Sinnohese. Hazel was the Sneasel, not her. So what was going on? Was there somehow another her...? Violet shook her head. Conversations with Hazel for later.

For now, while Hazel called Nurse Joy, Violet would need to keep a look out for anyone or anything else that might be hiding or watching them. This was a perfectly vulnerable moment that a kidnapper could strike and no one could do a thing about it. And she'd be damned if she would let anything happen to either Hazel or anyone else here from getting hurt.
... But there's little to see that is out of the ordinary....

Wes returned Gladion’s first-aid kit to his bag, then dropped it in front of him. “Here. Sorry for not asking, but, uh, it was urgent. Pretty damn lucky you just happened to have the right stuff for that.” He would have prodded him more, but gods, he was so tired. He just wanted to get back into his right body and go collapse in his room.

Hah. Figured. Gods, just when he had thought he couldn’t hate this place more. Even the mythical Pokémon here sucked. “Yeah, figured as much. Thanks for that. And, uh…sorry, too.” It was technically his fault Gladion had to be the one to experience the blow. The kid was pretty remarkably laid back about it all, though. Or maybe that was just the drugs. “Anyway, as much as I’m sure you’re enjoying that awesome stab wound, I’m gonna see about getting us sorted out and back in place.”

Manaphy hadn’t gone far from their spot further down the beach—in fact, they’d barely moved at all, and seemed to be chatting it up with another Pokémon. How lovely of them to cause this mess and then promptly ignore it. Awesome, really. It has sure made his whole damn day.

He marched up to the Pokémon with a scowl, wading into the shallow waters. “Right, so, I really enjoyed your fascinating trick and all, it was tons of fun nearly getting killed over there while you did absolutely nothing.” His tone was iced with bitterness. “But I’ve had my fun now, so you’re going to undo what you did to me and my Pokémon right now.”
Manaphy returned from doing what it could to help those injured. They didn't understand how or why people used this chance to hurt each other... "Of course.." they said, their voice pained.

And in a moment everyone who hadn't already would find themselves back in their own body.

With that they turned once more to using their powers to help easing the pain and injuries of the other trainers.

Yet beneath Manaphy's sadness an anger burned, anger that this chance they'd tried to give to these trainers had been abused... They had been invited her to meet trainers with strong bonds. But all they saw was selfishness.

"You are a a bad human and a bad pokemon to your family," they said to Selfish!Wes. "You do not deserve them. And you do not deserve the chance you had to be a pokemon."

Their voice held a cool, icy matter of fact statement.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Everyone is being put back in their original bodies...!

There was that same feeling of weightlessness, the same as there was right before all of the chaos happened...


Wes found himself back in his original, human body. He was sitting some distance away from everyone else. And... he didn't entirely know what had happened. Last thing he remembered, he had been in Nico's body, and was trying to attack the blue-coat with his backup knife--

Shit, my knife!

He quickly stood and rushed over to the scene where most of the people were gathered.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what everyone was gathered around.

Nico was there, laying in the sand, little splotches of blood visible around one of his hind legs.

Wes completely forgot about his knife as he knelt next to his pokémon. "Wh... What happened? Who did this?" His voice was barely more than a whisper, his hands trembling profusely.


Nico was... not having a great time. He'd been forced to just watch as Wes, in Nico's Espeon body, succumbed to his wisp-fueled Shadow rage.

After that, he had... admittedly spaced out, but next thing he knew, he was back in his own body, and there was a terrible pain in his leg.

He suspected he wouldn't be able to walk very well, at least for a few days.

Nico looked up at his trainer as he approached.

"Ah... do not listen to what everyone says. It is not your fault, and even if it was, I forgive you. This was a situation beyond your control. You are not selfish, either. They simply do not understand."


Merian, too, was transported back to his original body, and--

Well, he hadn't expected to be right next to the inferior, blue-coated Wes. He yowled in surprise and quickly scrambled away to go meet up with the real Wes.

Once there, he nuzzled up to him, knowing that Wes would very desperately need some comfort right now.


"You are a a bad human and a bad pokemon to your family," they said to Selfish!Wes. "You do not deserve them. And you do not deserve the chance you had to be a pokemon."

Wes narrowed his eyes at the Mythical, but he did not dare speak. He would not disrespect a god, no matter how scathingly they treated him. After all, they were still a pokémon.


Merian hissed at Manaphy.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about what's been going on! Wes is fucking awesome, and he'd never hurt us!"

He knew his... immature vocabulary made it difficult to take him seriously, but he hoped that his sincerity in defending Wes was seen regardless.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Wh... What happened? Who did this?" His voice was barely more than a whisper, his hands trembling profusely.
Gladion sneered at the asshole. He hadn't actually seen the shot go off, but he knew what had happened.

"You happened."

He decided he didn't care enough to seriously engage the guy. People like that don't have very long life expediencies. Someone would sort him out, hopefully sooner rather than later. He was more concerned with Wes, who... Well, if he was feeling the way Gladion had been, was pretty out of it. Manaphy seemed to have patched up most of the injuries, or at least any Wes had given him from the explosion were gone, but there was no way he wasn't going need some sort of medical attention. The medical staff were on their way already, though, so there wasn't much to be done there. He wished there was something he could offer, and came up with something.

He cut a small piece of gauze, then went to his bag and pulled one of those pens with a company's phone number on them that just manifested out of the ether sometimes. He didn't remember what company it was promoting or when he'd gotten it, even, but it wasn't so dried out that he couldn't write and that was all that mattered.

Hey. Sorry about what happened back there. I mean, I didn't stab you, but still.

Felt like you might be in the infirmary for a bit. I'll probably stop by at some
point, but I figure I should probably give you my phone number. Least I can
do after everything is stop you from dying of boredom. Would be a shitty way
to go after all that.

-Gladion, ***-***-****

Wes wasn't going to be up to exchanging numbers in his current state, but Gladion intended to make sure that was in one of his pockets before he was hauled off. He kind of hoped Wes would get bored enough to message him. He'd be happy to get a chance to talk for real.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[It is...] Unable to speak. Without Gladion to translate, she was effectively mute again. There was hardly a point in finishing the sentence. [...okay.]

Instead, she reached out to Odette and placed a talon over her heart and cooed softly, in what she hoped would be a reassuring gesture.
Odette Distraught.PNG
She felt a pang of guilt, hearing how Hazel could no longer speak with her coherently. But...somehow, there was a part of her that understood. Even as the giant lug put a talon over her heart, she felt like she knew what was being said.

There was some comfort in there. But it still didn't change the fact that her ears were still ringing. Still hearing that gunfire. Still feeling that regret, that stupidity.

She threw her arms around Hazel's neck before she could stop herself. Fuck the numbness, or how bad it still hurt even after Enora temporarily healing it. "You're a good 'mon," she said. "Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, ever."

Somebody needed to tell her that. Even though she seemed okay after having fired the gun, Odette felt the need to just...let her know.

"You are a a bad human and a bad pokemon to your family," they said to Selfish!Wes. "You do not deserve them. And you do not deserve the chance you had to be a pokemon."
Odette Pissed.PNG
There was also a sense of triumph welling within her, hearing even Manaphy verbally ream this guy to filth. Now that she had words, she had half a mind to do the fucking same.
Odette Startled.PNG
But, somebody mentioned Nurse Joy. Somebody had a phone out to call the nurse. From the infirmary.

Sirens began to fire off in her head, completely replacing all the words she wanted to say. To Gladion, to the saner Wes, to his Pokemon, to Wallace, to Manaphy, to really everyone...being that this was kind of her idea, in a sense. However, when faced with possibly being forced to the infirmary, all of that flew out the window. She'd get to it later.

"AaaaactuallyIthinkI'mgonnagetthefuckoutofhere..." she said, snatching her backpack out Odile's hands and making her way up the sandy hill and out of the cove.

Enora Neutral Frown.PNG
"Wait, Odette, you should probably--"

Odette Nervous.PNG
"Can't hear you, we're leaving." She was already all the way up the hill by that point, and nearly out of sight.

Odile Neutral Frown.PNG
"̷O̶h̵,̷ ̸s̸h̸e̷ ̷h̶e̵a̴r̶d̸ ̵N̸u̵r̵s̸e̷ ̷J̵o̴y̶ ̴a̸n̵d̴ ̷s̴a̵i̶d̷ ̷'̴f̸u̵c̴k̸i̸n̷g̵ ̷B̴Y̶E̵.̸'̷"̶

Enora Angry Frown.PNG
"Even though she really needs to go to the infirmary. Gods..."

Enora, though reluctant to leave the injured trainers behind without being much more service, sprinted off after Odette. She was her priority now. She could...check on the rest later.
Odile Neutral Frown.PNG
Odile huffed, her hands grasping at her elbows. It felt really fucking good to be back in this body. No more dying cells. No more feeling like seconds were passing by like fucking years.

However, Odette was clearly dealing with some pain right now. Which meant she was also dealing with some pain right now. Maybe not literally, but certainly figuratively. See, she was getting a hang of the difference.

She sprinted off after Enora without saying anything else.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Manaphy returned from doing what it could to help those injured. They didn't understand how or why people used this chance to hurt each other... "Of course.." they said, their voice pained.
Just before the strange sensation washed over him again, Wes got a glimpse of the Manaphy’s face. They looked…sad. Remorseful, even. He almost felt a little guilty for snarking at them, but then he was reminded that they let this happen and chose not to intervene. If they regretted this so much, then they should have done something, dammit—

He was about to say just as much, but then the floating feeling took over, and before he knew it, he was…back on the shore, flat on his back and staring at the sky. He suddenly felt tired. Really, really tired.

He blinked slowly, then pushed himself up into a sitting position. Gods, his whole body felt like lead, and his head was still pounding, making him woozy—

…Wait. Why…did his head still hurt?

Wes went to touch his head—and noticed his hand was shaking. Okay, sure, maybe he was in a little bit of shock from getting stabbed, that…wasn’t a stretch…But that didn’t explain the pain, or why…why his body felt so…so heavy…or why his mind suddenly felt…foggy…

An icy stab of dread pierced through the thick fog. He had…felt this before. He knew…what this was.

“Ssshhhit,” he slurred. The knife…he needed to find…

“Briiiii!” In the corner of Wes’ blurred vision, he saw Novo bounding over to him, finally back in his proper Umbreon form. Neo was right beside him, eyes as bright as his brother’s, both their tails high—until they were close enough to see the state their trainer was in.

“Es-piiii?” Neo rushed in and sniffed down Wes’ side, whiskers quivering fearfully. “Spi-spiii, espiiii?”

“Kn—knnnife.” The words just couldn’t come out they way Wes needed them to. “Need…th’ knife…for ant…antid…meds…”

Novo vanished from Wes’ hazy view to search for the knife. Dimly, he noted his vision was growing dark at the corners. Neo paced frantically around his trainer, his cries growing higher and higher. Wes tried to console him by stroking his fur, but his arm was too heavy to lift now, and his eyes…didn’t…want…to stay open…

“SPI!” Neo’s ear-splitting yowl jolted him awake, accompanied by a sharp pain on his wrist. Groggily, Wes realized he had slumped into his side. When…did that happen…? His eyes slid to his wrist, where he saw blood trickling from a fresh bite wound. How…?

Another bark shook him awake again…Novo…? He couldn’t…fully open his eyes anymore…but he could see just enough to spot the knife resting in the sand just in front of him.

He tried to raise his head, but only managed to lift it an inch or so before his strength gave out. He couldn’t just…die like this…could he…? Not here…when they still needed him…the rest of his team, too…and Duking’s family…and…Rui…would she…ever know…?

The panicked cries of his Pokémon were fading away, despite Wes’ feeble attempts to cling to consciousness. His eyes slid closed, too heavy to keep open. Just before sinking into oblivion, he had one last thought.



Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Everything has happened so swiftly, and yet seemingly no time at all Nurse Joy arrived, along with both Officers Jenny and Victor. Between the three of them and the assembled pokemon, injured trainers were tended to at the cove, and then brought to the infirmary.

Wes in particular was tended to with extra care. Brea had been able to find the Nidoking blade with Neo and Novos help. The poison would do a nasty number on him but with treatment he'd be fine and alive come tomorrow.

The darker Wes, the violent one, was kept under watchful eye by officer Jenny now. Manectric Bao or Jenny was always no more then a foot away as he was brought back to the infirmary for observation.

And the whole time Nurse Joy wore a look of disappointment, as did Jenny. It seemed neither of them could fathom such violence in the face of such luxury...

Nevertheless, all injured were managed to fit in the infirmary. By tomorrow they should no doubt be feeling better. If there was one thing their world excelled it, it was medicine.

As for Manaphy, they slipped back into the waters of the cove, regret and bitter sadness in their demeanor. They'd kept hoping... Hoping that sharing a body with someone would have given understanding. Perspective.
Wrong again, Manaphy. Wrong again.

Still, some of the trainers had appreciated everything it seemed. That was good. Perhaps that child of the shadows needed more help then their powers could provide....


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen woke up, in a body that was once more not his own. He looked at his furry arms, felt his tail brush against the ground, and burst into tears.

Figures. He gets five minutes to be a human again, and he spends it in intense agony and fear.

Why did he expect anything less? Why did he ever expect good things to happen to him anymore? His life was a constant downward spiral ever since he became an Oshawott. Sure, there were a few ups, like Coleane and Wallace, but there was so, so much bad stuff outweighing it.

Why did he even try anymore? What was the point, when he was probably going to be stuck like this for the rest of his life? He was chasing a fleeting dream, a fleeting hope, that things would actually be good again, that things would go back to normal for him.

But at this rate, it felt like that would never happen.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Thank the heavens above, the nurse and constable had arrived. Violet let out a sigh of relief as the two arrived on the scene. The swap back to her original body had been smooth, yet the questions still lingered in her mind — why did that trainer go berserk? What were those memory flashes, and why did she feel like she now knew things that she shouldn't? She wanted to see Gladion again soon. Maybe he would know something about that girl she saw in the vision.

Her gaze moved to to Hazel, now back in her Weavile formed as she sat on the ground, typing furiously on her phone with a look of intensity that was usually only reserved for battle. The Weavile had been so happy to be in a human form, it was almost sad to see her have to be a Pokémon again, but that was the natural order of things, Violet supposed.

Still, Violet gave her a proud, soft smile. Hazel was able to get in touch with the nurse and constable and acted as the first responder even under that situation of extreme duress... and she didn't get into one of her "frenzied moods" while she was at it, too. Was it the body switch, or was it simply maturity? Either way, Violet was glad to see Hazel able to respond the way she did.

Meanwhile, Hazel's mind was on high alert as she recorded everything she could about what happened that day — from whom was swapped whom, from the capabilities that she, Violet, Hazel, and Odette had available from their swaps, and even the dance moves that Odette taught before everything went awry. As awful as the end of the experience was, the sheer amount of data she had gathered from the excursion was invaluable. She truly hoped that it was all applicable to the science back in her world, and if not, well... it at least made for a wonderful story to tell.

As she reached the "end of day" part of her notes, her claw paused as she recalled what happened just as she swapped. Unlike what Violet described as "smooth", her own swap dragged like mud as two sets of memories flooded in at the same time, mixing like water and oil as they each tried to cling to some part of her brain.

She was a little girl, no older than 5. She had just hatched from her egg.
Her hair had been tied into pretty little cornrows and buns. Her fur had been washed and brushed for the first time.
Daddy had told her that he needed to talk to some of his coworkers. Her imprinted parental figure cooed her as she settled back into sleep.
A flash of light had blinded her.

When she blinked, it was gone again, and the mixture settled. She clutched onto her lab coat as she shivered in place before Violet gave her a few comforting pats on the head and a sympathetic smile. Hazel returned her own meek grin — grateful to her trainer for always being there for her. Nonetheless, the bags under Violet's eyes were readily apparent to the Weavile; the girl had already gotten very little sleep, and with everything that happened that day from the argument to the swap to the violence... she could imagine how much the human wanted to go to bed. She was just being strong for her Pokémon's sake.

Hazel held out her claw to which Violet gently clasped her fingers around as they stood up, ready to saunter back to the dorms and call it in early. Their heads were filled with jelly and their bodies had felt as viscous as it, but they would manage. They sat in silence as they chewed on the events of that day.

Hazel wanted to see Gladion and the other Hazel again. She wanted to thank them for the talk the other day, and if see they could possibly answer any questions about what had happened during their own swap back — if they had any memories of their own that suddenly materialized out of seemingly thin air.

Moreover... Hazel bit the side of her cheek as she thought, I'd like to try to swap again. More specifically, she wanted to ask if he would be willing to swap with his Hazel, as well as ask Violet to swap with herself. They would need to if she wanted to communicate with the other Hazel face-to-face without two translators between them. She wanted to make sure she was okay, to give her the chance to explore that she didn't have, and... she wanted to feel them to both feel nugget of familiarity in humanity once again. There was something in the back of her head that yearned it.

She couldn't help but send out a text. Her wanting was impatient.
Conversation With: Gladion

I can't believe something like that just happened... I hope those officers can give that sicko what he deserves.
I think now more than ever we'll need a group chat with your trusted contacts. We need to stick together and make sure we can avoid any encounters with the kidnappers and those kinds of awful people.

Also... would you be up for a chat at the cove again tomorrow? I want to talk to Hazel again... if that's alright.

Hope you're hanging in there.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Once he had left, Gladion’s phone buzzed. It would be too early for it to be Wes, right?

He took a moment to send a message back.

Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

What a day, right? Worst injury I’ve gotten before, even if it wasn’t really mine. Dude must have followed us from somewhere, he definitely was NOT invited.

A chat sounds good to me. Hazel’s been interested in talking to you, too.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Hazel beamed as the man texted back so quickly. With happy taps and a new spring her step, she replied.
Conversation With: Gladion

I'll try to keep a better lookout next time. 😣 At least now everyone is aware. We can give each other a quick text if he spot him so we can stay clear when possible.
Just relieved that you and Hazel are okay.

I appreciate it, Gladion! I just need to let Violet take a bit of a cat nap first. 😉 She's been out of it all day.

I might also try to get in touch with Manaphy again... just to let Hazel get a chance to speak. I haven't asked Violet yet if she's on board with the idea but I wanted to get your approval first. No rush though... I know it's a lot to ask after what just happened.

And get some sleep tonight too. I know Hazel's got your back, just like I've got Vi's.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Conversation With: Hazel (Not that one)

Not sure I’m keen on showing my face in front of Manaphy again. If I were them I wouldn’t be keen on showing up again.

If we were certain the people swapped wouldn’t be random again I guess I wouldn’t be opposed but I’m not going to be the one to ask this time.

Definitely going to bed early today. I’ve had more than enough for one day.
Day 4: Shattered Peace


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
At dawn the so called "peace" of the previous day was shattered by the sounds of a scuffle...!

It was enough to draw many running, despite the early hour. But it seemed anyone who came may have been too late...

The next time Nate woke, Mightyena was there, and when he fell over trying to climb out of the bed, a nurse appeared--a human nurse who explained all the bullshit that had been going on recently. At least as much as she understood it. As much as anybody could.

After that, Nate was left alone with Mightyena and his thoughts and a hell of a lot of painkillers, which made it a bit hard to figure. But he didn't need to be at is quickest to recognize the truth: "We gotta get outta here."

Mightyena raised her head, then rose all the way from where she'd been keeping vigil by the door. She came up alongside the bed, where Nate could work clumsy fingers through the fur atop her head. 'I know you don't like it," he said. "The girl and all. But things are just way too fucking crazy around here. I mean, somebody got fucking shot." Yes, it had been the guy trying to murder people, but Nate had no inclination to stick around and find out just how many murder attempts it took for them to finally lock Knife Guy up.

Mightyena made a low, unhappy noise, and Nate went back to stroking her fur. "It's too dangerous," he said. "This shit is way over our heads. What we gotta do is get outta here, and..." And? When a multidimensional friendship festival went to hell, with a side of mythical pokémon, who did you call? "The first thing is to get out of here," Nate said firmly. "After that, we'll... figure it out.

Mightyena made another sad noise, but she didn't object, not until Nate actually started climbing out of the bed. "Oh, come on, I've bounced from enough hospitals before. Ain't a bit deal," Nate said with a laugh that turned into a cough.

He almost made it to the door--almost--without stumbling, and then Mightyena had to catch him so he could catch the wall. His whole left side was on fire, but Nate staggered forward again, and they were moving. Out of here. That was all that mattered.

It was nearly dawn, he thought, once they'd emerged into the island's night. Shit. At the pace he was going, they wouldn't... But they'd try. Try to make it back to the cove, the one legendary they knew for sure was here. And see where that took them. Then back to the village, find the person with the teleporter, get the fuck out of here. Nate couldn't feel himself put one foot in front of the other, but he could smell the crisp morning air and here the weird rustles and cries from the underbrush as the island started to wake.

Mightyena stuck close by his side, supporting him the whole way. Now and again she put her nose down, checking their path, gently directing Nate towards the cove. Just a sniff here or there, enough to keep them on track.

Until she smelled something familiar.

Mightyena's head snapped up, deep-throated growl rumbling out of her. Nate stiffened, then had to steady himself against her. "What? What is--?"

A great white burst of light seared away the predawn dark, and Nate yelled, falling to his knees, his vision a mess of blazing afterimages. "Mightyena!"

He could hear her growling, paws hammering the earth. He couldn't see for shit, nothing but shifting light and shadow and dancing floaters. Something settled heavy over him, and he was... tired. So tired. He'd been so tired before, and now...

Had to stay awake. "Mightyena," he croaked. He heard the fizz of some kind of energy attack, more growling. Had to stay awake. Had to.

Everything had gone black. Eyes closed. Nate struggled, made an immense effort. Opened them again to darkness and nonsense patterns. He reached for Mightyena's pokéball. Had to stay awake. Had to.... how was he so tired?

His fingers brushed the smooth plastic of the pokéball. Awake... awake

And this time when he closed his eyes, the darkness was complete. There was the faint sense of motion, of going away... and then nothing.
(Big thank you to Negrek for the flavor! :copyka:)

And in the midst of that, the islands population now lowered by 2, a single terrible cry. A strangled noise of perhaps shock and despair...? Not from the man and his Mightyena, but another figure, standing some yards away. A nervous gangly one accompanied by a familiar golden rock pokemon... Hayes looking distressed, rubbing frantically at his eyes.
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