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Chapter 20: Stranded, part III
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 20: Stranded, part III
    Paleolithic Era, in the area that will be known as Kalos.

    Sada had been missing for a couple of days now.

    Personally, Chalo wasn't particularly worried. Sada had always been a bit more of a free spirit, and now that she could just fly away with Winged King, she was no longer bound to stay in one place. People being away from the settlement for days was nothing unusual, as traveling took time, but…

    Her timing to decide to go away was a bit unusual. Deep into the cold season, it wasn't the best time for long hunting trips. People hunkered down to survive. The wool they had gathered from their little herd of Spark Tail had proven incredibly valuable, so there was no need to set out to hunt so many Steady Glacier anymore.

    And Fluffyhead had grown so strong! Now, it had even learned to make his wool grow incredibly fast and harden it to protect himself or herself from attacks. Its wool didn't make for particularly comfortable clothes, but it offered some amazing protection by wearing it underneath. Not to mention, one of Sada's latest ideas from moons ago had offered them another way to get clothes anyway:

    Stealing creatures’ eggs straight from the nest and getting them to hatch! To raise them instead of eating them immediately!

    Apparently, Turo's tribe had been doing it for a long time.


    As strange as she found the guy - and still not really seeing what Sada saw in him! Way too scrawny and spindly looking! -, she had to admit that he came up with some interesting ideas every now and then. Plus, watching him trip every two steps and getting all exasperated when she called him "Terg" would never not be funny.

    Chalo finished feeding the Spark Tails, carefully set aside the berries that managed to survive the cold of this season, and ducked back into the communal tent.

    In one corner of the tent, carefully nestled in a bundle of pine leaves and away from the fire sitting in the center of the tent, was a little yellow and green creature. Sada had stolen the egg from a nest of strange creatures, who… Well, Chalo wasn't really sure if they were supposed to be bugs or plants, not that she really cared as long as she didn't have to kill one. They had named them "Cutting Leaf", from the sharp semi-circle shaped upper limbs that their adults forms seemed to have.

    Sada had observed them wrap their eggs in fallen leaves, so they had done the same with their stolen egg, and to everyone's delight, managed to make it hatch!

    The creature had grown close to Sada’s mother, Akai, who had quickly discovered how to use the sticky thread it spewed out in her sewing. After that, the two had become inseparable, and the creature was more than happy spending her days chewing whatever bits of leaves she could find and spit out more thread to use, almost always sitting by the old woman's side.

    There, a group of five or six tribe people were busy making new clothes.

    « Is Sada back? » Akai asked, without raising her head from her work.

    « Not yet. » Chalo shook her head, sitting down by her side.

    Neither of them said a word, both probably thinking the same thing. She must have left with Turo like always... but she would always come back in the evening. They would never go far. The old woman kept working, her hands skillfully gathering the thread spit out by the little bug as soon as it solidified.

    « ... I've heard they found her spear. Narjik's son did. » Akai added after a moment, and Chalo's eyes widened.

    « Her spear...? But...»

    But Sada never went anywhere without her spear. Even with that enormous dragon with her, going somewhere without a weapon was just idiotic. This changed everything. She looked back to the old woman, her face carefully neutral as she kept working, head held low.

    « If they found her spear... and no trace of her...» She didn’t want to say it out loud. The spirits liked to play cruel jokes on humans and tended to make those things true when you did, but…

    « ... Sada isn't dead. » Sada's mother raised her voice, her eyes - so similar to her daughter's - finally left her work to look at Chalo, sending a shiver down her spine.

    « She can't be, » Akai continued, « she will come back. She always does. »

    Chalo looked away, the determination - the desperation - in the woman's eyes difficult to look at.

    « ... I'll go ask Narjik's son to tell me where he found the spear. » Chalo answered after a moment.

    Sada wouldn't just forget her spear, even if she had suddenly lost her mind and decided to ran away in the night with that Turo guy.

    Something must have happened.

    She exited the tent again and called for Fluffyhead to follow her with a little whistle, heading for her own tent to grab her bow.


    The "radio" that Turo had managed to fix seemed to finally be working. Or at least, it was doing something.

    Apparently, as Turo had explained, it used something called "radio waves" to send their voices far away. People with other "radios" could capture these "radio waves" and hear them speak. It all sounded like magic to Sada; you couldn't see these "waves", so how could you catch them? What if nobody heard them?

    She thought of smoke signals: visible from very far away, but only if someone was looking in the right direction at the right time. This seemed to be the same.

    Therefore, when someone had actually answered and she heard someone's voice come out of the radio, she couldn't help but jump together with Turo and ask for help.

    Had they really heard them? Would someone really come?

    How many days would it take?

    They should have enough food to last another couple of half-moons, easily...!

    Too troubled with her unanswered questions and divvying up rations, Sada hadn't even considered the idea that help would arrive straight away.

    So, when she saw an enormous, blue, snake-like creature suddenly descend from the sky, Sada's first instinct had been to shoot it.

    It had taken her a moment to see the human figure that had been riding it. Humans could tame even such large creatures in this time…? That was incredible! How did they do it?

    « Turo! Someone's here! » She ran back into what had become their shelter, eyes wide. Turo had been busy in one corner of the room, still working on the radio, and he whirled around with a surprised look on his face, his gaze focusing first on her and then on something behind her back.

    « W-what? » He looked completely exhausted, like he didn't even dare to hope that his radio had worked after days of trying.

    Sada looked back to the entrance, where the dragon tamer had just crossed the door, eyes similarly wide as he looked around. He had short light brown hair, a short little beard of a similar color, and light gray eyes. He was wearing a strange clear mask over his eyes, something Sada couldn't quite understand the function of. It seemed to provide no protection to his face or his eyes, like the hard one that Turo had her wear when they had ridden Miraidon. Maybe, it was something to just stop the wind from entering his eyes while flying?

    « Let me speak. » Turo whispered to her, before addressing the man.

    He did seem to speak a strange, slightly different version of Turo's language... but he thankfully spoke slowly enough that she could understand, and if not everything, still quite a few words.

    The man seemed incredulous to how they were here, not that Sada could blame him. According to what Turo had said, people really weren't supposed to be in Area Zero. She looked at him, and Turo seemed to be conflicted.

    « What do we say...? » She asked.

    « The truth... part of it. Not like he would believe us, » he answered after a moment.

    Sada nodded before turning back to the man.

    « We fell. Inside. »

    In a way, that was what had happened after all.

    « ... And we need help. » Turo added.

    There were a couple of tense seconds as Sada looked to the man that had come to their rescue. He still seemed mostly in disbelief. If that was his reaction to them just appearing here, then what would he even say to the complete truth...? That they literally fell from the sky after using a magic bracelet that made you jump through time?

    « ... Let's get you out of here first, » the man suggested. « And something to eat. You both look like you need it. »

    Thankfully, the man seemed more preoccupied with helping than looking for an explanation. Sada almost couldn't believe it as she turned towards Turo with a relieved smile.

    They were alive.

    They were going to get out of here... into a completely new world.

    Everything else... everything else could wait for now.


    Turo couldn't quite believe that someone had actually received their message and had come straight into the crater. When the man entered the research station, he had to do a double take, eyes widening in disbelief.

    The man had... what looked like six whole Master Balls in pure white and red attached to his jacket. That was absurd! Was he... the Paldean League Champion, or something of that sort? Or were Master Balls actually common in the past?

    « W-who are you...? » He asked as they followed the man outside.

    Little Pipsqueak had run off who knows where, scared by the intruder, and Turo found himself actually a bit sad at seeing it bolt away. If it hadn't been for the little electric critter managing to give power back to the building, they wouldn't have been able to ask for help.

    Then again, it's not like he had wanted to take it with him. He was no Pokémon trainer. His only companion had been...

    He forced himself to think of something else. Thinking of Miraidon... hurt too much right now.

    Focus. He had to focus on the immediate present and nothing else.

    « Ah, of course, I haven't introduced myself. Sebastian Clavell, I'm a teacher and researcher and Uvanja Academy in Mesagoza.» The man said, and Turo gratefully focused on nothing but his voice, concentrating to understand it.

    It was Paldean, but... like the written one in the report, it sounded strange to him. Ancient. Almost as though he was hearing it in some old timey movie of the past. It was… Interesting, and even hilarious, when some words that had completely changed their meaning would pop up.

    But hearing it in this context, in real life? Terrifying. And exhausting.

    Clavell released a Gyarados from one of the Master Balls on his belt, and it took Turo one moment to realize what he’d meant by it.

    « Are we... riding that? » He asked as the man motioned for the enormous serpent to lower his head.

    Clavell just looked perplexed.

    « Yes, of course... what happened to your Pokémon, actually? Couldn't you have flown out? » He asked as Sada climbed aboard without the slightest hesitation, even as the Pokémon growled at her bow still slung over her shoulder.

    Should he say something about the bow? Tell Sada to leave it here?


    Whatever. It's not like they could get any weirder. The bow was probably the most normal thing about them right now.

    Turo grit his teeth.

    « We don't... have Pokémon with us.» he answered after a moment.

    Was it going to sound weird? There had to be people that just weren't interested in having Pokémon or couldn't afford them, right?

    If Clavell found it weird, he didn't show it.

    Turo copied Sada and climbed on the Gyarados's back, desperately holding onto one of the big ridges on the Pokémon's back. Something told him he was not going to like this at all.


    Parking his Gyarados in front of one of Mesagoza's Go-for-Broke Grills had caused a bit of a scene, but it had been the quickest way to arrive right at their destination. Clavell had tried to usher the two in as fast as he could, but that still didn't stop a little crowd of onlookers to gather around them.

    « Order whatever you want, » he said as he looked for the table farthest from the door. He still felt stares follow them as they took their seats, not that he could blame them: the two both would have looked like they had just dressed up for a costume party, if not for their completely exhausted faces and dirty hair and clothes.

    Oh, and the giant bow carved out of wood slung over the woman's shoulder didn't help.

    Sada sat down first, looking around and immediately grasping the little plastic menus to examine them, while Turo hesitated for a second more, cautiously looking around.

    « We... We don't have money... » He murmured with a pained look, and Clavell took a moment to take a better look at the both of them.

    Umm. Well, he obviously hadn't planned to have them pay for the food right now, not when they had both just survived who knows how many days on berries and rainwater. Sada seemed busy reading the menu by silently mouthing each dish.

    « Money...? » She asked suddenly, raising her eyes to stare at the man at her side.

    Turo leaned sideways to whisper something incomprehensible to her, and she nodded, biting her lip.

    « You know, I’ve never heard that language before, » Clavell pointed out, turning towards the woman, and finding himself suddenly curious. « Where are you both from? »

    Sada stared at him with the wide eyes of a Deerling caught in headlights.

    « K-Kalos... » She answered after a moment.

    « Northern Paldea... » Turo added distractedly, also busy staring at the menu. He tapped his finger on one item, then seemed to blink and flinched a little inward, pulling his hand back. « ... but I've been away from Paldea for... a while. With her. »

    Clavell hummed thoughtfully. That language didn't sound even close to Kalosian, unless it was some incredibly thick dialect spoken who knows where.

    The waiter approached, a young man whose eyes bugged out for a moment in noticing the two strange clients.

    « Oh, umm... can I have your order? » He asked, politely pretending not to have noticed the enormous bow that Sada had left leaning beside her chair, propped up against the table on the little pillow usually reserved for Pokémon.

    Neither of them looked particularly ready to order, Sada narrowing her eyes at the waiter. Or maybe they were just embarrassed about ordering for themselves if they had no money on them.

    « Can I suggest something? » Clavell asked.

    Turo nodded after a moment, putting the menu down with a defeated sigh.

    « One large Paella de Paldea for three, two Escalivada and one Klawf al Ajillo. With water. » He ordered, and the waiter gleefully wrote it down and pretty much sprinted into the back.

    Poor guy.


    Sada couldn't help but feel completely out of place. Before the blue floating dragon of "Clavell" had brought them out of the crater, in the back of her mind, a little part of her had still expected to find a world similar to her own. Instead, the place they had landed in looked more like the one in Turo's time, albeit a lot smaller. Same for the language they spoke; not quite like Turo's, but still sounding more similar compared to her own.

    The way people looked, the buildings, creatures being everywhere... It was obvious that this place was much closer to Turo's time than her own.

    Sada wasn't sure how to act. She had grabbed the little paper sheet with pictures of food on it to try and read it, grateful that she could at least touch it compared to the glowing, floating images in Turo's time, but, ultimately…

    She had no idea what anything on the piece of paper was. She didn't recognize anything. Not even the "waffles" she had eaten in Turo's time.

    What was she supposed to say...?

    « Money...? » She didn't even know what this ‘money’ thing they were discussing was, and why she and Turo were supposed to have it.

    « I will explain later, » Turo whispered quickly, and she nodded, feeling even more left out.

    « Where are you both from? »

    Sada stared at Clavell with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. She didn't want to look at Turo for help, in fear of making it clear to Clavell that she had no idea what to say. She didn't even know what this place was... just that this was on "Earth".

    In her panic, she suddenly remembered the only other name of a place on Earth except Area Zero that she knew.

    « K-Kalos... » She answered and hazarded a look at Turo, who nodded approvingly.

    Somehow, it looked like she had managed to say the right thing.

    A young man approached them, and Sada glared at him suddenly intruding in their conversation. What did he want? What was an "order"? When Clavell proceeded to list some of the things she had read on the paper, she realized he had probably asked what they wanted to eat.

    Oh... so you don’t just touch the pictures like in Turo's time?


    « I'm afraid I still have to ask you a couple of questions while we wait for the food, » Clavell said, and she forced her attention back to him; all of her focus was required just to make little sense of what he was saying. She glanced at Turo, feeling uncomfortable in having to entrust most of the conversation to him. He looked similarly troubled, eyebrows furrowed and a look of deep concentration on his face.

    « W-what... questions...? » she asked, pretty much the only part other than "food" that she had understood.

    « Well, we could start again with your names and what you were doing in Area Zero, » Clavell sighed, adjusting the little, rigid mask around his eyes.

    Sada hesitated, not sure what to say.

    She had noticed that the man had called himself "Sebastian Clavell", like Turo had said that he actually had two names.

    « Romero Turo... and... » Turo answered after a moment, throwing her a glance. Clavell was staring straight at her now, obviously expecting her to answer.

    Sada grit her teeth, crossing her arms to her chest with a huff. She still found the whole thing incredibly stupid.

    She didn't need another name! Why was one not enough? Was it really that strange?

    « Sada. Only Sada, » she huffed stubbornly, noticing Turo cringing in disapproval at her side. She ignored him, just as she ignored Clavell - or Sebastian or whatever -, who narrowed his piercing grey eyes at her.

    People would call her Sada and nothing else. She didn't care how weird it would make her look here. Other than the literal clothes on her back, it was the only thing she had that was still hers. Begrudgingly, she had realized that she couldn't keep walking around with her clothes here as soon as she had jumped off that blue serpent.

    They just looked too strange, like Turo had when visiting her.

    « All right... Let's put that aside for now. I assume you know that entering Area Zero is forbidden? How could you... fall inside? » Clavell tried again.

    Sada pointedly looked at Turo, hoping he could pick up the conversation from here as she examined her surroundings. Like the little soft paper things that were put in front of each of their seats. There were no pens, so what were you even supposed to do with those?


    This whole conversation was nerve-wracking; Clavell was just doing the sensible thing, because obviously someone that discovered two idiots that had fallen into Area Zero and survived there for what? Short of a month? - would want to know how for the love of Arceus that had even happened.

    It didn't make the situation easier for Turo. He had no idea what kind of bullshit he could even try to feed to the guy.

    Ortega was right. Keeping a cover story straight was difficult, especially if he was lacking information like right now.

    He had been trying to stealthily find out exactly in which century they were for the last five minutes, glancing around in search of anything that could give him a hint. The presence of electricity at least pointed him in the right direction... Now, he just needed a stupid date printed somewhere. A newspaper, a holographic display, a sign, or whatever.

    He was a time traveler. They had rules for not attracting attention. And grabbing the man in front of him by the shoulders and going "The year, man!! What YEAR is it?!" like the protagonist of a crappy sci-fi movie was definitely not the way to do it.

    …And as much as he wanted to right now, he had to be better than that.

    When Clavell had asked where they were from, Sada had thankfully given the perfect answer; saying that she was from outside Paldea would at least not make her look out of place for not knowing the language.

    As for him... pretending to be from barely-Paldea, right near the border could (maybe) pass. He was going to sound weird in any case, and there was nothing he could do about it. He made a mental note to... discuss the name thing with Sada later.

    « We know. We weren’t planning on getting to Area Zero... but I can't reveal how. » He lowered his voice when some people at the tables nearby turned towards them, eyebrows raised.

    He couldn't tell this man the truth. Definitely not here, anyway.

    And Clavell probably would think him insane anyway. What... what was he even supposed to say?

    He was just tired. His mind was stubbornly refusing to make plans, or even just contemplate the existence of something ahead of the next fifteen minutes - where he would hopefully get some food.

    « It was... an accident. W-we need... Help. »

    Clavell was looking at him in silence, and he felt uncomfortably scrutinized by the man.

    « ...So you were not trying to infiltrate Area Zero unauthorized? » He asked after a moment.

    Turo sighed.

    « ...And end up trapped with no way out? » The younger man huffed. « No. »

    Clavell's eyes narrowed down even further.

    « But you can't tell me what you were doing or how you arrived here in Paldea. With no Pokemon. No money. Barely able to speak the language. »


    « ...You wouldn't believe me even if I did, » Turo mumbled after a moment.

    The man sighed, removing his glasses to clean them with a little handkerchief that he pulled from his jacket.

    « Alright, » he conceded. « If you have your reasons to keep it a secret, I won't pry further. »

    The conversation was thankfully cut short by the arrival of their food.

    « …At least tell me one thing, » Clavell said as an enormous plate of paella and the two side dishes were put down at the center of the table

    Just the smell enough to make Turo’s mouth water.

    Real food. Actually cooked. With... seasonings and stuff.

    He couldn't believe it.

    Turo forced himself to look away from the still-sizzling pot, noticing Sada staring at it with an equal mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

    « What...? » He asked, suddenly uncomfortable.

    Clavell donned his glasses again, carefully folding the handkerchief back in his breast pocket.

    « What, for the love of Arceus, are you two wearing? »

    …Ah. Yes.

    He should have expected that.

    What was he even supposed to say now?


    An uncomfortable silence stretched on as Clavell watched the two stare at the food that had just arrived with wide eyes, and he felt a little twinge of pity for the couple. They must be famished, to look at the couple of plates in front of them with those wide, incredulous eyes.

    « Is this... real? Real meat...? » Turo asked in a low voice, staring at the boiled Klawf claws in one pot.

    Clavell raised one eyebrow, surprised.

    « Of course. It's not processed surimi if that's what you're asking, » he answered.

    Sada mumbled something incomprehensible to the man by her side, who threw her a sideway glance before shrugging. One moment later, they threw themselves over the food, starting to eat ravenously.

    Clavell looked away respectfully, sipping his water, and then doing a double-take when he saw Sada grab one of the claws with her bare hands and sink her teeth straight into it.

    « Um... » He wasn't quite sure what to say.

    He noticed Turo flinch and quickly grab fork and knife, trying and failing to stealthily attract the woman's attention. Sada looked at him, then at the cutlery and finally down at herself, oil and sauce dripping down her chin.

    « ... Oh.»

    After a moment she grabbed her own fork and knife and clumsily started to try to cut the claw open, throwing little glances towards Turo.

    Clavell decided that it was better not to comment on it.

    « Our... clothes... um... » Turo answered after a moment, head low as he kept shoveling paella into his mouth.

    « Yes. What even is that? A scuba diving suit? Is that what the lights are for? » Clavell chuckled, but found that trying to alleviate the mood didn't work. The man just kept silent, face twisted in an uncomfortable expression.

    « We... We like to... They're costumes. » He finally answered, stopping to eat for a moment.

    The silence had never been louder.

    « ...Costumes. » Clavell simply repeated, before heaving a deep sigh.

    Alright. They were obviously hiding something, and obviously didn't want to talk about it, so he decided to simply drop the subject for now and let them eat in peace.

    He was willing to believe them on entering Area Zero not being their true objective, because doing it only to end up trapped there with no way out… It didn't make any sense. So, he could imagine that it had been a genuine accident. They obviously knew each other and looked pretty close.

    For now, he had a couple of hypotheses about who they could be:

    1) Secret undercover agents, here in Paldea for some super-secret mission! Didn't really explain the complete lack of any equipment or general preparation. Or the strange clothes, which had the opposite effect of attracting even more attention judging by the fact that everyone in the restaurant had been staring at them since they had stepped in.

    2) A secret romance! A forbidden love between the members of two families that hated each other, prompting the young couple to run away into the night, looking for a place where they could build a life together!

    ...Again, didn't really explain the "costumes".

    3) A weird combination of both.

    As for how they arrived here, the only way he could explain it was by using a Corviknight to try to illegally enter the region by flying, only to get shot down by Tinkaton... but the man had mentioned being from Northern Paldea. How could he not know that flying on Corviknight was dangerous in Paldea for that very reason?

    His curiosity was well piqued by now. He wanted to ask more questions, but... looking at the slight desperation with which they were devouring their food, he simply pushed his own untouched plate towards them.

    « ...How long were you stuck under there? » he slowly asked.

    Sada looked up from her half-eaten plate, scrunching up her face in concentration as she whispered something to Turo. He answered with something that sounded like "month", and she swallowed her bite and nodded.

    « A moon... um... a "month". I think. It's always day under there, » she whispered, carefully enunciating every word. Clavell's eyes bugged, and he hastily did the math backwards to the first time he had heard the radio catch one of those stray signals.

    « An entire month... How... »

    « Probably a bit less. We couldn't keep track. » Turo added, in his unknown, exotic accent. « We ate mostly berries and other fruits, and... » his eyes drifted briefly to Sada's enormous bow without saying anything.

    Clavell simply nodded, leaving that little detail unsaid.

    « If you want anything else, just order it. I will pay for everything, » he said.

    It didn't take long for the two to completely polish everything they had on their plate. It was only noon, and he had definitely missed his classes for today… Oh, he would just have to explain what had happened later.

    « So, what are you going to do now? » Clavell asked the both of them as he had finished paying - Sada curiously following his every move - as they exited the Go-for-Broke Grills.

    He half expected them to immediately start on a suspiciously specific plan or destination - "oh yes, we have to go to Alfornada to do this one thing"-, but instead, he was met with absolute silence. He looked back to make sure they had actually followed him outside and found them both standing just right past the door, looking at the streets of Mesagoza with wide eyes, holding hands.

    « ... I don't know, » Turo answered after a moment, and he sounded completely, utterly... defeated.

    Clavell was left completely baffled; his new theory already shattered. The man wasn't lying. His eyes were just completely devoid of any light as he looked at the horizon.



    « You don't have... anywhere to go? » He asked, just to make sure.

    Sada sighed and held Turo's arms closer, giving the man what should have been a reassuring smile but only managed to look a bit sad to Clavell. She was doing her best to act strong for the both of them, he guessed.

    « No, but... thank you for the food. And helping us... »

    « Thank you for everything, Mr. Clavell, » Turo added after another moment of silence, and the couple started to move towards the city's western exit, not without attracting more stares.

    Clavell was left looking at them with a strange mix of pity and confusion. These two... they genuinely had nowhere to go, he realized. Nothing to do. No secret plan or mission... but how was that possible?

    It didn't matter right now.

    « Wait! » He yelled, running after them. « You... You said you have no money... Where are you even thinking of spending the night? »

    They both looked at him in confusion; two completely, different kinds. Sada looked like she hadn't understood a particular word again, while Turo was simply… perplexed.

    « Aren't... Aren't Pokémon Centers free...? » He asked, and now it was Clavell's turn to stare at the man in absolute confusion.

    « Pokémon Centers haven't been built in Paldea since we created the Flying Taxis and Cyclizar roads, » he said. How could he be from Paldea and not even know that?

    Then again, Pokémon Centers were still a thing in Kalos, and they did offer free housing for Trainers... which brought him to the second problem.

    « ...And even if they were, you said you have no Pokémon. »

    They both looked saddened at that.

    « ...I guess you could spend the night at my place, » he offered after a moment.

    He couldn't simply leave them there in good conscience. They needed help.


    Clavell had insisted on bringing them to his place.

    He had specified that they could "make themselves comfortable" before he had to leave, but Sada had barely any idea what that meant. By her night in Turo's home in his time and their time spent in the crater, she knew by now that homes of the future seemed to be divided into a lot of different spaces. Clavell had offered them a bed in the "living room", a name that made absolutely no sense to Sada even when she asked Turo for the translation to be sure.

    Weren't you also living in all the other rooms?

    « So, what is this "money" thing? You kept talking about it. » Sada asked once they were alone. She had watched Clavell the entire time, and he had handed a bunch of shiny round stones to the guy that had brought them the food.

    Turo stopped his slow pacing around the room and actually smiled a little, sitting down on the "couch" that Clavell had opened to make another bed for them, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

    « ...Something that we will need here. Desperately, » he answered, sounding exhausted. « You use money to "buy" things... Um, you give it to someone and they give you another thing you need. »

    So… It wasn't any different than trading?

    That didn't sound so difficult.

    « And what do you do with it after you get it? » She asked as she sat down near him, leaning on his shoulder. Turo sighed - she could feel the slight movement - and absentmindedly started stroking her hair.

    « ...Nothing. You get it and then give it to someone else to get something else you need. »

    Sada looked up to glare at him, certain that he was playing some dumb prank on her.

    « ...That's stupid. So it doesn't do anything? You just pass it around? »

    Turo winced as he stroked his chin.

    « Not... Not really... It's... Okay, let's give an example. Let's assume, um... That you are trading with me. You give me a set of clothes, and I give you three paper notebooks. We both get something the other wants and help each other. Right? »

    Sada nodded, waiting for him to continue.

    « All right... Now, imagine that someone else comes with something you want, and he also wants to trade with you. But he's not interested in you making clothes for him. »

    « ...So? I can just find something else to give him, » she interrupted him, but Turo just shook his head.

    « You have nothing he needs. So, he just leaves to find someone else to trade with. »

    « And what makes money different? It doesn't do anything... Why would he want that? » She insisted.

    « I'm getting to it... imagine that I gave you this "money" instead of the paper. This money... It's a symbol. You can use it to get something because the other person can then use it on anything else they need... »

    At that moment it slowly dawned on her.

    « Oh... So it's like... A message? "I have money because I did something for someone else"... Even if it's not what you need. So... It's a way to make everyone trade with everyone else? » Sada asked, starting to consider all the implications.

    « I'm sure I just gave the most horrible over-simplification but... yes. In a way, » Turo muttered, even as he smiled weakly.

    She still wasn't really sure that she understood it, but... alright.

    « And we get money by doing... What? » She asked, settling closer to him. Turo's answer, however, didn’t come as quickly as she had hoped. She looked up at him after a while when his hand stopped caressing her hair, to find him with his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

    « ... No idea, » he confessed in a low voice, eyes empty.


    They had spent most of the day inside, getting accustomed to their temporary home and generally exhausted by everything that had happened. Clavell would come back only late at night, and he had left them some money to get something for dinner. Just the whole concept of having to use physical money was absurd to Turo. He kept turning the little coins in his left hand, examining them in complete disbelief.

    So if you dropped it somewhere, your hard earned money could just ... Go puff, and disappear?

    That was so inefficient. Of course, he knew that people had lived like that for most of human civilization; It just… It didn't make it any less weird.

    Even just wandering around the house felt almost surreal. Things looked familiar enough that he still found himself trying to summon a display in midair or simply touch them to interact with them, only to be hit again and again with the realization that there wasn't even a touch screen.

    Literally everything seemed to have half a dozen buttons to operate it. He had spent a good five minutes just looking at the remote control for the ridiculously blocky television in the living room.

    It gave him a headache.

    During the days spent in the crater, his mind had almost operated on emergency mode: focused on nothing but fixing the radio and surviving. He had somehow pushed the thought of what the world actually was like behind Area Zero out of his mind.

    Surely, it wouldn't be as primitive as being stuck with typewriters and physical batteries.

    Surely, it was just because it was old, abandoned equipment.

    Surely, he wasn't stuck in a world that had only barely invented the telephone for the rest of his life.

    Now it was all slowly sinking in.

    Yes, they were stuck in a world exactly like that.

    He had just confessed to Sada that he had no idea what they were supposed to do. All his studies and fancy PhD were about stuff that didn't even exist yet, or in Sada's case, long obsolete.

    They had no credentials.

    No skills.

    No identity.

    He felt panic creeping in as he stared at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling in panicked breaths.

    What could they even do...?

    Sada's hand gently caressed his cheek, and he blinked and looked down at her. She didn't say anything, just kept slowly stroking his jawline.

    His breath slowly calmed down. Right.

    At least they were together.

    He pulled her closer and closed his eyes.

    « ...I need two names, right? » Turo heard her say after what could have been ten seconds or ten minutes, lost as he was simply focusing on having her close.

    « ...Yes. Everyone here has a first and last name. It will look strange to have only one. »

    Sada's hand stopped, and she was silent for a long moment.

    « ...But it's my name. Mother gave it to me. I don't want to get called anything else, » she whispered, and Turo had to look down at her in shock when she sounded so lost and for once...

    Incredibly vulnerable.

    « ...It's the only thing from home I have left, » she added after a moment, and he found that his chest ached painfully.

    She was... scared. Sada had never been scared. In her brutal world where a moment of weakness could spell death, she had been a pillar of strength to him. Always knowing what to do, always looking forward to the next challenge, the next new thing to discover with her endless enthusiasm and excitement.

    Everything was an adventure to her.

    Now he could see her eyes shine, not with her usual curiosity, but with sadness. Tears, gathering at the corner of her eyes. He kissed her forehead, holding her against his chest as he tried to comfort her as she had just done to him, whispering a single "I'm sorry" over and over again. Her tears soon became little sobs that she tried to choke back by biting at her lip, her hands balling into fists against his bodysuit, slipping over the smooth fabric.

    « ...What name will people see more? » She asked after a while in a little voice, and he thought for a long moment.

    « ...Both, but your last name is what's used most. What people will usually call you until they know you better. »

    There was nothing but silence for a good ten seconds. Outside the window, the sun was beginning to set, painting the room in an array of blazing orange and scarlet. She looked up at him with fierce eyes, nodding once at his answer as the light streaming in painted her face in fiery light.

    « Then... Sada will be my last name. I will think of another name to use... but the name I got from my people will be the first thing everyone will see. And they better remember it. » Sada announced, finding strength within her voice.


    47th century, Time Travel Laboratory Departments, University of Mesagoza

    Turo had insisted on accompanying the native girl back to her time. It was understandable.

    He probably wanted to... say his goodbyes.

    Vega hadn't realized how much the guy had genuinely fallen for the girl until she had seen him never abandon her side – not even for one second - at the hospital… At least, until they had forced him to take a break. Now, she felt kind of bad for him.

    Falling in love with someone in another time? That sucked.

    As she exited her office, she noticed the time machine room was still lit up. That was strange. The last one to use it had been Turo more than two hours ago, and when it wasn't used…

    Well, it's not like Porygon 568 had much to do except his usual check-ups... and probably playing solitaire on 40 different screens simultaneously or whatever an AI did to pass the time.

    « -st! Connection lost! Connection lo-»

    Connection lost?

    She ran into the room as she heard Porygon's voice repeat something over and over. Something that made her blood run cold. The Pokémon was in a frenzy, zipping around the room flapping his wings, looking less like a little adorable chibi Zapdos and more like a panicked Torchic.

    Vega didn't know much about computers or AI. Turo had been their local computer wizard, but even she knew that Porygon wasn't supposed to do that.

    « Porygon, calm down... PORYGON! »

    « Connection lost! » The Pokémon kept crying out, agitated.

    She had to get him out of that state, in the only way she knew would work for sure: she ran for the time machine terminal to shut it down.

    That was a mistake.

    « Threat to ongoing process detected. Executing Protection Protocol and directing all power to the time machine to assist in safely completing current task. »

    She froze at the sudden change in voice from the little Pokémon.

    Outside the room, the lights fizzled off, and Porygon grew. His wings crackled with electricity as they spanned so wide they could barely fit into the room when spread. His little head turned sharper, features growing more ferocious. Two feet with sharp talons made of pure Hadron energy landed heavily on the floor, and the Pokémon, now probably as big as the legendary it had been inspired from, lowered his great head to stare at her with completely white eyes.

    Vega desperately scrambled backwards until her back hit the wall, staring at the now enormous Pokémon in complete shock.

    What... was happening?

    Was this the "error handling procedure" Turo had coded into Porygon months ago?

    « What's going on...? The power in the whole department just went out- » Ortega's voice came from the door, and Porygon 568's head snapped to the side.

    « Threat detected. »

    More power crackled over his wings as they beat them once, launching arcs of electricity all over the room. Ortega froze on the threshold, eyes wide with sudden panic.

    « What the f- »

    Vega let out a shriek as a bolt of lightning passed right over her and threw herself to the floor, desperately crawling to the exit.

    « Out! JUST GET OUT! » She screamed, pushing the still petrified Ortega back out into the corridor. Porygon 568 was too big to follow them there in that state... and if her idea was right...

    The Pokémon stopped suddenly, glaring at the two from the middle of the room but making no move to attack.


    They then started pacing around the room, an eerie, unnatural droning sound filling the area as electricity buzzed and crackled all over them.

    « Connection lost. Retrying... connection lost... » the Pokémon kept muttering.

    « What was that?! » Ortega asked as the woman desperately tried to calm down.

    « Porygon called it the "Protection Protocol"... I guess... I guess it's Turo's doing. »

    She only now noticed that the corridor was completely dark, not a single light turning on as the power of the entire department (if not the entire building. At this point, she wasn't sure that Turo wouldn't be capable of it) was being redirected to the room that housed the time machine. The only light came from her and Ortega's bodysuits, and the man's face became ashen white.

    « Turo's...? Wait, why did this thing activate? » Ortega turned back towards the time machine room and the message that the Pokémon kept repeating on loop.

    « Connection lost... Whose turn was it to use the time machine...? » he asked in a low voice, and Vega stared at him in mounting horror.

    « It was... Turo... Two hours ago...» She answered slowly.

    He furrowed his brows.

    « You... You don't think... Oh no...» She whispered, covering her mouth with one hand. It couldn't be... But if Porygon kept repeating "connection lost"... That could only mean...

    « ...We have to call everyone in the department. All jumps will be canceled. » Ortega took a deep breath, suddenly struggling to speak.

    « We've had a mismatch. »
    Chapter 21: Settling in, part I
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 21: Settling in, part I
    In Area Zero, and really most of his life lately, Turo had solved the problem of not being able to fall asleep by simply exhausting himself until he collapsed.
    Now, with nothing to do, he tossed and turned on the couch-improvised-bed Clavell had given them. He hadn't heard the man come back yet, but that wasn't the reason he couldn't sleep. It was the fact that everything felt familiar yet wrong. The lights outside the window, the noise of the city... those were similar enough to trick him into thinking he was actually home, which made the one detail that was noticeably missing sting even more painfully; he knew perfectly well what it was, and it pained him just to think about... the familiar, reassuring form of Miraidon sleeping right next to him, his long tail curled up around his body.

    Without him, everything was just too quiet. He couldn't handle it. With a frustrated grunt, he got up and, resisting the instinctive urge to wave his hand to summon some light, stumbled towards the wall in the almost completely dark living room.

    Dumb primitive technology... every time he found himself unable to do the simplest thing he felt like he was being slapped in the face by the reality of the situation he was in. Sure, not being able to turn on some light with a gesture wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things, he could live without it... didn't mean he had to like it.
    Turo headed towards the tv, fumbling for the remote controller until he managed to find it and push the right button.

    He rapidly switched channels, blinking his eyes at the sudden brightness of the screen -didn't people of this time know about dimming screen brightness? This hurt -. This late at night, not much seemed to be on. News, movies, reruns of random gym matches... he stopped briefly on a weather broadcast, glancing at the date in a corner of the screen.

    2 October 2005.

    2005. Just early 21th century. Barely started. Did they even have like... internet access? Probably...? That time was all a confused mess for him, it's not like you studied exact dates at school, just... "in those period, this and this and this were being invented".
    Not really useful when you suddenly found yourself in it.

    He took a long breath, tiredly rubbing his face. The date nagged at him, feeling like it was important somehow, but his mind was drawing a blank at the moment. He resumed channel jumping until he found one that showed nothing but static, the low droning sound typical of electric devices filling the room.
    He sat back on the couch for a moment, remote in hand. The sound was not quite what he was used to, but... he sighed; it was the best he was going to get anyway. He sniffled, turning around to put the tv remote on the floor besides the couch and try to go back to sleep, and met Sada's eyes, also wide awake.

    « Can't sleep?» He asked, and she shook her head.
    Sada had listened to Turo toss and turn around, unable to fall asleep herself. She, on the contrary, had been laying perfectly still: it was just her instinct, to not move and make as little noise as possible. When you slept away from the village and out in the open, with only a campfire to protect you from creatures approaching, it was the sensible thing to do. She was used to bolting awake at the slightest unknown noise; but here, everything sounded new. The crater had been incredibly quiet compared to "Mesagoza", almost reassuringly so. Familiar.
    This was unnerving.
    Turo got up and turned on the strange box that showed pictures, sitting silent in the dark. She didn't quite understand why he had done it at first, until she recognized the low noise that filled the room. It was everywhere in his home, thanks to his dragon, and she realized he was probably used to sleeping with it.

    « Can't sleep?»

    She shook her head.

    « Too much noise. » She answered, and he chuckled.

    « ... eh. It's too little noise for me. » He replied as he laid back down near her. For a while, there was complete silence, as each of them listened for anything familiar to fall asleep to.

    « We also need to get new clothes, right?» she asked after a while, after making sure that he was still awake.

    « Yes, but we need money for that. We can't have Clavell keep paying for us.» He answered.

    « I can just sew them -»

    « We still need money for the... fabric. I'm sure they don't use pelts anymore.» He interrupted her, and Sada grumbled unhappily.

    The food here was amazing, and they had wondrous things she couldn't even imagine... but there seemed to be so many strange rules you had to obey to be part of the community. She had noticed people looking at them weird while they ate, and she had hated it.

    It made her feel wrong just because she didn't know about these rules.
    There was so much she had to learn. But first of all, she had to choose a name. A normal one, that wouldn't make her stand out... but she didn't even know what people here were usually called.

    Maybe she could look for some... place that had a list of normal sounding names.
    Early in the morning, Clavell carefully adjusted his glasses, giving one last look at his image in the mirror before heading out. As he passed in front of the living room, he hesitated in front of the door left ajar, before hazarding a look inside.

    There, still asleep on the couch, curled up against each other, were the man and woman he had offered a place to stay just the night before.

    The two paradoxes from Area Zero.

    Yesterday in the afternoon, he had gone back to the Academy, but he had struggled to concentrate on actually teaching anything as he kept thinking about the riddle those two presented.

    They had just come out of nowhere... and then there were all the little details about them that were just off, like Sada apparently having no idea how to use eating utensils. She had tried to camouflage it, but it had been obvious that she had never seen them before as Turo had tried to show her how to use them. And her clothes... they looked haphazardly put together.

    His theories about the two just kept getting wilder: "Just" Sada had been... I don't know, raised by Lycanroc or something, and Turo had found her and they had ended up in Paldea together...?

    Who knows, maybe the poor girl had been kidnapped by some criminal organization in Kalos and Turo had helped her escape... it would explain her lack of people skills, at least.
    And... it would also somewhat explain the fact that she had apparently been more than capable of hunting Pokémon with a bow and arrows to survive.

    But it wasn't only the woman that was strange; Turo had done his share of weird things himself during that lunch. From thinking that they still had Pokémon Centers to the way he seemed to look at every little thing with a mix of sadness and frustration. He also seemed to have a weird tic with his arm, because Clavell had noticed him make little gestures with his left hand, just to look crestfallen immediately after.

    And that weird accent he had never heard before was driving him crazy.

    He had even considered the idea that they were actually really smart Zoroark just messing with him, just briefly, but no optical illusion could be that good.

    Clavell was about to close the door on the sleeping couple when he noticed something that made him pause: the tv had been left on an empty channel, for some reason. He furrowed his eyebrows, then opted to quietly step in and turn it off.

    They immediately bolted awake, if in completely different ways.

    Sada straight up jumped awake, her hand grasping for something to her side, eyes narrowing at him, while Turo gasped loudly and tried to scramble backwards, before blinking slowly once.

    It seemed to take them both a long moment to recognize where they were, or even who he was. Understandable.

    « I'm sorry for waking you up, I... err, just wanted to turn the tv off. I'll be on my way... take whatever you want from the kitchen for breakfast! » He quickly exited the room again, leaving the still confused couple on their own, only to stop with his hand already on the door and turn around again.

    « One last thing: I suppose you were planning to go out? » He asked.

    « Y-yes... we wanted to look for a job...» Turo answered, still blinking sleep out of his eyes.

    « ...Dressed like that? » He couldn't help but comment, and the man winced.

    Clavell looked at his watch; he liked to arrive at the Academy early to review the material to cover in the day's lessons before officially starting the day. They still had quite some time.

    « Why don't you come to the Academy with me for today? We can discuss things better there.»

    « What is the "Academy"?» Sada asked, sounding confused. Turo whispered something in her ear, and her eyes widened, a little smile coming to her face.

    « ... oh! Yes! I want to see it!» She exclaimed, suddenly looking like a completely different person, her whole face glowing with excitement.

    Clavell noticed Turo looking at her with a stunned expression on his face, and the other man nodded after a moment, apparently immediately convinced by the woman's enthusiasm.

    « Allright. We'll come.»

    Good. This way he could both keep an eye on them, and honestly get to know them better. It was going to be an interesting day.

    « But first... I guess you should both change into something less... noticeable.» he politely suggested.
    Turo had been extremely unhappy about having to get out of his bodysuit, Sada noticed. Then again, it would have been impossible to not notice with how much he had been grumbling about it.
    In a way, she could understand him; it was not just that they were used to wearing them. Those clothes were literally the only thing they still had of their respective times.
    Getting out of them was... like resigning themselves to the fact that this wasn't temporary. Another step in getting away from their respective lives forever. They had both put some special care in folding them after getting something else to wear from Clavell, she had noticed. Turo had also stealthily removed the broken time anchor from his wrist, slipping it into the pocket of the black pants he had put on instead. On top of those, he had worn something that was apparently called a "shirt" with a square motive.

    Hanging from his neck she had seen a glimpse of the necklace made from Winged King's feathers she had given him, and it had made her happy as she looked at the bracelet she had received from him just before they had ended up here.
    At least... they still had something from each other's time that they could still wear.

    Sada had to admit the variety of clothes had impressed her, and for a couple of minutes, she had admired every piece of clothing that Clavell seemed to have. There were so many! And even of the same type, just in different colors! Could people in this time really have this many clothes for one person? And the colors! She had seen a lot of colors even in Turo's time, but here there seemed to be so many different types of fabric, and... and there were even pictures or words on them! How did you do that?

    « Are these clothes all "cotton"?» She asked Turo in an excited whisper after she finished putting on a light blue "shirt".

    « They are itchy, that's what they are.» Turo answered, looking uncomfortable and fiddling with the collar of his shirt. Sada realized that he had always worn the clothes she had made for him over his own; he probably wasn't used to feeling anything else on his skin.
    He then turned around, and fell silent, quietly staring at her.

    « You look... good. » He said after a moment, and she smiled.

    « You also look good.» She replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, before exiting Clavell's room that they had entered to get dressed. The man had been waiting for them in the living room, and looked them briefly up and down.

    « I apologize for not having clothes that are more appropriate, Sada.» He said, leaving her confused.

    She wasn't quite sure what "appropriate" meant, but she got the idea that there seemed to be some problem with the clothes she had been offered. She didn't really understand why. Apart from not fitting quite right, they seemed fine to her.

    « Oh no, I love them! » She smiled, apparently leaving Clavell even more confused. Had she said something wrong...?

    She decided to leave it be, excited to go back out.
    They exited Clavell's home and made their way towards the Academy, the great, shining building that stood as the highest point of the city... in this time, at least. By force of habit, Turo found his eyes wandering to the horizon, expecting to see tall skyscrapers and more modern buildings surrounding Mesagoza's historical city center, or teleporting stations, Miraidon and other Pokémon zipping around... instead, he found himself looking at nothing but the sky. Pain twisted in his gut as he looked back down with a sigh, away from the spot where his apartment complex wouldn't exist for millennia to come, looking towards Sada.

    Just yesterday evening she had shown him a little moment of vulnerability, crying weekly in his arms at accepting that everything that had made up her life right now had been lost forever in the blink of an eye... but looking at her now, you would never believe it. Her eyes shone as she curiously looked around, trying to take in everything the city had to offer at once.
    He couldn't help but admire her strength.
    Maybe it was because for her, everything was new and exciting, so it was easier to genuinely get lost in it all. To him, it was frustrating.
    It was as if he had been thrown in one of those historical reenactments where you had fun dressing like people of the time for a couple of hours, and then took the ridiculous costumes off and went home, laughing about the experience.
    Except he was stuck here.

    The Academy, at least, looked the same as ever; it was actually strange how little it had changed in so much time, at least from the exterior. It was... strangely comforting.

    « You mentioned being a member of the staff at the Academy... what do you teach?» He asked Clavell as he was walking beside them after a moment.

    « I have a couple of courses, actually. I mostly teach basics of Pokémon biology to grade schoolers and a bit more advanced courses in the later grades for people interested in a career in the sciences. » He answered, and Turo nodded. So at least it looked like it hadn't really changed in how it worked in his time, offering courses for pretty much all levels of education.

    « And... was the radio where we sent the message to...?»

    « In an old laboratory at the Academy, yes. If I didn't have the habit of going there for grading papers, well...» Clavell cleared his throat, looking a bit embarrassed. They kept walking, and as they got closer and closer Turo noticed something that made him slow down until he had to stop, craning his neck upward.
    The famed Mesagoza staircases, in all its 150 plus steps glory.
    He had climbed it just a couple of times in his life, before giving up on it and using a teleporter ever since.
    Except that there weren't any around now.

    « Are we ... going to climb that...?» He asked, feeling the blood drain from his face a little at the prospect.

    « How else do you want to get over there? Flying?» Clavell chuckled.

    Well... he did have a Gyarados, but Clavell seemed to read his thoughts.

    « ... yesterday's situation was highly unusual. Flying your own Pokemon over populated areas is mostly forbidden.» He explained, and Turo had to raise a single eyebrow at that. What?

    « Then... how do you get around? » He had to ask, only for Clavell to look at him oddly. Turo kept his face neutral, wincing internally; he felt like every little thing he said or did was being carefully analyzed by this man.

    « We can ride other types of Pokémon, obviously. Or you can take a Flying Taxi, but do you really want to pay just to avoid climbing some stairs?» He laughed.

    ... well, no. Turo sighed, resigning himself to starting to climb. It couldn't be worse than scaling a hillside in Prehistoric Kalos, after all.
    Sada was the first to start ascending, her gaze fixed on the great sphere on the top of the building. Clavell and Turo were behind her, the latter having a bit more difficulty. She slowed down when she saw him double down in pain, gasping for breath, offering him her shoulder to grab on to.

    « Is everything all right?» Clavell asked, looking worried.

    « Yes, he...» Sada hesitated, not quite sure how to put it. Would "He's not great at moving around" sound strange? She also didn't want to put him down, because it wasn't his fault. In his time, people didn't seem to walk around much from the little she had seen; they didn't need to.

    « He does not walk much.» She said at the end. She was used by now having to wait for him when they did something slightly more strenuous than walking on plain ground, and after a couple of moments, Turo straightened himself up with one last gasp.

    « I'm fine. Let's... let's go.» He said, resuming to walk.

    They had to stop another three times along the way before they reached the top, Clavell looking increasingly worried at every stop.

    « Are you sure everything's fine? We have an infirmary at the Academy, you could lay down-»

    « I'm good.» Turo repeated, now with a slight hint of irritation in his voice. A couple of children all dressed in the same orange or purple clothes had surpassed them as they went up, and their giggles while looking at Turo sitting down on one of the steps seemed to have irked him.

    Especially as Clavell, who looked a bit older than both of them, still looked only a bit fatigued. The man looked a bit taken aback, but didn't comment on Turo's tone, deciding to simply walk ahead instead.

    As she helped Turo clear those last few steps, she couldn't help but be a little excited. So this "Academy "was the place where people went to learn things! She could see anyone from little children to adults walking around, all dressed in the same clothes with some slight variations. Maybe every type of clothing had a special meaning, or indicated your role? Or how much you knew?

    « Is dressing like that part of some ritual?» She asked. Clavell turned around to look at her strangely.

    « It's the school uniform.» He added after a moment.

    She didn't knew what a uniform was, but she understood that it was something that everyone here was supposed to know, so she simply nodded with a little "I see" half said to herself.

    The building only looked more and more beautiful as they approached the doors, and when Clavell opened them and walked inside, Sada couldn't help but hold her breath. By her side, she quietly registered Turo stopping in his tracks and do the same, stunned into silence.

    It was the building with the tallest ceiling she had ever seen, it didn't actually feel like being inside at all. The light of the sun streaming in from the windows illuminated the great hall; the whole room felt like a great open space, full of people reading.
    Hundreds and hundreds of books, covering the shelves for the floor to the ceiling, leaving Sada completely mesmerized. In her time the only "writing" she had ever seen was what she or someone else had written themselves. But here, in this time... there had to be so many books here that you couldn't read them all in your whole life! These had to be all the books that had ever been written!

    In a daze, she turned towards Turo at her side, eyes shining.

    « Look Turo! It's all paper!» She whispered, in awe, grabbing his arm.
    Turo stared at the wooden shelves that lined three whole floors of the academy, holding hundreds and hundreds of books.

    « It's all paper...» He quietly despaired, in complete disbelief, looking around in search of even a single digital screen.

    This was completely different from the Academy in his time. He could understand not having teleportation, but... where were the terminals for students?
    Were they seriously still using paper for everything? Didn't they have digitalized books already in this era?

    He couldn't believe it.

    Not even the lady at the reception had a single old computer. Or any piece of technology newer than pen and paper, really.

    Arceus... he didn't think it would be that bad. Sada shook him out of his daze, beaming, and he had to smile a little bit at her enthusiasm.
    Well... at least one of the two between them was taking this well.

    « Let's go to the cafeteria. We can have breakfast there.» Clavell led them along a couple corridors that Turo couldn't help but find familiar.

    The general layout of the Academy didn't seem to have changed much from when he had attented as a kid... or, to be more correct, wouldn't change in the centuries to come. He held Sada's hand, leading her away from the bookshelves with a little pang of guilt. She frowned a bit, evidently disappointed in not getting to examine anything, but silently followed the two men in the cafeteria. It was early morning, and they were evidently still serving breakfast.
    Quite a number of students and teachers were still sitting down, both probably thinking about the coming day's lessons from two opposites point of views. A couple of people looked at them as they entered, and Turo immediately stiffened, feeling their gaze on him.
    It lasted only an instant before no one else paid them any mind anymore, and he relaxed.

    Right. They were dressed in completely "normal" clothes now, of course no one would stare. Turo hated them, from the rigid pants to the rough (to him, at least) flannel checkered shirt in red and white he had borrowed from Clavell.

    They were itchy, fell completely wrong, and their ability to regulate body temperature was absolute shit. He had never been too cold or too hot in his bodysuit; he had been out of it for not even an hour and already missed it dearly.
    He was really starting to realize how many insignificant details of his life he had taken for granted.

    However, as soon as he got near the long table that offered all manner of drinks, he was hit with a familiar scent, one single thing he had been desperately craving for days in Area Zero, a fragrance that almost made him tear up.
    Thank Arceus, they had coffee: the day already looked so much better.

    He drifted towards the table and took two big mugs, filling them to the brim before offering one to Sada. She sniffed it curiously as they sat down at a table with Clavell after grabbing a couple slices of toasted bread each, looking a bit taken aback by the color.

    « Is this fruit juice?» She whispered to him in her language, and he had to quirk an eyebrow. Honestly, he had no idea. Was coffee a fruit? Not really...?

    « Something like that.» He answered, before feeling Clavell's eyes on them both. It made him uncomfortable, how he was watching their every move, and he had to wonder what the other man thought they had just said.

    « So... I kind of want to talk about what you want to do from now on, and your... situation.» Clavell said as Turo took a sip from his own mug.

    « I had to explain what prompted me to storm out of the school to the director and other chosen members of the faculty, obviously.» The man said after a moment, and Turo almost choked on the coffee. He what?

    « I'm afraid I was forced to do it. Obviously, everyone is extremely interested in what you were doing in Area Zero and how you got there. You both became a bit of a... curiosity yesterday afternoon as the story spread. People in the city also have seen you. » Clavell added as Turo felt a wave of nausea hit him. Suddenly he felt the stares of every single staff member in the room on his back, and even a couple of the students. They had to be staring at him. Looking away as they entered had to have been a way to not make it look obvious. They were all watching, scrutinizing, waiting to see when they would do something weird. Right at that moment, Sada gagged and stuck her tongue out as she tried the coffee he had poured for her.

    « You drink this?» She asked incredulously, and he almost wanted to laugh. Clavell looked at her and wordlessly slid the little box full of sugar packets in front of her.

    « Then... what do you want to do with us?» He asked, as Sada noticed his nervousness and snapped her attention back to Clavell, who raised both hands in the air.

    « No reason to be so nervous! Look, I admit to being curious about you two... but I also respect that you don't want to talk about whatever it is you have to hide. But, if you don't want people snooping around and making you Paldea's newest gossip story, you both are going to need help. Someone that has your back and can help you...» He hesitated for a second, adjusting his glasses.

    « ... cover your tracks. Help you settle down. »

    There was a little moment of silence as Sada picked one sugar packet and opened it up, then stuck a finger inside and licked it to taste the content.

    « ... you want to help us... what?» Turo lowered his voice. « Forge fake identities? Give us some cover-story to use? Why go that far for two strangers?»

    Clavell looked at them both for a moment as Sada's eyes lit up and she dumped the entire content of the packet into her mug, eyes flitting between the two men.

    « ... because I have the feeling you two are hiding something big. Something incredible. And you are one of the few people in the region that have entered Area Zero. » He said.

    « ... you want to... "examine" us. » Sada unexpectedly spoke up after taking a sip of the now practically sugary drink, and Turo nodded.

    « So you want to keep us near.» He chuckled, as Clavell shrugged while taking a bite out of his toast with jam.

    « I'm a scientist after all. Being curious is what we're all about.» He answered, and Turo noticed Sada brighten up a bit at that, eyes shining.

    « You're a scientist?» She asked, and Turo had to smile a little bit at that. The word had always had a little special meaning between them.

    « Yes...? And so are you. I don't know of what, but... » Clavell added, looking back at them both.

    « There were opened books you two were obviously reading on the table in Research Station 2 where I found you yesterday. »

    « ... well, it's not like we had anything better to do under there-» Turo muttered in his defense, trying to divert the attention away from anything that could point the conversation towards their "job" or whatever they did before coming here. Luckily, Clavell didn't insist.
    ... for now.

    « ... anyway, I have an idea for helping you settle here. You could enroll here at the Academy.» Clavell waited a moment to study their reactions, before continuing.

    « It would help you both with the language, and you could stay here in the dormitory so you wouldn't have to worry about rent for now. Once you graduate, you will have something to show to people asking for some official documents about you. »

    Going to school... again? Here?

    By impulse, it sounded stupid, but... it actually wasn't half bad as an idea. It would help them both tremendously, Sada in particular. She could use the basic courses as a way to learn the language and get herself... up to date with things, so to speak.

    While it would help him get... down to date, in a sense. Make sure he didn't accidentally blab about stuff that hadn't even been invented yet. There was just a little problem about that...

    « What's "enroll"?» Sada asked him in a hushed whisper, in her language.

    « He wants us to study here. To learn things... and to train Pokémon.» He answered in the same way.

    All of Sada's enthusiasm at his words evaporated in an instant.

    « We need... a "Pokémon"?» She turned towards Clavell, asking again just to be sure. The man nodded.

    « Yes, at least one Pokémon is necessary to follow most courses. Our Academy has always prided itself in helping develop the bond between human and Pokemon along with their minds-»

    Sada's face fell, and Turo was sure he knew exactly what she was thinking about.
    ... he missed Miraidon so much. He couldn't contemplate having any other Pokémon by his side.

    « We... we had Pokémon. They are... lost now. They're not with us anymore.» She said in a low voice after a moment, and Clavell's eyes widened.

    « I'm so sorry... when you said you had no Pokémon, I thought you meant you never -» He stammered. « W-well, in that case... I can see why you wouldn't want to... I'm really sorry, that must have been terrible. Did you perhaps... lose them in the Crater...?» He asked.

    « ... yeah. Give us... a bit of time to think about it. » Turo replied, looking towards Sada, who had been chewing on her toast with little enthusiasm now.

    « Y-yes, of course. W-well, I can give you a tour of the Academy anyway, if you want to...» Clavell offered, to a cold response from both of them.

    The rest of the breakfast was spent in an uncomfortable silence; Turo could barely enjoy the coffee, which now only reminded him of how Miraidon would put his head in his lap as they had breakfast, hoping to get a little extra snack from him.

    « Can we still work here and live in the dormitory anyway? There has to be... something you wouldn't mind having two extra people help with.» Turo mumbled as they were done.

    « Well... I remember hearing that they actually needed some help in the kitchen. Or with cleaning. We've had an influx of more students than usual these past couple of years...» Clavell commented.

    Sada whispered for him to translate "kitchen", and when he did, there was a little, hastily hidden frown on the woman's face, before she nodded and tried to cover it with a smile.

    He couldn't blame her and say that he was thrilled. He would accept anything, their position was desperate enough that they couldn't afford to be picky.

    Still... not how he imagined his life to go, and it was probably the same for Sada.

    « Sure... whatever is fine. » Turo sighed.

    It's not like they were in any rush. They had the rest of their lives to figure out what to do in this time, after all. He felt Sada slowly take his hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze, looking up at him. Her eyes stopped for a moment on his necklace, and she raised her other hand to touch the bright feathers.

    « If we are together... it will be fine.» She smiled, sounding like she was trying to convince herself as much as him.

    He smiled softly in response after a long moment, and together they followed Clavell out of the room.
    Chapter 22: Settling in, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 22: Settling in, part II

    Clavell's steps echoed through the hallway as Sada and Turo followed, hand in hand. The woman didn't really know what to expect out of this place: she knew it was a place of learning, but she couldn't really picture how it worked. Did people just... read books and had other "scientist" explain stuff to them?

    « The Pokémon market is over there, while the infirmary is on the other side of the hall... in these wing are most of the classrooms. » Clavell was explaining.

    They passed a series of rooms with closed door, and Sada couldn't help but glance inside, squeezing Turo's hand to tell him to slow down a little.

    The "classrooms" were full of people, all sitting and intently watching one person that was standing behind a table on an elevated platform. Everyone seemed to have their own notebook and they were taking notes, following what the teacher was writing on a big white wall with a pretty big pen.

    In the next classroom, she saw one student raise their hand and ask a question she couldn't hear, while in another they passed everyone was divided into groups around big tables, drawing or even sculpting things out of stone. So it wasn't just a place to learn about... scientists stuff, you learned about everything!
    It was a place to practice whatever you wanted to do and find what you liked, it was incredible!
    She gave a quick look to Turo by her side, wondering if this is how he had learned to draw, just practicing in these classrooms with a teacher.

    At the very core, it wasn't any different from her mother teaching most people in the tribe the basics of sewing, or any other craft. What was amazing to her was the... freedom they had in doing those things. They didn't have to worry about gathering or hunting down food, so they could devote so much more time to it.

    She wanted to be a part of it. She really wanted to. But... the fact that you needed a "Pokémon", which was how people called creatures here, saddened her. If only she could have had Winged King by her side, learning all these wonderful things together, exploring this place that was completely new to her with him and Turo... in a way, it would be a dream come true. It would make her situation more bearable.
    But... another Pokémon... she didn't even know anything about the Pokémon that lived in this time.

    They passed through the classrooms, then the "laboratory" which was apparently where Clavell usually worked, the "Pokémon market" that sold what looked like Master Balls of a different color and so many other things she couldn't even begin to imagine the use of, and a lot of other places before coming back to the entrance where all those books were.

    Sada couldn't quite help staring at them, just itching to get near and try to read even just the title to know what they were about.

    « Is there some... work here with books?» She asked, almost not daring to hope it. If she could help and get money and get to use these books at the same time, it would be perfect!

    « You mean... library assistant?» Clavell asked, a pensive look on his face.

    « Umm...» She tried to not have her eyes dart towards Turo, but she caught him barely nod in her direction to her side.

    « Y-yes. Could I... do that?» She asked.

    « I would have to ask... but we have so many books here, having an extra someone to help the students find what they need is always useful...» He mused.

    « Oh! Please do!»
    Getting used to working in the Academy's lunch hall had been rough. Sadly, there had been only one available spot working at the library, and he had gladly left it to Sada - even just the little happy jump she had done had been worth it -

    It was rough not because Turo thought it was a bad job or anything, but for a much more practical reason: he had absolutely no idea how many little details were involved in operating a kitchen in this time.

    ... or even his time, he had to admit.
    Mostly because most of everything in his time was automated. Dirty dishes? He just slid them in the sink and they automatically got cleaned, before getting teleported back to their place in the cupboard, ready to be used again.

    He had never even thought about having to load and unload a dishwasher (in a certain, precise way even! There was a certain technique to it, in fitting as much as possible inside), or Arceus forbid, having to wash them manually, but they set him to do plenty of both in his first couple of days. Sometimes he would help serve meals during the busiest hours.
    Sometimes he would clean tables, or mop the floor.
    It was all physical work he was most definitely not used to, and he would come back to Clavell's house at the end of his turn completely spent.

    They apparently couldn't live in the dorms if they didn't enroll, so while Clavell had reassured them that they could stay in his home as long as they wanted (in part, Turo suspected, to try and gleam something from the both of them), he didn't feel comfortable intruding on the man's hospitality like that, so he had started to look for a place for Sada and himself to live in, without much success. Too many questions, people that wanted to see documents and credentials they didn't have. Understandable, in a way, but...

    Turo let out a frustrated sigh as he finished filling one cart full of trays from last dinner. He started pushing it towards the kitchen, and happened to pass by a student still sitting at one of the tables, portable computer opened near his half finished dinner- the laptop was a ridiculously large thing, at least from his perspective, but it was probably the best they could do at the time... it still even had a CD tray.

    « I don't get why it never seems to reach this part... »

    Turo slowly stopped pushing the cart when he saw the unmistakable sight of lines of code on a screen, now listening with his full attention. He couldn't recognize the programming language in particular - probably something long obsolete and practically forgotten in his time anyway -, but he could recognize the general structure and syntax that had stayed consistent in so much time. Much like in mathematics the plus sign had never changed in millennia, so hadn't the basic syntax and concept of programming: a for loop was still a for loop. The student looked like a twenty something man with bizarre two toned hair in two different tones of purple, and looked pretty frustrated at the moment.

    « It doesn't even give me an error, it just...»

    « ... that's because the code it's not doing what you think it's doing.» Turo said after throwing a glance to the screen.

    The young man jumped and turned around, staring with comically large eyes behind a pair of hexagonal glasses.

    « What?»

    « The variable you are checking in the if condition is probably changing value somewhere before that, by mistake. I bet you probably made a typo somewhere and are assigning some other value to the variable, when you meant to initialize a different one.» Turo added, walking closer to look at the screen over his shoulder. His eyes scanned the code up and down, looking for what was probably the problem, until... he pointed to the screen.

    « Here. You reassign the "color" variable instead of "cry", so "color" always has a different value from what you expect.»

    The man squinted at the laptop for a moment before gasping.

    « You're right! How didn't I see that, I spent an hour pouring over it- thank you!» He turned around, grinning.

    « You get so used to reading your own code spotting these kind of errors can be tricky... are you finishing that?» Turo added, pointing to the student's half eaten and now probably cold dinner.

    The student looked surprised, almost like he had even forgotten the food was there.

    « Uh... I... yes, actually.» He grabbed his fork and started eating again.

    « You work here? Haven't seen you around, are you new? How do you know so much about coding?» He asked.

    « Ah, name's Jacq by the way.» He added.

    « Programming is... a hobby of mine let's say. Romero Turo. Are you studying in the scientific course?» He asked, but they got interrupted before Jacq could answer.

    With a loud squawking sound, a Murkrow suddenly swooped in from an open window and towards them. It landed on the table flapping his wings, and went to grab the spoon Jacq hadn't used to steal it away.

    « Hey! Let that go!» Turo tried to scare the Pokémon into dropping it, but it seemed way too used to doing it, because it simply flapped his wings and let out a little "caw" sound.

    ... was it mocking him?

    « ... you want something shiny to steal? Here.» He threw some spare change from his pocket on the table, and the Pokémon's eyes snapped to it, the little coins shining under the light. Turo could almost see his little mind try to decide what to do: it couldn't grab both, so it had to let the spoon go-

    The Murkrow grabbed one coin between one of its talons and, hopping rather ungracefully on the table, flapped his wings again and took off, disappearing out of the window again.

    Turo was left looking after the bird, mouth hanging open, as Jacq laughed.

    « ... clever little bastard.» He shook his head, incredulous.

    Bested by a bird. That was a low blow.

    « Yeah, that Murkrow often comes here, everyone is used to it. There's quite a number of them around the school, his nest is probably on the Academy's roof.» Jacq chimed in with a last chuckle.

    « Anyway... you said it's a hobby? You could probably teach here!» He added.

    Turo sighed; how was he supposed to give a realistic answer that didn't make him look suspicious? He also had really no clear idea of how the technology level was in this time yet. He probably couldn't teach things over the very basics for fear of introducing stuff that didn't even exist yet... like he had done with writing in the Paleolithic... but things could't get conveniently forgotten in this time.

    « No, really... you probably know more than me, I just had a similar error so I recognized what the issue was... What are you even programming?» He tried to divert the conversation on something else.

    Jacq kept muching on his peas for a while, before showing him the screen and clicking on another window, opening a text file.

    « It's my project for this year's Treasure Hunt! You know how some trainers collaborate with their local Pokémon Professor to register data about the Pokémon they catch, and they periodically submit the data for reviews? I want to create a system where everyone can do it... even better if it's done automatically! We could study species much more easily if literally everyone could contribute, you would have so much variety in data! At first I had thought of a website where you fill a form with data about your Pokémon... you know... height, weight, special characteristics, where you obtained it... but...»

    « ... but that would be boring and everyone would just forget to do it after the first couple of times.» Turo finished as the student nodded.

    « Exactly! So I started looking into ways to integrate it into something everyone would have. A professional Pokédex is not something everyone has, so I started to look into the new Pokénav model made by Devon, in Hoenn... those are pretty popular right now... if I could make a little... add-on or something, that you can install on it... Professor Clavell's been helping a lot!» Jacq explained, going back to his code.

    Turo couldn't help but smile a little at his enthusiasm. A system to automatically send data about every single caught Pokémon to a central database... it sounded so simple yet brilliant, and someone obviously had to have implemented it first. He didn't really know if the technology of this time could make it possible. You would need some really precise sensors to automatically get all the data about the Pokémon... trivial in his time, but he had no idea how accurate they were here.

    « So you are working on this alone?» Turo asked after a minute as he cleaned the table.

    « Pretty much, yeah. I'm usually working in the computer lab though... hey, can I come to you if I have another dumb error?» Jacq asked, and Turo had to chuckle a little bit.

    « ... sure.»
    Sada had gotten the job for working in the Academy's library in the end. And she loved it! There were so many books about so many things! Books that collected stories, books full of pictures and the name of every plant or Pokémon - Narjik would have loved it - , there were even cooking books! And so, so so much more.

    « Um, Lady Librarian...»

    Sada turned around, meeting the eyes of a small girl with red eyes. The wide hat she was wearing looked way too big for her, and she was continuously pushing it back up so it didn't fall over her eyes.

    « Oh! Yes! That's me! What is it?»

    « I'm looking for a book... it's a story about a Charcadet. I wanted to finish reading it...»

    « Char-ca-det?» She repeated, thinking. Pokémon names were a big problem for her... and Pokémon in general, actually. She had learned the names of the ones you saw in the city more often, like "Swablu" for the little cute birds with fluffy wings, but not many more.

    « Do you remember the title? » She asked.

    « It's "Charcadet's Ad"... Ad-something.» The girl replied.

    Mmm... not much to go on, but there could't be that many books with the Pokémon's name in the title, right?

    « All right! Let's go look for it together!» She answered with a big smile, taking the girl by the hand.

    Most of her day was spent like that: keeping the book organized, helping the students find what they needed, and occasionally sneaking a peak into some book that caught her interest... which was quite easy to do, since most of them did. There were just so many things to read!

    As much as she loved helping with the library in the Academy itself, she had to admit that she sometimes needed a bit of time to herself. There were just so many people around, and she just... wasn't used to it.

    Sometimes, she just needed to try and get away from the city. So on the "weekend", because apparently people had decided that days were divided in a group of seven and in two of those the school was closed, she had dragged both Turo and Clavell with her for a little trip outside the city, just for a chance to actually see some real nature and trees.

    The constant noise of the city, the traffic, the buildings... she needed to get away from it all.

    There were still too many traces of civilization for her liking when they passed Mesagoza's southern gate: the Pokémon center, the flying taxi passing overhead sometimes... but it was already a completely different scenery from the city. There was dirt on the ground! Actual, dusty dirt instead of paved roads, and there was mostly silence.

    And there were Pokémon. Her right hand went to her shoulder, grasping for a weapon that wasn't there out of instinct; Clavell hadn't let her bring her bow, "unless you use it to shoot a Pokéball instead of arrows".

    « Are you really so used to having a bow with you?» Clavell asked, evidently noticing her gesture.

    The sudden question made her jump, unprepared. She tried to disguise the gesture by pretending she wanted to actually scratch her forehead in thought, but she knew he hadn't been fooled.

    « Yes, I... we did it like this... in Kalos. A small village...»

    In a sense, she was telling the truth.

    « ... uh. Didn't know Kalos education put so much emphasis on survival skills. Interesting.» Clavell commented.

    Sada opted to not comment to avoid giving him any more information that could put her in a difficult position, instead focusing her attention on the wild Pokémon that were around.

    « They really don't attack...» She commented in a low voice, watching a couple of light yellow and brown four legged Pokémon examine them curiously from a distance, but not with hostility.

    « Most Pokémon near Mesagoza, like those Fidough, are used to seeing people and are pretty docile to begin with. » Clavell explained, pushing up his glasses.

    It still was so strange to her, that you could just... walk up to one completely unharmed. Right at that moment, one of the "Fidough" ran near them and barked, wagging their stubby tail while looking intently at Clavell. Sada tensed up again, and Turo slowly moved a couple of steps behind her, both hands in the pockets of the large brown jacket he was wearing, watching the situation with the same curiosity.

    « Is this new for you too?» She whispered in her language, a bit surprised. Turo simply nodded.

    Clavell, on the other hand, looked completely unfazed. He observed the Fidough closely, before grasping one of the Poké Balls on his belt.

    « You want a match?» He asked, and the Pokémon barked again. He threw the Poké Ball, and a sleek black beast with a pair of magnificently curved horns came out of it. Sada gasped; it looked quite similar to some of the creatures in her time, but with much less white bones all around its chest. The howl it released was quite haunting, but it didn't move an inch after appearing. It fascinated her: as scary as it looked, it really was obeying Clavell's commands!

    « Use Ember... but don't overdo it.»

    The Pokémon opened its maw and released a stream of fire against their opponent, and Sada had to gasp again when the little Fidough was completely engulfed in it. She expected it to cry out in pain and run away, but instead, the Pokémon braced its legs and stood its ground, growling.

    After a moment, it started to shine, and Sada recognized it as the Pokémon evolving, like they often did. Its skin grew red and brown, and a pleasant smell started emanating from it. After it was finished transforming, the Pokémon barked happily and ran away, Clavell's Pokémon barking after it before going back to its trainer for some praise.

    « Wait, you... let it go away after just that?» Turo asked by his side, sounding surprised. Clavell nodded, before starting to explain.

    « That Fidough looked ready to evolve. You can tell from their skin; wild Fidough that want to grow stronger look for matches against fire-type Pokémon or bask in the sun, training to sustain higher and higher heat. This makes their usually moist skin dry up and harden, until they evolve into Dachsbun and become completely immune to fire attacks. I wonder if this Fidough-er, Dachsbun now, learned to recognize trainers that have a fire type by smell and approached me for that reason. I decided to help give him that final push.»

    Sada didn't understand the explanation completely - too long and filled with overly specific words-, but she understood that Clavell had done it to help the wild Pokémon evolve, even if it would give him absolutely nothing in return.

    That was so... strange. And beautiful, in a sense. Helping a wild creature for no gain... there was a strange mutual respect going on between Pokémon and humans in this time, even if they didn't live together.

    And Clavell had done it all after a single glance to the Pokémon! Turo looked similarly surprised.

    «... Impressive.» He muttered.

    If studying at the Academy would make her able to do this... well, it would be amazing and she would love it, but... then what? It wasn't like she could go back to her tribe and actually make use of that information, she thought with a little twinge of sadness in her chest.

    ... no use thinking about that now.

    She forced a smile back on her face and clapped a couple of times.

    « That was amazing! » Sada said. « So that Pokémon was "Fidough" before transforming and "Dachsbun" after... what is the name of this one?» She asked pointing to Clavell's Pokémon, before realizing that not knowing the names of Pokémon was probably quite weird. She threw a little glance at the older man, but for once, he wasn't looking at her strangely.

    « ... ah, of course. Kalosian has different names for Pokémon, right? Some students from Kalos also have trouble at first. This one is called "Houndoom"... it should be "Demolosse" in Kalosian, if I remember correctly.» He answered after a moment.

    ... well, it looked like her excuse of being from Kalos was turning out to be useful in more ways than one.

    So this one was "Houndoom"... she still didn't quite like or understood the rules for giving Pokémon their names (her method still sounded much more useful), but she had to absolutely learn them all. After all, how many could there even be?

    They resumed their walk, Sada pointing out different Pokémon to Clavell, who recited their names and usually some little bit of info about them. He seemed to know so much about them; what they ate, their behavior, if and how they evolved... it was incredible. Turo was mostly silent, following them a bit behind, trying to not slow them down too much.

    « What Pokémon is that?» She asked after a while, pointing to another small, four legged beast. It had brown and cream colored fur with a more orange tuft of fur on its head, and was prowling carefully in the tall grass, eyeing what looked like a couple of white rats as it shuffled towards them.

    « That's a Litleo. Strange...» Clavell commented, looking intrigued. « They usually live east of here... since she's alone, I guess this one must have just left her pride.» He added.

    « Pride?» She didn't recognize the word. She watched the "Litleo" stalk closer to her - evidently a female, Clavell must have been able to tell somehow- prey. She wasn't doing a really good job of it: her footsteps were completely silent, but in her eagerness, her tail was twitching behind her, and she was moving her ears a bit too much, instead of trying to keep them as flat on her head as possible. With all those unnecessary movements, she would just attract the attention of her prey and scare it away.
    And that was exactly what happened a moment later, the couple of rodents scurrying off and the Litleo pouncing out of the grass to try and chase them down.

    « Their family. Litleo live in big groups, raised by their whole family. They hunt and live together, raising their young. Once they grow big enough, they are left on their own and leave to find other Litleo or Pyroar - their evolution- to establish another "pride".» Clavell explained.

    The Litleo was pawing at the hole in the ground where the two white rodents had disappeared. She let out a surprised yowl when suddenly a dozen or so of the same creature burst out of their den, all attacking her at once. The Pokémon breathed fire exactly once, then decided to retreat, running off in their direction. She watched the Pokémon run past them and hastily climb a tree, looking around with scared, wide eyes.

    ... something in the whole scene struck a chord in her; she felt a weird sense of affinity with the creature. A little huntress left all alone, away from her family... she found herself moving a couple of steps towards the Pokémon. The Litleo hissed and tried to breathe fire down at her, but was evidently out of breath, managing only a little puff of smoke. Her chest rose and fell with quick, panicked breaths.

    « You were very brave.» She said to the Pokémon, sitting at the base of the tree. From her bag, she took out a little "snack" they had brought with them to eat on the road, something called a "sandwich" that had what looked like strips of smoked and dried meat in it. She offered the meat to the Pokémon, like she had done with those eggs and Winged King months ago. The Litleo looked at it with some suspicion, but started to slowly climb back down to approach it- and by extension, her.

    It... it was fine, wasn't it? She wasn't betraying Winged King by showing kindness to another Pokémon, a little one that was scared and alone just like she was.
    And, as much as it pained her to think about it... Winged King was gone. She hoped that it had kept living with her tribe... or maybe found someone else to steal food from, who knows.

    The Litleo sniffed at the meat, then bit down on one piece. A couple of seconds later, it sat down and started chewing, holding one part of it with her front paws, now watching her curiously. Behind her, Sada was vaguely aware that Clavell and Turo were whispering something between themselves, but she paid it no mind.

    « You know... I'm also all alone here.» She added. Could the Pokémon really understand her?

    « We could... stay together. I can teach you how to hunt better.» She smiled.

    She heard Clavell approach and hastily push something in her hand. Sada looked down at it. A Poké Ball, one of the red ones.

    With this... the Litleo would be considered her Pokémon. She could enroll in the Academy if she wanted.
    But most importantly... she would have her by her side, forever.

    ... was she ready for it? Sada looked at the Litleo.

    ... Winged King would have grumbled because he would have to share his food with someone else, but then probably grow fond of her, she thought with a little smile. She could picture him sleeping curled up all around the Litleo, keeping her warm.

    That convinced her.

    She showed the Poké Ball to the Litleo. Did she even know what it was? It looked like she did. She had probably seen humans use them against other wild Pokémon ... maybe even other members of her pride. The Pokémon sat staring at the Ball for a while, then looked up at her. A low purring sound came out from her throat, and she slowly approached Sada to sniff her hands.
    Then, she touched the Poké Ball with one paw, disappearing inside it. Just like Turo's Master Ball had done, it shook once, twice, three times, and then went still.
    Sada slowly picked the Poké Ball back up, surprised at actually feeling a certain weight in it now that it wasn't empty anymore.
    Maybe it was just her imagination, but it felt warm in her hand.

    « Congratulations. She will be a wonderful companion. » Clavell said from behind her, and she simply nodded, not quite sure what to say. She heard movement as Turo sat down beside her and squeezed her shoulder.

    « I'm sure Winged King would have loved her. She suits you. Well done. » He whispered in her language, and she felt a couple of tears roll down her face as she simply nodded again, holding the Poké Ball to her chest.
    The fact that Sada had actually decided to keep another Pokémon with her had surprised him a little bit. He understood why she had done it: she wanted to train Pokémon, to study them... and so did he, truth to be told. He still couldn't quite picture himself with any other Pokémon except Miraidon by his side... but Mirai was gone. Or... didn't even exist yet, to be exact.

    It was strange to think about. All those years they had shared together... all the times they went riding, all the times Mirai had jumped on his bed when he was a little kid, the first time it had shifted to his battle form, that time it had somehow ordered pizza.. were now only memories that existed only in his head.

    It hurt.

    Turo sighed and turned his attention back to Jacq's laptop; the guy had ran up to him during his break begging him to take a look at some other weird error that had popped up, and now he was sitting in the mostly empty mess hall, scrolling through the code.

    « Hey look. It's your friend.» Jacq chuckled from beside him, elbowing him slightly before nodding towards the window, this time closed.

    Turo turned to look: the Murkrow from a couple of days ago was sitting on the windowsill, staring straight at him and occasionally pecking the glass. It looked like it was holding something in its beak.

    Turo grumbled unhappily: those birds pretty much circled the Academy as soon as the sun went down, looking for shiny objects to steal from students and teachers alike. They were a menace. What did it want?

    He got up and approached the window, glaring at the Murkrow. Yeah, it was definitely the same Murkrow from the other day: he could recognize the weirdly shaped feathers on his head.

    « No luck getting inside today, uh?» He taunted the little bird, and it cawed, pecking the glass again and dropping what he was holding.

    It was a coin, a different one from the one Turo had thrown to get him to leave. Turo blinked, leaning forward to look closer, and the bird impatiently pecked the glass again.

    « Nice try, but I'm not letting you inside.»

    More cawing sounds.

    Turo stared at the little Pokémon; he was most definitely sure it was just trying to trick him again, but the Pokémon seemed quite intent on showing him the coin. If it wanted to steal something, why bring a coin...?

    Turo opened the window the slightest bit, not enough to let the Murkrow slip in, and the Pokémon threw the coin at his feet, flapping his wings.

    « Wait... you want to give this to me?» He wondered, picking it up. It was a bit bigger than the one it had given him, and looked pretty new. Probably some change he had picked up from the street, dropped by who knows who.

    « I've heard Murkrow bring gifts to people they like. He probably liked the coin you gave him and wanted to do the same for you.» Jacq spoke up behind him.

    Turo grumbled, opening the window a little more. The Murkrow hopped inside and perched on his shoulder with more cawing sounds.

    « Tsk, get off me!» Turo tried to wave the Pokémon away, but it squawked and with a flap of his wings, simply perched on his other shoulder.

    Turo sighed. He... he had to admit it was kind of cute, in his own weird way, but...

    The feathers felt incredibly smooth and soft against his neck as the Pokémon started to chew on his hair and earlobe, cawing.

    Great. What was he supposed to do now? The little bastard was cute, and looked quite smart. He liked that in a Pokémon.
    And... if he got him officially registered as his Pokémon, he could enroll in the Academy along with Sada. She hadn't done so already, probably feeling uncomfortable at the idea of being alone. But... this way they could do it together...

    « ... ugh. Fine. Let's go buy a Poké Ball from the Poké Market for you and get you registered.» He grumbled, heading out into the corridor with the little bird perched on his shoulder.

    « So... here are the forms you need to fill to officially become students. You both want to enroll in the scientific course?» Clavell asked.

    « Yes.» Sada confirmed, eyes shining. All three of them were in Clavell's laboratory, discussing the details to get them registered together.

    « All right... we can... work out something for all the necessary data... birthplace... age... name...?» Clavell raised his head from the stack of papers, looking straight at her. Sada hesitated, biting her lip.

    She had thought about it, a lot. She had looked at books in the library, searching for inspiration, for something that fit. Something that she could think of as "her", even just a little.

    « ... Alba. Alba Sada.» She said after a moment.

    « That's a lovely name.» Clavell commented, writing it down.

    « As for your first Pokémon... Litleo and Murkrow, right?»

    « Correct.» Turo interjected, one hand brushing against the single Poké Ball clipped to his belt.

    « Do they have nicknames? Just out of curiosity. You don't have to decide immediately. Some people don't give nicknames at all.»

    « ... I assume "Sneaky bastard" breaks a school rule or two? » Turo asked, managing to get a smile from the other man.

    « ... offensive names are not permitted. So... we can work on the rest after I'm done with today's lessons. Your trainer IDs will take a couple of days.
    For now, this is the list of books and learning materials you're going to need, those are your dormitory rooms, and I suggest you go to this clothing store in Mesagoza to get measurements for your uniforms.» Clavell explained, pushing a little stack of papers over to them and hurrying out of the lab, his own books and a stack of graded papers under his arms.

    The two of them were left sitting alone, stunned.

    « ... measurements?» Sada asked, excited. She was going to see how they made the school clothes?! To make so many surely they used some amazing sewing technique!

    « ... I had completely forgotten about those uniforms. Arceus. They may look okay on a kid, but... ugh. And wearing them is required, isn't it? » Turo grumbled.

    Sada laughed trying to picture him in any of the various uniforms she had seen the students wear.

    « I want to see you wear that hat!»

    « That one isn't required, thank Arceus. I miss my suit. At least we can stop invading Clavell's house... let's go look at our dorm rooms. » He sighed, standing up. Even as he was acting all... well, "grumbly", she could see that he also was looking forward to it. He offered her his hand, and she took it, intertwining her fingers in his.

    « So if we complete this "scientific" course here at the Academy... will people call us "Scientist Sada" and "Scientist Turo"?» She asked as they walked out of the laboratory.

    Turo smiled a tiny bit.

    « I don't think so. What people call you depends on what you actually end up doing... » He started to explain.

    « So... maybe something like Clavell! "Professor Sada" and "Professor Turo"! »

    « ... no way that's going to happen.»

    I thought a lot about what Pokemon Sada and Turo would end up with as their "starters"<br />
    My first thought was present counterparts of some paradox pokemon of their time, but then I changed my mind. They were too "advanced" as their first Pokemon in a sense. (Not to mention that with all his current aaaaangst Turo would have sent that poor Ralts running away crying)
    I wanted two Pokemon that could be found near Mesagoza and they could reasonably encounter in their daily life, and that they would somehow resonate a bit with and decide to adopt more than actively go look for them and catch them.

    They are both still mourning the loss of Koraidon and Miraidon in a sense, so I needed two Pokemon that they both had nothing to do with, as a fresh start.
    Chapter 23: Settling in, part III
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 23: Settling in, part III

    « ... I think that, umm.. "u-ni-form" looked good on you.»

    Sada had been trying to cheer him up since they had stepped out of that clothing shop to get their measurements done. Turo simply grumbled in response; he wasn't looking forward to having to wear any of the different combinations of clothing the Academy offered. They all looked uncomfortable, and just the idea of wearing those shorts ... No. Impossible. Even stranger had been seeing Sada try them on. It was still surreal, seeing her dressed with 21th century clothes. Not as surreal as seeing her with the orange bodysuit of his time had been, but... she looked so... normal.
    Just... here, with him. It still filled him with a strange mix of incredulity, desperation and wonder.
    After exiting the shop, they had decided to simply spend some time walking through Mesagoza. Which, he had never quite realized, had so many stairs when you had to actually climb them all with no convenient teleporter in sight.

    « L-let's rest a moment...» He was forced to pant at the third flight of stairs they had walked up, sitting down on a bench in a little plaza. Sada didn't say anything, simply following in lowering herself on the bench by his side.

    « S-sorry... I always slow you down...» He said after a moment, hanging his head with some guilt.

    Sada didn't say anything in response, simply holding his hand. He appreciated it, how she always waited patiently for him no matter how slow he moved compared to her. Little by little, he felt his heart rate settle down along with his breath as Sada drew little circles on his hand with her thumb.

    « This will be fun... we will learn so many things together!» She said right as he was ready to resume walking, looking up to the sky. « Or... you already know them?» She tilted her head with a questioning look, suddenly worried. Turo smiled.

    « Some of them... but I will have to learn them again. To make sure... I don't say anything strange.»

    Sada nodded, determined.

    « Me too. The children at the library are teaching me a lot of things... they always talk about "homework" and "tests"... I wonder if I can do those...» She wondered out loud, getting a laugh out of him. That was so like her.

    « You fought wild Pokémon with a spear! A test is just questions about stuff! You will be fine.» He chuckled, taking one last big breath before getting back up again.

    « There's also "tests" about Pokémon fighting... how good you are at commanding them... right? » Her eyes were practically shining as she said it, even as her mouth twisted in just a little sad smile. She touched the Poké Ball clipped to her belt, and Turo found himself doing the same. They were probably thinking about the same thing. They both let their Pokémon out at the same time, watching the Litleo and Murkrow appear in identical flashes of light.

    The Murkrow hopped on his shoulder, not looking surprised in the least about where he was; definitely a city boy... "just like me", Turo thought with an amused smile as he scratched the bird's neck.
    Also lazy, since he didn't look at all like he wanted to actually, you know, fly around... "just like me", he mentally added again.
    The Litleo, meanwhile, was looking around with wide eyes. Probably her first time in a city... just another thing she had in common with her trainer.

    « I still have to give her a name... I was thinking of... Little Huntress.» Sada commented as they resumed walking. The Litleo meowed, apparently already having learned her name, and Sada smiled.

    « Yeah, um... it would sound strange, I'm afraid. You can't give names like you did to Pokémon in your language. Most people go for... short names. Cute names. And-» He added in a haste, as Sada was already puffing her cheeks out in annoyance.

    « She's not going to stay "little". When she evolves, she will grow a lot.»

    Sada grumbled, looking back down at "Little Huntress".

    « ... I'm only thinking about names these days... what will you call him, then?» She asked, pointing to the Pokémon on his shoulder. Turo shrugged - which made the Pokémon squawk in annoyance-.

    « Don't know. A simple name. Something like... Carlos-» a rather pointy beak playfully pecked at his earlobe.

    « ... all right. Not Carlos...» He tried a couple of other names, but with more cawing noises, the Murkrow seemed to refuse them all. This was going to take a while...

    « What is that?» Sada pointed to a little cart on the side of the road, distracting him. When he saw what had caught her attention, he couldn't help but smile.

    « That's called cotton candy. It's sweet.» He said, and her eyes just grew wider.

    « "Cotton"? Like the plant you make clothes of? You eat that?! I want to try!»

    Her enthusiasm was endearing, but the price tag for one stick of candy made him frown.

    Enrolling in the Academy was not free, and all the costs of registering and supplies were going to make a big dent in their first paychecks. Trainer equipment like Poké Ball and Potions they were going to need also weren't exactly cheap.

    He took out his wallet, an old thing he had gotten from Clavell, and stared at the meager pile of bills and coins inside.

    Just a little while ago, he would have happily spent all his money to have Sada try all the food she wanted in the single day he had had to enjoy with her.

    Now he had all the time in the world with her, and they had to worry about every cent they spent. But if he couldn't even enjoy little moments like these with her by his side now...

    He walked up to the vendor with a little smile.

    « One please.»

    When was the last time he had even had cotton candy? Ages ago. Sada watched the little machine start whirring and create the fluffy treat with the wide eyes of a child, taking it with an enormous smile.

    « It's so sweet!» She gasped after the first bite, before shoving it towards him.

    « You have to try it!»

    No sooner had he taken an hesitant bite out of it that he heard Sada's vibrant laughter fill the air.

    « It's stuck to your beard! »

    ... yeah, that was probably why he hadn't eaten it in ages. He started to pick out pieces of cotton candy stuck to his chin as Sada kept laughing.

    ... worth it.
    The classroom was buzzing with activity and excited whispers. Sada could barely contain her excitement as she waited for the teacher of her first lesson at the Academy to walk in. At her side,Turo was sitting down leaning against the back of the chair, fidgeting every two seconds with his uniform. He had opted for the "spring" uniform in the end, finding the winter uniform "too damn hot" and absolutely refusing to wear the hat or shorts. With his choice he still had to wear the little "suspenders", and those seemed to be the cause of his suffering the most out of anything at the moment. Sada didn't mind the clothes they had to wear, she quite liked not having to wear layers over layers of heavy pelts and fur for once.

    « I won't last ten minutes with these, never mind hours...» He murmured, and she chuckled softly, caressing his hand before quickly drawing it back. The class went silent as the teacher walked in.

    « Good morning. I'm Rodrigo Crayne and will be your history teacher for this year.»

    Sada listened with rapt attention as the teacher listed everything they would learn; it reminded her of when Narjik would tell stories of her tribe around the campfire, but... there was so much more! She had already started to slowly read the book they had to buy, and... there were drawings, and pictures (which were not the same thing, she had discovered), and numbers to tell what year it was... so, so many things to learn... and this was only one subject! Then Clavell would teach them about Pokémon's "biology" and "types", and "science", and there was "math"... but for now, she wanted to focus on this history class. It was incredible to her, that people in this time knew how things were so long ago, how people lived before them... especially because they couldn't even jump through time like Turo did, to see for themselves... how did they do it?

    « Are we going to reach the age of the Paldean Empire this semester? »

    One young woman that was sitting to her left, near the window, suddenly raised her hand to ask a question. She had wild dark purple hair and striking eyes only partially hidden behind a pair of thick glasses, and looked more or less her age. Sada watched her curiously. What was an empire...? Or a semester, for that matter? Did she know some things already?

    « Yes we will, we will probably also do some field trips in a couple of castles from that era, if you are interested. But first, we'll have to start from the very beginning... open your books on page 10.»

    Sada threw a little glance back to the woman, studying her. She looked interesting... she wanted to talk to her as soon as the lesson was over. By her side, Turo opened up the book in front of his face to hide a yawn.

    « I already know this stuff... if I fall asleep wake me up if there's something interesting.» He mumbled, hiding behind the cover as he put his head on the desk.

    But... but everything sounded interesting!
    His little nap lasted barely ten minutes before Sada poked him awake in excitement.

    « Turo!! Fossils!! There's creatures inside rocks?!»
    Honestly, Turo was having more fun watching Sada follow the lesson than actually doing it himself. He wouldn't mind a refresher, but he knew what was coming for the first part of the course at least: how the planet was formed, how Pokémon appeared, debates about Mew actually being the ancestor of all Pokémon, first life forms included, or just of modern Pokémon from a certain point in time, and all that stuff. All stuff he had already done in school already. But watching Sada listen to it all with wide eyes and mouth open was like rediscovering the wonder of it all himself, in a way. She was furiously taking notes, and sometimes would whisper little comments in her language.

    « There really were no people?? Only Pokémon? » She whispered to him excitedly, and he nodded with a tiny smile. The idea that there had been something even before her tribe was evidently mindblowing to her.

    This was going to be fun.
    « Um, hi... » Sada approached the woman at the end of the class as they were walking to the next lesson.
    « You looked really... interested in class. Do you like history...?» She didn't quite want to ask what the Paldean Empire was in case it was something obvious that everyone was supposed to know; she would look it up by herself later.

    « Oh... I know about you. I've seen you in the library. You're the exchange student from Kalos.»

    Sada blinked, surprised. People had noticed her?

    « You also looked pretty interested... so you like prehistory? Fossils are interesting, but the fact that you can never be sure of how things were at the time is a bit... frustrating. It would be amazing to just have a time machine to go see for yourself-» the woman was saying.

    A loud snort made her stop and turn around, and Sada did the same, already recognizing who the one responsible for it had been.

    Turo was walking right behind them, his bag full of books for the next lesson thrown over one shoulder and suspenders left hanging at his waist, trying to suppress a grin.

    « What's so funny?» the purple-haired woman huffed, to which Turo simply shrugged.

    « ... nothing. Just happened to hear what you were saying. It would be nice.» He commented, shaking his head and walking away with a wry smile.

    Sada sighed, while the woman looked pretty peeved at having been laughed at, at least from her point of view.

    « What's his problem? »

    « Nothing, Turo is just... a bit weird... but he is nice, usually.»

    « So you know him? Ugh... ah, where are my manners? Name's Raifort, by the way.» The woman offered her hand to shake, and Sada took it after a moment, recognizing the gesture after having seen it a number of times at the Academy and in "movies" on tv. What a weird custom.

    « Alba... Alba Sada.» It was still strange using the other name to call herself, but she was slowly growing used to it. Slowly. Every time she repeated it, it sounded... not really natural, it never would, but... more believable, in a sense.

    « And.. yes, I... I live here with him...» Raifort frowned at her words, muttering something under her breath that she didn't understand.

    « Figures... ah, whatever. Do you want to have lunch together, after the next lesson?»
    The cafeteria was pretty crowded that day, and the lessons were going well. Sada seemed to already have found a friend, the history-loving girl who wished to have a time machine (ah! That had been hilarious to hear.. didn't they all), and would sometime spend time after class studying with her, in the library. Turo didn't mind, on the contrary: Sada was smart enough to know how to not act suspicious. She couldn't and shouldn't always stay with him; he had his own moments when Jacq would slap his laptop in front of him at lunch, barely avoiding crushing his plate, to discuss his project with a desperate "I need your help pleaseeee, nothing is working!".

    He liked looking over the code with the guy, even until late at night; it was familiar, almost comforting, in a way, similarly to the math lessons. Finally being able to look at something that was exactly the same as his time had almost brought him to tears.

    Numbers didn't change. Algebra was always algebra. The computers were excruciatingly slow and primitive, but they still worked on the same principles as the Hadron-quantic ones of his time. Writing code or losing himself through purely mechanical calculations felt like being home... at least a bit.

    Right now, however, he was preoccupied with something different.

    « All right, take this coin. Got that?» He waved one in front of Murkrow, who followed the shiny object with wide eyes, cawing sofly.

    « ... krow.»

    « You fly to the bar, all right...? And then you give the coin to the guy and say "Coffee".» He pointed the coin towards the counter.

    Murkrow were pretty smart, and he knew that a lot of bird Pokémon were able to imitate an impressive number of sounds. The Pokémon actually followed his finger, clicking his beak and then pecking his hand softly.

    « No! You can't have this coin. "Coffee"» He repeated.

    « "Krow... "krowkee"...»

    Turo wondered for a moment if the bird actually knew the name of some things already, simply because he heard people at the Academy speak them out loud every day.

    « Good. You do that, you can keep the change. All right, go.»

    He watched the Pokémon take the coin and fly away with a chuckle.

    « What are you doing? ... apart from trying to teach your Murkrow to order coffee, for some reason.»

    Turo turned around at Clavell's voice coming from behind him, watching the older man approach his table. Clavell took one look at him and sighed. Turo cringed, already knowing what was coming next.

    « I know you are an adult, but as one of your teachers I'm obliged to do it: ... wearing the suspenders like that doesn't respect school regulations.»

    Turo reluctantly put the suspenders, who he had left hanging around his trousers as soon as he had stepped out of the classroom, back on, attaching them properly.

    « I don't like them. I feel like I can't... breath or move properly. I miss my suit-» He muttered in a lower voice as Clavell sat down by his side.

    « ... that scuba diving looking thing? ... You really are used to wearing that thing everyday?»

    Turo said nothing in response, frowning at his mistake. Their old clothes, together with their meager belongings, had been moved inside their dormitory rooms and carefully hidden away.

    « ... I was teaching words to Murkrow...» He answered, opting to ignore the other's comment and change subject completely. Clavell's eyes narrowed, but he didn't comment on it.

    « Murkrow can actually learn to reproduce an impressive number of sounds, like Squawkabilly and Chatot. Even sounds that are mostly artificial, like machinery... and speaking of machinery, I've seen you speak with Jacq often. You like programming? »

    Turo allowed himself to relax a bit; that felt like a safe argument to talk about, as long as it was about basic concepts...

    « Yes, it's... a hobby...»

    « Are you thinking of doing something related to it for the Treasure Hunt?» Clavell asked.

    He had absolutely no idea. In his time, his own Treasure Hunt had been about researching new possible Artificial Pokémon, but what could he even do here...?

    The only thing he could think of was... doing that, just for fun...

    « Well, maybe... do you have a Por-»

    « Turo!»

    Sada's voice, almost a yell, resonated through the mostly empty room, followed a moment later by the woman herself sprinting inside.

    She looked completely out of breath as she slid to a stop near them, eyes wide, holding something under her arm. Her eyes landed on Clavell for just a moment, and she seemed to hesitate, before sitting down in front of him.

    « I was at the library... and I saw these... look!»

    She pushed two thick books stacked on top of each other in front of him. Turo furrowed his eyebrows, looking down on the bright red cover that had been thrust in from of him.

    « Oh... those... haven't seen them in quite a while, I didn't even know our school still had copies of those books...» He heard Clavell said right by his side, but all his attention had been captured by what was represented on the cover of the book. It was a simple picture, draw in the very center in stylized lines in black ink. It wouldn't have looked out of place on a coat of arms, or as the family crest of some old noble Paldean family. That's what had been his first thought the book was, until he actually recognized what the picture represented.

    That was Winged King. No doubts about it. The feathered crest, the long tail, the webbed feet... he swallowed, reading the title of the book. "The Scarlet Book".

    Before seeing it with his own eyes, as far as he knew there had been no records of there being a prehistoric ancestor to Cyclizar... maybe he had been wrong? Maybe people in the 21th century or even before had actually found fossil evidence of it, and the knowledge had simply been lost...?

    Maybe they had thought they were something else? There was that whole story about people in the past mistaking old Mamoswine skeletons as the skull of some enormous giant or whatever...

    « Those books were written almost 200 years ago.» Clavell spoke up, and Sada looked at him with wide eyes, almost trembling, as the man opened the "Scarlet Book" and turned a couple of pages.

    « They supposedly document the first scientific expedition in modern history into Area Zero... they caused a lot of uproar when it came out, but people started questioning what was written in them... some things are probably based on real events, but all these tales about "monsters" and magical herbs and crystals in Area Zero... sounds more like he used his experience and myths around the Crater as basis for a nice fantasy tale to me.» He added, stopping shortly after the start of the first chapter.

    Sada looked understandably agitated as she kept turning pages, stopping on what looked to be another drawing.

    « But... the Pokémon in this book... how...» She whispered, throwing a quick glance to Turo as she pointed to the image. Turo simply nodded, recognizing the figure of a Great Tusk.

    Clavell was looking between the both of them, suddenly serious.

    « ... you're not about to tell me you actually saw these Pokémon under there, do you?» He asked, lowering his voice to barely more than a whisper.

    Sada was chewing at her lip, her eyes flitting everywhere around the page as she tried to read everything at once. She just shook her head in response.

    « We didn't... go all the way down... they could be there...» Turo slowly offered.

    It was... statistically improbable, but not impossible, for Pokémon of long ago to still be alive as they were. If the Crater had acted as a closed environment, completely separating them from the rest of the world for thousands or even million of years... hadn't it happened with at least another Pokémon? Relicanth, or something similar? Pretty much unchanged for ages?

    But Sada looked way too agitated for it to be just that: surely she didn't think... he sighed, raising one hand to squeeze her shoulder.

    « Sada... even if there's Winged King under there... it wouldn't be yours...» He tried to gently remind her in her language. Sada looked back up, face white as a sheet.

    « I-I know... but these creatures are just like the one I know... and the other book... »

    The other book? He had assumed Sada had just grabbed two copies to have him read one, but when she lifted the Scarlet Book to look at it better, he saw that the second book underneath was actually different. A violet cover, with a sleek figure drawn in similarly stylized lines as the Scarlet Book, pointing to the right instead of the left, almost mirroring the other.
    Nothing could have prepared him for what was drawn on the cover. He drew a strangled breath, suddenly feeling his chest ache.


    That was unmistakably a Miraidon. But that was...

    Someone discovering a place where Pokémon long extinct everywhere else still survived to this day? Difficult but not completely impossible.

    But Miraidon as a species wouldn't even exist for at least another good thousand years, at a minimum.

    He tore the book open at a random point, his eyes frantically scanning the page up and down.

    This made no sense. How had they never heard of these books?

    « Impossible... this is impossible...»

    Now he understood Sada's frantic nervousness. It wasn't about there being or not Pokémon of her time in Area Zero. She was thinking about how they could be pictured in these books... Because if Pokémon also from his time had been seen in the Crater, somehow...

    « We need to go back to Area Zero.» He said, raising his head back up towards Clavell, who simply stuttered for a moment, speechless.

    « ... What? What are you two talking about? I just dragged you out of there and you want to go back? You...» The man looked between him and Sada, and Turo realized he was gripping the Violet Book so tight that his fingers hurt.

    « They are just fantasy books! Why the sudden interest? You...» His eyes went wide, and Clavell fell silent for a moment.

    « ... You recognized the Pokémon on the cover.»

    It wasn't a question, it was a statement, said in a dull voice as he still looked between the both of them. Sada, clutching the Scarlet Book to her chest; Turo figured that while he was simply holding it in one hand, he probably was unconsciously showing a similar expression to hers. Eyes wild, almost shaking from head to toe.

    « You did, didn't you? » Clavell repeated. « You actually think these Pokémon exist?»

    A heavy silence fell between the three of them.

    « ... They exist. » Sada whispered, head held low as she looked at the book's cover, one finger brushing over Winged King's silhouette.

    From an external point of view, it was probably silly. Two grown adults suddenly getting obsessed about pictures in some old books... But Clavell couldn't understand. He couldn't understand the implications behind the simple existence of these books.

    If, somehow... there were Pokémon of other times in Area Zero... maybe that was why they had landed here of all places. Maybe that place... attracted things from other times.
    And maybe there was a way for them to contact home- he immediately suppressed that thought.
    He didn't even dare to hope.

    It was too absurd to be a coincidence. A guy coming up with Pokémon that just happened to look exactly like Pokémon that had actually existed, and would exist in the future?

    The author being some psychic prophet or whatever was a likelier explanation than it being a coincidence.

    « We... We know they do. We just do. We need to go see.» Turo begged Clavell, who just shook his head.

    « Impossible. I already got in too much trouble rescuing you two with a quick touch-down. You need at minimum the Paldean League's and Director Harrington's permission to enter the Crater officially-»

    « The Paldean League...?»

    Sada's tone made Clavell sigh as he adjusted his glasses, obviously growing more exasperated as the conversation went on.

    « You... don't know what the League is. Of course. »

    Turo tried to regain his composure, forcing himself to sit still and relax the iron grip he was still holding the Violet Book in.

    « Clavell. What would we need to do to get permission to enter Area Zero...?» He asked, voice barely more than a whisper. Sada crept closer, leaning forward to listen, still holding the Scarlet Book close to her chest like she was clutching a lifeline. Clavell now looked completely lost and overwhelmed, shrinking back in his seat as both of them loomed over him.

    « W-well, Area Zero is notoriously dangerous, so... other than an actually good reason... I imagine the League would like proof that you are strong enough to handle yourself under there...»

    « I can-» Sada was interrupted by Clavell raising one hand.

    « Not with a bow and arrow. With Pokémon to protect you. You would probably need to be Champion-ranked trainers at least -»

    Champion ranked...? Turo listened with a strange sense of detachment to the older man's words. Now that was something straight out of the history books.

    Challenging Gyms, the League... That was what countless VR games in his time had been based on, long after the actual League in most regions had become just a distant memory.

    « If that is the case...» He said, looking back down to the cover of the Violet Book, stroking the silhouette of the Miraidon depicted on it with his thumb.

    « ... I guess we'll just have to do it.»

    For a moment, the only sound was Clavell's exasperated sigh.

    « You are serious... » He said, removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. For some long moments, neither of them spoke. Sada looked ready to bolt outside and attempt to climb into the Crater herself. Honestly, Turo could understand her.

    « Umm... I have an order for... one coffee for the guy with the Murkrow?»

    All three of them looked to the guy at the bar that had spoken up, and was now looking confusedly around while Murkrow landed on the table in a flurry of little wingbeats.

    « "Krowkee!"» He cawed proudly, clutching two little coins in his beak.

    Uh... Oh, nice! The little bastard actually did it!

    Turo chuckled and stroked the little flying type.
    That same evening, as soon as lessons were done, they had toured every book store in Mesagoza to buy a copy of the Scarlet and Violet Books for themselves. They had been quite difficult to find; Turo had said that they were probably "out of print", but they had finally found two copies in a little place that sold all kinds of old books.
    Now they were back at the Academy, both sitting on her bed in her dormitory room.

    « They... They are the same book.» Sada commented as she cracked open the pages to the first chapter.

    « Look.» She waited for Turo to do the same, and pointed to one sentence at random.

    « "A photograph from...the survey team's point of in-ingress-"» She read aloud, only for Turo's voice to join hers, Violet Book held in his left hand.

    « "-to the crater, which is visible in the background."... You're right.» He commented. He went back and forth between the two.

    « ... Completely the same, word for word. Same author, same edition... same print year. » Sada watched as he dragged his free hand through his hair, leaving some short bangs sticking straight up. She wasn't sure what the edition or print year were, but she had compared even the little codes printed on the back, and they came out similarly identical.

    « ... Why make two books the same, except for... the Pokémon? The story is the same... even some pictures.» She wondered, going back to the page with the Great Tusk drawing. Turo mirrored her movements, turning to the same page number on the Violet Book. The creature drawn inside had the same general shape of a Great Tusk, but like most things she had seen of Turo's time, had a smooth and compact appearance, covered in rigid plates.

    « ... Iron Treads. I... I don't know what to think. Did this guy have visions of the future and decided to use them for his book? Why have I never heard of these books? »

    At Turo's incredule comments, Sada closed the Scarlet Book again to look at the name of who had written it.

    « ... It says "Heath" wrote this. Many years ago.» She said after a moment.

    Turo sighed.

    « Well, the guy is long dead. » A frustrated scowl crossed his face for just a moment. « If I still had... It would be so easy to just go there and ask him... But in that case we wouldn't even be in this situation, I guess...» He flopped backwards on her bed, the still opened Violet Book falling back on his face.

    « ... We can try to look for his family. They must know something.» Sada offered. If he had children...

    The Violet Book was lifted just enough for a single brown eye to peer up at her.

    « ... His descendants? We can try...» He muttered.

    Sada smiled, feeling excitement bubble up inside her. This... it had shocked her at first, but now... they had an objective. They had something to do: go back to Area Zero... And find out how these books had been written.
    If it was true... if... if something from "home" was waiting for her at the bottom of Area Zero... she just had to see.

    « These books... They will be our "Treasure Hunt"!» She offered, falling backwards and landing over Turo, prompting a little "oof" out of the man as she knocked the wind out of him.
    His arms came up from behind to hug her waist, and she felt his short stubble tickle her neck as he leaned against her.

    « If... if there really is a way to go back home there...» He said after a long moment, and she could feel the hesitation in the way his voice vibrated against her.

    « Would... would you...» He didn't finish the sentence.

    If each of them got back home in their respective times... they would be separated again.


    « ... Let's not worry about that now.» She said, turning around in his arms to face him directly.

    « For now, let's just focus on getting there. » She cupped his face with both hands, stroking his cheek with one thumb.

    « We don't know what is happening there. » She added, and Turo nodded silently, eyes closed as he leaned into her touch.

    « ... Right. One thing at a time. Like in the crater. Together.» He whispered.

    « Together.»

    As he accompanied Sada and Turo through the road towards Los Platos on a little picnic to both relax and train their Pokémon a bit, Clavell kept carefully observing the two. Those reactions to the books had been... curious, together with their immediate desire to go back to Area Zero.
    They had recognized the Pokémon on the covers, he was sure of it. They meant something to them.
    Which was... strange, since those Pokémon mentioned in the Scarlet and Violet Books had never been found.
    They looked similar to existing Pokémon, sure, but... both Turo and Sada had looked shocked at seeing the books.

    Their surprise was genuine, he was sure of it. And they obviously didn't want him to overhear when they spoke about something, whispering to each other in a mix of Sada's strange dialect and Turo's foreign accent when pronouncing certain words.

    He... had to admit it stung a bit, how they obviously didn't trust him to reveal what was going on. So he instead had decided to focus on their current, more immediate objective.

    « You really want to challenge the Gyms?» He asked.

    « Yes. I have looked at all the Gyms in Paldea. With my Litleo's "fire" type and Turo's Murkrow's "flying" type, we can easily challenge the Grass Gym or the Bug Gym. They are also both near here.» Sada answered. She had taken to the challenge with a readiness that was almost scary as soon as he had explained what a Gym challenge was.

    « So it's a way for trainers to prove their abilities in combat. Good. » She had said, looking thoughtful.

    Now, she was walking in front of both of them; Clavell couldn't help but notice that she was extremely silent. Every step was carefully measured to make as little noise as possible, and she would often half-crouch to examine tracks on the ground, or gather tufts of fur or scales left behind by wild Pokémon.

    Her Pokémon, the Litleo she had caught, was walking by her side, carefully sniffing every time the woman paused to examine something.

    « Kim. Look here. Tiny scales like these are left by bug Pokémon. Don't touch them, they will hurt! Do you understand?» She was saying to the little fire type right at that moment, pointing towards a pile of dead leaves on the ground covered by a fine, sawdust like powder - maybe traces of a Stun Spore, or Poison Powder attack, left by some Pokémon, or what was typically left by the fine powder that usually covered their wings. The little Pokémon was listening with wide eyes - then again, Litleo always looked a little surprised -, ears twitching.

    « They look like they have just been shed-» the woman's following words took Clavell by surprise. She could tell?
    He would have to ask her how... They definitely hadn't covered that in his biology lessons.

    « So a bug Pokémon is nearby. A big one. » She got back up, pointing away from the road and towards a little thicket, where the trees grew closer. Her Litleo faithfully followed her, half disappearing through the tall grass.

    « ... She knows a lot about wild Pokémon tracks.» Clavell turned to Turo, who had been slowly shuffling after them. The man seemed more than content to simply let his Pokémon fly around, picking fights with wild Scatterbug and the like and just letting him do his own thing. Clavell didn't think he had heard him call out a single attack yet.

    « Um? Oh, yes... She's got a lot of... Practice.» Turo answered after a moment, obviously distracted. Clavell glared at the younger man. He had given up trying to extract information out of them by now, but sometimes he had the distinct impression that they were toying with him.

    « ... Practice. Tracking Pokémon alone. In Kalos, I suppose.» He added.

    Turo simply blinked, calmly putting both hands into the pockets of the dark winter parka he was wearing.

    « Right!» He said with a hint of a smirk.

    They got interrupted by Turo's Murkrow landing on the man's right shoulder with a loud screech. Like most times when he came back, the flying type was holding something shiny in his beak that he spit in Turo's waiting hand.

    « Miguel... I told you to not pick up trash from the ground...» Turo grumbled.

    It had become a habit for the man to pretty much accept anything the Pokémon would find pretty -and shiny - enough to bring back to him, and he had been amassing a veritable collection of random junk from the moment they had left the Academy.

    A moment later, Turo raised a single eyebrow.

    « This... where did you find it?» He asked the Pokémon, who looked more busy preening his feathers to bother answering. Clavell approached Turo to look.

    There, in his hand, were what looked like little shards of colored glass. They refracted the light in a multitude of colors, but most of it looked light green. He could see how it would have attracted the Murkrow's attention.

    « Some of my students have reported finding these... crystal shards around Paldea.» Clavell commented, interested. It was the first time he saw them up close, and they definitely weren't simple glass shards like he had first thought.

    « ... They have?» Turo looked even more puzzled at that, turning the little shards around in his hand. « We've seen this ... crystal.»

    Something in Turo's tone made a chill run along Clavell's back. If he had said "we"...

    « You mean... under there?»

    Turo nodded, absentmindedly petting Murkrow as he slipped the crystals into his pocket.

    « Yes... it was everywhere. The grass... over trees. The air felt... heavy, sometimes. Especially at night.» He frowned, like he was remembering something unpleasant.

    « What do you mean... heavy? Toxic?» Clavell asked. It was the first time either of them mentioned any detail about how things had been in the Crater. Turo however shook his head.

    « No. It didn't seem to do anything to us, but... it felt... "powerful".» He answered after a moment.

    A tense silence fell between the two, neither of them quite willing to voice their concern out loud: if these crystals came from Area Zero... What were they doing here?

    So... I have a couple of comments related to this chapter.
    The paradox Pokémon are kind of described as "supposedly" being these Pokémon from like millions of years in the past/future, or at least that's what their flavor text seems to imply (we kind of know what they actually are now)... to make them work in this AU and actually place them somewhere in a timeline, I obviously had to "resize" things a bit, putting them "just" a couple of millennia in the past/future to make it possible for Turo and Sada to know them.

    This ironically makes fossil Pokémon, the actual Pokémon from millions of years in the past, more "past paradoxes" to Sada than the actual past paradoxes.
    I just find this funny.

    Another thing: will I show them challenging the Gyms?

    Mostly because I would have to come up with a dozen new characters between the Gym Leaders and the Elite 4 because I don't think most of them already had their roles at this point in time , a good 15+ years before the moment the games are set, or if they were even the same type of Gym. We know that Tyme was the Gym Leader before Ryme, and she had a Rock type team instead of Ghost. It's also simply not what this story is about. I will probably show little scenes of them training, discussing strategies, allude to their progress here and there, but there's not going to be entire scenes of them having "classic" Pokémon battles.

    After all, this is the story of how they became Professor Sada and Turo; they have their own "story path" to follow in order to do that.
    Chapter 24: Settling in, part IV
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 24: Settling in, part IV
    Paleolithic Era, in the area that will be known as Kalos

    The snow reached up past her knees as Chalo made her way through the forest. Every time that Turo visited, when he would leave in the evening, Sada would leave with him on the back of her red dragon. His tribe supposedly lived far away, south from here, but the guy had probably found some other place to spend the night. Why didn't he just move to the village permanently without all that back and forth, Chalo had no idea.
    Sada's spear had been found quite some distance away from here. Now she had taken the weapon with her; she was forced to carry it by hand, since her bow was already slung over her shoulder together with her quiver and the rest of her supplies for the trip. Food, mostly dried meat and hard berries for Fluffyhead, roots, a couple of spare strings for her bow.
    The spear sat heavily in her hand, but she had been determined to bring it with her: Spark Tails didn't exactly have a keen sense of smell from what she could tell and didn't have the instinct to track a scent, not being predators, but it was still better than hers for sure. Just having the creature sniff the weapon sometimes and watch his reaction was better than nothing. Maybe the spear could hold some other clue to where Sada had gone.

    « If she really ran away to the south with Terg without saying anything, I'm going to kill her.» She whispered to Fluffyhead as they stopped for a break. She liked to talk to the creature; it definitely listened, even if it didn't really give any signs of understanding most of what she said that wasn't about food or orders to attack things.

    « I mean... Usually when you find a mate in another tribe and leave, there's a big celebration! Members of the other tribe come to bring gifts! We decide what things we can trade! You can't just leave!» She grumbled as she started chewing on a root.

    « I wanted to try new food... And berry juice, the strong stuff... And dance with some guys from Terg's tribe... As long as they're not all spindly looking like him.» Fluffyhead listened silently, looking more interested in digging up the snow with his front hooves looking for food. Chalo reached out and patted the creature on his head, stroking the portion of fluffy wool on his head.

    « You're so lucky... Not having to worry about anything. » She sighed. Sada's spear was laying on the ground next to her, and the woman stared at it somberly for a moment.

    A part of her couldn't help dreading finding out what happened. Sada would never lose her spear willingly... She must have been separated by it by force.

    But what could have gotten her to abandon it and just... Disappear? Why not fly back on Winged King? The dragon had to be with her. What could even attack her when she was protected by that creature?

    ... She had the bad feeling something horrible had happened.

    « ... Let's go. The spot where they found the spear should be around here.» She said, getting back up.
    Sada was happy to see that despite her initial clumsiness, Kim was smart and quick to learn. She couldn't rely on just brute force like Winged King did; still small, there were many wild Pokémon that could still easily beat her. Sada had quickly realized that the Litleo learned by experience, and by watching someone else, so now she was walking in front of the fire type as she followed along. The tracks of the bug Pokémon kept going, but something about them seemed... Strange. Sada frowned as they passed more of the scattered powder, together with some translucent scales, and something else that caught her eye. She crouched lower to look at it better; she had thought it was just how the scales looked, almost like incredibly little shards of crystal, but together with the scales was something else that looked out of place: a couple of bright pink feathers, similarly encased in crystal.
    Kim mewled at her side, rubbing her cheek against her leg before turning around. She followed the Pokémon's gaze, which fell on what was definitely the footprint of a large bird. Only one, though.

    « That's not what we're after, Kim» Sada shook her head, only for the Litleo to meow again, and go back to sniff the footprint. Sada furrowed her eyebrows; the Pokémon's senses were obviously sharper than hers, so... Was she saying the bug scales and footprint had the same smell?
    Could a Pokémon be both a bug type and a... Bird type?

    Clavell's biology lessons had taught her the names of the various "types" people used to differentiate Pokémon. "Bird" wasn't really a true type, it was more of a... Group of Pokémon that all shared the same physical characteristics. A beak, wings, feathers. Like fish Pokémon or "felines" was used for all Pokémon that looked like Kim.

    And while she knew from experience that Pokémon could be pretty much anything... Certain things didn't seem to mix. And a "bird" Pokémon that had both crystal scales like a bug and feathers struck her as one of those.
    But Kim looked quite sure.

    « All right. Let's go.»

    She started following the fire type, watching the little tuft of red fur on the Litleo's tail appear and disappear among the vegetation.

    When the Pokémon suddenly stopped, she knew she had found something. She crouched next to her, peering through the shrubbery.

    It... It did look like a bird. A big one, with a very long neck, bright pink feathers, strong clawed feet but also... Its feathers looked strange, encased in crystals. They shimmered with a faint green glow, and some of them actually looked like they were made of tiny scales, like bug wings. It also had a couple of antennae growing from its head, which it seemed to be able to move freely.
    So... Was it a bug or a bird? A... Bug-type bird Pokémon? It reminded her a bit of the Triple Runner she had faced with Turo some time ago.

    She got out her new school notebook as silently as she could with the intention of writing down some details about this Pokémon and attempt to sketch it, but Kim suddenly jumping out in front of her with a challenging roar towards the wild Pokémon made her gasp out loud.

    « Kim! No, come back!» She whispered.

    Her hand was already halfway to her shoulder before she stopped herself with a frown. Why didn't Clavell allow her to bring her bow? She felt defenseless without it; was she really supposed to just... Stand around and watch Kim fight all alone? Giving her orders?

    « K-Kim! Use your fire!»

    If it really was a bug, it should be effective... The Litleo opened her mouth, breathing out a little ball of flame that shot towards the wild Pokémon. It reacted fast, jumping to the side with its strong legs... Only one leg, actually. But it definitely had two. Why only use one?
    The wild Pokémon screeched, spreading its wings, before charging towards Kim. The Litleo braced herself, eyes fixed on her opponent as a furious growl resonated from her throat. When the bird attempted to kick her with its raised leg, she darted forward, passing under the wild Pokémon... Only to let out a cry of pain when the Pokémon quickly switched the leg it was standing on, kicking her with the other and sending the Litleo tumbling away.

    Sada flinched, looking around. She couldn't do this! She couldn't just stand aside and do nothing.

    « Hey!» She yelled to get the Pokémon's attention as she picked up a rock, throwing it. She aimed at the Pokémon's belly, aiming to just get it distracted as Kim got back on her feet. If nothing else, she could buy time... Clavell and Turo were hopefully behind her.

    The rocked bounced off the Pokémon's crystallized skin, barely chipping it, but the bird still squawked in pain, shaking its antennae wildly.
    Now that she thought about it... Both flying and bug type were weak to rock, were they?

    « Kim! Hit its legs! The legs!» She yelled, throwing a second rock to point at the right spot. The Litleo growled, planting herself firm on the ground as she let out a roar; her fur seemed to fluff up, the Pokémon suddenly looking bigger and stronger before she charged her opponent. Crashing into the bird from behind, she headbutted it and sent it toppling down, more pieces of crystal shattering away from it.

    « Yes! Good! Now use your fire again, quick!»

    The bird started to furiously flap its wings as it lay splayed on the ground, trying to right itself up. Kim quickly ran away from its legs that were blindly kicking the air all around, opening her mouth to pelt it with quick fireballs. At each hit, more and more shards cracked away from its body. One fragment completely fell off from its right wing, and she saw that underneath its pink feathers actually looked completely normal.

    It was almost like... Only the crystal all around was what made it look like a bug. But it had antennae, so... What was happening?

    Kim closed her mouth and back off, panting heavily with the effort of breathing fire repeatedly.

    « Well done. Now-» She got interrupted by the wild Pokémon managing to get back up on its feet and launch itself against the Litleo again. The little fire type shivered, trying to dodge the double kick that was coming her way-

    « Miguel, Wing Attack!»

    In a flurry of dark feathers Turo's Murkrow burst out from behind her, its two jet-black wings striking the Pokémon's long and twisty neck, stopping it midway from hitting the Litleo.

    Sada turned around, watching as Clavell and Turo arrived running... Well, Clavell was running, to be more exact.
    Turo was more or less shuffling after him and was now panting trying to catch his breath, hands on his knees. She immediately moved to his side, half covering him and ready to tackle him out of the way by instinct.

    « What is going on with that Pokémon?» Clavell's surprised voice made her turn back towards the fight. The older man had released his Houndoom again, and the Pokémon was helping Kim by breathing a steady stream of fire towards the bird as the Murkrow flew in circles around it, pecking it on its head.

    « What Pokémon is it? What's wrong with it?» She asked.

    The older man looked amazed, and he pulled out what Sada had learned was a "camera" from his bag.

    « I... I don't know! It looks like a Flamigo, they are usually a Flying and Fighting type... I've never seen one like this one! Is it the first of a new variant? Another convergent species, maybe...?» the older man looked more busy taking pictures to answer her in more detail.

    « Throw Ball... catch it...» Turo gasped behind her, and Sada mentally berated herself.

    Right! A Poké Ball. She still had to get used to the whole idea of... just being able to catch Pokémon in them.

    « You're right...» She got one out of her bag, and took careful aim before throwing it in a wide arc. The Ball hit the wild Pokémon on its stomach, just to simply bounce off with a little pinging noise on its crystalized skin. The bird screeched, enraged, and kicked it away with one leg.

    « That's... impossible... is that crystal not part of its body, then?» Clavell wondered out loud.

    Sada pointed to the damaged wing, where the crystal had completely broken off, and the older man's eyes widened again.

    « No! It's like... clothes it's wearing!» She tried to describe what she had seen as best as she could.

    « The crystal feathers have little scales like bugs, but under the crystals, they look fine-» She added.

    « We have to... break it all.»

    By her side, Turo seemed to have regained his breath somewhat, or at least enough to talk. Sada looked at him with some concern; running out of breath was normal for him, but... he looked a little pale.
    Well... paler than usual. She nodded, turning back towards her Pokémon.

    « All right. Kim, keep attacking with fire!»

    The two fire types took turns barraging the Flamigo with flames, while Turo's Murkrow kept flapping around its head, mostly distracting it and striking it with his wings. More cracks kept forming on the crystals around the wild Pokémon's body, until finally, with a resounding shattering sound, they fell off completely.

    « It really is... just a normal Flamigo...» She heard Clavell comment.

    The Pokémon staggered back, stunned.

    « Now!»

    Sada's second Poké Ball flew in a wide arc and struck the Pokémon on its head, capturing it.

    A brief silence fell between them until the Poké Ball stopped shaking.

    « That Flamigo... were you interested in training it?» Clavell asked as he moved to pick up the Poké Ball.

    Only now did Sada take a deep breath and consider what had just happened.

    « Um... No. Kim just attacked it. B-but... I want to study it. » She said. Those crystals looked exactly like the ones in the Crater.

    « I'm also interested in those crystals. We could keep it at the Academy if you aren't interested in training him... Or her. » Clavell answered, kneeling to examine one of the many broken off shards. Sada did the same.

    « Those shards... are the same as the one in Area Zero.» She said after a moment. Clavell looked pensive.

    « ... Around 120 years ago, during one of the expeditions following those of the Scarlet and Violet Books... people reported finding "glowing Pokémon" in the crater. » He said slowly.

    Turo approached the two of them, copying them in crouching to pick up some of the crystals.

    « ... So you think this Flamigo flew away from the crater? » He asked. Clavell didn't look particularly convinced of his own idea.

    « ... No, I don't think so. Let's take a break and discuss things while we have a picnic.»
    Clavell, and most people of 21th century Paldea as it turned out, tended to always have all the necessary equipment for a picnic with them at all times. Somehow. And picnic tables and spots were pretty much everywhere.
    The whole thing struck him as a bit strange: had historians missed the whole Paldean picnic craze, or did they simply not consider it important enough to mention? Whatever.

    « Can't we just go back to the city and eat something that's actually cooked...?» Turo asked as he helped set the table.

    Sada was busy tending to her Litleo's wounds, but she still threw him a little scowl over her shoulder.

    « Turo, we always ate outside... why don't you like it here?» She commented.

    Because that had been out of necessity, while here, he technically had the choice of all the comforts of civilization, so...

    « I just want to eat something nice and warm...»

    She pouted, then gave him a wry smile, a little glint of mischief shining suddenly in her eyes as she finished spraying a potion over her Pokémon.

    « ... You're just embarrassed at making sandwiches in front of Clavell because you suck at it.» She gleefully added after a moment, making him grumble unhappily.

    « Y-you also suck at them! You always make the lettuce fall out!» He shot back, making her laugh. He should have never taught her the meaning of that particular expression!
    ... Then again, if he hadn't, she would have probably learned it from Raifort in no time anyway.

    Clavell, bless him, remained perfectly impassible as he took the various ingredients out, even if he was clearly trying not to smile. Turo often found himself appreciating the man's quiet discretion. He briefly wondered how things would have gone had anyone else from the Academy rescued them instead.

    « So... you were saying that that Flamigo couldn't come from the Crater? Couldn't it just fly out?»

    Even as he said it, Turo knew it couldn't be true: he himself had watched various flying Pokémon glide around the crater, but never quite leaving. Granted, it had been Corviknight, but...

    « Impossible. Because in that same expedition the researchers tried the same, of course. All the Pokémon that were brought with them stopped glowing and became completely normal Pokémon the moment they got too far from the Crater...» Clavell answered, quickly preparing multiple sandwiches and offering the first one to his Houndoom.

    « Define "too far"» Turo casually swatted Miguel's beak away from his meager sandwich prepared after much effort, making the Pokémon caw and perch on his shoulder. He sighed, and threw the little bird a slice of bacon.

    Technically, Area Zero wasn't too far away from any other spot in Paldea, so...

    « Literally as soon as they stepped out of the Crater.»

    Ah. Well, that was...

    « That's... worrying. It clearly happened here. It's almost like...» He took a bite out of his sandwich.

    « What makes the Pokémon all different is starting to work here too. » Sada interjected, happily and messily stuffing her sandwich with an ungodly amount of things before biting into it with gusto. Did it really need an entire block of bacon...?

    Turo fell silent for a bit, slowly chewing as he thought.

    « Sada... you said the Pokémon was... Like a bug Pokémon?» He asked after a moment, before frowning and looking down at his food.

    He... he was still a bit out of breath from running after Miguel. Sada being in so much better physical condition than him was obvious, considering how sedentary his life was, but... realizing how seriously out of shape he was compared to everyone else here had... stung a bit. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Sure, people... barely needed to walk in his time, especially in space, but... he had had access to better medical practices his whole life! He was protected against stuff that didn't even exist yet here! Was advanced medicine really the only thing keeping the people of his time upright?

    Or were all those at the Academy just stupidly fit because they trained Pokémon and traveled a lot?

    He didn't like it. He sighed, and focused back on the conversation.

    « It was effectively acting like it was a bug type... Fire type moves seemed to be much more effective than usual against it.» Clavell was saying, as Sada nodded.

    « But that's impossible... the only way that some Pokémon can change types temporarily is by mega evolving, sometimes... This Pokémon almost looked like it was used to being in that... state.» Clavell added.

    « Yes. It moved those antennae... It doesn't have them normally. It... It really was a bug type at that moment.»

    Clavell looked at a loss for words.

    « Something in Area Zero... can make Pokémon change their type.» he said.

    Sada didn't look particularly impressed at the implications; while she was learning fast at the Academy, for her this may as well be just another impossible thing that Pokémon were simply able to do. In that, she was a lot more... open-minded than most, probably.

    Turo, meanwhile, was as amazed as Clavell, even if for a completely different reason. He ... had never heard of this, and that was... a bit strange. If someone had studied this, it would have become a big deal. A revolutionary discovery. Pokémon completely changing types!
    For the Scarlet and Violet Books to fall into obscurity was one thing, but for a discovery of such magnitude... he wasn't sure. It was true that during history lessons they had focused a lot more on the advent of Hadron energy, and how it had sparked the greatest change in their technology and Pokémon the world had ever seen. And it had started "only" 1000-something years after this, so... Maybe, somehow, this... phenomena in Paldea had ended up completely overshadowed and forgotten?

    ... Why was he even worrying so hard about how it all fit into his time? It wasn't like he could do anything about it.

    Turo sighed, finishing his sandwich with little enthusiasm, before looking back towards Clavell with a tiny smirk.

    « ... I bet you're interested in getting us back into Area Zero now.»
    Bringing back the Flamigo to the Academy had been a bit of a disappointment. It never crystallized again, looking just like a perfectly normal Flamigo. Clavell had even asked all of his students if some of them wanted to volunteer their own Flamigo to compare to the newly caught individual, with no results.

    Whatever it was that triggered that state, it had come from outside, not something unique about the Pokémon itself.

    « That is... good in a way, right?» Sada asked Clavell after they had released the Flamigo back into the wild.

    « It means it can happen to any Pokémon... not just Pokémon that have something special.» she added, and the man begrudgingly nodded, before checking his watch as they made their way to his next class.

    « Turo is...? »

    « He's coming. He didn't... feel really well after that picnic. » Sada frowned.

    She was a bit worried about him, he had looked pretty tired for the last couple of days. Maybe he just needed to get used to having to move around more than what he was used to in his time, but... he usually just had to sit down a bit and he was fine. He hadn't fallen sick, had he?

    They entered Clavell's classroom, and Sada took a seat near Raifort, leaving a spot open to her other side. Raifort's eyes gleamed when she noticed she was alone.

    « He's not here?» she asked in a rather hopeful tone, making Sada smile a little.

    « He's just a bit late.» she answered, to which Raifort looked a bit disappointed. Sada was used to the two not really getting along. Or rather, neither of them seemed to want to miss an occasion to quip a little joke to the other's expense from their very first interaction.

    Turo was the last one to enter the classroom, right as Clavell was about to start, and he shuffled towards his place before sitting down. Sada looked back at him in worry, and squeezed his hand under the table.

    « "Are you all right?"» she whispered. He had heavy bags under his eyes, a runny nose, and was breathing a little heavily.

    He nodded and smiled a little, the effect a bit ruined by having to sniffle and suppress a sneeze immediately after.

    « "Y-yeah. I will go to the doctor after this lesson."»

    He sat down near her, pointedly ignoring Raifort's side glance, as Clavell started the lesson.

    « Right, so last lesson, we stopped at one of the first researchers that started an attempt of classifying Pokémon based on their "type". In ancient times, this was usually limited to the obvious elemental types like fire and water, while everything else was classified as "normal type". There were many different attempts to further classify Pokémon in the following centuries, by different criteria...»

    « You should go to the infirmary.» Raifort leaned almost over Sada to whisper towards Turo, who didn't bat an eye.

    « Nah. I'm fine, thanks. How cute, are you worried about me? » he whispered back, to which the woman huffed.

    « Ah! I just don't want to catch anything from you.»

    « Just admit you want me out of the way-»

    Sada let out a soft sigh as she tried to ignore the two's continued bickering and take some notes.

    Clavell turned the "projector" on and the lights off, as he usually did when he wanted to show some pictures to the whole class. The fact that you could just make images appear on a wall immediately, even if she had seen it in Turo's time already, kept amazing her... Especially because someone had to have taken those pictures first! Her biology books were full of incredibly colorful pictures of Pokémon, taken from incredibly close, and in their natural habitat! To be able to get so close to even the most ferocious creature... That would have been impossible in her time.

    Clavell switched to a specific slide, and Sada froze in her seat. All around her, the whole classroom slowly fell completely silent, everyone turning to look from the picture on the wall towards her, except for Turo and Raifort who kept hissing to each other, not paying attention to the lesson.

    « The woman depicted here was Professor Albora Olim, who was the first to study-» Clavell trailed off, squinting at the screen before he too raised his eyebrows in surprise.

    « Um...» she slowly said, trying to get the only two still oblivious to it to turn around.

    « I'm just saying, you should-UGH»

    Tired of their bickering , she lightly elbowed both of them, making Raifort jump a little in her chair as she scooted backwards to dodge her and Turo hiss in pain, grumbling a "why...?" as he curled up on himself.

    His "why" was immediately answered when they both finally looked towards the picture. And, like anyone else in the room, fell completely silent.

    There, displayed on the wall for everyone to see, was a portrait . An incredibly realistic one, but still quite old from what she had learned, from a time where people would sit still for hours as someone else painted them. Sada had seen quite a lot of them by now, even at the Academy. Painting from teachers and Directors of the past.
    What had surprised the entire class was the subject of the painting: the woman in it, from the color of her eyes to the long hair that fell around her face, was a mirror image of herself. She had been painted from the neck down, like a lot of people did at the time, so her clothes were not visible, but she had what looked like a little diamond as an earring, and a neutral expression. She wasn't smiling, but had an air of calm focus as she stared forward.

    « Wow! She's your spitting image!» Raifort said out loud what everyone else, Sada herself included, was probably thinking.

    « Is she an ancestor of yours?» she added, making Sada frown in confusion.

    « "An... Ancestor"?» she whispered.

    « Ah, right... Someone from your family, in the past.» Raifort added. Sada's frown didn't disappear as she looked at the face of the woman in the painting.

    « M.. maybe...» Sada answered as she turned a hesitant look towards Turo, looking for his reaction.

    That wasn't possible... Her actual ancestors were from much earlier than this "Professor Olim"... And she obviously didn't have any children. There was no way they could be related.

    But the resemblance was uncanny; was it really just a coincidence?

    Turo's expression, however, wasn't what she was expecting to see.

    She thought he would be as confused as she was. Instead, he looked triumphant, his eyes almost shining as he looked at the portrait.

    « "That's you. It has to be. You know what that means?"» he whispered as he turned towards her, ignoring both Raifort glaring at him as she couldn't understand them, and Clavell who had been staring at the both of them really closely as he tried to resume class.

    « "It means we find a way to... Travel. A way home."»

    Sada felt her heart skip a beat as she looked at her own face in the portrait.
    Could it... Could it be? Was it really proof that they would find a way through time? She could see herself deciding to visit that era, admittedly, but... pose for a painting? And... Become a professor there, apparently?

    Or... Or it was just a massive coincidence that the woman in the painting looked exactly like her.

    Turo seemed convinced that it was her... Sada wasn't quite sure what to think. But now she was even more determined to find out what was happening in Area Zero.

    47th century, Moon

    Ortega hated silence. It made him uncomfortable; he was always looking for a way to fill it. It didn't always work; there were occasions where silence was required. Like the one he was currently in.

    It was customary for funeral rites to take place where the person had been born, so the day before he, Vega and Moreau had stepped into a shuttle to leave Earth.

    Turo had never really talked much about his early childhood on the Moon, so Ortega wasn't quite sure if he would have liked... how things had been done.

    He knew that he didn't like it.
    Turo's parents had been inconsolable, both looked in complete shock.
    His father had approached him after the ceremony, where everyone had stared at the coffin being cremated and the ashes released into space, painfully aware that it was empty. Maybe that was why it still didn't feel real, the fact that he was just... gone.

    « Did he... suffer?» he had asked, which had made Ortega want to run away.

    He didn't want to lie to him, but the alternative was telling the man that he had no idea. After finally managing to knock Porygon 568 out, they had tried to trace where he had gone: they had no idea where or when he had ended up. Statistically, Ortega was painfully aware that it was much more likely that Turo had ended up somewhere dangerous than anywhere safe. Just... Anywhere in the middle of the ocean would have been a death sentence in any era.

    « He... he didn't even notice.» he answered, hoping that it was the truth, and the man nodded.

    « Last time I saw him, he... looked enthusiastic about his research. Funny that he decided to become a time traveler... it's right in his name, you know?» the man said.

    « "Romero" meant "pilgrim" in an ancient language... I choose that name from an old scientist of the past, something I read about ages ago... Can't remember what it was he did, but I always liked how it sounded. »

    The two parents were now talking with other relatives and old friends of Turo, and Ortega moved out of the room to join back up with Vega and Moreau.

    Vega loudly blew her nose as he sat down near her.

    « His Miraidon is gone.» she said, making Ortega furrow his eyebrows, taken by surprise by the randomness of the topic.

    « What?»

    « Turo had a Miraidon. His mother said that they managed to break into his apartment, they wanted to take it back home with them, but it was just... Gone. No trace left. I wonder if he somehow realized what had happened to his trainer and just... left.» she sniffled again.

    Ortega didn't know what to think. Moreau, who had been silent the whole time, sighed loudly.

    « ... a tragedy. I never thought it would happen like this. » he said, making Ortega freeze.

    He thought that Moreau's silence was due to the fact of feeling partly responsible for the incident; he had been the one to come up with the time-anchor that should guarantee people could come back safely. But the way he had worded it...

    « "It"...?» he slowly repeated, feeling his stomach drop at the words.

    « You... you knew?» he asked, suddenly thinking back to their trip to the future. Turo's ID wasn't working... And Moreau had hurried them back home...

    There was a long silence, as Vega now also looked to the two men, eyes wide.

    « W-what...?»

    Of course she would have no idea what they were talking about, the three of them had to sign NDAs about that trip.

    « I... knew that something would happen to Turo sometime in the future. I had no idea it would happen this soon... Or this way. » Moreau answered, eyes closed.

    Ortega kept staring at the man, feeling sick to his stomach.

    « But that makes no sense... That kid knew Turo! Why would they know about one random guy that disappeared decades before they were even born?» he said, suddenly remembering the very last interaction they had had in the future.

    « ... You know why, do you?» Vega suddenly asked.

    Moreau kept silent for a long moment, before he drew one last sigh, opening his eyes again. Ortega felt a chill at the way the man's icy blue eyes stared at them both.

    « Knowing the future can be a terrible burden. » he simply said, before turning their back on them and walking away.

    So I decided to take a different approach to Tera Pokemon in this one. I'm not a big fan of the big "hats", I get why they made them look like that from a gameplay's perspective, to make it clear what type they become, but I wanted to take a more "biological" approach. To make it feel like a really big deal, I thought that Terastasis literally changing the Pokemon's body to "make it" become of that type would be cool. And it's a lot more fun to describe and play around with than just a shining hat popping up!
    Also, the plot is really kicking up now, with more mysteries and weird things happening... I'm having a lot of fun hiding hints here and there.
    Chapter 25: Knowledge, part I
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 25: Knowledge, part I

    Turo walked out of the classroom feeling pretty lightheaded, and definitely not because of his current physical state. That painting of "Professor Olim" had shaken him; it couldn't be a coincidence. It had to be proof that he and Sada would manage to find a way to travel through time, there was no other explanation.
    Seeing it had also suddenly brought another memory of his to mind: that time he had travelled to the future with Ortega and Moreau, and how that teenage girl seemed to know him... Or at least, had definitely recognized him.

    "Aren't you-"

    She had been on the point of saying something. And now, with Sada's - because it had to be her- painting giving him a clue... Maybe she knew him because he was actually supposed to go back there, in the future? That had to be it! He would find a way back, and... and do whatever that girl knew him for.
    Maybe he had been the lead programmer between some new Artificial Pokémon... Wait.

    Yes! Of course!

    Iron Leaves! That's why she had looked at him so weirdly! He was supposed to become the creator of the very Pokémon he had asked the name of!

    The sheer absurdity of the situation made him laugh out loud, not caring about the weird stares he was getting from various classmates that were walking out of class along with him. Clavell stopped rearranging some notes and threw him a weird look.

    « Turo... Are you sure you're all right?» he asked quietly, furrowing his eyebrows in worry.

    « I'm perfectly fine! I feel great!» Turo answered, shoulders still shaking with laughter.

    « You don't look fine... You're shivering.» Sada added, approaching after having bid goodbye to Raifort. She touched his forehead with her hand, her fingers feeling cool at the touch.

    « I'm fine. I'll just go to the infirmary to lay down a bit-» he answered, before stumbling and having to prop himself up against the wall. He took a long, hard breath, gasping for air. Of course he had been laughing himself silly just now, but his chest hurt, and his throat felt particularly swollen.

    Sada's hands clamped over his arm, the woman holding him up almost by force.

    « Clavell... W-what is happening?»

    Turo felt the man hold him by his other arm.

    « Let's get him to an hospital. Just to be safe.»

    The two escorted him out of the Academy, Clavell calling for a Flying Taxi immediately after. As they waited for the vehicle on the edge of Uvanja's infamous staircase, Turo sat down on the first step, resigning himself to amused stares by kids that were walking down the stairs.
    Not only had he made a fool of himself every single morning when he just worked here as he panted and gasped his way up, now he had to look like someone that would struggle even walking down them.

    Which... admittedly... He kind of did, since one of his usual tripping accidents would send him rolling all the way down so he was especially careful, but that wasn't the point!

    « C'mon, Sebastian, I just caught a cold... I don't want to lose the entire afternoon on some dumb visit-» he grumbled.

    Clavell was simply staring at the sky, lips thin as he refused to look at both of them.

    « ... What was the deal with that painting? You were whispering something in that weird dialect of yours... Which is quite rude to do in front of others to obviously hide what you are saying, I will have you know. » He said after a moment, and Turo flinched, suddenly feeling guilty.
    Clavell... Had helped them so much, without asking for anything in return.

    « ... You wouldn't believe us anyway.» he muttered after a moment, which only made the older man furrow his eyebrows even more.

    They were interrupted by the arrival of the Flying Taxi, which made Turo's breath more difficult for a completely different reason. He had seen them flying overhead, but never actually used one.

    « We're... We're getting into that?» he asked as it landed, the Squawkabilly that were carrying it filling the air with their loud chattering. Were those things seriously held up only by these little bird Pokémon? They barely looked bigger than Miguel! He thought they must have used... rotors, or fans, or... some other, safer method of propulsion.
    The pilot stepped out of the vehicle and took a look at all three, his face mostly hidden by the reflective glasses and helmet. He looked well built, tall and with a square jaw.

    « All right, three people... To better distribute the weight, one of you will have to ride in the passenger seat next to me. » he said as he lit a cigarette.

    Clavell gasped, outraged.

    « No smoking on school grounds! I hope you don't smoke in the cabin? Especially while carrying young trainers?» he asked in disbelief. The pilot rolled his eyes, annoyed.

    « Of course I don't. The Squawkabilly don't like the smoke.»

    Turo, meanwhile, had other worries.

    What did he mean, "distribute the weight?"

    « Why are they different colours? I've read they fight each other if their feathers are err... different.» Sada commented, which didn't help Turo feel safe.

    They did what now?

    « Oh, don't worry. They've been specially trained to get along. It actually works out pretty well if you make a group of different colours, you know? They get really competitive over who can fly faster.» the pilot shrugged, exhaling a ring of smoke.

    Turo watched as Clavell and Sada climbed inside... Why was she getting on so casually? All right, she had no concept of driving security and barely knew what a seatbelt was, but this didn't look safe! When you were flying on a Pokémon, you had a saddle! Or it could at least catch you if you fell off! This was little more than a dingy little can held up with rope by Pokémon apparently famous for fighting each other. Who ever thought this was a good idea?

    « I-... I don't think I should...» he began, before Clavell narrowed his eyes at him again from inside the cabin, and he promptly shut up.

    ... He couldn't make it obvious he had never ridden one of these things.

    He was the only one left... seconds stretched by as the pilot finished his cigarette.

    « You coming or not? I don't have all day.» he said with a hint of irritation, squashing the cigarette under the heel of his boot.

    Turo looked at the Squawkabilly. The biggest one, with green feathers and a nasty scar on his head, glared back at him, squawked, and promptly defecated on the sunroof. He grimaced as he resigned himself to climb inside next to the pilot.

    The ride was as raggedy as he thought, the cabin swaying at the slightest wind making his stomach lurch and conversation impossible by the Squawkabilly's loud chattering. At least it was mercyfully short, taking just a couple of minutes to reach the hospital, leaving him confused as he stumbled out of the carriage again. He wasn't used to Mesagoza feeling so... small when flying over it. Yet he knew that it was already Paldea's biggest city in this time... He shook his head as Sada jumped out with a grin, apparently having enjoyed the ride, and joined her and Clavell to pay for the ride. He could ponder Paldea's urbanization's growth another time.

    For now, he only needed to worry about... the upcoming visit.

    Which actually worried him quite a lot. Not because of what could potentially come up, oh no. But he didn't really have much... how to say... trust in 21th century medicine.

    At least they had discovered antibiotics, but the rest... er... he wasn't quite sure at what level of tech they were. Didn't they still cut people open by hand?

    Not like he had to worry about that right now... hopefully. He had survived in Sada's time. This couldn't be worse, right...?
    Sada had found the ride on the little cabin tied to the Squawkabilly absolutely incredible.

    What an amazing idea! Talking was impossible, but it's not like they could talk even if they had directly ridden on a Pokémon... and you could carry multiple people and supplies this way!

    She would have liked to talk more to the "pilot" about it, so she had given him her number. That had made Clavell look at her weirdly again, while she didn't think Turo had even noticed as he tried to not fall out of the vehicle. He had looked pretty green during the whole ride.
    Stepping inside the hospital made her remember when she had woken up in Turo's time. Everything had been... So blindingly bright, and just the concept of buildings had been quite foreign to her. The fact that you could build something that big that spanned entire floors and housed hundreds of rooms and people... Even if she lived at the Academy now which was pretty similar, it still felt quite impressive.

    What wasn't similar to the Academy were all the signs she could see everywhere, with long and complicated words that just reminded her how poor her grasp of the language still was. Every time she thought she was starting to figure it out, new words for things she didn't even know needed a name seemed to pop up. Like, apparently, a different type of "doctor" for every single part of the human body.

    Sada quickly realized that she would have had no idea where to go if she ever needed to come here alone. Clavell, however, was walking with a certain purpose, so she followed along, trying not to act too clueless about what was going on.

    They decided to have Turo do some "exams", which apparently didn't involve answering any kind of questions like those they were supposed to take at the Academy, which was weird. And confusing. Why use the same word? In any case, the exams seemed to involve things like getting a bit of his blood and prickling his skin with tiny little needles, which Sada followed with quite some fascination. So you could tell what illness people had by doing this?
    Now they were waiting for a "doctor" to finish examining the results, which he was doing with furrowed eyebrows. Turo, by her side, looked more and more uncomfortable the longer the doctor was silent.

    Clavell looked pensive.

    « I am... perplexed.» the doctor finally said as he put the results down.

    There was a short silence.

    « Um... what...?» Turo said, voice suddenly coarse.

    « Nothing serious. It just says here that you're allergic to various kinds of pollen... mostly Smoliv and its oil.»

    She knew Smoliv was a Pokémon, but she had no idea what an "allergy" was. Turo looked similarly taken aback, his eyes widening slightly. They were still a bit red, along with most of his face.

    « I... All right. Um... do I take antihistamines now or...»
    Both Clavell and the doctor were looking at Turo with similarly dubious expressions.

    « I'm more surprised that this is news to you. How does someone go their whole life not realizing they are allergic to Smoliv oil? In Paldea, of all places. » the doctor commented. Still with no idea what an allergy even was, Sada could only give Turo an anxious look. It was probably something that just didn't happen in his time, if she had to guess. Was this bad...? She noticed Clavell was narrowing his eyes at Turo, looking deeply in thought.

    « I... guess I just never noticed...?» Turo gave an awkward laugh that sounded wholly unconvincing even to her.

    « Well, you better start paying more attention to your health now, Sir. Some results of your blood exams are... strange. Muscle mass atrophy, reduced bone density... When I first looked at these,I have to admit I thought I was looking at the results of someone much older.»

    A heavy silence fell in the room. Turo looked stunned, face white. The doctor seemed to notice his sudden anxiety, because he chuckled and waved the paper away.

    « No need to look like that, it's nothing that we can't fix! You will just need to... pay attention to what you eat and try to exercise a bit more, eh? »

    After a long moment, Turo swallowed and nodded slowly.

    « ... yes. All right. Sure.» he answered in a small voice.

    They didn't talk until they were out of the hospital again, not quite sure what to do. Clavell cleared his throat after a long moment.

    « ... I had half an idea you were having an allergy reaction...but you really had no idea? How...?» he asked, causing Turo to give an annoyed sigh.

    « Because there aren't any damn Smoliv where I'm from! And before you ask, no, we can't talk about it. » he muttered, crossing both arms to his chest with a stern look.

    « And... You, I believe, have no idea what an allergy even is. I've observed you, during class. I know when you simply don't know the translation for something and ask Turo, and when you look completely lost on what a word represents.»

    Sada flinched when Clavell's attention suddenly went to her, and looked away, panicked.

    « No, I... didn't know the word in Paldean...» she tried her usual excuse, before hanging her head when Clavell just glared at her, not impressed. They both knew he just had to ask her what it was to make it obvious she actually didn't know.

    Sada took a deep breath, looking between the two.
    ... Honestly, she was getting tired of this whole situation. Turo was adamant that they had to keep their secret, but it was obviously straining Clavell's patience. He had put his trust in them, but they hadn't done the same with him. In a way, Turo was repeating the exact same mistake he had done with her, when he had tried to keep him being from a different time a secret from her at all costs.

    Would it really be that bad if Clavell knew? Maybe he wouldn't even believe them.

    « ... Let's move away from people, and I'll explain everything.» she said after a moment. Turo's eyes flashed with alarm, but Sada glared back at him, copying his own stance by crossing her arms. She was in charge of the situation right now, and she wasn't backing off.

    « Let's just... Tell him what happened? He deserves to know.»

    Normally, she would have said this in her own mother tongue, but she wanted to make a point to Clavell to not exclude him. The man seemed to notice and appreciate it, his features relaxing the slightest bit. Turo still looked reluctant.

    « ... You looked more relieved when you told me the truth. I want to do the same.» she sighed, and that seemed to convince him. He nodded, even if he didn't really look completely on board with the idea.

    « ... All right. Let's go somewhere more private. Not that I expect him to believe us.» he muttered.

    "Somewhere private" ended up being Clavell's laboratory back at the Academy, after another quite bumpy taxi ride. Even if it was technically open to everyone, nobody except him seemed to use it most of the time, so they could talk without fear of any random passerby overhearing.

    To further make the conversation private, Clavell shut the door behind him after they had entered.

    Surprisingly, after they had sat down at random at one of the many desks, Turo was the first to speak up, the smallest hint of a smirk coming to his otherwise impassible expression.

    « ... What is your theory about us? You've obviously been thinking about it a lot. Just out of curiosity... I want to know how crazy you would think we are after we tell you our version.»

    That had been unexpected, but Sada had to admit she was now curious herself. She turned to Clavell, who seemed to have been taken aback. It didn't last long, as the man fixed his glasses and gathered his thoughts before starting to speak.
    Clavell had to admit, he had expected the two to keep dodging his questions... So he had been pleasantly surprised when Alba had actually decided to stop acting all mysterious. Good.

    « Well, let's start with all the evidence I've gathered. » he answered, automatically straightening his posture and adopting his "researcher voice". Feeling the urge to do things proper, he got up and walked to a whiteboard in the corner. Turo's eyebrow raised, but he didn't comment on it. Clavell grabbed a marker, and started to write a bullet point list.

    « Let's start with the most obvious things: you appeared in Area Zero, an area that's notably off limits, barely speaking the local language, and with no way to call for help. No documents, no money, no trace of an identity even outside of Paldea. It's like you suddenly dropped in there out of thin air.» he said, writing out every item as he listed them.

    « Then, your backstories. Alba, you claim to be from Kalos, yet I haven't found any record of someone named like you in Kalosian school records. Same thing for you and Paldea. I checked when I had to fabricate your documents to get you enrolled at the Academy.» he added, nodding towards Turo.

    Neither of them moved nor showed any reaction; these were still quite obvious things that they must know he would have noticed.


    « Let's get to your tics-»

    « Our what?» Sada blurted out, eyes widening in surprise.

    « I've noticed you both have some odd mannerisms. » he calmly answered, alternating looking between the two.

    « You, Alba, are hypersensitive to any strange noise... Mostly mechanical or artificial noises, I've noticed. You will also tense up and reach out to grab a weapon as a first reaction to spotting a wild Pokémon. You've tried to disguise it by pretending to raise your hand to your forehead as if you're thinking, but it becomes obvious after seeing it happen enough times. » he explained, before moving onto Turo.

    « You claim to be from Paldea yet had no idea we have switched to on-the-road Pokémon Centers for quite some time. You have never ridden a Flying Taxi, and especially in the first couple of days you were always fidgeting around with your hands... Doing weird gestures, pressing and touching things like you expected it to do something. You've also tried to disguise it, mostly by just keeping them hidden in your pocket or gesticulating - yes, like that.» he said as Turo, evidently feeling called out, hid his hands deeper into the pockets of his school uniform with a scowl.

    « I could list a lot more, actually... but the final piece of evidence I wanted to discuss were your clothes-»

    « What's wrong with them? » the way Turo seized up only confirmed his hypothesis, but Clavell momentarily ignored the man.

    « I had my suspicions that Sada's clothes were made of real Pokémon fur the moment I saw them. Woolo or Mareep clothes are nothing strange. Clothes roughly made from Mamoswine fur, of all things... Are a different matter.»

    « How are you sure they are made of-» Sada muttered in a low voice.

    Clavell simply straightened his glasses, then pointed to the array of lab equipment all around them.

    « I'm a biologist. I examined both of your clothes by taking samples of them while you were at work, before you moved into the dormitories. Or at least, I tried to- Sada's fabric matched Mamoswine's DNA found in fossils and the rare living specimen that Piloswine sometimes evolve into.»

    Nobody had quite figured out what triggered the evolution yet, but that wasn't the point. He turned to Turo; judging by how pale the man had turned, he already knew exactly what was coming.

    « ... Your "scuba diving suit" however left me completely baffled. It's not organic in any way. I wasn't able to even determine the material it's made of, except that it looks almost like there's some incredibly complex circuitry embedded inside it.
    If it wasn't impossible, I would tell you it looks like a computer made out of fabric, which as far as I'm aware is beyond our current technology. » Clavell finished writing a big "clothes???" as the last point of the list, then turned back towards the couple. Now was the moment to actually announce his theory out loud; he hadn't done it until now, honestly because a little part of him still thought it was crazy... But science didn't lie. Results didn't lie.

    Today had only made him more sure of it.

    « My conclusion is that you two... as absurd as it sounds... are not of this world. Rather, not of this time. You've somehow found yourself in Area Zero from a different era... did you?» he asked in a low voice.

    A stunned silence fell in the room, only the whirr of a laboratory centrifuge busy preparing some samples breaking it.

    If he was completely wrong, this was the moment they would call him nuts. Instead, they both simply sat in silence, Turo with a completely unreadable expression and Sada biting her lip.

    « What's a "DNA"?» the woman finally broke the silence with a candid question. One moment later, Turo snorted, then drew both hands out of his pockets to slowly start clapping.

    Clavell furrowed his eyebrows, not quite sure what that reaction meant. Was he being mocked, or... ?

    « ... Impressive. How long have you known?» Turo asked in a low voice once he was done , making Clavell's heart start to race in his throat. If they were actually admitting to it... the implications...

    « Since you got so obsessed with those Scarlet and Violet Books, and desperate to go back to the very place you had just escaped. I had more theories until then: Sada being a feral child raised by wild Pokémon that you found-» he explained, to which the woman started laughing.

    « - or you being some weird secret agents on an undercover mission-»

    He didn't want to mention the "forbidden romance" theory. He had really liked that one, and letting it go had been hard. He was a bit of a sappy hopeless romantic.

    « But nothing really explained all the little reactions I had noticed until I started asking myself what would even cause them. It was a process of elimination after that.»

    Clavell took a deep breath; now that he had actually brought it up... he didn't know where to start and what to say. Dozens of questions filled his mind.
    It had been his theory, of course, but to actually hear it confirmed... It felt surreal.

    « ... When?» he asked after a moment. « From where...?» he didn't finish the question.

    Sada lowered her eyes, fidgeting with the helm of her school uniform's skirt as she thought.

    « I am from... the "Paleolithic", professor Crayne called it in history class...»

    She had said it so casually, but Clavell felt his legs dangerously sway under him. He lowered himself into a chair. It made sense.

    « That's why you didn't know... so many things... and the bow... and the clothes, of course... » he then wordlessly turned his head towards Turo, who simply nodded, his face a blank mask.

    « I'm from the future.»

    He had even less ideas on what to ask next. He didn't ask for confirmation, or proof, because everything he had seen about them just made so much sense if what they had just said was true.

    « ... so when you said just now that there are "no Smoliv" where you are from...?» he asked.

    Turo frowned and looked away. He seemed reluctant to answer.

    « They're long gone. Extinct. More than a thousand years ago from my time. »

    So he was at least from a thousand years in the future...? While Sada.. she was...

    The centrifuge finished its job with an incredibly loud ding: nobody paid any attention to it as Clavell raised one trembling hand to his face to adjust his glasses. All right. One thing at a time.

    « This would have been so much easier if you had just been secret agents on a mission.» he confessed, overwhelmed.

    Time travellers. From who knew how far away. Suddenly, little details he had noticed made even more sense. Why Sada had looked so incredibly interested in the past, all the things she didn't know or had never seen before, or why she liked the outdoors so much. Or how Turo would sometimes look frustrated as he typed at Jacq's laptop, or glance out of the great windows of the Academy to look out at Mesagoza with a quiet look of sadness on his face, the weird accents he had never heard before...

    Clavell let out a low sigh, trying to put himself in their shoes.

    He... He couldn't quite imagine it.

    « Just... One thing isn't clear to me. » he said instead in a lower voice. He got up, walked back to the whiteboard, and slowly started erasing his little list of evidence.

    « You... You two obviously look close. Yet you said you were in the Crater for barely a month... How...?»

    « We already knew each other.» Sada answered. The woman took a long breath, and after exchanging a quick glance with Turo, resumed talking.

    « We first met in... in my time.» Sada started.

    « My... Um, people in my time have developed time travel -» Turo had just got out, making Clavell drop the eraser to the ground.

    « T- time travel?!»

    Just how far in the future was he from?

    He hurriedly picked up the eraser, glad that he was momentarily turning his back on them to compose himself, before putting the eraser back in its place and turning his attention back towards the two.

    « Yes... it's still pretty new even in my time though, and there's extremely strict rules about it. Not something anyone has access to. That's how I met Sada. I... I travelled to her time by accident and we met. » Turo turned to look at the woman and the smallest smile crossed his face as she smiled back.

    « He would always come and go... He looked so weird with that bodysuit, but I just thought he was from some faraway tribe... Then he finally confessed the truth to me.» Sada laughed softly as she scooted her chair closer to his.

    Clavell couldn't avoid letting out a little gasp.

    « You told her you were from the future?» he asked.

    « Well it was either that or get stabbed with a spear-» Turo mumbled, but it was an obvious joke - even if said in a completely dry tone- as he took Sada's hand in his, warmth shining through his eyes.

    Clavell sighed incredulously.

    « Two people from completely different times meeting by chance... So I was right! It is a forbidden romance!» he gleefully exclaimed.

    The two both froze and turned to look at him with almost opposite reactions. Turo closed his eyes with a defeated sigh, while Sada furrowed both eyebrows and frowned.

    Clavell scoffed and felt himself blush a little bit under her disappointed glare.

    « I-I really liked this other theory I had, you see-» he mumbled in his defense, then tried to change the subject.

    « Anyway... what happened after that? How did you land here?»

    It was Turo's time to answer now, and he did so after a slight hesitation.

    « It's complicated to explain, but in short... it takes a special object to travel safely. Sada accidentally tagged along when she shouldn't have and it was evidently... too much. It wasn't her fault-» he mumbled hastily as he furrowed his eyebrows. He looked deep in thought suddenly.

    « I keep thinking... why here of all places. That's why we want to go back to Area Zero... properly, this time. We need to explore it completely, not just the upper layer of it.»

    Sada opened her bag and took the Scarlet Book out of it, opening the book to one of the many pages with pictures of never seen Pokémon.

    « We know these Pokémon are real because they are from our time. So maybe Area Zero has some way of... pulling things from other times. Like with us.»

    ... so that was their theory. Clavell tried not to get distracted by the enormous implications of mysterious, yet unseen Pokémon from other times wandering without a care in the Crater along with those mysterious crystals, ready to be discovered. His researcher side wanted to bombard them with questions: what Pokémon were they? What types? Were they all similar to modern version of Pokémon? Why did Smoliv go extinct in Turo's time?
    His more sensible side decided that doing it wouldn't exactly be polite. They had time to discuss things.

    « I see... and you want to study these crystals we've been finding to have an excuse to go back into the Crater as soon as you graduate?»

    They both nodded.

    « Then you could ask Jacq for help. He's been working on a system to log information about all the Pokémon captured by students. We could use it on a smaller scale for now: instead of all possible information, just the ones that have been spotted or captured covered in crystals like that Flamigo. » he said, and Turo's eyes started shining. He got up and started pacing back and forth.

    « Yes... it could work. They will probably be rare enough that students can easily just log them manually: species, what type they seemed to be... location would be ideal... but GPS still sucks in this time...» he sighed as he rolled his eyes, before giving Clavell an apologetic look.

    « ... Sorry, but it does. I've looked at the Pokénav from Devon that Jacq got his hands on. Any real time "digital map" that can at most tell you "you're on route 101 right now" barely deserves to be called that.» he scoffed.

    ... well, that surely explained why he had looked so sad every time he had to work anything remotely technological.

    Sada looked thoughtful, staring at an old map of Paldea hanging over the radio that had saved both their lives.

    « ... Maybe Raifort can help. She told me that for her Treasure Hunt she wants to travel all over Paldea, checking out old ruins of castles and villages from the time of the Paldean Emperor... she could probably help in mapping the places other students tell us to check out. She's actually asked me to join her.» she said with a little smile. « And I want to do it. It sounds fun. I want to see Paldea, not just Mesagoza and the Crater.»

    As they kept discussing things, Clavell could feel both of them visibly relax in his presence. Now that they didn't have to mind every word, every gesture in his presence, they felt more... open to him, each in their own personal way.
    Sada asked him again what a "DNA" was, something she would surely just asked Turo about before, because they had accidentally ignored her question earlier.
    Turo, meanwhile... well, he seemed to enjoy complaining in detail about the current level of technology, judging by his earlier... how did the kids call it these days? "Diss" at Devon.
    He somewhat wished that they would have confessed their situation to him from the start, but he could barely begin to imagine what it must have felt like, to be in their place. Would he have done the same?

    He wasn't sure.

    But he felt like this was the start of something new. Something huge that would change his life completely.

    Clavell pushed aside the thoughts that had plagued him about the Crater since they had discovered those shards. That something was obviously going on in the Crater. That whatever had been limited to Area Zero until now was obviously slowly creeping its way to the rest of Paldea. Thoughts about old legends, and treasures, and curses... that maybe he should be stopping them from going back there.

    But... he would be lying if he said that those shards, and whatever else waited in Area Zero, didn't fascinate him too. If it was really possible to change a Pokémon's type... any Pokémon's type, in anything else... that would be the discovery of the century. All they knew about Pokémon biology would have to be rewritten from zero. It was incredible. It was exciting.

    And now that his almost too crazy to be true idea had actually been proven... he couldn't just ask them to forget about the Crater. They deserved to know why and how they had arrived here... didn't they?
    Chapter 26: Knowledge, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty

    Chapter 26: Knowledge, part II

    Sada hadn't realized how liberating it was to have someone other than Turo that knew their secret. Being able to not have to carefully ponder every word, every expression, to have someone else that she could talk to about her time... it felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

    Was this how Turo had felt when he had confided his own secret in her? No wonder they had grown so close after he had done so.

    The three of them however decided that it was better if no one else knew.

    « It's better if we try to act like we always lived here as much as possible.» Turo had said.

    That was so much easier said than done however. There were days were she still felt amazed at the way this time had solved problems that she would have to work so hard for back in her time... But there were also days like this one where she found herself missing the simplest things.

    There were days where just having lunch at the Academy's cafeteria made her wonder how much food it wasted every day, and how much her tribe could have eaten with everything they had in stock. All of that without the danger of leaving the village to hunt or gather food. It made her feel almost ashamed to be sitting comfortably at a table, eating perfectly cooked food.

    Now she understood why Turo had looked guilty every time she had urged him to eat something when he was visiting.

    In those days, she usually tried to fight the homesickness by leaving the city and travelling around Paldea. She had bought some camping equipment with her job at the library that she was still doing part time; some sleeping bags, a little tent and an enormous, bright yellow backpack to pack anything else she could need inside.

    But camping even in the most remote corners of Paldea wasn't enough: civilization always felt too close. There was always a sign, or a trail, or a picnic area visible. Either the lights of a Pokémon Center, or a lighthouse , or from some city or small village were always shining from far away somewhere. For modern people, it was probably reassuring, but to her, it felt almost suffocating, how it seemed like she could never get away from the city.
    And of course, every time she raised her head to the sky, she could never see the stars like she used to.

    With this matter, neither Clavell nor Turo could truly understand her: they had both lived in worlds where this was the norm. That was where Kim came in: the Pokémon was obviously more at home in the wild, away from people, just like her. The Litleo would follow her in long, aimless excursions around southern Paldea, not caring or complaining if they simply walked for hours and hours, sometimes chasing wild Pokémon around. She was growing bigger and stronger: the Cortondo Gym had posed no problem for either her or Turo's Murkrow (Turo himself, on the other hand, had struggled quite a bit with the Gym challenge before the battle itself. Watching him push the giant inflatable olive around, gasping and cursing outloud as his Murkrow flapped around his head trying to help had been quite funny, even if she had tried not too laugh at him.
    Well... Not too much.), and Artazon's Grass type gym would go similarly smoothly.
    She would usually travel alone, but sometimes, like today, Raifort would tag along. She quite liked the woman: she reminded her of Chalo a bit.

    « Do you remember that weird painting of the woman who looked like you?» Raifort asked as they trekked through Area Six of the South Province. The sun was high, and it was beating down mercilessly on both of them as they made their way through the rocky plateau near Alfornada.

    Sada didn't mind: they would be out of the sun soon enough as soon as they found one of the many entrances to the Alfornada caverns. They were apparently massive, and she was excited to see them. A sprawling cave system that spanned an enormous area: there had to be so many unexplored caves and corridors under there! Exactly what she needed.

    « Of course... What about it?» Sada asked. How could she even forget about that painting? Turo was absolutely convinced it had to be her.

    Raifort's Gastly stuck his tongue out at Kim, and she batted at him playfully only to meow in frustration when her paw passed straight through him.

    Sada watched as the ghost Pokémon started cackling while Raifort took a heavy-looking book out of her bag.

    « I was curious, so I looked her up. Professor Albora Olim, she studied how variations in climate and migratory patterns influenced Paldea's fauna during the ages... And she took part in an expedition to Area Zero.»

    That made Sada almost trip over her own feet; she managed to avoid falling flat on her face and turned to Raifort.

    « Well, not exactly an expedition to the depths of the Crater, but she was definitely inside it for a little while. One of the few expeditions after Heath's, she mostly supervised building the first Research Stations... Look, there's a picture.» Raifort said, turning the page over. Sada got closer to examine the picture, resisting the urge to grab the tome out of the other woman's hands.

    The picture was nothing like the one she had already seen. A woman was standing at the very edge of what was undeniably the Great Crater. A massive humanoid Pokémon towered behind her, so big it couldn't fit into the frame. It was crouching on one knee and casting a shadow over the woman's face, making her expression difficult to read.

    Sada shook her head, pushing the book back towards Raifort.

    « I've never heard of her before. If she's an ancestor of mine, I had no idea.» she replied after a moment, biting her lip. Better to stick with the "ancestor" story for now with Raifort and everyone else.

    « Yeah, I figured so. But it's interesting, isn't it? Sometimes you'll look through history and find out that some random guy in Hisui was an ancestor to some other guy in a completely different region... It must be cool to be able to trace your history through the past like that. It makes you wonder what everyone's family history is. » Raifort said, carefully closing the book (probably borrowed from the school library) and putting it back into her bag.

    Sada smiled a little bit at that. Yeah, it must be nice... But her "history" was so far back there would be no trace left.

    « What about your family?» she asked, only in part to change the subject away from her. She pointed out the entrance of the cavern to Raifort, and they slowly descended through it. Normally, she would have stopped right before the entrance to carefully lit a torch.
    Now they simply had one flashlight each and plenty of spare batteries with them.

    Sada wasn't quite sure she liked it. It was convenient, sure, but ... she preferred the way fire illuminated things compared to cold artificial light. When the only example of it she had seen was Turo's glowing bodysuit, it had looked fascinating and otherworldly to her.
    Now it was just... Always there. A real fire had actually become a rarer sight.

    « Me? Oh, nothing much. My parents have an antique store, so I grew up surrounded by old trinkets... It's amazing what stuff people sometimes sell or stash away in their attic... » Raifort was saying in the meantime.

    The tunnel opened up on the first major cave, and Sada couldn't hide a little smile when she saw that there were actually torches erected at regular intervals to light up the area.

    « Fire!» she said, as Kim happily lept towards it.

    « A lot of trainers and researchers pass through here and use their fire Pokémon to keep the torches lit... It doesn't disturb wild Pokémon as much as artificial light would.» Raifort explained. Many of them still didn't seem to quite like the light, scurrying quickly out of the way and observing them with shining eyes from the very edge of the ring of light provided by the fire, half-hidden in the dark. Raifort kept her hand on the Poké Balls on her belt, ready to use one if a wild Pokémon proved to be too much only for her Gastly. They made their way towards one of the many dark tunnels that opened up from the main cave, and disappeared into complete darkness.

    « The ruins that have been discovered should be around... Here.» Raifort said, motioning for her Gastly to lead the way, the ghost Pokémon conjuring a ring of small azure will-o'-the-wisp around himself to light the path.

    Sada found herself unconsciously trying to make her steps lighter, wary of Pokémon that could jump out from the dark. Paldea was littered with ancient ruins, remnants of old castles or villages from the era of the Paldean empire... to find one underground however was still unusual. Maybe it had been a tomb, or a cave used as some kind of storage or deposit, or a mine even. Her eyes widened when she realized that the walls of the cave were not just simple rock anymore. Suddenly her hand touched polished stone, with clear man made incisions on it. She waited for Gastly to shine a little flame over it. A mural seemed to depict people and Pokémon she had never seen, the human's hands raised towards the sky as the Pokémon seemed to emit some kind of wave... Or maybe it was light?

    « What Pokémon are these? What are they doing?» she asked Raifort, not recognising the strange bell shaped creatures. Raifort hummed thoughtfully for a moment.

    « Bronzong... They feature in a lot of ancient art. They were worshipped because of their ability to bring rain.»

    Rain... Her chest ached painfully as she looked at the mural; it was beautiful, how this little piece of life from people from long ago had survived until today, to the point that they could know what they thought and how they had lived... But it was still obviously much more recent than her time, if they had been worried about rain for growing crops.

    Her time felt so impossibly far away: Sada had been excited during the first couple of history lessons, as she had learned about the origin of life, and Pokémon, and how humans had probably slowly appeared alongside them, excitedly waiting for the moment where they would talk about her period... But they knew so little about it. So little in fact that the entire moment in time when her people had lived had been named "Prehistory"... Relegated to before "history " had even "started".
    That had disappointed her quite a bit.

    They had brushed over thousands and thousands of years in barely a couple hours, to get to the part of history that was closer, that had more traces left.
    The one about kings, and dynasties, and uncountable wars, and who invaded who. And she still found that extremely interesting, in its own way... But it wasn't what she was looking for.
    She wanted... to find traces of people that had lived in her time. Something she could recognize.

    She walked past the mural, keeping the cone of light from her flashlight low: the cave wall opened up in a room with a low ceiling, primitive scaffolding carved directly from the rock.

    On the shelves, what probably had once been jugs and jars were lined up. Most of them were broken, leaving nothing but a pile of clay shards, but some of the bigger pieces still showed some traces of golden paint on them.

    So this really had probably been a deposit... Maybe a cellar dug into the side of the mountain to store wine or other precious beverages away from the sun and let them mature, or simply to keep them cool.

    « If this was a cellar, maybe there's other rooms connected to it.» She whispered to Raifort, carefully leaning down to examine one shard. She was afraid of actually stepping into the room and accidentally move or destroy something; she raised one hand to hold Kim back, not wanting her to do the same. Now she understood why Raifort had chosen to let her Gastly out: an incorporeal Pokémon like that was perfect for not disturbing the scene.

    « Probably. Maybe it was a kitchen-» the woman took a single step over the threshold of the room, then stopped as something in front of them suddenly moved, turning to shine the flashlight forward.

    Sada expected a wild Pokémon; maybe a Gimmighoul. She had seen some all around Paldea, hiding their precious coins away. It was easier to see them near ruins like these, especially old buildings.

    What Raifort's flashlight illuminated instead... Was more clay, piled on the ground in a roughly spherical mound.
    Sada wondered what it was supposed to be - a really big vase? A jug? - , and then the clay moved, shifting and standing up with a slight rattling sound as bright yellow lines lit up all over its body. Two vertical, rectangular-shaped eyes blinked up at them, and the Pokémon -it had to be a Pokémon - let out a low droning sound.

    « It's alive!» Sada gasped. Beside her, Raifort did the same.

    « That's... That's a Golett. It must have been put here to guard this place... who knows how many are still buried in ruins somewhere.» the woman said as they hurriedly backed away from it.

    The small clay golem took some heavy steps forward, raising its arms over its head with a clattering sound, clay shifting and creaking slightly as it moved limbs that had probably been still for centuries... or even longer.

    Kim hissed, jumping in front of Sada as the golem kicked up a wave of mud, before yowling in pain when it splattered against her side.

    « Use Night Shade!» Raifort's order made her Gastly suddenly appear in front of the Litleo; in the dark cave, the ghost Pokémon was all but invisible. Shadows cast by the flashlights moved to grab at the Golett. It didn't make any sound of pain, but the spirit that seemed to animate it must have been affected in some way, because the golem staggered back, the yellow light burning inside him glowing brighter. It couldn't change expression, but some of its energy billowed out from cracks in the armor with a sharp whistling sound that reminded Sada of water in the kettle Clavell used to make tea.
    This was getting dangerous.

    « We can't have it trash around here ... It could provoke a cave-in. Let's just back off and leave it alone. » Sada pulled Raifort back by one arm; she recalled Kim in her Poké Ball and the two women kept backing away from the rampaging golem, away from the buried cellar and back into the tunnel they had been following, now at a full run. The Pokémon however kept following, stomping after them with heavy steps... until she heard it suddenly stop.

    Sada turned around, to find the little golem standing completely still. All the energy it had showed in protecting the place it had been assigned to was completely gone: its arms were hanging limp by its side, and it seemed to be looking around.

    Even if it couldn't show any trace of emotion on its face, there was something in the way it was slowly rotating its head to observe the walls of the cave they were in that made Sada's heart ache.

    « They're gone.» the golem turned to look in her direction when she spoke up. Could it even understand her? Maybe not. The people that gave it orders must have spoken a different language.

    « I... I know what you're thinking. "Where is everyone?" They're all gone... a long time ago. You're all alone. » she said, lowering her eyes.

    The Golett kept looking around, walking with a clattering sound towards the piece of mural that was still visible. It raised its head and stared at the carved figures for a long time, unmoving. Its shoulders sagged, and it looked to the ground.

    « Why don't you come with me? » she found herself asking as she took a Poké Ball out of her bag. The thought of leaving this Pokémon all alone in this dark tunnel, after its whole purpose had long since crumbled... It saddened her.

    « Maybe you can't protect them anymore, but can look for what's left of your people... Together. I know what it's like... To be all alone in a new, scary place. » she still had no idea if the Pokémon could even understand her, so she waited for any sign of understanding from the clay golem.

    It didn't move, neither did it answer... In fact, it seemed completely unresponsive. They clay armor suddenly collapsed on itself, almost as if the energy inside it had ran out, clattering to the ground in a chipped pile, but without shattering into pieces.

    Sada's eyes widened, and she hurried towards the Pokémon.

    « Are you okay?!» she had no idea what to do. Had it just... Gone to sleep, like it had been before? Or had it really just ran out of energy? Was that something that could happen?

    « Just catch it. Ghost Pokémon can be complicated to treat, but a Pokémon Center should be able to help.» Raifort was suddenly beside her, her own Gastly hovering nearby. It cackled as it passed through the armour, phasing through it.

    « Gastly doesn't look worried, at least... Then again he's not exactly the altruistic type-» the woman muttered.

    Sada hurriedly pressed a Poké Ball over one of the clay shoulder pads, watching the broken shape of the Golett get pulled inside.

    « All right... let's go to the nearest Pokémon Center.» she said, clipping the new Poké Ball to her belt.

    It wasn't until they were out of the Alfornada caverns and well on their way towards the omonymous city that Raifort spoke again.

    « So... Did you want to catch that Golett because of your ancestor?»

    Sada turned to stare at her, confused.

    « What do you mean?»

    Raifort's eyes widened, and she took her massive book out of her bag again.

    « The picture...? Golett is the pre-evolution of Golurk. See?» she explained, pointing to the black and white photograph again. This time, Sada noticed the little description printed underneath.

    "Professor Albora Olim the day construction of the Zero Gate started, along with her Golurk."

    « Daddy, what's "timettavel"?» Romero asked his dad, who blinked and flicked the screen with the book he had been reading out of the way to stare at him.

    « What?» he asked from the couch he was sitting on, little Miraidon draped on his lap.

    Romero Turo, age four, pointed to where another floating monitor was showing the news. Miraidon's eyes flickered on and the Pokémon followed his movements, before looking at his little owner with a quizzical chirp.

    « Gwaaoh? »

    « The man in the tv keeps talking about it. "Timettavel" »

    His father's eyes lit up with recognition as soon as he looked at the screen, and Romero smiled brightly. Dad always knew everything!

    « Oh, you mean "time travel"! It's a new thing that's just been invented, back on Earth.»

    For Romero, Earth was just the place he saw out of the window. Or where cartoons and movies were set. So people actually did stuff over there?

    « What is it?» he asked, jumping and floating over to the couch in a single movement. Dad caught him with both arms and held him down until he was sitting beside him. Miraidon chirped again and pushed his snout under the kid's hand, demanding pets.

    « It's... A different way to go somewhere. You know how we go watch the shuttles leaving sometimes?» Dad asked, and Romero nodded eagerly. Yeah, he liked spaceships. They were cool, and he liked looking at all the different Pokémon and people that would step out of them.

    He wanted to have a big spaceship of his own when he grew up, and then he could go on adventures with Mirai, and fight space pirates who stole from faraway planets!

    « So instead of going somewhere else... Like on Earth, or Mars... They found a way to go in some other time.» Dad opened up the calendar on a screen in front of him, and pointed to a little square.

    « This is today. Saturday. »

    Romero nodded. He had just been learning the days of the week.

    « So you could step inside a time machine, and go back... To Friday. » his finger moved to the other square.

    Wide eyed dreams of flying in space were interrupted as his little, four year old brain tried to comprehend what that meant.

    « ... And then it would be Saturday again? »

    « Exactly!» Dad smiled, but Romero's mind was already racing to much more important things.

    « And... And they can t-time-travel to any day? Any any day?? Even my birthday?»

    Dad frowned, as he always did when he was not sure what he was talking about.

    « I... I guess so...?»

    « So with a time machine I can go back and have another birthday party??» Romero asked, eyes wide and breathless just thinking of the possibilities. He could have all the birthday parties he wanted!!

    He got up from the couch and jumped up, the Moon's gravity effortlessly making him float lazily towards the ground.

    « Daddy! I want to also do "time travel"!» he cheered as Dad laughed and hugged him again. Miraidon was jumping up and down, yapping as it tried to understand what all the excitement was about. The little dragon's mouth opened and closed, letting out little cawing sounds-

    ... Cawing...?

    « -krow!»

    Turo woke up with a start: something hard was pecking at his cheek. It took him a long moment to realize where he was: the room was dark, complete silence, a bare wall in front of his eyes instead of a glowing screen. His back hurt: he was slouching forward after he had fallen asleep in a chair.
    That was normal for him.
    He raised his head, and felt paper sticking to his face.
    ... Definitely less normal. He blinked, one hand fumbling for a light switch of any kind.
    Something was still pecking at his cheek.
    Finally managing to turn the light on, he turned and stared at the Murkrow on the desk, his small red eyes shining in the dark.
    A Murkrow. Miguel.
    ... Not Miraidon.
    It had been all a dream... more like a memory of long ago.

    « What is it?» He groggily asked the small Pokémon. Turo usually slept with his window cracked open, so the Pokémon could come and go and night. He usually stayed up until late, so they kept each other company until he went to sleep.
    Sometimes he would wake up the next morning to find his desk littered with random junk the Pokemon had gathered during the night.
    Useless shiny baubles, the occasional crystal shard, gimmighoul coins, keys, an entire wallet in one memorable occasion which he had to spend the entire afternoon asking around the school to find its owner...
    Miguel flew up to peck at the door, cawing again. Turo looked at the alarm clock next to his bed. 3: 50 AM.

    « What, are you hungry?»

    He was suddenly reminded of Miraidon waking him up in the middle of the night for a walk, and he felt his chest squeeze painfully. Murkrow cawed, gliding down to perch on his shoulder.
    He couldn't help but smile a little as the soft feathers pressed against his cheek. It felt completely different from Miraidon's smooth plates.
    ... Maybe it was better that way, but he still missed the feeling.

    « All right, let's get you something to eat. »

    The cafeteria was actually open the entire night, as he had discovered the first time he had to work night shifts. They didn't offer complete meals like during the day, but there were always at least a couple of sandwiches or warm beverages available for the night owls like him that needed a late night snack. Or a very early breakfast, depending on your point of view.

    He grabbed a couple a piece of toast, some jam and a mug of coffee and took a seat near one of the windows. The room was pretty much empty, and he sat down munching on his toast in silence for a couple of minutes, Miguel pecking at his own slice.

    Why had he had that dream all of a sudden? He hadn't thought about his childhood in ages... Especially not that particular memory. His birthday was way back in June and now it was... ah.

    Of course.

    Turo suddenly shied away from the window, not wanting to see the moon just barely visible through it.

    It hadn't been about his birthday at all.

    He took a sip of coffee, wincing as the mug was still way too hot. He hastily put it down, huffing in pain. In that moment, the door to the cafeteria opened again. He looked up, expecting to see another sleepy looking student of the Academy, and blinked when he recognised Sada's figure slipping inside. She looked exhausted, wearing a heavy parka over her school uniform, and was carrying a truly enormous yellow backpack that probably weighted more than him. She smiled when she saw him and approached his seat.

    « Hi... Me and Raifort just came back, I didn't think there would be anyone here... why are you awake so early?» she asked, sitting down in front of him. He mumbled an answer, looking at his coffee.

    « Couldn't sleep... How was your trip?»

    She had been away for a couple of days, off exploring Paldea with Raifort.
    And that was ... fine, of course. He had been more than happy for her. And definitely happy he didn't have to go trekking around old ruins. Knowing himself, he would have tripped and broken his leg or something similar.

    « Oh, the Alfornada caverns are amazing! A quake apparently opened up this tunnel that had been closed off before and now there's this entire unexplored cave system full of old-» she suddenly stopped, and after a moment leaned forward to peer at him, eyes filled with concern.

    « Are you ... are you okay?» she asked.

    It took him a long moment to answer.

    « ... not really.» he said in a low voice, hesitating a couple of moments before continuing.

    « I... I just dreamt about... Home. My family. It still doesn't feel real at times. I keep thinking that I can just... Call them anytime if I want, get on a shuttle and go visit them, but... then it's like I suddenly remember that... they are not... here. » he tried to explain, ending with a sigh.

    « This must sound so stupid» he shook his head. There was a second of silence, followed by the sound of Sada's chair scooting backwards as she stood up. She walked around the table to sit by his side, taking his hand. She started to trace little circles on the back of his hand with his thumb.

    « It's not stupid. You miss them, it's normal. I also do.» she whispered, and he took a deep breath.

    Right. Of course she also missed them.

    « My tribe is probably thinking... probably thought-» she corrected herself with a little hiccup in her voice.

    « That we ran off together.»

    That got a sad little laugh out of him. He could quite picture it, the whole tribe coming together in one of the bigger tents to wonder where Sada had run off to as they worked.

    « I don't think your mother would be happy with me as your... companion. "He can't even hunt a blind creature!"» he tried to mimic the woman's stern tone.

    « I'm not sure... She really liked the little Pokémon I gave her... The one from the egg that makes clothes out of leaves you talked to her about. And she really liked your drawings... » he heard Sada take a deep breath, as she gave his hand a light squeeze.

    « Tell me about your family. I want to hear about it. Are they all on the Moon?» she asked in a low voice, and Turo swallowed, realizing that even if thinking about them hurt, a part of him actually wanted to tell Sada all about them.

    Just... have someone other than him that knew about them, about his life. Sada and now maybe Clavell were the only ones he could reasonably open up with.

    They existed as nothing more than memories in his head now, and he was afraid of forgetting even the smallest detail about them. He couldn't share anything about his life with Sada before, but... now... there was nothing stopping him.

    « Ahah... » he laughed softly as he found himself relaxing slightly in his chair.

    « ... No, actually only my mother and father lived on the Moon for a bit. Most of my family is from Paldea... I have a cousin that went to Mars though-» he started to explain, only for Sada to furrow her eyebrows.

    « Mars is that... Other "world", right? And what's a "cousin"?» she asked immediately after, and he laughed.

    With her by his side... It didn't hurt so much to think about.

    While writing this chapter I've thought a lot about what situation between Sada and Turo would feel worse.

    Knowing that everything about your life is gone with pretty much no trace left, or that it doesn't even exist yet, and it's literally only in your head now?

    They both suck in different ways, but I'm curious what everyone thinks about it!
    Chapter 27: Knowledge, part III
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    I wanted to get this chapter out muuuch earlier, but a scene in particular gave me a lot of trouble so it took a bit more.
    Chapter 27: Knowledge, part III

    Help needed! We are looking for people willing to help investigate mysterious Pokémon that have been sighted around Paldea. If you have information about strange, cristal-looking Pokémon, contact Alba Sada or Romero Turo from class 1-C of Uvanja Academy

    « Does this look right?» Sada asked as she thrust the piece of paper under Turo's nose as he worked on one of the machines that he called "computers".

    It took him a moment to look away from the screen, and he blinked as he read her words.

    « I think "crystalline" works better here.» he said pointing out a word.

    Sada frowned. Writing was so complicated. As long as people got the general idea, why did it matter what exact word sounded better? Why were there so many words that pretty much meant the same thing? It was so complicated.

    « Do you really think people will come?» she asked as she crossed out the word and corrected it, then took another blank sheet of paper to copy the message over again. Turo had offered to teach her how to write faster at the computer, but while it looked simple enough, she just didn't like it. She had pretty much just learned to write by hand! She liked it! She liked how everyone had their own different handwriting.
    Computers may be faster, but they made everything look the same.

    « If they don't, we'll just do it alone. And we know that Clavell at least is interested.» he answered, turning back towards the computer. They were inside the empty laboratory that Clavell also often used, and had pretty much become their little office. Clavell was busy with teaching a more advanced class at the moment, while they had both finished their lessons for the day, so it was just the two of them. What Turo spent hours doing at the computer puzzled her: he had explained the basics of it, he was basically writing commands so it would perform specific actions, but it all seemed so... vague to her. So that thing could pretty much do anything? That was weird.

    She focused her attention back on the table, where a great map of Paldea laid open. Together with Raifort and using the information collected slowly by students and themselves alike, she was mapping the various places where the mysterious crystal Pokémon were appearing.

    « So let's see... Someone caught a Flying type Meowth in the South Province-» she said, circling the general area it had been reported.

    The clacking coming from Turo's keyboard abruptly stopped.

    « ... how does that work? Does it get wings? » he asked, bewildered, « Does it just start to float like a Gyarados?»

    Sada shrugged as she marked another spot on the map.

    « No idea. After they caught it it turned to a normal Meowth, like that Flamigo. I wish I had seen it...» she muttered, disappointed. That had to be a funny sight, at the very least.

    Turo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms to his chest as he stared at the map.

    « There has to be something that triggers this change... Something we are missing. They stay transformed until you break that crystal shell... And then never do it again. Why?» he asked.

    « I've been looking for something in common to all the places where they have been spotted, but... It's no use. It's just all over Paldea...» Sada shook her head, then stopped, eyes transfixed on the map.

    Maybe... maybe there was something...

    « There's so many little caves and tunnels in Paldea... what if they come from there? What if what's making them transform is deep underground?» she said, slowly, raising her eyes towards Turo, who took a deep breath as he realized what she meant.

    « You think there's some cave that leads to Area Zero and they are actually coming out from there...?» he asked.

    « I'm not sure. But we know it's definitely something from Area Zero. You... You know how the air was under there. How it felt. Let's look for these Pokémon that have appeared near caves and mountains...» she looked back to the map, before pointing out a spot right near Artazon.

    « Here. Someone said they saw a strange Sudowoodo here. They didn't catch it, so it should still be there!»

    Turo nodded, slowly stroking his chin.

    « All right. Let's put up that message around the city and see if we can find a couple more people interested in checking the place out this weekend.»
    A couple of days later, they got contacted by two people who had shown quite some interest in seeing these strange Pokémon. They had decided on one of Artazon's picturesque windmills as a meeting spot, and now Turo was waiting for the two of them to join them.
    Sada was right next to him, her enormous yellow backbag packed with supplies.
    His back hurt just looking at it.

    « Are you two Sada and Turo?»

    Both turned towards the voice that had spoken up: a young man with wavy green hair, arranged in short strands that partially fell in front of his face.

    He had a stern, somewhat exhausted look on his face and deep bags under his eyes. Honestly, Turo was impressed; he finally met someone that looked like they slept worse than him. Near him was another man with longer, blond hair and broad shoulders.

    Turo nodded.

    « Are you here for the Sudowoodo?»

    They both nodded, the blond man stepping forward.

    « Yes, we were both quite curious about it. I'm Hassel and he is Brassius.» he said, putting one hand on the other man's shoulder, who simply narrowed his eyes and nodded stiffly.

    Turo's eyes widened slightly. H-Hassel...? Like the one they named the art gallery in Mesagoza after...? That couldn't be... maybe it wasn't that uncommon of a name...?

    « Pleasure to meet you both... »

    « So what are we supposed to do? Just find it and catch it?» Brassius spoke up.

    Sada looked up from the map she had been holding, folded it, and nodded.

    « Yes. But I'm interested in following it back to its den. Most wild Pokémon will try to escape or retreat back to their nest when they feel... cornered.» she said after a slight hesitation, and Turo knew she had just barely stopped herself from saying "hunted". She had learned so much of the language in such a short time... He was proud of her.

    « And who is going to do that? You?» Brassius asked, as the other man sighed lightly.

    « Brassie... »

    Sada simply narrowed her eyes at the man, tightening the straps of her backpack on her shoulders.

    « Yes. I'm good at tracking Pokémon...» she said, only for the man to huff in contempt.

    « Sudowoodo is famous for not moving, don't you know that?» he chuckled. Sada bit her lip for a short moment, irritation clear on her face. If Turo had to guess, she wasn't used to not being taken seriously or having her skill doubted.

    « ... If you don't think I can do it, you can lead the way.» she said in the end, before turning her back on them and marching off.

    Brassius didn't look convinced; he scowled as they started walking out of the city.

    As always, Turo found himself trailing behind everyone else. He tried to pretend it was perfectly intentional, and focused on not falling too much behind.

    « Brassie... I know you're in a bit of a low point right now, but there's no need to snap at strangers like that...» the man, Hassel, was saying.

    « A grass-type Sudowoodo... I'll believe it when I see it.» Brassius simply muttered in response.

    Turo let Miguel out, the Murkrow settling on his right shoulder, still half-asleep.

    « Can you help look for more shards?» he asked, stroking the Pokémon's beak with one finger. The bird cawed and hopped off, taking a moment to start flapping his wings as he started flying around.

    With his penchant for finding shiny objects, he was quite adept at tracking the crystal Pokémon. Sada's Litleo had similarly gotten better and better at it, stalking them quietly from the ground. Together, they covered pretty much any direction.
    And they really needed to find another name instead of "crystal Pokémon"...

    They followed the two Pokémon for a while, until Sada raised one hand, palm down, and crouched low to the ground behind some tall grass. Brassius muttered something but followed her, and so did Hassel and Turo. He threw a glance over the grass, raising one eyebrow at what he saw. He had tried to study the most common Pokémon that made up the fauna of Paldea in this era so that he wouldn't look that out of place, but most Pokémon he had still only seen briefly in a picture or during battle lessons.

    He wasn't familiar with Sudowoodo at all, so he didn't know if what he was looking at was strange or completely normal, but judging by Brassius's gasped breath, it was probably the former.

    The Pokémon was standing completely still in a small clearing. It had a narrow and long brown body that looked like a tree trunk, and reminded Turo of the crystallized trees he had seen in Area Zero. Two of what were probably its upper limbs were held out in front of him, partially shielding its face. On each of its two limbs and on its head were clusters of orange and red leaves, similar to the ones found in the trees all around. The leaves fell arranged in extremely long, thin branches all the way to the ground, and made the Pokémon look a bit like a weeping willow... or like it had extremely long hair.

    « This... this is incredible! It really looks like a tree! This Sudowoodo has truly mastered the art of mimicry!» Brassius was now excitedly muttering.

    « So it's supposedly a grass type now?» Hassel asked, looking at them both.

    Turo had to think for a moment.

    « Well, that's what people who saw it told us it looked like... » he said.

    « There is one sure way to find out.» Sada said, before jumping out of the bush and approaching the Pokémon. It didn't budge an inch, but Turo thought he saw one piece of the bark move to follow her movements, and realized it was probably one eye, camouflaged on its tree-like skin.

    Sada grabbed the water bottle she carried strapped to her backpack, unscrewed the lid, and dumped some of the water on the Pokémon.

    It didn't seem to mind, actually slightly moving one leg to better absorb water, and that got another gasp out of Brassius.

    « I can't believe it!»

    While Sada turned back towards them with what could only be described as a "supremely smug grin", Turo looked back at the Pokémon.

    « So, if it really is a Grass-type now instead of Rock-type...» his eyes trailed over to Miguel, who had been resting perched on another tree. He gave a little nod to the Pokémon, and the Murkrow fluttered on one of the Pokémon's arms with a small "krow".

    It still didn't move, but Turo noticed that its eyes were carefully observing the bird Pokémon. Miguel pecked at its head. It visibly flinched, but still kept rooted to its hiding spot. Now Kim had joined the Murkrow in approaching the Pokémon, meowing as it breathed out a little puff of smoke.

    The Sudowoodo kept watching them both nervously, until the Litleo growled and threw an Ember at its legs.

    Turo had expected the Pokémon to attack, but instead it suddenly took off with a cry, bolting and running away from them with the silliest run he had ever seen a Pokémon do. It wasn't the only thing running though, because Brassius started chasing it immediately after.

    « AVANT-GARDE! Such masterful deceit! Such composure! What a magnificent dedication to its camouflage! Let us chase this beautiful Pokémon, it has to become my companion!» he said, running ahead of them all with surprising speed.

    They chased it as fast as they could, Turo sending Miguel and Hassle a Flapple to fly after it. In the end, they arrived to what looked like a small cave, a tunnel leading into the dark. As soon as they stepped inside, Turo could almost feel it, and from the way Sada flinched slightly, she had probably noticed the same. The air felt heavy like it did in Area Zero.

    Brassius had already ran inside, and they followed. The more they walked, the more he saw crystal formations cover the walls, until they emerged into an enormous, completely crystallized cave. The Sudowoodo had escaped inside, and looked at the four of them with fury. The tunnel was a dead end, the Pokémon having nowhere else to escape.

    « Did it crystallize because it made this place its den...?» Turo wondered out loud. So staying near these crystal formations was the key to changing types...?

    He was distracted from his thoughts by the Pokémon throwing a rock at both Miguel and Kim. Caught by surprise, neither Pokémon could dodge and fell back with a cry of pain, before staggering back to their feet.

    Right, he could think about that later. He had to focus.

    « It can still use normal Sudowoodo moves even as a grass-type... Miguel, don't get hit by them again.» he encouraged his Pokémon, and it nodded before flapping his wings and flying up again. Brassius threw a Ball, summoning what looked like a... Turo balked, eyes starting to water and immediately feeling a sneeze build up.

    « Are you kidding me... a Smoliv?» he growled. Of all Pokémon he could have used...

    « Use Growth, then Razor Leaf!» Brassius ordered, throwing him an irritated glance.

    « Yes, so what? I mostly train grass types. I thought we would fight a rock-type!»

    The terrified-looking Pokémon glowed briefly gathering energy, and the olive on its head grew slightly bigger. Oh great. Didn't that mean it had even more oil now?

    « I'm... allergic to Smoliv-» he tried to say, getting interrupted by a sneeze as the Pokémon sent a barrage of olive leaves flying towards their opponent.

    This was going to be just great.


    « We have to break off those crystals completely! It will be impossible to catch otherwise!» Sada called out, as Hassel ordered his Pokémon to strike the Sudowoodo with its wings. She found it quite adorable: a little dragon that lived in an apple! Chalo would have loved it...

    Turo's loud sneeze distracted her from that thought, and she threw a little worried look to her side.

    « I'm fine... let's focus on the battle.» he sniffled, grabbing in his jacket for some tissues. At least Murkrow seemed capable of dodging more rocks the wild Pokémon was throwing even as his trainer was distracted.

    She focused her attention back on Kim; they were in a weird stalemate. The Sudowoodo was weak to almost all of their Pokémon's attacks, but since it could still use rock type attacks, it could also really hurt them in return. But if it needed a bit of space to throw those rocks, maybe getting close would be effective...

    « Kim, use Fire Fang and stick close to it!» she ordered, choosing to use one of the newest things she had learned to do.

    The Litleo let out a little roar and started sprinting toward her opponent; instead of simply spitting a ball of fire, she let it burn at the back of her throat and cover her fangs in flames, before leaping and trying to sink her teeth into one of the Sudowoodo's arms. Some of its leaves caught fire and the Pokémon wailed, swinging its arms trying to get the Fire type to let go; after a moment, its other arm glowed and it punched the little Pokémon right in the stomach, sending the Litleo flying again with a yowl of pain.

    Sada flinched, caught unprepared.

    « Kim! »

    That looked like it had hurt; the Pokémon took a moment to stand up again. She hated just having to watch as their Pokémon did all the work. It felt completely unnatural to her; was there really nothing she could do...?

    ... she was going to bring her bow with her from the next battle onward, she decided, no matter what Clavell said or how weird it looked.

    « That was Hammer Arm, so it can use Fighting type moves too.» Hassel intervened. He was carefully watching the battle, arms crossed to his chest as his Flapple took a moment to rest by closing itself inside his apple.

    « Oh, great... is there anything it can't do?» she heard Turo grumble between one sneeze and the other.

    Sada forced herself to stay focused. They were throwing attacks at it as if they were each fighting it alone. But that wasn't how she had approached fights until know. During a hunt, each person had their role and knew exactly what to do. This was how they had to act if they wanted to defeat it, or they would just keep hurting their Pokémon.

    They all had attacks that were effective on it, so... If they could use them in a smart way to break off those crystals...

    Kim stood back up and roared again, the little tuft of fur on her head growing hotter as she did while her voice echoed off the walls of the cave. She looked a bit unstable on her legs, having been hit by various especially effective attacks.

    « Can you still fight?» she asked, and the Litleo meowed.

    « We need to weaken it first... and someone else needs to distract it.» Sada commented.

    « Oh, Miguel is a master at annoying people- use Taunt!» Turo chuckled by her side, having apparently recovered enough to give an order.

    The Murkrow flew near the Sudowoodo and started loudly cawing towards his opponent, hovering frustratingly just out of reach to avoid the rocks the Pokémon started throwing in response.

    « I can weaken it... Flapple, Acid Spray!» Hassel commanded, his little dragon peeking out from his shell to spit a purple liquid at it. She vaguely knew what an "acid" was from Clavell's biology lessons on Poison types, so it should probably hurt it quite a lot now... It actually started to eat away at some more of the leaves on its arms with a sizzling sound, little pieces of crystal flaking off them. Good, they needed to keep that up...
    The Sudowoodo let out another high-pitched screech, and suddenly its whole body started to almost shine. Sada blinked, covering her eyes; it was like the light refracting from the crystal walls all around was converging all around the Pokémon as it hardened its skin...
    Sada gasped.

    « It knows we want to break it off! It's protecting itself!»

    How did it do that? Was it something special crystal Pokémon could do? Or had it just used some kind of move?

    « I think... I think it used Harden, but covered in crystals like that, of course those would harden too...» Hassel said.

    « Wonderfull! How the light refracts all around its head! I can't blame this creature for wanting to stay in its most magnificent form as long as it can! Be mine!» Brassius seemed to have gone back to his most... enthusiastic way of talking. Sada wasn't exactly sure what to think of the man: the fact that he hadn't trusted her irritated her and had resulted in him not even coming prepared for the fight, but the enthusiasm he was showing for this Pokémon was kind of... contagious, in a way.

    « Smoliv, it's time to summon your most dazzling display of power! Sunny Day!»

    The light in the cave only grew as the little Grass-type conjured a fiery ball of light that made Kim roar, feeling invigorated. Oh! Wait, she had seen something like this back home... warmth made fire types grow stronger.

    And with the Acid Spray of before...

    « Kim, use Ember! Breath fire as hard as you can!» she encouraged the Litleo, who took a deep breath and started to breathe little balls of flame towards the Sudowoodo, one after the other, pausing to breathe less and less, until almost a single stream of fire was flowing through the air.
    It engulfed the Sudowoodo, who in a desperate counter-attack sprinted towards Kim again, both arms with its almost completely burned off leaves glowing as it charged one Hammer Arm in each...

    Sada flinched, resisting the urge to throw herself in front of her Pokémon; but if both of those hit... what if it...

    « Dragon Breath!»

    « Gust!»

    Hassel's and Turo's orders came at the same time, their two Pokémon coming up from behind Sudowoodo; their attacks blew the Pokémon backwards and to the ground. The crystal shattered, and the Sudowoodo collapsed, exhausted. She didn't even have time to blink before Brassius threw a Poké Ball at it with a triumphant shout.

    Silence fell in the cave... or it would have, if it wasn't for Turo's enormous sneeze that broke it.

    « Urgh... I hate this... » he complained.
    Turo heaved a deep sigh of relief as soon as Brassius finally called back his Smoliv into his Poké Ball. His eyes stung and his nose had been running non stop for the whole battle, making it kind of difficult for him to focus. Thankfully his Pokémon had been more than able to take care of himself; he had never quite understood the tendency of trainers in the past - or, well... now- to yell things like "Dodge!!".
    Pokémon reflexes were usually a lot faster than humans, barring some exceptions like Slowpoke.
    ... surely the Pokémon was perfectly able to do it by themselves?
    He didn't get it.
    Miguel's happy cry got his attention, and he found the crow Pokémon flying in circles around the spot where the Sudowoodo had stood. He walked over to him, and he landed on his shoulder, showing him a little pile of crystal shards. The whole cave was pretty much made of the same material... this place could prove invaluable for their research.

    « Let's gather as much of these fragments as we can... these all seem of the same color... » he mused out-loud, petting the Murkrow with one hand as he thought. Maybe it was a bit like light, being made of different colors in a spectrum. Maybe different "frequencies" in the energy emitted by these crystals resulted in different types... maybe it was something in the soil? Different rock compositions and different minerals lead to different "frequencies" being absorbed by these crystals and led to different types... Or maybe it was the opposite, and the Pokemon that ended up living here influenced the crystals somehow?
    He would have to run some tests back at the Academy. He finished gathering all the fragments he could get from the ground and stood back up, turning towards the rest of the group.

    « Kim fought well. » he complimented Sada as she finished giving the Litleo a couple of Potion to heal her injuries. Miguel pecked him on the shoulder, and he sighed.

    «... yes, of course you also fought well.» he added, petting the bird again, and Miguel cawed with satisfaction.

    Sada slung the heavy backpack on her shoulders again, before frowning a little.

    « I don't like... Not doing anything.» she said after a moment, and his smile dimmed a bit. It must have felt pretty unnatural for her to just give orders to her Pokémon.

    « You help her by paying attention to her...» he tried to comfort her, but he didn't sound particularly convinced himself. After all, Miguel had done pretty well by himself right now while he had been busy sneezing-

    « What?!»

    They both turned around at Brassius's sudden outburst to find the man slumped to the ground in a dramatic fashion. He had let the Sudowoodo out of his Pokéball, and looked dismayed at it.

    « You're just a normal Sudowoodo now?!»

    Oh. Right. They had failed to mention that.

    « That's what has happened with other Pokémon like this we've tried to study. There's something unique to these caves that allows them to change type. If a Pokémon spends enough time living here, it probably affects them in some way, but it goes away once the crystal gets shattered.» Turo explained, putting all the gathered shards in Sada's bag.

    « We want to study this, um... "phe-no-me-na" and find a way to recreate it anywhere, at any time.» Sada added.

    Brassius's head snapped back up, and he pretty much crawled towards them for a couple of steps before rising back up to his feet, a manic glint in his eye.

    « ... So you two... could make it possible to see that beautiful form any time I want... ?»

    « Err.... Maybe...?»

    « ... Really?» Hassel interjected, eyes wide.

    « The possibly to make any Pokémon of any type... That would be incredible. As long as it doesn't have any negative effects...» he added after a moment.

    « Well... That Sudowoodo looked more than fine to me. It seemed pretty used to being a Grass type. » Turo replied with a little shrug.

    « That is... true. The possibilities are... Quite inspiring! Imagine a Pokémon of a type that's the complete opposite of what it usually is... » Hassel mused, his somewhat stoic expression having opened up a little bit.

    « You said you two are students at the Academy? I will gladly look forward to seeing what you do after you graduate.» he added, and Brassius fervently nodded.

    « Yes! It doesn't matter how much time it will take you ... if I can see that wonderful form again... I need to sketch it before I forget the smallest detail about that wonderful shape-» he said, looking around almost feverishly.
    That sure was a ... sudden change from the sullen look he had shown at first.

    They gathered their supplies and headed for the exit of the cave as they exchanged contacts; for once, he couldn't wait to climb inside a Flying Taxi.
    "Preliminary tests have found that great quantities of these crystals seem to emit a yet unknown kind of energy. This energy-"

    « You know, we really need to find another name than just "crystals"» Turo sighed some days later as he stopped writing the report, turning towards Sada by swiveling the chair around, back in their laboratory.

    Sada hummed thoughtfully, looking around the room.

    On the table was a big multicolored pile of all the shards they had gathered until now, be it by battling the mysterious Pokémon, found on the ground, or that Kim and Miguel had found while wandering around. The two Pokémon were busy examining the various pieces of lab equipment, with the bird peering into the glass dome that held a couple of empty Poké Ball -some device to analyze the Pokémon that was put inside it, not that different from the system Pokémon Centers used to rapidly heal them - while the Litleo was cautiosly pawing at it from below. They both seemed to be intrigued by the little beeps and flashing lights of all the machinery around them.

    Her latest catch, the Golett, was moving some hesitant steps around the room. The little clay golem had taken a while to recover from the shock of finding itself alone after it had woken up in those ruins after so much time. She still had to find a name for it.

    But it looked like being around other Pokémon was putting it at ease.

    She focuses her attention back to Turo as he tapped slightly on the keyboard.

    « I... don't know how people name things here... In math class when people discovered something, didn't they give it their name...? We could do the same...? The... "Turo-Sada phenomena"» she offered after a moment, thinking back to her lessons. Turo frowned, writing it down on a blank piece of paper. His Murkrow fluttered down from the lab equipment to watch them curiously, and she could see Kim peer up at them from the other side of the table, disgruntled at not being tall enough to see what was going on.

    « I'm not sure that's a good idea... I think I would have found it strange if I saw something with my name in school...» Turo said, throwing a quick glance to the door as he lowered his voice.

    « The fact that I didn't notice anything at the time... Must mean that we don't name it that...? » he said, looking uncertain.

    Sada stared at him with a little smile on her face, not impressed.

    « Or you just didn't pay attention in school.» she replied, to which the man burst out laughing.

    « That's possible... History was never my favourite subject. I also have never heard of glowing Pokémon appearing in Paldea, so... Who knows how much got lost in thousands of years between this time and mine.» his face clouded over a little bit, the smile quickly disappearing from his face.

    Sada grabbed the piece of paper and stared at it, not wanting to give Turo the time to mull over things too much. He always got pretty quiet when it happened, and she didn't like to see him like that.

    « All right, no "Turo-Sada phenomena". Umm... There are other "changes" Pokémon can have, right? Like... That "Mega Evolution" Clavell mentioned in class.»

    Thankfully, that seemed to get Turo's attention, because he started to rub at his chin with one hand, like he often did when pondering something.

    She has never quite found the courage to say to him how much she liked that little gesture.

    « Yes... these Pokémon are pretty much transforming their whole bodies... wait.» he stopped, one eyebrow raised as he looked back to the blank paper.

    « "Mega" is a word that means "large", and is used in front of other words - a "prefix"- to mean a certain quantity... With this transformation, there's orders of magnitude more possibilities if each Pokémon can become of ant type...»

    She almost wanted to ask what "magnitude" meant, but she had quickly learned to make a mental note of words she didn't know and look them up in a dictionary later if it wasn't the right moment to do so. She didn't want to interrupt him, since she had still got the gist of what he was saying.

    « So what about using "Tera" as a prefix?» Turo proposed.

    « "Tera"... Tera evolution?» she tried out how it sounded, but it didn't quite ring correctly to her. Kim jumped on the table and started nosing the pile of shards. Nobody but the other two Pokémon paid attention to her, both of them too absorbed by their thoughts.

    « Tera Transformation...? » Turo offered, only to be interrupted by a loud squawk as Miguel flew possessively over what he saw as "his" little treasure pile and pecked the fire type on the nose. The Litleo hissed, swiping at the Murkrow with her paw.

    « Miguel, no- get down!»

    « Kim-»

    They both moved to intercept their respective Pokémon, but Golett anticipated them both. Stepping up to the two Pokémon, the golem grabbed the Litleo by the scruff and held her up, while raising one hand to keep the Murkrow away. Both Pokémon protested loudly, but the Ghost type simply shook its head and murmured something that neither of the two humans could make sense of. After a moment, the golem let Kim go, and she scampered off with an offended glare while Miguel went back to Turo's shoulder.

    « Thank you for keeping an eye on them.» Sada smiled as she patted the golem on its head, who let out a low whistle and nodded.

    Kim was incredibly energetic, so the calm and reassuring presence of the Golett was nice to have around as a contrast.

    « I still have to find you a name...» she sighed.

    Turo sat back down, absent mindedly petting a disgruntled Murkrow as he thought.

    « A name that sounds... ancient, maybe... How about Ötzi?» he offered with a little smile.

    « Ötzi?» she repeated, testing how it sounded.

    « It's the name of a man from long ago... well, not as long as you... that was found in a glacier. It's... well, it's not actually his name, obviously, we don't know what he was called after all...» his words quickly dissolved into a flustered muttering that made her smile. She looked to the Golett.

    « Do you like it? "Ötzi"?»

    The Golett paused for a moment, then nodded slowly, his eyes glowing brightly.

    Sada smiled and patted its head again, before suddenly stopping, eyes widening.

    « Umm... You said he was found in a "glacier"... was he... Covered in ice?» she asked, and Turo nodded.

    « Yes, that's why it was possible to find it so well preserved...» he answered distractedly. So he had been... Frozen... Encased...

    « ... So it means he was... "stopped" in time by the ice, right? "Terastop"? No, it sounds weird... stall! Stall also means to stop something... "Terastal"?» she asked, eyes gleaming.

    Turo frowned at first, not quite understanding what she was getting at, before his own eyes widened.

    « ... because they stay transformed as long as they are encased in crystal...» he said, a little smile slowly making his way on his face.

    « Yes!!»

    « "Terastal"... I like it. It's perfect. Let's use it! And we can call the action of these Pokémon transforming "Terastallize"...» he said with a little laugh, resuming his writing.

    « And-» Sada added with a little smile « - it still kind of uses our initials.» she said, satisfied.

    She turned back towards her own work, which had been sorting all the little shards they had gathered into different groups based on their colour. They were both pretty sure that different colours corresponded to different types now, but some similarly coloured shards were kind of difficult to discern at a glance. Like the green ones they had gotten from Sudowoodo were somewhat darker than the light green bug-typed ones they had gotten from the Flamigo...

    She motioned for Ötzi to come near her to her side.

    « Here. Can you help? You are the only Pokémon here with hands.» just to make sure it understood her, she showed him how she was moving the shards in little piles.

    The Pokémon tilted its head, then nodded again and started gingerly copying her to pick up the Tera shards.

    Sada couldn't help but smile a little sadly watching the Pokémon work. It reminded her of how her tribe had slowly changed in the months after her first meeting with Turo and she had come up with the idea of training Pokémon... From their little flock of Spark Tails to a couple of other Pokémon they had hatched from stolen eggs... Even Narjik had started to look interested in the idea of trying to tame a Pokémon.

    She quietly wondered if he had managed it in the end... Had Fluffyhead evolved again? Had her mother created new types of clothes with the silk spun from bug types? Had Chalo found someone from another tribe and left, or had someone else come into theirs?

    She wished that she could somehow know what had happened to them; she missed them so much...

    She sighed and concentrated back on her task. For a while, they worked in silence, until the sound of the lab door opening made her turn towards the door. Clavell peeked inside, a pile of test answer sheets and books under his arm.

    « Hard at work, I see.» he commented as he stepped inside, putting the tests down on the opposite side of the table before sitting down himself.

    « Have you done any progress?» he asked.

    « We've decided on a name to describe this new "transformation". Terastal!» Sada announced, not without a proud smile.

    Clavell nodded after a moment.

    « I see... It makes sense.»

    « We've established that the energy of these Tera crystals triggers the transformation. If we could build a device to trigger it anywhere... This would revolutionalize Pokémon training.» Turo said, raising his head from his computer.

    « ... But it's going to take time. We need first to find a way to contain and store this energy... then control it. And then actually how to use it to trigger the change in the Pokémon in a safe way... and it's going to take money» he added, looking down at his notes with a frown.

    « Money...? » Sada frowned as well, looking around the lab.

    « Can't we just continue working here?» she asked, only for Clavell to shake his head as Turo sighed.

    « ... Not after you graduate. Scientists usually need someone to fund their research... And you are probably going to need much more specialized equipment than what you can find here.» he explained, only for Sada to tilt her head to one side, confused.

    « "Fund"...?»

    « We need to find someone interested in what we want to do that is going to give us money for it. » Turo explained.

    Sada scowled. She didn't understand why people couldn't just... do things. If they were interested in what they were trying to do, why not just... Help?

    « All right... I'm sure everyone will be interested in it.» she said with a huff.

    « I'm sure the League at least will... I'm here for something else though. The Academy has decided the place to send some of their students on a school trip for this year... And you both got chosen.»

    It took a moment for his words to register. Sada blinked, while Turo just raised one eyebrow.

    « ... Really? »

    « I had nothing to do with it, if that is what you are asking.» Clavell fixed his glasses with a slightly offended look.

    « I think you are going to find it interesting... the destination is going to be Kalos this year. »

    I realized I hate writing Tera raids during this chapter lol
    Four people and four Pokemon and needing to write in a way that feels like everyone is contributing is HARD.
    But I'm SO EXCITED for the next chapter!! I had Kalos planned as their trip for obvious reasons from way before the DLC got announced, so sorry Sada and Turo, no Kitakami trip for you... For now, at least.
    Chapter 28: Voyage, part I
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    I've been struggling a bit these past two months, mostly because I didn't have a laptop. I'm used to writing a lot of things on my phone, but it still slowed me down a bit. For Part 2 I wanted to do shorter chapters hoping to update more often, but there was something that kept feeling a bit "off" in the last 2-3 chapters, like it led to scenes actually being shorter, like they couldn't "breath" properly. So I tried to go back to how I was writing in Part 1... which led to this chapter having to be split into two part instead of one like my initial plan.
    I guess that's a sign it's been working? Kinda?
    Also... you have no idea how hard I laughed when Legend Z was announced, right as I was writing an entire chapter set in Lumiose because of something I decided at the very beginning of this fic.
    Chapter 28: Voyage, part I
    Turo hadn't quite considered what travelling to Kalos in this time would entail until a couple of days before the trip. The thing was, with teleportation technology in his time every place on Earth had become pretty much instantly accessible. Maybe, for trips to more remote places, you had to switch teleporter a couple of times because of how they were set up and connected, and how far they could safely send someone. Your baggage was also similarly just sent along with you or just after you, as long as it fit on the teleporting pad.
    It was fast and convenient, but it had made Earth itself feel... Strangely small, in a way. When every place was instantly accessible, you kind of lost that feeling of actually departing and going somewhere.
    That feeling had transferred completely to travelling in space, where you still had to carefully plan your trip, and actually travel, and pack your bags... so now having to do all of that just to go to Kalos left him befuddled. It wasn't even that far away! There really wasn't a more convenient way of travelling there than plane?

    « How long is this going to take?» he half-mumbled, half- whispered as he sat down in his assigned seat. Clavell had booked the tickets for everyone, and had ended up sandwiched between him and Sada... Something that left Turo, sitting on the aisle side, a bit disappointed with, and Clavell embarrassed. He had wanted to sit near Sada... Who, meanwhile ,looked like she couldn't be happier sitting on the window side.

    « Your "plane" didn't have wings this long!» she enthusiastically said, peering outside.

    « Because it didn't need any-» he muttered as he fastened his seatbelt and reclined back in his seat with a sigh. By his side, Clavell furrowed his eyebrows.

    « What do you mean it didn't need wings? How would it fly then?»

    Turo smiled a bit invardly as he turned towards Clavell. He had to admit revealing to him little details about his time and watching his mind get blown was always entertaining... And probably just a little bit of a coping mechanism.

    « Space doesn't have air.» he just said.

    Clavell's seemed to take a moment to get it, at which point his eyes widened and the man leaned forward in a hurried whisper.

    « You went to space?!»

    « More than once... and you still haven't told me how long this will take.»

    « Well, umm...» Clavell still looked a bit dazed, but he fixed his glasses as he thought for a moment.

    « Two hours, more or less »

    Turo sat back up in his seat, speechless.

    « T-two hours?!» he realized he had raised his voice when people in the nearby seats turned to stare curiously at them.

    He lowered it back to slightly more than a whisper as he sank back down in his seat, sinking in it even lower than before. He groaned invardly. Two hours in a cramped, tiny seat and the ridiculous tiny screen in his seat only had like, ten movies to choose from.

    « Two hours for barely going to another country... I could've almost reached the darn Moon in that time...» he muttered to a bewildered Clavell, who was doing his best to keep his composure.

    « You could just casually go to the Moon?!»

    He smiled a little bit as the plane started up his engine and decided to blow the scientist's mind a little more.

    « Sure. I was born on it.»

    Sada's only other experience of flying that wasn't on a Pokémon or a Flying Taxi (which she still kind of counted as flying on a Pokémon, just in a less direct way) had been the time she had gone to the Moon in Turo's time. And while she had found it all incredibly fascinating and still treasured the memory, she had to say that she was enjoying this flight quite a lot more. You could actually see the ground get smaller and smaller as the plane got up, the clouds rushing beneath, the scenery change... And you could actually feel the whole plane move when it tilted to turn left or right! She loved it; yes, you didn't get quite as much up like when you went to space, but she liked being able to see the area they were flying over. It gave her a better idea of where they were. She had seen maps of the world, impressed at how people had managed to draw up the entire world with so much precision, but it had felt a bit impersonal until now.

    She actually had never left Paldea since they had landed in this time, and the thought that they were going to "Kalos", which was supposedly where she was from... It felt strange.
    She tried to keep her expectations in check. Things had changed; it's not like she would find her old village there... but a little part of her kept thinking that, maybe, there would be something.

    Just... anything. She looked away from the window, and turned towards the two men in the two seats beside her who had been exchanging whispers here and there. Turo was managing to look annoyed for most of the flight, and she would have liked to sit beside him like they had done on the Moon plane, but he seemed to be enjoying telling Clavell about his time. When they were done, she leaned forward in her seat to speak to Clavell herself.

    « You said that the school does this trip often? » she asked, and Clavell nodded.

    « Yes. As one of the oldest Pokémon academies in the world, Uvanja Academy has always tried to keep meaningful relationships with other regions to set an example. A lot of our students come to study from all over the world, but since we can't accept everyone who asks to enroll each year, we often organize school trips or joint research projects with other regions instead. Last year was Kitagami, the year before that Johto... it's been a while since I've been to Kalos on a school trip.» he answered.

    « I've been lucky, then... what is Kalos like?»

    Clavell took off his glasses as Sada leaned back in her seat, cleaned them, then put them back on and stared at her in silence for a couple of seconds.

    « ... well, it's... different from Paldea, for sure. Kalos has had a long and bloody history, with a lot of wars with neighbouring regions during the years...» He started, and it made her frown a bit.

    « ... That doesn't sound that different from the Emperor of Paldea to me... so are we just going to see stuff about those wars?» she complained, already growing a bit exasperated at the idea.

    She found all the focus that history classes put on wars and dates both frustrating and... somewhat disappointing. She wanted to see other stuff! Places! How people lived! What Pokémon there were!

    Almost like he had read her thoughts, now it was Clavell's turn to learn towards her and lower his voice.

    « I've always wondered... what do you think of it? Did people really not fight between themselves in your time...?» he asked. Sada noticed Turo turn slightly towards them as he thumbed boredly through one of the in-flight magazines he had taken from the seat in front of him.

    She sighed, and shook her head.

    « Not in my tribe... in my time , at least. We were just so busy surviving... and there was nothing to fight over. There just weren't enough people. We mostly traded things with other tribes when we met... and if someone didn't like a place, you would just move away to another. I don't...» she hesitated, then lowered her voice even more.

    « I don't understand... I don't understand what went so wrong. I keep hearing about dozens and dozens of wars in history class and... I just don't get it. How people went from struggling to survive to... that.» she whispered.

    Maybe it was her who had an overly naïve view of the world. For all she knew, her tribe was an isolated case because they were so few so far apart, and people had waged war against each other even in her time.

    But it... saddened her to think about it.

    There was an awkward moment of silence between all three of them. She noticed from the corner of her eye Turo shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He looked like he wanted to hold her hand, but to do so he would have to pretty much lean over Clavell's seat to reach her, so he just turned around after a moment with a small frown.

    Clavell, meanwhile, was the one to gently squeeze her shoulder after a moment.

    « ... I understand that you may feel... Disappointed, but I think you should focus more on all the great things people achieved from your time...» he said a bit hesitantly.

    Sada nodded; yeah, maybe she should do that...

    « ... There's a friggin' dragon out there!»

    She raised her head quickly at Turo's amazed voice; the man was looking out of the window opposite from their seats.

    She shifted sideways to try and see, ignoring Clavell's sharp intake of breath as she almost clambered all over his legs to do so.

    « What?! You mean so high up?» she asked.

    « Nah, it was serving drinks. Of course it was flying outside! » Turo deadpanned as he rolled his eyes.

    Sada peered out the window; for a moment she thought that Turo had blurted it out only to distract her, but then she also saw it: a big, plump dragon with bright yellow scales was flying next to the plane. It turned around, waved happily with one paw, then sped off, leaving the plane in the dust.

    « Wha-! So fast! What Pokémon was that?» she asked turning to Clavell... And just now realizing she was pretty much draped over his seat, her elbow poking him in the ribs. Clavell, to his credit, was doing his best to look like nothing was wrong... Even if he looked like he was blushing a bit, now that she paid attention to it.

    « S-sorry...» she went back to her seat with a little blush, biting her lip.

    « ... Don't worry about it. That was a Dragonite, by the way. They are some of the fastest flying Pokémon-» he started to explain, only to get interrupted by Turo.

    « If it's faster than the plane, why are we not flying on one?» he sighed in an exasperated done, making her laugh.
    The flight had been... Well, he supposed it could have been worse. Why you still had to wait for your luggage instead of investing in just teleporting the luggage to your destination still left Turo baffled, together with a dozen little things that made no sense to him in this time. He was quite sure that the technology existed by now, he had seen some prototypes online... Maybe they were still just short distance?

    « Why don't use Pokémon then?» Turo still complained to Clavell as they finally, finally got out of the airport and straight onto a taxi headed for Lumiose.

    « You can't tell me something like a... Um... Alakazam or Gardevoir or whatever can't just bring your luggage with them. They are also super smart, it's not like they would lose it or mix it up... »

    « You would have to train all those Pokémon, and at that point, it could just bring people with them too ... But I'm not sure a Pokémon would be capable of teleporting halfway across the world...» Clavell answered after he had taken a seat in the back. Sada had decided to sit behind the driver, while Turo had taken the right-most seat. He huffed, mildly annoyed.

    « And? Just have them do a lot of little teleport jumps from city to city. Surely it's still much faster than a plane... That's what the teleporter's network is-» Turo stopped, taking a short breath as Clavell frowned.

    « That's what the teleporter's network is... Will be? No idea what you would say, honestly. » he chuckled after a moment, before frowning and letting out a sigh.

    « ... Whatever. Not like it matters. I know that's how things have to go... Or my society and my time wouldn't exist as they are. So... Wide-spread teleportation is still a way off, as much as I hate it... It just doesn't make sense to me now that it took so long since you do have working teleport pads already... Maybe it's an energy problem.» he concluded, looking out of the car window.

    « So all this teleport talk... Are you some sci-fi writer?» the taxi driver suddenly pipep up from the front of the car, making all three of them jump on their seats. Turo's eyes widened.

    « You speak Paldean?» he blurted out in a panic.

    « Yeah. Studied at Uvanja Academy back in the day, like lots of people, so I never really forgot Paldean after that.» the driver smiled.

    Turo tried to compose himself. Of course, of all the hundreds of taxi drivers they could get, they just had to meet the one guy that studied abroad. Great.

    « ... Yes. Brainstorming ideas about a story. How society would change if wide spread teleportation were available...» he mumbled.

    « Well, I would be out of a job then.» the driver laughed, and Turo frowned. Well, yes, but that wasn't a reason not to try and make things better, to strive for progress.

    People would have gotten nowhere if they remained stuck in the mentality of "but then things would have to change", or "but we've always done things like this", right?

    « ... Your job would just have to adapt. You would probably find yourself driving something in conditions where you can't use a teleporter...» he argued back, feeling somewhat irrationally defensive.

    « Like what conditions?»

    Turo grit his teeth.

    « I don't know, space probably! » he spat out, only getting an incredulous eye roll in response.

    He forced himself to stay calm, and to not let his mounting irritation show on his face.

    Why was he even getting so worked up about this? He knew how things would go.
    He knew he was right, no matter if this random guy thought it was stupid.

    The driver simply laughed again as they stopped at a red light, three Gogoat carrying school children galloping past them.

    « So I would be a taxi driver in space? That sounds cool... If you ever publish that book, I would read it! Eh... space...»

    « I... um... thanks, I guess....» Turo just shook his head, going back to looking out of the window.

    There was nothing but silence for a couple of minutes; Clavell was busy checking their documents to check in at the hotel, while Sada had been extremely quiet since they had set foot in Kalos.
    He quietly stared at her through the rear view mirror.
    She was looking outside her own car window with wide eyes, but it wasn't her usual, excited curiosity that shone through them. There was more of a little hint of... desperation in her eyes.
    He knew that she was probably looking for something, anything, that would look even remotely familiar to her, that would tell her that this was actually the same place she had been born in, and not just another place made completely unrecognisable by the passage of time. His chest ached for her as she watched paved roads and picturesque villages go past; he wanted to hold her close, to say that he was sorry... He still felt somewhat responsible for her being here with him.

    « Um... Sada... » he started, trying to get her attention. He got Clavell's instead.
    The older man raised his eyes from the papers in front of him, blinked, and looked to his left, before loudly clearing his throat.

    « We were quite interested in visiting some parts of the countryside during our stay! Do you have any recommendations for some hidden, less touristy spots?» he asked the driver, who was more than happy to launch into a proud discourse about the best wineries and other local specialties around the area. That seemed to get Sada's attention, or at least break her out from her gloomy mood for a moment.

    Turo sighed, mentally thanking Clavell.

    The fact that this was probably the first actual, honest to Arceus car he had ever stepped in suddenly hit him, and he couldn't help but throw a little interested glance to the driver's seat and at the little nobs, buttons and dials on the steering wheel. It was both baffling and fascinating to him how the engine worked, how all the parts had to perfectly fit together and all the little actions you had to do to drive one. He wondered if driving a car like this at high speed on a high way felt even a fraction as good as riding Mirai did-

    He forced that thought away, focusing on the driver's explanation about the fabled herb flavoured cheese produced by the Gogoat farm not far from here, and how he could easily get them there if they wanted to try it.
    Eating something that came out or from a Pokémon still somewhat disgusted him and he would try to avoid it if he could, but right now, he needed all the distractions he could get.

    « Sure, let's go. Sounds lovely.» he lied through gritted teeth.


    Clavell had kept a close eye on both Sada and Turo the moment the plane had landed, Sada especially. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must feel like for her, to technically be in the same place she had once lived in yet recognize absolutely nothing. He tried to picture it: what must have been untouched forests had become rows of pretty cultivated fields of grapes and dozens other kind of berries. Cities and villages had developed were there was nothing before.

    He had managed to successfully distract her a bit by getting the driver to talk about local specialties, while he thought about what they could do these days if they had some extra time.

    Turo meanwhile had been... well, "constantly moaning and complaining about things" would have been a more accurate description, but Clavell figured that it was only his way to deal with things. If Sada had been looking desperate, there had been a quiet frustration radiating off Turo from the moment they had stepped on the plane. If people in his time really just casually went to the Moon and Mars (something that still left Clavell quietly befuddled and not quite sure that the other wasn't just messing with him), he could see how taking a couple hours just to reach the next region over would look horribly antiquated. But he had the feeling it wasn't only that that was frustrating the man, and he had proof of it during the car drive towards Lumiose.

    It was the fact that obviously people would think that what he was saying was completely ridiculous. Clavell himself still had trouble believing some details they both would let slip from time to time, like Sada having fought off some Magikarp ancestor that could bite a person in two neat halves or Turo just casually mentioning being born on the Moon, and only did because he reminded himself of all the little evidence he had gathered that pointed to what they were saying as being the only way everything made sense, no matter how absurd it sounded.

    But no one else would do that, even if they phrased things as hypotheticals like Turo had just tried to do.

    Finally, Lumiose City came into view, and he heard Turo mumble something beside him.

    « I always seem to end up here... still in the wrong time.»

    What did he mean by that?

    Clavell threw him a questioning glance, but the man just shook his head with an almost invisible smile on his lips.

    Some minutes later, the taxi left them in front of the hotel, and they walked in with both of their luggage. At the moment of checking in, however, he noticed Sada frowning as they were given two room keys.

    « Why two...?» she said, only for Clavell to loudly clear his throat.

    « We are, technically, still here as students and teacher. Regrettably, there seemed to be only one single room left. The other is a double... Which will be taken by Turo and me.» he explained as they walked through the cooridors, keys in hand.

    Now it was Turo's turn to frown, and Clavell took a moment to fix his glasses.

    « Or at least, that's what I'm going to write on the official report. That key is for the double room. » he pointed to the keys in Sada's hand, and they both perked up after a moment.

    As if everyone didn't know that those two were constantly sneaking in each other's room.

    « Just leave your luggage in your room for now, let's go out for a walk. We don't have anything particular scheduled until tomorrow's museum visit.» he offered.

    Lumiose City was exactly as he remembered it from his last trip; bright, busy, and somewhat... dizzying. Mesagoza was similarly large, but while the largest city in Paldea was famous for the little side streets and bright colourful buildings with stairs that went up and down the various hills it had been founded on, Lumiose was methodical in the way everything connected back to the giant PrismTower in its center. While you could get lost just as easily in all its little back alleys, everything seemed to be developed in circles.

    « That is a Bushy Pelt!» Sada suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a Pokémon that was walking out of a hairdresser with their trainer. It took Clavell a moment to recognize what she meant.

    « You mean a Furfrou...? Is that what you called it...?» he raised one eyebrow as he watched the woman stare at the Pokémon, whose fur had been dyed green and styled in an extravagant fashion, making it almost look like it was wearing a wide hat and some boots.

    « Yes, they are pretty common in Kalos... Styling their fur is pretty popular in Lumiose... I honestly didn't think they went that far back. Did you train them?» he said.

    Sada turned to look at him with wide eyes.

    « N-no... they were bigger than these, and hunted in large packs. Getting one alone was very difficult. They would... Follow from far away during hunts, and... attack sometimes. They were... dangerous.» her face twisted in a slight frown.

    « Even the Pokémon changed... is there... anything left like it was?» she whispered. Turo put one arm around her shoulder and held her close, whispering something in Sada's unknown language.

    Clavell didn't know what to say.

    He didn't want this trip, and their lives here in general ,to just be a constant reminder of how different things were. What could he do to help? He looked around, trying to think of something, anything, that would stop the woman from constantly looking out for things that weren't there anymore, instead of... instead of enjoying what was actually here, now, in the present.
    Instead of embracing the changes, being thrilled by them.

    A part of him felt like it was his duty to do so, as their teacher and simply... as a friend they trusted.

    « Maybe... they are not exactly like you remember them, but... You still recognized it, didn't you? I'm sure that if you got that Furfrou to fight a battle against a wild Pokémon or another trainer, you would see that "Bushy Pelt" come right back...» he tried to say slowly. His eyes widened as he walked past the two to face them, suddenly excited when a thought hit him.

    « In fact, why don't you do it right now? Challenge that trainer with the Furfrou to a Pokémon battle!» he proposed.

    He was hoping to see her get excited and jump at the opportunity, but to his dismay, she just lowered her eyes after a couple of moments.

    « It... it wouldn't be the same...» she sighed and grabbed Turo's hand, and the couple turned their backs away from the Furfrou - and him, indirectly -, to enter a little side street.

    Clavell's shoulders tightened as he slumped forward.

    He... he couldn't help but feel like he was failing them somehow.

    He watched them walk away, a sudden chill crawling along his back, feeling like they were getting away from him in more ways than one. He sighed and walked away, calling his Oranguru to his side for comfort. The calm, wise-looking simian always helped him clear his head. He often asked him for help when he was having trouble with some experiment. Just having someone to talk to helped.

    « Let's go for a walk, my friend. It will help me think.»

    The Pokémon answered with a deep growl, simply walking along his side and listening as he explained what had happened.
    After just a couple of minutes, he already felt better, more ready to think about the problem once more.
    As they were passing a street lined with restaurants and fashion boutiques, Clavell felt Oranguru tug at his jacket with one paw.

    « What is it... Oh.» he quietly said, peering into the shopping window Oranguru had stopped him in front of, and at something that lay exposed inside.

    An idea started to take shape in his mind.


    Sada kept walking along Lumiose City's wide streets, Turo's arm around her shoulders. All around here were Pokémon, people dressed in vibrant clothes, eye catching signs from restaurants and shops showing words she didn't know. She couldn't quite focus on them; right now, it was just... noise.

    She felt so stupid. What was she expecting? Of course it would be just another big city like many others she had already seen in Paldea. She kept hearing snippets of sentences in a different language, the "Kalosian" that she supposedly should know, at least according to the story she and Turo had come up with.

    But none of it sounded familiar. Not a single word made her feel like there was even the tiniest trace of her own language in there.
    It may as well have not existed.

    These people had nothing in common with her.

    « Do you know Kalosian...? » she quietly asked Turo after a while, going back to her own language. He had simply followed her, offering her his silent support, and she was grateful for it. She needed someone that understood her right now.

    « Mmm » she heard his hum vibrate through the arm still wrapped around her.

    « I know how to say exactly three things in Kalosian. The Kalosian of my time, that is. » he answered. There was a moment of silence, and she raised her head to look at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.

    He pressed his lips together, and cleared his throat.

    « I know how to say "Good morning", "Where is the bathroom?", and "Farewell". That's it. »

    « "Farewell"?» she couldn't help a little snort.

    « Yes. "Adieu".» he said it with such a straight face that it just made her laugh harder.

    « ...Why would you remember that and not anything more useful?» she asked once she was done.

    Turo shrugged, the movement half pushing her slightly forward.

    « You never know when you will need to make a dramatic exit. »

    She couldn't help but shake her head with a little smile at his absurd reasoning; she didn't know if he was saying it as a joke only to cheer her up and distract her, or if he was serious: with his stern expression, it was sometimes difficult to tell. She had grown to like that side of him, the hidden, somewhat silly one with an extremely dry and sarcastic sense of humour. Maybe it was because she had seen the more awkward side of him first: when they had first met, they could barely talk to each other, so they had both relied much more on body language and she had spent a lot of time studying every little change of his expressions and posture.

    As they kept walking, she let Kim and Ötzi out, letting the two Pokémon stretch their legs a bit after the time spent travelling. Turo did the same only after a moment, giving a stern glare to the Murkrow after it had materialized on his shoulder.

    « You. » he said. « Are forbidden from flying around. Arceus knows there's enough jewerly and shiny objects around to send you on a stealing frenzy. So behave or you get back into the Ball.»

    The crow Pokémon clicked his beak with an unhappy caw, and Sada couldn't help but smile a little bit, watching the two interact.

    « You two have more in common than you think. » she commented, and Turo furrowed his eyebrows.

    « ... so you are saying I'm a thiefing little bastard? Thank you. I'm flattered.» he deadpanned in a dry tone.

    « No! I mean... your attitude. You are both smart, and... act cold towards people at first and don't really show what you are truly thinking much...» she slowly added, before smiling.

    « ... and you both aren't great at walking straight on the ground.» she chuckled, thinking of how the bird Pokémon would move around in little ungraceful hops on occasions where it couldn't fly, and all the times she had watched Turo trip on his own two feet.

    Turo muttered something unintelligible, frowning, and she laughed a little bit at his barely visible pout.

    « I... am not sure that's supposed to be a compliment.» he said in the end.

    « ... in a way, yes. Birds look... strange and a bit funny on the ground. But that's not their element. They look majestic in the air. I... I saw the same thing in you, from the first time we met. You... you didn't belong there, and not just because you couldn't even light a fire. » she added with a little smile, and he muttered a "I learned in the end, didn't I?".

    « You were not in your element... but that doesn't mean you aren't... great. » she realized she had grown a bit flustered in the end of her speech, and wasn't quite sure of how to word it.

    Turo, however, seemed to have gotten the message. There was a long moment of silence, and the hand that was still on her shoulder twitched a little, before he drew her closer and into a short hug. He drew a long breath, and she felt his chin come to rest on the top of her head as she leant into him.

    « ... we are both not in our element, are we?» he asked, and she shook her head.

    « ... we will find it, Sada. We'll... we'll find a place where it will stop to hurt looking at every little, different, wrong detail-» he whispered, and she suddenly felt her chest tighten when he had somehow managed to put into words exactly how she had been feeling the moment they had landed in Kalos. He hid it behind endless complaining and muttering about how "primitive" everything was, but of course he would be feeling the exact same things as her.

    She took a deep breath, and nodded.

    « ... yes. You're right. There has to be. And... and if there isn't... we'll make one.» she said.

    Turo simply nodded, ignoring the little squawk coming from the Murkrow on his shoulder, and they resumed walking.

    Feeling a bit better, she now decided to actually consciously look all around; it was, all in all, an incredibly pretty city. Lumiose was called "the city of lights", and she could quite see why. Thinks weren't actually shining like the walls and screens of the Mesagoza of Turo's time did whenever someone got near, bombarding people with images and information in bright, artificial colors.

    Lumiose City seemed to be have been built so that there was always light in it, be it the light of the sun during the day or those of street lights she could see erected everywhere during the night. Everywhere she looked there were bright glass ceilings to allow as much light as possible to enter buildings; shops sported enormous glass windows. Everything was twinkling and sparkling under the sun, and she could see how Turo had admonished his Pokémon to stay put. The Murkrow was pretty much fidgeting on his shoulder, opening and closing his wings like he wanted to fly off and check out everything at once.

    As they kept walking, Sada noticed that Turo kept looking around, almost like he was searching for something, and half muttering something that sounded like numbers to himself.

    « What is it?» she asked after the third time he kept doing it.

    Turo blinked and turned towards her.

    « It's, um... nothing. I'm looking for... a certain spot.»

    Sada blinked, not quire sure she understood what he meant. He was looking for a certain place?

    « ... have you been here before? In your time?» she asked, and he cringed.

    « Not... really. I... I need a map.» he said, turning away to look for a bookshop. She followed, now kind of baffled at what he was even doing.

    She watched Turo purchase a big paper map of the city, the one that you had to fold multiple times, and walk towards a little bench. Instead of sitting down on it, he spread the map out over the two seats.

    « Can't believe their electronic maps are still so inaccurate you have to resort to using these...» he muttered, furrowing his eyebrows as he started to trace some roads with his left index finger. She looked down at the map, quickly getting lost in all the names of roads and boulevards. A moment later, he seemed to find whatever he was looking for, because he nodded and folded the map back up.

    « All right. I know where to go now.»

    "Go where?" she still wanted to ask as he took her hand and led her away, completely puzzled. They walked for a little while, crossing intersections, quickly traversing little side streets and avoiding groups of Gogoat carrying tourists that galloped down the road. Finally they reached a bridge, one of the many that connected the Northern and Southern Boulevard across the river that bisected the city. Turo led her down a set of stairs, towards the riverbank, and motioned for her to sit down beside him. Miguel hopped down from his shoulder and towards Kim and Ötzi.

    She complied, looking around with some confusion; it was a completely unremarkable part of the city. There was no pretty scenic view, no other group of turists that usually signalled that they were near some famous, important landmark. The only one you could barely see on the other side of the river was Lumiose's Prism Tower. There was just the water, some Surskits, and a group of Flabebé flitting around a little flower patch, watching the two of them curiously.

    « Where are we?» she asked, turning towards Turo. He hesitated, looking just a bit embarassed as he took a big breath.

    « 48° latitude North, 2° Longitude East, more or less... this-» he said, turning towards her with the tiniest trace of his usual, almost invisible smile.

    « Is where we first met.»

    It took her a long moment to realize what he meant, but when she did, it took her breath away. Their very first meeting... of course.

    The river.

    She turned towards it with wide eyes, watching the water rush placidly past them, like it has always done.

    « I had to write those coordinates so many times in my reports, I could never forget them-» Turo was saying, and she felt her eyes sting once, just once, before she let out a tiny, half-sobbing laugh.

    « Remembering a bunch of numbers for a place... that's just like you.» she said.

    But he did. He remembered. And while coming here, he thought of showing her this little, insignificant corner of Lumiose that held so much meaning for only the two of them.

    She turned towards him, looking at his neck. He seemed to notice her gaze, because he raised one hand to take out the necklace she had given him and showed it to her.

    « It's still here. Since that day.» he said, and she took a moment to grasp her own, similar looking necklace. Hers didn't have Winged King feathers, she had made hers way before that, but... she turned back to watching the water, and a couple of Flabebé gently float over it, playing with their reflection in the water and chirping. She looked at Kim, who was staring suspiciously at the river as she batted at the Surskit, and Otzi, who quietly looked over the other two Pokémon, only letting out a little, whispering hiss when a drop of water would splash over his way.

    So many things had changed from that day... but here they were again, sitting side by side on that same riverbank. The same where she had taught him the first words in her language, and Turo his; rock, water, grass, sun... all things she could still see all around.

    It was comforting, in a way.

    She sighed, and rested her head on his shoulder as she moved closer.

    « ... yes. We're still here.» she whispered.

    That day, they had been able to barely exchange a couple of words with each other, and there had been so so many things she had wanted to ask him. Now she could freely talk with him about everything she ever wanted, yet she felt like there was no need for words at this very moment. They stood side by side as the sun set quietly, watching the water and the movement of the city all around them.

    I was absolutely sure Lumiose City had a river. It's Poké Paris, Paris has a river, obviously Lumiose has a river!<br />
    It even shows one on the map of Kalos in the games! It just made sense to me, I guess I must have convinced myself it had one since it's been a while I've played Y.
    So I said screw it, Lumiose has a river now, we just didn't go in that part of the city in X and Y. If Legends Z ends up giving it one retroactively, I'm going to laugh a lot.
    Chapter 29: Voyage, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 29: Voyage, part II
    As he stood side by side with Sada watching the sun set get lower and lower over the horizon until it disappeared behind the tall buildings of Lumiose City, Turo felt for once strangely at peace. The thought of searching for that exact spot had hit him as soon as Clavell had told them where their little school trip would be.
    He put one hand over Sada's shoulders, holding her close. She smiled, and simply rested her head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly.

    « What did you think of me when we first met?» he asked after a long moment. He had often wondered about it.

    « I mean... this weird guy dressed all in white appearing suddenly, not speaking a word of your language... » he chuckled, thinking back to the panic that he had felt.

    « It must have been strange.» he added. Sada smiled before raising one hand to quietly grasp his, interlocking their fingers together.

    « I thought you were from one of the tribes way south... I guess I was half right, in a way.» she answered with a laugh, and he couldn't help but smile a little bit himself at finally hearing that pure, enthusiastic sound again.

    « What was your first impression of me? Other than "terrified", judging by how much you were shaking.» she asked immediately after, and he had to keep his expression neutral.

    « Um-» he said looking away, trying to buy some time. Sada tilted her head, now with a little smirk on her face as she playfully jabbed him on his side.

    « I... your.... your fangs. They were the first thing I noticed.» he mumbled after a moment, not without some embarrassment.

    Sada blushed after a moment, raising her free hand to poke at one a bit self-consciously.

    « ... They are not that strange, right? I... I have seen other people here have them...» she muttered, and he huffed and kissed her cheek.

    « They are perfectly normal. I had just never seen them. » he said to reassure her.

    « You two! I challenge you to a double battle!»

    They were interrupted by a familiar voice and a loud shout, and they both turned away from the water and the steps they had walked down with some perplexity; Turo had never actually heard Clavell shout, not even in class to maintain order with some of the younger students: he didn't really need to, and the man seemed almost incapable of getting angry.

    He, however, had to blink and make sure he was seeing correctly when a Clavell dressed in the most ridiculous assortment of clothes he had ever seen stomped towards them, followed by his Oranguru and Abomasnow. The Flabebé and Surskit scattered as the three approached, and Miguel let out a rather annoyed squawk.

    « What... what are you wearing?» Turo asked, bewildered.

    Instead of his usual round glasses, the man was sporting a pair of sunglasses with colored lenses, a pair of jeans that looked like they had been cut with a pair of scissors (he had never understood that particular fashion trend of this era), and the trashiest motorbiker jacket he had ever seen in black leather with some drawing of a Pokémon he couldn't quite make out in golden lines.

    Most egregious of all however was the wig he was wearing, that took the shape of a truly massive pompadour.

    Clavell stopped in front of the two and snorted, crossing both arms to his chest, another pose that definitely didn't suit him.

    « That your Pokémon? They look pathetic! I challenge you two to a battle!»

    By his side, Sada was as speechless as he was, mouth hanging half-open.

    « Clavell...?» she asked.

    « I have no idea who this "Clavell" guy is.» Clavell answered, raising one hand to flick his pompadour upwards.

    « My name is-» there was a sudden, awkward pause from the older man as he obviously scrambled to think of a name. « -... Clive.»

    A moment of silence followed his words, before Turo sighed and stood up. He was trying to force himself to keep a straight face, which was proving to be rather difficult, thanks to... everything in front of him.

    Just... that hair...

    « ... What do you want, Clavell?»

    « Clive-» "Clive" said. He really wanted to stick to the part, didn't he?

    « All right, Clive.» he said, rolling his eyes. He had no idea why the other man had suddenly decided to put on this whole charade. Was it just to distract them? Cheer them up? Or did people in this time really love to battle that much? He didn't get it.

    « ... I'm really not in the mood for a Pokémon battle right now.» he said, throwing a look at Miguel. The Murkrow also didn't look particularly thrilled; he was rather enthusiastic about searching for and battling the newly - named "terastalized" Pokémon, but that was just because he got plenty of shiny, sparkly loot out of it in the form of Tera shards.
    Battling for battling's sake didn't seem to be his thing.

    « Let's just go back to the hotel-» he scoffed, turning away from "Clive" and nodding toward his Pokémon to follow. He had barely walked three steps when he felt a sudden rush of cold air, a barrage of pointed icicles darting right past him to hit the ground in front of him. Turo paled as the Murkrow squawked indignantly, furiously beating his wings to get away from the ice at his feet.

    Sada gave an indignant shout and jumped back as more ice formed between her and himself, separating them. Her Pokémon scrambled to her side, Kim growling fiercely as her mane started to burn brighter.

    Turo whirled around to face "Clive", and found his Abomasnow lower the arm that it must have used to shoot those Ice Shards.
    ... Had he seriously just attacked them? Or threatened to? He stared at Clavell, but the man's eyes were hidden behind the colored lenses of his glasses, face impossible to read. He had no idea what he was thinking. What did he even want?

    « ... What is the meaning of this?!» he snarled, now suddenly furious.

    He turned towards Miguel with some newfound determination. Fine, if he wanted a Pokémon battle for some stupid reason, he would get one!

    He stared at the Abomasnow, not without some concern. Clavell's Pokémon were... obviously a lot more well trained than his and Sada's. Surely more than Miguel. He had won his first two Gym badges relying on type advantage and not much else; he honestly had to prepare more for the Gym challenge that preceded it than the battle itself.

    Sada's Litleo had a double type advantage and could pelt it with fire balls from afar. Maybe he should leave the Abomasnow to her...? He turned towards her, only to realize that the wall of ice summoned between them blocked his view.

    « Kim, Ember towards that... that tree thing!» Sada's voice rang out right at that moment, followed by a stream of fire shooting towards the Abomasnow, and Turo couldn't help a little proud smile.

    It seemed like Sada had thought the same exact thing as him. Maybe Clavell wanted to see how they worked together? Was this some kind of test part of the school trip?

    He turned his attention to the other Pokémon, the Oranguru. It was perhaps the most enigmatic of Clavell's Pokémon: he had seen it only a couple of times, and didn't really know what it was capable of. He wasn't even really sure about its typing.

    « Miguel, use Wing Atta-»

    « Thunderbolt »

    Clavell's order and his Pokémon had been incredibly fast.

    Turo flinched as his Pokémon screeched after getting hit by a lighting bolt the Oranguru conjured out of thin air.
    That wasn't a normal screech; that was pure pain.
    The Murkrow fell back to the ground at his feet, his wings twitching as he tried to scramble back up in the air, pupils wide.

    What was Clavell even doing? Why order a move that was obviously so much stronger than what was necessary to win that fight?

    He didn't understand.

    « Miguel! » he ran to his Pokémon and picket him up; it cawed pitifully, snuggling up against his jacket, still twitching in pain. He swallowed, feeling a heavy lump in his throat, before turning towards Clive, or whatever stupid name he had chosen.

    « Clavell, drop that act. You come here, you beat up my Pokémon... what's the point?» he snarled.

    There was a long silence, before Clavell finally recalled both of his Pokémon and pulled off the wig.

    « Well...» he said, adjusting his glasses and moving some steps towards him. « I would think about why I asked you about that Pokémon battle, earlier.»

    That Pokémon battle...? It took him a moment to remember that talk about the Furfrou. It filled him with rage. So all of this was still about that?

    « ... really? Did you really want to see us challenge that stupid trainer that much?»

    « It's not about battling that trainer!» Clavell snapped. The ice barrier that had separated him from Sada had been quickly melting, showing him Sada similarly cradling her Litleo to her chest, the fire type looking like it had been repeatedly pummeled by the Abomasnow that towered over them both. Sada was sniffling as she pet the battered Pokémon, her Golett trying to console her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

    « It's the fact that you've been thinking about nothing but how different things are "here", and it's destroying you. I can see it on your faces, and I can't stand it! You're both thinking about getting into Area Zero secretly hoping to find a way to go home, don't you? Do you really hate it that much here?» Clavell added, almost choking on those last words, and Turo felt his chest tighten, out of breath as he suddenly felt called out.
    By his side, Sada similarly seemed to flinch, eyes wide.

    He... he was much more perceptive that what he thought. Clavell walked up to both of them, clasping his hands behind his back like he usually did. With the punk jacket he was wearing, it looked ridiculous, but he didn't seem to care.

    « Say you get permission to go into Area Zero, and find a way to go back... and then what? You will be separated again, I hope you realize that. I thought you two were...» he looked between the two, a line of uncertainty now crossing his face.

    « ... close. Or did you plan to go together, one joining the other in their time? Is that really what you want? One of you would still be away from home... would it be that different from both of you simply staying here? Especially you, Sada? »

    Turo had no idea what to say. They had both avoided to discuss what they would do once they were in Area Zero, just focusing on actually getting there first. But...

    « ... why beat up our Pokémon to say that?» he asked in a growl, letting Miguel back into his Poké Ball to rest.

    He would have to get to a Pokémon Center to cure him; he didn't have any Potions on him. He hadn't... thought he would need any, and now Miguel was in pain because of him.

    «... I'm sure you can realize that alone. I'll wait for you back at the hotel. We have a long tour of the city tomorrow.» Clavell said, before turning around and walking away, leaving the two of them in stunned silence. Turo turned towards Sada, to find her still absent-mindedly petting Kim, murmuring words to reassure the little Pokémon in her language.

    He wanted to ask her what she would do if they really found a way back home. Could he concieve following her in her time, back in the Paleolithic?

    He... he couldn't. But for Sada... staying here in the 21th century or in his time wasn't really that different... right? Both were completely alien to her.

    « ... let's go to a Pokémon Center.» he said, and she just nodded, calling both her Pokémon back in their Poké Balls.

    As they walked back through the city in silence, he didn't ask in the end.

    He was afraid of the answer.
    They walked back to the hotel in complete silence, stopping in a Pokémon Center along the way. Sada kept holding Kim's Poké Ball, felling the warmth coming from the little sphere as she thought back to Clavell's words.
    She had felt helpless as the Litleo kept getting pummeled by the much bigger Ice Pokémon, mewling in pain as she tried to get away.

    How could people in this time simply just stand there as their Pokémon did everything for them? Another thing she just didn't understand. Why had Clavell decided to challenge them like that? It had barely been a battle to begin with, but she didn't understand what that had to do with his words.

    She... she loved Kim. She was smart, and it amazed her to see how much stronger she had become and how she would listen intently to everything she said, and how much she slowly understood.

    What had Kim to do with what they would do in Area Zero...? If she really found a way back home... Kim and Ötzi would come with her, right...? And... Turo... What would he do?

    But... Those thoughts were pointless before they could even enter Area Zero. Until then, she just had to focus on their research, graduating from the Academy, and getting the League's permission by acquiring the Champion Rank... But while she could do the first two by herself, she needed her Pokémon for that last one.

    She caught sight of Clavell as they entered the hotel; he seemed to have been waiting for them in the hall, now back in his usual elegant clothes. As soon as he saw them he got up and walked away to his room, leaving the two to walk to their shared room in an uncomfortable silence.

    For once, she and Turo slept separately, each of them trying to stay near the border of the bed as much as they could, with the excuse of keeping their Pokémon near them. Kim jumped on the bed and huddled up under the covers against her back, warm and soft. Ötzi had walked to one corner of the room closest to her and clumsily sat down, even if he didn't really need to sleep. As for Miguel, the dark type was bright awake at night and she could hear him flutter his wings as he perched on the desk lamp on Turo's side of the room, cleaning his feathers that still lay in disarray after the shock.
    Turo had been petting him absent mindedly, before his movements slowly stopped, and he had probably fallen asleep.

    "Just ask him. You will have to talk about it sooner or later." She kept repeating to herself, trying to work up the courage to speak up first.

    She didn't.

    The next morning, they were taken on a tour of the city at first. Clavell was acting like nothing had happened, simply commenting with a "Mmm" when Sada had tried to bring up "Clive" again. If it hadn't been for that battle and his words, she would have found the whole way he obviously tried to pretend nothing had happened hilarious.

    The tour brought them all over the city, which had undergone a lot of changes during the centuries. Lumiose had been the center of the region when it was still ruled by kings, home of nobles and only the richest people in the region, it had then slowly expanded and urbanized.

    And there had been a lot of kings in Kalos, from the one of the war of 3000 years ago until the monarchy had been finally abolished and even the traces of who still descended from the royal family lost.
    Sada saw enough paintings of pale-faced nobles wearing wigs and elaborate jewels to last her for a lifetime. The tour guide was going on and on about the artist's skill in depicting whatever important historical moment it was, but they all honestly all looked a bit the same to her.

    She liked the paintings that depicted natural landscapes or how people imagined legendary Pokémon much more than paintings full of people in a ballroom wearing fancy impractical dresses.

    And then, maybe in a way to end the tour across the history of Kalos by going back to its very beginning, the tour had proposed a visit to the natural history museum.
    Turo had been somewhat wary of Sada's reaction the moment they had stepped inside the museum. He wasn't sure how she would take it, or even of what they would find there exactly.

    Last night had been horribly uncomfortable for him: he had thought back to Clavell's words, the way his voice had almost cracked when he had asked if they hated it here.

    He... he didn't, but... Clavell couldn't understand.

    He sighed, and focused back on his surroundings, which for the moment mostly meant cabinets full of shards of chipped stone. Honestly, they didn't look all that different from just pointy rocks to him, but if they had put them there on display, it had to be because there were traces of having been made by humans in some way he just couldn't see.

    Sada, on the other hand, was walking by his side, eyes wide as she looked at all the objects.

    « Those are... real...» she whispered after a moment, trying to get as close as possible to read the little printed descriptions. She gasped and grabbed his arm, and for the first time since arriving in Kalos, he saw her eyes start to shine with the same enthusiasm she showed in front of anything new.

    Ironic how this time, it was actually because she was looking at something that was unfamiliar to everyone except to her.

    « These are... even older than my people's! Humans used these same tools for thousands and thousands of years... Isn't it incredible?» she whispered, before pointing to what to him looked like a random piece of bone.

    « That is a needle, and that one...» she walked past him, watching the dates on the displayed objects go closer and closer to the time Turo knew approximately her tribe had lived in.

    The display cases also got slightly bigger, as more and bigger objects had survived the test of time. Not much though; most objects would have broken down or decayed away, unless they happened to have been preserved in some way.

    Sada's steps got progressively slower as she happened to look at the biggest object present in the current room. Her face went pale, and her eyes widened.

    Turo had to take only one look to understand her reaction.

    It was the skeletal remains of a young child. The description talked about how it had been found carefully buried in a cave along with many objects, which had luckily preserved them so well to this day.

    But Sada wasn't looking at the displayed text at all. Her eyes were fixated on the display, and she was clenching her fists, now suddenly trembling.

    « You.... you put people in museums...?» she whispered after a moment, turning towards him.

    Turo swallowed, not knowing what to say. His mind was completely blank: he could understand her outrage, in some way, but... it's not like... they did it ever expecting one of those people to actually show up and get angry about it...

    « It's... to better show people what it was like at that time...» he tried to explain, but with Sada's eyes burning into him, he felt like the excuse was extremely flimsy.

    « That doesn't show people anything about how we really lived! This is just... disrespectful! Was this what you were doing coming to my time? W-would you have done this to me?» she asked, and he stopped to stare at her, breathless.

    « Sada... no... I would never... just... calm down...» he tried to put one hand on her shoulder, to comfort her, but she shrugged him off.

    « Just... looking at us like... like we were some silly, dumb thing and not people... That's what this is. » she gasped, her breath short. All the wonder and excitement at finally having found some trace of her time was gone as she looked around. At him, at Clavell politely standing nearby pretending not to hear, at the other visitors.

    « ... this is all wrong. » she said in the end, before turning around and storming off.

    « Sada!» he hurried after her, his breath short.
    Suddenly, all the displayed objects that she had been eagerly observing sickened her. She couldn't look at them.

    Not when she knew that people simply came here to stare at them for a moment, but didn't really understand what they were for. How they were used. How it felt to create them, how much work and effort there was behind each of them.

    She was terrified of looking at another of those mummies and recognize someone she knew. By a bracelet, or some other trinket buried with them... An irrational fear, maybe, she knew the chances were infinitesimal... but she couldn't look at them.
    That could have been anyone.
    ... That could have been her, if she hadn't landed in this time by accident and spent the rest of her life with her tribe. She kept walking without really noticing where she was, or hearing the steps that hurried after her.

    « This is a reproduction of the famous cave painting found in the mountain range near Snowbelle City. Access to the cave has been forbidden to avoid damaging the originals, but these pictures offer pretty much a perfect reproduction of them on a 1:1 scale...»

    Her feet carried her to an almost empty room, where only a single object that took up the entire wall was displayed. The voice of a guide was explaining something to a group of elementary school children.

    Sada raised her head, staring at the wall painting of her tribe for a long moment.
    Her own handprint. Her mother's. Her father's.
    ... even Turo's line, that he had added around hers that time she had shown him the cave.

    « We don't know what all these lines connecting these handprints were for, but all the ancient Pokémon depicted here makes us think that it could be some ritual that was done before heading out to hunt, maybe a way to pray for a successful bounty. » the guard was saying to the students, who for the most part were either listening politely or looked slightly bored.

    Sada felt a fit of rage spike through her chest as she listened.

    No... that's not what it was for... She wanted to scream at the guide that they had it all wrong.

    This was their history! Their way of telling all who came after them what they had done, about their life, their family...

    But nobody would believe her. They would just think she was crazy if she tried to correct them.

    Nobody knew their history anymore.

    Maybe just then, in front of a copy of one of the most important places for her tribe and her old life, it truly hit her that they were gone. Not just in body, but in spirit too.
    Nothing remained of their language, their traditions, their beliefs and way of life...

    Just her.

    Hot tears started to fall freely down her cheeks, Sada doing nothing to stop them as she kept staring at the wall, not caring about the weirded out stares she was getting from other people.

    She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around, finding not Turo but Clavell reaching out to her.

    She threw her arms around him all the same.

    « They are really gone... just... gone...» she wailed.

    « I'm... so sorry. » Clavell simply said. Behind him, she heard Turo catch up to them, completely out of breath.

    « Sada...» he looked at her, then at the wall, his eyes widening in understanding. He simply came close, putting one arm around her shoulders.

    They stood like that in silence, the three of them, long after the group of students and their guide had left.

    « ... Let's leave. » Turo said in the end after she had calmed down, but she shook her head.

    « ... No. I want to look at it. It's... maybe the only thing that's left from... my people.» she whispered.

    It hurt, but she wanted to see. To fix every last detail of it in her memory. Every line, every color, every symbol and what they meant, who every handprint had belonged to, before she forgot them too.

    It was the least she could do.
    In the following days, they simply wandered around Kalos, visiting little towns and just going whenever something looked interesting.
    The Reflection Cave piqued both of their interests because of how similar it looked to what they had just dubbed as "Tera caves", but it seemed to lack the characteristics feeling of energy filling the air that places filled with Tera crystals had. Geosenge Town, the Tower of Mastery, Perfume Palace, Anistar City with its ancient, enigmatic sundial that glowed at sunset... there was a lot to see in Kalos.

    Sada seemed to have found some peace with the fact that the region had nothing to do with her time, but not with how little of her time was known. But if anything, it seemed to have given her a new mission to strive towards.

    « I'm going to study hard and show everyone how things really were at the time. I'm going to force people to believe me if necessary. People won't be able to say that I'm just making things up.» she had quietly said once they had stepped out of the museum.

    Clavell had nodded at that, and given her a little encouraging smile.

    « That is an admirable goal. »

    As for him... Turo had no idea what to do. It's not like he could talk to people about how things would be thousands of years from now... couldn't he?

    But maybe he could use some things from his time... The technology was too primitive (they still had barely even invented the touchscreen in this year), but... He had knowledge of things to come, he could easily take advantage of that.

    But before he could think about (ironically) his future, he had a much more immediate problem.

    He needed more Pokémon. Miguel had more or less adopted himself, and the type advantage he had against the first two gyms had made him procrastinate actually looking for more Pokémon.

    For Sada, it was a bit easier to accept training new Pokemon because the very idea was still new to her.

    He... just couldn't see himself training most of the Pokémon in this era. He had taken a liking to the Murkrow because he was a smart little bastard, they were both night owls and kept each other company, but most of the others were too... "wild" for him.

    He was used to looking at unblinking digital eyes and smooth plates. He was used to ... Mirai, and that was it.

    The Pokémon of this time, well at least a good part of them... they shed fur, or scales, or pollen which he was probably allergic to, they bled, and were just.... too organic and messy for him.

    Which was probably weird to say, since that's how they had looked for most of history, but he couldn't help it.

    Near Laverre City were the ruins of an abandoned hotel; Miguel had brought him there as they had spent a couple of days around the city, and Turo had followed, figuring that the little crow Pokémon had been attracted by all the broken windows and general gloomy atmosphere. The Murkrow probably felt right at home here: places abandoned by humans meant a lot of shiny loot.

    He and Sada entered through a broken window at the ground floor: Sada had brought a flashlight, and turned it on to shine a cone of light in what looked like an old guest room.
    Turo just missed having his bodysuit's glow that would have done the job for him. He sighed, and followed the woman inside, careful not to step on the broken glass.

    Miguel was busy rummaging through a broken nightstand, raising a little dust cloud with every flap of its wings.

    « I wonder why it was abandoned...» he said quietly to Sada, who just shrugged.

    « It's strange, isn't it?» she said, stepping out into the corridor.

    « What is?» he asked. She looked to be in deep thought as she shone the light ahead. A Trubbish scampered away from both of them, leaving a trail of garbage behind, mostly rotten canned food from the stench. Turo scowled with disgust and gestured for Sada to follow him in the opposite direction from the Pokémon.

    « This place. People haven't used it for... how many years? Twenty? Thirty? Maybe fifty? And it's already so broken... » the cone of the flashlight wavered for a moment as she took a deep breath.

    « It... really makes it clear that I should be happy that anything from my people is even still here. Not much, but... it's incredible that our painting is still there after all this time. It's something I can be proud of.» she said, and he squeezed her shoulder in comfort.

    « That's one way of looking at it.» he replied in a low voice.

    He kept walking through the ruined building; Sada's words kept coming back to him. How quickly this building had fallen into ruin, and been reclaimed by nature... it was a humbling thought.

    He passed a corridor with many other guest rooms lined up, wondering what kind of people had spent the night there. A movement out of the corner of his eye made him turn towards one door at the other end of the corridor. Something had just moved into the barely open door.

    Something that floated.

    Maybe a ghost Pokémon, he thought, as he made a silent gesture to Sada and cautiously opened the door to peer inside.

    The room was in complete disarray like every other, but something sparkled under the light of Sada's flashlight.

    Turo's eyes widened when he saw a little round Pokémon floating near the opposite wall. It was hovering close to the electrical socket where an old mini fridge had been attached; it had what looked like a screw coming out of its body, and two magnets attached to its side.

    The screw looked like it was covered in a bit of rust, creaking slightly as the Pokémon moved it a bit while it bopped up and down.

    « That... is a Pokémon?» Sada whispered by his side. The Pokémon turned around: it had no visible mouth, and only a singular large eye looked up at them. The magnets crackled with electricity that buzzed all around it, making the old tv in the room briefly flicker with static.

    « It's a Magnemite...» he said in a low voice, feeling a twinge of pity for the little creature as it floated to the farthest corner in the room, obviously scared of them. If he remembered right, they fed strictly on electricity... They weren't like Pikachu, or even Pawmo, electric types that could gather electricity as another source of energy but still ate food.
    No, Magnemite were strictly dependent on pure electrical current.

    Turo looked to the old, dusty electrical socket and realized that it was probably looking for food. He didn't know if there was even any power left in the old building.

    « Give me your flashlight.» he turned towards Sada, who furrowed her eyebrows but obeyed. He switched it off, took the batteries out, and rolled one on the floor towards the Pokémon.

    It eyed him wearily for a moment, before floating down and touching the two poles of the battery with its magnets.

    After a moment, a slight buzzing sound filled the air, and it was clear the Pokémon was obviously feeding on it. Once it was done, it floated back up with more vigor, and started circling them without taking its single eye off the other battery in his hand. He offered it to the Pokémon, and it approached it after a moment.

    Turo stared at the little steel type. A Pokémon that was dependent on a mostly human made energy source... in a way, it shared some similarities with the Pokémon of his time.

    Pokémon like these could be seen as the precursors of what Miraidon and the other purely Artificial Pokémon of his time would become: made or clearly influenced in their evolution by humanity's development.

    Looking at the rust creeping over its shining body filled him with sadness.

    « There's isn't much food for you out there, isn't it?» he asked the Pokémon in a low whisper. It looked at him, and simply spun the two smaller screws on its side, first one time to the left, then to the right.

    It's not like it could answer him like your typical Pokémon could. It couldn't growl, or purr, or vocalize with its own voice box, or even caw sarcastically at him like Miguel loved to do.

    It just floated there in midair, and stared.

    But as he kept looking at the little Pokémon, he couldn't help but feel that this was exactly the right Pokémon for him right now.

    It was familiar and comforting but still different enough to not remind him too painfully of Mirai.

    « Why don't you come with me? There's lots of electricity where I live... not just scraps from old cables and batteries.» he added, slowly raising one hand towards it.

    The buzzing of electricity in the room grew stronger as the Pokémon seemed to grow suspicious of him, some sparks flying out of its magnet.

    Turo hesitated, taking a step back.

    « It could shock you. Be careful.» Sada admonished him, and he nodded.

    He knew that very well. Mirai had been the same. When they were both very little, the then mini Iron Serpent would playfully bite at his shoes, occasionally giving him a little shock. That had never stopped him from staying near the dragon type, and that sound had become a symbol of warmth and affection for him with time, instead of danger.

    He stepped forward before he could change his mind and put one hand over the Magnemite. It literally froze in midair, its single eye growing wide. Had it ever actually been touched by someone before? Could it even feel his hand?

    After a moment, he could feel the Pokémon bob slightly upwards, leaning into the palm of his hand, and he smiled.

    Apparently, it seemed to like that quite a bit.

    It was their last night in Lumiose City. The next morning, they would fly back to Paldea, and start to prepare for their middle course exams. Until they were done with their exams, they would have less time for their research on Tera shards.

    Turo had looked to have brightened up a bit after he had caught that metallic Pokémon in the abandoned hotel the other day. Sada could understand why; it was all smooth and shiny like the Pokémon in his time had been (would be....? This was confusing), and she had caught him more than one time looking thoughtfully at the house cleaning products "for stainless steel" in various shops.

    "I wonder if they would work to get that rust out..." he had said.

    They had spent those last couple days simply enjoying the dazzling city life of Lumiose City, so similar yet so different to the one in Mesagoza.

    And they had... trained.

    Luxurious boutiques with the most outrageous prices where you needed to have won a certain number of Gym badges just to be allowed to enter, restaurants where the waiters would challenge you to a Pokémon battle as soon as you sat down to eat, riding Gogoats through the oldest part of the city, getting to the top of the Prism Tower ... Sada had a lot of fun in the end, despite all that had happened.

    Clavell had suspiciously disappeared that evening, citing wanting to check out some boutique for the last time before they departed. Sada had simply rolled her eyes: something told her that "Clive" was going to reappear again before they left Lumiose.

    She was right.

    "Clive" was waiting for them near the hotel, arms crossed to his chest in the same pose as the first time, Abomasnow and Oranguru already behind him.

    « Ready for a rematch? »

    She took a deep breath, and nodded as she grasped her Poké Balls.

    Clavell seemed to want to start the battle like last time; his Abomasnow took a deep breath, and ice crackled towards them to form a wall between their Pokémon to keep them separate. She saw Turo brace himself to give a quick order, and nodded to herself.

    Just like they had practiced these days.

    « Miguel, Confuse Ray!»

    The Murkrow flew high over their heads and opened his beak, shooting a colored beam of light towards the ice Pokémon.

    Abomasnow staggered backwards and shook its head, confused. The ice that he was still forming crumbled, melting quickly.

    « Kim, use Fire Fang!»

    The Litleo leapt forward, taking advantage of the still confused Pokémon to run behind him and jump on his back, literally climbing it like a tree.

    Sada had spent some time thinking about what had gone wrong during their first battle; once she had been taken by surprise, Kim just kept getting hit by the much larger Pokémon and couldn't even retreat away. Now, she hoped to use her small size to her advantage. Hooking her small claws into the thick fur of the Abomasnow, the Litleo opened her maw and bit down on his neck hard, spewing flames through her gritted teeth. The Pokémon's arms were too short to reach her in the spot she had chosen, and soon the Abomasnow could do nothing but furiously try to shake her off.

    It was the same strategy she herself had used when she had first tried to ride Winged King, she thought with a small smile as she watched the Litleo growl determinately.

    « Well done, Kim! » she quickly turned her attention back to Clavell, or "Clive", who simply arched one eyebrow but didn't say anything. His second Pokémon, the Oranguru, had stayed suspiciously still. She didn't like that. She had the impression that Pokémon was still hiding many tricks.

    By her side, Turo was probably thinking the same thing judging by the way he was eyeing the simian Pokémon. They were sure that Clavell would try to end the fight as quickly as he had done last time.

    And in fact-

    « Thunderbolt!»

    « Tsk-» Turo moved as soon as Clavell started to speak. Recalling his Murkrow, he threw another Poké Ball with his free hand, the Magnemite materializing in the spot the Flying type had just occupied, the bolt of electricity hitting it but doing practically no damage. It spun the screws on its body, twisting in midair.

    « ... You caught another Pokémon.» was Clavell's only comment. Turo simply nodded stiffly, before clearing his throat.

    « Use Thunder Wave on Oranguru.»

    The electric type pointed both magnets towards his opponent, releasing a quick bolt of electricity that hit the Oranguru. It wouldn't stop it completely, but it would at least slow him down. Good.

    « Now Electro Ball.» another sphere of electricity shot by the Magnemite slammed into the Pokémon, made much stronger now that its opponent was considerably slowed down.

    Clavell scowled, turning his attention back to his Abomasnow. The ice type was still trying to get Kim off his back, and growing increasingly desperate after the many fiery bites it had received in the meantime.

    « Snap out of it, Abomasnow! Sheer Cold!»

    Sada gasped; she had heard about moves like that. They were dangerous, and even if inaccurate, they would simply aim to hit all around the area, just causing as much damage as they could. And Kim was so close, she would surely get hit...

    The Abomasnow let out a chilly howl. The temperature all around them suddenly dropped massively, and Sada had to take a couple of steps back, shivering in her light clothes. It reminded her of how cold the winters would get in her time... and she was too far away to recall Kim. She heard the little Pokémon roar with fury and valiantly try to hold on, but in the end she collapsed to the ground, shivering.

    « Don't worry, you did well...» Sada whispered as she stepped forward to recall her. She meant it.

    The Abomasnow looked close to collapsing, the thick fur and tree-bark on his back looking quite burned, and it was breathing heavily. If they could get another good hit in...

    She threw her second Poké Ball, making Ötzi appear in a flash of light. The Golett looked up at his much bigger opponent, and let out a little huff.

    « You can do this. Just like we practiced. » Sada nodded. With one opponent paralyzed and the other almost exhausted, they had a chance of actually winning.

    « Oranguru, Trick Room! Abomasnow, Wood Hammer on that Golett!»

    Sada blinked , confused. She wasn't familiar with what that first move did, she had never even heard of it. Judging by how Turo cursed under his breath, it couldn't be anything good.

    The simian Pokémon waved the big leaf it carried in one paw, and what looked like a rectangle of light surrounded the area of the battle, with their Pokémon inside. Immediately after, the Abomasnow moved with stunning speed, barreling towards Ötzi.

    That was impossible! It was barely holding itself up just a moment ago!

    « U- use Phantom Force!» she called out, hoping that the Golett would remember the new move they had spent the past couple of days practicing.

    The Pokémon disappeared into the ground, melting with the dark pavement as its clay armour became intangible. The Abomasnow's enormous fist crashed into the spot where Ötzi had stood, and the Ice type let out a disappointed huff.

    The Golett reappeared behind his opponent and raised one fist to swing into the already hurt back of the Abomasnow.

    « Good! Now hit both with Stomping tantrum!» she added immediately after. She could already see Clavell's Oranguru start to move to intercept the Golett.

    Turo's Magnemite was now being slowed down by the effect of the Oranguru's move, and both of Clavell's Pokémon were now actively faster than theirs. The pavement shook by the effect of Ötzi's move and both of her opponents staggered for a moment. She heard Turo take a quick breath by her side.

    « Gyro Ball!» he called out.

    Magnemite conjured another ball of light in front of him, before shooting it towards the Oranguru. It slammed into it with great force, and the simian Pokémon growled, but got back up, shaking its head.

    « All right, I think we can end it here.» Sada watched as Clavell recalled both of his Pokémon. He seemed to look thoughtfully at both of them for a long moment.

    « ... some of those moves... aren't things your Pokémon should know normally. » he said in the end.

    Sada nodded. He was referring to Miguel's Confuse Ray and Ötzi's Phantom Force. The fact that he had immediately noticed and knew by heart what move Pokémon that were not even his honestly amazed her... or maybe, he had actively studied them beforehand. Which still said a lot about how much thought he had put into all this.

    « Yes. We went looking for TM shops in each city we visited here in Kalos.» she said. They had talked a lot about how to defeat Clavell's Pokémon again, expecting a rematch from him before the vacation was over.

    « Yes, I figured. And the way you quickly switched Pokémon to make use of type advantage was also interesting.»

    « We did some battle practice in those restourants here in Lumiose... not on purpose, mind you.» Turo mumbled as an answer, and Sada had to grin a little, remembering his outraged face as he had been challenged right as their food was being served.

    « People in Kalos are nuts. Who asks for a battle while someone's eating? The food will get cold by the time you're done... » he complained.

    Clavell also seemed to smile a little.

    « Well, yes, that's kind of the point... an incentive to have a quick battle, so to say. So, let me ask you one last thing, as a teacher of the Academy...» Clavell took off the wig, taking one moment to adjust his glasses as he took some steps towards both of them.

    « Did you enjoy this trip? »

    Sada took a long moment to answer, and she saw Turo furrow his eyebrows at her side, deep in thought. She thought back to those couple of days they had spent all around the region.

    « You... you challenged us to that battle so we would be motivated to find a way to beat you in a rematch... and to do it, we would be forced to actually... explore this region. To actually... live it. » she said in the end, slowly, as a little smile stretched on her face.

    She had thought about what Clavell had said.

    No, she... she didn't hate it here after all. It hurt, and she still missed home, but she would have never been able to meet Kim, Ötzi and learn so many things if she had stayed in her time.

    She lost her old life, but she would have missed out on so many other things if she hadn't.

    Maybe they had been looking at things the wrong way. Instead of desperately looking for traces of their old life, they could build a new one here.

    And that meant that she and Turo had to take some important decisions, together.

    « It... it was fun, yes. I think I like Kalos... even if it's not my home anymore. » she added, and Clavell smiled in return, relieved.


    Turo waited as they were back in their hotel room, just the two of them. Maybe this was the right moment to finally approach that subject they had both been avoiding since their first day here.

    « ... did you really mean it? What you said to Clavell?» he asked as was getting ready to lay down in bed. He was giving his back to Sada, so he couldn't see her face, but he herd her stop as she was getting undressed.

    « ... yes, I did. I've thought a lot about it these days. » she answered, and he heard the little click of her unhooking her Poké Balls from her belt and setting them down on the nightstand. He took a big breath, still not turning around.

    « I... also had similar thoughts. I thought a lot about the fact that... it was fun travelling all around the region with you. That... » he hesitated.

    Say it.

    Right now.

    « If it's with you, I wouldn't mind-»

    «... Romero. If there really is a way back home in Area Zero... you would never follow me in my time, would you? »

    Sada's words hit him like a blow to the face. Of course she would just ask him directly. In a way, it was exactly like she had done in what should have been their last meeting. He had turned away from her, avoiding her, while she had been the one to reach out and grab him.

    He turned around and found her staring at him, fiercely, demanding an answer with both arms crossed against her chest.

    He swallowed, and shook his head.

    « I could never live in your time. »

    « Like I could never live in yours.» she said after a moment.

    « That's a problem.»

    He sighed, lowering his head. Well, he had figured that was the case, but... it still hurt to hear. He heard Sada move, crossing the distance between them; a second later, she uncrossed her arms and hooked them around his neck, forcing him to slowly raise his eyes until he was staring in hers. She was smiling.

    « So... the only way we can stay together is if we both stick around here, it looks like.» she murmured in a low voice, and he felt his heart start hammering in his chest.

    « If it's with you, I wouldn't mind... spending the rest of my life here. » he finally forced himself to say, raising his arms to hold her close.

    « We could... build our life here. Together.»

    They would never have been able to do it if he had never messed up those landing coordinates all those months ago... if he had never met her, if they had never landed here, in this time, together...

    He felt Sada slowly move even closer, cupping his face with one hand.

    « Yes... let's do it. We could even... become a family...» she whispered, and he felt his chest squeeze almost painfully at her words.

    A family with Sada. Something he could have never even dreamed about in his time. Something they could only do if they were together.

    « ... yes. » he whispered.

    They fell back on the bed as one, bodies intertwined.
    Chapter 30: Interlude
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 30: Interlude
    Paleolithic Era, in the area that will be known as Kalos

    Chalo was getting desperate; her search back during the cold season had held no trace of what could have happened to Sada. She had found signs of a fight that had broken out between two creatures, near the place where her broken spear had been found.

    Deep claw marks gouged in the bark of trees, a crater where the ground had been split open by a great force, and a whole lot of feathers identical to Sada's dragon, the one she called Winged King.

    So the creature and Sada must have fought something there, and then they had both disappeared without a trace.

    Except she was still finding traces of the dragon all around: those feathers were unmistakable. That could mean only one thing: there was another Winged King around.

    But what had happened to Sada?
    She had to admit that she was starting to lose hope: if she had run off away with Turo (it wasn't even funny to say "Terg" anymore if he wasn't there to look all offended) back to his tribe, surely she would have come back even just to tell them that she was fine?

    It had been various moons now: most of the tribe had silently decided that Sada had been caught in some unfortunate accident. No one dared say it out loud, however, especially not in front of Akari, who stubbornly held out hope and would glare at anyone who even implied otherwise.

    « My daughter is alive somewhere, I can feel it.» she would say.

    There was still something that gave them a little hope however: the cold season was gone, and while the snow melted the whole tribe had left their camp to head out to the great lake in the east where they would meet up with other tribes. Maybe there, someone would have seen or heard something about Sada.

    This would be the first time the whole tribe as a group would move bringing the creatures they had tamed with them: Fluffyhead was leading the little herd of Spark Tail, while the youngest hunters were on the lookout for Bushy Pelts and other creatures that usually preyed on them.

    Chalo hoped that people wouldn't be wary of them: they had a lot more materials to trade thanks to them now, after all, and maybe people from other tribes knew how to tame different creatures.
    It made sense: they couldn't have been the only ones to figure that out, after all.

    She could already see temporary tents built up by groups who had already arrived in the days before: some were made from Steady Glacier pelts similar to the ones they used, made by a tribe that lived even further north than they did. Further ahead, she spotted long boats carved from wood, tied to trees near the water to keep them from drifting away: those belonged to the tribe that lived in the far southwest, near a place they called the "ocean". It was supposedly a lake so great no one had ever managed to cross it and made from poisonous water that would kill you if you drank it, which honestly seemed like a massive waste to Chalo.
    Why bother even living there, then?

    They were, however, also the people Chalo counted on the most to get some information out of: they lived in the same general direction Turo had said he was from, and by following the river up and down during the seasons they travelled both very far and quite fast compared to going on foot.

    Of course, they still weren't as fast as Sada managed to travel once she had tamed her dragon to let her fly on it.

    Gah, and now she was gone! She couldn't even brag about it!

    She called for Fluffyhead to follow her, and approached a lone man that was busy securing his boat. She recognized him, they had already met some seasons ago, and he had seemed quite interested in her, offering her to come to his tribe.

    The interest had honestly been mutual: he was broad shouldered, with skin the color of tree bark, dark eyes, a crudely shaved head and well defined muscles just emphasized by the clothes he was wearing. They all wore thin, slick robes made from tiny overlapping scales gathered from various creatures that lived in the water, painstakingly linked together by boring hundreds of little holes in them and connecting them to one other with thin ropes. It looked like so much effort that Chalo had once asked why they simply didn't use pelts and furs like everyone else.

    « Heavy furs drag you down in the water.» had been the answer.

    « Rhuato » she called out to him, and he turned around. There were two little objects hanging from his earlobes: one was a tiny scale of a bright pink color, while the other looked like a sharp tooth.

    She knew they were the mark of an important position in his tribe, but didn't really know what they represented.

    « Chalo » he grinned, showing a pair of canines that were even pointer than usual. « Here to finally accept my offer and become my life-mate?» he added, before his eyes landed on Fluffyhead.
    His eyes widened in alarm and he took a fighting stance, grabbing an oar out of his boat.

    Chalo hurriedly moved to explain.

    « No! Fluffyhead's with me! He won't attack: he listens to what I say. » she said, as the creature peered curiously at the man, before letting out a little bleat.

    « You... tamed those things?» he repeated. Chalo nodded: luckily, he seemed to be taking it well.

    « I'm looking for someone of my tribe that's disappeared: Sada, the daughter of Orden.»

    Orden had come from Rhuato's tribe, and who knew, maybe Sada had decided to head in the general direction of where her father had once lived.

    « She's been gone for... more than one season. I don't think she's dead. She was... travelling with a creature she had tamed. It would protect her, I'm sure of it.»
    Chalo opened the satchel at her waist where she kept various supplies: mostly berries for Fluffyhead, dried roots and meat strips and the cotton tufts she tied to her arrows.

    She took out some of the feathers from Winged King she had gathered, and offered them to Rhuato.

    He took them, turning them around in his hands.

    « ... so she tamed something that can fly? » he sounded vaguely impressed.

    « Yes. It's got bright red and black scales, a big crest of feathers on its head, and a very long tail that it curls up. It's pretty big... you couldn't have missed them if they were flying around.»

    He snorted dismissively at her words.

    « Umf... "pretty big", you say... have you ever seen the creatures that come from the deepest part of the ocean? The Writhing Tendrils, or The Moving "Island"?»

    « Um... no-» she didn't want to say that she had no idea what an island was.

    « Then you have no idea what "big" means.» he laughed as he shook his head. Chalo didn't really know what to make of his words. Just what kind of creatures lived in this "ocean"?

    « But now that I look at them... I have seen feathers like these, I think.» Rhuato was saying, and Chalo's eyes widened.

    « Really?»

    « Yes... Near here, in fact. At the very center of the lake.»

    That... wasn't the answer she had been expecting. So... was there another Winged King here, or it was the same one that had fought against Sada's? Or... could it be Sada? Had she come to the lake way before everyone else?

    She had to go see.

    « Bring me there!» she pretty much ordered Rhuato, who blinked.

    « What ... ? Why me? » he asked.

    « Because I can't command that boat like you do. Please. As a favour. ... I'll dance with you at the great feast tonight.» she added, hoping that it would convince him.

    That made him snort and smile after a moment.

    « All right. » He turned back towards the boat, loosening the knot he had made to keep it tied to a great tree.

    He turned back to eye Fluffyhead with a slight frown.

    « Is that thing going to come with us?»

    « Obviously.» Chalo straightened up, ready to fight him over it. She wouldn't leave him behind! Rhuato didn't look particularly enthusiastic at the idea.

    « ... Just keep it away from the water. I'm not jumping in to save that thing.» he said.

    He finished unraveling the knot and pushed the boat in the water, climbing inside and grasping the oars she had seen them use to move the boats.

    Chalo cautiously climbed inside, then turned to call her partner to follow her.

    Fluffyhead didn't seem to like the idea: he was sniffing at the boat on all four legs, instead of standing confidently upright like he usually would. It took a bit of coaxing by showing him his favourite toasted berries to get him on the boat. With two humans and the creature, it was pretty cramped. She pulled her knees close, hugging them to her chest.

    Rhuato started to direct the boat towards the center of the lake. He was standing upright at the back of the boat, and controlled it with precise movements. She tried not to stare too hard at his muscular biceps as he worked.

    « Where did you see those feathers?» she asked, more to distract herself, petting Fluffyhead with one hand to keep it calm.

    « There's a small island at the very center of the lake. You really didn't know?» he cocked his head to the side, perplexed.

    « ... We try to avoid the water near our village. It's full of dangerous creatures... Aren't you afraid of something attacking your boat from the water?» she asked.

    « Aren't you afraid of something attacking you from the air? Or the tall grass?» he shot back, and she had to admit he had a point.

    Creatures could be everywhere. She still didn't really like not being able to see if something was lurking underneath.

    « Besides... we have our ways of not getting attacked. Like you do, I'm sure.» Rhuato added after a moment. He turned his head to stare at the water, peering at it, before whistling.

    A moment later, Fluffyhead grew agitated, bleating as it tried to back away uselessly when bubbles started appearing on the surface. Chalo hugged the creature, trying to reassure it.

    Rhuato knew what he was doing. They travelled back and forth through this lake and the rivers connected to it all the time.

    She still held Sada's spear tight enough until it threatened to break again where they had fixed it up.

    A moment later, something broke the surface of the water; something quite large, with a scaly blue hide with darker spots, two great flippers it slapped the water with, a long neck and a great horn on its forehead. On its back there was what looked like a grey shell: it had gentle looking eyes, and it lowered its head to push its snout into Rhuato's outstretched hand.

    Chalo was left trying to calm down both herself and Fluffyhead, her breath short.

    « What's that?!» she sputtered.

    « We call them "Voice-of-the-ocean"» Rhuato answered, still slowly petting the creature. It let out a melodious warble, before slapping the water again with its two front flippers, making a loud splash.

    « They are gentle creatures that have never attacked a human... before my tribe learned to make boats, we would travel across the water on their backs. They usually stay far away from not-ocean water, but some of the smallest ones will follow our boats when we come here. This one has been with me for a couple of seasons. She's called Seashell» he explained.

    Chalo was still trying to make sense of it all. First of all-

    « "The smallest ones"? You mean that thing is a baby?» she asked, bewildered. It was already bigger than the boat!

    Rhuato simply nodded.

    « And you mean there's multiple of those guys just lurking underwater when you come? Why have you never told anyone else?» she asked. She thought back to all the boats from his tribe she saw tied to trees, and the lake filled with these things while no one from other tribes had any idea... She held back a shiver.

    Sure, Seashell looked cute, but so did Fluffyhead, and Fluffyhead could still easily hurt someone.

    « Your reaction is exactly why we never said anything. They have never hurt a person. I've only seen them fight to protect their young and against predators. We were afraid you would chase them away, or hunt them... They can't even leave the water.» he threw another look towards Fluffyhead, which Seashell had slowly been sniffing.

    « ... but I see you've also tamed creatures. You would understand what it means to want to protect them. » he said after a moment, and she realized he was right. She had worried about what other people would do seeing Fluffyhead and the other creatures they had tamed just earlier.

    Rhuato went back to commanding the boat, while she kept observing the creature that was lazily swimming around them, obviously easily keeping pace with them. Sometimes it would playfully splash them, then let out another one of its melodious cries when Rhuato would splash it back.

    Yeah, all right, it was really cute.

    « Not as cute as you though. » she reassured Fluffyhead, who had been shrinking back every time the creature approached the boat.

    The shore got farther and farther away: by now she could barely see it, and Chalo realized that she really didn't like being so out in the open. She desperately looked for something to make some idle conversation and pass the time.

    « So... what are those earrings made of? I know they mean something special in your tribe.» she asked, turning slightly towards Rhuato.

    He smiled a little bit.

    « They're from a creature we call Deep Tooth. They live at the bottom of the ocean, and come up to the shore rarely... so if you can find some scales or teeth they drop, it means you can hold your breath long enough to dive to get them-»

    « You go under the water?» she couldn't help but ask. The more she heard about it, the more his tribe's way of life sounded... terrifying but also exciting.
    ... Not that hers was really that much different.

    « Yes. There's lots of useful things there. »

    « Like those pearls you always trade with us, right?»

    People loved them, and she could see why: they were incredibly pretty, and with how dangerous they probably were to get, now she understood why they always asked for so many other materials in return. She stared at him for a quiet moment, wondering how it was to swim underwater.

    « Among other things »

    They kept going for another little while, until Chalo could finally make out land again.

    « Here it is. »

    She had to admit she was more than happy to jump off the boat and get back on solid ground. She stretched, glad to be able to move her legs again. Ugh, if she thought about Sada sitting all cramped on Winged King's back when she went flying with Turo... How did she do it?

    Her happiness was short-lived when she remembered that Rhuato also needed to bring her back, and that the little boat was the only way to do it.

    Islands sounded like a miserable place to live right now.

    Joining his tribe suddenly didn't sound that good. She waited until Rhuato had finished tying the boat, then walked away from the shore. Seashell called out behind them: when she turned around to give it a brief look, she saw the creature dunk its head underwater, probably looking for food.

    « I saw the feathers... right around here. There is a little pond at the center of the island.» he said, walking ahead. She tried to picture it in her mind, and furrowed her eyebrows.

    « So it's like a little lake in the middle of a bigger lake? »

    « Yes! Isn't that strange? I call it the Eye of the Lake.»

    She didn't know if she would have called it strange; there were definitely stranger things in the world than just a little pond in a funny spot.

    The island, contrary to the lake it was in, wasn't that big: they quickly arrived at the pond the man had mentioned... And when she saw what it looked like, she had to admit that "Eye" was a good name for it.

    It was perfectly round, and the water was crystal clear, much clearer than the lake that surrounded it. It didn't look that deep, but she knew that water could be deceiving. Cautiously peering at the bottom of it, she could see it glittering. It was almost like the entire pond was covered in great, shining crystals that made the water glow.

    « I've never seen glowing rocks like these... did you?» she said, turning towards Rhuato, who looked pensive.

    « I... I think I have, actually. Not as big as these, but there is an underwater cave, even more south than where we live, where I swear I've seen gems a lot similar to these ones. I tried to break some shards off them with my knife, but it didn't even scratch them, so I simply left.»

    Uh. Interesting.

    Well, it would be if it actually had anything to do with why they were here.

    « So, the feathers... Where did you see them? Winged King -that creature- is too big to just make this tiny island its whole territory, but maybe it just likes to come sleep here.» she asked again.

    After all, the only way you could reach this place was if you were a very good swimmer or able to fly. Nothing else seemed to live here.

    « I just found them here, right near the water...» Rhuato said, and Chalo huffed, moving closer to the water. If it came here often there had to be footprints, or more feathers, and she really hoped to find some trace that would tell her that it was, in fact, Sada's dragon and not another one. Something like human footprints along with it. Or traces of someone having lit a fire... But no, they would have seen the smoke... Or...

    There was something that floated on the pond. It was the same pale blue color of the glittering water, so it was difficult to see, and she only caught it because it moved suddenly. It shined bright, making it difficult to look at, and she had to cover her eyes.
    But if she had to describe it, it looked like a brilliant disk, with multicoloured gems floating all around it, like a living jewel.

    Fluffyhead let out a cry behind her, and Chalo moved to stand behind the creature. Was that creature attacking them? Were they in danger?

    « Fluffyhead, stun it!» she cried, eyes still closed. If she couldn't even look at it to aim, they couldn't defend themselves-

    Fluffyhead didn't answer. The light disappeared, and Chalo slowly opened her eyes again, her vision full of white spots that hurt. She heard Rhuato let out a cry behind her.

    « Where are we?!»

    "What do you mean, where are we?" she almost wanted to ask, but as soon as she was able to see again and turn around, she understood what he meant.

    They were in a completely different place.

    The pond had disappeared... There was a slightly bigger lake in its place, with the same clear water and giant crystals resting at the bottom.

    But most importantly, there was no trace of the island they had just been on.

    Chalo turned around, eyes wide as she gripped her weapons. They were on the top of what looked like a mountain; the air was hot and humid, and smelled of rotten eggs.
    No sign of Fluffyhead. No sign of the lake.

    Also no sign of Sada or Winged King, regrettably.

    « That... that creature! The glowing disk! Did you see it? » she asked Rhuato, who nodded, eyes as wide as hers.

    Did that creature bring them here? Where even was "here"?

    « Are we... in another world?» he asked, voice uncertain, and Chalo could only shake her head.

    « I... don't know. »

    There was going to be no big feast tonight if they couldn't find a way back.
    47th century, Time Travel Laboratory Departments, University of Mesagoza

    It had been three months since Turo's funeral. After finally managing to knock Porygon 568 out of its "Protection Protocol" state, they had to call in another Artificial Pokémon Programmer to take a look at its code. Now, Vega had frankly no idea what computer programming was like, but wasn't it just writing stuff in a text editor and feeding that to a machine and then turning it off and on again, or whatever?

    Apparently not, because the poor guy they had called had spent a couple of hours pouring over the code before announcing that, in its current state, Porygon's code, and the time machine he was indirectly tied to, were "a minefield of failsafes and security procedures".

    When she had asked to explain that in more detail, he had simply fixed his glasses and sighed.

    « It means that any attempts to even modify this code to remove the parts about this new Protection Protocol will actually trigger it again. Whoever wrote this made it so that literally no one else but them can modify this particular part of it... I suppose they did it thinking they would put a better, more complete version out soon, and this was a temporary fix... Even if I haven't the slightest idea of how or why they did it. Do they not work for you anymore?» he said, straightening up and closing the terminal they had been working on. Porygon 568 shifted as it floated back up from the floor to be eye level with the two humans.

    « Doctor Romero Turo has been officially declared dead 3 months, two days and 11 hours ago. » it answered.

    Vega felt her stomach drop looking at the Pokémon: it had said so so matter-of-factly in its usual tone, but the way its wings droopped as it said that betrayed a certain sadness. She quietly wondered if it had wanted to attend the funeral, or if similar ceremonies simply had no meaning for the Pokémon.

    The technician's eyes widened, and he had hastily backed away towards the exit.

    « ... Ah. In that case, um... I'm afraid you're better off trying not to repeat what triggered it last time. »

    Vega had simply nodded at that, eyes low.

    Easier said than done.

    Work had taken a while to start up again after that, and they had cautiously -very cautiously - resumed doing time-jumps. Jumps as far away as Turo's had been cancelled until further notice, however.

    She had never quite realized how used she had gotten to Turo's silent presence in the department until she happened to walk across what had been his office and found herself glancing inside out of habit, only to be suddenly reminded of what had happened.

    The guy had never been the life of the party or talked much, but she still found herself missing seeing him in the sanity room, buried behind half a dozen screens as he read through some book or another about the Paleolithic era, or fixed up some of the notes or sketches he had taken there. She could always count on him to share a cup of coffee with her, or quietly ask her about her latest jump in Johto if she came back from her trip at some ungodly hour of the night.

    In a couple of rare occasions, he had opened up a bit, usually by mentioning his Miraidon or Sada, the woman he was seeing in the Paleolithic... the smallest smile would show on his face just then, and his eyes would get this particular shine to them as he spoke about her with pride.

    Sometimes, she couldn't help but think that if he had never met her, he would still be alive.
    Sometimes... she wondered what had actually happened to him.

    That morning, she walked past Turo's office and had to stop when she caught something unexpected standing inside it with the corner of her eyes. She threw the half opened door open, eyes wide, just to realize that the figure was none other than Porygon 568. It floated in front of the empty desk, staring at it forlornly.

    « Um, Porygon... » she knew it could technically move as it pleased, but the times she had actually seen the Pokémon outside of the time machine room could be counted on one hand. It seemed to enjoy spending more time in cyberspace, usually.

    « Is... is everything okay?» she asked, walking up to it. She didn't really know how to approach the AI, sometimes.
    It was a Pokémon, so maybe it liked to get a nice head pat like her own did.
    But it was also a stupidly smart artificial intelligence with the capabilities of a supercomputer connected to a time machine, and giving it head pats felt...kind of... patronizing? Awkward?

    The Pokémon turned around and fluttered his wings.

    « ... Doctor Melany Vega. Apologies. I am in perfect condition. All processes are running smoothly. » it answered. Vega sighed, smiling sadly.

    « That's... not what I meant and you know it. »

    The Pokémon turned around again and lowered its head, staring at the empty desk.

    « ... I keep thinking about what I could have done differently. When I felt the jump go wrong, I executed the emergency assistance manoeuvres to try to get him back. I had never done it before.»

    It turned its head away from her, and its whole form flickered, almost like it wanted to turn back to code and disappear inside a terminal.

    « ... And I found him... I found his time-anchor's signature. » it said, and Vega felt her breath suddenly weigh heavily in her chest.

    Porygon... he had...

    « You... you were bringing him back-?»

    « I lost him! I had him, and then I lost contact! It's my fault! » it suddenly cried out, flapping his wings in desperation.

    Vega swallowed and acting on impulse, hugged Porygon to her chest. The little AI was feeling guilty...

    « Porygon... It's not your fault. You did everything you could and even more. You kept trying and trying-» she said, stroking the spiky feathers on its head, thinking back to when she had found the little Pokémon still blaring errors and attempting to reconnect to Turo's time-anchor.
    It must have kept trying for hours, growing more and more desperate, not wanting to stop and give up...

    Right now , she didn't care that it was a super intelligent AI or whatever. It was a part of their team like anyone else that worked at the TTDL, and it was in obvious distress.
    She swallowed a lump in her throat, feeling a weight on her chest. Why had no one even asked the AI how it was feeling?

    « ... But I still failed my duty. My most important directive. I couldn't protect a human inside the time machine. I... I couldn't protect Dr. Romero Turo. He spent so much time helping me to make sure that system error couldn't occur again... and I failed him! I felt him get ripped away! » it cried out again.

    She kept stroking the little Pokémon's head until it nuzzled against her, its cries getting lower and lower until they were barely more than little whimpers.

    « It wasn't your fault...» she smiled sadly, and added.

    « ... Turo would have been so proud of you. »

    The Pokémon didn't answer for a while, and she looked down at it to see that it was staring at her with enormous eyes.

    « ... Doctor Romero Turo would be... proud of me?»

    « Yes, I'm sure. He loved AIs, you know that. I'm sure he would have loved seeing you show so much emotion and being so worried for him.» she said, and the Pokémon lowered its head again, mulling it over.

    « I... Thank you, Doctor Melany Vega.» it shook itself out of her grasp, and fluttered around the empty room.

    « I... I keep thinking... about the moment the mismatch happened. I could feel his time-anchor get ripped away and... disappear in the time stream. That is why I kept looking for him.» it said slowly, and Vega's eyes widened.

    « You... You think he could still be alive somewhere?» she whispered.

    They all knew perfectly well how infinitesimally low the chances were, so she didn't want to get its hopes up if that was even possible.

    The little Pokémon nodded.

    « ... I want to try looking for him. Away from my normal duties... in secret. Will you help me? »

    She felt her heartbeat speed up at the thought. What if... what if he was actually still alive somewhere... they could get him back. They could actually save him.
    She was Doctor Melany Vega, she was used to chasing vague rumours about legendaries across time for a living. Looking for a single person across all of human history, though...

    « ... Let's go see Ortega. » she answered, eyes shining.


    Ortega was, for once, actually in his office, which looked more like an old school clothing designer's studio. Rolls of cloth and fabric with the most different and colourful prints were neatly arranged along one wall, little tags with the time period they came from hanging off them, and a couple of mannequins with half finished garments from various time periods stood near the bright windows. One of them currently was wearing the cowboy attire Ortega had worn that one time for no reason, while another mannequin sported a two piece suit in a light pink color with a white shirt and golden sleeves and buttons.
    With a twinge of pain in her chest, she saw what had been Turo's "authentic Ice Age clothes" carefully draped over another mannequin. He hadn't worn them during his last jump, so they had stayed here in the TTDL... and probably would stay here until someone else needed them, or they decided what to do with them.
    The room was made even brighter by the ceiling that, as usual, reflected the weather outside, giving the room a very open, airy feeling.
    Ortega himself was carefully examining what looked like ancient photographs, which, if Vega had to guess, he was using as reference to recreate clothing that matched those actually worn in whatever time period was needed as close as possible.
    « I think this cloth shouldn't look too out of place in 3670... what do you think?» he was saying, turning towards a little Pokémon that was sitting on the desk.
    Iron Cloak, an evolved form of the Pokémon Mimikyu, looked... pretty much like its ancient counterpart, just with a different disguise. Instead of looking like a Pikachu, it now used more modern materials to make itself what were pretty much little mechanized bodysuits it would then crawl inside.
    Right now, it looked like one of the Steelccino that plagued the main entrance of the University.
    In many ways, it was the perfect Pokémon for Ortega, simply changing clothes as much as its owner did to never look out of place. There were in fact a couple of doll-like disguises arranged on a couple of shelves, showing the classic Pikachu disguise, and a couple of other popular extinct Pokémon: Eevee, Sprigatito, Scorbunny, Charmander... and a couple others she didn't quite recognize.
    The little Pokémon chittered, pointing to another picture with its brushy fake tail.

    « ... That one...? I don't know... those pants with those shoes would attract some attention, we don't want that-»

    « Do you have a moment?» Vega spoke out, Porygon 568 following her inside.

    Ortega turned around, his eyes lighting up in seeing her.

    « Vega! Are you finally here for my expertise? » he looked her up and down, tapping his fingers with one hand on his hip as he thought.

    « If you dressed as one of the Kimono Girls, I'm sure you could sneak into the Tin Tower without getting thrown into jail this time...»

    « I don't need your help in that, thank you.» she rolled her eyes, before throwing a glance at Porygon 568.

    « We're here... to talk about Turo.»

    Ortega's smile disappeared. He turned back to his pictures, suddenly gloomy.

    « ... I already know what you are getting at, and the answer is "no". » he said, swiping through the pictures.

    She sighed, walking up to him.

    « But... what if he did survive -»

    « He didn't. You know the odds. It's infinitely more probable that he ended up landing in the ocean than anywhere else. And even if he was so incredibly lucky as to find land, he would also need to be so lucky as to be in a place close to people and not, say, get devoured by wild Pokémon. »

    « But if he did-» she insisted.

    « Then what do you plan to do?!» he whirled around, throwing a furious glance at them both.

    « Do you plan to go to random points in human history asking "Sorry, do you know a guy named Romero Turo?"?! He could be anywhere! Anywhere and anywhen! If we couldn't trace his time-anchor, it means it broke, and those things aren't exactly fragile. You know what that means.» he spat out.

    « Just... let it go. It's better that way. » he added. Unexpectedly, Porygon 568 was the one to spoke up next.

    « I will try searching for him. The internet-»

    « The Internet has existed for a fraction of human history! What's your plan, google "Romero Turo" and then look through the entirety of the Internet for the hundreds of thousands of people that have had that name in all of recorded history-»

    « Exactly.»

    The AI's tone was so dry and matter-of-factly that Ortega stopped his tirade, stunned.

    « As the one responsible for Doctor Romero Turo's wellbeing during his use of the time machine, I have access to all of his biometric data. I have pictures to cross reference and even his fingerprints, if he happened to change his name. »

    Vega turned to look at the little Porygon.

    « You... really thought about this a lot, didn't you?»

    The AI nodded.

    « I am bound to the time machine, so I can't travel to places I will pinpoint personally... for that, I need your help. » it said, turning back towards Ortega.

    « What if he's in a time period before the internet? Which I will remind you, is still the majority of the past. Doesn't matter how powerful your computer brain is, you're looking for a needle in a haystack, without even knowing if you're looking in the right haystack!» Ortega protested.

    The AI didn't waver.

    « I will still try. »

    There was a moment of silence, then Ortega's Iron Cloak chittered softly, a ghostly tendril emerging from the depths of his metallic suit to tug at his sleeve. The man looked towards his Pokémon. It was pointing at the mannequin with Turo's clothes.
    He grit his teeth.

    « ... Fine! This is going to be a complete waste of time, but fine, I'm going to help. Just... call me if you find anything that could be him. » he said in the end.

    Vega smiled, feeling more confident by the minute. With Ortega's expertise in going unnoticed in any time period and Porygon 568's computational power, maybe they could really do it.
    Answering Reviews: 1
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Ok so I'm (finally) doing my first round of answering reviews, I decided to go user-by-user, in no particular order.

    Its still funny to me that time travel is a whole department and not a one off anomaly. He'd banned about as casually as you might suspend a student at school for a few weeks, heh.
    Lol yeah I definitely wanted to establish immediately that it's a pretty "casual" thing, at least for those that are allowed to use it. Like... I guess space at the moment is for us. Only a small handful of people get to actually study and go to space, but it's a thing that everyone is aware of.

    The way you write Turo right from the get go got me interested in him. He comes off as both awkward and burning with curiosity and maybe just a touch reckless or unhinged, yet undoubtedly knowledgeable about certain niches. Very accurate to the scientist vibe. Also he feels so very human in his portrayal. I found myself really drawn in to him. No world ending conflicts or huge plot, just a guy who really want to try out a time machine and oopsie! went too far back.

    Also I appreciate that you wasted absolutely no time jumping into the best bits, because really we're here to see disaster professor time travel and meet Sada. Speaking of, Sada is also surprisingly delightful, even in their first encounter. Without ever directly acknowledging it, there's the seeds of a budding relationship and mutual interest beginning to form between them. I found myself actually really into seeing more of them and their interactions, which is great for a first chapter.
    "We're here to see disaster professor time travel" may as well be the tagline of this fic lol

    The sheer intelligence and awareness on display in this section delighted me. You very deftly sidestepped anykind of 'character from the past is kind of stupid because modern stuff' and rather played into the mystery. She's not dumb. She makes some excellent observations here about tracking him via sound and him suddenly vanishing, and also observes his strange cothing. She speculates and hypothesizes that he could have tried to double back, and employs skills she does have, like tracking.

    Really great scene that helps to show that she's not a dumb cavewoman, but quite smart and curious in her own right.
    The beats of the story as an opposites attract romance have already absolutely hooked me completely and I fully intend to play catchup if I can. I love Sada and Turo both as individuals and as a pair. They compliment each other so sweetly and I just love love love the way you actually show their relationship and how its based on this mutual respect and admiration and curiosity.
    Glad you appreciated it. With this AU, one thing I wanted to avoid at all cost was one side feeling "better" than the other. It's all about balance and how they contrast each other, so I really wanted to show that Sada is as smart as he is, she just has less information available to start with in certain fields, while knowing much more than he ever could in others. There is no "better" time or civilization.

    I wonder what happened to pokemon battling as a sport? Do the uh, mech pokemon not like battle perhaps?
    So I definitely kept it vague because Turo himself is not interested in it and I couldn't find a not-infodump way of bringing it up, but yeah, battling, the League, Gyms and all that are considered a bit a thing of the past. One reason is that teleportation made the whole "travel across the region" thing become less and less common,another reason is the pokemon themselves(there ARE wild pokemon from species that adapted naturally to the future energy source, but in very few areas) being too powerful (every paradox mon has pseudo legendary stats, think about an ecosystem made of nothing but pseudo legendaries and... yeah...) and people in general are focused much more on space. Ironically, I like to think that in the far future(the one Turo is fascinated about) people would pretty much travel across the solar system or even the whole galaxy same way trainers did with regions in the past, with Gyms being established on different planets.
    Turo was born too late to travel the regions, too early to travel the galaxy, just in time to get yeeted in modern Paldea and experience it anyway.

    Man i gotta say the entire flying sequence and build up to it was *chefs kiss*. Very HTTYD vibes and it had me absoutely ecstatic. My brain was mentally playing Test Drive on loop... Also the relationship between him and Miraidon is precious, I love highlighting th symbiotic relationship
    I was definitely inspired by HTTYD in a lot of scenes with Miraidon and Koraidon! Totally didn't listen to the ost while writing some scenes ahah

    The sincerity and intensity of Turo calling her a scientist, the way he points to her curiosity and research as a scientist. And how this is what makes her beautiful to him. Its not often that romance captures me so much but this really is. I love them so much.
    In my headcanon they are both sapiosexuals, they fell in love with each other's mind first and foremost, I also tried to show this by not having either of them really focus on describing the other in terms of physical appearances at first. Turo only notices her fangs because they catch him by suprise and her eyes, while Sada straight up finds him slightly uncanny valley at first lol
    That also was perfect for me since I suck at describing people!

    Seriously though, this just gets better every chapter. Sada slowly befriending Koraidon was fantastic. I absolutely need more more more. The way she was so excited to show Turo, and then how happy her giving him the clothes made her. Reminds me of that costume swap meme of the professors
    Fun fact, that meme actually inspired this whole scene. "I want to write each of them wearing clothes of the other's era somehow"

    Its so sweet the way she worries about him and sees him as so fragile lol (and really, she's not wrong).
    Aww yes thank you!! Going back to talking about balancing them out, I tried to give them as many parallels as possible. So if Sada is though and athletic in this AU, I made Turo absolutely useless in anything related to physical activity.

    Yooo that sounds very convenient
    (This comment was about the one-size-fits-all feature of Turo's bodysuit, and I quoted it just because I want to mention I got inspired by the Sayan armor in Dragon Ball Z for that little feature.)

    excuse me, WHO????
    Honestly, I just wanted to make a little reference to Satoshi Tajiri the creator of Pokémon and have a whole set of headcanons about this guy that I never got to show, like the fact that he's actually blind, his studies involve Hisui and the space-time distortions that were happening there, and he has a Iron Valiant personal assistant in his time and a Wyrdeer that helps him travel as he poses for a wandering musician in Hisui during his time travelling trips(since he can't bring Iron Valiant there). Maybe one day I will write something about him.
    But I've had enough people go "WTF ASH??" and the mental image of Ash, not even adult Ash but just-10-year-old-Ash somehow being yeeted into the future and hanging out at the TTDL is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS.

    I actually wondered here for the first time... has anyone from the future ever come back to visit present day Turo's time?
    Ohoh, good question! They totally have, but since they know much more about time travel and how to not mess things up, they also know how to hide their presence MUCH better.

    oooo so master balls look like premier balls now?
    Yes, and I did that only to set up a dumb joke which punchline will come early in part 2... and spawn a little plot point later.

    Ugh,, also how are Winged King and Miraidon gonna end up in the "present" (as in 'modern" Paldea????)
    I'm sure you can think of something...

    I have a few criticisms to level with the prose, namely that there seems to be quite a bit of inconsistent verb tense usage going on, which I already elaborated a bit on earlier. If you’re not already doing so, I’d strongly recommend reading the text of your chapters aloud at least once to yourself prior to publishing, since in general, wording that is awkward to read becomes more obvious when you hear it actually spoken out. I also thought that you had a couple of paragraphs where you had a bit too much going on.
    Yeah I'm definitely aware about those now, I've definitely gotten better at it.

    Also, Turo’s time gives me Ultra Megalopolis vibes in how it’s an artificial and built-up wasteland. Except with a bit more natural light and some parts of the world that still have nature intact.
    Yeah, Ultra Megalopolis is pretty much it lol

    "hologram with artificial light" Oh that's funny in hindsight since I know you were trying to be all futuristic but that's exactly what Blueberry does
    I like to think that in this AU Turo TOTALLY was following the development of Blueberry Academy as it was being built and probably threw some little "suggestions" around lol

    hm it does beg the question as to why teleport pad tech isn't more prevalent in the present game since it's existed in that world since at LEAST the 1990s and was used in office buildings.
    Turo is going to wonder about that too.
    (Probably stupid expensive in terms of costs/energy and that's why only places like Sylph and research laboratories had it in the early games until magical futuristic energy sources made it inexpensive. Also villain organizations probably had it because I don't think they worry much about paying the electricity bill)

    Hm, I'm confused. You say that his original plan was to travel to the future, but you had previously said "He had wanted to land in the Lumiose City of almost 15 years ago"
    You probably got this by the time you read following chapters, but just to be clear: Turo joined the TTDL hoping to get clearance to visit the far future, but being a newbie time travellers means he has to work a bit on the past first. So his first test run was (supposed to be) Lumiose City "just" 15 years in the past.

    Hm so they don't have a writing system, but Sada seemed familiar with writing earlier
    Sada uses little drawings to represent things, but hadn't quite thought about a writing system that involves representing sounds that make up words.

    I love that not every mon has a name yet. At least to Sada's people. She and Chalo are researchers even now!
    Yeah, they only name those that are important to know for them pretty much

    I love how even as a serious professional, Turo is also concerned about what is the most badass.
    We both know how much of a drama queen those two are lol

    ok given the way his adventures have always worked I don't actually trust Satoshi to *not* just plain be Ash, somehow transported to the distant future.
    See my comment about the same thing I made to Flygon, I absolutely wasn't thinking about Ash honestly but the idea is hysterical.

    Turo not liking orange is something I've used before too! Does Sada likewise not like grapes?

    I really like how you portray their discomfort with certain things coming across as misunderstandings. He's terrified of causing a time paradox (and seems unaware that he already has) and she takes that as him showing trauma from some mistreatment from his own people.

    Haha and when he find out that he *has* caused a time paradox, he's impressed with Sada for it! That's so cute, and shows off his own impulsive side.
    Thanks! It was a lot of fun to think about how every gesture would come across.

    The part about not getting attached made me cry

    Wait I thought the injection just kept him safe from disease (though that begs the question of how it works when traveling to the future)
    So, from a storytelling point of view, I needed "something" that would make it more difficult for Sada and Turo to travel through time )for plot reason, especially once they are stuck in present Paldea), so the injection is both for diseases and stuff while they are there but also to protect them through the trip itself. I pretty much based it from the AI saying that "something like a human cant't travel through time" (can't quite remember the exact wording), so I wanted to make it so that humans had to figure out a way to make time travel safe for THEM and living things in general. Pokémon are protected by being encased in the Poké Balls, but if a Pokémon got through it "in the flesh" in this AU they would similarly die like a human would.
    (As for why it does not happen when space-time distortions, Celebi, Dialga, Arceus or whatever are involved... well, because those are caused by legendary Pokémons that can pretty much shrug and tell physics to act like they want, while the time travel invented by humans that Turo knows about is completely 100% artificial and uses the magical futuristic energy source that's probably some form of nuclear energy, so not Pokémon dependant at all. Fun fact, there's a little bit of worldbuilding about that and why society in Turo's time went "We can't keep relying on Pokémon for energy", but I will get to that in future chapters!)

    oh god he's going to have to capture Winged King to heal it... Though I wonder how pokemon can go through this when humans can't without the injection. Because of the containment of the ball?
    I pretty much explained it above but yeah. Same idea as the time machine in SV chucking Master Balls through time to bring Pokémon back.

    Are ALL pokemon of his era virtual or mechanical in some way then? If they can all absorb the same energy to heal but an older mon can't. It begs the question of what could have been so utterly catastrophic as to kill off all organic beings other than humans.
    I wished I could have shown it a bit more in part 1 but it just never came up because for Turo it happened almost 2000 years before he was even born, but in Part 2 I plan to definitely show glimpses of what was so catastrophic. But yes, pretty much all Pokémon either adapted to a new form that uses Hadron Energy, were artificial to begin with, or went extinct.

    Wait why wouldn't Hypnosis work if this had been a dark type?
    Because I'm dumb and forgot that status moves still work on types that have immunity to something.

    Turo you should know better because people have probably told you this your whole life. You need to define "do anything weird".
    Man is a programmer, he really should know better than give vague instructions to something lol
    That said, he was probably drugged up on caffeine and awake for 36 concecutive hours.
    But hey, we can say he definitely learned his lessons and becoming hyper paranoid and protective and thinking of every single possibility when dealing with his computer files and that's good, right?!

    Ortega's entire line never misses out on an excuse to dress up, do they?
    Gotta show all that fabulous drip

    Oh there are wild Miraidon? I figured from the description that they were raised to be vehicles. Which must lead to some *fascinating* road rage if they start brawling on the interstate.
    Some Pokémon (mostly those that naturally adapted to the new energy source, like Cyclizar-> Miraidon) are also present in the wild, yes. Not that many though, which is another reason why training and challenging the gyms fell out of style, if everyone has to go place X to catch one of the few wild species, it becomes a bit of a problem. (I just realized that I pretty much created planet-wide Orre)

    And that's it for now, I will catchup to everyone else in hopefully a couple of weeks!!
    Chapter 31: Our Treasure, part I
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 31: Our Treasure, part I
    When Sada entered the lab at the Academy that evening, she found it unusually crowded. Turo and Jacq were both staring at the latter's computer with the identical frowns that she had by now learned to recognize meant "this dumb thing isn't working and I don't know why"; Raifort was busy reading another one of her enormous history books, occasionally pausing to annotate something in her notebook. In a corner of the room, almost hiding away, Clavell was grading papers.

    Right as Sada sat down at her usual favourite spot, easily recognizable because it was covered in Tera shards, a magnifying glass to examine shards and other objects found in ruins, and the occasional tuft of fur from Kim, the Academy teacher chuckled.

    « Kids have the wildest ideas sometimes, I swear... who is this... wait...» he said, eyebrows furrowing as his head suddenly snapped up, mouth open.

    « Jacq! This report is from you?»

    Jacq flinched, suddenly turning around, eyes wide as he straightened his glasses.

    « ... I think so... w-why?»

    Clavell sighed, removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.

    « I... When I asked people to investigate unusual evolution methods of the fauna in Paldea, this... is not what I had in mind... »

    Turo looked up from the screen, turning an inquisitive look towards the younger researcher.

    « ... What did you do?» he asked, quirking an eyebrow. Now interested herself, Sada leaned closer to the two. Jacq looked quite flustered by all the attention.

    « So, umm... I thought to examine the methods by which Bramblin evolves, so I went to the Asado desert and caught one... » he started. Sada nodded to herself, that made sense. So why was Clavell so exasperated?

    « And...?»

    Jacq started to fiddle with a hole in his too big sweater, pulling at the seams. It made Sada winch a bit, watching the carefully woven thread unravel.

    « And... I had it roll all the way down from the top of the Mesagoza staircase to measure exactly how many meters it had to travel before it did... » he said after a moment.

    There was a long moment of silence, before Turo snorted, obviously trying to hide the smirk making its way on his face.
    Sada didn't show his same restraint, and simply started laughing.

    « You know, when I give my students essays like these, I expect them to use them as an opportunity to maybe train Pokémon they normally wouldn't, bond with them, spend time with them...» Clavell was saying.

    « Well I suppose Jacq did spend time with it... Running all those stairs up and down must make for quite the bonding experience -» Raifort piped up, not even looking up from her book.

    « Well it did evolve, so I guess I must have done something right!»

    Clavell shook his head and went back to grading essays with a sigh, and Sada also turned back to her own work.

    For once, she was not working on the Tera Crystals, but her and Turo had both started independent research of their own as projects for Clavell's class. Sada in particular had taken a lot of interest in studying why exactly the Pokémon of her time had changed so much or straight up disappeared. There were already theories of course: changes in climate had made the Pokémon different, not unlike what apparently happened to some Pokémon even in this time by being brought to different regions.
    She actually had somewhat of a theory based on something she had read in a book -not the Scarlet Book, for once-, but she lacked a way to prove it.

    « Did you make any progress with that idea of yours?» she raised her head when she heard Raifort's voice near her, as the woman slid in the seat next to her.

    « Yes, actually... my basic idea is still the same: we know that some Pokémon had wildly different forms in the past: Magikarp, the one called Ste-"Mamoswine" found frozen in a glacier and so on... but all these Pokémon lost their forms and instead developed the ones we have today... I have an idea as to "why".» she said slowly, noticing both Jacq and Turo raise their heads at her words, interested.

    She took a book she had borrowed from the library out of her bag, opening it up to a bookmark made of woven cord she had made. She pointed to the picture of an old mural.

    « This mural was made thousands of years ago by an ancient civilization in Hoenn, and shows a battle between Groudon and Kyogre, the two "forces of nature"-»

    « SHIT!»

    She turned to look at Turo, surprised, when he suddenly jumped up from his seat, slamming a fist next to the laptop. He looked distraught, his eyes wide.
    What had gotten into him...?

    « October 2005... shit... it was Hoenn... well...it was too late anyway.» he took a deep breath and chuckled darkly to himself, sitting back down. He looked at everyone staring at him, and shook his head.
    « Don't mind me, I just... remembered something. Nothing important...» he mumbled. Jacq said nothing, but he quietly slid the laptop closer to himself with a quiet "Okay..." while Clavell narrowed his eyes at him for a moment.

    October 2005 was when they had first landed in Paldea in this time. Was there something else going on then? Well... it was months ago anyway, and during their last night in Lumiose City they had made peace with living in this era.

    Sada threw him a questioning look, to which he replied with a tired smile, and went back to the book.

    « All right... as I was saying... this mural shows them in a form that has been called "Primal Reversion", and it is much bigger and stronger than the form they are usually represented as-»

    And that was exactly what also happened with a lot of Pokémon in her time and ever before that.

    « So... we know that Groudon and Kyogre can influence the weather and shape the world, and they awaken from their sleep and fight every now and then... releasing a lot of "natural energy" when they do.» she hesitated, a bit unsure if she should go on. She still... wasn't really sure if what she was saying made sense. What if she was missing something obvious people in this time all knew? Her eyes landed on Clavell, who had been listening intently and gave her a reassuring nod, then on Turo. He was looking at her with wide eyes shining with pride.

    That convinced her to keep talking, feeling a surge of warmth spread all over her chest. If Turo trusted her, then she couldn't be saying anything wrong, of course.

    « Let's call this energy of them "primal energy"... what if... Pokémon have simply lost access to these older forms because there was a lot more "primal energy" in those times... and if they are exposed to this energy again in some way, they actually can unlock it again.»

    « ... so you are saying that every Pokémon could potentially... "primal revert" to a more ancient form just like Kyogre and Groudon do?» Raifort asked, and Sada nodded, excited.

    « Yes! And... I have a theory as to what could do it.»

    «... other than awakening Groudon and Kyogre again and chucking a Magikarp near them to see if it grows stronger?» Jacq laughed, and Sada huffed in response, shaking her head.

    « No! It's a lot simpler. I've asked other students of the Academy that have certain Pokémon to tell me as much info about them as they can. Where they caught them, how they got them, how they train them, if something unusual happened when they evolved... I asked mostly students that have Piloswine and Mamoswine. Not all Piloswine evolve into Mamoswine, and they did in all kinds of situations and different places.»

    That had struck her as strange. She knew that the Pokémon she had called "Steady Glacier" were pretty much identical to the one they called Mamoswine here... but apparently people couldn't always get their Piloswine to grow up into Mamoswine, while in her time, all of them did. So she had looked into what all those that did evolve into Piloswine had in common.

    « But those that do... they all have something they share.» she could feel everyone's eyes on her now, and straightened her back a bit.

    « They all know the move "Ancient Power"»

    There was a moment of silence, before Clavell gasped softly.

    « So your idea is that those that learn "Ancient Power"...»

    « Yes. They are getting access to a little bit of this "primal energy" and turn back to their ancient, more powerful form. I guess... I'm not sure if we should really call it an "evolution" at this point, but that is my theory. »

    « But a lot more Pokémon can learn that move, and not all of them evolve - or "primal revert", I guess-» Raifort objected even as she looked extremely interested.

    « I know... but maybe every Pokémon has some special conditions other than learning that move to potentially "primal revert"... learning Ancient Power is just the easiest way...» she said, now not quite sure.

    « I think it makes a lot of sense.» she was surprised to hear Turo speak up. He was rubbing his chin thoughtfully with his left hand, deep in thought.

    « It would explain why some Pokémon changed in millions of years and some didn't... Those that can still channel the "ancient power" remained unchanged, like Relicanth. It's an interesting theory.» he smiled, and she brightened up, happy. If he thought that it made sense...

    « Yeah!» Jacq nodded enthusiastically.

    « Do you plan to prove it by training a Pokémon that learns Ancient Power and record when exactly it evolves? If it is exactly as it masters Ancient Power...»

    « Yes... I was thinking of looking for someone to trade me one... » she said.

    That would probably take a while... especially because she needed to trade them something in return first, and she had no idea what to catch. She didn't like the idea of just randomly catching a Pokémon just to trade it away... She would have liked it much better if she could have offered something else she had made herself in return.

    A garment, something useful, maybe even money... But strangely, people here seemed to find the idea of buying Pokémon more difficult to accept than simply trading them, like they didn't like the idea of giving away a Pokémon for something that wasn't another Pokémon or simply gift them.

    She was probably missing some context to understand the whole thing. Um... Maybe she could offer their next Terastalized Pokémon they would catch in return...?
    That already sounded much better to her.

    A couple of hours later, after they had all finished work, she and Turo had left the Academy to walk a bit through Mesagoza together.
    If they really wanted to settle down and live together, they needed to start thinking about what to do after they graduated from the Academy. It was still a bit of time away, but Turo had convinced her that it was better for them to start looking for possible places to live as soon as possible, even just to get an idea of where they wanted to live.

    The first place they saw was an apartment on the third floor of a building near the Mesagoza West gate. There was a Seabreeze café right underneath, and a good number of people coming and going. It had every comfort you could ask for, or at least all kinds of things Sada still couldn't help but find incredible even as she had grown accustomed to them. Electricity and water everywhere, two different bedrooms, a bathroom, a television , a complete kitchen and even machines that would clean your clothes or dishes for you!

    Turo had carefully examined every inch of the place, and would sometimes look wistfully out of the window, not without a bit of a sad smile. His Magnemite, which he had named Ampere after the scientist who had, like, invented electricity or something like that, hovered excitedly nearby, bopping up and down as it checked every nook and cranny of the place.

    « ... What do you think? It's far away from the city center, but it's the best we can do for now...» he asked anxiously. Sada chewed at her lip as she looked outside. From that high, she could barely see the people running around in the streets. She didn't like that.
    It didn't make them feel real.

    « ... I'm not sure I actually want to live in Mesagoza. » she mumbled unhappily after a moment.

    That had made Turo stop and furrow his eyebrows, surprised.

    « What...? Why? Why didn't you say so sooner?» he said.

    Sada fumbled with the collar of her spring uniform, not sure of how to put it.

    « It's... Too crowded. Too many people, too many things, too many sounds... I don't like the idea of spending all my time closed up in a city.» she said after a moment. She felt guilty as she said it, because she knew that was exactly how Turo liked to live. Surrounded by people and the comforts of society.

    He sighed, and looked back outside.

    « I... I thought you liked being around people? When we were with your tribe, in the communal tent... didn't you feel comfortable there? Safe? » he asked in a low voice, and now it was her time to sigh and hug him close.

    « Yes, but they were my tribe. I don't know these people. They may live near me, but I don't feel like we are a community. There's just too many people for that. » she hesitated, raising one hand to caress the back of his neck. She felt his shoulders slump slightly.

    « Then... we'll look for another place...» he said, and she frowned in discomfort.

    « No, it's fine... I'll get used to it-»

    « No. I want to do things right. It has to be a place we both like. » he nodded with a smaller smile, and she felt a wave of affection for him wash over her as she returned his smile.

    « ... All right. »
    « So what place were you thinking of? Where would you like to live?» Turo asked once they had left the apartment, his Magnemite trailing behind them.

    They started walking through the streets of Mesagoza to head back to the Academy for the night, and Sada took a couple of moments to actually think about it.

    « I... I would just like a place with not too many people. Something with more nature... but not in the complete wilderness, of course.» she hastily added, anxious, throwing Turo a glance.

    « If we...» she hesitated, before continuing « ... if we really are going to build a family here... I'm grateful that the child will grow up safe here. I really am. » she said in a low voice, and she saw Turo's eyes widen slightly at her words.

    « ... We won't have to worry about food, and illness, and they will never be hungry or in danger from creatures, or cold like I was. » she added.

    « ... But I also can't imagine them growing up in a big city like Mesagoza. » she said.

    « Well, I did, and I came out... all right, not exactly "fine"» Turo answered after a moment with a little smile. He looked around them, towards the little alleys and café that lined them.

    « Not too many people... maybe we can have a look at Artazon, or some of the other smaller cities of Paldea... Montenevera, maybe?» he mumbled.

    She playfully jabbed him in the side.

    « It's way too cold up there! And you wouldn't survive two weeks without tripping on some ice and breaking something there.» she laughed, and he scowled.

    « Well, yeah... but at least there wouldn't be any Smoliv there...» he answered.

    They kept walking and thinking out loud, and she let her two Pokémon out, watching the Litleo run towards a couple of Squawkabilly perching on a bench.

    « We'll have to think about them too. Ötzi is going to become really big once he evolves. » she pointed out, as the Golett turned towards her with a questioning look after hearing his name.

    Turo released Miguel and frowned thoughtfully, his eyes distant.

    « ... Right. I'm used to Pokémon being not much bigger than Mirai at most-» he said, with just the slightest hesitation at pronouncing the dragon's name. She squeezed his hand, interlocking her fingers in his, as Miguel perched on his shoulder and playfully pecked at his ear, and he smiled gratefully. It was in little moments like these that he would show traces of what he was truly thinking; even as he had tried to act indifferent and like the loss of his companion wasn't still affecting him, in that moment his eyes had regained back a little bit of their spark.

    « But I guess we can't really keep them always locked in their Pokeball by living in a small apartment, right? I hadn't thought about it... Sorry, Ötzi.» he said to the Golett, who shook his head and let out a little whistle.

    « Where would you like to live, then? What would be something that you always wanted but could never get in a big city? » Sada turned the question back on him, and Turo took a deep breath and slowed down until they stopped completely. He looked around, thoughtfully, then finally looked up, towards the bright sky with not a single cloud in sight. She copied him and immediately knew what his answer would be when her eyes landed on the shape of the Moon that was starting to rise as the sun set.

    « I suppose... Somewhere where I could watch the Moon and the stars would be really nice.» he said after a moment.

    She smiled sadly, looking down as they started to walk up the stairs to the Academy.

    « ... I thought you didn't like the Moon.» she said. Turo took a moment to answer as he followed her, and she threw a little glance behind her. What she saw made her smile a little bit happier.

    « I... I didn't. But I guess it was just because I always took it for granted. It's... weird to look at it now and think... That there is nothing there yet. That... "home" isn't there. » he said after a moment, stopping to take a big breath.
    Ampere bumped him on the back, before floating back around near his head, waving its two magnets in what was probably an encouraging gesture.

    Sada personally found the little electric Pokémon a bit strange and difficult to understand, but Turo seemed to love it. Then again, Ötzi was probably similarly difficult to read for someone that wasn't used to deciphering its little whistles and spikes in energy.

    The Golett and Litleo were both ahead of them both, the first thanks to being effectively tireless and the second having a much easier time than them in climbing the stairs on four feet.

    « But the stars... those are still the same. » Turo was saying.

    « I was always so sure that I would one day go to the far future and explore them up close... that I haven't looked at them in so long from here on Earth. May as well do it now. » he added as they kept climbing, his breath slightly laboured.

    She looked back again, and her smile widened. Turo must have noticed, because he frowned slightly, knitting his eyebrows.

    « What is it? You've been smiling all this time.»

    Sada simply shook her head and didn't answer, pulling him closer as they approached the great Academy doors.

    « ... Nothing » she said. She turned briefly to look back at the stairs they had just climbed: Turo had just walked them up all at once. Sure, he still was breathing heavily, and it had taken quite a while, but he had managed to do it without having to stop and sit down once, and he hadn't even noticed.
    His health was already getting better by spending so much time travelling and actually moving around Paldea. She smiled, remembering their first meetings where a light walk would leave him completely exhausted.

    « I'm sure we can find a place with a nice view to call home.»

    She huddled closer to him as they walked towards their dormitory rooms hand in hand.

    The following weeks passed as they kept looking for possible places to live. Turo had excluded Cortondo from the start as there were way too many olive orchards around the area. Alfornada looked nice, but it was a bit too isolated for his tastes.
    Zapapico, Cascarraffa... too much dust and sand.
    Medali was... almost as nostalgic as Mesagoza for him. After leaving the Moon at four years old he had spent the rest of his childhood with his parents there, and that's where his parents would spend most of their time when they weren't on the Moon.
    But the Medali he knew was nothing like the one in this time. More than one time as they would spend the night in the city while they trained to challenge the Gym he found himself looking for a familiar home that just wasn't there.

    Or... wasn't there yet, to be exact.

    He sat down at a table in Treasure Eatery, waiting for Sada to finish talking with the chef as she tried to figure out what the secret dish she had to order to challenge the Gym Leader was.
    What a weird challenge.
    Still leagues better than the dumb giant olive he had to push in Cortondo, at least.
    Sada was going to attempt the Gym challenge first, but he was also already registered and busy trying to figure it out.

    She was having a bit more difficulty in deciphering the food-related hints scattered all around the city and piercing together what was and wasn't out of place, and that reminded him that for all the progress she had done in being able to fit in this for her completely new world, there were still so many things where she still had much to learn... like he did.

    At least he had gotten better at disguising his anachronistic accent and reading had gotten smoother.

    Sada huffed angrily and stormed off, holding two piping hot portions of grilled rice balls. Judging from her murderous gaze, she must have gotten it wrong in some way.

    « This is so dumb! I thought I was right this time!» she said, sitting down in front of him and chomping down on one, huffing.

    « What about you? You've been sitting here this whole time, didn't you go looking for clues?» she added, furrowing her eyebrows at his simple dish of grilled fish.

    « ... yeah, I am.» he answered calmly, before looking around the dinery. He nodded his head, and Miguel came flying back to his shoulder after having been hiding perched high on some wooden beams near the ceiling.

    « What did she order?» he asked, offering him a bit from his plate. The Pokémon pecked at the food and cawed.

    « Krilled rice kraws! Large! Large! » the Murkrow answered, and Turo nodded as he jotted down the failed combination on his napkin.

    « So extra large grilled rice balls don't work... but I saw another student challenge the Gym Leader by ordering rice balls so those must be right... It's probably a combination of what you add to them and how they cook them...» he muttered, raising his head with a satisfied smirk as Sada watched him with her mouth hanging open.

    « You.... you're using Miguel to spy on what other students are ordering?!» she sounded like she didn't know if she should feel outraged or impressed.

    « You know what they say. "Work smarter, not harder"» he answered back, and she pouted, angrily muttering something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like "dumbass".
    He smiled.

    « And here I was running around the whole city challenging the other students for hints... I thought that was what you were supposed to do!» she stole a bit of fish from his plate, and he pushed it towards her. He had just ordered whatever to get himself a nice place where he could observe the whole place secured, and had practically not touched it. The idea of eating real fish or meat kept grossing him out somewhat, and he avoided it when he could.

    « There's no true way you are "supposed to do" it. Just do what you think is best and works for you. » he answered, and she mulled it over a bit as she finished munching on her second grilled onigiri.

    « Well... I know that it's rice-balls-something now, at least... » she said, trailing off deep in thought. Her eyes started sparkling a moment later, and she ran off back to the counter with a devious smile on her face. Turo and Miguel followed her with their eyes, perplexed.

    « W... What is she doing?» he turned to the Pokémon, who definitely had much sharper eyes and ears than him as Sada argued with the chef.

    « Rice! Large!»

    « Uh?»

    A moment later, it was his turn to be astonished as Sada came back to the table followed by Ötzi, both carrying a tray filled with a veritable mountain of grilled rice balls.

    « ... I just ordered one serving of every kind of grilled rice ball they had.» she said with a smirk. « This way you won't know which one was right!» she added with a laugh, as she and her Pokémon started stuffing their faces... Or at least, she and Kim did. Ötzi seemed happy to just look at them, and seemingly enjoyed the smell of food even if he didn't really need to eat.

    Not much time later, a young man in a business suit and tie that had been sitting at the counter walked up to their table, a slight frown etched on his face. He didn't look that much older than him, and Turo was suddenly extremely conscious of the extremely dumb and childish school uniform he was wearing compared to him.
    Man, he wanted to wear his bodysuit so bad-

    « Well... I can't say I've ever seen someone just order everything they could for the Gym challenge. I usually recommend challengers to try something else from the menu here, but I guess you already did that. » the man said in a monotone voice.

    « ... let's get this battle over with.» he added, fixing his tie and motioning Sada to follow. She gave Turo a quick smirk and got up, still munching on one last rice ball.

    Turo simply sat in front of his empty plate, stunned, before letting out an incredulous laugh and sitting back to enjoy the following Gym battle with his Pokémon.

    ... Moments like these were why he had fallen in love with her.

    Three weeks later their Gym battle in Medali, they were trying to decide which Gym they wanted to challenge next. Turo had a feeling that they would both need more Pokémon to win more than three badges each, however, which brought him back to the problem of having no idea what other Pokémon he even wanted alongside him.

    Well... He did have half an idea actually: one of his side projects aside from Tera shards had been looking into how Pokémon of this time were adapting to man made changes to the environment, starting from Pokémon like Grimer emerging from pollution to more artificial life forms.
    He kind of wanted to use what he knew about his own time to study how Pokémon evolved, and how this would lead to them adapting to Hadron Energy in the future... putting it all as a hypothetical for the people of this time, of course.
    He would have loved to have a Porygon to study, but they weren't exactly found in the wild... Which was why Turo walked into their shared laboratory one evening where Clavell was working, followed by Ampere who floated curiously near the radio in the corner.

    « So, um... do you think I could ask the Academy for a Porygon? » he asked the biology teacher, who raised his head from the notes he was taking and blinked.

    « A Porygon...? They aren't exactly given to anyone, you need to give Silph the reason for why you want one... I suppose it's for that other research of yours? The one about the development of mechanical Pokémon?» Clavell asked, and Turo nodded. At that the other man nodded thoughtfully, tapping the pen he was writing with on the desk.

    « I see... If you write up a little abstract of what you're currently doing, there should be no problem...» he said, and Turo couldn't help a little smile.

    A Porygon just for himself!

    « What version do they give out now?» he asked.

    Clavell's answer was a blank stare, the pen stopping in midair.

    « ... Version? You mean evolutions? I think Silph released an upgrade for them a couple years ago but that's it...» he answered, perplexed, and Turo's eyes widened.

    « ... What? You mean you haven't gone past Porygon 2?!» he asked in complete disbelief.

    Arceus, he... He didn't think Porygon's development had been that slow at the start!

    « What kind of language processing model does it come equipped with?» he asked, only for Clavell's confusion to simply grow.

    « I... I'm not sure? I never worked with one... They understand basic commands, I think...?» the man answered.

    At a loss for words, Turo opened up the browser on the old school computer and typed "Porygon" in the search bar. He found almost nothing about it, just basic information and articles titled stuff like "First completely artificial Pokémon created by Silph!".
    There was a picture of one in the article that left him stunned.

    « Arceus... I thought the first version of Porygon looked so geometric because of the shitty resolutions of old pictures, or that it was just... concept art... You mean to tell me they actually look like that?» he said, turning the whole monitor towards Clavell.

    The man looked quite perplexed by his surprise.

    « Well, they smoothed out the edges, quite literally, with Porygon 2, but yes...?»

    Turo turned to look back at the picture of the little, block shaped duck on the monitor.

    « That's.... that's adorable... » he finally squeaked out with a grin, getting a look of surprise from Clavell in return. Look at those cute little feet! Those primitive hexagonal eyes! You could count the single pixels in them!

    To be able to watch a vanilla Porygon grow and develop and learn from the very beginning... what an incredible opportunity!

    « It may take a while, though, but you're not exactly lacking in things to do in the meantime, are you?» Clavell asked, putting a sudden stop to his daydream of deciding a nickname for his cute little Porygon. Turo frowned, a tad bit disappointed. Oh... well, it made sense.
    They weren't going to give a Pokémon like that to a random nobody like him.

    Especially one with... Literally no history behind him like he was.

    « R-right... Yeah, we are looking for people for another "Teraraid", but the cave seems to be in a spot that's a bit difficult to reach and-»

    « A what?» Clavell shot him a surprised look, and it took a moment for Turo to realize why.

    « ... yeah, me and Sada decided to give a name to the whole thing. "Finding wild Terastalized Pokémon and fighting them with the help of other people to break its Terastalization state in order to catch it" was a mouthful. » he replied with a shrug, disinterested. « It's all the way up Glaseado Peak. Can't say I'm a fan of the idea of trekking all the way up there... at least the Pokémon that has been spotted sounds interesting: an ice-type Altaria! Really curious what that looks like... it's still a bit strange to me that you can so casually guess what type a Pokémon is just by looking at it... Sure makes things easier...» he added, going back to his computer. After a moment , he noticed Clavell throw him another confused glance over the computer's monitor.

    « ... What do you mean? Isn't that the norm? » the older man asked, and Turo couldn't hide a little smile from forming on his lips.

    « Not in my time.» he leaned sideways towards the shoulder bag sitting under his chair, and got his copy of the Violet Book out of it. He opened the book to a page with practiced ease, by now knowing the book almost by memory: he and Sada had poured over their respective books so much, comparing each page and every subtle difference they had, it had become muscle memory.

    The page showed some pictures and artist renditions of Pokémon from his time: Miraidon, Iron Valiant, Steelcino and many others.

    « What do you think these Pokémon's types are?» he asked. Clavell frowned, obviously realizing there was some kind of trick to the question.

    « ... You mean those are not all at least part Steel type?» he asked.

    « No! Why would they?»

    « Because they... look like it? » Clavell answered like it was obvious. He pointed to a drawing of an Iron Bundle which showed its tail and neck extending and connecting to its main body with a cable.
    Ampere floated over to it, its singular eye widening in interest at the pictures on the page. It twisted the screw on its head, then bumped Turo on his arm, excited. He smiled and pet the Pokémon, rubbing the little screw on its head with his thumb. It seemed to like that, because it kept bumping into his hand, demanding more pets.

    « It's literally mechanical! It has to be half Steel type!»

    « So just because it shows traits of one element, it has to be of that element? What about Porygon?»

    « Porygon is a special case... and it can technically become Steel type in certain conditions with Conversion... but yes, of course!» Clavell answered.

    « That's how we identify types in Pokémon after all.»

    « So... humans and many other living things are largely made of water. Why aren't we all water types then?» Turo asked, crossing his arms to his chest.

    « That doesn't make any -» Clavell stopped, suddenly looking thoughtful. He opened his mouth, then closed it again.

    « ... good point. So what you're saying is... » he looked back to the picture of the Iron Bundle. « ... That in your time, the Pokémon's body structure changed to... this... But it is completely independent from their actual types?»

    Turo nodded.

    « Well... some did become Steel type to be fair, but... Not everyone. Most didn't. »

    Clavell frowned, and flipped through some of the pages of the Violet book in silence.

    « ... Pokémon in the future will really become like this?» he finally asked, and Turo noticed a hint of sadness in his voice. « I... I just can't believe it... how could it even happen? They... they barely look like Pokémon to me, I'm sorry. Those in the Scarlet book at least... look like actual living creatures, but these... they are all so... lifeless-»

    « Why?» Turo snapped, suddenly feeling defensive. He stopped petting Ampere, the Pokémon floating between the two of them.

    « What's the difference between any of these Pokémon and a Magnemite? Or a Porygon? Or a Claydol or Golett? They are all artificial in different ways.» he growled.

    He wasn't going to listen to someone call the Pokémon he had always lived around and loved lifeless. Porygon 568 wasn't "lifeless". Mirai that would purr at night to help him fall asleep and wag his tail excitedly when he brought some treat home wasn't "lifeless"-

    « I... I was just saying that... thinking about all the Pokémon I know changing this much... it would make anyone feel sad, I think.» Clavell cautiously answered, which only made him angrier. Well, it didn't make him feel sad! Those Pokémon were part of his whole society, his entire life until now!

    « ... I thought you would find them interesting, not creepy» he murmured, disappointed, and Clavell furrowed his eyebrows.

    « That's not what I said, Romero-»

    « Forget it. Let's go, Ampere.»

    It had been stupid of him to assume that someone in this time would actually understand him...

    Turo slammed the Violet Book shut, forcibly looking away from the cover as he put it back into his bag.
    He didn't want to think about Miraidon right now.

    He needed some time alone. Or even better, with someone that understood him. He walked out into the corridor, heading for Sada's room and ignoring Clavell calling out after him.

    « ... Let's go for a walk. Outside the city.» he said when she opened the door. Sada nodded, grabbing the giant yellow backpack she kept right near the door. It was always full of supplies to stay at least a couple of days away from society when she felt like it. It made him smile, remembering her satchel full of berries and furs when he had first met her.

    Now it was Poke' Balls, canned and dried food, sewing tools, and whatever strange objects she would pick up around Paldea, usually by digging them up in some ruins somewhere.

    « Sure. Where to?» she simply asked.

    Turo sighed, not quite sure of what to answer.

    « Let's just call a flying taxi and... let's go watch the sea.» he proposed. He wanted to be as far away from Mesagoza as possible for once.
    Cabo Poco barely qualified as a village in this time, Turo thought as the taxi left them along a little road that went downwards towards not even a dozen little houses scattered along the cape.
    There weren't many beaches around here, like you could find near Levincia in eastern Paldea: the coast was mostly made from high cliffs that dropped straight over towards the sea, but some houses were lucky enough to be near roads that led to little inlets and bays.

    He breathed deeply, feeling the salt in the air as he carefully followed Sada along one of those roads until his shoes were sinking in the warm sand.

    « ... You know, I didn't even think the ocean was real back in my time.» Sada spoke up suddenly, and he smiled at the thought.

    « A lake so big you couldn't cross it... it sounded impossible! And now... Here it is. We have even flown over it multiple times.» she added, sitting down in the sand and pulling her knees up close to look at the waves. He copied her, sitting down next to her and crossing his legs.

    « Yes.... we've done quite a lot of things in these months, haven't we? Survived Area Zero, started training Pokémon... got into the Academy... discovered Terastalization and challenged the Gyms... » Turo said, trailing off as he watched some Wattrell glide over the waves before flying back up the rocky clifface.

    « It... it still doesn't feel real sometimes... like it's all a big vacation I'm taking and next week I'll get a call from Moreau to hurry up and get back to work...» he said, and Sada laughed a little.

    « Yes! I learned so many things that still sound incredible to me, but... it's definitely real. Like... um...» she stopped, biting her lip, and after a moment Turo turned to look at her, raising one eyebrow with an inquisitive frown. She sounded like she wanted to say something, but she wasn't looking at him, instead staring at the sand and poking at it with her fingers. Her other hand was fidgeting with her clothes.

    « Is everything all right? »

    « This place isn't so bad, isn't it? » she almost cut him off, and he now was sure of it. Sada was hiding something from him: he had been the one to hide a big secret from her before, so now that the roles were reserved, he suddenly understood her frustration when he would always give her vague non-answers.

    And because of that, Turo decided to not press further on: it would be hypocritical to insist when she had never done so with him.

    « I saw a.... what was the name... "Light-house" up this cliff, and it looks like there's a little house under it, we could go have a look-» Sada was saying, her words spilling out excitedly even as she still kept one hand tightly balled up around her waist. Her eyes were wide, almost distant.

    ... That said, Sada had threatened him with a spear until he had confessed the truth to her, and their relationship had improved dramatically the moment he did.

    « Sada.» he said in a low voice, crouching in front of her, not minding the sand getting everywhere on his Academy uniform. He raised both arms and carefully grasped her by her shoulders, and with some surprise noticed that she was actually trembling.

    « .... You are hiding something.»

    She stopped and swallowed hard, before lowering her eyes to the ground.

    « I'm... Not sure I am... It's just a feeling... Maybe it's nothing? » she whispered, only leaving him more confused. How could she be "not sure"?

    « I... Turo, I... I'm late.»

    Turo simply stared at her. Late? What did she mean with late? Was it some strange sayings from her tribe that didn't translate well?

    « W-»

    And then she raised her balled up hand.... and gently raised it to her belly.

    It hit him suddenly, completely knocking the air out of him like he had just been punched in the stomach.

    « Y... You think... You're...» he stuttered, his mind reeling. She said she was "late". That could only mean...

    « Yes. » now she smiled, her eyes sparkling.

    « ... We are going to have a child. Our child. And we can only do it because we are here, together. Our treasure...» she whispered, cupping his face with both hands.

    A kid... A kid with Sada. A family together, all of their own, when the very idea would have been impossible for both of them to even dream of just a couple of months ago, each in their own time.

    He... he was going to be a father.

    « Are... are you sure?» he found himself whispering, his voice trembling. Sada blinked and looked at him strangely.

    « No...? It's too early to see anything, but I am over one month late...»

    « You... you didn't take a pregnancy test...?» he asked, suddenly anxious. How accurate could they even be in this time? He didn't have the slightest idea of how things worked here.

    Her vacant stare told him the answer even before she did.

    « ... what's a "pregna-cy" test?» she asked candidly.

    Turo stared at her, before his mouth twitched. He tried to suppress a little giggle and failed. Sada pouted, and squeezed his cheeks as she was still cupping them in her hands.

    « What's so funny?»

    ... of ... of course she wouldn't think of... of course she wouldn't think of doing it... if she didn't even know that it was possible...

    He just threw his head back and laughed, a wide booming laugh that left him completely out of breath, and then he kissed her.
    Chapter 32: Our Treasure, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 32: Our Treasure, part II
    This time kept finding ways to surprise her, in both good and bad ways.

    « So... you can really tell if someone is pregnant... from outside the body?» she asked after the kiss was over, her eyes wide and trying to wrap her mind around the idea.

    « Yes, well... I'm not exactly sure how they do it in this time... or how early they are able to know for sure... » Turo answered, still holding her by her shoulders. Sada noticed his eyes automatically go back to her stomach, and she huffed.

    « It's too early to see anything, you know... »

    He smiled, looking back up.

    « Yes, I know, it's just... we need to make sure. Let's go back to Mesagoza...»

    They left the sandy beach and walked back up the trail they had followed, looking for a place where they could call for a Flying Taxi. While Turo was busy calling, Sada's eyes landed on a building that was standing at the very top of the cliff, overlooking the beach they had just left.

    « That place must be that "lighthouse" around here, right? » she asked. She had read about them in a book in the library: they lit up at night and were used by ships to safely find land. Or at least, used to. She wasn't sure if this one was active: it looked abandoned.

    « All right, the cab should be here in half an hour, they were nearby...» Turo turned around, closing the old Pokénav he had bought and putting it back in his pocket.

    « I... wait.» he furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, before raising both of them.

    « I... I know this place!» he said, a half smile forming on his lips. Sada turned around, surprised.

    « Really? In your time?» she asked.

    Turo nodded, « Yes. I visited it when I was flying with Mirai one time... it was completely in ruins there, of course, but... I'm sure it's the same one. It's the only one in the area.»

    Sada smiled and took his hand.

    « Let's go look! » she started heading towards the lighthouse, the ground going from sand back to getting covered in soft grass. The closer she got, the more details she could see. The building seemed to have a little house built just under it, if she had to guess, to house whoever used to take care of it before it was abandoned. A small tree - thankfully not an olive tree - was growing near the entrance. On the right, the cliffside overlooked the sea, but the little beach they had just come from was still clearly visible from it. From the top of the cliff, looking in the opposite direction, you could see Los Platos in the distance and, barely visible in the horizon, the mountain of the Great Crater of Paldea. She went near the abandoned house and tried to peer inside the old windows covered in dust.

    « It looks empty... Doesn't a lighthouse need people to care for it?» she asked Turo.

    « When they still used fire or electric Pokémon to shine lights over the sea, yes, there was usually a caretaker. I guess the lighthouse itself is completely automated by now. » Turo answered as he cautiously checked the door.

    « Closed... But there's a note here.» he said, and Sada shifted closer to look.

    « "Up for sale"...» she read, and her eyes widened as she turned towards him.

    « Does that mean... we can buy this place? »

    They probably didn't have enough money, but... if their research on Tera crystals was successful, they could ask to borrow some money and pay it back later.

    She looked towards Turo, and saw him look at her petrified, his eyes wide.

    « You mean... Live here? In this lighthouse?» he whispered.

    Sada looked up, towards the top of the building that you could reach by climbing the stairs. Following a sudden urge, she grabbed the first rung and started climbing. She heard Turo gasp and hurry after her.

    « Sada...!! You... What if -»

    « I'm not going to fall.» she reassured him, continuing to climb. Judging by his laboured breathing, he was having some difficulty following.

    « I know... that's not what I meant... what if the baby-» he stopped to take his breath right as she finished climbing and hoisted herself up on the wide platform.

    The view was as beautiful as she had imagined it. She looked down, trying to picture living in the small house right under them.

    « This place is near the sea... There's not too many people, and we still have a small town very close... There's plenty of space for our Pokémon... and I bet we can even see the stars from out here.» she slowly said once Turo had caught up to her. He looked troubled for a moment, before looking down towards the sea.

    « ... To think... I've looked at this exact building in my time and wondered who used to live in it so much time ago...» he whispered, before he chuckled in amusement.

    « ... It would be a shame to not live here after that. » he said, taking her hand and intertwining his fingers in hers.

    « We'll probably need to renovate it a bit, so... we will have to hurry before the ... the baby arrives. If it's really... coming.» he said. After a brief silence, he swallowed, and she noticed that his hand had suddenly gotten sweaty. He was nervous.

    She didn't understand. Why would he be nervous now?

    « If... If we're really going to have a child... there's something else I would like us to do first... even just because it would be more... complicated... after.» he stammered, and she saw that he was trying and failing to keep his usual unreadable expression from cracking.

    « I... I... this is not how I imagined this would go...» he was getting flustered, and she calmly grabbed his other hand and looked him in the eye.

    « Turo... what is it?»

    He looked at her with wide eyes, and after a moment just blurted out the words.

    « ... let's get married.»

    There was a long moment of silence, and she saw his expression go from flustered to panicked.

    « Um... "Marriage" -» he said.

    « I know what "marriage" means!» she laughed, and he looked more relieved, even if somewhat embarrassed. She got closer to him and looked away from the sea, to the silhouette of Mesagoza barely visible in the opposite direction, sitting down on the cool stone pavement.

    « ... Let's sit here a bit.» she said, and he followed her after a short moment, sitting cross legged next to her. She smiled, thinking about how many times they had just done the same back in her time, as they taught each other words in their respective languages.

    « Why did you say this isn't what you were expecting?» she asked. Turo looked down, the hand he wasn't holding in hers balled up into a fist on his knee.

    « I... you usually ask the person you want to marry if they want to... And... I was supposed to get down on one knee, and... I don't even have a ring ready...»

    « Does it have to be a ring? You gave me this bracelet.» she said, looking at the little jewel at her wrist. Turo frowned.

    « No, that was... different. I gave you that bracelet so you would have something to remember me by... »

    « But now I don't need that. I have you right here. You know I don't care about all those details... and you told me that there is no right way of doing things.» she spoke slowly , trying to reassure him.
    « But.... if marriage is a ceremony that's important to show the society where we now live that we are together... then let's do it. Let's get married. And then have this child. » she smiled, and he slowly smiled back and kissed her.

    They were interrupted by the signature squawking of a flock of Squawkabilly of different colors as their Flying Taxi arrived.

    Turo couldn't believe he had just... asked Sada to marry him. Just like that. No plan. Just blurted it out.

    To be fair, she had just dropped the bombshell of possibly being pregnant on him not even five minutes before, so he felt justified in just dropping one back.

    That possibility had been confirmed a couple of days later. She was. And now he had to get used to the idea that he was going to be a father in... A bit more than half a year.

    And get married.

    And challenge the League.

    And finish their research on Tera crystals to ask for funds for an expedition into Area Zero, which probably would have to wait after the birth at this point...

    It was... overwhelming, in a sense, but he felt strangely euphoric about it. That's what surprised him the most. He... didn't think he would feel this happy about it, since he had never really thought about creating a family back in his time. But he was.

    What fortune to be blessed with this gift-

    There were so many things they suddenly had to do... but first thing to do, was trying to convince Sada of a single thing.

    « What do you mean, "You're not coming"?» Sada narrowed her eyes at him as they were sitting at some of the desks scattered across the three floors of Uvanja Academy's library. It was one of their favourite spots, farthest from the stairs and with relatively less people walking through it, and the closest bookshelf held the entire collection of the most recently published numbers of the Occultica magazine. He and Sada both found flipping through it amusing sometimes for the absolute batshit insane theories that were presented in them.

    But now definitely wasn't the moment for him to point and laugh at some photographs that mistook Magnezone for UFO sightings, or said that the Iron Moth shown in the Violet Book was actually totally an alien weapon from outer space.

    « I'm saying it's better if you don't come to the next Tera Raid, considering...» he flicked his eyes to her belly as discreetly as he could, but her eyes just narrowed further.

    « Why? It's too early for the baby to even show itself! The doctor said that I can still do everything I want for now... You're acting like I want to fight that Altaria myself.» she rolled her eyes, and he widened his own in a panic.

    The thought hadn't even crossed his mind.

    « Why, were you thinking of...? That's not the point anyway! » he sputtered.

    He threw a hasty look all around, and lowered his voice. They had told no one about the pregnancy yet.

    « That's not what I'm worried about. We still don't know much about Terastal energy. What if it's dangerous for... the baby?» he hissed.

    Sada's expression softened, and she lowered her eyes, chewing on her lower lip with her pointy canine.

    « ... We both work with Tera shards in the lab. I was handling them just yesterday-» she slowly answered.

    « Exactly. But small tera shards are one thing. An entire cave radiating Tera energy however is completely different. You know how... powerful and heavy the air feels down there.» he said, and she relented, nodding, even if a bit reluctantly.

    « ... All right. I guess... I'll stay here and keep working on that prototype to hold the energy emitted by the crystals we were talking about... I think I found a way to model tera shards into other forms...»

    « Really?» he asked, momentarily distracted by her words, leaning forward on the table towards her.

    « So if we found bigger pieces, you could... chisel them? What did you do with those Tera shards you were experimenting with?» they were so small and pointy, he couldn't imagine using them for much at all.

    He noticed that Sada had blushed a bit. She was pulling the same embarrassed face she had done when she had made him Ice Age clothes out of Mamoswine fur.

    « Sada...?»

    « ... Don't laugh, all right? I... I made arrow heads out of them. For my bow. I was hoping to try them out in the next Tera Raid...»

    He quickly suppressed a smirk.

    « You wanted to... what? Shoot the terastalized Pokémon...?» he laughed, and she hissed to get him to lower his voice as a couple of students walked past their desks.

    « I... why not?» she asked, crossing both arms to her chest. She puffed her cheeks.

    « I hate just sitting there while my Pokémon do everything. And I wanted to see if maybe those Tera shards are effective in breaking other Terastalized Pokémon's shell... » she shook her head and sighed.

    « I can do it next time, I guess...» she still didn't sound happy about it, and he smiled a little, trying to cheer her up.

    « At least we found someone interested in accompanying me... And he's also going to trade you a Swinub for that Altaria, right?» he asked.

    Sada nodded.

    « Yeah... Who else is going to come with you in my place? You said Jacq sounded interested, but who else? » she asked, and Turo shrugged.

    « No idea. Jacq said he found someone else who wanted to come.» he answered. The fourth member would be a surprise for him too.
    There was one good thing about trekking all the way up to Glaseado Mountain, and it was that, for once, no one could expect him to wear that horrible Uvanja student uniform in that kind of weather... Or, to be more exact, no one would be able to say anything if he wore something else over it.
    No matter what the entire faculty said, for Turo the winter uniform definitely wasn't enough to keep himself warm, and he had no idea how they expected your typical teenager to just deal with it. Maybe they kinda expected everyone to take a Fire type Pokémon with them? Well, he didn't have one, and wasn't planning on getting one just for that reason.
    So, taking advantage of the heavy winter coat he had slapped over the uniform that would cover him completely anyway, before departing that morning he decided to actually put on his bodysuit underneath it all. Now that one would surely keep him warm. It didn't chafe, didn't leave him itching and constantly checking his clothes, there were no buttons or knots that could come loose. It was simply... comfortable. It felt incredibly nostalgic to see the lights switch on as soon as the smooth fabric got in contact with his skin; it almost pained him to have to cover it anyway with the rest of his clothes and a pair of high boots. He spent a couple of minutes idly moving his arms, feeling the bodysuit stretch to follow his movements perfectly: to his surprise, he had the impression that the adaptable fabric had stretched a bit more than usual around his waist and shoulders. Had he... put on weight? No, he hadn't noticed doing so... he was probably just remembering wrong because it had been so long since he had last put it on.

    The meeting point this time would be a ski resort not that far away from Montenevera, and relatively close to where the cave where the Ice-type Altaria had been spotted was supposed to be. The one that had offered to help them with battling the Altaria and would give Sada a Swinub in exchange for it had been the one to propose that place. He was apparently a student at the Academy himself, but Turo had never seen him before. They probably had different classes. The other person that was supposed to arrive was Jacq and, to Turo's great annoyance, Raifort.

    He didn't actually really dislike the woman, she was definitely smart and brilliant in her own way and that comment about the time machine had been hilarious to hear... but she got on his nerves sometimes by how she obviously didn't like how close he was to Sada, and he enjoyed provoking her in return. Also, she was a historian.
    He was a time traveller.
    He pointed and laughed at historians. Or he would have, at least, if he wasn't stuck in this time.

    He sighed, scanning the crowd in the lobby that was ready to spend a day either skiing, snowboarding, or whatever other dangerous way of hurling yourself off a mountain people had invented, but couldn't recognize either of his two classmates.

    « C'mon... where are they...» he checked his Pokénav, hoping to not see some message that announced that they were going to have to reschedule the whole thing.

    « ... hello, hello, Turo! Over here!»

    « ... are you "Romero Turo"?»

    Turo blinked, not sure where to turn to when Jacq's familiar and a completely unknown voice reached him at the same time. He spotted Jacq's Arcanine open a path through the crowd first, and his trainer and Raifort followed soon after. Well... he at least had a fire type with him. He waved to them both, then turned towards the second voice and the figure that had approached. His eyes landed on the last person he was expecting to see.

    « You're... you're just a kid

    Of course people of all ages attended the Academy. He knew that. Of course anyone could have answered their request, and obviously students of all ages had been submitting reports and sightings about Terastalized Pokémon. But maybe due to his past experience with Hassel and Brassius, the idea that an actual kid that could be thirteen years old at the most could come with them in what he still subconsciously thought of as something quite dangerous had never even crossed his mind.
    Man, Pokémon Trainers of this time were wild.

    The kid narrowed his eyes, not impressed. He was wearing thick skiing gear, a fluffy two-colored scarf with two massive Poke Balls at each end that made Turo's skin itch just by looking at it, and was holding a snowboard under his left arm.

    « So...? Name's Grusha. If you have any problems with that...» he mumbled. Half of his face was pretty much covered by his scarf, so it was difficult to judge his expression, but something told Turo that the kid was pissed.

    « N-no, I... Of course not. » he answered after a moment. The kid had four Poke Balls at his belt, which were double the ones he had.

    ... He was probably going to be more than fine, actually, but he still couldn't help but feel wildly responsible for him if something happened. He was the responsible adult here.... in theory.

    He turned towards Raifort and Jacq, who was keeping one hand on his Arcanine to stop the big canine to just stop sniffing around and examine everything.

    « Oh, I know you!» Jacq said enthusiastically.

    « You won that snowboarding competition last month, didn't you? I remember reading the news that a student of our Academy had placed first! Congratz!» he said, while Raifort nodded.

    « That battle class together last year was really something... has your Snom evolved?» she asked, and the kid's eyes seemed to sparkle just a bit as he answered.

    « Yeah... she's amazing- » his voice was still muffled by the scarf, but it sounded to Turo like he was smiling.

    Great, so... was he the only one who had never heard of the kid? Probably because he didn't care about sports. He cleared his throat, trying to get everyone's attention back to him.

    « All right, so... looks like it will be us four this time... the Altaria should be near the peak, so...» he hesitated, feeling Grusha's polite stare land on him.

    « ... Let's just go. I'll take the lead.» he said, only to be interrupted by the blue-haired teenager.

    « If it's not a problem, I think it's better if I go first... um... sir? This mountain can be pretty dangerous, and I'm the one who knows it better than anyone here, I think... maybe you should let me show the way. » he said.

    Turo blinked, taken by surprise. For a moment, he wondered what Sada would have done.

    He felt a bit frustrated at the idea of a kid less than half his age making him feel like an incompetent idiot; for a moment , he wanted to snap back that he was perfectly able to walk on some dumb snow: he had explored the Late Ice Age with Sada, and survived one month in Area Zero with no Pokémon and no food.
    But... he swallowed.

    Sada would have stepped down if she thought the kid was actually more knowledgeable than her. Actually getting there safely was what mattered the most.

    And of course, he wasn't as knowledgeable in surviving outside as Sada. If the kid said it was dangerous... maybe he had a point.

    « ... All right. » he took out a map of Glaseado Peak and pointed to a marked spot.

    « This is where it's been sighted. Lead us there.»


    Sada carefully set down the largest piece of Tera they had found on the table. It was a single block larger than her fist, and glittered under the light that came from the window of the laboratory. They had been pretty lucky to find a single compact piece without it splintering info hundreds of little shards.

    She glanced towards the analog clock hanging on the wall. Turo and the others should have reached Glaseado Mountain by now. She quietly wondered how the battle was going, before going back to work.

    « All right, let's do this-» she said to Kim and Ötzi, who meowed and nodded respectively. She put on a couple of safety glasses as the two Pokémon watched her curiously, smiling quietly to herself.
    Safety glasses.
    Those sure would have been convenient all the times she would chip down large stones or make arrow points back in her time. But even if the tools had become more refined and efficient, the very basic action of chiselling hadn't changed in thousands and thousands of years.
    In a way, it felt incredibly nostalgic to her to work with Tera crystals. She stopped midway in picking up a chisel, looking back up, towards the window outside. It was a beautiful day with not a cloud in sight. She turned to both her Pokémon and smiled as she grabbed her tools and a bag.

    « Actually, you know what? Let's go work outside. »

    Both her Pokémon followed her to the school courtyard as she sat down with her back to a large tree. The courtyard was filled with students similarly enjoying the nice weather, either reading, studying, or simply relaxing. Two kids from the elementary classes were having a double Pokémon battle. A small Fidough and a Lechonk were fighting against a Tarantoula and a Marill. She watched the battle for a moment, smiling to herself, before she picked up a small chisel and a hammer and started to quietly and carefully chip away at the Tera crystal block, giving it a rounder shape.

    To think that even small children in this time were already learning how to live with Pokémon, and probably would do so for their entire lives...

    Would her child also get to enjoy a life like that?

    The thought gave her a little pause, and she resisted the urge to touch her belly. She hadn't told anyone else yet, apart from Turo... and she wasn't quite sure when she was ready to do so. She didn't really feel much different right now, but in a couple more months, things would become much more apparent.

    She kept working quietly, letting her mind focus completely on the task at hand as her hands started moving almost on their own. There was something relaxing in having nothing but the smooth surface in front of her to focus on: it was the same reason she still liked to write all of her notes by hand even if Turo had tried to convince her to type them up on a computer because it was faster. She honestly didn't understand how it could be faster: there was always some blinking icon or another in a corner of the screen ready to distract her. She could see how convenient it was, but she didn't like the idea that a computer could be used for... Everything, all of its functions fighting for your attention at the same time. She couldn't understand how Turo was able to get anything done on it.

    This was much simpler, easier for her.

    The chips and shards she was scraping off the block of Tera were quickly gathered by Ötzi, who meticulously picked them up and placed them in her bag. She smiled and took a moment to pat the golem's head in thanks.

    « Thank you. You're a great help. » she said, and it huffed , releasing a puff of energy through his chest.

    It seemed to like helping her in any kind of activity; it made sense, if Golett had been made with the intention of helping humans with physical labour. Kim meanwhile sat down beside her, looking at her work with wide eyes and purring.

    Sada rolled the now vaguely round block in her direction and smiled when she batted it away.

    « A round shape does work well, right?» she said, and the Litleo squeezed her eyes shut.

    She kept working until she had a mostly spherical shape ready, then thought for a moment about what to do. Should she keep going in a spherical shape? A sphere would be comfortable to carry around, and people in this time were already used to Poké Balls.
    She had noticed that tera shards seemed to glow in various colors, so they probably held a bit of that energy... Not much, though. They had both tried having their Pokémon spend some time near some tera shards, but it had never triggered any kind of change in them, so it probably wasn't enough. But there had to be a way to store more energy in a smaller space... Condense it, in a way.
    Pokémon did it all the time: they could shoot enormous amounts of water, or flames, much more than what their bodies should be able to hold... Like if they had little batteries inside them.
    That's what she needed. A battery, and something to tell that "battery" to release all its charge. She dumped the contents of her bag and all the shards they had gathered to the ground, to which Ötzi let out a slightly disappointed huff at the idea of having to gather it all over again.

    She looked at both of her Pokémon.

    « I need your help. Touch as many of these shards as you can and tell me if you feel... Different. » she explained, not quite sure if they would understand. Kim simply blinked slowly, then started putting one paw on every colored crystal in front of her, one at a time.

    The two students who had been battling had come a bit closer to watch, curious.

    « What are you doing?»

    Nothing. Sada watched both her Pokémon intently, so focused that she didn't even hear the two kids come closer. The shards were all kinds of different colours and shapes... So they probably had various different types of energy that made the Pokémon change types inside them. They had never quite understood if it was the type of crystals that decided what type a Pokémon would become, or-

    Kim meowled loudly, pawing at the tuft of hair on top of her head, then sneezed.

    Sada turned towards the Litleo, eyes wide.

    « Kim...? » she moved closer to watch her, suddenly worried. What if Tera types actually were dangerous...? But none of the Terastalized Pokémon had looked uncomfortable...

    She freezed, raising one hand to the Pokémon's head to stroke her fur, slowly. Kim meowled again and looked up at her, now confused.

    « Do you feel... strange?»

    The Litleo just flicked her ears and purred.

    There, between her ears, right in the middle of the growing mane that would glow and burn bright once she evolved, was a single leaf.

    It hadn't fallen on her. She stroked it slowly to make sure, and Kim meowled again.

    Sada looked down at the Litleo's paws. In her haste she had ended up putting all four paws on a random assortment of Tera shards of all kind of different types. It suddenly hit her.

    « It's all wrong!» she literally jumped up, ecstatic, scaring both her Pokémon and the two kids. They looked at her, confused.

    « Uh... what?»

    « We had it completely wrong! It's the exact opposite!» she threw her head back and laughed, before hugging a still confused Kim and hurrying to pick up all the things she had dumped around her, running back in the laboratory.

    She had to write down everything!

    Ötzi simply shook his head, huffing, and followed her.
    Turo hadn't considered how difficult it would be to even find an Altaria in this kind of weather.

    « You know... For being a Pokémon that's normally incredibly vulnerable to the cold, it sure mimetizes itself perfectly in a snowstorm.» Turo muttered angrily at the third time he stumbled and buried himself in snow up to his face while he was busy looking up...

    Following Grusha's directions, they had been hiking up a mountain trail.

    Jacq was riding his Arcanine, who at least had made things slightly more bearable by melting a trail in the snow. At least he wasn't cold, thanks to his bodysuit, but he had honestly no idea of what the limits for keeping his body comfortable were. There had to be a point where the delicate system built into the bodysuit just had to give up.

    Raifort clicked her tongue in annoyance.

    « Why didn't you stay at the Academy instead of Sada? » she asked, and Turo grit his teeth.

    « She's... she had something important to do.» he muttered. He didn't want to look like a fool in front of her and give her even more reason to tease him.

    « Why did you come here?» he shot right back.
    Raifort shrugged, her heavy blue winter coat barely making the movement recognizable.

    « I wanted to see what all the fuss about these "Terastalized" Pokémon was... and I have some research of my own to conduct in this area.» she said.

    Turo's eyes narrowed: he almost wanted to ask what it was, and he had the impression that Raifort was hoping for him to do so.

    Which was exactly why he shrugged, said "uh", and hastened his pace to go speak with Jacq.

    He heard Raifort "tsk" in annoyance behind him, and he grinned.

    With this kind of weather, it didn't feel right to send Miguel out; at least Ampere probably didn't mind the cold much.

    He released the Magnemite from his PokéBall, and smiled when it nuzzled up against his arm, twisting its two little magnets.

    « Here, charge up as much as you want. I'm counting on you. » he offered the Pokémon a spare battery and watched it twirl in the air.

    « I've never seen such an affectionate Magnemite. » Jacq commented, letting his Arcanine slow down just enough to walk side by side with him. The fire Pokémon eagerly smelled the Electric type, and barked as his big, bushy tail wagged through the air.

    Ampere shied away from the Arcanine, trying to hide behind him.

    « Is it not normal? » Turo asked. He eyed the researcher sitting comfortably on the warm Pokémon's back with a touch of envy.

    « I mean, probably... I guess I just haven't been around many Magnemite, but I thought they would act more... standoffish. Being covered in metal, I wonder how developed their sense of touch is... do they have nerves-»

    « You're not studying my Magnemite.» Turo muttered as a response.

    « It's here. »
    Their conversation was cut short by Grusha suddenly stopping and hiding behind a tree. After a moment, he looked back towards them, shook his head, and moved back out into the open. Turo looked first at himself, then at Jacq.
    ... Yeah, his Arcanine probably attracted a lot of attention anyway.
    The kid had released a Sneasel, and the Pokémon started sharpening its nails surprisingly silently, its little sharp eyes fixed upwards.

    Turo followed the younger trainer and his Pokémon's line of sight, squinting as he tried to make out anything that wasn't pure white snow.

    For a moment, he still didn't see anything, then something moved: what he had thought was a cloud dipped closer to the ground, and he realised it was the Pokémon they were looking for, gliding gracefully downwards towards the ground. He looked back to the kid, impressed. How did he even spot it?

    The Altaria still kept its smooth, bright blue feathers in the main part of its body, but most of it was covered by the distinctive, extremely fluffy plumage of its wings. Except that this Altaria's wings looked strange. The feathers that would normally puff out were similarly white in colour, but looked much more compact, almost like they were tightly compressed... then the Altaria passed overhead, flapping its wings a couple of times, and Turo felt a flurry of snowflakes hit him.

    Snow. Its wings were made of snow! Or at least covered in it... the Pokémon glided closer, and he could see the crystalline Tera shards covering its whole body. He had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment, covering his face with his arm, and judging from the muttering coming from around him, the others had done the same.

    The sunlight reflected on all the snow and the Pokémon's body was blinding: it almost hurt to look at. How were they supposed to catch it like this?

    When he looked back down to Grusha, he saw that the kid had pulled up a pair of ski goggles on his face, and was still looking calmly ahead. With the googles covering one half of his face and the scarf another half, his face was now barely visible and expression unreadable.

    It was then that he realized another problem: this Altaria was leisurely flying around, and seemed to have no intention to retire to its cave.

    « We have to stop that thing from just flapping merrily away.... we'll try to paralyze it. Everyone ready?» he asked.

    « Yes.» Jacq whispered, jumping down from his Pokémon's back. Arcanine happily wagged his tail.

    « Sure» Grusha nodded.

    « Of course I am.» Raifort huffed, letting out a Pokémon he recognized after a moment as a Seviper.

    « Ampere, Thunder Wave!»

    « Glare!»

    The Magnemite floated forward, releasing a brief shock wave against the now-Ice type, while Raifort's Pokémon slithered forward.

    The dragon turned around, noticing the attacks, and threw its head back letting out a melodious cry. Its already bright body flashed for a moment, right before the electric charge and whatever Seviper's attack was supposed to do hit, leaving it apparently unschated.

    « Why did you try to paralyze it too? That's useless.» Raifort muttered angrily.

    Turo furrowed his eyebrows, not quite understanding what had happened. As far as he knew, Ice wasn't in any way immune to electric attacks...

    « I think it just used Safeguard...» Jacq answered the unsaid question after a moment, making Turo frown.

    « Of course it did...» he muttered as Ampere floated in front of him and buzzed almost apologetically.
    He patted the Pokémon's head and felt a slight electrical shock travel up his arm.

    « It's not your fault, don't worry...»

    « Hey! It's getting away!»
    Raifort's sudden shout made Turo's head snap back up. The Altaria had dodged the Flamethrower aimed at them by Jacq's Arcanine, and was already attempting to fly away.

    It didn't even want to retaliate.

    « Shit... we have to stop it!» Turo started running, leaving the narrow path up the mountain they had followed until now down the slope the Altaria was gliding down from.

    « Keep using Thunder Wave! Safe Guard will have to run out eventually!» he barked towards the Electric type. Magnemite floated forward, buzzing as it passed through the various Flamethrowers that Jacq's Arcanine kept firing toward the retreating Terastalized Pokémon.

    Snow flew everywhere as he slipped on some rocks hidden by the snow... his lungs burned with effort as he dug his shoes into the snow to avoid falling forward.
    By his side, Jacq's Arcanine leapt past him in an enormous jump; Turo scrambled back up, squinting as he tried to recognize the shape of the Altaria against the white sky. With those pure white wings, how was he even supposed to find it...? He could barely see Ampere, maybe he should send Miguel after him, but then he would be left with no Pokémon by his side...

    « Stop!»

    Grusha slid past him on his snowboard, blocking his way and spraying him with a wave of fresh snow. His Sneasel was perched on his back, hanging from his shoulders like a furry, clawed backpack. It hissed at both him and Jacq, showing small white fangs.

    « You can't just blindly chase after it! What if you fell down a ravine, or provoked an avalanche?!»

    Turo looked from the kid towards the figure of the Altaria that was getting farther and farther away. He scowled, but the kid had a point. No use risking to get seriously injured just to chase after a single wild Pokémon.

    « R-right... What do we do?»

    Grusha pointed his snowboard towards the steep decline. From another Poké Ball, he released a Frosmoth... probably the one he had mentioned before.

    « Me and my Pokémon will go after it. I will try to push it back here. When it does, it will take me some time to come back up the mountain again, so...» the kid's unusually sharp eyes narrowed at them.

    « Make sure you have a way to stop it from flying away again.»

    Again, it was strange to get scolded by a kid that was less than half his age, but he could do nothing but nod.

    « Alright.»

    He watched the young trainer disappear in the distance, feeling a mix of frustration and anger.

    This... he had the nagging feeling things wouldn't have gone like this if Sada had been the one here instead of him. She would have known what to do. She would have reacted faster; probably studied the environment to know the area and how to best pin that Altaria exactly where she wanted.

    He... why hadn't he done it? Why had he just thought things would go exactly like the last Tera Raid, with the Altaria nicely trapped in a cave? That had been dumb of him.

    He needed to be better than this. That wasn't like him.

    « ... Alright.» he repeated, whirling around to face Raifort and Jacq.

    « We have a Pokémon that for all intents and purposes is an ice type that can use mostly dragon and flying attacks-»

    « And Earthquake, if we're unlucky.» Jacq shrugged when Turo raised an eyebrow at him.

    « I've seen a lot of Altaria use Earthquake...»

    Turo grumbled unhappily.

    « And Earthquake... great... Let's hope it's smart enough to not use it on top of a mountain... What moves can your Arcanine use best?»

    « Flamethrower, Extreme Speed, Agility and Crunch are good enough most of the time... I was trying to teach him a fighting type move to deal with Rock types but we haven't managed it yet.»

    The problem with Jacq's Arcanine was that it didn't have the space to use its speed to the best of its ability.

    « Do you have any Pokémon that can fly, or float?»

    Jacq scratched his neck, grinning sheepishly, and Turo sighed.

    « What other Pokémon do you have with you right now?» he knew Jacq and Raifort both had a bunch more than him. He had seen Jacq's Girafarig, mostly because it had almost chewed on his Violet Book once, and... what was it's name... that Pokémon that was so slow it barely felt pain... Slowpoke? Something like that.

    « I've got Girafarig... that Brambleghast I trained for Clavell's project... Slowbro and Mudsbray.»

    He thought about it for a moment, then turned to Raifort.

    « What about you?»

    The woman crossed her arms to her chest, looking almost bored.

    « My Haunter knows Mean Look. It will stop the Altaria from running away, but only until he's able to look at it directly, so it's tricky to use. In a direct battle, it doesn't last long. »

    Turo furrowed his eyebrows. « Won't Safeguard just protect it from that too?»

    Raifort's grin kind of worried him.

    « Nah. Ghost Pokémon like to mess with how things are supposed to work. He can get through it.»

    A plan started to form in his mind. He took a big breath, and looked at the sky. No sign of the Altaria, or even Ampere, for now. He hoped the little Steel type would find its way back to him.

    «... I have half an idea on what to do.»

    Five minutes later, all three of them were waiting crouched low behind some rocks. Snow had started to fall again, harder this time. Jacq had retrieved his Arcanine back into his Poké Ball, and was now sniffling huddled close to him. Raifort and her Haunter were crouching behind another rock, the ghost type almost completely submerged into the rock. Only the tips of his clawed hands and his shining pupils were barely visible emerging from the stone. Jacq shivered and repressed a sneeze.

    « I should have dressed a bit heavier... are you not cold?» he asked, eyeing his clothes.

    « Nope.» he mumbled as an answer, eyes fixed to the sky.

    Finally, something moved. There, rapidly approaching and still almost completely camouflaged against the clouds, the Altaria was speeding through the air, a Frosmoth hot on his heels... he blinked after a moment. No, that was a Frosmoth with a Sneasel riding on its back. With a shrill cry, the dark type jumped off his ride and dropped towards the Altaria, both claws shining with a dark aura. The wild Pokémon let out a panicked cry and dropped lower to the ground. Grusha's Frosmoth flapped her wings and caught her squadmate in midair, and they whirled towards the Pokémon again, dodging the Dragonbreath that was launched at them in retaliation. They had evidently been doing this for a while. He looked all around in a panic. Where was Ampere?

    « Haunter, Mean Look!» Raifort's command snapped him back to the present. He had to focus. If Ampere wasn't here, he had to adapt.

    The Haunter's eye stopped the Altaria dead in its tracks, forcing it to land as it was prevented from straying too far from the Ghost type. The bird looked all around in a frenzy, trying to understand why it couldn't move, then futively tried to use Safeguard again. Turo smirked: as much as he hated to admit it, Raifort had been right.
    Now they had to protect that Haunter at all costs... or plan ahead.

    « Jacq, your turn.» he commanded. His classmate nodded and quickly threw a Poké Ball forward.

    « Slowbro, Disable that Safeguard!» he commanded.

    The Pokémon's eyes glowed, and the Altaria looked suddenly confused.

    « It relies on that move too much... I wonder if it's because it Terastallized into a type that it would normally find incredibly dangerous?» he mused. If it flew around this mountain even before Terastallizing, maybe it had learned to use Safeguard to avoid freezing and his instincts were still used to acting that way... not that it mattered at the moment.

    The Altaria turned around to face them and, seeing nothing but three humans and a Slowbro, screeched as it flew into a rage. Turo's blood ran cold when he realized that the ground was shaking. It really was using Earthquake...!

    « STOP IT AT ANY COST! BEARTIC, ACQUA JET!» Grusha's voice came from lower down, the kid climbing up the mountain slowly and carefully. The enormous Beartic with him melted snow into water as it tried to rush desperately upwards to barrel towards his target.

    Turo freezed, paralyzed by fear. If that thing really ended up causing an avalanche...

    « Miguel!» he cried out, summoning the little bird to his side. « TAUNT!»

    The dark type seemed to catch on the urgency in his voice, because he didn't even glare at him for releasing him in such a cold place.

    The Altaria stopped the Eartquake as it was forced to focus on the flying Type and realized that it was useless. It took a deep breath and flapped his wings gracefully, firing another Dragon Breath.

    « Let's focus on hitting those wings...» he commented, fully conscious that he had no way of helping doing so with no other Pokémon.

    « Got it.» Jacq switched his Pokémon out with his Arcanine, who could happily fire a Flamethrower that finally landed on its target. The snow covering one of the Altaria's wings melted partially, and the Pokémon screeched in rage again. Turo quietly wondered if it was a bit like feeling what were his feathers burn away.

    The wing that had been hit glittered under the sun; it shone a bright blue, covered in icy blue shards that gave the wing a jagged, serrated edge. Instead of feathers, the wing looked like it was covered by a myriad tiny snowflakes.

    Suddenly, Grusha's Beartic hit the Altaria from behind, punching through the other wing and pinning it to the ground. More snowflakes flew around as more crystals shattered away from the Pokémon's body.

    « We can't catch it until we completely break those off, or the wall will just bounce off.» Turo said, his voice rising in tone in urgency.

    Suddenly, a flurry of silver spheres shot through the air, barrelling into the Altaria and cracking the icy shards until it completely broke through.

    Turo's eyes widened when he saw a little shiny figure float weakly towards him from behind the Altaria.

    « Ampere!» he cried out, rushing forward to hug the little Electric type. The Magnemite looked exhausted, buzzing weakly as it collapsed in its arms, both his magnets and the screws on its body barely moving.

    Grusha staggered behind him, out of breath.

    « That little guy kept chasing after the Altaria... it's thanks to him it didn't escape, it would shock him every time it tried to fly too high, even if he had to strain its magnetic powers too hard.» he said, and he looked down at the little Steel type with an affectionate smile.

    « Really? You tried so hard... thank you.» he whispered, stroking the Magnemite's head.

    Grusha stepped forward and let an empty Pokeball fall on the exhausted Altaria's head.

    « So with your research you will be able to make it transform in an ice type at will?» the trainer asked, looking at the Poke Ball he had just used.

    « That's what we hope... It may take a couple years to do so. You'll probably have graduated the Academy by then... and won a couple more snowboarding championships.» he said, not without a small smile. It felt weird to think about looking at the kid in front of him now.
    In a couple years... he already would have a child that was almost two years old by then... the thought shocked him.

    Grusha pulled his scarf down to smile a little.

    « I can't wait to do so. That Altaria looked really beautiful... and deadly at the same time. I think... it liked the snow, but didn't know know what living in such a place meant. I will teach it what it means. I think it liked being an ice type... » the kid said, and he smiled a little.

    « I'm sure you will. Break a leg, kid.» he laughed, and Grusha's eyebrows furrowed.

    Fifteen years and a carrer-ending injury later, Turo would still sometimes think back to his choice of words and cringe about it.
    It was late night when Sada heard the door of the laboratory open again. She looked up from the pages and pages of notes she had been taking, to see Turo, Jacq and Raifort shuffle inside, looking miserable. She jumped up and greeted Turo first with a hug, then looked at the other two.

    « How did the Raid go?»

    « It was less of a raid and more of a chase all over Glaseado Peak.» Turo mumbled, and sneezed over her shoulder. She wrinkled her nose and let him go, looking at the other two. Jacq was collapsed at a desk, head resting on the hardcover of "Unown ruins across the world" she had been consulting.

    « What happened?» she asked.

    Raifort sat down at her usual spot dominated by maps and history books about the Paldean empire.
    « Turns out that a flying Pokémon doesn't really like getting himself cornered in a cramped, closed off cave, and instead will do anything to simply fly away... who would have thought!» she deadpanned, throwing a glance at Turo, who gritted his teeth and mumbled something.

    « That's why I was trying to paralyze it-»

    « Yeah, and you missed! If my Haunter didn't know Mean Look, we would still be running after that dumb thing-»

    Sada cut them off before they could start arguing about whose fault it was.
    She didn't care about that! She had so many things to show them!

    « Was it really Ice type? Did you get some Tera shards from it?»

    Turo nodded and took some crystals out of his bag. She wasted no time grabbing them and sorting them in a little pile of other ice tera shards scattered all over the floor with all the others. Turo seemed to notice them right at that moment, because she heard him move and clear his throat behind her.

    « Sada... Why are all our Tera shards dumped on the floor in a circle around Kim and Ötzi?» he asked, and she grinned wide, looking at all three... Well, mostly Turo and Raifort. Jacq looked like he had fallen asleep: she eyed him for a moment.

    She had borrowed that book from the school library, if he drooled on it they would still blame her for the damage...

    « I figured it out! » she said.

    « I figured out what makes Pokémon crystallize!»

    Turo's eyes widened, and he walked closer to look at her notes.

    « Really?» he whispered, almost like he didn't dare believe her.

    Sada nodded and grabbed the book from under Jacq's face, letting his head fall to the desk with a "thunk". The young man bolted awake, straightening his classes.

    « Wah... uh... I just wanted to rest my eyes for a moment... what's going on?» he asked.

    « Wait a moment before you start, I'm going to call Clavell here.» Turo said.

    A couple of minutes later, Clavell was also present. She suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, thinking back to when she had exposed her theory about primal reversion.

    « All right, so... I'm going to keep this short. »

    She pointed towards the piles of Tera shards near the two Pokémon.

    « Before now, we were never really sure if it was the crystals that decided what a Pokémon would terastalize into, or if it was something decided by the Pokémon themselves in some way... I think that the crystals release a neutral energy that allows Pokémon to terastalize, and then by staying near a terastalized Pokémon they absorb their "type charged" energy and become shards of a specific type. So the way to make Pokémon terastallize is by focusing this "neutral" energy on them... or maybe, instead of "neutral", it's actually the energy of all types combined, with each Pokémon only reacting to certain frequencies. Like light being made of different colors.» she started to explain, walking back and forth between her desk and Clavell's. She hazarded a look around; everyone was looking at her intently.

    « So it's not that the Pokémon making places rich with Tera crystals their den transforms them into a certain type... they are already of that type and when they Terastallize it affects the surrounding Tera crystals... » Clavell commented.

    Sada nodded, then opened up the book she had in hand to a certain page. It showed Pokémon that resembled letters of an ancient alphabet.

    « I was reading this book about Unowns and how they tend to appear in ancient ruins... I wanted to know why there seems to be no trace of them in Paldea and other regions... and I read about this move they all possess, "Hidden Power". Apparently any Pokémon can learn it, and two Pokémon of the same species can have it manifest with the power of different types... isn't it a bit like a limited version of Terastallizing? » she asked, eyes sparkling. It was so fascinating, how a Pokémon's move could say so much about their biology!

    Turo's eyes widened, and he started smiling.

    « What if they are the same thing... is there a way to know what type a Pokémon's Hidden Power will be? If we can measure the Hidden power of some of the Terastallized Pokémon we caught like Grusha's Altaria and it happens to be Ice type...» he turned to ask the others. Jacq hummed as he raked one hand through his disheveled hair.

    « It's quite difficult actually... some sensitive humans with psychic powers can apparently feel it... people have been trying to build some devices to measure it, like the Silph Scope that can identify Ghost types if they are hiding or camouflaging themselves... some types are more difficult to measure than others, apparently...»

    Sada had noticed that Turo had suddenly gone really quiet.

    «... I'm sure I can do it.» he mumbled to himself, before looking back up.

    « So all of this... how does it relate to actually getting Pokémon to terastalize?» he asked.

    Sada couldn't help a little triumphant smile. She couldn't wait to see their reaction at what she had discovered.

    « I had already noticed that some tera shards seemed to hold more energy than others. Bigger pieces held more energy of course, but if we want to create a portable device to Terastal Pokémon everywhere, we needed to compress it... and also to combine energy from all types in a suitable container. So I started working on this bigger crystal we found, by chipping it down... and I realized there's a specific shape that is... I guess... much more efficient in holding this energy. » she said, laying down the fragment of crystal she had been working on on the table. Everyone crowded near to have a look at it.

    « ... a hexagon? » Raifort asked, picking the hexagonal gem up and turning it around.

    « Why a hexagon exactly? » Clavell added, and Sada shrugged.

    « I'm still not quite sure about that, but... how many types are there?» she asked.

    « Seventeen...» Raifort, Jacq and Clavell answered at the same time.

    « Eighteen-» everyone turned to look confusedly at Turo, who flinched slightly. His eyes flicked around for a moment, uncomfortable.

    «... you know... seventeen plus the Fairy type...» he added after a moment in a low voice, sounding uncertain.

    Clavell narrowed his eyes at him, while Raifort and Jacq exchanged a glance, confused. Turo clenched his teeth, and Sada noticed him clamming up like he used to do when he was hiding something from her. For a moment, she also panicked. Was this something people weren't supposed to know?

    «... that one still hasn't been officially recognized.» Clavell said after a moment, and everyone turned towards him.

    « Professor Sycamore in Kalos is busy working out the last defining characteristics of officially declaring it a new type, and reclassifying some species that had been incorrectly misclassified until now, but yes, there probably are actually eighteen types. Did you read his research, by chance?» he asked Turo, who seemed to visibly relax.

    « Yeah... caught some news about it while we were in Kalos... » he mumbled.

    Sada mentally thanked Clavell: she wouldn't have known what to say to help right here.

    « So... eighteen types... 18 is divisible by 6, right?... look, I actually am not really quite sure why it does, but... the Scarlet Book inspired me. There's this hexagonal shape drawn in one page, so I tried to chisel down the Tera to copy that shape. After all, if Heath put that shape in the book, it must have something to do with Area Zero, and that's where this phenomena seems to come from-» she noticed Clavell's eyes widen in alarm a second too late. Sada shut her mouth, realizing her mistake.

    « And how do you know that?» Jacq asked, curious.

    They had never quite made it public that they had already been in Area Zero before, and that they knew for certain that the exact same crystals were growing even larger under there, to the point of covering whole patches of ground, trees and making even the air sparkle and glimmer.

    After a couple of seconds, it was Turo that spoke up.

    « I mean... it just seems reasonable to assume the source is somewhere under there... Heath mentions finding "glowing gemstones" and... stuff, in both the Scarlet and Violet book...»

    « Oh... I guess so..., yeah.»

    Sada took the hexagonal gem she had chiseled from Raifort's hand and one by one, held it near tera shards of each color still scattered on the ground. When it got in contact with each Tera shard, the gem would glow for a brief moment.

    She turned towards both her Pokémon.

    « I'll show you... I only managed to do it for a short moment because the shards don't hold that much Terastal energy. Ötzi, come here.»

    The clay golem tottered over to her, and she held the gem over his head. It glowed bright for a moment, and so did the Pokémon, filling the room with a bright flash of light. Everyone had to cover their eyes until the light subdued, and when it did... the Golett actually still looked kind of the same.

    « Um-» Clavell looked like he didn't quite know what to say.

    « ... I know it doesn't look like much, but... doesn't the air feel warmer? And if you look at the clay here, doesn't it look kinda... crystally....? I think he's a Fire type now-look, the energy burning in him is all... firey now-» Sada pointed to a spot near the Pokémon's waist. The others didn't really look convinced.

    « Isn't that how a Golett always looks...? »

    « Argh... Kim! Come here! It's much more visible on her, I swear...» she said, as the poor Ghost type huffed and stomped back in his corner, dejected.

    She held the gem near various other Tera shards again, then repeated the process for the Fire type.

    « Look carefully at her mane... there!»

    There was a long moment of silence.

    « That's... did her hair just sprout leaves?» Clavell asked in a whisper, before carefully crouching down to examine the Pokémon. The Litleo scratched at her mane, then shook her head.

    Sada grinned proudly as Turo shot up from his chair and tripped in his haste to cross the room.

    « I can't believe it... so she's a grass type now?»

    Right as he had said it, Kim shook her head, and the leaves that had grown attached to her short mane burst into flames. Sada hurriedly batted the remaining embers away, to avoid anything else catching fire.

    « Just for a moment, but... I think she was, yes. I want to finish building a sphere where we can set this gem... And then try charging it near one of the big Tera raid crystals. That should be enough to terastalize a Pokémon completely. » she took a big breath after saying all that, and a moment later, Turo had thrown both his arms around her neck. Sada yelped in surprise as he laughed and hugged her close, cautiously, to not press too much against her. He wasn't the type of such public show of affection usually, so he must have been incredibly excited.

    « You're... you're incredible! I... I love you so much -» he whispered in her ear in her language.

    « Well... we still have to prove it actually works by building a working prototype... and everyone here also helped... » she replied after a moment, shifting away from him.

    « And...» she kept her hands on his shoulders and switched back to Paldean, turning her head towards the others present.

    « There's... something else we want to announce to you all here.» she added, looking briefly towards Turo. His eyes widened for a moment, before he nodded, and she caught Clavell also looking suddenly tense all of a sudden.

    « Um... Sada... what do you have in min-» the teacher started to say.

    « Me and Turo are getting married.» she blurted out.

    The room seemed to explode.

    Raifort slumped dejectedly back on her chair.

    « There goes the girl of my dreams... » she mumbled, so low that Sada barely caught it, and was left wondering at what she meant.

    « Wait, you mean... you two were dating??» Jacq gasped, and Turo and Clavell groaned in unison as they turned towards him.

    « ... Really? You even helped me look for apartments for two here in Mesagoza!» Turo chuckled.

    « ... I thought you were just sick of the school dorms...»

    « Jacq, my dear, you are brilliant when it comes to Pokémon biology, but at least try to be a bit less absent-minded towards literally everything else?» Clavell shook his head, before turning towards them both.

    « Congratulations! I will help in planning the ceremony-»

    « No, actually... something small and private will be fine...» Turo tried to say, to no avail.

    « Nonsense! Two brilliant students of our Academy getting married! If it's in a year's time and you already graduated and published your work on Terastal Energy by then, this will be incredible news! An incredible start to both of your careers!» Clavell said, grabbing a bunch of papers and a pen as if he literally wanted to start making a guest list right now.

    Sada panicked for a moment. An entire year for getting married?!

    « We can't wait that long!» she said. By that time, the baby would already be born, they would have no time for a wedding!

    Everyone turned to her again in various degrees of confusion.

    « Why not?» Raifort asked, narrowing her eyes at her.

    Sada chewed on her lips for a moment. Turo had gone pale. He looked at her, and she nodded. He sighed, and took a deep breath, almost steeling himself for the chaos that would soon erupt in the room.

    « B-because... we are also expecting a child.» he had gone completely red in the face as he said it, but a radiant grin slowly opened up on his face, and she found herself grinning as well.

    In a way, it was like saying it out loud to someone else had made it real.
    A child. Their new life to treasure.

    « I'm pregnant. That's why we thought it best I stay here today.» Sada added.

    Clavell's pen simply clattered to the floor.
    Chapter 33: Our Treasure, part III
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 33: Our Treasure, part III
    During their first weekend after the last Tera raid, both she and Turo had decided to come back to the Cabo Poco lighthouse to have a better look at the house and see if it could also work as a laboratory for both of them. It was divided mostly into two areas. The first part was directly under the lighthouse itself and was little more than a single room. Rusted tools and books about sailing implied it had been little more than a deposit for whatever was needed to operate the lighthouse.
    This could easily become their shared laboratory in the future. The second part was the house proper, built right behind it.

    « We will need water and electricity to get activated again... and gas to cook, I guess.» Turo said after going inside. It was a very spacious room; the previous owner had left only an old sink and a couple of cabinets, but it was probably supposed to act as a living room with an open kitchen.

    Sada opened one cabinet to peer inside, finding nothing but old, rusted pots. Right. Cooking. She had gotten so used to having lunch at the Academy or directly outside while camping around Paldea that she hadn't considered having to cook her own meals once she graduated.
    Just one more thing she had to learn...
    The rest of the rooms were pretty much the standard for this time.
    One bathroom. One bedroom. A bit small, but she was used to sleeping in cramped spaces... and she and Turo had already shared even smaller beds, be it in their respective dormitory rooms or the bunk beds in Area Zero.

    And... there was another room. Probably a small office, judging by diaries that logged how many and which kind of ships had passed by. Mostly unused. Clavell had also decided to accompain them, and was busy examining the windows and walls for traces of mold. The older man had looked incredibly excited at the news of both the marriage and her pregnancy, and seemed to have taken it upon himself to, especially for the latter, make sure they had literally everything they could possibly need.

    Sada didn't have the heart to tell him that she found at least half of the things he had compiled into a big list completely useless. Like ... a "baby bath thermometer" , because apparently using your hand to check wasn't good enough.
    Some where much more sensible, like a baby crib, or a stroller, and even if a part of her kept thinking that she had survived just fine with none of those things, another wanted her future child to not have to experience doing so.

    Sada had to admit, however, that one thing in particular puzzled her.

    « "Clothes"? Why do I have to buy clothes for the baby?» she asked, thumbing through a magazine she had bought the day before.

    Clavell's eyes widened, and she hurried to explain, least he think that her intention was to let the baby just be naked.

    « I was just going to sew some... I could easily scale them as the child grows, it's so easy...»

    Clavell seemed to struggle to answer for a moment, while Turo closed the logbook he had been reading to come look at the magazine over her shoulder.

    « "Size XS"...? You mean... those things just don't adapt to the kid's body...?» he wondered, and Sada nodded.

    Clavell looked a bit lost.

    « I don't think so...? But Turo... don't tell me people in the future just wear another weird stretchy suit their whole childhood-» Clavell said in a slightly exasperated tone, to which Turo shrugged.

    « Sure...? I had different models growing up of course, but for the first few years, why would you even bother having sizes? Kids grow stupid fast at that age, and I could just personalize it anyway-»

    « Yeah! It makes no sense! » Sada argued, « "Age 0-3 months"? The baby will probably wear most of this stuff once!» and it was so expensive! Wasn't it better to use that money for more essential stuff that would last the baby longer?

    « Yes, but... how do I put it... I'm sure you don't mean it in a bad way, but... » Clavell looked like he was clearly struggling.
    « It's going to look a bit... "weird" to people here if the baby has nothing but homemade clothes, even if it's probably the most logical and sensible thing.» Clavell said, in a tone that suggested he was trying to be as delicate as possible.

    Sada's shoulders slumped.
    ... she thought it was a good idea. It made sense to her. It was practical, and how she had grown up after all. She had watched most of the children in her tribe get born, and the months before the birth it wasn't uncommon to see other people of the tribe work together to make sure the child had blankets and clothes ready, especially during winter.

    It... It was something she had often wondered how it would feel like when and if it would be her turn to do.
    It was something special. Important.
    But... here it would make her child look bad?
    She didn't want that.

    « I see... guess we'll... Have to buy a bit of everything then...»

    A heavy silence hung in the room, interrupted only by a small flock of Squawkabilly flying by outside the window, chattering loudly.
    Turo put one hand on her shoulder and she gave him a little smile.

    « On the other hand, consider this.» Clavell cleared his throat and, after a moment, turned the magazine in her hands to a specific page.

    « Those outfits are incredibly cute

    Sada blinked, looking down at the glossy photograph. So what if they were cute? Clothes were supposed to keep you protected and warm, that's it! Cuteness came after not being cold and exposed to the elements, and... and... uh...

    « Is .. is that a little Fidough onesie? With little ears?» she whispered after a long moment.

    « ... With a little adorable coordinated Dachsbun jacket.» Clavell nodded as he turned to another page.

    « So it looks like Fidough evolved.... » Turo also whispered. His face was impassible as always, but his eyes were shining. Sada was pretty sure that he was restraining himself from squeeing from the adorableness.

    « ... All right, so they aren't that bad. I still want to make some socks or hats for him or her.» she mumbled, snapping the magazine shut and regarding it with some suspicion.

    That thing was dangerous. The less adorably cute little jackets and pajamas and itty bitty shoes she saw, the better.

    « Let's make a list of everything we need.» she added, looking around.

    « ... And clean up this place, first.»
    "It is undeniable that humans play an active part in Pokémon evolution: certain species that rarely evolve in the wild or who's condition to evolve are heavily tied to their environment are getting more and more alternative methods of evolution by artificial substitutes made available by human technology.
    Let's use the Pokémon Magmar as an example: in the wild, only the toughest members of the species, who are able to claim the hottest and most dangerous parts of active volcanoes as their territory are able to evolve into Magmortar."

    Turo's hands had been flying over the keyboard, but now he stopped suddenly, furrowing both eyebrows.

    « Um... Jacq?» he raised his voice towards the other researcher, who was practically hunched over his own laptop. The man's hexagonal glasses peered over the screen.

    « Yeah?»

    « How many times does Magby evolve?» he asked, just to make sure.

    Before Pokémon adapted to Hadron Energy, it seemed like new evolution methods kept being discovered left and right during this era. It was difficult for him to keep track of them all and make sure to not blurt out stuff that hadn't been discovered yet.

    « Two, as far as we know... Naturally growing up and through extreme heat... Or a Magmarizer.»

    All right, good. So they had been invented already. He mumbled a "thanks" and resumed writing.

    "This means that usually, an extremely low number of these Pokémon is expected to live in a specific environment, and of course, any trainer that wanted to let their Magmar evolve would have to go through great trouble to do so. The invention of the Magmarizer, a device that briefly simulates the environmental conditions necessary anywhere and at any time, now trivialized access to them. Magmar belonging to trainers can evolve when they want, as long as their trainer can afford one of these devices. Evolution has changed from something that the Pokémon achieved by themselves to something that can be bestowed to them by technology. In this paper, I want to examine many more examples of human influence on the development of Pokémon, and what the implications of this could be, even centuries in the future-"

    After getting over the annoyance of not being able to summon a monitor and keyboard whenever he wanted with a snap of his fingers, he had to admit that he was growing fond of these mechanical keyboards. There was something viscerally satisfying on hearing the constant clack - clack- clack of the keys. It felt good.
    He kept writing, until he noticed that Jacq had stopped writing and was peering at him over his own monitor again.

    « .... what?» he asked in a flat tone. Jacq flinched slightly, then laughed in a strangely embarrassed tone.

    « Nothing, I... was just thinking about you getting married... and...» he started.

    Turo's writing barely slowed down.

    « You're invited, of course.» he mumbled, figuring that was what he was getting at.

    « Really?!» Jacq smiled, sounding genuinely happy, and Turo found himself a bit embarrassed.

    « ... It's not like there's going to be that many people anyway. You... Clavell... Raifort... some other classmates, I guess... » he added. It took him a couple of seconds to notice that Jacq was still staring at him.

    « ... what?» he asked again, and Jacq sighed, squirming in his chair.

    « Nothing. I... was wondering why you never brought up your family. Is it really going to be only us from the Academy?» he asked.

    Turo flinched, his fingers freezing up on the keyboard. He was expecting that question sooner or later, but he was hoping to avoid it just a bit longer.

    « ... Yeah. Me and Sada want something small and private.» he answered, hoping that it was enough to tell Jacq not to insist. Unfortunately, Jacq seemed to not have gotten the hint.

    « So... you two are not on great terms with your families...? » he asked quietly.

    Turo swallowed, now looking away from the monitor. He grit his teeth, a heavy lump in his throat.

    « ... Yeah, exactly.»

    He tried not to think about his relatives too much, because it hurt. He had never quite thought about getting married in his time, but now that he was actually planning a wedding (or, to be more exact, getting pestered by Clavell about how the planning was going) he couldn't help but think about how things would have gone.

    To follow tradition, he would have gotten married on the Moon, probably.
    He would have acted all grumbly, but would have secretly enjoyed the ceremony, half floating in the low gravity.
    Relatives would have come from all over, even Mars, and he would have watched the Sun rise over the Earth from the Moon's surface like it was customary, symbolically watching the first dawn together with his wife- and there the fantasy screeched to a halt, because he couldn't picture anyone that wasn't Sada in her place now.

    « Just us. » he repeated. He still felt Jacq's eyes on him, and could almost sense the mix of curiosity and pity that radiated off the younger man. Turo smiled , darkly amused at the situation. He could imagine what the other was thinking: did they both really not have anyone else? Not a single relative? A friend? No one?

    If only he knew.

    « I'm going to take a break in the cafeteria.» he announced, standing up as he put his computer in sleep mode.
    Jacq simply nodded and went back to work, but he still felt his eyes on him even as he left the room, closing the door of the laboratory after him.

    It was early afternoon, and the cafeteria was full of both students and teachers. He grabbed a sandwich for himself and another for Miguel, letting both of his Pokémon out of their Poke' Balls. The Dark type looked half-asleep, probably caught midnap, while the Magnemite started bopping up and down around his chair as he started eating.

    « Sorry for not letting you out earlier, but I've heard that Magnemite and machinery don't get along.» he said to the steel type as he offered his Pokénav battery to drain.

    « I can't have you accidentally turning off my computer or corrupting some data in it.» he added, watching the Pokémon lazily close its single eye as it started "eating".
    He looked at both of his Pokémon as he bit into the sandwich with little enthusiasm. He was waiting to get clearance for that Porygon, but even with that, he felt like he still needed something else on his team. Both Miguel and Ampere were starting to struggle against Gym Leaders. He had barely been able to beat Larry, not because his Pokémon weren't good enough, but for simple numerical disadvantage.

    Sada also had only two Pokémon - soon three-, but he was aware that the members of his team shared a problem that Sada's team didn't have: they both needed stones or something particular to evolve... if they even wanted to.

    For Ampere, the Magnemite needed to hang out with other Magnemites until it found two others that resonated with it enough to join together... Which was cool, but didn't that mean that he needed to catch more Magnemite? They were found around Levincia in Paldea, if he remembered right... as for Miguel...

    « Where do you even find a Dusk stone...?» he wondered, watching the Murkrow peck at his sandwich.

    « Well... I could help with that.»

    Turo frowned as he heard Raifort's voice come from behind him. He turned around, only to see the woman sitting at the table behind him.

    « How come?» he asked. Raifort smiled, got up, and without even asking for permission, plopped herself down in the seat in front of him.

    « I've found a couple while exploring ruins around Paldea. My Pokémon don't need them, so... I could give you one.» she suggested, in a tone that implied that she obviously wasn't doing it out of the goodness of her heart.

    He sighed; he wasn't really in the mood for dealing with Raifort right now.

    « What do you want in return?» he asked, lounging back against the chair's backrest and crossing both arms to his chest. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw that Murkrow had stopped eating to eye Raifort's many accessories with a dangerous glint in his red eyes. It wouldn't be the first time he had attacked a fellow student or passerby to try and steal a hairclip or ring.
    For a moment, he was almost tempted to just let him do it.

    « ... Miguel, no» he muttered, and the crow Pokémon clicked his beak and went back to his food.

    « I want you to promise me one thing.» Raifort said after a moment, voice low as she leaned forward on the table. Turo simply raised one eyebrow, waiting for her to continue talking.

    She did so after a moment, her lips pursed in a scowl.

    « ... I can't stand you, you know. » she hissed.

    « What a surprise.» Turo replied in a monotone. Raifort's scowl only intensified.

    « You embody all I despise more than anything: those idiots that don't give a shit about history and only care for progress, progress, "progress"! You spent half of our history course sleeping in class!» she sounded exasperated, and he huffed in amusement. He had only done so because he had already studied those things -

    « So what if I did? I still got into the top five of our class... I think I even beat you in the part of the course about the Paleolithic -» he couldn't restrain himself from pointing out with a satisfied smirk when her eyes flashed in anger.

    Oh yeah, she was pissed. The fact that he of all people seemed to know history (even if only a small part of it, and for reasons she could never even imagine) better than her had to sting quite a bit.

    « I just don't understand what Sada sees in you.» she continued.

    « You have completely opposite interests, you have nothing in common, and yet... and yet she looks at you like you're the center of her whole world and nothing or no one else exist. You're her anchor, and... and I just don't understand why.» she said, lowering her eyes, frustrated.

    Turo kept silent for a long moment, eyes low.

    « ... You don't know anything about us. We've got more in common than you could ever imagine.» he said in a monotone, uncrossing his arms and leaning forward on the table towards the woman.

    Raifort didn't answer at that, but he noticed that she had balled up her fists on the table.

    « ... right. Of course. Like that weird "Kalosian dialect" you two speak? Whatever you say. » she whispered, before shaking her head. She looked back up, and he actually leaned back a little at the glare she directed at him.

    « Just promise me that you will make her happy. For whatever reason, she loves you. If you do anything to make her unhappy, or if this marriage doesn't work out...»

    Right now Turo realized that Raifort probably didn't care about giving him or not the Dusk Stone. It was just an excuse so they could pretend that they were each getting something out of the deal.

    For a moment , he felt kind of offended that she was even just suggesting he would do it for something as trivial as an evolutionary stone, even if only as a paper thin excuse.

    « It will. You don't have to worry about that. I love her... we only have each other in more ways that you can imagine. That won't ever change.» he said.

    Raifort seemed to look at him in search of a sign that he was lying.

    « I see. » she said after a long moment of silence, before nodding.

    « Then... let's say we have a deal.»

    Raifort offered him her hand, and he shook it. Judging from how she gripped his hand, she was trying to pulverize every bone in it.

    « So... does that mean we're going to stop the silly rivalry from now on?» he asked, watching the woman get up and grab her bags. She turned to glare at him, but now he could see her lips turn ever so slightly upwards in a smirk.

    « Of course not. I still despise you. » she said, walking away.

    He grinned. « Good. Let's see who will get their research published first, then.»


    After a couple weeks they had cleared away most of the dust and old, unusable furniture from the lighthouse. Now, before they could refurnish the house, they needed to first give a fresh coat of paint to every room. Sada found it quite fun to do, even if it was just white paint. But for certain rooms of the house, they wanted to do something different.

    « I want the baby's bedroom to be orange!» she huffed, crossing her arms as she and Turo had both brought a can of paint of a different colour.

    « What? But that will look horrible! We can make the kitchen orange. Violet is much better for a bedroom!» Turo answered.

    « But I like orange... maybe not bright orange... but we could use a warm, earthly orange. I find it reassuring...» she said, looking around the empty room and trying to picture it. Turo did the same, and he smiled a little.

    « ... I see. It reminds you of the interior of the tents back home, right? All those orange and light brown pelts.» he said, and she nodded, happy that he had understood her immediately.

    « You've fallen asleep in those tents more than one time. It was cozy, wasn't it?» she asked, and he nodded after a moment, with just a little reluctance.

    « It was. I was honestly surprised at how safe I felt there. A Pokémon could have attacked any time, in theory, and yet... it never crossed my mind, back then.» he whispered.

    Walking to the center of the room, Sada sat down, cross-legged, looking up at the empty walls and trying to picture what the room would look like soon.

    « ... In just a couple of months, we will live here. Together. It... It still doesn't feel real, does it? » she said after a moment of silence. Turo copied her, sitting down in the same position at her side with a little grumble and quite less grace.

    « I hate the clothes of this era so much, why do they have to be so rigid-» he said, making her smile. She grabbed his left hand with her right and held them between them, resting on his knee.

    « I don't mind them... but I wish a lot of them had more pockets. Why do pockets just straight up go extinct in the future? Your suit also doesn't have any. » Sada replied, prompting Turo to bark out a short laugh.

    « Right... no idea. Maybe it's all a big conspiracy to sell more trainer bags and backpacks. » he joked.

    He took a sharp breath.

    « But yeah... it still doesn't feel real sometimes. »

    There was a moment where they both simply stood in silence, just enjoying the other's presence. It reminded her of all the times when it had been just the two of them, sitting in a cave or a clearing as somewhere, teaching each other different words... with all that had happened and always being surrounded by so many people in the Academy, they usually didn't have that much time just for the two of them.

    « Why do you want to paint the room violet?» she asked after a moment.

    « Darker colours are better for a place where you have to sleep, they're more calming.» he said. She tilted her head, looking at him; he was staring at the ceiling with a pensive look.

    « Um... but, at night, wouldn't the whole room be dark anyway?» she pointed out. « There's another reason, isn't it?»

    Turo smiled at that, humming a bit.

    « Umm... yes, actually. That's what my room used to look like as a kid. Very dark purple,and... we had this ceiling with screens that showed the stars, and constellations... I wanted to make something similar.» he whispered after a bit. She smiled, drawing little circles on his hand with her thumb.

    She looked at the still grey wall, pondering. They wanted two diametrically opposite colors for different reasons, but...

    « ... I think I have an idea of what to do.» she added, whispering it in his ear.
    A couple of hours later, they were done with painting the room, and Turo stepped back to admire their work, completely exhausted but satisfied.

    At the very bottom of the wall until roughly halfway up, it was painted in a mixture of orange and reds, warm colours that resembled the sky at sunset, blending seamlessly with the floor covered in wooden boards. Near the ceiling, the orange paint slowly got darker and darker until it transitioned to various shades of violet, until it got so dark it was almost indistinguishable from black.

    Turo couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic as he looked at the ceiling. He would paint a star chart on the ceiling little by little, in the next few months. For now, he was completely exhausted, but there was one last thing he wanted to do.

    He walked to the bucket of violet paint still left, and after throwing a meaningful look to Sada, dunked his whole left hand in it.

    Her eyes widened, first in confusion, then in recognition. She wordlessly stepped by his side and did the same thing with her own bucket of paint.

    Together, they pressed their hands against the wall, side by side, leaving two handprints in bright, shining paint.
    Their own little personal family tree, just like she had back home.

    « ... We should have used berry juice to be more authentic.» Sada whispered after a moment of silence. He heard her sniffle, and noticed that her eyes had gotten a bit damp, but she was smiling.

    They sat back down again, this time letting out all of their Pokémon as they caught their breath.

    He watched Ampere float upwards to examine the lightbulb mounted on the ceiling, while Miguel perched on his shoulder, looking around. The Murkrow looked confused by his surroundings, and cawed a silent question as he pecked at his earlobe.

    « This is our new home.» he explained, stroking his glossy black feathers with one fingertip. Miguel didn't look impressed, glaring at him with half closed eyes, and he chuckled.

    « Well, it will be. We'll all live here together... Me,Sada, you all...» he paused for a moment « ... and our new treasure.» he finished with a whisper.
    Miguel jumped down from his shoulder with a flutter of wings, both eyes now wide and glinting in mischief.

    « Treasure! Treasure!» he cawed, flapping his wings, and Turo had to laugh when he realised the kind of treasure the Dark type was probably thinking about.

    « It's... not that.» he said with a small smile.
    By Sada's side, he saw that Kim's ears had perked up, and she hissed towards Miguel. The dark type threw her an irritated look, at least until the Litleo, purring, slowly curled up against Sada's side again, right next to her stomach, and meowled. The Murkrow shut up, tilted his head sideways, then flapped over to Sada's side to stare at her intently.

    « Treasure? Nest?» he cawed, looking at both the woman and the Litleo.

    Sada seemed speechless.
    « Kim... wait. Turo... you think she understands I'm...?» Sada whispered, her eyes widening as she turned slightly towards him. Kim's purring only intensified as she gently brushed Sada's side with her tail.

    « Why wouldn't she? They have amazing senses; I wouldn't be surprised if she knew it before you did.» he answered, watching the two Pokémon crowd around her.

    Ötzi stopped examining the only window in the room and turned towards the scene, waddling over after a moment. Even Ampere floated closer, even if those two seemed to be the most confused of all four Pokémon.

    Turo guessed it made sense: Litleo and Murkrow lived in prides and huge flocks respectively. They would be familiar with raising their young and to place a great deal of importance on it. The other two... He honestly had no idea if the concept was even familiar to Pokémon like Ampere.

    They both watched curiously as the Pokémon seemed to exchange a series of chirps, hisses or, in the Magnemite's case, slight buzzes of electricity with each other. Turo had often wondered how much Pokémon from completely different species could even understand between each other. He had always thought that Pokémon with completely different body language or methods of communicating would find it impossible... but he now realized that it probably wasn't that much different than a human learning to interpret each of his Pokémon's signals. Spending a lot of time together as part of a trainer's team probably helped.

    It looked like Miguel and Kim were trying to explain something to the other two, who didn't seem to get it. The Golett just tilted his head, then got closer to Sada with uncertain steps. Sada smiled and stroked the Pokémon's arm.

    « Soon, there will be someone else living with us, Ötzi.» she explained.

    The Golett seemed to understand that a little bit more.

    « A completely new person! You will help me watch over them, will you?»

    That seemed to excite the Golett, because it raised both of his arms into the air and whistled a short tone, the energy coursing through his body making his eyes glow brighter.

    Sada laughed and pet the Pokémon on the arm; meanwhile, Ampere still looked between her and Turo like he wasn't sure of what he was supposed to be excited about.

    « Treasure! Family! Treasure!»

    Spreading his wings, the Murkrow fluttered over towards the buckets of paint still half opened. Surprising everyone, he knocked the lid over with his beak and dunked one of his feet into the paint.

    « W-what are you doing?!» Turo jumped up, fumbling to grab Miguel's Pokeball, but before he could stop him, the Murkrow had already flown near his hand print and, dripping violet paint, had pressed his talons against the wall, leaving an imprint of his footmark on it.

    « Mreow!» Kim ran near him to do the same, dunking one paw in Sada's red paint and pressing it underneath Sada's own handprint. Ötzi and Ampere followed soon after, the Golett leaving a big handprint near the Litleo's while the Magnemite hesitantly tipped one of its magnets inside the paint and then at the wall.

    Turo sat back down, stunned, while both their Pokémon crowded back around them. A quick glance towards Sada showed him that her eyes were glinting with tears; his own felt quite damp as well and he looked hastily away to hide it.

    He hadn't really thought about what his Pokémon would think of the baby, but...

    « You'll all make a wonderful family...» Sada whispered, her voice cracking after a moment. Kim approached her and she hugged the Litleo, hiding her face in the warm fur. A moment later, she gasped.

    « I think... I think the baby just kicked.» she whispered, eyes widening.

    Turo looked at her.

    « Was this the first time you felt it?» his voice was barely a whisper, almost like he was afraid of disturbing the little presence between them.

    « Yes...» she smiled, looking down.

    « Hi... everyone is here to welcome you, see?» she whispered.

    Not everyone -

    For once, he stopped the thought halfway, before thinking of Mirai and everyone else he knew could ruin this moment. Turo slowly put his hand on Sada's belly, hoping to hear the same movement again.

    They stood side by side like that, their precious treasure surrounded by their new family, long after the sun had set, just enjoying that moment.

    I've been googling so much stuff about pregnancies and wedding preparations, I expect to get targeted ads about it soon enough lol
    Bonus chapter 2: Various drabbles
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Most of these are short drabbles I wrote for Flufftober last year(which I didn't finish because of life getting in the way... I may pick it back up, who knows), so they follow a prompt. All of them are set around the first major story arc of the fic, or at most when the two of them have barely landed in present Paldea.

    1) First kiss
    Their first kiss had been spontaneous, instinctive, urged by many little stolen glances, hands touching as they had learned words from each other, fingers brushing over drawings and letters written on paper.
    Most importantly, Sada had been the one to initiate it.
    After that, there had been many more first kisses.

    Like the first kiss Turo had stolen from her by surprise.
    He had disappeared like he always did now, with a press of a button on his bracelet and a blinding flash of white light. Sada had looked at the spot where he had been just a moment before, smiling. He would come back three days from now, he had said. She turned around, towards Winged King that was waiting to fly her back to the village, and shrieked when she felt two arms latch around her waist from behind. She struggled for a moment, before she felt Turo's beard tickle her cheek, his lips pressing softly against her neck.

    « I missed you. Just wanted to let you know. » He said, and Sada realized that probably days had passed for him again. After that first time, she never asked how many days it had been.

    After that there had been the first kiss they had openly shared at her village, in the communal tent, as he had finally won one of the children's games they challenged him with, and Sada had laughed and pecked him on the cheek.

    The first kiss they had shared on the moon, almost floating lazily in midair as they overlooked Earth.

    The first kiss they had shared after waking up in the Great Crater of Paldea, both stranded in an unfamiliar place and an unfamiliar time, huddling closer as they each sought comfort in the presence of the other.

    And now, as Sada watched him out of the corner of her eye as he grumbled yet again about something not working like it did in his time (she could barely understand him when he did, but simply listened anyway), she quietly slipped in another kiss. Turo stopped mid-rant, blinked, and raised one eyebrow as he turned towards her.

    « ... What was that one for?»

    « The first kiss of the rest of our lives together»

    2) New hobby
    « Can I see?»

    Sada had asked one time as they had taken refuge in one of the tents in her village. It had been snowing heavily, but the interior of the tent was surprisingly comfy, with a big fire roaring in the middle of the structure, kept alive by pinecones and little pieces of wood.
    Turo looked up from the notebook and smiled, twirling the pen in his hand as he showed her the page he had been sketching. A moment later, he saw her eyes go slightly wide.

    « Is... Is this...me?» Sada asked in a whisper, and Turo realized, with a little jolt of surprise, that she sounded more perplexed than surprised, or pleased.

    Of course... Except still water, where else would she even get to see her own reflection?

    « Yes » He nodded as he watched her take in the portrait he had been sketching, raising one hand to carefully trace the lines of the drawing.

    « Where did you learn to draw like that? It's... It's so good. » She added after a moment, grabbing her own pen and notebook, eager to try.

    « I just had more time. »

    And resources, both in terms of tutorials and available materials.

    « You have to look carefully at what you want to draw.» He tried to explain.

    And there was another problem. He had thousands of reference pictures for every possible subject he could want to draw, in every possible angle, available at one swipe of his finger. Sada didn't have that luxury; she had to do everything by memory if she wanted to draw something, especially Pokémon.
    Honestly, the sketches he had found in her notebook the second time he had met her were astonishing for having been done with probably no reference. She seemed to realize this because she bit her lip, thinking carefully, then flipped his notebook back a couple of pages... And her cheeks suddenly flushed, her lips stretching in a little bashful smile, so different from the enthusiastic grin he was so used to seeing.

    « These... These are all me.» She muttered, throwing him a half amused, half pleased look as she pushed the notebook back in his lap.

    « ... I've looked at you really carefully.»

    Sada laughed, still looking somewhat embarrassed, before hiding her face behind her notebook.

    3) Sick
    Sada didn't like it when people got sick.
    Obviously, of course. Who would? But in her case, it brought back unpleasant memories of watching her father burn up as his body got hotter and hotter, murmuring deliriously under his breath, eyes unfocused.
    He barely recognized her anymore... Until the very end, when he had cried out from the tent where they had brought him in to spend his last night in relative comfort and she had rushed inside, still so small, to his side.

    « Sada... You'll become such a wonderful woman... I'm glad...»

    He had died not shortly after.
    So when Turo had suddenly started to feel hot under her touch during one of his visits, she couldn't simply accept his reassurance that he was "fine, it's a simple fever" and he would just "take some medicine" when he got back to his own time.

    « B-but what if it doesn't work?» she had asked.
    She had seen Winged King's injury disappear almost like magic, but... But this was different! This was... The Blood-Fire. Inside the body. You couldn't see it. What if it was actually a spirit creature using some of their invisible powers to curse him?

    So she had dragged him to Narjik. The shaman had listened carefully to her worries, then examined Turo as he had grabbed some herbs from his pile.
    Turo had looked particularly uncomfortable as the man had suddenly grabbed his head to move it up and down while examining him his eyes, before finally giving him some leaves to chew on.

    « His mind is still here, so he won't die. I've seen creatures eat these after a fight, and tried them myself. They fill your body with energy to fight the Blood - Fire.» the older man had sagely said.

    He didn't look worried, and that had alleviated Sada's worres a bit.
    At least until Turo had complained that the leaves "tasted like crap" while he reluctantly chewed them.

    « ... Why do you know what crap tastes like?» she asked, now worried for a completely different reason. Turo chuckled.

    « No, it's... It's just something people say when something tastes really bad...» he answered.

    « Oh... But that means that someone knows what it tastes like?» Sada wondered out loud, and Turo burst out laughing, scattering pieces of medical herbs everywhere.

    4)Rainy day

    They had both taken a moment to recognize the sound that had slowly started echoing through all of Area Zero , Sada's eyes widening when she recognized what it was.
    « Rain!!»
    It didn't seem to rain often in Area Zero, so they had to make the most of it wherever it happened.
    « Let's drag these outside, quick! »
    By now they were used to keeping all sorts of containers ready near the door, so that it would be quicker to bring them outside and fill them up.
    After they were done, Sada sat down near the entrance, laughing as she moved a couple of strands of wet hair away from her face; Turo copied her, watching the rain slowly fill all the little beakers and bottles, panting slightly after the effort.

    « I was thinking... » Sada said after a moment, looking at how the water seemed to slide right away from Turo's bodysuit - something she had to admit she was a bit envious of, it sure looked convenient-

    « ... you said you were born on the Moon... is there rain there? I mean... outside the place we were in.»

    Turo turned towards her for a moment, caught by surprise, before laughing softly.

    « Oh... no, there is no rain on the Moon. Or... rivers... and water.»

    « What?» Her eyes widened.

    « The Moon is... really just a big rock. I never saw rain until I went to Earth. Or... plants. Or clouds!» He laughed again, sounding amazed.

    « Imagine never having seen clouds!»

    She couldn't. It was incredible, how different their lives had been. To never see clouds, or the sky, or a river...? It was like he had lived in a cave for all that time. She smiled a little when she realized that it wasn't that far off from her first ideas about him, when she still thought he was a shaman from another time. She leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she listened to his voice, feeling the little vibrations from it reverberating through her.

    « When I went to Earth, I had to learn how to walk again under a different gravity. It was difficult... everything felt so... heavy, and wrong. I never really liked going back to the Moon after that.»

    Sada slowly opened her eyes again, looking up at him. So he had brought her to the Moon even if he didn't like it...?

    She smiled, warmth filling her chest, before something he said made her straighten up.

    « Is... is that why you trip so much?»

    Turo's eyes widened, and with some amusement Sada noticed that his cheeks had gotten a bit red. He huffed and pointedly looked away, avoiding her eyes.

    « Y-yes... it's one of the reasons... it's difficult to explain...»

    She tried to picture this little kid, used to moving by almost floating through the air, having to learn how to actually walk on solid ground, and not doing so well judging by how he moved around as an adult.

    She tried to contain a little giggle, failing miserably.

    « ... sorry, but.... it's funny... »

    « I'm going to work on the radio.» Turo muttered, face still red even as he was half smiling himself, getting up to walk back inside.

    And tripping about three times in his haste to do so.

    This one was fun. So yeah, I actually had a background reason for why Turo trips so much in mind since even before revealing he was born on the Moon.

    The idea was inspired by all matters of health problems that astronauts experience in zero and reduced gravity; muscle atrophy, bone deterioration, and even balance problems. (and a lot more, it's a fascinating read.)

    I imagined that a kid growing up there for a couple of years in such a delicate moment of their life as they are still developing could have some issues adapting.

    Does it make perfect sense? No idea, but I found it interesting and wanted to include it.

    5)Dancing together
    Mesagoza always looked like the whole city was busy celebrating something or the other. It was colorful, with its mosaic patterned roads, the pastel colored buildings, the little carts always filled with balloons, and ice cream, and alfajores and so many other things Sada hadn't learned the name of yet, or even tried.

    Maybe it was something in the air; it seemed to energize people. There was always someone with a guitar or a little keyboard sitting in a plaza or in one street corner, playing for no other reason than their own and other people's enjoyment, as brief as it was while they were just passing by.

    Sada found it both incredibly overwhelming and incredibly nostalgic.

    It reminded her a bit of times at her village, when people would make drums with stretched hides and start pounding on them, Narjik would start playing his wooden flute, and she would just start dancing along with everyone, losing herself in the rhythm.

    Turo had even been with her one time, during one of their ritual celebrations. She had tried to drag him along to dance around the fire with her and everyone else, and he had blushed furiously, murmuring about looking bad and tripping if he tried to follow her.

    There were a couple of people dancing near one of the musicians now, spinning around each other in twisting, elaborate motions that were mesmerizing to look at. She loved it, but it also looked... Complicated.

    It probably required a lot of practice, both to know the steps and to be able to match your partner so well like the couple was doing. They looked pretty young, and two Oinkologne, probably belonging to the both of them, were trotting around their trainers with little, precise steps, getting both laughs and cheers from the audience.

    Sada wanted to kind of try herself, but... She also didn't want to intrude. This time was still so confusing to her in so many ways.

    Things everyone was supposed to know, or things you weren't supposed to do... Maybe there was some unspoken rule about this kind of dance? For all she knew, maybe only certain people were supposed to do it.

    Right at that moment, she felt Turo, who had been watching quietly by her side, grab her hand.

    « Do you want to dance?» he asked.
    Her eyes widened slightly as she squeezed back.

    « Can you dance like that?»
    There was a little uncomfortable smile on his face.

    « I... Just a little bit. I would probably trip and fall if I tried to do that-» he pointed towards the couple with a nod of his head.

    « But we can try.» He added.

    He led her a bit away from the gathered crowd, and put his left hand on her waist while she copied the couple's movement and put her hand on his shoulder.

    They started to slowly spin in place, more of an awkward shuffle on Turo's part actually, but she didn't mind, more than happy to simply enjoy this little moment.

    « So everyone can do it?» She asked after a moment, Turo flinching a bit under her touch, uncomfortable.

    « Yes, well... there's places to learn, I guess. Those two are probably teachers themselves.» Sada gasped at his answer, glancing back at the couple.

    « So we can learn?! We can have them teach us?»

    « ... I don't want to embarrass you.» Turo murmured, only for Sada to look back at him.

    « ... You'll never embarrass me. I want to learn how to do it with you, no one else.» She whispered back, and after a long moment, Turo simply smiled and leaned forward to press a long kiss on her lips.

    « ... thank you. Let's see if you still think the same after our first lesson. » He chuckled.

    6)Playing with hair
    « You know... it used to make me uncomfortable.» Sada said one day. They were exploring a mountain that would have taken her days to reach on foot before meeting Winged King, but had now taken them just a couple of hours.

    Turo had done his best to follow her on the rough terrain, but after a while of him panting and gradually slowing down his pace they decided to stop and rest a bit, overlooking the scenery. He turned to look at her, baffled.

    « ... what did?»

    « Your hair.» She answered, and had to laugh a little at his wide-eyed stare.

    « You... what?» He actually sounded a little heartbroken. She shuffled closer to him, raising one hand to softly touch his hair, right at the part where it suddenly got shorter.

    « Yeah, it looked so strange. Too neat, and too clean. We shave our hair too, but... it just doesn't look like that.»

    Turo looked stunned for a moment, before chuckling softly, dragging one hair through his hair a bit self-consciously.

    « I... hadn't even thought of that. So what would look natural?» He asked.

    She quietly looked at him for a moment, thinking.

    « Let's see... maybe something like this.»

    She grabbed two strands of his hair and twisted them around each other in a little short braid, pulling one little wooden bead out of her hair to secure the braid in place. Turo sat perfectly still, just his eyes flitting around to follow the movements of her hands as she continued to work.

    « They feel strange...» He commented after a moment, raising one hand to touch one.

    « That's because your hair is too short. It should be longer so they don't hang so close. Or if you let your beard grow a bit more, I could braid that too.»

    Turo laughed, his whole frame shaking slightly.

    « I don't know what my people would say seeing me come back like that...»

    Sada stopped mid braid.

    « Would... would it look bad? ... I will remove these-» She hastily started to undo the braid she was currently working with, only for Turo's hand to grab hers.

    « No, they are fine. I love them. »

    And so from that day he would sometimes jump back to his time with little braids in his hair, just barely small enough to tie a wooden bead or a feather to them. He would always come back the next time with nothing left, so he probably took them off every time, and the mental image of him carefully removing feathers from his hair was something that never failed to make her smile.

    She still never got the occasion to braid his beard, but Sada was determined to get him to agree to it. Someday.

    7)Sharing clothes
    Area Zero was surprisingly cold at night... not for him, since he had his suit, but he could see that it was cold for Sada, even with her clothes.
    Or at least, Turo had to imagine it was night. Either that, or it had to be cloudy outside the crater when the temperature suddenly dropped. It had probably something to do with how deep the crater was, if he had to guess.

    They had found some blankets to use while they were sleeping, but he woke up when he felt Sada shiver at his side. After a moment, he shuffled closer to her, wrapping one arm around her neck.

    « Take off your coat, I'll warm you up.» He murmured. Sada seemed to hesitate a moment but complied, sliding off the Mamoswine fur she wore over a layer of orange pelts. Sada snuggled closer to him, curling up against his chest.

    « This is nice.» She said with a little smile, cheeks a bit red with something that had nothing to do with the cold.
    She slowly warmed up against the slight heat emanated from his suit; he put the furs and blankets over both of them to keep what little warm air there was between them. She slowly stopped shivering, and finally fell asleep again by his side.

    Turo caressed her hair, listening to her breath grow calmer and calmer before finally falling back asleep himself.


    Turo didn't really consider himself a great candidate to be a father. He hadn't really thought about it, but to be more accurate, he couldn't exactly picture himself, as he was now, as a great example of a father. His current lifestyle at the TTDL wasn't exactly great father (or even husband) material.

    But as a teacher? That was something different. Or at least, with the four children of Sada's village, he found himself genuinely enjoying the time spent teaching them writing. They were enthusiastic and learned fast, greeting him at each new lesson with rocks, paper sheets, fragments of bark they had written stuff over, and at the end of each one asking "Shaman Turo" when he was coming back.

    « They love you.» Sada commented with a smile as they looked at the little prehistoric classroom of four people.

    « It's just because I'm an outsider that looks funny. » Turo answered back, even as he couldn't contain a little smile of his own. As much as looking at them still pained him somewhat... it made him also happy to know that they would have some special memories of these lessons.

    That they would maybe use what they were learning to make their lives better, more safe, more fun.

    Today Narjik had joined them to teach them the names of most edible berries, and how to recognize them. The shaman and Sada had carved little square cards out of bark, and Turo had spent one afternoon painting images of the prehistoric berries on them, after sketching them down on his notebook first.

    Now the kids and the elder were busy playing a game where you had to grab one card with a picture and the relative card with its name before your opponent did, and then answer one question about the berry correctly.

    « Do you... have children?» Sada's question caught him by surprise, and he turned to look at her.

    « No... why?»

    She rested her head on his shoulder.

    « You know... how to talk with them. I thought...»

    « You just treat them like anyone else. Children are not stupid. » He answered, and she laughed.

    Sada's words had made him think about being a father again. He still couldn't really see himself in the role of one, not with his current life.

    And especially not... with anyone else that wasn't Sada right now. But that was, of course, impossible.

    He dreamt about it that very night. A little kid with Sada's long hair, dressed in Mamoswine pelts, greeting him with a "Daddy!" as he ran to hug his knees as soon as he had arrived. Turo couldn't see any details on his face, blank but at the same time clear like only dreams could be.

    He would think back to that dream only months later, once him and Sada were out of Area Zero.

    A family... was something he and Sada could actually be here.

    Imagine if Turo had actually left Sada for good in the past bearing a kid... Paleo Arven would probably accidentally discover bread or something.

    Watching Sada discover new things about modern life was something that Turo would never get tired of. It warmed his heart, and it made him look at things he completely took for granted with new eyes. Like something as simple as warm water.
    In their first afternoon in Mesagoza with Clavell away, she had spent most of it pretty much poking and prodding away at every piece of furniture. He had used the occasion to give her a crash course on the name of most of them and what they did so she wouldn't look too out of place not knowing what a fridge was. The bathroom and flowing water seemed to be her favorite by far though... he could see why.

    « But how does the water get all the way up here? Can you really bring it everywhere? » She asked, amazed, as she turned on the shower faucet and stuck her hand under the water falling down, watching it trickle with shining eyes.

    « You can have water without carrying it all the way from a river... what's this?» Sada wondered, playing with the faucet's control with her other hand. Turo had been waiting for her to notice that the temperature changed, and when she did, she just turned to him in wordless amazement.

    ... aww.

    And then she stepped under the water and turned the faucet all the way to the "hot" part.

    « W-wait...!» Turo's eyed widened and he threw himself after her, a moment too late after the water suddenly changed to scalding hot. Sada let out a little yelp, half surprise and half in pain, and twitched as Turo hissed in pain as he grabbed her hand and turned the dial back toward the middle.

    « Are you hurt?» He panted as the water turned back to a more comfortable temperature, soaking them both. She just wordlessly nodded, holding her wrist, throwing the shower faucet an almost betrayed look.

    « ... why make it so hot it hurts? » She muttered, and he had to laugh a little.

    « It's difficult to control the power to make it warm... but this feels nice.» He had missed having warm water in the crater. Sada nodded, raising one hand to play with his suit's collar, pulling it down just a little to watch the water trickle down his collarbone. She gave him a cheeky smile.

    « ... yeah, it's nice.»

    10) Gift giving
    Carving wood had been difficult. Sada knew how to make arrows, and bows, and even a flute after Narjik had thought her. But those were all simple shapes; you still needed a certain dexterity, especially for the arrows, but they didn't have any elaborate details that you just had to get right to make it look good. And in what she had wanted to do, there were a lot of little elaborate details.

    The general shape wasn't that difficult, the problem was... it had to curve. And it had so many little notches and ridges to do... but she didn't give up.

    And now, she had a little satchel made of fur, carefully wrapped with a ribbon like she had seen done in one of Mesagoza's shops, waiting on the little table in front of the tv in their living-room-turned-bedroom they were using in Clavell's apartment. Inside, the result of what she had spent hours working on, in the little moments where Turo was still at work but she had already finished for the day.

    She jumped a bit on the couch when she heard him open the door; it was surely him; Clavell didn't fumble and regularly dropped the keys cursing under his breath like Turo did.

    Sada waited for him to enter the room and look at the little bag... which he promptly failed to do as he just collapsed on the couch with a defeated sigh.

    « ... Hi. I'm exhausted.» He muttered after leaning towards her for a kiss.

    Sada had to hide the little frown on her face. Well, he was tired, he would notice it soon, right...?

    She kissed him back, and he finally seemed to notice that something was amiss, because he moved to look away from her.

    « ... what's that? »

    She didn't answer, but simply waited for him to pick up the little bag and open it. A happy smile made its way on her face as Turo went still, eyes wide, as he slowly took out what was inside.

    « It's...»

    It was a little statue of Miraidon, or at least, as close as she could get to it. She had used the shape of Winged King as a base, and then removed or added details as necessary. Two thin antennae instead of the crest of feathers, smoother plates instead of tiny little scales. It had been the most detailed and difficult thing she had ever made by far, but Turo's expression as he wordlessly stroked the little carving with one finger made it all worth it.

    « ... why?» Turo asked a moment, voice low.

    « I just wanted to do something for you... to remember him. I know he means a lot to you.»

    And deep inside, she still felt responsible for their situation, no matter how many times Turo told her it wasn't her fault.
    She heard Turo take a long, shuddering breath, and then he unexpectedly seemed to blush a tiny.

    « W-well... this is embarrassing, but... wait a moment.» He said, and stood up to get his notebook. He sat back down and dropped it on her lap.

    « ... I was working on it, trying to get something better out, but... open it at the end.» He said with a tiny smile.

    She didn't understand what he meant until she did, to reveal pages and pages full of sketches of Winged King. Some looked quite wrong, or curiously looked like he had used Miraidon as his starting point instead, trying to add feathers and scale to the smooth base of the dragon to get a drawing that was as close to his memories as he could.

    « Looks like we had the same idea...» he grinned, and now it was her turn to blush a little.

    « ... I was so proud of it... don't steal my ideas!» She laughed.

    « Who says you didn't steal mine? »

    11) Meet cute

    « So how did you two meet?»
    The question was such an innocent and obvious one, they both had kind of expected it. So they had to prepare a cover story to use well in advance. And to do that, they had to study some material.
    So they decided to sit down a couple of evenings to watch romantic movies on the tv together. For Turo, he had the feeling that the most entertaining thing would be Sada's reaction to them. He was proven right not even thirty minutes into the movie. After the initial amazement of watching moving pictures tell a story, Sada had grown intensely focused on analyzing every detail that struck her as strange... which, to be fair, was most of it.

    « Why do the men always bring flowers? They don't look edible.» She asked, and Turo had to first chuckle and then furrow his eyebrows as he actually thought about the answer.

    « They are pretty, I guess...? I'm not really sure when it started.»

    Sada didn't look impressed, taking a sip from a mug of hot tea they had brewed.

    « ... so you brought flowers to our first "date". Roses. A lot of them. And, umm... we met because... I needed someone to teach me the language of this place before coming here. And we were in... »

    « That's easy. Lumiose City. We went on the tower at night after having dinner. Great view. Romantic.» Turo shrugged. « The part about Lumiose City is technically true...»

    They kept watching, and he could see Sada grow more and more annoyed with the movie.

    « ... now he's... pushing... a boat on a lake...? » She threw him a little sideways glance, trying to hide a smile. Turo felt himself blush a little at what she was probably thinking. Yeah, no way he could pretend he was able to do that with his non-existent physical strength.

    « Can't we just say I saved you from a Pokémon? That's pretty much what happened.»

    « No one is going to believe that.»

    12)Cooking together
    Now that they were out of Area Zero, they couldn't exactly cook roots, mushroom and the occasional meat over a live fire like they had done until now. Research Station number 2 had a kitchen, but no power. Now, they had the (actually barely used, since he spent time at the Academy) kitchen in Clavell's apartment, and none of them had any idea how to use it.

    « So this "stove"... makes fire come out of it?» Sada asked, bending forward to examine it curiously. Turo carefully pulled her back, wary of her long hair catching fire.

    « Yes... you turn this to make the fire stronger or weaker... I think.» He added after a moment with a frown. The controls he was used to were much more... intuitive. A lot less buttons.

    « So... like this...?» Sada turned the dial, and jumped backwards when the gas stove suddenly sprung to life, eyes widening.

    « It's blue!» She exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder and turning around to grin up at him. That enthusiastic grin never failed to warm his heart; that first reaction of hers of discovering something new and wanting to share it with him, it made him fall in love with her again and again every time it happened.

    « Yes... this is a special kind of fire, in a way... it's called gas. You put the pan on it and cook things over it.»

    « All right...» She was evidently eager to try with some vegetables and meat they had bought, and hastily put them on the fire. After a couple of minutes, Turo started to hear a suspicious burning smell, and hurried back into the kitchen.

    « Turn it down! Turn the stove down! ... no, that's up!»

    « How do you know how strong the fire is...? It doesn't look bigger...» Sada complained, looking mournfully at the pile of vegetables charred black on one side and almost raw on the other side.

    « You just... have to know... I think.» Turo answered.

    « This is hard... I'm sorry for wasting food.» She looked pretty dejected; after a moment, Turo picked up some of the vegetables from the pan with a fork putting them on a plate.

    « I think we can cut the burn part.» He replied.

    « You can't eat that...» Sada murmured, and he stuck a slice of grilled eggplant in his mouth just to prove her wrong.

    « Yes I can. Delicious.»

    13) Learning a craft
    One of the things Sada liked about Turo was that he never made her feel stupid, or inadequate. Especially when she was teaching him about how things were done in her time. After learning his secret, a little part of her found herself wondering if Turo ever thought of her and her whole tribe as... simple, compared to his time. He could disappear in thin air, could make objects invisible, they didn't need to hunt and who knows how many other wondrous things his people were capable of that she couldn't ever dream about... you would think that nothing she could do could compare.

    But Turo was... different. Every time he came to her village, he would look at everything they did with quiet focus and admiration. Like when she was sewing.

    « Is it difficult? » He asked one day, as he was observing her work quietly sitting in one tent at her village, pen and notebook propped up on one knee. Sada raised her head from her work, blinking in surprise.

    « What... this...?» She looked at the hood she had been mending, torn by the attack of a wild creature some days ago.

    « Try it. » She offered him the garment and had some fun watching him flounder a bit trying to put the notebook back in his pocket and grab the pelt and bone hook at the same time.

    « Um... how do I... what do I do?» He asked, his eyes flitting back and forth between her and what he was holding. His cheeks had become a bit red, and she smiled. She loved seeing him get all embarrassed: in a way, it meant he cared.

    « The fur is torn here a bit, here. See?» She pointed out the point where some claws had raked through the fabric.

    « You use this sharp stone here to poke a hole through the pelt on both sides of the broken parts, then you make the thread go through these holes with the needle and pull the two parts together.» She watched him try to follow her instructions, his fingers obviously not used to working with rough tools of bones and stone. He was obviously feeling self-conscious, moving slowly and continuously checking his work.

    « What if I ruin it...? » He asked after a moment, and she smiled reassuringly.

    « Someone can always wear it, don't worry.» He was always worrying about ruining or breaking something in her village, or eating their food, and she found it endearing.

    « You don't do this in your time, right? » She asked with a little smile after a bit, and he just shook his head.

    « Then what do you do if your clothes break?» She couldn't help but ask, curious.

    « They... they don't really break. » Turo answered with a little sheepish smile.

    « But... doing this feels good. It's nice making something with your hands.» He added after a moment. Sada laughed.

    « There's lots of these we have to fix if you want!» She pointed to an entire pile of various clothes and blankets to mend piled in a corner, and Turo's eyes widened in a panic.

    « N-no... I think I'm... fine...» He mumbled while she kept laughing.
    Chapter 34: "For all Time"
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    This chapter took... quite a bit more than usual, but that's because I spent a week alone on one scene in particular. Also it's a very important chapter and there were lots of things I wanted to get right, I hope you like it!
    I've been waiting to write some of those scenes since months!!
    Chapter 34: "For all Time"
    Weeks passed both curiously slowly and in a blur as they kept working on their respective research, the lighthouse, and visits to the doctor for Sada's pregnancy.

    Turo's first research paper about examples of human activity directly influencing Pokémon evolution was being peer reviewed, while Sada had just submitted a paper about her theory about Primal Energy and Primal regression being the cause of the Pokémon of her time changing into their current forms.

    At the moment, Turo had been working on something a bit different... or at least, that's what he said he was doing. To Sada, he was just typing at his computer like always.

    « .... I really don't know how you can do that every day and not get bored.» she commented, holding back a yawn as she watched him type while she read the Scarlet Book.

    « Did you get bored crafting arrows or travelling all day? Or working with Tera Crystals?» he replied after a moment, barely looking away from the screen.

    Sada tilted her head, thinking.

    « No... But I don't see how that is the same. Aren't you just writing stuff that tells the computer what to do? Aren't the commands always the same?» she asked after a moment. Turo's frantic typing stopped, and he turned the chair towards her.

    « The various commands may be fixed, but you have to think how to use them to get the computer to do exactly what you want... I could teach you a bit, if you want.» he offered, and she stopped leafing through the Scarlet Book to look at him.

    « ... Learn to program? I don't know... I think it's better if I leave it to you. I like to work on more "physical" things. » she answered after a moment with a small frown.

    Turo shrugged and went back to work.
    « All right. » there was a pause as she felt him look at her, and she curved her shoulders slightly inward. « ... It's not because you think you wouldn't be capable of it, right?»

    She flinched, surprised. Well... she had thought about it, to be completely honest. She had worked so hard just to be able to fit in this time. Learning the language , learning to read, write,catching up on all the elementary school subjects like basic math just to be able to follow the actual courses... she felt like she had to put so much work into just being on the same level of everyone else. Turo had helped her, of course. In the evening, he would often come into her room and explain things to her when she didn't understand something... especially during those first weeks, his help had been invaluable.

    But she couldn't help but feel like she was just... being left behind. She had been thinking about it a lot with the baby growing inside her.

    Turo had all this knowledge about the future, he had to actually pay attention to not reveal too much of everything he knew. But her? What about her?

    What... what could she even teach this child, in a world where she herself barely fit in? How to follow wild Pokémon tracks? How to fight with a spear?
    ... Ridiculous.

    « Sada...?» she heard Turo stand up and move to her side.

    « Do you really think that?» he asked. She avoided his eyes, staring at the drawing of a Roaring Moon in the Scarlet Book.

    « I... I'm not sure. I've been having a lot of thoughts. I still feel like I'm always catching up with everyone... and that it will happen with the baby too. » she said, watching Turo tilt his head at her with a puzzled frown on his face.

    « What... do you mean? »

    « I mean... that I don't know anything about raising a child in this time! About... Raising them right, and proper, and... and giving them everything they need here...»

    « Sada-» Turo interrupted her by grasping her by both shoulders, and she stopped halfway through her almost-meltdown.

    « I... I understand. You're scared. I am too.»

    « Y-you are...?» she asked.

    But even now, he always looked so calm, and collected. Turo always knew what to do.

    « Of course. I'm terrified. I have no idea how to be a father either. But I think that no one does. And we will do it our own way. The only thing we can do is... taking it one day at a time.
    Let's not get ahead of ourselves... you taught me that, remember?»

    She bit her lip and nodded, not quite convinced, as she lowered her eyes.
    Turo kept speaking.

    « You not knowing something now doesn't mean that you can't do it. I'm sure that you could learn how to program a dumb computer in no time, if you wanted.» he said with a short laugh. « And the same will happen with our child. We'll figure it out together. You are... you honestly have no idea how much I admire all the work you've put into studying since arriving here. »

    She slowly raised her head, to find Turo extremely close, his eyes shining with pride.

    « You went from barely being able to read in this language to writing a scientific paper discussing your theories in not even a year! You really don't realize how incredible that is?» he whispered.

    « But... that means nothing -»

    « It means everything!» his uncharacteristically vehemence made her almost jump; he looked exactly like he had when he had first explained to her what a "scientist" was. She thought back to his words that day, the ones he had added right after that at the time she didn't understand because she hadn't known his language enough yet. They had sounded like...

    "And that's... beautiful"

    She smiled and lowered her eyes, feeling herself blush now that she finally understood their meaning.

    « I... I just don't want to feel like... I need to hide what I'm truly like to this child. I want them... to learn my language, and the stories of my tribe... our traditions and our beliefs. I want to make them a warm blanket out of pelts and -» she struggled to continue.

    « Then do it! Who's stopping you? We'll both tell them bedtime stories of our times-» he actually smiled a little at that, like he was already thinking up stories of faraway worlds full of magical, wondrous technology.

    « Also, they are not even born yet! Let's worry about it when we're actually there, right?»

    She slowly nodded, going back to the Scarlet Book with her mind still swirling with thoughts. A moment later, she yelped when she felt Turo's hand brush her thigh.

    « Also we have to get married first. Maybe let's freak out about that, first?»

    She blushed. Right, that was... much more imminent. And she still had to finish her present for him...

    « You're right. Clavell is pestering me to know our "wedding vows"» she sighed, and he chuckled.

    « You too? Since we're already here, let's think of something-»

    Sada smiled and pushed the Scarlet Book closed and away, happy for the distraction.
    It turned out that planning a wedding was a lot easier when neither the groom nor the bride had any of the problems that usually were involved in weddings: handling the guest list was a non issue since it was so laughably short, and neither of them really cared about stuff like "what colour are the flowers going to be".

    As for the guests; Clavell, Jacq, Raifort, a couple more classmates and people they had met around Paldea... that was it.
    It was almost depressing.

    Turo was actually much more nervous about... something he was working on for Sada. He had left the notebook he had sketched all kinds of things on during his visits in Sada's era back in his time, so frustratingly, he had nothing to go on except memory. It would have turned out much better if he could have used at least his old sketches for reference.
    He also had the problem of where to hide it; he had started to work on it in the art room because it had all kinds of supplies and was convenient, but anyone could have just waltzed in, Sada included, and he wanted to minimize the chances of it happening.

    The art room was full of half finished works by students of all ages, but she would have realized who the author was as soon as she glanced at it, so he had to move.

    His own room was no good for the exact same reason.

    Which was exactly why he had carried an entire aisle and canvas in the last place in the Academy Sada would have looked in: the computer lab.

    Not the best place to paint in, admittedly, but at least some of the kids in there had found it pretty funny. And it was quiet... if you ignored the occasional groans coming from people sitting at their computers, the ones he recognized as the universal sign amongst computer nerds that meant "this dumb thing I wrote isn't working and I don't know why".

    Working on a canvas was something he definitely wasn't used to: he was much more used to smaller and simpler sketches done in pen or pencil, with minimal use of colours.

    And of course, in his time, he was used to just being able to erase a line and do it over and over again.
    The canvas on the other hand looked so incredibly... final and intimidating.

    After wasting another twenty minutes fussing about how to mix the colours to use after he was done with the initial sketch, he cursed under his breath and grabbed his Pokénav, dialing a number he had saved some months ago.

    « Brassius...? This is Romero Turo-» he furrowed both eyebrows after a moment.

    « No... the Tera Orb still isn't ready -» he lowered his voice to a whisper, throwing a glance over his shoulder at the other people working. Two kids were working on what looked like a simple remote controlled drone, and they were the only ones currently looking back at him as the drone's rotors spun uselessly.

    « ... but we do have an almost working prototype. Could you come to the Academy?»

    « So, umm.... Sada....?»

    « Yes?» Sada turned to Raifort as they walked through a little, charming open market of pottery and other handmade objects held in Alfornada every other week. She had discovered it during one of their many trips around Paldea and by now was a frequent customer. There were some things you could only find here... And personally, she liked that excitement and sense of discovery of what you could find you felt walking along the stalls. Much more that simply walking into a shop and asking the store clerk about what you needed.

    Was the latter more convenient, and saved a lot of time? Yes, but it felt less... adventurous, in a way.

    Walking along these haphazardly set up stalls that would disappear the next day reminded her of when her whole tribe would move to the lake during the summer to trade pelts and other materials with other tribes.

    Here she was using money instead of trade, but there was a similar sense of community. Things felt more personal.

    Normally, Raifort would eagerly follow her, but today she seemed a bit more reluctant.

    « ... So you want to make Turo this wedding gift.... why, exactly?»

    Her question made Sada smile softly.

    « It's a tradition from my village that goes way back. When two people marry, it's customary to make something the other part would find useful in their... er... job. » she answered after a moment, looking past a stall that sold old books and fighting the urge to stop and take a look.

    Raifort followed her, and she could her hum slowly to herself.

    « ... And that something was usually... A cape?» she asked.

    Sada threw a look back at her as she nodded.

    « Yes... Er... My village is in the middle of nowhere, in Kalos. It gets quite isolated in winter, and... really cold, so.. that's why....» she trailed off a bit.

    Raifort looked quite intrigued.
    « Your place sounds pretty hardcore...» she just commented after a moment.

    Well, to be exact, it was a tradition to make the groom either a weapon or an elaborate, heavy travel mantle from pelts, something that symbolized him using those new tools to protect their new family and becoming part of the tribe... But she couldn't exactly show up to Turo with an elaborate dagger she had chiseled from stone... even if his face at receiving something like that would have been incredible.
    And she couldn't exactly do heavy furs again, so... she had to adapt a bit.

    « It won't exactly be a cape, but... something similar. And I need a very specific fabric for the effect I'm looking for.» she said with a little smile. « And Jacq's help-»

    « Jacq? Why do you need him? Have you seen how he dresses?» Raifort asked, but Sada just laughed.

    She couldn't wait to see Turo's face.

    « You want to seriously paint something here? This place is a disgrace to everything representing the arts-»

    Turo sighed; the moment Brassius had arrived from Artazon and set foot inside the Academy's computer club, he had felt the eyes of pretty much everyone in the room move over to him. Couldn't they go back to their own projects? No...?

    The little drone the two kids had managed to get to start flying was buzzing around the ceiling, beeping in distress as its batteries depleted while one of the students sat with the controller in hand, trying to not look too obvious as he eavesdropped their conversation.

    « Look, I don't need a lecture about how boring you think computers are-» Brassius rolled his eyes at that, but didn't say anything else.

    There was... a certain beauty for Turo in writing code. In making something that was able to execute certain actions, to have a physical effect on the world, out of nothing but instructions and logic.

    « But I need... someone that understands how to convey emotions, and... what colours to use. I have this sketch- it's a place that's very important for Sada... here.» he gestured towards the canvas, and he could see Brassius turn an eye towards it -and half the computer club behind him stretch their necks trying to take a peek at it -

    « ... But I don't know... How to start. What colours do I use first? What if I pick it wrong, and it ends up ruined -»

    You could always erase and rewrite code, but this was completely different.

    Brassius took some steps towards the canvas, studying it.

    « ... Do you always sketch like this?» he asked after a moment. Turo stared, not quite sure what he meant.

    « ... I'm afraid I don't follow.»

    « Your sketch is... hyper realistic. It looks like you tried to redraw a scene from memory like you're recreating a photograph. You mostly do a lot of still life or portraits, I assume?»

    Turo's eyes widened. « I... yes...? That's just how I've always drawn. I like to copy what I have in front of me- what's wrong with it...?» he almost snapped, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

    Brassius shook his head.

    « Oh, nothing's wrong with that. But if you asked for my help, I assume you don't want this to simply look like a hyper realistic photograph, am I right?» he said, tilting his head towards the canvas.

    « One thing I always ask myself with my art is: "what do I want the viewer to feel"? What do you want Sada to feel looking at it?» the man asked, and Turo had to think in silence for a couple of long moments.

    He moved closer to the almost blank canvas, his fingers twitching slightly. His eyes flitted over the canvas, before stopping on a particular point.

    « ... Here. This point right here.» he pointed to the barely sketched hearth.

    « I want it to feel... warm. Cozy. I want her to feel... safe looking at it. Not sad... and definitely not nostalgic. It has to be cozy.»

    Brassius "mmm"-ed, alternating looking between the canvas and him.

    « You could use very warm colours for the fire, and make the corners of the painting very dark in contrast, to draw the viewer's eye to it. This is not a campfire, isn't it? It's a small fire in a enclosed space, so it's not going to cast much light... Emphasize that. That feeling of safety and warmth huddling close around it.» he said.

    Turo blinked and turned to look at him, confused.

    « Won't... won't making it too dark feel all dreary?» he asked in an anxious tone. That was the last thing he wanted.

    Brassius flashed a smirk.

    « Not at all, if you do it well. Now, show me your brushes.»

    Turo showed him the brand new ones he had bought. Brassius grabbed the two smallest ones and promptly threw them behind his back. They spiraled through the air and barely missed the little drone that beeped in alarm.

    « You won't need these.»

    « W-what?»

    Sada impatiently waited for Jacq to arrive, staring at the point where the Flying Taxi would land. She had found exactly what she was looking for, a nice piece of cloth of exactly the right color, now she only needed...

    « There he is...» Raifort yawned as she slammed a book about the Paldean royal family she had been reading shut, and Sada jumped up.

    « Jacq! What took you so long?!»

    The researcher almost fell out of the taxi and scratched at his head, embarrassed.

    « I was discussing my latest project with Clavell, I'm sorry... So, um... What do you need me for?» he asked.

    Sada simply grabbed him by the arm and pretty much dragged the man behind her, towards the bench where Raifort was sitting. The woman waved.

    « You'll be my model. You and Turo have a similar build, he's just a little bit taller but that I can easily fix-» Sada answered, to which Jacq's eyes widened.

    « M-model? For what? And why here? In the literal middle of the road-» he sputtered while Sada dumped her trademark yellow backpack at his feet. For once, it wasn't filled with camping gear but anything she could need for sewing.

    Grabbing a measurement tape felt highly nostalgic as she held it up, slowly unraveling it. Aw, just like she had done all those months ago...

    « For a new labcoat I want to gift him. And don't worry... I've worked in worse conditions. I'll be done in a moment, I just need your measurements.» she rolled her eyes at his obvious embarrassment.

    Jacq turned a helpless look towards Raifort, who shrugged and went back to her book, then back to Sada.

    « B-but... there's people watching.. why here?» he squeaked.

    Sada turned to follow his eyes, towards the dozen or so people in the little plaza that were pretending not to be looking at them.

    « Would you have preferred Mesagoza? The Academy? Or maybe in the wild, being watched by a couple of Lechonks?» she answered back as she started to measure his waist and shoulders.

    Truth was, she vaguely remembered the measurements she had done for Turo's clothes in her time... But those were much heavier than what the labcoat would end up being. This would be... A lot more form-fitting... But also light! She wanted it to go "swoosh" like his old one had always done when he moved, she loved that so much! And of course, she would make a labcoat for herself too... they could finally match!

    « I also need your help with some... tech stuff. I don't just want to make him a labcoat... I want it to glow.» she said.

    Jacq blinked, now looking quite perplexed.

    « Glow... Like... Glow in the dark?»

    « Yes! Well... not only in the dark! It has to be subtle, but... I want to sew little handcuffs and the interior with this exact color-» she said, pausing to grab the fabric she had just bought from her bag. It was a very light violet, the exact colour that Turo's bodysuit shone when he still wore it.
    She knew how much he missed wearing it and wanted to make him something that would hopefully feel as good for him to wear as that garment did. Something to wear in this time he could actually love, instead of constantly fidgeting with it.
    « And it would look so cool if it glowed just slightly, enough to make you notice it but not be too bright, that would be distracting... you know what I mean? Can you help me do it? Is there some kind of... LED you can put into it? Or can I make the fabric itself glow in the dark in some way?» she asked, hopeful.

    Jacq now looked quite intrigued and lost in his thoughts, even as she resumed measuring his arm length.

    « I think... yes, there's definitely ways to do that... There's a Pokémon here in Paldea who's saliva contains a substance that could be useful... ever heard of Grafaiai?»

    « No...?»

    « Great! » Jacq smiled « Could you help me catch one?»

    Sada pouted and jabbed him with a needle.

    « This is actually for your research, isn't it? Fine...»

    After a while, Turo understood why Brassius had told him to get rid of the brushes. He had carefully painted the hearth at the center of the canvas, and some of the brightest spots, but now he needed to do most of the background.

    The man was watching him with sharp eyes, arms crossed.

    He wanted this painting to remind Sada of her time, but not painfully so. And what painting tool was better to do so than to use what had been humanity's first brush?

    He dunked his fingertips into the black paint, and pressed them on the upper corner of the canvas. A little chorus of "oooh" rose up behind him as probably half of the Academy's STEM course was busy watching.

    He frowned and turned around.

    « ... could you please not comment everything I do...?» he mumbled.

    « Don't complain about people appreciating art being made. You could have chosen literally anywhere else if you wanted privacy-» Brassius roller his eyes, and Turo went back to work.

    « ... all right, you can watch. But please no one tell Sada about this.» he mumbled.

    « Bro, do I look like I even know who this Sada is-» one of the high school students piped up, and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit under his breath.
    « According to my research, Grafaiai should live right around here...» Jacq said as they stepped out of the Flying Taxi, the pilot with the multicoloured flock of Squawkabilly lighting himself a cigarette as soon as they landed.

    « "According to your research"? Everyone knows where Grafaiai territory starts: the bright, neon light graffitied trees make it kinda hard to miss.» the driver commented in a bored tone, prompting an amused chuckle from Raifort.

    « I like this guy! We should call him more often.»

    Sada, meanwhile, was more interested in the trees themselves. She had seen them before, but didn't know they were made by a Pokémon! She had left her heavy backpack back at the Academy after a brief stop there, not wanting to risk damaging what she had just bought, and was instead holding the bow she had crafted in Area Zero in one hand. A quiver full of arrows was slung over her shoulder.
    Instead of stone or metal arrowheads, each arrow had a Pokeball tied to it; that was the only way Clavell had allowed her to bring it around, and the one that wouldn't attract too much attention.
    People had developed all kinds of unconventional ways to throw or use Poke Balls, it seemed like. Boomerangs, fishing rods, poles, slingshots... her bow wouldn't look that out of place.

    Sada had accepted the compromise: a Pokeball was quite effective in blocking any wild Pokémon for a moment, even if they broke out of it immediately.
    Too bad not all Pokeball in this time were like the white ones that Turo had shown her... maybe the technology wasn't there yet?

    « All right Kim, we need to hunt some wild Pokémon now!» she said, releasing the Litleo from her Pokeball.

    The Fire type blinked and looked around, her tail twitching slowly behind her, something that Sada had learned meant she was interested.

    She crouched near the Pokémon and showed her a picture of the Pokémon they were looking for from one of the many books about Paldea's fauna that Jacq always seemed to carry with him.

    « It's this one. We'll have to be careful and really sneaky. With those big eyes, it can probably see perfectly even in the dark.» she explained as the Litleo peered at the picture, ears twitching.

    « Let's do our best!» she whispered, and they set off.

    She liked to watch the Litleo prowl confidently in front of her. It was a stark contrast with how she had acted when she had first caught her, clumsily chasing after a Tandemaus. Kim had grown a lot, just like her: she was now completely silent as she approached the first tree, sniffing it and briefly clawing at the trunk, before turning her eyes upwards.

    « Do Grafaiai usually hide in the trees?» Sada whispered towards Jacq, biting her lip. That would make it more difficult for her is she had to aim between the branches...

    « I guess so?» Jacq shrugged, and Sada sighed and shook her head.

    She started following Kim as silently as she could, before she realised that it was useless when she noticed how much noise Jacq was making. Raifort was a bit better at it, since the two had spent quite a lot of time travelling together, but Jacq... well, he reminded her of how clueless Turo had been back in her time.

    She repressed a nostalgic smile, before flinching when she noticed that Kim had crouched completely flat on the ground, tail low but the point of it twitching excitedly.

    She had found one!

    « Go!» she whispered, and the Litleo took off. As a blur between the tall grass, she aimed a Fire Fang at the figure of a Grafaiai crouched low on the ground, busy munching on some berries. The wild Pokémon's ears prickled up, and it turned those enormous, luminous eyes towards the Litleo. It raised one claw and threw the berry it was eating straight at Kim's mouth before scampering off. The Litleo bit the berry in half, charring it completely, and barely slowed down as she chased after it.

    Sada run after the two, raising her bow: the first arrow flew past the Grafaiai and embedded a Pokéball in the ground in front of it, making the wild Pokémon grind to a stop. The pupil-less eyes made it difficult to understand what it was thinking; the wild Pokémon's ears twitched backwards, and it briefly turned to look towards Kim and Sada just as she fired the second arrow at it. It ducked low, avoiding the Poké Ball sailing past it, and decided to confront the Pokémon that was chasing it. Screeching wildly, it fired a Poison Spray straight at Kim's mouth, prompting her to close it and stop her Fire Fang to avoid ingesting the poison directly. She couldn't avoid the rest splattering on her face however, and the Litleo hissed in annoyance.

    « Kim, attack it at a distance! Noble Roar!» she called out an order as she nocked her third arrow, but the wild Pokémon seemed to have wised up to their strategy already. It rushed the Litleo with a Fury Attack even as she roared, keeping as close to her as possible and slashing the air with its claws, more berry juice and poison dripping from the claws spattering everywhere.

    With the two Pokémon fighting close up like that, she had trouble aiming.

    Kim tried to Headbutt the Grafaiai to send it tumbling back and give her a clear shot, but the Poison was smarter than that. One ear was constantly turned towards Sada as he kept his attention on both her and her Pokémon.

    Sada found herself grinning: this one was smart! It knew how to act around humans and to be wary of Poké Balls. Who knows how many people trying to catch it it had already escaped...

    The Grafaiai now darted between the trees, climbing one with blinding speed and using it as cover as it tried to make its escape. Kim roared in annoyance and opened her mouth, ready to breath a stream of fire after it, but Sada interrupted her.

    « No, Kim! Chase after it on the ground and cut it off where the trees clear up, quick!» she exclaimed lowering her bow, starting to run after it herself.

    The Litleo took off, much faster than her as it beelined through the tall grass, her eyes still fixed on the figure of the wild Pokémon as it escaped.

    Soon neither of the two Pokémon was visible anymore, but she had faith in the Litleo. She would catch up to it-

    She kept running , hearing both Raifort and Jacq run behind her, until she saw the trees get more scarcer ahead. There was a sound like a squeak and another roar, and Sada caught a glimpse of her Pokémon and the Grafaiai.

    The trees stopped and would have forced the Grafaiai to jump back down to the ground, except that Kim was standing proudly in front of it, cutting off its escape route. The wild Pokémon hesitated a moment, reluctant to abandon the cover of the trees but also aware of the humans coming up behind it. It turned around just in time for Sada's arrow to hit it straight on the head, the Poké Ball finally catching it. The red and white sphere fell to the ground, where it shook a couple of times... before breaking open and releasing the creature again.

    The Grafaiai shook its head and screeched; it really looked almost used to the feeling, confirming Sada's idea that it wasn't the first time someone had tried to catch it.

    She readied another arrow as the Pokémon seemed ready to rush her to escape up in the trees again. She just had to hit it again to stop it-

    But just then, a mighty roar resounded behind it, and both Pokémon and Sada looked up in surprise, towards Kim.

    The Litleo had started running as soon as the Grafaiai had moved to attack her trainer, and mid run, her whole body was now glowing brilliantly.

    With a gasp, Sada's arms went slack as she realized what was happening.

    « Kim...!»

    The Litleo's form grew, the tuft of fur on her head growing into a mighty and fiery mane, limbs growing longer and stronger as it finished evolving. Her roar grew deeper as she came out of the evolution as an enormous yet nimble beast. Covering the remaining space in a single bound, she leapt on the now much smaller figure of the Grafaiai and pinned it to the group, slamming one paw over its back. The wild Pokémon squeaked almost pitifully, but it could barely move as the Pyroar stared it down.

    Sada could only stare at her, breathless.

    « Kim! You evolved!» she whispered, amazed. One of her Pokémon evolved! Right in front of her!
    And she was so... Oh, she looked incredible! So strong and proud-looking, and... and she was so big now! Standing up, she could now look Kim in the eye without barely looking down.

    The Pyroar started purring, a sound now as loud as the ones Winged King used to make when it would preen her hair, and she almost teared up.

    Kim flicked her ears, and pointedly looked down.

    « What ...? Oh! Right, the Pokémon -» she muttered, tapping the Poké Ball towards the Grafaiai pinned to the ground. This time, be it either the shock or the damage after being slammed by Kim's paws, it barely struggled and allowed itself to be captured.

    She smiled briefly as she picked the Poké Ball up, moving to scratch Kim behind the ears, carefully avoiding the fiery mane.

    « Let's go back to the others. We have lots of work still to do. I can't wait to show you off to everyone!» she giggled.
    The day had actually come: it still didn't feel real to Turo as he looked at himself in the mirror of his Academy dorm room.

    A dark blue navy suit with a tie and a simple white shirt.

    This was... so different to how he had imagined this day would go, if it ever actually happened.

    A couple of hours, and he and Sada would be married. Legally.

    ... With forged birth certificates and forged everything else that gave them a shred of identity in this era, sure, but... This one piece of paper at least would be real.

    He finished adjusting his tie with trembling hands, before turning his head towards the door when he heard someone knock.

    « C-come in...» he swallowed, feeling a heavy lump in his throat.

    He felt a smidge of relief at seeing Clavell poke his head in. The older man looked at him and nodded approvingly, coming inside and closing the door behind him.

    « ... I suppose this is not how you pictured this day going. » Clavell commmented after a moment of silence, walking near.

    Turo smiled nervously, looking out of the window. The Mesagoza staircase was barely visible from his room, but he could see a couple of Flying Taxi land right in front of the Academy gates. He squinted, trying to make out who had just stepped off them, but they were too far away to make out.

    « Well... I definitely didn't expect to get married at school... by my biology teacher, to boot.» he chuckled to himself.

    They had decided to hold the ceremony at the Academy in the end... Mostly because doing it anywhere else would have costed so much money they didn't have, not when they were using every penny they had been saving to restructure the lighthouse.
    And when Clavell had offered to perform the ceremony right on the school grounds, they had both found it... Fitting, in a way.

    It felt right.
    The Academy had been their home since they had arrived here, after all.

    « You really didn't have to become an officiant just for us, you know. » he added, to which Clavell just smiled.

    « Why not! Seeing two of my students marry here at the school has actually always been a dream of mine... especially two students as particular as you.» he answered, before moving to stand by his side next to the window.

    « How are marriages done in the future? Is there still the tradition of cutting the tie? Please don't tell me you wear those glowing suits even then-» Clavell sighed, and Turo smiled nervously again.

    « N-no, of course not... and yes, we still cut the groom's tie. Well, at least people in Paldea do. » Turo murmured. For a moment, they just looked out of the window together.

    « There's some new traditions... if you get married on the Moon, or in low orbit, you watch the first dawn on Earth together. People over on Mars have their own weird customs... I went to the wedding of a cousin of mine and there's this... thing going on of throwing red dust from Mars's soil all over the newlyweds. Some things are still the same though, so... it's pretty similar all in all. I would have been a lot less sweaty and uncomfortable back in my time however.» he chuckled nervously.

    Clavell smiled and briefly grasped his shoulder.

    « Let's go.»

    For a moment, Turo couldn't help but think that back in his time, his father would have done the same exact gesture, and he swallowed a lump in his throat.

    « Yeah.»

    They stepped out of the room, and made their way towards the great central hall where the ceremony would be held. The desks at the reception had been moved and replaced by a low table where Clavell would office the ceremony with all the required legal documents. Chairs had been brought out for the invited guests to sit down in, but really nothing stopped anyone else from watching the ceremony from the high balconies of the library all around, and some people (students and staff of the Academy alike) were already milling around. The location was maybe a bit unconventional for a wedding, but both him and Sada had choosen it for what it represented: the very center of Paldea's prized Pokémon Academy, surrounded by books and knowledge on all sides.
    His eyes drifted for a brief moment to the two bookshelves closer to the entrance, where he knew a copy of the Scarlet and Violet books were kept, and he smiled briefly. In a way, Winged King and Mirai would be there with them... or at least, he liked to think so.

    He spotted various people and his and Sada's Pokémon already waiting in the hall; Ötzi was busy tottering up and down the room, greeting guests and showing them to their seats, looking quite happy to be so useful.

    Miguel was flapping in large circles over everyone's heads. At first Turo had been worried that seeing so many people wearing jewellery and their best clothes would send the little Murkrow on a stealing frenzy and bring chaos to the ceremony, but the Dark type seemed to be on his best behaviour... for now. He trusted the Murkrow to understand the importance of the day... he was looking quite intently at some of the guests, but Ampere floated right next to him, keeping quite literally an eye on his teammate.
    Miguel cawed in seeing him and flapped briefly down to land on his shoulder, pecking playfully at his hair, and Turo took a short moment to stroke the Dark type's feathers.

    « ... Tell you what? People are going to throw coins for good luck at the end of the ceremony. You can keep everything you manage to grab then.» he proposed, and the Dark type's eyes glinted with mischief.

    « Treasure? » he cawed, and Turo smiled before letting it fly back up towards the ceiling.

    He caught more glimpses of people he knew once he turned around at the end of the makeshift isle to wait for Sada's arrival. Jacq and Raifort were sitting side by side in the first row; seeing them wearing formal clothes was incredibly strange, especially for Jacq, who kept messing nervously with his papillon until Raifort let out an annoyed hiss and fixed it for him. Judging by how the man's face got slightly red, she had tightened it up a bit too much. And judging by her face as she turned back around, it had been completely intentional.

    They locked eyes for a moment, and Raifort gave him an almost imperceptible nod. He nodded in answer, and he could swear she smiled almost imperceptibly.

    Director Harrington and most of the academy teachers occupied the next two rows, but behind those, he could see various people he and Sada had met during their research on Terastal energy and their gym challenge... plus a plethora of people he had never seen before, who had probably just heard of the event. He swallowed, feeling suddenly quite self-conscious.

    So much for the private, little ceremony he had hoped for.

    But when a figure walked past the entrance and the guests fell completely silent as Sada stepped inside, he couldn't help but forget everything around him that wasn't her. For that singular moment, the rest of the world didn't exist for him.

    As had long been tradition for people of Paldea in the past, Sada was wearing a striking black wedding dress.

    Her shoulders were completely bare except for the sleeveless lace top that covered her upper body, while a tight black gown covered her legs... with a small smile, he realized that she had probably wanted to avoid a dress that was too long and cumbersome to walk in, or that dragged on the ground.
    It wouldn't have fit her anyway.

    However, Sada had still put her own personalized spin on the dress; the necklace with teeth and feathers still shone proudly at her neck, as did the bracelet made with Star Pieces he had given her. She had carved hairpins out of wood and chiselled stone and attached Tera Shards to both, then used them to put her long, wild hair up.

    Turo was absolutely sure that if Clavell had allowed her, instead of a bouquet she would have marched in with her bow, or another spear she had crafted.

    But instead of a weapon, and maybe representing Sada's proud, wild side even better than a bow ever could, right by her side was Kim. The female Pyroar looked magnificent, her fiery mane casting a warm glow on the Tera shards that adorned Sada's dress, head held high as she escorted her trainer down the isle.

    It was tradition between Pokémon trainers to have one of the bride's Pokémon follow her down the isle; it symbolized them entrusting the groom with their trainer, and also accepting the fact that the bride and groom's Pokémon teams were also going to become like a single, shared family.

    Turo watched her walk slowly through the hall as he remembered their very first meeting on that riverbank... It felt like it had happened in a completely different life. One where they could have never been together like this.

    And now... she was going to become his wife.

    Sada and Kim stopped in front of him and Clavell, the Pyroar letting out a short growl. The was no aggressiveness in it, the growl slightly more than a formality, but that was what tradition dictated.

    He looked up towards Miguel, and the Murkrow glided back down to his shoulder, careful not to puncture his suit with his sharp claws.

    Turo took a deep breath.

    « We'll take good care of her.» he bowed his head slightly, Miguel doing the same, and the Pyroar blinked slowly in satisfaction and sat back on her haunches.

    « And we promise to do the same for you.» Sada answered.

    He couldn't help but notice with a bit of amusement that she was fidgeting a bit, not knowing what to do with her hands.

    Together, they turned towards Clavell, who had taken his place as the officiant of the ceremony in front of the couple.

    An expectant silence fell in the hall, every person and Pokémon present silently waiting for him to start. Turo caught eye of some of the younger Academy students peeking out at them from up in the library balcony.

    « Since the day it was founded, Uvanja Academy's purpose has always been to provide opportunities for its students. » Clavell began. « Opportunities to learn about the world, to hone their skills and find their true calling in life... since centuries, we've always entrusted our students with finding their very own "treasure". »

    With his back to the crowd, Turo couldn't see what they were doing, but the silence was almost deafening. Clavell smiled more broadly and now turned his eyes from the audience to him and Sada.

    « Today, honoured guests, we are here to celebrate two of our students finding their most precious treasure in each other. Two brilliant and very special minds » nobody but the two of them noticed the very quick smile Clavell gave them at those words « who, I'm sure, will go on to accomplish great things in life, together... but today is not that day yet. »

    He paused for a moment, and Turo could feel Sada tremble slightly at his side. Kim purred and rubbed her head against her hand.

    « If anyone can show just cause why this man and this woman may not be lawfully joined together, let them step forward now to challenge them or hereafter remain silent.» Clavell continued. This part was purely a formality as far as Turo knew.
    In the past, having Pokémon present had also been a purely practical way to protect the couple if someone tried to interfere during the ceremony, and the tradition had stuck.

    Clavell cleared his throat to continue, but was interrupted by a sinister chuckle. Turo and Sada both turned around, to the figure of a Haunter rising slowly from the floor, cackling.
    Clavell and everyone else froze, looking at the Pokémon. Kim and Miguel growled and stepped forward, ready for the challenge, before Raifort let out a whispered curse.

    « Haunter!! Come back here, I said it as a joke-»

    The ghost type snickered loudly and clapped both Pokémon on their backs, then slinkered back to its trainer, still cackling. Raifort sighed and recalled her Pokémon.

    « Sorry, he's just... please go on.» she mumbled.

    Everyone relaxed, and there were some chuckles from the audience.
    Clavell took a moment to continue.

    « All right, then... let's go on.»

    He took a deep breath, and Turo felt himself go rigid. This was the most important part of the ceremony.

    « Do you, Romero Turo, take Alba Sada as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?» Clavell's voice rose steadily, and Turo had to take a deep breath to keep his voice from trembling.

    « I do. » he answered.

    « Do you, Alba Sada, take Romero Turo to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?»

    « I do.» Sada's voice didn't hesitate, and he had to physically refrain from kissing her then and there.

    Clavell smiled, then turned to both Pokémon in turn.

    « Do you, Miguel and Kim, swear to protect your Trainer's companion like it was your own? To care for each of their Pokémon as if they were your own teammates? »

    The two Pokémon answered in unison, Kim with a resounding roar and Miguel by mimicking Turo's own "I do", which caused another fit of giggles in the audience.

    Feeling a bit lightheaded, he turned to Sada; now was the time for the vows and the ring exchange.

    « Since the moment we first met, our lives both changed in ways that we could have never imagined. » Sada began, and Turo couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her at seeing the pride with which she was speaking, the pure love in her eyes. She took both his hands in hers, interlocking their fingers.

    « I still remember how you looked at me in that moment. Nervous, panicked and... honestly, completely lost. » she said with a smile. Turo thought he heard a small "doesn't surprise me" mumbled from Raifort.

    « It's a memory I will always cherish, like every other precious moment I spent with you that is now in the past... I vow to love you and support you, and to treasure every new memory I'll make together at your side.»

    It took a couple of long moments for Turo to compose himself and reply.

    « The first time we met, I never imagined that this day would ever come. Being at your side for the rest of my life sounded like an impossible dream; you looked so... far away to me, so impossibly out of reach.
    But now... we'll build a new future together.» he raised his voice a bit as he saw Sada's eyes widen and start to tear up, trying to keep his voice steady.

    « I vow to love you and support you, and I am excited for every new day that will come at your side.»

    Clavell smiled brightly before continuing.

    « Now, wear these rings as a reminder of the vows you have just taken.» he said, before turning expectantly to the entrance. After a long moment of silence, the sounds of Ötzi's stubby clay legs started resounding across the hall as the Golett made its way through, holding a small pillow with the two rings.
    With a slight buzzing sound, Ampere floated down and pointed its magnets towards one of the ring, which started floating towards Turo's hand.
    With a small smile,Turo picked up his ring in midair and took Sada's left hand in his. They were simple golden bands, with their names engraved on the inside. He could feel Miguel shift his weight on his shoulder, and for a horrible moment thought that the Murkrow would snatch the ring away right as he was about to slide it on Sada's finger. Thankfully, he seemed to only want to watch, and looked intent in keeping his promise.

    « Romero, as you place this ring on Sada’s finger, please repeat after me:
    “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I pledge to love you, honor you, and cherish you, today and for all the days of our lives.”»

    « I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I pledge to love you, honor you, and cherish you, today and for all the days of our lives... for all time. » he repeated, adding that last bit on impulse. It just felt... right.

    Sada did the same after waiting a moment for the Magnemite to float the second ring magnetically towards her hand.

    « I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I pledge to love you, honor you, and cherish you, today and for all the days of our lives... for all time. » she said, her smile bright.

    « With the power given to me by the region of Paldea, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. »

    Cheers erupted even before he was done with the customary "you may kiss the bride", which Turo only heard because he was standing right next to him, and because Sada had taken the chance to kiss him first, pretty much jumping into his arms.

    He pressed his lips to hers, holding her tight, only vaguely aware of the complete chaos that had erupted in the entrance until they looked around.

    « Congratulations, Library Lady!!»

    Sada laughed and waved at the group of small kids from the elementary classes that had gathered on the library balcony as a mix of rice and coins thrown by the guests started to rain on them both. Miguel started flapping his way around, snapping up as many coins as he could in his beak, and Turo laughed, holding Sada close as he tried to avoid rice getting in her hair. He looked at the wedding band glinting on his ring finger as he did, smiling happily.

    A moment later, they got swarmed by the guests that wanted to congratulate them, and he got swept up in the celebrations.

    Sada found out that marriage celebrations weren't that much different from the rites performed in her tribe. Lots of people, lots of food, music, and drinking were always involved. In a way, she found it reassuring... even if a part of her kept thinking about how the people in her time would have reacted to seeing how things were here.

    Well... Chalo would have loved the wine, for sure.

    Long tables had been set over on the lawn in front of the school, and most of the guests, plus whoever happened to pass by which by now looked like most of the Academy were freely mingling around.

    Following a Paldean tradition that said it was good luck to spot a Tandemaus or Maushold during a weeding, lures that emanated a smell similar to incense had been set up all around the lawn to attract wild ones, and a couple of students had let out their own Tandemaus that were now zigzagging between the tables, Kim chasing after them with absolute glee.

    She caught a glimpse of Grusha, talking with other students his age near one of the tables while his Sneasel was stealing most of the tarts from a plate. Larry was speaking with Turo a bit over to the side, the Gym Leader looking unusually... animated. Well, as much as he could. He had come near her earlier and congratulated them both.

    « Even if I have no idea why you two would have invited someone like me.» he had added.

    ...well, it was mostly because Clavell had insisted they invite someone and... they didn't really know that many people outside of the Academy. And she had found his Gym challenge fun.

    There had definitely been a point where Clavell had made a bit of a public event out of it, and somehow, the whole Academy had rolled along with it.

    Sada didn't mind; she was having fun, and all the people gave her less time to think about the people that were missing from it.

    « Could I have a word with the bride?» a voice she didn't recognize made her turn around, towards a woman that had just approached her.

    The first thing that struck her was her clothes: she was wearing a two piece suit, which already contrasted with most other women present wearing dresses, each piece in contrasting colours: the upper half a bright violet, the pants a stark red. She had bright eyes of a peculiar bright orange and purple that immediately caught her eye.

    The woman,who looked more or less her age, offered her her hand, and Sada shook it.

    « I just arrived from the airport so I'm afraid I missed the ceremony, so I wanted to congratulate you and the groom... My name is Briar Heath.»


    Sada's eyes widened, and Briar must have noticed, because she smiled brightly.

    «... Yes, that was the reaction I was expecting. I'm currently busy with a project overseas in Unova, but I heard from Director Harrington that you and the groom have shown... interest in entering Area Zero for your research?»

    Sada turned to where Turo was still making small talk, desperately waving him over.

    « Oh, well... yes,we do-» she replied vaguely.

    The ones that knew that she and Turo had actually appeared in Area Zero were limited to Clavell, Harrington and a couple of other people at the Academy. How much did she actually know?

    Turo must have noticed, because he raised one eyebrow and approached them both.

    « I'm... afraid I don't know your name, Ms...?» he said, looking perplexed.

    « Oh, I'm not on the guest list! Harrington called me over because he thought I would be interested in meeting you... He keeps me updated about students of the Academy that show interest in Area Zero, but sadly no one does recently... Until you two came along! Briar Heath.» she shook Turo's hand, whose eyes also widened at hearing the name.

    « Are you perhaps related to...?»

    « Yes. I'm a descendant of the author of the Scarlet and Violet books. That is actually why I wanted to talk to you! I'm not a trainer, and literally no one has gotten permission to enter Area Zero in decades, but... if you two could manage it... I would be very interested in discussing what's written in those books- maybe even help with funding your research?»

    There was something calculating behind her smile, but Sada didn't care. This woman could give her what they needed the most at the moment. Backing, someone that actually wanted to invest in their research-

    « Yes... yes, of course!» she breathed out, excited. What a stroke of luck!

    « ... why are there two books? Did he leave anything that explained it?» Turo blurted out next to her, looking as excited as she was. She couldn't blame him: the Violet Book and how it showed Pokémon from the future had puzzled him from the first moment he had seen it.

    Briar looked pensive for a moment, playing with a pair of pearl earrings she was wearing.

    « Well, the thing is... What Heath saw down there centuries ago is not even all that's written in the printed books that are still circulating. The original draft has some unedited text and... puzzling pages that were left out, for some reason. But I don't want to keep you from your celebrations! I need to leave shortly, we can talk about it another time!» she waved and disappeared down the Mesagoza staircase.

    They both followed her with their eyes, perplexed.

    « Did she ... dodge the question?» Turo asked after a moment.

    « Yeah, I'm sure she did. What was written in the original version, then? She said "version", singular.» Sada answered.

    Had there only been one book before Heath decided to split them into two versions? Why? They absolutely had to-

    « What are you two doing over there?» Clavell's voice snapped them both out of their almost trance, making them turn in unison.

    « Oh, we were just talking with... A woman named Briar...» Sada answered.

    Clavell looked slightly surprised. « I didn't think she would actually come visit... but we can talk about it another day! There's something I want to show you both.» he smiled, walking them both towards their table.

    « I thought a lot about what to gift you-» he started, and Sada's eyes widened.

    « Gift? Sebastian, you don't need to do anything for us, you've already done so much for us...» she hurriedly interjected, but Clavell shook his head.

    « And you're the officiant, does the officiant even need to do a gift?» Turo questioned, looking perplexed.

    « I couldn't do nothing. I wanted to do something meaningful. »

    A big, bulky object had been set upon the table, covered by a cloth, which Clavell raised not without a certain flair.

    Under it was a big hourglass, the two ends in lacquered wood; it was laying sideways, and curiously each end was filled with what appeared like colored sand. Completely scarlet on one side, and violet on the other.

    « I've taken the liberty of using some of the fire and poison tera shards you've collected and grind them into dust. » Clavell said as Sada bent slightly to examine it, fascinated.

    « It's beautiful... »

    « But won't the sand get all mixed up as soon as you turn it the first time?» Turo muttered, to which Sada giggled, turning towards him with a smile.
    Aw, Turo... she found it so endearing how he could analyze complex problems in seconds yet completely miss the obvious things laying in front of him sometimes.

    Clavell looked similarly amused.

    « Yes, Romero. That's, well... that's pretty much the point. It's supposed to be, you know... symbolic.» he answered slowly as he politely tried not to laugh.

    It took a couple of seconds for Turo to realize and turn bright red.

    « ... ah. Of course. Me and Sada's favourite colors.... all mixed up because... yeah, makes sense.» he mumbled, and she laughed and kissed him.

    « I love you so much.» she whispered.

    « I wanted something to always remind you to not lose sight of what's important. The fact that you are both here, together, able to spend the rest of your life with each other instead of... being separated in your own times. » Clavell whispered, and Sada followed the sudden urge to hug him, eyes stinging.

    « Thank you. Really. For everything.» she whispered in his ear, leaving him quite flustered.

    « Well, it's... nothing special-» he raised his head when music started to suddenly play, before hurriedly pushing them towards the other guests.

    « The music started! It's time for your first dance! Go!» he smiled.

    Pushed away, Sada could do nothing but turn towards Turo, excited. He looked quite tense. She knew what he was worried about: stumbling while they danced and generally embarrassing her.

    « Remember what I told you when we tried those dancing classes?» she whispered.
    She would never feel embarrassed of him.
    After a moment, Turo smiled and offered her his hand, the Tera shards he had used as cufflinks glinting under the moonlight.

    « ... let's see if those lessons paid off after all.» he replied, and she smiled while he led her to the center of the space created by the guests.

    Sada grabbed his right hand, putting the other on his shoulder, and together they started dancing.

    Turo really had practiced; his steps were a bit rigid, but sharp and focused, like he was putting every ounce of his focus on performing them correctly. She smiled and moved her hand from his shoulder to his neck, briefly, never looking away from his eyes. She could feel him lock up the slightest bit, before his smile relaxed and he spun her around, and she threw her head back and laughed joyfully.

    She barely noticed when the other guests slowly started joining them as they kept dancing under the moonlight.
    I did a bit of research on Spanish wedding customs to reference some things here and there, mostly the black dress. I hope I didn't get some things wrong!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 35: Lamiaceae
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Sorry for the longer time between updates, but I was focused on writing the new chapter of The Imitation Game the past month and had some changes in my real life routine which took a bit of getting used to.
    I'm quite happy about this chapter, hope you like it!
    I *almost* managed to post it for Scarlet and Violet's second anniversary... and it will soon be this fic's second anniversary too! Feels unreal.

    Chapter 35: Lamiaceae

    The celebrations kept going long into the night; the majority of students slowly trickled away, leaving only the newlyweds's closest friends and acquaintances present. Clavell stood aside, a small smile on his lips as he simply watched; he had just finished dancing with Sada, who had now been dragged in a lively gigue by Jacq. The woman was laughing as Jacq enthusiastically showed her all the steps, messing up half of them.

    Turo meanwhile was catching his breath away from the dance floor, and was busy showing one of the sensors to calculate the Tera type of a Pokémon he had developed to an interested audience composed of Brassius, Larry, Hassell and strangely enough, Raifort.
    A Sudowoodo and a Staraptor were waiting on the grass as he moved a device similar to a metal detector up and down, scanning them.

    « As you can see, even as it is not currently Terastalized, if we scan this Sudowoodo it's type shows up as "Grass"» Turo said, before moving to the other Pokémon. Brassius smiled, his usually gloomy eyes alight.

    « So, if this Tera Orb becomes commonplace, I could terastallize it whenever I want?» he asked. Turo nodded, before moving the detector towards the Flying type.

    « Meanwhile, Larry's Staraptor shows up as... Uh. »
    He quirked one eyebrow, and checked the device expecting some error code.

    « ... Weird. It says "Normal" type here. » he muttered.

    « I suppose it would happen... if a Pokémon's Hidden Power just happens to be in tune with their actual type... err, I'm sorry, Larry. » he shook his head with a sigh.

    Larry didn't look particularly perturbed, as he stroked the Staravia busy preening himself.

    « I don't really mind. » the smallest hint of a smile appeared on the man's face.

    « A flashy type like Dragon or Fire wouldn't have suited us. Sometimes being ordinary is exactly what makes someone stand out. I'm actually glad you confirmed how in tune we are with each other. » he said.

    Well... all right, as long as he was happy with it.

    « Ideally, when that time comes, it would be great if we could integrate these sensors into something that every trainer could carry with them, so everyone could immediately check the Tera type of any Pokémon they have... » he explained.

    Unfortunately, to his slight frustration, the technology wasn't quite there yet. Maybe in a couple years time... Now if people would just hurry up and invent the touchscreen pushing for further device portability, that would already be a step in the right direction...

    His thoughts got interrupted by Hassel stepping forward.

    « Could you check my Pokémon next?» he asked, excited, but before he could comply, they both got interrupted by a loud yell. He turned around, recognising Jacq's voice, to find the younger researcher stumbling in his direction, dragging a still laughing Sada behind him.

    « Wait! I haven't given you my wedding gift yet!»

    There was a pause as Turo furrowed his eyebrows, perplexed.

    « ... um... Isn't it in that envelope along all the others...?» he asked. Jacq took a moment to fix his glasses - was he drunk? He looked a bit tipsy -

    « Yes! I mean, not quite... It's another gift! » he exclaimed, before he started to fumble in the breast pocket of his two-piece suit. A brief silence fell as Turo watched Jacq turn every pocket inside out muttering "Now where did I put them...?" To himself. He turned towards Clavell, hoping for an explanation, but the man just shook his head.

    « Found them!»

    And with that, Jacq pulled out no less than six miniaturized Poké Balls and threw them in a wide arc in the air.

    « What... » Turo's eyes widened as the forms of six Magnemites started floating in the air. Ampere let out a buzz and floated closer to the group. They must have started to communicate in some way - probably electromagnetic signals-, because they all started to bop up and down in midair.

    He turned back to Jacq, who wore a big, dumb grin on his face.

    « Jacq... what's the meaning of this?»

    « Well you know how Magnemite needs to link with two others to evolve? I thought to myself: "But what if I catch two random ones and then they don't get along?" So I caught a whole bunch of 'em for you!»

    He didn't really know what to say to that. On one hand, it was a sweet gesture and he appreciated it, on the other... He looked at the group of Magnemite that had started to float in circles all around Ampere, and him indirectly, making him look like some bizarre, human-shaped satellite.

    « All right, but... What am I supposed to do with the ones that don't choose to evolve?» he brought one hand to his face with a sigh. Jacq didn't look worried.

    « That's okay, I caught 'em near the Levincia lighthouse! I think they all like to hang around it because of the signals the lighthouse emits... so they should feel right at home at the Cabo Poco one!»

    That ... was not what he was worried about, but whatever. He looked towards Ampere, who hadn't stopped happily twirling his magnets, and smiled.

    « ... I guess there's enough space there for a couple more Magnemite. Thanks, Jacq. »


    Very late into the night, a Flying Taxi landed near the Cabo Poco lighthouse.

    « Congratulations for your wedding, or whatever-» their by now usual pilot said in the most bored and sleepy tone possible, lighting a cigarette before getting back into the air again, his flock of Squawkabilly looking less lively than usual after having been woken in the middle of the night.

    Turo was the first to step down, helping her get down while she was still wearing the dress and shoes she was definitely not used to. They approached the lighthouse together, hand in hand, and Sada could not help a little smile as she looked on at the building up ahead, visible only because of its own light it emitted. From this night, this would officially be their place.

    As soon as they were near the door, she felt Turo's hand in hers clamp up and then let go. She threw him a glance, even if she couldn't really see much of his expression in the dark.

    « What are you thinking about?» she asked.

    He fumbled with the keys, taking a moment to unlock the door.

    « Well, um... there's this tradition when getting inside your house for the first time as a married couple...»

    She couldn't help but laugh a bit.

    « You want to pick me up?» she had seen it enough in movies to know what he was talking about.

    Turo nodded, a bit stiff, and she threw her arms around his neck, laughing.

    She didn't think he would care about something like that. Aw.

    They crossed the door, but instead of putting her down, Turo held her close, now trembling a bit. She heard him sigh, and moved her head to better look at him. He had a distant look in his eyes.

    « Is something wrong? You can put me down if it's too much effort -»

    Having her twirl while they danced was one thing, but he had never exactly carried her "bridal style" like this-

    Turo just shook his head, and raised his shoulders.

    « It's nothing. For a moment, it just reminded me of another time I carried you like this... when you were injured by that other Winged King. But it's fine. » he pressed a kiss on her lips, and she could feel him smile faintly.

    « Things are much different now. Better.» he murmured.

    He didn't seem to want to let her go until they had crossed the whole house and stepped into the bedroom, turning on the lights.

    Sada held her breath, excited. Not because it was their bedroom - that was nothing new for them-, but because she had actually hidden her personal present for him into the new wardrobe just earlier that morning. She had woken up at dawn and ran out with a Flying Taxi to be able to do it and make it back to Mesagoza in time, but his reaction would be worth the sleep she had sacrificed to do so.

    However, what she didn't expect was that apparently, judging by the big something propped against one wall, he had had the exact same idea.
    When had he even brought that in? It wasn't there this morning, and he had been with her the whole time after that... He hadn't opened the wardrobe by accident, had he?
    Turo put her down - not without a little grunt of effort - and turned towards her with a wry smile.

    « Hassell helped bring it here during the afternoon. Did you notice he and Brassius seemed to disappear for a short bit?» he asked.

    She had actually, but didn't think much of it with all the other guests present.
    Her honest thought had been that the two had disappeared in a room somewhere, and good for them.

    « His Noivern is apparently really fast... I'll have to thank him for the favour!» Turo laughed, before moving next to the mysterious object, grabbing hold of the cloth that covered it completely.

    With a bit of a dramatic flourish -something told her he must have practiced it many times -, he pulled the cloth off, letting it fall to the floor.

    Sada barely noticed, her eyes widening as she took in the large canvas in front of her. The upper corners of the painting had been painted to look almost like leather, while the subject of the painting was the interior of one of the tents of her tribe. Not the big, communal tent where most of the tribe gathered together, but one of the smaller, more private ones. She realized after a moment that Turo had painted the canvas so that the perspective made it almost look like she was lifting one of the flaps that would act as a door and peeking inside, in a 1:1 scale. A little fire glowed at the center of the canvas, barely illuminating the couple of everyday objects strewn all around. A pelt, arrow-heads, scrapers and other tools made of bone and stone, little things left around as if their owner had just walked out.
    It was a simple, everyday scene that she thought she would never see again.

    « I tried to get it as accurate to my memories as I could... Before I started to forget.» she heard Turo whisper beside her as he put one arm around her waist
    « But I didn't want to simply reproduce a tent in particular... I wanted it to feel... Like yours, in a way. » he added.

    She didn't know what to say to that: the more she looked, the more little details she caught. The little embers and ashes from the fire in the center of the painting, the parts of the painting that had his fingerprints faintly visible on them, as if he had dipped his fingers in paint to do them, just like the people of her tribe would do...

    « This... This is beautiful. Thank you so much. » she whispered in response. « ... I actually have something for you, too. Open the wardrobe.» she added after a moment, smiling in anticipation. Turo raised one eyebrow, but complied after a moment.
    She watched with a grin as his eyes went similarly wide as he saw what was hanging inside in the otherwise empty wardrobe.

    « It's... A new labcoat... » he said, carefully taking it off the hanger, just to get silent when he caught sight of the luminescent fabric on the innermost part and on the seams and cuffs. He quirked both eyebrows, something he only did when he was genuinely surprised.

    « I know how much you find the clothes in this era uncomfortable, and that you miss wearing your suit.» she said, picking one sleeve up.

    The old one he had always worn had gotten unusable after spending an entire month in Area Zero wearing it constantly.

    « So I tried to make something that would look good with the suit and remind you of it.»

    Turo carefully pinched the fabric between two fingers, apparently just to enjoy the feeling of it, and smiled.

    « Wait... look good "with" the suit?» he said after a moment, turning to look at her.

    « I cant wear my bodysuit, people are going to-»

    « People aren't going to even notice it's from the future!» Sada laughed. « Clavell doesn't count, people aren't going to analyze it under a microscope like he did! Maybe not everyday, but you can wear it with the labcoat while working... make it part of your image. That's what I want to do with mine. Those clothes are the only thing left from my time, and I don't want to stuff them in a closet never to be seen again for the rest of my life!» she said.

    « Let's do it! We'll wear them with pride. And we'll finally have matching labcoats. I plan to make one for myself, too.»

    She could see a little smile make its way on his face at her words.

    « ... why not. Thank you. It's incredible.»

    Sada smiled in return and threw her arms around him, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

    « But first... How about we take these clothes off? » she whispered tugging at his necktie, and Turo grinned.

    Turo honestly thought it would take more for him to get used to thinking of Sada as 'his wife', but it came surprisingly natural. Maybe it was because they had already spent so much time just living together in some way or another.

    As much as he had tried to reassure Sada that everything was going to be okay, Turo had his fair share of freaking out to do in the following weeks.
    Usually every time they went for a checkup. He... frankly speaking... still had no faith in the level reached by medical science in this era. Didn't... didn't they still like... cut people open in this time? And only sometimes used anesthesia?

    That was barbaric.

    Today's checkup at least was more of the usual; Sada was starting to develop a very visible belly, and had to really start paying attention to what she could and couldn't do.

    « Definitely no more chasing wild Pokémon around with a bow! » he had commented, incredulous, when Sada had told him of what Jacq had asked her to do in exchange for helping with her gift.

    « What was Jacq thinking, asking you to take part in it?»

    « You know that in my time people did a lot more while pregnant, and they managed just fine.» Sada had simply answered, and he had sighed.

    But in the end, Sada had never failed to listen to what her doctor recommended when she actually told her that she would need to slow down a bit and avoid strenuous effort.

    « Even if you are in great physical shape, it's better to be cautious... by the way, do you want to know the gender?» the doctor asked that day as she finished her examination.

    « You can do that?!»
    « You can do that?»

    Sada and Turo asked in unison, the first in wonder and the second in genuine confusion.


    He didn't think they could discern it already... man, this whole century was a mess. So many new inventions and technological advancements done so incredibly fast, relatively speaking... it was impossible to keep it all straight.

    Honestly, the thought had never crossed his mind. His head was full of scenes from old-timey movies where the nurse screamed "congratulations, it's a boy!", or whatever, so that was how he had pictured it would go with them, too.

    Getting told that he could know right now, out of the blue... he didn't know what to think. It wouldn't be "their child" or "the baby" anymore, but their son or their daughter. In a way, it would make it more... tangible.
    Once they knew, they would have to think of a name, too... was he ready? He looked towards Sada, feeling like she had to decide.

    At their answers, the gynecologist stared at both of them, and Sada blushed slightly, embarrassed. Turo grasped her hand, and she felt his fingers brush over her wedding ring, and she smiled just the tiniest bit. They exchanged a glance, and she realized he was leaving the choice to her. She had no idea this was even possible! Sure, her mother had known all kinds of little tricks that apparently told you if it was a boy or a girl, like the shape of the belly, but Sada had honestly never really understood how to tell the two shapes apart... it wasn't even that accurate either.

    « I-I mean... yes, I... we would love to.» she whispered after a moment, holding Turo's hand tighter. The doctor smiled, looking between the two.

    « You never said anything so I was starting to wonder if you were the kind of couple that doesn't want to know...» she said, before taking a big breath. Sada felt Turo's hand squeeze hers, and felt her own chest tighten. Her mind was completely blank. It's not like she had ever thought of one option over the other, so why was she even feeling nervous? It made no difference-

    « It's a boy. Congratulations!»

    ... And right as the doctor said it, in a way, it was as if she had always known. Like it had been natural, as it was meant to be.
    Turo's hand twitched, and she turned her head towards him. His face was completely blank, but his eyes had gone wide.

    His fingers trembled slightly in hers.

    « A boy... » she repeated, caressing her belly with a wide smile.

    « Why don't we decide his name?» Turo whispered after clearing his throat, and Sada's eyes widened.

    He wanted to do... what?

    His offer to pick the boy's name was met with complete silence by Sada, and that had left him puzzled. She had looked almost... troubled at the idea, and Turo couldn't understand why.
    They left the doctor's office hand in hand, and for a couple of minutes they simply walked through the streets of Mesagoza. Sada kept walking with her head held low, and Turo didn't know what to say. Had he said something wrong?

    « Sada... what's the problem? You looked so happy, but the moment I mentioned choosing the boy's name, you-» he stopped. Saying "the boy" still felt unreal to him. Their little boy. Their treasure. They were going to have a son.

    He caught sight of a bench in an empty little plaza, and they sat down. Sada still didn't look up.

    « I... » she started wringing her hands. « I didn't think to give him a name yet... in my time, we... We didn't name the children when they were born.» she said in a low voice, her eyes still lowered to the ground. Her long hair fell forward, partially cowering her face. Turo blinked, caught by surprise.

    « You didn't... name the children...?» he asked, and she shook her head.

    « Everyone would get their name when... when they were able to visit the tribe's cave for the first time. » she added, and Turo flinched back.

    « But... but isn't that at least when they are a couple years old and can walk? You... you didn't have a name before that?» he asked, incredulous. Why would they ever make such a tradition -

    Sada's eyes were still hidden, but her face was growing red, and after a long moment, he understood the reason almost at the same exact time she spoke up again. His face fell and he moved to hug her, wrapping her arms around her with a trembling sigh. Oh, Sada...

    « ... No, I didn't, because that way, if I didn't... if I... it would hurt less... maybe -» Sada was saying all at once, stumbling over her words in hushed whispers.

    « The baby is fine... he will be safe here, and you won't have to worry about anything happening to him like your parents had to do-» he whispered, stroking her hair. He felt her nod weakly against her neck.

    « It's just... I feel bad because I didn't even think about it, that it could somehow be bad... but they weren't'...bad parents - I felt like my memories of them were getting... ruined and it's all I have left of them...» she kept talking almost like she was trying to convince herself more than him, and he just kept holding her close.

    « I'm sure they weren't... They did the best with what they had- it's obvious how much your mother loved you when I visited your village.. and I'm sure your father was the same. » he said in the end.

    Sada said nothing for a while, until he felt her shoulder relax and she pulled back from him, nodding slightly.

    « I... have no idea what name we could even choose. » she whispered, but he stopped her by cupping her face in his hands.

    « That doesn't mean anything. I know you love the baby anyway - no one that doesn't would call him "my treasure"... And get that sparkle in their eyes like you did when you told me you were pregnant. » he said.

    Sada was so strong... Much stronger than he could fathom to have survived in times as harsh as she did, and still keep her bright and curious attitude, braving wild Pokémon just to satisfy her curiosity. But, almost paradoxically, she found herself stumped by the little things of this time, things that were obvious to everyone here but not her.

    « It's perfectly normal not to think of a name for quite some time. Even the doctor said it, some couples don't even know the gender of their kid until it's born! They choose only after the birth.» he laughed, trying to reassure her. Sada smiled, raising one hand to play with his hair. She already looked a bit better.

    « All right... But I want to start thinking of a name-» she said.

    Turo swallowed, now feeling suddenly a bit anxious himself.

    « Well, um... » all male names he had ever heard in his life suddenly sounded bad.

    The thing was... he could barely name his variables while coding, now he was supposed to bestow a name on a person?
    Something they would carry for the rest of their life?

    At least Pokémon could tell you if they liked the name!

    « We have time, and you know the names of this era better than me... but you definitely need to put more thought in it than you did naming your Miraidon "Mirai"» Sada laughed, and he felt himself blush. For once, thinking of Mirai didn't hurt.

    « I... I was four years old at the time! Like you're the one to talk with the nickname you wanted to give Kim at first! What are you naming that Swinub Grusha gave you, by the way?» he asked. Sada huffed.

    « Don't try and change the topic!»

    There was a pause.

    « ... Bacon.»

    « We're going to buy one of those books about baby names, and read it really carefully» he muttered.


    Months slowly passed and Sada's pregnancy forced them both to make some adjustments; their research on Tera Pokémon slowed noticeably now that she couldn't visit Tera dens for the time being, and their Gym challenge had to be put on hold.
    The development of the prototype of the Tera Orb however was almost complete: if everything went well, they would soon be able to present it officially to Briar and other possible backers; with some luck, it would impress them enough to get both her and Turo a grant and allow them into Area Zero with the excuse of further developing the Tera Orb.
    They had moved permanently into the lighthouse in Cabo Poco, even as the actual lab part of the house was still pretty much empty. Sada had been forbidden from doing any kind of heavy lifting and work, something she was not used to. Thankfully she had plenty she could still do sitting down, and her Pokémon helped her with anything else.

    « Can you get me the orange yarn, please? » she asked Ötzi as she lay down on a couch, hook in hand, busy crocheting a couple of tiny baby socks. The Golett diligently obeyed, taking a moment to pick up the correct color and bringing it to her. Kim watched the ball of yarn with some masked interest; now that she was a Pyroar, Sada sometimes caught her trying to act as if she was now too grow-up to get up in little things like play around with a ball of yarn, something she found quite funny. She had still found her completely entangled in it just the other day, trying to not burn the whole skein to ash.
    Bacon (name still pending) lay by her side, like a very cozy and (surprisingly, for an Ice type) warm pillow. Turo was somewhere in the laboratory, which was slowly taking shape. Granted, their lack of money meant that for now, most of their research equipment consisted of Turo's laptop, a small collection of books they were amassing, their school notes and research papers, her little excavation toolkit and camping equipment, and... Not much else.

    But if their Tera Orb really got people excited and secured them the funding they needed... She suddenly stopped crocheting when she felt a sudden stab of pain in her stomach.

    « Ötzi, Kim... run to call Turo, please» she said, her voice surprisingly calm even as she took a big breath. She knew what was happening. Had seen it happen countless times already. It was normal, completely natural. She was going to be fine. Just fine. The baby was also going to be safe. It wasn't like back in her time, people knew how to handle things, worst case they would just put her to sleep like her gynecologist explained and-

    She was scared.
    She couldn't be scared.

    The Golett and Pyroar just looked at her as she grabbed her phone and started dialing for a Flying Taxi, trying to keep her hand from shaking and voice steady.

    « I think the baby is coming.» she said with another stab of pain.

    The Golett raised its hand to its head and ran off in a panic, clattering towards the laboratory, while Kim curled up behind her like a big warm pillow, kneading her back with her paws. She didn't know if it was just some instinct the Pyroar had or if she was genuinely trying to soothe her, but she appreciated it anyway as she waited for the call to get picked up.

    «Yes, I need a taxi service, I'm at the Cabo Poco lighthouse. It's really urgent, I need to get to Mesagoza as fast as I can-urgh. Reason? Um... I think I'm about to give birth.»

    She had never seen a Flying Taxi arrive so fast before.

    So... the baby was coming. Right now. Turo knew they were approaching the deadline, so it would have been a matter of days or a week at most anyway, but when Sada's Golett barreled into the lab and forcibly dragged him in the living room and he saw her clenching her teeth in pain on the couch, he still flew into a panic. Sada had been... almost unsettlingly calm during the whole ride towards the hospital, he couldn't help but feel like he was doing something wrong. Was she putting up a brave front? Or maybe she genuinely didn't think much of it? After her life in the Paleolithic, maybe everything looked so easy and cozy to her.

    ... But what if she wasn't, and he didn't notice because he was too busy trying to calm himself down-

    He could only keep thinking of how little faith he had in the medicine of this time. Sure, they did amazing things to Pokémon, but humans were another matter entirely.

    What if they had to-

    « Turo » Sada's voice snapped him out of his thoughts: they had been left momentarily alone, a nurse coming in just to check on "how far along" they were. Things could apparently still take hours, or even more than a day, and that terrified him.

    In his mind, those hours were where everything could go wrong, and he could do nothing to help.

    « You're not the one giving birth, so stop making that face » she gasped, and he could feel himself blush.

    Sada took a deep breath, holding out her hand, and he held it. She gripped his palm,almost digging her nails in.

    « I don't care if in your time they do some stupidly advanced futuristic thing like teleport the baby out or whatever» she said, and that was enough to stop his mind from running in circles in a panic.

    He stared at her, slack-jawed.

    «W-well...» he said, not quite sure how to answer that. I mean...

    « Do you want to know what my mother did in my time? » she asked, and he nodded.

    « She had me in a cave, with a spear in hand, while my father was busy fending off a pack of wild creatures just outside» she took another deep breath, her hand trembling in his.

    « Are you about to fight a pack of wild Houndooms? » she asked, and he shook his head, feeling himself calm down.

    « N-no... »

    « Exactly-» Sada gasped as she doubled over in pain again, and he flinched.

    « Compared to what they went through for me, this is nothing. Nothing-» she gasped, and he could see little beads of sweat all over her face, her eyes wide, pupils shrunken and reduced to a pinprick.

    « ... then why am I so scared...?» she finally whispered, and he grit his teeth.

    He hated to see her like this. He had to help... he had to be the one to support her.
    He cradled her hand with both of his, straightening his shoulders. It suddenly reminded him of another time he had waited at her bedside, less than a year and yet a lifetime ago.

    « You're right. It will be fine.» he whispered just as the nurse came back inside.

    « I'm right here. Just focus on my voice. Think of our little boy: we're going to finally see him soon!» he hoped to distract her by making her focus on something else. The one all of this was for, after all.

    Sada actually smiled at that.

    She knew that childbirth hurt. She saw it multiple times at the village in her time, and it had always given her a deep respect for every older woman of her tribe, her mother first of all. She thought she could somewhat imagine what it felt like.

    And yet it had been nothing like what she had ever experienced. She had read books about it to prepare, in the months before. She thought that maybe fully understanding all the changes her body would go through would help. How the whole procedure happened, from a purely scientific point of view... how, apparently, the brain was wired to downplay and distort the memories of how painful it had been later on, or otherwise no living being would ever decide to give birth multiple times.

    She really hoped for that to be the case.

    But when, after what seemed like hours and hours of labouring, she suddenly heard that first cry, she realized that the pain didn't matter at all. She raised her head, trying to look down, towards the nurse, but didn't quite manage it. Her eyes went to Turo, but he wasn't looking at her, his eyes fixed on something else.
    Like from a great distance, she heard the nurse ask him something and he let go of her hand to stand up, moving like he was in a trance.

    And then the baby was suddenly put in her arms: she looked down, and there he was. Their child. Their little treasure.
    He was real. His eyes were squeezed shut, his face still red from the crying after taking his first breath, and he looked so incredibly small...

    « ... You're finally here.» she gasped as Turo sat back down by her side, his gaze fixed on the little bundle in her arms.
    His face was completely unreadable as he kept staring, transfixed, his eyes wide and unfocused. Sada couldn't help but keep thinking about all the incredible series of coincidences that had to happen for this new life to just be here in her arms, right now. If she and Turo had never met... if they had stayed in their own times... he wouldn't be here now.

    It was a miracle.

    « So... which of the names we discussed do we want to give him?» Turo asked by her side after a moment of silence.
    Or maybe it was a couple minutes. Or maybe an hour. She couldn't quite know: time seemed to have lost all meaning right now.
    He still seemed quite a bit out of it - honestly, she was too, apart from feeling exhausted. Focusing on something concrete would probably help both.

    They had made a list of possible names, but still hadn't quite decided on one, opting to do so when the baby would be born.

    Sada thought for a long moment; they had decided to not choose a name from either of their times; it had to be something that would make him fit in, that would sound completely normal in this time.

    « Names inspired by plants and flowers seem to be really popular, don't they? There were quite a lot in those lists of baby names... » she said after a moment. She hesitated and, almost fearfully, touched the baby's cheek with one finger. It was so strange: he had been with her for nine months, but this was the first time she was actually touching him with her own hands. It still didn't feel real.

    « Let's see... "Oliver"? » she asked, only for Turo to sigh.

    « ... Please no, I don't want to be reminded of something I'm allergic to every time I look at my son... » he mumbled, and she giggled.

    Oh. Right.

    « Sorry... then, um... "Valerian"? "Valerio"?» she offered.

    « ... Isn't that from the herb they make sedatives out of? » Turo's eyebrows furrowed, and now it was Sada's turn to sigh, exasperated. He was going to object to everything she was going to propose, wasn't he?

    But she could understand being so picky. This was important. It had to be perfect. It had to... feel right.

    « It also meant "strong" long ago, but alright. Um... » she looked down at the baby in her arms. He had his eyes closed, and she noticed that he had long eyelashes. So beautiful.

    « What about "Rose"?»

    « Absolutely not.»

    Turo's vehement answer made her raise her head again, puzzled. He fidgeted a bit at her side, apparently uncomfortable.

    « That name's going to get... a really bad reputation in some years time. He's going to be hurt if we name him "Rose".»

    Sada stared at him, while he avoided her eyes, picking at a stray thread on the side of the couch he was sitting on.

    « ... Is something bad going to happen?» she asked in a whisper, immediately feeling a spike of anxiety rise through her at the thought.

    Turo sighed and shook his head.

    « Don't worry about it. It's not going to happen in Paldea anyway. There's nothing we have to worry about. Let's just avoid that name.» he said, before shifting closer. He carefully raised one hand, hesitated, and she noticed that he was trembling slightly.

    « Do you want to hold him?» she offered with a smile, but Turo just widened his eyes and shrank back, almost frightened.

    « I-I... I don't know... what if» his eyes flickered between the bed where she was laying and the couch just next to it where he had been sitting. It wasn't even a meter, but by his expression, he looked like she had just asked him to walk on a tightrope across the Great Crater of Paldea, juggling plates with both hands as he did.

    « What if I trip and... fall-» he whispered, almost shaking.

    « Turo, it's fine. We practiced. Have you really never held a baby before? » she asked, and he turned his head away, a hint of red on his cheeks.

    « ... just one time. One of my many cousins, when they were little. But it was completely different in that case-»

    Sada simply sighed, stroking the baby's head.

    « ... why, is there some stupidly advanced forcefield in the future that magically prevents babies from being dropped?» she asked, half amused and half sarcastic.

    « Well, no... kind of. In a way...» he muttered. She simply stared, and he sighed, now completely red in the face, wringing his hands.

    « ... You can't really drop a baby on the Moon.» he finally mumbled.

    It took her a couple of seconds to get what he meant, and she just stared, before bursting into an uncontrollable fit of giggles she had to bury her face sideways in a small mountain of pillows to smother. She could feel the baby in her arms move a little bit at the sudden noise.

    « Ouch... still hurts... I can't laugh too hard... » she gasped, and Turo suddenly moved closer,worried.

    That wasn't exactly a sentence she thought she would hear when she woke up this morning, and she was extremely glad that they were still alone in the room.

    « Hold your arms out,just like we practiced. And remember to-»

    « To support his head, yes. » he finished in a low voice. But he did like she said, and with some trepidation she passed the baby in his arms and watched as he slowly walked backwards a couple steps and sat back on the couch. Despite what she just said, she realized she had just held her breath while he did so.

    Turo looked down at his son, his face completely unreadable, as he always did when he was carefully masking his feelings.

    Never more than now did she wish to know what was going through his mind.

    « ... what about "Lars"?» he asked after a long moment. Sada blinked.

    « Lars... from "laurel", right?» she tried out the name, how it sounded on her tongue.

    « I'm... not that sure I like it. » she scrunched up her nose in thought.

    « It feels... like something a warrior would use. I don't want our child to have such a heavy name. He lives in such a peaceful time.» she smiled, only for Turo's words just earlier to echo in her mind.

    ... that didn't matter. He said Paldea would be safe.

    Turo simply nodded. « That makes sense.»

    « What about herbs? » Sada proposed. « There's mint... people long ago called it "the herb of hospitality": it was used to greet guests because it smelled nice. » she said, looking back down at the baby still in Turo's arms.

    « Something like... "Peppermint"? Too long... "Pepper"? But that sounds completely different...» she kept trying different names. There had to be one that sounded just right -

    « ... "Arven".»

    She almost missed Turo's whisper; he looked up, a strange glint in his eyes.

    « From "Mentha arvensis". It's the scientific name of this small plant... there's some growing near the stream just behind the lighthouse.» he muttered, bowing his head again. « It has some pretty purple flowers, so I got curious about it the other day and looked up what it was called...»

    Sada smiled. Yes.

    The fact that he had seen the plant she had just mentioned as a pure coincidence... just like their first meeting.

    It felt right.

    « "Arven"... Yes, I like how it sounds. Do you like it, Arven?» she cooed softly as Turo moved closer.

    Arven simply yawned, turning around in his sleep.

    The BOY is finally here AAAAAH.
    I can't wait to write him!
    Also, "You can't drop a baby on the Moon" has to be my new favourite out-of-context sentence from this fic, lol
    Chapter 36: Lamiaceae, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Happy almost new year! This chapter was... hard ahah. I didn't want to straight up skip the period of Arven being a toddler but on the other hand... writing really small babies is hard. Writing two new parents having a really small baby is even harder lol
    There's both so many little moments that feels wrong to skip in those first couple of months and yet I had a lot of trouble in coming up with scenes featuring them.
    There's probably going to be similar little time skips in the next couple chapters, so we can actually get to the part where Arven gets to be his own character, which I actually can't wait to write.
    Chapter 36: Lamiaceae, part II
    The door of the laboratory suddenly opened, letting in the light of the day. Miguel let out an irritated caw and raised his head from under his wing, squinting in the bright sunlight. He had flown around the lighthouse the whole night, looking for sparkling treasure, and his human knew that he was usually sleeping at that time of the day, unless they had an important battle the next day, but that hadn't happened in a while.
    In front of him was his human, Turo, who smiled bright: the Murkrow tilted his head, perplexed.
    That was strange: at that hour of the morning, Turo usually spoke in grunts and single words, sipping that "coffee" he liked so much.
    That was maybe why they got along so much.

    « Hi Miguel. Sorry, I know you're usually sleeping right now... But this is important. I just got home from the hospital with Sada and Arven »

    He was still smiling widely, and it was starting to creep Miguel out a a bit, but there were more important things. A word he didn't know.

    « "Arven"? » he cawed, flapping his wings to land on Turo's shoulder as he walked out of the living room, and towards the bedroom of the two humans'new nest.
    Turo raised one hand to pet his head feathers, and he crowed and affectionately pecked his earlobe.

    « I want you and Ampere to meet him »

    Ampere was already bopping up and down in the corridor, his companions vorticking around him. Miguel didn't really like them: he already had to accept a Pokémon with thunder as part of his flock, and now there were even more! Thankfully most of them, apart from those two, didn't look all that interested in him, simply staying around the lighthouse and not coming inside.

    Turo took a moment to pet the three Magnemite in turn, and Miguel shifted on his shoulder, growing impatient.

    What was this "Arven" he had to see? Was it a new team member? What Pokémon would it be? Hopefully not another thunder one... he wouldn't mind another bird, hovewer. Someone that could actually fly with him.

    It was only when Turo entered the room where Sada was holding something in her arms that he realized that "Arven" was not another Pokémon but a tiny human. Well, "tiny" meant that it was still almost as big as him, but still quite small, for a human. Kim and Ötzi were already sitting near Sada, one on each side, eagerly raising their heads to try and get a peek at it.
    Miguel's eyes widened, and he hopped from one of Turo's shoulders to the other, tilting his head sideways.

    Human hatchlings were strange, Miguel thought as soon as he could see him; they looked completely different from adult humans. Little Murkrow looked exactly like he did as soon as they were born, only much smaller, obviously. And they were completely helpless!
    The little hatchling from his human looked like it could't even do a simple Peck.
    Then again, neither could his human, as an adult.

    The little human was sleeping, his breath calm and steady; even as Sada was holding him thight, Miguel couldn't help but chirp a little in worry; it had no fur nor feathers, wasn't it cold? Near him, Kim grumbled in agreement, and made her fiery mane crackle a bit warmer.

    « Here he is... Our little treasure. You will help look after him, will you? » Turo's hand came to scratch him under his wings, in one of his favourite spots, and Miguel closed his eyes and cawed happily.
    He would. He could understand this. Hatchlings weren't sparkly, but they were still treasure.

    It still didn't feel quite real to Turo every time he looked at Arven that this was truly his son. Everything felt surreal; until now, he and Sada had focused only on themselves, on how to adapt to their new life. But now, they had someone that was completely dependant on them; it was... both an incredibly exhilarating feeling and completely humbling.

    « He... He doesn't cry much, does he? » he asked that afternoon as Arven had just fallen asleep with a big yawn after eating.

    They were both currently in the bedroom, watching over him in the baby crib, and Turo couldn't help but anxiously hover over him.

    « Is... Is that normal? What if it means there's something wrong...? » he asked.

    Sada simply smiled and shook her head.

    « He's fine, Turo. Babies cry when they need something, so it's a good sign, no? » she answered. He looked at her for a couple of moments, quietly wondering how she was feeling.

    « Is this... Weird, for you? » he finally asked.

    When she turned towards him with a blank expression, he hurried to add:

    « I mean... It must have been so much more difficult in your time... how did you even...» he said, looking back down at Arven. He wondered what would have happened if, somehow, he had been born while Sada was still back in the Paleolithic... just the thought of all the dangers he would have to brave and be exposed to was chilling.

    It took Sada a couple of moments to answer.

    « Well, it is... reassuring, to be here, in a way. I don't have to worry about wild Pokémon attacks, sure... but honestly, at the moment it just makes my mind focus even more on everything else that could be going wrong.» she answered with a bit of a tired smile, sitting down on the bed. He copied her, the mattress dipping slightly under both their weight, and for a moment they both simply stared at the sleeping form of the baby inside the crib.

    « Let's just take it one day at a time.» he whispered as Sada let her head drop on his shoulder with a sigh.

    « Yes. One day at a time. Just like that time in Area Zero.» she answered.

    « At least we're not gathering rainwater in cups to survive this time.» he mumbled, and she laughed.

    During the late afternoon, right as Arven had woken up and Sada had picked him up in her arms, the bell rang suddenly. They shared a look, Turo raising one eyebrow as he shrugged.

    « Clavell said something about wanting to visit yesterday, it's probably him?» he said, heading towards the door. Sada followed, Arven in her arms as Kim traced her every step, eyes fixed on the baby like it was her own newborn Litleo.

    « Where's Sada's little precious baby?!»
    Raifort's voice rang from the entrance, and Sada walked into the corridor just in time to see the woman completely ignore Turo at the door to head towards her with a radiant smile. Jacq and Turo shared a glance and a sigh, while Clavell just shook his head with a smile, his Oranguru holding a small mountain of packages floating in midair with a Psychic. Turo closed the door behind everyone and frowned slightly, following the group and Sada in the living room.

    « ... It's kind of my baby too, you know.» Turo mumbled as he opened a cabinet to grab some snacks and anything they could offer to drink. Sada noticed with a bit of an amused smirk that Raifort immediately sat down beside her on the couch, stealing Turo's usual spot.

    Turo immediately noticed, but just rolled his eyes and sat down on the opposite couch near Clavell. Jacq hovered near a sofa for a moment before sitting down, immediately bumping the little table in the middle with his knee and hissing in pain. Sada had never met someone even clumsier than Turo before getting to know the young scientist, and Jacq reminded her a bit adorably of the first few times she and Turo had met. He had that same air of being so focused on his interests to the point of not really being aware of his own surroundings, or even his own body.

    Clavell's Oranguru carefully floated the packages down on the table and stood aside, where he was quickly approached by both hers and Turo's Pokémon. Sada took a long, deep breath, as everyone turned towards her. Or more accurately, to Arven.

    This was... Really nice, and somewhat nostalgic. A little, cozy space filled with people, all because of the newborn child in her arms, blissfully unaware at being the center of so much attention.

    « He's so cute... He has your eyes, Sada» Clavell commented, peering at him for a long moment.

    « Actually » Jacq piped up «All babies have clear eyes at first, it's even shown in some newborn baby Pokemon, interestingly enough... » he started to sputter as everyone turned to him.
    « But... Yes... Really cute! Can I hold him? »
    « I want to hold him first! »

    Sada had no idea if Clavell had said so as a pure coincidence or if he had noticed the way both she and Turo's eyes had widened slightly in alarm, but she carefully passed the baby in his arms with a small sigh of relief. Not that she didn't trust Jacq, but... he could be a bit...

    She quietly observed Clavell as he sat down with Arven in his arms, smiling not unlike it was his own son. She realized right now that Clavell, despite being a good decade older than both her and Turo, had never married nor had children. For a brief moment, she wondered if that was why he enjoyed his work as an Academy teacher so much.

    She was distracted by his Oranguru floating the first package right into her lap.

    « Oh! Thank you! » she smiled at the Pokemon, then opened the little wrapped present.
    « That one's from me. » Raifort whispered, and Sada's eyes widened when she opened it up.
    It was a brightly coloured book titled "Paldean goodnight fables for children", filled with beautiful illustrations of traditional children stories.
    « It's beautiful... He's going to love it, I'm sure.» she whispered in response, peeking at some of the pages with wide eyes.
    « Something tells me you're going to enjoy it more than him before he's big enough to actually understand it. » Raifort cackled, and she blushed. Well.... yes, probably...
    « And here I was, expecting you to come over with some book titled "The downfall of the Paldean Empire for kids age 0-3" » Turo deadpanned, before raising one eyebrow with a puzzled look. Probably wondering if that was actually a thing. Raifort stuck out her tongue at him, and he chuckled.
    « Oh! Open mine now! » Jacq said enthusiastically, and a second little packet floated in front of her. This one clinked slightly as it did so, and Sada's eyebrows raised as she opened it, curious.
    She saw Turo lean slightly forward to also peer at it, interested.
    It was a baby mobile, the kind you hang over the baby's crib and that the baby could play with or that would jingle and make little noises. This one featured little cute figures of Pokémon found all over Paldea: the mobile itself was in the shape of a Toadscruel, with each leg extending to support a different Pokémon. A Palafin, a Maschiff, a Kilowattrel, a Cyclizar and a Grafaiai, each one in a different, bright color.

    « This brand is amazing, you can detach each little Pokémon and buy other ones separately! This way he will never get bored having to always look at the same ones, you know? And he can also learn about Paldean Pokémon! » Jacq explained as he stood up, gesturing excitedly.

    Sada had the distinct feeling that somewhere on Jacq's laptop was a spreadsheet with the pro and cons of each single Pokémon carefully written down, and she smiled brightly at the idea of him carefully analyzing which Pokémon to pick .

    « Thank you Jacq, really. » she said, earnest. Turo simply nodded, but she noticed that he was keeping his head down, his eyes a bit damp. Silent,he just put one hand on Jacq's shoulder and mouthed a "thanks".

    The researcher scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

    « Ah, it's nothing, really...»

    Finally it was Clavell's turn, and the last couple of packages got carefully placed on her lap.
    Sada opened them one by one, laughing when she saw the content.

    It was that Fidough onesie they had seen in that magazine months ago, and a small collection of many more, all Pokémon themed.

    « These are way too much, Clavell, you really didn't have to...» she said; she picked up a little pajama with Smoliv prints, laughing at Turo's furrowed eyebrows in seeing the Pokémon.

    « If he grows up and decides to get a Smoliv, I will hold you accountable.» he murmured, to which Clavell simply smiled. In his arms, Arven stirred slightly.

    « But you wouldn't object to it? » he replied, to which Turo just mumbled something unintelligible and looked away.

    Sada smiled, simply enjoying the flow of the conversation as it went on. She appreciated that neither of them had mentioned anything about hers or Turo's relatives, or complete lack thereof.

    In the hospital, she hadn't missed how the nurses had looked at her weirdly - almost pityingly - when there hadn't been the usual stream of visiting relatives or grandparents excited to see their grandson.

    But this... this was nice.

    The first weeks of being a parent were both exactly how Turo had always thought about them or seen them depicted in media and yet nothing like it. Movies and stories from other parents always talked about the sleepless nights, the waking up multiple times during the night, the constant feeling of tiredness, and they were somewhat right... And yet there was so much more. Yes, he would wake up along Sada when Arven needed to be fed, or take turns with her letting him fall asleep so they each could just crash on the couch for half an hour. But he found himself noticing the smallest little details about his son, and usually the stories didn't mention anything about that. Like the fact that Arven barely cried; maybe it was because at the moment, he was still so small that he had no reason to cry expect when he was hungry, like Sada had said. But part of the reason was probably because both his and Sada's Pokemon seemed to come running and warn them before he even started to cry. It was an enormous help, and something that had honestly surprised him.
    He had woken up more than one time in the middle of the night just to see Miguel perched on one angle of the baby crib, watching Arven with his red eyes almost glowing in the dark.
    Ampere and his two companions usually hovered around the baby monitor; when the slightest signal would come out of it, the three Magnemite would fly off each in a different direction looking for him. It was convenient enough that Turo hoped that their evolution into Magneton, which looked very close judging by how close they always were now, would get delayed just a little bit more so that they could still split up to come search for him faster.
    And because Magneton supposedly fried electronics just by standing near it, which would be... inconvenient.
    Hopefully they could be trained to regulate the radio waves they emitted, or he would have to forbid them from entering the laboratory once it happened.
    Arven had started babbling the last couple of days. The first time he heard it, Turo's heart had skipped a beat, thinking he was already going to speak his first words.
    But that looked still a good bit away, according to their pediatrician. But babbling was a sign that the baby was starting to connect words with meaning and trying to copy them, so talking to them a lot was encouraged.
    So that's what he did.
    « There's still some bugs to iron out in the Tera sensors, and of course I need to simplify the code so that it can hopefully run on much smaller devices than the ones we use now... Best thing would be if it came installed on Jacq's Pokédex application, what do you say?» he said, sitting in the kitchen as he stared at the screen of his laptop. Arven was reclining in a baby chair, positioned high enough that he was eye level with him, and looked busy examining his own fingers by sticking them in his mouth.
    « Ga-gga-»
    Turo smiled a little.
    « Exactly.»
    He felt a bit silly pointing dramatically at random and going "Look! Ball!!" to a toddler, so Turo found himself mostly just talking out loud, like he would have done with his own Pokémon, enunciating every word clearly and watching Arven's reaction.
    Every time the baby smiled in response or stared at him, listening intently to his every word and gesture, his heart soared with pride.
    Days passed as Sada settled into her new routine. When Arven slept during the day, she would either lay down and nap herself, exhausted, or slowly keep working on her research. She and Turo were finishing drafting the official patent for the first version of the Tera Orb, who's prototype was finally completed. This one could terastallize a Pokémon for a couple of minutes. Not enough to change their type indefinitely like it seemed to happen with wild Pokémon, but enough for a quick battle.
    « If we pitch this to the Paldean Pokémon League, I'm sure they would be interested. This way Paldea could have their own unique battle mechanic, like Galar with Dynamax battles, or Alola with their Z crystals.» Turo said as he pointed the Tera Orb towards Ampere.
    They were both in the laboratory, Arven asleep in a second baby crib they had bought and placed near their desks so they could always be nearby as he slept.
    Sada simply hummed in thought, moving to watch what would happen.

    « ... and would that be enough to make them finance an expedition into Area Zero? Maybe not completely , but between them, and Blair, and... other people if our other research gets noticed...» she glanced at Bacon, who was wiggling his nose and eating a pile of berries.
    She wanted to train him to prove her idea about Steady Glaciers -or Mamoswine, as they were called in this era -, but that would take some time until he would be strong enough to evolve, which also meant their Gym challenge would have to slow down.
    At least they could still take turns in challenging each Gym like they had done until now, just at a more leisurely pace.
    The Magnemite buzzed curiously as the light enveloped him: his two companions quickly strayed away, surprised, hiding behind Turo.
    A moment later, Ampere slammed to the ground; it buzzed in alarm, his one eye widening as it awkwardly propped itself up with its two magnets.
    Turo's eyes widened, and he crouched near the little Magnemite.

    « Do you feel fine?» he asked, examining the Steel type. Sada leant closer, interested in seeing what type it had become. It wasn't always immediately apparent sometimes, like with Ötzi becoming a Fire type.
    For now, the Magnemite didn't look much different... sudden lack of floating aside. The two other Magnemites were circling him, apparently confused. They let out little sparks of electricity towards their Terastalized companion, but Ampere didn't seem to react at all.
    Turo frowned, rubbing one finger near the little screw on the top of its head before examining it more closely.

    « This is... dirt?» he muttered.
    Now that she looked more closely, Ampere looked a bit dirty, a bit like he had been when Turo had first caught it, half-covered in rust.

    Dirt...? Wait... was it a Ground type now?

    Sada gasped, a smile spreading on her face as she watched Ampere take a couple hesitant steps on his magnet-legs. The Pokémon looked more puzzled at suddenly not being able to float than anything else.

    « He looks a tiny bit like Sandy Shocks!» she laughed as Turo picked the Pokémon up, holding him in his arms. Its two magnets flailed uselessly, the Pokémon apparently not used to being subject to gravity.
    ... Just like its trainer once was, she realized with a smile.

    « ... You're right. This will be huge. This will revolutionize Pokémon battling as a sport, and Pokémon biology as we know it. The possibilities are pretty much endless. » Sada said slowly, examining the now Ground type until the Terastalization faded.
    She glanced at the clock: two minutes and fifteen seconds.
    There was still much room for improvement.
    Ampere immediately started floating again, his two companions approaching to circle him again in obvious relief. Turo laughed.
    « People will throw money at us to get us to improve the Tera Orb! »
    He looked so confident as he grinned at her, that she couldn't help but grin back.
    In his crib, Arven stirred, woken up by all the noise, and she rushed to his side.
    Arven had been growing so quickly in the following months, she couldn't help but be amazed. She had read as much as she could about the development of very small children, but it still couldn't prepare her for the rush of emotion she would feel from time to time just looking at him.
    It was like... like she couldn't believe it. The little treasure she had spent nine months carrying was now with her, and he was growing up; after the first few weeks, he already recognised both her and Turo's voices and faces. A couple weeks later, and he had started to smile at her.
    It all seemed so incredible.
    That night, she opened her eyes when Arven's cries suddenly woke her up. They weren't the familiar cries of him simply being hungry. She squinted, putting one hand on Turo's shoulder as he had also shifted to get up, and immediately noticed that something was wrong when she saw Kim sitting near the foot of their bed, her mane lighting up the whole room. The Pyroar's eyes were moving between them and the crib nearby. She didn't look agitated, and was even purring, but Sada still felt her breath quicken as she jumped up to check on Arven. What was wrong? Pokemon senses were so much sharper than humans, she must have noticed something- was there an intruder around the lighthouse? But Ampere or the others hadn't come running-
    Arven's forehead was hot to the touch.
    Absolute terror gripped her as she cradled the baby to her chest, starting to tremble, eyes wide.
    The Blood fire. Just like with father-
    No! This was a fever. Just a fever. They weren't dangerous in this era, people got them all the time, there was no reason to be afraid-
    Arven let out another soft cry, squirming in her arms, and Sada held the baby tight, breath rapidly quickening as she caressed his face, feeling useless.
    She could't help him, she couldn't make it immediately better, and it made her feel powerless.
    « I-it's alright, shh... Shhh » she tried to soothe him, wishing she could just do something.
    She heard the blankets rustle by her side, and Turo get up a moment later.
    He squinted at the unexpected brightness of the room thanks to the Pyroar's mane, took one look at her face, and quietly put one hand on her shoulder as he touched Arven's face with the other. He pulled it back after a moment, a slight frown on his face.

    « ... He feels fine to me. Just slightly warm. You know Kim would notice if he got too hot-»

    Sada stared, eyes wide.
    He didn't understand. He couldn't understand.

    « B-but he's h-hot a-and crying in pain and... and what if he got the Bloodfire a-and -» she had lapsed back in her mother tongue without noticing, but Turo didn't say anything.

    What if Arven was sick and-

    She expected Turo to speak up again. To tell her that she was overreacting, or being irrational. But he simply squeezed her shoulder tight, and sat down at her side, watching Arven. Kim moved at her feet, laying down as she kept purring.
    She kept trembling as she watched her little treasure for what felt like hours, even as he had simply fallen asleep again, praying for whatever was happening with him to just go away.

    She must have fallen asleep at some moment by sheer exhaustion, because when she woke up, Arven was back in his crib. Peacefully asleep, mouth hanging half open with one thumb stuck in his mouth, like he had started to do in the last month or so.
    With a gasp, she got up and checked his forehead.
    He was perfectly fine.

    The relief was so strong she felt her knees go weak, and she fell back on the bed.

    Something white gleamed in Arven's mouth. A little pointy canine, just the tip barely visible.
    Her eyes widened at the realisation, and she self-consciously touched one of her own with the tip of her tongue.

    « Apparently, some babies undergo teething as early as four months old. » Turo said stepping into the bedroom with a warm smile. « I've called the doctor, and teething can give them a little fever at times.»

    She followed him with her eyes as he walked next to the crib, watching Arven.

    « I see... thank you for staying by my side last night. » Sada whispered.

    Turo simply nodded, tracing Arven's cheek with one finger.

    « He bit me last night when I was putting him back in the crib, you know.» he muttered, and she had to restrain herself from bursting out laughing to not wake Arven up, feeling lightheaded from relief.
    Chapter 37: Lamiaceae, part III
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 37: Lamiaceae, part III
    Sada sat cross-legged on the warm rug that covered the pavement of the lighthouse living room, watching Arven as he played with her and their Pokémon. Well, "played" was a tall word: at the moment he was mostly picking up some shapes she had carved out of wood and painted and threw them as hard as he could, giggling as he watched Ötzi dutifully totter over and bring them back. Turo was in the laboratory, working on his most recent paper about humans influencing Pokémon evolution, doing something that was called "peer review" or whatever. Apparently, when you wanted to publish something in a scientific paper, you got assigned some other scientists that would all comment on what they thought was wrong about it or offer suggestions, and you did the same to someone else's article.
    She supposed it made sense; it was a way to double check everyone's work, but he didn't look happy about having to do it in the slightest.

    She was supporting the baby so that it could sit upright; she remembered doing the same thing to the small children in her tribe, and finding it boring. Now, she was too busy observing Arven for the thought to ever cross her mind.

    The way his eyes lit up every single time the Golett brought back his toy, the way he was slowly discovering new things and learning about the world, it couldn't help but make her smile.
    It made her think back to all the times she had watched her parents work quietly in the communal tent, with wood and pieces of horns, scales and tufts of fur scattered all around. Those had been her toys growing up, and looking at Arven play with simple wooden shapes, she thought that he probably would have loved them as much as she did.
    The Golett didn't seem to mind doing the same repetitive thing dozens of times; maybe it was just a byproduct of having been created as an assistant for menial labor, but she wondered for a moment if, centuries ago, it had done the same with other kids, maybe those from its old master. It really seemed to like interacting with children. Then again, a lot of Pokémon did. Maybe that was also one reason why most kids got their first Pokémon incredibly young.

    She watched as Arven picked up a wooden block, shaped a little like a stick: he didn't grasp it properly and it slipped between his chubby fingers, falling onto some others blocks with a thud. Intrigued by this new sound, he picked the stick up again and started banging it against the other blocks with a newfound purpose. She saw Ötzi's shoulders sag a little, the golem apparently displeased at having lost the baby's attention, and she smiled to herself.

    « I wonder when you will evolve like Kim did...? You will be able to fly, then!» she said to the Golett, and it puffed out a small burst of energy from its chest with a whistle, looking enthusiastic.

    « But you probably won't fit inside the house anymore after you do...» she added, and the golem whistled again as it lowered its head, dejected.

    On the floor next to her was a big, bulky book she had borrowed from Raifort; the one that spoke briefly about "Professor Olim". She turned the pages until she found the ones that spoke about her.
    ... Her biography seemed to match her own cover story in part. Born in Kalos, she had suddenly arrived in Paldea and immediately showed a great interest in Area Zero, researching the flora and fauna of the outer levels of the crater and helping develop the construction of Research Station 1, 2 and 3. She had apparently never ventured further.
    But outside of that, a few blurry photos and that one painting shown during Clavell's class, info on her was extremely scarce.

    "While she was instrumental in setting up the research stations in Area Zero for possible future expeditions, Professor Olim led an extremely secluded life and not much is known about her. She disliked public appearances and left Paldea after only a couple years, apparently retiring from research all together. The few pictures and the portrait done by an unknown artist are pretty much the only images that we have of her from that time."

    Sada stopped again to look at the painting, an idea hitting her as she stared at her mirror image.
    Was... was Turo supposed to be the "unknown artist" that would make this portrait?
    It looked exactly like her, except that she didn't have that big earring that looked like it had been made from a Tera crystal and the subject in the painting lacked her necklace. She touched it, frowning slightly. That necklace was important to her; would she lose it in the future?

    How far in the future was this supposed to be?

    « Maaaah» Arven babbled, and Sada blinked and looked down at the baby. He was looking at the book with wide eyes, waving his arms in the air and pointing.

    Sada's eyes widened. Did he...recognise her face? Was he saying...?

    « Yes! That is Mama, Arven, see?» she smiled, and Arven giggled. Her heart started pounding. He was! He really was trying to speak!

    « Romero!» she called out, hoping he would hear her and not wanting to get up. « Romero, come quick!» she repeated. Ötzi came to her help and ran out of the room. Some twenty seconds later, she heard the front door opening and Turo's steps walking towards the living room. He sounded busy in a phone call on his PokeNav.

    « Yes, yes... thank you so much. » he was saying, but she wasn't paying attention.

    « Maaammh-»

    « If we could set up a meeting, I'm sure you would see-» he walked in at the same time that Arven started talking again, and she jumped up and slammed his PokeNav shut, ending the call. Turo turned towards her, his face contorting in sudden anger.

    « What are you -»

    « Shhhhh! Look!» she shushed him and sat back down near Arven, pulling the baby in her lap.

    « Where's Mama, Arven? » she whispered and watched, mesmerized, as he eagerly pointed at the painting again.

    « Maaa!»

    She turned towards Turo, eyes smiling.

    « Did you hear?»

    He slowly sat down next to her, his eyes fixed on Arven.

    « ... yes.»

    The PokeNav started buzzing again, but they both ignored it, the device forgotten on the carpet.
    Turo watched as Arven sat up propped against the couch in the living room, wide eyes staring at the space between the couch and the sofa where he was sitting like it was some insurmountable distance.
    For him, it probably was.
    Sada watched him carefully from one end of the couch, her hands busy knitting a little scarf.
    Arven had learned to raise himself up more and more these last couple of weeks; he could sit upright without any help by now, and would sometimes pitch forward and hold himself on all fours, crawling forward.

    Miguel and Ampere both seemed to find the baby's difficulties in learning to walk delightful. The Murkrow would play with the kid by hopping left and right on the carpet, barely out of reach, encouraging him to chase after him at a slow pace.

    « Arven! Arven! Treasure!» the Dark type cawed.

    Turo smiled nostalgically at that; Mirai would do the exact same thing with him as they bounced, almost weightless, back on the Moon, nipping at his arm to pull him along or wrapping his long, almost snake like body around his waist as he floated in midair, acting like some strange floating device that would keep him upright. Living his first couple of years on the Moon meant that, like many other people that had done the same in his time, Turo actually had memories of when he had learned how to walk under normal gravity the first time he visited Earth.

    Now he looked at Arven, a faint smile on his lips as he looked at how the baby's eyebrows furrowed and his face contorted. His eyes went over him, and he saw the baby's mouth open, one arm stretching towards him almost like he was asking his dad to just come over and pick him up. Turo didn't move for a moment, pondering. Should he...?

    A moment later, however, the baby's mouth closed again, and Sada laughed at how serious the baby looked now, lips curled in a deep, concentrated scowl.

    « He looks just like you when you can't figure something out!» she exclaimed, and Turo couldn't help a little smile, feeling self conscious.

    « ... do I?»

    « Yep. Exact same stubborn frown.»

    He kept watching Arven, thinking back to those first fateful steps he had taken on Earth. He remembered them like it was yesterday.

    The space shuttle's doors opened, and Romero, four -almost five!- years old, immediately looked up at the sky, his eyes widening. The sky really was blue! And there were clouds! Just like in movies!

    « Romero, stay close!» Mom's voice came from behind him as she and Dad were taking their luggage, but the little kid couldn't wait.

    « Let's go, Mirai!»

    He ran out, the little Dragon type following him, only to immediately stop as soon as he left the shuttle's artificial gravity, still set to the same level as the Moon's. He fell forward and slammed his face to the ground with a "oof". He blinked, not understanding what was happening. He couldn't walk. His legs felt so heavy. Why did everything hurt so much?
    Even as Miraidon started licking his face, worried, the little kid couldn't stop the tears as he slowly sat back up, wailing even after Mon and Dad had come running.

    Turo chuckled and shook his head. Learning to walk had been... an interesting experience. There were special courses divided by age for people who had lived part or most of their life on the Moon's reduced gravity, so he had learned together with kids of his own age. But consciously figuring out what normally was done so early in a kid's life... He watched Arven stare stubbornly at the couch he was using as a support, then at his tiny feet covered in socks.

    On the Moon, you weighted so much less. Falling didn't feel so scary; it was slow, controlled, and gradual. Not here.

    He still remembered being scared of those first few steps, how every movement felt sluggish, like he didn't know how to move his own body. How he had to take care in every step he took, how walking down a slope or flight of stairs had been terrifying. He looked at Arven now, as the toddler's hands trembled with the effort of holding himself up.

    For a moment, he looked ready to sit back down on the carpet, where things were safe, stable and soft. Then the baby turned his head to look at him and Sada - no, he was looking straight at him. Turo heard Sada's knitting stop, but didn't dare look away for not even a moment.

    Arven let go of the couch with both hands and took one wobbling step forward. Then another. And another.
    Turo swallowed a lump in his throat, watching the baby's eyes look eagerly at him, arms outstretched and hands held high.
    Then he tripped, but by now Turo had staggered forward on his knees, ready to catch the toddler. He was surprised, finding himself blinking back tears as he held the baby in his arms.

    « You were so brave. Well done. » he whispered at a giggling Arven as the baby raised both hands to tug at his beard.
    It was a bright morning, so Sada had brought Arven outside as she let her Pokémon train a bit. With the baby sitting firmly on her lap as she sat cross legged on the grass right outside the lighthouse, she watched as Kim and Bacon stared each other down. Well, at least that was what the Pyroar was doing. The Swinub, with all the long fur covering its face, was a bit more difficult to read. It was a little determined fella, however; the type disadvantages against the much larger opponent didn't seem to deter him from giving his all in a battle in the slightest.

    « All right, Bacon.» maybe he really deserved a better name after all, she thought, but pushed that thought aside for the moment. That could wait.

    « We are going to focus on your strong points, planning for when you will become a Steady Gl- a Mamoswine. » she corrected herself at the last moment. It wasn't that difficult for Pokémon where she had never seen their past equivalent in her time to just learn their modern name, but for those she knew very well, she still struggled to think of them as anything else but the names she was familiar with. They just made more sense in her mind; what kinda name was "Mamoswine"? It may follow the "scientific naming scheme" or whatever, but it told you nothing about what they actually did! With a name like "Steady Glacier", you already know that they were probably pretty big and slow, and they could control ice. There. Easy!

    « Try attacking Kim with what Grusha taught you. » she said to the Pokemon. The Swinub huffed, then turned back towards his opponent, as Kim patiently waited for him to make the first move. The Swinub lowered his snout to the ground, scraped the ground once with one hoof, then started running towards the Pyroar. Once he was close, he dug his snout into the ground and lifted his head, trying to hit the Pyroar with a Mudslap. The Fire type, however, simply sidestepped the attack and leapt backwards, retaliating by batting the Swinub on the snout with her paw. Bacon snorted, shaking his head.

    Sada's eyes narrowed.
    « Did you try using Mudslap because she uses fire? » she asked, and the Swinub huffed.

    « That makes sense, but having effective attacks doesn't mean much if you can't hit a much faster opponent... And you are only going to get slower and heavier as you evolve.» she commented.

    The Pyroar would have been able to run circles around him, blasting him with fire attacks the whole time.

    The Swinub looked dejected, but Sada got momentarily distracted as one of Arven's grabby hands yanked a strand of her hair. She flinched and gently pried his fingers away from them. Maybe she should start putting her hair up...

    She thought back to how she saw Steady Glaciers fight back in her time. The times her tribe hunted one, what did they do? When they got surrounded, their enormous tusks and great back gave them really big blind spots, so they would often hunker down and use long range or wide hitting moves to try to keep them at bay, before trying to barrel someone over to escape.

    They didn't need to have to move or aim in that case, and the only direction they would attack was straight in front of them... That was what she wanted to focus on.

    « All right, let's try this. Bacon, retreat and use Ice Shard! » she ordered. The Swinub obeyed, shuffling backwards while firing rapid shards of ice towards the opponent. Kim growled, firing a Flamethrower to melt some of them and trying to avoid others, but still getting pelted by many of them. They melted on her fur, the Pyroar's mane sizzling as it got hit by the water droplets they made. A moment later, the Pyroar leapt forward, trying to close the distance with her opponent again. She opened her mouth, fire licking at her fangs as she readied an attack, preparing to pounce on the Swinub with a single leap.

    Sada noticed the little Swinub flinching, scared by the fire.

    « Mudslap, now! » she barked.

    The Ice type reacted instantly, jerking his head back to throw more mud towards the Pyroar.

    « Mreow! » Kim snapped her mouth shut and yowled, pawing at her snout as she tried to get the mud that covered it completely off. Bacon seemed surprised that it had worked. Sada smirked; Kim had to keep her mouth open for many of her attacks, and there were ways to take advantage of that.

    « You don't have to try to match your opponent's speed. Play by your strengths and let them come to you. » she said calmly, before looking down at the baby giggling in her lap.

    « Right, Arvie? Did you like that? »
    She wondered if you could bring your kid to a Gym Challenge.
    « Now, Bacon! Take down! »

    The Swinub charged forward, his little stubby legs gripping the ground hard as it crashed headfirst into the Pyroar's flank, his hard snout eliciting another yowl of pain from the Pyroar.

    « That's enough. Well done, both of you! » she smiled as the two Pokemon immediately snapped back to attention. Kim shook her head, scratching behind her ears with one back paw. Bacon nosed her, worried, and she started purring and licking his fur to reassure him she wasn't hurt.

    Sada smiled, hugging Arven close. Being able to work with creatures like this, with a family, not having to worry about survival every day... It was like a dream come true.
    Arven was sitting in his high chair, having just finished eating.
    They were slowly moving him to solid foods, which meant that Sada and Turo found themselves both very carefully cutting little pieces of fruits and berries and mushing them to a puree; to Turo's surprise, Sada said that that part of raising a kid wasn't particularly different from her time.

    Less sweets and already prepared baby purees, at the most. Some things were definitely universal.

    Thankfully, Arven didn't seem like a picky eater: he had never refused to eat anything until now, and would actually often look at whatever him or Sada were eating with comically wide eyes, mouth open. It almost made Turo feel guilty about it.

    At least his Pokémon looked happy to play with him to keep him occupied as Turo finished eating his sandwich.
    Miguel was flapping around the kitchen, moving from Arven's high chair, to the kitchen counter, to the table, each time cawing out one word about random objects. The toddler giggled and pointed to another object each time.

    Turo quietly wondered if all that time reading simple books and speaking to Arven had actually had the unintentional effect of increasing the Murkrow's vocabulary. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to what words the Dark type picked up. The vast majority of them were names, or food, a couple of words like "treasure" he must have picked up because he heard them so much, and of course "coffee", that he had taught him.

    « Miguel. Come here just a moment.»

    The Murkrow stopped his little game and flapped over to his shoulder, Turo slipping him the last piece of Chesto berry in his sandwich.

    « I have something for you.» Turo said, putting the Dusk Stone he had received from Raifort on the table. The Murkrow's eyes widened, and it flapped down to examine the stone. Maybe instinctually, it seemed to know what would happen if he touched it, because he seemed to avoid doing so, looking up at him.

    « With this stone, you will be able to evolve into Honchkrow.» he observed the little Dark type as he spoke. Miguel clacked his beak and stared at the stone for a moment. He... didn't look convinced, and after a moment stepped back towards him with a caw.

    Turo frowned.

    « You don't... want to evolve?» he asked, picking up the stone and turning it towards the Dark type again, just to be sure. Miguel gave another reluctant caw and backed away from the evolutionary stone, flapping back to his shoulder.

    The Murkrow started to peck at his hair, nuzzling him, and Turo sighed, putting the Dusk Stone back in his pocket.

    « Look, Miguel. We're going to get into places that are much more dangerous than the Gym battles and Terastalized wild Pokémon we've faced now. I need... more Pokémon in my team. And I need them to be as strong as they can be.» he said after a short moment.

    He was definitely falling behind with his training, and he knew it. Only two Pokémon were not going to be enough to beat the League and get access to Area Zero... But he still hadn't heard anything about that Porygon, and didn't want to train anything else in particular right now. And even getting that Porygon wouldn't have solved the problem.

    He didn't want to force Miguel to evolve, but...

    « Why don't you want to become a Honchkrow?» he asked, and the Pokémon shuffled on his shoulder. Turo sighed, trailing one hand through his hair.

    « ... Is it just because you will become big enough to not fit on my shoulder anymore, is it? »

    There was an uncomfortable silence from the Pokémon, then a caw. He chuckled despite it all.

    He knew the little bastard so well.

    « ... Didn't think you were so lazy. I guess that's why we get along.» he stroked the Pokémon's feathers for a moment.

    « If you change idea, you know what to do.» he said. Arven let out a giggle and clapped his hands towards Miguel, and the Murkrow flapped off his shoulders, eager to resume their little game.

    Turo frowned for a long moment. He didn't doubt Miguel's strength, but... if he didn't have a team strong enough to keep him safe in Area Zero and he didn't get permission to enter it...
    Sada's leg bounced restlessly as she sat at the table they had somehow squeezed through the narrow door of the lighthouse lab. Her eyes flicked first to the clock mounted to the wall, then to Turo, sitting motionless near side, his face a neutral mask, and then finally to Arven, who sat between them both at his high chair, happily and blissfully chewing on a teething ring. He had already destroyed two of them and looked determined to chew through his third. Nothing else moved in the room as two minutes passed. Then three. Five.

    The prototype Tera Orb sat on the table in front of them, placed carefully out of the way of Arven's curious fingers.

    « M-maybe I should call her. Make sure she didn't get lost.»

    « We're in one of the four lighthouses erected at the four cardinal points of Paldea. It's impossible to miss the place.» Turo answered, even as she saw a single bead of sweat go down his face and disappear into the collar of his turtleneck sweater.

    The familiar sound of a flying Taxi approaching - that unique cacophony of Squawkabilly chattering and metal clattering was unmistakable - made her head snap up, and she jumped towards the door. She checked her clothes one last time, even if she knew there wasn't much she could do now to remedy anything she would find, then opened the door to greet their visitor.

    « Ms. Heath! Welcome!» her smile was maybe a bit too wide as she greeted the tall woman. Her appearance was as striking as the first time they had seen her; for a moment, Sada wondered if her ancestor had the same piercing, almost glowing eyes. All the pictures of the time were in black and white, so there was no way to tell.

    Briar walked in, letting out a small huff, heels ticking on the pavement. Sada noticed her almost stepping on one of Arven's toys, and discreetly pushed it behind the door with her shoes as she closed the door.

    « I always forget how awfully noisy those Squawkabilly rides are... Skarmory and Noctowl work so much better! Too bad neither are native to Paldea... and I suppose Skarmory would have the same problem as Corviknight... oh well. It doesn't matter.» she said, getting out of her coat.

    She took one look at Arven, and her smile widened.

    « So this is the Arven I've heard so much about in these months! I guess I can forgive your research slowing down if it's to take care of such a cute bab-» her voice trailed off, as her eyes landed on the Tera Orb on the floor.

    For a moment, she looked unable to breathe, then moved towards the table to peer at it. Her eyes reflected in the shiny surface of the orb.

    « That... is what I think it is?» she breathed out.

    Sada nodded, moving back to the table and sitting back down next to Arven.

    « Yes. The Tera Orb. It can hold a charge by getting exposed to a large quantity of Tera Crystal for an undefined amount of time, until it gets used to Terastal a Pokémon. After that, it needs to recharge. » Sada explained, putting one hand on the sphere. No bigger than any Poké Ball, they had designed it to look quite similar to one, so the use would be more intuitive.

    « ... There also may be other uses. We've been trying to explore the possibility of using it as a power source. Things look... extremely promising. » Turo added.

    Briar's eyes widened at that.

    « So you are already exploring other possible uses of Tera Crystal! Fascinating... but I have to say, for now I am more amazed that you managed to recreate Terastallization at will... To wield the power of Terap- umm.» she suddenly seemed to cut herself off, like she had almost said something she didn't mean to. Sada almost leant forward, interested: what had she just said? Tera... something...

    Briar sat down, pulling the chair closer.

    « I suppose we should start over from the beginning. » she said.

    « Around two hundred years ago, as you know, my ancestor led an expedition into Area Zero. What he saw there is documented in both the Scarlet and Violet books... but not all of it. Parts of the books have been censored in the following reprints... he kept some things for himself. » she said. Out of her shoulder bag, she took out a book and carefully laid it on the table in front of her. The cover was blank, nothing more than a simple page with a title on it.

    «"The White Book"...?» Sada read, quirking one eyebrow.

    « He probably hadn't thought of a title yet... this book contains the exact same info as what's transcribed in the Scarlet and Violet books, almost letter by letter... But as I'm sure you can see... he made some edits further down the line to get the two versions you know.» she said, opening the manuscript to a specific page. Sada recognised it immediately; by now, she had poured over the Scarlet Book so much she could tell what general chapter any random page of the book was in. This was the part where the exploration squadron got their first encounter with a Great Tusk (or Iron Threads in Turo's version), which had injured and killed a member of the group.

    « "As we descended further into Area Zero, we began to catch glimpses of mysterious Pokémon—though we wondered if these beasts, either huge and ferocious or cruel and compact were indeed Pokémon at all"...» she read, before her mind caught on a little out of place detail.

    « Wait... this has the text of both versions. So he really saw both Pokémon!» she excitedly turned towards Turo, who leaned forward to read the following paragraph in a hushed whisper.

    « "These two beasts both had a passing resemblance to the Pokémon known as Donphan"... but I don't understand.» Turo shook his head, and Sada saw him furrow his eyebrows .

    « Why not publish the book as it was? Wasn't splitting it in two versions just going to make it look even less realistic? Isn't that why people just discredited it as fiction?» he asked.

    Sada could understand his frustration; for her, the Scarlet Book offered the fascinating, tempting possibility that in Area Zero, somehow, Pokémon from long ago had either survived until today or had been brought here. But for Turo, the Violet Book was an impossible riddle; had Heath really seen Pokémon from his far away future? Why had his people never heard of it in that case?

    Briar, however, just shook her head.

    « That, I'm afraid I don't know.... Nothing in the notes Heath left explains why he decided to print all he saw in two books... but what I wanted to show you was actually this. The page about the "Hidden Treasure of Area Zero". » she opened the book near the end, where one page was completely covered by an illustration that Sada knew very well. It was a pretty striking one, of a great beast that looked surrounded by crystals, floating over a great sphere. It looked a bit like some ancient myths imagined the world to look like : a brilliant disk, held on the back of a giant Pokémon.

    « Heath named this... he describes it as an "entity"... "Terapagos". According to him, it's the source of both what you have named "Terastalization" and Tera energy as a whole, and the true nature of the famed "treasure" of Area Zero. The page describing it was heavily edited in the published versions. And that is what I want you two to do.» Briar said, leaning closer towards both of them and in doing so, inadvertently, towards Arven, who shied away from this random stranger.

    « I'm going to gladly do my part in funding your research as much as I can if you can prove that Terapagos exists and that my ancestor was right! If I could just see it with my own eyes... the very Treasure that's captured Paldea's imagination for untold centuries!» she gasped, her eyes shining again.

    « ... and drew an untold number of people to their deaths looking for it.» Turo muttered, and Sada couldn't help but throw him a sideways glare.

    This wasn't the time to be snarky! This was exactly what they wanted! If Briar could fund them...

    « I'm... I'm sure we could do it...» she answered, swallowing.

    « Splendid! Then it's settled! I have great expectations for both of you. I've already read both of your publications! The idea that all Pokémon used to be affected by "Primal Energy", or that they could similarly adapt to new, unknown energy sources in the future... fascinating! But I admit that the Tera Orb is what I am most interested in by far.» she looked back at it, and there was a gleam in her eyes that made Sada almost want to snatch the Tera Orb away from her gaze and hide it back in her lab pocket.

    « ... To be able to wield just a fraction of Terapagos's power... ah, but I suppose it would be limited to Paldea. What a shame...»

    « Not necessarily.» Sada answered after a moment. Briar looked back at her, silent.

    « You could, in theory, use a Tera Orb anywhere in the world.» Turo interjected, picking it up in his hand.

    « Of course, you would then be stuck with a useless Orb and no way to recharge it ... unless you brought it near a large enough concentration of Tera crystals again. In that way, it's not exactly limited to Paldea, per se...»

    « So if you brought enough crystals somewhere else, we could theoretically make Terastalization possible anywhere in the world! » Briar nodded.

    « Crystals... and soil from Paldea. » Sada added. Probably better if both were from Area Zero, or as close to Area Zero as possible... she looked back to the depiction of Terapagos in the White Book.

    Was all of this really the effect of a single Pokémon? A single living thing, hidden deep in Area Zero?

    She knew from history that, apparently, many legendary Pokémon existed. Pokémon with enormous powers that controlled the very forces of nature... the very laws of reality.

    In that case... what did Terapagos command, then? Time ? Could it really be the reason those Pokémon - and she and Turo themselves - had appeared in Area Zero?

    « So it would be possible to reproduce Terastalization anywhere in the world, as long as you bring some Tera Crystals there! » Briar brought her hands together and nodded with enthusiasm.

    « I'm getting a bit carried away... see, I've been away from Paldea for awhile. I've been busy teaching at a new institution called Blueberry Academy, in Unima.»

    The name meant nothing to Sada, but she heard Turo shuffle slightly at her side, sucking in a sharp breath.

    « ... I've heard. Your curriculum places heavy emphasis on teaching Pokémon batting. And?» he said in a neutral tone.

    « Unlike Uvanja Academy, Blueberry was founded just a couple years ago, using the most cutting edge technology available at the moment-»

    She heard Turo scoff, trying immediately to disguise it as a light cough, and she had to suppress a smile. She could picture exactly what he would say about any "cutting edge technology". Briar furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, before continuing.

    « The most ambitious part of our Academy is surely the Terrarium, which is still being built: a place able to house a large number of wild Pokémon from all over the world and simulate their natural habitats. I'm sure you two would agree that it's a perfect opportunity to test reproducing Terastalization! Professor Sada, your studies about changes in climate influencing Pokémon in the past would be invaluable to help the engineers of our team design the various biomes! And you, professor Turo, Professor Clavell told me you are an incredible programmer! And your study about man made items that replicate the condition to evolve certain Pokémon... it would be invaluable in testing some theories about how certain Pokémon evolve...»

    Sada couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed about Briar's enthusiasm.

    « W-wait a minute!» she put one hand forward on the table, subconsciously between Briar and Arven.

    « Let's not... get ahead of ourselves. We were discussing looking for Terapagos in the depths of Area Zero, which we still need to access... we can't also help in building up this whole new Academy-» she said.

    « ... but, Professor Sada-»

    Sada had to admit hearing Briar call her that felt good, even if... she didn't think that neither she nor Turo were officially recognised as "professors" yet. No one else had called her that, after all.

    « That's pretty much how academic works! The more applications your research has, the easier it is to secure more funding!»

    But... they were doing that by developing the Tera Orb... and other uses of Tera Energy... right?

    « Of course everyone would love to dedicate themselves completely to their favourite research!» Briar laughed like the idea was completely absurd, a silly, childish notion, and Sada had to fight the stab of anger and disappointment swirling in her chest.

    « But whoever puts in the money also wants some actual results!» Briar added.

    ... she wasn't sure she liked the idea of getting funding by her anymore, if it meant that they were practically in her debt and had to indirectly do what she wanted. She felt Turo squeeze her knee under the table and turned towards him, expecting him to share her sentiment. Instead, she saw him hold his head low, shoulders kept straight, as he simply nodded and looked up again.

    « We'll see... what we can do.» he answered. Her eyes widened. What? How could he just sit there and meekly say "yes"? They needed that funding, of course, but... but...

    « Splendid! I'm sure your contribution will be invaluable!» Briar smiled, before she looked at the clock. « Look at the time! I have to run to another appointment, but it was a pleasure speaking with you! And to see little Arvin here, of course...»

    « Arven...» Sada corrected her, furrowing her eyebrows.

    She watched Briar get up and gather the manuscript, leaving as quickly as she had arrived.

    The silence that followed was broken by Arven.

    « Ma-ma! Ma-ma! Hug!» he tugged at her hand, giggling. Sada blinked, looking down at the kid as she pulled him in her lap, then towards Turo.

    « Why did you just agree to that? We-»

    « We don't have the luxury to say "no", Sada. Our research, this very house, our Pokémon , everything... without someone willing to fund us, we've got nothing. We are nothing, here. » he smiled sadly, looking down at Arven, and she felt a little chill at his words. If it was just her, or just her and Turo, she wouldn't have cared. She would have done whatever she wanted and if people decided to cut the funding... well, she would have found something else to do. Her past life had always been like that, after all.

    But they had Arven now. She couldn't do that to him.
    ... and she couldn't do that to Turo, either.

    « I... I see. »

    She felt like things had just suddenly gotten a lot more difficult. More complicated. She took a big breath, and nodded.

    « So we'll have a bit more work to do than I thought. All right. Let's do it. »
    Weeks passed between their research, new projects starting, training their Pokémon, Gym battles, and amidst all that, Turo could see Arven grow bigger and bigger. He seemed to learn new words everyday, surprising him when he suddenly blurted out something he had never heard him say before, wondering when exactly he had learned it.

    And with that milestone, came Arven's first birthday.

    That evening, there would be a big party on the beach near the lighthouse with Clavell, Raifort, Jacq and others.

    But that morning, he and Sada had planned something a bit different.

    Turo held Arven in his arms, walking across the bedroom and entering what had become the kid's room. They had decorated the room with plushies, toys, books, and a small bed, which he was still a bit too small to sleep in. On the wall, the handprints of both him and Sada and the footprints of their Pokémon were not the only decorations any more. Sada had added stylized plants and Pokémon; Turo had painted some star charts over the ceiling in silver lines. On the floor, different tin cans of paint waited.

    « Now, Arven... this is really important. What color do you like?» he walked closer to one can in particular.

    « Violet, right?» he whispered in a conspiratory tone removing the lid with one hand, eliciting some giggles from the kid.

    « No! »

    « What?! But it's the best color!» Turo smiled, planting a kiss on the kid's cheek. Arven shrieked with laughter as his beard tickled him.

    « Stop trying to influence our kid's taste in colours, Romero.» Sada smiled as she walked in behind them.

    « Just let him choose.»

    Turo sighed and lowered Arven to the floor.

    « You say that, but I bet you're also secretly hoping he picks scarlet.» he whispered back.

    Judging by her pout in response, he was right.

    They both waited with bated breath to see what Arven would do. The baby looked a bit unsure of what he actually had to do, but was quickly attracted to the bright colours depicted on the various tin of paint. He pointed to one, his eyes shining.

    « Blue!» he exclaimed, and Turo shot a grin towards Sada. Hah! Well, it wasn't violet, but still, close enough!

    « So you want this one?» he asked, crouching near him, only for the baby to immediately point to another one.

    « Red... ?» he asked now, a bit confused, to which Arven giggled and pointed to another.

    He was just pointing to all colours, was he?

    « Maybe it's still a bit too early to ask him to choose a favourite colour...» he commented after a moment, to which Sada smiled.

    « Probably, yeah. » she crouched near the baby, sitting cross-legged on the floor; Turo followed after a moment, looking at the two human handprints on the wall, where one day Arven's own handprint would join them.

    But not today. There was time.
    Arven tottered over and crawled on their lap, one thumb stuck in his mouth.

    He looked down at his son -sometimes, it still didn't feel real-, and brushed some short hairs out of his face. He seemed to have gotten a curious mix of his and Sada's hair colour.

    « Happy birthday, Arven.» he whispered, holding him close.

    I really like the Pokedex entries for Stellar Form Terapagos because they sound like they could have been written by Sada and Turo themselves, lol.

    "In this form, Terapagos resembles the world as the ancients saw it, and its Terastal energy is abnormally amplified. "

    "An old expedition journal describes the sight of this Pokémon buried in the depths of the earth as resembling a planet floating in space. "
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