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Intro & Chapter 1
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    What is Timeslip?
    To put it simply, it's a slow burn AU romance about Professor Sada and Turo from the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games, that changes a singular but drastic thing about them and is now having fun exploring all the possible ramifications of it. And feels. Lots of feels. And time travel shenanigans.
    After playing Pokémon Violet and getting emotionally destroyed by it, not to mention getting out of it with one of the biggest obsessions for some characters I've had in a while (which is ironic, considering how... little we actually know about them), I started thinking about this saga. The basic idea was founded on a theory that floated around before the games actually came out and as soon the "past vs future" theme of the games started to become obvious: what if Professor Turo and Sada actually were from a far off future and past, and after somehow meeting they ended up stranded in 21th century-Paldea together? How could it happen?
    What would drastically change about them (and indirectly the game's plot)? What would stay the same?
    What started as a fun thought experiment then spiraled into pretty much it's own thing, and was enough to convince me to pick up writing again after some ten years or more of hiatus. Before this, I had never written anything in English or really nothing longer than a oneshot or 2-3 chapters at the most, so this fic is my first time approaching a lot of things in a sense. It's been a lot of fun.

    Warnings: Some light swearing and violence.
    At the moment of writing this, the story has 17 chapters already published and some 100k words written. I'm not at all interested in rewriting what is already done, and much more focused on writing the new chapters: early chapters are done and finished for me when I publish them, at least in terms of content. (Especially because with alternating POVs between the two main characters, moving scenes around is a bit complicated)
    Of course I'm more than happy to go back to them to correct typos, repetitions, awkward sentences and so on, so feel free to point out anything that jumps out. I'm sure there must be quite a lot of them.
    If you want to offer some critique or writing advice, of course you are free to do so! Just be aware that it ... Probably won't get actually implemented until after the backlog is posted and we reach the chapters I am currently writing. What I would love are comments about the story itself, the characters, possible plot holes or foreshadowing if you feel like there are some, and the worldbuilding. Pretty much anything goes.

    Chapter 1: I
    14'000 years in the past, in the area that will be known as Kalos, Paleolithic Era

    The first thing that young Turo, Ph. D in Applications of Time Traveling at the University of Mesagoza thought after opening his eyes was

    "Well, this sure isn't Lumiose City".

    He was, all things considered, pretty calm for a man who had just stepped into a time machine for the first time in his life and just got catapulted into an unknown time that was nothing like he was expecting. It was a lot more cold, for starters.

    Or maybe he was a bit too used to the perfectly controlled temperature of the labs. But sure, those things could happen. Time traveling was not a really exact field... Mostly because there is a lot of time you could end up into in the "past" direction and even more in the "future" direction, so one of the first hurdles to overcome to avoid unfortunate accidents had been to develop a way to make sure that you could always come back. It was all in the manuals and papers that he spent weeks reading, studying, dreaming and in the end almost hallucinating to the point of being able to recite by memory when he had started his studies.

    He checked the little device similar to a wristwatch on his arm. Battery was low, but everything looked functional. The little device responsible for anchoring him to his time would recharge in a couple hours time, as long as the sun was out. If the sun wasn't out, it could recharge simply by walking, but that would take definitely more time, not to mention effort, because you would be stuck running a couple miles either in the rain, at night, or in the rain at night just to get back home, and who wants that, really? (And that's the reason why rainy places were not a good spot for time traveling to, he discovered: nothing more than human laziness)

    He had ended up in a forest. And that was.... Already not something he was used to. His time, barring some extremely remote (and extremely costly) places, was not.... Really big on the whole "living with nature" stuff. Not because they didn't want to, of course. The times were people could simply walk into a forest, maybe even with a Pokémon or two with them, were a pretty popular subject in media. Entire VR simulators were built around them (with realistic nature sounds!), milking the desire for times long gone that no one alive had the chance to live in. Well, except if you time traveled there... But time traveling was still pretty new as a field of research, and of course, for the general public, it would have been so expensive that only one 50-minutes trip anywhere and anywhen would cost you so much that you were better off investing your life savings in planning that move to the Natural Reserve of Hoenn.

    Nice place, if you didn't mind active volcanoes that rained ash. Or Groudon and Kyogre having a staring contest every couple of decades requiring mass evacuations. Or too much water. But he was getting distracted. Point was, he was in a forest. A real forest, with real leaves. And the sun! A real sun, not an hologram with artificial light projected onto the walls of the laboratory so people didn't lose their minds not stepping outside for days! He spent a good minute just staring at the light that shined across the leaves, mesmerized, hands in his lab coat's pockets, before moving some hesitant steps. There was no traces of a trail or any other sign that people had ever visited this place. He had wanted to land in the Lumiose City of almost 15 years ago - nothing big for his first time jump, just a little test run, walk around a bit, grab a PokePuffin, listen to some 15 years old music - so the place should have been the same, but the time.... There wasn't even traces of a city. Maybe he messed up the calibration of the machine and accidentally went back 140 years? No, the city was much older than that. 1400 years...? That would put him... Still quite a bit past the League Golden Age. The times were everything seemed perfect, were people were living in harmony with Pokémon and enjoying the longest time of peace that the world had ever known... If you excluded some crazy guys that wanted to destroy the world or remake it or whatever it was in a couple of very, very intense decades.

    Turo could hear a stream gurgling on his left; he followed it, figuring that streams and rivers had always been a place to meet people in any era. His pace hastened when he finally heard a human voice, humming to itself. He went around a little curve in the riverbed and stepped out from the cover of the trees.... And then immediately stopped, frozen in place. There was a person there, a woman with light brown hair wearing what he could only describe as "stereotypical caveman clothes". She was fishing in the river for something, humming, and a mean looking spear with a sharp stone point was laying on a flat rock at arms reach.

    Shit. Shit. Now he had done it.

    Years of studies, of planning, his first opportunity to actually concretely apply what he had spent so much time studying and he ended up in the Paleolithic age. As far as he knew, that's the farthest someone had ever time traveled... No wonder his time-anchor's batteries were so low. People were not even sure if it was possible to go that far back. Guess he had an answer now, if he made it back, that is...

    He started to quietly back away, but his boots creaked on some branches. The woman whirled around in a flash, grabbing the spear with astounding reflexes, her eyes widening when they landed on him. Turo did the first thing that came to mind: slowly raised his hands, in what he hoped was already an universal sign for "I'm unarmed, don't shoot". Or.... Or stab, in this case.

    « I-I come in peace...» he mumbled, feeling stupid while doing so.

    It's not like she could understand him. Did ... Did people even have language already at this point...? Turo knew a good bit about history(in his field of work where punching the wrong numbers in could land you in some nasty situations, who didn't?), but the problem with going so far back was that inventions and development were measured in the span of thousands of years. A lot of room for error, there.

    He didn't move an inch while the woman stared him down, still wide-eyed. Well, he didn't blame her.... His clothes must stand out a lot. If he had landed as planned 14 years ago, nobody would have batted an eye at his skin tight body suit and lab coat. The dark violet suit was pretty common in his time, being made of a material that was quite suitable to a lot of different environments and capable of checking vitals, automatically regulate body temperature, and a lot of other functions that were honestly utterly useless at the moment. The lab coat was.... Ok, the lab coat wasn't exactly required to time travel, or at all, but it was just rule of cool. He liked his lab coat.

    Here, on the other hand...

    "Please don't stab me thinking that I'm some evil spirit or Pokémon" he silently pleaded, shaking slightly. He almost literally jumped back and closed his eyes when the woman suddenly moved, thrusting the spear forward. A moment later and he heard a light tap on his chest.

    He slowly opened his eyes again; the woman was... tapping the side of the spear along his arms and legs. It's almost like she was checking for some hidden weapons, quickly circling him. When she comes back around she seemed satisfied that he really doesn't seem to be an immediate danger, because she lowered the spear, smiled and then unmistakably opened her mouth and asked him something.

    And he just stared at her in confusion. She's got little fangs. Is... Is that normal? A mutation? Something that humans had that disappeared along the way and they never found traces of it? At least she seems to have language, not that it helps him particularly... She tilted her head to the side, staring at him with clear, light grey eyes, then repeated the question, which sadly does not make it any more comprehensible.

    He just shook his head(another gesture that he hopes is already universal), and she frowned for a second, before moving a step forward. Turo automatically moved one back by instinct, still with his arms raised, and that's when she grabbed one of his arms and pulled it towards her to examine it. She seemed... Fascinated by his lab coat, and it took him a moment to realize that it's probably because of the color and texture. Such a stark, shiny white is probably even more unnatural than purple to her. There's like... berries and fruits for purple, right? And Pokémon furs, even just the common Rattata is purple.

    She rubbed the hem of the lab coat between her fingers, and Turo found himself staring at her with the same fascination that she seems to have for his clothes. He thought back to the stereotypical way the first humans were represented in movies and books, as brutish, grunting savages, and realized how stupid that is. Her eyes are brimming with the same curiosity he has when challenged with some inexplicable puzzle. Her head suddenly snapped back up, and he jumped a little when she stared at him with a mix of curiosity and frustration, before asked the same thing again, this time slowly, like she was talking to a child.

    "She knows we don't speak the same language." he realized. Probably thought that he was from some far away tribe or something... People lived in nomadic tribes around this time, right...? She huffed and shook her head, such a normal gesture that it just makes the whole situation only more surreal, then moved the hand that was not holding the spear and pointed to herself.

    « Sada. Sa-da»

    The hand pointed to him next, and his eyes widen in realization. ... Honestly, it must say something about his state of mind that he didn't think about doing something like this sooner. Must be the shock.

    ... Sure, let's go with that.

    Not him being an idiot that managed to fling himself at the beginning of human civilization. Nope.

    « Turo. Tu-ro»

    She gave him an enormous smile at his answer and moved back to the riverside, motioning for him to follow. And... Really?

    He shouldn't. He really shouldn't. He should be running away and avoiding all signs of civilization to keep the risk of catastrophically influencing all of human history to a minimum. The Beautifly effect and all that. But then again.... It's not like he has encountered an entire village or something. It's just one girl. And he is still stuck here for the next couple hours until his time-anchor recharges. And staying with her surely is more safe than wandering the forest completely defenseless and getting mauled by a prehistoric Ursaring or something. She is the one with the spear and advantage of knowing the land, after all.

    Turo took a couple of long breaths. He can do this. He can manage a couple hours. He is a scientist, he is going to use this as a learning opportunity. Being able to directly experience life in this era! He could.... Write a paper on it, or something.

    Turo followed her to the river, where the girl - Sada - proceeded to excitedly show him what she was working on. A string of leather and what looks like a bunch of tiny scales, tooth and feathers, probably gathered from wild Pokémon. She pointed to a similar necklace that was already hanging from her neck. Oh... So she was gathering materials for another one? She sat down by his side and started to work on the new necklace, pausing every couple of seconds to point at something in view and enunciate it's name. Grass. Rock. Water... At least, that's what she is pointing at, so he is going to assume that's what she is doing. He tried to copy her words and started doing the same almost unconsciously before stopping.

    What is he doing? Trying to teach her his language or to learn hers, trying to communicate?

    In a couple of hours he will be back in his time and never see her again, and she will have been dead for literally more than ten thousand years, all traces of their weird encounter erased from history.

    That thought unsettled him more than it should: maybe he isn't cut out for being a time traveler if something that obvious still upsets him that much.

    « ... Turo?» Sada looked at him hesitantly; she kept stealing glances at him while talking - or at his weird clothes, more probably - and must have noticed his sudden sullen expression.

    He managed a smile to reassure her and pointed at something new, mostly to distract her.

    « "Sun"»


    They both stumbled their way through some incredibly basic vocabulary, and even started a crude game of quiz by pointing at something and waiting for the other to recite the respective word in the other's language. She gave him one of the necklaces she had completed in the meantime, pretty much pushing it into his hands even when he tried to refuse (is it going to be ok bringing it back with him? Necklaces with real teeth and Pokémon scales aren't exactly... in style, in his time).

    All in all, it's somewhat fun, even if simultaneously incredibly frustrating by how little they both can communicate. Sometimes Sada would just start muttering to herself, frustrated by something that she doesn't know how to explain or to ask him. He is sure of it, because in all that time the eyes of the girl have never stopped being so... Excited, shining with curiosity and a burning desire to understand the weird guy she suddenly met. She probably is trying to teach him words figuring that he was going to stay around, and that kind of broke his heart.

    Turo tried to stealthily check the time-anchor on his wrist, not wanting to gather attention on it. The battery had reached full capacity and should be able to transport him back at any moment. Problem is, he can't exactly.... Poof out of existence in front of her eyes, or he is probably going to go come back to his time and find out that a weird robed figure in white and purple had suddenly been depicted in some ancient cave paintings in Kalos puzzling historians, if not something worse. His superiors were never going to let him hear the end of it.

    No, he had to... Distract her and get away. Somehow. He rose to his feet and awkwardly tried to find an excuse with the like.... twenty words he knew.

    .... Yeah, not much he could do here. He pointed to himself and then from where he came from, miming some walking with his hands. Sada nodded solemnly and stood up, gathering her spear and the couple of necklaces she had completed in the meantime, evidently wanting to accompany him. What? No. This is even worse. Doesn't she have a family to go back to?

    Wait.... She's isn't thinking that he wants to be brought to her group, right? Absolutely not. Way too dangerous.

    He fumbled in his pockets for something to give her as a little farewell gift; the only things in them are... A little paper notebook and a pen. The pen is not made of plastic, thank Arceus, they stopped using that stuff that took forever to decompose a good dozen of centuries ago in favor of new, more eco-friendly materials. These things should be okay, right...? They will leave no trace and become useless the moment she used them all up. He clicked the pen and showed her how to write with it on the notebook, and was rewarded by her eyes immediately lighting up with excitement. She grabbed the pen and started doodling on the first page, completely absorbed by it.

    He bolted for the trees as soon as her eyes are off him and activated the time-anchor the instant he is out of view, disappearing in a sudden flash of light.

    When the head researcher reads his report on the trip the following days, he gets both complimented in somehow managing that trip and banned from using the time machine for a month.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 2
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 2: Stranger
    When Turo first gives her something that he pulled out from that shiny mantle he is wearing, Sada can't help but get excited. Trading between other communities is nothing new, but it's always... The usual stuff. Furs, obsidian and other rocks and gems that they can't get here, like tooth and scales from creatures that don't live in this area.

    Sometimes food. This was new; she had never seen such garments, especially not so perfectly made. She thought that she wasn't half bad at sewing clothes, but when she tried to examine that cloth, she couldn't find a single seam or hole where the needle went through. Whoever did that must have been incredible in their art.

    And... And the feeling! It was so smooth to the touch and so different from the pelts she was used to working with: the creature it came from must have had some incredible fur. She had tried to ask him where he came from, but it didn't look like he had understood her question. She is so focused on examining that new material that it takes her a moment to notice that the man is running away.

    « Wait!» she calls after him, but loses some precious seconds in grabbing her belongings: writing tool in one hand, the sheets of ... stuff in the other, she has to fumble around a moment before managing to grab her spear and start running. He is already far off into the trees, hidden from view, but the rustling of his clothes and the crunch of leaves under his shoes is still clearly audible... And then it stops, suddenly.

    She catches up to where he was, and finds him just.... gone. Vanished without a trace. She checks the trail of footprints he left behind: the shoes he was wearing were also weird. Heavy and smooth, they almost looked like they were a single piece with his purple clothes. They honestly didn't look very comfortable: how does he take them off? Do they come off.... All in one go, all or nothing? But they do leave some nice, clear imprints in the ground... Which again, doesn't really sound that safe if you want to avoid predators, but makes it more convenient for her, so she is not going to complain. But the footprints don't tell her much: they also just vanish suddenly.

    How? Is he a really good climber? She raises her eyes and starts checking the tree branches over her head. Did he... Climb them and start jumping from tree to tree? Did he step in his own footprints backwards to throw her off and then went another way? She keeps looking around for a bit, but can't find any other clue about what happened. Someone else would have been suspicious, troubled.... Maybe even scared.

    Sada just tilts her head to the side.

    "... interesting"

    She gathers her things -properly this time -, and starts to make her way back. She is quite a bit away from her settlement; they've set up tents and plan to stay there for a couple more full moons, until the snow starts to fall more often and the herds of Steady Glaciers - the great wooly beasts with icy breath - will move further north. If she walks briskly, she will have to spend only one night alone before meeting up with the rest of her group; men usually are the ones who go out hunting, but it's not unusual for women who are not taking care of children to also explore and scout ahead. Finding new possible food sources, exploring trails and of course monitoring the creatures to make sure that nothing dangerous got too close to the settlement... There was always something to do, and no hands to spare. She personally enjoys exploring much more than being stuck paying attention to a bunch of kids, even if it was more dangerous. It gave her time to think, especially when it lead to strange experiences like that of today.

    That man... Just where had he gone off to?

    When the sun disappears and night comes, she opts to stop for the night; she's been following the river backwards the whole time, but cautiously decides that it's better to not stay too near the water. Night creatures could possibly come to drink, and she would be too easy of a target. She enters the thick of the trees again until she finds a nice spot to camp. With her back against the great trunk of a pine tree, she clears the area around the roots, gathers some rocks from the river and places them in a circle to light a fire. Still a bit damp, the rocks will prevent it spreading too much, and the little spiky leaves and branches will make for good fuel. From a little leather pouch tied to her hip, she pulls out some berries she has picked up along the way.

    She's got a good variety gathered; they are perfect to eat while walking, and in a pinch, some of them can even be used against creatures. She has been carefully observing which kind creatures like to eat and which they don't, and the effect they seem to have on them. Satisfied, she quickly eats a dinner of some of the hardest berries cooked on the fire and then goes back to her most pressing concern: examining Turo's gifts, obviously.

    They were also both from some never seen material - honestly, did that guy have anything she had ever seen before, except for his being a person?-. The pieces that he showed her how to paint on were both incredibly thin and light as feathers, and bound together with what she could only guess was some sort of tree bark. That sure was a smart way to make sure they didn't fall off... It was also both pretty flexible and fragile at the same time; it crinkled easily, leaving marks, and it also tore at the slightest pull.

    That saddened her a bit: she didn't want to waste it... She stared at the little corner she had accidentally ripped off, way too small to draw on and, after a moment of consideration, cautiously licked it. It.... Tasted a bit like leaves. Less bitter, and much more dry. Was it a kind of leaf? Sada stares at the pine needles that she was keeping in a little pile near her for the fire for a second.

    ... She was not going to start tasting every single leaf to find which one this sheets were made of, even if a part of her kinda wanted to. Too risky. Better to just ask Turo when she saw him again.

    Still... If it was a leaf... She threw the little piece in her hands in the fire and watched it burn almost incredibly fast, blackening and turning to ash in a split second. She nodded to herself, happy to have her little idea confirmed; with how dry it was, no wonder it burned so quickly. And maybe like anything else from Turo it had come from some unknown creature: there were quite a lot of plant ones, even if most of them didn't seem to like the cold. That was fine by her: the plant creatures were dangerous, with bright flowers that could shoot seeds and colored dust that could put a person to sleep, make them sick, or even immobilize them completely, leaving them in the worst state she could fathom, fully conscious but completely helpless.

    A chill that had nothing to do with the cold crawled along her back, and she made sure to check the branches overhead. Some of those creatures could even hang from trees, but if there is one thing they seemed to hate more than the cold, it was fire. She should be safe here. Still... If some group of people was really out there using leaves from some creatures just to make little sheets to draw on... They must have been pretty gutsy to try and do something like that. She distracts herself by examining the writing utensil next. This one is more familiar apart from the material, pretty much a tube filled with some tincture. The fact that it was still liquid and hadn't already dried though, that was remarkable. You could carry it around and there was no need to continuously mix ash or dirt with water. Maybe it was also an ability of some kind? She would keep an eye out for creatures that showed some power of the sort...

    She keeps doodling on the leaves for quite some time into the night, unable to sleep, mind racing from one thought to another.


    « Um, mother?»

    The next day, after reaching the settlement, she first approaches her mom, who's busy mending some clothes with a needle made out of bone and some leather strips. Her mother is getting quite old; her hair has streaks of white peeking out, her hands are getting wrinkled, but her mind is as sharp as ever and most importantly, as the current oldest person in the settlement, she has experience.

    « What is it, dear?» she asks, without pausing in her work, bone hook sliding in and out of the fur in her hands at incredible speed. She ponders how to best describe what she wants to ask.

    « Do you know of some tribe that has some.... Weird clothes? I've met this man one night ago, and he was... Strange. Didn't speak our language, so I was wondering where he was from, and he got away before I could ask.» Now she pauses in her work, quietly lifting her head and waiting for her to continue.

    « He had purple clothes that looked almost like they were clinging to his skin, and I couldn't see any fur on them... They looked more like they were made from some incredibly tiny scales. »

    « Were they warm clothes?»

    Sada almost gasps, immediately recognizing what her mother was pointing at.

    « No, they didn't look very warm... He also had this... shiny mantle to cover him, but it didn't look like it would do much... Have you seen people like him? Are they from the south?» she asks, hopeful.

    Her mother thinks for a moment.

    « Can't say I have... Purple and white, you said? And "shiny"?» she sounds confused.

    Honestly, she feels the same. That mantle seems useless to her no matter how you looked at it, if not straight up dangerous. Way too bright to help in hiding yourself in the underbrush, and it flapped around making a lot of noise while moving.

    « I had never seen such a pure white. It was like fresh snow. »

    « That seems horrible for hiding, unless he is actually from the far north... »

    « But he would die from the cold even with the sun out in those clothes, so he can't be from up there.» Sada objects.

    Her mother nods, and slowly resumes her sewing.

    « Then he must be from the south, where it's much warmer. Far over the mountains... We traded for a bit with a group that came from over there... Didn't have some "shiny mantle", but I remember clothes made of scales, smooth and really hard to the touch. »

    That could be it! But if he is from the south... Something else does not add up now, she realizes after a second.

    « There's also... another thing that is weird about him. » she ponders aloud.

    This one was a bit more subtle, it had been nagging at her from the moment she had first seen him. Just this incredibly subtle feeling of wrongness that had lasted for a second looking at him, before being replaced by excitement.

    « He is too.... Clean.» Her mother looks up at her again, now giving her daughter her full attention.

    Sada tries to put into words what she has noticed.

    « His clothes are almost impossibly well done, but it's not just that... He is incredibly pale, like someone who hasn't seen the sun... Ever, and his face, his hair and beard, his hands, they were just so...»

    She stops, frustrated because she has no idea how to describe it.

    « So... Tidy. No scars, no cuts, not a single injury that I could see. Not even a bruise! And he had no weapons with him... nothing.»

    Traveling (apparently) alone, with no weapons, no signs of tear or use in his garments or on his body, with clothes that were just begging to get him eaten by some creature... It was more than strange. It was impossible.

    « Pale, weird clothes, no marks on his body, disappears... He is starting to sound more like a spirit than a man to me.» his mother smiles shaking her head.

    Sada looks at her for a second, almost disappointed. A spirit...? Some long lost ancestor of them that supposedly appears to give you advice, like in the stories told around the fire?

    That would be.... so boring if that was the case. Also he didn't exactly give her advice, in fact it had been the opposite: some lousy ancestor that he was if he didn't even have some great wisdom to impart.

    « No! He is a real person, I just know it...and I will find out what's going on with him. » she announces, determined.


    First thing to do, of course, is meeting him again, which is easier said than done. She has no idea where he went off to so the only thing she can do is go back to the point of their first meeting, hoping to catch him there again. For a couple of days, nothing new happens, and Sada grows increasingly frustrated. How is it possible for someone like that man to just... Leave no traces of his passage behind? Not even traces of a camp, places where he could have spent the night? She starts to keep track of every place she checks on the leaves Turo gave her, sketching a crude drawing of the area; after a moment of consideration, a couple of crude symbols get added to mark places where she knows certain creatures have established their territories.

    A little flame to mark the place where the pack of black fire breathing creatures usually hunts.

    One stylized feather to mark the nest of one of those aggressive flying ones, and a long fang to mark an area where the rivers drops in a short waterfall, infested with Brutal Fangs.

    Those places in particular should be safe to exclude from her search... Surely no one is going to just walk through places that are clearly inhabited and dangerous?

    Sada gets proven wrong not even half a day later; she had just finished gathering some more berries for lunch, when a sudden loud roar from the waterfall echoes through the air.

    She jumps to her feet, spear in hand, and listens cautiously: is it a struggle between two Brutal Fangs? Fighting for territory? Food? Those things are vicious, she has seen them (carefully, from a distance) simply fly into a rage and attack each other at random while peacefully swimming next to each other just a moment before. She waits for a second roar to echo, or for the telling sound of snapping teeth and wild thrashing.

    What she hears instead is a muffled, panicked and obviously human scream. For a long second, she can't even move, dumbfounded.

    ... He didn't... no one can be that oblivious to their surroundings, can they?

    Sada starts sprinting towards the river at full speed; bursting out of the trees, the nearby waterfall comes into view, and at its base, near the edge of the water and with his back to her, Turo seems to have fallen backwards and is desperately scrambling to his feet. The Brutal Fang, it's vivid red scales glistening from the water it just jumped out from, opens its mouth full of teeth and barrels towards the man, who manages to avoid it at the last second by rolling to the side, causing the creature to crash head first into the gravel on the riverbank, avoiding him by an inch. Not missing a beat and evidently not caring about being on dry land, the red and gold fish thrashes violently against the ground until it rights itself, it's eyes never losing sight of its target. Who, by the way, seems too busy being paralyzed by fear to actually do something useful like, oh I don't know, run for his life. Sada's incredulity turns first to worry and then rage.

    She didn't spend the last three days camping here just to watch him get eaten by a stupid fish!

    The creature jumps again, and she readies her spear.

    « Get down!» she screams, hoping that the urgency in her tone will get the message across.

    He catches sight of her at hearing her voice and hurls himself to the side, the spear passing right over him and hitting the Brutal Fang straight in the forehead. Admittedly, it doesn't do much, but it kills its momentum and makes it crash back into the shallow water. Before it can regain its wits, Sada pulls out a yellow berry from her pouch and throws it at the creature, stunning it for a moment.

    Evidently deciding that they weren't worth the trouble, the creature lets out a last echoing bellow and then sinks back down into the river with a great splash, disappearing from sight and splashing them both.

    Sada isn't fooled, though: they are not the kind of creatures that call for backup, but it could still change its mind and lunge at them again. She recovers her spear as quickly as she can and whirls around towards Turo.

    Other than being drenched from head to toe, he appears unarmed, his purple clothes curiously glistening like the water was smoothly sliding off them instead of getting soaked. First thing he does is check his wrist, strangely; she pulls closer to see if he did get injured after all, but he seems to notice her intentions and slips his hand into one of the folds of his mantle, hiding it from sight.

    She pouts a bit, disappointed: he's obviously hiding something from her, and that just makes her want to know what it is even more. Then she realizes what just happened.

    « What. Were. You. Doing?» she asks, punctuating every word with a tap of her spear, stomping towards him.

    Seriously, what was he thinking? Didn't they have Brutal Fangs were he was from? But even if he had never seen one before, how could you simply stroll near something that obviously had creatures nearby? With how strong they were, you had to assume that every creature you met was aggressive! Well... Almost every creature, there were some more docile ones admittedly, but... Brutal Fangs were obviously not docile. There was a reason they had given them that name after all.

    If she had gotten there a moment later, he would have been lunch.

    He looks at her spear somewhat alarmed, obviously not understanding her, his eyes flitting between her and the pointed stone tip. She sighs and lowers the weapon, even if just to reassure him that she has no real ill will.

    « Let's get warmed up.» she offers him her free hand and he takes it after a long moment of hesitation, still keeping the other hidden.

    His hand is warm, bigger than hers, but strangely soft and smooth, with long, slender fingers. She can't help but stare at them for a moment, puzzled.

    That really looks like the hand of someone who hasn't worked a day in his life. They are children's hands, it's unnatural.

    They go back to the camp she had set up in the past three days; she sits him down on a log and points at the ashes left from last night's fire.

    « "Fire"» she then points to the ground, glaring at him like she would with a hyperactive child that won't stay still.

    « Stay here. Don't move. I'm going to get some more food.» she huffs, moving away.

    She pointedly stares at him for a couple more seconds, almost expecting him to pull another magical disappearing act as soon as she looks away, but he just lowers his head and scoffs, looking almost... Embarrassed.Seems like he got the message.

    She is going to gather some more berries, trusting him to start the fire in the meantime. They can keep working on their vocabulary after she comes back.

    « Sada....» his voice reaches her at the edge of the camp and the woman stops, looking over her shoulder.

    « Thank you » The words are unfamiliar, but the gratitude and relief in them are palpable.

    He suddenly looks so... Vulnerable and lost, sitting on that log with his strange clothes and eyes that still have that trace of fear in them.

    .... A complete mystery.

    Just who is that man?

    She simply nods, and disappears into the trees.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 3: Future Looks Good
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    I'm aware of there being some problems with tenses flipping around in the first 2-3 chapters, I was still figuring out my writing stile... and in Sada's POV chapters, it was at least partly intentional to try and give her narration a more "grounded in reality" feel. Not sure if it worked. I do plan to fix it all little by little. Also please tell me if this formatting is hard to read and ends up being too "wall of text" like. I've had nobody bring it up for now but I've read that a lot of people find it hard to read so if necessary I will add more paragraph breaks!

    Chapter 3: Future Looks Good
    Travelling back (or technically forward?) in time to the place he had come from was much more disorienting that Turo expected. Maybe it was because, when he had stepped into the time machine a couple of hours before, he had had the time to prepare mentally. There was a whole procedure to follow while setting up the time machine in preparation for a jump; other than being necessary to avoid messing something up (which he still had done... Somehow), it helped people concentrate. Prepare. Even relax, if necessary.

    Getting back using the time anchor was much more sudden, and he stumbled while getting out of the time machine, his mind still half convinced that he was walking on damp leaves and uneven terrain instead of the perfectly pristine and smooth tiles of the Time Travel Department Laboratory.

    « Time anchor ID 9537 has returned from space-time coordinates 48°51′12″ N, 2°20′55″ E, timestamp in seconds 441504000000-»

    « Just save those coordinates to my ID before you get a stroke trying to pronounce that.» Turo interrupted the smooth artificial voice that had spoken from the time machine while he headed for the door.

    There was a moment of silence, then something behind his back moved suddenly; Turo stopped when the sleek, round figure of a Porygon 568 zipped around him and stopped him from exiting the room, floating at eye level with the human.

    It still had the basic shape of a duck; why the very first Porygon had been designed with that shape in mind was a bit of a mystery: maybe because it had been simpler to code and render, or the dude responsible just really liked duck Pokémon, but it had become a bit of a tradition of all subsequent updates during the years to try and make it as outlandish and ridiculous as possible but still keep it recognizable as a duck.

    If there was one thing that scientist and computer nerds loved, it was running gags; Turo knew, because he was also one of them.

    This version in particular was made to look bright yellow with spiky, needle like feathers where his "wings" were supposed to be, and ended up looking more like a cross between a Psyduck and the legendary Zapdos... A little, puffy, dopey and kinda adorable Zapdos.

    The Porygon clicked its beak, quickly scanning him up and down.

    « Time-displaced object detected. To bring external objects outside of the time machine room, registration of object is required.» it spoke again.

    Turo blinked, surprised; it was his first time doing the procedure, and even if he knew that the Pokémon was supposed to say that - it was its job to act as a sort of defensive mechanism for the time machine and anything that got in and out of it, after all - , it still took him a moment to get what it was referring to.

    « Oh, this...? Just a little... Souvenir.» he answered, fishing in his lab pocket for the necklace that Sada gave him. It.... Looked even more surreal now in his time, the little leather string with organic fangs and feathers attached. He quietly wondered from what Pokémon they had come from, with that bright red and blue color.

    He held it in front of the Porygon, who quickly scanned it.

    « Object is not considered a safety or sanitary hazard. Permission granted to bring it outside of time machine room. Welcome back, Dr. Romero Turo. Hope you had a safe trip.» the Pokemon beeped before moving away from the door and going back to the main frame of the time machine, disappearing inside the transparent cylindrical structure that acted as it's control panel.

    Turo watched the Porygon go, then stared at the necklace. So that meant he could... Keep it? It would have gathered quite a bit of attention on him... But just depositing it in some box in the laboratory for innocuous random objects brought from the past to be catalogued and eventually donated to some museum, like standard procedure dictated, didn't sit right with him. Sada had given it to him after all, and the girl's excited smile flashed in his mind while he stared at the little pendant.

    He ended up tying the leather string around his neck and slipping it under the collar of his bodysuit. It felt a bit strange, having something that was different from the smooth texture of his suit touching his bare skin, but not exactly uncomfortable.

    He exited the room still in a bit of a daze; that wasn't exactly surprising even if the trip had been to only fifteen years ago like planned. "Time sickness" was apparently a thing: the human body -or living things in general - didn't react well to passing through time. It had taken quite a bit of studies and experiments to make the trip safe; some lives had tragically been lost in the first test trials: people not landing when and where expected, or coming back with amnesia.

    Now, it was mostly just an inconvenience, and some of his more experienced colleagues assured him that he would grew used to it.

    No one had traveled that far back though... That reminded him.

    He had to write a report about his trip, right?

    The corridors of the Time Travel Department Laboratory (or TTDL for short) were currently deserted, which made sense, since it was late night. Turo had been forced to use the time machine in the night time slot, since all other slots during the day had already been reserved for other -and more important - trips than his simple test run. No one wanted the night shift if possible; it gave you the worst time jet-lag ever.

    Soft lights blinked on a couple of steps ahead of him while he traversed the corridor and quietly switched off as soon as he had passed, leaving only the quiet hum of machinery.

    At the end of the corridor, he thumbed the button to call the elevator. He always found it somewhat amusing how, in a society that was completely converted to holographic controls, haptic feedback or single gestures for... Pretty much anything, some fringe areas of technology had stubbornly remained unchanged for centuries.

    They had tried to use touch screens, or holographs, or even voice commands, of course, but people didn't like it.

    They would press the screen and then do it again, just to make sure that the command had been acknowledged.

    Voice commands had been a disaster with people getting in and out giving conflicting commands.

    In this case, a physical button to press was still the best.

    At the end of the day, it turned out, people just really liked to mash the shit out of buttons.

    After getting out at the ground floor, he quietly walked across the great hall of the university. Something small and quick scurried away at his feet, and Turo absent mindedly side stepped the little Steelccino that were busy cleaning the floor, ignoring the indignant screeching of the chinchilla Pokémon at seeing him leave even just a speck of dust from his boots. One of them tried to jump on his lab coat, swiping at him with his brushy tail - the only part of its body that still looked identical to the Mincinno it had evolved from long ago, chattering angrily. The man had to almost physically push the little critter away, sneering.

    « Come on, it's not like I did it on purpose. You expect me to go back millennia and not trek around some dirt? Shoo » Turo complained, exhausted. The Pokémon obviously didn't care, their shiny, red led-like eyes fixing him with a death glare before getting back to work.

    They were employed by the university of Mesagoza as natural cleaners at night, which was perfect, as long as you weren't part of the TTDL. His colleagues hated the little critters and the critters hated them right back, in an eternal cycle of mutual annoyance.

    He welcomed the sight of the teleporters near the entrance: scanning his ID he stepped into one, a smooth circular platform made of what looked like light purple glass, and recited his home address.

    That wouldn't have been the most secure option in broad daylight -you wouldn't want to announce where you lived to everyone after all -, but screw it, he was tired and there was no one around anyway. The platform briefly lit up, almost seemed to hesitate for a second, calculating the closest teleporter to the given address, then zapped him away.

    Teleporting had become ubiquitous some couple centuries ago - of course, a simpler version had been in use since much, much earlier, with Psychic Pokémon ferrying people to and from important places since ancient history. Developing a technology that didn't require the constant use of Pokemon and could be accessible to everyone had taken a bit more time, but it was now part of everyday life.

    It had, for all intents and purposes, completely eliminated commuting and traffic.

    Imagine having to spend multiple hours a day just getting to work! And then getting back home! That sounded exhausting, how did people put up with that in the past?

    The teleporter left him a bit away from his apartment complex; obviously only the richest people could afford a personal teleporter that would deposit them literally on their doorstep, but Turo didn't mind walking the little distance he had to. It was still infinitely better than the alternative.

    The front door of his apartment unlocked as soon as he got near enough, and with a tired sigh, Turo closed the door. He was home. Between all the preparations for the time jump, setting up the time machine and his studies, he hadn't set foot outside of the laboratory for the past three days. Of those three days, he technically had been "really" gone only for a couple of hours, but... It felt like so much more. His mind was still kind of processing what had happened.

    Two hours he had spent simply sitting on that river side, talking with someone that was now less than dust. How did she spend the rest of her life? How long had she even lived?

    It wouldn't do him any good to dwell on those thoughts so much; if he wanted to keep working in that field of research, he had to get used to it.

    Two blue lights blinked at him from his small living room, accompanied by a low « Gwaaaoohhh » and the quiet clicking of metallic paws on the floor.

    Turo smiled, hugging the Miraidon that welcomed him back and stroking it's neck.

    « Hey buddy, how are you doing? » he caressed the smooth light grey scales, examining them carefully.

    « Is your Hadron Engine still acting up?»

    The was a slight pause, then the Miraidon's throat lit up, briefly pulsating with blue energy, an electric buzz filling the room. It had almost managed to form a complete wheel shape before it sneezed, snapping back to its low power form.

    It growled sadly and pawed at the floor, looking almost ashamed.

    « Don't worry about it, you just need to rest. We'll go riding as soon as you're doing better... And I can get a day off. » Turo added.

    Miraidon had been with him since he was a kid, still living with his parents in Medali.

    The apartment where he lived was a bit small for him, but the Pokemon could generally come and leave freely, wandering the city; still, in the past few days he hadn't been feeling too well, and had spent them mostly curled up on the sofa. With Turo himself not having exactly stepped outside the laboratory for days (except for the little trip through time), he was looking forward to taking that little road trip. Just cruising through the highway at high speed, wind hitting his face, nothing but a seemingly infinite road in front of him to let Miraidon speed up as much as he wanted. Maybe they could even practice gliding again. That sounded nice. With a last pat on the Pokémon's head, he headed to the bathroom for a shower before going to bed.


    « So how did your test run go? »

    Turo raised his eyes from the screen that floated in front of him, stopped mid sentence in his report, and made a quick "stop" gesture by lifting the index and middle finger of his right hand. The writing program that was tracking his lip movements to write down his report recognized the gesture and dutifully stopped, then started to automatically check spelling and punctuation while waiting for the prompt to start again.

    Waiting for an answer in front of him with a mug of coffee in one hand and a bemused smile was Gervaso Ortega, his senior by a year and accomplished time traveler.

    Turo hesitated for a moment, then stood up.

    « Depends... Theoretically, incredibly well. Technically... I must have messed something up.»

    The other man gestured for him to follow him out of the little office he got assigned and into a break room, or as people in the TTDL called it, the "sanity room".

    Constantly kept at a comfortable temperature and humidity, the holographic walls continually projected calming images of natural landscapes and relaxing sounds.

    « Oh... It's a rainy forest today? Nice, relaxing.» Gervaso commented, sitting down.

    Turo almost wanted to point out that it was only relaxing because they weren't actually getting wet, but he wasn't going to complain. A nice forest with some rain was a much better scenario than some.... Alternatives they had had in the past.

    « Remember that girl that was researching pirates and forced the room to simulate a creaking ship at sea for "immersion" for three months?» he answered, sitting down in front of him and ordering a coffee of his own. The other man grinned.

    « Oh man, Sea Shanty Girl! Wonder what she is doing now... If I never have to listen to "Randy Dandy-Oh" again, it will still be too soon.»

    Turo laughed, but his colleague seemed pretty curious about his trip, prompting him again.

    He was... Actually a bit nervous about revealing what had happened.

    « The trip was fine. No excessive time sickness, no allergic reaction to the pre-jump shots... Weather was fine so I didn't even have to recharge my time-anchor manually...» he hesitated.

    « I may have.... Overshot the landing on the time coordinate a bit.»

    That made Gervaso, who had been nodding along, pause, intrigued.

    « Really? By how much?»

    « .... Some 14'000 years?»

    There was a slight incredulous pause, then the other man exploded into laughter, hurriedly putting the mug of coffee down on the table.

    « Are you serious? The new guy does his first time jump and ends up where no one managed to ever go before? You are either going to become the best time traveler I've ever seen, or the worst

    Yeah, that's what he had figured would happen.

    He took a sip of coffee, only for Gervaso to almost slap it out of him by patting his shoulder.

    « ... I'm going to get grounded, aren't I?»

    « Oh, you are so grounded while they figure out how you did it. »


    He does end up "grounded" in the end, banned from using the time machine for a month. The coordinates he had used on the other hand are still safely associated to his ID; as soon as one month passed, he could, theoretically, travel there again.

    His original project had actually been traveling to the future - not too far away. The future direction was much more risky by definition, since you obviously had absolutely no data on where you would end up.

    Most time travelers who chose the future wouldn't jump more than a couple of years; tiny incremental steps, and reports on what they knew were kept secret with the highest level of security (except for spoilers about when the new season or movie of a series would come out and how much it sucked, because of course people wanted to know about that way more than possibly horrible news).

    And that had always fascinated him terribly; it was pretty much a leap of faith into the unknown.

    ... Maybe a bit too ambitious for his first project; maybe he could... Travel to the distant past for a bit after all? It was... Really, it was so far away that it was almost as unknown as the future.

    The happy smile that Sada had made while they had tried to talk only encouraged his decision.

    While he can't time travel, what he can do, man of science that he is, is spend his time doing some research.

    He pours over every anthropological book about the Upper Paleolithic he can find, digs up documentaries and even some fiction.

    There is.... Frustratingly little. Makes sense since there literally wasn't even written language at that point, so not much got passed down through the ages. The timescale is also something that makes his head hurt on more than one occasion.

    « "First evidence of Pokémon domestication like Growlithe and Mareep could have occurred between 15'000 and 10'000 years before common age"... Sure, that is just.... An error margin of 5000 years, no biggie. » he sighs, flicking away the screen he was reading with a swipe of his finger.

    It was going to be a long month.


    Exactly one month after his first jump, he walks back into the time machine room. He slips the time anchor to his wrist, checking that it is attached securely.

    Waiting for him are Porygon 568 and a woman wearing medical scrubs and holding a syringe.

    « Time anchor ID 9537 ready for departure as soon as medical checks complete. Update destination coordinates?» Porygon 568 speaks up.

    « Yes, add... 316800 seconds to the timestamp» it wouldn't do to appear again literally at the same moment he had left.

    « Acknowledged.»

    The woman quickly approaches him and slips the needle of the syringe into his left shoulder, the clear liquid inside entering his body. Turo grimaces for a second; something else he will have to get used to... Those "shots" as they were called were the only thing protecting his body from getting teared apart in the time machine. It was... A bit unsettling to think about actually. How did they work? No idea, he was no doctor. (… Well he technically was, but not that kind of doctor)

    He pulls the sleeve of the bodysuit back up to cover his shoulder, slips back his lab coat, and steps into the time machine.


    This time he can tell that it worked before even opening his eyes. It's been a month for him, but not even a week has passed here: the same cold air, the leaves getting rustled by the wind, the stream rushing by his side. He start following the river, listening for some tell tale sounds of human activity. Steps, rustling of leaves, some smoke signal for a fire maybe... If Sada had been working by the river last time, she probably lived nearby.

    A shape in the water catches his attention: red with a big yellow dorsal fin and whiskers, it takes him a moment to recognize the silhouette of a Magikarp... It's a pretty big one, but that is nothing unusual. Lots of Pokémon were just bigger in ancient times, or one particular individual simply grew a lot more. He notices the Magikarp stop dead in the water and slightly turn in his direction. Turo pays the Pokémon no mind: they are so common even in his time that seeing one is nothing unusual, so he just keeps walking in the shallow water.

    That is, until it suddenly charges at him.

    He lets out a panicked yelp when the Magikarp is suddenly right by his side, teeth snapping and missing his arm only because he stumbles backwards and falls on his back.

    It's the angriest looking Magikarp he's ever seen, and... Teeth? Magikarp don't have teeth! They barely have functioning muscles!

    The shock stops him from moving for a couple of seconds; is it some prehistoric form of Magikarp? The one that was supposedly stronger than the current one?

    This is way more than a "a bit stronger", this one looked ready to bite his face clean off. Did it even need to evolve into Gyarados?

    He tries to get up to his feet, hands slipping on the stones that make up the riverbed, but the creature is much faster than him. It jumps out from the water and he desperately rolls to the side. He can feel the teeth snapping close to his head before the creature flies past him and crashes outside of the water.

    And it still doesn't stop.

    It's furiously thrashing on its side, kicking up water and gravel until it manages to turn itself right up, and the sight of it is so surreal that he can't help but stare, frozen in place, when everything suddenly clicks in his mind.

    It's... It's using Splash.

    Is that how the move developed? Is that what it originally was for? To chase prey even on dry land?

    « Get down!» Sada's voice suddenly rings out from behind him and he just throws himself to the side, then stares as the woman literally chases the damn thing away with nothing but a spear and... What even was that? It looked like some kind of berry...

    Anyway, she just saved his life.

    He finally gets up to his feet; the bodysuit he's wearing makes sure that most of his body is still dry, but the same can't be said for his hair, hands, lab coat and-

    "Shit, the time-anchor"

    With a quick surge of panic he checks the device on his wrist; it should be pretty damn resistant to any kind of damage, even Pokemon moves, and really be much more durable than the person who is wearing it, but he feels pretty justified in his panic when the little device is literally the only thing keeping him tethered to his own time.

    It thankfully doesn't even look wet. He notices Sada staring at his wrist and quickly hides his hand in his lab coat pocket, pointedly ignoring her little sad pout. He jumps a bit when she storms up to him, brandishing her spear.

    What... What did he do? Did he accidentally end up somewhere he wasn't meant to? Was that Magikarp some kind of holy creature and she's pissed because she had to attack it to save him?

    Is he going to end up stabbed in the chest after all?

    He doesn't understand, but she just sighs and offers him her hand.

    He takes it after a second.

    All right... Looks like he has avoided "death by spear" for the moment.


    He's been sitting on that log for a couple of minutes now; he has tried to thank Sada for saving him, and now the girl has disappeared into the woods again. He nervously looks around, jumping at every sound. He doesn't even have Pokémon with him to protect him: even if he could get the permission to bring Miraidon with him, just pulling out a Poké Ball and using it would be... Incredibly risky. It's considered one of the most pivotal inventions of all of human history, almost at the same level of.... The wheel, or writing. Who knows what the effect of just accidentally showing someone the idea much earlier than supposed to could do to history.

    Not to mention that Miraidon would look even more out of place than he does.

    His eyes land on something that Sada has left behind, and he recognizes it as the notebook he has given her.

    Seeing it covered in marks he scoots closer and picks it up, intrigued.

    He flips it open and is left staring at the page, speechless.

    He was expecting some random doodles. Maybe stick figures like the ones in cave paintings.

    These are notes. A drawing that is unmistakably a map is drawn on the page, with the position of the river, the woods and what must be other peculiar spots all marked with symbols. He flips behind a couple pages, and there's stylized drawings of mushrooms, leaves, plants, even Pokemon, all marked with one or more accompanying symbols.

    On one of the first pages, he notices that a corner of the page seems torn up. Another corner has been dipped in water, ink all smeared.

    She hasn't just been using it, she's been experimenting with it, trying out different things with this new unfamiliar material.

    His heart starts pounding with excitement: this is incredible... she is incredible-

    « TURO!»

    He jumps like a kid caught stealing cookies from the jar right before dinner.

    Sada is back, her leather pouch overflowing with what looks like random roots, plants and berries, and is staring at him with a mix of exasperation and disappointment.

    She sets down her bag and mutters something under her breath, then points at the circle of stones she had set up and repeats the word she had taught him before. Was it... Something like ash? Or "fire", or.... Oh. OH.

    .... She had asked him to start the fire, didn't she?

    He flushes with embarrassment while she keeps possibly berating him -he doesn't blame her, he deserves that-, all while skewering some mushrooms on a couple of sticks.

    « S-sorry...»

    Well, even if he had understood her, he had no idea how to actually start a fire.

    He tries to excuse himself by pointing at the fire and shaking his head. She stops and looks at him quizzically, seemingly pondering something. Probably how someone lacking survival skills like him is still alive.

    She sits down near him, and grabs two pieces of wood from a pile near the log they've been using as a makeshift bench. The first one is flat, and looks like a little groove has been carved in it. The second one has an angled head, almost like a plow.

    She slots the plow inside the groove and starts moving it up and down quickly, keeping it an an angle, then stops and offers him the two pieces of wood.

    Oh. She.... She really wants him to do it himself, doesn't she?

    He start mimicking what she had just showed him, and in not even a minute his arms already start protesting about the effort they are definitely not used to performing.

    But he keeps it up, pushing through the pain, and... It does seem like it's working, smoke coming out from the friction of the movement. He had seen it done in movies, but never in real life. He honestly didn't think that a spark would come out so quickly, but suddenly there it is, a little pile of charcoal friction burned into the groove with an even tinier spark smoldering inside. Sada is quick to get a dried leaf near it, causing it to start burning, and transfers it into the campfire to start it proper.

    Turo is left sitting there, with a huge, dumb grin slowly spreading on his face.

    Sada laughs at his expression, but he doesn't mind.

    He just made fire!! With his own two hands!! That's AWESOME!


    He had tried to refuse the food, feeling pretty bad in taking it when he had it so readily available at home, but the girl had just stared at him with a glare that... Well... Honestly had reminded him a bit of his mom when he was little and she was waiting for him to finish eating his vegetables.

    There was no saying "no" to a glare like that.

    While they are eating some roasted mushrooms and roots, Sada excitedly shows him the notebook. She pinches one blank page between two fingers and looks up at him with those bright, clear eyes.

    « What is it?»

    Reminded of the first little "game" they had played, it doesn't take him much to guess what she just asked.

    « "Paper"»

    « "Paper"... » she repeats, looking back down at it. She looks conflicted, and he can almost see the thousand questions that she wants to ask, and doesn't know how. She gathers some leaves that they have been using as kindle and presses one on the page, before looking up at him again. She struggles a moment, silently mouthing a question, then speaks up again.

    « Is.... "Paper"... Leaves?»

    He looks at her, shocked.

    Technically, no, but it's still cellulose, and she got scarily close to the right answer.

    How did she even figure that out?

    « No, it's... um .. "Wood"» he stammers out after a moment, pointing to the log they've been sitting on.

    She stares at him for a moment, then nods, grabs her pen, and jots down another little mark on the page, a lil drawing of a tree.

    ... She's taking notes.

    Many, many years later, Turo would look back at this scene and recognize it as the exact moment he first fell in love with her.
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    Chapter 4: A Matter of Trust
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    I missed some weeks in reposting chapters here so for now here is chapter 4. I'm going to answer the review more in depth later, meanwhile I've tried to reformat this to add more line breaks.... the [replace] tag didn't seem to have worked(I'm probably just using it wrong lol, I tried to insert both in bb code and normally), so I tried replacing every line break with two to leave a bit more space.

    As for the dialogue tags... I'm not really sure what to do now because nobody ever mentioned it and switching them up in the middle of the story for future chapters would just confuse people as they must have gotten used to it by now. So I guess I will keep them like this...
    Reading in a lot of different languages I've seen anything from "" to « to even - used to tag dialogue so I honestly never really considered it a problem as long as it was consistent in the same work, or thought about there being official rules.

    So in this fic « » is for words spoken outloud, " " for direct thoughts. Since there's a lot of fumbling around and characters not understanding each other and/or learning how to pronounce words, I tried to convey it by using italics when the something said outloud was not understandable.
    The idea I tried to convey is that they are learning to talk in this weird mix of both of their languages, pulling words from one or the other.
    I do always try to point out in the narration when the POV character has no idea what a word means but now I'm wondering if it has confused people... well at least it would put them in the characters shoe's pretty well I guess lol

    Anyway, back to Sada's point of view!

    Chapter 4
    The more she looked at Turo, the more the man just completely baffled her.

    At first she thought that he just hadn't understood her, but... He couldn't even light a fire!

    Maybe his tribe didn't use it? If he really came from the south, maybe they didn't need it for warmth, that much was obvious... But what about food? Did they eat everything raw? That didn't seem plausible.... And he hadn't looked unfamiliar with cooked food.

    It was almost like... He had been born in the body of an adult and had none of the skill and experience that came with it. Which was impossible, unless... he had lived a very secluded life until now, someone else doing everything for him...

    She had one theory about what he was, that could explain at least some of his... More strange qualities. And no, it was not "he's a spirit".

    She had no way to confirm it though, not yet. She first needed to be able to talk with him better.

    So the strange writing material was called paper! And it wasn't leaves, but wood... Somehow. She examined the paper with this new information, trying to think of a way to ask Turo how it was made. Wood could be pretty flexible, so maybe by cutting it in really thin sheets...? But then how did it become so soft...? How did they make every piece so perfectly even?

    So many questions, she had no idea where to start.

    But maybe... She could try and confirm where he was from.

    She flips the "paper" back to the map of the area she's been drawing these last day and points first to Turo.

    « You» she then draws an imaginary circle around the page, then offers the pen to the man.

    « Where... Did you come from...?» she asks, pointing at various spots on the map.

    He stares at the page for a couple seconds, leaving her to wonder if he got what she was trying to say. But more than perplexed, he looks... Conflicted.

    Does he not want to tell her?

    Maybe he doesn't even know?

    He slowly takes the writing stick from her hand and presses it, staring at the page. She notices that he holds it differently than her, daintily propped between two fingers, and then he hesitantly, slowly, draws a little "X" shape at the bottom right of the page.

    Sada tries to mask her enthusiasm. He is from the south!

    « I knew it!» she whispers, ignoring his confused blink. All right, next question... She gestures for the writing stick again, and on a blank page, draws three simple human shapes. Sada circles one and points at Turo.

    « You» she then mimics walking with two fingers like he had done a couple of days ago.

    « Alone? Or with people? "People"» she repeats, drawing a circle around all the stick figures together and hoping it was understandable. Learning words from stuff you could physically point at was easy. Most abstract concepts, less so, but they could try using drawings as symbols to represent them. As long as they were understandable...

    At her side, she hears Turo shuffle uncomfortably for a moment, clothes crinkling slightly, before pointing to the single circled figure.

    She looks up at him again - and that impossibly neatly trimmed beard looks even more weird up close, unnatural -, but he interrupts her before she can voice her next question.

    « "Is"... You... "Alone"?» he stammers a bit, his accent all wrong and weird and... Outsider-ish. But the fact that he is trying at all and that he actually picked up words that she's been using is strangely... Endearing. She's not the only one that has some questions, it seems.

    « No. My people are, umm... Here.» she draws another "X" similar to his in another corner of the map, north east to their current position. Sada waits a couple seconds, observing his reaction. He looks... Pensive.

    « Do you want to...?» no, too complicated.

    « You... Come... With me?» she asks after a moment, pointing first in his direction, then to the little stick figures and finally on the position of her settlement on the map.

    It takes a couple of seconds, but then his eyes go wide and he starts vehemently shaking his head, looking suddenly nervous.

    « Oh no, absolutely not-» he mumbles.

    Sada frowns a bit.

    ... She doesn't understand. Surely staying with a group of strangers is still safer than living alone? Maybe he misunderstood her?

    His reaction is making her theory a lot more likely though.

    « All right... » disappointed, she goes back to the first sheets of paper, and starts pointing out the various plants and mushrooms, just trying to get out as much vocabulary that could be useful as possible. It's slow going, but when they arrive to the sketches she has made of various creatures, he seems to suddenly perk up. He gestures for the writing stick and points to the first sketch, one of the big birds of prey with grey and red feathers... Not like her drawing can show it, since she had access only to one color.

    « It's a Fire Wing...» they were dangerous while they were hunting or if you happened to get near their nests, but she liked to look out for their fallen feathers; they were soft and incredibly warm, great to wear during the colder season by sewing them inside clothes, or as accessories. Turo nods, just the hint of a smile on his lips.

    « "Talonflame"»

    Is that what it was called in his language...?

    Then, to her surprise, he starts sketching a Fire Wing of his own alongside hers, with a great amount of details.

    A couple of strokes to draw the head, the curved beak with a sharp point and even sharper eyes... he is good at it, the picture so similar to the real thing it's like one of the creatures had been quietly sitting between them all this time, posing for reference.

    But of course, there isn't one; he must be going from memory, not unlike her when she takes notes after some sightings.

    But to be able to draw it so perfectly... He must have seen so many of them! And from really close, no less...

    Sada finds herself almost transfixed by the smooth movements of his hand while it flits along the page, expertly filling in the drawing. The way he moves, even how he was holding the writing stick, not a single blemish on his fingers ... It's obvious he is much more used to doing this than... Lighting a fire, or holding a weapon, or ... really any kind of manual activity.

    Someone else must have done them for him all this time before now, giving him the opportunity to get that good at something not immediately useful for survival like drawing.

    And there is only one role she can think of that would allow for that kind of privilege, if it was even possible.

    Turo finishes his drawing, absentmindedly flipping the writing stick between two fingers before giving it back to her, then starts listing off the various body parts in his language. They are not immediately useful as words between them (how many times is something like "talon" going to come up in a conversation?), but she still listens attentively. They are useful to her, and he seems... Weirdly knowledgeable about these creatures.

    « Fire Wings umm... "Move"... No...» he lifts his arms and moves them a couple of times up and down, and she has to stop herself from giggling: the white cape loudly flapping along makes him look ridiculous.

    « Fly...?» she offers, only half successful in stopping a laugh from escaping her.

    He blushes a bit -which is weirdly adorable - and keeps talking.

    « Y-yes... they "Fly" with... Fire... Umm...» there's obviously something else he wants to add, but can't explain. He sighs and palms his face.

    « Of course they do, dumbass... How do I explain "fireproof"...?» he mutters to himself, lowering his hand to rub at his chin.

    Sada stares at him for a moment, pointedly avoiding her eyes after noticing that she had been gazing at him just a bit too hard.

    « "Dumbass"...?» she repeats, picking out one of the words from his muttering at random, and only because it sounded funny.

    Turo freezes, a flash of horror on his face that quickly gets replaced by a stuttering, incredulous laugh that he tries and fails to contain.

    « Wha...? No! Nononono, don'tusethatword, of all the things to pick up» he manages to get out, shaking his head but still being mostly incomprehensible.

    Sada just stares at him, perplexed - and just a touch amused at his reaction -

    « Turo, what is "dumbass"?»

    His laugh only gets louder, and he can't do much except keep shaking his head, tears in his eyes.

    It takes him a good couple of minutes to calm down.

    ... Now she really wants to know what that word means.


    After a couple more hours, when they've exhausted speaking (or as close as they could get to speaking) about every creature in her paper sheets - or her "notebook", as Turo had called it-, the man stands up and Sada knows, before he even looks to the south, that he is going to leave.

    She frowns, trying to think of a way to get him to stay; knowing him alone, in the dark, in a place unfamiliar to him... It worries her. She can't help but picture another Brutal Fang jumping out of the water to drag him away, or another hundred ways he could end up dead.

    That he isn't is still baffling.

    Maybe he knows of some special way to avoid creatures attacking him...? Not that it worked before.

    Turo seems to hesitate for a moment, then gestures for the notebook.

    She gives it to him, and he flips it to the first blank page. He draws a circle with some lines coming out of it.

    « Sun»

    All right...? He already told her how to say it in his language though...

    He looks up and searches the sky for a moment before quickly drawing another half circle.

    « Moon»

    He circles both of them together, then looks up at her for a long moment.

    « "Day"»

    Sada looks at the drawing; a sun and a moon together form... What?

    He thinks for a moment, then draws another line, this time with only half of a sun over it. An arrow pointing away from it, and a moon after that... Oh! She almost jumps a little when it hits her.

    He's drawing day and night! She nods enthusiastically and he smiles, then proceeds to draw another couple of sun and moon symbols, each with arrows leading from one to the next.

    « I'll come.... Here... in "three days".» he enunciates slowly circling the last couple of symbols, before giving her the notebook.

    It's a sequence of days and nights... He's telling her when they can see each other again. If the first symbol is today, and there is another after that, and a couple more after than one...

    He starts to slowly back away, cautiously, and Sada looks back down to the notebook, conflicted. A part of her really wants to tail him, to discover where he's going. What he is obviously hiding from her. Why he looks so reluctant at the idea of meeting other people.

    But... He did just promise to come see her again.

    She doesn't want to break that trust right away.

    « Three days.» she nods, and to give him proof of her good intentions, sits back down on the log.

    He looks a bit more relieved at that, and turns around quickening his pace.

    She looks at him until he completely disappears from view amidst the trees, then closes her eyes and holds still, straining her ears.

    His footsteps are still audible for the time it takes her heart to beat thirty times- then they're gone.


    « So you've met with that strange man again? » Chalo asked, her dark raven hair clinking as the little wooden beads that decorated it rattled against each other.

    « Yes, I've actually got a theory about him now.» Sada answers, carefully following the other woman along the trail they've been walking along for a couple of hours.

    She had gone back to the settlement after Turo had left: no reason to spend those three days just lazing around.

    The trail was just the faintest line visible among the grassy field that extended all around them. The grass grew pretty high, tall enough to hide both a person walking upright, or most creatures. That made this area relatively dangerous: creatures couldn't see you coming, but you also had no idea of what could suddenly jump out at you. Unless they left traces, like the one they were following. Grass flattened by a great number of creatures stepping on it, walking in an orderly line. A herd, and Sada was pretty sure she knew what kind of herd it was. That was the whole reason that Chalo had dragged her along after all: she was the only other one in their group both curious and crazy enough to go along with her ideas.

    « You do? Let's hear it. I still think that your mother is right and he is a spirit... But not an ancestor. A creature spirit, the ones that come out at night and can disappear in smoke.»

    Sada lets out a sigh, crouching briefly to examine a patch of grass that looked like it had been burned.

    « He is not a creature. First of all, he talks. »

    « Yeah, but not our language, right? What if it's a creature using you to learn how to speak?»

    « ... That's way more ridiculous than him simply being an outsider.» Sada rolls her eyes, and Chalo simply shrugs.

    « ... But it's more interesting. Anyway, your theory? » she asks again, cautiously parting the grass growing on both sides of the trail to check their surroundings.

    Sada follows her a couple of steps behind, swiftly stepping on Chalo's footprints to reduce noise to a minimum.

    « He's the shaman of his tribe. The lore-keeper... He knows so much stuff about creatures, and can draw one perfectly! He looks like he has barely travelled before now; maybe he ... Really just didn't, because his role in the group has always been to create medicine, or... Teach the children about stuff, not hunt or explore.»

    Chalo hums briefly, not convinced.

    « Shamans get their role when they are are old, though. And Narjik still knows how to use a spear, not like this Terg guy-»

    « Turo. And maybe in their tribe it's different, and it gets appointed at birth. » she explains enthusiastically.

    « It would also explain his weird clothes. They're not for traveling, they are his shaman clothes. »

    « All right... » Chalo stops and turns around suddenly, forcing the girl to stop walking.

    « If he's so important for his tribe... What's he doing here? Alone?» she asks in a triumphant tone, but Sada just crosses her arms over her chest. What, did she think she hadn't thought of that?

    « I've asked. He didn't look happy at the idea of meeting other people. I think he's been... Driven out. Forced to get away from them.»

    Chalo goes from looking smug to slightly worried.

    « So you think he's some... Outcast? Doesn't that mean he did something bad if they banished him?»

    Yeah, that... That was the part of her theory she couldn't quite explain. You had to do something pretty awful to get thrown out of your tribe and left to die in the wilderness. At least, that's what she had been told; it's not like it had ever happened in her lifetime.

    Sada shakes her head.

    « I'm sure there's another explanation. He... Does not look like the kind of person that could hurt someone else. He was shaking completely terrified when I first approached, didn't even try to grab my spear. » she just can't reconcile the image of the weird awkward man that blushed while fumbling for his words with that of someone that had... Killed a fellow tribesmen, or something even worse.

    There was just no way.

    « Yeah, the explanation is "He's a spirit creature", just admit it!»

    She laughs at Chalo's eagerness to see her theory get proven true.

    « You would love if he was, didn't you? Like in that old story... »

    Their little discussion gets interrupted when they arrive at their destination. The trail opens up in a little clearing, where the herd of creatures they've been following is hanging around, sleeping or grazing by nipping at the grass.

    Their fur is blue, but most of the body is covered by white, soft wool. Occasionally, two of the creatures would accidentally brush on each other, sending little sparks flying with a sound similar to a crackling fire, but much sharper. In the whole herd, just two creatures were different, and obviously the leaders of the group, being slightly bigger, with pink fur and strangely less wool on their bodies.

    Probably a male and his bond mate.

    Watching how the creatures changed while growing up had always fascinated Sada terribly. Why didn't humans change like that? It wasn't fair.

    « Which one were you thinking about?» she asks in a whisper while scanning the herd with her eyes. Chalo quietly points at one of the smallest creatures, close to the edge of the clearing.

    « I've kept an eye on them. They're not aggressive, they prefer to flee rather than fight. And this one's even calmer than the rest. He will be perfect. »

    Sada nods approvingly, then rummages in her pouch.

    « You saw them eat the pink berries, right?»

    « Yeah »

    They creep closer to the creature by skirting around the meadow, keeping hidden in the tall grass.

    Sada throws one berry near the... What even is it's name?

    « What do you call them?» she whispers, observing it trot near the berry and start sniffing it.

    « Is that important right now? I haven't decided!» Chalo hisses back, then holds her breath, staring at the creature with anticipation.

    It starts to eat the berry, and Sada throws another one to goad it into coming a bit closer.

    Well it's important for her, how is she supposed to take notes about them otherwise?

    They look pretty cute, but she's not sure about what they can do... Their target has just started munching on the second berry. It's so close now that she could hold a hand out and pet it, and really doesn't look like it cares much about them.

    Now the tricky part; she winces a moment, hoping for the best and that Chalo had gotten the right idea about these creatures.

    She pulls another object out of the bag, a bright red root firmly wrapped in leaves, and after making sure that it's tightly balled up, throws it in the middle of the clearing. It makes a loud popping sound, scaring - and thankfully not enraging - the rest of the herd into taking off running.

    The only one left is the smaller creature that is still eating his berry, and is only now placidly turning around to check out what the noise was.

    It seems to realize it's been left on its own, and lets out a "meeeh".

    Chalo practically shoves another berry under it's mouth to distract it.

    « Heeeere, you want the tasty berry? Yes? Sure you do» she waves the fruit around taking a couple of steps backwards... And the creature seems to think about it for a moment. It looks back to where it's herd was. Then to the berry in the girl's hand.

    And actually starts to follow her, trotting along.

    « Holy spirits, it worked!» Chalo grins and hugs her, and Sada can't help but get excited herself.

    This... This is huge. If they can get it back to the settlement, they can use it's wool without having to scrounge up little pieces by what they found laying around, or by actively hunting them.

    If they could get another of the opposite sex, maybe they could even start an herd of their own!

    There's just one last thing to decide.

    « ... What do we call it?»


    In the end, they name the creatures Spark Tail, after noticing its tail lighting up. Well, Chalo actually wanted to call them "Fluffyhead", but Sada had refused.

    « You can call this one Fluffyhead, but I'm not going to refer to this things with such a silly name»

    « But look at how fluffy it is! And why? Are you afraid Terg will laugh at you? He won't even know what it means.»

    « It's Turo, and.... That's not it.» she grumbles, watching the Spark Tail chew on some grass right outside her tent.

    It's just that she wanted it to sound... Proper. She keeps staring at the creature that, admittedly, was pretty fluffy - just not enough to deserve naming it after that singular characteristic. How silly would that be?

    As long as it had food, it really didn't seem to mind being apart from his herd, or being surrounded by humans. They hadn't even needed to build some enclosure for him, just made sure to keep it away from furs and other things that could catch fire brushing against the sparks that came out of his wool.

    What a simple, peaceful life it was leading.

    The kids already loved it, and Narjik was trying to figure out a way to trim it's wool without getting hurt. She would love to help with it -it was something new to do, a new problem to solve-, but she had to get going if she wanted to reach the meeting point with Turo in time.


    She arrives at the camp at sunset, and to her surprise, finds it already set up. The fire is crackling, not strongly admittedly, but there is a certain skill in feeding a fire and keeping it going that the man obviously seemed to lack, so the fact that he managed to get it started at all after apparently having it done only once before was impressive. Turo himself is sitting cross-legged near the fire in his usual clothes, a second notebook and writing stick of his own propped up on his knee, intent on drawing or writing something on the page.

    Something looks off about him(or... More than usual), and it takes her a moment to consciously realize what it is.

    It's only been three days. His facial hair should not be that long.

    She blinks, trying to decide if it's just her mind playing tricks on her and she's misremembering how long it was tree days ago, or if it's just another weird thing to add to the growing list of strange things about Turo.

    Probably the latter, she decides with an almost resigned shrug.

    Turo looks up at her approach, just a twinge of fear crossing his expression before he relaxes, recognizing her. He raises his free hand and waves it in midair.

    « "Hi" »

    Sada timidly repeats the gesture and word, not quite sure what to make of it. A greeting? Or some kind of ritual?

    Maybe a way to show that he was unarmed, like during their first meeting?

    It seems to be the right thing to do in any case, because he smiles and gets up, closing his notebook and slipping it into his robes before she can so much as catch a glimpse of it - to her disappointment, she kind of wanted to know what he was drawing.

    « You... walk... With me?» he mimes the by now usual gesture, surprising her again.

    Walk? Right now with the sun setting?

    Sada nods and stops just a moment to better tie the spear slung over her back, then grabs a piece of wood from the fire to use as a torch. She glances at him while they walk away from the camp; he's got both hands hidden in his mantle, head moving left and right while he seems to be scanning the trees looking for something.

    « What...?» she starts to ask, and he turns back to look at her with a small smile.

    « Fire Wing feathers. »

    It takes a moment to recognize what "feathers" meant, before she remembers his portrait of the creature. Why is he so interested in them now? Unless...

    « Are you.... Cold?» she mimes some shivering, and after a moment of hesitation, he quietly nods, looking a bit frustrated.

    Sada grimaces, mentally berating herself. Of course he must be cold, not being used to living in this area. She starts to actively look for the feathers, while the obvious question of "how didn't he freeze to death the night before our meeting " keeps nagging at her.

    Maybe he had something else from a creature with the power of fire with him these days, and it has now lost it's effect. She shuffles a bit closer to him, raising the torch, and he gives her a little smile noticing the gesture.

    They find some feathers, but they are obviously not the ones they are looking for: much bigger, mostly white with a blue purple base. It's not the first feathers of that kind that she sees around here, but she still hasn't been able to spot the creature they belong to.

    Turo also seems intrigued by them, getting down on one knee to pick one up. His free hand goes to his neck, where his strangely smooth purple clothes start.

    They seem to cling so tightly to Turo's body that, when he hooks one finger around the fabric and pulls it down slightly, it almost looks like he's pulling away a weird layer of purple skin.

    It looks creepy enough to distract her for a moment from what he is actually doing, namely pulling out an object hanging from his neck that was obviously hidden under his clothes.

    Sada lets out a little gasp and points at it.

    « My necklace!»

    He nods, looking a bit embarrassed, then holds up the necklace still looped around his neck in one hand and the feather in the other. Some of the smaller feathers used in the necklace have the exact same shade of blue.

    Sada gets a bit closer, keeping the torch at arm's length.

    They could be from the same creature... And as far as she can remember, there are no flying creatures around with bright blue feathers.

    « What is it?» Turo asks, probably his way of asking what creature it came from.

    Sada shakes her head.

    « I don't know.»

    He looks disappointed, and slips the feather he has found in his mantle, and the necklace back under his clothes.

    They keep looking for a while, but the sun having set completely in the meantime forces them to stop. Wandering around in the dark is way too dangerous; the torch is now their only source of light, complete darkness pressing against them all around otherwise.

    Actually, not really the only source: Turo's purple clothes seem to glow slightly in the dark.

    She stares at them for a second while he notices and ties his mantle closed, slightly embarrassed. Those have to be the most useless and backwards clothes she's ever seen.

    Noticing that Turo seems to glance around nervously, she grabs his hand and guides him by walking ahead.

    Or at least tries to, because his hand almost seems to squirm away from the contact, and then he suddenly stops. She turns around, only to find him with his head held high, eyes fixed to the night sky.

    And an expression of almost child-like wonder on his face.

    She raises her eyes to the sky as well. The moon has almost completely disappeared that night, leaving only the myriad tiny lights in the sky to shine. She's always wondered what they are; some are bigger, some smaller, some look like they are twinkling, like really small distant fires, high up in the sky.

    Who's lighting those fires? Some creature, flying up in the sky at night? Maybe other people, living really, really far away?

    Turo is looking at the sky like someone who is seeing it for the first time in his life; he resumes walking, slowly, but keeps glancing up, and barely avoids stumbling to the ground a couple of times, smiling all the while.

    It's both adorable and heartbreaking at the same time; where they... really keeping him secluded somewhere his whole life?

    Maybe he wasn't banished from his tribe. Maybe he escaped.

    Maybe he's terrified of meeting other people because he's afraid of getting locked up again.

    Her theory only sounds more plausible when they get back to the camp, and she insists on giving him some of her pelts to sleep in.

    He looks incredibly nervous as they settle down on opposites sides of the fire.

    She can hear him turn around, unable to sleep, long into the night, until she herself finally falls asleep.

    He's gone come morning, but there is a piece of paper torn from his notebook left near her when she wakes up, with two day and night symbols drawn on it.
    Chapter 5: Fast & FuTurious
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    So here it's chapter 5 (I'm still proud of that dumb title lol)!
    After some debating I've decided to simply keep posting the story here exactly as it is in the original, errors and all, only adjusting the formatting a bit for legibility. (And maybe fixing some glaring typos if I happen to catch them)

    Chapter 5: Fast & FuTurious

    Report on Time travel jump n. 2 of Dr. Romero Turo, time-anchor ID 9537.

    Coordinates of successful jump: 48°51′12″ N, 2°20′55″ E (current time position: Lumiose City)

    Weather conditions: Clear, temperatures recorded by suit sensors average 15°C. Measurements coherent with estimated data about Last Glacial Period. Body suit encountered no difficulties in maintaining body temperature to comfortable levels.

    Number of hours spent time-displaced: 5 hours and 12 minutes

    Shortly after landing, encountered a Pokémon that seems to be an ancestor of the common modern Magikarp. The Pokémon, temporarily dubbed "Proto-Magikarp", showed a predatory instinct and aggressiveness completely absent in its modern counterpart. It's anatomy also showed a clear adaptation to hunting prey; strong musculature for swimming even against the current and developed teeth for ripping flesh, more similar in size and form to the ones seen in Pokemon like Basculin or Carvanha (possible common ancestor?).

    Most interesting was it's behaviour after accidentally beaching itself in an attempt to assault me. It thrashed violently to right itself until it could attack again, in a movement extremely similar to the currently useless move "Splash" that Magikarp still uses today. I believe this to be the original use of the technique, and that possibly most Pokémon that are -or were- using the move known as Splash could actually have originally developed different uses for it, until changes in physiology and environment changed the move into its current iteration.

    Made contact again with a native"

    And there the report stopped, the cursor blinking on the monitor patiently waiting for Turo to continue. And it would have to wait quite a bit more, because the screen had been sitting untouched for the best part of two hours now, his owner seemingly much more interested in slowly spinning the leather chair (fake leather, of course. Were would you even get true leather these days?) he was currently slouched into round and round, both arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling of his office. Contrary to the fancy ceiling of the sanity room, this one didn't have much in terms of decoration - just the standard "regulate the artificial lights automatically to simulate sunlight".

    At the moment, the light was dark orange, reflecting the sunset that was currently visible in real time right outside the window. Just a couple minutes more, and the last rays of sunlight would completely disappear behind the tall buildings of Mesagoza. In ancient times, the city had been built similar to an old fortress, with the Pokémon Academy built on the top of a hill towering over every other building, looking down on the city. Nowadays, the Pokemon Academy (and the University for more modern studies that had been built near it a couple centuries ago) was neither at the highest point nor the tallest building in the city anymore.

    He felt conflicted about reporting his meetings with Sada. On one hand, he kind of had to do it; on the other, having to write about it in such cold and technical terms, like it was nothing more than an experiment to report on, felt.... Wrong.

    There was also the issue of other people taking interest in his project; now that he had proven that it was possible, nothing was stopping someone else going in the exact same time and place. It was extremely improbable; there was a sort of "code of honor" between researchers of the TTLD: no interfering with other people's project, unless you were actively collaborating in a joint activity.

    The possibility was there though, and the idea of an entourage of scientists arriving near Sada's people to study them like in some safari, even if carefully from afar while staying hidden instead of making active contact, was... It made him feel guilty.

    He shouldn't have felt that way:

    Studying and observing history was what they did, after all. That was the whole point of their job.

    They travelled to the past as silent observers to confirm historical moments, to witness them first hand with a neutral perspective. Sometimes it was to confirm scientific theories, or to preserve artifacts that would have been lost to time otherwise. They did it to make sure not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and cautiously monitored the future to better prepare for it in the present.

    It was right there in their motto, written in clear letters at the entrance of the Time Travel Laboratory Department, and again right on the time machine, something to be reminded of every time you stepped into it.

    Ex tempore, scientia.

    Ex scientia, sapientia.

    "From time, knowledge. From knowledge, wisdom"

    The irony of using a long dead language to write it in hadn't been lost on him. Whoever had come up with that had to have a nice sense of humour.

    So he shouldn't feel guilty in reporting all that had happened... But a part of him still did.

    Turo stopped the chair so that it was facing the screen again. With a sigh, he gestured to the screen to resume writing and continued to silently dictate his report, mouthing the words while opening another screen on his left with a flick of his finger to check some data his suit had recorded.

    Info about his vitals, measurements about the environment gathered automatically while regulating said vitals... Audio transcripts of the entire conversation.

    He slipped an earpiece in and started to play the audio back from the very beginning.

    He had to be as accurate as possible.


    Miraidon leaped excitedly out of the door, the pixelated compound pupils cycling through an array of colours outside of the usual cyan.

    « Gyaa-»

    « I know, I know, just let me... Lock the door...» Turo had barely finished scanning his ID through the door when the Pokémon, growing impatient, started to gently headbutt his shoulder, nipping at his arm.

    Turo laughed softly and let himself be pushed along, exiting their apartment complex and walking into the streets of the megalopolis. It was a nice Saturday morning and the street buzzed with activity;his wasn't the only Miraidon present, the dragon Pokémon zipping around roads that, with traffic by now virtually nonexistent for short distances, had been adapted to better use for them and other, still popular vehicles like Rotom bikes.

    A bunch of kids was sitting on benches in a small plaza, excitedly talking about the latest e-sport tournament in some vr game or other.

    He dismissed an ad that started playing on the wall-sized display of a building as soon as he got near, more focused on the news snippets that were playing on the screen next to it.

    Celebrity gossip. The colony on Mars was still stuck in the middle of a global dust storm. Stark mountain in Sinnoh had been erupting for five days straight. The Hassel Art Gallery was holding an art exhibition with pieces from the 24rd century (recovered by the TTLD, by the way).

    A comet that would pass near Earth was closely being monitored, with some people swearing that it was going to be Jirachi's Millennium Comet (spoiler alert: it wasn't, it's orbit was completely mapped and it came near Earth every 300 years or so. That didn't stop people from romanticism about it).

    He turned to Miraidon while finishing to put on a pair of gloves; his riding clothes were slightly different from his usual body suit, more similar to mountain biking gear. Still sleek and pretty form fitting with a dark purple color(he just... Liked the color), it sported elbow and knee pads in woven borophene to absorb impacts, with the same sturdy but flexible material covering his chest and shoulders, and shoes with magnetic soles to better cling to Miraidon's back while riding. The last piece of equipment was a full face helmet in a solid black color.

    « Gyaaaa-»

    Turo could almost feel the dragon next to him raring to go, a static charge building up on his scales while it crouched low on all fours to let him mount on his back.

    He patted the Pokémon's neck while jumping on with practiced ease, gripping the two spikes that grew from his front legs and acted as natural handlebars.

    « All right, let's go!»

    The Pokémon let out a piercing shriek and jumped forward, leaping a couple of times on all four legs, still in low power mode, before releasing the electricity it had been storing mid leap to generate two bright energy rings from its throat and tail, changing smoothly into his drive mode before it even touched the ground again.

    Turo lowered himself on the Pokémon's back while it sped up along the road, briefly racing with another Miraidon -the rider waving at them- before doing a sharp turn to get on the main road. There the dragon accellerated again, his rings glowing brightly while more electricity and power coursed through them, a roar growing increasingly louder not from the Pokémon's throat but from the jet-like vents from his legs.

    Turo loved that feeling; the perfectly aerodynamic shape making him feel every air current, the electricity crackling on his skin and passing over him harmlessly, the fact that he could feel the dragon's power pushing him faster and faster... there was no other Pokémon that made riding it feel as viscerally satisfying as his Miraidon did.

    A Rotom bike would never feel this good.

    It was something in their very DNA, humans and Miraidon's ancestors Cyclizar had developed an almost symbiotic relationship since ancient times. It just felt right for the both of them, and the fact that they had been together since he was little more than a toddler and the Pokémon barely out of the egg had only made their bond even deeper. His mother always joked that Turo had almost learned to ride Miraidon before learning to walk, and certainly before learning to crawl.

    He tapped the Pokémon's right spike and gently pressed his left leg against the Pokémon's side, Miraidon reading his body language and turning to the right into another road, towards the city's southern gate... Which was actually a bit of a misnomer. It was more correct to say that it was the city's historical southern gate and border.... By now, "Mesagoza" had expanded to become a megalopolis that included Los Platos and another half a dozen cities in South Paldea, almost reaching Cabo Poco on the coast.

    Turo waited until they were officially out of the city's center before speaking to the Pokemon again. Technically, what he wanted to do wasn't exactly allowed. He needed a lot of open space and a nice, long road just to be safe.

    « C'mon buddy, I know you can go much faster!»

    Miraidon snorted and shook his head, turning it's head enough to glare at him with just one eye, the pupil flickering on and off in annoyance.

    « Gyaa...»

    Turo just grinned, the helmet masking his expression while he kept teasing the dragon. That was the reaction he was expecting, really. Mostly because it was kinda risky to do. For him, not for Miraidon. But it was also going to be awesome if it worked.

    « Don't tell me you're scared to try that

    « Gwaooooh!»

    That seemed to do it, the Pokémon roaring indignantly before slowing down slightly, energy rings shrinking in size.

    Turo braced himself, leaning completely forward on the dragon's back, his helmet almost touching the creature's smooth neck.

    The crackling of electricity kept rising all around him, Miraidon concentrating on revving up his Hadron Engine to the fullest before rearing up on his hind legs with a screeching, metallic roar. Yellow and purple-blue energy surged through the dragon's throat, tail and antennae while it started to push itself off the ground on pure electromagnetic power alone, first just levitating and then propelling itself higher and higher.

    Turo laughed while the road they had been following grew smaller and smaller, Miraidon soaring through the sky in his ultimate form at exhilarating speed. The wind was so strong that it kept him pushed flat on the dragon's back, and made it impossible to hear any sound apart from its howl. To communicate with the dragon, he would have to rely on touch alone, or simply trust it's judgement.

    They passed Los Platos in the span of fifteen minutes instead of the hour of driving it would have taken them travelling along the highway and kept going south, flying over other districts and towns. He could already see the ocean, high up as they were, the water glittering under the sun and a welcome change of scenery from the constant grey, pure white and bright artificial lights of the city.

    He pressed both legs against Miraidon's sides and leaned slightly to the left, noticing something on the coast that had caught his attention. The dragon growled in acknowledgement and started to tip forward towards the ground, dropping both altitude and speed while it slowly circled around the spot he had pointed to. Turo slowly straightened his back when the lower speed allowed it, sitting upright on the Pokémon's back and observing the building that laid under them, coming closer and closer.

    It looked like an old lighthouse, the very top having broken off and fallen to the ground long ago, crashing through the roof of what looked like a small house built right next to it. And by old, he meant old, the place still looking like it had been built with classic bricks and mortar.

    That had to make it at least a thousand years old, if not much more.

    He directed Miraidon to land on the elevated platform that was still standing, then cautiously dismounted the dragon, almost expecting the entire building to crumble under his feet at the slightest touch. It didn't.

    He took off his helmet and turned toward the edge of the platform, where a railing had probably allowed people to enjoy the view without risking falling off in the past, but had completely rusted away in the meantime. Being so close to the sea probably had not helped.

    The ladder (not an elevator? Shit that made it even older than he first thought) that had allowed the caretakers or visitors to climb up had met a similar fate, leaving nothing but a gaping hole and a long drop to the ground.

    He stared at the sea for a while; it was strange to think that the ocean was probably the only part of the current view that he could enjoy similarly to people that had stood here in the past, the only scenery that hadn't changed at all, and hopefully never would.

    It was... strangely comforting.

    « Let's keep going, I want to reach Artazon by noon » he declared after another couple minutes, turning back towards Miraidon. The dragon just stared at him, then hissed softly and briefly flicked his antennae, spreading his gliding membrane open.

    The message was pretty clear: no flying in ultimate mode this time.

    Turo just rolled his eyes, climbing back on the Pokémon's back.

    « Yeah, yeah... All right mom, we'll do it the boring and careful way...»

    There was another hiss by the lizard dragon and the gliding membrane opened up again before he was finished putting on his helmet, hitting him square on the nose.


    « Your nose looks pretty red, is it alright?»

    « Shut up, it's fine.»

    The sanity room today was a beautiful recreation of the first floor of the Sprout Tower of Violet city. An hologram in the center of the room simulated the famous central pillar of the building, swaying in place, while the sound of creaking floorboards, soft chants and prayers from the monks (personally recorded by current director and head researcher of the TTDL) filled the room. Someone had gone the extra mile and even lighted some incense. Bellsprouts were sadly missing though. It was the kind of atmosphere that made everyone present subconsciously talk in whispers, at least until Ortega snickered while stealing a chair from the next table and sitting down near him.

    « Was it something in the Paleolithic era? »

    Turo glared at his colleague, then sniffled. His nose still hurt.

    « No... Why would it be? Isn't that what the pre time-jump shots are for? Avoiding getting killed by millennia old bacteria and a dozen other things? » he answered. Ortega just shrugged.

    « I don't know. Maybe you had gotten punched in the face by some caveman.»

    « No, nothing like that.» he quickly tried to change the subject, not wanting to admit to getting whacked in the face.

    « How is your project going? What was it again...?»

    Ortega was a bit of a weird case in the department, always seeming to swap between one project or another instead of focusing on one thing at a time; Turo could never quite remember what the guy was working on at the moment.

    « "Confirming historical moments that drastically changed human society in the last couple centuries"» Ortega recited.

    « Which is just a fancy way of saying "I dick around dressed in historically accurate clothes"» another voice piped up from the table where Ortega had just stolen furniture from. A woman with ferociously red hair sat down opposite from Turo, offering a handshake.

    « Melany Vega, pleased to meet you»

    He took it, trying not to smile at Ortega looking annoyed.

    « Hey, dressing for the part is important! Especially in most recent centuries. In ancient times, you can land anywhere and just say "Ooooh, me come from far away land!" and people will believe you because it's not like they knew better. That doesn't fly in modern times. People will know something's up if you show up in impossible clothes. Not to mention getting caught on camera. And the internet. »

    « W-wait... Wouldn't it still be better to at least try and... Look like you fit in? Should I...? » Turo asked, eyes widening.

    Both fellow time travellers looked at him for a moment.

    « You're "Paleolithic era" guy, right? » Vega asked.

    ... Is that what people were calling him?

    « Yours is a special case. You go so far back that it doesn't matter. Even if someone noticed your weird clothes, at most it would become a bit of a strange story and then get lost to time... Unless you did something so memorable that it becomes a legend passed down for all of human history, but in that case, we would have bigger problems on our hands.

    And we wouldn't even know where to start in making replicas of clothes that pass as historically accurate for you, because we know so little about it. Do it wrong, and it's even worse. » Vega answered after a moment. Ortega nodded.

    « Yeah, best you could do for historical accuracy was showing up naked... And I don't recommend that.»

    « ... You sound like you speak from experience.» Turo muttered after a moment.

    Ortega just smiled, refusing to elaborate.

    Turo could only sigh at his senior, then turned back towards the redhead.

    « If I may ask, what are you working on...?»

    « "Gathering photographic evidence of legendary Pokemon's sightings in different eras"»

    Turo's mouth hanged open for a moment.

    « You chase legendaries? »

    Arceus, that must have looked badass on your resume.

    Vega nods.

    « It's way less epic than what it sounds like. 90% of "legendary Pokémon" sightings in history are people that had one too many drinks and mistook a Pangoro for an Urshifu or something stupid like that. » she explains.

    « You did get that really cool picture of the battle between Groudon and Kyogre in Sootopolis City though. The one from uuuuh... 2005 was it?» Ortega points out.

    « Those two are always going at it, it's nothing special! My grandma's got a picture from their last battle some 50 years ago that looks basically the same! » Vega rants, looking annoyed.

    « The only way you can tell the picture is genuinely from 2005 it's because Steven Stone and those two eco terrorist idiots are chillin' in the background!»

    The two men both laugh, then to his dismay Ortega manages to bring the conversation back to his nose.

    « Anyway, what I wanted to say before we got sidetracked was... I would wait a couple more days before jumping back, if I were you. Get that nose back to normal. The less excuses you have to make and keep track of, the better. That's why I don't like visiting the same time more than a couple of times. Too much effort. » he shrugged again.

    It was surprisingly solid advice, and Turo nodded, grimacing a bit. He had hoped to jump back exactly three days later for both him and Sada to try and keep the two timelines as coherent as possible- if nothing else, for his own sanity, because the second jump being an entire month for him and barely a week for her had already been confusing enough, but it looked like things rarely would be that easy to keep track of.

    Still, as long as the disparity was only going to be a couple more days here and there, he could do it...


    When he had gone back (and his nose gone back to normal) to Sada's camp he had expected to find her already there, but the place looked abandoned. No pelts or furs to mark a spot where she could have been sleeping, and even someone as clueless as him could see that the fire hadn't been used in days. She probably had gone back to her group for a couple of days.

    He decides to light the fire himself while waiting for her to arrive, then sets himself down on the ground. He's brought a second notebook with him - it's not like he can bring anything more advanced than pen and paper to take notes in. Dropping some paper and a pen in the wrong century? No problem, it will decompose in no time and the most someone can do is doodling on it. Dropping an entire tablet?

    Way more risky if someone else finds it.

    The only exception is his suit, but even then, half of its function only really work when he goes back to his time. Sure, it's recording every single heart beat of his, or changes in body or external temperature, or fluctuations in hormones and stress levels, but he can't access the data here, and the suit itself literally only works for the one who wears it, keyed to their DNA.

    He starts to jot down some observations about what has happened until now and what he wants to check today. Sada had showed him a drawing of what was unmistakably a Talonflame, and hadn't commented on it when he had drawn one himself: that could only mean that in this time Talonflame was already the same as the one he knew from documentaries and pictures. No weird changes like that Proto - Magikarp.

    It made a certain amount of sense. Even in his time, not all Pokemon had slowly changed until they were basically recognised as different species like Miraidon and Cyclizar.

    Some had simply gone extinct, not being able to adapt. Some (not many, admittedly, with the great majority of them being legendaries and mythicals that were so powerful they didn't need to change) hadn't felt the need to change further, like Magikarp.

    He wanted to observe a Talonflame of this time if possible... But he was mostly interested in their feathers.

    They were pretty famous for being completely fireproof: people had used them for creating fire- resistant clothes since ancient times, and he wanted to know if Sada knew about that property, but had had no idea how to ask her about it.

    Easiest thing would be to just find some feathers and show her.


    They had found some feathers, but not the ones he was interested in, and in the meantime, Turo's been forced to pretend that they are looking for them because he's cold.

    He's not, the bodysuit is more than capable of keeping his body at a perfectly comfortable average temperature of 37°C at any time. But he knows that they surely don't look like warm clothes, and saying that he is fine would just look weird - and the last thing he needs is looking even weirder than he already does.

    Still, the feather they have found is pretty big - big enough that the Pokemon it comes from must have an impressive wing span -, and Sada herself doesn't seem to know much about it. He slips the feather into his pocket, with half an idea of having the guys from the science department at Uvanja Academy run some DNA tests on it to try and identify what Pokémon it is.

    The forest has gotten darker and darker as soon as the sun had gone down. Turo shouldn't be surprised, it's obvious that it would become dark, but... He had no idea it would be this dark. A total, impenetrable, pitch black darkness that looked ready to swallow them as soon as the fire on the little torch Sada was carrying fizzled out. Anything could be hiding out there.

    He's suddenly incredibly aware of how spoiled living with artificial light always available has made him. True darkness simply does not exist anymore in his time... Except maybe the bottom of the ocean or something. Places were humans have no business living in any case.

    Anywhere else, there is always a street lamp, or a display or a monitor that's on 24/7, or his Rotom Phone. His own clothes have stripes with a slight bioluminescence built into them.

    His eyes simply are not used to not having even just a bit of light. And speaking of his clothes, Sada is staring at them, and it occurs to him that maybe wearing something that literally shouts where you are to any nocturnal Pokémon in the vicinity wasn't exactly the best of ideas. The fire could be put out, or brandished as a weapon in an emergency. His bodysuit... Not so much. He buttons up his lab coat (which is only slightly more stealthy due to his color, or lack thereof) to hide it completely.

    She takes his hand, which he doesn't mind. It's starting to become a constant, her dragging him along and leading the way, but this time he finds himself frozen to the spot when he almost casually lifts his head to glance at the night sky.

    He's never seen this many stars in real life.

    Too much light pollution in the city, making the night sky look like a foggy black sheet with only the moon and the brighest stars managing to shine through.

    Of course he's seen pictures, and documentaries, and those stupidly big photographs done with the latest telescopes with a resolution of a bajillion pixels where you could zoom in for a good while before getting tired and closing the tab. He's even gone to a planetarium a couple of times, but even that time, as cool as it had been, it still had only been a really good 3D picture projected on a (really big) screen.

    There was no sense of depth on a picture or a screen. No way to reproduce the slight vertigo he was feeling in this moment, with the sky so impossibly open and vast over his head and everywhere he looked, just more and more stars.

    Not a single silhouette of a building to cover it. No blinking lights from planes or satellites or space stations.

    He kinda wants to keep staring at the sky for a while, but Sada keeps dragging him along and he can't do much else but follow her.

    Still, he's pretty sure that he's got another stupid smile on his face that's impossible to stop.


    He stands corrected: the smile melts off his face when they arrive back to camp and it becomes increasingly obvious that Sada expects him to spend the night with her.

    Not with her, thank Arceus, but still to sleep at the camp until morning (and giving him some blankets made of what looks like thick Mamoswine fur while she is at it, because he's cold, of course).

    From her point of view, it makes perfect sense.

    From his point of view, it means he can't leave.

    Not without going poof right in front of her, and that is, of course, bad.

    "Rule number 1 of the time traveller manual" levels of bad. Don't get seen appearing or disappearing.

    He needs to get a good distance away from her to avoid having the flash of light that accompanies his jumps alert her - or the entire forest for that matter -, but that is just not possible at the moment.

    Turo's got the distinct impression that the woman is keeping an eye on him even while she is completely draped in blankets herself, ready to bolt and tackle him to the ground if he so much as tries to look like he wants to walk away and get his dumb ass eaten in the forest the instant he steps out of the circle of light, warmth and protection offered by the fire.

    He finally gets an opportunity to slip away almost at dawn, when he is sure that she is fast asleep, but not before slowly and carefully leaving a message with the next date when they can meet up near her. Only two days.


    It ends up being four on his time, because the time machine is completely booked in the following days, even in the night. That's also something that was starting to mess with him, having to come and go in the middle of the night, but it had surprisingly worked out this time. Spending an entire night in the past too nervous to sleep, then finally coming back at the crack of dawn and it still being like 3 AM felt amazing and had basically made his tired brain go "yesss, free sleepy time!" when he had come home and crashed asleep on the bed.

    The next day, after finishing his report - he can already hear the jokes about "spending the night there"-, he submits a request for having some analysis performed on the feather he's brought back. He also makes them analyze the necklace. The answer arrives just a couple of hours later, mostly because there isn't too much to say.

    Yes, DNA from the necklace and the feathers were a perfect match, so it is the same Pokémon.

    No, they've got no idea what it is.

    "You want us to try and look for the closest genetic relative? That's going to take a bit more"

    "Sure, go ahead"

    He had made sure to get the necklace back from them, though. By now it was starting to feel weird to not have it around his neck.

    Turo stepped into the time machine, and immediately scowled when the first thing to greet him in the past is rain hitting him in the face. Great, he would have to charge his time-anchor manually this time if it didn't let up soon.

    There had to be a better way to do this, he thought as he made his way towards the camp, boots squelching through the mud. Can't Porygon 568 check the weather for him before he jumps? An umbrella would have been weird, but he would have brought at least a jacket.

    This time Sada is already waiting for him, even if it takes him a moment to recognize her; she's wearing what looks like a primitive grey cape with a hood to protect her from the rain, and a larger than usual bag slung on her back. She's definitely more prepared than him. Sada must be thinking something similar, because she just looks at him - hair plastered on his face, lab coat getting soaked, probably a tired dead look in his eyes- and shakes her head with half a smile.

    « Come with me.»

    By now her hand grasping his wrist and pulling him along is becoming a familiar sight; Sada hurries him along in the opposite direction they've been going two nights ago, walking increasingly uphill. After a couple of minutes his legs are already burning with pain from the effort; at least the time-anchor's getting charged. Sada, who is also carrying way more clothes and luggage than him, is barely breathing any faster than normal.

    ... was he horribly out of shape, or were people just built differently back then?

    ... both??

    He slipped on the mud a couple of times and she grabs his arm with both hands to stop him from falling back down the hill, then mercifully stopped for a moment.

    « Here » she offers him her spear to use as a makeshift walking stick, and he takes it after a second, feeling absolutely ridiculous. This thing was heavy: a good two meters long, the stone tip masterfully crafted to a sharp point and kept in place by fibers wrapped to make rope. And they used to throw these things.

    His month spent reading up on Stone Age life has taught him one thing: the only reason humans had not only not gone exctinct by sharing the planet with Pokémon but had risen as the dominant species was thanks to their ability to just throw stuff really, really well. Almost everything else had come from that. Early hominids had literally evolved to throw stuff as efficiently as possible; hell, even the Pokéball, which they had based their entire society on after it's invention, had been developed to be thrown.

    They could have made it so it had to be rolled. Or punched. Or simply pointed against the objective, but nah, they had decided "let's throw that, watch me nail that Bidoof on the head from 30 meters" (or at least, that's how he had always imagined the first practical demostration of the Pokéball to have gone down).

    And that was just... wild to him. Even as heavy as it is, the spear helps quite a bit in keeping him upright while walking.

    « Where... are we... going?» he heaved after a while. Sada turned around for a moment, looking at him a bit worried, then pointed at something that rested at the very top of the hill. He squinted through the rain; the green and brown of the forest disappeared towards a massive crag. Near its base, a rock overhang created a natural space shielded from the rain.

    With a sigh of relief, Turo forces himself to climb the last couple hundred meters until they reach the entrance of the cave.

    He fumbles for his time-anchor while sitting down on the ground and clicks a button to take note of the current coordinates; no way was he going to climb that hill again if he could avoid it.

    Meanwhile, Sada just looks like she did nothing more than have a nice leasurely stroll. She pulls down her hood and sits down near him with a smile.

    « Hi.» he smiled a bit in response; they have both picked up words from the other, he usually more words from her than the opposite, so hearing her speak something in his language is still kind of strange.

    Turo takes off his lab coat to leave it to dry, and can't help but notice that Sada is staring at it. With an amused chuckle, he remembers how fascinated by it she seemed to be on their first meeting and offers it to the woman, who stared at him wide-eyed for a moment before taking it with both hands and examining it.

    « What creature is it?» she wondered.

    « It's not... here. » he answered slowly after a moment. Better just to tell her that it came from some Pokémon that lived incredibly far away.

    « Where my, umm... people are.» he added, remembering the word after a short moment.

    Technically the truth. She pouted, evidently disappointed, then gives him back the lab coat and goes for her bag. He's actually been curious about that: it's held shut with strips of leather, and is probably full of everything she needs to set up camp somewhere. There's blankets rolled up, her smaller leather pouch where she seems to gather berries and other perishables, and of course, the notebook, hidden inside one of the blankets... to protect it from the rain, probably. He smiled almost proudly - of course she would be careful like that.

    Sada took the notebook out and flipped it open; he shuffled a bit closer, ready for another language lesson, but the page is completely empty. She actually looks a bit embarassed all of a sudden.

    « I, umm.... » she pointed to her own cape and hood, then to his bodysuit.

    « "Clothes" »

    Turo nodded, not sure where she was going with this.

    Sada started to rummage in her bag again; usually he is the one to embarass himself in front of her, so seeing her mutter something under her breath while avoiding his gaze is... the only word he can find is "precious".

    It's adorable.

    « Turo's clothes, um... cold. So I... make clothes... my people clothes... » she showed him what she had taken out of the bag: a big bundle of cloth of various sizes and color, the furs obviously coming from different Pokémon. And in her other hand, what's obviously a needle made out of bone.

    She wants to... oh man.

    Looks like he's getting those "historically accurate clothes" after all.
    Chapter 6: Exchange
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 6: Exchange
    Sada was pretty proud of her idea, but explaining it to Turo proved more difficult than she thought. Still, he seems to get it after a moment, and his reaction is to shake his head and try to refuse. She had been expecting this; from food to her offer to join her settlement, he seems pretty adamant in refusing any kind of help.

    Was he really that fearful and wary of other people?

    This time though, she is not going to budge. He needs those clothes, the ones he is wearing now are completely useless at best and dangerous at worst, and he obviously seems unable to make some himself. Which makes sense, if he's never even hunted before.

    Sada starts to unravel some thread from her bag, together with some leather strip with little signs cut on it that she is going to use to take measurements - her personal invention. When she lifts her head and turns back towards Turo, measurement tape in hand, she finds him staring at her with a slightly confused look on his face that gives her pause.

    ... What? He's never done this before? That's impossible, how would he even get his current clothes to fit so perfectly otherwise? It's like there wasn't a single inch of wasted material on those robes... And now that she's thinking about it, this is the first time she's seen him without his mantle on and can actually get a good look at the clothes without the fluttering white cape covering most of it.

    A really good look, which makes her realize two things. One, they are... incredibly tight, even all around his shoulders and arms; it makes her feel both amazed and kind of jealous of the sewing abilities of whoever created them. The mysterious material probably helps, normal fur from the creatures that live here just doesn't stick like that. If it did, it would make it impossible for someone wearing them to move.

    Two, he is pretty lean, to the point of having barely any muscle on him... no wonder he was having so much difficulty simply walking before.

    Sada approaches him and gestures for him to stand up, which he does after a moment.

    She first slips the strip of leather around his neck, to get an idea of how large the hole for the head should have to be and grumbles when he stiffens up and tries to back away.

    « Just a moment -» she takes a quick note on the notebook - an idea she had just the other day. Her mother taught her how to sew and she takes pride in being quite good at it, getting clothes to fit as much as possible and using the cloth she had available in an efficient way. Which is exactly why she is so determined in getting them right: she doesn't want them to look shabby compared to his current ones.

    Next she measures his shoulders and chest, and in the meantime, can't help but keep studying the purple clo... no, it's definitely not cloth. It's also not tiny scales like she had originally thought. It really looks like some kind of...shed skin that he somehow wrapped around himself without tearing it, all in one piece. Which is kinda impressive, but also a bit gross. Also what kind of creature would give you a single piece that big?

    "What even is this thing... why make it glow?" she wonders silently, almost absent mindedly prodding the part of his suit that had been glowing the other night,right between his ribs, completely absorbed in her work to the point that she doesn't notice his increasing discomfort until his breath brushes against her hair for a moment.

    Only then does Sada finally lift her gaze from the little leather strip still wrapped around his chest to find herself eye to eye with him, and realizes that they have never been this close to each other. They have walked together, they've sat side by side passing the notebook between them, but she's never actually gotten this close to him.

    The thought that her curiosity had also gotten the better of her and she had kind of prodded him all over without really thinking about it finally hits her, along with the realization that judging by how he had flinched before, he hadn't exactly appreciated it.

    Turo's expression at the moment is evenly divided between slight embarassment and... something she can't quite point out at first. Frustration, she realizes after a moment.

    That makes her suddenly release the leather strip, letting it fall to the ground, and take a step back. Was he... angry at her? Sada bites her lip and turns around, feeling suddendly guilty. Right. This had been stupid. He had sayed no at first, and she should just have listened to him, even if she didn't understand his reasoning. But... she had just wanted to help...

    Sada gets pulled back all of a sudden; she turns around, surprised, to find that Turo has

    grabbed her by the wrist with one hand, and picked up the measurement tape with the other.

    « No, you... make clothes.» he nods after a moment, giving her a smile. Just a small one, the corners of his mouth barely twitching upwards, but his eyes light up in the subtle way that only a genuine smile can do. He isn't forcing one just to be polite.

    He wasn't one for big smiles, she had noticed, apart from that one time he had exploded into a complete laughing fit for... some reason that she still didn't quite get. And when he had smiled with wonder at the stars, it hadn't been directed at her like it was now. Which makes his smile now look even more... Genuine. Special.

    « Just... » he points to himself and starts to wrap the tape around his chest again. « ... let me do it

    She returns the smile after a moment of indecision -what was that frustration just now, then?-, much wider, before approaching him again.

    With her explaining how to do it and occasionally keeping one end of the tape, they manage to get all the measurements done quite quickly. She happily looks at all the notes she's taken, then starts rummaging around the pile of furs to select the pieces she will have to cut and sew together.

    In the meantime, Turo sits back down - looking quite relieved for the whole thing to be over- and takes a little piece of cloth from the pile, turning it around in his hands.

    « You make...» a slight pause where he looks around, before pointing at the spear left near them and miming using it to stab something. « ... this

    She just looks at him perplexed. Is he asking if they got the fur themselves? Well... yes? How else would get them?

    « Yes. My people hunted them. "Hunt"» she repeats and mimes stabbing something back at him, and he winches a bit and looks uncomfortable, looking back at the fur in his hands. It was mostly yellow, with just two brown stripes almost at the center, and belonged to one of the furry rodents that would sometimes sneak into their camp to steal food. Nobody liked them, so they didn't even bother giving them a name other than "the pests" and they were pretty much attacked on sight.

    His reaction still puzzled her; it was obvious that he didn't hunt personally, but... of course he must have known that people did it for him back in his tribe? He couldn't have been that sheltered, didn't he? But then why would he look so uncomfortable at the idea?

    The only thing she can think of to explain it is that maybe, back in his place, the fuzzy yellow creatures were actually seen differently...?

    « Your... Turo's people not hunt them...?» she tries to ask, and after a couple moments of thinking, he just chuckles a bit and shakes his head.

    All right. Weird.

    Sada looks back down on the piece of Steady Glacier pelt she's working with, trying to bore some holes in it with a sharp stone she took out of her bag, where the needle will then go through.

    « Why? » she asks after a moment, looking back at him. That's a bit of a difficult question though, and she doesn't expect him to understand her. It frustrates her, how slowly they are progressing. With stuff you can point at or mime, physical actions, they are getting by and learning words quickly, sure... the drawings are also helping for stuff you don't always have around. Some little things she also picked up by context, if he says something incomprehensible but is obviously referring to something they both know.

    But other things... she wants to asks him why he had looked frustrated right now, if it wasn't for the clothes. Where he disappears every time (and especially how). How his life was before, if he had really never seen the stars or barely walked around, to the point of being completely out of breath after a stroll. Why he had left his group.

    Was he on the run? Were they looking for him?

    As she expected, Turo just shakes his head, then throws the little pelt back in the pile and sits back down, arms resting on his knees. Now that she thinks about it... she steals a glance to his right wrist. There. There's a thing on his arm that he's always fiddling with, she has noticed. It's usually covered by the white mantle, so now it's her first time getting a good look at it. It looks like some bracelet, made of strange parts attached together perfectly, like most of his stuff.

    « What is it? » she asks, pausing briefly to point at it. He automatically tries to hide his hand away, before realizing that he is not wearing the mantle.

    « My people... make it. » Turo still seems to try to cover it up by putting his other hand over it, even if subconsciously. It must be important to him. A memento?

    But it always looks like he does something with it, because she has caught him slipping his other hand into the sleeve to touch it a couple of times.

    Was it some kind of... ritual? Like how some hunters would paint their faces and cover themselves with furs of the creatures they wanted to hunt, to summon their spirit for good luck?

    « Why...?» she asks again, before realizing with a frustrated sigh that that question would not bring her any answers. She had to word it differently. She puts the fur down and thinks quietly for a couple of long moments, biting her lip.

    « Sada... um, "I" » she stresses the word and points to herself for good measure, trusting him to realize that she is still referring to herself.

    « I am... "hunter". I "hunt". » Sada tries to emphasize the difference between the two words and mimes some quick spear attacks for good measure.

    « Turo... "you"...?»

    Turo's been completely silent the whole time, just listening and quietly staring at her, dark brown eyes completely inscrutable. It makes her heart start beating faster and feel suddenly nervous, the way that his face shows absolutely no emotion right now. Just what is he thinking...?

    He breaks eye contact to stare at the ground for a second, giving another one of his almost invisible half-smiles.

    « "I" am... no "hunter".» he chuckles after a moment shaking his head and her heart skips a beat, because his accent had been almost perfect this time, and this is probably the most coherently sound exchange they've ever had without having to stumble or mime their way through half the words, as basic as it was. He got it. He understood her!

    "We can do this"

    « What... are you?» she asks after a moment. She just wants... a word, even if in his language. They can start with that. Just... something to define him with, that lets her know that he actually has some kind of... role, or position in his tribe, to draw parallels from.

    Turo hesitates a second, his left hand briefly scratching at his chin while he seems to ponder something. He lowers his hand and raises in eyes to meet hers again.

    « I am... a scientist

    « "Scient....ist."»

    That... was that his word for sciaman? What other roles could there be in the tribe?

    His next words completely shatter her bubbling excitement, throwing her into complete confusion.

    « You are... a scientist

    ... what? She is no shaman. She literally just told him that her position is that of huntress. Has he completely misunderstood her after all?

    « No, I...»

    « Yes, you are.» he leans closer towards the notebook that's been laying between them and flips back to the first page, points to the notes she's taken, the drawings, the little tests with the torn paper and the smudged ink where she had got it wet and realized for the first time that it would be better to keep the paper away from the rain.

    « This. All this... make you a scientist.» there is an... intensity in his voice that she's never heard before. He is utterly convinced.

    She doesn't quite understand what he means, but he believes in it fully.

    So, for him, is it more like... a title...? For what?

    « And that is... beautiful.» Turo whispers something to himself, something she can't understand yet. She will not be able to for quite some time.


    Turo had left at sunset, walking back down the hill until he had disappeared through the trees, promising to come back after five nights at this same spot. As always, she had to suppress the urge to just sneak after him, choosing to keep working on his clothes. It would take a couple of days before she's finished with them, especially because she still has to provide for herself in the meantime - better to keep her berry bag untouched for the actual trip back to the settlement.

    It happens right when Sada is out hunting; she's been looking for eggs to steal this time, and the fastest way to do it was to find a Slither Grip. Long and completely purple, she had noticed them wrapped all around tree branches to sneak over an unsupervised nest and swallow the eggs whole while the parents were away. Stalk one of them, scare it away while it's busy eating the first egg, and you had free access to all others. Easy.

    She crouched low behind a bush, spear slung over her shoulder, staring at the purple and yellow creature that was making it's way up the tree, gripping the branches with two short claws near the upper part of it's body, when a low thud fills the air. Wings flapping, pretty big ones. Sada stares at the tree tops for a moment, worried; she can't see what kind of eggs they are, but if that is the sound of one the parents coming back to the nest, it would be better to retreat, fast. A shadow passes over the ground for a moment, and the creature seems to pass right over them; she manages to catch just to quickest glimpse of something red, and big, before it's gone, wings flapping heavily to keep it afloat. Is it going to land near here...?

    The Slither Grip had also paused briefly, it's tail making a slight rattling noise, before deciding that the food right in front of it's nose was evidently more important. It opens it's jaw wide and gobbles up the first egg, and Sada stands up.

    If she wants to act, she has to do it now. She throws a rock she has carefully prepared before at the creature, nailing it on the head. The Slither Grip is still busy swallowing and can't do much else than angrily rattle it's tail at her. Another rock chucked right on it's nose makes it finally decide that the rest of the eggs are not worth the possible injuries of getting repeatedly pelted with rocks, and it slithers away much like the name implies, rattling all the way down the tree. As soon as it's gone, she quickly climbs the tree herself and carefully makes her way to the nest by crawling along the branch, legs and arms wrapped around it. The remaining three eggs are a bit smaller than what she would have liked, but better than nothing. She really carefully puts the eggs inside her bag and starts making her way back down the tree, satisfied. If only finding something to eat would be so easy every day...

    Sada freezes when she hears something moving right under the tree, in the direction of where the Slither Grip had disappeared. There is a threatening rattle - definitely the purple creature, then a growl from something else that she's never heard before.

    She quickly finishes climbing back from the tree and grabs her spear, conflicted.

    On one hand, caution tells her to get away while she can. On the other hand, her curiosity makes her want to at least see what the misterious creature is.

    Her curiosity wins.

    Sada prowls through the underbrush, until she manages to catch a glimpse from the creature. It's definitely the one that flew overhead just before, and she finds herself staring at it in complete amazement. It's beautiful. Much bigger than the Slither Grip that it is currently staring down, it is standing upright on two strong legs covered in red scales like most of it's body, except for part of it's tail and throat that are completely black, and a white underbelly. A magnificent crest of big colorful feathers runs all along it's back and head, and she immediately recognizes them as the same ones she had used for Turo's necklace.

    The creature stares at the Slither Grip for another long moment, then pounches with unexpected speed, grabbing the purple creature in it's maw. The Slither Grip's struggle is cut short when it bites down on it and shakes it's head violently, then tips it's head back to swallow it. It licks it's lips, then lowers it's gaze... and stares straight at her, the dark pupils on bright orange eyes narrowing in catching sight of her.

    It's throat seems to expand suddenly and another growl, much louder than the one it had done just before, reverberates through the air.

    Along with something else; Sada finds herself drenched in sweat, and not just from nervousness. The air has suddenly gotten much hotter around the creature while it squares her up.

    She tightens her grip on the spear, heart hammering in her chest while she considers her chances; honestly? They weren't good. No way is she defeating this thing with a single spear. It's gotten way too close to her and is way too fast. No, the only way she is getting away from it is by distracting it. Make herself not worth the effort.

    She slowly, slowly slips her free hand into the bag and gets one of the eggs out. The creature tilts it's head to it's side and hisses, but does not attack.

    She crouches and deposits the egg onto the ground, then takes some steps back.

    It's looking at the egg, then back at her.

    It goes on four legs to sniff at it, tongue darting in and out for a moment, then snatches it up and swallows it. It licks it's lips again, then looks back at her, still on four legs.

    Sada gets the second egg out, and the creature waits until she takes another step back before eating that too. It's eyeing her bag now, sniffing the air.

    She scowls for a moment, then gets the last egg out.

    « This was supposed to be mine...» she mutters while it happily devours the last egg, before looking back at her. It growls softly and suddenly spreads it's wings, flapping them with enough force to send her sprawling to the ground and taking off into the skies. Sada is left staring at the spot where the creature had disappeared, where a couple of white and blue feathers were fluttering to the ground.

    It hadn't attacked her. It easily could have, but it didn't.

    Against all better judgement, she decides to leave some food for it out every day in the same spot.


    Sada can't wait for Turo to come back, and those five day and nights seem to pass excruciatingly slow. She wants to show him his new clothes, which she has completed in the meantime, and proudly announce that she's discovered what the strange creature is, since he also had looked interested in it. She can't wait to see his reaction to both things.

    The food she is leaving where she met the creature disappears every day; it could be any other nearby creature eating it, but Sada has been finding more and more traces of the red creature around the forest. More feathers of the same color and lenght, even some scales, and she even caught it flying high in the sky a couple of times. It definitely looked like it lived around here.

    She tries to draw it as better as she can in the notebook, and takes some notes about it. Really strong and bulky, definitely one of the strongest predators in the area. Could fly with the feathers on it's head, and enlarge a part of it's throat. It looked like a meat eater, but she had tried to leave some berries and roots and those had disappeared too. If no other creature had been the one to eat them, then it probably ate everything... but had showed no interest in eating her. Why?

    People were an easy meal for most creatures, and she had been pretty much defenseless. It had looked way more interested in her bag... or the eggs, more probably. Maybe it just had been full.

    At midday of the fifth day, she notices Turo come out of the trees and make his way toward the cave, not without stopping to catch his breath. Guy probably couldn't run to save his life. She is way too excited to wait for him to arrive and sprints towards the man.

    « Turo! Your necklace! I've found the creature! It's so beautiful and strong and it can fly and- » he probably can't understand even half of what she is saying, but she doesn't care, she just grabs his hand with both of hers and pulls him along.

    She's pretty much dragging him up towards the cave, and she can't help but laugh at his absolutely confounded expression, both eyebrows knitted while he is trying to puzzle out what she is saying based on the words he knows.

    « Look here!» she grabs the notebook and shows him the drawing she's done, pointing to the big crest of feathers she's drawn on the head, then to one of those same feathers she has found in these past days. He gets it immediately, his eyes starting to shine while he examines the page.

    Turo sits down, takes his own notebook out, and starts to copy her drawing.

    She squeezes close to him to observe him work; like the first time, he is quick to get the basic shapes down, and starts drawing little lines and symbols she can't understand near it, pausing every now and then to check his work.

    He points to one of the symbols she has drawn on the page.

    « This... what is it?»

    Oh, that was the one she had drawn to note that it seemed to like eggs. It was just a small circle, but with no context, no wonder that he had no idea what it meant.

    ... how could she explain it?

    « Umm... "eggs". »

    No reaction from him, because of course he has never heard the word before.

    « Umm... wait.» she flips back to the drawing of the Fire Wing, and draws a little nest with three eggs in it. That should be self-explanatory... as long as he isn't so clueless that he's never seen eggs before.

    « This creature... » she flips back to the drawing of the red beast.

    « "Eats eggs".» she mimes putting something in her mouth and he seems to get it, nodding and writing down something on his page, more lines and symbols. She tilts her head at his notes, curious. It doesn't look like he is drawing anything in particular, at least nothing that she can recognize, they are more like... squiggly lines that mean something to him.

    Weird. What if he forgets what one line means? How can he make sense of it?

    She kind of wants to ask, but is not sure how. Also, she has something else to show him. Excited, she gets his new clothes out of her bigger travelling back and scoots back to his side.

    « Your clothes! » she announces with a big smile. Turo raises his head from the notebook and his eye go wide. They are done mostly in Steady Glacier fur - which of course means that they are perfect against the cold, warm and cozy. Light brown in color, there's three pieces. One garment to drape over the head, with a hood lined with thick purple fur - she's pretty proud of that little detail, to call back to his own clothes. A pair of long pants, and she even had some fur left for some boots. Not so different from what she is wearing, apart from material and color. He takes them slowly and stares at them in complete silence. It's actually making her a bit nervous: what if he does not like them?

    Turo stands up, looking a bit lost. He takes off his mantle, then hesitates, before slowly putting the hood over his own clothes. She had expected him to take them off completely -she's still wondering about how he actually does that-... but he probably just doesn't feel comfortable without them. That's fine with her, as long as he isn't cold anymore.

    When Turo finished putting on the rest of the clothes, though, she finds herself simply staring at him, surprised. Now that he's dressed exactly like any other man of her tribe, he suddenly looks completely different, much more... normal. He's still as pale as death, but the hair and beard look a lot less unnerving without the weird clothes making them stand out even more. He looks... good, she realizes with a little surprise.

    ... and then he slips the shiny mantle back on, and she finds herself laughing at how strange it looks. She kind of likes that about him, though.
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    Chapter 7: Daisy Bell Blues
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 7: Daisy Bell Blues
    « Time anchor ID 9537 has returned from space-time coordinates 48°51′12″ N, 2°20′55″ E. Welcome back, Dr. Romero Turo. Hope you had a safe trip.» the by now familiar voice of Porygon 568 welcomed him back to his time as he stepped out of the time machine, the Pokémon briefly zipping around him for a quick scan. There it stopped for a second and clacked its beak, puffing up its virtual feathers.

    « Analysis of body language, pupil dilation and breathing pattern indicate heightened emotional state. Is medical assistance required?» it asked, causing Turo to blink and actually look at the Pokémon, caught by surprise. First time it had said anything else outside of the ordinary procedure.

    « What...? No, everything's fine. » he answered, before stopping by the door to look at the Porygon with a touch of amusement.

    « Were you worried about me? Do you also ask the others how they are doing? »

    Porygon 568 paused for a moment, then puffed up its feathers again with a little spark of electricity surrounding it, eyes flashing yellow.

    « ... it is in my interest to ensure that users of the time-machine remain in peak physical and psychological condition. That is all.» it answered, then turned around and decompiled itself into code, disappearing inside the console of the time machine with a last beep that somehow managed to sound annoyed.

    Now alone, Turo made his way towards the teleporters. It was almost dawn; he still had to use the night slots for his jumps, and that was starting to mess up his day and night cycle.

    Thing is, Porygon 568 hadn't been wrong. His last visit with Sada had been... something. He hadn't expected her to offer to make clothes for him... and especially not to pull out a measurement tape (were they already used? Or had she literally come up with the idea herself?) and insist on taking his measurements right then and there.

    Her approach had been very... hands-on, so to speak. He wasn't used to it; it wasn't exactly necessary to measure for clothes anymore, or even try them on before buying for that matter. They were either one-size-fits-all, automatically adapting to your body shape or, in the very rare occasion where you actually wanted something custom made, you just got a couple of pictures taken from different perspectives and the tailoring software would just automatically calculate everything.

    Turo hadn't expected her to get so close to him, completely ignoring his personal space when she had gotten distracted by examining his suit from up close.

    The way her eyes had started to gleam while she pondered the problem in front of her, so lost in her own little world of questions and hypotheses to not even notice what she was doing, it just...

    She was just so bright. And that had... frustrated him terribly. Almost angered him.

    It wasn't fair. There she was, one of who knows how many people with brilliant minds and the potential to change history... born in the completely wrong era.

    Too early. Way too early.

    It wasn't fair, he thought again while entering his apartment.

    Sada had that spark in her, that drive to never stop asking questions, to want to understand the world around her, even when she barely had any tools at her disposal, even while lacking the words to articulate those questions.

    It wasn't fair... how much the thought of her being both so close, yet so impossibly far away hurt him.

    He almost angrily got out of his clothes and stepped into the shower, welcoming the cold water hitting him. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the shower glass, taking deep breaths.

    What was he even trying to accomplish, here? Sure, he had his nice little project going. But that's exactly what it was: a project. A job. Something that had to produce results with a definite deadline. His deadline still wasn't set in stone - he had the little advantage of being the "new guy that still has to get used to the job", so they were a bit more lenient in expecting actual results from him. Honestly, just that one initial successful jump, even if accidental, would already look good on his CV and, worst case, would even pass as the only "actual" result of his research.

    Once his project had ended, he would have to choose a new objective. Even if he decided to specialize in that time period, like some of his colleagues did - Ortega seemed to prefer contemporary history, only going to the last 500 years or so - ... there were literally centuries to explore. Entire continents in different time periods to examine. He couldn't just keep visiting that exact same spot in time.

    So that meant that his visits to Sada had a hard time limit. A finite number.

    And he had absolutely no idea what to do once that number would reach zero.

    Turo flinched and opened his eyes when he realized that the water had turned from cold to scalding in the meantime, getting quickly out of the shower.

    « ... what am I even supposed to write in that stupid report right now? » he asked nobody in particular once he had gotten into bed, pinching the base of his nose.

    Miraidon just growled and nuzzled his other hand, not sure how to comfort him. He patted the empty space by his side on the bed and the Pokemon jumped up on it, curling up in a semicircle all around him. The dragon's hide was smooth and hard, its metallic shine reflecting the first rays of sunshine that were coming in from the window. He darkened the window with a wave of his hand, then settled down against Miraidon after propping a pillow against the Pokemon. Not exactly the most comfortable surface to sleep against, but he had never minded it much.

    He could feel the low hum of electricity that coursed through the dragon change in intensity while it slowly drifted asleep. That sound had been a constant companion to him since his childhood; by now it was synonymous with... Warmth, safety and affection. Lulled by that barely audible droning sound, Turo slowly let himself fall asleep.


    To his dismay, he got woken up after what seemed to him an instant later by an incoming call. After a couple of failed gestures he managed to flick a screen open in front of his face without standing up from his bed, picking up the call in voice only mode. He glanced at the corner of the screen to read the time. 7:34 AM. He had barely slept for two hours.

    « What... ?»

    « There's a problem with the time machine. All jumps are cancelled.»

    That woke him up quick. Turo sat upright, the screen automatically moving to follow his head, Miraidon blinking awake right behind him.

    « Has there been... an accident? » he swallowed, suddenly feeling anxious. Who's turn was it to use the time machine this morning...?

    Vega...? No, she had gone yesterday, her next trip was scheduled for next Monday...

    Everyone in his field of work knew the horror stories of what could happen if there were problems during a jump. The reports of the very first test jumps - those that had ended badly- were mandatory reading.

    "Mismatch" was the cold, technical term for most problems that could happen during a jump. In theory, his own first jump had been a mismatch, but he had been lucky that it had only involved a slight offset on the time coordinate, all things considered.

    People had been lost to space. Literal space, because the time machine had shot them at a point in time where the planet had been in a different position around the sun. Or inside the ground. Or right in the middle of a natural disaster.

    Or they had simply... disappeared in time, in whatever direction. How far off had they ended up, either in the past or future? No idea. The time machine hadn't been able to print the number, leaving that part of the report eerily blank.

    Both possibilities were terrifying just to think about.

    After that, in the following decades, they had learned really fucking quick to write software that would calculate and check those coordinates, and then other software that would check that software, and implemented countermeasures, error handling, routine maintenance... but accidents could still happen. The possibility was never zero: people just didn't want to think about it.

    He held his breath, expecting some horrifying news.

    « Fortunately, no. Porygon 568 must have felt that something was wrong and cancelled the time jump at the very last moment. It's been acting up strangely ever since though. You are our expert in Artificial Pokémon Programming, so...»

    Turo let out a sigh of relief; at least nobody had ended up hurt or worse. Still, those were bad news. Porygon 568 pretty much was the time machine; without him, executing a time jump would be too risky.

    « I'm coming. Give me twenty minutes.» he answered.

    Eighteen minutes after the call, the time necessary for a quick shower to wake him up completely, get dressed, run to the nearest teleporter and notably not eat anything, he entered the time machine room. He wasn't alone. One of the nurses from the nearby Uvanja academy had evidently been called to examine the... well, "Pokémon" part of Porygon 568, its physical body so to speak.

    « What's wrong with him?» he asked, kneeling to get a better look at the Pokémon. For once, it wasn't floating at eye level with a human, but actually touching the ground, "wings" pressed close to it's body and eyes closed. Every couple of seconds it would spasm almost violently and shake its head, its eyes would snap open for a brief moment and, for lack of a better term, glitch out in a series of random symbols.

    It was a pretty pitiful sight. He patted the Pokémon on the head a couple of times, trying to comfort it.

    « Physically, nothing... he didn't get injured in any way.» the nurse seemed perplexed.

    « But if you directly ask him what is wrong... Porygon 568, status report.»

    « SEGMENTATION FAULT CANNOT ACCESS MEMORY AT ADDRESS 0x2fffff » it screeched suddenly. Both humans flinched at the Pokémon's sudden voice change.

    ... uh, maybe he could look into that too, there really was no reason for it to blast errors in that tone of voice.

    Seriously, it just sounded needlessly creepy.

    « Whatever it is that caused this, it must be some error in his code.» the nurse added. Turo nodded, opening up a terminal by his side while he considered how to approach the problem.

    « All right, I'll see what I can find... you keep monitoring his physical state. Porygon 568, activate debug mode, authorized by administration key 04860. » he spoke enunciating the necessary credentials. Someone messing with a Porygon's code, especially a Porygon that was handling something as delicate as a time machine, was, of course, bad, so he was one of the few people in the department to have the necessary keys to directly access the Pokémon's data.

    « Access g-granted » it answered after a moment, shuddering. Even its voice was slightly distorted. Turo furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. What had happened?

    « Show me the stack trace for the last hour...» he asked, and a list of executed commands and subroutines started streaming over his terminal.

    He went from kneeling to sitting cross legged on the floor to hunched over the screen when he realized that this was probably going to take a while.


    It took him ten days of almost non-stop work to isolate the issue with Porygon 568, and he still had no idea of what happened in the actual time machine. Best he could do at the moment was setting up some more error handling procedures so that, if something similar happens again, at least it won't directly affect Porygon 568 so much.

    In the meantime, the entire department was pretty much anxiously breathing down on his neck while twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the green light to resume their respective projects, and it is pissing him off quite a bit - it's not like he was keeping everything on hold for fun, he also wanted to resume his time jumps as soon as possible.

    « So how long will it take you to fix this?» Ortega asked after poking his head in Turo's office for the third time that morning, coffee in hand.

    « Not my words, by the way. The director's. » the other man added after a moment when Turo glared at him, offering him the mug of coffee as a gesture of peace. Turo, grateful, took a sip before realizing that it was boiling hot and hurriedly putting it down, huffing.

    « Argh... I'm not "fixing" anything, I'm just making sure that at least Porygon doesn't literally... crash again. » he said, as soon as his mouth stopped burning.

    Ortega sat down in front of him, watching Turo type away at the screen in midair, more serious than usual.

    « So you don't know what happened in the time machine?»

    Turo shook his head, not turning away from the console that was floating in front of his face.

    « Could have been anything. The settings weren't any different from any other jump we've done, so it shouldn't be anything on our part. Porygon 568 says that he sensed something right before deciding to cancel the jump. »

    « "Something"? Didn't he have anything more specific? »

    Turo shook his head again.

    « But... Porygon's pretty much an AI. They don't do vague, and he still can't tell what happened?» Ortega added. Only then did Turo stop and flick the screen in front of his face to the side to look at his colleague.

    « No... and that's what worries me. We like to think that we know so much about time travel, that everything is perfectly safe, that we can treat it the same as stepping in any teleporter to go shopping, or a trip to the Moon... then stuff like this happens and we realize that we still don't know shit about how it actually works. It frustrates me.» he answered after a moment, reclining back in his chair and taking another cautious sip of coffee.

    Ortega thinks for a couple of long seconds, then sighs.

    « If you are sure that there was no error on our side, then there is nothing else we can do. There will never be a completely fool-proof system-»

    « I can sure try-» Turo mumbled under his breath.

    « - and you would fail miserably. You said that we can't treat it the same as a teleporter or the Moon... but even those are not perfect. A teleporter could disintegrate you at the atomic level. You could die in space. Or you could wake up one morning, slip in the shower and break your neck. What's the difference? » he shrugs, and Turo just quietly stares at the man for a couple of long seconds.

    Ortega's always had this... flippant, devil-may-care attitude toward his job - or life in general, it looked like. His projects were always short and to the point. Never visiting the same point in time more than a couple of times, if he could help it. From what he had read of his reports, never interacted much with the natives of the time period he visited.

    He slipped in, perfectly camouflaged in his "historically accurate clothes", witnessed history, and came back. He couldn't imagine doing the same thing.

    Treating it like just... just a normal job.

    « I... I don't understand you sometimes. You and the others in the department. Are you really not scared of a mismatch...?» he asked, exasperated. They looked more worried about their projects running late than... you know, not getting torn to pieces or worse in the time machine because of a stupid error in the code.

    Was it because he was still relatively new, at least in the role of "active" time traveller...?

    « Of course I'm scared... but I've made peace with the fact that if it happens, I mean... there's probably still worse ways to go. And you have to admit that "Got shot at the end of time and witnessed the heat death of the universe" would sound awesome as an epitaph.» Ortega laughed.

    ... ok, yeah, he had to admit that it sounded kind of cool.


    In the end, it took almost a month for things to go back to normal: they had slowly started doing time jumps again, nervously monitoring the first couple of runs. They had also reduced the number of times the time machine could be booted up each day: for all they knew, maybe it was under too much stress.

    That meant that he had inevitably also built up some more time discrepancy with Sada; he had promised to come back to that cliff, like... five days later...?

    Was it five or six?

    Turo had to replay the last conversation he had recorded just to be sure; he mentally thanked the fact that he had spoken the words out loud as a pure coincidence. Had he simply written it down in her notebook like he had done that night under the stars, he would have been screwed and would have had to guess.

    He steps into the time machine room, where the usual Porygon 568 and the nurse for the medical check-ups are waiting for him. He exchanged a brief nod with the artificial Pokémon, who was busy calculating the coordinates.

    « Update coordinates for the jump?» it asked while the nurse is slipping the needle into his shoulder. Turo barely noticed it anymore, and checked that the time-anchor is strapped securely to his wrist, before clicking a couple of buttons on the device.

    « Yes, set these spacial coordinates as the new landing zone for this time, just move it some... 200 meters south, and add... let's do 4 days and 12 hours to the last time coordinate.» he answered after thinking for a moment. As much as he wanted to, appearing exactly by the cliff would be too risky.

    He steps into the time machine with a newfound nervousness and keeps an eye on Porygon 568 while it boots up, almost expecting it to start suddenly glitching out, time and space distorting all around him before sending him who knows where.

    Thankfully, nothing feels out of the ordinary and he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and a moment later opens them up again in the distant past. He is not quite at the top of the hill they had climbed last time, still hidden by the trees - good, that's exactly what he had wanted.

    He had barely started to make his way uphill when he hears Sada's voice call out to him.

    Turo looked up just to see her pretty much sprint towards him at full force.

    He can't help a little smile in seeing her; he had missed her in that entire month spent mostly staring at computer code and error messages, sometimes finding himself distracted by wondering about what she was doing in that moment... before brutally reminding himself of the fact that the answer was nothing, because she's dead in the present, she has been dead for centuries you idiot-

    But she is alive here, and he just wants to forget about everything for a couple of hours and enjoy the time he can spend with her.

    His smile turned to confusion when she launched in some excited explanation and he realized that he's one month out of practice with her language, and oh arceus those are a lot of words, coming really fast-

    He managed to catch that it's something about the necklace, but after that, he is completely lost and just lets himself get pulled along. His confusion must show pretty clearly on his face because Sada laughs at him, tugging at his hand. She's so obviously excited about something that it just warms his heart.

    When Sada shows him the notebook and he gets what she was talking about, he can't help but get a bit excited himself. The DNA analysis had come back during that month, and it had showed the closest still living relative of the mysterious Pokémon as... Miraidon, strangely enough. So he had expected something similar to a Cyclizar, but this drawing... this looked like something else entirely, and not just because of the feathers.

    An ancestor of Miraidon from the distant past that no one had ever heard about; this was huge.

    He had to take some notes about it.

    He started to copy her drawing, trying to reproduce the sketch as closely as possible, and added some notes all around, stuff he wants to check better later. Four limbs, not dissimilar to Miraidon, but with feathers covering his body... what functions did those feathers have? They were big, but didn't look strong enough to make him fly... then again, Cyclizar couldn't fly too... maybe it was something that came only after the transition into Miraidon...?

    Sada had also taken some notes with her little pictograph drawings, and he puzzled over them for a couple of seconds. Without knowing what Sada's intention behind each pictograph was, it was pretty much impossible for him to guess at their meaning. There was the drawing of a flame... which could mean anything from the color of the scales to the fact that it could actually breath fire for all that he knew. That was the problem with ideographic scripts; really only the author knew what he or she meant to say with each symbol.

    He gives up trying to decipher them and asks about one of them.

    She says something incomprehensible that could be anything, then shows him something on the page about the Talonflame.

    Oh right, the Talonflame-- he had forgotten all about that.

    ... he really needed to start jotting down a lot more stuff about what happened during his jumps, especially little things like these that weren't important enough to end up in the official reports.

    Sada drew a little nest with... oh, of course. Eggs...?

    So the Proto-Miraidon (he needs to find a better name) ate... eggs?

    That's a strange diet. Miraidon has never showed much interest in those... a lot must have changed. He writes it down, then a sudden thought hits him: wait... how would she even know this? She must have seen it from quite close... but like he had personally experienced, Pokémon were absolutely vicious in this time.

    ... just what exactly had she been doing in these five days?

    Something dangerous, most probably.

    Turo is so focused on the two notebooks that he doesn't really notice Sada getting something else out of her bag until she literally shoved it in front of him with an enormous smile on her face.


    Oh wait. The clothes. Of course.

    He had expected a cape with a hood to be fair, similar to what she had worn in the rain, but she had really... sewed him an entire set of clothes, it looked like.

    For him.

    ... it makes him feel so guilty - all that work, and actually he doesn't even need them - that he initially just stared at them in stunned silence, before slowly taking them and standing up.

    He should... put them on, at the very least. Turo took off his lab coat and hesitated for some long moments. He... really does not want to take off his bodysuit, so he compromises by slipping the primitive jacket, trousers and finally the boots right over it.

    They fit him perfectly... and they are strangely heavy, at least for someone like him who's used to wearing form-fitting, ultra light fabric that was designed to make moving as easy as possible. He isn't used to stuff... pushing down on him like that. The thick Mamoswine fur (he is almost sure it is Mamoswine fur, by the color and just how long it was) also added a lot of volume, another thing he isn't really familiar with. It is... weird, to move his arm or his leg and feel so much stuff all around it. And of course, they are incredibly warm, because that had been the whole point of them after all.

    Turo quietly stroked the fur of one of the sleeves.

    ... this must have taken so much work.

    So many precious resources; those Mamoswine pelts... it wasn't like in his time, where all fabric was synthetic and manufactured. Someone had risked their life to hunt these- maybe even Sada herself.

    And it was going to get completely wasted on him, and he feels terrible for it. But... she had done it because she wanted to, it's not like he had forced her to do it - quite the contrary, actually-, so...

    Turo put the lab coat back on, automatically - he feels almost naked without it - and Sada laughing again snaps him out of his thoughts. He looks down at himself, and realizes why, blushing slightly.

    He looks... yeah, completely ridiculous.

    Still, her laugh gave him an idea. A silly, little, stupid thing, but now that he's thought of it, he just had to do it. He took the lab coat off again, slinked close to Sada while she was still cackling -showing just the slightest hint of those little fangs -, and wrapped it over her shoulders like a cape. It caught her by surprise, one hand going to her shoulder to touch the smooth white fabric, eyes widening in confusion and half a "what...?" on her lips.

    « There. Now we can both look stupid.» he smirked.

    Even if she didn't understand his words, she definitely understood his tone; smiling she put it on properly, or at least tried to. It was just too big for her, reaching down almost to her ankles and with her hands disappearing inside the too long sleeves.

    It should look ridiculous - and it does, a bit, they've pretty much swapped clothes right now -, but then Sada laughed again and spinned around, apparently just to watch the lab coat flap around her, which she seemed to find pretty amusing. The pure, unbrindled joy in her voice just made his chest hurt.

    ... he could listen to that laugh for hours and never get tired of it.

    He wanted to listen to it for hours, he realized after a second with a pained smile.

    Sada had started to play around with the lab coat buttons, fascinated by the material.

    « This rock... from your people?» she asked.

    « Yes. » He just said.

    He knew that she seemed to hate his vague answers - yep, there it was, that little half sad, half annoyed pout -, but he couldn't exactly tell her that it was made from nano-carbon when she didn't even knew about metals yet.

    One, it wouldn't mean anything to her, two, it would lead to more questions, so it was better to just let her think that it was some strange rock only found where he was from, far, far away... which was pretty much the truth, in very, very broad terms.

    The girl hesitated; she wants to ask him something, and he already had a good idea of what it could be about. It's not the first time she tries to ask him about "his people", and he knows that he is pushing his luck every time he refuses to answer, but he has no other choice. He just shook his head silently before she could even ask him anything and her face fell a bit.

    ... and now he feels even worse; she has spent who knows how much time sewing those clothes for him and he can't even give her anything in return. At least, not anything... that would leave some trace in the past.

    But... there is one thing he can give her. Turo slowly sat back down and picked up his notebook, gesturing for her to sit down near him. Sada complied after a moment, and as expected, started to glance curiously at what he was doing. Turo just smiled and flipped to a new page, then started writing a couple of letters, putting in the effort of making them bigger and more legible instead of his usual hurried handwriting.

    Most people in his time had horrible handwriting; you really only wrote stuff manually only when you were actually learning how to write in school, and in some rare jobs like his where you couldn't always summon a screen to type on.

    He left quite some space blank on the page, then offered Sada the notebook and pen and pointed to the first symbol, tracing the line on the page with one finger.

    « This is an "S".»

    Turo saw the confusion in her eyes and after a moment of hesitation gently took her hand. He wrapped his fingers around hers, taking a couple of seconds to help her rearrange them so the pen would sit more comfortably in her hand, in a better position to write. It took him a couple more moments to get it right - he was left-handed, she wasn't-, but he managed to help her copy the first letter of what he had written a couple of times.

    Then he pointed to the second letter with his right hand.

    « "A".»

    Turo watched her expression more than the page as they continued; she was smart, he had no doubt she would quickly catch on to what they were doing, what the strange lines he was having her trace represented. At first, she just looked even more confused, her hand almost hanging limp while he guided her. Then it happens: following him her eyes wandered over the last letter he had written, a second "A" right after the "D", and her entire face just lit up while her eyes darted between the two "A", connecting the dots and recognizing that simple, elementary but incredibly important idea that led to one of humanity's greatest invention.

    Same symbol equals same sound.

    A writing system that didn't represent general ideas but sounds, where everything that you could ever think of was represented with the same set of symbols.

    « This is... this is...» she almost stabs him with the pen with how excited she is, how strongly she is clutching his hand, but Turo couldn't care less.

    That spark of wonder in her eyes is the purest thing he has ever seen. It just pains him so much, to think of her in this era. How many great things she is going to miss, simply because she had been born at the wrong moment. He just... he just wants to show her everything, to laugh with her, to discover stuff and get excited about them together, to tell her about his dream of seeing the distant future, so far off for the both of them, and --

    But he can't. So this will have to do.

    « Yes... ? » he encouraged her, slowly.

    « My "name"! It's me» she breaths out, still exhilarated by her realization.

    Turo simply smiled, while she wriggled her hand out from his grip to start writing her name again and again, alone this time. Not even a second later, her head snapped up again, looking at him.

    « Turo! What is "T"? Show me!» she pretty much pushed the notebook on his lap again, and he is more than happy to spend the next couple of hours quietly showing her how to write the rest of the alphabet.


    « Time anchor ID 9537 has returned from space-time coordinates 48°51′12″ N, 2°20′55″ E. Welcome ba-» Porygon 568 suddendly got quiet as soon as Turo stepped out of the time machine. The man just sighed, knowing exactly what had gotten the Pokémon to freeze. He took off his lab coat - he had gotten it back from Sada before coming back to his time -, and waited for the Pokémon to continue.

    «... many time displaced objects detected.» it said after a moment. If only because he had literally spent a month debugging it and talking with the Pokémon to test every new procedure he had implemented, Turo was almost sure that there was a trace of surprise in it's voice now. It zipped all around him, scanning the new clothes that Sada had made, before stopping to hover at eye level with him.

    « Objects are not considered a safety or sanitary hazard. Permission granted to bring them outside of time machine room. Welcome back, Dr. Romero Turo. Hope you had a safe trip. » it beeped. He gave the Pokémon a couple of affectionate pats on the head while heading for the door; it was admittedly a bit weird, knowing that it now had parts of code that he himself had written in it. Not enough to warrant releasing a new Upgrade and version number, it was more like a little patch, but still... weird.

    Turo hesitated on the doorway. Unlike pretty much all his previous time jumps, it was only the early afternoon this time.

    Which meant the TTLD would be full of people.

    Which meant...

    « Oh. my. Arceus.»

    He sighed again when he caught sight of Vega coming out of the sanity room - and why did it sound like there was ukulele music coming out of it today? -, the redhead staring slack-jawed at his clothes.

    ... he should have changed before jumping back, even at the risk of getting his face bitten off by that Proto- Miraidon that was lurking around or whatever while he was busy stripping down.

    It would have almost been better than this.

    « Guys... guys you have to see this - where's Ortega? » she quickly leaned back in the break room wildly gesticulating to everyone else inside, before approaching him to better examine his clothes, quickly followed by other people poking their heads out from the sanity room or their respective offices at the commotion.

    « Oh my Arceus... how did you even get these? » she touched one of the pelts on his shoulder.

    « The... native girl I've met... made them for me. She thought I was cold.» he mumbled after a moment, prompting a little "aww" from the woman.

    « ... wow. I mean. This is real fur.» she added after a moment, caught between amusement and just a touch of horrified awe.

    « ... I know.»

    « Real Pokémon died to make this.»

    « ... I know

    There's a moment of silence, Vega evidently struggling to decide if she should express her next thought out loud. Turo started to make his way towards the elevators, hoping to catch one before she could. He didn't make it in time.

    « ... so how many Rattata do you think it took to make that?» she added pointing at the purple fur lining his hood, snickering.

    « I don't want to think about it.» he straight up punched the button to call the elevator, only to be met with a ping and the doors already opening up... to the figure of Ortega, who took a single look at him and started howling with laughter.

    « Look at Ötzi the Iceman over here!»

    « That was Neolithic, you're off by almost 10'000 years.» he grumbled, stepping inside the elevator.

    It takes a moment for Ortega to stop laughing and catch his breath.

    « Oh man... you know that now you will have to wear them here before every jump, right? Which means...» he asked, refusing to step out of the elevator.

    Turo paused for a second. He... hadn't thought about that, actually.

    "Which means..?"

    Ortega just patted his shoulder a couple of times.

    « ... eh, good luck. » he said, before finally stepping outside and leaving him free to leave.

    "Good luck for what?"

    He doesn't quite understand what his senior meant with those words, until he had to cross the University Hall at night a couple of days after that exchange with his new "historically accurate clothes" on, and the damn Steelcino literally all jump at him en masse, screeching while trying to "clean him up".

    He can start considering himself a real time-traveller by how much he is starting to hate the stupid critters.
    Chapter 8: Zenzenzense
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    If this chapter's title sounds weird, it's because it was inspired by the song from the soundtrack of the movie "Your Name". It also means "Past-past-past life" so... it kinda fit I guess.
    Chapter 8: Zenzenzense
    Sada keeps drawing - or "writing", as Turo had called it - the symbols that Turo had taught her, still quite in disbelief at how they worked even hours after the fact, when he had finished showing her the last symbol. It was just... Such a brilliant and simple idea, she still wasn't sure why the thought had never occurred to her before.

    She didn't have to come up with a drawing for everything she wanted to take notes off anymore! She could just think about it and she now had a way to represent every single thing that came to her mind. And the best thing was, someone else that knew the symbols could understand it without having to ask her about what it meant!

    She had to teach everyone at the settlement! Nerjik would love it, and the children... even if she didn't have enough paper for everyone, they could use charcoal and practice on rocks, or even just on the ground with sticks... anything would work.

    It opened up so many possibilities!

    « Did you... make all these?» she asked Turo after he had finished teaching her.

    You still had to remember what each symbol sounded like, but it was still much easier as a system than the one she had been using. You just needed a bit of practice. Now she was just doodling - "writing" - random words in all the pages she had already taken notes in, marking all of her little symbols with the actual words they represented, making them much more accurate. It did have the disadvantage of taking up more space though... maybe she could use a mix of the two methods of taking notes? Drawings for quick immediate notes - on her map, especially- words for anything else...?

    ... she would have to think about it.

    « ... no. My parents "showed" me.» Turo answered after a moment with a little smile, and Sada blushed slightly. Um... no wonder he had picked up that word, she must have repeated it quite a lot of times in her excitement in that couple of hours.

    He was quite fast at learning new words from her, she had noticed. If she used a single word that he had never heard but the rest of the sentence made sense, he would often pick it up just from context. Same usually went with her regarding his language, and... oh! Of course! Now she could just write down what some words in his language meant if she was afraid of forgetting it!

    This was incredible.

    Like right now, when one word he had said had stuck out to her.

    « "Parents"...?» she asked, flipping to an empty page and carefully trying to write down each symbol that made up the word.

    « Oh, um...» Turo thought for a moment « "Parents" are... the people that.... make you? » he explains after some hesitation.

    She stares at him. She had understood him, probably, there weren't many other things she could think of when talking about "making" a person, but he must have thought that she didn't, because he starts to think of another way to explain it.

    And fails spectacularly at it, getting more and more embarassed. He points at himself, then at her.

    « It's... ah... you know... when a "man" and a "woman"...» now he's raising both hands, and starts... gesticulating wildly, vaguely miming two persons... well, it's either that or they are violently murdering each other and she had actually misunderstood what "parents" is supposed to mean. She has her doubts about that though.

    « ... make a...»

    Sada just keeps staring at him, trying to suppress a grin from spreading on her face.

    It's... incredible how weird Turo could get sometimes. In a good way. For every basic thing he had never seen or couldn't do, it seemed like he knew ten more that she could have never dreamed of... but at the same time, he missed others.

    It was almost like his mind was so busy racing to the thousand of things he did know that he completely failed to see what was right under his eyes sometimes. Like right now, where the solution to his problem was so incredibly simple.

    Sada giggled and started drawing again on the empty page. Two stick figures, with a smaller figure between them. She points to the bigger stick figures, then to the word she had written at the top of the page.

    Turo stops his embarassed sputtering and just stares quietly at the page for a long moment.

    «... yes. » he nods in a small voice, eyes kind of unfocused in a wide, disbelieving look. Probably wondering how he hadn't thought of just doing that; looks like even with writing the drawings are still going to be useful for a while after all. In any case, if his parents had taught him to "write"... was it something that was passed down from father to child? Part of his role as a sciaman... or a "scien-tist", as he had called himself.

    « Are your parents scien-tist ? » she asks, and he turns slightly toward her, raising a single eyebrow with a confused frown.

    « No...? » he seems puzzled, like he is trying to figure out how she got to that conclusion. Well, now she is confused too. This would be so much easier if only he was a bit more willing to talk about his people in general, but... everytime she tries to mention them or even steer the conversation in that direction, he clamps up completely. Or gives her single word answers that don't really tell her much. Had it been anyone else, she would have been suspicious of him by now, but Turo didn't seem interested in approaching the settlement in any way. Chalo's theory that he was using her to learn their language also didn't look that possible to her: she was doing the same with his, after all.


    When Turo stands up to get away as usual, it takes her a second to realize that she is still wearing his cape and she hurries to take it off and give it back to him. It had been fun to wear, so light that she hadn't even noticed it, and the half bags sewn on the front on both sides were pretty useful. She could easily do the same with some of her clothes...

    Turo rips a page out of his notebook, and instead of the usual symbols for day and night that they have been using until now, writes down a couple of words to accompany them.

    She takes the piece of paper and reads them aloud: the meaning is obvious even with just the sun and moon drawings, but she is determined to show him that she's going to memorize these symbols perfectly.

    « Fo- f-o-ur d-da-y-s... h-e-r-e.» she looks at him for confirmation after she is done, and he gives her a sharp nod.

    Four days, though... that is no good. She has already been away from her settlement for more than five days. It wasn't uncommon for people to spend days away from the settlement - especially if they were out hunting, that took time - so no one would worry for a couple of days of absence, but... she really needed to get back before they started to wonder if she had been eaten by something after all. Besides, she kind of wanted to go back and tell everyone what she had learned. And about that red creature.

    So she shakes her head and scribbles over the words Turo has written, crossing them out, then adds some more sun and moon symbols.

    « Ten days... and...» she hesitates a moment, uncertain. If she could slowly get him to agree to meet her in a place that was... more convenient for her, maybe...?

    Where to start, though? They had a couple of common meeting points that she could use by now: the river where they had first met, the little camp she had set up in the woods, this one up the cliff... maybe she could point out a landmark to use as their meeting point.

    « ... here? » she takes out her map and points to a place just east to the river where they had first met.

    « There are a lot of big rocks here, really tall... and I can start a fire as a signal.» she offers. The smoke would be visible from miles away even if he couldn't find the exact spot she meant. Turo doesn't look particularly convinced about her idea, but he nods slowly after a moment.

    « Ten days. » he repeats, before turning around to start making his way towards the forest. She watches him slowly get away until he disappears under the cover of the trees - she blinks and suddenly gets up, not sure of what she had seen.

    Had there been... a flash of light right there at that moment?


    « Come oooooon Fluffyhead, moooove--» Chalo tried to coax the Spark Tail into following her, but for once the creature was being stubborn, preferring to chew calmly on some grass while refusing to budge an inch. Chalo had a rope made of leather in her hand, which was tied to a collar they had put around the creature's neck. Not that it would do much to keep it tied up: if it really wanted to escape, it could just burn the rope with the sparks generated by it's wool.

    « Pleaaaase, just show Sada what you showed me yesterday... » Chalo sighed and sat back down near the fire that was burning at the center of the camp, the beads in her dark hair clinking.

    Sada had gone back to the settlement right after Turo had left, and had immediately taken it upon herself to teach the writing symbols to everyone. Her mother had listened politely at first, but hadn't looked that interested in actually learning them.

    « I'm too old to move around much anymore, it's not like I will ever need to send a message to someone. Whatever I want to say, I can just say to anyone here. » had been her reasoning.

    « But... you could write down anything you wanted. And people could read your words... days, moons and seasons later, learning from them. You could write everything you know about sewing!» Sada had protested, but her mother had just shook her head.

    « That's not something that you can teach just with words and symbols. Same with hunting. You can tell someone the best spot to strike a Steady Glacier with a spear, but it won't stop someone from dying if he has never practiced doing it. »

    That... was true, there were things that you simply couldn't teach, but she had still been a little disappointed in her reaction.

    Luckily, other people had looked more interested. The kids - four in total in the whole settlement at the moment, the only ones that had survived until they learned to walk upright and talk - had been begging her to show her how to write all their names. Narjik, the old shaman, had been incredibly eager to learn just like she had tought. That wasn't surprising, the man had gathered an incredibly vast knowledge of all the local herbs and their various effects in his life, and he knew all of their old stories and legends. He had been looking for a successor, someone to teach everything he knew before he passed on into the next life; this way, his knowledge could be left behind and taught to someone - many people - even after he was gone. He seemed to find comfort in the idea.

    Sada herself had learned a lot from him, but she could never take his place as the next shaman... even if Turo seemed to think the opposite.

    She was currently tracing some of the symbols on a flat rock near the fire, using a stick of wood that had been left to harden in the ashes the night before and some ash. When she had covered the whole thing in symbols, she would wipe the ash from the rock to start again. Right beside her, to her left, Narjik was observing intently and slowly writing down every symbol she explained. He wore clothes not unlike those of everyone else, with different layers of furs to protect agains the cold, but the markings painted all over his face, neck and arms in black tint, even with the latter not being visible at the moment, showed his status to everyone else in the group. His hair that was turning almost completely grey was styled in an elaborate long braid that went way past his broad shoulders.

    Chalo, on the other hand, looked much more interested in talking about the guy himself that whatever he had taught her.

    « Sooo... You've spent quite some time with this Terg guy now.» she chuckled, giving up on getting Fluffyhead to listen to her and picking up a stick of her own to copy her.

    « Not... really. He always leaves as soon as it gets dark. Comes and goes every couple of days. » Sada doesn't even bother correcting her on the name anymore - mostly because she is pretty sure she is doing it on purpose at this point.

    « Wait, what? » Chalo said turning to look at her, surprised. « I thought you were spending night and day with this guy by no- Fluffyhead nooo » she wailed when the fluffy creature decided to approach her after all and flop down right over the rock she was writing on, ash sticking all over it's puffy wool.

    It looked at the humans, sniffed the ground and let out a "Mareeeep". Chalo started to absentmindedly pet it, trying to get the ash off.

    « I was also under the impression that you were visiting his... camp, or group. » Narjik spoke up, eyes fixed on the "j" he had scribbled with ash. There wasn't enough space on the rock to write his name completely, so he wiped it and started again, smaller this time.

    « No, I... I don't know where he lives.»

    « Just follow him?» Chalo proposed, before there was a zap and she let out a little yelp, shaking her hand and glaring at the creature.

    « Don't burn me, I'm trying to clean you up!»

    « ...eep » it lowered it's head and bumped it's nose into her hand, nuzzling it.

    « I don't think he did it on purpose.» Sada offered petting the creature, trying to steer the conversation away from Turo. Unfortunately, the shaman sitting by her other side hadn't been distracted as much as the other girl had.

    « You don't want to follow him.» he stated, calmly. It wasn't a question, and Sada nodded reluctantly after a long moment.

    « I know he is hiding something, something he absolutely doesn't want me to see, and of course I want to know what it is... but I'm afraid that if I follow him and he realizes it, he will... just run off elsewhere and never show up here again.»

    She thought back to the flash of light between the trees that she had only been able to see because she was looking down on the forest from the top of the hill. It had been over in an instant. If she had blinked at the wrong moment, she would have missed it. It was just a nagging suspicion, but she was pretty sure that Turo had caused it, somehow. The flash of light, and his first strange disappearance that had left no footprints anywhere on the ground, or the way his boots and clothes seemed able to just suddenly... stop making any sound everytime he walked away from her, after a while. Maybe it wasn't exactly that - it would be weird considering how much noise they seemed to make at any other time -, and they didn't make any sound because he literally disappeared.

    There were creatures that could... "jump" between the air, disappear from one spot and reappear in another, she had seen them a couple of times. Was Turo... able to do the same? Then why didn't he do it when he had been attacked by that Brutal Fang?

    It made no sense.

    Anyway, that wasn't important right now.

    « And I... don't want that. » the confession came out at a whisper, almost covered by the crackle of the fire. Sada had seen him just a couple of times, but... there was just so much she wanted to talk about and discover and explore with him, the more she learned his language and he learned hers.

    And... she wasn't sure how to explain it, but something about Turo struck her as... so lonely. Or... pained. Maybe it was just because he had told her that he had come here alone.

    There were moments where she had caught him deep in thought, eyebrows deeply furrowed and one hand half stroking his chin, and then suddenly when she said something or called out to him that carefully constructed expression would slip away for a moment, revealing a sad half-smile that he would immediately try to hide again.

    Every time she watched him turn around and walk away, she was a bit afraid that he would never come back again, that he had found another place to stay at. Or that he had decided to go back to his tribe after all. Wherever it was.

    And so every time she saw that fluttering white mantle appear through the trees, her heart had started to skip a beat. It was always a bit of a surprise, since they never decided on the time of the day to meet at.

    « Oooh, so that's what this is all about after all.» Chalo grinned with a knowing smile while she finished cleaning up Fluffyhead's pelt.

    « You've never actually described him, apart from "pale and weird looking". What is he like? ... phisically, I mean. » she asked while Narjik went back to focusing on his symbols, not interested.

    Sada blushed slightly; no, that's not what it was about at all, she was just curious about him... or was she?

    « He is... quite tall. Dark brown hair and eyes...» she started to answer. Her mind though was elsewhere.

    She thought back to that moment when she had been inches away from his face, or when he had guided her hand with his, pressing slightly into her side to inch just a bit closer; how he would blush in that adorably awkward way when he was caught by surprise, before trying to compose himself. How he stumbled and tripped over himself while walking with her, but was a bit too prideful and stubborn to just ask her to wait to catch his breath.

    Or how he looked proud when she understood a new word that he had just used, or explained something in her notes to him.

    « ... and scrawny.» she added after a moment, causing Chalo to frown a moment. She was petting Fluffyhead again, apparently not minding the possibility of getting hit by another spark. (Then again, he was so fluffy and soft that she could understand her perfectly)

    « So not my type then. Then again, I'm still convinced that he is a creature in disguise- AH!» the girl screamed, pointing to the Spark Tail, whose tail was... doing as it's namesake implied and glowing slightly. After a moment, Fluffyhead's whole body glowed yellow and it released a great arc of pure yellow-white light that hit the ground a dozen meters ahead, charring it black. A great, booming zap made everyone jump and the kids start crying.

    « See? THAT! He did that yesterday! Now if only I could figure out how to make him do it on PURPOSE, he could help me when I go out hunting! » Chalo yelled pointing excitedly to the creature and then to Sada.

    She carefully observed the creature, whose tail had stopped glowing. So the more it glowed, the more powerful the spark it could create? What had made it glow so much? She thought back to what had just happened. The only difference had been...

    « ... what were you doing when he did it yesterday?» she asked, trying to confirm her idea first.

    « I had just fed him and was... petting... him... » the dark haired girl's eyes widened slightly. Chalo started to rub her hand all over Fluffyhead's wool, getting zapped a couple of times. Just like she had thought, the creature's tail started to glow again.

    « Yesss, look at this! » Chalo started to jump up and down, excited, then tried to get Fluffyhead to shoot another stream of yellow light in the same direction.

    « Maybe... you could use a word?» Sada offered after a moment. A simple command. They used various call outs to warn each other about what a certain creature was doing when out hunting, and she had seen various creatures do the same. And Fluffyhead had showed that, while not exactly bright, it was capable of paying attention to what humans were saying. It had learned really quick which words meant "food" directed at him, at least. Maybe it could also learn that doing a certain thing meant praise and pets.

    « Right.» Chalo pointed dramatically towards a tree. « Fluffyhead, KILL THAT!»

    ... Sada was thinking about something a bit more subtle, but... as long as it worked.


    After spending a couple of days at the settlement, she decided to go back to the cliff to check out the red creature. She had decided to name it "Winged King"; the winged part was obvious, and the King part had come from the fact that it seemed to be the strongest creature in the whole area. What had happened with Chalo and Fluffyhead had given her an idea; she had spent the next two days with Narjik, having him teach her how to carve a simple flute out of wood.

    She stepped into the place where she had been leaving food for the creature in the past days; the nest had disappeared completely, with the creatures that had lived in it probably deciding to move somewhere else now that a predator like Winged King was prowling around.

    She quietly left some berries, strips of dried meat, and even one egg for it, then brought the flute to her lips and played a single, long note. She waited for a couple of seconds, then did it again; nothing moved all around, the forest almost unnaturally quiet. By experience, she knew that was usually a sign that something big and powerfull was scaring anything else away. Which meant that Winged King was somewhere around here. Sada quietly left, repeating the same little ritual for the next couple of days, always at the same time of the day.

    She wanted to see if Winged King was smart enough to associate the sound of the flute with her and the one who had left it food.

    The fourth day, it was already waiting for her by the tree, calmy sitting on it's hind legs.

    Sada froze, her heart beating wild; this wasn't like approaching something like Fluffyhead. Sure, every creature was deadly to humans, but Fluffyhead didn't have it in it's nature to attack something if not to defend itself. It was meek and shy, while Winged King was most definitely the opposite.

    But if it wanted to hurt her, it would have done so already. She kept repeating herself that while she approached it, playing a single note on the flute - it perked up at that, it definitely had learned what it meant. She gave it everything that was left in her smaller bag. It sniffed the air and got up, letting out a little "gyaaa" while it got closer. Sada reached her hand out, arm trembling slightly, only to pull it back when it growled.

    All right, all right... she got the message. Little steps.

    She managed to get closer while it was eating by approaching it from the side. While it was still focused on eating, she reached her hand out again.


    Gave a silent prayer to her ancestors, and then touched the red scales on it's neck.

    For a moment, it didn't react; still busy stuffing it's face. Or, more probably, it just didn't care because it had no reason to fear her. What could she even do? If she was quick, she could get maybe one good stab of her spear in before getting absolutely torn apart. After that single moment, it turned one of it's bright orange eyes towards her, followed a second later by the rest of the head turning towards her. She quickly moved her hand away, taking a step back, but it followed her hand with it's eyes and sniffed it slowly. Sada froze again, hand half-raised, unsure on what to do. Move? Step back? Approach it again?

    Winged King seemed to decide for her, closing its eyes and quietly pushing against her hand with its head for a brief moment, before backing up and getting back to eating.

    She is left staring at it in quiet awe.


    Another couple of days later, and Sada realized that her plan with the flute had worked maybe a little too well, because now Winged King comes crashing through the forest every time she plays the flute, as long as it's close enough to hear it.

    And "crashing through the forest" was literal: she had been playing the flute quietly to herself one night and the creature had pretty much dropped out of the sky in front of her a couple of minutes later, scaring her half to death.

    « You can't just show up every time and eat all my food.» she sighed quietly, watching it sniff around the entire camp, then look at her expectantly.

    With her notebook out she was busy furiously adjusting her drawing of the creature, now that it was actually staying relatively still in front of her.

    After realizing that there was no food for him (her? She had no idea how to check), Winged King walked up to her and layed down behind her, starting to snore loudly after a while. It didn't budge in the slightest even when she cautiously pressed her hand against its scales, admiring them up close.

    With a satisfied smile, she went back to taking notes, quietly wondering what Turo's reaction would be to this the next time they met. Just a couple of days more.
    Chapter 9: Starman
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Some swearing
    Chapter 9: Starman
    « Anyone want some Poké Puffs?»

    Everyone turned to look at Ortega, who had just half poked his head into the sanity room. That day the weather had decided to be absolutely terrible: one of Paldea's infamous flash storms had hit most of the southern part of the region, and the view outside the windows in most offices of the TTDL had been of a rather depressing grey mixed with the constant drumming of raindrops on glass for a couple of days by now. By the third day, everyone who was not away on a time jump had spontaneusly gathered in the sanity room; it was cozy, warm, they kept each other company, and it was nice to look at something that wasn't rain for a bit.

    Turo had pretty much claimed a little corner of the room that had a comfortable couch and a table to hold a drink as his own, his figure veritably obscured by a wall of screens and monitors he had opened up all around him, each showing a different article, website, or obscure book he had been digging up. They all shared the same topic: Cyclizar and what changes in the environment had sparked his evolution (in the classical sense, not Pokémon-evolution sense) into Miraidon.

    His latest report about Sada's discovery (because it was hers, like he had made sure to point out in the report) of what was probably a Paleolithic era ancestor to both had sparked quite a bit of interest, and so he had spent the last couple of days reading up about Cyclizar and Miraidon. He only had the copy of Sada's drawing to go by, but even only with that there were some details about the Proto-Miraidon that were... puzzling. Like the antennae on the top of their head they both seemed to share: Sada's drawing had given a lot of emphasis on them, while Cyclizar seemed to lack them completely. It was weird, from an evolutionary perspective, for something to lose a certain trait and then acquire it again.

    He was so absorbed in his reading that he had barely noticed the question, but the same couldn't be said for everyone else.

    « Which Poké Puffs are we speaking of?» came the question from Vega, who had a monitor of her own open and was busy shifting through blurry pictures she had tried to take of the legendary beasts trio. She stopped to contemplate one in particular, which would have captured a perfect and gorgeous image of Suicune running over the waves... only for some guy in a frilly cape to have accidentally photobombed the shot, causing the Pokémon to go out of focus and be nothing more than a blurry splotch of blue in the background. She deleted the picture, irritated.

    « ... this dude was everywhere while I chased Suicune, I swear-»

    Ortega entered the room proper and rolled his eyes, stealing a chair - as usual- and sitting down.

    « The ones from before they changed the recipe and made them smaller, obviously. I need to jump to Lumiose City in year 4679 anyway this afternoon, may as well grab some while I'm there.»

    That at least made the redhead perk up a bit.

    « Oh hell yeah, get me a deluxe box of Supreme Spring ones then.»

    « Of course you go straight for the most expensive option...» the man muttered while taking notes. More orders started to come from the others in the room.

    « I want a box of frosted mocha flavored-» that was Satoshi, the researcher from Kanto that had joined the TTLD just last month.

    « One medium box of Mint flavored for me.» someone whose voice he didn't quite catch.

    « - oh, and also a box of Sweet Fancy ones, you know those with the cute little chocolate squares on top?» that was Vega again.

    « You really plan to eat them all?»

    « ... I would like a box of frosted orange flavored. » Turo finally raised his hand over the wall of screens, making Ortega jump a little.

    « Didn't even see you there... and I thought you hated orange flavored stuff?» he asked, trying to peek over the monitors. Turo flicked them away and accidentally into each other, causing a short buzz of static when the holographic projections collided to fill the room.

    « They are not for me. Miraidon loved them when we were little, and he got all sad when they stopped producing that flavor. » and when Miraidon got sad, he had his own special way of looking at him with those cute pixellated puppy eyes, and damn if it didn't make him feel terrible about whatever it was that had caused them, even if it was something outside of his control. You would think it wouldn't be possible for a Pokémon whose eyes were literal pixels to look so heartbroken, and you would be wrong.

    « I'm sure he will be happy to taste them again.» having finished his explanation, he buried himself in the screens again, going back to his reading and mentally tuning out Ortega and Vega that had started to bicker about the prices of Poké Puffs in 4679 and how much money she had to give him taking inflation into account.


    Later that evening, after Ortega had come back carrying a small mountain of pastries, Turo walked back into his apartment with the small box of Poké Puffs tucked under his arm. Miraidon ran up to the door to welcome him back as always, and the Pokémon's pupils got wide when it seemed to smell what he was carrying. With an excited growl, the dragon got up on his hind legs and put his front paws on the man's shoulder, wagging his tail.

    Turo just laughed, trying to avoid getting pushed to the floor. Sure, Miraidon wasn't actively weighing down on him - or he would have been sent sprawling already -, but when he got so excited it was a bit difficult for him to control his strength.

    « Calm down, calm down! Get off me, you're way too heavy to do that now... you're not a puppy anymore.»

    Nevertheless he took a moment to stroke the Pokémon's neck and just rest his forehead against the smooth scales. Miraidon almost purred and nuzzled him with his head, then backed up to give him space, eyes notably never leaving the little box he was carrying.

    Turo smiled and opened the box, offering one of the Poké Puffs to the Pokémon.

    « Just one for now, I can't have you gobbling them all up in one go... »

    He personally wasn't a fan of the smell of oranges that would no doubt permeate the kitchen in the following days, but he could endure it if it would make Miraidon that happy.

    A ringing sound resonated through the apartment; with equal parts annoyance and anxiety, he opened a screen and took the call, watching Miraidon devour the Poké Puffs in two big bites.

    The anxiety dimmed a bit when the caller was not the TTLD as he had feared. Just a bit, though.

    « ... mom? I just got back from work. No, I didn't time travel today, next jump is in two weeks time...»

    Turo stopped at the voice of his mother on the other side of the line, then groaned.

    « ... No, that doesn't mean I've got nothing to do until then, I do other things in the meantime, I've already told you... And no, I don't want to go to the Moon for some overpriced lunch on Sunday-»

    It was crowded and way too turisty - mostly all people born on Mars that got all stupidly sentimental about being on "the" Moon - and it was too far for teleporters to reach, which meant that you actually had to sit down on a shuttle and suffer through three hours of horrible movies and screaming toddlers.

    The reduced gravity was really only interesting for the first couple of times, after which it got old pretty fast, and it's not like they didn't have simulators for it on Earth anyway.

    Much cheaper. Faster. Less martians that accidentally elbowed you in the face to take a selfie with a view of the Earth in the background.

    « Can't we at least do it somewhere else? » he sat down on the couch and tried to at least change the location to meet up, to no avail.

    A couple of minutes later he closed the call with a defeated sigh and turned to look at Miraidon, lifting one hand to rub the Pokémon's snout that still had some cream from the Poké Puffs stuck to it.

    « Sorry buddy, looks like Mom had other plans for us this weekend. We'll go riding next week, I promise. Somewhere sunny.»

    « Gwaoooh.»

    « You're still coming with me though. If we have to suffer, we suffer together.»

    «... gwaoh.»


    In the end, the trip had thankfully been not too bad; no screaming toddlers this time, and he had managed to just sleep for most of it. The shuttle docked at the Moon base around 11 AM and Turo mentally prepared himself for the weird sensation of suddenly feeling much, much lighter.

    It wasn't complete zero gravity, but it still felt pretty much... "floaty" was the only way he could describe it.

    The Moon base was a series of interconnected structures, each built at different points in history for different purposes. Completely isolated and self sufficient with an artificial atmosphere, they were pretty much little cities of their own, and the Moon as a whole was considered it's own region not unlike any other.

    Just a bit more deadly if you stepped "outside" without a pressurized space suit.

    Turo took the first bouncy step outside the shuttle, where artificial gravity was kept the same as on Earth, and almost went flying - literally-, landing five meters over where he would have landed if he had still been on Earth. The momentum was enough to send him skipping another couple of times and had him resort to windmilling both arms furiously just to finally stop. He glanced around; a couple of teenagers passed by, giggling at him while shaking their head.

    See? This is why he hated the Moon. It was so weird, the micro-gravity always left him disoriented and nauseous, and he usually had to leave just as he got the hang of it, because screw spending the "night" there. Complete zero gravity was better than this.

    At least he had the comfort of knowing that absolutely everyone looked stupid walking on the Moon, practically Lopunny-hopping everywhere. The only way to make that look cool was the ancient footage of those first astronauts, and only because of the historical importance of it.

    Miraidon skidded to a stop next to him in a much more dignified way, having simply tucked his legs in, adopted his Drive form and easily floated after him on his energy rings. Turo glared at the Pokémon.

    « That's cheating.»

    « Gyaa~» the lizard dragon managed to look pretty smug at that.

    « ... just let me ride.» he grumbled, mounting the dragon Pokémon and directing him to their destination.


    His parents were already waiting for him inside the restaurant. Turo dismounted Miraidon, checked that Pokémon were actually allowed inside, then entered the place. It wasn't the most luxurious place, the really expensive ones served real meat and fish instead of lab grown protein steaks. It was something of a status symbol and nothing more, to be able to say that you could afford it, and there supposedly wasn't really any difference in taste or nutritional value... not like he had ever been able to check if that was true. Or any particular desire to do so, actually.

    It was still a restaurant on one of the most touristy spots on the Moon, and so like everything else it was overpriced as hell. He found the table they were sitting at and managed to half slide, half float his way through without bumping into other people, grabbing his chair and sitting down on it with a defeated sigh. The only good thing about micro-gravity is that stuff at least would still stay down and actually stay on the ground once it stopped moving.

    « I can't believe you had your first date here, of all places.» was his way of greeting his parents. That was the whole reason they kept coming back to this place.

    At 54, Leandro Turo looked pretty much what his son imagined he himself would look like in some... twenty-five years give or take, just with darker hair than his father. Those had definitely come from his mother's side, who was the perfect image of the stereotypical Paldean woman; dark hair and eyes, long eyelashes and olive complexion, Carmen Ramos de Turo simply smiled and shook her head.

    « It was quite romantic, actually, an- you brought... Miraidon?» she asked in seeing the Pokémon approach their table, looking a bit nervous in trying to not accidentally hit something or someone with his long tail.

    « Why wouldn't I? He's family. » Turo answered, while the Pokémon happily licked both.

    « ... good to see you, anyway.» he added after a moment, with a bit more warmth in his voice than usual. Even if he despised the place they had chosen to meet up, he was glad to see them again.

    They exchanged pleasantries and ordered their food while catching up on what they had been doing the last couple of months.

    « So... time traveling. Never would have thought to see it in my lifetime... It still sounds weird, telling everyone that my son time travels as his day job- no Mirai, down.» his father said while cutting his steak, only to be interrupted by Miraidon cautiously sniffing the plate. The Pokémon whined and sat down, head hung low. The sad puppy eyes had stopped working with his parents decades ago.

    « ... it's still almost as weird for me to talk about it with someone else. » Turo answered after a moment while he sneaked a piece of meat to the dragon under the table. It was like... talking about his job with someone outside of the TTDL, someone that knew nothing about how it worked, what they did, what it felt like... it was like two completely separated parts of his life were suddenly being forced to meet. The whole thing made him a bit uncomfortable.

    « Still, you were always talking about the future during your studies, I'm surprised you are actually traveling to the past now that you could actually go there.»

    His mother's remark make him frown for a short moment, Sada's face flashing by in his mind.

    « It's... ah, better to start with the past. The future is more... complicated.» he managed to come up with an excuse, which was also technically the truth. Just... not what his primary reason had been in choosing his destination.

    He spotted Miraidon circling the table behind his parents, scooting closer on all fours while staying low to the ground, tail swishing behind him, and recognized the Pokémon's classic "I'm about to try and steal something while you're distracted" stance. He kept his expression carefully neutral, trying not to laugh.

    « Makes sense. So many things you could mess up with knowledge from the future.» his father nods, while his mother still looks a bit unconvinced.

    « But... isn't the past even more dangerous? You could end up influencing something and completely change the present.» there's just the slightest hint of concern in her voice, and Turo is not sure if she is concerned about something happening to him, or about the fact that her son could accidentally time paradox them all out of existence.

    He would be a bit offended about her lack of faith in him, but.... honestly, after somehow shooting himself to the Stone Age?

    She had a point.

    « That is one theory about how time works, yes. That's why we have so many rules in place, just to be cautious. We don't even know if time paradoxes are actually possible, because... well... nobody wants to be the one that finds out. Truth is... there's been cases here and there that point to something different going on. » he started to explain, playing with his salad with a fork.

    « Have you ever heard about the first successful time jump?» he asked after a moment.

    They both nodded.

    « Of course. It was all over the news, it was a historical moment. »

    « Thirty-two years ago, Jules I. Wells was the first man to successfully jump back in time by 43 minutes and come back. »

    « Yes, but... that's not everything he did.» the complete report was something that he had only read after starting his work in the TTDL.

    « That morning, on his way to perform the first ever time jump with a functioning time-anchor, Wells went to his usual favourite bar to have breakfast. There he discovered that the croissants he always used to order were all sold out. So, for his first test jump, he decided on something completely innocuous: go back in time just enough to get that croissant.» there was a slight pause while he watched his parents reactions.

    « ... I'm sure you can figure out where this is going.»

    « ... oh. » they both said after a moment.

    « It was him, wasn't it?» his father asked, still blissfully unaware of the lizard right behind him that had his eyes fixed on the half steak still on his plate.

    « Exactly. He himself had been the one to get the last croissant, and he never would have had the idea to jump back if it hadn't already happened. The cashier confirmed that he had seen him enter two times that morning and found it strange how he had asked for another croissant after the first, but didn't say anything about it. It's a stable time loop. There's probably a lot more of them just dotted around history... but you have no way of knowing if what you do in the past will result in one until... it does. Or even worse, if it is possible to accidentally break a loop... nobody knows for now, and really nobody wants to be the one to accidentally find out. »

    And that is why they just tried to observe things.

    And probably why everyone in the TTDL ended up a bit... strange, now that he thought about it. Maybe the job simply attracted a certain kind of person.

    His father frowned slightly.

    « That sounds... stressful, I wouldn't be able to... MIRAI, NO-»

    Turo grinned while he watched what was left of his father's steak get snatched up by Miraidon and the Pokémon scamper out of the restaurant with his prize.


    A couple of days later, the current director and head researcher of the TTDL, Louis Moreau, entered his office.

    « Dr. Turo, may I disturb you for a moment?»

    « Y- yes! »

    Turo furiously dismissed the half a dozen screens he had opened and stood up almost at attention; he had been here for more than a couple of months by now, but he still felt like an absolute newbie compared to the man in front of him. The man was a legend, practically one of the founding fathers of their entire field of research: in his sixties by now, he had worked closely with Wells himself by helping develop the time-anchor that everyone still used.

    He, on the other hand... well, he probably wouldn't shake off the "Paleolithic era guy" nickname for the rest of his career. The man who had accidentally stumbled into the Stone Age, when he actually dreamed to see the future.

    ... it almost sounded like some bad joke.

    « I've been reading your last couple of reports about your project... » the man starts, opening a screen of his own at eye level with a flick of his wrist and pulling up the various documents.

    Turo's heart simply drops in his stomach, and for a short moment he feels his legs tremble, threatening to just drop him to the ground, or at most back in his chair.

    That's it. They must be cutting him off. Now he will tell him to find something more productive.

    His first immediate thought isn't for his job and his research; it's for Sada that would probably wait for him while sending smoke signals into the sky, day after day, wondering when he would come... he had promised to see her again, after all-

    But he couldn't let his shock be visible in front of the director, he wasn't going to panic.

    « Is there... is there something wrong with them?» he managed to choke out after a moment, voice kept at a carefully controlled, almost robotic monotone.

    Moreau looked away from his screen to him with a look of slight surprise.

    « Pardon? Oh no, absolutely nothing wrong with them! I understand that things are going pretty slowly in that time period, but there's nothing we can do about that, not with so little information about it that we can use...» he scrolled from one report to another, and Turo resumed breathing normally. He hadn't even noticed that he had been holding his breath.

    So he wasn't... they weren't going to...?

    « Me and some researchers at Uvanja Academy have been wondering about these "ancestor" Pokémon you've been mentioning in a couple of reports. » the man suddenly closed the monitor and stared straight at him, causing Turo to unconsciously freeze. Those piercing, icy blue eyes would have made anyone squirm.

    « ... do you think you could catch some specimens to bring back? » he asked, clasping both hands behind his back and regarding him carefully.

    It took Turo a couple of seconds to register what he had said.

    « ... c-catch...? »

    Like... like with a Pokémon battle, like in the VR games...?

    « We will give you Master Balls to use, of course. Should be the most discrete way of doing it. »

    Oh... of course. Master Balls. Those were a thing. Made sense.

    Didn't make it any easier for his head to stop spinning at the whole idea, still caught between relief that they weren't cutting him off and complete shock.

    « Is... is it safe to bring them along...? » he asked. Moreau just waved his hand.

    « History isn't going to change because a single prehistoric Magikarp went missing 14'000 years ago. Wouldn't be the first time we extract exctint wild Pokémon from the past and try to reintroduce them in the present. Or at least study why they disappeared.»

    Tudo swallowed.

    « ... what if someone sees me? »

    « Well... it's your responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen. Like everything else with our jobs. »

    Yes. Right. He had to be cautious. He had to do this.

    ... somehow.


    The usual flash of light announced his arrival in the past, this time in a completely unfamiliar place. He had studied modern maps the day before and tried to approximate coordinates for the area Sada had pointed at, then Porygon 568 had done the rest, automatically tweaking them to make sure he didn't appear halfway inside a tree, or a rock, or the ground... or above the ground, for that matter. In his time, the spot he had chosen was a quaint little café in the middle of Lumiose City. In Sada's time... he could still see the usual river in the distance, this time from the opposite side, but the forest looked less thick here, leaving space for great fields of tall grass. Here and there, boulders and small clusters of trees dotted the landscape, but it was still much more open that what he was used to. And that made him nervous; he felt defenseless while he started to walk following what looked like a small trail that countless Pokémon (or people, for all he knew) had cut through the grass by walking.

    He was wearing the clothes Sada had made for him, but since they didn't have any pockets, he had been forced to still bring the lab coat with him. In the left-side pocket, his hand was gripping one of the six Master Balls they had given to him.

    ... there really was no reason to give him exactly six, it's not like there was a Box system set up in the Paleolitic, it had just been "tradition".

    "You should feel honored", Moreau had joked.

    "Only Pokémon Professors and really special individuals get clearance for using them."

    Turo just hoped that he didn't accidentally lose some by chucking them in the water. Or off a cliff. His aim was horrible, but he probably could use them as a last ditch defense mechanism. Tap something that was about to murderize his face like with that Proto Magikarp, and it would get caught. Problem was, that implied getting close. And doing it alone, if he didn't want to risk Sada seeing him.

    He nervously glanced all around to make sure he was alone, then took his hand out of his pocket and stared at the Master Ball. Those had also received some design changes during the centuries: it was completely white with a red line all around the perimeter, but how they worked was pretty much the same. You couldn't improve perfection, after all. Just one little functionality had been added in the last couple of decades, specifically for time-traveling.

    One little button press on the side, and the whole Master Ball turned invisible. Turo shifted his grip around it for a moment, trying to get used to the feeling of touching something that he couldn't see, then switched the cloaking device off and slipped the Ball back into his pocket.

    He wasn't sure which option would be worse. Sada seeing him pull out another impossibly smooth and round "stone" that imprisoned Pokémon inside it, or him apparently making a Pokémon disappear into thin air by simply touching them.

    But, well... he was in no rush. Sada always seemed to choose places that were relatively safe from Pokémon; apart from their encounter with that Magikarp (which, to be fair, had been his fault), they hadn't encountered anything else. He wasn't exactly eager to go running off alone into the tall grass, so he would take his time with this task.

    And speaking of Sada... he tried to look around, scanning the horizon for the smoke signals she had mentioned. It was early morning, so maybe she hadn't set up the fire yet...?

    Turning east, he actually saw more than one. Three little smoke columns rose far, far into the distance, and it took him a moment to realize that they probably belonged to none other than Sada's settlement. She had pointed east on the map when explaining where she lived, after all, and he had serious doubt about there being that many villages within walking distance of each other. There simply weren't enough people.

    It was... weird to think about. There lived her whole world; her family, her friends, probably everything and everyone she had ever known. All in this little corner of the world near what would become one of the biggest metropolis on the planet millennia later, burying every trace of their existence under grass and stone and roads and labyrinthine sewers and finally concrete.

    With a small frown, he turns his back to the smoke trails and walks away.


    Turo didn't have to walk for long before he recognized the exact spot that Sada must have chosen. Those were some really big rocks, and really tall... they were more like giant slabs of stone, laying sideways in a triangular formation and creating three big slopes that made for a great vantage point. And right on top of one of them, there was Sada, sitting down with her back to him. Probably busy starting the campfire.

    He smiled and started walking a bit faster, rustling the grass all around him.

    « Hey!»

    That made her jump around, in a way that wasn't too different from their first meeting. That time she had grabbed the spear and pointed it at him in a second; now she had immediately recognized his voice and waved at him with both arms.

    She looked... excited. Well, Sada always looked excited about something, but this time she was even more excited than usual. Maybe she had discovered something else about the Proto-Miraidon?

    « Turo!! Ah... come here! Quick

    Nevermind, that wasn't just excited, she was euforic. There's something new about her appearance, and he noticed what looked like a wooden tube hanging from her waist. What was that?

    It didn't look too different from one of those blowguns that people would use to hunt.

    Sada doesn't run up to him this time, but she looked so impatient that he forced himself to speed up a little.

    « Sit here! » she pretty much forced him to sit by the fire, still grinning all the while. He expected her to grab her notebook to show him something, but Sada took a couple of step backwards and grasped the object at her waist. When she brings it to her mouth he finally recognized it as a crude flute carved out of wood, and is left just more perplexed.

    She wanted to play him something...?

    « Watch. »

    That is... nice, but he didn't think it would justify such a level of excitement...

    Three long, piercing notes come out of the instrument, much stronger and clearer than he was expecting, giving him an involuntary jolt. He sits straighter now, waiting for Sada to keep playing, but she had already lowered the flute and was looking at the horizon.

    There's a long moment of slightly awkward silence, only the tall grass rustling around them.

    ... wait, that was it?

    « Umm...» he tried to get up, only for a deafening roar to suddenly fill the air all around them. It's strong enough to force Turo to cover his ears and squeeze his eyes shut, and unlike anything he's ever heard.

    When he opened his eyes up again, squinting and with his ears still filled with a slight ringing noise, it's just in time to catch the sight of an enormous figure climbing the rock formation and rising up right behind Sada. Who is still turned towards him, hasn't noticed anything, doesn't even have her spear, why doesn't she even have her spear-

    They say that when faced with mortal danger, people evolved to respond to it with either one of two fundamental actions: fight or flight.

    In retrospect, Turo kind of wants to say that he fearlessly threw himself towards her to protect her, clutching the Master Ball as the only weapon he had and staring down the enormous scaled creature.

    Sadly, Turo was firmly in the group of people that developed a third alternative to the fight or flight response. The one called "freeze in panic and do nothing".

    To his credit, he did at least jump up and tried to grab Sada's arm to yank her towards him, away from the figure, but to his surprise - and confused terror-, she actually moves away from him, towards the towering scaly lizard-like beast, that...

    That is not... attacking... her. In fact, it's actually letting her pet it, lowering its head and letting out a suspiciously familiar sounding purr.

    It's... it's the Proto- Miraidon. The bipedal stance had thrown him off, since Miraidon either walked on all fours or simply floated, but it's undeniably the same creature of Sada's drawings.

    His legs fail him and Turo slumped to the ground, still trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

    Sada turned towards him, one hand still petting the Pokémon, looking so proud of herself.

    « Ah... ahahah-» he couldn't help letting out a short, incredulous laugh.

    Why wouldn't she be proud? People in her time were still barely figuring out how to approach Growlithes without getting barked at and here she was, taming an honest-to-Arceus dragon. What could you even say to that?

    He slowly got up and took some hesitant steps towards the two, observing the Pokémon. It was much bigger than Miraidon and bulkier, pure raw muscle strenght compared to his counterpart's sleek and somewhat slithering figure.

    « The name is Winged King.» Sada proudly announced by his side, making him pause and turn to look at her.

    « Winged... ?» was it because of the feathers? Sure, they were pretty big, but didn't look able to make him fly, and surely didn't look like wings to him. As for the second word, he had never heard it before.

    ... he really needed to give it a scientific name, even if just for the reports. Let's see, if Miraidon had been named after the Johtonese word for "future" when they had realized that Cyclizar would pretty much become a completely different Pokémon, then... something related to the past...?

    He would have to think about it. For now, "Winged King" would work fine.

    Meanwhile, Sada has been talking softly to the Pokémon, getting it to lay back down on all fours. And then, right as he was thinking that there was no way that she could top "convinced a Dragon Pokémon that's barely had contacts with humans to not kill me" in a single day, she mounted it.

    Well... okay, she actually took a little running start and then jumped on its back, hanging on the feathered crest -ouch- before managing to seat herself on the Pokémon's broad back- Winged King growling a bit and shaking his head, scattering a couple of white and blue feathers all around.

    Her technique definitely needed some work, he thought suppressing a smirk; but considering that she was, maybe, one of the first humans ever to do it? Nailed it.

    He was still pretty amazed that the Pokémon seemed okay with it; it kept shaking its head and pawing at the ground, but when the girl didn't show any signs of letting go or jumping off, patting it's neck a couple of times and whispering something that he didn't quite understand, it just huffed and then started to move its head left and right, in a series of small, jittering motions that he recognized with some amazement.

    That was exactly what Miraidon did when he tried to pretend that something wasn't bothering him, feigning indifference. How many little details like that had remained unchanged, from one species to another?

    Sada broke him out of his amazed trance by patting the space left behind her on the Pokémon's back.

    « Come! »

    For once, Turo didn't hesitate. He walked to Winged King's side, boosted himself up by pushing against the Pokémon's back legs with one boot, and swung his leg over its back to seat himself right behind the girl, lab coat swishing around behind him - and pointedly reminding him of the Master Balls tucked deep in its pocket-.

    Only when she turned to look at him strangely, one hand still half raised like she had been ready to help him up, did he realize what he had done.

    Umm... shit.

    He was so used to mounting Miraidon that his body had pretty much moved on autopilot. Should he have pretended to struggle a bit?

    Well, it was too late now anyway.

    Sada regarded him in silence for some excruciatingly long seconds, those bright, brilliant eyes narrowing and quickly scanning him up and down. Looking for some other detail she must have missed, some explanation, they stopped on his hands, his face, his legs. Turo pointedly held her gaze, feigning innocence.

    «... let's go?» he offered, trying to keep his voice neutral.

    After another long moment, she just shook her head, exasperated, and turned back around to give a command to Winged King in her usual chipper fashion.

    She must have noticed something and simply decided to not speak up about it.

    Winged King growled and started to walk, walking down the natural ramp of the rock formation it had climbed just before. Sada held on to the spikes on the Pokémon's front legs, another detail that it already had in common with its descendants that amazed him, while Turo managed to kind of hang on by just tightening his grip around the Pokemon's sides with his legs, staying upright.

    It wasn't that different from Miraidon, really... just a bit more rigid scales and feathers instead of smooth, metallic plates.

    And then it started to sprint, and he had to immediately eat his words.

    He let out a little yelp of surprise at the sudden speed boost and had to scramble for some purchase, grabbing onto Sada from behind by looping his arms around her stomach, which made her jolt and gasp in surprise.

    Winged King was speeding up, cutting a path through the tall grass, and his only thought at the moment was pretty much "Nope, it's not similar to Miraidon at all".

    Miraidon's movements were... smooth, lithe and elegant, his paws not even touching the ground while he zipped forward like a bolt of lightning blitzing through the sky. But most importantly, his old partner's movement felt... controlled. Perfectly adapted and calibrated to ride with him, reading his slightest change in body language, thanks to millennia over millennia of evolution alongside humans.

    Winged King's movements made it clear that he was accomodating no one but himself; he could feel the pure power behind every one of the Pokémon's strides, every kick of its legs. There was no reassuring buzz of electricity filling the air, just the sound of it's powerful claws tearing at the ground, its whole body moving up and down.

    Winged King felt like riding a force of nature; you didn't control it, you just held on for the ride and hoped to not get thrown off.

    But Sada, somehow, was managing it, leaning down to pat the Pokémon's neck and pointing in whatever direction she wanted it to go, in a series of signals she had to have developed herself.

    The Pokémon seemed to take them more as suggestions than real orders, but still, it was listening to her.

    And then, after another one's of Sada's commands, the Pokémon jumped up, climbed a tree to its highest point, then jumped off it and took off.

    « IT FLIES?! » he couldn't help the scream that escaped him as they rose into the air, partially covered by Sada's ecstatic laughter.

    How was it even flying? Those antennae even if extended couldn't be the only thing it was using to keep itself in the air, it didn't make any sense! Even Miraidon had to use his jet boosters to keep rising in altitude, and he floated magnetically.

    Was it part flying type? Was it generating wind currents to fly??

    The Pokémon flew in circles over the tree tops before slowly circling back down to the ground. It landed roughly, almost sending both humans directly pitching forward, and shook his head before growling.

    Sada was the first to jump down, and she got something out of her bag that the Pokémon was quick to gobble up in a single bite.

    Turo got down a bit more slowly, still in a bit of a daze over the fact that it just flew.

    Sada regarded him with a radiant smile, the little moment of tension between them from before already forgotten - or at least, that's what he hoped.

    « Did you see?! We were flying! » she breathed out.

    « Yes... »

    His enthusiasm must have evidently not matched hers in intensity, because she grabbed both his hands with hers, jumping up and down.

    « FLYING Turo, like birds! I can... we can... move so much faster. We can explore so much more now!» she was talking much more excitedly now, much faster, and he missed some bits and pieces, but he still understood enough for her words to tug at his heartstrings. Of course... of course that would be the first thing she would think of...

    « We can... go to your people ? » she added after a moment, looking up at him. Hopefull. Excited. Beautiful.

    His breath caught in his chest.

    Turo forced himself to slowly extricate his hands from hers. He lowered his eyes to the ground, he didn't want to see that excitement slowly disappear from her eyes, the light in them die and get replaced with disappointment. He slipped both hands into the lab coat's pockets, as if to hide them from her. Out of sight, out of reach.

    « My people are... far, far away. »

    He unconsciously gripped one of the Master Balls in his left pocket.

    « We... can't go. »

    He knows that answer like these must frustrate her so much, because how can't you simply not go somewhere, but how could he even start to explain to her how impossibly far away he actually lives from her?

    He simply can't, that's it.

    Sada went silent, for the first time since he's met her looking somewhat angry at him.

    But mostly disappointed.

    Turo sighed, looking around, anywhere that was not her. His eyes happened to land east again. Towards her village. Her people.

    « I... » he said slowly, hesitantly.

    It would be risky. He would have to be careful. But... really, if she could never meet his, getting to know her people was the least he could do. He could... document who they were. Who they had been. So that at least some trace that they had existed would be left behind. That was what his whole job was for after all, right?

    « Can I... come... to your people? »

    He watched her eyes widen in surprise.

    « R... really? »

    He nodded, and was rewarded by the biggest smile he had ever seen on her, her whole face practically glowing - and then she jumped up and hugged him, throwing her arms around his neck, and he is left petrified with a mix of fear and excitement and oh her hair is so soft and tickling his neck and he has no idea what to do should he hug her back and not stand there like an idiot should he kiss her fuckhereallywantsto-

    Thankfully Sada let go only a couple of seconds later -even if they felt like an eternity to him- and gently took his hand, or at least his arm.

    « Let's go!»

    ... wait. Wait a moment.

    She gently tugged him along, already starting to explain something, and he is left stumbling behind her.

    ... he didn't mean right now.
    Chapter 10: River
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    No, there actually isn't a river in this chapter. It's just the title of a song I was listening a lot to as I wrote the chapter, and it seemed to fit the Sada of this AU quite well.
    Chapter 10: River
    Sada observed as Winged King lazily slept sprawled over the grass. It seemed to prefer sunny spots to soak up the light, fanning open the feathers all over its body. Sometime its head or tail would twitch a bit, and it would open its mouth to hiss slightly before turning around and going back to sleep. Maybe it was dreaming? Did creatures even dream like people? By now it was comfortable enough to even sleep around her, and it would often follow her around while she moved, but still did mostly its own thing. It hadn't followed her to the village yet, but she had seen it fly around high in the sky.

    Did it mean that even if so strong, it was wary of people in large groups?

    She kind of wanted to bring it to the settlement with her... It would eat a lot of food, but to have something so formidable on their side... It would make hunting and fighting creatures so much easier.

    And, if she could just manage one thing, it would make travelling also so much easier.

    Sada wanted to ride it... Which was crazy, of course. Narjik loved to tell old stories of their ancestors that fought against monsters and evil spirits by riding on some creature, fighting together, but those were just... Fantasies. The kind of stories you told to entertain children or that the hunters loved to come up with after drinking a bit too much fiery berry juice late at night and nothing more, wildly exaggerating old hunting experiences.

    "And then my great great grandfather totally jumped on that Roaring Moon and it helped him kill that Great Tusk! It was the biggest there ever was, you could carve a hundred spears out of its tusks and its skin was so big they made entire tents out of it for everyone!"

    Stuff like that.

    But... If she could actually do it... The problem was... How?

    She walked up to the dragon; there was a spot right on its back where there were neither spikes or feathers, that seemed just perfect for sitting on its back... Taking advantage of the fact that it was much lower to the ground at the moment, she decided to simply try climbing on it.

    Sada had barely gotten one leg over the creature's back when Winged King woke up, jumping upright with a growl and sending her falling back to the ground, landing hard on her back. It took her barely a moment to catch her breath, her body moving on reflex and rolling to the side when the dragon's great shadow covered her, and another moment to right herself in a low crouch, staring down (or, to be exact, up) at the creature.

    It had simply turned to look at her, orange eyes looking almost offended at what she had tried to do; her instincts were still telling her to get ready to fight or to run, to grab a weapon, a berry, anything, but Sada forced herself to remain calm.

    Winged King wouldn't hurt her. It hadn't done so the past days and it wouldn't start now. She was sure of it, she wanted it to be true.

    She was proven right when the creature simply snorted and walked away a couple steps, plopping back down on the grass to resume sleeping.

    Sada slowly got back up, grinning. Did it really think that she would give up so easily?


    She tried to approach the creature from many different angles after that: from the side (it simply leapt away from her, with a strange throaty hiss that she could swear was its version of laughing at her), sneaking up on it from behind (it only managed to teach it to use its tail to playfully swipe at her legs), and finally from above. She crept along the branch of the tree she had climbed, staring at Winged King dozing off right underneath her. Curled up like it was, it was almost a perfect target to land on. Sada waited for the little signs that it had fallen in a deeper sleep: the feathered crest lowering until it laid flat on its head and the chest rising and falling at a slower rhythm, before springing into action. Leaping down from the branch, she landed right on the dragon's back. Before it could wake up completely and send her flying again, she pressed both legs against its side and desperately grabbed for something to hold on to, namely the feathered crest.

    « Gyaaa-»

    The creature started to buck wildly, trying to shake her off. The feathered tendrils she was gripping were literally vibrating in her hand, and Sada realized that the creature was trying to unfurl them like she had seen it do to fly away.

    One of them snapped open under her grasp and almost whipped her in the face, the girl only managing to avoid it by ducking her head on pure reflex. With her hand now empty, she immediately looked for a new handhold to grab on to. Her eyes fell on a curved blue spike that grew from the creature's front leg, and she held on to it while the single opened wing flapped wildly, the creature still trashing and shaking its head.

    After a moment of consideration, she quickly grabbed the opposite spike, freeing both wings. Winged King immediately jumped up, flapping both wings as wide as possible with a smaller "gyaa-".

    Had she... Had she been hurting it by grabbing them like that...? It definitely looked like it was much calmer now that she wasn't grabbing its head directly, but it still growled and tried to shake her off, to little effect. Sada realized that she was probably in the most secure spot possible: it couldn't touch its own back in any way, unless it started to throw itself on the ground, or smash his own back against a rock.

    It thankfully didn't seem to have hit on that idea yet, and Sada had no intention to let it think too much about it.

    « If you let me stay up here, I'll give you some tasty food...» she whispered, caressing its neck. That seemed to get the creature's attention: it had learned really fast what the word "food" meant, mostly by her grumbling about it while it showed up at her camp to devour all her supplies the past few days. It went completely still, dropping back to the ground with a heavy thump and trying to turn around to look at her.

    « Gya?»

    « Yes, "gyaaa"»

    She kept petting the creature, both because it seemed to genuinely like it and to distract it from the fact that she was still stubbornly seated on its back. Winged King started to slowly pace around, and Sada tried to get used to the weird feeling. It was simply walking, but... She was... actually doing it! She was riding it! Like in Narjik's stories!

    Ooh, the look on his face if she would actually show up to the village riding Winked King! Nevermind him, the look on everyone's face! What would Turo's reaction be?!

    She threw her head back and laughed, delighted.


    The next day, she called Winged King with her bag completely packed with supplies from the village. She had made sure to pick all the things that Winged King had seemed to enjoy eating more.

    Sada had been walking back and forth from the settlement to the place where she would meet up with Turo again in a couple of days, where three great flat rocks protruded from the tall grass. The red lizard arrived swiftly, already sniffing the air while eyeing her bag.

    She made sure to keep it closed while she got up on its back, the creature immediately growing a bit displeased at it.

    « All right, if you want some food...» she opened up her bag, took one strip of dried meat in her hand, and threw it a good couple of meters forward.

    « Go get it!»

    Winged King's head snapped forward, eyes following the arc made by the morsel of food before bolting after it, Sada barely managing to hold on. With two great leaps and one final jump, the lizard caught it in midair before it could even touch the ground; it flapped its wings a single time and landed heavily on all fours, licking its lips with a satisfied growl. Just like she had hoped, it had been so focused on the food that it hadn't cared about her riding it in the slightest.

    « Gyaa-!»

    « Good job!» she leaned forward to pat its neck, overjoyed, and it purred.

    Yes! Good! This was working... If she could get it to associate letting her ride with getting treats, she could teach it pretty much anything!

    It would quite literally eat a hole in their supplies of food, but if she managed to get Winged King's help during hunting expeditions... The problem would just solve itself. It could probably fight anything without too many problems.

    « Let's try this now...» she got another piece of meat out and held it up high. Somehow, Winged King seemed to sense that she was holding something in her hand even without being able to see her, trying to twist around to get a look at it. That was interesting... Did it notice that she wasn't holding the spikes on its legs with both hands? Had it noticed the sound of her bag rustling open? That had to be it.

    It was much more smart than what she first thought if that was the case. That just made her even more excited about it: was it a special case? Or was it possible that all creatures were actually that intelligent?

    « Go!» the lizard's head immediately snapped forward again, expecting to see another piece of food fly through the air, only to growl with disappointment when it realized that she hadn't thrown anything yet.

    « No, not yet... "Go"» she repeated, but it stubbornly dug its claws into the ground, refusing to move.

    « Gya!»

    She pouted, but she couldn't just let him have it if she wanted to train it.

    Maybe it was better to change tactic for now.

    « Go left!» she exclaimed, throwing the piece of meat in that direction. It immediately turned around to run after it, again catching it in midair. She kept doing it for quite a bit until her bag was almost empty, changing directions and making sure to praise it after every successfull attempt; she was starting to get used to switching quickly from throwing the food to keeping her grip on the creature's back.

    Winged King, she noticed, also seemed to have quickly realized what was going on; it really was quite smart. It would turn its head this way and that, trying to anticipate her command, and before long it had started to change direction as soon as she had started to speak, already recognizing the two different words for left and right. It was a very... rough way of moving around, leaping from spot to spot through the tall grass and constantly starting and stopping, but somehow, it was working.

    Eventually, she hoped that it would listen to her even without the immediate promise of food. With how smart it seemed to be, maybe it wouldn't take that long.


    Finally, the morning where she would meet up with Turo again arrived; she literally couldn't wait to see his reaction to Winged King, and had set off from the village to reach the designated spot to set up the smoke signal. The elevated position also had a second purpose: she was... quite curious to see from which direction Turo would come from. Logically, unless he had stealthily moved around quite a bit these days (and this was Turo: the man looked ready to collapse in exhaustion after walking up a small hill), he should be arriving from the west relative to her position...unless he had used his more... "Flashy" method of travelling.

    Along the way, she gathered some materials to light a fire.

    After reaching the meeting spot, Sada spent a bit of time looking around, searching for Winged King. She hoped that it hadn't chosen this one in particular as the day to roam farther than usual; she couldn't find traces of the lizard in the sky, but maybe it was sleeping somewhere in the grass.

    She set her weapon and supplies down and dug into her satchel, looking for the two flints she remembered she had packed inside to start the fire.

    « Hey!»

    The voice came not long after that, surprisingly, from behind her. She jumped up, startled, and turned around, and sure enough her eyes landed on Turo's figure walking through one of the narrow trails in the tall grass. Her surprise -why was he coming from the direction of the settlement?- didn't last long, soon changing into excitement. There he was! Oh, she couldn't wait to see his reaction! These ten days had seemed longer than usual with how much had happened in them, and she realized that she had kind of missed him. He was also wearing the clothes she had made for him, even if still with his usual white cape covering it, left hand hidden from view inside it.

    She waved at him with both arms, impatiently waiting for him to reach her.

    « Turo!! Ah... come here! Quick!» Sada hurried him along and he complied with a small smile, trying not to slip on the rocky surface. As soon as he was near, she took his arm by the elbow and pretty much forced him to sit by the fire she had just lit. Turo looked slightly surprised at that - but not displeased -, his eyes quietly wandering over her as he no doubt tried to guess what had gotten her so excited.

    « Watch »

    He raised a single perplexed eyebrow when Sada brought the little wooden flute she had carved to her lips, blowing three sharp notes into it. She immediately started to look around, trying not to laugh at Turo's absolutely dumbfounded face while he evidently tried to decide what was the appropriate response to the whole situation.

    Just then, a familiar roar resonated through the air and behind her, and Sada hid a small smile after hearing the sound of Winged King making its way towards them. So it had been laying around here after all...

    She had to admit to feeling a bit guilty in seeing Turo's expression change to fear and slight pain as he covered his ears; those roars could get quite loud, especially from up close. Winged King climbed up the rock from behind her. She heard it shift to its bipedal stance, rising to its full height and towering over them both. Turo managed to open his eyes again and seemed to freeze in fear, not unlike he had done against the Brutal Fang that had almost killed him, shrunken pupils fixated on the figure right behind her, not moving a muscle, breath caught in his chest.

    All right... Now she was starting to feel really bad about the whole thing. She happened to move away right as he jumped up, arm outstretched and trying to grab her, and even as she neared the dragon she felt a small quick surge of warmth in her chest. He had tried to save her. Even while obviously terrified and helpless, he had moved to try and get her out of what he thought was mortal danger.

    Sada quickly moved by Winged King's side and started to pet the lizard's head feathers to reassure Turo that they weren't in any danger.

    It takes him a bit to realize that Winged King isn't going to hurt them; Sada smiled proudly, cheeks flushing slightly at Turo's short, incredule laugh. He slowly approached the creature, still quite fearful and hesitant, until he stood by her side, completely transfixed by the creature. The name seemed to confuse him, and she realized that he probably had no idea what King meant. Umm... How could she even explain it?

    Ah, but did it even matter at the moment? There were definitely more exciting things to show him right now! One word could wait.

    She turned back towards Winged King and tried to get him to lay down.

    « Just get down a moment... "Down"» she caressed the leathery skin of its throat, where three smaller spikes seemed to protrude from it; the lizard seemed to like it, because it raised its head to give her better access to it, eyes squeezed shut, before opening them up again in disappointment when the petting stopped. It looked at her hand, and she immediately took the chance to point it at the ground to get the creature to lower its head.

    « Down» it growled but obeyed, lowering itself back down on all fours.

    She mounted it - still with some difficulty - and turned back towards Turo, smiling and encouraging him to get near.

    « Come!»

    She almost had expected him to hesitate and refuse, shaking his head while muttering something like he often did, but now it was his turn to surprise her. He approached the lizard, planted his boot firmly against a specific spot on the creatures hind legs, and jumped up quickly swinging his other leg over in a single, fluid motion she honestly didn't even think him capable of. He made it look so easy, like he did it everyday. Sada just stared at him, stunned, and after a moment he seemed to realize that something was off.

    That he had messed up. His face became completely neutral, like it often did when she tried to approach some subject he wasn't comfortable with. It was almost like watching some of the wooden masks Narjik wore during some of their rituals slide right over his face, every single feature carefully crafted and controlled to not betray even the slightest hint of emotion. Their eyes met, and for a couple of long moments none of them both dared to move or even breath.

    Then Turo spoke, trying to act like nothing was wrong.

    He knew. He knew that she knew that he was hiding something.

    She was tempted to question him about it, but decided against it after a moment. No use doing it right now. With a resigned sigh, she turned back around to direct Winged King. While the dragon started making his way off the rock, she listened for Turo's reaction, but even then, there was nothing but silence coming from behind her.

    ... Was he busy trying to come up with some excuse to give her later? Because she was going to question him about it. When the dragon sped up, Turo finally gave a reaction more in line with what she had been expecting of him from the beginning, trying to not fall off. What Sada wasn't expecting was for him to grab onto her to do it. She was suddenly acutely aware of his weight onto her back, his hands lightly pressed around her waist, and she involuntarily let out a startled gasp. "Focus".

    She needed to concentrate in order to avoid both of them falling off the dragon.

    She leaned forward on the dragon, starting to give him instructions just like they had practiced; without the promise of immediate food, the lizard was quite more reluctant to follow her directions, but she didn't exactly need it to be perfectly obedient at the moment. It was already incredible that it was actually listening to her: sometimes she still found herself in disbelief at it all. Just a couple of days earlier, and she wouldn't have dared to dream being able to do something like this. And now... Here she was! Not only riding a peaceful creature but one as amazing as Winged King.

    With a smirk, she gave it one last command: this one they hadn't had much time to practice, so she wasn't sure if it even remembered what she wanted him to do. So when the dragon suddenly started climbing a tree, then jumped off it and spread its wings to fly, she couldn't help letting out an exhilarated laugh.

    The wind, it felt amazing! It was so much stronger up here, so much colder. Winged King's scales radiated a reassuring warmth as it flapped its wings and flew slowly over the forest before circling back to where they had come from. Turo's grip on her had suddenly gotten much stronger, the man probably worried at the idea of slipping sideways from the creature's back and plummeting to the ground from that height.

    They landed quite rockily back on the ground, and she quickly jumped down to give a growling Winged King the very deserved prize he was probably demanding right now.

    Turo jumped down with way less grace than when he had gotten up, looking a bit distracted.

    Of course he would be! They had just been flying! She grabbed both his hands, elated. Did he have any idea what this meant?! They could explore places that were difficult for people to reach, they could see the world like no else had ever done before! They could even... She hesitated a moment when the thought struck her.

    «We can... go to your people ? » she asked, barely daring to hope for a positive answer. If he said yes... Just a little visit! A really short one... She just wanted to see where he actually came from. What kind of places had creatures that could make paper and his weird stretchy clothes and that had writing and who knew what else...

    Turo froze, and then slowly moved his hands out from hers, hiding them both in his pocket, eyes low, and she already knew what he was going to say.

    No, obviously.

    Both hands went back to her side, one balling up in the first surge of annoyance and real anger that she had ever felt towards him.

    Did... Did he think she was stupid? What kind of excuse was that? That was the whole point of being able to fly now, so what if it was far away?! If he was scared of going back to his tribe or whatever fine, he could just show her the way once they arrived near there and she could go herself!

    The anger didn't last long, quickly replaced by something more subdued, a quiet disappointment in realizing that even after saving his life, after all the hours they had spent together, side by side, slowly teaching each other words and talking and laughing... He still didn't trust her enough to reveal pretty much anything about himself.

    Always disappearing at sunset. For every word he said, she had the feeling there were five more he had decided to keep to himself.

    Just... Why?

    What honestly deserved so much secrecy?

    An uncomfortable silence fell between the two; Sada bit her lip, petting Winged King that had bumped her shoulder with its snouth.

    « I...»

    Turo was mumbling something, eyes fixed to the east, where the smoke of various campfires was snaking up towards the sky. She suddenly remembered that it was also the direction he had come from just before.

    "Can I come to your people...?"

    His question was so unexpected that she had to made sure she had heard right.

    She stared at him, eyes wide. Did he... Did he really ask to...?

    Had she been wrong? Had he refused because he was already planning to come to her settlement in the end?

    Sada couldn't help hugging him, throwing her arms around his neck, laughing happily. She accidentally brushed against his chin and paused for a moment, surprised by how spiky his beard felt, then hastily let go, regarding him with an enormous smile.

    « Let's go!» she offered, grabbing his left arm, mind already racing towards all the things she would have to explain to him about how the settlement worked, how they lived, and... And...

    She heard Turo stutter something out from behind her, and she turned to look back him.

    « What ...?»

    He looked flustered, face slightly red. And nervous. Sada smiled, trying to reassure him.

    « It will be fine!» she tugged encouragingly on his arm again, and he slowly, slowly brought his left hand out from where he had shoved them away just earlier. Sada grasped it with her right hand, and before she could consciously think about it, found herself interlocking her fingers with his. She squeezed them slightly, rubbing her thumb on the back of his hand. Turo flinched slightly, wide eyes never leaving her face. His lips parted and he seemed on the point of saying something.

    « It will be fine.» she repeated, gently, and he stopped, before nodding slowly, eyes never leaving her face.

    Sada led him towards the camp, walking half a step ahead of him like they often did, still never letting go of his hand. Winged King followed them for a while, before turning back around and flying away when it realized that they were going towards the settlement.

    Along the way, she felt Turo trip behind her a couple of times and smiled feeling a surge of affection towards the awkward man. To distract him, she pointed out a set of footprints on the trail.

    « These are from a Bushy Pelt » she said, before explaining as best as she could about their incredibly thick, white fur. They moved in packs, and would leave white strands of fur pretty much everywhere. Turo nodded along, but if she had turned around to look at him a bit more often, she would have noticed that he seemed much more interested in glancing at her instead of whatever she had been pointing at.


    Turo seemed to become more and more nervous the nearer they got to the settlement and more and more traces of human activity showed up.

    He stared with wide eyes at the large tents and temporary huts that had been erected near each other in groups of three or four, in a wide circle. Great bones and tusks were used to create the walls, with furs thrown on top and sewn together to create a barrier against the sun, the rain and other elements.

    He didn't seem to be familiar with them, and she wondered what materials his people used to build things. Surely not that weird stretchy skin they seemed to use for clothes?

    Smoke was coming out from a hole in the top of some of the larger ones, where someone was probably cooking something, judging by the smell that was coming out of it. A larger campfire, now still empty and cold, sat at the rough center of the settlement, this one usually used as a communal meeting point by everyone in the group to sit around at night and share stories, at least when the weather wasn't bad.

    They were organized mostly in groups made from people that were related by blood, even if almost all activities at the settlement were communal. Hunting, gathering food, crafting tools and child-rearing were all done by everyone as a group.

    They crossed a small group of hunters about to set out, Chalo and Fluffyhead among them. Sada greeted them with a sharp nod, lifting her spear and tapping the ground twice.

    « Good luck!»

    They answered her in a similar manner, cheering, before catching sight of Turo and stopping in their tracks, staring. Sada turned towards him, only to notice that he had very slightly shuffled to the side, almost trying to hide behind her. Since he was almost one head taller than her and draped in blinding white, he wasn't having much success.

    « This is the shaman from the south I've told you about. He'll be staying with us from now on.» Sada opted to break the awkward staring contest between the two groups, missing Turo raising one eyebrow in a puzzled expression by her side.

    « Ooh, finally the mystery man shows up.» Chalo was the first to react. The woman grinned, moving towards him only for the man to nervously take a step back, eyeing both the spear and Fluffyhead.

    Chalo, meanwhile, stared him up and down, eyes stopping at their still locked hands.

    « You weren't kidding when you said he's weird looking. What's up with his hands? »

    Sada sighed while some of the other hunters expressed similar comments.

    She was suddenly glad that he was actually wearing the clothes she had made for him. If this was their reaction when he was dressed exactly like them (well, cape aside), she could only imagine how they would have reacted at seeing him with his original clothes.

    Sada looked up at him, pensive.

    He didn't look that weird.... Did he?

    Or... was she just getting used to it? She... She kinda liked it, actually.

    Turo meanwhile looked ready to bolt, wide eyes passing between all of them with obviously no idea of what they were talking about. She squeezed his hand reassuringly.

    « Chalo, not now...»

    The girl just laughed and lifted her free hand to slap Turo on the shoulder. The man flinched.

    « Riiight, you two have fun. Bye Terg!» and with that, she whistled a command to Fluffyhead and resumed walking, the rest of the hunters following suit.

    « T- Terg? What's Terg?» Sada couldn't stop a short giggle at seeing Turo so confused by that of all things.

    « It's... Nothing. It's stupid.»

    He just looked even more confused, but at least not as terrified as before.

    They resumed walking, and Sada finally ducked into one of the bigger tents, leading him inside. Turo stopped and looked at his feet, at the moss that has been used to cover the floor, and appears completely taken aback again, like he had never seen anything like it before.

    She's similarly surprised by his reaction. Had he been sleeping on cold, hard stone before now?

    That was... Sad.

    The tent is at the moment empty, save for one figure sitting near the hearth, paying attention to some pieces of meat on the fire. The woman lifted her head in hearing them approach, and Sada couldn't help feeling suddenly a bit nervous. She had pictured the scene so many times in her head, having it actually take place right in front of her eyes now didn't feel real. She was so happy that he had finally decided to join the settlement, but what if people didn't accept him...?

    « Mother, this is Turo. I've been teaching him our language, but there is still a lot he doesn't know so... try not to overwhelm him. » she explained, Turo's head snapping in her direction at hearing his name but clearly not being able to parse much else.

    « Turo, this is my... "Mother"» she added turning towards him, thinking back on their conversation from some time ago.

    « My... Parent.»

    It took him a second, and then he suddenly looked even more terrified than when Winged King first showed up. Face completely white, Turo looked back at Mother, trying and failing to stutter something out as a greeting.

    « Ah... Umm... H-hello...» he almost managed in a low voice, and it's so painfully awkward that Sada couldn't help but cringe slightly with second hand embarrassment. It's just.... So like him to fly into a panic simply at the thought of having to exchange a greeting, even though she could understand that he would be nervous. She probably would too, in a similar situation.

    Thankfully, Mother didn't comment on it. She nodded slowly as an answer and just quietly stared at him, apparently studying his face.

    « So this is the man you've been meeting with?» she finally asked.

    « Y-yes. Can we... Sit down?» Sada offered. Turo sure looked ready to pass out from sheer nervousness, maybe sitting down would put them all a bit more at ease. Mother simply nodded, and Sada sat down on the opposite side of the fire. She patted the ground just on her right for Turo to sit beside her. He complied, sitting cross legged with some difficulty. He kept poking at the moss on the ground with one hand, playing with it nervously. Was it... Really that fascinating for him? The other, his left hand, was again firmly hidden in his mantle. He... Had been doing that a lot today, now that she thought about it. Was there something about his left hand that was different today, something he wanted to hide? But no... The only thing she could think of was his weird bracelet he seemed so protective of, but he kept that on his right wrist. And all the time she had just spent holding his hand, she hadn't noticed anything different.

    « He... Looks nothing like the tribe from the south I remember meeting. » Mother spoke up after a couple of moments of silence, catching Sada by surprise.

    Oh...? She had actually hoped that Mother would recognize something familiar about him. Maybe it had been... A different tribe?

    « What creature does that come from? That doesn't look like fur.» her mother asked after a moment, pointing at Turo's mantle. Sada smiled, excited; of course she would be interested in it! That was good; if they could just talk about... normal, everyday things, that was maybe the best way to make him feel welcome here.

    She brushed Turo's arm and looked at his face, ready to explain in case he hadn't understood the question, but he just shifted his weight slightly and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

    « It is not... fur. Not a P-... a creature. » he opened them up again and answered, voice a bit wavering but clear.

    « It's... umm... not a tree... » he squinted and scratched at his chin, seemingly having trouble remembering a word.

    « ... plant! It's a plant. "Cotton". Not...from here. I think»

    She felt a strange sense of pride in listening to him trying to make his way through the conversation as best as he could.

    « A plant...? I guess you could twist the fibers like we do for baskets, but... Make clothes out of it...?» her mother seemed intrigued, but Sada couldn't help but notice that Turo looked completely lost at her answer.

    « She is asking... "How" you make this.»

    His face cleared up a bit, just to go right back to nervousness a moment later, eyes shifting left and right.

    « Ah, I... D-don't know... How.» he muttered.

    Mother raised one eyebrow, perplexed, before turning her attention back to her.

    « He knows what it's made of, but not how?»

    Yes, Turo was... Weird like that, apparently. That probably was just how shamans were in his tribe... Or... Something.

    « Why don't you show her?» she asked the man. He just stared blankly, not quite sure of what she meant.

    Putting her hand on his wrist, she pinched the white fabric and tugged gently.

    « Your clothes. Can you show them to her?» she mimed taking the mantle off like he had already done one time to let her examine it.

    She was sure that Mother would be as fascinated by them as she had been, and with how much more experienced she was, could probably figure out more about how they were made.

    To her surprise, Turo stiffened at her touch. His eyes moved from her hand gently touching his left arm, to the space between them - and briefly her face-, then to his hips.

    « Ah... N-no... Sorry.»

    ... What?

    She stared at him for a moment, honestly confused. He had been more than happy to let her examine it last time, and had offered it himself.

    Why was he suddenly so defensive?

    What was going on with him today...?

    There's complete silence in the tent for a couple of moments, the only sound that of the fire and the skewered meat that is cooking on it.

    Her eyes wandered from his face to his side... And landed on the left pocket of his mantle. The one he had kept his hand in the whole time since this morning. They were pretty large pockets... At least large enough for his notebook and pen, and probably other things.

    He wasn't hiding his hand from view, he was hiding whatever was inside that pocket.

    Something else he didn't trust her to see, apparently.

    Sada looked back to his face... And there it was again. The "mask".

    Except that this time, he couldn't stop the rest of his body from betraying him. She can feel it, from the hand still on his arm, their knees touching sitting side by side, legs crossed. He is actually trembling, face inscrutable but white with panic.

    « Sada... please...»

    The mask cracked, the tiniest bit, and his eyes are begging, literally begging her to not delve further. To drop the whole thing and pretend that nothing happened. To play dumb.

    For a short moment, she is almost tempted to just shove her hand inside his pocket and grab whatever it was he was hiding... But... She can already picture the panicked and betrayed look he would give her.

    « ... Never mind. Maybe another time. He says he's cold without it.» she couldn't help but mutter under her breath, and Turo just hanged his head with a guilty expression, surely having recognized the word.

    « Alright. There is no rush. » Mother pointedly looked at Turo after having witnessed their short exchange, before looking back at her, eyes narrowing.

    « Are you sure you can trust this man?» she asked in a low voice.

    Sada bit her lip. Yes, of course she trusted him, he's never shown the slightest hint of ill will towards her, there must be a reason for why he had been acting like that, but... did he even trust her?

    « I'm sure he's just... nervous. »

    Mother simply shrugged, going back to handling the fire.

    « If you say so. Let's just eat.»

    Sada nodded, relieved, and grabbed some of the skewers, passing one to Turo and biting into one of hers.

    « Here.»

    It's not the first time they have eaten together, during the hours they have spent teaching each other vocabulary and discussing different creatures and their powers, but it's usually been just berries, roots and similar things that she had gathered nearby before he arrived. It's not like she could go hunting and catch something while Turo was with her... both because the guy was so clueless in walking stealthily that he would have scared everything away, and because having to make sure that he didn't get his face bitten off by whatever she was hunting would have just made things more difficult for her.

    So she isn't exactly surprised when his eyes go wide at seeing the meat he was being offered; it was probably the first piece of cooked meat he had seen since coming here.

    If he had to survive all this time on roots and berries that he found... no wonder he was so scrawny.

    Turo looked at both of them, almost like a kid making sure that yes, he was actually allowed to eat it.

    « T-thank you... » he stared at it with a strange expression of puzzlement on his face, turning the skewer in his hand. He looked about to take a bite, before stopping again.

    « W... what creature is this? » he asked, quietly. Sada stared at him, not really getting the point of the question. Why would it be important...?

    Ooooh, maybe he was afraid that the meat came from those creatures his people didn't hunt? If they were considered special for some reason (not like she could understand why), then they obviously didn't eat them as a form of... respect, or something.

    She simply pointed to the corner of the tent, to the Steady Glacier bones that made up the walls.

    Turo got even quieter after he seemed to realize what she meant, and he ate in complete silence.


    After eating, Sada decided to show Turo the rest of the settlement. He seemed pretty interested in the little enclosure they had built for Fluffyhead and a couple of other Spark Tails that Chalo had managed to round up in the meantime, even taking out his notebook to take some quick notes about it. Sada tried to glance at the paper, and he strangely didn't stop her. She quickly understood why: the symbols that should have been the same he had taught her were scribbled so hastily that she could barely recognize a couple of them. Turo smirked at her disappointed pout, letting one of the Spark Tails sniff his hand. He seemed familiar with them.

    « Sada! » they both turned around at the voice that had sprung up behind them. Ari, one of the children, had come running out of his tent towards them.

    « Jesraa wants to know when you are going to teach her the other- Oh.» the child stopped after seeing Turo, eyes wide. She couldn't blame him; he was probably the only other person from outside the settlement he had ever seen.

    Still, his sudden appearance had given Sada an idea. She turned to Turo, an excited smile making its way on her face... and for once, Turo actually looked worried, like he had sensed that she had something planned for him.

    « You teach them! »

    Of course! Brilliant! What better teacher than the man himself? She had already taught Narjik, Chalo and a couple of other people, but she didn't have time to teach every single person and make sure they didn't make mistakes... but Turo could! It could be a way for him to integrate into the settlement, get to know people...

    « T-"teach"...?»

    ... oh, right.

    « Um... you show... all people here... writing.» she clarified, but his reaction wasn't quite what she had expected.

    « You... showed them writing?» he asked, slowly, eyes staring straight into hers.

    « Yes!! » she nodded, and Turo looked... conflicted. He muttered something incomprehensible to himself - "aw, shit-", then sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, left hand covering one half of his face.

    « Is it... bad...?» had she done something she shouldn't have...?

    But what was the point of being able to write stuff if nobody else could read it?

    He was silent for quite a while, before lowering his hand with another sigh.

    Even if he was trying to hide it, she could swear there was the tiniest trace of a smirk on his face. A proud smile.

    « ... no. It's... incredible...»


    They entered another hut, one of the biggest ones used by the whole tribe as a meeting spot when the weather wasn't good enough to sit outside, that Narjik would sometime use as a place to teach the children or tell old stories. He was out at the moment, gathering herbs and other materials for his rituals.

    Sada had been a bit disappointed - she was really interested in watching the two shamans meet.

    At first, the children had been afraid of him, so she had sat down by his side near the fire and encouraged them to get near, translating when necessary.

    Now, Sada smiled warmly while Turo traced lines on his notebook and held it up for all four of them to see and copy line by line. They were using soot to write, and it had predictably ended up everywhere, including his face, his hair, and the front of his mantle, now no longer an immaculate white but covered in black, child-shaped handprints.

    He seemed much more at ease with the children than with adults; teaching seemed to come natural to him.

    « Where are... the "others"?» he asked after a while, in a pause from their lessons. Jesraa, the youngest, had fallen asleep on his lap, but he didn't seem to mind. He's got his notebook open and propped up on one knee, and it looked like he was drawing the interior of the hut, pausing every now and then to study how the bones were laid out.

    Sada blinked, for once being the one caught unprepared.

    « "Others"...? »

    « Your people. Are there "others"... » he pointed at the children and thought for a moment. « Um... small... people? »

    Sada laughed a bit when she realized he didn't know the word for children and had to improvise.

    « "Small people"... you mean children?»

    He nodded, still looking at his notebook.

    « Yes. Children. "Others", um... not... these children.»

    Oh, all right. Now she got what he had tried to ask. Sada simply stared at him, confused.

    « There is no "other" children »

    There's a long moment of silence, then Turo suddenly raised his head to gape at her, bewildered.

    «... what? »

    ... why does he look so surprised?

    « These are the only children here.»

    « But... only four... »

    He went really quiet after that, his warm smile at watching the child sleep in his lap becoming pained.


    « I have to go. »

    Turo's words took her by surprise, again, for the second time in the span of a couple of hours. It's after midday, and the sun is already going down, now that the days have been getting shorter and shorter. Soon it would become much colder.

    Sada looked at him while he stood up and tried to clean up his clothes as best as he could.

    Go...? But he had said... that he wanted to come to her people, so she had thought...

    « Where... ? You can stay here -»

    Turo just looked at her, silent, and she knew that whatever she could say would have no use in convincing him. Well, now she suddenly felt really stupid, getting so excited about his coming to live with them... she stared at the ground, biting her lip, almost tearing into it, a mix of anger and embarassment and disappointment swirling in her chest.

    Something gently touched her chin and lifted her head, and she finds herself staring into Turo's warm brown eyes.

    « ... I'll come back. »

    Sada glared back at him.

    « Tomorrow. At dawn. » and he better not be late. If he really had to run off who knows where at night, the least he could do was run right back.

    He nodded after a moment.

    « ... tomorrow. At dawn. »


    She watched him leave, like always. What was different from all the other times, was that he was leaving from her village. She knew the area so well she could navigate it with her eyes closed, and so she knew perfectly well about all the possible spots Turo could choose to spend the night. The little thicket of trees to the south. The stream they get water from to the north. The great fields of tall grass.

    She gave him an advantage of a couple hundred meters before sneaking after him.

    He was being extremely cautious; he kept turning around every now and then, making sure that no one was following him, then checking his surroundings.

    Sada, however, knew perfectly well how to move unnoticed. How to keep a low profile, how to leave as few prints as possible, how to stop moving when he turned around to not alert him due to a sudden movement... she quickly gained back the ground he had covered. All the while, she is staring at his back, just trying to make sense of his behaviour. Why does he need to go this far out? What is he even looking for...? This surely is not a safe space to pass the night...

    Turo suddenly stopped, and Sada freezed, crouching low to the ground to hide herself in the tall grass. He gave one last look around, then raised his left hand and started rolling up the sleeves of his right arm, revealing his usual purple clothes underneath... and the bracelet. Outlined by the last rays of sunlight, he touched the little object on his wrist, and she suddenly had to squeeze her eyes shut, hurt by the blinding burst of white light that surrounded him...

    ... and when she opened them up again, he's gone.

    Sada is left staring at empty air, not a single trace left of him. It took her quite a bit to notice that she was trembling, frozen in place.

    He had... really disappeared. She had tought about the flash of light, sure, but deep inside, she had always assumed that it had a perfectly normal explanation.

    Sada had wished for it to have a perfectly normal explanation, because that would at least make Turo... easier to explain. To think of him as... similar to her, a kindred spirit.

    But to actually see him do it, to disappear into thin air like he commanded the power of some strange creature she had seen... now she wasn't so sure anymore.

    ... what was he, really?
    Chapter 11: There and back again
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 11: There and back again
    The last trip had been... simply "eventful" would have been an understatement. To think that Sada had managed not only to see but to actually tame "Winged King", that ancient form of Cyclizar... and Miraidon, by extension. She never ceased to amaze him with what she managed to accomplish even with the incredibly limited resources she had available. But that had now left him in a bit of a conundrum; should he mention Winged King in his report? Turo was honestly afraid that doing so would only get him tasked with capturing it and bringing it back for research purposes; he threw a little glance at the Master Balls currently sitting on his desk, all still perfectly empty. He... didn't like having them with him. They were in a sense a way for him to protect himself out there in the distant past, but they had made every second of that trip when he had felt their weight pressing against his side a nerve-wracking experience, terrified at having them discovered... which had nearly happened, and had cost him at least part of Sada's trust. He had never actually seen her angry at him before today, but what had hurt the most had been the... silent disappointment and resignation in her eyes.

    He shook his head and focused back on the report he had been writing -or at least trying to write - for the past... couple of hours? Maybe...?

    Almost answering his silent question, a screen opened by his side, Porygon 568's figure materializing from it. It floated over until it blocked his view of the screen he was currently writing on.

    « Dr. Romero Turo, after your trip you have been in your office for the next 4 hours, 29 minutes and 19 seconds... adding them to the hours you have spent time-displaced, and records of your activity in this facility before the trip...I estimate you have been awake for a consecutive 36 hours, 15 minutes and 7 seconds...rounding down.» it beeped.

    « Immediate execution of "sleep" is advised to maintain your body in optimal operating conditions.»

    « I've got coffe, I don't need to sleep.» he gestured to the thermos lying on one corner of the desk,swiftly moving the screen away from behind Porygon to where he could see it again with a flick of his wrist. The Pokémon turned toward the thermos, eyes glowing yellow for a moment.

    « ... temperature scans indicate that thermos has been empty for two hours.» it simply said.

    Uh, was it? He hadn't noticed. Turo ignored the Pokémon and resumed writing - or trying to-.

    « ... your report is not so urgent as to warrant such a degree of restless activity. Your erratic behavior since you've returned from your trip suggests an altered emotional state. In layman's terms... something is troubling you.»

    This time he actually turned to glare at the little AI, eyes tingling after staring at a screen in the dark for hours.

    « You've been spying on me...?»

    « "Spying" implies a desire to extract information out of someone without being discovered, often to obtain an advantage over that same individual or group. That was not my intent.» it fluffed up it's wing feathers, offended, as much as something made of lines of code could, before turning it's head to look at him with the jittering,rapid head movements that was so typical of the many real life avian Pokémon it was partially modeled after -many by now extinct or replaced by other species they had evolved into. Turo idly wondered for a moment which programmer during the centuries had decided to devote precious time and effort programming that little feature in, because it was as impressively realistic as completely useless, since it had no real purpose... except, maybe, making the Porygon appear a little bit more life-like. Giving it a little more character... a little bit more of an identity. Someone more poetic than him would have said that it gave the AI a bit more soul.

    And for some reason, it's that little detail that made him turn around toward the AI and actually give it his full attention instead of treating it like an annoying pop-up like he had until now.

    What had gotten into him? ... that wasn't like him.

    He flicked away the screen with his barely written report on it and sank back in his fake-leather chair with an exhausted sigh, shutting his eyes closed, both hands pressed to his temples.

    «... sorry. I know I've been up here making excuses to avoid going home and... actually reflect on some things.»

    « That is not healthy.»

    He opened his eyes again and smiled weakly at the Porygon, patting it on the head a couple of times. It seemed to enjoy it -and again, he wondered why something that had been devised to spend more time in cyberspace than in the actual physical world had even been programmed with that feature. From a purely logical point of view, it made little sense. Devoting even a little part of its processing capabilities to define and react to something as simple as touch when it wasn't strictly necessary, or wasting even just a little part of its memory to store such trivial information like "Spots he likes and dislikes to be petted on" was a drain on resources that could be better spent on executing its task more efficiently.

    ... but someone still had programmed that in. And, maybe more importantly, every single update after that, every single person that had touched its code had decided to keep that feature instead of removing it. Leaving it in. Maybe even adding to it, perfecting it.

    And the picture that single, insignificant detail painted of humanity was maybe the fundamental reason he was so fascinated with AI, Artificial Pokémon Programming... and the future as a whole. There was just so much... potential in it.

    « ... you are worried after me. Humans drink and smoke from the instant we have figured out how to do so. We aren't exactly known for always making healthy decisions.» he answered. Porygon 568 seemed to mull over that for a moment.

    « ... I believe I am not equipped to deal with your altered state in an efficient manner. I have taken the liberty of contacting Dr. Gervaso Ortega.»

    « Wait... what?» the Pokémon didn't look any different, but of course, one on the thousand little processes it had running in the background at all times was probably busy calling Ortega this instant.

    « You don't need to-»

    « ... he said he will come here immediately and is already on his way.»

    What? But wasn't it... He glanced at the clock projected on the opposite wall, confused. He had lost all sense of time.

    « But it's way past three in the morning, what is he even doing...»

    « He will be here in two minutes, he said. He was already awake. "Out drinking" were his exact words.»

    ... of course he was, probably partying it up somewhere in one of those locales that only opened after midnight. That guy had more social energy to burn in a night that he could muster up in a whole week. Turo sighed and resigned himself to wait for his colleague.

    He didn't have to wait long, Ortega had probably walked to the nearest teleporter the instant he had closed the call.

    Turo still had to stare at seeing him enter the office looking... so normal.

    « ... uh. Don't think I've ever seen you in clothes that are not a bodysuit and labcoat or some couple centuries out of fashion.»

    « I could say the same of you. And I like wearing stuff that's centuries out of fashion. It looked much better. Did you know that my ancestors used to own the biggest apparel company in Paldea? Of course, it's long gone now, but we've still got some stuff and old designs at home, on some old physical storage devices. » he said, sitting down backwards on a chair he had grabbed and propping his elbows up on the backrest.

    Uh... no, he actually had no idea. Must have been quite some time ago if he had never even heard of the "Ortega" brand.

    « ... is that why you are so into past fashion?» he couldn't help but ask. Ortega shrugged.

    « Part of it, yeah. But enough about me-» the man squinted and looked between Turo and Porygon 568, some of his dark, curly hair falling over his eyes as he leaned a bit forward.

    « What's going on here? Porygon said you're not feeling well... and frankly, you look terrible.»

    Turo grimaced, not knowing how to best answer the question.

    « During my last jump, I've... been to the village of the native girl I've been meeting with.»

    Ortega arched an eyebrow at that, but just nodded for him to continue.

    « On one hand, it was amazing... I've got so much data, made some sketches... they use moss to insulate the tents, Pokémon bones and materials, but... there's this four kids.» he decided to omit everything that had to do with the writing lessons and Winged King for now. At the moment, it wasn't important.

    « Four kids... out of the whole settlement that looked like what... some hundred people? I can't stop... thinking about them. » he whispered, head held low.

    « History books and documentaries never really mention them, do they? It's always just... wars, and kings, and important discoveries.

    But it's like... it hit me right then that they are kids like any other... they just want to play, and have fun, and learn new things, and their life is just so-»

    « Was. »

    It took him a second to even register Ortega's blunt interjection, at which point Turo stopped and raised his head to look at the man.

    « What... ? »

    « You mean to say that their life was horrible, or unfair, or desperate, or whatever it is you were going to say. It's in the past, Turo. It's already happened. There's no use despairing over it.» he explained, looking unusually serious.

    « How... can you just say that? » Turo asked, still a bit surprised by Ortega's tone. « That's... »

    « "Cold"? Yes it is. But it's also what keeps you sane in this job. Listen, at the start, you were new here, so I was a bit... hesitant to tell you. You are doing the same mistake that a lot of newbies do during their first time-jumps.»

    Ortega took a deep breath.

    « You are getting attached to the people you meet in the past. You can't do that. You have to stop thinking of them as... I don't know, people you just met somewhere and who you can be friends with. They're not. They can't be. »

    Every word of Ortega hit him like a punch in the stomach, because they were true. Completely, absolutely true.

    « Every time you meet someone, you have to think of them as complete strangers that you're never going to see again... Otherwise, it's going to destroy you. What are you going to do once your project is done and you have to completely change era? Change places?» he asked, and Turo could only stare at the other man, wide eyed, heart now hammering in his chest. That thought, especially the idea of not being able to see Sada again... Of just having to disappear and never come back, leaving her wondering what had happened... Had already been tormenting him for a while.

    « I...» he started, with no idea how to continue, but Ortega wasn't done.

    « You are going to keep thinking about them. The temptation to sneak a little jump here and there between other projects to go see them will keep you up at night. It will drive you crazy, it will hurt even when you do see them because you can't build a relationship with a couple of hours here and there. You'll be living on borrowed time... eh-» he chuckled darkly.

    « ... Literally. Simply delaying the moment where you will have to actually say goodbye... And leave them in the past for good.»

    A deep silence fell between the two. Turo sat, shocked, thinking about what he had just heard.

    « ... That's why all your projects are so short. That's why you almost never go back more than a certain point in time.» he said in the end.

    The other time traveler just nodded, then looked to Porygon 568 with a sardonic smile.

    « Sneaky bastard... That's why you called me of all people, didn't you?»

    The Pokemon simply tilted its head without answering, and Ortega just shook his head.

    « He was... » he stopped after a moment, brows furrowed. « ... Never mind. Point is: I had to disappear from his life before it completely tore me apart. You want to know the first thing I did after seeing him for the last time and coming back to the present?»

    Turo had half an idea, but he simply waited for the other man to continue.

    « Looked him up online. Anything I could find. Articles, biographies... There's even some old pictures, from the first couple of centuries of the Internet... He had a good life. Successful. A family. Three kids. He could have never done that with me, seeing me for a couple of hours at a time. That gave me ... Closure, I guess. I know that's not really an option for you due to how far back you go, but... » Ortega took a final deep breath before looking back at Turo.

    « We observe, Turo. Nothing more. The sooner you get used to it, the less it will hurt. »

    He nodded quietly. It was easier said than done, but... Knowing that he wasn't the only one that had struggled with similar problems helped a bit.

    « It's just... So strange to think about. You go in the past, and they are right there, it's easy to forget that they're already... Long gone once you come back here..» he struggled to articulate it.

    « I know. Blame human psychology. We're really not made to wrap our heads around time travel... Or maybe it's just too early, who knows. » Ortega answered.

    And then he jumped up, clapped his hands loud enough to make both him and Porygon flinch, and grinned, back to his usual self.

    « Enough gloomy thoughts. You need to take a little break from all this... Get out, get a little change of scenery. Change of perspective, it'll do you well.

    And I know exactly what you need.»

    Turo slowly got up, just to stumble dangerously and have to lean against the desk to support himself. Ortega coughed.

    « .... Maybe get some sleep and something to eat, first.»


    « A trip to the... future?» Moreau wondered, eyes passing between both.

    « Just a little joint collaboration of a single trip. A test run. We do all test runs in the past by default, but I think we should start doing them also in the future. So that every new time traveler in the department is aware of certain... things to pay attention to in both, err... "directions".» Ortega smoothly answered, gesturing to the screen with a little proposal he had written up that floated between them. Standing completely still by his side, Turo could hardly contain his excitement. The future. He was actually going to... see it. It was incredibly hard to get clearance for it, especially for someone like him that didn't even have a single completed published paper related to time travel to his name yet. And now they were actually discussing it. He barely dared to breath, for fear of ruining the moment.

    He felt somewhat like being a kid again, during the parent-teacher meetings at school. Moreau was still looking rather pensive.

    « ... sure. Let's see how it goes. But-» he added.

    « As the one with most experience traveling to the future, I'm tagging along.»

    Oh. That was, umm... unexpected. Turo observed the current director -and possibly one of the most expert time travelers currently alive - of the TTDL walk to his desk and get a time-anchor out of it, slipping it on his wrist.

    « Mostly because I want to make sure that you » icy blue eyes went to glare at Ortega.

    « Don't mess around with whatever we're going to find, and so that you» now it was his turn to get glared at, and Turo flinched. W-what...?

    The director smirked.

    « ... don't manage to somehow land us 20'000 years in the future or something else equally ludicrous. »

    Ortega laughed while Turo blushed in embarrassment, managing a quiet "Y-yes" in response.

    He... he was never going to live that one down, was he?


    They stepped into the time machine together, synchronizing their respective time anchors to the same coordinates. After the usual injection that would protect him during the trip, Turo shuffled to the side, waiting for Porygon 568 to finish calculating the coordinates.

    He felt a little pang of guilt in thinking back about the promise he had made to Sada, to come back "tomorrow, at dawn"… for him, that "tomorrow" could be days or even months from now, and still only one night would have passed for her. It made no sense.

    He shouldn't feel guilty, that was simply how things worked... But it still somehow felt like he was deceiving her.

    Turo shook his head, focusing on watching Ortega and Moreau getting ready. Thinking about where he was about to go.

    Mesagoza, just shy of 30 years from now... It was almost nothing compared to the hundred or thousands of years that even he had jumped back in time, but still... It was the future. His first real step into it.

    The time machine whirred to life around them, and with a twinge of nervousness Turo closed his eyes when he felt the familiar sound of time and space starting to move all around him. Because yes, apparently, it had a sound. Even quite a specific one, like nothing he had ever heard before. Physicists were still puzzled about it.

    One moment later, he opened his eyes back again, to the familiar sounds of the megalopolis of Mesagoza all around them - snippets of videos of news programs and ads, music, the low buzzing sound made by Miraidon and Rotom bykes crossing the streets or gliding overhead, some of them even simply scaling the great shining skyscrapers were railings and platforms had been built to let the Ride Pokemons rest.

    They were standing in a little back alley, away from people. At first he looked around, instinctively paranoid that someone had seen them appear... Then, with a little jolt, he realized that even if someone did, it wouldn't matter. Of course people would simply recognize them as time travelers.

    He couldn't help a little grin from spreading on his face at that realization; it was ... liberating in a sense, not having to worry about hiding literally everything about himself. They started to walk around, with Turo trying to catch any detail that could be different from the present.

    « So, what do you think? » Ortega asked after a while.

    « Well...»

    The city honestly looked pretty much the same, at least at a first glance. Something, he had to admit, that left him a bit disappointed. But then again... it was only 30 years from now, he couldn't exactly expect many differences.

    « ... I think it's not really... future enough for me.» he confessed after a moment.

    He would come to see these times by himself, after all... and that thought made him suddenly stop in the middle of the street, one Miraidon growling at him while the Pokémon and her rider had to suddenly brake and swerve around him.

    Ortega just laughed.

    « "Not future enough" for you? Oh, you're impossible... you want to look at the little details to notice what's changed. » he said, but Turo wasn't listening, too distracted by what he had just realized.

    « What about... future us? Are we not at risk of meeting them...?»

    30 years from now... he would be in his sixties. Probably still here in Mesagoza somewhere, if he didn't decide to move to another city. He couldn't begin to imagine what his life would look like by then. Was he still at the TTDL? ... would he still think of Sada after all that time, or just look back at his first research project as a silly little thing that he had used to worry too much about?

    Moreau didn't look fazed.

    « I wouldn't worry. They would remember everything from this day after all: what we have done, where we've been... and probably decide to stay out of our way. »

    ... right. That... made sense.

    « And even if they didn't, that whole "never meet your future or past selves or it creates a time paradox" is a bunch of bullshit.» Ortega added, earning himself a glare from their superior.

    « Not exactly... »

    « All right, we don't know if it does if you do stupid stuff like kill yourself, but if both parts are careful about it, there's no risk... right, sir?»

    Turo stared at the two other time travelers. Wait, were they... talking from experience...? Moreau heaved a deep sigh, closing his eyes with the solemn expression of someone that had just been forced to remember some deeply unpleasant memory.

    «... yes. You proved it in quite an unique way, Ortega. That was a paper that I never thought I would have to peer-review.»

    « It was around six months before you joined the TTLD. » Ortega explained, evidently seeing his confusion at their little exchange. « See, I decided to do this little experiment-»

    « We are not talking about it. The research paper is there if he wants to read it... as much as I wish it wasn't.» Moreau added, before gesturing for both men to stop.

    « But since we are talking about it, I want to check something... » the man made the familiar gesture to summon a screen in midair, which opened in front of his face. Moreau quirked an eyebrow, and seemed to relax slightly.

    « Well... good to know that I'm still alive in 30 years time.» he dismissed it quickly without looking at it.

    It took Turo a moment to realize what the man meant. Right, of course... if your ID was technically always the same, and you were able to access it... right now, he would be logging into his 30-years-in-the-future-account, which would hold... pretty much everything. Phone calls. Emails. Pictures. And since the IDs were deleted a certain time after a person's passing to respect their privacy and not leave their data potentially exposed, you could, technically, use the fact to know what Moreau had just figured out...

    The thought creeped him out quite a bit. See, stuff like this is why he much preferred to think about the far future, not the one he could actually reach just by the passage of time... he resumed walking after the two other time travelers, continuing to look around. Now that Ortega had mentioned it, he was starting to notice little differences that did make it clear that he really was walking in a different city from the one he had woken up in that morning. Ads were showing celebrities he had never seen and promoting products he had never heard about. He caught a news segment that mentioned colonizing Jupiter's many moons, and he trembled with excitement - they had already reached Jupiter? What about the Mars colony?.

    He gestured for a screen to have the little news snippet replay privately, hoping to catch some more details: that's what trips to the future were for, right...? Gathering information...

    Nothing happened.

    With a scowl, Turo tried again. Nothing.

    His heart literally skipped a beat.

    « G-guys... » he said in a shaky voice. Both men turned to look at him with a questioning look.

    « ... my ID is not working.»

    They both visibly paled while Turo tried not to panic.

    His heart started hammering in his chest with so much force he could distinctly hear its pulse in his ears, accompanied by a high pitched whooshing sound.

    He suddenly couldn't breathe; his suit automatically registered the anomaly, and responded by stretching ever so slightly around the chest area to allow him more breathing room. Normally, a prompt to contact the nearest hospital would have opened right under his hand, ready to be pressed. Nothing appeared.

    That meant... but that wasn't possible. He couldn't be dead in this time, he would have barely been in his early sixties! Moreau was older now than he would be in 30 years!

    It couldn't be!

    « I'm... I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.» Ortega said, while his face betrayed a slight panic into obviously trying to come up with one.

    « You're... you're the computer genius here. I bet you will set up something to protect your account from being accessed from future and past... well, "you" » he offered after a moment.

    The terror that had been gripping him diminshed just the slightest at his colleague's words. He looked to Ortega while slowly resuming to breath again, almost desperatedly wanting to believe him.

    « It... » he started tentatively. « ... it does sound like something I would do. » he added, subconsciously knitting his brow while he started to, almost automatically, think on possible ways to implement the very thing.

    It... yes, it made sense. Especially if there were things his past self wasn't supposed to see, he *would* take precautions to make sure they couldn't be accessed.

    « I'm sure that's what's going on, don't worry.» Ortega clapped him reassuringly on the shoulder.

    « ... maybe this very incident is what inspires you to do it. You hadn't thought about it before, didn't you?» Moreau added, causing Turo to sputter in disbelief.

    « But that would... that would mean... »

    « ... yes. Your very first time loop.» a slight grin appeared on the older man's face.

    « Congratulations.»

    « You're growing so fast-» Ortega pretended to wipe some tears while they resumed walking. Turo followed after a moment, the disbelief quickly replaced by uncertainty; he frowned, then quickly assumed a more neutral expression while he followed after the other two. He didn't want to worry them, but he couldn't stop thinking that... if the ID not being accessible was really his own doing...

    He would have done it differently.

    A little alert, maybe. "You are trying to access information you are not meant to see", something on that line... not simply nothing and give himself the worst scare of his life.

    ... then again, you could argue that he already would have gotten the scare by that point and so decided not to worry about it too much...

    A time loop... was it really?


    At first, he thought that it was simply an impression of his, his paranoia and unease making him see things, but by the third person that he found stealing glances at him he was starting to be sure of it.

    « I think... people are staring at me.» he said. For the second time, they both turned to look at him. Ortega looked around, then shrugged.

    « I mean... you are walking around in a labcoat in the middle of the street. You really like to bring that thing places where it shouldn't be.»

    Turo blushed. All right, it was a bit unusual, but... some scientists did it all the time. Some Pokémon Professors did field work with a labcoat! He liked the stupid thing, all right? Even had the buttons customized and all...

    Just as he was about to answer, his eyes caught something that completely made him forget everything about what he was about to say. And frankly, forget most of everything that was going on, his mind going into complete tunnel vision (and quite a bit of fanboish nerdgasm, but he would die before admitting it out loud) at what he had just seen.

    « What is that?» he couldn't help but ask, pointing to the other side of the street. There, sitting at a little café and enjoying some ice cream, was a girl that could be at most fifteen.

    That wasn't the reason for his reaction (and would have been quite offensive if it was).

    Not, the reason was the green, quadrupedal Pokémon sitting calmly by her side that was busy licking his own ice cream in a little glass on the table. It had a sleek, elegant figure, the red pixellated eyes that characterized most modern Pokémon, and a bit of a flat head.

    He sprinted to the other side of the street, his lab coat flapping loudly behind him. He had to see it! Possibly pet it, and... and if his damn ID actually worked, he could have asked to inspect it's basic code, but he could at least ask some questions...

    « Oh no » he barely heard Ortega sigh behind him. « ... new Artificial Pokemon, of course the Artificial Pokémon Programmer nerd goes crazy over it.»

    Turo paid him no mind, panting while he reached the teenage girl (he was officially and definitely out of shape), and pointing shakily to the Pokémon with one hand while he regained his breath.

    « Pardon my intrusion, but... what is that Pokémon called?» he managed.

    The girl looked at him like he had just asked what a Miraidon was.

    « ... Iron Leaves. » she answered after a moment, staring at him wide eyed.

    « Iron... Leaves...? » he repeated.

    Not the... most imaginative name he had to admit, but most Artificial Pokémon didn't have one to be fair. Most people just gave them nicknames anyway.

    He turned to look at the Pokémon, who had stopped to eat and was looking at him with impassible, regal eyes. It exuded an aura of calm, calculated grace, sitting serenely there next to what had to be its owner. It was quite small, or at least smaller than the original it was based on (or in this case, supposedly based on), like most Artificial Pokémon.

    « Sorry if I ask, but... is it really based on one of the Swords of Justice...? »

    They had really made an Artificial Pokémon of a legendary...? How did they even manage it? To create an artificial version of a Pokémon required to know as much as possible about... well, everything. Biology. Behavior. Diet. Intelligence. Habitat. As much information as you could think of had to be programmed in... if you wanted it to become as similar to the original as possible, at least. If you wanted it to become... a real Pokémon, its own species, and not only a fancy manufactured robot.

    « ... and they are so common that anyone can get their hands on one?»

    The girl still looked quite surprised.

    « Y... yes? I got Aramis for my tenth birthday... »

    So they had been around for at least... five or six years...? But they had to have been developed before, at least ten years, then some years to see if everything had gone well and they started to become common enough that the general population could get one... so that meant that their invention was still some... ten, fifteen years in the future...?

    « Can I... can I examine it just a momen-»

    « Sorry, but I'm afraid I will have to interrupt you.» the cold voice of Louis Moreau sounded out right behind him and Turo flinched. He had... completely forgotten about them, honestly.

    Moreau flashed a little badge he had taken out of his coat, which Turo recognized after a moment as the TTDL badge used to identify them outside of the University, while on their trips.

    His own sat unused in his office, mostly because it was going to be completely useless in Paleolithic Kalos anyway, and at worst just another thing he could accidentally lose in the wrong era. But if you jumped to an era that already had time travel... yeah, he could see its use.

    « We are time travelers on a short trip. Better pay attention to what you say, miss.»

    The girl gasped, excited.

    « Omygee, you are time travelers?! It's my first time meeting one! » she said, before the grin that had spread on her face slowly disappeared. And then, and this time there was no doubt about it, she stared straight at him.

    « But, umm... aren't you

    « Not another word.» Moreau shot forward, raising his voice to cover whatever the girl was going to say and slamming one hand on the table. The ice cream glasses rattled loudly and the Iron Leaves let out a low growl, raising up on four legs. Powerful actuators hissed while the Pokémon took aim at Moreau, sword-like blades jutting out from its side, ready to jump in defense of it's partner and cut the man down.

    « Aramis no, calm down, it's okay-»

    « We've already seen and heard things we weren't supposed to. We're leaving right now.» there was no arguing with the director's words, and Turo hastily went for his own time-anchor, pressing it right as the Iron Leaves roared at them.

    Another reason he liked the future. Here, where everything continually used the same energy source as the time machine, the time anchor recharged pretty much instantly.

    Thank Arceus.

    Porygon 568 welcomed them back with his usual phrase, but none of the three men said a word until they were out of the time machine room and into the sanity room - today a traditional ancient Hisuian zen garden, with Chimeco chimes tinkling softly every couple minutes to a simulated wind -.

    « ... that girl knew me.» Turo said after everyone had sat down.

    And so did other people over the street. He replayed her words in his mind.

    Aren't you... what? What was she about to say?

    Not to mention her expression when she had seen him. He had thought it was simple surprise at his dumb - from her point of view - question, but..

    Ortega dismissed his concerns with a lazy wave of his hand.

    « ... maybe you're famous in the future. End up developing the next cool big thing and everyone knows you like everyone knows Wells today. But at least it means that you can't be dead, right? » he proposed.

    « So much for a simple test run» Moreau looked at him, exhausted.

    « My first couple jumps to the future I found out, at the most, that my favorite character in a popular tv series would die in the last season. You are there for five minutes and meet an Artificial Version of a Legendary Pokémon... We'll all have to sign NDAs for this.» the man pinched the bridge of his nose.

    « I know, isn't it great?» Ortega laughed.

    « I swear he has some superpower. Everything time related Turo touches ends in chaos in the best way. The best worst time traveler I've ever seen!»

    Turo sighed and scratched at his neck with one hand, embarrassed.


    When he managed to schedule his own jump, more than two weeks had passed in the end. He had pretended not to notice both Ortega and Porygon 568 keeping watch over him; dragging him into the break room one more time a day, keeping him occupied with discussing other projects, other times, even tagging along with other jumps... Porygon, he was pretty sure, had even completely made up some error codes just to have him take a look at them... which had honestly impressed him. Didn't think the little AI would be capable of it.

    He knew what they were trying to do, and in a way, he appreciated it, but that still didn't make his current project any easier.

    He appeared, as promised, at dawn of the next day he had left, in the same patch of tall grass. Figuring that Sada would be waiting for him at her village, he started to make his way towards it. The Master Balls were again sitting in his left pocket, and he kept his hand on one of them while he looked around, wondering what to do with them. Should he... look for some wild Pokémon while alone? Dangerous if he got surrounded... but still less dangerous than someone seeing him use a Master Ball. Maybe he could play it safe, wait for his time-anchor to recharge, and go look for some wild Pokémon only once it was full... worse case, he could escape anything by jumping back to his own time.

    Or... he looked around. This was a trail supposedly used by wild Pokémon.

    Could he make a trap...? Leave a Master Ball, invisible, with some bait in some place he was sure not to forget and check on it before he jumped back? That could work... as long as he didn't lose it. Somewhere. Invisible. With a Pokémon trapped inside. For who knows how long.

    ... maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.

    « Hey.»

    Turo jumped a little when Sada suddenly seemed to appear out of thin air at his side, and he realized that she must have been hiding in the tall grass.

    He smiled warmly at her, only for the smile to slowly disappear when she didn't reciprocate. He hastily thought back to their last meeting. Right, she... she had looked quite disappointed when he had mentioned having to leave. Of course she would still be angry. He noticed the spear slung over one shoulder and her usual leather satchel tied at her waist. She offered him a similar bag, only empty, and he took it after a moment of hesitation.

    « Umm... thanks-»

    « Let's go. We gather food today.»

    She turns around and starts walking, and he is left staring at her for a moment, stunned.

    He didn't expect such a cold treatment... was she really that angry?

    After a moment, he slips the hand he had automatically taken out of his pocket expecting her to take it back in the lab coat's pockets. The only thing his fingers touch is the cold and smooth surface of one of the Master Balls.

    He slung the bag over his shoulder and started to move after her, head low.

    They walked in silence for a good half hour, Sada turning around to watch him every couple of minutes. No, not watching. She was staring. Analyzing.

    One hand on the flute she seemed to always carry with her now, the one she had used to summon Winged King. He looked around, wondering if the Pokémon was nearby. Probably had to be.

    They finally arrived near a little group of trees, and Turo realized they were all berry plants. He could recognize the most common ones; orange, pecha, chesto... and that was it. The others looked wildly different from what they grew in their greenhouses.

    He quietly wondered if, like rice and other grains, he was looking at what some berries used to look like before they had been "domesticated" by humans.

    ... had they figured out planting berries yet? Or did she just know that there was always something to eat available here? Maybe he could bring a couple back-

    « Put them all in here.» Sada gestured to his empty bag and he was pulled out of his wandering thoughts. With some hesitation, he started to pull some chesto and orange berries from the plant, mostly because he was sure at least those were edible. He could feel Sada's eyes on him as she slowly approached him and started to fill her own bag.

    She finally looked away from him and he relaxed slightly. With the corner of his eyes, he noticed her biting her lip with one of her sharp little canines. She seemed to always do it when she was nervous.

    « ... I saw you. »

    At first, Turo didn't understand what she meant. He turned to look at her, one eyebrow raised in a questioning look.

    « You... vanished. Like a ... like a creature. I saw the light. » and then she mimed pressing something on her wrist with her other hand, and he stared at her in complete horror.

    She saw him. She saw him disappear.

    « You-»

    His first reaction was to hold out one hand towards her. Sada was much faster than him; she raised her own hand over her head, and one moment later, the tip of her spear is pressing against his neck. He is forced to raise his head, looking down at her at an awkward angle, but he can still feel the stone point pressing right against his Adam's apple.

    « What are you? »

    He freezed completely, only managing to raise both arms in a placating gesture that mirrored their very first meeting. What... what was he supposed to say? One wrong answer, and he's death. And Sada, she is still looking at him with eyes full of anger, and disappointment, and hurt.

    « I... I'm a person... » he desperately tried to explain, to think of an excuse, just to choke slightly on his breath when the spear pressed just a bit harder, drawing blood. He suppressed a cough, eyes wide and terrified. She was seriously ready to stab him.

    « Lies! It's a lie... I've trusted you, and you... » he doesn't understand her words, but her tone is more than enough.

    It ...hurts to hear her so angry at him.

    But... maybe it's for the best. If he manages to get away, to run... he can... just leave, and never come back. It would hurt, but at least it wouldn't hurt her.

    It would be the best outcome for both of them.

    Don't get attached. Just like Ortega said.

    He stared silently at Sada. Her fierce expression, her eyes. Those bright eyes he loved so much, now full of tears of frustration. She wanted to be proven wrong. To not treat him with fear and suspicion.

    Don't get attached.

    « I... »

    Don't get attached.

    ... how could he? It was already far too late for that. He could never leave with the thought that she hated him. And, truth was... he was getting tired of it.

    He didn't want to keep up this farce. The half answers. Avoiding questions. She deserved better than this.

    And really... it was just her. Just one girl, one bright, wonderful, amazing girl... what difference could it make? So far away in time?

    Turo closed his eyes.

    « I have... a power. » he opened them up again, to look at Sada who had been staring at him silently. For once, he didn't mumble his answer, didn't look away avoiding her gaze.

    The spear didn't move, still pointed at his neck.

    But Sada had noticed his change in tone. Her eyes had changed; there was that little spark in them again. Curiosity.

    « A "power"... is it a "scientist" power? »

    If it wasn't for the spear at his neck, he would have laughed.

    ... almost too smart for her own good.

    « ... yes. I... jump here. Using this power. » the spear wavered while she bit her lip again, thinking this time.

    « Where do you go when you leave? » she asked after a moment.

    Ah. That... that was the big question.

    "Far away" wouldn't cut it this time.

    How could he even explain...?

    « Home. » he said « To my people. I can't stay here.»

    « Why... why not? »

    Because if he spent too much time time-displaced, the effect of the injection that protected him during the trip would vanish and he would be truly stuck. He could theoretically jump back anyway with the time-anchor, sure... he simply wouldn't survive the trip.

    There was a reason why they had to do the injection almost every time they stepped into the time machine, after all. Each shot only lasted a couple days times, at maximum. And since you usually went way more than a couple of days between one trip and the other...

    Another problem that you didn't have jumping to the future. You could simply explain that you needed a shot, over there.

    But that is something that he has no idea how to explain. Not technically, at least.

    But he can convey the reason why.

    « Because... you and I... » he slowly raised one hand, to try and grab the spear and move it away from his neck. She lets him do it without much resistance, and he can finally step forward and close the gap between them.

    « We live in... completely different... worlds.»

    Now she's confused. He doesn't blame her.

    He... has no idea how to talk about it. They... never really talked about "time", except for the most basic things. Day. Night. Moons. Seasons.

    In her "world", what else did you need?

    He caressed her hair, gently, moving one strand of hair behind her ear and away from her face.

    With the limited vocabulary he had, how could he make her understand? He thought for a couple of long seconds.

    « I am... I am from your... tomorrow . » he whispered in the end.

    « ... tomorrow...?» she stared, not comprehending at first. Then her eyes slowly, slowly became wider and wider, and she suddenly raised her free hand to his face and cupped his cheek with her palm. She stroked his beard with her thumb, slowly, almost methodically, and for a moment he is too busy just melting into her touch, leaning into it, to pay much attention to anything else.

    But he noticed the little spark of recognition in her eyes, of understanding, and something in her mind must have just clicked, because the anger and suspicion and frustration finally dissipate, leaving space to that bright, excited, wonderful smile.

    « How many... tomorrow? » she asked in a whisper. He can feel her shaking slightly against him. Fear? Excitement? Both? « One... one moon?»

    He smiled a little.

    « Many.»

    Her eyes just go wider and flitted all over him, almost like she could read the answer on him somewhere.

    « ... one season?»

    His smile got a bit wider.

    « Many, many seasons.»

    Sada pouted, evidently annoyed at his amused expression, which just made him want to laugh even more.

    He was finally being truthful and it's like an enormous weight has been lifted from his chest.

    It's way too late to not "get attached"... but at the very least, in the precious time he has with her, he can finally be completely honest with her, and really make the most out of it.

    A couple of things from this chapter:
    1) In case it wasn't clear, why yes, I love talking about AIs.
    2) Ortega: Got that Turo? Don't get attached
    Turo: Yes
    Ortega: It only hurts more in the end.
    Turo: Makes sense...
    Ortega: So what do we do?
    Turo: Hopelessly fall in love and angst about it, gotcha.
    Ortega: NO-
    3) "I'll add just a liiiitle bit of foreshadowing- oooops would you look at that"
    Chapter 12: Unseen two
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 12: Unseen two
    She didn't sleep much that night, after going back to the settlement. Sada kept replaying what she had just witnessed in her head, trying to find... Something, anything, that could explain it, and coming up with nothing. It was impossible to avoid the truth: Turo had some kind of... Inhuman power, and he had obviously gone to great lengths to keep it hidden. It was different from the little things she had discovered you could do with bits and pieces that you gathered from creatures. Like attaching a little bit of wool from Fluffyhead to the tip of a spear or an arrow to shock the target, like Chalo had started to do.

    Or Narjik, who would use seeds and leaves dropped by plant creatures to create poisons and other potions with various effects.

    This was... Different. She had never seen anything like it. This was... Like he actually had the same power as some of the creatures she had seen, the ones that disappeared and floated in midair. There was even a similarly colored light when he had done it. And that had put her on edge more than anything: was he actually human at all?

    Had she really let some creature that tricked her inside the settlement? Inside her home, putting everyone at risk? Her mother's words kept repeating in her head, along with his weird behaviour, and Chalo's old theory about him being some kind of creature...

    She had to confront him about it. Outside the village, where... In the worst case, there wouldn't be anyone else.

    The next morning, at dawn, Sada left the little assortment of tents and headed in the direction she had seen him leave. She didn't want to get too near the place he had disappeared from yesterday; she didn't want to make him suspect that she had followed him.

    She hid between the tall grass, watching the trail. Not much time later, she heard the tell-tale rustling of grass and his clothes. A moment later, and there he was.

    « Hey» she approached him, only for her stomach to twist painfully when Turo smiled at her. She eyed him cautiously; he just... Looked the same as always. Had he already forgotten their little discussion from yesterday? She offered him an empty bag, an excuse to get him away from the village and to a more secluded location, then they started moving. She would glance at him every now and then. He was keeping both hands in his pockets, head low.

    Sada turned back around, eyes on the road. One hand was on the flute that she used to summon Winged King, the other went behind her back to lightly touch her spear, just for a moment. She hoped that she didn't have to use it...

    They arrived near a little patch of berry plants, and Sada set the man to work with the excuse of gathering food. She observed him for a while, picking up a couple of berries of her own. Her heart was beating at an increaseangly nervous rithm while she gathered the courage to speak up.

    « ... I saw you. » she said in the end. His lack of response told her that he hadn't understood what she meant. He turned towards her, raising one eyebrow in that peculiar way that he did when he didn't quite understand a word, and didn't know how to ask her about it.

    « You... vanished. Like a ... like a creature. I saw the light. »

    Comprehension flashed in his eyes when she touched her wrist, miming the same gesture she had seen him do the last night. Turo stared, his already pale face now deathly white, eyes wide in horror. Then he moved, raising an arm in her direction.

    Was he attacking her? Was he finally showing his true nature?

    Reacting purely on instinct, she brandished her spear and thrust it forward, right toward his neck. She stops herself short of actually stabbing him, waiting for his reaction first.

    « What are you? »

    He sputtered an answer, and she can't help but feel a little surge of anger rising in her chest. She's done with his lies and excuses and vague non-answers.

    She kind of explodes at him, pressing the spear against his neck with more force. And yet he still... does nothing. Why?

    Turo raises his hands, and she can't help but be reminded of their first meeting. He had stood like that even at that time, not daring to move, shaking slightly while she circled him, looking completely and absolutely terrified until she had dropped the weapon.

    Why isn't he disappearing into a flash of light like last night?

    She can feel tears of frustration sting at the corner of her eyes now.

    "What are you doing?"

    Why isn't he attacking her? Why isn't he defending himself? If there was a moment where he would finally have to reveal his true nature, or escape, or get angry... Or anything, this is it. Sada stared at the single drop of blood that dripped down his neck and into his fur-coated hood, the one she had made for him. Into his eyes, that have never stopped being filled with fear. Turo had never looked at her like that since their very first meeting.

    He looked conflicted, his chest rising and falling with short, panicked breaths - she could feel each of them applying just the slightest resistance to the spear still pointed to his neck. Then he closed his eyes and seemed to stop breathing for a moment. His next words when he reopened them sent her heart skipping a beat. There was... Something different in his tone, his pose. He had stopped shaking, eyes fixed in hers.

    Was he... Was he actually going to explain...?

    She tried to piece together what she knew about him.

    « A "power"... is it a "scientist" power? » she asked, and he almost smirked.

    So it was something that his people could do...? By making those bracelets? But then why had he said that she was also a scientist?

    And... He was going back to his people every time he left?


    She just... She just wanted to understand.

    Maybe it had been the change in tone, but when he tried to move her spear away, she just let him do it, transfixed by his expression. He looked so serious in that moment. So calm, his brown eyes just silently regarding her, in a way that he had never done before. Especially not when answering some of her questions: there had always been a trace of hesitation, like he was carefully choosing every single word to utter in front of her, but not this time. In a way, he looked like was finally confessing to something that had been weighing on him since the very beginning.

    Even if his words were... Difficult to understand, she didn't doubt them.

    She wanted to believe them.

    Different... Worlds? Her eyes widened a bit at that: was he really a spirit after all? But weren't spirits supposed to be... Intangible, like smoke? He looked so real, his long, almost delicate fingers trailing through her hair as he caressed her gently, hesitantly. She repressed a shiver at his touch. He looked just so... human, even with his weird hair and pale skin. But what else could he mean by different worlds...?

    His next words, whispered almost like he was afraid of saying them out loud, are the last thing she ever expected to hear. She doesn't know what to make of them for a long moment. Did he use the wrong word? Was he thinking of something else? What does it even mean for someone to be from...

    The thought hits her slowly: it's not a complete and sudden realization.

    But then it does, the enormity of what he had just said and all that it meant gradually washes over her.

    Tomorrow... If... If according to the stories the spirits of your ancestors, people from the past could visit you in dreams to give you advice, then... Could people from moments that were yet to come do the same...?

    But how did that work, if they... If they weren't here yet?

    Sada tried to confusingly make sense of it, her mind already busy thinking of all the possible implications, when she remembered a little detail from one of their first meeting.

    With a little gasp, she raised her free hand to touch his cheek, stroking it with her thumb.

    That time she had noticed his beard had grown much faster than it should have after only three days... Was this the reason? Could he... "Choose" how many days had it been for him? From where he was coming from?

    She was trembling with excitement while she tried to wrap her head around it all.

    « How many... tomorrow? » she found herself also whispering, looking up at him. Turo leaned into her touch before answering with a soft smile, and that most of everything convinced her that he was being sincere.

    Every possible doubt about him having some malicious intentions towards her or the settlement had been pushed aside; it was the truth, as absurd as it sounded.

    It looked like he was actually having fun while she questioned him, teasing her with the answer, and while that annoyed her a bit - she didn't like feeling like she was being made fun of -, the new, almost playful spark in his eyes more than made up for it.

    She liked that; it made his face light up in an almost imperceptibile way. In those short moments his eyes seemed to smile so much more than the rest of his face.

    It was more than one moon, more than many seasons... she couldn't quite picture it. It may as well have been magic for her. His hand trailed from her hair to her shoulders, and he gently pushed her to sit on the soft ground with him, legs crossed. He drew a line between them on the ground with one finger.

    « This... Is "today". » Turo explained slowly, pointing to a spot right between them on the line. He looked around for a moment, then picked up a pebble and placed it there as a little sign.

    « This is... Tomorrow.» another pebble joined the first one right next to it.

    « This is... One moon... And one season.» two more to her right, the first distanced a bit from the first two and the "season" pebble another three or four times the distance of one "moon", forcing him to throw the pebble a short distance. Sada nodded. That was pretty clear, he was representing how much time was between each method of measuring time. Easy.

    « Then... Where are you?» she asked, looking over the imaginary line stretching away from them. If that pebble was a season, and he said "many"... She gestured for a distance that would cover maybe five or six of them.

    « There?»

    Turo just shook his head, a strange accent of a smile on his lips. She couldn't decide if he looked sad or almost embarassed.

    « ... No.»

    ... More?

    « ... No.»

    She turned to look at him, wondering if he was making fun of her again or if it was a kind of trick question. He finally raised one finger and pointed, wordlessly, away from the pebbles on the ground. Far, far away, towards the horizon where the line stretched without end.

    She followed his finger, her eyes widening when she started to realize the timescale. If she had children, and her children had children, and so on and so on for who knows how many times... No, that still wouldn't have been enough.

    That ... That wasn't even measurable in entire lifetimes. And she didn't have anything bigger to use as a reference.

    « Oh...» was pretty much the only thing she could say, both from her head spinning still spinning slightly from the realization, and from the thousands of other questions that she wanted to ask now.

    How did his people get the power to do that? It seemed that not everyone could do it... Maybe they gave the bracelet only to those that could control it?

    But... More than anything else, she needed proof. She saw him disappear, alright. That didn't mean that he was actually... Moving through time. He could simply be reappearing somewhere else, after all. And she just wanted some... Tangible proof, somehow. That something as incredible as that was possible.

    « Show me.» Sada asked, determined. Turo looked somewhat alarmed.

    « W-what...?»

    « That you can... "Jump" in other... "Days"» she explained a bit awkwardly.

    He looked off to the side, conflicted. She noticed that he had covered the wrist where the bracelet was with his other hand, almost protectively.

    « I ... Can't. » he answered after a moment. She frowned, and he seemed to notice it because he added, now at least trying to explain instead of avoiding the topic.

    « I can't "jump"... Now. It... This, um-» he fell into a brief silence, thinking.

    « ... My "power" is... Tired? » he offered after a moment. Sada thought for a bit at that.

    All right, it made sense. Not even creatures could use their powers all the time without limit. They had to rest before they could use them again.

    That also explained why he hadn't simply gone whoosh and disappeared to save his skin when she had pointed his spear at him. Or against the Brutal Fang.

    Uh. Was that why he always so easily exhausted while they walked? It took him a lot of energy just to come "here"?

    Or was he simply weak like that? His lean build seemed to point more to the latter, but maybe it was a bit of both?

    « All right... » she wasn't doubting him, not right now, but her tone made it clear that she considered the whole "proof" conversation just momentarily suspended instead of conveniently avoided like before. There was actually another question that now was tormenting her.

    « ... Why here?» she asked.

    He had looked terrified the first time she saw him and had ran off at the first occasion, almost like he hadn't actually wanted to be here.

    Then he had come back, just to almost get himself eaten. Why would he keep coming in such a dangerous place he obviously didn't know how to navigate? What was he hoping to accomplish? He obviously looked interested in learning about things here... But then again, so was she.

    Turo had fallen silent, his eyes for the first time that day actively avoiding hers. Something was... wrong.

    Had he not understood her?

    « You come here... For what?» she tried again.

    Turo stared at the ground, eyebrows deeply furrowed and face contorted in an almost frustrated scowl.

    « I... r.... ou.» he whispered, almost mouthed silently in the end.

    Sada leaned forward to hear better, and barely suppressed a little jump and a shiver when he suddenly raised his head again, staring at her with those quiet, almost sad eyes.

    « ... for you.» he repeated, still barely a whisper, but this time they were so close that she could feel his breath tickle her face as he spoke.

    His words suddenly made her chest tighten and fill with a sudden rush of warmth. Sada felt herself blushing, an almost embarrassed smile making its way on her lips as his words sunk in.

    ... That answer was... So like him, in a way. A bit sweet, a bit awkward. How was she even supposed to react? How could she even convey how those words had made her feel? How much they meant to her? What could you even say to something like that?

    ... Nothing. So Sada decided to not say anything, and simply act. He was still looking at her with a silent, almost desperate longing, and before he could break eye contact, or pull his head away, she closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. She felt Turo tense up, and for a terrible moment she thought that he was going to pull away, that she had misunderstood, that he had meant it in a completely different way... But then his lips parted slightly and he reciprocated the kiss, almost hungrily.

    When they parted a couple of seconds later, he looked a bit dazed, mouth still hanging slightly open.

    « I -» he started to say, just to trail off when Sada slowly cradled his hands in hers, tugging him a bit closer and resting her forehead on his, eyes closed. She felt Turo's breath stop for a moment, then resume and slow down as he relaxed and matched hers. They stood like that for a while, simply reveling in the contact with the other, fingers intertwined.

    « I'm... So happy» she finally managed to say after a moment, reopening her eyes to find his still closed.

    « ... That you... You've come here»

    Of all the places he could have chosen to appear, to travel, it had been here, where she found someone that... Just understood her. He understood her desire to observe creatures, nature, everything, in a way that no one else she knew ever had.

    To think that they could have missed each other so easily... If she had decided to not go the river that afternoon. Or if she had been just a bit slower in running to his aid a couple of days later, only to find him savagely torn apart by a Brutal Fang.

    Or if she had let her doubts and fears about him make her stab the spear just a tiny bit deeper...

    She shivered, and found Turo's hands squeeze hers just a bit harder.

    « Yes... Me too. » he sighed, leaning against her, and Sada frowned for a moment.

    He sounded... Pained. Was there still something he was not telling her?


    They finished filling their bags with berries in the end, and quickly went back to the settlement to leave them there. Even if it had been more of an excuse to talk to him in private, having more food in their reserves never hurt, as long as they were able to keep it away from smaller creatures that tried to steal it.

    Turo stopped for a moment when the children caught sight of them and crowded all around him, clamoring for a new writing lesson.

    Sada however had already other plans for the day.

    « Not today, we have stuff to do...he will come back tomorrow... right?» she asked, turning towards him. Turo nodded after a second at hearing the words "back" and "tomorrow", looking almost relieved as they quickly departed the village again. She studied him silently for a moment, trying to guess what he was thinking.

    He had been acting strange about the settlement since yesterday, after the lesson.

    She was right on the point of trying to ask him about it when he spoke first.

    « Where are we going...?» he asked, looking at the vast plain of tall grass that extended over the outskirts of the settlement. Sada took one moment to play the flute and call Winged King.

    « Flying.» she answered, smiling. She had already a course plotted in mind, a couple of places she wanted to explore from high up in the air, not to mention places that would take her hours of dangerous climbing to reach otherwise.

    The dragon didn't take long to arrive, but when it landed, she noticed with a jolt of surprise that it looked in pain. It huffed, breath labored, and seemed to avoid putting his weight onto one of it's front paws.

    « W-what happened?» she felt herself cry out while rushing to the dragon's side, observing it more in detail. There was a gash on it's left front leg, but the wound didn't look fresh; it wasn't bleeding right at the moment, at the least. It did, hovever, look pretty deep. And painful. Whatever had happened, it must have been in the hours the day before after they had left the creature to go to the settlement.

    Winged King hissed softly, bumping her hand with its snout, obviously looking for some comfort. The fact that it wasn't even sniffing for food in her bag was a sign of how shaken the creature seemed to be. She caressed the dragon, whispering meaningless words to soothe it. She couldn't believe it: Winged King was so strong. What could even be able to hurt it? Did it happen while it was out hunting?

    Could she do something? Maybe Narjik could make one of his healing concoctions...? But those worked on humans, she had no idea if they were even effective against a creature... she had seen some of them look for berries when hurt, but...

    She noticed that she was trembling; she was having trouble thinking straight, looking at Winged King licking softly at her fingers. What if the wound opened up again? What if there was poison in it?

    « What... what can I do...?» she whispered, turning towards Turo - who, she noticed only now, had been very, very quiet, calmly observing the situation from a distance. His face was unreadable, eyebrows furrowed, which by now she knew meant that he was trying very, very carefully to not let some thought of him show on his face.

    And his left hand was back in being hidden deep in his pocket, like yesterday.

    « I... I can help.» he said in the end, stepping closer.

    He knelt down by her side to carefully observe the creature; then, slowly, he finally took something out from his left pocket. Despite everything, Sada couldn't help but stare and let out a little gasp when she saw what it was.

    It... looked almost like a shiny rock, if rocks could be chipped and cut to such an impossibly smooth, perfect sphere. It was honestly starting to get a bit annoying, how everything that Turo had seemed to be just so... perfect. Like his clothes, she couldn't see a single imperfection or nick in the blindingly white sphere.

    « ... another... "power"? » she asked. Turo was silent for a moment.

    « No. A weapon.» he gestured to her spear.

    Something in his tone chilled Sada to the core. A weapon? That?

    Sure, it looked pretty, and probably hurt if you threw it hard enough at something, but... for Turo to call it a weapon... why hadn't he used it before, then? What did it do?

    « This-» he said, holding the sphere firmly in his hand. « You... can not... tell people of this. No one can know. No one can see.»

    So he was asking her to keep it a secret.

    « What is it...?» she asked slowly, moving her eyes from the shiny sphere to Winged King. But if it was a weapon... wasn't it going to hurt it...?

    Turo touched her chin with his free hand, gently guiding her to look him in the eyes.

    « ... Sada. It will be okay. » he mirrored what she had said to him to reassure him just the day before, and she found herself smiling just a little despite it all. Even in that moment, when he had looked so nervous and beside himself with worry at the idea of meeting other people, he had still been paying enough attention to note the words she had used.

    Of course she could trust him. He would never hurt Winged King.

    Sada nodded, and Turo stood back up and approached the dragon. He touched the dragon's head with the sphere, and she jumped a little when the rock split open in two - two perfect half spheres, of course - and the entire figure of Winged King seemed to get enveloped in a blinding red light, before disappearing towards the sphere.

    The white sphere closed again and a singular part on the front of it lit up with the same red color. The whole sphere violently shook in Turo's grasp for a moment, before going still again. She stared at the point where Winged King had disappeared, then at the sphere.

    « W-what...? You... made it "jump" away...? » she asked, confused. It... it had looked almost like Winged King had gone inside the sphere...

    « No. It's in here.» Turo confirmed her thoughts not even a moment later. « ... Sleeping.» he added after a second.

    Sada kept staring, her thoughts starting to race while she thought about the implications of what she had just seen. A rock that... that trapped things inside it...

    «... it catches creatures.» she realized, voice filled with awe. No wonder he had called it a weapon! Turo simply nodded after a moment.

    As long as you had a good throwing arm (and who didn't, considering how important it was?), you could neutralize every single creature that came your way.

    Hunting would become so easy, so less dangerous!

    Just like that... their greatest problem... solved...

    Her wonder was dampened quite a bit when she realized that Turo had made her swear to not speak to anyone about it, which implied that this was something that she couldn't... really make use of. She couldn't bring it to the settlement and teach it to everyone like she had done with writing. That... that wasn't fair. He had all this wondrous things that could make their life so much easier like it was nothing, and she had to pretend to not having seen anything?

    Unless... unless she somehow figured out how they worked.

    The sight of Turo simply dropping the sphere back in his pocket like it was the most normal thing to do was surreal enough to make her focus back on the present. She still couldn't quite believe that Winged King was inside it... and wonder about the shiny magical rock aside, how was this supposed to help him? She approached the man, suddenly antsy.

    « This will... help...?»

    « Not here. But with this... Winged King can... "jump" with me.» Turo explained in a low voice. « My people can help.» he added with a confident smile, starting to roll up the sleeve of his clothes again.

    He was... he was going to bring it with him? She hadn't even thought about it being possible... he was so protective of that bracelet that it had seemed obvious to her that only he could use it... and nothing else. So by being inside the rock, he could... bring other... things with him?

    « ... can... can people...?» she hadn't even finished the thought, taking another step towards him, when he suddenly went pale, hand raised near his wrist like he had done the night before.

    « NO!» he practically screamed, franctically backing away from her, eyes wide with panic. Sada froze, surprised - she had never heard him raise his voice like that- and somewhat hurt. She had only wanted to... what was suddenly wrong now?

    Turo still looked like he had just narrowly escaped death, breaths short and labored as he tried to calm down.

    « That almost... no. No.» he repeated, taking a deep breath and shaking his head.

    « You and your people c-can not... "jump". You can never... never come with me. »

    Sada frowned, confused. So creatures could go but people couldn't? Was the rock really the difference? Was there no way to make it work on people...?

    « ... why?» she asked, but Turo simply kept shaking his head, still backing away from her like she was going to burn him by simply standing near him.

    « I... don't know... the word...» he answered after a moment with a frustrated scowl.

    He still looked panicked, almost desperate to get something across.

    ... now that she thought about it, he had always walked away when disappearing. She had thought it was just to hide the flash of light -and probably it was at least in part for that-, but... was there another reason? Did it need a lot of open space...? But no... he had also disappeared in the middle of a thick forest.

    « What word...?» she stopped trying to approach him, and that at least seemed to make him calm down just a bit. Turo crossed his arms -in a way as to hide the wrist with the bracelet under the other, she noticed-, thinking silently for a moment. He then lifted one hand and pointed to her spear, then to his neck, where the sharp point had drawn the smallest amount of blood with a cut. He mimed brutally stabbing at his throat.

    « You come with me... you "die".» he finally said.

    That gave her pause. She wasn't sure about the word he had just used, but the gesture had been pretty clear. People without the power died if they tried to jump with someone...? So... his panic had actually been for her, not because of her...?

    Turo sighed and backed away another couple of steps for good measure, raising his left hand to his wrist.

    «... wait here.» he said, and then the blinding flash of light surrounded him completely again, and he was gone.

    ... it was still so strange to see... even stranger this time, maybe, because he had done it right in front of her.

    Which both made her happy, because it really looked like he wasn't trying to hide things from her anymore, he was actually making an effort to explain things now, and infuriated her a tiny bit. It... it would be a lie to say that she wasn't a bit jealous. And he made it look so easy to do, just touch that bracelet and poof he was gone. And not to mention that shiny rock!

    Sada grumbled a bit, shifting her weight.

    "Wait here", he had said. How was she even supposed to know how long he had meant her to w-

    Another flash of light right in front of her made her first jump, then stare with her mouth half open as Turo reappeared immediately, like he had never left. In his left hand was the shiny white rock.

    « ... hey.» he greeted her as usual, pressing the front part of the rock with one finger. It opened up again, and in another flash of white light -why was it always so bright?? -, Winged King appeared right by his side.

    Perfectly healthy. Sada stared, in a daze, at the creature's front leg, which didn't even have a single scar or any other sign that there had even been a large chunk gouged out of it just a couple of moments ago. She couldn't believe it.

    It was like it had never happened.

    «... oh.» was the only thing she could say as she approached the creature, caressing it's neck, the feathers, and even the leg that had been wounded.

    The lizard's orange eyes went wide at seeing her and it pretty much leaped against her, stopping just short of making her topple over.

    « You're all right... you're all right...»

    It had happened all so fast, in such a surreal way that she hadn't realized how scared she was of Winged King being hurt, of the creature dying or of how much she had grown fond of it in such a short time until she could throw her arms around its thick, scaly neck and bury her face against it. She stood like that for a good while, the lizard hissing softly as it rubbed it's neck against her, nuzzling her.

    Then she suddenly remembered that Turo was also here. She turned her eyes to look up at him... and had to question what she was seeing for the second or third time that day.

    He looked... different. Much different this time. There were heavy bags under his eyes, his hair was less tidy than usual, and his beard was noticeably longer that she had ever seen him with.

    It looked almost like a... a normal beard that any man in the settlement could wear.

    She stared at him for a moment, amazed, before she realized what must have happened.

    Even if just thinking about it made her head hurt, because...

    « ... how many... days is it... for you?»

    And for Winged King, obviously, she realized. That is how the creature could be so perfectly healthy... even if for her, just a couple of moments had passed.

    Turo smiled his almost invisible smirk as he hid the shiny rock back in his pocket.

    « Half moon.» he answered, sitting down- more like slumping down- with an exhausted sigh.

    Half a moon?!

    How many... how many times had that happened? How many times had Turo promised to meet her "tomorrow", or "in three days", only for who knows how much time to actually pass for him?

    It... it almost made her feel guilty, in a way. She almost wanted to ask him, but... something stopped her at the last second. She wasn't sure how the answer, whatever it was, would have made her feel.

    « What... what happened?» she asked. Obviously Winged King needed time to heal, but what had happened to make him look so... shaken?

    Turo just sighed, rubbing at his eyes with one hand.

    « Him.» he pointed a shaky finger towards Winged King, who hissed happily.

    « He... he ate so much food. » he groaned, then pushed the lizard away with the same hand when it perked up and came near him to sniff him at the word "food".

    ... that wasn't the answer Sada had been expecting. She tried to keep her composure, to remain serious. She made an honest effort.

    « Pff--»

    She couldn't help but to start laughing, so hard that it made her stomach hurt, and she had to sit down in front of Turo as she kept laughing even more at his half amused, half annoyed reaction, at Winged King and at the whole wonderfull absurdity of the entire situation.

    She... she loved it. And she loved him, she realized as she finally managed to take a deep breath and stop laughing enough to look back up at Turo.

    What he had just done for her... what he had done for her since their very first meeting... in such a short time, he had made her life so much more... vibrant. Interesting. Exciting.

    They stared at each other for a short moment, and this time, he is the one to lean forward first and kiss her softly, his arms embracing her and pulling her close.

    It's a lot of fun to write Sada's point of view and try to imply how much time has passed for Turo, or having to take note of the fact that for her, pretty much everything of the last... two or three chapters was <em>literally yesterday</em> (time travel, yayy).<br />
    What a day it's been for her.
    Chapter 13: Walk the Dinosaur
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 13: Walk the Dinosaur
    As he activated the time-achor and travelled to his time, Turo still couldn't quite believe that he had decided to just... Tell her everything.

    Or as close to everything as he could, breaking pretty much two of the most important rules about time travelling. But the more Turo thought about them, the less sense they made in his case. Those rules had been thought of by thinking about travelling to... Important historical events. Relatively recent times. Or meeting famous people of the past. She was... Just one girl in one century in a time period where a single century wasn't even considered important, because events took place on such a larger scale that it just... Lost any meaning. He had panicked when he had seen that she had taught writing to other people of her tribe, but... Really... What difference was it going to do?

    A couple of generations and it was probably going to end up a lost art anyway. Ready to be discovered and invented again. And even if it didn't, it's not like they would suddenly teach the whole human population how to write centuries in advance. Because it hadn't happened, or they would have found traces of it.

    These things took time. A lot of time.

    Telling her everything had been... liberating, in a sense, but he honestly hadn't really expected her to believe him... or understand what he meant, actually. He had tried best as he could to describe the unfathomable amount of time that separated them, and by her reaction, she seemed to have understood that it was "a lot", but... how could he even start to explain how much their lives were different? Could he even do it? They were separated by pretty much all of human civilization, all of human history.

    He stepped out of the time machine, the Master Ball with Winged King inside sitting heavy in his pocket. He really wasn't used to having Poké Balls with him. Miraidon had one only because it was necessary to register him as his owner, but he could count the occasions that he had actually gone inside it on one hand. He let out a little sigh of relief while he waited for Porygon 568 to do its usual scan; that moment when Sada had approached him just as he had been on the verge of travelling back... that had been scary. If she had actually touched him, got dragged back with him... she wouldn't have survived the trip. Or... he wasn't even sure if it would have worked. When they travelled in groups at the TTDL, everyone had their own time-anchor.

    « Time anchor ID 9537 has returned-» he gave a bried nod at the Pokémon while it recited the coordinates and scanned him up and down. Just like he was expecting, it stopped after a moment.

    « Time-displaced Pokémon detected. Species unknown. Contacting Uvanja Academy's science department for permission to safely deposit specimen for further study.» it said, eyes flashing yellow as it floated in midair. For a second, Turo wondered what Porygon thought of them bringing Pokémon back here from other times. Did he see it as normal, or did he disapprove? Did he even consider himself a Pokémon, or something else entirely?

    « The Pokémon's injured. Studying it can wait, we need to treat it first.» he interrupted the Pokémon, who reacted swiftly, fluttering it's wings.

    « ... contacting Uvanja Academy's Nurse office instead. Please head there immediately.»

    Yes, that would be ideal. He still felt a bit uneasy as he exited the time machine room and walked through the corridor and to the elevator. The decision to bring Winged King back with him had been a spur of the moment one; Sada's people had barely started having peaceful contact with Pokémon, they had no way to help the Pokémon heal. In his time, it would have been trivial. The problem was... he had been asked to bring back some specimens from the Paleolithic era, and he had the feeling that the Cyclizar-ancestor would cause quite some excitement, but... he couldn't simply give them this Pokémon in particular. It couldn't stay in the present; he had to make sure to get it back to it's time.

    But first, it had to actually heal. It didn't look like a mortal injury, but he admittedly had no idea what to look for to know how serious it was; especially with Pokémon that looked so... how to put it... "organic". He stepped into the teleporter and a moment later had been transported in the entrance hall of one of the oldest Pokémon Academies in the world; he headed directly for the infirmary, pointedly ignoring the stares he received from a couple of people.

    The TTDL often collaborated with the Academy, so people were relatively used to seeing time-travellers walzing in immediately after a time-jump wearing the weirdest things, but "late Ice Age clothes in authenthic Mamoswine fur" was probably still strange enough to make a few heads turn. Not exactly something you saw everyday. One nurse ran up to him as soon as he had stepped inside the infirmary, and Turo recognized him as the same nurse that had checked on Porygon after his "glitch" with the time machine some time ago.

    « We have a room ready... what Pokémon is it?»

    « ... ancient form of Miraidon.» he answered after a moment, and could practically see the man get excited.

    « Dragon type then?»

    « Probably...? It's not like I could check.» he grumbled. What difference did it even make for treating it?

    « How do these... things work, usually? Bringing Pokémon from other times, I mean.» he asked cautiously after a moment. They weren't going to start poking and prodding it immediately, weren't they?

    « Well, the poor things can't simply absorb Hadron energy like modern Pokémon do to heal, so we have to treat them... the old fashioned way. Do you know what injured-» the nurse trailed off as Turo simply stared, eyebrows furrowed and mildly offended. Of course he didn't, or it would have been the first thing he would have mentioned.

    « All right, release it from the Ball inside here.»

    Not exactly convinced, Turo glanced around the infirmary room they had just entered. There wasn't much in terms of furniture. Bulky machinery and monitors were a thing of the past, the various sensors now built into the very structure of the room, carefully monitoring the physical condition of anything that entered it.

    There was a Pokemon sized bed, a cabinet to the side, and a couple of chairs that were mostly to the benefit of humans than Pokemon.

    He couldn't help but feel that this wasn't going to go as smoothly as everyone seemed to think: this wasn't just... A Zigzagoon or whatever brought back from the 21th century. This was a Pokémon from a time period where they saw no problem in considering humans not only food, but also quite low on the food chain.

    He cautiously stepped towards the door, then released the injured dragon from the Master Ball. It was immediately clear as soon as the ancient Miraidon appeared that the bed absolutely wasn't big enough. Modern Pokemon tended to be... Small and somewhat compact, either because it required less energy and was simply more efficient, or because they had started as Artificial Pokemon and had been literally designed that way, especially in the context of having to eventually fit and being able to move in urban environments or even more cramped spaces like the Moon base and future extraterrestrial colonies.

    Winged king was... Not. The lizard's pupils shrank as it took in the unfamiliar surroundings, a low hissing noise reverberating out of its throat as its eyes darted left and right. It flicked its long tail, hissing some more as it involuntarily hit and smashed the cabinet to the side.

    « ... Ah.» the nurse said.

    The Pokemon didn't seem to know what to focus on first, not knowing what was or wasn't a threat, and it shrank back towards the nearest wall, dragging the injured leg on the pristine floor. It looked at the two humans, and its eyes finally focused on Turo; probably because his clothes were the only vaguely familiar looking thing in the entire room. Turo tried to remember some of the commands and words that Sada had used, to no avail. He had seen the Pokemon only two times, and had been kinda distracted (and terrified) to pay much attention the first.

    « Calm down... We want to help...» he tried to use a reassuring tone, but didn't exactly dare move forward. Winged King roared and stood up to his full height, a wave of heat suddenly hitting them both as it fanned out the big feathers on its back. Then its eyes finally landed on the ceiling, and Turo realized an immediate problem as he did the same and saw the usual projected view in real time of the sky outside. Winged King jumped, unfurling the two antennae on the top of its head. They proved almost too big for the room -forcing the two humans to scramble backwards-, the Pokemon barely managing to flap them loudly a couple of times to take off before crashing full force into the ceiling. It fell back on the floor with a confused cry and hurried back up on all fours, now fully panicking as it looked desperately for an exit. It looked moments away to blindly attacking one of them.

    Turo gritted his teeth: this was doing exactly as he had feared.

    « Not good, it's too agitated... We'll have to knock it out by force.» the nurse commented, and he had to kind of admire the man since he looked definitely surprised (and sweating profusely because of the sudden heat that the Pokemon seemed to emanate) but still kept relatively calm all things considered.

    « Knock it out? You can't hurt it even more!» he argued.

    « I'm just putting it to sleep.» the man answered back, taking out a Poke ball of his own from his belt.

    A small, round Pokemon that Turo recognized after a moment as a Snowhoot - an Artificial Pokemon version of Hoothoot, one of the first to successfully integrate completely into becoming their own species - appeared on his shoulder, standing on one leg, the other tucked in inside its body-literally, by folding it in with a slight hiss of pneumatics, the switch like its ancestor too fast to see with the naked eye. The owl Pokemon blinked its rectangular, digital clock display eyes, numbers flashing briefly in place of its pupils as it calculated the current time down to the microsecond. Compared to its ancient counterpart, it was completely white with streaks of ice blue in his eyes, around the belly and on his claws.

    The white color hadn't been planned at all, neither was them losing the Flying type and becoming part Ice types instead... everything that had happened with that Pokémon had actually become a bit of an interesting case study for Artificial Pokémon Programming, one that he had always found pretty fascinating... but that definitely wasn't the moment to think about it, with a growling prehistoric Pokémon not even two meters from him who looked increasingly ready to lash out.

    « Hypnosis.»

    The Snowhoot let out a warbling cry, rotating its head left and right by 90 degrees with a slight whirr as it stared at the dragon Pokémon in front of them. The pixellated eyes seemed to switch off completely, leaving only two completely black rectangles. It gave the impression of his eyes disappearing, or having no pupils... something that Turo was vaguely aware people had considered creepy in the past, for... reasons he actually wasn't exactly sure about. It probably looked unnatural? When you saw literally every Pokémon do it when they were taking a nap on your couch, it probably lost some of its creepy effect.

    The tell-tale blue glow of psychic powers surrounded the Snowhoot a moment later, and Winged King started to sway on its legs before crashing asleep on the bed sideways - completely flattening it in the process-.

    There was a moment of silence as the Atomic Clock Pokémon let out a little satisfied "hoot", both men looking at the giant lizard splayed on the floor.

    « You know...» Turo began, just now realizing something that made him breath a sigh of relief. «... I only assumed he was Dragon type. If it had been part Dark type..»

    The nurse stared at him blankly, raising one hand to caress the little bird on his shoulder.

    « She also knows Sing just in case. Hypnosis is just faster, it works as soon as you make eye contact.»

    Turo couldn't help being a little impressed. He went back to staring at Winged King and the room. There were visible cracks in the ceiling where the Pokémon had smashed into it full force - thankfully not breaking through -, some of the sensors built in the panels probably destroyed.

    The content of the cabinet that had been smashed aside had spilled on the floor - stuff like gauze that would always be useful to bandage open wounds, portable Hadron energy batteries for giving a Pokémon a quick burst of energy back, the latter in this case completely useless. White and blue feathers had flown everywhere; there was even a bit of blood on the floor, which he couldn't help but stare at. Now this did make him umcomfortable.

    He... wasn't used to seeing Pokémon bleed. Those that could, at least.

    The VR games that featured extinct Pokémon he had played when younger didn't exactly show it - because no one wanted to see Pokémon fight and hurt each other so much that they actually started bleeding, and modern Pokémon... they did have blood of course, in the sense of having "something that transports nutrients to all parts of the body", but it was more like... energy coursing through them. Pulsing in time with their heartbeats, surging higher or lower, like Miraidon's electricity did everytime the dragon curled around him and they went to sleep.

    Modern Pokémon blood wasn't... liquid and so red like that of a human and sticky, and it definitely didn't smell like iron.

    He forcibly moved his eyes away from the specks of blood on the floor, focusing back on the nurse.

    « ... now what?»


    Winged King was kept carefully asleep by the little owl Pokémon keeping watch over it; in the meantime, they had arranged a bigger bed by setting down a couple of mattressess on the floor and covering them in blankets, while trying to work out how to best treat its injury. The simulated sky had been sagely switched off, leaving nothing but the empty, bare ceiling covered in cracks.

    Everyone seemed eager to examine the Pokémon; a first preliminary scan had shown that it was part Dragon, part Fighting type. The second one had been a surprise.

    « Fighting type? » Turo repeated, summoning a screen to his side to start a recording. « ... not Fire type? With all that heat he was producing-»

    « I know, it's incredible, isn't it? It must be a way to shed excess body heat, or to strenghten its muscles as it prepares to fight, and the heat is just the side effect... But to radiate so much of it, it must have an incredibly active and powerful metabolism! » the nurse commented, blissfully unaware to what he had just said as Turo just stared at him.

    Powerful... metabolism... Turo suddenly remembered Sada excitedly telling him about how much food the Pokémon ate.

    He found himself repressing a shiver.

    ... why did he just have an ominous feeling about this?


    In the end, they had sent him away; not before Turo made them swear to not do anything weird to the creature in the name of "research", and insisted on leaving a monitored video connection to the room open at all times to keep track of it.

    He was sure that nobody was going to do much more than run tests and deeper scans (and squeeing. Lots and lots of excited squeeing by what he had seen) on the Pokémon and they wouldn't risk harming a single scale on it considering that it was literally a one-of-a-kind in this era, but he felt weirdly responsible for the Pokémon since Sada wasn't here; he had promised her to help the creature, and he wanted to make sure to keep that promise.

    Which... kinda implied... having to find a way to actually get it out of there once healed and back through the time machine with him. Fortunately in all the initial confusion and excitement nobody had thought to ask him for the Master Ball he had used to capture it.

    But it had to actually heal first, and that would take a bit.

    And he couldn't exactly go back to Sada empty-handed, which is why he hadn't even scheduled his next jump yet. For the first time in quite a while, Turo finds himself having to kind of... waste time with nothing to do other than look at his research notes and help his colleagues.

    He's not good at it.

    « So, mmm...» he thinks out loud while staring at the ceiling of the sanity room in the TTDL. Today it looked like one of those old-timey saloons you would have found in Unima or Orre back in the day, complete with spunky piano music and the sound of slamming rotating doors everytime someone walked in or out. The one responsible for those settings had become pretty obvious when he had walked in that morning for a coffe and found Ortega in full gunslinger attire, complete with cowboy hat and boots.

    "Just felt like it, it's not like there's any occasion to wear them otherwise"

    Turo had stopped being surprised at his senior's antics a long time ago... especially now that he had some ideas as to why he acted like that.

    « ... what's the weirdest place you two had to ever time jump back from?» he finally asked, lowering his gaze back to the two in the room with him, Ortega -boots on the table and busy swinging his chair back and forth, cowboy hat obscuring his face-, and Vega, who had been growing increasingly desperate in her quest for the legendary beast trio ("They just run around so much, you would think that being able to literally teleport in the exact spot and moment they supposedly should appear should make it easy but nooo") and has filled an entire wall of the saloon with a giant monitor. The iper technological map of Johto and Kanto full of little pins and lines she's been drawing to map their movements does break the immersive atmosphere quite a bit.

    « Oh that's easy.» Vega answered, stopping her back and forth walking to look back at the two sitting at the table. « Jail.»

    «... Jail.» Turo repeated, voice completely flat. He's grown used to conversation between the three of them swerving into the wildest directions by now, but that still took him a bit by surprise.

    « Yep. Got caught trying to sneak into the Tin Tower and the monks didn't like that. I must have left a couple of very confused police men when they went back to check on me and found an empty cell, I guess...»

    Turo shook his head imagining the scene, while the redhead went back to staring at the map.

    « Maybe I should also look for Celebi and the other Johto legends while I'm at it, can't hurt... it's not like I couldn't navigate 21th century Johto with my eyes closed by now...» she muttered.

    « What about you?» he asked Ortega, who stopped rocking the chair back and fort and lifted the brim of his hat with a grin.

    « Oh I'm sure I'm winning this one.»

    « Yeah? Let's hear it » Vega didn't even turn around, but Turo could just picture her rolling her eyes.

    Ortega cleared his throat dramatically.

    « I jumped back by launching myself off a cliff and pretending to fall dramatically to my death. Activated it right in midair.»

    Two identical sighs escape Vega and Turo at the same time, the first because she doesn't believe him, and the second because he knows that is exactly the kind of crazy stunt that Ortega would pull just to see what happened. And look cool.

    Mostly to look cool, probably.

    Sometimes he wondered how the man wasn't dead yet.

    « Now that has to be bul-»

    « Don't believe me, ask Porygon. By the way, did you know that momentum is conserved while time-jumping? Found that out the hard way when I came back here and got launched straight into him. The little guy didn't like it.»

    « But... why?» Turo simply asked.

    « Why not? And I had to make a hasty retreat anyway-» Ortega evaded the question, like he often did, with a lazy wave of his hand.

    « My turn now. Weirdest thing you've eaten on a time jump.» he added, going back to rocking his chair back and forth.

    « A weird chewy pink thing by some sketchy dude, still in Johto-» Vega muttered.

    Oh, that answer was easy.

    «... Mamoswine meat.» Turo nodded, and Ortega stopped again, dangerously close to losing his balance.

    « So, like... real real Pokémon meat? And of a prehistoric one? » he asked after a moment.

    « What did it taste like?» Vega added, seemingly having abandoned the idea of doing anything productive that morning once and for all.

    Turo hesitated a moment before answering.

    « ... bacon. It was... good.»

    The fact that he had actually enjoyed the taste had made him feel... conflicted, to say the least.

    « But-»

    « Turo.» Ortega cut him off before he could get another word in.

    « Turo, my man. That Mamoswine was made into steaks more than 10'000 years ago. It was going to get eaten anyway, it's not like they hunted it for you.» the man rolled his eyes and slammed the chair he had been balancing on down on all four legs, pointing at him with one finger.

    « You're not going to angst about bacon. You're one of the smartest guys I've ever met, but you need to shut that brain of yours off sometimes and not overthink every little thing.»

    Vega nodded sagely by his side, and Turo smiled the tiniest bit. All right... they had a point.


    He went back to visit the injured Pokémon every couple of days. There had been a little moment of panic when it had first woken up and they had asked him if his notes had something about his eating habits, and the only think he knew about was that it ate real meat, since he had seen Sada feeding him little strips of it, Berries and "eggs". What kind of eggs he had no idea, and it would be of Pokémon that went long exctinct anyway... and Berries were also different from those in the modern era. What if it was allergic to something? What if they accidentally poisoned it because it wasn't compatible with food of this time? They had never brought a Pokémon from so far back... and reviving fossils didn't count. The revitalising process inevitably modified them to cover for the gaps in DNA they didn't have from the samples.

    Those fears all proved moot when it started to happily inhale whatever they had tried to feed him.

    Apparently, the answer to what it ate was "anything and everything". Without much problem.

    It was pretty restless though, and trying to get him to stay still and not injure it's leg further had been a bit of a challenge, not to mention actually get close enough to treat it. Seeing him seemed to put Winged King a bit more at ease, so they had enlisted his help.

    « Maybe he needs a companion? » the nurse, who he had found out was called Rory in these past days, mused. « Something that looks at least a bit similar to himself could put him more at ease... you said you have a Miraidon?»

    Turo "mmm"-ed skeptically. The thought had also crossed his mind admittedly, but... he wasn't sure it was a good idea.

    « ... you don't know much about Miraidon, do you?» he asked.

    The nurse shook his head, causing the little Snowhoot perched on it to chirp and change leg.

    « They are extremely territorial. In the wild, they really only meet whit other members of their species during mating season. Miraidons raised in cities since they were little are more docile, since they seem to associate their human trainers and home as their "territory", but they will still get aggressive if they feel one of the two is being threatened. You know how there is a law forbidding riding Miraidons in their "Battle Forms"? It's because every Miraidon, especially feral ones, will see it as an open invitation to attack.» he explained. It had been called Battle Form for a good reason, after all. Domesticated ones could still be wrangled a bit if it happened, maybe let them race, or spar and trade a couple of blows just to get it out of their system, but feral ones?

    They would go absolutely berserk.

    Which is why it was so dangerous, but it felt so good to ride on top of the dragon at full power. And he had faith in his trusty partner to keep him safe; Mirai was fast.

    But Winged King? It if it reacted similarly like a wild one-which is basically was-, and the two started fighting at full force... he shuddered at the thought. A couple of cracks in the ceiling would be the least of their worries in that case.

    « You said mating season....»

    « They're both male, and I doubt they would even have compatible biology.» Turo shot down the other's proposal before he could even finish. He rubbed at his chin, thinking.

    « But... maybe we can try. If they meet while not in Battle Form... get them slowly used to each other, maybe... » maybe they would see each other as different enough to not be considered a threat.

    He nodded.

    « I'll bring Miraidon with me tomorrow.»


    The next day, Turo stepped into Winged King's room with the Masterball in his right hand and Miraidon's Pokéball in his left, ready to use them to recall one or both at the first sign of trouble. The red lizard was curled up in one corner of the room on his makeshift bed; it seemed to be in the equivalent of Miraidon's Low Power form, which was reassuring. Miraidons, at least, were much more calm and peaceful in that form.

    Winged King woke up at hearing the door open, his orange pupils briefly narrowing to a slit before recognizing him. It growled softly while he entered,looking at his hands. Turo sighed.

    « It's not food.» he used Sada's language since it seemed the one it should react to the most, and of course the Pokémon immediately got up at the word "food". He let Miraidon out, carefully observing the two Pokémon as he stepped near the door. The purple lizard's eyes immediately flashed as it saw the -even at low power- much bigger Pokémon and it hissed, crouching low on all fours. Turo was quick to stroke the Pokémon's neck.

    « Stay calm... calm... he's not a threat...» he noticed that the two Pokémon seemed more confused than angry or agitated. It was, he guessed, probably due to seeing something that looked so similar yet so different to someone else of their species. He had noticed that they seemed to share quite a lot in terms of body language, but it didn't seem to be the only reason for their confusion. It took seeing Miraidon cautiously sniff the air and the other dragon mimicking him for Turo to recognize what they were doing.

    Were they... smelling each other? But how would they even recognize...?

    ... he was an idiot.

    The necklace. He had been wearing it for months by now, even before knowing whose Pokémon those feathers even belonged to, giving Miraidon more than enough time to notice the new, strange scent it must have carried. And for Winged King, he probably carried Miraidon's scent all over him anyway everytime he had visited, even if human senses were way too dulled to pick up on it.

    He watched with trepidation as they slowly moved some steps forward, meeting in the middle of the room and then starting to circle each other. Winged King growled and flicked one of the antennae on his head, unfurling it to show the bright and powerful feathers it was made of. Mirai stared, perplexed, and so did Turo, the man together with a bit of fascination as he summoned a screen to record the meeting - someone would surely want to review the footage-. Was it some kind of display of dominance? Force?

    "Look at how colorful my feathers are, how healty and ready to fight I am"?

    Miraidon's own antennae were much more rigid unless in his Battle Form, and the purple lizard tilted it's head to the side, not knowing what to do with them. The Pokémon sniffed at the feathers, almost to confirm that yes, they had the same scent he had been picking up all over his human lately, then he suddenly boosted himself up on his hind legs, almost starting to float with a burst of energy and a roar of his jet engines, and let out a short but piercing shriek that took Turo by surprise. He had rarely heard him... scream like that.

    Winged King growled in response and went on the defensive, rearing up on his back legs.

    Turo readied the Master Ball by pointing it toward the red dragon and observed his lifelong partner carefully, trying to understand his reaction. Some people considered Miraidons too unespressive and aloof in personality, almost apathetic and difficult to read, but he had spent his whole life with one. He knew him well. Miraidon backed up toward him, his eyes never leaving the red dragon, not even simulating his normal blinking as he stared the other lizard down. His long tail gently pushed Turo against the door, and the man understood what had the Pokémon suddenly so riled up and... protective, he realized. He had only ever heard him scream like that when other Miraidons from friends or families had showed a bit too much interest in him for his liking. And by suddenly recognizing an unfamiliar Pokémon's scent on him, the dragon probably had thought...

    « Buddy... he's not going to steal me away from you.» Turo chuckled with a warm smile, putting the Pokéball away and stepping forward to stroke the Pokémon's back. It growled but didn't look away from Winged King. Turo sighed and pressed the button on the Master Ball he was still holding, momentarily recalling the red dragon inside it. He needed a moment alone with his Pokémon without having to worry about a fight breaking out.

    « You know there's no other Pokémon in the world I would trade you with.» he kept reassuring the Pokémon in a low voice, now petting his head and neck. Miraidon finally turned toward him, one single cyan eye regarding him carefully before gently bumping him in the chest with his snout, letting out something that sounded almost like an electronic chirp. He hugged the Pokémon with both arms, resting his forehead on the dragon's neck and listening to the electric, buzzing pulse of his heartbeat. Maybe he could try to make them meet another day, after they had calmed down.


    He did make a couple of other attempts in the following days. Miraidon had still been suspicious, but he seemed to quietly tolerate Winged King as long as he didn't show any interest in Turo, and the two Pokémon had spent a couple of hours here and there together. Distracting both with food to get them used to each other's presence seemed to have worked a bit.

    Having the two Pokémon side by side, at the least, was proving to be an invaluable source of information, giving the researchers at the Academy the opportunity to observe them interact with each other in real time.

    « His leg is pretty much healed.» Rory confirmed on the tenth day, closing one monitor he had been using and getting back up after he had crouched to examine the Pokémon, as usual put asleep first by his Snowhoot.

    « Which is good, since people were being interested in examining it move around a bit more. Do you think we could get him to fly around in the schoolyard, or it's not domesticated enough to listen to people yet?»

    Turo frowned, muttering a "I don't think he will listen to anything that's not about food."

    in response. Everyone seemed to take for granted that the Pokémon would stay at the Academy from now on, but he wasn't going to allow it. First of all, Winged King wasn't theirs.

    Short of literally kidnapping it away from the Academy and then making a mad dash for the time machine to get it back in the correct time period, his only chance to get it away from the Academy was to actually come up with a good reason as to why they couldn't keep it here.

    Turo was no man of action. He tried to picture himself sneaking Winged King outside in his Masterball, dodging researchers that screamed "STOP HIM" like in the cheesiest action movies, maybe jumping on top of Miraidon as they crashed through a window and glided toward the TTDL... and then simply getting stopped as soon as the Academy notified the theft and his time-anchor got deactivated. He would probably get expelled from the department, if not outright arrested for stealing from the Academy.

    ... yeah, not happening.

    He was, however, a man of cold and calculating logic.

    He needed to speak with Moreau.


    « I have to admit, which how much trouble getting Pokémon from the past usually is, no one has ever asked me to send one back

    Turo held the icy gaze of the current director of the TTDL, suppressing a shiver. He couldn't help it; even if he was perfectly confident in what he had to say - Moreau had to agree with him, because it just made sense -, something in the man's eyes always put him on edge. It's like the other was studying him through the lense of a microscope, always looking for something. What exactly he was looking for, he hadn't the slightest idea.

    « This specimen is particular, sir. It has made contact with a group of humans, and one in particular-»

    « The girl named "Sada" you keep mentioning in your reports.»

    Turo flinched, caught by surprise, then nodded. It felt... surreal hearing someone else speak her name in his time, mostly because he had noticed that it was almost an unspoken rule in the TTDL to talk about people you met during your travels in vague terms, reports aside. It was always just "the native girl I've met", "that guy I've spoken to" and so on.

    It was, now he realized, probably a somewhat subconscious way to keep their distance. Make it feel less real.

    Don't get attached.

    « ... yes, her. She has successfully trained the Pokémon to listen to some commands, found a way to summon it to her side, and even ridden it. Her settlement has just started domesticating Mareep. I believe... removing the Pokémon from its time would be harmful to... the timeline.»

    Moreau raised an eyebrow.

    « ... if it was, it's in the past. It would have already happened, together with whatever consequence it caused. Surely you know that.» he argued, crossing both arms to his chest. His time-anchor shined briefly at his wrist.

    Yes... that was always the problem with the past, wasn't it?

    He sighed a bit. Time for argument two.

    « ... I still believe that this Pokémon being returned to his time is the correct order of events. Also, this specimen in particular would probably give us way more information being observed in his time than ours, even if it limits the instruments at our disposal.»

    That seemed to pique the man's interest.

    «... oh? What makes you say that?»

    « Because it's an ancestor of Cyclizar and Miraidon outside Paldea.» he answered simply.

    « What is it even doing in Prehistoric Kalos? Is it a single individual that just left their usual habitat for some reason, or did they use to live in a lot more places than their modern counterpart? And... honestly... to simply study it from a physical point of view... Prehistoric Paldea is probably full of them. We can send someone there to catch another one. We don't need this one in particular.»

    He waited with bathed breath for the other's reaction. After a moment, he knew that he had convinced him when the man smirked.

    « All right, all right... can't argue with that. I will speak with the Academy and you will bring it back.»

    Turo had just relaxed when those glacial eyes studied him again.

    « ... in the meanwhile, since they will need to clear the room I suppose, you can keep it with you until the next jump.»


    His apartment was arguably a bit small even just for a Miraidon, but the Pokémon had the luxury of being able to open and close the balcony window with specialized electrical signals it emitted and roam the city when he wanted to stretch his limbs, so it had never really felt cramped.

    Turo stared at the Masterball that had been sitting on the kitchen table as he finished his microwaved lunch and put the used dish in the sink, which cleaned it immediately and automatically slided it to it's place in a pile of other neatly impiled dishes, ready to be used again.

    He felt bad keeping the Pokémon confined inside it, it just wasn't... something he was used to doing. Most people had one or two Pokémons at most, and kept them outside their Pokéballs pretty much all the time, and he was no exception.

    But he also had the distinct impression that letting it out would spell disaster for him, even simply for how much... bulkier Winged King was compared to Miraidon.

    He sighed, and turned toward Miraidon, who had been sitting by his side, eyeing the plate.

    « ... I'm going to regret this, don't I?» he asked, before letting the red dragon out.

    Winged King looked surprised at yet another change in his surroundings, and this time the sight of Miraidon and Turo evidently made him perk up a bit, probably happy that at least he was in the company of someone familiar. He pawed at the floor with his now healed leg, then started sniffing the air.

    « You.» Turo pointed to Miraidon, who blinked. « Keep an eye on him. I need to shower. And be nice to him.»

    A pause, then the lizard puffed up his throat the tiniest bit, pulsing with blue and yellow energy.

    « Gyaa.»

    Good. He had faith in his Pokémon. He could keep watch over Winged King and make sure it didn't wreck his apartment for the ten or so minutes it would take him to take a shower.

    As he turned toward his bedroom, it didn't cross his mind that there would be no one to keep an eye on Miraidon.


    It had just been... admittedly more than ten minutes, but it couldn't have been more than twenty. Thirty, at the very most.

    They had raided the fridge. They had raided the pantry. They had, somehow, ordered delivery, possibly from a monitor he had left open right in the kitchen to play some music while he showered.

    How had Miraidon even figured out how to do it? Had he memorized all the steps he did when he ordered something? Had he used electrical signals to mimic the steps?? But how, for the love of Arceus, had he managed to place the order? Had they been lucky enough to get a Rotom or Porygon on the phone???

    He sat on the couch in his living room and stared at the two lizards as they happily devoured the fifth pizza, hair still damp and only half dressed. He had been halfway through putting on his bodysuit when the noise from the kitchen had alerted him to what was going on and he had rushed through the apartment to close the monitor. Even if Miraidon could, apparently, manipulate open terminals, he surely lacked the ID and authentication to open new ones.

    He decided that from now, it was better to install parental control for the whole system in his house and a 36-characters alfanumerical password to confirm all future purchases.

    Just to be sure.


    It had been just a couple of days of having to deal with the two lizards until his next scheduled jump... but it had been a rough couple of days. Even if he had tried to keep Winged King in the Master Ball a bit more, it still had to obviously eat. And he had severely underestimated how much Pokémon that couldn't use Hadron energy needed to eat. Of course Miraidon and other contemporary Pokémon also ate, but like grass Pokémons could pretty much choose to eat or photosyntesize, or like most electric Pokémon could simply absorb electricity, he wasn't completely reliant on it.

    Winged King, obviously, had to get all his nutrients from actual food. As the Pokémon's ravenous appetite kept drilling a metaphorical hole in his wallet, Turo found himself questioning in complete disbelief how much of society during the Pokémon League era they actually knew about.

    There was no way that people actually could keep six Pokémon with them at all times, right? How would they even afford all that food?

    And people could have entire boxes worth of Pokémon??? How weren't they always broke as soon as you got something bigger than a Fidough???

    At the very least, Sada's expression when he had jumped back to not even a couple of seconds after he had left, at least from her perspective, had been priceless and had made it all worth it.

    He had told her to "wait here", after all.

    He watched with a satisfied smile as the two reunited, before he caught Sada looking at him in amazement.

    ... he had to admit, he did feel a bit proud of himself as she asked him how many days it had been.

    Sada started to laugh as he explained, simplifying a bit, what had happened. He looks at her, the way her face lights up as she throws her head back just a tiny bit, how she stops to gasp for her breath as she sits down. When she looks back up at him, there is such warmth and gratitude and affection in her eyes that it sends a shiver down his spine. He leaned forward, raising both arms to pull her close as he kissed her. They stood like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence, Turo ignoring the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to make the most out of it.

    ... he still had to tell her one last thing about his "jumps", after all.


    Now that Winged King was healed, he expected Sada to want to go flying as originally planned, but she shook her head when he asked and pointed back to the village.

    « You are... "tired". » she pointed first to her eyes and then to him, and he self consciously rubbed at his eyes that still stung for the lack of sleep of the last couple of days. He wasn't exactly in perfect shape... then again, compared to her and people of this time, he probably never was.

    « We'll go tomorrow.»

    Back to the settlement it was then... he noticed some weird stares from people here and there, since they had pretty much just watched them leave, and this was starting to make his head hurt trying to keep everything straight.

    Maybe jumping back not even five seconds later hadn't been such a brilliant idea after all, but... he had to admit he had wanted to... "show off" to Sada a bit.

    ... pathetic.

    Turo stopped, again, when the children caught sight of them a second time and rushed them both.

    ... well, he supposed he had time for a couple of writing lessons after all.


    This time, they hadn't been alone in the big communal tent, various other people already occupying it and sitting around a small hearth. He had been pretty self conscious of their curious stares at first, but had quickly grown used to it.

    He had made it a game to have them write down various objects he would point at or draw, and after a while, all four children had decided that it was only right for them to teach him a game of their own.

    The name they had called it had been absolutely incomprehensible to him, but it was pretty straightforward. The players sat in a circle, taking turns picking up what looked like little stones or fragments of bones. You threw one stone in the air, and before it fell back down, you had to perform a certain number of actions with the same hand. At the beginning, it was to simply knock on the ground, or grab another pebble or bone from the pile, and he had managed to do it without much problem, but the actions only grew in number and complexity as the game went on. Grab multiple stones from the pile. Or grab one and put one back, all in a matter of seconds. Or do all that and then catch the stone in midair before it touched the ground, which lead to having to throw it higher to gain more time. Catch it and have it land on your knuckles, balancing it there. It was obviously a game of skill and dexterity, and the children looked delighted as they showed him the various challenges, gesticulating wildly as they explained and asking Sada to demonstrate some of the most difficult actions.

    Judging by how they erupted into fits of giggling everytime he failed a step or managed to have the pebble fall back on his head, they were also pretty happy to finally have an adult that they could utterly trash at the game.

    « You are good, for... for you.» Sada had been sitting near him and mending some clothes. She tried to cheer him up when the game had ended, before adding in a lower voice.

    « Your people don't do this?» prompting him to smile and shake his head. Ah! No, the games they played in his time were definitely much different.

    He looked back toward the children that had been called by one of the hunters near the fire to help cook, or sharpen stones, or make arrows.

    He had thought about them a good while in this past month, and while he still felt that pang of sadness and almost guilt as he looked at them, another sentiment slowly emerged as he sat in the cozy warm atmosphere of the tent, stronger than the other two.

    Admiration. He couldn't help but admire how, even in living conditions that looked terrible to him and his spoiled modern point of view, this four kids, and who knows how many others all over the world, and all the other people present had managed to... to enjoy life.

    Even when every day was a battle for survival, they had made up games to play together, stories to tell, they had made songs and art, not because it was useful or needed to survive, but just because they could. If it hadn't been for them, all of humanity and he himself wouldn't even exist.

    He sighed softly and laid his head on Sada's shoulder, closing his eyes and just losing himself in the moment as he listened to her start to hum as she worked.


    Sada had finally dragged him inside the "adult" circle sitting around the fire, both men and women starting to slowly ask him questions, with Sada trying to translate as best as she could. Yes, he was a "shaman". No, he had never hunted anything in his life (some of them seemed to take it as a joke, because that obviously couldn't be true).

    Sada's mother had asked him about this "cotton" thing again, looking thoughtful, and this time he managed to give a vague answer about ancient weaving techniques of using fibers to make cloth (He had looked it up), with much gesticulating and drawing on his notebook when words failed him, which was quite often. She had looked quite interested, nodding here and there; the technique was evidently already familiar to her, just not the specific material used.

    Then the actual shaman and second eldest person in the settlement entered the tent, and everyone fell silent, watching with rapt attention as Sada stood up and motioned to him to follow to introduce the two.

    « Narjik, this is Turo, the other... "shaman". Turo, this is Narjik.» Sada smiled a bit as she stole a glance at him, curious about his reaction.

    "Narjik" didn't appear to be dressed much differently than any other person in the settlement and Turo realized, with a bit of shame, that he had been subconsciously picturing weird feathered headpieces and other stereotypical things usually associated with the word of tribe elder and similar in media. Which, of course, didn't even make sense.

    What the man did have to distinguish him from everyone else and that probably had gained him his position, other than the markings that looked painted over his face, was... wisdom. He exuded an aura of calm, dignified awareness, and carried himself slowly, methodically, like he knew exactly what was going on in the whole settlement at any given time. This was a man that had survived as long as he did by sheer cunning and had amassed a veritable wealth of knowledge to help others do the same.

    People looked up at him not because they believed him to have some magical mystical power(or at least, not just for that), but mostly because he knew what to do in any given situation. Like Sada's mother, they had experience.

    He... Didn't really feel like he deserved to share the same title of "shaman" in their eyes right now.

    « ... Hello.»

    The man nodded, then looked him up and down, and Turo was suddenly reminded of Moreau. The feeling of getting studied intensely under a microscope was the exact same.

    The man exchanged some quick words with Sada, and she arched an eyebrow with a brief look of surprise on her face before turning back towards him.

    « He says... He is happy for you teaching writing. Umm... He... Wants to "trade" with you. »

    One of the last words was unfamiliar, and Turo tilted his head, trying to make sense of the sentence as Narjik sat down near the fire, one of the younger hunters who looked around Sada's age making room for him.

    « "Trade"?»

    Sada picked up a pebble from the game and mimicked giving him something, and getting something from him in return.

    ... Oh. He looked back at the elder, suddenly nervous. What... Could he possibly want? Had Sada told people about the Master Ball... No, of course not. She had literally just seen it and he had been with her the whole time since.

    ... His head hurt.

    He sat down near the older man, Sada on his other side, now with a bit of curiosity. What could he possibly want? And most importantly, how could he gently let him down if it was something impossible? Did he think that he was from another tribe nearby?

    « What... Trade?» he asked, a bit awkwardly.

    The man motioned to the notebook Turo had been using to draw, and Sada seemed to understand and pretty much burst with excitement.

    « You have "paper". And the... Writing water.»

    ... Oh. Get them more paper and ink...?

    It... Wouldn't be that difficult for him, the TTDL was full of old school writing supplies exactly because they were so easy to carry around and destroy leaving no trace if necessary.

    There... Should be no harm in it.

    He could have asked for much worse.

    Turo nodded, and the shaman smiled for the first time after meeting him, before saying something else.

    « He asks... What you want.» Sada looked at him a bit oddly, and he was pretty sure he could imagine what she was thinking.

    "What could we possibly give to a man that can disappear in a flash of light, effortlessly trap creatures in shiny white rocks and jump through time?"

    Honestly, his first instinct had been to refuse. Say that he needed nothing. But that would have... Put the shaman in an awkward position. This was a matter of... Respect. Of treating each other like equals. And there actually was something he desperately needed that they could help him with, he realized. It made his stomach turn a bit, because it was something that he had tried not to think too much about because it made him uncomfortable, but it was the safest way for him to do it.

    « ... Creatures. » everyone now turned to look at him, and he pointed to the flute on Sada's hip.

    « Show me... How you hunt creatures.» he exchanged a meaningful look with Sada, quietly slipping his left hand into his lab coat pocket. Her eyes narrowed, and she nodded without a word, understanding what he had actually meant. He smiled a tiny bit. It felt... good, to have her as an ally that knew his secret, instead of just being someone else he had to lie to.

    Narjik blinked, a bit surprised, then nodded and smiled. Turo almost expected him to offer him an handshake or something to seal the deal, but the man did something different. He turned towards one of the man and whispered what sounded like an order. Now that he noticed, the man looked strikingly similar to him; a son? Younger brother? They aged so differently living such a heavy and physically demanding lifestyle that he honestly couldn't tell. Narjik and Sada's mother themselves, with their heavy wrinkles and white hair, could be anywhere from their early fifties to seventies... If people even lived that long. The man took out what looked like a water skin from one corner of the tent and offered it to the elder. Narjik took it, opened it up, and took a sip before offering it to him.

    Turo hesitated, his eyes going to Sada.

    « Um...»

    She nodded encouragingly, and he took it as confirmation that this was how they did things.

    He understood why when he took it from the man and brought it to his lips.

    It smelled strongly and unmistakably like alcohol, and tasted like a fruity, extremely strong wine. He took just a sip of it and could already feel it burn his throat and get straight to his head.

    ... Of course getting smashed together was another thing that people had always done just because they could.


    « Time anchor ID 9537 has returned from space-time coordinates 48°51′12″ N, 2°20′55″ E. Welcome back...» Porygon 568's voice trailed off, the Pokémon falling into silence as it scanned him.

    « ... you are intoxicated. Getting into the time machine in a state of altered perception poses a risk and is forbidden by rule number three of-»

    « Exactly» Turo interrupted the little duck Pokémon and raised one finger. He wasn't drunk! Well Narjik and the guys had encouraged him to take quite a couple more "sips", and then they had taught him the drinking game version of the little children's games, and... all right, Sada had to throw him onto Winged King's back to get far enough from the village to safely jump back to make sure no one would see him, but he wasn't drunk. Just... sligthly inebriated.

    « The rules say... you can't get into the time machine drunk. I'm getting out of the time machine.»

    He smirked triumphantly at Porygon 568 as the little dopey Zapdos-looking duck just stared at him. Thinking. Working out the logic.

    « That is... correct.» it had to admit, reluctantly.

    He patted the Pokémon's head as he made his way out of the room, humming.


    From: l.moreau@ttdl.mezauni.com

    To: r.turo@ttdl.mezauni.com

    Cc: m.vega@ttdl.mezauni.com, g.ortega@ttdl.mezauni.com, +6 others

    Subject: Re: Report

    As amusing as reading your latest report was, I'm afraid that I can't accept it as it is. You will find my comments about it in the attached file. Please write it again... when you are sober.

    In particular, I don't think that "getting hammered FOR SCIENCE" is a acceptable title. Please follow the usual department guidelines.


    Professor Louis Moreau

    Ex tempore, scientia.

    Ex scientia, sapientia.

    From: r.turo@ttdl.mezauni.com

    To: l.moreau@ttdl.mezauni.com

    Cc: m.vega@ttdl.mezauni.com, l.moreau@ttdl.mezauni.com, +6 others

    Subject: Re: Re: Report

    [sent with voice to text]


    I'm mortified. I will rewrite it immediately.


    Dr. Romero Turo
    Chapter 14: Visiting Hours
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 14: Visiting Hours
    « Are you... sure you will be okay?» she asked doubtfully as Turo got down from Winged King's back. He looked... lucid, but he had drunk quite a bit, and she knew how strong that stuff was. And how good Turo was at hiding what he was actually thinking.

    « For what?» he asked, looking around at the clearing the dragon had landed in, quite far from the village. There was no risk of someone hearing or seeing him disappear here. Sada pointed to his wrist, a bit unsure.

    « Your power. Can you... "jump" like this? » she asked, a bit worried. She moved a hesitant step towards him, not wanting to scare him like just a couple of hours ago... For her, at least. For Turo, it had been days, and she still couldn't quite wrap her head around it, even if she had literally seen him disappear and reappear with a wildly different appearance. Turo didn't seem worried, chuckling a bit.

    « Yes! No problem!» he snapped two fingers with his left hand. If it was supposed to show how easy it would be for him, it didn't exactly do much to reassure her. On the contrary. When he disappeared... There was nothing she could do to help. What if something went wrong?

    « You can sleep here, and leave tomorrow-» it wasn't the first time she had tried to convince him to stay, but he was already shaking his head.

    « I have to go back.» he took out his notebook, like he had done so many times to decide when they should meet again, and in watching him look for an empty piece of paper she is struck by a sudden idea.

    « Then... Then just come back "here"! Like... Today. » she feels a bit silly in describing it out loud, but... He could do it, right? If every time he had to leave he simply jumped back to her right in that moment... It would be like he had never left. He had the power to do it!

    She waited for his answer, hopeful. Turo raised his head from the blank page, pen in hand, his eyes slightly unfocused before he shook his head again. She felt a little pang of disappointment; of course it couldn't be that easy, or he would have done it already.

    « Sada... You also are... Tired.» he answered after a moment, and she kind of had to admit that he was right. After seeing him disappear, she hadn't slept much the last night.

    With everything that had happened, it felt like a really long day.

    After a moment, she heard him put the notebook away.

    « You can't... Always stay with me. Two days. I will jump here, at morning. And we can go flying.» he added after a moment. She nodded, then cautiously moved to hug him, waiting for a sign for him that it was fine to do so. It seemed that there was no problem unless he was touching his bracelet to activate the power, but after his terrified outburst just earlier that day, she didn't want to take any risks.

    He answered by getting closer and reciprocating the hug with both arms. She could feel him relax slightly at the contact, and rest his chin on her head for a short moment.

    « ... Good night.» he says after a moment in a low voice. She reluctantly let him go and stepped back towards Winged King, who nudged her with his snout, purring softly, and they both watched him disappear in a flash of light. She turned toward the dragon in the silence that followed, petting him on the head.

    « ... Did he treat you well?» she asked. The dragon titled its head, not understanding. She smiled and stroked the soft feathers on his head.

    « Was there a lot of tasty food?»

    That it understood, because it chirped and nuzzled her again. Sada kept petting him for a while; she still couldn't quite believe that it had been injured not even a day ago, and was already healed. Who knows what Winged King had seen, of Turo's world...

    When it had gotten dark, she jumped on the dragon's back and they flew back towards the settlement together.


    In the following two days, she noticed that Winged King had grown much more affectionate towards her. Instead of only answering when she called for it, the lizard now followed her closer and closer to the settlement, and she would often see it flying high right over the village, roaring and calling for her just to land as soon as she got a certain distance from the settlement.

    It had also started to affectionately nibble at her clothes and hair; she had seen flying creatures do it to each other as an obvious sign of affection, and even Winged King himself do it to clean his feathers, so being on the receiving end of it couldn't help but make her quite happy. It was proof that the creature didn't stay with her just for the promise of food after all, even if it had maybe started that way.

    Her mind kept wondering about one thing related to its injury, however.

    « ... What attacked you?» she asked the lizard quietly, wishing that it could somehow answer her as they both sat in the clearing together at the dawn of the second day, waiting for Turo to arrive.

    « We don't know.» came the answer out of nowhere, and she jumped and glared, half scared and half amused, at Turo that had suddenly walked out from the trees behind her. She hadn't heard any steps, so he must have just jumped here.

    ... He really was having fun appearing right in front of her now that he could, didn't he? What if one day someone was with her as he arrived?

    She studied him for a moment, trying to guess how many days it had been for him. It was difficult to say; he looked definitely less tired than the other day, so he must have had at least a good night's sleep.

    « "We"?» Sada asked as she hugged him as a greeting, taking a short moment to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

    He seemed slightly reluctant to let her go, but nodded.

    « My people. We looked at the... The "injury". Hurt. No fire, no poison, no ice... Just a lot of power. Claws. Or teeth.» he explained.

    All that time they had spent studying her drawings of creatures as a way to build their vocabulary seemed to pay off now, as he answered more smoothly than usual.

    He frowned when Winged King approached him, the dragon's tail twitching as it sniffed the man. Turo rolled his eyes and tried to push the creature's head away with one hand, the other -the right one, as usual -, hidden away in his clothes.

    « I don't have food.» he grumbled, before adding in a lower voice, to himself as he switched to his native tongue « - You have gotten enough food from me for a lifetime, you dumb glutton.»

    She smiled a little even if she couldn't understand him, between that and his exhausted explanation of what had happened the day before, she could kind of imagine what he was muttering about.

    It was still strange to think that Turo and Winged King had spent some time together that she had simply... Lost, in a sense, but it was obvious in watching how the dragon looked suddenly, for her at least, much more comfortable around the man. Turo, meanwhile, looked more annoyed than happy at the creature's attention, still trying and failing to push the red lizard away. Winged King seemed to get convinced that he really wasn't hiding anything, because it stopped to sniff at the man and greeted him with a gentle headbutt instead. "Gentle" being quite relative considering how big the lizard was, and being still strong enough to send the man stumbling back a couple of steps. Turo just sighed, before finally relenting and patting the creature on the nose a couple of times, his scowl disappearing just for a quick moment.

    « There. Happy? Now shoo.» he waved his hand without much effect, but Winged King let out a little growl and walked back towards Sada, who started to first pet it and then direct it to crouch down so they could climb on his back.

    So... even Turo and his people didn't know exactly what had hurt it? The thought of something strong and big enough to injure Winged King roaming around was... Worrying. Especially because to injure something that could fly, it was probably able to fly as well ... What would they do if it approached the settlement?

    « Sada... ?»

    She was brought out of her pondering by Turo's voice, and realized that even Winged King had been looking at her strangely, since she had been standing to his side without moving to get on his back for a bit, lost in her thoughts.

    Right... Now was not the time to think about it. They could finally go to that place she had planned to show him!

    She forced a smile and climbed on the dragon's back, patting his neck.

    The creature pawed at the ground, seemingly impatient to start flying.

    Turo followed her after a moment, climbing up with the same practiced ease he had already showed before. She looked at him curiously, and this time he smirked misteriously as he grabbed on Winged King's spikes.

    « After we fly. »

    ... Yes, he was definitely having fun with this. But it made her happy, that he now trusted her enough to reveal his secrets, the way he would smile instead of the careful and controlled way he had avoided questions before. It made her feel... Special. It was something about him that only she knew.

    They rose in the air, Winged King's steady wingbeats and the rustling of their clothes the only sound that was actually perceivable between the two. Even if she had wanted to, talking with Turo would have been impossible, except for screaming at the top of her lungs. She directed the dragon high in the air and then further up North, towards a mountain range. They would have to fly for a while, but it would have still been much faster than going there on foot like she and her tribe had always done until now. That would have taken days. Turo was leaning forward to hold onto the dragon's back, but after a while she felt him change to wrapping first one arm and then the other around her stomach, resting more casually against her back. She also felt herself relaxing, just enjoying the sensation of the wind blowing against her and the incredible view. She was probably the first human in her tribe that had ever seen something like this! Just the thought was thrilling.

    They finally landed, Winged King shaking itself as it landed, sending feathers everywhere. She dismounted and looked at her surroundings while she waited for Turo to do the same, patting the dragon on the head. The area was pretty much how she remembered it from when she had last visited two or three seasons ago. Then again, on the top of a cliff, it was difficult to reach for anything that couldn't fly or climb easily. Just getting there for someone of her tribe was somewhat of a rite of passage... Because that was pretty much what it was.

    A cave opened up in front of them, the aperture narrow enough for a human to squeeze through sideways.

    « Wait here and keep guard » she instructed Winged King, giving him an egg she had carefully wrapped in leaves inside her pouch as a treat. The creature happily ate it whole and sat down, licking it's lips.

    « What is this...?» Turo asked after he had jumped down from the dragon's back. Both hands inside his white mantle, he was staring at the narrow opening with furrowed eyebrows.

    She simply smiled, a bit excited about what she was about to show him.

    « Come» like many other times now, Sada tugged him along by grabbing his hand, and as she did, she noticed that he didn't offer the slightest resistance to letting her just pull him along, an almost invisible smile on his lips, trusting her to lead him safely.

    She was the first to squeeze herself across the narrow opening, and as Turo did the same, she got to work to light a small flame she used to light a piece of wood to use as a torch. They intentionally left some dry branches to use as torches every time someone from her tribe came here.

    « It's deep inside, we have to walk a bit-» she explained, only to smile a bit when she turned around and saw Turo remove the top part of the clothes she had made for him to reveal part of his weird purple clothes that glowed in the dark. She had gotten used to seeing him dressed like one of her tribe, cape excluded, but now that she knew the truth about him, she looked at them with new eyes.

    With both lights illuminating the otherwise complete darkness around them, they started heading deeper into the cave.

    « You can fly on Winged King... why?» she asked as they walked. Turo sped up a bit to keep walking by her side. She heard him stumble a moment, and then keep walking by keeping one hand on the wall of the cave.

    « There is a... creature like Winged King. Miraidon. My people fly on it.» he answered.

    Oh, so they had their own Winged King? Probably somewhat different, because he hadn't looked like he had recognized the dragon.

    « "Mi-rai-don"...» she tried to get used to the foreign name. What a strange way to name a creature.

    « What color is it? Are the wings big?» she asked, curious. Maybe she could ask him to draw one?

    « It is, um... purple, and... no wings. »

    Purple skin...? She turned around to stare, a bit unsure, at his glowing skin clothes. He seemed to immediately get what she was just starting to think about, because he looked horrified and shook his head.

    « ... ah! No, no... we don't... make clothes from Miraidon. My people don't hunt creatures.»

    Now that had her make a double take and stop walking completely to look at him.

    «... you don't hunt creatures? All creatures? » she had tought they just didn't hunt some of them they respected or worshipped for whatever reason, but they didn't hunt any creatures?

    « ... where do you get meat? And fur? And... bones, and...» the list went on and on, they used pretty much everything from the creatures they hunted. Did they really not use any of that? But in that case... there were no hunters anymore. What did they all do? Just gathered plants and berries all day?

    « We use other things.» he answered, as he encouraged her to keep walking. Sada slowly started walking again, trying to wrap her mind around it all and trying to imagine what his life was like from every little bit of knowledge she had gleamed about him. She knew they made the clothes from plants apparently, and there were "scientists"... and probably people that built those bracelets... oh, and those shiny rocks, of course.

    But, wait... if they didn't hunt them...

    « ... why make that shiny rock then?» she pointed to his mantle with her free hand, pretty sure that he had another one of the perfectly spherical objects hidden inside it. Turo took one out after a moment, turning it around in his hands.

    « This is not for hunting. We, mmm.... "train" creatures.»

    « "Train"?»

    He hesitated, looking suddenly unsure.

    « Mmm... like Chalo and... the Spark Tail. Or you and Winged King. We give food. The creatures help.» she kept listening to him, feeling a little bit of excitement well up inside her at his words. So, he... he did the same thing as her? Did that mean that her and Chalo's idea of taming Winged King and other creatures had been right? That people would keep doing it until everyone did, and it was normal? She felt an enormous smile stretch on her face at that thought. Now she just wanted to try taming other creatures!

    ... if only she could spare the time, that is.

    « So, Mi-rai-don is... your creature?»

    Turo nodded, and she saw his eyes soften a bit as he smiled.

    « I got Miraidon when I was a... small child. He came from one egg.» she could feel the warmth in his voice from how softly he spoke about it, even with the somewhat stilted vocabulary. Raising creatures directly from the egg...? That must have been difficult... but it probably made the bond between them unbreakable. She wanted to keep asking questions, but had to stop when she noticed they had finally reached their destination. With a small smile, she guided him towards one end of the cave and held the torch high to let him see better. She could hear him take a sharp intake of breath by her side.

    « This is my people's... life. My... "past". My "history". » she explained in a low voice.

    Lines done with ash, charcoal and other colored dust mixed with water started at eye level of the two. Some of them were lines, spiraling all around, and then connected through them were dozens and dozens of various handprints in all colors. Some were average sized, others had obviously been left by children. Around each handprint were symbolic drawings of people, hunting creatures, or crafting tools, or depictions of creatures themselves. Each couple of drawings told a story; the role of that person in the tribe, or accomplishments, legends, passed down from parents to children as they painted the next section to create a giant interconnected wall of stories.

    « This is mine.» she explained, pointing out one section of the wall.

    There was a smaller child sized handprint near two adult ones, all drawn with orange-red dust.

    « My mother... And my father.» she added, pointing to the two biggest ones.

    « All people in the tribe... Paint here at various points of their life. When the children are big enough to walk, every two seasons, they come here with their parents and add their handprint. The parents show them their own handprint.

    And then, they come back here to add things... their story.» Sada explained slowly as she propped the torch up in a little stone support that had been built ages ago. She was probably using too many words he didn't know, but by the stunned silence at her side and the way he kept looking at various parts of the wall, following the lines of handprints from one person to the next, he was getting the general idea.

    « And then, when the children become parents, they bring their own children here.»

    She crouched near a small pile of wooden bowls that had been carved and left there, and took some berries out of her pouch to start preparing the colors she was going to use. Turo sat down cross legged by her side, still looking at the wall. He seemed at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something, thought for a moment, and closed it again.

    « What is your and your parent's story?» he asked after he had finally found his voice.

    She looked back up towards the three handprints as she worked, even if she knew everything by heart.

    « My father was from another tribe. We trade with others... And go see them in the warm season. East from here, there is a big.... Mmm.... "Lake". A river that... Does not move?» she added at seeing him briefly furrow his eyebrows at the word.

    She finished mixing the tincture, a bright red color, and dipped one finger into it to start painting a shape next to her handprint, a bit away from it. One large head, a crest of feathers... She wanted to draw Winged King first.

    « We trade, we meet other people... Some people from my tribe find a mate from the other tribe and leave... And some come live with us.»

    This way people kept in contact, and families grew and expanded. She noticed that something about her words had made Turo realize something.

    « He was a... Umm... "Builder". He made things with parts from creatures. My mother makes clothes from fur, he used... Everything else. Bones, horns, scales and feathers... He made weapons, and tools.» she stopped, not sure how to continue to explain in simple words everything she wanted to say about him. How she would watch him work when she was little and ask from what creature every part he used was, and what it did. How he would discuss with Mother how to insert some of the things he made into her clothes, to make them ... Special. Like how putting Flame Wing's feathers inside them kept you warm at night. She had probably gotten her passion for observing creatures and trying things out by watching both of them work. She smiled a bit sadly, stopping her work a moment to look back to the handprint.

    « ... How did he die?» Turo's voice was low, barely more than a whisper.

    « ... The Blood-Fire.» she was met with a blank stare, of course he wouldn't know what she meant with it.

    « He got hurt hunting... We stopped the blood, but his leg... Became all black and... His body became so hot... Like his blood was now fire. »

    She heard Turo sigh softly at her side and put an hand on her shoulder, squeezing softly for a moment.

    « I'm sorry» he mumbled.

    She smiled and put her free hand on his to squeeze back.

    « It was many seasons in the past. »

    She went back to painting, starting to draw the rest of the lizard's body. She didn't want to paint all of it, just enough to be recognizable by someone else. Maybe she could use some charcoal for the throat...?

    She heard Turo shift slightly by her side as he watched her work. She pointed to an empty space next to where she was working.

    « I'll paint you, here.» she explained, but his reaction wasn't what she expected. He turned towards her, eyes widening slightly in the light of the torch.

    « What?»

    Sada frowned. Was he... Not happy about it? Or had he not understood?

    « I draw you... Here, on the wall. For my story.» she explained, now hesitantly, and got a bit disappointed as he shook his head, looking agitated.

    « No! Nonono... You can't. I can't appear on this, holy s-» he took a deep breath.

    « You... You can't. People... Can't see me here.»

    She frowned, not understanding.

    « But... My people have seen you.»

    He looked conflicted for a moment.

    « ... Other people. My people. In my... My time.» he added.

    His people... Would see this?

    Would other people come here after her tribe?

    Sada thought about it for a moment. She... Wanted to tell people about him. About all she had learned. How big of an impact that meeting was having on her.

    But now he had just told her that she couldn't, that she may as well have to pretend that he had never appeared in her life. There could be no trace of him and his visits here.

    « ... Oh.» her shoulders slumped a bit, and for a while, the only sound between them was the crackling of the fire. She wasn't even sure why she found the thought so disapponting. She knew that he had to keep his true identity a secret from the rest of the tribe... But she didn't realize that he also had to keep so many secrets from his own people. Didn't... Didn't that mean that in the end, they both had to act like they had never even met?

    ... She didn't want to think about it.

    It took her a moment to notice that Turo had started moving, taking one of the empty bowls in his lap and picking some of the berries she had taken out from her pouch. He squeezed a couple of the fruits, releasing the dark, thick blue-purple juices in the bowl, mixing it with a bit of water from her skin pouch with his fingers, before raising them to the wall, near her own handprint. He started to trace the shape she had left now so long ago, adding a blue-purple line all around, stopping now and then to get more paint until he had left a thick, deep contour of a second handprint that encircled her own. He put the bowl back on the ground and let out a slow, tremulous breath.

    « With this ... My people won't understand what it is. And you can... tell your story...» he said with a little sheepish smile, and she felt her heart leap in her throat and her chest warm with affection for him. Turo carelessly rubbed at his chin, before letting out a little "argh" at realizing he had gotten purple paint all over his face.

    He tried to wipe his face clean with the sleeve of his cape, but she stopped him by gently cupping his face with both hands.

    « ... thank you.» it meant a lot to her, to see that little symbol of the both of them on that wall. It would be... proof of everything that had happened and would still happen between them.

    She felt Turo gasp slowly, caught by surprise.

    « You can tell your story... to your children...» he trailed off as he got closer and she pressed her lips on his, slowly, this time not urged by passion but by a sweet tenderness.

    His lips tasted like sweet berry juice.


    Moons passed, and Turo would come and go every five or six days now. He had brought more paper and pens with him, and had been awkwardly discussing how the tribe hunted with Narjik. The old shaman seemed to have taken a liking to the man, not minding patiently answering his questions about creatures they hunted, how they tracked them and fought them.

    Turo seemed equally impressed and terrified at the idea that they fought creatures themselves. If Sada hadn't known now how different his time was, she would have thought it strange. What else were they supposed to do, after all?

    But if everyone in his time was used to living with creatures, she could see how the prospect of fighting one alone would seem impossible.

    In the end, she and Narjik decided that they would let Turo accompany them in a smaller scale hunting trip; there was no need to go near the biggest and most dangerous creatures. Chalo would also come with them, since she was the only one who Fluffyhead listened to, for added protection.

    Sada herself had been a bit nervous the day before they would depart. She knew that the actual reason Turo wanted to come with them was to trap some creatures and bring them back to his time like he had done with Winged King; he had explained in the previous days that his people would have loved to see them and train them.

    And considering what the alternative outcome was, those creatures could probably consider themselves lucky.

    The problem would be making sure that Narjik and Chalo didn't see him do it.

    That was why she insisted on going with them, other than being the one most capable of talking with him.

    They left at dawn, meeting up with Turo just outside the settlement and heading South.

    She had made sure to tell Winged King to not get too near her, since he would have scared pretty much any potential prey away just by flapping around.

    Turo looked... Incredibly nervous as he trailed behind them. He had left his incredibly conspicuous white cape behind this time, and now he didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, evidently too used to keeping them in his pockets. That was, now she realized fully, another sign to how different their lives actually were: she would have never walked around with her hands tucked somewhere and not ready to grasp a weapon. She had given him a leather pouch to hide his "Master Balls"', as he had called them, and he kept constantly touching the satchel with one hand, almost like he wanted to make sure they were still there.

    « He really has... No idea how to move around, doesn't he?» Chalo commented as she walked by her side, Fluffyhead trotting beside her. She had a quiver full of arrows and a great bow made of bone slung over her shoulders, and a smaller spear in her hand. Chalo had sharp eyes, fast reflexes, and was by far their best shot with a bow. Her own pouch had been filled with little balls of wool Fluffyhead and the other Spark Tails they kept in the village had been losing. To avoid getting constantly hurt by Fluffyhead's sparks, she had started to wrap her hands with fine fibers made from stripped tree bark, after Sada had noticed that plant creatures didn't seem much affected by it. Narjik was walking at the head of the line, pausing every now and then just to gather some plant and study other tracks.

    Sada's role was mostly protecting Turo, and she looked back at him as he followed, immediately understanding what the other girl meant. Yes, it was... Obvious that he didn't know even the basics on how to move around in order to not attract too much attention.

    « He is... Doing his best.» she answered, just as he tripped and almost fell flat on his face.

    Chalo snickered, before calling out to the man.

    « Hey Terg! Don't worry, Sada here will protect you!» she smirked a bit as she slapped the man on the shoulder, almost sending him pitching forward again with an "oof".

    « I-it's Turo...» he sighed in response, even if he knew by now that it was useless, before looking back at the other woman while rubbing his shoulder.

    « What are w-... you hunting?» he asked, correcting himself after a moment.

    « If you three keep doing all that noise, nothing.» Narjik snapped without turning around.

    « Birds. » he added after a moment.

    « Their nature is to flee before thinking of fighting. The smaller ones, at the least. It will be less risky.» he concluded with a nod towards Turo, who looked both relieved that they weren't going after something big and ferocious, and quite conflicted.

    They had entered a forest, and Sada immediately looked around, searching for the nests on the higher branches that would show where the creatures were hiding. Different creatures built different nests, and you could tell to which one it belonged to by their shape and other peculiar characteristics.

    Narjik lead them by walking slowly and carefully until they could hide in a group of bushes. They all crouched low to the ground, laying flat, Fluffyhead simply starting to graze a bit further up to avoid zapping them by rubbing them with his wool accidentally. Bird hunting was a matter of ambushing your target.

    Their usual hunting method of stalking their prey for days to tire it out didn't work against something that could simply fly away, so they usually resorted to... Something else.

    Sada watched as the older man cupped his hands near his mouth, leaving a small gap between his thumbs and taking a deep breath before breathing inside, producing a low, undulating whistle sound that he could control by changing the shape of his hands ever so slightly. Sada had never quite gotten the hang of that particular technique, or at least not to the degree of being able to produce so many different sounds. That probably came with a lot of practice and years of experience she didn't have.

    After each call, he would wait for a couple more seconds to see if any creature had reacted or answered, before repeating the sound. Sada noticed that Turo was observing the whole process with quite some fascination, and she smiled a little bit.

    « Here they come.» Chalo murmured; she was crouching with one knee on the ground, and while Narjik was mimicking various cries she had carefully pulled out some arrows from her quiver and stabbed a piece of wool through each of them, before setting them down on the ground, point slightly pressed in the ground for quick access.

    A couple of little Flame Wing had arrived, chirping curiously and looking for the source of the sound. They turned toward the Spark Tail who had inadvertetly acted as a distraction, and Chalo took that as a signal to act. In a single fluid motion she nocked one arrow and drew her bow, lining up her sight with one of the little creatures. Sada felt Turo go rigid at her side, and he stood up to try and stop the girl.

    « W-wait-»

    He didn't get to finish the sentence, because the next moment the one little newborn Flame Wing disappeared in a cloud of kicked up dust. A loud roar filled the air, but it wasn't exactly a sound made by some creature; it sounded more similar to the loud booming sound Fluffyhead would make when launching his thunder, and was accompained by a rush of displaced air. Sada covered her eyes when splinters of wood and clod of soil flew her way, trying to understand what had happened. As the dust settled, she could gradually make out the silhuette of a great bird. It was as tall as two people standing on top of each other would be, and had three heads with a crest of black feathers on top. The wings were so small that she doubted them being of much use, but they had what looked like a couple of wicked curved talons near their middle. Even if the wings were useless for flying, it more than made up for it with its powerful legs, just those almost as tall as a person. She realized, after a moment, that the dust and wind it had kicked up had simply been the result of the creature running in at ludicrous speed.

    The wood splinters had been the result of it slamming into a tree at full force, one leg up and the little Flame Wing pinned between its talons having hit the tree trunk at full force. It looked unconscious, but it had probably been killed instantly. The head in the center started to eat, while the other two looked around to keep watch, their eyes narrowing as they spotted the humans. Turo flinched, one hand going to his pouch, and Sada gasped and moved in front of him, brandishing her spear.

    « What is it?» she whispered; she had never seen that creature, and so she looked to the oldest of the group for help. Narjik had remained completely still, just his eyes narrowing as he stared down one of the three heads.

    « Triple Runner... this is just the third one I've seen in my life. They don't live long: they are born with two heads, but they usually argue about food and end up killing each other before the third one can grow.»

    Sada's eyes widened, worried, and she looked back at the giant bird. So that meant this one was smart, if it had lived long enough to get its third head, and they had actually managed to work together. This was bad... if the incredible speed with which it had moved before was an indication of its abilities, they pretty much couldn't escape. It could simply run them down, and if it slammed into them with the same force with which it had plowed into that Flame Wing... she shivered, before looking back at Turo.

    ... worst case, she would force him to jump away to safety. He at least could escape.

    The bird had finished eating, and it turned towards them fully, now all three heads looking at them. Trying to pick their next target.

    Before they could move, Chalo let out a battle cry and released her arrow.

    « Fluffyhead, KILL IT.»

    Both the arrow and the thunder struck the bird head on, but instead of collapsing to the ground with its muscles twitching, the bird simply squawked as one head picked the arrow that had struck its flank with its beak, pulling it out and throwing it aside. It screeched with all three heads and tore at the ground, the great talons leaving deep gouges in the earth as it readied itself.

    « What?!»

    « MOVE!»

    Narjik's roar came just in time, and they all acted on instinct, Sada turning around to jump into Turo and push him aside. Wind kicked up again as the bird bolted at its impossible speed, rushing through the bush they had been hiding in, completely uprooting it in its wake, and finally slamming to a stop into another tree, having missed them by inches. All four of them hastily stood up, Turo looking paler than usual.

    « Why didn't it work?!» Chalo hissed.

    « Must be part ground type...» Sada turned toward Turo, who had mumbled something to himself.

    « Ground... like Steady Glaciers? » she asked.

    But those were... slow, and lumbering. This one was anything but slow.

    She quickly started rummaging in her bag; if the thunder wool didn't work, they would have to use something else. She paused to look at her flute; even if she used it, who knew if Winged King could hear her and would arrive in time...

    « So I'm useless here?!» Chalo still looked more irritated than worried as she drew another arrow, before turning towards the Spark Tail, who looked pretty agitated.

    « Calm down, Fluffy, we'll get through this-»

    The Triple Runner had turned around, and its three heads had been looking at the group; it was definitely studying them. Even if it had three minds, it still could only target one of them at a time, Sada thought. And like all predators, it would go for the weakest of the group; she moved to cover Turo again, certain that he would be its next target, and then the bird moved again. It drew up its long necks as it took a wide legged stance, bracing itself against the ground, and opened its multiple beaks.

    Sada stared, confused: birds usually attacked with... their talons, or flapping their wings to create wind, or pecking... she had never really seen a bird do something like that... she could hear Turo gasp behind her and rummage furiously in his pouch; he had evidently decided to throw caution to the wind and use his "Master Ball".

    And then a dazzling white light formed in the Triple Runner's throats, and her eyes flew wide as it shot three beams out of its mouth, in three different directions; the left head shot a stream of fire straight towards her, the right head pieces of ice at Narjik, and the center head shot thunder at Chalo. As both she and Turo had to throw themselves aside again, she could have sworn that the three heads were smirking. It held all three streams for a couple of moments, then the center head stopped for breath while the other two continued, forcing them to keep moving to avoid getting burned or frozen respectively. Sada, for once, was in complete disbelief; what kind of creature could use fire, ice, and thunder at the same time?! And was it seriously using one of its head to breathe so the other two could keep attacking?!

    « Amazing...» she couldn't help but be in awe.

    « Admire it after it is dead, please!» Narjik brought what looked like a less elaborate flute to his lips and shot a little wooden dart towards the creature.

    « Poison. Should slow it down a bit, if it works.» he explained, before moving to take a quick stab at the right head to force it to either back up or stop attacking. Slow it down... Sada gasped and looked towards Fluffyhead. That was it!

    « Chalo, tell Fluffyhead to use his wool!» she snapped, turning towards the girl who had been shooting her entire quiver of arrows against the creature.

    « You blind? It didn't work!»

    « The thunder didn't work-» she pushed Turo aside as she also stabbed at the left head to force it away. « - but he can shed his wool and it gets stuck everywhere, remember?»

    The girl thought for a moment, then nodded.

    « Right. Fluffyhead!» the little creature's head snapped to her as it let out a little "eeep".

    « Shoot your wool towards it. Like, uh... "Poof"!»

    « "Poof"....?» Sada barely heard Turo's incredule comment as the little creature charged towards the much bigger bird; balls of wool flew away from it and towards the Triple Runner, attaching themselves to its legs, necks, and beaks, literally stuffing them closed. The creature screeched and started to cough, now flapping its tiny wings as it flew into a panic while it struggled to breathe.

    « Yes! Keep doing it, Fluffyhead!»

    As soon as the creature was distracted, she finally turned towards Turo.

    « Can you trap it?»

    As an answer, he pushed something in her free hand, and she panicked for a moment as she felt something smooth and round touch her hand, even if she couldn't see anything.

    « W-what...?» she struggled to keep a hold on it, staring at him wide eyed. Did he... did he just make the Master Ball invisible?!

    « ... another power.» he answered curtly, before pointing at her hand.

    « You do it. You throw better than me.»

    She wasn't even aware that she could use it instead of him.

    « I-I just... throw it?»

    « Yes. Quick!» he urged her.

    Feeling extremely weirded out by holding something she couldn't even see, she nevertheless turned towards the creature, who by now resembled a bird-shaped pile of wool. She could do it; Chalo was their best shot with a bow, but this wasn't any different from throwing a spear or a berry to stun a creature. She took a deep breath, raised her arm over her head, and threw. For a moment, nothing happened, and she frowned; had she missed? You couldn't even tell-

    A bright red beam of light engulfed the creature and it vanished, sucked into the invisible sphere, and a stunned silence fell on them all.

    « ... what happened?» Narjik was looking around, evidently thinking some other creature responsible for it. He stared at both her and Turo for a moment, and his eyes narrowed. Sada tried to keep calm; he had been far away from them, busy with the head on the other side of the creature... had he seen something? Maybe seen her throw it?

    Turo stepped up near her, his expression gone back to the careful, unreadable calmness he so often used.

    « ... it was Fluffyhead, I think.» he commented.

    « Really?!» Chalo turned toward the creature, grinning.

    « Mar...eeep...?»

    The little Spark Tail looked completely spent, literally and figuratively. It had shed pretty much all his wool, making his blue fur more visible.

    « Fluffyhead... you killed it so hard it vanished! I'm so proud!» the dark haired girl hugged the creature, who looked a bit confused. Then it started glowing, and all three of them jumped, Turo excluded.

    Sada stared, in awe, as she watched the creature's body change and grow bigger, grow back its wool instantly, and get up on its back legs. She knew that creatures could transform as they grew, but she had never seen it from so close up!

    She was the only one to notice Turo as he quickly crouched to pick up something from the ground and hid it away in his bag.


    They had immediately gone back to the settlement, spent from the battle.

    Chalo had been lamenting that the whole trip had been useless, because they didn't even get to eat the stupid bird. Narjik had simply been glad that no one had gotten injured, and Turo... Turo had been pretty quiet, probably a bit shaken from the experience.

    The rest of the day had passed in relative tranquillity; when evening arrived, they flew to the usual clearing where he would always leave. It had become a bit of a ritual, to stay there for a bit, just the two of them, far away from the village and other people, simply enjoying each other's company, with Winged King keeping watch over them.

    It was a wonderful night with a full moon; Sada looked up towards the bright lights in the sky, one hand idly caressing Turo's hair as he laid with his head on her lap, eyes closed.

    « Those lights... are they really other suns?» she wondered, remembering one thing he had told her the first few time they had done this. Turo slowly opened his eyes.

    « ... yes. Really far away suns. They are called "stars".»

    She just wanted to ask him more questions. But then why did the sun disappear at night while these stars didn't? Were there different kinds?

    « ... how do you know? Who told you?» she asked instead after a moment.

    « Other scientists "study" stars. Then they teach others... or write it, so other people that do other things can still learn.»

    That sounded like a dream to her;everyone studying different things and sharing information so everyone could benefit from it.

    « That is... incredible. You know so many things... even today, you knew one power of that creature...» she lowered her head and closed her eyes, feeling a bit ashamed. Compared to him, there were so many things she didn't know...

    « Not many. »

    She felt Turo's hand on her cheek and opened her eyes again, surprised, to find him staring at her, eyes serious even as he laid almost upside down to her.

    « ... other things. I can't... hunt. Or look at creature's tracks and follow them. Or look at the wind and the clouds to see if it will rain. There are... many, many things that I don't know and you do. They are just... different.» he smiled softly, and there was now so much honest pride in his eyes that she felt herself blush slightly and bent down to give him a quick kiss, smiling.

    « ... Sada.»

    She backed up and looked at him questioningly.

    « Are you... happy here?» his voice was barely a whisper.

    She simply stared, confused.

    « Yes... of course.»

    Why the sudden question? Of course she was happy. Everyone in the village was fine, there had been no injuries or sickness even as the cold season got harsher and harsher. She had him, and Winged King, and there were so many things she wanted to do and places she wanted to explore; every day was an adventure. Why wouldn't she be happy?

    « ... I see.» Turo closed his eyes again, and nodded. « That's... good. Good.» he repeated, almost to himself.

    He didn't say anything else, but she felt a little chill at his words.

    Even if he hadn't left yet, he suddenly felt so, so far away from her.
    Bonus Chapter: 1
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    I've written quite a few little bonus chapters here and there for Timeslip, usually missing scenes, drabbles, little things from other characters's perspectives, or, like in this case, in-universe documents. I will post them here and there at the point they better fit in the story.
    This is Turo's report from the end of chapter 14 in all its drunken glory.

    getting hammered FOR SCIENCE!

    Coordinates of successful jump: Copy paste them from last report, do not forget!!

    Weather conditions: Cold. Bit windy. Was inside, don't really know.

    Number of hours spent time-displaced: Am drunk, check suit later

    Spent time with the locals, the kidz taught me a cool game that's played with stones. You throw them. And catch them. And there's levels and challenges and stuff. I sucked at it because last time I actually threw a ball or something was in elementary school in PE, and I sucked at it even then. When's the last time YOU ever threw a ball or stuff? Like for real, no VR games. My hand-eye coordination sucks.
    Then they showed me BOOZE! And it was good!! Probably some fermented berry juice, was really sweet.
    We hang out. They're cool. They will show me how they hunt Pokémon. That's not so cool.
    What else am I supposed to write here??
    Ah yeah, I gave the Pokémon back. They were happy!!
    Well Sada was. She almost cried. Felt that.
    I also almost cried these days thinking about my wallet while keeping the thing at my home. Dumb lizard. (Miraidon's SO MUCH COOLER!!)
    Since the nerds at the Academy will be all sad that they don't have seen Winged Ping flying, in this report I will also give a thorough explanation of the physics behind it. Because I have seen it flying and actually ridden it, and I'm cool light that.
    Uinged Ling's got wings. It's in the name. But there's a problem. They are too small, and are on its head. I made a top-down view diagram of it.

    Winged King

    See? The wings cover only one side. Which means the rest of the body gets no windy force that pushes it up. The back legs and tail are heavy, they should make it fall back.
    Because, and this is important.
    He. got. cool. JET ENJINES ON THE LEGS!! And magnetic force. MAGNETS!!
    Cyclizar got no wings and nothing, and therefore does the sensible logical thing and is stuck on the ground like the poor sad Normal Type lizard it is.
    Then how does Ringed Ping fly?
    It's no flying type. No wind currents. Not psychic. No magnetic force.
    According to all laws of aviation, it shouldn't be able to fly. But it does.
    My only and totally scientific conclusion is that Winged Jing flies, because it gives no shits that it shouldn't be able to. It wants to fly, and so it does. Because it's a cool dinosaur lizard.
    ... or maybe it fills the throat sac and body with some lighter than air gas or something, no idea, I'm no Pokémon Professor.

    After trudging back from Johto after the latest unsuccessfull attempt to catch another glimpse of one of the legendary beasts, Dr Melany Vega pushed open the door to her office and unceremoniously dumped her soaked raincoat to the floor. Why did Raikou have to be rumoured to "carry rain clouds on it's back"? Why did its stupid bark have to sound exactly like crashing thunder? Why did she have to check the local weather report for rain and storms and strange thunder cracks with clear skies and then go to the spot where it absolutely poured just to try and get to see it and snap a picture?
    Maybe she should just change completely objective. Choose some nice, easy legendaries. Like... the Regis.
    Sure she would have to actually find them first, but... they weren't responsible for natural disasters. No one had tried to use them to conquer the planet. They were perfectly happy to sleep away the ages in their nice little caves, and not run around two or three whole regions.
    She sat down at her desk and opened a monitor, checking her mail. Blablabla students eager for an internship. Bla bla some rich dude wanted to pay for a three-hour trip through time. Blablabla... oh. Turo's latest report.
    They were always so easy to read. As logical and precise as the man himself.
    Vega opened it up on a separate monitor... and then had to double check the sender when she read the title.
    And the first line. And everything after that.
    She covered her mouth with one hand to stifle the laughter, but when she got to the drawing she just had to get up and run to Ortega's office.
    He wasn't there, because of course he wasn't. When was that guy even actually working?
    So she went to the sanity room, sure to find him there lazing around.
    « Have you READ-»
    As soon as she stepped inside she was sure that yes, Ortega had already read the report, because the whole room had been made to look like an art museum, with the little drawing being proudly displayed mounted on different frames, with various filters applied like some modern art piece. Ortega turned towards her, out of breath from laughing too much and tears in his eyes.
    «... I can't wait to see him tomorrow... you think we can get him to write every report from now on drunk? » he asked.
    « Never mind that. » she sat down next to him, and pulled up the report again to read the rest.
    « I want to try the same stuff he had.»
    Chapter 15: Closing Time
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 15: Closing Time
    When Turo walked into the TTDL the day after his latest report, well into the afternoon since his last jump had been late at night again, he initially didn't notice anything wrong in the couple of looks he got from people he crossed in the corridors. Then he walked into the sanity room to grab a coffee, and had to question what he was looking at.

    He had no idea what the theme was supposed to be this day. It was usually either a generic ambience or some really specific, famous landmark, and this looked like neither. It mostly looked like a... Contemporary art museum? Each wall held a couple of little holographic frames, with lights pointing to it. Puzzled but without questioning it too much, he grabbed a cup of coffee. Maybe it was supposed to be some famous museum, he thought as he took the first sip. A reproduction of some art gallery from the past?

    The first exhibition of some famous artist...?

    He shot a distracted glance to the nearest frame as he took another sip, and raised one eyebrow.

    The paintings were all of the same thing, each the same shitty-looking scribble with different colored filters applied to it. One was in color. That one was sepia. That other one had been converted in a three dimensional model, made to look like a marble statue.

    He admittedly didn't really know much about art, except for the biggest and most recognisable of pieces, and this one definitely left him baffled. Maybe today the sanity room was actually showing something from the future? Wasn't it explicitly forbidden by Moreau?

    There was even the sound of steps and some whispering in the background, to simulate a little crowd walking around: whoever had sent this up had been meticulous. Then he finally noticed the little text hovering next to each art piece.

    "Ancient form of Cyclizar, top down view. Digital painting by Dr Romero Turo, circa 4685, TTDL, Earth"

    ... What.

    Was this supposed to be a joke? He sighed in annoyance and stormed out of the room, knowing exactly who was responsible.

    « Ortega-» he growled as he entered his office, only to, of course, find it empty.

    He stopped on the doorstep, exasperated, looking around.

    If he wasn't in his office or in the break room, then...

    « Porygon. » he spoke to the empty air, knowing full well that the Pokémon was listening. A screen opened up to his right.

    « How may I help, Dr Romero Turo? » it answered after a moment.

    « Is Ortega currently on a jump?» he exited the office and made his way towards the time machine room.

    « No. He is, however, getting ready to depart soon. I'm calculating his landing coordinates as we speak.»

    « Well, stop him for a moment!»

    Turo started running at a light jog. There was a moment's pause from the AI, an unusual amount of hesitation coming from the Pokémon considering the speed at which it usually thought and reacted.

    « I am... Unable to do that. Doing anything that could impede the normal use of the time machine goes against my duty-»

    Turo's eyes widened as he sped up, almost tripping in his haste to reach the room, now for a completely different reason.

    « Wait, no... Metaphorically! I meant metaphorically! Just ask him whatever, not "stop him" physically»

    AIs and their literal mindedness- Porygon 568 was usually so good at interacting with people, it was easy to forget that it wasn't, in the end, developed with the idea to actually act and think like one. Porygons had been developed as Pokémon first, and AIs only later, almost as an indirect result of making them more and more intelligent and able to deal with increasingly complex scenarios. There was another little pause at the other end of the line.

    « ... Oh. That is more understandable.» and with that, it closed the call, leaving Turo flustered as he sprinted across the last section of the corridor. He was completely out of breath as he burst into the room, only to find a bewildered Ortega with his sleeve pulled up, the nurse (her name was Denise, or something?) about to inject him with the protection serum, and a very uncomfortable looking Porygon 568 that was trying and failing to make small talk.

    « According to my calculations, the weather in Alfornada, 8th of August year 4378 should be lovely-»

    « ... All right?»

    All three turned around to look at him, and then stared again as he staggered inside.

    And then stared some more as he had to bend in half to catch his breath.

    « You okay there...?» Ortega asked after another couple of seconds of panting.

    « Yes! I'm here because of you!» Turo finally managed to get out, getting back upright and glaring at his senior.

    « What's with... That thing in the break room.»

    The other man's eyes lit up, and with a smile, he turned his back to the time machine, leaving poor Denise -if that was her name - to sigh and follow him with the still ready to be used needle.

    « Oooh, you've seen that? What do you think of your first art exhibition?»

    Turo sighed, not in the mood for Ortega's jokes.

    « "My" art exhibition? I draw much better than that... And you know that. You've read my reports, you've seen some of my sketches -»

    The man's smile got only wider. Now he was pretty much beaming.

    « Oh, this is even better than I thought... So you haven't checked your department mail this morning?»

    Turo stared, now with a little, unexplainable feeling of sudden dread springing up from a little corner of his mind. The little corner of his mind that subconsciously knew, and kept silent. Like a coward.

    « I... No? I was going to as soon as I got to my office... What is going on?»

    He looked to Denise or whatever and Porygon 568. The Pokémon had his eyes closed, exaggeratedly muttering coordinates numbers to himself as it pretended to be busy recalculating something, and the nurse... Well even the nurse was trying to hide a smile now. W-what had he done last night? He remembered coming back home, and... Getting straight to sleep? That was it, right? Urged by Ortega's smile, he opened up a screen and logged into his mail. His blood immediately ran cold as he saw an unread email by Moreau, titled "Re: Report".

    R-Report....? He had written nothing of the sort! He was going to start writing his latest one right now! Now sweating, he opened up the email and read with wide eyes, then looked at the attached file.

    And went completely red in the face at the thought of all the people who must have read... that.

    «I... I have no memory of this!» In his haste to reply, he activated the voice to text function and apologized profusely, promising to rewrite the report immediately. He... He had really sent that to the director? At least Moreau seemed to have taken it with a certain humour, or he would have destroyed his career in a single night.

    He... He was never going to live this down.

    « Yep, we figured. That must have been some strong stuff.» there was a pause as Ortega snickered.

    « ... Well?» He asked, and now even Denise the nurse looked curious.

    Turo looked from one to the other.

    « Well what

    « Was the booze at least good?»

    « Yes- that's not the point!» he snapped, sighing with exasperation when Ortega exploded with laughter as he turned his back to him and pulled up his sleeve again to finally receive the injection.

    « If I was you, I would consider starting a little mini-project. Me and Vega already have the paper title ready. "Taste-testing first traces of man-made alcoholic beverages in late Paleolithic era", by Doctor Romero Turo. We both offer ourselves up as co-authors and testers. » the dark haired man clicked his tongue as he pulled down his sleeve and stepped towards the time machine.

    « ... Strictly for science, of course.»

    Turo let out a sound that would have resembled the noise Miraidon did when he happened to slide on some gravel, except that it was currently being made by his teeth grinding together. Which probably wasn't exactly healthy.

    « No-»

    Ortega pouted exaggeratedly, then shrugged.

    « Aw. You shouldn't take yourself so seriously. You're funnier when you're drunk!» he laughed again as he waved him off, before disappearing into the time machine as it spun to life.

    In the silence that followed, Porygon 568 looked awkwardly between the two humans, before floating next to him with a flap of his short wings.

    « I do not have the capacity to understand "drunkenness" as a human state. But if it helps, I have seen the drawing. Taking into account the state of decreased motor skills it was done in, I find the result quite well done. The lines are...» the Pokémon seemed to struggle for a moment.

    «... surprisingly straight. » it muttered in the end. Turo couldn't help but let out a little laugh as he patted the Pokémon on the head.

    Aw, bless his little, artificially coded heart.


    That first trip they had taken in that cave had left him pretty shaken. He hadn't really expected to be brought in front of what in his time would become a priceless historical site. He knew those cave paintings, everyone did. They were studied in history books. People speculated about their meanings. To suddenly realize as Sada explained it that they were... Pretty much ancient family trees, their own way of keeping a record of their myths, their history and past before writing even officially existed had left him speechless. And the fact that she had wanted to draw him up there... he had gone back to his time, to his apartment, and looked up the cave painting online. Access to the cave was obviously restricted by now, but the pictures you found of it online were such high quality that they may as well be a perfect reproduction of the original. Haptic feedback even allowed you to somewhat touch them, simulating the feeling of the rock under his fingertips as close as possible... though it still didn't feel exactly the same as when he had actually touched it himself, in the past, to trace Sada's handprint. He enlarged the pictures as much as he could, covering almost the entire wall of his living room, and...stared. Miraidon got down from the couch and came near him to investigate, curious, letting out an inquisitive beeping chirp. He scratched the dragon under his chin as he looked at the picture, searching for a specific spot... There. Sada's handprint, in faded scarlet... And his own violet line all around, the brilliant color he had seen just not even a couple of hours ago similarly faded from the passage of time. But there it was. This picture was from years ago. It had always been there... He had just never paid attention to that small part of it, because he had no idea of what it meant... That he would be the one to leave it there.

    With a deep breath, he sat down on the couch and pulled up a description of the painting, skimming it.

    "Dated around the year 14'000 BCE and found at the end of a narrow cave system in modern Kalos, this stunning parietal art shows clear handprints belonging to homo sapiens that lived in the area... Numerous representation of Pokémon that must have inhabited the region at the time..."

    His eyes finally narrowed on a paragraph in particular, and he tensed.

    "... One handprint in particular has long puzzled paleontologists as it is the only one that shows a line traced all around it in a different colour. Since the scarlet handprint evidently belongs to a child, one hypothesis is that the violet line was done by an adult relative, probably one of the parents, to indicate something particular about the kid. One common theory is that it was done to commerate a child that died in their infancy, but that's unusual since considering the number of child sized handprints present on the cave wall, one would expect the number of similarly traced handprints to be higher..."

    Turo let out a deep sigh of relief and dismissed the explanation. Well... He had left some paleontologists scratching their heads, but nothing too serious it seemed. He stared distractedly at the cave painting for a moment, feeling himself relax; this way... Sada still had a way to hold up her traditions without potentially revealing that he had been there...

    Turo's eyes widened as he took in the painting as a whole and he jumped up from the couch, feeling himself tense up again.

    There was... Something wrong with the painting... Or to put it in better terms... Now that he knew what it meant, something was missing...

    « ... Why are there no other handprints...?» he whispered, and Miraidon purred at his side without understanding.

    He looked back to Sada's handprint. There... There should be a line there. To connect her child handprint to her adult one, and that one to her children, and so on and so forth, for generations to come... But there was nothing. He stared, feeling a rising panic mount in his chest. Miraidon pushed his snout under his hand, sending the tiniest jolt of electricity through it.

    ... Did... Did something happen to her? Did she simply not have any children...?

    "My father was from another tribe"

    Maybe... Maybe she had simply married into another group. Found someone else... After he left. An entire new tribe, culture and traditions to discover. Knowledge to share.

    That... Sounded like something she would do, he thought with a little smile, chest still aching painfully.

    But then... He gave one last look at the painting before dismissing it with a wave.

    Even if Sada in particular didn't continue the mural... There should still be generations and generations of other handprints present in this picture compared to what he had just seen. Instead... He couldn't be completely sure, because he had been focusing mostly on the part of the mural with Sada's handprint but there didn't seem to be many more.

    Did something happen to the tribe as a whole...? Did they get wiped out...?

    ... Why was he even worrying about it so much?

    It had already happened anyway. They were long gone.


    As Turo got more and more familiar with life at her settlement, his visits to Sada's time had started to become almost strangely... routine. Every three or four days, he would appear in the usual spot they had designated. They would spend time at the village, or fly around. And they would talk, slowly growing more confident in their respective language skills. He tried not to think too much about the cave painting, and never brought it up, neither with Sada, nor with his colleagues. Ortega would just tell him that he was making things even more difficult for himself for when he had to inevitably leave for good.

    "Don't get attached"

    And Vega... He wasn't actually sure. She probably spent most of her time chasing legendaries in remote places, and she didn't actually interact with people that much.

    He came back from his latest jump, and nodded towards Porygon's usual greeting as he dusted off his clothes.

    As he walked through the corridor, he noticed more noise than usual coming from the sanity room. Curious, he stepped inside, and noticed that most of the department seemed to have gathered there. The room was styled after a forest this day, and the noticed that most people present seemed clustered around one table in particular. When he got near, he noticed Vega, a weary look of exhaustion on her face, staring at something projected on the wall.

    « .... Hi.» she simply said, noticing his entrance.

    « Hi...? What is going on?» he sat down by her side and threw one look to the wall, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

    They just looked like a whole bunch of pictures of trees.

    « I did it.» Vega sighed, entirely unhappy.

    « You... Wait. You did it?! You got pictures of the legendary beasts?» he gasped, looking back to the photographs.

    « Congratulations!» why did she look so gloomy then? It was an amazing result, to get clear, high quality images of some of the most elusive Pokémons that ever existed...

    Vega groaned.

    « No... Not them. I gave up, it's impossible. So I went after Celebi because... I was already in Johto, the Ilex Forest was right there... And I'm pretty sure it could read the energy coming from my time-anchor or something because it started... Challenging me to chase it around various points in time. We pretty much played time travel tag.»

    She sighed again.

    « And then it finally allowed me to come near this little shrine they have in the forest and snap some pictures, and...» she wordlessly summoned one of the pictures and enlarged it, and Turo leaned forward to get a better look.

    ... Yeah that was Celebi all right. Or at least, it fit the various descriptions found in folklore and legends. Small and fairy like, with a couple of tiny wings, it was floating right in front of the little wooden shrine dedicated to it that used to be found in the forest ages ago.

    « That... Is a perfect shot.» he still wasn't quite sure why she looked more irritated than overjoyed at her accomplishment.

    Vega moved another picture in front of him, and now Turo had to arch one eyebrow. In the new picture, right behind the Celebi on the shrine and waving to the camera, was a second Celebi identical to the first.

    « ... Two of them? Isn't he supposed to be unique?»

    Legends and old stories were very contradictory about it. Some of them referred to certain legendaries as if there were more than one, others treated them as completely unique; some cases like Heatran or Phione seemed almost confirmed, or some lore about Entei mentioned that one existed for every volcano in the world, and then there was that old story about the "baby Lugia" that had pretty much become a legend on its own. So to see two Celebi in the same spot...

    « It could simply be the same individual that came at the shrine from two different points in time. » Moreau commented, squinting his icy blue eyes at the picture, comparing the two Pokémon.

    « That's what I also thought... He is the time travel Pokémon after all.» Vega lamented, before pulling up a third picture.

    « But then... look at this.»

    This one got more than one person to start muttering, and Turo's eyes widened when he saw what the redhead meant. Similar to the second picture, it showed two Celebi. Except that one of the two, this time busy winking to the camera, was red.

    « .... A shiny...?» he gaped.

    « I don't know!» Vega finally threw her hands in the air, causing all the pictures to accidentally spin in midair.

    « What are we supposed to make of this? It has to be a separate individual, right? Why hasn't there been a single shred of reference, myth, painting or drunken report about this Celebi in all of recorded history? I didn't even know shiny legendaries could exist! How can they get the shiny mutation if they don't reproduce?! » and with that, she let out an exhausted sigh and put her head back down on the table.

    « I don't know...»

    « Sounds to me like you have your next research project already decided. Congratulations.» Moreau commented with a chuckle, clapping the woman on one shoulder before walking out.

    People went back to their seats and conversation slowly resumed, except for Ortega, who had stood up from his chair and was busy studying the picture of the shiny Celebi -if that's what it was- with a serious expression, scratching his beard.

    « What do you think about all this?» Turo asked after a moment. Even if legendary Pokémon weren't strictly his field of research, he was still one of the most distinguished time travelers in the department. Maybe he could give some insight about the situation.

    Ortega's eyes moved to look at him, and he huffed.

    « I think that shiny Pokémon were so much cooler looking back in the day! Why do ours all look like they missed a paint job?» he grumbled.

    « No wonder shiny hunting stopped being a thing... What a shame.» and with that, he waltzed out of the room, whistling, leaving a half stunned, half resigned silence in his wake. Turo simply sighed.

    « ... Yeah, that one's on me. Shouldn't have expected a serious answer from the man.»


    That whole hunting trip had been both terrifying and eye opening. Documentaries about that era had given him a bit of a distorted view about how they would probably hunt Pokémon. "Oh yes, humans were endurance hunters, we just kept chasing something until it collapsed from exhaustion" didn't really take into account what happened when something actively fought back. Or worse, attacked first.

    He had spent pretty much the entire fight against that prehistoric Dodrio either getting thrown aside by Sada or trying not to panic. And of course, being absolutely useless, if not for giving her the Master Ball. Watching them stab at the Pokemon directly really made it clear how careful they had to be... And how easy it would have been for either one of them to end up gravely injured, which was pretty much a death sentence in that time. The story of Sada's father... He must have died of a common infection. Something that was just absurd to think about in his time.

    Yet they all treated it like it was normal... Because that was just how their life was. When he had come back, after spending a couple hours under the stars with Sada, it had been late evening.

    He had delivered the Master Ball to the science department of the Academy, and had firmly refused when they had asked him if he couldn't get a couple more.

    « Go get it yourselves if you want. I'm not risking anyone else's life.» he had growled, and ignored the weird stares he had gotten from everyone as he exited the room.

    It was starting to become painfully clear that his time with Sada was running out. Moreau hadn't said anything yet... But the expectation to bring his first real project to conclusion was definitely building up. Turo could feel it. He found himself thinking more and more of... Excuses. Justifications he could use to extend his project just a little bit more. "I still need to learn about their vocabulary a bit better". "I could investigate this other part of their culture a bit more ". And sooner or later it just wouldn't be enough. Wouldn't be worth it. Each use of the time machine cost precious resources and money, and he would have to choose another project to get more valuable data... To make better use of his time. Her answer to his question still weighted on his mind. She was happy, even after the risk she had just taken just earlier that same day. But that was... A good sign. Sada was strong. She would be fine no matter what happened to her... Even after he would have to stop visiting her.

    "I have no idea what to do"

    He knew it would come to this from the very beginning. He had been agonizing about it since then. He had just... Pushed the problem further and further away. It was a problem for Future Him; he just wanted to enjoy the time he had with Sada to the fullest. Just one more day. One more visit ... Just one more...

    Maybe he really should have listened to Ortega's advice, and cut all contacts before it got to this, he thought as he was tossing around in his bed that night.

    He had finally managed to fall asleep, Miraidon curled all around him with his snout resting on his chest, when a sudden whooshing sound startled him awake.

    He blinked still half asleep, to find that the dragon had gotten up with a burst of his jet engines and was pacing around the room, restless.

    He sighed, raising one arm to prop himself up on the bed.

    « Mirai... What is it?»

    The dragon kept pacing up and down, and after a moment, he got up to caress it gently. The Pokémon nuzzled him rubbing his snout on his cheek, then turned towards the window.

    « Gyaa?»

    Turo sighed.

    « Buddy... It's 3 AM. I need to sleep.»

    The blue digital eyes blinked as the Pokémon nodded, excited.

    He got up after a long moment.

    « All right. Just a short walk.»


    Mezagosa at night was beautiful. The historical part of the city, the only one which still had brick buildings, almost seemed to shine under the colored lights from the enormous skyscrapers all around. Just one side of the city was completely dark, the one built near the rock face of the Great Crater. Turo had been walking with Miraidon by his side for a while, looking at the thousands of people that walked around the street, the shops that were open at all hours. He didn't have many occasions to simply... Walk around, lately. He mostly went to the office through a teleporter, spent most of the day there either on a jump or busy with writing his paper or doing research, and went back home. He felt guilty looking at just how happy Miraidon looked, and realizing how much he had left him alone in his apartment, pretty much only coming back a couple of short hours every day to sleep. It had been a while since they had simply... Gone on a walk together.

    Maybe... After his project was done he could take a little break before starting the next one. They could take a nice little vacation. Overseas, maybe.

    The dragon stopped in front of a bakery, eyeing the pastries in the shop window.

    « You already had dinner and a midnight snack, you are not getting anything else tonight.» he grumbled, before startling and stopping to look at the exposition of the shop right next to it. A jewellery.

    He stared for a long moment at one of the objects inside, a pained look on his face, then took a deep breath and opened the door.


    « Update destination coordinates?» Porygon 568 asked by now as a pure formality. Turo, as always, shook his head as Denise quickly injected him with the serum.

    « The usual ones. Just add four days to the time coordinate.» he answered as he pulled down the sleeve of his clothes and stepped into the time machine. He closed his eyes, like always, and took a deep breath, opening them up again with a small smile, expecting to see Sada waiting for him by their usual meeting spot in the clearing by now. Maybe with a fire already set up, it had gotten a lot colder with the arrival of winter.

    He frows when he finds himself completely alone; he moves a couple of steps around, perplexed -the place was definitely the right one-, as he pulls the hood of Sada's clothes up to cover his face from the snow that was still falling. It was... Snowing pretty hard, actually. Maybe she had decided to just wait for him somewhere warmer?

    In that case, she would have left a message of some kind, to decide their new meeting spot. Turo started to look all around, searching maybe for a slip of paper pinned under a rock, or on a tree, but he couldn't find anything. Now he's perplexed; he ... Hadn't gotten the day wrong, had he? Had he ended up in another time completely? But no ... There were still signs from the last fire...

    Worst case, he could wait for his time-anchor battery to recharge, jump back, and try again... And then he saw the claw marks. Deep, violent gouges had cracked some tree trunks. White and blue feathers were scattered everywhere, with clear signs of a struggle having taken place. His breath catches in his throat. Did Winged King fight something here? Did he get injured again?

    If Sada had been with him-

    His heart seems to start up again, beating faster, frantic. There's a set of footprints he recognizes as from the dragon, left deep in the snow and clear enough that even he is able to follow them. Snow hasn't hidden them again yet, so from what little he knew about tracking, it had to have happened... Recently. He hurried after the tracks, following them further deep into the trees, his heart hammering faster after catching sight of some tiny droplets of blood bright red on the snow. But that was... fine, if they were from Winged King, they had to be from the Pokémon, please be from the Pokémon, he thought-

    She was laying just after the entrance of a little cave, Winged King curled up all around her, a mirror image of how his own Miraidon would lay protectively over him at night.

    Turo stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, frozen on the spot. The cave mural flashed in his mind. The fact that there was nothing else on it-

    Turo stumbled in his haste to get near her. Winged King raised his head from her side and whined, eyes downcast.

    There... There was just so much blood all around-

    No... Nonono, this couldn't be happening. He... Knew she was long gone in his time, that he had to let her go, but...

    « No... No, please-» he whispered.

    Not... Not right in front of his eyes, she couldn't-

    He knelt near her, the dragon stepping back, and she moved. Sada's eyes fluttered open, tired, unfocused, and he felt horror grip him at how weak she looked, how frail.

    « T-» her breathing is slow, laboured, but she still struggled to talk, recognizing him.

    « Ssssh» he cupped her face with his hands.

    « Don't talk ... It's fine... You will be fine-» his own voice sounded distant to him, like he was trying to convince himself first more than anyone else. He choked back a sob as he looked at her. The deep gash in her side. The hair matted with red. The way she trembled as she still tried to talk.

    « Other... Winged King... Fought...» she weakly got out, lips trembling with the effort, her face deathly white.

    Her eyes were what terrified him the most, terrified of seeing them lose that spark of life right in front of him, that brightness, that wonderful light full of curiosity and strength that he just loved so much.

    « I... I can-» he tried to control his panicked thoughts. What? What could he do?

    There is a sudden, bright flash of white light right by his side, and he pulled Sada close as he somehow tried to shield her, squeezing his eyes shut. When he opened them up again a moment later, blinking white spots out of his eyes, he looked to his left... And stood still, slack jawed, gaping in shock.

    Because there, right by his side, is himself. Turo -the other Turo- looks down at him, and he feels a deep sense of wrongness at seeing his own face look into him. There is a quiet determination on his doppelganger's face as he kneels down, and Turo noticed the two objects he was holding in his hands.

    He's got another time-anchor in his right hand... And a syringe full of protection-serum in his left. His eyes grew wide when he realized what the other him's -Future Him, he realized - intentions were.

    What he wanted to do... What he will do ...

    But that was... Crazy...

    « Save these coordinates, and shift 0.05 to the left, and minus eight seconds. Now.»

    If his face looking at him is strange, his own voice talking back to him makes him flinch.

    « W-what...»

    « MOVE!» future him had finished attaching the time-anchor to Sada's wrist and had forcibly pushed him away, and he stumbled as he almost fell backwards. He scrambled back up, breath heavy. He looked between Sada, and his future self. He clicked the device on his wrist to take note of his current coordinates.

    He... He knew exactly what he had to do.

    He turned around, and ran out of the cave, sprinting like he's never done before, tripping and stumbling multiple times, his legs screaming in pain at the effort of pushing through the snow. The instant his time-anchor's batteries are full again, he pressed the button, and found himself back in his time, almost falling forward as he's still mid running motion, completely out of breath.

    « Welcome back, Dr Romero Turo. That was an extremely short trip-»

    « Keep the time machine active. I need to go right back.» he interrupted the Pokémon, rushing through the door while panting heavily.

    He needed to get two things.

    Rationally, he knew that he had all the time in the world. He could literally go take a nap, go on with his life, and come back to that exact moment an hour, or a month, or years later, and literally not a second would have passed. But he wasn't thinking rationally. He could only think of-

    "I have to hurry, I have to save her, I can do it-"

    He ran through the corridor and towards the little room where they kept unused time-anchors and other equipment; in his haste, he didn't notice the figure that was just about to step into one of the elevators stop in his tracks to turn around and look at him.

    Turo skidded to a stop in front of the door, waving it open with one hand. Nothing happened.

    « The door is locked. Access to equipment is allowed only to personnel with the adequate level of permission.»

    He gaped as the figure of the Artificial Pokemon materialized in front of him, floating at eye level. What?

    Was it going to stop him?

    « I have analyzed the landing point of your current coordinates. There is a biometric signature of a human native of that time period not far from there. Her signature matches that of the person that was in proximity of your landing points many times these past months. Your intentions are obvious.»

    Turo stared at the little AI, shocked.

    Had it been... Looking at where he landed through the coordinates saved in his time-anchor? Had it been aware of Sada all this time?

    « Porygon... Move aside.»

    The Pokémon simply looked at him.

    He pulled up a command terminal, frustrated, trying to make his way through the door. He... He didn't have time for this!

    « Bringing humans native to a time period different from their own to this one is forbidden, as per rule #3 of the correct use of the time machine. » Porygon continued, and Turo grit his teeth in frustration. There was no need to quote the entire damn manual at him, he knew that! He-

    He stopped and looked at the AI, still floating in front of him. Still in his way.

    He... He still had the administrator keys.

    He could... Simply order Porygon to do what he wanted, shut him down completely, and there was nothing the little AI could have done to stop him-.

    He took a deep breath.

    « Porygon 568, execute ord-»

    « However-»

    He jerked in surprise, when this time it was the AI's turn to cut him off. When... Had he learned to do that...?

    « My most important directive that takes precedence over any other rule is making sure that any human who makes use of the time machine does so safely. That is usually humans that step into the time machine...» there was a pause as the Pokémon tilted its head sideways, in what Turo could only see as its own personal version of a smirk.

    « ... Or, I suppose, humans that happen, for whatever reason, to only step out of the time machine.»

    Porygon 568 beat its wings, eyes flashing yellow, and the door flew open.

    Turo just stared at the Pokémon for a long moment.

    « ... That is abusing a loophole in your rules and you know it.» he half sighed, half grinned in relief, rushing inside.

    The Pokémon beeped happily.

    « I had a good teacher.»


    He stepped back into the time machine after giving Porygon the coordinates he had just saved in the cave, appropriately corrected. The cryptic numbers spewed by... Well, himself, had been, he realized, the exact numbers he needed to appear right by his side, instead of where he had been. After all, appearing in a spot that was already occupied by... Himself would have been.... Bad...

    He was holding one time-anchor that was currently unused into his right hand, and one syringe full of one dose of the serum in the left. He would need both to bring Sada safely back with him. He closed his eyes as he felt the machine power back up, replaying the scene in his mind. What he had seen his future self do... he now had to do himself. He had to get it exactly right.

    Turo opened his eyes, and looked to his right, into his own eyes and at his past self's shocked and tears stricken face, Sada clutched against his chest. Had he been crying...? He hadn't noticed.

    He knelt down, and grabbed Sada's wrist slipping the time-anchor around it, making sure it's safely secured.

    « Save these coordinates, and shift 0.05 to the left, and minus eight seconds. Now.»

    Past him is completely frozen in place, because of course he is, he's literally just lived this very scene-


    « MOVE!»

    He pushed him away, and heard the sound of steps fading as he ran out of the cave.

    That should do it... That should have closed the loop.

    Now alone, he turned his attention back towards Sada. Her eyes are barely open, breath laboured, and as he pulls her closer he wondered for a moment if she was lucid enough to have followed the scene. She moved her head, barely, to look at him, as he pulled at her clothes to reveal one shoulder to do the injection. His left hand trembled a bit as he raised the syringe. He could do it. It was going to be okay. Her eyes seemed to widen a bit at the sharp point.

    « ... What... Is-»

    « It will be fine.» he reassured her, quickly slipping the needle inside.

    He stuffed it back into his lab coat immediately after, grabbing her time anchor to start it up. He configured the little device, synchronizing it to his own.

    Now... Now the hard part. His own battery was depleted since he had just arrived. Hers wasn't, since it hadn't technically brought anyone to the past.

    He didn't want to risk leaving her here to wait while his own recharged, even by running, unless it was absolutely necessary. Every second she spent here, was a second more where she could...

    She had to make the jump now, by herself... He would reach her immediately after.

    He took her hand and put it on the time-anchor strapped to her wrist.

    « You press this button when I say so, alright?» his heart was hammering in his chest, painfully aware that if his hands slipped right now, if he or her accidentally activated it while they were so close, with only one battery worth of power between them...

    He had no idea what would happen.

    Maybe he would end up somewhere, lost in time and space. Maybe only one part of his body would travel back, killing him instantly.

    Turo stepped back, relief flooding him when nothing happened. Sada didn't move, and for a terrible moment, he thought that she hadn't heard him, or didn't have the strength to do it, and he would have to risk leaving her in this damp, dirty cave again... And then there is a flash of light, and for the second time he had to squeeze his eyes shut again, and she's gone. He's... Never actually found himself in the position of watching someone appear or disappear. When he did it, of course the light came from him-

    Winged King roared at him, looking around. He caressed the injured dragon.

    « I'll help her, I promise. We'll be back.» he said, and then ran out of the cave for the second time.


    When Turo came back to his time, it's barely a second after Sada. She had collapsed and seemed completely unconscious, Porygon 568 having forgone his usual greeting to hover anxiously over her. She was still losing blood, which looked even more red on the pristine and immaculate pavement of the TTDL. There is a weird buzzing in his ears as he knelt down to gather her into his arms, managing to lift her with quite some effort. It was like he was watching everything happen from another point of view. It didn't feel real.

    She was ... Here. In the present.

    He could have an epic freak out about it later, now he needed to get her to-

    « What in the name of Arceus are. You. Doing

    Turo froze, turning towards the shadow of Ortega that was standing at the door, eyes wide and paler than he had ever seen him.

    « I... She's been injured... I had to-»

    « You had to do what?» the other time traveller stormed inside, and Turo realised that he was livid. He hadn't actually ever seen Ortega angry.

    « I thought I had made myself clear. We just observe. We don't interfere. Don't get attached! Not bring some... Some primitive cave woman here!» the man hissed, and Turo felt anger flare up in his chest. He gritted his teeth, squaring up towards his colleague.

    Sada... She was neither primitive nor simply a cave woman like some dumb stereotypical brute-

    « Don't speak of her like that and step aside.» he muttered, voice low.

    « NO!» Ortega shouted. « This is insane! You're insane! Turo...» he put both hands through his hair in furious exasperation.

    « I don't know how to get you to understand, but... You have to let her GO. She's already dead

    « DON'T SAY SHE'S DEAD!» Turo exploded, marching up until he towered over the man. Ortega flinched for a moment , caught by surprise.

    « I... I know I have to... Leave her soon. But I couldn't just... She was bleeding out, Ortega. Right in front of me. That... That couldn't be how her life ends. I'll... bring her back there. I want her to at least have the best life she can hope for... Without me.» he whispered, voice cracking. Ortega said nothing as he looked away, face contorted in a mix of anguish and anger. Turo was sure he knew what the other was thinking about. His lover, left in the past. Years and years gone, an entire life he could never be a part of. But at least, lived to the fullest.

    « Ortega, please...»

    The man looked at Sada's unconscious face for a split second, closed his eyes, then let out a hiss of frustration and stepped aside.

    « Damn you, Turo... If Moreau finds out, he will have both our heads!» he hissed. « ... I'll go call the elevator... And the hospital. Let's go.»


    Turo sat in the corridor of Mezagosa's Mimosa Hospital.

    Having an epic freak out.

    He still could barely believe what he had done. He had broken.... Pretty much every rule of time travelling by now. His career would be finished if word of this got out. He would be lucky to be able to get some jobs setting up dumb websites for advertising little family shops up on Mars. That's the most he would be able to aspire to for the rest of his life, pretty much.

    But Sada... Was here. Being treated this exact moment.

    Nobody had batted an eye at seeing two people in ice age clothes rush in, one unconscious and covered in blood. They were used to treating injuries received by time travelers during one jump or the other, Ortega had reassured him.

    How Ortega knew that ... Better not to know. Speaking from experience, for sure.

    « I brought some old clothes of mine » Vega left a bag in the seat next to him, and offered him a drink. Turo took it, opening the can on autopilot.

    « Coffee?» he asked, taking a sip.

    « Nope. Gin and tonic, you look like you need it.» she answered, prompting him to almost spit the cocktail out.

    « Don't get me drunk in a hospital

    « It will be a while until they're done. Relax.» the redhead sat by his other side, and took the canned drink from him.

    « ... Ortega told me everything. How is she?»

    Turo took a deep breath.

    « ... Should be fine. They've stabilized her. Cloned some of her blood and gave her a self-transfusion. » he looked at her colleague, conflicted.

    « You... Didn't have to get involved, you know. Now it's also your head on the chopping block.» he felt guilty for having dragged both of them into... This.

    « Don't worry, it was my choice. I made Ortega tell me everything. We'll come up with some excuse about your last jump together. »

    Vega smiled a bit.

    « Even from the vague mentions in your past reports... She sounds like an amazing girl.»

    He smiled a tiny bit in return.

    « ... She is.»

    There was a brief silence between the two.

    « I'm sorry, Turo. As soon as she wakes up...»

    « ... I know.»

    She offered him the drink again.

    This time, after a moment, he took it.
    Chapter 16: After Hours, part I
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 16: After Hours, part I
    Sada immediately noticed that something was up as soon as she landed in the usual meeting spot with Winged King to wait for Turo's arrival together. The snow was high and had been falling without pause for a couple of days now. Every time they landed, the dragon would usually clear some space to set the campfire up by sweeping his long tail, the warm scales easily melting the snow away. Staying close to him was pretty cozy, at the least. This time, however, she noticed the dragon was looking around with a nervousness she hadn't usually seen on his features. His head twitched left and right, and it rose to his hind legs to smell the air with both his nose and his tongue briefly darting out.

    « What is it?» she asked, moving to his side, one hand grasping her spear tight.

    The creature growled, the throat sac vibrating with a low rumble, his pupils thin slits as it still looked around. Sada felt a twinge of anxiousness overcome her as she turned to look at Winged King's opposite side, covering his back. Was there a creature nearby? He had never acted this nervous before, until... Until the time he had been attacked. That was the only time she had seen the dragon look distraught. She scanned the edge of the clearing, passing a couple of white blue feathers that had fallen to the ground...

    She froze, realizing what she had seen a second too late.

    They were too far away to be Winged King's.

    A familiar sounding roar echoed through the air and Winged King's head shot up in alarm. Sada copied him, only to find herself suddenly thrown to the ground by what felt like a heavy punch. She rolled to her feet as she half sunk through the deep snow, watching something drop heavily over the dragon from directly overhead. She realized that Winged King must have pushed her away with his tail just in time, to avoid her getting caught in the attack.

    And there, over the figure of the dragon she had been living with for quite a while now and could only see as a true companion, was... Another Winged King. Even bigger, the feathered crest on his head sporting a longer fringe, a big scar running from his left brow to the side of the snout.

    Was this... What had attacked her companion? She had never seen other creatures of the same species, so she just assumed that they usually lived far away. This one must have either followed hers, or had simply happened to wander in the same area. Now she understood perfectly why the dragon had been hurt; it had been a battle for territory... And now the other Winged King seemed to have come back to definitely claim this area as his.

    The two creatures were roaring at each other as they struggled in a tangle of limbs. Winged King was pinned underneath, trying to get the other dragon off him; it finally managed to rear one leg up and violently kick his opponent in the stomach, sending the other dragon flying. It quickly got back up, as did her partner, and the two dragons sized each other up for a moment, before the rival got down on all fours and rushed close again, swiping at Winged King with his claws. This time however the dragon looked ready: it roared and stood his ground, grabbing the opponent with both front legs to stop its charge, and both creatures were sent crashed against a tree. After that, it became a furious exchange of blows; snow flew all around mixed with feathers as the dragons thrashed around, swiping and kicking at each other. They both seemed intent to try and block the other from taking off into the sky, and Sada understood why after she thought back to all the times she had seen Winged King land by dropping heavily onto the ground from high up. The rival had used the same approach when it had arrived: whoever managed to land such a heavy hit would have a good chance of winning the fight.

    But Winged King had already been hit once... To save her, of all things. He had already been injured once by this dragon, and had only been cured thanks to Turo.

    She... She couldn't watch him get hurt again in front of her! She had to help!

    « Leave him alone! This is his territory!» she took out a couple of hard berries wrapped in leaves from her pouch, and took careful aim. They were pretty small for berries, but had an hard and spiky outer shell. She threw one towards their opponent, waiting for the split second when the two dragons would pause briefly to catch their breaths.

    It hit him on the side of the head with a loud noise, and a moment later, a horrible, harsh scream filled the air, forcing her to cover her ears. Giving a quick glance to the dragon as she stumbled back, she saw it furiously trash around, clawing at his face, one eye shut and bloddy. It turned his head to look at her with his remaining eye, and she felt herself freeze in fear for a moment for the very first time. She was used to fighting creatures, to carefully observe their actions. She knew that when a creature attacked, it was either for self defense or because it was hungry.

    She had never seen a creature look at her with hate like the dragon was doing now. It snarled, then launched himself at her with all his strength, raising one clawed arm high.

    She flinched, but managed to grasp the spear with both hands and held it high to intercept the blow. It got brushed aside, the stone tip broken off by a furious claw swipe, and barely did anything to stop the creature as its claws descended toward her side.

    She suddenly felt hot. So hot... Everything burned... The last thing she was aware of was Winged King's furious roar as she collapsed to the ground, holding her side.


    After that, she had been barely aware of what was happening. Winged King had taken her in his claws and dragged her to a cave, curling himself up around her, a low keening noise coming from his throat. Then Turo had arrived... She had tried to speak... She had to warn him about the other Winged King... It could attack him too... she wasn't sure of what had happened next.

    She thought she saw two Turo, but that was... impossible... Then a sharp pain in her shoulder, followed by warmth spreading all over her body.

    Turo's whispered words, that took her a moment to understand. The button... What is a "button"...?

    There's something under her fingers, that Turo had guided her hand over. Smooth and hard, with lots of little ridges... It was a bracelet. Like his.

    But he had said.... She couldn't use it or... Or she would die... Sada felt herself slipping away, and in one last moment of clarity, decided to blindly trust him and pressed the button.


    She regained consciousness very slowly, fragments of sounds and sensations coming to her like through fog. She was somewhere warm, and soft. Voices were whispering something near her.

    She strained her ears to understand; some words sounded familiar, but they were speaking... too fast, in a foreign tongue she didn't understand.

    « You've been by her side for hours, you need to go to sleep.»

    « I can sleep here.»

    She felt a warmth spread in her chest at the second voice, because that was Turo's voice, and he sounded right next to her.

    « Really Turo, you can leave for an hour or two. Go eat something. Take a nap. We'll stay with her. It's not like she's going anywhere.»

    A pause, then a tired sigh.

    « All... All right.»

    She wanted to... To move, open her eyes, talk to him, but she found herself drifting off again as she heard him move slowly away from her.

    When she regained consciousness again, she was definitely more lucid, able to think. Her limbs felt less heavy, and she was more aware of her surroundings. There was... A curious lack of sounds, except for the same whispering voices from before, coming from somewhere near her. She couldn't hear the wind, the rustling of leaves, and it didn't seem to be snowing. Winged King had dragged her away... Where was she now? The cave...?

    No, she was... Something else had happened before she lost consciousness... And she was laying on something that was way too soft to be the floor of the cave.

    She cautiously opened her eyes... And had to immediately squeeze them shut again. Everything was so... So bright. Pure white everywhere, even whiter than snow. She slowly opened one eye again, then the other, getting them gradually used to the light. There was... What looked like a blanket over her, but it didn't look like it was made from any pelt she knew... Or made from pelt at all. It was extremely thin and light, and of course white in colour, like almost everything else around her. She looked up, and her eyes widened when she saw a bright blue sky, with clouds moving slowly across it, a complete difference from the heavy clouds she had gotten used to seeing almost every day for the past few moons. But... There were also what looked like smooth walls around her. What was the point of building something if you didn't put a roof over it?

    Sada suddenly noticed that something sharp was stabbing her in one arm. She looked down, to see with some alarm that she had what looked like a thin, long cord coming out of it, something slowly dripping through it right into her arm from a see-through pouch. She grew agitated.

    She had seen bug creatures do something similar to their prey, stabbing them with long tendrils to inject the poison that made you unable to move...

    « Um... Paleo Girl is up, what do we do?»

    Sada quickly turned her head towards the voice, eyes wide and body on edge. The words had come from a man that looked a bit older than her, who had been sitting next to where she was laying, with curly black hair that fell partially in front of his face. Next to him was a woman with hair as red as fire.

    Who were this people...? What were they doing to her?

    She put her other hand over the cord, ready to rip it out, only for the red haired woman to jump up and grab her hand with both of hers. Sada glared at the woman.

    « Argh, no! Can...can...you....speak...?»

    Sada stopped, surprised. She... She recognized those words. Spoken clearly, more slowly... That was Turo's language. And these people... They had the same unnatural, weird looking cleanliness to their faces, their hair, as him, that had almost struck her as wrong, creepy, the first time she had seen him. She had grown accustomed to it now, found it endearing in a way. It had given him almost an air of... Childlike innocence, together with his cluelessness about so many things. She looked down to her arm, where the woman had still clasped her hand in hers. Her hands were both tidy. Perfect. Impossibly so. And... She was wearing the same kind of smooth skin clothes as Turo, except in a different, light blue color. So... If this were Turo's people... Quick impressions came back to her one after the other.

    The two Turo in the cave, his words, his hand pressed on hers, the bracelet... the bracelet.

    He had made her use it. Which meant...

    « Yes... Not many... Words.» she answered like in a daze. She was used to speaking mostly in her language with Turo, usually at the village , or a weird mix of the two when they were alone. Having to use only his words felt weird and unnatural.

    But it looked like they had been understood, because the woman smiled brightly.

    Her teeth shone as white as everything else around her.

    « Good. Don't touch this-» the woman nodded towards the thing in her arm.

    « It's... helping you. »

    She didn't quite understand what she meant, but she was still too stunned to care. If... if she had really used the bracelet, and not died... Wait. She squirmed her hand away from the woman's hold, and grabbed the blanket that covered her to throw it off. She was wearing a thin light blue robe. Where were her clothes? Where was... The blood? ... The wound? She touched her side, and her eyes widened when she couldn't feel anything different. Not a scar, or a single scratch, ot even a single drop of blood; the skin was completely dry.

    She looked back up towards the two, her eyes wide.

    « H... How...?»

    It was exactly like with Winged King's injury.

    The man sitting beside her sighed.

    « Turo, of course. He's completely fallen for her, the fool.» he muttered in a lower voice, too fast for her to understand. Her heart still skipped a beat at hearing his name. Right, she... She had heard his voice.

    « You... Know Turo?»

    The man didn't answer, but simply looked away, and Sada had the distinct impression that he was trying to avoid talking with her as much as possible. He was actively trying to not look at her right now, and she had no idea why.

    She had never seen this man before,and had simply asked him a question.

    The woman with red hair answered in his place after a couple of moments of silence.

    « Yes. He is... A friend.» she cautiously sat back right next to the man, and Sada found herself staring at them.

    Turo's friends. From... The future. She looked at their arms, searching for bracelets similar to his, but they didn't seem to be wearing them. One question was suddenly more urgent than anything else.

    « Where is he?»

    The woman smiled gently again before answering. She seemed to be making more of an effort to actually make herself understandable, talking slowly.

    « He is resting. Oh, umm... Sleeping.» she added when Sada furrowed her brow, not recognizing the first word.

    « I'll call him.» the man commented, seemingly only to the woman, and he got up from where he was sitting. She watched him walk towards one of the walls, and then the part of the wall directly in front of him suddenly moved, leaving her stunned. It had moved on it's own, sideways, somehow disappearing inside the piece of wall right next to it. It seemed to work quite similar to how they woud roll up a piece of pelt from a hut to make an opening, but... That had to mean they were inside. But then how could she see the sky?

    She looked back up again, and the woman seemed to notice her perplexity.

    « Oh, that is just ... A drawing.» she made a strange gesture with her hand, and the blue sky immediately disappeared, revealing what actually seemed to be a roof after all, same pure white colour as the walls. So what she had been looking at wasn't actually the sky? Was it seriously a drawing? It looked so real... And it had been moving!

    The future was incredible.

    The woman looked towards where the wall had opened just before, then back to her, her eyes suddenly slightly alarmed.

    « You... Don't move, all right? Stay here. I have to, um... » she didn't finish the phrase, also disappearing through the opening.

    « Where's Ortega-»

    Left alone, Sada immediately got off the strange, raised platform she had been laying on. Part of it looked like some smooth blankets sewn together and stuffed with something to make it soft, but all around there were lots of little pieces she couldn't understand the meaning of. There were the letters that Turo had taught her, but they didn't spell any word she could understand. She cautiously tugged at the tube in her arm, and to her surprise the little bag tied to it followed her, floating in midair. She tried to move her arm around, and the bag always followed as soon as the cord got stretched too much. It looked like it was always trying to stay right by her, the liquid in in dripping through the cord little by little. She poked it, fascinated. It didn't really hurt.

    So was this medicine? Would it leave when it got completely empty? Was it some strange creature? It... Didn't really look alive, but it was moving, so...

    She cautiously moved some steps, eyes wandering all around the room in curiosity. Where actually was she? Was this their version of a hut? Narjik would sometimes keep people in his tent to look over them if they got hurt, maybe this was a similar place?

    She had asked Turo to describe his home to her a couple of times, and he had spoken of... Villages that were many, many times bigger than hers, with people and creatures living in it together to the point that there was no need to build fences or be on guard against attacks. She had tried to picture it, and this... Wasn't exactly what she had had in mind, admittedly. Her eyes fell on an object that had been left near her side, and her eyes widened when she recognized it. That was Turo's notebook! So he was here! A part of her wanted to look over it, but her curiosity to explore this new, strange, place was much stronger. She cautiously approached the opening of the room, and flinched a bit when it suddenly slid open. Across it, contrary to what she expected - to step outside, and see other huts, or other similar constructions -, were... More white walls. Perfectly smooth and straight.

    She frowned. It was almost starting to get a bit tiring on the eyes.

    People here really loved pure, immaculate white, didn't they?

    She looked around, to see the two who had been with her hurriedly discussing something. In the stream of strange, fast spoken words, she only caught a couple, and they both whirled around as soon as she stepped out.

    And there, right behind them, speaking with the red haired woman and just now turning around to look at her, was...

    «... Sada

    She had never seen Turo's face just light up like it did in that exact moment. He stumbled towards her, raising both hands to gently touch her face, almost as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

    A moment later, right as she was about to speak, he suddenly held her close against his chest; she could feel him take a deep, shivering breath, and so she simply closed her eyes and embraced him. The cave, the wound, Turo holding her as she felt herself getting weaker and weaker... It had all been real. She would have died if he hadn't brought her here. If he had arrived just a little later... And judging by the way his arms were refusing to let her go, he was probably thinking the same thing.

    After a couple moments, she noticed that the dark-haired man had been anxiously watching them.

    « Turo... She needs to-»

    Whatever he meant with that, Turo's response seemed to be to just hold her closer. She looked between the both of them. She had the distinct impression she was missing something important. A crucial detail about what was going on.

    « Just... One day, Ortega.» Turo whispered, looking up at the man.

    « Please.»

    "Ortega", as he had been called, took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. The red haired woman just shrugged her shoulders.

    « What difference will one day make? »

    Ortega lowered his hand again, and after a moment narrowed his eyes at Turo.

    « ... One day. Not one hour more. »

    He threw her one last look - no, it was a look directed to both of them, an equal mix of exasperation and longing, then he walked away, disappearing after turning around more white walls.

    Sada stood still, not quite sure of what had just happened, but Turo was now smiling as he took her hand.

    « Let's go back to your room... There are clothes for you there, and then we can go. »

    She followed him back into the room where she had woken up. Go... Did he really mean what she thought he did...?

    « Go...? » she repeated, just to be sure.

    His smile got a bit wider.

    «... To see my "world".»


    They had to wait a bit before she could actually go. Someone wearing an all white cape similar to Turo's came in to look at her, before nodding and removing the tube from her arm. She looked at the floating bag curiously to see what it would do, biting down questions upon questions.

    "They can't know where you come from. If anyone asks, you are Vega's cousin from Kalos." Turo had whispered to her before the "shaman" had walked in, stopping her from asking what a "cousin" and "Kalos" were.

    So she had kept mostly quiet, letting the two natives of this place speak; now she kind of understood how Turo must have felt at her village, not understanding what people were saying, but definitely knowing that they were talking about him. She felt herself blush slightly like he had done at the time. But it was all so... Fascinating! She wanted to know how they had closed her wound so fast. How did that bag work? What was inside? Some miraculous water? If it worked on any kind of wound, she could... Bring it back to her time. But it probably only worked here...

    She perked up when the shaman had left and "Vega", as the red haired woman had been introduced, pretty much pushed Turo out of the door.

    W-wait, why...? What was going on now?

    « All right!» she said, turning back around and clapping her hands once. She grabbed what looked like a bag and opened it up, before pushing it towards her.

    « Take these off...» she motioned removing the robe she had been currently wearing, then pointed to the bag.

    « ... And wear these.»

    Oh! Now she understood why she had pushed Turo away. Curious, she glanced into the bag, and her eyes widened when they saw another pair of their smooth, scaley clothes like those that they were both wearing. She grinned as she took it out of the bag: she always wondered how they felt to wear! It was a warm orange color, and following Vega's instructions, she slipped into it with some difficulty. At first, she thought that it was too small for her, but to her amazement, as soon as she finished putting on one part it would stretch around her bare skin with a slight hissing sound, fitting perfectly. It could change size to who wore it! With a little smile, she suddenly realized why Turo had looked so uncomfortable when she had wanted to take his measurements. They didn't need to do it! No wonder he had acted so perplexed at first!

    As soon as she was finished putting it on, the same glowing lines that Turo also had suddenly lit up, but in a similar orange hue to the rest of the robes.

    She had thought that it would feel sticky and suffocating, clinging so close to her skin, but it was the exact opposite. It felt incredibly light, and perfectly comfortable, neither too hot or too warm. Compared to the layers and layers of furs and coats she was used to wearing, it was almost like she wasn't wearing anything at all. And that made her stop for a moment and turn towards the redhead.

    « My... My clothes...?»

    Vega simply smiled.

    « Turo has them, don't worry.»

    After she had finished getting dressed, Vega called Turo back inside. He stopped as soon as he had entered the room, staring at her with a weird expression. He looked... Conflicted. The little smile that came to his lips was happy, but it took a long, heavy moment to reach his eyes.

    There was still... some crucial detail she was sure she was missing about what was going on.

    But then he moved closer, looking at her with so much warmth and pure relief that she decided that it could wait until later.

    « These clothes feel so good! And the lights, how do they work? And the way it stretches... I need to see what they are made of!»

    Turo simply laughed softly, taking her hand in his as he lead her again toward the exit of the room.

    « I'll explain. I want to show you... so many things.» he answered after a moment. The fact that, for once, it was his turn to take her hand and lead the way as they left wasn't lost on her. It had been her role for so long, she had done it so many times; she was used to hearing his steps (and more than occasional tripping) stumble right behind her, to have to steal glances at him over her shoulder, watching over him, that finding herself in the opposite role felt completely novel, almost surreal. She wasn't used to seeing him look so... confident, in a way, she thought as she stared at his broad back, quietly illuminated by the glowing lines on his clothes.

    She... liked it, she realized. Sada had initially fallen in love with his more awkward side, his strangeness that had made him so endearing... but she also really liked this side of him, the one he had started to show as soon as he had told her the truth about where he came from.

    She walked quietly behind him as they walked past more and more doors and walls that looked just like the one she had woken up in, often crossing more people dressed in similar white capes.

    « Are these all shamans...?» she whispered to him, eyes wide. If so many people's role was to watch over who got injured, then it was no wonder that they were able to cure so many types of wounds like hers.

    « They are called "doctors" here. And yes, they all work here.» he answered, and she couldn't help but marvel at the idea. This place was so big, how many people were part of his tribe if they had so many "doctors"?

    The answer came to her shortly after, as they walked out of the "hospital" and she found herself, for the first time, outside in Turo's time. The fact that they had been inside all this time had also amazed her, thinking about how much time and resources it must have taken to built that entire place, but all of that got washed away like branches floating down a river during a flood by what was suddenly thrust in front of her eyes. Her first impression was "bright". Too bright. Everything seemed to shine and sparkle and move, in a dozen of different colors that she simply wasn't used to seeing. And everything was... too much, in a way. Too spacious. Too loud. Too big. She felt unable to breath as she stared at the dozens and dozens of people all around her, the towering buildings made of shining stone that completely dwarfed the hospital they had just come out of that rose in front and all around her. Her chest hurt, her eyes hurt, and she felt herself start to tremble in simple shock, overwhelmed by everything going on around her all at once.

    She didn't know... she had no idea that... there could be so much...

    « Hey-» and then Turo was suddenly in front of her, cupping her face in his hands.

    « ... look at me. Just me. All right? Breathe... » he instructed her, and she slowly resumed breathing, focusing on his face. His eyes, now filled with worry as he caressed her face, then annoyance as some people gathered around and he shot them a glare.

    « She's fine, just a little overwhelmed, kindly give us some space-»

    He positioned himself so that she wouldn't have to look at anything else but him, and she slowly regained some semblance of control over herself. She felt foolish, having gotten so... overwhelmed by simply stepping outside.

    « Let's take this... slowly. Remember when you saved me from that Brutal Fang?» Turo was talking and she focused on his voice as they resumed walking, grateful, as she followed him with quiet little steps. Was he trying to distract her? Or did he simply want to make her think back to that moment?

    « I... also felt so lost in that moment. Every noise in the forest was new, and scary.» he added, and she realized that yes, he was trying to both make her calm down and to comfort her by retelling his own experience. Right, of course... for him, coming to her would have been as difficult and maybe overwhelming as it was for her now.

    « I didn't think... there could be... so many people... all in one place.» she answered after a moment, hazarding a little, almost fearful glance all around. It just... made her head spin, to think of all these people that were walking by. How did they even manage to organize their life? How did they decide who did what? Where did they get enough food to feed everyone? There was no way you could speak personally with everyone.

    « Are these all... your tribe?»

    Turo turned around, a trace of his little sad smile on his lips again.

    « Yes... and no. Tribes are bigger here... but you only know a small part of the whole tribe.» he explained, and she quietly thought about it for a moment. She had to admit that she didn't really understand the purpose of calling it a tribe, then... but she appreciated that he had still explained it. That was another thing she had always liked about him. From the very first times they had met, when they both knew only a handful of words each and could barely communicate with each other, having to resort to drawings and plenty of miming, he had never thought her... incapable of understanding something. Sometimes he would avoid the question completely, but it had never been because he thought her too stupid to understand. And she appreciated it, and had done the same in return, teaching him how to light a fire or recognize tracks from various creatures... all the many, little things she had thought had to be obvious but obviously weren't.

    She suddenly jumped a bit, startled, when she suddenly saw some strange creature following a group of kids. She had a quick moment of panic as she tried and failed to instinctually grab her spear only to find none, before she realized that the creature wasn't a threat. Small and birdlike, it had a smooth, shiny skin with glowing blue lines. Half of it's body was red and the other half was white, and it had a big, round tail that glowed blue and looked almost filled with water. It waddled peacefully after the three kids, with glowing eyes that looked like they were made from many little dots of blue light, almost like an insect's. Sada stared at it as they walked past; it really paid them no mind, not even turning around to look at them. The creature made her remember something else, and her eyes widened as she walked a bit faster to get to Turo's side, suddenly frantic.

    « Winged King! He was attacked... is he all right?»

    He hadn't gotten injured again, had he? Turo reassured her with a small smile.

    « He is fine. He is waiting back... in your time. You'll see him tomorrow.» he added, looking away towards the nearest shining construction they were walking past. Sada looked at him for a moment - something in his words had struck her as strange- but right as she opened her mouth to ask him for more details, the next wondrous sight distracted her from what she wanted to say and she couldn't help but simply stare in amazement. As they were walking, the wall had lit up and a great number of pictures and writing had appeared on it. It flashed too fast for her to read, but she was more enraptured by the pictures. They were so lifelike... and they were moving, and talking! Was this why Turo was so good at drawing things? If people here were able to draw pictures that looked like this... that had to be the reason!

    « It's... it's moving!» she stopped herself just short of pointing, but she couldn't help the amazed whisper that escaped her lips. She looked up at Turo, eyes shining.

    « Can you make drawings move? How does it work?»

    He looked at her for a moment, then to the wall, and smiled softly.

    « ... It's simple, actually. I will show you. But first... I want to show you another thing.» he answered, leading her toward one of the many, incredibly tall buildings.

    By now, she was used to the opening sliding open, but she still wasn't really ready for what was inside. It looked like some sort of communal place, because there was quite the number of people inside, sitting on colored seats in little groups. A delicious smell was in the air, even if she could see no signs of fire or anywhere else that suggested that something was cooking.

    « Is this where you eat?» she asked in another whisper, and he laughed as they sat down in an empty corner.

    « Yes! Here...» he moved his hand, and she jumped a little when a glowing... sheet? It looked a bit like a notebook page, materialized in front of him. It was full of writing and other incredibly realistic drawings. She watched, fascinated, as he moved his hand in the air, and the drawings moved reacting to his command. She timidly raised one hand and tried to do the same by touching the glowing page, but her finger passed right through it. What... could only Turo touch it? Why? She tried to poke it another couple of times, a bit disappointed, before Turo took her hand in his and guided her into making the same movement. This time, with his hand wrapped around hers, it worked, and the drawings started to move, sliding in front of her one after the other. They were all kinds of food she had never seen before.

    « "W-a-f-f-l-e-s"?» she read outloud after a moment, pausing over a drawing in particular that caught her eye. They looked so strange... perfectly square but soft, with what looked like some kind of colored berry juice over it.

    « ... you eat this? Really?» she asked, a bit skeptical as she stared at the little squares. But... she figured that he had eaten with them often all the times he had visited, and never complained, so she could do the same and trust him. She watched as Turo touched the drawing, and it disappeared.

    So they could just... pick a type of food and it would be ready? She figured that someone's role was obviously to prepare it for everyone, but... That was still incredible. How did they get so much food?

    « How do the drawings move?»

    Turo made another glowing page appear, this time empty. He drew a tiny, heavily stilized human figure, with both arms and legs spread out.

    « They... don't really move. They are called a "video". A video is made of many, many, um... drawings.» he explained in a low voice, drawing another human figure, this time with one arm half raised over it's head. And then another, this time with the arm completely raised.

    « If you look at the three drawings really fast...» he moved his hand again, and the three drawings started to move in a circle in front of her, one after the other. After keeping her eyes on one for a moment, she understood what he meant.

    « They look like one drawing that moves!» she grinned as she watched the little figure wave. With just three drawings, the illusion was pretty crude, but if you supposedly showed... dozens, or hundreds of pictures in a single moment... it was brilliant. Such a simple idea, but... brilliant.

    « But then... how can it talk?» she immediately asked, and Turo's smile dimmed a bit. With a little amusement she recognized the telltale signs of him getting embarassed as he looked away.

    « That is... more difficult to explain-» he confessed with a grimace, and she laughed. Meanwhile, their food had arrived... or it was better to say her food, since it looked like Turo hadn't gotten anything.

    « You aren't eating?» she asked, and he just shook his head. She cautiously looked at the "waffles". The smell was... really good actually, and they were still warm. She hesitantly picked one up with her hands breaking off a piece -missing Turo's suddenly alarmed face- and stuck it in her mouth.

    Her eyes grew wide with shock. It was... sweet. Just so sweet! She looked at the weirdly gooey substance that had been dripped all over it with new eyes as she hungrily devoured the rest of it, her body instinctually craving the sweetness and rush of energy that came with it.

    « You... always eat this...?» she asked almost in a daze when she was finished. She felt ashamed by the fact that she had pretty much... ignored him in the (admittedly very short) time it had taken her to finish eating every last crumb, but... she had never eaten anything like it. Something that tasted so good and made her focus on nothing else but just wanting more of it...

    « No... too much is bad for you.» Turo answered after a moment with a little smile.

    « But... just one time... it's fine.» he added as he looked away, so low that she almost missed it. What... did he mean by that?

    « Turo... what is going on...?»

    There was a little pause, and he smiled as he stood up, taking both of her hands in his.

    « ... nothing. You're fine. Everything's fine. Come... I want to show you... a very special place.» there was still something she couldn't place in his smile. It felt forced, like he was putting up a front. Like he had put on his old mask, but instead of the carefully neutral and controlled expression, this time it was a pained smile.

    « What... what place?» she asked.

    What could be more incredible than everything he was already showing her?

    Turo turned around as soon as they had stepped outside, and now she could see that his smile had become genuine, his eyes crinkling the slightest bit. For him, it may as well have been the equivalent of erupting into laughter. He pointed towards the sky, and she followed his finger up... and up... and up, her eyes widening when she they landed on something specific. But... there was no way... he couldn't really mean...

    « The Moon.»
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    Chapter 17: After Hours, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 17: After Hours, part II
    "One day, not one hour more"

    Ortega's words had come to put a definitive end to his time with Sada. In the hours while he waited for her to wake up and her wound to heal completely, he had nervously expected Moreau to come marching in at every moment, asking about their missed jumps. While it hadn't happened -yet-, everyone present knew that Sada had to leave as soon as possible. Getting her admitted to the hospital without an ID or any other form of identification had been complicated enough; he was pretty sure that it had only been possible because Ortega had pulled some strings in the background, convincing the doctors to not ask too many questions and pretend to not have seen anything, from having no previous medical records of past treatments or any kind of medical history at all. Treating her had fortunately been their priority.

    After a bit, they had allowed the three of them inside. He had kept vigil by the side of her bed -was this the first real bed she had ever slept in? The first and last?-, anxiously watching for any sign of trouble. His paranoia had been in full overdrive: maybe something they used was actually harmful to people of the past. Maybe they were missing some crucial antibody that everyone in his time had instead.

    When he had suddenly seen her after she had woken up, he could barely believe his eyes: it was still so surreal for him to see Sada in his time, wearing a hospital gown of all things. He took her in his arms and held her tight, hoping against all reason to never have to let go. But of course, reality was not so kind. Twenty four hours. Twenty four short, precious hours to spend here together with Sada.

    He had walked her back to her room almost in a daze, at least until Vega had pretty much pushed him to wait outside as she got changed. And when he had seen her after coming back in... wearing one of Vega's bodysuits and looking almost like she could have been any passerby he could cross while walking down the street... it hurt so much. A part of him had been happy, the other... had just been angry. Why couldn't she...? Why couldn't she simply have been born in the same time period as him?

    Twenty four hours.

    No time to think about it. It's not like he wouldn't have more than enough time to lament the fact after those twenty four hours...

    After finishing all final medical check ups, Turo led her outside: he was so used to being the one following her, walking after her and trying not to embarrass himself by stumbling too much and falling flat on his face that suddenly doing the opposite was particularly strange. It just made him all the more conscious of the situation they were in; she had showed him so much in the months they had spent together and known each other, while he... he only had-

    Twenty three hours.

    Turo stopped and turned around when he suddenly felt Sada not following him anymore, to find her standing almost paralyzed just outside the hospital entrance. Her eyes were unfocused, staring at the skyscrapers and multitude of people all around her, and her chest was rising and falling quickly. With a little surge of panic, he stopped in front of her.

    « Hey » he raised both hands to gently hold her. Was she feeling ill? Maybe the wound hadn't closed up completely? But the doctor had reassured him that she was perfectly okay... then he saw her eyes dart frantically left and right, and suddenly understood. All these people, all this strange sights... she was completely overwhelmed. When the most number of people you had ever seen together in your life barely reached the triple digits, no wonder she had gone in complete shock. The culture shock had to be incredible. Even if traveling so far back had been a surprise to him, he had at least a general idea of how things were at the time. Preconceptions. Stereotypes, even, from the typical representation of the era done in media and pop culture. As wrong as some of them were, he at least had something to refer to. Sada had nothing of the sort, and nothing could have prepared her to suddenly finding herself at the opposite end of human civilization.

    He stood in front of her, holding her close so she could focus on him completely, one thing at a time.

    He glared at the well-meaning people that had gotten close, knowing that they would just involuntarily make it worse.

    « She's fine, just a little overwhelmed, kindly give us some space-» he muttered before going back to focus on her. She slowly resumed breathing, and after a moment, they started walking again. He threw a sideways look at Sada that was following along, almost curled up against him, looking around with little glances. He smiled a bit sadly. She was so brave. Even in a place that may as well be completely alien to her, she was already examining her surroundings one thing at a time.

    He headed for a little café; maybe a more enclosed space would be better to get used to things little by little. And... He wanted to have her try some good food for once. Something that she wouldn't really be able to get in her time, and he figured that sweet things were the best choice; people had treasured sugar and honey for most of human history for a good reason, after all. It was a precious source of energy, tasted amazing and made you crave more exactly because it had been so scarce to find for most of civilization.

    Turo led her inside, watching as her eyes lit up at the unfamiliar space and kept darting around, trying to take in everything at once.

    He was content to simply... Watch her as she tried waffles and even then kept asking questions. He would miss these moments. As Sada was busy finishing the waffles he briefly put his left hand into his lab coat pocket; maybe Ortega had a point in saying he liked to wear it where it had no business being, but it was occasionally... Convenient. The one thing his bodysuit lacked were pockets; because of course, he barely had any necessity for the classic things you would have used them for. Wallet, cards, house keys? All digital now and linked to his ID anyway, all accessible at a swipe of his fingers. Miraidon was almost always out of his Ball, so even that was out. Really the most use he had got out of them had been in the past. But now he touched a little square box in it, debating taking it out as he threw a glance at Sada by his side. No... Better wait.

    She was too perceptive. He didn't want to ruin the rest of the day by having her notice what was going on.

    Twenty two and a half hours.


    As soon as they got out of the cafe, he took Sada's hand again and headed for the nearest teleporter. Since last time she had been unconscious, this would be her first time actually seeing one in use, and he tried to think of a way on how to explain what was going to happen to her... but since she had technically already used a time-anchor, it wouldn't be that different if he put it in those terms.

    Looking to his side, he saw that she was still walking with her nose in the air, staring incredulously at the moon.

    « Are we... really going there? It's not a... joke? One night you said... it's so far away you can't fly there.»

    ... on second thought, maybe using a teleporter would barely be worth mentioning.

    « Only if you fly on a creature. We are using... something more powerful.» he answered with a smile, and could pretty much see the gears in her head start turning as she tried to picture it.

    Turo made sure that she was holding on tight as they stepped into the teleporter - since she didn't have an ID, she pretty much couldn't directly interact with most of the technology anyway- and headed for the nearest spaceport where the shuttle would depart from. The fact that he had to waste six precious hours total for the trip pained him, but... there wasn't much he could do about it. He would try to make the most out of them in some way.

    He got ready for departure and did the same for Sada, who was too busy examining every inch of their seat to notice some curious stares at her reaction. Her gaze focused on the monitors that appeared over their seat, and once again she tried to touch it to interact with it, her eyes going wide at seeing the little snippets of ads about various facilities on the moon.

    « There are... people there?» she whispered, amazed. Turo couldn't help a little chuckle.

    « Yes, people live there.» there was a little pause, as he offered his hand for her to hold and use it to interact with the screens.

    « ... I lived there.» he confessed after a moment with a little grin, waiting for her reaction. She looked at him with wide eyes, not saying anything.

    « When I was a child, for... four warm and four cold seasons. Then I left.» and he didn't exactly like the Moon much after leaving it, for... various reasons.

    « How... is it there? Are there different creatures?» she whispered, and he smiled.

    « You'll see.» he simply answered. She snuggled up against his chest as the engines quietly started up, idly swiping through promotional images, eyes shining, and he slowly put his chin on her head, wrapping one arm around her to hold her close.


    They docked exactly three hours later -nineteen hours left-, and he helped her get up and approach the exit.

    « This will be... A bit strange. Follow me.» he tried to warn her with a little smile as he jumped out and Sada stared at him in confusion, not really understanding what he meant as she copied him. The girl yelped when the jump made her fly farther than she expected, thrown off by the lower gravity . Even as he wasn't faring that much better, he caught her in midair by the arm and laughed as they landed back on the ground together. She was staring at the ground in total amazement, mouth hanging half open.

    « W-what...? H-how...» she tried to jump again, and laughed in delight when she slowly floated back to the ground instead of dropping like normal.

    « You... you can fly here?!» she exclaimed, totally fascinated as she tried to copy a couple of passerby and hop forward, dragging him with her. Turo simply followed, smiling.

    « Is the Moon... all like this?» she asked, turning back to look at him, eyes shining.

    « Yes. Umm... it's called "gravity".» he wondered how to explain it to someone lacking the basics of physics. Not that he was exactly an expert himself, not really his field and all...

    « It...changes how heavy something is. Every... "world" has different "gravity"... so on the Moon, things are not so heavy.»

    He saw it in her eyes, how they widened as she took in his words and, as usual, her wonderful, bright mind already started racing ahead with all its implications.

    « So... "Earth" is one world... where me and you live... and the "Moon" is another... and... you said every star in the sky is like a sun, and every sun has their own worlds... where "gravity" and everything is different...» she took a long, heavy breath.

    « There is... so much out there... and you can go to all these worlds?» she whispered, and he had to smile a bit.

    « ... no. My people have found three different worlds. The others are far, far away...» she looked astonished at hearing that not even they could go to these far away planets, and looked away for a bit, mulling it over as they walked - more like half hopped, half flotated- their way towards the city center. He wanted to bring her towards a little plaza, where an observation deck was set up, looking out directly on the Moon's surface, with Earth visible right behind it.

    Meanwhile, Sada was looking all around, taking in the sights of people who lived here.

    The shops, the restaurants, the cramped little apartments, even the Pokémon walking around.

    He quietly wondered what she was thinking about: how was that sentence from that ancient sci-fi author? "Any sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic."

    When everything around you was so removed from your understanding of the world that it may as well be a different reality... what did that feel like?

    Was it exciting? Was it scary? Overwhelming?

    As soon as they reached the observation deck, Sada gasped and ran up (more like shot forward) to the thick transparent panel that divided the moon base from the cold space outside, almost pressing her face to it.

    « The sky is so dark! But it's still day... we didn't fly for long.» she noted, and he had to be impressed with her internal clock not getting messed up.

    « The sky is always dark out here. It's... err, difficult to explain.» he noted as he walked up behind her. He pointed at something a bit far away.

    « That is Earth. We flew all the way from there.» he said, prompting her to look at it and suddenly become very still. After a couple of long seconds, she simply quietly wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder.

    « It's... it's so small. Is that really... Earth? The whole world?» she whispered, and now she sounded almost... scared. He could understand why. It looked so... lonely in a sense. This blue sphere suspended in a sea of cold black. He had only vague memories of being a toddler and having that single image as his only idea of Earth for the first four years of his life. It was so far away you couldn't even see the various landmasses... just blue and the clouds. Yet down there were entire continents, and civilizations, and hundreds of Pokémons that had risen and fallen out of memory... all in that little blue sphere hanging on the horizon, small enough he could cover it with one hand.

    « ... are you afraid? » he asked after a moment with a small frown. Maybe... it had been too much to show her? It was sometimes difficult for him to wrap his mind around it, he couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like for her. Sada shook her head, tingling his neck with her hair.

    « No, it's... I don't know the word.» she confessed.

    « It's... so small and so big. Together. So many... places, and people, and creatures.... all over there. I... I want to see them. Even more.» she said after a moment. Now her eyes were shining again, and she looked at Earth with so much eagerness and wonder that it just broke his heart.

    « You... you will.» Turo whispered and she smiled when he planted a soft kiss on her hair. They stood there for a long while, side by side, looking at Earth, a single moment in time where they would be looking at the same exact planet, the same scenery... and then it was gone.

    « ... come. Let's go eat something.» he said eventually, taking her hand and leading her further into the Moon base. There was still so much to show her.


    By the time the shuttle descended back to Earth, it was evening. After the first hour of flight, Sada had fallen asleep propped up against him, her head on his shoulder, and he tried to move as little as possible to not wake her.

    Something so mundane for him, that he even found kind of annoying (he still hated the Moon) would be the experience of a lifetime for her, something she would probably look back on for the rest of her life... he tucked back a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face, then quietly took a picture of her sleeping, saving it with one gesture to his account. He then stopped, suddenly struck by a thought. Was this why... He would block his account to be accessed in the future? Those couple of months ago during his trip to the future thirty years from now, if he had accidentally opened it and saw a picture of Sada unmistakably in his time... Or even simply noticed that a picture of her existed at all, not a pen sketch he had done in his notebook... He would have freaked out big time.

    He let out an exhausted sigh, pinching his nose with his free hand. The wonders of time travel... He looked back down to Sada and smiled softly.

    ... Just twelve hours left.

    As they got down from the shuttle, Sada immediately looked up, and he knew that she was looking for the moon they had just left. And there, for the first time in hours, he saw her smile disappear. Her eyes widened and flicked around.

    « Where... Where are the stars...?» she whispered with a trace of fear, huddling close as she followed him. He followed her gaze, taking a moment to notice what she meant.

    « There is too much light, so you can't see them.» he explained after a moment. Light pollution was way too high to see the stars in the vicinity of pretty much any major city. Sada frowned, lowering her eyes and seeming to think for a moment, before shaking her head.

    « I don't... like it. It feels wrong.» she sounded almost guilty in saying it.

    « Why do you need so much light? It's night.»

    Turo could see why she would think that, it was probably unnatural to her. He looked back to the towering skyscrapers with their bright lights all around them, trying to think of an appropriate answer as they slowly walked towards a teleporter to get to his apartment.

    « Because... We can do more things at night this way.» he tried after a moment. Sada didn't look convinced even as she followed. He noticed that it looked like she was trying to avoid glancing upwards too much, like not seeing the stars made her uncomfortable.

    « Why? Don't you sleep at night?»

    Turo gave her a somewhat embarrassed smile.

    « Not... Not every night. I sleep when I... can.» his sleep schedule had been an absolute mess even before he started time traveling, but by now after having to get used to landing in different times of the day as when he departed, it couldn't even be called a "schedule" anymore. It was pretty much "sleep when you collapse from exhaustion and that's it".

    Sada frowned again, looking equal parts confused and somewhat disappointed.

    « So... There is no difference from day to night? It's all the same?» she asked after a moment, and he had to nod after a second.

    « That's... Strange.»

    When day and night were pretty much the only form of establishing a routine you had, it probably was.

    « It's... A different life.» he commented.

    As they stepped into a teleporter, holding her close to allow her to use his ID, Turo marveled at how quickly Sada had seemed to adapt to... Everything. She obviously wouldn't know what it was, or how it worked, or how exactly it did something... But those were all questions she could file away for later in her mind, and she knew how to use something in the meantime. She was probably used to thinking in those terms for pretty much everything in her life. And there were so many questions she would never get the occasion to see answered. Could he try to answer all her questions about how the teleporter, and the shuttle, and gravity worked? Yes, he had tried to... But a part of him now wondered if maybe it wasn't a bit... Cruel. To give her just one taste, one brief glimpse of there being so so many things in the world... And then... Taking it all away.

    But Sada was... Strong. He believed in her. He knew that she wouldn't think it frustrating. It would just give her an even bigger incentive to... Explore, and experiment, and discover, in her own time.

    Maybe she would straight up go and invent the wheel or something equally ludicrous millennia before first traces were found of it, he thought with a little amused huff as they stepped outside the teleporter. Sada raised one eyebrow.

    « Why are you laughing?»

    « Ah... Nothing.»

    She pouted, obviously not believing him.

    « You are thinking of something stupid when you do that.» her reply just made him snort again. He would miss this so much. And now that he thought about it... If she got inspired by looking at Winged King, he wouldn't put it past her to figure out the wheel much earlier than when it started becoming common. Turo could already picture her building a little wagon out of wood and attaching a saddle and harness to the dragon to transport supplies.

    He was shaken out of his half daydream by the sound of his apartment door opening... And Miraidon barreling towards him to greet him. The Pokémon drew a surprised shout from Sada, who went to push him aside without hesitation... Probably by pure habit by now.

    « No, it's fine! He's Miraidon! » Turo hurried to explain, causing both to stop. Sada still with one hand with a death grip on his shoulder, and Miraidon by having skidded to a stop in front of them to study the unknown person.

    « Gyaa?»

    « Mirai... don...?» Sada was staring at the purple dragon, shocked, and Turo could perfectly imagine what she was thinking about. The weird familiarity of the two Pokémon looking so similar in many ways, yet completely different at the same time was quite jarring.

    « This is Miraidon?» she repeated, cautiously moving a step towards it as the purple dragon tasted the air with his tongue before approaching. She wasn't wearing her usual clothes, but maybe there were still traces of Winged King's smell on her?

    Turo stroked the Pokémon's neck as the two seemed to examine each other, and the dragon let out one of his low chirps, nuzzling him. Sada slowly moved one hand to copy him, smiling a bit as soon as she touched the dragon's plating.

    « The scales are so... Smooth. Just like your clothes. You two look good together!» she laughed and Miraidon growled happily, opening his mouth to lick her.

    « Mirai come on, don't do that-» he tried to stop the lizard, but Sada didn't seem to mind, now stroking the Pokémon's rigid antennae and examining them with wide eyes, probably already comparing them to Winged King's feathers.

    « He feels... colder than Winged King. And this sound...» she stopped for a moment to lean her ear against the dragon's throat, to better hear the low buzzing sound emanating from his body.

    « ... it's like Fluffyhead when he throws thunder. Does he have the same power?» she asked, completely intrigued.

    « He does!» he looked between the Pokémon and the girl, smiling a bit. Never would he have imagined to see them stand side by side in front of his apartment. On the spur of the moment, he turned towards the dragon.

    « Buddy... how do you feel about giving Sada here a tour of the city?» he proposed. The dragon's happy roar at the prospect of going riding couldn't help but make him grin in excitement. Sada looked at them both, not quite sure of what he had said.

    « What...?» she asked.

    « Wait here with him. I'm going to get something.» he said, enjoying her little puzzled expression as he disappeared into the apartment.

    He should have a spare helmet and riding gear somewhere...


    Sada had looked puzzled when he had told her to wear the helmet to protect herself.

    « But... we ride Winged King without wearing anything.»

    Yes, and he had found it a bit terrifying. He had gotten used to it by now, and honestly had gone on his fair share of dumb helmet-less rides in his teenager years, or when they just needed to glide a short distance. But the helmet was also useful for not getting easily identified if he... uh... kind of, sort of broke the law a tad bit by riding Miraidon in his battle form. Which is what they were doing now.

    Sada had laughed as the Pokémon had jumped into the air directly from his apartment's balcony, first gliding until they reached the street and then riding briefly until they were out of town. There, it had shifted forms, and now they were blitzing over Mesagoza again as the Pokémon flew at full speed, watching the lights of the city pass under them like a sea of fallen stars. Turo felt Sada's arms wrapped around his waist relax a bit as she leaned against his back, and he wished against all reason for this moment to last forever.

    With a sigh trapped by the helmet's visor, he tapped Miraidon's neck with one hand and pointed out a place where he could land. The great, imposing wall of complete black that towered over the northern part of the city and that run around the entire central part of the region of Paldea. The Great Crater of Paldea was visible from almost any point in the region, a reminder of it's long and bloddy history. They landed on the edge of the crater, facing the city and looking at the spectactle of Mesagoza at night. The warm glow of all the city lights, the Academy right underneat them, the University that had been built near that... but as soon as she removed her helmet Sada still looked up, and frowned at the black sky. Compared to what she was used to seeing, it looked almost empty.

    Turo smiled a bit sadly.

    « ... You don't like it here.» it wasn't a question. He sat down on the cold ground, and Sada followed. Miraidon sat on his haunches a couple of meters behind them, on guard against wild Pokémon from around the crater.

    Sada took a moment to answer.

    « I... I like all the things your people have built. You... don't have to worry about food. Hunting. The cold. You live with creatures, explore... new worlds. It's... amazing. But... I think you also have... lost something. You... live alone? Only with Miraidon?» she asked, picking up a couple of pebbles and turning them around in her hands, head low.

    « You showed me so many things... but I still don't know anything about your people. Vega and... that other man, Ortega... are they part of your family? Your... "tribe"? I don't know.» she asked looking back up at him, and he felt like a small knife had just been twisted in his gut. He... well, of course he couldn't exactly show her around like she had done with him. He would have loved to, to spend more days with her, weeks, months, but... it just couldn't happen. She wasn't even supposed to be here. Vega and Ortega were probably busy covering for him so he didn't completely lose his job. And... he couldn't exactly show up to his old parents's house in Medali and go "This is the woman I love. She's from the Late Paleolithic. Yeah, she's a hunter-gatherer in the Last Ice Age. Cool, huh?"

    They... they didn't have enough time.

    « Things are... different, here.» he tried to say, and Sada simply nodded. He put his hand into his pocket, touching the little package that had sat in it since he had bought it. Should he... give it to her now? Or... tomorrow morning... not even twelve hours left.

    Maybe he should...

    « What is that? It's so big...» he jerked in surprise as Sada turned around, pointing at something at his back. He turned... only to find himself staring at the black, featureless abyss that was the inside of the Crater at night.

    « That's Area Zero.» he said, voice neutral. « There's nothing there. Only wild Pokémon... um, creatures.» he watched as Sada threw one of the pebbles down the edge, and it was immediately swallowed by the darkness as it rolled down. The sound of it falling down took a bit more to disappear, until it also was gone.

    « Can we go there...? » she was already getting up, and he stopped her by putting one hand on her shoulder.

    « No... no one can go. In the past... many people went inside. They were convinced there was treasure-»

    « What is a treasure?»

    Turo hesitated, caught by surprise by the way the conversation was going.

    « It's... something... you want. Something... important to you. More than anything in the world. I guess...» he added, confused. Well, for the people of the past he was thinking of, it was probably treasure in a more literal sense, but how could he start to explain gold and riches or whatever to Sada when they didn't even have the concept of money?

    « Anyway... many people went inside, many times. They all died. Then, my people finally also went inside the crater, after a lot of time.»

    Sada was listening with fascination.

    « And what was there...?»

    Turo just shrugged.

    « Nothing. Nothing special. If there was something special there in the past... some "treasure"... it's not there anymore.»

    Sada pouted, disappointed, and he couldn't help but smile a little at her face. She sat back down and put her head on his shoulder.

    « If there is nothing there... here. In this time... we can go see in my time.» she proposed after a moment with a smile. He looked down at her, stunned, the smile disappearing from his face.

    « Maybe the treasure is there.»

    « Area Zero is... very far away from your village.» he murmured trying to dissuade her. Or Kalos in general, actually. The last thing he wanted was to leave her knowing she would depart on some grand journey in her time just to die looking for Area Zero. Maybe the first of the many explorers that had met their end in their quest for the Crater during the ages.

    Was that why her spot in the cave painting was empty...? Because she left...? What about the rest of her tribe?

    Did Area Zero even exist in her time...? He had no idea.

    « ... please don't go there. It's dangerous.» he added, suddenly desperate. Sada looked at him, confused. Of course she was. Everywhere was dangerous in her time, you idiot. But he... needed this. He needed at least this small reassurance.

    « ... what...?»

    « Please never go there. Promise me. Please

    She must have felt the sudden desperation in his voice, because she slowly nodded, then turned around to wrap both arms around him, her head now on his rapidly rising and falling chest.

    « ... all right. I promise.»

    He sighed in relief, copying her in wrapping his arms around her and holding her close, as the hours of the night trickled past.


    « Mirai, we're leaving. » he said to the dragon, who looked up from his breakfast and bumped his hand with his snout, hissing softly.

    It was morning. They had spent the night, or what little was left of it after coming back from their late night trip, at his apartment.

    Now his twenty four hours were up. Ortega had already called him at dawn to urge him to get there as fast as possible for a last minute, non-scheduled jump to bring Sada back.

    He smiled and stroked the dragon on the nose.

    « ... I'll be back in a moment.» he whispered, and let Sada also caress and coddle the dragon for a moment before closing the door of his apartment behind him.

    Walking back into the TTDL together with Sada felt like a surreal dream. The first time, he had been way too terrified of her dying to pay much attention to what was happening. He had given her back her usual clothes, which he had washed and kept at his apartment while she was in the hospital. She had looked at him oddly when he had put on only his usual suit and lab coat, and not the clothes she had made for him.

    Well, even if she found it strange... it didn't matter now.

    The plan was for them to sneak in, pretend that Sada was another researcher here for a short joint collaboration if anybody saw her, and leave as fast as possible.

    Ortega would keep Moreau busy in his office with some long winded proposal for his next research project.

    Trying to stay calm, he led her from the elevator to the room where the protection serum was kept.

    « This is so... you don't die when you jump...?» Sada asked as he shakily nodded, injecting her with the serum before doing it on himself.

    They both exited the room... and he stopped, face going white at seeing Moreau turn around the corner, Ortega hot on his heels.

    « I- I actually have another idea that could-» his colleague stopped at seeing them both, eyes widening.

    « Dr. Turo » Moreau's voice was ice cold as his eyes landed on Sada, who simply held his gaze.

    « ... I heard nothing about your new charming colleague here. With who do I have the pleasure to speak, Miss...?» the man turned towards Sada, waiting for an answer. Sada looked... lost, probably confused by his way of speaking.

    « Um...» she looked at him, unsure on what to say.

    « Your name.» he prompted her again, his eyes examining every inch of her clothes, and Turo realized with a jolt of panic that Moreau was only putting up a polite front.

    He knew her name, he had been the only one to actually remember it from his reports.. and of course he would recognize Sada's clothes as authentic. He had probably realized what was going on the instant he had laid eyes on her.

    « ...Sada.» she innocently answered - and what else could she do?-

    Ortega winced as an icy silence fell between them all for a long moment.

    « ... Come to my office, Dr. Turo. As soon as you're finished escorting Miss Sada, of course. » Moreau slowly said with one last polite smile, before walking away.

    « ... I'm sorry Turo. He just shot down my proposal before I could even finish, I tried to buy more time but-»

    « Don't worry. It's not your fault.» he replied, voice carefully neutral.

    He was... he was probably done working here.

    « See you later.» he said, taking Sada's - poor confused Sada, who just looked between them with no idea of what had just happened, except that it wasn't good- hand and leading her towards the time machine room.

    « Y-yeah. Later.»

    The usual routine of confirming Porygon's coordinates was done passively, like he was just an external observer, at least until they stepped inside the time machine. Sada looked completely fascinated, but frowned as she looked at his wrist.

    « Umm... the bracelet. I.. don't have one.» she pointed out, and it took him a long moment to answer.

    « The bracelet... is only to jump back here.» he said after a moment... and saw in the way her eyes lit up that she understood. Hers was a one way trip after all.

    He held her close as the machine spun to life and closed his eyes, opening them back up to the familiar sight of the clearing they had used as a meeting spot all those months.

    He would... miss this place, all things considered. He looked at Sada, and didn't miss the way her eyes had started to shine as soon as she had realized that she really was back home, in her time. Turo looked to the sky, and frowned when he saw that it was cloudy. Of course... they had landed the day after Sada had gotten injured, so that pretty much the same amount of time would have passed both for her and the people of her tribe not having seen her. He had decided to not subject her to the strange time travelling problems of coming back the instant you had left.

    « Let's... walk a bit.» he proposed. She had become suspiciously silent since Moreau had showed up. Of course she was. She wasn't stupid, she knew something had happened.

    They walked in silence, Turo finding himself checking his time-anchor's batteries every couple of steps, watching the percentage climb up until he could go back to his time for the last time. 98%... 99%... 100%.

    He stopped, and so did Sada.

    « I have to go.» he murmured, and she nodded. He took the little box out from his pocket and opened it up, offering it to Sada.

    « I-I... you gave me the necklace. So I... wanted you to have something from me.» he forced the words out one after the other. She opened it up, curious, and her eyes widened when she took out a bright red bracelet made of what looked like polished stone. She slipped it on her left hand, smiling. As he had hoped, it looked good on her. Most importantly, not too out of place.

    « This rock... in my time it's called "Scarletite".» from the mythical metal of the past. They had simply been called "star pieces" in other times, and were particularly rare for... obvious reasons.

    « It's... it comes from a star, far away.» he forced a little smile when she looked back up at him, stunned into silence.

    « Thank you. It's... it's beautiful.» she said eventually. Turo drew a long breath and cupped her face with both hands and slowly, quietly drew her face near, for once not to kiss her but simply to touch her forehead with his.

    « ... promise me one last thing.» he whispered closing his eyes, and felt her freeze suddenly under his touch.

    « ... don't change. Keep... exploring. And discovering. Stay exactly like you are.» he pleaded as he let her go, and opened his eyes to find Sada trembling slightly, eyes wide.

    « ... when are you coming back?» she asked.

    There was a long moment of silence. He looked away.

    « Romero-» she tried again, with his first name now, the one he had revealed to her one night months ago, and she had never used until now because "why have two names, it's stupid, you are Turo for me".

    « ... you are coming back... right?»

    He couldn't speak, so he simply shook his head.

    Her eyes widened even more, and now she looked like she was also struggling to speak.

    « ...w-why...?»

    « They are taking my... bracelet. I can never come back here.» he took a couple of steps back, one finger on his time anchor. He had to... he had to just go. There was no easy way to do this. He had to... leave. Leave this place, leave her, once and for all... every second he looked at her tear stricken face was pure torture.

    He didn't want this to be his last memory of her.

    He turned his back to her to start running away, like their very first meeting.

    And then, right as he pressed the button that would bring him back to his time-

    -something tugged at his lab coat and jerked him back.

    Sada, holding on to his arm, her own eyes widening in horror and understanding when she saw his finger already on the time-anchor.

    That split second before he felt the familiar pull of being dragged back through time seemed to last an eternity.


    Time anchor ID 9537 had departed successfully 3879 seconds ago. As usual, Porygon 568 checked the time machine's operational parameters as they waited for Doctor Romero Turo to jump back. Everything was operating correctly. Connected as they were to the time machine, they felt the familiar tug of a time-anchor returning and prepared to assist in the landing. Familiar. A strange word humans used, they mused. What constituted something as familiar? Definition specified it as a feeling of recognizing something that had happened an X number of times, where X > 1. X seemed to be arbitrary and prone to change from individual to individual. Applying that definition, their working of the time machine day by day was "familiar".

    Checking time-anchor's space-time departure coordinates... complete.

    Calibrating energy required to the time machine to bring back one human... compl- ERROR.

    « Connection lost to time anchor ID 9537.» they said to the empty room, and simultaneously logged it in their system.

    Porygon 568 didn't panic. They couldn't.

    They simply did what any computer would do, and followed their programming.

    « Retracing time-space coordinates of time anchor ID 9537. Executing emergency assisted return jump.» they said, before compiling themself into their purest form and diving inside the time machine. Now completely fused to it, inextricably connected, time presented to them as a flaming multicolored river, they dived inside, searching for the familiar ping of the time anchor.. and there it was, swirling in the depths of the stream. Porygon 568 reached for the device; they tugged and pulled, gently guiding it into the correct direction, up, up, up, slowly and patiently.

    Then they felt it again.

    That "familiar" something from months ago. A great, brutal pull, a swirling vortex opening up in the time stream, a maelstrom of multiple colors, each color a different time - and then time anchor with ID 9537, belonging to Doctor Romero Turo, was brutally ripped away.

    Porygon 568 didn't panic. They couldn't.

    They simply did what any computer would do, and tried again.

    « Error. Connection lost to time anchor ID 9537. Retrying...»


    « Error. Connection lost to time anchor ID 9537. Retrying...»


    « Error. Connection lost to time anchor ID 9537. Retrying...»



    « Error. Connection lost to time anchor ID 9537. Retrying...»






    « ... don't leave...»

    Leave...? But he had... he didn't want to, but he had to leave...

    « ...ke up. Turo, wake up, please... »

    Turo slowly opened his eyes, blinking at the blinding, piercing light that hit them. He was laying on the ground. It was cold, and hard. Someone was holding his left hand, squeezing it. His head felt light. Damp. Something was dribbling from it. He raised his right arm to shield his eyes from the light, and felt that it was strangely light. He blinked again, his eyes slowly focusing on it. The time anchor... was hanging on by a thread.



    He suddenly remembered. The jump, the feeling of being slowed down, dragged down as he traveled back... then someone else helping. Pulling him along, pulling them both along, and then... what then?

    He couldn't remember.

    Sada. Where was Sada?

    He looked around, and felt a wave of relief hit him as she was right next to him, doing her best to probably break every bone in his left hand by how hard she was squeezing.

    « ... m fine.» he managed to mumble and the pressure released a tiny bit.

    « Your "bodysuit"... the lights were off... I was so scared you were...» Sada whispered as he hugged her.

    « Where...?» he asked, and Sada simply bit her lip and looked away.

    Turo slowly took in his surroundings. He looked to the sky and was left puzzled for a couple of long moments, not sure of what he was looking at.

    Best way he could describe it was that the light was... dusty. Milky white, it took him a long moment to realize that he was actually looking at clouds. The very air felt heavy, and as he slowly sat up with Sada's help, something like a crystallized snowflake drifted past his eyes even with total absence of wind, reflecting the strange light.

    Strangest of all was the towering rock face that covered the horizon, stretching for his entire field of vision. He tried to follow it with his eyes, to see where the cliff ended, and it slowly, slowly dawned on him where they were only when he kept going round and round, and was forced to stumble to his feet to spin completely around, trembling.

    The cliff was everywhere. It surrounded them completely, on all sides. He felt his legs give out under him and Sada hold him up as it hit him where they were. There was only place he could think of that would look like that.

    « A... Area Zero...»

    So... here we are. It finally happened, and so ends this first part of Timeslip. The first major story arc, so to speak.
    Part 1 was all about Turo and Sada getting to know each other. Part 2 will obviously be about getting used to their new situation and how other people will see them, while Part 3... that's a surprise, but I've already been building up to it here and there.
    Thanks to everyone who has read this fic and has followed until now (or even just one chapter)! Hope you liked it and that it entertained people as much as I loved writing it. I personally loved following people's theories and conjectures about how various things would go, some people got it right pretty early, which I loved because it means that I foreshadowed things right!
    On Ao3 I've dubbed Part 2 "Timeslip: Knowledge Trail", because I wanted to call back to the various story arcs in Scarlet and Violet being named after something plus some variation of "Road". I quite like it as a name: before Starfall Street, before Arven's Path of Legends and so on, the profs were on their own road.

    Also yes, Sada's bracelet is supposed to be the exact one she wears in her official art (it's more orange than scarlet there but details), to mirror Turo's (hidden) necklace. I liked the idea of each of them having something that comes directly from the other's time period, because I love PARALLELS.
    Chapter 18: Stranded, part 1
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Hey, so, this chapter marks the start of "Part 2" of the story. Some things are going to change, mostly that I decided to switch it up by changing POV in the middle of the chapter instead of alternating chapters. This was done to make the story more dynamic, since the story was going to grow in scope greatly from now on. There's also going to be more POVs, like a certain character already teased at the end of last chapter!

    Chapter 18: Stranded, part 1
    Sada knew that something was wrong as soon as Turo had led her out of his place wearing only his normal clothes and not the ones he usually showed up with. But she had tried to rationalize it away. Maybe he simply didn't want to go to the village today. Maybe he simply wanted to bring her back and they would stay alone for today, just the two of them. After that single day in his time, she... Kind of needed it. It had been a lot. Her head still felt like it was being hit by all the strange and wondrous things she had seen, but it was... A lot. She needed some quite time to think about it all.

    But she didn't think he would just... leave.

    When he had suddenly started talking about... Promising him to never change... She had felt her stomach drop and her breath hitch in her chest.

    « You are coming back, right?»

    She has asked, desperate to see him give that little, barely visible smile and reassure that of course he was coming back, that she had misunderstood everything... But he hadn't. Turo... Romero... had shook his head, and turned away.

    He had started to walk away from her, like he had done so many times. She was used to it by now... To watch him disappear in front of her eyes. But this time, she realized as she started trembling... It would be the last. He would touch that bracelet of his and disappear into thin air... And then he would be so impossibly far away and she would never see him again. Ever.

    She... She couldn't accept that. There were still... So many things she wanted to see with him...

    It had been a hasty decision. She had jumped towards him, focused only on grabbing him, so terrified at the idea of her fingers grasping at nothing but air right as she went to touch his arm... That she hadn't noticed that Turo had already pressed the button to jump back. They had both stared at it in unison for one long, infinite moment... And then she had felt her body get pulled away.


    Sada woke up in a confused daze; the ground was hard. Rocky. The first thing she took note of was that there was no snow. Slowly, she rolled on her stomach, pointy rocks digging on her skin as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. She blinked, her eyes slowly taking in her surroundings. This was not... Turo's time. Or at least... not what little she had seen. There were no dazzling lights that covered the sky. But it was also not hers, or at least, not a place she recognized. She was not far from the edge of a rocky cliff, lush grass extending all around... She looked up, to see the sky covered by clouds... And when she looked back down, her eyes met straight with those of a creature. Her eyes widened and she jumped up, her right hand instinctively going to her shoulder... Only to find nothing but air, her spear lost somewhere near the cave where Winged King fought against his rival. She felt a pang of sadness at realizing it was probably lost forever: that spear had been the first weapon she had made for herself, together with Father... but she couldn't afford to get distracted by old memories now.

    The creature looked similar to one of the grown up forms of the pests that her tribe would chase away from their village to avoid them stealing their supplies... Bright orange fur, it walked on two legs and even seemed to have the same sparks of thunder crackling along its fur.

    Sada gritted her teeth as the creature walked up to her; she took a step back, eyes flitting around for something, anything, to use as a weapon... They landed on something as it caught the light, shining.

    A tree grew right near the edge of the cliff, almost hanging off it. The roots that secured it firmly in place reflected the light, shining like gemstones. She had never seen a tree made of crystal. Or... Covered in crystals, it looked like. She could question it and examine it later. Sada grabbed one of the roots and heaved, eyes firmly locked on the creature. One piece of the root splintered off, and she pointed the jagged, multicolored shard towards the creature with a snarl.

    « Leave us alone!»

    Us...? She hazarded another look around after a moment, her heart skipping a beat as she realized something crucial:

    ... Where was Turo?

    They had been together, so...

    He hadn't fallen off the cliff, had he?

    Her heartbeat quickened and she looked back at the furry creature with newfound determination; not waiting for it to strike first, she slashed forward with the jagged piece of crystal in her hand. The creature ducked low, the crystal passing high over its head, before dashing forward on all four legs. Sada hastily backed up again, an alarmed hiss escaping her lips when she ended up pressed against the tree trunk, the crystal bark pushing against her back. Instead of attacking her, however, the creature ran right past her, disappearing in a hole dug right underneath some of the roots. Two similarly fuzzy but smaller heads as that of the rodent peeked out, their little black eyes shining as they greeted the bigger member of the group with some chittering hisses. A...family? Were those its young?

    So... It... Never actually wanted to attack her... Good.

    She normally would have taken the opportunity to study the creature, but she had other things to focus on at the moment. Sada pocketed the shard in the bag at her waist -the one thing she had kept with her by virtue of being tied to her clothes -, then cautiously crept towards the edge of the cliff to peer down. She swallowed, scared to catch a glimpse of the telltale glow of Turo's clothes thrown over the rocks at the bottom, body bent and broken by the fall... Thankfully, there was nothing.

    She breathed a sigh of relief, turning back around. Where was he then...?

    She started walking, soft grass curiously crunching under her boots. It felt a bit like the grass itself was covered in a thin layer of the same crystal that had grown over the tree. He... Hadn't left her, had he? The thought made her start biting her lip, suddenly worried. If he had managed to go back to his time... Leaving her here, in this unknown place... She shook her head.

    He wouldn't do it.

    Not... Voluntarily, at least. But... If he had simply lost her along the way, like being swept away in a raging river, then...

    Her heart suddenly leapt in her chest when she caught a glimpse of dark purple between the grass. There he was!

    He must have landed away from her and slid down the cliff... Thankfully the other way from the sharp drop.

    Sada started sprinting, only for her breath to quicken when she got close enough to see him better.

    His "bodysuit" was not glowing. Or rather it was, but it was so faint it may as well be not there.

    That small detail filled her with dread.

    She didn't know what it meant exactly, just that it was bad. The glowing lines had never disappeared before as long as he was wearing it. Not... That time he had slept under the stars with her, not at night... The only time she had ever seen them disappear was just last night, after they had gone back to Turo's home, and only because he hadn't been wearing it. He had slowly taken it off then, and she had actually seen him completely for the very first time, and trailed her hands along his shoulders and his back and...

    And now the lines had stopped glowing. And there was blood on his face. Sada threw herself at his side, barely able to breath as she carefully examined him. The wound wasn't deep, she could stop it from bleeding, she... It wasn't like the Blood-Fire, not this time...

    But then why were the lines not glowing.

    « Wake up, please... » she whispered as she tore a strip of cloth from her hood and pressed it to the side of his head. Stop the blood. She... Didn't know what else to do. This crunchy grass and other plants were different from the ones Narjik had taught her to use. For all she knew they could be poisonous. But he was breathing, even as a little rivulet of blood from the wound slid down his face.

    He couldn't die here and leave her, he couldn't...

    « ... Turo, wake up...» she pleaded, holding his hand tight.

    And thankfully, he did. The lines on his bodysuit glowed with more strength as his eyes slowly opened, and Sada threw her arms around him in relief. He was fine. He hadn't left her all alone.

    They were lost, and scared, and hurt.

    But at least they were together.


    Area Zero. All in all, Turo felt that he should be grateful to still be alive and for not having died by getting ripped apart during the jump, or thrown who knows where. The sheer statistical improbability of what had happened was... staggering. They could have landed anywhere and anywhen. The middle of the ocean. A natural catastrophe. In midair, which had almost happened since they must have both struck the ground with some force to get separated and lose consciousness briefly. Or they could have missed the planet completely, left floating in the void of space. And of all possible places... They had landed in the Great Crater of Paldea.

    But his mind kept wandering to the device now hanging uselessly from his wrist.

    The time-anchor was broken. Even if he miraculously had the tools and pieces necessary to repair it, and somehow managed to do it... The effect of the injection would run out in a couple days time anyway.

    And they were stuck in Area Zero, in an unspecified time period.

    Sada was helping him stay on his feet, since his legs felt ready to give out from under him at any moment. They had been walking down the cliff, Turo squinting while trying to get his eyes used to the light.

    There was... Something strange about it. It was too uniform, too bright, like it was coming from everywhere at the same time. It gave an eerie, unnatural air to the place. He looked back up to the "clouds" that covered the sky. Sunlight had to be coming from there, right...? Looking at the nearest cliff side and following it all the way up until it met the clouds, he felt his legs tremble again. The Crater was much deeper than what he had thought, the rock face impossible to climb.

    A sheer vertical surface hundreds and hundreds of meters high.

    How would they even get out?

    « Umm...» Sada let out a thoughtful hum at his side, shielding her eyes with the hand that wasn't busy holding him up and copying him by looking upwards.

    « Even if we make a smoke signal, those clouds would block it.» she commented, looking back down with a sigh, before giving him an encouraging smile.

    « ... Let's find a safe place, first.»

    Their respective standards of what made a place "safe" were probably wildly different, but he simply nodded, carefully pressing the strip of cloth ripped from Sada's hood to the cut on his head.

    « ... Yeah. Let's go.» he didn't comment about the big unsaid question that was hanging between them. He was too scared to voice it out loud.

    The first thing he had tried to do was open a screen in midair, but it hadn't worked. He was sure it wasn't his bodysuit's fault. All the independent offline functionalities like the lights and keeping his body temperature constant were still working; those only needed the body heat produced by his normal metabolism to power themselves. It would, quite literally, keep working as long as he lived. It just didn't have anything to connect to.

    So that meant they were in Area Zero... But when exactly was impossible to say, except that it was surely before his time.

    It made... Sense, in a way. If they were caught mid-jump, it was only logical that they would have been dropped somewhere in the middle, metaphorically speaking... But knowing his past experience in slightly overshooting the landing zone, he couldn't have been sure.

    He looked around as they walked, searching for the slightest sign of civilization, feeling a sudden sense of déjà vu to his very first time jump.

    Well, the Crater had never been exactly "populated" as far as he knew, but in the course of history people that had ventured down there must have built some infrastructure. There had to be something there to help them get out...

    "And then what?"

    He gritted his teeth, willing the intrusive question away for the moment.

    "Even if you manage to get out, what then?"

    He couldn't think about it now. He didn't want to, because if his thoughts lingered too much on where he was, then he would have to think about his family, his friends, his whole life, and Mirai-

    He felt Sada squeeze his shoulder and looked down at her, swallowing the sudden lump in his throat.

    ... She was caught up in this as much as he was, but while the smile had disappeared from her face for a pensive frown, her eyes were still shining as they looked around.

    Turo doubted she didn't realize what had happened; she was too smart for that. Too perceptive. She must have been having similar thoughts as him. Thoughts about her time, about the life she had just lost. Then... how could she do it? Was she faking that enthusiastic shine in her eyes? Or was it just... Her nature, to simply make the most of even the direst of situations?

    To simply focus on the problem at hand and nothing more?

    Maybe that was it.

    That was how she had lived until now, after all. Maybe he should start to do the same. No use despairing over what had happened if he didn't even live to see the next day.

    « Thank you.» he simply whispered.

    As... Selfish as it was to think, he was glad to have her here with him. He looked back up, towards the path that circled around the crater, and his eyes happened to catch a glimpse of something that made his breath quicken. Something that caught the light and glistened. Metallic, and definitely man made.

    « There!» he almost shouted, pointing.

    It looked like an old prefab, almost completely hidden by the vegetation that had grown all around it. If it hadn't been for what looked like a metallic antenna jutting out from the top, he wouldn't have noticed it. It had been built against the rock of the cliff, and was cast completely in its shadow. The door looked old, it even still had a handle... But it was a building! And relatively modern, too, from the architecture.

    That antenna was a good sign; at least it meant they had landed somewhere with at least a radio... And electricity.

    He sped up, trying to not stumble as they approached the entrance; by his side, Sada was cautiously looking around, wary of wild Pokémon. To Turo's surprise, the door wasn't locked; it slid open to the side with a rusty creaking noise and some effort by him and Sada's part, and he was the first to step inside.

    He caught himself subconsciously gesturing for the lights to turn on, and scowled when obviously nothing happened. R-right...

    Sada closed the door after following him inside, plunging them both into an almost complete darkness if not for a rectangle of light coming in from some narrow windows near the ceiling.

    What he could see... Didn't inspire a lot of confidence honestly.

    The door seemed to have at least kept Pokémon out, because the interior looked untouched, even if abandoned since a long time. It looked like a place supposed to house a small group of people... Probably researchers or explorers from a past expedition. Tables were pushed against the wall, where a couple of what he recognized after a long moment as typewriters were laying, yellowed paper still rolled in, the ink surely long dried solid. Shelves full of books and binders lined the right wall. To the left was a door that led to a small bathroom, an even smaller kitchen, and a room with two bunk beds.

    Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, which he promptly ignored as he slowly let himself fall down on one of the beds. He needed to rest for a moment before examining the building more carefully, looking for anything that could help them get out. Sada copied him after shuffling into the room, sitting on the cot opposite from him, her boots made of pelts completely silent on the tiled floor. For a moment, she didn't say anything, absentmindedly picking at a tear in the mattress with one hand.

    « ... I'm sorry» her voice was quiet, and it made his stomach twist painfully.

    « It's... My fault, right? I jumped with you... And broke the bracelet.» she added, head held low, her long hair covering her face.

    « What? No, it's... It's... It's not your fault. I... Should have gone farther away.»

    Much better, he shouldn't have said anything at all. He could have just promised that sure, he would see her "tomorrow", that he would be right back, like he had done so many times. He should have lied. For her good, and his own.

    But no... He just had to get all sentimental, and get them both stuck at the bottom of the Great Crater of Paldea, in who knows what age.

    Sada didn't say anything; he couldn't tell what she was thinking, with barely any light and her face in almost complete shadow. After a moment , she sighed and stood up, kicking up a cloud of dust.

    « ... I'll look for food.» she announced, and he just nodded as she walked out. Yeah.

    Maybe he could examine the building in the meantime. Try to make himself useful. Most importantly, keep his mind occupied.


    Sada walked out of the dusty building, determined on doing nothing but what she had announced. She wasn't quite convinced about what Turo had said. Did he blame her, and was just saying it to make her feel better? Whatever it was... It's not like thinking about it would change things now. She had to focus. They had to find a way out... And find a way to survive in the meantime.

    They had water, at least. She had seen a pretty deep lake at the bottom of the cliff where they had woken up. And... There had to be berries or something else that was edible. Creatures lived here after all, and you couldn't have only carnivores in one place. There had to also be creatures that ate mostly grass and berries. If she could follow one, or even just traces of them, it would lead her to a source of food. She tried to walk near the rock face, to avoid standing out in the open as much as possible, and squinted her eyes against the strange light to observe the grass. There had to be footprints, tufts of hair or scales, droppings... anything.

    Sada heard chittering, and caught a glimpse of one of the rodents from before scurrying away from her. One of the smaller ones. On the spur of the moment, she decided to follow it; it ducked under a small rock passage, and she had to lay on her stomach and crawl on her hands and knees to follow; she didn't like it. It made her feel vulnerable... But they didn't seem intent on attacking her for the moment, so she tried to crawl her way forward as fast as possible. The passage opened up, and she realized that it was a small cave connected to the outside by a hole in the ceiling, just big enough to let some lights in. And some bushes full of berries grow. Her face lit up as she approached the plant; she wasn't familiar with the fruits that grew on it, but the little rodents seemed to be eagerly eating them. She filled her satchel with them, keeping an eye on the two little creatures. They were simply looking at her after having finished eating.

    ... Maybe they weren't that bad. As long as they didn't try to steal her food. Sada made her way out again and started to head back; they needed to find or make something they could use to store water in, if they didn't want to walk all the way to the lake every time...

    A great shadow passed over her snapping her out of those thoughts, and again she instinctively went for her missing spear. Taking cover behind a boulder, she looked up; a great black bird with shining feathers passed overhead, letting out a piercing screech before diving in the middle of the crater. She observed the long drop for a while, watching the bird -she needed to find a name for it... Dark Talons? No...- swoop towards the lake at the bottom and fly up again clutching a smaller bird with fluffy white wings in their grip.

    ... A spear wouldn't do, even if she made one from one of the bigger trees. If she found herself having to throw it to defend herself or Turo, more often than not it would just end up flying right over the edge and leave her defenseless.

    No, she needed something else; something still as swift and deadly, but with more versatility.

    She needed to make a bow.


    "Question: What is an effective way to warm up Eggs?

    Answer: Stick it into a Magcargo's shell"

    Clavell had to repress a chuckle as he, with some regret, marked the question as incorrect.

    "While keeping eggs near many Fire-type Pokémon is an effective method of making sure they stay warm and at the right temperature to develop and hatch, one must pay attention to not exaggerate. Exposing one egg to the heat emitted from a Pokémon as Magcargo at such close proximity would, I'm afraid, at least hard-boil the unfortunate egg." he wrote as a correction, sincerely hoping that the student hadn't already tried their unconventional hatching method.

    Kids had the wildest ideas sometimes, but that was why he found his job as a researcher and professor at Uvanja Academy so rewarding. He could observe the future generations of Paldea grow and improve, even if it sometimes led to having to work long hours grading tests. He didn't really mind.

    The teacher's office was always a lively place, with students coming in and out to ask questions, so he had taken the habit of grading tests in one of the science laboratories on the second floor of the academy when he needed some quiet time. He had always found the lights and sounds of laboratory equipment relaxing, somehow. It was reassuring, in a way, the sound of something working as intended. Which is why, when one unexpected sound echoes across the otherwise silent room, he drew his eyebrows together in confusion as he looked around. He didn't remember leaving any of the equipment active, and he didn't recognize the sound. Had he imagined it...?

    No, there it was again: his eyes finally landed on the source, and he got up from his chair to walk towards one corner of the room. There, sitting unused since a very long time on a table, half covered with what had probably been a picnic tablecloth once, was an old radio. It was supposedly still active, left turned on just in case... but he had never actually heard it work. Nobody had actually heard it work since quite some time.

    Clavell removed the tablecloth and fiddled with the dials, turning up the volume. Was it picking up some stray signal? Some interference from a Electric type Pokémon nearby?

    He waited a bit in front of the device, but the sound didn't repeat.

    Clavell shook his head, and went back to grading his tests.

    It had probably been a stray Magnezone from nearby the crater sending some signal that had been coincidentally picked up. The alternative was simply impossible.

    After all, nobody had been in Area Zero since decades.
    Chapter 19: Stranded, part II
  • Nekodatta

    Pokémon Trainer
    1. koraidon-apex
    2. miraidon-ultimate
    3. skitty
    Chapter 19: Stranded, part II

    While Sada was out looking for food and generally making herself much more useful for their immediate survival, Turo had slowly started to examine the building they had sought refuge in. The lights didn't work; he had tried the switch -after figuring out where it was, because it's not like he had ever needed to use manual light switches in his life - a couple of times, but there wasn't even a flicker. He had no idea if it was because the building itself had no power or the light bulb itself was burned. The fact that they all didn't work made him lean towards the former... And that already was a foreign concept to him. You never really found yourself... With no power in his time. And that was already a problem. No power meant no way to call for help, if he ever found something capable of it.

    He had managed to find a matchbook and some candles inside a drawer in the small kitchen, and stared at the little packet for a good five seconds, feeling like he was about to embarrass himself. He had never lit a match in his life, obviously, but... Come on. He had made actual fire with his bare hands. Old movies made it look so easy!
    How difficult could it be?
    He opened a packet and took a look inside, grimacing when he found only five matches inside.
    Turo took one out and did his best to copy what he had only ever seen in movies. He put the round end against the colored stripe on one side of the box, and dragged it quickly along the rough surface.
    ... It snapped in half.

    He cursed in a low voice, throwing it away for another one, repeating the motion. Was he doing something wrong? Were the matches too old? Could they expire or something?
    The second one he almost dropped when it actually lit up, and he smiled-

    Then immediately went back to a scowl, feeling silly for having gotten excited for something so minor.
    He preferred to light only one of the candles for the moment, caution telling him that they had no idea for how long they would need them, and carried it with him back to the main room. He wanted to examine the shelves for any document that could point him to what age they had landed... even just the century would do. They had electricity and radio, so... Anywhere from start of the 20th century or so?

    Carefully setting the candle down on the desk, Turo grabbed one binder at random from the shelves and opened it up, squinting to read anything in the small light. What looked like observations about the flora and fauna of the crater with old, printed black and white pictures poured out, one of them depicting... he had no idea what it was honestly. It was big and lumbering by the looks of it, and mostly hidden by vegetation. One of those old, grainy and blurry pictures that made him honestly wonder how people could even pretend to make out something out of it.
    He turned the picture over, looking for anything that had been written on it.
    ... Man, reading handwritten cursive that wasn't his own was hard, but he managed to at least make out a date. Somewhat. 195... Something?
    Problem was, he had no idea how old these pictures were supposed to be, and they could have been sitting here for decades.

    He went to examine the typewriters next, not without some fascination: after all, they had been the very first keyboards in a sense. The whole reason keys were still arranged in that order was because the layout of most letters had been designed for typewriters first.
    The fact that there was still paper inserted into every machine struck him as strange. It was like they had expected to come back soon to finish typing something up, but then never did. Had whatever exploration team that had been living here have to leave in a hurry? What had happened?

    Turo moved back to the binder he had opened and started reading the actual typed report, eyes now skimming over it much more easily that with handwriting.
    ... It just looked like day-by-day observations of the weather inside the crater, if you could even call it that, notes about temperature and humidity, soil composition, and sightings of wild Pokémon.
    Nothing that looked particularly important or useful right now. He left it on one of the desks, scrunching up his nose when it kicked up a cloud of dust; not something he was used to. So much dust, that is.

    That was when something caught his attention, half hidden on another desk in the very corner of the room. His eyes went wide when he recognized it as an old radio and he approached the bulky device. It looked... very dusty, and he frowned. Would it even work anymore? That was the problem with old analog technology like this; one little thing broke or even just got a bit too much dust on it, and suddenly nothing worked. Or at least, that's how it seemed to always be in media. And you didn't even get some error message about what was wrong.

    He sat down at the desk, cautiously examining every little dial and notch on it. It had no power right now, obviously, and he had just the vaguest idea of how it worked, so he wanted to just get a bit more familiar with it before attempting to use it. He knew the theory, of course, radio waves and all that, but seeing one in person was... different. He was literally staring at a museum piece.

    More than one time, he found himself gesturing in midair for a screen to appear out of pure habit to look something up, only to be left confused when nothing happened. This would take... a while to get used to. At the third time of waving his hand in the air, he let out a frustrated sigh and stood up, going back to the shelves. This stupid thing had to have some... manual on how to use it, was it? They used to be printed, in the past.

    He was still looking for one, piling up documents and books on different desks to categorize them, when Sada returned. He turned toward her and had to blink when he saw that she was dragging what looked like a bunch of branches.

    « I found food » she declared, raising her bag full of... he supposed those were berries inside.

    « What are those for? » Turo asked, helping her drag the branches inside and shutting the door, leaving nothing but the small rectangle of lights from the ceiling windows and the candle light to illuminate the room.

    « I want to make a "bow". A spear is difficult to use, here.» she explained as she offered him a couple of the berries. He took them, and they sat at one of the desks to eat. They were pretty crunchy, and hard, and resembled chesto berries a bit with a dry, dusty flavor. Honestly, they tasted a bit like what he imagined biting on a piece of bark would be like, but flavor was the last thing on his mind at the moment. For a couple of minutes, they simply ate in silence. A weary heaviness hung in the air, and Turo could feel that there was still something that Sada wanted to ask him. He simply waited for her to bring it up when she felt comfortable as he held the berry over the little candle flame in an attempt to roast it and make it taste a bit better. It took three berries before she did.

    « Your people... can they not... jump here? Find you? » the question made his stomach twist painfully in a knot.
    He had been wondering the same thing, but... he shook his head after a moment. He wanted to believe it was possible, than one moment or the next a blinding flash of light would fill the room and he would see Ortega or Vega show up and clap him on the shoulder, laughing about how he had managed to land himself in Area Zero of all places and then get them both out of here. But there was one simple, glaring problem stopping that perfect little scenario from becoming true.

    « The time-anchor... the bracelet, is broken. They don't know where I am.» Turo took a long, shuddering breath.

    « And if they did find me... they would already be here.» he added.

    If they had somehow found a way to pinpoint the coordinates where the bracelet had broken down and he had landed... it would make the most sense for them to appear right where he and Sada had first woken up. He kept thinking about it, but his mind kept circling back to a single conclusion: if they could find him, they would have already done so. They fact that they didn't could only mean that they couldn't.

    « They don't know where to jump. We're... we're lost.» he hated how his voice almost cracked on that last word. Sada simply nodded at that, head held low.
    After their meager meal, Turo went back to searching for something between all the paper notebooks that lined the walls.

    Sada had tried to do the same at first, but every time she tried to read anything written in those notebooks she found she couldn't make any sense of it. She could read them, meaning that she recognized almost all of the same symbols Turo had taught her... but she couldn't understand the words they spelled. Too many words she didn't know... and she didn't want to interrupt Turo by asking about them. It frustrated her. It made her feel stupid, and useless, the fact that she was of more help sitting aside not saying anything instead of actually doing something. So she had sat down at one of the desks, and started examining the branches she had brought in, testing their flexibility to better search for one she could make a bow out of. She could at least do that, she thought with a scowl.

    After a while, Turo called her to show her the strange device in one corner of the room.

    « This is called a radio. We can use it to call for help... but it needs power. And I need to know how to use it, first... so I'm looking for the manual. »
    Sada looked at the strange, bulky device.

    « What kind of power...? » she asked, not quite sure how to help. She would have started prodding it and examining it, but they had to be cautious. She didn't want to accidentally break something.

    « "Electricity"... thunder.» he added after a moment, by now used to adding explanations whenever it looked like she didn't know what something meant. Sada's eyes went wide at that. She... maybe she could actually do something about that.

    « I've seen creatures that use thunder here! » she felt a little bit of excitement come back to her as Turo whirled around.

    « You saw... can you catch one? » he asked, walking up to her, eyes shining in the candle light.
    Sada simply nodded, confident, and he let out a little laugh and hugged her.

    « Yes... yes! If I find a battery, or whatever it uses, maybe we can... give it power...» he trailed off, falling deep into thought. Sada had no idea what a battery was, but it didn't matter. She could still help, in a way. Together, they could do anything. They would get out of this place, even if it meant that she had to personally fight everything in the crater to do it.

    It was difficult to keep track of the time of day in the crater; it seemed to never become night; after a while, the sky had darkened slightly, but it was impossible to say if it was because the sun had set or clouds had simply blocked it. It was like the air itself was somehow lighting up their surroundings; more than one time, Sada saw what looked like snowy fragments of crystals catch the light, just for nothing to be there when she actually turned to look. It was... disorienting. It made her skin tingle, like the air did when Fluffyhead or other Spark Tail had charged their thunder.
    With the strange clouds covering the sky, she couldn't even use shadows to get a sense of the passage of time, so in the end, they both ended up settling down for the "night" when they were simply too exhausted to continue. Sada laid herself down on the "mattress', as Turo had called it, pulling a flimsy blanket they had found over both her and Turo. Even as exhausted as she was, she doubted she would fall asleep. For once, she didn't have to worry about wild creatures creeping up on her as she slept.

    She somewhat wished she had to, because it would at least keep her mind occupied from thinking too much about... what had happened. They were lost. Alone. She would never see her village and her tribe again... even if they somehow found a way to live in this crater, or made it out... she would never see them again. It didn't feel real. Would they simply think that she had.. fallen prey to some creature? Would someone go look for her, wondering what had happened? What about Winged King?
    It was all her fault that they were both trapped here now.
    She realized she had been shivering only when she heard Turo turn around and put one hand on her shoulder. It was warm, like him, and he slowly started caressing her shoulder, then her hair, and finally let his hand rest on her cheek.

    « Sada... it's not your fault.» he repeated in a whisper, shuffling closer to softly kiss her forehead.

    « We're still alive. We are still together.» he added after a moment, and that made her shivering slowly slow down until it finally stopped. She looked at the glowing lines on his suit, how they seemed to pulse slightly with each controlled breath he took, and traced one with a finger, slowly, until she came upon the barely visible outline of the necklace she had given him so much time ago. She gradually matched her breath to his, burying her face on his chest.

    « ... yes. We're still together.» that was what she had to focus on. The only thing that mattered.
    He wasn't quite sure how much time had passed when they woke up. The weird lighting in the crater made it impossible to tell, and Sada seemed particularly frustrated by it. Had one day passed? Did it even matter?

    Sada had gone out to look for more food and for the electric Pokémon she had mentioned, while Turo kept reading. He had found the radio manual, finally, a thick and dusty tome that thankfully seemed to be pretty detailed. Then again, in a time when people couldn't readily look up information online, he figured it was probably required to write down every pointless detail than risk leaving something out. You just had to write down everything, and for that, Turo was now deeply grateful, as he started to read the instructions on how to use it and how to disassemble it if anything needed fixing.

    The language it was written in... made his head hurt a bit honestly. It was Paldean, in theory, but... ancient. Some words he had no idea what they meant, others must have surely changed meaning in the meantime because they absolutely made no sense in context for him. Some sentences left him with the infuriating experience of being able to read every word and still have no idea of what they actually meant.

    One thing that thankfully was unchanged was the scientific notation. Even like that, it was slow work, and he had to finally stop to take a break. Normally, this would have been the moment where he shuffled out of his office and dragged himself to the sanity room for a coffee and a chat. There was no trace of coffee here, just a sad empty moka pot he had found in the kitchen with rust in it. He would probably die if he ever attempted to brew something in it.
    With nothing else to do, he stopped in the doorway and watched Sada carefully carve her bow out of a branch. She had one of the research reports open in front of her on the grass, and would glance at it every couple of minutes, her mouth slowly reading out words she didn't know. Her determination to somehow grasp the meaning of them made him smile, and he carefully moved to sit down next to her.

    « What are you reading?» he asked, and for a while they simply stood side by side, like they had done months ago, teaching each other unknown words.
    On the third night, or at least that's what it felt like, she suddenly heard Turo get up in the middle of the night. Sada kept still, her eyes wide open as the mattress creaked under her and he stumbled outside the bedroom. She silently got up and followed him when she heard him curse under his breath.
    She found him in the kitchen, furiously working the little buttons on his bracelet at the feeble light of one of the candles, face ashen wide and eyes desperate.
    « Please turn on, come on... you piece of shit, I need you to work just once... we don't have much time left... FUCK! » he suddenly screamed, enraged. Sada walked slowly into the room, gently cupped his face with both hands, and simply held him close as he trembled.
    « They are not coming... they are not coming... Nobody knows we are here...» he repeated in a whisper, over and over.
    « Sada... if we can't get out... what do we do...?» he asked after a while.
    She made him lift his head and looked into his eyes.
    « We will get out. And we survive until then. Together.» Turo nodded slowly.
    « Together. Right. Right. » he repeated after a moment, with a bit more energy.

    They fell into a strange routine of sort. Sada started to track the wild creature's movements, and they agreed on keeping track of time by observing when certain creatures would come out from their burrows or go to the lake to drink. Turo would stay cooped up inside most of the time, at most sitting down on the grass right outside the doorway to read to at least not burn through their candles so quickly. The only moment when he strayed somewhat far was to accompany her to get water from the lake. She needed both hands free to use her new bow, so he had to help carrying supplies.
    On the fourth day, they stop along the way to peer over the cliff, deep into the crater. While you could barely make out the bottom, hidden by fog, they had seen creatures come in and out from cracks in the side of the crater, similar to the little cave where she had found the berry bush.

    « Do you think there are more caves under there? » Sada wondered out loud.

    « Maybe the treasure is there... or a passage that leads outside.» she added, but Turo simply shrugged.

    « People would have found a passage. The only way out is up. » he seemed pretty convinced, so she just sighed, looking back up towards the circular edge of the crater.

    Her eyes caught the silhouette of one of the massive black birds that seemed to live here, and she frowned. She had noticed something strange about them.

    « ... I don't get it. Why don't they fly out? » she commented, pointing it out to Turo. She had even thought about trying to tame one like she had done with Winged King and attempt to fly out of the crater... but they seemed to just turn around and fly back inside as soon as they got too high up.
    She had noticed that birds didn't fly really high here.

    « I'm not sure... maybe they don't want to. If they have food and everything they need here... » Turo commented.

    So bribing them with the little food they had was out.
    Maybe they could keep it as their last resort... if calling for help with the "radio" didn't work.
    They stood side by side, transfixed by the light that seemed to come off the deepest part of the crater. One part of her just wanted to go see what was at the bottom. To explore, to discover if that "treasure" was really there. The other, more cautious part, the one that had kept her alive until today, told her that it wasn't the right moment.

    « Let's go. » she put one hand on Turo's shoulder and forced herself to turn away.

    On the fourth day, she managed to get one of the little "electric" creatures to follow her to their shelter, coaxing it with plenty of roasted berries. It squeaked as it ran circles around them both, it's bright orange fur crackling.

    « Will he be powerful enough?» she asked Turo, who looked up from his manual with a tired smile.

    « He will. »
    The sixth day it rained; they dragged every reasonably clean container they could find outside, and watched the water pool in as it fell from the sky. The rain formed little rivers that cascaded down into the crater from all sides, disappearing into the depths.

    « With how often it rains in Paldea, there must be a massive underwater lake down there. Or maybe it connects back to the sea. The water has to go somewhere, or the crater would have long filled up. » Turo pointed out, rubbing at his chin with one hand.

    Sada simply nodded, her eyes still on one of the research reports. She had gotten a bit faster in reading them, and was using a yellowed piece of paper from the typewriters and a pencil to take notes on the meaning of words she didn't know.

    « That makes sense. It also can't all flow out, or the... » she scrunched her nose, then briefly consulted her makeshift dictionary.

    « "Ecosystem" would die.»

    He had carefully opened up the radio in order to remove the dry cell batteries that powered it and examine them. If they were lucky, they were just empty. If they were unlucky, they couldn't hold a charge anymore. He was more interested in the cables that hooked all the pieces together anyway. He hoped to be able to use the Electric Type to give the radio enough power to call for help. He had no idea what the Pokémon was called: it looked similar enough to a Pikachu, but there had been so many of those electric rodents in the past they all kind of blended together to him. How were you supposed to remember them all? There was a different one in every darn region it seemed.

    Native to Paldea... Paw-something? Or was it Dedenne? He was only sure it wasn't a Mincinno, because he knew what the ancestor of Steelcino looked like, and it wasn't that.
    Whatever, it's not like it mattered.

    « You, umm... Pipsqueak. Come here.» he gestured for the Pokémon to approach, and after a moment they carefully crawled near.

    Now, how was he supposed to explain what he wanted from them? He wasn't even sure that it would understand his words: if people hadn't come here in decades, they were probably the first humans this Pokémon had ever seen.
    Maybe that was why it had no fear of them.
    Which was good.
    But that also meant it had absolutely no exposure to human language.
    Which was bad.

    « I need you to... hold this and use your electric powers.» he said, holding up the cable that was supposed to connect the battery cell to the radio. The Pokémon just stared at him blankly, because of course it did.

    « Erm... use Thunder Shock?» more blank stares, because of course it would have no idea of what a move name was.
    ... how did people do this?
    Most Pokémon in his time had started as Artificial Pokémon, and those literally came with natural language processing models installed for most languages. The ones that had evolved naturally like Miraidon usually lived so close to humans anyway they just learned fast.
    He didn't have time to reinvent domestication-

    « You have to teach them what you want with each command. Here-» Sada got the creature's attention by waving one berry around, and then waited patiently.

    The Pokémon looked at her and tried to get at the berry, only for her to move it out of the way, raising her hand high. It let out an irritated squeak, rubbing their front paws which made sparks crackle between the short claws. The instant she saw the little sparks, Sada was quick to give it the berry. The Pokémon's eyes widened. It looked at the food it had been given, and Turo could swear he could almost see it make the connection between what it did and the reward it got.
    This was going to take a while. As long as it didn't eat all their food.
    It took ten days for the mysterious noise to reoccur. This time, it had been in the early morning, and Clavell only happened to hear it because he had briefly stopped in the lab before a lesson, preparing it for the next lessons of Pokémon Biochemistry that was going to take place in it half an hour from now.
    This time he froze, staring at the radio. He opened the wide windows, and stuck his head outside. Not a single Magnezone in sight. They mostly circled the crater, but sometimes happened to drift close to the city, attracted by all the electromagnetic fields of thousands of devices. Clavell closed the window, and went back to the radio. He turned the volume up to the maximum. All right, so it was picking up something. Maybe the radio frequency it was listening on had been accidentally changed and was just picking up some random broadcasting station-

    « ... llo...? Anyone... ple... espond.»

    He stared at the radio in shock.
    That was definitely a radio transmission. Directed at the secret frequency used only and exclusively to communicate in the past without interference with a specific place. But that was... impossible.
    He picked up the transceiver with a trembling hand, pushing the button to switch from "receive" to "send".

    « H-hello...? Who is this...? » he asked, eyes wide.

    There was a long silence, before another answer arrived.

    « ... trapped... Area -- ero.» and after that, just a single word, in another voice.

    « Help.»
    It couldn't be. It couldn't be, Clavell thought as he ran out of the Academy. Nobody had entered Area Zero in decades. Nobody had even received permission to do it in decades. What were two people doing in Area Zero? But the signal could have only come from there. And if there really were two people... trapped in the crater... Arceus knew how they had gotten there or how long they had been under there.
    Even if it was some kind of error, a prank, an illusion by some ghost Pokémon or anything else... he had to make sure.
    Professor Harrington would have to cover the lesson for him. He threw one of the Premier Balls on his jacket, letting out his Gyarados, and quickly climbed on the Pokémon's back, directing him towards the Great Crater. The water serpent flew fast and high, soaring high to avoid the Garchomp and especially Magnezone that loved to establish their territory there, before diving straight down. The communication should have come from... Research Station number 2.
    They broke through the cloud cover, and he peered down towards the clouds, looking for the building that had to be somewhere down there...
    Gyarados roared and started thrashing violently side by side, shaking his head and forcing him to hold tight to his crest.

    « What's gotten into you?» Clavell looked around, trying to calm his Pokémon down, until he saw it. An arrow, sticking out from the yellow scales on his lower half He stared at it for a long moment, too surprised to react as the serpent barreled toward the ground, absolutely furious. With another roar, it opened his mouth and pointed his head towards the ground, towards... towards the figure of a woman with long wild hair, covered in what looked like pelts, holding a bow and aiming straight at his Pokémon, a second arrow already notched. He saw her pull the bowstring back to fire, before her eyes landed straight on him and went wide in surprise. She lowered her weapon, then ran straight back into the research station, yelling something he didn't quite understand.

    His mind was still a bit stuck on the "there really was someone in Area Zero, and they just fired an arrow at me"; he made Gyarados carefully land and returned him to his Poke Ball, before carefully approaching the entrance of the building. The inside was dark, the only light provided by a couple of small windows near the ceiling, and a strange, light purple glow coming from one corner of the room. The woman was inside, her eyes wide as she approached... Clavell had to blink, recognizing the glowing lines as part of a strange rubbery suit worn by a man with dark hair, almost camouflaged in the dark. His eyes were similarly wide, and he grabbed the woman's arm, whispering something in her ear in a unknown language, before clearing his throat and speaking up.

    « Did you... gEt the radio messAge...? »

    He had a strange way of speaking; it was Paldean, without a doubt, but he spoke with an inflection that Clavell had never heard before. Were they foreigners?

    « Yes, I... I got your message. W-who are you? How did you arrive here? » he asked, incredulous.

    The more he looked around, the more details that just made the whole situation more surreal he noticed. Branches that looked carved up to make arrows were piled up in one corner. Plastic beakers filled with rainwater were amassed near the doorway. A little Pawmi hissed at him, fur standing up, before running under his legs and disappearing outside.
    Dear Arceus, how long had they been stuck under here? How long had they been trying to use that radio?

    Neither of them answered, the couple exchanging one long glance and another couple of whispered words with each other.

    « We... We fEll. InSide. » the woman eventually answered for both.

    They... They fell inside the crater...? Couldn't they have simply flown out, or called a Flying Taxi? How did they even survive?

    « We nEed help...» the man added after a moment.

    Clavell just kept staring incredulously at both.
    The woman - who, his mind helpfully reminded him, had just shot his Pokémon with an arrow -, who looked straight out one of those extreme survivalist shows where they got dropped into the wilderness with nothing -, and then the man, with his weird glowing scuba diving suit or whatever it was, and felt a migraine set in, along with the weird feeling that he had gotten himself into something much bigger than what he had first thought. Much, much bigger.

    ... Well, what exactly was he supposed to do now?

    Clavell didn't have to think long about it. Common courtesy and decency made his next step pretty obvious. Everything else could wait.

    He straightened his glasses, looking at the pair with quiet determination.

    « ... Let's get you out of here first. And something to eat. You both look like you need it.»

    They both almost collapsed in relief at his words, holding each other for support.

    « May I have your names? » he asked, and again it seemed to take a moment for his words to register.

    « Sada, and...»

    « ... Turo.»

    They mumbled as a response after a couple of seconds.
    Yes, they definitely didn't seem to have a complete grasp of Paldean. Which made their appearance here, literally in the middle of the region, in the one place that not even people that had lived in Paldea their whole life knew... Completely impossible.

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