"Maybe it's not the same in your world... or maybe it's just how I see things," Owen said, "but humans in general... the ones that stand out... There's something about them. The way they go ahead of themselves. Climbing mountains, challenging waterfalls, all without the usual power you see behind someone like, say, me, or your current body."
He folded one of his wings over, as if searching for something, but didn't find it.
"Human ego. Pride, y'know? That because something is there, something is possible, they should try it." He chuckled. "Even if it might not be possible, they try anyway. Sure, some strong-willed Pokemon can feel like this, too. But it's very human to do that when they don't have any power. Maybe that's why Legends are so interested in you guys. Maybe that's why you can capture them at all."
He folded his wing back again. "I learned that kind of ego from a human, once. And I've seen all the good it can do, and the bad. You... remind me of him, in a way." His eyes flashed with a cautious, somber darkness, but then he nodded. "But I think you'll make good choices."